Founder’s Week – Francis Chan’s lies 1 Founder’s Week – Francis Chan [Transcribed from the video found on the Youtube of MBI’s Founder’s Week, February 4-7, 2020, Francis Chan is introduced, then speaks.] https://www.RestoreMBI.com/FW-FrancisChan.htm https://www.RestoreMBI.com/FW-FrancisChan.pdf Hello brothers and sisters in Christ, As you are about to see, Francis Chan's speech at Founder's Week proves that Chan belongs to the Charismatics and Catholics, not God. Francis Chan's speech was so interesting that we transcribed his speech. You can find the complete transcript below, which is the second half of this article. Founders Week with Francis Chan. Some of the MBI family know that Francis Chan is a favorite preacher among the Charismatic Movement, but he is mostly unknown among conservative Christians. We saw Francis Chan when he came to Orlando for The Send in 2018. The Send is the next goofy Charismatic movement after the The Call and IHOP (International House of Prayer). Most Christians know how off-based those movement were. All three movements have a severe lack of Biblical truth. If anyone really wants to be a false teacher with all their heart, they will find it. At The Send Orlando, Francis Chan spoke on the same stage with criminal false-teacher Benny Hinn and his son-in-law Michal Koulianos, with demonic “prayer” incantation leader Lou Engle and son Jesse of The Call, with 7-mountain-satanism founder Loren Cunningham of Youth With a Mission (YWAM), with false prophet Bill Johnson of Bethel Church and Jesus Culture, fake-resurrector “faith-healer” Reinhard Bonnke’s appointed successor Daniel Kolenda (with headquarters in south Orlando), and extreme occultist and so-called “healer” Todd White (who got his “anointing” and mentoring from Benny Hinn), and many other similar witches and wizards. We saw Chan with them and he really does belong with them. Back before many of our readers were born, Benny Hinn had a very profitable “church” business in Orlando, he was pretending healings and lying wonders, and making false prophecies. Benny Hinn also stole large amounts of money from people who did contract work for his building projects. Hinn’s son-in-law Michael Koulianos was with Francis Chan again at Brazil’s The Send in February 8, 2020, quite literally just over 1 day after he spoke at Moody Bible Institute Founder’s Week on the night of February 6, 2020. There is to be another The Send later this year in October 2020 at Arrowhead Stadium which they say is the loudest stadium in the United States which The Send leaders like because they need the hype of sounding like a very large and aggressive movement. Look at their promos with young people running as fast as they can as an analogy of their movement, and you will see what we are saying. In 2015, Chan spoke at Mike Bickle’s IHOP conference called “One Thing” and was part of the Catholic Ecumenical Track of the event with Catholics Matt Maher and Audrey Assad doing the music. At this event, Francis Chan gave a moving emotional speech about unity there of desiring to suffer alongside Mike Bickle and Matt Maher and Audrey

Founder's Week – Francis Chan's lies - Restore MBI (website)

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Founder’s Week – Francis Chan’s lies


Founder’s Week – Francis Chan

[Transcribed from the video found on the Youtube of MBI’s Founder’s Week, February 4-7, 2020, Francis Chan is introduced, then speaks.]

https://www.RestoreMBI.com/FW-FrancisChan.htm https://www.RestoreMBI.com/FW-FrancisChan.pdf

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ, As you are about to see, Francis Chan's speech at Founder's Week proves that Chan belongs to the Charismatics and Catholics, not God. Francis Chan's speech was so interesting that we transcribed his speech. You can find the complete transcript below, which is the second half of this article. Founders Week with Francis Chan. Some of the MBI family know that Francis Chan is a favorite preacher among the Charismatic Movement, but he is mostly unknown among conservative Christians. We saw Francis Chan when he came to Orlando for The Send in 2018. The Send is the next goofy Charismatic movement after the The Call and IHOP (International House of Prayer). Most Christians know how off-based those movement were. All three movements have a severe lack of Biblical truth. If anyone really wants to be a false teacher with all their heart, they will find it. At The Send Orlando, Francis Chan spoke on the same stage with criminal false-teacher Benny Hinn and his son-in-law Michal Koulianos, with demonic “prayer” incantation leader Lou Engle and son Jesse of The Call, with 7-mountain-satanism founder Loren Cunningham of Youth With a Mission (YWAM), with false prophet Bill Johnson of Bethel Church and Jesus Culture, fake-resurrector “faith-healer” Reinhard Bonnke’s appointed successor Daniel Kolenda (with headquarters in south Orlando), and extreme occultist and so-called “healer” Todd White (who got his “anointing” and mentoring from Benny Hinn), and many other similar witches and wizards. We saw Chan with them and he really does belong with them. Back before many of our readers were born, Benny Hinn had a very profitable “church” business in Orlando, he was pretending healings and lying wonders, and making false prophecies. Benny Hinn also stole large amounts of money from people who did contract work for his building projects. Hinn’s son-in-law Michael Koulianos was with Francis Chan again at Brazil’s The Send in February 8, 2020, quite literally just over 1 day after he spoke at Moody Bible Institute Founder’s Week on the night of February 6, 2020. There is to be another The Send later this year in October 2020 at Arrowhead Stadium which they say is the loudest stadium in the United States – which The Send leaders like because they need the hype of sounding like a very large and aggressive movement. Look at their promos with young people running as fast as they can as an analogy of their movement, and you will see what we are saying. In 2015, Chan spoke at Mike Bickle’s IHOP conference called “One Thing” and was part of the Catholic Ecumenical Track of the event with Catholics Matt Maher and Audrey Assad doing the music. At this event, Francis Chan gave a moving emotional speech about unity there of desiring to suffer alongside Mike Bickle and Matt Maher and Audrey

