Automated Negotiation: Can Machines Replace Human Negotiators? Leslie SHAW Associate Professor ESCP Europe 79 avenue de la République, 75011 PARIS [email protected] +33637347809 Tibo NOEL Junior Consultant Ginkgo Management Consultants GmbH Lehmweg 17 20251 Hamburg, Deutschland [email protected] +491711141382 Benjamin SPICER EU M&A General Execution Morgan Stanley 25 Cabot Square, Canary Wharf London E14 4QA England +442074258000 [email protected]

Automated Negotiation: Can Machines Replace Human Negotiators?

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Automated Negotiation: Can Machines Replace Human Negotiators?

Leslie SHAW

Associate Professor

ESCP Europe

79 avenue de la République, 75011 PARIS

[email protected]



Junior Consultant

Ginkgo Management Consultants GmbH

Lehmweg 17 20251 Hamburg, Deutschland

[email protected]


Benjamin SPICER

EU M&A General Execution

Morgan Stanley

25 Cabot Square, Canary Wharf

London E14 4QA England


[email protected]

Automated Negotiation: Can Machines Replace Human Negotiators?


This paper describes what automated negotiation is, gives an

overview of its development, explores the benefits it can bring

to B2B transactions and examines the challenges and limitations

involved in replacing human negotiators by machines.


automated negotiation


Cette communication décrit la négociation automatisée, donne un

aperçu de son développement, explore les avantages qu'elle peut

apporter aux transactions B2B et examine les défis et les

limites liés au remplacement des négociateurs humains par des


Mots clés

négociation automatisée


Negotiators exchange messages, process and evaluate data, make

concessions, impose conditions, make tradeoffs, accept or

reject proposals, make counter-proposals, decide whether to

close a deal or walk away.

Machines can perform all of these tasks better than human

agents. Computers are not prone to misunderstanding and do not

lie, bluff, threaten or lose their tempers.

Take e-bay’s automated bidding system. Bidder A can bid $10 for

an item and set a maximum amount he is ready to pay, say $50.

As other bidders make higher offers, the system will trump them

incrementally up to the maximum set by Bidder A, who will

either get the item at the optimal price (one increment above

the highest competing bid) or abandon the bidding process once

the maximum amount is reached.

Such efficiency would be impossible in a traditional auction,

where emotion might prompt a bidder to pay more for an item

than originally intended or back off in the face of an

aggressive competitor.

While e-commerce, albeit of a primitive kind (the sole variable

is price) has become widespread in B2C and C2C transactions, it

does not appear to have made the same inroads in B2B

negotiations as in other aspects of business (catalogue,

inventory and procurement management) although it is

technically possible to automate B2B negotiations for variables

other than price, such as discount, delivery time, incoterms,

payment terms, warranty and maintenance. There are only two

differences between our e-bay example and a B2B scenario: in

the former, there is one variable (price) and only one party

makes concessions (the bidder). In automated B2B negotiations,

both sides need to make concessions and there are multiple


If we compare human and automated B2B negotiations, the main

differences are that the former use natural language, include

messages that are ambiguous or irrelevant to the object of the

negotiation and rely on subjective evaluations and partial

decisions, whereas the latter use machine language, focus

exclusively on the variables at hand and make objective

evaluations and impartial decisions.

Academics and others who write about negotiation tend to deal

only with human negotiation and steer clear of automated

negotiation, which is the preserve of mathematicians, experts

in artificial intelligence and game theorists. An Amazon search

(October 2013) gives 88 results for “B2B Negotiation” and 2

results for “Automated B2B Negotiation”. While much work has

been done on the subject of automated negotiation, it is often

abstract, inaccessible to the layman and not directly

applicable in terms of deployment of the technology in B2B


Despite the existence of a global e-commerce infrastructure

that could support automated negotiation, most B2B negotiations

are still conducted by human agents in the same way they have

been for centuries: through face-to-face discussions.

This paper describes what automated negotiation is, gives an

overview of its development, explores the benefits it can bring

to B2B transactions and examines the challenges and limitations

involved in replacing human negotiators by machines.


