Dentin Sialoprotein and Phosphoprotein Induce Neutrophil Recruitment: A Mechanism Dependent on IL-1b, TNF-a, and CXC Chemokines T. A. Silva, 1,2 V. S. Lara, 1 J. S. Silva, 3 G. P. Garlet, 3 W. T. Butler, 4 F. Q. Cunha 2 1 Department of Stomatology, Faculty of Dentistry of Bauru, University of Sa˜o Paulo, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil 2 Department of Pharmacology, University of Sa˜o Paulo, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil 3 Department of Immunology, University of Sa˜o Paulo, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil 4 Department of Basic Sciences, University of Texas-Houston Health Science Center Dental Branch, Houston, Texas, USA Received: 1 July 2003 / Accepted: 5 November 2003 / Online publication: 4 March 2004 Abstract. Dentin is a reservoir of several potentially active molecules, and dentin sialoprotein (DSP) and dentin phosphoprotein (DPP) are the two major non- collagenous proteins. It has been established that dentin molecules are released as a consequence of osteoclast action during the resorption process. Along with oste- oclasts, inflammatory cells seem to play an important role at sites of root resorption. Although the role of dentin molecules in dentinogenesis is well known, their role in pathological processes associated with dentin matrix dissolution is unclear. Recent studies have sug- gested that dentin components may function as chem- otactic and activator signals for inflammatory cells at these sites. Herein we present evidence that demineral- ized dentin crude extract, DSP, and DPP induced dose- and time-dependent neutrophil migration into the peri- toneal cavity of mice and that this activity was inhibited by dexamethasone, but not by indomethacin or MK886. The blockade of tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptors inhibited neutrophil ac- cumulation. The neutrophil migration was also dimin- ished in the absence of the chemokines cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant (KC) and macrophage in- flammatory protein-2 (MIP-2), but not in the absence of macrophage inflammatory protein-1a (MIP-1a). These results demonstrate that dentin induces neutrophil mi- gration via the synthesis of IL-1b, TNF-a, and chem- okines and they suggest that dentin matrix proteins may have an active role in inflammatory cell recruitment during pathological processes associated with dentin and bone matrix dissolution. Key words: Neutrophil chemotaxis — Dentin sialopro- tein — Dentin phosphoprotein — Cytokines — Matrix proteins Dentin phosphoprotein (DPP) and dentin sialoprotein (DSP) are the two major noncollagenous proteins (NCPs) of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of dentin comprising 50% and 5% to 8% of NCPs respectively [1, 2]. Although originally thought to be found only in dentin, these two ECM proteins are now known to be expressed at low levels by bone and other tissues [3]. These two proteins, encoded by the same gene, are ini- tially produced as one large, precursor protein called dentin sialophosphoprotein DSPP). Thus, proteolytic processing is necessary to convert DSPP to DSP and DPP ([4], review). Similar to bone, dentin represents a significant stor- age site for growth factors including transforming growth factor (TGF)-b super family members, such as TGF-b, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), and others [5, 6]. Cells of the dentin–pulp complex are ca- pable of synthesizing these growth factors, which are subsequently sequestered into the dentin matrix and released following tissue injury, potentially stimulating repair mechanisms [6, 7]. The presence of these growth factors has been described, as have their receptors and, more recently, their gene expression profile in health and disease [8, 9]. Furthermore, dentin has also been found to contain metalloproteinases (MMPs) [10]. These en- zymes are capable of cleaning components of the extracellular matrix and may regulate the availability of signaling molecules from dentin. MMPs activities may be controlled by tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TimPs) since these enzymes are generally found to be concomitantly expressed [11]. In contrast to the con- siderable number of studies on dentin proteins and growth factors in dentinogenesis, the role of these enti- ties in pathological processes affecting the developed tooth has received less attention. However, there is ev- idence that during the resorption process, dentin mole- cules are released as a consequence of osteoclast action on the root surface [12]. Along with osteoclasts, neutrophils are important cells involved in bone periapical resorption [13], acting as a source of cytokines at these sites [14]. On the Correspondence to: T. A. Silva; E-mail: tarcilia@zipmail. com.br Calcif Tissue Int (2004) 74:532–541 DOI: 10.1007/s00223-003-0159-5

Dentin Sialoprotein and Phosphoprotein Induce Neutrophil Recruitment: A Mechanism Dependent on IL-1�, TNF-a, and CXC Chemokines

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Dentin Sialoprotein and Phosphoprotein Induce Neutrophil Recruitment:

