Koran in Topics Hear Minshawi OMG Prophet’s Words Original work of Ghazali, Razi, Shafi’i, Abu Hanifa Contemporary are small rabbits! For JORDAN PETERSON Prophetic Sayings Amazing Innovative Protection Methodology Roadmap


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Koran in Topics

Hear Minshawi OMG


Words Original work of

Ghazali, Razi, Shafi’i, Abu

Hanifa Contemporary are

small rabbits!

For JORDAN PETERSON Prophetic Sayings Amazing

Innovative Protection

Methodology Roadmap

Koran in Topics

Hear Minshawi OMG


Words Original work of

Ghazali, Razi, Shafi’i, Abu

Hanifa Contemporary are

small rabbits!

Mr. Jordan B. Peterson, May Allah make your president of

Muslims in the west so, be believer but don’t be Muslim till

they accept you as such, See President Peterson the Green!

Proposal, Anne and Ahmad [email protected]



Closing the hadith science


Finalizing The Hadith


by ahmad ibn darwish and

www.Allah.com www.Muhammad.com

تغليق خريطة علم احلديث

خدمة أمحد بن الدرويش وآن خدجية

anne khadijah

See Youtube recording by the author

Update and Google draft translation for

Honorable Jordan Peterson

May Allah make him the president of

Muslims in the west supporting them as

Omar supported Islam in the early days

For Brother Azhar of Birmingham UK

شاىد التسجيل على يوتيوب من قبل ادلؤلف بفضل هللا تعاذل

للنطاق Google ربديث ومسودة ترمجة

احملتم جوردان بيتسون

جعلو هللا رئيسا دلسلمي الغرب نصتىم كما أيد عمر اإلسالم ب األيام األوذل

لألخ أزىر من برمنغهام بادلملكة ادلتحدة

who asked for it in December 2021

Remembrance of Allah often protects

you from hypocrisy

The hypocrites (thinking they) deceive

Allah, and (indeed) He is deceiving

them, and when they stand up for

prayer, they stand lazy, showing people.

And they do not remember Allah except

a little.

2021الذي طلب ذلك ب ديسمرب

ذكر هللا كثتا حيفظك من النفاق

إن المنافقت خيادعون الل وىو خادعهم وإذا قاموا إذل الصالة قاموا كساذل ي راءون الناس

Today's joke: the orientalists Goldziher

and Joseph Schacht did not know the

types of transmission of innovative

methodology to protect prophetic

hadiths, so they failed and declared a lot

of hatred, doubt and ignorance as

scientific research. Fuat Sezgin

answered them – see exhibit below

ول يذكرون الل إل قليال

وجوزيف غولدزيهر ادلستشرقان: اليوم نكتة ادلبتكرة ادلنهجية نقل أنواع يعرفوا دل شاخت

وأعلنوا ففشلوا، النبوية األحاديث حلماية كبحث واجلهل والشك الكراىية من الكثت سيزكت فؤاد. علمي

7500 Prophetic Sayings Hadith

6,236 Koran verses and 7,500 hadiths

that protected by memorizing and in

writing by repeating them in hundreds

of thousands on the tongues and

booklets of 70,000 narrators (see the

excel from my preparation) for example

in the nine books 68000 repeats. The

narrators in the first Islamic century

were 4200 narrators among 9408

أدناه الفهرست انظر - أجاهبم

حديث نبوي 7500

حديث زلمي 7500آية قرآنية و 6236باحلفظ والكتابة من خالل ترديدىا دبئات

راوي 70000اآللف على ألسنة وكتيبات من إعدادي( على سبيل ادلثال اإلكسل)انظر

Companions of the Prophet Muhammad

and their children (see my Ibn Hajar-

Darwish bio encyclopedia of them) one

amazing example: Lady Aisha narrated

2210 hadith were subject to repetitions

of 14,006 times in 385 Narrators in their

books that we have (see the excel

prepared by me)

تكرار. كان الرواة ب 68000ب تسعة كتب راوي من بت 4200القرن اإلسالمي األول

صلى هللا–من صحابة الرسول زلمد 9408وأولدىم )انظر موسوعة ابن -عليو وسلم

حجر درويش اإلكسل ذلم( مثال رائع: رويت حديثا تعرضت للتكرار 2210السيدة عائشة

من الرواة ب كتبهم 385مرة ب 14006 اليت عندنا )انظر الكسل الذي اعدتو(

In the name of of Allah the Merciful

Please see ADS

Reflections on the history of the Arab

heritage of Fouad Sezgin in the science

of hadith



This scientific work, called “Reflections

بسم هللا الرمحن الرحيم

Please see ads

التاث العريب لفؤاد استدراكات على تاريخ » «سزكت ب علم احلديث


on the History of Arab Heritage in the

Science of Hadith,” is one of the building

blocks of the heritage encyclopedia

aimed at complementing the work of

Fouad Sezgin, which included the

faculties and benefits of an argument,

and clearly shed light on the importance

of collecting the lost from the heritage

combined with the existing from it. The

book represents a new attempt that

followed Brockelmann’s and other

earlier attempts to define the books of

Arab heritage, what was lost and what

remained, while drawing the framework

of the intellectual movement and its

development through the first centuries


استدراكات "إن ىذا العمل العلمي ادلوسوم ب

، "على تاريخ التاث العريب ب علوم احلديثية اذلادفة ىو إحدى لبنات ادلوسوعة التاث

ادلكملة لعمل فؤاد سزكت الذي اشتمل على كليات وفوائد حجة، وسلط األضواء بصورة

واضحة على أمهية مجع ادلفقود من التاث

of Islamic history..

This is because Sezgin did not limit

himself in his book to mentioning the

written and printed works that have

reached us, but went beyond them to

mentioning the lost works, which is

necessary in recording the intellectual


On the other hand, these rectifications

were in virtue of remembering, or

veiled, that is recorded, for it is what the

researcher has done to collect what was

scattered of the precious manuscripts of

the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is

والكتاب ديثل زلاولة . مضموما إذل ادلوجود منوجديدة أعقبت زلاولة بروكلمان وزلاولت

أخرى أسبق للتعريف بكتب التاث العريب ما وما بقي، مع رسم إطار احلركة فقد منها

الفكرية وتطورىا عرب القرون األوذل من التاريخ .اإلسالمي

ىذا وأن سزكت دل يقتصر ب كتابو على ذكر

because of abundance and majesty in a

place, this section is completely

overlooked by Fouad Sezgin, except for

small recordings of precious What I

contained in my Mahmudiyah library

and Aref Hikmat in Madinah I quoted it

from others.

In addition to this feature, there is

another one embodied in the researcher

drawing attention to the precious

scientific treasures of manuscripts in the

art of the noble hadith and others

contained in this blessed country. Its

benefits. The researcher was keen in

these corrections to follow the approach

ادلؤلفات اخلطية وادلطبوعة اليت وصلت إلينا بل تعداىا إذل ذكر ادلؤلفات ادلفقودة، وىو أمر

.ضروري ب تسجيل احلركة الفكرية

من جانب آخر فإنو كان ذلذه الستدراكات ب فضيلة تذكر، أو منقبة تسجل، فإن ىي ما

قام بو الباحث من مجع ما تناثر من نفائس سلطوطات ادلملكة العربية السعودية، وىي ن

of the original that these additions

redressed, affecting his traceability in

the following: First: With regard to the

time period covered by Sezgin’s work in

the science of hadith, which reached the

middle of the fifth century AH, as for the

rest of the Other arts, it traces the time

period extending from the era of the

Rightly-Guided Caliphs to about the

year 430 AH. Accordingly, the

researcher proceeded with his modern

deductions, “These and reached where

Sezgin ended, and he reached the middle

of the fifth century AH, following the

example of the original owner. Second,

الوفرة واجلاللة دبكان، فإن ىذا الباب غفل عنو فؤاد سزكت سباما باستثناء تسجيالت

و مكتبيت احملمودية يستة لنفائس ما حوتوعارف حكمت بادلدينة ادلنورة اقتبسها من


باإلضافة إذل ىذه ادلزية فإن ىناك واحدة أخرى ذبسدت ب لفت الباحث األنظار إذل

the researcher held this rectification "

Some of the compilers have a translation

for those who did not translate Sezgin

for them, and only the missing was

mentioned in his translation. This ruling

is directed mainly to the subjects of the

first volume, which includes the sciences

of the Qur’an, hadith, historical

recording, jurisprudence, beliefs, and

mysticism. As for the rest of the

volumes, this ruling does not include

them. The matter, according to the

researcher, needs careful study to arrive

at an accurate ruling on this and the

abundance of the subject. It remains

الكنوز العلمية النفيسة من ادلخطوطات ب فن احلديث الشريف وغته اليت ربتويها ىذه البالد

الطالع ادلباركة، حيث حرص الباحث علىعلى الذخائر من األصول اخلطية اليت حوهتا

مؤسساهتا العلمية وخرج حبصيلة أغنت عملو وقد حرص الباحث ب .ىذا وأغزرت فوائده

ىذه الستدراكات الست وفق منهج األصل الذي استدرك عليو ىذه اإلضافات، مؤثرا

that the origin in this work and the

afterthought prepared by the researcher

is to identify the existing heritage, as a

first step, and draw the attention of

researchers and scholars to it, then move

to collect it and facilitate it for them by

the competent institutions.

Hikmat Bashir Yassin - Muhammad Al-

Ani - ❰ for

him Collection From literature Highligh

ts ❰ Reflections on the history of Arab

heritage ❰ Publishers : ❰ Dar:

house Son nutty ❰ ❰

From the books of Islamic history - the

اقتفاء أثره فيما ضلاه

ة الزمنية اليت بالنسبة للمرحل: أول : وىو التارلغطاىا عمل سزكت ب علم احلديث، حيث

بلغ بو منتصف القرن اخلامس اذلجري، أما ب سائر الفنون األخرى فهو تتبع الفتة الزمنية

ادلمتدة من عصر اخللفاء الراشدين إذل حوارل ى وعلى ىذا فإن الباحث مضى ب 430سنة

library of history and geography books.