Founder’s Week – Francis Chan’s lies


Assad in their service for “Christ”. Chan had already known Matt Maher from doing Passion Conferences and knew Audrey Assad from similar venues and also had Audrey write a song with his daughter Rachel before this conversation in 2015 on stage – so he knew them well enough to pull off this stunt. In late 2018, Francis Chan went to Rome with his friend Matt Maher and other undisclosed “pastors” to a private gathering with Pope Francis describing his vulnerabilities and concerns about creating unity. Then in the last couple days of 2018, Francis Chan talked at the “One Thing” Catholic Ecumenical track again speaking to a largely Catholic audience. And Chan’s Catholic friend on stage invited four Catholic priests (the only one named was Father Anthony) to pray a blessing on Chan’s ministry while the main Catholic speaker washed Chan’s feet (all signs of Chan’s submission to Catholic authority). And they all chanted the “Lord’s Prayer” together at the end before hugs all around. In Francis Chan’s speech at MBI, the final point he tried to drive home is “unity”. That “unity” is a Catholic “church” takeover of the Protestant churches. Chan has also been clear about starting to believe that the “church” has always seen the “Eucharist” as the literal body and blood of Jesus until he says “Protestant” pastors changed that in the 1500s, and began to center services around themselves instead of focusing on the body and blood of Jesus in “Eucharist” as the center of services. Here are a series of links so you can see all of this and more about Chan’s leading us back to unity with Charismatic liars and with Catholic Rome. > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI09RjHBvtg (Start at 7min.-13min. marks especially) > https://the-end-time.org/2019/04/03/a-catholic-asks-francis-chan-to-bring-her-and-her-church-a-message-as-evangelist-chans-answer-is-shocking/ > https://www.thebereancall.org/content/berean-exercise-christian-magazines-part-2 > https://missionsbox.org/news/brazil-belongs-to-god/ > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2_Z7qdus_A (Start at the 1hr1min. mark at the end of his speech) > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qEdpDdHCMA > https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/megiddo-radio/e/60282633?autoplay=true > https://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=31284 > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOMY6jLNTw0 > https://reformationcharlotte.org/2019/04/02/francis-chan-catholic-priests/ This report shows how Chan deceived his audience and tried to side-step Biblical criticism, then delivered destructive doctrines to real Christians saying that we need to try to be one-hearted with God's enemies and apostates. Chan's performance got lots of cheers from the audience. Obviously they didn't understand what Chan was doing to them. May we request from you that you please try to understand our points in this report, and after you see the seriousness of what Chan did to them, then please share this report with your Christian friends. We understand that being gullible is painful, we've been there too and learned from it, and this is how you can learn from it. There is a part inside Christians that hates being lied to, so we try harder to protect ourselves the next time, and that is a good thing. Those who don't learn caution will repeat the pain of deception until they see it and get it. If they don't learn, it can lead to spiritual destruction. We admit that Francis Chan is one of the most cunning false teachers – one of best of the best. Francis Chan gave many clues that he belongs to the devil, but the audience allowed him to disarm them. Maybe they thought he must be OK, because the MBI leaders invited him to speak. First off; if you feel cautions when you hear a preacher, hold on to those cautions from the Holy Spirit, and keep looking for the errors. Don't ignore or overlook any errors, but make a note of every error great and small. When you add up those errors, they prove who that speaker serves. For your safety, your highest appreciation and trust needs to be the Word of God, not a motivating speech. A motivational speech will/must flatter you, or trick you to believe that the speaker is good, to disarm your cautions. Then they deliver the devil's message. Most of the MBI audience isn't practiced at spotting Charismatic tricks. The people who go every week to Charismatic churches hear

Founder’s Week – Francis Chan’s lies


the whole variety of Chan's tricks every week, and they learn not to fall for the hype and tricks, but they still go there again every week hoping it gets better. Francis Chan performed his speech on Thursday night of Founder's Week. Several people asked us why Mark Jobe and the elder board invited Chan. This paper answers their questions. We know and understand a speech progresses quickly to its mark, so it is hard to catch everything. It is easier to read the speech later, to analyze the message. This report points out some alarming errors that Chan said that night. Chan had an assignment, he was assigned to sell the devil's version of unity, and he got it done and the audience cheered. Early into his performance, Chan made a big deal that he wants God to bless his speech, and he warned everyone that they need to hear him as he talks for God. That fake “fear of the Lord”-and-“prayer” trick worked. Chan disabled his critics to ignore his errors, and caused them to not examine everything he says. And Francis Chan did a similar act of “dedication” at The Send in Orlando. That trick works well for him. This is how he did it at MBI. >> Step 1 “I want to pray for you... As a teacher, I’m well aware of the warnings of Scripture that say not many of

you should be teachers because as teachers we will be judged more harshly. And so I want to pray for

myself... that no words come out of my mouth that are describing God in any way that would belittle Him...

Because I don't want anything coming out of this mouth that is false... And I may say something to try to

bring glory to myself...” Then Chan talked about Christians who criticize him “especially nowadays are pretty

critical of teachers. Um, you know, you just don't want to say anything wrong... or articles will be written

about you.” then the audience laughed. The Holy Spirit made Chan admit that he has been the subject of many critics, but the audience overlooked it and dismissed it. >> Step 2 Then Chan threatened the audience if they criticize him: “But I want to bring something else up... Jesus also

warns the listener... Jesus says be careful how you listen. Jesus says in Luke 8. He says because if you

listen, but you don't obey, even what you think you know, will be taken away from you. When Jesus gives

the parable of the soils, He says you better be careful how you listen. Be careful how you hear. Otherwise,

God could actually take something away from you. Take away the knowledge that you think you have.” WARNING: those were Jesus' words about Jesus' perfect teachings. Chan is not Jesus, but he elevated his speech to have perfect teaching like Jesus. Chan is a Charismatic false teacher. Chan used Jesus' words to threaten the audience they must obey his teachings. Apparently the audience took Chan's warnings seriously. Most caution barriers went down and Biblical filters were turned off. Chan also accused God of stealing or taking away knowledge and understanding. Jesus said clearly in that very sermon that it is the devil who takes knowledge of the truth. But Chan accuses God of deception and confusion. >> Step 3 Then Chan elevated himself more while giving mystical images: “And just as I’m reaching for God and I love

teaching. I go God, the thought that in the next few moments You could fill me with Your very Spirit and

not just a human gifting and a teaching gift, but you know a spiritual gift. Like something supernatural of

the Holy Spirit, taking over my body and speaking through this mouth for the common good. Oh God, I

want that. I do not want to just preach another sermon... I’m anxious to come to you that I might impart

something spiritual to you. Something that is of the Spirit. And that is a rush to me to think – God, could it

happen tonight? Where it is not me, it's Your Spirit and I’m just the vessel, and here I am being filled with

God to bless this people. That is incredible.” Another Warning: the spirit he said he felt was demon-possession as we will see better and clearer through his speech. But his clever words had mostly disarmed and silenced his critics. When Chan spoke at The Send he admitted that he has been a “wave maker”, that he starts trends that move through the Charismatic churches. As you read Chan's speech below, remember that Chan is a Charismatic

Founder’s Week – Francis Chan’s lies


entertainer, and those performances are normal in their services. But we admit Chan is more talented than most of their preachers. >> Step 4 Chan's next trick was his mystical prayer starting when he kneels down and gives a short prayer. The prayer sounds really, really good, but it is more of the same, a slick and very practiced performance; starting with a [long silence] “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come. [long pause] Lord Jesus Christ

Son of God have mercy on us. [long pause] May it be in this room as it is in Heaven, where all eyes are on

You, telling You how holy You are. And the voices are just the worthiness of Your Son. Worthy is the

Lamb... You have brought us here. And Lord I pray for my brothers and sisters in this room. Right now

