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County investigates suspect subdivisions DWI arrests increasing

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Spring cleaning Doria Salazar paints a ptcntc table at Cedar Creek Recreat1on Area Saturday Salazar. Pauline Montes. Dan1elle R1ska. Tammy Longbotham and Lort Longbotham volunteered to prepare the

area tor summer The U S Forest Ser­VIce needs more volunteers like Jun1or Gtrl Scout Troop 95 to help with spring cleantng 1n Lincoln Nat1onal Forest.

(;"rime Stopper plan for party by BILLY ALLSTETTER News Statf Wnter

TickPts ar{' nov. av;lllabiP ror thP Ru1doso Crime Stopper-S SP<'ond An nual Benefit Party Rpm to 12 p m Fnday. Apnl 71 at PnmP T1mP Rt>Staurant

Ru1doso Cnmf> Stoppers pr~"SldPnt R1chard Sandoval passed out t1ckPts to boarrl membt>rs dunng their mf"Ptmg Thursday mght T1ckeLo; will he ava1lahle for $5 from board mE'mhers or at Ruidoso Sta!P Rank. F1rst C1ty :-.iat10nal Bank_ Bank of Ruidoso. Gibson's D1scount ('pnter. Ruidoso ValiPv Chamber of Com­mercE', HousP .;r Shoes and P1z.za Hut

Sandoval and Ruidoso Pollee of­flcPr Mark Paz planne-d to hegm solicllmg door pnzes from local mPr chants Friday Thousands of dollars worth of prizes have been glvPn away

at nthPr ( ·nmf• Stnpp<•r.., part11-... Tll'kl't hnlrkr- mu't l>t• prP'-1'111 to rlo1m tht'lr pr17P'- at the part\

CnmP Stopper- al...r• plan'" aw 111111 onf' largP pn7P rlunng thP mght

Sanrloval an<l Pal 111\ltt·<l an\<Jrlf' lntPrPStf"rl 111 dnniltlng rlnnr pn7f"- '" ront<Jct thpm at PilhPr c;1t><.on<- or thP Ru1doso Pnlwf' f>Pp<Jrtment

('ocktalls ami rl.annng to thP Hrnwn Sugar Countr:- Hilnd will ht• avad<~hiP at thP partv KRI-:E rad1n rlisr JorkP\ PPtP Hawkms anri Pa7 Will tw r>rnc('('s for thP p<~rt\

Th£> Pnme T1me HPStaurant 1<. also ~prvmg an all you ran Pat Har R-~UP buffet from;; to 7 10 p m to the puhlw for $6 95

Money ra1~Pd at thE> partv hPI~ pav sut-cPssful c-nmP mformants

ThP CnmP SloppPrs Roarr1 also d1scussro Cnm{' Stoppers mPmhPr sh1ps and weekly draw1ngs 8~ methods of ra1sing additional funr1s


Sunday's low Sunday's high Monday's low

Monday's predicted high Tuesday's predicted low Tuesday's predicted high

IS 66 16

near 66 mid 20's near 50

The National Weather Service in Roswell is predicting sunny and plea­sant weather today with variable winds of 10 to 15 miles per hour. Tonight will be clear and cool. Winds tonight will be light and variable. 'Tuesday will be mostly sunny and warmer with southwest winds of 10 to 20 miles per hour. ·

The extended forecast for Wednesday through Friday calls for a slight ·chance of showers late Wednesday and Thursd~y and partly cloudy on Friday. The highs will be In the upper 50's to mid 60's and the lows will be in the 20's and 30's.


People Sports The Dreamer Classified . Opinion B&P Directory TV Guide

3A 4A-6A

6A 8A-12A

18 48



Ruidoso High School students gained a few Insights into the working world during Career Day at the school last week_ Cathy Reutter's story is on page eight_ -

\lernhPr Bill H.aw lins ~ug_gp~tPd th£> hoard s£>11 CnmP StnpJ:Wrs mPmber­sh!ps for varymg ;mwunls Those who contnbutl'd to Cnm£> Stopp<>rs would rf'<'!'IVP plaques_ pins or ot hPr forms of rPCogn1t10n and thanks

- \\e c-oulrl rill!>f' a lot of rnonf'y." sa1d Rawlms

Hoard mPmtwr'i r!'act!'d pos1t1vely to th£> 1df'a. but rlec-uiPd to wa1t until after the ('nme Stnppe~ party to in­Itiate suc-h a program

Hoard mPmhPr \11ke RadzieWICZ said hf' saw Jars at rP5taurants m oth£>r nt1~ mto wh1c-h pe-ople dropp!'d a quartpr for a chance at a pizza drawn w£>Pklv RadzJPwicz said he w1ll l<llk to Pizza Inn and possibly othpr rPstauranL~ about the idea

ThP Board also agr£>Pd to purcha~e 60 !-shirts with thf' Ruidoso Crime Stoppers logo silkscrpened on it to sell and possihly give away as door prizes at th£> party

Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday Eggs of every color and design will

be the subject of delight for local children during the annual Ruidoso Village Easter Egg Hunt.

The hunt will _ start at 10 a.m. Saturday. April 21. at the Forest Ser­vice's Cedar Creek Recreational Area_ Egg hunters will be divided into categories according to age. with a sep<~rate hunt for children ages tod­dler to three, four to seven and eight to 10.

In addition to the hunt, free riretruck rides will be offered and a special appearance will be made by Donald Duck. First, second and third prize ribbons will be awarded, and special prize eggs will be filled with goodies for the finder.

The eggs will be boiled by the Ruidoso Chamber of Commerce Retail Merchants Committee and dyed by the Ruidoso Rangers 4-H Club. The eggs will be hidden by the Police Athletic League.

County investigates suspect subdivisions by DARRELL .J. PEHR News StaH Writer

A column of vehicles snaked through some of the most out-of-the­WaY areas of Lincoln County in search of dangerous prey Wednesday. Brav­ing strong, dust laden winds and near impossible terrain in their quest, the vehicles and their occupants carried out an inspection of one of the biggest probl{'ms facing the governm~nt of Lincoln County today--tllegal sub­divisions.

Participating in the tour of 16 suspeeted subdivisions were rnPmbers of th{' Lincoln County Plan­mng and Zoning Commission, Lincoln County gov{'rnment officials, and of­ficials of the Soil Conservation Ser­vice and the Environmental Improve­ment Division or the state Health and Env1ronment Department The tour hegan as a m£>eting of the Planning and Zoning ('om mission

That me-eting op{'ned at 8:30 a.m. W t• d n e s d a y . w 1 t h co m m i s s 1 o n riwmbPrs agreemg to set the date of th<· public hearing for the proposed new Lmcoln Histoncal Ordinance for ~ a m Saturday. April 28. The meetmg will be held 111 the old cour­thousP 1n Lincoln. The second item of thP agPnda was the tour of illegal ~ub­tlivlsions The commission members and other offlc1als th£>n traveled by automohill' to tlw lli subdivisiOns l'hargPd hy the commisSIOn to be 11-)pg.al in naturP

Th<' caravan began by traveling to tv.11 ~uhdi\'ISion~ southeast of Car­fllol'o. tht-n contmumg to a group of ~'" subdt\'lslons near the Fort Sl<!nton ILtnchP!tt•s subdl\'iSIOn Th£> tour al~o

visited three subdivisions east of Ruidoso Downs, several subdivisions east .of Alto and one subdivision near the Shangri La subdivision. Accor­ding to County Manager Suzanne Cox, the tour lasted well into the afternoon_

The subdivisions were labeled as il­legal by the commission for several rt-asons_ According to Cox, because the subdividers do not go through the proper county channels regulating subdivisions, many problems com­monly arise_

Cox said the county regulations re­quire that a disclosure statement be prepared for every subdivision. That statement, according to Cox, contains comments on the condition of the sub­division from the State Highway Department, the State Engineer's of­fice, the Environmental Improve­ment Division of the State Health and Environment and the Soil Conserva­tion Service. Cox said the statement helps protect potential buyers of sub­divided land_

"It t£>11s things a person needs to know." Cox said of the statem{'nt "It helps them make an informed deci­sion."

In addition, Cox said many of the subdivisions inspected were not followmg the specifications set out by the county subdivision regulation!' Cox said problems such as roads be­ing too narrow. improper terrain management, improper or nonexis­Lant easements, impr-oper road base and cui-de-sacs that extend too far were seen in subdivisions on the tour

After viewing some of the subdivi­sions. some of the commission members voiced their [{'elmgs on the condition of the subdivisions

"In my opinion. th1s is an illegal

subdivision. and a flagrantly illegal one at that," commission member Sid Goodloe said at one stop on the tour_-

"It's the taxpayers who are being hurt," commented commis'sion Chairman Bill Seelbach.

_Another problem with the subdivi­sions, according to Cox. is that most of the property in illegal subdivisions is still taxed by the county as grazing land_ She said rr_lany areas of land have been changed, by subdividing, into what the county would classify as building sites The county is losing money because it is still taxing those lands at a lower grazing land rate. said Cox.

Cox said the commission members decided at the conclusion of the tour on a course of action regarding the subdivisions. She said the commis­Sion will contact the. owner of each subdivision and give them a chance to rectify the problems the commission recognizes in the subdivisions.

If the subdivider complies in a reasonable amount of time, no legal action will b£> taken by the county, Cox said. However. if they refuse. Cox said the county wrll file legal charges. In addition, Cox said the state At­torney General's office is considering making an investigation into the mat­t£>r

During one stage of the tour. thl' county and stat£> officials were bark­Pd at by a dog standing among a desolate hodge--podge of crumbling buildings, mobile homes m disrepair. abandonPd cars, scattered junk and a w1nd-blown horse

"That's what we're trymg to pre­vl·nt." c;oodlo{' sa1d motionmg to the Sight

DWI arrests increasing by BILLY ALLSTETTER News Staff Wnter

"We're gearing up for more OWl dPtPc-t1on." sa1d Hu1doso Police Lwut<>nant Dave Pfeffer_

Increased mghttlme patrols. con­t 1 n upd t ra mmg in drunk drive-r detec­tiOn and hPavrer summertime traffic should mcrease the already record hreak1ng numbers of DWI-drivmg wh1le Intoxicated-arrests the Ruidoso Pollee Department has been makmg so far this year.

RUidoso Police charged 13 people with dnvmg while intoxicated during February and a rPcord 15 in March. Pfeffer expects DWI arrests to in­crease to more than 20 per month in the- commg months

"It's a trend in law enforcement throughout the United States." said Pfeffer

In th£> n£>ar future. Ruidoso's traffic division will change 1ls shifts so its of­ficers are on duty during the evening hours. ThP traffic division used to operate only until R p.m. Other patrol officers watched for drunk drivers at night

While the patrol officers will still keep an eye out for drunk drivers. the traffic officers will have specific assigned duties aimed at detecting OWl's from 10 p m. until 2 a.m. said Pfeffer.

Pfeffer. who is operations com­mander for the department, said he has already begun stressing DWI detection The whole department recently had an in-house DWI detec­tion course_

Pfeffer said officers are trained to use a cumulative system to detect possible drunk drivers. When an of­ficer sees a driver crossing a yellow

lme. driving very slow or fast, or weavmg. he adds up points for each mistake. He stops the car once the driver reach£>s a c£>rla in point tota I "There·~ a lot of observation that

goes along with this ... sa1d Pfeffer OncP he stops th£> car. he usually

asks the driver to complete a fi!>ld sobnf'tv test and observes h1~ ap-­pearance If he still b£>1i!>ves the driver has morP than a legal amount of alcohol In his blood svstem. he will arr£>st h1m and tak£> hmi to th£> station for a breath sobriety test If you refuse a breath sobriety test.

your license can be revoked for a year An officer's observations and testimony can convict you without the test

If the test indicates you have more than .10 percent alcohol in your system. you will probably be con­victed of driving while intoxicated. Pfeffer said you can even be con­victed with less than 10 percent if your behavior indicates your driving abilities are impaired If you are under 18. you can be convicted for 05 percent alcohol in your blood_

The New Mexico Trar;tsporation Department estimates that a 150 pound person will reach a .10 percent alcohol blood level after drinking five to seven ounces of 80 proof alcohol in an hour_ Pfeffer stressed that the amount varies considerably among individuals.

He said the Ruidoso Police Depart­ment has failed to prosecute only one or two DWI cases in the last several years.

Whenever you are arrested, .YOur car is impounded, said Pfeffer_ Many are often charged with reckless driv­ing as well as DWI. If you have not been convicted of DWI before, you

will have to post a $500 bond before being rPleased. A suspect with a previous OWl conviction usually has to post a $1,200 bond, said Pfeffer.

A first time conviction often means having to attend an eight hour DWI school which costs $50. The first OWl conviction can cost ;rou up to $500.

Magrstrate J1m Wheeler_ who sees most second and subsequent DWI of­fenders. said thosp people must sen·{' 48 consecutive hours in jail

H£> often sentences offenders to 364 days in the Lincoln County Jail. fines them and orders them to attend an alcohol treatment program Orten. most of the sentence is supsended and the offender serves some lime 10 Jail and attends the program

But if you don't follow the judge's orders. he can call you back into court up to five years later and order you to complete the suspended sentence_

Pfeffer said officers will be wat­ching drivers returning from the race track and those leaving bars more closely this summer_

Officers will l<lke people home if they think they have had too much to drink and request a ride Police Chief Dick Swenor said some local bars are also considering a transport service for intoxicated patrons. If you have had a few, maybe a few

too many, it could be a good idea to let someone else drive_

Drinking impairs your ability to drive. Of all fatal accidents on the road, approximately half involve alcohol.

Even if you don't have an accident, the chances of being arrested are in­creasing_

"We'll be watching for them," said Pfeffer_

Donald· Duck hides an Easter egg In preparation for the upcornlng Ruidoso VIllage Easter Egg Hunt. The hunt Is schedul·

ed to begin at 10 a.m. Saturday, Apr.U -~1, at the Forest Service's Cedar Creek R$orea• tlonal Area.

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~A/ Ru1doeo News

Even Riker Davis· craziness has limits


'' ..

Whe!'e· .. __

eagles 1date . '

_ While most ot ~-m·weN.g~ttmg·s\IB· bumt fen- the fint timef tl$ year, ~­COI,IJ)le Qf young crilzle$ ~ runnJtm· off the-·of a bUland flying In the skies. · .. ·. . 'It-lker Davis aQ4-Scot TrueblQOd, ar~

Dieted With "a dis~· worse~ skilng could ever be;" took their hangllders atop Windy "PI)I.nt for q Saturday flight. As the spring sun warm~ the earth, ~ts of wind began to blow up the side of the Jlill.

Tension increased a~ they assembl~ ed the hangliders ·and. climbed into

' theii' harnesses. Finally, a stiong wind blew up the mountain .. They stood up, ran off Ute side of the hill and .. .. silently soared off Into the skies where only eagles (and crazies) · dare.

·Photos by

Billy Allstetter


.. .. ·' _,

'· ;:.- , .. _


Ready, set, goJ Riker Davis runs off the Windy Point launching pad, confident that his

glider will catch the wind and carry him high Scot Truebloop: : soars high the chlrig a thermal that bai-ried him several hu~ Into the skies. Sacramento Mountains Saturday after cat- dred feet-abbVe hiS takeoff point.

Three P&Z's to meet The Ruidoso Planning and Zoning

Commission ! P&Z) will consider sevE"ral ilems at its regular meeting at 3 p.m Monday, April16, at village hall The commission will hold a study SE"ssion beginning at 2 p.m.

On Monday's agenda are: -Public hearing on rezone from

R·l 'smgle-family residentiall to C·l •light commerciall: Lot 4. Block 7. ('ree Meadows Country Club Subdivi­sion. for Wesley Blankenship.

-Terrace Plaza, appeal of Ar· l."hite-ctural Plans Review Committee • APR\ 1 denial of sign permit ap­phcahon for Ronnie Hemphill and Benny Coulston_

-Gazebo Shopping Center, appeal of APRC denial of sign permit ap­phcaUon for Jean Rhoten.

-Variance of parking space re­quirements. Lot 9C, Block A, Navajo Subdivision, for Jane Armstrong.

-Easement grant, Lot 52. Snownake Ridge. for AVC Develop­ment Company.

-Correcting plat, Blaney Moun­tain. Blaney Mountain Tract, for Bill Blaney

-Replat. Lot 140. lnnsbrook Village, for Jack StahL

-Replat, Lot 55, Block tA. Palmer Gateway. for Billie Surmick.

The Lincoln County Planning and Zoning Commission wtll meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, Aprill9, at the Cowt­ty Courthouse in carrizozo. Tbe items on the agenda include:

-A request rrom John Garcia of the State Engineer's Office.

-Discussion of the Lincoln Historical Ordinance.

-Discussion of amendments to the Subdivision Regulations.

-Discussion of variance recom· mendations to be made to the Lincoln County Board of County Commis­sioners, including variances for the Pines of Gavilan, Raven Ridge and High Mesa, Unit 4 subdivisions.

The Ruidoso-Lincoln County Ex­traterritorial ZOning Commission will meet in the Ruidoso Village Hal1 auditorium 2 p.m. Thursday, Aprill9. The topic of discussion will be zoning recommendations for the Gavilan Ca­nyon Road area from the intersection of Gavilan Canyon Road and Highway 'S1 to where Gavtlan canyon Road meets the Ruidoso Village limits.

-Replat, lots 21-24, Block 5, Paradise canyon, for Harold King,

Deadline for P&Z items to be placed on the agenda bas been moved to 5 p.m. Monday, one week prior to the P&Z next meeting.

John Kalin running for State Representative

John H. Kalin has announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for State Representive from District 51.

"I believe that most people want reasonable taxes, a safe water supp­ly, good police protection, decent roads and quality education for their children."

Kalin said education would be the key issue of his campaign.

"It's time ror the fruitless battle between legislators and educators to end," he said.

Kalin promises ''my most sincere commitment to the people of District 51 will be my presence in each school district, working with parents teachen, and community memberS toward positive legislative improve-ment In education." ·

Kalin Is active in local party politics, He is Democratic Party Vlce­Chatrma n of High Rolls PreCinct 12 and has been elected aa a delegate to county and state pre-primacy conven­tions.


He graduated witb honDl's ftom Vincennes University and New-Mex-ICO State University. .

He has sponsoted the Alanio·gordo High School student lloverruttent for five years.

Kalin ran f()r Representive John Mershon's legislative seat tn the special legislative primary in Augu.gti 1982. _He was defeated by a sm,al margm.

He settled in Haynes ~n~ more than 10 yeats ag_o alter set\l'thg as .a Uol!A!d Sllltes Marino·~ olfiCfll',

KaHn and bls- wife J'iUi 1.14-w t\Vu children. Jason and Wbltney. They

-hs.ve been active bt local C!:i'\'tc Kal1n Is an Ameriean history organlzatloDS:andatUmdChristC<tlr.ll~

leacher at Alamogordo High School. munity Churc!h. ·

Charles Newland sits b8slde. his work, "'ihe cat Next Door,'' at Smith Ltd. Gallery In RUidoso. He recently Won an award at a National Arts Club juried exhibition for his acrylic painting ''Requiem.'' Newland moved to thls area last year w'lth his family.

Ruidoso pa.in~ Charles Newland won an award for -.n acrylic worltata reeent jurled exhibition at the NB':' tionai.Arts CJub in New York C(ty.

The prize-was one Of eight' aWarded by tbe NatlOiUil-SocletyotPalnWra in Ga~ln and· AcryUe ht.lUI aritl;Uid 6~rl elchlbl!ioo. More thab 200 I)Abl!ihgs \Vete 8<!f!e.P~ -fot the iJbOWlbJ: . · N~lllnd's (trize.wintilng ~k is:

titled, rolt¢qulent•" He .~inte¢1 it in finely detaik<!• t<!llll•t style. The pairtting's: ~Ltbj(:ct It taken from

·~ene. J~- tb·e -on-. -Wlldefhess ghost to\vn or Jllldg<>IJ"" • .)'Iowtaud UvO<I •nd plll"t•d lh~!'O(Ol"!W<>y....... ' . . •, ,._ . '

' . .._. ---~ ;, .. :. . '

Ben· Hall seeks offic--e Ben L; Hall has announ®d- that hiS

candidacy for the oftice of New Mex­ico State Representative of District ...

Hall, a Republican·, said he has been involVed in local politics for seven years. He served four years as a Lincoln County Commissioner and Is presently a meinber or the Lincoln . County Planning and Zoning Commis­sion and the Ruidoso-Lincoln county EXtraterritorial Zoning CommiS!Jion,

Hall has been a member of the Sierra Blanca Airport Commission for three years, a member or the Ruidoso-HondO Valley Hospital Planning Board for three years and an ex officio- member of the

·Ruidoso-Hondo Valley HoSpital, Board.

Hall said he is looking forward to representing the citizens in District 56 if he is elected.

"I enjoy being in political office. I feel like I've got enougb experlel'lce in government and business to do the job," he said of the position as State Representative. .

A native New Mexican, Hall has been a resident of Ruidoso fQl' ~ years. He has been in the general



buDding business for22 years. He and his·wtfe, Gail, have three -daughter$ arul"thtee grlindchilc:~Un,

Gpatkowski candidate· for county commission.

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Honor rolls . '

. The :al.lidqso · Cbrliltian Sehoor·. re<i~Uy named its a,caQeq~ic llcmot'. RoU:for the tbir4 ~l~-w~ks ot Uds sclwol year. · · · · _ _ · 111 the nrst _grade, JlP'.lhel-~11, Jen­nifer M!!Ci.tbe; RicJlatd-'&m(lc)vaJ: and· Malika TUlly made the .A JJOnor aoiJ, · J'eonifC!r. G-ra'h.-m_ and SCQtt Christensen ·wer9 nainett · to the a Jlonoi- Roll. ;- ..

A.Inong. li~con<l-gr~d.ets, B;zfistin Leslie w.liJ cited on the A liOnof ltoll, On the :s Itonor ll()ll were ~bin PE~P-r. JJon, J!lson .McQ~key, Arpy HawkiiJS and A,riane.Batton.. · . . .• , ·


. ln tbe third. grade, Heather Posey m:a(le Uw A- Honor Roll. -Among ·

-~"tcmrth-gradws, Jennifer s~ was named to~-B Honor Roll. HolY Week·

·On W~dnesday, Tbilrsday and.

G. d T Friday, conu_np,nity a:Qly Week. . . ar en . ea . . Services are plBJ)Oed . at noon, , The RuldQSO GardeP.. CI!,tb invites ·begt·nnlng with sin~g. W~hip Is interested garcfeni»'J W a spring, plan~ed. at 1~:10 p.ro. each daY. .

··In ilie fif'tll grade, Sbiloh PoseY was nam~ to the B Honor Ron. Sixth­grader Rusty Srni~b was cited on tbe A Honor Roll. · . .

In the lOth grade,1'4JChelle GrahAbi ' wae mimed. to the B }Jon.or. Roll.

· tf!B·inthellomeorMrs.W.H.Mills 'l'he host clJ.urclt tbls -rear is at'l:aop.m.. ~f, Aprll 17. Gateway. Ass·embl)r o Gotl.

Gf,rdenera may meet ·at the side S~kers wlll be from the First parklngareaoftheRujdosoPubllc BapUst, F'lrst Chrtsthm ·and Llbrar,y tor car pooli~ or direc" ·E_pililcopal churches of::.;tu_idoso.

Prize-winning play . "' -Tile White Mountain E~entary :School _fifth grade ua" honor roll in• eludes Kimberly .Callaghan, Arnold Canter, Robert Childs and 'l'apuny Davia. tlons: at 1:15 p.m. For tnformation, t.uncb-wlll be serVed promptly ·at

(;811378-4117. . . 12;30 p.m.,-· so partiCilJ&nts may-At the .tea, elub members will return to woi'k promptly

Angle Moldonacfo, Stelle Dobbs and peUUon . In Portales this spring. Jeff K!>!hY Harrtson presented "No Exit" at . Bender also starred In the one-act play RUidoso High $c!loo~ and during com- directed by Juc;ly Shaw. . . . .. ·. . . . . Also honored are Eth&n Ful1.5ton1

~ne Gately, Bridgettllerrera, Scm· Hi~kers:~m, Sbtrlen KAne aQd Teri ror:

demonstrdte the use of- madonnas ' in flower- designs; Also, the local ':rhe ~mmunity p,Crviees . are · cl~b bas. 'published a high-altitude sponsored by the Ruidoso gardeniJ!,g boo~ that- iS especially Minlsterial Alliance. · useru) for- newcomers. It may be · ,. boW!ht tnun club mem~rs. . h lk

T6e club maintains the RuldOS<>- Clot jng ta . Hon·do VaUey Hospital P!ltio- and tbe patio and nower bed on. the front lawn of the library. It also haS· planted tree& · at Ruidoso schools, the library and the vUlage swimming pool.

Aggie muster· Former Texas A&M University.

studentsi their friends and families plan the annual Texas Aggie Muster Saturday, Apr112L, in the Wayne Dacy home.

Actlvltles are planned to begln at 1 p.m. iii his home at 151 Ll)wer Terrace In RUidoso. Tbe- annual musteq. began ln· the 1880s. More than 5;00 are· planned around the world thi&year." -

For lnformaUon, call S'18-4423.

' .

Lionesses meet The RIO Ruidoso. J.Joness.· Club

board of dlr$ClorS rormu1ated plans £or a mini-c:on\fentlon during a · · meeting at .K~Bob's Steak H~ Tui!Silay, Aptll to,~

The nilni..comtenti . for-. Lionesses is scheduled in Rui Saturday and· Sunday, Apr.ll 28 aiut ." The club plans a w~ and- cheese party, and expects- 200 to 3()0 Lions, Lionesses · aM guests for the mlni-cOnvention.

At thedireet.ora meeting, JoanMor .. rison reported aboUt the~ Foster fund. In addition, treaBUI'er Joyc::e McMath presented an end of thp :year report. . . •

Ll.oneSses . present alio Included . Martha Lowe, Adele. Hugbston, Ann GOOdwin, Leona Fugate, Helen Town­sead. Lions liaison ofliC:er Bill Mor· rison an·d guest Freclllugbliiton. _

The club asks anyone with used eyt!glasoes and bearing aidS to please take them to a saf'ewllf store or the Smokey the Bear Cafe in Capitan. 11oxes are provldod ror the dcnuitionil •

. Reunion planned All ot the Ruidoso .High Scllool

clasSes; from tit48 through 1984, •tr:: · · pJann!nil a r<untoo this Augus~ .

·l;l'auta Stirrnan is $dekmg a represtntaUve frOm each class to her~ coordinate the ~nt,.. Which 1$ planned eveey three years.

·she 'Qtge& anyone interested to call her at 25'1-7864 or- CatQl Pior ·.at 1!lfH32S. . . . .

1\lmnber>O or tluictus oltli'14, whicll would usually hold its OWn to-yM.l" reunton: thia :veart are working -on the ·event.

crAia.ldMtWt' WOMI.D'S LEADING ..


~c:il's 323 Sucldetth J:!t"lll• · Phon•li57.77GP. ·

Authorized lAulrn.ft. Hair .stylist· Deafer

': Cecil Davis · . "


Susan .Wright, a New M~ico State University clothing specialist, will present a progra~m on remaking clothing at·s~ao a.m. Aprill9. .

$he will emphasi~ updating wardrobes and selecting coJor& to .fit each indiVidual during the pro­gram in the ~ MedalliOn Room . in Carrizozo. 1t is next to the post office. ·

~acb participant should bring a garment that is- wearable but needs updating,

Cost ts $l per )>Orson, A potluck lunch is planned. Call the Lincoln County Extension Office in dar-­rizozo.at 648-2311 to register before the program. DOU(li CONLEY

• .

All Dresses

25% OFF Now through Easter

ti Plae~ In· . ,.

Th~.&>on Fc;~shlo'n Uoutlque

9:30. 5:30

Spaghetti Pinner· ·benefitting

Ruidoso Little Theatf!!l'


Nottingham's .. Monday~ April 16 · 5:00 • 8:00 ., .....

$4 ~d .. ltaJ . $2 Children

. •WTEIIBI.INNYiN ATrENDANCE ' ': '· .. ·. ' .. - "'-' . ' . •PRIZES AND'I'REA't&f()B .. CHI.LOUN AND.ADUI: .. s


,• : • •

Conley. to talk on computers

for Altrusa's ~'Prime Time''

by. .

Others are Cohn O'ReUiy, Chalianya Pal, Jennifer Parker, Greg Radziewicz and Chelsea Roan,

.Als'o. inCluded are Sonya Sanders, Amy SlhJer, Stephanie Stillman. Lori Swa:Iander, DeAnna Swanner, Bill~

. Ann Telles and Cody Wl11ard. Doug Conley Will speak about 'stnall · buSiness COI'ilJ?Utere during the Altrusa Club's "Prime Time for Womenu on Monda)'~ April SO.