A Mechanism Dependent on IL-1b, TNF-a, and CXC Chemokines

T. A. Silva,1,2 V. S. Lara,1 J. S. Silva,3 G. P. Garlet,3 W. T. Butler,4 F. Q. Cunha2

1Department of Stomatology, Faculty of Dentistry of Bauru, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil2Department of Pharmacology, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil3Department of Immunology, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil4Department of Basic Sciences, University of Texas-Houston Health Science Center Dental Branch, Houston, Texas, USA

Received: 1 July 2003 / Accepted: 5 November 2003 / Online publication: 4 March 2004

Abstract. Dentin is a reservoir of several potentiallyactive molecules, and dentin sialoprotein (DSP) anddentin phosphoprotein (DPP) are the two major non-collagenous proteins. It has been established that dentinmolecules are released as a consequence of osteoclastaction during the resorption process. Along with oste-oclasts, inflammatory cells seem to play an importantrole at sites of root resorption. Although the role ofdentin molecules in dentinogenesis is well known, theirrole in pathological processes associated with dentinmatrix dissolution is unclear. Recent studies have sug-gested that dentin components may function as chem-otactic and activator signals for inflammatory cells atthese sites. Herein we present evidence that demineral-ized dentin crude extract, DSP, and DPP induced dose-and time-dependent neutrophil migration into the peri-toneal cavity of mice and that this activity was inhibitedby dexamethasone, but not by indomethacin or MK886.The blockade of tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) andinterleukin-1 (IL-1) receptors inhibited neutrophil ac-cumulation. The neutrophil migration was also dimin-ished in the absence of the chemokines cytokine-inducedneutrophil chemoattractant (KC) and macrophage in-flammatory protein-2 (MIP-2), but not in the absence ofmacrophage inflammatory protein-1a (MIP-1a). Theseresults demonstrate that dentin induces neutrophil mi-gration via the synthesis of IL-1b, TNF-a, and chem-okines and they suggest that dentin matrix proteins mayhave an active role in inflammatory cell recruitmentduring pathological processes associated with dentinand bone matrix dissolution.

Key words: Neutrophil chemotaxis — Dentin sialopro-tein — Dentin phosphoprotein — Cytokines — Matrixproteins

Dentin phosphoprotein (DPP) and dentin sialoprotein(DSP) are the two major noncollagenous proteins

(NCPs) of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of dentincomprising 50% and 5% to 8% of NCPs respectively [1,2]. Although originally thought to be found only indentin, these two ECM proteins are now known to beexpressed at low levels by bone and other tissues [3].These two proteins, encoded by the same gene, are ini-tially produced as one large, precursor protein calleddentin sialophosphoprotein DSPP). Thus, proteolyticprocessing is necessary to convert DSPP to DSP andDPP ([4], review).

Similar to bone, dentin represents a significant stor-age site for growth factors including transforminggrowth factor (TGF)-b super family members, such asTGF-b, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), andothers [5, 6]. Cells of the dentin–pulp complex are ca-pable of synthesizing these growth factors, which aresubsequently sequestered into the dentin matrix andreleased following tissue injury, potentially stimulatingrepair mechanisms [6, 7]. The presence of these growthfactors has been described, as have their receptors and,more recently, their gene expression profile in health anddisease [8, 9]. Furthermore, dentin has also been foundto contain metalloproteinases (MMPs) [10]. These en-zymes are capable of cleaning components of theextracellular matrix and may regulate the availability ofsignaling molecules from dentin. MMPs activities maybe controlled by tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases(TimPs) since these enzymes are generally found to beconcomitantly expressed [11]. In contrast to the con-siderable number of studies on dentin proteins andgrowth factors in dentinogenesis, the role of these enti-ties in pathological processes affecting the developedtooth has received less attention. However, there is ev-idence that during the resorption process, dentin mole-cules are released as a consequence of osteoclast actionon the root surface [12].

Along with osteoclasts, neutrophils are importantcells involved in bone periapical resorption [13], actingas a source of cytokines at these sites [14]. On the

Correspondence to: T. A. Silva; E-mail: [email protected]

Calcif Tissue Int (2004) 74:532–541

DOI: 10.1007/s00223-003-0159-5

other hand, the involvement of this leukocyte in theroot resorption process has not yet been thoroughlyinvestigated. There are a few studies suggestingthat neutrophils could also participate in this event,since they are present in the active phase of patho-physiologic conditions associated with tooth resorp-tion [14, 15]. Moreover, these cells are a source ofcytotoxic mediators (e.g., oxygen and nitrogen freeradicals, and proteolytic enzymes) and of cytokines[16], which activate surrounding cells, including oste-oclasts [17].

