Chronicle - Barrow Hills School

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From the HeadmasterYou have the latest edition of the Barrow Hills

Chronicle in your hands… and what a treat

you have in store!

The following pages record the many,

varied, fun, exciting, inspiring and amazing

activities and achievements of our children

in the last academic year. As a whole, The

Chronicle proves how creative, curious, brave,

responsible, compassionate and joyful the

children have been.

In the words of the Year 8 class of 2017-18,

‘Barrow Hill is an epic school!’

Mr Sean Skehan


Bridewell Day, Olympic Champions, National Finalists and fundraising

School Council 76

Captains 78

Headmaster’s Welcome 2

Recitals, competitions, performances, quizzesand memorable days

Activities, competitions, memories and outstanding work, including creative writing, art and study and clubs

Performances, year group productions and concerts, dance, ballet, LAMDA and music results

Performances, competitions and achievements for girls and boys sporting activities

Barrow Hills Community Committee, projects, fundraising, personal challenges and events

Day trips and residentials, lectures and educational visits, competitions and theatre trips

Life in the chapel, community outreach, Remembrance, Service of Readings and Carols and festivals

House News 4

Children’s Work 11

Performing Arts 22

Sport 34

Charities 50

Trips and Visits 56

The Chaplaincy 74

Gillie Nicholls 77


Prize Day 79


House NewsHouse PoetryAll children at Barrow Hills spent part of

their English lessons planning, drafting

and writing poems on the theme of

Freedom, as part of National Poetry Day.

Their English teachers then had the very

difficult job of choosing a finalist from

Kean, McCormack and Murtough. This

was a real challenge as all the poems

were so good! Some were funny and

some tackled more serious subject matter,

but all were powerful and thoughtful,

with each word carefully chosen to make

an impact. The hall was silent as the

finalists read their poems with confidence

and expression. Each poem was projected

onto a large screen on the stage so the

audience could read the words as they


Richard Everett, local playwright and

writer, was our guest judge and he had

the very difficult task of choosing a

winner from each year group.

After a short interval children from

Drama Club performed a range of

poetry, Mr Everett announced the

winners and the winning house, Kean!

Thank you to Mr Kriehn for creating an

excellent PowerPoint, Mrs Goedkoop for

adding up the scores and Drama Club

for performing with such enthusiasm.

A special thanks must go to our guest

Judge, Richard Everett, for giving up his

Feeling free is a great thing to be.Racing and zooming through the sky.Exciting adventure was up high.Exciting views from up above. Doing work from flower to flower,Collecting pollen from hour to hour.Oh what a wonderful bees life.Me in a beautiful world.

Charlie (3R)

Is it true am I free?Lying awake night after night.The cold damp smell pollutes the air. Bullet shots going off. Soldiers injured.

The rain comes down hard against my face.Mud and dirt sloshes around me.The raging noises from the guns.Food is scarce, rations clamping down.

My head buzzes; the whole world flips around.Leaving me in a daze.My family back home they’re so free.I want to be free!

You must treasure freedom like an old friend.Treat it carefully.I know I may never be free again.

Ruby (4R)

time to judge our House competition. Well

done to all the finalists for taking part.

The finalists were:

Kean: Year 3 Charlie ‘Freedom’;

McCormack: Year 3 Sam ‘Freedom’;

Murtough: Year 3 Hermione ‘Freedom’

Kean: Year 4 Rose ‘Freedom’;

McCormack: Year 4 Ruby ‘Freedom’;

Murtough: Year 4 Nathaniel ‘Freedom’

Kean: Year 5 James B ‘Freedom awaits’;

McCormack: Year 5 Theo ‘Freedom’;

Murtough: Year 5 Harry ‘Freedom’

Kean: Year 6 Will M ‘The Tweet of Joy’;

McCormack: Year 6 Charlotte ‘Running


Murtough: Year 6 Nicholas ‘All on my


Kean: Year 7 Hermione ‘Freedom’;

McCormack: Year 7 Elena ‘Freedom’;

Murtough: Year 7 George ‘Freedom’

Kean: Year 8 Eddie ‘The life of death

awaits you’;

McCormack: Year 8 Flyn ‘Freedom’;

Murtough: Year 8 Harry ‘Free’

The winners were:

Year 3 Charlie;

Year 4 Ruby;

Year 5 James;

Year 6 Nicholas;

Year 7 Hermione;

Year 8 Eddie.

House News 5

House QuizOn Monday 11th December, 18 eager children took part in the annual House quiz fi nal, having qualifi ed from the heats in October. Twelve rounds of questions on a variety of topics, from history to famous faces, began and it was very tight all the way through. Kean were generally the quickest to buzz and answer and this paid dividends, as they were crowned champions for the second year in a row. Thank you to Miss Young and Mr Kriehn for setting the questions and making it so much fun!

I heard a slight faint voice, It said “Quick run!”

The voice gradually got louder and louder, then I realised …

They were after me!I dashed past the kitchen then past the prisoners

It seemed like there was an army of gods behind mechasing me.I sped roundthe corner glancing back as I did so at the huge crowd behind me

I crawled through the hole at the bottom of the fence before I sprinted up to the top of the hill

I looked at the wonderful sea below me, as I said to myself “I’m Free!”

James (5G)

Standing on the edge of the world. Weightlessly fl oating freely as a bird. Free from the world. All on my own. The scenic view of the planet. Like a giant ball. All on my own.Darkness all around except the ball of bright lights. Europe all asleep. Lights as bright as the sun everywhere. Just watching them. All on my own.

Nicholas (6G)

The crowd stopped.Everyone went silent.I came onto the stage,Took a deep breath,Started.

I started telling everyone my story.My story.My life.My story of how I became,No one.

I,Just a little girl going to school one day.

I,Just wearing my blue and yellow dungarees,And Hello Kitty top.

I walked in the door to school,Everyone laughed at me.That was only the start,Of my horrifi c life at middle school.

Things got much worse.The thing that upset me most,Was that I got bullied.That life went on for a while,All because of the way I dressed.

But now I am,Free.

I am a normal fourteen year old girl,Free.

I didnt let those people change,Me.

That is why now,I am still wearing,My blue and yellow dungarees,And Hello Kitty top.

I am now,Free.

Hermione (7G)

Born from an Oyster, A pearl appears, Free from the dark hole you leave behind. Lifted up to your mother to say hello to your innocent face.Not knowing what is ahead.

Next, A calculated society, Numbers and letters, letters and numbers Endless Like a hamster wheel

House News 5


Looking towards that ever beloved freedomA happy exam free life.

Freedom arrivesEnjoy it whilst you can.

Responsibilities. A job, car, home.A family. You have created the freedom of life. Back to work. Back on a desk. Trapped.

You change.Grey. Old. Lonely.

Friends gone, Family nowhere Like you’re nothing. Enclosed in your own world Watching yourself fade Fade.Fade away …

Every day, pills upon pills.The only thing that helps.An illness standing up against you. Like a brick wall.Always waiting for that freedom.

You had all those years ago …


The life of death awaits you.

Eddie (8G)


House DebatingFor three weeks towards the end of the

autumn term, Year 6 competed in our

fi rst House debating competition.

The fi rst debate was between a Kean

team made up of Alexander (6G), Maddie

(6G) and Edward (6R), and a McCormack

team of Emma (6R) and Oscar (6R). The

motion was: ‘This house believes that

school uniform is outdated’. Kean spoke

for the motion and McCormack against.

Both teams presented good points and

there were some great contributions from

the fl oor. At the vote the motion was

defeated, so McCormack were the winners.

The second round saw Isobel (6G),

William B (6G) and Xavier (6R) for

McCormack proposing the motion that

‘This house believes the school summer

holidays are too long’. They were

opposed by a Murtough team of

Nicholas (6G), Thomas F (6G) and Lily

(6G). Some interesting points were made

and again there were lively contributions

from the fl oor. The motion was defeated

at the vote, so Murtough won.

A Kean team of Jake (6G), Fern (6G) and

Matilda (6R) debated against Rupert (6R),

Annabel (6R) and Ben (6R) for Murtough.

The motion was ‘This house believes that

vegetarianism is kinder to the planet’. The

arguments were ingenious, and again the

fl oor contributions were many and varied.

As the majority voted to abstain, this

debate was a draw.

So the overall result in the Year 6 House

debates was a tie, between McCormack

and Murtough, with Kean in third place.

Well done to all the Year 6 children and

in particular those who represented their

House as speakers.

House MusicThursday, 8th March dawned and the

three Houses gathered in the chapel

for the hotly contested House Music

Competition. Mr Stasio Sliwka and Mr

Furniss-Roe from King Edward’s Witley

had kindly agreed to be the guest judges.

First up were Kean, who sang ‘Here I am

Lord’ followed by the Abba classic ‘Thank

you for the Music’. Judges commented

on the lovely “shape” of their singing and

the “dynamic contrast” throughout the

hymn. Their rendition of ‘Thank you for

the Music’ was praised for the confi dent

singing of the soloist, the duo and the

trio. The mood of the song was very

upbeat and there was lots of “colour”.

Murtough sang next, performing the

School hymn ‘Ad Majora Paramur’,

followed by The Monkees ‘I’m a Believer’.

Judges complimented the singers’

“fantastic sound and great diction”

during the hymn. ‘I’m a Believer’ was

credited for being “upbeat and having a

great sound”. Murtough were committed

to the words, phrases were neat, crisp

and short when they needed to be and

the long phrases were held well.

Finally, it was the turn of McCormack to

perform. They had chosen ‘Praise Him’

for their hymn, followed by their own

composition. The judges were impressed

by their “fantastic dynamic contrast”

and their “wonderful crescendo”. The

House song was “brilliant” and very

convincing. The song told a story and

the sound worked its way from one side

of the Chapel to the other.

During the judges’ deliberations, the

audience were treated to some fantastic

impromtu performances from Julien (8G),

Imogen (8G), Eddie (8G), George (7G),

Dominic (3R) and Dominic (5R). Thank you

all for some wonderful entertainment.

Mr Sliwka and Mr Furniss-Roe had a very

diffi cult decision, it was an extremely

closely fought competition. The winners

were.... McCormack! Well done

everyone for your fantastic singing.

all for some wonderful entertainment.

Mr Sliwka and Mr Furniss-Roe had a very

diffi cult decision, it was an extremely

closely fought competition. The winners


everyone for your fantastic singing.

House Sport ResultsFootball McCormackRugby McCormackCricket McCormackSwimming McCormackLacrosse KeanCross Country (boys) McCormackNetball Kean Tennis MurtoughRounders Kean

House News 7

House Story Writing CompetitionThe House story writing competition is a popular annual event that gives children the chance to be creative. Themes over the years have included ‘Journeys’ and ‘The Sea’, and this year English teachers throughout the school looked forward to reading the children’s work entitled ‘Survival’. Year 2 children all wrote a story, while Years 3 to 8 planned and crafted an opening paragraph, designed to hook the reader and make them desperate to read on…

Our judge this year was best-selling author Elizabeth Noble (and mum of Miss Young, our Gap Student!). Mrs Noble’s fi rst book, ‘The Reading Group’, went straight to number one on the Sunday Times bestseller list. She followed this success with fi ve more bestselling novels including ‘The Way We Were’ and ‘Things I Want My Daughters to Know’. Her new book, ‘Letters to Iris’ comes out in April.

Mrs Noble had the very diffi cult task of selecting a winner and a runner up from each year group. Although all the stories and paragraphs had the same title, they were all very different. Some children wrote about battling through jungles and natural disasters, while others described being homeless or fi ghting an illness. Mrs Noble announced the winners and read their wonderful work aloud. It was very interesting to hear the things that Mrs Noble had enjoyed about each piece. She praised the use of exciting adjectives and powerful verbs and commented on the effectiveness of rhetorical questions.

After Mrs Noble had very kindly presented prizes to the winners, there was time for the children to ask some questions. It is not every day we get to meet a bestselling author at Barrow Hills, and the children certainly made the most of this opportunity! They wanted to know all about being a writer and asked Mrs Noble everything about her writing career to her future ambitions. They were fascinated as she explained how the publishing process worked, and how she planned her novels. They wanted to know who was her favourite author and if there were plans to turn any of her books into a fi lm!

We are so pleased and grateful that Mrs Noble took time away from writing her latest book to judge our House Story Writing Competition and to come and speak to us at Barrow Hills. It made our competition very special! Thanks are also due to Miss Young who carefully carried the precious envelopes of stories home and handed them over to her mum!

Congratulations to Murtough, our winners and well done to everyone who took part.

The winners were:

Year 2: Winners: Max (2G), Daisy (2R); Runners-up: Ottilie (2G), Alfred (2R)

Year 3: Winner: Chloe (3R); Runner up: Millie (3R)

Year 4: Winner: Nathaniel (4G); Runner up: Anastasia (4R)

Year 5: Winner: Ben (5R); Runner up: Florence (5R)

Year 6: Winner: Fraser (6R); Runner up: Rory (6G)

Year 7: Winner: Serena (7G); Runner up: Elena (7G)

Year 8: Winner: Amy (8G); Runner up: Flynn (8G)

SurvivalPeople always say how their home is their favourite place. Ordinary bedrooms are crammed with electronics covering their pink bedspread which is as soft as clouds. Ordinary bedrooms are where teenagers hide away from their parents. However, my bedroom is where I hide away from life. Ordinary bedrooms contain a desk full of colourful pens but ordinary bedrooms don’t have machines beeping all the time. Ordinary children don’t wake with a jolt in the darkness to hear the beep, beep, beep of the machines keeping them alive...

Amy (8G)

SurvivalGeoffrey Foxall sat by the window in his bedroom and thought to himself, I am going to reach the summit of that Volcano of Glumtown. He collected his stuff together. The volcano hadn’t erupted for 500 years. He started to climb the volcano. Scorching hot, the sun in his eyes, but with a lovely view of the sparkling sea. He could feel the rocks on his wrinkly feet. Finally, he reached the top, he feared he was going to fall. He also felt scared. He climbed inside. When he was about half way he heard a thump, then a bump. The volcano started to shake! He was getting little spits of lava on his leg. He climbed to the top. The lava was going up to the top too. He had two options, jump or die. He decided to jump....

Anastasia (4R)

SurvivalI hid in the house underneath the bed. The ground was shaking, bombs were dropping everywhere. The smoke outside blocked my view from the German soldiers and feet were coming up the stairs. I instantly saw the gun of the person. It was an enemy German soldier. Still hiding underneath the bed, he could not see me! If I made one little move he would see me and shoot me, my heart was pumping.

Ben (5R)

volcano started to shake! He was getting little spits of lava on his leg. He climbed to the top. The lava was going up to the top too. He had two options, jump or die. He decided to jump....

Anastasia (4R)

SurvivalI hid in the house underneath the bed. The ground was shaking, bombs were dropping everywhere. The smoke outside blocked my view from the German soldiers and feet were coming up the stairs. I instantly saw the gun of the person. It was an enemy German soldier. Still hiding underneath the bed, he could not see me! If I made one little move he would see me and shoot me, my heart was pumping.

Ben (5R)


Survival in the dark deadly jungleThere was once a girl called Jane. She was out of a rowing boat looking at some beautiful fish. Now while she wasn’t looking, a huge wave came towards her. She was struck by the wave. As soon as she opened her eyes she could hear twigs snapping then she could hear leaves crunching. She got up from the ground. Straight away, she knew she was in the jungle. There was nobody there. She started walking up the hill. Suddenly she saw a pair of red eyes and lots of razor sharp teeth. It came out, it was a hideous BEAST. The beast came running towards her as fast as lightening. She was so frightened that she started running herself. She came to a steep hill but she did not stop running. She came to a cliff. She was feeling terrified, it was either life or death, she thought, she jumped…

Chloe (3R)

SurvivalClouds of dust appeared as the feet of strangers hurried past. I lifted my tin cup and rattled it ever so slightly so that maybe someone could notice me on the sidewalk. The sweltering heat suffocated me, my mouth dry from thirst. Even the world, motionless and unforgiving, had turned away from me. I was unwanted.

Elena (7G)

SurvivalCrash! Bang! The colossal waves pounded against the ship. I remembered suddenly… Congo Island!

We’re near the Congo Island!

At that moment, a huge wave felt like needles poking my face, Crunch! I was thrown overboard with all my crew beside me, then dark…

Florence (5R)

SurvivalI run. Faster than I’ve ever run before. I don’t know where I’m going. Anywhere, just as long as I’m not with ‘Them’. My heart’s pounding. My feet sink into the mossy forest ground. I dodge the large looming trees. Body-like shadows at every corner. I stop. I check I’m not being followed anymore, I stop suddenly. I can hear shouts. What do I do? I can’t dodge a bullet. So, I hide.

Flyn (8G)

SurvivalTwisting and turning I gasped for air. Metal was ripped off my spitfire’s wings as I hurtled to the ground. Smoke trailed from my burning engines. As I crashed with a thud and slid through the thick mud, I choked and spluttered from the smell of oil. I felt a warm liquid ooze down my coat. I was bleeding! Explosions rattled in my ears as I lay still on the battlefield.

Fraser (6G)

Survival in the dark deadly jungleHere I am, watching my BFF (best friend forever) drowning in a thick red pool of blood. How did it all come to this you ask? It started a week ago when I was flying to Japan. I was flying first class. It had gold pillars with sparkling seats topped with soft cushions with built in seat warmers. I was treated to a delicious chocolate brownie with caster sugar topped with a fresh strawberry. I was fast asleep when suddenly the plane smashed into an overgrown jungle! I woke up with my two BFFs Hermione and Aoife beside me. When I realised what had happened I was terrified. I could smell gas and petrol with a bit of blood. I could also smell animal business. I heard animals’ paws thudding on the thick mud and then I heard a lion roar. I opened my eyes and I saw how dark it was. I saw trees and LOTS of green. A lion came towards us and bit Hermione’s arm off! She screamed like she had never screamed before! Aoife and I were so freaked out. Suddenly a huge gust of wind blew Aoife into a pool of blood on the other side of the jungle!

Mille (3R)

SurvivalI stood at the black dirty gates terrified of my horrible fate. People were cheering and shouting. But suddenly the crowd went silent and I could smell fresh blood of the latest victim. I was next. The gate suddenly creaked open and the guard pushed me into the blood filled arena. I was surely going to meet my gory end. I heard the roar of the creature as the gate swung open and the beast prowled towards me.

Rory (6G)

SurvivalMy first thought was “how had I got here?” Lying in the sand. Waves lapping against the shore. Then I remembered the plane crash, the horrible plane crash. It had happened so quickly that I must have fainted. The plane pilot saw the red flashing lights first. Next came the black smoke on the left side wing. The fire was bright red and hot. Suddenly, everything went black, blue and red all at once. Wham!! Went the plane as it smashed and splashed into the sea. I bobbed about a bit then I swam to shore. I must have fallen asleep because I got up wearily and stumbled further up the shore. The beach was as white as snow with a wall of tropical forest. It ended a few miles away in spikey rocks. How was I to survive here?

Nathaniel (4G)

SurvivalThey took the risk. They ran. They jumped. They swam. They tried, at least. But the current was too strong; it was pulling them down, down and under; under the overhanging rock. If they gave into the current they would die. They could not let that happen. They were coughing, panting, dragging themselves to safety. But even if they made it, even if they survived, they wouldn’t be safe. They would still be in danger. In danger because he was still there, still watching, still following, ready to push them back in, make them drown. They both knew he wasn’t going to give up. And that’s what frightened them the most.

Serena (7G)

House News 9

Book WeekWhen Mrs Mason invited us to act as judges of all the amazing costumes to mark World Book Day, we had no inkling of just how diffi cult it was going to be. Fun, of course. But diffi cult? We had no idea just how diffi cult! As we went round the classrooms we were deeply conscious of how much effort so many children had made, and we would have loved to have dished out prizes like Smarties. We tried our hardest to be fair and thoughtful and to recognise those who had put particular effort into their costume. Well done to the winners, runners up and those with a special mention. Commiserations to all those who worked hard but who just missed out. Honestly, you were all fantastic.

Mrs Nicholls & Mrs Buirski

Both the World Book Day Costume Competition and the Extreme Reading Competition generated some fantastic entries.

And the results are...

