Cell Injury, Repair, Aging and Apoptosis Lack of CXC Chemokine Receptor 3 Signaling Leads to Hypertrophic and Hypercellular Scarring Cecelia C. Yates,* †‡ Priya Krishna,* Diana Whaley, Richard Bodnar,* Timothy Turner, and Alan Wells* †‡ From the Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh,* Pittsburgh Veteran Affairs Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and Tuskegee University Center for Cancer Research, Tuskegee, Alabama CXC chemokine receptor 3 (CXCR3) signaling pro- motes keratinocyte migration while terminating fibroblast and endothelial cell immigration into wounds; this signaling also directs epidermal and ma- trix maturation. Herein , we investigated the long- term effects of failure to activate the “stop-healing” CXCR3 axis. Full-thickness excisional wounds were created on CXCR3 knockout (/) or wild-type mice and examined at up to 180 days after wounding. Grossly, the CXCR3 / mice presented a thick keratinized scar compared with the wild-type mice in which the scar was scarcely noticeable; histological examination revealed thickening of both the epidermis and dermis. The dermis was disorganized with thick and long collagen fibrils and contained excessive collagen content in comparison with the wild-type mice. Interestingly , the CXCR3 / wounds presented lower tensile/burst strength , which correlates with decreased alignment of collagen fibers , similar to published findings of human scars. Persistent Extracellular matrix turnover and immaturity was shown by the elevated expression of proteins of the immature matrix as well as expression of matrix met- allopeptidase-9 MMP-9. Interestingly, the scars in the CXCR3 / mice presented evidence of de novo development of a sterile inflammatory response only months after wounding; earlier periods showed resolution of the initial inflammatory stage. These in vivo studies establish that the absence of CXCR3 / signaling network results in hypertrophic and hyper- cellular scarring characterized by on-going wound regeneration, cellular proliferation, and scars in which immature matrix components are undergo- ing increased turnover resulting in a chronic in- flammatory process. (Am J Pathol 2010, 176:1743–1755; DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2010.090564) Scar formation after excisional wound repair results from a dysfunction in remodeling the two skin compartments, the ectodermally– derived epithelial epidermis and the mesodermally– derived mesenchymal dermis. 1 As a re- sult, there is excessive deposition and misalignment of extracellular matrix proteins. Hypertrophic scar forma- tion, resulting in a thickened skin, which is raised above the unwound tissue, is caused by increased wound cel- lularity and excessive matrix. Although it is well recog- nized that a scar results from an imbalance in cellular responses to promotive and inhibitory signals 2 that signal in a paracrine fashion between the dermis and epidermis, 3,4 the factors that influence this balance between production and degradation are only now being ascertained. Scarring is a challenge to study because the animal models for scarring are such that the hypertrophy occurs in privileged sites, on physiochemical insult, or in a ge- netically influenced manner. 5,6 In addition, these animal models do not recapitulate the complex situation of hu- man hypertrophic scars or keloids. For instance, hyper- trophic scars generated by traction forces being applied during the regenerative phase of healing present a mixed picture of both dermal and epidermal hyperproliferation. 2 Still, this mixed picture aspect of wound hypertrophy is reminiscent of the early stages of human wound hyper- trophic scarring. 7 Thus, the challenge in these models is to understand the signaling network that under normal conditions limits the wound healing response to prevent human hypertrophic scars. We have taken the approach to determine whether signals that arise late in the regen- erative phase act not only to drive wound resolute but also prevent the emergence of hypertrophic scarring. Earlier, we had found that the exuberant cellular re- sponses of wound repair are resolved late in the healing process, at least in part, by a related group of chemo- Supported by grants from the National Institute of General Medical Sci- ence of the National Institutes of Health. Services in kind were provided by the Pittsburgh Veteran Affairs Medical Center and National Cancer Insti- tutes U54 Tuskegee University. Accepted for publication December 1, 2009. Address reprint requests to Alan Wells, M.D., D.M.Sc, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Pathology, 3550 Terrace St, Scaife Hall, S-713, Pittsburgh, PA 15261. E-mail: [email protected]. See related Commentary on page 1588 The American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 176, No. 4, April 2010 Copyright © American Society for Investigative Pathology DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2010.090564 1743 Uncorrected Version. Published on March 4, 2010 as DOI:10.2353/ajpath.2010.090564 Copyright 2010 by the American Society for Investigative Pathology.

Lack of CXC Chemokine Receptor 3 Signaling Leads to Hypertrophic and Hypercellular Scarring

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Cell Injury, Repair, Aging and Apoptosis

Lack of CXC Chemokine Receptor 3 SignalingLeads to Hypertrophic and Hypercellular Scarring

Cecelia C. Yates,*†‡ Priya Krishna,*Diana Whaley,† Richard Bodnar,*†

Timothy Turner,‡ and Alan Wells*†‡

From the Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh,*

Pittsburgh Veteran Affairs Medical Center,† Pittsburgh,

Pennsylvania; and Tuskegee University Center for Cancer

Research,‡ Tuskegee, Alabama

CXC chemokine receptor 3 (CXCR3) signaling pro-motes keratinocyte migration while terminatingfibroblast and endothelial cell immigration intowounds; this signaling also directs epidermal and ma-trix maturation. Herein, we investigated the long-term effects of failure to activate the “stop-healing”CXCR3 axis. Full-thickness excisional wounds werecreated on CXCR3 knockout(�/�) or wild-type miceand examined at up to 180 days after wounding.Grossly, the CXCR3�/� mice presented a thick keratinizedscar compared with the wild-type mice in which the scarwas scarcely noticeable; histological examination revealedthickening of both the epidermis and dermis. The dermiswas disorganized with thick and long collagen fibrils andcontained excessive collagen content in comparisonwith the wild-type mice. Interestingly, the CXCR3�/�

wounds presented lower tensile/burst strength, whichcorrelates with decreased alignment of collagen fibers,similar to published findings of human scars. PersistentExtracellular matrix turnover and immaturity wasshown by the elevated expression of proteins of theimmature matrix as well as expression of matrix met-allopeptidase-9 MMP-9. Interestingly , the scars inthe CXCR3�/� mice presented evidence of de novodevelopment of a sterile inflammatory responseonly months after wounding; earlier periods showedresolution of the initial inflammatory stage. Thesein vivo studies establish that the absence of CXCR3�/�

signaling network results in hypertrophic and hyper-cellular scarring characterized by on-going woundregeneration, cellular proliferation, and scars inwhich immature matrix components are undergo-ing increased turnover resulting in a chronic in-flammatory process. (Am J Pathol 2010, 176:1743–1755;DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2010.090564)

Scar formation after excisional wound repair results froma dysfunction in remodeling the two skin compartments,the ectodermally–derived epithelial epidermis and themesodermally–derived mesenchymal dermis.1 As a re-sult, there is excessive deposition and misalignment ofextracellular matrix proteins. Hypertrophic scar forma-tion, resulting in a thickened skin, which is raised abovethe unwound tissue, is caused by increased wound cel-lularity and excessive matrix. Although it is well recog-nized that a scar results from an imbalance in cellularresponses to promotive and inhibitory signals2 thatsignal in a paracrine fashion between the dermis andepidermis,3,4 the factors that influence this balancebetween production and degradation are only nowbeing ascertained.

