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W a t t k e r t o m p r r o v ; f r o b i b l TttOMMlAd t | i 4 w t n i v .

r i ’- ■■ - V I - '■



AU TAKEN OFFn J r F m S i f l P

Cijrtib u d Qertti of Crew, Who Renamed' on Cobeqnid Orer

Nifht, Rescued Todaf.

niiTT-sn nuNSFERo yesterday

1 N * e B ty * w n u M n c c w la v M tr - tw « « | CM it B » u « 4 la T a m a t h ,N, f« W k a n T k«r ■ a c a n r la a

B ffM t* of nx»«oar* fo latoBH 0*M—D a r «a« 5 l« b ( of T « m r 4.b*af4 W nw l|o4 • l a a a a r — H u r J W l r t l t u Call*. B a t Cm I I Hot A aan c t

JOHIf, M. B.i Jan . I f . '—Captain jIavBM a n l tha atavaa mao who ra- F4lna4 OB tha Cobaquld laat a lah t wora taka* an board th a ataamar Laaadowne M r te d a r and arp on thatr w ar hara.

A wiralaaa maaaaaa to tha aaaata of tha Una aald th a t tha third oKleer, B. F. t*OWaU. waa tnjurad d u rln t tha n lfh t and VM tn naad of taadlcal attaatloo.

T A B U O im t N. B., Jan. IE.—Tha tw antr-foar paaaanaari and aavanty'two ‘ raba iw of tha craw of tha Royal Uall la a m a r Cobaqnld, raacuod yaatarday, m a somfartably houaad hara thU rnorn- In f and a ra racovarloa from tha affocta ad tholr lonf axpoaura to ley wlnda and wayaa. Captain Hawaon and alavao aaa- man who remalnad on tha chip wara takan to Bt. John whan reacued today.

'W llllani C. K a a n r. an official of th a eonipany ow ning th a Cobaquid, who w aa on board a t t^ e tkma of th a wreoh,aald today:

“Ko ona waa to blam a to r the loaa of Iha ahip. Tha .w ea th er condltlona th ,rty -n l.» Indlvlduala. w ara a ta ln a t ua. The poaltion. of th e rj.,,,


Leider ef Miieri Meitioned m BID ChsTging Sereril it Cilimet

wiA C o M ^ c f.


M. Moyar, prealdent of tha tV aitarn Fedaratlon of Mlnera, waa today In- dlctad for oonapiracy. to a a th a r w ith o th e r officlala of th e federation In con­nection w ith Ihe atrllte of the copper mlnera.

T he flra t count of the Indictm ent charaea conapiracy to preven t by force and arm a the pu rsu it of th e ir vocation! by amployea of the m ining corapanlee.

The ch a ria of conspiracy constitutes a mladamaanor.

A prasentmeiit am nractni a number of trua bills waa made to Judge P. H. O'Brian by the special grand jury, which has baan Investigating lawlessness erlslng from the copper miners' strike. The court w as told th a t none of the men accused of felonies was In custody.

John B. Anttllla, secretary of the Calu­m et Union, was Indicted for conspiracy, the court announcing th a t th is bill charged a misdemeanor, and therefore could be made public.

I t was brought out th a t sevsral "no true bills" were Included in the gi^nd Jury report. The court ordered theee made public. The Jury thus exonerates H. Btuart aoodell, an oil merchant, of com­plicity In one of the slrllce shooting sf- frayg. '

The Indictment against Anttllla Includ­ed charges against Moyer, president; C, E. Miiiotiay, vlce^prosldlant; Ouy E, MHl«r. Taqco T cnlch, J, 0 . Lown«iy atid W, p. Davldioti, memb^ra o t the execu­tive board of tha W eitam Federation.

In addllioOe ^Lynn Sullivan. Wlltlem RfcKard, Ben Goffgla, F rank Allonen. Charlee E. H letala and other locei union teadere were named. The Lilt includea


ablp to r th e f irs t tw elve hours afte r atrlfcloc w as critica l, the bottom breAklng eventually .

L ittle ta Rat.“ih e lo st her steam and cunae-

queatly we were w ithou t lig h ts or tire. Until we left the ahlp we were In tha cap ta in 's and ladles* room s and a few In th a am oklng-room . living on b ltcu lt and com meal. The discipline of the crew was « c e l le n t and there was no sign of panic or Insubordination." The reaoiwd w ill probably rem ain In T ar- m tu th a few daya.

The Cobe<tuld, impaled on Trinity Rock, aU mlies off Port Maitland, waa badly smashed and coated with ice, but the cap- ta la 's cabin remained Intact. The gov­ernm ent steam er Landsdowne stood by IhiouAhout the night.

CajrtAln McKinnon of the tVeeiport, the llttla coastal steam er which rescued s e v eaty-tw o pereone. said today that when ba cams alongside the Cobequld ho found all the pastangers and crew In the catptalh's cabin, the only dry spot on the sdaantar. The seas were breaking over tka main deck. The Cobequld was lying haadad to the westward, with tha how down and the stern well ont of water.

AU of those taken on board the W est- rq rt, left tha Cobequld In three boats lamiSched by the crew of the wracked ves­sel. ' Notwithstanding the gale and the ro iu ^ sea, tha transfar waa accomplished witmn tw o hours without accident. The nine women and children among the pas­sengers were the firs t to he taken from th e Cobequld and hauled aboard the Teetport-

B s r and N igh t ef Tergas.A fter tb s Cebaquid itn iq lt thsce camo a

day and night of te rro r on the steamer. JLits-W ta bad bsau garved oat to all on

and witan the Seag bagan to break wsitr Iba stilp atl lianda were ordered be- (sM. stliare they huddled In the oaUng.

:knowie4lae that th e atrlckan ship's ap* peal ^ help had been beard gave TO- n a w a f bopa. but the position of the vet* sBl giew more dancarous hourly. Tha bftdga, charthouso, companlonwaya and avarything moveable on deck. Including lUl but four lifeboats, were washed away- D. H. Douglas, chief qnglnMr, tolling of th a wrack, saldi

“Ten minutes afte r wa struck the en- glns-room was full of water- The fires arare extinguished and tjrt llgMs went out. The ehlp’s bottom had been ground b u t She Is resting aquerely on the ledges and srin be a totaJ.'WTeck."

. n » JA M etal Backet.Vgrlons expedients to preven t su f­

fe rin g fysm cold w ere adopted. P lra w a t kfndlad In an Iron b u c k e t In whJd^ holas had bean co t to afford a dn ilL This erude u lsne ll w as used to h e a t w a te r and m ake tea. One of the eraw suffered a broken arm, bu t th l i w aa the o n ly acc id en t

IFhan th e Cobequld p u t ou t her own

.S E M A T t ^ / l

|TpA N 6 e i t 1


The first count of lha Indictment chargM coQiplracy to prevent “by force end the puVault of their vocettoneby employee of the mining companiee.

The second count was of similar tenor, but the charge was broadened to Include all classes of workmen. In the ihlrd i count It waa charged that the union men had by their conspiring and by attem pts to Intimldaie, Interfered with the rights and property of non-union men.

I s a e re Meyer PeportatloD .The jury mode no reference to the

Moyer deportation, ao far as could be learned. The court officials promised th a t as fast ae w arrants were served the names of the Indicted men would be made public.

One guess as to the nature ef the con­cealed charges had It that they related to the four guards and two deputy Bheriffs who are charged with what has become known as the “SeebervlUe murdera.’* These men have been out on bonds aw ait­ing grand Jury action.

The conspiracy Indictment carried with It a list of 137 wUnessea for the people. Karoed in it were the following mine of­ficials:

Jam es MacNaughton, Calumet and Hecla; Charles L. Lawton, Quincy: F. W. Denton, Copper Range Consolidated; Theodore Dengler, Mohawk and Wolver­ine; R. H. Seeber, Winona, and Enoch Henderson. Franklin Mining Company. The others were non-union employes of the Qompaoy, several women and some business msn.

Incidental to the Indictment the Jury found th a t the federation had 7,000 mem- b e n In the strike district.

Ooupted with Its exonerktlen of Mr Qobdsll. was a “no true bill'* In the cases of twetity-seven members of thS union siding near South Range. They had been tosused unlawful ksssmblags nnd th rea ts to destroy property on Beceraber 10, add their activity resulted In one of tbs H fit general alarm s after the orgaal- sation of th e d tltsn s ' alliance.

Mr. Ooodell'i case arose the next day. a f te r some one hsd fired a shot a t a Striker. The Jury became convinced th a t the persons who accused Mr, Ooodell of Riing the shot were mistaken.

After the grand Jury's report was made, court adjburned until Saturday, Judge O’Brien returning to L’Anse to continue the strike eases being tried In Baraga County.



N m l Officen Restore Semblance of Order on the Water Front of

Derastited Kagoshima.


Veleaae^s T e ll e f Life Cameet Be Teld Yet mm Ask tk e t Cevers Bvlea Has n e t Be«a C leared A w ey B aeegli fe Per- m ti ef U a tlu t« --^ N a flsa Fesd leg Sarvlvore W ko A re R ete ra leg te f lo a t fo r T k e ir Heaiee—-Oae R stegee Tells of tk e ieeao e of T error He Bewa


Utility Board Halts Terminal Proj* ects Until Pnblic Service Makes

Definite Agreement.



H O l ^

ta PreitsBlaary H epert CeBonlaetoa Crtgs totaes *^Blaakel AgToeensat** BetNreeij CeiapaaT eed Ctty* Whlck, I t ■ayse Might Be CoBstraed ms S e rread ef a t P ow sr-^T akes Bxcc-ptloa to Qaemtloa* la g of C'oaiBilssIda's A atkorlty kR PebllQ Service la He CoaBeel's Brielb


loard of Works Arranges for Bids for Dredging Bay on Sber-

rerd’ s P ^ .


(Continued on 8d p u s , EJ colum nj


Soldi Afrdan Trades Federation Secretary and Hie Band Grre

Up to PoHce.'



directly conflicting in their atatem ents of tha condition In the Michigan copper dlatrlcta were received In the Senate today.

O n e . raesaage to Senator Town lend from a committee which raid It repre­sented 10,011(1 citizena of tha district, aald law waa being enforced and would continue to ba enforced. A message to Senator M artina of New Jersey, from tha executive commlltee of the National BoclaUstlc party, aald a regn of terror extated In the copper country and de mafided a congteseionsl inveetlgatlon.

JOMANNEiBTTRO, Jan . I I —dMetalary Bain of th e South African FedlSratlon of T radei, and hie hand of tOO eomradoa, w he had harrlqaded Utaniaelvea in the Tfadea Hall h*fa alnee Tueeday,. snrren- dairatl imeoadltlohhny to the giollce today. B a la and ten leadaxa were lodgedIB Jail, X '

A a e n t^ a ry w as len t out hy Secretary Bain, th is m on lng , requesting an inter- vlayr^wllh general Loula Botha, Prim e IfFIMster at the Union of South Africa^

The goivenunent regarded thla„ aa an ofrar to. iu rrander and repUeil n t n i p th a t th e oootrol officer of the mglan u a ^ r the provtaiotia of m artial law had otderad to i n e a t every ona M th a had • a d ' to um the m oat drastic n a a su rta naoiaiary. If.' a f te r w u n ln g bad haan givaii thate. the'occqptfnU did not sttr- r kod if w ithout riotaaee.

d tto n g gnarda were placed In position to k W tioaa-W atch e f the hall and no pedeU riaas or eoMclaa waa permlUed to approach anywhere near It. Lator, the bwleged gurrendered.

Tho T r a w a a l Licader, a newspaper which has h itherto employed only union labor, laaued only four pages this m om - in f . Thaaa had been compoaed h r hand Inataad of typeeattlng m achlaea and con- tatpiMl an annouacem ent th a t “In fu tn re. oidy non-uBloa workmen will be' engaged a n . th ia paper." ■ —

Along the .Band t t o situation la ( s o r t ­ed .aatlslaqtorr to the gevanunent Bama o f the workmen a t th a u ln aa have Tol- untaerad thair larv losf for (hh protection of the property, - ,

41thongh lab o rsra o f a ll traS e i In th e T nnavaia l and O range F ree S ta te Ivare Joined th e a trlba . tho workman- of CMm Colony «hd N atal a re a tlll a t


•VTABHINGTON, Jan . 16.—Praaldant yyilaon le t It ba known yesterday th a t he w as opposed to a re tu rn of the "spoils system " of poftofflce appoln t^en ti, and would veto the pontotflce appropriation bill now botore the House unlets th e "rider'' tn U i exempting asMsIant post­m asters from the classified service was eliminated.

The President, i t l i understoou, detdded to call a h a lt to w hat has been charged by civil service sdvocates a s a tendency in Congress to break down the m erit system.

Tho "rider" In th e postoffice appropria­tion bill, ae reported to. the House, would give the Postmaeter-Cleneral the righ t to revoke the aptmlntment of any assistan t postm aster "and appoint his successor a t U s discretion'' w ithout regard to the civil service act or its amendments.

Poatmaater-Oenerai Burleson recently w rote to Repreeentatlve Moon, chairman of th e postoffice committee, outlining his opposition to the proposal, but It waa not withdrawn. The Prestdent Is expectsd soon to tell House leaders of h lf views.

S E U P R O i'E R n A T A IIC n O H OF FDtSr W IUON a v B

Bfdi tor tha w ork a t drod^lnv New­ark Bay *0 th a t U w ill be made uav- l ^ b l e up to the ehore line acquired by the city w ill be received by the Board of W orka en F e b ru a ry i. Thle data waa aet th la afterncori a f te r the beard kad approved th e epeclfloatleita f o r ' the dredfflns aa,.prepared by Chief Ea- t^tider IfOrrla R. ih d rr^n ^

The w ork le to be divided Into two eeotloiia, and It L« provided th a t the mud dliplaced from th e channel ehall be depcilted on th e meadowe behind dikee of Bod and plied ela feet above th e preeent lu rfa c e of the meadowB. The d redfln f la to be completed wlthlik one year from th e d a te th a t the con­tra c t 1e l e t

The first section ta to eartend from the government channel to the pier head line, and the Bcoond aecUon from the pter head line to the ahore- The first eectlpn wJll h a re a length of about 1,200 feet run* nl&g a t right angtea to tbe shore line, and the second aectlon will have a length of 3,600 feat, running In the tam e direction. From the flret section 200.000 euWe feet of earth will be displaced, and from the second section 1,000,000 cubic feet.

The dimensions of the first section are to be optional with the engineer, ao that two bids will be required. It will be re­quired to dredge for a width of seventy- five feet, making a sailing depth of ten feet a t low tide, or else for a width of 200 feet with a depth of twenty feet a t low water mark.

I t Is the Intention, Mr, Bherrtrd ex­plained, to let the con tract for the am aller depth and w idth to convince the governm ent th a t the city Is In earneat In Its plana fo r Increasing the docking faollltiM . I t la hoped th a t then the governm ent may be Induced to carry on the work, but if It falls to do so th e co n trac t for the additional dredging will bp g iven out by the city.


Wall of Water Following Course of Potomac River After Accident

in West Virginia.

INHABITANTS OF ONE VALLEY FLEEW atahauB F lra t NutlaaJ Crack la

StrnctnFF OaslBB Night sa g This M aralag A aothar PlaaDrc As*cace4 , W hteh W M aaeg la te Larger Gaps. T hree T ow aa ThraataacA by H ash a t W ater M aU ag Safety F re p ara tlw tl.


Not a Single Offer Received at Wash­ington for Newark Federal

Building and Site.


IflO NEWS.WASHINGTON, Jan. 16.—Much to the

dlaappolntmenl p( tha treaeury and poal- offlca authorltlea and to CongratatnM McCoy there waa not a alngta offer te l the Newark poatoffica when tha time UBalt for propoaalB of imrcliaaa axplred gt t o'clock this afternoon.

At thla hour Snyarrtalag A irhlteet W anderoth of tha T rsa tu ry waa informed by tha axecullve officer of tho dapart- inenl th a t tharo waa not any hid. Both Mr, McCoy and Mr. W endarolh agreed th a t tho falluro waa due to the peculiar term r and the uncertainty aa to when

CUMBERLAND, Md.. Jan. 16.—In­form ation waa raoelvad a t the offloaa of the W eatern Maryland Railway hate a t noon today th a t the Stony River dam of th a "Weet Virginia Pulp and PaperCompany near Dobbin, W. Va., had given . “j^nment would g”ve poiaeaalon

I H r. McCoy stated th a t undoubtedlyv . ^ ^ r t h ^ M t h '^ o f The 1 enabling act would ba changed ao a t Luke, W. Y» i Jn the path of the I blddara could bo given a deflnlta

flood, f i d to the hlllo. So far aa known , government would deliverthere haa been no loaa of Ufa. 1 pnaaeTaloa.

TROLLEY FOR VAN BUREN ST.The B oard of W orka w ant on record

today aa approv ing th e request of three Tnembera of th e Ironbound ImprOTS- m ent Aaaoclatlon fo r a trolley line In Van B aron a traa t and over the Jaok- aon a traa t bridge. H erm an Schleaitn- ger, J. F red H eld t and Frederick Brel- denbach appeared fo r the aaaoclatlon and presen ted a pe tition containing tha s ig n a tu res of p ro p efty owners whoa* property w ould lace on the proposed Una.

Mr. Schlsaaingar ita tad th a t both the Public Service Railway Company and the Public Utility Conunleaion approve of the lino proposed, which .would Irt a facility te r those who have to croaa the Fasaalc River to W eat Hudson from the lower section of th is city.


SfHwIal Beretc# of f*t VBWK.JBSBET r iT T . Jan . 16. — doyam or.

eleet Jama# F. F lal^ar u n o u m a d today n il loauguratlon

' tM lr ocoupatlona. U e r a la avlda'ntly pome lacjt o f a y in p a f ^ w ith th e r a v ^ lu tlo n ao r p laU ei% : « t the ayndloallat g tf ik a ri, w ho oorfaxpohd to th a J. W. lAr^ot th o VnUiiii'BUfea> .4

io a ik o f th e stdfcata in th is otty saeid to t * lit a n h s lr kn t ara raatra lnaibyJlM srafane* o f l a n a terea t at gnaad p,p|go of,lha.atU xatu ' daffeiaa n*oa, a m 1.066 a t Wlioni wunrarad tha ^ . t o gfrna wh«a' Qiw wgg prpeUUMd.

FtwrialoiH aM. aUI falily jpiatitlfgl, at- thotjali - w y axp*i|alwn. H oit of .' tha h jA W ghopt and groyry atoMg:«tai:guU

mahogaar vlafth Rks new, tUOi tef lEurmn Mi tM lH Ava->A6nr-

TRWNTON, Jan . 16.-*-AU th a t w m left of tha Woodrow W tl« n a u b —the flrat Domocraflo club In tho country to ba qiganfaod and nam td te r Wllaon—waa ^ d yesterday undor tha bginmar,

Thomaa J . McOovan), arho bought tha eontonta of the olub'a wine callar, eon- elating of forty bottloi of rhlpe wIm , tragtod after tbe sate and a toaat waa drunk to tha memory of a.c lub th a t onca hdld the top rung of popularity in tho clly.

Tha aalo waa oonduetod to aatlafy «1100 Ohattal mortgage held by 'C lty Coin- mlBiloner George B. 1 « B a m an d R i­parian confmlaalonor Brwln E. Maw h all, and a)ao to a a tl i t r a back n n t claim arnouiltlng te aiw ut 110 and held by 8am- iM Kllna. So fa r a s ha had Invontoriod tlte aalA W alter D. P o -w ^ k W H n c Ca r m id f th a City Dlatriot^VL ''? '’ *• —ad aa'auctlonoor, thought th a t ^ pro- coada would moot a ll' obllgatlDna tit tha club.


th a t Immodlattly a l te r ________ _ho will appotnt tho a te lf hw had whlla Acting t^ v o rn o r wrtth th a ofoapthm of Ralph W . E. Hoegaa o f (^u d aa , who It now a marahor of tha Puhllq UtllUy Commlaslon and who ban rtaltiMd from h it captaincy In th a National Guard.

Cotoool F rank H . Taylor of BackenatlSek te to ba th a G ovanor’a paraonat a ld t. and tho te a r o ther m em ben of tho M att who will be retained a ra Colonel LIbbay, Frlneaton; Lieutenant-Colonel William G Sohauffler, Lekewoodi CaptaJn Oeoigo f ! Perklna Jr., Jaraey City, and Captain Backett M. Dlcklnaon, Trenton.

I have not decklad who I ahall ap ­point aa tbo a ls th membor at my i ta f t , ' ' Mid H r. Fielder tU a taornlng. 'T would. Uko to ratkin C a p U b Dodgaa. but th liiUko to la imposaibls.

At Harrison, W. Va., forty-aavsn mllas west of here, the water roie to a height of thirty-five feet. The torrent tore down the W tatem Maryland Railroad bridge, w aihed out railw ay tracks and highway bridges and caused general havoc.

PIEDMONT, W. Va„ Jan. 16 —A wall of w ater fifteen feet high Is sweeping down the north branch of the Potomac River, following the bursting of tha dam of the W est Vlrtrinla Pulp and Paper Company a t Dobbin, W. Va., shortly be­fore noon.

According to reports received hare In- babltanta of the valley a n fleeing te the hills and the greatest anxiety la felt for tha safety of tha entlre.dlstrlct. No loaa of life has bean reported.

An operator employed by the W astarn Maryland Railroad a t ScheU, W. Va., fif­teen miles below tbe dam site, aent a measEfB to the company's offices a t Cumberland, Md., ita tlng th a t tha w ater was a t least twenty feet high and w as carrying everything before It, and added:

'T m going to duck. Good-by."The dam is 1,076 feet wide a t the

breast, backing the water up to r three and a half miles, and hold B,000,000,000 gallons of w ater. The dam Is ninety feet high on th a outside, slxty-tlva feat on the Inside and built on a eoaen te foun­dation sixty feat deep.

B reak lag of Dam.The dam waa firs t notlosd to be

eraokad by a w atchm an las t n igh t, and th la m orning a large portion of the s tru c tu re gave way. A t ll;tO thla forenoon a second and la rg er b reak occurred, no tw ithstand ing sffartB by employee to release the Immense volume of w ater through the s lu ice ­ways, Ths second break m ade b ig gaps on both sidse of the dam.

The W estern M aryland R ailroad bridge a t ScheeL W, Va., It la believed will be responalble for th s debris c log ­g ing th e re and holding the w a te r In check fo r a tim e until tbe foroe o f the flood carrie s It away.

Piedm ont, W eaternport and Luke, Md., know n aa tha “t t l towna," ara th rea ten ed w ith destyuotion. Tha h ig h w a te r la expected to reach hare la ta th is afternoon and every p repara tio n has been made to guard agalnat loss o f Ute.

ELKINS, W. Va„ lam, 18.—A rep o rt th a t th a h ig dam of th e W est V irg in ia I ^ I p an d P aper Company a t Dobbin, W. V a , had broken and th a t th e w a te r w as ru sh in g down tho valley w aa ra - eetvad here shortly before noon from H arrison , W. Va., a point th ir ty mllea n o rth of Dobbin, The w ater a t H arrl- ic n la repo rted to have fleen 'five feat.

F irs t rep o rts of the trouble w ere fol­low ed by tha declaration th a t th e re s ­ervo ir w aa tn no danger o f collapaa. To re lieve the pressure ag a ln a t th a dam th s gates were opened.

W illiam Anderson, obtef of th a P ub­lic Sarvlee Commission of W art V ir­gin ia , la en route from C harlaeton to m ak e a n Inapecllon of the dam.

WASHINOTON. Jan, 16.—A apaelal d lapatoh to The S tar from Curabarland, Md., a a ra fo rty feet of tb e W qgt V lr- ifln ta P u lp and -Paper Ctmpaoiria dam w a n t o u t early today; th a t th a -ra- m atn d ar a i th e a lruo tura y - '

''Unquestionably." said Mr. McCoy, "no ona wanted to tie ig> so mtich capi­ta l without knorwlng when he was to get hie quid pro quo."

The specifications of sal* fixed 11.too.- ' 000 es the upset price. Aa to the p a ^

of lha purchai* prlca ther* four altornatlvft propotitloni.

Mr. McCoy w m asked about th* hlllty of tho upaat prlca having boon rU«u too Mrh. H e said th a t whtl* It have been a deterrent he waa absolutely convinced that the property w u worth more than ll.SOO.OOO. It 1e hla Intentlou to make extended Inquiries aa to what w as wrong with the specifications before taking any stepe as to changB In tho law.


KAGOSHIMA. Japan. Jan. 18—Tale- graphlo communication between thle earthquake-racked city end the north wae eatabllehed laet evening.

The officers of the squadron of crulaara sent by tha Japanaaa Govammant have taken charge of tha altuatlon and ara rapidly raatorlug a asmhlanca at order along tha w ater front.

Many of th e paopla of X atoth lm a have returned to th a city. All their bouaai are In ruloa and th a returning rafugeea ara compelled to cam p tn th# open spaces. Tbe warships brought food and supplies which are being diepeneed.

The property lose In th is city la Im­mense. T he clearing away of ash and debris has not gone fa r enough to allow even an approxim ate estim ate of the loia of human Ufa.

A group of thlrcy-thraa ratugaai waa rsicusd from amid a great waeta of al-u»iBg lava a t the foot of the volcano

^ . Thalr aacapawas Hula sho rt of m iraculous with ex­ception of thla reacued group no living being remained, ao fa r ae known, on tha entire Island of Sakura.

Tba reacua w as effacted by a boat's craw from tha Japanese flagship. As soon a t the cruiser squardon arrived her*, crews w snl sen t out to circle the Island of Sakura, In which tha volcano la altu- ated, three mllaa out In tha bay. The contour of the Island haa been entirely titered during tha past wsek.

D cso la ttaa a t lelaad,Tha aallorl did not risk landing on ac­

count of th a terrific hast and noxious gases, but n u d e a systematic acruUny along ihora, Tha entire Island waa cov­ered with amokfng aihea and hot lava.

All waa deaolatlon and no sign of hu­man beings was aean until late In the day. whan an officer In one of the launches noticed aomeUilng being waved tn the air a t a abort distance from the sbora.

Men, bundled up to protect them from the heat, w a rs landed. A fter a s tru g ­gle they succeodod In m aking th e ir wey through soft, w arm ashes, breast high, until they reached a rock. Bhollered behind th la rook they found th irty - three paopla, s till living, bu t coated with th ick d u st and weakened by s ta r ­vation and th irs t.

Among tho rescued w ere a sohoolmas- ter. who had borne w ith him from his sciioolhouse the p o r tra it of th e Em ­peror; the v illage policeman, who had saved tha records, and the postal clerk, with a sm all bag of mall,

Th* refugeaa wore taken on board a w arship arid provided w ith food nnd drink. They explained that they had hidden In a cava n ea r tha shore un til the rain of ash w aa over apd had then tried, ho u r a f te r hour, to a ttra o t a tfan- llon. _ ^

The genera l votcanlo aotIvH r tn th e d istrto t n o rth of- th is otty Is ab a tin g and the w ork of com plataly resto ring railroad and ta lagraph lo oommunloa- tlon Is going fo rw ard rapidly

f to ry of Rafagee,HITOT09HI, Jan . 16.—Ona refugee

from (ak iira haa given a graphic picture of the overwhelming of villages by earth ­quake and eruption:

"The earthquake began on Sunday,' this man said, "and tha people spent a fearful night In their gardens. In th s morning flam ing boulders dsscendad and set fire to the houses. Women and chil­dren fled and wore followed by tho mon. Redhot ashoa blinded and burned thorn,

"Thoro ware no boats on shote. and moot of th a fugitivoi had to wait the coming of roscuora; other! with lamen­tations flung themselvas Into tb s sea. Many of the aged refused to leave, c ry ­ing that they preferred to die In the homo of tholr nncoilors. One by one swimmers were drowned or killed.

"Pumloa itona and lava epurtod from the craters: a scarlet vapor obscured the haavoDi, the roar of the volcano was Ilk* the sound of a thousand thunder*. Tho whole Island shook and oscillated like a swinging paper lantern Plants and trees withered, and whitened mounds of ashes formed bateire ua.

"Tha e^gfil Itself reared Ilka a horse tXM knookad us down' cejmi choked our noatrHa,CBttta charged, ' "

wild liotsonous

and erased Instlnctivalr seeking th*

In a daclalon announcad today tha Btat* Board of Public Utilities Commlsstonarg withholds sanction of tho trolley term inal plan of th* Public Service Railway Com* pany In Ite present form. Tha board atatefl thf,t tt la dlaaatlaflad wllb tha failure o f th s company te enter Into ao agroaoMBt with th* city ef Newark, ambraolng d*> tailed and spaclfla arranganante tor tha rerouting of th* railway Una* and pr*- sorvlng th* rights of th* publlo In th* m atter of tho granting of tranifors.

Tho board announced th a t It would Ine slat upon th* execution of a definite agreem ent by which thp rity will not eurrendar any of Its right* botore reach­ing a final conclusion as to granUng withholding approval of tha twenty-seyadi' franchises yat to b* acted upon.

Th* views of th* board are aiproaaad In a pratlm lnary opinion handsM dow n today In which It la pointed ou t thalf ih* ordinances subm itted to th* boarth o ther than thoae re la ting to th a con- a tjno tlon of aubway*. a re unquallflad g ran t* by the m unicipality, and w arir form ally aeoepted aa such by th* P ub­lic Servioa T hat It wae not ih* pur- poss of th* Board of Work* to g ra n ! •uuh consent* w ithout Impoalng con-' dltloii* Is ragardad by tha S ta te b o a r f as apparent.

Th* board belleva* th a t th is a g r ta - m ent ahould clearly define th e r lg h tn of passengers to tran sfe r prlvllegeg^ and th a t ‘,t should Impose condition* req u irin g reasonable notice to tho c ity of the proposed rerouting of Una* prior to tholr actual rerouting. Not- w llh a tan d ln g the eontentlone of th* com pany to tho contrary , the board ha* concluded th a t th s b lanket a g reem en t accom panying the ordinances does not su ffic ien tly safeguard tho r ig h ts of th*. city.

To facilitate the final dlsposUlon of th* application for tho approval of the ordl- nanoea, the board suggest* that ths c ity and the company should a t once lak* up the formulation of an agreem ent along! tha Iluaa augjfCsLed In tha opinion- n lh< maanllma, In vlaw of lha importftnea of the subject, the board announced th a t It would pres* II* consideration of the c**^ expecting to be In position to reach in d announce Us final conclusion* shortly after it 1* advised of the action taken b* the city and company. . , . r

Th* preliminary repprl does riot aea. In any way with the m erits of the ordl- nances theniselvo*. It does. emphasise tho fset th a t the J lcharged w ith the duty of w hether the proposed grants by m e city property conaerve the public Interest*. I t does not propoaq th a t th* cotriPf-n^' by lufarence of otherwise, shall b* PUteJd In a position to taka advantage of th* po*ilblo opportunity presented by reroul*,. Ing to lessen (ho preeent trao sfa f privl-. legai.

laaue W ith GllmnurIn lie report the commlaslon take* e*e

ception to a declaration made In a motw orandum filed with It for Publl* Bervlo* by L. D. Howard Gllmour of the com­pany's law department. This roomorao- diim was submitted In answer to tn*. commission's demand for Inform ation a* to w hat rerouting wa* to be done w hat the new irsnsfer eyetom was to bfc The memorandum, In th# opinion of the commission, questions th a t body s power Iti rontain ins tha foUowtoj:*" o n " - C l the street railway com- pany la under obligation ‘th a t th e opera­tion of the terminal ehall not In any way curtail the transfer privilege* now Prop­erly exercised end enjoyed by

.Ixwo—T hat until tho ordinances now before your board for approval P*oo™* eftectIvB It has no obligation to revise th e Dratant tranato** »yatam. * vi_^ "Thrae_T hat auch revision haa tomainly with the media by which exlet- mS and rocognlwd privilege* are to b« eitarcli!^^' and m“Fourth—T hat the fletermlnallon of the proposition contained In No. 8 I* * proper subject for consideration between the municipal authorlOes and the com- ” tr?o:iilnu'e^oP~ad page. 1st column.f


t - ’ rilllll' SB

T ATLANTIC CITT, J*n, W,—In ■ rturfply arprdad cojniminleation forwayd- •A to Chief of Pollca W oodratt yaatar- dag , h>*yof Rlddl* auggerta th a t the chief latuM to appear before paatoM of th* otty obuichaa a t a conlareao* now bring a m a g e d for a diaousalon of th e tander- lote diatriat and other phaaaa of lawlaat-

w .'i tm U i SOON an d th a t ao toa« of Ufa h a s

* rs ilo Y s n u s c ftiiu iH D IA m SK" x ^ t ’an

Bptcial Btraio* Of Ite HBWi.HAVANA Jan . 16. -F e a r* for the

sa fe ty of th* H am burg-A teerlcan steam er Dania, th ree day* overdue, w ere Increased today whan the sh ip com pany* local sgen ta adm llted they had haard noth ing from the v e s­sel aince ih* cleared the Asora* for this port. ,

Num erous w ireless m asaagas to th* D ania have bean dispatched from tho aeria ls hare and from o ther llnara a t sea since Monday, when the D ania waa due hero, b u t up to today no raply haa bean heard.

The agen ts try to reaaaur* Inquirers by explain ing th a t the galea of th* las t te-w days probably blow th* ahlp from her course.


Frofli tta RasMefflo" Bsrto* of tte BfBN- IS a VBWB.

WASHINOTON. Jan. 16.—In a final effort to Induce President Wilson to a t ­tend th* Newark Board of Trade ban­quet. a committee from th a t organliatlon will call on th* Executive next Monday morning.

Th* President wired from Pass Chris­tian last Saturday th a t he could not ac­cept, bu t Rapresantetiv* McCoy wae asked when In Newark yoaterday to a r ­range for another Interview and did so a t tb e *Whlte House this morning.


PHILADELPHIA, Jan . 18.—Tha mys­te ry of th e abduction of little alx-year- old L au ra Delsslar, niece of Magla- tr a te W llllnm W. D alssler of W ynd- moor, wa* solved today by a telephone m esaage from Newark, N. J , say ing th* child had been tak en th e re by her m otbar,

S w e ra l years ago tha m other and f a th i r separa ted and th e child has s in u lived w ith bar uncle and grandraotha'L Mra. HljxaJjeth .DeTaslqr of New Tork.

jaySay* the abduction wa* mad* In .. oS iie> h a . I - —<• heoaui* of divore* prooeedlnils o i l in g an d th a t^ n o t | py th* fa ther. The polio* w ill tak a no

action.R lv a r a t Schell

I rlaan fifteen feet.reported

Folk w are w arnad

Tba proper pteo* for alriug m atter* a t th la charauter. th* Mayor Inatete, la a t a

P h i l a d e l p h i a J***- l* '—J fa t j th rea ten ed break by b low ing ofdays a f te r th e death o f her hualmnd, . xyhlrtle* and took to h igher ground. M ra 8. W eir MtteheH died today feom I jqo aa tim ate of th* property dam age pneum onia She becam e 111 a fte r th e i . - « * - tu n e r r t of Dr. Mltohell,

M ra M itchell, w ho wae leT esty -aaraa years old. w as M ary Cadwalader, m an- bar of a no ted FhO adalphla f ^ l j r .She w as p rom lnan t In sootal a ffa irs fo r mor# th an h a l t a cantury. ,

Fnbaater Mawfea* AfteaMa Ctty Haa.ATLAMTIO CITT- JaK 16.-eWa*

hour*’ work hy a. pulmotor yas^ iday realvad Baiaual PhllRpa a young artltt, who waa fooud apparantly dead tu a

» » ------------------------ --- - « . * as-«»«4masting of th* City Ooamteafea, with a l l , te lly kne o k ^ , e v y a ^ ^ ^ P U i B p a ^ m in b M a M6MAL l* M #*»*ft«* I* th* c ity Hoapitel ,,

• a - , " , l i ' ‘ ‘ I t " . ‘ ‘


prlTsdl o f on* of th* b rillian t a ffa ir* of th * y a a r yaatarday,'W han Mra. B ryan L a th ru p uanealed h e r arrangam ante fo r w h a t w a s tntendad to he a ouatly ra - oaptlon. I n Plaiu ^ tpandlng th s n o n a y f a r th * an te rta la raan t of her frlanda It wlU go to a id thB suffering poor. Th*

ibahta eas t of th* social g a th a rin gw 3 s ~imaU*d t* th* naady tram Mra

i’-: .'..rt- - I


Judging from mamoranda found In his poekat wag F rank H. Ruth, an insuranca ■goat of Uorebantvlllo, H. J., lUod In Ballamo H pteltal today of the effects of poison tekatt tn a cafe. Th* vletlni’a card bore th* n a n * of "FTank B , Ruth, 0 ta te agent of tha In iu tanoa Company of th a M t e e f FeaiuTl'vanla." The haad o fflc | of the eompany la la FhlladelphtA

Udart Tawr Baala Mratgfet w ith

Many of the Inhabitants who flsd from Kogoshlraa ratum ad yaitarday to uearch for thalr homoo* but found thorn I t i^ ln i - A f ra a t hola had opanod In tha flda of tha city. flakura-JIma flUU Ihraw out voot m tsoai of flam«« and lava. A pollca boat clrdod tho, liUnd. and many of vlctlma wara to ba soao on tha ihorai, burned and muUlatod. ThouwmdB of cat- tJa wara dead on tha baocho* or flomtloff in tha watar.


WASHINGTON, Jan . II.—On reeely- Ing fu rth e r detail* of the earth q u ak e and tidal w av* In Japan . Prealdent W ll­aon today e so t a Second cablegram to the E m peror of Ja p an a s follow*;

"Perm it m e ag a in to expreaa to you the deep aym pathy w hich th e American people feel fo r th a lr s is te r nation, Japan, In bar g ro a t calam ity. To the thousand* upon whom suffering and d isaster have oome so suddenly and In so te rrib le a form . I s there any way In which Wi can holpT'


LEGHORN, Ita ly , Jan . II .—Six v io­len t ea rth q u ak * shook* cauasd a panic am ong th* In h ab itan ts of th is city to ­day, T ha people rushed In te rro r into th* a tre e ta and gathered in group* on th* sq u a iea and o ther open spaces. The shock* s ta r te d a t i:*6 o'clock In the m orn ing an d laatad till 8:87. No eas- ualtlsa w ar* reported,

RAIN OR SNOW PREDICTEDU naettlad w e a th e r ton igh t and F r i ­

day ; p robab ly ra in or enow, with mod- ara t* aou thw eal w ln d a 1* th* w eather p rogram for N e x ^ rk as given out to-

^*Th* tem p ara tu r* .a t I o'clock th la m orning w aa 14 degree*, a t , 7 q'clock 18 and a t noon *9 dogreoe, Th* Jiu- m ld ltr a t 7 o 'clock waa TI and a t noon 1*0 par cant. The wind a t notou wkte

.e ,-rour m lta i par ** - f a L - . , ■'10 d o i f r a w i x ■ v r o q ona tha ayerage 14.1. Th* highest parcentags o f hum idity waa I*, th* lowort 41 and the average 64. I t wae door, antj tha B„T*lUiig wind waa northweat a t a m ax- a l S r t nte* raltea^au hour.

On* yaar *<u today th* highest tem - M tstu r* -waa 46 dagrea*. (ha lowaat 17 gla avi^ i a «»■»■ I t i r a g olaaT, -

Both Itega BrokoB hy MaeUBery,TRENTON. Jhh ' l*c—Baootalng caught

In m achlpary in tba BpaMlng wif* mlUa yaatarday. Dondnto Crya* of Centre

eusUtnad freetttras of both logs gnd B*T*t^ riba. H* t i MW In Bt. F n o - d i'B H oiM tal. where tt waa **U u M m eaate t M wsaM t giiinw .

, . . .

’W . * a - :


PenBsylvtnia Flyer Rons Into Debrii Caused by Smasb-up of

Cattle Cars.

MUCH CONFUSION, BUT NO ONE HURTPassangarB on the roniiaylvatila Rail*

road 's 'Tron CUy Eipreaa," Jaavln* Naw York a t 11:30 o'clock la«t night, w ara Baveraly ahakon up, and In lom a cauiaa ' throw n from thalr borrhn, when the trallA •truck a freight wreck a t th© Newark* Btlxaboth rlty lino. Nod© of tha pasoan^ g ari or trainmen waa Injured, but 12S ibaep were killed- Traffic wan tied up; for mora than two hours and three loco- m otlvai wer© put out of busln©4i.

A fa«t frftlght, weirtbound, waa ipaed* Ing along the No. 2 freight track a t 12;10 o’clock, when a t tho “ W. B.“ 0isnal and switch tower It collldad with a aUndlntf loromoUv©. F art of tha train wae m ad f ' up of cattle cars loaded with sheep. Thre^ of the cars were burst upon and tho’' sheep war© icattarad ovar th© traoki- A few were klUed.

The eDgliie crews saw their danger an d . Jumped, all but tha engineer of th i freight, who stuck to his post and stop* pad his train within a few hundred feet:

The Iron City ICxpress, with Its firs t scheduled atop a t Philadelphia, w ai thundering woftword on track No. 4. Its engineer saw the wrack too late W stop, and th© big express''engine plowed through the wreckage and the mass of •heap. For more than a quarter of a mile the tracks were strewn with dead a i ^ Injured animals, the la tter r e n d e r t i^ the night hideous with Ihslr plteooilp blentlngg. ' I t was estimated th a t ttie to ta^n u m b ar Killed was 1B&. -'v :

Tba express ensihear opend the whlstl^ ,and someone In tn© nfclghborhdod. roused, by Its Insistent ehrleks. called up. the^ E lizabeth police and reported s 'se r lo u a wreck with loss of Ufa. Ambulance* and th> d 'r t t ry tr w{qf© bui>r l ^ to theS©a»f8>.

W recking crew’s from New BrunswIolR and Jersey City wer© »oen on the w aj\ They worked Ueroloally in the bitter c ^ d and within |w o hour* haO the fairly well cleared*. The wrecked freight CBM were burned and the dead sheqp re* moved from the aceno. ^ ^ .

There wa* a dining car a tta jh ad tg th* exprea* and from i t ‘hoi coflo* w m d litrlbuted to the wracking <=»***■ t e waa nacesaary to call for o J*** • “ ' j t to take the paeaenger train on lU lountejir T ha freight wa* teken to New flriiB #' wick by tho wrecking train and th e r e l l new engine waa put In aarvice. '

I t was said a t th* c ^ c * of d ie ralltoaB- oowpany Ih J e i w Ulty thI* m arn liy t t a t an tevartlBaton wa* and** w ay te f «** tennlB* who afea raoponalW* lo r th<^.


ICK MURDER CASE ilDEUVEREDTOJURYlaliesttd Wife Slayer's Defease Is

mental Irresponsibility, Due to Drink and Worry.

I O N T A K E S T H R E E H O U R SJtidir^ Mnrtfn’fl r-liBrRfl In fli«

. . of VyfT and 'fVruiiiiflr nhorlly f>e- I o'clock IhiH ftfl-^rtioon. (h? o a« of

Mack, acriJBcd .if the rnorder of I wife July U, uen t to the )ury. Bumming uu beifnn iiefnro noon, follosv-

tMUmony l>y the defendant which ded to ehow that he had fInmU

iv lly fot neveral da.re before the (e<t.v Riid Whs In a rondltlcn '»f ni^'fitnl atratlon and Inrapahle of ar tu

ESSEX COUNTY NATIONAL BANK OF NEWARKThe old spirit of seclusion and aloofness surrounding deal­

ings at a bank is not found here. Our offices are next the entranM, open and in plain view. Business can be transacted with a minimum of formailty.

Propositions of new business or for the extension of estab­lished business are always welcome.

CHABI.ICH L. VAHIIKLI., l>rcsldrBI. r r a a k B. A<aH«. V lac-fK a- Ucalaaila .tika , V trr-C n a ,tiro. V. Saava. V lpe^PJm ________ A. K. H. !>lartla, C'aakler.

Capital. Aurplua aad * • * ■ • v ' ' * 'J ^ ' ' ' ' *...................•3rS9U,OTO.Vafa llapoali Boara, (5 CrT Vaar and I 'patard Mutt L iberal la llaa. Pataanarda Maal M odrra

IWW IM i ro ilF E S g S S - I t u m R M I I COIdUMBlTlI. O , J»n. 16.—A nation­

wide oanipalin to eradicate hov cholara wa« plenned ae a rviult of a m ovenm it ■ct. un fool today by the Ohio F a rm ert' ('4/htrew«. In etMion here. Rpeakera d u r­ing tiie •eeetun today Included United

fi«iiator W. H. Kfnyoii of Iowa.I lAehRtijr Aileo W. Pomerene of Ohio I w te alfio t(j deliver art addreae. BuUi of j the Mr-Piatora fHVor the appropriation by I fVmgrfF«(» of l2.5n,OD() to he used In bt>y-

B R E A K S D O W N U N D E R P O L I C E G R I L L 1" * " " ™ n ' t > » i s n

Declaret Yictim Wat K i N by Over­dose of Drug-Robbery W u

Original Inteat.

an fffo rl to aaco Mach from the 'trlr cnalr hla altorn^y put hmi on

) eland lb telj ihe etory of his in«rllal bubles. The defeodanl cjiplalnad li'>w 1 bed learned of the slleped Infidelity of

Mack end how Ihi* led 1o frefyuenl arreli and ceiuicd him lo \<.urry. Me

fd he drank heavily when worried and conaumed quantities of llqurtr for

peral daya before the niMht he elniok 1 Wife In the head with a hnlrhel while

lay tn bed.fb a State finished U» caae yesterday In

hours and George A. [iMU*:lap bned for the defense tlila fnoruliiK Jeorge Peaae waa the mnii nameil hy ick as reaponsUile for hla donicstlc ablaa. Though aoveral rnnplhfl prior bar death hla wife had proniieed to tin true to lihn. Mack testified that

' mat PeAse clandestinely and when he illy brought her Actlona to « eharp ua iha admitted that she Intended to

ft Itlnua her friendship with Pna.se.I k few nlghta befura Hie wife waa M led Ifaek said he told Her (HhI 1l M o ld be beat that they should piirT. p I had given her all hie w eekly wage f t 9 3 he said.^ p u r in g tha night of her death M ark's

se w oke him up three tirna* lo argue, he Wfti tired, he said, and did W'ant lo bn bothered Hnr iiag-

I ig finall.v prevenicd him from fur- f r tU eplng, he teHlIfled, ami he be­ne confused over the oulrnnip *?f Hor

IH fake lejjal proceeillnge, Telia of N lgkt of Tragedy.

[ |(V'lth refaraitre to the acIumI k tll- Mack testified tha t be does not

WiOW Juat W'hat happened. Ho re- a b a re d lying In bad In a daste, th ln k -

of hla troiihloa for aoj^e time, he "'cotne to" while a lttfng on a

i l r In the room. The h atchet w as the bed He got Up and looked bU wife, who w a s .d e a d ' Blood

gush ing ironi w here her akull crushed, so be placed a tow el be-

glh her ,heed and a pillow bealde Then he went out and gave him-

f tip, he said. Tlie accused maTi told Story calmly and deliberately,

the last portion o f the S ta te 's ! • the s ta tem en t given th e police

asdlately follow ing the kllUnff was in as evidence th is m orning. In

['MkCk re la ted practically the eame ;ry as told on th e stand, except ihu t

J ih c lu d e d the details of the killing- [ ik)ih M r. Douglas and Joseph A. Coiilt

who assisted the defense, argued tn '‘Jury for a verdict favorable tn Mark

w s o m e degree a t least. Following the b# lines as were purirrer] while Mack

ip * on the stand, conslderablo stress laid on Mack'e probable ahnormal of mind when he killed his wife.

pfHnset argued th a t as the accused man endured his wife's unfaithfulness rem arkable patience for a long

f: la. the natural liif&rance was th a t after I b id befuddled his dazed mlml with ft ohol It broke down under the strain : l | it he could not have been normal

he struck the woman. Each of defense's lawyers look about a half

their address to the Jurnri, end .J :I0 o'clock Assistant Prosecutor

i q k t btgen summing up.D efense 's Theory Ridiculed.

wshkened-mlAd theory of the da-w as ridiculed by Mr. Mott in aum up. The aselstanl prosecutor con-

ded th a t if, as the evidence showed. :k w as able to rcasou legically >ugh th e night in asguments ^H b hia

and, e f te r surrendering to the police, lid give a! atatem ent which coolaJnei!

ili of tbe quarreling and the actual the m an must have bec^ tn his

il mind when the deed was com-

Moti sued th a t Mack .hsd suf> at motive for the crime In his wife's

from him to Pease. The assist- prosecutor was vehement in his ds- d i for a first-degree murder verdict,

o n adjourned for lunch while Mr. I t t was In the midst of his summing up. j ?o give testimoivy' for the pmaecullon jf|ihds own CAM Mack was placed on the

by Assistant Proasoiitor Mqtt for a mlnYiies late yesterday afternoon,

olmaii TTiotnas A. Smith of the F irst ^ Jinct had preceded him with lestl- A &v com:«rnlng a statem ent signed by X CK after he RUrrerrdcred himself for Ip F m urder of His wife.1 bnlth wrote the Btal«ment. which, It la

4iU ared, was dictated by the m an oh t r J . Mack proved h .willing witness.

' f l d i t of yesterday afternoon was taken ‘ by the testimony of policemen and ants of 1h<N Mulberry street address,

la tte r could tell only of frequent e ll between Mack and hla >vife and

^ ' t h e commotion Inddenial to the ar- Sftkl of ^ho police After the himband

fb himself up. THe pollcenn»n who Jfled told of Incrlmlrmting declsra- |u made to them Hy Mack. H a srH

pled freely, on his way to ihn piHce Uon and while he was liolnE shitFrd, ^ he had killed his wife, they stated.



grttiits are, on tins brna^J view, neces­sa ry and proper to the iniUMo con- vehleiice H Is nr-M con­sider w heilier thn grun ts properly cnii- serve The public InleruB ts"

req aa llried (iraiits.;\l Krtnic le r ig lh the h o a n l iuocFedrt l

U* lell f u r t h e r w l i u l It h i ' l l cV f 'd p m v e r s to Hs and ll ien s l s f e d .

"The ^>r(l!ntajnes swHnjiltcU Uv THIh iKiRcd. ^ ll T flmn tHuse r^lHtinj i" tivs cfinairin iluti of bmIi» u>s. btv uii<iuttljri''d (rmnls of ronAcni Hy the rnunU IpHlity,and wer« formnlly Sfcct'tod ns sui’h by I h i fompatiy.

I'hnl It not Ihe v|rw of the gov- ernlnii; Hndy of the m unlfljullti' to .<Mii'b I'onscTtts w'lthcnjt lmpc>slng conditions H aiijiurcnt ’".*11) onlltianf’e subrnIKeri fi*r Ihe Hnanl s

Inrormniion, but not for Its su*tEi'irlK -H tliH h.v uuLIqii of H poM'slleilHlmikei n RrcenieriC Tjotween IhP clly

snd the utility, tvhlch purports toi aniH'iCrUIn conditions Lo the Kranta niado.

’n n ‘ vinlitiitTir 'H Bubmllieil loJitaiis no rfff-renco to this Agreement As ststed, the nr<11riiii<'es malm unconrlKlonsI grntits.

" llio sfc[rtcineiit Itself has uot beoij (*x- r< lied, riiher iin lielialf of the citj nr rhe iiMlllv,

“Thrt Hiaiemenr rnsdo is that Ihls BgrcemctJ ta lo he executed hy ihc city

and ih> i-umpanv In the event uf the ortll- nancPB Hccomlng rffecth ’e '

•One of the provisions nf th e ag ree­m ent re la tin g to tra n sfe rs Is a mere titideriaklng beiw sen the city and the iiliHly wJi@rel)y they ag ree lo atle jnp t la te r lo agree upon a revision o f the ex isting systjsm of g ran tin g of tra n s­fers.

"The com plaint of WMItam Mui^gle a g a in s t the Public Bervlre Hailway Gompany directed a lten tlo n aharpl.c to the ex isting conflict betw een the city and the iiiUlly as to the obllgationa af the conipuny regardlnK the Issuance of transfers-

'"T he determ ination by the r*ourt of BiTorg-jatifl A ir ' *h* madeby t n i s ' b o a T < . vn n e su s­ta in in g the board In requ iring the g ra n t of trgnsfere tu connecting artel In tersec ting lines, ssrve»l lu IndU’uie the view of tlis court Ihat a pFASsenger w as not, under the exletinK ordinances of the city, enlltlod t(T A t'oupnn tra n s­fer or tran sfe r on a tran sfe r, even tbougii such tran sfe r m ight he essen­tial to fnrWjartl him to his destlnallon by the m ost direct route.

T rittsfe r H lghts la Doubt.' ComplalnU made by passengers slnrse

this order, and the judgm eut of the court of last resort thereon, indicate th a t the duty of the utility to Issue and accept, and the right the passenger to de­mand and use a transfer is still the sub­ject of doubt and misunderstanding and a source of embarrassment and annoy- Rhce.

"The hoard's study of the situation In connectlofr with the case referred to In­dicates th a t under tlie existing ordinances transfer^ are on the one hand not re~ quired to be granted where their lasuance m ight reasonably Ixe demanded, and on the other hand are„ in certain Instances, required to be issued where they may be improperly Rinployod by pasBengers In making round trips to their destination and In return therefrom.

"This situation ts perpetuated I'y the proposed sKreement, except as 11 may be affected by future agreem ent under the provisions of the agreement to atlem pt to agree upon a comprehensive system of transfers.

■'Tho form In which the proposed agreement Is cast also ralees a question an It) whether the city does not thereby surrender a power of regulation over tho iBrf\m.ure >if transferH which It now poa- sesses.

"U definitely limits the obligation of ilie company hy the provisions th a t the company sliall, upon request and with­out fu rther charge, give to any parson

Ko has paid a cash fare on any car, a transfer which shall entitle such person to a contlniioiiB ride In either direction on any street railway tine intersecting or connecting with the lines upon which Runh transfer was given, and that n» passenger shell be entitled to s transfer lo a car. tlie route of which runs aub- Blftnlielly parallel lo the route of the car un wiitch the transfer was Issued.

"Those provisions are substantially the same as those contained in existing or­dinances relating to transfers, with tills Im portant excepllon. as Uidicated by tlie opinion of the Supreme Court, In ihe Mungle case, th a t by force of the ordin­ance of December 2D, 1892, the existing ordinances are subject to ‘any future reg­ulations of the board.'

After quoting a part of the opinion

Hy Public Service to which exception Is iBkcti In tlio commission's report;

■'.Vijswcrlng the Inquiry of the board proposiils lo r tenvporary rero u tin g of lliif:^, [icjidltiK the roriHtrui-llon of the lermiiuil, I'Mldli* HefvJce Hallway Com- pMuy hvrew iiJi eubrnlts a ten ta tiv e plan hFr^-lo uUm-lied and m arked exhibit ’A ■'

"This pltin was dlSY-ussed w ith tha Miiijilclpai uulhuriU vs whll^ the ordl- iiiLjH ra w ere utjfj»jr considers t Ion and wjie HCtiulesced In aa Hie iiiun which, wHh Hie canneclioiiH iiud rxtenblons granted, would affo!*!! the most rffec- llv f operntlon prior In the rictiiul oper- utidM of Hie lernilpul.

"'rlie re ro u tin g su ggfsted Is sub- m illed to r tem porary oiiernHori only tiiilil Ihe irrm ln a l Is completeit aiitl to He th in BUl'Jert to ,ch an g es w lilch Hie isi'lhM rs of the term inal will render i»oa.Hi!rlft and desirable.

■')n regarrl lo the tran sfe r siHiuHon. ’ HuHllo S ervue H allw ay Company su b ­m its th a t Its agreem ent Is two fold The ordltiances now' before the com ­mission ffjr approval, w ith tlie excep­tion of No. 23, w ere fram ed a« In teg ra l toirtB of A genera l plan for operation In contiecHott w ith a cen tra l term inal The plftM would be Incomplete and lls fu tu re Operation sm tjfirn isied if «ny ope of lls ro tnponsn l parta were m iss­ing. Among the ordltmticoa passed was one emboii.N ing In the form of an ogrre- merit ceria in term s upon w hich all the o thers aliould be operated, which ag re e ­m ent is to he executed by tha city and the rom pnny in the event of the o rd i­nances beimming effective.

"In cthniie<'tlon with the passage these rmlinanceH end dependent up<u. their bciomlng effpcilvo. two promises cotjcrmliig tranFfers were made, One of theee Is connected solely with the opeTntIfin of the terminal and In so far as It was applicRide embcrdieiJ m the siih- wuy •.irdinaime.

"11 was to the effect that no dl/nlnu- ll<u) of -the transfer privileges shmila Offiit by r ’AHon of the renjutinif of cars due to terminal operation. This was fortified^ Hy the president of Public Ser­vice Hallway rornpany publicly promlsInK and afterw ard w rihng to Ihn Hnard of Slreei Riid SVater rL>mmlPsluner.s under dste of May 15, thai ‘there will tie nn dlmtoualion of Mu- transfer poi\llfgcs tiy reaaou of th** eic.-tion of Hip termliiHl All rast^engers will h a \c pxu«lly Him sainn rights as tu>w exist In that respect.'

"Thlp nbligFition Hi ■ I'ompHiiy will dis charge with partlru larlly If the leriiilriftl Il i''>nBlruciefi as proposerl Tlie niher promise ronce-'ulng trensfera is omHndir-d in itjA agreement l■0Ilt^lned in ordinam'ti N'o. 3h, and Is tn beennte e ffe rth s of course only upon the approsal of the nrdfnances and the eigiHug of the agrer- merit With the city. Tim clause nf the proposed agreem ent respeclltiu transfeis |» «s fnllowa:

‘‘PiiHlIi! Service Hallway fom piny , hav­ing now under consideration a revision of the transfer system, the railway company shall within two months from the date lieranf mef-t with the Board of Street and W ater CommiBSloners for the purpose nf Rgrerlng upon a romprehenalve system of transfers which will be salisfai’tory to saM board and I'"' the company.

"The provlulon was so worded tha t no oMIgHtlon arises to change exisllng con- dltlnns unlrtPS the ordinances become ef- fectUe and then the company has sixlv days within which to f>erfecl Us plans opd siihnilt ItH proposal. Public Rervico Hallway Company v.111 be ready tn Ftih- mlt ItB proposal within the Unia specified.

"This t^econd propoallion regarding transfers lias nothing lu do with the r-peratlon uf the lermlnHl, Imt was rnndl- tinnal upon Ih© company's receiving th» grants tv="eBSAry In conupcllon therewith When Fiirh a plan Is worked out and submitted to the Board of Htreet and W ater i'ommlsFlnners for approval It

I would, of course, be aubject to the con- [ trol of your board If Its provlsloiia failed

to give the palrcme of tlie streal railway any privilege nr advantage wliHdi they I now prop^^rly unjoy.

"We reBpftclfully submit tha t In so far as the revliiun of the iraiisfcr system does nut curtail any lawful and proper privileges"^r advantage to which the pa­trons of thn alreet railway are entitled, thereby ralaliig fare »r Interfering with adequacy of service, such revision is properly a aubjcct for negoHaflnn between the municipal authorities and the com­pany. If such revision enlarges the righta of patrons or deals only with the methods or media through which mich right! are to b» exercised ami enjoyed, such revision is a proper function (>f the street railway company and only be­comes Bubjecl to the control of the Board of Public Utility L’ommlsaloners when through the Inadequacy of the methods adopted vested rights of the public are ciirtttHed, or Hy reason of municipal ac

glvoti by the court in the Munele case the j tion coniiecied with such revision Ih© report continue*: < rights of the company are enlargftd.

Nn R eserve Clauae, I ’"The presence In the proposed agree- i

m ent of a provision with respect to trans- . fsrs, substantially like th a t contained !u the existing ordinances, w ith no clause j

(Coniinued from First Page.)

p ip y and the result is subject to revlsinn tn the commissioner only in the ci’ent tp It the methods prescribed are not edn- <1 Kte or effective,"

Tower* of Board.g l a r i n g th a t "wci wholly dissent

fif'm these prnpoelUuns." ih© commU- Ml ners pointed out*■ Vri

reserving power nf future regulation, mav a t aome later day be contended rn have I evidenced the Intent of the city lo sur­render the power of future regulation and lo place the rolallana of Hie city, wllh respect to transfer privileges, upon an unqualified contract bsals, whioti rAi ■ I not be altered except hy thp Jnliit M«.ilon | of the two. !

"HonneeWd with this eulijo* i of trnns- ' If'r privileges Is tha t of Ihe rennillng of linee of cars. \

"The ordinances subm itted will, under Iha prK lieges granted thereby, admit of Hie rerniiHng nf lines of cars wholly In- il» P‘ nd!-nt of terminal operation.

"By tnnans of such rerouting, eltua- tia inuy Hrlse In which, prior to the


I'^ontlnued from F irst TMe-i

HohIb In tra n sfe rr in g the pn^nengers, Hie seam arisliip o f the offlcare and inen who iriannod them challenged the ttdmlrfttlon of the rescue fleet.

A fter the W estport hove In sig h t the t^ohequld put over a mnrtU boat In charge of ( 'h lef Officer Kirby, in It w ere placed nine women and rh lld ren anti e ight nuHo pasaengers. It w as a clangorous laaU to get the ht>Kl awa>’,

idaring uf ihc terminal plan In o p e r a ^ ^ ^ ^ , ' ' d a v i t s were coated linn, rtiruim now Intersecting and con- with lee, and it w as necessAry to beat

he statu te Epeclfically empowers the b<yM‘d ill granting Its approval to Impose

coivdJUons as to construction, equlp- nTaibtcnanca, service or operation

OA the public rom onlcnce and Interests l u y reasonably require.

J 'In the Judgment of ihft board, this BC^er 1» sufficiently broad to compre* # ) d ■'.omSItlona as lo transfers and ra- r^ting.

: f*The board's view, however. Is th a t It iH appalent that the city did not

chfttenjplule that the Brants mad«; should ■without candltiims, the city should,'^ ore arlHin by iHc HoariJ, in RPPro- ite forni and wlili HlndlriK force, nitely its intern as to the

c^ditlonrf t > whH h tln» grants nagde byU Stf© to he subject

■ H ip on accHptaiJce by the com pany of t t e g ram s so ('ondl(lured, the quesHon

to the adeiiuarj' of the condition* be before the board

^ B y piirsulng th is ^ouree. most of- W tiv e co-operation betw-^en the citya i^ th is board, In th^-lr leapertl'vg ■pltaraa of power

iluij p'lliii.'i <if hues may he nllmlnatcd ;il viliiiH tninflfr'rw are now Issued.

"N'-uHcr The urdlnance* Submitted nor H>* I lunl.'-i tipr^'enicnf contain any pro-

cuicrlnii thin point. I t 1b npt in- TrinjMd f ' rffH'.-i tqion tlie good faith of Him iifru ihe utility.

"Xor Ip If ini 'iii|i»d to have 11 inferred that thf^y vmuld. In Hie board'8 opinion, lake Bdvsnlacfj uf the possible opptJf- lunity prearnE^'d Hy reroutlns lo lessen tho pTF-sem Unn.sff r privileges.

It Is the TUirp<-.«r, however, to express lla Judginotil Huh Hie rights uf pas-

m irRHAfn- rrlvilegea should not He pormlUe.i t,, reat upon ordinances who.'ie vtUL'JtruciH-n liHM Hecn arvi silll Is Hie tujI'Jct't of l onif-'ocrsy, rmr he depend­ent iipon Hin mere good will of Uiose oiG*rnHrip Ih*' utility,

"In the Hnurirn Hidffinent thf riKhls of pflP/if'nB'U-a t-' tiHnefiM- prlvtlegHH Nliijuld Y\e f-H-aily definoil. f’»taHllshed and de- lUnlteil by Joint aoHun Hv the cHv and iillllty.

4* Ro H eruutlag,"An cipproprialft opportunity for such

action, wlilch will Icova no question nn ILb lagallly. Is preacuted In the Imposltlgti of coudilloiiF up"U, the grants of conseni made by tlie ordlnanres pre6entc<3 to the board.

"In the hoard's opinkm, loo, this situ­ation presentfl an opportunity in impos­ing conditions to require reasonable no­tice to Hie city of the proposed rerouting C'f lines prior lo the actual raroiiHug.

"Such a provision will afford an cp-porlunlty to officiaJa of the rlly in

ly-rroiconsider an y ^o p o sed rerouting, to confer ■with th© officials of the utility with re- speot'to the same, and In the event of dis

. . «nd HoHon. willau3t, and question ris | m \ho pow er of Uw board may be Avoided.

ifW a shall, therefnre, aw ait fho action th e city and the <0Tnpany on the

•In g estio n s herein made beb.ra reach*I p i a final conclusion as to g ran tin g or ^ llh h o ld in g approval."

In the pream ble of the proUmlnary re |w rt, th e pUlUy board o u tlin e s ‘the

• r given It by the s ta d iie which vide! th a t no franehi*fi gra-uied lo r public Utility Ijy any .mqiiieipaULv ,11 be' valid until approved hy, th is rd, and th a t the board's approval *1 be given when, a f te r hearing, the rd determ lnea thfct .auch privilege franeSL^ie ta nrA s#*rthe public coiiveti»t.rtt;e and prop- XJonsejH’ee Hie public Inieroat.

In readtUng a,, determ ination under a ta tu t^ / ' th e report conttnues. board la required, therefore, loid.* eiM,* i I uio.4ifVTTV l« w*L-

a w , flr»t, w hether the p rlv ile je e*«.u ted; th a t i t la not cqm pleta in It- franehlae f rn n te a la ivacenaarir and t aelf; th a t H la. In part, n mere acrae-

iha runn ing tack le w ith niRrllnaplkas |o fra© It from the fro len Fui fa.-e. 'J'wo fdher suniHl boats w ere pultaequently safely Ictunched and all Ihrca reached the W estport,

All of the rescued had Buffcivii g reat­ly fruju Hic intense cold. .Muh of Ihein were f f 's i hitten and evvrjk.uie showed (hv ©ffi'cLs of exposure to zer" wenDicr. Wlien the reectie ship reached the docks hero many nf fhe paeeengc-ia had to be carried to the hotel*

Dazflcj Hy tholr ordeal few tif ihe rescued could give ao intelligent m - rount nf tholr experiences last night. One of the ofri« »Ta of the Hobeqijij srhI;

Story of W reck."The ship struck a t S o'clock Tuesday

morning while we were trying to locate the lightship off Iho Lurcher Shoal In the blinding ©nowsiorm which :revaJlGU we overshot the m ark and broughi up on the southi'afct end of Trinity Ledge.

'Ut was low 'tide, and, la ter in the morn* Ipg, as the tide rose, It forced ua farther and farther up on the ihoal. The atoarner began to pound heavily and In a few mlmitea the enftne-room was filled with water. This shipped the dynamos, put-

I ting the lighting system and the wirelet* ' apparatus out of commiHioiL

“ Immediately afte r the ehlp struck we I had sent out an '6. O. 8.,' which waa i picked up by the Cape Sable wlreiesA I elation,,^ Later, with the engine-room

flooded, our operators had to depend ' entirely on the auxiliary storage bat* I tertee. The gale carried away the deck ; connecUons of the aerial*.

"A tem porary connection, which proved unreliable, WA* fixed up, but an hour later thl*, too* went by the board. Again

g4d *up a connection, but the bat*wotbls^*-^ar1* were growing weaker and ..we

jof W’oul^fcenfi only a very fain t spark. * city officfaro. propoiksd-'Temitlng " T h e T ^ ^ Waves could not reach the

('ape Cgbfe Station only ninety milee ■ way,' but we wore able to pick up the medley of meeeafes regarding oureelves,

Is IncompatJbte with proper and adequate seri’k*©.'

• The board is led. In p o r t lo file .his •preliminary mem orandutn ca lling a t- temlun to the fact th a t the ordinances Kubmltted m ake abso lu te and unquali­fied g ran ta of consent, whfbh have been formally accepted aa such; th a t the

i proposed b lanket agreem ent Is un-

and knew th a t we were being searvhedj< lain off Briar Island, forty rnileatn

away, In the EOsItlOB we erroneously gave before foilpi.'v . ,

ipsr fo r tb s public convsnlsnoe. bfe, M her*, tb s p riv ileges gran ted no t to be em ployed os Instrum ents

VRiAlporUtipn alone, b u t also t l s s . tfRASPortarUen of paBsengsrs

" -te oom m unltlea ly in g w ith- ip -pdiSd|ftr:S of th e m unicipality M igniait tb e public cou-

vb^ibgitm i f be eonetdered la n o t 'If t l ia i o f the people of tb«

FREAKISH NEWS IN DAY'S G R I^ra&nt to o tten tp t heroo fter toond thoc It iDdy ba c o n i tn ia ^ lo Involve

llch tho city

.etoalUy imajLluv tXa irran t. b u t « T a la ll o f tb a ooitlbiunltlaa to ba

■ ,ii k t > |aard d a te rm la ta tb a t tb a

a su rrm d ar o( r t f b t , w hic now haa and th a ezlaCenca o t which have been eetsbilahed th ro u ch llt ls a - tton, bacauee ibe atatam ant* mad* ba- fora the board by of t id a l* o t the city would lodlcata th a t In ad o p tln a the or- (Unancaa^hay callad upon th a fac t th a t tho board'* approval v a a raquialta and th a t the re would ba a tu r th a r oontJd- eraiLon o t the entire u a t t a r by thaboard.”

NEW YORK, Jan- 16.—Breaatla* the aeas In a hunloano with angina, driven a* hard a* waa prudant. tha Dutch ataam- e r tlommewljn not only failed to rrtaXa headway bu t actually waa driven bach- ward last Monday and Tueaday whlla heading to r thla port from Damarara, ParnniMlbo and Trinidad, according to b ar idnstar. Captain U aunooL *

O n m i a ^ the Commewljn, tha captnln H id last night OB hla arrival hers, m ain* twidv* knbU an hour, but tb* g M g i |

fc'prt'I'j/ 'J-m t* r/f thl y/•. II KNKVV YMiiK. J mii i : .--T h e "Irunk

n u irO rr' n iis ie ry hue engago<lthe iflti'nHiiM uf ihe i'"lu*e for the past two wan prarH ually rleared uptodaj Hv Hir c'nrifr.'^tikiri uC HteskaKf>wAha. "rn‘ "f ihrro \\um en prleonere In Hie cuijj ' hlio relaletl Hie delalle of the killing uf Is.'in M ariyaewltz to In-*.pcclur P'Ruriti.

T)ie Kownha Rirl, arr^nied last night iHuni? with r* r r i t MH|;cnhrlmef, Is a Hussian P«jl»* elghtp*'ii years old* and has HrMu In Hub country bul two year*. She sh <l Hull the BtAblem&n had died from sn (ivvnhrBti of a drug Intended to put him Hi siovp Huii; enough lo give the In­mate^ f.f a flat In Kant Kleveiith street an oppurtunity to rob him

'•« M| Saturday. I'srf^nitier 27*" the w’unidn salil, "1 went lo Ihe E leventh

Hat tn Hie ('vetilng w ith Cxr- rlw Mffgt-tiliel rrit 1. U e found Mainlo ButJner, t'l.-fuT .Miirlmof, rim rlle Drane- w li'/i aKil I wo rjilu‘1' men there. They a)] >'emei.| to be In good Mplrits and lh r\ lalketl HhoiH the coniltig of n mil' v.tKi had » big hank roll.

A-' tirdtng to the Kow*ha girl* on* of Him rnon Involved produced a box of l•MV>H■r■ th a t ah© had seen «m.fl\'e p re\- l-ujfl H’l'Halons. After each of these tiiiK-i a visitor had been drugged, robbed anti tAhsn away—whither she did not knuw'

T h-rr Wan a knock At Hie door and the victim earns in. the girl's *tory ran. fie

to eradhate the scuursge among swltie. < liolera u estimated as catwlng the lugs of hoah RrifiUAlly to the value of than liuu'uo


Economy lo Be Urged on Legislature and Morris Canal Bill likely

to Be Presented.

waA intrntlured to Vlrlor, who lold him that In- I'i'iiid 16*1 \iUn H better Job than Urn on» he waa holding a t the time He prumlscd liiin a tjosltlon ai foremun of a elalile with goud wages.

A Huule of w tne waa served, Beer folluwcTi Both beverages were ilrugKefi The vlcHm harl uol emptied iiiH KlasB before he dropped back in his i-hhir uTiconsclouB. No money was fiiupid 'Oil the niHfi, ftiid he w as left alnrre. Several hours la te r It w as fuuud he waa liesd.

.Ntfibude f'f iliHHuttfcjiS nf the body-'OR^ff Ihen dlftcuFSCd. . .

The police feel pride in having rounded up «1x out of seven nf the persons sue- iwM’lcd of having had something to h> witli the desih nf Ivan MarlysewUz- whbsn body whs found doubled up In the trunk whHH had Y'cen dropped from k puFhcflrt In fnuit nf 47 P itt street on Dn- reniHvr 2 1. Hetectiws traced the trunk and Hi© pushcar' anil tlio arrests fol­lowed Gum man wBnIed la still at Inrgb-

Staff I Of rfjifir}KiitinrrT'RKNTON, ,lsri I !7 —When the Legts-

latiire fchIab down to Huilnes* after the lns«JguralJon of Oovernor Fielder four re ­ports '■unrrrnlng investlgallons which they have carried on during 1913 and lifS win be auhnilHcd All sr« ex- pertf-rl Hy the early part of February.

Twii years have been cunsinned In In­quiries hy the Rrunomi and Efficiency rnmmiiision and als-i Hy the Morrla Tana) t'qtnmission And each report will be of an plnhoraiM f-huracier. During the post sutniucr Assembly corniiiltlpea have been proHliifct thA mysteries of the coal buai- noBA and the Inatiranc* tiuslness In the EUftte

Preliminary drafts of the repo rti will b« suHijiiiied in the iiiembera of tl>e boillMH whl.'h conducted the Investtga- Huns during IHm ni^xt couple of weeks, blit the reconirnendationa the seOkTcliera will make will n "i h® made known until llin final reports are approved.

On the repuri ol the Bconuinj anci l.fficlency CcKUuilaslou. there will be based a demand for leg islation tend- Itig to reduce the cost of go'^^ei'iiing

Hi9 i» The report p robably willthe iJig•,' uommltv


CAMDBN. J*n. 16,— PUpU, of lh« opcn-clr c lo u * t th* U*r**o Scliuol d*- n*(] tbo cold «i«*lb«r jraatudEy oBd pur­sued their itud le i a t ttw uiB ttiey were It* « *ehoelrouin w ith tho therniunioter *t 7* ln*t**d o( *t the *«ro m irk . The ouUU ot ewch pupU.. waa, l» o jw ia u r* . a blanket end * heated (Oapatone.

It w«* th* tlr*t Y*al t w t o r th# open- a ir cite* In Pamdeu, and th* neaiilt w u pleealn* to M lu Lpdla fUtchle, who look* ofier.Uie chridren..

'■**'•* Phywoun lor he Beard of Eduoaiion, Tiw t>**B nmk.

In t a riudjF oT Ih* 'reaulUl of opeti-air claews, end expreeae* himself u well IfleaBod at (vhat hoi been ai^opipllahed.


All but Om Riihny Cloied by < Rcbf Is—Anericin F a r Reitl-

ntory Delation Tictics.


Says He Will Not Oppose California Plan for Legislature if Ma-

imiS Wants II.

ROB PAY CAR ON TRAIN OF $ 5 0 ,0 0 0


Spn iat tl$rvicf of thd SE\T8.MEXlL'O < ;rrv, Ja;i. 15.—A Bingle ra il­

way line from hero to Vera Crua today affurdsd the only ineaa* hy which fur- elgnori in the lapital could got out of A^Bxico, The rebel* have stopped other llnei.

AtnerJeauB here fear llial the deten­tion of Kederala on the American rideof the nil) Grande may arnuae the Mvxh^aiiB lo rciHliatory tactice,

MlSXtCO CITY. Jan- 15.—The rebel! yesterday captured a tra in on the main line of the Inter-U oeanlo Railway, boarded U and rode off on a branch line tow ard Tezlutlan, aftAr fo rc in g th e a iirrender of th a t p a rt of the SHCort of tw en ty -five Federal* which escaped death in th e b rief fight.

JholdamsTly the rebels added to their treasu ry $ 0,000, for the tra in w'as a special, carrying a uay car with a coo- algnfnent of railw ay money.

The track was not- duturbed, but the regular tra in from Mexico <’11.v ^'pnJ O u i V.B* ru>l sent out lAnt ivlglii. Hi' m anagpl^rit considering it wuuld umi u

ttUftcked while

HpfHnl Sftrit'f of tk« JfEWF.JERSEY r iT T , Juii. IS.—rJovenmr-

elect Jam es P', F ielder th is muriiiiig da- •dared Hihi he would not oppose theAdoption of Hie ra llfo rn lA tw o seasioji \ wfM. The ' tralh was plan for Hie LegtBlaturs. If the ma- standing 'at s atdtloh Jorlty of the m em bers favored It

*T do not favor Ih© plan and 1 do not belfsve St will w ork o u t sattsfac- torlJy," ssid Mr F ielder, “bui If th© members dealre to adopt U I shall not a tte inp t to influence them. ’

Douse M ajority l,eader Joseph M Branegan said today th a t he would do all In hia power to have the M cD ennolt resolution providing fo r the change passed In th i Aaaembli' next Monday [ day was lo iiave be©n the lust of t n ight. I asrles

There will be a h earin g on the Me- I A nother sourre of revenue luis be"'Derm olt resolution before th© House I to the governm ent by rieerr

Tlie Federal guard ws* outnumbsr«d and lost fcnjr nwn. The rebels are b< ■ litfved to have under romniand *Nestor B a rrrra ,'o n e of the leaderft \\Hm hav's been *operRlin3 for w^ms w^ ka arqund Teatutlan.

The aeries of b a u k tn t holidays dr creed hy rre s ld en t H u erta (o eiiaHH the Bank of I./ondOTi and Mf*xlco to con tlitue open was extended by TTeaid©f

I tia l decree last n igh t to March 31. To

t\ccr w AjmTu.\.o nfiu j\ou!€ .Will! the prospect of u defic it of

more than $6';iJ.(JU0 - bn th* . Blato flni^ncva thifl year, as lold In the Newa Tuesday, the ap|iroprlaH ons coium ll-

Srk*ly“"fo “ e'aVurl, oMh. .,rhrmP Uop-, nevpni.pip,,economy. Economy will be demanded ala>

Judiciary com m ittee Monday evening a t 7 o'clock, 11 will be held In Ihe com- mitteee'e rw m ai the fltal© houfe, Tho Hudwon Count}' Cltlzeiia* Federation ih Inierealed in the adoption Of the scheme orid w ill have representallveB a t the hearing.

8p f i r aa ■;he Senate la t-rmcempd II la utideretood th a t President Siorum favors the California plan and will MorK for the passage of th e T csoh i t lon t t f o© Introduced Monday evening by Senator Kgan. Benstor Tlenneasy will give the resolution hlH auppori.

The ten Uepubtican Penators are un­derstood lo be split on Hie ]>lRn, hut


President and Attorney-General Said to Have Agreed on Jersey City

Han for Place.

W I L L S U C C E E D L A T E J U D G E C R O S SFrom the TTarhlwirtim Jtureau of Ws EVFA-

isa NEWF.WASHiriGTON, Jan, J5. ™ (’ounly

Couflael Thomas G. H aight of Hudson County has p rac tica lly been sstHcd upon as s>Jcc©Asor to the la ic .ludgc t 'ro ss of the Urtlled B tates D ialtlct Court, DiairlcJ of New J^raey.

U iR understood tha t In th© aetlle- m ent of the que.stSbti the T^realdant and Attorney-GKmerAl McHeynalds have been guided In largo meaau'rV by -Hi© advice ef S ecretary of "VVar GanTlsoti, who, as a vioe-chaftceUor sU ting m Jersey O iy , gained flii Inlirnate ktio.wl- edge rjf the capahlllHca of Mi'. H aighi And the otTier candldales Troiti North Jersey .

The m atter is still in the hands of Mr. McReynolds. ITe has ranvasaed the situ­ation pretty thoroughly, and Ills formal rei'omrnGndfttinn of Mr. Malght will prob­ably be forwarded to tho W hite Mouse In a few days. Unless some unforooen factor Intervenes, It will be duly dis­patched lo the bensle for confirmation.

Tho proposed elevation of Mr* Haight to the Heiu'h will fit in with the plan, If It still exist*, of W ittpenn leaders In lludaon County to make Jam es J. Mur­phy county counsel. This plan at first contemplated having County Judge Gporee 0 Tennant nf Jersey City made r<*dcrfll Judge, then have Mr. Haight lake Hie county Judgeship and make Mr. Jdur- pliy county counsel.

But, ftS has been previously indl- ra tad . P residen t W ilson would not b© a p e rty lo the pcheme and ft Is also sta ted th a t no assurance could be obtained from (.iovernor-elect F ielder th a t he would appoint H aigh t as couniy Judgs.

There w as a disposition on the p art of the PreRlrtent to nam e Judge Mark Kulllvan, but the la tte r 's friends are understood to have vetoed the sugges­tion Hecauae o[ his desire lo stay on the Common ripfm bench.

At s till nuoHier h>tage of th© p ro­ceedings. the P residen t w as favorably disposed to appoint form er Judge John

W escott, but the la t te r 's prospec\V.Hvo appointm ent a* a tto rney -genera l, and the camllilacy of bis son fop a federal Judge«hlp a t Fhiladelphia, ended the consideration of hi* name.

The sa lary of the place la $6,O0D a year, ■with a life tenure.

H esoluilona adopted by "The follow ­ing menibor.s of Hie New Jersey Bar, reahlant in Lssex County," and u rg ­ing the appointm ent of WlUlam J. K earns uf Newark (u Lhe Judgeship, have been received by Senator BA&rtlna. Among the slgnere are Judge H arry V'. Osborn*;, Judge Thomas J . Lltilolt, Judge CharlSB F, Herr. tVSlbur A. Hels- ley, Simon Hahn, F rank A, Boettner. Ahner Kaitech and a dozen or more lesser lights.

by G overnor Fielder In hla Inau g u ra l address, and thla may be em phasized la te r on In a special m essage to the L egislature. Tiie com ptroller gave w ain ltig last year and the f ig u re s in hiB report ot Tuesday accen tua ted the nPcePBity for care.

Newark.'* Blglit to C'*nsl B^d- I l iB probable th a t w llh the M orris

Canal ('^ommlssloirs report the re w ill be BuhnilltHd lo the L.eglalulure a ten- ta iive clrafl of a bill for consideration bj Hie L.cgislalure. Thla ini-asure will be haaed on Inform ation obtained from \urinufi experts during the h earin g s held by Hie Invesllgatora,

According to present Indications, the p ie fc ren tia l righ t of Newark to acqu ire ur ron tro l the bed gf the canal th ro u g h Hie ciiy will be supported by the com- | “T am very strongly In favor of th© mlMSlon. Memticra of Hie lommisBiou | fdnn." saiii Asijemblyman Fiek thia w ith whom the subject has been die- j morning. "In the first place it gives fu©A©d regard Ihls as a timUer of Jus- j tniMic a chance to see and discuss

enUinent of the entire mein

for the adoption of th© plan by th© l/©g- fslatur© cither next Monds> evening or flhortly ihercaflcr.

*T am personally lu favor of the plan and al'waya have Kean," said Majority Leader Hranegan today. "T think II Is the flnnrl thing th a t ran he Imagined for the legislature. It will glv© the mrm- Hers an opportunity to consider and dis­cuss liills before they are called upon to act on them.

*T know that the lwo-»«aalon plan ivlll prove a big advantage to a man as busy as I will be. It will give inr th** chanc© to go into every detail of the Important hills upon which the big fight! will he made. I will try lo have the McDermott Tosoliillon before the House for action Monday evening and I believe 11 will he pssaed.'

of HuertH placing h i».x ot one per cei-' on money invcsled in mortgAges.

The rifliv lyx tiikeu effect Imiucd Htely and any r.illiire to piiy It will i" vlftited w ith a fin© three tim e! Hi' AiJiaunl dij**.

DE LA LAMA ABANDONS HUERTAPARttt. Jflfo A5.--»A'dQ>fo de la .Lani.i

Mexican mlnialer. of flnau*©. wli” >■ cenllv arrived in RanH on a ndp^lou • connection with the flnnn'ria of IiIh cou-i- iiy, today ©abk-d his rc.-^lgnailun t'"* G*'n era! Huerta a pmieBt HKainel ih© c Hon of th© pr'^MHuiual president In repu dialing the inicniatloii*4 payiiieni id C ' lulhrnal and foreign debts yf MexH-o

The fhiaiH’© luinlRtiir said he wus ii" Informed of Hie Mexifan go\©rnineui derision default *>n tli© payinm ls.


lire. The * berwhlp on this point, however, Is yet iu^delerniliieil.

The Hoiipe committee, which Invpsii- gfllcd thp coal bItUAtlon. clalmB to h a \e located a mine of Inform ailon. Thla, it WHS said. Included evidence th a t since thft "Seven .SiHleiH" laws became ef- recH \r Hipy hav© h*'6fi violated, and II is probable that ih© report will con­tain ulIrBuHoiia lo th a t effect.

Fxpect tu )<how a Coal C o u b lse .iJeclai alloiui are also likely In Hie r e ­

port uf the existence of In to flock ing In te res ts In d irectorates nnd in the m anagem ent of the coal buelneas, th a t th e re has been dlacrlm lnatlon by the wholflsale eoal concerns, and th a t l)ie liiialiiktHa Is ]>rHL'tlco.llv in the hands of *prta[n rallrpA^B, which co-op«ra ie w ith various mldiilemeti to lhe flmin- clal detrim enl of the u ltim ate con- Huniers.

W hether the loimnliufe will present th© d ra fts of bills Intended to abolish the con- fllUons found to cx1f*t has not yet been dotennlned. Whether they are or not. ihers will ba strong dedarattous in favor of vadual aniendinenlB tu Uie law*, pos- elbly recommendations th a t county prose­cutor! Institute criminal proceedings | under the anll-lrual slatuteh by way of j emphasizing the fact th a t "guilt la per- Buna)."

A ineelltig of the Assembly committee investigating the Insurance eysiein will he heltj next week, when lhe d raft of a report prepared by J. Emil Walschled, counsel for the runiralltee, will bo taken up. Tb©re will be recomraeiuiallouB for some alteratlnn* In lhe laws, according to th e present IntenLlona of the Investiga­tors, but exactly what stand Is tu be taken regar<lmg the "basic rates" act pu t into pffect last year, remains for con­sideration hy tlie full committee.

th© blllji that have hen introduced, and Ihls appIlfB lu corporatlona and organi­zation© that may b« interested either for or Against l)ie i*fi!sage of meanursii. i-’a.rticiilarljr, howev7>r, the plan give* th© mciribers of the l^eglslaturs an oppor­tunity to see Cktid analyze the bills.

'Committee hearings could be held d u nns tn© month's rccesa Instead of hav­ing hearings and sCRsions uf tl\e Ijeglsla- lurt- Ht the »iarne time. VVhy, 1 remern

XFW V'JRK. Jail, in.—When Jonr)»h A. ftHiaj. a ttonifly for Rnhnri Miirh<U'< Khaw, the Proad slrvot broker, wlm lives in Morrlslowii. N. J., and who i- hUing R ichard r»arllnfi, presldeiil the Acme F^unilary Safe Compans, f-' 1511.uoo for the nlleged filieriHiWm "i hlw ©Jghtemi-year-old wife's affeulhi ii-

M rled to gel a w arra n t for the ©reus ■' Ilian's a r re s t under tin- Monn net I" day, II WBB denied by the United StHie- d istrict atloruey.

The denial w as on the ground *hHi Ih© act remain© >'©t io hr IntcrproH J b> the United h ia te s Supreme Court.

Shsy w as referred to A ssistan t Dir ttif 'l A ttorney H arold A. C o n te n t Mi C ontent denied a fte r the In terv iew Hug any "w hile slave" case had been f^r* him Hut Mr. Shay sold quH*' fran k ly th a t he had a ta lk w ith Ct n ten t about the exs© t.’onten l. yha> said, .told him th a t th© D epartm ent o^

l*er •whpn the rapid tr«n*lt bill was be- Jus tice wn* "up In the a ir ' lust 'nowfore llie Hour© iwo years ago. It woe ifie nf the most im portant measures of the svsaion, yet the dl*cu«Slon on it wa* Umilt'd to thirty m inutes because of t))e IiresB nf tjHitr business.

'Tertonally, l^'exVect to advocate hav­ing no day fixed for final adjournment, W© should fix a lime limit a fter which no bill could l»e reported out of com­mittee. Then w© could get down lo real hijslness. This would elim inate some of tho cunfualon of the final houra that the California plan might not eliminate."


about w hat to do In such ru :ra. Ina©- mifch as the Supreme Court '©■111 hand down a dBT'ision in the next week m tw o giving a baais for detern iln lng G th«i, Mann .ac’t Is to apply to "commer ­cialized vice" Only,

Tha two cases before th© .‘ uprein'' Court *re the Camlnetti and th© ".Tack ' Johnson cases. Afeanwhlle th© distH*'t attorney will delay action. Mr. Rhay sahl th a t for the present he would not do ati> - thing further In attem pting to gel D ar­ling arresLe*!.

parting , when told th a t no warrunl cotfld be secured for his arrest, smiled and said:

"*t W'xs iKirS of that, but anyw-ay i w asn 't running aw'ay. Bhay'II find ni«> Fkfjit here In New York a t my office if

MANAGUA, N icaragua, Jan. 15.—Thn j he T»ants to arre st me lite r.' houae* of th© N icaraguan Congresi, in Joint session today, passed virtually unanimously a vote of confidence In Ihe foreign policy of the government, eapo- cUlly In relation to the United States.

The vote V.8B tho outcome of a dlsci]*- slon of the propoaed trea ty under nago- tlfltlnn with the United fltalo* In refer­ence to the Nicaraguan Isthm ian Canal.

MSB** H ead Cut hy F a ll ag Ice.John F. P arre lly .fo rly -e lg h t years olu,

of 12B3 Springfield avenue, fell on 1h>- Icy pavem ent In fro n t of 613 Spring field avenue las t n igh t and w as cu t on th e forehead over tile le ft eye. He waR ta k e n to the C hy H osp ita l In the F o u rth P recinct am bulance.


A r e y o u o n e o f t h e m e n w h o « m i l e w h e n y o u

s e e t h e w o r d “ B a r g a i n ” ? W e ’r e o n l y g o i n g t o s a y

NE'^V YORK. Jan. IB .^John ClafJln, liead of th© drygoods firm of H. B. Claf- lln & Go. and president of the Chamber of t'ummerce,’ ha* decided to w ithdraw aa a director in every financial inetltu- Hon on whose f>oard he Is a inemher.

Mr, Claflln, in explaining IiIb dedBlon, khUI he was too busy to attend to th a duticff Involved and had notified the fln- an*'lfll Inatltut^one of which he was a d i­rector th a t he would decline a pe-eleo-

Among them is the Morristown Trust Company.



Rf^STOhf. Jan. 15.—The foundering of th© Bath • schooner, G race A. M artin, th ir ty mlUe sou th of M atlnbus Hock yesterday and the rescue of her crew of seventeen men from an open .boat IDO milefi off shore by the at'eamer A. W. IVrry. H alifax for Boatoiit w as reported by wirfleRR today.

For pearly tw en ty -fo u r hours the M artin s crew. In an open boat nearly 100 miles off shore, ba ttled agatiist death under th e b lU e re it of w eathercondition s.

The rilstance from, th s spot w here the schooner foundered to the steam er rou te between Boston and H alifax is f if ty tulle*, which rep resen ts the d rift [ of the M artin 's long-bogt from sun- ' r ise yesterday un til daw n today, when ; the castaw ays w ere picked up by th e | Ferry. i

The Grace A. M artin w as a five- m asted vessel, b u ilt a t B ath In IDDtr ' and reg istered 2,BOO to n ! n a t

-UFRfiOURG, France, Jan . 15.— Tha sPiamer Majestic, which left here for Ne'w York .last Evening with F rancis H''>w’©f* Sayre and hla wife* form erly Miss Jeesic Woodrow Wilson, among her poa^ Bengers. returned to port this mdrrUng.

violent Rca* had broken a num ber of her Bterboard portholes and she .was fa k ­ing water through them.

ftppRlrp w'lll be made here by the sh ip 's own workmen. It Is e x p e c t^ th a t ' th e Uncr will bf delayed only a few hours.

T rlium Jnar Lodge Celekrates*Trllum lrar Uidg© No. 112, Maapns.

ct'lohrHied itR forty-thJrd annlveraary with a reception and dance last n ig h t 'in the Faloce BRlIrnom, Washlngtcm and Hleecker *treetB, Dr. ttussell H. Ccmwell of Philadelphia tfpoke on "The Silver C^rown." Abram Hoileck headed the com ­m ittee of arrangements.

Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats at great ly reduced prices

l e a n i n g u p ” b f b u r*

y o u .Am 1

is Z n o c c a s i b n o f b i g v a l u e

$16 Suits now 1 ' $28 Suits how 23

$20 Suits now { $30 Suits now ^24^

$22 Suits now $ $35 Suits now ^28

$25 Suits now } $40 S u its now 2


8 1 3 Broad Street B . S


P O N■ NKVV YORK. Jan . lS---The New York Board oil Trade and TTai^poitatlon.-.In coniridectna ye8t,er<^.'y th* vManuon bill, penqliis .In C on^reu, dM^ared that "aeriou* Ihjur)' tq the' huati)*** tn tereat.

Amber; AU

, the h u M *of tho couivtor w o u ld .r* ^ t ftom ilt* on- |acUpeM Into, law." TH* paaauro pro-

I r ' ' ' ■ ' ‘ ■vld«* fo r . a t a ^ r a ) fhOothflTo)^ dlroctory ■ - - X«nUona of in-

,0.--en laced In IhtersUto coMmOrco. f

Th* Board of ITad* will 'roquo.f general bu,lneaa orgahitatfod* throughout I tho country to jo in th" opS6*ltlon to th# I mca*ure. - " ■■ ■-, I

H u t «■ n a il a a Iw . |WhIU on hi* w ar to {.hudMoa thla af- i

toroaon, WtUlam CnWQidiv t^ tn ty -n ln o | yeaC* df-aco, olarfc ta th a ooart of Judge ' Otbom*. lU p p ^ • « tiw 'lei* I*, fron t of i th a caurthou**' aodJnjBTW l'W t'Haad. Ho waa tm ta d h r Dr. R . B. 0*rM . who hap- pen*d to ba ta tb a bulMtaf. H r. Crow.

The laigeat Oeweis Ale m.i nencaT H E R E W A R D O F M ^ I T

fi'n II -a ie. .aa. -------------—---------- ----- •-»— mmm th o f w«s oot aerloualy hurt# bu t was

*Th» fa llcw lD f^ ths n am en p g u m ffiW ■♦m o V « « in a the e n trg r her aagfpgp. b o u ft “ 1 .


Frttholdt Bes A i


ol a tuber County H deterred Esse* Coi Charltiee tion and tun ity to of coot.

Till* d< public bul nf F reeht publlo hei Ity of ei roughly e dlacueecd.

In a lte Wlleoii Fi thO Eesex L.r. Laba: Moment i m lttee. M eon Y arn ot the W F rederick Civic Am the Publt.

Inform , ■trod by who act* Theae we ty be ca! amount ] ihan w ai Would !t pavltten from the

From 1 peril It •aid, th l ereeUid fc a* again* of U.lOO lion. I t a Iss9 ( Planned i piled to t house of also refei losls WS4\

•at. Me^ h i

I d sx] and th« medical th a t th< feet dis

lere v asserted the htil operatlo some ol tention chosen have hi Ing qua ants, coat of

After offered* seeoclat iw er to

*Thet sstlsfac

"No*" as the given f partly i Llclpate(

■It et factory now," icost C&1are reoi invited.

The t when 1 they wi Ing the nbjectle contrac

At a mlttee an e x t brook* cows, s expend) rtceivei



In t rnomln tered. th* ax( left ho tum ad. Manrj •oih W daugbt

■'Mr y a a ri i not hai me goiafraid g o in g ' and *h

Hr*, frtond tng th , Statloi them t A o il- young

Wu four li pound! brown blaek i

■ •T-.e*o i'WS,'

m i


iKle riiil* ua todfc/ xlch f«r- t out of •d oiti«r

e d4ten' con Htd6 J00 th4

9 reb«liho main ’tHlIwuy,

hriiiich ■cinf tHo »5Cort of 0flcaped

10 their 1 wao 0h B. cun-

butto 'pr l

\HU\, til d u'H U. fd whU«?

lumbireiJ i are br niand r fere wh<i \ w ^ h e

Jjye dr) piiaMi5 to foil 'raeMpti31. ToI Of U"

ms he'“/ d e rrr per cci-' fee.i 111 111 *!'L will i. mee Hi'

JERTAla\slr- >■

Iljl.»ilu11 I' hf f .•o'i’i- I to tif'JI Ihe jn hi rc*|>u

n1 vt (' ■ exi'-o wus n -


IANiLAMESri JOHr)hi Mbirbdt .er. wl-K J W'hu Idem >an>, f'" aticm ' 1

ttcc-us ■' net 11 •

StHtf •

jnd ih^i :f*! pri?t«-d Court,

a n t ThP fnt. Mr lew Hu* I DeenId quHr m> i ‘(hi 11. yha\ tment of upt now PR. IrtBR- •111 haiMl week tif lining iT commer-

.Ruprem* e ''.Tafk'‘ dtetrirt ^hay Said t do an - g«t Dar-

w arrant t, amlled

fiyway i rind mp off Ire i(

\ Ice. 'ea rs old, il on lh^

Spring la cu t un

He wBft In the


Freeholder; Reed Protest of Chiri- ties Aid ConmiHee is to (her*

brook Stroctare.




Award of a c o n trac t fo r the erection of a tuberouloala pavilion a t the Baaex Con^nty HoBpttol u t Overbrook will be deferred u n til repreaen tatlvea of the Ksaex C ounty com inlitee of the Btata Charltlea and P rison Reform Aaaocia- tlon and allied bodies have an oppor* tun ity to consider the formal estlm atea of cost.

This decision w as reached by the publlo build ing com m ittee of the Board of FreeTioldera yeoterday follow ing i pubito hearing , a t w hich the feasib il­ity Of e rec tiu g th is s tru c tu re a t a roughly estim ated cost of | 120,Q00 was UiacusBcd,

In a tten d an ce a t the hearing w ere Wilson FarruiK l and C. P. Btonaker of thS Essex C oujity charities Gonimlttee*Ur. Laban D ennla and Rev. John J. Moment of the Public W elfare Com­m ittee, Mrs. Sidney Colgate, Mre. WlU sen F a rran d and Mrs. E. C. KUpateiit of the W om an 's Club of Orange, Mrs. F rederick B. C a rte r of the M ontclair Olvio A ssociation and BC. I. Snyder of th s Public W elfare Committee.

In form ation on tw o points w aa de­sired by th s delegation , Mr. Farrand* who ac ted aa spokesm an, announced* Theae w ere: W hy should Essex Coun­ty be called upon to pay double the amount per capita for construction than w a s found necesaary elaew herSt Would I t n o t be adv isable to erec t the paTlttoQ on a s ite fu rth e r removed from th e e x is tin g buildings?

From Inform ation obtained from ex­ports tt h as -b e en found, Mr. I^ rran d «aid, th a t suitable buildings can be erected for from 1500 to fftOO per capita s j g a in s t the estim ated per capita coat of sl.SQO for the building under dlecua* lion. I t was th e opinion of many tha t a less exponelve etructure ehould be Planned and th e difference In cost ap­plied to the erection of additions to the house of detention and the Jail.' They also refened to the need of a tuberep- losla w a rJ for juveniles a t Soho.

L eg la la tlaa Needed*The frequru t references to theee nesh’s i

prompted D irector Evans to explain th a t I while the freeholders were cognizant of \ the existing conditions and deslraus uf alleviating them, they were unable to do anything because of tbe lack of propei legislation.

When asked why this had not been ob­tained, he a s s e r t^ th a t the effort was made in th e Legislature In behalf of the board, bu t failed because of lack of in­terest oil the p a rt of the representatives of the organlxattoiis now active, as well as for o ther reasons beyond the control cf the freeholders,

These same ineanures are to be pre- . seoted to the present T*egia1ature, he

said, w hlrh Information brought assur­ances th a t the charltlea ssioclatlon will bend every effo rt to secure their enact­ment.

l ^ e tuberculoala building as planned will, according to A rdiltact .Tohn P. Capen, accommodate 110 patients and in times of em ergency J30. The coal, which be pointed out was roughly estimated, would be. as aald. 1130,000. This might be found lower when formal proposals I were opened. |

Exhibiting the drawings, Mr, Capen aald th a t the pavilion was to be one i story In height and wUl be built In the form of su Irregular creacent. In the ' hollow of the crescent and eeparate from ' Uie w'ards will be an administration i building. These buildings are to be of | brick and follow the architecture of the l present structurea. f

Questions as to why the freeliolderi had not adopted either the shack style or the i cottage plan for the new department were raised by the visitors, who maln- Uined th a t the coat would thereby have been greatly reduced. They also asked why the pavilion was not to be placed on the hill w est of the hospital.

I t was explained th a t after a careful examination of tubercular pavillona A other large Inatitullona the freeholders had concluded th a t a permanent con- atrucUun would be less expensive to maintain- In this regard Mr. Bvani celled atten tion to the tuberculosis hospi­tal a t Soho, which while of fram e cost ^ *88,000. although but 100 patlen ti are accommodated. The cost of maintenance was larger for these buildings than for all the others a t the floho Initltutlon combined, he said.

Consideration had been given the cot­tage plan, b u t this waa put aside on the rround of high cost of maintenance, con­tinued the director, who said th a t per­manent construction was also desired be^ cause of the exposed position of tbe hiOt- pltal buildings, and to reduce the fire risk.

t>r* P ay ae Approves*In expressing hla approval of the plana

and the site selected, P r. Guy Payne, medical superintendent a t Overbrook, aald th a t the new building will be a1>out lOO

1. feet d is tan t from the nearest building. ^ T h e re will be no danger of contagion, he

asserted. He disapproved of the alte on the hill a s unsuitable for economical operation. In this he was supported by some of the freeholders, who called a t­tention to th e fac t th a t had th is site been chosen a complete heating plant would have had to be Included, aa well as Itv* Ing quarters for the doctors and attend­ants. This would have Increased the cost of the pavilion.

After listening to the explanation offered, Mr. F arrand said th a t he and h it •SBodales w ere still waiting for an an­swer to th e ir questions. '

‘T hen you don’t th ink our explanations satisfactory?" asked Mr. Evans,

"No." replied Mr. Farrand. "So far as the location la concerned, tbe reason given for selecting the proposml site II partly satlsFactory, but that for tb e u i - Llcipated expenditure is not,** '

‘I t will be impossible to give a i a t l ^ factory reply to th is question of cogt now /' declared Mr. Capen. **The acttial cost cannot be ascertained until th e btde are received, and thesf have not yet been Invited."

The discussion was brought to a eloea when th e delegation was a tiu red th a t they will have an opportunity of inspect­ing the bids and of entering.any further objections regarding the coat before e contract le awarded.

At a sho rt bu tlne is asaaton the com­m ittee decided to eldvertUe for bida for an extenalon to ' the cowbam a t Over- brook, Thia ta to accommodate fifty cows, and will, i t ia' eatlznated, require an expendttnre o f $1«.000. Propoaale wUl be received F ebruary 4. *

SAYS DAUGffTER HAY BAffi ELO P ^ |tn th e Second Preotnot SthUoft tU s

mornin* eppenred two womM ntudh find- tered To U e a te n u t PuroMl tbh dlder of the excited c e lle r i Mjd her d ta iM w twd left home tw o d»y* » to end h id n e t re­turned. The apeelier eUd ehe « u M*». M ery A thom of la G rin t «v«nue. H u r l - •on, luid th a t h e r companloh wee M ather deuKbter.

■My deudhtep Mery, who i* m n a M o y e a n oW. ! • « home Tueedey laid 1 J»e*w B ^ e a r d <d o r eaen her me food-hy," m W A t o ^ e tre td Abe he* eloped. She- b U o m b «oln* w ith e yound men I - d ^ ^ «d»e fo r and ih d know* I don’t l(he him.

Mr*. A thom Mid ehe learned tbroudh a friend th a t h e r daufh ter had hean m ert- tQK th e yound man near the iM kaw attha Station, liletitenant PureeU promlaad them th a t he would immediately Hh® out i f call- here to look out for the mliaind young woman. . ^

Hiaa AUuatn ttfour Inehea-ta^- i-s-iv.:pound*. W hen th e left home thd . .— - brown tu lt w ith fox fu rt and % tniMt black hdt. - , ______ _

TO RECEIVE COUNTY SHPPIY BESBida fo r eup'pllae lo r county inetttn-

tlona and depa.rtm anla'ol the county dov- em m eot will be received by the pur«iaa- thd oom inlttae of tb e Board of FieehoM- era a t U o'clock on fha nwnrind of March 4. T he *nppl»a *<11 be fo r f ixmontte* Med*. Thl* w»* daddad

neaOna oftee to < ^ .a t a m eantm of tb e purohatlnd comartt-


O pen S aturd tyB UntU 9 P . M. O th e r D ays U ntil 5*.30i

I t waa decided to Ineudurate a tyetam of ptircdiaelnd alm llar to th a t employed e t tbe City Hoepltel. , The tBperlnteadaaf of p n rn h tta t wdll eeleM th a feed- eeppUet for deOeety. in ttaad of leiytnd on the b idden theoMelret to fuUB tSa thqoltl.

I cbo-.

E rcry lh lird Here to Keep


Keep the Baby Warm

•beM cold dar*. We’ve all the n e reeaa rr cold* d e ty le a ta iaaa .

I'lenty of Flht. W arm Sweat* e r t H ere for


Sales in Progress

Januarif Sale Sheets, Pil­low Cases & Spreads

Sale of Ostrich Plumes

White Sale of Muslin Underwear

The Sale of Shoes

And all other features of Out January Sale

T o ile t Goods Spec’ ls12r. Peroxide, highest grads. I-

ox. bottle, special ...................... So10c. W'itch Hasel, contain ing

pure g rain alcohol. H ‘piu talee, special ...............................THe

lOo. Malt. Extract* large bottle,special .............................................. Tc

10a C ascara Tablets, bottle of36, special .......................................7e

lOc. VMolet C rstm , for chapped hands and eofte;ilng the akin. -special ......................................... .To

4c. E m ery B oarda pkg. of I S . .. -3b 36c. slge Muni Deodoriser, B p«c..lgc l^c. T o ilet Paper* white tissue,

largo roll, apeolal .......... T«lOc, Pow dered Pumice, large box,

■peelat .......... Te6c. Perfurned tVitch Hacel Soap.

special ......................... .............Tc. Cosmo B utterm ilk Soap. spec, .gc JOc. Olycerlne Soap, sw eetly

scented, special ............................. 7e29c. Green (.?a$(lle Soap, long

bars, special .................................f l «16c, Tooth Powder, none better,

p repared expressly for us,speuial ............................................. lOo

BOc. D orlac Face Powder, while, flesh and brunettf!, specia l. . . -Xlc

25c. V iolet Talcum Powder, 1-lb.box, special ............... I 5e

IBci. Tooth Brushes, large a s so r t­ment, special .................................•«

25c. Tooth Brushes, best F rench m ake, special ............................. H e

F U R S! Encore!A Great Song or Act in a Theatre Usually Brings Forth Enthusiastic Applause, and Calls fo r an Encore. This Encore Offer o f

C h o ic e D e s ir a b le F u r s a tYsto LessThan Original Prices

Will No Doubt B e Greatlg Appreciated and Largely Availed o f

O ne of the most successful F u r Sales we ever announced was held here last week, in spite of the fact th a t the w eather w as w arm . T ha t sale ended last S atu rday night. D ozens of fu rriers, hearing o f its g reat suc­cess, fairly besieged us to allow them to send us at least p a rt of their surplus.

On account of the sudden d rop in the tem perature, we felt th a t it would be good policy to accept these goods, as it perm its o u r offering our patrons some of the biggest and best fu r bargains of the w inter just at the tim e when furs are most needed. And so, you may th a n k this sud­den frigid ou tb u rs t of King W in ter for these very ex trao rd inary bar­gains in h igh-grade guaranteed furs.


All the Fashionable and Most D esirable Furs o f the Season Are Em braced

Fur Coats at o Fur Collars a tY s to Y i Oft Fur Muffs at Yi to Off

Tht Woman Setkiitg a Rent

Corset BargainShould Take Advantage of this Special Offering of

C. B. and R. & Q. Corsets

at 79c worthl.SU

The,s are strictly new, fresh toods, in very destr- abte, modish models, made of exccllem quality coulil. We recommend these corsets 10 every woman seeking a garment (hat combines the essentials of style, comfort and service.

Specials in NotionsR . r Qe. Bawlny Cottoni apao-k to r Be Reg. Itlc. C llina i B aattuc C otton .lte Rey. lOo, K *rr'a L u ita r T w t* t. . .8« R * r Sc. A U tI Hook and By**. ...S «Ref. (o. P lacquat r*.it«i>*r*........toR*y. tc . Safety Pin*. *p*cl* l.l te r ■* R ty to ISo. Dmnsuou* Safety

Pin* ....................................................VaR tf . I t a Bol*ior*. *p*ol*l............ 1P«R ef. <0. D r tu ln c Pin*, ap*ol*l...S« R*f. lo. D r*i»tn* Pin*. *p*cl» l...«o R*f. 13c. K air P tn Cablnata, apec.bg Ref. ISc Dreaa Shield*. apectal.lOo R tf . Be C ollar Supporter*, speo.Se R*f. I c O. M. T. D arn ing Cotton,

d fo r BeRet- 10c Folding C oat H angercT H * Itcg. Be Iron Moldar*. u b e itb *

lined . . . . . . . . .......... boReg. 9c. Sad Iro n H older* ............ OeReg. Be. G randm a Iron ing W ax.BH* Reg. 4c Sew'g Machln* Naedlea.aVbdHeg. 4c. S«wlng M a r in a O il........ bgReg. 10c S-ln-1 BavXLg Machine 'on .................... 7 . .................... Te

B utterick Fe b ru a ry P a tte rn s

The February Delineator.The Metropolitan Catalogue. The Butterick’a Faahions Spring Number with free

pattern—Ready FYee for the Asking—Butler-

ick's Keb. Fashion Sheets—right up to the minute.

Hockey Caps About YiOur last sale of Hockey Caps during Christmas week

disposed of 1,800. These fine worsted hockey caps, made of pure worsted yarns, in a great variety of combination color effects; black and orange, gray and red, gray and navy, red and white, navy and white and many other pretty color schemes, also plain shades, including white; full shaped hockey, will fit any head sire, heavy rough ^nit and fine sweater weave; the idea! hat for winter wear.

Ri». 50c grade Hockey C«w. I Re?- and *1.00 grades, Jspecial, while they last.. | apedal, while they last..

Boys’ Novelty Hats at Special PricesTyrolean, Teddy, Rah Rah, and college shapes, materials of fine

grade chinchillas, plushes, corduroys and suiting mixtures, not every style in each aiie, but a great range in all sties, S'4 to 6ji.

Rer- BOc vrsdt I C f l 1-90 lo 1.1*h^li A cap*. epsclBi ^ados, apeclai....... 50c| Hex* 1.60 to l . t l t AA

frtdei, Bperl*! ........ I* W

Worth While Savings on the Right Kind of

TFarm Winter Underwearjust when you need it most at special prices, because the knit underwear department always ranks among the leaders in our January Sale.

W cM gs’* H ggnU r BOg tlx d e r-w ggr—H eavyw eight Jersey r ib fleece lined cotton vest*, shaped a t the w aist, long ileeves. pan ta b u tto n on the etde, ank le IQ gle n g th ; s p s e la l ......................

W MMabl Regota* a a d 4.TS Uafam SoK»—High class Im port­ed Swlae rib. In ellk and lisle or s ilk and wool, w ell-know n Swan B rand, In low neck, eleeveles*. ank le leng th , also high neck, an k le length , In i t lk and 1 i C lis le ; e p e d a l........................

W easea’* R egula r ATS U aloa-High vclae* m erino union

suit*, w ell-know n Swan B rand. In low neck, ateeveles*. 7 ]Akneo len g th ; special........ *

Boye’ U aloa Salta—HW a v y w eig h t White Jersey r ib union suit*, m ade from combed cotton, h igh neck. long > sleeve*, ankle

’ Salt*



length .BliesReg_.

Bojr** B eg a la r Me U aderw ear— Je rse y rib balbrlggan sh in s , co l­la r e t te necks, long sleeves, d ra w ­ers outside sateen facing , su s ­pender tape* and double M r gUMct; special ....................

Men's U nderw ear. l.BO Valnee— H eavy w eigh t n a tu ra l color w orsted sh irts, plain English trimmed, long sleeves, rib bot­tom, draw ers outside sa teen fac­ing. suspender tapes, and gu*- Boted In reg u la r and sto u t length; m ade from good long staple: sh ir ts 34 to 40; draw ers 1 AA80; special, each . ............

Men's l.M U nderw ear—Heavy w eight genuine ifamel hair (H oofs Tivoli) sh irts , long sleeves, rib bottom , draw ers self fin ish ,suspender tapes and I i 7 double gusse ts; sp e c ia l.. . . .v *

Men’s R egnlnr 50c U nderw ear—■ H eavy w eigh t Jersey rib balbrlg-

{;an color sh irts , co lla re tte necks, ong sleeves, d raw ers outside la teen facing, suspender tapes and double g u sse ts; spe- iA *

cla l ...........................................Women’s n r g u l s r 1.00 U nder­

w ear—Heavy w eight, w hite Jer­sey rib p a rt wool vests, shaped a t th s w aist, long or short pleeves, pan ts b u tto n on C Jf. the Bide, ankle leng th ; spe.

Women’s R e g u la r 3,60 nnd S.S8 TIghtn—H igh c l a s s Imported Swiss rib s ilk and lisle o r ellk and wool, k n it band tigh ts. 7 QC open, ank le len g th ; special

It's Most Timetp This Sale

Men’s Lined Gloves */4

Ju5t when the "coldest” weather of winter ia with us. we sdvertiae this sale. And so this offer of one- fourth off on any pair of men's lined gloves in our slock is most timely and most welcome.

H en’s Reg. 1.00 D ogskin and 7 C r Uocha fle«c« lined, ipl.

n«B^i n«B« 1*50 Do0«klii andMoclia Gloves, k n it and wool | I 7 lined; xpetlal ............ ...............

Mcft’a Reg. 1.T6 D osakloUooha Oloree* k n it and wool lined; special .............................

SleB*s Rese 3.00 Dovskln Mocha OloTei, k n it and wool lined; special .............. ..............

H en 's R«s* 9.25 DogskinMooha Olovee* k n it and wool lin e d ; special . ...........................

H en's iteff. 5*50 to 0*50 Meeks GioTest In tan and f ra y , rabnit.

3.7Sto4.87Hen’* Rag. ASS F o r Gloves. C 7 1

special, pair ...............................Men's Reg. 3.00 Buckskin Glare*.

lam b lined, special, per 2 .2 5

H en’s Reg. 3.50 Auto Gloves, w ithgauntlet, lined; special at,per pa ir .......................................

Hen'* Reg. 4.00 A uto Gloves, w ith g aun tle t, lined; special, per 7 AApair .............. ................................

H e s’s Reg. 3.00 F u r Olovee, w ater mink and coney; special, per 7 7 cp a ir ...............................................

Men's Reg. 3.50 F u r Gloves, coney, sho rt leng th ; special, per 7 ^ 7pair ...............................................

M en's Reg. 6.00 F u r Gloves, 7 7 Cspecial, p a i r ............................... •I.4D

Men’s Reg, 3A0 D ogskin snd Mocha Otovee. s trap w rist, | 0 7 knit and wool lined; epeclalc.

sndl . J I

and1 .5 0

and1 .6 9

2 .6 2

It’s a Great Coat BargainRegular tO.OO, i'd.OO and 13.50 / C K f J Coats for Women and Misses (

One hundred and fifty of tliese were placed on sale this niontiiig lor the first time. They're not odds and ends, but brand-new garments just from the maker.

They're real good coats at $5.50, fully worth, as staled above, $10.0n to $13.50. A manufacturer's surplus lot just in, so you get new, fresh garments, and a choice lot indeed; boucles, cheviots, chinchillas and other rnatenals, latest models. Just the sort of coat to finish up the balance of the winter.

Great Bargains in Finer CoatsMateriais that have been in great demand, as Ural lamb, Arabian lamb, Si­

berian lamb and rich tlbeline and other novelty coatings; models to please every customer and all aiics from 16 to 44; linings are Skinner or yarn-dyed satin; some are unlined, but materials arc heavy enough without; have been divided into the following lots:

Formerly 10.98 to 16.00, m P A mixtures, cheviots, diago- | n a ls .............................................

Formerly 16.00 to 20.00, | A A Q Ural lamb, Arabian lamb, | \ | e V O cheviots, boucles, mixtures,

Formerly 20.00 to 25.00, Ural lamb, Arabian lamb, ratine, chev- | ^ F A lot and other materials,at ........................................

Formerly 25.00 to 35.00, | m ^ Arabian lamb, plush, taupe | / velour ................................

M EN!There's a sale of new Neck­

wear, Hosiery, Pajamas and Coilari going on here now that’s a corker. Stirring Gooda Big Bargains

From the Great Dry Goods SectionRegular 59c Colored Taffeta

IS Inch** w ld a good g rad e pur* silk ta ffe ta ; de- su a b le for walsta. sk irts , lin in g s , trim m ings and mjl- lU ihry; In shades of mals, g ray , brow n, U upe, reaeda, Jaspar, red. Old rose, Copenhagon.ew laU rla, *11- 2 C /v vsr, navy, also ,glace effeot b lue and black, b row n ana blacls, purplo and b lack ; apse., yard

B eg. aoe. aad » e . F r a l t o f tg * Bleached M l.low Oas* ■ n k lta -.4 e In. and EO In. vR is, pure w hite; m aksg n p Into M autlfuL fln« p illow oacM , or by seam ­ing t h e « n t r o make* ifull w id th b ^ sheete; lO ^ /rC m ill lan g th s ; fresh, new, clean ; special, yard, /2

- R eg. gse. U aM eaeled g h e a tfa i—EDO yards, 88 In.. 2 to 20 y a rd leng ths; som e am ong tt>»m eubject to s lig h t m ill IniperteoUone; m edium w eight, close th read ; especially adapted for e x tra w ide bed sheets;

F s i e y ' i h ^ b ta g h a i is - ^ p ie n d id quality . >2 In. wide; fast colors, choice pedterns, p lain and fkn ty ' stripe* and checks: In desirab le colors w om en's and ehfldren’a d r a u e t ; fine woav*: cor-ree l w eig h t: ssed a], y a rd ...........

• t a a t t M Am *» (MaghaMii—New fu ll piecM, heavy w eight, d ls tm c t deep dyed fkat colort. equal fo r w ear to A l t grsAea obtaimahle; 27 In, wide. Immense u - ■brtm ent o r w l o j ! else b lue and w hite cheeks, exceptional Value, 1000101. y a rd ........................

R egular 79c C orduroy28 Inches wide, very soft finish, medium d istinct

w ide cord; excellent for children 's su its, coats and wom en's w alk ing suite; a good lin e of stap le ehadee to se lec t from In brown, Copenhagen, navy, P A ^ m yrtle, g ray , taupe, csstor, w is ta ria ; special, y srd ..........................., . j ................................................

Reg. UBic. F as« y Celered Fereolee—E.OOO yards, m ill lengths, 1 to 20 yards, 38 In. w ide; Immense a s­so rtm en t In th e various red, blue, b lack, hello, pink and o ther colors In stripes, dote, sm all ftgnrea and fa n c y .p a tte rn s ; l ig h t snd medium color grounds;special, yard .......................................................................

.B a g . TUe. VaUeBched M nslla—7.E99 varda, 2 to 20 y a rd mill lengths, 18 Inchee w ide; mediumw eigh t; strong ; w hile It lasts, special, y a rd ----- « / 4w

Reg. te , Fsneey O attag F laaae la—Im mense s i- so rtm en t pink, blue, tan and g ray colors In various stripes, checks and novelty p stto rn s, heavy w eight. Ideal vraahable napped flannels, fo r w om ens; mlsBes'. cbfldren 's and men’s o u te r and under garm ents; f , \A r 27,1a, wide, 3 to,20 yard leng ths; apeolal, y a rd ., w /z v

R eg. SHe, VBbleaehed Dem et F la a a e l— 27 In. wide, m edium weight, t ig h t weave, to f t downy warm nap flnisb. Ideal ts x tn re fo r preaent w ear; buy th is C | / | t fo r com fort and service; special, y a r d ...................**/ 2 ^

Sale 59c R am ie D ress L inensjudging from the selling thus far this sale bids fair to folly equal the won­

derful business of last January in this store on quite a similar d re ss linen J" '' same price. The advices from Paris and all present indications at home aic that dress linens are again going to hold full sw a y as the leader in fashionable^ ^ tica! and serviceable dress fabrics. It is the most colossal event evei attempted by any Ncu ark establishment representing the first shipment of our import order.

The raniro of colors is wonderful, all dyed to our own cxciusivclav en d er, w istaria, leather, Alice, Copenhagen, re s eda, coral, o . hello ' am rth v sl gold Indian, peach, egg plant, catawba. light gray, brown, sp ice nutm eg.p o rcela i^ also white: 48 inchen wide, regular 59c French ramie drees linen, special, yarn.

Some of the Best Bargains We've Ever Offered in This

Sale of Scotch Linen Pattern Table Cloths and Napkins to Match

Th... I I , . . . . . .?i?c yV ‘% a * n ' 'a s f S and S them at actually less than the im porter's cost. The oesigns arcbeau tlftil, every one new. Among the best linen h a rg a in s we ve ever offered.

F A tte rn T ab le ClothB, 9*3 Vda.F orm arlyF o rtn a rlyF o rm e rlyF orm arlyF o rm e rlyF o rraarlyF orm erly


Bpoclal. - special.. special.. gpeclal. * apeclftl. < ipQ clal.. apccla l..

PatC ero T ab le Clotlts, 3x2 '4F orm arly F o rm e rly F o rm e rly F o rm erly F o rm erly, S.66. 8.76,4.16.

.1*35 . .1*48

. .3*15

. .3.35

. .3*45

. .3.13YcU.

ipecla l........... 1*^9special...........3.35ep ed a l...........3.T5■peclal...........3.95apodal...........3.19ip e d a l .......... 3v95F o rm e rly B.26.

P a tte rn * T able Ciotha, 2xS Yds.

Now, We Give Deserved Prominence to the

or Stamped Linens, Renaissancegoods and other items in our popular Art Embroidery depertmem, sH-of which are marked at .Tower prices than preiAtjl at almost any. other time during the year.


1 ^ ' spe. BeadawwS C ehtreple^—S ke 3Ct in., rouad anit iq tu re ; very

'pretty iwttera; deep Uice border with drawn work i»mre;’very epe- CA^-del .........

Ref. 4 JO .SeneieeeBee Ccntrc^eceea ia l l im r iw * * -s* ^ ' ’-fees

-rdimd, b ^ t l f a l pattirivi;; deep, rich, lace border; ela|bprate driiwn ^ wo'ric centre; e p e d a l...^ ....

B eg, I M R saaU s^tee . S carfs—Slss ISxEvli)., chAlq* aH terteiant of e lab o ra ts designs, misdanion I anil -d raw n w ork cen tre ; an tdsal d resser o r b u r ts t BBgcover; s p s c i s l „ . . . , . , . . ; ; . . , c .. Rog.-n*.' stawgii. JtlRafgBWBa~-Flne

nathsook. ssml-nUkda or all rin lsb sd ; only to be embroidered; several EA^

' dainty datIgM: special .............. .Mac:' Uaea Titwel*,

with eOlbretdeaed eaalteped edgO; CA^ vory neat stamptBaa; ap p d * l......

Draw. Searfaihtg,h g rad e purs' lln sn w arra n ted ; tw o *' p re tty han d draw n patten tg i epe- 9 .^ - . .ctal ----- . . . . . . . . . v, * 4 . W

Reg. M O lo 3Ae CsMro r b m m add Luncheon Cloth*—F in e , e u a n ty p e ts linen; s i te S8x3E; very elabora te de­signs: choice asso rtm en t o f band dM w n w ork; som e em broidered; spe* i M) clal . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . * . . . A . . . . . t * ® '

S ia , laaco T riM aiJ .. Sngi l g.. g a g ' Shaaia—114 yards lo i i iT ^ m M iB O rS Eand (nA‘"’>]lion In each p0rg c ir( '2|& .very n ea t an d serviceable; *p#c_sW v

Reg. OPc. P illow ilip e—Of tatiTffnsn, hand arribroliiored^ and aU flnlxhtd;r«ad r to In to rt plUow; very n « a t d«tigrn9p ■pecUI . . . . . . . e ' s .«4 s . *

Ktm* 9fic. S ia o iF ^ * linen, grood quality* co U eo tl^of deiigtifl: «ti« I l3 i4 y ■clal .................................

c lM y Geatrevleeee^wBwt qualify K rench h an d made* p^re ]HifV‘o« iiire t; - choice patterne , ■ iirv '

8 tie 20 l&cbei; ipeolotp m%% to Loehftiy ipeoialp i.pp,

F orm erlyF ortn e rlyF orm erlyF orm erlyF orm erlyF orm erly



special.......... 3.35apeciel.......... 3.59■peulal.......... 3*39ip ec la l.......... 3v50•peclal...........3*75•p e d a l ...........4.T9

fra t. T a b le Cloths. 3 W i8 H Yds,F o rm e rly 6.98, special...4.76F o rm e rly 7.96. ip e d a i...4*iwF o rm e rly S.BO. « p e d a ............ 5 .B0F o rm e rly 9-98, a p e d a l . . . . . *«*60

N apkins, 30 i20 !iu-'hForm erly 2.00. special. Form erly 2.60, spoclal. FormeTly 2.98. special. Form erly 3.98, Bpedfll.

N apkins, 22*33 In ch Form erly 2.98. special. Form erly 3.25. special. Form erly 3.50. epecla!. Form erly 8.98* special. Form erly 4.96* ip e d a l .

N apk ins, 24x34 In c h Form erly S.50, special. F orm erly 3.98, special. F orm erly 4-50, Rpecial. Form erly 4,98. special. Form erly 5.50, ep ed a l.

NnpklnSv 36x25 In ch F orm erly 4.98, special-

N ap k in s , 38x38 In ch F orm erly 6,96, special.

NapkinSt 39x30 InchF orm erly 8.50, special.

. . I.4N

. . 1,89 , .3.29. .3,95

. .1*95

. .3.39

. .2*59

. .9*79

. .3.60

. .3.39

. . 3.89

. .3.36

. .9*09

. .4.19

ThePalm Beach EXHIBIT


MillineryApparel, Parasols, Gloves

and other Dress Accessories

appropriate for wear at South­ern winter resorts, is very in­teresting to every woman, particularly those contem­plating a sojourn at the Florida resorts, the Bermudas or other fashionable South­land points.In Millinery Dep’t 2d Floor r 'lt

Jan’ySaleBlankets& C om forts

1 .0 0

Here are smie very ""timely bargains fo r the economical housewife—right now Jack Frost is doing his mighfiest. Note the savings between re g u la ^ tid special prices.