The end of the text of the hadith and the

effects from the beginning of the arrival

only until it is translated into 109

languages, thanks to God Almighty

Business compass is talking

The Messenger of God, may God’s

prayers and peace be upon him, said:

Have I not been given the Qur’an, and

the same with it... |Prophetic hadith in

size and wisdom | What is the size of

what the Prophet said is approximately

ىذه ووصل إذل حيث " استدراكاتو احلديثية ى سزكت فبلغ هبا منتصف القرن اخلامس انته

ثانيا، عقد . اذلجري على غرار صاحب األصل " الباحث ب ىذا ادلستدرك

لبعض ادلصنفت ترمجة دلن دل يتجم ذلم سزكت،

وىذا احلكم . ودل يذكر ب ترمجتو إل ادلفقودموجو أساسا إذل مواد اجمللد األول ادلشتمل

equal to the size of the Qur’an in one


1. arrival start pdf

2 . The start of access is an automatic

reply from Google with errors

3 . Access start book

4 . Text Excel file and traces of the

beginning of access Arabic, Indonesian

and perhaps English

5 . The laziness of the nine books

، والتدوين على علوم القرآن، واحلديثأما بقية . التارخيي، والفقو، والعقائد، والتصوف

اجمللدات فإن ىذا احلكم ل يشملها، فاألمر كما يرى الباحث حيتاج إذل دراسة متأنية

للوصول إذل حكم دقيق ب ىذا وغزارة ويبقى أن األصل ب ىذا العمل . ادلوضوع

وادلستدرك الذي أعده الباحث الوقوف على جود، باعتباره خطوة أوذل، ولفت التاث ادلو

أنظار الباحثت والدارست إليو، ب التحرك جلمعو وتيسته ذلم من قبل ادلؤسسات


لو ❱ -زلمد العاين -حكمت بشت ياست

استدراكات ❞ أبرزىا ادلؤلفات من رلموعة ❞: الناشرين ❝على تاريخ التاث العريب

❱ ❝ اجلوزي ابن دار


Prophet_Muhammad_Speaks in 109

مكتبة كتب -من كتب التاريخ اإلسالمي .التاريخ و اجلغرافيا


هناية متون احلديث واآلثار من بداية الوصول لغة بفضل هللا تعاذل 109فقط حىت يتجم إذل


Go Muhammad.com to download

The hadith collector +777 (click) The

fixed sanctity in Arabic|

|Bahasa Arab-Indonesia 9 kitab

Ungkapan Nabi (Hadis) (click) Otentik

tanpa pengulangan di 6200 bukannya


All Arabic copies pdf, word |Arabic-

English 9 books of Prophetic Sayings

(Hadith) without repetition in 7500

بوصلة العمل ىو احلديث

: قال رسول هللا صلى هللا عليو وسلم... أل إين أوتيت القرآن، ومث لو معو

أي |احلديث النبوي حجما وحكما|حجم ماقالو الرسول يساوي تقريبا

حجم القرآن ب كتاب واحد

instead of 62000

also known as:

Prophet_Muhammad_Speaks in 109


The nine books of the established

Prophetic hadith without repetition

(click) with a total of 7,540 hadiths

instead of 62,000 under 3,586 titles|

Download the annotated original and

word, meaning the beginning of access

to the science of hadith without

repetition, need to review the text |(click)

(click) on the original available PDF

pdfبداية الوصول .1تلقائي من جوجل بو بداية الوصول ورد .2

آخطاء كتاب بداية الوصول .3ملف إكسل متون وآثار بداية الوصول عريب .4

وإندونيسي وردبا إصلليزي كسل الكتب التسعة .5

English 1st Draft of Hadith Finale

(click) (6200) this file this file no arabic

English 2nd Draft of Hadith Finale

(click) (6200) this file with Arabic

All the talk on the surface of the earth

with repetitions

More than 110,000 times what Al-Albani






خريطة علم احلديثتغليق


The Hadith Roadmap

خلادم احلديث أمحد بن الدرويش وخادم احلافظ عبد هللا بن الصديق الغماري احلست




translation of the Companions-9061-and

their sons-347-injured.docx


MuslimBest collection of Bukhari and







انظر ادللحق باآلخر


Ahmad Ibn Darwish

Go Muhammad.com to download

( القدسية click) 777+جامع األحاديث | الثابتة بالعربية|



A map of the closure of the science of

hadith, knowledge and narration of the

Prophet’s Sunnah of the Messenger of

God, the Seal of the Messengers, and the

master of all Adam’s children, may

God’s prayers and peace be upon him

It is a synthesis of the science of hadith,

a knowledge and a narration that began

120 years ago

In one book, it is sufficient for you in

|Indonesia 9 -Bahasa Arabkitab Ungkapan Nabi (Hadis)

(click) Otentik tanpa pengulangan di 6200

bukannya 62000| All Arabic copies pdf, word

|Arabic-English 9 books of Prophetic Sayings (Hadith)

Arabic, English, Indonesian and 109

languages, which is the end of the text

With his explanation in Arabic in 12

volumes in the Beginning of Access

Then we wrote the covers for most of the

books, as you can see, their lists with this

author as an index for them, until the

closing was done in the best possible

way, by the grace of God Almighty.

And thank you to the engineer,

Mohamed Ashour in Algeria, the

updated Mahmoud Salah in Egypt,

Shezan in America, Zubi in England,

and the engineer Ibrahim in Nablus and

without repetition in 7500 instead of 62000

also known as: Prophet_Muhammad_Speaks

in 109 languges الكتب التسعة للحديث النبوي الثابت |

حديثا 7540( دبجموع clickبدون تكرار ) | عنوان 3586ربت 62000بدل من

Turkey, and everyone who helped even

with a letter.

Final work:


Teach the boy who is the son of seven

Prayer | |

www.Allah.com www.Muhammad.com

The Original Sayings of

ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصThe Messenger of Allah; Rasulillah ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

The Finale All Authentic 6270 Sayings in

2950 Themes

محل األصل ادلشروح وورد أي بداية الوصول ديث بال تكرار حباجة دلراجعة النص لعلم احل

|(click) (clickعلى األصل يب دي إف ادلتاح )

English 1st Draft of Hadith Finale (click) (6200) this file

this file no arabic English 2nd Draft of Hadith

6270 newly

in 2,950 titles

The original sayings of the Messenger of

God, peace and blessings be upon him,

by Imam al-Nawawi, and they are

trusted by the nine books

Nawawi Finale Collection

Documented by the Nine books of


Reported by Ahmad and Abdullah

Alghumari, Abdullah Talidi and ibnid


Finale (click) (6200) this file with Arabic

كل احلديث على سطح األرض بتكرارات

ضعف ما مجع األلباين 110000أكثر من Ahmawww.Muhammad.com/


The Messenger of Allah; Rasulullah ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص


1. “Know, in fact I was given the Koran,

and the like of it |Prophetic sayings both

in size and in law|”

The Messenger of God, may God’s

prayers and peace be upon him, said:

Have I not been given the Qur’an, and

the same with it... |Prophetic hadith in

size and wisdom |

2. “Anyone who studies while s/he is not



www.Muhammad.com/9408--وأبنائهم-9061-الصحابة-ترمجة-جامع docx.باإلصابة-347


merely hoping for the pleasure of Allah

SWT, but to scavenge the coffers of the

world, therefore, s/he will not be able to

smell the sweet fragrance of Paradise on

the Day of Resurrection.”

Whoever acquires knowledge of that

which he desires, the Face of God, the

Mighty and Sublime, does not learn it

unless it befalls the honorable one with


3. “Whoever is seeking |Koran and

Hadith| Knowledge is only to debate the

scholars, or to be arrogant in front of

the fools, or just to get recognition from

the people, and then Allah will put him

dBukhariMuslim أفضل مجع للبخاري docx.ومسلم




in hell.”

Whoever seeks knowledge in order to

compete with the scholars, or to contend

with the foolish, or to divert the faces of


4. “At the end of every hundred years,

Allah Almighty sends for this Muslim

nation a reformer | mujaddid| to revive

its religious knowledge|”.

God sends to this nation at the head of

every hundred years someone to renew

its religion for it

5. “Teach prayers to your young when


خريطة تغليق علم احلديث دراية ورواية السنة وخاب ادلرسلت وسيد ولد النبوية لرسول هلل

آدم أمجعت صلى هللا عليو وسلم

وىو تغليق الغماريت التليديت لعلم احلديث سنة 120دراية ورواية بدأوا من

they are seven years old.”

Teach the boy, who is the son of seven, to

pray | the Qur'an and hadith |

Al-Hafidz al-Kabir Ahmad al-

Ghummariy said: This hadith is

narrated by Abu Dawud, alTirmidzy, al-

DaaroQuthniy, Ahmad and Al-Hakim.

Lafadz this hadith belongs to Ahmad

and Al-Hakim. According to Imam Al-

Tirmidzi and Al-Tabaraniy, the hadith

of this hadith is valid.

