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Alex J. Kotlarchyk

A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of

The College of Engineering and Computer Science

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Master of Science

Florida Atlantic University

Boca Raton, Florida

August, 2006


by Alex J. Kotlarchyk

This thesis (or dissertation) was prepared under the direction of the candidate's thesis advisors, Dr. Abhijit Pandya, Departments of Computer Science and Engineering, and Dr. Hanqi Zhuang, Department of Electrical Engineering, and has been approved by the members of his supervisory committee. It was submitted to the faculty of The College of Engineering and Computer Science and was accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.


-advisor, Dr. Hanqi Zhuang

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I would like to thank the members of my committee, especially Dr. Hanqi Zhuang, for his

expertise, criticism, and patient guidance throughout this research. I am grateful to Dr.

Abhijit Pandya for his valuable input and guidance. Thanks also go to Dr. Saeed Rajput

for his help in understanding error correction codes. Finally, I would like to thank fellow

graduate student, Hesong (Harry) Huang, for his help with some of the more difficult

mathematical concepts, especially his assistance with understanding and implementing

the Berlekamp-Welch algorithm. Equally important, I am indebted to the aforementioned

people for their friendship.

This research was made possible by funding from the DoD DISA Federal Secure

Telecommunications Network research program.





Thesis Advisor:




Alex J. Kotlarchyk

Fuzzy Vault Fingerprint Cryptography: Experimental and

Simulation Studies

Florida Atlantic University

Dr. Abhijit S. Pandya

Master of Science


The fuzzy vault scheme introduced by Juels and Sudan [Jue02] was implemented in a

fingerprint cryptography system using COTS software. This system proved to be

unsuccessful. Failure analysis led to a series of simulations to investigate the parameters

and system thresholds necessary for such a system to perform adequately and as guidance

for constructing similar systems in the future . First, a discussion of the role ofbiometrics

in data security and cryptography is presented, followed by a review of the key

developments leading to the development of the fuzzy vault scheme. The relevant

mathematics and algorithms are briefly explained. This is followed by a detailed

description of the implementation and simulation of the fuzzy vault scheme. Finally,

conclusions drawn from analysis of the results of this research are presented.



LIST OF TABLES ......... .. ..... ...... .......... .... .... .... ... ....... .............. ...... ........................... ....... vii

LIST OF FIGURES .... .... ................ ...... ..... ........ ........ ............ ................ ..... .. .. ..... .. ........... viii

1. INTRODUCTION ....... ........ ......... .... ..... .... ........ ............. .... .......... ......... ............ .... ...... 1

1.1 . Objective and Motivation .......... ........................ ................................................ .. 1

1.2. Background ..... ...... .................... ........... ......................... ...... ....... .. ..... ........... .... ... 1

1.2.1 . Biometrics and Data Security ... ................................ ... ...... .................. ... ... .. 1

1.2.2. Biometric Cryptography .... ........................ .......... ...... ....... ...... .. .......... .... ... 13

1.2.3. Fuzzy Vault Scheme ........ ............ ...... .... ................................................ .... 17

1.3. Scope/Contribution .......... ..... ...... ... ......... .... ....... ............... ...... ..... .............. .... .... 18

1.4. Organization of the Thesis ........... ........... ..... .......... ... .......................... ........ ...... 19

2. MATHEMATICAL AND ALGORITHMIC FOUNDATIONS ...... .......... ... ... ... ... .. 20

2.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 20

2.2. Galois Fields ...................................................................................................... 20

2.3. Reed-Solomon Codes .. ................................................... .......... .... ............. .... .... 21

2.4. Berlekamp-Welch Algorithm .. ....................................... .... ........ .... ....... ............ 23

2.5. Summary ........ ... .......... ..... ......... ...... ............... .... .................................... ......... .. 28

3. FUZZY VAULT SCHEME IMPLEMENTATION ...... ...... ..... .... ......... ........ ... ..... ... 29

3 .1. Introduction ...... ............ ....... .. ........... .... ............................................ ................. 29

3.2. System Implementation ............ .... ................................................. ... ...... ..... ...... 31


3.2.1. Encryption ... .. ..... .... ............ ........... ............. ... .............. ................. ......... .... 31

3.2.2. Decryption ........................ ............. ............ .... ............. ..................... .......... 35

3.2.3. Analysis ... ......... ......................................... .... .......... ..... ...... ....... ........ .... ... . 37

3.3. Summary ... .................... ..................... ........................... ... .... .... .... ........ ............. 38

4. SIMULATIONS AND RESULTS ....... ...... ... ........ ........ ..... .. .. .................. .. ............... 39

4.1. Introduction ..... ............ .... .... ... ........... .... .......... ........ ...... ..................... ............... 39

4.2. Simulation Setup and Software Modules .......................................................... 39

4.3 . Results and Analysis .... .................. .. ........ ............................... ...... ........ ....... ..... 46

4.3.1. Effects of Single Parameters ...... ........... ... .......... ... ...... ... .......... ...... .... ....... 47

4.3.2. Effects of Multiple Parameters ........... ............ ........................................... 56

4.4. Summary ............... .... ..... ... ..... .. ... ..... ........ ........ .......... ...... ....... .... ... .. .............. .. . 58

5. CONCLUSIONS ............... ....... ............ .... ..... ...... .... ...... .. .. ... ................. .................... 60

5.1. Summary ........... ........ ................ ... ......... .... ... ....... ........ ...... .......... ...... ........ ... ..... 60

5.2. Future Work .............. ......... ............... ................................................................ 63

REFERENCES .......... ................. ........... .... ....... ........... .... ... ... ............. ............. ... ............... 65

APPENDIX ....................................................................................................................... 70



Table 1. Equivalence of units to Euclidean distance ... .... ........................... ........... ... ........ 40



Figure 1. Biometric enrollment and verification ..... ........... ................... ............ .... ............. 3

Figure 2. Use cases of a biometric system (enrollment, verification, identification)

[Mal03] ..................... ........ ...... .... ...... .. ....... ... ................... ........ .... .... ........ ........ .... .. ...... 5

Figure 3. Threats to a biometric authentication system [Sho04] ........................................ 7

Figure 4. An example of a fuzzy commitment scheme for a 1 O-bit password ........ ..... .... 15

Figure 5. RS encoded block ... .......... ....... ... ... .......................................... ..... ...... ....... ....... 23

Figure 6. Fingerprint minutiae fuzzy vault message encryption/decryption ..... .... ... .... .... 30

Figure 7. Captured fingerprint. ......................................................................................... 32

Figure 8. Minutiae extraction ... .............................................. ..... ....... .............................. 33

Figure 9. Flowchart of individual simulation ........ .... ....................... .............. ........... ...... . 42

Figure 10. Effect of ntrue parameter. ......... .... .... .... .. ........... ..... .......................... ........ ...... 4 7

Figure 11 . Effect of nchaff parameter. ............................................................................. 48

Figure 12. Effect of thresh parameter.. ............................................. ................................ 49

Figure 13. Effect ofvarylive parameter ........ ........... ..... ..... ................... .... .... ........ ........... 50

Figure 14. varylive histograms where success = O(a), l{b), 2(c), and 3(d) .. ...... ............. .. 53

Figure 15. Success rate at varylive thresholds .................................................................. 55

Figure 16. Success rate at varylive, thresh= 4 ... ...... .... ..................................................... 56

Figure 17. Effect of (nchaff I ntrue) ratio .. ........ ........ ................... ..... ... ...... ...................... 57

Figure 18. Effect of (thresh - varylive) difference ........................................................... 58



1. 1. Objective and Motivation

Since the introduction by Juels and Sudan in 2002 of the fuzzy vault scheme [Jue02] for

biometric cryptography, there has been some research into the application of this scheme

for data security. After implementing a fuzzy vault scheme for fingerprints using COTS

hardware and software, the system failed. This was the motivation to investigate the

tolerance necessary for such a system to function and to see the effect of different vault

and tolerance parameters. The objective of this thesis is to simulate an application

implementing the fuzzy vault scheme, and determine the consequences on varying

several of the vault and tolerance parameters.

1.2. Background

1.2.1. Biometrics and Data Security

A fundamental component of human interaction with computers is authentication.

Explosive advances in computing power have made possible the biometric technologies

of today. Several factors have recently contributed to make biometrics an increasingly

feasible solution for securing access to computers and networks: i) reduced cost, ii)


reduced size, iii) increased accuracy, iv) increased ease of use, and v) recognized industry


The International Biometric Group, an industry consulting and research firm, predicts

that industry revenues from biometric technologies will grow to more than $4 billion by

2007, with about 75 percent of the demand coming from government-related investments

[Jon04] . As biometric technology improves and its price decreases, we can expect to see

a proliferation of biometric technology in many facets of our society.

A primary advantage of biometric systems is user convenience. Biometrics are always

with the user, so there is nothing to forget (like a password) or misplace (like a token).

Given the intense current interest in homeland security, not to mention medical, corporate

and commercial applications, the use of biometric data in secure applications is certain to

expand greatly. Although not yet commonplace, biometric technology can now be found

at the consumer level. Already, there are television commercials touting biometrics for

security on devices, such as the fingerprint recognition system available on the IBM

ThinkPad [Hin04]. In the future, cell phones equipped with fingerprint recognition

technology may be used to authenticate credit card users when making point-of-sale

purchases by phone [HafDO].