B « . 1.50 Winter ComforiabIe*-’ -«5 ^bMvy winttr weight, covered- both aide* with f beds; goqd weight, good grade MlkoUuei light end medium dainty Roral deaigna on white grounds; spe cial

Ref, 2J0 .Nainsook Comfortables—Two lots, light and heavy yeight, covered both sides with plain and check nainsook, dainty designs, in pink, bw> yellow, red and helio, on white grounds, slee in heavy weight 72x78, in light weight, 78x84, | o e extra wide and long, very special................. i s u u

Reg. .856 and 3.98 Sateen ComftMteblea—Size 72x7s7hMvy winter weight, coverii^ of qMuty lustrdttg sateen, flgored both aides alike, s ti lle d , extra well made, in a tnagniflcont ^


I_ Blanket^ Tor full sized

uBu», B'"','’ " “•»—> ■—J'm wool nap; splendid grade and Very‘serviceable; just right for the prest.-.J coli^ weather; neat fast color borders; special, I 7A each ................................................................

Reg. $6 White Wool Blankets—Regular size, 70x80, WoVeiL from exceptionally fine grade yarn; a small ■ p a r i |f e M * t r f - .b l^ ^ m ' ' ---------- W d - k te - . . '-ghdDt"" fO. tniB opehAa. 4#*%*"bound edge, neat fast color borders; pair,

15.50 and |&«8 Full Bed Sbe AH Wool PtaM Biankete—This lot is particularly pleasing in color

'combinations of rink and while; blw and while, tw and while, gray and white, red and black; all for full size beds; good, heavy weight; strong, seryice. d M . able; special ..........................

" f t

asaortment of coloit and designs, at......... . , ^Rec tCm Woolaap Btadtete-Siie 68x80, in white or gray, insuring imrfect swltary d jito n s , f

soft ^ tofty, twilled, dafaty pink and btuc bofient, with mirtiair bindlag eit edge^spedai...,,


B O A R D O F m o r s

P R O J E C T S F O R 1 9 1 4

IRile Range of G vk A d h itj Ont- Ebed in Anim l Mottage of

' ^ Prewieit Handmrg.


A M M »H atla« a t •W.OOO « r 91M.OM t* ■ •■ckt f a r C aB frrkaaaJra Cal-

a k n t ta a —C autlaa V fsa4 la MaaJow D avalaaaiaBt P laa* ~ laarcasla ir Caat • f C H t G a ra ra n a a t CrNtalard—G rrat I f a t r a i af la b w a ja la S a M u lrd .

t f .

OutUiitBf woili tbat Include! practically • m y b nncli ot civic Imjiroveinent and tM kdaalnf plana for the calabratlon of KawArk'i ISSth annlvercary, the Board of Trade orcanlaad for 1914 laat nlcht, be- • lita im Ita forty-aerentb year.

PratIdest Auyuatua V. H am burt, who waa re-alactad racantly, tinlahed the bust- •eae of l l l l . and then, after a brief re- 'eaaet the Initial aeaaioD of m t waa call, ad to order, arlth Richard C. Jenklnaon In •Ota ohalr temporarily until Ur. llam buri 'iMa eecortad to the platform.

In hla annual uieaeaye the prealdent '•poke of the neceaalty of the board hav-

tte own home, told of the yrowtb and *re*reeelvaneea of the city, and the reall- 'MtioB of many Improvemente that the Ikoard hM fought for and agitated In the ^Inati of the way In which nienufact- lirere here muet ataod together to defeat ;iiaud and falaahood In advarlletng from •utnlda aouroei, and then dwelt parUcu- U riy on the llO lh annlveraary ot the !Hty. -r

In thla reepect a number of former ot- fflceri who apoke later, declared that 'Biaaa - fo r the celebration ahould be CTaned now, and th a t e tto rta ahould be ■ ad e to obtadn an appropriation ot ffO,- MO or (}DO,OOU, eo th a t the affa ir could h e properly coaducUd. U r. Jenklaion M ela rod th a t If Bucb an appropriation thould be caeured, U ayor H auuling■hould turn the arragam anla over to the S M id ' ~of Trade.

The fe rty 'ilx th annual report of the heard o t dlreetora wee read by Becretary Jam at U . RelUy. I t dealt with many h ik ee i af municipal Improvement, oon*

. ietnplated or ndvooaied. The report eete Berth th a t tbore la g rea t neoaeaity for a )iew d ty chartar, tba Board o t Worke

M preleed for eavlnge In lalarlea and la th e Inatallalloo o t the aephalt ropalr VyeUm, the failure of th e proper otflulale ip hack the tmaid In Ite dem aad for a lew ar faro on tho tubo Uoo kotween tb li dity and flummlt avenuai Jereey City, la artUoleed, and dock tadU tlee. meadow yeclaiaalleB. w ater tranaportatlon andth e plan to r tonnela ta r trolley care «x- jead iruj through a a u n b e r o t oountlee ate iHamiaeed.

l a addition to theee reporti, u r . Jen- jkteaon ibtrpduood a reeolutlmi calling for g a laere tae in th e etrength of the regular iermy, becauie the preaent email force hrfll be fu rther depleted by the neceaelty i f gMrtlag troope to the Panam a Canal gad other foreign poeeefalone. U ajor A rthu r H. Hackle, of the Fleet Regiment,atU nded the meeting aa a gueat of Mr, Jenklneon, and

bar o t Commerce of the United Btatea notifying the board that tba lecond an ­nual convention of the chamber would be held at Weeblngtod February 11, 11 aad If, and that tha convention would be preceded by A meeting of the national couaellort. The local board la entitled to eevon delegatee.

Copy of a rowlutlon from tha Amarl- can Chamber of Commorce of Farte, France, to Congren waa read. I t le a petition to uM every effort In Ita power to again M id up tho ^nMriaao m archant m arine co that It can reap the beneflli of tha Panam a Caaal.

The report of the Creaaurer ehowa that the board had aa balance or received during lart year t i e .m .U ; th a t the ex- oendliuree were |U,048,tO, leaving a bal­ance of 1440.77, and th a t tho Inveatnienta o t the board wera repreaented In flS.OOO In four per cent, municipal bonda paying four per oant. Intereat.

When the routine work waa cleared away, Prealdent Hamburg called on eoine form er prealdenta of the board to apeak, and H r. Jenklnaon apant a abort time tell­ing of the IM lh annlveraary ot the city; Curtlee R. Burnett alao advocated the plan, urging that the m atter be placed In the hand* of the Board of Trade, and George F. Reeve told of tho good work and growth of tha board.

I>r. Roberuon apoke In a humoroua vein, eaylng that when the board waa or- ganlied in 1898 It began a d v o c a tl^ the improvement of tho Plank road, urging a new hotel bo built, that the bay front be Improved and the Paaaalc River puri­fied. He laid that the Plank road ha a finally been Improved, that U la rumored tho new hotel la to be built and th a t the other work advocated alnce 18(1 may get under way eoon.

Harriaon Van Duyne. a former direc­tor, laid that of all the work the board or any other body will aver do for the city the groateat boon wee conferred by th e original lettlera. who nearly two hundred and fifty yeari ago, when laying out the town, looked Into the future end made Broad etreat ISt feet wide and Market etreet 109 feet wide.

Mr. Hamburg announced th a t plana for tha annual hanqiiet would be made public and added th a t the committee In eharga had to alter He plana becauio of the word received from Waehlngton th a t Prealdent Wllacm could not attend. W ithout uelng any tiamea H r. Hamburg hinted th a t poa- albly the original program ot having tha Prertdent hare woald be carried out be- cauaa no official declination of the Invi­ta tion had really been received—or If it had th a t the committee had not loet hope.

A fter adjourniy n t eupper wee aerved.


explained the neoeaalty • t netton. laying th a t many boarda of trad e and chambera ot commerce throughout the country had approved ot Vka reaolutlona and th a t otbera had them

. under oonalderatlon.Ltautenant-Uolonel oaorga w . Howard,

Ifti^or F ranklin PhlUlpa, both of the Nar vlit ttm ial Guard of Utia State, and Dennii

‘ .F, O'Brien, apoke In favor of the reaolu- M n . th e la tte r declaring th a t thla coun­t r y t t not any better prepared now than I t traa when tha Spanlih-Amerlcan W ar mroka out.

'AJ P ng id an t Hamburg, a f te r allowing a Innnbar of ipeakarg to go on record aa

‘ iN lag In fnvor of the reiolutlon. lald th a t h e would appoint a apeclal committee to

- meeting.r The prealdent than announced the tol-

„ low ing an the chairmen of committees for , JS jtW g year;

, S Committee on manufaeturee, Henry 8 . T itfell) in tan ial trade a t f a lra Uoeee Plaut;

m n r a and.barbora, Goorge F. Reeve; mu- iMelpal a n a tr i , C nrtli R. B arnett: trana-

ta tlon affaire, w n ilam J . kHener; pub- health JDr. Hogh F . Cook: foreign la a f ^ a t>enta F . O’Brien; public

lUlltlee, Wfltlam B. Owlnnetl; faetory awe and ordlnancca, A rthur E. Barlow;

Staxatlon, W alter U. V an Deuaen: com- iM rctal affaire, Louie Bchlsilnger; new

tiu itrle i, Charlee B. K etrnl; banking d currency, J . H enry Bacheller; fire la rd affaire, Mattblaia S tra tton; matn- rthlp, George H. Slmonde: atreeta and

- Ijhvemente, F rank H. Oenung; trolley K*******' ^bi'olph J. Ooerke; Indoreement,

if '^r?~ -,IIH obert W, Adama; national leglalatlon, ^ h n ^ R ._ Hardin; S tate Leglalatlon,

Stacy Smith; educational affairs. Dr! Sam uel E. HoberUon; legal advlaory, Her- pNtrt W. Knight; county affaire, H enry C. sRommol, meadow and w harf development s ta n e , A rthur E. Sandford; city develop- tment, Theodore F. Keer; river bridgie, F e t« r Campbell; Newark Bay port d li- i ^ o t , Curtia ft. Burnett; portable water

^ jw w ly . _Harrleon Van Duyne; M orrtiabandonment, Jullua B. Rippel.

R eeelu tloa i aad R ep erfa' reiolutlon th a t will be

t-'omty Board of Wteeholdsra by the W est Hudaon Board

th a t a new bridge be " ' ' f Blver, between

-' -V*' i.fha Clay itreet bridge and Belleville, waa■■ ■ 'tM lv«d by the board.

le tter was received from the Cham-

N aw ark 'i ’'ffreat m aterial progreaa*' fu m lih a d the kyenote for the fo rty - a ix th annual dlreetora' rep o rt aufa- m lttfd ^ them at laat a lg h t’a m eetlog oC the Board of Trxda.

Uftder th irty o r m ore aub-hexda, p rao tlca lly averythltig th a t had or haa a b ea rin g on the olty'a m ateria l wel- fartp and I ti w ell-being from an e th i­cal p o in t of view aa well, waa touched upon. WhUe advocating m any Im- provem enta, there w«a aounded In the fo re fro n t of the report a w arn ing th a t th e "one eaeentlal th in g to conalder In p lann ing municipal Im provem ent!, ta the effect euch ImprovementB w ill have upon m anufacturing In teree ti." eo th a t none may be deterred from lo ca t­ing here.

Bay fro n t development came In for ea rly m ention, w ith the euggestloii th a t aueh propoaed developm ent ahould n o t be undertaken under ex isting m unicipal lawa and ordinancea and by offic iate bound to be replaced a t etated perloda by otbera w ithou t know ledge of th e problenie Involved. I t was u rged th a t tba m unlcipalttlea fron ting on N ew ark Bay ahould Join In an ef­fo rt to get legialailve au th o rity for the creation of a "Newark Bay P o ri D la tr lc t" and for the appointm ent of a commlaaion with general pow er! fo r ca rry in g out the project-

A nent meadow developm ent, the re ­p o r t aaka "Shall the o fficials proceed In the m a tte r of meadow Im provem ent In oonneotlon w ith bay developm ent a long ree trlc ted lines, lim ited by the cost to be Incurred In th e d igg ing of a sing le channel," the “ipo il" from ■uch a channel being used to fill In ad jacen t lands? The query ts not answ ered In the report.

"H all and w ater factlltles" U the n ex t su b jec t touched upon. Tt Is su g ­gested th a t the water facilities re­quired “need not be of a ch a rac te r to rcoom m odate ocean-going vessels, bu t ra th e r w aterw ays which w ill accom- m odats standard slse barges, lighters and o th e r crafts, euch as wilt m ake use o f the g rea t canal connecting th e lak es w ith the Hudson, and the In tra- coasta l system of oanali" recommended by th e A tlan tic Deeper W aterw ays Association.

"Such a system of channel w ater­ways," the report goes on to say, "ihi^uld be made the chief feature of a compre­hensive plan which should Include not only the meadow lands within the city of Newark but all of the meadow lends fron ting on the west shore of the bay. And these waterways should be so laid otit In connection with railroad facilities, and so co-ordinated with connecting h liiiw ays as to afford the best, the cheapest and the most advantageous lo­cation for Industrial development and for commercial use."

N ew ark Bay DeTetopment.Adverting to the work of dredging the

channel of the Passaic to a uniform depth of tweniy-otiB feet, the report eug- gests th a t th is Is "merely prelhnlnery to th e carry ing out of the larger project of developing the whole of Newark Bay for seaport purposes,’* with the fu rther sug- gestion th a t "the material dredged out of the bay would be sufficient to re-


C.G. Gunther’s SonsFurs

20% Reductions391 Fifth Avenue

N ew York

|a M M 8R

Imperial Cream AleT A e Alt Thai J f cme

m cakim eand before retiring is'the be« hialth insurtnce for yourself and your fomUy.

K I'#'-’' ' • Cm b T od .y

r £?2-V ^V IED EN M A Y EII.I».' f S t t a l w g i i M i , , N a m k f N . ) .

r tn ln nvarr w iuira n o d o t land on tha adjacont mtadowe, to fill In bahlnd, and

I alone plera and whnrvaa, on both M du j of the bar, and to create end complete a

work of Immenae maenUuda,""Joint national, municipal and Individ­

ual co-operatloQ" 1s urged, atten tion be* lag called to the removal some time ago of a bar above Polnt-no-PoInt, a t the Joint expense of the National Oovem- ment, the city of Newark and Indlvlduale benehted."

R ats discrimination and the free light­erage privilege'In New York H arbor ars descanted upon a# detrim ental factore requiring remedial action, both being characterised aa "an embargo upon the commercial and m anufacturing Interests" of the northern end of the Btate.

Taking a long look ahead, the com­pilers of the report next devote a chap­ter to the prosvectlve advantages to re­sult from the highway which is to paral­lel Market street when the canal shall have i^een abandoned. The proposed erec­tion of a poitofflee tleewhero, aqd the early removal of the m arket s truc tu re over the canal opens the way, It l i sug­gested, "for oiir city officials to take ad­vantage of th is g rsa t opportunity,’' and lilt hope la expressed that 'the City Plan Commission will anticipate and realise w hat such an avenue can be m ade for the benefit of the present generation and for ail future generations, and th a t they wlU commence immediate action looking to necessary steps being taken under which this new highw ay can be built,"

Relative to the new postoffloe move­ment the hope li expressed th a t when the present site Is offered for sale there will be some one ready to purchase so th a t It will be possible for Newark to obtain "quick relief'' from present postal OQoditlons. And, while on the subject, the report pays a tribu te to Cougressman McCoy for h li efforts In behalf of a new postoffice.

A slap is dealt a t the Public Utility Cotiunlasioa for its Sumnitt a^^nue rate decision, which, the report declares, "can­not be Justified under any m athematical rule of reason."

BIc iah v rey P roject.The development of the subway system

In G reater New York suggests to the compilers of th e report the possibility of a “combination of Interests" whereby “ Union, Kssax, Hudson, Passaic and Ber­gen counties could enter Into a plan for the building of a system of subways to operate through their respective centres to New York CUy," The outlay, the re­port goes on to say, would “be. more than Justified and compensated In the In­crease of population and property valua­tions, no m atter how great it may be "

Next thie question It asked: “Why not an loduslrlal survayT Who among the residents of the Passaic Valley and Its

environs has a rea l conception of Ihs potential poislbHlUes within district, and huw many of us have a knowledge uf the phytical posafbUltlas w ith which we are surruunded?"

Further elucidation of the 'in d u stria l survey" proposition la followed by the suggestion that It he made a part ^ the tsglslalion which Mayor K aueslltit sug-ihtgeited "an being necesaary to advancetho progress and devriopinetit of the city. ” namely;

"A bill to permit the pity to plan for the crlchratlon uf the SDOth ancuversaryof (ta founding

*'A bill tu permit the city to appropri' ate adequate sums for city planning ProJci:ls.

"A 1)1)1 to enabU: the city to opYraci ad- vertloinf abuses.

"A bill to permit the city to establlA a central purchasing bureau. ^

“A bill to enablit the city to establish an eiricrgcficy fund,

“A bill (0 enable the d ty to Insure against employers' liability, through tha injuraeic'Q ftind curnininslon. ^

On (he subject of a "new d ty ch ar­ter," the report says, among other things:

"7*hla tviard has alw ays recognised as the ftrst essential to municipal progress, good t’liy government, and In order to have good city government, we must havs good machinery for government."

The report frowns upon "proposed plans, advocated by interested groups," for the creation of a new S tale depart­ment ana the appointment of a S tate ftre niarshat, with deputies, in all the coup- tle« and cllles of the Stats, and suggests Instead the creation of a "D epartm ent of Public Safety." to have charge of all that Is now done by the departm ent of labor and also what would come Within the sc<fpe of the proposed S tate fire m arshal and his deputies.

Other matters touched upon are street paving and specifications, term inal oon- gestbm, and publicity plans, the report concliidLlng with a few laudatory para­graphs of which the board Is Itself the subject, and an expression of the board's thanks to the Itcal press for Its co-bpsta* lUm in Its projects.

^ o e e n fo r tlis sec<»d time as tha exseu- uve h i t ^ o f tlM board, and next be oon* gratu lated tlib ’boaM upon tho efflpISMy ^ Ks se e rsu ry , Jam es M. RelUy. who, Mr lU m burg gainud qut, has been m rr^ ing the board fbr thirty-five conseouUet years,

The i ) i |_ i j , iia ro b u rf w eot onto tell, VM OB* th* m oit Botliro In the hletorx ot the boxM. many tmBOrt- ant m atter* hmrttif boon con.ider*8 . .oaie of which Wer* b foufh t to fru ition; o tb*ri « lro prumtao o t *arly oontplatlon. whll* rtlll o ther, will' U k* a low er time to *1- fectuate, but eoiiitructlva work of yaJu'

'am ■WHw


President Augustus V. Hamburg, In bli sectmd annual message to the Board of Trsde last night, took occasion to say many laudatory things about past achlevemants of the board and quite as many hopeful thlnge about plans and project! to be worked out In the year Just begun.. F irst be expressed h!s appreolatlon of the honor conferred upon him In being 1

Wes all the time engaging the a ttea tloo of the board and of Its working coedimit-tees.

Special mention was. mkde by U r Ham burg of the progress made In th ( m atter of th e propoeed new postoffice, of traffio regulation, which reHbf measure he desu rib ^ as having "moved several paces forward;*' of the federal court for Newark, an ac ­complished fact, and o f the Rssex-Hudson boulevard, an Improvement achieved a s a reeult of many years' effort on the part of the board.

The new hotel, now building, thus “ lift­ing an old reproach," the Down Town Club, attesting "to the business sp irit of our men;" the municipal ChrleUnas tree, for which the board, In large Yneaiure. stood sponsor, and the collsctl<m, “ with exemplary dispatch." of SR2,1iB5 for the relief of flood sufferers In Ohio and In ­diana. were likewise briefly touched Uipon.

Adverting to Bayonne's advocacy of a new traffic bridge, conneotlhg Bayonne with Elisabeth, Mr. Hamburg reiterated (he board's expressed stand In opposition to any additional bridge across Newark Bay.

N ew ark 's 2AOik BIrtbdey*On the subject of thw proposed geie-

bratlon In IDtB of the SROth anniversary of the founding of Newark, Mr. burg said th a t the anniversary would present both "an opportunity and e duty," and that, whatever form the cele­bration might take, it should include a pageant, as this would Impress the h is­torical significance uf Newark or a greater number of people than could be done by any other method. A i a more tangible part of the celebration, >■ Mr, Ham burg suggested the construction of some hlghw-ay, or some building, or o ther perm anent and useful mamoriaa.

The erection of a Board of Trade building, " a dignified, specious home for this city 's largest and roost representa­tive organitailon," add an Increase of the membership fee "for an enlargement of our Work" constituted two additional recommendaUnns,

The splendid results accompliehed by the Shade Tree Comnilssloo was another thing of which Newarkers. In Mr. H am ­

burg’s opinion, had regson to bd pvoild, *ubJect,o( '-*1wib4 ow toclam a-

J*6n, Mr. HgfQOagg uigM say-

ProaoundnE > , fW ailuitlttn <; *«

*“» . i* ltk & 9 0 # , i f v rtuallft. '..A t'nudM r,->‘

9o w h*t th !.T S IL -V *• J J i rW iw rlt, whoee f o l l o w e d , w h o Is planning

work IhvQjvi p lan , a r t foiioWB^ Wnj

J ills '^ ’**. Having full***,**** M tlpo. In *.h»

ahiiv plans 10 DUMO a•*>“• “ 5’ full kaowlwig.th a t th«H very p|*n*

* i ^ • • l i ^ r t l M l bi' 4h* laadari Ineo n (« r *'• “O'k little ioriger? s e e

"Ar« »« nut ju .iiried in u k in c th«o ’”* " 'V * '’ Co™m*»lon- W Who hxv* given th .lv o rd .r . to pro-

oomplettti p lan , pra- S f . estimated coats lab-l”n***”*:i *" * poaltlonthrough r '* ^ * “

*’'® fovoioln*. Mr, »o™athlng to *ay about a xtpdlad .f fo r t of lat* to convinca tho tax-

,pay«r» tl|a t tha. city I . baing wlwly and aconomlcally xdminlatarad. and that avorythlng It for th» boat.

la c r c u a d T axation ."B ut." Mr. Ham burg a tta d . "how

about tha IntTeaaed 'eort ot municipal govarnmenl’ What about tho conatant lncra».e In propart. valuation , aggregat­ing nillKon. annually? W hat about the steady Mae In the tax rate from 11 99 In 1907 to t l .02 In 1918? W hat about the Increaaa In expeuditurea from 94 998 009 In 1907 to 97,964,009 In 181ST Thlnh of It, the coat of ,running the. d ty of Nevi- ark In the paat erven year, baa Increaaed fifty par cen t! Where doea economy come In urider iiid i 'condltlonx. and whef* fa It leading?

"If th l. Board of TradA.hax any ml.- alon to perform, it la to help In good gov­ernment. Hut good government doe . not consist In a negative nolicy, or In a pdtey of waste, and the wants of today a re aucli

FAULTY DIGESTIONQuickly *Shstter8 the Nervoua 9ys*

tcin—Immediiite Action Neceo- s ^ r y — U se M i-o -o a

When you ftol IrriltWe, tired gnd degpondwt! when you' hgve tiervoue t^witchinji, tpeckg hefora the eyex, heidgches, sour Mornach, heartburn, bad tatte in (he mouth, and paina In the colon and bowela—you are atiffer. Ing from Iridlgeatlon, the Brat step to chronic dyapepsta, which invariably wrecks (he nervous aystem—you need Mi-d-na at once.

Ml-o-oa is a specific for stomach weakness—It goes to the seat of your, trouble and quickly ends stomach • raigery. It surely and safely builds up ahd strengthens the stomach walls gndglands, quickly improves the digestive. . . . . -----. L - . . i . . .-1 - ------ .r jxvsystem—the vital force and nerve en­ergy are restored, then you are in the best of spirits and enjoy perfect health.

Do not suffer another day. Get a■ I X vw-aewa B.SVIlileB gfifty cent box of Mi-o-na Tablets from £, R. Petty, or your nearest drug slot*

;keep them with you constantly, for. .this treatment wilt help you get vUI. and strong, and immediate rellaf is sure. Do not delay—delays are -nor' oiity dangerous but needless. If not benefited Ml-o-na costs nothing.—Ad­vertisement,

th a t the clty< requlrea a progreSBlva and aiiargetio ayetam, every departm ent of which ahould ba keenly tllv e to tho ne- ceaiit.v of reducing expenditure, and ofralurnlng to the public full value tor

■ ' “ 4ievery dollar expanded. Where efficiency can be ahown, Increaaed expenditure la warranted But where there haa been no Iniproverriant.' then every lucreaee o t ex­pense haa been a w a.te and a burden placed upon tho taxpayer."

Mr. Hamburg closed hla addrea. with atatl.tlca hearing on the remarkable growth of Newark and of It. Induatrlea.

START YOUH' F U R N A C Ewith an Aiiclo Fur*' lUKW Clock and Warm tho bouse before ris­ing. Easily att*i;hod to any fumaco, hot watar or iteam heater indmiautea. A cold room for aleepiog—a

r o o m l o rw armdreagiDf. Auclo turns

■ s i

The Auclo Co.,

on the heater at any get time, night or day.

Price U.M. Delivered anfwhsre, if dssisr esn- notsuikpiy. Fully vusraii' toad, MoDsy t> ro m p itr t»f(i«lad If Dot onclrsly fatlifsutorr. C l r c u l s r s SQutoD miiisM. Sasdaift' oastrsUoL of H lortlitarr U valA a llep artn ifB t Mtaroa.

843 Broid St.,Newar|c.


D oes th ink ing

tire you out?

Docs your mind get hazy when you are trying your best to think straight? Do you tire in the middle or the afternoon, just at the time when your most important work must be done?

Are you nervous, irritable and “snappy” t Do you go home at night thoroughly exhausted and “ ready to drop” ?

T hat’s no way to live.How long do you think you can keep it up fYou can remember when you used to get

a lot of real fun out of your day’s work 7You jumped eagerly into every task. The

harder they were and the faster they came, the better you liked it.

Your mind was as clear aa a bell; the last hours of tho day were the best; you wenj whistling up the street at night, “as fit as ifiddle.”

What’s the trouble now?Don’t say you're getting old; lots of older

men can double discount you and you kliawit.

Wincarnit fi a liquid food. It is not “patent iBedicine” ; there are no drugs in it.

Here are the three ingredients: — J purt, natural itfftie/ LitH i't Eatratf . / Bttf; Extract . / Malt.

fectly plain to you that the right food, and nothing else, can j^ t you on your feet again.

Wincarnis is such a ' food, . .

The wine ii a mild stimulant, a tonic and a blood-builder.

Liebig's Extract of Beef is a nerve food without an equal.

The Malt Extract it a powerful rwtorative and vitalizcr.

These three ingredients, all J ^ * of the highest value, are combined by ¥ special proc*css which retains and enhance* their health^ giving projiferties, in the form ot a palatable, satistying beverage. •

To enjoy your work and your play, to excel, to succeed, you need twdily itTength, a clear bead and steady nerves. T hat’s all.

Theie things you must get out of your food. There is no other way.

Your body and brain cannot give you what you do not give them.

Your problem is only to find some form of food which will meet the demands of your ill- nourished system, some food whpae dements will furnish the necessary physical, mental and nervous energy.

Wincarnis it not a new, untried preparation.It has been in use in England for 30 years.

• 10,000 British physicians have mended it.


They prescribe it for the rekulta of over­work, ‘ braia-fag’\ anemia, inaoiAtiin, dahility, exhaustion and nervous diieaies oL all kind*^ that general physical weakness which wd'ball a run-down” condition—and for invalids con­valescing from d! diseases.

If you are unfit for either work or plpaaure — nervQuti irritable, shaky—-it mutt- ^ p tr-

It assists tired, worn-out human nature in a natural way. ■

' Ypu know that steel wires, mtHstones and steam shovels wear out in tinw and need renewing.: ^

^ it is with the humanmachine, . , , , :

You can kckp it. in good repair or neglect, it and pay the price tb lost vitality, shattered nerves and gene* ril debility in .some serioua form. '

Wincardlt contains pre­cisely the ingredients which will aaiiit Nature ^ that process ohebdidiing and re­newing which the it always itrivingto efiecr. ' v '

Juit a '.trial.' wiH'< con­vince you, by tbe evidence of your ow n tensei, that this it t[uet The coupon printed below enahlet you , - v . < .to getiw-iimple itw - ' U te rh i edipon today!


/ R E S t ’ . l X F R J S B ^ D l i a ^ila . couponEdWMd Ueeiff, U. f . Agent; ' ! •

-4& 0 W t w t ^

t m m

The W ine o f Life

- ‘ Sehd fie the fem . your OB-,I . BcripUve bofikleLi i enclose H) cent* {coin pr iftoipt) to pay I . . .

V "

delivery cbtrgei.

IContractot* to Hit ^

on tale in Newark and luburbi at the foltowlag atone ‘ ’ ^

Prepared in Norwich, Engbuid, by Golenan k Co., Ltd Foicet and to the Royal Army MedfcM Udipe.

Tlncamti la

^ t ! l e a i s . **


Aaron Vard k Son, Newark; C M. De^er k Broa, Newartr.- Batt Qrtnie. Orenaa. I!dbq)kte♦««**!«!!!«afd« i « • e^p « « *» • *'* 9. a * aeeeeeeeeaeeee#

V 4. f ,

'• I /jfx , - i . w <Mrtf ; r? ? tJ * • •• •• • -fa <4 .9 **»..**■ 7

tg., r '' " . r r- r- 'j" i''** ■■

Womu ai Metal Ti



Two rosB last «T«ntnif or A rthur I 4itr*«t w** ' a hot wate eaustO by 1 caused stra tiresiurc Id hav* b««n J th is city sk Mouday. thl on* b a i beeiia.

Michael r old, wax cu a aood par frotn him; old. w(* c< Payton w n. of th»m wq hu rts were

Bhortly brould not She called li a r* Bclehbo ou t th* tro w it* within th* «n>ios<o t* th* ridbi

Th* tank pt«c«* of t Into th* Cl tabi* and n and brokan Ur*. Payto th* explode yard. The

A th ree , tn t t e n * tr w han A usi rtr* t floor, ptpe* w ith wa* se n t 1 ton and 7 dam xce wi

TUrteuw The Bur

' to ta led tb m ade on T of tbe yei responded s la rm and adttltlon, t1

' tw en ty -fo i D u rlo c (

year ther* th irty -tw o th e monti iilnety-nln

An unUBL Wa. notlcefend mi. ’end 14. atwenty-eevi the eame tw enty-eli were two c 1 wo-atarni teenlh dny 00 the four

Tho r*oo January 13 teen alarn je a r , th lrtt day. There January, 1 roualed th!

The mer been bueler any four i ment. The have made thla they t


Jfotw ith of m urdet a r t leUtX In eald t. m an who blow wh Ja n u a ry ! yeeterday a f te r the of th e "ii been ana! acaepled.

The da H arry V Hood a* tnal reap! The proB w hile Lu m urder, 1 a re euch inanalaug Ju d g e Oi charge ui

L u ts w of 16t S In-law . p ropertle F o rty - th i Seym our

Brow n sk u ll In a t ta r an Luts, In B uren oi a t tb* s *lalm«d.Ins htna g a in s t 1of Browi

A t f i r . b ta In jn days to! C htnow ll F r t d n e t resu lted te* ae^ t!


T s dtUl tor* nnd and Fnsi and S4ril URttod 8 am on t AanaSUH cewporati «l*ric. T If gtvsn

Ot th EndtNF 0an g a anriMd Iav4 nine A a fomatfllQ LovlB Bi s a ia ' H tb* Eh •iigna I

n * 4 and th* aU* w 0 osst*.- buy «et b ra iM . vabitotF;

a i —

Odpytl oosapnsi "t* writ tntoiludt musl«..« mining . compnm sto fb p h

JTaka IK

eoort ii!t tlia oMtl 9t aruoaj! boroao, i jrtrtonol

-Tha off a

<a) A IM.I

Ut! twon o'Qiook t;- <h) Tw4o! tba

le> A: . wiiJ ba I JofMY. Cm i , at

1 for. Th«lh« coijfl


: con|l vpaotedT lil4- bat

All bl4 cant, at■•aM to t

rU nt


AtUI / r tf

IN eg Agna


‘■ U .f

_ s ym anea o t t* Bcudb

a t i r .1Q


STIONe r v o u i Sys* on Neces- > -iue, tired end ive nervoue a the eyei,. heartburn, ind paina In u are auffer'. Aral step to

h invariably n—you need

for stomach seat of your> >da stomach :ly builds up ch w alla and the digestive Id nerve cn. u are in tbs irfect health, day. Get a rableta from It drug atora nstantly, for., mu get w ll. ite reilsf is ays are ■ nor' ess, If not othing.—Ad-

r YOUIL N A C EA u c io F W " c k so d warm e befo re tis- lily a ttach ed Ibraace, h o t iteam h ea te r tea. A c < M ' alet)>inf—a r o o m f o r

Aocio tu rn s e a te r a t an y n ig h t o r day . as. IXllvered ir dtalsr can FbHt in in n -

97 P ro m p t l rf Dot enc}r«lr. C i r c u U r itioM.kfr U ealA v A tmt MtorM.S t ..N e w a rk .


Wonin and Men Cnl by Hying Metal Trying to Tb w Ktchen

Stove £(|uipinent.


Eyeglasses p a t e n t s p r i n g Q I M a e y e g l a s s e s Rp w O p a i r

ThSM M te a t e p r ia a KyealesoM a re

l i d s "w e e k , 9 5 c

Two man and a w sm sn ware Isjnrad test avaDinti and tb a kitchen ot tb s home o t A rthur Paytoti, colored, ot SI H l |h street w as wracked by the exploelon of a hot w ater tank. The blow-up waa eauaed by froien water ptma, which oauaed steani to generate under blf> tneaaure In Uie lank. A ttheuch there have been eeveral elmllar exploilona In th ii d ty since lha cold w eather sa t In Monday, thie le the firat one where any­one bee been hurt. An alarm was turned la.

Michael Rlcdardt. tw enty-five yeara old, waa cut un the lower 1«rt leg and a good part ot hie troueers were torn from him; David Romano, th irty year* old, wee cut on both handa and M Payton w as cut on the righ t hand. None ot them would go to a hospital. Their kurta were attended by a doctor.

Shortly betoro * o'clock Mre. Paylnn could not draw water from the tank Shs called In Rlcclardl and Romano, who a re neighbors, and they offered to flod out the trouble. Rlcclardl and Romano wSra within three feet of the tank when the egploslon occurred. Both were thrown to the fidbr.

The tank was ahattered and large ptecea of the iron sheetlug were ahot Into the celling and aide walla. The labia and clialrt In the room wer.e upset and broken and dlahee were smashed. U re. Payton was near the door when the explosion came and darted Into the yard. The lois is estimated a t fBO.

A tb ree-tam lly house a t tSS W ash tn g to n s tr e e t caught f ire lae t n igh t w han A uguet Bobel, who lives on th e f irs t floor, tr lsd to inaw tro sen w a ta r p lp a t w ith a lighted torch . An alarm w sa aan t In from box 2b, a t W ash lng- ttPQ and W eet Kinney atreeta . Tha dam age w as fS.

T h irteen f ire s Reeorded T eaterday.T he num ber of calls for the day

' to ta led th irteen , equaling th e record m ade on Tueeday. Slnea the beg inn ing of tba y ear the fire d ep artm en t haa ra iponded to leven ty-aevaii a la rm and two aeeond-alarm tlrea.- a ^ l t lo o , tha departjpen t has answ ered

' tw en ty -fo u r s till alarm s.f a r i n g the f irs t fou rteen daye lest

year th e re were only fo rty -fiv e alarm e, th irty -tw o less than th is year. For the m onth of Ja n u a ry there were n inety-nine.

An unusual coincidence about the tires Was noticed in the records of this year and 1212. 'Two years ago. on January If and 14. a l^cord was eatabllshed when twenty-seven ularins were turned in. On the sam e dataa Ihls year there wore tw onty-sli alarms, on one of which there were two calls fur apparatus. The first Iwo-alarnt tire this year was on tlie th ir­teenth day of tha month. In 1311 It was on the fourleenth.

Tho rerord tnimher of runs was made January 13, 19)f. when there wera els- teen alarme. The largest number this year, thirteen, came yesterday and Tues­day. There were lEl f irs t-a la rm fires in January, 1913, a record which may be equaled this year.

The men of the S ahage Corp.s have been bualer during the last two dayd than any four rompanlee ot the tiro depart­ment. The three automobiles of the corps have made Iwenty-olght trips. In doing this they traveled nearly 190 miles.

IgaH al wttawHjw Imf la m aag » « h « l CUIdraa s WJS; e s t a b l is h e d 2* YEARS. E iam laallas by RegtsUreS Oplaae^tttel

0 4 1 B r o a d S t .H fX T TO H U V L C r*


e s t a b l i s h e d 2* YEARS. B ^ m la a e ia s


-J i


N otw ithstand ing th a t hs U accused of m urder, an unballable charge, Rob­e r t L uts of 1S9 Seymour avenue, who Is said to have confeased ho la thO m an who dealt A lexander Browri the blow which resulted In hla death Ja n u a ry S. w as released from custodj^ yes te rd ay under a fS.OOO bond. I t w as a f te r the clrcum stairces of the k illing of tho "herm it ot the m eadow s" had been analyzed th a t ball w as se t and acoopted.

The Case was discussed by Judge H arry V, Oabome and P rosecu to r Hood a s to the degree of Lutz’s crlro- to a l responsib ility for B row n 's death. T he prosecutor said a f to rw a rd s th a t w hile Lutz Is form ally charged w ith m urder, th e circum stances of h ie a c t a re such th a t It should p ro p erly ho m anslau g h te r; th a t both h im self and Ju d g e Osborne believed th e g rav er charge unw arranted .

L u ts w as balled by E rn e s t K lingel of IS* Seymour avenue, Uls b ro th e r - ' IB-Iaw. K lingel offered as se cu rity p roperties a t 7 l i B ergen s tree t, 22 F o rty - th ird stree t, I rv in g to n , and th a te y m o u r avenue ad d resa

B row n succumbed to a frac tu red sk u ll in the City H osp ita l tw o days a f te r an altercation . It is alleged, w ith L ots, In a saloon a t M alvern and Van B uren « tre e t |. Brow n waa s ta n d in g a t th e sa loeh door w hen L uts , It Is oUlmed, s tru ck him In th e face, send- Ittg htitt down th a s te p e o t th e plaoa a g a in s t a w ate rin g trough-. T he base ^ Brow n’s sk u ll w as broken.

A t f irs t It w as th o u g h t Brown m et b<B In ju ries accidentally , b u t th ree d ay s follow ing hIs dea th P atro lm en C hanow ltb and Connell of th e Third Preolnot, stum bled upon a clue which resu lted In L u ts 's a r re s t. H e con- fesseA the police say,


T s ooiUvate a tae ts fo r music, Iltera- tuTB and the arte, eepedally In Hoboken and PNAssJo. and to build doeke and buy and M Adiroade In any p a r t of the U nltM Btalei o r Its poseoeglons, vrIU be a m n g the privileges o t th e Lurch A ausM nent Company, a s set forth In in- casposatlon papers filed with th e county eleiic. The capitalization of th e company Is glVSB as 110,009, all paid In.

Ot the capItAl etoefc, Oeorgd W. ZndMS of 121 Blxtoenth street. E a s t Or­ange, and Theodore Lorch of I t Bloom- flMd avenue, Passaic, each owns forty- nine shares, velued a t |109 apiece. H ie remeiBlnf two Shares are owned by iRelB S enatar o f t t H enry Street, P a i- se le ,' Ik e offloe of th e ecSBpany Is In tbn Z sta z building In Clinton s tre e t H n M Visch Is s te n t.

t h e enltlvmtlon of m usia UtMatuie end the s r ts is to be by giving "opsr- aUs eg drsjnatlo represent%ilons and oOn- oN ts.” Tbe eoapsny Is empowered to buy hSttumes, scenery and nuiilcel II* n a r t tA ' I t Is also pitytleged to fiv e e a its tf ' shows and sell Uquor and 'Y<w

Oopytigbts m ay b e a c q u i r e d b y the ' n e n f a n y and persons m ay b e engaged

*te WTlU compose or Invent plays, sdnb prologues, epilogues, poetry,

a n s ls -nM dances." M anufacturing an a n te ln g a re listed i s privileges a n d th e

’ 'jkdnipaiiy may build mills, faeburiet, y ' y to r r tg w e or fosdz.

coimr. »Oi - ia the sM Iar ot

in kaaktupieyiK fiatlck^iist te tb e — ■■

bersm; 'the Uodei^gneS re^v if li ....................{we wesena apd other

.. the~ basknipt eite ta •tote fnturee,

*« l

A nrt bcreia, i "tte eSHls (X.Rt grunfie*, i IwSea , two 1% !1 U 3

'a s tweutr-secbnd day of.


win' be Sbld.et ;U* Nw.

rHk M asesIs will be etid at tbe tsi.»ad iWi* fUlurw

. ^ . . . ■ J«»l»M's Wide Kt W»w bt «•]

. r.. , itTwt. Newark, He

. or '4-mWw anWW-be sold autdect to

Sitgiiawwd .«

.............miilhTasWItif I E - ■ ■ r

T he s t o r e Is opened daily a t 9 A. M .

IB. Altman Sc ®o.There is now in progress a Sate of


including many semi-antique pieces, all of which are being offered at extraordi­narily low prices.

_______________________ - a H O R I l I B i

B o y s ’ C l o t h S m ig

w in be p laced on sale to -m o rro w (Friday) and S a tu rd a y , In order to e ffe c t a c learance, a t sp ec ia l prices.

or ig in a lly $8.*'50 toa t $ 4 .5 0

\^ k it e r O vercoats, $22 .5 0 • • • *

B oys’ W in te r S u its, (sizes in co m p lete ). In­c lu d in g so m e Im ported S u its of f in e fa b r ic s ; orig in a lly $ 7 .7 5 to 18.50, a t $ 4 :7 5 & 9 .5 0

Also th e e n t ir e stock of Boys* W in ter H ats, at p rop ortion ate price red u ction s.


m ad e


in th e p rices of


Misses’ Dresses and Coatsto ta k e e ffec t to -m orrow (Friday)

T h ese w ill include th e fo llo w in g :

C oats ap p rop r ia te for s tr e e t and m otor w ear, a t . . $ 8 .5 0 ,1 4 .5 0 , 21 .00 & 2 9 .0 0

o r ig in a l prices $58.00 to 7 5 .0 0

S tr e e t D resses of serge and v e lv e teen , variou sly tr im m ed . a t $119.50 2 8 .0 0

o r ig in a l prices $5 5 ,0 0 tO 7 5 .0 0

E v e n in g a n d D an cin g Frocks, a t $ 1 5 .0 0 & 2 2 .0 0

o rig in a l prices $ 2 8 .0 0 to 65 .00

Q S r l l s ’ I m p o r t e d C o a t s

(sizes 10 t o 16 years), of superior quality w orsted a n d originally m ark ed $35 .00 , will be on sa le to -m orrow (Friday) and Saturday a t • • • • • * * $ 1 2 .0 0

W o m e i n i ’ s C o t i m r i n i e E v e n i m i g

S l i p p e r s

in a sp ec ia l se lec tio n , are b e in g o ffered in th e Shoe D e p a r tm e n t on th e S econ d Flopr

a t $ 4 .7 5 per pair.

T h ese S lip p ers, w h ich are d is tin c tiv e ly th e vo g u e of t h e p resen t sea so n , are ta k e n from th e reg u la r s to ck , il^here th e ir prices have been $ 7 .0 0 to 8 .00 per pair.

A d v a n c e S t y l e s i n

W o m e n ’s L o w S h o e s & S l i p p e r s

a r e n o w b e i n g s h o w n , i n rea d in ess f o r t h e

W i n t e r R e s o r t s e a s o n a n d e a r l y S p r i n g w e a r

i n t o w n .

I n c l u d e d a r e S h o e s i n s m a r t c o m b i n a t i o n s ,

S p o r t s S h o e s . C o lo n ia l s , O x f o r d s , P u m p s ,

D a n c i n g S l i p p e r s a n d * D r e s s S l i p p e r s f o r a l l* . e .

o c c a s i o n s . -

^ S l i p p e r s t r i m m e d t o o r d e r , a c c o r d i n g t o i n d i v i d ­

u a l i d e a s . i n w o r k r o o m s I n t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t .

MtOi Attfiuir, 34fli mdi 3Stl| Strffts, Jinn fariL

U g a l n o t i c e s ,

ul & i lh v . lu O ^ ja i Cm K n / i l '

ITvSl ^ tb* MdA Af«*« R Ry* and may ciAtm Kin* Intnaat lb tb« mgrtggg-l P ^ ***^5*ted J*»upry 2, 121*.


B r o a d a n d C e d a r S t s .

S. & H. Stamps Free

H oura ; 8;»L a.i2 SJor.ai

SUkriR, 9A.M.

12 for a

ALBERT 'W. SAJUAta illeltar r t floiBpwniut,

' I f f m o o t ftvML MfwpriC, M. J.

rraatpg xtong iBrd •o* lh«riru» of P » rr»v fc , l^ in iS tta flCiy^TO dtgroeoJklrty-iRj woR tw ty -m loot: t h ^ o o o ^ t h t j l y j t t ^ ■nrir lUM MlPUUi WMt OB, himdnd.foot png flflyAw* ow-him<TMtii* of a {2*i.2}*52 •nth; finy-fouv o itm o twi mittutwMRR #•»-. ty-nr» (Ml to ppW wefurty in* of ^ y ihHW alonr PPM w « t« 1y. In* of Df « ! th tbllt?-flv* d w j j f

R e m n a n t s a n d M i l l E n d sBargain Day in Yard GoodsQuantities

LimitedNo Mail or

’Phone Drdfin

-/ w a s h g o o d s

R ^ [ u 1 a r 1 2 * 4 ® i®

7 5 ^ c y a r dThese remnants Include practically

every wanted kind.On sale on 5 big tables, wash goods




29c Yd. Values up to 79e. Choice of Foulards, Striped Messalines, Fancy TalTetas. Black Pongees, Plain Tussah, Wash Silks and

Kollenne; widths range from 18 to 40 inches.J fk Yd. Valiiei'up to $1. Choice of silk Ratine.

4 v C Monevback Silk Poplin, Moires, Striped * ^ ^ Taffetas, Pongees, etc.. 20 to 33 inches wide.A f t "P ^ Choice of Charmeuse,M M C Brocaded Chiffon, Silk Serge, Fancy Crin- ^ kled Crepe, Striped Messaline, iwo-tonedBengalinc, While Satin, Striped Rep de Soie, etc. 33 to 40 inches wide.


Corduroy and Velveteen Samples

5c eacht.n iK ths iiniK* fioiii >i to S yard. Plain

co icrt and brocaded effects.

W HITE GOODSAbout atO le(\Kthn of a ll klndc of

whlifi tfood remnutjtB* vt\luce up to 26c. a yard ..............................................

Bleached and UnbleachedSheeting Remnants—Lengths 2 yards

up to 6Li, widths range from 42 I up to 00 in. wide, val. to 39c. yd., Iklw

36-In. B leached M uslin

1,000 yards in remnant lengths, C - good value at 85^c a yard...............


Mostly waist lengths, fancy wool nel, retailing Up to 75c. a yard; your choice, yard




Lengths suitable for dresses, skirts or waists; strictly all wool.

Vd- Values to G9c. a yard. Choice of Serges,Cashmere, Veilings, Crepes, Mohairs, Plaids and Novelty Suitings.

P A 'll- Values up to $1.23. Choice of Brocades, h U f * Novelty Crepes, Serges, Cashmeres, Bed-

ford Cords, etc.; 42 to 48 inches wide.*7A Vd. Values up to $1.50. Choice of French / v C Serge, Prunellas, Taffetas, Poplins, Storm • Serges and Voiles; 42 to 50 inches wide.


C r a a h T o w e l i n g R e m n n n t sChotco of llnnn, Union Hneii or coLtoii.

Langtha from 1 to 4 yiirdv.u la r p rk a a 64cs up to 'Jhc. aalfj j prlu«a raiiR« dow nw ard frPTu 18f. yard, to, y a rd .........................................

T a b l e D a m a c kIVIrltliB. Ill lni‘h«H til 7a liiohrs wide,

rtuilco of llitHn, union line'll or mapcerlted Ui IiIq dttmANk; lengthw ranffa from % yard up to 3U yards. Vuluea r:inKie from 5Jc. U|j (rj $f.T£; special 5(ltl IDiid Sale, prlron ranging *lownwiir<l from $1 as yard. to. y a rd ............................. 1 9 c

EMBROIDERIESI P A Collection of Embroidered Bemnsnls, in-l i ) C eluding edges, corset cover embroideries, all-' eluding edges,

and flounces; can be utiliied « 2 ^

for irimniings,

LIN IN GPlain cclofftd Cam bric lltiliijf, rem-

I 6 yard lejijrtliN: reKTilarnantif, 6o., Hi

-----------1 R IB B O N S I .

Odds and ends of 4 and 4 ^ inch floral, plain, fancy and pillow ribbon, in kll colors and white; regular 20c. |

Loom ends, 6 'j-Inch, pink, blue,Alice, Nell Rose or gold satin sash ribbon; regular 45c., at, yd.



1.50 Thoirfpson G lo v e 1 A | j F ittin g Corset at

Nevr 1H14 Model fo r A verage F igurettMade of strong couiil, medium low bust,

long hip and back, trimmed with embroidery and draw strings, 4 strong hose supporters.Of Aar g ooif .v(vf« of cartels in regular stock in­clude the famous La Hesista, for which we are sole agents in Newark, P. V., R. & G., B. & J., Nemo and Rcdfern, prices as tow as S9c and as high as 10.00.

. A T F

I<a4*e 18-Iiichf:s wIdH, 111 Sluidow.O rleiilal and lUnibroldertuI Netii; 4Jami#ole lutcy HJid u ^ruiil vaviuty i»r shadow fLounr«a: can he Uitll]E4'd In inaklOK walatn

•nr (IrapRry fiu' avaiUtik LlnuniCia, lu whllij. ocfu and tiunjcrcUB fancy f colorlnga; vulu^s tu 6I*l- , a t j'nrd ........................... .

Lace Remnants .Anotlior 'big collbrllon, Imdiidliig OrUn-

tuk Hud lar'fi BUa(]u^v iilloLQi-h. piigi^n, bandH of Bfuilafr, n tc .. van lio uh4'i1 for Irtm m lng fuirponAN. Iheko nmall i n - p’lnct'H; vfllups to 35c., uL cur.li........ I


$14,500 Worth of WaistsN o w t o B e S o l d O u t a t $ 5 ,6 D 0The greatest sale of waists Newark has ever heard of.

Voiles, Lawns, Cotton Crepes, Lingeries, Linens, Batistes, Messalines, Chiffons, Pon­gees, Laces, Taffetas, many fu r trimmed.

Large as the quantity is, there are very few of any one kind, but every kind is represented.AQn for waists regularly 79c.

Table 6, Bet:Oiid Floor6 ^ for waists regularly $1.00.

99c 1.29

Just ReceivedFresh from the Needle

2 0 0 M ore of T h o se

S a lt’ s A s tra c h a n , A ra b ia n L a m b and Sealette Plush

C oatsSee



'ruble 4. Main Floorfor waists regularly $2.00.

Table 2. Main Floorwaists regularly upTSbIe 6, Second Floor

for waists regularly up toTable 1, Main F loor

for waists regularly up toTable S. Main Floor

for waists regularly up toTable 7. Second Floor

for waists regularly up to ?10.00.Table S. Second Floor

for waists regularly up to $12.50.Table 9, Sncotid Floor

for waists regularly up to S12.95.Table 10, Second Floor

for waists regularly up to $15.00.Table 10. Second F loor





Of which we have sold more than t.OOO during the last two weeks. No won­der when you consider that

$17.50 to $20.00 Coats are priced ..................................

$25.00 and $30.00 Coats ran be bought f o r .....................

We cannot be sure of any future sup­ply, so it will pay yeu to buy while you can.

Coals in the popular -t*, H at full lengths, trimmed with buttons and cut in the iaftsl effects; all lined with guaran­teed satin; sizes fur wumeii and misses.


- /

W om en’s Plaid SkirtsAre M o re P op u lar T h a n E v e r 3 .5 0 &We are able to offer 175 in a special sale to- -

morrow at .................................................................... O .U U

f f we bought these Skirts in the usual way the price would be $5.00 to 8.75

y e bought the material and had them made up ourselves in all flic newest effects, and now invite you to share in the economy. Every new style from the plain conservative to the c.vtrenie draped model is included in this lot.

Lengths 36 to 44 inches, waist bands 22 to 36.

M en’ s to 12.00 O vercoatsOn Sale ^ [ - rk Friday at / • D U ’

Odds and ends taken from our reguiar stock; not every size in every pattern, which is the only reason for the reduction, as the coals are well worth every cent of the origi­nal price. Nevertheless, we can fit all sizes from .14 to 42 chest measure to begin with.


Frained Pictures

I.Values Are $3, $4 and $5,And Many of Them Look Even More Costly

The original 3,000 has dwindled to t mere few hundred*, among which are what we consider some of the best., ft i s i r r y rarely. Indeed, that you can b u " large gilt or Circassian framed picture at a price that does not cover the cost of the frame alone. Subjects Include landscapes, n^rin?^-Jfcj fruit and gAme, in addition to hand-colored etchings and carbon' photo-^aphs. Some of the frames^ have handsome corners,

The Big House!uroishiog Sale5 , 0 0 0 P i e c e s o f “ G u e r n s e y ” W a r e

— B-lnch Nappies, Oval B akers 9-lnch, S-inch Sharrsd E g g Dish, alt to go a t only .........................

4 c

A bsolutely fireproof, brown outatde* w b lte Blazed Inside.10-lnch P ie P la tes ................Choice8-lnch Sherred tUgg Dish . . .9 and 10 Inch Oval Baker ..1S-lnch W elsh B a reb it D ish ..

f / ! % Stock, Ditt-I n e r w a r e , Domes, Brie- a-Brac, Gas Cookers, Sewins Machines, Refrigerator$,Tranks 1 Parlor Lamps, not advertised

Square Uaa T oaste rs , for gas o r oil lO cstove* ..............

“l.ladsay” l a r e r te d le ts w ithHRoyar A n s t r l s a

eb taa D laaer Seta^ Splendid f lo ra l decora­tio n : a ll large, usefulpieces; I06-pl*e« 1 2 .9 8act ......................

F le e r Broona— . F ine bristle, lollshed

r.lgbt*—Com plete w ith <lMblo w rea th etched a ir hole globe. L is t price 1.92. Special, coin- q C |, plate, to m o rro w ...

Porcelain Clatbea S rLine Pnlleya............ .

ISe B a g B e a te r, ^patent kind, sa le p rice

lOe rieab Forks, wood handle, a t . . . ■

A ln m lan n t a s e e OQn P a a e -1 q l •!*•.

handle, special e t . . . •.CloCbss^

^ ^ 'i* th " r tc ; i | l f « .g round lO r J 2 2 c f lf ld 9CBookei

No* I IIU« Ohop-t« r —Fully.nOH-nistable. ab le m ake ..



S 9 c

New Blacking CasesWell nude, car* Q Q ^

p e t top , s a l e . . O ^ v Table Tumblers,

smooth edge, * 2®* F ea th e r D uster. lO c

** Woo’d 'K n ife Bo*. lO cJ cow parfm ent. . .

X -Ray Stove V A cP o llrti.'a t ...... V ^ rF „:« jraan s Roach ^ Food, a t

Botany Moose | Qg Trap, a t .............. .............

Men’s nnd Young Men's 2.50 and 3.00 Trousers. 2.00

I’lain and fancy blue aerge; guaranteed fast colors; black thibet and neat light and dark striped eftecls; 29 in 44 waists.

Chii)ehUlii (Joats for Boys Are Always Desirable

Lspeclally now, when yon can j CHbuy the $5.00 kind for...................... O .w lf

Russian style, in gray and brown, all coats hand-basted, bottom faced and flannel Iitic4 Sizes 2H to 10 years.

Upholsteries and Tapestries

From the Peremptory Sale of Wilmerding, Monis &

Mitchell, 488-492 Broad­way, N. Y. City.

Also Clearances from Oor Own ^oeb89c. Cross Stripe Cur- |A *

79c, Reversible Tapes- C C r.try Coucli Covers...........O U lj

$4.98 and $3,50 Imported Ger­man Washable Table | QQ

25c., 20c. and 39c. Cur- | C _tain Scrim, yard.............

15c, and 10c. Silk Q „Fringe, yard .........

70c. Madras Sample 7 C -Ends, each ....................

$3.50 Tapestry Border- 2 .5 0w arranted .

Portieres, pair,Table$1.75 Tapestry

Covers ........ .. . ■25c. Tapestry

Equates, each ..50c. Feather

I t ............$1J5 Couch Covers,

a t ...........39c. .and '45c. Raffled

Swiss Curtains .............. .. J r*^ c . ‘ and 30c. Window..

Shades, complete wltlf ■ slat and fixtures..

1 .291 5 c

Pillows, 3 9 c



m :



of ihi wlf* <rf O'* aeia b*iih-ih* me bteknipt **Ut* will

ao ortw !• niaea In ae-|[h th* nocofrtpanytng n*Uc^ .at pttb^

-iLEGAL NOTICESl e g a l n o t i c e s

l e g a l n o t ic e s

ior coAh' W tlw o?'-Sghth 4 « of(]1« - foWfiOoit. Ort

viHjtiinti Avtnwi al ft point tbinifl .dlAfftBt iiorSw&'ttjfft hiitkOTftd ftfttl fifty 'nifianw

<52*bSSSi r it; ,b.n«w<**efiyftt'J _ -a Us* of Noetb Privbton

ru p t^ Ccort ro4TO* IBM* ftt


' ■- 'i t -



n»nla h*r*4ltam.Bt» and appnrt*B*a<** b*. lonrinf to th* *aM pTOparty; aM th* ttrcnkui, nmalndam toolfc SBoom*, — “ — *■profit* th*T*o(. ................

Por furUnr dalam, apply to u * attorney tor

•oS rw d . w ” op*brt on tt>* a lo r . .^ dor f t onf-tbolf hour b^or* tha

hJfSft hith . c o m .. . th* . i


duelling N'emp«Wi*''tA teiir, u s tp i Buidtr. t r


■■*•1,4 «l tk* Hiwwk. N. J , PoMofnci M m o a d - tiu , maitar.

Tilaphon, MM Uarkai.P H nU lt«* )n lapluiK * conntottnc all dMarum*®**

U 4 |^ W M cm PTIC lK B -tt K.wwk u i « d k flft7 •MU I fix msnlha w •MU; OM 7WC. (Iv* datura PeiU f, to la u u n oOTatrlu »dd,d. . _

W«* T»rk OlHc. m > ll l Bnimwlck butwln*. “ K *•VtPM, T«1 HlO'tICl JdadliOT).

A I pm o Ofnc«. Hfll Tribun* bulldlnir. w iB rB ft«a tOI C«lor»d» butTdJnf.Or«H« ®r»Beh Ofrics, i l l VaJn W ;. ^ DL**lVlTrta O r.»», 1000, M»rk»t •**». Prlv»u- ■ -.-a .-- ^.partmPiit*.pptpall •Ecbtnf* ccmniotlof — ------ _ , . . .

rtawK B nnrh Offloa 11 SoBtb tir,,! . T,l. IIO.

tl<n,lr Brnirh Offlea lOl OlMridr* T«l, m .SpriQffiElJ BTHncb Offic*. i tallalBB, Ultlburo *v«nu*, Ttl. to nlitbiini.

N«#top Branch Office, U l Sprint Tel.BiiMKlt Braeoh Office, _9‘Dover Breech Offlre t Lwjjf * *1’ **!*• . , . . .TRBKTOlf BURBAU—17 Weel flute elfeet. Tel. t i l

■treet. Tel. It,Tel. lOM.

Trenton.1*«W JERBET BEABHOBB OPPICB—,00 Main itrM t

•arlhH it eornar Banc, aviBU, iOm m , W. P lllln ttr’, r u l Mial, ,pp. D<« pottofflM. Tal. TMAebury ^ rh .

ATLANTIC C IT T -'^e Dorltnd Advertlelnr Aiener. V a lu r B, Ed(i.

LOCAL BRANCH OFFICE*!B*I1*tI1], an n u a 104. Hamburi plana 14. Bfuea •!« « . HO. Myrtt, a» . W (Ho«»lll«).Elm i tn . t . m u - BoPlk **-' I**', 111.CIIbUb an nua Wallaea placa it-

THURSDAT, JA N U A RY 15, 1814.

CONTROL O F STATE FINANCES.Btdte C d m p tro lltr E dw arda 'a In tim ation In h li

a n a u a l rep o rt th a t New Je rsey may be confro n ted W ith a deficit o f |«00,000 a t th e close of th e pres- Odlt fiscal year should be sufllclenl to cause th e mMBbers o f the L e fls la tu re to do som e se rio u s tW sk ln s . There Is add itional w arn ing In th e a jn r t lo n of A ssem blym an R ichards, m inority l t . 4 a r of th e House, th a t MOO.OOO m ore was ap- p n q ir la te d last year th an th e re would be ava ilab le in th e treasury-

T he Inevitable m ust happen when a S ta te h as a n outgo to r runn ing expenses la rg e r th a n Its Inoom e. I t th a t State h as had a su rp lu s In th e

I p a s t— as h as had New Je rsey— th a t su rp lu s w ill . g rad u a lly d isappear un til a deficit tak es Its place

Bnines new sources of revenue can be found to m a a t running expenaea As new lo u rces of re v .

^ a in ia will n o t b ring In Yk, ' v ™ia r w y . th e re can be n o 'k e A p o fro m a d e fic it a n d • B lata tax unless ap p ro p ria tio n s a re m ad e

I I aelantlflcaiiy m ade. rv e h a s been ' ! 1 tn ta r s hav e baetv ca lled to p a s s - 'n o n

the day w han | f r . flino lalr 'i M arx ian fea rs w ere welt g rounded h a s gone by, an ^ c ite d re llsb le sta- tlftloe to prove it. T he w ealth of th e w orld Is being d istrib u ted m ore eiiultably, an d th e re le reason to expect th a t th e re will be a co n stan t Im provsm ent In th is direction .

At the sam e tim e, It should be sa id th a t Mr, A stor rep re sen ts In h is a rg u m en t th e cap lta llstlo po in t of view. Just as he rep resen ts It In h is own personiil w ealth . Hte answ er Was baaed on th e con ten tions of ce rta in labor leaders w ho a re as firm believers In the cap italistic system as th e capStallils them selves. I t Is not fa ir to ho ld th is up as the opinion of all labor, since H re flec ts th e view only of th e conservative labor loaders, and th e radical leaders will not consent to th is post- tlon .

These In dustria l Socialists dem and a d irect voice In th e m anagem ent of estab lished in d u s tr le a They are not con ten t w ith the reply th a t th e way fa open fo r th em to establish th e ir ow n Industries, or th e p rog ram of such Individual opportu n ity , a lthough they have m ad e loino e ffo r ts w ith v a ry ­ing success along th a t line. The I. W . W. and k indred organ izations Insist th a t th ey sha ll con­tro l th s Industries, w hile less th o ro u g h g o in g rad icals con ten t them selves w ith co p a rtn ersh ip s, p ro fit-sh arin g a rran g em en ts an d co -opera tive schemes.

There is a con stan t d rift tow ard m odifica tion of the existing Industria l system , p e rh a p s a ffe c tin g m anagem ent m ore d irectly th a n h ere to fo re . E vo­lution Is p laying Its p a rt here as In ev ery th in g else. How fa r th e d rift will go. to w h a t ex ten t capitalism wilt be m odified, an d th e fo rm the m odification will tak e no one can now say. B ut there has been enough of a tren d In th is d irec tion to m ake It w orth Mr. A a to r 'i w hite to s tu d y m ore deeply Into th s sub jec t an d h e a r w h at th e rad ica l w ing of th s labor p a rty haa to say fo r Itself.

fo r A po rtion of th e dllferen^e betw san, tb * per c a p ita tax for local purposes In C l^ e * land an d N sw ark- B ut th e loU I school ta s e g In bo th cIIIm a re Included In the to tal tax levy a a d still C IsveU nd psid |2 ,19 less per cap ita In 1*10 th a n did N sw ark,

T he public can d raw Us own conclusions.

to eonform to th e loooma.So lo n g ^ as th e p re sen t system p rev a ils a t

T renton^ however, ap p ro p ria tio n s wlU .n e v e r bef t a l legis-

p p n a p p ro p r ia ­tio n bills W ithout know ing an y th in g ab o u t th e ^m lnd. Twice In fo u r m onths he w as convicted



ItagM th ey contain , o r a t m ost only a very Ilttla. I n o rd e r to avoid a co n tin u an ce of th l i p rac tice , th o Senate h as adopted a ru le p roviding to r th e p r in tin g of th e an n u a l ap p ro p iia tlo n bill a t least a w eek in advance of Its pasaage. T he H ouse r a fn te d to agree to th e eam e ru le on th e g round th a t th e ru le adopted th a t no bill could be con- M dared on final read in g until ten days a f te r sec­ond read in g would p reven t a haety oonelderatlon o f t h e a p p r o p r ia t lo i^ l l l .

B ven should t h e s ^ u l e s be observed by bo th th e Senate and Houee, they would n o t be su tf l- e te n t to g u aran tee th e m ak in g of a p p ro p ria tio n s on a selentlflo basis w ith due reg ard to th e S ta te 's laoom e. T h a t can only bo b ro u g h t abo u t by th e ad o p tio n o f a b u d g e t T he Joint com m ittee on a p ­p ro p ria tio n s is supposed to p rep a re such a budget,

1 h u t In th e pas t H h a s (ailed to do so sa tls fac to rtty . S uoh a body can n o t p e rto rm such a ta sk as It sh o u ld be perfo rm ed because of Its lim ited te rm o f M rvles.

T h e re h as been a suggestion th a t th e re should h e a financia l b oard o f con tro l (o r th e S ta te — a bod y m ade up of th e B ta te 'i f inancial o ffice rs a lo n g w ith th e G overnor an d p erh ap s tw o p rl-

,v a to eltisens ex p ert In (inslnoei. Such a board , a f t s r ta k in g th e advice of th e heads o f d e p a r t- a u i i t s a n d of in s t l ta t lo n a w ould be ab le to deal W ith th o w hole m a tte r of ap p ro p ria tio n s m o re M tls fa e to rlly th a n could an y com m ittee o f legle- la to n .

T he situa tion is p la in ly u p to th e law m akers. T h ey have been given th e fac ts, i t th e y (a ll to h e e l , as th e y d id a som ew hat s im ila r w a rn ­in g given In th e co m p tro lle r’s rep o rt la s t year, th e possibility of a d efic it Is likely to be tra n e - fo rm ed Into a reality , aoconipan led w ith a p ro b a - hlH ty of th s long-dlseuesed S ta ts tax.

■ A T E y o u N E V E R got ’Tost" In yo u r own 1 bodroom in the d a rk ? T ben how can you c r ltt-

d i o th e cap ta in of th e lost C obsquld, f a r to th e ■ nu theast of h is p roper oourse In a d riv ing g a la and b linding snow storm T H ow w ould you | |o ab o u t It to tak e a chip fo r a th o u sa n d m iles o n t of s igh t of lan d or lan d m ark s to h it a h a rb o r e n tra n c e w ith in a possible e rro r of fifty m iles?

I h o w ould you If your observations of th s sun w e re Im possible by storm , your log reco rd an d com pass course ’confused by gales and c u r re n ts ? B y th e h a rsh old rule of the sea, C aptain H ow son m a y never get an o th e r ship. The code’s v a lu e

I Is In th e oare of th e m aat it enforces by sacrifice o f th e Individual, b u t It does not. like th e law of th e landsm an, tak e Into account the fa u lt of th e offender. F o r th a t reaton , the penalty need n o t ca rry th e odium a land lubber would be likely to a tta c h to It.

A NATUR.'kL CO N SEQ U EN CE.The case of R a tro lm an B uerle o f the Sixth

P recinct, held for the g rand Jury by Ju d g e H ahn on the charge of c lubbing an Innocen t and in o f­fensive citizen. Is a n a tu ra l consefjuence o f th e unm erited leniency show n by the P o lice B oard tow ard o th er policem en convicted of sim ilar o ffansea

So long aa th e board confines Its p u n ish m en ts to th e loss of a tew days' pay a n d 'tr a n s fe re n c e to an o th er precinct. Just so long will p o licem en p re ­sum e upon th e ir "p u ll" and th e co m plaisance of the board to p ro tec t th em In th e ir tran sg ress io n s of eluty.

T hs K endall case Is still fresh In th e pubite


B efo re Im portance should be a ttach ed to th e d ec la ra tio n w htoh R apresen tallve Tow nsend |s r e ­ported to have m ade on tho Mexican s itu a tlo h — to the effect th a t u n le u P residen t W ilson ta k e s ac tion to p reven t a con tinuance of th e p r e u n t conditions In th a t country . C o n s rs u should tak e tho bit In It* own tee th and move of !ta own vo li­tion In th e m a tte r— conildera tlo ;i shou ld be given to th e position of Mr. Tow nsend as a critic.

Some w eight haa been given to the u tte ra n c e s of Mr. Tow nsend by v irtue o f the fac t th a t he Is a m em ber of the com m ittee of foreign a ffa ire of th e H ouse of RepreseniaU ves, but eome .Illum i­nation m ay be th ro w n on h is s ta tem en t th ro u g h know ledge of Mr. T ow nsend's friend ly re la tione to one W illiam R andolph H earst. These m ay or may no t have had any bearing on h li declara tion , but, nevertheless, they Induce a tendency to d li- count w h at he may say upon th e sub jec t of Mexico.

H e a rs t owns, or Is In terested In, oertatn targ e en te rp rises In Mexico, and, th ro u g h various m edi­um s he contro ls In th is country, has been advo­cating Intervention by th e U nited S tates In th a t coun try . Mr. Tow nsend was secre ta ry to Mr. H e n rit 's fa th er w hen th e la tte r was U nited S ta tes S enator from ra llfo rn la . and he and Mr. H ea rs t of New York have rem ained on m ost friend ly term s.

If th e policy pureued by p resid en t W ilson la such u would lead Mr. Tow nsend lo desire th a t CongTMs undertak e m an ag em en t of th e eltuatlon , th e n a tu ra l a u u m p tio n Is th a t Mr, T ow nsend would have the United BLatea atep lir to pacify th e country . Such a oouree w ould be In acco rd w ith th e w ishes of U r. H esxst. Even th o u g h Mr. Tow naend should have a rriv e d a t h is oonclustons by a course of Independen t th ink ing , it Is to be (eared th a t a question m ay be Justified os to possible” Influences upo n b is opinions.

. . 4T H E IN.UDEQ U^CY O F our syslsm of food

d istribu tion 1s show n by Dr. Penning ton of the U. 8. D ep artm en t of A gricu ltu re , In th e Item of p ou ltry and eggs alone. A ccording to h is estl-m ata, ten per o e n t^ o f th e pou ltry an d eggs p ro ­

of offenses th a t richly deserved d ism issa l from the force. F o r one. he w as fined five daye' pay and tran sfe rred from th e F ifth to th e F ir s t P rec inct, which, In police circles, w as re g a rd e d m ore as a rew ard th a n a pun ishm ent. F o r th e second, he was fined ten days’ pay.

In view of th is case and o th e rs t h a t preceded It, It le no w onder th a t officers tike B u e rle Im agine th a t they can go to alm ost any e x tre m e la th e Invasion of p riva te rights, the abuse of ind iv iduals and contem pt of d ep a rtm en t ru les an d regu la tions, and get aw ay w ith It.

C hief Long ha* expreased his d e te rm in a tio n lo keep the police force up to th e h ig h es t degree of disciplined efficiency, but h is e ffo r ts In th is d irection a re bound to prove fu tile so long as tho Police B oard con tinues to p u t a p rem iu m on police lawlessness.

^ _______

duced and s ta r te d on th e way to th e consum ers never reach th e la tte r. They are w asted, d e ­stroyed or a llow ed to spoil. The estim ated value of the annual p roduct of th is industry Is t?50 .- 009,000 to th e consum er, of w hich th e w aste and lose agg reg a tes t?5,000,000. In Ihe d istribu tion of eggs alone th e lose le estim ated a t 550,000,000 a year. Could th is loss be entirely e lim inated It would probably m ean m ore th an a ten per cent, reduction In th e price o f p ou ltry and eggs to con­sum ers, since ten p er cent, o ften r e p ru e n ts th e d ifference betw een a eh o rtag a and an oversupply. W aste cuts a large figu re in the h igh co^t of living.

se s-a


City Counsel N ugent, In a t ta c k in g os m is­leading th e com parison of tax a tio n In C leveland and N ew ark, m ade by th e N ew t, d ec la red th e figures quo ted could be m ade "eaelly lo deceive th e gullible." H is firs t decla ra tio n w a s th a t th e assessed valu a tio n of C leveland, g iv ea In th e News a s 5l?4,8T0,5(l5, was m erely a p a r tia l asseesm ent. G oing In to detail, Mr. N ugent asserted : ♦

In fact, th is is th e assessed v a lu e o f th e rea l an d personal p roperty ag a in s t w hich w as levied th e c ity -co rp o ra tio n aaee u m e n t, not Including th e city-school assessm en t, which In the Cleveland tax system q t th a t year w as a eepara to assessm ent on a to ta l valuation of 5277,169,180, Those sum s should be ta k e n to g e th e r a s th e assessed value fo r all c ity purpoeos. m ak in g a tu ta l assessed valuation of 5562,124,806, a n d th e ap p rox im ate per cap ita va lu a tio n o f 5984.76, Instead of 5490.44.


U pton S inclair’s appeal to V incent A stor to f inance th e socialistic p ro p aganda lllustra tee one o f th o com m onest, an d , from m any polnte of Wew, tho worst, evdls o f our tim e. I t Indicates th e excessive ep lrlt o f m endicancy, on Ihe one han d , and of pa tronage, on th e o ther. I t Is very doubtfu l, even on the assum ption th a t socialism Is th e tru e solution of p re sen t Ills, th a t Mr. A stor w ould benefit e ith e r h im self, socialism or h u ­m an ity by responding favorab ly to Mr. S incla ir's appeal.

f..’' Boclallsm Is a m ovem ent whose su p p o rte rs t t advance It aa a m a tte r of conscience an d convlc-

: tlo n . To succeed. It m u st grow along th o se lines.■ ijT,’! I t m ust bo pushed a long by Its advocates who.

ull believing In It as a nex t step In social evolution , a re willing to advance It by th e ir own efforts,o perfec ting It as they go,

w n en it eonjca, If i t ever does. It m u st be In a form th a t will fit tho needs of society . A eo- clallsm created and deposited In th e lap s o f th e people is very d ifferen t from a so d a llsm th a t

1|, g row s ou t of th e experience of th e people. So so- iij clallem , underw ritten and n u rtu red ^ y M r. A stor, Iril Is a good deal o f an abaurdlty.

T hs appeal to Mr. A stor fo r fin an c ia l he lp , again . Is ju st th e kind of th in g th a t m ak es r ich m en and w om en th in k no th ing Is w an ted of th e m except th e ir money. If th e ir m oney sh ou ld h e refused, m any of them could "not u n d e rs ta n d

an d It would he a hqpeless task to p e rsu a d e , th e m th a t th e ir tim e a n j lufmeflc”k, th e ir syn i- w athy and u n d erstan d in g aSd convlcOon w ere eoUBted fa r m ore valuab le th an all th e ir w ealth . ^1l* appeals fo r th e ir financial help have,, spoiled tk e m and deprived them , In many Instances, of -givlkg w h a t Is fa r m o re desirable.

T h tr a w as m uch IB Mr. AstoUs rep ly th a t g^igs t r u e r th a n I fr . S lnolalr'e appeal, an d w hile

‘i t - tiMSA th en h as shown a g rasp of ■ratWIsm U It iu te rp rs te d , Mr. A stor w as

, filler a s h is a rg u m en t a s H r, a inc la tr,^ la t te r h v rto m ean ss o f socialism w hen he 'j adeam isg ^ »5d an d d lso re d iu d M arxian dogm a * t h a t tb s g row ing r ich e r an d tb * poor

p « 5f « r , an d tbikt * e n t ia l oataolysm d tu to p ro - H f ^ T * psverW fit laev ltab ls .

7'h1s s ta te m e n t w as te leg rap h ed In full to C leveland. T ho rep ly to th is te leg ram , on th e au th o rity o f F . A. Jaekaon, d ep u ty a u d ito r of Cleveland, -declared th a t "M r. N u g en t w as not Justified in- ad d in g to g e th er th e v a lu a tio n s fo r city and school pu rposes.'’ I t w as fu r th e r a s ­se rted In th e sam e m essage th a t Mr. N ugen t was w rong In m ak in g 5562,184,896 th e baals fo r com ­pu ting th e p e r cap ita tax assessm ent.

B ut as th e N ew s sta ted In pub lish in g Its o rig i­nal figures, an d as .Mr. N ugent ad n iltled In hla " re fu ta tio n ," these assessed v a lu a tln n s "alone have no elgtilflconce." T hey need lo be tak en In connection w ith th e percen tag e of tru e valua on w hich th e assessm en t Is m ade an d th e tax rate . T he city counsel m ade m uch of th o fact th a t th e C leveland aesesem ent w as on a elxty p er cent, basis. In o rd e r to have an official Btatem ont covering every po in t Involved in the dispute, th e follow ing was secured fro m Cleve­land:

Assessed valu a llo n fo r C leveland in 1910, 5275,000,000, w h ich w as s ix ty p e r cen t, of real value.

Total tax levy p er 51,000 fo r a ll purposes, including sin k in g fund , 554.80.

P er cap ita ta x to r all purposes, 517 06.Total lax levy p e r 51.000 fo r c ity p u r ­

poses only. Includ ing sink ing fun d , 518.60.P e r c ap ita ta x fo r city purposea, 56.67.Owing to new valuation an d new rat* ,

to tal city ra te per 51,000 fo r a ll purposes. Including sink ing fu n d i In 1911, 15.79; In 1912, 56.89: 1912, 56.28.

THOMAS COU GHLIN,D irecto r of F inance .

W ith these othclal figures os a basis, th e com ­parison betw een taxes paid by th e people o f N ew ­a rk and those of Cleveland In 1910 Is as fo llow i;

TAXES L EV IED FO R A LL P U R P 0 8 B 9 .P e r c ap ita

N ew ark .................... 56,690,261 82. 519 25Cleveland ................ 9,670,000 00 IT 06

This ehowB th a t w hile Cleveland, w ith a popu­lation of 510,666 In 1910, paid 52,879,748,18 m ore th a n did N ew ark w ith a p o p u la tio n of 847.469, th e per cap ita tax paid here w as 52.19 m o re th an w as paid In C leve land .'^

M aking th s com parison betw een th e tw o m u- nlclpalltte* 'o n th e basis o f th e levy fo r city purposes exclusively, th e show ing is as follow s:"'

TAXES L E V IE D FO R CITY PU RPO SB B.■ ^ . / ' a x ------- .

.N ew ark. s i t k * '- 'C leveland ' ................. 2,749,pi>n 00 6 67

M U M A M TI', being perishab le , desires Its m em ory to be Im perishab le . Consequently, m any of Its benefactions ta k e th e form of bu ild ings or funds for specific p u rp o ses— and th is som etim es h and icaps th e b enefic iary . P re sid en t H lbben of P rin ce to n point* o u t th a t th e unlverMty, w hile receiv ing 18,000,600 In th e la s t year, m ust b a ttle w ith an a n n u a l defic it o f conelderabte p roportions, and. In add ition , be lim ited In Its ab ility to pay ad eq u a te sa la ries to Its [trofesiora. P e rh a p s If H lbben can devise som e m eans of recognizing th e w eahneeses of h u m an n a tu re by a rra n g in g a fo rm of expressing p e rm a n e n t an d obvious m em orlala In endow m ent fu n d s th e prob lem m ay grow easier, and m ore people be led to con tribu te tow ard the g enera l expenses.^ I f he succeeda, how ever, he will have to co p y rig h t hie plan.

H u erta , w ho recen tly said he could get a ll the m oney he w anted , now says he Is u n ab le to pay In te res t due on n a tio n a l debts an d b lam es hla sho rtness on th e U nited S tates. A s U ticle Bam Is handy an d h a s b road shou ldsrs , th is 1* n a tu ra l and doe* no p a r tic u la r harm .

Instance of th e len g th to w hich society w ill go to keep up w ith th e m odern dances is eeen In tak in g up of th e " la ta o ." w hich w as danced In C hina 4,300 years ago.

New Jersey legtslatora are now having a v aca­tion before g e ttin g dow n to bualness, w hich m ay be th e lull before th e storm , o r any th ing else you see fit to call It. ’

Evidence of reck less rap id tra n s it a t S a ra ­toga, w here a tra in froze to th e r*tlz du ring th e frigid spell.

New York w om an alleges th a t husband called her "puppy ." A p paren tly he led h er a dog’s life.

Here and There4XIST O F HFTTAIL D E ^ V B R IE S ,

The cost to re ta il sto rekeS peri of delivering goods to eustom eri, according to t h o u who have Investigated the m a tte r , ra n g e ! from eig h t to tw enty cents a package, d ipend lng upon the d is­tance and the num ber of packages delivered by one conveyance. T his coat is charged up to ex ­pense and Is shared equally by all patron* of th e store. Those who c a r ry aw ay th e ir pnrehasea pay as much of It as those w ho Insist upon hav ing the artic les sent to th e ir homes. This is essentially u n ­fa ir to those who carry aw ay th e ir pttfchazea because It com psls them to pay fo r s*rvlos w hich they have not received, and It adds appreciably to the high cost of liv ing because m erchante relieved of the expense of dellvot'lhg goods Odxld affo rd to sell a t lower price*

The economic w aste In the delivery system le trem endoua Bach fam ily haa a grocer, a butcher, a milkman and perhaps a b ak e r m aking deliveries. Then there are the d epartm en t stores, th e tailors, ths m illiners and num erous o th ers whoss w agons or m essengers a re m ore o r less Ireq u sn t callsrs. In one block, perhaps, no two fam tiiss patron ise the eame dealers, w hich m ultip lies tile num ber of de­liveries In th a t p a rticu la r block to m any tim es the num ber of fam illee to be served. Thus a score or more of w agons' w ith a oorrespondlBg num ber of

.m en are m p lo y e d In do ing whAb m ight be done by ens w j.- '® , ■’’’Yah* mac '•pdsp a r s ^ y econoBilcal _ , . . !itvery syetem .

7' r ! .L ' —.M eet le eng ag in g th* a t te n t io n ' of Xhoughtful m erchan ts '^rho reoogatxe no t only the

N ew ark’s excess 5742,036 57 56 23Mr. N ugen t fo resaw th is s ta te o f fa c ts m ili­

ta tin g agh lnet N ew ark 's record an d b e a ttem p ted to explain It by expIsJnlng th a t th e re I* a se p a ra te school tax ra te In C leveland and th a t th e levy fo r Bchool p u rposes is- no t Inc luded In th e per cap ita of $6.67 fo r c ity p u rp o ss i. T h is Is tru e .

B ut h* fa iled to s ta ts th a t th e g en e ra l school tax Is n o t Included l a th e N ew ark levy to r d ty p u ^ o se s , h u t la ino luded In tb * o oun ty levy, New­a rk doeia how ever, ra ise In Its loeiG ta x levy th e d lS e rtn e * betw een th e a m o u n t reoelved th* R a ta a n d th e Bohool B oard -hudgp t, to g e th e r w ithth * In te res t a n d MnWn g fo n d eh arg ea w .the .pare

S.,.<Pp th is M r. A*t4ir m ad* th e eonnd rep ly th a t.j m anen t s th o e t d e b t T his n n d o n b tsd ly acoounts- -'..--o-.,-. . a - . . ... '

w ay of Ictger pries*. A t :|t n i l*.idaM of ^ tre n s who 'tbesN Agd' under ' the whq m ost need It would

ta k e ;tb* lre « y ^d reap 5b* b,Niplin

l■aba**B w ith thee*

flKlg."''"'A m


The play wm flolng vory ba£t: the author

AN A PTE M PT ABR O A D to end globe tro t- t i n t on w a fe rs by lock ing up as v a f ra n te thoee w ho seek to pay axpensefl by postcard ealea will find accord In th is coun try . The prac tice le no t aa fam ilia r h ereab o u ts ae eome o th er peste. b u t It shou ld be penalised a t least for w an t of orlglnflllty.

ahoughtfu l m erch aa ts w ho recogalM not only the w aatefulneiP of the syeUm, b u t a lw lt» unfalrneev tow ard those who do not benefit b7 It" No method has yet been suggested for eltiB lnatlng the waste, but tw o plane a re proposed fo r re n e d y la g the un ­fa irn e s s One te to g ive a oaofk discount to those patrons who carry away, th e ir pufehMea, and the o th er Is to m ake a fla t charge on each package th a t Is delivered. Of the two* the form er m atbod eeemB the preferable from an equ itable v iew p o in t be­cause It Insures th a t th e person who eaves the sto re the expense of de livering h ie porohasa re- cefvea th e benefit of th e sAVing. ^ the o ther method th # p e rio n w ho Invlsts upon delivery is penaiiBMS. b u t th ere le no .aM ttren## th e one w ho o a rties v|r#T’ h ts purohade Is b#Aittl«d in the

I t V th e poorer

hissa t Id tears.

At heart he had not felt eo sad In gloomy years.

He could not put an act across, no m at­ter how he triedr

*'What shall w* do to save a loss?'* the mournful playwright cried.

30Then spoke the old stage m anagerpoetess was h«;

''T he thing it needs to s ta r t a stir Is more profanity,

Jf you desire a feeble plot to score a mighty slam.

AC every weak end futile spot Insert a ringing ‘damn" "

HisThe playwright did as he was bid.cheek with hope abloom.

He scattered 'damns ' throughout the piece wber«ver there was room.

E ach actor had his “damns" to say, the actresaes as well.

And Just for sweet variety, he gave themeach a “heir"

Then did Ui* patrons whoop and roar, and did they laugh w ith gleef

And did they roll upon the floor a t each exploalv# “D------"?

And did they say the play was swell? I'll tqli you not a ward.

I love my fellow men loo well to men­tion what occurred.

DANCING IN THE COLD-The [.eople waiting a l the corner for

th e S .ii car were dancing w ith cold and Impatience.

“ Every step except the heeltallon.’' re­m arked the faceiloui man in the fur overcoat*

CAPTAIN BILL“Life la certainly a puzzle*" observed

the old lock lender.“Tea, sir, " said Captain Bill. "Fslfe Is

one of these here puzsles th a t you try lo fit the pieces together. Sometimes you can try all day and ail night and the^ In g keeps coming out wrong^^AQ4 #

- .............................................. .last yoir get'BO blamed dlscodraged feei like chucking the whole business overboard. Bui by and by, If you keep a t It long enough, you may tu rn one of the pieces over, accidental o r otherwise, «nd there the whole things fits together as easy as the top of a cook stove. Ac­cording to my reckoning, there 's no rea­son why everybody shouldn't be happy. \\ hen th-^y ain 't; there's probably some small thing preventing, and alt tha t's ne4.?essary la to he patient and keep a-try- Ing. because you never can tell what minute something will happen and the puaale will go together all nice and regular."




W ill you please com pose an item and publish U In the A ir column, re ­g a rd in g a tw o-fam liy house, located on Bummer avenue, but do no t te ll the num ber of the house in th e paper. It w ill be g rea tly appreciated by tho en- l i r e neighborhood.

The upper fla t w as ren ted to a man an d wife, thought to be good tenants, b u t a s soon as they moved In the fam ­ily consisted of man and wife, three g row n up (m arried) children , and elx grandch ild ren , one of w hich is a baby, c ry in g moet of the time,

A Pullm an baby c a rr ia g e occuplea th e eldaw alk in fron t o f th e stoop un ­til they a re ready to ta k e it inside. A le t te r box, w ith a g re a t padlock was p laced to the righ t a t th e f ro n t door* an d a rack with five *barB on It la fasten ed on the house above the le tte r box. Awninge to the f ro n t windows keep the sun In the ino rn ing off the head s of the m other an d m arried d au g h te r, which a re h a n g in g out of th e f ro n t windows yelling "H ew l Hew! Hey there, very hot day,“ * to the pase- ersby, w hich Is a g re a t annoyance to th o se who a te compelled Lo subm it to It, or go on the opposite side of the s tr e e t to avoid It. A m ong the neigh­bors the house Is called, "The house of many signs," for above the name at th e doorbell Is fastened tw o pins w ith w hich notes are placed w hen they go o u t such as "Call In th e m orning," etc.

'We have endured the no ises of th is fam ily un til It Is almoui u nbearab le In th e neighborhood, and we greatly sym path ise with the fam ily who live d o w n sta irs under them, w here a case of severe Illness (heart d isease) exists.

THK NEIGHBORS.I f you possibly can, p lease draw a

p ictu re , representing th e frorit double doors wide open, and th e baby carriage being pulled bacSewaras up th e front stoop, which Is seven ste p s high.

The seventh step Ifl th e p la tfo rm of th e stoop, or draw any o th e r p ic tu re of It which you would m ost desire. We a re certain the owner wlU see It in the paper, and feel confident th a t the nu isance will be abated.



Ancestor of the ‘‘ yscraper^fM’tiet may b* celled the ancestor of tho

modern ekyscraper w ei detlined In 1(91 hy Jacques P e m l, an architect llv ln t In Chatnbmy a small town In the duchy of Bevey,

He ptenned an eleven-ttory bulldln* 361 feet In helsht—almuzt half as tail (■ the W oolworth hulldtax In New York, but ft was naver erected. Accontln* to Per- ret’e meaeurements the itru c tu re wae to be 166 feet loo* and 140 broad, and the walls wore to have been over twelve feet thick.

Rut tr> 1601, rem arks a w riter in L 'llluatration, the .method! -of bulldini conetructlon were by no means so mod­em as F e rre t’s plans; twelve-loot walls were none too thick to eupport eleven stories. Mere oxatn, however, the In­genuity o( the architect showed Itself, for ho found a w ar of m shina use of the watts

without w eekaeliif their streiiAUi, "In the Jhlckneos of the vallA ” he wrote, “are little atalrw eya ceMneta and cup- hoardi, from the bottom floor to the top floor: thua there Is no space woated.*’

Evidently the building was dasisnad for a dw ellltli—perhaps an apextm ent- hbuse; (or In describing hla project F e rre t wrote: "This great tmd azcelleet edifice can accotnmodate comfortably 600 people."

Considering the date of ths d tsisn . the project of Jacques Ferret was In m any ways a rem arkably prophetic \ls1on. In ornatenese of detail ahd tn fanciful ex- ssse ra lto n the bulldlti* susfss te the six ­teenth century, but tn Us general lines • It represents a much later period In arch l- tecture. Like the most modern eky- scrapers of New York, II bee a tower above the main buUdlos.

To Measure Pressure of High ExplosivesAn Instrunisnt for messurlng ths prss-

surs of high exptoslvss and of bullots was lately described to the London Hoyld 8o- olsty by Professor B ertram Hopklnson. I t conotsU of a stosl shaft four fo«t long and an Inch and a half In diameter, with a m agnet several Inches long attached to one end. A projectile fired at the other end of the shaft causes a wave of pres­sure to pass along to the magnet, which files off when (ha wav# length exceeds twice Its own.

Measurement of the momentum given

to the m agnet can be made, and in th# case of the blow of a lead buUat, th# results agree closely with axpactatlcA when the maasuroment is applied to tha force of Impact. By the sama method of determ ination, the detonation o f a <ma- ounca dry gun cotton pritner ladlcatvd an average pressure of twenty-fiva lo n i per nQuar« inch a t a distance of throa* fourths of an Inch.

At the surface of the gun cotton th# pressure was about twice as grsat, hut In each case the praesure was gone In a flftywthousandth of a second.

O D D IT IE S G O IN G T H E R O U N D SDonald McGave, a greaser on the

Bteamchlp Oceanic* has made SS9 voyages arroRB the Atlantic and it is estimated that he has traveled Z,400,0{iu miles on the ocean. H e made 250 trips on one veosel. tbe Teutonic.

ITavelere asRert tha t in South America there la a most convenient inilk-produdng tree which the nat1v«R take advantage of for the feeding of Iholr children. By bor­ing a hole In Its trunk a clear, sweet Rtream of milk emerges, which Is both healthful and delicious.

Becaue# a page In a*hotel brought him a telegram which did not belong to him, K C. W aldman of Bydney* Australia, looked tip the man whose name resembled his. H e found th a t H belonged to hla brother, who had l>een given up as dead many years before.

AlUc’hell, living at Ftochester, Pa., Is tiald lo have thrown & bottle containing a brief note Into the Heaver River when It was a t flood height last spring. This bottle, It le eald, was recently picked up on the Scottish coast- The bottle, lo reach Scotland, had lo float down the Ohio and MlselsAppl rlvore to the Gulf of Mexico and be carried in the Gulf stream across the Atlantic,

' Japanese advertisers tielleve in a lavish use of auporlttttvefl. "The paper we sell," runs tho announcement in a Toklo sta- tio n rr’fl window, "Ifl ra solid as the hide of an elephant." "Step Inside!" is the In­

vocation of a big multiple shop In th# sam e d ty . "'^du wlU bo welcointd M fondly a s a ray of sunshiito after a rainy day. Our assistants aro as amtabi# a s g fa ther rooking a husband for a doirarlOM d a u g h te r Goods are dispatched to cue* tom ers’ houaea with the rapidity of a shot from the cannon's mouth."

• * •The sm allest conscript In Prance I#

p rt^ably Eugene Espagnol of X^ulnea, near Tours. He stands three feet Beven In his stockings and turns the scales a t forty-tw o pounds.

* • •One convict in ,the lanslng (Kan.) Peni­

ten tiary Is a Kai)#as University studeni— a correspondent student. He l i studying pharm acy, and does hli lessong a f te r a hard day 's work In tbe mines. H e re ­ceives Instruction each week from the extension department of the university.

One of the most curious plants In th# world iR th a t which Is called th e tooth brush plant of Jamaica. It Is a 'ip e c le s of creeper, The natives by cutting pieces of It Into suitable lengths and fray ing tho ends, convert It Into a tooth brush, and a tooth powder Is also prepared' by pulverizing tjio dried Rtems.

India annually, exports shout I.POOOO# pounds of fish maws and shark fins for edible purpoms, mainly to China, Blank, Japan and other Orlefita) countries.

In nearly every street in Japanea# cities Is it ptiblic oven, where, fo r a am tll fee, house wive# may have their break­fasts, dinners or Ruppera cooked for them*


The daintiness and charm of the LA U TER P IA N O is appar­en t to the m erest ty ro . To hear this instrum ent played is to have a new standard of p iano excel­lence, is to be delighted w ith your experience.

You have b u t to listen to the tone of a LA U TER P IA N O , and appreciate its liquid purity , to understand the p restige of this instrum ent in all p a rts of the world.

W e invite inspection of our m agnificent stock. W e mail cat­alog on request.

W e arrange easy te rm s w ithout charging interest.

LA U TER CO, 591-593 Broad Street

The foregoing le tte r w ae received iket sum m er and ehouid hav e been a t ­tended to a t the tim e h u t w as accl- d e n ta llr overlooked until* th is week. •We p rin t It a t th ia la te da te In the hope th a t it w ill a till do som e good.— Ed.


The law closing the American port* to the skins, wings and feathers of birds used (or millinery purpose* has caused the exclusion of nearly 90.000 of these ornam ents since last October. Among these are iklns of birds of paiadlae, teni*, pheasants, condors, haw ks and eagles. Nearly. 16.000 egret plumes were with­held, and the prices dropped amazingly tn the Ix^ndou market. Thle la but one re­sult, covering a short period, of the beneficent work of the AuduboD Society; a work th a t ts spreading rapid ly In other countries as well as our X>wn. Holland haa prohibited the Im portation of wild bird plumage from soiiie o f Its cotontea and England is about to p u t a ban on the trade, The prospects are th a t even Dame Fashion will eiibmtt to th e necessity of wild life conservation.

•When the bill to levy a tax o f a dollar a head on cat* wae before the Legisla­tu re a re a r or two ago, m any considered It an excellent m eesure. B u t ho4v fortunate th a t It dtd not become a law and result In the destruction of alV cats not worth a dollar pep annum —the poll tax value of a man. The.G erm an Minister to H ayti has diKovered th a t tbe cat

,1a a cuirt fop-rheumadam. 'The enfferer 'takes the ea t to bed a f te r the enlmal'* fu r haa been carefully trea ted w ith a vaculim cleaner, and the rheuinetlaia of the patient JA absorbed by th e e p t US* cure of the-fla* Um ent Is co n tin u e lon* eiBBftq MR I w cat dies, The majority of peop le 'her* rheum atism —also ce t* H ere’s e plan to get rid of both.

O v er $800,000During 1913 The Pru­dential paid to its New Jersey policyholders in dividends $821,500. A large proportion of this great sum w as paid as the re su lt of purely voluntary concessions

rMPRE INFORMATION. PLEASE,th e U tica O lx a r re r w e lean)

thid, " the akunk. 1* a ^ n t l e . IbVaUA, uAsful l i t t le anim al w hose M aadsh tp iJ.onld be encouraged.” ’ B e fo rg Adopt­in g on* e* a household pet, h o w e m , ir* should Uk* Til* Obasrver to Inform us. apacifiaellr. not only how to e q . courage tUk skunk's frienOehlp, b u t bow to evoM hurting It* feellag*. Avi- irrita ted aknok nmy fastvgesitla, leeavl*

i T H B

PrndeotialFairest F, Ihyden, Prtsideflt

I w ; '



io fa


The exhtl Ing held thl .Madison 8q< of the Besi .lerutalem. port o f mai th is oountrl

While th beepoken, 1 wide, for t t an Industry tine, who, < bs artthout own Ilvellhi ■tarted to Jaws.

Th* Beis of Profeaat contfnentalto Fatestini revive Jewl a populatlc living on t t Ihe world t sity of Uni of depend* of an a r t a tok th* foil men and w equipped tc

A fter ae< the school b fe t bulldli tem of cot oped not t Ireland, R The growtl i t , product 56.000 In 1 year.

The ich commercial profits so possible en used to p tlon*. Wa, nlng,.-u<l p e n s a t^ n

The echi ce rire of i tem pting < aclouaneas by Tralnlni W ith thle Is dealgne Jewish a rt

This tral of which 1 exhibition ritual whl are th* ci Torah, ah beauty am silver hot. convenient a t the Fca for the M the doorpe

I t takes traditional Thl* field letent kno of the Jei the e iao filched b) Rome, an. appearing Jewish 111 of the ten

In (aul, Bezslel, tl who deal* dem ess, t workman, to work I: and tn c and In ce says.

Profesei bosl* for end It Is t prominent of th e tal Iiibltlon ri why rug- uaually cc la taught her th a t . dren of I curtains i polntmenl

0Th* del

fleet In Si ancient candlestlc stantl]^, found F w ith the

Th* th It perhap of the a t an effort reeponda country m otifs ol etcad of charactei 'abln," '

m ay be or, more formed 1

Then flora of In rug-w dent thgi ish textl manner, vegatabli of their tine,


th* ache rasa, an of th* o rien ta l by otbe d a l ly If th a chli th e bit m ade, I O riental

' ta ln ed 1 an d tb* th* Or| m ig h t I g re a t i This qi hand ler

Much a tcen*

t fereno* th* D a o f th e m ore q b a tte r 1

1 I lk ln r 1 T h an

of the landaoa and en w ho fo in ghel

' broadei ’ th e ir ‘7 j dom to .* T h e . . J:ait* • * Jew ish ; Yamexi ' perieo t

th* Ye V tin e ai ! Mhe m(

o f Jew o th e r ' eu rrou tn th e Burren ttone 4 th e ir <

A* I te r e a t









tb. ‘'In I wrote, nd cup-

lo ih* n a to d ." iM tsnod urtmonl- t Pnrret t td lflc* ly I UO

linn, tho n m any Ion. In

ex- th e ilx - at Un«i [n arcbl- rn aley- n lowor

1 in th* Hot. th* actatlM i i to th* ttbod o(

* oo«- adlc*t*d iv« ton* ( thT**«

tton th* • a t but •on* I*

I lo th* >i»*d a*

a rainy bl* a* a owarl***

to eu*> ty of s

anc* II t«Hlll*S, • t a*T*nKolni a t

n.) Fm iI- tudanl— ■ tudylni

a l ta r aH * r*-

rom lb* eralty.

a In th* he tooth 1 ipaclea K plecea

fray fn f h bruab,lated" by

1.000 O0« flna for

a, Slam, lea.

lapan***’ a email r breab- 'or them.

► ■,

r .^ U


Btzald School of R u ^ f b in mtalera Exbinb Remit of Tnin-

ing tfid Cotbge Indnstry.


Th* exhibition of J«wlah a r t th a t ia b*- Ing held thla week In the Concert Kell of Madlaon Square Oerden dlaplaya the work of the Beielel School of Mandlorefta In .lenitalem . Thla achool hea had the aup- port o f many Zloalata end other Jew t In thla oountry.

W hile their Intereat end eurloalty la beapoken, Ita eppeel will doubtleaa ba wide, for the Beaalal Bohool hea provided an loduatry for tom e BOO Jewa In Pelea- tlo% who, otberwlae, would probably atilt b* without any maena of saining their own livelihood. A t the aam * time It hea atartad to re-create e racial a r t of th* J*wa,

Th* Eeial*l School 1* th* aohl*v*meet of Profeaaor Borla Bohati, who, after a eonlinm tal training In th* art*, retum td to Pateatin* In 1101 w ith a n ambition to revive Jewleb art. He feund In Paleattne e population of deatitute. orthodox Jewa living on tha alma ot their fallow kinamaa tha world over. H a recognated the necea- alty of lifting them from thair condition o t dependence end beggary. So. Inateed of an a r t achool, Profeaaor Schata under- tok th e founding o t a trad e achool where men and women, boyi and girla, could be equipped to earn a living.

A ttar aeven yeara of paralatent effort the achool la now houaed In one ot the b u t bulW ngi In Jerinalem , while e aya- tem of cottage Indualry baa been devel­oped not unlike the cottage Induatry of Ireland, H ungary And other oountrlu.The grow th of the achool haa been taplfl.Ita producta Increaalng from a value of BB.OOO lb 190S to nearly BIOO.OOO laat

The achool doea not follow atrlctly commercial linea. I t haa not been run tor proflta ao much aa to offer the largect poaalble employment, and the proflta are need to provlda Increaaed accommoda- tlona. W ag u are paid from the begin- n ln g .- ^ d raw. unakllled labor la com- p enaaM while It la being V alned.

Alat of Movement.j The aehbol ia unique In th a t It li the '^ reb ire of a Zlonlat movemant th a t la at-

tempUng to build up the Jewlah con- aclouaneee on the ancient aoll of the race^ by draining the cultural life of the Jew. W ith th le aim the work of the achool la deal grind lo develop a dlaUnctlvely Jewlah art.

Thla training takea aeveral forma, none of which lacke Intereat. There are In the exhibition artlclee fitted to the Jewlah rllual which requires handwork. Such are the crowns and decorattona of the Torah, ahowlns filigree, work' of great beauty and demanding conelderable ekllE silver holdora for the Book of Esther, convenient for use when thla book Is read a t the Peast ot Llghte, and amall holders for the M auuaah, the prayer nailed to the doorpoata to ward oft evil aplrlta.

I t Ukea another form In the revival of traditional Jewlah dealgni and motlfa. Thla field la limited by the alight ex- latent knowledge of the early handicrafta of the Jewa. It haa a h u la , however. In the u am p lea ot Jewleb handicraft filched by Veapaaian and preaerved a t Rome, and others In the referencei to It appearing In the Scrlpturea and other Jewleh literature, and In the traditions of the temple.

In fact, the achool takea Ita name from Bexatel, tha ftrat Jewish artla t of record who designed the firs t temple In the wll- demeaa. He "excelled dn all manner of workmanship, to devise cunning works, to work in gold and silver and In braaa, and In cutting of stonea to set them, and In carving of wood," the Scripture aaya.

Profeteor Bebatx claims a traditional baaig for all the work done a t the achool and It la the artistic crafts th a t came Into prominence In tha building and decoration of th e tabernacle of Moeea. th a t tha ex­hibition reflects. Bo, if any one wonders why rug-weaving, let ua aay, which la iiBually considered a Persian employment, j la taught In the achoola, let him remem­ber th a t while In the wildernesa the Chil­dren ot Israel built their own tents and curtains and floor coverlnga and the ap- polntraente of the tabernacle.

Old Cnatoma Retleetcil- T he dealgna woven Into these ruga re-

flact In some m easure th e cuatoma of the anclant Jews. The seven branched candlestick, the Menorah, appears con- atantly. while here and ther* may »e found Hebrew Inacrlptiona, according w ith the ancient practice.

Tbs third form of th is training haa In It perhaps moie pruiulae Lliau the rev! .,1 of the ancient dealgna. I t la more than an effort to reproduce the past and cor­responds to the present revival In this country of colonial architecture. The motlfa of the anden ta are developed. In ­stead ot Hebrew Inscriptlona, the Hebrew charactere are conventionalised. . The "abln," "lamedh.” "sadek" or other lettsi i

m ay be traced a s the basis of a design or, more often, "B eislel" will be trans­formed Into a design o t Itself.

Then the form and coloring of the flora ot Palestine are used, particularly In rug-weaving. Immediately It Is evi­dent th a t these a re not Persian or Turk­ish teitllea . though woven In the same manner, of threads colored by permanent vegetable dyea. They have an originality of their own th a t harks back to Palea- ttn*,

Escape from th e O hette.Those who ^ a v e w atched the w Jrk of

th e achool claim for It a steady prog- rasa, and w hile It m ay still lack aorae of th* beauty characteristic of other o rien ta l work, th la is compenaated for by o th e r qualities. Noticeable, eape- c la lly In the rugs, which, a f te r all, are th e chief a ttra c tio n o f the exhibit, Is th e b lending P ro fesso r Bohats has mad*, perhaps unconsciously, of the O rien ta l and OooldsntnL He has re-

' ta ln*d h i i con tinen ta l feeling for color an d the textiles, Instead of m anlfeating th* O rien tal lOV* of lavlshnaas th a t m ig h t n a tu ra lly ba expeoted, show a g ro a t deal of r e s tr a in t and raserv*. T h is duality t l conspicuous In other h a n d ic ra fts •xbib lled .

Huoh of th* m*t&l w ork is Dam- a*o«n* In character, y e t th*r* Is a dlf-

I farano* betw een th * w ares picked up In th * D sm aseus b asa rs and th* product o f th e B esolel tohooL Th* la tte r le m ore qu ie t and. In m any Inetanoaa In b a tte r taet*. according to an O«old*ntal lik ing . , . j ,

i T har* Is no m ore su rp ris in g fea tu re of th* design ing th an the free uee of landaoapee In th* tex tiles, both large and sm all. I t seem s a* If a peopl*,

‘ w ho fo r tim s on ond have llvsd much in ghetto s, w*ro rsvelinfi In th s freer,

' h rohdor out-o f-doors as th e r found tb o lr ■ way tow ard an Industria l free­dom In th e ir a p c ltn t h o m a .

Th* *«hlbftlen doea n o t m anifest tb s la s t* and sk ill of any branch of tbs Jew ish race «xoluilv*ly. Th* w ork of

: Temoirtt* Jew* p r* d o m lp a t^ W u e * “ i ‘ p*ri«cut*d by th* T urks, th* Jew* in

th* T eraen so ugh t An a iy lu m tn Pkl*» tin* and th e ir need of em ploym ent Is

j Mh* m ost u rgen t. J t is n o t the w ork ‘ o f Jew s heeet by th e Influence of an­

o th e r b is ll l ia t lo n by which they ar* •urrounded, b u t th a t of Jew* stesped In th e a tm osphsro o f th e ir own race, su rro u n d td by, all m an n er of sugges­tion* « f th* .d*y w hen they ru led over th f l r own klngdolh.

la d ie s * H o s ie r y a n d U n d e r w e a r

Jlsflslsr** Trad* g*rkSpecially Priced

Heavy W eight Uale Hose, <*«®pendcr top, S2.50 per h ilf dozen ptirs.

Lisle or Cotton, Buck, White or Ttn, reg­ular or outside, 35c a pair, 3 for $1.00.

Silk Lisle, BUck, White. Tan, Suede or Navy, also Gauze Lisle and Sea Island Cottons, in light and medium 'weight, 50c a pair.

Silk Hose, Black and White and all the new ahadet with cotton tops and soles, $ 1.00 a pair.

I t ^ Irish Balbriggan, Cotton, 50c to $2.50 a pair; Lisle, $1.35 to $3.00 a pair; outsize Cotton, $1.25; outiize Lisle, $1.65.

Children’s Stockings, for whool wear, 3 different weights, Black, White and Tans, 25c a pair, 6 pairs for $1.25. Also a very fine medium weight, Black, White and Tan, 50c a pair.

Imlanese and Italian SUk Vests, embroid­ered in self-color designs, at special prices to close, $2.25, value $2.75; and $3.00, value $3,75.Plain Italian Silk Vests, at the special price of $2.05, value $3.00.

Milan and Italian Silk Combinations,plain and embroidered, prices ranging from $3.75 to $6.75. Silk Knickerbockers, $2,00, value $2.50.

Merode Underwear, in *n •"'i ties, from 50c a single garment up to $1.50; in Combination Suits, $1.00 up to $3,00.

Swiss Ribbed V e s t s , band-crochet tops, three patterns, 25c each, value 35o. Genuine Im­ported Swiss Ribbed Vests, 3 for $1.00; extra size, 50c each.

Swiss Ribbed Combinations, >n Lisle, Cot­tons, Merino, Wool, Silk and Wool, $1.00 to $3.95.

James McCutcheon & Co.F ifth Ave., 33d & 34th Sts., N. Y.

i p - ^ p ! ! g j [ = l l p 5 J t s s i t = l t s a J r = : i r g s > f ^ | s s ^ l ^ l a


TH U R SD A Y ,a a a C S S S B C ^ O T B B B B

JANUARY 15, 19U.

The New Express Rates

Effective February 1 , 1 9 1 4

In conform ity with the order of the Interstate Commerce Commission

The following table is illustrative of some of the differences between the new and old rates

Bbtwoen 6 Ibie 10 IbE. 20 lbs.

NEWARK, It J.iDd tbt Expreaa lnaur«d Eipma laeured Eiprasi Intured

foUowtni polutiOld New Old New Old

R a ld i Rate« H ates Rates Ratos R ales

C hicago. 111. a .a i $ .60 t .4! » .76 » 64 11.00

8t. L ouIa Mo. .Z2 .65 -43 .80 .67 l . io

D enver, Col. .47 .BO .74 1.16 1.28 2.00

B u tte , Mont. ,E8 .80 .96 1.40 1.7E 2.60

D sllas, Tex. .*4 .76 .69 1.15 1.18 1.<E

6a.n FTanol*o«, .70 .80 l.Z l 1.60 t.99 1 2.85

Cal. ---------- •

Food Products Carried at Still Lower Rates

Express Service MeansH ighest Class of Transportation

Free Insurance up to $50 A Receipt for Each Shipment

Responsibility—Safety—EfficiencyTelephone or Write to Your Nearest Eipress Office


.Newark Glass Co., 273 Market—

Cent SaleT c l s ^ w M Oriw* fnaitlr fUtl

Glass Shell f 50cPlAte f la t s , 20 Inch** long, w ith

nlokeled braokete.

Tumbler and Tooth Brash

BolderMade of ^heavy

braaa, nlokeled sim ­ila r to plG- g Q g tu re .....................

Toilet Paper Holder 50c B a th Sponge Holder 50c SoapTand

Tumbler Holder 50c Tumbler Towel Bar 50c Holder

*«Elastlca’*M ar aa d spot-p toof w -

nlahi quart* half faUen, Sl.#(li gallon. SSJKI.

Braas, fu ll B A . n ickeled

aii*tg |

g a r d e nT th Avo. 4 SOMI S t 4 S 'w i y .N .y ,

A* such, I t ha* an*^*!!*- ■ V - J

nnoommon In-


d a n c i n gT H E B I O C A B A B E T S H O W

1 p , M. T lliH CMMMS e r v l o e a l a c a r t e a l l l i o o w

n o D B R A T B P R I C B S• q l l l ^ ^ « ^ BM O tA M

WjHUhns _ _

P R O C T O H ’li^ i^ T H E A tR Ed .tiMk a n p . a t 1 t«

He.. IM.. Jvs.,

n ik MM ««pe*s

W *«.4 l «*4

J9 t*m i tu W E ixI.M, s.r o™ *i|yOe

Tte BoMi (M * e a ^W**-‘ * Wed. Met

•*• eteeps M deeqaet.

The January Price Thawo X Has Now “Set In” in All Parts of the Store


The liquidation of prices is tak ing place on all w inter m erchandise and stocks will rap­idly melt away u n d er the busy selling. This is the tim e when the public benefits by the great clearing m ovem ents th a t a re always a part o f Jan u ary .

Bixby's Shoe Pol­ish, tll colors, ^ „ bottles ............. I V

W a r r e n Collar Foundations,e*ch ............ 7c

Unferie Tape, Wu*,pink ind white; 12 yard* lo etch 7 / / - « piece; piece., •

Kerr’s L u s t e r Twist, spool, at ................. 8c


Z -E R )

ComfortablesW hite cotton filled, cov­

ered with figured silkoline, well made, double bed size; regular 1.29 each, 1 A|V sale Friday, e a c h , . *

Flaanelette Night QownsMade of good quality

striped flannelette, deep yoke, nicely trimmed collar or coltarless style, cut extra full, in regular or extra sizes: regular $ 1.00, Q C - special ........................O O v

WooM’iCeniu Flaiaet WrappersExtra heavy quality Ger­

man flannel in neat striped Persian designs, in gray, lavender and blue; well made, lined; waist prettily trimmed, deep flounced skirt; sizes 36 to 46; regular! | Q $1.98, spec ia l.......... l e l z

Outing FlannelRegular fleece out­

ings, light or dark grounds, stripes or checks,heavy weight; regular 10c. grade,


Long Black Wood ^ a d Chains

60 inches long, all the rage now,round and oval beads; val.39c., spec. I9c

Women’s UnderwearHaavy Jersey Ribbed Vests,

style low neck or high neck, short or long sleeve vests, made of .3 pure white cotton yam; pants to,match; regular or ex­tra large size; regular price 29c. and 35c., sale_ price for Friday only........ ...........

Men’s Flannel SbirtsDouble or S ingle B reast­

ed Blue F lannel S h irts, made of a heavy fast color wool flannel; reg u la r price $1.50, special for 1 7 0 F riday only..........

Drapery Remnants at Half and Less tban Half

500 yards of better grades of Cretonnes, plain hem­stitched or printed Scrims, Madras, Laces, etc., in rem­nant lengths 2 to 5 yards; regular 19c. and 25c., special, yard.............. lOc

Blankets\y/hlt*» nr

G ray B lankets, large double bqd size, ex tra heavy w eight; have sold at $5.00 pair, sale 1 CA Friday, pair....... O .U v

BlackPetticoatsAdjustable top,

no strings to tie, no gathers to pucker, a clasp ad- just§ it; made of good quality sateen and halcyon cloth, with deep tucked flounce and under- Jay; all lengths; reg. $ 1.00, o j - special . . . . 'O D v

Boys’Overcoats$3.00 and $4.00

boys’ all wool Rus­sian polo and long overcoats; sizes 3 to 17 years; well made, strongly and heavily lined, good 7 | Q fitting, spec. M t lY

Children’ sRom p e rsCaUiea or Out­

ing Flannel, pretty striped effects, wall made, full cut, nlct- ly trimmed; sizes 1 to 6 years; A 7 regular 50c., specia l'.,... '

Men’s UnderwearM en’s H eavy Fleece

Lined U ndersh irts o r D raw ers, broken lo ts of 59c. to 75c. value, sate p ric e ................

Roman Stripe Couch Covera, niceassortm ent of patterns, heavy quality, fringed all around ; good | size; 4 7 r regu lar 59c,, special................

Sheet SaleClearance of odd

makes of Bleached Seamless 72x90 fit 81x90 Sheets, have sold at 65c. to 75c. each, while C C p they iast.ea O O v

Remnants Table Linen

Goods from our regular stock, lengths from I'/j to 3 yards, mercerized and all linen; values 35c. to $1.25 yard, sale, yard

2Sc to 89c

Fancy LinensOdd and slightly

soiled pieces of F a n c y L i n e n S c a r f s , Squares and Rounds, have sold at 50c. to 69c. each, while they tast.ea 39c

Cozy Shirtwaiata of Striped or Gray Flannel

Snappy m annish models, neatly tailorco, with pocket, F rench and turndow n collars; the m aterial is an excellent quality of flannel, either of solid gray or gray with blue or lavender stripes; regular 98c., for Friday a t ........................ O u L

A Car and a Half ofG e n u i n e C o rk Lin o le u m ,Regular 50c & 55c Q u ality

This is no doubt the best linoleum bar­gain offered you th is season. It is genu­ine cork linoleum, all perfect in every y a rd ; fresh from the mills, in a full va­riety of la test patterns. It will be cu t for you from full rolls two yards wide.A regu lar 50c. and 55c. value, at, 31csquare y a r d ................................

Ruga Are Selling at Greatly Reduced Pricea

Cloakings54-inch All - Woo!

Cloakings, plain and mixtures, v a r i o u s weaves of this sea­son's styles; have sold at $2.00 to $4.00yard, sale at, 1.39

Shepherd Checks44-inch, half wool,

non-shrinkable, black and white and blue and white Shepherd Checks, in three sizes; regular 59c.grade, sale at, 43c

Silk ClearanceB roken assortm ents of silks, 27 to

45 inches wide, plain colors ‘ and fancies; have sold a t 79c. to A C /* $1.50 yard, sale Friday, yard

Coraet Cover Embroidery18-inch w idth fine Sheer

Em broidery, w ith ribbon beading edge,.good variety of p a tte rn s ; regular 25c. yard , a t ...........

Shadow Lace Flouncing27-inch w idth, beautifu l

designs, in w hite and the new P aris shades; regular59c. to 69c. yard , 48cA t . 1 • • ..................

Linen Cluny LacesEdgings and insertions

from 2 to 5 inches wide, in white and ecru shades; reg­ular 12c. to 15c. yard, 8c

Lace PlaitingsAn assorted lot of sample

pieces of Shadow Lace and N et Plaitings, in w hite and cream ; regular 19c. y jn to 25c. yard, a t ......

S a m p l e G l o v e sFor Women and 1 Children, at, p a ir ..,

N one of them are w orth less than a quarter and m any sell re g u la rly ' for fifty cents. W arm , com fortable I and good appearing gloves of cash- mere and cham oisette, w ith two! clasps, lined with doe and silk. T here are also woolen gloves in thej assortm ent in a large range of colors.

Come Soon If You Want Some

Of ThoseWomen’s Shoes at 1.69

Furs and Fur Coatsffreatly Reduced

in Price

Women's Storm RubbersLow and high heels, sizes |

to 8; regular 39c50c,

rej special

The Best Correctiveand preventive of the numerous ailmente caused by defective or irregular action of the oi gana o f ' digestion—Is found in the safe, speedy, certain and time-tested home remedy


Next W*e»-‘T»SM«s« Cl**4f

WsaNMiM m ¥ w tn t ’n * M K*fk*l. M*.MtlMe 9 ^ .

. . . * * * . * . J i s . . i * - - B i m r r . o i i i a , ; ......

S A * . B . S m iB ER T T H E A T R E

S A Y ",Sij v H m . i t m M* 0*M*y. M*» TSffc

I Q q m b c n i a T l i c n t f c■' ■ e i u t v ■—

K F F N F Y S.HimilfllMlitlCS

[ \ L L I I L 1 0 4 m m m \MAT 10 15“ EUEh 15' lT-5'!

W H .TU|lillUH .1 i o M i M m i

Gat M U S T E R ^ Today for LumliaGO

ll'e u sroulnglx quick teUtZ As* It’s ID WIT te us*.

You JMI ruE 1C0 * T * 1I 0 ^ Is

M ik lr. SB* piesie. tb* p«ln I* *ooe — s Hsll-deni, sooUiIng comfert oomei te leXe It*

II U • T W R O ^ ® *• ■eleSB, wlilte olBimtBt,a e d i WUB eU ®“*'

Us* It lniies* el muster* pleMer- WUI nsl Wtoto.- ttM teri ena nurns me MUOTMAOLB Hifwlelen. lexsiend^see te jnen^ “ “ > tkslr. jetUBta. *Me In <Bjr p r* o ;i» en* o r hen.*- -A tH e r

Cm . .U d ir «BU 7.B wkBl rsllef U,sm*«. ^



It ilTM f» ra 8 or4 T b rdat Bro&chltla, CrouHt Btlff Kiflk- APthm*, NeUf»l*l4. C o n i M t l s n . FletiTlJT. R h a u m a d a t n . L u m -

bacoe Pmtiw Wfl Aoh« *r th# Bftck or JolfttA ■vnlnst Bor# MuidlM. Brul###. Cbll- bUtUA rro iU d r « t , Cotfti of tha Cboat lU proYMiti RatitmonlA)*

dru frla fi In tic End Ho lir#. arid n Itrgo bot-pK*l *li« fvr tl.W .

Accept noIf your d ro filo t oukMt

aupplr you Mbd. t l o or I'Oc to th# MlTBTHlHOI^ CompAnY, CltvoltBd. 0-1 «ud «« wIH B 4 ti you

Jer, *e*tBf* grensH.DM. J . J. OOMDOW. * well-knoirB De-

'}iu#t«roU U favplq-

Easy to Arrange

NoExcess Weight

• urn


lUix. St .M*. k tit • » » ’

t r -

AT t h e REOEIVE|l*S SALE.P o # K lv d b r L e # I F « w IDe P * . ^ r t S o m e

T h e a o ' A s t o u n d i n g B w rg a in # *^ t t b 4 » m » ii t . u j rk z a v z v , t***»Mr w i*Bk»*tt*z.


The NewBANDEAUTwist and

Braidenable you to produce a coiffure not possible with your own hair. With

o -^ jj -.A-— - dress your hair^igh or low, tight or fall, the front hair present­ing the desired Coronet effect showit^ a Barrette effect.

These Bandeau hair-dressings are different from 0^ 0S0IJI style. And not only are they JOt W ggive the appearance of a particalariy ia m w o r «rod pf hatf'

or the back hair


“> II

N E W A R K E V E M ^ ' O N i:\V > S . T H l L e j l U Y , J A S i t \ i I f V 15 , J{pi|


aP k m ti H d i k H n iy Bail After k C iv t H atn ef Eitn orAiar;

Ih rriy e B arpii.

m m OF. PEACE ALSO ACCUSEDA t t o r r o t baw » tw«W«'TMr-oW rlrl

Wan |>»atla«]l]r bound ovor by h«r par* H a rtia and U a fy Rutdlngton of

11 AJyaa alroat, to U a iio Amorolfano, 0 ^ U u o r * misi, i'alrty voar* of aa*. a a d Uoaa w ltb tha Ued(lludi;:oK *■* io ld In Ibo Third Praclnot Court today. t A ltar Ju d aa H ahn had haard tha •a ldanca and luapaotad n m a douu- tn a itA th a tniroiita and Atnarcliano 'Tara hold in tlO.dOO ball aach. Juatloo of th a Poaoa Itlchaat Murano, In whoaa jiraaaBca tb a paranta aianod a pupsr ^UUllK th a lr uonaaitt to tha murrlaao o f t h d r Jlllla dauabtor to the man, H'«a hatd In fbOd b a ll The court ra< warfcad th a t It wan tha worat caao th a t had arar ooma bafore him. ,

Tha pav ar waa elpnad by tha par- aatR daaplta tha ublld'o pruleetatiuiia 9|m taatlflad In co u rt th ta raoriilng th a t id|a w ant w ith bar m othar to H urano'a offloa laa t waek. M ra Raddliigtun told l^ a Judge th a t aha wlahed to hava a iiapar draw n th a t would make It lagal for har d au g b la r to m arry tha man who Uvad w ith thorn.

K urano explained, no tba wife aald, J h a t th a fa th a r’a a lgnatu re would be hdM H ary. R addington waa working hod kla v l f a a rra n g e d to have tha Ju i- Um o f th e peace call a t har home. X u y b sa a bean liv ing Ibara but a waak M d a h a l t In H urano 'a office tha Mttta g irl, whoaa nam e la Helen, da- u lgiad aha d id not w ant to m arry iu w e ls c a n i , - th e Btoryatory th a t waa unfolded In courtlAU (oontlng bad ita bagluhlng Auguat

...................... ■T h at day Raddington wax aentencad ta th a oouaty Jail a fte r a trial on tha U H Iia of aaaautt preferred by hie wife. S * iraa la ter paroled.

W han Raddington waa arreated ha llfad a t JOStb Aalor itraet. When ha w aa tibaratod he found hfa wife keeping ^ W a for Amerolaano In Tichenor aUaat. A week and a half ago Had- Alagtoa, hla wife and daughter removed fo AJyaa atreet.

AiOHelaano teatifled that tha furol- t o a In the house all balunged to him. Tm Raddlngtaiis denied that they were W any way In Ameicliaao i debt.

U pbniding U urano to r his part In tha' the Judge aald he could not under'

I ' Wtiy the JuatIro of the peace a d— .i.». „vdora

A urano said th a t he had tujid b l ^ for th e purpoae of securing all IM ilble evidence to present at a later

. The Judge aald th a t he considered this ijUuae very unaattafuotory and ordered Mm arreated and hold aa a witness. Ifurgao w as penntttsd to give ball on

. lija own Tdoognlaanca.


-ROvenua from genera) llctnaes g ra n tM Ia*t y ea r by the llcenaa de-■Mrtmont of th e Cotninon CuuncM In- f lW aad by 14,tB0.67 over th a t of 1)1 J. hdoardlng to In ip e c to r Jam es W. Ward.

W ard told th e itconse committeen ig h t th a t th e receip t! for 1)13

•W ta I tM tT . l l . The depsrlm ent hae hOthIng to do w lU the g ran tin g of ex- clM^Jloanaaa.

, H r, Waurd, In anaw or to a question p y A lderm an Q ottlleb, said there was only one fre a k show running In thh cjtjr, an d th a t hla policy bad been to j(s#wp tb * num ber of lu ch am usem ent placea aa sm a lt ns possible. The license ^ ch a rg ed fo r surJi ahows la per # j r , an d severa l m em bers of the com- ^ t t e e expro ised th e ir Intention o f ta k ­in g ,e tep e a t th e n e x t m eeting to raise t h a j e # to m ake It prohibitive, i i a * 'o tn n t'llb em en agreed th a t e i- nw lto f w ho cam e here to ehow ab. hWfWa lH lt i dht no t provide a dealrable n m of en te rta in m en t. Inspector W ard aald th a t w hen he firs t cams to w t :«Wy, ab o u t n ineteen yeare ago,

■n^ M arket s trea ta were lined w ith f re a k ehows.

M th e Buggestlon of Alderman RM gek, th e eom n^siee gave Mr. W ard l*®w*r toTgirant danoe hall licensee teml»yarlly u n til th e com m ittee could have

m eeting fo r th e ir approval.TOe ap p lica tio n o f Mra, Rebecca

K f^ ln o f H I S p ring fie ld avenue for a rfpiewal of h er license to conduct an ^ ly o p m e t it agency waa laid over, ^ d l n g th e g ran d Ju ry 'e lo tion on a i m f g a o f ex to rtion b ro u g h t against tn e 'woman.