Lord, I come through the blood of Jesus, boldly before Your throne and ask Lord that You give them ears

to hear. [long pause] God I pray that You would give me power from Heaven to communicate truth. [long

pause] You're so good, God. Thank You for Your grace. Thank You for Your love. Your kindness. And Your

holy presence in this room. In Jesus' name, Amen.” Another warning- God didn't answer Chan's fake prayer, because holy God refuses to hear Chan, but demons answered his requests. Ouch on the audience. The only conclusion you can get from Chan's prayer speech is Chan is a talented liar. Another thing that is noticeable all through Chan's speech is several times Chan started to say something, but stopped himself to say it a different way, and even changed some of the details of the story he wanted to tell. That indicates he couldn't talk like his normal Charismatic self. He had to put on his best performance for MBI. He had an assignment so he had to shape his message to fit those parameters. All of these things prove that Chan is a false teacher, and there is much more to see. Early in Chan's speech he talks about his years as a so-called “pastor” in San Francisco, he admits he was a “foodie”. A “foodie” is a person who has an idolatrous attitude about food. Along with that sin comes pride because “foodies” compete with other “foodies” for the best analysis of their food or the restaurant. God calls that competition: pride. Both of those sins are condemned by God through the apostle John “Do not love the sins in the world. If anyone loves the sins of the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world – the wants of the flesh – the wants of the eyes – and the pride of life – is not of the Father but is of the world...” (1John 2:15-17) A “foodie” has a lifestyle of searching for pleasure foods - rather than God. Also, Chan said “I'm a little snobby about my food”. Chan admitted to an idolatry attitude about food, and pride to compete with other “foodies”. If a Christian sins like that, then Hebrews 12:5-11 says God will chasten them. But if a Christian pastor sins like that, God will deal harder with them, because they are at a higher level as a teacher like James 3:1 explains. If a Christian pastor lives in idolatry and pride, he is sinning and teaching others they can sin. Jesus warned about that in Matthew 5:19 “Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven...” So Francis Chan admitted that he was a food idolater, and proud, and he was teaching his church members they can live in sins. Can you see Jesus, or Paul, Peter or John acting like that? No, if Francis Chan were a Christian, God would discipline him and remove him from being a pastor until he learns obedience? These 2 paragraphs are 4 more evidences, four proofs against Francis Chan's soul, that Chan is not a Christian. False teachers laugh at Matthew 5:19, “...shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven.”. They think they will have less rewards in Heaven than others. No, that is not what Jesus was teaching. God is Creator of Heaven and Hell. The Kingdom of God includes Heaven and Hell. Those who “break one of the least of Jesus' commandments, and teaches men so” will be least in Hell, at the bottom of Hell, and then Lake of Fire, forever. Do you believe God's Word? Do you hold to God's Word or man's stories? You have strong evidence against Francis Chan, that he is not a Christian. But there is much more evidence to prove that case against Chan. >> Step 5 Chan told the “foodie” story and told about the starving people in Africa to make a point, that we should be so hungry for any spiritual food that Chan says, so no one will criticize his errors. The story was recently when he went to Africa, he saw people starving for food, they were skin and bones. Also the people were glad to hear anything he

Founder’s Week – Francis Chan’s lies


said about Jesus. Then he connected that point to his audience that they should be like that too; they should be glad for anything Chan said about Jesus, so don't analyze or criticize his message. We have God's Word in English, we no longer have to rely on the “priests” reading the Bible in Latin in the Catholic “church”. But Chan’s threat/warning violated Scriptural principals to examine everything with the Word of God in 2 Timothy 2:15 “rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” And Hebrews 4:12 “For the Word of God is living and powerful... and is a discerner of the thought and intents of the heart.” And 2 Thessalonians 3:14 “And if anyone does not obey our word in this epistle, note that person and do not keep company with him...” Philippians 2:16 “... holding fast the Word of Life” 2 Cor. 4:2 “...handling the Word of God deceitfully.” And 1 Peter 2:8 “They stumble, being disobedient to the Word, to which they were appointed.” Also Chan uses the word 'gosh' frequently. The word 'gosh' is a derivative of God's name. Sometimes a new Christian hasn't learned yet, before they have been rebuked by God to quit using that word, but a mature Christian has been taught by God to not trample on God's name. The unsaved consider 'gosh' a safer way to take God's name in vain. Please notice that is more evidence that Chan is not a Christian. Another warning Christians should notice about Chan is his “cool, “conversational” style. Instead of a reverence toward holy God, Chan wants to impress his audience that he is 'cool'. That is another act of pride, Chan wants you to be impressed with him. Chan made a big deal that he was going to lift up God, but instead he inflating himself as 'cool'. Maybe his 'cool' act does fool some simple-minded Christians. I need to ask you: How did you get saved? What gospel saved your soul? When you came to Jesus, did you act 'cool' and casual while telling Jesus 'I want to get saved' and poof you were saved? No, no one can get saved by acting 'cool' toward Jesus. Or did you have to repent from your sins and plead for mercy from Jesus? Did your 'salvation covenant' with Jesus include dying to your sins, and live a new life by the power of the Holy Spirit as Romans 6 teaches? When you read the gospels you notice that Jesus started His ministry preaching repent. From there on, most of Jesus' teachings explained what real repentance looks like, and what false converts look like. Look at the Sermon On The Mount. Jesus' teachings stung their heart of sins. Each of them were looking at their heart and lifestyle to get rid of sins out of their life. They felt the pain of conviction. When you hear a real man of God, you will feel urgent need to get rid of your TV, quit seeing sinner's movies and hate the music that promote human wants and sins. I hope by now you are realizing that Francis Chan isn't saved. But there is more evidence that Chan is not a Christian. >> Step 6 Then after those stories, Chan continued into stories about him performing healings in Africa. We know God's Word teaches about healings, and God has used me to do a few healings. But the next question is; does holy God perform healings for a proud and lying Charismatic who is trying to impress everyone how great he is? Chan admitted many years as a “pastor”/teacher he was; A) 'foodie' idolater, B) proud to compete with other 'foodies', C) and 'I’m a little snobby about my food' D) tramples on God's name saying 'gosh' E) promoting himself as great, F) proud of himself while acting 'cool' trying to impress people how great he is G) he is living to please man, not God, H) he shows no evidence of holy fear. I) If Chan were a Christian, then God would severely discipline him. Does Holy God do miracles through a man like that? No. J) Chan’s “healing” stories are outright lies, or they are lying wonders. Charismatic preachers are known for fake healing stories too. But maybe he did lying wonders; lying wonders are when a demon quits inflicting a pain or illness on someone, and the demon stops harassing the person to instead promote a demon-possessed false teacher. Of course those persons feel better after the demon quits pinching them, as if they were “healed”. Chan specifically said that these people did not accept Jesus so it obviously is not “healing” whatever they received. K) All of those evidences prove that Chan is also preaching a false gospel. So Paul condemns Chan in Galatians 1:8-10 When holy God does a real healing, it comes with holy fear. Holy God will not pollute Himself with people who are chasing pride sin and lies like Francis Chan is. Holy God will not bless an evil man like Chan. Look at the apostles of Jesus. They performed many healings, so let's see the holy fear that surrounded them. When Peter preached on the Day of Pentecost, he was convicting their hearts of sin in Acts 2:43, in desperation they were