The components of a biometric authentication system are shown in the Figure 1:




Figure 1. Biometric enrollment and verification.

The capture (measure) device is used to gather the raw biometric information. Examples

of such devices are cameras, fingerprint readers, and iris scanners. Processing of the raw

data is then performed where subsampling and transformation of the data occurs to

generate a much smaller biometric template. Typical template sizes range from 9 bytes

for a hand-scan, to as large as 10000 bytes for voice recognition. During the enrollment

process, templates for each user are stored in a database. At authentication time, a new

template is generated from the user by the same process as during enrollment. This new

template is then compared to the user's previously enrolled template in the database. A

yes or no determination is then made as to whether the two templates match. This

comparison is different than traditional password matching where an exact match is


required. Since an individual's biometric data may be somewhat different at each

presentation due to a variety of factors (age, capture device, angle of presentation,

lighting, etc.), matching is inexact and performed within a predetermined threshold. The

tradeoff involved here is that the smaller the threshold, the higher the false rejection rate

(FRR), and the higher the threshold, the higher the false acceptance rate (FAR).

Biometrics can be used for both verification (authentication) and identification

applications. These two procedures, along with the enrollment procedure common to

both types of application, comprise the three use cases of a biometric system and are

illustrated in Figure 2 [Mal03).


N . .WH (PlN'• ..,._ __________ ..



one ttmp)at . ------

User's identity or "uer not idc:n tificd"

Sys.t.em DB

Figure 2. Use cases of a biometric system (enrollment, verification, identification) [Mal03].

For verification applications, a user claims an identity and there is a one-to-one

comparison ofhis captured template with that of the template stored for that individual at


the time of enrollment. In identification applications, no claim of identity needs to be

involved. In fact, the subject may not even be aware that his biometric data is being

captured. In this case, there is a one-to-many comparison between the captured template

and the multiple stored templates. Moreover, it is reasonable to combine both

verification and identification applications to answer the compound query, "Are you who

you claim to be (verification), and if not, who are you (identification)?"

When discussing biometric security, two different contexts need to be considered. First,

there is the use of biometric data as a means of authentication. Second, there is need to

protect the biometric data itself because of its personal nature. Interestingly, although

personal, raw biometric data is usually not actively hidden (face, fingerprint, iris). This is

different than a password which is supposed to be secret, or a token which is supposed to

be kept out of reach of others. Therefore, a potential attacker has a much easier time

obtaining a copy of one's biometric than his/her password or token. In addition, even

though raw biometric data may be relatively easy for others to obtain, the individual still

wants to control the use of the information. For example, a picture of one's face is easy

to obtain, but he/she would still want to control how it is distributed.

The biometric authentication system is open to attack at any point in the system. Figure 3

[Sho04] illustrates the avenues and types of attacks.


Capture Template device generation

G) ~


~ ---;;;..

(i/ @j Templ<te

Template (i) > a/ ~ Matching

score Stored Template

template mab:hing


1. Capture device presented with a 'false' biometric.

2. Modtfication of capture device.

3. Replay of old image to template generation process.

4. Modtfication of template generation process.

5. Replay of old template to template matching process.

6. Modification of stored templates.

7. Replay or insertion of template betvveen template store and matching process.

8. Modification of template matching process.

9. Replay or insertion of matching score.

Figure 3. Threats to a biometric authentication system [Sho04].

Each of these avenues of attack is now considered in more detail, referenced by number

in Figure 3.


1) There are various methods in which a false representations of the true biometric

data source may be impersonated [BDPOl, Mat02]:

a. An effortless impersonation. The impostor makes no active effort to fake

an identity, but is recognized by the system anyway. This type of attack

may succeed if i) the system FAR threshold is too high, ii) by chance, the

imposter has similar enough biometric characteristics to the actual user,

iii) the impostor can make multiple attempts so that verification can take

place against multiple templates, thereby increasing the chance of a

random close match.

b. Mimicry. The attacker could try to reproduce biometric characteristics by

changing his own characteristics without the use of artifacts. Methods

include voice impersonation, signature forging, or hand contortions. This

type of attack comes about because of the public nature of many

biometrics (voice recordings, photographs, signatures).

c. Use of an artifact. Again, due to the public nature of many biometric

characteristics, copies can be made, often without the cooperation or even

the awareness of the victim. Often, decidedly low-tech artifacts can be

easily produced. Fake fingers molded from gelatin (the "gummy" finger

attack [Mat02]) or silicon have also been known to fool optical sensors.

Cloned faces or video clips have been used to defeat face recognition

systems. A voice recording may be used to fool a voice recognition

system. Eye photographs have been tried in attempts to fool an iris

recognition system, but since the photo does not reflect the illuminating


infrared light back at the camera the way a face would, this attempt was

thwarted [Bra05]. Such "liveness" detection can be incorporated into

most biometric technologies to defeat artifact attacks [San04]

d. Attack against a weak template. This is an attack against is known or

assumed to be weaker than others. An insecure template with a wide

threshold value can be enrolled from a bad or noisy image. Such an attack

may succeed if the FAR is much higher for some templates than for

others. For instance, it is possible that some threshold values may have

been relaxed for individuals in a face-recognition program if they

sometimes wear glasses.

e. Individual with a similar biometric. A person who naturally has similar

biometric characteristics, such as a twin, may impersonate the enrollee.

This is similar to (a), but in this case, the attacker is targeting a biometric

characteristic of a known enrollee.

f. Use of a residual image. Several methods of latent fingerprint reactivation

on capacitor sensors, using the fatty oil residue left behind by the previous

user, have been tried. These include i) breathing on the sensor, ii) using a

thin-walled plastic bag of warm water, and iii) dusting with graphite (then

pressing with clear plastic tape).

g. Attack against a poor enrollment image. Noisy images may be generated

unintentionally at enrollment or intentionally at verification. Fingerprint

systems may recognize noise as minutiae points and cause a sufficient

template match for verification. Alternatively, a voice recognition system


that has a template enrolled that is 'too quiet' (e.g., enrollee pauses too

long before speaking), the template may consist of almost all noise. Even

with a threshold for acceptance of voice sample, this problem may persist

if ambient noise is greater than this threshold. The biometric system

should have reasonable data quality standards to prevent these scenarios.

h. Forged template on a biometric token. Biometric information may be

included on an identification card. They can be forged to contain the

biometric information of an imposter

1. Illegal enrollment. An imposter may be enrolled. This is not the fault of

the biometric system, but rather the security system in place to ensure that

individual credentials are verified before enrollment.

A biometric system may also be compromised by the enrolled biometric. Rather

than an impostor using a false biometric, the enrollee may be forced into

submitting the biometric under duress or while unconscious. There is also the

gruesome possibility that the original biometric source can be stolen, as in a

severed finger or other detached body part!

2) The capture device may be modified to transmit false biometric data. This

pertains to securing all components ofthe wireless device itself.

3) Old images may be replayed to the template creation process.

4) The process by which templates are created may be modified.

5) Old templates may be replayed to the template matching process.


6) Stored templates may be modified in some way.

7) After storage, templates may be replayed or inserted into the template matching


8) The template matching process may be modified.

9) All previous security measures can be invalidated if a replay of the matching

score can be inserted at the appropriate point in the system. Another attack using

the matching score is the 'hillclimbing' attack [Bio01]. Here, the quality of the

attacker's biometric data is improved by incorporating data from sequentially

tested false biometric data that improves the matching score, eventually

incorporating enough appropriate modifications to be successful.

Note: It is usually not a good idea to use an identification system for authorization since

an attacker would only need one attempt to match against all the templates in the

database. This is especially true for systems with large template databases. In a

password secured system, this would be equivalent to a user being authorized if his

password matched any password on the system.

Another security consideration when choosing a biometric is keyspace. Keyspace is the

span of available keys. The longer the key length, the more possible combinations

(codewords) a potential attacker would have to test. For instance, a token that generates

12 random digits could generate 1012 possible codewords. The typical keyspace for a

traditional password-protected system using an 8-character password made up from the

full 62 ASCII alphanumeric characters theoretically results in over 1014 codewords.


However, most users do not select from the full complement of ASCII characters, so the

average keyspace is only about 106 codewords. Therefore, in practice, the 12-digit token

is more secure than the 8-character password [0Go02].

The effective keyspace for a biometric can be estimated as the inverse of the FAR. Using

1999 and 2000 test data, the keyspace for some common biometrics was found to be






1 06 codewords

1 04 codewords

1 03 codewords

1 0 to 1 00 codewords.

As the accuracy of the biometric technologies improves, there will be a corresponding

improvement in keyspace.

One way to improve keyspace with biometrics is to require more than one biometric. For

example, fingerprints from more than one finger could be requested. Alternatively,

completely different biometrics (multimodal) could be verified, such as face and

fingerprint [Dah03]. Also, so-called 'soft' biometrics (gender, height, race, eye color,

etc.) might be used in combination with standard biometrics [Jai04].