Developments in artificial intelligence can transform the

buying process as we know it through the use of software agent

technologies. A software agent is an entity governed by

computational algorithms and operates according to a series of

objectives set by human users. It can make critical decisions

in real time and substitute for a user with limited input from

the latter. It can run continuously and explore the purchasing

environment for an indefinite amount of time. Take a shipping

company that needs to buy varying amounts of differently sized

(and priced) boxes, in a periodic, yet irregular, fashion. To

manage this process the company programs a software agent to

monitor inventory and deploy a purchasing agent when stock

reaches critical levels. The purchasing agent scans the market,

gathers data on suppliers and products, assesses product

quality and suitability, decides which products are most

compatible with the company’s needs, negotiates price and

executes payment. Such technologies offer unprecedented

opportunities to transform traditional negotiation processes.

In this paper we shall explore the methods, aims and potential

of automated negotiation.

Automated Negotiation

In 1999 Maes, Gutman, & Moukas published Agents That Buy and Sell,

an introduction to the functionalities and future potential of

intelligent agents. They assert that “the potential of the internet for

transforming commerce is largely unrealized. Electronic purchases are still largely

non-automated. While information about products and vendors is more easily

accessible, and orders and payments are dealt with electronically, humans are still in

the loop in all stages of the buying process, adding to transaction costs.”1

In this pioneering article, a contribution on automated

negotiation was written by Tuomas Sandholm, who explains that

automated negotiation is nothing more than the process of

computational agents who find and prepare contracts on behalf

of real life parties. Although the term automated negotiation

was coined before the release of Sandholm’s article, he was one

of the first to list concrete fields of application and clear

advantages of the technology.2 Research jumped on the topic and

rebranded automated negotiation from a futuristic vision to a

promising technology (Skylogiannis, 2005). Today, automated

negotiation is an umbrella concept for Negotiation Support Systems,

Genetic Algorithms or Electronic Negotiations.

Negotiation as a Search Problem

Negotiation is a distributed search through a space of potential agreements

(Jennings et al, 2001). Such space can be represented as a

geometric shape with multiple dimensions, each representing a

variable to be negotiated. Negotiators move across the space

until they locate a single point acceptable to all, or the

process is aborted. Each party has one or more regions of

1 Maes, Gutman & Moukas (1999), p. 81.2 For earlier use of the term 'automated negotiation' see Rosenschein & Zlotkin (1994).

acceptability, geometric portions of the search space which contain

all the points representing acceptable positions. They also

have regions of preference, sub-portions of the regions of

acceptability containing preferred settlements. The negotiation

space as a whole, and each participant's regions of

acceptability in particular, are not immutable but change in

real time. When a new variable is introduced, an additional

dimension is added to the system. When a variable is dropped,

the spatial representation of the process decreases by one

dimension. Spatial regions of preference and acceptability can

morph to reflect the inclusion of new, previously unacceptable

points or the exclusion of previously acceptable combinations.

Automation of the Search Problem

Defining negotiation as a geometric search problem allows us to

establish an argument in favor of process automation. To solve

the problem, negotiators must explore a large amount of

geometric space. The search proceeds iteratively: one

participant suggests a point, to which others respond

positively or negatively. In the former case the search is

over, in the latter another point is suggested. This process is

repeated until a mutually suitable solution is found, or the

negotiation is abandoned. For a given, potentially large

negotiation space, the number of points to explore in order to

find a solution is high and the number of such attempts

increases exponentially along with the number of variables.

Each new variable adds a dimension to the spatial

representation of the negotiation. From a scientific point of

view, the academic field that has developed the most in-depth

research on solving search problems is computer science.

Traditionally, computer science search issues have a practical

aspect and arise from the need to locate information objects

within large databases. Admittedly, such an application domain

differs from the negotiation problem. In negotiation, the

search problem does not concern data bases, but is mathematical

in nature: participants need to scan and locate dimensions

identified by mathematical properties within a conceptual model

of space as opposed to a physical database. Notwithstanding

this difference, computer science offers compelling methods to

solve the search problem, notably a large number of search

algorithms. An algorithm is a set of consecutive steps which

describe the behavior of an object within a system. Starting

from an initial static state, an algorithm describes a set of

instructions that initiate a waterfall process eventually

resulting in a predefined output (Knuth, 1973). It can be

argued that algorithms are more suited to address negotiation

search problems than people are, since they possess the

following properties:

1. Speed. For a mathematical instruction, a computer is orders

of magnitude faster in execution than a human being. The

iterative, linear and deterministic nature of a search

algorithm allows it to process large sets of data seamlessly

and rapidly. Its distributed nature further increases the

computational power available to solve the negotiation.