'Phe Altrusa ClUb or RuidoSo is spon ... · soring the seminars by Conley and three other speakers at FirSt Chri~ tian Church in ll.uidoso. Other. topics are "How to Dress for SuCC«!$8," "Stress Management" and usman Jn.. vestments."

Conley hag·Worked with computers for ten years, including a year at Ruidoso State Bank. He is their data · processing managei' and also is a con• sultant' on small computers.

Bolore lno>vlnj! b-el< 1<> Ruidoso, he worked tot Hugl':tesfJrctaft Company and taught computer ~JCience in Arizona. . .

Conley e8.-ped a hl&Ster"s degree In thJJ,n8gement lnfonnatlon· systems and a. master's of · business ad~ minlstraUon .from the. UJdversi,ty Of Ari~. He also earned a baebelor"s. The Ruidoso High School honor roll clegree in geolo81 .from the New Mex- for the third nine weeks incllldes teo· Institute of Mining and seven students with •'A" averages~ Tecbnology-. Kim Co'pell;lnd._ Pam eran, M.ileh

Rhodes, DeeSherwqod, Laura Trapp, ·Registration for-Conley's and other Cbristfne Volquardsen and Mary

"PriioeTime'' talKs wUl begin at 6:30 Wiley. p.m. Tbe conference wiD end about Others on the honor roJI are 'TanJa 9:30 p.m. It costs $3 per person. Ab th G c Jl"n Sta y Refreshments wm be p~ov(ded. erna Y • ary 0 I s, c B.b.usJIU"d wiD be av.-Uable for 60 Dolgener,LauraHankios,X&thyHai-

'.J' ._ rison and Kris Hounshell. cents per diUd. • • . /Jso included are Lisa Howell,

Fine arts also wiD be ~played. , ,MI"ilelle Lopez, Angella l\laldonado, Both men: and women are welcome: • Manuel Montano, Keri Pate, ~onna

to attend.· :ear information or to Rue~ Glenda White and EVanie. . register, caU 257·1992a!ter4 p.m.. WUson.


Check with us for the best rcites .


' ·'

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• •

"""'' J'l1io Fh•l<lo""' New•ol Monday. April 16. 1984.

' . '.t

. . ' ' '

-~.: •. . ., ....... N!:' • . . • . •, . •'

_:Qob~MeClellan stando~t~ far S:ports w.artiorsinRo~wellmeet I

-:__---'------~-------------'---:-----:"----;---=:---;----'----·- -.67-QA.RY. •FJOwN' -m~t~ ~urdl~~ $ J~ ,tqng jump -soO-m.eier·re .. Y. ~~- . -News,- Spqr:W~ V!(_rtwr· by ~ -Jolutstcm, El M.2. :ln :t_h8 400 til the medley· r•<ler ·me tMm ~~ ;ro;~~ M. ~.·11·00 and _CIScO'-Bob eon. - ~ me·ter:s bY Gann 'Jn his. first ~ttort at Kercy Glad4tm~ ~-~. D•niels aDd . · • B · t · . · ·... t. ....~.. ,...... tbat race·-. and a t;ll..(l in 'the 800 . Tnipp I'_AA:,:ll 2:.02.Q, .. ju.Bt under th.elr Tularo·sa WIDS . . · ra:ve· s . · o.urname.D. , . unued 'lh•l•. ~tsla~d19g ~'~'"'~··· me<•ro. ey· ''~"~"'·" .l).alton ... ami,, )lelt.·. . . .

mances t9 l$l the .1\w~·-_mgb. · liamU:tpo, · ·~ ., --~# .. 'et~ riiln. a _'lS .• B bt tbe too · · · S~boystrack_ mlnth,e~~weU- MinlldMQDtanoand~pftani"Y- m,t ... ·lirt<f,:$,O'iJt.- the_ 200 meters,·

Rul".d. 0·. so·. h. oop.··sters c. aptur.e· · ·t·ht._r·d Inv!lationalFI"idey.. . '· · • lurnedingooddiBObs.elforts:RiuiJSey gOOIJ.perfbt'Q..,ces $!nee she was

Tul8rosa Dry Goods won first place while Ituidoso -tOok third in the.third annual Little QraVes Pee Wee. Basket­ball Tour~ment at thtt Mescalero Community Center Over the WeekeJld,

Tularosa defeated the AlamQgordo Boys Club 50--28 in the championship galne Sunday afternoon. ·

Alamogordo '-dvanced to the fina~ by beating Ruh:loso -32--31 and the Mescalero Braves 39-31 earlier in the day, The Braves won the consolation championship.

In tbe championship game, Tularosa I~ _all the way. Miguel

Bob brold~ sc:bOo •. ~ordli In ~ threW' the discus 00 .f'i!et Pnd Montano cOining' Of(~ iMa"Y. 1,500 llU!teriJ apd_ s,ooo·me~ while bad a 94-fOQt: Uarow, : ~lad.deJl . .00.- I.,apa McClure ran

. . ·.tak,lng 11econd ln. bi;Jth.even.*-. Me- r'ItwasaveeygOOd·meetforus," person"-l·~ts in tile t()(WQ.eter Ro:p~.eroledthewinnerswith-16points_ edelght. _ · Clellan finlsbed·sec.C)Q(lln the 800 Maskew said -~·we set some goals hurdle.5_6f-17.&.andU'.B,respectively. and was named most valuable player Ruidoso Op!ned the tourllament , metet's rJesptte beln8: t.rlpPed a.t the beforehan(t and Wrpassed s'onte and Danlela. ran·a 66.0 ib ~ 400 meters. tor his efforts. Delbert Chavez added • Frtday.aftenioon witll a win over .the start. · -. . equ.aled-SPIJI,e," . · .. . . . · · The Wardors. had a trio of· good ef~ 14points-. __ .- Brav:es .. RuldosQ thl;ln .lost to :Rutdosc)was elghth_tn the 12-team Tbe-WArrlor gi,r.l_ll!·~ a bundle c;d forts''in;the long jump,_ despite not

ln the serrii·final contest', f'leld in boys compeUtlQn.scorms 17 sealiOnal&Qst$-ln theCompetttt.on·. . p!Qcing Alamogordo had to llold·Ruidosa off .bl Alamogordo but deteaied Hondo points, The Wll'i'rlor Slrls didn't score, Deannfl, :t?eso .recorded a 2;40.0· m sanchez, who baS a ·hf;!st of 16-5,· the tinal minute. . Saturday night to earn thtl s~i..final but came through witt. ~everal Pl'l'- the BOQ·meters, ilnlstdng··sixQl. Peso Jeap(KI 14·7 deSpite having trouble ~tr-Ruiiled·d~2ioa~~~ :: ~';.:V:!::• slot. sOnal bests _a~inst --tougtl com(»8ti~ · also ran on thtea'e--- aoo-n'leiter and with .her steps. PesO added a 1-w ef.

a ~ : · • Alter the Sr~ves lost· 4t 1\uidoso, tion. 1,600-meter relay ms. . fort and Daniels leaped 13-.10. Denrii&Ullm-.nnrebwndedonamisS· Bob' lost close races to Thet-.UOOmeterrelayteamofPeso, ed shot and COdy WtUard hit two last-- they beat the Mescalero Hawks and Alamogont0'11 Paul Morgan .. The Katherine sanchez, Laura Trapp and second free throws tl) almost pull the Dulce_be~ losing to Alamo~rdo. Ruidoso runner ran a 4:06.95 in the Kim Daniels recon:led. a 4:26.0. The game out for Ruidoso. . 1,500 meters. Morg~ edged him out same quartet ran a 1:54.0 in the

In-another field event, Lillian Lopez ~d a seasonal best o( 84 feet in tbe

Ullmann led the Ruidoso scoring Larry Gi!ronimo aruHnt- Sabo ea:cb with a 4:06.39, · · with 10 points and Dusty Beavers ad.d· scored eight points to lead the Braves Bob then ran a 9:06.67 In the 3,1100

1n their Sunday l9sa to Alamogordc:,, · meters. Morgtm won In 9:06.58. The race was close' aU the way- untn the. Alamolordo numer nipped Bob at the

In additiOn to Romero, members of the ·all.touma.ment team were Cbito Montano of Hondo, Marcello Randaz.. zO or' the Hawks, ·Tera · MUler of Ruidoso and Raymond Wheeler of -· .

Other members were. Rusty Silver of the Tularooa Wildcats, Russell Vigil of Dulce, Gerald Tsaslte of Win· dow Rock, Arizona, and Sonny Geronimo of the Mescalero Chiefs.

More all·t'ournament team members were James Aragon of TuJarosa Dry Goods, Joe Harris of Alamogordo. Charles Smith or the Braves and Cody Wtuard of Ruidoso.

Rounding out the team were Joseph Aguilar of Hondo, Alan Bonelly of the Chiefs, Leonard Henderson of Win· dow Rock and Larry Geronimo of the Braves.

Fishing report

tape. Francit!lco Olvera and ·Gabe Tam

came thrOugh with strong perfor-­mances behind Bob in the 3,000 meters. · ·

Olvera ran a personal best of 9:43.60 for fifth place,. better than the state qualifying standard. However, the meet wasn't a state qualftying af-fair.- ·

Tam, wbo is a freshman, ran a· 10:01.0. .

McCieUan recorded a 2':02.6 in the 800 meters after his. mishap ·-.t the begining of the race. The Warrior junior's best time this season is 2:01.53. Johnny Peck of Roswell won tlie race In 2:00.78.

.. I think CUrt would have had a very good chance of winning the race If he hJldn't been tripped," said Warrior head boys coach Ronny Maskew.

The Ruidoso relaY teams also came through with strOng performances, particularly in the 1,600-meter relay.

That relay team of Steve Snidow, Tracy Gann, Eric Strobel and Me· Clellan ran a seasonal best of 3:33.80

Ruidoso River: The fishing is fair. for fourth place. Large trout. are being taken on Pan- Snidow, Strobel and McClellab ther Martin spinners and fireballs. teamed_ with Ryan Frost In the

Alto Lake: ifilefishing is fair. Trout ~meter relay to run a seasonal best are being taken on firebaUs, garlic of 1:34.2, a second fast than ·their cheese and marshmallows fishing off previous best this season. the bottom. ' Tha same quartet ran a 45.70 for

Bonito Lake: Tbe fishing ls good us~ fifth place In the 400-meter relay~-ing prepared baits, worms and Other strong efforts were a 43.90 by salmon eggs. Justi~ Smith i~ the .~mete~ in~

·;:=----o;:'G;'"e9i.i:"i~;dTn9hc.";. ___ l1 I AND •

1 ~.· .-DI' •. Ken D. Leadingham t I · .announce the opening of their practice of 1 I OPTOMnRY I

discus. ·

Resort -Reser:vatiops wins women's keg title

A·1 Resort Reservations won a bowl·off ~at Holiday Bowl to win the- Thur&dily Morning Ladies. League season championship.

Alto Construction Team Two tied with A-:-Resort ReservationS for- the · team tiUe, both teams bavjng a 60-31 record. However, A~ 1 Resort Reser. vations cinched the title by winning the boWl-off. .

Der Klocken Shoppen finlahed third with a 56-36 mark.

Ginger -Castaneda bowled the highest individual scratcm game- ot the season with a 200. Sandy NetUes had the highest individual game with a handicap, bowUng a 263, · . W-Iterine Hughes h$d the highest

individual sci-•tcb series_ with a 638, and Betty Searbrough had the highest handicap series with a OM.

A--t' Resort Resei'vatlons bowled a 612 for tbe- IJlgheSt team sera tch game of the season. Three Bees bad .a 651 for the htgbest team game wlth a hint· dicap. ·

..Uto VlDage ConstruqUon · Team "1\v.() won the higlu:!st team scratch series bowUng a 1,406.

Hughes bad the highest game average with a 156. Renee Taylor was the most improved bowler,lmproving 12 pins. .

The league 'will have its awards banquet at 11 a.m. this Thursday at Holiday HOUSe.

· 4 Nlghts/5 Days


Automatic Turlio two doors, ·Turbo· wagons and Brats, automatic 4WD, 4· door.

Ruidoso coach Lynn Willard (left) instructs his team during a timeout In the third annual Braves Pee Wee Basketball Tour­nament Sunday In the Mescalero Community Center gym­nasium. Ruidoso finished third In the tournament, winning two games and losing two.

I 257 ·4877 Genera! I Appts, taken . Optometry I 1 Office Hours Man.-Frl., 8-5 and

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All variety of available.

colors and

Call Sunrl- Sullaru, (915) 751--6.76, the Southwest"• larilest volum•

excluslv• Sullaru cl-ler.


Sports Activities

This Week Tuesday: Adult coed volleyball at

White Mountain Middle School, star­ting at 7 p.m. - _ _

Thursday: Ruidoso Golf Invita­tional at Inn of the Mountain Gods and Cree Meadows Country Club, starting at 7 a.m. Ruidoso High School boys and girls track teams at Artesia In· vitational, aiJ day. Capitan and Car-­rizozo boys and girls track teams at William Slade Memorial Track In~ vilational in Tularosa, aJJ day. Adu1t coed volleybatl at White Mountain Middle School, starting at 7 p.m. _

Friday: Final day of Ruidoso Golf Invitational at Alto Lakes GoH and Country Club, starting at 7 a.m. .

Saturday: Ruidoso Soccer AssOCJ.a· lion youth matches at White Mountain Middle School, morning and after­noon action.

Slow-pitch meeting set for Tuesday

The lluidoso 'Men's Slow-Pitch Soft­ball Association wUJ meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Ruidoso Public Library,

Twefve teains will be in the league, Teams need to pay their SJk)nsorship fees at the mf!eting.

A draWing will a_lsd be set up for the· 1984 schedule. For further ilitorma· Uoo, ca'l Gary Boyd at 247•9812. ·

The league sesson w11l ptiJbably ,egin soon·. 'tea,ms WilL play 'hiday •ncJ TuesdaY nights ilt All-American Park Field ltl ttuidoso DO\VD$1.

PrecisiOJi PlumbitJg Wdt'l the l~agoe championship- btst ~~~ -with ·8 perfect 22--o- rec()fd,· winning both the regular. seasOn title and thA tourna .. ment chitmplonship. · ·



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Pole Una construCtion, hole drilling for any purpos.e.

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MAFICH 31,1984

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- - . e;::f TOTAL ASSETS •• ,.,,,, •••• ,.,,,,,,,, •• ,S123.816.01$2,


• • • • • • • • •• 104.1188.111.1 ,80 .•.• ·• •.. ' ••• ~ ., ..... 4.tl8'

•••••••••• ~. ~ ...... 4,710.02 . • .. · .. -.· ••... - ' . _f,'7_44,426.2:

• - .• - •••. •.• · ••. 2,:(0.,802 ... ••• ' .............. ; .... ~-1~1$11,_281.88 DIVIDeND AAVAIIL& 4/13/84 • , _, ~ , • ,8il7f,OO

TO'I)\1. I.IABILITEs-· ·• o ~., ••• ,, • .:.,., ~,., '• .tV! .• 7 •. 1.!i.11 · ~ttHalOER EQUtfV . . ~ItT CAPITAL STOCK,,,.,-,.·,·., •• ,,_,,., • ,.,-.

· MID IH SURPI.lliil •• , • , • • . . , • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • R-IWES ANb LIN_DI\I'i~ f'ROFITS ••• I ••• ~ ••• -•• ~· • • • '

--. 1'0'1'...: ~~HOLOEtt ttcaUtTY •.•• , •• , • ,; - ~ , , • , .. TO'I'At: LIABILITIE$ o\NO BTOCKHOLD!fl ~UITV. • ••••• ~ • '

. -·-


. '

' .. · .. . , . ---- --~ ,.....;.·~· .

-.. ___ : . ~- .. ;-:.· , .. ,_;. _,.,.. '- ... _· .. -- ... .-.-.. ,~ ·.: ,- .; •' ' ... ·

• .. '~··- Monaay, 1-\Pf!l •Y• '"'"'~""~ -•• i~.~'·'J~Pe,.c;» NeWI!f.l u~

Around·. Sport$.

· :Ruidoso tennis teams fall to tough Colts . - " - . . . . . .

wlt"'·Gary Brown

~ ll-Ul~ l(igl, S®ool boys and final score ln<Ucated, slrice the.war­Jd.-111$ tennta . teams dropped . b.Qrd~ rlors lost' four tie·brqkers. · foUght cleclslcnus1~ vtaitlnifNew M.ex~ 141 felt they ~ a little stronger ic;o MIUtary.lilatif:llte (NM.Ml) Satur· than us mentally Jn the tie--breakers,'' day aLthe Sl.erra Swim & Racquet said Ruidoso coach Mike CrOcker. Club. · · "We just lost our coiK:entraUon a bit.

Ruidoso's boys lost a 7·2 decisi&. to I thirik we played better tban we did tbt Colts to put their district ~4;U'dat t-he ill'St time we ll)at to them."

-"-·1.r. do.aahl· ituredtlieAA.AA.dlvlsloncbam- 4-3. . . . · ~n the girls compeUUon, Michele-Anyone who is a ~If tan ~t.~auwu en- =:f• .Shoo••-- a 9&4 •. li.Qi.doso The Warrior girls fell'5-4 to. drop to MolTOW took Trapp's place in tile t;op_

joy-. tbe B~o lnvitatkmal this 14&16 1-6. However~ tbe. girls were without · singles match and lOst a ~-o. 0.1 deci~ TJnu:sday I(Q1d FI'iday ollt _the three - eighth in the AAA division top ~&ingles players Laura Trapp and sion to·ts-reruta Valdez.· Morrow usual-Iocalcpinoses. - with,at,ooaScqre.· • · Ia -... 1_ DonnaMobley,who~outoftown. lyp)aysinthenumberthreeposition.

The Invitational, which will feature .Tije ~ts got qff to a ~ow' rt ... Ill"' In the boys action, Ryan Brown·of In the second match; Marci some ()flhe beJit hiJih schoo1 golfers In season but shoWed. n.picl improVe- RuidQsQ QlOved his record to ti-l with Mullican of Ruidoso lost to Molly CUt-­thQ.swt;hBl'DQlf of the state, _wlll be a m~ in t:bi;Ur las~ tounuunent, the a.s-1, 6-3 d$Cislon over Carlos Mlnville ter 6--0

1 0.2.

54-bole tournament. ~welllnvltlltlOnal AprilS, in the ,top match. · 0~ singles action had Ruidoso's The finit 1$ ~les ~Y morn~ Bll:idpso shot a 1M3. to finish sixth In Other singles results had Mike Rachel McCoy topping Floy -wm~

·ins: will be pJajed.Bt the Inn of the - ~t.our'D4meQt.o1umorTommy-C.-ow· Smiqt of -Ruidoso losing to Paul ingbam 6-4, +6., 6-4; ·and Melissa MOuntain Gods, 'l'hursdaY afternodn had~ far his be$t·performa~ of the ~gu~ fH, 7-6.; Jim· Smith falling . Hender.son falllng to Mar Daniels of the golfers wUl switch to Cree · .,as011, sb~ an 88. - . · to NMMI's FrazctJ;' Edmondsen 6-5, NMMI 6.-3, 6-1. M-.dows Countcy Club, The fi.IIRI18 BUly Taylor added an B4, J(ezmy 7~; and Bart Bowen of the Warrlors Also, LO[i Morel and Candice boleS wlU be playe'!i'Friday mOl'lling- ~ ~Jnd jeff ~~-each shot losing to .Victor Ruffo tH, 7-6. ~kowski of the Warriors took ~Jt Alto Lak8s qolt and Cowi..try Club. 888 and. Paul ~iltQn. ~- ~ 90. Also, Lewis Chandler of NMMI beat 'def;~ult wins. The Colts were short two -Thus both Plfers and SJ)eet$tors · Bender, only a fresbman, has ~ Mitch Rhodes &-1, o.o; and cache girl players. ·

. will be 'able to tmjby some of the most the Wa~Ol'l!' most consistent golfer Mundy fell to the Colt:&' Mark Alway · In . double!$ action, Morrow and spectacular beauty in New Mexico ~season: · 6-1, 6-1.· Mullican lost the top match to Valdez wbile the t.t.lunlament is On. _ ~ the unprovement? · Brown and Mike Smith took the top and Cutter 6-1, 6-2.

What a contrast this ti:Jurnament 'The kids are able to ~acUce ·-dOubles match with a 6-4, 6-4 decision Lori Morrow and Henderson drop--wm -be:---with the golfers playing iD moreJ" answered ·Jtuidoso instructor over Rodriguez and Edmondsen. ped- an 8-6 pro set matcll to Will-the cooi piiles-to tbe inajority of high Chuca: Dunn. "The weather held us · In the other doubles matches,. Jim lngbam aqd ~wardS and McCoy and school golf tournaments in Southerq. back at the start of the season hut Smith and Bowen lOst to Mtnvme and Makowski won the other doubles New Mexico! they're practicing moi:e now .and AlWay 6-4, 7-5; and Rhodes and Mun· match by default.

Most high &ebool golf tournamentS play:lng better· dy fell to Ruffo and Chandler ~~. 0.2. The·Warriors will take not play dur-in Southern New Mexico are played "We should do fairly well in the Tbe boys match was clbser than the ing their Easter vacation, then OJ1. courses nea,r the prairies or desert tournament." areas: The RQld.oso lrivitational \lllll Dunn thinks that the scores sbould seeol Uke a VB!l'\tlf;ui paradise to the be lower at Cree Meadows than the other touma"'eats. . other tw<> courses. He thl!lks Cree

Thetoumameut·wm-bedivtdedluto .~4Pws Is the easiest COU1'8e whlle two· diVislcms, AAAA and AA.A. the scores shoQld be· &Jxmt emta1 at

With host Ruidoso Hillh Sebool in · Alto Lakes Country Club and the Inn the. AAA divtsicm, will be Goddard, of tile MOQDialn ..-. · Deming SDver- City Artesia Lov- Ruidoso could have an advantage ingtoq Socorro New Mexico Miutary since the Warriors are used to playing Iosl:ltu'te, POrbiles and HOt Springs. on the local coursti!S. _ RUtaoso wUi have both vanity and With the lmprov.elnent tbe Warriors jUD!or varsity tea"ms. have shown this season.t look for

Teams scheduled to compete ln the Ruidoso to do better ln tne touma~ AAAA ciivJSion- include Roswell, ment than it did last season. Mayfield, Laa Cruces Clovis -and But ·regardless of the final scores, Alamogordo. ' golf fans should enjoy the two-day

- tournament. 1t should be the beglnn-Last ·year Lovington won the AAA · Jng of a top ama.teur golf season in tbe·

crown With a 971 score and Alamogor- Ruidoso.area.

Fast-pitch meeting scbeduled , There will be an emergency meeting of the Ruidoso Men's Fast­Pitch Softball League at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday ln the Ruidoso Publlc Library. - ·

l.Jtscuss1uns tor the. league schedule, practice sessions and team enrollments will be finalized.

Capitan thinclads gain some places at Tatum

The Capitan High scllOOI boys and girls track teams gained several places at the Tatum Relays state qualifying meet Friday afternooh. ·

In the boys competltiont Tim McElhannon took a first in the .Javelin with a 161·foot effort. He also finished third bi the 200 meters. .

Daron Armstrong gained a fourth in a tough a,ooo-meter field, running .qn 11:07.

• 'The competition was pretty tough," admitted Capitan boys coa"Ch E. c. Jenkins. "Tatum was awfUlly tough." -

Becky Huey qualified for the A divi­sion state meet in the 400 meters ancl Becky Phillips earned a state meet berth in the no-meter low hurdles. . · Although they didn~t qualify for the state meet, the 'I:iger girls 400-mE$er relay team of Joan Lc!slie, 'fn\cy Herd, Huey and Shawna McDaniel recorded a seaso11,41I best of 55.1. The state qualifying standard for the A division is 54.3,

The Tigers will compete at Tularosa Thursday afternoon. Capitan has several more state quail~ fying meets this season.

Club courts.~ matches· will start-at 2 p.m_ •.

.JIIT'i Smith of the Ruidoso High School boys tennis team goBs . for the ball durJnc» the- second doubles match against New Mexico Military lnsUtute Saturday on the Sierra Swim & Rac­qufitt Club courts. Smith and teammate Bart Bowen lost a close 6-4, 7-5 decision to Carlos Mhwllle and Mark Alway of the Colts. New Mexico Military Institute Won· the boys com­P,&.tltion 7 .. 2 and the girls action 6-4·. Ruidoso Is 4 .. 3 In boys competition and 1-6 In girls play. The Warriors will be Idle over the Easter HolldS.ys .and will resume action Tuesday, April 24, against the visiUng Artesia Bulldogs.

All ieam representlves should at­tend tbe meeting, the final one before the regblar season begins. New teams must attend or notify the league for enrollment.

Team n!presentlves not able to at· tend thp meeting shoula call Gar An­dre at 257-7205 or Joe Ortega at 3711-1200.

People Interested in umpiring are encouraged to contact the league, Umpire wages have Increased to $12 per game.

LET US ·'-.:'·: __ .::



;t-~·:.' :-. ;_i .•

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Next To The Hospital For Appointments Call





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-$Jj aEEF LORD WELLINGTON • • ••••••••••••••••••• $22.95 ..... ·· f?!Bi T•ndedoln of beef wltb gooaellver pate wrapped In paaby, . · •.;·;'fil.,, ~:J!Ji! •en-ed with black diamond ••ace ;,_1,;. .. -.-. ,

·.fl R:=Ir.~!.~!~~~~.:~!; ;Jti. ;,;,;bi.h-; i.;..i.i~;.~ ....... $18.95 ·'uf;1 ~ ChUdren's porilon (12 and under) ••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••• $9.9 5 .~J SEAFOOD CREOLE ••••••• " ••••••••••••••••••••••• • $16 95 ~~ Lobeter., •bdm.p ·and •caUops cooked In a mildly ••••oned • ~ ChUdren s portion (12 and under) ••••••••••••••• ' •••••••••••• $8.95 'N>IJ LEG OF SI"'UNG IAMB •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -$15.95 fJJ!f!j Oven ro-:•ted leg of lamb sei'Ved wltb natural sauce and mint jeUy . ~ ChUdrens portion (12 and under) •••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • $7.95 l!j CORNISH GAME HEN •••••• • • ••••••••••••••••••••• ·$14 95 ~~ Tender young oven I'Oasted hen sened with dlable sauce • ~ ChUdrea•• portion (12 and under) ................................. $7.95 · m BAKED cuRED HAM •••• -•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·$12 9s

Sagar cared ham baked wltb white wine and brown sugar, sei'Ved • . 1St with .weet and sour raisin sauce ChUdren's porilon (12 and ·aader) •• $6.95 li-m! ROASTED YOUNG TOM TURKEY ••••• ~ ••••••••••••••• ·$12.95 ~ Tender .Uc:- of turkey sei'Ved on sage dres•lng· and smothered · . 'N In giblet gravyChUdren'a porilon (12 and under)~ •••••••• • • • ·'· •• $6.95





• ,-.


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H011n: lloSO Alii to 10;00 PM


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~ ' : . -'·'. . . -·- .• . .

The .


. , Aft~ QoidiDg· bllo:k' longer tmtn

.. PoJice . Activities


Dreamer :'':'~f:lt!.~0!rn~tj,~f:f! Jal'~ari'-~attG~~~ect- · ~tcb ~Vl~·-x.. will~ms its turn. ·· · o po~r· Ill I<:;a rental~ts.lld!h·'l'y!:olio roported•lholbO!t frol!t Allpen Lodge - - ' . .

380 'l>l!>dl!>llo bot ~· "' ltlil<\\l!IO •pol'tment lr,!Q<I !ll $126 •llilli. -· .~. • t• SkJD-ta)' .,,_., .•. •••• ' • o. ' . · -~>'"" t::f'Yll.._ ~ c •• Vrcy, _,_.e !JPOW . ...~ ;. Y4;l"Mo;ou 11-~ ~· :.. . ._ . . . by Dan' Storm wbltepl\iUib, an<! thefoii!IIYI>"'r, ~1><1 · · · ·· · · ·. ·;.'· ; • : ', • !I!Orcl> sg.;,.)\lary. and TU Wolts

. -·, f.b.e ~rose Jil'ink- pea~;h· are .all out March 26-.Tosepli: ·~i_ lQi:t•;, -~ted the~ !rofn Tb,e T.{nll$Ual The-W«JIIb Ge't.ing here s~l d'-YS, titaklng ~r-~ tOgether tn the.Glenc® ~rea. tbe ap- reported the thdt from J;l~t\a._ ~- ' Fashions . Shdp·, at _2111 ~wldertlJ ft~ily T~ Wplcome ticms. to l."aiJe ~i!tir young • .Anoth$'_ . ple, la$t Of the fl'~t ~ hl()()tn is just RV r•rk of a. basket_ of ~()UJ,Eij_ I;Q.- , Drlvt:l, 'Of .a gOldcolOJ;"-money bjlg, Con:·

• Ea!!luSUQ.day . very t111rhe welcom!»" of'tbe.Sprlng, ~teJy shoWing crimson and white ·-cluc)tngtwol~o~ •• ~Qfl,.lt'vl_ taintng$2(Kicaeban~$ll06ofcheclcS';-a With Ea~ter U..te Ulif! year; and the the YeUow Brea$tt'l~. Fly C"teher, hall buds; t=a

0ns. , f;wQ western shirts • ..and $QCb," fur ves.t.-. $150 ... · ;- and Jl bras.s horse. SlT.