1500 years of history:

بكتاب واحد يكفيك بالعربية واإلصلليزية |هناية ادلتون|وىو لغة 109و واإلندونيسية

بداية |رللدا ب 12مع شرحو بالعربية ب |الوصول

ألفنا تغليقات دلعظم الكتب كما ترى ب قوائمها هبذا ادلؤلف كفهرس ذلا حىت ب التغليق

بأفضل ما يكون بفضل هللا تعاذل

From the amazing success of God

Almighty, who was described by a lover

of us from the door of the fascinated one

who erred in his tongue and said, “O

God, you are my servant and I am your

Lord: By God, your activity and your

vitality amaze me. A good deed accepted

in the newspaper of your Sheikh - Al-

Hafiz - Sidi Abdullah Al-Ghamari


In exact numbers with 61 download


God willing, soon he will explain it in

audio, as it is the mainstay of the

وشكرا للمنهدس زلمد عاشور باجلزائر واحملدث زلمود صالح دبصر وشيزان بأمريكا

وزويب باصللتى وادلهندس إبراىيم بنابلس وتركيا جواىم هللا وكل من ساعد ولو حبرف و أىلي

خت اجلزاء

:العمل النهائي


knowledge of the noble hadith

The Messenger of God, may God’s

prayers and peace be upon him, said: “It

has been proven” * Covering 3,311 titles

between me, more than 127 thousand

Companions, Companions and their


We have had from their news, may God

Almighty be pleased with them, 9408

The Noble Hadith was narrated by 1565

among them famous people, who were

collected by Al-Hafiz Al-Tilidi, and he

narrated from them in its beginning,

and their number is 308. From 1565 the

| |علموا الصب وىو ابن سبع الصالة

www.Allah.com www.Muhammad.com

The Original Sayings of

;The Messenger of Allah ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصRasulillahملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

The Finale All Authentic 6270

narrators companions whose news we

have reached within 9408 of Ibn Hajar’s

closure in color | Catalogs of the Great

Mosque or Collecting Mosques 46605

Newly |

He tried to comprehend all the

narrators of the Companions, al-Hafiz

ibn Hazm, but more than 500 missed


The narrators of the companions and

followers 4200? |See them with a nice

pixel |

Gifts: 1. The Joy of Souls by Al-Hafiz

Abdullah bin Abi Jamra - we will

Sayings in 2950 Themes

حديثا 6270

عنوانا 2950ب

األصلية لإلمام النواوي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصأقوال رسول هللا وثقهتا الكتب التسعة

provide it successively, God willing 2.

The supplications for Al-Nawawi 3.

Riyadh Al-Salihin by Al-Nawawi 4.

Collector of authentic hadiths in

interpretation 5. Collector of authentic

hadiths in the biography 6. Collector of

authentic hadiths in the characteristics

of the Prophet The three of them are for

Al-Hafiz Al-Tilidi 7. Treasures of the

Caliphs Imam Abu Bakr, Imam Ali, the

difference Omar, the noble Othman, the

mother of the believers and the mother

of the hadith Mrs. Aisha has 14006

repeated hadiths in 385 books, may God

be pleased with them

Nawawi Finale Collection

Documented by the Nine books of Hadith

Reported by Ahmad and Abdullah

Alghumari, Abdullah Talidi

and ibnid

Correction of the definition of the

hadith, a narration and knowledge by

Al-Hafiz Abdullah Al-Ghamari, may

God have mercy on him, and then tahbir

How to become a Muhaddith for Al-

Hafiz Ahmed bin Al-Siddiq Al-Ghamari,

and it was mentioned with indexing and


Excel 3000 author with the date of death

its first compilation in 2005 to design the


A modern endowment encyclopedia for

automatic search. The result is arranged


The Messenger of Allah; Rasulullah ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said:

1. “Know, in fact I was given the Koran, and the like of it

|Prophetic sayings both in size

in order with the date of death in a book

draft with logical excel

The most important assets are the 9

76627 newly written books | combined in

one Excel by our student, Mahmoud

Salah | I criticize them 247 newly only

under the weak

Fixed 74083 and weak 2544 of which

12823 are duplicates and 55354 without

recurring after deleting 247 is left

The hadith term used in the Nine Books

| Do not waste your time beyond |

The largest indexed dictionary of the

and in law”|

: قال رسول هللا صلى هللا عليو وسلم... أل إين أوتيت القرآن، ومث لو معو

|احلديث النبوي حجما وحكما|

2. “Anyone who studies while s/he is not merely hoping for

the pleasure of Allah SWT, but to scavenge the coffers of

Qur’an, the nine origins, Sahih al-Shifa,

Sahih al-Khasifat, Sahih Tafsir al-

Qur’an, and the mother’s evidence for

Imam al-Shafi’i, may God Almighty

have mercy on him - 36000 words with

complete verses and texts - Alukah was

omitted by way of envy

A brief arrangement of the Musnad of

Ahmad bin Hanbal on Al-Anawiyin by

Al-Sa’ati, may God have mercy on him

And wider than it is the entire predicate

Excel divided by the titles of the

modernist Mahmoud Salah

Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal 28313 in the

the world, therefore, s/he will not be able to smell the sweet

fragrance of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection”.

عز من ت علم علما شلا ي بتغى بو وجو هللا وجل ل ي ت علمو إل ليصيب بو عرضا

ن يا دل جيد عرف اجلنة ي وم القيامة من الد

3. “Whoever is seeking |Koran

footnote to Al-Sindi Word | Qatar’s copy

is incomplete with about 10,000 hadiths

and a saqr copy of which 33 hadiths

have fallen off| We revised it, and I

deleted the Alukah and the people of

hadith, the green dome, and our creedal

criticism of the idols of Ibn Taymiyyah,

and the Musnad of Ahmad 90% is fixed,

of which 11,000 is on the condition of Al-

Bukhari and Muslim or one of them,

and the remaining 10% is weak.

Al-Tabarani's Dictionaries | Key Al-

Tabarani's Small Lexicon by Al-Hafiz

Ahmad Al-Ghamari, the three

dictionaries combined in one Excel |

and Hadith| knowledge is only to debate the scholars, or

to be arrogant in front of the fools, or just to get recognition

from the people, and then Allah will put him in hell”.

من طلب العلم ليجاري بو العلماء، أو فهاء، أو يصرف بو وجوه ليماري بو الس

The largest explanation of Sunan Al-

Bayhaqi by the great Hafiz Ahmad Al-

Ghamari, may God have mercy on him,

download Excel and its indexes

And its abridged Mughni of the Prophet

on the authority of the muhaddith and

jurist copied the servant of the Knower

of God Almighty with the Leader, may

God Almighty have mercy on him

|Books of evidence of jurisprudence that

the great hafiz Ahmed bin Al-Siddiq,

may God Almighty have mercy on him,

said that it suffices the mujtahid in a

letter to his beloved and beloved Al-

الناس إليو، أدخلو هللا النار

4. “At the end of every hundred years, Allah Almighty sends for this Muslim nation a reformer

|mujaddid| to revive its religious knowledge.”|

عث ذلذه األمة على رأس كل إن هللا ي ب


Indication of the chains of references in

the mothers of references:

That we divided the book into lines that

begin with a prayer on the Prophet, and

it is the home of a hadith or an impact

The Musnad of the History of Damascus

by Mahmoud Salah

Musnad hadiths of Al-Muwatta’ 602


Musnad Al-Hafiz 11516 with the injury

in distinguishing the Companions

د ذلا دي ن ها مائة سنة من جيد

5. “Teach prayers to your young when they are seven years


علموا الصب وىو ابن سبع االصالة |بالقرآن وحلديث|

Al-Hafidz al-Kabir

4484 Musnad al-Tabari with its history

11253 Musnad al-Tabari at the

University of Tafsir al-Qur’an

16966 Musnad Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Fath


18203 The Musnad of Al-Hafiz

Muhammad bin Saad bin Manee’ was

mentioned from the layers

11253 Musnad al-Tabari from Jami’

Ta’wil al-Qur’an

11800 Musnad Ether with the Lion of

the Forest in the Companions

Ahmad al-Ghummariy said: This hadith is

narrated by Abu Dawud, alTirmidzy, al-

DaaroQuthniy, Ahmad and Al-Hakim. Lafadz this hadith belongs to

Ahmad and Al-Hakim.

18203 The Musnad of Al-Hafiz bin Saad

with the layers

Excel Al-Hafiz Al-Talidi in the fixed

interpretation, biography and

characteristics 3233 hadith, as for the

beginning of it, there are tens of

thousands of constants covering about

3000 titles

Excel all the works of the Muhaddith

Mahmoud Saeed, which is less than 1000

hadiths in criticism of Al-Albani with

the help of Ibn Al-Tanji Al-Tunisi, by the

Muhaddith Mahmoud Salah |With

anomalies from the Ghamaris, such as

According to Imam Al-Tirmidzi and Al-

Tabaraniy, the hadith of this hadith is valid.

:عاما 1500تغليقات مستة

من توفيق هللا تعاذل ادلدىش الذي وصفو زلب

the accusation of Moulay Idris of

retiring as a belief and the Zaydiyyah as

a doctrine that Al-Hafiz ridiculed in Al-

Ju`na |

God’s first grace upon us in 1981, when

we prepared a word

The great conquest of our sheikhs al-

Nabhani, which included the addition of

the small mosque to the mosque, which

was brought out by al-Albani and called

it Sahih al-Jami and weak

And we brought out an indexed

dictionary of Sahih Al-Jami’ in 30

thousand words. We copied it with the

لنا من باب ادلنبهر الذي أخطأ لسانو فقال وهللا نشاطك : "اللهم أنت عبدي وأنا ربك

وحيويتك تدىشت، أفكار متوالية كادلطر لنفع األمة السالمية وتسهيل سبل العلم باهلل

م جزاك عزوجل وبرسولو صلى هللا عليو وسلهللا عنها خت اجلزاء وجعلو عمال صاحلا مقبول

سيدي عبد -احلافظ –ب صحيفة شيخك ب رؤيتو ديتص : السر.|آمت" هللا الغماري

orientalist lexicon, and it was written.

The original was sent as a gift to Hafiz

Abdul Aziz Al-Ghamari in 6 parts on

paper with a large syllable and a small


And we compared the Sahih Al-Jami’ by

Al-Hafiz Abdullah Al-Ghamari and the

Sahih Al-Jami’ by Al-Albani, so the

difference was 35 hadeeths in which

Sheikh Al-Albani erred.