2. Memory. A computer system running a search algorithm embeds a

data storage repository, such as a hard drive. We have seen

in the search metaphor described above that each

negotiator’s region of preference and acceptability may vary

during the process. An algorithm can not only adapt to such

new search requirements, but access all points previously

considered. Thus, an algorithm can recall previously

discarded offers if the inhibiting factors behind their

rejection cease to exist. While in theory a human negotiator

could do the same, he displays far greater cognitive

restrictions than a machine.

3. Adaptive Learning. Computerized agents can employ a wide array of

mathematical and statistical learning tools that can analyze

large data sets, extract descriptive patterns and improve

their behavior without explicitly being programmed to do so

(Samuel, 1959). The chief benefit these instruments bring to

the negotiation table is a better ability to understand and

predict the behavior of negotiation counterparts.

4. Evidence Based. Buyers regard of selection between competing

products as a zero-sum choice. But irrational behavior often

plays a role in bargaining decisions. Negotiators can find

it difficult to separate personal issues with their

counterparts from negotiation-relevant data and hence risk

making sub-optimal decisions. Computerized negotiating

systems offer users the certainty that any outcome would be

generated by the users’ scale of preferences alone. In other

words, while automated negotiation won’t remove the

possibility of buyer’s remorse, it can help ensure that any

potential remorse is due to the user’s initial scale of

preferences, and not to behavior oversights and biases.

5. Soft-Skill Agnostic. Negotiation is a field where interpersonal

capabilities dominate the skill spectrum. Common sense

recognizes that veteran negotiators will have an advantage

over persons with less experience. By delegating the process

to machines, we level the playing field, since search

algorithms interact with each other with the exclusive

objective of maximizing utility. Notwithstanding this

principle, we can envision a future where technological

power replaces soft-skill efficacy: in competitive

negotiations, advanced algorithms might prove more effective

than others.

6. Resource-Light. Negotiation is resource-intensive and requires

time to prepare and execute. Depending on the context,

effective negotiations may require support from dedicated

professionals. Related costs increase exponentially along

with the dimensions and complexity of the variables. By

contrast, the popularity of open-source software is booming,

and cheap hardware is ubiquitous. Machines can, therefore,

provide users with an economically sound method of

conducting negotiations.

Autonomous Software Agents

We have just observed that computerized systems show great

potential to improve the negotiation process and that

algorithms address many of the issues faced by human

negotiators. How can such solutions be deployed, by whom, and

in what context? Before answering these questions, we must look

at the subject of autonomous agents, the cornerstone needed to

understand the challenges of automated negotiation. Autonomous

agents are software entities that act on behalf of a human

owner to reach his objectives (Jennings, 2001). They deploy

algorithmic technologies to seek an optimal solution to the

negotiation search problem. Here are some examples to

illustrate what agents are capable of doing:

1. Identifying the Optimal Choice. A buyer wants to book airline

tickets. He chooses the destination, dates, airport of

departure and the maximum fare he is willing to pay. He

transfers this information to his software agent, which

scans the marketplace, selects combinations matching the

buyer’s preferences and submits this information to the

buyer. Following the search process, the agent can either

find a combination which is compatible with the required

preferences or not. In the latter case, the agent can use

statistical means to determine the likelihood of finding

suitable offers in the next few days. If the likelihood is

low, the agent can begin searching for alternative options.

For example, the agent can initiate a search for flights

leaving from a different airport, on different dates, to

different destinations, at different fares. Each criterion

can be changed depending on market conditions and the

existence of matching options. At the end of the process,

the agent collates the different search results and returns

to the buyer with the data and an explanation for the

alternative behavior.