The recruitment of neutrophils to periodontal in-flammatory sites and their activation is regulated bychemotactic factors derived from dental hard tissuebreakdown, such as TGF-b [18] and osteopontin [19], bybacteria and their products and by inflammatorychemotactic mediators released by resident cells [20–25].The principal chemotactic mediators are eicosanoids,multifunctional inflammatory cytokines, chemokinesand nitric oxide (NO) [20–25]. TNF-a and interleukin(IL)-1b, potent stimulators of neutrophil infiltration,may act as final mediators or through the induction andsecretion of eicosanoids and chemokines [20, 22–25].The chemokine family includes small peptides known tomediate the recruitment of leukocytes, and these can bedistinguished depending on whether the first two cyste-ines are separated (CXC) or not (CC) by an interveningamino acid [20]. Macrophage inflammatory protein-2(MIP-2) and cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoat-tractant (KC), members of the CXC chemokine sub-family and macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP-1a)and RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal Texpressed and secreted), members of the CC group,possess recognized chemotactic activity for neutrophils[22, 23, 25].

Despite the evidence that, during the resorptionprocess, dentin molecules are released, it is not yetaccepted that these substances contribute to toothresorption. Consistent with this, it was observed thattraumatic root resorption was significantly inhibited inmice immunized with dentin [26]. Furthermore, ex-perimental studies have highlighted the fact thatdentin induces the migration of periodontal ligamentcells [27], macrophages and neutrophils [28]. In thisstudy, we investigated if dentin proteins, DSP andDPP, induce neutrophil migration into the peritonealcavity, which is a model of acute inflammation thatallows the simple and accurate quantification of mi-grating cells. In addition, we addressed the pathwaysinvolved in the DSP and DPP-induced neutrophil re-cruitment. We found that DSP and DPP-inducedneutrophil migration occurs via induction of IL-1b,TNF-a, KC, and MIP-2 release. The possible in-volvement of these proteins in pro-inflammatorypathways at sites of pathological exposure of dentin ishypothesized.

Materials and Methods

Animals and Reagents

All the experimental procedures involving the use of animalswere reviewed and approved by the institutional animal wel-fare committee. Male BALB/c, C57BL/6, p55)/), and MIP-1a-deficient mice 6 to 8 weeks old, weighing 20 to 25 g, werehoused in the animal facility of the Department of Pharma-cology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine of RibeiraoPreto, University of Sao Paulo. Breeding pairs of mice withtargeted disruption of the TNF-a receptor p55)/) gene andMIP-1a-deficient mice were obtained from Jackson Labora-tory (Bar Harbor, ME, USA). Because dentin proteins wereobtained from rats, some experiments were performed in maleWistar rats 6 to 8 weeks old, weighing 200 to 250 g. All ex-periments were performed twice using 5 animals per group;except for experiments with MIP-1a-deficient mice, in which 3animals per group were used.

Dentin Proteins and Extracts

The extraction and separation of DSP (53 KDa) and DPP (38KDa) from rat incisor dentin were performed by usingstandard procedures as described [1, 2]. Demineralized hu-man dentin crude extracts (cExt) were obtained as described[29]. Approval was obtained from the institutional ethicscommittee for the use of human teeth. Keyhole limpet hemo-cyanin (KLH) (8–9 MDa) and ovalbumin (OVA) (45 KDa),both from Sigma, tested at 10 lg/mL, were used as controlproteins.

Leukocyte Migration

cExt, DSP, and DPP (0.1, 0.3, and 1 lg/cavity) were injectedinto the peritoneal cavity, and leukocyte migration was eval-uated at intervals from 3 to 48 h Protein controls, KLH, andOVA at 10 lg/mL, were similarly injected intraperitoneallyand neutrophil migration was assessed 6 hours, later. At theindicated times, the peritoneal cavities were washed twice witha total of 3 and 10 mL of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS),respectively for mice and rats. Approximately 95% to 98% ofthe injected volume was recovered. The pooled exudates werecounted in a Coulter� ACT cell counter (Coulter Corpora-tion, Miami, Florida, USA) and centrifuged onto microscopeslides using a cytospin centrifuge (Shandon Lipshaw Inc.,Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania). The slides were air-dried andstained by using the May-Grunwald-Giemsa method for dif-ferential counting. In some experiments recombinant murineIL-1b (1 ng per cavity; R & D Systems, Minneapolis, MN,USA) and leukotriene B4 (LTB4; 25 ng per cavity) were usedas controls.

