CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background English is one of three cores subject in upper secondary school and it is essential that students receive a good education in this subject. English is an important language in the world as information and to develop our life, knowledge, technology. English becomes compulsory subject in all level of education since elementary school up to university. Teaching English as a foreign language intends to develop all aspects of learner’s language skills. There are four skills in English. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. There are two kinds of communication in a language to share someone idea of feeling. The kinds of communication are in orally (speaking) and in writing. Writing is an art. You may not be able to group instantly, it comes over a period of time and with constant practice. On the one hand, it requires mental freedom-the ability to write what’s on your mind without inhibition or self- consciousness. On the other hand, it requires a fanaticism for detail to master the 1

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1.1 Background

English is one of three cores subject in upper

secondary school and it is essential that students

receive a good education in this subject. English is an

important language in the world as information and to

develop our life, knowledge, technology. English

becomes compulsory subject in all level of education

since elementary school up to university. Teaching

English as a foreign language intends to develop all

aspects of learner’s language skills.

There are four skills in English. They are

listening, speaking, reading, and writing. There are

two kinds of communication in a language to share

someone idea of feeling. The kinds of communication are

in orally (speaking) and in writing.

Writing is an art. You may not be able to group

instantly, it comes over a period of time and with

constant practice. On the one hand, it requires mental

freedom-the ability to write what’s on your mind

without inhibition or self- consciousness. On the other

hand, it requires a fanaticism for detail to master the


mechanics of grammar, punctuation, word choice, and

organization. There is no grand, sweeping method to

teach your students to master these opposite skills.

Writing is the skill of a writer to communicate

information to a reader or group of readers, her or his

skill is also realized by his or her ability to apply

the rules of the language she/she is writing to

transfer the information she/he has in her or his mind

to her or his readers effectively. (Siahaan, 2008: 2).

There are some kinds of writing consists of narative

writing, descriptive writing, exposition writing,

persuasive writing, and comparison and contrast. From

all of the kinds of writing, the researcher just foccus

on descriptive writing. Because writing in the study is

important to develop the students knowledge in

descriptive paragraph writing.

Descriptive paragraph is a description about

presence of an object or occurs of event by the

process. So, descriptive paragraph is paragraph that

description a presence by the natures and

characteristics or occurs of a process by steps.

(Wiratno, 2002: 157)

So, the title of my statement is “Increasing

Descriptive Paragraph Writing Ability Through Choosing

Topics at SMP Negeri 2 Yogyakarta”. Writing is one of

four skills in language learning process, it gives many


peoples give attention. Because writing skill can be

improving measuring of literacy a country, also writing

not yet become cultural, especial in Indonesia. Writing

skill seen as language skill which most difficult and

complex because it’s required widely perception and

involving thinking process and need good understanding

on grammar and structures which extensive. However,

there are some logical steps that every writer seems to

follow in the creation of a paper. The process

described here outlines those basic steps. Keep in mind

that these steps are not exclusive of each other, and

at times, they can be rather liquid. In addition,

writers will notice that most of these steps are

reciprocal. That is work done in one area may

necessitate returning to a step that you have already “

to completed”. In writing process that need grammatical

and spelling understanding well to make the well

descriptive paragraph and can be understood. Student

most of them are did not understand well about

grammatical for making a well paragraph.

So, the writer tries to implement this method to

increasing the writing skill of students to make

descriptive paragraph through choosing topics.

Because, as the writer see now the students feel

difficulties to write down a descriptive paragraph. The

method of choosing topics can help the students to


imagining something about the topics to write to be a

descriptive paragraph.

1.2 Identification of the problems

Based on the problem limitation above, the writer

formulates research questions as follow. Does choosing

topics method increasing descriptive paragraph writing

ability at the second years of SMP Negeri 2 Yogyakarta?

1.3 Delimitation of the problem

This researcher will conducts in the second years

of SMP Negeri 2 Yogyakarta. On the other words, the

researcher just focuses on the descriptive paragraph

writing ability through choosing topics. In this case,

the students make a descriptive paragraph in person or

in group through choosing topics.