2. Cross-Market Negotiations. A buyer wants to purchase a machine.

He establishes a set of specifications and stipulates that

while he requires the agent to search for a suitable deal,

he will approve the final decision. The agent trawls the

marketplace and compiles a report stating a reasonable price

for the desired specifications. This information is used to

drive the purchasing strategy. Using a baseline price

calculated by taking into account prices from the dealers,

the agent initiates a negotiation process with sellers it

deems likely to reduce price, such as drop-ship sellers or

small dealers. The agent can also scour online auction

websites to find cheaper alternatives. Once the agent

compiles a list of options, he submits it to the buyer, who

makes a final choice based on the information provided. The

agent then executes the payment and agrees on delivery


3. Cooperation. A supplier gets an order from a retailer that

exceeds his capacity to meet. The order is for 600 units

per day, capacity is 400. Since the retailer is a key

customer, the supplier decides to search for alternative

solutions which would allow him to accept the order. His

agent contacts other suppliers with a request for

collaboration. If agents representing those suppliers

respond with a manifestation of interest, a formal

negotiation process is initiated to decide appropriate terms

for the collaboration. When a suitable arrangement is found,

the agent closes the deal and reports the details back to

the supplier.

The Design of Automated Negotiation: Protocol and Strategy

Automated negotiation is two or more agents seeking to reach an

agreement. Two dimensions characterize the system in which they

perform these activities: protocol and negotiation strategy

(Skylogiannis, 2005). Protocol is a set of rules that governs

the players’ interaction and ultimately defines the players’

behavior. This protocol is transparent, open and public. Some

examples of negotiation protocols are:

- Participants: who can negotiate?

- Valid or invalid actions: which message can be sent to

whom and when?

- Negotiation status: is a proposal accepted or rejected?

Because of their impact on process, behavior and outcomes,

these rules of encounter are a dominant concern when designing

an automated negotiation system (Jennings & Faratin, 2001).

Automated negotiation strategy, on the other hand, is

confidential and sometimes hidden. When addressing this

dimension, researchers look at how participants develop ways to

achieve their best personal outcome. Naturally, these

strategies have to abide by the rules set in the protocol.

Nonetheless, the strategies can diverge greatly from one

another in terms of when and what to concede, when to accept

and how to communicate with others (Bartolini, Preist, & Kuno,


In a supply chain scenario a logistics agent would focus on

obtaining small orders and would trade off order timing in

reaching this objective. A sales agent, on the other hand, with

customer satisfaction an absolute priority, will be more

willing to accept other terms as long as delivery dates are


With protocol and strategy defined, the two main design

elements of an automated negotiation system are covered. The

following section explores the topics related to automated

negotiation and shows how vast the research field is and how

these topics interrelate.


To comprehend automated negotiation it is crucial to understand

negotiation as a concept and intelligent agents. They form the

prerequisites or input elements of automated negotiation

research. As discussed, protocol and strategy both have a major

impact on the outcome of a negotiation. Current research on

automated negotiation can be divided into a theoretical

mathematical stream and a computational or practical stream,

with the latter gaining importance and popularity. These two

streams can be considered as the output of research on

automated negotiation.

When observing the related topics of automated negotiation,

they can be arranged according to their degree of human

involvement and automation. The advent of the Semantic Web (a

web of data that can be processed by machines) should allow for

more inter-operability in all fields of IT and as such be a

driving factor towards more automation. Sandholm (1999) speaks

of a simultaneous ‘technology push’ and ‘application pull’ by

the self-interested software entities representing various




The Future of Automated Negotiation

We shall now discuss the challenges, limitations and future of

the technology in order to complement the more technical and

academic viewpoints covered thus far.


According to Dr. Tuomas Sandholm, the main advantage of the

technology is that it saves time for negotiating entities. He

argues that intelligent agents who prepare and exchange

contracts on behalf of real life parties do so at very high

speed. In addition, Sandholm mentions the ability of these

computational agents to find deals in combinatorial and

strategically complex settings. Lastly, he argues that

negotiation is often more than a constant-sum bargaining over

price. Due to these different preferences of the parties,

automated negotiation can find solutions which improve utility

for all parties, thus creating a win-win situation [see

Sandholm’s contribution in Maes, Gutman, & Moukas, (1999)].