H ra. R ak ln w aa held by Judge H err fieceftlber IS In |)0 0 ball fo r th e g rand j.ijry on the ch arge of hav ing tak en ' m oney from a Blavie g irl, followIjig a U tf« t .


: Burned from head to feet and uncon- «dOue, tlirea-year-old Wladyatawa

J ^ w a lk e l a a k l was found this morning tjdng on the kitchen floor of her home

Beacon atreet, by her mother, when H # , returned from the market. She was eiUlt to th e City Hospital, w here .,he died a t S o'clock lilts afternooti.

The child had attempted to pul wood la th e atove, and, wrapping the forepart o f her little dress about her right hand, tdiJrevaD t burning, opened the door I'lie Q i^ e e ehot out and caught lier dress. jKiyd w ithout any one to help her she wns a t the f ire 's mercy.■ When the m other left she locked the Bong to keep the child from going mit W hen she telu rned she saw some burnt rags on th e floor near the entrance door aitd.concluded th a t suirtbihlng was wrong l a next room the carpet was eltiged an d a t las t w hen she reached the kitchen she gaw her child lying on the floor. I'lio ggather ran scrcainlng out Into the street lind a policeman of the Fourth F'recinct paxpe to her. He called the ambulance.

BROADWAY PRODUCERS SUED HERE. A lu ll fo r 31,043 w as begun In the t'lr-

euit Court th is afternoon by the Burton nross Company of New York against th e 'Werha and Luescher Production Company, also of New Tork.

The Burton Dress Company rlalms the amount la due under a cmitract made In February, 1)11, by which It w ts to fu r­nish the defendants with costumes for the production of "Tim Rose Maid," The ehow played a t the Newark Theatre In October, 181*. and the plaintiff itU clied U » eoilum es fo r the amount due. The contract called fo r *6,000 worth of eos- tumes.

LEAGUE HEARS OF COMMISSION RULE■ Oomiinlsslon government and the luc-

0^ of l u operation were discussed last night before the Kssex a v ie Imtgue, an a « u iic t of the county Progressive party, a t the organisation's headquarters S li Halesy s tre e t

Th» a d h e r e were Paul Bianchet and W . h . Bluraaii, .At the next meeting Jarome 'Vt'aliing will speak on the Boetoii rtia rt ballot and H, K, Stanley will talk on -The City Manager," Hemy Gross- man will talk on the question of "Oov- ««B ien t Ownerolilp of Public Utilities"

: Phteuary l ] ,

''1 t o

Ta Ktifp Skin Healthy, f . ^youthful, Wrinkleliss

itial lh ( ir W id u .ls hoi-e, h. well your ,kin in t|„*

'RiOU itnnfT MUr C0ftiip|cil6Uil com-, , ton dsteolM apiwar under the bright

.'Ifgtlt of.th* driiwliig or bsllrontn. Also hawv e ^ evident s i^ ^ n e make-ups wYiou tlmY

- - ■ ■ ated ,^I heve B.y«lf


re tu ruod by a Jury In the C ircuit C ourt tb ia m orning a fte r the Joint tria l o f aa m any undefended aults ag n ln s t th e B aetern Motor Kuulng Association, ow ners of the Stadium Motordrome, a t which eigh t persona were killed and m any Injured Septem ber I, 1)13.

The au lts were a sequel to th e mla- hsp and were brougliU by lieo rg s and Merman U rieshaber, who w ere am ong the Injured, and th e ir fa ther, H erm an U rlaahaber, who aought *3,000. Kaoh of th e boye sued for *6,000.

A fter th e ju ry ' had been ou t for tw en ty nilnutea It announced th a t a verdict had been reached. The fo re ­m an Inform ed the court th a t to George G riaahaber *360 had been aw arded and *60 to hla b ro ther Herman, while the fa th e r w a i declared entitled to *76.


CinpaigB Managers Learn WhatHospbl Fill Do with $130,000

to Be Raised.


Ju d g e D ungan refu ted to accept th e < medteal director of the hospital, and l>r.

Tim nssds of St. Michael's Hoapllal were explained to the campaign axacuttva comniltlee that has charga of the task of raising *110,000 for the Inatltutlon by klonsignur Isaac P. Whelan of St. P a t- to eleven grandchildren, a bequest of *fS rick 's Cathedral. Dr. Bdward J. Ill, to e groat-grandrhllil and one o f t*600 to

Becauaa Mr*. Elmira V. Johnaon, widow of William Johnson, who o w n ^ the Jolinoon Tool Works and the tleOen- berg Works, left the residua of bar eetale of upw ards of 130,oou to bar U irta su r­viving children, the three children of a deceased ton. William V. Johnaon J r„ a ra about to appeal from tba order of th e surrogate admltilng her will lo probate. Appllcmllon fur tba fixing uf a day to r the hearing of the appeal and' fo r the appointment of a guardian ad litem for minor grandchildren will be m ade bafore tho Orphans' Couft tom or­row by W srrsn L. Jacobus and FTink H. B radnsr.

Ill her wilt, 6Irs. Johnson, who died October 33 at the age of elghty-two years, left specific legacies of **<> sach

verd ic t for th e am ount aw arded the fa th er, declaring there was' noth ing In the evidence to show th a t he w as en­titled to m ore than *13 and *13 r e ­spectively In the two eults At Hie ill- rec tlon o f the court the verdict for the fa th e r wa* cu t to *33.

Ju d g e Dungan Instructed the Jury th a t there w as no queellon a s to th e liab ility of the association: th s Ju ro rs w ere to determ ine only to w hat ex ten t the p la in tiffs Should be compensated.

T he tjrlesh ab ers were epec ts to rs a t th e races when lOddle Ilssha , one of th e co n tes tan ts, rode off the track and In to th e spectato rs, then fell back and caused s fa ta l fs ll to ano ther rider, Jo h n n y A lbright.

G eorge G rieahsber sustained a broken arm and o ther Injuries, which kept him In a liespital for a week. Hie bro ther, who lost a tooth and w as bruised, w as laid up for s few days.


Accusing her eon of using cocaine end threatening to kill her, Mrs. M argaret McDevltt of 433 Central avenue today pleaded with Judge H err In tlie Second Precinct Court to "put him kwey." Woeping bitterly, the elderly woman de­clared th a t her eon began using the drug when he wea fifteen yeare old,

"W hen he was llUle he waa a good boy," said Mra. McDovIlt. "B ut he got Into bad company end learned to oae cocaine. T hat vile drug got him Into trouble and he was sent to prison. While In prison he obtained tho cocaine. I thought while he was there ho could not get th a t stuff, but he managed to pro­cure .It somehow, so he told me."

W hile hie mothei- recounted slorlee of hla alleged mladclnga. John McDevltt, the'-prlacnor, who Is tw entj-th ree yoers old. etoud In allenco beside her. The woman averred tha t her ton wau "full of cocalqe last nlghl" and tried to beat her,

-'I am afra id he will Irill n^ .and I want him put away for good. When he gets th a t drug In him there la no telling what ho will do,"' she added.

McDevltt waa arrested by Patrolman M arlin on a charge of diiorderly con­duct, So th a t the police may niake a fu rther Investigation, the prisoner waa remanded In *600 ball fur a hearing one week hence.


Much excitem ent was caused in th e Sacred H eart Parot^hlal School, el South Orange and Sanjlfurd a'cnuea, thla m orn­ing. when a eteam pipe of the healing appara tus burst tn the assemhly-rooni. Ths puplla started to run from the build­ing, b u t'H ie sletera, knowing what had happened calmed them and they marched out double file. An alarm waa sent In by Patro lm an Patereon of the seventh Precinct, When the rtromen arrived they ehut tho steam oft from the leaking pipe. No one was hurt.

F ire th is morning In the flat uf Alfredo Panerano,. a t 07 Fourteenth avenue, caueed *10 damage. The fire departm ent was called, but the flamca were extln- gushed before the firemen arrived.

A gaeollne torch used to thaw out pipes In th e home of F rank Brown, 3)3 Sixteenth avenue, this morning, set ftro to the kitchen floor and caused dam age of *100. Firemen extinguished the flameg with a chemical engine.

An overheated oil stove In a box car In the Orange atreet freight yard of the L ackaw anna Halirpad th is morning did damage of about *10.


Ai odd* over the ca.«e of Virglnte Ken­nedy's coloredr cliArgcd with Itrccny from the perftot), « iury Ui the Court of Quar­ter Seaelotie spent all lant nlffht In a Jury room. Failing to agree Judge Alien R. £ihay tliia morning dlauhargcil tho Jury. A ltogether the Juror* were out about tw enty hour*-

The complaint asaltiBt tho wnman was m ade by Theodore L«ow, who testified th a t early on the luorulug afte r last election day (die Jostled him on Academy stree t and extracted $13 from hie coat pocket. The defendant's story was to tivs effect th n t Leow stopped her and a n ­nounced ttm t another woman had picked hla pocket. E he said lie threatened to a r re s t and acousa her unlege she told the nam e of the o ther persons and as she knew nothing of the affa ir she was made the victim of his threat.

T he women has i>een in jail since her a rre s t last November !n default of $500 bail.


iljotr invmitoated. _ _________v-.cax,ueaemeUcs enlhety. VMttx9 *. pr«c«i#ii which s4 m far< bettor i^huIcb. &«tU wldch tcav«H bA ptae* «it the skiu. At night i iciear on e MiAb eoat f t ordinary mercolUed wgic. w uh-

y.- ■ lag It off fivxt moriibiga Tide iredusllr «h- the devita liiMd partMeii nf mrtsee

vhnif i«et a s gradoeity the more ir^thfnl

A decree of absolnte divorce hats be'-ii ifrunted to Mrs. Jessam ine Johnson T raen, How .playing on a W estern the- ttLrU’al d n n ilt, from FTederJeU H. Te*;cn. a lawyer of 139 Chester avenue» with o f­fices a t 1d4 M arket street. The derree was signed Tuesday by Ohanuellor Wnlker. The plaintiff's counsgl, 8aniu«l J. Macr'onsld. has notified her ut Den-r ver. wliFire she in filling an engagement.

The plsintlff is the daughter of Ram- uol Johnson of 1& W est Kinney street.

WHK married to Mr. Tegen In IHOiJ. Sho left iheir home a t 40 N airn place nil Marcli S. returning to herfather s home. Mr«, Tegen* who sang In Uie choir of e loeal church before h er marriage, derided to go on the stag* sev­eral years ago. She did not begin action aeeinet her liuaband until ten m onths ago. The decree niat was granted -laat July, a fter testimony had been taken before Samuol Kalisoh Jr„ slUIng as referee.


y-klh tMAWtli .oaaa* lurilu sreridlns s cam- ptaxlen a* au**., and dallvately tint-aa seS. y«an|: ctrfa. Oet an ounee «( mer-

w ax.at yeitf dniaclst'x onq tty thlt' In taw jm u t.

rr, tae.' tha t wrinkles, evau the . ate 'n e t earily eeneealed In a

illy Hsihtsd rMuti. Ytm w q quiekly tta theoS hatetnl marim by b tth las

tsee la a oelutlae f* sewdered saxe- 1 sa^ dlnaelvsd In urMsti h4ss( 14 pt, year isae wea't Inqlrialiefcy, a i after

la lyeaaa'aiiHaa aaotesp-p-Ajiidt Oalir vK Sk-nA dvartU am aat.

All officers were re-elected yesterday aflem oop a t the annnnl meetin* of tha Ladles' Auxiliary of the National Turn ■Voreln.

A debate on commission Kovemment will he held tomorrow iifght, under the auspices of the Sodallst party In Bethany Presbyterian Fhureh In Spruce etroet. S tate Secretary W B. KllUngbeck will ta lk for the Socialists and 'Theodore S. F ettinger for the Commission Govern­m ent League.

Tho newly elected officers of the New­a rk City Cpunell, IloysJ Arcanum, will be Installed toiiikbt In the cuuncll's quarters In the North Ward Bank building. Deputy Grand Regent J. A. Bloodgood will con­duct the inetallatiun. Delegations from tVoodsIde and E. F. McDonald councils a re expected.

Rergeant Frederick J. IVeller of the F irs t Precinct was elected president ot th e Sergeante’ Associetlon, s i its second annual meeting laul night a t 43 WlUlam atreet. Other offtcere elected are; Vice- president. H arry T. Rtlllman;' Secretary, Jam es D. F ilch; treeeurer, dasto r Gray, and sergeant-at-arm s, John Kellett. An entertatnnaent 'followed the -

Tho F irs t i j i l te d Prcafether t A - iT i l^ l t last n ig h t. g « . a tcidtaabailIlk'M rt< 'Ch Us corps o f 'B ib le s'chaol offtcere omd teachers. John W hile was toastm aster. 'l'i;«ata were responded to by Superin­tendent H ow ud H. Brittain, d irector of the prim ary departm ent: Jsm ee Baas, a tnrm er superintendent, and Rev. L Me Gay Nnipc, the pastor. Music was pto- 'vtded by 6Usi Sarah Trowbridge and the United Presbyterian quartet.

The following officers were Installed la s t night by St, Amt's Brench No. 74, L. C. B. A .;'President, Uta. Prances Be­hold; vlce-pr*ildo(ite, Mrs. Catherine Bauev and Mrs. M artare ta K lotske; iw coader, Mrs. May Frelburger; seslatant nmordef, Mrs. Atjna Kohler; nnapelat Sdoretaryf U n . Mary K ahn; trw au re r, Mri)- M ary Wedel: nutrshal, H tsa Oaro- U m Streckfuss; guatd. Mr*. M arcaM t Sgatk; trustee*, K n . B autr, Mrs, Je s t- phlna MasMS and Mla* Sophie Bohutte.


John F. Ilagerty of ths hoapllal sta ff a t a meeting In the Kinney building last night.

A com m ittee w as appointed to handle

husband <<f Ada R. Clark, a daughter of the tostatrlx end one ot the three residuary legatees, was iismsd ss ax-

la rg e In itia l eubscrlptlone th a t w ill be evutor. The oilier residuary legatees aresolicited before tha public cam paign opens. T he follow ing wlU serve: B ernard M. Shsnley Jr., chairm an of the exs-uillve com m ittee; Joseph M. Byrne,trea-^urer of the cam paign; John L. t-'srroll, R.ef.ert L. Ross, P ostm aster F ra n k J. Rock and Jam ea Taaffe.

W ith th e excoptlBO of th is com m it­tee, w hich will aek 3o.' pledges from a

Orton Johnson Rr. and .Vrthiir Johnson 8r. The Ihiec l oiilcstert* are; Mrs. E l­m ira 6t Mayer uf Seymour and Madleoa avenues, vvillism V. Johnson Jr. and Orton A Johnson, sll adults.

I Wllllem Johnson, husband of the tc s ta lr li . served Newsrk ss a member

j of the Board of Education, and was all a trustee of the Free Public Library t

sniAll tium ber of rich men only* no one i>y ronteitetil* th a t theirle authorliied to eollott aid or collect e-aa UrK<l> inetruniental In build-m oney fo r the cattipatrn until th e I^ir op th e bu*lna«« founded by the elderleam a of canvaeeera s ta r t th e tw elve- day cam p alfn on F ebruary 10.

Mere te e ia it t te e e NaaiedeThe following additional commltLoea

ulao rrero named: to procure speakora for the opening banquel, M. F. HcLaufh* tin. Mote* Keerhinan, Richard A. Hen* aler and Hamuel Fruellch; committee on publicity. John L. O'Toole, Edward W. Ekud^er, Gaorce D. ^mlth, G. Wiener Thorne, Benedict Prelth and Fred N. Fiommer; committee on llliiminaied ad- verttatne clocks, William A. Baker and M, P. Roche.

Joseph J. MuIUDs chairmao of the cll- isens' cotninlUee, will be aided by the fottowing vice-chairmen In ■eleciluf cap­ta in s for ihirty-five csnvasitna teams: M. F. Mcljaufhlin. D r Daniel Klllott, Jam es V. Prendorfsst, Joshua Brlerly, Jam es F <;’affrey, Thomaa C. Hayes. Jam es Tunffe, ' John T. Ghegan, John McNellin. Philip Watsin Jamea B. Ma* fu tre , Cornelius Conlon, Jam es F. Murphy and John J, M^'Govern.

Js H arry Hencgan. chairman of the young businfes men's committee, has been given the following vice-chairnten to aid him ip selecting thirty-five team s of canvassers: 13. J. Quinn Jr., Ur.Arigelo R. Blahchi. Joseph E. Ccnlon, Joiin S. M urray Jr.. Tlobert L. UofcS, Richard K. Mattia, BrnjamJn R. Heiicy, Dr. Edward Fitzpatrick, WlUlani I*. O Rourko, VViltlain J. MacFedden, Edwin Hull and Joseph W. Deeriii.


Johnson, and th a t upon the la tte r 's death he assumed the tnansgeinent of K, and continued In charga up to the time he died. November 17, 19t0.

The contestants claim th#) a re entitled to such share of the esUte as would h a \e gone to their father had he lived.

Their petition charges undue influence.

IN NEW MARKET JOBNot Identified whh Essex Conslrut-

lion Company, bnt Knows Bayles Wefl, He Declares.


Within tho next month Rev. Jam es 1', Poets, Irremovable rector of St John s ra lh u llf (Miurch, the oldest In the city, w ill resign h 's charge and relurn lu Hol­land. hlf* native oounlri. to spend (he remainder of his life near the members uf his family and other relatives.

The vacancy In this pastorate will be the* lliird lo occur recently In prominent FaihoHc parishes. The others are Holy t'.'rosa in Hurrieon and (he IintnaculaHe' t-onc'cptlon In Montclair, both vacandcs resulting from the death of the pas- toia, Flov. Maurice I' U'Founor and Res. Wlllfam R. Brouthers, respectively.

During his pastorate the work of Fath< er Poele has not he^n limited to Itia parish. By reason of the fact that he speaks a number uf European iangua^efl he was called upon to sdnilnlsler to Ihp Spiritual w ants of various nationalities. Including Hollanders, French and Bi-I- glane.

F ather PMla has been In charge of St, John 's parish since February 27. 1H92, during which time he has performed a diffiuult task in reducing an enormous church debt. He succeeded the la ta Rev. liouls OamboBvilie. Prior to his bacoin- Ing pastor of St. John's he was in Boon- ton. Previously he was In Mendham. During h ti pastorate many improvamenta have been made on the church property, which Lncludes the church itself, the p a r­ochial sciiool building and th e building In which are housed the Slaters of 8t. Joaepli-

Durlng the later years of hla pastorate F a th er Pools has made frequent irtps lo his native land and only two years ago was there when his mother died. A c^uain of Father Puelft is conneoUd with the BtAff of the t^athollc ITnIversUy at W ashington.


On a charge of attacking and robbing Mrs. Pauline Kootsler of 619 W est 160th stree t. New Yprk, In th a t city last Friday night, Kdward Mendet of 76 Monmouth street, th is rlly, waa held yesterday in fUi,000 ball for Special Sessions in the W est Side Court.

Mrs. Kootsler testified that she had been dining with friends In the rathskel­ler of the Woolworih building and left them about midnight to meet her hus­band. ■While waiting for him, she said. Mendel oalled her by name and offered to escort her home. She declared she had never seen him before. After taking a drink w ith Mendel, she said, everything be<’aine hazy.

When slio regained her senses Mrs- Mendel found a policeman standing be- hide her In tho railroad yards In Eleventh avenue. New York, w'lth Menujel lu cus­tody. H er earrings had been snatched from her ears and her left eye was ills- rnlnred. Courifle! for Mendel said in court th a t many wltnossos could l«* produced from th is city to testify to the good ch ar­ac ter of the accused irtsn.

EMANDN CLUB TD PRDDUCE COMEDYThe Kmanon Club will produce a

comedy. “FrU nds of Toulh,” February ID. a t the Orpheum T heatre for the benefit of the Beth Israel Hospital and the Jewdsh Hlsterhood of this city, Tho comedy was recently produced a t th e R hubert T heatre In German under th e t i t le of “Jugenfreunds-"

T he club, whVh has produced a num her of successful plays In the paat, h a s a lread y beghn rehearsal under the d irection o f J. M. E dgar H a r t of New Y ork. AmoTig those who will take p a r t a re M tis Beulah Meltser. Miss M ina P la tk y , Miss Helen I/ivlson. M iu Teaele Maybaum, H arry Greenfaurgeri Louie 'Well, H erbert B trassberger. Ben H a rr is and H arvey H arris.

P IL E SQuietlyCured

lo B u n i RcUefr P o n n im en t O u fc-^T rU l P a c k a ^ MaUed F re e to AU

In P la in W n p p e r ,

Since th e action taken by the commlttf^e on public buildings of the Cominun Couii- ull, aw arding ihe t'ontract lo Dienfw Centre Market lu tlie t^ ie x Construc­tion Company for t662,7DO. rumors havs obtained circulttilon ^boui Hi© city hall and u |hcr public places (hat Valentine Uraun waa identified with the concern.

The record*! a t (ho county clerk’* office' ahow that^ thu company waa orgmiizcd F ebruary 19 last, with nn authoriz'd cap­ital of 6KJO.U0U. u f this amount filly eharca of ilufi oabh were BUbscribed for. 14ie Incorporaiora were WllJiam M. Bajies ot East Uraiigi'. and Michael Stefany or livlngCon, and wives. The la iirroacLi held one share and the husbanda tw enty-four sfiaroa cacii,

Mr. Braun sajd today tliat he had no connection, direct or Itidirecl. with the company. He was aware, he said, of dm Stories th a t he was intervsted In U. but tfald th a t It couldn't he made loo cm- pi.a lia th a t he. was. not. City "offlciala were anmng (JioHe. he added, who had In­quired If hu were interested In (he coni' pany.

“ I have known Mr. Bayles f y tweiiiy years or more." added Mr. Braun, ’anr] know that ho |b entirely respom»lble. lie sta rted iti bu^ness with his partner three years a4|CO oh small capKah and Jms made good. 1 gave Jnin a contract for a gai- age, and was alw ays willing to help him out. He has not asked me fr>r any backlng recently, and 1 wsa surprised th a t he didn't. 1 am told, however, that tha company has a balance now of Ic^s than 66o,OOu a t the bank. T would La willing to back Bayles or his company for any am ount J could furnish, but he doesn 't need my help,

' ‘1 th ink he is the M ggift and best con­tra c to r In Newark, bar none. Naturally, he has aroueed some JeVonslee and those kicks you are hearing now are nothing but axhlbittoQs of so renm .

"X have told the Mayor th a t I have nothing to do with the company. "

Mr. Bayles was not a t the office of the Essex Construction Company. S7 Acad­emy street, today. It was said there thaq h\i was expected late this afternoon.

H k a t Bayles Has Doae<Mr. Braun was asked If he knaw what

o ther big work the Essex Construction Company had done. He said it had erect­ed the Donald building in M arket street, had done big w'ork for the American Hank Note Company, the Christian Fai- genspan Corporation, P. Ualantine & .Soria, and for others th a t he could not re­ran off hand.

Mr. Baylea was formerly a roadm astcr for the Public Service Railway Company but has had no connection with th a t com­pany since 19D4. Before going into busi­ness for himaelf he wea la the employ o( the Frederick F’stzler Company, con- (ractora. .

The protaat made by Edward M. W ald­ron to Mayur IJaussltng against aw ard­ing the contract for building the new m arket to the Essex Construction Com­pany has raised the question of (lif< legality o f such hii award on more th an one. Mr \^‘sld'^o^ set forth in Ills le tter to the Ma>ur that if certain alter-* nste bids had bchn accepted he would l ave been the lowest competitor. The records bear this out, though they also show th a t on s general bid for the per­formance 4(f Lhe whole contract he 'fltas Rlightly higher than the Essex company. Ihe alternate bids were called for on spftcIflcaiiotiB different from those un* tier which the general bid wka made, and would have involved, In some LnstavCeSs dividing the work among contractors.

Besides Mr. 'Waldron's claim tTiat he is Uie lowest bidder the point has been made th a t It was irregular to accept bids a t the tim e w heu they were passed on by the public buildings committee, because londitfons had materially changed since the time the bids were asked for. This point Is based on (he f a d th a t when tho t.'oniinon Council several months ago de­rided to build the inarkel an appropria­tion of I4D9.000 was decided upon for th a t purpoia.

Recently, how eser the Common Coun- r ll decided on an appropriation of 6700,000 for the market. The statem ent Hqs been made th a t bids should have been asked anew under the new condi­tions.

Hr* NageBt^s E x p lB ia tiU 'City Counsel Jam es R. N u g ia t said to­

day, however, th a t there w as a mlsappre- henalOQ on th a t phase of the proceedings. H e explained th a t the original appropria­tion of 1400.000 was based on a certain se t of p lans which. It was afterw ard decided, were Inadequate..

New plans, he saldg aUnprliig tn u ^ m ore room, and making provision for the aceommodi.Uoo of the weights and m eas­ures and poeilbly othar departm ents of th e city vovemment, irara,draw ii. and It w as with t h e i e j n . vtew th * t bids were called for and wilfk these a lio in view ^ e_a X a m m aaV— AA - MwaoJ '

Bsnt evsry mas and «em«a lurfM*- lus from ths j^erudstlsg torturs of pu«« to Just Mnd their name sad addrsos to ui and |St. by retvr& mall* a frse trie) paek- aas of ths most sffsotiv* and ikmUIts eure evsr known for thLa dlseass, Pyramid Pilsover known for Remedy. *. * **.*The way lo pfovs what this great rsm«dy

•will do in your own cast, is to Juat fill out fras coupon and ssnd to- vs and you will g«t by return malU a free sample of Pyramid Pile Remedy.

Then, after yes hST# proven to yourselfTvhst It can de* you wtlL go to the droggist and set a dd-oent boa*

Don't iinderio An ops^ralloR. Operations


txar—ana <>>* pitSs .tlmplr W x.For H i, a t all Sra* riore, xi |g cast, g


F r e e P a c k a g e C o n p o nFill out 1110 Monk lints baSow wltk

Jour nojoo a;rf oddrjaa enl out_ cou^n■1,4 man to tha FTRAHID DRUri .,q t FjrsiaiA Mf„ H*rahstl, lilch, A trial paohoc* ot tlw troot Prrsinia Rll, RamodF will ttaon bo sont you at on« by moll, n iB B , In plain wrappor.

Th« B uild or* and T rtd s rV Exnhans* hold It* a n c u s l m ostlnc th is a fternoon and elocted th* fallow ing offlaera: Prapldent, John F. Day; vlea-prosldant, H u rh K Innard : ■•cretary. C harU i II G rovor; treosuror, I* C, Buallny. There wa* ho oppoattlon. ’ ' ,

Tlior* wore flvo cah d ld aU i fo r four . w a p o i f * th * DO*M of dls*etor*.

— foIWrtlf*, th e fou r h l*h - .Jfcd i'ed o y i* DtUK, *«;

■Lnofies Coopor, *0: W. 'VV. Bchouler, *3 ; P h ilip M achlneon, 31; O eor»* Rlch- a r t* . 31. '

T he poll* op*n*d. a t noon and cloiod a t F o'clock. D urtni: th* bstlotlnK and a f te rw a rd i'«fre*hm*nt* w ere served an d th e mem ber* o f 'th * *xchanBe were e n te r ta in e d w ith a vaudvttle hlH.



K **a*r Lomoeo a F b tladelpU a T h * * ,nF ra n k A. K«ea*y. projnl*tor of the

K etney Theatre In ,^hl*. dity. ho* jqat ■icn*d * l«a«* of t in Ameriesn Tbeatr*. PhUodtlphia, In which U onsger Charle* E ; Blaney, formerly of L'ewarli, ho* he*n prM*Dtln« (tocfc-Attnetlon*. H r. Keeney

{do** no t M y wHettwr h* wiU'elsaiite th<O ty i aoUer o f th* fcouMl Th* >•»*■ l i .to r *

lO U torso o f yanfa. V* wilt M*uau coq. t of th* b*u*« th* tlrtt of next Bep.

U K htr.



m m


Minuture Fedention Held in Keannr School Report on Various

Phases ol Adiiity.


Sarah M. Griffith*, a (lite r llvin* a t 3( South rilxleenlh ilreat. Robert E, Clarfc,

F or th e purpoK* of hearliin w h at th e r* ,p*ctive elulia wer* doing: In tti* lr p a rtic u la r line* of work, a* laid o u tby th* S la te Federation, a m in ia tu re - ------------ ------ ------federation of the ten th -d la lr ic t of th e . * •*••**■ “ W 'u b« about *3.7(KI. con- New Jeraey S ta te Federation o f W orn- *®®’‘ •'•'rounta and * mortgage on

IxKal creditor* enyoged In th* bultdln* m aterial bueineu cau**d t n luvoluntary petition In baokruptcy to be filed yeat*r- day In th* United Hlate* U litrlc t Court ngaln it th* Qlpbe CuDitructlon Company of lOti Brood atreet.

Judge R alldah appointed David Bobker reedver, f id n g h li bond a t *4,009, Th* I'Otltioner* allege the llabilltlaa of th* company are between *36,soo and **5,300, although Mayor K nunhr of |00 Broad s tr e e t prealdeut of the concern, isya they a re about 16,093.

Mr. Kraaner declared th* company which wa* engaged In building contract' In*, cloied iU ofric** two or three mopths ago tw lack of (unde He aald It Jjul accepted no contract* since th a t tinie.

sn 'e Clubs wa* held today In L incoln Schcral aud ito rium s t A rlington, l i r a C harles A. l.atham , d istric t v lce-preel- dent. presided and explained th e ob jec t of th* m eeting. About 100 club wom en w are prenent a t th* niuriiing ee iilon .

Th* various lines of work tak en up by th e ,c lu b s repreaenlrd Included civic be tte rm en t, e ffo rts tow ard the ee tab - H shm enl of a k ta te College for Women, h ea lth of comiuuiilUes, w om an's suf- ffage , m uilc and litera ture .

The organlistlons In tho d istric t con- »lst of all the women's clubs of Bayonne, Hoboken, W est Hoboken and Arlington.

property In Rahway. Mr. K tasner sold tho book accounts wore "not worth much."

The ctunpsny was organised about throe y ja rs ago. 61 r. Kraener said It waa managed by NamusI Brooks, tbs M cretary and treasurer.

"I waa only a dummy." sold he, "and I can 't toll you anything more about It,"

Im sn RoHiuHihn Is vice-president of the company. The petition lo bankruptcy was fljad by Wllliont H arris, a local a t ­torney.

Dentistry o f Class


Ke^r'iin, VoV'{i;rrnhrL,f;r^^^^^ m a n c a u g h t in b u ild in guslca. U u b of Bayonne, Mr. W lU l.m ^ ^ (X)NV1CTEDMuilcxl ...... .....

6L' WkMtera, th« rurruajjondlng i$ecrAULry« za14 tho f^rifivIpBl object of tlie orgxnlZA- tlon ivl-k-li Mh6 rsprebcnted to itudy and keep lu touch the muelo andlitera ture of different eounlriee th rough­out the wotid. Beside* thla, Mrs. Wau- tere said the d u b doeA considerable phUftnlhropic work. I.sst ChrlstroM it had A p srt In the municipal Chrlittiias tree celehrutlon and pruvided glfle and C htlrt- maa dinners for a ournber of pcor fwnllles.

Miss Adflaido Captain, president of the Woman s Musical and Literary Club of Bayonne, reported that the club ttuditij deacrU>Ulve tnusic and Ih.e compoaltloRS of L^eetliuven dnd symphenica The club also takes part in dvtu work.

The principal ohjfjcx of the W om an's J^olltlcal Slisfiy <JluL of Bayonne, a s told by Mrs. I. C. Gecry, the president, Is woman's suffrage. The dub, ahe said. \^an directing all Its clforls toward having a suffrage bill pasHed by the present laogislalura. ‘j'he organization intends to engage a number of. speakers Id bnhslf of the cause. In addition to these activ- Itlos. Mrs. Gecry said, the club is co-oper- sting with the Board of Health In at- teriipilng to exterm inate tuberculosis. It has pMjtKIoned the Public I3epvli;r« Corpora­tion lo provide a shelter at the junction of Bejonno and Jersey City for trolley patrons. Mou^'-v t h e d f r ^ ' ’prleioTs'^ave b4»en petitioned to better vendUtlou.

MIm O rra r . F’aihs. of th s Bfothsrs' CluL'Sf W est lluboken said her organl- aalloM WBs d jr« n - lh i& ,e f fo r ts toward »h© establlahjnont ur^h !4tato college for women. The BoardASf Ktlucation of TlobnUoiii, Hhe aald, bad ne^er presented a rcp4*rt to the rltUens, hut is now pre­paring one w hich will soon h« issuefl. Af- to r (lu- report aiTjjearR. Mlae Palno said, the 4'lub will pngage tt’. IT A\‘e;rlll of th s

Y'ork Bureau of Municipal Ro­sea r* 11 to point "ut Ih' htoijii liuiiU.M anti iii"fc'‘ls Th#' object 4'f this will be to ilf‘ti-nnln« whether IliS money spent for edui-atloual piiri'o^es Ili wisely expended.

6Trs. Orrln T>. Bartlett, president of the Arlington t.'Uic Flub, aald the organiza­tion waa divided Into seven a' tivcly work­ing deimrtmentti. ae follows: Franchine.legUlation. education, sociology, put*lic lioaUli and liygiens, a rt and waya an4j incuns. The legislative c-omnilUee, she asserl^d. Is co-operating with ths leglja- lalivs departm ent of the fltatc federathjn,

Mrs. BHTdott said the Rducatlon com­mittee had rxactsd a promise from Mayor Robert IC. Torrance of Kearny prior to his election last f»r, ihal ho would ap ­point a w*otii n (he school board. The Mayor reappui ted Mra. Pamela M. Ksk- his. The club is working In behalf of a State college for women and arranging to contribute RtOO toward the fund.

The W om an's rUih of A rlington was represen ted by Mra. Murrlo S. Mac- Lean, the president. Among the club topics lo r the year ai'e industria lism , lite ra tu re . sociology. liile rnatlonal peace, education, public health ahd civics. The club has conirlbuted the past y ea r and will continue to give to the G eorge Jun io r Republic and is p lan n in g to con tribu te also to the S tate coltege fund. Mrs. MacLean reported th a t the club has given $16 to Stum pf M emorial Tloapital of Kearny.

Mrs. B a rtle tt added th a t the d e p a r t­m ent of sociology Is w orking to b e tte r the conditions of women and children In Indu stria l l|»atltutlons. The oom- m ltlee on health is co-operating w ith the local and S tate boards of health to stam p ou t tuberculosis. Mrs. B a r t­le tt said tha cluh etpet'.ted to hold p u b ­lic m eeG ngs In March and April. At the A pril m eeting "roH tlcal E quality" wilt be the theme.

Mrs. Thomas B. Stillman. vice-pT«§- ident-at-large of Ihe State Federation, spoke fo r the ’Woman's t'luh of Hoboken. She said tho club is largely Interested in dvlua and th a t through Its effort! Ho­boken had a "dean-up" week L ^ t May. Cellars and backyards were so dirty, Mrs. Stillman sold, th a t two weeks were r e ­quired to clean the city. The contractor, who had agreed to cart away the n h b ish and d irt for }60D, she declared* Is said to have realized |!,000 from the sale of scrap Iron and other marketable m aterial.

Mrs. Stillman suggested th a t if any of the ciuba contemplated conducting a sim ­ilar enterprise it would he better perhaps to allow the runtracior to sell the stuff he might gather up than to pay him a contract price for doing the work, The d u b netted YBOfl from the wale of Red Cross stam ps a t Christmas, part of the money being given to the Tuberculosis Cllnlr of Hoboken, and the remainder for the nourishment of tuberculosis patients.

Among the speakers this afternoon will b» Mrs. tvllliam T. Ropes of Montclair, S tate president of the New Jersey Federal tlon; Mrs. Rtillinan and Mrs. ’WIIMam ahlpman Douglas, chalrmsn of the sub - committee oh S tate college for women.

1 hoiTias Murphy, who w as caugh t In (he Builders' Exchange, in Clinton stree t, early on tho luorjting of Oa- L-embcp J8, was found gu ilty th is m orn­ing of breaking, en te rin g and stealing by Judge Osborne in the Special ties- slops C o u rt Ha pleaded th a t he was d runk and did not know w hat he was doing.

Murphy w as caught by the jan ito r, John W. Mitchell. The form er had w ith iilni a revolver and some goods sto len from one of the offices, ac­cording to the testim ony of Mitchell,

In the sam e court Giuseppe Agostin- eUi was fo*nd guilty of ca rry in g con­cealed weapons. He w as charged w ith flourish ing a raso r In the presence of Mrs. Antonio B elladqnna a t BfUl- burn. December 7. \

On a charge of b reak ing and enter- ing, Lloolzi H«dl])l. whom Michael J . D urst of 161 Sussex avenue found in hla bedroom December 17. was also Tuund guilty. It w as testified by D urst Ihul lie was aw akened by a Dulse In his room and found Redinl crouching behind a bed. .Mr. D urst also alleged

JI ia ( Badini had turhed on four jets tlic ga^s stove for ihe purpoae, h'c

. . - - •..«*.»ing lh(j un-anscloua.

r is our proud bout that we do .work of the bigheat char­acter only—-work that com-

parea with dentists who boast of the highest reputations, but who tax you not only for the work but add 10 0 % for the reptilation.

Let us show you aaniplee of our work and tell you the pricee.

FILLINGS'<^0 5 0 sE . r r r OperaUa* Palal*** aad

Alt WorkGuaranteed for to Yeart



O re* Strobell'e F low er Store T el. 4NM4 N erk et

l■•dy A ltru(liiiil..,G eriiian SpokeuOftU'e Open 9 A. M. (o * F. 61.

Sawdar, 10 A. H. to E P. II.

G O O D P L A T E S w i t h m y g u a r a n t e e

a n d u p

£ rh'ossculor Hood noils prosspg u i.aep ^Lsalust Jani*^ \Irijicenl, wuVi w\^Uicenl,charged w ith iniu a gariiis’c ai-D L ast Park L ick ut evidence wasIS Ph

DcccmbtTc causf.

fe ig e n s p a n m a n a g er isHONORED AT ANNIVERSARY

Mre. H e0 ry E laevbrrg ,Mrs B arbara Llietiberg, widow of

Henry Elsenberg, died early thie morning a t h4>r home, 34 Sherman street, Oranga. 8 he was sixty-five years old and had been Hi for se v e r^ weekp. Mrs. Eloenberg Ir survived by th ree nieces, Tho funeral will be held Sunday afternoon a t 3:30 o'c]4x k . when the service will be oan- ducted by Rev. 'William M. Nesblt, pastor of Ferry Methodist Church, E ast Orange. Interm ent will be In Ro»edale Cemetery.

Beneath Your Fat a Graceful


eaGmatedl coat of l700^Bd<l waa ftz id .Mr. N ugeot declared th a t there would

be BOtblitc illegal tn acU of upon th« bids under thesa circumataiioafi bu t refused to express an opinton on th e genaral m erit of Mr. W aldron's contontlos.

Haw yeev4^kp, day .'lo7»ur own tnm serf •msrglrig flr.om the p s o s ^

'ww rblls of fat th a t have gstbsred oti cheiL kip*, wstst, chin, Ghee^, «nd ntek, covorlng up arid dlstortiag IhoMihi. gracoful flgurs b«n«4thT Then lusrnKhls WsIK To remove or prevsnt th«ie unwelcoraw depostts—eda- (rol ih«ir gustitity en'd elocstJon witheat psying the prici of vlolint eXsrelM, dlstlng,

nr tmpslrmeni of hosltli:- Is ■Ifort, lo find oiu's own slim self beneath the fatty sheath-w-hns been made possible by s noted pfeysfdan. whoee Uoirnole ^eeprlp- tJon helped thousands of overfat intn «od women lo reduce •afelr and aurety from id to IS ounces per day until the tmtuial hesub ef the ejmum Is. riitored and slim- neM results. MofuloU PresoripUen. lats. the new form of tbls irsac rsmedy. sioh contain ajp exact dope of ths to m e ^ MiLrmoU PTeMrlbHaa. Like the origtnm presorlptloa. a e g • ■her are ebeeJuieiy lore andharmleee. Neortr sverr droggist keeps thi woadeKtU nitto loMeta or they

III L'f'lebi'H.tlun uf hla twenly-flfth year of bftr\k’O In the eini»Ioy of the Christian Felgf^hspan CorporaLlon, William If. Ruse, who liHS rlsr^n fruni offiro boy to office manager of the coiuorn, u a s gucsL of honor a t u supper given by hla fellow- emrloyes lust night in Sahsvald'a hall.

1'he cori'orallon presenteq to Mr. Hoae a check, t^hrlollaii'Ffclgonsi^au madii the presentation speech, A gold watch and 4'haln were giveti for the Felgenapan Provident Club h\ Tax (.'ornmlssloner John llovci. I ha office, staff of the brewery g a ;e to Mr. llcw; a floral horsc-

Mr, Ruse, who born jn this idly, entered the rmploy of (he corporation v,l»en hb V as fifteen years old. The speakerti last nisht vero Jacob L, Baer, John Fgsert. John W. Gaven, Albert S. Kucnlg, Fire i'oninilflsioner Frank Laga.>’, Peter F. Pfcll. Joseph I'loeaer, W. P. Hommtl, Newton Sutherland. Valentin c . Trabuld, John Stengel, J. William Huogcl and Joseph MoUourlj.

Mr. Howe and Mr. Hucgcl were the i-omniitteo on arrangements. Ths electric departm ent of Uie corporation had the hull decorated with 1,50ft red, white and blue Incandescent bulbs.

BOYS FACE CHARGES OF LARCENYTwo boys, yvliD are said to bn iiiein-

bera of s *apx of thieves, were looked d(i a t iKilIra headquarters last night by liJeuienant McMahon and Patrolman ■ onion on charges of breaking, entering, la r c n y and rec lv lnsr. They are Charle* Whitehead, eighteen years old. of 33 I ’rince street, and Herman Hiller, fif­teen, of 273ta Warretv atreet.

Five other boys and a wotuan were, apprehended In connection with the same ease in December. Whitehead was a r­raigned In tho Second Precinct h'ourt to ­day and held in 4.609 ball to await grand Jury Bctlon Miller was committed to tho house of detention.

Whitehead Is alleged to have broken In to the store of A lexander Sr Roseii- blum a t 273 C entral avenue December

and stolen sixteen pairs of shoes31Miller is accused of breaking Into the second-hand store of Jam es J, Hrltton at

Academy street and stoatlng six re­volvers, two pairs of field glasses, thru ■ pen knives, a set of comb* and a watch sll valued a t *26.

COURT APPEARANCE CUITING SEQUELAs a setuftl to a fight in a dance hall

door«ay Sunday night, during which two ■liar wore stabbed, Louis De Santis, man-

T h e y N e v e r S l ip o r D r o p

i i a r t d e c ^^ jnWsKj HMIM) ogJS,

E x c l u s i v eJ e w e l r y

We take pride in hav­ing our stock represent ail that is newest and best, but that also is dif­ferent from the twin- mon run.

Those desiring jew­elry of .exclusive and distinctive design will lind a wide range for satisfactory choosing here.

Prices, also, will be found scaled to the low est possible level.

Our Optical Department is perfectly equipped. Ac­curate glasses are assured at moderate cost.

At the C.ock CornerBroad S t .a tW .P a r k


S(Mp D r ies Sonlp, < a it sing >uii«d ru ff , T hen Huir f 'a lls O ui—

Try T h is N ext TImr.

AfL«r ai^hlng jaur tialr v.Uh poiit tiJuaya Ripply a little Dunderine to Hj<? hCfiTp |i. |o- vigOJ-Eite tKe hair und prevent drynes:;. Bol-ttr stlH, usft adiffp ua Hpuriiijl" as ncKvlhl*. tknd ipatead huv<x u *'DuM4ier n<? Hair CleanaG.'' Ju«( ttvolaten a tdollt w(lh Ii:in- tlerlus and dtiiiv it mirmUly throujli your hair, lattliig one elraml a llmr'. TiiU reeiufV6> dusl. dirt and <*M,'ejr*ivt- nil, !ti n few momenta you >vfll l-f* aii*;iy.ed. yaur hnlr Kill not onl:.‘ be rlcan, but U nlll br tvaiy, fluffy uitd HljUU4ju.nT, irnd pofr-tri-.-Aa mi* In-

a=.-er of S tar Hall, 43 flarelde Wreet ! “ '"l’" ” vie w f t n ^ end1..,..,. i.. .,*1. Be,!dec I'leoiibliig iiii

luslor.was I c’raced loday in J50ft ball on tEio charge of having vloiateU the SxcIbo law.

Mantis 'l -ae also paroled for a hearing next Tuesday In the Refund Proclnd Court on another charge—conducting a Sunday dance without a lIceiiM.

£rcolI Mssslno of liltone street, one of tiie injured men. Is reported to Lie In a dangerous condition a t the City Hos- ylta] ritfferirg from a slab wound I(i tbs abdomen, damuel Di^ngaho of Z2C Clif­ton Bveiiiie, Uie otn¥r victim, is a t thu same hospital with stab wounds In htu facd and back.

Tho police have been unable to identic*

BesIdGN i‘.)eai|Hiiig tiiiil bektiiUrj !ug lb> liiilr, one appJl isRcpn uf puiiJej'iMti OlteHotvi n ©\-ery partlL'Ie of dcmJruff: ' i4ttmuliitcn Iho Rrair>. Rtoppins 'hchtne I'iTH, fulling >1.. r* f

the assailanis am ow fourteen wUneRO^s arrested after th e fm eas. Patrolcn VoR?and Goodwin arrested I ;e Bantla oft orders from Captain John B* Brow'n.

NEW YORK RUTGERS MEN TO DINETh* N*w T ork AtODclstloh o t A lu m l

of Rutger* Collet* will bo li It* «ii|tu*l dfaner tomorrow evining * t tl)* 'B ot«l A itor, New York.

A T*vt*ed lift of stwAkar*. *1 an ­nounced by fornm r Judgi'A lfiwd Skinner, who will act oa toostitia«ter, Include* M artin W. Littleton, Alexander C. Humphreys, prealdeut of Stovong In*tl- tuU ; Dr. W . 1. Choaberlaln. a graduate lutd farm er profepior of R ntgari, and Dr. W. H. 8. Demarest, predden t o t tlie

UwiulFrlhi* 1: tn Hid) IihIj' iiluiOfrrsh t,|i<TtN4»r?4 o f rult i oakU i<ui)»Hhic Aro lu v«i^«’lutloii . U g o e e r l g l i t lo t i ie rnolh. InvlRiirutffH hiicI Gtr«inirLi]#n.N (iift i t. lyH o.x.Mlaru(iii9 aiiri M(fr- i irotlUi 'lpff p r o p e r t i e s caii^^ cliti h a i r (o g r o w ItiiiR, Ntrcmg and b#uulir)il.

Mffi ' Isarllfl'Rl V*i« t'aii Hiirely li a 'o loir i-r c i ia rm ln a hair. <J«>1 it : 3-i7eiii buEllo uf fCnotvIlon’K DiimJi'rlnt; from H*>y Unis s l t ' n o r to i l e t 4.V|)UMter iRiui try U. —AdvprllHftmeii' ,

collage.A n a tu r e of th* evening .will be tb*

Mtowlng tb*preoaotaGon of plctureli _____ _____ _grow th .ot the inatjtutlon. t

T baN iw .T ork A iooditlon. Independent! of tb* general tlum nl, was o itan leed In iN«W 'Tai4c and le oonu>o**d, o f vrgduatcaoadTialntty.living In New Took i

BREWERS LOSE lAWPlOyi’ SSUITA vardlot of ttRO.10 woe ratUriMd by

A Jury In Clroult .Court yo*li«rd*y af- Urtiooj) for tb* Bbtarprl** Building Company, which had aoked for **,000from th* D estz 'C o u n ty B rew ing Com-wan . I*

The lu lt wgg bated ointth.* alleged naglSct of tb * ' brew ing' company to koop In proper ooiw tlitn tb'« pramlHia a t :63 H»rk*t * ln * l, which It leased from tbe.p]atatip*

PUT D kJAa FOR NON-SUBPORTGiven half AdotWIt'OltaBeeii.to.carry oe^

a promlae to lupport hla wlM' hnd ohll- dros, end having tailed o n each oocoalon, O tto Ludwig wsli«coniinlttdd to pen!- ten ttk ry by Judge H ahn todoV. In^efku tt of a bond of RSOO.

Mrs. Ludw|g teatifled r th n t Unce her husband was lo st' a r t e i M , : ftv* ' wee|M

■he hod twan a poUent In, the City Itol. D u rin g .th a t tUue b* foiled to

v is it tMf o r th n r two chtidibn and did no t give her a c«nt of tupporl, ebe sa id ..

Largsat Jesseter cn the liltl

O C U L IS T SP f e s o I p J io n s

■yOUR PRESCRIPTION will * be in competent hands if

you bring it here. One of the strongest features of tills Op­tical Shop is accuracy, and that’s Important.

Our charges are indeed mod­est, when the high character of our service is considered.

Dtameads, W§lchea, Jewelry

A U R N H A M M E R224 Spriigfieid Ave. fkiratrH«acon


L ook, rrxotlierl i r ttengno Is Coaled, C teaose L ittle Bowel* w llli “C'all-

■ fiH itta Syriip o f F lgsi”

xativ*." iqd

N* Lam p «si O N b e e tie e -On a chafgeof ponBltttng building ma­

terial to remato In tb* highway without O' warning light at night, Morrta Brelt-

neored dlreet by M U fra a U» Co., pgraMr .Bldg., Detrela Hteh,

*teth«M Biaii of II* TTavorlir avemio. tbU city, ie*JL ? w«g loot nlgtil onglttifd bofor* Recorder

'Wimmer In. tba Kgarny Fellee Court H«

Cblidreu nothing. el 11v « r iA iif

thay teooma lightly ol:i>n«tl with v.'4tU«. ilvgr f «(4 nlucclih, utonmch oourt. th«n your jittlo. fru* baoome* hrota. .half-aickr f«v«ir- 1«|R, don’t «at, Aloep or act nglurtliy, brealh

, ig bad* vyatim fuft of cold, ha* snr# laroat, •tofoa^b-acha or dlari-ljoia. iJxUn, Mntbarl 8m J f tonru* l i froa(«{], (hen fjve a tea- «l>o^ ii1 of 'Xallfoinla tiyrup of Flm,** and tn a few houn all the corfiMihUgd »our bile and undJfeiiteA ifoA p i i w out Of the aimtami and you have tti welt, play­ful child, avahi.

Million* of moitier .i^ve ’'Californtm l^rup pf Figs'' bgoaiiM U is psrfacUr haroUass, onildren love 1L aiid H n ^ sr falls to act on the Uomacbe Uvtr and bowela

Astr your druggist’ for a fto-deat bottle et r'Callfomia 8yrup of which has foillUrsctions for babtss, eblldren « f all am t add for grown-ups plainly printed on tns bottls, Beware of comtierfelts eoiq hare. 43*t the genuine, .made by 'CMIfornta Big dprvp o t e a p y ." JtafuM a iir olhtr k M with aontaiBpt,>-Adv«rttseme«t,


Two A lt Fn r Weilhei


BARNEGAT BThe etfeot <

yesterday ant t ire State. Ii dropped belt), more shelter m ore th an s ;

Two men w repo rts were ■•ctions of sc trem * cold. Ualtme, foum A tlantlo City, who died a t 1 Trontoii, a lts coniclous Ire w as found li fro ien .

Think loe < th roughout I Hlver Is fros tn m any year effectually cl g a t Bay. T uV»r.

NB'WTON, eoldeat weat' a lthough no th ii vtdintty T«*sday nigi ou t yesterda aw ay below county. No t»rcd on th below. Tb* vlllo w as tw fourteen. L weather bur reported stxt

TRJSNTO.N man, who h from th* col bad b«*n tak< 1 !0n, M« wa Insignia ot I Local membi were unalile

ATLANTIC Malone, a st to death yei Vermont eve

PATERBO 60 Essex sti pllel with bi ported todgy t|on m sy 'utAfound leonln

r hecity hell by on his way could not I asked ebout started to a: iinable tn wi hospital, wh' i nabl* to sp'

Delawarib u r l in g

form ed fro nelaw aro I the memorj habitants, degrees bel etrenni froi boys hero Peimeylvan

The ferry log bctw*t m anaged t open, but Cl pooled to t tloA

The st. caught In t all night, woe eo her able to pro w ere land' L ater the w ent undei town.

BUTLER therm om et m orning r sero. Fou begging CO out the da; of employ] be in d ls tr . in bed dec of freezing

NH’W BI la l).—The (lay n ight yards of here, with w ere delay difficulty englnek. P from loca rilled 'VrUtF re ig h t et w ater froi atreete, ho engines hathe tanks

BAYON2 Favorlta, Bcherf, a T aoht Clt Bay from boat w*r< Boherf Is

TOMB R tim e this frosen ov 4 below T also frozi channels, w ater, w; Jteexe, rui hae itoppi th a t 1* he and Seael


gpsokil Ssi PERTH

shovel etn Valley rot uncovered missing tt

Miller H e wee t1 man to h' because (

‘ work,, the Members worked i ae If toroundbou]

It le th the ashpl stunned t gave ^ hi


ten yeanin the rnoon, broke tt 10ns, Qs Charles sam e fe th rough his help

Both 1 not JosatenUA

ledresoued nh t bed nb t tm It w as I"■A


Blpp*. broke th terday a arquBfh«M .by’ unoeid e r lhhim to tl retnatnei sucoumh


edrpentt ta t snti overbaw gouod I before I

/ tu f Tac


jffV f In ISvwCOuS.Wthe I tilpfeWty. By tsfcbiii




m ,



>u Il­ia —

1' uJ\\yvs Ip (t< in- irtii. Hoi- potcHlhlt .

Hfilr llh li-.Kn- Jill your TitU i\IM

I Ml» !»■•Ihy IhA illtTHolvflU

tlinn? Ima.tion. n iteH Hiirl aiifl Mf-*-tO Jfl’OlV

o loir I'T »0(lt0 Ilf HI Kl«'r'j LiHffintju'.

m u


8 if the

OP- hat 3




SICKC oated,‘Call-





Two Aro Frotea to Deall in Bitter * W tttiieir^e Coreri .Ae

Delaware Rher.


sHEnirF m v B T o a m w f . GLYNN WORRIED BYB A K E IO M D IIA N B Y S K IR II

viaflu t»Wlt ii. ■ i ^ J l

wOtiie, I iftn year jp ’ * 1• b m lh J> throat, 1 Motbtr! 1

ft t«ft- 1pf**' and .g1 UrMMMt, ' 1MM oat 1tl> j»lay'‘ 1

a gyruparmliM, | ix.1 to act 1Kittl® e t 1iMa tall 1ill m m J

on tha 114 h«re. ■ 14Ida Big*r klatf

Th* erftflt <)f tha cold w ave w e i felt yeetirday and laa t n ig h t over th e en­tire S tate. In acme parte tlie m ercury dtopped below the le ro m ark , w hile In more ehsltered reglune It wM' never m ore th an a iew degreee above.

Two men w ere ftoeen to death , while rep o rt! were received from eeveral ■aotloni of eu ftering caueed by th e ex­trem e cold. The victline w ere W illiam Malone, found dead In a e tah le loft In A tlautlo City, and an un iden tified man who died a t the C entral Police Station, llrentoii, a f te r ho had been found tin- conecloue from eapoauro. Leo Uelano w »i found In P atereon w ith hie feet froeen.

Thlok loe covere pond* and etrenme th roughout the State. The rtelaw are Hlvot le froxen over lo r th e f lre l lime In m any year* and navigation hae been effeotually d o le d by the Ice on Uarne- g a t Bay. Toms River la also tro icn uVer. ...

NEWTON, Jan. IS . (Spacial).— Ihe eoldeet w eather o f th e-p resen t w inter, a lthough not the reco rd -b reak er for th is vtdlnlty. ■ struck Sussex County T aetday n ig h t and continued th ro u g h ­out yeeterday. The therm om eters fell aw ay below soro In every p a r t of the county. Newton inetrum ente re g is­tered on the average eleven degrees below. The tem peratu re a t B ranch- vllle wae tw elve below and a t A ugusta fourteen. Layton, th* most northern weather bureau station of the B lile, reported sixteen.

TRENTON, .Jan . IB.—An unhlenlined men, who had been found unconscloui from the cold, died yesterday after he had been taken to the Central Police Sta- i!On. He was well dreased, and wore the Insignia of the I-oyal Order of Mooee, Imeal members of the order, However, were unable to Identify him.

ATLANTIC CITY, Jan . IB.— William Malone, 8 stableman, was found frozen to death yesterday In a loft In North Vermont avenue.

PATERSON, Jan. 16.— Leo Delano of 69 Essex etreet le a t th e Oejieral Hos-^ pltal with both feet froien. I t wae iw* ported today he Is Im provlng l^d am puu- Uon mey w f be neceiggry. ^ l a h o found leaning eg e las t' the coping of the city hall by PaMolroM '*“*on hie way to heeidflU a^rs. Delano could not reply when the ^ llc e rn a n ssked shout hie.p light, and when Kelly started to arre st him he found the inau unable to walk. Delano S5| l to the hospital, where for several holrtl he was I aable <o speak.

D elaw are Sleem boat Is Icebound,BURLlNaTON. Jan . 16.— Ice has

form ed from shore l» shore on the D elaw are R iver for the f irs t lim e in the memory ot any bu t th e oldest In- liab ltan li. W ith the tem p era lu fb a t ! degrees below sero Tuesday n ig h t the s tream fro ie to such a th ick n ess th a t boys here w ere able to cross to the Pennsylvania shore.

The ferryboat W illiam E. Poron , p ly ­ing between B urlington and Bristol, m anaged to keep a n arrow channel opan, but continued cold w ea th er Is ex ­pected to close the stream to n av ig a­tion.

The steam boat Springfield w as caught In the Ice Tuesday and was held all night. Y esterday m pru ing the Ice wae so heavy the eteam bont was un ­able to proceed and fifteen passengers w ere landed a mile below Trenton, LftUr the Springfield g o t clear and w ent under her own eteam for Borden- town.

BtJTLER, Jan. 15 (Special).—The thennom etoP here early yesterday m orning regifttereii 10 degrees below aero. Poor people of the tow-n were begging coal dealers for coal th ro u g h ­out the day. A num ber of persons out of em ploym ent have sheen reported to be In d la treeean d several w ith w ives ill in bed declared th e w om en In danger of freezing.

NEW BRUNSWICK, Jan . 15 (Spec, la l).—The extrem e cold w e a th e r TuesJ day n igh t froxe the w a te r pipes In th e yard ! of the P ennsy lvan ia R ailroad here, with the resu lt th a t local tra in s w ere delayed In g e ttin g o u t because of difficulty In. obtaining w a te r to r th# englneb. P ire hose had to be go tten from local tlrehouees an d th e tan k arilled yylth w ater Dom f ire hjhJfWBttF re ig h t engines on the m ain line got w ate r from fir* h y d ra n ts In the city Rtreete, hose being a ttach ed w here the engine# h ad s to p p ed and w a te r ru n Into the taiskB In the tenders.

BAYONNE, Jan . 16 (Special.—La Favorlta , a yaoh t owned by A lexander Scherf, a mem ber of th e N ew ark Bay Yaoht Club, is a w reck on N ew ark Bay from the Ice. The sides of the boat w ere crushed In and she sank. Scherf Is In Europe.

TOMS RIVER, Jan . 16.—F o r the firs t tim e th is w in ter E a rn e g a t Bay le froxen over, the m ercury dropp ng to i b ilow Tuesday night* Tom* R iver 1* Aleo f ro ien over, even to lb * main channels, w here the w a ten w arm er and muoh freexe, rune ew tftly. T he cold w eather h a i stopped all w ork on th e b ig bridge th a t Is being bu ilt betw een Toms River an^ Seaside P arte


shovel emptying the ashpit a t the Lehigh Valley roundhouie In th is city yesterday uncovered the body o f Andrew Miller,rnisslng two daye.

Miller wae a I*ehigh V ^ ley fireman. H e waa thought by the roundhouse fore- tnan to be a t his home, while his family, hacauw of h li failure to reW fh from

‘ work,, thought him Members of the crew in which Miller worked say he Jumped from the engine as if to go home a t they neared the

Is. thought now th a t UUIer to il W o the ashpit and , w af 'd ro w i^d stunned by the fall: Coroner J. J . TUftm gave f burial p y in l l . , , . i ^


ten yaare old, o f Passa ic , w 'ai drow ned In the Dundee Canal y ee te rd ay a f te r ­noon, The boy, w ho w ae ska ting , broke th rough th e , loe; Tw o compan­ions. Qasa B lciak , ag ed nine, and Charles B tciak , n early auH ered the w m e f a t t C asa BlCaak had fallen th rohgh the loe w hen C harles w ed t to

^ * B o t? w ou '4 kave been drow ned had^ ^ m _ ■ —0 ■0± Oja>aaajae<a

MAYVILLB. N. Y„ Jan , J l .—E dw art BMrdfl6yr th* f*Tirt*r whobarricaded hU hou*e» and, heavily a rm * ^ baa lucceie^ully defied th e afCorti ef Sheriff Andereon and a lax*» peaae of men to capture him, w ai liv en ehlil tnl* afternoon to aurreoder peacefully. Sheriff Apdereon, with ten men, watched the houM atl n lfh t. H e gave B eardalty the I ultimatum thie m om lnf. ' ,,e

Wierlff A ndetw n returned to HayvlUe l and ■umihoried every deputy In C t^u- tauqua County to be on band thl* aftarw f DooOs Re arranged to aurround t^e hobej \ with hie men and to m ahe a concerted j atCadr from aU tld ea

Fartber DWertnn SuctioBed Under Profoced Federal BID Uiree

Him Concern.



Reform of H ila r ; ConrU Songkt. Would &cape from Control by

Prassiaa Troops.


1 U« irvm . .™ , I ALBANY. Jen . 16.—Threetened diver-overeeer of the poor ' sion by th^_ Federel Government of the

of C heiitiuque County, who wgi ,lhot Y ort g tg ts w eter power ot » poten-hy Beerdeley, Is expected to recover. ,.giu# of from $1,890,000 to ll.SuO.-

OOu, eecordlng to respective wholessle end re till prices e t N leget*. 1* giving Governor Qlynn much concern.

The Governor hss w rlllen e le tter pro- _ , _ testing to Chsirm sn Henry D. Flood ofTO THE REICHSTAG i i?o-or-Hep%"at.“ r ‘71 W M IM w l e S l S v S S i e ■ * e w held, tomorrow before this commit-

lee on s bill perm itting Ih* Secretary of W it to divert 4.409 cubic feet o t watei per second from the American falls si N ltgara, and to say by whom and for what purpose this w ater may be used.

It Is tb e contention o t the Governor I th s t the function of the Federal Qov-

eru inen t ende With US ' d ivert the w a te r and th a t the 76,000-

hortepow or th a t ttlle w ate r will create Is eolely the p roperly of New York S ta te .

w cAS F E i n ; W EU n o w N AS CONTRACrOK, IS K A D

Lueae Hater died yesterday afte r- nocm a t his hom a 17 Darcy * tra * t He wa* on* of the plonaar* In tb* hulld- Ing and co n trac tin g tn d u itry Ih county. H* had baan iU for about a week uf ph^mnotiias

Mr. P eter wa* bortt Ip th* Province of Alsa<e In IRU. H* cam* to Ibl* coiuiiry In Ufifi w ith a know ledge of the carpentor'e tra il* gained du ring hi* app ren tlec ih lp In bl* fa th erlan d , but w ith only s1i ren t* Ih hi* pocket*,Three y e a n la te r he purchased th e property a t 92-9B X lagara i t r t e t and e itab llih ed h lm eflf In bualne** there.

In I8fl9 he m arried Ml** Caroline oieelei*. The e ig h t children bbrn to tlieiu kU survive. TAey a re Alfred of 7AS Hifrh street, WIlFlam of *2 Speed­way ev^nue. K tohard of 87 D afcy *treet. Mrti. r ia n t BueHerl of 67 D arcy *treet. Mrs. .\n ianda Holle of 478 H igh Hreet.

HTRASSBURQ, Jan . U .—The Diet will p robably appeal to th* Im perial ParU am eat for leg leU tive enactm ent defin ing th* aphere of m ilita ry com­petence. T h li 1* deilgned to p rev ih t the application of the decree of lliO

tn th* event th s t t d iversion of the , w s ts r Is perm itted ," the G overnor I wrote, " the B tste o t New York ought to have the r ig h t to determ ine th e p e r ­sons to whom, end the purpose# toi i which, in ch w s te r is to be diverted.

"1 a ssu re you th s t my fondest hope— ------ -- — as G overnor o f the Htate of New Yorkwhich wa* qffersd by th* Z sbern com- I , , in a u g u ra te a S tatew ide policy for m ander as Jus tifica tion of hla r*c*nt n tll l ia tlo n of a ll availab le w ate rsever* meaaur** there. pOwer* of the S lat# to r the benefit ot |

The Diet w ill a lso a ik for th e re- \ , h , w hole people." form o t m ilita ry Jurleprudence and for -------------— -------- --------

autonom ous S ta ts o f th e Em plrs, "‘ ‘ 1 AGED m . ’ ROSWELL L COLT A"1-**olutton*''to th is effect h as been ‘ DEAD IN COLONY AT UNIONagreed upon by a ll parties.

This phoph"** «?“ '■•* “5 . Blind and helpless for a year or rnoretook shape yesterday w hen the dc- {tonrell L. Colt, who claimednuillal of Co1;n « l Reuter and ^ and wellten an ts w as debated. Dr. P etri, Under . of Paterson and Frov-Secretary fo r Justice, | idence, R. f - died a t midnight lasL nigh tvon Reuter, dec la rin g th a t the Zabern ; Quarters of the Self M aster Colonya tto rn e y , w ho w ere arrested^November^ | the q u a rte r, o ^ i

had not been subpoenaed the #n-"V*'wMr 'a n d little was known of hiecourt. They re fu ted In deta il Colonel j because be was loath to tellReuter;^, chargee. . . . of the past tha t had led to an Inglorious

The t J n ^ r after ho had paated th* three-score

th a t he had been obliged mIJ; co lt had told some of his In-cltl^ens bacaus* i um ales A* thp colony, th o u g h .^ # * irnolYie d e ^ n d e d upon.* . dlsdrbatlon h* had gone tA .

------------ ■ * two fortunes. One day b d said th a t h*



j NEW YORK, Jan . IB.—W ith her bridge torn aw ay by a giant eea and her

I decka deep in snow, th* eteanuhlp Oceanic ot the W hite Btar LId* < » » • >» today front Southampton, tw*nty-aU hours late. She brought 868 passanigera.

I t wae on Tuesday, during a gale th a t carried with It sleet, hall and snow, th a t the big eea came aboard. It tor* Us way along th* forward deck and mounted to end over th* bridge.

The ra il! of the bridge crumpled be­fore It Ilk* paper, wntle th* Waeh of

__________ w ater continued along the deck* end‘ carried aw ay everything movable. Tbe

NEW YORK. Jan . 16.—The P 'ederal ' steering gear on the bridge was deranged,


Federal Industrial CoauaUiion Starts Inquiry Into GanMot Work­

ers’ Dispute.


NewYork society man, who I* noted as a decorator and as a lecturer on decorative art.

Word was asnt to Mr Davidson th a t Colt was dead, and later the nianagere of th# home were Informed by a New York undertaker th a t th# body would be sent for and taken to New York for burial.

PROVIDENCE. Jan. 16 (Special).— Rciw ell L. Colt wa* a d istant cousin of

Find Corccapondenf*.TRENTON, Jan . 16-—Commissioner

t.IppIncoU of th* departm ent o t motor vehicles ha* been advised that a num­ber of porsone In Philadelphia who hold cmnmlflslons as notaries public o f New Jersey have lieen representing themselves as authorised to receive applications for registrations and drivers' licenses for this S tate As A vrarnlng to inotorlelB, Mr. ____ _Llunlhcott today gave out the following . Colonel Samuel P. Colt of this city, father statem ent: ' "f Russell G. Colt, who m arried Ethel

■'The departm ent desires to give public Barrymore, notice th a t the only agent duly qualified to accept applications for registrations and drivers' llcenaes tor New Jersey in the city of Philadelphia Is Jam es Lallou Kelm Supply Company, 182' Market street, and th a t poraons leavtng money with any notary public or o th « P*™'*In i.ayment ot a Now Jersey registration do ao a t their own rlak.

"The deportm ent has found th a t uertain notaries had secured supplies of the de-

WILLIAH F. WELCHThe funeral of WlUlam F. Welch, who

served In the arm y and navy of the North during the W'at of the Rebellion, will be held tomorrow from his residence, U8 Van Biiren street. Mr. Welch served Iwo tw o-year period* of enlleirnent, one

_______________ . . -with the le-nd end the other with the aeapartm ent eppUcatlope through former | ^ member of Phil Bherl-holders of license* In New Jersey, wno | ^ ^hree membera of

l.a ra e Peter.Mt-Fi. B ertha W aeachle of 102 N la iu ra Rireet ami sMre, OUllla Sauerbom of L7 harcy stree t.

Kor many years Mr. P e te r had hp**'! president of the board of the paronlual Bctu'ol of Ht. B ened lrl'e t'huroh. and wae one ff the truetpee of the chun’h. He was a member of the ChUioUo Ben­evolent Legion, th e Holy Name sMprIety and three benefit aid aocletlftfl—St. Joeeph’s, fit. Benedlct'e, and Si. fUe- phan'a. Hp was treae iire r of the Ham-

, - Aaaocifttlon.and ft'tH'rerlj^r^ofythe ^ r u r l t y J?uilfllng and Loan Assnclfttlon. Mr. I’e le r was a mem ber of the Boas Carpenle^e' Aaao- olalion. and of m any H erm an cluba and Bocletlan. ^ .

The funeral w ill T>e held Saturday m orning fmin the houae and a t 8.3d o’clock Jn .'‘ t- Banedtci'a Church, where a reoulem mnaa will be «ald. rnent will tie made In the Holy Sepul­chre Cemetery.

C om m liilon of In d u itrJa l R elatlonis i created by an act of Congree* and r e ­cently named by P re ild e n t W ileon. | held Ita f irs t *e*ftion In the old council cham ber a t city ha ll today, b e s ln n ln f . It* work by Inquiring Into the protocol under which the Indlee* garm en t w ork- era and th e ir oinployeri have been | operailng here. {

That Ine membor* of the commlnilon : hold hope* of provantlng Iho breaking of | the [irolocol was Indicated by the fact that prior to the opening of the session they conferred with I’reildenl Henry Mos- kowlte of the sMunlclpal t"lvU Rervice ('omTnlpalon. who Is secretary of the board of arhUretlon which settles dispute* ufi- dfir the protocol. Mr. Moakowlte told the 4:ommlfls1oners thnt thf arbitration boaiM wntild take up the rase Sunday. U will meot En the Bar As.^oclatlon at 10 o'clock for this piirp<i-» c, and notices have been sffnt Out to the mrnihers.

P r e t n c n l a t ^ t ak e«ShouJii either VA»rUera <vr (he em­

ployers fall to attend this henrhig the prolocoh w ould fall. acrjErdlnc to Us ow lerpi*. tsoulj H. Hrandeia has deA'lareii tliat the abambuim»»nl of th is protocol wovild Im the Kfcattist step Itackward In twenty-five y»ars.

The only m em bers of the commlealon present when It go | down to work were John B Tzsnncyn of HSoomhigton. 111.1 chairm an; Mr*. J. Burden H arrl- men of New York. H. Thrustoit BalU rri of lioulsville, Ky„ and Jam es U'Connell of W ashington. Kntory R. Buckner, form erly counsel to the aldennanic. police In vesliKUtlng lunim ltteo, le counsel to tho rum missinn.

In openlpy the ssBslon Mr

F'or twt» hour* tbe rudder could not b« operated from th a t point.


--------------- .7r

Sippoaed Daafhter Codim Fo n n H iii4 Discloses More ol Bower;

‘Derelict’ s' Striate Life.



Trust Law Program Will Eaable In­dividual to “ Intervene” in

Federal Suits.

OTHER PROVISIONS AGREED ON/■'rErtJi WojtAlafffon Bureau 6f the ffl'JPiV-

fSO MSWb.WASHINGTON, Jau . U .—Smr>oth1ng

the w ay fo t private Individual* to obtain relief will be am phaalied In t^«ald*r)t W llton'e coming tru s t mesaave a* a mod­ification uf th* Hherman law. the need of witich ha* troen raad* .particularly plain by past monopcrly •vile and th* outcome of lUcb tru s t suit* a* tha t agalnat th* American Tobacco Company.

’The Chang* will enabla agarievad In- dlviduala to lutorverte In federal ault*. H itherto th e law has permitted In* dividuals to bring damag* euJts, but the coat of Much aulta would often be prO'- hlhltlva, and the private litigant could

NEW YORK. Jan. II ,—How D udltf Jardine. aop or the founder of a mg o r ta n m anufacturing firm, who**' vrai a ll bu t burled In the po tte r 'i tIelQ, when Ua died under th* name of Lam Srolthx" a* he was known in lodglOff housaa on th e Bowery, lived an alleged double lif* for fifty years has been diar closed through the effort of hie repul*# daughter by a common law m arriage t* break hla will* n

“Bnilth, " whn had been living oB thg Bowery for eom* thirty ycarij fell in tW street. He waa taken to Gouverneur pltal, and a few days la ter h*Hli body wae about to t>e burled potter's field when P eter Choulnard, Bowery frttnd of ten yaare* atandlog* Bvid the former llbraiien of the Squirrel lap Library end reading room, rummAgfaS through hla papers, foupd evidence of roal name.

The man proN ed to be .lardina, and a t a will he miule In 1^89, a num ber OT charitlee In this city, together with- h il nephews and nieces ih are In an eetglf am ounting to (208.858.

The story behind present prooeedlngi iQ

SMlalo has l»een deemed rem arki^t* rth* Hurrogate 1 Court In eettUtig up

view of the fact th a t a man of wealth* ' education, a musician, eon of the t iM who built many of the organe tn thB large N«w York churohe*. should choo# to forsake hie friends and relative* m m live In Bowery room*, runted for week or lees; clothing hlme«'lf eo tltat ht* !2cwery friends never doubted hi* incom* was limtad to a lasnsloti uf $8 of | i ^

But the fu rther facts In th ^ ca** a |b even more remarkable, as they fe v « a l^ double life during half a century. He

•-’ 1

Hated in the CM l W at In TS64 under tIjB name of ‘Winiam 3mlth." I t is he took Anita Blackwell as his wife anQ never revealed lo h e r ^ e t his name t?ai

He had three children, two M au fti presen t, to five year* In many \ whom died. His wife died th ree yaBW


not recover by v irtue of a final adyerge Lennon ‘ ,'udgment in a federal suit, hut must In-

tU ted “T h a r '’thrV o'r7o"ie' f o r Whlfh the hopendlenllY prove the nfftnses com- cormnlfislon was created was to lUQUlre | plained of.Into th* cause tor Inrtnstrlsl unrest , A fu r th e r c lisn ^e would lengthen th*«nil report theieoh. He Indlrntrd. , s tu tu te of lim ita tion from two yesre,houevor. thnt If the meitihern ot the com- s s nt presen t, to flv* >-**rs, In m sny ..................... . . .___misalon could do nnythlnx ns eltlren* to , onaes Indivirtuele have be*n outlsw ed ! nffo without knowlns her h u sb in o e nem* end any differences between employers | heenuse a federnl lu l t consumed no '

much ilm*.O ther lead ing proposals In Mr. WII*

..w8i's t r u s t preg^^r^A. p roh ib ition o f In terlocking dlrer-

lo ra tee of corpora tion* among which a com m unity of In leree te obtain*

A provision to fac ilita te the location nf an d punishm ent fo r Individual re- nponelblluy for th e creation of monbp-'

and employed th«y would be glad to ■ do It. . _ . ^

The etetsnienf -AS the psotoedt- >«. I Vneii the Karmsni worker* end their cmidoycrs le now In danger b^vRUse of frlcUon over th e re ­tention of Dr. Isaac A. Hourwloh a* clerk of the Joint tirlevancs hoard for the cloakmakers' union. Dr. H ourwlcb's term expire* today.

The m anufacturers have ohjectea to m« (iTle


PHILADl'.r.PHIA, Jen. 16.—General Louis W asr-r, one ot Philadelphia's fore- m ort citizens and former oommander-in- rh lcf of the Urand Army ot the Rapub- llv, died suddenly a t hla home early to­day after ii ri'lef Illness. He wae seventy- six year* old.

General Wagner attended a manUng of Ihe board of trustees of the New York Idle Insurance Company III New York ycalerday morning, returned to this oily

had received our applications through the mall and surrendered them to these notariee public. The depertm enl is en­deavoring to compel the blanks and to prevent a continuation of the practice." .


Kpeetal Sendee of tAe VSWB.LAKEWOOD. Jan , J5.—-Two (Irsa *t

tVhItesvtIle. e igh t m iles from here, yes­terday censed a loss estim ated a t $25,090. F o r a tim e In the afternoon part of th e tow n w as threatened. A bucket b rigade wa* supplem ented by firem en from th is place arm ed w ith chemicals.

F ra n k H olm an la the principal loaer. H is posto ttloe and etor*. n»w houee and barn w ere burned In the afternoon

the post and three members of Ahe John W. Phillips Association of Mechanical and Btatloncry Engineers, to which he belonged, will act as pallbearer*.

Mr. Welch worked a t hie trade until the mneee th s t afflicted him forced him to take to his bed a short time ago. He Is survived by hie wife and three eons, William Jr., John and F rank Welch.

Th* funeral will he held from the houee at 6 o'clock. A eolenui high mese ot re ­quiem will be seld In St. Ja rtes 'e Roman Catholic Church later. The Interment will be In the Cemetery of the Holy Sep­ulchre.

MORRIS STRAUSMorris Straus, seventy-six years old,

for tbe las t sixty years a resident of this d ly . died yesterday afternoon at hte home, 163 Quitman street.

....v. u B . _______________ ___ Mr, S traus was born In Baden, Oor-and bis cran b erry house, the la rg est In 1 tnany. For many years he was engaged

a tenue. Garfield, aean th e ir p lig h t and r w o e d them, Eloffm an th o u g h t K al- n h t had been saved a lso , and i t w as no t tm Sevarikl hbur* a f te rw a rd th a t It waa raallxad he. had heeiy drowtjed,

BREAKS. BOY IS DROWNEDC B liA llV Ilii® . Jan . 16. — Agrlppa

Blppa idne-year-old son of C harier glppa, broke through the lie on* Cedar I* k * ges? tn d a y and w as drowned.' w l lh ‘* ropi aronad h lf bpdY. m end of w hit* was keld tw 'oU ito resoners, Jo h n b o p tr dived under th e loe end Mised th e hoy. hrlnglna him to the eufface, A. fa in t spark o t lift remained In the. hoF*! body, hu t h e sooil sucoumbed, ' . • ' t -


th le section, waa burned a t night, to ­g ether With I.OOO c ra iib e try crates.

W hen the houee burned Mr. Holman stored ae m uch a i posilh le ot hie effecta In th e b a rn of S tra tto n Holman.I t la supposed a sp a rk lodged tn the goods and caused the fire a t night. W ith the d es truction o t tbe barn and the cran b erry house, the home of S tra t­ton H olm an took fir* and w as partly deetroyed before tb e bucket brigade could g e t control.


gpectol gsfises of Ale JtKWS.HOBOKEN, Ja n . 16,— Finding a su it

case on the L aokaw ahn* ferryboat N etherland fW t«r >t a rriv ed her# from Bkrclity e t r ^ t tfedgy, a hoi^hlaok a t ­tached to the b o a t th o u g h t H wg* to r- g o tten by a pagaenger, and. flek io g U up, he e ta r ted to c a rry It -away. On h earin g a fa in t ory. th* m en opened the e u lt case an d disooverad th a t It contained a baby boy. ap p aren tly about six w eeks old and I t w as very m uchally*, . . .

The deserted child w as placed In the care of th e m atron of th e local polio* and w ill rem ain th e re pending fu rth e r Investigation. T he boat had ju s t bean em ptied of Ita passengera a t the H o­boken slip w hen th * dlacovery wad made.


____ f I J •

Je As b t e n f , Jan. 16 .—gUvgtJon by mean* of the tongo, In a hillfloU* «$baret —this la the hbybl jdan launched yester­day by Major Wallaca WIncbell of the Salvation Army tor eaving soul* and modernising reuglm w'tortwl».

-The tn sjo r OMicelVed; th* ideh Tuesday n ig h t etarted to p u t It Ihto efftfct yeitaif- day and -last n igh t th e . Salvation Army cafe and cabaret a t 111 M entgomtry street waa tekdy to open It* pnin iere shew, b

"Host o l the down-ahd-out* are VlC' tims of rum," said th* nisdor, surtoylng hla day's ■werir w4lh saUshietieB,' “iRto re tost Iryliig to give tbh inen fM**nt-dg$f attmeUons without the bcAwt. W* want to offset the temptation* that read them

Ir. the dry goods business in Broad street. For U.e las t fifteen years he waa asso­ciated In business with hi* son, Charles K Btraus, who conduct* a departm ent store a t Hed Bank, but continued to live In Newark. Mr. Blrau* la survived by his widow, who was Mis* Dena Marx, a daughter of the late David Marx, and nine children, These are Mr*. Leopold Jay , Mr*. Simon King, Mrs, Louis A. Sehenken, Misses Helena and Bertha Btraue, and Jullua, Frederick, m y ld and Charles K. Straus. All but the la tte r are residents of Newark. . . .

Mr Straus was one ot the oldest mem­bers of the Congregation B'nal Jeshurun. Hie funeral will be held from his home tom orrow Afternoon. Burial will bo in Evergraen Cemetery.

WILLIAM R. CHARLESF u n e ra l servloe* fo r W illiam R.

C harles, who died a t hie home, 166 H arriso n s tree t. E a s t O range, laa t n ig h t from a oompUcatlon of dlaoMe* fo llow ing an Illness of severa l m onth*, w ill be held e t hie la te hom e S a tu r ­day afternoon . Bev. H enry W arrin g of M arlton w ill officiate, aaxleted by B e t, -Edward W. P ickering , th e new p a s to r of the Mt. P leasan t B a p tis t C hurch. N ew ark. B urial w ill be lu R saedal* Cemetery, Orange.

Born In the B osevllle aectlon m ot* th a n f if ty year* ago, Mr, C harles had lived In N ew ark and B aat O range prao- tltm lly a ll hla life. F o r the p a s t th lr - taan y 6 ^ ri li# h*-d bean connact*d Tvith W hitehead 4k H oag Co. o t N ew ark. H e Is surv ived by hi* wife, Mrs. AnnI* R unyon Chart**.

HRS. FRANCIS J . SMITHFuneral sarvlcai for Mrs. F rancis J.

Smith, widow of Almon M. Smith, who died Tuesday a t the bom* of h er son, H adley B. sm ith. *1 B n e i avenue. Or­ange, following an Ulness of fourteen month* with the In tim ittlsi Incident to old age. will be held a t h ^ la te home to- n leh t Rev- Dr. C haiie* ' Townsend, nastor of the in iftt P resbyterlaa Church; Orange, will oiftiolato. BuHal will be In

^^rn '*n*^S W tt?2krem on(, U asi.. alghty- on* y e a n Sfb.’ Smttb Uved therg until th * ,d « i4l.,pf .,'iev.J^o*^bd fourt-“ “

>, slnee

*<►8= --------------- - **.*.,,„ A provision to c larify and axtetul theTalrnllon* but ba aeour«<l a ® 1 *»^'''tlon of the e ta tu tea whirhof th e union, w hkh aupporl" hlra_m sWto !

provision to or«ate a trsito commla- slim a s an auxiliary body to the Deparl- menl of Juallce, for leathering ttiform*- Lnn upon trade operaMons with respect P' the antl-truHt law and fur observing If fiUsoliitlon decrees of lUe» courts are ear- rlpd out

Thci new legifilatlon prohibiting Inter-

of e d1si>oBltion nn the part of the union lenders and th*i joint board of the cloah-. mailers' union to eiipplanl him.

John A. Dyche. secretary an«l treaa- urcr of the Inlernatlonul Ijidlea' Garment W orkers' Union, In the conree of hla talk before the commtaelfvn, exhibited conald- eralile feellii* SBalnat Uoiirwlrh, a l­though not ns ' locking d irectorates will provide ample

[-:?h:t ‘w # re ea^r. r ^ r ^ n d e r , " - - r "r^c fa .r,; "... ----- . .. ..iri- I hiielnesa, officials in tho confidence ofthe protocol, Mr. '7 '= '’" ' President Wilson said today, torecaatlng

............- ....... ; n,„tiiona to at- adm inistration quarters came the wordt a k e n advantace ^ q j^ a t | (ha( t h e President had pointed out to thetack (he “ If'';®''* „h!ch there U Congressional committees yesterday thehuB created 111 feeling for < allnwing either one nr two saysno w a rra n t.' ! vears for big busfneea to conform tn t h e ' forms, and hoAbe Rosenherg. president of the Inter _national L a d l e s ' Garm ent Worker* Union | new laws^ ____________________ _

the only other person questioned a t

or fortxm*. *Th* rai'ut^d iu rv lv ld f o au th tl^

iiev^ir Hnew' hef fa th e r’s rlffht Itam^ un til snw hla p lrtiiru and hi* noOm In h new spaper laal April ,M1 thla t ln ^ ho had been frcuuentlrjir W all atTdJ* and Investing In tbs nunie of D lldlfy Ja rd ln s and from lim a to tim a M v ja lifd relatives In Naw Jersey^ pWt* Inff undsr hi* true .n am e. .

Thn surviv ing dau g h te r uf "W in tim S m ith” Is Mrs. Anita McCarthy. luiHhand Is Junltuc of The New Tori^ tflorlelv LIbfftrv. h( 1 1# T tilverstty p lac^ T h e re 'a re s l j lUtle M cf'iirthyi ^du ra tion anrt Ihf lu m fn rls nf Ufa. ..

fit^arrh for a later will than t w jM iilnii umdo In l» b ring puih«dhy M CUoulnard, I 'houlnurd liU lm atn w ith WllUamof tli0 Liowury. and Sm ith onc6 aakeQ T.'houliiatd to get him blank form* for a w 111-

(‘■'houliitti’il pui'cliuseti two forma and gave them to Ida friend. C houinart says th a t KredcrUk Ja rd in e <■» clalr, N. J , who received a $10,9^u bequest, dhi not find the b lank tovnjS In Dudley .lardlrie'B (n itik when h it room wae scan to d. But ChohInaPS

he If eure hi* friend paved tim s cs,nvtr,':ed th a t If the

forme arc not fonrd, they may have beaa used In making a will- I’’

EL't_a m o oruy Uinci aw»tov x» r e x . - - . ______

' i ; i n e w t o n p a y s $i ,ooo fo rViorker*uniting. LOSS OF EYE BY OFnCIALTO REVIEW CONVICTION Spflrtal Berrire ft/ the \PWfl,

' N-EWTON. Jan- lA.—Agreem ent baaOF NEWARK MURDERER l he«n reached w hereby the town willV I M D tfm itx tl.OOO In fitreet ComnUselotier

M errit P, S tra d e r for the loas o t his r ig h t eye las t eum m er whit* he was w ork ing for the town at the stone cruslilng plant.

Mr. H lrader wae struck In the eye hy a small piece of' stone that flew from a crusher. Subsequently the In ­jured eye wa* removed e l the Mlddle-low n (N. Y.) H ospital.

Binff rorrrppondcncs. |TRENTON, .Tan. 16,—The C ourt ot

F .m iro and AppoaU today allow ed a w rit of erro r to review Ihe cn w lc tlu n nf John Dolan, a wife m urderer of Newark. Application for the w rit w as made la s t week, a special o rder of the court being nece*»ary hecauae o t 1r- ; reg u la rities in tak in g appeal. 1

The action of the court will au to- j m atlcally stay electrocution of Drdan. I The appeal will be presented a t th e i March term of the court. j



rAn>e«W (* ^t the-F irth A n ttw . . bid inttortna tn m exposim . . . .B e M l

to go had, I t vto «*“ ■


Ganerhl Lqiita WagT*^*"'and conducted a meeting of the City Priist, which ha* In Its keeping large •*- talee, Ineluding th a t of Stephen G tryd . ond last night attended church. A few hour# la ter he became seriously 111.

The general vras ixtrn In Germany, and came to th is country with hi* par­ent* when he was nine years old. He served in the Civil tVar as a member of a Pennsylvania regim ent and waa rap­idly promoted, being mustered out a* a brevet bngadier-general. He was elected head of the Grand Army in 188tl.

General W agner waa president of the Third National Bank fo r many years, He wa* earlier In life active In polltlca, taking counsel among the Republican leaders of the city.


Hperia) Ncrelee of fkc NBWB.CHATHAM, Jan . 16.—Btrlcken w ith

acuta h ea rt trou b le a w eek ago. p leuro­pneum onia h av ing aubeequently de­veloped, David H a rris Crawford, secre­ta ry to the C ha tham B oard of H ealth and re g is tra r of v ita l sta tis tics, died last n ight a t th e home of Mr*. Louis Swain, with whom he boarded In E ast Main s tr e e t Mr. C raw ford had been a su ffere r from h e a r t trou b le for years.

Mr, Crawford, who was born In N ew ark seven ty -e igh t years ago, was for a tim e connected w ith the Adver- tu e r Printing Company iP' Nawatk and wa* also for aom« y«ara employafl In th* Newark Tax D epartm ent.

Mr CrawKord waa m arried In New- a rk MarcU 24, 1859* to Mlaa Mary C Gooding* dauffhter o f Mr and M ra W illiam Goodlngr o f Poughkeepii*( N. T He came to C hatham to live about fourteen years ago and becam e a m em ­ber of R adiant S ta r Lodge, L O. a F„ and superin tenden t of F a lrm o u n t C*m- ste ry Ha w as a com m unioant o f the Chatham M ethodist S p lseopa l Church.

Two sons. E rneat B, ^ a w f o rd of Trov N Y„ and W illiam H. Craw ford o f E aa t'O ran g e , a "* •even «r*ti<l(>hll. aren survive him. Mr*. Crawford died a y ea r ago.

TRENTON. .Ian, 16.—There will h* few mnr* coroner's Inquest* in M etier Coimly, SB the result of * cimferen<!e held here yesterday by Prosecutor Dev­lin ' Coiintv Judge Gnlchtel and County • —- d- -------- - - ."■hvsicien Snammell. I t 1* contended ' to hold the Aegean Islandsihfl’t such Invfstlgallons are u ria lly ft ; jn posAeBsloa, Including 8amo-I ■siftoiiii iRTTisnac and Inay will i *htaco and Lamninaonly be conducted when they are ordered. Turkey receives imhros end

* - --------- - ' nd some small Islands north of Tenedo*.

LONDON. Jan . 16.-^The nute of il»« powori. comprising the triple alliance— Germany. Italy and Austria—In answer to Sir Edwurd Grey's nets with refsrenca lo the dlBposUlon of tha Asgean Island#, was preaenlf^d yealarclay, H agrees with the FJrltiah Foreign SaoMUry'* plan to


yrEVENS TECH NOTESgnecini Sereire of the yEWa,

HOBbKKN. Jan.D em arest. superintendent of Hoboken schools, spoke yeslerdey tn the

dent* on having a definite abu Ir Captain Stretch of the football t™m am nounced th a t "prep school night would be held In March.

Francis Howell of Newsrk has been elected business manager of the Link, the junior year book, lo succeed Hugh M. Boyd, realguod.

Dua to tha amall number of rehearsam held th* Dram atic Club will present Us play March 6 Instead ot February 6. M originally scheduled, "Cap Franklin H art has been secured to coach the play.

YV'IHIara- K. Dunn of New York has been ie c te d manager ot the freshmen baakethall team and baa arranged games with Fordham Prep,, Cathedral bchoo! and New York University freshmen.

The examination schedule was posted yesterday, the first examination bsing scheduled for January 29.

The Muilcml Club* will give a concert tomorrow night a t the Ridge Club ot Brooklyn. ____________

"-Nat" W ills Dues His NAIte.NEW YORK, Jan- 15.— ''N at ' M Wtils,

m o t h e r t e a c h e r dism issed

Mrs. F reJerIck .lurdlno of 203 Idifr rain# avenue. Upper M outrlalr, whlHlb husband, a* a neph jw of Dudley JnN dine, la an heir to lil* e s ta te said tOr dav th a t she believed Mrs. Anna Mn C arthy hJ.a no ilg h lftil claim . L

Mr. Jai'dim ', she said, has piiperK found In bis u iu le 'a tru n k th a t proV* to tlie lr satlafacU un th a t Dudley J ^ ^ d ine iiaver nwirrleil, althci' undar m i anaumed nain« or hia »lJ(bl nama. n i wa* e<-cpiitrlc. ' It w as one notion* lo mile down hla ai'tlnnB. •!_

Tha Jardlnew believe th a t If he had m arrlec . evidence w^ould be found lli theae Tiotea. On the co n tra ry he 1l

I naid to hav« #*xpreHH®d hlniaclf poi»I lilvely hkhIobI "m nrrylrig nny w '0W «I (n support her In Irflcneas," *'


W ABHlMiTtiN. Jan . 16. - -Governlii' of [JcUwarc, Mayor F re d e rli^

Donnelly of Trouion. -Mayor Jainea rre a to n of FThUhriorc. B cprefleiita tlv i J. Ham pton Moiue of PeunSylVi^TlIi Hhrt athiTfl ii'Hlifii-d today before thA Hov>ae rivers Find h arb o rs ccHnmltteH RilvocnllnK n cotiHlal canal from Bdif-! ton, MjsHh., in B eaufort, N. C, Th<^ fidHiHl ihft( live FPilernl O overiiin^nt a(i^ prniirU tP for llnka to eonne«-l exiaUiijf WiitiTwji> B for i.'oinitjerolal faollltatlnjK BiiU imiioiial dofonue. ^

_ _ _ _ _ MAY CALL WOMEN TO JURY DUTYSEW YORK. Jan . 16.—M arried | ---- -----------

teach e rs employed by the Board ot Ld- j ft'onitce of Ihr VJJIVS,ucatloii are today preparing to renew MARYSVILLE, Cal,, Jan . IF,.—Owli« th e ir f ig h t ag a in s t the rule of dism iss- j („ th* ecarrlty of niiile veniremen, It is i „ r teachers Who are mothers. Thla a r- | nkoiy women will be summoned to aerk*tloti l e d u e t o Mr*. Carolyn W. Griswold, I „n the Jury to trv four former W heiUts clerical aaa lstan t In cu rtls H ig h , mnd hop field slrlkera on ]School having been dropped from the , m urder here, P ractlrally all of the scorda ,s a la ry ’llBl a f te r her absence from duty , of veniremen examined so for have w hen she became a m other

I t wft-s deolarad by iha offtolFilfl th a t th la action wa* taken hpeausa th*y belleved she had attem pted to conceal the tru e cauB® of her abeerice.

liiiutalaDB B anker Found .(AnllfysFRANKI-INTON. I,a.. Jan. 16.—H ous­

ton I) Blckham. former head of a chain of ban k s in W ashington Parish, w as found gu ilty today of receiving depos­its a t the Cninmerclal Bank nf Bog- alousa. a S tate Institution, when he knew the bank to be tnlolvenl. The pen ­alty In from tw o to five years' Im pris­onment. Sentence was deterred.

TvenloB L ibrary Gets Beqaest,TRENTON, Jan . 16.—The Public I-l-

b ra ry CommlaBlon yesterday announced a bequest of $60,900 to bs used fo r en-

yaars ago, iinc# wttWt tliioe she ha* i BeeWe* her

her noT O ^ i t , |IT*. Bralth li> i$p; iRunu

with whom. I

tal inftoritill t ttm Bxtmitm. , B e n i l fflverboei* reetortny « Blirtw 8oaud esid wee alnmet ftoeMi to deeto baton he e%* rtsoued hF 'On d* IW

/ t u f ^hoerny.;' ....... ----------- t,.

COLD EUYEN M NEW TO R IFyeoiat «4toM or tile i n v t .

MBW FOltK, Jan- l l-» d n g to a deetheln™ w twlTwiiWrttod 2* to*cowl Vk'to, wMoh prevBlIrt I m * during the laat two dty*. T t* wBito * • » etom piririr hnkirii todiur. ,toe t»nM m toto

I t d s ir iie * e ^ « « w e . ,

irmto*M OtoF B to g n ifct f t f n -i$<M$. IwiimArt

________ . ,- jr tte b o » ^pltol to U O ito *< too

'> jw r i r t t t o . — to tort- 5 - 2 *

lllesMI Servlet t f tBrJfBttS.r t i « ^ taWr, ton. J w lttto to s

htVit bent eittolidod 1»y BlkSfOr lilxrk B. Faggp o t tote otijr. to to o M srorf ot all ‘ 1 ^ . toUslolBitUtl** to I a a d — Oovatr $4 aH end a mooring- tn B arer Fagui'* oftloa to 'too <^tr MMlI At ,1 o'Bloek tomorreW o fttm o o n to-Hlapias w a y l and mastoo o t Induolng the FtntUe S e r v ic e - O u Oompnw oheaitor g a s ,n n * 'to r toe-R^doon dl'rtr ■ton. ■ . ^ .

«1M a $7 ceramlMrion » m Im*b aOhed aliio to attend to *, hodr, hod; “ Fagnn w ill preeidAf^ltoihl r t tf mlwtonaNi h a te 'righttM ' Ikdl i n ^ w to t a g p B toritjw t to t o t no raplias have been TeedtoU bt B eyor P agaa'i oMto* $» w ^ to 'to e to tlto - t i n iwteaded to o otoeb K a r e n e t the cAitotr.. ■■ ■ . _ ■ ■

r id d l e m « £ D w s u ( s n s i i sA T L A im o am rt. tom t i .—u iM o n

Trim W *M 'here -m w jto to '.r t jtoror wjUtoto Mddto to W w . - b N M

l Z n 5 d * l < w ho le j w t o n w


Oaborna,. SlUbr rtitb f, M rt. ^ g ww . W e r t i

m w Itomieitr-1, ' j i Jtow W riti.Pw U toly , m other of

„ r V W i S t o Jlltotoet. J r ., of « lSJanklto tonaeW W iem flrid, died y e s d ^

■■ w w ,

known as e "tram p comedian " began an j m e presen t public lib ra ryaction agalnet his wife yesterday which ; (,„i]aing. j t wn* given by John L. Cad- he know* is no Joke. It la founded on ] vvalader of New York, who wa* born reasone best known to himself, hut li ■ raised here.delves Into tho Intricacies of tbe rillnola ] ____________________laws concerning marriage, dlyorce and i i ............. -rem criisce. and the purpose of U all ie tu obtain en annulment. |

M ill rh a u ffe u ra »u T ria l.NU:W YOKK. Jan. lij, — ni a*

acmiaail of conaplraty 1" ol'tftrJct tha malla ar* on trtnl Hi ihe I'niled SUu^f DlalHcl Court. Tlu'v werft rihauffours mall automobile irni'k.'* viliu went un Htrlke *®v®ru.l nioritlifl »«" n-nil who am aU afi^ to hav^ tnadu auem pta to wreOkIhft ftvitomobllcs f

ChiD***® lH®r(‘haiit ronv ict*d . I BKAT'I’I.R. WaHh.. Jan Kj.—Ha rr?

Toy. a Chlnew) inorrhant. who waa cuiod of having made a alfive of (JolJIa Goodall. white, daughior nf a KvrtliAa <Oro.) olrTf(r>'ni«n, wae toimd goiity la^t n ight by a. Jury In thn Federal Court on SLx oounte of vtolatins tho iMsnn tog* Mies Oncdell. who. tl'.' government 41- leeed was lured from Portland to Seattle by Toy, Is a sister of Toy's r t te vlf*. formerly a Portland nilesion worker.

dev aftwiiWBim,.Ui« hOito «< her dangh* dltoto* from t o

y e a n * $ • W*ev*ntr.-eto,

t o suburbHta r i l p i PPto d w to T tors. FnBetgl * * i j id lAssey Ksbelt and IU h to ibarta

JBtei?"at home. T liir t .ftotort


“ C a i K a n » . - d - J r i » l * B ri.ll,W aite "u r te ll , died a t her home

to V n io n Township T u a to y nlghL She was six ty years old and had iuCfered from rheumaUsm tor

Mra. Ertell was a d a u g h ^ o fM r. and Mrs, Bamuel Perteo,h e r huaband and «v* chIMten. Mr*.

. I b r t ln L ittle of ’’ •" ta g A tf r t . T n m a L pR u. and

h o n * B ajiirteJ' aA^PW»n a t *:4S o d s e k .y ifa her. Tlie (toietol will be held a t t o IJr. K toW .«■ r t r i n to h eu w a l i o'clock S a tu rd w a f t o r n ^

tho C toroh of .Btoolto|efcl. ■ ssy. p o w ll, pastor of Sussex B ep,to ten n e to t o f * n « h . iriil tofiriate, Jn to rn»nt wille t i iy r .: c ; ' '


B cT v m i s : ' ■

B s fc 'l l i l r t r t* -*6 BM. BetnitotA gterena, w ife of Bugen*

K . at*T«Biidtrt thb tooralhg to a cotopU- Mtien to « U ^ tow iect. Znat Orange. B U wae forty yaareold'SBd I s e u r r iv e ^ h y JSSSS? i*jy g ffd a^'dattgbter, tties AkbertiT 3t,

■ ‘ • 1 her hnehfnd,-J^h rtnerto, OB ganday afternoon to I how, fiM will be Mnddto-- t r ! w a « r t , i i ^ j j f

to d J n u r th - —

Mil*' l l . 'Bto^ ,gk4 m t * . ,- Sen. itr-to to io toB ya

u r t ' * fctot 'B e W to A enBmhoation t o - t o w titoh. .* sridow and —


fiSwngn., *"b

THEODORE F. MKKERg p ^ gereiw of fto XMW0.

l ( l i Boed s t r e e t t o t « a two-year lUn***. l b . JBeeker wa* »»sgtnt*. hnriness f t f ta a n r t*hri| s s d hdd dtftoil t o r g o 0* the AStor Ignd itoWtotkS r % w T ^ U an emplors to 4^-^orUi

‘ i t o lisekM WM s e v g y w n r t '^ d s to .- ..... t l l , 'M t-W M >«4ni'lii.Y»wiuk.

m -''

-h isl'i

J « iS a v V l» ''» ^and to to r. J, B. J^

A widow, two-1T. C. Baekex to Wfc

Mrs. D fcr Applegete.fipectol Service ef llic XBWS.

HAHWAT, Jan . 16.—Mr*. Dlcy Ap­p legate , e igh ty years old, died y es te r­day afte rn o o n a t the home of her son- 1 In-law , G eorge Hoff, of 10',4 Newton I s tree t, Mrs. A pplegate Is survived by 1 tw o daughters, Mrs. H off and Mrs. i

W illia m Cook, and one son, E dw ard ‘ A pp leg a ta The funera l will be held ■ F rid ay afternoon from th e home of Mr*. Cook In lower Main street. Rev. | C harles H. K em ble o f T rin ity Metho- d ial Church w ill officiate, and burial w ill be to R ahw ay Cemetery.

M aa F oned Dead In Hla Bed- Special SeriKct ol the SBWB.

PH ILLIPSB U R a. Jan. 16.—George L u tg , seventy-five years old, waa found dMd in bod yesterday a t tb* home of hie son, Ttmtak L an ti, to stimmlt avenue. He bad been ill for about eleven years. Be­sides the ion, with whom he resided, he Is aturvlTed by two other children, John Lanbx of Baston, Pa., and Miss Jessie Lante of Paterson. He was a member o f W estmtostex Presbyterian Church, a n a ­tive to Uontane, W arren County, and lived 8»*re about fifteen y e s ra '

' ■ Ceptela Stephen B a rte r . .BATOtfNE, Jan . 16,—C ap ta in Stephen

H a rg e r , a w ell-know n steam boat m an, died yestarltoy to a compllo.stlon o t dls- — 1 V (Beat F o rty -f if th

CanaU bl** ix .g -sin y e a rs ..40 . H e cosoinajsded veseel* In S ew Y ork H arbor to r to rfy yearn. HI* widow, four eon# and on* d a u g h te r U rv lv * him.

diamiee Dailey ' W A8HIHGT0N. N. J., Jan . 18.—T he

funwral to Jam** DaJIey. form etly to WasMngtpn, who died Tuesday a t hla home Ip M t View, will be held fom onow a t t e n d a t thh home o f hi* d a u ih w . Mrs. JOhp Ungon. In, Phllllpaburg, with burial In t b i n i lu p tb u rg Cemetery.

rn n eral to Ml** Julia A. Apgar. WHITBHOtrSB, Jap. 16.—Th* funstal

to Mis* JuBa A. Apgar, eeventy^l®* year* oM, M s held tr ta y from the hoxo* to Dawa H. Mawon to P rtle rs te ^ R se, Byleahto D.'rtMlier. pastee o f tM lAVaheft HNMmdlst Chnreb. offMawd. Btiylai wM m th* * * E ^ ' L S ^ “ Aptar waa one o t ’ t t s ■ * » •• r t i to this iir ttsBi





exclusive of those in N ew ark, w here New s Items, Subscrip- fions and Advertisem ents will receive the same prom pt and courteous attention as a t the H om e ©ffice.

? T fL ,295,:OQrtiei*

JiMOflRlSTOVmo ffic e



t e l 60-lh^unr4iT-



I 'K ■< -'4pt,top?iUhf>^


Ti l 5 0 6 0

ssan^tfitO H

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inTUAMY _ OSfKX, i5 n o h ic r t*V L .

eLTTo- AtoorfPrtiK,






W rrlrt of lAa VEW8.JERSEY CrTY, J«T1, J5. — of

........—■'* ■ I th« Stilt* W'ltflr Sufiplr CommiMlon,M I « n • n I « tb6lr eoflti^er. M urrti R. Hh«rrerd,WCShfliRiOll I I f t y n rCOfiSyiVlDll tni* city IKI* m orolnf mn^ held

* foaf oonvercatlon with Governor-«|e<!t



Wollil Apply Initiathe to Lkpior Traffic Legithtna.

Pleldtr in ht« ofritT* in th* Commercial Trust bulldltLf upoD th« question as to wbetlier the StAt* should purchase theLlttls Falla plant o f the E ast Jersey


Woman Recovers $10,000 on Stock and Part of $4,500 Judgment

in Three Actioni. *! W«tar C'omMtiy m d It* (ubaldltrla* to

GARflEtO AND PWCHOT SPEAIERS■ M r Fielder and his visitors con

I eluded th a t before moving further In the HARRISBURG. Pa.» Jan. IB,—Rn I u- ' m atter the comnilsalon would have to


“ ‘t in t forth tha principlaa o f,(h a . m ^ meatinc of repreaeoutivea of (ha tVaanInftoD or Prcvretalve partYa innud- North Jersey municipalities sod find out tng the rnittatlve to settle the liquor qiies> whether or not they would buy their Tion end a demand for constitutional con- If the plant of theventloTi, child labor and minimum wa*e oorporatton was acquired. Immediate ac* law a were a^f'Ptnd h e ^ , will |>e taken to arrange for sut^h aronftn -n .e which ha* brouiht (o»ather ^.onfefence hatmaan lha S tate a f tid a l. W leadara from evary county In tha

. a J a— • — «i..*i«aa ! THs coinmissloncrs also s(>oke to theA deljalc occurrrt o n r a «aolu«on | noyern;„..et«ct about the poHBihlllty on ^ u a llia llo ti of **“ *' °“ ' p r o v i d i n g a aupply from tha Wananue. In.artcd In general t a r i ^ whila a r e m ^ - I n t i m a t e d th a t hla attitudetIon to pbnflne candidates to one rolutnn .on the VHniar3* ballot wae dropped,

James A. Gacfleld uf Ohio, former Sec* retary of the Interior, spoke on the na- flonrtT movejiwnt uf the Proaresslvea* Ife said tr.e questions have been years In devek^lna. hut th a t they were being brought to popular attention everywhere,

Mr. aarfie lJ declared that In Ohio the Proffeealves had refused to mo back to the Republicans, saying "there are some things W'orse than dem ocrat^ and one of them 1* the organisation of the Republl- t:$n party."

Gifford Plnchot wae given a noisy graetlng when Iniroducad. !te said Penn- aylvauia was the Hey of the political sit* uatlon, Peuusylvanla, he said, made nooMveIVs numinatlon possible and Wll* son would never liave been sent to tha W hite House if Pennsylvania had not a to ^ bthittd Foosevott, Ife saldr

'*What w'e are after Is to clean up this S tate so that it will stay clean and we can 't do th a t by cutting off any man's hMd. W e must destroy the system.

"Penrose Is only the flower of a sys­tem, We must destroy the eystenii so that It cannot grow another flower."* The speaker said the Democrats could not clean up the Htate and th a t the only hope was In the Progressives.

will depend upon the daclajun ot the North Jersey cities.



Autro-ltalian Riniry Named €ause-4iernu; Snggesb Joiot

Military Interrention. •



•Huntloti In .Albania li more gravr tb .n I. sniwrally known ot officially acknowl- adged by tbe Ifuropaan ponara, accord­ing to authfirltatlve Infurmatloii gathered ItT diplomatic circles today. The varloui •avafnm enta arc directing all tliHr of- foriB In order to prevent a fre .h outburst of tsa r In the Balkans.

The tenalon is considered lo be greater a t the presetil niomcnt than a t any time liracading or during the recent Balkan Kcara and Is said to h a re reached such a point th a t Germany has proposed Joint A ustrian and Ita lian m ilitary Intervention In Albania.

Germany lu s suggested the dispatch of a mixed arm y of Auatrian and (tallan troops Into Albania In order to avoid thedlfnctflJ ' deciding which part of the Albamkn territory shonid be occupied byA ustria and which by Italy-

The suggested Intervention la the res- SOB w hy I ta ly and Auatlia have recently cMicebtrvtod ttieir warships along the Albanian coast. Both natlona, however, hesitate to follow German advice as they fear fu rther complicallona. They are nU» restrained by anxiety oa to w nat m ight happen In their raeneettve coun­tries, w here iv costly expedition Into Albania would be unpopular a s It would bring little OP no retu rn to either otthem .

T he Bnropesn governments havs se­cured proof th a t the ktussulinans In both Cdhatantlnople and Albania prsparod ris­ing* In favor of placing Ix iet Pasha, for- m arly Turkish Allnister of W ar, on tha throne o t Albania. This object was frus­tra ted by tlie a rre st on January C ot six

’ Turkish ofHccrs and SSO soldiers when they arrived a t Avlona, the Albania sea- purl, from Cuiistantlnopls.

Evidence also has been obtained by (he powers th s t th e Mussulmans are de- ttrnilned to use Albania as a centre of

N disturbance which will- radiate from:.tt» rs to other parte of th e Balkans, and I especially to Greece, against which T ur­k ey 's ressntm ent Is particularly directed.


si Ssrrios of (As lfBW9.flPOTSWOOD. Jen. 16.—A horse and

wagon driven by U orrl. Goldworm, a baker of th is place, was struck this morn­ing by a fast freight train a t the E ast Upotawood crossing of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The horse was killed and th* wagon demoliahed, but Goldworm es­caped with minor Injuries.

So terrtfic was the Impact of the train, which was Philadelphia bound, th a t ths tmdy of the horse was carried for 10(1 fa s t and the wreckage of the wagon carried on the cowcatcher for 1,600 foot. Goldworm wax thrown from the vehicle when th e train struck I t and landed clear of th e tracks.

. NAB TRENTON MAN ON GIRL’SCHARGEfitaff Corrvpcndeflcti.

XRESNTON, Jtin. lS.~“On flOrlouq ' preferred by Miss Alice Hersey.MventeeD years old, M. Wylie E. Brown, a bUelnoBS man living In W ert Stat* ftkreet, was arrested by Detective William W atters th is afternoon.

The action of the police followed a con- fea^tun made by the girl, who was arrest* *4 last night In a local cafe. She wae cl.anifed with ]>aving misrepresented her age. which she gave ns twenty-two. In order to obtain drink. TJjc questioning of tile police brought (roin the girl adnila- slqit of friendship with Mr. Brown, who she said had frequently given her sums of money, ranging from $6 to fSE.

Mr, Brown Is a married man, about fifty years old, and han a family of children. He came to Trenton several years ago as a representative of one of the Chicago packing housesc LAter he «figag<:d la a luanafaeturing business.

Miss Marguerite Wilson AleUger, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Alfred R. MeU- gfkp *>f Ifl Camp street, and Henry K- Harpers, son of Mrs. F. J . Herpers of 701 High street, were married last nlghl In the home uf the Lrlde'e paren li Rev. Henry H arrison Hadley, rector of St. Paul's Eplsi'Opal Church, performed the teromony. which was followed by a wed­ding sup(»er for reliUvoa of the couple.

iTie bride, who was given In m arriage by her father, wore a draped gown of white aatin, cu t en tra ins and tnade with a bodice of Chantilly lace trimmed with pearls. Her tu lle veil was caught up with orange btoHums In a cap effect and she carried a shower bouquet of white orchids and Ultes of the valley, She wore the gift of the bridegroom, a platinum Uvalliere set In diamonds and pearl*.

Mits Grace Lobstein of New York (.'Ity, a cousin of the bride, w as the maid of honor. Hhe wore a yellow sa tin model trimmed with fur end shadow lace and carried an arm bouquet of yellow roses. Miss M argaret Herpers, a niece of the bridegroom, who waa tbe flower girl, wore a while lingerie frock trimtfied with baby Irish lace and a blue sash and hair iribhone. flhe carried a basket of yellow m arguerites. Mias Lobstein, an­other cousin of the Bride, played the wedding music,

Ferdinand J. H erpers served hla brot!v*ras best man. Mrs. M etiger, the niother of the bride, wore a gown uC wistaria crepe, out en tra ins and trimmed with piir.ceaee lace. She wore a corsage bouquet of lavender orchids. Mrs, Heri>ers. the mother of the bridegroom, wore a black sa tin model and a <'ursege bouquet of violets.

Mr. and Mrs. Herpers sailed today on the Cleveland fo r a two months' lour abroad. They will visit Egypt and tMilnta jon the Mediterranean, returning lo this country about April I, when they will be "a t home" a t 701 High street.

A adrcw s-T yadelt.Mils Mary C. Tyndall o(* Smith sLreel,

Bellevlllea and Fubert M. Andrews ol Verona avenue. In ttie Forest HIM sectionof this city, were married yesterday a fte r­noon a t the rectory of St. Peter's Catho-Mo Church, Belleville, by the pastor. Rev, Jam es P. Smith. The m atron of honorwaa Mrs. W illiam J. M urray of Jersey City, formerly of Bellevine, and the best man was Charles E. W helan of Forest HIM. Following the ceremony, a recep­tion woe held a t the home of the brida a t which relatives and friends were pres* ent, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews left Is tt night for a tour through New York S ta ta after which they will live In Belleville.

B a lssto rth -W aadrue .The m errlage of Miss F reda Barbara

W andrus of lfi6 Pomeroy a venue,Kearny, and William F. Balm forth of 300 Otatoo street, this city* took place last night a t the parsonage of Beulah Methodist P ro testan t Church of Kearny. Rev. J. Robert Carlton Clark officiated. The a t ­tendants were Miss Elsie T. Baugort and WiMlam WnndruB. Mr. and Mrs. Balm­forth will live a t E ast Orange.

Kjevea-Aadersea*Miss M argaret Mitchell Anderson,

daughter of Mrs. Helen Anderson, and David Laven, both of 272 Maple street, Iveamy, were married last night a t that address by Rev. William Coombe, pastor of the F irs t Presbyterian Church of Ar­lington. The attendants were the bride's ■liter, Miss Christina O. Anderson, and tTalton MacCormaok.

A aaoaaee October Wcg<||B^, Announcement was made yesterday of

the m arriage of Miss Clara Radsloskl, daughter of Mrs. Anna Hadslnski of 424 Scotland streat* Orange, to John O'Con­nor. The ceremony took place on Octo­ber 6 last.

A naoaaee lUngagcsieBt,Mr. and Mrs. Samuel CraJg of Oakwood

court, Orange, have announced the en­gagement of their daughter. Miss Jeannle N. Craig, to John S. Applegate J r of W est Orange.

Three suits, two In Chancery and th e other a Supreme Court proceeding, all brought by Mrs, I^one Rohr Massman of New York ngalh it Peter Steiger, presi­dent of the P. Steiger Trunk and Bag Cornjisny. 357 <>gdeij street, were se t­tled out of court yesterday. Dlscon- tln iisiue o rdeii were entered today by Arthur F. Kgner of McCarter & Eng­lish. uounscL for Mrs. Massman.

The th ree su its hud a commoti two-fold object—to compel compliince on Steiger's part with sn alleged agreement to buy back from Mrs. MaMinati lio.ooo worth of sioi'k of the Steiger oomii'any and to realise on a $4,500 Judgtnent. Mrs. Mass- man Won after threu trials before Judge Adams and a Jury of a damage suit based on S te igers rofueal to carry out th* agreem ent to lake hsrk the stock and return to Mrs Maisman her |l0 ,00u. Thro ugh tlie settlem ent effected yes ter­day Mrs. Massmaii recovered her |10,00U and a substantial part of the |4 ,5d6 Judg­ment besides^

Mrs. Massman sequired her block of Steiger stock about five years ago. Her firs t suit, baasd on Stelger'a refusal to take back the ehares, resulted In a Jury award In excess of 114,000.

This Judgment was set aside by the Bupretue Court, on an appeal by Btelger, on the ground th a t a wrong rule fo r fix ­ing dam ages had been followed.

A second tria l before Judge Adams re ­sulted In an aw rd In excess of |H,QQ0. This the Supreme Court also Set aside for the same reaaon. The third verdict wae |4,50D. This finding stood.

Conveyed P laa t to Realty Cotnpaay.When, however. Mr. Kgner Issued

c.'triMniun uu the $1,500 Judgment, it de­veloped th a t Steiger had cunveyed his factory p lant to the Bprlng Street Realty. Company during the pendency of the suit, and had nu other property eubje<‘t lu levy.

It was a t th is Juncture th s t the three sultn, whh’h forced the BeUlement. were instituted by Mr. Efcner. First, he filed

,a bill in Chancery to act aside the con- vtiyauce to the realty coDipauy, on the ground ot? fraud. Next, in ossoijf^' with J. M erritt Lane of Jersey City he ob­tained from Vice-ChaiK'ellur Lewis an order directing the Steiger concern lo show irauso why a re<'elver should not be appointed, cuuplea wUh an order appoint­ing F rank P. McDermott of Jersey City as tem porarily receiver.

On the retorn of the rule to show cause, R lker St Rlker, counsel fur Steiger, proved th a t tbe Steiger company wae prosperous beyond the ordinary, with the result th a t the vlce-chnneellor refused to appoint a receiver, and discharged Mr. McDermott, but required the company lo puL up an $18,000 bond for the prutcctlon uf .Mrs. Massman.

.\a a third measure of attack, Mr. Kgner Instituted supplementary proceed­ing agains t Btelger In the Supreme Court, and In th is proceeding, Chief Justice Umnniere last Saturday appolnteil Augus­tus C. S tuder Jr. of McCarter A English as receiver to realise on the Judgmunt.

The tliree-fold attack resulted In the defendant’s capitulation and the calling off of all the lltigatloq.

A* the outcome (’f further Inquiry into the affairs of the UreyltH'k Land Ooni- pany yesterday afternoicin Vice-Chancellor Kmery ordered the dismissal of a rule to show canoe why a receiver should not l*e appointed for the company. The rule was nhiaiiied several weeks ago by I''harks Jl. W eikn. as counsel for three purchasers of lots

Proof WBS aiibniUtcd by Philip J. Ilchot- iand end Kugene Dottu. counsel fo r the iJreylock company, 'h a t the claim s of the complainants and of tw o o ther a l­leged aggrieved lot purchasers fWlioia Mr. W alker had Intended also to make party complaluants, have hceu met by the com­pany.


d B S


Glen Ridge Board of Educatioo Will Restrict Pririleges loBe ""

Granted Ontiiders.



Vice-President of Southern Railway a Snicid^~Was lo Wed

on Saturday.


Lankford, u vice-president and secre- U ry of the Southern Jl allw ay , com­m itted suicide today by Inh a lin g gas In hla uparlfnents In Brooklyn.- Ue uHs soon to have been m arried to aBrooklyn girl-

Mr. Lankford was fe rly -s lx year* old. On Saturday he w aa to have m ar­ried Miss Nellie Pattergon. Bo fa r as is know n be le ft uo note exp la in in g his act. A porter employed In tb e bache­lor apartm euta where Mr. L an k fo rd re ­sided sm illed gas a n d forced hU way Into the rooms. In the b ath room lay L ankfo rd 's body, unclothed.


Pay of South Orange Call Men Now Based on Tdlal Alarms



WEILER-WILLASCHEKSptotal Strvfet of (te M IPS,

SUMMIT, Jati. 15,“ -Th* wedding of MIm P au llm W llluctaak *nd W llll.m Woller, both of th l i city, took p ltcs y*x- terd*y ftftaroooii In St. Tereia '* Church. Th* c«r»iuony waa performed by the rec­tor, Rev, Dr. Conrad Bchotthoefer. The bride wax a ttired In a white charmeuse sown, trim m ed w ith pearla and ducheaae lace, and wore a tulle veil caught up with o ran fa bloteam*. She carried a ehower bouquet o t w hite bride ro ie t and orchida. Mlaa Helen WUIaachek o t Orange, a ela- ter of the bride, wae brldeamald. She wore cream colored crepe meteor, trimmed with pearla and chiffon, and i!arried a bouquet of w hite eweet peae. Thome* F asa n of Mafllaon wae beat man.

Followlnf a wedding eupper, held a t llielr new home In Beauvoir avenue, Mr. and Mra. W eller left on a two week,' wed- dlna tour to W aehlnfton.

FRAME DWEUING BURNEDgptriol Btfvict of tAo SBWB.

ELIZABETH, Jan 16,—-Fire In a rear fram e building a t 420 Court atreet prac­tically destroyed tbe building last night. An overheated stove is supposed to have caused It.

The building Is owned by Mrs, 8arah F ra n h and occupied by I'aul Wapioti and 1. Flshklnd and their famJllei.

F ire In the rBStdence of M. Janus, 441 Spring street, did considerable damage 10 th e front of the building a t midnight

Patrolm en helped Janus and his ftm - Uf to leave the place.


m ent Tt«h*d to Tiffany'* Fifth avenue ^ r * todk}‘ to cipmbht water Instead of fire. Jin autom atic sprinkler pipe ,hsd burst' on the second floor, G o rin g atock ahd showcase* All entrance* and exits were closed while the flremen spread taf- paoiln* and bailed out the water with

-busiHta amt mops, Tfae i la i i dl^llned to '~"<rniiiil>iiiiiii

B a d

B ra tt-W lli«eJpedol Service of ike ?fSWB. ^

HACKEN&ACK, Jan . 15.-^Mlss Mabel Anna Wilde, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J A. Wilde of Martvllle, N. T„ was m ar­ried yesterday to Ralph T urner B ratt, g son of James B ratt Jr. o f Hackensack. The ceremony was performed a t the Presbyterian m anw In P ark street by Rev. Dr- C. R. Kuebler. Miss Ruth I. Rogers, a schoolmate of th e bride, was the maid of honor. The best man was Frank H. Pinoo of Hackensack. The bridegroom Is tlie grandson of Justice Jamee B ratt of Essex stree t and Is chief engineer of the plant of the Oregg Com­pany, Ltd., of Lodb The couple left for a short trip South. They will live in Maywood upon their return .

C eeper-F reaelu gpecCel garrlr* of fke SEWS.

DOVER. Jan. IB.^M Iss E lisabeth C. French -and W illiam F. Cooper w ere m arried th is afternoon a t the home of the b ride 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Benton French of South Kesex atreet, by Rev. A lbert B. R ichardson of P a t­erson, fo rm erly pasto r of the r i r i i M ethodist Church here. A fter a short luneymoon trip to Boston and Buffalo Mr. and Mrs. Cooper w ill live a t S4 H oagU nd avenue. Because o f the «er1- ous Illness of th e b ride 's fa th e r only the members of the fam ilies of the b ride and bridegroom w ere p re se n t

B la tts tt-K clly ,FpoHdl Bervic* of fke NEWS.

ELIZABETH, Jan. 16.—'Mias Mildred C. Kelly, daughter of M r and Mrs. Joseph Kelly of 165 Second street, and F r^ e iic k B lattau of 926 E ast Grand street, were married yesterday a t St. P atrick 's Church by the pastor, Monslg- nor Charles H. Macke}. Miss Hete.n Downey bridetfnsM ' and Edwayd Dewd best ipen- A reception fbUowed the ceremony a t the home of the bride's parenti. . ' ' a ' *

B l o o dt* « frito M w u dsnfartei*tM u f. M tteH y •« « « • «■<

a»d t Mk w «M i4llfM * e t v f N h p iw e

k tO O ira M M A M in U p Ae B O WsbA

GIv m BItlsi to !■▼« B rother.VINELAND, Jan . 16.—D eterm ined to

do her- p a r t In savirig th e life of her f iv e -y e a r-o ld .b ro th e r w ho w as badly burned by a rubb ish fire , Amelia Romano, fifteen yeera old. offered h er blood, sk in or life, w h a tev er the doc­tors needed. T he physlolatis took a Ihrge piece of tb e g lr l’e sk in and some drom her o lder brothers* bodies and grafted t t on th e li t t le bro ther, Tbe operation w as successfu l and both a re recovering.

A gei W eaiaa Fesrad P e e d In Bed.MORRISTOWN, Jan , U . — Coroner

Lagrrence W elah was called to W hi>- pany yesterday by th e sudden death of

f ln n h J. B enjam la a t th e home ef h e r aen-ln-law , C harles la tcheU . Bhe w as elgh ty-flve y e a rs eU and had been , fa lling in health . T e su rd a y t n m l n g She w aa found dead . In bed by m em here o f th e fam ily. T ha cause of death, w as gdvMi ag aiwglegy,

Spuria; of lAfl .VBTTS.HACKKNBACK. Jan. 16.—Rachel

Hawkins, a widow about fifty years old and weighing In the neighborhood of 300 pounds, w as fatally smothered by smoke In e f ire which was discovered In her room in the home of Joseph LovlUky, 21 G rant place, this city, a t 11 o'clock las t night.

Mra. Levitsky was awakened by the smell of smoke and calling her huslwjid went to Mrs. H awkins's room, where tbe blase w as located, w han the depart­ment arrived on the scene the officers were told th a t Mrs, Kawldos was In her room. As soon as tbe windows had been raised perm itting tbe firemen to work their way through tbe dense smoke, Mrs. Hawkins was found lying on the floor face downward.

Unconscious she was removed to th e H acksnuick Hospital, where she died ten minutes a f te r her arrival. The dead woman was not burned In any way.

Considerable trouble w ai experienced getting Mrs. Hawkins from her room. The door wee too small to allow the un­conscious woman to be carried Oir^ugh and she bad to be dragged.

I t Is thought th a t the blase came from an oil stove or oil e a te r In the room.


\ New regulations for the u u of the a s­sembly* room of Ihe Glen Rldse rilgh Ik'hwjl by other than schotil urganisatione adopted last night by the l>orough Board of Kdutaiion provide that hereafter af- icfhoon cnterlalnJiienU cannot be given other than on Fridays and Haturduyi. Rehearuala are also reatricled to th o u afternoons.