Scarring is a challenge to study because the animalmodels for scarring are such that the hypertrophy occursin privileged sites, on physiochemical insult, or in a ge-netically influenced manner.5,6 In addition, these animalmodels do not recapitulate the complex situation of hu-man hypertrophic scars or keloids. For instance, hyper-trophic scars generated by traction forces being appliedduring the regenerative phase of healing present a mixedpicture of both dermal and epidermal hyperproliferation.2

Still, this mixed picture aspect of wound hypertrophy isreminiscent of the early stages of human wound hyper-trophic scarring.7 Thus, the challenge in these models isto understand the signaling network that under normalconditions limits the wound healing response to preventhuman hypertrophic scars. We have taken the approachto determine whether signals that arise late in the regen-erative phase act not only to drive wound resolute butalso prevent the emergence of hypertrophic scarring.

Earlier, we had found that the exuberant cellular re-sponses of wound repair are resolved late in the healingprocess, at least in part, by a related group of chemo-

Supported by grants from the National Institute of General Medical Sci-ence of the National Institutes of Health. Services in kind were provided bythe Pittsburgh Veteran Affairs Medical Center and National Cancer Insti-tutes U54 Tuskegee University.

Accepted for publication December 1, 2009.

Address reprint requests to Alan Wells, M.D., D.M.Sc, University ofPittsburgh, Department of Pathology, 3550 Terrace St, Scaife Hall, S-713,Pittsburgh, PA 15261. E-mail: [email protected].

See related Commentary on page 1588The American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 176, No. 4, April 2010

Copyright © American Society for Investigative Pathology

DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2010.090564


Uncorrected Version. Published on March 4, 2010 as DOI:10.2353/ajpath.2010.090564

Copyright 2010 by the American Society for Investigative Pathology.

kines that appear in the late remodeling and persist intothe resolving phase of wound healing; this is the time atwhich cellularity is reversed and the wound bed ma-tures.8,9 These chemokines, IP-9/CXCL11 expressed byre-differentiating keratinocytes and IP-10/CXCL10 pro-duced by maturing endothelium deep in the der-mis,4,10,11 both bind to the ubiquitous seven transmem-brane G-protein couple chemokine receptor, CXCR3.12

Signaling through CXCR3 blocks the growth factor in-duced motility of fibroblasts and endothelial cells by sup-pressing m-calpain, CAPN2, activation.13,14 Yet in con-trast, these chemokines increase keratinocytes migrationvia lessened adhesiveness secondary to u-calpain,CAPN1, activation.15 It is the cellular effects and, mostimportant, the timing of the expression of IP-9 and IP-10that suggests these chemokines are at least part of thekey communication between the dermis and epidermisthat signals an end to the remodeling phase and initiationof the resolving phase of wound repair.

These CXCR3 ligands signal between the two com-partments to stop wound healing. Using mice lackingeither the receptor or the CXCL11/IP-9 ligand as in vivomodels, we found that in the absence of this signalingaxis, excisional wounds matured at a retarded rate with astill weakened and immature dermis even 90 days afterwounding.9 Furthermore, while there was a delay in re-epithelialization, as predicted by the promotive effects onkeratinocytes, the closed wounds presented an epider-mis that contained more cell layers than the syngenicwild-type mice. However, in both models the skin haddeveloped normally despite the absence of the receptoror ligand, and the wounds did close and were maturing,reflecting a critical redundancy in wound repair ele-ments.1 Thus, we expected that at extended time periodsthe wounds would fully resolve. Surprisingly, we nowreport that not only does the wound resolution not go tocompletion, but these wounds appear to revert to anongoing regenerative-like process that results in a vis-ible scar characterized by hyperkeratinization, exces-sive but dysfunctional collagen matrix, and an inflam-matory infiltrate.

Materials and Methods

Mouse Model System

The CXCR3-devoid mice were the kind gift of Bao Lui andWilliam Hancock, and the mice were generated as pre-viously described.16 CXCR3�/� female mice were bredwith CXCR3�/� male mice, and all of the offspring werescreened by PCR before use for the study.9 Control,age-matched C57Bl6/J mice were obtained from Jack-son Laboratories (Bar Harbor, ME). IP-9/CXCL11 expres-sion by basal keratinocytes was abrogated by expressionof an antisense construct driven off the K5 promoter(a kind gift from Dr Jose Jorcano, National ResearchCentre for Energy, Environment and Technology, Madrid,Spain).17 In brief, the construct was generated by cloningthe IP-9 cDNA into the SnaB1 site of the pBK5 vector,which contains 5.2 kb of the bovine cytokeratin K5 pro-

moter.18 The transgenic mice are referred to as IP-9AS.The IP-9AS transgene was expressed in FVB mice, whichwere used herein for the control mice background. Allstudies on these animals were performed in compliancewith and after approval by the Institutional Animal Careand Use Committees of the Veteran’s Administration andUniversity of Pittsburgh. These animals were housed in afacility of the Veteran’s Affair Medical Center (Pittsburgh,PA) accredited by the Association for the Assessmentand Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care. Serologicalanalyses did not detect blood borne pathogens or evi-dence of infection. Mice were housed in individual cagesafter wounding and maintained under a 12-hour light/dark cycle and temperature in accordance with theguidelines approved by the Institutional Animal Care andUse Committee.


Male and female mice (7 to 8 weeks of age and weighingapproximately 25 g) were anesthetized with an intraperi-toneal injection containing ketamine (75 mg/kg) and xy-lazine (5 mg/kg). The backs were cleaned, shaved, andsterilized with betadine solution. For full-thickness wounds,a circular 2-cm full-thickness wound through the epider-mis and dermis was made on one side of the dorsalmidline (to minimize wound contraction) by using sharpscissors, and the contralateral uninjured skin served as acontrol. The wounds were covered with liquid occlusivedressing (New-Skin; Medtech, Jackson, WY). India inkwas used to mark the wound site at the time of wounding;after healing, the wound site was marked externally onthe skin by marker every 2 weeks.