1.4 Formulation of the problem

1.What is difficulty writing skill in descriptive


2.What is difficulty writing skill, especially make

a describing, about something, someone, or place?

3.What is difficulty writing skill especially making

a sentence about descriptive writing?

1.5 Objective of the study

The aims of the study are:4

1. To find out what problems of students to make a

descriptive paragraph.

2. To find out how far students ability to make a

descriptive paragraph through choosing topics.

1.6 Significance of the Research

Theoretically, this research is expected can give

input for English teachers and the students as

materials reverences in teaching and learning process.

And the practically, the result of this research is

developing knowledge descriptive paragraph writing

through choosing topic can be applied in order to

overcome the problem in teaching English descriptive

paragraph writing and also can make teaching and

learning process interesting and to be easy.



2.1 Teaching And Learning Process


Teaching and learning are two terms, which are

unified and cannot be separated. Teaching and learning

process is an activity and an interaction between the

teacher and students in the classroom, in the context

of language class. The teacher is a facilitator to

pupils as well as a manager of the classroom activity.

According to Brown (1980: 7), teaching is showing

someone to learn how to do something, providing with

knowledge, causing to know or to understand.

This is also point out of Brown (1980: 2), teaching

cannot be defined apart from learning. Teaching is

guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner

to learn, setting the conditions for learning.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher

concludes that teaching is a process of learning to

transfer a knowledge or information to the students.

The teacher should be make a good practice of condition

in the class of the teaching learning.

According to Kimble and Garmezy (1963: 133), state

that learning is relatively permanent change in a

behavioral tendency and is the result of rein form

practice. And also Nasution (1992: 39), says that

learning is the process by which an activity organize

or change through trainings procedures whether in

factors not atributable to training. So, the researcher

assumes that learning process is a process in the


school and it have good purpose to change the students

be well in the school.

Teaching-learning process is the heart of education.

On it depends the fulfilment of the aims and objective

of education. It is the most powerful instrument of

education to bring about desired changes in the


2.2 Definition of Writing

Writing is the process of inscribing characters on a

medium, with the intention of forming words and other

larger language constructs. The instrument or

instruments used for recording, and the medium on which

the recording is done can be almost infinite, and can

be done by any instrument capable of making marks on

any surface that will accept them. Writing can be done

even on a grain of rice, and has been done as well with

individual atoms. According to Winterowd (1989: 4),

writing is most often used for referential purposes, to

explain directions for getting from one place to

another, instructions for assembling a new vacuum

cleaner, reasons for making a given choice, the basis

for one’s religious belief, a textbook such as this one

to demonstrate or prove through data and reasoning. 7

Writing is also often used to describe the craft of

creating a larger work of literature. This is an

extension of the original meaning, which would include

the act of writing longer texts. (Interestingly, if

this is done on a typewriter, the physical act of

making the marks on the paper in the typewriter would

be called typing, whereas the intellectual activity

involved in generating the letters, words and sentences

would be called "writing," and there are similar

situations, such as painting letters or words on a

canvas or the like, in which the act of painting forms

the letters, but the letters themselves are "writing".)

Writing in this sense can refer to the production of

fiction, non-fiction, poetry and letters. This is point

out of Winterowd (1989: 8), it is quite possible to

write without creating marks on paper (or clay tablets,

blackboard, or computer screens). We know that many

people whom we call “writers” speak their words into a

recorder, for someone else to transcribe, and that even

though the blind Milton dictated Paradise Lost to his

daughters, we say that he wrote the epic. It seems,

then, that the process of writing does not necessarily

involve inscription (making marks); of course, if the

writer’s words are not finally inscribed by someone in

some way, we would not have a text.


Writing is believed to have originated by the simple

drawing of ideograms: for example, a drawing of an

apple represents an apple, and a drawing of two legs

may represent the concept of walking or standing. From

this origin, the symbols become more abstract,

eventually evolving into symbols which seem unrelated

to the original symbol. For example, the letter N in

English is actually from an Egyptian hieroglyph

representing the same sound, but depicting waves in

water - the Egyptian word for water contains only one

consonant /n/, and the picture eventually came to

represent not only the idea of water, but the sound /n/

as well.