As the result of a «’omp1alrit made a t the boan!> la^t meeting by t^upervlslng rrlndp ttl Sidney G, F innan that cigarette stubs had been found In the hallway following un enterlalnnienl, the htwrtl also adopted a regulation that ir the future smoking by persona attending en- tertainniHiUs w1|) lio restricted to one itK)in In tho building provided for that purpose

The new regulations. It la understood, follow claims mado recently that some persons attemling a ffa irs 'g iv en e l the auditorium had abused the privilege. In the future, when a penult Is given for use of the hall, an agreement will be entered Into th a t the regulation^ will be compiled wllli.

Report was made by District Clerk Edward D. Bireet th a t the board had received from the mislodlan of school iiiioneyB but $27,600 of $41.540 appropriat­ed In lOlD. The board had arradged to pay off $15,00U In notes, repreaenlliig money hotrow'ed for expenses, but foilod It would bo unable to do so nn leu tbe money due from the appropriation was paid.

lASter It wftB learned th a t because John E, Beggs. the form er custodian^ had w anted Iris books audited before being tran sfe rred to Kruncls Burdett, Ills HUcceasor, the re hud been h delay iii fu rn ish ing the board with the money. This was adjusted today, however, when Mr. B urdett paid over euffkdent money. Tlie balance s till due the board uf llie form er approprl-

^alion la $S,S40.A sserting th a t o ther huulness

prevented llie lr g iving gu fflden t lime to school work. P residen t Thomaa L. MassoiH who has been a member of the board for nine years; Mrs. IjouIs H inrlchs and J. H. Van Duyjie kii- iioutK-ed th a t they would not be cun- d ldates for re-e lection a t th© close of the ensuing y e a r It was decided to aak (lie civic cotifereiice com m ittee to recommend candidutea as suceeBsora.

A h e rro w lsf riorc of *Iaw dM th Uy froesltiB hes unfolded itself In fttriber teute <»nc«rnlng the oHcbt of Mr*. Bereh « . dscfcsoii end her d su ib ter. Miss Busen Jsck w n . tlM tatter of whom suouumbed

“ ‘"“I *“ t*" News, a f te r e ni»bt o f exposure In their home, I I ateu- ben etreet, E sst Orsnee. ^

A t death orept upon the y q u u e r J ' " "“ ‘I’*’' Isy helplese between

wiB Kitchen etove end a coal box, forced to watch the life of her dauchter, a confirmed Invalid, ebblim away.

•'n«w th a t her daualite r no lonper liv«4, ,ho aaye she

'i?.*'*' '‘'teble to (ax a on(lie dead form. Tho mother Is cl*hty- (ive-and the dead woman was sixty-seven yuara old.

Mrs. Jackson will recover, it woe maid today a t the Grange MeniorUj llo sp lu i. Where she Is a patient.

'J t is one of the most terrible cooes I ever km ^- or retd of," eU led Deputy 1 ^ Herbert Slnim^ms today. The woman who died m ust have gone through terrible suffering from ber cotnpllcalluu of ailments, as well os the cold.

DlssaUsfactlon has appeared among the callmen of the South Orange Village Fir© Department over a new rule of Village Trustee Harry J. flchnHl. chairm an of the fire committee. The rule Is to the effect tlia t the caliinen will be paid otily for alarm s of fir© which they aniw er. If they answer all tho alarm s they will re­ceive $35 at ti>e eptf uf th e year. Should they fall to answer eume of .the alarm* a certain sum, based oh tha number of a larm s received each year, will be de­ducted.

Under an old rule in the departm ent tho uien were paid $12 a t the end of th© year If they answered sixty per cent, of the alarms. Mr. ticlinell said today that the men had asked him w heiner ih© old I'ulo could b© kept In effect, but he a s ­serted that h© does not feel Justified In paying $2S to men who go only to sixty per cent, of th© fires.

Tncldcntally, the men run a risk If they discuBs or comment oti th© situation, ac­cording to another regulation.

N'o member of tho fir© department


m ay he a delegate to o t may diatrlbutc i% T tatce


PH ILIJPBB U RG . Jan. IB.—TndIcatlons so fa r a s obtatnabl© are that F rank Knoedler, for twenty-three year town clerk o f Philltpsburg, will be the next Mayor of FhlUlpaburg. If precedent la followed he will be selected by the five elected to run the tow s'a affairs under the commiaaloQ form. At first Mr, Koeedler said he did not want the place, but now It la understood that he will accept th e plac© If It la offered to him.

Supportera of Mr. Kneedler urge bis aelaction on the ground th a t nobody knows more than he about the tow n's affairs, and th a t his course of late years has not been marked by any political activities, frequently being chosen clerk without opposition.

If the place doea not go to Mr. Kneed- ler, there Is a possibility that Oscar E. Bates, a Socialist, may become the tow n's head. Mr, Bates ran second a t the elec­tion Tuesday, Kneedler receiving 1.344 votes to 1.306 cast for Bates.

The commisslonere will organise next Tueaday. on which day the Mayor will be aelected and the various departments of the governm ent distributed among the commlMloners. I t hod been expected th a t they would meet yesterday and de­cide these points Informally, but such action w as deferrefl


StKtal BerrHct af tils W8WS."WOODBRIDGE. Jsn , 16.—Mrs. SussK

Tfinsts. **v*ntr-(fv« y ss rs old, of O rson B trest, died y ts ts rd sy afternoon from b u rn s received e s rlle r In the day w hen b * r sleeve e a u rh t fire from a f a s G am e In th* horn* ot her daugh­ter, Mrs. C barlea J. Demarest.

The acciden t happened before th e re s t of th e fam ily nad arlein . Mrs. V aneta wae p rep arin g break fast In th * k itchen whdlt h e r sleeve Ignited In th e flam e In th e g as range.

FREEHOLD ADOPTS $480 ,850 BUDGETFREEHOLD, Jan . 16,—-A .budget ag .

gregntlng 1460,180 was adopted yesterday by the Board o f Freeholders, o f this amount 660,000 Is deducted for estimated receipts flrom county otfless, leaving 1410.660 to b* rata*d by taxaUon, The largest Item in the appropriations Is6116.000 for . th e m slntensnce of county roads, wUIe th* second largest item Is690.000 fo r b r id f u . . . F ifty thousand doHara la appropriated for court expensea m i 660,000 fcT dtactioD expensea.

The report of County Auditor O. E. Davie of receipts expenditures during the pas t year ■ diaclotes the fact th a t the th ree county off Ices located In the courthouke'bullding returned a net profit of 616.160,66 to the county. Of th if amount rii* s u m ^ f s l s ;,Dfflee ehowe a p ro fit .of' C*. fr6h a <*unty clerk's office 64.664.40 ana tho^shertff’i oftica 666.60.

Fees coUeoted In the surrogate's ofUce were 617,106.46, while the salaries and In­cidental expense* were^S,990.lT. 711* county clerk turned over to the county 620.4T6.T7, I t coat Ihe county 666,126.61 to oonduct th e office. The sh e ritrs offlos cost th e connty 610,617.07 and tha sum of 610.409.6T waa collected In feet.

tickets a t any election d r take part In political m atters other than to exercise the right ot Buftrage, and they shall not solicit subscriptions or donations w ith­ou t permission from the fire committee. Th* firemen are also admonished espe­cially agaiust participating In argum ents o r discussions of departm ental a ffa irs In headquarters or elsewhere, and are or­dered to refrain from adverse criticism of tho management of any branch of the village government or the officials or taxpayers.

Ths men are also cautioned against engaging In any form of agitation hav­ing for Its object tho enactm ent of

s ta tu te law, village ordinance or any o ther regulation wliich may have a ten­dency to affect monetary expenditures, or Involve the management of the fire departm ent from a financial viewpoint. They will not be permitted to enter any saloon while In uniform or allow any liquor in headquarters and m ust refrain from using Improper language.


Furllier Investigation looking lo the oM^iislon uf the Orange mutildpol IlghL- hig system to provide rlouirh: forall the publlf' hiiUdlngfl wbb Ueclil^d on Iasi night by the u a te r and street light­ing !.nm]iiittee of the (.'ommun l'oliiiuII.

Nearly a year ago uiiipf Fngincor Honry llerg uf the municipal power plant submitted « report showing that the ad­ditional equipment would cuBt about ? l3,flOff and that the proposed oxteuslun Would make It possible to sa\'e about $1,500 a year in Die city 's light and power bills.

Although several nieiTibers of last yr-ar’a L'oininon Council were Impressed with the prupositloa. nothing was done, as the aldernteu were advised by 1'Teder- ick O. Runyon, who was the copaulting Gtigltieer a t the tlino the tnunidpal plant was Installed, th a t the lime had not a r ­rived for the extoQslon of the syetom.

.Mderiuan fcSmlth b rought iha uiat- tpr up again las t n tgbt, when lie point­ed oijl th a t !f tho city should pro­vide aervlfp for the public buildings a step m ight bp lakpu tow ard conmierrlKl ligh ting under m unicipal ownership.

It w as reported th a t tho light and power bill for the city hall last month w as $71, a figure th a t gave tho com m ittee an Incentive to Investigate, The repo rt mad© by Mr. Berg will be taken Up at the next meeting,


In view of the fact th u t Mayor Fi'ank J. M urray of G range htis vetoed the o rd inance au th o riz in g th© city to Join w ith PJast O range and M ontclair In estab liah lng a jo in t inuttlclpal sewage disposal plant, a la rg e attendance Is expected a t the m eeting o f the Repub­lican Club of O range tunlkht, when John kS. Glliaou. secre ta ry of the P a s­saic Valley T runk Sewer CommlBslon, w ill give a talk on the advantages of Joining In the big flume.

The genera l public has been Invited to a ttend the m eeting, and special In­v ita tio n s have alBo been sen t to Mayor M urray and the m em bers of the Com­mon Council. The lueeting will he caMsd a t the room s of the Republican Club In the Lindeley building, hut a r ­rangem ents w ill be made for seouring the rooniH of the G range Board of Trade should the acnommoclationa prove Inadequate.

A solemn high month’s mind rnaas was offered today In the Cburch of the Holji Cross of K anison for Rev. Maurice P. O’Connor, late rector of the church. The celebrant was Monfllgnor Patrick Cody of Bt. Jam es's Church. Rev. Frederick O’Nell of the Church of the Blessed Sac­ram ent was deacon, and the sub-deacon, Rev. Felix O’Nell, of St. Michael's Church, Rev, Thomss A. W alsh of St. Charles of Borromeo Church, waa mastes of ceremonies.


Lam and, four years old. w as fa ta lly burned yesterday while p lay in g w ith m atches In her p a re n u ' home on N orth C linton avenue. She died a t .13:30 o'cJock th is afternoon.

The child was tak en to M cKinley H ospita l, every part of h e r body h av in g been terrib ly scorched and seared . The m other w as a lso burned Iti h e r effo rts to ex tingu ish the fire.

Pimples Will Not Be Pardoned

T h e F a ilu re lo F se S tu u r t 's C ate liun W afers, a P roved R em ed y fo r

P im ples, Oonvlcte Y ou o f t in - p ardonab le N'egIlgeno4

Pimples are a& offeiue to other© and a crime against yourself. People have only toleraiQd you because they cOPsldorad ths mndlrion ef year f«es to b* a mlsfertuns against which you had no ramady. Bat now that It Is universally kaown that Stuart's Calcium Wafers will our* th* woret fso««« of pimples, blackhsads, blotches, eruptions and Jlverspots, your continued negllgeDca will be consldsrsd Insxcusable,

The person with a ptmpty tae* ts always unattractive, and at a dloadvantag* In oo- vlety. Those ugly dlsflguremeiits a*t at naught the effect of th* most p*rf*et l*a- turas. JIf your lac* and figur* had th* classical outlines o$ a Or*«k statui:, a mass of pimple* would ■flll'daatroy your baauty. A al«sxi fresh •kin Is abMIuUly e*s*nit*l to any r*ol bsauty. ^

On breaking into th* huuse >**t«rday ariernoon. Houndsmun Stephen Van Brunt found Miss Jgckaon sitting upright iri ah easy chair, which «he had not boon able to leave In two years.

Describing how she fell over a coal box In her kitchen late Tuesday as she was about lo build up the fire, Mrs. Jackson said she fell between the sLova and box and a as unable to «UrlcaLe herself

■’SuiMut altempted to gel up otioo lo help me, ‘ said the mother, "only lo fall back. J k r movement caused tbe blanket vvhloh was wrapped about her to fall lo the floor and she could not reach it. We both cried for help, but apparently no one heard ui.

"The fire began to die down and lb* room grew cold. Susie shivered, and begged to place the blanket about her. J tried time and again, but t could not climb over the box. She kept crying until late In the night*

"Then she said she didn't feel th a cold so much any more, but begged for a gloss of water.

"tih© finally grew aittl, and I knew poor Busan was dead, f turned my head Hu th a t I would not see her face."

The two women had lived In H^st Or­ange for the last three years, having form erly occupied a tiinall house on Eagle Rock avenue, West Orange. Their w ants were supplied by th* Nort,h Orange Bap- lis t Church, of which they Were incm- bers.

Dr. Samuel A. Mut*. Mayor of West Orange, had attended the daughter for Borne time.

"H ed^ahe not died from exposure," Rtaled tike phystrian, "I doubt very mu«h If one in her dreadful condtllon could have lived ifkuch longer. Others Anter- r*»ted In the case as well as myself mad* Bcferal attem pts t* have both mother and daughter go to sume Institution where they might be cared for, but they i-reforred to have their own horn*"

Don't Aak for "Butter"ind tikt A ebtnee on tin quality,

Aak for


and be sure of abiolute fresh­ness and delicious davor.

28c lb.in our own stores only

{no deliveries)75 sto re s in New Jersey atone

Wisconsin Cnamerr Bntterine"A Food with a Mission.'^


'lilies ■ D r u g g i s t s 25 *?.




Speaking a t the annual meeting of th* Neighborhood Association of Mlllburn Township In th* town hall laat night, Mrs. Caroline B. Alexander of Hoboken condemned cheap dance hall* and mov­ing picture show* and told of the dangers to boy* and girls who patronize thoseplace*. Mra. Alexander took for her aub-ject--^'Club Work for Boya and GIfIb.'^he aaid the women's organisations of the country ehould unite In a movement to regulate all branches of amusement.

The spoaker asserted that the ques­tion of m orality was equally aa serious ■in suburban and country localities as in the dtlea. She declared tha^^ vice is ram ­pant In m any rural dUtrli^s because of the lack of police, and added that the prosecutors are so fa r away from some uf those sections th a t they take little, if any, Interest In m atters In the remote diairicte.

In the hall of the Woman'a Club of Or­ange, yesterday afternoon. Thomas W. Surette of Brooklyn gave the second lec­ture In the aeries of four arranged by Ih© music department of the club for th is season, Tfis subject was "Mualc In Its Kelatlon to Life," and hla treaDnent of it was such as to inlereit keenly a large audience.

He brought to Ills hearers new ideas about Ih© significance of music aa ex­pressing tru th 111 terms possible to no other form of fine art, and thus opened new viatas for many who, in listening to th© finer things In music, are content With tho mere enjoyment pleasing har- uicipies afford and do not consider the thought behind them, the feeling Inaplr- Jiig them or their luipurt to th© crcatl^’e musician who bad a message to convey to the world.

The greatest glory of absolute music.la that It speaks to our souls

and means to ua more than can be put Into words. It expresses the peraonalllles In life ra ther than linperional things. In BLpport of this view tbe speaker cited Bach, Bectlioven and Brahma aa bohis the g rea test among composers for the reason th a t their Intelligence, imagination and spiritual feeling, coupled with their technical knowledge of th© art, enabled them to stamp their work with their mighty personalities.

In p e a k in g of style, form and con­tex t in compositions. Mr. yureUe ©aid th a t they may be difficult to understand, but, as niost tilings that are worth while lu life ’ require thought for the fullest i-uniprchenslon of them, he told his iioarera not to l>© discouraged If they could not grasp the meaning or perceive the Iseauty In music on a first hearing.

In the course of his talk he w arned th e audience against th© v itia tin g effec t on ta s te of sentim ental aonjgs of th e draw ing-room order. In re fe rrin g lo g ran d opera, h« said liia t a good w ay to prepare for It was le listen to fo u r perform aiicea of sym phonies in advance of It, thereby opening the mind and heart to the purest ex p res­sions in music and acquiring a sta]]- dard In a r t by which to judge the m ore a rtific ia l creations fur the rnlmlo stage.

E n co urag ing the ask ing of questions, Mr. Hurctle replied to numerous queries re la tiv e to modern French compoel- tlons, rag tim e and o ther la tte r-d ay de- velopinerus In music.

} ^ f li i !o r k £ t t m n 0 % i t ) g


Oppuelte Clevriau* hlrevt

•ttslue** office open ualU S p. M. daily

AdverUMmeats received lor publlvatb>D mmm day uelll II A. I|,

Tel*. [iirinae 3000 Market MOO

Private Broticb £xuluigs« cviurclloc all departoieoU.

AMPVfilD—Fraaa, 13 FourLh ave. T«h 4L1UW. Grlnntey, T6 Foartb, ave, Tel. B2GW.

BRICK CKUHCB^B. Block. BS8 Mile et. T«l. ]<I43. Mark©, 3« Hall road pi. Tel. 3B8R. Rubin, 23 Waahlngloh pJ. Tel. 42DSW. Veagor. B49 Main at, Tel. 391M,

UHANiJB—8, Block, 333 Main at. T*l. BS4L.Brodle « KoliXlin, 134 Main at. Tol. 13U FrledLkurg. IB Greepwood ave. T«l. 31B'iW Handman, 4MA Central sv«. Tel. 33TK Martin, 280 Main at, Tel. 4216W.Morris, 113 Main it. Tel. 3468R.t/aimaii, 344 Main st. T*l. 8138, Roeen. h i Main sL Tel. BBSlW. Sachs, >B8A Central av«. Tel. &»iW, SLute, 7< Main st. Tri. 7»J.Vsn Ness, Central av*. and Oak st.

3770.MAPLE w o o b—

Van Winkle, Fraternal siore. and Maplewood av*.

ORANGE VALLEY—Galllgan, (3 TotTOat st. Tel. STStJ. Keeler, 44S Scotlnnd at. Tel. 1043. Bpellnian. High Ave. Station. Tel. 3T*B Rtttermso. 74 Forest at- T«L 3903W,

SOUTH OHANGK—Wallace, South Orange ate., nr. Rsllrosd. BrandlB, t Main sL Tel. 2180W.MorUn. 12 Valley road. Tel. STB«W.

The County Edition of the Ne*aii( Evening News contains all the evenis of the Oranges, Moniclair, Bloomfield, Glen Ridge, Irvington, Caldwell, Ver­ona, etc,, and is a complete local news­paper for each of these communities.


Fm I Uk* 1 Am Is asu . r Ab AMutnwd ill TUS* Mtepte*-"

A b»utffnl nm pluloB Is sutlrslx d«p*nd- «nt on * rich, purs, *e«i«l*Dt suppTj- otmood ts th* ikln. Cslqlote Bulpk)<l« h*

th* ai«Iona been i-*oof nl**4 « tl blood, pnrirltr*. Qslcklr eghTartlsa all Im-

IMSt •n*ette* atpvrltlM Into a*s*ou* torin th st rtad llr «■- caps* trom th* poir*k ft pyrift** (h* moat vltlntad blood In m nnrknbir abort ordar. Calcium tulphid* la lb* oblat eotwtltnant of e tuu rt't Calcium Watara which eonlatn o*. aid** cartaJn mild aluradvaa that Inrifor-

OrBBg* Taatfc Mlaataa.The tUsappearanc*' yesterday moming

of *evaiit«*n-y**r-oM F » n k DMlsta froip th* hom* of hla p an n ts , U r. and i tf s . HsttlMW D rilsls of <6 P ta m n street; eta- a |« * , tea* reportsd today by th* fatlisr. Tbs tatjtwr aaM b* did not known w br t b t youth ihouM .teav*. H a Is fly* f**t six tneh** In hidgU . of teoiit buljd and Ilsb t com^taxloiL U* w o n a Ufht oveipoat ^

ate tha blood. Ton arill b* oarprlasd ai'th* disordara *tl|rapidity » ltb which all taoa _ _ .....

dlsappaar. one* ths blood has baan claasiad ef It* ImpuH^I** through t h ^ qm.

Chop beln4 a noloanee an^ att ftuieyanca other peepl*. You hav* a r i ^ t t* b*auty

and health iiid happtnesa Tea have a right to the AdmlrattoQ and respect of eth«ra. Taka ih* step , that wif! gain yea *11 o t the**. 0*t a K*e, box v t Bioan*^* Colriwgi Wafers et year druggist and «!■

rotir btnbHghit of twauty.^Adterti**-


A feature of the annual men's dinner of Calvary Church, E a it Orange, -to be given on February 4, will be an addresa on "Preaont Condltlone In Moxico" by Emilio Madero, brother of the tate p re s ­ident ot the southern republic, who Is a t present making his home In E ast Or­ange, The committee In charge of tha affa ir Is computed of W alter C, Pitman, chairm an; F rank M. Waltaoe, William -f.' Jeandron, William B. Roberts and U n - coin E. Rowley.

AUTOISr IGNORANT OF SPEED UW^ Itoensed autom oblla d river to r

six year*, as hla paper* a h o w ^ John Leadbeater of 176 W illiam StTMt, Or- s u g a today told Ju d g e H arr tu the Recond P recinct C ourt th a t ha did h a t know automobiles were restricted to twelv* mile* an ho u r In th* city. H* w as fined 610 for. exceeding th a Speed lim it In C entral avenue yesterday. Th* chauffeur adm itted, he probably waa going e t g h t e « m tlea an hour, b u t.e x ­cused h im self With th* p lea th a t he was w ith in th e taw,

“Doti^ you kPOte ghat no autom oblla d river i* " 'a lls teed -to trav e l ptor* th an tw elve m iles a n hour, w ith in the olty limit*?" asfcod th e c o u r t

"W hy.” responded LeadbeafeT' In surprlsa , ‘T v * gone dow n M ain -stree t In O ran g e a t e igh teen m iles an hour m any tlfnea, and thta. Is th* f irs t tlino I've ever been a rre s te d In my life."

Tbe co u rt advised X ^adbeatar to look up the S ta te la te reg ard in g speeding

To C elebrate Sfive* Wcddlog.The tw enty-fifth m arriage anniversary

of Wr. and Mrs, aoorg* Alexander of Chestnut street, Arlington, wilt be cetaJ brsthsd th is evening s t Qulocy HUl. H Is expected th a t 161 guests wilt a t ­tend. H r. and- H rs. \ Alexander are natives of Scotland. hSglng been t u r . ried a t Klrcaldy. January 16, iggj,jir-— ■■ ■They cam s to .th is coirn tir on their wedding trip u d have Uvod her ainca, maktug their home In K earny and Az- Ifnaton. H r. Alexander Is vtce-prbsl- dent d t the K sarny Board o f Education and o tflda lly eonotetod with Iho h ia Jn lineUtUB Cueawny «d X ew M . -a e -w r

A repu ta tio n for a disposition to cu r- te ll the liquor traffic, which the Bust O range Board o f Excise has enjoyed fo r y e a r ^ . teas disclaimed laa t n ig h t by CommiiMloner Edw ard F. Andersen.

C on tra ry to general report, Mr. An­derson said, tho board Is not ru led by any Idea of reducing the num ber of liquor licenses In the city, bu t m igh t even add thereto. He expressed a de- s ire to counteract report* which, he said, had never been w arran ted by any ac t or record of th a t body. He eald an e ic ls a board would be useless If u did no t g ran t, as weU as refuse, licenses.

The com m issioner also sta ted lh a t ha in tends to resign a t the end of th is year, a lth o u g h he Just look h is se a t la s t n ig h t lo begin a new term of th ree years. He waa reappointed J a n ­uary 1 by Mayor Qragory.

A few y ea rs ago th* p roprietur o f a saloon In Main stree t voluntarily w ent o u t of bualnesa, and th s board denied the app lica tion of the man who w anted to succeed him. The Impression w as derived from th a t action th s t th e board w aa disposed to seise the oppor­tu n ity . w henever It offered, to c u t o u t sa loong

John A. Bands, president of th e F ed- ©ration of Men^s Clubs of S lu t Oratis;©^ w ho board th e rsm ark* of th e ceip- m lssloner, said a f te r the m eetlhg th a t n© WO* ©urprl8©dl, OS h$ had AlWRys been o f th© o^l;ilon th a t th* btja'rd aim ed to r«duc^ or aC Least n o t . par- m i t an Increase in th s num ber o f lIcenM d places.

T he sta te m e n ts of Mr. Anderson w ere nm dq.ln connection w ith the considera­tion by th e board of an application from Mrs. Bella Boyland fo r a w hole-’ sa te Ucene* At 666 H aln s tr s e t The ap p lieefion waa d*nl*.L


SO to III© b*u©rii poriorfuanco at the Ne>v Vork Jlippodrom© of th© Now Jereey WoruHu « Buffrago Aaaoctutton Weduesday night, Jatiu- ary ^8; tii:k«ta. | I up. for *a)« at LORTON'fi Clffiutatlug Library, Stik Main st.. Orange.COURSE of 13 d*n©liig leaeona for ohlldrBiv

befiimliif Haturday afternoon, Jan. 34 For afrplioatlon. ‘phon* 4&BTW. of wrlta Maberia School of Daoclnf. 3*1 Maid at., Orenga _______ _FOR SALB-Uprlxht piano

5-plec* parlor *©1, will inqTjIre Cloak and Hull Store, 2Ui Ualn si..

Tid liouie eafe: I b© sold at a barimiii.


F. B. 0AVALB* D Fsirvlew are., Orangii,near HlfMond gy*. Depoti lnatiurn*nU for i0TORU Miti. liDtbod oaeb. ..

lumbar and mill wcrii. J. A, . £***x tv*., A©*r railroad: 'phone 0441t.

rooldlTun, doora N f ttL "00..

M O K rajU R ID S E P I OPENSA private view for specially Invltad .

guests will marh'tUe: formU obening to­night of the Montclair Art Museum by the Montclair Art Alwodatlon, Bor the opening eahtbtt - more than- tteo-scoro arilsts have loahad wOrki whtab have' bdeo placed' >. ■ w

Fish Fish FishSPECIAL AT

ROTH & CO. MarketHerring, pound ....... 8cFlounders, pound ......... 10cSm Baas, pound...............................12cButterflgh, pound ............................12eWeakflah, pound .............................13cBoaton Ma^erel, pound..................14cSpanish Mnekerel, pound................ IScBIttcilsh, pound ..............................-18cCioco4». ponnd ............................... IScWMteiih, pound .................. 16cCod dteak, pound..................... 16cC4)di boAI. pound ............................ 16cHalibut Steak, pound...................... 18cSmeltg) pound .................................. 16cCargo firing Oystera, dozen......... 16cfAUge ClAme, dosen................ 18c


Frala]iEven’g,Jan.23,'14CAST ORANOt HfQH SCHOOL


.Among thF.ipalBttnga . by theeolleeUaa ' ^ 'tion* of 'WlUlabi T. B vk^, for-, marly of tha modhtaln town. IWnttiig* of artists o f severei suburban oonAun- Itlaa 'and this oAte. will atao be displayed. Boginning Saturday... tltS .imMiMi. will be

Helen K etn tiW ^ E 5 ) iuhO 'e ptaoe, Montclair, Is the. onratnr. •

S M Ili^a Ctab lMneS,HoBtbein of the Sklllman an b , com­

posed of twenty^tlvb buataass men of this city, were gnaets ef foimer State Prison Ingpectur J en M H. Davenport at a diir tier given lisat.nil^t Ip his home, lo i tdn- don avenue, Irvingtan. TTie host acted a* t«astnta.ri;er, dnd tntortaai rsniarht wfMw mad* by tbe gnssta. who rsspondU t o .a rising toast composed by Mr. Da. vqnport, relaUng.tb the vlltasa of sun^

in Hsreer County, from whteh pUn* the club, take* Its napw. Vs<»l seloa with tnstrumanlat selecttoDS by aa » cbetdia atkl the ”SkUtinao Band,” w un Included la the p n g m n . Thqia was danc- . A ' a i t ^ ' c u t ■»«* ■■■**. B*,..

« B A « 4>ll lA U S ROW. *lte*Ap'j* R B ap titan y , C , 'O ra a B * ■

* .a.,"I'M.64 ti | k V,

g l .O O , 1 .6 0 , 2 ,0 0 ^


Oaatel r s e h a u n Preacats Jeha Bar- r ta » r« la

-AlllgiBlUAN CltlEBINg.”___ O ther ’l l P batvrea.FB1CBR—M e. H e. and ISc.


**" **!’ hnik


NOTICB Is hHtR* Town ef L __Jenuery a , Mjk at t <rehiak P© ^ lifl tSsiworit £ m© m S th« m*


Head of Niti CoBveotioii

Free L


new tariff, ujgu lilt wa* helU u (irvrident of Lh< ilofonbarlh at to d*y of th© Aiioclatlno. ■ H' th* "!hlr<J tfnw prqsreu-M id flc unlimited compi of wool kitllhiii previous ©xpcrl woolgkuwera' a shoL-U aiuL thut L-ot «xiJcriin©Rt

'dppugltlon ha^© to the (tr* lamle oa iirov lore Coiigrogs. ©riLlly ur^©<I il theniaelv*© to

■ "aot *g caUle>T —rid* in front out of '^ n g e r poilWi|.»!

"TM f ld ^ isHggflObarlli e •itlf '■ qf ‘ ftttiv]

h<llAf||lQa Slut' A Ard^riLA 4md- t l

and '


©horn uficfer fli respective kov©i aflev th© baUI h«d fccea the u hrcketi battalioi hopelesB odd©, can chnractorlfi

In analyhiH that It Wks ‘c; the Eu-gt auil and ^ se r tr il ti product© cvf N? on th©p*r rent, of tli twelve per l'uu ' idii veer© Fn

Th* Bpeakwr brefdtriii were In iNew Zealar gentln©.

"W here our "ImiLgihHh lha

’ t l f h i so rt of him. the fnfi fromanim als nf rai

Mr. Hasreiih Webierii fioi^h of yearly two W.00I th fv gre ineoluhl© mat an*w*r the i

A “pur© fal of the pur© foi ea ld :

"ThiB p©rlo for the f'onfu the pgycholog Rag© of a p greit©. W© t foods, pure m tiut th© euI he puMlu 1kinds of B' ‘pur© wool lodging rlHi of Ihe t the fact th a t of common twenty-flv© as pur© wool that valuaW©

^Ir. H agcnt liona for i^at fu rther 1100 o as grazing t to av ert an DOOa year to account of pr d a r^ d th a f . t m ent of Agr Hone annual' and field, h aTTlOUlit uf ©1 Ihe UveaLock


w a s h in ghav© opportni Platetjoiia to apt* per cent, Irene by til© flfiy-l ft-ttt not 1.1© c lo the Increa velop teatim?' certain claas<

Thl* wgB Commorc© Cl rouTicerhent i h© heard In r dale, soon to

Hearing© < r©mont, brtc huua© produi will b© had I

In a stater th a t "cojnml proUatants t heard befbr© on th* pend road© fbr p© Increa.a©, In f

Til* raitro the Inquiries 20. ©o th a t t defsrflng its riuestLons in’ } edit© th » p by cotnmSRc jectlong by shippers in t


MEW TO nays th a t " one .of the hoflday sh knqwn, hev U should n been done li

"At the s In an effor the 'number duAHea, thl can be ovei (urnkces in men' exhibi day contain that' were day* and single 4 etlu SCOT* or in. in ip the i figures."

V A S IH Gu n

WA8H1N business nr Ingitpy app ■erv* orga and uigbd r*s»rV»*Dr cities.;; i» i ctaimsd' th locsHon fc m ucli.s|i.tt 8outlii|irn'‘ti

M um wifadlllte* bi by tgll. ts nearer li any « lw s ataM*.

The prti Bpaaktth e

th a t ( t Ipc regtiutal M direct eh|H BosH . would t o ' reserve an syivanta, iw are . VIp C arriU a a


W ABSliBg. tote, i

t ie p ^ g iBu


NEW A RK E V E N IN G NEWS. THURSDAY. JA N U A R Y 15. 1 9 1 ^ 1 1


anfresh ’Bavof.


r atuiie

ittsrineS io n .”

W 0 0 L i» m H R S : .< NEW TARIFF RULE

Head of Natiooil OrganizadoD al CoDveodoo in Utah Cridclzea

Free Liif Profimi.I '," '1 i —i---------


R E S E N T T R E A T M E N T I O F M J \ p A ( T l ] R E R S

Ex-Govereor Stokei asd Present Bird Tell Tlien of Weea

Laid to Polities.



M. dailfl»ublk'iatt»D



Toi. i;;ur«i. aJB'iw8l. 337BV.

ek It. Ivi-

aiJ.ot:.Pel. ITWB 90«w.


t Newark

he evenis


veil, Ver-

cal ne«S‘


HENTSwants tu

( Ihe New y WomHii'fl ISht, J&T1U' f^RTON’si Orange.

r children. Jan. 24 or writeUalb ML,

loui* safe; a bariatn. Uain ei..


Its for wiry.in . doors. ETLL CO.. R.

n s h

irk e t......... 8c. . . r . x o c........12 c........12 c........12 c........Uc......... Kir......... llic.........I5e. . . . . I 6 c......... IBc......... ISc. . . . . 18e......... 16c......... 15c......... 18e


BALS?- LAKE .Jan .new tirlff.,. .ugoi ou the /realilt eak held u|i lu crltjrlein . by the (imJdent of the orgaDlabtion, FraoJa J. Hafiih^>arlh a t the Mni)UaittWKMiun here to day of the National Utjgl Urowera' A iiodatlnti. H e imlnted ,vnt th a t for the '^third time a ceotiiry of rtatlboal proKraas/tTid^ fluckmaater facas free and unJlmlUd o ^ p e tl t lg u ia- tiie gorodiidtloD of wool lifcilniir the whole world." r t a t pravloua expcrlencea had proven the woolgiowers' ablhiy lo wJthaland the ahtK'li uiid tliut the ouU-uitie of the prcB> ; oQt ujcpcriment wua doubtful.

■dpp«Altton ' developed during Ae- ha^e to the iWopoeed leading of public lands oa provided In bllla now be* lore Coiigropi. tipeakera. how ever, gen- eiytUy urged the aheep men ro ad>uet theniielves to -e iia tln g . conclUigne and

‘ “aot k i caUie>men-would In a atum pede —ride in front of the herd and gtilde U o u t-o i 'd in g e r \ ih e fa n i l of m erely op- poal«ii.»! ■ - V' ,

“T l^ fldpkwaetet la reduced. ' Mr. HagfUBbarlii nal<T the neceg'• i t y ' ■<*f ‘ Bt'rtvjiw ‘ o n ' .vine-iiial lorme- witki , tlve lictf'Clad savagH ol 80mh A ffiw Asia, the peon or SoothApyrkca aJuL Uig -akUled •pPodu««r of New Ze^fthd^and Auatralla. whuee flgcl^ei ahofn nnetiir the '/oaleflng nefo o f ihePr respective KOVornriuuilB. Like Napoleuni ttflei' the battle of Waterloo, tho ahep' hed fecea the ueceaalty for orKunisclng hla broken battalioue for a la&l stand against hopeleBB odds. However, It la an AmerL can chnracterlet’c never to aay quit.'*

In analynla of the tariff he declared that it WH8 “deri(|«*dly an alignm ent of the Eust and isuuth acaltint the W’est," and q^serteti the elgiuy per cent, of thd proddcHi pf NeW dersey would be fouml on the JiitiHi-lt lisle, whercaa bat nlftc per f-eni. of the products of Arlsona and twelve per vent of the products of Ne­vada were hh favored

The speaker auggeaied th a t American breeders were behind iTielr com petltora In iNew Zealand. A ustra lia and the A r­gentine.

"W here our flm-kmaBler," said.‘'ImaglnHS th a t MOD per head for ihe

-rig h t so rt of breeding ram s w ill ruin him. the fo reigner Will readily pay from 10 SC OOQ for individualanim als of rare inerli.*

Mr, FTageiiiist th [i<dnleil ou t Hist WsBleni flookiriSBlerB lo s t sn average of pearly two rgnts a pmind on all the wool they grew by bran'tl1n*{ sheep vviiln Insoluble m aterialy vvlieii ulialk would answ er the purpnae.

A “pure fabric law" alnna tne lines of ths pure fund act wna advocated He ea ld :

"This period of e.vtreme soHcUudv for the f'Ofisumer would appear to be the pfv cliological m om ent fiir Liie pw* sage of a pure fabric law by Oon* gresB, We have Laws coirering pure foods, pure m nrala and even pure beer. Iiut the sub jort of pro teetlnn of lh« public aicfllnst iha use of rH kinds of adulleriiiils 1n so-called ‘pure wool gbods' has found no lodging plHce kmoiig the a ta tu ie s of the natlm n iiutw !th»tand1n,K the fact th a t U Is notoi IdiisI j- a m sitter (if common knowledge ih n l a t least twenty-Hvp i t i (■I'm. of the Foodfl sold as pure wool conffthi ftiU a frac tion of that valuable staple."

Mr. H agcnbarlli's o lher i efonimendfl- tions for natinim l U-Riplation Included furthec itso of the hatlonal format lands as gracing plat es, and h, .bounty law to avert an ' ’e.'»tlmated loss of Jiri.nflO,- DOO a year to ihe lIveHtock iiU eieela on account of predatory autm ala," He de­clared th a t .the I 'n lted Slates- H enart- m snt of A griculture, "out of th e inll- llone annuRlly expendedi on th e farm and field, Ims dfvuted l>ut a scanty am ount uf ellhep tuiids nr energies ihe UveaLock industry."




T\'ASHINGT0N, Jan. in .^P h ippen i will have opportunity to present to the Inter- state t,lotpmcrfe Coinmissioii their ohjec- tjona to 8pc'"'lflc Inatam es in the five per cent. Srcreaae of freight rates proposed by the fifty-two Eastern x-ailrnaris, They will not Ij© obliged to prcaont objecliand to the Increase as a wliolo. hut may de­velop iMtimony on the cost bf moving certain classes of traffi'-.

l*hl« was d*cki«d- the >nt©ratBt« Comnierce Cuitimisalon tod®y with an an- jr.ouhcerhent th a t the shipper* would firal he heard tn regard to petroleum a t a near date, aeon to be fixed.

Hearingft on other comrnoditiea. coal, remont, brick, plaaler, flour, packing­house products, iron, steel and lumbar, will he had aa rapidly as' possible.

In a Btatemenl today U waa annouafisd th a t "commission now decides th a t the prolestanta are legaJly entitled to be h«^ard befhre a final decision le rendered on the pending application of the ra il­roads fbr permission to make a general Increaaalil freight rates."

'Hi* railroads have not yet answered the inquiries filed with them December 20, BO th a t the commission Is neceesarlly deferring Its hearings oh the broader riueitlona involved, but It decided to ex- pe<)lt* th o proceedings as fa r a s possible by commencing a t ones hearings on ob ­jections by the Various assodatione and Bhlppers interested.



i f i


NEW YORK, Jan. IB.—The Iron Age nays th a t "steel mill resum ptions, a fte r one .of the longest and moat extenaiva boflday shut-downs th e Industry has knqv^n, have Indicated improvement, but It should not be overeat! mated, a s has been done in some P ittsburgh d ls^ tch ea .

'-At the same time It has been shown, in an effort made last week to aum up theh tim ber of idle men in the m etal 1n- Ou^riea, th a t unfavorable conditions also can be overstated. Tho Mat of/ldle blaat furaM.ces in the mlaleading, W l|iondd ie- men' exhibit paraded In Congress Tjies^ day contains a t least eight large atanks that' were only banked over the holi­days and have since resumed. Not fl single deduction was made fa r the three. fcor# or more furnaces tl^at have blown in in the ten months coveted by the figufea” _________ ' *,


WABHtN&TdN. >Iui. 1E.~B«nIcer« »nd bufltiMi mtt! frotn BaUlniore o.nd W wh- Ingtcjir «.pp«»T4a before thb Federal re- aerve effanlaatioe tioinniUtee reeterd|.v and urged that one of the' ColhtemnlaW reeet^fWdtlik'l)* placed in eitbar oCtheM cltleg; Sbipreeeatatlves froin betji citlee ctaimid' that tiic if city waB the., bait location for au<di « ' le n r v e bknk Inai- mudi eg, t^itt tity th e keynote Vf the 8outbiiiitn‘ trade. , . ' ^ ’

Hndh freight wae given to thk ehlpptng fadUtlea of Battlmbre, both bjk w iter and by tgU, thereby Jndicatiiw that the d ty )e ni*rer In todoh * tth e wtaak'«ifB than any MhW'lKnuc ih the-O titra l AfthnUe Btatea.

The ^rtnctpal e tfu m ep t ndvanoed, by th e Bpeideere In favon. of W eahlngton. la th a t l( located In th e .p a tio h a l cep lu l A

TREINTON. Jan. IS.—Art appeal for fa ir play (or Uia m anufacturere . m ad* by form er Uovernoy Blokea and J. P h ilip Bird, both of whom took a ahy a t the political a n d 'leglelatlvB coitdl- tlone governing -the country a Indua- irtee, were fea tu ria a t the baDQuei In the Republican Ulab here la i t n ig h t th a t m arked the cloae of tho conven­tion of the M anufacturere' Aaaoclatlon ot New Jeraey.

Deeldea Mr. Btokee, who waa the toaetmaBler, and Mr. Bird, who ta tlio uBeoclatlon'e preetdent, th e apeakere Included Judge WllHuin H. Bpeer of .lereey City and C harlei R. T ow ion. •necretary ot the IndUBtrtnl d ep artm en t of th e national com m ittee o f the Young M*n’a C hrlatlan Aeeoclallon of Now York, who epoke briefly In the ab- eercio of form er Mayor F ra n k S- K at- zenbach Jr., who wae unable to a tten d because of U lnue. A t the busfnesa eeaelon the speakera w ere rjenera l Lewie T. Bryant, S tate com m issioner of labor; Hugh Kahler, W. W. Orr. W ill­iam C. Cornell and F rederick A. W al­dron,

A werda te Pdptls.These winners of prises In the m dusirtat

essay betterment contest conducted by the association were announced yesterday afternoon ITjst prlie. aw ardsd equally to Helen Trimmer of the Osford High Bchool. for her essay on "Iron M anufac­ture}" and to aertfud* Id. Ciaay of 30i tlentre street, 8acf*ed' Yleart A cad t^y , Trenton, for her eseay on "The ■Wire Industry o f Now Jersey;" each was paid 150. Second price, t!ri, went to Norman Jeffries, a pupil ill the second year of high school. Port Norris, tor his essay on "Ths Oyster Industry, ' This essay might have re- ooUed l■onHide^alloll lor first prise had It not been o ' excessive length. Third prise, t i t . lu Sarah Arheion. a pupil of Publto School No. 3, Paterson, and residing a t 73 Jacksort street. This essay was enll-

, tied ■'•I'he Silk Industry." Koiirtli priie, *10, lo Anrm >1. Sheridan, c»(^Gt3 Centre street, Sacred Heart Academy. Trenton,

I fp^ her easey on "The Export Trade of 1 New Jersey."

Twenty-five certificates of honorable Dianllon were also swarded.

Tire Bwarda were mads as Tollows, ths onler In the list not Indicating any clas­sification as to rank;

.lulia French. 35" Madison avenue, Newark iKeet iSIde L'ommercial and Man­ual Tralnlnp High School), "Outline of the Silk Industry." Lillian O. Rogera, Municipal .School, Last llulherford, "The Industries of New .Jersey;" Eva Rubin,SI3 Broadway. Bayonne, "The Preven- Imn of AccldJnta;'' W tlllston A. Prouty. S!>3 South Eighteenth s tre e t Barringer High School, Newevk, "Tho Prevention of Accident*;" Leroy B. Newell, i:i3 Norm Second street. North Fievenni Street School. Newark, "Fire Prevention:" Belva R fhsdw lck , high school, ItarnsBat. "The Balt Hay In­dustry ot New Jer.-ry;" Alfred Christie,12 McKinley avenue, high school, Tren- tun, "Til* Pottery Industry In New Jor-

I rev;" Lelaiid Downey, Burrivtlle School,I Burrsvllle, •Tranl'erry tirnw tpg:’’ Melvin 1 1>. Bailey, high school. Port Norris. "The

C 'ysttr'Indiistry,"Oscar Lewis, h igh soliool, C ranford.

"Th* prevention of F ires;" Em il K at- lerinanh, high sclinol. Liovei. "K iiic,' I'leorge Kennetli Hand, ro liim h la High ,‘lrhool. South Orange, "P reven tion of Accidents;" Bessie Sniih, high achool, Oxford. "Iron M anufacture;'* B erlha Downey, I'edar Bridge School, B urrs- vlBe. "rranberr,v Ghowlng;" C ecilia F, Keuiian. m3 F erry atree t, Hecrert H eart Academy,. T renton. "The Glass Induslry ; ' Frances McGrath, 31A W al­nut avmie, Sscred H e (rt Academy. Troll ton, "The Po tiery In d u stry o f New Je rse y "

George W. bllller, high echool, Passaic, "ConUniiatlon Schools;" J. Horace Sprague Jr., high school, Baruegat. "For­est r tre s and Their Prevention;" Esther S Varle.'. 2S Hudson street, B arringer High pehool, Nfwark, "Tha Prevention of Flre.s:*' I'thel Hamberger. South Eighth Street School, Newark. "F ire Preven- lloB ,' Mav Durnan. HI South Stockton atreet. Sacred Heart Academy, Trenton. "The Rubber tniUiatry;" Michael F. Gal­vin, high school, Barnegat, "'Che Preven­tion of Accidents on Rallroada;" Alexan­der Acheson. T3 Jackson street. School No 3, Paterson, "The F lax Industry;" Emma Sisco, Echo Lake. "Agricultural Gontlhuathm School*;" M argaret C. F u r­long. 311 South f lln ton avenue. Sacred Heart Academy. Trenton, "The Iron In ­dustry of New Jersey."

K *e(jovem *r Stokes’s H o i Shot. Referring to the political and legisla­

tive conillthins governing the country 's Industries, Mr. Stokes denounced those condlliona th a t subject a men to the ridicule of his fellowmen and th a t sesK to retard his busifieas proaperlty. though Justice entitles him to esteem and re­spect and to erary encouragem ent for industrial prosperity. , .

Mr Stokes said he was liberal enough to believe th a t tho m anufacturers should have something to say about the conduct of their own business, and he quoted statistics showing th a t the m anurao tnr«» of New Jersey led those of all other States and th a t they are paying B220.000,- 000 amnually In wage* and giving era- ployment to nearly 400,000 men.

Gontlnulng Mr. Blokes said In part." I t Is men like you th a t have given

Us the transconUaenlal cghlea b e t 'w n whlaperlng continents gnd the Brooklyn bridges th a t unite great cities: and yet these men whom It would oeem deserve tha support and not the persecution of our governmftnt, and whom, if th©y Uvea abroad and succeeded Industrially, would be rewarded by a title o r some crown o t dlsllncUonl ■ men like you when yoflr fortunes, built up by your Industry and your th rift and your perseverance, and when you present your views to your repreeontativ** under the constitutional rlgiit of w titton which John Quincy Adame said

F rom all th a t had been rep o rted reg ard in g th e m ovem ent In New Y ork S U la to superviso and rpgala te p riv a te ban k ers , t h s opinion had gained glDUnd th a t th e largo In ta rn a tlo n a l and . tlior p riva te b an k in g housea had a t la s t a c te p l 'd the conclusion th a t th e re w as no gdod reason why they shou ld be eaem pt.

The b eg inn ings of th e b ank ing law reu sin ii in New York h ad h ad to do w ith a inethod for m ore efficient reg u la tio n o f tho sm all p riva te bankers, som e of w hom in th e pas t had handled th e funda of Im m ig ran ts and o th ers in sn u n ­sa tisfac to ry way.

As th e S ta le b an k in g law revision com m ittee progressed w ith th e ir w ork th ey took on a broader view an d concluded th a t all p riva te batrka ought to com e u n d e r S ta le supervision As pointed uui In these colum ns, oven a represcntatlvB of Ihe g rea t M organ ban k wag p resen t a t one of the conferences on th o su b je c t and Joined In the o p in ­ion axpreased th a t som e auch ecilnn should be taken,

This wae reg a rd ed hy m any as m eaning ihet the la rg e r p riv a te banka, w hich sro u n in co r­porated . m erely f irm s o r copgrtnerslilp* . had seen tho h an d w ritin g on th e w all and w ere Inclined - Just a s som e of them have been bow ing to

an jl- tn le rlo ck tn g d ire c to ra te aen tlin tn t —to m eet popular opin ion m o re th a n h a lt an y and ask for general S ta te superv ision of p rlv s ta banks

T he a rg u m e n t In fav o r of such action , of course, w as a n d Is Inconlroveftlbm , T here is no 'moi-e reason w hy a large IncorporoK- l S ta le bank In New Y ork o r e lsew here should he eubjecled in S tale superv ision an d regu la tion , m erely because It Is In co rpora ted , th a n fo r a firm or c o p a r tn e r­

sh ip of indiv iduals doing a like business to com* u n d e r like regulation.

I t wsa gratify ing th a t a sane view of the sllugU on w as tak in g shape on th e p a r t of th o se m ost In terested , and banka such aa th e M organ in stitu tio n and o thers w ere being inado tho s u b ­jec t o t p riva te congratu lation In consequenoe.

Now, how ever,'ll seom s th a t all Is not as plain sa iling a s had been suppoeed. It ap p ea rs th a t no th ing of the kind w hich was supposed to be th e case w as contem plated . It was no t oven Ihe , In ten tion of ih e Van Tuyi revision oom m lsslon.It w ould appear, to bring the big p r r ia U banks u n d er S la te supervision.

I t Is now announced th a t th e large p rivate hanks a re opposed to th e d ra ft of th a provision m ade by the cummlsalcii and th u t the la tte r Is try in g to fo rm ula te a now one w hich will not In- te r te ro w ith the big Individual private banks w hicb do exactly th e sam e aort of huslness aa th e S tale ch n rte ra d banks, and a little m ore so.

Tho commlosioii has even gone so fa r as lo su b m it th e proposed d ra fle of p riv s te bank su p e r ­vision to som e of Ihe large p rivate ban k s In o rd e r to receive suggi'slions as lo how I hey may be m ade lo operate w ith respect lo th e sm aller c o n ce rn i aim ed a t wlLhoiit, m iho name lim e, includ ing Ihe big conceriia.

II w ould be m ost lllum lnallve If the cuiiimls- Sion would ss t fo rth In plain language the r e a ­sons w hy the private hank of M organ & Go,, for instance, ehould tie left im m une from su p e r­vision whIlQ It would have charge o t and regu- la le th e sam e bank If It were liicorporalod, or tf a sm a ller p riva te bank wore to be b rough t under S la te suporvlslon.


Favorable Railway Financiiig Out­look and General Corporation

Newa Stimulate Ruying.


M NE WAGE SCALE . CONFERENCE SOONOperators and Employes in Central

Competitive District Amnginf | to Get Together.


NEW TcilYK, Jn.n. IB.—Th* arlvnncft In tha »tock mnrk^t iiKl*y, ^mhraclua both Jnv(fa,tmanl mud apeculauve ttocka, raflgc<*d i. mor© bopaful nn iitu^u i r«* g ird ing financial and coniinem al uomlL | tlona. N iw i Ih tt nei'« tiary rTwudng | for iome nf ih* largo rallroadi u a i b«ltig | a r rin g id ■aiiafactoirlly, and unronfinnM) I raporlw that varloui largo corporallona | wer« coming to larma with Uia govern' merit, gave • atiumlua to tho vipvianJ inovement. There Indiculloua nfInvejiment bujlrig In all of Uu»Hit. Such atoning a i Ihe n ia rh rt had to i-aniond with i-ame from proffafilotiHl ■oiirf^a In the Viay of proflt-lakliut Plirly Kainn of I Lo 2 poinli ^ore r«duviMl before noon, but (he Ust tield up >sell above yenlerJay'a dofle. Rtmdi were itroiig.

The ’ advance In ito rk a wliU-h h^nran la te yeMt»*rd«y on Ihe receipt o f favo tuH e advice* from v v a ililt ja to n , regitrU ing a dm ln la tra llon 'a poltckB ( - ‘ward thi trueU*. wart rertumed vigorourtly a t tlie opening today. A ll o f th»' fa v o r ite rlockn were in keen demand #md m any ■loin uf 1,000 to 3,1)00 rtliarea chabg^’d hautlrt. N a tiona l B lavih t rose 3!4 and 1-ohipti \ 'a llc y , LbcaapeaUe and Ohio, A lla n llc <’oartl L lr ir am i K rle fh rtt p re fe rred u iir Steel and fn lo n P a c ific a d v o n e r j nearly


Hons, no m stter how detrim epU l they rney be to their health or welfare m o ther respect*. ,

Discussing the question of monopriy, Judge Speer said th a t labor leadership seeks to raonopollte labor, *nd h* de­clared that thi* plan Is iinfeaalble and Illegal. Labor unions, he said, sre Just as much subject to the provisions of ttie anil-monopoly law a s m anutacturere.

P res iden t B ir d ’s W a rn in g . Fresldent Bird made the point t bat the

raanutacturera of th is country and of thia Stale are to a very large extent the tru s ­tee* of the public prosperity and the pub- III! w«lfar*. 1 >

■’At preaebt lha country it experienc­ing a grava and utjn#Q«flAary depropilon due to the conatant and hajnper-Ing of buaJneBS by Iha long-eared and rthort-alfhted adm inistration now in at Washington." said Mr. Bird. ' Have a care, geattamen of the rollU tal arena. You cannot legislate pro ipeilti into being, though you may cripple ana ae- stroy proaperlty by unwise loglelatlou-

,Mr. Bird said with referenve lo uo-op- aratlon between m anufacturers and *m-

'''n t* la difficult to secure Industrial lus- t're without conducting an open a lop where all men are treated alike, regard­less tif whether they belong to a church, a club or a union, o t not. The average walking delegate and union labor lender of today Is a person who thrive* by ex­citing distrust and Inciting rebellton.

Tho addresB uf General Bryant was on "Fire Pri'ienlion and Protection." He ex­plained tho details of the New Jersey factory lew end Its requlremenl* for Iha safeguarding uf the lives ot employee and Hie property of raanutacturera. HI* ad- drscs was Illustrated with stereoptlcoa views.


fedellil Anthrajcit _lirti«».-y - .Out Practices of Jersey Cen­

tral and Lehigh Co.'


opened ur.i.'hartgt'J and du rln f ihv; fiffl hour lh« leadtri advanced on light cov­ering. Later the llel odvaDced on V^all Vtlrt'el buying, 'riie i-lofling vksa rtlfiady.

rH IL A D E LriH A , Jan. 18— Al today’* hrarlng In the interalale Commerce Coni’ miaalon'e inquirv Into the anthracUe coal loduptry, T I? Kooni, vice-prealdent nnd freight treffi' mariagar of Ihe Central Railroad rtunpany of New Jeraey waa examined vcith relation lo allowtiicea made lo the Lehigh Coal end Navigation Cnmpany Inr handling coal after It rearhed the di rnptng irt-atles a t Ellzabelli • port in New York Harbor. These a l­lowances. whi<)i varied according lo the Bfze of the ii'Nai wera dlrtoontlnued. The wltiiesi oald the allowaiice did not ap­pear in puhliHlieii tariff ratee.

Mr. Wovu.i sifio testified that lateralH werii allowed hy the Central to the Le­high coiiii)au.s. A lateral le «u allowance made (o a ninlng <:ompan> which hauls fuel front Hs minea over ite own rail­road 1ra«’k.'' h' the railroad which Is to Phip It da fieNtindtlon Mr.ivoocifl said (lipse Intrralrt dirt not Appear Jii the piilillshed rater. He gave no rekion why they did not. so appear, but said the Lentril w ai willing to have tliem published if the commissltm thought It proper.

wMr. Smith aelxod H failure to pnbUah lateral allowRinea was not a violation of

YORK Jan 16,—T'he cotinn ’ectlon Hlx of the Interataie commerce showed renewed steadiness th is ‘ko^ s°a d“L

not In ft potitlon to anewer the ques- Uoti.

CharleB rc, Henderson. foruj«r vice- preiildetu of the F'hllaftelphla and Read-

- J J , , lug Hallway and uf the Bliiladelplils andthe South, hut there was a good deal ot , (jual and Iron Gouipany, s t the


t*c.fy tuK K . J»n. Ib.—The N ational City Hank bai taken Ih6«.bull h / (ho home In the m alter of declfiPng w hal lo do In the new legal atatue of lo-calied over certification of day-hy-day Ioann to itock brokern. Ita ed h i goM forlh today that In the future hrukers will he required to dopoeU auffirlenl collateral lo eecure fhe amount of money (hey i»»y borrow to carry them ihiough the day’s buBltieas.

A llh o u ffh I t wae atuted th a t o the r hanks w o^ld fo llo w the ^lep no aothm haw yet been taken and It i i bellevoU th a t they are w a iting to see how the new plan w orks

Short-LoveiMng rc^ealt'd tho avarcJly cf i LocKp ami Ui« markt-l roae fin lhcr be­fore profit taking eaU-e bed any effect. Kaetern railroad eUarcrt rcacix^d. half u point to A paint, hill inani other Irtaura held steadily. S led was conaplciioualy Hlronf.

A c tiv ity In (he ^’an ahui'M B lrcu ithened (he specia lly group, and sonxe o f ihe low- p rlcctl ra llio itd s also advanvert. The usual markcL leaders wc-re sluggish and bolQw th e ir hlg'h figures. Liu>lug of P en iieylvan ia ilifte u e d lixe guneral L u it- ern ra ilro ad lis t. I

Renewed buying of steel and Southern i 4‘aclflo which rea' lied high levels kept | tiie general m arket m tacl despite (he ; pressure of profU-taklng.

The m arket closed strong. Demand fur stocks was unabated and prices rii-id vig­orously to the end. Acllva shares gained 1 to SmpoJnls.

NEW YORK STOCK MARKETi'h« m ig * of today's prtess (or Ih*

mure actW* sacuriues In th a New York market* In contrast with last pravious closing QuoUUions i* last S4 irt>, as fur'- nlihea for the News by Rosi Flagg. IS given below;

,— -T o d a y ’s ---- > PreV'sHigh- Low. Cinsti, Closa.


\INDIANAPOLIS. Jan . 15.—RaprsMe*

lativei of the coal mine owners gad mlg- ers of the central competitive district, roinprlBlng the officers of the Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and western PennsylrroiUa. met here today to fix a date and plooi for the holding of the joint wage scale uyufcrsijce,

it is also planned to d raft an agree­ment whereby the miners will conUnue work, altliouirh the wage conferees may not ugree on a scale by March 31, whsn ih** present contract explrea.

Miners and operators agree that a sus« pcnrtlon of work during the negoUatlotui Ilf H tivw iu n lra c t is unneceosarYx both sides ure hopeful th a t a plan to , contlhue working the mines will be renrhcrl U 1ms been said th a t mlnsri sre fsirly wnll satiafled With the present svoriung cotiditUms, and have intlmatsd that timir wage demands will not b t - drastic. Kor these reaenns It Is believed ihat lUe wall© conferees will not have xnurh iroubln In drafting a new working cuntrset.

Tw ( (om nm tecs. one on reiotutlorts and ■ tlio oilier Mb vanatitutlon, of the United Mliu) Workers of America, wtilcA hofdfl hs biennial convention bet* begliktkitlg jw\l TiK-aday, cummenced work today In prHparKtioii for the meeting.

Mnro than 300 resolutions have been rtiitmiiiled by lorala in all parts of the i-oiihlry. and the committee wlU sift OiuMc uiid make a report lo the conven* tiou. mmihor of changes in the con> rtltuilun have been suggested, end the consltiuUnn com m ittee will report on these to the delegates.

In connection with the mlnsrs’ oonren* tiuti, Julin J’. WhlLOs president of the r.tlncrs* announced th a t a ineetlng of the milling dcpatljiient of the Ameriooa Fed- - crntinn of l.*abor would be held here ' during the conventJoa. U. U. Moyer* proe- li]( lit of ti»o W’eaLerti Federation of Min* rrs. Irt dXpecUd to a ttend this raesting.

NEW YORK OirrSIDE SECURIHESThe followini quotations were fur-

niebed by William F. H uth_d Co.:INDUSTBlALfl.

Previous Uloolng

Bid. Asked.1 I 'A

l;B bToday

Uid. Alkpo



merkrttmorning. After opening 3 to 4 higher it sold about 5 to 7 higher on continued covering and scattering support. Cables ware better than due and buying was en­couraged hy bullish spot advices from

realizing al the advance and fluctuations VHCce Irregular.

One of Ihe private rsb les from Liver­pool claimed th a t stocke In Manchester were arrum ulatlng, but there were more favorable advices from the domeBlic goods market.

Humors of bullish private ginning re- tum.- lacked confirmation, but Inspired rather a more urtJve demand later In the morning, and arllve months sold 10 lo 13 polTiia net higher.

Trading waa less active during the early afternoon, and prices eased off from th© heat, under realizing, with active months ruling 3 or 4 points above yesterday’s closing figure^.

ciUQtations were fur-

afiernoon scfislon was shown hj' rounael for the commission leitera wTiLten lo July, 11)01, lending to b1!ov>, avootiling to the; rominlaslon a rounBel, th a t there was a comniunitv nf interetls Involving iho Lrie. Lehlgli \ ’alle\. Iteadlng. Jcrae;. Cen­tral and Delaware, Lackawanna and

I WftBlPrn r?ii1rf)RdB in the fixing ofOn© of tho letlera told of a meeting or

H committee of the Temple Iron Cumpariy, i rompoeed of certain official* of thoae Irallroada. hl which it was proposed to

fix either a forty per cent, rate or a Hal rate to outside rthSppera. These letlejH,

Ut wa.i Biated by counsel for the Reading, * were produced In the su-called aiithr,i-

oal inisil suit," which wan decided

niahed hy fo a l A "Fl a gg ;

Op«n1 ri ??

H ig h12.40

Opon12.8 D

2 :S0P.M.

Prev'rt ! r io « rt !

12.33 U .3TMarch. 12-« l 12.65 12.56 13.61 12.54M a y . .. 12.4 t 12.48 ie .88 12.42 12.37J u ly . •• 12.85 12.41 12.31 12.35 12.31

clt^some Uine ago preme t'ourt.

by the U nlinrt B iaica Sc

NEW Y O R K BOND MARKETI'Jie following quotatioEB

TUBhed by Post &. Fiogg;



r e t t j ^ ittserr* bank «ouM bq u o ft ir ,^ '* " fW fersl jM bsrvI

_____ h i t W kshtllitwlisojild tw.' lnsds tXsi' cBDtm'of it

dtraet sUparyislaA a t ih a Foffai BosM , 1*0*' u n M t h l t

raw rvadutrtctil ibslViUnc a p a r t a t sylvania, a .port <4 TXew A i t m r sutd Dela- w ora , Vlrdfiil*, W ait V ir in ia ; K oftbCarMUlli siU l'tha ptttriet,'<M 'C rithnbla

IIDIE W B E-'i' v: L:.-,ka . C ■ -r, nirt J -'

w X n a lN O IO a ., JO a I q W

vrhich John„ _ belonged even to a slave,

ara denounced as lobbyists and held, up ,u scorn and rl4!oule.

"Your own stateam tn w ith your lawa pursue thsni wjth its te c h n lc e litl^ with its ijrnorsnoo Icgltltpate .business ethics end with It* spirit of malevolBDce. I t Is such men as you .who ora held In leash by restrictive legislation th a t hinders indlvldudj activity. OJid th a t comparatively threatens to lim it the poii,- elblllties end economies of co-opemtiva bodies by restricting you to a limited number of enterprises leSt some one of you should happen to ha' mambere of p,o|,* than one board of dlroctors.

"And It Is men W** you who. when In the Bplrlt of brothhfhood. tu rn asida from the savage sp ir it of com peti­tion. ere Indicted for re s t r a in t o f trade, end when under th e 'p ro c e e se e and foreqe of law a re com pelled to g ive up your gcntlem an 'e agreom onte and en te r Into com palttlon . a re

'ihalo ted lA dam sgee becaus# you have beaten ou t eome of yo u r com patltors.

"Thee# ar* days a t e t t a n g g phtloso- Dhlea, my- frlende. W hjFT nrtjr-a few w eeks ago a d le tln g u lsh td C ^ l p e t o f­fic ial eald th a t the re«M n ope -man wwtiad h l i ' o ^ home and h ts n o ^ b o r d id n 't w as because s o o i a t r h t t sanc­tioned th a t cnitom , and th a t ioc la ty could w ithdraw th a t sanotioii.' and than th a t home would bolotig to a l l In common. T hat w a e ' t h a , confHtrah In (aufM days,'

"Ah.'Yed. theoa o ra .tIm’Mof stta iig* p h iip sdpb lsa o^d. my fr ih n a a th e re * 1(1 h» stiw nga phl)oso; pliMa im lH * roan J ih * .y o u odgoyt ywar r ig h ts a t ctttteluibtp ; gm ^_ti4ap4n>

I« IntfediiCldt Judifa S p o ^ i t r . t t e jm to him o a 'a moti 'wttfa eriiotg fM

jiod been M sorfated In days o f pOnttcal l u p u r i t y (or h ^ _ , , ^

ju d g i s p t » f f a k t on " t lw BaUUon.ef■niidovat to lli« » o y a"

•Ehoro I* a griiat *gd g » w l u d lspai- tM t th to u ^ b iu th* countty . ( t t a g a sound boris.for the spirit o( d ^ t ld f a o ^ lp n la th * t tho


holders gave the w heat m arket today a eetback. Maoy trad ers seemed to believe that the edvauc* In prices hsd been too rapid and wae shutting off the cash de­mand, Signs ot liberal world ehlpments ended also to cause a decline. Opening

figures were a shade to H lower and there wee an additional sag later.

Unseaeonably mild w eather weakened corn. Receiver* said eoneignments were Increasing from Iowa and llllnole. Prices started 1-1« to 14 off and continued to detoend. .,

Gate suffered from lack of demand. The downturn In corn was mainly re ­sponsible.

Provision® roA© on account of gn w - vitac© In pHc© of bogi. Flr«t teUn v»rl©d from l*«t oight’a lev«l to higher, but PAck«r* unloaded on wo bulg© and th#r© wm a dacld«d reaction In conMquance. . ^ *

Th© fact that mofit of th© «hort* In wh©at had bs*n forced nut y«atar- day appeared to ©trip th© best eupport from tS© market. CloAln* price© were jiervoue, Ai lower to up, com­pared with la it night.

Country offering© of corn though in amall Quantities formed a hug© total. The clofl© was eteady, off to Hup, corupared with laet night*

Th© follow ing quotation©, from th© Chicago Board o f Trad©, w ere furnU had by W U iam F, M uth A Co.:

W heat—

upfcii- ing.

A Smelt per fis A. T&Tc' vU 'ah 9BU A m. T. A T. oU S i % A tch . 4a ........ . 94A. n ''V ii;4a l9 ijit A t t ’oaflt L, IrtB. Al u . 3 i ,« M tJ &. i.i. south 1'B. K Oi:v.4\jrtB. & O, 'is . .B. U. T. 46 .. .B, IL T. 8a -----Beti». lift.B e th S te e l r r Oen. Lea th . Mt E’Frert- A • 4 ’<a Itr.&O. w !Chert- (!>hlf 4 i


1»6 1i5‘i1)81.4 U2'S P a 0 i

».er© Cur-1 ,iaw' ClOi- est. Ing.

.^rn Writ. IL ■-Anglo Oil Buckeye 1’ L .Burden'p L. ■Bor, C M , pr. ,Hrli -Am. 'Tob,.( 'ontlnentftl Oil. iTcaceni L . 6i» ©4Uflktia OH........ IS4 .188ilikv'ana Tnliar 8 3 1Havana ’l’ob.,pr l£Tlmidton f hi . . 13llouBlon ull, re Inter. R ubber.. S f)Manhat. Trana. P aMarvonI t»f An; 41 4^N, Y. '1 ranporl. 4 4 6 ^Ohio Dll .......... ir.7 189OtiB ICIevHtoi’ •OliH Elc tor, pr !)2'i D4I'ralrle u il, . 4 48 -IfiOfO kfr'llo^ . . 7H TMRten’d )>1I, Lrtl 288 232

'cSian'rl Oil N. J 42S 48DHtan d Ull. Kj' tihli fl OfiBTi’rt Oil. N. Y PIT 11*4Tob- Fro.- p f .. 8 2 ^ fi4t-i I'niuii Tiviik L. ^8VHOiium O IL ..314 21SI'uUed Cig. »S. Ji::UAILROADH.Am. L. & T- . . 3ii'

1, l'L T., pi- in?Ml NINO,

Braden Cop • -.Blit. Col. Lop- 2Bulte-N. V. . . . \I'erihou CobaltriiTi.'i ArlK Hith'K 3-16 . - , ,3(iavis-L^tly . 1 lo -lG 2 1-16 1 IS-Tfi - 1-16Lly Onna' - J ^ J 6Firat xNat Cop R 3'© 3 3 AOoldflelrt Court.. IS 1 «-lR _ > S > ‘ * *1( iTe'nu-i'an new 30 80*/| 30 ?r.liiiiibo K xten.. n P ’ ''L ,ls< rr i>ak<-....... 4 7-H 4 ^ 4 7 -PLa Uos Cons.. I S 1% , J H \ MrKinlpy-Dar.. 1 M 6 ^Min. ) o, of Am 2 Nevada UMIb. • • 31NIpiflHinK M. Co. 7'ljiOhio (■'upper. . . . \Stowarl Mining. I ^Trl-Bii!Unn Totiopali K*.


■7 6% 72 \ i 2 2%1 % 1

7P 67 703-16 %

Amal C opper.. Am. Ag. Chem. Am. Beet SugarAm. C an........Am. Can, p r , .. Am C A F - .Am Cot. O H., Am. II. & L.. pr Am. Ice.. . . r .Am L. OU___Am. Tsoco........Am. Loco., p r. Am. 8m©U.. . .A m. Snwff... . Am. S ugar. . - Am. T & T . .Am. T ob .........Am. T ob , p r . . Anaconda . • - . A tc h ls o ii A tlan tic (B. A O-----U«th. dtee). Uetli. Bleel,B. ri. T -----Cal Pet. .Can. f*MO. . .Can. liCBlh f€ n . Igcalh..1 : & 0 . . . I'ill., <x. W,. Chi.. G. W,.0 . , M. & SI.Chi. & N’wrtit C!hlno Con. . . . Col. F. fk. I . . . C(rt. Boiiih1. 'nn. Ota. . . Corn Prf>d Corn Prod., p r Del. & l l t id . . D, L. A W ... D m . & K. O. priMfitKne - ..............

Irtt prRrle. 2d p r . . D Flee. f 'o . . . t i t . N orth ,, p r. l i t . N orth . Oroigug. \ ix ............111. Ceni............hiv ■;r. Met. . . Jnltr-Met, pr .

■ .1







P re v ’a

” 5(5

MayJulyCorn Hay July

O a to - Moy J2 ii Ju ly S*®

P ork— Jan . . . . - - H ay M

L ard—Ja n ..............May n .J S

High. Low, Close. ClOie.88% 82% •3% 8288 5 *6?I 88% 8 l t i

«6% ««% 66% 87«« 68% 85% «(%

40% 18% 40%39% 38% 28% *»H

21.602i;76 H iso 21.10 21.22

U.B6 11.07i i ; i t i i i jT 11,32 11.18

S3I* flSU 102 9fi'Jfl IM'j

!Chi 1; \V. Is.

M. & tu .r,4s « f ’.M.eiSt H ellss H 'l’.i

R 1 & H 0 Is 1.2'»C.RI&l'Bftoldive "C. B. U. I s -----Dietll. Spu. r.f,ISrIe lat '- Is , - K. gfii, lit-u I;.- Erle vM le A - E rie evt. I.s B,G*. CeiUrvl fis Greet West. Is Inler-Met. 4'/S»Inter, ft. T. Id.I iu . ru m p !.s.Int. M. M. 1'4» . Jersey i 'e r t .=.8 I t., Iowa Gent Is. K.O..F.S& .'l l*K. r . So. 3n. , .L ake ,S. -Is 193 ^Lake Shore 19S1 Lake Shore 4a.LIg. & M. 58.. .R ^ N. 4s. . . .Mar. 414# .......M anhatian 4b.M„ K. ir T. 2s.

,M..K. * T. 414*Mo. Par. 4s. . .Mo. P. ovt. 6h. . NY.C.iLB.Sfea N.Y.Oant. 3HS.N, T. Cent. Is.Nor. Fac, 4s...Nor. Psc. 3s.N. & W eal 4s.

I'on. M. of Nev..7 7-I United Copper,.' United Cop., pr. 3

W atllaiifer HID. ^Yi:kon Gold . .. 3BUNDSN Y C, 4Ha,l!lS0 9S5, N-T.C. 4 '4 e.1,Sf2 99W eal. Pac. vs.. "9


37 l-R

%I U

1- l f l S-33 I- IS , 1 l i - l f i 3 1-16 1 1 6 - l f i

16 7 9-16 7 7-16 7 9-lfi% %

5 S h8 7 R2'4 2 2'i

38 n98%75 73 7&

63 96 94 -3, S lH7S' '

6314 63977{ 9894't 94-'., MU 61U72'4 7814

KU'A 101-> Hll%




YORK, Jan . IB .— Call monoy. ! 0 2 M: ruling rota, 2H ; cloring,

Tim* loans, easy, *0 day*. JH ; rix months,


0s>^R3V1i0 4 ^73 Tf.74



7S la 68?,

ll’kkl U

fS=5k5847 rt

6373 41

83^ fi7 84 >A

62 Hri fi C9 5 ^


6114 7 6 nr.H6.3 U

73 1.3

72 h771498%



9874 9.1 H 69%

6373% 7 9'.4

77 U 98 46

9114*0 %


63 U 73%79 Vj

NEWARK SECURfHES MARKETThe following uuotetion* today were

furnished hy J. S. Hippel:

93% 93% 93%

lijborinK ehisiaaith of the o o m itfy ^ as’M t bew av k id y dlvtdad. and IMS if to so " *,, -Ybe t^ieohar d te o u lM l t t * :'fma ■ u u f a a tw f r who i* w ainw to;iU f t >11 i> iy a t4 » r t f l ewgiH»

lo n ^ l t l e d n ^ y . f.. St tk*

eosMder 1 tbs nf-.

F t re t-

y fM haWi i t t s i n ^ '

thik iQoat

AJlttosTOosImil B veetS N -Jftw M iO e T4t>' y is r to Noon T tm sesw w i January U -— Tk* ■

tW n tg .'d ay a old; d a ting Btflb I M m t

dew tssn idr aaA » t *>*»holiok v iL % n so rff t t t t i ^ f U k e y :

- -ii.- J . — V

.ot in* IJSkf -iw" tne. wvraipivUtey.. » > t tlpuvra o » -tlrtilfS ny tho b a d k i of tho proportlaa oon- Gomod. Intaroft* 4dot«ly oennected with th* pmporttM. hojKOver. oontend th a t the Cestral would B* wtillng to dlspos* a t th a Lak* ttn tre It m oatiafrfttor*. .jifke,. eouid b* sMUfOd. * • *

Tha final orep ootlmate* to r 1911 by th* a to m ic a l otttea o t th* PoulBlan OaveroBMiit show th a t Canada's prtnet- B*l flM# «Ton* m th a t yoar covered a , t t l . t t t oKw*. 0* fga .net *S.I»6,0B0 aeio* In l « t . wid t h ^ v i t i ^ a t Umol n o r in t rortof* w | i l»2.77l.M i>, a s 4 - potad w ith in tii* ptocodlwyw .,.. e . ,

Th* CMvoiand J w Trod* E e y i^ s ^ s.........................Increase In buying ot

prroduet* topoitad gnftainad. during the

Ire, Sh.Llne 6* I09% Pac. -T. & T. 5s “ Pa,evt.3%6 1915 P. ijorlllard 6«.Pub. Service 6* Besdlng 4 e ..- . St.L.S.W .'en. 4i St. L. 1. M 4s S t Paul cvl. ..B t Paul « . -- Bea. adj. 8*.--L Pac. evt, .s

, » y . t e . j . .80. Hy- Be. , . .T hird A. n. 4s T*x*i Co, ev . ..To*. & P. le ts . Union P*c. ♦*, Union P. c-vt. 4« vat. XteUw*V.,Ba,



S376 H NO


lfi4^lo o i

86 »4




8 3 ?98%

V '7^ tiu% 101^

94 98 9474U 76 7«8 9 % 89 89%

163% 16a % t 6s %

A Dock & Im p. fis 1321 • ■ ren . n. Ii. of N- J, Firt 19^7.Colluloid ................................ ..I’unsolldaWd Trai:tlon . CoiiHolidaleU Traotlon 6?i Frtfio & Hiidaou co. . i.’L & E. of Borgen Co Cl. A K ot Bergen Co. ijii.Cr. Iv Of tisy. Fo. ['rt.lTRokens©ck W ater i n ..........Mndann Cgunty (.Jap Co........Ilud&on Ccuiiily Dan Cij.J. C.j Hob. & Pat. 4p ............Ijong Dock & 6rt. 19afi........r,eh(gh Val. Term. 5*, 1941. M. & K. R. R. la t 7b. l&H. .M. 4t E. f’on. 7». 1915.........Newark Cotia. Gas Cn............Newark Cxjuaol. Gas co. Nrtwark PapB. Railway Cj». 6sNewark Gab Co.................North Jei-fliiy 81. Rullwuy 4a, P a l. & PaBiaic Q. & K. C’o - . Pft(. & Pa«R. O. & IG. Co, 5p.Public Service ..........................Public Service CertifiratpR .. Pub. Berv. Corp. La. lULy... South JersdV G., E. & T. Do. South Jer. G.. K. & T. Co 5e Bom., Union A Mid. Lrtg, Co. Som.. I'n. A Mid. T.rtK Co. AsKlnger Mfg. Co........................Cnlted Klactrlo Co. 4rt..........V. N. J. R.R.& Canal 4b. 1944

Bondii. guaranteed Ptocks Service ce:

Bid. Asked. 103 I, lOK 114U l

11 Ul)

_ 731(12]8<) 182!

H7 9098 I 0 |nrt 97S4 Rd

129 ISl1 0 1 %

7 5 g 76>.i,122 128107 log100 lA 101',a 1 0 2 ^ 104

92% 93 Vi102 103iu 3 la 106 I 2D 12377 7ft^90 9399 103

107 109103 Ii 104

Inter If of N Inter. Pap. . • Kan. City fiu.. Lehigh Val . .L. A N ..............Mer. P. A T. . Miami i’’np M„ 81..P&SSM.M . K. & T . . . . Mo. Pac . . . . Nat. Hlicxili Nat Lead N. Ry. Mx . 1 pr Nev, I ’f>n . . . , , , N. T. <>ni . .N .y . N.H. Si M N. Y.. 0, & VV. Nor. & WcBi Nor Am ,.Nor. Pao. .I’ec. Mall . . . Par. T. ^ T. . . P. TdOrlHardPenn..........Peo. Gai PittP. Coal •PlllB Coal, prr-r, Bl. f^ai -Ry. fli. Pp.Ray C ons........Reading Flap. 1. A B .. Rep. T, & S.. pr Rock lelftnd. . fl. Tsinnd. pr.. St. L. & H.V.. 2 f1. St. T-r. 8. W..l)rKoiitli Pa<‘........floiith Ry. .'4outh, Ry..Term Cnp.Tex Co........Third Ace. I'nion Pac. LtiiO n Paf.. pr. r . R. 1. of S. F. *V S "Rub. .•r*. P Rijh 1.11 r . P. Pleel C fl PtBei, p r. 1 IT ah Copper. . , Va.-> 'aro . . . Wabauh Wabaah p r . . . WcBl I ’ h ion .. W efiilnghouse W o o lw n rth .

* ICx-dlvjdand

66%I6tilotii :o 'a211IU834%Ul

12L 92 H 3 4 % :3W90 2H

211 36 \ 95-)* 63% 13U 3 6 %

1«I% 134 >8% 32%

I 3 3 S4ia',468

16538"2!l%18%3 0 %4 :is35

116% 12s %3 7 %4«iy

M II 4 16% 62 IK


164%140H6S%3 3 ' ;



3 4 -% 34%16 '4 HI % 34 3 4 >j3 8 % »8 %6 6 4 6 i;%

166 166 1"6 106 i n - v 130% 243 % : u ) "3 103 *

3 4 % 34%8 6 % 117

133 hj !34 9 1 '-. !I3 %34 34 %7 3 % 736 i)% 8 3 %3 6 % - ■

306 %3 6 %4e0.6 3 %138 0 %

10 1%1 8 1 %

333 2 %26ft

131%10 66

154%3 BO

2 8 % lf%d 04 6 %

NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKETSN’LW YORK, Jan . 1R.—Flour—F inn . W heat— R " f lf f r t ln g ra th e r poor c t b l t i

nnd Tavonible W eatarn weather w1i©at was a tr if l.. . th is T n o m ln f; M a^i

Pork—Firm. * ’w — . - -Rnef—Steady. ' 1flugar-^Rnw', firm . Muicovijdo. l.7IS;li

centrifugal, 8,29; rnalartaert, •,&4. Hifln©^ steady.

liard—Firmer;' middle Wsrttr 11.18® n 2F

Petroleum—Steady,M olaaftert—9( eady.H ay— Bteady. rI I 1defl--S tcady. *T4ettlher-“Flrm.B u tte r— F irm , rj.20 rt Dihs, C re tn i i r y ,

ex tras . 3 3 % 4r 3 4 . r irs ts , 3 8 % 0 3 3 % ; lOn- O tid l, 3 4 % tB 3 S; held , e x tra s , 3 1 % ® 3 2 % ; -• f irs ts . SB fitS I; fau lm -y , e u r rs i i t n ia k i, , f irs ts , 2 1 ® 2 2 ; eeoonds, 2 0 %: n a r k in g " stuelt, c u r re n t m ake, No. 2, 3 0 Qt20%. ,

rheeae— K lr tn . u nchenaed ; 600 boxas _ W eak. Ii. 300 cases. rrOOh -

an lhe red , e x trn s , 3 6 0 .3 7 ; e x tra f i r s t* . ' 1 4 %@ sri; f i r s ts . 3 3 ( f 3 4 ; seconds. 31® .■!2 %: P tnte, H e n n s y lv s iita and nearby, henne ry b ro w tis , 3 6 ® 3T: m ixed co lo rs. - 34« 3S, 3

.-Offee— I t io .No. 7 . !>% Fu lurt'S . ba iS - ly e ti-sd .i-. M a rch . 3 3 4 : M ay. 0.57.

I’ u u l l r y — lilv e . f i r m ; W este rn c h ic k - ■ en*. 14 ; fu w le , 1 5 ^ 16% ; tu rhe j-s , I I . - DrcHBcd, i|Ulu! b il l G rrn; fresh k llle J W este rn ch ickens, 16® 3 4 ; (ow ls, 14® . 1 8 %; tu rk e y s , lS ® 3u.

310% 2"!i 38% 261, 05% •031 63 % 6313(1 1330% 29'

103% lOH 134 13130% 38|33% 321‘36% *311

133% UD 10 ij 10



e I ‘ai144% 137% 38% 48%

I 1 It % 15% 61%

l'i6% 8% 36



Frank A.SterlingKiflncy Building


M t k a r f o f M e n i i C l o t h i n g I h O i d e r f o r B i u i n e m P r e M

t f l d a l l O u t d o o r S p o r t a


Nf K I I ' ,\f TA Y.atiniiul ^irtuTiftn I'-r 4Urt!i-if4rrt of l l i l i

111 I.*. hrilfi i4i Lh<» ofrii‘« nf tba in Tli'i'rt 1 rtlr'rif'i. Newark. N. J-t.U tiijiii V 1 w, l!M 1 The pollj! w ill \ M fllll 4'loHri Hi 1 r "M

i J O l I N P o NHfir^iarv

Th i-ompany 4 om ptiiy 131 ,vionfl:i>o|ifn xii II

D2^ n i ■”

ANMIAI.*^ M KLTIN L.TH K N)‘‘ W A U K LlMl-1 A N t ’ fl-LMUNT

M .V NC FAi’T l ' I D N L CUMPA-SY Thri HiiiHia! i n u f t l n a fo r IhA K)H4'iUiti nf

f1 irP4-i(ii» of thin r o m p m i y will hTrt rtl ), iiiG ttfiiuf itf 111* compiHL). nnagrtKir"!*' New HI It. N. .1.. “ m T ikb- I u s . J u n u o r y JO, I 'M) ’I 'h^ poll!! U'lll ho rtp^ .i fro in 11 *. \ ' M t u 13

[■'UKDKIUCK V. 'IAj ' .VMxI-.V ,sSfire'urj__ ;







tag t

briOM gt** ‘ In*

w ag*

lurlQg u s

^ V*-- s * .tra b o sh 4* ,.,^ . 64%

H(L 4* . 7 8 Teslinghous# ev 31%TO«. II ,W. UnlhB 4.%i. 80



104%' J04% 100 100 8«% »«%f i

'86 ' 54% ,

9 1 %ST


guaranieen FtncKs ano i-'iini r tifk a to i fpioted "and Int^reat


pool; dock New York Sunday.SIA8CON8ET, Mo**., J*n. 16.—Ger­

mania, Mareellles; dock New York J'ri- day.

NEW YORK, Jan. 15.—Arrived, An­tonio Lopes. Cadlx,

NEW YORK, Jan. 16. — Verona, Naplss; dock New York Prida.v.

NEW YORK, Jsn . 15.—Arrived,Ocognle, e o a t h a m p t o n . _____________


. 58 %108%

, 63103%

I 50 %5 31■ 2 %


S "7%8 97%

5«% ' 33% 28 Sir 34%

141 % 44




PHILADELPHIA STOCK MARKET'I'h© folla©'lng nuotatlcina war© furnlah-

“ ■ ■ KUig:©d by Elael© &.Cambria Steel. . . .Electric fUnrogt-. com ............General Aftphall, n jm .............(lenarat Aaphalt, p r ................Iriterstate 4i • ............ ..............Keyiton© Telephone, com*. . I^h lgh Navigation ir. c tfe ..r^ake Superior Corp........ ,Jr©Hlgh valtey 'rranalt, com. lj«hlgh ValleV TranfiU, p r . . New JerM y Con. Trac. PhUadtlphla i'

Bid. Alkad.

. R. T. ©lock.. Phiiadelphla Oo.. c o m .. . . Philadelphia Klectrio 4 i . , Philgdelpbla Traction . . .Reading General 4 b...........TOnopah M in in g .................Tonapah Belmont ............

49% 504&H 56%33% 31177 7859% art13% 13%83% E422% 22%n

12%32%74%2" 144 ] 41 %

S(1 *5%rt

23% 93%7% 7 %7% 7-li

□ p a Q i . p

lltLh I "

tONDON STOCK k A R P r yLONUON. Jan. ' i

and d io o u n t rataa were a le a ^ today. i The setUenient was

tMlIy on th e *tock exchange, buf the ten- dtDcy waa irreg^i'ar. In d ica tio n or the e td ln se of the strike In Afric* Improved d U w i ^ and K sffir shara* syhlte copper stocks and Americans were cheerful fea­tures. but Mexican five per cent, cooto s ■f*n ten and other Mexican Stot* bond* ■bOBt ftv» points on the p<»teionenMnt n F fb * Internet payments, Th* | i» d b^Mb ro tum s stnd the prospects of a re­duction in th* hank f***,,«**•-«(f*»t by th* trow* ot<*o in d lw

oeeuritleg wet* du ltt and' ing th* • • r iy teading. W cks

r ^ J .

The Alisteel Filitie Equipment inciudei dverythins for every Sling need. T iket up least roGm on yioMr .floor. Protect* ggawitt fire, climate, ro4«nti, dust and sneak-thivyds. , Shown at

Newark*! Offiol rtunittarbi.HeadquarteriBAKER PRDmNGCa



MUNICIPAL B O N D SFree frern State and Government Income Tai

To nm 4 ! 4 5 %

M. M. FREEMAN & CO.4 2 1 C h e s t n u t S t .

Photie 7M) IxOtnhard. Rhilailelphia.

Investm ent HoldingsKd«qi»lre 4>8io»tiin( #*tum1iifl(Lni »n*i ■ nAlTHlM o t f ln g to 4*hnHjjd'i* I p fio jin c la J coneJitlonM.

rfncler (h U nrrTlff fr < uf ebargr.

P o s t & F l a g gM em ber. %. t . 'tm -k Hit-llsBBe.

ALFRED L. DENNISIte .ld en i l■srlner.

iv l> i \ i :v H ii l .n in G ,

A LIVE W IRElo a Hve m arkel ■»«©»■ naucli tu Igr odtl \n t tra d e r. Odd l«*a upuoJIy athandred «liar© pHi-e— fraquently belter*

I b e l»**©t letfitlaftate Mer>ir© in ealaf*4«IIOP,

WM. F . MUTH & CO.S to vk ©ad B udU BroiLaNs

7 8 5 B r o a d 8 t . , N e w a r k , N . J .TeL 481U4. 4M». 4«3« M a rk e t.____

M C S k R IS T O W N , N . J . , -

P A Y S 3 % IN T E R E S T O N A C C O U N T Sof glO G or O ver Subject to Check

Deposits Over ©6,500,000Armor Plate Safe Degosit Vault,

Bttt pwt0Ction •gMintt firt-ini burglars.m m u i i n a s i p u s D i u s s u i o m t i i #

i S m i i a f T rn k } , •!«., i l V*f/ l» -»


•‘- i ; .4|fr--a-


lip Kot!, ■ Amu] Repirt, Sdh ntt of ktttsm i Cm




JA K U A B Y IB, 1914.■ ' ■■ ' "I" I ' » .1


t i t f tTRBMTON, Jan. I f .—R K har (Me f«r

•utctinobUa Uoanaai la tha cfaM raoem- tnandatlon anbodtad In Kotor ComnU- aionar U prlnoott'a ravort. forw artad to tba Laclilatura today. Kf, Upplncott •xplaloa th a t additional raTanDa can ba Calnad by tnoraafliw tha taaa. and ha tran aa ta two plana, both baaad upon a flxad oharra par horaapower.

Ona annaatlon la a faa ol aixty oanta ]tar b o n a pewar. Anothar austaatlon la b a t autonoU laa ba axamptad from taxa* Ion aa paraonat proparty and mada to

fiay a lloaoaa faa of I I par horaa powar.. In eaaa tba lattar plan of lacraaalns tba faaa la adopted Ur. U pplncott advlaaa th a t a t laaat ona<thlrd of tha ravenna ao daitvad aboutd ba uaad In dapartm anta of tha Btata aoram niant otbar than tha naiotaM Boa and rapnira of roada.

I t la caloulatad th a t tbia mattwd would Inanra a taranua to tba f lu ta of a t laaat 11,101, OM or double tha ratum a of tha dapartm ant to r tha coralnc year,

K r. Upplncott daelaraa htmoalf oppooad to Um ao-oallad "Uilrty dapa raaldraoa ptan.” adTooatad aa a aubatltuU for tha praain t radproolty law. Tha propoaad piaa, ba pointa out, would maan free to tn tnc ptivilapaa batwaan Btataa, and would raanlt In loaa of ravanua.

O ther laoannuDdatlona contained in

pWrara addHlanal ta a a a a n to - aaoMlaa by e ltbar a ( thcaa tw a M tb a d a i Rafwal praaanf te a ayw taai and ta a aiaeU aa a a f la t ra ta a t a ta ty eanta p a r baraapaw ar. a r eaawwt ■ aah laaa tr a a i ta a aa pam aaal p rap arty a a i laeraaaa tape ta 91 par baraapaw ar.

I t la tta r p laa la ta llaw ad w eald d lra r t pa rt a t ra ra a a a ta d ap art- aw ata a t P tata p a r a r a M a l a tb a r tb a a raad repair a a i w tlafa*

raaldaneaOppaaea th irty -day plaa,

RcaaataiaBda eompalaary ra- parta af aaatdaata by awaara ar drlrarai aatabllabaarat a t traf- fla roBiBlaalan to t e r m la ta raad rnlaai polira power tar ta- apaetoni larrraaa la laapaatarai raaipulaary paraar raaorda, ta ba apap to pnbllo laapacttoa | llcaasae for awtor boaaat rapatatloa ot aaarrhiipbtai prohlbttiaa af ■uftlar cat-oata,

Dapartwaat’a raralpta IdPl, 4MJI1 Fartbar larraaaa at 9100.- 000 B ay ba aapaetad tbIa year.

Flaaa tatallad 9aiJS5A !| tO,B8S raptstratlaBa liaaad.

th a fM art, litoluda tha oonpulaory raport- a« acotdanta by ownara o r diirarp;In* ____ .

tho aotoWlaliiiiact a t a tratflo eominla- K od to fomiiilata road nitaa; police pcwai fo r InapaototBi Incraaatnc tba n u o b ar of fpaalal ioppaoton to th irty ; eompaloory w u n ca raeorda of Inoomlny and outpoliti toTA rooorda to be open to publlo Inapao- tio a ; unlfarm lty of lawa and poltdaa ba- J*aau Btataa; anaetmaat o t a law for tha ttoanalaf o t motor buaaa; racnlatton of OonrehUpiitB; and prohibitian of tbo uat o f m ufflar ant-outa

, W s O ala la Baaalpfa. fh * m port of the oomralaalonar abopwi

^ to tal lOoKpta of tb a d ap a rtn an t for J p a aaar MOIna w— amoont ad

aa anlB B t for19H . Mr. U pphw ett balleaaa a tiirtbar ta w o o o a rf M arly 9199,990 m ay ba looked fo r d tn i i f tba currant year. A t th a

^ laat moatb th a d toartm aattt |,T 9 1 to bank,

rtoao IooUaetad f l e a antomobfltatp dttr-

Tlio report * • * 9 M II Uoanaaa wore laauad

*".1*?*‘ od.odhlnat I9 .III In i» u . BOtorepolo raotatm tlon

M * 9 to '« » , M a « t in 5 'i . l9 t* 'to ? u S ! f m to b ar a t dHTtry lloaoaaa laauadluad

» 9 « "OMmaloKaaa noM to anata far oaOao.

^ toMMoad kot 9T90.■ S ^ .* * r * * ,***?** *"* thromh a oatp.teeto to r e ie A w tto dopartmaat hda t « * d eitopebtiaaoeat ll.llo to tboloMla « t M atotohdnt tba dapartraantto M fooctototoly only nine par c a n t a t

“ '.eoM P ort*® It la tM w u tB K ta i l 1« tb« lowa«t peroentsze J f H ito r yablclo dapartm ant to tho

•* t l " proapaota o f brtoatiia •bowt bactor traftlo t a ^ a t lo n a dn ilB f tba P ilO M t yaar, H r. U pplncott miuU tha leilovtoB ototiinaat;

Taatfla ■amalattoa.I fe 1919, with tho tncraaaad foroo a t

kiito f t wtD bo pooalbla to make a muok to o n oftMittrie ayatam «f traftlo m u to - *!«•- A m m t tM ntt HO baliif partootod, wharaby to oapty larfp municipality, opa- otol dttolU will take up tba woik of traf­fic taiutotloa. In tbia w h . tborw wU bo ao portlctt of Itaw Jaraoy which wtU not bo procaodtoo to oaaot accord to *bi« pai^ t ts n lu wttb tbo otbor p arti of tbo Stato.”

laapactori datailad to antoroo tba lloanao lawa l u t aemmar ware raaponatbla ic r a a laeraaaa o t laAoima to tba depart- ip«9ft nmouHttod to almoit 9109 a day diutad tho aontba o t Jnito July nod AlWttiA Outlny tha y e n 9,199 caaaa of AnoMd flotoUapi warp reported by to- •p la tan , prtyata IndlrldualB, tba praai

.nod leeal authorlttai.H iara WHa l i t caaaa brouybt to formal

.trial ba ton tba oommiiitoaar. to addi­tion to thaia, tho comndialonir paraonally •Uporrload tho diapeaal ot all tha 9,991

.chooo nportad. The number of Ueanaaa yerekad wna alphty-ftyn, lummaty a e t t a M ta« taken to tblrty-elfbt caaaa, and

'tayocatlon after trial to ferty-thraa caaaa. TWO Uconaao ware aeppandad pandlnc the outoenM of criminal pMcaadlnga and two llcanaaa ware larokad by local Judcai, wboaa action waa lustafnad by tba com-

. Frobatlonarr aotlcB taken In 19t oaaaa nftar baarlnc- lU rty -cna Itcanaai wato ralnitatad after a period ot time, (Which to tba Judfmast of tha commla- ,nicnar waa auffldant to provide proper tunU hm ant tor tha oftanaa charged. Tha ra ilpno ity privllata waa luapandad to t h m caaaa, and raatorad In ona caaa ‘afto r a baattog. Sitting aa a magtatrato, tbo oomBilaalonar heard ferty-aavan caaaa. Sarantoao of thaia caaaa raiultad to flnoa .n n i thirty to auipandad lantanea.

Bgamlna KbSM Paraaaa,Mmoa tbo work of aum lnlng drlvarl

w u taaggoratad bp Ur. Upplncott laat Kay, 19,991 piraoDi have bean examined. Of thaao 9,109 piaaad, and 1,1(1 ware ra- lactad.

During tba yaar tba dapartnant h u .parfeotad ralatlona with a number of motor Tohlola departmenta of other Btataa, ao that raporti made by New Jar- Bay toipaotora oonoamlng vtolatlona by htAdara of llcanaea laauad by other Btataa can !ba forwarded to the department leau- tng tha Ucanae, when action will be

Commenting upon the apparent axlat- anea of ao organlied band of motor vahlala tblayai. Mr. Upplncott lald:

‘Hrera would leem to ba a ayatam In­formally organlied In the cltlaa of Naw Tofdr and Fhlladalphla, for tha purpoae of ataallng and dlapoalng of automoMlaa. Tba ramlflcatlona of th li ayatam have ex­tended Into tbo State of New Jericy, fioina of our beat men are engaged In a oomprehanalve Inveitlgatlon of thia mat­ter. With tha oo-opemtton of tha au* tfaoritjaa of New York City. It la batlavad thIa gang ot automobllea thlavaa can he completely broken up."

to praientlng hli recommendatlona to ' the leglalatura, Mr. Upplpcott laid;

*Tha dapartmant racommandi tha adoption of a law compalllng tha driver o f every oar In an accident to make a datailad report of aanta by lattar ad- draaead to the commlieloner of rnotor vahlclea. The owner of tha ear, if prai- ant at tha time of euch acoldent, ih a ll ba bald accountable for the forwarding o f inch report Failure on tha part ot the driver or owner to comply with •ueb provlalon ahould reault In revoca­tion or auapaneion of Ileanaa.

“Tha dapartm ant raoommanda th a p aa iag a of an ac t eom palltng a ll Ju i- tloaa of tb a paaca o th er m ag ta tra taa or Judgaa to forw ard to tb a d apartm an t a a ta tam an t of all auloraobtlo canoa b ro u g h t bafera them.

■hofdd IM Ina “M anafaatwrer.” “T he practice ax litlng In m any aao-

tto n a o f driving horM -draw u vablclaa

o ttbar with no lig h t! o r tm irropar lig h t! a t n igh t ibould ba eorraotad.

“Tha dapartm ant raoommanda th a t an o th ar form of Iteonai bo adoptad. to ba known aa tha livery Ucaoia.' to o rder th a t a la rg e olaaa o f Tahlolei saad fa r hack ing parpoaaa m ay ba lloanaad laparataly from vahtolaa n iad In o thaf aarvlaa.

“Tha m anufacturar ahould ba defined under our atatnta and ao Umitad aa to apply to one who conatrueta c h i or who aqulpa c a n with manufaeturad davloaa. A dealer ahould ba defined aa ona who Bella m otor vablclaa to th e opac raarbat. Ther m anufacturer ahouM have a Ileanaa parm ltltog tba uaa o l c a n bald b y him for daUvary to daalaaa, aa It la raanl- faatly unfair to m anutactnrara to eompal thara to Ileanaa each Individual ea r whan taattog. The dealer ahould ba gtvaa a Uoaaao to r uaa by bim whan damonalrBt- In f m otor vahlelao fo r aalo to a apaidllc pnrchaaar."

Tha dapartmant mooraraaodi th a t th a law raquita all motorcycle rn n k a ra to ba plaoad an tba r a u mudguard lufftclantly lew th a t they may not Intarfera wttb th a rider, and th a t the came ba lllnm laatM a t night.

The uaa af aearehllglita riiould ba ra- atriotad either on tba baali of eandle- powar, or tba aanrehUghta thamaalvaa ahould ba arranged or conatructad to aueb a way ta to allmlnata tha bUadtog glara now thrown In tha ayaa of o tb ar uaara of tha blSbway, No naMhlna abwUd bo equipped wttb a cM tre eeareh- llght of euch pow tr aa to dim the aide Ugbti.


f t! WbaMcgtai .Ihireaa of Aa J i r n r - fjfff irs ir* .

"W AlHmOTOIf, Jba. 19,—Theiuto no ^ b t to th e mind of BapreaautatiTo Allan w a lih of Naw Jaraoy ea to the pcmnlarity of tho wtlaon edminlelnatlen to Trenton. Mr. Walah, without toteadlng to do any- W n g o t tba l e r t «nda th a t he boa eon- duoted a canvam of the d ty . end the »a«ult* a te highly complimentary to th e admtolatratlan.

Before the OlirMBM hoHdeyi Mr.•ovenuaen l « o k

bo<to to Trenton eonctitainta. Ha ia - ****“ A taUlag th e

red p tan t the levarnm ent hea m any other pobllMtlona, any o t which ha would be glad to turnlah.

raoalvod thecook beoke have written Kr. Waleb. aok- tog fw etoer publteaUoiie. Tha gurprla-

however, wne that abeat every filth I%ttW COQtAlMd A pKfMfl'^h #*•

writar’e opinion of Preel- “ •o t Wlleon'a acblevemente.

You HO to be oongratutatod," one on your oonneotlon with

■o able on ESxeootlva oa Mr. Wlleon K rOT felk i keep up the good work to e r e i no doubt who will bo our next

"•** Congreeeman fromtbia diatricLAnothar wroto: “K ora power to ywul

Thia C ongnia la the f l r i t to a long whUe th a t I been worth the name."

X ve been a Bepublloan for many yeaie," wrote enetber aonarituant'a let­ter. "bu t I m utt lay Mr. Wtlaon and tba gentleman In OaniTiia hove been doing thlnga." ^


sir—I wea much Interratad to raad- Ing an adltorial racently publlabid In your paper concirnlng tha dlapoaltlen of tha New Jetiay Legal Aid Society In eatabltihlng municipal courte of equity, cr, aa they atyle tbam, “poor mon’l court!," tba mythical “poor man" being a lw ayi brought out to do bla turn whenever anything new la to be put ever.

At the preeant tim e not half the oourta In thia State are anyw here oo- cupled with bualneaa Thera are enough oourta now In exlelenee to do good work for the next decade. Indeed, the ludgee o f the dlatrlot courte in meet cltlea, and thiae are really ‘■poor men'e oourta," are able to flnloh up tbelr calendare with leoelone of about twtoe n week, and .only a halt-day a t , that for each leaalon.

Such a oourt aa now propoaad wfll ooet tha taxpayer! about |S ,(90 or 99.990 a yaar to ijjay the praolding ludga and tba offloara of tbo cou rt If tha taxpayari of tha differant towna want to have euch a thing unloaded on them, well end good. But there are a great many thlnga done under the guiee of eherlty that need a little In- ■p action.

If the bin whioh l i to be Introdueed will carry a clauae that no faaa or amolumenta ot m y kind ara to ba paid tha judge of the court the olerk and officer!, but that they ara to be atrloUy oftlcore working without pay. w hy a ll right. Then that will be a eaaa of charity beginning at home, and the taxpayer! will ba aaved aomatblng In aelarlea. But I * m wagar that no auch clauaa w ill ba put In the b ill nro- poeed, end I go further and aay that thia look! to me like another ehanoe to make a couple ot ta t and needleea Jobe tor eoma peopla

For, when you get down to real oold facta there lan't the ellghteet need for ■uab a court. So far aa the poor man la eonoemad. every judge and d ark of oar present oourta eeaa to It that ha gsta hta ehanca. If ha hM a eaee and hasn't money to pay lawyer or eeeta he hae but to eay eo and he le taken care of. The ludga or clerk of any oourt dare not retuaa

wi< K A N n OOtrilT.BUaabeth,


. t “ Sureea of Ito STBV-'. ora s e w s . rWASHpTOTON, Jen. 19.—Bvtry enoe

In a while the dignity of the Senate Mta a.Iolt. They used to 'tall the’ story of a ^ a l n Senator whose long white beard became over-lntlnuLte with an Ink-well, tb * Whlta It! honorable owner took a nap; only a'w eek ago the laieet-etoiy had to do with J. Bam I owIb and the chair that dalled, but today there'a a hew one‘cur­rent.

The lateet story la a new application of U old theme. I t had Ita origin to the A tornal boy" and the renovation of tho furiitehlnga in tim s*nate chamber dur­ing tlie hcltdaya. In tho blaterlc lobby tlMlI nina betweeii ftw floor sued the nox- kft rueto. the OMpol bad w e n threadbare M d » now ana, a beautiful grenn^lgurad afitoir, wttb aa Inch-deep nap, waa put down. . v-9

;Of eenrneftW M n bey an uaHeBUfled •annto g»ge 'wbb dfteevered U u uaaut- sweted quaitty c< tha -m n o t, a id it w u A dlaeovarr put to toUniedlate uaa tv , the Wbpie Atoff ot pagee. a while they Agd th ilr fm 9nnTHg tbiswW vw. She

-Writ w u , to drag the feet while croasiH tbo carpet, and then enjoy the ehocked curpriie of tho firet perto^. touched.

The boya soon got to the baUt drag­ging their feet, and one unfortunate, who had turned himself Into aq, aatlrelf of- flrieot Leyden Jm , w u sent sifter Senator Marttne of New Jereey. The Senator waq at the other end of the lobb’y, and the Pege hurried down the carpeted way, un- av;are that every,atep added some more etetlc electricity to hla body.

The Senator turned in answer to the boy's statement that "Mr. Jonet" wished' to see him. “All right, eon," he said, and laid an affectionate and unwary hand oa tbo bq^a hatd. The little chap'e hair roM to the occaalon, and eo did the' Bon- atorie hand. The Senator looked a t the band, and the page looked at tha Senator.

X me eon," aatd the Senator, nnopr. Be took another look a t hla h a r t and then looked hard at the her.

“>rt” he oKclalined, after a T a u g h t I Imew 'em oU, hut

thia h u get me etuiqped. Tou'ra too youag to to trying It, bat tall me; w ta t to btoiaa do ge« * U k r

Acker, Merrall & ConditEST. 1820

m i dCompany

G)mpare these prices—

w e guarantee the quality


M apleh urst B rand , doz., 39cPRUNES—Fancy California—Santa Clara— N e w C ro p ;

20-30 size—Largest obtainable; 2 lbs,, .-45; ! lb. .2330-40 size—Extra targe and meaty, 2 lbs., ,3 J ; 1 lb. ,1840-50 size—Large and meaty, 2 lb s,, ,20; 1 lb., ,15

OAT M EAL—Grant's Scotch—Finest imported—2-lb. tin..........19^ 5-lb. tin..... 45

PEAS—N oreca-Early June—Sweet and tender—Ig tins....... |0STRING BEANS—Noreca—Small and green—ig tins__.H)

MONTCLAI*BM Blnomfleld At*.

BAST ORANGE Main and W tlnirt S treeli

HORRIBTOWNB Sniitli 8 tn « 9

mie IS empty. |BREAK IT ! |j

P u f l y *8 P u r e M a l t ¥ n i l s k e y!• always put up in clean bottles, with a teal over the cork. But in order to protect younelf against fraud in reflUing, we u k all con­sumers to be tore snd break uch bottle as soon u empty.

In B few remote instances unscrupulous dealers who have failed tp work off substitutes snd cheap Imitations on their customers have tried refilling Duffy bottlee when they coufld get them, hoping in this way to line their pockets. Yon can aid us to atop this practise by breaking Duffy bottles when contents have been used.

Be sore and get the genniiie—if in doubt examine yonr purchase —see that the seal over the cork is unbroken; the cork should be new and perfect—the name, "Duffy'a Malt," is on each tide of the cork.

Look for the original signature on the label and firm name and monogram blown In bottle. Break the bottle when empty and help us to prevent fraud.

Duffy't Pure Malt Whiskey Is sold by most dmgrists, grocers and dealers at $1,00 s large bot­tle. Valftsble medical booklet and doctor’s advice sent free.

The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y.

Semi-Annual Sale of

M a n h a tta n S h ir ts(Seconds)

Thousands of beautiful shirts wereplaced on sale this morning, and menn f 'lave been crowding the store in con­sequence. Only twice a year can you buy such fine shirts for so little—

$1.50 and $2.00 Shirts, 95c $2.50 to $3.50 Shirts, 1.25Come and choose from an enormous variety of stiff

bosom and negligee shirts, in fancy madras and percale and white materials, as well as white dress shirts, in fancy and plaited models, all new this season, have all aizes now. Early selections are advisable.

W o

Sloulenburqhs7 e 7 < « 0 8 B n m d S t J

Founded l& W

lyaO C X O D O l

Dl O S R O B o a o a o a O B o a o B o a O B t o o o a o B O i

T 'H E sound business prindptes p and Judgment on which onr |

success has been built can be used | to your personal advantage. g

2% interest on 1500.00 subject to Scheck. g

Safe deposit boxes $5.00 per year g and up. « i

merchants’ Itetiaial Bankt 770 Bread ~

Capital and Surplus • $1,250,000R e s o v ’t'— *

Joa. M. Rlkor, Pres. Arthur L. Philtlp*. CMh.J. 8. RIppeL Vtce-Prea. Wm. H. W u m t, Aaat- Cash.

Wm. C. Morton, S iipt Safe-Deposit M p t

> a o o o B O B o n o a o n O B O E i C H B i O E o a o n o i a o i 3 0 B O B O E O

errr ADmnsEMEimoiwica or t s b tcabd or axcMM ooKKiuiomia or thb en r

o r HBWAJUL QHr Ben, Janoarr 9, 191A

n o Mlawlaa la tto Hot at tto aeaae, vmI- «toew end pkM ot hoalBHa at apaUeanta lor

CTTir ADVRiittsEiiKirnkraert aqoon, on* aat Imctattoe pukiuiMe eeooieiiig te laar, ta «tti

Nbml ^^jneeaat

|A -Jkuw ele**iSiiit®


V s a M f t yagAS.


f R I D A Y B A R G A I N D A Y !n e n la r §«. o « t-

(■t Fl««a«LIn pretty color­

ed BtrlpeB, 17 In, wide; ffooda bdAvy weight; nlcd Bofi fleeced nap on both feidee for pa- Jetnu, n t r h t - K 0 w n i. bouBB dresMi and chll* dren'i dreBaea; good Ic. value.

epeclal, ^ * tomorrow, n A pyard.

R egular 49c Bed Sh eets 39c Eachs ix . 71x99, with

eentr. aaain, rood < l ' ' * l l t y muBlIn and 3-ln ch hem, BpeclaJ, tomorrow, each.

3 9 c

■toenUr s e a te a l . Ie»rt PlOew

Caeca.Btie 49x91, moSe

From . p l e n d l d qua.Ilty aoft tinlah mualln; tree from droaalns; sood 9Sc value; apeclal to ­morrow, aa.ch.

1 8 c

t e n l illa e Bc9 Ceoi-

toitcra.Covered w i t h

aood D u a n t y chinta, filled with w hite clean aeoit«ry cotton; hae 9- Inch ~F rench aa- teen border to m a t o h ; f a n c ya t l t c h e d ; good

♦1.19value for ■pedal, f o . .tomorrow,each

Beowlar S M WealHap B loakete.Full bed aiae, In

white, tan and gray; with pretty pink and blue bor- dere; nice fluffy warm bUnketi; well worth 93,00; epeclal, tomorrow, pair

1 . 5 9Cleoraac* of 1.SOO TarA* of IS-loeh Ijjiloa l.laea

C n u h Toweling,III white and brown,

with red and blue bor- dara, good eerviceable quality; will not lint very ueeful for hand, diah or roller towele; In remnant! of 2 to 9 yarde; regular 10c. and1 1 . yard; ^tomofrow,

Regular dSe. Table Da- moah, 3*c, T a r t

Clearance of 1,000 yard! of rich 14-tnch natin fin lih table da- maik; p u r e w hite bleach; good aelectlon of attractive dealgne; to length! of to 9yarde; excellent 45c. va l­ue; apeclol, — ^

tomorrow, 2 9 c

Rcgulav S9o. Oertaeoy— — ■> lvet, 8#c- T a r t

Clearance of 900 yarda yf tt-inoh Corduroy, In tbedea of taupe, Copen- bagen, blue, navy blue And black: good, durable quality; foat plU tor vroman’a and mlaoat' autta and dreaaet, while lot laata, ape- O Aoioi, p h a a> yc

Regular BSe. B4-|aeh Bouele Snltlug.

In navy blue and brown, good eerviceable woolen fabric for coate, aulte and dreaaea; while 400 yarde laet, tomor­row, very apeclol. y n A

2 9 cW >T

lYonr Ckoice of Any Woman’s or Miss’s TAILORED SUIT in Our Entire Stock

No mstter what it haa been selling for. None reserved. We just divide the whole stock Into two groups. Former prices $10 to $25.

Every Suit IB tb boose must go­lfs tbe role

of the company

Every one of these suits is new within the last three months.

f Meg’s BeacN BlinketShort K fm onosFancy nsttoma, just the I thing for cold w e a th e r


WALLPAPERPrioee wera uevur au lew to- uuwn vwwaw m e IVW !■

tk* htH otr e f tkG W gU Paper DajRartmcata

Aboat 10.000 rolls laft from tba last leaaoQ'B BaUltif; the lateet deilgne and co lo n In I and 4 room lote, to oloeo out rerardlees of cost.

$0.00 room of w all papar, 9 M with work, allowltJ* I elncU rolla Bide wall and ft rolls of

hlte ce llln r all for *410 durlnc ■ale only.40e Wall Paper ........................ pocIXc Wall Paper e . , 1 0 eRnported Oataieal ................... pOeDomeetlc Oa’tmeal ................... |Oe

aOc aad SOe W all Paper. 18s aM Mo—Imported duplex t’wo< toned oatmeals, motaLiro, leather and Buratt effoota, eatina and tapeatrlei; never eold under 60c. to $0c.,4 at l8c aad 33«.

Se Bad lOe Wall Papers aad 6e—In floral stripes and soroll and block patterns.

lOe te 8As Cut-oat Borders at Sc to Ite.

We choerfullT f iv e estimates on decorating and patntlnfl.

Triday Bargains inM uslin U n d e rw e a r

YTomea’a Nlgkt Gewna, SSu— Made of nloa, aoft cambric; neck and aleervaa edged with linen lace; ribbon run at neck; bodlea extra w ide and full■ lira w ioe and full -ew len ^ h ; fine B9o. go wna at. d d C

C en et Cwven, H f te -M ain of nloe, aoft nalnaook .trimmedw ith aeverol rowe of lace, em­broidery Inaertlon between, rib, bon drawn; edged all around with laoe; regular l l a i r a t fapeclal

Flannel SUrta, ISa Regular 990. aklrta, mode o f extra heavyflannelette, neat pink or blue atrlpea, alao dark grayi; regular and extra large alxea; va-ano extra targe aixea; va- ,%n rlety of atylea to chooae A v C . from; apeclal, each .......... o r - ' v

300 Pairs of Sample Shoes and Slippersfrom Prince, Hartigsn & Co., makers of comfort shoes snd slippers and snother

Triday Bargains inSosibry aod Underwear

No Mall or ’Phono OrdersInfanta* Onabmera Heae—Fine

Auatrallan coahmere atocklnga, with allk beala and toes; a l l^ t aaconda of tha 29o. kind; ore now raduoad to ...................................... W iv:

W o m en ’s S ilk HoseA vary apeclal puroboae of

,r 990, te 90c. allk atoek-r a g n l a r ____________________Inga, aubtoot to alight Irragu-— *■ Inlarttlaa to tha waav*; aomaore a ll altk, othera era allk up to the knee; all ore modew ith double garter welt, ape- clally letotorced boela ra n and toea; wonderful g M QToluu at, a p a ir ..

ribbedi*a UnA ennaa — Fto# fleooe-llned vetta and

pant*, alight aaoonda of v p ito . qaallUea, tomorrowonly, each

Hc«*a TTnSnrwaar—Bern ribbad underwear; ahlrta have collarette neck, aatean facing down front; drawer! mada w ith extra gua- aata. outalde band; reg..(Oo. undarwear;alight Im- Q y C parrectloni; per garment.

1206 Prs. Factory Checked ShoesFor Women and Children, on Bargain Square

OB Main Floor, and Bargain Irbies on S ^ n d Floor

The vomen’s shoes were made to sell at two and two-fifty a pair.Every pair is up- to-date in style and will give good

t wear.




man t pies, i whethi buildii


5 ,2



higt34 t



> W m I kata.ilie , InI an d pretty 1* bor« n u ify

.nketi; 11.00 :


'O-laek *•

andceablecoa ti,while



ocks just $25.

s tnyear







New Jeney's Largeet Retail Organization

HAHNE CffS CREAT JANOARy SALESNone T 00 Early to O r^r

Summe^Awnings NowNew awnings have come. We’ll send •

man to make measurements and submit sam­ples, if you say the word. It matters not whether it’s a dwelling, apartment-hojise, office building, or public institution—we're ready.

The best of workmanship, of course, with every contract, and the strongest material ob­tainable in the making.

A special feature of the Hahne awnings is the system of hanging—which does not mar the woodwork and makes the matter of putting up and taking down most simple.

During the remainder of January a dis­count of 10 per cent, from our usual low prices will be granted. See to youf awnings today!

5,200 Yards of Fancy Bordered Etamine

Usual 3Sc. to 65c. Grades at 19c. Yard Rather a startling offer/ to be sure, but

When we clean house*in the January Sales, former prices are not always considered. Here are 5,200 yards of perfectly good, fancy bor­dered Etamine, 40 inches wide, in white, ivory and Arabian; on sate Friday and Saturday only at the rate, per yard, o f...................................

The Disposal of 20c, to 85c. Cretonnes at 10c, to 45c. Yd,

Both domestic and imported qualities In this clearaway; splendid patterns and colorings, and perfect in every detail.

$2.00 and $4.50 Utility B ox e^W ell made, of seasoned wood, and covered with good qual­ity matting; large sties only; at. .$1.65 and $3.45

------T H IR D FLO OB

La Vija«Corsets

at $3.00 to $8.00Especially favored Corsets are the La Vida

with women who are careful about their ap­pearance. They combine the long, sculptured lines of the present style requirementt pliant suppleness and perfect comfort,

yun from $3 up to $8.A demonstration of La Vida Corsets is now

in session in the Corset Parlors, on the second floor, easily reached by all elevators. Miss Dougherty, an expert corsetierre, will fit and give advice pertaining to corset matter gratis.

f LOOH .1 I

Another New Lot of



Princess Slips s»icNever were so many inexpensive under-

muslins gathered together in one collection in the Hahne store. And we've exceeded alt pre­vious efforts from the viewpoint of assortment, quality and value giving. Yesterday’s buyers were mightily pleased—tomorrow’s shoppers will welcome these items:

Shirtwaist Slips in white, pink and blue; high neck, long sleeve style; lace trimmed; sizes 34 to 34; regular value 59c.; tomorrow a t-----39c

Nainsook and Seco Silk Princess Sups—Awonderful variety of fetching styles, trimmed with lace insertion and edge; many ribbon trimmed; in white and colors; a t ..............$1.45

Lawn, Nainsook and Seco Silk Sl^ps—Sev­eral very attractive styles, elaborately trimmed with lace insertions and edge and embroid­eries; in white and colors; .......... $L95

Winter Plants 49cWe’ve several hundred pots of Table

Ferneries, with palm centres, and Rubber Plants and Kentia Palms, which we wish to dispose of to make foom for a new shipment of plants, etc. They are all healthy p la n ts and traly beautiful. Many people have con­sidered them a bargain at the regular selling prices—69c. and 89c. Tomorrow they may be had for ............ ^ . 49c

atFresh Cut Flowers tod Floral Designs

................ ................. i$L00 and upward•HASKninm*

New Baby Vehijdes

We've Just received the 1914 line of “ Block** Putlman Sleepers—one of the n io tt favored v e h i ^ for .4 * tmldler a t the pfes- ent^im e. They come in oararat colof, gray and whitish lUid enamel Bntahed Everf place hi doubly g o i r a n t ^ to live abso­

lute satiafaptionb—thd'^uarantea of flthne & ' Co., and ^ of the makora, P rlen start at ' $15 and run up to $50. fe

■ -1....nesib.atm iraiiiiiniin f'm

iemiSFriday Extra!

A Sale of Men'sOvercoats at$7.45-$9.45

$12.50Regularly Marked $12,50 to

$22.50A “scoop”—and a big one

The clothing chief says these are the best snaps for men with overcoat needs that he’s seen this,year. And we be- '■" ve him, too—after a care ful inspection of the c o a t |

T hree price groupings tell the story—and we’ll just add that nearly the entire stock came from one of Syracuse’s best houses.

•t«*4 taaooooaa o— oaa a oaoaoaoaooooasi

E x tra I E x tra ]Friday Morning Specials on Sale 9 AM, to 1 P,M, Only

25c. Persian Lawn Cabinet a t 18

The N ew Wash Fabrics

Priced Very LowMay seem a bit strange to offer new Spring

Wash Fabrics at less than usual—especially before the season has really begun. But these were bought on most exceptional terms, and the Hahne policy is to divide their good things with their customers. So tomorrow you'll find—

Ratine at 59c Yard—In pink, light blue, biscuit, tan, helio. rose, mahogany, Copenhagen, brown, Alice, navy and white; 40 inches wide.

Ratine Stripe Crepe at 25c Yard—May be had in pink, light blue, rose, maise, lavender,Alice blue and white.

Scotch Gingham at 29c Yard—Suitable for women's and children’s dresses and men’s shirts; 32 inches wide; 40 choice styles to select from.

Printed Voilea a t 26c Yard—In white grounds with neat colored figures and illoverdesigns, also every wanted plain shade; 40 | 7 5 c W O O l G a U n t l e t s U t SO Cinches wide. *

Printed Batiste at IZVzC Yard-W hitegrounds with colored stripes, dots and peat flg-

Fifty sheets ,of fine fabric finished writing paper and fifty envelopes to match. Regularly sold by us at 25c. a box. For Friday morning at .............................................18c j

, MAtS Kl.UOIt .

— 95c to $1.95 VelvHJIats o i 5 ^ 'A special lot of untrimmed velvet hats that sold earlier |

in the season for 95c. to $1.95 in a clearance for Friday morn­ing only. In several becoming shapes.

.saC O N D FI.O U R ,

$12.50 & $13.50 Over­coats Aotv Priced $7.45

Men's and Young pure wool overcoats,

Men’s all with con­

vertible and shawl collars; new­est models; sizes 34 to 42; in all the correct shades.

5 f 5 .0 0 'and $16.50 Over- coats To Be Sold for $9.45

A splendid lot of colts; all pure wool; cut on the season’s best models; neat colorings; sizes 34 to 40, A great bargain at the price.

Men*8 $20 and $22.50 Overcoats at $12.50Just like "finding money’’—this lot. Here are overcoats for young

men and old, who wear sizes 34 to 40, with shawl and convertible collars—and who want coats of chinchilla, fine cassimeres and tweeds. This year’s models, every one—and intended by the maker to be retailed at $20 and $22.50. A real snap!

Suits, Too!“"$20 to $25 Suits at $12.50Just 200 of them, made of fine wearing cassimeres, strictly b « ^ '

tailored, and in the newest winter models. Stout and slim sizes, with plenty of in-betweens for the medium sized man. Some Norfolks in the collection—not many, though.

Boys Clothing at Rare Low PricesBoys’ $7 and $7.50 Overcoats—All-wool coats, newest models,

sires 3 to 18 years, f o r ......................................................................Boys’ $10 and $12 Overcoats-W orsteds, cassimeres and tweeds,

snappy models for boys of 3 to 18 years, a t ..................... ..........$7.45Boys’ Suits—Norfolk and double-breasted effects, sizes 3

years, at ............................................................................................to 17 $2.98


ures; 30 inches wide. ’Figured C rep« at 18c Y ard-Suitable for

women's and children’s dresses, kimonos, etc., in white and tinted grounds with colored fig­ures.

— ISc—Suitable for wom­en’s waists and dresses, per yard................. 18c

19c White Dotted Swiss at 15o—Assorted size dots, desirable for women’s and children swear, the y a r d . . . . .................... .....................15®

39c White Flake Ratine a t 25c—Fine sheer quality; makes beautiful summer dresses, 36inches wide; the yard.................................... 25c

25c White Batiste at 19c—Highly mercer­ized, 40 inches wide; the yard .......... ....... 19c

White Voiles at 19c Yard—Fine sheer qual­ity, extra wide width—44 inches wide.

White Madras a t 25c—Desirable for wom­en's and children’s dresses and men’s shirts, may be had in stripes and checks; 32 inches wide.(

— F L O O R . .I II ■

A special lot of women's wool Gauntlets, Kayser make, with plaid tops, in all sizes and all colors. Regularly sold by us at 75c. Friday morning special a t ............................50c


i Women*s $1 to $1.50 Union Suits 59cSimples and discontinued lines of women’s white ribbed .. -„L^t suits, in all of the popular styles, medium and

.winter weight. Some are slightly imperfect. Friday morn­ing only at .......................................................................... . .59c


lOc Bleached Muslin a t 6cFull 36 inches wide; this soft finish, bleached muslin.

Entirely free from dressing and fine for genera! use. Regu­larly sold by us at lOc. a yard. Friday morning only at the very low price of ......................................................................Ac


Daily This January Furniture Sale Grows

Grows in importance—winning new friends—especially those who want high quality furniture and appreciate rare value.

As a sort o f extra for tomorrow—a $33 Mission Suite—settee, arm chair and rocker, covered in brown Spanish leather,for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25

Don’t Forget the Club Plan!. T H IR D FL O O R I

’-'25c Embroidered Pillow Cases 15c^A special lot of embroidered pillow cases, size 45x36

inches; made of full bleached muslin. A heavy quality and free from dressing. Regularly sold at 25c. Friday morning, extra at .................................................................................... 15c

MAIN FLOUR .......... ..................................... '

------- 65c to 85c Allovers a t 28c-------One of the best lots of 18 and 22 inch Embroidery All­

overs we’ve ever had, and certainly one of the rarest values. Bought on exceptional terms, of course. These white M - broidery allovers, for waists and yokes, Friday morning at .............................................................................................. 28c


$3.98 Chocolate Sets at $3«25Hand-painted sets, in gold and white pat­

terns, consisting of 6 cups and saucers, a choco­late pot and cover. An unusual bargain.49c, Decorated Salad Bowls .........................25c$2,49 Hand-painted Berry Seta, a t ........... $2.19

im ig.M F.HIT

— Women*s $ l Voile Waists, 55c~^Smartly made waists, yoke front and back, others with

cluster tuck, set-in sleeves, drop shoulder effect, round or sailor collars; trimmed with Val. or lace inserts. Waists made to sell for $1.00, Friday morning a t ..........................56c

MAIN -----—


Curtain & Upholstery Remnants atlf^A special lot of upholstery and curtain materials in rem­

nant lengths at one-half usual prices and even less, to clear away quickly before stock-taking.