Histological Analyses


Wound bed biopsies surrounded by a margin of un-wounded skin were collected at days 60, 90, 120, and180 after wounding. Wound biopsies were fixed in 10%buffered formalin, processed, and embedded in paraffinblocks by using standard protocols. Tissue sections (4�m) were stained with H&E and analyzed for generaltissue and cellular morphology. Collagen deposits wereevaluated by Masson’s Trichrome staining (for content)and Picrosirius Red staining (for alignment and organiza-tion).9 Wound biopsies were compared with that of thecontralateral unwounded skin by using Meta-Morph anal-ysis software (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA). ForPicrosirius Red birefringence under polarized light, dis-tribution of fibrils in terms of thickness (cross-sectionalarea) and arrangement in terms of length of the collagenscars were quantitatively analyzed by using Meta-Morph.Polarization microscopy reveals tightly packed thick andlong fibrils of type 1 collagen as either bright red-orangeintense birefringence in tissue and thin short loose fibrilsas yellow-green. Percent staining of mature fibers wasdetermined by comparing the total staining intensity ofthe birefringence (area of staining summed for intensity of

1744 Yates et alAJP April 2010, Vol. 176, No. 4

pixel) of wound biopsies compared with the biopsies ofthe contralateral unwounded skin.


Human skin samples, obtained via an honest broker froma de-identified tissue bank, were used for the histologicalstudy of hypertrophic scars. Skin was obtained from theshoulder (TB08-83), malar (TB08-84), and chest (TB08-85) regions. Standard 5-�m sections were cut and em-bedded in paraffin were used. The use of the specimensherein was deemed exempt category 4e by the Universityof Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board because this tis-sue was received as excess pathological tissue devoid ofprotected health information.

Epidermal and Dermal Maturation

Histopathological examination of mouse tissue was per-formed blinded by a trained histopathologist. Qualitativeassessments were made concerning aspects of dermaland epidermal maturation as previously described.18 Inbrief, the samples were scored on a scale of 0 to 4 forepidermal healing (0, no migration; 1, partial migration; 2,complete migration with partial keratinization; 3, com-plete keratinization; and 4, normal epidermis) and dermalhealing (0, no healing; 1, inflammatory infiltrate; 2, gran-ulation tissue present-fibroplasias and angiogenesis; 3,collagen deposition replacing granulation tissue �50%;and 4, complete healing).

Wound Measurements

Epidermal, dermal, and wound thickness and woundlength measurements were based on those made fromH&E-stained tissue sections at 10� magnification. Wemeasured five separate sections for the epidermal (thick-ness of epidermis in scar), dermal (thickness of dermis inscar), and wound thickness (entire cross section of thescar). Wound length was measured from uninjured skinon one side of the scar across the dermis to the otherside. Five fields of unwounded skin from both sides of thescar were measured for controls.


Acute inflammation was defined as the presence of neu-trophils, and chronic inflammation by the presence ofplasma and monocytic cells (0, none; 1, slight; 2, mod-erate; and 3, abundant). In both situations the scale wasthe relative level of cells per high-power field as previ-ously described.18

Tissue Gram Stain

Sections were Gram-stained by standard protocols andwere analyzed under oil immersion 60� magnification forhistological l assessment. For the Gram reaction (Gram-positive or Gram-negative), morphology (eg, coccus,

rod, or formation of chains or clusters) and number oforganisms seen per field were determined.

Antigen retrieval was performed first by use of ClearRite3 (Thermo Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA) in three 10-minute washes, followed by deparaffinization with 100%and 95% ethanol for 3 minutes, and 75% alcohol for 1minute. Slides were rinsed in distilled H2O and then in-cubated in proteinase K for 30 minutes. A washing bufferusing 20X PBS (pH 7.2) was used three times for 1 minutefor each wash. A peroxidase blocking solution (0.3%H2O2 in methanol) was then applied for 10 minutes atroom temperature followed by a washing step. Slideswere then incubated for 30 minutes with a serum-block-ing agent by using antibody of the same species as thesecondary antibody. Primary antibodies used were fi-bronectin (Affinity Bioreagents, Golden, CO), tenascin Cand decorin (R & D Systems, Inc, Minneapolis, MN), vonWillebrand factor, matrix metallopeptidase-9 (MMP-9),transforming growth factor-� receptor, Ki-67, collagen Iand III, Macrophage, and �-smooth muscle actin (all fromAbcam, Cambridge, MA), and slides were incubated inprimary antibody for 1 hour at 1:50 dilution. Biotinylatedsecondary antibody incubation for 30 minutes at roomtemperature was followed by detection, which was accom-plished by using an avidin-biotin complex peroxidase solu-tion (Vectastain, Burlingame, CA) for 30 minutes at roomtemperature. Peroxidase/chromagen substrate agent wasapplied for at least 5 minutes and until desired stain intensitywas achieved. A washing step with PBS Tween 20 wasperformed after each antibody incubation, except for betweenthe serum block and primary antibody (three washes for 2minutes each). Slides were left in Clear-Rite3 twice for 5 min-utes each time and then were cover-slipped with mountingmedium. Slides were then viewed and analyzed under anOlympus BX40 light microscope by using Spot Advancedsoftware (Diagnostic Instruments, Inc, Sterling Heights, MI).

Standard terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-medi-ated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) assay (Roche Di-agnostics Corporation, Indianapolis, IN) was performedas described earlier9 and pseudo-colored red to betterdistinguish apoptotic nuclei (red from total nuclei DAPI,4�,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole). Quantification of dermalapoptotic nuclei was performed by using Meta-Morphsoftware (Molecular Devices).

Hydroxyproline Assay

A hydroxyproline assay was performed as a marker ofcollagen synthesis in wound tissues. Wet skin tissue wasweighed and dried at 110°C for 24 hours in glass vacu-oles. This was then hydrolyzed with 6N HCL, and oxygenwas removed and replaced with nitrogen for incubationunder anoxic conditions for 24 hours at 110°C. 4-Hy-droxy-l-proline standards (0 to 5 �g/ml) were createdfrom a 10 �g/ml hydroxyproline stock solution. Sampleswere incubated with 0.5 ml of chloramine-T solution (50mmol/L chloramine-T, 30% v/v ethylene glycol mono-methyl ether, 50% v/v hydroxyproline buffer [0.26 M citricacid, 1.46 M sodium acetate, 0.85 M sodium hydroxide,1.2% v/v glacial acetic acid], distilled H2O for the remain-

Hypertrophic Scarring in CXCR3 Absence 1745AJP April 2010, Vol. 176, No. 4

ing volume), followed by 0.5 ml of 3.15 M perchloric acidfor 5 minutes at room temperature. Hydroxyproline stan-dards and samples were read in a 96-well plate at 557nm on a spectrophotometer (SpectraMax plus; MolecularDevices). Values are expressed as micrograms of hy-droxyproline per milligram of protein.