Luo et al. (2003) argue for several more advantages of

automated negotiation. They mention that the lower transaction

costs of automated negotiation allow for more frequent

negotiations, among more partners, over lower value variables.3

In addition, they state that automation removes human emotions

or sensibilities (desire for power, feelings of embarrassment,3 Linked to this higher frequency is the potential for automatic negotiationto allow ordinary users to perform like experts in complicated issues (Das,Hanson, Kephart, & Tesauro, 2001). Their vision is that through automation,anyone can negotiate about anything!

revenge or humiliation) that could lead to sub-optimal

outcomes. A further advantage is that automated negotiation

does not require participants to be co-located in space or

time. This in turn increases the potential number of

negotiating entities, which augments the possibility of finding

a suitable negotiation partner and obtaining an optimal


These advantages can be regrouped by adopting a macro-view on

the subject. It is important to note that the advantages stated

in research so far are always relative - in comparison to

traditional negotiation - and often normative or idealistic. In

other words, the advantages are only valid under the assumption

that the technology is fully operational (no software bugs) and

efficient (reduced transaction costs). The technology has to be

in an ideal state for these advantages to hold weight.


As depicted in Figure 6, the advantages cited in the research

of Sandholm (1999), Luo et al (2003) and Das et al. (2001) have

been categorized into three groups. Although quite general,

these categories show that the potential benefits of automated

negotiation are very broad and enable us to better contrast the

benefits of the technology with traditional negotiation.

Challenges and Limitations

A first major drawback of automated negotiation is the lack of

a widely accepted framework for the technology. This was

already pointed out in the work of Jennings & Faratin (2001)

and although attempts have subsequently been made to fill this

void, our research has not identified an existing dominant

reference.4 Not only does a framework provide a common lens for

future research, it also allows a better comparison of existing

articles. Furthermore, a common framework can help speed up the

development and implementation of the technology in the real

world. Similarly, ontology 5 was addressed by Nwana et al. in

1998 as a major challenge for automated negotiation. Early

researchers were well aware of the need for standards for this

technology to be widely adopted.

Secondly, a lack of practical case studies, examples and

implementation experience remains a concern for researchers.

Jennings & Faratin (2001) mention the need for the development

of a best practice repository for automated negotiation

techniques. They imagine this to be a coherent resource that

would state which negotiation technique or agent is best suited

to a given problem or domain. Key findings and lessons learned

from other references are inevitable for the diffusion of a new

technology. Organizations and people tend to be risk averse

when trying out new technologies and want to see concrete proof

before adoption. The lack of case studies, implementation

experience and best practices is a major obstacle for the

widespread adoption of the technology. That being said, one

4 For attempts to build a framework see amongst others Lomuscio, Wooldridge & Jennings (2003), Kersten & Lai (2007) and Lopes, Wooldridge & Novais (2008).5 Ontology is the classification of research objects and their interrelation.

could argue that a successful implementation of the technology

could be viewed as a competitive advantage and as such would

probably be kept confidential. In a way this creates a vicious

circle that is hard to escape from. Companies want more proof

before using the technology, yet the technology cannot further

evolve as long as companies do not share their experience of

using it.

In Nwana et al. (1998), the authors mention security, privacy

and communication as serious challenges and potential

obstacles. Today, we can observe that no standards for these

three aspects exist. Nonetheless, efforts are being made in

this direction, as the Semantic Web demonstrates. As for

security, an article in The Economist on February 23, 2013 shows

that this topic is very much alive and as such, also relevant

to automated negotiation technology:

“Foreign governments and companies have long suspected

that the Chinese hackers besieging their networks have

links to the country’s armed forces. On February 19th

Mandiant, an American security company, offered evidence

that this is indeed so. (…) Mandiant claims that hackers

at Unit 61398 have stolen technology blueprints,

negotiating strategies and manufacturing processes from

more than 100, mainly American, companies in a score of


6 “China’s cyber-hacking - Getting Ugly”, The Economist, 23rd February 2013.