Values 35c. to $8.50, for 15c. to $4.00MAIN FLOOR ---------------

Friday Item s From the

Great January Linen Sale32c Turkish Towels, 25c

Turkish Toweli of extra large size and heavy quality Terry Cloth; plain white and colored borders; regular value 32c.; sale price.....................25e

32c to 75c Huckaback Towels at 25c to 59c

Huckaback Towels—all pure linen; hemmed and hemstitched; plain and damask borders; regular values 32c., 39c., 49c., 75c.; sale prices,

' 2#c.25c.. 39c. and 69c.

$1.75 to $2,25 Table Cloths at $1.19 to $1.49

Irlih All-Lin^ Damask Table Cloths, our own direct Importation from Belfast, Irelsnd; msy be had in a choice selection of new designs; not sold in any store In Newark.

66x06 Inch Table Cloths, usually $1.75, now .....................................fl.19

66x84 Inch Table Cloths; usually $2.25, now ................................ $1-49

The M usical H its from

I Say rThose pieces everybody is humming—

"Alone at Last" and "Katy Did"—at 25c. each. Also other numbers from the same show at ...................................................... 25c

----- M tlN f l o o r — H EA R ........................

— $5 White Wool Blankets $3,19—With pink and blue borders, extra wide silk binding to

match the border; size 60x80; splendid blankets at $5. A decided bargain a t ................................................................ $3.19

.M AIN f l o u r ,

$3.50 Satin Damask Napkins at $2.75

Salln Damask Napkins—all pure linen; our own Importation; new pat­terns, not to be had elsewhere in New­ark; size 23x23 inches; regular value $3.50; sale price, the dozen........$2.75 j

$2.50 Damask Table Napkins at $1.98

Damask Table Napkins—all pure linen; size 22x22 inches; five new de­signs to select from; regular value S .50 the dozen; sale price — ..11.98

Table Cloths at $1.69 to $2.19Odd Dsmask Table Cloths, of all

pure Irish linen; part of a recent Im­portation of the newest patterns.

70x70 loch Table Cloths, sale price,each ..............................................$1.69

70x88 Inch Table Cloths, sale price, each ................. ! ..........................$2.19


Housefumishing Needs Join the

January Clearance Sales Low Prices

$14.98 American Poredaih Dinner Sets, $SJSDinner Seta of American Porcelain; 100 pleeee to the set: pretty

dicotatUms in pl«k, Woe, leveflder, while end teld; ^ e include tugar and Seiun; all pieces have gold edgea; regular price $14.98; *P«®**1. morrow ............ ........................................................................$•-*»

98c WUlotr Clothes Baskets at 69c

Whho Willow aotbw Baskets; ovol, ^dpo; strong bottom dnd hiui^eo; regdlsr value 9 ^ ; apecial. tomorrow, at....... ...........................

$lii9 Adi Cans, $1.10■ Coverad.Ath Cane, t ' * "

vanized iroiT; honeehr*-* regu- larly $1.29: apecial at.............. $1.10

J .

$14.68 Parlor Stoves, $12.98Square Parlor Hoatere—"The Clip­

per/ amoofll, iMBVv caafinga; large iron Irtpotf alx mica doors: nicely ntdccl trimmed; aide toot ratie; reg- 'iamrly $14.98; tomorrow a t. . . .$12.98'

$1.25 Cuttinf Tdiles, 98cHardwood Chtttaig Tables, with

^ jneaattrew >u«u«nfV i'fnlih S n f i t iT n « U ‘ larly $1.29; tomorrow a t . . . . ....... 98e

Decorated American Porcelain Dinner Ware, 10cCupe an^Stneere \ Your choice J fS^natOe ***

J at lOe ' t BdteroM eetlSeM ^t

Dinner Plates Nappico

BisenH Holders, 25cImttatlon Cut Glaai Uneedo Bit;

cult Htldere-^nidffiiOi’fiew; pn^ftV e * » ole e • • ---------

39c^^ow Shoveb, 33clAuqi ecoop enow


The Hahne Victor RecordsEver heard two Victrola

owners talking? First sub­ject to their minds is "Rec­ords.” Natural, too, when you stop to think of it. Especially the Hahne facilities for hear­ing the new pieces. There are cozy, sound-proof rooms in the

Victor Section especially for scientific record selection. Intelligent salespeople, too. Start your record library here this week. Whether you buy one record at 60 cents or fifty at $3.00 each, our service will be equally efficient and agreeable—the usual service.

The Newest Records Always to Be Found at Hahne's

■ ........... I BECOIED FL O O R

Seldom May You B uyj5 Mission Eectric .Lamps $2.75

These lamps stand 24 inches high, and have 14-inch Art Glass shades; 6 feet of silk cord, plug and socket in­cluded with each shade; bar­gains like this are possible only in January clearances; regularly $5.00, now ...$2.76

$12.98 Art Glass Domes at $8.98.

Beautlfut large bent glass panel Domes, with metal trimmings over lower part of pdnel and trimmed with fanoy"]t!i' ported fringe; deveril color* to choosq from ; regularly $12.98; apecial for Friday and Satur­day ........................... .$8i >8

Two-Day Sale of Lights and ManUez ^ ri.00 Junior Upright Lights—Complete with 5-inch shades in ainieral colors, with beadfringe to matoh, a t . ......... 4SSc

84c. Inverted '’LigMa—Several stylaa ofglassware, complete ............. 39c

7 ^ Surety Inyinfed UijUa—Praotkat light*'that are kure to give satisfaction, at. .4Sc

85c. to $1-1!5 X nY «M U gbts—With fancy shades, Iti several styjps and colors; bead frliiM to match, at ^ . 59c

i ,ji -ii -,; , . >, .nAaMii^ j ii ^ j i ,

4 Wash Goods Extras!-19c White Batiste—Splendid quality, in stripes,'!

checks and figures; regularly sold at 19c. the yard.^ (jC

12'/zc Printed Crepes—White grounds witlv col- > ^ iored figures; Friday morning only.............................. J

10c Dress Ginghams..........................................f Choice atApron Ginghams ..........................................I 5c. a Yd.8c


— 50c All-wool Albatross a t 39c-Fine all-wool Albatross, 36 inches wide, in a full line of I

street and evening shades; a soft and dingy texture. Regu­lar ,50c. quality. Friday, 9 A. M. to I P. M, only, a t ......... 39c |


Women*s $1 Dressing Sacquesy 59cOf novelty crepe, or fleeced striped sacques, plaited

fronts, shirred back with belts, in sailor or V neck models. A splendid assortment of patterns in pretty colorings, and all sizes in the lot. Dressing sacques made to sell for $ 1, Fri­day morning at 59c



-Silk Remnants % Price-Several thousand yards of the prettiest Spring silks in

short, but useful, lengths. Included in this disposal arc charmeuse, crepe meteor, crepe de chine, tub s i l ^ Bulgarian effects, pW n and fancy taffeta*, messalines, satins, foulards, pongees, plaids, plain and fancy blacks.

No credit or exchanges allowed. On sale on BargainT .b l.J « .. 1«. -----------------------------------------

-25c GinghamAbout 400 dozen kitchen aprons, made of good quality,

standard g in^am , in blue and white checks. Made princess style and bound with white braid and finished with a pocket. Regularly sold for 25c. Friday morning extra a t ..............11c


^i5i^ Gowns. 39c—- About 300 ffight Gowns; good quality flannclettf. 'in

pink and blue stripes, yoke back and front, trimmed with plain cloth. An extrabrdinary bargain for Friday morning only.. .HAIM FLOOR ,


-50c ‘ Bradley** Mufflers a t 17Gr*Made of fine irtercerized cotton; in white, gray,.6ky bine;

black and taupe. Perfect' mufflers in every priced o n ly because of a special purchase. ■Wi..

iT J

aqi flwU IM awIJlVMPtftfmm(n

i s ^ L , F m m i r , on the < m i ^ » ,

M '


f t


U i '




T o ' M o P R O W ) » ( ^

M f t N u Q b c Ip b s

• Utar* wliil b* U auti tomorrow tb* (trit kujnbor of » monthly m aculiw i>ubllih*d by tho toonl Tounc Womon'* Chrlitton Amoctottoo. Tb* <Uto of thi* toltl*l l«u ( It JuuAry. It l i « m««ulB«, lactuilv* of tb* eoT*n; of tbtrty-two lh«typ* DU *«ob p*c* t*k*t up tp*co nln* *Bd * qunrtor by Mvon Inch**. Thero m* tUuMntlon* and attractlvo dccura- tty* fMtiir**.

Tb* nuttaalse, It 1* *lat*d, I* puUlilird *'la tb* lnt*r«*t of women'* orpanli** HDD*." A brief Introductory article 1* ftinlihed by MIm Cara May Adanu, Mfdntary of tlie aMoclatlon, In which tim e I* happy r*f*r*nc« to th* epirit that •tiiniated the work carried on In the old l^ ld ln i. Th* epIrIt of tbl* work. Ml*> Adam* polnbi out, I* a immary and a promi**. Th* **erct«ry speak* of the toyaity and tm e-hvarlednen of thoau wBo hay* broosht thia aplrlt Into the ««w bnlldlnc.

Tb* article I* a gradou* farawett to tb* old bulldlnv and a watcome to th* ■PW, appr«ctatlon b«lnc nanlfaitad of tb* latf*r dpportUDlUe* now opan to the ■Moolatlon.

Variou* d^iartnmit* of th* work of th* •ppogtatlon iwcalv* mention. Thli work 1* wall 4>r**ent*d, not only In formal Mattment, bnt il*o in brltf not** (ivlnc a|i eacallant idea of many actlvltlea. At- toatlen will b* aipadatly attracted to the *Mrk of tb* ralixlou*, aduoatlonal and *xtaoaloB d*partm*nta. An account I* tivaa o f th* dadloatlon of th* tt*w bulldini. Tb*r* I* an artlel* by U altn A. Ballard, m national ■anretary, on "Aaioclatlon w b rk ftom th* Olvlc and B uaineu Vlew- M ta t" M u Paula Ladday, probation of- Soar of Kaarark, writaa on "Llcanalnc Pabite Dane* Hall*," and that* *r* con- tflbiitlDn*, "N tw ark Deaconeet's Home," by Jbula H. Nawland; “A State Collef* (*r New J«ra*y Woman." by Matnl Smith Dwuflau: "Th* Needlework Oulld ofd 'H r in " and "W hy W* Do Not Build

“ " irT,a'-Baardlag-Hom*.'’ Tb* adltorlal dapar BUBt l i to th* point

I t If alatod th a t (h« macakln* plan* •aoh month to d o t . aalde a isctlon for n*w* of w*olal In to r^ t W 'Z r „ l ' ortaalsatlbn* of Newark and adjolnlnctOWAi.

'Th* fdllor of th* m ata iln e la Mildred L. Uapd and th* .hublnea* m anacar 1* F. C. L atopa A eknpw ledptnent la. (pad* of th* ■aTvlcei of Mlaa May I*.- tam p * In 'p n p arln g decorative feature* for tb* f i n t lani* of tho magaaln*.

EVENTS SOCIAL AND PERSONAL'Inyltatlona hava b**p l**u*d by Mr.

and H ra O uataf Btrom borg of New Ih tn d w lo lt to r th * m arriag* of Uto t a t t l e daugfator, M lat Dorothy N*ll- io n Park*r, an d Oaorg* W illiam Child* IbiC arU r of thla city. Tbureday aftar- ■OOB, F ab n ia ry I . The e*r«mony w illba B ^ o rm o d a t 4 o'clock In the Church d t Bibb and . A Tim othy, Now Tork,■hd arm b* follow ed by a recaption a t tb * H otel B t R e g ia

la a lta t to iu hav* b**n In iu td by Hr*. F m tM t P . Dryd*n and H r* F rank lin Conklin to * larg * num bor of women to th* city to m«*t M ra W llltem J. ■ •U tfta lln . M r* F in lay 3, 8h«p*rd tfarm arly Mlaa H*l*n Could), H l*i m a a lto th W . Dodgo and M lu Reba H. Forba* a t a reception , to be h*)d blOBday aftom oon a t t.'to o'clock In th* parlor* of th* T oung W om ta'a Chrla- Uan A itoototlon, I I W adhlngton * tr**t

I o ^ r t n n l t y w ill b* g tran to Inapaot th * b idldlng and I t la h*p*d to In-ardaa* local Inoroa** m th* work of th*

.aiwodaUen. H ra Martin D*nnl* and l i r a ' Waltao* U. Boudder win pour at tb* t*a tabla and tho** who will aa- ■iit ar* Mta* Prudenc* Durand, Mlaa Uarr Plum, HIm Comalla Boggi, Ml** Oartnid* Rlkar, Mli* Mary Baicbor, Mlu raoni* Gordon Dodd, Mlu BTancaa 'WIU- tomaon and H iu Margareth* Rlkar,

> Btfaal V, L ang ttro tb of El Hadden torrac* wag h o i to u y u te rd a y aftam oon of th* member* of tho Upellon D*lta Bor- orlty,i During th* aftom oon a collation wfai o*rr*d. P ink eam atlon* prevallad in t b l doeori^opi. Among th o u p r* u n t eler* M lu inh o l Matthew* of New Tork, who w u the g u e it o f honor; M lu Jeatle Huehanen, M lu Mabel N. Denlelf, M lu w ady* McCellum, U n . R uau ll Orover S r6 ^^ , l i f t . C* Afchttr PAtttnoHi Mri. Frtddrtck (Matle J r ., Mr*. Jo u p h Kbert ^ U ri. w illiam U . W hltoull. M ra Brown will en tortta ln tho (ororlty a t her home, t* l High etreet, Wedneaday after- Boon, January 2S.

Charle* A. Fl*ch*f of IflT M Utb mv^ntfa lii.vib'<dmouiictd th#gggagamant of tholr daughter, HIM U ly H a y FUcher, to John D. Becker, alao of tb l l city.

^ I t e , and Mr*. M on* Elaner of » l Clin- ten avenue celebrated the tento annlver- m r of tbair m arriage l u t night, by giv­ing a.dance In D m ii'* parlora. Beventy- « v e gueete attended. The rsoroa wore decorated with red roaee. ^ m * and f« n * . Supper waa served during the ev«- Blng. Mr. and Mre. Elener's three chil­dren, twin boye. Jack end (leorge Eliner, Atnl llttl# Dorl# £!)tn#r, fver# wnonif th# p ieata. The bride and bridegroom of ton yw r* were m arried In this city by fc b b l Solomon Foetor. Mrs. Eisner was

S#Ht# Slu^lotoi# of Novr T^sypt. T h#r nc«1ved & number of glfia of Uti And •#T#iAl article# of illverw&re.

Four UbI## of w hlit -were In play at t t # c«rd party given last night by MIsi l|A n# Pula a t her home, S7 Baldwin n lm t . Thoa# who played were Mr. end alta. Elvln Holmea, Mr. and Mrs, Her- w t Denning, Mta# s ic a Huabner, Mlts Blaa Kaatner, Miss Velma Strelt. Miss n a n Rimimelr Mlaa Rose Barrett, Vernon Bennett, WlUUm Steiner, Julius Stone-

Robert Morrison, Alfred Krels and Wilbur Wsldon. A fter the games, a buffet iupper waa served.


Jam .

BltEAKFAbT.Prunes. Fried Mush.

H erring,Tt'iiat.


Hr'ulto]ied |'•ltHtoea.Cocoa.

f>alc Tapioca. HINNElt.

.‘'plli l-'ea Soup S-neltfl.

Htufr*>l I'uUtoOb Com. • 'rena.

Kp:n« il k I'uddlng.

Hy BELHM AnUBTHUNG HAnilOK.Mrs. Joseph W. Folk, whose husband

formerly waa Governor of Mlisourl and Is now solicitor of the national D epartm ent of S tate , Is one of the In ­te re s tin g w om en of the adm inistration circle. As wtf# of Missouri's Gov­ernor, Mrs. F o lk gained an enviable repu ta tio n fo r g rac lousnsss of m anner and for th e w ay th a t she Identified herself w ith m any a movement, social or hav ing a n avow edly eerioua objeot.

One of Mrs. F o lk 's speclaUles Is music. B efore Mr. Folk was elected Governor of Mlseourl, and while he and h is w ife w ere liv ing in 6 t Louts, theli home w as a m usical centre. Mrs. Folk w as p rea lden t of the Morning Chora] of th a t city , a chorus o f 13C women'i voices. A fte r M r Folk became Gov­ernor, and th ey w ent to Jefferson City,

M issouri's capital, to live, she o rg an ­ised a choral society there along the lines of those of tbs 8t. l*ouls organization. Mrs. P o lk plays the p iano w ith much ability , Chopin Is a favo rite w ith her She fin d s a fasc inating field of study In th e w orks of modsrna. Of these oom- poasra she consider Debussy the most w orth while.

Mrs. F o lk confesses th a t she likes the Intim ate, Informal life of a small tow n b e tte r than city Itfe. B u t she en­joys W ashington, and has en tered w ith sp ir it Into the social ac tiv ities of the cap ital.

B oth Mr. and Mrs, Folk a re n atives of th e li t t le Tannessse tow n of Browns-^ vllle. U w as a f te r Mr. Folk had g ra d ­uated. from college th a t th e ir rom ance began.

ABOUT WOMEN’S ORGANIZATIONSThe annual b reaklaat committee repre- league on current Jawiah topic*. H* gpok*

**ntlng th* local women'* dube wlU meet of th e change for th* bettor In Jewieh Im- In tho T. W . C. A. building next Tueiday m igration during tho paat ilx month* aftom oon a t S:I0 o'clock. Th* meeting and of the dealrabl* Polish element th a t will b« fo r th e purpoie of arranging to r 1* now coming Into tht* country. He aleo the annual breakfael to bo held In the told of the vlolt of three Im portant Jew - •prtng and to elect a chairman. R ep re-, lah scholar* to America recently, and >*ntatlvea from all the local club, will , said th a t ihowed the high rank whichb* In attendance.

The W oman'* Forelgti M iuionary So­ciety, Newark dletrlct of the Methodlit E p luopal 'C hurch , has arranged Ita achedul* of p rayer u rv lce meeting! to be held bi-m onthly until April 1. The flr»t will be held tomorrow aflernoon In the lecture-room of the Belleville Metho­dist Bplaoopel Church. Mre. William Eakin* of N ew ark will be the leader. Th* meeting* ere arranged a i follow*: Do Qroot M ethodist Episcopal Church, February 4; F ranklin Street Church, February 10; Madlaon Church. March »; Orange F irs t Church, March 17; Mont­clair Church, April !. Mendbam Church, April IT. The churches Included In this group are:. Arlington, Belleville, Cente­nary. Newark; Davla Memorial, Orace, Kearny; Nutley, Bummerfleld and Eighth Avenue. Newark.

American Jewieh InetUutlona of learning have attained.

Member* of the auxiliary to the Home for Incurable* »nd Hoapttal m et yester­day afternoon a t the home of Mr*. Chrl*- topher C. Bellng of 109 Clinton avenue, a t a IhImbI* p*rtj'. Announeament was mad* th a t the regular monthly aupper* and entertainm ents, which are special feature* for tho Inmate* of th* home, were proving very euceeiaful. Th* auxil­iary will hold It! next buelneaa meeting a t lha home of Mra. Henry A, Hauoellng of Sd High atreet, Wednesday morning, February 4.

Th* Council of Jewieh Women will hold It* m onthly meeting Wedneeday, January I I , a t 2:10 o'clock in the Jewieh Bliterhood building, IJvlng«ton etreet and Seventeenth avenue. Mlaa Ix>ul*e Con­nolly will m ake an addree* on "Cltlxen- ■hlp and the School" and Mra, William Hauser, a member of the society, will read a paper on "The Life of Moeee Men- deluBohn." Huelcal numbers will com­plete th* program being arranged by th* educational committee.

Th* Jewlah Bleterhood will hold lie a n ­nual meeting In the Blaterhood building January I I a t 8 o’clock. Th* report* of the work of the year. It I* said, will he of Interest to the men as well as th* women of th* community. The annual election of officer* and directors will be held *nd a social hour has been arranged to follow.

D r. Maud Thompson of E ast Orang* gave th e f lre t of a course of ten lec­ture* la s t n igh t on "Th* H isto ry of the W om an Movement." under th* auBploe* of th* W omen’* P o litical Union, In the headquarter*, 79 H alsey s tre e t . H er subject we* "Women of A ssyria." Dr. 'Thompson traced th* public and political poaltlon of th* w om en of Aaayria, and said th is record w as m ade posslbls by the H am m aniba, a node of law s dating hack to IS B. C. She also gave an outline of the geograp h y of Assyria and Bebylon and a sk e tch of Semlramls, Aaayrian queen and Nltocrla, B abylonian queen. The aeoond leotur* will he given next W ednesday n igh t and the sub ject a n ­nounced w ill be "Women of Egypt."

A number of gueets from thie city and the Orange* were entertained last night hy Miss Norma M artin, a t her home, 27 South Grove street. E ast Orange, Whisi waa played, followed by,dancing. At midnight supper w as served. The table decor.ntlons and supper favors were red TOsea Among the guests were Miss Marie Johnson, Miss Minna tobstls and Joseph Buttell of Newark, Dr. and Mra William P. Martin and Mr. and Mrs Charlf* Halloi:k of E ast Orange and Charles I’easenden of Orange.

Twelve members of the Betty Porter Memorial Society m et yesterday afte r­noon at the nurses' home of the German Hospital when a spsclal tewing meeting wae held. Bed linen and night robes for use in th* hospital were made from m a­terial recently purrhaeed by the society. Th* regular meeting will be held th* first Monday afternoon In February a t 2:30 o'clock.

Mr*. Em m a Botlrne, form er S tate p rse ld en t of the 'Woman’s C hristian T em perance Union, addressed the m em bers of th* W oman's Home M is­sio n a ry Boolety a t th* m eeting held y es te rd ay afternoon In the parish house of the Roseville M ethodist Epla- oopal Church. Mr*. Bourne told of the various phases of tem perance w ork In th is Btate. The m eeting waa p re ­ceded by business seselons o f the W om an’s Parsonage Association and F ore ign M issionary Society.



l xA featur# of th# High AIp> today la

wi# numbar of wortklea who earn th#lr bread h> means of the camera, eaye The w ide World Magastne, There ii an old gentleman a t Grlndelwald, for tnatance* who make! quite a cotnfortable com­petency by atandlng In front of ht« chalet when visitora laden with camerae ar# coming up the side of the mountata and blowing upon a tremendoui horn.

How very Q uaintr' exclaimi the un- •Ufpeeling tourlet. "The dear old eh#p* A M Ifl calling hon» the cowi,” The dear Old ebepberd. however, i t a man of eound bwilnew prlndplea. H e doeen't drag hie nntiQuatad Inatruinent about hie h o u n fP r th e fun of the thing; neither does he p m o rm upon It for the benefit of his Qocki and herdiy for h# owns none. Bui b# will tall you frankly, when you aek lUm to itand "quite itUI/* th a t he will

a W y wtlllngly po#e in whatever manner " Fou Ilk*, but you mttet flret pay him' a

4#upl# of franca for hla trcmljle. That #M gm tlem aa U probably the bezMshown cnarpctqr la th e Grlaonag and th# hero AT flamy local ta lea

Miss May II oil man was appointed chairman of th© committee to make a r ­rangements for the suffrage dance to h# given in April, by the Junior Newark Equal Suffrage League, a t a meeting held last night in the headquarters. 38 Hatsey etreet. It wae thought beat to postpone the dance from February, the time a t firut decided on, until a fter Ijeut. The other members of the committee of arrangem enta are Mlaa Carolyn Foehl, Miss liHlaabeth Coningiby and Mtae Maude Culver. The members decided to change the ir mebtlng night to Tuesday. ' The next meeting will be held January 27 from € to 8 o'clock. Supper will b# served to tb# members so tha t they may | com# to th# headquarters direct from builaeas. Mlaa May CuUen will serve aa hostess a t next Sunday’s tea, when Misa AhJtl# Peake will speak on the "Situa* tloa la Mexico."

WflERE THE SUGAR SOUREDla te a n n s r e l tOerchanBli* store la

I CarOTtiMerth Carcntiui w ent a mountolneer with Itt* little soa, who bad zMver been In a t^sni before. H e a r wondrous things that tgir iMkad upon, and when the proprietor ahw jM eye* ipark le a t aigbt of th* open

p t b row n ' augar he plaoed a Mgh Miatr. h*Md* Uie hogshead and told him to hilB 'htoiaelf, to sa t all he wanted, n l s t u 'M '.ilMbange.

The hof entered uneti thla exqulslto de- ' light vltli todegerlhaJM* a'VUlty. He eto -mgl ato. rested again, tad ate agmlB. R to to tir tb* ■aw his fueettukd stopped eatiag. jrtiil* ha leeksd to- BtotfeUg late the great depth of awett- MW.'

"What’a tha aeatter, aoaar—hasa rea get. anoaghT"

"Mo, etr," w ith a dew a « h ." t ain’t got enotith, h u t T t o go t 4pw a t o «k«r* It a in ’t iiood no m m i " . , ,

Our horn# mission needs, under the hetd , "O ur Country," were considered by Mrs. Bmlth Ordwxy a t the meeting of the W oman'* Home and Foreign Missionary Bocletle* c f the P ark Presbyterian Church held yw terday afternoon a t the hom# uf Mrs. J..fim lley Coey of 1B3 Broad street. Mr*. Ordway outUngd briefly the needs of the "M ountain W hite," the Indlane, the Negro#*, tb# ' Alaskans and the fo r­eign e)em#nt In our large cities, ah#,t^id on* of th e ir g rea test n * « W * tto g t^ t of th* tn tereat and support of tht.DliHdtIgti peoplsa o f th* Christian church. Miss Ruth HobiOii sang several vocal solo* followed by chorus singing of America. Devotional services wet* led by Mb*. P . L. Brown, followed by a soda l hour. Those who served on the loctal commit­tee were Mto. Horace Baldwin, Mra. Alexander Beach. Mra. Willis -ffilman and Mrs. J . D. Hlghle,

L ittle sister was not very well, and ail day long she had been fractious and dom­ineering, relates the New York Evening Poet. At last dlx-year-nld Jam es's p a ­tience came to an end.

"M other." he demanded, "don't you w ant Katherine tu be a good wife like you when she's big!"

"Of course," answered ths surprised mother.

"Well, then, why don't you sta rt her righ t? You Insist on my giving her ev­ery th ing she wants Just because she is a girl U ttler tban me; but you're a g rea t deal U ttler tban daddy, and yet every n ight when he comes home you jump out of th e chair and eay: 'H ere’s your chair, John, dear, here's the new magazine; let me g e t your slippers."

Before bis mother could fram e a reply Jam ea swooped down and tore his beloved railw ay tra in from the hands of th* scrsam tng baby.

"She'll be a terrible wife If we don 't begin to train her," he rsmarhed, as ha rushed from the room, h it treasure under his arm .

a R E OF THE COMBJ t ahould be a ru le In every home to

clean the comb* once a week. Dp not soak them (d w a te r ,, b u t clean them w ith a a tm hruah—one of the email veg e tab le bruahea w hich may be bought fo r a t i p c m t i will *»**.».

',*4iptltofrlJ^ .T ^ 'i ^ t t ei6tK '’’l i abide 4 r th e tee th oan- not be cleaned In th la way, try driiw- Ing a place o f a tring back and fo rth betw een them.

NewarkMiee Ruth Doctor was elected presi­

dent of U>* Helpers' League, or Agudaa Axar, a t the m eeting of th* leagiM bald yesterday afternoon In th* Jewish Stator- hoed building, Seventaenth avanu* and U vtogfton atreet. Tb* other of Goars dtosaa wera: VIee-prasddent. HIM Do­rothy F ura t; aeeretorr, His* Ida Btabl, and traasorar, Hla* Rot* Vam. Th* eon- atltutlon a t tb* orgaaleatlon waa adapt­ed. and regu lar meeUnga of th# aodaty, which laaem poaed o t glrta of th e normal echooL will be bMd toil aeoond Wednaa- dgy aftom oon od *ach 'motith,

llghbl Boloiaon V totar aMMatad Mto


A M i^ a zin e published moDthljr in the interest of women’s ofguizations will make its

A rnnce ror sate on news-

Broad andtomorrow. For si^’m stands at corner Market Sts.—10c copy.

TeB yov fidter, hiBbaod, btodwr or ton to procure a cop* wiira cominf from boiM itjM kli

Ihp mufih in convenient forfrying arid took dt-fp f a t ft Is well lu (JrnlKf tho (if mush well withriour. with Aymp or su^ar andbuUt-r. ur nuino frull ayrup, as pre- ferreil

h'rujfiuM) the h rrr lii; a little, remove tho liea<l and iionoii uiid thru flak# In small pleccfi Make a kTcam Nauve, add half a I'liijfid uf ihb horrliia, and a diced liard boikd tServN on

If a sweet omelet lu preferred for t\.iii'licon, JuHl before foldltiq it over, i4fiT'«'ad \slth J»m,

tinduubtedlVr there Is aufflclent date iAt>iooa left from ihe da^ before for the lum’Iiuoii deasuiL.

Pcit the peas on to cook early in the mornliif, adding a quart of w ater to th a t In which they were eoaked. Add a alkca of onion If one Ukea th# flavor. Cook unt^i the peas are lender; then pres* through a put## sieve and reheat, thlckenlDf with a ruux of butter and floor, so the soup will be smooth. Sea­son with pepper and salt and serve with croutons. If the soup Is too thick, thin wltli tolling milk.

E>el©ct lur^o smeiU and clean them. Koil In aeaaoned corn meal and fry In deep fat. Serve on h napkin, so th a t the Mali will be kept hot and any supernuous rut may be absorbed. Gartilali with green und lemon.

Bake good' alsed putatoes until done; t f j j i j - jA hjiK «itd the sec-

Wjth■pbw-fc-J oii-yier, tiot pep^^r andHalt: re tu rn the m ixture to the sbel|s; brush the top with egg or butter and brown In the oven.

Set ve the cresa with a French dress-Inf.

To make the pudding, diasolve three- quarters of a cupful of sugar In a cup- ful of boiling water and agaiei bring to the boiling point in a double boiler, Beikt up the yolks of three eggs, add quarter of a cupful of sugar and a pinch of salt. Add gradually to th e boiling syrup and cook until the mixture Uilckens, stirring constantly. Then add one and a quarter Ubl«spoonfuls of granulated gelatin, soaked in quarter of a cupful of cold w ater and quarter of a cupful of lemon Juice. Strain, set in lo# w aU r and sUr until the m ixture beglui to thicken Turn Into a mold, first dlp^ p«d In cold water. W hen flnUr unniold. garnish with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with vanilla,

Bgve the whiles of the eggs for dessert the next day.



In H I4. write* a cootrlbutor to The Companion, my fa ther moved from New Hempsblr* to a little Canadian settle­m ent on the stag* road halfw ay between W atertoe and Montreal. There he set up an Inn for the convenience of th* trav- etlDf public, who wished to breek to* tiresome journey by etage- Thera had been a dtatlUery on toe place, but, ti^e to hla principlea. fa ther promptly de­stroyed It, end bad hla sign painted "The Temperance Inn," so th a t no on* might m istake th* character of the place.

Our nearest neighbor* were French people, who had no children; but there were e li of u*. so we did not get lone­some. Th* dally arrival of the stag* never ceaaed to be exciting. Then there were other travslsre In cbsla* end on horseback, and once e year a caravan of anim als passed through, Think of six children having a whole menagerie to themeelves! We enjoyed the elephant* especially. There waa a lake a little way from our bouse where th* men took them to bath*. I t waa great sport to watch to* big animal* squirt w ater over on* another with their trunks.

Our house would look very bar* In thee* days of palatial hotel*. There were no carpels on the floors, bu t Irlah Norah. to* maid, kept them Immaculately clean by dally scrubbing*. On ex tra occaelona our mother would sand over th* floor of the public reception-room to Intricate patterns, and then woe betid* th* young­ster who ventured In to disturb th* work of a rt; , ,

One day there waa to* a tlr of pre­paration evidently for a special gueat. We asked no questions, fo r In those days children did not Inquire Into th e doing* of tholr elders, but w* stationed oursalvss where w* could cororoand a good view of the paeaengere aa they left th e stege. Imagine our disappointment when only two or three men and a very plainly dressed woman got out of the atoge. The woman wore a veil, so wa could not see her face; bu t her clothing looked rether shabby, ao wp ran Into the kitchen to tell Norah th a t no on* of any account had come. Nerah waa not In sight, but presently eh* bustled In, very much ex­cited.

"If you chllder w ent to see th* g rea t­est singer In the world," she said, "Just pap* In the dining room a t th* end of the table be your fayther."

W» "paped" and there sa t ouriplalnly dressed traveler, She had a aweet face, but w* could not understand why "th* greatest singer In the world" should wear an old black dress with patches a t the elbow (I eaw them myself). As we pushed and scuffled In our eagerness to sse her. the door awung wide open, to our great confusion. My fa ther shook hla head a t us. but the lady laughed. A* we beat a hasty retreat, 1 eaw th a t ehe waa speak­ing to him. ,

We felt th a t we were g rea t offenders, and when father came out Into the kitchen a few minutes later, we expected a reprimand. But he only said: "You children m ay go Into toe parlor for awhile. Miss Ltnd w ants to see you."

I t was a very bashful company th a t filed Into toe room, Th* g rea t singer sa t In a low rocking-chair by toa flra- plaoe. and as we entered, beckoned ua to come to her. 1 w as th* amalteat of toe group, so ehe lifted me up to her lap, and then ehe began to sing to ua. I wish th a t I could remamber w hat aba sang, taut we knew nothing about aongs or music, and could only feet th* beauty of the tender vole* and to e charm of th* woman herself. I am sura ^enny Lind never sang to a m ore appractatlva audl- ance. or left a sw eeter memory behind her.

Two men were having an Interesting conversation the other day on th# sub­ject of the girl of the preeent s* com- Pared to the on# of tw enty yesrs 1 hey expressed themselves very r In favor of the jlr l of the fisv , Their contention was tn a t iwtsbty yeais ego It wks the aJnt of every jflrl to b« ■■qu©#nly. to hold herself like an arrow to walk well, to wear tli# trltninesl of SOwns. And, a,4 she hor# iierself out­wardly, ©.1 hf-r mrnial aUilud# wsa. If a ti'lflo alouf. iiljfo dci'tdcdiy ''correct." Jn other words, siio wasn't afraid lo a^t sfaiidards, to lUft tfp to ihcirn and to sa# liJHt olliora did, loi#.

All fcdom was laNKird. and fromIhe crown of hd^liead to the »o1e« of her ^enalhl© hyoin nhe uuh undoubtedly adored l>y imr sJjiilrera.

ill cuniiJHrlrfon. the ^iirl of l«xlay sesm- »d l»f the bWii hicn Khnohi Klutteriily. ii • faish "iifl. leriiupHi. mi-c u, biaiiu., imt tU.* g“ti«-ral ffhppinci'fi of coiiUim«. in tlieii oiiluloii, pii{ lu a laxUy in iimnncra,

iju iniqjur lujda hereclf well, nor U it IJo.ftKMit f.,r her Just iiow Lj walk well

Her attitude her young JUfufriends IS one of mich rqiiullty thal ahe requires ies.H respuct front them

So the talk wi5ht, until the two spc-h’.- #rs were joined by a third man. who cu- ifired h!« pie& for iho girl of 1914 nod polnled oiit eome of iier nuod tjuaitticn

A few of his arguments were thal him di'>0)i not lace, nor wear light ahoes, tu-r tioea slic wear much. If any, false ‘liulr: th a t she cares more than her Bister of twenty years ago f«»r naturnl outdoor sports, mid bo tong as she never rcu ly"was a utq>erlor creature to inaji she id honest cikvoBh to Show il.

CLEANING LINOLEUMIf lliinUum Is WHslu'd with liui i r

ajid Boap and then wiped over widi ,i cloth dipped In milk. It ^vlll have a par H i'utarly pleasing 1inl#h.lYy tty' s.t*irv IlfiolA^ni' jrt jTtsni nin th is caB©. after \va»lilnp wMth Hunr flrul w ater, wipe dry and Ihvri rub i ,Vv'lth any preferred floor polish.

A e#Rslbl# dress for country wear is # refreshing sight In this day of extreme fashions, and In the accompanying d i- slgti beauty U combined with conserva­tive etyte. The material to begin with is light In weight and In this respect th# n«w weaves have the advantage over the heavy Iweeds and cheviots of past years.

Th# Short straight skirt la made with four gores and gives ample width for out­door sports of all kinds. The loose com- fortabl# coat fastena In a diagonal line acroM the bust. There ere aquar© patch pockets over th# hips and the upper por­tion of the Coat Is made In two sections.

A wide suede belt marks, ra th er than confinea. the walet.

Til© square-cut collar Is also of suede, and as tweeda osd m annish mixtures usually come In a#utral totiea th e 'su ed # Is chosen In a bright contrasting color, such as cei^ae or green.

The blouse worn w ith th# #uit Is of whit# china aJlk or cr#p# d# chine.

m a r t ia g l t n n .

[ w h a t THETYFEWR1TER~DIDW om an's entrance Into the Industrial

world really began when the first type­w riter was shown a t the Philadelphia Ex­position in 1878, Bays Dr. H arden In Th# Pictorial Review. Up to tha t time, outside the tnllla and factories, very few women had been employed, The type­w riter company advertised for girl op- ©ratora and th# advertisement stated preference would be given thoae who could play the piano, beeaus# It was considered so difficult for any on# else to operate th# keys!

The typew riter opened a new door for women, and doora hav# been opened to her BO rapidly ever since that there are v«T7 few posflions that ehe I# not found represented In today.

W herever woman has gone, in every walk of life, she has Improved the con­ditions, purified tfio atmosphere and elevated the moraJs. There la no occupa­tion she has not bettered. At th# same tim e there Is no etep forward th a t woman ha# ever taken which has not made her a better woman, a better companion, a b e tte r wife, a better mother.

Dr. Marden continues:There Is no other motive which brings

so tnuch out of a human being, which will unfold your resources so euperbly o r de­velop your highest powers so m arvel­ously as great rosponslbllltles. Tliese have ever been man's great educator. He owes a large part of his superior strength, his vigorous initiative, bis g reat accomplishment and achievement to the heavy m ponilb llltles th a t hgve been th ru s t upon him. The new type of girl Is acquiring much the sam e Ilf# motives a s her brothers and is developing equal stam ina and purpose. The very fact th a t she will have greater respbnri- blllties because of her wider actlvlClII, will very quickly develop and strehglbeti the qualities In her which have not been strongly developed In the past* such as

‘ AIm, tlM I ** tht hflgstwlfe siU,"Mycofie-pet'is^ilit,

BswfoleBut copper's such SB I .I csaDot keep U bright*'

S»id Shlslss Siatoy teBSlias.TheSuTt&rytlf.' If yoa wist It done rasi eerfeetly,

1 1 1 do the thing


makes dirt troubles fa'de away.

Cleans everything.y o u r dealer's.

Stunolioe CorpMationN ewark


Crispyemst Bread

Our latest triumph.Big fat lOc. loaves.A heavy crisp crust.A “home-made” flavor.

I _ 1SnowflakeBread

A favorite with tens of thousands everywhere. Un- surpsssed in quality.

5c. and lOc. loaves.


An old favorite still im­mensely popular. You can’t beat ours.

T IFruit

BreadJust out—and the best In

its claas.Better than Ralsfn Bread. 10c. a loaf.

W ILUAM SBaking G>.

Bakers of Snowflake, CrUpycrust, T e d d y B ear & Potato B read

initlatiVQ, eelf-reliance, financial acsimen Tn a m ultitude of ways evoIuU i|f has

been gradually preparing woman for her new duties. Little by fittle she has pushed against the door of opportunity until today It Is standing almost wide open. M any men are still pushing on the other side ot|, th is door, trying to prevent tb© threatenjld stampede of women; but mon have never yet been able to close any door th a t woman has opened. Every foothold th a t shn has ever gained ehe has held.


Lee becam e chairm an of th e Detn*- cra tlo S ta te C entral com m ittee la s t n ig h t w hen George T. B rsd ie r retlrifd to accept the position o t Btat* ra il­road commlaatonar.

Mrs. Lee, who has been vtoa-olialr- man, la th e flra t woman to hold th* poaltlon o t chairm an of a D am ooratis B tate centra] oom m ittea Bh* Waa. a- P resid en tia l eteotor a t tha la s t n a tio n a l election. , __. .

time Ins pmd Ae tnth ibtS it Fme bhi will Hi k wttia I

D U C H E S Sthe incomparable

Duchess CoffeeThe- coifee of Davor k

w f f M fl|f 3 t t : ® o ? t h ^ a n d 7 . -

When it comefl to TeaThere is nothing equal to.

Qnali'Ta, Via Dyk’s Best.

V A Ne ^ l miLBfiiERY gTRBBT f y t1 ^ 1 w ,.... kw .h-a.* M-ml

22N ear M arket Btr**L

CBNTiUB MABKKT 22 (X)In s td a

D Y K314 57S

P IiA B B S T R E E 'r * / y \One Door from M arket t A / .

O nuU lO B S T R E E T w , > a .Roaevnia , 0 7 ©

Stwva M afM With an (X) Da Net Sail Butter B ranch Bterfiaa g y ty to fa T a . L o o fc ie re iieN itie V A N DYK


Aimi Jennii# s ponca|:ea piping hot from the griddk, spread thick

w i^ iii& butter, and loti'of you think of

lOnythiag that ' tastci -better that? .

'€u«>wintii)i'i morning, there iin*t flny0iih£ hidf w good. Per Aunt

a . - - ’* A c f in O l t p B O t ^

g 3 ^ ,q ld 4 ^ kind--iid#Aijp, tender and R&fFy aiKiUml ao defidoorto #1 Jem tBM on. dw ulolica at Home tomorrow. You

'em up in .a nuBWe, and be aure of cakca every time.



NWWARK Conquer," a OUtST Gold, Annt* Rutsel Ids aa folio, flir Charles h Yount Mario H a rd c u l le . . H a a ttn a s .. . . Tony Lumpk D ltto ry , . , . .

D k \ ..........Thom as........S linco..........J e re m y ____S lan t ..........H u ttln a . . . .Twfiil............A m lnadah .. Mrs. lla rJca Conatance N

S a to iia rdcj The Intrin

price twmeiti it# Betting, enhanced, hi revcelPd by Betting. IHo and th© e r t to nmk© mu acting In th “The lAght of hla Arncrl ten years... o Johiistuu Fc Hamlot lo c groat ability many parts for# she vafli Taenguleh, L coetl©, but II leBted In thi In th# G©oi measure of WER concedr

It often h that given a Impersonal© and arlilev personal i ability. 8 1 Ij# Iru© qulslt# etnbr ago. There effect eUo "Mice and was felt in lUfflcltlR, 111 uctlng WU6 favor AB Hh<

Much mpi pnysloal lo rou tine of her tn thi <XMned1?s, ’ her reperti prehopdlttg In u sin g e forth the : the superf p lastic m acLresB lo i th a t of th tial to the ''igh teep th neVs a r t t while she spotilanelL>: loolt. thnt i ami hsppi comedy, to UV6 authry lion of tt work,

Kate EYei for a glfu Teazle, In preserit, enj lag Is mu( Buuii transi heroin© fsJ plexltles In conduct 1 stralgh tfo r A#a of SpOFi Its mirtlifi player's eh RusBell's q rusticity oI 'K ate 's chu qdest of. y ful deeeptl of her fin humor as lopkers- tbe com« roguish die and coquet ful colorlnj

In the ( of purpose absence fi dene, who a year ag( (afnlllar > ihe In leri night. M the pBft, charactei'j hard drin w ithal sh •p u rrin g bashful II and honee gallan t ti se la Mr. trib u tes ' and engai

Keappei Paget n bread th (

’ and Mr. Hardcast! helped to fonnancs,Bight,be th e b we«k.

icauftirH t v i n f


.naiu»de&>ot» wbA w Bad muffifii.Tiy them.


Mrs. Will (erday al Ing; of tli of the F i Mrs. Jan of the g{ ject of tt of China Huckelalu lutton, ail wa* read of tho C Edith Lu noon. A Ihe prese lihra^y ti l/savecs.

Mr. ar Grew av( hy riro . the home .f Hellei


the entoi Bt. Mark Waliacd

The ai of teporl manuel I

Mr*, k oanJ* to m ; Hlffhl bean am claty of 1 Counsel fund to radecoral Tburedai ward Me woinan < huibandi ceeda v/l!

Miss ] mtnibere yeaterda: PinM>ect

A "ht tor tomi Boolety Church, aaked tc santigg nonteat talnineni h to a al Fahruaf: trill be ward s Mra. HIBaaley. 1 'WTUlam Staines.

riea Mta. xi 'watt, Itri. Ct

Th*to* Vi Chqrch

f u i r i

a -p t l ^ *a date Mali Ji ■dhaidei Daft n*

“Oar tbR U te w aattni

BiMk 1

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TODAYn l e r e » t i n ( c

U i s m b ' f t i c o n i ' *

e » r a f c j o . i r y m i i v l i

b t y y e u iE i r l t o b o t n a r r o w , r t i i n c B t u f r s e l f o u t '

i f a r e c t . “ I n t d t o l e t n d t o f i o o

a n d f r o ml e a o f h e r d o u b t c d l y

l u y a o i n i -r i i l y . I I ■ , l i i i t t h , j

i n t h o i r m a n n e r j ,

. n u r U t l I k w e l l u j i s m e u

t b a l u b c

A-o B p c a ' - . ' . w I k o i K-

t O M m - d i i a t t t i o n ! t h a t H l i e l i o e s , t t o r a l a e I m i r ;

f l l a t e r t » f I o u l t b j u r * o r r c ui n H b o io

Mjl yy i \ r r w i t l i ,1

V f a p a r x * r * v o o p i Jt ^rvQHi n

r i t l l r u b u \

a h .

s t



Uce,Id yead




NWWARK THEATRE— ''She Bloom Ici C om uer,'' k comedy In tour >cli. !»' OUwr Ooldemith, prew nted by Mli» AnnU Ru»»ell end compeny, the c»»l t*- lag M follow*;Sir CharlfiB M arlow.............. .TeOalle AviatenYount Marlow...................... .QbwhM YkrrkeH ard ca jtie .......................F rH \V. t>rmalnM w tfB ta ............................... Murray KInnHiT o n y L u m p k i n . . . . . . . . . . . PercLvnl BtevensD itto ry ................................Lltlledalo PowerK otor. I'hlllp Edward*LttV .................... H erbert 0«rdunThomao.................. . e. .Clifford DevrreuxS U n t o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H a f o l d M f t l U e rJ e re m y .....................................Alan CmelandSlitng ............................... .A rth u r ParneyM uttl^B .................................. William Hk'ottXwlet........................................E d f t a r Ware IA inlnadah.......................r^awrein.-^ TaylorMre. HanlcaB lle................................Ffoltlot PnjfetConoiance Neville. .. -H enrietta Goodwin^ U y ............................. Flrjrenv'ft LeClerrqKato lla rd c a rtlc ...................................Annie RUMell

Tho Intrlnak* value of a gem of rare prlca i-amalua the *ame no m atter what lie eoUlnt. The beauty of the jewel 1* ♦ubaticed, however, the more fully It le rovoalrd by fine worktnanahlp In the lotting. Ho It 1* with tho hletrloniHUi and the a r t of the player. A fter fn.litu? to make much of an impreaalon by his a.<jtlng In tho stage veralon of Klpllnt a "The Light That Failed/' on the ocoael’in of bla American debut ks a diarnallc star ton yeara... ay», it waa neceMury fur Johnston Ftirh^’e-FlohertRon to appear as Hamlet to convince hi* new public uf hie groat ability. Mlse Rusflell appeHred in many part* wltlr no llltio di.^tlnrtlon be­fore she essayed the rnle* of I'ack, Lydia Tjangutah. l^ady 'I'eazle end Kate Hard- caille, but It was not until she had been tasted In the Bhakeapearlan fantasy and In the Georgian ctaaslca lliaL the full measure of her worth a* a eomefilenne wftB conceded.

It often haa been said of Mia* RusseJl that given a gently feminine character to trhpersonale she captivates an audience and achlevca sacccta mnre i*y her personal charm than dellneatlve ability. Su« h an assertion might Ije true if appl'ctl lo her «Jt-<lul*lte embodiment uf Elaine In the long ago. There ta no denying that U had Us effect aUo U» her later "8ue“ and in ■•Mice and Men. ‘ Wlille It* Influem-e was felt in Mias Hobbs, ft was not ell ■ufflclpfi. and In th a t part her talent for acting waa equally rraponalble fur such favor AS she won in It.

Much more than personal m agnetlsip. pnysleal lovellncas fvnd fac ility In the rou tine of the staKe Is demanded of her In the SJhcrUlan and Goldsmllh tXMnedle*. which she haa lnc]ude<l In her reperto ire. In te lligence In com- p r e h ^ d l n g charA^^I*I n u e l n t f ' c x p r e s s i o T i a \ r t e a r t s t o ' b o d y f o r t h t h e s p i r i t a a w j U a s t o d e n u i o ( h e s u p e r f i c i a l a s p e c t o f i t a n d a p l a s t i c m e t h o d t h a ± a n a b l e s ( h e a c l r c H s 10 i n e r g ^ h e r . i n d i v i d u a l i t y I n t o t h a t o f t h e r o l e a S e i U T f V f e f l t a r e e s s e n -

l l a ! t o t h e c r e a t t o n o T ‘ f l U i B l p n I p t h e s e '’ I g l i t o e n l h c e n t u r y pl4:^. M l i u Hue

Bed tim e S iw2^-^ejMhlo^rcl I?. Garin.

.UNCLL- WIGGILY GOES ICE SLIDING( C t i p y r l g h l . 1 9 l i . h y H o w a r d F . G a r i a l

O n e d a y I ' l i y l f l W I g g U y l > o n g r a r * . t h e o l d r a h h i t g e n t U m A t i . w e n t t o c a l l o n h t * s i s t e r , M r * . L l U l e t a l l - i n h i * p o o H e l U n c l e W I g g l l y p u t a f e w p i e c e * o f f : h r l r t -

i n a * c a r r o t r a n d y h e h a d l e f t f r o m t h a C h r i s t m a s t r e e , s a y i n g t o h i m s e l f :

■ ' W h o k n o w * ? U e r l m p a B a i n m l e o r B u a i a w o u l d I l k © I b e i n , ” ,

" I n d ^ e i i r t h e y w i l l ! " e a i ’ l a i B t ^ d N u r * a J a n ' i - V V u s s y . t h e m u i k f a t l a d > .w h o k r f i i U n o l o W l g g l l y ’ * b u r r o w n l o o a n d c l f a n " Y o u k n o w t h e y w i l l l i k e I h c m . f o o l i s h t i n c l © W l g g l l y . B u t w h v d o y o u l a k e t h e m c a r r o t c a n d y w h e n I t m i g h t m a k e t h e m t l l Y "

" O h , a l i t t l e b i t w i l l n o t m a k e t h e m 111/' s a i d U n c l e W l g g l l y . ■ • B e s l i l e * t h e y w i l l b e d i s a p p o i n t e d I f i d o n o t b r i n g t h e m * ( » T n e t h l n g / '

8 u t h e r a b b i t g e n l l e m a n p u t t h e s w e e t * t u f f I n t h e p o c k e t o f h i s f u r o v e r c o a t a n d o f f h e s t a r t e d t h r o u g h t h e w o o d * a n d D v e r t h e f i e l d * t o w h e r e f i u m m i e a n d S u s i e U t t l e U l l l i v e d .

T h e y h a d n o t y e t r o m e h o m e f r o m a r l i o o l w h e n U n d e W l g g S l y r e a c h e d t h r t r b u r r o w , s o h e s n t d o w n l o w a t t f o r t h e m , t a l k i n g w i t h M r * U l t l e t a l l a b o u t w h a t k i n d o f a w i n t e r I t w a * g o i n g t o b e , a n d w h e t h e r t h e p r i c e o f c a r r o t * w o u l d g o h i g h e r , a n d w h a t a p o o r l o t o f H i e r © w a * t h i s s e a s o n ; a n d a l l t h i n g s i i * e t h a t w h i c h r a b b i t s l i k e t o t a l k a l ^ o u t .

W e l l , p r e t t y s o o n , I n a l i t t l e w h i l e , n o t B O v e r y l u n g , B a m m l e a t i d S u i J e ^ m e m . s t a m p i n g t h e a n o w o f f t h e i r f e e t , ‘ t « Q j t a t o r r n l n f ? a I H t I * .

" t ) h , h i r e ' s r n c i s c r i e dS u s i e , a « e h * h n p i i e d I n t o t h e h u r r O W

, " H e l l o ; " e T c l a l m e d B a m m l o p o l i t e l y , a a h e h e l i l n u t h i s p a w t o a h f j t e . " H o w a r e . 011, t i n c l e t V l B u l l j T ‘

" f i n e l " a i i a w o r e d t h e r a b b i t g e n t l e m a n , " H e r e I s s o m e c a r r o t c a n d y f o r y o u . ^

■ o n , t h a n k y o u V c r i e d R a m t r t e a n d S u s i e . a n < t . a s t h e y w e r e e a t i n g I t , l . i n l c t a l l c T d a l m e d :

" W h y , Sammle iJttle ta ll. ^n e w h f . n i a ! W hatever I n t h e world have y o u hssn d o i n g to thsm ''" . ,

" O h . n o t h i n g , nm," said Sammle, eort of r a r e l f t a a l i k e . ^

" Y e s , y o u h a v e , t o o l " c r i e d :" S e e . t h e o o l e l « n e a r l y w o r n o f t , a n a s h e r a i s e d u p R a m m l e ’ s f o o t •<> W i p K i l y c o u l d a c e f o r h i m a e R .

" O h , t h a t , " s a i d , s » m m l e , a a h e a t e t n e c a r r o t c a n d y ; " U i a t l e w h e r e ^ o n t h o I c e . O h . m a , w e h a d . t a c k l e a n d P e e O e 2 ^ " ' ^ !. . V i c k a n d a l o t o f u s b o y s f n a d e ^ I c * s l i d e n e a r t h e h n U o w - i t u m p e c h o o l , . a n d

r H b b l l w e r * t a k i n g t u r n # o n l h « * U p - p « r y p l a c « . . 1

O f c o u r s e . H u m n i l e s l i d b e t t e r * f o r iU n c l e W I g g U y h a d n g t d o n e t h i n g I n y e a r * , a m i a l a o h e h u d t o e l i d e w l i h h i e r h a u n i u U a m r r u l o h , f o r h e c o u l d n o t g e l a l o n g w i t h o u t I t , y o u , k t i o w . I

l u n h e d i d v e f y w e l l , o n l y o n c e h i * 1 g l A M B C * f e l l o f f H u t t h e y l a n d e d I n a j a n o w b a n k . a n d w e r © n o t h r o k e n . ^

’ ■ O h . t h i s i s f l u e f u n / ' c r i e d U n c l e W l g g l l y , a * h e w e n t d o w n t h e i U d e , t u r n i n g i l o w l y a r o u n d a n d g o i n g ,w a r d t h e l a e t p i i r l o f t h e w a y . \| j g l a d y o u t o l d m e o f t h i s , B a c n m i e . |

" A m i I a m g l a d y o u c a m e w i t h m e . s p a k e t h e r a b b i t b o y , p o l i t e l y .

T h e n a o m e o f t h e o t h e r A n i m a l c h i l ­d r e n c a m e t o t h e s l i d e , a n d t h e y w e r e g l a d t o l e © U n c l e W l g g l l y . e ^ ^ d t h e y a l l h a d l o t s o f f u p u n t i l U w a s t i m e l o s o h o m e - ^ '

W f l l . U n c i * % e E K l l y l l h e d l e e - s l l d i n g i s o m u c h t h a t h e w s a u p a n d a t I t a g a i n | e a r l y t h e n e a t m o r n l n f f . H e h a d t o p , a l l a l o p e t h i s t i m e , s a B a m m i e a n d t h e | o l l A r a n i m a l b o y a a n d g l r l a w e r a I ns c h o o l . - ,

U n c l e W l g g l l y t r i e d t o g e t u r a n U - f a t h e r G o o s e y H a n d e r l o c o m e i c e * s i b l i n g w i t h h i m , b u t I h c o l d g e n l l e - m a n d u c k s u l d :

" N o . I a m t o o o l d . I t m i g h t g i v e i r i f i h e I n r l l a p e p s l n , s o I c o u l d n ' t e a t m y D o r n m e a l p a n o s k e e "

’ ■ N o n s e n s t o a l i i e a s /■ c r i e d U n c l e w l g - g l l y . " I t w i l l d o y o u g o o d . " B u (( H - a n d f a t h e r G o o s e y w o u l d n o t c o m e .B O U n c l e W l g g l l y s l i d a l l b y h i m s e l f .

l J u t s o o n l i e f o u n d t h a t t h o e l i d e S a m - m l e h a d m a d e w a s n o t U g e n o u g h ,

" I w a n t a l a r g e o u p . ' * t h e r a b b i t s a i d t h i n k I w i l l s l i d e o n t h e a l i a t l n g

p o n d . "S o o v e r t o t h e s k a t i n g p o n d h e w e n l .

a n d h e w « » s l i d i n g a l o n e t h e r e b y h l b i a e l f . n i a k l n g g r a p e v i n e t w i s t * a n d f i g u r e f l i g h t * a m i a l l e o r t * o f t h i n g s , w ’ h e n . a l l o f a s u d d e n , o v e r t h e I c e t ’a n j f t r u n n i n g t o w a r d h i m t h e b a d o l d H k i l l e r y - B c a l e r y a l l i g a t o r . U n c l e W i g - g i l y w a s r i g h t i n t h e m i d d l e o f t h e s l i p p e r y I c e p o n d t h e n , b u t w h e n h e s a w t h e ' g a t o r h e s t a r t e d t o r u n t o w a r d s h o r e - |

•'C>h, h o ! N o w T ' v e g o t y o u . " c r i e d i t h e a l l i g a t o r , g n a s h i n g I d a t e e t h .

" N o y o u h a v e n ' t ! " s a i d I ’ n c J © W i g - ' g l l y , a * h e m a d e h t s l e g * g o a * f a s t ' a * a n y t h i n g . H u t h e f o u n d t h a t h e c o u l d i n u t r u n t h e I c e a t a l l . I t w a j s e a s y ; e n o u g h t o r u n o n t h e r o u g h g r o u n d , a n d ^ a ■ mm

■ _ _ _ _ _ — - - - - - - -

tm sL itH c o » t e ^ ^ .A s i m p l e , ■ a f e a n d # B e o t i e * l r * * f r o w « t f o rbroach lal (rau b l e * , * T o l d l o g d r w g * . V apor. tied ciesolene stop* th* paToay*oi* of Whooping Cough *nd r*U*ves8p**oio<Ha Croup a to n e d I t i* * to iufferr r* froenAlthnj* T h * ^ e * r ry to f tbeanll.. septic vapor, tn*pired *riib breath, make* breathing oMyt soothe*,tbs*oi» ihroatand s t o p a t h o o o a e b , * * * t » n n g * | * * t - f u ! n i g h t s ^ I t I s t o V t l r . a b l * t o m o t h e r sw i t h y o u n g c U l l d P B B * (

us pt*stAi fotrdt criptiv* ho hlid* J

A L L U R { J f l « I S T » t r y C M D i m e A s K w p t l * I T h n M i T r M H * f o r t h t l t> | h i * J * d t h r o s t T h e y a r e•r pt la . O f y o a r S n u r a U c t I u r l r a « U k , 10o l n ( * a B ( f « . 1VAFo CKBSoim c a «cflCsrtbi**iSL, N.T,

TOILET SOAPA sk fo r S w e e th e a r t


AtUntic Cit7 , N. J.

Atlantic CityAmerica*s Famous

All- Year ResortW l i e r e t h e c o n g e n i a l c l l m a t ^

b r a ' i i i g ( ' a l t s e a a i r a n d d e l i g h t f u l B u r r n u n d l n g r t a l l u n i t e t o m a k e a v l f l l i , w l u ' t h e r f o r a l o n g t - r s h o r t p e r i o d , o n e o f u n a l l o y e d p l e a s u r e ,

A t l a n M - - C i t y H o t o U a r » . ' u n - r i \ n l o < i f - i r l u x u r y a n d c u t n f i > r t . T U e H i i e ^ , p i e r e . t h e f a m o u s R o a r d w i i l l c , n i i m a r o u s w r l l a p - p o l n i i ^ ' l s h o p s a n d a h o K l o f v E i v i e d a l f r a c t l o n B .

The Leading House!w ; l l f i r n l B h l i i f o r m s t l o n , r a t e s ,

e t c , o n K i i i i l l c a t l o nM * H t . l l ( ) H 0 1 ( i l l - l l i . E N H E l M

S T H A M t D K Y M *t l I H L ! S K . \ M I I U . B C ' R S ES T . r H A B I . K * f H I , ' , H I R S T ( . A I . E Y M A L I . S H A S I I I F .

H < U - V I I i r i l S TR e a . t i o d t l l r e i l f r u n i N i i w a r k i n

h o ' i r . i v i a I ' e n t r a l M i f . o f M J . l i r r i . n n c y l v B n l a K - U

Don’t simply say “A cake of soap.” Try Sweetheart—then

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M eet S w ee th eart today — at your d ea le r’s.


n e V a © r i ( n a c t i n g s o ' r i p e n e d ,l u A •V j K ' h f l

s p o n U i i e l t - y a n d g l r l l ^ j . f r ^ a l n i F B a o f l o o k , l l i a i I f e i t a b i e a h o r ' l o m o v o o a , . l l y a m i h a p p i l y l o t h e r e a l r a o f h i g h r o i o e t l y , t o c a u T y c o n v l c t t o n b y d a l l n e a - t l y o a u t h o r i t y a n d l o c o m p a l a r l i n l r u - l i o n o f t h e f l r t n m e c h a n l a n i i n h e r w o r k ,

K a t e H a r d c a e t l e i s a l e s s J l f f l c u l t r o l e f o r a g l f t o d c o m e d i e n n e t h a n l a T . a d y T e a z l e , i n w h i c h H l a a R o a a e l l b e g a n h e r p r e s e n t e n g a g e m e n t . T h e r a n g e I n ( e e l - I n J l a ' m u c h n a r r o w e r , - U r e n h l r e f l n o a u c i i t r a n a i t l o n a I n m o o d s a e S h e r l d a n ' a h e r o i n e t a J i * I n t o , t . h e y e r a n o c o m ­p l e x i t i e s I n K a t e ' s I m p u l s e t o a c t i o n . H e r c o n d u c t m a k e s t h e a c t r e s s ' s w o r k I t r a l g h t f o r w a r d n a i l i n g o n a n . u n t r o u b l e d s e a o f a p o r l l v e e u M e r f u g e a n d g a y a p i r l t s .I t , m i r t h f u l e l t e c t , d e p e n d e u p o n t h e p l a y e r ' a e k l l l I n d i e s i m u l a t l o n a n d M i n s R u a B e l l ' e q u i c k c h a n g e s f r o m t h e d e m u r e r u i U o l t y o f t h e s u p p o s e d b a r m a i d t o

' K a t e ' a c h u c k l i n g e n j o y m e n t o f - h e r c o n ­q u e s t o f . y o u n g S J a ^ l o w ^ n d h e r S u c c e s s ­f u l d e c e p t i o n , o f . h i m w e r e a s p l n q u e n t o f h e r t i n e h l a l r l o n i e m a n d s e n s e o f h u m o r a s t h e y w a r e a i h i l a r a t l n g f o r o n - l o o k e m . T h r o u g h o u t t h e p e r f o r m a n c e t h o c o m e d i e n n e ' s a l l o w i n g o f K a t e e r o g ' u t a h d i s p o a l t l o n , m l a o h i e v o u e h P h a v W r a n d c o q u e t t i s h w i l o a ^ m p a r t a d a d e l i g h t ­f u l c o l o r i n g t o t h e p o r t r a y a l

[ n t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e c r o s s p l a y o f p u r p o s e a n d m l a u n d f - r s i a n d l n g s , t h e a b a e n c e f r o m t h e c a . s t o f t r e o r g e G l d - d e n s . w h o a p p e a r e d a . s T u n y I - u m p k l n a y e a r a g o , w a . s f e l t h y t h o s e w h o w e r e f a m i l i a r w i t h l e t s w o i J i a n d w i t n e s s e di h e I n t e r p r e t a l l o f l o t - ' E h e - c o m e d y l a a ln i g h t M p . S l e v e n s , h i s e i i c c e s a o r I n t h e p e r t . I s n o m a t c h f o r h i m m / r d l ' c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n , b u t h e m a k e s o f t h . a t h a r d d r i n k i n g , j o v i a l a n d t e a s i n g , h u t w i t h a l a h r e w d c o u n t r y l o u t a f u n - e p u r r i n g f e l l o w . A s y o u n g M a r l o w , b a s h f u l I n t h e p r e s e n c e o f w e l l b o r n a n d h o n e s t w o m e n , b u t e a g e r t o a c t t h e g a l l a n t I n p u r s u i n g u n p r o t e c t e d d a n i - s e l e , M r , Y o r k e a g a i n d e n o t e d I h e a t ­t r i b u t e s o f t h e C haracter w i t h s p i r i t a n d e n g a g i n g e f f e c t .

R e a p p e a r i n g a s M r a . H a r d c a s t l e . M i e s P a g e t r e n e w e d a d m i r a t i o n o f h e r b r e a d t h o f s t y l e a n d ' s u r e t y o f t o u c h

’ a n d M r , P e r m n i n ' s d e p i c t f o n o f F q u i r e H a n d c a a t l e ’ a r u f f l e d d i g n i t y a g a i n h e l p e d t o g i v e d i s t i n c t i o n - t o t h e p e r ­f o r m a n c e . w h i c h - w i l l b ^ r e p e a t e d t o ­n i g h t . " T h e B c h o o l f o i T B c a n d a l " ' w H l b * t h e b i l l f o r t h e r e m a i n d e r o f t h e

FOREST BILL AND WOODSIDEP a p e r s b y M r s . O t t o B u c k e l s h a u s a n d

M r e . W i l f r e d A , M a n c h e e w e r e r e a d y e s ­t e r d a y a f t e r n o o n a t t h e m o n t h l y m e e t ­i n g o f t h e W o m a n ' s M t a s i o n a r y S o o l e t y o f t h e F o r e s t I f i l l P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h M r e . J a m e s D u g u l d J r . w a s I n c h a r g e o f t h e g a t h e r i n g a n d t h e g e n e r a l s u b ­j e c t o f t h e a f t e r n o o n w a s " T l i e O p e n i n g o f C h i n a I n R o a p o n a e t o P r a y e r , " M r s , R u e k e l s J i a u e ' f l p a p e r d e a l t w i t h t h e r e v o ­l u t i o n , a n d M r s . M a n c h e e ' s p a p e r , w h i c h w a s r e a d b y S i r s . J a m e s A . H u l s e , t o l d o f t h o C h i n e s e C h r i s t i a n C h u r c h . M i s s E d t t h L u s k w a s t h o a o l o l a t o f t h e a f t e r ­n o o n . A f e a t u r e o f t h e g a t h e r i n g w a s I h o p r e s e n t a t i o n o f a ' t h l r t y - t * o v p i u m a . I l h t S f y t o t h e o o c l e t y h y M r s . - H e l e n J . I / M V a D * -

M r . a n d M r s , J a m e s , E . B u l l o f . I > p O r a w a v e n u e w h o s e f i o i p a w a s d a m a g e d ' b y f i t s e a . r l y T u e s d a y m o r n i n g , ' a r p a t t h e h o m e o f M r , a n d M r s . ' J - . F - H a w l e y ,

i f H e l l e r p a r k v f a y U n t i l t h e i r h o m d l a : r a h u l l t . ■

" C u p i d a t V a s s a r " w i l l b o t h e t l t l S o f t h e e n t e r t a i n m e n t t h e P t f i t g i n a H e l t a o f » t . M a r k ' s B p l e c o p a l C h u r c h w i l l g i v e l a W a l i a c d H a l l F e b r u a r y S .

T h o a n n u a l m e e t i n g f o r I h o t e o e p l l o t i o f r e p o r t s w i l l b o h e l d t o n i g h t a t E m - m o n u e l B a p t i e t C h u r c h .

M r s . M i c h a e l M c N e i l w i l l e n t e r u l n a t e f f d . t o m o r r o w a f t e r n o o n a t h e r h o m o I d ' ; H l ^ l a u d a v e n u e . T h o p a r t y h a s b * * D a r r a n g e d b y t h © L a d l e s ' S o c i a l S o - c l a t y o f t h e C h u r c h o f O u r L a d y o f G o o d C o u n e a l a n d t h o p r o c e e d ! w i l l g o t o a f u n d t o h a v e t h e . I n t e r i o r o f t h e c h u r c h r e d e c o r a t e d . A - w h i s t w i l l h o g i v e n n e x t T h u r s d a y n i g h t a t t h e h o m e o f M r s . E d ­w a r d M a h e r o f B a l l o n t l n e p a r k w a y . T h e w o m e n o f t h o s o c i e t y w i l l I n v i t e t h e i r h u s b a n d s t o t h i s g a t h e r i n g . T h e p r o ­c e e d s w i l l g o t o t h e s a m e , f u n d

M i s s M a r j o r i e T o w n s e n t e r t a i n e d t h e m e n i h e r a o f t h e G o m m g T a u S o r o r i t y y e s t e r d a y a f t e r n o o n a t h e r h o m e I n M t , P n o e p e c t a v e n u e .

A " h o o k s o c i a l " h a s b e e n a r r g n g e d f o r t o m o r r o w n i g h t b y t h a P a s t o r a l A i d S o o l e t y o f t h e F o r e s t H I U I T e s b y t e r i a ' Q C h u r c h . E v e r y o n e a t t e n d i n g h a s b e e n a s k e d t o d r e s s ' o r w e a r , s o , n o t h i n g r e p f g - s O D t l n g t h o t i t l e ' q f a b o o k . X g u e s s i n g c o n t e s t w i l l f u r n i s h ' i p a r t o f t h e e n t e r - t ^ D i n e n t . T h o w o m e n o f t h t e s o c i e t y h k * o a l s o a n n d t i n c e d .. a l u n c h e o n - f o r F e h r u a f y 4 . T h e f o l l o w i n g c o m i n I t K O w i l l t w I n c h a r g a : C h a i r m a n . M r s . B d -W * r d ® . R h o d e s 1 M r v C o r a M . B r a s s , M r s . H a r r y B . S a l m o n , M r s . A b n e r M , R s e l e y , - M r S i Y T o o d r t i f f H . B i m n n o o n . M r i . ■ i m l a m D . . B l n n o c k . . ' M r a . .. C h a r l e s r . S t g l n e a , M r s . V V l t l l n m M . S t r a i t , M r s . X l b o r t m H . T a b h , M s s , 8 a m t » l P E g y i p r ,

■ " ----i * * i ■ 1t i « ' Y m N e s s , M , » ; a 1

M r s . X s a a e W . V e g h t b , - M t K R o b e r t W a t t , M r s , D e F o r r u s t C . W i l s o y a n d I t r i . C h a r l e s W o o d r u f f . ' :

w e h a d o u c h f u n : a n ' "" Y e a . b u t i t w e a r s o o t y o u r

s a i d M a m m a L l U l e t a l l . Iw i l l k e e p y o u r P a p a p o o r f r o m b u y m gt l f l V r b o o t * f u f y o u . „ j j

" O h , I ' o y e m u s t h a v e a c m e f u n , a a l Or n c l B W l g g l l y , " B > ; t t e l l i r r - a l l d l n f f , H - a T f l i n l c . #ir .aa

" W o n , " s a i d t h e r a h h i t h o y . a p l a n e w h e r e a l i t t l e h ' l d d l e o f w a t e r h a s f r o z e n o v e r , T h e n y o u t a k e a I I U I O t u no n t h e g r o u n d , a n d w h e n y o u g a l T h e I c e y o u s t a n d e t l l l a n d h o l d a n d y o u s l i d e r i g h t a l o n g . U l a a l m o s ta a g o o d a * © K a U n K - , t r i i ^

" I t s o u n d s f i n e ; " e x c l a i m e d L n c l o W i g - ■I t h i n k I ' d l i k e t o t r y I t m y s e l f .

W h a t ! A t your'a g e , - e n d w i t h y o u rr h e u m a t i s m ’ " c r i e d M r s . U t U e t a i l . a m s u r p r i s e d a t y o u . W i g g l e .

g i l y .

O h , w e l l , ’ s a i d t h a r a b b i t g e n t l e m a r , s o r t o ' r s n e e z i n g l i k e , " I f 1 g e t t i n g o l d I w i l l f e e l o l d . 1 w a n t t o l i o e p ■ y o u n g . C o m e , S a m m l e , I a m g o i n g t o t r y I c e - a l l d l n g . 1 u s e d t o d o U J " ! ’a b o y , a n d I f I c a n c o a e t d o w n h i l l a f t i r a f o x , a s I d i d t h e o t h e r d a y . I c a n e l i d e o n I c e . T o m e o n . S a m m l e /

" W e l l , I n e v r r s a w t h e h e a t I n a l l r n y h o r n d a y s ' " e x c l a i m e d M r s . L l t t l e t a h .

" W h a t w ' l l N u r s e J a n e F u z z y W u z i y s a y w h e n s h e h i a r s o f t h i s ? "

" 0 h 8 m a y w a n t t o c o m e a n d s l i d e h e r ­s e l f , " s a i d F n c l * W ' i g g l l y , w i t h a t w i n k l e o f h i s l i o s e , l i k e a s t a r o n a f r o s t y n i g h t I n J u l y . " M a y b e y o u ’ d l i k e U . t o o . M r s . L l t t l c t a i l . "

" 1,0 l o n g w i t h y o u ' , c r i e d t h e r a b b i t l a d y , l a u g h i n g , " I h a v e t o b a k e a c a k e f o r B i i p j i c r " S o s h e w e n t t o b a k e h e r c a k o . w h i l e U n c l e W l g g l l y a n d S a m m j e

s l i d e o n t h e I c e , , h u t t h e I c e w a s t o i s m o o t h f o r U n c l e W l g g l l y t o r u n o p H i s s h o o s w e r e a l l s l i p p e r y , t o o ,

B u t t h o a l l i g a t o r h a d c l a w s , a n d s h e c o u l d s t i c k t h e m I n t o t h e i c e , s o h e d i d n ' t s l i p a h i t . W e l l , h e w a s c o m i n g o n r i g h t t o w a r d t h o r a b b i t g e n t l e m a n , a n d U n c l e W l g g l l y w a s w i s h i n g h e h a d n u t c t m e t o s l l d e , f o r h e w a s s l i p p i n g a l l o v e r a n d t h a ' g a t o r w a s f a s t c a t c h i n g u p t o h i m .

T h e n e l l o f a s u d d e n o u t f r o m s h o r e c a m e g l i d l u g t h e s n a k e t o w h o m U n c l e t V i g g l L h a d g i v e n t h e c a r r o t c a n d y . A n d t h e s n a k o c o u l d g o o n I c e a s e a s i l y a e o n d r y l a n d , y o u k n o w .

" H e r * y o u a r e , U n c l e W l g g l l y ! " c r i e d t h e s n a k e . " 1 h a v e b r o u g h t y o u a p i e c e o f m y o l d s W n t h a t I s h e d l a s t y e a r . M y

‘ j s k i n i s r o u g h . J u s t I l k a a n u t m e g g r a t e r , a n d I t y o u p u t a p i e c e o n e i u - h o f y o u r


f e e t I t w i l l b * j u a l t h e s a m e a * i f y o n h a d o n y t . u r r u b b e r * T h e n y o u w o n ' t B l i p a * y o u n m a c r o s s I h © i c a a n d y o u e s u n g e l a w a y / '

■ ' G o o d ! ' ’ c r i e d U n c i © • . . r i U j ' - " B a d ! " B a l d t h © a l l i g a t o r , a n d h ©

c l a w e d h i * w a y f a a l s r t l i a n e v e r t o w a r d t h © r a b b i t g e n U e m a n . B r i l h e f o r © t h © ■ g a t o r c o u l d g © i h i m , U n c l e t V i g g j l y w r a p p a d © c m © o f t h e k i n d s n a k e s o l d r o u g h s k i n o n h i * s J i a e s . T h © s k i n s l o p p e d h i m f r o m a l l p p l n g a n d h © c o u l d r u n o v e r t h e I c © w i t h o u t f a i l i n g d o w n T h e n t h © r a b b i t w a s * o o n s a f e o n t h e r o u g h g T o i m d , a n d S w a y h © h o u n d e d t o h l a h i i r r o w , l i m p i n g o n h u c r u t c h , a n d t h e a l l i g a t o r w a * l e f t f a r b e h i n d ,

" W h y i l l d y o u h e l p h i m g e t a w a y ? " a n g r i l y a a k e d i h © ' g a t o r o f t h e s n a k e , a s t h e h a d c r e a t u r e a l a r t e d b a c k t o t h e d r -

O S fM t:.\s F R O N T . A L W A V 8 O R E N . a a c i f r o h l j w a t e r b a t h * - U u n u l a g w a t e r l o

c u e » » t M n i r n i f J c e t U n o l e i r l u r u o v o f l u n k io c f B n B Ot l l . - v r a w R l k , O r c h e H t r a .A B I t l ’ K K I S K K , J 0 T 5 L H I L L M A N . I * r * «

(i!arllKiroB8l>-lBkiil)e!tnJ O H I A I I H M I T E A S O Y S C O M I ’ A M

WernenTille, Pa.

GALEN HALUW E « N I 3 B 3 V 1 1 A E . I ' A . — « - *

O v ^ a S s M W b w l l d i a i w i l bI ^ U h i a O u d M p « r i * i u b i e i » a * **^** f .P _ ^ ^ |©ail f « o * l « l © r cJ>* A o r t a * * a a d w * a * * t i i « i a a « d r a l e * d a r i a t i b a t p e r i o d .

H H r i a t i * a a d «I * Qwr l i c a a C i i a i l T d e p a n M * ^

K t i L i T a l p h r t h * i * a * C o l l a a d T c a a l a

w e n t I c e - f l l i d l n g . O v e r t h e s n o w y f i e l d * i c u b w h e r e h a b e l o n g e d , t h e y w e n t , u h l i i , w h e n t h e y w e r e n e a r ' " P e r a u s © T ' n d © W l g g l l y w a s k i n d l o t h © I c a - f c l i d © . I ’ n o l © W l g g i l y h e a o p d a v o n - e I m e / ’ s a i d t h o s n a k e , w h i c h s h o w * n * h i 8*1 n g I l k © a s t e a m r a d i a t o r o n a c o l d I t h a t i t i s a l w a y s g n o d t o h e k i n d w h P n - m o r n l i t ^ e v e r y o u c a n . e \ T i i t o a n a n g l e w o r m /

■ i ) h , I a m f l o h u n g r y : s a i d t h e v o i < ^ f t h o t h a t ' s t h e s t o r y o f U n c l e W l g g n y * " w i i h x i t r e y o u ? ' * a s h t d t l i * r a b b i t . | j c e - s l t d l n g a n d 1 h < x > f i j ' o u l i k e d i t . A n d

t h I n k i r g ' P * r h a p a I t m i g i i L - b © t h e b a d t o m o r r o w n i g h t I f I h e d l s h p a n d o e s n ' ts k i l l w f ' - B < ? f t l e Y y a l l i g a t o r , t r y i n g t o f o o l h l n n .

" O h . I n m a p o o r c o l d s n a k e " w a s t h e a t i f i w ' w r . " I c a m e o u t f r o m m > wmm i i e i B t I n U j © h o l l o w l o g t o g e t R o m c l h l n g t o © a t , h u t I c o u l d f i n d n o t h ­i n g . a n d I a m a l m o s t f r o R c i i "

■ ■ W e l l , h e r © I s s o m e c a r r o t c a n d y , s a i d U n c l e W i g g H y . K i n d l y . " U I f l n o t m u c h , b u t it w i l l k e e p y o u f r o m s t a r v ­i n g '

" O h , ( h a n k y o u k i n d l y , " s a i d t h e B n a k o , - " A n d I f e v e r I c a n d o y o u a f a v o r I w i l l . "

" U r a y , d o n o t m e n t i o n I t / ’ » a l d t t i c i s W i g g i l y ' . s n a k i n g h i s © e r a t u r n a b a c k B o n i e r s a u U . T h e n h e a n d S a m m l e w e n t o n t o t h e I c e - s l l d l n g p l a c e , a n d s o o n t h e r a b b i t b o y a n d t h e o l d g e n t l e m a n

g o s l i d i n g d o w n t h e h a c k c e l l a r s t a i r s w i t h t h e f i r e s h o v e l , a n d m f t k e s o m u c h n o i s e t h a t t h e g i > l t l f i ? < h r n n ' l s l e e p . I ' l l t e l l y o u a h o u l U t i i l e ^ ^ ■ l g g i l y a n d t h e d o l l c a r r i u g e .



T h e J a n u a r y m e e t i n g o f t h e W o m a n * M l f t a i o n a r y S o c i e t y o f t h © K l t z a b e t h A v e ­n u e P r e a b y t e r l a n C h u r c h w i l l b e h e l d M o n d a y a f t e r n o o n a t t h e h o m e o f M r * . M a r y M c K l r g a n , f i S 7 E l i z a b e t h a v e n u © .

M r . e n d M r * . ' J o h n D r a k e o f B e r g e n s t r e e t h a v e g o n e t o L a k e w o o d f o r a s h o r t v a c a t i o n .

z M r * . A n t h o n y F . S c h a f e r o f R i d g e ­w o o d a v e n u e e n t e r t a i n e d t h e m e m b e r s o f t h e J . S . S . C l u b a t h e r h o m e l a i t e v e n ­i n g . P r o g r e s s i v e e u c h r e w a s p l a y e d a t f o u r t a b l e s . F r i a e a w e r e w o n b y M r . # - K . D . M a n c h e s t e r , M r e . J . O s c a r Y o u n g S r . a n d M i s * M a r y ' V t ' ^ o r f l l e y . O t h ^ r a p r a a - e n t i n c l u d e d M r * . J . F r e d e r i c k C h a p m a n ,

Rockleilge, Fla-l l i n K l . ? - l Y D I . A V R I V E R

■ m l R I K ' K I . E D G B (A 'o iv ( I p m lR O l . K L E U U E , ! . 1 . 0 K m A .

KJeclrlc ligiu e l e v s l w r , utuam U'-ai Allonuilds roonu, nlygis sud ta t'UlJfj., sudwithout bslli. so u r VVA'ILR 81 i,help eiclualvely. (JOLF. UlLLlAllbh.HOA’flNG. nrNTiNG and |p1S"HIML OfcbMtrs. Hatea r**iif>iitthle. Ueacrlptl^* booklet ou »■ nu4‘#t. Thr<iUf{L Pulbsan jwrvlc*.

HUTEL INDIAN RTVEH I’O . Proprlelora.L o u i s J e n n e s a e N l a n a j E e r ,

Magnolia Spring!, Fla.

SmtNGS HOTELi J j } ov XT jnax"S nrVEH, ?i Mii.K* »0i; i hOK JxtTtRiiNVn.LK 'll i.rlvdtieiwn irrH uirH

•f l^ni UiHP. Mr? unlnhn.uipfcir pnr« ■prlna f-aiar coif i -nnn nwImfOMif l-ont»tf. in bnt*l rlflftlor BtRuri l«**t Pirr rl« llghti iin*il,BnipF RhofUirmw»*ak. P r l T ! i » ^ t l r * ,

U. b. :»LAVEY, RaiiafK'.


T h e H l l l c r e B t B u i l d i n g a n d L o a n A s s o ­c i a t i o n w M l l m e e t t o n i g h t . .

T h e T r a v e l e r s ' C l u h w i l l m e e t l o m o r - i M r a . J o h n I T . D o r e m u s J r . , M r s . D u n c a n r o w a f t e r n o o n a t t h e h o m e o f M r * , J o h n . M c I n t y r e J r . M r f i . J a m e s W o r s l e y ^ M r * , A . F u r m a n o f rtfi S o u t h T e n t h s t r e e t . | j . H a r r y M c I n t y r e , M r s . M . H . C l a r k , M r s W i l l i a m A . G a y w i l l h e t h e M a l s t - ' " ” ' * ^j n g h o s t e s s .

T h e M o t h e r s ' C l u b o f t h © R o s e v i l l e M o t h o d l e l C h u r c h w i l l h o l d a n a n n l v e r - H a r y c e l e b r a t i o n a n d d i n p i n g b e e t o n i g h t I n t h e p a r i s h h a l l .

M r s . R u t h W a r s e n o f R o a e v l U © a v e n u e

M r * . E v a R e d f t e l d , M r s . C o r n e l l u * r h a m b e r l a i n , M r e . T . - e w l s W a l k e r , M r s . r r e d e r l c k H a u b e n a a c k , M i s s A m y W a l k e r a n d M i e s M a r y L . D a n s e r . T h © n e i c t m e e t i n g w i l l h e h e l d J a n u a r y 2 3 a t t h e h o m e o f M r e . M c I n t y r e . S c h a e r e r a v e n u e .

M r s . A l f r e d A . H o l t o f W i l l i a m s o n a v e -h a s g o n e t o N o r t h Y a k i m a , W a s h . , t o j m i e , L y o n s F a r m s , w i l l e n t e r t a i n t h © v i f l W ^ l a t l v e * . I F r i d a y A f t e r n o o n W h i s t C l u b t o m o r r o w .

T A ara f a O nfjr O n a

**Bronio Quinino**Thmi #• -

Laxamre Bromo Quhdnei n c D THC H M U i o m r o o m e ' f i oold w o m c omt.

Alwftjw remember the fall aeme. Look tor thio tlgutore on ereiy box. SAo.

:n ;Y our A ]^ is Ju d g ed by th e A ^ e a ra iic e a f Y our Haur.

If it haarretained its natural color, if It 1* thick and glossy, you are accounted young.

^ E A f t ^ H I P S ^

“P le n ty o fW in l c r Ahead"T l t a t i * i h c ^ ^ ' a r n m g o f l l i c W c a l K e r B u r t a u . I o l l u w « l » e i u n j ^ i i r c t o i b c |

Panama Canal West Indies]

Two fruiscs by the world fiiTKivjs i l f i m i r " G r u s i c r K u r l u c n t

o f i h c


LLO YDFeb. 12—29 Days— J175 up

.lumnlcn, Prmsmn. VcnCtHcls 1'rlnlila'l. Bai'IjrJ A, Mariiiil« ‘t*, 8t. | Tliujoris. Potto ItU-o and Dshanioii.DIar. 1f>— D(iyv^-| l100 vp

Cuba, P a n a m a . Ja m a lca t Porto HI«?Oe

Wrlle for opvt boofcisl 'To ttio raodl and CnrJibtiin "

O E I > R I C H < I A C O . . Gen. A o t * . . | 5 BroRflvray, New Y orkDr I rnl Al'ciM*.

R E R M D IIAs p e n d L h * w l n i o r b a s k i n g u n d e r s u n i r n p r s k i s s In b £ J l & l U D A , w h e r © t h e a v e m g o y e a r l y t e m i > o r a L u r a I s 7 0 * . H e r e f l n w o r a b l o o m I n t h e s e a r r a • u n s h l n a , b i r d s o f b r l l - U a n i p l u m a g e f i l l t o a n d f r o . G o l f , l a i n u s , A w l m m i i i K , l a l l l i i g . b a s e b a U . e t c , , a r e l u f u l l s w i n g . C o n c A r t * e r a a u i n s r O H s a n d y o u d a n c e w h a n y o u n l e o s i A n a d d I M o n a l v g u a d r o i i o f t l i e b r b l a b l l s s t i s s t a t i o n e d h e i T , a n d In i K h u a r y o o m e s t h e IM U a t - t a l l t e n , L J r n ' o l n s h l r e U r g l m e i u . T b o I d c u l tp<U t o T e a t o r t o p l a y . O o n o w

Special Hate* for January .J S f l i U o f S Wetkiy

TIckei* lo tercbangeab lf.

S, S. Caribbeanand Arcadian

The Royal Mail Steam P a tk e t Co.S a n d e r s o n A B o n , O o a . A g t s .

3 S S t a r t 8 t . , N . Y .

S. S. BermudianQuebec S. S. Co., Ltd.A . £ . O u l e r b r i d g e A 0 © . , A g U „

Sfl B r o a d w a y , N , Y .F o r B o o k l e t * a p p l y < o a b o v e B . » .

-Uoa< or any T icket AaepC

VAUSBDRGH SECHONTh* Wchellea Touuf Hen's 0 u b of

ths VtUshurfh MsthodUt Eplscopel Chiu«b will meet toalgfat '*t the club-

ThOsbuTBh Council, dsughmee' ot U b- ' <iMl meet tomonnw n liM s t t^Dlol)• r t f ,

K i i t L

'■vll- I. J

J ■ ■ v v - r •*•"

. • Th* jwrieh (ultd of St. OtOTifo'p Bpliico- p*!T'lIlfslon Is m sklitf srfsnfsnlBnts lo , s ssrd psrty to bs be14 i.st IfTrastiih H A JsnuuT la. -Mr*. ^Vw>dw*- -Untt cAetdes is shsinns'n. 'Tlui codbxtfttss’t

“iWfMS'lSSa.’M!?®tbatdpte s f tb s Junior. ChiiftlSB -a n WiiTO '

...................B l t s k w a s


pwitiTcly reitoNi natural color to gray or liided li^i h deanim the a ^ en- Itv^a Uie lafr folUdea and prodaeep an atoilbaL hcMtiftil groiwtli. Bendtaace

,(S\ gnsnmte^. Tonr dealn ^. pnidbaie pifo U yon an not aatiaOed

• • '.'a : i... s > * *,

{ . - j

J. Ruckel^aua Sons \ J. Ruckelshaus. kons

We*V€ Been Selling

Good FurnitureFor 49 Years

W e’v e alw ays trad ed “on the level”—given ou r p atro n s a square d eal—sold them depend­able fu rn itu re and ch arged only fair prices.

Y ou ca n buy here safely.Y ou ca n trust our furniture.

C harge A ccou nts C h eerfu lly O pened

The January SaleBrings Prices Down 10 to 50

E verything Is R educedFu rn itu re for Every R oom in the House

All Goods M arked in Plain Figures

Biuffets, $ 2 8W orth $ 3 5

(.Colonial Buffets of quartered oak throughout; size of base 22x45 inehus; with two linen drawers and two smaller drawers; one lined for silver; also large cupboard surmounted by mirror I2x.56 inches; substantially built; richly Finished; in the January Sale at only............


E l x t e n s i o n

D m in gT a b le s$10o7S

Solid oak, golden finish, lixten- sion Tables, with 42-inch top. which can be extended to (i feet; massive; subslanlial; ecroll Colonial legs with shaped pedestal; a table that will give wonderful service; remarkably cheap at our regular price, S15.50;in the January Sale at , . $ I 0 . 7 5 C / ^

e W n a O o s e t S j

$ l l2 o7 5W orth $ 2 0

These China Closets, iusi like ihe illustra­tion, are built of solid oak, highly polished; hent glass door and ends; a handsome piece of fur niture at the insignifi­cant price of t o nC only ............. I u . l O


Thr itching, burning, suffering tadloss of sleep caused by eczemas,rashes and irritations of the sldaand scalp are at once relieved andpermanent akin health restored ismost cases by warm baths -withCuticura Soap followed by gentbapplications of Cuticura Omtment-

ruUeu/t So.|) .oil oiDtm.o. Kid threufboei tee ■ ilriil L l W d i » i j i ( i l « 8 l o » e S i i i U I » l t r H , * l t e l a - l h bouh Xddpfl* ■ <'uUnir.," IIM, aorta..

■ * - . ! . . o h i i . n . x . u r d I t u m q d . v K k C n t t e S S S o . . WUI dirt U IM.. tor .ktb . jul Krto.

4 A set of k'ci!i that is cotn- N PT vfortnble. ilitii Ills perfectly, '^ '* " * I h a t louks natural and _ £ T * » 4 L luaR'-'s one DT I RRTn hliisli for them, isw i * v v x i i i i j j „

M gqIJ. Vet for $10 you will get sucli It set of teeth here

and as fine a set of teeth a : , I liiiman hands and head h i y P ran make. The work (j

done entirely by special-M ists, .ind every stage

of it is under i;iy di­rect supervision. No

R AweHaeeJi f'lr con-u O n ito r t

lieeT Bet* iit I'erth. !MiJ)ii <*otd C r i m n j i Ti*.’ k t . l M,1H1 G o f f l K l l l l n u * f rn iQ i l (Hi

Rt)t conn fetid noth anv othei

EDMUND S. NINE, D. D- S.UrttprlrtMt %Vhflr Hunjnl Ciirlto''

671 Broad St Hoiir»,? lo 7 O jl'.t10 Iff t AuftJaim

Keiiirih l’'lo4er VVInh Mi<irilhig

. Dnonng C h a irs <i ,

Solid quartered oak' Chairs, tike the illusira- lion; highly polished; claw feet; with slip seat


DiamonilsWatchss OiiEiSf Ttrms


of genuine leather; cheap at the regular price, 'J TCJ $3; in the January Sale at only....................... L%LO

Store o f G ood Furniture


$25 $1 i...k $50—$5$ 100—$e week

I f >i i8 . - . n t , - r t l . i r t l t . lot for■aw R'H'k " O' ri!pr.«.iitntlM>^ A S T E L Q E R G 'S f O N F I O E N T I A L

O N U E N I E N TCr e d i t

B37t4 Broad Sio p R ' i t ^ a t - E . « .



' ■' "T h . riibllc Ite Plreerd.’*


PfiOVIDENCE:; , , $1.50w © * k ild-JlH HUU r fUU U ii y m K l & I ' . A l . . t n j i nF i n f > 1 N f t U o u s t u u S L U s r t h N f r e * .O u t a l d © r o o m s . S I . W i r e l M s B q u l p m f l D t .

Tl*k*l«. J . B. WayOL “• CllBtOn *t.. Nsir- o r k , a n d i S d w . a . U c K e o n . I d f H a r r i s o n »T©.« HarrUoa>

[ BOSTON --.... J2 40«0BCE5TEn.._.. Z 40 PROVIDENCE -‘S i. , / I .SO

fw i Berth stetrrooin.. BI.W ..Arhip* OeorfU met ■r*nn««w

ItB pa Vwii;, K. X. o»im TMrt



' desired, "^when a skeWn is approved, the design is ■worked out to the perfect satisfaction of the cus­tomer. We solicit your order for this particular class of work.R em ounting and R ese tting otGem s and Precious Stones cherished heirloom to our skilled workmen, whose long experience and careful judgment guarantee-tbe best results. /

Repairing—We maintain an unusually high-class watch and jewplry repair department, where prompt and ^efficient service Is given ay the most moderate cost

J. WISS & SONS6 6 5 - ^ 7 B road S tre e t.

ICraTst Bawl Itheald dtee.

h e n


' *nllS iSitSL -.r*

,F n m r r a o tf a #Tho Leach BsiOfr

, toriom, -Indiana*iCANCERUuort^tepQblished a booklet vbioh tlxea tak W estine facta aboni the oatnB.dld ’ Oanoer, also teJIe wlirt to doftototw :- bleedEng, odor, etc. Write t o o OOCT-

i of lb nentloBliig thia paprt"i erttecrr

Roduce tho Cost of


Ttt O ar hlatlxa L a iln

B O War

le e I.a B.-^1



MARRIAGESI W L F O R D - J O N l i - A t f J o f -

Aft, J a a M u rr I .fo m u tr l r of RooovUlo, JW

h sT o a o t Jo riM , o f JfcckMOvlIlo,J . .

'n o r f a o .to

H O N T irS MINOC A i m a u * (3w

H lt ll M U <K R«l< ropoM o f th o opul

DEATHS» A W » r r - A t K i „, jA tiB tr r

IK i ^ n . C biriw i. M . o t t h , l*w JflUri t n d C kUvu'Ui. I*'* r . i i d .n c . irf l i l . « . -S t M m p t u r H 'lD r. i l l O n n l i v f n u . , i B i i n t * t tu n « m l h t tw l tw .

m jM O T T —On J . o u . r y l i , IS H . F m p o w t e l M U , M « 1 * 1 I»»™ . t a d f r l t i i d j

e l ' - . , . - T . . . . - _ _ _ _ . . _ _ - -viM * fro m t h . p a r lo r , o f Ih * P o o p l . ' . r ia l C o m p o n p T 'llo B ro a d r i r o . t . on r r l '

J n r . J a n u a r y f t . a t I t A. t l . I o t t r m .n l W s ^ l a n d

»ry I t . o t I t C ^m oitrjr.

B O O ldK T -^ tw ddpn ly , ort T u**day, J 4PU «rr I I , 111*. I ia b o lltr M, BoUlay. F u n a rp I fjrlvo^o

Mr. r.tb o r ^ d a n f 'o of i\4r M iU 'Iti-low, riloU#, 7 I H B lpojnliflid ovatiu*. op r / l

t««k» 4 t IH* opavonlonc* of th a f a m llj’. I " ' i tt it o i CikIdiroU C am aiery .

C H A R L .S 9 —A t E .a t O r a o ta N. J - ‘W W a tn l ty , J a n u a r y l i , l » l t , W illia m R_. k M tM d o f A a n l . R unyon t a l ao rv lo ta a t h la la ta Ito™*' m ra a t, E a o t O r a n ta on ■ a M , J a n u a r y IT, a t i o 'clock. In io rm o n t i t H o u d a lo C o ra .t .r y ,

e O N B O T -O a Ja n u a ry li, l»IA a t l |m K u . ehiACy H oapital, CtUar Drove, N, J;,S n y , a t« l 81 y « r t . i lv l l roniiitton. a tn i i* , K n i r a Iro la ad : adm itted to <‘««>Ital m ^ 0- P i u y J l WOA from Nawarti A lm anouio, luaw- • r t , B . J .

C IU tw rO R D -au itd en ly . at C hatham , N. J . , a a J a n u a ry I t , Itltl. liav ld H n r r l . C raw ford , k a .b a a d of M ary Ann a n o JIn a Craw feud, do- BMaod. In h i . 7»th y ta r . B riailvan and f r ie n d ., a l to C hatham hoda# No, 803. t, O. 6 , F ., a m k in d ly In rltn d to n t l .a d ll i . fu m ra l norytooa

jiyiday a tm in i . J a n u ary Id, a t a o c l ^ k .

fro m tb il* « o r ld tw o y e a n Afo to d iy . u i H TJ y4 « rf.E d ith . HMlih. dPTllnc iGdith,

Turn jru M Uavfl paA «d ftwpy:ThruuM h a il p a in t a t tlm n you tm i l td <■

A m n ilt of h M vtrtiy birtli.A nd w hen ihe a i i f a l i called you honia,

Tull im llM l fa re w tll to ea rth .K e t v e n re ia in e tli now our t r e t iu r a ,

l ^ r t h th e rctnely u a i lu t keepe.And Ihe lu n b a a m t lav* to l ln ie r

W h ere o uf darllD g R dith t irc p t.M lieed by thoee who l(i%ed h e r inotf.

blCKK AV ED M t/T H U R . MHH. KADEK a'^CART. A N D B R O TH B H . C lIA K I.h a W. DOKEr M !J8.

• a JM day teen ing . J a tiu w r 1C. k o 'cT ^k . Ml Ah# r#ildance of M rt. L. D. Sw ain . Eaat ifadB « tr#atj a lw eervifM a t the reeldent;* of Ilia aon WilUani R. Crawford, IW N o rth Clin* l«ii «(raet. S aa t Ortnif#. N. J . , on S a tu rd a y a ^ « n w o n a t 2:80 o^olock. friertfli atao fU d lan t S ta r fwOdite No. IP), I. O. 0 . F .. a re kindly lDvlt#d to a tte n d . Inter* vm H Id fa lrm -ip fti Cem etery, N ew ark . N. J .

D O N N E L L T -O n Ja n u a ry 14. 19H. E m m a ! . . D naD tlly the* B ray), Jn h e r Tdth y m r, R«la- t h - » a n d friend* a re Invited to a tte n d th e fu a a n il a a r i lc i i from the reeldence of her da««h(#r. M ra W illiam A, R liech e t J r . . 4u2 ~ a n k l ln M reet, Rloomneld, N- J-.----- ----- J a m u p v IT i!:4D Q ClOClt. In*t«r«««nt a t Bloomfield Cem etery.

ly rW -S tid d e ti ly . Hi E a i t O ranf# . N. J . J a n u a ry I I . W U .'R ich a rd N ott Dyer. F u n e ra l

•^lern w in be htfd from h li laie reililence. ^ F rid ay , J a m ia ry I I .

it-lvaie.t i e , P roapM t etreet, F a t 2 o 'clock. In term en t pH'

EIIK N R K R C}»A t Oranye, N. J .. J a n u a ry 18, 1114. B a r ta r a . widow of H enry E la en b a rf m ee i i a « c r ) r aged W y e a n , aunt of N ettia , H a itle • a d M mnl* Oakley. F uneral eervleoa wlU be M l from h e r |a la realdenoe. 84 S h arm en

Sl re t l , Oft Sunday, Ja n u a ry 18, lUH. a t S:80 !. M. In te rm en t In Roeedale C em aiery .

G A H D N K H -O n W cdneadiy, J a n u a ry U. n i 4 , A nn E lltab e th , widow of I ^ I J th G ardner. I n h t r T*th year. F uneral aervicee from th e

o f h e r daughter, M ri. W illiam \i.____ l» 84 N orm B iith a trec t. F r id a y af*iQ, J a n u a ry 18. a t 3:30 o'clock. In te rm e n t

• t ^ Fadrm ount Cem etery.O IlA C lM > n J a n u a t^ 18. 1814. W illiam Ar-

Orboe, ag ed w yaara. R tla ilv e e and '%da Of th e deoeaaed, m epm era o f tho

“ C e « o d l l lo . 462, o f v r ^ T># J u n io ram e theanti tlie K oarny A tblo tio

_______ .loo, a re kindly Invited to a tte n dfrom th e refSdence of h ie fa th e r,

C, O rac*. No. 438 H am ilton i i r e a t , H ar- yiaoru on F rid ay . J a n u a ry 16. a t 8 A. M P m C h sfo h of the Holy £ a Solenm H igh MaL_ — . . i » i r * d io r the repoae o f h la aou i.. In te rm e n t

AaeMlatlOQ. a re kfndly 'lnvY tad to a tte n d th eIde Mr.

M iih 'e M ind

l u ;rriw oo — ,p o t r i c k '. CkthMlnU.HIM A. H. n . l . d v Invliod I s k l l .n J ,

H O U U N a iU l- M o w h '. M ln J UM h Ma m of R M U lo u will ho offow d fo r Iho ripooo of tea fo“ of iko lAlo Ma« « « i I lo l i l o f . r . » t i l . Joorj.h o C h u n h . <M FrW oy. JA m u ry l«-. IHll- ■ t t A. M. RalA ttvol A oJ fnar.do Ara hlndlp IqvlIM lo A lU nd .____________

HELP W A N TEp-M EH! A f t B b

A G E N T S —Uae your epdre t i n e to boiild H i a m all o rd e r bualneaa of your a w n i w e h e lp

you e ta r t fo r a ehare In p ro n u : tw enty^aevaiio p p o rtu n itia e ; n a rtlcu le ra tree. ' ' ------tu n ttla e E io M iig f , Buffalo, J f .

HELP W A H T I P - j l l l lP » B M * » - A

WOAf ___ , , -lo rro d . H E B B T . 41T

ET*•n d ooltA ib lo U o n l s r .

■talrtA: osM ritB O A E poo- IT UroAd A .

P O R T E R w p n u d f o r p l e t v o I h M t r s ;w .A M I I . A p p lr M AhAfor O lT m p U T I aa-

t r o , N o rlo lk ou . o m t gouH i Otaq a* a w .


A U TO D R IV IN O . K K P A IR IN O ; C O M P U B T S U O U R a il. t i t ; l a RUB C A R S; LO N G R O A D


c a r p e n t e r ,107 B E L L E V IL L E A V B.

P i c t u r e f ram e Jom*r w an ted . a » 4 m a t out* te r : i te td y job ; good pay In voed m an. I.

Q R EEN R A U M , H « Bpriftgfleld ave.

P L U H n E R w a n te d on iobM ftj

M U L IJ IN E Y -F lr a t A n n lv e ria ry H lfh Mae# o f R equ iem foa th e repoee of the lo u l o f th e late P a lrJo k Ifu lle n e y on S a tu rd a y m orning. Ja n u a ry IT, a t a o 'c lock , a t 8t. O ecolla’e C hurch, K ea rn y . R ela ttv ee a n d frien d a a re kindly Invited.

iJone, b u t lovingly rem em bared .


m . K.

rtCHCtOL o r N E W A R K -n m V lN O R E P A IR IN G ; COM PIaE T E UO U ftSM l' H a RV KT, 46 HIOH ST. 'P H O N E

a n d to rch , f io u tb o ra n g e

A pply u n til c ity-

e 'd o e l i . n o

P R IN T IN a PfwN feeder# w a n te d . SM ABURT4 JO H N SO N 'S. Qlenwood av e ., B apt O range.

)37IR m iA N C K BROOK.

IN MEMORIAMo f o ur lieaaly belovedIn loving m em ory

dM ughter, E^dlih Tl. H u n t in ee D oram uai, who

ib rence of m y d ea r w ife.em uei, who died Ja n u a ry

In loving rem em br K dlih H un t (nee J ^ i J&. 1DI3.

R e f t on. d e a r w ife, y o u r lim e I# e '# r ; Y our w illing luuida can w ork no m ore. A fa i th fu l .wir#, kind a n d tru e ;No one on e a rt.i 1 fin d lik e ymi.

Gone, b u t not ro r |o t io n .C L A R J ^ C B H U NT.

In lov ing m em ory of o u r d e a r niece. E d tih M, H u m (no# iKtretniM). w ho d ied J a n u a ry 15, lUl'J. aged iO yeare.

W hen the u u g e ti b rough t th e m aaaagi,’I'tm i our d e a r R dlth ehould go,

Ntme b u t thoee who have lo it loved onae f a n o u r g rie f and eorrow know.


In lo v in g m em o ry of o u r d e a r n iec e a n d eoua tn , E d i t h ...................... ^M H u n t (n ee D o re m u a ) , w ho p e a c e fu lly (ell a a le e p J a n u a r y l i , 1111, a g e d U y eare ,

H om e d a y w e 'll u n d a ra ta n d .A U N T M A R T, CO U SIN F L O R E N C E

In lov ing m em ory of our only d e a rly beloved •on. H a r ry F re d ric k E vana, w ho paaaed aw ay J a n u a ry Id. IMS.

One y e a r h a a paaaed; o u r h e a r t e till lo re ;Aa d ay a go on. w e m lia h im mora.I lia m em ory la a# d e a r today .A t IQ th e h o u r h e paaaed aw ay . N ot one d ay h av e w e fo rg o t btm .

T hough o n e y e a r h aa paaeed ;----------le tee t IbocHie m em ory le our aw eefeet th o u g h t

And w llL b e u n til th e laat, ___T o u r lov in g p aren t# , H A R H T A N D U IK NTB


lov ing m em ory o f o u r b a to ied m other, I f r r v - r a t , F lnkua^ (ft**. ''* * •


A U TU SC H O O L of, N. J . , I I J - J l l H a l ^ y e l . . , ^g^nta fa r th e ir new tyu liieel a n d la rg e a t In th e H U l« : u n l im ite d T iejugp; hea ta from eah au a t; can

co iirae : lioenne g u a ra n te e d ; d a y o r e v e n in g ; --R ta rt now .

A TTO AND M P A I R I N O : COm"^ A B ' r y m w . « 6


S a l e h U E K - T he Auro L a a te r C e n p a f ty w ante eapatile m en w ith im all a p i t a l . a# S ta te an d

eo u n ty agen ta fur th e ir new ly s a te u te d a u to Ik ca ta r; hea ta from eah au a t; c a n b e iaa ta lled In tw e n ty m lnuiee; eelta (or S3A; e v e ^ a tito tnoblla o w n er nveda It; dem o n a tra ilo n m auraa a a le ; c ap ab le m en r a n e a rn fi.OOGi }>ef m o n th ; In v ea tl'

Ktlon Invited. A ddrcaa Salea M anager* 1148 d fo rd ave.. Brooklyn, N. T .

B O T * -W A N T E D , B R IG H T R O T , F R O M 14- 14 Y E A R S O F A G E : TO L E A R N T R A D K ;

S TK A D Y W O R K A N D tJOUD P A Y . A P P L Y T O W M . C R A R B A CO.. T H IR D A V R . A N D F O U R T H S T ., c i t y .

SA LESM AN , d e ilro u a of l>ett«ring pealtton , oan co n n eri w ith a Im dlrtg Naw Tone life Ineur-

BOY—W a n te d , good, cap ab ie boy, to c a r ry naw attapera ; e x tra good pay for one p ro v in g

hlg W orth. A pply linm edlaloly, M IL L E R , R alon p ]„ co r. Greenwood ave., Kaat Oranffe-

anoe com pany i a teady em ploym ent, D xad aa la ry w ith cornmlealon; on new buelneae ea trw ; be> glQ jier can m ake 136 to 136 a w eek : qtilqli pro* m otion to m an ihow lng m an a g e r ia l ab lf lty ; t e l j r m arried m*i>. betw een SS a n d 40, w ith a w o rk e r’a rerord need a n iw a r A ddraaa Cor< potm ilon. Dux 40, New# oftloe.SALESMAN w in ted -A leadlftff l ife Lnm rtnce

ooaapanj d e e lm the e p ir lc te o f a flret*claaa e o lld le r aed roUertor, weekly eunpaM atloa,

HOY* Good f lro n g boy. o v rr 13, In e a e te m p a r t of I 'lty . w an ted to c a rr yp ip era . m o m ln g a rnmA

e\enlT iga; tl.TS. AddroM C arrie r, B oa 111, New # o ffice.

_ . _ . _ . . . WMM, • •VMI|3 0 ; tpleodld opportunity for hard w orker a&d imbtliDUH DiAD. For a d ta m e m e a t; m arried mao

BUYS— S ix boya w a n te d for d im e m e i i e r ^ e r e e rv ic e ; o n ly th o ee w ho c a n e e cu re b<md

r>ft«d a p p ly . In q u tr a DAVlfl I te e la u r a n t , wO N ew a t.

betw een th* agei of 35 aad 40 w ith ftraU elaae reference end e u re tj bend. Addraaa M., Box S, N ew t office.

BOY—B rig h t bey, 18. fo r o ffh e w ork ; one w ho c a n f ig u re a n d w r ite w ell; good c h a n ce fo r

ad v a n ce o ie n t. Addre## Office, Box 50, N ew * ufrtoe.HOY w a n te d to learn

trad « , Apply RO BER T pi , V aU eburgh aectlon.

plum bing and h ta c ln g B L A IR , 8 I#iura1

BO T to lea rn Jew elry trad e ; a lto one w ith a (ew y e a ra ' experlenae. Addr«a# Jew e lry , Hex

108, N g w a offIcAB O Y — B r ig h t b o y to ru n e r r a n d r f ile co rre«

■ pondenoe , e to . A ddreea A . W . M ., B ox I I , N e w s offloa .

BO Y w a n te d *ift w o r k : re fe re n o e a req u ired .

C itn to p av e .

d ru g # to ra ; no e v e n in gT B M P E U

BOYS—Tw o fo o d delivery boy# w an ted .BROS., 80 F o u rth a v a . t i m O range.

M O B '

BO V w a n te d . 163 C h ee tn u t # t., N u tle y .

f iO T w a n te d , i l l C lin to n av a .

B U T C H E R —O eod. honeet m an w a n te d : one w ho cen fu m ia h reference: good p ay to r ig h t

m a n r C e ll T hureduy o r F r id a y ev en in g a f te r T a t a s E )ll# avA , n e a r C lin ton a v e ., in riag< too, N . J . ; teoond floor.B U T C H E R — good b u tch e r w a n te d ; a tead :

p o e ltlo n fo r r ig h t m an. A pp ly CO.. M e tfo p n h ta n bu ild in g , O rani

11 eiva-YR O T H

T anga.B U T C H E R w an tpd fo r S a tu rd ay . 4M O ra n g a

•Lp a r ta d th la Ufa J a n u a ry 18, 1887.

H o m e la aa d ; oh, Ood, now d re a ry ;

A. M ., to w here, a t 8 A,viH ircn 01 m e nv^y ^ n m i n u « r« , » i * m ,

a S olatna H igh K aaa of R equiem w ill beir*d to r the repoie o f hi# eouL lu t* ------- *

S t th e n m a t e r y of th e Holy SepulehrAO U T M A N N -E n terad in to rea t on T u eed ay .

I tD O ary iSk 18H> M aty , M lovad d a u g h ta r o f m la t* Jo ly i and B a rb e rs O utm ann . RfllaUve# s n d f ri« n d i a r a moat reapaotfu lly In v ite d to

th e fu n e ra l from h w U te raaldatioe. No.J a n u a ry

reeC on 1 %

m W Uloughby etree t, on F rid a y , J a n u a ry I E 1914, a t 3 P . M. In te rm an t a t ^ I n h o u n t C e m e te ry a t th a eonvanleno# o f th e fam ily .

H A S C R IR — T u iad ay ; J a n u a ry 18. 1814. F n ia k A ., beloved hueband of M ary E. t ia e c h a r <naa K earney), aged 88 y e a n 5 BKUtthf a n d 38 daye. R elaflvea and friande f t e k in d ly Inv ited to a tte n d Ihe fu n e ra l from H is la t* reaidenoe Ho 88 Houaton otri ‘

S , J a n u a ry 18, a t 8 :8p A. M. e f t C hurch , where a t 8 A, tn M aM w ill be c>(fer»d fo r th e repoee

S t h ie SOUL In te rm en t in th e C em etery o f t f ie R o ly SamUchro.

JA C K S O N — A t C h ea ter. H . J., J a n u a r y 14 , 1814. A a n a , beloved w ife of W fllia m R . E a iek ton . T ^neral* ea rv le a i w ill b e h e ld e t

k S tu M a th e d le t C h u rc h , H uocaeuana , N. J . . • f t S a tu rd a y , J a n u a r y 17, on a r r iv a l o f 18:18 t M l I f ro m N ew Y o rk . I n te r m e n t S u o o a ' IHinfta. N , J ,

X IS L JN Q — O s J a n u a ry 14, 1114. J o h n , amn o f Jo e e p h a n d Loulee K J illP g , a g e 17 g e a r i . R e la tiv a l, a n d f r le n d e a r e r e e p e c t ’ fu l ly In v ite d to a tte n d . F u n e ra l o n S a t ­u r d a y , J a n u a r y IT, a t I P . M., f ro m ree l- doQoe o f h ie p a re n ta , 81 Jeffetreon e tr e e t . i n ie r m a f i l F a t ra m u n t Cemat*‘ry ,

L E D B R H A N — O n WedpeMSay, J a n u a r y 14. 3114. AhOA beloved c h ild of D a v id a n d C b r l i t l a a L e d e rm a n (nee P f a f f ) . a g e d iin o n th o 31 d a y s F u n e ra l f ro m p e re n te ' reel- - T h lr ta e n lh a v en u e, o n F r id a y .S s o c a ,

J a m a r y . I f ,g r e e n Cemet<

U 8 _____f I f , e t 10 A. M. f n to r m a n t E v e r- idm etery .

M eCALLUM —A t B loom deld, N. J „ J a n u a ry 18, 1914. P a rte , hugband o( M ary E. M cCaL

• ftiipj aged 76 yeare. F u n e ra l eerv loee a t hi# rtw d en ce . 47 P r o i ^ t e tree t, F r id a y , J a n ­

u a ry 16, a t 3 P . M. R ela tlv o i a n d ( rten d e a re In v ited t e a tte n d . In te rm en t in R o ie d a le C em ­e te ry a l oogiTenlence of tam ily ,

M oC A N N -O n Je n u a ry IB, 18H. H en ry , belovedT a m jof J a n e M cCann inee (jheeam an) and th e l i l t i t f n ry McCann. EU latlvei en d friend#a n d m am hin 'i of the ^ o r i d H ea rt Soclely a re

..............o y l t i^ to a tte n d th* fu n fra t fro m hi»U ndly* inv ited t t .. ------ ....a le r«H M nc«. M H ertfo rd e(re#c, on B 'rtdav. l a n a a r r 1 4 a t 8:16 A. m ., to S t. J o a tp h # :%Urch, w her# a H igh M ai* of R equ iem w ill

k e o ffe red fo r the repoee o f h ie eout. In te r-• ‘ " .......................... " — *cKrIh c p t In th e C em etery of the Holy Bepulcl

M oC U T C U SO N — In N e w a rk . J a n u a r y I I . 1114. . A m elia , beloved w ife o f G eo rg e M c- O u tch eo n . R ela tlv o e an d f r ie n d # a r e re - fp e e t ru l ly in v ite d tn a t t e n d th * fu n e ra l f ro m f lk r l a t* ree ldance , 331 S e y m o u r a v e n u e . S m d a y , a t 2 P . M. In te r m e n t E v e rg re e n ' C e m e te ry .. M eC U T C U E O N -B uddenty . A m elia M oCutoh-

-Slea, s o lv e d wife o r G e c n a McCutoheem. !PU- h an U M rvicce Fridivy. .lan u ary 16, a t .S P . M. a t 331 Seym our avcnvi*.

’ M E T T B R N IC H — F ilte re d in to fe e t . oi( ^ • d n e i id a y . J t n u a i r 14. 1914, E l tx a b o th H ..

v%moired d a u g h te r of f 'h r le t la n e n d R l t i a b e th M a t t e m lc h ln e e C o le m a n ), In h e r 7 th m o n tli. i U ia t I v a d a n d (rlen d a e re k in d ly In v ite d to H i te n d th e fu n e ra l eervloee on F r id a y . JA n- guury IB, -a t 3 P . M., from th e p a r e n t s ' r## t- dflltoAi: |8 D ew ey e tre e t. I n te r m e n t In F a i r '

m o u n t C em e te ry . F u n e re i p r iv a te .NO ON AN—Oti Ja n u ary 18, 1914, M lohaeh

- W lo v ed hueband o f Cetharl^ne N oonan (no# W y n n ) .’ R«1a tlv e i and (rlOndl a re in v ited to a t te n d th e fu n era l from hla la t# lee ldenee , 334 YYalnul e tree t, on Friday, J e n u a ry 18, a t t ; 8d A. M .. to 8t. Ja in e i 'e C hurch , w h ere a S o lem n R Ign M ate of H equlrm will b# offered fo r th # repoM of hi# eoul. In ic rm en l in tho C am otery of the H oly i^pulohre. <<yH A JU ^ET-O n Ja jiu n ry 15. 1914. a t th e

S donee nf hie daugh ter, M ri. W illiam K err. S anfo rd e tro ft, luasi OrBiige, Kdw ard, h e­

ld hueband cf the lale M arth a O’M alley I G race). N otice of funeral hereafte r.

. . . P E T E R — E n te re d In to ree l, on W ed n es­d a y , 'J a n u a r y 14. ] t l 4 , Lucufl P e te r , b e lo v ed h u e b a n d o f th e la te C orllno P e te r (nee ^ M e ) , a g e d 72 year*, 2 m o n th e . 28 day*. *Rolatlvea, frien d * a n d m em berA of ve rlo iia

d e lle e o f w h ich th e deceneed weji a m em - " * ' a t te n d th e fu n e rn l

LonedOme, lotiMOmA #v«ry epot; U i t e n ln g fo r (h e voloe o f m o th e r—

SDcBt, fo r w* h ea r h # r not.B E R E A V E D H U SBA N D . SONS AND DAUGB-

T B R A ____________ :


W IL L F U R N ia H FO B 178, e x tr a f l a t b l ^ k broedclo th , w h ite or i l lv e r g ra y p lu th c a ek e t w ith m aeetve b a r hejidlee, •o g ra v e d n am e p i t t a c a ek e t tw au ttfu liy Imad w ith f in e #11k or a a ttn ; outeld# oa##, ndvertie- ing , e m b a lm iiig , dr««BlDg, efaevlng, crucifix , ca n d e la b ra , glove*, cba lre , h e a rt* end th re e coaohee to a n y c ity c u n e te ry ,


a fu n e ra l th a t m ta e u re e i ^ to a n y high rid ee FuiU ftd tr ta k e r 'e f90 fu n e ra l. F u n e ra l perior# free


'P H O N E 287 B R A N C H BROOK.rrB W & B K b u r i A™, c o M P A jn r .

IB B road e t., be tw een R rtd g a and L om bardy • t t . , tppogU e W a th ln g lm P a rk .

H S -C O M P L E T E rU N E R A I<-466 B laek b roadc lo th , w h ite , pJueh or Im ltattoti

* ak caek e t, hand le* a n d p la te , ilnad w ith ellk o r a a tln , o u teid# caae, ad v e rc liin g , em balrniog. S reealng . e h a v ia g , c n io i / lx and e aad a lab ra , f lo v a e , ch a lra , h e a n * and tb ia # ooacbee to any c ity oefneter>*. F u n e ra l parlo r# fre* . More fo r lea# m oney th a n o f f e r s e le tw h e ra Boeetai a tte o tlo n I* d ir# c led to our. f ir e t 'o la ia livery. B ngber p riced fiinctalA If deelred.N E W A R K B U R IA L COM PAN Y. 535 B road #L

Tel, 8031 M arkM .A D O L P H P P E I L - F o r 678 I w ill f u m lih a f lr t t -

olagg fu n e ra l, Includ ing g ra v e o r crem ation . I're C o u rt e t. , n e e r W e«t # t .; u n d e rta k e r an d

ErufeealoiiaJ v m balm er, I* D. 'p h o n e 1847 M ar-et. ^

BR A K 3JM EN . F IR E M E N , ro llroede e n te r in g N ee a rk ; w agea llUO; axperlenoe u f ta c e te a a iy ;

MDd ag e . p o tta g e . H allw ay A aeoclatlan. D ep t. 11, B rooklyn, N . T .B A R B E R —W a n te d . 'f o r S a tu rday an d S u n d a y i

a leo h a lf b a rb e r fo r next w eek; a teed y . I l lC en tra ) av e ., S a e t N ew ark.

B A R B E R — H a lf b a rb e r w a n te d a t o n o e ; g o o d w age#. I I H M ain a t . S a e t O ra n g e .

C O L L E C T O R w a n te d , m id d le -a g e d m a n fo rv ie l t i l ty o f 'N e w a rk : re o o m m e n d a tlo n e

S A L E S M E N -S plend id o p p e r tu a lly tn « u r lea d epartm en t for (w o b ^ I m . ambjltloua

an d In te lligen t young u i#a h a v in g ee llln g a b li-... ------- - -U y ; p erm an en t poeltlon a n d good fu tu re ae- •u re d ; reference requ ired . A pply b e fo re 8 A, M. and e f u r 4 P. M., P . F . C o L U l m * SON, 207 M ertfit #1.8A L K 3M EN end in au ian c* m en w ao(*d lo eell

e ian d a rd acciden t in au raso e c o n trm eu ; w ill

J|\A ealery and comneleaiofi to hu#tlere. Ad- ree l S tan d ard . Box 88, N ew e office.

SA LESM EN w a a t4d ; axparfeaew d o a o v a M Mm ake big m oney ee llln g h o o teh o ld epoalalUear

e teady p o n tio n t lo r ig h t p a rtlee , O. F , ADAM SCO,, M arket i t .S A LESM A N — C uatom c lo th in g a a le e m a n

w ith eom e k n o w le d g e o f m a a n r e m e n t#a n d try -o n e . A ddreea A .. B o x 48, N ew e o L flee.

BA LESM A N — I t____ I t p e r d a y a a l a r j , baelde#oo trm iea lra , a e tlln f a aenaatK iaal

a lt> . 6t C e n tre a t , N e v re rk . N , J .S T B A U - r n T E R - n r e t - e la e e M aam -fltU r

wBJiled, w ho th o ro u g b ly u n d e r i ta n d e pow er P la n t and fao to ry w ork on n*w a n d re p a ir w o rk ; e teady w ork to r ig h t p a r ty ; m u et be w ell recom m ended. Addreea, a ta t la g a g ^ re fa r- encea end ea la ry expeeled. M eehanlo, Vox H.* N ew * o ffic e

H ELP W A N T tD -W O M E N EMPLOYMENT W A N T ED -M E N EMPLOYMENT W A N T ED -W O H E NH O U a B W O R K — W » nl*d . • ( t r o n f , n * p * d t .

iirk ; toa b le g i r l f o r g e n e ra l hou eew o rk e ia yn l f h t e ; m u e t h a v e goek] r e f tra n o e e ; w a g e # 111 p e r ^ o n th u A p p ly 61 F u lto n a t , -------

e n g i n e e r a n dOr a t a n y th in g ,

S eo p n d et,

f t r e tn a a w le h e e poettloB- “ Q U IN N , I I I N o r thw . r .

S h a b e r t T h e a t r e ; reaeo n ab le .

H O U S E W O R K — W a n te d , n e a t, e o m p e te n t g i r l fo r g e n e ra l h o u eew o rh In t a m i ly o f

th r e e ; m u e t e p t a k Engil*}); no w a e h ln g•P *aIro n in g A p p ly 814 S p r in g f ie ld a v a , n e a r

F IR E M A N —Y oung m an w lehea poeltlon a# f ire m a n o r o lgirt w a lc h m a o ; f irem an a n d en-

g lnci-r lo et 13 y aa ra ; n o t a fra id of h a rd w ork : w ill ta k e jNseltloti a t a n y th in g . A L B E R T A. W E iM H H U R a V alley Brook » v e , K la g tU n i , N . J . ; lei. 767W R u tb erftm L

I rv in g to n

H O U S E K E E P E R — H ld d le -e g e il w o m a n fo r fu rn la h e d - ro o m h o u ee ; e x p e r ie n c e d

w o rk e r ; w a g e a fu rn la h e d room 'a n d I f m o n th ly . C a ll a f t e r I o 'c lo ck , 88 C o u rt e(.

P IR K M A N w ta h e i p o e it |« n : c a n fu rn le b goo d ^ • f e r e n c e , A d d re a i F i re m a n , B ox IIT ,

N ew e o ffice.

HO U SEK U E P K R -W a n te d .d le - e g t i w om en ae houi

of (our. In th*A 'ld rrea Box

by nidow er,ieck*-eu». for f i in l ty F IR E M A N . H u n g a r ia u . apeak# O erin an an d

h* c o u n try : re fe rtn cM ex ch an g ed . ro ig lleh . w U hee poaUton. 47 F a tv reo n a t., 48. R. D ., Nqw H am pton, N . Y. ________

H ltE M A N , 6 y e a r# e M rIe n o * . w a n ia poeltloa: raforenc* . A Jdreaa ^ r e m a n . Box 116. New# offic#.

W A JH IN C .REA SO N S w hv th e H IIX X B R RO UO H

B B R ^ C E la th e ttioci ■ a lle laeto ry . A p erfec ted e re U m g lv ee yon k«ek a il th e olo thea you ■ ^ • ' ^ l l w r y 1# m ade F h M yoM axpael It—e a c h e laea o f linen 1* ^w aahal o e p a ra te ly — flan n e la ar** la u n d e o ^ by o u r "ao ft a n d flufly '* inetbod—w e have h ad ta n y a t r t ' e x p e ^ n c e h an d lin g FA M ILY ROUGH DRY W A SH tN O , a o d h ave iea m e d how to ^ e a e * o v e r t.OlO honeebolda

AT 6 C E N T S A PO U N D , ev e ry M t o f jo u r bed an d ta b le linen , toweTa e ta ,, w ill be n o o e d reed y for uae. AU th e e th e r clothe# w in be d ried —m any o f th em , by our proeeee, w ill be q u ite l it for i m o ^ i a t o w ear- log. N e t m uch Ironing le f t fo r yoo.W E L L TA K C AS L IT T L E Aft WC, W ORTH.