Tensile Strength

Biopsies were bisected, wrapped flat in foil, snap-frozenin liquid nitrogen, and then stored at �80°C. For thetensile strength measurements, the frozen specimenswere divided into two samples, the cross-sectional areawas measured with calipers, and then the samples wereclamped in a tensiometer and force-exerted until wounddisruption. Measurements were recorded by a custom-ized computer software program, and tensile strengthwas calculated by using the following formula: maximumtensiometer reading (converted to grams) divided bycross-sectional area (mm2) � tensile strength (g/mm2).The results for individual specimens from one woundwere combined to determine an average tensile strengthper wound. The average tensile strength per wound wastabulated for each group. Tensile strength was normal-ized to unwounded skin of each phenotype and withineach experimental run.

Keratinocyte–Fibroblast Transwell Co-Cultures

Primary C57Bl6/J wild-type or CXCR3�/� keratinocyteswere seeded on Transwell clear inserts of polyester mem-brane with a 0.4-�m pore size and a diameter of 12 mmfor 12-well plates (Costar Corporation, Corning, NY).4

Primary C57Bl6/J wild-type or CXCR3�/� fibroblasts wereplated on the lower chambers of 12-well plastic dishesand were grown to confluence. After both the keratino-cytes and fibroblasts reached confluence, the cells werequiesced in medium containing 0.1% dialyzed serum forfibroblasts and growth factor-deficient medium for kera-tinocytes. The inserts containing the keratinocytes weretransferred on to 12-well dishes with the fibroblasts. Thekeratinocytes were then stimulated with or without 2000 Uof human interferon-� (IFN-�) for 24 hours in the presenceor absence of epidermal growth factor (EGF; 10 nmol/L)and/or anti-CXCL11 (3 �g/ml). Inserts with keratinocytesbut not treated with IFN- � and inserts without keratino-cytes but treated with IFN- � and fibroblast stimulationalone with recombinant CXCL11 served as controls.These concentrations were determined empirically toprovide either maximum motility or inhibition without tox-icity. Cell migration assay of the fibroblasts was per-formed, and photographs were taken at 0 and 24 hoursand the relative distance moved into wounded area at theacellular front was determined.

Statistical Analyses

All assays were performed on a minimum of five mice orfour human specimens. Quantitative assays were per-formed at least three times each in triplicate experiment,

and histological quantitations were performed on at leastfive microscopic fields of each specimen. Results areexpressed as mean � SEM per specimen because allindividual assay measurements were performed in repli-cate. Statistical differences between groups were deter-mined by the Kruskal-Wallis test. For difference of a sin-gular group, analysis of variance analyses wereperformed. Significance was claimed for P � 0.05.


Wounds in Mice Lacking CXCR3 Results in aVisible Scar

We have published that the absence of CXCR3 signalingleads to impaired wound repair; CXCR3�/� mice woundexhibited hyperkeratinization, thickened epidermis, dis-organized and hypercellular dermis, and excessive vas-cularity even 90 days after wounding.9 However, thelong-term consequences of this “failure to stop” healingwere not predictable because the wounds appeared tobe maturing and resolving at out to 90 days when exam-ined histologically. We therefore created full-thicknessexcisional wounds on the mouse dorsum and followedthe wounds for 180 days at which point the abnormality inhealing was grossly apparent. The wounds in theCXCR3�/� mice still appeared unresolved with the pres-ence of a scaly raised area (Figure 1A). Histologicalassessment confirmed that the abnormal healing pat-terns seen grossly at day 180 were a result of the exces-sive epidermal cell layers, hyperkeratinization, excessfibroblasts and collagen, and persistent chronic inflam-mation, resulting in an overall thicker scar (Figure 1B).Quantification of the wound showed a significant delay inwound maturation of the CXCR3�/� wounds in compari-son with that of the wild-type mice wounds (Figure 1C).This was reflected by increased thickness of both theepidermis and dermis of the wounds in the CXCR3�/�

mice (Figure 1, D and E). CXCR3�/� wounds appear tocontinue to remodel and not fully mature in wound thick-ness and length over a longer period of time comparedthe wild-type mice (Figure 1, F and G).

Interestingly, these 6-month-old wounds in theCXCR3�/� mice have similarities with the features of ahuman hypertrophic scar (though missing some of thearchitectural changes of the human hypertrophic situa-tion; Figure 1H), whereas the wounds in wild-type miceclosely resemble unwounded skin as would be expectedfrom a healed wound. Hypertrophic scars are usuallyhyalinized, thickened, and have multidirectional growth ofcollagen bundles.19 At 180 days the wounds in theCXCR3�/� mice showed similarly thickened epidermiswith hyperkeratinization and dermal hypercellularity, ex-cessive and disorganized collagen bundles. These sim-ilarities suggest that the CXCR3�/� mouse wound modelcould be used as a model for studying hypertrophic andhypercellular scar formation.

1746 Yates et alAJP April 2010, Vol. 176, No. 4

Fibroplasia and Excessive but MisalignedCollagen Characterize the Dermis in theAbsence of CXCR3

The main role of the remodeling phase fibroplasia is torapidly replace the dermal matrix. This occurs in threesteps with initial generation of an immature provisionalmatrix followed by replacement of the provisional matrixwith a collagen I-rich matrix that is then aligned, theselatter two stages secondary to fibroblast “differentia-tion”20; the fibroplasia is then reverted by apoptosis. It isthese two latter phases and the involution of the fibropla-sia that appear compromised in the wounds in CXCR3-devoid mice (Figure 2).21 Masson’s Trichrome stainingthat detects collagen production shows CXCR3�/� micewith greater collagen content in comparison with wild-type shown by the intensity of the staining (Figure 2A).Although quantification of the trichrome staining suggest50% greater amounts of collagen in wounds in the ab-sence of CXCR3 (Figure 2B), interestingly, in the wild-type mice, the healed wounds had similar levels of col-lagen to unwounded skin. Picrosirius Red staining, which

detects appropriately stressed and aligned collagenbundles, showed at 180 days the collagen in to be short,actively growing and remodeling, immature fibers that failto provide strength in the absence of CXCR3 (Figure 2, Cand D). Tensiometry was performed on these woundsto determine the tensile strength, which is the end goalof the dermal matrix regeneration. The wounds in theCXCR3�/� mice required significantly less force tobreak compared with the healed wounds in the wild-type mice; these latter wounds demonstrated the ex-pected 20% or reduction in strength compared withunwounded skin, which is noted to follow dermal woundrepair validating the measurements (Figure 2E).20 Theseresults suggest that the lack of collagen alignment andmaturation results in less strength in the absence ofCXCR3 signaling.