It is clear that when intelligent agents are employed, they

will be running in a network of computers and servers, with

their subsequent settings and parameters. Without claiming that

this is what is implied by the term ‘stealing negotiating

strategies’ as written in the article, it is clear that these

settings and parameters can be the object of interest for third

parties. Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to

knowing your negotiating opponent. Indeed, the use of

intelligent agents and computers to conduct negotiations on

behalf of human counterparts brings with it higher exposure and

risk from hackers infiltrating systems and stealing

confidential information.

Lastly, the question of when automation is applicable is raised

by several researchers (Gimpel, 2006). According to Gimpel not

every negotiation can be transformed into an automated

negotiation. A high degree of certainty of the negotiator’s

objectives, preferences and tactics is required (Interneg,

2007). The more structured and robust a negotiation context is,

the easier it would be to automate it. Indeed, Braun &

Brzostowski (2006) propose having some well defined steps such

as information seeking and presenting offers being outsourced

to agents, while ambiguous issues such as changing protocol, or

decisions regarding the relationship between parties are better

left to the human principals.

Following this approach, the design of agents for a supply

chain within the same organization (with a common corporate

goal and clear instructions) would require less effort than the

design for agents for different organizations (with different

goals, strategies and tactics). This view is shared by An

(2011), who points out that information uncertainty of any kind

as well as market dynamics make it difficult to develop

successful negotiating agents. Nonetheless, uncertainty can be

managed by creating a climate of trust. Nick Jennings (2005)

writes in his Building Automated Negotiators that obtaining the

user’s trust to adopt and implement the technology is one of

the major obstacles for automated negotiation. Blecherman

(1999) stated in his research that using a computer to conduct

negotiations is ultimately a voluntary decision by all the

parties, and unless each party has reason to do this, it will

be unsuccessful. Every party needs to underwrite the benefits

of using the technology.

The technology of automated negotiation has not been perfected

yet and even if it were, certain disadvantages are likely to

persist. The lack of a common framework for theoretical and

research purposes, and the lack of best practices and case

studies for practical implementation are main obstacles to

wider adoption by organizations.

Evolution of and Prospects for Automated Negotiation

We have demonstrated that automated negotiation has come a long

way. As a sub domain of Artificial Intelligence, automated

negotiation itself has been the driver of new and related

research. In the 1990s, with the rise of the personal computer

and the Internet, the quest for digitalization had only just

started. Researchers had only just begun to develop

mathematically sophisticated computer models and were more

interested in the question “what can computers do for us?” In the

field of automated negotiation, research was primarily focused

on how agents can represent human objectives and interests in

an efficient way. How can they make commitments on behalf of

the human owner, and thus maximize his utility? (Jennings,

2005). The focus lay on the autonomy of the agents. It is

clear, however, that in any negotiation context, communication,

bargaining and exchange of proposals are crucial.

Two autonomous agents can each calculate their best proposal,

but if they cannot communicate or alter their position in

function of the other party (in other words, negotiate), they

will be unsuccessful. At the end of the day, reaching an

agreement is what negotiating is all about. This is why

currently the focus lies on having ‘intelligent’ agents and not

only ‘autonomous’ agents. The interaction instead of merely acting

with other entities (software, agents, and machines) is what

the future of automated negotiation looks like (An, 2011). This

shifting research view of automated negotiation is illustrated

in Figure 7. It should be noted that this shift in views is not

absolute and traceable to a specific year or publication.

Rather, earlier achievements in terms of agent autonomy and the

tendency of agents to operate in an increasingly connected

world will make the domain of interaction the focus of future




Another important facet of the future of automated negotiation

concerns so-called ‘learning agents’. Because of the limited

knowledge agents sometimes have both of their counterparts as

well as on their dynamic environment, it is important for an

agent to be able to update its beliefs and strategies based on

interaction with others. Researchers have used so-called genetic

algorithms for agents to learn the best strategies to reach

their objectives, and to learn about the preferences of their

counterparts.7 It is likely that learning agents will become

steadily more important in future research.