Extreme ReadingPrep Winner - Cillian (6G)

Pre-Prep Winner - Emilia (1G)

Costume CompetitionWinner: 3G Phoebe - Gangsta GrannyRunner Up: 3G Paige - Pippi LongstockingSpecial Mention: 3G Lara - Mildred Hubble

Winner: 3R Florence - Cruella de VilRunner Up: 3R Aoife - Charlotte from Charlotte’s WebSpecial Mentions: 3R Dominic - Count of Monte Cristo and Hermione - Gangsta Granny

Winner: 4G Lloyd - Grandpa’s Great EscapeRunner Up: 4G Beatrix - Anne of Green GablesSpecial Mention: 4G Matilda - Amelia Fang

Winner: 4R Conrad - Dennis the MenaceRunner Up: 4R Jago - Harry Potter

Winner: 5G Georgia - The Grand High WitchRunner Up: 5G Phoebe – Medusa

Winner: 5R Barnaby - The Boy in the DressRunner Up: Edward - Fawkes the Phoenix

Winner: 6G Jake - Lord VoldemortRunner Up: 6G Maddie - The PeachSpecial Mention: 6G Rory - Gangsta Granny

Winner: 6R Fraser - Mr TwitRunner Up: 6R Sascha - Skulduggery Pleasant

Winner: 7G Toby - Green ManRunner Up: Harry - Christopher RobinSpecial Mentions: Nicky - Magwitch and Hermione - Grubby Gertrude

Winners: 8 Emily, Bethany, Amy and Imogen - A Team of PrincessesRunner Up: Alexander - Pavel, The Boy in the Striped PyjamasSpecial Mention - Julien - Napoleon

Overall Winners:Girls: Ruby (4R) - the world/Around the World in 80 DaysBoys: William (6G) - Phineas Fogg/Around the World in 80 Days

Many, many congratulations to you all.


House Art and DT ShowcaseMany congratulations to all

those who entered the House

Art Competition. The results are

as follows:

Overall 1st: Oscar (7G)

Overall 2nd: Nicholas (7G)

Overall 3rd: Sam (3G)

Year 8: 1st: Oscar (8G);

2nd: Matthew (8G);

3rd: Sam (8G) and Amy (8G)

Year 7: 1st Lucy (7G), Hermione (7G)

and Serena (7G); 2nd: Toby (7G);

3rd: Elena (7G)

Year 6 1st: Isobel (6G);

2nd: Fraser (6R) and Oscar (6R);

3rd: William (6G)

Year 5: 1st Harry (5G);

2nd: Jessica (5G) 3rd: Matilda (5R)

Year 4: 1st: Nathaniel (4G);

2nd: Ruby (4R); 3rd: Jackson (4R)

Year 3: 1st: Charlie (3R);

2nd: Edward (3R); 3rd: Florence (3R)

Special Commendation to

Year 4 for all their outstanding

work. The overall House winner...

Kean! Well done!

St George’s DayChildren, dressed in red and white, had

a fantastically fun afternoon celebrating

St George’s Day, with a multitude of

different and inventive activities. Pre-Prep

children took part in art, drama, cooking

and Morris dancing. Prep competitions

included ‘house for a mouse’, DT

challenge, bench ball, chess, cooking

and the bin bag challenge. A wonderful

time was had by all; thank you to all the

staff for supporting the children in their

celebrations. The House competition

was as hard fought as ever. Third place

went to Murtough, second place went

to McCormack and fi rst place to Kean.

Well done everyone!

KindyThe children in Kindy have had a busy

and exciting year. In December they

thought about the true meaning of

Christmas and Jesus and his special

birthday with their fabulous nativity

scene. Later in the year, the children

explored the role of an archaeologist,

digging for fossils that they had made

from clay. Soon they had moved on to

‘people who help us’. The children are

prepared for a variety of future careers!

Children’s Work 11

Children’s WorkNurseryNursery have had a wonderful variety

of exciting activities this year, from

princess story time to forest school.

Mrs Triska kindly came to take us on

an adventure into the woods as part

of our Outdoor Curriculum. Armed

with our buckets and magnifying

glasses we set off to look for fairies

and build some fairy houses.

Mrs Triska guided the children through

the trees, exploring as we went. The

children gathered sticks, leaves and

pine cones in their buckets, and Mrs

Triska showed them how to balance

the twigs together to build a little

shelter. Much fun was had, especially

when we went on a panda hunt in the

bamboo! Many thanks to Mrs Triska

for an exciting afternoon.

prepared for a variety of future careers!


Ducklings!Just after half term, there was a steady stream of

children and staff visiting the Year 1 classroom. The

reason for such a commotion was the arrival of six duck

eggs on Monday 4th June. By Tuesday afternoon, fi ve

had hatched and by Thursday, there were six adorable

ducklings in the classroom. It was such an exciting week

- the main event being the duckling swimming lesson!

Pre-Prep absolutely loved their experience, from the day

the duckling hatching kit was delivered, the children

were fascinated. From incubating to hatching, to their

fi rst cuddle and introduction to water the ducklings were

a joy for staff, parents and children! It was so educational

and an experience the children will always remember.

Thank you Mrs Pulleyn for organising a lovely treat, for

their paddling pool and to Mrs Crisell for looking after

them so beautifully.

From chicks, to ducklings – what is in store next year…

ReceptionOur favourite things in Reception…

Mateo Decorating Easter eggs.

Delilah Dressing as an angel for our nativity play.

Bea Going to Bocketts Farm... making the Christingles...

making polar bear masks.

Thomas B I liked having the ducklings.

Ellis I liked doing tessellating shapes best.

Maxi Making the ladybird biscuits.

Edward Wearing the clothes for St George’s day.

Thomas N I liked doing the Easter poem.

Anthony Going on the second school trip where we learnt

about minibeasts.

Charlotte I really loved painting. I painted a rainbow dog and

it is at home. I enjoyed making cookies.

George I loved art. We made different planets with aliens

living on them. We also made magic trees with gems on them.

Alec Making the Easter hats.

Ethan I liked making the oranges with candles.

Elliot Everything! Doing gardening.

Rosie I loved the circus so much.

Lily The circus!

Toby Decorating Easter eggs.

Children’s Work 13

Memories of Year 1Memories of Year 1G

Rory My favourite thing was looking after

the ducklings because they were soft to

stroke! I loved learning about dinosaurs

and Mary Anning. I gave Daddy a clay

dinosaur for Father’s Day.

Sophie I loved swimming lessons on

Monday afternoon with Sally, I enjoyed

jumping into the water to collect bricks.

I enjoyed learning about bears, my

favourite bear is a moon bear. It was really

fun having a Teddy Bears’ Picnic. I loved

visiting Portchester Castle.

Eliza I loved visiting Portchester Castle

because I like going on school trips. My

favourite part was walking up the steps to

The Keep and seeing where the prisoners

were kept. I enjoyed learning about the

Titanic and I even made a Snakes and

Ladders Titanic board game! It was fun

taking part in a football match.

Alfi e I loved looking after the ducklings.

They were so funny when they dived. I

liked hearing them cheep! When the last

duckling hatched it was very small and

cute. I love learning about dinosaurs but I

really enjoyed looking at real fossils.

Ollie I loved visiting Portchester Castle

because we climbed up stairs and looked

out of the windows. I really enjoyed being

in a football match with my friends. We

all got a penguin and a medal! I like

making bug houses at playtime.

Louis My two favourite topics were the

Titanic and Dinosaurs, I even went to The

Godalming Museum with Mummy and my

brother. I enjoyed exploring the Titanic box.

My other favourite topic was Dinosaurs! I

brought in fi ve books for the classroom. I

loved having ducklings in the classroom.

Lexi I loved learning about The Titanic.

I enjoyed visiting Portchester Castle

because normally I’m scared of heights

but I was very brave and didn’t mind! The

ducklings were nice to stroke and I liked

hearing them shouting!

Luke I loved looking at The Titanic box

my favourite object was a book called

Polar The Titanic Bear. I enjoyed making a

clay nativity, which we painted and took

home. I put it in my kitchen!

Lyla I loved the Teddy Bears’ Picnic. It

was fun bringing my teddy to school and

eating lunch together. It was fun watching

the ducklings diving in the paddling pool.

It was amazing seeing them hatch.

Annabel I love Monday swimming lessons

with Sally because I like splashing. I enjoyed

visiting Portchester Castle and looking at

the view. It was fun watching the ducklings

swimming in the paddling pool.

Year 1R I have really enjoyed…

Arthur The Titanic topic. I liked learning

about how to send the messages.

Freddie When we had the ducklings.

Watching them swimming was great fun.

Xanthe Art because I really enjoyed

making the castle display and my stand

up lady.

Aria Learning about dinosaurs. All about

their bodies and how different they all were.

Toby All the sport, especially the football


Emilia All the topics, especially dinosaurs.

Looking at the fossils was great fun.

Suzie The art lessons. Making the clay

dinosaurs and bear was really fun.

Autumn The art lessons were fun

especially making things out of clay.

Making the Nativity scene was the best.

James Swimming with

Sally because we have

to get the blocks

from the bottom of

the pool.

Children’s Work 13


Memories of Year 2Memories of Year 2G

Lucas In Year 2 I enjoyed sports day

because in the sprinting I was partnered

with Hugo. In the next race I had to run

twice as Monty was away.

Cleo The thing I enjoyed most was the

visit from the ducklings! It was really

funny, I loved it!

Ottilie My favourite thing about Year

2 was the ducklings, they were really

cute! You got to hold them, they were

as soft as cotton.

Jasper In Year 2 my favourite thing was

our visit to Winchester Science Centre.

Ronnie The thing I enjoyed most in

Year 2 was our trip to London. We went

on the London Eye, we went up, and

down. I liked the ride on the boat.

Max In Year 2 I enjoyed Forest School

because I like the outdoors.

Amelie The best thing in Year 2 was

topic. I liked it because I liked learning

about Islands.

Timo I enjoyed learning about London

because the Great Fire of London was

really cool!

Charlie In Year 2 I enjoyed Winchester

Science Centre because of the science.

Gus In Year 2 I enjoyed the Tudors

because we had the best feast ever!

Jamie The trip to London!

Memories of Year 2R…

Jacob My favourite thing about Year 2

was our topic the Tudors. We got to do

lots of yummy, funny things including

going to Hampton Court and having

our Tudor feast.

Hugo I enjoyed Year 2 because we

had a school trip to London, we went

on the London Eye and we had a Tudor

feast. I had never been on the London

eye before!

Tomos What I liked about Year 2 was

the swimming pool because it is very

fun and we can play games.

Ilana The things I enjoyed in Year 2

are when we went to London and the

Tudor feast.

Hamish My favourite thing about

Year 2 was the Super Hare-O contest.

Daisy My favourite thing in Year 2 was

going to Hampton Court Palace. I had

so much fun!

Charlie I enjoyed sports and science in

Year 2.

Jethro What I liked about Year 2 was

the swimming because it is very fun.

Montgomery The thing I liked about

Year 2 was the London school trip.

Alfred The things I liked about Year 2

were, going to Hampton Court, going

to London and having a Tudor feast and

‘Super Hare-O’ because they were fun,

joyful and exciting.

Super Hare-OHot on the heels of the highly successful Haslemere Hares 2018 project, Year 2 received a visit from a very special super-sized hare!

Accompanied by his creator, local artist Luciana Flavell, and adorning a cape and eye-mask, ‘Super Hare-O’ dropped into school to meet the children, with a view to inspiring them to create his back story.

Helped by Mrs Miles and Mrs Kilgannon, the children hared into action conjuring up stories featuring familiar super-hero vocabulary such as ‘nemesis, ‘kryptonite’ and ‘saviour’.

Luciana was the natural judge of the writing competition and deemed Hamish (2R) as the creator of the winning story featuring Super Hare-O as a pizza powered super hero, with Cleo (2G), Jasper (2G) and Charlie (2G) commended as runners up.

Hamish’s story was framed and displayed in the children’s shop ‘Jumping Puddles’ in Haslemere. Well done Hamish!

Children’s Work 15

Fun in Year 3School isn’t all just hard work and

no play when you get to Year 3! The

children had a great start to the summer

term, learning how to force rhubarb

and pulling the fantastic crop with Mr

Gaszka. The children then delivered

the rhubarb to Tomas in the kitchen.

They also enjoyed a Friday treat of ice-

lollies and learning how to play boules.

Towards the end of the summer term,

the children spent an exciting afternoon

in the woods, where they re-enacted

‘Beowulf’ under the guidance of Mr

Dean. Much fun was had by all; perhaps

it could be their production next year?

Thank you Mr Gaszka, Mr Dean, Mrs

Peek and Mr Hooker!

Year 4 ScienceYear 4 have covered a wide variety of subjects in their

science lessons this year. As part of their Habitats topic,

they identifi ed and investigated the different habitats in the

school grounds and thought about the different conditions

that each habitat offered.

The children were given a variety of materials and tasked with

making a solid structure.

Having donned goggles and lab coats, the children

investigated which substances dissolve and if heating makes

any difference to dissolving. They had they fi rst attempt at

lighting a Bunsen burner and made great observations about

their fi ndings.


Nursery Rhyme Report

On Tuesday afternoon at exactly 3.00 pm

a devastating accident happened next to

the colossal sixteen meter high wall. The

person in question was a large organic

egg called Humpty Dumpty.

Humpty Dumpty mysteriously fell off

the wall and smashed onto a hard

tarmac road. Egg yolk was pouring out

of him (although he seemed to be alive).

At this very moment detectives are

finding out the truth about how he fell.

Was he pushed? Did he slip? Or did he

just nod off?

The King’s men were called immediately.

They informed the public to leave him

alone! “He’d make a great omelette!”

they exclaimed. Humpty was sent off to St

Jones’s hospital for smashed food.

Nathaniel (4G)

The Wizard’s Shop

Emily Treacher felt the book vibrate softly

in her pocket. The book had told her to

head to St Paul’s Cathedral and look for

the black and white spotted brickwork.

Eventually she found it and skimmed the

wall gently with her fingers. There was a

loud humming noise as Emily felt herself

come away from the ground. All of a

sudden, she hit the ground. A damp smell

filled her lungs.

As she stumbled along feeling

disorientated, she saw a light shining in

the distance. Slowly she went over and

knocked five times and entered. Gargoyles

loomed overhead, their eyes shined like

two pools of fire. She assumed it must be

owned by some sort of wizard. Rows and

rows of deadly potions, cloaks draped over

a hanger, one crafted from snake skin,

another watching every move she made.

As she turned to leave, she realised the

small brown door in the side of the shop

had vanished! She heard a thud and then

a trail of green slime oozed out in front

of the desk. “Ho ho I’ve been waiting for

you Emily.” She was petrified. She pushed

herself under the cloaks, “who is that”

she muttered under her breath. “You

will come with me, I shall test you with

potions, smother you with lotions, you

shall be my prisoner.” She remembered

where she was, she slipped into the

invisibility cloak and creeped across the

floor and to the wand aisle. She tried

about twenty but not any of them were

right. After a while she found it! She had

found the wand that would defeat the

wizard. Then there was a BANG! Then all

of a sudden she opened her eyes to see

before her a small pile of ashes. A rush

of relief passed through her body. As she

turned to take one last glance around the

magical shop, it vanished before her eyes.

Ruby (4R)

Volcano Verse

I can feel the fiery flames

And sparks from the violent volcano

My feet are blistered and burned

I can see the fiery lava

Bubbling in the volcano and

Rocks slipping at my bruised feet

I can see the flaming sparks firing out

from the volcano.

I can smell the burning sulphur

Melting rock falling into the mouth of

The deadly volcano.

I can hear the sizzling and bubbling of

The volcano and the crunching and

cracking of rock.

I can taste the black soot flying into

my mouth

And the little sparks of fire bursting

out of the vicious volcano.

Matilda 4G

Iron MenDuring the first half of the spring term, Year 4 read ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes

and wrote instructions, descriptions and newspaper reports in their lessons. Then,

over the February half term holiday, the children worked extremely hard to make

their own Iron Men.

There were impressive D.T. skills and the writing of instructions as to how the Iron

Men were made, some of them even lit up! Year 4’s models were much appreciated

and enjoyed by the whole school while they were on display in Great Roke. Thank

you parents for all their support too.

Year 4 Creative Writing

Children’s Work 17

Mad Hatters’ Tea PartyOn Friday 1st December, Year 5 celebrated the end of their Mad

Hatter’s project by enjoying a tea party hosted in the refectory.

Mrs Darg and her team made a range of delicious

treats which included sandwiches, cakes and squash.

Year 5 were able to show their creations to their

family and watch a clip of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ tea

party to complete their event. There were lots of

fantastic compliments from parents and teachers on

the range of creativity the children had shown when

making their hats. Well done Year 5!

Reach for the starsJedd (5G) won this year’s Generation Beyond Challenge - organised by Lockheed Martin and Discovery Education. The challenge - a UK fi rst - was launched to schools last year as part of a new STEM education programme to inspire the next generation of astronauts. Children were asked to stretch their imagination by designing a habitation module for Orion, the NASA spacecraft which will take the fi rst crew to Mars in the 2030s.

Young scientist Jedd scooped fi rst prize with his vision for life on Mars: an amazing computer-generated design, enabling astronauts to live and work safely on the red planet. Designed to be assembled in Earth’s orbit, Jedd’s module included a zero gravity rocket and special radiation room, leading judges to remark that it was “very close to the real thing.”

9-year-old Jedd said: “In our science lessons at school we were studying the Earth and Space and our teacher told us about this exciting competition. The inspiration for my habitation module for Orion’s mission to Mars comes from things I had seen before and I enjoyed the challenge of adapting them to make them my own. I have always been fascinated by space travel, so I was enthusiastic from the start. For me, the hardest aspect of the project was utilising the limited resources in space

to make my ideas work whereas the visual look and shape of my fi nal design was easy because that was in my head from the word go!”

Patrick Wood, Director of International Business Development at Lockheed Martin Space, presented Jedd with his prize in assembly. Jedd received an iPad and science magazine subscription, plus a £5,000 STEM grant for the school. Wow - well done!


Year 6 Creative Writing Night

Night is a WARRIOR!

He makes me feel intimidated.

His face is bold and brave.

His eyes are blood-shot like fi re.

His mouth is a pair of never smiling lips.

His hair blows in the wind as he soars

across the sky like a dark angel.

His armour is made of steel.

When he moves he strides with pride in

his echoing steps.

When he speaks his voice is coarse like gravel.

He lives in a palace of stone with only

shadows for company.

Night, just me and him.

Charlotte (6R)


The sky was black. Jason wrestled against

the wind like a tiger. The hurricane hurled

itself through the city. Houses were fl ying

through the sky. Screams dominated the

air, The main road was fi lled with cars

and trucks. Jason and his parents stayed

in their house. Jason was forced to be

separated into different rooms. He didn’t

know how he would survive...

Nicholas (6G)

Snake Began

Snake began

he took the rattle of maracas

and the hiss of a burst pipe

and made his voice.

For his skin

he took the roughness

of the knees. He took

the brownness of wood

and his skin was made.

From the depths of space

he took the speed of light

he took the agility of a chanting bird

for his speech.

Then at night

Snake took the blackness of coal

And the stone of a hypnotist

To make his eyes.

For his poison

he took the burning of fl ames

the sting of death

and snake was made.

Thomas (6R)

Tiger Began

Tiger began

She took the roar of a double decker bus

and the howling of the wind

and made her voice.

For her coat

she took the blackness of coal

and the orange of the sun

she also took the softness of silk.

She took the slyness of a thief

and the pounce of a spring

she made her movement.

Then she took the glittering of a diamond

and the blackness of a night sky

her eyes were made.

For her claws

she took the sinister curve of an elephants


and the scratch of a rough brick wall

and tiger was made.

Oscar (6R)

Geography FieldworkIn June, Year 7 completed their river investigation, a vital

coursework piece of their geography Common Entrance. They

started with the fi eldwork section, collecting data on the speed,

depth and width of the river. After this, the children travelled

to King Edward’s Witley, where they began to transform their

raw data into a well presented document with detailed graphs,

analyses and conclusions. Common Entrance Success!In June, Year 8 celebrated their fantastic Common Entrance

results. They have worked very hard over the last two years and

it was a nervous time waiting for the results. Mr Skehan was

delighted to announce that all the children passed and have

secured their senior school places. Our Barrow Hills children will

be moving on to Charterhouse, Churcher’s College, Cranleigh,

Frensham Heights, King Edward’s Witley, Lord Wandsworth

College, St Catherine’s Bramley, Seaford College, Worth and

the International School of Helsinki. And they were awarded

thirteen scholarships! Congratulations on these fantastic results.

You should be very proud. We are all proud of you.

Common Entrance Success!

Children’s Work 19

The Quest to Kill the Cruncher

A long, long time ago (yesterday) an

heroic man called Joahny was set an

extremely dangerous quest to kill the

one the only Cruncher. He set off, pulled

his heavy backpack onto his back and

set off trudging in the thick wet boggy

mud. Joahny was not fi t, he was fat, not

muscular, he was fl abby but he was the

only one to be brave enough to fi ght the

exterminating Cruncher who was going

to demolish dear old Joahny. His grandma

would be proud. He got deeper and

deeper into the dark misty forest.