Spring weathW:- EJYen la• stiU, all ~ arrlved. 'l'hese two aro -the eadietJt of "'" ChUdt'en of MOther E;arth, the,wto.ged mel!iseng~ra-C)( warnier daYs. :oown ~ ~e. rivlr side,. alo.n,g its pilgrb'n& -of tM- ~, a.lld the .horne ·,. And today, roundl~ UJ.e river'a . sheltered ba;n)gi, ·Spring is a step cJ1':atures Who f!l~ep the. winter benet.- -in~t East of t:lJ,e ,g4int Walnut abNcS of, tts pace up on th" meadows thr<A.tgh~U ~and more. are joln~ ~..... high · 1n · iug in. t~ gla!lsome preparations; tQ .tree, YllU ~ - on- a P9wei' WJI'tl, . and· hOI!I'ides. 'l'lle WIDoW and tl\e Box welcome that DaY C)f Days. . ltiS favorite spot above a Iatge po_ol~ a . -El~ are out in hB.H leaf slready with

It is l~te afteriloon, on Aprll f"lfteen, · faltht\11. Spriq.:itme friend, U1e Belied_· · the-latE! afternoOn Sun sbi.nlng through Palm s~,-and the windiiJ-blqwi~. IGngfjsber, dt"eMed in:hls best, wltb · the delieate new leaves. gently straight out of the North,_ ·pure white co!JaJ:' •nd coat and bead though 1,1: has lost its chill along the dreSs of a}d.nihg Prusstan Blue. The Tbe yellow.wlld muetard has· now

tr II tb ugb th · · ber 1 been joined by' one of the fr;worite way,- ave ng ro e sunny river belQW is deep and. a~n co- .flowers all around the worlli, the mesas and foot hills and prairies to o-·• wltb t•· n~ wate- .r-....m the'

"'C\4 ""'"' """""· ~ .. -u-v · small ~-• "nted.Spn'n•D•;~, •c• in the East. After a cold mol;1lin8, tbe suow~l'&pidlymeltingfrom~eWhite tn~..,.., I>' -.~ ., .. "'

!iiUO all day has· been beaming down its Mountafu. the warmer ·sheltered spots, here is a golden ra3's ~f 1~, traveling tl:lrough mid-summer favorite of the a sky of _pUl'est blue. · ·Just .rter IUglt· noon today, tbe li~tle Southwest shininS: am,l.dst th~:; new

You notice that this day is S()·mueh tame L~zatd carne out from his liniall longer than the days of a month ago, winter subWanean house _near the . grass, Tile New Mexico Pink, a month giving the sun extra time to work its door under tne flagstones, and stayed or more ahead of its ·normal time, a

gic a while, blinking at the sun as be lay messenger of a glor:ious EQSter maTbe 'pair of swallOws tbat come up in front of biS door, glad to b~ ~bove Season, and green and Oowery Sum-every !iflring from Mexlc() bq.ve been ground ~:tffer the long winWr. mer .

March 26-Gieli R. l!'ergQson reported scratches .on the palnt d a. motorcyele and ear P&U"ked ·at 809 Keyes Drive, $350.

-. ~ch 27-:0.. L. Quintana. ~red the tb.e(t from a relrtdence on :Robln Road of 'three brass lamps, a . Sunbeam·· eleCtric· frying ~' ·a-· No~lco Coffee maker, two bottle$ of wine, a child's .reeoi'd J)!lt.yer, an In· dian fur and feather wall hanging, a wood and brass nightstand, a Eureka upright VJICU~rn qlean~. a ZC!nith clock radio, a wood and bi-ass trunk, a Clairol hirlrdrYer, a ·Clairol curling iron, miscelhlnectll$ clothing, sev~ blankets and miscetlaneous tools, all valued at mdre than $IJOO.

Morcl>·3l-Word J, Stnlth,repOrtod the th~ft: Q( a boQd aild tailgate from a brown l&aiJ:Qh.evrolQt C·lQ pickup tur­ck par.k$1 ~( tU aansori -Drtv:e. .

. . l

. 'March 31-lfa.ren aeasley ~ the.tbeft fi'oin 117ElPaso-~t9t-a tan 8n(l blue purse,· $10; and $lilt cosh.

Marob Sl-DOra T. Flores· reported of a gold ring.witb one half cara,t dia-­mond. and. filigr-ee ar,I;)Uiid the ~dia-· mond lost or stolen from InnsbrwJr.: Lo4ge Room 14, $1;700. .

March 31-Tamroy P•Y1'6 reported the th~ trom a vehicle parked a4104 Aspen Ci.-c::le ()( a wallet., $12; and $208 cash and credit. caxds. c':

.. ,

. -·'

Qrlm~ of ' .

tb~ we.el< U., "t))bo9t February II, lOOt, !""'

son -Oi ·JMi:~•J~ons u~nown remcw-ed. a gmer oolored 29!' tall Shetland pony fr9m thE! ~JJture -~ .Ridtatd Coons ln _Capitan ai'Jd _the P:OJIY wa& run bard anA :tlw.~-·~li drag5W,t to deaUJ;. · • Th~t· :lo:lncoln .: Co11.nty-· .Ranchers CmiliUM ls · ()ftering a reward of $SOO.tKfiil· adcpl;\on to Ute $1,000.00 of­fered · .. by state Crl.tne ·stoppers,

. RUtd.OSo Ciirne StopP¢rs would like to add··an t\dliftiona:l $300.00· and an anonyrn.OUIJ .. contribution for $200.00 baa been made. Total reward for in­foi'matlop leadiltl to the atTest and Grand Jury in~c~en~ or _Magistrate Court bin~ over qf tbe person or per­sQM.wtio~tted this·mo'St vicioUs crime is $2,0(10..00 ~one-- who· bas lnformattop on

crinUnal _activity i.s urged to· call Crime Stoppers· at 25'1-4545, or State ·Cr~me Stoppers at l-800-432-6933.

PqRtlcalcommen'-ry; On the Opinion Pdge

'· :··

. Carrizozo Health Center Continues Alliance With Hospital

Daniel Blodgett, M.D .. board certified In family practice. joined carrizozo Health Center' wfth admitting privileges to Ruidoso­Hondo Valley Hospital. .

Physician assistant Nancy Guck recently joined the Carrizozo Health Center staff. Dr. Blodgett and Ms. Guck. PA. provide medical service to the Corona area through a clinic established in that community. Use of county mill levy funding Is critical to contfnued operation of both -dinics.

carrizozo Health Center provides comprehensive services for aJJ family health care needs. Dr, Blodgett performs certain emergency medldne and orthopedic procedu(es. Routine laboratory tests. pediatrics, patient counseling, internal medldne, ID(Oecology. preventive medldne ~nd home visits are <'ISO available. ·

Dental needs are cared for by Dale Goad, D.D.S., who has practiced In Carrizozo five years.

He offers preventive treatment. restorations. crowns. bridges and dentures.

For more Information: carrizozo Health Center 710 Avenue E carrizozo. NM 88301 6'18-2317 (for appointments) 6'18-2342 (for emergencies after


Ruidoso-He Hospital Con

Equiptnent; anc Through Mill t

Rob Steinmetz of the physical therapy departn)ent demonStrates one of the -exerdses performed on persons with leg Injuries.

Roger A. Beechle. MD. General Prattk:e

\ .. I

Clothes tor thrlty shoppers are ~Jsplayed by one or-many t volunteers who c;:levote hours of service at the Thrift Shop on Nob Hill Drive. '

. ' . . . ..

Arlene Brown, M.D. F-amily -Pt-aa:Jce

. ·- ~ ... ·-· .... ~· ~ ..

Our annual report is botr and a look forward. 01

efforts to be responsive ar the challenge ofprovid

effective health care for tl The year 1983 was Important

for Ruidoso-Hondo Valley Hosptal. It was a year filled with change, challenge and accomplishments.

• We w.:re chosen to partici­pate in a grant from the Robert Wood Joflnson Foundation ·Rural Hospital Program for Extended­Care to test a new concept called the swing-bed project that allows general acute care hospital beds to be used as long-term skilled or. intermediate nursing home beds.

• We made many improve­ments in our physical plant. including opening a second operating room.

• Approximately S200,C!OO in new eqUipment IIIias acqwred-ln­cluding a St5,000 mammographic unit (used In the detection Of breast cancer) which was funded by our auxiliary, ultrasound sector upgrade, Coulter counter. and an ACA blood <:hemistry analyzer.

When Lindsay Nicole Eggleston W; neonatal care unit to keep her warm' Lindsay's sister received special permi'

·the nursery window. .

Members or the Hulda$ Community 81

Roger A. Beedlie, M.D. 1 fiaul G. Echols. M.O.

flollel't s. Finley. sr. John 1\. Hightower Roy lr. "Pihky" Jones Ruth Md9Uire

--~ '

Gary· C. Mitchell

· Rllidoso .. Honda.: ' . . .

. ·' . . ,Anaff

Southwest.Commu~ ..

\ • ..-( ' ,., ' ,,

.l ·- ·-- < ·- ~-- i ~- £ ......... ~- . .. -~ ·" "· ... ~.._.___,.____,._~~--~·~""'~~~-""-~

, 4 -{! Ebf¥ #":7:. tj;'I~(A_ (}. ::1_;?7,_ ~-::··~-~~~·~,rr=-?:·'':"):-":., "":"''""'-~-F"'""~~..,..,.......,,.,.-::·~• o;;:;)~_::::· ~:·:-~ ";•.-:-:-··_.~·-· ~- r·._..:' .r' -~:-·.•:. ~.~' -·~ :;'-~' ·. '\; :.'' -:·~;-· ::~. ~· '-. :·. •·,• '" ,,· · . ,- .· · ·i'' .\\· '; :· . '•:: ·• .· ' .•. ; : " :' :·: .


,. •'' --.... .- ·-:-,-· . -· --. '·

Members of the Blaokhawks (In da"S unWorms) and United go for the ball In a Ruidoso Soccer Association under•1 2 match lilt White Mountain Mldd)e School SaWrday. United won the match 4-1 <Wld al~o -~ook a s~o win over the Cobras

__ _,.: ~~-·.

.earlier Radio Sting and another beat the was

tndoValley ltinues to Fill :l.:Service · Neects Levy Funding. 1: a review of the past year urhospital continues its 1d resourceful as we meet ing quality oriented cost ':Jecommunities we serve.

• Our auxiliary raised approxi­mately S3,000 a month at its thrift shop, which was reopened In a new location on Nob Hill Drive. The auxiliary has generated ap­proximately S70,(X)O toward the purchase of critically needed equipment for orthopedic surgery so far this year. ··

• New nursery equipment. In­cluding a neon'!f:al monitor, a blood pressure monitor, an oxyi­meter, and a neonatal ventilator were also purchased with mill . levyfunds. .

• Two new phys:_icians were . added to our sraff, Dr. Guln Pav­lovic and Dt. Allene Brown; In

· addition to inci'eased emergency

of.: rrustees 'Ken Moore oonald M. Simms, M.O. Sue Stearns

I'OoiYl cnverage. · · · · • Salaries paid to our employees

will generate sevJ!ral rriillion dollars lillorth of purchased goodS and services for our local community businesses.. ·

Lorene: Ross Clemens F. Welndorf W.C. "Dub;' Williams.

' . '

Hospital ·Health· Services··

• '·.·



. . . . •


In action, and the

a 1~1 tie. In , the Tigers exact score

complete results wilt NEtws.·

CPR class · Emergency Medi.Oal Technician Bill Koegler teaches cardro~putmonary resusoltstioll (CPR) to Mimi Smith during. a class at The CarrizO Lodge_ Wednes­day. They are using ~ . Repordlng

. ·


Resuscl Anne, a specially Etqulpped . mar,lkln. Dl:ll'lnQ April, health care pro­

viders In Ruidoso are emphasizing teaching CPR to area residents.· For In­formation or to arre,ng& a fre.e olass, carr 257-73131. exlellslon 290 or 3113 .

Swing Bed Program Becomes Operational

A new service was introduced . at\Ruidoso-Hondo Valley Hospital du~lng this summer. The swing bed program is a concept of pa­tient care in hospitals with fewer than 50 beds. Ruidoso-Hondo Valley Hospital has created a

.. swing bed program in which a ·specified number of hospital beds may be used as either skilled or intermediate nursing home beds or hospital beds.

Persons who would use the service would be those who have suffered an illness, accident or injury that makes it dWficult for them to continue living indepen­dently. Some persons may have a physical handicap and others may be awa~ing the availability of a local nursing home bed.

Patients may remain a few days, several weeks or even longer until they are ready to go

home or oth~r arrangements for care can be made.

Ruidoso-Hondo Valley Hospital is one of 26 rural hospitals In five states that are receiving a portion of S2.3 million in grants from the Robert \!Vood Johnson Founda­tion. Ruidoso-Hondo Valley has applied for and has received a grant of S200,000 for a twfryear period to be utilized specifically for this prq)ea.



·· larry DeBeer. a laboratory technician, demonstrates · the use of the hospital's new CoUlter .counter. used . in h~motology. ·

~randne llennett-Hedval, a radiology technldan •. checks oUt the instrumentation· on the SIS~ mammographic unit whiCh is .used In the detection of cancer .

• ..,

'· . ..

Mes«;lerO H<>Spltlll . Physldllns NotSho.wn: ' Clall! Helminiak, M.D. Gonetal l'rac:tiC~ . ·

Arm~.M.o .. FMIIfy l'i~ ..

·. D~vld' #. Wrlght.,M.O. FaMIIyl'tatt~ . .· .


' •: .r, •

' ' .


M,ore than 75 speakers presented­Career Day to lluidoso and carrizOzo high IChoo1 students last _Week during a huge ptogram' organized by Ntrusa.

The fOW'tb annual event included potters and special agents, architects and welders, Air Force officers and cosmetologists. The speakers con­verged on -Ruidoso High Scbool last l'oloDday from as far away as White Sands MtssUe Base ~nd Eastern New Mexico University.

School officiale and about so membf;!rs of Altrusa, an international women's service organizlltion, began organizing the event in January.

Donna Willard, chairman of the event for Altrusa., helped solve laSt­minute schedule problems in the high school library. She c~Iled career Day "one of the neatest service projects you can do."

Ruidoso people working in many

fields volunteered to speak, and she



ftUtDOSO STATE BANK. a New M.exleo banking ewporaUon,

Plaintlfl. w.



YOU AREJIEBEBY NO'MnED that RUIDOSO STATE BANK. PlalnUrt tws filed an action ID lhe D\sU'iet COUrt ot Llneotn Cowrty, New Mexico, dvil Docket Number CV..a4-87, Division I, wherein you are named 1111 Defi'Jidant, and wherein lilllld Plahrtlff seeks to obtai!! coostnlctlve &ervic:e upon you_

The general oh)eet or said aclloa Is to demand judgment for Immediate possessl.on of Plainllff's &ecurity and for judgment ror money damages.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED ibat ualess you enter ~ appearanCG In said eause on or before the Zltb day ~May, 1984, judgmant will be rendl!red agaiDst you by default and tha relief prilyed ror m tbe complalnt will be graftted..

The name alldpOSt office acldz'esll of the atlorhe)' for the P1aiDW'I is u followa:

NANCY J. WALIZER, Esq. Post oroce DniWer a RuiOOso. New Mellko 8aWt

WITNESS my ha"nd and seal of the l)l.strlet Court ot Lincoln County, New llo!.exlcd:'on this fllh day of April. 11184.


Legal d2&l 4U4116, 23, 30 15)7







Hee.ril!ll on the Petlllon filed by tbe underslped Pei'!IOtlal RepteSentAIIve, set!IDg fortb a Petition (Itt Formal Probate of WiD and Appotntmentottbe undersigned as Penlllnal ftepreselltattve or lhe Last Will and Telltartlenf ol PAUL W. PAYTON, Deeeased. and ~ tba order or the Court determlnfng the heirs and devisees of the Dece­dettt and lbil i&su&nH of LeUera Testamentary tb the llJidtorsigned, without bond and in an ~-

. vised lldl'lllnlatratlon, will be held -at tiM! Dlsfl!tct.. Couri ot LIRCGID Coullty 111~ lrl Carrizozo 011 the alh day or May. 1984, at 9:11tJ o clbek, A.M.

PurataBnt to Seelioll-45-1~1. naU6e ot 1M- tllllll" and plact of hearing on Sllld PeUtlon b hen!by given you by pubJlcatian, onct1 each week, tor twa consecutl\<e weeks. ·

WITNESS Ute hand and tlurseal of thkl_cwrt. DATED: 4-13-84 . MARGO LINDSAY Clerk ol fhe DISU'k!l CoUrt ELEANORO'OONNELLPAYTON Perso1111l Repr.e&en~ttve 1~1·32fl.~ 21<4>111,23

. LEGAL NOTlCE ChangeofName

NaUce II hereby given tllal 9;011 AM OJ:IIhe leUr cllly or May, 1flllol, at the District COurt In Cilr. ntoto, J..II'ICOln County, New Me~~iet~ Ute undmlgn­l'd will tile a petition to change hla scm's Jliii'M rrom Jackson ban• _ Vallt11Ttl to Ja<!kaOJ:I ttleldlln Valll11nt. , J11ck ValDa tit Ugal ~- 2.to4tUI.\II


praised the day as a community ef~ fort.· _

Students chose a half dozen short talks and _demonstrations during the career day. in place of tegular classes.

Categories for their choices includ~ ed business, law, _fine arts, com~ munications, ·social service, engineer­ing and architecture, the environ· ment, · sclen~, conswfterisQl and homemaking, health careers, trade and technical work and military jObs.

The theine thlB ye8r waa telecom~ mUDications, highlighted by keynote speaker Larry Bradshaw. He opened the dQ,y by discussing the options high school students face.

The communications expert from Eastern New Mexico University urg~ ed the assembled students to consider their own strengtbs and weaknesses when picking their life's work.

Bradshaw alao urged them to avoid being oceupaUonal illiterates who fail to learn about dlt'ferent t.ypes of work.

lhe Dlslrlct COurt ol Uncolrl County, New Mexico, wbereln Valle)' Federal Savlngtl Bank. rarmerly Valley Federal Savings and Loan Aasoclatlon. is plaintiff. and you, and each or you. ore defendants,

,said tause being No. CV..JK-41 DJIU!e Civil Dockltl ol1111ld court. .

Tbol. the ~rat abject ol Ule acllon ia to foreclose plalnllfrs morlgago upon the faJiowlng described property In Lllleoln County, New Mvx-

""' Lot 3 In Block 5 ol Fits! AddiUGn ID Cree Meadows Helghlil. In the City of Ruidoao. Lincoln County, New M~o, as &blrim by thereplat ol Lot 11, Block 5, of first Addition to Cree MeadO\Io'l!l HeUthta. file!'d In tllv Officv ol the County CJerl< and Ex-Offidll Recorder of Lincoln County, Sepii!IDber 10, 1979. Ia Tube No. 673.

You. and each at you, arc lurther nollfied that unleu you enter your appearance in the c:aLJJe on or before the 14th day of'May, 11114, judgment by default will be rendered in said came IIP.lnst each ol you so railing La appear and the plalnUff will ap­ply ta the Court for lhe relief demanded in tile Camplatnt.

t.aaee, Carscm & Dickerson. P.A are attorneys tor Ule plalntlU, and their office address Is 3011 Amerlcaa Home Bulkllng. A:rtesla. Ntw Mexico.

wrrNESS my hand and seal or the eaure this 29q. daY of Mareb, 19M.


Legai11324B 411412,9,18,23



RUIDOSO STATE BANK, A New Mexico banking COI'JIIIr&llon, Planllff w. Drfendant


YOU ARE HER&BY NOTIFIED !hal the Ruidoso Slate Bank. Plaintiff, has filed an aetlon In Ule Dlslrlct of LtncDin County, New Mexico, Civil DDeket No $-101, DivisiOn It, wberelri yoU are namRI as Defendant, and wherein said Plain· llff seW to obtaltl conatruclivl! sel'VI~:e upoJI you.

The general object or nld action Ia to demand !Udament ror the lmmdetate pOSSession ttf Plaln­llff's seewity and ror judgment far money damages.

YGil are further notllled that unl~ )'(11.1 enter your appearance In aald cause on or belore tha 20th day ot May, 1!1&4, judgment wiD be rendered against ,ou by defallh and lho "'llel prayed lor In ll\e Complaint wiD be granted.

The name and JIDIII office address of the attorney !or the PbllnUff b liB follows: NANCY J. WALIZER, Esq., Post otnce Drnwu 8, Ruidoso. New Mexico flii:MS.,

wrrN'ESS my band and the seal of the Dlstrtc: Court or Lltlcoln County, New Mexico, OR this 29th day or March, 11184.


By Is/Margo Lindsay

:J.e....._ E.aafante

c::Ru.t.d.o£o (}Jou. d/'te. f!o..J£al(I.J Onul~_'Jo !!3~ Ou.'t q}ue£t 9o<t ~lnm:'t

'l:>u.dng C"• <W .. I:. D( dfp.,if r6-2o

<Pt.~ 'J3,~.n9 df §uut

~lnfl{u_fd'~ ~fu..[ d?E.~tau'UUZ!:

2811 .$~''" d?. d cv. <:P. 257-2624



-Introducing t..Mothar ond BabyiltC.rrlng In

. DANCING BABES- on axarcl• clan for mothal'll antlll-bOrna (birth .to 4 .months,)