See the collection of hadiths of the

Prophet that were judged by two Al-

Albani rulings

And the small mosque is 12% of it

بنان الرسول فأصبح كل شيء عنده |انظر جامع رؤيات أمحد وخدجية|بنقرة

وصلة ربميل 61باألرقام ادلنضبطة مع

فهي عماد إن شاء هللا قريبا شرحها بالصوت علم احلديث الشريف

* قال رسول هللا صلى هللا عليو وسلم ثابتهاعنوانا بت ظهراين أكثر من 3311تغطية

Then the door of facilitation, the

rehabilitation of the small mosque of Al-

Hafiz Abdullah Al-Ghamari

Excel Works of Sheikh Al-Muhaddith

Al-Hafiz Al-Albani

Thabit Al-Albani 39011 and weak Al-

Albani 10244 with a total of 49,255

|Sahih and Weak, and the rest of his

works are 49 thousand hadiths

Albanian Excel compared to the nine

books 110,785 i.e. in the arena of the

nine books

ألف صحايب وصحابية وأولدىم 127

وصل لنا من أخبارىم رضي هللا تعاذل عنهم |تغليق اإلصابة للحافظ ابن حجر| 9408

منهم مشاىت 1565روى احلديث الشريف افظ التليدي وروى عنهم ببدايتو مجعهم احلاليواقيت واجلواىر دبعرفة | 308وعددىم

1565من | رواة الصحابة ادلشاىت للتليدي

|Al-Albani abandoned the doctrine of

Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and Ibn Taymiyyah

after he recited



Al-Hafiz Abdullah bin Abi Jamra

responded to the stereotype, so Ibn Baz

and Al-Tuwaijri were stigmatized by

analogy with the eye of disbelief, so they

expelled him from Medina - he died on

the belief of Imam Al-Shafi’i - and he

mentioned the blessing of the Prophet in

his graduation the summary of the

biography of Ibn Kathir where he

الصحابة الرواة شلن وصلنا أخبارىم من تغليق إصابة ابن حجر 9408 ضمن

فهارس اجلامع الكبت أو مجع |باأللوان |حديثا 46605اجلوامع

الصحابة احلافظ حاول يستوعب كل رواة | | 500بن حزم فغاب عنو أكثر من

انظرىم |؟ 4200ورواة الصحابة والتابعت

corrected the hadith of Al-Noor Al-

Muhammadi at pregnancy and birth,

and they say she is in the fire and we are

familiar The indication of the utterance

of the Qur’an - and do not stand on his

grave - with her faith |

Wound multiplication table and

arithmetic adjustment

Applying the multiplication table to Al-

Jarh and Al-Ta’deel 17544 by Ibn Abi

Hatim 327 A.H., may God Almighty

have mercy on him It is the door of his

companions, all characteristics that

discourage the consensus of a reliable

not looking for justice, one of them is

|بإكسل لطيف

هبجة النفوس للحافظ عبد هللا بن . 1: ىدايا. 2نتيحو تباعا إن شاء هللا تعاىل –أيب مجرة

رياض الصاحلت للنووي . 3األذكار للنووي جامع األحاديث الصحيحة ب التفست. 4. 6جامع األحاديث الصحيحة ب الستة . 5

جامع األحاديث الصحيحة ب اخلصائص كنوز . 7النبوية ثالثتهم للحافظ التليدي

also looking for justice narrators and

quoted so saying {peace be upon him} |

The best of people are my horns | | True

Prophetic Characteristics of Suyuti


Excel 60 thousand by including the

translations of men | with the origins of

their books and their receipts complete

but divided logically |

Al-Jarh and Editing by Ibn Abi Hatim


The refinement of perfection Youssef bin

Al-Zaki bin Abdul Rahman Abu Al-

Hajjaj Al-Mazi 742

اخللفاء اإلمام أيب بكر واإلمام علي والفارق عمر والكرن عثمان وأم ادلؤمنت وأم احلديث

أحاديث مكررة 14006السيدة عائشة ذلا ي هللا عنهمكتابا رض 385ب

تصحيح تعريف احلديث رواية ودراية للحافظ عبد هللا الغماري رمحو هللا تعاذل ب رببته

كيف تصت زلدثا للحافظ أمحد بن الصديق

The balance of moderation in the

criticism of men Muhammad bin Ahmed

bin Othman Shams Al-Din Al-Dhahabi


History of Islam Shams al-Din al-

Dhahabi 748

Tahdheeb al-Tahdheeb Abu al-Fadl

Ahmad ibn Ali ibn Hajar al-Asqalani


The Generation of Benefit by the Men of

the Four Imams Abu Al-Fadl Ahmed bin

Ali bin Hajar Al-Asqalani 852

الغماري وورد بفهرسة وتأريخ

مؤلف بتاريخ الوفاة أول 3000إكسل :لتصميم التارل 2005تأليف لو عام

التلقائي زبرج موسوعة وقفية حديثية للبحث النتيجة مرتبة بتاريخ الوفاة ب مسودة كتاب

مع إكسل منطقي

76627أىم األصول ىي الكتب التسعة

Approaching Al-Tahdheeb Abu Al-Fadl

Ahmed bin Ali bin Hajar Al-Asqalani


Likewise, Excel has 8 books that you

find inside the files of our encyclopedia

.|03% |The 1833 complex of liars among

60,000 truthful ones | If some workers

volunteered for a month, we would have

expelled all their lies with all references

of Islam except for Sahih al-Bukhari

and Muslim and the beginning of access

and 90% of the musnad of Ahmad - it

has been worked out and there is no

falsehood in it, and 10% is weak and

ضمها ب إكسل واحد تلميذنا |حديثا 247أنتقد عليهم | احملدث زلمود صالح

حديثا فقط ربت الضعيف

منها 2544وضعيف 74083ثابت بدون تكرار بعد 55354مكرر و 12823

متوك 247 حذف

مصطلح احلديث ادلستعمل ب الكتب التسعة

most of it works -| By searching with a

click for all the lies, any of the 1833, all

their lies are brought out with all the

references, for example, among them the

liar Omar Ibn Subuh, with a click, an

automatic book with a copy of 26 text

comes out for you. The part of Omar

Ibn Subh is a liar, the hadith of

monotheism of godliness, and although

this is within our encyclopedias, the

evidence for it came from the vision of

the original Al-Hafiz Ahmed Al-

Ghamari, the original Salafi, may God

Almighty have mercy on him. The

famous Fawiyyah "Fawiya" and her

love for Wahhabi, so he compiled 1000

|ل تضيع وقتك فيما وراء|

أكرب معجم مفهرس للقرآن واألصول التسعة وصحيح الشفا وصحيح اخلصائص وصحيح

تفست القرآن وأدلة األم لإلمام الشافعي رمحو كلمة بآيات ومتون 36000 -هللا تعاذل

سداحذفت األلوكة عرضا عنو ح -كاملة

ترتيب سلتصر دلسند أمحد بن حنبل على

proofs of his superiority and was afraid

to add another evidence, so that 1001

becomes like the Persian women in the

fairy tale The Thousand and One

Nights. Is the husband of the idol

Fawqiah a male idol in the image of

Adam? You find the response from Al-

Tuwaijri, as if it copied the word of

monotheism according to them, so it

became “there is no god but the

supreme”| We seek refuge in the Lord of

the wilderness, yet they describe the

Ash’aris as immoral, and as my

companions said, “We do not lack the

blessing of a Lord who laughs!” And

whenever we warn them, they omit our

العناويت للساعاب رمحو هللا تعاذل

وأوسع منو إكسل ادلسند كامال مقسما على العناويت للمحدث زلمود صالح

حباشية 28313مسند أمحد بن حنبل نسخة قطر ناقصة ضلو |السندي وورد

33حديثا ونسخة صقر سقط منها 10000أربناه فحذفت األلوكة وأىل احلديث | حديثا

words in disdain for the idols of Ibn

Taymiyyah and Ibn Abd, and they say

our words are ugly in the case of “Qarn


And destroys the idols: a complete

collection of authentic beliefs of the

Messenger of God on the tongue of the

Messenger of God 623 hadiths out of

3000 hadiths in the belief that there is no

superiority, no side in it, nor 60

cubits..etc from their religious idols

The Unproven and False Compilation of

Hadith 3935, more on its origin, is the

integrity of the Shari’a raised to Ibn

Iraq, which Al-Hafiz Abdullah reviewed

القبة اخلضراء ونقدنا العقدي ألوثان ابن ثابت منها % 90تيمية، ومسند أمحد

على شرط البخاري ومسلم أو 11000ضعيف يعمل بو حجة % 10أحدمها والباقي

على الوىابية وكل أحاديث مسند أمحد الىت حيتمل أن تكون ضعيفة جدا ىي

حديثا 150

مفتاح ادلعجم الصغت |معاجم الطرباين

twice, the first with a disagreement and

the last with his servant in Chicago

Excel 23 thousand rulings in the Al-

Zawaid Complex of Al-Haythami and

the Ithaf of the skilled masters of Al-

Busairi and the high demands of Al-

Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani | By order

of Al-Hafiz Abdullah |

Rulings 2741 of Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar on


Excel is a strange merger of the

workers' treasure for the Indian Al-

Muttaqi and collecting mosques | The

Great Mosque | Al-Hafiz Al-Suyuti has

للطرباين للحافظ أمحد الغماري ، ادلعاجم |الثالثة ضمت ب إكسل واحد

أكرب شرح لسنن البيهقي للحافظ األكرب أمحد الغماري رمحو هللا تعاذل ، محل إكسل فهارسو

وسلتصره مغت النبيو عن احملدث والفقيو نسخ قائد رمحو هللا تعاذلخادم العارف باهلل تعاذل بال

كتب أدلة الفقو الىت قال احلافظ األكرب |

46605 together, so that each hadith has a

title, and the total of the two titles of the

noble hadith is 3,311 titles

Then we combined the nine books into

one book with all their utterances, but

under unified titles in 27 thus

Muwatta Malik| Musnad Hanbal |

Sunan Al Darimi | Sahih Al-Bukhari |

Sahih Muslim | Sunan Ibn Majah |

Sunan Abi Dawood | Sunan Al-Tirmidhi

| Sunan Al-Nisa'i

01-faith|02-literature|03-prophets and

أمحد بن الصديق رمحو هللا تعاذل أهنا تكفي :|اجملتهد ب رسالة حلبيبو وزلبو التليدي

:الدللة على ادلسانيد ب أمهات ادلراجع

بأن قسمنا الكتاب ألسطر تبدأ بالصالة على النب وىي موطن حديث أو أثر

خ دمشق للمحدث زلمود صالحمسند تاري




Victims 14-medicine 15-purity 16-

science 17-work 18-temptation 19-

obligations 20-Quran 21-judgement 22-

resurrection 23 vows 24 marriage 25-gift


We made available 65,000 documents of

Al-Suyuti’s assets and 1850 references,

and we included Ghamari and Albanian

rulings in it.