Finally, after a long, long trek into the

deep dark forest dear old Joahny came

across a deafening sound of a terrifying

screech up ahead in the bulky forest. A

stench of rottenness and decay wafted up

from the dark and stung his nostrils. The

noises seemed to be closing in on Joahny

and he held his breath as if he was being

suffocated. The forest was like a withering

carpet of buzzing ,crawling insects. Joahny

could see a dark shadow through the

tangled up trees. He looked and saw

the head of a dinosaur and the body of a

harris hawk. It was the deadly CRUNCHER.

His heart was pounding like an ant that

had just walked up one thousand stairs.

As Joahny walked closer, he saw a pair

of sharp teeth that had just been freshly

sharpened by him grinding them against

a hard steady rock. He had a long red

tongue to defend itself from a sharp sword

and strong wings to fl y away quickly.

As Joahny crept closer to the Cruncher

he sprang up the huge standing tree.

The only way Joahny knew how to try

and reach the Cruncher was by building

a ladder by fi nding a gather of bamboo

in the woods. He left the dangerous

Cruncher on its own to roam around the

forest while he went off to fi nd the pieces

of strong bamboo. Off he went. Finally,

after a short trek (long for Joahny) he

enjoyably reached his fi nal destination.

Joahny had never tied string before. He

only knew how to tie his own shoelaces

and do a fi gure of eight knot. He tried

and tried to do a double knot and

managed one after about ten minutes. He

completed his task, after a long time.

He strode heavily to the Cruncher looking

like he wanted to give up. Again, he saw

the sharp teeth of the Cruncher who was

now waiting for him. Perched on a tree

the cruncher looked at him in disgust.

Joahny placed the ladder against the tree

in the specifi c place. He stumbled up

the ladder looking terrifi ed to fi ght the

Cruncher, this was a very intense battle.


At fi rst the Cruncher took one slice to

the bony head. Then the Cruncher got

extremely mad. The Cruncher pounced

at Joahny with his sharp teeth and

strong talons. The Cruncher took off one

of Joahnys fi ngers. Joahny now realised

who and what he was up against.

Joahny ran and ran. The Cruncher was

still mad at Joahny for invading his space

but it was too late. Joahny was never too

be seen again.

Oscar (6R)

Tilford HikeOn Monday 2nd July, Year 8 took part in a 12km hike around the Tilford area as part of their busy post Common Entrance programme. Due to the heat we did remove a check point from their route which they were all delighted about! Their map reading was very strong this year, with no groups getting lost. They impressed me by map reading on the move so we were able to complete the walk with time to enjoy an ice cream by the river in Tilford at the end. Excellent walking Year 8! Mrs Burnett


VivArtis ExhibitionOn Thursday 22nd March, 10 children were invited to the VivArtis

Exhibition of local prep and junior school work. The following

children were selected to be finalists in the exhibition with the

opportunity of winning prizes for their work: Jessica (5G), William

(5G), Phoebe (5G), Alexander (5G), Matilda (5R), Elena (7G),

Ilaria (7G), Toby (7G) and Dominic (7G) and Oscar (7G). It was

a great event with a range of quality work on show from all.

There was one winner from our school in Category 2 (Year 7 and

8), where Oscar (7G) achieved 2nd prize. Well done Oscar and

congratulations to all the finalists.

Children’s Work 21


Performing Arts

LAMDALAMDA was an amazing success with exam results

comprising of 26 Distinctions and 13 Merits.

The pupils gave a wonderful performance at the Showcase

for the parents and some performed in an ‘Evening of Music

and Drama’. Three LAMDA pupils Ben, Flyn and Fern were

awarded Drama Scholarships by their future schools.

Musical Theatre pupils gave lovely performances of songs and

dances from a variety of shows at Proms in the Park.


Georgia (3R) Speaking Verse and Prose Entry Level Distinction

Millie (3R) Speaking Verse and Prose Entry Level Distinction

Paige (3G) Speaking Verse and Prose Entry Level Distinction

Molly (3G) Speaking Verse and Prose Entry Level Distinction

Gabriel (3G) Speaking Verse and Prose Entry Level Merit

Samuel (3G) Speaking Verse and Prose Entry Level Merit

Raymond (4G) Speaking Verse and Prose Grade 1 Distinction

Theodore (4R) Speaking Verse and Prose Grade 1 Distinction

Nathaniel (4G) Speaking Verse and Prose Grade 1 Merit

Thomas (4R) Speaking Verse and Prose Grade 1 Distinction

Louis (5R) Acting Grade 1 - Duo Merit

Thomas (5R) Acting Grade 1 - Duo Distinction

James (5G) Acting Grade 1 - Duo Distinction

Mathew (5G) Acting Grade 1 - Duo Distinction

Harry (5G) Speaking Verse and Prose Grade 2 Distinction

Georgia (5G) Acting Grade 2 - Duo Distinction

Jessica (5G) Acting Grade 2 - Duo Distinction

Mia (5R) Acting Grade 2 - Duo Distinction

Phoebe (5G) Acting Grade 2 - Duo Distinction

Rupert (6R) Speaking Verse and Prose Grade 3 Merit

Max (6R) Speaking Verse and Prose Grade 2 Distinction

Oscar (7G) Speaking Verse and Prose Grade 3 Distinction

Charlotte (6R) Speaking Verse and Prose Grade 3 Merit

James (6G) Acting Grade 2 – Duo Distinction

Ben (6R) Acting Grade 2 – Duo Distinction

Nicholas (6G) Acting Grade 3 – Duo Merit

Edward (6R) Acting Grade 3 – Duo Distinction

William (6G) Acting Grade 3 - Duo Merit

William (6G) Acting Grade 3 – Duo Merit

Dominic (7G) Acting Grade 3 – Duo Merit

Freddie (7G) Acting Grade 3 – Duo Distinction

Lily (6G) Acting Grade 3 - Duo Merit

Emma (6R) Acting Grade 3 – Duo Distinction

Fern (6G) Acting Grade 4 – Solo Distinction

Serena (7G) Acting Grade 4 – Solo Distinction

Hermione (7G) Acting Grade 4 – Solo Distinction

Lucy (7G) Acting Grade 4 – Solo Distinction

Max (8G) Acting Grade 4 – Duo Merit

Flyn (8G) Acting Grade 4 – Duo Merit

Drama continues to be an exciting and vibrant subject at

Barrow Hills School for all children from Pre-Prep to Year 8.

Highlights this year included a wonderful production at the

end of each term from Pre-Prep, Year 3’s superb performance

of Sleeping Beauty: The Ugly Truth, Year 4 with the very

funny Oh What a Knight and Year 5’s Old Time Music Hall.

This included poems, songs and sketches.

Year 6 entertained the school and parents with a fantastic

production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory while Year

7 combined singing and drama in An Evening of Music and

Drama. This included some very moving scenes from The

Diary of Anne Frank and Z for Zachariah, songs from The

Sound of Music and some comic extracts from The Diary

of Adrian Mole aged 13 and 3/4, Boy and The Diary of a

Killer Cat. Finally, our oldest children in Year 8 performed Les

Misérables, with a small chorus of children from Years 6 and

7. This was a truly remarkable production.

Additionally, Drama Club continued for three terms, the

‘Off By Heart’ competition was a great success and children

achieved high scores in LAMDA examinations. Year 7 and

8 watched a production of Aladdin in London and Year 8

enjoyed performing ‘A Play in two Days’ as part of their post

Common Entrance programme. Children also had many

opportunities to perform, including during whole school

assemblies and at the annual Proms in the Park. The drama

scholars, Emily (8G) and Bethany (8G), took part in the North

London Festival of Music and Drama, winning two fi rst prizes.

The achievements of children in outside drama societies and

clubs were also celebrated.

LAMDALAMDA was an amazing success with exam results

comprising of 26 Distinctions and 13 Merits.

The pupils gave a wonderful performance at the Showcase

for the parents and some performed in an ‘Evening of Music

and Drama’. Three LAMDA pupils Ben, Flyn and Fern were

awarded Drama Scholarships by their future schools.

Musical Theatre pupils gave lovely performances of songs and

dances from a variety of shows at Proms in the Park.

Performing Arts 23Performing Arts 23

Pre-Prep Nativity – A Midwife Crisis The audience were captivated from start

to fi nish in the Pre-Prep production.

There was outstanding singing,

fantastic dancing, lots of tricky

lines to remember

and of course

an important

Christmas message

- something for

everyone in this

modern nativity.

A very busy

midwife who never

misses an important

birth is extremely

excited when she

hears that a king is

about to be born in Bethlehem. She

rushes out into the night in search of

a shiny golden palace fi t for a king.

Her donkey Steve doesn’t think he’s

ever heard of Bethlehem Palace, but

the midwife is in no mood to listen –

where else would a king be born?

On reaching Bethlehem, the

townspeople, shepherds and kings

that they come across haven’t heard

of Bethlehem Palace either and the

midwife starts to panic. However, with

the help of some gospel-singing angels

and a very bright star, the midwife is

led to a humble stable to fi nd the very

special baby already waiting for her.

Pre-Prep, you were utterly magical,

as always. Thank you to all the staff,

especially the ever talented

Mr Wardell and Mrs Pulleyn.


Pre-Prep Easter ServiceAt the end of spring term,

Pre-Prep families joined their

children for an Easter service

led by Year 2. The youngest children in

Nursery and Kindy sang about animals

waking up from their winter sleep.

Children in Reception recited a poem

about growing plants and new life, whilst

the Year 1 children recited a

poem about the changes spring

brings. The Year 2 children

dramatised the Easter story.

During the service the children

sang Easter songs and enjoyed

celebrating this important time

in the Church calendar. All the

children had learnt their lines

beautifully and the audience

were suitably impressed!

Performing Arts 25

Pre-Prep Summer Production – Eddie the Penguin Saves the WorldEddie the penguin discovers that the

world he lives in is changing and that

the ice is melting. He decides to take his

family - Mrs penguin, Granny penguin,

Grandpa penguin, Aunty and Uncle

penguin and Tom and Tim penguin to

fi nd a new home at the North Pole.

Here he meets Peter the polar bear and

discovers that human beings are causing

the ice to melt. Eddie goes on a mission

to save the planet. With the help of

programme producer Donnie and the

Australian Prime Minister, Eddie raises

awareness and lets the world know how

they can change things for the better. The

Boot and Motor families realised that it

was just a short walk or cycle to school

and that everyone could help stop the

‘drip drop’.

The fantastic Year 2 were supported

by some gorgeous singing penguin

chicks from Nursery and Kindy, some

wonderfully sparkly polar bear cubs from

Reception and some fabulous cars and

houses from Year 1.

All the parents thoroughly enjoyed the

performance and Mrs Pulleyn gave the

children an eleven out of ten! Thank you

to all the Pre-Prep staff for

their hard work, to Ms O’Neil

for battling the traffi c to

support them in their singing

and to Mrs Pulleyn for her

expert direction.


Year 3 ‘Sleeping Beauty (The Ugly Truth)’Wow! What a performance!

The Year 3 production of ‘Sleeping Beauty

(The Ugly Truth)’ was a super success! All

the children sang their hearts out, although

special mention must go to Georgia (3R)

and Sam (3G) for their amazing duet! The

children’s acting skills and stage presence

ensured an amazing performance from

each and every one of them.

We are incredibly proud of all the children

and what they have achieved. What a

fantastic team effort! Well done Year 3!

Mrs Peek and Mr Hooker

Year 4 ‘What a Knight’Mrs Harris and Mrs Wallace were delighted with the Year 4

performance of ‘What a Knight’ and commend the children

for all their hard work in learning their lines, songs and stage

direction! It truly was a night to remember! Jago (4R) wrote the

following review:

On Tuesday 20th March 2018, I was thrilled to be invited to watch

the Year 4 production of ‘What a Knight’ by Craig Hawes, at

Barrow Hills School.

The plot is that Merlin wants Excalibur... The Black Knight wants

Excalibur... Excalibur is found in a scone!

The stage was set up as the Castle of Camelot. Throughout the

play, the props changed. Some of the scene changes I particularly

enjoyed were when the castle became a kitchen.

The main characters were Merlin, Watt, the Black Knight and his

Henchmen and Alice. I think my favourite character was Bernie

because he said lots of funny things.

I also liked the performance of Colin Calvin because I liked the

part when he said, “Shackles are so last season!”.

I would recommend this show to my dad because he likes

funny jokes!

Performing Arts 27


Year 5’s Music HallOn Thursday 30th November, Year 5

performed their production. We all

thoroughly enjoyed performing on stage.

Our favourite parts were being part of the

Fab Four. The Fab Four included Theo, Louis,

Will N and Barnaby. We sung the ‘Yellow

Submarine’. All the jokes were incredibly

funny! The whole year rehearsed very well.

The funniest sketch was Madame Zsa Zsa

who looked like a 80s rock star! All the

soloists were very brave to perform in front

of about one hundred people!

Well Done to EVERYONE! By Barnaby (5R)

and Will (5R)

Performing Arts 29

Year 6 ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ was a

great success. We all knew our lines off by

heart and it was really fun performing it to

the parents, grandparents and siblings.

We did the show on Thursday 28th June

and we also had a dress rehearsal on

Monday the 25th. We practised scenes

over and over again until every single

solitary part of the show was perfect.

On the night itself relatives fl ooded into

the hall while we all got changed into our

wonderful costumes.

At the auditions everyone did really

well and I got the part of Veruca Salt.

I was very happy when Mrs Mason

announced my part because I wanted

to get that part.

The whole audience loved the show and

it was one of the most fun shows I have

ever performed!

By Charlotte (6R)

I was very happy when Mrs Mason

announced my part because I wanted

to get that part.

The whole audience loved the show and

it was one of the most fun shows I have

ever performed!

By Charlotte (6R)


Year 7’s Evening of Music and DramaOn Tuesday 27th March, Year 7 presented their ‘Evening of Music and Drama’. The theme for the drama was diaries, fictional and real.

The audience enjoyed entertaining performances from the ‘Diary of Adrian Mole’, ‘Killer Cat’ and Roald Dahl’s ‘Boy’, and two moving

performances from ‘Z for Zachariah’ and ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’. Year 7, supported by the choir, also sang four songs from ‘The Sound

of Music’, including ‘Edelweiss’, Mr Wardell’s favourite, which the cast and audience joined in singing as the encore. Congratulations to

the Year 7 children on a wonderfully entertaining evening.

trips and visits 31Performing Arts 31

Les MisérablesFrom the very fi rst note of the opening

number of the Year 8 performance of ‘Les

Misérables’ on Thursday 7th December, it

was clear that this would be no ordinary

school production. Parents, staff and

children had eagerly awaited this well

known and much loved musical. However,

perhaps none of us were quite prepared for

the staggeringly sophisticated and emotive

performances given by this exceptionally

talented yet very young cast. Some of

Year 8 had never performed a solo in

front of anyone else before, yet all rose

to the challenge of this diffi cult musical,

working together to give unforgettable

performances over two nights.

Year 8 were very well supported by a

wonderful chorus of Year 6 and 7 children

and also by Ruby from Year 4 as Little

Eponine and by Phoebe from Year 3 as

Little Cosette. The chorus gave up their

lunchtimes to rehearse and we are very

grateful for the contribution they made to

the success of this show.

Well done Year 8! We are very proud of you

and all you have achieved.

Mrs Mason, Miss Tan, Mrs Goedkoop and

the wonderful Mr Wardell.

perhaps none of us were quite prepared for



Autumn 2017

Pre-Primary Passes: Sophie, Eliza, Lyla, Emilia, Suzannah

Primary: Savannah PassIsabella MeritCleo DistinctionOttilie MeritIlana MeritDaisy Merit

Grade One: Sophie PassRosie Merit

Grade Two: Georgia MeritJessica MeritSarah Merit

Spring 2018

Pre-Primary Passes: Freddie, Xanthe, Aria, Amelie, Abigail, Oliver, Autumn

Grade One: Molly MeritChloe DistinctionGeorgia MeritDominic Merit

Grade One Solo Performance Award: Jessica Distinction

Summer 2018

Pre-Primary Passes: Deliah, Beatrice, Thomas, Annabel, Charlotte, George, Rosalia, Lily

Primary: Amelie Distinction

Grade One: Phoebe MeritAmelia Merit

Grade Two: Phoebe MeritMia Merit

Grade Two Solo Performance Award: Jessica Distinction

Congratulations to the Pre-Prep ballet girls who received the following awards:

Holford Pre-Prep Ballet Cup: Cleo (2G) and Ottilie (2G)Ballet Book Award: Amelie (2G), Ilana (2R), Daisy (2R)Special Ballet Award: Annabel (1G), Suzie (1R)Ballet Commendations: Delilah (Rec), Beatrice (Rec),

Emilia (1R)

Beautiful ballet - well done!

In Prep, the following prizes were awards:

Effort Cup for Ballet Phoebe (5G)Holford Ballet Cup Jessica (5G)


In other news, Jessica (5G) was accepted to London Junior Ballet Associate Programme.

Congratulations to the Pre-Prep ballet girls who received the

trips and visits 33Performing Arts 33

MusicMusicCongratulations to all our gifted musicians on their fantastic

exam results. We are privileged that many of them showcase

their talent in our Friday Assembly. Listening to our ‘Friday

Musician’ is always a joy.

Grade 4 Singing Isobel (6G) Pass

Grade 4 Horn Julien (8G) Pass

Grade 5 Singing Julien (8G) Merit

Grade 1 Piano Holly (5R) Merit

Grade 3 Piano Dominic (5R) Merit

Grade 4 Singing Emily (8G) Pass

Grade 2 Piano Toby (7G) Pass

Grade 1 Violin Theo (4R) Merit

Grade 3 Singing Charlotte (6R) Pass

Grade 1 Singing Sarah (5G) Distinction

Grade 1 Singing Verity (4G) Merit

Grade 2 Piano Sam (8G) Pass

Grade 3 Clarinet Annabel (6R) Pass

Grade 4 Singing Fern (6G) Merit

Grade 5 Singing Imogen (8G) Distinction

Grade 5 Singing Isobel (6G) Pass

Grade 3 Singing Emily (8G) Merit

Grade 2 Singing Charlotte (6R) Merit

Grade 1 Singing Maddie (6G) Pass

Grade 2 Piano William (5G) Merit

Grade 1 Horn Xavier (6R) Merit

Grade 2 Flute Amy (8G) Pass

Piano Prep Test Phoebe (3G)

Piano Prep Test Chloe (3R)

Piano Prep Test Jago (4R)

Piano Prep Test Dominic (4G)


Girls SportLacrosseOur U8 and U9 girls play pop lacrosse and girls in Years 5-8

progress onto fi eld lacrosse. The big difference is that in fi eld

lacrosse girls are able to ‘check’ i.e. gain possession of the ball

by tackling.

The girls enjoyed a brief three week lacrosse season where we

played against teams from St Edmund’s and The Royal. The U13

team were by far our most ferocious team and never afraid to

put in a check in order to gain possession of the ball. The girls

learnt to shout when making a check and this was a highly

successful tactic in putting off our opponents! They won both

their matches against The Royal and St Edmund’s.

RoundersIAPS U11 Rounders

Our U11 team made it through to the second round of the

IAPS rounders competition after beating Highfi eld 8-7 in a nail

biting match on 1st May.

On Monday 21st May, the U11 Rounders team travelled to

Windlesham House to play the second round draw for the

IAPS competition.

We got off to a great start, winning the toss, electing to

fi eld fi rst and getting Windlesham all out for a total of one

rounder! However, we then batted our fi rst innings and

were all out for 1.5 rounders! In the second innings, the

Windlesham House girls seemed to get over their initial

nerves and batted incredibly well scoring a further 27.5

rounders. Barrow Hills were able to score a further two

rounders in the second innings. The fi nal score was 28.5-3.5

and so we were convincingly knocked out of the draw!

The girls fi elded incredibly well, especially in the fi rst

innings and made some fantastic catches. Emma (6R) won

the coaches’ award for girl of the game and Maddie (6G)

won a pink rounders ball for making three catches during

the match.

On Thursday 21st June, the Year 7 and 8 girls participated

in Leavers Rounders vs their parents. The match ended

in a convincing victory for the girls team 36-26! Leavers

Rounders is a highlight of the sporting year. The girls love

watching their parents strike and score. Mr Peek was the

top scorer for the parents team on the night and Elena (7G)

for the girls team.