Hybrid methods are likely to become more widespread in the coming

years. In these models, different negotiation methods

(traditional negotiation, NSS and automated negotiation) are

combined or integrated, resulting in a set of tools to address

specific negotiation issues. In essence, hybrid models aim to

create synergies by integrating NSS and automated negotiation

(Rehman, 2008). What is more, they aim to fill the existing

void in human agent negotiations. In a way, they could be

called ‘semi-automated negotiation’, because they blend both

agents and NSS elements. We believe in the rise of hybrid

models in the coming years because of their easy applicability

and proven track record.

An interesting viewpoint on this topic is proposed by He,

Jennings, & Leung (2003). They mention the rise of virtual

enterprises, which are agile and fluid partnerships between

companies that share resources and skills to complete a

particular project or finish a certain product.8 These non-

fixed networks of companies are made possible by the rise of

ICT, which facilitates the opportunity of finding partners

worldwide. Greater efficiency and specialization, a larger

(common) offering, and more flexibility are cited as the main

advantages. Automated negotiation plays a central role in this

7 For detailed research on learning agents see Zeng & Sycara (1998), Coehoorn & Jennings (2004), Lau (2005).8 For a detailed study on Virtual Enterprises, see Martinez, Fouletier, Park& Favrel (2001).

vision, because these partnerships are negotiated on a

continuous basis by agents of the system: any agent within the

network will accept to take over a task from another agent in

the network as long as its marginal benefits are higher than

its marginal costs (Sandholm, 2000).

Lastly, a study by Baarslag, Jonker, Hindriks, Kraus, & Lin

(2010) speaks of an entire new function for automated

negotiation. They suggest that agents could be used to properly

train human negotiators before they actually perform their

tasks. The proposal evaluation and information retrieval phases

are the most likely focus of such training sessions. After all,

the computational resources of the agent are immense and human

negotiators can learn how the agent would respond or react in

any given situation. This function of automated negotiation is

examined in a working paper by Lin, Oshrat, & Kraus (2009).

As previously mentioned, automated negotiation is still a

largely unexplored terrain from an empirical perspective. Very

few case studies and real life examples exist. However, with

the elements covered in this research so far, a wide range of

future potential applications spring to mind. Such applications

include utilities markets, bandwidth allocation, manufacturing,

distributed vehicle routing among independent dispatch centers,

and electronic trading of financial instruments (Maes, Gutman,

& Moukas, 1999). Taking into account the structural condition

and robustness of the negotiation context, we believe the

greatest potential lies in the area of supply chains and

procurement. Large conglomerates, which have hundreds of

internal production processes, could hugely benefit from the

gain in efficiency (higher speed and lower transaction costs)

of not having to deal with every negotiation in a traditional


With an overview of the potential of automated negotiation

technology, we are now sufficiently armed to discover some

empirical results of ‘man vs. machine’ studies.

Man vs. Machine: Who Scores Best?

Before addressing this question, it is important to note that

every empirical study conducted to date has focused on one

particular domain of negotiation. From bilateral negotiations

over price (single issue) to multilateral negotiations over a

multitude of issues, many studies compare the performance of

agents with human negotiators.

Obviously, the notion of performance is interpreted differently

by each of these studies. Are we talking about the best results

for the buying side? Optimal results for the selling side?

Pareto efficiency? The lens through which these comparative

studies view the notion of performance plays an important role

in reaching a conclusion.

Secondly, negotiation context, dynamics and protocol have a

huge impact on the performance of agents and people. For

instance, should the timing and speed of the negotiations be

considered a Key Performance Indicator in assessing people or

agents? All of these questions and variables leave room for

debate and make it difficult to formulate a general answer to

the question on who performs best. A number of detailed and

recent studies focus on this question. Some of them are very

positive on the performance of agents whereas others do not

detect any noticeable difference in performance. This balanced

view should allow for a better understanding of the ‘man vs.

machine’ debate in the field of negotiation.