In Vitro Neutrophil Chemotaxis

For in vitro neutrophil chemotaxis experiments, neutrophilswere purified from human venous blood by density gradientcentrifugation on Percoll. Neutrophil chemotaxis was assayedusing a 5-lm pore size polycarbonate membrane (Millipore,Bedford, MA, USA) in micro-Boyden chambers (NeuroProbe, Cabin John, MD, USA). The chamber was incubated ina humidity-controlled unit at 37�C for 1 hour. Cells on theupper surface were removed by scraping, and cells adherent tothe lower side of the membrane were fixed in methanol andstained by using May-Grunwald-Giemsa for counting. Thenumber of cells in 6 high-power fields was counted, and theresult was expressed as the mean number of neutrophils perfield. N-formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP) (10)6

M) (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA), LTB4 (10)8 M) (Sigma), and

recombinant human IL-8 (10 ng) (NIBSC 89/520; National

T. A. Silva et al.: Dentin Proteins Induce Neutrophil Chemotaxis 533

Institute for Biological Standards and Control, London, UK)were positive controls and RPMI medium (Gibco, Grand Is-land, NY, USA) alone was the negative control. DPP wastested at 10 lg/mL, 100 lg/mL, and 1 mg/mL. DSP and cExtwere tested at 1 mg/mL.

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Antibodies

The protocols for anti-inflammatory drug treatments wereperformed as described previously [30, 31]. The animals weretreated 1 hour before stimuli with subcutaneous (s.c.) dexa-methasone phosphate (1 mg/kg; Sigma), or with leukotrienesynthesis inhibitor (MK886; 1 mg/kg, orally; Merck Sharp &

Dohme B.V., Haarlem, The Netherlands), or 30 minutes be-fore with a cyclooxygenase inhibitor (indomethacin, 5 mg/kg,s.c.; USP lot HLD-006), or 15 minutes before with a humanIL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra; 20 mg/kg, i.v., NIBSC 92/644). The control mice received an equivalent volume of PBSat the same time that the test mice received the anti-inflam-matory drugs.

The sheep antiserum anti-mouse TNF-a (35 lL per cav-ity; NIBSC H92/B8), anti-KC, anti-MIP-2 antibodies (Pep-rotech Inc., Rocky Hill, NJ, USA) and control rabbitnonimmune serum (DAKO, Glostrup, Denmark), both at800 ng/cavity, were co-administered i.p. with DSP and DPP(1 lg/cavity) and neutrophil migration was assessed 6 hourslater.

Fig. 1. Dose-dependence (panel A) and time-course (panel B)of neutrophil migration induced by dentin proteins. Mice wereinjected intraperitoneally with PBS (control) DSP, DPP, andcExt at the indicated doses, and neutrophil migration wasdetermined 6 hours later. The time-course of neutrophil mi-gration was determined by injection of PBS (control), DSP,DPP, and cExt (1 lg/cavity). Leukocyte differential countswere performed at 12, 24, and 48 hours after DSP, DPP, and

cExt challenge (panel C). The cells were defined as mononu-clear leukocytes (MNLs) and eosinophils (Eos). For all ex-periments results are representative means ± SEM. *P < 0.05compared to control. In vitro neutrophil chemotaxis inducedby DSP and DPP was performed as described in ‘‘Materialsand Methods,’’ fMLP (10)6 M), LTB4 (10

)8 M), IL-8 (10 ng),and RPMI were used as controls. *P < 0.05 compared toRPMI (panel D).

534 T. A. Silva et al.: Dentin Proteins Induce Neutrophil Chemotaxis

Cell Culture

Macrophages were harvested by washing the peritoneal cavitieswith PBS. Cells were cultured in RPMI with 5% fetal bovineserum (Hy-Clone, Logan, Utah, USA), penicillin (100 U/mL)and streptomycin (1 mg/mL) (Sigma), plated at 107 cells/mL/well and allowed to adhere. After 24 hours, unadhered cellswere removed by washing with 3 mL of sterile PBS and adheredmacrophages (>97%) were stimulated with DSP, DPP, andcExt at 100 ng/mL for 24 hours at 37�C in an atmosphere of 5%CO2. All experiments were performed twice in triplicate.

Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

The concentrations of cytokines in supernatants from DSP-,DPP-, and cExt-stimulated macrophages and in peritonealexudates were determined using sandwich ELISA followingthe manufacturer’s instructions. The mouse antibodies anti-IL-1b, TNF-a, MIP-1a, MIP-2, and RANTES were from R &D Systems and anti-KC was from Peprotech. The concentra-tion of each cytokine was calculated from a standard curve.

Nitrite Levels

The secretion of NO was evaluated by measuring NO2) accu-

mulation in culture supernatants by the Griess reaction [32].Briefly, 50 lL of sample was mixed with an equal amount ofGriess reagent containing 1% sulfanilamide (Sigma) and 0.1%naphthylethylenediamine dihydrochloride (Sigma) in 2%phosphoric acid. Absorbance was measured at 540 nm andnitrite concentration was determined using a standard curve ofsodium nitrite (Merck).

Statistical Analysis

Numerical values are means ± standard error of mean(SEM). The data were analyzed by one-way analysis of vari-ance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni’s post test. Statistical signifi-cance was considered to be achieved at P < 0.05.


Leukocyte Recruitment

DSP, DPP, and cExt induced a dose- (Fig. 1a) and time-dependent (Fig. 1b) neutrophil migration that peaked at6 hours for DPP and at 8 hours for DSP and cExt, both at1 lg per cavity. From this point, the neutrophil migra-tion declined and returned to control levels 48 hours later(Fig. 1b). cExt induced significantly lower neutrophilextravasation than did dentin proteins (Fig. 1a, b). Theproteins used as controls (ovalbumin, with a molecularweight similar to that of dentin proteins, and KLH withhigher molecular weight), tested at 10 lg per cavity, didnot induce significant neutrophil migration after 6 hours(control, 0.048 ± 0.041; KLH, 1.10 ± 0.64; and oval-bumin, 0.89 ± 0.51 · 106 cells/cavity) compared to DSP(2.18 ± 0.28 · 106 cells/cavity) and DPP (3.62 ± 0.58 ·106 cells/cavity). A similar pattern of DSP- and DPP-induced neutrophil accumulation was observed in rats(control, 6.87 ± 1.83; DSP, 16.34* ± 8.73; and DPP,19.67* ± 5.99 · 106 cells/cavity; n = 5, *P < 0.01) ex-cluding the possibility that the phenomenon reportedhere results from a species cross-reactivity.

Differential analysis revealed that the leukocyte in-filtration in response to cExt, DSP, and DPP challengecomprised >80% polymorphonuclear leukocytes 6hours after injections, whereas <20% of cells weremonocytes and eosinophils, suggesting that neutrophilsconstituted the majority of leukocytes at this time (datanot shown). However, the numbers of monocytes andeosinophils increased from 12 hours and persisted to thefinal time-point analyzed at 48 hours (Fig. 1c).

In vitro, DPP at 10 and 100 lg/mL exhibited neu-trophil chemotaxis similar to that of control medium(data not shown). At 1 mg/mL, DPP, but not DSP orcExt, induced significant neutrophil chemotaxis com-pared with control medium. DPP-induced neutrophilchemotaxis was significantly lower compared with thepositive controls fMLP, IL-8, and LTB4 (Fig. 1d).

Effect of Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

The neutrophil migration triggered by dentin proteinsand crude extract was significantly inhibited by dexa-methasone. However, the treatment with MK886 orindomethacin, described as effective agents at the dosesused [30, 31], was ineffective in modifying neutrophilmigration (Fig. 2).

Production of Cytokines, Chemokines, and NO by DSP-, DPP-,and cExt-Stimulated Macrophages

DSP- and DPP-treated macrophages displayed a sim-ilar production of cytokines, except for TNF-a, the

Fig. 2. Effect of anti-inflammatory drugs on DSP-, DPP-, andcExt-induced neutrophil migration. BALB/c mice were pre-treated 1 hour before with PBS (s.c.); Indo (indomethacin,5 mg/kg; s.c.); dexa (dexamethasone, 1 mg/kg; s.c.) or MK886(1 mg/Kg; orally) and neutrophil migration was assessed 6hours after injections of PBS (C), DSP, DPP, and cExt (1 lg/cavity). Results are representative means ± SEM. *P < 0.05compared to mice pretreated with PBS.