All rounders and catches scored by every girl for the season

is recorded. This year Lucy (7G) scored the most rounders in

matches (14) and Maddie (6G) made the most catches (5).

the match.

On Thursday 21st June, the Year 7 and 8 girls participated

in Leavers Rounders vs their parents. The match ended

in a convincing victory for the girls team 36-26! Leavers

Rounders is a highlight of the sporting year. The girls love

watching their parents strike and score. Mr Peek was the

top scorer for the parents team on the night and Elena (7G)

for the girls team.

All rounders and catches scored by every girl for the season

is recorded. This year Lucy (7G) scored the most rounders in

matches (14) and Maddie (6G) made the most catches (5).

Sport 35

NetballSurrey Storm

On Saturday

12th March,

the Colts

A Netball

Team had the

very exciting

opportunity to

be the ball girls

for a Surrey

Storm netball

match vs Team Bath at the Surrey Sports

Park. Our girls were introduced to the

crowd. They were each given a towel to

wipe the court in case a player fell and

they had to collect the ball if it went off

court. The standard of the netball was

inspiring for our girls, with Surrey Storm

narrowly losing 51-56 to Team Bath.

Great job Barrow Hills ball girls!

U13 Netball Team

The U13 team got off to a great start

to their season, winning their fi rst two

matches against Ripley Court 15-5 and

St Edmund’s 21-10. However, then they

faced Belmont who were just too strong

an opposition. Despite battling hard,

Barrow Hills lost 19-6. The team went

on to gain more victories throughout the

season against Edgeborough 21-8 and

The Royal 17-10.

Further into the season the team lost

only one more Wednesday match which

was against Pennthorpe 19-8. The team

entered three tournaments: Bryanston

(11th out of 21 teams) Cranleigh (3rd

out of 5 teams) with following results:

won 9-2 vs Danes Hill, won 7-4 vs

Highfi eld, lost 4-5 vs Epsom College, lost

1-5 vs Westbourne House. Their fi nal

tournament was at Churcher’s College

and we fi nished a very respectable 3rd in

our section of eight teams.

U11 Netball Team

This year the U11 Netball team played

10 netball matches winning 6 (Belmont

13-6, St Edmund’s 10-3, The Royal 4-2,

St Ives 6-2, St Hilary’s B and Edgeborough

B 7-3) and losing 4 (Longacre 1-7,

Ripley Court 5-9, Pennthorpe 12-23

and Amesbury 9-11). They played in

two netball tournaments. The fi rst was

at King Edward’s Witley on Saturday

30th September where the team drew 1

match, won 1 and lost 5! Their second

tournament - the IAPS Small Schools

Netball Tournament - was a much more

successful experience!

On Friday 23rd February, our U11 netball

team took part in the IAPS U11 Small

Schools Netball Tournament. We travelled

up the night before the competition and

we came home as winners of the plate

competition. An excellent team effort.

We played seven matches, won four, lost

two and drew one.

Knockout Stages: Beat Framlingham

College 7-1, drew 2-2 against Old

Buckenham Hall, lost 3-0 to St George’s

(who went on to win the tournament)

and lost 8-0 to Witham Hall.

These results meant we fi nished 4th in

our section and we went through to the

plate competition.

U13 Netball Team

our section of eight teams.

U11 Netball Team

This year the U11 Netball team played

10 netball matches winning 6 (Belmont

13-6, St Edmund’s 10-3, The Royal 4-2,

St Ives 6-2, St Hilary’s B and Edgeborough

B 7-3) and losing 4 (Longacre 1-7,

Ripley Court 5-9, Pennthorpe 12-23

and Amesbury 9-11). They played in

two netball tournaments. The fi rst was

at King Edward’s Witley on Saturday

match vs Team Bath at the Surrey Sports

season against Edgeborough 21-8 and

The Royal 17-10.

Further into the season the team lost

only one more Wednesday match which


Plate Competition:

Quarter Final - Won 11-0 against Forres

Sandle Manor; Semi Final - Won 5-0

against Old Buckenham School; Final

of plate competition - Won 5-1 against

Broughton School.

Fern (6G) was our player of the

tournament for her excellent movement

into space at exactly the right time.

U10 King Edward’s Tournament

On Saturday 30th September the U10

team participated in their fi rst tournament

of the year at KES and managed to draw

3 of their matches, lost 1 and won 1.

They then fi nished 4th overall on their

section of 6 teams.

The team then entered the GHS Netball

Tournament on Friday 17th November.

They fi nished 8th in a section of 12 teams

gaining very impressive wins over Holy

Trinity and St Catherine’s.

U9 Netball Team:

Our Junior Colts A team played a total of

8 netball matches on Thursday afternoons

with very mixed results. They gained 4

wins: Belmont, St Ives, Pennthope and

Edgeborough U9B team. They suffered

4 losses to: Ripley Court, Edgeborough

U9A team, St Andrew’s and St Edmund’s.

On Saturday 25th November they entered

the Hoe Bridge U9B Tournament and they

won it!

U8 Cranleigh Tournament:

On Thursday 9th November both of

our U8 teams played their fi rst netball

tournament at Cranleigh. The U8A team

sadly lost all 3 matches against Amesbury

5-2. Edgeborough 3-0 and Cranleigh 2-0.

The U8B team drew against The Royal

0-0, Edgeborough 0-0 and won against

Brookham 1-0.

Bryanston Netball

On Thursday 9th November both of

our U8 teams played their fi rst netball

tournament at Cranleigh. The U8A team

sadly lost all 3 matches against Amesbury

5-2. Edgeborough 3-0 and Cranleigh 2-0.

The U8B team drew against The Royal

0-0, Edgeborough 0-0 and won against

Brookham 1-0.

Bryanston Netball

CricketIn 2018, cricket was introduced to the girls at Barrow Hills.

The girls were quick to take to the sport and discovered many

of the skills needed for rounders were transferable for cricket.

Cricket is taking off as a girls sport across the UK and many

of the local prep schools chose to compete in girls cricket

matches over rounders this summer.

In May 2018, Barrow Hills hosted a cricket festival. Teams in

all age groups from U8-U13 Pennthorpe, Cranleigh, Amesbury

and Belmont participated in pairs cricket matches. Each pair

was able to bat for two overs and every fi elder bowled one

over so that matches could be kept short and the girls had the

opportunity to play multiple schools. Cranleigh proved to be

very strong, winning nearly all the age group competitions.

However, our girls gained plenty of victories when competing

against the other schools!

At the end of May, the U10 and U11 girls teams played more

pairs cricket matches against Portsmouth Grammar School

and won both games. The accuracy and speed of the bowling

was fantastic. The girls also had learnt to work together when

batting, as well as communicating when they would run. Our

U13 girls played against an U13D boys team from Pennthorpe

and won 223-217!

The girls are very much looking forward to more matches

next year.

very strong, winning nearly all the age group competitions.

However, our girls gained plenty of victories when competing

against the other schools!

At the end of May, the U10 and U11 girls teams played more

pairs cricket matches against Portsmouth Grammar School

and won both games. The accuracy and speed of the bowling

was fantastic. The girls also had learnt to work together when

batting, as well as communicating when they would run. Our

U13 girls played against an U13D boys team from Pennthorpe

and won 223-217!

The girls are very much looking forward to more matches

next year.

Sport 37

SwimmingBeing able to access the King Edward’s swimming pool has been

fantastic for Barrow Hills in that we can now host swim galas

throughout the school year.

Our fi rst home gala was against Pennthorpe in September 2017.

The gala was a really close contest and fortunately our U9, U11 and

U13 mixed swim teams were victorious winning 115-124!

In October, we hosted a girls only swimming gala against St Hilary’s,

St Ives and Edgeborough. We fi nished 3rd overall behind St Hilary’s

and St Ives but beating Edgeborough.

In November, we had a mixed swimming gala away against

Highfi eld B team and Barrow Hills dominated nearly every race.

Next year we will try our luck against their A team!

IAPS National Swimming Finals 2018

Barrow Hills entered the IAPS Swimming

Competition this year for the fi rst time and

amazingly two of our swimmers qualifi ed

for the National Finals, which took place

on Saturday 9th June. 257 schools entered

this competition with 1500 fi nalists!

Holly (5R) qualifi ed in the U10 Girls 25m

Backstroke and Theo (5R) for the U10

Boys 25m Backstroke.

Holly fi nished 10th overall in the girls race

in a time of 18.55 secs and Theo came 12th overall in the boys race

with a time of 18.85 secs. Congratulations to both Holly and Theo

for a superb achievement.

Mixed Sport

AthleticsCatholic Schools Athletics

Championships (CSAC) at St George’s

College, Weybridge

On Sunday 24th June, 10 athletes from

Years 5 and 6 took part in the Catholic

Schools Athletics Championships (CSAC)

at St George’s College, Weybridge, with

10 schools competing. All athletes were

limited to the number of events they

could participate in; 2 track events, 1

fi eld event and a relay. Our children really

enjoyed running on a 400m tartan track

and performed fantastically well on a

very hot day.

U12 Girls

100m - Matilda (6R) 1st 14.11secs

200m - Matilda (6R) 1st 30.01secs

Rounders Ball Throw - Maddie (6G)

1st 34m

U12 Boys

70m Hurdles - Theo (5R) 1st 13.16secs

70m Hurdles - Cade (5R) 2nd 13.83secs

200m - Theo (5R) 1st 28.53secs (New

Record for the CSAC)

800m - James D (6G) 3rd 2min 43.14secs

1500m - Cade (5R) 1st 5mins 16 secs

Cricket Ball Throw - James H (6G) 3rd


St Catherine’s Athletics Competition

On Wednesday 4th July, 16 girls from

Years 3-6 took part in an athletics

competition at St Catherine’s School. The

focus of this was for girls to participate in

as many events as they wanted and most

importantly to have fun. Results were not

recorded. Our girls took part in high jump

for the fi rst time ever and it was amazing

to see many of them able to clear 1m

with no training in this event! Barrow

Hills girls dominated the track events

which was fabulous to watch!

70m Hurdles - Cade (5R) 2nd 13.83secs

200m - Theo (5R) 1st 28.53secs (New

Record for the CSAC)

800m - James D (6G) 3rd 2min 43.14secs

1500m - Cade (5R) 1st 5mins 16 secs

Cricket Ball Throw - James H (6G) 3rd



Hockey1st VII Hockey

This year’s hockey season was defi nitely

a success. With over half of Year 8 in the

fi rst team, people saw us as underdogs.

No one had heard of us and didn’t expect

much of us, until we beat them very

convincingly. We ended up winning the

IAPS regionals on golden goal. This was

defi nitely the highlight of my season. We

then made it to the National Finals for the

second year running. Thank you to Mr

Conway and Mr Clarke for coaching us.

Ben (8G)

2nd VII Hockey

This season we performed well and

won the majority of our games. Miss

Gartland coached us very well. Julian

was our left winger and contributed to

a lot of our goals. We played many local

schools in the area such as Cranleigh

and St Edmund’s. Alexander, our striker,

scored many goals. All around, the team

put in a very decent and well-played

season and deserved to get the results

we gained.

One more thank you to Miss Gartland

and the team for putting in such a

good performance.

Oliver (8G)

3rd VII Hockey

This year the thirds played really well.

We worked hard in training, this

refl ected in our performance in matches.

Elena was our strongest defender.

Nicky was our most improved player.

We enjoyed all our matches but our

favourite was against Danes Hill because

afterwards at match tea we met loads of

friendly people.

We had a brilliant season. Thank you

to all the sports staff for helping us in

matches and training.

Emily (8G) and Bethany (8G)

4th VII Hockey

This year the fourth team played really

well with a total of four goals across six

matches. Julien scored an amazing goal.

Amy and Tom worked really well together

leading us to win two matches. We had

no injuries and saved eight goals!

Imogen (8G)

Colts A1 Hockey

Over the hockey season, the A1 hockey

team played many tournaments and

matches. The hockey was outstanding!

There were some fantastic goals, great

defending and brilliant passing. To

mention some names, Matthew made

some terrifi c shots, Oscar had great skills

and James was a marvellous captain.

Overall, we played really well and had

some fantastic hockey matches. Thank

you to Mr Clarke and Mr Conway for

coaching us and improving our skills.

Sascha (6R) and Thomas (6R)

Colts A2 Hockey

We began our season with a strong start by

winning three games in a row. James was

the highlight as he’d never really played

hockey before. Our defensive unit was

strong, with Nicholas and Alexander. Rory

was also in defence. Half way through the

season, Ben and Rupert joined the team.

They played really well all season.

The A2s had a very good season. Rupert

was the most improved player and

James was player of the season. Overall,

we had a great season with a strong

side, winning most of our matches.

Thank you everyone for playing so well

and everyone for coaching us.

Rupert (6R) and Alexander (5G)

Colts B1 Hockey

We didn’t have the best of starts to season,

we lost our fi rst match and needed to lift

our spirits in the next game. Luckily, it was

our best match! We won and Fraser got

man of the match. We fought like lions and

tried our hardest but didn’t get the rub of

the green. We deserved more wins and but

2nd VII Hockey

Colts B1 Hockey

Sport 39

improved a lot over the season. The best

player was Michael followed by Fraser for

positive passing and creating many chances.

The most improved player was Fraser and

Barnaby for effort and excellence.

Barnaby (5R) and Tom (5G)

Colts B2 Hockey

It was a great season for the B2

team. Will played well this season,

making good passes and scoring loads

of goals. The whole team played

amazingly with targeted passing and

working as a team. We all enjoyed

playing for the B2s this season.

Tommy (5R)

Colts C1 Hockey

This year, we improved a lot from the

start of the season to the end. Our main

improvement was our passing. At the

start, we could not pass, but by the

end of the season, it seemed that we

had known how to do it all our lives.

We scored many goals on the way. Our

best pass though was when Harry did a

dummy past a defender and passed to

James and he shot and scored. Thank

you to all the coaches for helping us on

the way and getting us this far.

Harry (5G)

Junior Colts A1 Hockey

We all played really well. Tom was good

at goalkeeping because he stopped lots

of goals. The funniest thing was Tom

falling over a lot in the tournament. Well

done to the whole team for playing so


Jago K (4R)

Girls HockeyThe 2017/18 hockey season got off to a fl ying start with our U13 team gaining wins over King Edward’s Witley U13A (4-2) and U13B (5-2). They then played against Seaford’s U13C team and won 1-0, followed by a match against Cranleigh U13C team which ended in a 0-0 draw. Their last match as a girls only team was against St Edmund’s U13A team which they won 6-1. A cracking season for the Barrow Hills U13 team - well done!

Our Colts teams only had one girls only round of matches against St Edmund’s before they mixed with the boys and played the remainder of the season as mixed squads. The Colts A team lost vs St Edmund’s 2-0 and our Colts B and Colts C teams both won 3-1 and 6-0.

Our Junior Colts teams played two matches as girls only teams, including one tournament at Cranleigh. The Junior Colts A beat St Edmund’s 2-1 and Longacre 8-2. In their U9

tournament at Cranleigh they were in a very tough draw, played in absolutely freezing cold temperatures and came 4th in their section of fi ve teams.

The U8A battled really well in their Cranleigh U8 tournament and fi nished 2nd, beating Edgebrough and Cranleigh but losing overall to Eagle House. Our U8B team entered the same tournament but played against the B teams from the other schools and came 3rd out of four teams.

National Hockey SuccessBarrow Hills’ intrepid Under 13 boys’ hockey team celebrated success once again after qualifying for the national fi nals of the Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS) hockey tournament.

The eight-strong team took on 23 other schools at the IAPS West Hockey Tournament 2018 held at Millfi eld School. We came 2nd in the group, qualifying for the cup competition and going on to win the quarter-fi nal, semi-fi nal and the fi nal with a golden goal scored by the Captain, Ben (8G).

Buoyed by their success, the team travelled to Millfi eld in March, battling it out at the National Finals where they were pitted against the best prep schools in the country.

The team’s coaches, Mr Clarke and Mr Conway said, “Our fi rst U13 hockey team has done fantastically well again this year. They delivered a great team effort throughout and should all be proud of their achievements. They’ve worked hard in training and deserve every success.”


Cross-CountryBarrow Hills entered fi ve cross-country

competitions held throughout 2017/18.

The fi rst was held at Seaford on 22nd

September and our U10 and U11 boys

and girls cross-country teams took

part in the tough course with a rather

large hill to climb! Holly (5R) won the

U10 girls race in a fi eld of over 50

runners! Claudia (5R) came 3rd and so

our U10 girls team came 2nd overall

out of all the competing schools.

On Monday 2nd October, Barrow Hills

runners in the U9, U11 and U13 age

groups in both boys and girls competed

at Ripley Court. This time it was the

boys turn to win – the U11 boys team

came 1st overall. Beatrix (4G) came 3rd

in the U9 girls race.

In November, our girls ran at St

Edmund’s. The Year 5 girls won the

team event, beating six other schools

into fi rst place. The team consisted of

Holly (5R) who came 3rd, Claudia (5R)

4th and Jessica (5R) 6th.

Despite an exceptionally cold day, our

girls did not give up and thoroughly

enjoyed a warm cup of hot chocolate at

the end. Well done to all who ran.

On Friday 1st December, the second

ever King of the Hills (a two mile race

from King Edward’s Witley to Barrow

Hills) was held between children from

the two schools. King Edward’s had

54 runners and Barrow Hills 86. The

contest was to see which school was

the fi rst to have 30 runners across the

fi nish line. Barrow Hills were victorious

for the second year running!

Sadly, due to the very bad winter and

lots of snow, the largest cross-country

fi xture held at Guildford High School in

February had to be cancelled. Hopefully

next year the weather will be kinder!

the two schools. King Edward’s had

54 runners and Barrow Hills 86. The

contest was to see which school was

the fi rst to have 30 runners across the

fi nish line. Barrow Hills were victorious

for the second year running!

Sadly, due to the very bad winter and

lots of snow, the largest cross-country

fi xture held at Guildford High School in

February had to be cancelled. Hopefully

next year the weather will be kinder!

In November, our girls ran at St

Edmund’s. The Year 5 girls won the

team event, beating six other schools

into fi rst place. The team consisted of

Holly (5R) who came 3rd, Claudia (5R)

4th and Jessica (5R) 6th.

Despite an exceptionally cold day, our

girls did not give up and thoroughly

Sport 41

Boys Sport1st Cricket This year’s cricket season was a very successful one. We won six and lost two matches. I was very impressed with the boys’ dedication and hard work. The person who I think has improved the most is Matty, because he has the most wickets and he doubted himself at the start of the season. The funniest moment was Oliver catching the ball with his shins and chest! My memorable moment was Ben scoring a century against Pennthorpe.

I have loved my final cricket season at Barrow Hills and I hope the other boys have too.

Alexander (8G)

Colts A1 CricketWe began our season with a reasonable start, with the first game being quite close. Matt stayed in the whole game but we sadly lost. We had two other ok games, one of which Tom almost scored a half century, with 46. The other game was our last game against Longacre. This game was great because most of our players got wickets and we batted well.

We had a good season and the player of the season was Tom M and most improved was Will N. Thank you to the team for playing so well and to the coaches for helping us.

Rory (6G)


2nd XI Cricket

1st XI Cricket

Colts A1 Cricket

Colts A2 CricketThis year was a great season for cricket. The weather was perfect all term long. We had some new cricketers like Michael, who was one of the best players in the team. We had lots of success because we worked as a team. Alexander was a good captain and lead us to a number of victories. Overall, we had a brilliant season and improved in fielding and bowling. In addition, our wicket keeper Ed B helped the team when we were struggling. Finally, William H made many catches, which won matches.

William (6G)

Colts A2 Cricket

Colts B1 CricketThe Colts B1 cricket team had a

wonderful and eventful cricket season.

Tommy had a terrific catch, Rupert

bowled four people out and Barnaby was

a fantastic batter. I thank the team for

trying so hard, I look forward with great

enthusiasm to the next cricket season.

Thomas (6G)

Colts B1 Cricket

Junior Colts A1 CricketThe A1s got lots of runs and we got lots of wickets. The best players were Tom H and Tom H! Conrad got a good catch and a good six one match. We played really well as a team and the funniest moment of the season was playing away at Belmont and getting lots of sixes because the pitch was so small. Thank you to Mr Conway for coaching us.

Tom (4G) and Tom (4R)

Junior Colts A1 Cricket

Colts B2 CricketThis year, the Colts B2 had a good start to the season. We had a few close matches but we only lost by a few runs. Even though we lost all our matches, we continued to improve all the time. We got close to winning one game but lost by two runs. I think the whole team improved but I thought Ed B improved the most. In our last game, we played the best.