1.2.2. Biometric Cryptography

Currently, an active area of research is biometric cryptography, whereby biometric data is

used as an encryption key (reviewed in [Ulu04]). Though biometric encryption is

theoretically appealing, there are significant application difficulties to overcome. It is

well-known that for encryption, keys at both the sender and receiver sides must match

exactly. However, repeated capture ofbiometric data from the same subject usually does

not result in identical data in each capture. For example, multiple fingerprint images of

the same finger will result in non-identical, but similar, minutiae (location and number)

extraction. This is due to several factors , including sensing errors, alignment errors,

presentation angles, finger deformation, skin oils, dirt, etc.

Because of this inexact reproducibility, a method is needed to "correct" the data before it

is presented to the matching subsystem in order to obtain reproducible results. This can

be accomplished by applying error-correcting codes [Dav98], as is common practice

when recovering messages transmitted over a noisy channel. In this scenario, a function,

g, adds redundancy to the message (e.g. majority coding), so that several codeword

values map to one message value. Ann-bit codeword (w) is composed of a k-bit template

(t) and (n - k) check digits (c), i.e. w = t II c. To correct errors, a function, f (e.g.

Hamming distance), is then used to find the nearest codeword. Redundancy is then

removed by applying the inverse of function g (i.e. , g·1) .



Message: m 0 1 0 (3 bits)

Transmission: t = g(m) = 000 111 000 (9 bits)

Received Transmission (w/ errors): t' = 010 111 100 (9bits)

Corrected Transmission: j{t') t = 000 111 000 (9bits)

Reconstructed message: g-'(t) = m = 0 1 0 (3 bits)

[Dav98] also introduced the idea of protected template, where the template is the message

to protect. This template is defined as C(t) = h(g(t)), where tis a biometric template, g is

a redundancy function, and h is a hash function/table (one-way, no collisions). At

enrollment, C(t) and check bits are stored. At verification, the newly determined

template is corrected using the check bits, hashed, and then compared. Security is

enhanced since a hash of the template information is stored, rather than the original

biometric template. This also allows for the creation of a cancelable biometric key, since

if template information is compromised, the system can be protected by changing the

hash function/table. However, this system tends to generate very large error-correcting

codes, making it impractical for actual implementations. Also, the security of this system

is difficult to prove and its error tolerance may be inadequate.

Another method, known as a fuzzy commitment scheme [Jue99], was developed that

expresses a biometric template as a corrupted codeword, or t = w + o, where o is the


distance from the codeword. First a random codeword, w, is chosen. Next, the

difference from the codeword, or o = t- w, is computed, and it is stored along with a hash

of the codeword, C{t) = (h(w), 8). At verification, the stored C(t) is retrieved, and

attempted to be decoded using a newly created ("live") template, t'. This is done by

computing w' = j(t' - o) and then comparing (error-correcting) h(w') to h(w). An example

of this scheme is illustrated in Figure 4.

Enroll (Encrypt)


01010 10101




•------- Verify (Decrypt)

Figure 4. An example of a fuzzy commitment scheme for a 10-bit password.

Note: All values are represented in binary.

Suppose that a user password at enrollment has been hashed and is represented by:

c = 00000 111 11

In addition, the user's biometric template at enrollment was:


X=01010 10101

The difference vector can be calculated by performing an XOR operation on c and X:

d = 00000 1 11 1 1 EB 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 = 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0

The values of c and d are stored in the password database.

At verification time, suppose the user's biometric template is calculated as:

Y= 1101011101

This value is compared to the user's stored difference vector (d), again with an XOR


c' = 11010 11101 EB 01010 01010 = 10000 10111

Using the fuzzy commitment scheme, if the Hamming distance between c and c' is not

greater than some chosen threshold value (t) , the user is authenticated. In the example,

the user would be authenticated if t > 1.

This method enhances security since neither the password nor the biometric template is

stored directly or in the clear by the authentication system, but rather a hashed password

and a biometric distance metric are stored instead.

Assuming uniform distribution of information symbols (i.e. template data), the above

scheme has provably strong security. Stealing the stored information is of little value,

since the stored information is the hashed message, encrypted by a biometric template

key. Also, using known error-correction techniques (e.g., BCH codes), good error

compensation can be achieved. However, there are still some problems with this scheme.

Although this method tolerates errors in information symbols, it does not allow for the re-


ordering (or addition and deletion) of symbols. Also, proving security over non-uniform

distribution of information symbols is problematic.

1.2.3. Fuzzy Vault Scheme

Building upon the ideas of the fuzzy commitment scheme, another verswn, usmg

something called a fuzzy vault [Jue02], was developed. In this scheme, the message m is

encoded as coefficients of a k-degree polynomial, in x (data points on the polynomial)

over a finite field Fq. This polynomial is then evaluated at the data points (= X) in the

input template to determine f{X) (= Y). These (X, Y) pairs, known as true points,

constitute the locking set of what is to become the fuzzy vault. To hide the identity of the

true points, many false points (chaff) are then added to the set of true points. This

completes the fuzzy vault, which is then stored.

The security of the fuzzy vault scheme is based upon the difficulty of the polynomial

reconstruction problem, or as described later, the problem of decoding Reed-Solomon

codes. For an overview of research related to cryptography based on polynomial

reconstruction, see [Kia04).

To unlock the vault and recover the message, the data points (X') from the "live" template

(the unlocking set) are used for decryption. If a substantial number (i.e. within the

symbol-correcting capability of the system) of these data points overlap (after error­

correction) the true points in the stored vault, then the message can be successfully

recovered. The main advantage to this system is that the order of the data points does not


matter. Also, it can be shown to be secure, if there are sufficient chaff points in the vault

relative to the number of true points.

The fuzzy vault scheme has even been implemented in hardware. [Yan05a] built a

microcoded coprocessor for embedded biometric authentication systems that uses the

fuzzy vault scheme to encode machine-generated data sets (PINs).

1.3. Scope/Contribution

In the previous section, the technology and research leading to the development of the

fuzzy vault scheme have been reviewed. Although variations of this scheme have been

studied from a theoretical perspective [Adl05, Dod04, Jue02, Tuy04, Tuy05, Ulu04a) and

there have been several attempted implementations related to the scheme using

fingerprint [Cla03, Yan04, Yan05], iris [Hao05), and dynamic handwritten signature

[Fre06, Kua05] biometrics, it is unclear what the precise effects of varying vault

parameters and matching thresholds would have on specific applications.

The contribution of this thesis is to study through simulation the effects of varying vault

parameters and tolerance thresholds, usmg as a model a fuzzy vault

encryption/decryption system that might be constructed using commercial-off-the-shelf

(COTS) hardware and software. It is hoped that the results of this study can be used as a

guide for setting vault parameters and tolerance thresholds for future implementations of

the fuzzy vault scheme.


1.4. Organization of the Thesis

This thesis is organized into five sections:

In Section 1, the objective and motivation for the thesis are stated. The general

background developments and research leading to the fuzzy vault scheme (biometrics

used for data security and biometric cryptography) are reviewed followed by a

description of the fuzzy vault scheme itself. This section also includes the scope and

contribution of the thesis, along with this description of the thesis outline.

In Section 2, key mathematical concepts (Galois fields and Reed-Solomon codes)

pertinent to the fuzzy-vault scheme are reviewed. The Berlekamp-Welch algorithm

implemented in the simulated implementation is also described.

Section 3 begins with a detailed description implemented fuzzy vault system. Analysis of

this inadequate performance of this system inspired the creation of the fuzzy vault

simulation system described in the next section.

Section 4 describes the setup and execution of the simulations. Results of simulations are

presented when executed under a range of specified system parameters/thresholds. The

results are analyzed as to the effect of these parameters.

Conclusions that can be drawn from the simulations are noted in Section 5. Possible

future studies suggested by these results are also discussed.



2. 1. Introduction

The fuzzy vault scheme relies on methods of error correction commonly used in data

communications to recover information sent over noisy transmission lines. The method

often chosen in conjunction with the fuzzy vault scheme is Reed-Solomon (RS) [Ree60]

coding which uses Galois field (GF) computations. The specific algorithm implemented

in the simulation code in this thesis is the Berlekamp-Welch (BW) algorithm [Ber86].

These fundamental concepts are now reviewed as background material to the fuzzy vault

implementation simulated in this thesis.

2.2. Galois Fields

A Galois field is a finite field with order q = p" elements where p is a prime integer. By

definition, arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.) on

field elements of a finite field always have a result within the field. An element with

order (q- 1) in GF(q) is called a primitive element in GF(q). All non-zero elements in

GF(q) can be represented as (q-1) consecutive powers of a primitive element a . All

elements in GF(2m) are formed by the elements {O,l,a} .


Taking the field, GF(23), and generator polynomial x3 + x + I = 0, the elements of the

field can be calculated, starting with an element called a which is called the primitive

root (in this case, a= 2 = x). All elements of the field (except 0) are described uniquely

by a power of a. For any finite field GF(2"), a 2" -

1 = a0 = 1. In this case, the field is

constructed as follows (HouOI ):

I 010(2) a =x =x

2 2 100 (4) a =x·x =x

3 3 =x+1 OI1 (3)- Note a =x

4 3 =x·(x+1) =x2 +x II0(6) a =a·a

5 4 = x· (x2 + x) =x3 +x =(x+I)+x 2 111 (7) a =a·a

6 2 4 =/· (x2 +x) = x.(x + 1) + (x + 1) =x2 +I 101 (5) a =a ·a

7 6 =x· (x2 + 1) =x3 +x = (x + 1) + x 001 (1) (=a0) a =a·a

8 7 = a· I= a .. . and the cycle repeats a =a·a

Note: Since x3 + x + 1 = 0, then x3 = x + 1 (remember, 1 = -1).