T. A. Silva et al.: Dentin Proteins Induce Neutrophil Chemotaxis 535

levels of which were greater for DPP (Fig. 3a). cExtwas less effective than DSP and DPP in the inductionof all tested mediators. Larger amounts of KC wereproduced, followed by MIP-2, MIP-1a, TNF-a, and

IL1-b (Fig. 3b through e). RANTES and nitrite pro-duction was not affected by dentin (Fig. 3f, g). Con-sequently, the participation of RANTES and NO inneutrophil recruitment was ruled out and the role of

Fig. 3. Production of TNF-a, IL-1b, KC,MIP-2, MIP-1a, RANTES, and NO2

)byDSP, DPP, and cExt-challengedmacrophages. Peritoneal macrophages (107

cells/well) were incubated for 24 hours withPBS (C), DSP, DPP, and cExt (100 ng/mL), and, supernatants were assayed forcytokine and nitrite production asdescribed in ‘‘Materials and Methods.’’Data are the mean ± SEM of triplicates.*P < 0.05 versus control values; #P < 0.05comparing two proteins.

536 T. A. Silva et al.: Dentin Proteins Induce Neutrophil Chemotaxis

IL1-b, TNF-a, KC, MIP-2, and MIP-1a was investi-gated.

Role of TNF-a and IL-1b in DSP-, DPP-, and cExt-InducedNeutrophil Migration

The TNF-a-antiserum, but not normal serum, signifi-cantly reduced the DSP-, DPP-, and cExt-stimulatedneutrophil recruitment (Fig. 4). The confirmation ofTNF-a involvement was achieved by a significant re-duction of neutrophil migration in p55)/) mice chal-lenged with DSP (Fig. 5b) and DPP (Fig. 5c), but notwith LTB4 (Fig. 5a). The similar neutrophil migration inp55)/) and wild-type mice challenged with LTB4 indi-cates that the reduction in DSP- and DPP-inducedneutrophil migration was not caused by hyporespon-siveness of knockout mice.

The prior treatment of mice with IL-1ra significantlyinhibited the neutrophil recruitment induced by DSP,DPP, and cExt. The specificity of the method was con-firmed by a marked reduction in neutrophil numbers inthe IL-1b-treated group (Fig. 6). Consistent with theseresults, we detected significant levels of IL-1b (control,35.28 ± 6.69; DSP, 134.56* ± 18.38; and DPP,141.66* ± 23.57 pg/cavity; *P < 0.05) and TNF-a(control, 42.4 ± 3.9; DSP, 186.99* ± 31.49; DPP,370.97* ± 56.34 pg/cavity, *P < 0.05) in the peritonealexudates 6 hours after intraperitoneal administration ofdentin proteins.

Role of CC and CXC Chemokines in DSP- and DPP-InducedNeutrophil Recruitment

Anti-MIP-2 and anti-KC antibodies, but not normalserum, significantly reduced the neutrophil migrationinduced by DSP (Fig. 7a) and DPP (Fig. 7b). Comparedto wild-type mice, no differences were detected in neu-trophil numbers in MIP-1a-deficient mice injected withDPP and cExt. In contrast, in DSP-stimulatedMIP-1a)/)

mice, a significant increase in neutrophil migration wasobserved (Fig. 7c).


After mineralization, the dentin molecules remain trap-ped in the mineralized phase, being exposed or releasedas a consequence of injury to the periodontal ligament,which may result from luxation, orthodontic movement,or infections of tooth and periodontal structures [17].The exposure of dentin allows osteoclasts to colonize theroot surface and start the resorption process. These cellsdissolve the mineralized matrix and then endocytose,transport, and continually release the matrix compo-nents during resorption [12]. Once released, these mol-ecules may be able to act at resorption sites and functionas chemotactic and activator signals for inflammatorycells [28], bone, and periodontal ligament cells [27], andcould, theoretically, influence the course of resorption.Consistent with this, the dentin immunoneutralization

Fig. 4. Effect of TNF-a antibodies on neutrophil migrationinduced by DSP (panel A), DPP (panel B), and cExt (panel C).Mice were treated with DSP, DPP, and cExt (1 lg/cavity) co-administrated with rabbit normal serum (S) (800 ng/cavity) oranti-TNF-a antibody (35 lL/cavity), and neutrophil migrationwas assessed 6 hours later. *P < 0.05 compared to control.

T. A. Silva et al.: Dentin Proteins Induce Neutrophil Chemotaxis 537

procedure protects mice from traumatic root resorption[26].

Cellular recruitment during root resorption probablyrelies on the establishment of chemotactic or haptotacticgradients within this microenvironment. However, theidentity of the chemoattractants responsible remains tobe established. We recently showed that dentin extractstriggered an intense cell migration in a time- and dose-dependent manner, as well as macrophage expression ofIL-1b, TNF-a, NO, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) [28].In this study, we investigated the ability of dentin pro-teins and crude extract to attract inflammatory cells intothe peritoneal cavity, as a model of acute inflammation.