Founder’s Week – Francis Chan’s lies


saying “men and brethren what should we do? Then Peter said to them 'Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus...'” “Then holy fear came upon every soul, and many signs and wonders were done through the apostles.” And Acts 5:5 when Ananias and Sapphira told a lie and God killed them, everybody had a holy fear of God, because many of them had also told lies in their lifetime. They immediately became afraid to do any sins; “So great fear came upon all those who heard these things... And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people.” No one can say that Francis Chan's speech brought holy fear, in fact Chan is careful to sound 'cool' and not bring holy fear into his performances. Did holy God perform healing miracles through Francis Chan? Absolutely not. Either Chan was telling Charismatic lies, or demons did lying wonders through him. The Charismatic movement is known for telling lies about healings, and a few of them have become so evil that the demons will quit pinching someone because a Charismatic preacher requested it - that is called lying wonders. Why did Mark Jobe bring in his friend Francis Chan? Probably because they are Lausanne buddies that work together. All of the stories in Chan's speech lead you to be impressed that he is of God, not evil. Now we are ready to see Chan's and Jobe's evil version of unity. They say we need to have unity with God's enemies, without them repenting or getting saved. Some students have talked to me about Jobe's unity doctrine. I told them God will never become friends with the devil. God will not have unity or fellowship with demons. Holy God and demons are opposites. >> Step 7 Chan was fascinated with lying wonders starting in high school when he got “saved” in a Baptist Church. He was trying to move a chair, then a pen, then the shutters, then pages of the Bible, and now years later has changed to lying wonders on people. “So in the last few years, I have believed, believed in miracles... and believe for

healing ...I would pray – nothing would happen. I gets discouraging... And sometimes I'd even go overseas

where I'd hear about all these miracles happening... Africa, India where ever...So it was like this complex,

you know... two weeks ago... And I’m going God please, please here. People started coming forward for

healing. Every person I touched was healed. [applause and cheering] Okay, this is craziness to me. I have

never experienced this in 52 years. I’m talking like a little boy and a little girl were deaf. We lay hands she

starts crying and smiling. Again, these are not Christians, these are not people who ever heard about

Jesus... can we lay hands on your little brother? And we go lay hands on him and he starts hearing for the

first time... This is stuff I'd read about but I’m going, man it happened... I mean left and right... And I’m

going God I don't want to leave this.” I know his story sounds good, but God will not give His power to a false teacher preaching a false gospel. By this point Chan has convinced everyone that God's power and authority are on him. Jesus said in Matthew 7:22 “Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name. And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.'” There is a way a false teacher can try hard enough to get into demonic “healings”, and get it. Step 8 now the audience is ready to hear his demonic message about unity. “There was a couple of guys I was

partnering with that our theology was not perfectly in line with each other. And I’m not talking about a

minor thing, and I’m not talking about a major foundational thing, but it was significant... It was a medium

theological issue – I'll just throw it out there. It was a complementarian and egalitarian issue... Whereas

I’m a complementarian [men and women are equal, but different roles] and he's an egalitarian [men and

women are equal] Okay, let's try to work this out because I love you... and we'll have to figure this out at

some point... but we're one, for now, let's be perfectly one. Let's see, like the Bible says – we can be

perfectly one... Cause what is my responsibility whose theology might be different in one of these not-

essential foundational areas? I’m still called to love as much as Christ loved the Church. [applause] And

that difference in theology does not excuse me from becoming perfectly one with him. And I believe that

God was honored by this pursuit of the unreached, and obeying the great commission. And we saw

power.... Jesus wants me to believe that you and I can become perfectly one.”

Founder’s Week – Francis Chan’s lies


A personal note - we believe that Christians can have close fellowship with that minor theological difference. But we see two problems in this point, (1) We showed many evidences why we are absolutely sure that Francis Chan is not a Christian. (2) Chan was arranged to speak at MBI to silence the Christians that will not be one heart with false converts and Jesuit Catholics at MBI. Many students have told us the Christians are being persecuted by the unsaved professors and unsaved students. This message was designed to crumble the Christians who stand for God's Word. We have proven in another report that Mark Jobe leads to 'Seven Mountain Dominionism' that is Catholic satanism from Revelation 17. The Christians at MBI are pressed to accept the Jesuit Catholic takeover of MBI, and Francis Chan did an excellent job of fighting against and maybe silencing the Christians at MBI. Remember, Francis Chan praises those in occult and mysticism as “brothers” (Todd White, at “The Send” in Orlando, is just one example). You will also notice a strong focus on the “spirit” because he is talking about a spiritism, not the God of the Bible. Notice he also used the words “common good”, which is a huge error because unsaved unbelievers cannot learn things from the Bible that make themselves better without repentance. If you study out the tricks that Benny Hinn, Todd Bentley, and others of Francis Chan’s friends, you will find out how many different ways they lie to con people into giving them more money and earthly stuff, as well as awards and praises – it’s a huge con-game, that goes on internationally. Being “nice” or even “super nice” and “flattering” is part of their con-game… and sadly, it fools a lot of people. “18 For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple [simple-minded].” (Romans 16:18) That is in complete contradiction to God’s testimony through God’s apostle Paul: “5 For neither at any time did we use flattering words, as you know, nor a cloak for covetousness--God is witness.” (1Thessalonians 2:5) And, again, God through Paul said it this way: “13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.” (2 Corinthians 11:13-15) Note the ending of that passage – “whose end will be according to their works”. Notice the sins they love and cover for and are addicted to – that’s the bad fruit you are looking for that proves they are bad trees producing bad fruit, while pretending to be very good trees – so much better than you and me. Jesus taught us it this way: “15 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.” (Matthew 7:15-20) Francis Chan continues his point: “Jesus wants me to believe that you and I can become perfectly one. There

may be some of you today who go well I don't believe in these miracles you talk about. That's Okay. We can

still become perfectly one somehow, through that. And I used to fight against all of this stuff... and now

I’m in a different place theologically. But there has to be an underlying love in the body, because the Bible

says that is when that happens that God commands His blessings. When that happens, the world is going

to believe.“ No that is false because we saw the verses in Acts. Those verses describe the holy fear God brought on the Church, and then performed many miracles. Chan just explained more of his false gospel going out when the world experiences more miracles. No, when Peter and Paul preached about the condemnation of sins, then people repent. Jesus directly corrected Francis Chan's error in Luke 16:19-31. It was a real situation. When the rich man requested to send Lazarus “I beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father's house, for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment... But Abraham said to him, 'If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded through one rising from the dead.'” No. More miracles will not save souls. Francis Chan is a cursed false teacher, preaching a false gospel. Francis Chan didn't want the real gospel of repentance and obedience. So he dedicated his life to be able to do signs and preach and promote his false gospel, and his false teachings, instead.