Writing with the intent to communicate has been

viewed spontaneously in non-humans. Work with the

Bonobos Kanzi and Panbanisha in the United States has

provided one such example. The examples which occur are

very few, but the origin of Bonobo "writing" seems to

be analogous to the origin of human writing.

An exception to the general rule that writing is an

attempt to communicate is the writing in unknown

scripts or languages alleged by mediums to be

communicated to them by ghosts, spirits, or other,

generally supernatural or extraterrestrial entities.

This technique is known as automatic writing.


Another exception is writing that is intended to be

secret and only understood by one or more recipients --

such writing can either be completely hidden by

invisible ink or steganography, or merely rendered

incomprehensible by cryptography.

Writing is to convey the information or message

through writing language. Conveying information will be

easier understood, dissected, and accepted by the

readers when the way of conveying information done in

choosing words exactly, convened structure, series of

logical synergy ideas, and coherence of ideas one and

other explained well (Djuharie, 2009: 5). Writing that

blends meaning and transcription is called constrained

writing. Writing is a powerful instrument of thought.

In the act of composing, writers learn about themselves

and their world and communicate their insights to

others. Writing confers the power to grow personally

and to effect change in the world.

The act of writing is accomplished through a process

in which the writer imagines the audience, sets goals,

develops ideas, produces notes, drafts, and a revised

text, and edits to meet the audience's expectations. As

the process unfolds, the writer may turn to any one of

these activities at any time. We can teach students to

write more effectively by encouraging them to make full

use of the many activities that comprise the act of


writing, not by focusing only on the final written

product and its strengths and weaknesses.

Based on the defenition above, the researcher can

conclude that writing is a process or creating to

describe some information, imagine or idea through

writing. A felling or emosition can also put down in

writing. It can develop the creation of writing.

2.3 Kinds of Writing

There is nothing new in telling you that writing can

exist in different forms. Most likely we have all

composed both a grocery list and a love letter at some

point in our lives already, so I needn't tell you the

obvious. According to Mackey (1991) in Nurafni (2012:

9), he classifies text of writing into two main kinds.

They are follows:

Story. Story genres include narrative, news

story, exemplum, anecdote, and recount.

Factual genre consists of procedure,

explanation, report, exposition, and


Anderson (2003: 1) divides text into two groups.

They are literary and factual texts. Literary texts

include narrative, poetry and drama. Moreover, factual

texts include recount, explanation, discussion,

information report, exposition, procedure and response.


It recounts a personal experience that all details work

together in an integrated way to create a complete

story with beginning, development and turning point,

and resolution. And the fourth is imaginative. It

invents a situation, perspective or story based on the

writer’s imagination.

So, writing can be classified into two kinds:

opinions from cognitive and imagination from effective

domain. Opinions are based on facts and reality events

such as recount, exposition, articles, reports, and

else, whereas imagination goes beyond that into fiction

such as story, spoof, poetry, songs and dramas.

2.4 Techniques of Writing

Writing is an important form of communication.

Good writers use different writing techniques to fit

their purpose for writing. To be a good writer, you

must master each of the following writing techniques :

a. Description

Description gives sense impressions-the feel, sound,

taste, smell and look of things. Emotions may be

described too-feelings such as happiness, fear,

loneliness, gloom, and joy. Description helps the

reader, through his/her imagination, to visualize a12

scene or a person, or to understand a sensation or an

emotion. (Wishon and Burks, 1980: 128)

Through description, a writer helps the reader use

the senses of feeling, seeing, hearing, smelling, and

tasting to experience what the writer experiences.

Description helps the reader more clearly understand

the people, places, and things about which the writer

is writing. It is the most common form of writing. You

will find descriptive writing in newspapers, magazines,

books, and most other forms of written communication.

Wishon and Burks (1980: 128) says that a good

description usually have three important qualities.