The model of acute peritonitis was chosen to address thepathways involved in dentin-induced neutrophil chem-otaxis because of the simplicity in quantifying cell re-cruitment and in performing pharmacological andimmune manipulation. It was observed that dentinproteins, DSP and DPP, as well as crude extracts in-duced neutrophil recruitment. We focused our efforts onDSP and DPP because they are the major noncolla-genous proteins of dentin [1, 2].

The polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration wasfour times higher than that of other leukocyte types 6hours after DSP, DPP, and cExt injection. Demineral-ized crude extract was less effective in inducing neutro-phil migration when compared with purified proteins.These data indicate that despite the possibility of thepresence of other potentially active molecules in thecrude extract it is likely that low levels of DSP and DPPmediate the cExt-induced neutrophil migration. Theactual amount of DSP and DPP in cExt remains to bedetermined.

Although the role of neutrophils in dental resorptionremains unexplored, these cells have been shown to bepresent during the active phase of physiologic resorptionof deciduous teeth [15], and are key cells involved intissue destructive events in several inflammatory bonediseases, such as arthritis [33] and periodontal diseases[34]. Moreover, these cells are an important source ofcytokines at periapical resorption sites [14]. Further-more, good evidence for the role of neutrophils in pe-riapical resorption is given by the inhibition of thedevelopment of lesions in neutropenic rats [13].

Next, we investigated the mechanism by which DSP,DPP, and cExt induced the neutrophil recruitment. Wefound that dexamethasone, a glucocorticoid, markedlyreduced neutrophil recruitment, suggesting the partici-pation of cytokines and eicosanoids in this process, sincethis class of drugs inhibits these mediators [30, 31]. The

Fig. 5. TNF-a dependence of neutrophil migration induced by DSP and DPP. C57BL/6 and p55)/) mice were injected with LTB4

(25 ng/cavity) (panel A), DSP (1 lg/cavity) (panel B), and DPP (1 lg/cavity) (panel C). Results are representative means ± SEM.*P < 0.05 compared to wild-type mice.

Fig. 6. Effect of IL-1 receptor antagonist on DSP-, DPP-, andcExt-induced neutrophil migration. BALB/c mice were pre-treated with PBS or IL-1ra (20 mg/kg, i.v., 30 minutes before)and injected intraperitoneally with recombinant murine IL-1b(1 ng/cavity), DSP, DPP, and cExt (1 lg/cavity). Neutrophilmigration was evaluated after 6 hours. Results are represent-ative means ± SEM. *Significantly different from mice pre-treated with PBS at P < 0.05.

538 T. A. Silva et al.: Dentin Proteins Induce Neutrophil Chemotaxis

involvement of LTB4 or prostaglandins can be ruled outbecause MK886, an LTB4 synthesis inhibitor, and in-domethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, were ineffectivein inhibiting DSP-, DPP-, and cExt-induced neutrophilaccumulation. Taken together, these results suggest thatdentin-induced leukocyte accumulation occurs pre-dominantly via cytokine production. The absence ofcExt- and DSP-induced neutrophil chemotaxis in vitroand the fact that DPP did not induce a significant neu-trophil migration compared with classical chemotacticfactors, such as FMLP, LTB4, and IL-8, reinforces theconclusion that the mechanisms of neutrophil recruit-ment induced by both proteins are indirect and resultmainly from the endogenous release of inflammatorymediators. This suggestion is reinforced by the obser-vation that cExt, DSP, and DPP are able to induce therelease of cytokines, which seem to be the endogenousmediators of dentin-induced neutrophil recruitment.

Interestingly, osteopontin, a protein structurally relatedto DSP, activates osteoclasts [35] and macrophages [19]interacting with the CD44 receptor and the avb3 inte-grin. The possible involvement of these receptors in theinteraction of DSP and DPP with macrophages needs tobe further investigated.