Founder’s Week – Francis Chan’s lies


As you have seen, Chan only knows clever speech skills and word-manipulation skills, and emotion/drama tactics. What you will find lacking from Chan are the essentials of Scripture, including: repentance, rejecting/fleeing the sinful lifestyles and sin-filled entertainment of this world. Nor will you find Chan teaching obedient faith found only in the those who are genuinely saved through Jesus Christ into the “new Covenant” that Jesus preached. Even worse, Chan also grants “saving faith” to a lot of unsaved unbelievers, including many unsaved Catholics and their satanic/demonic leaders. And then still worse: you will also see Chan commanding us to become “perfectly one” with all “believers” including those who claim to be saved but are not saved. A verse that Chan will never teach rightly , unless he repents fully of all of the evil he has promoted up until now, is this: “1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1) But keeping on the spiritism/mysticism topic, Chan is talking about a “god” who will make your life better if you follow Chan’s formula… very much teaching a so-called Protestant version of “you will be blessed if you live a monk life feeding the poor and telling them happy stories about Jesus”. In case you didn’t catch it, Chan is craftily preaching Catholicism… just in a very subtle form. Does this mean that Chan is a Jesuit? The evidence is not clear, yet. If you find out where he got his public or secret training and who all he partners himself with (intentional association), you will have your answer. Chan pretends that we can have the fullness of God’s visible power inside us to do visible false miracles. Francis Chan is twisting Scripture there. Yes, God does on occasion do physical miracles – but not without repentance. That a foundational lie that the Word-of-Faith false teachers always teach falsely – they use supposed miracles (and some of them are literally fake or rigged) to make themselves look more spiritual or have a “higher level” of “faith” than you, to then get you to listen to every word they say, since they are so “spiritual”. Notice also that Chan’s punch line was a “fight for unity”. This is Chan (and others like him): “18 For when they speak great swelling words of emptiness, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, the ones who have actually escaped from those who live in error. 19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage. 20 For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning. 21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them. 22 But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: "A dog returns to his own vomit," and, "a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire."” (2Peter 2:18-22) It seems that 2020 a key year where God is trying to teach everyone, seemingly world-wide, on how to catch deceivers and deceptions. Don’t worry, the false teachers will never teach Biblically about how to spot a false teacher… but that’s a no-brainer. And, speaking of how to spot a false teacher – and that has everything to do with them contradicting the Bible, not the made-up words from the Rockefeller-established semitaries/seminaries to sound scholarly and so much smarter than you and me. Several years ago, we worked through the Bible (Old and New Testament), pulling together the verses that show the contrast between honest Bible teachers and false teachers. And there are literally dozens of verses that will help you catch many false teachers. This study doesn’t name anyone, it’s just quoted verses from God’s Word. We know you will find it very helpful for training and sharpening your Biblical discernment. > https://www.RestoreMBI.com/True-or-false-booklet.pdf One last reply to Chan’s crafty false teaching – Following Jesus is not about living our best life now. It’s not about serving Jesus for our own enjoyment. No… it’s the opposite of that. It’s about dying to sin-pleasures to grow in purity to gain a covenant-relationship with God, and to join Him in His future Kingdom, with the rewards being eternal, not earthly treasures we hoard up.

Founder’s Week – Francis Chan’s lies


“2 For many will be lovers of themselves… 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” (2 Timothy 3:1-5) “11 Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. 12 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts. 13 And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. 14 For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.” (Romans 6:11-14) “20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20) “34 When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, "Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. 35 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel's will save it. 36 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? 37 Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? 38 For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels."” (Mark 8:34-38) Chan pretends to call people to the “mission field” which he pretends is really small now… which isn’t true at all, according to Jesus, in passages such as Matthew 10:23. But continuing on, Chan is trying to do the same thing Jobe is – whip up the emotionism and send kiddos out as novices to partner with anyone and everyone to do “great things for God”… having no clue what the Scriptures actually teach on that. Chan and Jobe are trying to send kiddos out to be “world-changers”… which really boils down to being change agents for the 666 world government team and doing a “social gospel” which is no gospel at all. That’s what the Jesuits are trying constantly to reduce Moody to be right now. If we, the Moody family, all work as a team, we can work to restore MBI and at least some of her partners to be preaching the gospel Jesus preached, instead of the false gospels satan and his workers have tried to reduce MBI to. This will need to be addressed, when God starts to Restore MBI back to Moody’s oath/covenant to God, which is the foundation of Moody Bible Institute. ~ Watching, Preaching, Praying, The RestoreMBI team


>>> Start of transcript <<< [evening of February 6, 2020] [Someone introduced him. We skipped the intro and just went to the start of Chan’s speech] “… [cheers] I’d like to read the verse I want to focus on tonight and then I’d like to pray for us. The verse is Acts chapter 20, verse 24, where Paul says, “I do not account my life of any value, nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” (ESV)

Founder’s Week – Francis Chan’s lies


I want to pray for you that you will know this verse. I mean know it. I’ve been praying for myself that I would truly know that verse, um. As a teacher, I’m well aware of the warnings of Scripture that say not many of you should be teachers because as teachers you’ll be judged more harshly. And so I want to pray for myself. I invite you to pray for me that no words come out of my mouth that are describing Him in any way that would belittle Him or in any way that is off, or gives you a smaller picture of Him than what He is really like. Because I don’t want anything coming out of this mouth that is false. And I’m human. And I may say something to try to bring glory to myself or to make myself look better rather than to bring glory to His Name. And I think most of us especially nowadays are pretty critical of teachers. Um, you know, you just don’t want to say anything wrong, or even something that sounds remotely off, or articles will be written about you. [laughter] But I want to bring something else up. You know something we forget is while God warns the teacher, Jesus also warns the listener. Okay? Like, like your job is not passive participant to sit there and wonder what the guy on stage is going to do, and I wonder how good he’s going to be – let me critique him. See if he moves me, see if he does anything to me, see if he convicts me. Jesus says be careful how you listen. He says in Luke 8. He says because if you listen, but you don’t obey, even what you think you know, will be taken away from you. When He gives the parable of the soils, he says you better be careful how you listen. Be careful how you hear. Otherwise, God could actually take something away from you. Take away the knowledge that you think you have. Because according to Scripture, we don’t really know the Word of God until we internalize it and we obey it. And just as I am reaching for God and I love teaching. I go God, the thought that in the next few moments you could fill me with your very spirit and not just a human gifting and a teaching gift, but you know a spiritual gift. Like something supernatural of the Holy Spirit, taking over my body and speaking through this mouth for the common good. Oh God, I want that. I want that. I do not just want to preach another sermon. My job is not to just convey some information to you, but Paul tells the Romans – I’m anxious to come to you that I may impart something spiritual to you. Something that’s of the spirit. And that’s a rush to me to think – God, could it happen tonight? Where it’s not me, it’s Your Spirit and I’m just this vessel, and here I am being filled with God to bless His people. That’s incredible. And so God, I’m reaching for that in the same way, your job is not to just sit there passively. But to equally in faith go – God, I am reaching for You tonight, by the way in which I listen. Can I listen in such a way that it’s miraculous. Not the way information can just go into my mind and me nod my head and say I know it, could it change the inner me to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowing. And so I’m going to pray for you. Because I want tonight to be spiritual. Of the Holy Spirit of God where we walk away and there’s fruit that lasts. Fruit that’s truly life-changing and it’s not just a passing on of information. So let’s think about who we are speaking to. The One who is in control tonight. The One who has ability to have me speak through His Spirit to your spirit. The One who has the ability to have you listen in a way – just like Jesus says, he who has ears let him hear. God could give you ears to hear tonight. And I’m going to pray for that. So let’s come before our holy, holy, holy God. [kneels] [long pause] Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come. [long pause] Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on us. [longer pause] May it be in this room as it is in Heaven, where all eyes are on You, telling You how holy you are. And the voices are just lifting up the worthiness of Your Son. Worthy is the Lamb. We come because He’s worthy. We come because You are holy. We come because by Your grace, You have brought us here. And Lord I pray for my brothers and sisters in this room. Right now Lord, I come through the blood of Jesus, boldly before Your Throne and ask Lord that You give them ears to hear. [long pause] God I pray that You would give me power from Heaven to communicate truth. [long pause] You’re so good, God. Thank You for Your grace. Thank You for Your Love. Your kindness. And You holy presence with us in this room. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen. [breathes heavily then snaps out of his trance… really weird]