فقط ، 602مسند أحاديث ادلوطأ

باإلصابة ب سبييز 11516مسند احلافظ الصحابة

مسند الطربي بتارخيو4484

بتفسري القرآن مسند الطربي جبامعو11253

مسند احلافظ ابن حجر بفتح الباري16966

Excel Team Treasure Workers of the

Indian Muttaqi of the newly updated

Mahmoud Salah 26977

The collection of the sacred hadiths of

Al-Hafiz Abdullah bin Al-Siddiq by Al-

Ghamari is condemned

Gharib Complex 12677 Hadith

Excel all the hadiths and chains of

narration on earth 277919 hadiths and

leave you behind from the Encyclopedia

of Takhreej | clowns, as they were

laughed at by including some incomplete


وورد مسند احلافظ زلمد بن سعد بن 18203 منيع من الطبقات

مسند الطربي من جامع تأويل 11253 القرآن

مسند األثت بأسد الغابة ب الصحابة11800

مسند احلافظ بن سعد بالطبقات18203

إكسل احلافظ التليدي ب ثابت التفست

Prayer and al IslamA book on prayer

and Islam in English, reviewed by Al-

Hafiz Abdullah Al-Ghamari, and

written on the computer by Anne

Khadija, which is filled with verses and

authentic hadiths, in which the claim of

Elijah Muhammad was copied for the

message between me, a million brown

Muslims in America, and Muhammad

Ali Clay printed 50 thousand of it. The

death of Muhammad Ali Clay, he looked

at 800,000 thousand in several months

It is one of the blessings of the departure

of Al-Hafiz Abdullah Al-Ghamari to

America, just as his grandfather,

حديثا أما البداية 3233والستة واخلصائص لو ففيها عشرات اآللف من الثابت تغطي ضلو

عنوانا 3000

إكسل كل أعمال احملدث زلمود سعيد وىي حديثا نقدا لأللباين دبساعدة 1000أقل من

ابن الطنجي التونسي، للمحدث زلمود صالح مع شذوذ عن الغماريت كاهتام مولي |

إدريس باإلعتزال عقيدة والزيدية مذىبا الىت

Moulay Abdel Salam bin Mashish, went

out to defend the glorious prophethood.

*Download from our website

And also from those who do not pay

money for them, we have it for free



The conclusion of the modern work that

sings you from what came before it

In 12 parts in about 3000 titles called

Beginning of Access with Sahih al-

Ummāt wa al-Usūl, a revival of the

|هتكم عليها احلافظ باجلؤنة

حيث أعددنا 1981أول فضل هللا علينا عام وورد

الفتح الكبت لشيخ مشاخينا النبهاين الذي ضم زيادة اجلامع الصغت للجامع والذي أخرجو

األلباين ومساه صحيح اجلامع وضعيفو

وأخرجنا معجما مفهرسا لصحيح اجلامع ب

Sunnah with a new notation for al-

Thābit only with additions to al-


For Al-Hafez Al-Muammar: Abdullah

Al-Talidi Al-Hasani, student of the

Ghamaris, may God Almighty have

mercy on them, and all those who were

not mentioned here from among the


Guidance of the people to what is recited

of the surahs and supplications in the

days of Al-Hafiz Abdullah Al-Ghamari -


ألف كلمة نسخنا بو معجم ادلستشرقت 30فنسك واألصل أرسل ىدية للحافظ عبد

ورق دبقطع كبت أجزاء ب 6العزيز الغماري ب وحرف صغت

وقارنا بت صحيح اجلامع للحافظ عبد هللا الغماري وصحيح اجلامع لأللباين فكان الفرق

حديثا أخطأ فيهم الشيخ األلباين وزاد 35خطأه ب قسم الضعيف حيث اختلط عليو

In the name of of Allah the Merciful

An appendix that is not fixed and false

to the Taghliq map of the Ghamarites

for the science of hadith, Daraa and the

narration of Manar al-Sunnah

The transgression of the raised Sharia

from the heinous hadiths that were


1833 is unknown or a liar, and 2110 is a

false text or spoken in it

There is no other thing left to pay

attention to

تعريف الضعيف وادلكذوب فتساىل فضال عن كثرة الوىم

كم عليها انظر جامع أحاديث النب اليت ح حبكمت األلباين

منو موضوع% 12واجلامع الصغت

ب باب التيست رد اعتبار اجلامع الصغت للحافظ عبد هللا الغماري

Ali bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Iraq Al-

Shafi’i |963 AH|

Investigation and review by Al-Hafiz

Abdullah bin Al-Siddiq, may God have

mercy on him

With a final second review with Ahmed

Darwish's maid in 1981 in Chicago

Ahmad Darwish said that all hadiths on

the surface of the earth are about 55,000

hadiths, of which 40,000 are authentic

and good, and 10,000 are weak. They

إكسل أعمال الشيخ احملدث احلافظ األلباين

وضعيف األلباين 39011ثابت األلباين 49255دبجموع 10244

ألف 49صحيح وضعيف وباقي أعمالو | |حديثا

إكسل األلباين مقارن بالكتب التسعة أي ب حلبة الكتب التسعة 110785

work in the interests of good deeds, and

about 3,000 texts are false that must be

burned and torn as Ahmed bin Hanbal

used to do, and the “modern Salafism”

has disturbed us - for nothing but to root

its salafism. In the science of hadith by

intimidating us from the large number

of lies even though they are few in

reality, because their sheikh Ibn Abd al-

Wahhab and Ibn Taymiyyah were

neither of the memorizers nor of the

great hadith scholars - and they forgot

that the same science of hadith - a

narration and a know-how - judge them

as a class of frequent lies by inventing

the heresy of misguidance, which is their

ىجر األلباين عقيدة ابن عبد الوىاب وابن | تيمية بعدما قرأ


بن أيب مجرة على اجملسمة رد احلافظ عبد هللافوصم ابن باز والتوجيري بالتشبيو عت الكفر

فمات على عقيدة -فطردوه من ادلدينة

saying “Salafism” and division Tawheed

to “servitude” and “lordship” and

servitude” God guided them and God

preserved us from them. Ibn Abd al-

Wahhab wrote his book “The Laugh of

Idols” which he called “Tawhid” he

started with a weak trace and he did not

know the hadith of Gabriel in Sahih

Muslim What is Islam what is faith what

is charity and its people in Najd did not

know how to read and write or Tajweed

the Noble Qur’an and then excelled in

reviving the heritage of the Kharijites,

Muhammad Alloush, the leader of the

Salafi Wahhabi Islam Army, said in an

interview conducted by Bloomberg that

وذكر بركة النب ب زبرجيو -اإلمام الشافعي سلتصر الستة لبن كثت حيث صحح حديث

النور احملمدي عند احلمل والولدة، وىم القرآن يقولون ىي ب النار وألفنا دللة منطوق

|بإدياهنا -وال تقم على قربه –

جدول ضرب اجلرح والتعديل احلسايب

تطبيق جدول الضرب على اجلرح والتعديل

his organization is not interested in

fighting against Israel.

And what delayed me from serving this

book except to serve what is better than

it, such as the Musnad of Ahmad bin

Hanbal and the Great Mosque of Al-

Suyuti, in which we closed the work with

opening their logic to the extent of the

reader’s imagination for logical laziness

or reading the text with the explanation

of Al-Sindi and the inclusion of the

treasure and the collector together|

ى رمحو هللا تعاذل 327لبن أيب حاب 17544صحايب خطأ فهم 700أدخل فيو ضلو |

باب ومن خصائصو | خارج اجلرح والتعديلعدول بإمجاع من ي عتد بو أن أصحابو كلهم

هم كما ي بحث فال ي بحث عن عدالة أحد من صلى }عن عدالة الرواة واستدل لذلك بقولو

عليو وسلم ر الناس ق رين { | الل | | خي ي تليديصحيح اخلصائص النبوية سيوط

And in about 500 texts with the integrity

of the Sharia, I separated the name of

the companion or the follower from the

beginning of the text in order to adjust

the indexing of the texts to produce the

part of the false hadiths arranged


I have compiled a copy of the Shari’a

clearing of what no one has preceded me

to by entering and closing the rulings of

the Ghamari and Al-Hafez Al-Albani

rulings and extracted them in 3 parts:

The part of the false hadiths by

arranging the author according to the

ألف بضم تراجم الرجال 60إكسل بأصول كتب ورودىم كاملة ولكن مقسمة |


327اجلرح و التعديل لبن أىب حاب

هتذيب الكمال يوسف بن الزكي بن عبد 742الرمحن أبو احلجاج ادلزي

ميزان اإلعتدال ب نقد الرجال زلمد بن أمحد

titles and my correct numbering, and

making the title of the chapter and the

chapter revolve with the text where it


False hadiths part arranged


Part 1833 The Lie is arranged


first of them

1 Al-Ashj Abu Al-Dunya Al-Maghribi is

less than a liar

and the last of them

748بن عثمان مشس الدين الذىب

748تاريخ اإلسالم مشس الدين الذىب

هتذيب التهذيب أبو الفضل أمحد بن على بن 852حجر العسقالىن

جيل ادلنفعة بزوائد رجال األئمة األربعة أبو الفضل أمحد بن على بن حجر العسقالىن


1833 Yunus bin Haroun, on the

authority of Malik, accused by Ibn

Hibban al-Kunya

Description of the closure of deleting the

false hadith, which is collected in 34

books, for those who want to serve the

Sunnah in all references after us

|1 | He uses the list of lies - which was

made available by Ibn al-Darwish by

translating the Shari'a compiled by Ibn

al-Ajmi according to what the great

hafiz Moulay Ahmed bin Siddiq al-

تقريب التهذيب أبو الفضل أمحد بن على بن 852حجر العسقالىن

ذبدىم داخل كتب 8ومثلو إكسل العلل بو ملفات موسوعتنا

60كاذبا بت 1833رلمع ال | 03%|.لو تطوع بعض العاملت لشهر |ألف صادق

ألخرجنا كل كذهبم بكل مراجع اإلسالم إل

Ghimari, may God Almighty have

mercy on him - and searches in the

encyclopedia of al-Hafiz Abdullah al-

Ghimari, Darwish's design for every liar

with a click. all origin

|3 |Continuation of the journey of

translating the Sharia in collecting the

unstable texts everywhere:

Since Ibn Iraq collected all or most of

what came before him in his work, it is

book number 35 in the list of books

arranged historically by the time of

authorship in the topics. Read about it

in the encyclopedia p. 128

صحيحي البخاري ومسلم وبداية الوصول ب العمل فيو ول -من مسند أمحد% 90و

-ضعيف يعمل دبعظمو % 10مكذوب بو وكل أكاذيب أي من ال بالبحث بنقرة عن |

خيرج كل كذهبم بكل ادلراجع، مثال 1833منهم الكاذب عمر بن صبح بنقرة خيرج لك

نص ما كذبو بكل 26كتاب تلقائي بو نسخة على حدة ومعا -منسوخة من أصلو –مرجع

We did our part, with the help of the

Muhaddith Mahmoud Salah, to include

the changer on Al-Jami Al-Saghir - and

the healer of Al-Hafiz Ahmed Al-

Ghamari in several parts. Within the

Najdi Complex for the False and

Unverified, a note was made by Al-Hafiz

Al-Ghamari books on topics. Refer to

his text on How to Become a Muhaddith.

See the encyclopedia of weak and

fabricated hadiths and effects

Between sheets 50-212

: بنص وإكسل جاىزا للحذف من األصلومثالو جزء عمر بن صبح كاذب حديث

ذا داخل موسوعاتنا توحيد الربوبية ومع أن ىإل أن الدللة عليو جاءت برؤية للحافظ أمحد

الغماري السلفي األصلي رمحو هللا تعاذل فلما أربناه حذف أبو زلمد ادلقدسي التوحيدات

وترك " |عقيدتنا"الثالثة لبن تيمية من كتابو وثن ذبسيم اجلهة السادسة ألعلى اليهودي

35 Tanzih al-Shari’ah is the 35th book

arranged in the date of its authorship,

and it is followed by historically - it was

done within the Najdi Complex for the

false and unconfirmed, with additions -:

36 themes ticket

37 Secrets raised in the news placed

|Major Topics|

38 Made in knowing the subject hadith

39 Benefits placed in fabricated hadiths

وعشقها وىايب فألف " فوئية"ادلشهور بفوقية دليال على فوقية وتورع أن يزيد دليال 1000

مثل نسوة الفرس ب 1001آخر فتصبح القصة اخليالية ألف ليلة وليلة وىل زوج الوثن

فوقية ىو وثن ذكرية صورة آدم؟ ذبد الرد عند التوجيري فكأهنا نسخت كلمة التوحيد عندىم

والعياذ برب"| ل إلو إل فوقية"فأصبحت الربية، ومع ذلك يصفون األشاعرة بأهنم

40 Mastering what improves the news

on the tongues

41 A summary of good intentions in

explaining many well-known hadiths on

the tongues

42 Diligently diligently explaining what

is not a hadith

43 Kashf Al-Khafa and Remover of

Attire from the hadiths that are well-

known on the tongues of the people by

Al-Ajlouni 1162 AH 3250 hadiths. It

included the book of Al-Sakhawi, which

is number 26, authored. We have made

ل نعدم بركة رب "سلنسون وكما قال صحايب وكلما حذرناىم حذفوا كالمنا تنزيها !" يضحك

ألوثان ابن تيمية وابن عبد وقالوا كالمنا قبيح "قرنا الشيطان"ب حق

جامع صحيح عقيدة رسول : وحيطم األوثان حديثا من 623هللا على لسان رسول هللا

حديثا ب العقيدة ل فوقية ول 3000أصل اخل من أوثاهنم .. ذراعا 60جهة فيها ول

the good intentions available in an excel

format that facilitates

44 Jokes and benefit in graduating the

hadiths of the conclusion of happiness

45 The Divine Revelation of the

Extremely Weak, the Subject, and the

Feeble - Taken from Those Before Him

46 Fragrant scents in the famous hadiths

47 The glorious elite in the false hadiths

on the goodness of the wilderness -

based on good intentions

48 Topics in Al-Ihya - What is not


رلمع غت الثابت وادلكذوب من احلديث مزيدا على أصلو تنزيو الشريعة 3935

الشريعة ادلرفوعة لبن عراق الىت راجعو احلافظ عبد هللا مرتت األورل مع خالف واألختة مع

اغوخادمو بشيك

ألف حكم ب رلمع الزوائد 23إكسل

attributed to the work of Al-Iraqi

49 Benefits collected in the fabricated

hadiths of Shawkani - important

50 Asni demands in hadiths of various


51 Good impact on what contains

weakness and difference of hadith, news

and impact

52 effects raised in the news placed

53 Pearls inlaid with something that has

no origin or of its origin is fabricated

54 Warning Muslims against hadiths

للهيثمي وإرباف السادة ادلهرة للبوصتي وادلطالب العالية للحافظ ابن حجرالعسقالين

|بأمر احلافظ عبد هللا|

للحافظ ابن حجر ب اإلصابة 2741أحكام

إكسل دمج عجيب لكنز العمال للمتقي | اجلامع الكبت|اذلندي ومجع اجلوامع

معا فأصبح لكل 46605للحافظ السيوطي

fabricated against the Master of the


63 The whole of what is in the balance

from the hadith of the weak narrator -

Abdul Aziz Al-Siddiq p

64 Congratulations in tracking down the

topics of Al-Saghani - Abdul Aziz Al-


65 The situation in the hadith - Ok


66 The well-known of the fabricated and

weak hadith and the correct alternative

حديث عنوان ورلموع عناويت احلديث عنوانا 3311الشريف

ب ضممنا الكتب التسعة ب كتاب واحد بكل 27حذافتىا ولكن ربت عناوين موحدة ب


| سنن الدارمي | مسند حنبل | موطأ مالك


68 The virtues of Africa in antiquities

and fabricated hadiths

69 malicious hadiths that appear to be


70 The update of what was said about

which a hadith is not authentic - Bakr

bin Abdullah Abu Zaid

71 Whitening the newspaper with the

origins of weak hadiths

72 Complementing the benefit with

evidence of endowment or lifting - 25

سنن | صحيح مسلم | صحيح البخاري | سنن التمذي| داود سنن أيب| ابن ماجو

سنن النسائي

أنبياء -03|أدب-02|إديان-01-06|جهاد-05|جنائز-04|وصحابة




74 Jannat suspicious of criticism of the

singer about preservation and the book -


75 The Superiority of Weak and Invalid

Ahadith - Hawaini

76 Informing what has passed from the

hadiths of consideration - transferred

from Al-Iraqi on Al-Ihya

77 A series of hadiths that have no basis

and their bad impact on belief,

jurisprudence, and behavior


-24|نذور-23|قيامة-22|قضاء |ولية-27|وصية-26|ىبة-25|نكاح

سندا و 65000وأربنا أصول السيوطي

78 Advice from the preacher -

Translated from Al-Albani

In the name of of Allah the Merciful

Allah.com Muhammmad.com

Praise be to God and prayer and peace

be upon the Messenger of Allah

مراجعو وأدخلنا فيو أحكاما غمارية 1850وألبانية ولو ادعى غتنا معرفة خطة السيوطي

فتبسم ضاحكا من قولو كاجلويت الذي صرح 46605ألف حديثا واحلق 30بأن عدده


إكسل منتخب كنز العمال للمتقي اذلندي حديثا 26977للمحدث زلمود صالح

Supplement of the closure of the hadith


Your permission and promises to

facilitate the science of hadith in your

hands, like the Holy Qur’an

The end of the journey of transcribing

the hadith of the Prophet

He collected it in one book with its

explanation and translation into Muslim


At the hands of the honorable

preservers, the beloved Ahmed,

مجع جوامع األحاديث القدسية للحافظ عبد هللا بن الصديق للغماري زلكوما عليها

احلديث الشريف 12677رلمع غريب

إكسل كل ما على األرض من احلديث حديثا ودعك من 277919واألسانيد

التهريج حيث ضحك |موسوعة التخريج |عليهم من ضم بعض كتب غت كاملة

Abdullah and Abdel Aziz, the sons of Al-

Siddiq Al-Ghamari, Al-Hafiz Abdullah

Al-Talidi, and their servant Ahmed bin


On Wednesday, March 24, 2021, a free

course for preparing modernists will be

held in Surabaya, attended by about 50


This is a course for preparing

modernists, and it is the most noble of

any course like it, neither in the East nor

the West, nor in the homes of Islamic

schools and universities that sell

knowledge because it is very special and

it is a blessed renewal and closure.

Prayer and al Islam كتاب عنالصالة واإلسالم باإلصلليزية راجعو احلافظ

عبد هللا الغماري، وكتبتو على احلاسوب آن خدجية وىو شللوء باآليات واألحاديث

الصحيحة نسخ بو ادعاء إلياجهمحمد للرسالة بت ظهراين مليون مسلم أمسر بأمريكا

ألف فأخرجوا 50وطبع منو زلمد على كالي وفرشوا السجاد الكراسي من ادلساجد

I used to see in sleep when I was a young

man - before I came to know me and

was in the service of Al-Hafiz Abdullah

Al-Ghamari - seeing that I was praying

behind the Messenger of God, may

God’s prayers and peace be upon him,

on the right of a venerable sheikh I do

not know of standing, kneeling and


And its interpretation: the idea and the

click Click Which God has blessed me

with for the service of coordinating all

the writing of modern Islamic works in

hundreds and the production,

separation and translation of Hadith

وسجدوا هلل تعاذل وأتيح بعد موت زلمد على ألف ب عدة أشهر 800000كالي فنظره

وىو من بركات خروج احلافظ عبد هللا الغماري ألمريكا كما خرج جده مولي عبد

السالم بن مشيش للدفاع عن النبوة الغراء

محل من موقعنا*

وأيضا من ول تدفع مال ذلم فعندنا رلانا


Praise be to God, who has granted us

the honor of “collecting all established

hadiths in one book”.