They have a dominant impression supported by specific

details, a clearly recognizable mood, and logical


b. Exposition

Through exposition, a writer informs, explains, and

clarifies his/her ideas and thoughts. Exposition goes

beyond description to help the reader understand with

greater clarity and depth the ideas and thoughts of the

writer. Expository writing, like descriptive writing,

is commonly found in newspapers, magazines, books, and

most other forms of written communication.


Exposition is used in giving information, making

explanation, and interpreting meanings. It includes

editorials, essays, and informative and instructional

material. Exposition may be used to explain a process,

that is, to tell how something is made or done. (Wishon

and Burks, 1980: 382).

c. Narration

Through narration, a writer tells a story. A story

has characters, a setting, a time, a problem, attempts

at solving the problem, and a solution to the problem.

Bedtime stories are examples of short stories while

novels are examples of long stories. The scripts

written for movies and plays are further examples of

narrative writing. In composition a narration is

considered as a text. It can be about biographies,

autobiographies, historical events, instructions, and

processes. A writer tries his effort to recount an

event in order to enable his or her reader as if can

experience it as her or she does. (Siahaan, 2008: 110).

d. Persuasion

Through persuasion, a writer tries to change a

reader's point of view on a topic, subject, or

position. The writer presents facts and opinions to get14

the reader to understand why something is right, wrong,

or in between. Editorials, letters to the editor in

newspapers and magazines, and the text for a political

speech are examples of persuasive writing. According to

Winterowd (1989: 133) says that however, it is possible

to convince a reader without persuading him or her, for

persuasion results in action of some kinds.

e. Comparison and Contrast

Through comparison and contrast, a writer points out

the similarities and differences about a topic.

Comparison is used to show what is alike or in common.

Contrast is used to show what is not alike or not in

common. Describing living conditions in 1900 and living

conditions today would allow for much comparison and


According to Wiratno (2002: 160), paragraf komparasi

dan kontras ialah paragraf yang menguraikan

perbandingan antara dua hal yang memiliki persamaan dan

perbedaan. Perbandingan dapat dinyatakan dengan kata

‘similar’ (mirip) atau ‘different’ (berbeda), dan oleh

konjungsi penanda kontras, seperti ’on the other hand’ (di

pihak lain), ‘but’ (tetapi), atau ‘in contras’



By using the writing technique that fits your

purpose, you will be able to communicate your ideas


2.5 Descriptive paragraph

To write an interesting paragraph, enjoyable

paragraph, we first should know what a paragraph is.

Let us define a paragraph, a good one, as a group of

sentences which contain relevant information about one

main or central idea. Since a good paragraph normally

focuses on only one central idea that is expressed in

the topic sentence, we need to construct a good topic

sentence as the starting point. Once we have a clue to

start, we can finish writing the rest of the paragraph

successfully. The topic sentence guides us to select

information-to include relevant information, but to

exclude what is irrelevant. Therefore, it is important

for the topic sentence to have a clear central idea;

this idea function to control the contents of the


A descriptive paragraph colorfully describes a

person, place or thing. It allows you to imagine the

way a person felt, heard or saw the object or location

at a particular time regardless if the writer explains

a real or imagined circumstance. Additionally, a

descriptive paragraph gives readers a vivid image of a16

person, place or thing. This type of paragraph uses

multiple sentences to convey a single clear image of a

person, place or thing.

Descriptive paragraph is a group of sentences that

cover a single topic is a paragraph. However, a

descriptive paragraph will describe a particular

situation. For example, a descriptive paragraph

explains how a person looks or how a person may behave.

This type of paragraph also can explain the way a place

or object appears, behaves and the surrounding


Basically, a paragraph consists of three parts, namely:

1. Introduction

2. Body

3. Conclusion

A good paragraph is similar to the so-called ’the

Preachers Three’ as Donald et al. (1987: 279) mention

in their book Writing Clear Sentence. A Preacher, as a

rule, begins preaching by telling us what he is going to tell

us (introduction). Then he tell us what he has decided to tell

us (body). At the end, he tell us what he has told us

(conclusion). In addition, a good paragraph has a topic

sentence, preferably placed at the beginning, a number


of supporting sentence, and a concluding sentence.

(Bram, 1995: 13).