Apoptosis of dermal cells is critical during the resolv-ing phase for dermal maturation in which the few remain-ing fibroblasts are synthetic and contractile rather thanproliferative/apoptotic.21,22 Interestingly, hypertrophicscars exhibit a significantly higher level of apoptosis thannormal healed wounds,23 suggesting that the resident

Figure 1. Wounds in CXCR3�/� mice presenthypertrophic characteristics. CXCR3�/� full-thickness wounds show altered healing patterns.A: Representative photographs are shown offull-thickness wounds (arrows) at various daysup to day 180. At day 180 the wound inCXCR3�/� mice presented a visible keratinizedscab, whereas wounds in wild-type mice ap-peared completely healed. B: Histological exam-ination and analysis by H&E staining of these6-month-old wounds of CXCR3�/� mice resem-ble the features of hypertrophic scarring. C:Measurement of overall wound maturation in-cluding epidermal thickness, hyperkeratiniza-tion, chronic inflammation, fibroblast cellularity,vascularity, and collagen modeling. Quantifica-tion of these wounds revealed that wound mat-uration in CXCR3�/� mice was significantly im-paired in comparison with that in the wild-type(WT) mice. D and E: Epidermal and dermalthickness measurements showed CXCR3�/�

wounds to be significantly thicker than those ofwild-type and unwounded wounds. F and G:Wound thickness and length are greater inCXCR3�/� over a longer period of time com-pared the wild-type mice. Original magnifica-tion, �10. H: The wounds at 180 days resemblethose of human hypertrophic scars in both H&E(left) and Masson’s Trichrome (right) staining.Representative micrographs and mean � SEMfor the quantification (n � 6 for each mousegenotype per time point); *P � 0.05.

Hypertrophic Scarring in CXCR3 Absence 1747AJP April 2010, Vol. 176, No. 4

fibroblasts are in the mitogenic phase representative of“undifferentiated” fibroblasts. Fibroblast apoptosis wasevaluated in both the CXCR3�/� and wild-type mice.TUNEL staining demonstrated significantly more apopto-tic cells in the wound of CXCR3�/� mice (Figure 3, A andB), with the majority of these apoptotic cells being dermalfibroblasts as determined by �-smooth muscle actinstaining (Figure 3C). These data correlate with the con-tinuous remodeling of the collagen fibers and hypercel-lularity seen in the CXCR3�/� mice at this late stage ofrepair. This increase in cell death is balanced by anincreased cell proliferation as determined by positiveKi-67 staining (Figure 3D). Compared with the relativedormant status of the wild-type mice, CXCR3�/� micewounds show an increase in cell death in the dermiscoupled with active proliferation of cells in the dermis andalso in the epidermis. These results suggest that theactive microenvironment seen in the CXCR3�/� micewounds is contributing to the hypertrophic scars charac-teristic of these wounds.

The Scar Matrix Remains Immature in theAbsence of CXCR3

Mature skin is characterized by a relatively quiescentdermal matrix with only a low level of synthesis andproteolysis occurring in the absence of insult. Imbal-ances in expression of key extracellular matrix proteinsresult in a number of pathological conditions includingfibrosis. Previously, we have seen the persistence of thematrix proteins fibronectin and tenascin C in theCXCR3�/� mice up to 90 days after wounding.9 Thus itwas not totally unexpected to see the expression ofMMP-9, a diverse proteolytic enzyme involved in Extra-

cellular matrix turnover and tissue remodeling, beingmuch higher on CXCR3�/� mice wounds than that of thewild-type mice (Figure 4A). Studies show that up-regula-tion of MMP-9 in the early healing phases and rapiddecrease during remodeling phase promotes timely re-epithelialization and limits excessive scar formation.MMP-9 expression becomes pronounced on day 2 inboth wild-type and CXCR3�/� wounds and then de-creases (data not shown); its continued high-level pres-ence at 180 days after wounding in CXCR3�/� mice is amark of pathological wound repair. As such, we analyzedthese wounds for production of collagen I, collagen III,fibronectin, and tenascin C. Tenascin C is an extracellularmatrix glycoprotein whose presence is limited in unin-jured tissues yet is expressed at high levels duringwound healing and in response to invasive wounds.24 Innormal mature wounds, tenascin is nearly absent (resem-bling the distribution in normal skin). We observed astrong expression of tenascin C in the dermal compart-ment of all of the 180-day scars of the CXCR3�/� mice,yet in the wild-type mice wounds tenascin is almost com-pletely absent (Figure 4A). This suggests that the mech-anism for down-regulation of tenascin C is deficient in theCXCR3�/� mice. Although little is known about the al-tered regulation of fibronectin, overexpression of fi-bronectin also has been noted as an important aspect ofhypertrophic wounds although little is known about thealtered regulation of this extracellular component.25

When comparing the CXCR3-devoid mice to wild-typemice, 180-day scars were observed to have an enhancedfibronectin expression in the CXCR3�/� mice (Figure 4A),providing further molecular evidence of a hypertrophicscar. These data suggest that tissue degradation andremodeling are still occurring in the CXCR3�/� mice at

Figure 2. Wounds in CXCR3�/� mice present excessive collagen remodeling. A: Masson’s Trichrome images of a wound in CXCR3�/� and wild-type micepresented distinguishable patterns of collagen remodeling. B: New collagen deposition was quantitatively measured by using Masson’s Trichrome microscopicimages and MetaMorph analysis of the images of full-thickness wounds, confirming that wounds in the CXCR3�/� mice resulted in significantly more collagenthan those in the wild-type (WT) mice at day 180. C: Picrosirius Red staining highlighted that the collagen in wounds in mice devoid of CXCR3 was less organizedand shorter, denoting an immature scar. D: Quantitative analysis showed a significant difference between the wild-type and CXCR3�/� mice at day 180. E:Assessment of the mechanical properties shows wounds in CXCR3�/� mice are weaker in comparison with wild-type. Representative micrographs and mean �SEM for the quantitation (n � 6 for each mouse genotype per time point); *P � 0.05. Scale bar � 50 �m.

1748 Yates et alAJP April 2010, Vol. 176, No. 4

this late time point, resembling the pathology seen inhuman hypertrophic scars.