* NaW arid ExJMctlng Mothers starring In . .GINTLE MCIMENTS- axarcl• throughout

.pregnancy and those v .. ,.. following;

~~~ ShoWhilp llated ;'G" Pot GIIIATI

MATINEI!- 9:30-10:30 a.m. for Dandngllabas 10:30"12:00 noon

fCitGelltla Momll!nts · flin Chrlttr.. Chu~

....... 257-4639 . S1'ATI!l OF NEW Ml!lMICO TD: LOUtE NAIDA, • aBI!Wl wtlotn <!an&trucllve ~~<m~icf llsoughl, to: be t~bl,nrted. . . \\

.. Tickets $3 A Clan

GHF:&TtNUS: • . · Vw. dt)d HCh oi3'(1U., al'ehi!rby l\lrtlll~ thai a.IJ aetltlit ba&IMetJ CGI'IIttleJI6ld a!llf ll MW pending Ill

___ ___,___ -- -· Bring t:xarcloro Mat Clr Blanket

LEGAL NOTICE (',\Ll.FOtl Bln"'

The Ruidoso Board. of Education desin:'S Ia ret't'lve bids on tnstruclional Supplies for the 111&1·83 BCbool ,~

Specifications art! available In tM olflce of tlw Supcril!lendent of Schools. Sid Allllor. P.O. Drawer 430, Ruidaso, New Mexico llii34S or telephcme 257-4Qi1. Biilll wUI be opened and read aloud 111 the rq.ulor meiiiDI&Ofl MayB.1934, at 1:30P-M , which will'be held atlbe school Admlnlslrallon OII!Cl' 11!11 Board ri!Sl'I'Ve& the ~~ to rejPtl nny and all bJds lind WBIVll all INhnl01aliUt>s lsi Sid Miller. Superintendent

_113259 31 lj!_12. 18. 19

~U.tr~~ ;~ eaptf eare.-1

11. •CLEANING Carpr~. Uphoklrt Ooopetle•



- Free E5ttmate5 - I UZVIM • Pt10M1267-771 .. \



Pamper Yourself With A New

Look For Spring I •MASSAGE by MARY



Call for appointment 257-4358 or 257-7273

Merle Norman Cosmetic Studio

Milly's Beauty Salon


- Plnetree Squar:e1,-~~~~=~~~

I ANew Breakfast

New Sausage McMuffin'" With Egg. 1.25 It' • everything you'll love about. the.Sausage McMuffln, wldt a frelh grade

A egg 011 tap• . · . . . · How,.there Is a great new hlldwlch In tewn. Heal'fy enough, dellclou•

enough to. handle ony appetite. Stop In and meet the slzzHiljj new ltteakfast hero at McDonald's. •,..•kf•" 'l'lMii 01111~

· .. 1,5• cup o• co•n• . . You can huy • regul•r size coff'e. for only 15~ whl .. lonildlte.tt• belfttl' htv•d. $41rry, 110 free noflllo, ·

t .. ~· ... "' ~ .. ~ --

-. ,...,.....-"..,.,.,..~.....-1.-'"''' ... _ . .,, •" f ,..., -,.r . ..- '':" .,,.. '·"' ·~ ........ ,.- . ., ·:. - .-.' .-·,. -..,: --~:·""' ,,, .. 7 :-:'"' "'•.: ,"l ';":··~·-::-:_;·~~':'(~~!' ?':.'"""' :·<c.:::-:·· ;~ ··;­

' ·~ .-~

..;.-~- ·.

, __ '.· ~.---. ., r:- ..... :. -.•· ·'•.

.._ .. -· .~-.­. , \'


. -;·

- "" . . .. . - <.-.:,' ,.. - . , .. ' .... .. . .-·,,'

' ' ' : , ... '

·aUSINESS O!'PORTIJNJTY - for coqp)~ to won a~ ~ate uJ)I.Que J,UbOOr Barbequ(l·, a!l$m;:latM wi~ ~I sq~r~t. S~ll tnvefit- · rn~nt ana eX.Cellent Incoroe poten~ tia:l for responsible people.· 'Call ltiehatd Picltle at (505J$23-3678, a~.G p.m. . B-92.-Btp

Mond.;oy; April jl), 1984 i Th<! fluld<>ao:N<owaieA caiLDCARE - ·~Y .... plus MISCELL. ANEOUS

weiilltenc:l.l!o, nights, drop ins. All- . . . . .ages. ~sonable r11l$. 1!57-4903, WA.ITJ!lRS AND WAlTRESSES

. M7:.S582. C..s$-8tp who need blac~ !flocks for their .. sPRING CLEAN-UP needlE!Q rak- .Job. Now av~ilabl~· at Country

cd, lawn care, tree worlt. tJ:~sh Time W~ste_rn W~r located in Th_e









J THERSTATEOFERNESTS. l SILVA,Dpased. l No. PB-fl4-.l4, Ulv. ) . NOTICE TO CRII;DITORB ) NOTICE-IS HEREBY GIVEN thAt Ute under-) signed ha~· beezJ l'pP'Iillted hr!looal ~· J taUve of thla e~tate, All panona baviiiJI qbilmll l BliB1a1at this estate are required to pt'elen.t their l efalml within two moilths after the date of thll firS~

pubJies~tioP of Ulill NotiC:e Dr the claims wUl be . forever blll'red. Clalnw mUB\ be ~ted ~ther

to the undersigned PeraoMI Reprelentattn at P.O. Box ~t ~llldo&o, New Mexleo lllmS, lll";flled wllh the DlsQ'lCtCourtofLinellln County, P.o. Box 7J5, carmozo, New Mc!ldeQ 88301.

DATED; Mardi SO, 19M

13254 it ( 4) 9, 16

/&/ERNEST G. SILVA,_JR. cfoP'.O. Bllll;z:IIS

RuldQIIO, New Mexico 88345


. CASU REWARD ·for infonnatiOJl J.eaaing to the person who stold a 38 Special, Arminius, Serial nwnber · 0501144, from Wayne Rupe. 257-4887. R-96-6~

ABORTION?' NO! - For pro-life eounseUng referral call:. 258-4059 or 25'1--5596. S-84-tfc

HOSPITAL AIJJULI<\RY - Thrift Shop. 140 Nob Hill Drive. SUmmer hours: 9 to 5 p.m., Wednesday througb Saturday; Tuesday, 1 to 5 p.rn.Turn off Sudderth at the signal light in the Gateway area. Nob Hill Drive is tile first street to theleR.> H-104--tfnc

LOST male reddish brown

PATSY HENSON Spoclp.l Maslel'

bloodhound/setter mix dop with brown collar and tags. Answers to Zeke. Reward. Please call Sheri, 258·5389, 257·7233: N·91-tfc

Legal,t3Z70 4U4li1,23.30Ui)7

LEGAL NOTICE ABORTION - early appointments

available for abortion tbrou·gh 19 weeks. Albuquerque,

DAYTIME WAITRESS - wanted from 11:00 to 3;30 p.m., 6 day week, off Suilday. Six monlhs mirtim\lm experience. 257~_ for appointment. D-Q3-tfc ·

fiOUSEKEEPER - full time, with references. High Country Lodge, 336-4321. Aptily 10 a.m. to 3

_,.,'~~=-;;:;==-=~13-!l7~~-2tp p.m. ' H-97-lltc PA.RT liME OFFICE HELP - .fil· THE TURF CLUB . at Ruidoso

i'ns, etc. .Apply 124 Horton . · Downs ·Race Track is acceptirig . -Ctiocle. · · applications for waitres"es .and

bus personS. WaitrttSSes must be 21 and apply in person. Experience preferred. Interviews .will.-be cpn­ducted on the following dates. ,April 18, 25, May 2, 9 and 16. Hours . 10a.m. tol2noonand 1 to 4:30p.m. at the general olfice at the race track. R-98:-9tc"'

., .

BACK IN THE · BABYSITTING -business. Call Ginger castaneda,

• 257_-7524. C-97-Btp

b$uling. sun Vall~ Sanitatlon. Paddo1ck. All sizes, black

25,7 279S· · S-95-4-tp Wrang erJi., tegularly $19.50, now - • $14.20. · • C-70--tfc

POSITION WANTJ!a) resident . manager; husband and wife team . WE SERVICE ALL BitANDS of for condos. Resumes and television and major appliaf!-c~. N{erences available. Mr. a;nd l'4rs. Aspen Appliaftce and Televnnon P.M. Smith, Box <l86, Tribune, Service,257-4147. A-70-tfc Kansas, 67879. Phone VACUUM CLEANER SALES and (816)376-4544. P-95--lltp service. All brands. Toby ·.Avila,

EXCAVATING, . ...- dozer, grader, backhoe aDd wh&tever you need. WUI do driveways, sqbdivisions, set mobile homes or double wide trailers. Licensed and bonded. Call CoLuc, 386-4556 or 335-8266. C-97~tfc


No tree too big or small. We do yard -service too.

37B·fl~7,7 ' .

Building C~tractor Robart • Pope . lhlmodellng. Ad_,.

•n• Prome Construction Ll--.nons -~.-Phona 37B-4'o46


CU. tom exhausb, m•chonlc work. • 24 hour wr.cker "rvlijl. ., I

Texaco Sarvlco Station ~200 Sudderth257-5818 §i IIUUDIUliWIDilliUUIIUUIIIIIIDDIIIIIIIDIBnfii

~TREE MASTERS Trimming to Compl~te Removal

Rene Bustamante 378·8210


Quality boatdJng and groomlug

1900 block, Sudderth. Phone c257-5303. . A·BO·tfc

LIQUOR LICENSES - av~Bable for . imme~ate delivery. All types, cash and tenns. Liquor License Sales Company is the number one · seller in New Mexico. Call 1-247-1401. L-93-lOtc

JOYCE'S JUNQUE DQW open Wednes_day, Thursday, Friday and Sa tur~ay from 10:00 to 4:00. C-95-4tc

PECOS VALLEY CO:o4POST For the ·greenest -yard . in town .... ulttmate in- composted steer manure. No order too small or too large. Make youF soil a li v­lng soil and save money whiled~ ing it. For information call 378-8334. - P-96-4tp

OHOW PUPPIES. colors are 3 blue, 2 black. Registered. 258·SS99, after 5: C-96-6tp

GOOD, DARK WOOD . crib and mattress; $50. New Zenith color TV, portable; $200. Whirlpool dryer, used one year, in pei'fect shape; $200. Call 257-2804, 10 to 4 p.m. G-98-ltp

ZERO CLEARANCE fireplace with -4 fOot of triple wall prerab chimney. Excellent shape; $150 firm. Call338-4112. Z-98·ltp

REFRIGERATOR Sears lcemaker and washing machine. Excellent condition, like new. Box springs and headboard with rails. Two an­tique lamp tables. Bar stool and filing cabinet. Other miscellaneous. 378-8350. R~ltp

(605)242-7512. A·95-1Btp COLUC INC. - now in operation.

Lloyd Coe and Bennie Lucero have sand and gravel, base corse, A·l dl'lveway material, all rock

ONE CALL Resort Home Service: security, maid, any type or m;llntenance, mobile home work, l.;';,;""';.;,"~'~l~or~a;;;p;;po;;ln;;l;;m;.•;;•;;,• __ ..,_ .. open up and close up your place. __ .

STOREHOUSE - £ull of bed frames, chest of drawers, tables and chairs, all kinds of bedding, blankets and pillows, many household articles, refrigerators. Grannies, 900 Highway 70 east, Ruidoso Downs. 378-8392. G-98-tfc

IBM SELkc'fitiC: 4

YI ·::.:· cOi-recting typewriter. Two years old, used very little. Call Bob or Pat at 2117-7377. or 258-4005 after 5. S.98-2tc

materials wholesale. 338-4556 or C-97-llc

Ruidoso Playland Daycare ·

Now-11 ..... ......... Aatls-••r

C•ll 257·2921 (Next Deer Te Hoapllol)

StahllceuHfOI' 2 YHr OW AJHIOIHr

mil News. -·-

FOR'I'UNE 500 CORPORATION N...r. 3 Key people or couples In Your area with atrong background In management, ti"CCfnlng, or l~d•hlp, 6ncl each hove d•slr'O to butld their own million dollar com· pany In two y4Jelrs. The growth lndu.try - Nutf'ltlon. Tralnlnff begin• In March. For Jnt•rvlow Appointment .. nd Your nama, address. phone numHr to:


I'm Going For It P.O. Box 967

La Porta, Texa• 77571


''New Plrestone Tire Ce~tter'' .............

State and city licensed, insured and bonded, serving Ruidoso since 1970. 257·4867, 2930 Sudderth Drive. R-7D-lfc

QUALITY LANDSCAPING - all types of retaining. sidewalks, and conventional walls. Railroad ties and nagstone. Free estimates. 354-2751. M·7&-lfe

TREE SPRA YlNG - D and J Pest Control. 257-5296. Licensed, Jn. sured. D-95-tfc

Ruidoso EZE Olean Carpel & Upholslery Cleaning

24 hr. emergency waterPICk•UP­

Smoke Odor removal Free Esumales.

Day or night call257·4442


Installing, rostf'otchlng an.d. ' repairing. 18 years ••· 1 pertence. CALt. 258-4137. }


H<>tMop or Shingles !! Call After 6 P.M. iii

L 434-1789-Afamogordo ij N.M Uo. 22212 §


The Finest Quality Signs

At Reasonable Prices



CAll RAY PARNRl FOR FRIE ESIIMAIES 6'' to 16" Diameter

Pollullon Frn Wells PHOIIE 378-41190



EXCAVATING By Monroy Chavex

Lie. 11:022486 Dirt conatructlon, drlv•p way•, road•, cloorlng and l•vellng lot•. ate. 15 r,ean oxp•rlonco In tho Ru doao area~ Free uti mate•. Bus. Phone Res. 378·•1155 653·4097


Rock for land•caplng. walkwaya, fireplaces. ,... talnlng wan.. driveways. planter., etc. Covera ap· llrox. 50 to 60 •q. ft. Out of town, 15 tons. minimum, freo delivery. Free loccd clell~ery~ M. & W.lfodc Co.

Phone (505) 354·2528.

FOR SALE new South Wood burn· ing cookstove, 6 burners. water reservoirs, warming ovens. ex­ceDent working condition. $1,000, or trade lor desk. 257--6076. !"~~~p

AtiSTRA1LlAN SHEPHEitD - pups, purebred, beautifully colored, smart, good watchdogs.

A·98-2tp 6jj:s!i:Pciw'i;;ii -=--rront· ttned

one season: $250.

, ... ,.. ~~~~:rVl~F ·98-2tp

X 50'-$4,830; 40' X x 150'-$18,550. Call


- delivered. Patricio, 653:.4087 or 653-4511. A.g""o-ftp

aoilldl• Supplies All w.. c.o.o.

•r.,...ICIWII,.akll $43.50/sq. •Compotfdoa slllnglea

110.23$, $27.50/Jq. •Y.J" (DX $1.60/aheltt

•2Jt.4 Hem hr l'tudi $1.70/ta. ·~ COX'""'.....,, 1811 buodloo.

2S7•50S2or U7·4167

"*MOBILE HOMES** bcltlllve DeGler for

lat&Mod•i. Blink R••••••••••• Youq's Moltll• Hom•s

Holalat, ll•w Mltxleo (505) 393·1525 Naw Moxie• Deoler

-:Appllcailo•s may lie plckecl up at, c. & _ •·· Dl•trlllutor•,. .412 . Hla•••7. 70 .1•••· Salary· plus c~mmls•lon,. palcl ho•pltallza•

· Anti Installer '"

::-tlo~t,. palcl.llfe Insurance, uniform .............. . ·, . -·

After appllcatlo•• aretuif.neclln,. .............. ~ ................. .. · 1o• lnt-rvlew. · ·· ··

' .

- _j -··- ----·-~·-"-- ·-- --

&dSe.-vlce Jlin Wooldridge :2&7·&29&

OJ1r'l •Wc•li-•~•EI,.ckhoaiH)oa•~••·• Qi'awler • Sle1de .. ptlo ,. • .,.k ... • Water & $ewer Un6a ,...,.,. Wark• Aarnovaf• Ttlrnrnlni:I•Spraylt'lg . ' .. - -

Mobii6Hahtl• M_.._a.ta •• ..., ••

. ··' •

u ..... No.1



·· .. _

1-354-2751. M-78-tfc

CREE MEADOWS - memberships­for sale. For lnlormatton please call354-;751. M-78-tfc


n:~n:R '------: ~~


Black & White TV

Video Disc Players

lOS& Mechem Highway 37 North PHONE 258-5622

AUTOM(fTiVE 1978 SCOUT - 4 speed. 4 wheel drive,

pou-er and air. new tires. SUper condition. Phone 25o7-7066. 8-93-4tp

FoR SALE~- 1002 112 tOn pickup. Fully loaded. Six cylinder. 57.500. 251-9062or338-4t05. F--96-7tp

1980 DODGE - 4 x 4. excellent condi-tion: $6,800. Evenings. 378-8263. D-97-4tp


Cu•tom •xhau•t•. m•chanlc work. I 2• hou.- wrecker .. nrlc.. I

T•xaco S.rvlca Station I 2200 Sudderth257-S818 I


Monday, April 16, 1964. 1973 Fl.EETWOOO JlROUGlll\4

lim(llih.,, I've done S()m~ work, ~, more. Ptt~ and·· tenna. negotiable. 358~94.49, S38-42BZ. S-93·tfc

1982-JEEP CJ·? Laredo, han;ttop:, excellent condition. -Every pOssi- .. bfe ~ option including aril/fm cas5atte, rt.nntng bQards and _ski . rJlck. Price below book vab~e. Phone 258-5452 or 258-5400 after 5:00. . J.g7-2tp

1974 FOllD LTD ~ good: condition; · $950. Evenl.np, S'18-826S. F..s7-4tp

SUBARU - 1982 four wheel drive·-wagon, · air conditioning, amt£m stereO cpsS:Gtte, (J.ual range four wbeel.drive, GL package, 24,000· miles. Excellent conditiOJi; $7,950. 253-3044. M..g'l-tfc

SALE OR TMDJ!t -1978 Ford super- • cab, 4 x 4, Jong bll!d, power and air, 6700 miles;· $5,500. 257..0015 daYs, 257-2824after5:oo. . W..m'-tfc

summer. Three view. DeUghtfully deeora ted a charming. rustic appeal. $800. plus bills. call J. W. Pearson and Associates, 378-0088. P--97·Uc

FOR LEASE=SuDiiner season. two bedroom, two bath fully furnished mobile. Utilities paid. washer, dryer. cable TV. close to town. $525. First and last month/ad-

~·. "- -··

For Sale 1910 PORSCHE 931$ (924 Turllo). Ode OWfier, mltltilloustJ IIIGintalned. This rere factory tllrloo• .... ld 140•mpli ••'*ion of thp Potoche 92411 lptfcloolly equipped with oanqlltltlon • ..,.it. llait iadvdlng h;my ........ 001111'01 -· t.woellilll ....... bolrJ, flllltd iprllll ""*'• ultra lltlht. 16-lnch .,..,,,.. 6y wheel•, 200-mph Plrelll P·1 tltft, aad 911 tlu vonttool dloc loreket, The ldlrfor II tWO"tollllllliltlllflc, ~- lfjUfp;nMI lfl• cludet air oandltllllilnfl, llltinptlllkt AM•FM Stereo -otte l'tstllit, illlitrGOf,. au Wotu •todllsiM• and ....... **• re1110te 40-chlflllll ca, electric lillfuloWI, lanr, electriC liilrfclrt, .-.defroster llllf111lfltt aad tlntocl tl<r••· .$t~,soo. Call~


AVAILABLE Permanent poature, fertlllz~ ed, Irrigated, horses only. For m()re information cdntoc:t Ray Reed, P.O. Box 664 Ruidoso DOwns, N.M., 88346. Or Call offer 5:00 :!78-4523,

~~;~ area, ~ or gilt Call 257-9396. A-97-3lc

THE BLUE HOUSE - in the "Y,. at Paradise canyon and Hart Drive. $900/month plus bills £or the season: $600/month plus bUls for one year tease. Two bedroom. two bath. 258-3206. 8-91-ttc

PRIME RETAIL/OFFICE SPACE on SUdderth. Two ft.-$795/montb. fL-$495/month. Call

4.5 bedroom condo for rent, lease. ~base op­tion or for sate. Furnish· ed or unfurnished. Like new, great View of Sierra Blallta. . · Atfordable Excellellcel


*13a~ratt*"lnttt• Hklh Mau .,..., boa.n:fNiviewoier.rTa BI.-.;O.-, tr..• Mnd r.ver buUdlna •INa.

•C01Mtnlir'OI1U l:lii"'P•~- LOolictrig tor that rl_.ht Place to op•n yc:~~ur new bUiiun••• or to rw~I!'O•Nif Su~tM~rb ld4•tlo~ for.~um­lrilil' ahdi,Wh'\ .. r. "i"hlal,ll®+ .• quare fd~ buJfdh"lct·ha•llt~ino qua~t• and rot. ~ •tor•a•• . . 1

call ••••stlrmari A••• E•ta•• ... •·.

. .. \

FIX UP SPECIAL $31,000. Ron Smith 258-4994.


FOR SALE BY OWNER - 24' X 54' three bedroom, two bath double wide mobile home. Low down and assume note. Call 257-4965. !).89.tlnc


If you wish to see a proof on an ad scheduled to appecar In the CLASSIFIED OR REAL ESTATE SECTION, copy must be 1umed into our office before





The regular 5:00 p.m. deadline applies unless you need 1o proof your od.

Thank you for your cooperatlo~.



lllt-.!UST i>l&TED -.two -..,. , hOme, corner lot, large trees,. tern'lS available. 1\0U,ndqp Realty, Inc., 257-5093, eve_nt~e:s, 257-6097. ·- ~tfc

flVlil Jl.-2. LPTS - with remodeled cab).n. Cari build 8-ple¥. V\eW of SitPTa B~.- $75,000._ lrirlanclng availabte .. M.tke La:rltey, Foul'

.... Heclanan 257·2225.

Real Estate, 257-9171, 878-8423, F•US.tfc

NICE THREE BEDROOM - 1 1/2 batb, lava rock fireplace, super large 112 acre lot with year around access. Close tb schools. See to ap­preciate. $55,000 firm. Csll S7H65'7 •fter 6 p.m. 8-9S--tfc

WELL-DESIGNED three bedroom, two batht 1,4'15 sq. ft. Assumable 9 1/496 roan, possible second mortgage, many other ex­tras. $86,000. Call owner, ~7~. T~~

FOR SALE BY OWNER- 3 bedroom trailer on river, River Park SUb­division, city utilities; $30,000. Some terms available. 3'18-4816. T-7o-Uc

40 ACRE INVESTMENT TRACT -very buUdable In Ruidoso Downs. Close to track. National forest on two sides. River frontage. utilltles available, zoned PUD. Great for developinent, trailer park, apart­ments or investment. Heckman and Haworth Realtors, 257-.2225. H-88-tfe

b•r• (exo•pt window

2 cam­Rook ·o•k •Ink

•trfuim window, tood proc•••or •nd MANY EX-1'RA$1 C•U dohn, A muat to ·-·


Th,.a biodroom, 2Y. bloth fur.nllhed con. clo;. Pdted at •62,0oo.

Mcak• An Offttrl CALi. NOW 258·1252

assoc., ""~ro.n..- flil''loo"'~"'"''' "'""' Ur hortofU111•\.\•ti-41U"" llrll),""...- l" llroll'of'f 11'141 lf~hh"" \. \1 Mn•Mtt'llnln• ~IIU! .,•io.IM.ff"'"!rlnt


,, .. ...,,-- ;_ ;.....-, ,.,.~::~-....-:-_:--·· .. · --.;:·: ..- ... _ ""'\ ... __ ·.~:,...-··":-_ .. ....-,·."':"" ,..- .""; -~-.-"7_ ~ --·""":;·~ ,....::"!'.7'" . -. ,- .•. ., ·'.. . .-.... ·:_ .-:·

. ' ... •• •

'. ·'. . . -~ . . .. ,, -'~.,;.. __ .. _.,_'

IVery Dog Has Her Day.

NO RABBITS around this lot, It's rn the city, all utllltlrps, no moblht• either. Only •8.750.

Welcomes you to . CCNfDOIIl, • onlqvt IIIW COIIqlllhrlud ccmctitt Ia lecldag and. r..u'llflng, hu ....,.,. MW, f..,.~fctmbhtd condo•dnlvm..tor fm ., the..,, thJ wtlk ar the JQIIth. hck •lllt .-.. .... 11 flnpt..ce,.ccable-'TV.,..,:nd'..U.r/dryer. AU .,. ••llr IICCinlbl• n tile mCIVI'ftln 'lltWI .. · ttut,. spaCIKilklrl -

For-rates and altlll'llfdqd retenlltlor!s, · THIS HOUSE has the ..,h. nl .. t Iaack yard you· ever •w. a hlg ••on• flrepl•w and ~the- bulldertoWnei­says get busy aild sell lt • Pl ... a call Marge to show lt. '69,500,

CALL ·. In State 505·257·9057 Collect

Out of State 1·800·545·9017 Joll Free • 1 ACRER-2

$18,000 Terms

CALL NOW 258-5252

LOOK HERE PROPERTY OWNERS, my frl•nct. and I hav• 1old flv• of my lifting• recently.- e:v•ry­oil•'• worlcln8 hard. Pleas• give me a call If you have something to .. u .. We do our b .. t. Mai'SI• tak•• mymauag ...

=l~o~~ .. ~~.~~--~ .. ~~~~:~.~?.c~ d '"-•" u.,, lo~u•-•.,.., "'"""'"~" .-u•"• ,...,,.,., ..... HAD A GOOD DAY chasing th• meadow larks at Cree Golf Cour•e: liked the looks of thla two story chalet. Owner want• to .. u ••fore 1ummar gets ,.. ...... 119.000.

... 2S8-S2S2 [B

LOUNGING AROUND a fan­cy condo. fancyvt•w, fancy fumlture. N•w llttlng In Alto Alps, •v•rythlng goes. $107,000.

HAVE WALKED all flv• Iota and watched the fire In the big flreph:ic.. Thla Ia o nlett holiday place.. Only $59,500.


$87,500 YOU ltOLKS a ... mlulng Cl bet. Larva loan, vl•w• nl-. cabin. good area, thla Js the hou .. with a btg ccd. Only .14,JDD.



257-9171- Rea,: 257-7681 257·9171




ALL Y6U Nli!D to mo.,. In If a tooth laruohl ...., a..d...,..,., :{ bil.tho. fully furnlohu, 111lnl <oltdltron. Us.ocl(l, .

HAUTIPULLY ·JUIINISHID, larga lttion• In Grwen ~dow~ 'Thre•- _hedroctmii, '2 Hth•• ~~~· tltri.ll••-.'*12•-soo ..

. MOst SPi!ctACULAil lfiiW l.i Jlllld4oo lAo a ,..IUI'!J Of thll 2,1Mi0 J!IUCirw foot hOIIIe with S • .., ..... ,.,.,·2 'batlit, •-• ond ••· ........ •cceu:. •1!9,000,


TJfiS ADO•r STYLE HOMI t.atu.... S t.drooJM. 1'.1.. lbaths.ctn flat lot Itt Oft• of Ruld-·o ..... oubdlvlflono. •n7.¥0CI,


BliAutiFUL DOUiiL1! WID$ In Del Nort. wllh a lo,..thtalclng viOiw. N•w 011 th• -dc•t at Ut,!SOO. · • · -

I'IIIMI SUDDIHH toMMIRCIAL prop;o>ty .,.,._ from IRoopltal. ..,.,.,.._ til!"'.., Dtug Building .,,.d l'ro*-1-1 Center. oDCid , ......... nu.CJOO •

•, . -41,SGO. DOWN wiU l•t Y"".- lnta a lib .,..., :a lojodroo111, ·:z bilth mo•ll• with aft adcl ""' l,la...., -- Jot, Total prltot •a:t,IOCI. . . , . , .

... ,,

J(lt'I'LINIIIIIOWH ........ lil7419l

WAYNI WHI1LOCk ....... t314·291M


. . . . " .. :.·

LOG HOME, the most elegantly decorated In the Cree area, 2 Jacuzzles, all china. crystal Included, over 2,300 -.q. ft. Would. love to 1howft.

BIG CORNER -LOT In "!:~~; I Mountain 5. Owner 11

taka terms, good acceu and etuy to build, $28,500;

THE BEST Sierra Blanca view In town, over 1.600 sq. ft., nice landsccrplng. Owner has purchased a larger house and must sell this one now. $87,500.

LOW bOWN PAYMENT, low Interest, priced right, this owner needs to sell sunr.y .. %. acres In Lama Grande. $17,000 cash or $111,000 terms.

THIS RUIDOSO RESIDENT will take an RV In trade for his n•at 3 bedroom, 2 bath cobln. Wants to tcav•l this summer. Prlc. $65,000.



a...,&,.roam. ~'h.-.th.V..1th extra. lp Alto WlC•• C:oup. try·ct.,t. •. ,..,,l me.,.lll.;~hlp •. lither- -"'r111.a.•d tiw unfur­·nlohecl. CONTACT. WAYNE wpou, 336.e,54,


:, .. ·, .'

300Ft. Of Mecl)em Frontage 13,600 Sq. Ft.

Excellent Cash Flow

CALL NOW 258-5252

. ·. ,.,

L------~---------"' .. ----- - .c .•. ~ Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath furnished home, nicely wooded laval Jot, carport. Owner will pay first 3 mortgage payments for new buyer. Only $72,000. Coli Ann E. Garner, :::~·~~~~=p::•:~r~k~s and Auoclatas, 257-7373, to.



LARGE PlNES. fiCit lot. 3 bodroom, 2 baith hom•. lovaly new furniture. 18.5,000.

LOWEST UTILITY . BILL In Ruldo•o. energy eHfcl•nt Cameo mobUe. nice lot. ClaM to new Safoway, .aa.soo.

A simply •upar home, allargy.fraa •nvlronmant, Owner leaving June 1. Plea•e coli and let me show this fine proparty. $94,000.

Coli Marge at Four S.asons



257·9171 -Res.: 257-7681


MOb,IPtED A~AAME -IN THE FltNd. Plillrit,l-. ot AUidDaO Charm In thla 2 y•ar-Oid, 4 b•dtoom. 2 b.tth home with Sf~ a6o•••• Pl••••ntvlew and aur(Oundlng.a. All thiS tor a ,_aaOriabliit prtottl Dil~tla Hart, 2&8-815111t dt :aaa.;CJtWe~ • ... ... . -

U)VELV,; IMMACULA"i"E* PUU.'Y' P'URNISHEDI. iE!:xoalfant looatlon In COUtltry Club E•tatea,-h.lil 3 badi'OOITiail 1'V.i. baJha, big 1'4tdWoOd' .. daok -.hd a YlaW' Of Starr'a BliWne..w, A••aonably ptlc:ad at $1 oe.soo. ·suaii"n Mtuar. a:aa .. aiJGG or aae~4s&a, ·.