The lau n d ry w ith th e * 'BJue'’ W m gona

H O U B E W O R K -E IxpeH rniM t w hile g ir l , O er- rean p ref« rt*d , w ith reference#: m u it under-

N tand I'cfoking; em ail f a m ily : w arfa re p a id . A pply *4 U U lalde av e ., n e a r C linton ave.

IN SU RA N tTE MAN. A l a ll-a ro u n d , d ee lree to I co n n ect w ith re liab le concern . A ddrt## Inaur- j

a n ce . Box 88, N e v a office.

H IL L IE R RO UO H D A T LA U N D R Y OCX, 413 J la r k a t at 'P b a iie M a rk e t S968.

H O U B ISW O K K — <ilrl fo r g e n e ra l b o u e e w o rk In S o u th O ra n g e ; m u et oe gt>od oouk a n d

lau n d re a * a n d a b le to g lv* re fe re n c e . A p p ly a t offli-e . t« G re e n a t., N e w a rk .

JEW BI«H;R. experienoed on p la tin u m a n d gold w o rk ; hood on a ll-a ro u n d w o rk ; n ln a year*

In a good fac to ry . Addreea MT. Hox 104. New# office.

H O U B B W U K K -'N e a t. w h ite g ir l fo r g e o - a ra l ho aeew c trk ; a m a ll f a m ily : r e f e r e n c e

req u ire 'd . 14 N o r th A rlin g to n a v e ., S a e t O ra n g e ; 'p h o n * O ra n g e 1134-

m e c h a n i c wlaise* poelticuk, e re c tin g , rep a ir in g oiora, dynam o*, Tightff an d M A N A X ER . Box % A vonal,

m aohlrtery , m oiora, ateam -^fitting.N, J ,

H O U S im 'i.^ n K —F o r genyrmi boueew ork, g ir l w ho know * how tu i'^>k. weeh, iro n a n d

c le a n ; refe rrm e . i-a rfu re paid , 723 P a G raw a v a , n ea r H elle r perkw ay.H O U S E W O R K — W h ite w o m en f o r g e n e ra l

h o u a e w o rk . no w a e h ln g , fo o d w age* to w il lin g w o rk e r ; p a re o n a l re fe re n c e req u li 'e d . C all 34 W a ln u t a t., c ity .

M A N ^ T r a ln ln g b ro a d e n o u g h to m a k e m e v a lu a b le In a n y d e p a r tm e n t ; n o t a f r a id

o f h a r d w o rk o r lo n g h u u re : p r e p a r e d to de« v o te e n t i r e t im e to e m p lo y e r 'e I n te r e e t ; lea v e e a la r y to y o u r g ood eelvee a n d g ro w w ith y o u ; e x p e rie n c e , p u rc b a a ln g . ea lea . r in a n o la l . b o o k -k e e p in g , n took d e p a r tm e n te . d e ta i l , o r - g a n le a t lo n ; h a n d le v o lu m e c o rre a p o n d e n o # ; ro a d e x p e r ie n c e ; a h o p p ra o d e e . A d d i 8flt B ro a d e t., N e w a rk , N. J.

D ..

H O U S E W O R K -W x n ttd . young g irl fo r g e n e ra l houeew ofk: p lain rook and raundree ij^ fam ily

o f tw o ; good P le aa a n t ave.

w age*, re f tre n c r . 288a M t.

M AN, th o ro u g h ly u n d c re ta n d ln g t i l k tnde a f new and re p a ir w ork on bulJdlngA #«Ulivg #f

m ach in e ry , e tc ., deelree a teedy poaltloB; re fe r- •nce« , CO NO D. 18 S te rlin g av e ., O m n g a


hue eolved th a wael) day problam fo r m a a r housabolde; why i n n 't ycG in v ea tlg a tc a n d eAa w h a t w* can do to r y o b f W e ta k e e v e ry kmJ of w ea lin g ap p a re l—u nder a n d o v e r—to f t th n r w ith your oed a d d ta b le lin e n ; th e coat by o^f eyatem le lower th a n yon cen h av e I t done in y o u r hom e; we a u rt every bun d le , w aeh lng each f a m ily 'i w h ite w ork In e e p a ra ia com partA ient# and th ere b y doing n m y w ith th e obJecU onabia Indelible ink m ark # on your lluen.

15 PO U N D S FO R 75 CE N TS.O ver 16 pound#, 4 c«n te p e r pound e x t r ^

T H IS TNCIArDES T H R IR O N IN Go f a la rg e proportion o f y o u r clothe*, leaving

kly th* fan o y piece* to be fln iehed a t hom ii A R D C L t/S STEAM LA U N D RY , 38 Croee

I t . , N e w a rk . 'P h o n e 1704 B ra n c h B ro o k .

W A B B IN G — W o u ld do f in e w o e h in g a t b o rn e ; r e f e r e n c e ; c a ll o r 'p h o n e IIU 7 W

B . D. P O R T H R . 188 C e n tra l av e .

H O U S E W O R K -W b lie g irl w anted fo r g e n e ra l boueew ork In fam ily of Ih ree : no w aeh ln g ;

reference# req u ired . 158 Roaevllle ave.

M A N —C olored m an w ithe# poaltlon o s ( lr* B u n a r J a n ltu r ; u n d ere tan d # e te a m -f it t in g a n d *leo-

Irlo rep a ir* ; d i y re fe ren c e ; 18 y e a re 'e x p e r i­ence, ............ ............ ..

H O U S E W O R K —'W a n te d , y oung w o m an o r g irl fo r g e n e te l h o u eew o rh in e m a il f a m ­

ily . C a ll R . fl. W .. 69 A rlin g to n ave .

'R E E M A N . 128 A cadem y i t . M A C H IN IST—F lre t-c lo e e Hitlli:ng mipehliM oper-

c IM, N ew # offioe,

YO U N G W O M A N , c a p ab le , f iv e y e a re ' ex - p e rle n o e w i th m a n u f a c tu r in g J e w e le r , u n -

d e re ta n d e e t o ^ reo o rd e a n d a ll d e ta i l* o f o ffic e w o rk , d e a lre e iHseltloh; A l r e fe ra u c a , A ddrva# C a p a b le . B ox 118. N ew e o f fic e .

H O U S E W O R K — W an te d , c o m p e te n t g i r l fo r g e n e ra l b o u e e w o rk ; mu<<t h a v e re fe ren c e * .

A p p ly 11 W ilco x a r e . . E a e t O ra n g e __________h o u s e w o r k —{lerm an g irl w an ted fo r h o u se­

w ork . L A I'T E R , 100 E leventh sv e .. n e a r South T en th a t , ; enuat like ch ildren .

H O U B irw O R K - houeaw ork an d

Com petent nd pi

an d even lnga a t j W> South S ix th et

n p e ten t g trl fo r g e n e ra l iJn cooking. Call m orning#

H O U S E W O R K — G lrle w a n te d (o r g e n e ra l b o u e e w o rk 1 m u e t a p e a k E n g llih . A p p ly

A. F E L V E R 149 B lljsabeth ave.

S H IP P IN G C L E R K —S x ^ r ie n o a d m an a# re ­ceiv ing an d ab lp p ln g o lerk l a w helesal# an d

r e ta il m ilk b u a ln u a : only experienced m an w ith good ro ferenea abed a p p ly : w rlta , e ta t la g fu l p a n lc u la n . Addre#* C lerk, Box IS, Kewa office.

f g r '^ e w a rBCORBR—W an ted , re liab le m a iia lngl* an d . double poorlng m achine# , tn paper

box p la n t; e teady w ork adl y e itf i n u i i d . Ad-dree# Scorer, Box IT, N ew # offloa...SH O E C X ^R K w an ted ; O h rla tlaa p r e f e m d ;

s ta te a t* a n d experteno*. A ddr#a# Shoe. Box 88, N#we oCDc*.

TO O U CA K SSl, experienoed a a d ferm iiig d ie# ; e ta t# 1 _

A ddre#* T#ol, Box U l . N «w # e tf lg a.

la n t# punehtng a a d ferm iiig d ie# ; e ta t# a g * a a q eoeperienetr

U P H O L S T E R S w an ted 36 N#w #L Thro good M ##hanl(t#; app ly a t 0* 0*.

a n d d a p o e lt o f 834 re q u ire d ; e a la r y | l t - | 1 6 a n d e x p t d a y . A ava n d expen##*. A p p ly S a tu rd a y o r W ed n e# -

v&noe V e n d in g Co.. 2tT B o a t F o r ty - n r ih e t . . N ew Y ork.

C O IjL E C T O R — W o n te d , good o o lle o to r a n d a a le a n ta n on eew ln g m &chlnee. 682 B ro a d


C A R P E N T E R S —-T en o e rp e n te r# w a n tv d .A D O L F n n A Z D O N B K V , 41-68 Iv y * t ,

K e a rn y .

C Y L IN D B R an d Gordon feeder# w( GROEBEB-HoGOVERN. O ln to a a n d U v

tta . I

a n ted .w renc#

E L E C T R IC IA N a n d he lp e r w a n te d fo r In ­te r io r w ir in g a n d Jobbing . T H E G L A lS -

T E R CO., 375 B loom fie ld ave.i M o n tc la ir , N . J .

E N A M E L E R — W an ted , f lre t-c la a # e n a in e le r on g o ld je w e lry . D U R A N D 4 (!0 ., 49

F r a n k l in *t.

F I N I S H E R fo r J a p a n n in g d e p a r tm e n t ; one a b le to m ix h ie own c o lo r# ; e tr lp e -Add

d e c o ra te . S t ir r u p M fg. Co., 3IT G re e n w ic h e t., N ew Y o rk C ity .

F A R M H A N D w a n te d ; m u st be good m ilk e r . J . N O L L , 74 A rlin g to n a v e .. B lo o m fie ld

O pen day and n ig h t. F U a v t l m rlo re f r t* .


P r iv a te F u o tra l F irlo r* .878 BROAD ftT,

T elephone 18i M arket. N ew ark , K« J.H A E B E R L B f t BA RTH , aueceeeorc to H aeberle

B ro i., fuaerm l d lreo to r# ae1ehenb*etatt«r), ' ............. t H a e b e rle J r . ; b i '

G R IN D E R —S o u th e rn b arb er su p p ly houee w a n te a ll-a ro u n d g rinder; m uet be tira t-c la# #

m echan ic , p a rticu la rly good on raxora. e h ra re a n d o lip p e re ; 00 bo o ier wanted* Addre##, w ith fu ll m fo rm a tlo n , to Grinder, Box 18, N ew # o f­fice.

N e w a rk , N. J . ;

ipen day endigDi

phon# 1078 W a v e ^ .

H u g o B a r th , A lb e rt H a e u e rle . . . n ig h t; prioe#_ m oderate . 4^ _BprlngDel4 av# ..

H O U S E M A N fo r p r iv a te fa m ily , |3 f m o n th , b o a rd , r o o m ; n ig h t w a tc h m a n , e x p e r ie n c e d

c a re o f boiler# , |1 4 w eek ; a # # ie ta n t J a n i to r fo r s c h o o l, t tn d e re ta n d lo g boUer'e, |1 3 w « ek : p o r te r , k lte h e n m e n , o rd e r oook. G E R M A N - A M E R IC A N A G EN CY , e n ti r e se c o n d f lo o r 19 C e d a r e t ; e e ta b lte h e d a lm o s t a b a l f c e n -

) lu ry .

W R I T I N G ^ A r* y o n a m b l t l o a t t A d d |1 6 to | 2 I. w eek ly to y o u r tn co m # d u r in g sp a re

t im e a t - h o m e , w r i tin g fo r n e w a p a p e re ; p a s t e x p # rle n c # o r l i t e r a r y a b il i ty n o t r e q u ire d ; r o a te r ta l e v e ry w h e r# In bo<^#, m agm ainei,

io u rn a l# , p u b ilo llb ra ii# * , e tc . ; fie ld o f 1,080 p a p e r# , #end fo r p a r t l c u la r e . Pr###

M. 40, W a e h ln g ttm , D. C.p a p e r# ,

B q re a u , Q.

W B IT E R S —lnt#lltg#iiit; la rg e iDOome corre- eponding fo r n ew ip a o e ra ; no canvoM lng . F or

partlouLara P reee f ty n d lo a ta 710, L o ck p o rt.N .T .

YO UN G H A N . not «v«r 30 y«arA who oan o p e ra t# R em ing ton m aoh lae , t a l a sho rth an d

an d m ak e g enerally uaefu i in o tflce ; chance fo r a d v au cem eb t; s ta te exp«rlerw * a n d r«f#r- ene«a. A ddreea H a n u fa c tu re r , B ox 49, New e offloa.

u te your ^>#re tb n # t* build up tine*# of y o u r ow n ; w« help

yo u S ta rt fo r a e h a r# In p ro fit* ^ tw en ty -esven

YOUNG mtn. a tnall o rder bueinw

i Lwvuijr-w* pi(opportup lU ee: p a rticu la r# free . M u tu a l Oppor> tu n ltle e E x ch o n g t, B uffalo , N. T ,YOUNG M SN w an ted to le a rn th e w ocdturnli

m ate ria ) fr»e.

ling and

a t C e n tra l H ig h School,

H O U S E W O R K — W a n te d . re e p e e u W e c o lo re d g i r l to a e e le t w ith h o u se w o rk ; s le e p h o m e ;

w ag ea | | | m o n th . 10 H ill i t .h o u s e w o r k — G lr” ’ w hT t^ fo r g e n e ra l

h o u a e w o rk ; g ood w ag e# ; re fe ren c e # r e ­q u ire d . 311 R o iev tU e av*.UOL’BB W O RK U arm an girl,

ll«h. for g en e ra l housew ork, ave., n e a r c l ln lo n ave.

•p eak in g lltag106 ■lenley

a to r . Addree* G E O R G E, BoxLg

A ddre## E x p ert, Box Ilfti N ew # o ffic a

YOUNG W OM AN w a n ts position n u rs in g coa-

u a c u i n i s t to r.

'E x p e r t m illin g m ach in e opera-v a le e o tn g 'p e ro o n o r ta k in g c a re o f In v alld l

%«ry p leea ln g d iapoaltion; i,^n fu rn ish beet of

o f f i c e w ork w an ted , an y k in d : m id d le-ag ed m an : good p # n m an ; a c c u ra te a t D g u ree ; not

a f r a id of work. R . STO RE, 41 F u lto n i t .

reference. Addre## N u rte , Box 1. N e w t offlc#.

YOUNG vroman, w ith a K. Y. b ue lne t# house

B A L E S M A N -L JV a W I M bA L E S M A K ,a b i l i t y a n d a c t i o n ;



A ddro i# Sale#, Box 48. N«w# offtc#.SA LESM A N , #xp«rl«nc*d,

lelld eslrae poe ltlo n ;

Llarr a n d oommi#- a lon ; em ployed a t p re se n t; w lU lng to t r a v ^ ;

ee llln g en d r a ta

b e e t' of referenoee N ew e o(fle#u

tra d e ;ta e n t . . . . .Addre## ftalee, Box

8 A L E S U A N . w i th good b uetnea# a b il i ty , w a n t# to c o n n e c t w ith c o rp o r a t io n ; h a a

e x p e r ie n c e In th a g e n e ra l in e u ra n o # lin e . A d d re# # S a lae m a n . B o x 74, N ew e o ffto e .

M AN a n d w ife , tm lo red . w o u ld l ik e e llu a - tlo n In p r iv a te fa m ily . A d d ro i# X ., B ox

75- H ew # o f f foe.________________________________■ ' -------J

h o u s e w o r k - G trl w anted for g en e ra l hou##- w e rk ; c^nod hom e to r e lderly w om an. 31 S n y ­

der a t , O range .

S A L E S M A N — Y o u n g m an , 48, w 1#h#i poeL t io n #a a a le e m a n ; e x p e ria n o e d ; w llU ag to

s t a r t a t low e a la ry . A d d reea C o m p e fe n t , B ox 70. N ew e ofGce.

H D U ftETtV O R K -Three young ivhtt* glMe to a#- # iet w ith b ou iew ork H. F C L Y B II, 10b

E llx ab e lh ave.H O U S E W O R K -Y ouni

w ith housew ork. B ea t O range.

(fallifh it* vO a##Ut

a n N o rth G rove at..

SA LESM A N w ant# poeltlon w ith a r e a l a e ta ta a n d In eu ran ce co n cern ; *xperieno#d. 1# also a

o>*>U4 and aom m leaioner of d e e d * Ad- l e g 08, N e w y f f l e e .___________

e ip a r lto e e d .

HOU b E w o R K —Youn g g l ii to aaetet w ith l la h l houeew ork fo r # few hour# m o rn ln g i. 860

se v en th ave.H O U S E W O R K —<Hrl w an ted fo r geasrwJ h«u#e-

work. S ou th T w elfth et.H O UBE>V'O RK-Colored glr!

houeew ork. 71 H ig h et.w tshe# g en e ra l

H O U SH W O H lE -W hU e g trl w anted . TOl P a rk e r iL . F o rea t H ilt.

HOM E W O R K —W e pay you Mg com m laslon Fnalling o u r c lr c u la r i ; ten d lOo. fo r f ira t sup-

ply an d p ricee paid. Acm e A dvcrtiafhg A gen- t-y. L «p t. T ., P a ierao n . N. J .

& TEN O G R A FH Q R. expertaSced . deolroa p a r- m ane 'n t poaUlon, w hore a b il i ty a d v o n c i# ; hOD-

eat, coneefentious and orabltloua. WM. H U B K L, 363 F a lrm o u n t gve., ^ ty .8 T B A M F IT T B R ; A l m e c h a n ic o lty o r tu b -

u rb e. A ddreea M echanic, B ox 7a, N ew # offle*.

t o o l m a k e r , th o ro u g h ly c a p a b le l i l t

m e -o b a n lo a n d e x p e ria n o e d e x e c u if f# , w a s te

p oB ltton ; to t a k e c h a rg e o f to o lro o m o r m a n u f a c tu r in g p l a n t : h tg tae# t re fe ren c e o .A d d reea C a p a b le . B ox 114. N ew s o fflo* .

W OOD a n d m eta l w o rk e r on a u to m o b ile a n d w agon bodlea. 46 P a ta rw m at.

YOUN G s in g le m an wlehea p o s itio n ; u n d er-Btande c a re of horse* and a ll-a ro u n d w ork,

A d d re ie Blnglo. Box fOl N ew * offioa.

H A N D e m b ro id e re r# , e x p o r la n c td o n ledlee* f in e voU e w a ie ta ; e te a d y w e rk a n d lo n g

eaaaon. J . f t H . CO H N , O ra n g e a n d H ig h e ta

YOUNG m an ; #g* 31; w ishes poeltlon a* e n e r ’i he lper o r fo rm h an d . A ddreea uom -

w te n t . Box 73. H ew# offloa.

a t p raaen t, head book-keeper, w an ts poejiion N e w a rk : a a la ry fa ir. A ddreea Books, BoxN ew s office.

YOUNG W O M A N w a n U k i tc h e n w o rk In r e s t a u r a n t , M RS. W IE D M A N . 3B6 E lg h -

te e n th a v e .____________________ ________________


WANTEDH IG H E S T c a ib p rices p a id fo r lad les ' a n d

g en ie ' o aa l-o ff c lo th in g a n d Ihoee ; e x tr a high p iioea p a id fo r m en 'a eu lts a u d lad le# ' fancy dreesaa; te n d p e ta l end 1 will ca ll a t onoe; o r 'ph o n e 4 S K ^ M arket. MR. CA H N , 117 South O raag * a v a , v f v N orfo lk l .

m O U E S T P R IC E S paid forPL A T IN U M , eld G O LD , D IA M O N D S,

SIL V E R , P A W im C K lT S . A N ^_____ ___________ _____ _________.JQ U E S .JO H N D A LEY . 054 8lh a v a , cor. 88&1 a t-. N .T .U IO U EH T price* p a id fo r g a# l-o rf (.-lolhlng.

h a t# an d eh o ea ' M. M ANSON, seco n d -h an d clo thes fo r lad ies a n d g a n ta H I H a r tfo rd e t . ; ‘phone 4 W y M a rk e t; send poetal.________ ,■

t r a d i n g B T A ik P b o oks ^ g h t , b lg h e a tp r ic e # p a id fo r loose stam pK . m ilk lab e ls ,

ao ap w ra p p e r* , « to . N ew J e rs e y C o u p o n Co., n o P la n e e t., n e a r M a rk e t,

R O L L o r f l a t to p Seek, “ “ ‘ ; w ill I


o r a n y th in g In o f ­f ic e f ix tu re # ; w ill p a y p r ic e if In fa t

d f tlo n . M R 64&fW M e rk e l

. . f a i r con* A c a d e m y a t . ; te l .

A B SO LU TELY h ig h e s t p rice# fo r o o st-o ff c lo th in g ; Special price# fo r fu ll d rees, tu te d o :

L I P M J ^ , ------- ■esnd poetal. l i p ; 16 F a lrv le w a v aT R A D IN G STA M PS b o u g h t; h lg h o st price#

paid fo r book# a n d leoee oou p o n iT m ilk la b e laaoap w tappero . 108 M ark e t s t„ rocmi Sl-

LA D fBS w a n te d to w ea r AeobenbACh H eel- e lra ie e ; lh # y keep your heele from w earin g

crooked. A#k your shoem aker for them .

LA U N D RY —E x p erien ced e is rc h e r w an ted . S pringfield ave.


N U RB E G IR L —a young g trl w an ted to m ind baby and e s a l i t ivith u p a ta ire work- A pply

102 S tan ley av#.

___ .. ____ A pply a t C e n tra l H IglM onday. T uesday , T h u rsd ay a n d F r id a y evenInga.YOUNG M A N -W o n te d , to le a r n .la m p te itin g .

A pply by le tta r , s ta t in g age , education and s a la ry desired . H A R R ISO N T E S T IN G BU ­R E A U . 41T S ussex s i. U e rr iso n . N. J .

YOUN G M AN to ru n r o u te ; t a k e o a re of tw e h o r s e s a n d h e lp In m e a t m a r k e t ; p o # lliv e ­

ly m u s t h a v e re fe re n c e . 243 P ro s p e c t a t., E k u t O ra n i* -



R IC H A R D H A E B E R L E , fu n e ra l d irec to r, now a t 480 tfith av e .. Juno, of S prlnafia ld ave., far^

m ar p a r tn e r o f K aeb e rie Bros. Servlo# a t rea -aonab le r a t e a TaJ MHftWav- F u n e ra l ohapei fre#.

JA M E S J . M A H ER . F U N E R A L D IR E C TO R .

Opf). G rove flt. S ta tio n , E ae t O ran g a Geo, B. C allen In a tte n d a n ce . Tel. conn.

A. 8 T A N L E T £ 0 U I , U n d e r ta k e r an d E m baltner,

6M O range et. P r iv a te fu n era l chapel. T e li. 1105 B. B . an d IIM Orange.

W IL U A M F . M U L U N . F U N E R A L D IR E C TO R ,

ISO I aA F A T E T T E ST. T E L . 680 M A R K ET.

h a t t e r ^ —W a n te d , s o f t h a t f ln la h a r t . Ap* p ly 1173 B ro a d w a y , N ew R o rk C ity ;

H A W E S , v a n G A L, Ino ., D a n b u ry , C onn .H E L P — W e se cu re poaltfons fo r m en , e v e ry

O ld B e llab l* E m p ln y m a n tc a p a c i ty . T h e A g e n c y , e n t i r e g ro u n d flo o r, 641 s ru a d et.

J A P A N N E R w a n te d to t a k e e h a rg o ; one a b le to m ix co lo rs, s tr ip e a n d d e c o ra te ;

n o n e b u t h ig h e laea m an n eed a p p ly . S t i r ­ru p M fg . Co., 117 G reenw ich i t . N ew Y o rk C ity .J E W E L E R - W A N T E D , A G O O D J E W -

E L E R T H A T C A N DO R E P A IR IN G A N D S T O N E S E L L IN G ; SA LA R Y | I 4 P E R W E E K . SY LV A N B R O S., C O L U M B IA . S. C,

TG U N O MAN, w ith p ra c t ic a l kn o w led g a ej perlence, a s book-keeper. A ddres# Cbm p

office.len t, Box T5. N ew sYOUNG M AN w a n te d tq d r iv e w ag o n and ta k e

D titchsr, 600c a re of horsee. JO H N SO N , M ain e t., E ast O range.

TO U N Q M EN (n o t b oya) f o r w in d in g w ire ;• “ *- Y H T T W ire C lo th Co.,n ig h t w ork.

BeM avnie. N. J

HELP W A N TE0-.W 0M ENAN e x p e rie n c e d y o u n g w o m a n w a n te d foi

g e n e ra l b o u eew o rk a n d o o o k ln g , no 'v a sh In g ; m u s t h a v e goo d re f a r e n o s s ; fam ily t h r e e a d u lt# . D R . C H A P M A N 'S . 316 R o sr- v llle ave.

A P P R E N T IC E and e rra n d g ir l a t d re iim a k - Ing. 78 Roeevflle ave.

O F F IC E m o v in g p ic tu re elldee, q u ic k e s t m e th o d to le a rn e h o rtM t co u rse I s a a c p i t ­

m a n a n d P I tm a n tc s h o r th a n d , a n d o th e r c o m m e rc ia l b ran c h # * . In c lu d in g b o o k -k e e p ­in g : p o e ltlo n a s soon a e c o m p e te n t; If I n t e r ­e s te d y o u a r e In v ite d to f re e e x h ib i t io n t o ­n ig h t , 4 o ’c lo c k . M e rc h a n la a n d B a h k e re ' S choo l, 861 B ro a d s t.O F F IC E W O R K -G Ir l , w ith knoVrIedg* o(

i te n o f ra td ty an d ty p ew ritin g , a lso good s, fo rfigu res. g en e ra l office work. Addreea.

S ta lin g ex M rIen ce. refe rences and sa la ryto E x ecu tiv e , Box T, N ew s office. Or-pecld


O P E R A T O R S — E x p e rie n c e d einEle a n d tw o - n e e d le o p e ra to r s on Tnualin u n d e rw e a r ;

s te a d y w o rk a n d h ig h e s t w ages p a id . C H A S . R . D E B B V O IS E CU., c o rn e r P la n e a n d A c a d e m y s ts .

EMPLOYMENT W ANTED -W O M ENB O O K -K E E P E R — D o u b l# e n tr y , y o u n g

w o m a n ; c a p a b le t a k in g c h a r g e : # U y e a re ' e x p e rie n c e . A d d re s s S te a d y , B o x 148, N ew # o ffice .B O O K -K E E P E R —Y oung w om an w o n t# p o s i­

tio n a s book-keeper or a s e is ta a t bocrit-keeper an d iy p li t . A ddreea T yp ist, Box 47, New# office.

DIAM ONDS, old gold an d a llver pu reb o aed : o lae wa tc h e s a n d ^fWe^ ^ p a i T i n g j ^ 1*d for.

P , B, L B V T . 041 E a t. IftftO.

O L D GOLD.inoTkd* and

o v ar P e t ty ’a

•liv er, eormps. o f le _ _inoTkd* and p la tlm u n b o u g h t, 711 B ro ad g t« ---------- - . .

lew elry, dla*

H IG H E S T prioea p a id fo r g u t s ' oao t-o ff olagk- : a a d b e d fea tb e ra . « e a d poato l to J . K E R , 46 M ontgom ery8 ^ 1

CO O K a n d w a itre s s , e la te rs , P r o te s t a n t , w a n t p la c e s t o g e th e r . G e rm a n h o u ie w o rk e r s ,

w aU ressea a n d n u rse s ; ' I r i s h g i r l ; Polish', a n d H u n g a r ia n g i r l s ; N o rw e g ia n n u ree ; h e lp a n y c a p a c i ty . O U T T R U P S , la rg e s t, o ld e s t, bear a n d o n ly G e rm a n , S a e n d ln a v ia p , A m e ric a n A gency . 74 C e n t r e a t. , O ra n g e ; te i. t»3 .

H IQ H B B T prJoee paid fo r c lo tb e a i t A, COOPEiR*&,

E a s t O range . 'P h o n e 860TR,

r* B tJem * a 'a oM» PP ro a p ee t p i..

CiX>K—C om petent w om an w tahea cook In sm all p r iv a te fam ily .

(nn ave., c ity , top floor.

po e ttio n oa C all 258 CUf-

CO O K — C o m p e te n t co lo red w o m a n 0# f lr a t- o la a i cook , p r iv a te o r b o a rd in g -h o u s e , l i t

S to n e St,

8M A L L M c o n d -h tn d pool ta b le fo r b o a s ; eU lft fu ll p a r t ie n la rs a n d o s ld a g prloo. A ddraag F .,

B ox Ts, N ew # office.OLD

oldGOLD, d iam o n d s p la to u m .

je w e lty bough t. IW B ro ad at..ellT er

ro<Md 3 IB.

H o u A w U Good* W u to dA T MU. CABH-*, * t A u d « u ■ . W hAt l]Avt

you g o t to aaU fo r c a sh ? w e a a y th tn t a n d eveiTtlilDg fo r oaah; s a c o n d ^ iU B fu rn ltu rs h old ea rp e ta , o h o lri , tab les , pillow s, q u llta , ru g a.stoves, d ra a sa m w ith o r w ith o u t m irro rs ,

a d a n y th inC O O K — G e rm a n a n d E n g l is h f lr s t-e lo s #

co o k . S5S B e lm o n t a v e ., eeOond D oor.C H A M B H lR M A llv -ltecellen t w o rk e r, a s oham -

b erm aid a n d w a l tr e is ; rolored.; peraonol rof- t ra n c e s : M aplewood p refe rred . McCOHMICTK, 162 Oakwood ave ,, O range.

tlq a* a n d a n y th in g you w o n t to eell fo r c a sh ; I p a y m ore th a n a n y d ea le r o r o n c tlo n bo u se In

I th e c ity ; 1 h av e n o ag en t* to pay o onun taa ion ; I 1 co ll m y sa lf persoB ally; t h a t 's why X co n pay

m ore th a n e tn a n ; g e t m y prlcoa f l n t : send postal, I w ill ca ll a t onoe; b u sin ess s tr io tly ooRfidanUoL Tal. 6866W M a rk e t

S A L E S W O M E N w a n te d by m a n u f a c tu r e r lo c a ll u p o n la d le s in t h e i r h o m es a n d t a k e

o rd e r* fo r c o rs e ts to be m ad e lo m e a e u re ;j r t rm a n e n t o ^ u p a t l u n : lII>OTM_c<itnpf'nMatlon.A ddresH 71, N ew s office.

O H A M B E R M A ID -T o u n g u#. cham berm aid a n d wall

w o rk ; sood reference, b ou th K ighteenth a t

g t r l w labe# po«I tr e ts o r h< A pply sSfm,

poMtIonhouee-" 731

f u r n i t u r e an d household e ffeo ta , w re ty de- se rip tien , b ough t by th e m oat re liab le o f fur«

SA IaE S L a D IE S , 12 p e r day selacy . hesldee com m lselon , se llin g « eenextlonal novelty . 33

t 'e n lre e t., N ew ark , N. J .

C H A M Bh:RM A rD -W A ITR EBa, G e m a n -A m e r i- c a n young w om an, w ishes poaltlop . C iJ l 768

BouUi F irio em h a t . city .

n ltu r* dea le rs, w ho g u a ra n te e* to p a y 86 pa* can t, m o rs th a n d e a le rs o r a u c tio n ro o m s; oom-

Kelled to m ee t th e dem and o f fo rn lab ed -ro em out**, an d n a tu ra lly can p a y to e m o a t; poetal w ill rece iv e m y Im m edia te a tte n tio n ; e tr ic tly

confiden tia l. U R . PXBbRY, 311 W ash tno toei s i.

J E W E L E R ; o n e accustom ed to 10-k t . k n ife - ed g e w o rk : s ta te experience. A ddraee E lcperl-

•noe, B ox 144, N ew s office.

G E O R G E B R U E c K N E H 6ON0 .F U N B R A -------------------

16 B E L M O N T AVE.F U N E R A L D IR E C TO R S,___

■ P H O N E W A V E R L T 611,JA M E S F , C A F F R E T ,

U N D E R T A K E R .U TH O M A S ST. T E L . 776 W A T E R L T .

o u b t a v u s u e r b ,F U N E R A L D IR E C rrO R , ____

W IL U A M ST. T E L . 519 M ARKET.JO S E P H P. t fU R P H T ,

U N D E R T A K E R A N D EM B A LM ER , 102 b o w e r y ST. 'P H O N E 514 M ARKOT.

JO S E P H J , M A N G ER .F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R A N D E M B A LU B R ,

Tal. 783 W ^v . 4 M ^ g r i j i | f l^1d gve.


igr a r e k in d ly in v ite d to a tte n d a n r ic a s on S a tu rd a y , J a n u a r y IT, a t 9 30

f t . M 'l f ro m h l i la te re r id en re .^ N o . 67 n a? t v f a to e e t, th en o # to 8 t . B e n e d ic t 's C h u ru h . W n ere a S o lem n H ig h M ass of R eq u iem wlUb e o f fe r e d fo r th e repoee of h is houI. In t e r m e n t in c e m e te r y nf th e H o ly Hepulrijr<-.

CH EN C K —On J a n o a iv 13. 1614. Jameji#nok. aged 67 year*. R e la tiv es an d frtem U . j iiMitnbere of Mt- Joy Council No. l in , Ifpendent Order of Bt. L uke, m e m b rn nf

Ul A ope T al^ riiao le , G. W. 0 . of F l^ e r m r n ^ tla lU ee . and m em bers of M t. P leg ah Taber-

m em b e rt o f a . W O. of S. of Moree * ^ * te r lodges a re invited to a tte n d the

e e rv lc te from the parleys o f th* Pen- B u rial rn m p an y , 88i» B road s tre e t, on

o t i r d a y . J a n u a ry ]f. a t 2 P . M. Som erville ,_nd N ew B ru n iw lck M pere ploase copy. In- len raen t in n ian d a le cem etery .

SC H M ID T—On Ja n u a ry 14. 1914. J titlu s . be- Ig e id hueband of th e la te a lm ina Schm idt. P a la t lv e s an d friends a re k ind ly Inv ited to ■ftttoQd th e fu iu ra l frorn th * re d d sn o e o f hie ■ea. JM lua M in l d t J r . . 596 B a n k s tre e t, on M t o y , J a n u a ry 16. a t 8 P . M. In te rm e n t In Iw oodjaad C em eterr.

6 COTT—On J a n u a ry Ift, 1914. E d w ard Rlglm e,


DY K R S, 233 F E R R Y S T ,; O P E N EVENTKGfi. L. D. 'P H O N E 6fl03 M A R ltE T ._______________


E llia b e thTH K E V E R G R E E N CEMETBR^Y-

156B; be tw een N ew ark atMl M nin L ine tro lley ro u te ; f a r e 6 ce n la ; not eicri.'k c o m p an y ; m oney sp e n t In im provam ente; b e a u tifu l eeoMon recen tly la id o u t: p erm an en t ca re o f law n plot and law n o rest l o t ^ cash am i p a r t ia l p a y m e n ta A ddreea H E N R Y M. LO O K ER, B uperin lenden t. E M iabe th . N . J.

L IN O T Y P E lu e iru c tlo n ; lo a r a t r a d e t h a t p a y a $1,600 y e a r ly ; day . e v e o ta g r u n l im i t ­

e d c o a rs e —'U ntil sucoessru l, 4160; 11 w eek s, |R 0 . E m p ire Bebool, 4IB F i r s t a v a ., N ew Y o rk .

p ro p a reM E N w a n te d p ro p a re a# f ire m e n , b r a k e - m e n , o leo tr le m o to rm e ti, co lo red a le e p in g

c a r p o r te r s ; h u n d re d s b u t to w o rk , 444 to 4160 m o n th ; no a x p o risn eo n eco aaa ry ; 680 m o re w a o te d : f tre t-c lae# N ew J e r e a j , N ow Y o rk . F o n n e y lv e n ia r o h d i; g te a d y w o rk . W r i t* I n t e r R a ilw a y , D epL 364. I n d la n a - p o lla , I t td .M E N —W a n te d , for U n ltM S u itte a rm y , ab lo -

bodied, u n m arr ie d m en betw een ag e s o f IS and 85. cUIxons of u n ite d ftlaU e. of good phor- o r io r a n d tam p e ra te habttg, who c a n epaok, read a n d w rit* (be BftgUah language . F o r lo* fo rm a tio n ap p ly to rao ru ltln g o fficer, 988 'M ar­ke t Bt., N ew ark , N J ,

M E N — P R A C T IC A L A U T O M O B IL E I N ­S T R U C T IO N ; U N L IM IT E D C O U R S E .

L A R G E E Q U IP M E N T : CLA SS J U S T B E ­G IN N IN G : IN S P E C T € H O P : B O O K L K T . T . M. i\ A ,. 107 H A L SE Y ST.M E N eccuetom ed to earn in g |1 8 w eekly and

up w an ted to w ork In tlde; a lso n ian to m e n ­a g e o ffice huBlnevp; am all c a tb Rocurliy r e ­q u ired . 838 Broad r t . , room 2.

f:A ST R ID O E L A W N C E M B T E R T , D elaw en n a , -On tro liay lino b s tw a en N o w atk an dN. J . . .. . ______ ___ ________ _____________

P aesa lc ; flnaai In S ta te ; p a rp e tu a l c a re D eo; lota of four g rave* 456 up . T h e n * ITSft P a * ' - ■ ............................~ ’1 B r ■•ale. N ew ark office, 828 B ro ad •l.:te l.0 6 7 8 K k t,G L E N D A !^ C B U E T E R T -F ra ia fc lln ave.

Jo ra lem o n el., B loom field: fin

Iw foat oon o f W illiam and MllUa Soott. 85 Og- 2 # a a troet. R a laU vw and friend* o re lo v ltedt o fun E$ic4i\JOBUt

fu n tro J aervicee a t U n d ertak e r C h u rc h m a n '• ’ood av en u e offloesj GrangOt S a tu rd a y .avenue

J a n u a ry 17, 3 P. M. Roaedale.In te rm e n tS V lT H W a n u o r y 11, 1414. F ra n c e a J .

Bm U b. a g e d 4 i yeaTs, w idow o f A liQ on U- C m lth . m o th e r of H ad ley S . S m ith . S erv lo e# h e r l a te roeiaanoc. I I Bm o x a v e n u e , O rao g o , T h u r s d a y , J a n u a ry I I , I P . U . in ta r a v e n t S o u th E g re m o n u M oea

' tN T D E R ^ O o M onday, J a n u a r y 14. 1414. ^ u l s , beloved eon of J u l i a a n d th * la t# V a r t ln Snvder, aged 55 y eara . H ela tlv ee Rftd f r ie n d s a re m ost re sp e g tiv e ly In v ite d t o a t t e n d th e fu n e ra l f ro m th e rea ld a n o e W U a Meter, H ta . Jacob K im p#). No. 88 L a w U a l n e t . on ^ d a y , J a n u a r y I f . a t ■ t r

lo ry ; plola graves, 118;

o f fo u r _ p e rp e tu a l c a re free.

an dineet k ep t oem**

r n . « , l » u p i * tM l.i la w .'P h o n e

N .A R LIN G TO N CEM K TER Y , A R U N O T O N ,J. ^Phone IT. T ak e K earn y c a r to Arllngeoti

Depot, iheno# fjve m im ilee ' w eJk to oem eftry .

RESOLUTIONS ENGROSSEDJ . V, H A R IN G . 174 S um m er av#, T*l. TOTH

B. D. P en e rtia t. i llu m in a to r, oxom lner o f^ueeU on*d^_han^

COMING EVENTSt h e Adelphi W hlat C lub 1# hofdlng fagU '

' ' e lr h a ll .l a r T h u rs d a y n lg lit d a re # # a t th e l . ____Q orner M a rk e t e n d M u lb e rry e ts . ; m ueio tu r- n la h e d by E . E . BTURO ES. A d m io ilen . la d je e ^ lO o ^ j^ g e a tB _ lic ; w a rd ro b e ic . e tc h .


i l8 A. i f . , j o St. P e te r 's C b u ro h , w h e re a t “ ■ a H lg b M aas of R e q u ie m w ill be• ft. ^ ______________

wCfarad f a r t h e repose of h l i soul. I n te r - > n M t I s th e C em ete ry of th e B e ly S e p u lo h re .

8TAM8BU RY —S uddenly , on W e d n ee d a y , I f tn u o ry 14. 1414, Jo sep h H. S ta n ab ttry , h u s - B o o d Of A m e lia B ianebury (n ee A l th e a ) , h e la t lv e e a n d frien d s, a lso m em b e ra of H op f t lo r C en e iav e NO. 178 . O rd e r # f H e p ta ao p h g ,

R a f tn e f t Co. M utual B e n e f it A saoola- i lo n , a r e reep # c ttu 1 ly in v ite d to a t t e n d th e d m ie ra l aervloee a t b is h o m e, 47 B a ld w in a e e a n e , F r id a y evening , J a n u a r y I I . a t I « ra iw k .^ •T M V B N S — In N ew ark . J a n u a r y 11, 1414, J B m e r T.^ a g e d 41 year#, b e loved to n o f w . a n d M ra J a m e a S tevens. R e la U V e e a h dI t U i ^ o ra reap ec tfu lly In v ite d to a t t e n d %he f w te ra l aerv ieea from ~hla la te reeidenc*. S I B le e o k w e tre e t. T h u re d ay e v e n ln s a t Y;10

In te rm e n t F r id a y a t Beddl*I i^lvqr.

U N IV E R S A L p la in and hand-m U ting m nahtoee, shaper# . plaKera, acrew -cutU ng, ip eed and

Silnn lng latheiL pow er preeMS. drop u m m t r a ,tigle an d ro u U '~ '‘jtigle an d m u ltip le gpladle drill#, snrww mg'

ch inas, gen ara to re . niotora, bo lle ri, englnH ,p la t in g tonka, w indow fane, b low ara, le w e ie n ' toole. forges, wood-work ing m ach inery , tin -

Ing. pulleya, E N T IR E P: T H E R E O F

. #te.P L A N T S OR PA R T S

PU R C H A SE D ,N B W A R K s e c o n d -h a n d M ACTim iTRT

CO., M-108 C H ESTN U T AT.'P h o n e 6410-8411 M arket.

M EN a n d boya w an ted to w ear A echenbach K e e la tra lsa ; they keep your bc 'ils from w e a r ­

in g crooked. Aek your shoem aker fo r t h e n .

M EN—B e I d t l r o d ra : e ir a |T 5 to iD osth ; triTSt over world. W rit* S

W IG . m 7 W esto rer bldg., K aoeai C ity,

1800 per W rite S opt. L 1 ^ -

Mo.m e n w ith p a te n ta b le Ideas, w rite K A N D O L ^

f t CO., P a te n t Sollaltare. W eehin itoB . D. to r lle te "N eeded Inventfonii."M A N — W a n te d , a y o u n g J a p a n e e e o r c o lo re d

m a n to ta k e c h a rg e of em ail b u f fe t lu n c h ro o m In o ffice o f n e a r-b y m a n u f a c tu r in g p o r p o r a l to s ; m u s t u n d e rs ta n d e lm p le c o o k ­in g a n d be w ilting to ta k e a a re of one floo r In o ffice. A ddrea i N. T. USSorTNO. P. O. Box A. O range . N . J . ______

COOKS. 136. 440; houee w orkers, $18. SO;cham berm aids, w o ltrc e ia s , 130, |3 6 : nursee.

ISO. 425; dayw orkers, $1.80, $3, e tc .; th e h ig h ­e s t o f w ages an d the b e s t v t ho inaa In and c u t c u t tow n; ca ll a t once. G rove Agenoy,M ain s t . n ea r G orve s4.. B u t O r in g a ; open (111 8 P . M.

CO OK fo r a m a ll h o te l, | I 8 m o n th , b o a rd , ro o m ; cook*, p r iv a te , | | | ; o h a m b e rm a ld -

la u n d re w . f tO i w a l tr e e s - p a r lo r m a id , l t d : b u rse . 146; w aU re a B -e b a m b e rm a id , g e n s ra t h o u ao w o rk e rs . G E R M A N - A M E R IC A N a g e n c y , e n t i r e H c o n d f lo o r I I C e d a r el.

-W a n te d , goo d p la in m o k a n d h o u se -in .........................

COOK-w o rk e r , w h ite only, fn f a m i ly of th r e e ; no

w a s h in g ; g o o d re fe re n c e r e q u i r e d ; c o m f o r ta ­b le h o m e a n d p le a s a n t e n v iro n m e n t ; w ag ee $36. Aipply 771 C lif to n avoi.. n e a r H e lle r p a rk w a y .COOK—W anted , a ll-a ro u n d k itc h e n

m u et tnok* p u d d iM e: elM D llnoia esoentUI. A pply MAS. ACKLEY. N a w n rk L u n ch Oo., W. B. O w set Bldg-, S um m it a t e n tran ce .C O O K —G e rm a n or H n n g a r la a g ir l , p la in

co o k in g a n d to a se te t I n b o d a e w o rk ; no w a sh in g . A pp ly to H a m b lsw o o d , 3 S u p aa t av * ., M onto la fr.

CO OK— N e a t, c lean , w h i te 'c o c k w a n te d fo r r e s t a u r a n t ; one w i th o x p e iie n o a o n ly n eed

a p p ly . C all a t ITS M ain e t. . E a s t O ran g e .

C I jE R K —Confident la) c le rk , w ho Is th o ro u g h ly experienced ih keeping K o ck rec o rd ^ p e r­

p e tu a l Inventory an d th* llki^ In allv*r#m1th a n d m e ta l e p e c la lty f a c to ry ; e ta te ag e , m i- t ln n a l l ty , c h u rc h , c le r ic a l e x p e rle n o e , fa c to ry e x p e rie n c e ,, s a la ry e x p e c te d . A d d ra s i Confl* d e n tta l . B ox 60. N ew s o ffic e .

C H A M B E R M A 1 D -W A lT H E 8 B a& | t 4 . |4 0 ;la d le s ' m a id , |2 S : la u n d ra o s , | I B ; houaa-

w o rk e rs , 8 0 'p laces , ISO, |3 4 . | I 4 : cooka, a ll w h ite , w a n te d . O U T T R U P 'R la r g o a t o ld e s t a n d b * s t a g en cy . T8 C e n tra a t , O ran g # , a ide d o o r : th e o ffice w i th t h e m o a t a n d b ee t place* , h ig h e s t w age*.

C H A M B E R M A ID -W A IT R E B B , o e lo n d . t l 8 ;w h ite , 433: h o u e e w o rk e ra , th ro e w h it*

g ir ls . 130-435; co lo red , fS w e e k ; o il w ith r e f e r e n c e a I n te r n a t io n a l B u re a u , 111 F e o a - a y lv a a ia ave.

S T E N O G R A P H E R — P u b lic e te n o g ra p lie r , u t- t e n t to n : d e s k room to le i. on g ro u n d flo o r,

w ith sh o w w in d o w , ty p e w r i te r e n d f ix tu re s : c a n r e c o m m e n d lo ts uf w 'urk: ro o t in ex- n h a n g e fo r s e rv ic es . A pply b e tw e en I t 1 o 'c lo c k , 44 C lin to n « i.. U n d e rw r ite r s ' Hal- v ag # Co.

c h a m b e r m a i d a n d w altr# # # , G e rm a n - A m crlca ii. 2»5 B e lm o n t a v e ., eecond

flo o r.

A L W A Y S th # h lgbea t pricee p a id fo r ru rn ltu ra d eserlp tlan ; w« buy e p n te n ta o f

DH lO SSM A K IN G — H ig h e la s a lw c r k ; e U g a a t i liio s ; g u a r u r t e e d ; horn# o r o u t ; r e a s o n ­

a b le p r ic e . A ddresB B e a u t if u l , B ox 68, N e w s u ffice.

S T E M -M A K E R —E xperienced hand s te m -m a k e r w an ted (o r m in ia tu re lam p w ork; good p a y :

s te a d y w ork. A pply W O L F F L am p Co., 27t) W a sh in g to n s t . . Je rsey City.

D A Y 'S W O R K —C o lo red w o m a n w a n t# d a Y s w o rk , c le a n in g : n o iv ash in g . 196 F la n e #t,

of #T« 17 -------- -------- . - ------------i to r e t gng m #rchandi#e; w * w ill sand o u r a g # a i o r oall p#r#0DtUly and w t w ill pay you mewa th a o a n y o th er hous# In th a c ity ; aand fo r F. 6 IU O N , th e m an w ho p ay s you cosh a n d deal# f a i r a n d a q d a ra ; send poaU I. F . SIM ON, 7$ ......................................... “"IM M atAvodam y a t.; 'p h o n e 664m M ark e t.

D A Y 'S W O R K by w hit* w om an Cfiil tw o wvel

g T R A W o p e ra to rs on ladles* h a ts ; fine w o rk ;W lilcox f t G ibbs m ach in e i, K e a rn y H a t

W orks. 181 C beetnu i el., city .

, .. hom # o r ou t,eks. AO A stor at . 3d floor.

■WOMEN—P in m o n ry ; wom en ea rn m oney a t hom e: 30 co m p le te In e tn irlio n a ; w rite for p a r-

t lcu la re . B ig 3 E n te rp rise . 443 Ja ck so n av e ., J e rse y O ty , N. J.

G O V E R N EBB— A y o u n g N o r th G a rm a n g ir l d e s ir e s a x ltuo ,;iou an g o v e rn e a a fo r c h i l ­

d re n . 70 P a c if lu 6t.

A L L K lN P B o r H O U SE H O LD G O O D ! A N D U E R C K A N D 18E , E N T IR E C O N TE N TS O F

'■ sloreiL housaa and f la t# o r o ja rth ln g you h a v e to te ll , b o u g h t for eo ah ; co n au lt ua o e fo ra aelL

i l a g ; eetlm acea cheerfu lly g iv e n ; send p o sta l Of ‘ybone $638 M aJket.

R E ID 'S AtTOTIOK ROOM,18 A rlin g tcn a t , m a r M ark e t.

G IR L , Irish , la te ly landed, w an t# poalHon oa ch an ib ern ia ld and ivalireas. Call 3 H Je rsey

s t., H arrison , N. J .

W O M EN —W an ted , wom en, lo em bro ider w om ­e n 's u n d e rg a rm e n ts ; only sk ilfu l w o rk e rs need

ap p ly . A ddrosi E tnbroldery , Box 82. N ew s o f­fice.W O M EN —G e t U. 8 . O overnm ent Jobe; big pay ;

I IO IIS E W O R K — V uung c o lo re d g i r l w lehea u l tu ^ tlo n a t g s n b ra t b o u e e w o rk : E ig h th

W a rd p re fe r re d ; c a ll p r e s e n t e m p lo y e r, e v e n - : In g s u t No. 137 H t, P le a a a n t a v e .; 'p h o n e ; 6 B ra n c h B ro o k .

A LW A YS M EUA -BLB. VA N P O ZN A X i A N Y T H IN G A N D E V E R Y T H IN G . X P f t i

F U L L V A LU E AN D U S E H O NO RA BL M ETH O D S, A F T E R YOU H A V E T R IT o t h e r s , w r i t e 42 SO U TH O R A N G E A V E., OR 'P H O N E 2 0 tl M A R K ET.A T HM ITH'S, 48 M onroe a t . ; we b u y second^

hand fu rn itu re , olotblng, ev e ry th in g ih d osy^th in g you w an t to sell; I p a y m ore th e n an# '■ ■ - - -d e a le r; g e t ray pricee f ir s t. (^11 o r send posta l.

•p r in g ex am s. In N ew ark : w rk e fo r queetlone. r ra n k lin ' ' ' “F ra n k lin Jn e tltu le . D ept. 656J, R ochester, N , T.W O M A N w a n te d to w o rk In a m a ll f a m i ly ;

good h o m e a n d i2io d e ra le w a g e s ,, A d d re s s W ., Box 147. N ew s o ffice.

H O U S E K E E P E R . A m erican , o f refin em en t.a g e 23, w ishes poeltlon In w id o w e r '^ hom e;

no objection to one child . A ddress AmsTlnan, b o x Si. New# office.

YOUNG oouple w ajils to buy o on ten ta of fourwUlmug

W O M A N w a n te d to m e n d in g ; good w a g e a

M a rk e t st-

ML>USl!:^^'ORK— ISngllsh w o m a n , w ho th«>r------------------------------------ --- o u g h ly u n d e rs ta n d s ffe tie rel lio u se w o rk ;d o la u n d ry w o rk a n d | waiitM u few h o u rs d a ily . A d d re s s W o rk ,

•or five room# fu rn tiu re , w ith p iano ; m u it be a ty lleh ; w ill pay reaso n ab le price. A ddress G erm an , Box 88, N ew s office,DO i At t a i l y o u r good* befo re

C all S to re . 104 B dk Cl, Nc^^s o ffice .

.'onsu lllng u*: w e 'll positively gave you m oney ; noth ing

TOO la rg e fo r u s to hand le . M odern A uettoa Room#, 136 H alsey f t . Tel. 7613 S ia rk e t.

W R IT IN G — A m bltloue person m ay ea rn $15 to ILU) w eekly d u rin g ap are tim e a t home, w rll-

Ing for new apapere . Send for p a rtlcu la re . F ree# B u reau , O, F - 84. W aahlngton , D. C.

H O U S E W O R K — D a n ish g i r l . JO y e a rs old, w a n ts g e n e ra l h i.u se w u rk In e n ta i l fa m ily ;

a p p ly ID to 4. M RS. K- LA N tSE . I W a lla c e s ir . .

W R IT E R S —In te llig e n t; la rg e incom e c o rre ­sponding for pew epapere ; no ran v aM lo g , F o r

p a rtic u la rf , P reee Syndicate . TOO Fxickcurt, N ,Y.

H tH 'S E W O R K — G irl w .in if ' w o rk , g e n e ra l h n u se k o ep ln g . ■.'hnm berm ald ntiil wulLress,

Novvark.AddfcsM 10 R lv e ra ld e av e ,.

W A ITR E B S, expel qu ick . JO B 'S real

ieticed,lu ra n t ,

w an ted ; m u it 32b M ark e t et.

HUUSRItVDBK—WTdow w antS ’ sm all a d u lt fam ily ; d t y only.

Rux 150, N ew s office.

h o usew ork In A dilres# W ork,

H O U SEH O LD goods and fu rn itu re , a ll k ind#.to fu rn ish 150-rooin h o te l; pay y o u r prloa t |

roasonab le. E . LEA RM A N , 66 S tra tfo rd pi.F U K N IT U R B w a n te d In s m a ll o r l a r g e lo iv i

w ill p a y g o o d p r ic e s ; M nd p o s ta l , 7 l B ru n s w ic k s t,, or. 'p h o n e 4765 M a rk e t .194 G O O 0 E feaj

h ig h e s t c a sh S I , N ew * o ffice

YOUNG W O M EN w anted to becotn# traJm-dnurses, ooura* 2U yeero ; paid w hile fre in ln g .

A pply Bupenrieor o f nurses, N ew ark Beth I s r s HH oepltal, H ig h and W est K inney ete.. N ew ark . ___'

H O U SE W O R K —G erm an g irl, la te ly landed, w a n ts ppaitlon a t hotiaework- B B K TH A

FCOCll. 66 LUlle aU ___________ __

M AN—W an ted , A l e teady m an, to rep a ir a a d ad ju v t* h e m v tjtc h ln g m aohltiei to eew h o n d -

lee ren ia fe ; good poeinon fo r r igh t m an : m u st--------------------- -------------^vvu ^V*4V>VH kw, 11^ , 1. IIIHJ, luu aih a v e good referenc*#. A ddrero R epair, Beat 66, N ew a oHloe.M A N — To o a e t i t - t a b a r ro o m , h o n e s t, so b e r

y o u n g m a n w h o h t a g ood re fe ren c e # ; to l iv e w i th em p lo y e r. A L. H E IL F IK E R '8 C a fe , c o rn e r N. J . R . R . a v e . an d W rig h t s t .

M A N —W o n ted , AOa th a t und ers tan d * f e a th e r buitnea#-. ope oxperleneed a t blowing d o w n ;

fo r a P h llo d e lp h ta houee. Addreea A., Box 121. N ew a offle#.M A N —W o n U ft f tu n d iT oupola

re llab i# , s tead y . T H E A. ftCO., n # a r 0 , R . A. Depot.

m an : e ff lc lM t, ■ r . B R O W N

E llx ab e th p o rt, N . J .U A C H IN ia T — i lr e t - o la o t m an . th o ro u g h ly

a x p a rle n o o d on •x p e r lm e n ta i a n d J o b b in g w o r k ; o n * w i th so m e ex e cu tiv e a b il i ty p r e - f o r r e d ; g t r a a g * a n d e x p e rlen o e in fu ll ; e te a d y poaitlota to r ig h t m en . A ddrsoa M a- o h ln le t , B o x U S , New a offioe.

M A G H IK IS T B -—O n ly f ira t-e la a e m an ih o u ld a p p ly , i t a t l a g wag## •x p e c te d , w h e re p r e ­

v io u s ly e m p lo y e d a n d r e fe re n c e s : a lso e ta t e w h e th e r la th # , p la n e r o r via* h a n d . A d ­d r e s s A ., B ox 71, N ew s o ffice .


I # n # a took : well aeao rted ; pr ^ l l a y a , B iltltig , S h a ftin g , H

E W JE R S E Y M A C H IN ER Y Xn e w6458 M arket.

r ie te r ig h t. 'a A fo n .

549 M ark e t i t , opp. Penn.E X C H A N G E.

‘ u n . R.F O R B A IJ6—H o t a ir engine, good ceodKIOnj 76

l ig h t a o e ty len e m ach in e ; goaollns ou tfit, com Riete. w ith fo u r lam p#: a iao 14-ay rup eoda w a te r fo u n ta in ; eeU ch eap . JO S E P H Z E N B D R G , F ra n k U a B orough, N. J .

M A C H IN IS T a n d to o lm a k « r. e x p e rie n ce d on b a g f r a m e i a n d m e ta l novel t ie s ; g ood

w a g e a aTtd s te a d y p o d t lo n fo r th e r ig h t m a n . H A h fP E L f t L IP N E R , 14 C ro sb y e t. . N ew Y o rk C ity .M A C H IN IS T a n d toolT Q iker: f lr e t- c la m m an

o n ly . E D W A R D M ORGAN M ach in e Co.. 44 V eaey a t.

C A bgtiter o f M ra . 8 . j . B#ano.AUgla t I k n e r o f h e re a f te r .^BTRAUA—On W ednesday ,......... _Kgrirtft be la red h u ib aa d o f D ana

net 'axatM otloe

J a n u a ryvna d tra u # (nee

14, I8 IAJltorii. _ . .l f a f i : ) i a g # d 74 y ea re . F u n e ra l s e rv la e s w ill be

h is [a te refldraoc; l$ 3 ^ Q ^ tm M einael.R e ia llv teM 9 M I»7 . Ja m ia ry 16, a t 2 F.

irleiui#, a lso m tznbsra o f C oag reg atio n V s t f jM b u n iB ^ i r e l&vlted to a tte n d . In te rs toon

_ _ _____ . D,■Bent In B 'a o l Je eh u ru a Cem etery,- W B lH f tB —lB N ew ark* J a n u a r y 14, 1414,

s e e d . 6 y # t n . b e loved d a u g h te r o f amA M rs, T rd d arif^k W e ln a r . R e la tiv e s f r ie n f t i a ra re s p e c tfu l ly in v ite d to a t - U># fu n e ra l f ro m th # re s ld e n o e o f h e r

t i t C b o d w tc^ a y e n u e , F r id a y a t In io rm e n t W o o d la n d c e m e te r y ,

J o su o ty 1ft, 1004, W illia m r> beloved h u b a n d o f A jm lt W elch

be), R a ia tiv as an d friend# , ■ a leo th # Jo h n M. FhlU ipe A g a o ^ t ld t i

sal a n d S ta tlo a o ry E n g liiea re an d Sbendom Boat No. UO, Q. A . f t , mra

ly laVHed to a tten d t t o fu n e ra l f l ^ . h t o iM tooe. K o. 143 V an Biaroe otroei^ toi

J a n u a ry 1914, a t ft f t. K>, tp B t ‘ “ ....." - a M iam i


H E R -

1 N D 8 .

W EW M N G A N D C U i^ N O .B. W . 001

.W N G ____i £ a U. B E L L E V IL L E , H. J ,

T E L . 26I1R ,

M tckm ery W aatedw a n t e d —^Hy d r a u l la p r a s s , , n e t a iM lIe r

- :b 'th a n 44 tnchea , a n d In g ood b rd c r . W ri t* le P re ee e d A ebeeloe P ro d u c t# C o m p an y , s t a t ­in g p a n lo u la T i, I C o m m e rc ia l s tr e e t .

M A C K IK IS T — W a n te d , a l l ro u n d m ao h ln Ja t. L O F F A C H 0 . B lo o m lleld .

UU8K3 TGAOHEBft.W en ted —Lady aud f e n t l e m a ' taariM F

(P tan o l for'^EU iahetb and m i t r l e ^ ea tab ttsb ed : reply'' .At A R #',. A d d rea i' f tm d y lueouai*, 'B ox 14, New*. *ntto>

C H A U B E R M A ID -W a n te d , eX periahe id ohom - benmald a t H otel A lvord , I l B ou th Clinton

• t . , E a s t O rangf.D R E S S M A K E R ( w h l U ) ; m o a l h a tU rtt-4 la#s

b a n d on fa n c y w o rk . C o ll a n y d a y th is w eek . MME. B L L U A N . 44$ F a l rm o u n t ave .. n e a r S o u th O ra n g e ava.____________ _

G IR L S W ftIjS^'clO M PiN T. J L D . N . J.

r e q u ir e ex p e rle n o ad o p a r a to r s a a d . l e o r t o r a ;

W E f tT IN G H O U S B ______ ___B L O O M F IE L D , N . J.

c le a n , s te a d y w o rk i g d o d m ^ . A p ^ y a t th e f a o to ry . W a ta e a rin g S tatioB .'____ L o o k a w a u isR a l lrb a d , In (h a fo ra n o o n . o r a t E m p lo y ' m e n t B u re a u , ro e tn I , d o l ly , a x o a p t F r id a y a n d S a tu rd a y , f i r s t f lo o r , 4 fti B c a o d a t , be­tw e e n B r id g e a n d O ra n g e a te . , N aw orla , f ro m 1 to I P. Ifl. _________



C O M PA N Y .BAST K B W f t » M. ft. •

G IR L o r y o u n g w o m a n n o t o v e r 41 y e a ra , C a th o lic , fo r g e n e r a l h cn zaa k e e p la i, fo r a

w id o w e r w i th g o o d c h U d p a p ; g o o d o o m p en - • a t to n ; c a ll o r w r i te to M R & J . S C H A E F E R , 41 M elroM o v a ., N o r t li f ty R n g ta n : B a o k e n - s a c k o r H a r r le o n c a r to B ^ l la v in e l a r n p n e ; w a lk one b lock n o r th . •*

G U ID —U p ita lra w ork a n d <d o m in g and m en d in g : O ja lo a n bhR reinoh p re-

- ■ ■ o i i i a i v .ferr^; frferlincet<olalr.

fff tWB e h tld ran ; d t F rm a h pre-

v a l le y .ro o d , Mont-

g i n t j , M p tr iM w a ^blow pipe an d iren .^ LnC D SA T M eta l

YOUNG* l a d i e s o v e r 24, fo r sp e c ia l w o rk , e a la ry | 1 &; g o o d o p p o r tu n ity fo r a d v a n c e ­

m en t, A d d r e a O p p o r tu n ity , B ox t , N s a ao ffice .

h o u s e w o r k —G i r l s w a n t re fe ren c e d . A p p ly H.

E l lx a b s th ava.

p o e lllo n a ;PEJUVKR,

g o o d16*

YOUNG c h ild ren to lea rn d an c in g , a ing ing . v au d ev n ie ; f ira t leasoo f re e ; com e n e t. a f te r-

H O U B B W O R K -C olored g irl h o u se w o rk ; beet reference.

an g e .

wlvhea 81 H ill

g en e ra le l., O r-

pflibede w a n te d

ice p a id . A d d re e a Aa t o n c s i




noon. B A R N A R D 'S . ST6 B road et.


g en e ra l houeew orh. 6( P ro sp ec thee po)f t . , 3d

A M A T S U R ^-W o o ted * 60 young colored 1 a n d w om en fo r a m a te u r inlnatre l show.

H O U H F W O R lC -^ lo re d g irl: o r cham berw ork . Q37 N o rth

few b o u ri da lly . S ev en th a t.

d resa B . F . IL , Box M, N ew s o ffice, Orgsufe.IB, w h i le ; m a n , b u tle r , u s e fu l : w ife , 416, 116. $11. O U T T R U P S A g en cy ,

CO UPLBI c o o k , '

Tl C e n tre s t., O ra n g e ; s id e door.Ma n a n d w ife w an ted a* cook a n d b u t le r in

sm all fam ily . 66 H ale ted s t,, E a s t O range .

P O U l.T R T a n d g en e ra l fartn la j fo r sm a ll, a m b itio u s fam ily.

H O U S B W O R K -C olored g irl wish*# houM w ork. $a W lck llffe s t . , clty^____

lig h t

H O U B E T F O R R -C om neten t m aid w ish e s posi­tio n ; fef**'Uoe. 8x5 W a rre n at.___________

HO U B EW O B K —G en ero l housew ork W llf tO N , 140 S u m m it at.

A T A U CrnQ N .



W IL A -B E U - F R ID A Y . JA N U A R Y 16. A T 11


BALESR<X»MS. S46-84ft P L A N E 8T..

N E W A R K . N . J .

N sahanlo , N . J.

ling: r a r e oj . W rite Al

o p en in g , x i> ifN ,

R A G T IM E P IA N O F I T T I N G G U A R A N T E E D JO TO ZO L E 4 6 0 N 8 ; B O O K L E T M A IL E D

F R E E . C A R P E N T E R 'S ST U D IO . J07 B E L X > E V IU .E A V B .; 'P H O N E I tS B R B . B .

R A G T IM E p ia n o p lo y in g't l e t fu o lle d free .

g u a ra n te e d , 16 to* . CLAI ■lesa o q s ; booki

S tu d io s , 57 B a la e y e t , . i t t W a ln u t e t.LR K ’S


H E L P —Call to th a Grove A gency fo r y o u r h e lp ; you will g a t the b e e t of se rv loe ; w e

h a n d le a l l n a tlo n a litie# : ro faren cee lnre«dl- g a tt r i; wo have w om en for d a y 's w o rk : g iv e ua a t r i a l ; 'phone O range 5465- 143 M aid a t.. E a s t O range; open till 8. P . M,

liA U N D R E S S , ? ra t-e la# * , ivlBbeB d a y 'a w ork o r w ash ing hom e. Call IM O U ; 161 Lokaald*

a v a ., O fongej__________ __ _ _ ____hom * o rLA UN DRBBB, oolored, w a n ts w ork, -------

o u t . W rite or e a ll A R B IF G T O N , 437 R id g e ­w o o d av a , ^ ______ __L A U N D R IB B w tahea d a y 's w ork ,

m oQtk a t., te o m d floef.108 H o b-

LA U N D R X eB . flrg t-o laaa. w ish es d a y 's w ork. 77 W lak llffe st.

T he sh o v e tiierchandlse co n e itilu g o f L a d io i' u p -to -d a te FU R COATB. FU R 8 ETt< of tho la te s t a ty les , A8TRAKH.»lN.A N D CLOTH COATS. u p - to - ih # m !» iite HU lTb. BrVBNING DREBSES, BERG D AND VELVI5T D R E6 BE8 . h ig h -g rad e W A IB 'rS , a b o u t 20U BK lRTB, P o tilco a ts , Bilks, S u itin g s , N otloue, e te . .

A lto th e E N T IR E F IX T U R E S O F THI-l BTORD, lu c h a s W ax F ig u re s . U usta, i^tatids, Racik#. W indow FU tiiroe, e tc . All ivlil he eolil In conven ien t lot# w ithou t lim it o r reserve-'

H ER M A N GOLD. A U C n o N K E R .O ffice b4i)-:{48 p lan e s t. . N ew ark , N. J ,

Tel. 4612 M arket.

ACCO UNTAN T and office m a n a g e r w i th I f y e a rs ' experlenoe d esires p o o ltie s w ith la rg e j

firm w h ere th e re 1# o p p o rtu n ity fo r p ro m o ­tio n ; B coura te an d thoro u g h w oilter; referenos* . Addreea Book-keeiM r,New4 offioe. \ . ; w |


i i r i S ™ N U R B B -P nM :t!c« l o tpH n w iien t** B » V ,5f o r O th tr lic it <»Mfc w ith d c o tW i « , r * n M « , '

T‘ I P » 1I o r a t t d n n M « 8 . W A U IH , i t .

A C C O U N T A K T -F IrtU ili f tce m a n a g e r desire*_ _ . J pOiL___ ___

u fa c tu rin g c o n c e rn ; ta k e e n tire c h a rg e o f o f-

oofiouBtkiit a n d o f- j ___ ____Iltkm Wlui > r ( * Aj'a?;M "B«Tlobi«. B ei~ M , oW m .

fioe; flrft-o lo # # references. 145, N ew s o ffice.

Addreea J , B.p Box

W o rk ft Id Boydti

' T'J*’

liSmttr^^r^bwarJt, M, J.

p i., f ts a r o ro B f* and3fiL' ^toaaar^ i'

llM .. 44

O F F IC E m o v in g n lo tu re elide*, a u lc l te s t ....................... ah< • ■m e th o d to le h m e lio rte e t c o u rse Im u o P i t ­

m e n a n d F U m bpIo s h o r th a n d , a n d / t n h e r o o m m e ro la l b ra n c h e s , in c lu d in g b o o k -k e« 3^ irrg ; p o s it io n a a soon a# c o n a p e te n t: If I n t e r ­e s te d you a re In v ite d to (re* e x h ib it io n to ­n ig h t , 8 o 'c lo c k . M e ro b a n ts a n d R a n k e r f 8cb< -- - - ---- ' ■ 'hool, 654 B rb a 4 >t»

C hurch , w here n n H ig h M oaa_ wlH b e f ^ e n d to r t h e repoM o f In te n c c D t o i th# C em #tary o f t h e

GAB e n g i n e s w a n te d , f ro m 6 to 41 R , p , ;H ack u e , W h ite a n d M id d le to n o r V re a lo n i

m u s t b« o h e a p . A d d re s s E n g in e s , B ox 43. N ew s o ffice . __________________

PATENTSR I T S n t tJ . K . B V B H S r r . p * lm t U m r ; a ll

paottar* re la tin g to igTantlona, trad e iiia rk a a n d o o p y rlfh ta , to Ui* p a te a t dT loa a i ^ o o u r ta y ira m a a 'a to l ld lo g ; t e T 1484 M arket.

J l V t l t W a T i M ___T r m t hW a.! M U W trtw d M S .

P O L IS H E R w a n l .d , « r . r l . n c . A , « b « r , s te a d y m s n w a n te d ; w h o th o ro u g h ly u n ­

d e rs ta n d # b u f f in g , p o lleh ln g an d n k k e l p l a t ­i n g ; ro fe re b e s re q u ire d . A, W . W H E A T O N B ra # # W o rk s ; C om m erce e t. e n d R e l iro a d p i , , s e c o n d flo o r.

0 lH L ~ > W an f$ d , e x p e rfa a b e d g ir l f o r booking e n d h o u e s w o ^ IB s i ^ i . fa m ily . 10

C h e e tn u t #t. ^ »

booking lb

G IR L w a n te d to l e a n l e ld a r lB f oB Jew elry .A p p ly RT U M PF a b i n d e r *, M C o lum bia

a t, , cU y.G IR L S w anted , t# p o c k e t OMdA F . NO LL

f t 0 0 , , 115 M u tb e n r #L^ N., J .

p a p e r B O X E B ^ E x p e r le n o e d m a n w o D ted o n H o b b a a k d lB f m a c h in e ; a ls o w i th e x ­

p e r ie n c e M Kk a n d B . s ta y in g m a c h in e # ; a p p t r a t onoe. J . c h b i n f t C o ., t i e p o # - s a fe a v # ., H a r r i to n .

P f tN T I M A 83IR —G ood; ptoit# m ak e r w a s te dr; good ,f> BROft.

ty- F o r in fo r m a l . ._ 16ft B loom field awe-k


b i s i s :

s k o a l AMD

l o t .t U M O P L A n m « a n t i a I

n i m B x .. IM I b r k M i i .

( IB K R R A l. UOtT8S R iO R S ^ ’»V W l«W »A Ctrl w an ted In do k « n .ra l to r f a m ll,

p f tw p ; m u it | » a b la to a p a a k w td u t id n t a a d S n c llah . A nuly M l R u a t l f l la ay a .

d H N B R A L h o tu M w erk i a a s n a l m t w b tt* t i n t ta m llc tw o . a d t l t t . I t I R o a ir l l ia

FB M A LB BRANCH0 7 W O R K IN . W B flT -C L A jB -F A iC I 'IB * Ot T H E O T T 0 7 N E W A IO t C l X •E C U R l B U P L O Y H G N T « o r -----------------------------oo«T. « i A proTAa ^7 A L B trU E A B 0 7 ^K A tL . A N N B X .'V W j u r e A 7 X E R l t0 Wt w o 4 P . ■ ----- M m iRD A TB , :Ff«rnoNg


* £ S f S S S ^ . X ' S S S i t r a

AC CO U N TIN G a n d a u d itin g In o n h fo ficbaa ;InvaaftlfatloB#; a y s te m etla ln g ; ‘ --------

v irion. CONBTAM A udit Co., 1 6235 M kt. F ou n d ed 1496.

a th ly su p e r­i l b id g . ToL

NUBftB fo r coaflBem thto, lA y eara experlsDee.HBfl. CONWAY, i l l to o th N lB eteenth a t.,

or 290 ftpringflrld ava.

Clean. Btapla, U p -to -d a te S tock of

M E N ’S F U R N IS H IN G S , H A TS, C A PS, P IX -

TDRB25,' E T C ,

W . W . RE.ID, A U C T lO N sfeR . #ella th e a b m e F R ID A Y . JA N . 16, AT 1 P . M. S H A R P ,

N U R f iB -P m e t le a l n u rae d e a lra i _ p o a |tlo n to ta k e c o re o f InvaJldk A ddreea P r iv a te , Box

N ew e office, .4

1 on th e prem ie#*, 4ft) BROA D 8T ., n e a r G range, I N e w a rk , N. J . , being th o e n tire s to ck o f MOR- T. I Ria C R O U a, re tirin g .

C om prising fu ll linea o f CluetU # f t P e a b o d y 's A rrow b ra tH . dr«ea ap d o u tin g S h lrlJ e n d Col-

flrat-oJaaUkAUTQ. MECHANIC m o i^ lT n a h o p e x p e r la a c a ; fo rem i ■ fo ipei

p a ir ^ h 0p f o r fo u r yi n a h lte . ^ A d d reM H . flee,

# a r# l m a r r ie d ; A .r B ox n t i

B A K E R ^ M a n « rl# h e e posUloft #»-. b ^ t r ;h a d a n ex p eH en o e o f tw o n ty y e a r#

l i H o H an d D o t# h . J .« V B R H O O R N , ~ ton pL, O ran g * .

Ba R B B R .. 34, h o te l axparleDee, wlaliiB f t m - olaae p o r itie n . A ddress B arb sr, B os 10ft, N e w srtt/fm ^

B T E N O G R A P H E R . f iv e y e a r s ' e s p a r i * R # # ^ i b ra n c h e s o ( o ffic e w o rk . A d d t M C a p a b le ,

B o x 47, N ew # offloa .

Clash R e g iite r , eto.N . B .— e above s to ck d eserv es th a a tta n tlw i

o f fk a .c h a u f f e u r . G e rm a n , SO, w a n ts poaltlOB

w ith p r iv a t e p a r t y ; o w n r e p a ir s , h a n d le c a rp e n te r 'a . a n d m e o h a n ta 'a to o ts : a lso t a k a

iob a a b u t le r o r h o o e e m a n . A d d ri lox I l f . N e w s o ffic e . .

J . 8 . .

C H A U F rB U R -^ T o u n g ooloved- m a n w la h e a

froeltlon o s e h a ti f f a u r o r h a n d y m a n ; A l e re n c e . S I B o u d in o t a t., N e w a rk ,

C H A U F F E U R . G e n a a n . w ith rofacenca. w a n t# p i^ U o B : bttilB Siii o r j y lv a t e . A d d r e a C banf*

■“ e fneo it i i i r . B n B>, N * m iC U S R E . U B w la io .4 M MM, t l m c k w h i i .

^ a o u b l f - M ^ boMi IwmBt ii. C3.ABK. StO I'BlmD R IV D R — A MMib c TM iOf C t a n u a - i k n i n -

t « n n u u . w t ih H iM tU o n u d r l r a r . C*U I I aT M B T tfW -______■ _____

Dntro CUB8X. nc^>«9M H .ta . f a .R i ia M iMIn mU u lO, N n * tUtDi.

STBNO ORA 7U1BB. til*)) n h w l. n d u U i , A M n H BtinO, B o i I K , B n r . of-

fl«. _________ .g t W l N a . . A a o i d l M )>y USB. KlUIT,

. a d OlM Alllf,ilo c to a M.

e n W lN O -T tm la I t t . N.WV a l ^ . .

Adlm* S.I., BoxU P S T A m s . M A lD -^W iuitM , pM lU on « . o p -

M A ln m aid and w s U ra A W r i t , to a n S o o th I t t h M-; th ird f lo o .. •_____

su Him MBO e m ta ; r«i....t h . IIM l B ta . B .

w h U M e r l r t h . w M htO hi # B T W A SH L A U N 0 R T ,H t t t . U N E ^ D A W V f W A SH L A O iro i

— do jrp o r « U t. tw o K f » M h MM emtij rttWhad'^wM^WJuaHINO—Hon*«rt«o womao wUhH

m r k T u h i D t . tao o lii* o f i d n n ^ . h t n . o r o o i . N U n i t M ^ M ., H o o n d f lo e f .

t o t o k o Ilf m oMUiic . ' m B v . M S R t lU N - u a M a in I h l f t O h a r, B o IIi t Hi . . .

■wt, B l r d M , . H .p 1 * a n d Qalc. B rO M B o d ., T t ih w C o tto o o o d o th « j l f a t t i u M .<C o o e h n , E o u s . t . d B « I . a n d S a r l n u . C u r .

M. B l n i . r S a i r l n . M a m i n . , O o . I t o n n . , ~ C lo thM


• J.'-i..'.-J


Of th e best tra d e . W ill be Sold Id la rg e le t# to d e a le rs fo r CASH,

TV, W^ R E ID . A U C T lO N B E R i 8 E L L a T O H O R R O W . F R ID A Y . JA N . IC .

C O M M E N C IN G A T 10:40 A- M .,A T SA L E S R O O M . 15 A R L L N G T O N ST..

N E A R hfA K K B T .P A R L O R AND L IB R A U Y B U IT B S . U h ro fT . T a b le t . . Deeke. C ab in e t^ , B O O K C A S m B o ll 'Top, D esk e . L e a th e r L ib r a r y C h ^ r a , F L ctu ree . M irro r# , e tc .

D IN IN G -R O O M F U R N IT U R E , B u ffe t# . E # te j» la n T#taU#i L e a th e r and. C a n e B ea t C h o irs , C h in a C lose t# , S td e b o o rd e . C h in a W a re . D esk s , C a t d lo ae . R u g s , C o u c h e s , site.

B E D R O O M r U R N lT U R H . D re e e e ra a n il C h lf fo R lt r t , In M e h o g a n y , C iro ae s ian W t i -

S lid in gC u r-

Btoveo, B e f r ig e ra to ra , C a rp e to , O il ClofhXo L B io leum . R u g s . e tc . A b p u t SO# lo t# m e d iu m f u r n i tu r e f ro m i t o r a g t ; fli tu re o ,'^



A v elv e t w o rk , a ' th e reg n la b u t we # r

Irix u p I e n a m e l l i

A IR h*a i bollera.

tinge, t i l lug, eno£ lOTT p e ti* five dlffw for e ll k! given on and repet grade #nc1-e o n a r :In g te n IN

ftaw fe vxi te r lo l. B<

A I.M O flT ro ll to p

42 40 , CO:A flC H E N

from w g e t iliemATTENT

ir re e n s .N ew arkB A ltB K ]

f a r si- d ry e ra . ro ec tn n # : r a s h ra H a n k et.

NARGAla llg h ll

o v e rc o a te v e n in g

MRAS8E11.60 I


T.ADY'Id e s k ,

d i tlo n .O L IV E

use LN ice, Fer; notro u b le i w ire# p<n o NeA rcade


l'UON<116 N'A LE scalee

mi-.T sc I otiipuL m en te . '[ 'h o n ea'i'ORJ

make drcM 1STWA^


liouel M ain I

HI EA? i t . 'J

J Y iou :Writ!




AT 1d ro pCAR

lOUOH o r r . i o io tb « i ■■pinf

flu ffy


in d *4it r y war*

bjr oi^f Ion# in I f MtCll r u M n tt lo n fb l*

c ti« .1l•ftV |U |



n s b t1IU7W

rwt «x - »r. UD- bUii o f «rbucb»

I f con- Invalid I b e l t of



In o l- i f con« t . : U l.

llbd (or.

T« dla* D*d f t .

f c M - l t o l .

& '• oM• e t p r ,

« ; f t f l *T tm F .f

r» r ta A< «t UB.

b t hAvf A y th tn f ira ltu rth

r u f i .BTf, tM* c a ib ; I

louM In ■BtMlOO} ooa p a r A: MBd • tr lo tb r

ren r d«- o f f ill" 86 pfO

oMn- •d -room

poffUl ■ tric tly

f tO il J l.u m itu r f e n t f o fi r f f M i >u m o rf I f o r r . ad d f fU [ON, n

>8 J MJTB o rou h S T t or« m 11 ■OlUl 01

H cond^ m d an y - hbn a n fI poital.

o f foofwUlioug

oao iiab lf i offlcfct in s ua: n o th ing A uctlnd

k a t.II Utid^p rlee t |

d pi.go io u a la l . tI tt o n ca i A ., P o l

U ^


n ,

i. A T l(

t h k


! LAdiaV : or tlie c i i r r x . v s H u r rb . / E i i v i r r o u t 200N o tio u i,

TH K Aum dii

\ b e to ld <erv*.'

. 0 : , .


P IX -

h e abcn e lA R P .

* O ffnga , o f M CA '

*eabody 'i a n d Col-

>rr. 0.v«r- nad,

M ayor’o

r y S f f ,jbl«f» and

p ^ D t e k ,

a tte n tio n le l e u to

R.A N . 16, U ..)N ST..

L i b r a ^ .O A 8E 8.C h a i n .

B u f fe t ! . !n e B ea t I. C h in a c h e a . eito. u r a a n d a n W a l- «■ B ed e .U S lldlB Sise . Cur* l U n s e a .

i C l ^ h e , : 0 f lo ta f titu re* ,'^

- - r


V ;

N E W A R K E V E N IN G N E W S, T H U R S D A Y , JA N U A R Y 15, 1 9 U ' t !

A c O R T c a iu a « o a ,

l U U a r iK t n . , N a n r A N. A


, I T O W N ilN P - lT A K E N O T IC E th « t I. E n . 1 « « BAl M fh » n » » In. . . j - _ 1 1 . . . . . ,^ M ..• ]g i3 Tor4 ru aa l

Auu> t j . « i rIn J * m ) i i M . •* * *n iH itH ul. CW ilwid ^ r l B . » l *

I n p a W d l f a o i p e K f. ra a h e i .U N O * DO U O LA M i ! • y e a n 9BS N orfolk >t

P ri-o ln i a l l hilii w iililb i h e d ay a of' n o tify alna. rum ble runabou t e n d lo p iw n e a u . i « *

A T flT atr , a e ft flnliU for « e tU an d In la rlo r ’W ilA[jOOX-01BDa . ^ to tn a U c w o rk , a w eah ab U and p a rm u ia n t f la t p a J ^ ; eb lna. 1 1 1 6 0 ; m lealao *•10. (h a r o f u t a i p r ic e fo r th ia c lr t i i o f rondo La H M l ; cook aiovo . M ; r u g . M- t»ut « a a ro a a lt in f I t a t $i.T6 pai- a ^ lo ® n e a r B ro a d .

F l a u p f o u r h a a ie r and atoiraai our a to r e p ip e aBaynal la un aq u a lo d ; 1 6 a . S te .. T6a por c a ^

M wing m a ­id BO. piano,

:% U r id ie a t .

- .u u l ro tA tiw . B. II. r . t o u r ln . , E n u r t l ln "D to u rin g an d la n d a q la tta F ra n k lin ^ to u r to i .

r ’a ia r I l a m h V 'tw oryN<>Tl('*Er- B y w ife. A nna H utchina, w ho io aow to u rin g an d la n d a q la tta - - j

hi N ew ark . N. J .. iiavhig left itiy had and ['eukard w ith tlm oualM a n d oleea couplad h o a rd , I w ill *101 tw reiiw n ilb le fo r an y d a b l bodl«a; M axwell, au rrey type. t lM . o r d e b ia rn iiira u lc d hy hei.

iS lg h td l

A IR b aa lL n f furtirtoae. p Jiea an d r a g l a t m b o tiv a , rad U U ite vaivew. ptpaa a n d m *

t ln g i , aabaatrie cem ent, eectlona* pipe c o w ­in g . an a n ie l h ^ th tu b e . raraharlM . r;lgh an d low p a tte rn w a te r u loeeta Id lchen a lu k a an d f lv a d iffe re n t p a tte rr .i of waah t r a f i . aopalre fo r a ll k ln d i o f p lu m o ln i f ii tu r e a , ^ i i M l e e g iv en OB m a U fia f for conatru itJon . m iijd lnga a n d re p a ir w ork; a1! gooria a re n e * . g ra d e and g u * ran teed r t low eat price. A. B LK O N A R D , H Lomb*[*iy e t . opiioella w a a b - In g to n P a r k ; U l. 6X-4 B a rk e t._____________ _

A L W A T* ON H IN D ,

tA rg a a x ia n tltla i of eam nd-hand b n lld ln ir m a ­te r ia l . B o a td a jo la u . t licb af. aaah an d o o o ra

V A N K K U H EN *PCI PA SSA IC AVE.. r a p t N W A R K .

T B L E P K O N S 31110 H A RR ISO N

A R B y m M o ^ l n g for futiuiwa. auuh a a « u n - l a r a acalea . abowoeaee. fb e lv in a . g ro c e r r loe-

boxee : a leo fa i-b o aaa . oya te r b a r. h a llr ta n d e , r a e u u r a n t f lx tu re a ? S u ltabm l*rm a e a t ^ a d to a l l ; a a e a o n a -b a if by b u y lm from ib e N ew - t n Ih ir c h a i ln g Oonipany. T3 Acm lem y e l., le t. 6P4M M ark e t. F l x tu r u a leo m ade to o rd a r ; w a bu y ev e ry th in g th a t you don ' t neoil______ _A S P H A L T f l in t roo fing fell. fl.BO per roll. 108

e q u a re feet- m ark e t p r h e tA: iiuticJard icoodi; re m n a o ta |1 Iter ro ll; fSctU eiil ov^r ah lna lea or t in roofa : aap h a lt a n j moLalilo pa lu ia ; a jp h a l t SOc.; rod Tbc. g a llo n ; la rg e tl d ea le r In N«w je ro a y : o lty dellverlee fion: e tta h llih e d 18ul. W ^ to r r . \M N . J . R. R. a v * .: tel. dPST M kt.A L M O ST new a llo n l «how<-ii«e, (10. co a t f3 0 ;

ro l l to p denk . I l l , ci>et M S: p a r lo r h e a te r . • 2 M , co a t IIR , M R. fi* A cad e m y H .A S C lfB N B A C H lie e le ira tc a k e e t y o u r h te le

from w e a r in g crooked. Your itin em ak er. o r g e t t ham a t a RCHENBACLI'S. 34ft P la n a i t.A T T E N T IO N -If j o u warn ua to m ak e fo u r

arreana , eend ordera now—eave 2ft p e r oeni- N e w a rk Rcreen Work*. flL'hley at-____________ _B A 1 IS K R 9 . a t t e n t io n ; h a n d e o n i* la b o r a to r y

f o r a h a p tp o o ln g , ■ terllU ar, a U c lr lo h a ir d ry e ra . m a n l r u re ta h le i. e h 'o tr lc m aa a a g e m a c b in a a . g a * w a t« r h e a t* i‘ w ith b o ile r, r a a h r e g ia le r . e tc . ; b a r g a lg S to re . Bt R a n k at.

C U c k c u

i A L « J 'h .» p . U n i m . t r I , . k . ».t‘,'h ln “ 'f lr o nd o tte a , n,B t .t—. —

Ite g h o rn p u lle la . Y oung e t r a l n . a n la y in e n eed ro o m for m a tin g . F . t-. H L 'R L B B R T , ] « ( Mart-y a v e ., B e e t O r a n g e .______________ _T H O M P S O N r in g le t B a r re d R ock ctM 'kerela

a n d c w k a , fro m j>rl*a a to o k ; v l fo r u u t h lrd e ; (3 l« M . iS K lllo t a l. ___________ _

J. r . I I U T C H I ^ ^

T A K E notUw th a t I. S tephen H ann lca. hA»* p u r rh a a e d th e aa 'o o n of J o h n k* lah - a t ifcO

P e r r y e l. , N e w a rk , preaeril'iv p ila y a to S T B P H b N

t l A A N ir j t . a t ea ld a il«^eM ^^_________________NOKTOV A SOflTUN. N ew ark '! lead tog b a il |

uren bmk**b. h a t r Ihla day Itlo n e rv . i ia t lo n e ry and c ig a r alore M ayer, 4l‘| •.•.n tral a \e . , vUy. to C A therln*Ketmerty. ___________ IJl*' M ra. 8 a ra il Ha>. o r an y p e r w ia k n o w lM

■ foiW Hl£N you buy o f eell chlokana, pigeona. Tab- *hereal>oula, wilt liim rm laa . aha w illbita, eto., go to th e M onniuuth ro u n ly P uu l- eoinethlD c to her a d v a n ta g e . M R. H

try Co., th e l iv e po u ltry a lore , 63 M echanic a l. t iH lR lJC T J20 .North Broadw ay. Loa A ngalta.

m a F O R D TUBAbagt; p T M ile B ltr 1*”I8 U FO R D ru n ab e a tj vary llU la u s e d ......... W1»I0 w r iC K . M odal W, to y t o a a a a u . . . . J J J m o H i r i r K , M odal U . d e m i- ll» o « A lB a . t i a m e BIJIO K , M odel W. m m b la _ ^ r o a s t e r . I « 1 10 * H A X W B L L a u r ta y ty p e , O f e n V * TUW N B BN tyB A uta D a., WB K a U a y ; Ra t . W.WK H A V E lh a fp llo w ln g c a re t h a t w ill a p ­

peal to a n y one lo o k in g for a good uaad a u to m o b i le ,

liocom oblle, l-p a a a a n g e r , t f a l . r h a i in a r a . S -paaaangar.

O v e rla n d . 6< p aatao g er, M 06.U a rfo td , T -paaaoager, | | 0 4 .

Efft8H IR U & T . Cai.

STR IC TLY freah agga, 60 e tn ta cwr dollv a red ' ow n hana. B. R. A n M B R L S lB R .

G ille tte , N. J .TH OROUGHBM DD w ln ler-lav lB g B a r r ^ ^ k

ersB , tl.ftd pef i i t t in g , IT h u n d r td , the hena th a t pay a re tlioae th a t lay now ; aura have lead In w ln iar lay in g 1ft coneecu llve yaara. The B ir re d Rock P ou liiw F a rm . P aaaalo av a .. l h a th a m B . O . 1. IScCARTHY . m axiager.

BO A R D w a n te d fo r baby g irl, f iv e w ^ a old.I in P ro ta a ta n t fam ily ; a U ia t a r i ^ . A pply by

la t t e r to J . Boa w . N a w a ^ t c » . Q ra n g aM R r^V M . U lL N B , form erly of b t e k *

M fr .. ih ia cJtv. la no longer connected w ith - ‘ ■ ------ ‘“ t- Co.

■»-. k. « i g . , im e c jiy . IP MW .uabove D ick A M llpe M fr

P U ree L im oualne . Ivocom oblla U m o u a in a , IL IIM .

i tO B b a l en ia leg a n d fam a l

n o a e a ------ . -------- _ . . .p o u n d !, f a th e r f iv e a n d o n e -h a lf aleon fine poodle, a t a tud . fee 1 %. ITS H a w th o rn e a \e .

■4S'. •. J •

B A R G A IN S In la d ire ' a n d g e n te ' m lafU a n d i l l a h t l y w o rn c lo th in g : m en 'e a u lte a n d

o v e r u o a t i ; a leo Ju d lre long co a ts , suU a a n d e v e n in g dt-rsMee. 117 S o u th O ra n g e ave.B IL L IA R D , pool tab le aupplleei tab le a hongTit,

fo ld ; rep a ir in g a .B p e c la lty . H]I>1./>W , M U a r k e t a t., cor. W aeh lng ton i te l. 24S4 M arket.H R A S S N R 'S f in e old port and a h e rry w isaa.

A 1.60 p e r g a llon up . 'P h o n e 776 W averly H N B. P R A 6 3 E B , N ew ark. N . J , ________

C'a SK- reg laterv , N a tio n a l^ bought, aold an d e ic h a a y e d ; a ll a ty lea; o lectrlo o r b a n d ; au lt-

a h ia fo r a n y bualneaa; lik e new. a t h a [f o rla l- b a l co a t; aJI m aeb rn e t g a a ra o te a d ; caah or Id - e ta lm a n ta Hlaaex l^oan Office. M ark e t at- ‘ P hone 2681R M arke t. _____________ _

D e pr p . H , V A N D E H B O E ST 'B „

H O eP IT A I. n i R DOOR AND C A T t.10 12, 14 O rchard at. ’Pkon* 8060 M arket.

P u re w h ite toy e ilk p o o d le i; eg a n d fe m a la a ; IlD e a c h , a ll b lac k V n d v e ry am a l) B lock; m o th e r fo u r

■’'* p o u n d i; ADAMS.

P U R K w h ile toy poo d lea ._ th T ee m o n th ! old. "TH ,

K O A R D w a n te d for l-y e a r-o ld b oy . r*ftnM fa m ily p refe rred . A ddreaa H aflned . Box 106.

New 'a office.

B i u i i t M P t n o u k

D R 8 . W II .U A U 8 AN D B ? S ‘CIAL1AT6. FJOIfALS A IL M E N T S .

t r a i n e d NU RB E a t t e n d a n t , P R I ­V A T E NL^RBING a r r a n g e d i f n b c - E aS A R T. CH A R O im V E R T REA N - A B I.E . H o tlR H . »■>. H U N D A TE ! 0 ^ T A K E « 0 B * A YV A T B D C A R 8 W M TH SF. STA TIO N . O m .T iS M IN U TES V1«5M CO RT- I.A NTIT tE R M lN A L 0 R „ 8 J A lN U T y P R O M K!D ST . TU B E » T A T lO N .„ IW W E S T #eT H ST.. N EW T O R K CITT .

W IL L IA M s u n go P a c ir ie at.a

F n n

D rop Id u d tn»p*ol Toufven lenoa.

O P E E N I M O TO R O A R CO-.H-tA WpiJilDiton Pi.. NdwdfI.. ___

o H A i. B. R A L U IN C ,. * « { V i s i n ' E T . B A N K S tnF T C T

A E E w d a t b m o r e o r o b n u i k e r a r -O A IN R

S PA R K P L U aS . R«c. I L « ................................... ■ »Oil* l t! l mAlMlI, <■«> ..........................“ •} ;Ur««»«i (all M akati, R « . 1.8#...................... « -J®B lK lr l t H o m t, R a t . T , » ...................................J-®®K la io n H o n ii. Rd«. IEOO......... ■ v . , . ; * L .

W tad C h a lu . a l M 1-8 p t r T eo lt of a ll d taortpU ona. 2 5 J*

W. L R ookw tll, B a c tiv a r. U J . W prU I. m e t.a u to h a r i a ln t ; m l H u p r u n a ^ o t .

•q u lB i , 1 171 : m i C h a lm a r i , I f , in t i r a l l i n l M inaitlon, ITIO; <!•-IK o r j , 3 b o « « » , n » « - “ A * '" ? ? ! .® * !? - _ ? } | I t l l : m o N aU onal T - P » - . * * * • ■ , '* “ ’ ',4" ru n a l’OUt, n tw t l r « , I l f O l m a n /O lu d in i B u lcka , U ad lllaM , w t l l i . H upa, d h a lm t r t . t i t . : i “ * t ®F0f* i “ a n d look u . o*»r If Id t h a m D r k tt . "■ R B A L L A u to E io Iia d s i , I 7 I - J I 0 H a la a r »*■• ta l . f i l l U i r k t t .

BUSINESS O P fQ E T U M TlES , . E T Cr O B B A L E — H o u w feo ld a r t l a l t . lu U a b lt to r

m a ll o r d a r j a to t k w o r th I t i f ; »IU aioM - flea t h a A b o ra » I t l » lo o la a n d r « » lp t* fo r n a u n i w h l th la bow p a n d li i f . to r 1300. A d- d r a u F R A N K , B o* I I , N aw a o fllr* .FF>R S A L B - K a a v r I lr a ry an d ap rlk k llM b u ll

naaa. co« tl*U o« o f b haraaa, k lo d a w a io o A harn aaa , a lA W ILLIA M

T h a O n a t a i t H oata s ta W a la j .4M-EIT B R O A D *1V N E W A R K , N . J .

T hIa la th a i a f a a l an d kaat pM oa ta ^ I o r to ll h o rata . 1 ‘r lv a t t m la i A t a l l E i

R a iu la r Auotlon aalaa a * w r TUKBD AY A N D E R ID A T .

to buy

ragtKia,IRND. N aw tan . N. J .

S^ . — - — . ^ r -w - -- * . ■ * ■a r Auotlon aaIaa a*

EBDAY a n d n U D A .aammAAOlns a t IV K I A. M .. m in an R o n * • •

F O B S A lJD -im iia F rroeatiF A ta n la In v tD io rr a b o u t I t .S W ; old

BSO ~3h:A ll o r H O RSB B w * a f a ll daaoitpuAOA

ta o h l a l a » » raoal.ro oUAi tEAm twM «a tra m th a ta n n o a f PAOiiaytOAiila. (% to, o a . V l r d h l t and N aw J a ra o r .

------- ;-------T T i l aApart h o raa JudAaa. a a d a » I ta in io ln d h r wJawA lir p iM t, f u l l r ; th fp p o ia lu poaUlaaUr Aatl th aaa h o ra tn l a th a•tU bllahad^ i r ^ .a ; h i t h t a t b lddara . ___

tCld-tU£CUND.HAND H O R B W -1 0 # n o a m l l i w t up a l t u o U n M th a m J M a n ,

o i n t q u a b a n t t p r o t e o t

e ff a r d e e r

ap lend ld tr« 6 e . A ddn a v e ., N ew arii.FO R S A I ^ m u u la c tb r ln g

L e e ke a tab ileh ad .

e q u ip p ed ; dlea, dailgbA a t t a o w e a i r « e . l ig h t le f t . A d d reea^H rU b llih ad , B a s 141,flu e lig h t le ft

N tw a office.F O B SA L E , o r a*ohan«a for p rap a rty . p a '“ ' H ro n n I t* ho ld ar fo r AUio. ju a t a ra a in d ; o ^ H a BuHlal. 23 U l. r ia a a aD t a v a . JO H NlU jR JtE . _____________________ ____________F i i h S A L E — L I tt I a B uay R a a r w U u r a n t ;

h a a tw o a ta o d l n f a ta t lo a e -4^pp1y •*M o n tg o m e ry a t., J a ra e y OUy.

U8VDev ery

ACCOUNT of fin an c ia l ra ra raa a , " « > S toddaid -D ay lon . toy to n n ta u , ooat H .T O .

only uAtd W iDonthi. h « l« P .,

BLA.CIC Irtix eat, m tln lined, b ran d hew.n ev e r w o rn ; e a c r lf lc e IS, uoat |3 8 . tu lJ

MRS. I.A NGK , 3&D K im at.. K ea rn yG K N T L F aM AN’S fu r au tom ohlle coal (coon

fur) heeuM ful coat arid good a j new , coat 11411; eacrltlca for »60. 61 lludaon ai.. N ew ­a rk . N. J .______________ ____________ ___________LA D Y 'S fu r lin e d a u to m o b ile o r h a c k c o a l.

In fa i r c o n d it io n ; 4^heap e t I I . R oom StK. 8l|li-S»0 B ro a d a l. ______

DR, M A N D D V ILLD . ep aclilla t. 6*3 B ^ d i t ^N e w a rk . N. J . , 6po. S h u b ert , T h « t r a » only uaad 10 m onth!, b aa 7W m - o i p o r u r c t a t% a p a d a llH In a l l rhroDio , „ n , oiook. P fo a io lltt ta n k , • IfO ;'® h*™ . ^

dlAoaaot o f m an a n d w®m«nv.'!**»Fr’' ' m ountD bla r lm i. a u r a d tm o u o ta b la r l r a ad lia a ia a . diaaaaaa o f b a a rt. b ld n a ja . a ta m a .b i „ o a r t t , » brand naw Urea, 1 b ra n d naw I m wItv a r o r h lad d -r . i ja u m lt l im . u r ln a r r m bM , k it o f loolA a to . ; a u a ra n ta a dJung d l ta a ic i . p W e e h o u r! 3 tP .* t t r a ic d an y w h ere , p rice 1 ^ . M RS.

r i l H a n d v a c a u b lB a a r k a l ; s o o ^ j s * * * * ^ m u tt t a l l , h a v in g tw o i io ra a ; w ith g ™

h o rM a n d w ag o n . IT I R u n y o n a t., t h i r df loor. __.D O O D P R IN T IN G , 1,600 b ond laU a fh a a d e ,

m x l t . 11.36; b l llh a a d a . 11.16: e n v a lo p a a e a rd a . a to . , 11.60 p e r 1.000; 6.000 e n v e lo p e (1 % ) . 16 .60; e a m p le a eonl. STR A TIIM O nH I P R B 8 S , m L a f e y e t ta eL , n e a r McW h o r te r .

G O O D g o in g b u e ln eaa fo r a a le c h e a p : M okoe o u n t M okoaae.

i t , N aw a ofD oa.A d d r e u B u eln eej.

D R O C E B T a n d d a llo a ta tA tn a lo ra fo r t a la ;wood lo n aU a n ; a o o d bualnaaa; n m ai t a l l on

nceoDO t o f o th a r b u a ln aaa ; a a n a p : a c t au lo k . A. W . a u E N T H E R , t i t S p rin * a t,. BHiia- b a th . _____________


^ a u R o mm *,

ROOM T S ^ ^ * ? R f e f e m A L E ta m O lE a ,R E A L E S T A T E m O R TU A U EE.

P H ra ta n r B . a a d U .: p n n p t n ttA kO A ^ S a a d p o a ta l. a ra p K A a n U tlT a w ill wall,

M, T . E O ^ E T1* B R O A D S T .; taL A tt lM MW E H A V E tu m a o f II.OAA to | t . « M to lAM

t tc u r a d b y f l n t b o n d a n d > h b r i l * |* . p n n a r i y : N a w a rk a n d T lo ln lly . B R O W N • K m O B L A N D , F i r a m a n 't b u l ld ln i , N aw artL

I H A V E tl ,« A t a n d alAo |I,«A A . w h i jh J w ou ld l l l n to p la n a o n fo o d f l n t

a t I p a r c a n t, A d d r a is M o rt-


IlDraee, M ulai. W agona and l l a r n a a t r a c « l ^ f ro m a n y one to be aold oo oommlaaloiia a l th a r 4 ( nuctioQ o r p r iv a te a a la H araaa to r a a ia o r e x c h an g e d a t Ail Utnea.

F i f ty aa ta of New lU m eaa f a r aa ia otaeaLpa TH O S. H. HOT. PROFa

W lltLam Aa P a rk h u ra l. W l l t lw A. P a tte re a n .

J . 8 . W I L U a MS. AuetSeeaara

a n d m o rtg a g e g a g ib Box I f , Nowa o fflo a .

k o n s t to lean on D m an d aaooad M t M f aum a to au lt. a t reaaonab la

•C H C C H N E R , fo u rth floor, room 600. XhOoo b u lld lp g ; *pbaaa Iffft M arital.16,006, 14.066. 11.666 a n d t t ,0 6 6 to Lo m . n rad

W a d A id m o rtg a g e , N a w a rk o r v t o l i ^ ‘

aruM b . ^ l i - . d f i v A d d r H . A t to n k y , N h t * offloA

■MLOOS TO LOAN 0. bond t s d m o r i fU A !■ ram * to r a i l . * t d p « oont., w H i ^ M M d .

U P W A R D E i lJ tC K .« > u n ra l° r . w m i a i E a k

W L E B W . BANVT * BRO..»7-4» BK lD O K r r . . N E W A R K , N.

t e l e p h o n e i U M A R K T I- * 1 g E B

J .

O R O O R T . ooB fectlonery atore fo r a a l^ w ith fo u r liv in g ro o rn i; ren t IIT. In q u ire 118

M ain e a t. , c ity . _________ 'O E O C E R T a lo ra fo r a a le , a c co u n t,, o f 0\

h e a l th . 116 C e n ira l a v e .; n o ag e n ta ._____

M AN’B b eau tifu l m ln k -lln ad cnat. alae . P or- Blan c o lla r; n ev er w orn ; coat tTft; p rice 620.

r a i l even ing i. J . W. H A JlD T , Ihh South EUevetith et.

ll^ to f l* p T W . aleo Tueaday a n d F r ld a j morU’ Ing ft to 11. O ffice cloaed Sund a y a __________I r e g i s t e r e d M l D W i mM RS. D R E W E S BRAN DT. IM M ulharry a t

CO RN ER m a r k e t .LtADJEfi p r i v a t e N U M m O -

' H IG H CLASS K X P E H I ^ C *c o n f i n e m e n t . H T lU ei ' C O N F ID E N T IA L

T B L . R28BW M A R K ET- _______

M UM FI and c o lla r! m ad e o u t o f old aiy le fu ra : ccglB rep a ire d a n d rellnad . 62-M C heater

a i e . ; 'p h o n e B ra n c h B rook 40S1R.

T y p s w i i t e n k s d S n p p l i e iAll M akaa T ypew iitarB .

R ented , 13-00 up . W i . llO.OO up. N E W A R K T T P B W ^n iT E R E X f'H A N aF ,.

8 B m v e r at. 'P h o n e M aih a t 1490.O n e ^ lo c k e a a t of Broad at.'Three doom from M arke t a t. ■

A L L m akaa. tlO u p ; la rg e a i Block I s N. i7] auppilea fo r a ll m ach ln ea ; rep a lra guaran^

D R E S S E S m a d e to y o u r m a a a u ra .I a m now p re p a re d to a c c e p t oi

t h e m ik k ln g o f a ty llah a n d p r « t l c a M a U o r « d

___ _ . f i upa c c e p t o rd e re (or

le t O lym er at., near R m eklyn .

W llila m a b u rg Brtdgw.

G IF F O R D A uto E x o h a n g a b u y a , n a lla c l ie n te e a n d tak e e o w n e re c a r t c®"*

■Ignm ent, f re e a io ra g e ; w e w ill a n y c a r If th e p rice le tr>o h ig h ; g lv F ua a c a l l : a r g i i t d e a le r In t h a ,**‘ ®**^,u e e J auppilea a t your ow n p r ic e , a i r r t J f t u O a ra g e G o . , IT J - lS l H a le e y at.________ ^

C A R D S a n d p r in tin g "o ji th e Ju m p ;” lowp rio aa ; o r rd a . 7*r. *'?; cu t* , daalgna. labela. ^ ^ u* — a- nwvm.n-

r o B E Preae . H aleey aod M arket. ^vVer th e a tre , ; re n ta l! , ^ ^ m' ... - - p lan ; m v e 40 to T6 p e r cent. OEX). M. JUTIU.IT A cadem y a t , N ew ark , N. J .; tel. 7887 M kt,IT-ftO; teWer preee. SB, ty w -

i^ier dealt. J il ; offioe rug, Sk.ati, coel | l 0 .£ )B 8^ f la i top.

w r i te r dealt. | :^nw nter, $2. TH b rid g e i t . , ueai Bi oad.

, B JU IC T R IC r lo le l- ra y . M l. In t e a th e r oov- a re d c a a e ; *com plela e q u ip m e n t, f lv e gJaea

n fea e a a n d h a n d v lb ra to re . A d d reee E le c t i in ,B o x 6 | , N ew s nffir;*

E D IS O N p h o nograph (electrjc j, o ^ rm le te w tth c a b in e t, IftO records, i e x tr a raeo rd era ; D rat-

< l i f i co n d itio n ; 616, 564 S p rin g d ale ave ,, l>Jagt O r u g a - ______________________E D IS O N phortograpb fo r aale . w ith la rg *

h o rn . 3 re p ro d u c e ra over SlUO w o rth o f ra c ’ • rd a i p rice 106. Call 11 A rch i»-. a f te r ? P . M,

N E W SlOO V ic to r vtM bla t rp a w r l te r i w ith a ta n d a rd keyboard fo r* r^ n t a t |3 par m o n th ;

w hy pajr m ore fo r a n old, in fe rio r m acnlaeT ,VlctOf T y p ew rite r Co., TTft B road at.________

F u R S A JjE c h e a p , b a n d eo n sa n e w bu ffaK naw Ica c h e a t. so d a

e o b tu m e re . e tc .fo u n ta in , ( a b ia a c h a l r a

61 B a n k i t .P D A SA JaE —S tea m -p o lle n and rad la to ra}

ohaap. A. J . HlMPfiON. 238 (Tllnton a v a .; *pU<»a 88d W averly , _______ _F O R S A L E , a b a rg a in , la rg e ro ll to p d aak

In g o o d c o n d itio n . Ji E a s t P e r k a t.

F I N E c a a h r e g la te r ; b r a n d -n e w ; b o ggaip . i l B a n l t t i .

O A K ty p e w r l ta r atm nd, w ith d ra w e r , goo d ae naw , 11.66. R oom I26-IS 6 B ro a d

a t. * _________R E M IN G T O N NO , f ty p e w r i te r ; good co n -

d lU o n ; coat n e w 1166: a ao rtftee | 1 0 ; b ig b a rg a in . C a ll IBO E lm e t.. n e a r Q uincy ave ., K e a r n y . ________________ _________

t p r i n * A r a w a i M u p ; th e c u l * n 4 f i t » u a r- n n t a . a to be n b ao lu ta ly p a r l a c t ; y c u r p a U o n - u . la M l l c l t a i ; a k ir ta . |1 u p ; auU*. •* UP C O H E N . 16 N a w a t , ____________________

STrPK REI.COU a H A IR .W n r t . . M o I.t an d F lrih u .* rk a ram ouM for- a . a r by E le u tr id O ; 21 y (* n i' M ja r ic n o A

M M E. B W E ST E R V B L T .2 ill W aaM ngton at.

R E L IA N C E M A TTRESS CO.B82 W A SIlIN G TO N ^.^T .. 'P H O N E 2M 7W MkL

TiADY'B red in aJio g an y co lo n ia l a ty le w r i t in g ileek , w ll li c liu lr lo m a lfh , In p e r f e c t c o n ­

d i tio n . A d d i- a e D esk . 13o i ;.6, Nes^e o f fio e .O L IV E OJLr’ If you w en t to grow f a t and roay

UM L ily B rand , ab fo lu te ly p u re o^tve oU, o f N ice, F ra n c e ; a positive lU eli an d bl<»d-hulld- e r ; no rho tuna tlem . k idney, liver o r atoTnaoh t ro u b le ! c a n ax ial w heie th l i oil la uaed. I t 1n~ n 'jree p e rfe c t h e a llh . Sold only a t u U v e B ran ch , n o N ew ark A rcade, 648 Broad g t.. oppoalta A rcad e T h ea tre . W . B, T U R N E R . ______


r a d i a t o r s .W A LS H SONS & CO. .CLAY AND O G D EN STSI 'H O N iK iR A P H and record* fo r aa le cheap ,

lif t M ead e l.. cUy. V ellaburgh aectton. _fef'A T.RH—TfUstdo. lyaylon, A ngld lla c o m p u tin g

acalea: ap rln g d ial, even b a lan ce , m lcrom - ei'.*r ecw lci. gu a ran teed h a lf p rice ; H am tU on lOEiipuLlng f i.aLi’a . gBaoiinn tan k a ; eaay p ay- n-enla . A. W . L E F L B C E . 63 ileU evIlla a v e .;

I hone H ran t.li B rook l?*o .a'i^oriM SASH and d w ra : p o rtab le v aa tlb u laa ;

m ake your hom e com fortab le. F o r p r lc e a ad- d re sa M apuC aciurer. l.k>i 87. Newa- offioa.sT e AM R tH LEK . cap ac ity !\ to 6 room a; tw-

.llaT..ir Nalvta, jup lng , «IM In sta ll If you w ish . A ildrcsa O w ner, Box flT. New a office.________B E C O N n-H A N D bolld lng m a te ria l; b u lld ln g a

bou ah t a n il rem ovad- A. i*. H A M B L E N , HO M ain i t . . L i s t Orarige; ft268J O range.S7 BAM B O IL E R for aale. A U STIN , 842 H igh

it. Tel. 1616 M^rket^_______________ _V iO IJ N . old, fine tone; w in eell fo r JSOO.

w r i te o r c a ll H. NOE. fftS B road a t., c liy .


PU L L E T S .I SA FES. _____


B A N IS T E R * P O L L A R D CO.,206-206 M arke t •U,

"IM S I H O M E OF 0(X ID H A R D W A R SL "

R E K IN O 'P O N ly p ew rlta r , f l r a t- d a ja oondltlon .will pay you to I ttveatlgate ; ch eap to quick

Iniyw - C ig ar f to re . ift Oo u n at.W IL L p a y c a a h fo r U a d e rw e o d o r R o y a l

ty p e w r i te r , o f w ill e e ll N ew M M eJ B llo k - •CM derfer, c h e ap . A d d re a e E x c h a n g e , B o x 141, N ew a o f f ic a


SIZES. N E W A R K SEC O N D -H A N D M A­C H IN E R Y CO.. 82 C H E S T N U T ST.__________

r e n o ra t* feather* by’ apeelaT Bto»nMgg p ro ceea ; ouehloiii of any kljid o u r ap ao ta ltT , •e e o u r o a n lta ry . roverolble f e a th e r rn g tlreM .

COSGROVE D E TEC T IV IL t»2 P a rk P lace.

A G E N tT . N E W A R K . N .^ J . ^ ^' T h la ag en cy ha* '-the a d v a n ta g e d t m orn t h t f so y e a r t ' e ip e r ie n re in civtl and c rim in a l Baal- te rw. B x p e rt d ic tag rap h a e rr ic a _______________ ^B E a b e a u ty docto r; ea rn 640 to IM weekly*

te a m m an icu rin g , f e d a l m aeaa fo , acalp t re a tm e n t, aham poolng, e tc . ; f re e b e a u ty fo rm ­u lae , d ip lo in aa; day*, evenlnge. Old R e lia b le N . J . School o f B eauty C ulture , 31T W a a h tn g to a

rA D lL lA C leurJng. new ahoei, to p a n d ahle^<J- M axwell run ab o u t, lop. new p a in t,

W lnton to u rin g builneaa or p lea e u re c a r . i w , F ord run ab o u t, full eq u ip m en t, new iU'Ti ihiiae <**r* fine Tunning o rd e r , apeciai b a r f t ln * G IFFO R D Kxcha n g e . 2 " 1 H alaey _eUMAQNETOB. a ll typea and m ake, b ro g h t . » I d .

retialred and e x th a n g e d . a ll rep a Jra d o n a m rtnir hour* and a ir le ijy g u a ra n te e d a t th e tow^ *at p iicea ;' iH itrlbutoi'a andH thtti* and M ichigan .m eg n ero a . H D C H T , 236 W e n ro rty -n ln lh a t , N ew Y o r ^ ___________W E e f t i r o u r e n tire atook of uaed ca r* a t

pricea unequalled *laew here; th ee* c a re ■ite't iliftm gh o u r ahop. and a r t g u ara iw eea .- - ^ uaed

O A R A G E , c a p ac ity *6 o a te : m achine * o p , Btaam h e a t; e ia v a io r. now doing good buM-

a tM : p r lre RI.OUO; reaaon for ooillng, o ther in- U re e ta . P a n lc u la re , P . O. Bo* W. PaaiA ic,N . J . ____________ _____________ _________________I F y o u w a n t to ge l tn the m oving p ictu re bua-

Ineae th la le th e lim e, oa we h ave goM t h e e t r t a a t a b a rg a in . (A ll a t JHh M arketL A R G E b o a rd in g tP>u*e; f lra l-o la* * r e p u ­

ta t i o n ; e e n lr a l lo c a t io n : b a rg a in if oold q u ic k . A d d reo a V. F .. B ox 166. New a o f ­f ic e . ___________m o d e r n g ro o ary . bent fU tu r* * . M jY

s to c k e d ; G e n tile t r a d e , g u o x a n le e d |a 6 6 w e e k ly b u iln e o e ; p iio e 1176; re*»«n e e llln g , n iu a t le a v e to w n on a c c o u n t o f elckne**; no a g e n t i . A d d reo e B a rg a in , B ox 61, N ew * o l-

M E N 'S fu rn la h tn g r io re for e a le ; doing *10,m bualn«Ba xntiualTy; In grow ing aocUon of c ity ,

long 1«aae; will eel) a t Inven to ry ; m uat o nce ae o w n er h aa o th er n o ag e IS d iN '

sog- h o r s e s - sooA lw ay o o o b a u d to eelect fro m , w a ig h lag

1,000 to 1,SD0 Ibo. M any m ated pa lra . AH aocU m atod . , . ^

W o roaaJva weekly ab ip m e n u of P e a n o y l' v a n Ia horoea, couelellng of th e beat b e a ^ d r a f t , good fa rm chunk* and m an y h an d y buat- nea* horeea. W t can *how th e b ea t v a rlK y a t i>cpulai prtooa.

L o t o f eacond-band boroea a lw a y a on h a n ^m u l e s .

O f w h ie h we c a rry a ta rg e v a rie ty . T o u a g a n d cloaely m a te d te a m a




W O R K HOR8IC8 unfl b i u tn . . . W «run . lo h lr* .• I i u f u i n l l u n «w! n io , ln i : . t o r r a j .

TO N A H O P T CO,, M l H .I m . I l- N .w . r l l .

C R A T U A R E . In fo o d■ A lin d ld w o rk o r ; p r ic . IIO. H A B R IB O N

* W A L K S m , U l M «ln «I., E ,« t _____

LXOAD R A T E U .A N S . ^

110 TO |1 « 0

T O I ^

U O U 8K K B K F B R 8.




BORROW H E R E O U ICK U T. NO O l ' l l U

BA LT H A T f a , la l* . D A VID M o E N T E E , S3 O arrlM D a t,i olty.

H o n « i u d C arriifM to Hir«A L L k lm le of c a rt in g done; w ill do c o n t ^ t

w o rk fo r fa45tory by day or week. C. P F A R R .

<«'ewi office.

W , tn a k , o v ,r >our h a ir q . fra iK of ib .re fo ra 'y o T lA li , n o 'r i i l t In i t u r n h u I n j A u . r a------------ - - ------ — --------- - ' " " . “ f t - a n T W K U llP H R f lV lL L E

r,:4 W oahlngton a U _____________ _

S U L T A N A p in k cheek l in t fn r t ln l lt i* cheek* a n d up*: ab io lu te ly harm lea* o p d tr ill

r u b q ff: ho* otood the t e i t of 2ft | e Afa w S e p a rtm en l etore. or a t MMB. W M T - E R V E L T , 218 W eahm gten at.. N e w a rk . N . J

O 'R O U R K E S H E E T M E T A L ,C p .v e n t i l a t i o n a n d h k a v t

s h e k t m e t a l w o r k28 A V EK U * c . . .

'P h o n e 4142 W averly . N E W A R K N. 3-MRS. O R U IC ^

P R A fT rC A L N U RSE.Ladlaa* p r iv a te nuraing ; treoA m ebt Ml homeJ

doccer** refe rence . R8 South O ra n g e a v a 'P h o n e S in s w M arket.

IxT C A M E R A , a u l e i e h u tto r , r a p id c o n ­v e r t ib le |enfi*e; t ^ 6. A. M A L L O N , 326

P a r k e d a t.

Household Goods and F nrn itiina t H i t . CA SH 'S , 64 A cadem y a t . t h e g rea to K

barim JB h o u ie in th e c ity fo r a e c o ^ - h a n d fu rn i tu re , a lig titly uaed. fo r lean iho ji h a lfErie#.

1 ICT apaela l fen* th la m o n th ; w » h a v e to m aka room fo r m ore g e o d t from a to ra g a MR.

CA SH . 64 A cadem y a t.; open even ing*

JBTAlCBLiBlD bed*, trim m ed w ith b ra w . M o .;m attre a a ea , f 1 ; w oehatanda, AOc. an d u p , g a a

h e a tc ra , 61, MR. CASH, 64 A cadem y a t

W A R D R O B E . 66.60. coat l if t; aew tng m ach lp a , 18.60; M orrla chair, 61.50, coat 110; p a rlo r

ta b le . 76c., co a t tS,M . 64 A cadem y at.

DR ESSIER , w ith la rg e m irro r, 18,60. co a t SIS: e h lf fo n itr , |4 . coat $16; la rg e f e a th e r bad*,

•AftO, w o rth |2 0 ; rocker*, 6Ue. a n d up. 64 Aaadeim y vt,

eCD KBO ARDS. t6.r<l. coat t i t ; p a r lo r atoreo , t t . 6 ^ coat tS : b u ffe t. ST.60. coet f l8 ; k itch en

c h a l r a 36o, 64 Aoadtimy e t . ; open bvenlnga u n lll 8 o 'clock.

8 A F B S -O F F 1 C B A N D H O U SE : B E ST M A K E ;N E W A N D S E C O N D -H A O T , •


SignsA R T i e r l c i l O N i , i tw w ra x d i u d M U r t u .

B T -JA R -V B B IO N i. MO. 10 B » n o -T o ,. 18a B rood, n o u H o rk o t; ' .b o n o SODS U orko t.

U m bnllss, Tniaks, Lcatbcr GoodsV M B R B U ,A S RB -C O V ER B D , R E P A IR E D .

B u t m o tc rlo l. i l lk o n d llnon cov«r»; w oor IndoO nlto lr; " ( r ip lo - lo ln t r l l » ;" w t r a o t ro n . : oti Liroot ^ T l n f ; w ill o o t in iit: otyUoI) h o n d iu , im p o n o d foodo : M id « » d l l l - i r ( rim ; w ork ju i i o n l lo d . G IIE K N . TOO Brood Id., opp. P . O.

Ladders, Derricks and FlagpolesP IJU JC T d i n e P O IX S SET . » AND UP.

PO RTD A N D I J ID D E H CO., 1*0 O R A N O B 8T ., N E W A R K . N . J . T E D 88* B. B.

I l lA D iE R S . C H E A P : PU I.LEIT PODES. 18 U P ; FD AO PO DE0, D E R R IC K POSTS. W , H .

n o t e s CO.. IM F IR S T S T .: T E U 1T« B. a

DocksW H IT B P e k in d u c k * , h ig h g ra d e b lrd a ,

11 60 e a c h , fin * B u f f O rp in g to n c o o k e re l i, 12.50 each . CH A S. H A W T H O R N E . W h lp - p * n y . N. J .

F ^ te n u l Fobs and E nblenuO V ER 160 aty lea erableca w atch foba, bu ttono,

Jooketa, ring*, e tc . ; bronae trophy ib le ld f , m nnntod ook on d r a o n o » tn y ; iCl o « l« tlH . N ew ark S in b lam Oo.. room BaO. SOO B road ot.

A w ninp, W ndow Shades and ScreensW IN D O W a n d p e rc h acrearna m ade to o rd er; a ll

w k g u o r a n l M ; d ire c t from lao to ry . dO U N K O P P . 482 S ^ t h N in th a t.: phon* 629 W av.

LumberO R B E N OAJC w o o d to r lo lo j * 0 * 4 t o , c h M -

tool w o rk o r o n r o th o r p o r p o u . L O U IS R A F F V A N , B lo o m la s d o i* P. 0-. n°» I**'

L A D IE S , A T T B N T IO N -W lir poT lOe- »l>4 BOc. fo r p u f f i? I m ake th e oatne Ih ib g fo r

IB c ,: ew ltche*. iran^form allofi* m ad * from cCm bInga; a ll work g u a ran teed . M RS. W O L F .186 ftou t h N inth *t._________ ___________________M A T T R E 8SKK, qu ilt* m ad * o v e r, e u e to m e re '

r iio td e n re , ll.EO u p ; beat w o rk g u a r a n t y ; m a t t re s e e * . bed e p rln g e . fa c to ry p r lc e i . L O N - D A ’B, $54 S p r in g fie ld ave . T el,M T sS E U arc . w ho h*e a u c c e w fu lly t r e a t e d

toeople f o r n e fv o u a tro u b le , p o o r c lro n la - l lo n . c o n r i lp a t lo n , will give g e n e ra l T noreege a n d a lco h o l b a lh a . 75 C o lu m b ia a t.D o r a y o u r aew tng m ach in e need r e p a ir in g *

I f an. eend poatal lo MR. M tTCH ITLL, +0 T h ir te e n ih a v a ., lie r«i^*lra a ll m a k e r r ig h t In y o u r hom e. 'P n o n e flo78J M a rk e t.___________

TV nrRlN O (Al*; 1818 Hudoon. IftlS BuloK I S l i C etillitc, 1G12 Oida A u to c ra t, la te JS12 O a k ­

land . w n O d U la c demlp 1610 Lisoomtfbil*. and q th er l o r g a l m . Im lu 4 ln g J K S ?H artfo rd . Ford, S to d d a rd ; m id -w lh tw pridOA DO BBIN S _____________ _____________________5-PABSLNGlCR to u r in g o a f. M oon, |M i j

o w n er going a w a y ; c a r In flrB l-c ia aa c o n ­d itio n : Mg b a rg a in , m u e t he e e a n to be i p -

Srec la te d . In q u ire A von A ve. G a ra g e a n d lac h ln e Shop, A von a v e . a n d S o u th E ig h ­

te e n at ________f t'^ IE lB E L ia t c A R B U R i r r a s .

Service lU tlo n ; etock o f m odeto a n tf p a i ta ; m ore power, lea* oonaum pilon w ith * Sch*be- le r; *TT-ert locating of c a rb u r t t e r w d Ign ition t r o u b le tV lU ja O arag*. WO B ellev illa ava.


FO R D m etal oommerclaJ bodle#, door* op r e a r ;ready to m ount on c h a a i la W e a c h : llmcw-

Mhe bodleo, a lum inum , very l ig h t : r« 7 to H t to eheoai* and trim and p a in t. J . C O L T E R A0O „ ikW Ce n t r t l avg.________________________ __lAM OTmiNB b a rg a in ; P iero# A rro w 80, wUh

Quin by body; a leo e x tra to u rin g body fo r •u m m er, only #4011; o rv era l o th e r llm m iatnea a t from ITW lo #2.P0U. E l l l i M otor C ar Co., 41fl i en tre l ave.