Based on the explanation above, the researcher can

conclude that descriptive paragraph is how to describe

something, place, or person in particular situation.

2.5.1 The Paragraph

According to Siahaan (2008: 5), says that

paragraph is a piece of written text. It contains

several sentence. It can be classified into three

parts; they are the beginning, the body, and the

ending. As a text, a paragraph contains several

sentences which can be classified into three parts.

The first part of paragraph is called the beginning.

Commonly it only has one sentence. It is the most

important sentence in the paragraph. It functions as

the introductory sentence. Technically it is also

called the topic sentence.

The second part is called the body. It contains

several supporting sentences. Each of these sentences

elaborates the topic sentence. The third part is called

the ending. It is a complete sentence. It concludes the

development of the paragraph. It closes the paragraph.

As the ending it is always at the end of the paragraph.

Technically, it is also called the concluding sentence.


It can be defined then that a paragraph is a piece of

writing which contains a topic sentence, some

supporting sentence, and a concluding sentence.

To write an interesting, enjoyable paragraph, we

first should know what a paragraph is. Let us define a

paragraph, a good one, as a group of sentences which

contain relevant information about one main or central

idea. Since a good paragraph normally focuses on only

one central idea that is expressed in the topic

sentence, we need to construct a good topic sentence as

the starting point. One we have a clue to start, we can

finish writing the rest of the paragraph successfully.

The topic sentence guides us to select information-to

include relevant information, but to exclude what is

irrelevant. Therefore, it is important for the topic

sentence to have a clear central idea; this idea

functions to control the contents of the paragraph.

(Bram, 1995: 13).

Based on the explanation above, the researcher can

conclude that paragraph is a group of sentence that

contains a relevant information that consists of three

parts, there are beginning, the body, and ending.

2.5.2 Topic sentence

A topic sentence must have a subject and an

attitude. In other words, it consists of a topic or19

subject matter and a restricting statement. The subject

tells us what to write while the attitude shows or

gives reasons for writing; the subject claims what we

write about and the attitude implies why we write. A

topic sentence which has no attitude is like a dead,

boring conversation. It is better for us to stop

writing; having no attitude, we have no clear,

interesting, useful information to inform the readers.

We may conclude than that the topic sentence is the

summary of all information in the paragraph. ( Bram,

1995: 16).

A good topic sentence, at least to some extent, may

make the readers eager or even curious to find out

every single piece of information in the paragraph.

Sometimes, a writer places the topic sentence somewhere

in the middle of the paragraph.

This is also point out by Siahaan (2008: 21), the

topic sentence is the introductory part of a paragraph.

It is the most important part of the paragraph. A good

topic sentence is the sentence which can be well

developed by some supports. Commonly it is not about a

general truth that is common to everybody. It must be

an opinion which needs to be proved. It is not too long

to write in a short text containing about five to ten

sentences. It is not also too short to write. A good


topic sentence must be interesting to attract the

reader’s attention.

A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a

paragraph. It briefly indicates what the paragraph is

going to discuss. For this reason, the topic sentences

is a helpful guide to both the writer and the reader.

Alice (2006: 4).

Based on the explanation above, the researcher can

conclude that topic sentence is the introductory part

or subject and attitude of a paragraph. It is can be

well to developed by some supporting sentence and a

concluding sentence.

2.5.3 The Supporting Sentence

The supporting sentences of a paragraph develop its

topic sentence. They function as the body of the

paragraph. Each of them is about the topic sentence.

The supporting sentence which directly develops the

topic sentence is called the major supporting sentence.

The one which indirectly develops it but directly

develops the major supporting sentences is called the

minor supporting sentence. All the supporting sentences

of a paragraph are about the topic sentence. Siahaan

(2008: 33).


According to Alice (2006: 11) states that, “

supporting sentences explain or prove the topic

sentence. One of the biggest problems in student

writing is that student writers often fail to support

their ideas adequately. They need to use specific

setails to be through and convincing.

In the concept of writing a paragraph a supporting

sentence is a data of the topic sentence. It is any

information about the topic sentence. It is related to

the main topic and the controlling idea which are

introduced by the topic sentence. A supporting sentence

is then any information which functions to develop the

topic sentence.