Synthesis and degradation of collagen is an essentialcomponent of wound healing, and excessive accumula-tion of collagen results in hypertrophic scars and ke-loids.26 Collagen production was examined in the scars.An increase in collagen I, collagen III, and the proteogly-can decorin was observed in these scars in comparisonwith that of the wild-type animals (Figure 4A). The in-crease in collagen by staining was confirmed by an in-crease in hydroxyproline levels compared with wild-typemice (Figure 4B). Because the previous data have shownthat established hypertrophic and keloid scars fibroblastssynthesize normal amounts of collagen per cell,19,27 weattribute the increase level of collagen production seenthe CXCR3�/� scars to increased numbers of syntheticfibroblasts. The composition of the matrix does not pointclearly toward a hypertrophic scar because the increasein decorin noted in these mice is more in line with keloiddevelopment; however, in the initial year of aberrant hu-

Figure 4. A: Wound immaturity in CXCR3�/� mice is reflected in persis-tence of select extracellular matrix proteins. As the scar develops and ma-tures, MMP-9 expression decreases in the wounds in wild-type mice, yet inthe CXCR3�/� mice strong expression is still present in high levels as late asday 180 after wounding. Staining of provisional matrix proteins tenascin Cand fibronectin shows continued enhanced expression in wounds ofCXCR3�/� mice in contrast to the wild-type mice that at 180 days after woundingclosely resemble the negligible expression seen in normal skin. Collagen I andCollagen III levels in wounds of CXCR3�/� resemble those seen in hypertrophicscarring, as did the elevated levels of decorin. B: Hydroxyproline levels inwounds in CXCR3�/� mice are significantly increased compared with those inwild-type (WT) mice. Representative micrographs (n � 6 for each mousegenotype per time point). Scale bar � 50 �m. *P � 0.05.

Figure 3. Wounds in CXCR3�/� mice demonstrate continued turnover ofthe dermal and epidermal cells. Apoptosis was assessed in the wound bed inCXCR3�/� mice by in situ TUNEL staining throughout the healing process.A: Representative micrographs (n � 3 for each mouse genotype per timepoint) show apoptotic signaling determined by DNA fragmentation associ-ated with apoptosis. Detection of apoptotic cells (red) showed fewer apop-totic events in wounds of wild-type (WT) mice than in CXCR3�/� mice at 180days after wounding; nuclei are stained by DAPI stain (blue). (Arrowsindicate TUNEL stained cells). B: Quantitative analysis of dermal TUNELstained nuclei. C: Quantitative confirmation of dermal fibroblasts was shownby �-smooth muscle actin stained positive cells. D: Histological sectionstaken at day 180 after wounding were stained with Ki-67 to demarcate cellsin proliferative phase. The wounds in CXCR3�/� mice exhibit epidermalhypercellularity with a thicker epithelial layer compared with the wild-typemice wounds. In the wounds of the CXCR3�/� mice, there is evidence ofproliferation well above the basal layers. Representative micrographs (n � 6for each mouse genotype per time point). Scale bar � 50 �m. *P � 0.05.

Hypertrophic Scarring in CXCR3 Absence 1749AJP April 2010, Vol. 176, No. 4

man scarring, it is difficult to distinguish between thesetwo entities.7

CXCR3 Signaling Affects Epidermal Regulationof Dermal Activity

The altered pathology seen in hypertrophic scars is, atleast in part, explained by the abnormalities in the crosstalk between the two layers, the dermis and epidermis.28

We have previously shown that the CXCR3 signalingsystem is a mediator of keratinocyte to fibroblast signal-ing, and thus may play a role in synchronizing woundresolution.4 IP-9 is a key ligand of CXCR3 that stimulatesdifferentiated basal keratinocytes to limit fibroblast migra-tion in the dermis while simultaneously promoting re-epithelialization of the epidermis.4,18 As such, we spec-ulated that it is the lack of this CXCR3 signaling systemthat presents the CXCR3-devoid mice with scars thatresemble a hypertrophic scar. To test whether IP-9 mayact as a soluble paracrine factor, we isolated fibroblastsfrom both CXCR3�/� and wild-type mice for use in aTranswell co-culture wound assay.4 Keratinocytes wereseeded in top inserts and stimulated with IFN-� to pro-duce IP-9, and fibroblasts were seeded at the bottomwells and assessed in an in vitro wound healing assay. Bothprimary dermal fibroblasts (wild-type and CXCR3�/�) mi-grated in response to EGF stimulation, but wild-type fi-broblast motility was limited by IFN-� stimulated keratin-ocytes production of IP-9 (Figure 5); abrogation of IP-9with a neutralizing antibody prevented this paracrine in-hibition of motility. As expected, CXCR3�/� fibroblastmotility was unaffected by the paracrine signaling (Figure5A). As a control, similar results were found by directlyexposing the stimulated fibroblasts to recombinant IP-9/CXCL11 (Figure 5B). The CXCR3�/� fibroblast failed tolimit their EGF-induced closure in the presence of IP-9production. These data suggest that CXCR3 signalingsystem acts in a paracrine fashion to modulate epider-mal-dermal maturation, and its absence results in thedevelopment of hypertrophic scars.

Wound in the Absence of CXCR3 Present aPersistent Inflammatory Milieu

Failure to heal wounds is associated with persistence ofthe inflammatory phase; although there are questions asto which comes first, it is well-accepted that the presenceof inflammatory cells is not compatible with wound mat-uration20 and leads to scarring.29 CXCR3 ligands bothattract and activate cells that comprise both acute andchronic inflammation.12,30–32 Thus, it was contrary to ex-pectation that no decrement was noted in the inflamma-tory response during the initial months of wound repair inthe CXCR3�/� mice,18 thus arguing for significant redun-dancy in this process. Histopathology analyses of thewounds at 180 days presented a reappearance of theinflammatory response in the CXCR3�/� mice (Figure6A). Unexpectedly, polymorphonuclear leukocytes andmacrophages/monocytes were seen in the wounds of

CXCR3�/� mice (Figure 6B). This inflammatory responsewas not because of bacterial infection because tissueGram staining failed to detect microbes (Figure 6C) inboth the wild-type and CXCR3�/� mice, and the overlyingepidermis was intact. These data suggest that the inflam-matory response may play a pivotal role in excessivescarring.

Inflammation is linked to angiogenesis,12 thus we ex-amined the vascularity of these scars. Because CXCR3signaling is not only angiostatic14 but also drives, at leastin part, the wound resolution-phase vascular involu-tion,9,33 we expected the increased vascularity noted inthe absence of CXCR3 (Figure 6D). Quantification ofCXCR3�/� wounds over time reveals a constant pres-ence of vascularity (Figure 6D).

Lack of IP-9 Production Results in ExcessiveScarring

The above results demonstrate a central role for CXCR3signaling in the resolution of wound healing. However,because CXCR3 is ubiquitous on formed elements, theissue as to its specificity in wounds remains to be con-firmed. We used a mouse in which expression of theCXCR3 ligand, IP-9/CXCL11, is abrogated in keratino-

Figure 5. CXCR3 regulates dermal-epidermal cross talk. A: Keratinocyte-fibroblast co-cultures were established in a Transwell system.4 Inserts with orwithout keratinocytes were treated with or without IFN-� and/or EGF for 24hours, and the fibroblast in the bottom wells were tested for motility by usinga wound healing assay. Fibroblast cell motility was measured and showedthat the motility of fibroblasts derived from CXCR3�/� mice was not limitedby the stimulation of keratinocytes by IFN-�, unlike that of the wild-typefibroblasts. The addition of anti-CXCL11 antibody blocked the inhibitoryeffects of IP-9 on the wild-type mice fibroblast, whereas CXCR3�/� fibroblastmotility was unchanged. B: Fibroblasts alone were stimulated with recom-binant CXCL11 with or without EGF, and tested for motility. EGF-inducedmotility of fibroblasts from the wild-type mice was blocked by the additionof CXC11, unlike that of CXCR3�/� fibroblast motility. Shown is the mean �SEM of n � 3, each in triplicate; *P � 0.05.