2.3. Reed-Solomon Codes

Reed-Solomon codes employ polynomials derived from Galois fields to encode and

decode block data. They are especially effective in correcting burst errors and are widely

used in audio, CD, DAT, DVD, direct broadcast satellite, and other applications. An RS 21

code can be used to correct multiple, random, error patterns. An (n, k) code can be

defined where an encoder accepts k information symbols and appends separately a set of

r redundant symbols (parity bits) derived from the information symbols, so that n = k + r.

An (n, k) code is cyclic if a cyclic shift of a codeword is also a codeword. A cyclic

binary code (for digital coding) can be specified such that codewords are binary

polynomials with specific roots in GF(2m). Inherited from the generator polynomial,

these roots are common to every codeword. As shown in Figure 5, the difference, (n - k)

(called 2t), is the number of parity bits that are appended to make the encoded block, with

t being the error correcting capability (in symbols). All valid codewords are exactly

divisible by the generator polynomial which has the general form:

( ) ( i ) ( i+ l) ( i+2t) gx = x-a x-a ... x-a .

The codeword is constructed as:

c(x) = g(x) · i(x),

where i(x) is the information block.

Example: Generator for RS(255,249) showing the general form and expanded polynomial


g(x)- (x- a 0)(x- a 1)(x- a 2 )(x- a 3)(x- a 4 )(x - a 5)

g(x)=x6 + &Xs + g~x• + gr'l + gzxl + glx' +go


From the example, it can be seen that the original terms are expanded and simplified. The

g coefficients (g5

, g4

, g3, g

2, g

1, g

0) are constants made up of additions and multiplications

of a 0, a' , a 2

, a \ a 4, and a 5 and can be computed using Galois field computations.


k 2t


Figure 5. RS encoded block

Reed-Solomon codes are cyclic codes but are non-binary, with symbols made up of m-bit

(m > 2) sequences. RS codes achieve the largest possible code minimum distance for any

linear code with the same encoder input and output block lengths. The distance between

two codewords for nonbinary codes is defined as the number of symbols in which the

sequences differ. Given a symbol sizes, the maximum codeword length (n) for an RS

code is : n = 2s - 1. Given 2t parity symbols, an RS code can correct up to 2t symbol

errors in known positions (erasures) or detect and correct up to t symbol errors in

unknown positions.

2.4. Berlekamp-Welch Algorithm

To explain the Berlekamp-Welch algorithm, the following discussion is adapted from



Suppose that Alice sends Bob a message over a noisy channel. When Bob receives the

message, some of the transmitted packets have been corrupted, but it is not known which

packets are corrupt and which are not. Using RS encoding (see previous section), Alice

must transmit (k + 2t) characters to enable Bob to recover from t general errors.

Therefore, the message is encoded as a polynomial P(x) of degree ( k- 1) such that: cJ =

P(j), for 1 -:::_j-:::_ (k + 2t).

The received message is R(j), for 1 -:::_j-:::_ (k + 2t). It differs from the polynomial P(x) at t

points. Bob now needs to reconstruct P(x) from the (k + 2t) values (the polynomial

reconstruction problem). If Bob can find any polynomial P'(x) of degree (k- 1) that

agrees with R(x) at (k + t) points, then P'(x) = P(x). This is because out of the (k + t)

points, there are at most, t errors. Therefore, on at least k points, P'(x) = P(x). The

transmitted polynomial of degree (k- 1) is uniquely defined by its values at k points.

The polynomial reconstruction (PR) problem can be stated as follows [Kia04a]:

Given a set of points over a finite field { (z;, Y;) }";~ 1 , and parameters [ n, k, w ], recover all

polynomials p of degree less than k such that p(z) i= y;, for at most w distinct indexes,

iE{1, ... ,n}.

A unique solution can only be guaranteed when w -:::_ (n - k) I 2. The BW algorithm can

be used to recover the solution in polynomial-time given this constraint of w.


The key idea is to describe the received message, R(x) (which is not a polynomial

because of the errors) as a polynomial ratio. The t positions at which errors occurred are

defined as el, ... ,e,. The error locator polynomial is then defined as:

E(x) = (x - e1) (x - e2) ... (x- ek).

At exactly the t points at which errors occurred, E(x) = 0. For all (k + 2t) points where 1

:S x :S (k + 2t), P(x)E(x) = R(x)E(x). At points x at which no error occurred, this is true

because P(x) = R(x). At points x at which an error occurred, this is true because E(x) = 0.

Let Q(x) = P(x)E(x). Specified by (k + t) coefficients, Q(x) is a polynomial of degree (k +

t - 1 ). Described by (k + 1) coefficients, E(x) is a polynomial of degree t. There are only

t unknowns because the coefficient of x' is 1. There are also (k + 2t) linear equations in

Q(x) = R(x)E(x) for 1 :::::; x :::::; (k + 2t). For these equations, the unknowns are the

coefficients of the polynomials Q(x) and E(x). The known values are the received values

for R(x).

The BW algorithm is illustrated by the following example (non-finite fields are used to

simplify the calculations):

The information packets to be sent are "1 ", "3", and "7" (therefore, k = 3). By

interpolation, we find the polynomial:

P(X) =X +X+ 1.


This is the unique second-degree polynomial evaluated at X = 1, 2, and 3:

P(O) = 02 + 0 + 1 = 1,

P(l) = 1 2 + 1 + 1 = 3,

P(2) = 22 + 2 + 1 = 7.

To be able to correct for one error (i.e., t = 1 ), (k + 2t), or 5, packets are transmitted (2


P(O) = 1, P(1) = 3, P(2) = 7,

P(3) = 32 + 3 + 5 = 13,

P( 4) = 4 2 + 4 + 5 = 21.

Now, assume P( 1) is corrupted and 0 is received, instead of 3, in that packet.

When correcting for a single error, the error-locator polynomial is: E(X) =X- e, where e

is not yet known. R(X) is the polynomial whose values at 0, ... ,4 are those received over

the channel (1, 0, 7, 13, 21).

As previously described:

P(x)E(x) = R(x)E(x)

for X= 0,1, ... ,4. Although P and E are not known (although it is known that Pis a

second-degree polynomial), the above relationship can be used to obtain a linear system

of equations whose solution will be the coefficients of P and E.



Q(X) = P(X)E(X) = aX + bX + eX+ d,

where a, b, e, d represent the unknown coefficients to be determined. Also,

aX + bX + eX+ d = R(X)E(X) = R(X)(X- e),

which can be rewritten as:

aX + bX + eX+ d + R(X)e = R(X)X.

Five linear equations are generated when substituting X = 0, X = 1, ... , X= 4 into the

above formula:

a(0)3 + b(0)2 + e(O) + d + (1 )e = 1 (0);

a(1)3 +b(1)2 +e(l)+d+ (O)e= 0(1);

a(2)3 + b(2)2 + e(2) + d + (7)e = 7(2);

a(3)3 + b(3)

2 + e(3) + d + (13)e = 13(3);

a(4)3 + b(4)2 + e(4) + d + (21)e = 21(4);

d+ e = 0

a+ b+ e+d 0

8a + 4b + 2e + d + 7 e = 14

27a+ 9b+3e+d+13e= 39

64a + 16b + 4e + d + 21 e = 84.

The result of solving this system of linear equations is: a = 1, b = 0, e = 0, d = -1, e = 1.

This enables the generation of the polynomials Q(X) and E(X). P(X) is then computed as

the quotient Q(X) I E(X). The original, uncorrupted values can now be recovered from



2.5. Summary

With this mathematical background of pertinent error correction codes and the

explanation of the BW algorithm, the implementation of the fuzzy vault scheme can now

be understood. As implemented in this thesis, the fuzzy vault scheme uses the BW

algorithm for error correction with calculations performed in a Galois field.



3. 1. Introduction

Simulation of the fuzzy vault scheme was modeled after a system that could be built

using COTS hardware and software, using fingerprint minutiae as the biometric. An

outline of such a fingerprint cryptography system under depicted in Figure 6. A message

is encrypted using a fingerprint template generated at enrollment and then decryption is

attempted using a fingerprint template generated from a live scan. Components of the

system that are common to both the encryption and decryption procedures are the

template creation activities of image capture, image normalization, and minutiae

coordinate/angle extraction. Explanation of the figure is detailed in the next subsections.



l\h•ssag<.' Pol~ nomial

Jh·i.'O\ t'ft'd

\irSS2-"C ""

Figure 6. Fingerprint minutiae fuzzy vault message encryption/decryption.


3.2. System Implementation

The system just described was initially constructed, but ultimately failed due to issues

with image alignment and consistent repeatability of minutiae extraction. This prompted

the exploration of what the tolerance of such a system needs to be, and what vault

parameters are appropriate.