Based on the defeniton above, the researcher can

conclude that supporting sentence is the developing

sentence or informations as in an idea of a topic


2.5.4 Concluding Sentence

Concluding sentence is the last part of a paragraph.

It is a single sentence. It ends a paragraph. Iy closes

the development of a paragraph. It is as important as

the topic sentence is. So the concluding sentence is a

single sentence which closes the development of a

paragraph. (Siahaan, 2008: 85).


According to Alice (2006: 13), a concluding sentence

serves two purposes:

1. It signals the end of the paragraph.

2. It leaves the reader with the most important ideas

to remember.

A paragraph does not always need a concluding

sentence. For single paragraphs, especially long ones,

a concluding sentence is helpful to the reader because

it is a reminder of the important points.

Based on the explanations above, the researcher can

conclude that the concluding sentence signals the end

of the paragraph and leaves the reader with important

points to remember.




3.1 Research Design

The research will be design through pre-experimental

method. Because this design not yet a really

experiment. Because it still has outer variable that

follow influence to formed of dependent variable.

(Sugiyono, 2009: 74). Hatch and Farhady (1982: 90)

state that the pretest is given before instruction or

treatment begins so there are two testes, O1 is pre-

test and O2 is post-test then X is used to symbolized

the treatment in following representation of the


This design is outlined as follows:

O1 X O2



O1 : The value of pretest (before


X : treatment through choosing topic

O2 : The value of the posttest (after a

given treatment)

( Sugiyono, 2009: 75 )

3.1 Population and Sample

3.1.1 Population

Population is generalization consists of

object/subject that has certain qualities and

characteristic that set by the research to learn and

then drag the conclusion, (Sugiyono, 2009:80). In this

research, the population consists of all students on

the second years of SMP Negeri 2 Yogyakarta. Totals

class of the second class are nine classes, one class

is 30 students and also 29 students. So, all of

students in second class are 265 students. They consist

of 145 female and 120 male students.

3.1.2 Sample

The sample in this research will be take from one

class from the population above. The kind of this


sample is cluster sampling, which is determining the

sample with consideration a look can give the maximal

data. The sample will be II-B class and consists of 29


3.2 Research Instrument

The researcher uses the test as the instrument to

collect the data. This research is using one group

pretest - posttest design. Pretest is the test which

will be given to the students before treatment. The

result of pretest shows the first condition of students

of students before given the treatment. From the result

of the pretest than make instrument plan that used in

treatment to appropriate with the first conditions of

students. After giveing the treatment, the students

will be given the question of posttest. The posttest is

the test which is going to be given to the students

after the treatment. From analyzed the result of

posttest can know how think of students to understand

the material of descriptive paragraph through choosing


Before the researcher gives the topic based on

descriptive paragraph writing through choosing topics,

the researcher will give the pretest to the students.

Those, the researcher will give the treatment to the

students based material on the curriculum of SMP Negeri26

2 Yogyakarta at the second class and comparing through

the posttest.

3.3 Procedure of Data Collection

The researcher will collect the data following

by the steps below:

1. The researcher chooses the sample class of the

second years students of SMP Negeri 2 Yogyakarta

2. Preparing the instrument of pretest

3. Before applying the choosing topic technique,

giving the pretest to the sample class

4. Teaching descriptive paragraph writing through

choosing topic.

5. Giving the posttest to the students that the sample


6. Organizing the data of pretest and posttest.

In analyzing the data, the researcher follows the steps


1. Checking the data scores of


2. Checking the data scores of

the posttest

3. Finding

5. Computing mean (X) of pretest (O1)

6. Computing mean (X) of Posttest (O2)


7. Computing mean (X) and Standard deviation (S) of

the pretest

8. Computing mean (X) and Standard deviation (S) of

the posttest.

3.4 Data Analysis

The researcher will analyze the data gained by

using one group pretest-posttest design. The data will

be put in frequency distribution and all the tests will

appear in frequency distribution. The researcher will

use means formulate:

analyzing the obtain data. Riduwan (2008:161).




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