Founder’s Week – Francis Chan’s lies


Well, I share with you a great season in my life. As was mentioned earlier, I’ve seven children. Just married off my second daughter. Have two grandchildren. I’ve been planting churches in San Francisco for the last seven years. Um, and it’s been a beautiful time. I love, love, love the elders of my church. Love the pastors that I get to minister alongside of. And, um, in three weeks, my family and I – we are moving to Asia. Moving to Hong Kong. And so it’s a kind of a crazy time for us too. I want to share a little bit about why we’re moving. Six months ago, I was with some friends and my family and we were in Myanmar, Burma. We were just in the slums, and me and this other pastor were going from hut to hut and were explaining the gospel to people, through a translator. People who’ve never heard of Jesus. And you should have seen us. My friend Jimmy leads a huge network of churches there, you know. But we felt like little kids again. You know, you just every time the gospel comes out of our mouth, don’t you get more excited? Yes! That’s what I was thinking. Like when he would be sharing, I’d be on my knees, praying for these people. You know when I would be sharing, he would be praying. And we’re just telling the basics. And it was just a rush because you’re explaining to people who’ve never heard the Name of Jesus. That they actually have a Creator. You go, someone made you. And we’re watching these people, and it wasn’t just like this cordial, you know you’re foreigners, and you know you’ve come into my hut – I’ll be gracious and listen to what you have to say. They had this look like they were truly interested. Like it was blowing their minds. And they were receiving it. And then my wife and my kids, we started doing that one day with the translator and I’d be speaking and my son would be just praying as I’m speaking. Or visa versa. And with my wife, and I just looked at my wife, you know, on the flight home. I go, honey what do we do on a normal day that even compares to this? Like what would we have been doing this week? You know? And to just show that I was right about their hunger, I saw my translator – he was in the US like I don’t know a month or two later, and he was telling me. Do you remember that last couple you were with? And I remembered them, because they were this old couple and she had just found out that she’d had terminal cancer and their just waiting in this hut to die. And my son and I are in there sharing the gospel with them and it’s kind of the last couple, so I’m on the plane praying for them. I go yeah, I remember them. He goes, I went back to visit them three weeks later. And then he starts crying. He goes, they looked at me and said what took you so long to get back to us. We wanted to hear more of what you were saying. We wanted to get baptized. We want this Jesus. And he just weeping, and I just apologized to them, and said I’m so sorry. I’ve just been laboring and I’ve been busy, but there’s no excuse. I should have come here sooner. There’s just this hunger. This thirst. So when I told my wife – I go what else do you want to do? I go, how about we move? And there on the plane, and she’s like let’s do it. Let’s do it. I can remember, like ten years ago, we thought God called us to Hong Kong, let’s just, why don’t we go now. You know. And we’ll just make that a base, so we can be closer to these places. Then two weeks ago, I was back there. A different area in Myanmar, and I can’t even tell you how intense, how amazing the experiences we had were. At one point, we were in this village, okay, in this village that had no believers. Like 0. Not a single one. And this lady had built a relationship, you know, with the head monk, and the village leader. You know, the village elder, and somehow was able to work out so that we could go into the village. And my translator told me he had been in that area before, and was chased out with knives and stones thrown at him. So, he was terrified. But the entire village showed up and I had the honor of sharing the gospel through a translator. But to be the first one to lay out the gospel and explain that they had a Creator, and that He had a Son, and to explain what He did on the cross, and the resurrection, and… There’s no way I could communicate to you, how much peace I felt. Like, [panting] my mouth is moving and I’m sharing the good news with a village of people who have never heard of this before. It’s just, I can’t tell you how great it felt. How good. And this is where I just went back to, you know, my real… I want to do this every day of my life. There’s no peace like this. I can think I want this for you. I was going around telling all of my friends, I wish you could feel what I felt tonight, cause it’s – this is good, I like to preach to people who know the Word of God, it’s good, we’re supposed to do it. But it’s nothing like teaching those who have never heard the Name of Jesus. You know, I… [applause] Yeah, I…

Founder’s Week – Francis Chan’s lies


So, I’m excited. In a couple of weeks, we’ll be moving, Lord-willing. I tell people it’s like this. Okay. I live in San Francisco, so everyone there is a foodie. You know what I mean? Like we’ve got the best food, I don’t know, of anywhere I travel. Just as far as different types and everything. And so everyone’s like a critic – everyone’s a foodie – everyone has to run to certain places and this and that. And that’s cool. My wife and I get arguments cause I get critical cause she’s like I love Panda Express. I’m like, that’s not Chinese food. Stop it. Stop calling it that. You know. And so, I’m a little snobby about my food. But last year, I went to visit one of our ministries in Africa. And went to this IDP camp – that’s internally displaced peoples, where there’s thousands of people – as far as my eye could see, with nowhere to live and no food. And as we’re showing up, I just hear this screech, like out of a horror movie, where you just hear the loudest scream you’ve ever heard. And I see this woman just running back and forth. Like screaming and crying, and hugging and then she’d run to the next person and hug them, and just like. And then she’s herself on the ground, and I’m like woah. What is going on? And I look and at her feet is her son, I’m guessing 6 or 7 years old, just skin and bones, and he just died. And she is going nuts. Meanwhile, you see a lot of people in that area with that same type of condition. And your mind is like gosh, I wish I could have been here just a little bit sooner. I wish we could have known about this. And yet this is happening every day. Where people are just dying like this. Just shrunk down. It’s like looking at a skeleton. And I was going how could he have even been alive? And as this woman is going nuts, I’m just thinking, I’ve got to figure out how to get food to these people. It was very difficult to go back to San Francisco and be a foodie again, when you see people who don’t have food. And I guess that’s what motivates me to now to go somewhere else. We are spiritual foodies. All of you are. This week, you’re going to have speaker after speaker after speaker. And you can go home and listen to some podcast, turn on Moody radio. And you know you have band after the band of worship music. You know, you’re just kind of like – man, I kind of like that guy’s message. Who was that Chinese guy? [laughter] He was a little shallow, kind of made me feel good. I kind of like that lady earlier in the day. Yeah, well I don’t know about… [laughter] Okay, so you’re going… And we just sit here. And we’ll just go, yeah I kind of like this guy… You know who my favorite is? Spiritual foodies, aren’t we? We’re just picking it apart. And I just go, I don’t know if I can do that anymore. When there are people who have no spiritual food. Who’ve never heard the Name of Jesus. And so, I say this because I know there’s a crowd of young people here and you’re thinking about what to do with your life. And you may go, Oh I want to be one of those guys who gets in a coliseum with a lot of people… just think through the calling of Scripture. Because I want this – that peace that I felt there, and those times in life where we want to know we’re living by faith and there’s just so much peace. Like I want that for your life. And I know what you’re going to face your entire life here. Is you’re going to hear a lot of lies. And a lot of those are going to come from within the church. And if I had listened to those voices, I would have missed out on so much of life. Because so many people in the church today, they’ll reason with you from their logic rather than the Scriptures. And I’ll hear… when they do use the Scripture, it’s like one word. Well I want to be good steward of my life. And you should be a good steward of your life. The Bible talks about being a good steward. And so I don’t want to just go out somewhere where I could lose my life – that wouldn’t be a good steward. That wouldn’t be good stewardship. Well actually read that parable about the good steward again. Because if you really look at in Matthew 25:25, it’s that steward who said, you know what I did? I took what you gave me and I hid it in the ground – I kept it safe. Man, I knew okay nothing was going to hurt what you gave me. Isn’t this brilliant? I saved it. That wasn’t a good steward. In Luke 16… I’m sorry Matthew 16, verse 24, Jesus told His disciples “If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever would save his life, will lose it. But whoever loses his life for My sake, will find it.” (ESV) See what He says? Whoever would save my life… save his