WELL _ii!IIJILT MOMS' NES"fL&tJ rN 1'Hi! PINiES OF ViHl'fE MOUN'i"Ai_N_. E!'aay tiOOilatli With Iota Of d.cka and •to.-.aa. Quality oon•ttUotton at •n affOrdable pi"'C*. Thla hol'tla haa ·many Natur-a whtc;h ut lt • .,.rt from thit. avan.ga·. houa~r rock tol.lrUI.t~~tlcsn •nd ft,..placa. woOd "*Uibed oentnga, tnlnl·bllnda throu"huut, and muoh m.oN. A ·t'ellt -.ro•tn at.,.~ 7 ,ad(). ooua Rfrlsttli. 2jSiiJ..iS«<t5~ Of' as7 .. 7il4e. CU'hl "''WO illl!tiFIObM. 1 'EIA"tff PUf:INitjHl!t> HOMII! lN 'I'HE PINES. il!,c:o.U•nt fOr,J'itnblll Pdtllli!bllli:l••• -.a~tmllhlint ot. 6MOttd hom•. NIH deck_ ou_t back with ·•Mall 'VIew thtbugh "-van~. otn~• aae: .. aeee wDarl.- H•rt.-taea .. ee4a -or iionnf• CDtti iit-218·.41, 1~ •

. C00l.$UIVJ:MER BEt'TiNt.ttN 'rHIItPII\td& ..U.y Maoea• to thllll$.b .... i'ci0tn1 11PA biithhOrn* tn th• niOUr'lt.fr~~•·· "rotany tutnlehitd, with 11,-.pl~uH. QCJOI:f bWtiar' .fltiillhOfl"'lR• Oiltlan• ·H•nt, aea .. ae.so o~»:ai .. tus4d. . . • · --NiCI!&UlLI)IN'Q $1"r!St g_,od IIOOfill•• ~;ro. ht:tMU 11'1 ...... "'fUll GOifjng h'lllln'I~Nhfpoon tf11a -wQOttlid. I.-vel tot fiAt out-da•UO~ f:»~lbl• vl•w ftOfft _ _'.tHIOhel itwef h6i'n•• l!xa.Uiilht PfiGe;_ on tttl• lot •net ••fl•r •• anKioue. auun MIU•I\ aaaoiSIIUtlf 1>' S$8•4aaa. .

ALTO tb'h!JOF'llrVIi!AVVAAIII!.'tVt ... alt'W,.Y, biOviiWiil, "ODd tiioce••~ ldtill offtH;a• ffJII Uolf .. rna m•mH'I'ilhltt.ill~~: t.tm• av•11altfli on •ftY 4Jr •u ot tttaoa•. IOhr. .. ·P•cdu.o- :t:tfilln· ~tO ·anyon• deilftlnsi' ttJ iluUd' a r~~•w tiOI'I"'iertlu .. n NI:Uitil'':. 21!118,.1i1Jt50 &r':fJ~":48&$. • , ~

SUidtiMiftet. DCK.Jg Fllggo StOk"' 2$'1•'71148 :



L-o..J~· L_. _ _.~_.--~~-~~ ~~ ~~~-~---~-_ .... ____ :.·--~--..:.------------------"""--~~~-11011----·,;,.----·-·········· •


' '

12A 1 The Fluldoeo. News I · SUCCESSJi-tiL BUSINESS - OOtn·

pl~te Indian·· .silver jewelry b~si_nes!jl, Quality inVI!!lntory, disJitlay cases, fixtures, etc. AU i-eady to·go. llufstosoarea location. This buslneslll is a proyen mcmey mlker. Buy today, start milking m.oDey tomorrow. · ~ to sell fast. l{eckman and · HawQrth ltealtors, 25~; H-88-tfo


Adlacent To Lincoln National Forest.

$ll10 Per Acre Terms.

CALL NOW 258-5252

-ltdo~? .... ~~.~-: ... ~ .. ~~~~.~:.~:~~c·· db "'"'", :r"' ~~"'''"' .., " ~,..,,., n.,,., ... ,,,.., h.oM•• •11•·~·1 2S8-S2S2

RIVER CABIN: Four bedrooms, 2 baths, screen porch. Ruidoso's most charming neighborhood -The Upper Canyon. $155,000.


257-9171- Res.: 257-7681

MLS 257·4457 257-4411

BEAUTIFUL LOT In Unit 1 of Dear Park Valley., wooded, but has nice view. good building shelf, full acre. social membership, $23.500. some assumable balance on thla.

NEW LIS"t"ING: Lovely home In Green Meadows. Nice setting on pretty, wooded, level lot. Very well built three bedroom home. Lovely fireplace In living area, formal dining area as well aa neat breakfast area. Let' a take a look.

3,861 SOAUFIE FEET HEATED AFIEA Ia now llatad at $182,500, lese than $150 perfFour bedrooms. 3 .baths, 2 fireplaces, nice . outdoor hot tub, a wonderful functional family home with ao many possibilities- huge den, dining area and kitchen with Iota or glass.



BETI"Y J. PA "'TON • ...- , Broker IRExchange

International 257-4411 Referral

378•40 16 1601 Hwy. 70.East TUlAROSA. Two•tO:ry,·•·taedroon~, 2% bath. adollia/frame stucco hOJne iocatecl on 4 + cicru •. La ..... pecan , .... ,, lencf..

· ICOped, nice yhr around ·cllriaate, vi•• of Sierra BlanCQ", ciOM to highway. Potential for RV park, hontnnen, apaJ1 .. m•nta an4 ·numerous other proJects. Prlcad to .. u. MAKE AN OFFER. . . GOING REiTAURANT. Goad locatloil, lot. of parking, fully equipped,_ InclUde• lnventO!'Y• .. t.bll•hed bwlne..,, open arJd operating. Owner reCirdy ·ta _ ... tire. A qualified party with $40,000 ca•h Qln taka aver operation and a••uma ax .. l•tlng loan. Beautiful home avaUallio (If n-decl) for a package deal. • . SOUT" ·sLOPE. Ten acr .. In Magaclo Cr~k with ~uthem expa.u ... for taking advantage of solar h .. t. Beautiful views, good gl'llh, •-Y ~and owner flnandng. Total price of saa.ooo.

BILL PIPPIN, Broker/Real.tpr Res.o 37B-4B 11

CUTE, CUTE, CUTE Ia thle home In Ponderosa Helghte-. On pavement with natural aaa. Thla one Ia a "muataee" etjuet $75;ooo. Call Ann E. Gamer. MLSW7212.

COMFORTABLE AND ROOMY, de•orlbee thla lovely home In Del Norte. Three bedrooms, 2 full bathe and a aunny kltohen. Nice quiet neighborhood, too. Priced at S7e,eoo. can Ann E. • Garner. MLSM8741.

ENJOY THE EASE OF CONDO UVINQ In thta extra farge condo In Lookout Eet•t••· Four bedrooms, 2. '/• b•tha, 2 flrapl•c•• and •n unba•table view of SJerr• Blanca. All for on• IY s 159,1500. Call canny McQuire. MLS.B172.

ONLY S$5,000 for thle well maintained 1,874 equare foot home In Wingfield. That'• only $4!5.00 •q,/tt., tolkal Qreenhauee, fenced backYard, olty utllltlell, quiet neighborhood, and on • paved atreet •re Juat eom• of thla hom•'• edvantage•. Cell w•n· de H•rmon. MLSM811 a.

TAX SHEL TEA - Invest your In~ coma ta)C money In re•l e•tata. Twelve unit apartment oom­plex, cloae to achoola. Unite. are one year old. Excellent terms. Priced •t S400.0oo. Call Wanda Harmon. MLS#71915.

QOT HOASE$? Hera•a Ju•t the pl•oe for •em, and you todl Thla beautiful large home In Eagla Creak Aorea Ia eltu•ted on a tovoty e acre traOI. II haa a aep•r•te guest houae, epaf't.­manland 2 car garage. It"• fully tanced end Just welting tqr you and your hor•••· Prlo•d at S49B,500. Cell Gregg Perteat. MLSI3S04.

MLS m. PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE . • 1'1 \1 .... •

MOBII,Jl1 1101\IE - lf117 SolliaJ..e; ·w . x 84',· 3 bedroom, ; fult ~t.b; tiutlt

tn ldtchen aPJ)l~nces. $8JQOQ)Jown, assume (l -112% loan ()1' . m.JIOO. 1·658:4351or.1~14~. _ l\l-.98-6tp

Ffl.F.llil - o/IO ~ omtitl_mqblle home w.tll tl:!e pUrcl'IBse Of a.lcweJy

· 2/3 bedroom- ho~ on neflrlY an acre. Fruit t~ •. flowers, g&nn(e, fenced, .. fir-epJa.Ce, appUanct,m. 162,S00 . .37JH087,. . P~S!Htp

NO.DOWNPAY'MENT _ on Ft. Stan· _ton R.Qa.d, ~ coverec:t, beautiful vi'ews,•o.fSierra.BJanca or Rancho Ruidoso Valley. OverlOQks Deer

··Park MeadOws; operi-ZOlling.l2 to ~ Qcres. Cil~! 25Hl22; D-58-tfc.

.REAL ESTATE . . . .. :

P.O. Boa; 966 -·Ruidoso Downs, N.M. 1!8346

·JUST LISTE., IN SUN VALI.EY.-Iftl• nice modlfffNf A~frame.hcu 2 badroonn., a large ,,_,,,. lofb, 1 bath •rid l•ra• llvl'ne room/kitchen'· cat~tllo. LOC.tad on a nlctf lev81 IIPt and haa· gQiacl year around acca11. Also tta• 3 •epai'Qite dMlc•·for you -to eni~PY tha outdoor•, and for thcu:e -cool nlghb a nice wood -bumlng •tove to warm you up. Must ... to ap. preclate.

FOR SALE OR TRADI!. Thl• home Ia located .auth of th111 -Ruidoso Poat offlce on a pine covered lot. Ther8 aiw 3 bedrooms.: 2 bath•~ large living roorn-kltchan combination with flrepla'•· Completely furnished with new furniture. Owner would co ... lder trading equity for mobile ho~~~e o" nice lot with easy accau. If you are looking far a "Ice home n-r $100,000. you need to put thl• one c>f your "look at .. list.

GARY TATE, Sales Assoc. Res.: 378-4224

NORTH HEIGHTS PARK Ia the eettlng for thla lot. It hae a fan .. taatlo view of-Sierra e·Janca, Ia level with aaay aooeae and Ia In a lovely area. Call Leon Puckett for further Information.

NEW LISTINQI Furnished 2 bedroom mobile for only 523,900111 Ready for oocupanoy. Excellent aummer location, Juat 15 short blocka from Sudderth, OWner financing too. Dare to oomparel Call Ma~ Callaway. ML617408.

ALTO VILLAGE: Only S 1 S,OQO for thla lovaly Alto VIllage lot. Spectacular view and owner financing, too. Cheok out thla bargain tOdayl Call Tereaa c. Batea. MLSI'SSS4.

PILOTS: Fly-In hlde•B·way. 1500' paved alratrfp. Golf, awlm, flah, or juat relax. Beautiful lot at end of airstrip. Only SS,BISO.

, Eaay term a, too. Call Doria Mellen. MLSI'7077.


REAL£STATE • INSURANCE 101 Mechem 1000Sudderth 505/257-7373 505/257-4073

Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345 Branch Office · Sudderth Office ·Resldence Phones

Joe M. Barker 257-5650

Teresa Bates 267·7121

LaVerne Brewer 336-4158

Max Callaway 378·4577

[B -If· •• ,

MLS AnnE. Gamer

258·5414 Betty O'Dell 257-9889

JP*i Greg9Perteet

336-4318 Leon Puckett

257-4944 Louise Puckett

257-4944 -sales Manager­

Bill Willis 258·4399

-Ass1stantManager­TomOavls 257-2053

Residence Phones

Wanda Harmon 257·7591

Danny McGuire 258-4001

Doris Mellen 257-5682


s c p.o, bolC 1442.:... (.50.5) 257-.5111

307 mechem drive

ruidoso, new me~dco 88345

CHARMING A~•RAMI alt• on nice pJn ... hnldiNI lot. offa,._ two IHtdroonu, buth. Wood-bumlng d~ adds a nofe of warmth and empha.lzas tti• mauntafn capf .. l of thr. w•ll·tnc~lntatnH cabin. Leirgtt deCk. loa~ yec~r around ace .... .... CHid.

'NEVi ON 1'HE MARkET. and YMit ... lti!Jated o" a wooded view lot, I• thlal:trand t~ew hoN near.. lng completion. The weU·cletlgn•d flocw -Jan flii'ovrd'- three bet:r:roo":'•• gllii'le ~. th .... bath•. utntf)' t'Odm. FINplaca, of Cdu ..... .• ea.sao.

REFINEMENt. SIMPLICITY AND QUALifY dlstlnguf•h this hand10111e hom• In p .... tlillous O..r Park Woon. Th•ni aN folir Mcitoom•_. th .... !baths,. utility I'Ooih, and a kitchen· thDt tould axctte Julia ChUd•l -Flr•plaW and • ....... The pl,...toured: lot I•_ a full ac ... In sla, and thtl vl•v.r• of SI•I'J'CI alanect arfd the Caplfclns a,. tiweao~l t2S9.~*

JUST •aS.!JOO WILl. IUY, .this op,..allnp o;abln wwlth one Jteclroctlltll Clitd !bath, l!l'lu, ffNplace. ,._ ,..ttl and lco,..;o cl~ck, It'• ,.,. ll!!rfect ••• for a mountain ret.-t. owner wlll con· .shier' ttadu. !Sam• fl'ihlncbtg awitlablit, . .

AN EXCELLENT COMMERCIAL 0PPOR1UNITY Is . prOVIded &y fhls woiJ ... ifuatecl lf*rO~Htrty' on Sudd•rth Drive. F'our wm......-ctally zonec1 butlcllngs, ~tlu• etlla apartment. · All Cl't\f' utltJtl ... Llbttrcd owner fltlancln..-. t~,$00.'

J-_,hn V. H~ll, Qualltylngatokofr,.336-45.7 Gat"VI.Vridt. G•hilrCII 1\1\dh•i•t• J:t6o4la5-t

J, Gr.iog Nlo.t•t•,' A-.acl•t•, :i:16-U30 Ja~ En .C.,., AaiHitilt•, 131 ... '1'15

o.-ry M~wtrn ...... OCICIIte,-257·••23 *•ttv 'D~~odd, All!l~lat•~ t!J'J'.ft!I.U

Cory Sdi1thri. A••o.::laflf, UI•:J!II89 J•ftC:obltrA•.at:fahi, 2S8-S6f4 . sietro deve.lopment c(?mpony, i·nc.

-~ ----. ""*' • . • ;o-

,. ,. l

.·l.-- -- ~--:.., --. -·- -------- ~ ---- ~------ --~ -- ~


,.,.. .... """.'!':-_-.... ~-.... "'!""':'"'! .... '". ~...., ......... ~ ............. ~.,., .... ..., ... ~"'!'".,...,.,.~, ... .,, :!"' ...... ""'~~,.,, .. , :?"'-'~:·::;-:~"7;'7::.~·~:7"-::~ ~"';'_~·:_-.. -... ,._ :"' --. ··--·-•;;_ --' . •-.. ,

"' r " ,. ''" •• ',• '·i-, ,--,' - .. : •'' . ·-. :. :~ .

I ' I




....... . .

- . -.

Inside theCapitol by Fred McCaffrey

SANTA FE-This column is not. strictly speaking, about Will Orn­dorff, but be can be used as an exam­ple.

Orndoiff is a New Mexico cat­tlemanl born and bred, who probably ptattiaea to reoudn in that way of life all his days. •

He iS now seWng real estate for a Uvb!g.

Tbat makes hbn just one more of those who have, with greater or lesser unwDllngness, given up the harsh life of the rancher In our state in recent years. There are still many to eome.

When you see names like his disap­pearing from the roll ¢ those who prOduce food and fiber Cor the naUon, and the talk is of who wW be next, we aU somehow becoliJle a little poorer. A manner of· living which has con­tributed many or.its good qualities to our state may be drawing closer and ~oser to a close.

Ob, the ranches of New Mexico won't disappear. They will simply be gobbled up more and more by the big boys, and the independent operator will no longer be aroUnd.

That was the theme behind most or­the conversation at the arinual meeting or the New Mexico ClltUe Growers' AssociaUott, an organiza­tion Will Orndorff onee headed.

That group was kind enough to _honor this columnist for 11anal~ the news and its impact on all New Mexico eltizens!' so an orroortunity presented itself to listen tO fhe voice of the men and women from the eatUe industry._ Most of the songs were at least slightly sad. ·

And it's not only c:!attle people who are _asking If the game is worth the candle. Like fanners-, thea& are folks who do more tban jUst hold a job. 'l'hey adopt a waY of life. You ~ight say the)' ehoose a vocation. not an avoeabon. And they find that economies Is cutting away the ground from under them. -

It's been a ltmg time sil'lC:e 9il pet­cent of Americans labored tun tltrie in agrieulturol pursuUs, bUt did you

·realize tbe total Is now dOWn to 4 per­t:ent? Aetually.- it's not quite that blgb, so that not evert rout in every hundred of ... till tho son or bnood lbO meaL

SomebodY has said there are not more stories about the traveling salesman and the farmer's daughter because the farmer's daughter now works for Intel or Texas Instruments or some insurance company. •

Is It really good for us to have almost an our jobholders going orr to work for somebody else? Don't we lose a strong strain of healthy in­dependence when we turn ourselves into a natton where mor.e than hall the workers are in what are called "ser­vice" industries?

What do we aU do-take in each other's laundry?

Greybeards like the writer can remember when New Mexico's Legislature was made up mosUy of men ln cowboy boots.

They had the say, and they used it. Now we have only four members in

the SeDate who say they make their living as farmers or ranchers, and on· ly nine members in the House. E~ there it's not that sbnple. Senator Tim Jennings describes himself as a "businessman and rancher" '"Btld CharUe Lee <who isn't running for re­election because he can't -be absent that long any more> calls him§el! a .. raneherandbanka-." Andsoitgoes, Dan Beh'y on the House side is in the "ranching and oil servk:.e business," Louie Sanchez is a ''rancher and schoolteacher" and Jim Martin just lists himself as a "businessman."

Hardly anybody is making it off the son alone. '

That's not theiW&Y it was just a few short years aga-,-and the decline Will do nothing but ~ntinue.

It's ironic. The big city folks, who for so long cried so loudly that our lawmaking body was too.,oriented. to the rural areas, will Jive to-see the day when they wish the Big Hats were back. .

Beeause there's one simple princl­~lea,t the beartof all this: Theeost of rnOJley, B: major-tactor In the decline of aS!leulture along with spiraling rises in the prices of eqUipment ai1d supplies; can somedaY ed.t us all up.

What bas happened to agriculture, ih New Mexico and elsewhere, has no~lng UJ!lclue a~ut lt. lt l:!ould touch every busitleSS. · When it starts, look uut.


PubUshed each Monday and ThUtsds.y by RottiDsaNews, lite., J. kert• neth Green, P'tesident; Walter L. Green. V1ce Pres:ldent. at 104 Park Avenue, and ent asaeeond class matter at the PbBt om~ at Ruid6J;o, N.M.II8345. · Ken •11<1 Mlll"Y n ................................ ' ....... Publl!!he"' llollalld ua ......................... : .......... : ...• , •... au•fu..,.·/dgr. 't:hn Pabnel" ........................ , , ............ .- ....... ; · ...... Editor ca-nl".dwards ..................... , ...... : ........ AdverUs!ng Mgr.

SU~CRIPTION RA\E$Uil ADVANC:• · Sli!lle ... I>Y, 2!1<; Single oopy by Mall, &Oe; 6MOnlb$.<>uill(c...tty$1!!;

wlthln Cout.ty~ m:; -1 year ou~-l)f courdy, $25i Wi_thtn cmanty, ~; Home neuve.-y~ $:'f.oo-.,er . .m,Qntb. '- . • . Tballtildcloo N....,. ....,.,., .. therll!!!tto rejoct•d'verllslngand ollii•"''Y th!itlll!<l""l"""' obJoctlo .. ble. ):.ialilllly lot""lt """"' In ad..-Uslng !!hell '

· .. -note~ ·tfte! ·valtae ot the aeuutt..apa~e tn-wblch the t~rror OC!t~ts: and obaU be lll!llollod by .. ,.,...u.,. In the.~exti,.ue. Call2!11'<0011or l!mno Dellvery. · · . · · · : · · -~••ttrwendoflllC~hanges oh~t to-The lto.lduo N~Wih P~. &lr:-

121,11uld6<6,. N,M. 118345. . . . ' '

• ·~. ..

--,-, ·: -,-


Letters to the editor

DEAR EDITOR: On behalf of all of the students who

attended the Continuing Education Spanish Instruction Class sponsored by the Ruidoso/Hondo Valley Chamber of Commerce conducted once a week over the past twelve weeks at the Ruidoso High School and taught by Mrs. Lynda Sanchez, we woUld like to take this moment to ex­press our warmest thanks first to the Chamber of' Commerce for sponsoring this excellent class and to ,Lynda San· chez for her marvelous COhduet of the class •.

Not only is Mrs. Sanchez a brilliant scholar and historian, she is also a sensaUonally adept teacher able to gear her instructions to the special needs ot each and every one of her students. Her brightness and witty chann made each Tuesday afternoon or evening class something specia1 to which to look forward. Mixing Spanish CUlture and customs into

classroom exercises with a liberal blend or grammar, vocabulary and conversation, she managed to leave us all with a very special feeling for the Spanish Language,

1 have _personally benefitted over the years tn conducting my profession of architectural design with a first hand working knowledge of French, German and ltalian. I am· pleased to have a start toward mastering Spanish, thanks to Lynda sanchez.

Having moved to Ruidoso three years ago from my nattve Penn· sylvania, one or the most spectacular things l noUced about New Mexico. .. The Lando( Enchantment" were the mlrlad of sparkling stars to be seen each nJght with a: glance to the heavens ... tbere is also here in the School System of Ruidoso such a star, or ESTRELLA ... and her name is Lyn­da!


Where to contact your lawmakers

. •' .

Editorial Today we have ehc;>sen to exerc.lse our semi-Qnnual prerogative of writing a "Slow time" editorial.

This tri:ldltlonc:dly is done to commemorate those two times of year:-between ski season ond horse racing season clnd between horse raclng season and ski season-when Ruidoso slows down.

Old-timers say the village practically used to go to~ ·sleep during the slow times-that you could stand in. the middle .of the IT]ain street talking to your neighbor, and nary a car would go by. Try that nowadays--whatever the time of' ·year-and you will be taking your life in your hands. -.:-,..

Yes. progress marches on. People are moving to Capitan (some, no doubt. to get away from the hU&:­tle and bustle of Ruidoso) In such numbers that that

. viUage is forming a planning and zoning commis­sion to put some controls on growth ..

I wonder where People wiiJ·move to when Capitan gets too big.

Before we know it. the summer tOurist season will be upon us. Many locals traditionally use this time to get away for a little while. The concept of a "slow time•• soon may be no more than .a vestige of a bygone era. But we reserve the right to get away from saying anything substantial Whatsoever In an editorial-twice a year.

(Some would soy we exercise that right several times a year, or month.)

Have a nice "slow time."-TP

O·n the Village Beat

with Tim Pal.mer

H you're in the habit of buying your called. for this reason. Ruidoso News at the post office or any The primary chart in Thursday's of several other locations, you may USA TODAY carries the headline, have notieed the new kid in town uwest fears •too-year O.ood.' '' A pie­among newspaper vendiog machines. ture of a fellow stacking sandbags in a

A quarter in the dark blue machine ereekbed.complementa a drawing or a gets you a c;opy of USA TODAY. · snow..capped mountain range tower-

What Is USA TODAY? i.Dgovera tinySaltLakeCityskyline. TbeDameplateprouc:Uyproclaimsit A map of five Western states Is

is "The Nation's Newspaper." thrown in for good measure, showing When our business manae.e;.; cities threatened by expected heavy

RoUand Ramos, and I addressed runoff from snowmelt. school students at the recent Career Having Usted the elements that Day, we fotmd ourselves referring to make up the complete graphic, 1 USA TODAY ill response to questfons realiZe the overaU effect has been to about the future or newspaper$. give me a lot of information before I

Long before USA TODAY showed even start on the aceompanying up lb RWdoso, the ye8Nlnd-a-balf-old · story. newspaper started making "W8Ves in Research bas shown that more peo­the industry. Its impact bas reached ple read the stories that have a Into our own newspaper. graphic with tbem. As I told the ldds

USA TOnAY Is published by the at Career Day, a whole new s~ialty

U. S. SENATORS . GauneU corporation, Gannett owns a bas opened up in journalism-that or

Bill Karn, eouneUman. Address: number of newspapers all over the grap1iic designer/attisL Peter V. Domenici, R - 4239 P.O. Box 1946, Ruidoso, ~M., 88345. country, and USA TODAY Is printed The four sections of USA TODAY

Dirksen Senate Office Building, telephone 25'?-5218; residence 251·7911 at some of their plants. are News, Money, Sports and Life. u Washington, D.c .• 20510, telephone John Underwood, councilman. Ad~ As 1 understand ~~ USA TODAY you had wondered bow a national (202) 224-6621. Roswell office. Cour- dress: 2810 Sudderth Drive, Suite 201, headquarters at Arlington, Virginia, newspaper could provide localized in-tbouse, telephone 623-61.70. telephone 258-3360~ restdenee 251·2323 sends the pages of the finished pro- fonnaUon to rea-aers, take a look at

Jeff Bingaman, D - 502. Hart Sfierman Atvlo()d, councilman. Ad~ duet vil\ satelHte to its regional prln- the weather page on the back of the Btillding, Washington, D.C .• 20510, =.\!i~!~x:J-~265~0• N.M., tlngplants.ThepaperpgblishesMon- News section. telephone (2<$) 224-6521. Roswell of. Ray Dean Carr,nter, e.,uncibnan. day thnwgh Friday. . A huge fOUM:OIOl" map of the con-flee, Federal BuDding, telephone A••-·-- p 0 Ruldos · So "What you have i8 the exact same tineDtaJ United states dOminates. the .. -...... uo.u.·-=-: • • ()X 1589, o, - • .,_..., .. 13. N.M., 88345,. telephone 258-4477; newspaper from coast to coast, hit- page. Hawall, Alaika·, Puerto Rico

-......,... ..,...., resldenee"251-4471 ling the atteets in a timely manner and the Viqln Islands are- in Insets. u.s. RE.-nm.aoENTA-auES J~ Shaw, councilwoman. Ad· because lt Is published near its 'l'emperature highs and lows are

Lo~~~thl.ulH"J:·~er.,OJtJ>Isce'·B'··"•l!:' dn!!s: P.O.IIi>x '1A'II1,11uldoso, N.M., ... diOts.TheUSA TODAY we read, l given for many eitles, and separate •'ti .. UI. · uua Ul YUYlUISt 883450 telephone 251-'1066; residence teamed, ts published at Fort Collins, blocks have forecasts for major dUes

Washington; J).C., 20515. telephone 251-5610 . ColCl'bdo. and tnterna.ti.ona1 Weather i:nforma-c•> 255-83IG. ·District office. Room :flick !:vans, eoun~lltnan. Address: One look tells you this: newspaper is tlon.

B1~~?JtngnAJbuennls ChaveNz Mi"edural 35 SUdd¢rih Drive, 'Rukloso, N.M., dlfferefit. . _ . , 'rhe Money SeC:tiOn includes st()ck • querque, · ·• 87103, 88345! telephone 257-9057;. residence The nameplate itself is a reverse market JleW8 bild quotatiOhS and