Nevertheless, it is instructive to review this initial effort, since it is similar to the

implementation of [Cla03] and is the basis for simulations in this thesis. Here is a

description of this initial fingerprint cryptographic system:

3.2.1. Encryption

The encryption portion of the system is the creation of the fuzzy vault for the message. A

template created from multiple images of the same fingerprint is used as a cryptographic

key to encode a message defined by the coefficients of a polynomial. Data points that

represent the polynomial are stored in the fuzzy vault. Many random data points (chaff)

are added to the vault to hide the identity of the true polynomial data points.

Creating the Template

To obtain the raw biometric data for each user's stored fingerprint template, multiple

images of the same finger were captured (Figure 7) using a Secugen® optical fingerprint

scanner with a resolution of 260 x 300 pixels.


Fingerprint Device Test Tool ~ File Help

luss Device I nit Led On/Off Config ...

Device Info

Image Width (260

Image Height f::Joo Brightness I so Contrast 143 Gain 12 ----·-·····USB Device Only··············

DevicelD In Fw'Version 12031

Image DPI I soD

Serial Number l srJ :~~:?.10000h:xx:-: ' . · ·".. .. t. i t ~ .. ' ~A -. '

~ ~ :t,; v! "' r Live Capture Parameter~~""'-----.

, ........ ~ -. ;"' .., ' .~ .• ...,

Timeout 150 L..c..=-=-~----,---~---~~-.

Image Quality j10000 Capture I LiveCapture

Capture Success

Figure 7. Captured fingerprint.

After clicking on the Capture button of the system GUI interface, the test program supplied by the SecuGen® SDK is called to capture the fingerprint image from the scanner.

The coordinates of singular points on the images were identified visually and used to

automatically globally align the images via translation and rotation, using MATLAB

code. Data containing minutiae coordinate (x, y) and angle ( 8) information were


extracted from the aligned images using MA TLAB-based software (Figure 8), developed

at the Center for Unified Biometrics and Sensors (CUBS), University of Buffalo


Capture Normalize

Q Lock

Figure 8. Minutiae extraction.

2: 87186 90

13: 197186 71 4: 128 161 279 1S: 186 135 71 Is: 77129112 17: 135 125 21 ;8: 149 185 1 09 is: 141 1 as 11 11 0: 154 257 1 09 p 1 : 168 197 99


12: 160 270 286 13: 1 04 259 279 j14: 186 198 1 00 j15 171 89 50


16: 85 63136 17: 232 186 71 118: 114 39 14 7 1119: 39 123 280 1.0: 88 44 311 .~


In the already normalized fingerprint image shown in the left pane, identified minutiae points are shown in red. The right pane lists these points individually in the following format: minutia number, x-coordinate, y-coordinate, theta (angle).

To obtain repeatable data points, only those data points found to occur (within a

predefined threshold) in more than half of the individual's scans were used to create the


fingerprint template. The X-value (codeword) for the true data points is calculated by

concatenating either (xl[y), (xiiB), or CYIIB), where the decryption process will concatenate

the identical data variables.

The encryption template created the X-values for the true points in the message vault. To

create the corresponding Y-values for the true fuzzy vault (X, Y) pairs, the message

polynomial is evaluated for each X.

Since it is desirable that all values be constrained to a finite size, all symbols are defined

to be within a finite field and all calculations are performed using finite field operations.

In practice, data communications (especially with error-correction) often use finite fields

referred to as Galois Fields (GF). In particular, GF(2") fields are used, where the 2

indicates that the field is described over binary numbers and n is the degree of the

generating polynomial (GP) [Hou01). The system described in this paper uses GF

calculations performed by using the MA TLAB Communications Toolbox.

Creating the Message Polynomial

The symbols of the message are encoded as the coefficients of a k-degree polynomial.

For example, the string "Hello", or ASCII (72,101,108,108,111), could be represented by

the41h-degreepolynomial: 72x4 + 101x3 + 108x2 + 108x + 111.

Creating the Message Vault


To hide the identity of the true points, many false points (chaff) are added to the vault.

The false points are added far enough away from true points so they do not cause

attraction of values within the fuzziness (threshold distance) of the true points. Also, they

are placed outside the threshold distance of other chaff points since they would otherwise

be redundant.

As a final step in the vault creation, all points in the vault are sorted, resulting in a

mixture of true and false points from which the true points must be discovered when

decrypting the message. The message vault is now ready for transmission.

3.2.2. Decryption

The message vault is received and is attempted to be decrypted by the input template

created from a live fingerprint scan. The minutiae data from the live template (X') are

compared to the X values (codewords) in the vault pairs. If enough (i.e., within error­

correction capability of the system) true codewords overlap, then the message can be

recovered through polynomial reconstruction.

Creating the Live Template

The template creation process is identical to the process used during encryption, except

that data captured from only a single scan is processed. The resulting data is identified as

X'. See Figure 8 again for an example of minutiae extracted from a normalized



Selecting the Codewords

To reconstruct the message polynomial, the user must identify true codewords from the

vault, since the corresponding (X, Y) pairs define the polynomial. The X' data is used to

select the true codewords from the vault. Since biometric data are expected to be inexact

(due to acquisition characteristics, sensor noise, etc.), X' template values are matched to X

vault values within a predefined threshold distance, thus allowing for exact symbol

matching. This is the "fuzziness" built into the system, since multiple X' values (i.e.,

those within the threshold distance of X values) will result in a single X value.

Reconstructing the Message Polynomial

The message polynomial is attempted to be reconstructed using the (X, Y) pairs identified

by the live template. A valid live template may contain more/less/different minutiae than

those extracted when the original template was created. However, if there is significant

overlap of X and X' codewords, the message can still be recovered by using a typical

telecommunications error-correcting scheme for recovery of data over a noisy channel,

such as a Reed-Solomon (RS) code.

As reviewed earlier, RS(k,t) codes are those in which codewords consist oft symbols and

each codeword corresponds to a unique polynomial p of degree less than k over finite

field F of cardinality q. Therefore, there are l total codewords.

The specific method used for error-correction m the implemented system is the

Berlekamp-Welch algorithm, also used by [Yan05]. Given m pairs of points {X:, Y,),


where i =I ,2, ... ,m, there exists a polynomial p(x), of degree at most d, such that }'; = p(X)

for all but k values of (x;, }';). Using the BW algorithm, if 2k + d < m, this condition can

be verified by finding the solution for a linear constraint system:

N(x;) = }'; * W(x;), i =I,2, ... ,m, where deg(W) ~ k .

p(x) = N / W is the result polynomial after the 2k + d +I unknowns are calculated. For

more detail on the BW algorithm, see Section 2.4.

Recovering the Message

The recovered message is simply made up of the coefficients of the reconstructed

message polynomial. It is usually the case that an invalid live template will result in a

polynomial that cannot be reconstructed within the error tolerance of the system, and

therefore no message is decrypted.

3.2.3. Analysis

This implementation of the fuzzy vault scheme failed due to several reasons. First, the

enrollment template did not contain enough consistent points when compared to the live

scan. The result was that a significant number of minutiae in the live scan were not

matched in the enrollment template. Secondly, the identification of singular points was

performed visually, affecting the accuracy of fingerprint image alignment. Finally, the

alignment points were selected manually by mouse-clicking on the selected points in the

fingerprint image, which also contributed to alignment error. These factors combined to


exceed the tolerance of the system as designed and inspired the investigation into the

parameters that such a system would require to perform adequately.

3.3. Summary

Although an actual fuzzy vault cryptographic was constructed, it did not perform

adequately. Reasons for the system's failure led to an effort to determine, through

simulation, the necessary tolerance, based on several parameters, that an adequate system

would need to have.



4.1. Introduction

The fuzzy vault scheme was implemented as a simulation written entirely in MA TLAB.

The MA TLAB Communications Toolbox was used to perform Galois field calculations.

Specific system parameters were varied iteratively during simulation and the results

analyzed as to the effect of these parameters and the system tolerance to error.

4.2. Simulation Setup and Software Modules

The MA TLAB code for the simulation can be found in the Appendix. The modules are

described as follows:

encdecall: This is the driving script for the simulation. An eight symbol message (k) is

used as the message to be sent. Therefore, if sixteen points (n) are extracted from the

vault for decoding, (n- k) I 2, or four, symbols can be corrected using the BW algorithm.

The specific system parameters that were varied during simulation were:

ntrue: the number of true vault points. range: 25 to 60, incremented by 5.

nchaff: the number of false vault points. range: 0 to 500, incremented by 100.


thresh: the threshold radius from a vault point that a live point would match. This value

is given in integer normalized (x, y) coordinate units. Therefore, a value of one

corresponds to a Euclidean distance radius threshold of .J1 2 + 12 = J2 ~ 1.41

units (Table 1 ). Therefore each subsequent increment would increase the

threshold by this distance. range: 0 to 6 incremented by 1.

Table 1. Equivalence of units to Euclidean distance.