N O R TO N A N O RTO N a re reco g n lied M ^N ew - a rh 'a t i d i n g Bu*1ne*e n rokem , an d If >ou

h a v e a buelnue* o f a n y kind th a t you d e a lr t to eell. w* w ould be p lsaaed lo have you call a i o u r o ffio e ; If yo u a re unab le to ca ll, pncme 1 » 5 M arket a n d o ur rep reeen U tlv e w1 ra il on you R ocm a 4 t* an d 416. L nlon build ing ,0 C h n to n el.

iS X rE P T IO N A L o p p o rtu n ity : 1600 byjr* a.nd u p - to -d a te m oving p iclu re th ea tre , f n iy

• f f ilp p e d r th la ih ea tre le pM ltiyely w orth U.BOO, b u t nvuai be »ol/l on acco u n t of d e a th of Ih * o w n er. NORTON A NORTON. Room 416. U nion b u ild ing , 0 Chntm i al.

tg .ann b O T S m o d em and u p -to -d a te m oving p t r i u r t tb o a lr e ; 16 coni houae. e q u l p p ^ \

no oppoattlon . VfORTON A .N O B w N ,416. U nion bu ild in g , 9 C lin ton at.

11,200 B U TS rap d en i an d u p -to -d a te m oving .p ic tu re th e a t r e ; oh m ain av en u e; ™ ly

Dod; d o ing ex cellen t buelneea. NORTON d (fO ilTO N > Room 416, Union building, 8 C lln lan at.

MKO BUYS e le c tric a l cou tracU ng b u a ln ^ e .d o ing ex cellen t bnalneia. NORTON ft N O R ­

T O N . R oom 418, U nion building. W C lin ton at.

tJT6 B U T S good-pay ing confectionery, a ta tlo n - e ry a n d c ig a r a to re ; doing good bualneaa:

r e n t t26 i f t 'u r to o m i an d h a th . NORTON A N O R TO N , Room 41ft. U nion build ing , B Clinton at.


M id-w inter O peningJa n u iiry 6ih lo l6 ih . ^ __

O ouraee: B ixjk-keeplng, P h u rtb an d . *TP*-w r itin g . EngUxh Branchee. C iv il Service, ipeDihTp, G ero iio . Cell or w rite fo r cata log . O ffice open dally end oe M onday. W edneoday and F r id a y evenlnge.

A cadem y and H alaey ate., N ew ark .

JO H N K U O IaBTR JR .. PrlUctpAl.

P R IV A T E m ate rn ity home, e u p e rin U n d e d M tra in e d nurae : Invalid lad lea t o k a n l u bword;

e v e ry com fort. IB4 Cllnion a v . : te l. 83<WW W av.A S C H E N B A C H H eelatretea k eep y o u r heela

fro m w earin g crooked. T o u r ahoem aker. or g o t thorn a t ASCHKNBACH^S. 84B P la n e a t.___"NURSE—R efined . oonodenHou# w om an , a#

n n ra e fo r confinem ent oeaea; axperlenced . M RS, n . B A U LT, Caldwell. N . J . ^

BPJXTAL R A L E -M o to ri, r td l a to r t , tra n o n r ii- Blona, Bprlnge. fandera, U re a K laxon tWTTie,

P ree to tanka, m agnetoe. re p a ir n a rto fo r vg rl- ouB oare : wrockTnf prlfi*#, D O B B IN S. Belleville ava. _________

B eech h ig h tei f in e runnJDi p re c la ie d ;H e laey it.

o n g a r, Q u ln b y b o d y ;S IM P L E X . e«ven-pif h tenM< ^

t o r d e r , m u a t be oaen to b e a o - 476. G IF F O R D B x c h a u g a , 111

ion m a g n e to , n a w a h o a a j o r d e r , m u a t be ae< to b e a;

STODDARD-DATTOK. th lr iy - f fv a tou riD g: lual overhau led : new aboe*: good p a in t ; fu ll

e q u ip m e n t. fine ru tm lng o rd w ; u tjuaua l b a r ­g a in ; 1860. G IF F O R D E x ch an g e , SftI Ita loey at.

•1 ,500 BU TS iga»kl

oonfeollonery . andoLaUonaryc ig a r a to re . n a x t to m oving p ictu re th e a tre ,

w eek ly rece lp ta I lM ; ren t £18. NORT<.>N A M ORTON, Room 416. Union build ing , O lln lcaat. _ 4 _______O LD -BBTABLIBHITD atore, a t oo rner o f la rg o

aohool. in g a ra g e a n d fe r io ry d la tr lc i; g ro ­c e ry , d e llca tew en . can d y , c lg w a and tobacco, n o tio n ! a n d aclibol vupplle*. eeJUng on a cco u n t o f o th e r bualneaa. Addresa BuaineaB, Box .11. N ew * office. ____________________p a r t n e r w an ted . #8.000 c ap ita ], pu rchaee

h o tel, a d jo in in g Oolum bu* C ircle. New lOTk. c o m in g n e ig h b o rao o d ; good leaae; reaponalb iiny ooaentla l. Addraaa H ote l, 64 W eal S lx ly -c ig h th a t.. N ew T urk . _____ ____________

LOSTC A N V A S — Loal. y e a te rd ay . b e tw e e n F o u r -

t e e n th e t. a n d D loom H eld . t r u c k c a n v a a m a r k e d N, D ra k e . R e w a rd If r e tu r n e d to n F o ln la r et.. N e w a r k .____________________ __ET T PaL A SR E a loot, from S p rin g fie ld a r* . to

EJHa a v * .; rew ard . LU TE, lOQ T w en ty - th t r d f t . _______ _


P a n u a r t c l e a r a n c e s a l e

O F P lA H O fl ANt> P L A T B B -K A ltO t.

E r a r r tn a lru m e n t In em r w ar*room a red aead . fro m |2ft to #100.

T ara ia to p le tae you.N o In to rea t charged ,


F O B — M e t on J a n u a r y 18. e n C e n t r a l av e .o r In v ic in ity of B ro a d a n d M a rk e t e t e ,

■cro ll w a tc h fob, In i l la l i G, A, F . o n b o tto m . R e w a r d If r e tu rn e d to G E O R G E A. F B U T , R14 C e n tra l ave.. E a e t O ran g e-______________H A N D L E —Loat, pearl and gold o p e rag laaa

h an d le , betw een C lin ton ava. a n d H ig h at. a n d th e O rpheum T h e a tre ; rew a rd . 30 AalOfe t. __________ ____________________ __I /X '.K E T a n d CH A IN —L oft. on South O m a g e

ave , ca r, from Broad and M ark e t ata. lo Odeon 'TYieatr*, Of In th e a tre , gold lo ck e t an d ''h a ln . P leaae re tu rn to K A TTE H irN N E , 125 F re lIn g h u y e en av e ,, a n d rece iv e rew ard .______l o c k e t —L oet. ab o u t fo u r o r f iv e woek* ago .

gold looket and o ha ln ; lookot w U h om aJl d ia ­m o n d In c o n tr a tto n o g ram , “ B , R . B . , '‘ on b a c k . R e tu rn to J . F . K ., 161 S ou th N in th at., c i ty ; rew ard^______________________________ ___L O C K E T —Loot gold locket, w i th d iam ond .

i J b e r a l rew ard If re lu m e d to R . W ., 6 P a c if ic I t . or BriiC* S lrea t Schoot.

H E R R E 8 H O F F —S m all f lve-paaoenger B o tch ;m agneto top, broee ahleld; lu x t o v e rh au led ;

m ak e ex tra fin* p leaau re c a r: v e ry f in e r u n ­n in g ; 8326. G IF F O R D E x ch an g e , 381 H alaey at.r a m b l e r . f lT e -p a a e e n g tr t a u r in g ; new

U rea, e p a re w h ee l. P re i lo H t* t a n k : g u a r ­a n te e d p e rfe c t c o n d it io n ; b ig o a r g a l n ; o w n e r w a n t* caah . C A R P E N T E R . 101 B o lle v llleav*, _____________L E T t t i o v e rh a u l y o u r F o rd c a r ; e n t i r e o v e r-

h a u l fo r ItO by e x p e r t m e c h a n lo e ; o to rln g , r e n t in g , re p a ir in g . B ro a d G a ra g e . 316 B ro a d ot. ____________ _______F o r d londaulet, need* a lig h t r e p a lra ; w ill

m oka good cab or p riv a to uoe ; g r e a t oacrl- flce; 1 2 ^ . G IFFU R D E x c h o n g a 381 K oiaeyat.

P R O F IT A B L E b u i lo e i i . lh a t m an u fa c tu re ! and d e a l! In o a lab le gooda, w ant* a p a rtn e r, IfriiO

caah fo r h a lf In te re s t; In lrlU gcnt mati kjiIj . T H O R N ft R K B V B . 10« K lrem en 'e bu ild in g , N e w a rl^ N J . _____P R IN T IN G —G arda, 40o: le lie rh eo d i, h ftlhaad i.

anvetoped, 11 u p ; to e-ilm ll* ly p rw rilte n Jet- t e r t . 11.38: good w o rk ; quick aervlce. H A L U 228 M a rk e t a t., over C o u rte r’a. Tel. Mht.^TlOT.R E L IA B L E . m lddl#-age.l G erm an w om an rte

a ire i p a r tn e r lo open d*Ilcataeien and lunch- Toom. Cal! a n y day a f te r fl._M3 <>raiiie e l.____

R E S T A U R A N T ; f ire t-c la e a : good lo c a tio n : h e a r t o f bue lneea e e c t lo n ; m u at se ll a c -

c o u a t of alckneea. A d d reea F. U. O., B ox 47, N ew a o f f lo a _________ _____ _____ __________ _R E S T A U R A N T for aa le ; good-paying rea teu -

ra n t- fa c to ry d la tr ie l. A ddress R ee tau ra n l. Box a s . N ew a office. ^ ____SALOO N fo r a a le : ren t #40. Ineludlug five

room # and b a th ; weekly receipt* *17fl; p r h e ?Bi0U: reoeon fo r eelllng . going W ait. BOY* ■ K E R , F o u rte e n lh ave. and E leven th i t . ______

T H E T O W N S E N D ftC H O n L F O E6 H - « t t H IG H ST.. N E W A R K . N. JV

M ra J u l i a Roe D avie. P r ln p l p a .A ll g ra d e * ; L a tin . B ngU eh. B c len ttflo a n d

C o lle g e P r e p a r a to r y C oureeaP u p i l ! g r a d u a t in g f ro m tn a G r a m m a r

Bch o o le c a n e n te r c raaie* F e b r u a r y 1.

L N E W A R K ACADEM Y, . .4^ FotttMlfd m 3 .

W IL S O N FA R R A N D . H E A D M A ST ER . T h o ro u g h p rep o ra tlo u for a n y M ll*g|e Of

o c lan ltf lo KhOol, o r f t r buelneaa U fa C a U - togue on reQueat. ____ _________________

ROOM 401

P E O P L E 'S f i n a n c e CO.,

l i e M A R K ET ST R E E T . ^

f o u r t h f l o o m ,









r o o m 861.

. K

143 l ^ R K E t BT*

o m C B H O U R S 8 T IL L •-

g a t u r d a y s t i l l S iW.

p h o n e 4TM M A R K ET.

N E W A R K Buatne** College. IDS H a laey a t ;book-keep ing , ^ o rtb a x u l, aloBOtypyi o e c r a t ^

r ia l ; d a y a n d even ing : apeclal apoed cla#*to ev en to g * for empluyed BU oogra& heri. l. b C A L ^ R T . Prea. MYRA L W IN N E R , V .-P .80-D A Y BuBlnette College. H o lt b ld g ., B ro a d

a n d C e d a r a te .; o u r m o d e rn m e th o d of ■ le n e g ra p h y c a n be jn a a te re d In a b o u t 86 d a y * o f a tu d v : position* e e c u r a d : d a y M d evoBlBg: oak A r o a ta lo g u a Tel. M a rk e t 8 tT i.

T H E N E W A R K 8KM 1N ARY .I f l a i W h itm o re '* B oarding a n d D a y School,

^ 173 Clinton av*. ,, , ^A lt d e M rlm iD te : c e rtif ica te a d m its to a l l le a d ­ing o o lleg e i; ca tg logue i .____________ _______BO STO N l^ch n leo J Schooi o f N e w a rk - R o -

g e n te . law . rnedlrlne, eng lh**rlng , P>^p> b r id g e a p d e tru c tu re l d re lfn drawing^; E n g llih c 'ouree; d a y and r re n tu g aeeilona. 356 D elte-v llle a v * ________________ __________________

n R A K R C O LLEG E,H a rr lp o p a t an d C en trat av e ., B ae t O ran g e ; book-koeplng . ahorthand. ty p ew ritin g , w ecreia- r ia l a n d penm ansh ip rtm roe*; p o a ltlo n a________

607 B road at. N a s t door to H a h n * 'a

A N Y T H IN G yo u need fo r y o u r hom e, new o r uaed fu rn itu re , ca rp e ta , ru g a, atoTM.

ra tig ea , g a l ’ and oil heatera. Call a t l>lft H a la ey at., n e a r c a n a l b rld g a ; good* o d d v«i7 raaaonab le .

A T A b a rg a in ; la rg o p ie r m lr ro r a j a u ita b la f o r t a i lo r o r d re a e w a ite r , IT, ’

i h___ . ............ lad bada, 7fA c a d e m y Bt,

ooa t #16; ta il* or* a g a a h e a te r , I t , c o a t | i # ; MottIb o h a lr , 11 .60; e n a m e le d bada, T6e. H R . C A SK , «4

A T M R . GA SH'S^ 14 A c a d a c iF a t : m gtaef-^ a g g b p o k o aaa , oo to o la l, o v e r 160 y a a ra i

g fo p » la a < m a h o f a n y t a b l e ; o a ll a h e a p , M R ,CAW ly *4 jL o ^ o fh y a t.

I B U IT B T , llO ; ■ lA itsu * , tT .n > t a b h .|4 f t0 ; d to ln g ohalra . |1 : . oouchoa,

ro o k g rt, p a rlo r fu ro liu re . eh aap . U 6 g t.. B ea r jU a d a m r.B R A S S bad. Ifti tre « bada. aU e laag

d ragow e, M l f lto h w tB f d r e i i a n a n d abii I fo n la ra to naatob, |T I00; w m ahitandg

j t t a la a r t

P , CONNOR, n e tad f o r I tJ deep, r ic h tim e t a d w e a rin g quialltlce; t h e ce leb ra ted B ailey , #206,

aold gvoTTwhera »860; e le g a n t new u p rig h t, 7H o c ta re . rea l tn ah o g an y , Lve«r kgya. 11*6, yo mCDthly: a ll p iano* w a rran te d to r ten 7 ^ * * ito o l. ooarf o r cover, one y e a ria tu n in g f re e ; e llah tly uaed u p rlg h to cm h an d : opan ev en lnga lu ltl! 9 « , H E N R Y H O R N ’S tta U fe , 61 f c u th Onong* a v a , c o rn e r H o w ard a t , ; ooma a n d n e a r th e F n a n c ii C onnor F ia y w .____________________P R I V A '^ fa m ily m u a t to ll 1600 a a h o f a n y

u p r ig h t p iano , r l » ; good a* » • » ; 7 ^ oeCava.m aaalve caoa

iwa-ful ton*: o w ln iln * rauoto . j w 'o (u o ro n tT . H raldenoo, n . i ^ H t T l« r p o rk -ra y onfl thtniTnor OVQ.


fD m apioo- B ry a n t a t..

f o S S A L B -^B aan tlfu l m a h e ta n y u p r ig h t pUno* In ab o o la ia ty p a rfa e t oaBdlUan, o n ly uo td a

y e a r; aetftT*; fu ll Maaj wUl oMl fo r tlSft. 9* f t M TIf m u a t m a t oaoe, A d d rao i B argalap B gk 64> w aw n o fn o a.

C A R P L - - ^ _m Jngtgr. 1$ ra rd a .

▼at, f r t e n , 26 yard*, SO B rid g e a t., noof

BO; in g ra in m g . Ii.fto . road.

CO O K IN G 6 1 W B , 14.60; l a r f * ran g e , 16.60;g aa ra n g a , 13 i.n : n v l o r atoveg, g U a n d oil

h e a te n , oheap. 136 H alaey oL , n a a r A oadam y.

F IN E S T a n d la rg a x t a a a o r tm e n t e l aao o n d - h a n d f u r n i tu r e la t h e M ty ; a l l g o o d a l ik e

n e w , a t lo w e a t p r ic e s ; O o m b ln a tlo ti ChUYon- l* r a n d W ardrob*» 111.60; M ahogatty L tb r a r f T a b le , 17; l.K>osa C u ah lo n P a r lo r 8 u lt* r t U ; r i e r M ir ro r , 17; R o u n d Tab1*» | 9 ; B ld ab o a rd , n .ftO ; B u ffet, « 1 8 .» i ^ u a r e m i a , |4 .6 0 | n a a v T e n a m e le d b e d i , | t . 6 0 ; W n tte C h lf- fOBleTp 13.60: W h ite D reaaar. ^ 6 0 ; lad ;^ a d e e k , I I ; O a k D ra ta a r , 14; C n lffo n la rp I t . l o ; G a a R a i g e , t i ; C ook S to v * . I I ; P a r lo r S to v e , i s . I I ; v a n s f o r m o v in g a n d o t o n ^ r o o m a a . J . B U N To 187 B ro a d ato» n e a r D ., L . a n d Wo B u t to n .

1 l>N O T B p la y e r p laaok b o u s h t i w Sop te m b a r 31. 1611* o o a t t lO « : benob* eovar,

o a b ln a t " “ “ ‘a leo S tg b ty

ittb a r 31. i s i a * OOOC »aav; oaDm* n e t a n d m tir io ro U ii sao iK to a

o il p a in t in g s ; f f r i t a U W e sth ty ^aeeo n d a t. , N #w Y o rk O ttr*_________

p l a t e r PIA M O , t a v t a r - l t a n i a a f t , t l - ' * p o r fa o tn o te , p r a a t lo a l lF naw*

o o n a tt /o k ; o w tEuTOpe« A JA re ia 0<. B o a *■* H aw a o tn o a .__

I J I D T wtU io o rtf lo o • ••■ p lo * )* ^ * ^ ,* * ^ J Il b o M i , om ro t. o ob lB ot o » d raiiolo r a l l i o o i t

» .w £ o t . I f . m i , J H * i w ill Hill t t l I " I l f o' M i l . Ownwr, lo W i i t m i t . . W. T .

T O U BA tiB , « u f u n n n . n r a r iy o n r ;t r o l t Je w e l 6 'b u rn e r oven a n d botlaa'i one

h o t w a te r h o a ta r . C an be seen a l t w e r it . u p p a r ^ p a r tm a k t , 64 Naw gt*. B e a t O ran g a .P 6 R b a l d cheap , tw o w hito Ira n bsd% i n a ^

v a a * a n d ip rin g a : c u e o a k d ra a sa r ; o a a lea- U HaLMv a i.o f g o o d s v * . b a tr I ah a a i

" ‘ Bf* ■ ', , _ _ , _ _ h f a p ; . dfMbbnProUfCoBrara, bade, a p r i a i* s x m - f s a a t t t q u

. -w m lr o b a . i a a th e r odU eK parld r< ^ t a t o ^ o f o th e r fo o d s . S tM d a rd ^ W a ra h o tto * ,N o r th F o u r te a n th * t^ B a s t O ra n g a ,L E A 'fH E B eouch. boat |1 S : wai

*7.60; d l ih okleet, |5766; ^ “; t o l l* h a ll TwOi.

tu r* . 130 HalB*Ty0L$06:

87.60; d ish oIotaL 1 ■ ■■ m a .h a ll 1

X tovanportr 'ItO . :ooii flO , a o A $60; r ih a r r tm l -

P A R L O R S U ITD , l U , o o a t | 7 I ; o a k h a l l s ta n d , 113.60, cost 185: b ttf la t , Ilgta^ oak,

^ 3 -6 0 ^ ea rp e ia , ruga. 2ft B r id i^ a t. , n e a r

f i t i r d w ith ^ r n l tu r e a n d 1 _ k t i i n from v arious oonalg

P A R S ob an ca fo r h e w i S r p a r a a t R E ID 'S A u c tio n Rooma, 16 A rlln ftec i a t. , n e a r M ius

k a t : o u r reg u la r fu m h u ra aalea aaoh T tw aday a n d F r id a y , e o n tn e n o ira a t lOmO A .IC . e ra

nd n o u N b o n g oods o f a ll______ ____ - ....... oonalgnera, a n d aolO a tyoxsr ow n p r i ^ to th e h l g h ^ o ld d er: a v l i i i w ill p a y y w . O at th » hafertT _R U G S,

la rg a 'S a tu rd a y a ften to o n . Xtoaignai ________N in th a r e . , n a a r Otot* a t . B a s t O feugar

b l u o a k tf u l to n e : g o o d a i M w ; aa ll o n a a p f o r a a in .

^ ^ 1 1 1 4 H ow ard , at.# r e a r B a n k a t , n io o k w e s te f oou r th o n a a . __________ .W E B E R PIA N O . S n a o o ^ l t lo n a n d t a ^ ^

do livar f re e In K e w a A i tf ia ta l in w tJ ^B l o n T * d u t w e . m H i l r a y

• t i N ew urk .

b e tw e en N e w a rk o r E l is a b e th no C llc to n a v e ., E l ls a b a tb a v a .i o n N o r th

B r o a d S t., ELlBabeth, f la t , b ro w n m in k m u ff , f iv e a k ln i : b ro w n i l l k s h i r r e d l in in g w a r d . R e tu rn to MIBB B A U E R H R U N , W a ln u t e t, . R oeelle , N. .1.

A U TO STO R A G E A N D R E P A IR IN G , Bupplie* a t c o s t; ^ l i n d e n e le a o e d b y

o x y g en p roceei, H . J E H L E . I#8 H a ls e y sLO L D SM O B IL I raeeab o u t, W30; r e p a ir ! , i to r -

• g a ca rs bought an d so ld ; B2x4 tire e cheap . I rv in g to n C en tre O arage, ftflO S p rin g d e ld a v a

G A RA G E O R S P A C E T O L E T .8 e a s t K IN N E Y F L .

INQ . MHfl. O E 8 T R IC H . tZ E . K IN N E Y BT-

AUTO radiator* , lam p i. rep a ire d and r tb n ih : by ex p ert jnechan lei; p ro m p t ofrv lcea . A m erican

A u to R ad ia to r W orks, 46W illia m s t. 3DP3W HVt.AUTO TOPS IT* m ad e by F , M A TT f t CO, i

reaiODahle and u t ta f a c t o r y ; M l t lv a l y g u a r- an teed . 491 W oohlngton *1.; to l. 7478 M kt,CARBON rw noved whU* yo u w a tt, 60a. p a r

cy linder; r a iu l t i a r e s u m i l n f : t r y I t oivoe and 1m cofivlneed. T O W N S E N D , MS Raltoty.JACKBON, cut down ra c e r ; p in k o f co n d itio n :

forty-horaapow sr; v a ra o toan^: on ly |8fl0,O lF F O B D R ich an g e, 381 H a laey i t .__________D E L IV E R Y b ^ ie * b u ilt to o rd er ; h a v e s ^ a r a J

ready m ada; n ea t daM gra. SM IT H . 62 O raw - ford its . B ast Q ranga, T el, *7ftaj._____________

RUNABOUTB: Mupp, O v erlan d , M ax-o ro w n in in x m u n , well. P o r t, Ja ck io n rac e r , A b b o tt D e tro i t 44,

• h l r r e d l in in g : re - t e n d o th er! . #65 and up. D O B B IN S._________

B O W D E N P r lv i te Buei&aai College—S h o rt­h a n d , ty p ew ritin g , book-haeplng, E n g llah :

d a y sa ia lona. 12 ivaealy’: ev en in g ! 11- 677 H igh.

M u l i cF L O R E N C E A R T H U R ( tto o h e r for t iifc e y aa re

a t th e Londuu Cuutivrvaiory of M u iJc i; elng- Ing ( I ta lia n m eU ^dl. valce p lac in g , coD ceru s ta g * a n d opera , piano an d violin tu itio n . IM W a ih ln g to n i t . ; lal. QdSM M a rk e t

SALOON, n e a r S pringfie ld a v * .; m ixed n e ig h ­b o rhood ; 180 r e n t; price 1160; act quick . I n ­

q u ire JO H N P g lv A R H K , W o r ^ l t ^ ___________t a i l o r to eacrlflc e e e tah llih ed buvliie*! in

o ffic e b u ild in g ; no e ip e n e e ^ reason *lck- neee; l lfe ’i chance . A d d re ii Tailor, Box 4M,N ew ! o ffice._______________________________ ___U P -T O -D A T E confec tionary an d c ig ar ito re . a t

44 S p rin g fie ld a v e .. for aa le cheap. In q u ire L. Q U OflBAR TH, 206 P eehn ie a v *._________W A N T E D —A n Ideal W ho cab th in k of *00)*

lim p to th in g to p a te n t T P ro te c t your jd rM . th e y m ay b rin g you w e a lth ; w rit* for "N eeded iD v en tlo n e" an d "H o w to G et T our P a te n t an d T o u r M o n ey ." R A N D O L P H f t CO., I 'a w n t A t- to m e y a W oeh ln g u m . D. C. __________W A N T to b u y q u t r tg h t a l ig h t m a n u fa c ­

t u r i n g o r m erc a 'h tlle b u i ln e is ; touiI a ta m l r l ^ d in v a s t tg a t lo n : d o n 't t r y to h a n d ue g o ld b r io k s : f l a t * la t i n t l e t t e r p r ic e a n d a m o u n t o f c a a h w a n te d . A d d r e i i B u e ln e si, B o x la , N e w a o ffic e . _

220M U SK f R O L L loalL, w ith book, on. W illia m i t ,

b e tw e en D ay and P a rk iU ., M onday e v e n in g ; re w a rd . R g tu m lo 8 G raenw ood a v a ., E a a t O r­ange* ___________ __________________ _P O C K E T B O O K — Loot, y e e te rd a y , o n M id ­

la n d a v e ., A rllf tg to n . b ro w n p o c k o tb o o k . o o n ta ln ih g m o n ey a n d t le k e ta . F in d e r p le a a e r a t S n to H D A T H f t N O R R IS , t4 6 M fd to n d a v e ., A r l in g to n . ______________ _P U R S E — L o at. e m a il c h a n g e p u ra e b e tw e e n

J o h n s o n >and E U xabeth a v ^ o n B ig e lo w p „ , w i th l i i l t la l K. R e w ard If r e tu r n e d 121 J o h n s o n ave. ____________________

AUTOM OBILES ilo rs d a n d so ld On cwtnm is- alon; ftoast room ! In t h e c ity , J . C O L T E R

A CO., 600 C en tral ave.FOR SAIJC Cheep, 1611 C?artnia« itm ouilno ,

w ith e x tra to u rin g b o d y ; c a n be seen e t 380 «> n trg l gve., N e w x i ^ . ____________________FO R R E N T W to re g e fb r to u r ae to m o W ea , an d

b a m for four h o raea A p p ly L M ILLM R. 96 F o re st a t . M ontclair,


^AOBLLGB—L o st, p a e k m o f a m b e r e i f a r e t i eb o ld e r! . M o n to , in H u r ......................... '

FRIED ft M l l t i ■■. lu d s o n tu b e s ; rew ard .

U M arehatl a t.

p a t e n v e l o p e lo st, N o. 641, P le a s e f e - l u n T t n JO H N S O N A M U R P H Y ffh o a F a c ­

to ry , 41 U n c o ln a t ; re w a rd .

N E W Oldsmobile, oost 18,706; In p e rfa c t eofkdl- Ylon;. $1,306. Addreoa Oidom obUe,

Newa office. __________GARAG'D—P riv s ta f a r s g a ta le i; room to r

i l l e e rs ; e leciria lig h t. In q u ir e OB K a a n iyIt.

AotomoUlei for HIroP E in u .E B S CARO. U M O C B D fE T O V B IN a ;

K D U ^ D A T , M ON TH. « 0 CBNITU aL AVEl. B A B t OBANOK. T B I . I t t l ORAW OH.

and Gri'Otai 1___t o r p ho to I rew ard . Sft 1"rtg| 3n|sj22S!^

lay, b e l w e a E a s t O m n g e t ‘ ‘I S w iss w a ta h t v a lu e d

iplrt at*« B o g t O ra n g e ;

____FOONPD o a i n u M , B o t tm k r tn i l* W U h i D w tra feH

M ; a w iia r WD b i . n O r PA Tlsa W lira — , AO- A rara £ . B . n n . N ir ra e ff lra .

AUTOMOBILESa u t o T n i s S X C B A N d l i M m u i * , a « « . ««■

r a S i u < M C m d -b u d U n a , t l u i M H r K X - c S S a * IN TH H rT A T & t » l u i r a r a t- iM L Mr® M r t . ; U ira M t i m r a o M J in .T R D O n - - 114 -* ra t ru s k w itii raU d t i r r a ; liH O -

B ra n d d M i m r w««oii, «n*-tOD trtM k , o p n M dT , d w b l* ch a in d rtv> ; a w m a ahi>w )i, n i l t - n h U M r •am iM n d n l purpO H . IH S H IN B .

I l N H C b lo k n rtB f s l « » 1 •Pj.ddJW

B o * » i B n n l l f * ! • « • '» raW .*l»T tB ir « tu a b i u a t . m m S i u iT . ? • • * * *

m n S c r o l t i ; w U l f i t a n y f td iw . « i BH»»t r t .

n O O L .P M *Id A V * .* t u H > T D i n a i —B ru U n d l cM a* a a k i r t » -nil bS^ohra; •*«•

CAHM , u a B r u r a n ta * id .; WT t f a T .

C O M *‘ yra ran huT for 111#. 1# ram iL- d

8. ram plM , u n d fo r d r a l i a r a n r a t l n A , • v a rlM r o t ra id d r a is im t l .8 d n p ; 'dnp B ttw noaii. D a t l i n t i ' r M nA a. r a n r I t

R U O . B n iH t l i , Id ; h m td now n i« . t e l * t t .M ;r r a o t i r I U ; ollolaUi, U « .i lln o lid ili . n e . ,

r o f S l i i ' V o . l U H o lm r r t ________

u n r n r a i i A c m m - r t i B f w , « i i r « « j m m l 13; d n e r-h ra d W ttK 4 HO: a n m k w n p r i n l

•V*. ■ I 'M * u n T t e i i M L

DRESSMAKING M ID H a U H iR TH d u o L W i B m i . opp. l U M

o n rin g laigrTn now o p en : in d iv id u a l in o tn io tto n st g S S l i h i d 1B9L To t E . L T N C a

P A C K A H D E -fiest a n d elei■Insa; bear, day <

Co.* 11 FiU tea sc .j« r w eek,

^ ^ o n e T88

s e rr io e : llmoQ- R e n t i t i t

A ntoaobilw W aHttd

P O ir rA B U I n » f * n n U d : atw f t MOOBd- h and] m a r t M Ik i i k d o r a d l t l r a i I t e l d a r U u

1«. A j d i w ( M U M D ra T , K * # b « tf t im O r- **»*■

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESa t t e n t i o n — G ro c e ry a n d g a llc a te a a e n

e to ra a t B llia b a ib * N. J . : a s ta b i l i b a d o v e r 10 y e e re ; lUnaAed on a m a l a s t r e e t ; r e n t f to . in c iu d in g tw o ro o m s, d o in g a n e le g a n t b a ln e a * : nice e to c k . fo u r - to p A la s k a Ice -old

m u s t ba

_________ nice « to ck . -box. c o m p u tin g s c a le ; r e a s o n , etoknesa* a g e ; w idow r e t i r in g f ro m b u ilh e f ts ; m u s t

AUTO KOBILBi. m arin e a n d tn e to ro rc le ey lltt'd w a rebored . new piateoft a n d n a g g ; t h l t .■ «* ........ - .

n a k e a new v o te r s o u t o f o ld onae. BVoomfleld In five d ay * : M s it lw e ly w o r th | I 6 0 :- « * — eacr l f l oe fo r M 3 I. F o r f a r t h e r p a r t lo -

u la r e eae IS R A E L LEO N * 367 M a rk e t s t . r r o o m 318. O rd w ay b u ild in g .tone

a t j f m e ta l p a r t s oC^aiEomahtles f A loin o lito iify w J U S u J i M t u a l b fu se d t o g s t h a r ^ u i M n n i

M k a ip ao ia lto . 5 . R E I i S n a U i C boB H a l ' * K o p a 146ft MairltoL____________________ _o e r a t .

T U O M A ft 40, •eT en .p aM en g eT i n e w U p ; f t^ l • q a lp r a a n t ; m a g n e to : g o o d

bo s o ld q u ic k ; see th la ; 1366. C H IT O R D

W E h a v e a c lie n t w bo w ould In rea l a few Ih o u la n d do lto re In a lag lttm ate . p ro e p a r tu i

buelneaa. W rite J . T . COCHRAN, F ire m e n 'a b u ild in g . _________ _________

V O IC K c u ltu re , e ig h t ilnglr'^g. w r i t in g ,h a rm o n y , fo re ig n le n g u a g e e . by r o n t r a c t

fr#T c h u rc h a n d a la g e paH lilone. F o r I n t e r ­v iew a d d re e a M E ltd F E L L iE R . 436 F o u r th

W ild * give piano In itn ic tlo tia to b e g ln n e r i, f if ty c en ta per huur. a t p u p ils ' r e i ld e n c e ;

tw e n ty - f iv e oeiil* ai WO E lm v( , . \r lIn g to n . A d d ress MKH. It'., Rui IS, N e w i o rrice .U P R R A , co n i'b ri. Binge am i c h u rc h a lu g ln g

In s tru c tio n * '; rnaarinnhin c o n tr a c t Lorme to b r ig h t , ambllUiLiH p r ra u u x A iid reo s P r o ­fe sso r , B ax 116, NewB offlue.

" W M .^ W A M A rF t ’ANON.T o n e ipeclallB t, ilng ltig . rilud lo i; I .n tite r (^!o.,380 i.TUrtob a v e ; teL. B H .. so le* t r i a l g rilils .

e:d w i n W H .'K K N H O IC FB k-V io lin In a tr iic tlu n . rituiUos, 11 W e et P a r k i t . ,

N e w a rk ; 80 CotlaK * s t.. H oijth U ra n g e .


F R O M I# UP#

If you a re a h o rt o f fund* , open a « a ^ c o u n t w ith u a a c d y o u c a n ^ u r a a C ash A coom m odatlon* ' a n y t im e yo u datoff* J u i t b » n k . » n d Ju » t u c o u v ra l r a l .


ii pracH eB lly ■ » Ih * r a o u r l l r w» d w lra . I t vou B r , lo r b a u le k loBn. • q u MloBn BBd Bt B R eB ran B h le chBi;**, t o p Ok k l in t , or CBtl (w* hBV, • n t l r a ly p rlY B ti f t - (lce*>. B i t ' * " t 'D I B tto n d 10 y o u r w bdU )k i- lo B d lu tily .

No a d v a n e * c h a rg e s o f a n y U n a .

m u t u a l l o a n CO m « I60T-BOI w is s B ld g .. 471 B ro a d a1»

T e lep h o n e 1117 M a rk e t.

O pen M onday a n d S a tu rd a y e v e n in g ^

LOANS I D 8A I.kA RlFD P E O P t ^ON P L A IN N trT E a . _

#10, #20, 130. #40. #60. leO, 17(1. t l o a C heapest a n d b est p lacs to

DORHOW M O N ET, ___•'A B B n i.U T E L T NO flE C D H IT T ."

DOW EBT rU T E B . EA iJlEB T [’A T M H m q R E M E M B E R

I F TOU W O R K W E w n . t , IX)AN TO U M O K ET

C O N F ID E N T ! A IX T .O p .n Irom e A. M. lo a P- M.

W«1 »i)d Bb L .v r a . 1“ S , _CAUU, T E L E P H O N E O R W tH T * ,

N E W J E R S E - F IN A N C E OO.,S U IT E 3 1 2 -au . S c h .u .r b u lld in f. HHOAD AND

O ppolil# Ito ito fflce . Tel. 888 M arW fc

R A G T IM E p lan u plJsk-yltig p o e lt lv o ly t a u g h t a n y n e r io n In 20 Ifosona; w r i te fo r rny

f r e e b o o k le t- McCO NN FU.Ij, r>7 H a la e y i t .

V IO L IN and piano I ti io m , th o ro u g h a n d eX' perlenceil tea c h e r; itu d io or p u p ils ’ ree ld e n ca

A d d re s! G entlem an. Box HU, New* o ffica .M A X F L O H R S c ilU T Z . fo rm e r ly p ia n o In -

e l r u o to r n t th e H oyal O o n s e rv a lo ry . D re s ­d e n . L rerm niiy B tudlo, BOS B r o a d s i.V IO L IN . M ANDOLIN. BA NJO. G U IT A R LEB-

SONS. IKAj. MRd. U IN E T T A P R IC E TICK - E aN O R. H6\4 P E N N aY L V A N IA A V E . ____B A N JO M A N M L IN . G U iT A R . V JO U N

L e iso h , R «cond-hand I n t tn im tn ta for■ale. AJkJ. w a iD T , 486 W a sh in g to n at.PIANO," vio lin , flu te , o to rto e t In i tn ic t to n . C.

M ANGOLD. Itud io . H i B ergon s u , n e a r S o u th O range a v * .; to itru m e n ts fo r aale .

w a n t e d to p u reh a e * a good b a k e ry , w ill in v e a t a b o u t |l ,B 4 0 ; m u i t s ta n d th o ro u g h

In v e a tJ g a t lo a . A d d raaa B a k e ry , B ox 89, N ew e o ffic e .W A N T E D , a g e n ry fo r a p e c la ltle s fo r h a r d ­

w a r e , d r u g , B portlng g o o d s an d auiom obM * t r a d e s . A d d re e s S p e c ia l ty , Box 110, N ew a o ffic e .W A N T E D to buy a n entlT * d ry good* b m l-

n e a i f o r c a s h , c ity o r c o u n try ; m u a t be re a s o n a b le . A d ^ r t i w F h . , B ox 71. N ew s o f- f lo a . _______

TWTT.T. g t r * b a tf In te res t In estab lished b u s i­n e s s to m a n with ta.OOO to InveM w ith ser-

r ie e a . A M ra s i B uilnees, Box 6T. New e office.

MOO BiUT8 one o f th e finest board ing and fu r- a tS hed-roem heuaea, n ea r H udson tu b e i; 17

ro o m s; r e n t K 6 ; e lto n . well fu rn ish ed ; a ll Im- jftrv w n an ls ; s te a m h ea ted ; aaUafaotorT reaaon o r s a l l l ^ . Addreea Becrlflc*. Box 54. N e« *

o ffice . _____________

1166 W IL L b u y b a i t I n te r e i t In one e s ta b - l lsb e ft s rn p lo y m e n i e g e n o y , m an ip e a k ln g

P a U a h p r e f e m d ; IIO P*r w eek g u a ra n te e d . M M o n t g ^ e r y e t.. J e ra e y C ity.

•7 6 # F O R sm e r * a r ob boslB*** man*a a e te ;w in f ta y 11 w e e k ly fo r a se o f eam aj. 6*^

o ^ l t y f t a e o eeea ry R u s ln e si, B ox #!■ S o w s

•6 6 6 B U T ft a g ro e e r r , a n d to b ao co•toSSb e n d a lz ro o m a j e e ta b llfb o d 14 y a a ra ;

rooaC nta U.feOO m enthify. i l l L a f a y e t te a t ,sib

P a w a b r o k e nO N E PiSB C E N T . ONE P l iR CENTk

On aum a of #21) and over.Tw o per oeni. ou m n ia below.

Loaned on dlsm oiuJa. Jew elry , e t ^ ___Eel. 1862. C. U lEH M A N , Elirt, 18ftl»

li) C e d a r at.N ear Broad at., opp. W. V. w


____ BySlNESS NOTICESN E W j e RHEY R oofing a n d C a r p a n ^ B g

Po _ W e will do a l l th e w ork on top of y w houH a t the loweel p rice ; o u r eloalio roof p a lm and aephelf f lin t roo fing h a s no eq u a l; OM roofa ccv»r*t| or p a ln le d ; c h im n e y ! le a d e n s m s u ile ra rvoalred. w H h ln BO rallae of N e w a rk ; 4f[iiiranleed 10 y e a rs : v a tlrn alea ruralBhedjl ft ra rd will b rin g o u r rep reaen ta llv * . 62 Eilfft*belh a v e . : tel, 5W ___________ _SA VE money by h a v in g ua rafln lah youf

verw are, cb an d alle ra and b r is a b e d s tsM i, m aklrig th e in lik e n ew ; a n y th ln i In the m jn a l line refto lahed an d re p a ire d : a su p erio r w v s r pollab a lw ay a on h an d . W rite or phoito iftlTt

N E W A R K N IC K E L P L A T If5 o CO.»N E W A R K ------- J — z - , - - . ,R e a r 88 a n d 40 W a ln u t i t .

ETcr77B A M tT r . M A T m .

U D. ‘P b ra * M0> K v M .T fB W A B K H O H S E » . ,

B R ID O E ST.Alwaitk o n Hind, t™ 100 to IBO hirf « ntT*Hfnated F a n n s y lv ta la boree* to la loo t fraoL W e w ilt rec e iv e J a n u a r y 16, one fre a h l o w o f f l i t t - o to i a d r a f t horsaa, w e ld in g from l . 4 » to L iiW ; som e nio* d river* and soni* fin * m uiee. iu M c ftf lead o f eh eap er horeea.

^ T W O V a t ^ t r i a l g i v e n .



U J f ia M. H E L E N M A C H U O H . P R IN C IP A L .

406 B R O A D HT., N E A R D ,. I.. A N D W .

rU A flfl F R IU A T R V E M W :, 8 :45;a i .l t h e I .A T E S T d a n <’ p; b t a u g h tIN rn iV A T li: a n d l.'LAffri LEHKO.NS; P R IV A T E LESHONS DAY OU E V E N - IN O BV A P P O IN T M E N T . T E L , 3183 B R A N C H BRO<j K ; M ID W IN T E R R E ­C E P T IO N IN T H E W A S H IN G T O N B A L L R O O M . FR ID A Y E V E N IN G , J A N ­U A R Y 21. 1114.

J a m e s i t f RANCIBCO, oa lac t d a n c in g a«ad< em y, O ralon Hall, co rner B road a n d B rid g e

a te , c ity , em renc* 4U4 B road a t . ; p r iv a te an d c laas leseona every evening a n d e v e ry a lto r - co o n ; w all* , tvro-itep, Boston tan g o , h a i i ta l lo n Tango, P arla len n e tsb g o , o n e -s tep , c a s t l e w alk , h v sfta tlo n w a lti , f lih w alk end v o r la t to n a ; c ith e tlo d anc ing ; lYa&alaoo d ia g ra m ay stem used exclualvaiy ; fa ilu re im p o aslb fe ; ta t* Euro^

rean s te p ! and m u ilu ; UOQday e v e n in g , w a tts , wb-otep, Boeton. b en tJ itio n w a i ts a n d one- s te p ; ta n g o o la is every T u ead ay n ig h t ; a f te r -

zkoon t a w e lao i W edneadayA 4 to 6 ; o trild re n 's clxsae* u t u r d a y afte rn o o n , b o iira ft u 6 ; O ta - to n K a li to reoL d a n c a 382, tn e lu d la g w a r t - rob* a tie o d a n L Cail. 'p h o n e o r v r l l a Cor ra te s o r a p p o fa tm e a t. ‘P h one 44W M ark e t._________T A N G O a n d h e s i ta t io n h e r* to s t a y ; n ow Is

o u r o p p o r ttm l ty to laa y n t b s m : d o n 't be a o k D u m b eri laseo n a d a lly f ro m 10 A . M.

W H Y n o t a p p ly a m e ta l ce llin g over th e crack* ^ p la s te r to y o u r k itch en , b a lh r c ^ in s ^ r io ^ ^

stci^T H. 0 , T B A U T W E IN . M etal C elling Con­tra c to r , 109 P eeh lne a v e ,. tel. 'IS'JTS'W W a v a r t^UEO. H A R R IS , . . p o r t ch im ney

«4 fro m lop to b o itom , U p e r f luo ; c h i m w i b u m ond ro p .tr* d ;teed to d raw , 86‘A R ichm ond al . ; te l. i63S M kLAW N 1NQ 8. W IN IX JW SUADKH to r 8 T O W »

O F FIC EH ANl> U W B L L IN G 3 , AT P B IC EB . W R IT E (DR 'P IIO N U f O M m MBT* H O rO l.lT A W B llA IlE f U ., ;;ii BIKlOMf! 6T .M ASONRY, boiler w orn, bo4;e oven, k llk n ."

lio n w n-h nnd r .p a l r tn * , p lo .tn -ln * . mil k ln tli of m tu o n w ork nUenHed to. H . u u . - L E N , t s o R unyon S0«3W W .v oTly.W H T n o t h .v o k M im lO M Roop 5 5 ^

bntliroom , k itchon , . to .? .Soml for i r a r a l j N .w a rk C om poiillon t l o o r tn . Co., I n W0»York kvfc T ol. ana M orkeC ________ _______ ,C A K P E N T ia t anrt tn b ln o l w o rk ; m il' Fork}

wood novoltlo i. oaoh. d o o ri. Irlm . BOBm U I.- SCHW ARZ CO,, 1(« P 'lelliighuyoen »v». P 1>00«SO W n .r__________ ________________ ________ ,T H 0 8 W M c N A U r t, B O ItJ tR B tiriV jjJl,

fu rn a c e ro b a lr ln f , fac to ry lo b h '"* ,. h l .h - i r a i l t work. s» Bo. IBth ot . ; <MB B . B .

M iir^ L , c r Tl i n g b a n d w a u a CeSlInio, *8 up.

av*., n ea r C lin ton ave. P h o n . fllOo w k v kriy .


ATTUNTIOM—If r o o w a k t t k Vny o t n U y o u r movUui p lo liin t h r a t n c tA U iy M kd o l b iu t -

n .H , to r n n lck rw u lU t ry lU T U H J tU .'B B io l . n e « E x o h a a ra M SOkth O n i u * k t k . : tM ip lu n k » iaM , Ita rkM . .

tSIlO BU TS f n c e r y , OMdjr. o l K « I to e d m l w m otion ; th r# . ro ta k .; r e n t |9 o ; r ^ p U | J »

w m kiy . M 1TCHOT,I/S BuM nom B aohm iit* . M g o n th Orofiga ave,___

AO AD EM T i t ., I f t - F u r t ra le ; 38 r s o n i ; a tsam

Im pravaoM iiti: Jan ito r

ho u se fo r i t to m ta h a d : e l l ; eB In good W'

a l l Ik lk m odilk o tX to iM M , B aK S ,' lOkBWMl.J io r t kkS o th o ri » r ra lk ®SSSj

m a k e c a sh o ffe r . /C a rs a a a e a e a f t t B 9 0 0 0 ;» m H atosy ...

r k tn m S . ’I> k rak I I M I I , W k T u lF i k t e t e rM M . S tIiC O X . _____________________ ■H * 0 M i l , M ra -R k k ra n tw t o o i t k f B tk tk k to ,

• i t r * e i a . M iom * « *b « w l d itk le k . a iF F O R D B a « h k n k « ,s a l H a tH y a t.

T B A B r r a j i i r t r a e ^ a ra lk k w . «» , « • ' o n m n U I T * t e r k a J o n w W t ,t r a t i f . r a t n l n f fo w n a , W u p : o l o t i u ,_ r a m b r a a t l t e l m t a n d fo o d a a

n CdlUBitilk B r o k t l t e i t k l , SSU W M k t Hu^MlOk t e r W . •*1 H udraB

a f a r a a te n o k U a M k t (anSn. _ i l ooa t a n d a a n r a r ; e a a t

l l i s j ' W i t t l n t e r MO. d l H udraB a t , N k ir . a r k , N . J . _____________________________H a X W E U r a n a b e u t . n m d . M IfM ra p a tira ;

s u i t a b le f e r to m h a n lo e r b r a l M e r ; Y * ^ lo w p r le e ; *M . O i r T O R D B m lw i i t a , U l H a l s t r a t .

d m : r M s n for m lt tn i , W e a ti m u a t t em en to b . - * i U S t e IjM t ^b e lan o e In M .T p a y a ira ta . M M l D O W N S

N .W . - X ' _ .

m u i t b e a s r ra rm .n to d o r fflensy

K B . SU D D S a lw m sa .


D e l t r a r r W a s e a a F a rm W aso ca . D a m p W a s e a a , r a e o r tw o h o p s . T r a ^V t t l a l w a f w a ry deecriplU m ; a lso fu ll lin e

* ^ l w a S S t e daUveriea. C u b e r *aay t a n a f t F o r s a le a t

ftO RH A O EN ’ft W A I t X B ^ f t f t lft-T3 6H IP M A N STs, N B W A M fc

TkL ft61ft M aritoL

r e u r o p p e rtiD ilty to la iu 'n t b a m ; d o n 't be a h o e k D u m b er] la ie o n a d a lly f ro m 10 A . M. to I F . M , k . C. R IC H A R D 'S D a n o ln g S cboalo 640 W a a b ln g to n a t . , o u r M a rk e t ; I ro q u o is H a l l , U U p h o n a i l l 6 M a rk e ts R s- c a p tio n evaTT i a t u r d i i r . _______________

p a l a c e baU roott, W afU B C to a a n d n to c le a r fU , d a u t o i , o i itM * f i^ ad u H s. M ooday,

T u ead ay an d T h u rsd ay ; e b U d ra n 's cIu s m . S a t­u rd a y a fteriuM ni p riv e t* leeaons a jiy tim e by a p p o in tm e n t: personal d irec tio n . P ro fe e so r K B E R N H A R O T . Baa our b ig p r l i e roftequerade. T h u ra d a y n igh t, J a n u a ry 15. _______EkA RNA RD 'S Q hlld rtn 'a c la e s ; b e s t, a e le c t; all

so c ie ty , s tag e , Y aocy d an cca ; m o d e ra te ra le* . F a iu rd a y a fte rn o o n s a t B u r c k h a r t t 'e . 874 Broad S L ; f l m leason t rM ; te m * a n d b e conv inced , pciT St* lassons a p pointed.________ _____________

M O N TC LA IR fC B O O L O F D A N C IN G , T h a n tra b ldg., BloomRaM av e . a n d V alley r t . ,

M m lc la l r ; a l t m odern dan caa ; c la s s .or p r i n t sIn s tru c t io n :1888 M ont

irly a p p o tn t n ^ t s advlaed.

B U T C H E R and m-------•p rctp lm D t sum rasr r a e ^ ; w a r th Mi

M o rlf lc s on accoun t o f . . . . ■If to w i n t e r . J tn u a iT M ; o ^ te l« a g ta lo wwe M ra a bualnMS n t .d a a o ly . A d d ia ss O . B ., B oa tOd, N r a s offlot-__________ ' ____________

awjSJl I I t o . . u T W l ;M t o a a r s i i . w M a b i u te e m L t t l U l . i a a t

w t r r a r u t o oo n r r aorH '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ • '

TA N O O A N D L A T E S T DANGBB, P r i m s o l a s . iM foni, 10 A. M. to 1®

a d v a n c e d »!*— ’n j e a n y even ing . B m o B T D a k ^ B c S i y g S ^ B ^ a t. Tel. B ISIW W av,

B U R C K H A R tT T B A oadam y fo r D an e ln g , «T6 B ro ad , opp. W im arn : tw o -atap .HK:

to -d a ta daneea ta u g h t; boginner* «*» to in an y a v a n ln g ; e ig h t sgperianoad a a s ts to n ta .

F lU V A T looBvandenoA i *>«.«*««. - -1* i y w

fla ld a v a P R O F , L. B R IL L , l a s t . ; c a ll

MASON w ork; ohin ineya reb u ilt.a lte ra tio n * and Jobbing. J<W- A. f

fteulh T en th i t . TTione 8886 B.B., jm e t a l c e i l i n g s a n d w a l l s .

B id o is tM l iv e n on sU k in d s o f w o rk . M O E ,B O S IN S T E IN , l i e H a iso y »l : t s i . . U l w M k lJO H N BR O W N E, c a rb s n t .r , «1 B leeM W liL |

‘p h o n . M srk r t 4M *J: Jobblny n m i y t e M i M t l m s t .^ r i v . n. w nrk»bop, E s ra s s t

m b r r i t t m 'b t a l c e i u n q c aC eilings s n d w s l l s A £ * 4 H y —'

EM. 40 y ssro . Ts!. « 6 8 Mk l .STOVES, ranges, . te s m b o lle ri. repstiw d s t t e a

low eit prices: n il k inds o f t ln n ln s a a S m a t work. J . C R U I ^ 2I)1> F l t t e .n lb SVA -

M ETA L C E IL lN a a A N D W A L J J T T e rK te d In nil k in d s o f bu ild in g s. J A M B i X M AGUIRB. filU H oiacy a t., N ew aiW.

CH IM N EYS lh a t am oka, * t ^ « s bake, fixed a n d g u a ra n te ed ,^ B.

tea ca ia ritoa t .

'^ [ a ^ ’w X iX p A P K R ^ A L E . filn n k f. )H o .; t 'K * . ®«-l smboswrd T U ft: tw to

Lons a r t v^Toups fo r I lk . ; v n rs isu sd tU ra t e r . IJU o i psperlB * room s to r M. i ^ n i l o f j t jo wp t i S a T l . BO TIIO U B E, # l o i r "

w ill p n p sr room s fro m M.OO up: PSlnteM k n iio m fn tn s d o n s a t Bend, p o s ts? o r e s lt s t 371 B unk s t

d s B d u iH so a s n s p ra ln ite o s T D o lm m t _STS.. n r

IwiWMtttO e rn S n . S p U lik w ..

■B W N EB 8. P L A C M B O U tlB T A N D BO LD.N o ebSTFit te s .U p i : j j t a a ! - * “ *J » f m t e j j o r

a S d u s n deal s s s W W F IT O B B o a ta ara c b sn g s. *•* W nshlngton t l . ; IM. ‘te M W M k l

B IO b a rg U B i « * ;I r a n : looallo ii y st f m * } A M t a M a w s i

a s l l e h ra p ; no a a s n t s . B * l C h n r l to c s t .B A K O A tN to l i l l i t w u y m ; a ^ a m l F

s t o n : iw B tn d ly lo o s ts d . A A d n a s L r a k B o x n t , M sw nrli. N . J . ______________

F O R D l a a i l ^ l ,m a a t b s s s U ; f

fuB Muta^ 2 , '> ^ N V i « i = iKX-fSS b £ K a » f f la 5 '-*■ “ * i m M ia . R iU 'a f w a to ra i k a o m • “

w s r w w p s .M w r e U | P lk M f t , n a wM A . * . t e * F . a . t a a d a i f a a .

S A K B E R B H O P [ ta » e b a lte ; t l r M j l a r a ; I M i b a u o iM ' r a d u ln d . A d d n a a F a y la c , B o a

MS, N .w # Btflos,_______ ______ ^

UMfeadlglg. RgM lk•aSi !■ SmA 'tM | .*lLi5rS&2‘ ^

"3 SiT B in e Btcft* Blambato......... asm........m Blankets.................. .

A B caX N B A C H , W P in a s r t .r n K K L T H o n s, b a n r . s u i i s j , p asu m atlB <nn

tw & Q B t, a M fh , naoM sa. s to .; s sp w ra rtly aW IU up •<*»>•! <****** ”

I T f f B i f I t t l U n t - s l i s i 'w o r k b o r . . . l a s a *■ iH ltli ii: ars yyona and

L i t * i»41 Mala t o E ast Or-

F E W m o rs psp llsF P rao b . te a v s r te l lo n . f f a m in w . s t s . A d- ; S ^ T s a o b s r . Bon BT. N s w r a g l y . s ,d r s s s

F R E i Tc h . V l t rm in .e p ^ cfB ftat O raag sT sw cd il o r reeldetW ft

Drunlk ui4 EIociHoaO E a C . OLM STEAD. Pro tesslo iaM . C m b , E lo-

ST 03A G EFDmHirOM "~a»riS«w^^

A U . FBW boaaaboia ta ed a ateiad, 11^gSitJfrSirtlisSmlPwBl

t, ■■■■■ r 7 n:

N E V V A K K E V M K i m I J E W S , T H U K H D A V , J A ^ U A I U 1 5 . 1 9 1 4 .


Cl mOk 'fMOtJC f4l ILAAKIT





«n^m OAD BT., ppp. OBAHO.® *T.TBLEPtlONB 1W) UARJUrr.



BDWARD H. L(tM.---------- TtAL BUTLO.. - ,

L «ni m i Aop™!****IM PBUPENTtAL BIJTLOINO. EMtti, Ida,

JOUN 1. QUINN. raaU lN B AVB. TEL. ? ■ih io " ..........._________MdflR WAVICnLT.



VRBAL ESTATE FOR SALE— CITY’ ffVB TRAUT. thi pltc* to YOur homo;tou t t lW . WW;. wrtoii Iniprovj^i tuar liirmi; n^w ^■wthurno av«. trollvy, jiiHt

ilvlr»* Glrect Mtslco to New.rk’* iMBtM ta 13 mlnuloi; M. niaji «»i bo Mnt on iS M d fra n k Ta FmET«DB. 412 Union btUMlAC: bmnf-h iift^ibornt ovo. «od

! flUtlNERS propertj'S t»o itgreji: il»---- -A ------- bnyi?, I12»<W).m i $ i,m r u r ; prifo to (]uh‘k 1 iiftrttr X&VMtiiienl, Kor I4a. N»ki orflc*^



L o r r s t* M | •*(•« i»*t ii»D «•««, DiDoirioJAM'hS?V.BBri.OnB JR.,

M-U LDwrwcD M... . 'PB™* M«rEet(Or m r broADt.)

AI'AlkrUKNT HOUSE. HDD, IM BruilA»lrk WANTED, bj' TUltl lllin, oil* IllSj, room.

piREPHoor iS*hiAtf'k Prom FMMy vonlk RtthTOM on« mFl.io o ? o t iT J S •». rt.i Di.tiiv of iiihii tuAf Alootfle •lovttori wKh or «Uliout b»>wor.yfl^jjRM » adNU. « j ________

■inwt floor.

*t.. nedt' \Sflgl»l, fivo Niflit rooiiw. Iwtb; iUcvrotvJ; uUU ur wUlmut iltuin olocU'ItJlY; jjrivdi* hull. dU!Hl»F*Hor; nnt blo' lt «l« irolloyfe, walkiiic dliUiico Murkft atol Hro»ri; only (l»r#« lofli r^firmup* roqulrdo. For inni-Btlli-n dpi'ly Buipe-lnwod^nt, IM Hrunavriik it.

urtfu/olihiij': Jiiuit bo i»Uliln 1ft mlnutM' Vialb fryiii Nfw» rfoi not njOTO tORttHi AdJr.M II Oo» ]»■ ^ a ia i— —

APAaTMtiNTH. m^ani ruinUhid. In ti«w lw«- I lauilly bpuiu, ail iiMkt ruoina; bMuUrully

■lii'orittpO, litiili. I'uriiutl floort and «v«ry* Lktnff lip \o <Jr1*-: tJrivwway for f| and


li.OW mob™ f**t: ,iuSnL li«»" «ua 'b a^-ond floor, It.OOO iwraa; m . T'fb Ml. l'ruai»aol a'*. BQuara faali htboy to aU tairn’Oda IiiaLUra prwralaaa. Wb llifb Ri" VV|£. F.SruLUN._____________________________

Ct>liOPKI)—Kaai Drang'*. -* Prliicalon al.;ftva Ur*p«. Ildhl room', l»ath and ranca;

111 UNOVRM YTI Mull>rrry at-

UANUrACTl.'HlNU floor a<mlpp'“1with atantrlc Itjhi. h#al. powar, RiRvao»r,

TDOdarn fn^provtmpnla; cauiral ineallmi. railroad fnolllUaa. KnRlnaer. :16 HIrIi m.t h r e e MODKRN KACTOHT JjOKI » TU LET.

■ •• • “ ‘ET BACH.1,000 riCKT TONKil BROf..

23T-2» HIOH 0T,

APARTUKNTB; airam-h«a(#d; baaudfully d«e- I orai«d; iK light moma; tiled bathroom: )a.rtl*

tor aarvk’o; riiil low. Iiiqiilra lanftof. 2JB LB-’ ilMOQ ave. aiao apaittnaitta. with Or withoutboat. E. ItlsAU. •**___________APAfn^HF.STd, rornir Uudaon and H an­

ford dlH.— Kl\fl Kioiiid aiul bath, faring both ilriAifl, rent 11/ moodily: pnanamtlon Fei«ruary I Apply «>h premliaa, W. TllUiTT. t1 nirifynl 1*1.. city.

I KABT OHANOB-Udiullfui ditoiaiad apart* ' manta: only appr«>liii»il when *p*n; 4 and A I rooma: baih. r-‘5-l27; haat; hn watar. janitor

Hrvlca. A4 Mam at.. blorR depot. 8«a JaftUor.

lAJlTTB WITH POWERan d bteau h ea t .


LARUE LOFTS fur llfhtadapted for alnragr; vicinity A*! '

lay fralfht terminal: will divide RUSHhLl.- SCHWARZ CO-. 101 l'rallbfhoya*n ava.___Factory RDOM. S,«» aquara f«;l.

aaoaaaaiy dStrhfnary f^ r n w m ifa a g rln g Jaw d r y read y Inatallijd: m ach lu rry for aal«. I*, a . K .tV n F a lJ Mii^brtTy at. _____

h a st UHANiiK, ,‘5T AinhrfBt n1,, fd floor— *4even rminiB end baih. wtram haaiar:

electric lliM-i n<l lmpr«'emeni*: rant IJ2- hi'iulre I'lK i;iangn at., Ne*aiU.^_____ __

Al‘ARIMK'Vlb Kvrrail t'ourt. uorliar Court and Ptan*-; r.anfrmlly |o<rala<l. modern elavatnr

apartmanta; alx lo nina ntoma; iHimplai* Im- cros-nieni«. itnta |M lu rtCtST A FE18T, jAR brnad

Cal 10 Itl, rranklln ava.' alio ilx-room liouae, conisr S allay way ana

Mapla it., ail Imprcvaniema IrwiMlra T. J. t'KVINK. 111! Valley way, Weal Oiangf.

.M'ARTMKNT. FNinwrKKl Mmiop. IIT Waali-' Inirtoii flve. —Five haudaiMne rn«»inji, tllad

haih, aieain haul ami elarirn , ilacoraled; immerllata poaanaalon. IiHimra jinllnr.

-StaanCOMMEBCE 9T., S3, ror. I k’" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ■ IitalKl IDftI 1,1 n«- ; mimrrr. ra or llahl manufaclurtnf. J. A. FCHMre. i.

Al'AHTMKNTb, U7-Hi Muiilb Tenth at.— , Five Mnd fill roonii; arpom heal, elacirlo

ilRhl; beaiiilfullv decnraiarl. rlfht nff Can* , irnl ave., tel. JRifi Markel. '

MAPI.KWf>r»n- Five large r«uniia: new (wo* family; firai flonr; nil Unprn^einenia ein.'ept

ln-ai; reairl'iied I'nuli'in: aeparafa anlranca. R'liodalt a\e. M'-lel I'arlt _NORTH NINKTl-KKNTH 8T , !30-‘JS8. tff

Fourth a^a.. at Ampera Htatlon, L>., 1. aikd W.—New apartmenia, 5 rootn* and both aach, all docoraied; rant raawmabla. Apply premia*#.

A H \in MLNT-Tbe Mvrlk. Huaae* t^e ind tVam-Ji at.; f1>e and »a\ ni ronma; aM Im-

AfA or light manufacturing. J. >• KCHMii/r. i.iuvruipnlt: heat Imation In »ore*il!e, InquireHH ranal ■(. _______ _ JuuM'vt: 'phnfie 11 Fi.

UHANOt^—nappeciable colored famlllee;four-rixmi flat , g«e. »atar. toilet. I&-12;

T'roeatown and Valley road ra n paaa door.I'or, Dodd ■!., R. Orapfe.Inq. 3 Ulrard *>e..

SPLRNTHD cheap Data, at 11<4 Bterling a t.• cii

HlANKl.tN ST , n »nS I, ■Top lofl, -l.'SSI r« u will iIMflo: ll»I>'

.Mrti; pnMwnD*r uni frfl^lit plpv. lPr*; PoJl.Spil'TH TinANaE AVE -Thrr..«,pry l^ull.l.

in* ttllh ImllrT- «n.1 onjlii. i . pIpp.v "r «lor»*« Inoiilrp IIT S.Mjdi I'rDPi* »v..l/'irT, S.son », „ : U*bt llt i Mod; iprlnSlDi".

power elevator; heat; modern buHdmf: caft- iral. S. h. TOWNLEY. dii Bfl flhipman at

I AJ’AJttMFXT Api Urnart. opi j tliHU, eight rn<mi» arvi bwil I tniilVT. I'MNiieBBbin at once 11 I Tk;( llt-otid at

fires*?!, ihlrd , aieHiti heal, '. PTItuUKiJ*

near Roaevllie car barna am) (rranga (roUay; five riwnna. range, hot miiHi cold waior; one flat for S(S. one for il2: all T-ouma JUft palwtwd and iiap«re<l. i-aa't beat ibiee. hiqulre flratfloor. Il'-j Hterllng at., or FElDLEMAN & CO.. 7S8 } l r ^ at., or 4TH t'antral ave.


rounie: all largo and light: fine locatlim for hlgb cItM buardara M. Fv RUCKaUAUU. 7M Broad a t Tbutia B20g Uaj-kei.


ant room . 'tenrea; prUata family; cara: phone ISISW.

. 41 —Beverul bright pl*ae- nicely furnlahed: all conven- BRANCH OFFICES

coiivenlanl to all

RnSKVELI.E. Myrtle ave, 10-Riight, rom* forteble room; private family; near Ibree

(mitey* and RoeevIMe Siatluii; refcrranoeariianged. ___SDinTf TyvKI+FTH ST.. ITd-Furnlahed room

lo iPt to uotnan ur young girl; low rent; rirai flam.

M«lb OgfiMe 3 1 1 ^ 1 7 l l a r k A t i t r * « i

L o r a l B r a a c k O f f ta a a » o p a nfigm « A. M. ulitH U:iO A. IL.aod irotti 4 F ■*

SOUTH EI'illUFCENTH HT,. 4Plt-FOr colored rouptu; furbiaheil roorti; Nieain haat: Uia of


M. until ft:IOa t . t b a to U u W ltlV

Rl’MIHT ST . 101—To let. '«maU furnlehed hail room King niljille liell lo left.

WASHTNOTON PT . M)l-Nlcely Dimlihed •econd D(K!t front roont; light ticuieheeplng

tf deelred (o re*i*evtablp ri>i!|ile; aleo medium •tae front nK)m. livat, i-loael, tuith, |2.tVASHlN<n<iN riT . iM. l«'o Ivlocha from poal- ‘

oUli’e—Twi ii-nnerring roorue, eecornl fbxfr. . ready for h<*UH<*k''<'raria. $.‘i 2. : baihrot^m aama i floor, front lull to<,n.. |l Mh ____|WABHINOTDN K‘l.. 4C* lujrge rtram and

k|Lc|i«rieiii Inrge nioma, aingle bedi; |clean and , • irLfcjnelile, all pnpi'ovenienla, ; uwoiisbu. wits. UTTEI.I- 1W'AHiirNUTi‘N . 317- Light houeekn^p-

lr>g hire firt;*! from rnmii; aliro aingie rrmm for gchilcmun; tbfue tulnutea’ walk from Four Crirticru

Ar.MlTMFN'T, l^kewond. Rr-nd at.. llh'J ■ iDorgr. light, eeven-fronn apanmenti: bnih.

HiMit), ekclriulty: rent $37 up. 'Phone W acrrly

r j |^ atTWO iinfiiPhlahed rouma with heat and all

linprn^cmcnte, nullable for young couple. I R Hi-oMe n*l at . Om tige.

riPLU^TIFUL il»-room flat In tlitf* family etiiri'o heuae: fleuoniied. tiled bath: cerpeled

W* ritt offer you Tery Sbe S finiUy and 3 fain-fhi " " ... “’ Ug rbegper then gey other Arm: with«alf g «0 gU i-asb veyuent, balattce ^ery etey. * ~ yagtietiitra,

BRrNTON REALTY CO.Ell OctiD a?*.. Jcnifly City.

TOR iALK—Klegant »3-roum modern dwelling. M terrauad plot, near t'llnton av*.; oout

fjb.OOO; will aarrlflce to dnee an etUL*:___ , a i j l c k a n d fram e dw elling, I I rooma.all tbuyrgvamenta. Tlohenor at . neu- Br/Md; r ta tl n50; prica $7.MKi For full iiarttcitiere | •ad wiew by appointment, addreaa Terrace, B ag 10, Naw e offroe.

lsC>FT- Light on all eulee: 4,TOO a*i. emlrway; nanlry, i»orch, rwiaoiiable rerit, *llhekvilor; heal: rcaaonable rent. l/l&WEb- Induvainem.

HR fill L'O.. Ml Colden tl. ____

ruoma, >>alb. icparata entrance and fiirnaic; near trolley. Apiily WAI/i b K R.

PnrpR N . ir.ti Main at., Beat Q r a n ^ ^ ^ _ _

liunirrdon at. FURNISHED FLATS TO LET........ ..................................... ................................. , »« b I HFAFTIFFL flHi, all M n p ro v en ien te ; Riewm ,

BE.ST FA CTO RY or a io rage apa^e In N ew ark . , i,R,ni; e a ia ri FiraM on. In q u ir e U, J A M fF | ROBRRT .1. EM uRY OO., a i R unyon at - tei. p a rh e r »i.

_________ . - ------ ~ j R lM E L O W ST.. 132—Throe n ew ly d c c ftra te dro o m i, h e e t . h o t w a lv r a n d a rrv lo ee .

STFAM'HKATKD apartmenti. elngle or en fnr light lioiiaekeepLng; aiao largelu lte . ^

dnuiile p a r ln f , e u lta h le fo r d o c to r o r d e n Mat. A pply M O R R IS . 1117. B rg e jl_ e t

REAL ESTATE WANTED FURNISHED ROOMS TO LETnrrLPlNOS. uella. rtonra. roofa. rif . that arc

cruokwl. eettlail or Inaecuro; we move houaea. frumo or brick, ftlllifiul Interfering w-llh tcn ania; 6fi ycare rrotecMng arid prolonging life i-fbuildltiia. ___C'LYNKS r n .


' nplondid lorntlon: rent $17; Immediate p<>a- |{ Heaabin Inquire Janitor,I "T::--------- ---------- r “7T '“ ' Ai’ADEMV KT., 2t, near poatofflee-'Two rom-fJLRGEN ST , 717 —HI* TCOMia. aecond floor, . foriable i-onnecUnf front rcoTn*: ateam heat;

all light; rtiM crater Improtomenta, toilet **nirare Hniram»>e; con\tnlenoea; hell room, on porch: ga»i I13.S0. Bell 3. Maylaenuer FtA'ilK.a. i>ei|.LKHriKN FT., fi4&*-rive rooma and bath; ell

ImiirDveroenra: rent 118 Inquire on preulee*. M Stratford pi. BRODT. ____, or

ASTOR PT HD—Nicely furnlabed room, neat lo bath, heated. Convenient tn trolley

Smah Street riiailon, rent reatonible.

lAlNi fer lf>14; now Cbrlatmge la over tbe New Tear right'; buy ono of my

ica; all |iV*at1onf and twieee; 11.800 May («rm« to ault. Write or eee

__ ORBEN. builder of modrrn homee,y iMBlM'a building. Newark, N. J.

PR08PE17T AVK, rv'aldenllel aec- ; beautiful nfw twu-fanilly houee: all ----—ingi flqpe-e «p-to-dat*i

I ’.e Tt.of^r. gSVW) riib ;p e e tlO b O yearly - Owner. H. b c h k n c k . di B fipen t M .; 'ph o n e 481 B. B.

f'ABJl buyer for factory itte, SOalOO ft,, with iwn.Biory building. h.OftO aq. f*. or Di-ire-

a1v»ut; mIbo. will pay fa^h for a corner aiore and dwajllng,* or a rorner two-family ing on a builneaa ilre*!. Addreea. with fullp u r tlc u la n . Ca*h. Ho* 7fl. N ew a^oH lee. ___ _MAVTC kmvera for your proporty If chrap: will

dlatHwe of an me to 34 hour* hy* be right; nend particular*. VINCKNI* RE.\LT ^

BANK ST.. 271. near murthnuae— Flat*, four a n d five moma. hath, |IR, i n : «H

Impfovemenia: Janitor aervlce. Inquire BLI- wtSK.RA N K ST 23W -Three nice r»>otn* and b a th ;

nii rnTihRnkn''ea: ren t IlH. In n u lre Jan ito r.

BADGi-IFl AVK., H — S p lflaaan l ro o o tl g<»0 'l o rd e r : re n t i l l ; a d iilt* only,

:LT tio u ia : five p itnu tea from B road_at e t i i ; 8 febmi; eteam heM, elegynt

I tio n e ; ow ner will M crific* fo r S3.PriU if ■•id aotHB; ire lue 14.800; eaay ierm e, A ddreae p a o u tn e t e r t f l e e . Box 2iT, N*wg office.

•^CBRT AV%„ 8fM4^T4ao-Yamtly hnuaea; V4IM M i; all im prOvem eola: Ju*t oom pletefl;rni taie pan rbyntenl... ___ ___ . . . and large mortgage;

frlce IClOOQ. OKlSgin » PLUM. 84B Broad.FBOFfiBTT and bualneaa for eai«: nine-room

Mopte; gleam heal; every improvement: good aaylBg coat bualneM; bargain to quick buyer.

SI Sayre at.O N B o f th e beat b u i l t and f ln e i t d eco ra ted

t ta p * lam n y lioueee on F a r le y ave. i w ide an d Jpt. J r Yr COCHRAN, F lren j* n 'e h u lld '

r ic eJjC^ fEalAO: dwelling and garage;osly IJ.360: located-Un ft. from ( imior

AW*. Xia NIEl a l t . 404 Flremen'e building,r b u y e nice iw o-fem lly boitee; Rfsuth

•ev en roome. 25xlW ; nice g a rd en .pwo IWM|«, CtfAlW. ISIVV IPEKAHKK. » Jonet et.HOUBB L .^ ... ........

M th , la u n d ry , p a n tr yeleven rnome and tiled

Iieai; near train 48 South Twelfth at.

^B N <-ttQ O U houae. c e n tr a l lo c a t io n ; m ilt- - a td e n r lu rn la h e d room * o r tw o f a n d l le e :


X t A i t s i A i E W A N T E D - ^ !TOWN. ITel,

. Aiipiv to A, I . 3709 Uarlut

'.'*>'^.448—Serond floor aparlm»at,^ IaI; farnuft riooya ibfbijgrt-

' ' UEVER, 36 Oreen al>

BUejAD HT,. 1108—Three mlnutee' walk South St. Station; one bendBOmely fur-

nlnh*(1 l^rire finni hIcov* room; large ilnaeii; hath mom floor: hot end cold Tun­ing water: eleam heal: aleo amaller rooma; reaennahle.BFIOAD R1' , 237-Cheerful fumlahed front

ro'.m. with tue of kllLheuetta; private family: rnnrenkni In niinnal et:hc>ol, Lackawanna &ia- tliifi and troUey'*. UulUi n^cmiple. ^

WABHINtJTD.Si PT., I«2 From parlor To* m far doctor cw 'Irniiet or hfruei-kecping; aleo

Blaeplng rv»rji#i fi'f rn'C or three; elcem brat.WALNl'T ST. f*L‘ I.argr, heKuHfiil. from

(•wnnci'llng nv'me. -Ttigl* or eu aulic; eloem heat, bAth: olunii house: central;select ItH-aih i rraHntmi4c.W A R R K N S T . -iD arB". f ro n t , a lc o v e

h o u e e k ee p ln g ro o m . 13. f ro n t Bleeping ro o m , fo r tme o r tw o, g«B. | l a n d II.S O .

FURNISHED ROOMS WANTEDTW O young m en. n i lh reroreneca, dealre fu r-

n jah ed ruom wUh H rn a ie fam ily ; n e a r Ruee* [ v ltie o r L aa l Q renge depota. Full p a rticu la r* , i ad d reae M. Fl., Uox 44, New* office.W A N T FD - F u rp ieh ed ruOm- lieated ; im jil be |

clean aikl In givid nelghhi>riu,ul; rent nut to r eacoed t i >tK .AddriB* l>rmati(>nL, Hux 74, I New'a nfflc*. 'WANTED- Two fumlahed rooma. with uie of ;

kitchen, lu private famli). Addriia Prlvelf, | F?o* 10b, Nme offi* *._____________________ i


BAHT " R aNIj K, Honywitod ave.. Jd-Eatra large autmy. Bltain-iieaicd from room, having !

iU ttlrd'j'^a (iii'l dour io pr|\Hle purri!.table Ivonrtl ruar; all cotjvcnlemea. weekly , for c<juij]p

YJOUIG w anted In Blomnfleld. aiw ui e ig h t ronniB, niM ern , h ave |2.ftOO ceeh . b a ien re

m u at be m nrigM je; aend full p a r i lc u la r i . d reaa JA'BON. Box 76. N ew i offU-e.


WANT to buv or rent, elghl-rnom modern hnuae; locailon- the OningeB: cheap for

rneh. Addreea ilitah. Bn* 111. Newe o lj:l L_


WANTED—A cottage or let at thB Hlgh- Und» or Keanaburg. Addrese 8ea*hor*,

'Box I4S, New* office.

HOUSES TO LETIlOOM lNU-HOtJUK. a i E a . t r » r l i D l.- in

ro o m a: a ll la rg e and l ig h t ; fin* location for h ig h -c laM bo artm ra U . R . O U CK SBA UU . 786 b ro ad a t. 'P h o n e 93^i M ark e t. ____

Co HNER flat.rnenla. In g

everything, ront only |13. rnr. Lnn^

pa^t Improve- , convenient to 438 wglnot'il-r

five .fFuiOi, .gnod Sv-D ation; convenient to

i - ^ rg«, pleleent front XT alwi tiugle room; running water: all Im-

riovrnicnti; cooviinlencee; Blaanii private j a ^ lly; , gebtltnifih ^

t'ORNLR flat to iet. 7 room* and hath: all Im- provemriiti bCHOPr, T(> Eleventh ave..

cOr. llightli at.

«d ^ 1■ultuhle fnr one or t»n, light houaekeeplug.

SI up; near railway atetlon and troUeya,

CHADWK’K AVB., Ii2—Seven all light roomt;aieam heated; gaa. elertrle Ught, tiled bath,

aeoond floor, all Improvemenie.

FiROAD FT.. UH4-P'Tont room, eultabi* for two. running hot and coM water; with cr

without ballroom: h a th ; hent, telephone.

COURT BT., 13T. above High at - Third floor;6 rooma and lieih; Improvamenta. except heat,

hy January 16; adulla.DKLUJHTFULLT l«»cBied. comforiahla,

coxy, all Improvementa aicepllny heat, low rent; couple or amail fnmily.

^UiIlKon uvc.. cor .lelllff.SLA D T.

DINlNrS-ROOM. two bedroorna. kitchen; all proveiiienli; no heat; 'hlrd floor: tclephime,

IM eoulh Ninth *t.i Cenirel car

C L IN T O N AVE. (ree ldeftlia l e*c tlon)-14-room b rick heuM ; b a ih e ; a l l m odern im prove-

m en ta ; b e a u iifu l In te r io r ; reaaonab la . In q u ireZ E LM AN , a A lp tae >t-_______________________

•Newlya O U V E R N B U R 8T .. ». n e a r c a r Hoei d eco ra ted : U room e; ■team b e a t; Ifr'PWve-

n m n te i povaeslon a t odoe; fM . Q E I8 E R A PL U M . Mfl B road j r t _____________________ _


ELBI.1ANT fl-room corner flat to let; all Inv provement*. fTiqulr* M. .■•ifTlAFTOH. 4M

South Fourteenth at., cor Fifteenth tveFLAT In thrra-famity houae: Eltn atreet., W),

near McWhriftrr it.: middle floor; five rootnai, bath, all ImprfvemenU: rent J16. Inquire Drat floor or owner, ije apflngfleld ave.. oil cloth r*tore.

(JJLLETTB Pli., IS—Deairabla hmiae,room* and hath; ImprovamenW; Dr-t-claae

condition; near Broad at. and JSouth Hi, Btatlon.

E u t OrtDf** U t n > r O R I > BT., n s — B uy » t 1o»- w tn tD r

prIOM; rdtldence, every improvement: .MMiDl liMt: elactrtclty; I t .878: oornmlaelon ^pMkble; tnake offer; owner, premtaea; call.^Q U M E V O O b A V E.. dOO -Oioice 7 -roe tn h o u a e ;

A s m h e a t; HT f t . p a rk f ro n ta g e ; f in e In- U rlo r d eco ra tio n a ; b e l t tooatloc; M crlflce .

trnngtonf t ^ M F T l O N A L b a rg a in — M odern 7 -m n m ^ h o .iu td ; -b l l I tp p re v em e n te , In c lu d in g i t e e inIw ** m b DlDcIrfit prl>«nBi M M in d .i;»intsn DVD..

•iDctrle ll(hi; (hup >n4 iD rii* ;A H.lIO:prlcD tor thiD DionIL . •d . A. J , B T A T E S CO., Irvington Centre.


AKt* two-fara|]y; linprovementa; electric itgj fineat part; needa money; H.QfiO; two- r« Impnvemente, M.SOiii- Addreia Quick, 8, l^w g efflce.I T W L hom ee. m any b a rg i ln a ; eaay g ; t e ' t (a ll eee th em ; J u i i eom pleted . OStBEN. 81D F lrem ert'e B ldg.

K c B J u b u r g

SOOTH TWELFTH ST.. TT—81I room.. *11 In-broyementi, tteim heit*rj immedlitr poxaea-

•Ion; 1215. QEOBOB B. VAN llYNB. 4W Ortog*

CLINTON HILL-Houeea and apartmenie; m- Btrlcted ivQlghborhood; iarg* Iota; LiA to *32.

FIKLET, 84 IMmeetBid Park; tel. 3816 Mki.PENNSYLVANIA AVR„ lIZVii-Seven-Tnom

houBg; all Irnproveminta: trolley car paaiea how*. Inquire Qerird, B-12 Cheitnut il.MITdTON BT., 14, between Boiton and Wickllffe

ate.—Houae, 6 rooma and bath: all Tnodern improvementa. Inquire 83 Bngton at.TICKENOR t’T . near Orchard-Ten rooina.

t&&; Potn**r Kt.. n*nr EllAHhelh, ten rooma. tSft. de 'Rlchemori'l. Kroad.

FLATS ntovvd in large auto vani. 16 per load;planoe movM for gJ.llO by Axpart hendlera.

Ironbound Storage Werohou**. DaNIBI, 111-]

B n Q A D BT.. IlflT - One r tn ^ ie and tw o eem uK tIng front room*; lU Imi

entrance: ^phonn. alectrlclty;Drivate, aeparate ■aeonabl«L

BHOAD 8 t., 2ft; Kalrmoont *t*. lOft^Apart- rarnta of two and three rooma. 88 to •« week­

ly; hot water diHj; beat; Janitor.B R O A D BT,. n*!2-“ *Newly fu m la h e d ro o m In

e te a m h e a te d a p a r im e n i . k i tc h e n p r iv i ­le g e s , p r iv a te : lE.SO. L E N T .

fOAST OftANGk. North Sixteenth ei.. 2--Large | •unny front room; cotnforlahJy fumliiied;

convetikm lo train and trolley; privatefamily. _ _____________ •

Ilgam heat, bath 1T1 I'■^edr Pom|my a\^. '



l ‘. M. d«UyRddrtssM ;BsUavIHD DvtnuD, I S l Bruc* strDDt. SIS.Clinton avanuf, SIL IClin ilrD at. I t IU . tlam durg plaa*. l i Idyrtlc DVCiiu* (IS) RoidVlU*. fauuth Sixth DtTMt, I I I . WallucD lilDc*. 17.- Uranu* Branoh OfHc*. I l l Mxin ItrcDL OppoiltD CIdvd- land itrDDt T«!*phOD«i; Or- dncD SOOO. M xrkut 1000. P rl- vxt* Oranuh oxchnns* con. neoUns nil daportmaDts.N«w J*rD«r fl»«hor* HftlD*. 400 U ain DtrsDt n o r tlu M t oorDDr fixns* x v lau * (UeoriD W. ^ t t a n s a r x r*al e itx td otricD), o p p o ilu B*wpoBlofllcD. TelDphofiD 771 A ibury Park- I'rrntuB llorM B.17 W eat S U t* itrDDt. T ran-ton, N. J. Teltphon* H 7Trantop.M lau tic CItr B raach (Itflea,-fha Uorland A d v ertliln s AKDOoy. W altar E. U d f |. Ua*ar Braaob, t LiOiay itr«aL Talaphona 111. xlaDiiBtawD B rnach 4l71tc«, U South a l r e a t Talaphoaa 1».H ontclair B raacb Oftlea.121 G lanrldg- avenua. Tala- phone 7IShamluB Uraach Ottlda.121 Spring atraaL Talaphona l i .SuBiDDit Braaoh Oftlea.Raom 1. Poatofflca Bulldins. Talaphona fd lt. MlllburB-SaHnaSlelS B raaeS Ulflce. C ainpbaira D m i Slora. Bank B ulldlnc, ttlU - burn av an u a Talaphona SI Mlllburn.JVaw Vorh Office.Rooma 121-I2S Brunaw ick Bulldtnit. 226 F ifth avenua. Talaphona 1660-1x11 U adl- aon. F. C. Taylor. Naw T o tk rapraaen ta tlvaIV’BBhlBKfoB (D. C.) Ofttce.Room S04 Colorado BulldInK. t 'h le a ra Utflae, Roaai lM2k Trlbt-na Building.AuthartaeS .g ca ta la ISaw- a rk i your d rugg la t o r tiawa- dealer m ay t a o n a .iuCharlaed .Igeata la the O r, aaaaa and au b u rb i and aaa- ahnre towna In Naw J a r a a r

LU M B E RVlllow P ine, D errk k T im b cn ,

T im befs. G Ird en .rae to rr H oai1a(.

Combgrain Flooring and Step Plank a Specialty

Maple Flooring. N. C. P ina. Roofing.

K aaory W ork a Specialty

A.B.AYERSS a w a n d P l a n i n g M ill

358 OEden S t, near Clay1 b l . 2 7 9 7 B r a n c h B r o o k



i . >1, C. A.-A- filrg mpfi. Live, luOJ?A. ^ ^ • ...... —

Orangea Tn lre new Y, M. l'. a. gnrnntDrr; Ideal ba''liel-'r quirtiFig; C'»Ty convenience, 'Phone ifTvice Shower batha on each floor 12 a week

o r,ca 'W tilf* M t

TORK, Jan. 15.—Contrary lo opinion, the Atlantic Coaat !■

not linking, declared P rufeuor Douglxi WUxon Johnxon of Columbia I 'n lv ara ttj, laxt night, before Urn American Scanic and illxtorlc Preaen'atlon Society. Ha axxertcd th a t the belief that New Jar- aey'a ahora and puaalbly M anhattan m ight a t loma lime be aubm argel vaa not atipporled by actant I ftc calculalloo.

Wllb reference to the havoc wrought by the recent atorm i a t Seabrlght the epeaker xald th a t the town w ei buitt On a aandbar caal up by the ocean and aap- arated from the mainland by the Bhrewa- bury River, which waa no river a t t i l but properly a lagoon. The violent atorm airlklng the coaat a t the time of an e x ­tremely high tide merely reclaimed p a n of w het the ocean had caet up. and the real mainland ahore line waa not a t all af/octed, but la the aame aa It waa thou- sanciB of yearg ago.

H L A L K H T .A T K T H A N S F K n S .

tVKST OH.W'.iF. S»alTi pi , I—Two light cnnn*<'L|iig roomfl for light hnuMkerspluF-


ment can a ta r i on tta fourney Into

77.000 HOUSEHOLDS.. where It w ill ariSye


rt-RNlBHED mom wanted Hi Weel Orange i nr i^range. AddreM A. T-, 3 PilluL pi.. |

We*t orunge.

BR O A D BT., 9 3 6 -F ru n t rOQm. au lu D le for one o r tw o ; tw o d o o ri Uetaw ulty h i l l . MRS.

K E N Q L A . T hem e 5310R.BL'RNET ST.. 13, near Orenge al.—filcely fur-

ntahed. single pr connecting roomB. for ^Ighl houaekef plug: all Improvement*; atearri heated: near tube and LaikawannA.BLEECKKK KT.. H8-Th* Beechwood;

Bteam healed rnome. 41.7S and t3.nl) weekly; gaa, hot w-aler, heih. etc.; use tila.no.

RUDER. Prop.. U12& N.r Bvc.: lei. 737 Mkt.FlwAT—Five large mrifri*, hath; two-fewlly

houae; a#;«rate entrance: all Improsementn: • leoti-lQ hghti. t78 Feihlne ave.. three door* from Climnn ave.FLA'ra moded io padded vaaa. 84 load; rellahle aervlce; don't h* milled. HOBBON'8. 03fi flprlQgfleld ava.: tel. 2063J Wat. or 37ft7J Wav.FLAT to let, <7 Tlchennr at.—Hlx rooma and

beth; aU newly decnfaled: reaeooablerent. Inquire On Beennd floor.FI-iAT. ft room*, b » th ; *11 Im p ro v em tu ta :

roBJonable, In q u ire 18 W illoughby i t . , C llrunn pi-


li[,I^ECKI£R. PI . i 10—Pleaeani furolehed rr>«iTi, with o r’without light houaekeeplng; conv eu

lent >0 Tubes.nRKINTNALTx PL. courthouae, 8

ijihiutea lu Broad and Market ■te.->Ijftrge front room for Indy or gentleman; private.CRAWFORD ST., 19, between Wiihlngton and

IlKluey ate.—Neal, clean fumlahed room* for houaekeeplbg; running water; 11.76; other ruoma, li.2ft.COURT 3 r . 20. near city hall—Nicely fur-

nlahed front rooma; elngle men; aiao houaekeeplng rooma; all Impta.. eteam heal, telephone; |2 up.

F L A T ; f iv e room *; aU m odern Im p ro v em en ti;406 South Seventh at- inquire on premUea;

ren> lift.

ORCHARD HT . 67—Ten rooms; all improve­ment*; Immediate poaaaeelon; $42-80. CIEO.

R. VaNDYNE. 4W Orange at. ,CLINTON AVfi., 78—Fourteen roome. two

bethrooina, Inq^ulrt STOUTENBUROR A 'oaid at.CO.. 797-8N1 Dn

GARSIDE 8T.. 3384. Bear Bloomfield av*.—Eight-room houae; rent $18. K. HAR-

TIG. TO Market *LDFxWEY BT., New, 7 t«»ma: bath; ileam;

eleotrlclty; decorated throughout; |2ft. Key At 20 Dewey at.

> k |U H ra ^ O -I .c t In.Bitccn Buab 1250; tvsjrr *va fftoo ««ob; bualneae lot on $450; two lota n u r gtatlou andach; corner lot NhtlOO in Gnm-

Ltk Ifi.JftO; these are •aoriflo* pride*.■ * ...... .. ' ifkA ICtNiTBLAND, Firemen'* buiidlag.

iSiBnko-A few odd loti__of ItMPthurx at ronaiderdblTMgt value, BROWN A ...... — ------,»6>X fvflllJklHar Mal•fl'» building. Nee-ark.

In different ronaidergblT


i W « l O rau |e«HOl7flK for a*1a. eaven rooine. w-nter, gwa, ' lo t i6xt06; place for rhlckone, all In good ~*T9!pftlr: pajU- irpuey line; no leaaonabl* of-

fer refuaedx Owner TD4 Cherry rC, TV«*t

,8TTXFUL home*, all prloea; miny bar* •g n tarma; now being built. See

8f ORBBN.. $t0 FlrATnen'e bldg..Newark

W cit Newark--VOra fgem |46 to IIZO; down $2 mfinihly

tldti jtotn Line roHey to Iloilyi,vooi1 nve.P^rgta, walk over wtKHen railroad te my reeldence on l.ong *><>., niarkcKt Newgrk;" Jnalel upon **flng ma. a*» ' ~ fl At home, end hav* the hnrgalnx-

realrktlon*. 1, A. DF VOn.


HDU&E. B room*, hath, Improvementf, to let.Fob. 1; 22 Longworth at. Inquire 88 Bergf n

■t., city.HOUSE to Jet. eeven rooma; All Improve-

manta 674 Bergen at.. Tieer ('llnton ave.HOl^E—RIx mom*, water and gaa; rent $16.

UB Now York ipve- . ___

TO L E T -O U T OF TOWNB A BT O R A N G E — H ouaea to l e t f ro m |2B to

$78- a u to a t y o u r d le p o e a l; no tro u b le to Bhow hnuaee. B U TTR R V k'O R TH , D o d d a n d P r o e p e 't s t a , E a a t O ran g e .AT UNDEN^-Bti-room hou*e; half arr#

ground; five mlnutea from iiatlon; rent reaa- oiible- Iniuire MRS. DONALDSON. 271 Chad­wick Ave.

FOUR room*; n«w brtok houae; gat; electric: range; bath: marble amlre; rent $14. 8B

Rrueii at., near (.gfayettt it.FOUR or five room* to inna.ll fatnlljr, In brick

houae; ga* and water; $U and $13. Inquire 21 Lemon *t.F JV E am J aix room *, H il l s e c tio n , Il8 ,

6. 6 roome. hath, Woodeide,- 116.4 room*, hath, Wnodilde. $36. $$S.See CHAS. R. ORB1CN. 810 Flromen'a bldg

$ 1 t ;$18;

F'lVE rocmia, ilecorated; all Improvementa but beat; close to EHxabeth av ihree troUeya:

rent 114.50. Inquire KELLEY, 2ft Hunter el.FIVE ROOMS. All lmpmvi*mente except ateam

heat. Corner FourUerUh ave. and Nine* (eenlh it.FIVE rooma and balh: tteam heal; good

neiglihorhood. 169 Falrmount ave.FOR colored: North Sixth at.. 78* and 771;

three block* trolley; opp. Brunch Brook Park: i room*: toilet, w-Behtuba; $€ monthly.MULBERRY ST, 293, oppoilte CoUAg"—Four

rooms, aecond floor: water, gaa. hallfl fur­nished: rent lift. DOUGHTY A GOULD. 81 Ullnion at., Essex building, room 214.MILTOBll AVE., Iftft-Flrit floor; all Improva-

mentfl. Inquire aocond floor; near South Ride High School.

IRVINGTON—fioui*. T rooma, NUh. flteam lieat: rent only $26: 316 tVaxl CUnton ave .

Irvington. Inquire MR. FISH, 12 llltl ei., Newark.IRVINGTON—One-famity houae. nIx roonn* and

liaili; all Improveiiienia; aicam heat. 93 For- tlelti at. --- -------- -----


HUUJTIFUL one-fanUly nine-room houa« ;giU modern Improvemonte: xuliabl* for

iMtor fw private tamlly, Addraee A.. Box U a. Wtue office.______________ _______


y O M P iN a hsuM,lai^gAra farm. In reiekIM Monnlalnn

iJyiyBathawa^jL^G^e^^RSrtjjaronme, furnished, and


WAK'rKD—House, H or 9 roomfl; electric light.Rf>od nelghborhoofl. with gerage: rental $36

lo JL'i; give full deeerlpilon; photographi will I.e reiui-nrd. Aildi'e** HoUee, Box RO. Nawi of- IKC.|{i‘1.'SK v.-antftd In Blooiuflfld, aevan room*

nr U irer, midlern, on large lot: give full dearripil'^n. Addres* MOORL, B<ix 77, Nb-rh n f f l c B _______________________ _

HOTEL TO LCTsurrounded by^0’RO^M h^ilel, centre city, - -------

•lx Iheairr?, dlnlng-roqm; flue for Hofte mian r»*Taiirant. limuire 11.76 Broad st.


nr 7 0 0 want to better your position, let me to eachatige your propeny, aom* cx-

ekAnga* ara better than cash sales; no charge WOW 3. ISAAC!?. 810 Broad.^i||^QjLin_^aucces^^


lasd, $209: can he paid motiLhly t t the rat* - af |6f choice land for raising fruit, berries,

vaftUblea. poultry, equah; inild, healthful cll- m na: nearby town; half mile from railroad •ItUoo; rroeperoiii Iccnllty; good roads; pure waUr. 01F8K, (42 Market tl., city.

A\'ON AVE and Bergen i t .—Fine oortiar itoro eriil email etorBs. rent* and ternlJ peaaon-

ai'la. i>n premliR*. or GEilSFIR A PLUM.BRI 'K rtt tehnime, Jn beet condition, sultabla

for furnliuTc or niaho elorage; Ai-ch et.; rent rcaennahlr . E IJHirMAN'. DH Else*),lining

’ 80 aerre adioinliig Ixong Braik-h,lift,000; building* 1' >BHTU cnndltlon; **Uafac-

t t s z . twm*. Gw-uer. 64 w dKih flt., N. T, C,

FARMS FOR SALE OR TO LET^ FARU for rent or far •

tardon rounty. .1146 Sixteenth

U»i; nxi,i acre*; Hun- liHiulre WM. GROH-

FARMS WANTED. U U IiL farm vaotod to rent to raise ftOO or , IMTW Of poultry on. iruist be neat iroHey

PouUiy. Box 79. Newa office.


yACTOBT to in or for aale. Bite MIxftB; two window-* on four Bidta: hae *tnam en-

boller and line ahafilng: good location. ••• GREENFIELD Rnglue works, tlarri- y. J.

BANK fir., 229 Store lo let; good for anybueineaa. Inquire Janitor.

DPiSlFtABl,F offices In ih* Exchange build- lug, 45 Ulint n et., electric light, elevator

Bud Janitor ai'Tvlce; rent reasonable.DESKROOM

large Mghi office tnOTUh HOP\VO<:ili

■phone, typewriter; id Door: $8 per

Hit riinton St.UB« of deik, 'phone.

B round Door

HUDHifN ?T.. 14*-^A Urge rorpir sior*.Nvilh rr>o?na In rear, plate glaaa window*

nn hnth sii-nniji. eultame for grocery, butcher nr ilelli'Btp-ftiicn. will TBut for $26 monthly; for fijrflii«*r purtlc^ilarn Roe Janitor on preiii- iaee. nuiirr, R. H. l.INDT.P^Y. 191 Market *<., NpvliU, K, j .; 'phrme Marael *902.HAliBKY RT.. 57—Of flow and Btudlo*; 819 to

$29 nionihtr; *1) Imptovemente; cheapest rent In city. Qwtier. A- 0- PETIT, 723 Elaaax BUIg.LAKOK up-lti-rtala «1or«. plate glaea -wlndRva

electric Ughte: eullahl'e fur any ttuiineffl. 99HlooinfUW ave , oppoelte ^tons Bt.MABKP^T and Bowery ata.—Corner elore:

suitable for any busmAae; rent very rea­sonable. Inquire HERMAN A CO.. 7$ Bank st ; 'phone 4293 Merkel.MARKET BT„ ZBO—Fart of floor. lAx36

good incalLon. f*ht $1$: over Scheller's JeweLry store; look for the green dock.

NORTH BLEVENTlI HT.. 192—7 r«>oma.hath, pantry, separate heater and ett'

tranre; ronvenient tu Roseville and Ampere slfttlftTis; rent lowNORMANDItMlx light rooma, both; un fourth

floor; central location; excellent •arvlce; rent %XX Apply JAMES WARD. 112 Pleeckef flt.NORTH SIXTH BT.. 9H1. near Bloomfield c»ra

—Elegant, cioxy S-rooin apsjinnent*; Improvo- menis. .Tanuary rein frees- rent IH and 19.50.NKW ST . iOi, near Norfolk—Four room*

mill ailic. room, first floor; rent III. E. HAHTIG, TO .Market *t.

COURT ST., 98-Housekeeplng; nicely fur* niahed, clean, sunny rooma: hath, gaa;

rive mlnutea Broad-Markei; also hall room; no Rhlldrep.COURT 8T.. E9-A1—Rteam-healed fumlahed

rooma, Nlngle or «n aulte, for men; ba-tb, electric, telephone; rentral; $2 weekly up.C’OUHT fiT.. 109—r*le*n roomfl. fumiflhed for

light houeekerplng: running water, ga* and bath; a1ee|j|ng rooma, $2 and up.COURT BT., 192—Large front mom; all Im­

provements; suitable for two young mou..'OURT ^T.. 79-ricaaanl room with board;

home table; refined (leopla.CENTRAL AVa. fiW-ftoom and batli; near

three car Unee; rcajonable. PORTER.

TWO or three furnished rooms for light hou»e- keejilng. desirable rieJghborhnod; rou' inlenr

to N«-wark. state terms, A'ldrcsa Terms, Box h)2, News office.________________ ________

BOARDINGIlIinAl' s r , 324- Nice double from ro,mi.

mUc ttlrigic front room, ateam healer, aU tmproveruf nt*. fine Lable; all hrnne-mado paeM y , flnn location, rrmvenlent to D.. T/. and W and Urle. eight minutes' walk to tubes, boArd reasonable.


menta. w ith the exceptlo tii «num*rmt^£below, is one cent « w ord (m lnlm urn ceula).

The average !• aeven ab o rt worde to the liiiax

Thflae seven words repreeent an agate lino.

BROAD ST,. 1101—Large room, second Door front, aleani heated; two closet*; ex-

relleot board: home-made pastry; nl<-eno)ghborhoo«l. ■el^rt boarding; tel. 2I99W MarketBLKECKE^R BT. 47. Dear Hudaon terminal—

Front parlor; nlrvly furulahcd; alearn heat, use of piano: other roOTus; lable board. 14.BELLFVILLE AVn., 239—Two large room*

and aiTiall one: nicely fuTnlahcfl: private fam­ily; good location; near normal acbool. _ _ _CLlNTO.N AVF.. 840—Fine accomninda-

tlon: home cooking: large and araallrooms; location moftt rteairable: ten minuiea Four 'phone 3145R Wav.

No reduction In ra te unlegg adverltae- m ent la run for one m onth, or every o ther day for one month. Then the ra te le: One montth dally, ll.ftO per Une; every o ther day. 89c. per tine; mlntmum. th ree linee.

One year, daily, $16 per tine; one year, every o ther day, $8 per line; m lnh mum. three linee.

W here blank tines o r cap itate are used e ith er a t top or bottom of an advertiflement, w ith eolld ag a te In c e n tra the ra te le ten centa <l0c.) per count

EAST PARK ST. a?4-Retlned, homeUks ac­commodation* for boarding; bright, pleasant,

ateani heated rooms with hm and cnld running water; superior table; m-nderate rat®*FTLTON ST., 4,1—Fim-clasa lahle; Strictly

hotnfl cooking; nicely furnlihed, steam-heated rooms; r'lcuaant and refined surroundings; •hort dlatam-e to Hudson tubes and buetoeaa rentie of city. __ELI..10T 8T.. 49—Pleasant seoond-floor

room; heaiP^d: nf-wly papered; nice fur- nishinga: goud labJe; prlvuie family; near trolley and etAiJun.inn.TDN BT , 4A-DeslTfthle ilcam heated

room, with in-iard.

EAGLES ST., 42, near Jamae—Large room.newly furnlehed, complete; light house­

keeping: clean and homelike: gas and range fur cooking,

HIIJj ST.. SI-Large double and *lngla rooms; first-class board anJ services; all Impruve-

medte; refined; table 1*oard: opp. city hall,

EMMET ST, 84—Pleaaant. sunny single front room In aouCtiern part of city; a;I

conveniences In houae; het water contin­uallyEIGHTH AVE., Dl~latge and amell fumlahed

rooms; well heated; eulcabla for one or two; one minute to lAckawanna Rtatlon.FULTON ST-, Bl—Three nilnula* from Hud-

ann Terminal, newly furpiahed, attractive rooms, Btearn heat, eleriric light; elao one apartment -nllh kltihenette; reasonable.FULTON 8T., 47-Large front room; running

hot and cold walei . steam heat; all Improva- metus; near Four Corneri and tube*; (elepbone.FOURTH AVE.. IfiB-t'ozy furniihed floor of

three rnoma, flultable for light houMkeepIng; hath; private house: nn chlldran-GREEN ST.. 77—Fumlihed rotMH for llfht

tiouaokecplng; $2 up. also hall room for men. It DO; bath and conveniences.QREEN ST., 18—ftlecond floor; oornforUbl*

furnished room; strictly private family.HIGH BT,, 821. between Kinney and Court

■t* -Bright, coitiforinble and well steam heated fumlahed front room, with kitchenette; all accommodations; prUata family.

[ HIGH ST.. 43H~Llght boosakseping; thrM aTfl ■ ‘ ' ......... ‘‘‘

rARKVIKTV APARTMENTB, Ifll Cllflon avg.;finest location in the cUy: five large, light

rooms; eteam; elcotrln light; tiled hath; hoi waior ftinilahed; Jarntor; one block rrom Bar- rtngsr High brhool and Branch Brook Park. Apj ly Ifid ill. Prospect ave. Tlione 40b3 fl, B., or jAnllor.KOSE BT., 28—four rooros, with luproTcments;

rent Inqnlie oa premJaea, or 5S Slrat-■ • ------»V.ford pi. BRODV

SOUTH E1,EVENTH 8T.. 858. naar Booth Or­ange ave.-Beoood flat, seven rooms and batb;

eeparate steam healer: all itnprnvements: now being pap#-red end painted; rent $23. inqulr* first floorSOUTH FirTKRNTH AT., 854, near Spring-

field ave.— irirai floor, five rooms and bath; all Improvcmenta; rent 115. Inquire MRS. HOCK.STORAGE, tl monthly; moving, $4 a load

sra Storage pbone 4708 Hkt.

oaos holaird. ill each. Newara rooms, 224 'VS'sehlngton SL:


B7IERMAN AVE.. 219--Foiir targe, light toorai; LiAth, convenient to iliree iiolley lines;

rent $18.60 monthly, Apply on rrcmlsee.flPRlNOFTELD AVE.. 808—Five rooma. lao-

Oii’l floor; rent |L;t. Apply In itr rc. or 787thlid bell. ifATLAENDKRB erg en i t . ,

TWENTT-riRST iiT. and Beventeenth ev*.- Coroer flat, *ix large, light rooma; newly

decorated: Dutch ahrivea; panel dining-room; Thatcher range; tile hathroom: all modern irn- provetiienta; rent 118: rent free to F'ch, 1. M. JElDEU 202 South eiiih et. tel. 7403 Market.T H R E E lig h t rocflUi. g ro u n d flo o r; fine a p a r t-

Tnent-'houae. s u tts h le fo r D h y tlc lan nr d an ils t; c e fu ra lly located. In q u ire UTft B road at.THREE and four rooma, rent $8 end | l .

w ith so m e Im p ta . I n q u lr* f i r s t floo r, 224 r x iv e r at.T G L E T —r iv e large room s: aU In fine ro n d '-

lio n : w ill ren t a t rea so n ab le figure . 68 tv a l- le re et.VAITJIHtma-H—Four and five a]i Jigbt rooms;

shfloeed porches: (uhi, toilet, ch'fim closet.paniry; rent $12 and $U. Inquire 89 Brookdale

V'AIi.SBURGH bEUTION. lanark ave..Urge rooms; all tmpTOvtments except heat:

nrw house.

room s; f ir s t floor; also s ing le a n d oom tectiag , l ig h t, i ts a m hea ted roorna; n ea r o o u rtb o m e .HIGH ST., 802-Uomfortable steam-heated

r^om for rfltined ganileiiian. with referencaa; ten minute*' walk from Broad and Market.H IG H AT., 422—Nice fro n t bouflekeeplng room .

w ith gaa, h a th and hoet: a lso use o f la u n d ry ; re n t reasonab le . A pply M'RS. M cH A LB.H IG H 3T .. 486— L arg e, l ig h t . w e R -h » a te d

s in g le a n d connecH ug ro o m s ; houeelcgap* lu g ; reaeo n ab l* .HALSEY ST.. 332; Waahlngtan a t, S4d-Beuee-

keeplug and eleeplng roome; 2 baeemmt Liberty st., 84, huuaekeeplng. $2 up; Impta,

ST . 12, n ea r B ro a d -C o m fo rta b le room ; h e a t and h a th : for one o r tw o gen ile tn an ;

in p r iv a te fam ily : reasonable.H tL L AT., 77. h a lf block from c ity h a ll an d

B road a t —D calrah ie fum lahed ro o m s; a l l Im-

U IQ il BT., 6Sfi“ Oiie la rg e fro n t m o m ; Hire# wlndoave; h o t an d cold w a lu r; board If d e ­

s ire d ; a ll I m p r o v e m e n t s - ________ _____

line. (Capitals four w onje to a Lina.)BXCEPTIONa

C h rJa te n ln g sA n n iv e rs a ry N o tleeA n n u lm e n t o f M a rr ia g eC o h firm a tlo h eB irU teEngagedMarrlaieaDlvorc^A n n iv e rs a ry Maea M o n th 's M ind.Memorial Bervloe

S ev en lines, K8 c e n ts ; e v e r y e ev en a d d it lo D tl w o rd s o r frac> U o n a l parL , 10 c e n ts ; 18 o eu ta la tb e m in im u m .

A u c tio n Bale E m p lo y m e n t A gencies M eetingn H eruonaU B lda 'VV'ahted B a n k ru p tc y Bale D isso lu tio n of P a r tn e r^ ’

s h ipF o rm a tio n o t P a r tn e r ­

s h ip

10 c e n t s p e r line. Minimum th re e linM .

The following deeds wer^ filed in the county register's office yeeteudey:

NEWARK.Win F Morris et iix to Margeret Mor­

ris, « s Oraton at 94 ft s fr Chester tv , 39x190, 81.

^ Aieiier to Roht KueblsL a ■ii e fr Heller Vwvwtv,/.

I I . , -lAtdoro Elkind et al lo Samuel sebech-

Qtr, k) f cor Nicholson and William at*. 21x34, $].

Samuel Sodowich ol ux lo BesBte Suko- oeck, w s S iDUi at 30 ft n fr 17th %v. 28x109, II.

Noriherti luip.Co lu City lloldlug Co. w • 8 U lh et 3Bi) f i n fr 9th av, 26x109, |1

Sarah tlordon & hua to Samuel Mlttle man et ai. e s Prince st 25S ft a fr S|iruc« Mi. 2&xt0U, $1.

Annie SchrelUer A hufl to 'William em ber e t ux, n a Kimicy Pt 26 ft n w ir Broome et, ftOxlOO. $1.

H arry Bernstein et ux lo Joe Okln. a « Rose flt 25 fl a fr Barclay at, 59x9L |1,

Adolph 1.4ing et ux to Arthur <1 Kill, u a IHth av 2R ft w fr S 16lh at, TTixl/IO, $1

Sam Fink et al tu N athan Frunabiau. w a fl 8th Bt 209 fl n fr Court flt, 2jx 1Ug, II.

.iohn F Monahan ifherlffi Lo WMlliara I Beatty, e s Oraton flt 307 ft n fr Chaatiii' av, 26x190. $4,231.

’ F e l ix F o r lc n x a tu J o a e p h ln e E M a rc e ll , a 8 Columbia av 667 ft a fr S O t a u g e a , 25x100, SI.

Mary Kliuge! & hue (n Samuel Ktelii- man, w a Seymour av 745 ft a fr CUntun av. 28x100, 81.

Samuel Kleluman to Erneet Kllngcl, same property, $1

A rthur G Ufll et ux lo Adolph l^ n g J r et u.x, e e cor W atson av and Belmont av 28x100, 81.

Ja s Brotvh a t ux to John F MclAtgaii. ■ e oor Summer av and Sylvan a-. 76x119, $1.

OUTSIDE OF NEWARK.Greylock Land Cg to Aaron H Kent et

ux, Belleville, w s Preston at 3U0 f t b fr Greylock av. 2jKl26, Si.

John F Manahan ielicriff) to Oampto>Mi B dt L Aaen. Irvington, n a Otymplo ter 400 f t e fr 40th at. 25x100, $1,500.

Joe Duda to William Duda et ux, I r ­vington, 160 ft e fr n ^ cor 19th av and SlBt flt, 26x100, 81,

Chaa T Vail et ux lo Gitalav VV Goepke. Orange, e s Mt Vernon av 80 ft n e fr Baldwin ter, 30x110, |1.

W fl Raaity Co lo Ralph Stout. Moni' riair, cen Oxford at 709 ft e fr Grove at. 100x512, 81

Ralph ot<clalr, cen Oxford at 790 ft e fr Grove

NELSON Pl... 10. near rourlhouse. five mln-utee to lubes—Large gnrl small tingle or r on-t.----- . ------p a rt in g room s; show er Uaih; Btoam

or w ithout tab ic board.NWW 8T.. 146. near tubi>—Pleaaant mom, with

board for two huslness people; home com- forti; ring middle bell; term* rpaaonable.PLANE ST,. 1T7—Nice, «arm, steam heated

double and i IpkI* front ronini, wlih excellent hoard; nicely furnished; improveraenli; term* raasonahle. _

BOARD WANTEDEOARt>—Y oung nsan d<Slre* board w ith J e w ­

ish fam ily . A ddress P ., Box 72. New* office.

It] Memorlam Card of Thanks Lodge Notices Society Notice

l iri e a a i a pe r y line. Ulnlmum J rive llnea.

^ 60 cents for ftvs 1 l i n e s . Every I additional lliif J 10 cents.

Religious Noticaa, words or ieie " f

SI esnts; addi­tional words, I c e n t e a c h .

Employment VVai;ted, Male or Female. 1 '

c e n t Wocd< Minimum t $ d Words.

YOUN'7 lady would l1c;o room and hoard with Dilvate lamllv. In walking distance of Pm-

dantlal. Address Private. Box H7. News office.


When eendinff replies to advertise- m enis addreae to News boxasi. be eure to w rite full addresfl, All eueb edver-

I liflements have a word and box m im ber I or a le tte r and box num ber, eucK ae ; "Owner.” Box 60. News offioft. or “"A.I B.." Box 60. Newa offlca t T ranilftnt advertlfling !n the Nflwark j Kvening: News nauet be prepaid- Nc ! accounte will be opened fo r euoh.

tout to Northern Imp Co, Mohl- ■ fr Grove ei,

100x212, 81. . f

BA ST ORANClK. Scuili M aple av* .. 4—T w o ; - - -------- ------------------ ------- ---------- ----------— -connecting » ia.im -haaieil room a; alfln larne ‘ _ . n P F T rA T S u n n i f m n A x iImprmiwnU: 1 U[J£ pQJJ ]j|jm HERRON

lablft; thri a mlrLkias Grove St. Station; phone 21S7J Or ng4?.


EA ST r^RANGE. LV7 Soulh G rove s t.. IS min u tex from Drofld sr —.A tiracllve second floor

room s; s te a m h e a le d , ex cellen t tab le ; inoder- e t s price; fine Bti-eji. T h e n * lU A j O range.

BA ST O R A N G E , pi., 74—Two'gf<m in u te* fro m B r ic k C 'hurch S ta tio n ;

t ra c t iv e rn o m e; t a b le c a re fu lly s u p e rv is e d ; t a b le g u e s ta ; re fe ren c e * .

EA S T ORANGJ5. H a lflU a d it., 88— L a rg e front room, running water; two room*

with bath; alngle room*; flrst-elaa* table.ORANGE, Tremont av*., 198—Large front

rnomfi with or without board for man and wif*. or two genlleTTifn; home comforta; pri- ■vale; near D*. Ij. and W.


ROOM and board In p r iv a te fam ily ; all im- p ro te m en U ; ateam h vat; In R loum fleld: for

gentlem en. A d d resi P r iv a te . Box office.


L IB E R T Y RT . lA rga fro n t room fo r lig h t hona^keap tng . no objection lo ch ild ren ; h a ll

room , I I .

M TfLBB K RT ftT.. ftOfr-Nlcflly fu m lih e d f ro n t c o n n ec tin g room s for lig h t nouaef


clean and homellka; rantall


MtiLBitRRT BT., fKh-VroM Tponi for l l i l^ houBckaeplng; |S.K; also housskaepisg fodva.

$1; oppoalle Centre Market, ona block poatofflca.


wn.BERRY ST-, Idft-Urgfl front room for no objection to child;lig h t h o u sek eap li^ ;

sleepliift room, |i.!MARSHALL AT. 7. near city liall*—Neatlyik<fumlahed large room, housekeeping; email kitchen ronneotlng: running water; aMo

................... * ifila.• le a p in g ro o m : h e a te d ; Improve montiMAFUiHAlJ* gT., I. corner Broad, naar dty

hall-One doubla front rcotn. heetSd; iultafals couple or gentleman; also aingl* room; raaeon- able.MAKRllALL ST„ ta^Naatly fumlrtted roome;

aleo two large front alcove rooms.MARKET 8T.. SRt—PIngle

houaekeeplng rooms, $1.71 roomn. I t up.

or oconeoUniup: alio ban


iH* >iJiYkl the balance In small weekly pay- wUi bu3 a jl614 _Excc-]alor AuLocyc' .

hailed IPUl puy a Udtcciitor AuLocyc<>. of the Road, Tbit speolal propoeluou lo 100 TTfisipbw. ,eo —-

ftTORE to let from February I, Kift Rpring- field are .; ezcellant location; heart bueinces

•action; all ImprovcmenLa; electric; up-1o-daio rronlf Apply i8ft Limeton ave.SHEnf^tAN AVE.. £07. corner Hiii ter at.—

romer itore; boflt asctlon fof drug store orgay business. .. . ___ ________

W H l< jH T BT.— 7 room e. Im p is .. m o d e ra te re n t . W a ln u t i t , 6 ro o m s, n m d a ra le r e n t

T irh e n o r *L. n e a r O rc h a rd , h room *. 117. De n iC H E M O N D . 579 “B road *t.

WAHHINGtON ST.. 448—Flve rooms; hot woier and heat furnlibod; rent lUi up.

Inquire auperlntecdant building, or BETEEt, 1176 Broad el.

NORTH N lim i ST., 86. RoHvIlle—Having large apartment, one block from Lackawaana

fUation. would rent two or tbree well frirwiebtd ouLsIdo roome; steam heated* olectrleltT and gas. MRS, BUKBOWB. ___ _________NBLfiON PL.. ftft-SecoDd floor front alcove

room; bay window; liandeotnoly furolabad;raAnod

W A lN W R lG lfT - BT., 40-*Tw o b e a u tifu l fla t* ;rive and six rooms and bath; all Enodent im-

rrovflinentS : re n t l if t an d 916. i ____

«.«or laore sjk>will eava you per cent. me^itiae i

A -large Block of aeeonf-haod I


___ to tnde.raMogcroles ou band, v*arlous makta. from 8|8 Mp, All bean thoroughly ovarteuM. LapM> eM 'tS rde and motorcycle dealers in Iba Blate.

. jw n M from lift *Pr,j^ K W r TORD CYCLP CO., ft4ft Broad tt.

* w ■

KBARNT, c«n*r Woo4!«nd. *qA Hlfhlaiul AVM.—stor, uml fi room*: appo.it« dbw

Khool fctiA pl.yatvuDd^ T*nl MAMtmblfc_____

a,B8— tilerel* . ^Ick cut your v^.

barculn .0.1 now .durtUf tlio

TV, w ill rlTO you 10 p o r cwuA W* - - .okOKkU. tn*rc*. fltoArn., Colum-> MOk OrttoOA^ «te.; nor » anult depoMt nnd

iSV* U finrii until you wuut U; rofulur EOpd tltco. n .M !

.. ««ok: inoro whosli oomwwd. UBRBKRT rt. #*11 blodi from

r t W M O Hnrloy.OATiaiiciio bow — . puruMsto »» low *• tl* to

t * lf*eDOUOAl.U t i t Hnficy ut.

M fito iiq tlti u d B ik n W ta tc41* owah im o poitoel Mu* w#lt*^ ttU twiBHirllitila- BotanroM. " lU. 6<a II. »**'■ oftieo.

BTo b e to let; Aortl 1; »a# Wwit Bront «t., PlAlnfieM. JOHN ABBOTT. eiS WeK-FYont

LODGEROOMS AND HALLS TO LETBUWLINO alleys to let; special rates to ahop

STABLES, E T C , TO LETMODERN ■UMe. ( to Ifi lU lii; will divide.

Apply RUBBEUO.-BCHWARS CO.. 1** Fr*.llnijrPuyMn bt*._____ ^ __________________


A P A itp n K n ,n»vM pnddnd *«#■.

WERT KTNNir fiT., «air ftrbgd e t,- Corner aparlmeiu; eU ImpToVACDnlili'Jilt and'

seven rooma Apply Janitor.""^V1T.SET 8T., lOl-^To let, seven roenis, cor­

ner Academy at. and 'WHeey aU; rent $17.


cot; uafuridibed alUo dr loft, near nera. Addreu Loft. Box 69, N*7it efflca.FLAT wanted; six rooms-Afnprovemente; beat­

er; near trolley; giv*^ full pariiculare and rent. Addresa private/ Box 12, New* oflicaTWO ladltf wifh two or ibrea ynfumlflhed

reoms; Aiear wgth Tenth at. and Ninth ava. Address Ror^itle, Eox ao. News offlcaWANTEID, by young married couple, flat of

and bath and .other modera Im-1n M leo t n e ig h b o rh o o d :

.(T Market aU. Ad-tlll dlstATica to Broad afii. . •Oreie Flat* Box 44, News offtoe.WAffptp. Je*rt mebtp la New* t r u e ;^ i rent

___of twe-fbmi^ hotuw or apart-ewailc or iRei Oranfe; neer Gta'____ _ii uaPB

. _ B« ovtr iBa AMl«M V ,ACKOtl. 234 8«utb Bunwtl R,, Mut CMn««.

p * rq v * i flo o r; ite« n i-h * * t* d ; r*An*d p*opl«. w ho uppreclA l* b cuu tifu l m u m ; MUth**!! potiir*.NELSON PL.. SfMPmo turulMltd Toomi. eoB-

n*otln, or *10, 1*; privat* Adtiunc* to bkth; horn* .comfort*; fir* mLuul** Mark*! and Broud; rigr Awtl- ‘ ' ' 'N*W tfiT.J' . .

Without Itght^eoaekiMiipaff: also large sleeplng-rodm, suitable for two; all improve­ments. *

STAN'SUURY—Few large room*; beautifully furnished: fine location; all cnnvesieiicea:

tab;* ihi» heet; reference*. Tel. flA'I2R; S6 end 4) North Arlington av«., Bast Orange.THB WlLLAKl>—Flrst-olaa* board: private

bath*: running water *verf room. J8 Lincoln at.. Brick Church; half block William and Prospact eta.

BOARD W A N TED -O U T OF TOWNYOUNG MAN rteelre# hom ellk* occom m oda-

tlnna w ith p r iv a te fam ily , n ea r L a c k a w a n n a R ailro ad ; * lst« tenm*. A d d ress H om elike, Box 4S. New* fitflcej__________________________


Healed proposal* for the consirucUen of the N*vv Jersey State building to be eracted on .the iiite eelected on the grounds of the Pansma'PacIfio International ExpotltlOD at Pan Kranrieeo. Oal., from the plan* and• peciri^ 'aU otte p r e p a r e d by (h e Ih s p a r tm e n t

‘ iQ C o rrec tio n s , M r. H u g h

Spf.^iol S tn ic f of the hlEWf?,FLORENi^lE, Italy, Jan. 15.— Beuauso

of the depth of the snow here, the (?re- m atlon of the body of Mrs. Carrie Rand Herron, set (or today, wa« Indefinllely postponed. Funeral eervicea were held yesterday for Mrs. Herron, who was the wife of ProfrSflOr George D. Herron, Soclatlflt writer and lecturer,

N ^W YORK, Jan. 16.—An "afflnUy” atory that a ttracted national iniareet a decade ago wae revived by the death ot Nfra. Carrie Rand Herron, in Florence, Italy.

Prnfesior George D. Herron was de­posed from the Congregational minlatry and a college profeasorehip because after h li firflt wife divorced him he m arried the woman now dead. H e wea errona- ouely credited with a plan for eetabllshfi ing a Bociallat colony a t Metuchen, N. J., and driven b.v criticlem to Italy to seek a new home. Afterward he was we]] received a t Metuchen when the maze of mleunderitanding and m ieconitructlon had cleared.

Metuchen people had heard th a t the colony which the Herrone purpoied to found In th a t town was to be a “ tree love" affair. They had no such Intention. I t was Mre. Rand, the profeesor'a tnother- in-law, who bought the M itnchen prop­erty. Mr*. Rand, who died In 1906* founded the Rand School of ^ c la l Science In this city.

Iiv the nlnetlei! Herron waa paitn r of a (.'onj^iaLlonal church In BurUttgton, Ta. He wae an eloquent BoclallaL who had "advanced Ideai'’ aa to ntarH afe. . p ro- feaeor Herron and UlM C arrie JUnd. a member of hla church, fdund out th a t they were ideal corapanioni.

Mrs. Rand’e mother, widow of a Mlchl^ gan lumber merchant* hked H erron and hU views, fihe egtabllahed a chair of Christian eorlallam for him t t Iowa col­lege and he wae made protewor. In 1900

North lind Really i.'o lo flame* Moni.- cLair, w fl Valley rd n s land G B 83x186. $1-

Greylock l.und I'o lo Olgo C IdBi«'U, Belleville, e h Mann st 32S ft a fr Grey- lock av, SOxJOO. $1.

Jennie Olements & hua to R riiit Hol­lander, Bluoinfleld, fl 6 KNergreen av 7u‘> ft e fr Ashland av, 199x100, 81-

Lrnst Hollander io F'rank F Clcmeni.". Bloomfield, same property, $1.

F rank If flommer ape infltr to .John f*ommcr, LIvingBlon, cor Asa (Jobbi'i luivi 13 cJi e fr Swlnefieid rd. 20 acres, |3 .6 ‘i"

Aifrnd C t ’nnnlafiliam to same. Living- Sion. Sftiuo property. $1.

Jolin Randall et ux to F'etcr H Sehuf- fer, \V Orange, fl h Park drive S 250 ft v fr K agle' Rock av. 21>k09. $1.

Jorome G Oriaut el al* to Percy M Hall, Sloiiicluir. w a Elm st n e cor land S Benson. fitixi7il. $1.

Rosie Kohler 4: hua to Krncat Klmg*!' Irvington, e « 43d st 2fi(> ft a fr Prospe-.l av, 60x109 & oilier tract, $1.

Matthew W Hogan el nx lo Ge*> ,1 Krueger, Irvington, n a (Xliiton av vv > fl n fr Kllery av. 3Uxll!M. $1.

Brookline Land & imp Co u> Jos •int'f bach, Niit!ey,’ i« s Albany uv 12j ft v fr Courlland av, 35x190, if .

Philip J Bowere & Uo U- Ccorgcanna Phillipfl* F Orange, n e cor nevelaod ter and Netherwood ter, lllOxlOu, $1.

Magy E Delhagen & hufl to Fno<'h I'batterlon , Bloomfield, s Thuinae Hi Ifcft ft fl fr Waahington nt. 37xKL*, $1.

.Alfred C Cunningham lo A F. Fluhcr Land *'o. IJvIngflton, mid id fr iTcntrf- \llle to IJvIngslon n e cur land J F Hat-- riflon dec, 15 ch 48 ll^axlfi cli Co Ikn A*, other tract, $1.