telephOne 1864538. t58-5 to· ('wblW. letters on dark-in this ease, general bUsineSS and eeot~omle neWs. Joe Skee!J.i R-Dist. 2 - 1007 blue-backgrourtd. It lncl\ldes the tt•ssortoflikeamlnlatureversiOd.of·

Longworth House Olflee Building, lltJJDOSO DOWNS TIIUST£ES I!!'BPbie-of a globe with lhtos Busbtess Week maga:dno, Wasblngton. D.c., 20515, tele~e J.O. Day Jr.t mayot". Addtess: "Box simutathig motloD. 'tbiJ SpOrts sedion; like the news (202)t2&-2365. Las CrUces office: 3002 -MS. Ruidoso, N.:M., 88945, ThiiJ:IlQ'llavesODiethbigto do with aectton, includes ·am caA<::ross 'the A~206 Federal Budding~ Las Cruces, tel~hone~; residence S1Ht95 researehers findiiJg out that millionS uSA•~ rea~ with: brief newsbits N.M. ll800liciilelepb.,.. (SOO) ....a245. Conrad BUChanan, truslee. Ad• of ADlerlcaus are ttavellng .., any CroJn __ •tate, 1'htll'$day the h--·-" oil ·, n-- 1- u s F"'-al cltesS: P.O. 1iox 31$ liS, lluldoso1 ~- da d c1ec1•••• ,. the ba-... .-~;::.;;J .... ......... 't N .n.u=~wcu. , nuu• "''t~ . , eo- N.:M., 88345,. telephone 378-4510~ .ven Y~ an ..... '6 w gear ~ reetUim At •.u-... abo ew llu!lding, Roswell, N.M. 88201, resldenoeMlHI31S ·. . - publlc:aUon to that mauet seg. Mexli:OState~!Wed. . tel~e 622-0055. Jake llarris. tnl$fee. Addre&g: Box meut.. _ . ·Tht ~tsectloa'"lJfe, hda entertain-. iliJl ltldl .. dson,· D·DIIIt, 3 _ 1610 ?4?, Ruidoso DOWhS, llllMS, telephone Indeed, I heard bll'lorlda !utyeOr !Dent and DreotyliH>rienlod ·-· R

3'lilo4396 · . thai peoplo In the Atlanta •liport bte1udes a ......w.r<lpWzle OdldaTV Longworth 'House Olllee Buildlng, · LoVerno (:ole trustee. _, don't ha.Vfai!eO ~they are l(uld!l. · .. Wasllliii!IOII. D.C., ®515, tolepbl>ne B"" li600 HS, RUtdoso, N,M. 811345, alllUcldlmbehindllSA.TODAY. .· . All loaD, USAT(IDAYoffenllilot (202) 225.&190. om Sandoval Suite 1101, telephottell711-131i0 Tbo! - puge o1 the -., 1 .,. fJ!t' the,.......ttlrlce.l-'tadvhle Santo Fe, N.M., 811;01. teleplti>ne Jae®elytt M. BtaHtun; !ruslj!e, Ad• 10ok1!>i at--TiiUi'sday, April~ <IOpondlng libil .. you> ooly -ol

· !leiH1?1. . ' dr<SI: !lOX il261 I!S, RuidoSo, N.M., . 'li...U,V Is sbOIIII"C at me. It has fDil1' -.., but It off.rs .a woy lA> •lay 881!4>, telepb1>0e 2&11-1150; mldence tuii•Color J!]loto&--IWo with co!Ot abnostt>l-l$1lt .. tllm8!1-t.

GOVERNOll 3'1IH3M · -two \!bii>la'ln~ol<w, alld- The writlag~ deoc:tlb<ld .. 'tcmoy Anaya, Slate C4plt<>l, B;nta · atnall otory ~ .., li peaoho ·llgbt bUtJH>t ·

h.N.M.,il7503, telephoneaa?.30QO. CAPITANritCS'f'EES . . .<:oloredba~. · · ~ b1 Mary A!Ut Hn>dY,

S'l'ATil·s~· ron . ·. · n.&"·~'Aa~Wa;.':"'k'$i..~~: WI~ ~L lnf_.~tt,:"':,r.: =A'v""rn.::::n=~~ Charlie . ""149, Ala!DogoJ'do, 'lelephCil)e-22tt; ':'.'lidOit<•-. 8~ ltOOd, NEWSI:.lNE, !l'hllllo ..u. ... and'well *lid' -.,g ~th

N.l\4., li8S10, telephono 437-160!, . BeniiY Coker, ,_, BDl< 400. ·ll!beleci"AQUlcl<!loxdOIIth6N-." lli'OJeCI!olul, It now has the lbltd - '· =r~ ~,t'-.;u,..~1t•lephorto Olid OOiillata olaobo<.l """"* Ul>' hllbtoh>Ui!ldatlailln A>i\Otlca. · !1'1'AII'E :llEPRl!ll)!N1'AT1VI!: . ~..,;· llorlott. Addl'ossl !lox 191, date, briO( $Uifil)l.rlei . of ·~ . 1-'IY lhlnl: USA 'l'OilAY has

M•tv'•• .ft. "MIOk""''' M•nu·,-, Canttilfi. N.M., 88316, t&lephOne &Ufries,MdWheretbeJ-cau'*~ bMiillt.I!Jrllltr the l'liWii~PW itt­• p -· • •• ~. lnilda, 11114 ill - II> ""l'tdat - duolty. :II tbore la1lDYIIII'!II lluit-

n-DbiL H-IIOlt 31&11 HS, IIUI<IOSO, :Nor;nan l!enlro, Addri!!!o: 1!0>1 3117, llon!r a lid I...,_, · · · aill'aot -·--.111111 wlMhem N.M., 11834S, telephono 3'18-<IIBI ."•Piton,, .!!·d~· • .S.!'.:'.i!:;.JO .. leph.••. • ·. · R••~troll bu $bow~ tbal lO lhe-porbabll,ltlaahiil<laP. RtnDosocouNciL ·.. . - ,,., ~-·~~ --WIItttll>bhble\6 _.:bllk<-ttlluM. , .

GO<>rgo.l'. While, mayor, A-:· Vernon t<ellv !loa~. A-: · IIOIIIhe \ldbil$ !hoy ....,1 Ia teOII'. At!IHbahboQldl14w.I"J))INN!i!f· 127 .Reese~ Ruidoso, N.lll., llox u~. capitan, N.M .. 811'.1111, rpjlok\yatld...,.ll;y.Tba_N_ leeitha~...W-1--Uke teieph.,..25'1 . telepb<nte35f-1!718 · adOptO<la.''ln""","dllls81011etlnt<•<' ...,.,




. \'i I

.... ':-

. . ~ .. "


First grad4i!lrs . . Good Cldzens thiS month at Nob Hill · say Perry, Donald MIUiron, Chris L.oreuo, Elementary School Include, from left, Tam\ McCarty, Marina Rice and Chris Amy Payne, Jennifer Jarratt, Betty Kerby. Hobbs. Leah Brown, Brian Dolan, Lind-

Pet parade Three-year-olds In the Ruidoso Public na. Sitting from left are Michael Kelly. Tit­Library storY hour program all won rlb- fany Marquardt, Shannon Conley, Lea bons at a stuffed pet show last week. Adrienne Westergren, Lily Walstad and From left, standing, are Amber Dugger, Emily Roy. Lily's family brought three live Bridget Tam, Kristin Richter, Jonathan pets: the rabbit she holds, her oat on a Larson, Todd Marquardt, Melissa leash and the dog behind Shannon. Lucero. Rhlannon Ross and Melissa Ser-

.. 1

--- "

SecQnd graders 1-"­.

Good ol~ens during Aj:>rlllnolude, kneel-· lng, .Fellcltas Baeza. front row from le~. Beverly Maxwell, Melanie sanchez, Jamie Ann sanchez; Jasen Moore, mid-

die row, J.R. Chino, Amador Martinez, Crystal BaiTatt, and back, Serah Art­

. drews, casey Kearns and Johnny Moss.

Kindergarten good citizens •

Students honored this month at Nob Hill Elementary S.choor Include, front row from left. Armando Lueras and Jason Steveson, middle row, Nloole Coca, Guadalupe Garcia, Angel Chavez, Seth

Chamberlin, Sarah Hubbard, and In the back row, Preston Brown. Robin Daves. Ganlave Botena, Mlohane Dominguez and Lalo Espinoza. Not shown are Moriah McFadden and Heidi Johnson.


TheMonJeau Lounge

Proudly Presents


·-Fol'"i'our U.t•nlag & D•nclnsPlea•un­MONDAY'l1dltJ\VEDN'ESDAY8:$0 P.M. •l:OOA.M, . T81n1SDA"1'THBUSATURDAY 8:30P.M. •1:30A.M.

EVERY NITE • "HAPPY HOUB"4:00 PM liON d'~aVI'ft illervttd cl•llvdadil8 coeW.b laOIII' ·


... •-

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· .. ;.

. - • ' • • ' • • • ,• • • -- < •• ••• -· •

. ' -- . . ': . , .


. is pleased to congratulate·


. .


On Their Re-Opening

We are sure that their fine tradition of service to Ruidoso and the surrouhdlng area will continue as In years past. . ·

We encourage everyone to shop at this. locally own·ed an.d operated business which ln turn will keep your dollars Circulating-In Ruidoso. '

. . ..


Offlcen; Directon _. . · · · .. , . . · of .1h• aan• of R!lhlo• ·

... {, i,' '

. ' . '' . ·:·. ' ., _,

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rlt'"-~---~~ ~~--~'-.... ·.f: -iifRP*f ~ . - .

4B I ThEt Rutcto~o N~ws I Monc:;tay, Apr1116, 1984

Business & Profession·al Dir~ctory

Bracelets, rings, necklaces, wedding- sets· sapphires, rubies and pearls are displayed and other jewelry studded with diamonds, atDiamonds Forever.

DittmO.nds -Forever a ge111 of a shop . . .

If diamonds are a girl's:~t.'fri~a. · ter season.''-. - prices. She sa~Ci'becausethey-areable then IHamonds Forever. is the place Alford said she is looking forward to to ·buy· m~~;cbal1~e dil'~tly from for girls to go. Thfi! shop, at 2&35 Sud~ an equally E;qccesMul summer . New Yotk suppli~rs,·. the pri~es ere

. derth Drive, offer~ a wide sell'i<:tion of sef~>on. Alford said sh~ is developing <:o~lderably lower. ·- . · , diamond, . .ruby, sapphire arid pearl-'. ·a goo,d. local . clientele at Diamonds ·. · ·.·::AJfot"cl· l~ ~no'· ·newcome~ tp'· the encrusted jewelry~: . . . Fotevei.'-. .. . . . RUidos~ retail.bw;in~ cotnllJunity,

Bracelets·, gold ·chains, ·rings, In addition to fine jewelry, the shop . Sh~ work:ec:t. at ;114ounta1n Ski Shop for charms, wedding sets and earrings of . ofJers services - such as jewelry ·four years and at a Place in the Sun 14 and 18 carat gold glitter from the repair, r~mounting, cleaning and ring for two summers. She and her family display cases. sizing. The;! shop also does appraisals have lived in Ruidc:>so for five years.

Also glittering is. the friendly smile on items sold there. Alford said the Alford and her husband, Sid, have two of shop-owner Linda Alford. Alford shop will have loose diamonds and daug~ters,.Sindy, 16, and Tiffany, ],3. · said sbe co-owns the shop with Bar- emeralds in stock this summer. The Diamonds. Forever has a layaway bara Robbins and Janet Hodgins, shop employs one part-time and payment plan. The shop iS open ·both of Idalou, Texas. Alford said the employee, Marsha Venable. from 9:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. Monday shop has been successful since open- through Saturday. The s)l0p will be ing Novembel: 1. According to Alford, jewelry at open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. everyday this

"Christmas was fantastic," she Diamonds Forever is priced about 50 summer. The phone number at said. "I couldn't have asked for a bet- . to 60 percent below common retail Diamonds Forever is 257-2425.

Photos ·and Text

by Darrell Pehr

Diamonds Forever. at 2635 Sudderth Drive, has been open since November 1 . The shop Is owned by local resl-

dent Linda Alford, and Barbara Robbins and Janet Hodgins Diamonds Forever co-owner Linda Alford says the shop had a good winter season. She said she Is loOking forward to an equally good summer season.

Political commentary. On the Opinion Page


·e<> • \ SPAS \/'<"""~':'" ~ ·"' ~ '-'1 SAUNAS

\, (}-"'"" • \ HOT· TUaS 1,.. JACU221 h (.,l.l t ,1 (.. BATMACCESSOFt'""c.S

"' \ (..l.t ~ ~ ( > .. -~ 'I"' ,.... .~ /·r :J .. ';..

""'' .. 1035 Mechem~ -j 258-5488 11 ---

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_ .•

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r , ~ , , , , , r r r r

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2 I The Ruidoso News


The wedding that captivat­ed the world is dramatized in "Charles & Diana: A Royal Love Story." starring David Robb (I.) as the Prince of Wales and Caroline Bliss as his bride, to be rebroadcast WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18 on ABC.


' ~ ... "-·

...... Jill .. :.. • ' . ...... , ........

' . . "::


KAYE .K.NA:f· -· ' .

_' .. :: .. - ' -- '


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·---~.-c-· ·-~·~-

Television Schedule .. . . . .

Apr.l6 Through Apr. 22·


. .

........ . ..._ ·avar~ec~......, ... a lillloo, Yoga and y.., .,.....

12:30 .In s-.11 of .... .Capite! • Andy Gdffith

5:30 • ..: ... ..,. at Su ...... • Slapwatch a I Manlo!l Joan ........ Dally · 8 1 Drtam of .leannle


.MuppeiSMw a CIS l!arlt Morning Newo 1:00 D Matdi GanM/HoU,wood Squ- Hour

8 Afternoen a..cilc · aAAw 5:45 • Weather 6:00 •• Varied,... ..

&Today a-.wa~c~ooc~ II A1C Now. fhls Morning a CIS Early Morning Now. .... SMw a CIS Morning Now. • Jlondle a Vldoo Muolc with Alan Hu~tor altookoden,........

· •lnstaniNewo 6:30 8Yiga

• Straight Ta• Ill Lovo Lucy •""-


• MY um. Margio a Lilias, Yoga and y.., •w..,thor

7:00 • s..a .... Strati II Daywatch .... II e Goad Morning Am-lea a CIS Morning Newo • o.a. Gills • lutlnoK loport • Spodreman

7:30 II CNN Hoadllne News • llewoly HIILIIIoo • I Manlo!l .lean • Mr ....... Noljjhbomoocl .llugs&Woody

1:00 a Mt • ..,..., Noljjhbomoocl' B Facts of life lilomporl-e.Mme a New $25,000 Pyramid .700Civb a 5ooame StrMt

8:30. D ll!loctrlc: Company B Salo of tho Century • PreN y.., Luck ·

9:00 • Lono Ianger D IMtructlonal .......,,. B WhMI of Fertuno II Family • Catlinl

Dea.nson aaDonahuo a Sooamo StrMt • Fantooy bland

9:30 • 3-2·1, Contact B Drtam House ., .... 11e~.mng • Another L.iftt

10:00 II Variocl ,...,.. • lmtru<llonal ......... B Hot Potato II Tab 2 .... _ II Perry Menon llleFamllyhud a a Young and tho l01tleu Ill Family .... • Vldoo Muolc with J.J. Jacbon • Mr ....... Neighborhood • Pollco Woman

10:30· B Starch Fw Tomonow II e lyan'• Hopo • ll!loctrlc: Company

lloOO 8Dayo of Our u-•• Movie Ill e All My Chlldren • New Moxlca TodaY IIJNewo a Ao tho World Tum• a Variocl ,...,.. • ,..,.. Grilflft

1lo30. Ao the WOrld TU1111 altoobdonA...a.a

. AmiNOON.

12100 8 Anotlar World II No-n bay



• Salrit .• FIIct .... 11a ~ Hooj!ltal a GVkllng light . a I Drtam of .leannlo • Pllce Is light a1oo·crvb • Varied ,...,.

1:3!) 8 Iaiiie of the Planets e~ugsaunny

· 2:00 • Sooame Stratt DWaltons II Newsllne ..... B·Munoton Ill • Edge of Night aaTidtletaloo e&uporfrltnclo a Anathtor life

Ill tow. Conectlon 2:30 D Loavo It to lloavw ....

• l'rko.h light • Sciloby Dao • Guiding !Jght aautr.Eyo e Hour Magcnlne • Good TJrnos

3:00 • Mr ....... Nolghbcirhoad D I Lovo Lucy II .He-alth Ill Uti!. House on the '"'lrlo a Lovorne and Shlrloy a Tic Tac Dough • Cteot~ve w­•FAn- ·•

3130 II a Eloctrlc Company BTom & .lorry a New $25,000 l'yramlcl Ill I.ICivo h to ...._ • Hour 'Magcnlno a t.ro Mako a 111111 e Hoppy llayl Again .ScoobyDao

4100 II Variocl Programs • 3-2-1, Contact BCHIPIPatrol

I IIVega$ Ill Andy GrHflth • Happy llayl Again 11J One Day at a Tlmo aNewTroaounHunt • Vldoo Muolc with Martha Qvlnn aS....meSirMI • loclclanl Illes • Woody Woodpockor

4:30 • Dr. Wha lli.Aok CNN II CarollurnoH • People'• Court .CISNowo .Allee .... _ a Rlflonlan • ......,. Hillblllll

5:00 • MacNeii/Lohrer Newoh.... B Newlyw.d Game 8MorMyll-. . .... of Saturday Night II 5anhrd and Son DM•A•s•H .flews • llarnoy Mlllor aCISNewo · • """ c:on. lho lrlcltt . • 3-2-1, t.lotact eA~c:Now. • 'Fanlcay Island

5:30 &..CHow. ' II Croidlni . .

II llonny Hill Show .g Bob Newhart Show II All¢ .Nowt IIM*A•s•H a Joltonons ·

··"·"" II MacNoll/t.hrat NoWihoul )

. .

! . :

! . '

'~-- .

-- ~~-- -- -.-. ,...-----.--. --. -. c

. The Ruidoso News I 3

Television Schedule For The Week Of Apr. 16 Through Apr. 22,

6:00 • Amateur ....._, USA w. USSI hom Muc.w .......... • Net Ntc11iadly The News .,_ ...... • MOVIE: 'T- lode T.llhor' A Texas marshal and a cavalry lioutonanlload a wagon tminlnlo Comanche torrlfoty to I'IKVI pic<Mors caplund by lf1o lndianl. ~ Slowart, Rl­cflard Wodmark, Shldoy Jonos. 1961. • a.a.tlo ....... Special • ·or.at.~t A-'<an ihno •Yeohua •llllleThunohr .Allee

6:30 ' ........ lloport UPMMalflllne •MOVIfs •otmrr A young orphan, token in by a woallby ~actor, Is lddnappod by his old oGnv• Mark t.slor, Oliwr hod, Ron Moody. 1968. Rated G. ' • losteiSiiiUrday Nlslht D Three's Company . • Daffy Ducl&'s laster Show Dally becomes a 'prosso<l duck' when t.. comej up against Sylwstor lho Cat. Speedy Gonzales and lhe problim of going niOrtb lor tho springtime. e llftttrtalnmonl Tonight . . .


•Taxi 7:00 8 USR FootbaU: Tampa llay at Now

Orleans D FrontUno • MOVIE! 'JHUI of Na .... th' .Pcirl 2 8 JacquH C:..Usteau's Amazon, Pcirt 2 In · 111e style t11at h!Js modo Jacques Coustoou tl1e loading explorer of our fi.,._,;sit t\le no..er be­foro IHn frontiers of 111e doopost jungles of 111e Amazon. (2 hrs.) II llluo Thunder • Kale & Allie e fortlven • a.a.tlo Brown Special •1ooaub ....... lloport • MOVIE! 'It's My Turn' A ~borated prolos­sor linch sho must "'- botweon her 1105)'110" ing boyfriend and a cflorming ox-bosoboll ployor. Jill Cloyburgh, Michael Douglas, Charles Grodin. 1979. • HawoU Flve-0

7:30 • Nowhcirt 11!1 Lovolloot

, ··Daffy Duck's East..- Show Dolly becomes a 'pmsed duck' when ho comes up against Sylwstor lf1o Cat, Speedy Gonzales and 111e problem of going north lor 111e springtime. • Dr. Who

1:00 D g Groot '"""""" .... 'Down in 111e Val· loy.' A now film productloll of tl1o Kurt Weill folk opera Is prosonled In 1111s spoclal p.-nt .. fion. (60 min.) a lfeoman Roporll II MOVIE: 'Irs My Tum' A liberated profes­sor flndl sho mull cfloose botweon her IIOS)'gGing boyfriend and a cflorming ox· bonoball ployor. Jill Cloyburgh, Michael Doug­los, Charlet Grodin. 1979. 8 Cagney & Lacey • Kate & Allie 1m Cannon

1:30 lit TIS Evening -Ill Nowo IINowhoit Ill Shirley & Patloono

9:00 D IClmboll D MOVIE: 'IIIII Colby 'Himsoll" Funnyman Cosby looks at tl1o humor In everyday louhs, foibles and sue ....... Bill Cosby. Rated PG. Cl Sporll Tonight . B Laugh-In IIIII News • Cagney .. Lacey • Another Lifo II VJdoo Music wHh Marl: Goodman • Sollor'o lotum .Quincy

9:30 • llvshatod Dalfr a o~~~~~~re 8 Top 40 Vldoo BCalllm •M•A•s•H • Solid Gold ....... Groucho .Nightllno

10:00 • SpootoConloo' .ilr. Who ........ a Nowonlght • Hawaii Five-()

Bc.tlns BHartteilart .......... Aloft 811yoo enllol)-.d .,...,.,. How .. Mob h

10:15 • Mazda SpomiMII 10:30 • Plvlel " tho 5outhwM

UTanlthtShew . B MOVIE: 'Thloo Earth Is Mine' In Ca&fonlo's -""a Napa Volley, lf1o granddaughter of ano family dynasty folk In low with tl1o illogili­mato son of a rtlathe. Rock Hudson, Joan Sim­mons, Dorothy McGun. 1959 • DM•A•s•H eMOVIE: 'Toward tho....._,, A rocbt pilot '""' to rogoin lf1o ~ of thoto who used to nly upon .him. Willianl Holden, Virginia lolih. Lloyd Nolan. 1956. • Hart .. Hart • Jacl< lonny Show • Future Wrill"' Today • Twilight ZoM

· a Thldco of tho Nlslht . 10:45 8 Track and Flokl: Colgate Womon'•

• Gam11 c ... rilgo of 1111s event Is pi'IHirtod .from New York, N'(, (60 onln.) .• MOillE: 'Silvw Dream 1_. A world­class American mo10r<ycli!t champion Is cha~ longed by a lollgh competltor al England's Silversiono. loou Brfdgis, 'Dimd Essex, Chris­llna Ralnos. 1983, Ratod PG.

. 11100 II Groot Porfarman- 'Down lri 111• Valley.'

A. now film producfion a1 t11e Kurt Weill folk · " opera Is pre&entod in this speCial presentation.

(60 min.) B loturn of tho Saint II NightUno • Columba el-.adJaan g MocNoil/l.ithrw Nowohour

II :30 D llarnoy Miller II Eyo on Hollywoacl •·Columbo

· BLoveThatllob I h45 8 lnoWo l•obaH 12:00. MacNoii/Lohrw Nowohovr

B bolo Night with llavlill.ottorman ..... """""" Show -Ulhoda ..... holar Father 8 MO. 'Along tho Groot Divldo' Flvo men and a woman light lf1o elements of "" Mojave DesOrtto help a laWman return a pri· sonor for a fair trial. Kirk Douglas, Virginia Mayo, John Agor. 1951.

12:15 II SportsContor 12:30 1!1 Australian Ruin Football: Match #2

D MOVIE: 'Tho Godfather' A mafia pa­triarch ·finds t11at his volatile family Is his biggest cflollengo. tMrlon Branda, Jamos Coon, AI Pa­cino. 1972. Rated R. a Monoyflno U CNN Headline NoW. 8 Lifo of Riley


6:00 1!1 NBA l!asltotbaH: 1914 Opening Round Playoff Game · DDBUaNows II MOVIE: 'Dial M For Murdoo' In response to his wile'> affair, Tony Wondlce do.isos 111o period crime 10 kill her and a pncl,.ly 'mod phone coli is tl1o key. Anglo lllckinson, Christ .. phor Plummer, Anthony Quoylo. DPrimoNews 8 Amorlcan Parade e Uttlo House an tho Prairie .Yeohua • l'ouJ.vpo/liloopo/lllunohro • Allee

6:30 ........... .,... 8 PM Magazine 8 MOVIE: ·'Tho looliln' A g<aup of pollee roaulb must occuotom lhomsolm to an officor'o &fnl)io. DorrOn McGcnin, Paulluri<o, Cameron Mltchol. 1971. a Three's C."'ff'HHY B fr..tortcrlnmont Tonight • llustralod Dolly B •.k.a. Palrlo 8Tcnd

7:00 .Nms UATeam II huJ.ups/IIIHpo/lllundors • Amoslcan Film lnlliluto Salute of Ullian Glolr Douglas Foiri>onb Jr. 1oado tl1o CII1IIIIOI pnsentofian af lho AFL's distinguishod Lifo Acfllowmonl Award which goosto Ullion Gish lor hor enduring canlribvtlons to 111o world al lilql. (90 min.) II!IForglven • Amorlcan Parade .700Ciub • lluslnHS loparl • Thr"'" Company B HciwaH.fl¥..0

7:30 D a.lt:a. Pablo • Odd C:..Upfo • ilr. Who Spodal e Shaping Up .

1:00 D Amotlcan l'lcryhouoo D MOVIE: 'Joouo of NaZ...th' l'cirt !I ·a MOVIE! 'Touched' Dotermiiltd to mal.e loinolhing of himsoll, b mtrrtal pOtlont oscapOI and assumes a ,....ldontity. Robert Hc:yS, Kath­leen hllor, Ned Boalty. 1983. Rated R.


-· CJ FfHman Roparh U Fight of tho Month 0 Throe'• Company Ill Newt . Ill American Film lnotltuto Salute of Ullian Gioh Douglas Fairbanks Jr. loads 111e annual presentation of .the AFL's distingCJished Ufe Achi ... meot Award which goes Ia Ulllan Gish for her ot1durlng contributions to the world of fllm. (90 min.) 11l1 Nova II Har1 to Hart lllCannon · ·

1:30 8 NR's GrooiHI Momonls NFL'sccr..at .. t Moments presents '1982 v- in Review.' II TIS Evonl"liJ Newt II Shaplnt Up ·

· B Fino Romance T"" .devotedly single peo­ple are introduced 10 oocfl othor and a relucrant romance. loHows. (R) II My lilllo Margie

9:00 fJ SporiiC.ntor II Sports Tonight U Laugh-In 0 Hart to Hart liD Gl Now• II Soap 01 Another Lifo li VIdeo Mullc with Marie Goodman 11l1 Frontline 1!1!1 Quincy

9:15 fJ Mazda Spomloolc 9:30. Iii Groot Plooouro Hunt Ill This documentary

focuses on extravagant pleawres. CJ Ctoosliro U Top40Vidoo II Catlin• llil M• t.•s•H 11!1 Lovo Boot Ill Fino Romance Twa devotedly single poa­pJo are Introduced to eoch other and a relvctant romance follows. (R) 01 lost of Groucho llll Nightlino

9:45. fJ USFL Football: Tampa Bay at Now Orlean•

I 0:00 0 Dr. Who U OGINowo a Nowsnight U Hawaii Flve-0 II Catlin• 1111 Magnum II Bvrno & Allon II International Edition Ill Eyo on Hollywood l1l MonoJI How to Moko II

10:30 u MoiMWoolc U Tonight Show Iii MOVIE: 'Same Kind of H-· An ox-GI finds ~le at homo more dilrKU~ 111an hb six years as a POW. Richard Pryor, Margot Kidder, Roy Shori<oy. 1982. ~atod R. lit MOVIE: 'llrds of Prey' An oirwotch heli­copter pilot Is pillfd against ruthless criminals . David Janssen, Ralph Moobr, Elayne Ho:1voll. 1972. 11 M•A•s•H 11!1 MOVIE: 'Tho Holen Morgan Slor( This biographical droma doplcls lf1o unhappy low affair, bout with alcohol and oventuol ri,. to stardom of tho lamed torch singer. Ann Blyth, Paul Newman, Gone Evtn. 1957.

• Magnum PJ. • ,lack lonny Show • Imido Str:oy • Twilight Zone .lhldco of tho Night

11:00 B Arnorican Plcryhouoo 8 Wodd VIsion Speciol II Nightllno .McCloud .I -.ad Joan • MocNoii/IAhror Nowohour

11:30 u Iamey Miller U Eyo on Hollywood .McCloud II Love Thai Bob'

12:00 li Lato Night with David IAHorman B Joe Franklin Show II Rhoda . • Bachelor Father ·!!Ill MOVIE: 'Damn Yank-• A middle-aged baseball fan makes a deal with 111o Dovil ond is transformed into o young lirst-cloSI ball player. Tab l:lunter, Gwen Verdon, Roy Walilon. 1958.

12:15 II Country Rock: Ooluidgo Boyo This benefit cOncert fOr ~. Bentonville Caminunity Center was toped In Pine Bluff, Ark.

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4 I The Ruldo~o New~

Television Schedule For The Week Of Apr. 16 Through Apr. 22 0 MOVIE, 'Uttle Moon and Jud McGraw' A. young reporter stumbles onto the secret of a long-forgotten ghost town. Sammy Davis, Jr., James Coon, Stefanie Powers. 1979.

12:30 0 Moneyline

0 CNN Headline News IJil Ufo of Riley

12,45 fJ SporhContor hOO fJ This Week in tho NBA

D MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour II Country Music Television 0 Freeman Reporh 0 MOVIE, 'Doct .. at largo' A. doctor blun­ders his way to becomjng a surgeon. Dirk Bo­garde, Jam'"- Roberhon Justice, Brigitte Bordot. 1957 m1NN News Q) CSS News Nightwatch JIP 1Ji1 700 Club