Units Distance 1 1.414 2 2.828 3 4.243 4 5.657 5 7.071 6 8.485 7 9.899 8 11.314 9 12.728 10 14.142 11 15.556 12 16.971

varylive: the radius threshold that a point was generated in the simulated live template

from a corresponding true vault point. This is also an integer value, with

Euclidean distance calculated in the same manner as the thresh parameter (Table

1 ). range: 0 to 12, incremented by 1.

ntry: the number of times to repeat each simulated test with identical above parameters.

This is to test the ability of the system to decode messages, since true minutiae

and chaff points are regenerated randomly in each try. This parameter was set to



In this script, the aforementioned parameters are changed within the specified ranges in

nested loops. Therefore, there were a total of 13104 simulations run (8 ntrue x 6 nchaff

x 7 thresh x 13 varylive x 3 ntry).

The flowchart of the individual simulation run is shown in Figure 9. A description of

each module follows which defines the inputs and outputs shown in the flowchart

(symbols will be introduced gradually in the text following the figure):


End individual simulation

Y Increment run success


Figure 9. Flowchart of individual simulation.


gentrue: This module generates random true minutiae points. Duplicates are not allowed.

x and y coordinates are each in the range of 0 to 255 (i possible values). This is

equivalent to scaling scanned images to a 256x256 unit grid. This is similar to the

resolution of the scanner used in the initial fingerprint cryptographic system (260x300

pixels) and to the 251 x251 grid used by [ Cla03] in which they state that increasing the

fingerprint image resolution and consequently the field size has little effect on the

resulting security. This is because as the resolution increases, so does the minutiae

variance and these two parameters cancel each other out. The 256x256 grid is also

convenient since these coordinates can be represented as 2 16 concatenated single values.

This is the maximum field size for Galois field calculations in the MA TLAB

Communications Toolbox.

input: n - the number of true minutiae to generate for a simulated enrollment


output: M - (x, y)-coordinates array, one minutia pair per row

T - array containing M coordinates expressed as a single value

TF- array indicating which values ofT have been selected

livemin: This module generates the simulated live template minutiae from the valid user.

Minutiae are randomly generated within a specified distance from the enrollment

template points.

input: M - see gentrue output

varylive - see encdecall parameters


output: Ml- (x', y')-coordinate array, one minutia pair per row

myenc: This is the routine that encodes a message as coefficients of a polynomial. The

polynomial is evaluated at every true point supplied.

input: c- the message, as an input array of symbols. A fixed 8-symbol message

was used during the simulation.

X - array of points to evaluate the polynomial at. This is from the T

output of the gentrue module.

output: P - array of (X, f)-pairs, one pair per row. Note that the X-coordinate

(from the input) is the simulated, scaled, concatenated (x, y)-coordinate of

the pixel from the fingerprint image. The Y-coordinate is generated from

the polynomial evaluated at the X-coordinate.

genchaff: this module generates random false vault points which are outside of a

specified radius of true points and other false points.

input: P -see myenc output

TF- see gentrue output. Updated inside this routine to reflect addition of

chaff points.

nchaff- see encdecall parameters

thresh - see encdecall parameters

output: V - vault array containing all true and chaff points, one (X, Y)-pair per



Note: After this module completes, the rows of V are sorted to mix the true and false

points together so that the identity of the true points is obscured.

picktrue: this routine chooses vault points from the vault based on the simulated live

minutiae template.

input: Ml - see livemin output

V -see sorted genchaff output

thresh - see encdecall parameters

output: S - array of selected vault points, one (X, Y)-pair per row

Xdec - array of Ml points represented as concatenated values

mydec: This routine attempts to recover the message by using the Berlekamp-Welch

algorithm to reconstruct the polynomial. If the polynomial capnot be reconstructed, the

message cannot be recovered (null message). The message also cannot be recovered if

there is a remainder calculated during polynomial recovery. Otherwise the message is

successfully recovered.

input: V - see sorted genchaff output

nencpts - the number of points used to encode the message. See ntrue


output: msg- the recovered message (null , if failed)


x2xy: this routine converts a single concatenated point value to its corresponding (x, y)

coordinates. It is not called by the script, but by the other modules, as needed, usually

before calculating distance between points.

input: xy - the concatenated point value

output: x - the x-coordinate

y - they-coordinate

4.3. Results and Analysis

Total simulations = 3 tries (a simulation set) of 4368 simulations with identical

parameters= 13104.

The distribution of the number of successful message recoveries from each set of 3 tries -




3: 1645

The simulated effects on successful message recovery, when varying the parameters

ntrue, nchaff, thresh, and vary live, are now examined through a series of box plots. In

these plots, the box has lines at the lower quartile, median, and upper quartile values.

Lines extending from each end of the box, known as whiskers, show the extent of the rest

of the data. Outliers (indicated by '+' in the box plot) are data with values beyond the


end of the whiskers. In each plot, specific parameters (y-axis) are plotted against the

number of successful messages recovered in ntry = 3 attempts (x-axis).

4.3.1. Effects of Single Parameters

To analyze the overall effects of single parameters, these variables are plotted against

their success rates over all simulation sets. Remember, for the result data set, the other

parameters vary over the range previously specified.

Figure 10 shows the effect of the ntrue parameter.

-,-- -r -,-- -,--I I I I I I I I I I I I




_j_ _j_ _j_ _j_

Figure 10. Effect of ntrue parameter.


Within the range simulated, this parameter has little significant effect. This result is

expected because the number of true points is small in relation to the number of total

vault points.

Figure 11 shows the effect of the nchaff parameter.





Figure 11. Effect of nchaff parameter.

Within the parameter range, there is a small effect due to the number of chaff points. As

the number of chaff points increases, it is somewhat more difficult to recover the

message, as shown in the increase median value of 300 for nchaff, when the message is

never recovered (success = 0). The median value is 200 when the message is recovered


at least once. This result is expected because as the number of chaff points increases, it is

more likely that a live minutia point will be confused with it.

Figure 12 shows the effect of the thresh parameter.


2 ,, ;;~






Figure 12. Effect of thresh parameter.

I I I l

As the value of the thresh parameter increases, the success rate increases. This is shown

in the box plot, where the median value for no message recovery is 2 and the median

value for all messages recovered is 4. The median thresh value for 1 message recovered

(4) is actually higher than for 2 messages recovered (3), but this is probably not

significant because of the much smaller absolute numbers of these recovery values; also,

note that the upper and lower quartile markers for these success values are identical.


This effect of this parameter is expected since the greater the thresh parameter, the more

tolerance for matching true points.

Figure 13 shows the effect of the vary live parameter.


I I 1t I I + -r-

I I 10 I I +

I I 9 I I +

I 8 I -r-I I I 7 I

f ~ I J I I

> I "" 5


I I I I 4 I I I

I I I 3 I I I

I I I 2 I I I

I I I "' ___l_ ___l_ ___l_ 1

J) 0 1 ,,, 2,


Figure 13. Effect of varylive parameter.

This parameter is clearly shown to be negatively correlated with success. As the

variation of the live fingerprint image increasingly differs from the one used for vault

creation, the success rate is lower. This is the expected result since higher values of


varylive increase the chance that live image minutiae are outside the bounds of the

thresh parameter. The number of simulations at each success rate is shown in Figure 14.








Figure 14. varylive histograms where success= O(a), l(b), 2(c), and 3(d).


This breakdown is provided so that the number of simulation sets contributing to each

success rate for different varylive threshold values can be clearly identified. These

histograms show that when there is no live minutiae variation from true vault points,

messages are always decrypted successfully. This is illustrated in the histograms by the

absence of a bar in the '0' column in Figures 14a- 14c, and by the high bar in the '0'

column in Figure 14d. The simulation sets in which messages are always decrypted

(Figure 14d) declines steadily decreases. When varylive is 12 (distance= 16.97), it is a

rare occurrence. This certainly explains why the earlier attempt to build the fingerprint

fuzzy vault system failed to perform, since a review of the selected true minutiae vault

points obtained from live extracted minutiae showed an average distance variance close

to 13.

The reverse trend is illustrated for the case when messages are never decrypted (Figure

14a). Here, increased variation of the live minutiae points increases the number of

simulation sets with no message recovery.

The histograms for when the message is sometimes recovered (Figures 14b and 14c) can

be explained by the difference in the point matching threshold. This parameter (thresh)

only varies from 0 to 6, while varylive goes from 0 to 12. Therefore, when the varylive

value is below that of thresh (and that will be more the case as thresh increases),

message recovery is likely. As the varylive values increase beyond the maximum thresh


value ( 6), the successful message recovery declines. This relationship of varylive to

thresh is further explored in the next section.

A clear illustration of the effect of the varylive threshold IS illustrated m Figure 15.

Here, the success rate at each value of vary live is presented.

"- -, go

& -·-·-' ,, -· -'· , ,

80 " " 70


G:.. \ /

' /

60 ' ' ,

~ ! 50 t!

~ i

\ / - -- - success . 0

~J / . ~ .. ·~· ·-- success . 1

/ -- B- ·- success •2

\ / ··········C ........ success •3

' 4Q r ,

I 't),

/ ' ;jO ' / '•


/ \ / '·,

20. h, ·-"-

; '>.


" . ~' ::.:~. ~.~. ~.~· ~ -:< ~. ~ ~ c: "' = = ""-~ "ii"?:::::rc :.:.~~:-:.:.!;:"~:-::-":. :c· 4 5

Figure 15. Success rate at varylive thresholds.