One group of studies involves people negotiating directly

against an intelligent agent. They are interesting because the

agent must deal with different personalities and negotiation

styles. Accordingly, the agent must be able to rely on a strong

opponent modeling component in order to be successful (Oshrat,

Lin, & Kraus, 2009). In their research, Oshrat, Lin, & Kraus

(2009) conclude that their agent (named KBAgent) achieved

significantly higher values than the human players. The values

they base their conclusions on is the utility that a negotiating

party can obtain in the context of a job interview.9 Although

in a specific context, the fact that the agent consistently

outperformed human negotiators remains impressive. A similar

outcome was found in a study by Chari & Agrawal (2007), where

they indicate that agents can perform as effectively as human9 For a detailed description of the experiment, see Oshrat, Lin, & Kraus (2009), p 6. With issues such as (a) salary, (b) job description, (c) social benefits, (d) promotion and (e) working hours, 1296 possible agreements existed in the experiment, and the negotiators had a maximum of 28 minutes to conclude.

negotiators in a given setting. The authors even state that

agents can act as surrogates of human negotiators under certain

circumstances. A third study by Jim R. Oliver (1997) underlines

the capacity of agents to effectively replace people in e-

commerce negotiations.

On the other hand, Bosse and Jonker (2008) conducted

experiments to compare the performance of software agents

against people in multi-issue negotiations. Their results did

not indicate that agents performed better than experienced

human negotiators. An important remark is that whereas

automated agents might be more efficient in maximizing utility

when negotiating with another agent, they might score poorly

when interacting with people. (Lin & Kraus, 2008).

Valuable research into the performance of automated negotiation

is the organization of ‘automated negotiation competitions’.

During these competitions, the design and strategies of

automated negotiation agents are evaluated in a tournament

setting. In 2010 in Toronto, seven agents representing five

universities from around the world competed in the first

automated negotiating agents competition (abbreviated as ANAC).

After successful tournaments in 2011 and 2012, the fourth

edition was held in Saint Paul, Minnesota in May 2013 (ANAC,

2013). The focus of this tournament was the learning and

adaptation capabilities of agents. The official goals of the

competition were:10

10 To read the detailed rules of encounter of the competition see www.itolab.nitech.ac.jp/ANAC2013

1. To encourage the design of practical negotiation agents

that can proficiently negotiate against unknown opponents

and in a variety of circumstances.

2. To explore different learning and adaptation strategies

and opponent models.

3. To collect state-of-the-art negotiating agents and

negotiation scenarios, and making them available to the

wider research community.

We strongly believe in the importance of such competitions to

increase overall research transparency and to accelerate the

adoption of the technology in business applications. A general

statement on who (agent or human being) performs better remains

difficult if not impossible to make. More comparative studies

in this domain are required to obtain a classification of when

and where agents can outperform human negotiators.


We have seen how, thanks to advances in artificial

intelligence, agent technology is currently at its prime.

Recent breakthroughs in the field of artificial intelligence

and machine learning have disrupted the negotiation landscape,

and we can only marvel at what these technologies could achieve

in the next years. Automated negotiation technologies appear to

be an attractive proposition for a variety of reasons. As

previously explained, they have been used to assist customers

throughout the shopping experience, to support and inform

sellers, and to improve B2B processes such as supply chain

management and logistics. However, while the technology aspects

of automated negotiation are improving exponentially, we are

unsure that the same can be said for its real-life

applications. It is true that, on the one hand, we have

provided examples of how these methods have been applied to the

academic and corporate world, both in B2C and B2B contexts. On

the other hand, however, it would seem that the impact of

automated negotiation on real-world business processes has

remained largely unexpressed. Indeed, automated negotiation

technology has been available for the best part of the last 15

years, yet it is difficult to find information on household

name companies employing them successfully. Moreover,

information on the subject is limited to its technical

specification, and the existing literature is mainly produced

by experts in the fields of computer science and engineering.

It is also a very sectorial subject, and one is left to wonder

on how many C-level executives in large companies are aware of

what their firms could achieve through automated negotiation.

The field seems to suffer from an information asymmetry

problem: business scholars and decision makers can truly mark

the adoption of these technologies, yet they appear to remain

in the dark about their existence and potential. Computer

scientists, in the meantime, seem to focus on issues of

engineering and cosmetics, rather than on practical

implementation. Automated negotiation requires a new generation

of business scholars able to bridge the current gap and develop

common, interdisciplinary ground. The current generation of

digitally-native, computer-literate and internet-savvy business

students and practitioners has, in our opinion, such potential.