Max (6R)

Colts B2 Cricket


1st XI FootballThe first football team began the season with an away match against St Edmund’s. Although we lost, the team had a good and positive attitude towards the match and areas we needed to work on. In training, our focus was to use the width of the pitch and to spread the play. The first team used this well and bounced back with an unbeaten season.

On the 11th of October, Mr Hatcher challenged us by entering the team in the IAPS at Rokeby School. Our aim was to move the ball quickly and keep the ball on the ground, as it was six a-side. We reached our

targets, but narrowly missed the Nationals by one point, although having a higher goal difference than national finalists, Cranleigh.

A special note goes to our centre back Max who was the rock of the team, protecting Flyn, our goalkeeper. Also Oscar, who added an attacking strength to our frontline. Lastly, to Harry, who put an incredible amount of effort into every game, adding flair to our side. Well done to everyone who contributed to the team and thank you to our coaches Mr Hooker and

Mr Hatcher for another great season.

Matthew (8G)


1st XI Football

2nd XI FootballThe second team started the season by playing St Edmund’s at home. We lost our first game but we completed our challenge

by putting the ball into the opposition’s corners of the field. Alexander was our striker and our main goal scorer. Alexander was our hardest working player who was

always on the ball. Finally, a mention must go to our goalkeeper George, who saved almost all the shots.Julian (8G)

Colts A2 FootballThe A2s had six fixtures this season, four of which were double fixtures, meaning we played against two schools. In our first match, we played St Edmund’s away. They were a very good team and we knew it would be difficult. We were a new team and pulled together well. The final score was 7-0 to us, we were delighted and Matthew scored a hat trick. Buoyed by our successful start, we went on to beat Great Ballard and Belmont the following week. Then, in our third match, we were against the one of our hardest teams - Chandler. We were playing Longacre and Chandler in the same afternoon.

We played our best and beat Longacre 2-0 with Louis, our amazing winger and I, both scoring. Then we played Chandler. I was in defence, their player came towards me, I slipped and our keeper had no chance. We lost 1-0.

Next, we played Seaford and Amesbury at home. First, we played Amesbury. I scored the first goal, followed by two great goals from our strike force. We won 3-0 and went on to play Seaford. We were tiring and did not score. However, thanks to some great defending by Thomas M and Barnaby, and our brilliant keeper Oscar

(who moved to the A1’s afterwards) Seaford failed to score and we drew.

After Oscar moved up, Dominic joined us, and so did Ben. When we went into our next game against Westbourne House and Pennthorpe away, we had a slightly different team but we still won 1-0 in each game. Rupert made amazing passes in both games. In our last game, we played Chandler and drew.

Our coach Mr Clarke helped us through the whole season.

Nicholas (6G)

Junior Colts A2 CricketThis year, the A2s played fantastically and we did lots of great hits. The funniest moment was when Lloyd had an easy run out but forgot to hit the bails off. The best player was Lloyd because he was a good bowler and got quite a lot of fours. Thank you for being such a great team and to Mr Clarke for coaching us.

Gabriel (3G)

Junior Colts A2 Cricket

Junior Colts B2 Cricket

The B2s had very hard matches. The

funniest moment was when I hit the ball a

tiny bit and got four runs with Theodore.

Theodore was the best bowler and Jago S

and Alexander were the best batters. Well

done to everyone for playing so well.

Dominic (4G)

Junior Colts B2 Cricket

Junior Colts B1 Cricket

This season, the B1s had an amazing cricket

season. We scored loads of runs especially

Paul and Toby. They played very well when

batting fours and stumping people out. A

funny moment was six people doing long

barrier but they all missed the ball!

Nathaniel (4G) and Edward (3R)

Junior Colts B1 Cricket

Sport 43

Colts A1 FootballThe Colts A1 team had a fantastic season

and it is an honour to write this team

report. Over the weeks, I saw a huge

improvement in the team’s passing ability

and understanding of one another’s game.

Everybody played well and it is worth

highlighting some key points. James

D and Alexander were outstanding in

defence with some crunching tackles

and a brave approach. It was great to see

Oscar come up from the A2s to perform

some incredible saves and prove himself

as a solid keeper. Theo’s skill improvement

was truly impressive, as were Ed’s crosses

into the box leading to some good

goals, many of which were scored by the

talented Matthew!

My favourite moment of the season was

James B’s screamer against Hoe Bridge.

This was hit with the outside of his boot

from some distance to slam into the top

corner, leaving their keeper no chance!

Thank you to the whole team for playing

so well and to Mr Conway for coaching us.

James H (6G)

Colts A1 Football

Colts B1 Football

Colts B1 FootballThis season has been very successful! Our strikers have scored some fantastic goals, our midfielders have done some great passes, our defence has been solid and our goalkeeper Will has saved countless shots from the opposition. Everyone has worked their hardest. A special mention for Tom who persevered and kept on playing after he was hurt. I think that Rory played really well and scored some amazing shots. Rupert played so well that he moved up a team, he made some amazing set-ups and he was a great team player. Although we lost a few matches our team still played superbly. My favourite part of the season was when we all worked together which meant we all enjoyed the matches. Thank you to all the sports staff for coaching us, Mrs Darg for lovely match teas and to the whole team for playing so well!

Sascha (6R)

Colts B2 FootballThe B2s had an intense season this year,

with many close games and some hard

fought wins. Tommy was an amazing

goalie, saving many attempts from the

other team to score. Rory was also an

incredible help to his teammates because

of his great efforts in co-operating. Fraser

was also outstanding - continually finding

space and being ready for action. The team

could rely on him to score, as he would

unleash another powerful shot at goal.

Thank you very much to all the rest of

the team for playing so well and trying

so hard.

Our first game was at home against St

Edmund`s. We went on to play Belmont

away, before facing Longacre and

Chandler in a tournament at the end of

September. This was my highlight of the

season as the whole team played so well.

In October, we played both Amesbury and

Seaford College at home before another

tournament was held with Pennthorpe

and Westbourne House, also away.

Finally, our last game was against Chandler

on the first of November, at home.

We all enjoyed the season and having

the chance to compete against other

schools. We have plenty of skilled players

at Barrow Hills and we hope we can build

towards greater things next season (just

as the school motto says!).

Thank you very much team and all our


Thomas (6G)

Colts B2 Football

Colts C1 FootballThis year, the Colts C1 team had a great start to the season. We beat St Edmund’s. Oliver scored an amazing goal. Will and I were the players of the season. The most improved was Will B. The Colts C1 were happy with their season.

Cillian (6G)

Colts C Football

Colts C2 FootballThe Colts C2 team played matches in the first football season. All of us played equally well and we enjoyed ourselves. We all improved a substantial amount because of our effort. Well done to everyone for playing so well.

Edward (5R)

44Junior Colts A1 FootballThe Junior Colts A1 team have had a great season, winning most of our matches, home and away. We played very well together as a team and have enjoyed all our games.

The first few games of the season against St Edmund’s and Edgeborough taught us the importance of playing together as a team, passing the ball around the pitch and having a strong defence. Gabriel made some fantastic goals for us, Jonah played well in midfield and Conrad

worked hard for us in defence.

One of the highlights of the season was our competition against Chandler and Longacre Schools. The Junior Colts A1 won in both of their matches against tough opposition and all of the team contributed to this success. We also enjoyed travelling to Belmont, Amesbury and Pennthorpe for our away matches. Thanks to Mr Clarke for being a great coach.

Tom (4G)

Junior Colts A2 FootballWe started the season well with a strong

performance against St. Edmunds.

Jackson made some amazing saves as

goalkeeper. Up front, Lloyd and Joshua

worked really hard and scored loads

of goals. We had a really tricky game

against Amesbury but Jago did a really

good job at defending. We came back

strongly after this game in our matches

with Pennthorpe and Chandler and also

Churcher’s. By the end of the season,

we got a lot better and we were playing

very well as a team, even though it was

getting colder. Thanks to the coaches

for teaching us how to play as a team.

Also thank you to the cooks for giving us

awesome match teas.

Dominic (4G)

Junior Colts B2 FootballThe Junior Colts B2 football team had a strong season. Dominic was a great goalkeeper and also played well as a defender. Theodore shone as a midfielder while Sebastian liked being a goalie and made some amazing saves. The rest of the team, Alexander, Sam and Jago really gave their best and played very well for the B2s.

Matches against St Edmund’s and Chandler were great fun, although they were tough teams to play against they were very sporting and friendly.

The Junior Colts B2 team worked hard at spreading out over the field but the area in which we improved the most was in passing the ball. All the B2s worked really well as a team and were kind and encouraging towards each other.

The entire team would like to thank the Barrow Hills Games teachers for teaching us and Mrs Darg and her team for the lovely match teas!

Nathaniel (4G)

Jnr. Colts A1 Football

Jnr. Colts B2 Football

Jnr. Colts A2 Football

1st XII Rugby This year’s rugby season I was very impressed with all the boys for their hard work and effort. I think they all improved a lot but mainly Oliver for his tackling and kicking. The most memorable moment was when Oscar kicked the ball backwards. Well done for everyone for playing so well and good luck next season.

Harry (8G)

Colts 5B RugbyThis year the 5B rugby team had a very good season. We learnt lots of new skills and the most memorable moment was when we beat Longacre. The best tacklers were Harry and Tommy because they went in to all the tackles.

Also, we beat Edgeborough and Belmont but lost to St Edmund’s. Overall we had a great season.

James (5G) and Ben (5R)

Colts 5C Rugby

The most memorable moment for the 5Cs

was bulldozing all the opposition tacklers.

The best player was Oliver. The teams we

played included Belmont and Amesbury.

We played very well and really enjoyed

our season.

James (5R)

Colts 5B Rugby Colts 5C RugbyColts 1st XII Rugby

Sport 45


Colts 5A Rugby

This year, we played amazingly in the 5As

by scoring and stopping tries. The most

memorable moment for me was when Dom

stopped a try in the Edgeborough game

and because of that we won the match. I

think this was our best achievement.

Our best player was Dom because of

his great running and tackling. A funny

moment was when his shorts fell down in

a tackle. The 5A team should be proud of

themselves for playing so well.

Louis (5R)

Colts 6A RugbyOur rugby season went well. We worked well as a team and won most of our matches. Lots of our players did very well. Thomas, one of our best players, was brilliant at tackling and practically saved the team on a number of occasions. Two very important players on the team were Rory and Will M. The overall best player was Oscar who was very good in both attack and defence. We ended our season not too well against Edgeborough. The pitch we played on was so cold and wet that most of did not want to play but we still had a good season.

Alexander (6G)

Colts 6B Rugby

This year, the Colts 6B team got off

to a fabulous start, beating Longacre.

Throughout the season, we came up

against some tough teams but we fought

through it, remaining unbeaten.

Our best players were James and Nicholas

as they had great stamina. The most

memorable moment for the team was

every member scoring a try against

Edgeborough. Everyone in the team

should be proud of their great season.

Ed (6R)

Junior Colts 4A Rugby

It was a really good season. The funniest

was when we were practising and I did

a sit down tackle. At the end of the

season, Conrad had scored the most

tries. Everyone played really well and I

really enjoyed playing contact rugby for

the first time.

Lloyd (4G)

Junior Colts 4B Rugby

This season we won all but one of our

matches. We just drew the last one. The

whole team played well. Jonah, Jackson

and Jago were particularly strong and

made loads of tackles. Everyone played

really well.

Jackson (4R)

Junior Colts 3A Rugby

We had a successful season, everyone got

lots of tries. The best players were Gabriel

and I! The funniest thing was when Josh

called his old friend “angry Oli”! The

whole team played so well and thank you

to Mr Conway for coaching us.

Edward (3G)

Colts 5A Rugby Colts 6A Rugby Colts 6B Rugby

Jnr. Colts 4A Rugby Jnr. Colts 4B Rugby Jnr. Colts 3A Rugby

Pre-Prep Sports DayThe sun shone as Pre-Prep made their way to the fi eld for their sports morning. The older children enjoyed sprinting and three-legged races, those slightly younger also showed off their running skills, followed by obstacle courses. And fi nally... the relays with much cheering and support for all. All the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Prep Sports DayThe afternoon arrived for Prep with perfect conditions to break records on their sports day and the children did not disappoint. Eight records in total were broken, a record breaking year for record breaking!

Kean came out on top in a fantastic afternoon that was enjoyed by all.

Thank you to all the children who gave it their all, spectators who came to support and staff who made the event run so smoothly.

Overall Winners: Kean Victor Ludorum - Harry (8G)Victrix Ludorum - Elena (7G)

New Records*Year 4 Girls 75m Skip - Beatrix (4G) 12.9s (3 years)Year 6 Girls 75m Sprint - Matilda (6R) 10.31s (11 years)Year 5 Boys 75m Skip - Theo (5R) 12.95s (2 years)Year 5 Boys 75m Sprint - Theo (5R) 10.49s (3 years)Year 5 Boys 400m - Cade (5R) 1.09.78 (4 years)Year 6 Boys 100m - Alexander (6G) 13.68 (2 years)

Senior Boys Cricket Ball Throw - Eddie (8G) (8 years)Senior Boys Shot Put - Julian (8G) (7 years)

* Number in brackets is the number of years the record has stood for.


Sports Day

- Beatrix (4G)

- Matilda (6R)

- Theo (5R)

- Theo (5R)

- Cade (5R)

- Alexander (6G)

* Number in brackets is the number of years the record has stood for.

Sport 47

Sports Day48

Sport 49


CharityThe Barrow Hills Community Committee

(BHCC) is made up of parents and

staff, supported by our parent class

representatives. The committee has

established a varied programme of

events each year for children, parents

and the family. Raising money for

school projects, both big and small,

and supporting the charitable work

undertaken by our children.

The charity fundraising of the Barrow

Hills Community Committee focuses on

‘knowing our neighbour’, one of our

benefi ciaries being the diocese of Fada

N’Gourma, including St Benoît School in

Burkina Faso, West Africa. We have an

annual commitment to them of £5,000,

which we are pleased to confi rm has been

reached this year. However, a number of

other charities also benefi t. This year this

has included the Blue Cross, The Source,

Crisis, Stroke, CAFOD, the Poppy Appeal

and Macmillan, a total of £4350.

The Committee also supports the School

to fund new facilities that may fall outside

the existing future development plans of

the School itself. These additional funds

can help with the purchase of practical

and exciting facilities sooner rather

than later. This year, these included the

improvement of the Pre-Prep playground,

as promised last year and a contribution

to the very large maps now adorning the

walls outside the Refectory and on the

‘Slope’. The School and staff asked that

the balance of the money be rolled over

into next year so that larger items can be

purchased. We hope that these will be

enjoyed by our current and future children

for many years to come.

Thank you to everyone who has helped

and contributed throughout the year.

Barrow Hills TriathlonOn Saturday 16th September, 34 children took part in the

Biennial Barrow Hills Triathlon, raising a total of £170 for

schools in Fada, Burkina Faso. Well done to all the children

who took part, to the parents who supported and to the

staff for helping.

Charity 51

Hog RoastAt the start of the autumn term, the

BHCC welcomed families, both new and

old, into School for our annual hog roast.

The sun was shining and it was a lovely

opportunity to get together and usher in

the new school year. Thank you to the

BHCC for organising such a wonderful

social afternoon.

Harvest FestivalThank you for the amazing

variety and range of food which

was brought to school for our

Harvest Assembly and food sale

In October. Thank you, also, to

Mrs Stephens for helping our

chaplain, Mrs Nicholls, to set

up the display and for helping at the

sale of the food at the end of the day. The £508.74 raised from the food sale was

given to the Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church to help them feed the homeless.

Macmillan Coffee MorningWe have been supporting Macmillan since

2003. For the second year, we combined Bacon

Butties with a coffee morning to bring the

community together and rounded the day off

with a cake sale. This year we raised £792.46

bringing our fundraising for Macmillan since

2003 to just over £5,200. Thank you to everyone

who helped, served, baked and supported.

up the display and for helping at the

Brilliant Bonfi re and Creative CarvingA very big thank you to all of those who

helped to make Friday 3rd November a

successful bonfi re and fi reworks night.

It is true that many hands make light work

and whether it was encouraging ticket

sales, rounding up volunteers, manning

the stalls or contributing to the raffl e - it

all helps! Special thanks must go to David

Brydon and Mike Westhorp for organising

the Dads, building a spectacular bonfi re

and for manning it on the night.

Hot dogs, hot chocolate, mulled wine

and superb glow in the dark trinkets

were among the great things we

enjoyed. We promise to have more

novelties next year! The fi reworks,

expertly set up by Skyburst, were

spectacular, perfectly timed between the

two displays from Chandler.

Congratulations to the winners of the

raffl e, with a huge thank you to Claire

Paterson for organising the hampers.

Around 450 parents and children attended

and you all helped raise just over £1000

for the BHCC. Thank you to you all.

There were numerous entries for this

year’s pumpkin carving competition and

Mr Garman (Miss Anna’s son and an

Old Barrow Hillian) was very impressed.

Judging was diffi cult as the standard was

so high but the results were:

Pre-Prep: siblings, Jacob (2R) and Tom

(Nur) - a lovely traditional pumpkin.

Junior Prep: Paige (3G) (McCormack) - a

truly horrifi c creation - well done.

Middle Prep: Theo (5R) (McCormack) - a

dark concept indeed.

Upper Prep: Bethany (8G) (Kean) - magical!

There was one rogue entrant which,

whilst an inspired and creative concept,

was in fact a pineapple... nice try though

Conrad (4R)!

Congratulations to all the winners and

to all who took part and a special thank

you to Mr Garman for judging.

Pre-Prep Christmas PartyPre-Prep were extremely excited when a surprise visitor arrived

at their Christmas party on Thursday morning. Even better - he

had a full sack of presents with him! The children all waited

beautifully for their turn to meet Father Christmas, and eagerly

told him what was on their Christmas list.

Thank you to Mel Harris, Tiggy Trounce and Jennifer Stipe who

had liaised with the elves at the North Pole to arrange his visit,

and of course to Santa himself for coming to Barrow Hills at

this extremely busy time of year.

The fun continued into the afternoon as Pre-Prep took part

in various party activities. Fun and laughter fi lled the rooms

as scissors snipped, glue sticks stuck and ribbons were tied as

plastic cups, coloured paper and ribbon transformed into pretty

table-top Christmas trees. Well done Pre-Prep! Your teachers

said that you were all just fabulous to work with!

table-top Christmas trees. Well done Pre-Prep! Your teachers

said that you were all just fabulous to work with!


Christmas WorkshopThe festive season began in earnest with the BHCC Christmas

workshop. These have become a popular date in the diary that

we all look forward to and this year was no exception. This year

the BHCC added another layer of fun by working with Firing

Earth; a local mobile pottery company. This gave the children an

opportunity to produce a beautiful Christmas tree decoration

along with the traditional Christmas cracker.

With 178 children attending, from the littlest in Nursery right

up to Year 8, a lot of fun was had; laughs, music, escaping

Christmas cracker gifts, beautiful decorations and many smiling

faces! Thank you to all the children for coming and being polite,

the parents for supporting them to do it, the staff for getting

them there on time, the catering team for the refreshments and

the team of parents who were amazing in giving their time to

help the children with this wonderful activity.

A special thanks to Adity Coombes for organising this event and

to Mel Harris for organising the children’s Christmas cards.

The event raised around £549 and the Christmas cards

raised £678.

RemembranceMr Shreeve was delighted to report that our Poppy Appeal raised £697.25 against last

years £576.04. We have smashed our year on year records yet again. Rumour has it we

raised more than any other school in the area. Thank you for all your contributions.

had liaised with the elves at the North Pole to arrange his visit,

and of course to Santa himself for coming to Barrow Hills at

this extremely busy time of year.

The fun continued into the afternoon as Pre-Prep took part

in various party activities. Fun and laughter fi lled the rooms

as scissors snipped, glue sticks stuck and ribbons were tied as

plastic cups, coloured paper and ribbon transformed into pretty

table-top Christmas trees. Well done Pre-Prep! Your teachers table-top Christmas trees. Well done Pre-Prep! Your teachers

said that you were all just fabulous to work with!

Pre-Prep Christmas Party

Charity 53

Easter Egg DecoratingAn annual favourite of the children

and in its 8th year! The BHCC and an

amazing host of volunteers donned their

aprons, fi lled the icing pots (again and

again) and poured the sprinkles. The 199

children were as creative as ever and

helped raise £375.

Thank you to everyone who helped.

Cake Sales and Bacon ButtiesWe held our last cake sale of the year in June, raising £191.20.

This bought the grand total for the year to £1,173.46. Of this

£245.30 was donated to Macmillan.