And “to collect all unverified and false

narrations in one book”.

And we invented the "fixed corpus

comparison science" to delete the

missing repetition in the structure and

the meaning with reference to it in the

indexes section

This is the story of the end of the

recording of the hadith and its collection


خاسبة العمل احلديثي الىت تغنيك عما قبلها

عنوانا تسمى 3000جزء ب ضلو 12ب بداية الوصول بصحيح األمهات واألصول

إحياء للسنة بتدوين جديد للثابت فقط الصحيحتبزيادات على

in one book, which was done by the

servant of the honorable hadith, Ahmed

bin Darwish

And I wrote a book of wound

multiplication table and arithmetic

modification in about 1000 words

And interesting works in which no one

has preceded me, and all the works of

Al-Albani in Excel have provided about

55,000 hadiths, and I have learned them,

and I have provided 110,000 things on

the surface of the earth, but the full text

of the nine parts of the office will suffice

you without repetition and leave you

from any hadith knowledge after that.

عبد هللا التليدي احلست : للحافظ ادلعمرتلميذ الغماريت رمحهم هللا تعاذل وكل من دل

يذكر ىنا من العاملت

إرشاد األنام دلا يتلى من السور واألذكار ب مزيدة -األيام للحافظ عبد هللا الغماري

بسم هللا الرمحن الرحيم

Many people know that the noble hadith

is one of the sections of revelation from

the Qur’an and the established hadith

Qudsi (we closed it in one file) and the

established Prophetic hadith

The hadith and its traces were

memorized like the Qur’an in the

breasts because they did not have two

languages, standard and colloquial,

which confuse understanding and

memorization. A hadith like Abu

Hurairah, so he did not single out a

narration except for less than 50 hadiths

alone, as all his hadiths came from the

paths of other companions.

ملحق غت الثابت وادلكذوب خبريطة تغليق الغماريت لعلم احلديث دراية ورواية منار السنة


تنزيو الشريعة ادلرفوعة عن األحاديث الشنيعة ادلوضوعة

نص 2110رلهول أو كذاب و 1833 مكذوب أو متكلم فيو

The hadith scholars developed a precise

plan to preserve (the articles of the

Prophet) and his way of life, i.e. the

Sunnah, such as preserving the Noble

Qur’an from controlling lies and weak

memory in the following centuries, as

they are less than one percent of people

with their narrations

Conservation efforts are documenting,

restricting and connecting works, such

as roads and bridges, that keep vehicles

on the road from getting lost in the

dispersal of the land.

And whoever reads our book, “Praise be

دل يبق حملصلو إذل ما سواه التفات|

على بن زلمد بن علي بن عراق الشافعي |ى 963|

بن الصديق ربقيق ومراجعة احلافظ عبد هللا رمحو هللا

مع مراجعة ثانية أختة مع خادمة أمحد درويش بشيكاغو 1981عام

to God, this is my life: the complete

works of the servant of hadith Ahmed

bin Al-Darwish”.

You can find it in the Arabic section of

our website

He is certain how God Almighty has

honored me and one or two people

helped me with my plan by dealing with

all the books of hadith, counting them

and counting them except and designing

a method that deals with all modernists

and their references over the ages and

converting them to logical indexes and

then joining them together with the date

of recording and the colors and

قال أمحد درويش كل احلديث على سطح حديث منها 55000األرض حواذل

10000صحيح وحسن ومنها 40000ضعيف يعمل هبا ب صاحل األعمال وحواذل

نص مكذوب جيب حرقو وسبزيقو كما 3000كان يفعل أمحد بن حنبل وقد عكرت علينا

ل لشئ إل لتؤصل -" السلفية احلديثة"

separating the body from the bond and

the rest of its divisions in the date of

recording and then we separate Equal

repetitions in words and letters and

coloring the repetitions with increases

and decreases in meaning and building

to keep it complete

Then came the great surprise that my

big brother, the conclusion of the

distinguished scholars in the friendly

school of the Ghamari, which began to

revive the science of hadith 120 years

ago, was at his hands my desire in more

than 15 years to collect the miserable

books (62000) and increase without

يف علم احلديث الشريف بتخويفنا –سلفيتها من كثرة املكذوب مع قلتو ىف احلقيقة ألن

شيخهما ابن عبد الوىاب وابن تيمية مل يكونا ونسوا أن -من احلفاظ وال احملدثني الكبار

حيكم -رواية ودراية -نفس علم احلديث عليهم كطبقة بالكذب ادلتواتر باختاع بدعة

وتقسيم التوحيد " السلفية"الضاللة وىي قوذلم ىداىم " والعبودية" الربوبية"و" العبودية"إذل

repeating any fixed and correct hadith

what we started to reach and when he

called it (Beginning of access) (i.e. the

text of the hadiths of the Messenger)

You can find it in the Arabic section of

our website

With an interesting explanation, he

authorized me in it, so I bought several

copies of it and entered it for automatic

scanning in 2010, and it came out inPDF

I made it available on the net and then

converted it to Word in 2021 using

Google Drive DRIVE To enter 25

newspapers PDF Then open it with

google dk DOC It is included together in

هللا وحفظنا هللا منهم وألف ابن عبد الوىاب "التوحيد"كتابو أضحوكة األوثان الذي مساه

بدأه بأثر ضعيف ودل يعرف حديث جربيل بصحيح مسلم ما اإلسالم ما اإلديان ما

اإلحسان وأىلو بنجد دل يعرفوا القراءة والكتابة ول ذبويد القرآن الكرن ب تفننوا ب إحياء

تراث اخلوارج قال زلم د علوش زعيم جيش اإلسالم الوىايب السلفي ب مقابلة أجراىا

a file available for review

And I hired the one I separated from

before, i.e. only the words of the

Prophet, may God bless him and grant

him peace

So far, he has completed the translation

of half of it into the Indonesian

language, Sheikh Al Habib Al Sharif, the

Muhaddith Muhammad Barqba, and

the explanation is only picked up by the

Muhaddith of Algeria, Engineer

Muhammad Ashour.

Then I will translate it into English as a

revision of the Indonesian version

منظمتو غري معنية بالقتال إن ” بلومربغ“موقع ضد إسرائيل

وما أخرين عن خدمة ىذا الكتاب إل خدمة |ما ىو أفضل منو كمسند أمحد بن حنبل

واجلامع الكبت للسيوطي الذين غلقنا العمل فيهما مع فتح منطقهما على قدر خيال

It is the language of the largest Muslim

nation, i.e. Indonesian

We make it a file after each step so that

people can see the original and the exact


We also produce it as one book,

arranged in alphabetical order, and

followed the titles of chapters and


Praise be to God Almighty that he

helped me a lot - from more than 15

years - with Mr

القارئ لإلكسل ادلنطقي أو قراءة النص مع |اشرح السندي وضم الكنز واجلامع مع

نص بتنزيو الشريعة فصلت 500وب حوارل اسم الصحايب أو التابعي من أول النص حىت

جزء |أضبط الفهرسة للنصوص إلنتاج |األحاديث ادلكذوبة مرتبة ىجائيا

Ibrahim Houshiya Ibrahim Hoshih, who

continues to show his kindness to me

and my family, so I ask you for him to

grant him the conquest, the blessing, the

righteousness of the body and the soul,

and the blessing in what he gives. He has

introduced me to the programming

language of Laravel LaravelI love the

good design for the service of the

Qur’an and Hadith, so some

programmers from Pakistan worked

with me, so I designed a program with

an event in the titles of the topics of the

Holy Qur’an in 40 languages and the

hadith is under preparation and we

وقد قمت بضبط نسخة تنزيو الشريعة دلا دل يسبقت إليو أحد بإدخال أحكام احلفاظ

الغماريت واحلافظ األلباين وتغليقها وأخرجتها :أجزاء 3ب

جزء األحاديث ادلكذوبة بتتيب ادلؤلف على العناوين وترقيمي ادلنضبط وجعل عنوان الباب

والفصل يدور مع النص حيث دار

finished with English


See it on the website above

And he wrote - helplessly -:

The poor for the forgiveness of God

Almighty - the owner of majesty and

honor -

Ahmed bin Darwish

Note: My name is Ahmed Kamel

Hussein Darwish. I saw a vision in a

dream calling me the Mother of the

Believers and Believers, Mrs. Aisha in

دلكذوبة مرتبة ىجائياجزء األحاديث ا

:الكذبة مرتبة ىجائيا 1833جزء


األشج أبو الدنيا ادلغرىب أقل من كذاب 1


يونس بن ىرون عن مالك اهتمو ابن 1833

the Kindergarten. Welcome, Ahmed bin


With a click from my program

Hadith data warehouse

It brings out all its repeated logical



in a


My hadith reference is arranged with

the date of the author’s death in Excel

حبان الكت

وصف تغليق حذف مكذوب احلديث الشريف كتابا دلن يريد خيدم السنة ب 34اجملموعة ب

كل ادلراجع بعدنا

اليت أتاحها -تخدم قائمة الكذبة يس| 1|ابن الدرويش بتنزيو الشريعة الىت مجعها ابن

and a text, may God be pleased with her,

as she published the hadith more than


So I searched for my grandfather

Darwish, and my grandfather was one of

the honorable and notable scholars, a

representative of my master Ahmed Al-

Badawi in Sinai and the quarries of Abu

Zaabal, and there is a Darwish mosque

there now, may God have mercy on him,

my roots, my branches, my ropes, our

students and visitors to our sites, and

praise be to God, whose grace good

works are accomplished

And I saw a vision that our master

العجمي على ما ذكره احلافظ األكرب مولي -أمحد بن الصديق الغماري رمحو هللا تعاذل

ويبحث ب موسوعة احلافظ عبد هللا الغماري تصميم درويش عن كل كاذب بنقرة فيخرج

سالم فتحذف جزؤه ادلنطقي من كل مراجع اإل من كل أصل

تكملة مشوار تنزيو الشريعة ب مجع | 3| :ادلتون غت الثابتة بكل مكان

Abdullah bin Omar said to the waist,

peace be upon him, that Ahmed bin Al-

Darwish revived the noble hadith

NOTE of honor




In addition to the foregoing, the

encyclopedia includes the following

volumes: The rulings of the stars and the

حيث أن تنزيو الشريعة لبن عراق مجع كل أو 35معظم ما قبلو ب عملو فهو الكتاب رقم

بقائمة الكتب ادلرتبة بزمن التأليف تارخييا ب 128اقرأ عنو بادلوسوعة ص . ادلوضوعات

وقد قمنا بدورنا مع مساعدة احملدث زلمود -صالح ب ضم ادلغت على اجلامع الصغت

وادلداوي للحافظ أمحد الغماري ب عدة أجزاء وضممنا ادلوضوع منو لتنزيو الشريعة وكذا

upper effects and the like (seventh

volume); The language (volume eight);