1: 1 S U MOVIE: 'Marathon Man' A graduate stu· dent finds himself at tho mercy of a fugiti"e Nazi war criminal. Dustin Hoffman, lawrence Olivier, Roy Schne1der. 1976. Rated R.

1:30 fJ PrC',llfestional Rodeo from Mesquite, TX m laugh-In -· -y

2,00 0 Nowonight Update 18 MOVIE: 1The Hotpltal' Lifo and death in a major cfty medical center i$ depicted. George C. Scott, Diana Rigg. 19,-1. m Videa Music with Nina Blaclcwood l!lll MOVIE' 'It Happened Ono Night' A. n8W$poperman dlield$ a runaway heireu from het father's ogenfl i" ... rder to ge1 a scoop. Claud&ffe Colbert. Clark Gable, Woher Con· nolly 1934


6,00 fJ NBA Baohtb..ll, 1984 Opening Round Playoff Ga.,. DBOOQINowo 0 MOVIE> 'lllaclc Sunday' A deranged v.,.. r nom veteran join1 an Arab terrori5t group in a , plot to murd11r 80,000 Super Bowl foru. Robert Show. Bruce Oom. Marthe Keller. 1m. Rmed R 0 Ptim• News 0 MOVIE. 'Stratogk Air Command' A tole of o baseb..ll play., who lo <ollod bock to A.lr Force duty and is lnstrurhentol in the de-velop­ment of the U.S.'r. air defeme system. James Stewart, Juno Ally>on, Bony Sullivan. 1955. G) One Day at G Tim• m Uttlo Hou,. on tho Prairlo IIi! Y"hua Gl Fell Guy l!lll Alko

6,30 0 Businou Ropart B Pt.\ Magazlno 0 MOVIE. 'Edward, My Son' A disJ>Uiinll mother and father find that their son has com­mitted suicide. Spencer Tracy, Deborah Kerr. lon HuntM. 1949.


0 Tltroo'o Company l!i) Mama MaloM Q) Entertainment Tonight llllllluotratod Doily 1!!1 Taxi

7,00 D wa• Through tho 20th Century with Bill Moyers II Real Poopfo 0 """Guy l!i) MOVIt:. 'Kentucky Woman' A womao encounten harassment and humiflation when she ~ to work os a coal miner. Cherylladd, Philip Levien, Sandy McPeak. 1992.

mFwsr.on Q) One Day at a nme ll7000ub llll Buoinou Ropart 1li1 MOVII: 'Chctrloo and Diana: A Royal love Story' A madem-day prince and a gentle girt develop a fairy tale 'omance that blossoms into marriage. DcMd Robb, Caroline Bliss. Christopher l.oe. 1992. l!lll Hawaii Five-()

7,30 0 Odd Caup!. GIMamaMalono II Amorkan Ployhovse

a,oo D Primal Mind Jamake Highwotor holl< this look Qt rite o'iffe~cnces between Native A~~ri~ con cultures and Westem/Eui'C>pean troa1fion. 4

{60 min.) (Closed Captioned] II Fach of life Iii Freeman Roparto 0 MOVIE: 'Charloo and Diana: A Royal lauo Story' A modor!Hior prince and a gon~e girl develop a fairy tafe romance that blossoms into marriage. David Robb, Caroline Bliss, Chrislophor l.oe. 1992. 11!1 Nows Q) t.IOVIIO 'Kentucky Woman' A woman encounten haraument and humiliation when she goes to work as a coal miner. Chorylladd, Philip leYion, San!ly McPeak. 1982. IIi Baoomont Tapoo @lj) J.tt tho Chlldo-on Uve

8:30 fJ ESPN'o H- Radng Wuldy II Double Trouble B Not NKOIICiilly The Now. D Now Jonoy Poopl. 0 TBS Ev.nlng News · 0 My Uttlo Mltl'glo llil V1cl.o Muole wllh Matlc Gaadman

9,00 fJ SporloConlor 05noakProvitows IISt.S..whort II t.IOVIIO 'Tho Unooon' Throe vacalianing. women room at on eerio boarding house. Bar .. IM.ra Bach, Stephom Fum. 1982. Rated R. II Sport• Tonl!lht · D Laugh-In GCDNowo 11!1 Soap II Anothu life I!!D Quincy

9:15 fJ ESPN'o SportsWoman 9:30 0 IHuttratod Dolly

0 Ctouliro D Top 40 Video 0 Catlino I!D M'A'S'H IIi! Bnt of Groucha l!ll Academy On Camputt11 tiD Nl!lhtllno

9:45 fJ Amateur Baxlng: USA ... USSI hom Motcow

10:00 0 Dr. Who 110 IINowo Iii Nowonight 0 Hawaii Five-0 0 MOVIE: 'l.ady kto' A jewel caper sfOJY sef in Miami and Nassau with an insurance invtsfi. gotor on tho troll of stole11 jewels. Donold Suth· orland, Jenniler O'Neill, Robert Duvall. 1973. IJi) Polico Story II Burns & AHon GIEnt_. 1D ey. on Hollywood 8i) !lonny HiR Shaw

1o,3o 0 GrOG! Ovldoon II TanlghtShaw II MOVIE: 'The Pononah' Stunned by hio wife's sudden re~t for divorce, a young man advertises in the penonals column ih order to get baclc into tho sing{Q scene. Bill sma-rt, Ka""' landry. Rated PG. DM'A'S'H 11!1 MOVIE. 'ludcy lady' Advonluron bottle tho coast guard, tho - and gangstus in their effort to malco a fortune In smuggling. Uza Mln­nel~. Gene Haclcman, lklrt Roynoldo. 1976. ID Pollee Story . II Jack !lonny Shaw 8 Manry Pflhon Flying Circus II Twilight :zan.. ID thicko of the Night

10:45 B Mazda 5pans1.ao1c 11 ,oo II Primal Mind Jamake Highwator hom this

look at tho adleroncos bofwoon Nalivo Ameri­can <ultunh and Wostem/Europoan tradifion. (60 Olin.) (Closed CaptionodJ 1J fltturn of tho Saint D Nighllino a MOVIE: 'hdora' Hollywood's most beauti­ful moYie - retires to complete Mduslan. William Halden, Marthe k<llor, Michael Yorlt. 1979. 8 I Married Joan 8 MacHtll/lehroo Nowshour

11:15 Blmklt tho PGA Tour 11,30 II .._...., Mi11tr

DEponllolrNood 0 MOVII= 'Project; IClll' Tho head of a murdor-for.ftlro unit bocomot tho 1ctrgo1 of his own """pony. l.oslio Niolson, GcHy lodtwood, Nancy KWIJII. 1977. 8t....Thatlab

II :45 8 Fhhln' Hole . 12:00. MacNeil/ ....... Nowshtvr

II La,. Night with Dovld Letlooman

II Jao Franklin Show 0 MOVIEi 'Mutiny' American patriot\ at· temp! to got bullion from franco in ardor to u,. against tbo British du.ring tbo War af 1812. MarkS'"'""', Angola lansbury, Patrie Knowles. 1952. BRhoda a .Bachelor Fatlsor

, G MOVIf: 'Holol' When tho owner of o fa­shionable hotel In New Orleans flndo that ho <annot meet martgago paytiiOtll$, a rufhlou ty. · caon sch...,.. to oblaln lho hotol for h1s chain. Rod Taylor, Catherine Spaalc. Karl Molden. 1967,

12: IS 8 SpomContor B MOVIE, 'Hot Touch' forgers ttl the fa­shionable ort world reeling whon they lvm out ,:onvinclng counr.rfoit PicaSSOL WG'fM Rogers, Morio-fronco Pisltr, Samantha Elflior.

12:30 fJ ESPN'• H- Racing w.nly Iii Manoyllno D CHN Headline Niowo g life of Riley

1:00 8 H-.h..., Jumping; Grand Pri• of On(innotf r J II Caunlty Muolc Toltvhlon IJ Freeman Ropom -, 1J MOVIE: 'NutM On Wheoh' A dlllrlct nurso In a little country lllllogo 1n England ~Hpl very busy. Juliet Mills, Ronald lewlo, Jean Slmo. 1963. . 11!1 INN News lllaugh..fn II700aub

6;00 8 NR.'o GrtaiQt Momonlt NFL's Groatest Moonenh presents highl1ghfo of thol972 World Ch'"!!elon Miami Dolphlno. DIIIJDaNtwa 0 Womon'1 Gymnostia; Caosar'a Palaeo fnl'llallo!lal IJ Primo Nowo · llJ MOVIE. 'The nn Star' A fledgling shoriH turns to a bounty hunhr to help combat tho outlaws preying on his town. Henry Fondo, An­thony Porltins, Betsy Polmor. 1957_. 8 Magnum P.l. lit Mobil $howCIIH: A Voyage 'Round My Father a Ytthua II Thai' a lncrodiblol IDAiko

6,30 11!1 Top flank Boxing from Allantlc 0..,, NJ Top Rank Boxing pr....., a 111-ravnd Ugh· twolght bout featuring Harry Arrayo w. Amio Wells. 1J Bulin- Roporl II PM Magcnino

. 8 MOVIf: 'Tho Grato It Alwap Grwtonor Onr tho Septic Tan .. A NowYark Cily couple docido to swap tho hosslo af big city living for suburbia. Carol Burnett, Charles Grodin, Alex Rocco. 1978. CJ nw..•s Oompany a Enlttlalnmont Tonl!lht 8 lluatmod Dally • ,IIlii

7,00 II Mystery! IIGimmoalnalc 8 MOVIE: 'Svporman 1ft' Clark Kent 1o -to ha hometown to ca..r a sto<y about clou """"""'· bul. as fato would haw H, Superman must ,... tho world from ovil. Chriofophor R-. Richard Pryor, AM01W O'Toole. 1983. Rated PG. [Closed Coptionod] D'thal'o lncndlbltl e Simon & Simon a Magnum P.l. a1000ub • llutlnou lloport arw.Maniagoo • Hawaii Fivo-0

7o30 8 Family Tloo 11!1 Odd Couple .Dr. Whe

loOO Dl.aw-"ooo ea-. IIFroomanflopom D TIS lhonlntl Newt D Two Mciodagoo

1lil Knob landing eNowo g. Simon." Simon D .Aualln Cl!y Umllt 820/20 GCaniiGfl ·

8:30 II Tony Brown'• Journal UDudcf<!~ 1J "'owcuk r. Reallry • My IJnlo Margie

9:00 II SportsContor . • Sports Loolt B Hill s....-tlluos .Ill Sports Tonliht 8laugh..fn Ill All In tho Family CI20/20 • ll"'owt lit Soap e Knob landing 8AnelhtrW. II V1cl.o Millie with Marl< Gaadman 8 Mystoryl .Quincy

9:15 II Ma..ta Sporltlaolc 8 MOVIE: 'Max Dugan floturna' A d'!'Q­alinv widow's long lod falhor appears wllh a OHtningly ondlou supply of 1110110y Ia buy hi• grandkid'o low. Joson Robardo, Monhcr Ma­lOtt, Donald Suthodand. 1983. Rated PG.

9:30 IJ IHualralod Dally IJCtoufln . II lacing From •-•It llJ Collins eM•A•S•H -~lloctt a !loot of Groucha IDNightUno

9:45 II Top Rank Boxing from Allantlc Clry, NJ Top Rank Boxing P-"" a TO-round Ugh­tweight IM.ut featuring Harry Arrayo VI. Arnie Wells.

10:00 a Dr. wha liD a Mows IJNo~i!lht 8 HawaH Five-0 II MOVIE: 'lady Slnga tho II""' Jau­singor lllllio Holiday suffered lhrovgh lifo In tho ghotlo, segrogotlon Clnd drug addiction. Dlctna Ross, !lilly Doa Williams, Richard Pryor. 1972. g Trapper John, M.D. a lklrn1 & Allon • Maltooplow Thoatn a e.,. an Hollywood • lonny Hill Show

I 0:30 B Conopvtoo Citron Ideo ·II Tanl!lht Show . CIM'A'S'H . lit MOVIEi 'When logencla Dlt' An .,..

· phanod Indian boy tides fho rocloo dr<uH and shuns fho urtSQVp4110</J practiceo of hi• IIMI!Ior. Richard Wtdmork, Frederic Forrest. 1972 g Trapper John, M.D. Q Jack !lonny Shaw a Twilight Zono · • thicko llf the Nl!lht

II ;00 8 Mptoryl 8 MOVIE: 'Silont logo' A homiddol mad­man lorlo!bos a Toxc.s town. Chuck'Nanis, Toni kolom, ~on Silvtr. 1982. Rated R. 8 Wttld Vlolan Special DNislhtU .. 8 MOVIE: 'Dot-to Tonar' A tour bus on 1h way to Las Vogosll hl]adcod and tho pailon­gort -loft Jtrandod In fho dorort. OJ. s;mp. IOII, Art. Johnson, I.NW francis. 1980 . a I Married Joan a MacHtll/t.lwoo Nowohaur

II :30 II latnoy Mlllor Dlr-onlfolrwood g MOVIE: 'l.oave Yootonlay llohlnd' A. f-.plrirod <ollogo alhleto is "" down In hi• primo until a gid g;,ft him now· hope. John Ritter, Carrlo Flshor, Buddy Ebson. 1978. -~Thatllob

12:00. MacNoll/a.lwoo Nowshtvr II l.ato Night whh Dovld a.ltorman a Joa Franl.r1n Shaw . llithodat

. • lathtloo Fathor • MOVIE: 'itodcy Mountain' In a small ,..,_ yon, <i Confodorote patrol Clnd UniQn. pl'bonors form a mutual bond to boat oH attodclng ·lndi­ano. Errol flyM, Plmko ~. SHm Piclcons. 1950 •.

12:15. Sporbeentor 12:30 8 Ail,. ICidng '14: NASCAI TranSoutN

500 from Daillngltrl, 5C • Monoyllno· II CNH lltatiiiM Newt • ur .. r iilti ·

.... -

THE GREAT WALL OF (HINA . . Midtown Ruidoso _ · Phone 257-2522 .

Ryan and Nana Cheng invite you to join · them at the Great Wall of China Restourant, right next door to Not· tingham's Pub. . . ·

Lunch specials are featured· Monday thru Friday, 11:30 to 2:.00, with six dif· ferent entrees to choose .from, changing daily. .

You'll enjoylhelr authentic Schezchwan style of cooking, whether you like it tnlld or spicy hot. · . · . .

Complement your meal with a glass of Wan-Fu,lmported wine from China.Hours are 11:30 a.m. until 9 p.m. every day ex· cept Tuesday.


1201 Mechem Drive 258-3003

" Hefty Welson and family welcome you to' the new Pizza Iun located on Mechem·


"Ruidoso's Best Kept Secret" Pht~ne 336-4312

ReaervatJons Suggeated . Nestled in the pines high pbove Ruidoso

in beautiful Alto VIllage, the Inncredible has fast become a favorite dining & cocktail choice. Along with a casual, in· tlmate atmosphere, away from the crowdS .ad loud music, they offer choices from the .. area's largest menu. Prime Rib, .steaks, veal specialties, seafood . and chicken are featured, along witli delicious, meal-topping desserts.

Bar opens a~ 11:30, dining at 5:.30. Now 3el"Ving Inncn...uble lunches £rom 11:30 to 1:30. "Just a lltlle out of the ordinary-a lltlle ways away." ·


2811 Sudderth 257-2624

Drive, across fr~m Cousins'. They serve The newly opened Wiilgfield's Wharf the finest in P1zza and spaghetti and specializes in catfish but also features feature one of the fmest salad bars in the· -shrimp, oyster and chicken entrees on the country. . me~· in addition to several catfish selec-

Noon buffets are featured Mondays thru lions The Wharf is located in Ute historical Friday, 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. including all Wmgft ld home, whose former owners the pizza, spaghetti and salad bar you can came Ruidoso in 1884. Lanna and Doug eat for only $3.39. Tue5day night is also Siddens are the owners and John Buffet Night from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Billhymer is the manager. The restaurant Enjoy your Pizza Inn favorite tonight. is opened daily from 11 a.m.-9 p.m. and

· reservations are highly suggested.

RUIDOSO INN ffighway 70 at Ute "Y"

Phone 378-4051 The Chisholm Trail Restaurant In the

Ruidoso Inn features a complete menu for breakfast or dinner and they are open dai­ly at 7 a.m.-12 p.m. and 6 p.m.-11 p.m.

They feature daily evemng specials but you'll find all your standard favorites tool Selections £rom the wine list complement your diuner or choose one of the special after diuner drinks. The Moo Jeau Lounge features live entertainment for your dane· ing and listening pleasure.

Complete facilities for banquets, meetings, weddings receptions, etc. are also aviillable at the Ruidoso Inn and ar· rangements may be made by contacting the Sales director.


JERRY DALE'S 3 MUea North GD HWY• 31

- 2S8-3S55 An evening at the Cousins' Complex is a

unique experience offering a wide range of. entertainment for the evening.

At C<Jusins' you will enjoy the outstan­diDg food and courteous service. When din· ing at·Cousins' you can select from a menu that offei'S excellent steaks, seafood, chicken, true Mexican dishe~:~ aild our salad bar. Kelley'~ Sal~ ~ Happy HDIII' $eve!} ·

days a week from '4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m'. The live entertainment, Wednesday thru Saturday, creates a ~at atomosphere . for an after diDner coc:tall. .

Jerry_ Dale's ''Ruidoso's .largest night club" features live m!ISic Tuesday tbru Saturday £rom 8:30 p.m •• until 1:30 a.m. Whealher you Uke.to da11ce, p~1:t or shuffle bOard, there's some _ · · for evecyOile.


The Carrizo Lodge is now open to 11M! public for breakfast from 7:30 until11 a.m. and menu items feature all your favor!~ plus some delightful specialties. Dinne11 ~ served nfghUy from 6 until 9 p.m. ChOQiel from prime rib, grilled trout or barbequecf, brisket, served with all the trimmings ·at very reasonable prices.


"New Mexico's Only Complete Luxury Reaort Facility" Owned and Operated by

the Meacalero Apaehe 'l'rlbe 3.5 mllea South of Ruidoso

oo the Homeland of 'lbe Mescalero Apache Tribe

Phone 257-5141

Tbe Inn .of the Mountain GOds provides guests every amenity of luxury living, sur­rounded by 460,000 acres of unspoiled forest. Spacious accommodations offer a fantastic view of our Jake and Sierra Blan­ca.

Enjoy caswll breakfast or lunch, and ex­perience the luxurious evening dining ex­ceJlence for which the Inn has become relmown. Gllest pleasure is enchallced by 4 lounges. Tbe easy llstenhig of the piano bar beckons to many, while otheni prefer the sbow bands and ~te bour dancing.

Superb facilities for banquets, meetings, Weddings, and Wedding receptions l!l'e con-veniently available. · . ·Guests may also enjoy g!M, indoor and

outdoor tennis, fishing, trap & skeet shooting, llrebery, and the Ultimate in ,relaxaJ!on.

· ... - 1 ,_ ' -~ ~ -~-~.l

The Ruldoe'!:Newa I 5 · j

NOniNGHAM'S PUB DowntQWD Ruidoso Z535 Sudderth DrJve

257·9123 Now you can enjoy Nottingham's superb

selection of teinpting dishes for lunch .or diunet. In the mood for something lil!ht? Nottingham's menu offers everything from nachos to soups and chili to saladS, deli sandwiches and burgers. Ready for a full course mean Indulge in ribs, steaks, shrimp, prime rib, trout, chickel!, Mexican fooda. 01ir selection of imported beers and c.ocktails is legendary, too. , I>Qn't miss "Jazz Night" every Sunday,

7 p.m. Open Tuesday tl!ru Sunday.


At'lbe"Y" Phoae a57·7S47

Gary and Sberyl Garner, owners of Ruidoso's branl\ new Mellonald's invite you to come by for all your long-time favorites.

Located at the "Y" they are open seven days a week and start serving breakfast at 6 a.m. Of course you can enjoy your meal Iii the attractive dining area or drive up for fast service take-out orders.

"You deserV!! a break today"~ at Ruidoso's new Mellonalda 1

BIG T FAMILY RESJ.AURANT . . Sudderth Drive . 257·7343

DQn & Mary Brooks, managers of Big T, , and Letty Davis, kitchen manager, invite you to join them for breakfast, lunch or dinner. · · ·

Great, things are happe!Jing at Big T -added selections to the breakfast menu, Letty's delicious egg rollS 0n the lunch and diuner menu and a delicious new salad bar will complement your family dining. Come in, bring your fatnlly and enjoy fme dining at Bi!i T;


. Nell (Nell Carter) decides to gp back to school at night to get her high school diploma on "Gimme a Break," airing THURSDAY, APRIL 19 on NBC.


@1984 Compulog


ihe Smurfs celebrate Easter with long ears and cotton tails on "The Smurl's Springtime Special," airing FRIDAY, APRIL 20 on NBC.


ACROSS DOWN ' Host Srephlftton 2 H.-vev -5 ··Rousten'" 11• 31dtn1dtcallon· abbr. 9 Po.m 4 Wt.to

10Atlllgla,•.g. 50neoi'"MvTh-M 12 Font-vn end Ev1na Sons"

lr;-+--PT-.,""'ftMt-:brf-"i7<;1--l 15 Pllea fdua tn e Ct.wng word P\lltlllll'llwwl 71fe'a Cafamen

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36 GriY or Mcnn · 3111r~~tlaiJ for ~ben 4(l He"l iltOCithclt: •n•t:


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6 1 The Ruidoso New• . . . . . . ·. . I

Television Schedule For·The Week Of Apr .. l6 Throu~h Apr. 221 12:4511 MOVIE: 'Silvw Dnoam Racllf' A wo~d·

clast Amerkan motorqdiot champion i> cba~ lenged by a tough com~r at England'• Silwrotane. Beau B~dges, David E ... x. ChrH­tina Rai..,, 1983. Roted PG.

1:00 D Country Muoio: Television Ill Fruman Roparll U MOVIE: 'Sho'K Huvo ta Go' Two brolhors scheme ta gain a fortune willed by !heir grand· mother to a distcd cousin. Anna Karina, Bob MDnkhou,., 1962. 1191NNrt.wa ll!llaugh-ln II700Qub

1:1 S IJ MOVI!o 'Tho Storile Cuckae' An lnnocont college boy gob In .,.r hi• hood when he be­com" rornontlcolly Involved wlih a koo!Uo gl~ who's afraid of the wortd. Uta Mlnnt1h, WI& dell Burton, nrn Mcintire' 1969.

1130 ll!llaugh-ln CD cas rt.wa Ntghtwarch J" t!ID MOVIE: 'Sho Dono Him Wrong' Tho story centen around a dance hall saklon fn the Gay Ninoti.,, Cary Grant, Moe Wool, Owen Moore. 1933.

2:00 Ill Newsnlght Updato Ql MOVIE: 'Fad Worth' A lamou• gunfighter decides to battfe fnontie< lawiessnet• vlo lhe town'• IIOWipop<tr. Randolph Scoff, David Brion, Pbyllis Thaxter. 195 1. Iii Vldoo Musk w»h Nina lllodcwood


6:00 0 NBA BcnbtbaH: 19114 Op.nlng Round Ployoff Game ODOIINowa B MOVIE: 'Ctadclng Up' This oK..n.....,n comedy is dedicated to anyone wbo hoi ... r goofed. botched, or loh close to cracklno up. Jorry l.ewi>, Milton Borle, Son\my l><M>, Jr .. Rated PG. II Primo HoWl II Malar '-II•• Baoobal: N.w Yort. Mote at~la II Dvlcn of Hazzard 11!1 MOVIE: '-*1 Ma~· Pt. I A IUCdulul lawyer wlih a lowly wile and two 1"11"'11 cbiJcl. nn becorM bond with hil uishnte, m oe­quirod a rnlstrou and a political.....,, whicb In long run loads to hb ru;n, Anlhany Hopldas,Uso llilboldt, Ooran Madden. 1983. ., ....... ·-• Allco

6:30 • ..,_ loport 8 PM Mapzlno . ann.·.~ D Entortolnmclnt Tonight • Exocu!MI ..._ lriof IIWoltotor .,a!

7.00 • 1Mb! .. 1Mb! • s-.f s,.~·- Spoclol The s-Is '-tltolr ,.-fight when Garvomol ....... on lhat bailing six of the littlo bluo pocplo will prorlu<o galol. (R) ·-• MOVIr: 'Murcl. In c:.-M County' A ccunty oherilf clodicalod to jusfict and a -. wbo considon himooK ..... the law ...... polhs In lhi> '"'" llary . .lcl!my Cadi, Andy Criflittt, E~ Hindman. 19112. • Dubo ., Hazzard • 700aub .......... !! ...... • Maoqu.rade • Hawall Fl-o

7:30 II Country ~ap-e ......,...., _. Spoclol ·--·1 Boart' Eostor SutpriM.' Ewtycno iJ In a -In - eo..ntry ....... the - -·t chango and 8C'olhet Boor is pCIIIIod about his parent( promise of a spoclal E-.. ""Prbo· (R) • Not N.c111allly fhtt NIWI IJWobotor eo.. Who

a:oo 11 11 Wt~~hlngton w ... , • ..._ D Mastor 8 MOVIE: 'Tho Gocllathtr' A mOflo poo triarch finds !hat hb \'Oiatile family b hb biggest cballc!ngo. Morlan Bcondo, James c-., AI Pa­dno. 1972. Rated R. IJ -man l!opam

'lllolasquonade .News II MOVIE: 'Murder In Cawet~t Caunly' A county dtorlfl dedM:atod to juotlct and a rnan wbo """"de" hlrnooll obow fl11 law trots paths

. In lhlo true otory. Jobnny Cash, Andy Griflilh, Eo~ Hindman. 19112. II MaH HOuohln • PonthouM Pet of tho Yoar Show

1:30 II Nu..,.... Uno DIIWaiS_W ... 8 S...rr""' Words D TIS '-lnD rt.WI • My lillie Mergle

9100 • Sport.oContor ........... 8NIC loportll AMault""' 11a .. !her 'R" guloting thco Roguloton.' John Droney OJIGIIIinft

the dme to chango rules !hat nGOiote Amtricon induotry. (60 min.) II $porto Tenlght • Top 40 Vldoo D MaH Houalon •• News • Soap IIAnothofW. • Fridoy Night Vldoo flahll II W .... Through tho 20th Century w»h IIIII MoY*I

9,15 II PICA Ful Can tact Karate fmn El •-· TX C...rage of lho World Ughtwtlgllt ChQIIIo plombip foaturing Cliff Thornm "'·Tommy Wi~ Iiams is pmooted from El P010, TX. (90 min.)

9.30 B Imide Story Den...flro 8 Top 40 Vldoo Ill Catlino IIM'A'S'H ...... Beat • Boot of G<oucha g Vldoo Muolc: w»h Morlc Goodman IDNJahiRM

10:00. Dr. Who BCIIINowo IJHeWinlght 8 How tho W"t Woo Won D Night Trocb II MOVIE: 'Tho Tenth Month' A pregnant, unmorriod, mlcld!e-aged woman cloddes to bop and robe ho< child. Carol Burno!t, Keilh Mlcholl. Dina Morrill. 1979. lllklmt&Allon • Primal Mlntl Jacnako Highwalfr hom lhb lool at lho d;ff......, ""- Nafhoo Amtfl. can cuhum and Wlllomf£uropoon trodi6on. (60 rnin.) (Closed Captionodj llfY'IonlioiiJweod ..... ny .. SMw

10:30. ~~~-·--Edition 8 Tonitht SMw DM"A'S'H • ~'.1M Panthor' A Seminole lnclktn """"' ......... -"--by ~alligalon. llcion Kolth, loy Tnacey, Ricardo Mocotalbao• 1976. DMOVIr: 'n.t Luclly T....W An ...... do­.... and a loltlot -·• baliorohl who Is cowr01g NATO _. v- in Europ.lind 1M naadto-.ltagor Maon,~Yort., Sholoy Wlnlon. 1975. • .koclolentty Show ., ...... ~-. .Titkk .. the...,..

10:45. M I h s,.t.LMi tJ!OO• M..,.,.~ n.-rre

8 MOVIE; 'tnJIII .. A laolllon IIIOCiol II -vhflo a,., ........ , wol. and IIIOCI ao bolito oncn a ,........ lnlomallonal kllor. Naolaoolo ICblcl, lvdalf ....... llalocl •• • hturrlflf the s.tnt ........ ..... w ...... • MooNII,n.hnr rt.woheur .............

11:15 BISPN'o S,.e.tw•• 11:30 ..... ...., Miler

·--~W~Jw ... • r;;. tl..t ielo 11:45 ....... the USfl. 12:00 B MII.Mel/i.llftr ......,_

• J\oklay ...... vw... ..... ,........5"-w DMOVII:'OHIIpclsoldl.' A-ri Ids the old of ... Americon ......,...,... ... lind.aut wlay ho< father wasl<llled. ~ Robotf. """ llicialla l'illuul, Guy Doghy. 1968 ........... htlt'lr . • MOVIE. 'Tt.ciGNalootShowOn larlh' A ....,.,....._andlllsG'-',li>IIIN,.,cnlo compotit1on with a ftonch ., lot the -' rfcig. Chal'lroa Hotlvn,lletty Hulton, ,_ 5feo' wort. 1952. . '

12; 15 8 $port1Cantor I 12:30 8 Top lank a .. lng fmn Atlonllc Clly,.NJ