Our fabulous bacon buttie team raised over £5,085 for

the BHCC.

Our grateful thanks go to everyone involved – cooks, helpers

and of course eaters! A particular thank you to Roz Scudamore

for organising the cake sales and to Gill Wilson and her helpers

for always being a welcome sight with bacon butties on a

Friday morning at drop off.


Lenten Appeal 2018Our annual Lenten Appeal, which runs from 12th March to

26th March, was, as ever, extremely well supported. From

Year 8’s shortlist of three charities, children voted for The Blue

Cross, which helps sick, injured and homeless pets as the main

benefi ciary for funds raised during the Appeal with smaller

donations destined for Crisis, the charity for single homeless

people and The Source, Aldershot which supports vulnerable

people in Hampshire and Surrey.

As always, Nursery, Kindy, Reception and Year 1 thoroughly

enjoyed their Lenten Appeal challenges. Nursery and Kindy cycled

and ran laps around the Pre-Prep garden. Little legs worked hard

as the children were keen to do their best and raise as much

money as possible. Reception and Year 1 were challenged to

complete laps of an obstacle course in the woods. Everyone tried

their hardest over some tricky obstacles and the odd bump or two

was swiftly patched up by Mrs Burnett as the children were keen

to carry on. Competition was strong to complete the most laps!

On Monday 12th March, despite the weather not looking

promising fi rst thing, there was a gap in the clouds and the

Year 2 and Junior Prep Lenten Appeal walk from King Edward’s

Witley to Barrow Hills was completed in the dry. Although a

little muddy at times, everyone was well prepared with their

wellington boots! Year 2 were the leaders the whole way and

showed great enthusiasm to the cause!

Middle Prep organised a fantastic fair to raise money for the

Lenten Appeal. Parents, children and staff all tried their hand at

the various games of skill and also enjoyed some edible treats.

Thank you to everyone who came and also to all those who

helped with setting up and clearing up! It was a great success.

Year 7 and 8 embarked on an ‘Upper Prep for Hire’ venture

to raise money. The children asked staff, family members and

close friends for possible tasks they could undertake, from

tidying out the garden shed, to dusting a room for a week, to

sharpening a huge number of pencils for Pre-Prep!

The children’s fabulous fundraising activities raised a record

sum and with the profi ts from the School Council’s Dragons’

Den added, we presented Blue Cross with a cheque for £2,431.

We also made donations of £250 each to Crisis and Source

Aldershot, the two other charities Year 8 presented to the

School. A massive thank you to all staff who were involved,

well done children and thank you to all their sponsors, this is a

wonderful example of compassion in action.

Year 7 and 8 embarked on an ‘Upper Prep for Hire’ venture

Charity 55

Proms in the ParkThis event just gets better and better!

First dreamed up and put together in

2010 and now in its ninth year, this annual

event has gone from strength to strength.

Sunday loomed with grey skies and a

sprinkling of rain but the weather was kind

and the rain cleared for the performances.

It is an afternoon when all members of

the extended school community can come

together in our beautiful school grounds

to down a chilled Pimm’s (or two), enjoy a

bite from the BBQ and watch the children

running around and having a wonderful

time. That could be considered to be treat

enough, if it weren’t for the exceptional

musical, dancing and dramatic skills of so

many of our children.

Thanks must go to everyone who

worked so hard to put this event

together, and to everyone who came

to support. Special thanks to Weltons

Brewery for the donation of the real

ale and to The Meat and Fish Market,

Milford for the delicious lamb.

Your generous donations helped raise

nearly £740.

Our wonderful compère for the afternoon,

Jackie Morris, was joined by the Year 7 and

8 Drama Scholars; a wonderful addition for

this year. They explained that the charity

fundraising of the Barrow Hills Community

Committee focuses on ‘knowing our

neighbour’ with our main benefi ciary being

St Benoît School in Burkina Faso, West

Africa. We have an annual commitment

to them of £5,000, which we are pleased

to confi rm that we have reached this year.

A number of other charities also benefi t;

this year this has included Blue Cross, The

Source, Crisis, Stroke, Macmillan, Children

in Need, CAFOD and the Poppy Appeal.

There was one person not able to make

it on the day, Mr Wardell. We know how

much he loves this event and we wish that

he could have been with us. We send him

our best wishes for a speedy recovery and

hope that he will be back with us soon.

Africa. We have an annual commitment

Roke RevivalA brilliant party, organised by a brilliant committee! Well done and a huge thank you to the BHCC Roke Revival Committee Tiggy, Roz, Paola, Mel, Lydia, Kim, Anne, Adity and Rachel.


Kindy Trip to Tuesley FarmOn a warm June day, Kindy enjoyed a sunny adventure to

Tuesley Farm, learning how the machines sort and pack the

fresh fruit. The children wore protective clothing as they

entered the fridge areas - it was cold! They then picked

and collected their own punnets of strawberries, raspberries

and blueberries before having a picnic lunch in the woods.

Thank you to the Hall family for a wonderful visit.

Trips & Visits

Reception Visit to Bocketts FarmThe day of Reception’s much-anticipated farm trip dawned fair,

and excited children and adults boarded a minibus, clutching

wellies and sandwiches.

We arrived to discover we had the farm virtually to ourselves.

After a quick pit stop, we went straight to the animal handling

area where the children stroked a silky black rabbit, a ‘fancy

mouse’ and two guinea pigs. A goat was then milked, and the

children felt the surprising warmth of the creamy milk.

Another round of hand washing;

then off to the barn, where the

children had great fun feeding sheep,

lambs, goats, a cow and alpacas.

More hand washing; and off on a

tractor ride through mellow autumn

sunshine, past pumpkin fi elds, cows,

sheep, and scarecrows.

After yet more handwashing and a

picnic lunch in the hay barn, we went to

‘choose our pig’ for the famous pig-race.

After a tense countdown, Voldesnort,

Beyoinkce, Lewis Hamilton, Piggy

Startdust, Justin Bieboar, and Uswine Bolt set off at a fast trot,

squealing around corners and charging through the screaming

crowd, with Justin Bieboar romping to a well-deserved victory.

Before getting back on the coach, the children enjoyed some time

in the playground. Mr Kriehn felt the need to check out all the slides

on behalf of the children and a thoroughly good time was had by

all. Thank you to Mrs Triska, Mrs Harris, Mrs Platt and Mr Kriehn.

‘choose our pig’ for the famous pig-race.

After a tense countdown, Voldesnort,

Beyoinkce, Lewis Hamilton, Piggy

Startdust, Justin Bieboar, and Uswine Bolt set off at a fast trot,

squealing around corners and charging through the screaming

crowd, with Justin Bieboar romping to a well-deserved victory.

Before getting back on the coach, the children enjoyed some time

in the playground. Mr Kriehn felt the need to check out all the slides

on behalf of the children and a thoroughly good time was had by

all. Thank you to Mrs Triska, Mrs Harris, Mrs Platt and Mr Kriehn.

Trips and Visits 57

Reception trip to Sayers CroftReception had a wonderful trip in

the sunshine to Sayers Croft in the

summer term.

The children hunted for mini-beasts in

the woods; turning over logs to discover

woodlice, slugs, snails and centipedes.

They then took butterfl y nets into the

meadow to carry out a ‘meadow sweep’

and explore which

mini-beasts live

in that habitat,

fi nding some

beautiful moths

and butterfl ies.

After a forest walk,

some games and

a picnic lunch, the children went down

to the pond - alive with damsel fl ies - to

engage in some pond-dipping. They

learned how to safely carry and use the

equipment and were thrilled to scoop

up tadpoles, water boatmen, water

snails and small fi sh into their buckets,

before gently releasing them back into

the water.

The coach trip home was another

source of excitement, with children

eagerly spotting familiar landmarks

from an unfamiliar vantage point.

Thank you to Mrs Harris, Mrs Platt, Mrs

Triska and Mr Kriehn for taking them

and to the catering team for a delicious

packed lunch.

A Parcel of PigsOn Wednesday 10th May, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

had a special visit from illustrator and author Andréa Prior.

Andréa’s latest book: A Parcel of Pigs and Other Funny ‘Tails’,

is a collection of funny rhyming poems with bright, colourful

illustrations, drawn by the author.

Andréa read from her book and had no shortage of volunteers

when she asked the children to demonstrate the tricky tongue

twisters! The children were fascinated to see how the illustrations

developed from a rough sketch to the fi nal cover. They listened

beautifully as Andréa explained that she gets her inspiration

everywhere, from dreams, to jokes with her husband and her

friends - one in particular who became a caricature in her book!

She also gave the children a sneaky peek of her next book and they

voted on which of two potential covers they preferred. This was a

fabulously interactive session, thank you Andréa for joining us!

a picnic lunch, the children went down


Year 1 Visit to Alice HoltIf you go down to the woods today …. you might just bump

into Year 1 on their trip to Alice Holt. As part of our topic on

woodlands, we were excited to explore the forest and identify all

the trees we have been learning about. Jen the Ranger played

some interesting games with us. We had to fi nd wiggly worms

made of pieces of wool. The bright colours were easy to fi nd, but

the camoufl age ones were tricky. We then pretended to be moles

by wearing blindfolds and trying to fi nd our way by holding a

rope and using all our other senses. Mrs Reed found it a bit scary

but the children managed it so quickly. Our fi nal game was bat

and moth, investigating echo location. Using masks and bells, the

bat had to fi nd the tasty moth snack.

Then we were off on a mini-beast hunt. Using pots and

magnifying glasses we looked under logs and in the leaf litter

to capture bugs. We used fact sheets to fi nd out which types of

insects we had in our pots.

After lunch, we took a stroll through the woods and found

toadstools and fungi, deciduous and conifer trees, acorns and

pine cones. Thank you to our volunteer for helping us on the day.

Our trip really brought the habitat of woodlands to life.

Circusology Workshop for Pre-PrepOn 12th June, Pre-Prep enjoyed a

wonderful Circusology workshop. The

themes of the day were interaction,

co-ordination, concentration and fun!

The circus skills offered many links to

curriculum areas such as PE, art, music,

literacy and numeracy - yet the children

didn’t even realise this was part of their

learning journey! Confi dence was

boosted and fun was had as the

children learnt centuries old skills

using their balance, hand-eye co-

ordination and rhythmic movement.

Parents enjoyed a demonstration just

before pick-up and the children were

thrilled to be able to show their skills.

made of pieces of wool. The bright colours were easy to fi nd, but

the camoufl age ones were tricky. We then pretended to be moles

by wearing blindfolds and trying to fi nd our way by holding a

rope and using all our other senses. Mrs Reed found it a bit scary

but the children managed it so quickly. Our fi nal game was bat

and moth, investigating echo location. Using masks and bells, the

bat had to fi nd the tasty moth snack.

Then we were off on a mini-beast hunt. Using pots and

magnifying glasses we looked under logs and in the leaf litter

to capture bugs. We used fact sheets to fi nd out which types of

insects we had in our pots.

After lunch, we took a stroll through the woods and found

toadstools and fungi, deciduous and conifer trees, acorns and

pine cones. Thank you to our volunteer for helping us on the day.

Our trip really brought the habitat of woodlands to life.

Year 1 Visit to Alice HoltIf you go down to the woods today …. you might just bump

into Year 1 on their trip to Alice Holt. As part of our topic on

woodlands, we were excited to explore the forest and identify all

the trees we have been learning about. Jen the Ranger played

some interesting games with us. We had to fi nd wiggly worms

made of pieces of wool. The bright colours were easy to fi nd, but

the camoufl age ones were tricky. We then pretended to be moles

by wearing blindfolds and trying to fi nd our way by holding a

Circusology Workshop for Pre-Prep

Year 2 and The TudorsYear 2 had a very exciting week as part of

their Tudor topic in December. On Tuesday

28th November, they travelled by coach to

Hampton Court Palace. The children visited

King Henry VIII’s kitchens, his apartments,

the Chapel Royal, and saw a magnifi cent

replica of his crown. Year 2 impressed

their guide with their knowledge of the

Tudors and in turn, he told the children

about many different Christmas traditions.

Year 2 were astonished to learn that in

Tudor times Christmas presents were not

opened until a week after

Christmas Day.

The children were able to make their

own crowns complete with jewels. They

also walked in the gardens, saw the

beautiful fountain and some red deer.

Year 2 took part in a Tudor Day later that

week. In the morning, they made Tudor

pomanders and delicious Tudor sweets.

A lunchtime, they enjoyed a Tudor Feast

at the Court of Henry VIII. The children

enjoyed not having to use knives and

forks! In the afternoon they learned a

Pavane dance to the ‘Greensleeves’,

composed by Henry VIII.

Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their Tudor topic.

Trips and Visits 59

Year 1 visit to Portchester CastleYear 1 are incredibly fortunate to have brilliant sunshine every time

they visit Portchester Castle. The children had a wonderful day.

They took part in a workshop and loved having the opportunity

to dress up and answer questions. They explored the castle and

particularly enjoyed visiting the theatre.

Finally, they carefully climbed the steep steps in the Keep.

They enjoyed seeing the hooks on the beams where prisoners’

hammocks were hung. It was a fantastic trip and our grateful

thanks go to Freddie’s mum for helping us on the day.

Well done to Year 1, you all showed a super knowledge of castle

features and behaved beautifully.

Year 2 Trip to LondonOn Tuesday 6th March, Year 2 had a

fantastic day in London. They travelled

by train, went on the London Eye,

experienced a 4D movie about London

and fi nished off the fabulous day with

a very informative river boat cruise.

The children identifi ed many famous

landmarks which they have been learning

about in class. Well done to Year 2 for

being so well behaved and thank you to

Mrs Pulleyn, Mrs Miles, Mrs Kilgannon

and Mrs Triska for taking them.


Ballet Trip to ‘Giselle’“On Friday all the girls in Year 2 and up

went on a ballet trip. We got to London

by coach. We were going to see Giselle

in the Royal Opera House. When we got

there, we had lunch and then we went

to watch Giselle. The room we were

to watch in was amazing! Massively

magnifi cent! The curtains were as red

as rubies! I was so excited for the show

to begin. Suddenly the curtain moved

and the opera struck up a beautiful tune

and... Giselle started!” Cleo, Year 2

“On Friday I went to a ballet performance,

it was amazing. All of the girls had pointe

shoes on. There were two acts. Halfway

through, Miss Anna gave us all a book

that told you the story and it showed you

a picture of Giselle in the olden days. The

ballet was absolutely amazing. Giselle did a

grand jeté but the sad thing is that Giselle

killed herself just because her true love

falls in love with another woman called

Bathilde.” Ottilie, Year 2

“In the ballet, they had olden day dress, I

was so excited... they were so graceful,

beautiful and organised. They had shoes

that you can stand on your toes. They

were amazing.” Amelie, Year 2

“On Friday, we went to the Royal Opera

House. We went on the coach. When we

got there we had lunch. It was great! We

went to see the pointe shoes, they were

outstanding.” Ilana, Year 2

”We went to the Royal Opera House

and we watched Giselle. Giselle was my

favourite character. After lunch, we went

to see the pointe shoes and there was

some fabulous dancing. Then we went

to watch the ballet and Giselle swung

the sword around and killed herself... We

got to keep our tickets and we got two

leafl ets. I am reading one of the leafl ets.”

Daisy, Year 2

Year 2 Trip to Winchester Science CentreFizz! Whizz! Pop! Bang! Science educator ‘Harry’ gave the Year 2 children a brilliant ‘whizzy walk’ through space, looking at planets stars and gases. Dry ice fl owing from a glass jar, exploding water bombs and bursting balloons were just some of the wild and noisy experiments demonstrated.

The children had a fun and exciting time in the Centre eagerly exploring all of the hands-on exhibits testing their fi tness, stamina and construction skills before walking through part of a bowel to see how ‘poo’ moves through and leaves our bodies. The fi nale was in the Planetarium exploring the darkness of space amongst the planets and stars. As ever the children were a joy to take out and wonderful ambassadors for Barrow Hills School.

Mrs Miles and Mrs Kilgannon

Trips and Visits 61

Year 3 Trip to Butser Ancient Farm

Ballet trip to the Royal Opera HouseOn 6th June, a group of ballet pupils

from Year 3 and 4 had the fantastic

opportunity of visiting The Royal Opera

House in Covent Garden. With the best

seats in the house, the children watched

the new production of ‘Swan Lake’,

performed by The Royal Ballet. The stage

sets, costumes, music and ballet were

all truly spectacular and the children

thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience.

Inspired by their work in DT, they even

enjoyed the coach trip through London,

commenting, unprompted, on the bridge

structures over the Thames!

Well done Year 3 and 4, you were a joy to

accompany on the trip, and a huge thank

you to Miss Anna for organising it.

Mrs McBrown

The fi rst adventure of the year for Year 3 was a great trip to Butser Ancient

Farm where history was brought alive!

We were given our very own Round House for the day, which had a real fi re

alight in the centre. It was so smokey but luckily some of the smoke escaped

through the amazing thatched roof above us. In here we were given a talk

about our History topic ‘The Celts’ and found out some more interesting

facts before setting off on our day of discovery.

We had an action packed day full of activities. We took part in an archaeological

dig where we discovered many

different Celtic artefacts as well

as trying our hand at the ancient

art of ‘clunching’ which involved

crushing chalk and mixing it with

mud, hay and water to build

part of a wall. it was extremely

messy but incredibly fun! It was

truly an incredible opportunity to

see what life would have been

like in the Iron Age.


Year Three take the train to visit the Natural History Museum!Mrs Peek and Mr Hooker took Year 3

on an amazing adventure to enrich their

science topic ‘rocks, fossils and soils’.

They caught the train to London to visit

the Natural History Museum.

Their adventure began when the children

donned their archaeologist hats and

investigated different rocks and fossils in

the museum. Later in the day, they were

able to become palaeontologists and had

an amazing time digging for dinosaur

fossils. As you can imagine this was

hungry work, rewarded by a scrummy

Pizza Express tea.

The day was made even more exciting

by the fact that it had snowed whilst the

children were in the museum! As they

exited the museum London was covered

with a blanket of white. This made the

day all the more exciting for the children

and only a little stressful for the teachers

on the trip! South West trains thankfully

rose to the occasion and all trains home

were running on time!

The children had an amazing day. They

arrived back at School extremely tired

but full of fascinating facts about fossils

and dinosaurs and of course a tummy

full of pizza!

Parent responses to the trip ….

“We just wanted to say a very big thank

you to you and the rest of the staff for

taking Year 3 to the Natural History

Museum last Tuesday. It sounded like

an absolutely fantastic day – the children

were buzzing for the rest of the week!

We know it is no easy feat to take so

many children on public transport into

London, around museums, into Pizza

Express… and the freezing snowy

weather couldn’t have helped!

Thanks again for taking such good care

of our children and giving them a day

to remember.”

‘The Hobbit’On Tuesday 26th June, Years 3, 4 and 5 enjoyed a super

performance of ‘The Hobbit’ by a visiting theatre company.

As the cast explained to Year 5 in their workshop, it was an

abridged version! The children were enthralled by the scene

changes, special effects and the costumes. Every character

was always acting, even if they weren’t speaking, which was

fantastic for the children to see and to take note of for their

own future performances.

many children on public transport into

London, around museums, into Pizza

Express… and the freezing snowy

weather couldn’t have helped!

Thanks again for taking such good care

of our children and giving them a day

to remember.”

Museum last Tuesday. It sounded like

Trips and Visits 63

Junior Prep PGL ResidentialJunior Prep had a wonderful time on their PGL residential.

Junior Prep were fortunate enough to travel to PGL for our residential. We were so amused when we saw the humongous amount of luggage placed on our minibus. Jonah (4R)

When we arrived we were all very excited! We dragged all our luggage into a little room and met our team leaders, called Mike and Gabbie. Junior Prep strolled up onto the fi eld to eat their scrumptious pack lunch. On the way we sang a ‘repeat after me’ song. Theo (4R)

After fi nishing our lunch we strolled into the woods to begin our fi rst activity. The giant swing looked monstrous! Verity (4G)

As the swing was rising up it felt like you left your tummy behind Anastasia (4R)

Rifl e shooting came next involving learning to load and shoot a rifl e in an hour and a half. Some people were really lucky and managed to get a bulls-eye Rosie (4G)

Finally the moment we had been waiting for…. our amazing teachers announced our dorms! There was a moment of silence, then they called out my name and the others in my room and we rushed to unpack. Ruby (4R)

Following a delicious dinner of chicken nuggets and chocolate mousse, we returned to our rooms and changed for our camp fi re experience. The team leaders sang lots of songs and told funny stories. Everyone sat around the camp fi re and had fun. Nathaniel (4G)

The next day involved raft building in activity groups. Which group was going to have the most secure raft? Who was to remain on their raft and OUT of the lake? Great team spirit and lots of laughter had by all… Mrs Wallace

The last morning had arrived! It had been a superb few days, involving incredible activities. We collected our luggage from the dorms, climbed into the minibuses, waved goodbye and headed back to school. It had been the best residential ever! Matilda (4G)

Junior Colts to Twickenham The Junior Colts enjoyed their trip to Twickenham in

December to watch the Oxford vs Cambridge match.