Grammer Science (ninth volume);

Geography and maps (tenth volume);

and collections of Arabic manuscripts in

world libraries.Dr. Akram Al-Omari ,

Professor of History at the University of

Baghdad The first to present a critical

study of the book “The History of the

Arab Heritage” and published it in the

Iraqi Al-Mawred magazine in February

1973. In it, he focused on the first part,

which dealt with interpretation and

hadith science, and mentioned in 23

notes and corrected 56 typographical

and scientific errors, and acknowledged

ادلكذوب باجلامع الصغت وادلكذوبة والواىية باألحاديث القدسية وأضفنا ادلوضوعة لدى

اجملمع النجدي للمكذوب ب بداخل. األلباينوغت الثابت ملحوظة ذكر احلافظ الغماري

كتبا ب ادلوضوعات ارجع لنصو ب كيف تصت زلدثا

انظر موسوعة األحاديث واآلثار الضعيفة وادلوضوعة

the scientific value of the book and

noted the great efforts made by the

author in preparing this encyclopedia.

As published by researcher Dr. Hikmat

Bashir Research in the Journal of the

Islamic University of Madinah Its title is

“Reflections on the History of the Arab

Heritage of Fouad Sezgin in the Books

of Interpretation.” And researcher Najm

Abdul Rahman Khalaf issued A book

entitled “Reflections on the History of

the Arab Heritage of Fouad Sezgin in

the Science of Hadith”, and it was

published in Dar Al-Bashaer Al-

Islamiyyah.. After that, many studies

and testimonies were published about

212-50بت صحائف

this book.

Fuat Sezgin

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Fuat Sezgin


24 October 1924

مرتبا 35تنزيو الشريعة ىو الكتاب ال 35

مع ب بداخل اجمل -بتاريخ التأليف ويليو تارخييا النجدي للمكذوب وغت الثابت مع زيادات

- :

Bitlis , Turkey


30 June 2018 (aged 93)

Istanbul , Turkey



Alma mater

Istanbul University


تذكرة ادلوضوعات 36

األسرار ادلرفوعة ب األخبار ادلوضوعة 37 |ادلوضوعات الكربى|

ادلصنوع ب معرفة احلديث ادلوضوع 38

الفوائد ادلوضوعة ب األحاديث ادلوضوعة 39

إتقان ما حيسن من األخبار الدائرة على 40

Science historian academic


Ursula Sezgin


King Faisal International Prize

Order of Merit of the Federal Republic

of Germany

Presidential Culture and Arts Grand


Fuat Sezgin (24 October 1924 – 30 June

2018) was a Turkish orientalist who

specialized in the history of Arabic-


ادلقاصد احلسنة ب بيان كثت من سلتصر 41 األحاديث ادلشتهرة على األلسنة

اجلد احلثيث ب بيان ما ليس حبديث 42

كشف اخلفا ومزيل اإللباس عما اشتهر 43 من األحاديث على ألسنة الناس للعجلوين

حديثا ومشل كتاب 3250ى 1162

Islamic science . He was professor

emeritus of the History of Natural

Science at Johann Wolfgang Goethe

University in Frankfurt , Germany and

the founder and honorary director of the

Institute of the History of the Arab

Islamic Sciences there. [1] He also

created museums in Frankfurt and

Istanbul with replicas of historical

Arabic-Islamic scientific instruments,

tools and maps. [2] His best known

publication is the 17-volume Geschichte

des Arabischen Schrifttums , a standard

reference in the field. [3]

تأليفا وقد أربنا 26السخاوي وىو رقم منسق يسهلوادلقاصد احلسنة بإكسل

التنكيت واإلفادة ب زبريج أحاديث خاسبة 44 السعادة

الكشف اإلذلي عن شديد الضعف 45 أخذ شلن قبلو -وادلوضوع والواىي

النوافح العطرة ب األحاديث ادلشتهرة 46

University under the German

Orientalist Hellmut Ritter in 1950. His

thesis titled "Buhari'nin Kaynakları"

[4] (The Sources of Al-Bukhari) argued

that, contrary to the common belief

among European orientalists, Al-

Bukhari 's edition of collected Hadiths

was based on written sources dating

back to the 7th century as well as oral

history. He obtained a position at

Istanbul University, but was dismissed

in the wake of the 1960 coup . He moved

to Germany in 1961 and started working

as a visiting professor at the University

of Frankfurt . [5] He was appointed

professor at the university in 1965. His

حسن األثر فيما فيو ضعف واختالف من 51 حديث وخرب وأثر

اآلثار ادلرفوعة ب األخبار ادلوضوعة 52

أو بأصلو اللؤلؤ ادلرصوع فيما ل أصل لو 53 موضوع

ربذير ادلسلمت من األحاديث ادلوضوعة 54 على سيد ادلرسلت

research in Frankfurt focused on Islam's

Golden Age of Science . In 1982, Sezgin

established the Institute of the History of

the Arab Islamic Sciences. Today the

Institute houses the most comprehensive

collection of texts on the history of

Arabic-Islamic science in the world. In

1983 Sezgin also founded a unique

museum within the institute, bringing

together more than 800 replicas of

historical scientific instruments, tools

and maps, mostly belonging to the

Golden Age of Islamic science. A very

similar museum was opened in 2008 in

Istanbul. [2]

اجلامع شلا ب ادليزان من حديث الراوي 63 191عبد العزيز الصديق ص -ادلضعف

الضعيف ادلطلق من اجملروحت والنسب

التهاين ب التعقب على موضوعات 64 عبد العزيز الصديق -الصغاين

طيب فالتو -ديث الوضع ب احل 65

ادلشتهر من احلديث ادلوضوع والضعيف 66

In 1968, Sezgin found four previously

unknown books of Diophantus '

Arithmetica at the shrine of Imam Rezā

in the holy Islamic city of Mashhad in

northeastern Iran.


Fuat Sezgin was the author and editor of

numerous publications. His 17-volume

work Geschichte des Arabischen

Schrifttums (1967-2000) is the

cornerstone reference on the history of

science and technology in the Islamic

world . The 5-volume Natural Sciences

of Islam documents the items in the

Frankfurt museum. He had, since 1984,

والبديل الصحيح

حلظ األحلاظ ب الستدراك والزيادة على 67 ذحتة احلفاظ

فضائل إفريقيا ب اآلثار واألحاديث 68 ادلوضوعة

أحاديث معلة ظاىرىا الصحة 69

-التحديث دبا قيل ل يصح فيو حديث 70

edited the Journal for the History of

Arabic-Islamic Science .

Sezgin had argued that Muslim

seafarers had reached the Americas by

1420, citing as evidence the inscription

on a map and the fact that the high

longitudinal precision of early maps of

the Americas would not have been

attainable using Western navigational

technology. [6]


Sezgin received several awards,

including the King Faisal International

Prize of Islamic Studies in 1978 [5] and

بكر بن عبد هللا أبو زيد

تبييض الصحيفة بأصول األحاديث 71 الضعيفة

-تكميل النفع دبا يثبت بو وقف ول رفع 72 حديث 25

جنة ادلرتاب بنقد ادلغت عن احلفظ 74 احلويت -والكتاب

Order of Merit of the Federal Republic

of Germany . He is member of the

Turkish Academy of Sciences , [7] the

Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco

and academies of Arabic Language in

Cairo, Damascus and Baghdad .


On 24 September 2012, Melih Gökçek ,

Mayor of Municipality of Metropolitan

Ankara, announced that a square in

Ankara was named in honor of Fuat

Sezgin. A relief of him created by artist

Aslan Başpınar at the square was

revealed the same day in the presence of

Fuat Sezgin and his spouse Ursula by

-النافلة ب األحاديث الضعيفة والباطلة 75 حويت

–اإلخبار دبا فات من أحاديث العتبار 76 اإلحياءنقل من العراقي على

سلسلة األحاديث الىت ل أصل ذلل وأثرىا 77 السيء ب العقيدة والفقو والسلوك

نقل من األلباين –نصيحة الداعية 78

the mayor. [8]



• "UKM to confer honorary doctorate on

Prof Fuat Sezgin". New Straits Times . 8

January 2007.

• • "Islam History of Science and

Technology Needs to Speak". Turkish

Daily News. 27 December 2008. The

utility of a museum of replicas in an

antiquarian field contaminated by fakes

is discussed by Prof. Nir Shafir at the

Internet web site Aeon in 2018

at https://aeon.co/essays/why-fake-



• • Gerhard Endreß (26 October 2004).

"Tradition und Aufbruch" . Frankfurter

Rundschau (in German).

• • M.Fuad SEZGİN, Buhari'nin

Kaynakları Hakkında Araştırmalar,

Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi,

ANKARA, 1956.

• • Richard Covington (May–June

2007). "The Third Dimension" . Saudi

Aramco World.

• • Fuat Sezgin (2006), The Pre-

Columbian Discovery of the American