Institute of Transport Studies, Monash University Social Research in Transport (SORT) Clearinghouse Social Research in Transport (SORT) Clearinghouse 6-1-2010 Clear floor space for contemporary wheeled mobility users Edward Steinfeld Clive D'Souza Jordana Maisel This Conference Paper is brought to you for free and open access by Social Research in Transport (SORT) Clearinghouse. It has been accepted for inclusion in Social Research in Transport (SORT) Clearinghouse by an authorized administrator of Social Research in Transport (SORT) Clearinghouse. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Steinfeld, E., D'Souza, C., & Maisel, J. (2010). Clear floor space for contemporary wheeled mobility users. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED 2010) held in Hong Kong on 2-4 June, 2010.

Clear floor space for contemporary wheeled mobility users

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Institute of Transport Studies,Monash University

Social Research in Transport(SORT) Clearinghouse

Social Research in Transport (SORT) Clearinghouse


Clear floor space for contemporary wheeledmobility usersEdward Steinfeld

Clive D'Souza

Jordana Maisel

This Conference Paper is brought to you for free and open access by SocialResearch in Transport (SORT) Clearinghouse. It has been accepted forinclusion in Social Research in Transport (SORT) Clearinghouse by anauthorized administrator of Social Research in Transport (SORT)Clearinghouse. For more information, please [email protected].

Recommended CitationSteinfeld, E., D'Souza, C., & Maisel, J. (2010). Clear floor space for contemporary wheeled mobility users. Paper presented at the 12thInternational Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED 2010) held in Hong Kong on 2-4June, 2010.



Edward Steinfeld, Clive D’Souza and Jordana Maisel

Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access

University at Buffalo, State University of New York

378 Hayes Hall

Buffalo, NY 14214 USA

tel. 716 829 3485, x327

fax. 716 829 3861

[email protected]


In the U.S., the current standards used both in vehicle and building design for

accommodating wheeled mobility devices are based on data collected in the mid

1970’s. Due to the increased diversity of devices introduced into the market since

that time, and, changes in the size of the U.S. population, new research was initiated

to determine if current standards are still adequate to insure accessibility.

The clear floor area required to park an occupied wheeled mobility device is a basic

element of accessibility codes and standards. It is used to determine the space

needed on vehicles to transport a wheeled mobility user and the space needed to

allow access to fare machines, service desks, information kiosks and other building

elements. As part of the larger study, an analysis of data on clear floor space was

completed. The findings were compared to the findings from similar research

completed in three other English speaking countries, and to the design standards of

all four countries.


Standards and research studies were collected from the U.S., Canada, the UK and

Australia. Findings in all studies were presented in percentile form. The research

results for the key variables of clear floor space, occupied wheelchair length and

width, were plotted separately on a graph for each study by percentile. The

requirements of standards were overlaid onto the graph to provide a single

visualization of the research results and the standards. The methods used in the

research studies were compared to assess differences in both sample selection and

measurement protocols.


All the studies found that wheeled mobility devices varied from current standards

significantly in both width and length. The largest devices are generally above the

minimum width and length in the standards (10-15% and 10-20% respectively). The

people with the largest clear floor area tend to be large people in power chairs and

scooter users. The comparison of research findings and standards across countries

demonstrated significant differences in methods, e.g. use of occupied or unoccupied

dimensions. In making comparisons, we also found that the standards are not based

on clearly defined anatomical and equipment reference points making it difficult to

apply research findings in design.


The research results clearly support the need for increasing the clear floor areas in

standards in order to accommodate the largest mobility device users. The

transportation industry needs to address the need for increased space to

accommodate this group, especially in locations where power chairs and scooters

are becoming more popular. However, the limited space available on transportation

vehicles, particularly in the front of low floor buses, makes this a difficult problem to

solve, perhaps requiring some new approaches. The research team is now studying

boarding and disembarking tasks to see how clear floor area requirements are

related to clearance spaces in circulation and will also develop, in conjunction with

industry stakeholders, approaches to accommodating larger devices. The analysis

highlights the importance of integrating research with standards development,

organizing international collaborations and developing international standards.