Thank you to Mr Hatcher for arranging the trip.

Matilda (4G)


Historical Trip to Haslemere On Thursday 30th November, Year 4 travelled to Haslemere

on the minibuses. The fi rst landmark we arrived at was the

Georgian House. It had different coloured bricks on the front to

show how decorative it was. A famous politician lived there.

We then visited the Tudor Cottage. We can tell it is Tudor

because it has black beams and Mrs Wallace said it dates back

many hundreds of years. Next we came to a green, hexagonal

pillar box with the lettering VR. This was built in the time of

Queen Victoria. We noticed by looking at the sky lines, there

was so much detail in the buildings and amazing chimneys. We

were lucky enough to visit the town well and make a wish.

We ended our trip with a brief wander around the Haslemere

museum and a warm mug of hot chocolate on our return!

By Verity (4G) and Ruby (4R)

Year 4 visit the Victorian School RoomsOn Monday 26th

March, Year 4

dressed up in

Victorian outfi ts,

travelled to the

Victorian school

rooms and began their

day as Victorian school

children of 1888.

“We were taught many different subjects, such as

arithmetic, drawing and religious studies. We used fountain

pens that we dipped in ink and slate pens that squeaked

when we wrote with them. There were no erasers in

Victorian schools!”

“The girls had to line up separately from the boys. The

expectations regarding behaviour were high. The girls

and boys also took part in separate activities such as

embroidery for the girls and design for the boys. The

teachers were stern and used words such as scholars

and offi ces.”

“After a delicious lunch in the castle grounds we visited the

Guildford Museum where we were able to play a variety

of Victorian board games. Upstairs were many examples of

Victorian toys, bicycles, clothes and iron works.”

“I felt really excited about the day and hope that I may be

able to visit again!”

Orchestral DayOn 12th October, Barrow Hills joined forces with King Edward’s

and eight other schools for the annual Orchestral Day. The

children were well looked after by King Edward’s music

department and thoroughly enjoyed the biscuits on offer! The day

was rounded off by a concert for parents and guests. The children

performed superbly and raised the roof with the fi nal piece

‘Thriller’. Thank you to Mr Wardell for organising a great day!

“We were taught many different subjects, such as

Trips and Visits 65

Year 5 Trip to BoulogneOn Friday 9th March, Mrs Wood, Miss

Young, Mr Andrade and I took Year 5

to France for the day. The coach left

extremely early in the morning and we

caught the Eurotunnel.

In France, we went to a bakery. The baker’s

wife told the children about the different

types of bread they make and the baker

demonstrated how to make croissants.

Jessica commented:”I loved it when we

made croissants because the baker was

really scary and funny”.

Next, we went to

the Nausicaä sea life

centre where we had

our packed lunch

before we walked

around the aquarium.

The children saw sharks, crocodiles, seals

and many different types of fi sh.

In the afternoon, we went to a sweet

factory where the owner explained,

in French, how he makes boiled and

chewy sweets.

We arrived back at Barrow Hills at 8:30pm.

It was a long but very enjoyable day for

the children and the teachers.

Thank you to Mrs Wood, Miss Young

and Mr Andrade, who managed to keep

going all day. Merci beaucoup!

Madame Early

Band of the Royal Logistics CorpsHotfoot from Washington, ten members of the Band of the Royal Logistics Corps visited Barrow

Hills in February. The Band of the Royal Logistic Corps is one of 22 Bands comprising the Corps

of Army Music - the public face of the Army which supports National and Defence interests

around the globe, where its specialist musical abilities cross international languages and cultures.

Their wonderful music fi lled the School and we were extremely privileged to have them here.

We arrived back at Barrow Hills at 8:30pm.

Maths and Science Challenge at King Edward’s WitleyOn 19th June, six Year 5 children spent the day at King

Edward’s Witley being challenged in maths and science.

They completed more than 30 tricky maths puzzles. Their

science challenges included creating invisible ink in the

chemistry lab and writing a secret message and evaluating

a crime scene to determine the thief. They used clues from

pens and pollen found at the scene using chromatography

and microscope skills. They worked very well in teams and

used excellent problem solving skills. Well done Barnaby

(5R), Will (5R), Holly (5R) and Tilly (5R), Alexander (5G) and

Eoin (5G).


Year 5 Residential, Isle of WightOn Monday 4th June to Friday 8th June

2018, Year 5 went on a residential trip to

the Isle of Wight. We travelled by coach

getting on a ferry at Portsmouth Harbour.

The ferry took about half an hour. Soon

after getting off the ferry, we arrived at

the hotel. The family who owned the

hotel welcomed us into it and told us they

had two cats, a bird and a dog (which

was not theirs). We all unpacked and

settled in and then had dinner.

After dinner, we had a walk through

Shanklin Chine. Shanklin Chine is a

waterfall and a long river heading to

the sea. Walking past the waterfall Mr

Andrade gave seven eighths of his polos

for a challenge. One eighth of us didn’t

have polos because we didn’t like them.

The challenge was to make the polo last

the forty minute walk.

On Tuesday 5th June we started off with

a nice breakfast. Tuesday was a good

start going to Osborne House where I

was called Ralph because we were being

Victorians. We met someone called Jenny

who called herself Mrs Pilkington.

Next we went to Robin Hill Country Park

where we went on a toboggan run, we

watched a falcon display, we went in a

maze and watched a trailer on Journey

to the West in 4D. On the toboggan

run I almost fell off on the huge hill at

the start. I caught up with Georgia and

Hayley because they were going soooo

slow, and I was going quite fast. At the

falcon display a peregrine falcon came out

first. He set off going freely with a tracker

on his legs. Next out came a Harris Hawk.

His legs just dangled down and he didn’t

care about them. When the falconer put

the Harris Hawk back, he brought out an

owl. I can’t remember which species it

was but I couldn’t hear any sound when

it flew. The falconer put the owl back just

when the peregrine falcon came back and

the falconer tried to make it go more than

100 mph. I’m not sure if it did or didn’t

do it. I also did a maze which I made but

it was quite hard. I needed a bit of help.

We then walked to the 4D cinema. I was

a bit scared at first but I soon got used to

it. 4D cinema is where you sit and where

everyone sits is moving and the screen is

at a first person view.

William (5G)

On Wednesday we woke up and had

breakfast, afterwards we took the coach

to Carisbrooke Castle and there was a

man who told us about the warfare and

ranking of people, then we went sailing. I

was terrible! I only got seventy-eight. But

Mr Crisell got one hundred and thirty-six.

I also got two lollypops from a machine.

In the evening we went body boarding it

was exhilarating. After a long day we had

dinner and went to sleep.

On Thursday we woke up tired and had

breakfast. Afterwards, we took the coach

to the coast and started to hunt for

fossils! I found a large chunk of fossilised

wood, an oyster deathbed and a sea

sponge! Theo found a dinosaur tooth!

Afterwards, we had lunch and arrived

at Alum Bay, a shopping place with a

sweet shop, arcade machines and more.

I bought a box of sweets, then we saw

a glass blowing demonstration where

the instructor made a wine glass bottle.

Afterwards we got onto a boat where we

passed The Needles. Finally, in the evening

we had a disco which was great, and

after another long day we fell asleep.

Dominic (5R)

It was Friday and we had to get up early

to pack our things. For breakfast I had

toast and Cocopops, they really filled

me up. We caught the ferry at 9am to

go to Portsmouth Harbour. On the way

we played card games which was fun.

When we got to Portsmouth, we went to

HMS Victory which was fun. After that

we started the journey back home. I won

two lollypops and a bag of chocolates.

When my mum picked me up I hugged

her so tight that I would not let go. When

I got home I was so tired I ate my dinner

and went straight to bed. My bed was so

warm and comfy I went to bed instantly. I

just wish I could re-live that week again.

Harry (5G)

Trips and Visits 67

Theo’s Fantastic Find!Theo (5R) made a phenomenally rare discovery on 7th June whilst taking part in one of “Island Gems” multi award-winning Fossil Hunting Trips.

Theo found a Neovenator dinosaur tooth in fantastic condition. The tooth is believed to be around 120 million years old. Commenting on the fi nd, Steve Love, who was leading the fossil trip on Brook Bay, Isle of Wight said, “From its curved shape, sharp point and cutting edge we are sure it comes from a fl esh-eating dinosaur. We believe it is from a Neovenator, which is a large two-legged carnivorous dinosaur which has been found on the Isle of Wight and which pre-dates T Rex by sixty million years.”

Martin Simpson, the Isle of Wight’s “Fossil Man” said, “This is the best tooth ever found on one of these fossil trips in 30 years. It’s a very rare fi nd, only one skeleton of Neovenator has ever been found. The tooth was found off shore by the famous ‘Fossil Forest’, making it around 120 million years old. I’ve nicknamed the tooth Theovenator (after Theo).”

Bridewell Day On Tuesday 13th March, the Bridewell

Singers from King Edward’s and Barrow

Hills sang at St Bride’s church in London.

Children and members of staff from King

Edward’s and Barrow Hills came to the

service. As part of the Bridewell Singers,

I found it a brilliant experience to sing

with a large choir made up of sopranos,

altos, tenors and basses, all singing at

different times. I enjoyed singing in front

of the Lord Mayor and other important

people. We sang ‘Zadok the Priest’ by

Handel and ‘Blessed be the God and

Father’ by Samuel Sebastian Wesley.

We started rehearsing with Mr Wardell last

term and I know he would have been so

proud of the lovely sound the choir made.

Emily (Head Girl)

On Tuesday the 13th March, Barrow

Hills School was invited to St Bride’s

Church with pupils from King Edward’s

Witley. Everybody was really friendly and

the Bishop was funny which kept us all

engaged. The choir were incredible and

had a wide variety of tones. After the

service, we went to Guildhall. This was

spectacular as it was so large and the

food was great. After that, we got back

on the bus. Overall, I think everybody

had a great day.

Ben (Head Boy)

on the fi nd, Steve Love, who was leading the fossil trip on Brook Bay, Isle of Wight


Middle Prep visit LegolandYears 5 and 6 had a fantastic end of

term trip to Legoland and there was even

some learning involved! The children

took part in an excellent STEM workshop

investigating, amongst other things

forces, gears and pulleys.

Old Operating Theatre MuseumOn 22nd March, Year 6 visited The Old

Operating Theatre Museum and Herb

Garret with a history and science focus

in mind. Below are a few anecdotes

from the children about the trip:

“Using a pestle and mortar we made

herbal remedies. We chose two different

herbs, e.g. rose petals and peppermint,

and crushed them up. Then an egg was

added to bind and they were covered

with talc if you were poor, or iron fi lings

if you were rich and a panacea pill was

made - one pill to cure all!”

“If you were poor you were

treated in hospital, if you

were rich you were treated

at home.”

“I learnt about ‘the placebo effect.”

“I learnt that hops change smell

every season.”

“A person was laid on the operating

table, a tourniquet used to stop blood

fl owing, they were then held down and

their leg cut off if it was infected. The

surgeon tied the blood vessels together.

No washed hands,

bandage on end,

more blood on apron

meant they were

a better surgeon!

They wiped knives

on coat.”

“They thought if you were

ill one of your four humours was

unbalanced. If red you had a fever and

had too much red blood, so would suck

blood using leeches or cups.”

“Kidneys, brains, eyes in jars.”

“Diagnosis, when know what the

problem is, prognosis when guessing.”

“Anaesthetic was fi rst used in the

hospital in 1847, 25 years after the fi rst

operation in the Old Operating Theatre.”

“Illnesses were thought to be caused by

miasma -bad air.”

Middle Prep’s Kite WorkshopOn 22nd June, Middle Prep learned the art of

creating and fl ying kites at a unique interactive

workshop. Under the expert guidance of Malcolm

Goodman, a.k.a. ‘The Kiteman’, children were

helped to hone their kite fl ying technique, which

involves developing hand-eye coordination,

kinesthetic awareness and gross motor skills. They

built and decorated the kites before taking them outside for

the maiden voyage, holding on tight to the string as they

watched their creations take fl ight and soar across the sky.

Mr Andrade said, “The children thoroughly enjoyed the day.

We had perfect weather conditions for kite fl ying and every

kite fl ew

successfully. They loved the challenge and thrill of getting

the kite up into the air and the task of keeping it up in the

sky. It was good to see their pride and amazement as they

mastered a new skill.”

built and decorated the kites before taking them outside for

the maiden voyage, holding on tight to the string as they

kite fl ew

successfully. They loved the challenge and thrill of getting

“I learnt about ‘the placebo effect.”“They thought if you were

No washed hands,

bandage on end,

more blood on apron

meant they were

a better surgeon!

They wiped knives

on coat.”

Trips and Visits 69

Year 6 Residential, Bowles“On the 4th of June, Year 6, Miss Holden, Mrs Burnett and Mr Clarke went to Bowles Activity Centre in Kent for a residential to enjoy team work and activities.

After lunch, which was delicious we had an activity called ‘Leap of Faith’ which was challenging, I fell off but I made it to the top of the tower, when I fell off I felt like bird without wings.

On day two, after a good fi rst night, we started off with climbing which was great because we learnt loads of new techniques and skills. That afternoon we had biking. Biking was my favourite activity.

Finally, it was watersports day. It was great because we made an excellent raft and won the competition.

I would recommend Bowles to people who love adventure. Also the food is great.” Michael (6R)

“On Monday 4th June to Friday 8th June 2018, Year 6 went to Bowles Activity Camp in Kent. We were all very excited!

As soon as we had had lunch, we went to do our fi rst activity. Mine was the ‘Leap of Faith’. I was really excited about the ‘Leap

of Faith’ because Mrs Campbell-John apparently turned upside down on the trapeze! I was the only pupil in our group to catch the trapeze which made me really happy. Mrs Burnett was the last to go on the ‘Leap of Faith’ and she couldn’t turn upside down!

My favourite activity was skiing because our instructor’s name was Nigel which is a seagull’s name. It was really enjoyable because we had to work on going to the top of the slope.

On Wednesday, in the evening, we had a camp fi re, it was really amusing when we all sang campfi re songs. Alex came up with ‘The Guy On The Buffalo’ and ‘We Love The Moon’. I was really excited when we got to eat marshmallows! After that, we drank some hot chocolate and told some riddles.

On Thursday we had a whole day of water sports. My group created a great raft called ‘HMS Paddle’! In the afternoon we got into kayaks and paddled round the lake.

On Friday we were all very tired and we trudged around doing our last activity: orienteering and we couldn’t fi nd one of the posts which was really annoying!

I would really recommend this to the current Year 5s because it is really exciting

and you have freedom in the campsite. You will be able to challenge yourself on the ‘Leap of Faith’ and you can push yourself to do things you have never done before!” Maddie (6G)


French Play at King Edward’sOn Friday 10th November, Years 6 and 7 were invited by

King Edward’s to watch a French play. It was a series of small

funny sketches about neighbours, all in French, which is quite

challenging. All the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Science Lecture from Thomas WatsonOn Wednesday 15th November, Ms Garcia took Years 6 and

7 to King Edward’s for the annual Science Lecture. This year

the children had the opportunity to listen to Thomas Watson -

Alexander Graham Bell’s right hand man. The children enjoyed

the lecture, which was both interesting and informative.

the children had the opportunity to listen to Thomas Watson -

Alexander Graham Bell’s right hand man. The children enjoyed

the lecture, which was both interesting and informative.

Kindness WorkshopAhead of the Christmas festivities, our children who participated

in a Kindness Project run by the charity 52 Lives, were reminded

of the importance of simply spreading kindness.

52 Lives is a charity which aims to change someone’s life every

week of the year. The essence of the charity’s work is based on

the premise that people are good and good people working

together can achieve amazing things.

Greig Trout, a motivational speaker from 52 Lives, met with

children from Years 5 and 6. The workshop invited the children

to explore the concept of kindness; why it is important; how

it may be manifested by a simple (often low cost) gesture; and

the myriad benefi ts

to the ‘giver’ of

showing kindness

to others, including

a heightened sense

of physical and emotional well-being.

The children learned how no act of kindness, however small, is

wasted and how they have the power as individuals to make a

difference in someone’s life. During the workshop, the children

made cards and calendars, and were encouraged to think about

those who might benefi t from a gift of kindness this Christmas.

Trips and Visits 71

Crocus PlantingOn Wednesday 1st November, Year 7 visited Milford Clockhouse

to plant bulbs in their garden. Each child brought in a bag of

bulbs and some garden tools from home. By the end of the

session in the garden, they had planted over 600 crocus bulbs,

which will fl ower in the spring, making the front garden of the

Clockhouse look stunning!

The children then went inside and met a few of the day guests

for a chat and to tell them what we had done. They were thrilled

and we shall be going back in April to see the fruits of their

labour. Thank you to Mrs Newman for coming up with the idea

and Mr Conway for coordinating. Mr Crisell

Bridewell DebatingYear 7 took part in the fi rst inter-school debate between

Barrow Hills and King Edward’s Witley in the summer term.

The motion was ‘This house would make attending lessons

optional’. King Edward’s proposed and Barrow Hills opposed.

Some great arguments were presented and good points

made from the fl oor. Although the vote was inconclusive,

with more abstentions than votes for or against, when the

debaters were scored for the quality of their arguments and

presentation, Barrow Hills were judged to have won, by a very

narrow margin. Well done to Harry, Nicky and Toby.

Christmas Themed Bowling Fun!On Thursday, Years 7 and 8

went to the Guildford Spectrum

for an end of term bowling

trip. Everyone wore Christmas

outfi ts, which consisted of

anything from themed hats to

a full elf costume!

The trip started with a breakfast of croissants, pain au

chocolate and hot chocolate before heading off, full and

energised, for the competition. Split into teams spread over

fi ve lanes, there was lots of fun, laughter and competitive

spirit. The top scorer in game one was Sam (8G) and the

overall winner was Nikki (7G). Well done!

Crocus Planting


Year 7 ResidentialWhat a fantastic residential this year to Normandy!

On Monday, we travelled by ferry and on arrival at the centre, we went for a walk to see the view of the cliffs, followed by a lesson about fruits and what to ask for at the market.

On Tuesday, the children had a French lesson about places in town and directions, then we went to a market. The children had fi ve euros each to buy some fruit to make a fruit salad. In the afternoon, we went to a little harbour called Port-en-Bessin. The children were given a sheet with directions to different places to fi nd and questions to answer. The afternoon continued with a cheese tasting session and I was pleased to see that most children tried a variety of cheese. Finally, we walked through the woods to visit a Second World War German bunker.

Wednesday began with a visit to the 360 degree circular cinema near Arromanche to watch a short fi lm about the Second World War. We then walked to Arromanche where Bob, our guide, explained what had taken place there in

1944. We then went to a little biscuit factory, where the children were able to make (and eat!) biscuits. For lunch, we had a picnic at the ‘Batteries de Longues’, another site of the D-Day landings. Afterwards, we had a lovely walk to the beach where we took part in a scavenger hunt. Finally, we visited the American cemetery above Omaha beach. Whilst there, we watched a short fi lm about letters from some of the Americans who died during the Battle of Normandy. It was a very interesting and emotional day for the children, Mr Kriehn and me.

On Thursday, we went to the Mont St Michel, which is a couple of hours drive from the centre. We had a picnic there and on the way back we stopped for an ice-cream on a farm. For dinner, the children had the opportunity to taste snails for starter, followed by a BBQ.

The boys were defi nitely braver than the girls!

We were lucky with the weather, which was sunny but not too warm and the children were all well behaved. Our hosts,

Bob and Yvette, commented how much they had enjoyed our visit, and our driver Adrian said that we were the tidiest group he had for a while!

Madame Early

than the girls!

lucky with the weather, which

Feeding the HomelessOn Sunday 14th January, four Year 8 pupils (Amy, Bethany, Alexander and Tomas) went to Bloomsbury Baptist Church with Mr and Mrs Crisell. The purpose of the visit was to see how the money we raised at harvest festival is used by the church.

Primarily, our donation contributes to a pot of funds created as a result of numerous charitable donations made throughout the year. One of the things the church offers is a weekly Sunday lunch for a number of homeless people, those in sheltered accommodation and some who have mental health issues or who are simply alone.