Figure 16 examines what the success rates look like at the previously determined optimal

thresh value of 4. Here, there is all messages are recovered up to a varylive value of 3.

Therefore, a robust messaging system would need to satisfy these tolerances.





' ·.

\ \ / \

\ /

,. ---

Figure 16. Success rate at varylive, thresh= 4.

4.3.2. Effects of Multiple Parameters

- - - - - success '"' o

· · ·· · .,. - · · ·· sucx:ess ,. 1

- a- - success • 2

· ········0 ······· success - 3

The effect of some of the parameters in combination is now examined. These particular

combinations, and the manner in which they were combined, were chosen because it

made logical sense to do so.

The ratio of chaff points to true points can be expressed as (nchaff I ntrue). The effect

of this ratio on message recovery is shown in Figure 17.


~' 20

\ · ··o;




-r -,--- -,---16

I I I I 15 I I I I 14 I I I I

I I I I 13

I I I I 12 I I I I

~ 11 I I I I '1e l I I I i 10 I I I '§ 9 I I l

s I




3 I I

2 I I


Figure 17. Effect of (nchaff I ntrue) ratio.

The median value for the ratio approaches 7 when messages are never recovered, as

opposed to a value close to 4 when message recovery is successful. However, the boxes

overlap significantly, indicating that there are probably other contributing parameters that

mute the effect of this ratio.

Finally, the effect of the difference between the point matching threshold and the live

image, point variation threshold (thresh - varylive) is shown in Figure 18.



5 I I

4 I 3 g 2

I I 0 -----r- I I

-1 I I

B I .• ,; -2 I I

' I I ~ .. I I > -3

l::. m -4 I I _j__ = I

-5 I + I

·6 I _j__ +

-7 I + + I

-8 I I + +

-9 I _j__ +

-10 I I

-11 I ·12

0 suocess

Figure 18. Effect of (thresh- varylive) difference.

The effect of the difference of these two parameters clear I y shows that when this value is

greater than 0, successful message recovery occurs. This is the expected result because

live image minutiae variation is within the threshold matching distance. As this

difference value becomes increasingly negative, the success rate declines since more live

minutiae are found to be outside of the threshold matching distance.

4.4. Summary

The results of the simulations were illustrated in a series of box plots. These results show

the effect of varying some of the system parameters, individually and in combination, on


successful message recovery. Parameters were correlated to success rates and specific

threshold breakpoint values were noted.



5. 1. Summary

A fingerprint fuzzy vault cryptographic system was attempted using COTS hardware and

software. It was discovered that this system did not have the necessary accuracy to be

functional, most of which was probably due to imprecise image alignment. This led to an

investigation of the fuzzy vault scheme through simulated scenarios using various vault

and tolerance parameters.

From an analysis of the data obtained from the simulations, the following conclusions

were drawn:

• The number of true points, when considered alone, had no significant effect on

the performance of the system (Figure 1 0). This can be attributed to the fact that

the true points represent a small proportion of the total vault points.

• The number of chaff points necessary to cause any significant interference with

true point matching, is near 200 (Figure 11 ).

• However, the ratio of chaff points to true points does affect the system. As shown

in Figure 17, when this ratio is more than 8:1, there is an increased likelihood of

unsuccessful decryption. At this level, enough chaff points are now near enough


to true points, so that the "fuzzy" minutiae points obtained from the live image are

sometimes are matched with chaff points instead of true points. This is an

interesting finding since vault security depends on a relatively large number of

chaff points to "hide" the true points. More worrisome, it appears that this ratio

may need to be below 4:1 to minimize the problem.

• A matching threshold radius, Euclidean distance over 5.66 (nthresh = 4) units,

was found to be best for consistent message recovery (Figure 12). However, it

may be possible, depending on other system parameters, to go as low as a distance

of 2.83 (nthresh = 2) units.

• The varylive radius threshold value appears to have the clearest individual effect

on fuzzy vault performance (Figure 13). Very consistent recovery performance is

obtained when this value is below 4 (distance= 5.66). This is not surprising since

this is the same as the optimal thresh value. When the varylive value goes above

9, message recovery rarely occurred, but this may partly be because the upper

thresh value simulated was only 6. Even when thresh is 1 (distance = 1.41 ), the

message recovery rate (for success = 3) is about 89% (Figure 15). This rate of

success is probably unacceptable for a cryptographic system in the real world.

However this is somewhat misleading since Figure 15 shows success rates over

all simulations. When the thresh value is fixed at the empirically determined

optimal value of 4 (Figure 16), it can be seen that, given the right combination of

minutiae matching threshold and live minutiae variation, the possibility of

building a robust fuzzy vault fingerprint cryptography system exists.


• The implemented system had an average live variation distance of nearly 13. This

was the major reason for system failure since this amount of variation is way

beyond system tolerance.

• The results of the (nthresh- varylive) evaluation (Figure 18) indicate that, as

would be expected, the system works best when the variation of live minutiae

points from true vault points is within the point matching threshold of the system.

Message recovery is rare if the varylive value exceeds that of the nthresh value

by more than 5 (distance = 7.07) units.

The above vault parameters and system thresholds may be useful as a guide when

attempting to use COTS software and hardware to build a fuzzy vault fingerprint

cryptographic system. The simulations indicate that it may be difficult to include enough

chaff points in such a system to be acceptably secure. One way to include more chaff

points would be to decrease the point matching threshold distance. But as the simulations

show, image alignment would need to be accurate enough so that the variation of minutia

points from live images was within the point matching threshold. Even with improved

alignment, a scanner with increased precision than the one simulated would be necessary

because, as noted above, the system is inadequate at even the level of one percent

variation of live minutiae from true vault minutiae. This precision would allow for a

larger normalized pixel grid and therefore a larger vault size. Each normalized unit

would then equate to a smaller distance and the characteristics of such a system may

result in acceptable recovery rates below a certain live minutiae variation threshold.


Performance could perhaps also be increased if chaff points were located at twice the

threshold distance from true points than they could be located from other chaff points.

This would prevent true points from being mistaken for chaff points (as would be more

the case as the number of chaff points increases) since true points within matching

threshold distance would now be closer to true vault points than to any chaff points.

However this would have two detrimental side effects. First, an attacker could use this

difference in thresholds between true and chaff points to identify true points, thereby

compromising security. Second, the maximum total number of points that the vault could

hold would decrease by half the number of true points, since the threshold for true points

is now doubled.

5.2. Future Work

It is important to note that the parameters and thresholds suggested by the simulations be

used as a guide to developing a fuzzy vault scheme similar to the one described,

implemented with COTS fingerprint hardware now commonly available. The actual

system constructed failed because it did not meet these system requirements. Most likely

this was due to imprecise alignment of fingerprint images. Solving this issue appears to

be the main obstacle since the better aligned the fingerprints, the lower the distance

matching threshold needs to be, and consequently more chaff points may be packed into

the vault to increase security. The alignment problem, specifically related to the fuzzy

vault scheme has apparently been addressed by [Chu05], but the full text of their paper

could not be obtained in time for review for this thesis. In the available abstract, they


claim to have performed automatic alignment of fingerprint features by using a geometric

hashing technique used for model-based object recognition applications. Their

preliminary results indicate that this technique was shown to be successful when applied

to fuzzy fingerprint vault systems. Therefore, it would be of interest to see if their

alignment method, when applied to the failed fingerprint cryptography system described

in this thesis, enables the system to perform adequately.

In the future, simulations of fuzzy vault systems for biometrics other than fingerprint

minutiae could be run to obtain guidelines for appropriate vault parameters and system

tolerances necessary in those environments. It is expected that they would be different

because, as noted earlier, template sizes vary widely for different biometrics.



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This appendix contains the MA TLAB code for the simulations.

Note: Since MATLAB does not support the pseudoinverse (pinv) function in Galois

fields and the rank function did not work properly in Galois fields, the mydec function

created for the simulation uses the MA TLAB error-handling syntax (try, catch) to

determine the rank when the GF matrix can be inverted.

***** encdecall *****

% secret symbols c=[12345678]; clear RUN R = zeros(8,6,7 ,13); % zero success counters ntry = 3; n = 0; i = 0; for ntrue 25:5:60

i = i + 1; j = 0; for nchaff = 0:100:500

j = j + 1; k = 0; for thresh = 0:6

k = k + 1; 1 = 0; for varylive = 0:12

1 = 1 + 1; form= 1:ntry

% generate random tr~e points clear H T TF [M,T,TF] = gentrue(ntrue); 'I; decoding template points clear Ml if varylive

M1 = livemin(M,varylive);


else M1 M;

end % encode s ymb ols wi th true points clear P P = rnyenc ( c, T) ; % generate chaff p oints clear v if nchaff

V genchaff(P,TF,nchaff,thresh); else

v P· '

end % sort points to mix t rue & fa l s e p o i nts V = sortrows (V); % select points from vault clear S Xdec [S, Xdec] = picktrue(M1,V,thresh); clear msg if length(S) == 0

msg = ' ' ;

elseif length(S(:,1)) 1 msg = ' ' ;

else 'b decode msg = mydec(S,ntrue);

end if length(msg) == length(c) & msg c


R(i,j,k,l) = R(i,j,k,l) + 1; disp(' Yes ')

disp(' No' ) end if m == ntry

disp([ntrue,nchaff,thresh,varylive,R(i,j,k,l)]) n = n + 1; RUN(n,:) =

[ntrue,nchaff,thresh,varylive,R(i,j,k,l)]; end

end RUN

end end

end end

disp( '*** encdec complete*** ')

***** gentrue *****

function [M, T, TF] = gentrue(n) % generate 'n' true minutiae points, no duplicates .