IL-1b and TNF-a appear to be critical mediators indentin-induced neutrophil influx because the blockadeof TNF-a levels by neutralizing antibodies or the use ofTNF-receptor-deficient mice significantly impairedneutrophil accumulation. Likewise, the treatment withIL-1ra reduced neutrophil recruitment. Consistent withthe role of IL-1b and TNF-a in dentin-induced neutro-phil migration, the concentrations of these cytokinesincreased markedly in the peritoneum following intra-peritoneal injections or in vitro after treatment ofmacrophages with these proteins. In addition to theparticipation of IL-1b and TNF-a in DSP- and DPP-

Fig. 7. Effects of CXC and CCchemokines on DSP- and DPP-inducedneutrophil migration. Mice were treatedi.p with DSP (panel A) and DPP (panelB) (1 lg/cavity) co-administrated withrabbit normal serum (S) (800 ng/cavity)or antibodies directed against KC andMIP-2 (800 ng/cavity). C57BL/6 andMlP-1a-deficient mice (MIP-1a)/)) werei.p injected with PBS (C), DSP, DPP, andcExt (1 lg/cavity) (panel C). In allexperiments, neutrophil migration wasevaluated after 6 hours. Results arerepresentative means ± SEM of twoindependent experiments with 3 to 5 miceper group. *Significantly different fromrespective control values at P < 0.05.#P < 0.05 compared to wild-type mice.

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induced leukocyte recruitment, it was observed thatimmunoneutralization with either KC or MIP-2, CXCchemokines that selectively attract neutrophils [20, 25],markedly reduced the neutrophil accumulation, sug-gesting an additive effect of these chemokines in thisphenomenon. On the other hand, it has been shownpreviously that the combined injection of these anti-bodies is necessary to attenuate TNF-a-induced neu-trophil migration, attributable to the action of differentmediators [25].

Despite the high levels of MIP-1a in macrophagesupernatants, the DSP-, DPP-, and cExt-induced neu-trophil accumulation seems not to be dependent onMIP-1a. DSP-challenged MIP-1a-deficient mice exhib-ited a significant increase in neutrophil migration, sug-gesting that additional pathways might be activated byDSP in the absence of this chemokine.

Although we have focused our attention on chemo-tactic activity for neutrophils, it is important to notethat it is possible that dentin may have additional bio-logical activities within the root resorption milieu byregulating macrophage infiltration and function. More-over, upregulation of cytokine and chemokine produc-tion has been implicated in the neutrophil accumulation,and these mediators also participate in the recruitmentof other cell types such as monocytes, lymphocytes [20,22, 23] and osteoclast precursors [36–38]. It is note-worthy that IL-1b, TNF-a, and MIP-1a are importantproresorptive factors [36, 38] and their additional supplyby dentin-stimulated cells may attract and increase theactivity of osteoclasts. Consistent with this suggestion,significant inhibition of root resorption and a decreasein the number of resorbing cells has been observed afterneutralization with IL-1 and TNF-a in rats [39].

The biological significance of the pro-inflammatoryproperties of dentin has not been fully investigated;however, our results support the notion that neutrophilswill be recruited in situations where dentin release oc-curs and, as discussed previously, this may aggravate thedentin resorption. Furthermore, some dentin proteins,such as osteopontin, are able to attract and activateosteoclasts [35], which could also contribute to themaintenance of root resorption. On the other hand, it isimportant to note that DSPP and also other dentinproteins such as osteopontin, bone sialoprotein, anddentin matrix protein-1 could also downmodulate theinflammatory process owing to their ability to inhibitcomplement-mediated cell lysis [40].

The mechanisms of dentin resorption involving ma-trix-released molecules display similarity with those ofbone resorption [41]. DSP and DPP are not restricted todentin, since they also are expressed in bone, although atlower concentrations [3]. Thus at periapical resorptionsites, DPP and DSP delivered from bone might exhibiteffects similar to those of DSP and DPP from dentin.The participation of metalloproteinases and tissue in-

hibitors of metalloproteinases in the mechanisms of rootresorption has been described in the literature [42, 43].These enzymes are capable of cleaning components ofthe extracellular matrix and may regulate the availabilityof signaling molecules from dentin. The possible in-volvement of these enzymes in the release or inactivationof DSP and DPP needs to be further investigated.

In summary, this work demonstrates that dentinproteins induce leukocyte chemotaxis via the release ofinflammatory mediators, a finding that has not beenreported previously. It is plausible that the interactionbetween dentin and inflammatory cells may function asan additional source of TNF-a, IL-1b, MIP-1a, MIP-2,and KC in the root resorption milieu. These activitiesmight be important in further delineating the possibleinvolvement of DSP and DPP in inflammatory eventscoupled with their release at root resorption sites. Fur-thermore, this knowledge will contribute to our under-standing of the cellular events important in dental tissueinjury and repair.

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by grants fromFAPESP (01/01964-6), CAPES, and CNPq. The authors areindebted to Giuliana Bertozi, Ana Katia Santos, and FabıolaMestriner for their technical assistance.


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