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cytes (IP-9AS),18 the main source of this ligand late in thewound repair process.10 Representative H&E-stainedsections of wounds in these mice showed both immaturityof the upper dermis and a thick hypercellular and hyperk-eratinized epidermis at both 180 and 360 days afterwounding (Figure 7A). The dermis of wounds in the IP-9AS mice exhibited an increase in the number of celllayers that constitute the cellular epidermis in comparisonwith the control FVB mice (Figure 7B). These resultscorrelate with the deficiencies in epidermal maturationshowing that IP-9 production is a key aspect of keratino-cytes progression in a wound (Figure 7C).

Because both fibroplasia and epithelialization are twodistant aspects of skin healing, it is surprising that defi-cient epidermal maturation caused by the lack of IP-9productions would lead to deficiencies in dermal matu-ration. Even though Masson’s Trichrome staining forcollagen content shows no significant difference be-tween the IP-9AS mice and FVB (Figure 7D), there wasa clear difference in maturity and alignment of collagenfibers. IP-9AS mice wounds had shorter and less well-connected collagen fibers in direct contrast to the long,

thick, and organized fibers seen in the FVB mice (Fig-ure 7E). These data suggest that organization of thematrix is indirectly linked to the maturation of the epi-dermal layer and is likely modulated by the productionof IP-9 via keratinocytes.


Excessive scarring is a dermal fibrotic condition thatresults in inelastic, thick, and itchy scars that presentserious functional and health problems for patients.1 Atthe onset of injury, keratinocytes proliferate and migrateover the wound defect to repave the denuded area.During this process, the migrating keratinocytes releasefactors, which has been suggested to control the recov-ery and maturation of the underlying dermis, includingdirecting the expression, secretion, and functioning ofcomponents produced by dermal cells (fibroblasts).28

With minimal direct cell-cell contact, the keratinocyte-fibroblast communication mainly is thought to be regu-lated by releasable soluble factors acting in an autocrine/

Figure 6. Recrudescence of an inflammatory-angiogenic response in persistent wound beds.A: Histopathological analysis of the acute andchronic inflammatory responses determined thatthere was a difference in macrophage or mono-nuclear leukocyte infiltration in the wounds ofCXCR3�/� mice compared with wild-type mice.B: CXCR3�/� mice wound biopsies stained andquantified for increased macrophages in com-parison with wild-type (WT) mice are shown.(Arrows indicate macrophages stained cells). C:Gram stain revealed no bacterial infection inboth CXCR3�/� and wild-type mice. D: Exces-sive numbers of blood vessels persisted in thewounds of mice lacking CXCR3. Neovasculariza-tion in CXCR3�/� mice was assessed by usingimmunostaining of von Willebrand factor anti-gen outlining blood vessels of the mice. Repre-sentative von Willebrand factor immunostainingdemonstrates the paucity of capillaries at day180 in wild-type wounds compared with theCXCR3�/� wounds. Quantitative analyses ofvascularization of CXCR3�/� mice wounds overtime are shown in the graph. Representativemicrographs are shown (n � 6 for each mousegenotype per time point). Scale bar � 50 �m.*P � 0.05.

Hypertrophic Scarring in CXCR3 Absence 1751AJP April 2010, Vol. 176, No. 4

paracrine loop. These soluble factors have beenproposed as the communicators that synchronize thewound response, particularly during maturation phaseduring which they synchronize the termination of woundrepair. It has been hypothesized that hypertrophic scar-ring results from the fibroplasia and its overproduction ofextracellular matrix (along with immaturity of the matrix)secondary to abnormalities in epidermal-dermal crosstalk. All this suggests a defect in the healing terminationsignaling. We have recently found that signaling throughthe CXCR3 receptor plays a major role in wound matura-tion; in the absence of this signaling system, there resultsan immature and hypercellular skin during the initialmonths after wounding.8,9,18 Still, these wounds closedsimilarly to wounds in wild-type mice, yet the full resolu-tion appeared to be significantly retarded. Still, becausewound repair has many redundancies, the question

arose as to whether this could lead to a hypertrophicscarring situation. Thus, we undertook an examination oflonger term wounds to determine whether this representsmerely a retardation in wound resolution or an actualpersistent pathology such as noted in human conditions.

Extending the wound analyses to 180 days showed notjust a retardation of, or even a persistence of, but areversion to greater immaturity in the wounds inCXCR3�/� mice. This is a critical distinction in that at 180days the phenotype became more pronounced beyondthat which was noted at only 90 days; for instance, thehyperkeratinization was now overtly noticeable, the defi-cit in tensile strength widened, and the inflammatory in-filtrate reappeared. The immaturity of the matrix constit-uency has implications beyond lessened strength.Fibronectin and tenascin C present a different set ofintegrin ligands than collagen, altering the adhesiveness

Figure 7. Long-term ablation of IP-9 productionresults in deficient wound maturation. Epider-mal maturation, determined by histopathologicalexamination, showed excessive and dysfunc-tional scars 180 days after wounding of IP-9ASmice. A: Representative H&E-stained sections re-vealed the dermal phenotype of these woundsconverge toward but do not reach the statenoted in wounds in CXCR3 mice (Figure 1); stillthese are evidently abnormal compared with un-wounded skin, 180-day and 360-day wounds inFVB mice. B: Quantitative measurements of epi-dermal cell layers show IP-9AS mice full-thick-ness wounds to be significantly thicker 180 daysafter wounding in comparison with FVB mice. C:Wound maturation of 2-cm full-thickness woundsof IP-9AS mice was deficient in comparison withFVB mice. D: Masson’s Trichrome (upper) and(E) Picrosirius Red (lower) staining showed simi-lar amounts of collagen but shorter, less organizedcollagen fibers between the IP-9AS and FVB mice180 days after wounding. Shown are representa-tive photomicrographs of entire wound in A, D,and E of six mice. Scale bar � 50 �m. Originalmagnification, �400. In B and C, the mean � SDare shown (n � 6, *P � 0.05; where no error barsare noted, they are subsumed within the bar).