%coordinates are from (0 . . 255) each . % M has coordinates , one per row . ~; T has points represented coordinates as single value. % Using T as index, TF will be 1 if that point has true value

m = 16; hm = m/ 2; X= zeros(1,n); TF = zeros(1,2 " 16, 'uint16' ); for i = 1:n

x(i) = randint(1,1, [0 , 2 " hm-1]) ; %calc x (0 . . 2"(m/2)-1) y(i) = randint(1,1, [0,2 " hm-1]); %calc y xy = uint16 (2" (m/2) *x(i) + y (i)); !I; calc xy combo value

( 0 . . 2 ·'m - 1) genX if -xy

xy; % xy will be index; save actual value in genX % xy is 0

xy = 2"m; % store zero index as as last index end

~; duplicate if TF(xy) i = i

else TF(xy) X(i) =

- 1; % reset loop counter to try different value

end end M [x' y•]; T = X';


***** livemin *****

= 1; % flag as taken genX ;

function M1 = livemin(M,varylive) ~; given M as encoding minutiae, generate pseudo 'live' M1 template which % otfsets minutiae by random 0 . . varylive units.

m = 16; hm = m/2; n = length (M) ; for i = 1 : n

xpm = randint; ypm = randint; if -xpm

xpm = -1; end if -ypm

ypm -1; end M1 ( i ,1) -1; while (M1(i ,1)

( M1 ( i , 2 ) < 0 ) M1(i,1) M1(i,2)

>= 2"hm) ( M1 ( i , 1 ) < 0 ) (M1(i,2) >= 2 " hm)

xpm * randint(1,1, [O,varylive]) + M(i,1); ypm * randint(1,1, [O, varylive]) + M(i,2);


end end


***** myenc *****

function P = myenc(c,X) ~s encode message c as coefficients of polynomial . % c;;enerate Y coord.:i..nates by evaluating polynomial at every X coordinate . % P is resulting X,Y (one pair per row)

% calculate encoded Y values for every X value m = 16; %2"16 GX = gf(X, m); %X are in GF 2"m

% Coefficients of polynomial % c = data as coefficients


GC = gf(c, m); %care in GF 2"m ~> Evaluate GY = polyval(GC,GX); %polynomial GC evaluated at X points P = [X GY . X);

***** genchaff*****

function V = genchaff(P, TF, nchaff, thresh) %generate 'nchaff' false minutiae points, no duplicates. % coordinates are from (0 .. 2"16) each . % P has points represented coordinates as single value. % Using P as index, TF will be 1 if that point has true value , 2 i f false. % V :i..s P with chaff points added.

m = 16;


hm = m/2; onethresh = sqrt((thresh*thresh)+(thresh*thresh)); thrdist = onethresh; nP = length(P); istart = nP + 1; iend = nP + nchaff; for i = istart : iend

tryf lag = 1; while tryflag

x = randint(1,1,2"hm); % calc x (0 .. 2 ''(m/2)-1) y = randint(1,1,2"hm); %calc y xy = uint16(2 " (m/ 2)*x + y); %calc xy combo value (0 .. 2'm-

k = 1; for j = 1 i - 1


end end V = P;



[px, py] = x2xy(P(j,1)); a = double(x) - double(px); b = double(y) - double(py); dist = sqrt((a*a) + (b*b)); if dist <= thrdist

break end k = j + 1;

if k == i % not duplicate % add new point to end of existing points P(i,1) = xy; % X-value P(i,2) = randint(1,1,2Am); % Y-value if -xy % xy is 0

xy 2Am ; % store zero index as as last index end TF(xy) 2; % flag as taken (chaff) tryflag = 0; % stop trying different chaff point.


***** picktrue *****

function [S, Xdec] = picktrue(M1,V,thresh) % choose points from vault V using Ml live template . % thresh is converted to Euclidian distance and close points are matched (fuzziness)

m = 16; hm = m/2; t = length(M1); % number of decoding minutiae Xint = []; Yint = []; for i = 1:t,

Xdec(i) uint16(2 A(m/2 )*M1(i,1) + M1(i,2)); %calc xy combo value (0 .. 2Am- 1)

end % Find closest X value in vault sx = length(V); % note : sx is total number of minutiae %minutiae are in t.rec(recno,coord) format; coord: 1 =X, 2 ~; Y, 3 = 1/0 (t/f)

intent = 0; % interpolation point count thrdist = sqrt((thresh*thresh)+(thresh*thresh)); for i = 1:t

bestdist = 999999; bestX = 0; for j = 1:sx

if Xdec (i) == V(j,1) %compare with X vault value disp ('exact. vault match' )






e l se

end end

bestdist = 0; bestX = j ; break

[xco,yco) = x2xy(Xdec(i)); [mxco,myco) = x2xy(V(j,1)); a = double(xco) - double(rnxco); b = double (y co) - double(myco); dist = sqrt((a * a) + (b *b)); if dist < bes t dist % closer X f ou nd in vault

bestdi s t = d ist; bestX = j ;


if bestdist > thrdist



disp ('no vault match')

dup = 0 ; for ii 1 : intcnt

if V (bestX, 1) Xint (ii ) disp ( ' point. already evaluated ')

dup = 1 ; break

end end if -dup % new point selected

intent = intent + 1; Xi nt(intcnt) V(bestX, 1); Yint( i ntcnt) = V (bestX , 2);


% X vault point % corresponding Y

S = [Xi nt ' Yint ');

***** mydec ***** function msg = mydec (V, n encp ts) % decode vault V that encoded msg with nencpts encoding points

msg = ' ' ; more = 1; mlen = 8 ; m 16


X V( : , 1);

Y V( :, 2) ;

n = length(X) ; % number of minutiae if mod(nencpts,2 ) -= 0 % add a dummy point if odd


nencpts nencpts + 1; end while n < m % must have at least m points

n = n + 1; X(n) randint(1,1,2Am); Y(n) = randint(1,1,2Am);

end GX = g f (X, m) ; GY = g f ( Y, m) ; GQrank = n + 1; loopf = 1; e1 = m - mlen; e = e1 + 2; maxesym = e1 I 2; iter = 1; while more

~~ :red:unda.nt points

while loopf loopf = 0; GQrank = GQrank - 1; e = e - 2; esym = e I 2; k = n - e - 1 + esym; % degree of Q polynomial

at alpha"i)



%build result evaluation vector (R(X)*X) GU = []; GU = gf(GU,m); GXN = GX . Aesym; GU = ( GY . * GXN) ' ; % build Q polynomial GQ = []; colcnt = 0; for i = k:-1:0

GQ = [GQ GX.Ai];

colcnt = colcnt + 1; end % add error polynomial for i = esym - 1:-1:0

% add column vector to matrix (eval

GQ = [GQ GY.*(GX.Ai)]; % add column vector to matrix

colcnt = colcnt + 1; end try % if inverse works, rank is correct

inv(GQ); catch

loopf = 1; % keep looping to find correct rank end

nerr = maxesym - (colcnt - GQrank); % actual number of symbols in error

if GQrank == colcnt - maxesym % no errors; recompute GQ with no error matrix

disp ( 'NO ERRORS') GQ = [];

for i = n - 1 - e:-1:0 GQ = [GQ GX. Ail;


end msg = GQ \GY ; more = 0; msgbeg = n - e - mlen + 1; msg = msg(msgbeg:n - e)'; msg = msg.x;

% beg position of message

elseif (GQrank -= colcnt) & (iter < 2) disp ( 'LESS 'l'H!>J'J MAX ERRORS '} e = nerr * 2 + 2; % added 2 because it will be subtracted GQrank = GQrank + 1; % added 1 because it will be


end end

loopf = 1; iter = 2;

else i f (colcnt - GQrank) > maxesym



disp ( ' DECODING ERROR : TOO M.l\NY ERRORS' ) break

disp ( ' tv!AX ERRORS' ) psi = GQ\GU'; % pseudoinverse E = 1 ; for i n err-1 :-1:0

E = [E -psi( n- i}]; e nd PX = deconv(ps i,E}; % Q(X)/E(Xl rembeg = n - e + 1; 't start position of remainder fields remend = length(PX); % end position of remainder fields GREM = PX ( rembeg: remend) ; '); get. remainder fields rem = GREM.x; ~ convert to non-Galois if rem



msgbeg = n - e - mlen + 1; msg PX(msgbeg:n - e )'; msg = msg.x;

more = 0;

\\ beg position of message

***** xby *****

function [x,y] x2xy(xy) m = 16; hm = m/ 2; x bitshift(xy,-hm); y = bitand(xy,2Ahm- 1);