Our children were fantastic, serving a three course lunch to over 60 guests and then clearing up, as well as taking the time to talk to many of those there. Amy, Bethany, Alexander and Tomas were a credit to Barrow Hills. It is so important, when we can, to give our children fi rst hand experience in seeing the difference we can make when we are trying to help other people. This visit did exactly that.

In assembly, the children gave a very clear account of how our community at Barrow Hills made a difference. The children were each awarded a Green Commendation, well done and thank you.

Madame Early

Year 8 to the ArdècheOn Saturday 23rd June, the excited Year 8, accompanied

by Mrs Goddings and Mr Conway, set off on a coach to the

Ardèche in the South of France. We enjoyed many different

activities including caving, climbing, raft building and some

team games. On Thursday we set off down the Ardèche

for an exhilarating two day descent of the river, covering

26 kilometres and 24 rapids. We cooled down in the river

when it was too hot. Overnight we slept under the stars on

a tarpaulin. Thank you to Mrs Goddings and Mr Conway

for taking us - we will never forget this amazing end to our

Barrow Hills journey.

Trips and Visits 73

Trip to the British Film InstituteOn Thursday 8th February, 18 children from Year 7 and 8 went to

The British Film Institute in London to see a few French films. We

travelled by train and then walked to the BFI. We weren’t allowed

phones, so we actually had to talk to each other! It was great to

talk to people face to face and the journey went very quickly.

The first short film was called ‘Tea Time’ this was about an old

lady upgrading her robot. But it turns out that the new robot is

evil and controlling.

All the films were cut into short clips and after each clip we had

to fill out a pack and then discuss with everyone.

The second film was called ‘Le Génie de la boîte de raviolis’ this

was about a genie that was found in a ravioli can but the man

that found the genie was only granted two wishes not three…

The next film was called ‘French Roast’ this was about a man

that couldn’t pay his bill and he kept ordering more and more

coffee. A nun sat next to him and a homeless man came. The

beggar asked for money and the nun pulls out a big wad of

money. In the end the nun turns out to be a thief and she leaves

in a hurry, leaving €500. The beggar picks it up and gives it

to the man who couldn’t pay his bill. This film had a big story

behind it and that is do not judge a book by its cover.

The last short film was called ‘La queue de la souris’, this means

the mouse’s tail. This was about a mouse that was about to be

eaten by a lion but the mouse stops him and says he will get

something better for him to eat. The lion ties the mouse to a

piece of string. The mouse brings back lots of animals but the

lion is about to eat the mouse but he realised the mouse has

tied him up!

We then had lunch.

We then watched a film that was about a hour and a half and it

was about a boy who kept misinterpreting things it was very funny

but also very frustrating because the boy got everything wrong.

This was a very fun day and I think everyone enjoyed it!

Emily (8G)


From the ChaplaincyI can’t believe that this is the last time

that I will be putting together a summary

of a year in the life of the Barrow Hills

chaplaincy. I equally cannot believe that

it is seventeen years since I fi rst came to

Barrow Hills! I arrived not really knowing

how things were going to work out,

never having been a chaplain before, and

arriving in a school which hadn’t had a

chaplain before. The initial few years were

tricky until I became properly ‘part of the

furniture’ and everyone became used to

there being a school chaplain. I look back

over the years and think of everything that

has happened; the number of children

who have passed through the school and

the tremendous commitment of priests

and bishops who have come to help me

in my work here. I am going to take this

opportunity to name them all here by way

of recognition of their services and also as

a record of those who served us over the

years (information which I am sure will be

useful to someone in the years to come!) …

Father Martin Ashcroft SSJFather Roger Barralet OFMFather Chris BenyonFather Chris BerginMgr Kieran ConryFather Brian CoyleMgr Jeremy GarrattFather Stephen Hardaker Father Nicholas HeapFather Jonathan HowFather Korneliusz OFMFather Patrick Lonsdale OFM Father Tony LovegroveFather Phelim McGowan SJFather Bryan McGraw SDBFather Fergal McGuinness Father Richard MeyerMgr Richard MothFather Peter NewsamFather Michael O’Kane OFMFather David OsborneFather Francis Owen SSJFather David ParmiterFather Michael Perry

My heartfelt apologies if I have left

anyone off what is an astonishing number

of priests who have given their time and

services to us over the years.

Life in the Chapel this YearMasses and Services

Our school chapel has,

as usual, been at the

heart of our school

life and therefore busy

this year. We are all

very grateful to Father

David Parmiter (parish

priest in Godalming)

for the numerous

times he came to

help us with various

liturgies. We were

also delighted to see

Father Peter Newsam

(parish priest in

Petworth) and Father

Jeremy Garratt (parish

priest in Waterlooville).

Thank you to everyone

who has supported

our First Tuesday of

the Month Masses. These have been

a true highlight for me and for all those

who were able to attend – what could

be more wonderful than to start the day

in the presence of our Maker, listening to

and receiving his Word and wisdom, his

forgiveness and his love.

The Church teaches that Lent is a time for

doing more in terms of prayer, giving

and fasting. Barrow Hills entered, as it

always does, into the spirit of Lent through

its many and varied fundraising activities,

the CAFOD Fast Day (which raised £1,020!)

and, fi nally, a whole-school Service of

Reconciliation which Fr David led for us.

On Friday 18th May we held our annual

May Procession. The girls looked

wonderful as they processed down the aisle

of our chapel bearing their beautiful fl owers

to lay at the feet of the statue of Our

Lady. This year Florence had the honour

of crowning the statue with an exquisite

crown created for us by Mrs Anne Bennett.

This year we had seven First Holy

Communicants (Aoife, Dominic, Florence,

Anastasia, Theo, Sebastian and Conrad)

whose achievement we celebrated in a

special assembly on Friday 15th June during

which they were presented with the gift of

a rosary and book. We were delighted to

be able to share their and their family’s joy

at such a special time in their faith journey.

Exposition: Tuesdays 8am-8.30am

One of the things I shall miss the most after

I have left Barrow Hills is the opportunity

to spend a full 30 minutes sitting in the

presence of Jesus. Jesus comes before us

and makes himself present in exactly the

same way that he made himself present

to those with whom he walked the earth

over 2,000 years ago. People came to him

and were transformed; they found what

they were looking for or needed. Once I

have left Barrow Hills the opportunity to

sit quietly in a chapel in the true presence

of Jesus will be considerably reduced, and

this does make me sad. Hopefully, the new

chaplain will continue this tradition and will

also be able to fi nd ways of attracting more

people into the chapel for what is one of

the greatest privileges this school has.

Parents’ Prayers

This has had a mixed history! Over the

course of the years there have been times

of plenty and times of famine. I know

how much this liturgy has meant to those

parents who were able to come to what

priest in Godalming)

for the numerous

times he came to

help us with various

liturgies. We were

also delighted to see

Father Peter Newsam Father Peter Newsam

(parish priest in

Petworth) and Father

Jeremy Garratt (parish

priest in Waterlooville).

Thank you to everyone

who has supported


Father Peter Newsam

(parish priest in

Chaplaincy 75

has been an enduring and important aspect

of our school prayer life. Many ex-parents

have come back again and again, in order

to enjoy what has been a very calming

half-hour liturgy of readings, prayers and

silence. I want to thank every single one

of our parents, both present and previous,

for their unfailing support of this liturgy, a

liturgy which has been so very beneficial to

both you and me.

Christmas Service of Readings and Carols

Gosh, these have required a huge amount

of work to put together over the years,

but worth absolutely every effort. Many

of our parents have viewed the Barrow

Hills Service of Readings and Carols as the

point at which their Christmas celebrations

started. I am so grateful to the many

children who, over the years, have stepped

up to read or sing, and grateful too for the

parents who decked the chapel in beautiful

decorations every year. Of course, without

the incredible talents and enthusiasm of Mr

Wardell, these services would have been

but a shadow of what they were.

Life Beyond the Chapel

One of the significant

aspects of my work

at Barrow Hills has

been the setting up

and nurturing of our

really important link

with the Catholic

schools of the diocese of Fada N’Gourma,

in eastern Burkina Faso. It began in 2005

when I went to set up a link between us

and St Benedict’s Primary School in Fada.

Our support of St Benedict’s Primary School

over the years has genuinely resulted in its

becoming one of the best, with children

achieving a 100% success rate in passing

their exams. In 2017 the direction of

our project changed to include the other

schools which had looked on over the

years, hoping that some of the benefits of

the link with us would come their way. In

February 2018 I went to visit some of those

other schools. They all have basic needs,

but perhaps the one which stood out the

most was Simandari Primary School. This

school is the second oldest school in the

area (founded in 1944) and looks it! It is in a

dreadful condition. There are two buildings,

three classrooms in each. There are 384

children in the school. Their key need would

probably be the complete refurbishment of

the buildings and some furniture.

Perhaps, however, one of the most exciting

prospects of being of real help to the

entire town is the fact that Fada urgently

needs a lycée, that is to say the final three

years of education to enable pupils to then

progress to university. Before we run a

mile at the prospect of financing a lycée, I

should point out that this is no more than

a block of four large classrooms – that’s it.

Their needs are simple!

I do urge you all to really get behind our

Burkina Faso project, particularly after my

departure. I have visited our project there

every single year since 2005, and they

would continue to appreciate visits. In the

past Mrs Barraud and Mr Hatcher have

accompanied me, and I leave it to them to

consider how Barrow Hills will continue to

do its best for those who have so little.

Harvest Festival and helping the

local elderly

Thank you to everyone who brought food

in to school on Friday 6th October 2017

and who then supported the sale of the

food at the end of the day. We raised a

terrific £508.74 which was given to the

Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church on

Shaftesbury Avenue where, every single

Sunday, they serve a full Sunday lunch to the

local homeless. Building upon the success

of taking some Year 8 children to London

last year, we were again given permission to

take four of our Year 8 children to experience

serving lunch to the homeless. This year

Mr & Mrs Crisell accompanied Alexander,

Bethany, Tomas and Amy. After arriving at

Waterloo they walked to the church (which

is on Shaftesbury Avenue), taking only about

25 minutes to get there. They were warmly

welcomed and taken to the church’s large

hall where all the tables were already set

out and laid for Sunday lunch. By 1pm the

hall was filling up with a combination of

church-goers and ‘gentlemen of the road’.

Over the next hour and a half, our Year 8s

were kept busy serving up and clearing away

a three course meal. After lunch had been

eaten and everyone had gone, they were

then responsible for ensuring that all the

tables were not only clear, but clean also. All

four children were absolutely magnificent,

attracting many compliments not only from

the guests, but from the church leaders who

had helped me to set the event up. Two

years ago, when I was first looking for a

charity which feeds the homeless and which

would welcome the help of 13-year-olds,

it was no easy task. In fact, I had drawn a

complete blank everywhere until I contacted

Dawn and Libby at the Bloomsbury Central

Baptist Church. We are very grateful to them

for giving our students such a hands-on

experience of ministering to those who are

homeless and hungry, and who have agreed

to us making this an annual Year 8 event.

Year 8 Retreat: Tuesday 19th June

I am very grateful to the local Trinity Trust

Team (Andy Poulsom, Matt Smith and

Arianna Pisetti) for leading what is always a

day of fun but thought-provoking exercises

and plenty of outdoor play. In the past I have

taken our Year 8s to the Franciscan Friary

in Chilworth (now a Benedictine Abbey)

and also the Holly Barn in Wintershall.

For the last few years, however, I have

taken them to Ladywell Convent where

the Sisters (Franciscan Missionaries of the

Divine Motherhood, otherwise known as

the FMDMs) are always very attentive to

our needs and anxious to make sure we

are comfortable and have everything we

need. We always have a great time and the

location has proved to be perfect.


We bid all our leavers a sad but excited

farewell on the last day of the school year,

confident that we have done our best

to produce young people of integrity of

whom we can all be justly proud. They

left with our love and prayers, as I know

that I leave with your love and prayers.

Thank you to everyone who has been

such a help and support over the last 17

years. I will miss you all! Mrs Nicholls


School CouncilSchool Council 2017-18School Council Members 2017-18

Year 3: Phoebe, Edward LYear 4: Rosie, Nathaniel, ConradYear 5: Phoebe, TheoYear 6: Emma, BenYear 7: Harry, HermioneYear 8: Amy and Oliver

Our School Council has had another busy year. In November,

the Council collected old £1 coins for Children in Need. ‘Pudsey

Bear’s Round Pound’ initiative raised £91.80, of which £57 was

the old style pound coins.

During a chilly winter, the School Council ran incredibly

popular hot chocolate sales, with all profits going towards

a future young enterprise scheme. The School Council were

kept incredibly busy making endless cups of hot chocolate

with plenty of toppings! They raised a grand total of £142

so thank you very much to all the children and parents who

supported this sale.

In March, the School Council ran a Dragon’s Den Challenge,

open to all children in Years 3 to 8 who wanted to put their

entrepreneurial skills to the test. Groups pitched their idea

to School Council and were then given a loan to start their

business idea. The children purchased their products over

the Easter holidays ready to sell over a two week period in

the summer term. Fortunately, all groups made a profit! The

children gave away half of their profit to charity (Blue Cross)

and kept the remainder for themselves!

Well done to our very successful business entrepreneurs:

Buy It, Use It, Love It Stationery - Aoife (3R), Eoin (5G)

Water Bottles - Georgia (3R), Amelia (3G)

Cook Book - Amy (8G), Harry (7G)

Balloons - George (7G), Toby (7G)

Survival Bags - Sebastian (4G)

Thank you to all those on the School Council this year and to

Mrs Burnett for organising.

Gillie Nicholls 77

Gillie NichollsIt is always hard to say goodbye to a

colleague but it is particularly hard when

that person has been a familiar face at

school for 17 years.

Now, to put this into some sort of

perspective and for a bit of fun, Mrs

Nicholls, had a quick tot-up of what

seventeen years of service has amounted

to in terms of written and spoken words:

Monday assemblies: 220,000 words;

Friday assemblies: 58,000 words; Pastoral

Newsletters: 374,000 words; Friday

newsletters: 163,000 words. That is a lot of

words! But every one of them, thoughtful,

caring and often thought provoking.

Mrs Nicholls has not just been a chaplain

to us in that time but also a friend. Her

door has always been open and I know

many children, staff and parents have

popped in for a chat when things have not

gone to plan and times have been diffi cult.

She has always, always been there for us.

There’s far more to being a chaplain than

booking priests and lighting candles.

Her guidance, empathy, advice and above

all absolute faith, have made a difference

to the lives of many who are a part of

the Barrow Hills community and those

that have been a part of the Barrow

Hills community.

The difference she has made to a huge

amount of people over the years is


People look for consistency, trust and love

and Mrs Nicholls has these in abundance.

Mrs Nicholls has provided more than the

religious needs of a school. Her work

outside school is something to behold.

Her overwhelming commitment to others

has been carried out effectively and with

love and dedication.

She began our link with Saint-Benoît in

Burkina Faso some 13 years ago, a bold,

brave move but one she felt compelled

to do. Getting a school community on

board for something so unusual but vital

has without doubt been a huge challenge

but one that she has continued to pursue

for staff, parents and children nearly 3000

miles away. Taking her lead, we have

made a difference to so many people and

learned many lessons along the way.

I don’t exaggerate when I say that she

has at times on leaving her own family,

put herself in a degree of danger and

certainly the unknown. It takes a brave

and committed person to do that.

Not only this but she has worked tirelessly

with her own charity Les Amis. Created

over 11 years ago and developed

ever since, you only have to read the

newsletters to know what a difference

she has made to so many women in need

of help in Burkina Faso.

Mrs Nicholls, we are all sad to see you go

but as you said to me, you feel you have

come to the end of your journey here

and it feels right, however you know that

exciting new beginnings are right around

the corner whatever they may be. I know

you will carry on with your work outside

Barrow Hills and continue to make a huge

difference to the lives of others because

that is what you do.

We wish you well Mrs Nicholls, we shall

certainly miss you, come back and see us

whenever you wish, our door is always

open. On behalf of the Barrow Hills

community past and present, thank you

so much for all you have done. Good luck

and God bless.

Mr Crisell

learned many lessons along the way.

I don’t exaggerate when I say that she

has at times on leaving her own family,

put herself in a degree of danger and

certainly the unknown. It takes a brave

and committed person to do that.


Senior Prefects and Captains 2017/2018Head Girl Emily

Head Boy Ben

Kean Alexander

McCormack Julian

Murtough Amy

Art Flyn, Max, Oliver

Drama Eddie, Bethany

Forest School Alexander

Humanities Tomas

Music Imogen, Julien

Pre-Prep Sam

Sport Matthew, Oscar, Harry

Prize Day 79

2018 Scholarships & Awards11+ BARROW HILLS SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS 2018/19

James - Sport

Xavier - Music

Fraser - Art

Alexander - Academic

Benjamin - Drama


Benedict - Cranleigh - Eric Abbot Award

Imogen - King Edward’s Witley - Academic and Music Scholarships

Eddie - King Edward’s Witley - Academic and Drama Scholarships

Alexander - Worth

Matthew - International School of Helsinki

Julien - King Edward’s Witley - Music Scholarship

Julian - King Edward’s Witley

Emily - Churcher’s College

Flyn - King Edward’s Witley - Drama Scholarship

Max - Seaford College

Bethany - Frensham Heights - Academic and Drama Scholarship

Samuel - Charterhouse

Oscar - King Edward’s Witley - Sports Scholarship

Tomas - King Edward’s Witley - Drama Scholarship

Amy - St Catherine’s

Oliver - King Edward’s Witley

Harry - Seaford College - Sport Scholarship

Alexander - Lord Wandsworth College - Drama Scholarship


Annabel - Churcher’s College

Edward - Royal Grammar School

Cillian - The Portsmouth Grammar School

William - Rodborough

Madeleine - Churcher’s College - Academic scholarship

Lily - Prior’s Field - Sport scholarship

Rory - Seaford College

William - Seaford College

Emma - Prior’s Field - Academic scholarship

Michael - King Edward’s Witley

Jake - Rodborough

Fern - King Edward’s Witley - Academic and Drama scholarship


1st in Year 3 - JoshuaEffort in 3G - MollyEffort in 3R - Charlie

1st in Year 4 - NathanielEffort in 4G - BeatrixEffort in 4R - Ruby and Sophie

1st in Year 5 - BarnabyEffort in 5G - AlexanderEffort in 5R – Holly

1st in Year 6 - Alexander Effort in 6G - Madeleine Effort in 6R - Sascha

1st in Year 7 - Elena Effort in 7G - Harry

Effort in 8G - Emily

In each Year one academic prize is awarded for 1st in exams. Effort prizes are then awarded according to the number of A grades achieved throughout the year.


Academic Progress - Julian

Alfonso Sedati Cup (Written French) - Julien

All-Round Musician Cup - Julien

Atkins Hockey Cup – Max

Barrow Hills Sportsman’s Cup - Harry

Beauclair Year 6 Maths Cup - Alexander

Bodsworth Cup – Anastasia

Borelli R.E. Cup - Bethany

Campbell-John Drama Cup - Bethany

Coopper I.T. Cup - Eddie

Curtin Cricket Cup - Oscar

Davies English Cup - Oliver

Dr Booker All Round Best Student Cup - Alexander

Effort Cup for Ballet - Phoebe

Enrico Medi Cup (Oral French) - Matthew

Esposito Football Cup - Matthew

Farmer Rugby Cup – Eddie

Forster Year 7 Maths Cup - Toby

Garman Art Cup - Barnaby

Hirst Cup - Alexander

Hobbs Sports Cup - Madeleine

Hodgson-King Cup for History - Benedict

Holford Ballet Cup - Jessica

Hutchings Year 8 Maths Cup - Amy

James Brown DT Cup - Ilaria

La Berliere Cup (Year 7 French) - Harry

Latin Cup - Eddie

Liz O’Neill Cup - Sophie

MacMillan Acting Cup - Flyn

Navin Cup - Julian

Netball Cup - Lucy

Performing Arts Cup - Emily

Pollen Chorister Cup - Imogen

Regina Caeli Cup - Tomas

Rice Science Cup - Imogen

Sommer Rounders Cup - Madeleine

St Pier Cup - Lucy

Taylor Best Endeavour - Samuel

Victor Ludorum - Harry

Victrix Ludorum - Elena

Wilde Hockey Trophy - Benedict

Wyatt Humanities Cup - Imogen

Zante Art Cup - Amy


Roke Lane Witley Godalming Surrey GU8 5NY 01428 683639 [email protected] www.barrowhills.org