1752 Yates et alAJP April 2010, Vol. 176, No. 4

profiles, with implications for the proliferation and migra-tion of the cellular elements.34 Further, tenascin C pre-sents cryptic ligands (matrikines) that activate EGF re-ceptors to promote fibroblast and endothelial cellimmigration and maintain fibroblasts in a “dedifferenti-ated,” noncontractile state.35,36 Thus, this matrix immatu-rity, in part promoted by leukocyte-derived proteases,contributes to a feed-forward loop in which the woundbed not only fails to heal but remains in an active, imma-ture state contributing to the further scarring. Whether thiswill result in keloids or hypertrophic scarring is unknownat this time. Because the early stages (up to 1 year) ofboth types of wound misadventures may appear similar,one cannot prejudge. Leaning toward hypertrophic scar-ring is the involvement of the hypercellular epidermis (intrue keloids the epidermis appears to contain near nor-mal keratinocyte complement and stratification), thoughthe highly active ongoing matrix turnover and multilin-eage cellularity does suggest ultimate keloid generation.The hypertrophic scarring in this mouse model is histo-logically similar to that found in a scar model caused bywound tension in which both the dermal and epidermalcompartments are hypercellular.2 The similarity of thesescars leaves open whether in rodent skin dermal andepidermal hypertrophy are more linked or whether this isthe common initial stage of both forms of scarring. How-ever, the short life-span of the mouse, coupled with re-duced responsiveness to mitogenic ligands of dermalfibroblasts,37,38 confounds easy answers to this in mousemodels.

There are multiple genetically distinct ligands specificfor CXCR3-CXCL4 (PF4), CXCL9 (MIG), CXCL10 (IP-10),and CXCL11 (IP-9 or I-TAC). Although we have someevidence based on experimentation and literature reportsof time of expression that IP-10 and IP-9 predominate insynchronizing the wound maturation,10,11,18 it is possiblethat there is an unappreciated redundancy in these li-gands. Thus, we used a model in which the commonCXCR3 receptor is negated. Although this may appear tobe too extensive to examine just wound healing, becauseCXCR3 is ubiquitously expressed on all cells includingstem, hematopoietic, and inflammatory cells,12,39 the lackof this receptor impacts the entire systemic response toeven localized wounds (ie, inflammatory response andrecruitment of cells). That these mice develop apparentlynormally demonstrates key redundancies for these pro-cesses, allowing us to profitably pursue wound responsestudies in these animals.8,9,18 We have chosen not toattempt deletion of CXCR3 acutely because the need fornear complete abrogation would be technically challeng-ing over the time course of 6 months for the scar todevelop. Furthermore, cell-specific knockouts were alsonot attempted because the numerous cell types involvedrequired a large number of individual arrogations andcombinations of such. There is also the issue of circulat-ing precursors for fibroblasts40 and endothelial cells41

that would confound targeted deletions. Studies in whicha specific ligand (IP-9/CXCL11/I-TAC) was abrogated ina single cell type (keratinocytes) confirmed the fidelity ofthe global CXCR3 knockout.18 In this study, the hypertro-phic scar phenotype that we achieved by examining

long-term wounds in mice in which the keratinocyte-pro-duced IP-9 was abrogated by K5 promoter induction ofan antisense construct. The epidermal thickening andhyperkeratinization were similar to the wounds in theCXCR-devoid mice, though the dermal immaturity wasless pronounced. This dichotomy of fidelity is expectedbecause of the role of IP-9 in dermal-epidermal commu-nication4 with CXCR3 being activated in the deeper der-mis mainly by IP-10.10 The convergence of phenotype inthese two mice validates the centrality of the CXCR3signaling axis wound resolution.

Lastly, there is concern about the CXCR3 isoform.Hematopoietic cells express predominantly the A iso-form, whereas the formed elements (fibroblasts, endothe-lial cells, and keratinocytes) express almost exclusivelythe B isoform. Because the B isoform is generated by 5�alternative splicing, negation of a singular isoform may infact drive the cells to produce the other isoform and thusfail to negate the system. In dysregulated epithelial cells,carcinoma cells, initial studies and literature reports findboth isoforms expressed on the same cell.42 The isoformspecification appears to be most important for designat-ing differential ligand sensitivity, whereas signaling isachieved via usage of different heterotrimeric G pro-teins.14,15 Thus, we feel justified in deleting both isoforms.

It was curious to detect a recrudescence of an inflam-matory response involving cells of the acute response.Over the initial month period, the inflammatory responsewas similar in wounds made in the wild-type, CXCR3�/�,and IP-9-negated mice.9,18 However, at 6 months, thewounds in CXCR3�/� mice showed an inflammatory infil-trate. Although one may be tempted to conclude that theinflammation flowed from the failure to resolve the healingresponse, it is possible that delayed re-epithelialization andbasement membrane dysfunction8 allows infection andsubsequent inflammation, though the synchrony of the sixmice involved argue against this. Perusal of the biopsy didnot reveal active bacterial/fungal infection or colonizationof the dermis, hinting at a sterile inflammatory infiltra-tion. Still, whether this inflammatory response is pri-mary or secondary, it would serve to further accentuatean actively turning over, immature wound bed.

It should be noted that although most of the formedelements of the healed skin derive from adjacent, un-wounded tissues, there might be contribution of cells thatderive from distal sites, the bone marrow primary amongthese.40 This is especially true of endothelial cells andtheir circulating precursors.41,43 Because these cells dif-ferentiate into the same lineages, and seemingly indistin-guishably, as the adjacent resident cells, there is noreason to suspect that such cells would be affecteddifferently as the adjacent cells. One could envision thatin the absence of CXCR3 signaling, such precursor cellswould have greater seeding because the negative migra-tory signals are absent. However, further experimenta-tion, lying beyond the scope of the present communica-tion, would be required to resolve this issue.

In conclusion, we have found a situation in which awound bed continues to undergo the regenerative pro-cess and even experiences an inflammatory recrudes-cence over an extended time period leading to a hyper-

Hypertrophic Scarring in CXCR3 Absence 1753AJP April 2010, Vol. 176, No. 4

trophic and hypercellular but weakened scar situation.This is not merely severe retardation of resolution be-cause we note increased re-expression of immature ma-trix components and even an inflammatory response thathad resolved by 30 days.9,18 In many ways, the propertiesand histology of these wounds are reminiscent of humanhypertrophic scars, yet they do not fully recapitulate eitherthe hypertrophic scar or the keloid situation.7 The epidermalhypercellularity and the renewed inflammatory processesdo distinguish these scars, and those formed from woundtension,2 from the human pathologies. Still, these findingsnot only highlight a central role for CXCR3 signaling inwound resolution but also define a novel animal model forpersistent healing and hypertrophic scarring.


We thank Diane George for technical assistance and Drs.Patricia Hebda, Anand Iyer, and Shao Hanshuang forsuggestions and discussions.


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Hypertrophic Scarring in CXCR3 Absence 1755AJP April 2010, Vol. 176, No. 4