Word Count: 496 including headings

Topic Code

A1 or E


Edward Steinfeld, Clive D’Souza and Jordana Maisel

Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access

University at Buffalo, State University of New York


378 Hayes Hall

Buffalo, NY 14214 USA

tel. 716 829 3485, x327

fax. 716 829 3861

[email protected]


現今美國在車輛及建築物內有關輪椅輔助儀器的標準是建基於 1970 年代的資料而設

計的。 但由於往後市場上推出的儀器類別一直增加及美國的人口改變, 有關現今設施


無障礙最基本的規範及標準在於有足夠的地方停泊已載人的輪椅設施。 而這個標準決

定車輛上應有的空間去運送輪椅使用者及應有的空間去使用收費儀器、 服務櫃台、 資

訊驛站及進出不同建築物。 在這大規模研究的其中一部分, 釐訂應有空間的數據已經

完成。 此研究結果與另外三個英語為主語言的國家所造的同類研究及連同美國在內現



在美國、 加拿大、 英國及澳洲收集現有的一些標準及研究報告, 再將結果以百份位數

呈現。 每項研究對於應有空間及已載人輪椅的長度與闊度的數據以百分位數圖表表

示。 把數據統一並在圖表顯示可把研究結果及各標準單一化的呈現, 從而將不同的試



所有研究均指出現今輪椅的長度與闊度都與現在的標準有差異。 最大型輪椅輔助器與

現在最低標準的長度與闊度相差百分之十至十五及百分之十至二十。 而使用電動輪椅

及殘疾人士滑行車的身形較大人士趨向需要最大的空間。 各個國家研究結果及準則在

比較底下都顯示出研究方法的不同, 例如採用載人及非載人輪椅的長度與闊度作數據。

另外, 我們發現有些標準並不是根據已清晰釐訂結構上及儀器上的參考定義, 這都令研



研究結果清晰指出需要增加空間標準以方便最大型輪椅的使用者。 使用電動輪椅及殘

疾人士滑行車續漸普及, 運輸界亦需增加空間標準配合這群有需要人士。 但是, 現有的

交通車輛也有空間限制, 特別是低平台巴士前部分的空間限制或許這需要新的方法去解


間的關係, 及與運輸業的利益相關者研究如何達致相容較大型的輔助儀器。此項研究提

出了統一各個研究的標準, 促進各國合作並建立國際性標準的重要性。

題目編碼: A1 or E


Edward Steinfeld, Clive D’Souza and Jordana Maisel

Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access

University at Buffalo, State University of New York


378 Hayes Hall

Buffalo, NY 14214 USA

tel. 716 829 3485, x327

fax. 716 829 3861

[email protected]


现今美国在车辆及建筑物内有关轮椅辅助仪器的标准是建基于 1970 年代的数据而设

计的。 但由于往后市场上推出的仪器类别一直增加及美国的人口改变, 有关现今设施


无障碍最基本的规范及标准在于有足够的地方停泊已载人的轮椅设施。 而这个标准决

定车辆上应有的空间去运送轮椅使用者及应有的空间去使用收费仪器、 服务柜台、 信

息驿站及进出不同建筑物。 在这大规模研究的其中一部分, 厘订应有空间的数据已经

完成。 此研究结果与另外三个英语为主语言的国家所造的同类研究及连同美国在内现



在美国、 加拿大、 英国及澳洲收集现有的一些标准及研究报告, 再将结果以百份位数

呈现。 每项研究对于应有空间及已载人轮椅的长度与阔度的数据以百分位数图表表

示。 把数据统一并在图表显示可把研究结果及各标准单一化的呈现, 从而将不同的试



所有研究均指出现今轮椅的长度与阔度都与现在的标准有差异。 最大型轮椅辅助器与

现在最低标准的长度与阔度相差百分之十至十五及百分之十至二十。 而使用电动轮椅

及残疾人士滑行车的身形较大人士趋向需要最大的空间。 各个国家研究结果及准则在

比较底下都显示出研究方法的不同, 例如采用载人及非载人轮椅的长度与阔度作数据。

另外, 我们发现有些标准并不是根据已清晰厘订结构上及仪器上的参考定义, 这都令研



研究结果清晰指出需要增加空间标准以方便最大型轮椅的使用者。 使用电动轮椅及残

疾人士滑行车续渐普及, 运输界亦需增加空间标准配合这群有需要人士。 但是, 现有的

交通车辆也有空间限制, 特别是低平台巴士前部分的空间限制或许这需要新的方法去解


间的关系, 及与运输业的利益相关者研究如何达致兼容较大型的辅助仪器。此项研究提

出了统一各个研究的标准, 促进各国合作并建立国际性标准的重要性。

题目编码: A1 or E