Founder’s Week – Francis Chan’s lies


life. Whoever wants to play it safe. He promises you lose your life. There will come some point in your life by playing it safe that you realize that you blew it and you wasted your life. And you’ll go what did I even do? And He goes – but if you lose your life for My sake, there’s a promise. You will find it. It is crazy to me, that it is perfectly normal to be a “Christian” in America and to be obsessed with staying alive. It’s almost like you see it as good stewardship. And it’s a good Christian thing to do to stay alive and stay healthy. Is that really what you see in the Scriptures? Cause Paul says I don’t consider my life dear to me. I don’t look and go – Oh, my life, I want to save it. I just don’t consider it dear at all. And yet it’s very normal for us to protect our lives. Do we believe His promise? Do we know these verses? I’ve been wrestling with this in my soul – just going God, do I still believe this? That if I lose my life for Your sake, I’ll find it? So many times He’s shown Himself to be true to His promises. So many times, as my wife and I have made decisions that just seem ridiculous to others, but we’re so… I just imagine what if we listened to everyone who told us to play it safe? We would have missed out on life. A year ago, we celebrated our 25 year anniversary. And at dinner, my wife looks at me at dinner, and she goes – honey, do you know if anyone on the earth who is as blessed as we are? She goes I keep thinking to myself, there’s got to be someone who is as blessed as we are on this earth. She goes, but I’ve never met them. She goes I literally feel like I’m the happiest person I know. That’s a great thing to hear from your wife. Right? [laughter] But it’s great to look her in the eyes and go gosh, that’s what I think. I just go God, this just isn’t possible. Look at our lives. look at what’s going on. Every time we think we’re going to give something up comes back, and it’s better, and that was a year ago. I would say this last year has been the best year of my life. So, if I was happy 25… you know, at the 25 year mark last year, oh man, I don’t even know how to describe it now. And no, it can’t compare or compete, but I’m pretty sure I would out-happy you. [laughter] It’s just like… we’re always looking at each other. You know my wife in tears going how could God be so good to us? How? How? How? Yet it doesn’t come from playing it safe. It comes from these words and trusting that if we lose our lives, we’re gonna find it. It comes from looking at the New Testament and going, I just want my life to be somewhat congruent with this Book. And the way they lived. They were not obsessed with their health and staying alive. They were obsessed with Jesus. They were obsessed with seeing Him and going if I’m going to stay alive that’s fine, but for me to live is Christ. And to die would be such a gain. To know Him. To See Him. I just want to read that verse again from Acts 20, and have you evaluate – do you know this verse? Like, know it? “I do not account my life of any value, nor as precious to myself. If only I may finish my course and the ministry that I have received from the Lord Jesus to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” Again, Paul says I don’t count my life of any value. He goes, there’s nothing here to save. He goes, I don’t consider it precious to me. The only thing I’m trying to do with my every breath is to complete the ministry that He gave me. If I’m going to breathe another day, it’s to finish the task that He has given me. Which is to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. I just want to get out and explain the grace – what God has given me, through Jesus Christ. I just want to explain that good news. Other than that, I don’t really care to live. I don’t really care to live. To me, living is this. Finishing this task. I remember years ago, some people asked me to – or, this guy asked me to pray that he’d be healed. It was when I was first starting to believe in healing, cause I grew up more just believing the miracles were over with. I would look at the Scriptures and go, … um, I don’t know, it sure seems like it should continue. It sure seems like there’s commands to lay hands on people and pray for their healing. And so we did, and this guy says hey, will you pray for me. I found out I have terminal cancer. Can you pray that I’ll be healed? And I just looked at him and I just said – why? He goes well, what do you mean why? I asked why do you want to be healed? He goes well don’t we all want to be healed. And I would love to see my grandkids grow up. And I replied – that’s it? You want to see your grandkids grow… like why… why stay on the earth? Like, what’s the point to your life? Is it really about you?

Founder’s Week – Francis Chan’s lies


This is just to get people thinking through what is your life about? What are you doing? Why are you still here? What’s the purpose? I want to say something about the healing – ok. [chuckles] I know, I’ll get in trouble. But… [laughter] Okay, so let me just say something. When I first believed in high-school, I took this Book so literally. I got saved in a Baptist church. They told me read the Bible. I started reading the Bible. And I’m like reading and going woah – are you kidding me? With faith, I can move mountains? No joke, no exaggeration, I went in my bedroom and I closed the door and I thought I’m going to move stuff. I did. Cause I’m just going that’s what the Word of God says. You know? And I’m just like staring at my chair and going… [stare-down, audience laughs] I believe. You know? Okay… I’ll start with like a pen, you know? It’s not moving. An then, I literally just thought if I can just make this shutter move, or a little bit of the Bible… you know. Nothing. And like, gosh, what was that? And people start explaining the Word of God to me and go well you know He didn’t really mean that, He didn’t mean this, He didn’t really mean this. And then through our lives, people just kept telling me. I’m like gosh it seems like that whatever I ask in His Name… no, He doesn’t really mean that. Well, just do things beyond what I can imagine. No, He doesn’t really… And everything just kind of got reduced and no, no, no. So, every promise I would see, I began to look at it and go, probably doesn’t mean that. But it was just later, and in deeper study, I would just go gosh. I’m seeing these people with faith, and it was that faith of the centurion who goes no Jesus, I know what it means to be in charge. You could just… You don’t even have to go to my house. And Jesus is like woah, I’ve never seen faith like that. There’s a crowd pressing in to see Jesus right after that. And you remember that woman touches Him, and He goes who touched Me? And the disciples are like, everyone? [laughters] He’s like, no no no no… No. Not like this one person did. She went after me and power went out of me. And I was looking at it going gosh see – there’s people where it was that faith, it was that belief. And, I’m just going Lord, I want to be one of those people. And just go on God I believe in this. So in the last few years, I have believed. Believed in miracles and I have you know… when I meet the sick, pray for them. And believe for healing, and you know. I’m so shocked because every time I would pray – nothing would happen. It gets discouraging. You know? And sometimes I’d even go like overseas to where I’d hear about all of these miracles happening. Go, okay, let me at least see it. And I’d get there and – Africa, India, wherever, anywhere. And they’re like oh you should have been here yesterday. [laughter] So, it was like this complex, you know? But I tell you when I was in that village two weeks ago, no believers, they don’t even have a comprehension of healing. And I’m going God please. Please here. People started coming forward for healing. Every person I touched was healed. [applause and cheering] Okay, this is craziness to me. I have never experienced this in 52 years. I’m talking like a little boy and a little girl were deaf. We lay hands, she starts crying and smiling. Again, these are not Christians, these are not people who have even heard about Jesus and she’s freaking out. We’re like can we lay hands on your little brother? And we go lay hands on him and he starts hearing for the first time… Like, you guys, this is out of my comfort zone. This is stuff I’d read about but I’m going, man it happened. It happened. I mean just stuff, I mean left and right, and I’m going this isn’t… And I’m going God I don’t want to leave this, this is… I mean, I thought I had faith, but my faith was at another level. And I think there are some things that I can attribute it to. Some of it was just faith in His Word. When Jesus says – I’m in you, and you are in Me. To take that literally. Seriously, to take that literally. I mean think about that passage. In John 14, Jesus talks about how, you know how He’s going to go the Father, you know. And Philip goes – can you just show us the Father, that’ll be enough. And Jesus does the weirdest thing. He goes – how could you say that? Anyone who’s seen Me, has seen the Father. That was the strangest statement. No one talks like that. My kids at school have friends who go – I’d like to meet your Dad. The kids reply – how could you say that?... [laughter] You don’t… right? But Jesus was saying something so out of this world. He goes, you don’t understand the Oneness the Father and I have. It’s like nothing on this earth. He and I are one. And if you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen Him. I was going what in the world? And then you see Jesus pray in John 17. He goes – Father, just like You and I are one, I want them to be in us. He says, I want to abide in you and you abide in Me. And somehow, when He says He is seated, He says we are seated with Him in the Heavenly places. Far above all rule and authority… There’s a real way in which I