Top .Rcaolc BoxlOg P'"*"' a IIHcund Ugh-. twolght bout featuring. Hony Arroyo "'· Amico Wolh.

· D Monerflne ' lllauoh-ln

IIW.ot l!l.y 12;45 B MOVIE: 'liancn' Tho pub1k and pri....,

struggles of Franch Farmtr, from her oucmoful co'"' In Hollywolx! to her~ In a....,. tal lnsliMian, ... po"'oyod • .lesolca lange, Sarlt Sheparcl, Klm Slonley, Ralocl R. 1982.

1:00 • frcMtman ~ .... , • • MOVIE. 'rt. Kidolint' the Roblnoon fo­mlly, ~ on lhelr luck, doclda to tum .!he fGmily ll'!altlon Into a holiday rtiart for wtll-lo­do dslklron. Tho Can-ton Gang. lf61. BINNNews B W.lt C.Vntry •7ooavb

l•30 8 MOVIE. 'Hio Deulole Ufft' When a shy gentleman's valet dies, hl> rnastor QSOU'"" hh ldontity. Roland Young, Ultlan Gbh, Monlaguo !.ow, 1933 • ll!llaugholn

1:45 D CHN HoaclllrM rt.WI 2:00 D Nowsnlght Upc!Gte

8 MOW:. 'Night CHat"'"' An 18th c.ntury.l!rithh Ncrly coploln and a bond ol ""lon r..-.... a tip on wholesale """'K'Iina· hlor CulhlnQ, YYOMI Romqln, Pa!rick Allen. 1962. 8 ViciH Muolc: with Niner llackw...t

1:00 81914 NM Slam bunk ~p:C...rage of this chomplonship 11 pmenlocffrom Donftr, CO, • Play ~ridge D Nows Update 8 AI St. Wrootling II a Tan<an• land of tho Jungle 11!1 C!Mwlanolo IIOoc.ICicl II Magk of'Fioral Painting Bl'brHSIOOJiel

1•15 D,..Watch 1:30 8 NIA ._. • ......, 1914 Opening Round

Playwfl Game . B~w/ICftttlnwp BA!viot & the Chlplllunb • VWO. .fv~obox • Slyt. W»h .. Kle111Ch D MOVIE: 'TIM lltip_ .. Houn' Th'" ... capod <Orl'llcto Mled lho homo of a deporlmtnl oton 01<~ as a hideOut. Hvmphroy Bogart, Ftoderlc Masch, Martlla S<att, 19,, DIIUttln a 8 Bug• Bunny/l!oad lunn« Show 81n the Mix

I B MOVII!I 'Oullaw Counlry' two lawmtn ..-OOllgnod to brtalc up a gong of eOU(IItrfoJ.· ""In on old clesolhcl ~llageacroqfho border. lcsla l.aRut, 11/zzy St. Job•, Nanql Saunders. 19~9. • Qafte It Hand

9•00 • Underolltndlng Human Bohav. &Mr.T • MOW. 'High loocl To China' A f'-r hlm o fonnor World Ww I ace to help lind bot mti1QCfd lather. Tom Stlltclc, 11m Atmllrong, Joclc W11lon. 19113. Rated PG. a Howl llpolor• 811ordy lltyt/NaMJ O..w Myatodn Cl e Puppy/Saoby'Doo Show • W'.tcl l(ingdMI

l llllas, Y- and You DcinttShew

9:15 DSptm 9:30 eundel'oronding Human Bolaav.

B Amotlng $s>ldonnan/ln<ndlbko Hu• GSpomW ... IIKungFu II IIHbd .n A•nlola

10.00 .IICimanltln 'fhntugh Am D ntw.JSptmJWIO!ht< • o,..., An*'- Hore DII.UCW ... It'HI Spldal'lhe Rod Roam l!ldcllt: Two~- a boy who I lropl "*nln 0 glowlno tod - ptoplod by lrllllpotl<ll flgum. (R) [Closed CaptlonodJ •• WIItt •w~~~«~wn ..... lltoriiC)' .Odul1 ........

11)..30. Hu~ 1'fnuth Am

-~ •a~t~s,uw..,_. .. .._ ......... • •~on~~. 'ta/A'Ien ...... • .--lclo'.1op 1 ... .WicA .. HlcMk D Now lii•"'Y n.ooe....,.. ••olntr .... , HASC.U Dhle c;.,p 200 ..... Deli ... , ... sc ·Greltf~ •YMt •••J'n SpacW 8 MOVilr '11w .......... A aoldcllt-ogod lov.holot doddts Ia pop the quolllon to the - ...... olwoys lovod ... Hatrioon, WlftdyHk. ....... /s,.tiJWeetlw • MCMls '11w ow,..,_ .. Tho prid Malalla and,. 1M-.._ .. the,__ ..... ohvo the pogoiW '- tho Tilllplo and .............. the ...., of the Holnw ...... Surall'agol, John Hooton, llrad Honli. 1963 BMIME< 'lo•chli•• .. llelotuc:ndolloaf. tlo, foot -k•,.. tonl<:n a clanQotociJ ,.._ tlon to cMck .......... poslfionr. Tony Oo1io, ...... '-joy, ll«y Mult>hlr· 1954.


•• Now Fat Aloert SMw . .SoviTftlln • MOVIEI 'G<mfh .t lnclian Gap' l'aoion­gots<:n aologoc:oach lnArllootcl-cbt­vol' at indian Cap. Vm Rololon, Anthony ~. . Ktifty, 1951 • • ViciH 'iZ.. with Mwtl• Quinn • Aca••"'Y 0.. c-puton • MOvii: ..... "' lcmboylrb girl, ..p.rior Ia bo;l in Glf>letlci, otnbol- her lather"""" II ~ fof mayor "" a male' lllljliocnaCy tlcbt. Potty Dub, Wamn Borlingor, Jim llatbs, 196$ •

ltJ30 ... Chantt Gclo.... -8 1914 Nu-HI WTA Chatnplenohfpl ~ of the _.. iemillnals It rw­Mnhcllaonl Amolla hland, Fl. (90 min.)

•l,ll-9 • 'o•~

~ * • * ................ t "'""""""

_, ... ~" f<t.¥-i;lll ; .. ~ • • Ji~

............... ·-· '

... ' •


i •


I ..

,....,.., ,· .. - . " '·'' . . .. ""'" ··~~~. ~·-.-~-.,_--.,--~-~,.,_~,.,-~-~---------------------.----.,..,

i/The Ruidoso News r'l : . . . . .

Television Schedule For The- Week Of Apr. 16 Through Apr. 22· ,._,. ·'

. . . . Af.IBHOON .

. .


iacasNM ~ 8 little JhvM on ito. ""1M a Muolc ~. U.S.A. 8~avonM ... ShiMr .. Co.

3a00 B SportoContw D 1'1111 w.- In Country Muolc e w-·· Ciymnalllco; Caetar'o Palace ~m~~~a~~ona~· II Newt Upda1t 8Newa II Down It Earth D8.11MHaw ·~,._ • Allao Smith and ....... . ._.... .Dance,_

;5•15 • Sporto Saturday :5:30 • Sn..rc ~

. B Country Muolc t....., II Evano and Novak .8 Nine on tWN .Ieney II Major Loogue llaHball: Houston pi Allcmta 8 At The Medel . ,... 8 lllplltliom $Qnta Fe a Amorlco'o Top Tl!ft

. 6:00 BIISR FHtbal: Muola crt Houston

• lopert liom Scrnta ... .. ,... 8 MOVIE: 'Molhtr ..._,A young pilot Gild an old proopodor ... both. grippod by void ,..., In lhls rvQgtCI ~ .... In tho Cqno adian wild<amou. Oaarlth>n. Hoslon, Nl<k """" cvso, kitn ~. 1982. Ratocl PG. • Newa/Sporlo/Wicrlhor 8 MOVII!a 'IC~ty~ of 1M~· A ScotiM mhllooory's dftotlon lo hvmanlty conq11t11 tho lorcos whkh 101 0\lllo dtotroy his mlulon In China, GrlgcxyPodt, RoddyMcllowoll, Vlnconl !'rica. 19M~. .WhlziCldo 8 MOVIE: 'A Maorlo<l Man' i'arl 2 • Enleltoln ...... l 1'1111 w ... a MOVI. 'Tfio, <H-It GrHW Whtn oil Amorican rnllllonok. lmoclos tho privolo quan. ill of on Eorfs mansion, IMt llllhln low wltb tho lady ol tht house. Cary G.anl, han Slmmono, .oborl NJtdaum. 1961. .,_ .. , a Muolc City, U.s.A. .SiwSearth

6:30 8 boarllvtl Nowo lriof . a......,MIIor II WKII' In Cincinnati • Sn..rc Prowlowa 8 tw*aht :r.n.

7a00 a •otl.levrneyl , D Dllf'nnt Shll*' a Nowo Upolalt llaT.J.tlotlcor 8 MOVIE: 'A Small Klllt.g' An ll!ldom>wr cop Gild a collooe ptolossor lraiA a loilltr wltb laofs> from a lliOifly cnw of oltlorly llrHt pooo plo. Edwmd ""'"'· Joan Slmmono, J.ndnw ....... i981. 8Whlz1Cldo 8 MOVIE: 'A For Cry r..tni!Mne' A )'I>Unll mother 1$ cau;l>t In tht Yidov$ !nap ol bolng 0

butltttd wile. • ur..t,los "' .... lldt and FamovJ

7:15 II Yeur Money 7:30 D Sonnlhr Slept tt..

• II 1'1111 Wttk In Japan 1:00 a Allllln City Umlb

&MOVIE: 'Kina IConr' Part 1 An UOCIIIM, ai.>ologlsta!ld a shlp-wrocl:od- dir<oftr a lribo of ol>origlnos who toptu,. tht -and IOC!ilb her lo Kong, o giganiM: opo. Charln Grodin, Jeff ~. Jossl<a Iango. 1976 a Not Nocooollllly The Nowo a Newo/Sporio/WH!hw D8to..locrl 8Hews 8 MOlliE! 'A SmaiiCilllftt' An lindtrtowr cap Gild a collogt prolossor trQif a ldllot wltb help from a motfo)lcrtN ol ~ stm1 pooo plo. Eclwatd ""*• Joan S1mmom, Andrww ....... 1981. 81Spy • on---A .... ' ........ IIMI'Ka

1130 a MOVIE: 'High load To dolnd A flopptt him a f1111Mr' Warld War l.ace lohtlp find hel' -.1 lather. Tom s.llodc, S... Armstrong, Jack Woston. 1983. Rotod PG. • II Tl$ EYtnlnt Mtwo · G Hhch Hilc.,. Gvlda/Galrucy

8:45 1!1 Unlc~ Wcr . , .

t.ao ·.-sp....eoiiior .• Nova II Sporto tonight . "'""""" II • f!lnlaly loland 8Nowo. • tWilight %one a Mriaoal trtlle of Kenya • t• h Announaod ...........

. ..

9:30 8 Pinnacle ••adnofnm"--" 8 U.S. Ofrmplc Tralnlnt Contw 8MOVII!:'99fo44/I~Deaci'Twoaiaon throw a body woaring-"'-Into a rlwr holding more of tht """'· Rlchord Harris, Chuck Coonan. 1974. a ,wm· Ankorbolv

19145 • Night tracb .. 8 VlciH Muolc with Alan Hvntw

:10:00 B Auta ladno '14• NASCQ t1<1nSoulh sao iiom Darllntton. sc e Wale Through 1M 20th Contury wllh 1111 ,.,... DCI8Newo II Newa/Sporlo/WIIIII~ 8 Champlonohlp Wreotflnt · • Amorlca'• lhm "' Plenty • Monty Python Flying Clrcvo 8Ac!IMMokM •vega$

110;15 • MOW. ~Ill' Clolfa Klllll Is 11111 to his hornotown to cowr a story abo<rt doss l'tVIllons, but ... ,.,. wovld how "· Svpofmon must ....,. tht world from ..;!, Chrlslophtr I!Mw, Rkhard Pryor, "-lte O'Taolo. 1983. Ratocl PG.{Closod CaptlcMMdJ

10:30 B Saturday NlsihtU.. Cl Evano and,...... II MOVIEI 'Nowlda $mllh' Jo. young man ,... out to - tho 11111rdtr of hb porllflll. S!M~. KodMaldoo, !dan x.llb. 1966 8 MOVIE: '1\iQ' ..""""" .... 8 eon-Jon w/'fted Lowlo 81Jecltr In the JhvM 8AICNewo

•1o..cs a Solie! Geld I 1100 a r..n~~M a Newo/Sporio/WH!hw

8MOV1EI 'The I.OifDap of Ptmpoll' Alttf tho death of his wilt and child, a .,._.....log blacbmith - lo btcorllt a d1amplon gJa. dlalor. Pml<>n Fosler, llolll R"""'-, louls Cahm.1935. • EmorafflCYI Conlral Amtrial • Dedor In ......... • Cat<lllumtff

1111511 Modla Watch lh30IIIlledlon Watch

• Sellil Geld .lrnaby ....... 8 MOVIE: •o.lf ,_, Soiling her rlgh on btcomlng a 'ltgitlmato' star, a ••ipptr wrilts o book abo<rt htr lift In burltsqu. 1111'11 lcMadats hot to-.1 tht G<ta!Whitt Wrif. Vrdan ~. o.rm ()'Kooft, l'tny Como. 1946. . ..., .......

11145 8 Muolc Mqa.lntl 12:00 a Allllln City Umlb

D MOIIIEI'The GeciMnd' A pngnan1 man­go< tn1tn tht liws o1 a r.,.,;ry, cltpos<ls her babywltb"""" and~- Cyd ~ • Matcolco Sloddard, Angola ,._,., 1980. a 5porlo Upolalt • hot of 700 Clvb

12:30. Sf*IJConlor Den.llrt

··~··.,... 81NN-Nowo . .........., ....... • MOVE. ,.._,A~ girl, svperior to boys In athlotia, """"-her fathtr who i• running far mayor on a malo supremacy licbt. Patty Dub, Warron lltrllngtt, Jim Backus. 1965.

p2145 • MOW: 'ilcaclc Sunda( A clotanged VIOl-""'" meron jOin> "" ~ - grovp in a plot to murder 80,00() Super Bowl fans. Robert Shaw, 8ruco Dom, Marlfl!i Kolltr. 1977. Ro!IHI R. D MOV!Et 'The llotpltai' Ufe oa:ad death in a

· major dfy natdital - i$ dtpiclod. Ceorgo e. Scott, Diana Rigg. 1971 •

1:00 II N.ws/Sporlo/Woather a MoVIE> 'Cqny On CaJ,by' A tiw-cob company, oWMd by a man in competition wltb anolhtt local tom, wc:relly .,....,. hi; neg. lel:tod wilt. Sidney James, Hoftie JOCqUO>, Ken­neth Cooner. 1961. • l!dltor't lleik

· G Htrltag. Slnglll'l .

1:30 II PICA M Contact "-- fnlm B !'oM, TX~ofthoW~ ~Ch..,.. plonslaJp foalvrlng Cliff Thomao .,, T omniy Wi~ Ibm Is p1111t111td from £1 Paso, TX. 190 mJn,) • MOVIE: 'l'hoaltr of llfaod' A domtrlltd ~-- hlsnotroceMngl tho CriliCo Circled,_ award by~ Cir<le membin, using mothods found in Sbokespear· - ~. V'- Price, Diona Rigg, ,.., Hen­dry. 1973 •

6:00 II SpedtConlor DlvlwiMio 8 MOVIE: 'o.a6 Mort Don't w- Plaid' A privCI!t ey.lnvesligalt$ tht dl"'Pf"'"l"" of a nor.d Jdontisl. Slew Martin, Rachtl Ward, Carl Roiner. 1982. Ratocl PG . II Nowa/Sporio/WICIIher 8 t1111 eor.-Whlllakor • Corloon Carnival D CNN lloadiiM Newo • Captain Ka ........ B'lhrM 5con • Zola """" g VIdeo Muolc with Nina lllacllwood • Instant Newa

6:15 8 Whol't Nu? 6130 D Undordog

II CrWfiro • Day"' Dloc....., 8Siaroade Ill ltbort Schulor • Fellowohlp of Exdlomtnt

7:00 8Gym11Glllcar NCAA OMolon H w..,.n•o . Toam Champlonohlp liom Splfttfltld, MA

a fhtloptiat a.""" · II Nowa/Sporto/WH!hw .Oral ........ • t..ov." Ia ...._ D Flnt Amorkant • Sunday Morning 8 Mao& hr Shut.tno 8 A Communlquer a KonMih Coptlond a Utile JhvM on the ...,lrle • S,...lroman ·

7:30 ......... • MOlliE! 'The Mlmr Oodt'd' Hollywood m.. btcorllt lnYoiYtd In 0 '""'""' coso In 0 ltanqul1 Englitla .;!~ago. Eli!abtlh Taylor, IClm Naval<, Angola lalsbury. 1980. Ratocl PG. 0 Evam and Novalr • Pr.lnt of \liow Ill Andy Grlfllth DUI!b • l!Mil- of faith ........ VIhrpolnl ....,.,.w_,

1:00 •• s........ 5ltMt a Catholic Mao& 0 News Update

8EasllrMGoo liJGHdNewo Iii King ~ Caot1IOm at-• SVnday Mtmint .lloyd Ogllv!. a w.rc.m....,. K011tr •Throes....-

11• 15 CJ Coolcinii/KOOT

r,3o U Expe<t a Miracle D N......,..., Sunday 8 MOVIE: 'the Ia' Tho Roman tribune orderod lo uudly tht Mtulah Is comertod lo Christianity when hit dons tht rObe of Jesus. Richard 8urfarl, Jecln SirnmoM, V'ICIOr Mafun!. 1953. Cl Sarn.llilintun g .lamu loblaon. a l.any Jon .. Mlnlolry 8kldoworld

9:00 II Play V011t hot tonnlo 'Vari<mom of the Grouncbltoke.' 1J #N. Roglll'l' Helghboirhood II.Day of Dltcovtry II Nowa Upclato • """"• ~ With Nat~·· Iii .tamo. • ......, .. G 8 Jimmy Swaggart eltawhido .

. " ",. ~ ~·"' "'' .. . .. , ..•. - ..... "" ,, .... ···' .. , . . ~· ,. ..... -

• ' '

• 8 I The Ruidoso News I

Television Schedule For The Week Of Apr. 16 ThrOugh Apr. 22

IIi) Six-Gun Heroes 1m Laverne & Shirley & Co. @!) Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries

9:15 (iJ Your Money 9:30 fJ Fishln' Hole

0 Eleetrlc Company D Easter at the Vatican Pope John Paul II will be the Celebrant und Homilist in this cele­bration of the Easter Mass at St. Peter's Basilica from Vatican C.ty in Rome, ltaly. (60 min.) II Fraggle Rock 0 Sports Wuk 0 Rex Humbord 0 Bapti1t Church &J fac' the Nation liD Por Ia Frontera

1 0:00 fJ SportsC.nter Plus 0 3-2-1, Contact II Incredible Machine Sophistcx:otcd photo­graphic techniques explore the human body. 0 News/Sports/Weather 0 Robert Schuller: The Hour of Power !Closed Captioned] 0 At The Movie• liD All the Treasures of Wisdom 19 @!) Wild, Wild West G) Inquiry m Dr. Jamet Kennedy Religion liD Matinu at the Biiou liD Greatest Mystery

10:30 0 Numero Uno 0 Newton'• Apple 0 Meet the Press 0 Crossfire 0 1m Thb WHk with David Brinkley m Forum 13

11 :00 0 Motorcycle Racing: S.Ohle Superaou 0 Matinu at the Biiou 0 Newt Confetence 1:1 MOV1E: 'Oliveri' A young orphan, taken in by a wealthy benefactor, is kidnapped by his old gong. Ma~ Lester, Oliver Reed, Ron Moody. 1968. Rated G.

0 Newt/Spom/Weath., U Greatest Mystery liD OJ NBA Playofh 18 Twilight Zone II Ripper I& Video Muak with Men Goodmc~n fli) Alios Smith and Jones

11 :30 0 Out&oolr: 0MoneyW ... U Major t..ogue BaHbaH: New York Men at Phtladelphia 0 Rat Patrol 0 Sunday Edition IS One Step 8eyond II Gentle Ben £) Mcloughlin Group liD Newt


12:00 fJ NR.'t Greatest Momenb Nfl's Greatest Moments presents '1981 NFL Yeat in Review.' D Ultimate Challenge II Week In Review Ill Map League aa..bal: Houston at Atlanta 0 a American Sportsman II t..od-Off Mqn a Shroud of Mystery II New Tech Times @i) MOVIE: 'Rol, Freddy, Rol' A comp4Mr programmer lives on roller skates for seven day1 to win a place in the Gvinness Book of World Records. Trm Conway, Jon ~rray.

1975. 12: 15 m Maior IAogu• Baseball: Pith.burgh at

Chicago Cubs 12:30 fJ Women's Pro Sid Rodng Tow &om

Kirkwood, CA 0 Cultura '84 0 1984 NutrcnwHt WTA Championships Coverage of the women's finah is presented from Racquet Park Amelio lsklnd Plantation, Amelia Island, FL (2 hn.) 0 a USR. r.ttbal: Teams to be Announced liD Lawmakers

1:00 I) Wmhlngton Week/Rmew II News Update m PrasecutOf' lilt Firing Une

1: 15 0 FrHman- Reports 1 :30 fJ Amateur Boxing: USA VI. Cuba from

Reno, NV 0 Wall StrHt Weelc 1J Coming Attractions liD OJ Heritage GoK Classic Coverage of the final round is presented from the Harbour Town Golf Unks, Hilton Head Island, SC. (2 hn., 30 min.)


2:15 2:30







5:15 5:30

@!) MOVI~: 'Grluly Adams: The Renewal' A widower and his son, who loses most of his car in a sovorc storm, learn the truo meaning of Easter when they meet Grizzly Adams and the Indian Cheih, Silver Rox and Watani. Patrick Wayne, Ned Romero, Denver Pyle. '1978 0 Firing Une U MOVIE: 'Bill Cosby 'Himself' Funhyman Cosby looks at the humor in everyday favlb, foibles and successes. Bill Cosby. Rated PG. 0 News Update 0 Saint D Wagon Train

liD Frontline liJ Health WHic II SporbWOfld Today's program features the CART Phoenix 1 SO auto race. (90 min.) (iJ Pinnacle · 0 Oc.anu• 0 News/Sporh/Weather 0 S.W.A.T. 0 Tale of Two Seaaons: Braves '83 TBS Sports oHen a rare, behind-tho-Kenes look at tho crucial moments of 1983 Atlanta 8tc:rves baseball. Narrated by Baseball Hall of Fame announcer, Rod Barbor. (2 hn.) ID MOV1E: 'Cheaper By the Dozen' Tho trvo story of tho Gilbreth family at the begiMing of the flapper era. Clihon Webb, hanno Crain, Myrna loy. 1950. Ol Pauion Play· The Triumph of Jesus of Nazoreth 113 Sailor's Return fli) In Search of ... 0 Oceanus 0 NaWJmoker Sunday g) Fight Bode II MOVIE: 'The B&odc Stallion leturnt' A yovng boy sob out for Norttl Africa in s.eorch of his stolen hone. Ttri Gorr, Kelly Reno, V~neent Spano. 1983. Rated PG. 0 Great Performonm 'Down In the Valley.' A new film production of tbt Kurt Weill fotk opera Is pmented in this special pmtntat;on. (60 min.) D lattlestar Golactka D News/Sporfi/Weath.r • Hcrwai five.()

IJ II Solid Gold II Sp.rhman'• FriMd II Greatest Sperts &..tends II Way of the Crest li VidM Musk with Alan Hunt• • HarryO a rnlkM ~vs~neu •casHews II Yoking Advantog. • Foil of Fredclie the Leaf II Sport.c.nt• II lnttmrpted lMt B laverne and Shlrlrt II News Update 11• Switch D lest ef Wertd ChampientNp Wrat:ing IJ II A1C News •60Minutes • How to .. Succetdulln America •cas Newt IIEostwh 8 UncMnea W.W of Jocqu.s Cevtteau D s,.m 54.1nday IICI8News • ffonM lodr II Flying Heute • East• $pedal

6:00 8 CalegelaseW: LSU at Miami (Fla.) • This h My Wil II Father Murphy 8 MOVIE: 'The Far PaviRont' Part 1 First of Three Pam. This ootic love story is set against the epic sweep of baHte and the splendo:r of 19t1Kentury colonictl India. Amy Irving, John Gielgud, Omor Sharif,

II News/Sperb/Weather • Straight Talc II MOVIE: 'Batman' Arch-villains of the on- , derworld iofn forces to dispose cf Botmon and Robin. Adam West, Burt Watd, Ctsar Rom.ro. 1966. a 'ipleys leltew It Or Notl a MOVIE: 'Pope John Paul II' Tho life of Karol Cardinal Wojtyla is chronkltd from his yollnger yean to hk pr..m status as Pope John Paul II. Albert finneV, ~ael Crompton, Jona­than Newtb. 198-C. II Wall St. Journal Rep. •60Minutn

IIYMhua liD· Nature of Things II Couateau Arna10n fD Am~n Videa Award•

6:~0 II Your Children Our Children If) In Search of ...

7:00 0 Creative Woman II Knight Rldttr -·a Week In Review· 0 New J.,..y Report D Hardcastle and McCormick -18 People to People. · li MOVIE: 'Pope John Paul II' Tho life of Karol Cardinol Wojtyla Is thronktod from his yO\Inger years to his prewirt status JJS Pope John Paul II. Albert Finney, Mkhaol Cromptcm, Jona­than Newth. 1984. II In Touch II Uvlng Wlld

7:30 II Working Women 0 Meet tht Mayon IS To~lng Advantage

8:00 0 Uvlng Wild II MOVIE: 'King Kong' Part 2

. II ~WI/Sportt/Weather II MOVIE: 'Biondie In The Dough' Blondie _tries to help out the family finances by baking and ~lling cookies. Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake, Hugh Herbert. 1948. 1J MOVIE: 'Bound for GJory Woodie Gutfi. rio's ramblings and music reflect the trials of tho . Depression and the clashes of union baHies. David Corradino, Melinda Dillon. 1m. g Zola LeviH 0) ABC N-ws

1 h 15 B MOYlE: 'Touched1 Determined to make -_$0metfling of himself, a mental patient escapes and O$sumes a now identity. Robert Hays, Kath· teen Beller, Nod Beatty. 1983. Rated R. II Health WHk · liD MOVIE_: 'WhHa.r And Murdock' Private­eye Terry Murdoch takes on assignment to guard a shipment qf money. Jack Worden,

. Christopher Stone, Van John$0n, Jane Powell. 11:30 D MOVIE: 'MaHer of S.x' Eight women, who

are fnrstrote:d over unequal pay and unfair pro­motion opportunities, wage a bitter two year battle as thoy strike against their employer. Jean

II Red Skelton-A Royal Performance One of America's favorito clowns performs his co- 1 medy ad for Britain's Royal family. ·

Stapleton, Dinoh Manoff. 1983. II N•w•malcer S"unday Gf Barnaby Jones

0 N•wa/Sports/WeatiMr IJ Jimmy Swaggort 0 Sports Page 1111 MOVIE: 'Norma Rae' A woman work· -i09 In a toxtilt mill finds her lift in ruins despite o victory sht ochMrw5 for orgonlttd labor. Sally F'111d, Beau Bridges, Ron ltibmon. 1919. It News 8 Changed lJvel II Fest Forward • All <natures Gr.at and SmaM • MOVI:E: 'Piranha' Vacationtrs at a rt10rt art f*rrorittd by a school of s.avoge piranha acddtntolly unltoshed In the wottn. Bradford r>jllman, Heather Mttules, K.vin McCarthy. 1978.

1:30 CJ Oralloberta II leek Church P'rodolrm

9:00 II Sport.c.ntet • • Mott.rpMce Theatre B MOVE: 'Marathon Man' A gradvatt stu­dtftt fincH himseff at the merq- of a fugffiw Nazi war criminal. Dustin Hoffman, Lowrtnce otf.Mr, Roy Sd!ntldtr. 1976, Rattd R. II Spem y..,;ght 8 World TerTMif'f'eW • Jerry Falwd .... WI 8 Twilight t.ne g MOVIE: 'Redc Fer Kompvchea' Muska! artists of rock and new WCIVt ioin togetMr in this benefit conctrt to aid 1M peopt. of Cambodia. The Oosh, The Who, Paul McCat1ne)'.

9z3() D lmkh lulktfll 8 It h Written 8 MOVIE: 'Greet N«thfie.kl Mi-nnesota lalcl' Jess. Jame1 ond Cole Younger team up to tob the btggest baDk WISt of the MUsiuippi. Cliff Robtttson, Robert Duvall, luke Askew. 1972. g Ltv Grant 8Centact

10:00. McOonolcfs High SchNI AJI.American lotlt.tbol Game frem 1M Anfeles, CA • Ku-p'• Show &News • Newa/SpemfWeather 8 MOYlE: 'A fvnny T~ HappeMd on the Wtl'f to the hrum' A skM in ancient Rome ccntinuaRy gets Into trouble as he at· tempts to win his freedom from a domineering mistress and htr husband. Uro Mcstel, Phil Sil-vers, Bulttr Ktaton. 1966. -D()pMUp acasNnts •• -. --Mini. -·J- . try . a Not the Nine cYCiodc News e Teo a... fer Comfort

10:15 a News a VidM MUSic wtth Alan Huntttr

10:30 8 Star Trelc _ II Style With Eha Klensda · DNew.

. 8 MOVIE: 'Crost Of Lorraine' A group of · FrtnduMn in G.rmon staloos are brutally

treated. Jean.Pierre Aumont1 ~. Kelly. Sir Cedrie Hordwicke. 19U •• ecWorclfihs D.lohnO.t.-n • MOVIE: 'A For Cry From H~1 A young. mother li caught in tho ~iou~ trap of boitlg a, batftred wife• e Mulk Moaatlne •Vtga$

11:00 B Uvlng Wiicl

.. _

11J .kwbh Yoke 60 Carol Burnett

12:00 0 SportaC.nttr ONova II Sports Update 0 Return of th• Saint II Beat of 700 Club &iJ Star Search

12:30 0 Money Week 0 MOVIE: 'April in P'arb' A State Dtpart· mont employ" becomes involved with o chorus olrl. Doris Day, Ray Bol9tr, Clouch Dauphin. 1953. 19 At Ttie Movitt lllarnoby Jones

12:4s·e MOVIE: 'Th. Minor Clock'd' Hollywood stan btcome involvtd in a murder cast in a tronquil English villog.. Elitobtttt Taylor, Kim Novak, Angtla l.ambury. 1980. Raftd PG~

hOO II c.hg. 1ose0o•: ISU ot Miami (Fla.) DOpenWnd D News/Sperfi/Weather 8 MOYlE: 'Dentist en the J6b' Two rtetnt graductn of denkd coJ1toe unwittingly btcomt invotwd in a conuntrdol venture to promote the s.oJe of an lnftdor toothpostt. Bob~. 1961. a INN News II Surgsot/Eyesat • Ufestylet of the Rich and Fa·mous

1:30 D C.Untry Mutk T.levialen .. Cresaflre Ill Sgt. ltlto II CIS Newt Nightwatch JtP

1:45 CJ MOVIE: 'The s.cnt ef Sonta Vittorio' stmplf.Mottedl wily ltalions band too-ther to outwit tbt occupying NODs whoM main purpose is to confiscate ont millfon botttts of wine. A~ tbony QuiM, Anna Magnani, V'tma lid. 1969.

2:00 II News Update 8 Dennis the Mlnca li \r.dto Musk with Nina~ 8 MOW: 'CcaiMiet' King Arthur and his Quetn ~ ar1 hoppy fogtthtr until Sir loncelot oni¥es oncJ falls in IQw with tM quMI\o Rkhord Harris, Vanessa Redgrave, Franco Nero. 1967 •


.• ~m '){;!'-! .. ,.,. I

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' ...