Founder’s Week – Francis Chan’s lies


am abiding with Jesus right now, as He sits on His Throne, far above all rule and authority. And there’s a very real way that He is in me and abiding in me now. And so when I walked in that village, with a little bit of fear. I said, “No, no. This is no different than if You (talking to God) walked in the village. And I know what You do, Jesus. You proclaim the good news and You Heal. And I can do what You [did]”… I started having this mindset again. I was going, this is what the Word of God says. “You said I would do the same things that You did, and even greater things. Jesus, I know what You would have done in this village.” I believe there was something about that faith. I believe there was something about that unity that we had as a group there. There were a couple of guys who I was partnering with that our theology was not perfectly in line with each other. And I’m not talking about a real minor thing and I’m not talking about a major foundational thing, but it was significant. Let’s call it a medium. It was a medium theological issue – I’ll just throw it out there. It was a complimentarian and egalitarian issue **. Whereas I’m a complimentarian and he’s an egalitarian – and I’m just going oh man, what do we do? Like I love this guy, but you’ve got to go. You know? Cause I know, you know? And yet I would see the love of Christ in His life, and he would study the Word and He landed on this other place, and I landed in this place, and I was like agh… Okay, let’s try, let’s just try to work this out because I love you. I see the way you live your life, and it’s so much like Jesus, and we’ll have to figure this out at some point… but for one, for now, let’s be perfectly one. Let’s see, like the Bible says – we can be perfectly one. ** [complimentarian = men and women equal but different roles; egalitarian = men and woman equal] ‘Cause what is my responsibility whose theology might be different in one of these non-essential foundational areas? I’m still called to love as much as Christ loved the church. [applause] And that difference in theology does not excuse me from becoming perfectly one with him. Not just admitting he’s a Christian, I’ll see him in Heaven one day. No, I’m commanded to become perfectly one and to love him as Christ loved the church. And we fight… we fight for that. And we are becoming perfectly one. And like that Psalm – in Psalm 133, where it says how good and how pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity. At the end is where he says that’s because that’s where God commands his blessing life, forever more. And I believe God was honored by this fight for unity. And I believe God was honored by this pursuit of the unreached, and obeying the great commission. And we saw power. And I don’t know that that means that will happen every time. It’s true that in Jesus’ life, there were certain places where He went and no miracles took place, or He could do very few – [for instance] in His hometown. And that’s the Son of God. And so my theology says that’s not going to… uh, I don’t think that will happen everywhere. Best I understand Scripture. But, the best I understand Scripture, He wants me to believe in my unity with Him. This power that I have because He and I are one. He wants me to believe that you and I can become perfectly one. There may be some of you today who go well I don’t believe in these miracles you talk about. That’s ok. We can still become perfectly one somehow, through that. And I used to fight against all of this stuff. Again, and it wasn’t… it was out of my love for the Lord. I’d fight against these things, and now I’m in a different place theologically. But there has to be this underlying love in the body, because the Bible says that it’s when that happens that He commands His blessings. When that happens, the world is going to believe. And there’s just so… so many people are just ready and on edge to divide. And that’s really the only group we should divide with, are those who are divisive. According to Titus 3:10, he says, warn the divisive person once, warn him again, then have nothing to do with him. We’ve got to fight for this [perfect unity], you guys. And so, I share a lot of this stuff, and I… this will probably be the last time you guys will see me. And I, uh, I am going to be leaving, Lord-willing. I’ll still come back and forth to the US, but I believe my focus is over there for a while. Maybe for life. And [looks up and pauses] I’ve been thinking, I … our plan, is to go to some places that are pretty sketchy, dangerous. And so I’ve had to evaluate my belief again. Do I still believe that my life has no value outside of accomplishing what God wants me to do? Do I still consider my life as not precious to myself, even though I have seven children and two grandkids, and a couple of son-in-laws. Does that change things? Do I still believe that if I lose my life, that’s when I’ll find it? Because the thoughts go through my mind at night – what if I am taken captive? What if I do get sick? What if this? What if that?

Founder’s Week – Francis Chan’s lies


And here’s what I want to say just in case something like that happens. I don’t want anyone to go – see? It didn’t work. Like… that’s crazy. See, he said that if you lost his life, you’d find it. And look what happened to him… I mean he actually lost his life. You’ve got to know I pray for courage in that day to be one of those. Right? Don’t you just go God when the time comes, I have fears like everyone else… Oh God, could You, pour so much grace into my life, that one day I could face that persecution, even the torture or whatever else, and stand with those who’ve stood and were faithful even until death. Cause think about what they’re experiencing right now. Think about entering into glory , in that way. Do you still believe that if you lose your life, you’ll find it? It’s a fight. And I have, by the grace of God, at least in my head right now – I’m like, God, I… I’m good with that. Just give me the grace at the moment. Help me get through it. Am I scared like everyone else would be? Yes. But how many times in life, have I been scared and just thought – no, I got to trust Him. And let’s just go. And that’s where you find life. And life eternal. Oh Father, I pray for my brothers and sisters in this room right now. Oh Jesus, I pray for myself – all of us. The enemy puts doubts in our minds. He puts fear in minds. God we know You are good. We think about everything You did out of Your love for us. We come here to worship You for that. And God I pray now that Your grace would fall upon us to give us the courage to endure whatever You are calling us to right now. May we not be obsessed with staying alive. May we not consider our lives of any value other than to spend it serving You. So one day when we see Your face, God, and we know at that moment, we know it will all be worth it. So Lord just give us the power to persevere. Give us the power to just kick out all of the lies. Give us ears to hear Your Word and not to listen to the voice of strangers. You are our Shepherd. May we hear Your voice clearly. Change us Lord inwardly. That we can hear You and know You. [doing an odd gesture with both hands – it looks like two “L” shapes … bouncing his hands back and forth from himself toward the audience and up… odd?] And follow You. Even until death. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. [Audience said amen and then applauded]

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