D f. Harron went traveling through E u ­rope with the Randa, leaving hfa wifeand children a t home. W hen fie gdt back Mrs. Herron divorced him land M ri.^ lan d

O R C H A R D BT.. 4 l . n e a r c i ty h a i l— N e a tlyfurnished roonl, for light bouiektaplng;

large kitchen; aaciarate sfeeaie heated, ad Joining bath; aR imirrbvfnaataOBQHAIU? BT.* 99-Nlce, large houtekieplng

•room; lukable for t«*o girls; $8.80: all Im­provements; use of laundry, also hall room, $L5D.

of Oharlti e* ---- --------------,Jtobertfi. consuUltig archUeot, will ha tb- c-«iv«4 at the ofDre o( the fitate traaeurer.In tha fitate hou*a at Trenton. N. .T., at I o’clock In the..afternooD, on thfl lOth day of January, 1914, when they will be publloty opened ajid read. Propoeala must ee eulL m1tt«d, eealtd in opaque envelope*, ad- dTflHaed lo the New Jeraey Commission for tha Panama-Pacific InlorQatlonal Exposi­tion. care of the Elate treasurer, and marked '*Pt-oDoaala for the New Jersey Building." Bacb proposal must be ac­companied by cash or . a> certified oKack, drs'ivri to the order of the State treasurer, for ten per cent, of tpe amount thereof, aa a guarantee that the bidder enter injo a conirect for the performance of the wnrk. should bla pcoppsel be aftcepted, within a reasonable tlm* thereafter. Bach bidder muNt be prepared to furnish an ac-

gtirtly bond for one-half the -^inonnl ot the contract. The right to re- iret any or ell bid* la reserved, plane and

corftwiont. SW* hoo*». Tr*ntOB, J. *(sifntd) c. r. pahcoaht,______ Beoretsry.


ORCHARD ST.. 8!-Prlv*le family will rent large secoud floor front room; well heated;

one block from city hall.ORANGB PU, 6-Camfortab!y furetehed room*

for men: neat, elaan, homelike; dmt Laeka- eranoa Station; rant reaaon^le.p ^ N E ST.. Tft- Two connected roM»na; nicely

ruralehed (or houpekeepiag tdiV prlvl]improveiBente: leundrV privtb

a w a s n a staU m t.

•team heat: all near Isrck-

P L A N S ST.. 1 8 1 ^ ^ a a m h e a te d p a r lo r f ro n t ro o m f o r d e a le r o r d e n t le t o r t o s e e k e e p -

I n g ; a le o a je e ^ a g ro o w e f o r one o r tw o .

PU N S:fTt m . «p;bat edd w itf^atef,

Board of Playground Commisalonera Of ihB etty of Newark,

In tho County of Eseex.propoeale Will be received at ih*

otrice of the playgrouDd vommistlohei-a ba- (Ween 0 and 1$ u*olock A- U.* January-* if* 1B14. and then publicly opened and read, for furnishing and delivering one (1) port- ablr house of ateal conetruction to be oreoUd. on the Oliver Street Playground of this city.

fip^cltice lions for the atMve lume may he ooieined at the offloe of the Playground CumtnlBBioi). fourth rloofr City Hall, and an; other InformaUou n a y also be obtained*

The board reee^ei Uie right to aoctnt or reject any or all proposafa watvo fofor- maiules and to award contracts for the whole or any of the item* epec^fied et its diBcretlon,

J a n u a r y IS, I H A .t. .BONARD SUON.BMra «l P l i i f r e u d


■«tt1ed ttO.OOO on liar «J nllmony. Bhs got % dficree aftnr e h a r t tn t H arron with flv* yaara’ daaaatlon.

'T h e State of lowa-baeVne excited u h | H erran 'a clielr In tha cotlafe w M d«eU i«4 vneant.- ^

In May, *«•-« -■* a w'fow «N s _ , _ . iWti,

Boctallit and paator, of' P tiw outhChurch a t Rocheater. Saveral radical thlnkera -who were toyat to Dr. Barron, am ons them Edward M arkham and Rich- ard tw Oalhenne, were p reeen t


The foUowIns deed£ and m orttace af fectlnx property In re co rd u yeaterday:

property in W eet Hudaon were I yaateiday:

KEAHNT CONVETANCBS.Cecil asrion e t ux by aheriff to Mar-

ca re t D Rowland, n a o f Laurel av Sit.e3 ( t V of K earny av, IJ.HxlOO, $1.

H argaie t E ft John W Oomian to Oeo A Shean, w a of Alplhe td m f t n of N orth -Midland av, KlOOXEies.SOx glOO.0Si810«fi7. t l .

HARRISON MOHTGASE.U srr tu 'nch ta R oiatta A HM dtey, n a

of aavM ahd av ipo f t a W Baooad at,tits. ,tS x lM , I R.

av, ttOO.Julea Mechanic to Louie B Ijeaier, a

Enoch dhatterton to Mary E Delbaaen, Bloomflald. a e ^ o m a a at i t s f tWaalUnltto:^a^ |7##,

O ta M , w a iTincdiM av.


S o b ik I IfltoCi



MOBILl x n n ta cac M. Foate H lll-tn-thi r . Bradic who w ar m an cha; Mann act. axam lnatl mtaaloner under t t , ' turned o aa a witi roarreated charaea.

Foater ball and private h tncad a n

Skater, a itenoai haa m ark authoiiUe a lenath] ragarded for hla pt aet he ble Bradley t

, hla, Foili of eympa •u lt tn tt

The del under th, uf the Ir inentionl* declared Bradley t

: night, an nothing e girl In a diaappear father, ai to him U girl.

The a< federal i of an af w hich at

I MORTGAijy.^The tollOttlng mortgagee were tiled.

NEWARK,Edna G Lawrence & hus to Wm H

Vermllye e t n i, e a I’enuiyivanle ev n .t f t n fr Aator et, (2,000.

M athias UHtgen et nv to Wm Hotnich,e a S lIK h s t 28 ! ( t 8 t r IS th av, ( 1 ,000 .

Nlcholue Oerardi el i]x to Edgar Lelee. a w cor Malvern and Van Buren eta, (1,20Q.

OSeo H Schmitt ot ua In Caroline E Budd, e s LJouverneur at L22 ft a e tr Belleville av, (SOO.

Chaa T Vail el ux to Gustav W Goepke. w B Plane at 57 t t n fr New et, (",B00.

Alex Wilson et u> to Jos H Klrtvan, e e Cedar av 425 f l n fr S Orange av. (600.

[ijltxabeth M Eldridge & hua to Indus­tria l B & L Asbu, c b B 19lh et t t a fr 11th av. (TOO,

loldlr' City flo’ldlng Co to Northern Imp Co. I s S 14th at 360 ft n fr 9th av. I1.6B0,

Raffeele Angelone et ux to H arriet J Cox, B s 7th av 162 ft w fr Factory al, (1,500.

Samo lo Anna A Cox, aame property,( 2 , 000.

8aml MIttelman et al to Karah Gordon, e s Prince et 25S ft 8 fr Spruce et, (600.

Chei Bpengler ot ux to Fannie Levy, w ■ Waahington av 60 ft n fr E lliot st, ISiOOO.

Thoa Mitchell to Anthony KUng e t ux, e a Lyons av (SO ft w (r E lisabeth av, 1500.

Fredk V Bannach e t ux to L ittleton B ft L Aaen, w a S ISth at S60 ft n t r 15tb

G rafton av 644 f t w fr W ashington av, (1,600.

Joaephine E Harcell ft hus to F ranklin Sav Inat, e a Columbia av 682 f t s fr B Orange av ft other trac t, (2,800.

John A Goodrich a t ux to W eat End B ft L Assn, w s 8 21st at 266 t t a f r 8 Orange av, (2,i00.

Jennie 8 Orben ft hua to Kinney ft W est B ft L Aaan, w a Speedway av S5 f t a fr.R udw ell av. (5,200,

John Bovoa to Acme B ft L Aisn, w s Pacific at 1030 f t fr cor Chestnut, (400.

H K Coaatructlon. Co to Van Keuren ft Son, w a Columbia av 60 t t a t r Fly- moiftb at, (360.

p(j*^QpE,^r>a' NEWARK.^ ^ - V - vksople’ii B &B Ofanfte, e a McKinley gv loo ft' . . . . at, i2(,o00, ,

Hoe'liM itmiet % Bdpplee et u i to Louisa R Booth, E Orange, w s Emeripn at 4U f t n t r E dgar at, (8,000.

Ja.«A Deffur e t nx to Harold W Head ley, 8 Orange, w a Fttanklln at 100 ft « fr T iffany pT & other tract, (300,

F rank F Clements to Brnat Hollander, Bloomfield, s a Evergreen av 70s t t a trAahland av, (1,000.

Beetle _Q_HBbbertan ft h u t to EeaexTitle G f t Tr Co, Montclair, n a Haddon pi 017 f t a f r P ark at, l^ooo,

Catherine an tham to (touthern Nwk B ft L Aatn, Orange. » t Parrow a t 60 f t s w fr Hickory at, (3,800.

Satnl Schneider t l al to Baeex Co B ft tj Aean, Bloomfield, n a Newark av 29i f t w fr W est at, (4,260,

Oeotgeanna Phllllpa to P J Bowers ft Co, B Orange, n e cor Cleveland te r and Netherwood ter, (6,M0.

th e girlre la ted trees, a' suicide, h is sta ll gone to 611118, b to end li

Commcrow ded la te yes g irl wae th ro n g , tlon , W, operato r eurlty . liberty , en tered proaohei lu g a at

M eant to o k up m *nt hicompani door, ahbecam ehyste ricth e t t r i ela tion .T h e eff to paelfoutside by onrli

An av vtoe. V Bide thanzloue M lie Bre a r e tchine.aan ltarlfo r th aM arta f te r hn e rro n ihom e I FoM erren ta ls


BALE ■hape cty. Ora

I t wibeen i tthe tnato have

The I anee ol likened by a d Itf bOTt of the In the

Mlea retary, ported th an U tractad tavorln


Dr. El and ni w hich the 00 pomet; The I braJn

Dr.m em b Dr. E itu d y

•Thl fa th e r E A ef th l of the pom et m akln of m< partm and t of U>4 aourot


v I:

HOI the hi Brickl Vnlon

' llahnw E l F l Uona the I hara.

Tbe t« r i 1 move c « t I plant patina labor w y e

GERMb e :

m ttte day prlati to taa


fkr*s,C AuvThethat


f rI Philemon Wood- ■ l a v l t O d a

T h

"KBWi. T#lftiS)AT. JAKITART 15, IffCI.



an-roufht It th« iHt f*n d MP- \r«w«- IX 4 ll ■torm

in «x- i P4ti id thA a t all thou-

: Mor- er tv ,

cb«ch- m pU.

Suko- th %v,

Co. w 00, II Mittle- S|iruoi

/llliaTn n w ir

.in, i B . 11. >1111, hno. t laxblau.

Uiaro I

l a r c e l l . i£e a .

K te li i -L’UotunU lafrI,

»ang ,lf >«lmontUlgan. in a^ ,




■\\ m Hav 1^1

iorolch, 1,000. r Lelfn, 'CD ala.

oliM PI « e (r

Goepke. 2,500. rw*n, e V. (600. ■ ladu i- S63 f t •TOP Co. 1,650. errict J tory ■!,roperly,

Gorton, 1500.

Levy, w lllot et,i « t ux, leth nv,

Ueton B fr 16tb

iier, I •Item tv ,''rtakUn 1 e fr B

: End B■ f r S

nney d: y t v SIwo, w a i t 1*00 Keureo fr Ply-

B> B *V l o o f t

DUlM K* « t t n

H w d100 ft «

dlniuler, f t t fr

9 E m x H tddonNwk B50 f t *

Co B 6.t v JSl

iw e n d t* r and

Bihtaen, f t ■ fr

I W o o d -i « h m


Mobile Police T ike Jersey Couple l lto Custody After Admission t o

Bail by U. S. C o m m is ^ e r .GIRL IS SENT TO SANfrARlUl


MOBILE. Ala., Jan . 16.—New davelop- RNDta caitM iM t nlKht In the ente of Joat M. P o tter, thn poultrynitn of Brown'a H lll-ln-U it-Ptnai, N. J., tn d M itt D tlllth r . B rtdicy, the Pemberton, N. J.. «lrl. who were trraa ted hdFe recently, the m an charted with a 'violation of the Metiw act. Soon after Foater had waived exam ination before United Btatea Com- miaatoner Jonet, and had been rtleated under (S.OflO b a ll and the girl had been turned over to her father under bond* a t a witneaa, both the and Foater were rearreatad by city detectlvea on new chargea.

Foater v aa tlven hla Uberty under bell end Mlaa Bradley waa aent to a prtvata lanltarlum , after aha had experi­enced a nervoui collapie.

Poatar, who employed Mlaa Bradley aa a a rtno trapher, broke the alienee that h a t marked hla attitude atneo (he federal authorltlea took him into cuatody. In a len c th r atatem ent, he gave what he regarded aa extenuating clrcum tlancea fo r hla preaent predicament, At the out­le t he blamed the embarrasatnenl of Mlaa Bradley upon another man. and pictured

, hla, FoaleFa, interest in the girl aa one of aympathy, and one which would re- Bult In their marriage.

The defendant charactcriied hla arreat under the white elava law aa an of the Intent of that etalute. W ithout mentioning who the other man *»"■ h* declared th a t the man altacked Mtia Bradley while her family waa abaont one night, end that the -father knewnoUilng a-bout It'un lil bo liifomied by th* mlrl In 4 l«tter «he wrote th« W dlaappeared from home. . .^^e g rl a fa ther, according to V o ale r, h*» admitted til him the racelpt of the letter from th

. 1 4* V h e a c c u a e d m a n I n t i m a t e d t h a t t h e f e d e r a l a u t h o r l t l e a w e r e In p o e e e a a lo n o f a n a f f i d a v i t f r o m M la a B r a d l e y , in w h i c h B h e e c c u B c a t h e o t h e r m a n .

g a r e O I t I i f l a t e d S u ic id e .X - I,.. - t ^ y f o r'■ th * g irl waa arouaed atiev ../e had

re ld ted to him a etory of her dla- iroBB. and bad h in ted a t com nilttlng Bulclde. She told him. according to h la ata tem ent. th a t ahe had frequen tly gone to th e ehore of a lak e a t Brown'e Mllla, b u t could no t aummon courage to end her life-

CornmlBSloner Jone»’» courtroom w as crow ded when P oeter’a caae w ai called la te je a te rd a y afternoon. The Bradley g irl waa no t obliged to face the ourloua th ro n g . A» F oater w aived exam ina­tion , W. J. Mayer, a Chicago real eetato opera to r, turn lahed th e neceaaary ap- eurlty . T he defendan t waa given hla llbarty . 'H e w ent to hie hotel. Aa he en tered th e lobby, a doteollve ap ­proached him w ith the w arra n t c h a rg ­in g a a ta tu to ry offenae.

M eanw hile Chief of Police Crenahaw to o k up a poaltlon near the govern­m en t build ing . Aa Mlaa B radley, ac ­com panied by a nurae, loft by a aide door, Bhe w ae placed under arrea t. Bhe becam e narvoua and w aa bordering on hyaterica a s the crowd w hich thronged th e a tre e ti follow ed her to th e police a ta tlon . T here th e g irl becam e fran tic . T h e e f to r t i of her fa th e r and nuree to pacify h er w ere In vain. The s tre e t o u ta lle th a police ata tlon waa Jammed by cnrlou* men and woman.

An autom obile w&s pra taad Into ear- vloa. W hll* the th ro n g lingered o u t­side th e floqr o f th e police ita tlo n , anzloue to g e t a gllm pee a t tha glrU M ils B radley w aa ruahed th ro u g h a r e a r an tra n e e Into th e w aitin g m a- c h in a She w as whlaked aw ay to th e ean ltarlnm . She la held aa a w itneaa fo r th a g ran d Jury, w hich w ill a lt nex t MaFi I t 13 eonaldered p robable th a t a f te r h e r recovery from her p resen t n e r r a n i shook ahe w ill be tak en to her home In New Je rsey by h e r fa th er. F o s te r k as stinoanced h is In ten tion to rernnln In tide o ltr.


BAICM, Ore.. Jan . 16.—The peculiar ■hape of W ait Woodbura. Marlon Coun­ty, Ore., hea got the town Intd trouble

I t was announced today th a t suit has been lU rted by the dletrlct attorney a t the Instance of Governor Oswald W est to have its incorporation declared void.

The (lovarnor Inilets th a t the appear­ance o f th e town on tho map, which he likened to e comet with e tail, Is caused by a desire to have Ilquore sold within Its bordsm, and th a t la the sole purpose e t the Incorporation. I t la so sot forth

, In the s u i tMlaa F ern Hobbs, the Governor a aec-

retary, who m ^ e an Inveatigation, re­ported th a t in places the town was leaa th an th irty feet wide, heing thus con­trac ted to exclude the homes of persona favoring prohibition.


READY FOR SERVICESmallpox Epidemic Stomped Out,

I Bittleslup.Afam W3I Be Haced j ID Cominsakm.' SHPERSTinON OF BROEEN B E LI LEWES. D el, Jan . 16.—Tha t.’nllrd I Klitea tietCeahlP Ohio, which hea been

rt the Deleware Breakw ater ainee Ohrlet- maa day imdergolng fumigation for (mull-

I |Hix. while menibera of the orew have , hren under oheervallon a t quarantine

atetlon near here, la being prepared for aelllng.

The men a ie being aent back at the lele of two dlvlalont a day. The first tllvliloB was teken aboard yeeterday and Ihe entire crew will he aboard on 3alur-

I day, when It la expeclca the vessel will aleam up the Delaware River to Phlia-

I ilelplila, where e broken propeller will he I repaired.

'J’hree cases of smallpox, which devel among mcmbero of the crew alni

eacln second

INDIANS, JUMPS TO BALTIMORE FpDS W 5H ZINN AND SMITHOut of Baltimore today drifted the re ­

port th a t three ptayeri, all of whom have ' seen eervlce In tha In ternational League and the m ^ o r leegueA had signed with the Monumental City Federmla. The play­ers whose oontracta Becretery H arry Goldman of (he Baltimore Feds claimed to have In hla poaaeaeloB are Bnoa Kirk- patrlclc. Inflelder of the Buperbaa and a form er member of the Indiana; Guy ZInn. the heavy-hitting outfielder, who It the property of the Rochester Huatlere and who has played with the Tankeea and Bolton Natlonala, and "Iron Man" F rank Smith, reserved hy th e Montreal teem, who hne played with tha White Box and Red Sox. The term of the oon- treo ts ilgiied by the three pleyere waa not announced.

Kirkpatrick had been conitdered a can­didate for a berth with the Indiana, but it was rumored that waivers could not be obtained uiwn the player. I t wae well known th a t he waa flirting with the Fod erala, bu t the FUtiburkli team wae m ak­ing etrung efforts to land the player, who realdea In th# Smoky City. ZInn Is said to be angry tweauee he wae shipped hack to the International League hy .■=ialllnga, and declared th a t the fact that

' he waa sent to Boston iaat fell was ] m erely to cover him up for Rochester,

Trouble i i hrewlng In thn ranks of theppprt arnon* nwimtrtra of tha cr«w I P’edflrftla R*ltlmorA m*n*BAd toihfl reftch«<l h«re, (tres conv»t®»cln*i lie iBfli r a i e J e ' t l o p e d o n Ih®

t-f t h e m o n th ,T hfl d ln em ae f l r « t appeaj-A iJ o n t h e O h io

t l ie d a y a f t e r T h a n k s g iv i n g d a y , w h e n th e v e s se l w s h t t M m rie ille * B e f o r e a r r i v in g h t i 'O o n e \ l c t l i a w e a b u r le d s t a a a , t w e n ty c a B e i, N ev e ti i U i p e c t i a n d mt- t e n d a n U w e r n t r a n s f e r r e d tu lh « d a to t i - t lo n c a m p a l O o a n t a n a m a o , C u b a , f o u r caftAii t o t h e q u a r a n t i n e s t a t i o n a t r h a r l e s t o n . 8 C .

T w o o f t h e c a s e s i r a n s f e r r a d a t I ‘l i s r l e s to n ar© r e p o r t e d to h a v e s in c e d ie d , w h i le t h r e e d e a t h s e r e s a id to h a v e m e u r r e d a t t h e O u a n l a n a m o d e t e n t io n ta m p .

M a ih i e s a n d a a l lo r a h e ro p o in t t'»

sign F rank Smith, Th* Pittahurirh Fed- Praia wanted Smith to manage tha team

I In Smoketown, hut the offer made by j M anager Otto Knabe of ttie Baltimore I team was conalderod a better one than I the Plttshujorh team made to S?mltb,

I Talk nf g, chanir** In the Federal 1 T.eague H rrult is now going the rounds.

There are rumors of adm itting Near York and Cincinnati to the oiilhlaw

leag\ie In place of Toronto and Buffalo. It is said that in nnd tm aU lUO.OOO has been i-ledged and that a centrally lo­cated park can he obtained.

Mnnager Jo^ 'Pinker of th e C hlc4|o Federals has announced that he has ftf-

the f TWi men signed to conlracta, but that

E v e s K I r k p a t r I r b .

F. SUMNERWASHING'I'ON, Jan. U .— T. BumnoT la

the tVashlngtoD cobbler who mends the ahoei^of FraaJdrrde “ od his tL»

hia best customers have been the t-resl- dents and their fam ilies .^

The cobbler's first P r^ ld en tla l patron was McKinley and all the rest have fol­

lowed suit. Bumner says th a t Theodore 1 Hooaevelt was his beat customer, but that \

. ,j- J It took more leather to ft* the footgear j I rtf William R- T aft. j

According to the cdbblir McKinler wore square-toed shoes, Colonel Roose­velt had a liking for tan sh6es, and Preei- , dent Wilson wears the lightest footgear of any of hla predecessors.

breaking of the ship’s bell s t Marseilles i as the bpgliining of their run of haro | lock which has resulted in five deaths i from smalliKJJt aiid the spending of the I I'hristm as furlough of the remalnlug members of the crew' in quarantine- |

Acuoi'ding to an old superstition ainohf j the breaking of a |

Mnger. of ill luck, While a dance was In i iTogress a t Marseilles on Thanksgiving [ «la.v, ihe bell, weighing almost 400 pounds, ' fell to the forecastle deck with a crash. The next day a caae of smallpo* ds veloped. . I ,

he still needs a second baseman, a third basem an and an outfielder.

T ir in g 'o f dickering with three mem- iMirs of the l^ctroil Tlsera the Indian- apolla Federal I^agon i*’am hsa an­nounc'd that unless thci players sign by lomorrovk all negoliailona will be called off. The players In question are: Owen Bush, shortstop; George Dausa, pitcher, and Paddy Bauman, Inflelder.

M anager O tto Knabe, of ti»e Haiti- m ore K ederals said toaay th a t he had a f lrs tsa e k e r and Inflelder In mind who had p ractically ag reed to term s. Th* p lan of the grounds of the Feds In B altim ore w as yesterday; filed w ith the bu ild ing inspector. The grandstand , w hich la to be a double-deck stru c tu re , and th a b leachers w ill be b u ilt of wood. T hs stan d w ill be 364 feel long, 6A feet h igh and so feet wide.

Tha Chicago Federal League Ball Park will have a seating capacity o f 30.000 arid will be larger than several In the m ajor leagues, according tu plans announced today. Architects presented plan* which call for a single deck grandstand with a seatiikg capacity of 13,000, of which 3,01)0 will be box seels, Pevlllona a t either end of the main stand will give an add i­tional rapacity fi>r sbt}Ut 4.000 and wkh

'th e bleaclicr spa^M available it is p*»ssi- bl* more than 10,000 ran t>e seated. The new ball park will be ready for the «»peii* Ing of the 1914 season, league officialssaid.

i .

N SW TORK, Jan . 16.—The t r a in ot Dr. E dw ard C barlei SplU ka, a lien ist and nauroloclat, w ho died on Tueeday, wbloh waa rem oved (or preaervatlon In the oollectlon o t th e Am erican A ntbro- pom etrlo Society, w elkbed l,*d0 sram a. -The averaa- weight of the bunian b rain la 1,393 g ra n o .

Of. B pttaka founded the aociety, tb a m em bers o f w hich Including hla son, Dr. B dw ard A. SnItakA will m ake a ' s tudy of h l i brain .

"T his w as ’ tb s w ork In which my ta p ia r w as m ost deeply in terested ,” tOr. BL A. S p itik a explained, "He. w as one s f th e pioneers In the scientific s tudy of tb e -b ra ln . H e founded th e a ilth ro- potnetrlo society w ith th e purpose of m ak ing It possible to study the b ra ins o t m en who had excelled In one de­p a rtm en t o r ano ther o f hum an activ ity , and to discover w herfier th e s tm o tu re of the b ra ins of such men revealed the source of th e ir ip ec le l sk ill or ability ."

MASONS RAY CHANGE QDARIERSK O tr im H , ^ T j a n T I e . —Removal ot

the headquarters of the Internatlonat Bricklayers. Masons and P lasterers’ tlnlOD from Indianapolis and the esteb- llshinent of a brick plant by tho union a t E l Paso, Tax., ware proposed in resolu­tions prssentsd a t yesterday's ss tilon of the organisation’a annual convention hare.

The removal ot the union's headquai- t e n Is understood to be a retaliatory move In protest against Incidents of re- c « t strikes In Indianapolis. Ths brick p lant waa suggested a s a means o t cemr patln s with plants which Import cfamtp labor from Mexico. Both resolutions w y e r e f u n d to committees.


m ittee o t th e Inm erla l P arltam en t to ­d ay rejected a proposition to appro­p r ia te 160,000 to r tho Olympic gam es to be held h e re In 1H 6.


Prom ffte W<uhington flutrau of the EVE'S-ISO NEWS.

WASHINGTON. Jan. 1R.~Rumblinga of d ii8*tl*fecuon In the rank* of the pat- ronage-aeektng voiera of the Hudson Democracy—or a t least th a t segment of it which acknowledges H. OUo W lttpenn aa lord and m aster—over yesterday's distribution of Income tax jobs, reached ■Washington today. The complajnlng did not surprise anybody, for no <Jne here believes th a t It will ever be possible to S a t is f y the conflicting claims for prefer­ence tliat come out of Hudson, /

The kick Is against the appointm ent of A. S. Llndop of Jersey City ae State agent. Llndop, who was selected by Senator Hughes, was and la deacrlbed as a 'Tegular organisation" IDemocrat.

B u t U developed th a t he Is no t con­nected w ith the W lttpenu organ isation , and, In fact, he Is even accused of h av ­ing ones been the secre ta ry of R epre­sen ta tive Kinkead, whose re la tions w ith G overnor-elect F ielder a re more cordial th an th ey are w ith Mr. W ltl- pemi.

R epresen ta tive HamiU got in to town th is m orning w ith a p ro test and waa heard to say \h g t the Hudson o rg an i­sa tion hed not been consulted. O ther th ings about the slnuouslty of Hudson County politics w ere said, but were no t understandable.

However, the appointments have been approved by Colonel Osborne, the com­missioner of Internal revenue, and there will not be any backtracking on them. Senator Hughes stated th a t he and tonator Martliie had done the best they could under conditions made em barrass­ing by the plethora of applicants.

The efforts of Mr. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Marline, to dislodge Paul Meyer, the form er Princeton student, who had been named as State Inspector, have suc­ceeded, and the place will go to an Essex County Democrat, who Is sa t­isfactory to the Wilson element. Botii Messrs. Hughes and M artins were agreed th a t the Wilson faction In Essex should obtain one of the plums. The si* Jobs th a t have the title of “deputy coUectOf" are really nothing more than clerkships.


NEW TORK. Jan. 16.—By the will of Mr*. M ary Becker, m other of former pollca lieutenant Charle,.B ecker, now a t Bing Sing prteon awaiting execution for th# murder of Herm an Roxenthal, ihe condemned man 1b left one-ninth ot .he e ita te valued e t 63,600.

Mri. Becker died December 18 last in ignorance « f the fact th a t her aon had been Irapllcated In th e Rqeenthal ca»e. She wee 111 a t the time o f hla tria l and many atorlea were told to her to account for the long abaence of her aon from her bedalde.


fi'pfficl Service’ of fAc BALTIMORE, Md.. Jan LB.^Bev.

Frank J. Milman of Newark. N. J., who has been called to the pastorate of FuUon Avenue Presbyterian Church. Pulton and Riggs avenues, will preach there Sunday, January 25. It Is expected he will an­nounce his decision cuncei'sing the call a t |th a t time.

Unaiiltnuus action extending the pas­torate of the churcii to Dr. MUrnan was


NEW YORK. Jan . IS.—N egotiation* ; between all In in te re s t in the a f fa ir s i of the Henry Siegel Company Bank y e * -1 terday ended In ten ta tiv e agreem ents | which n a y re su lt in every bank ilepo*- . ito r receiving a ll th a t Is due him and the reorgan ization of the various Siegel , enterprlfles. Money to be raised by Messrs. Hlegel and Vogel and Iheii' friends and th e general creditors. It la said, TTiHv b rin g aTiout th is situation .

Thp h a n k deposito rs are to be talcrn ra re of before any th ing else I& done. They will receive a substan tia l per- , centage of th e ir deposits down, accord-

to the plan, and security will h* |


! given I time.

for paym ent of the balance In

g r c g a t lo n l o s t n ^ h t , f a l l o w in g t h e r e g u l a r I SETON HALL LETS LOOSE;mid-week prayer service. Mr. Milman ' ’recently occupied the pulpit of the FuUon Avenue church, and created a most favor­able impresslun. Knllun Avenue church has been without a pastor since last June, when Rev. Jam es E. Cook resigned.

“Thus far I have received no notice or call from Baltimore." said Mr. Mllmaii today, a t hla i>ome, 607 Summer avsnue. “It is true th a t 1 have preached a t the Fulton Avenue Presbyterian C hun^ in Baltimore on three occasions, but not with any idea of hocoming pastor of the churoh. If I do receive a call, 1 will con­sider it with much thought, for the church Is large and the field is wide."

Mr. Milman, who recently resigned a« assistan t pastor of the Second Presbyte­rian Church of this city, is a t present un­attached. Since his reslgnailon he hae been living quietly a t hU Summer avenue home.



CHICAGO. Jan . 16.—Announcement of the form ation of th e National Purnllure Protective Association for the purpose of protecting furn itu re m anufacturers from “ unjust demands of organised labor and other Influences," was made last night by Robert W. Irwin of Grand Rapids, Mich., in an address before the National Commercial F ix tu re M anufacturers’ As­sociation.

“ It Is the pivi>ose of this new organisa­tion to guard our Industry and those as* soclated with it." said Mr. Irwin. “We proposed to have a national council and a central board in each organisation of every S tate through which local condi­tions m ay be controlled. Funds will be supplied for advancing our principles for an open shop and against unjust labor demands."

Beton Hall sw am ped St. Peter's Col­lege a t South O rgnge last night by th e score of 26 to 7- Followers of both team s taxed th e capacity of the big gymnasiun], and during the firs t half excitem ent prevailed a t all times. The Je rsey City collegians went into the con test to hold th e ir opponents and they succeeded in the opening period, which ended 6 to 4 In the home team ’s favor.

Seton H all cu t loos* in the second period and the Je rsey C ity p layers were held w ith o u t a field goal. 'The team w ork d isplayed by the South O range colleglAnB m ade th e ir opponents look like sp e c ta to rs a t th e game.

Sharkey, Som m ers and Nugent played b rillian tly fo r Seton Hall, while Orms- by and N orton did the best for St. P eteria I t w as Sharkey 's firs t ap p ea r­ance In a Seton H all uniform and he made a good linpressJun from the s t a r t

Seton Hall. S t Peter's.Jones............R ig h t fo rw ard .........OrmnbySom m ers. . .L e ft fo rw a rd .. . . ReynoldsF la r i ty . ............. C entre ............. S tantonN u g en t.......... R ig h t g u a rd ............ N ortonS harkey ..........L eft g u a rd ....... M cCarthy

Goals—Jon es 2, Sommera 8, F la r lty S , Sharkey, Reynolds. ■"

E ast Orange High School’s basketball team won Its seventh game yesterday afternoon when it defeated Dickinson High School on the E ast Orange court, 17 to 12

t t was the fastest and cloeset gameplayed tills year on tlie E ast Orange court. East Orange obtained the lead following Connolly’s free throw for Dlcls- JnsoD, when Brentano swished the net for a field goal and then dropped the hail in the basket from the fifteen-foot m ark. Fn>m here on the Blue and Re<l team led by one or two points until the end of the first half, vrhen the score was 10 to 6.

Tlie gam© was clean, tiiere being no “ rough house,’’ Twenty-four fouls were called for minor offenses Of th is Dumber Kaat Orange broke the rules eleven tim es, while Dickinson fouled thirteen tiinea.

Al the sta rt of Ihe second half Dickin­son braced, and soon after the whlslli

I bJew Melnlcke scored a one-hand shot I over his head from the centre of the court. This made the score 10 to B. blast

I Orange leading. Brentan'> m ads a goal I and a free throw, and the ocor* was 13 ' to 8 . Dickinson then scored n basket,, which was followed by another for East

< )range hy Johnson., For scoring the most polnl* Breu-

tano of E ast O range and Meinloke of D ickinson were the stars. The form er to ta led thirteen, w hile the la t te r hsd

; six to his credit. E eat O range scored five goals, while the losers scored four.

I E a s t Orange was defeated by Dlok- I Inson earlie r In the season hy the

score of 23 to 21. E ast O range's vic­to ry yesterday will no doubt necessi-

‘ ta te a “rubber." Tha line-up : i E a s t Orange. Dickinson.I B re n ta n o . . . . Left fo rw a rd . . . . MelnlcKe

Jo h n s o n ,, . .R igh t f o rw a rd .. * .D ickson.......... t 'e n lre .. ..............Chestey

B a rn e s ............Left g u a rd ...........Connolly; M eoteer.......... R ight g u a rd .............. JoansI G oals—Brenlano 3. Johnson, Fischer,

M elnlcke 3, Connolly. F ree throw s—! b ren tan o . 7 out of 13 chances; Con- I nolly. 4 out of U clianccs. 'nmekeepers— I K lassm ann of Dickinson and Morse of I E ast Orange. Referee—Mr. HenckeL

\ E a s t O raage Seeeads H ave No Claeb.i In the preliminary game the East Or­

ange second team won from the Dlckin-


The Barringer High School flve.cam * into its own yesterday at th e local^ym - naaium, when U conquered tho Or­ange High Schonl quintet In a game bristling with snappy work by th e score of IP to 15. Tho Blue and W hite co­horts led their opponents throughout the fray, and when the whistle blew for the end of the first period the score read 14 to 6. It wae Orange’s second defeat In tw o days, ths team having lost to East Orange High Tuesday by one point.

Orange autplsyed the locals In the sec­ond half, Jnd but for the strong defen- Blve work of Halsiend, ihu rangy Bar­ringer guard the reaiiit m ight have been reversed. Halstead was a bulwark In lilrusetf, and when tho ball ^ot In the urnnge territory lie waa nil over. st<»p- ping play after play

Buy an Ash Sifter

Why don’t you buy a HUSTLER ASH SIFTER now and begin to Mve time, patience and money?

You can't save anything by trying to get along with an old sifter that covers you and your clothes with dust and ashes and wastes half of the good coal.

Use a HUSTLER and see your coal bills grow less. It is surprising how much good coal can be saved with a HUSTLER ASH SIFTER. Why. it will soon pay for itself. Come in and let us show you one; you'll like it.

W in te r NeedaAll sorts of Winter

Needs are here, including Snow Shovels, C o a l Shovels, Coal Hods, Ash Cans, Lanterns for every use. etc.

Macknet & Doretnut Company

E v t r y t h i n g in H a r i w a r t

\ ^ 9 6 -7 9 8 Broad Street ^


,— I------- -— .

Let Your Sore, Swollen, Swagty Feet Spread Out in a Batk

■ ' • "

-Ju«t eeuUaK ,wait to taken tf b a l e f f l "

Jiiil HVo your fhuM uff «ilJ lh«n pot Unit#Captain WarsliHwsky tlld tiiOBl (if the 1 " '« T ' .chitiB, Purntn*. -' jiMidhad, buclon-lonurifd frot at yotiragoal ahuotiug, the HNrringAf leader lally-

ing four nifty haaketn in tiie first half. T])e most Menaatianal cf tl^eae was tlie re- «uU of R rlAver play executed by Bdden- steln. rrieffer, thrf Orange guard, was d r l t ’h l in g the l>all down the aide t»f the court whf^ii Bodenstein dashed over and bruke up tho play, Kr-iv.od the hall and shoi It to tlie waiting Newark forward. wh<i tallied. The Hue-up:

Barringer, U'arBhtt wftky. Hodenitein • .. i>leadman. . . .Soiier............H alstead ........

Orange......... Perry..Pcngllore..........Riley.........UbK.. .Pfleffcr

Uiglil forward Left forward . . rerjtre . . .HighL guard .Left guard ..

Goals—VVarshawsky 4, iTohen, Boden- stcln 2, Perry, Pefigllore, Hrane, Pfeiffer 2, Free khrowo^Perry, PengUore 2. Time <if halves—Twenty minutes. Referee— Mr. CevidUro. Timekeeper, Mr, Crosse,, of Ijarlm outh, end scorer, Mr. Lose*, of Cornell, flubstluteo—Crane for Riley, Riley for Lairig, I'ohen for Bodensleln, Lippincott for Seller, Davis for Stead­man.

of yotira In aTTZ" baili. Y'Dur lo ra will w rig fla w ith Joy;

(h ay ’ll look lift Bl you and a lm o U tsife fben (hoy 'll lako a n o th e r dive In t h a t “ T181'’ baih .

W h e n y o u r foot fe^l lik e lu m p i o f I sa d ^.-aU tire d o u t-Ju B t try “ T IZ ." H i g ra n d ^ lW f l t r - louB. V our fee t will dunce w ith jo y ; a liS w ill And B.II p t in gone from com a, oaUoilSSf an d b u n lon0

T here 'B n o lh liig liko " T IZ ." Ik 'i th* only rem edy th a t d raw i o u t all the poloouQUl udBtiona w h ld i puff up your feet and ck itm foot to rtu re .

G et R cen t box of " T IZ " a t any d ru g dep artn u 'U t s to re —lo n 't w ait. A h l how flM l y o u r fnet g e t; how co n tfo rlah ie your A * * (eaL You tian w ea r shoea a a lse im oJllsr'tC yo u d e s ire .— A d v e r tl ie m e n t.

Sharkey, Reynolds. F ree throw^F— j rou second team In a feat game, the scoreh e in t - 20 IT . T h # K a x t O r # n * s f iv #Sullivan. U m p ire -F a llen ,

D ugan and Breen.T |m ers“


p loyei 'Ot B. A ltm an * Co,. wKb w#r« en titled to leg a tlea under th e w ill of S an jam in A ltm an, have received ohecka a g g rcg a tln * m ore th an 11,000,006.

In th e near fu tu re the trua teea of the A ltm an F oundation expect to au- nounco-ttio detaila of a profU -aharlnff plan fo r employee and of g lf te of ch a r­itab le and educational in a tltu tio n a aa suggested in the will.

Mr. Altman boquathed |B,000 apiece | to eleven s to re employes, whopi he named and | 1,000 apiece tp th ree ein- polyes. To em ployes of tw en ty yeera’ eervlce n o t o th erw ise rem em berad he le f t 33.600 each; to a ll em ployed less th an tw en ty and m ore th an eighteen years 31,600 each, and to those em ­ployed f ifteen years 31.333 each. These a re tho legacies th e execu tors J ia v e Just fin ished paying.


yers, rep resen ting d iffe ren t In te res ts which w an t to ahare In th e 330,000 found in poaoesslon. o t th e U uelca fam ­ily w hen tho mem bera o f -It wSM a r ­rested In Mew Orleans, la e t M arch, ap­peared yesterday a t a b e a r in g held by P e te r B. OIney, refe ree in bankrup tcy . The law yere w anted to find how th le money could be divided to n i t ' t h e i t ollante b ee t

Tho H usloa fam ily w ill be rtraem - bared fo r th e ir eeoapo from New T ork a f te r P h ilip Mutloa. the eideat aon, ob­tained m ore th an 3303,030 from banka here and abroad I>y d le c o w tin g falsa Mile of lad ing fo r ehlplmattts of hair. P h ilip operated th ro u g h th s firm ot A_ H uslea & Sona and th e U nited S tajee H air Company. T he bearing will be continued nex t Tueeday.


NEW TORK, Jan. 16.—The first series of the InternatUmal elimination wrestling tourcam ent was held a t Madison Square Garden last night. 3lx bouts, catch-as- calch-can-.style, were contested. Tho next serlee will he held here March 3, The results of last n ight's bouts follow;

Bernard Hanson, Norway, defeated Paul A lvarei, Spain, In 33 mihutes with a ctotch and half-Nelson hold.

W ladek Zbyseko. Poland, defeated John McLaughlin. Ireland, In 7 minutes with a th roat and crotch hold.

John H daracken, America, defeated George Bandello, Greece. In . S minutes with a th ro a t and crotch hold. '

Uainutuff, Russia, defeated Paul Sam­son. Germany, In 21 minutes, when Barn- son quit, claiming to be Injured.

Gaston F r ls te n s k y , Bohemia, defeated George Lurich, Russia, In SB minutes with a back-arm and neck hold ,


derllp. president of the National City Bank, sailed fo r Paris on the Lusitania yesterday. The object of the trip la a oshiference w ith Jam es Btltlman, chair­m an of tho board of directors o t t h o , bhnk. j

The new currency law as It affects th s National City and the banking situation In tho country In the new relations, th a t will be brought about. I t is understood, will be the subject o f tb a o ^ e re n c e . The point of pa itleu la r emphasis. It Is be­lieved, will be upon th a enlargement of the N ational City B an k 't posltlan and In- I fluence abroad. I

I t Is known th a t th e National City Bank practically has determined to Join the reserve eystem, although no formal announcement has been made.

HOCKEY AT ST. NICHOLASThe Irish ’American A. c . end S t

Nicholas team s will be the contenders to ­night in the A m ateur Hockey League championship series a t th© Bt. Nicholas ritik, This game will have an Im portant bearing upon the battle tha t Is now be­ing waged for the leod^ a* a victory for the Banta Claus players will place them on an even footing with the Hockey Club champlonsr who now lead with two vic­tories.


played an uphill game and won th* con' te s t from behind, catching and jiaasing the venquiBhed team only in the very late stages of the game. Horne of Dick­inson scored alx field goals, while F arra r and Taylor scored four and three, s's- ■pectlvety, for Kast Orange,


The Charles K. Konnei Aaeodation will hold a pool tournam ent s t Its head­quarters. 2S1 Bank street. Tt Is scheduled for tonight, A number of well- known pool players have entered.

geek Sam oel J . Itelsoa^* llelallTes,R elatives of Sam uel J. Nelson, w ho

died la s t S aturday in ‘West C hester, Tb,. are being so u g h t In th is city. R. Jones P a tr ic k , deputy coroner of 'Weni Chester, In a com m unication to Chief l,ong, says th a t Nelson lived h ere a t one tim e and is believed to hav* r e l ­atives In Newark#

. 1

f /

P u ts S t o n M ^ , l i v e r a n d B o w els in F in e A C o n d itio nUM «»: uMiAyM aiHi IC A R T E S l iT T U ;U V E R P I1 X 5 .Thor wmtt JW “* ihel't wfr/ w Em•h .Iim . V im, .ngor. w xIilT. uiij • cM t i te x t |M « K iV !-■’|g» w M>k if OA tall TM ltoialM .

S w B PO. I m B D m . Bm I M m .TU G O M U D IB i

t f t a tu u K u m £ ^ I M MAINE


Vextey, head o t t h r Sir WlUUun Veitey Company o t EnglaBd, i m eat P icking corporation, beade the xyndlcate which ^oced leaMB w ith the New York Dock l Company for w ater-front propeny in Bbooklyn on wideb It le the Intention to eeUbllah a cold (torag* plant for Eouth Aiqertcan and A rm ntlna haaf. Sir WIJl, lam eallod fi

BANOQBt Ja n .l* .-X W « -* t,Jofan .Leboard and W alter U o trtm werw. killed by a fa lling w all w hile f ig h tin g a firo th a t . deetroyed th e B angor Opera H o w e today. F o u r o th e r f ire ­men w ere h u rt, b u t a re expected to re ­cover. Tho p ro p w tr loee wan about 3130.000 , J ^

Zero w eather and low w afer proMurb Impeded th e (iTeraen’i e f fo r ta T he low proM ur# 'waa Ind irectly due to th e cold w ave, aa w a te r tap e a ll over th e city had boon le f t open to prevont th a frofx- Ing o f the pipee.

Diepleylny more xtom 'na end better team work ths Central High School bas­ketball team yestertlsy won its second game of the season by defeating the Bat- lln High School quintet 33 to 19 on the Inc-al court. A large crowd witnessed tlio contest, which proved to be a tnor* excit­ing one than the score would indicate. C entral was weakened by the absence of Sqm Ixerhoff, the s ta r guard, who Is below grade In scbolarship.

R attln obtained a slx-polnt Icsd at tho outset# but after Captain Ix>iiis Lefko- wltx scored first bluod for Central, the locals drew up and were two poinla down a t the end of the half, the score being Ki to 11.

In the second half Ceniral’s strength and team work began to tell. AbroJiiAim Lied the score on a long field goal. Lef- kowltx added three more points on a field


The memhers of the F a s t Side High j School basketball five yesterday defeated i tha quintet represenUng the Newark j Normal School a t the la tte r 's court, by the score of 29 to 14.

Tlie first haiV was very slow, owing j to the twenty fouls called. During this

period Kosa of ihie Normals scored the only field goal The count a t the end

I uf the first half was a tie. 6 to 6.At the beginning of the eecond half It

was a different m auer. Joe Olrllnrlori© again showed hla worth to Iilast Side ‘ quintet by rugrug the flra t field xoal.I ''Vlth clever p/iJislug and sccurati' ftlmnt- I Ing East Side managed to forge tiJiciid.I pet* Bonglvajinl, East Side's i rsi'k I guard of last year, was back In llio guiuc.

again, showing up better llian em r. Jt \ Is expected that he will fluon hot-rmu: u 1 regular. Koss of Ihe Normal Si hm>l

This Home^Mad* Cough Syrup Will Jurpris* r*«fl

VO nto L lltlo , But tbora UNaOjO*

lug Batter a t a n y F rlea, f u l l y W aaruN.3**^'

BIGH e r e i s a liomc-madP T en to d T t t u l

takes link! of .1 cough a lm oit laafatotlf, and will usually coiutuer an o rtjB a :^ cou^li ill houra. T hii recipe uiakM B p in t—."iiousli for a whole fam ily. 3013 couldn't l.uy ns much or as good ready*made eoufiii syrup for $2 .fi0 .

Mix one p in t of sranu la ted SUWT wiU pin t of warm w ater, ana • t i r . itea. P u t ii'yi ounces of Pinex {oft!

Vi- - . ■!

w oilh) in a p in t bottle, and td ft ^qar S v iip . This keeps porfeetljT

and JOS a plesaant tas te—children_ll«f

{(',1 Isthe

made spvn'-ul ljn*1(y shot.^ ai!'! wns lliv s ta r of htfl irarn. Thu linf*ii|:.

l^set J liiB N’orinal Hi Iu.m.II3r«tftT..........lliglit rni'w ard............. \rrf.nboomii-lift , . • Dc't turw urd............ -Mctahf-r........ - • .* '''n irf '............ - - KutiaBoMKlvfiiinl. . . - lllRlit is'iuird..........KaiiterWl«i-hiu»\»ik> f'Mfird.................Hlff

' io R la — r i r l l m iuiiM -1, I ....... Metss-ker 3, Slcvi'ing. J'ust Freethrows— LronurUis *1. I'm.*:'! '= Uoforee*— Bultnrwovlh. Dmjbrt' J Timer—Horns. >?iji!Stltuina—* 'Tt liri' IdTie for Brader. . « —


'ihe Ttlru Uidge High School basketball train yeHtiTflay r»!lcd Up an enormous Bfore agiilnsl the West Orange High

c . 1 . nyaats Batata tR33k«M..NEW, TORK. Jan. M.—CoPMllas J.

Ryan, dtaler In peal fm ta . wkn diea April 10. 1311, left a net eetato of 3738,- OfO, ucortlng to a ttu e fe r tax appro!sal nied^eetoPday vrtUi 'ffallMa 8. JVosor, deputy State comptroller. Ura. Alica J. Bgan. itUow, reiMrea a dsiear Inteiwt v t lM at 138,340 and a life aeteita In one- tbltd of ttw pareimalty, her tbata l^lns 3112,311, althmiRh ite ptatant value la a f l l to i t a |3 M K . . ■

Sale ofC u s t o m S u i t s

$22Reg. $25 to $40This big made-to-

measure suit offering is one of the strong feat-

uu .ui.*.. w. ures of our January

pa.nnents. ^The attractive patterns

from which to choose are a revelation. ,

Remember, every cus­tomer has a “Try-on” before the garment is finished, and a FIT IS GUARANTEED.V Don’t neglect this op­portunity.

M a rs h a U & B aU807-S15 Broad Street

goal and foul and from th a t time on ( tnam, winning by the acure of 74 to 4C entral slowly Increased Its lead. Red M'naalan. for Ih© winners, caged thoKrueger, a veteran on last year's team, ■ heh on tweniy*lw» octaKlons for n. totalsubstituted for Abramson and made hla of forty-four points. game waspresence felt by scorlngMhre* field goods. ' I 'la y d at Glen Ridge, The line-up;Bafler tried his hand a t shooting fouli [ CJen Rklge. W est O ranm .and PtataMi thrton nf fhPTw out flf fivft at- Val lent In*. . . Right fo rw ard ........Baldwin, M artin ............ l e f t f o n ta rd .......... Fultontem pU. The Un*-up. ' MUioslan............ Centro ................. OarWn

B attia H. B. Central H- 3. Plrdaeye.......... Right g u a rd .................Vogel |Becker............Right forw ard___ Ijefkuwitz I Hopkins.............T^eft g u a rd ..................Kiloh'M arktlialer,. .Left fo rw a rd .. . .Abramson l Field goals—Valtentine 4. M artin 3,Block................... C e n tre .................Shartoff | Minasian 22, Birdseye 2, Hopkins, HoldP o tte r .............. Right g u ard ...............Safler 3, MortOD, FuUon S. F ree throw a—Val-

ir. Ilraijea up the appetite and i$ hli^rhtly la ifttive, w'hieh helps end • cou^h. ,

You prohahlr know the medical yiiU$ of pine ill treating bronchial ftith ia ti bronchitis, spaanKicJie croup and

cou*(h. iTiiex 5s a most valutolB conccnlrutcd coinp«Mind of Norway w hite pin* extract, ricli in guau-tol g ld o ther na tu ra l healing pine elfimepti* O ther preparatlfiTia will Hot work itt ib is combination. -j

Tha prom pt rcBults from th is ineipeR* B'vc rrtnedy have made friends for it ill thousands of iKiracs iu the United S ta ts i ond Canada, which r.TpIains why tbc p lan has been im itated often, b u t n tre f successfully.

A unaran iy of absolute satisfaBtlon, o r money promptly refunded, poci with th is preparation. Your druffgiit has p jnex .or 'will pet it for you. I f not, send to The P iu e i Co., F t. WaynOi I n i


G elkhatisen........fi«ft guard ................BIngerUoal*-v-L*fkowUa Safler t, Krueger

3, Shartoff 1, AbrameoD 1, Becker 3, M arkihaler 2, Block 2, Gelkhausen 1. Free throwo—Lefkowita 4. Bafier 3, Becker 1. Ma.rkthalej:’ 1, Block 1. Bubstitutos— K rueger for Abramaon, Hopkins for Shar- toff, Shartoff for Singer, W are for Potter. Hefer«e— Fred Moeller, Bprlogfield T rain­ing Bchoot,

lentine 2, Substitute— Reid for Martin.

N. J . DALY TEAM WINSThe N, J. Daly ahuffleboard team last

night defeated the Thootas J. Duffy tefun on the farmer'a boarda. Mutt and Bowery alreeta.


" I ’a i v ’s fo ld C om pound" B eU exH W orst Cold o r th e G rippe In f 'e w

H ours— No (ju tn lne Ifsed.



-“ T l f t i f n - w B r o »

BAN FRANCIBCX3, Jan. 46 .-*Twenty one utldealtable dtliena ortered deported by the Federal autborlUea left Oakland Iaat Bight bound for New York. Ten different ucUonalltlei picked up In all Muts of. th s W est are repreaentod.

The men are in charge •“ tounlgra- tloD Inspector and four suh-Unpeetors, Two cooks and a porter will cere lo t their wants on the special car.

y — --------- ----------------- ,G in 8 see Lactese Restrepe,

' 'NBW YORK, Jan. 16.—LuoUWO Bs- Strepo, nephew of President Carlos n . Bestrepo ot Colombia. and formeriy C,k tataUan ConsuMtaneral In this cltjr, has ftirnlebed 31,006 hell here In a 360,0» bleach of promise suit brought hy m ig C am en Chyissdn. tnemher ef a Cotomhtalt family. As Miss Cayotdo is only nine­teen ytar* old the writ was faronidit for hw by Mrs. Helen Moreno, edu> Is aoRng | ag her guardlaa. . ■•1

■I'V - -

T ha w anderlust aeerae to have se­cu red a tig h t hold on C harles K. R bbets Sr., presiden t of the Superbas. The sa g e of E b b eu Field re tu rn ed from a tr ip to Porto Rico Monday, and a f te r d iscard in g the sum m er to g g ery th a t ha w ore fo r som ething m ore seasonable, th e Superbae' hose hopped on a tra in y es te rd ay bound fo r the W est W here la he going? T hat la a se c re t Some re p o rts have Bbbete go ing to CInkIn. n a t i to try and g e t back th a t 316,000 oartlfled check paid over fo r Joe

a n i tn s I t ,WtUI vtimodnoeij tnav b o oeta w oum endeavor to g e t a conference w ith Joe T inker an d th a t a ll hope of h av in g th a sh o r t­s to p p lay w ith th e .Superbas n e x t aaa- son had no t been abandoned. A nyw ay C harles hea gone aw ay out W est o« b nstnass th a t he desires to keep to him self.

W ilbert Robinson, m anager o t the Su­perbas. is lining op his playere In g reat style. Robtnton has been visiting the m en a t their homes, and a s a rw u lt oon- traota a re begtnning to errlv s e t th s offices o t the Superbas. According to th e aanonneemant sent out today by C her lee H, Ubbeta Jr., necretory. of the Brooklyn team, whose signature closriy reiem blw th a t of the president of the N ew ark Indians, C atcher Otto Miller has stgnad (or t im e years, Sacond Baseman Oeotge Cutshaw and F ltobsr Brown for tw o years eacb. and F ljdw r HniiMt P feffsr fo r etae yew .

1 . A p a ir of fo rm er In tem a tto n a l plsyers y e a to ^ y signed to

p lay w ith th e Boston N ationals. H a n k | Gowdy, th e b ig blonde backstop, who ; fin ished ou t the season w ith B u ffa lo , and Jack- M artin of “P lainfield , who held dow n the sh o rt field position for i the R ochester H ustlers, have fo rw ard ­ed th e signed papers to the Hub team. B oston recently tried to got w alvere , on Oowdg and Shultz, b u t tlie p layers w ere held up by Brooklyn. j

Bam Agnew, catcher o f the St. Louts A m ericana signed a tw o-year A ontract w ith tho ,Browpe yesterday. • I t w as rum ored th a t A gnerf w as about to algn the K ansas' City Fcdetals a few days ego. ____

A rnold Hauser, sho rts to p o f tho St. Louis Cardinals, who w as incapaot- ta te d the g rea ter p a r t o f la s t season, has signed with the team again.

The D etroit club h as received th e signed con tract o f P itch e r T ille r H. Cavet. a left-hander, w ho w as w ith th e Mobile Southern L eague team la s t year.

M anager C harley Oooln yeaterdwy a ttach ed his nam e to a e o n tra o t t e lM d th e Ph lllisa for an o th e r aaaatm. I t w ill be Dooln'e fifth y e a r a s m an ag e r o t th e phlU Iss and hie tw e lf th y ea r aa a memlMr of th e team .

Oaorge A om. former i ta r fielder of tha ' 8 t lAUla Browns wanta to ra- {•Star baaahall. gad hM applied for the ‘ ~ of raasaglDg the Lincoln elub of

It Mai

T'apa’i Cold (.’o m p o u n d ” *v*fT tl* * h o u ra u n ill you havfi ta k e n th re e 4 m **, itiifH uil arlppA^ m lte ry ao c a a n d r o u f ct*IA ivlll l>tt lifuken. I t p riim p H y o p e u yOUP ' Irjfraati-up NOBtrlla a n d th e a i r pO S M fM ih o h r« d ; a lopa n a a ty d la c h a r i* *T B b** ru n ji in * ; re llo v e i th e h fad a c ta* . d a U tt« M ftfvorlabnraa. to r e 1h ro * t. a n e e r in g t eefeB ie ii and Btirinea*.

34«ay alnffed-upl Quit blewlBf 41^ anuffling. Raa* your throbhlBf nnihlng «1b« In the world glvea n e b pr#Blf1t relief a t “Pap*'* Cold CompouodL*' wblsh iioBt* ohiy 2D cenia at any drug ■ter*. I t act* without aasiotancB. tost** n1e«i 4*4 raueOi no iTicohvedlonre. Aooapl X* •UbiU'* tute.—Advertise Tuant.


No Slt-k . Coated Tongue or ConeUpgtoll :

Bowele hy Morning.

Get e IC-usot box sow. LTurn the resoels out.—the hssdsohw WJ-

louiBess. tndlgtsllon. tke slok, soar s to s tag end foul fssos.^turii them oat toslakt gag keep thorn oat with Cesoamtt ' ■

Millions ot men end women take a C jy caret now eml then and never k n w W misery caused by a laay liver, cdefgsg bowels or an upset stomach. '

Don't put In aaothar day a t dtatreas. Let CascareU oleasse your stomach; rentevp the sour, fermenting food: take the e x o ^ bite from your liver and carry out.all th* oon- atlpatod waste matter and poison ta Uw bowele Than you will fatl greet. :

A Casoaret toalghl steM httas yen avt t o TMy werh whn* yen sleep.

r . W estern agqg

I m e n l n g . .is-oent hex from eay drng amre i olaar head, sweet steguiili end healthy Itvar and bowel actloa for

i Children love Gaaearots booaune tk gripe or alekta/-AdvertlseaieM.



ie Here D ^ t i Field in “ 300 I t Tibs’ G in e s and

Heats leO r to Tape.S p ^ l


AlUiavth U ttv in W. Rhcppanl, tli> • iTtkh-AnMriCAn *pHnt»r, won the (our- •o m a n d 100-jrard ipecUl event last iilcM la th a Taba' annual Indoor games a t the M rat Ragtm ant armory, he retorted to " I t n n v ^ n n " m ethodt to get out of a ^ fek a t In tb a la i t half lap of tha rniw. M Salland . tha local runner, who had |a a a aspeelad by h it adm lrert to capture tha raca, waa thrown out of h it ttrlde

W ith tha Intaraat In bataball graater than ever before b ^ u a a of tha agitation In tha eport, tha fan t will b t pleaaad to learn that tha lUtIa publication. *'iuat Baaaball.'’ iNuad annually by tha Bvan* Ing Newa will nwha lU appearance next teaaoa btigar, batter and brighter than evar, I t ' will cover tha entire field of haeabalt Information, will tell th a fana all about rcuorde, changea In rulea and In aooring regu la tlone; w ill te ll them w hatl a m eant by a " C ln c lh n a t l b a te hit and will have eonie data on the Fed­eral iM g u a and Ita actlvltlea. All thie will ba ao arranged th a t It will he readily acceaaable.

Mtieppard a n d Hla “S trong , \m i"

Willie Kelly, the local aprlnler, ranwhen Bbappard pushed him aelde and ha m the lOO-yard apeclal<lnlebed th ird

Thera w are keen contoata In every event and the crowd enjoyed Iteolf ihor- •eighty- The triumph of A, M, Iluncan, a leogi boy. In the one-mile run for nov- lees, Wae a very popular one and drew (otth quite aa much applauea aa any • th e r victory of tha gamea, Tha F Irrt Itqgttnant boy kept in aecond or th in i y^eea moat of the race, but went to toe tro a t early In tha final lap. Hla margin •e g r A rthur B. Etokee, of tha Prudential athletlo delegation, w ai about ftrteeii ratda.

Cuacan a tim e for the mile of five mlo- Vilas, thlrty-aevon aeconde, eeemed rather alow, h a t th a com petiton madW. ten rlr- caltg of th a olna-lap track. There wore *wo d rc loa laid out on the armory floor, •n e n t plrth laps for the runners and an- attaer of tan lape for the Wcyrie race It wae Ofrough a mletake of an official th a t th e novlcoa made the ten circuits of tha Bhta-lap oouree.

K elly g o t aw ay quickly and o tarted • u t to sa t a f a i t pace for hla coro-

Cl l to ra The four runnera were ached aa they sta rted the las t half of th e race dletance, Ae he entered th e la s t tu rn , Juet M fore sw inging

a round In to th e hom eetresch, Sheppard decided to move up along toward the f r o n t The "W inged Flel" w earer th ro a t w it one hand and pushed Kelly a lo b f a b it and then " • tra lg h t-a rm ed " I te lla n d w ith the re su lt th a t tba la tte r ^ ^ ■ ' «ff to one Bide.

___ . ..opvidh' o f football" ttlfittg sim plified Bheppard'e ta sk of s e t t in g th ro u g h on the pole and he drew a longalda K elly aa tha la t te r S tra lg h taa ed o u t fo r the ep rln t to th e

Sheppard and the Betlevilla ru n n e r liad a g ra t ty s tru g g le down th e home- • tra te h . K elly ran hla h ard est, ..but Sheppard slow ly and surely gained on h im 'a n d to o k the lead th ir ty yard s

tike finlah. Sheppard retained the laad h a h ad gained and jvon from Kelly h y a seemt yard . T here w ae a lo t of ta lk r e g a rd in g a p ro tec t ag a ln e t Shep-

' s a rd a k d th e announoam ent of the reg u lt W as delayed fo r a long tim e, hut h o o ttle la l ao tlon waa taken on th is or

. • n th e m reteet ag a ln e t Hellend on the ’ p a r t o f U a p e r 'i clubmete.

T here w ae qu ite a controversy over a llg th ility oondltlone prevtoue to the a ta r i o f th a ona-m lle Intarecholaatlc

- reltiy r a o a Coach Carl A nderson of ' O lV W I H ig h School p ro ta ited ag a in s t

i th e hkam re p re ie n ttn g the New York K v en w g H ig h School, claim ing th e H aah tk ttaa achooTa aib ta tee w ars not ■ubiaot to th a aam s ooBdlllons Im-

: _|Kiied u p o n re g u la r Inatltutlone. The m t a g t w as eiietalned and the Now T ^rk e ra dfd n o t s ta r t . The C entral

~ ru nnalli e ap tn red th e ev e n tJN a tes t a s B ike Baea 'Vlatar.

T hera eras ano ther and more extended eurlU w ot ov er the crediting of Hake's Iwlata-—won In th e two-mlle bicycle race —tw th e Mpw Tork Athletic Club. This

;>trouMa S ta tta d over the compilation of ! the Seaga to 'aettle th a ownership o f th a

club iSMlBts. trophy. The Long Iiland A. Xk iW liMd A proteet agalnat Lake ae a

' giMmber o f th a "W inged Foot" organtza- g he had not been out of

th e Im pU A ', W heelmen long enough to hava hSeoim a member of the New Tork |A. C , FfoyM ed th e protest la euatalned, tlM fK its ti trophy win go to the Long

gihdefP .trjth a ipora of eleven points, U 'XiBklk'lie adjudged a regu lar mem. Of. th e . T^e.w. Yorks the la tte r ^u b

-Will o i in t in the trophy with a ecore of a dogen pdlata,

I t w as a .M rry evening for championa. 'Itay tteU , elxty-yard Junior title-

». q tsm n ed by ftnlahiiig th ird In a ; h e a t t h a aevanty-flva-yard han-

w it iM t out In hla eem l.flnal. Tom Tigiiit o . o f th e New York A. C., SZO-yard m l f r q h to J o b , flnlibed th ird In the p w t t w hggt of the lOO-yard handicap, sett j M q ^ t In the final. WlUlam Ander- f n h ^ W ^ a r d junior title-holder, caught b ig jp M n o m scratch In good ahape In th e n ra o -q u a rte r-m lla handicap and then < a* itk W lH r near the flnleh, dropping pu t W r fo lq g a few yearde In the final lap, W ^ a !^ a - vra th aU p, W ^B , ka- vrae up near the f ro n t of

KCMIaB. William Plant, Junior fvohaiBPlon, cut no figure In the » w alk, gnd the beat th a t R. B., aMhlor national title-holder, could

finish aecond. Jim Mayera, ^ e to finlah in the JOo-yard

gpadai aVaBt, la Junior national cham- tMMvfOT th e 210 hurdlea. The eum-

• i^ o n ty - t lv e - y a rd HandlLSp •— Won . bg H. D. M aurer, unattached, 6 feet: ■eaoBd, H . F, Hood, "Ylncent'e A C I t M *t; th i rd , A1 Woolle, Longhlin l,y- BM**- * fe e t ; tim e, i eeoonda.

t tS M k llo Novice—Won by. A. M Dun- w tro t n e g lm a n t A. A.; second. Ar­

th u r Bt S tokes, P ruden tia l A. A.; third, Jaaeea ■ , U nger, unattached ; time, 0

i a^£ * !* * * * '' aeconde. r " " - n ( - T a r d H andicap—Won by W. J

M aSJanangb, X av ier A a ., i j y a rd s■ geaoud, F e iil B. F lm ple, Long Idland A <1, le y a rd e ; th ird , W. H. P arke j - jn i tM e th T. I t. C, A., 11 y ards; tim .; H I M M condi.

T I»*#-Q uartar-in ll« H andicap — Won ^ 7 W illiam Gordon. T w enty-th ird

T* A., 16 yards; eecoml,5'NaU. “ York A- C.. 26 yardF

—■ J oSJV, F laherty j New York A,L- T » i'd i; Um«. 3 m tnutea 7 8-6

handicap, Uio feature tvonl of the annuel vaniei of the F e th tr M*thew T. A. B. BocUty, m First Reglmeot Armory I t i t niffht. P'lnlBljlijg F^tonrl to MeJ Hhopperd no rnenn perforitiftni # under io y condlUoufl, And to kad over the tape auch men an Hal licUand, the local hoy, and Jim Meycra, th^ national Junior 220-yard hurdle champion, can alwaya be figured aa an achievement- Yet ihia la what Kelly did and he did It on hla merit. Leading all the way. he rati Meyer to a elandallll down the hack- etretch when tJie reaJ fight waa oh. and he might have led bcime the UeerieH Bheppai'd, If the la tter hadn’t employed "atrong arm " in^lhoda to gat out of • pocket rounding Ifie laat turn

“ + -

Ititchle, he tt expected to ihlne with more luiter than whan ha woi winning laurala In tha faatherw alfht cloxa. Ha haa no email toak on hla handa, cither,In hla "coRilDg out" next Mondayy hla opponent, Jimmy Faeana. la oaa of the hirdeat trial homaa In tha lightweight dlvjeiofi- Faeana has a penchant for whipping Newarkare, Ha lurprlaed the fiienJa of Young CIradwall by a clean-cut victory over the la tter a t Hlllalde Park a year ago, and Juat a t a time when Grad well w aa very much In the Utne- light through prevloiJjly pollihing off "Orifi Round ' Hogan. lAtar,FAaane hand­ed an artistic lacing to Battling Jimmy at the i.>n.tral InAtUute, and hut re>’«ntly ]tjade it decidedly Inlarattlng for Carl V'lririr In the final round of a four-round FCMlon, after Victor had lad -him (or three rounda and had icored a knock­down In the iCcond round.

- + -Young K urtx W ill Bp Busy

lliiB action of Sheppard's vlrtgalJr spoiled whnt promised to be a thrilling contest. Until tha Olympic hero atarted h ti unfair tactics, the men were p ittin g In their best llcka, umJ It was anybody’s raca- In /a c t when tha roughing began the four men were grouped ax closely as they could be, and for th a t reason Shep­pard 's strong arm Interfered w ith every other contestant- He w as even thrown out of h lidoing this, ha CuJ cttArK^s o f , ^frfeyer and Helland. T hat Bheppard hail th« speed of tha field there la no doubt, but th a t doesn't excuse him tn the toast

Young K urts has four fights nii hla program, and ono of them la to taNs place in this city. The la tte r la to be against Freddy Klblcr- the Irvington llgJit-licavyweight. end Will he staged et the Central Instlluta tha secoiwl week of Kehru<try. Kurtz decided to taka on Klhlcr, afler much urging on the part of Qtis Truxicr, who rarognlsss Kurts'a drawing powers among loc:al enthusiasts. Kurtz had hoped to Induce Young tVel- pert to enter the Hog with him. but thia appears to be lmpossl|]ila now, as. accord­ing to Kurtz, W elnart is evidently look­ing for softer picking. Klhler has an awkward eiyJe and is a willing miller, who may make It Interesting for Kurtz. K urts's other bouts are In New York, firooklyii and rhlladstphla, according to a letter he recslyed from his manager, IjAW Raymond,

— t -



W hile tra in ing for hla coming bouls K u rts 1h try ing to console him self for hla action in passing up a ba ttle with

............. ^ *is roABt^Ihld-wi'll) was Drought up w ith a

sudden turn hy Mike Gibbons Monday night. When McAllister began a search for bouts In New 'York a few weeks ago K u ril was suggested as an oppo­nent. The b o u t’w as aet for Christm as afternnon, but when K urtz learned tha t McAiJtsier would w eigh about ten pounds more than him, he didn’l care

take the chance w ith a s tran g er ei th a t difference. Now th a t 11 has been shown that McAllister could not punch hard enough to break an pgg, Kurtz figures th a t the W csiernpr would have been easy for him.

"To think th a t I passed up th a t bout, and have somebody else come along unci win so easily, surely hurts," de­clared the N ew arker

— 4* —


gtooniU.Two*& ilo BloyoU Anoe-^Won by Al-

L ake, New York A. C-; second, Joflk Tow nsend, Bronx Church House; th ird , E d w ard t t QoodwlB, Irlsb -A m sr- teott -A, C ; tim e, 5 m lntitsa 50 1-6 seo- ondi,

O ao-m lls W alk, Handioap— W on by g ™ ® Malono, T w enty-th ird S tre e t Y. M* C. A., 60 eeoonda; second, n . B, 01 f- fordx 3LiODg Island A. C , sc ra tch ; third. A lik iir Davie, Irleh-A m erloan A. C., 30

tim e. 7 m inutes 27 eeconde.S podal^W on by

C 'l Bhsppapd, Irlsh-Am erlcan A.tu-fi £••* Moond, William F. Kelly,

M M U * Catholic Club. 11 yards; thlrdl|J". Sf* .^^^^*** A. A., scratch. Time

M OMOIldS.' ” Intenwholastlc Relay — Won

High School, with WJtitom lAy i Bj Abe Rubtn, Charlse Boughton M d to lU b e r g ; seaottd, Englewood5zff!i with 8. Vandsrbleek, G.w u n i t L. Lcebeck and G. Douglass.

• sntoutes 49 secondsHindicap — w ou

Bt. Anthony, with John C htries

flirty yards: sec- New York A. C.. scratch: third,

S S ™ Coiigregatlonal Sunday-school, flfty-eerett yards. Time, l rolnutes 30 s*e ewOonde.

‘ PJ iczp— W tm b y Ca»-Loug Tslosid A i ' i'*i>

^e<»nd, Sidney U slie. lAong'l'siand

for bis actions, and It Injures him in the eyes of lovers of clean sport. He was In a pocket, and realized th a t he probably wouldn’t get out unless he resorted to some such tae tke . Friendly officials al­lowed him to get away with the "rough house" work.

Sheppard f irs t gave Kelly a push and 3hen slamm ed H elland, who jostled Meyers. Thus the field w as opened up and Sheppard, g e ttin g the opening th a t he desired, . bolted th rough It and ground K elly In th e home s tre tch to v ictory . was killed off e n tire ­ly, but Holland, who was a strong favorite for the race, owing to his po- altlon on the outside before the ''n trong arm " m ethods began, cam s strong again , and a lthough he could not over­haul Kelly, he g o t th ird poeltton. There w aa no question of th e vio lations, as Sheppard adm itted a f te r th e race th a t he did some pushing, as did Helland. *'We a ll pushed except Kelly, w ho was In fron t, and he w as pushed Into second place," declared Sheppard. Hslk.m i sold "It was a bad race.’’

Referee John O 'H ara declared th a t he ,J ]d n 't th ink Bheppard itid anything that should cause his disqualification, and, in fact, said th a t he thought Kelly began th e trouble by trying to block Sheppard with h li shoulder. Peter Hmtth, one of the Inspectors on the laat tu rn where the men were coming around when the jos­tling took place, declared to the referee th a t he saw Sheppard deliberately shove Kelly and asserted th a t he would con­sider It a foul, but this Btatemeni, ap­parently, did not have much w eight with the referee. Some A. A. U. officials from New York thought th a t Sheppard was wUhIn the rules, although they adm itted that he did rough work. An effo rt was made on the part of some of Kelly's frt<)u<l8 to lodge a protest against Shep- rat-d, and Perry Flanagan of the Belle­ville I’flihoiio Club, under whose colors Kelly ran, entered a verbal nrotest, but RefGTee O Hara said th a t he would only ftccepl a written complaint from F lan a­gan

Kelly himself was against making a protesi^and be signed a sta tem ent for the referee declaring that he had not made a protest and that none hod been m ade with hla sanction. "1 think I was helped more than I was hindered by the roughing," said Kelly, "and T am satisfied w ith sec­ond place. Somebody pushed me, but I don't know whether It was Sheppard or not." A. J. Matihews. a clubmate of Meyers and a member of the A. A, U, registration committee, lodged a Protest against Helland for pushing Meyers, but the race was allowed to Hand s s It fin­ished.

Kurtz for a long time has been hanker­ing for a liuut with Mike Gibbons, end he still has Ihe bee in his bonnet. He thinks he can hold hh" own with the St. Paul wizard, oven In the light of the finished performence th a t Michael gave Monday night. Away back last spring, when the Hillside A. C. waa running, Kurtz had asked for a bout with Gibbons and John O 'Rourke, then m anager, an­nounced that he had an option on Gib­bons's services to fight K urts. Ijite r, It is declared, Michael passed up the mill. During tha summer and early fall K urtz and hla m anager, Lew Raymond, have declared th a t they made overtures to Gibbons to bo* the Newarher, but that Michael passed up the offer.

"I think I can hold my own with Gib­bons,'' declared Kurt*. "H e may be a Utile cleverer than me. but I think I can punch as hard as ho, and maybe a little harder. 1 Intend to keep after him and will agree to fight him a t 160 pounds."

There Is an old saying about "monkey­ing with the buzz saw." Perhaps Kurts hasn 't heard it.

R u m o rs from PJitgland

Reports have come from England of late th a t three English profeaelonal gulf-

play, and no team in the country would consider It vital to the work In any way. The m ajority of colleges seem to object (o the plan for various re a ­sons, Tha suggestion th a t goals from touchdow ns be kicked fron» the place w here the scoring team crossed -<h* line of scrim m age In likely to be placed In the ru les for 1914. Musi foo tball men consider th a t (he k lckou t Is a waBie of time, and a play that Is In no way com petitive. To force the team W fhflks Ut. ^ a!-os w herethe goal Une waa crossed b rin g s the goal kicking In an Indirect -way to a more com petitive basis, In th a t (he point reached In scoring depends much on th e sk ill of the a ttack a n d d«- fense. The abolition of the k ick -o ff Is not a t ell likely (o be received w ith favor. The play in In teresting to the specta to r, is en tirely com pslU lvs and ta k e s up b u t little time. If It w a s dis­con tinued tho team s would of course s ta r t w ith a scrim m age a t th e cen tre of the field. The eleven gaining the p riv ilege of offensive play a t th e s ta r t would have much more of an a d v an ­tage th an a t present,

-■ i—D uring the season of 1913 p lay ers of

many team s. In using the forward pass, w ere directed to throw th e ball to the ground behind the line of sc rim ­m age when It w'as found th a t tha pass could not be made successfu lly or th a t th e re was no chance to m ake ground by rushing. The th ro w in g of the ball to th e ground under the ru les went as nn Incom plsted fo rw ard pass, and, w ith the exception of on the fourth down, (he team m aking the pass lost a. down, b u t w as allowed to scrim m age w ithou t loss of ground. Had th e man In pouesetoR of the ball been tack led before m ak in g the sho rt th row (he eleven would not only have lost a down, but also the d istance from th e point w here the hall waa put In p lay to w here It waa downed. I t h as been

f sugg ested th a t paeaes s tr ik in g the I g round before crossing th e scrim m age

line bo considered In the sam e lig h t I as fum bles; In o ther words, th a t the I ball be free for e ither side to re- I cover. Such a plan would abolleh a I play th a t U m erely a ruse th a t t/re de­

fend ing side m ay no t prevent. I t Is an o th er slt^iatlon In the gam e w here co m petition 'does not exist.

Why the value of a field goal ebould be Increased In hard to understand . I t has been suggested, however, and will be discussed when the tim e comes. I t Is not likely th a t the re w ill be any change b ro u g h t a b o u t The field goal has a lready figured as an Im portan t play, and m any gam es have been won by p u ttin g the ball over the bar. If (here Is an y change Jt Is m ore a p t to he one o f reduction of the poin ts gained by tills m ethod of scoring. The su g ­gestion th a t ano ther official be added lo th e lis t has not been received w ith favor and the game w ill probab ly go Oh w ith (he sem e num ber look ing a f te r the p lay as las t season. The w o rk of Ihe o ffic ia ls In 1913 was m ost sa tle fae- tory to the m ajority and there Is no reason w hy th ree men cannof ta k e care of the w ork.

MeVoigh In D em and

Eavaney., 1 ^ - A a ^ U D A. C , SO yanl*. Time.U mixuxtoe 16 4-6 se^&ds.

r m i m n m- ^ RECORD

i^FAMS, Jan . IE.—A i Boon today, when M a lx ty '^ o n d hour of th« aix^JaY ■UB raco In tho TelnSroine H'Hlvor

*j*«n oo;nplot«4, tho twolvo icadtne‘tworo xtlU on oven tarmx. The

pwlon F M l,t« 9 ODfl one-

.i.W * aCtoflax of "pHrmF' bao ao- j ■WHIIi Imi I th a ohjoot of Xeeptox the

COlBF a t A TOpid PACO. T h il l(.. W W tt clearly by tho fact th a t th a roc- .FMNBr Otxtr-tYfo Imuhe of I .((« obo- ten th ttaHoa iM da during tha NiAr T ork n h » in IM aeaiber U it. u M o tf th» n a i k put W Ut* fl«id In tho hwBl coatoA. >

Tho woa thor ooBIMiiaa to kew>Atnm th a a ttoad an o a AbA t t appoaro th a t th a raeo nmn oia iBti it toflj Bot dd a t w»u iB » i*ay ao ormx caxaM la a r . 3W <Hy th itOl in Ow grlil

' asd than «MHBa la ba

Jim m y McVeigh, the local l ig h t­w eigh t boxer, ia in big dem and ainco hie re tu rn from the Pacific Coeat. Hie presence In the camp of Champion W illie Rltchto, w here he wae coneld- rred th e beet of R itchie's sp a rr in g part- nere, and h is th ree bouts In San Fran* deco, tw o of which brought him vic­tory, have eerved ae a b ig b o o s t.fo r him. M anagers of boxing clubs aro be- ■leg\ng H ughey G grtland, hie m anagor, for da'tea and r ig h t now O artlan d haa

' t w o l " ' ’ ■ ■ -trdor Oonilderaflon. SJtfVoiJfB oftii''iHa«e his f irs t appearance .xinoe b le re tu rn a t the C entral In s titu te nex t Mon­day n ight, and he le aleo Jbitled to box Jack Leonard a t R utherford , Ja n u a ry I I , The date which Is h a n g in g f ire la a proposed bout w ith Young K ansas a t Buffalo^ T h u may tak e place In Feb­ruary.

HoYelgh'e bout a t the Central Institu te next Monday was taken because be w ant­ed to ehow first before h li townepeopla NAWarkera have known Jim inr only as a featherweigtat, and bave no t seen him •iBce be developed into a lightweight. They knew him. to be ana e f the beet foatheea heieahout, uUI now w ith th a « p « r t« io e gakhed on hig tifii to tho ooggt

-aa. BaydDdorttudg t a r Cbamptoft

era who have never appeared In this country will come here next summer to Btrh’e for tho open champlonahlp to be held at tha Midlothian Country flub, Juat outalde of Chicago. George Diincan, George Braid and J. O. Taylor are the throe men In oueetlon. Taylor and Braid have each won Englleb open chatnplon- ehlpe five times, I hereby tioing Harry ■Vardon in th a t event. Duncan holds tho world's record for th lr ty a lx and seventy- two holes, made to the championship of the Lucerne la k e s over tho two coursaa a t Axentele and Lucerne. It la not known whether Verdon, Ray end Reid will also appear for tho atruggle for the title on thte side. Tt may bo that Oiilmet and possibly others will have tbs Job of attem pting to produce more sensations with a brand-new set of Englishmen.

Football R a te Ohnngee

The National C ollegiate Athlotle Aseoctatlon, when In eeaelon a few weeka ago In New York, made several suggestions for a lte ra tio n s In the foot­ball ru les for the com ing season. They were six In num ber. I t was urged that the num bering .of p layers be re- (lulred. th a t goals from touchdowns he kicked from the po in t s tra ig h t out from whore the scoring team crossed tho line of scrim m age, th a tu h s klok- off be abollehed, th a t the ball oh for­w ard paseei fa llin g to paea the line

f be condidered as froa iTbS'i ibo value of tb e field goal be la,- creased lo one point lees th an a Jto.uph-" down and th a t a field Judge bo added to tho list o tv if f lo la la Ths changes wore simply put fo rth ae suggsstlons tor the rules com m ittee to consider a t He next meeting. O ther auggestloni will probably eem e UP. bu t these will no doubt be the principal ones dta- euseed.

T here Is every Indication, however, th a t the ru les as they now stand will not be g rea tly changed. I t Is possible th a t some o f the a lte ra tio n s mentlonad w ill he aeoepled by the football men. The num bering of p layers cannot very welt be IneorporiM d In th e ru les o f th e g am a Snch a p lan If pure ty one of «oiiTea(*ii«e to# thoee watetUiw tke


W hich Is the sh o rtes t rou te to w alk from M ilitary Park to th e E a s t Side HIs'h School. Q.

(io dow n Broad, s tre e t to L a fay e tte s lre s t, th e n eas t oti L afaye tte a t r s s t and tu rn to th s r ig h t a t Van B tirsn street. Woik along Van Buran otreat lo th s aohooJ.

“ ■ I"T. Z.:

How long did Jam es A (Hurflold Hva a f te r he re tired from th e P tag ldontlal off Ice? STUDENT,

P residen t G arfield waa g ig a ta ln a tsd In th s Union S tation, W aabtniloii» D. C.. fo u r m onths a f te r hl l inau g u ra tio n ,

T. Z :How m any bouts did F redd ie W elsh

engaged tn du ring 19137 AUo g ive ma the num ber Abe A tte ll took p a r t In,

JOB AND AIa.'Welsh fought fifteen tlm e a H e won

tw elve, did not loss any» w hile th re e w are no-declsion a ffa irs . A tte ll hod five b a ttle s , w inning tw o and en g ag ­ing In th re e no-dec1slon a f ta lr i .

w -4.-T 2.:

P lease give descrip tion o f th e coin called th s "w idow 's mite."

The G reek "lepton," m entlonad In the New T estam ent aa th e '^widow's m ite," w as the sm allea t coin tn use In P alestine . I t Is som etlm as spoken of os a ooppsr coin and flometlm es It Is supposed to have been one of th e Mao- cabean bron ies. I t la Im possible to

S P E C I A LFetters rcsuliir 1 for 160, Ddknestle Olgsra,• "O fffeS ^ ..................Porfectes. a very TOild

La Ifarea'* RefaUa* a soodth« "Offfciol 6«»r mokOt and the medium cigar.

Both on salsFHdor and Satarday a t i s Straight,

Box gf 36 for |1.3B Box of 60 for If-R?. „ _

Ost your week eupply w \ j ^. Ws have m ssr brands DasMsOle and

Bavaaa, in boxes of fS or 60 from 8&o, to 16.00,

P e t ty ’s P h a ro a c y781 Broad Street

ca to u la ti tb s value of coins used a t th a t time In te rm s w ith modern money, because the purohoslng pow er o f money a t th a t tim e le not know n. Roughly apeak1ng» however, th e "w id­ow's m ite" was w orth about o n s- s tgh tli of a oent.

Y. Z.:Cap you UU me w hsre 1 can secure

the wonts of a poem which. I believe, la somethjbg slmlJir to the following.

Nobody hates his neighbor And Nobf»dy works for gain.

N. A.The quotation la from 'L 'K nvol/' a t

the close of "The Aeven Bees, " by Rud- yard Xlpllni.

—+Y. Z. ‘,

W hat are (be duties of the p resid en t and seoreiary of a class olub?

n . fl. J.The task Is very simple. The

president should discharge the usu a l d u tU i th a t oorae under the h ta d of th ^ t office, preside over m eetings, etc., w hile the secre ta ry should record (he proceedings of the meetingB. c a rry on the sorrespondencs. and, so on

Y. Z.;In cose of a man and wife being

separated tw enty-four years and liv ing In d ifferen t S tates, aud one getU ng a bill of separa tion end m arry ing aga in , has the o ther s r ig h t to m arry also?

B. C.N either has a r ig h t lo m arry on a

m ere bill of separation. T here m ust be a divorce from the bonds o f m a tr i ­mony.

T. Z.;W hat Is th s cost of an auc tio n eer 's

licenso? J. H.To secure an auctioneer's license In

Newark It Is necessary to have tw o bondsmen qualify for I2.D0D each, and the license m ust be approved by the law departm ent and the Mayor. The cost of the license Is $60 and the sam e expires annually on May 1-

~ + “Y. Z.-

Will you please tell mp tlie miniaiuiu cost for a wife to aPciiTs a divorce from her husband who haa not aupporled her for aix years, and how lo proceed? The marriage took place In New York and both reside In New > but in d iffer­ent OOUDtJBa . * LEGAL.

Apply to the Txegal Aid Society. 13 Central avenue, city, or consult a lawyer.

- + —V. Z

Please Inform me if Jackie Clark ever won any kfnd of a m atch race from Frank ICramer, paced or unpaced. Indi­vidual or three-cornered. M. M. C.

Jackie Clark won two team m atch races In which he and a partner rode against Kramer and a partner on the oM Velodrome, Clark also won a three-cor­nered match race In Madison Snuare Garden, New York, a few year.-? ago, in which he, Kram er and Henry Meyer rode, Clark has never won an Individual mutch from Kramer.

— 4*T. Z :

To whom could I write for a pnellUiit on a government boat as a wireless op­erator? Where could T find out how the demand for operators Is; whether It ex­ceeds the supply or not? r . R.

Positions as wireless telegraph oper­ators on government vessels are oltlalned through civil service examinations. The branch of the Uniied States CHdl Service Commission, Bowling Green, New York, has no examinations scheduled, but you might sand your name and address to the Civil Service Commission in VVash- Ington, D. C., and It will send you the proper blanks when the next exam ination Is held. The demand for operators la now supplied. Operators are employed on the I 'n ite t States transportis, ocean-going tugs and warships. The government also m aintains some land offices where op­erators are used.

- 4 * -Y. Z.:

My atlantlon has been called to a uu^'^' tlon In the Y. Z. column In which It was said there was no m aternity hospital In this city. I beg to Inform you th a t there Is a m aternity hospital In ,thls city lo­cated a t 106 and 1M8 Montgomery street, known aa the Newark M aternity Hos­pital, and It has been in exlatencs for more than a year.

HENRY B. KESSLER. M. D.Thank you.

Company, th« 0|Uo Elootrle Company, Cmclimatl, L^wranoebusy mud Aurora Electric Slrsot Railway Company, Clncln- naU, Milford and LpvoIomI TraoUoti Com­pany, Cincinnati TracUon Company. Cin­cinnati, Dayton and Tolodo T raction Com­pany. If you hav« occaokm to know the names of more operating companies, you will find an electrical dlrectorg pubUsbed In New York UBefu], You will o lio find such a publication on file In the Business flJeri's Branch, Free Public IJb rary . 18 Heaver street.

T. Z.:


Fordham aad Holy C rou 0 8 Lut and Lafayette and WilEania


w ill you Mndly derid* th« following bet and obllte a reader of th* Newa? A beta that all clothea m anufacturad in a atrlolly union ihop m u it bear the union label. B beta th a t clothea m ade In a •trlc tly union ihop can be purchated without bearlna the union label.

W. M. F.B la rlHit. It la not neceaaary th a t

the clothe., have the label.

Y. Z.;la Harvard or Yale the realdent imt-

veralty of Dr. Mnnaterberg? Where In Newark may I attend an efriclent auto- mohlle school?

CONSTANT READER.D r,. Hugo M unaterberc la profeiaor

a t Harvard. I.ncal automoblla achouli advertise reRularly,

— 4- —Y, Z,;Kindly advise me if the re i i any

penalty for btaokballlng a form er em­ploye and what la the penalty of such offense? M. C-

1f you mean "tdackllatlng'* inataad of "blackballing. " read the editorial 'in the News of Friday, Ja n u a ry 9. headed "Blacklisting and Sym pathetic Strikes. '

Y. Z.:Who Is the coach a t E ast Sid* High

School? Where la the M etropolitan Museum of Art and tho American Museum of N atural H istory locattal in New York? Where will th e new post- office l« bujU In th is city? J . R, p.

Horace Butterworth, F ifth avenue and Eighty-second Street. Seventy-seventh

PRINCETON. Jan . 16.—P rlic e io n 's football schedule fo r ihe season of 1914 was announced las t night by Howard Froellck, the undergraduate manager.

Fordliam and Holy Cross bave been dropped from the Hat of competitors. I^fayette and WIlUama were sulwtttuted In their places, the former a f te r a lapse of several years and the la tte r for the drat time.

Hutgera again will open, the aeaaon.and Bucknell, Syracuae and Lafayette wilt lead up to the Dartm outh game aud the two ao-called champlonalilp eonteats with Harvard and Tale.

Every effort wea made to relieve the Tigers of playing their two big gamea on surceielve Saturdaya. but to no purpoae.

The schedule fellows:September 26, Rutgers a t Brlncston:

October 2, Bucknell a t Princeton; 10. Byraruso a t Princeton; 17, Lafayette at Princeton; 24, Dartmoulli a t Princeton; ai, Wllliama a t Princeton: November 7. Harvard a l Cambridge; 14, Tale at I’rlnceton.

COLLEGE ATHLETIC NOTESColumbia forced the underrated Prince­

ton basketball team to the wall last n ig h t winning a t th e Tiger gymnasium by the score of 19 to 15. Benson for Columbia practically won the gome In the first period by clever shooting. Salmon, for Princeton, missed four fouls.

Princeton's hockey team will meet Dartmouth th is evening at the Arena. Boston*

street, between Park west andand ColumbuB avenue. The site for thenew pr.atofflce has not heen announced. Semi your name and address so the answ ers to tho questions om itted can be sent direct to you.

- 4. -Y. Z

W here can I bu.v wooden w heels for' R- W.

At nearly any sp o rtin g gooda^tA ^o, BtatlOnery store or dapartihient sV>re. The small candy and sta tio n e ry stores on the various corners c a rry them.

—+ —Y Z.

Pan you tell me of any o ther place lu Uiin d ly where girls can learn to swim besides th© Y. W. C. A.? T>. F.

There la no other place In th is city.

M argarH—fiend your name and address and a reply will be forw arded to you by mall.

“ + —J . C. N' — S e n d y o u r n a m e a n d a d d r e s s

and a reply will be sent lo you by mail. — t —

A. H. R.—Tour answ er will appear on the home page-of this paper.

The football schedule of flyracuse Uni­versity announced yealerday Includes tiie following dfttea: October 17, Princetonat Princeton, 24. Michigan a t Syracuse; 31. Carlisle a t Buffalo; November 21 Dartmouth (place unsettled); 26, Notre Dame a t Syracuse.

Thirty candidates for football reported (or practice in .the baseball cage a t Yale yesterday.,

-A tlWt e a r luotball contract was signed yesterday by Dartm outh and Penn- eylvanla. This year a gaqae will tie played a t Philadelphia, and In 1915 st Fenway Park, Baarton.

Harvard had a close call a l hockey l&st night. After a hard fight the Crimson managed to ngueese out with a 4 to 3 victory over the Massachusetts Btate Col­lege.

T^ewle Young and "Buck” tYharton ware chosen yesterday as uaslstant coaches to r the Fennsylvaiila football team during the season of 1914.

Pennsylvania's football season will open with Gettysburg College September 26 and dose with the Cornell game No­vember 26

T. Z.:Please give me the names of the cor-

poratlona operating trolley roads In Stamford, W aterbury, Bridgeport. New Haven and New London, Conn., and Cleveland and Cincinnati, O. J. A.

The Connecticut Company operates th e trolley service in the New England cities. In Cleveland the following companies op­erate; Cleveland and Bharon Blectrlo Railway Company, Cleveland Soulhw’est- era and Columbus Hallway Company, Cleveland Railway Company. E astern Ohio Traction Company, Lake Shore Elec­tric Cotnnany, Cleveland. PnlnesvUle and Electric Railway Company, Cleveland and Erie Railway Company. The following companies operate In Cincinnati: Cin­cinnati, Newport and Covington lAght and Traction Company, Cincinnati and Columbus Traction Company, Cincinnati, Georgetown and Portsmouth Railway


The Clothing Clearawayh Going Straight Ahead

T here is no hali in the move-away of m en’s and boys’ w in ter clo thing, Fvery day sees a lessening of stocks. A nd v\ y shouldn’t men be eager for these fine suits and overcoats? They are all a part of th e Bam berger stock— and the reductions a re a fourth and more. All w inter overcoats and all w inter suits, excep t plain black and blue an d suits for formal dress wear, at these reductions:

10.00 Suits and 12.50 Suits and15.00 Suits and18.00 Suits and20.00 Suits and25.00 Suits and30.00 Suits and35.00 Suits and40.00 Suits and45.00 Overcoats,50.00 Overcoats,

Overcoats, now. Overcoats, now. Overcoats, now. Overaoahi, now. Overcoats, now. Overcoats, now. Overcoats, now. Overcoats, now. O v^coats, now. now priced a t . .. now priced a t . ..

. 7.45

. 8.95


.13,50 -14.75 .18,50 .21,75 .25J0 .29.75 .34.50 .39,50

They hive been finding new homes rapidly these zero days, bat u>. ing,for men who come Friday and Saturday.

At 17.95—Fur coats, made of pieced rac­coon; heavily serge quilted; padded lining; ex­cellent coats for motoring. These coats are re­markable values at .................................. 17.95

At 39,60—-Black kersey shell lined with mink, marmot or muskrat; Persian Iamb or blended muskrat co lla r........ ....................39.60


, " At 69.50—Black or ox fofd broadcloth shell; lined with selected muskrat or marmot;seal otter, Persian lamb collar.........

At 99.50—Imported black broadcloth shell, lined with mink martnot, fitch, weasel or black muskrat. Solid Pe aiJUl. Jamb, otter-or- Htrisea- Bay seal (seal dyed muskrat) c o l U r . .99.50


Al L e u t H i Competh



NeWAfV 1* the American Uameut a t Thoagh the only th ree t tvuuld uo t bt num ber w ere d riv e l durlnx ■ re u le to I the fourteenl the auaplcea tim e th a t Ne: aented by imj

The o r t ld Klka, Prudei A thletic Aei ■ arth -W hatli entrlea. Thei G ottfried Ki A thletlo aai Turnera and publican Clu tlc lpa te In t tha money th e hewlera, B uffalo m an affo rd to ml ta lly land a t the varloua :

Bbeuld alx forto will be a oertola daii aet on avenl -N ew ark ul«: howlera will arrirlnf la B flva-mon m at dlTtdtial and Ins day. Bui MilBf. The City Sunday Monday m on neaa.

One of the enforced thla on the bock o tx 0* tollowi

'T h a h»lH twentr-oeven exoeod ■txh*' bewltn# t n . with by loedlf a e tu r^ oo I on one aide 1 d o o r e d to n talnet th e > fam e, and U fam a played of th* A met heretiy pealtl

Thoufh no a rk or Bubui wald Then* 1 atondord In which b* if roUlDf fo r a otwaya beanteom i Uiat t Turnera. F< participatedmatchac. 16Jlew trk la ream ago h< and w oi olj

whan t t fin U u tltla la o f u r hla ae ha olio bad Eeeex Cout o f wblob h TotUnf witl tho Natloni up In the I oca prlo*. p o r t l^ a t*

^ a n tU City

Oharlo* team I* ni averaf* n L eofu* wl gam ea

Twentyto p a r t ia l anoe cen t Llnooln’a i of th e P r A thletlo J n«7 , Oholri tee, annou te r Banka m an to in d in tla l te w hich l i t

BHwln 0 m*ht No. ■cora toda pony Tour

RoiavllB wall In tb m ent in ? ■land twei victorlei a

A twelv: log bold o under the Bmitb. Bi afternoon morrow n city a re v

Harry : In tha Gr Jcdleldua won nine: He la all with n n

Hori tWiw ith

' fo a ta

H Inta 1 bait 'With

A nnml aoaempai toiBorrae a frldndl ptni to e pin tenigi


' polo.plal lectod to '

oK* -

S o -

naUenal a t Meodo 'M ar t . - polo pool expected

l* o t y alx weaki

' do lm thi their phj gamea ci a alinllar t n docld tn tMa c the gami

NEW E. Btodd I on thi f eatoS tlnounced » ' candid tlon thil died bavt


r 19U owaH cr.

b « n tftorA. Lttuted

likp«e >r th«

emJon.ityett* M ftud 'TltMtfl

/e th* lie# on irpoM.

celon: : 1(1. t u ht ceton; ber 7. le et


)y the uiribiep riretn. for


s Uni’ ea tilt' Diceton acuae; ?r 21 Notre

ported . Yale

waaPenn- II Ire


ly last im aon

to S 9 Col-


will em b e r * No-




Al Least Three Local Teams Talk of Local Contiageiil Takes Odd Game

S T . B E N E D I C T S C L E V E R B A S K E T B A L L T E A M


Competmg in American Con­gress Toomament.

from Newark Bay After Losing Opening Om test.



" W—

Prep School Basketball Team This tim e Defeats South Side High

by 38-16 Score.

<■ to bo re p ru a n te d Inth« Am erican B ow ling Congreia tour- nam etit a t B uffalo during March. Though the o ffic lala are counting on only throe team s from th is oily. It would not be su rp ris in g If twice th a t num ber w ere found perform ing on the drives du ring the th ree w eeks the con­gress Is to bo In session It will bo the fo u rteen th tou rnam en t held under the auspices of the A B t ' and the firs t tim e th a t N ew ark hua ever been r e ^ i - sente<l by m ure th an one team.

The o ffld a la expect the Newark IClks, P ruden tia l Insurance Company A thletic A ssociation and the Weln- g arth -W h a tlo n bow lers to he certain entries. T here Is a lso some ta lk of the G ottfried K ru eg er and the Roseville A thletio associations, the N ational T urners and possibly the N orthern R e­publican Club send ing team s to p a r­tic ipa te In th e e v e n t The A B C le the m oney tou rnam en t, according to the bowlera. an d a s It Is being held In B uffalo m any believe th a t they could affo rd to m ak e th e trip and Inciden­ta lly land am ong the money plaeee In the varloue olassea.

Should i l l team s go from this city af- fo rti wlU be m ade to have them bowl on a oartain dale, so th a t the congress could Bst an avanlng asida to be known as -N sw silc n ig h t" In all probability the bowlere will leave here fYlday morning, n rtlv ln f In Buffalo In time to roll their live-man m atohei th a t night and their tn- dlTldnal and two-man events the follow­ing day. Sunday will ha spent In slght- eeelng. Tha bowlsrs wlU leave the Bison City Sunday n ight and arrive In this city Monday morning In tim e to attend busi­ness.

One of tb s ru lss th a t will ba strictly enforcsd this year, and which Is printed on th s back of every entry blank sent out, is as follows;

'"Ths balls iUall not In any case exceed twenty-seven Inches In olrcuiaference nor excesd st»iw>» i~ weights. Anyhowling A , pj-aperedwith by loading or which has been manu­f a c tu r e so as to make I t s . welgut more on one aide th an on the dther Is hereby declared to be unfair, and Ue use Is ngalnet the host Intereati of the bowling game, and ^ e use of such balls In any gama played under the rules and ausplcea o f tbs American Bowling Congress Is hereby poettlvoly prohibited."

Though not howling tn either the New­a rk or Suburban League th li season, Os­wald Tholle Is psTformlng up to hts usual standard In th e various tournaments In which be Is competing. Thellc has been roUlog fo r a num ber of years, and has alw ays been a member of one of tha team s ttia t baa rspreaonted the National Turners. F o r the pact year he has not p ir tld p a ted tn either of the leegue matches. W hen the Netloneli won the Dewt'rk Leegue ohamplonship three yes re ago he wae a member of the team and was aleo a member of the team

S T A N D IN G O F T H K T K A M SI, Hs.l ■ tv. I,, tie.I M l k llssb e lh .. 1 I IJJ} fl m i North Knd. IS H HU i1 M llN o W K B iy I I I 910 I 1101 M ontcisir. I I t MO | I lAOOj Colurntils . 4 TT

• WHov«vm*. tl

Y o rk 13 .T«r. City. 11 C o tu inb lftii LD pM iale.. L<i m

North Knd entertained the Newark Bay combination In the one Alhtello Bowling League eerlee la it night end ob- eerved the occaelon by winning two gentee. It looked ra ther peselmlstlc at tliK sta rt, for the home comhliiatlon could not seem to get going. Perry and lliechof, for the visitore, regtstered duuble-cen- tury counte In the firs t gsme, slid they helped the Beyonne boelmen to win by tw enty-eight pin*.

The shoe wae ahifted to the other fool In the eecond game, however, tor Harper became embllloue and tallied well, while the team worked better as a whola. A eliimp on the pert of the oppoaltlon g ive the game to North li»d by more then e hundred pine.

I t wea much the lam e etory In the finel contest. North End leading through­out. Chace took a hand a t double-cen­tury tallies, and he was well hacked by I lerper and Booth. Perry tried hard for Newark Bey, but he had little eupport and the vieltora loet the odd by the goodly margin of eeventy-two pine. The ■Corea:


Faterson True Bloes S«ck te H i n Victory of P k i l id e ^ i t Hi-

bemiaDS Set Aside.O'


NBWAHK BAT. VrMlkn4. 1«1 1«S U«UatUm- P frry ,.. Blaebof. DwT«r,.

16t 140 iSf 100 IfiT 101 aoTlBO t i l 110141141

NORTH BSD. BAldwtn,. 110 191110Bodmin. ChAM, , H i Bo o tMATporlo o th .

1B4 m 141 ]T0 114 201 191 SOS 110 111 111 111

TdtAlt,, I O I t l l l 4S TotAl» . IT IIIT IIB

LB QLXilD TOVRMAHENT.Od La O llro a U « /a

aLMOR.Hill..................... I l l| t o o n * y ..................... 140Mullen................. 112flmllb................... ITIVan Volkenburc. I l l

T boa* ka pictnrei r*K41ii« Irom left to rlnkty mfi S t a a d S a e ^ a Joka D oaaka*. ilttlA B JooApk F iu b Ic MI«D9!rw lt1« L a r F laritT i

GaTaaackg C l«w «at T o1«Ti F m a k Baadov*

TotAl................. I l lhflHBRALITBM-

K le lber.................... :McOreevT............. ^BchmAQdet.',.,,rTA&Aoh................ 1V in e ............................ ■


Taylor................. 24|d o h o e a le b e r . , , , * 114BichenlAub...... .. l i tK e r n ............. .. 110S flb n lb b le .............. 104

UINEIIALITIIM.Kleiber.................. mMoDreevy............ 148■obmAuder......... 192Trenioh............... 144Vine.................... 146


Routli tildo Hlfli Hchool w te beaUn tn A baekeUiall CAnie on Ito own court ye*- terday by 8l, nonedli'l'a Prep, Bchool, SI to 16.

M el'erm ltt of Si. Benedict atAtted in to score u» aoon a i the referee tuised the ball lip for the Initial Jump, and In the flrel half caged eight gomla from the fleU! and two from the flfleeti’foul iitATk. 'I'lio South Hide boya put up a atlff fight in thiB half, but the High streol boya proved to Imj loo much for them. The acoro a t the end of this half r«ad lo 6.

In the fwtmid half I'oach Macherey yanked Hunilngton out of the llne-up and moved Favn to h ii poaltlon. S^ucker waa then moved from guanl to i.'entro and Reahkln fitted In a t guard. atcenire. eaelly featured In thle half, hold­ing ,Mrl>crin1tt to twu field foalir

The playing of McDerinlU waa ^aally the fcatur<‘ for the Sainte, while th e wholo team ahoweid excellrnl paaalng ablllty Zucker waa the War for the South Bldcra. although Lewandorf played a good game. The Une-up:

8t. Benedict. South Side.B aader.......... R ight forward . .HuirtlngtonDonahue........forward.i-ewAnooruU.)McDerinltt (C.>.. Centre .................Cavanagh..........R ight g u a rd .............UyinanP la r lty ............ Left guard ..............Zucker

Uoali—McDermlU ID, DotuUuie 4. Baader i , Lewandorf t , Hyman. Free throwA—MoDerraltt B. Zucker I, Fava. Bubatltutloim— Realiklu for Zucker, ZucKer for Fava, Fava for H untln^on , King for Hyman. Referee—Malloy. Morton Street School.

■ •■tk il4 * **t«rak«" W la, A ayhew .The South Side pecond tearo continued

Hi winning etreak by defeating the St. Benedict eeconde by a icore of 16 to 9- Seldman wae the star for the home team while Boyle played (he belt game for the vial to n .

T o t a l .....................b z c h b n l a u b .

Traylor.............gflkotlilebar.........]lte% i% alaub.. , . , •K * m ..........................Schnlbble.............


H ill. .....................R o o n e y ......................Mullen.................S m ith . . . ..............Van Volkeaburg..

Total................ • 'I Total................ 141

pmuDBHnriAL t o v &n a h e n t .O n W e ln g a r th - W h a t to n a lle y j.BOOKvKEEPSRB.

B o h e n k . . . l « l 162 171 H u b a e h d 't 148 111 HQ B in g h a m . IDE 116 181 H a a d lo a p . io 40 60

T o ta l* . . A ll 1ST 6 t0 H A IL .

V i r tu e . . . 144 1S6 114B u r r e l l . . . 147 204 166 C o o p e r . . . 123 1I8 146 H a n d ic a p , 60 60 60'

T o ta l* .- 464 f l 6 E46 O R D . A C T . NO. 1

T a y l o r . . . 1 4 I 1 6 T 1 I I H a m m e ll . 14 1 1 4 8 111 A l e i a n 'r . l i t 191 ITT H a n d ic a p . 74 76 T6

s U P E R V ia O R S . N e a l * . . . . IT I 116 179 G r ln e t e d . . 2 3 1 1 7 1 2 4 5W hite---- 191110 140Handicap. 0 0 0

Total*.. 691117 174 FILE.

F erre ll... 161 152 111 Melbourne 1BT201129 Uolmei. . 161161167 Handtoap. 21 24 25

TOtall.. 400 416 548 POL. LOAN NO. 1.

ETlne....... 199 199 180Brown__ 160 16ME0Afitrtm.-.. 117 194 164 Handicap.. 86 81 84

Totala,, 662 188 679 T otah .. 681 641 118

NEW ARK CHURCH LBAGUB,Curaka alley*. Eaat Orange.---------- “ FIRST CONCPL.

Bvalrve.... 180 164 110 FlUgerald 189 167 IS6 Riohard'n. 142 134 143Meyer....... 128 lie 164Howell.. 1 3 6 138 lH'i

St , LUKE'S B.Spark*... 116 161 111Day......... 145 187 124W alker.., 168 144 127 Sm ith.:... 114188 183 Jobnaon,. 124 170 119

Total*.. 719 402 749 FLORENCB AVE.

Kilo*....... 198 111 144Fearoe... 119 114 177 paternon. 142116 110 B arrett... 141186 116 GretlTck., 186 ITT 147

TotU f.. 720 689 773 SECOND PRKS.

Taylor... 100 110 143

Friend* and proapective patroni of the F'ederal League who fear It* backers are trying to mastlcatS a bigger hiey can digest b^'ure the' of

next baseball ecaaon, ap^f enemle* 51 the new organization who hope theae fear* may be true, may be interested to know th a t the Fed* are farther ad* vanced in their war campaign than the American League waa a t till* time In 1901, when It was making It* fight on the National League.

W hen the twentieth century dawned Ban Johneon and hi* doughty baJid of warriors, captained by Comiekey, bad

Ing time In the former baseball war. The Feds will have to buUd ia ir rc shd more perm anent plains then the American League t c 4ulred. They will need bltT--

ndfi to get the coin to pay expensea.W e a e r y for -......... ’ ^ that. <l<iuWe t h ^ of .to flnenie the Boaton eail PhlledelphU duxeu yeer* aeo, and In eoma cltlei^t^^^ club* and carry them along until people

ground* on which to play Ip four B a itera cities- Boston. Baltimore. Philadelphia .and W ashington—but It had plant* and tfw n* 'X4*y' l'** ,*nd.- -ruadv for the fra: -

B,df o ra■. Wooley-.. Lambert ■ HolmwM.

11, Its US >1 IS IDS

ie« u c ti6 1 )7 i!« m

Totele., Tl* I II Ttll T otal,.. «0I (!0 111

F T T H U N LBAGIIB.On 'Welntarth-TVhatten allay,.

NO. I Kepplnx,, 14* >1 14T Keiloee.. *111* It* Culley... 1*6 1*111* Han^cap, *6 *B *6

T o t a l , . , t i t 4*1 >11 GRANlTn A.

■ r d ......... .. 1 1 * 1 4 * 1 * 7BlHboft.. 111147 1*0 Hebman.. 14* SIS 1>7 RaDdloap. SI I* SI

KBABNT.Brown. . . . 14* ** IS H o*rt,r... I t 71 *SRock....... It* IS* 117Handicap. 140 140 160

T o ta l,. . >1* 446 44* PTTHIANB.

B u tm a n ... 144 14*111 B m ltt i . . . . 1901*0 ISO B en n ett,. 1*0 l i t 1*6 Handicap, 46 >6 >6

Toteli.. 4 » > t> 4 » Toteln.. 4 » I*) >»

Oewald Thcllc.when It flnlehed eeeond In the fiylit for ike title lae t year. Several teama were n tte r hie lervicee early In the eeaean and he alae bad eeveral offers to bowl In-the E ieex County Alley Ownere' Leefue. ell of wbloh ha refueed. He l i a t preeent TOlUnc with the Thursday N lfht Club a t the N ational Tum vereln and etanda well up In the column for th e eeaeon'i aver- a t e prlee. Tbelle thlnke th a t be m iebt participate In the N. B. A. tourney a t At-

^ a n tlo City In April.

O harlei W n sn a r of the C orinthian X team le now le a d ln s in the Individual average race tn th e Royal Arcanum L easu a w ith a m ark of I I I fo r tw elve fem ea.

Tw enty tw o -tn an team a are expected to p a rtic ip a te In the ten-hour endur­ance c e n te it w hich la scheduled fo r Llnooln'a B ir th d ay under the auiploee of th e P ruden tia l! Insurance Company A thlatlo Xaaoalation. Lewia U aca rt- n tr , chairm an of the bow tlny com m it­tee. announced th ie m ornlny th a t W al­te r B anka had been ■elected ae a lx th m an to m ake th e tr ip w ith the P ru ­den tia l team fo r th e X B C tourney w hich la to be held In Buffalo.

BHwln O. W yokoft of the L eta l Depart­m ent No. 1 trio hold! bich Individual ■core todato In th e Fidelity T rust Com­pany Tournam ent, with a m ark of 301,

RoaevtUo bowlera are not sbootinr very well In th e Xmertcan National Tourna­m ent In New York. The local bowlere ■taod twenty-second In the race, with e li victories and ten defeats.

X twelve-hour anduranee conteet la be­ing held on the Subway alleys, Brooklyn, under the m anagem ent of peerleec Jimmy Bmith. Bowling began a t 1 o'clock thle afternoon and will end a t 1 o'clock W morrow morning. No bowlere front th li city a r t participating,

H arry Cohan Is a s ttln g a s tiff pace In tho O reM sr New York and I n t o ^ t y Ind iv idua l T o u rn am en t So fa r he haa won n ineteen ou t of tw en ty -tw o eerlee. H e la a lso lead ing In th e average race w ith a m a rk of 201.1 f o r . l l l games. Xsa H arrla , th e local bowmr, Is fifth , w ith tw elve vlotoriee and eeven de- feata.

4R in ta t* bowlerwt Don't deliver the

ball w ith th e r ig h t foot tn front.

X Bnm her of rooter* itfe n tpected te acoom pany th e EUke' team to Sum m it tom orrow n ig h t, w hero they a re to ro ll a f r l tn d ly m atob, th re e gamee, to ta l pine to count, ag a ln e t th e Sum m it Silk jrtn k n ig h ts . '


^ c M ^ t^ ^ y ''l i i ihe gunea d i te Intsi^ national match tor the Weetehecter Cup a t Meadowbreok In June, wlU arrive hera y tv ’ Twu weeks later the BmUsh polo ponlofl, thJrty>F6Y6D in number, are expected to rea4lh thle country. '

lAOt yoar the Bnglleh polbliti srrlvedf alx weeke before the games started. They dalm that they began to "stale o ff ' In their p h ^ c a l ' condition ]uet beforo th% gamee commenced. In order to prevent a almilar occurronco this eprlDg the play- sri decided to practice for only a month

' to thli cotnitry prior to the upenasg ' i r the w in—.


E. Btoddsrd th le city, who p lsw d No.I on tb s Xm ertcan polo team th a t ds- festsd th s BngUsh plsyers ls s t ytSr, nounesd Isist n ig h t th a t be would no t be S ' csndtdats for tbe defeskUng orgsnlss- tlon th is year. Major a tcd iu id 'i srUs^ died la*t tn sa tb . ,



‘j ilJ ic iN xG ervln... i l l ITS iso B. Xdeni,. l i t 117.Wll'heu,. i m t l 1*8 Creder----'Tjirich__ 191 141 le* Johnsan... 1)1 Its IIIU u fo ld .. 1*114'4 110 McClusky. 1*> 146 U*Nanmatltl, S«11*0 H I D ell,/---- 141 II* IE4

-------------H. Xdem,. . . . 186 14*Total,.. 1*171*711 -------------ToteU.. ITI 78* I II

g g g B X O O B IIT T L B X O B B .On Whit* Felec, alley,.WHITE PALACH. ' KBABMDR

H u f f ___ I I * 1*1 I t * e t a u d a r . . 1 4 * 1 4 1 1 (1Oltford.. l i t 1*4 I II Cetten«y.. 1(7 114 166 Barton.. 111181 1*1 Oruenllog 17*174 1*7B'twiatls 1** 114 96*1 a y , r ....... 114 1*9 1*4R u U e b 'e 1* 1 1 * 4 l e i l Q r tn i ta C .. 9 0 1 '* S 28*

Tetel,. 813*111*1*1 Total*.. 1*4 *17 to!

H O I T T C L A I R B A N K C L B k K S * L B A O B BOn Mitropollten allfya Mantolelr.------------ ' ---------- MONT. TBU8T CO.

Chrlat'nn 1*8 14* li*K l b b l n t . . . 110 109 146 -W b M ler. 148 1*0144

BDiElX TITLB CO, B u c k .... 11411*146 Shnnd. . . 174 16* 1*6 Roll....... 9*4 1*1178HandlMp, 0 .0 OlHandloap. 4i 64 44

Total!.e 494 441 694| ToUl*., 4T1 481 469

BOTAL ARCANUlf LBAGTTV.On WMiLg«rth'Wh*U«n alleya.

Moot 121, 128: T, Mork* llncor 166, 149, 1«6^W. C»ropb«ll 14Q, 120, 153; W. Hoot lit* 184, 180; F, Tompkins 146 1.67, 159; F. Pr&iiion 121; toU lt 991, . 746* TIO.DoHo B—Forfaltod th r n cani!*,


View Wheolmen haaketbatl tearo will line up tonight a t H antm an’s hall, H arri­son, for th e th ird game of th e ir home- snd-bom e eerlee. Both teame havo won j a game and thle conteet should be an { In te re s tin g one from s ta r t to tln leb . , Tha w inn ing of th le g u n e wlU be cjpee- Islly Im portan t to th e H arrison five, a s the nex t con tee t w ill be played on th e courts of tb e W heelman on next Sunday afternoon. Blegner,who plays w ith the H arrison Big Five and also with w ith the Wheelmen, wlU be in the line­up of the Hudeon County team , while Schwab, s plsyer of soms n e ts will be with the Bay Vlawe in hie place. The nrioreelng wlU bo In tbe h and i o f Cham- beri, of Paterson.

BEY DISPOSES OF HBUEUERG^tdssrgs Bey registered hla third eon-

seeutlva vletory last night In the 11.1 bslkUne sm stsur handicap touma- msot a t the Metropolitan Millard Academy by disposing of Charles Blm- mslbsrger by a soors of 190 to l i t . Ths former, who has a hauAloap of thirty potntx rpn out h ts oonnt In

:{ r .- .a l^ ' i q n l s g i a n d sversged

a iT a U e w a ^ ' «t fttxg- polhta: averaged tha soores W

only a haxy Idda wh&t clllas would bo Included In their circuit when the next aea^on opened. At that date there were nine ciube technically membere of the leaffu* and there wae talk of startinv with

ten-club circuit.The American League doted the eea<-

son in 1900 with teams In Chicago. Mil­waukee, Minneapolia, ItidlanapoLU, Kan- eaa City, Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo. In December it aaked the National League'! permlsfion to expand eo ae to occupy the baeeball plante In Baltimore and W ashington, vacated by the N a­tional League when It reduced Its circuit from twelve to eight ciube, and alao to take over the old American Aeeoclatlon groubda In Philadelphia.

The National Iseaguere decided they would eee Ban Johnson and hla ease- ciatee blistering In the lake of blazing brimetone before they would grant any euch roqueat ae that, so the American League decided to go ahead and t«ke the territo ry anyway. That was in the mid* die of December. 1300, and by tha time the new year started llie amhftloue league's affaire were In a decided tangle to all appearances.

F or the purpoee of Invading th e B ast the K ansas City franchise vk aa t r a n s ­fe rred to W ashington, and tho Minne- apolle d u b waa eucceeded by Baltimore. P h iladelph ia also waa Included In the circu it on paper, but w hat franchise would be vacated to adm it th e Q uaker City waa no t determ ined a t the time. V irtua lly there were nine cluba In the c ir c u it And 4a It waa m anned to In­clude Boston there waa talk of a teti-olub league. Before the m iddle of Ja n u a ry th e Indianapolis club ownere q u i t 4nd th a t left e ig h t mem bere in the league—Chicago, Milwaukee, D e­tro it, Cleveland* Buffalo, Philadelphia, B altim ore and W ashington.

K u te r n CJabs W ere Homeleai*Tbe th ree Eaatern clubs w ere p rac ti­

cally homelesB, however. They had of- ficee, b u t no grounds on which to play baeeball. The league was eager to In­clude Boston In the olroult and tra n sfe r the Buffalo franchise there, but cer­ta in p a rtie s had Charles R iver P a rk sewed up w ith a lease, and th a t w as supposed to be the only avaUable site in th e Hub outside the N ational L eague 's South End Park .

The American League had b ack in g In B altim ore provided by John McGraw,

, now G iant m anager. W ilbert Roblneon, now Brooklyn pilot, and H arry Gold­m an, now Interested In the B altim ore F ed era l L eague Club. I t also had b a c k ­ing In ■Washington provided by Jim m y M anning, ow ner of the form er K ansas City franchise, and F red Postal, of D e­tro it. Connie Mack w as the only v is ­ible asse t of the American L eague tn Philadelphia , and his cap ital consisted of w h a t he had saved out of h!s sBifary a s a ca tcher and as m anager of th e M ilw aukee team . The fig h tin g leaguers

. did n o t have a lease on a b a ll p a rk In I th e BJast, and apparently had little

chance to break Into Boston.T hat was the position occupied by the

American I^eague thirteen years ago. W hen It opened the pennant race of 1901 In the la tte r part of April. It had not only

in those tv o cities could be Induced to lake a chance financially on the new proposition

The American t.ie4 tu e did not then have to build modern stands of steel and con­crete tn Poston, Philadelphia, Baltimore and W ashington. The needs of the game at th a t time, and the building require­ments of the cities, could be compiledwith by metinH of wooden Htructures. It was close to February 1 beforo the Ameri­can li«ague was sure oven of Its grounds in the quartet ot E astern cities it pro­posed to invade, !n the four W estern towns—Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit and Milwaukee—!ho new m ajor league had Its plants already eatablished, of course.

Federnla H ave T ask Yet,The Federal Ijcague haa more to do In

some ways before It can ralaa Its cur­tain next April than the American League had at th is time Id its 1901 ex­pansion. In o ther ways the Feds are much fa rth er advanced than the Dan Johnson circuit was a t the correspond-


Indians’ Outfielder Comes to Terms with Local G d i After Talk

with Chief Smith.

will have id erect steel or concrete stands. In order to comply with th e build­ing laws In the locationa *se1ecte<l for tbe new plants

The Federttle have their circuit fixed, and have leasca on grounds la practically all of the eight cities. Tn six of th e ir eight cities, the have to buildplants before they <an open tbelf se a ­son. The six are Chicago, Indian­apolis, Buffabt, Toronto. 8t. Txiuls and Baltimore. Only tbe Kanaas City and Pittsburgh clubs have holdover p lants th a t will do for the coming campaign.

The American League In 1901 had m an­agers for all except one team—Boaton— but did not know If It wai to have a team In th a t town. The Federal L ^ f u e haa yet to sign managerH for Ptltsbitrgh and Xoronto. Tlie Feds probably have as many playcra lined up as the Ameri­can Ijeague had at the correBpondlng time In 19 0 . They have been working at It longer.

HEADLEY OUTPLAYS REID(’onslstent playing enabled C. W.

Ueadley to win his match last night in Ih* am ateur handicap 18 2 balkline blUlard tournam ent at < .^ne's Essex Billiard Hall from J. Herbert Reid, by the ■core of 200 to 182. The winner, who plays from the thirty-point mark, ran out hie count in aSxty-three Inning!, and averaged a fraction lees than three, while hla opponent, who has a handicap of forty points averaged 2 1-1. The high run of the m atch was twenty, which wae made by the winner. Ray Naughrlght and A J. Kenny, both forty-point play­ers. are to meet In tonights match.


Manager C -arirltr ', National Turnere la it night took the m eaeurt of tho Ber­gen flve of the Peonle's Palace of J f n e j CItY a t the .—.o'a court, by thescore of 99 to I t . a fte r ■ herd fight. The viellore etarted In whirlwind fashion, tallying six points before the T urner for- w ards were able to locate the b4wket. The firs t ragn to score for the 1u)ma aggrega­tion wae O'Toole, who. after about ten mlnutee o t pl»y, made a n n ea tlu n a l shot from the centre of the court. The line­up:

Turner*.W. O'Toole. Right forward ..W . Clerha ilb e r t .......... Left forward . .Q rajim uckIju jeo ti................ C e n tr e ....................HmithR. C lark ........ Right guard ........... .S tew artM, C la rk .. . . Left guard ........ KerahaW

Field goal*—W. O'ToiJe, Ollbert 4. Lapsoti 4, M. Clark. W. Clark 4, Orasa- muck 4. Stewart. Free throw s— Vt. O'Tooie 3. (jresemuck 2. Bubetltutes— HageiTian. for R. Clerk; J. O'Toole, for bT. Clark. _______________

COMMONWEALTHS WIN ON COURTThe Commonwealth five of th le city

went to I*erlli Amboy laat night and de­feated the Rlvereldee of th a t piece In an Interesting game by the eoorw of 27 to 26. The eonleit was nip and tuck throughout and a t no time ditrtng the game did more than one point aeparata the teams. The Newarkera led a t the end of the first half. 14 to 18. Tha llne-up;

I'ommonwealths R lverildesKussmaul. . .R ight forw ard ..........ThomasE v an s............ l>;ft forw ard ...............ReganCulder ................ C entre................. DeeganA ustin ............ Right g u ard .....................ArienP e rry ................ Ijsft g uard ...................Burns

Field goals— Kuasmaul 6, F.vans 2Austin 3, Thomas 3, Regan 2, Deegan 8Allen 2. Free throws— Evena B, Tho6 .


The m yeterles of the Inner senctum of local basebell headquarters were tried out with g rea t tucceee yesterday a fte r­noon upon Thotnaa P. (Jack) Dalton, right fielder o f the Tndlens. by Chief H arry Bmith of the Redskins. Dalton walked Into the prtTate office a t the re- queit ot tb e leader o t th e Eravea, talked about the w eather and th e high coat of living and emerged from the room w ear­ing a smile. I t 1* a aafe wager that Jack wae not pleading with Smith to have hie salary cu t down, so It le Inferred from the am ount of tim e the Interview between the m anager end the player con­sumed th a t D alton received a boost In salary. Jack said he wae eeUsfled today. The announcem ent th a t Dalton had af­fixed hie nam e to a contract wae made public by President Charlee H. Bbbete Jr.

The announcem ent wae also made by President Ebbeta th a t tha Indiana had taken over Outfielder Leo Callahan and Pitcher Maurice K en t who were with tho Toronto team last eeason. The men were on tho reserve lis t of the Maple Leafs and were ^ rn e d over to the Red­skins by th a t club, Tha players were sent to Toronto by the Buperbas. Loo Callahan was obtalnod from the New York State League by Boout L arry Button In 1*12. Callahan le a « e e d y base run­ner, good etieksr and excellent fielder. Be suffered a broken leg ahortly a ttar Joining Toronto and Benny Mayor wee sent to the Canadian city Instead. Kent won four gam es and loet the same num­ber while with th e Maple Leafs.

The Second P resbyterian teem lost lo tho St. Andrew five last iiighl. 87 to 17. L ochner featured for th s w in ­ners. Tho llne-up

B(. Andrew. 2d P resby terlan .M oriejisen . .R ig h t fo rw a rd .. .L ochner.B orm an ........ L eft forward - - .ShortrnanF a l l s . . . ............. Centre . . . . . . . . .D heronllo b in a ............L eft g u a rd .........Luehm an

Field goal*—Borman J, F a lla Sim ­mons 4, Lochnr 7, Shorlraan 6, Dheron 4. F ree th ro w s—Falls, Lochner *, W harton.

The Senroy Five of this city went to E ast Orange lust night, where they won from the Elm A, C.. 22 to HI. The line­up:

Br.nroy.Weinberg. .. Rlchi fo rw ard . . . .IJppm an. . . .l/efl fo rw ard ..........J. W einberg. .. C e n tr o .......... L.I offeld............ Right guard...........T lsh ler.............. I .eft g u ard ....................Bon

Field goals—Coffeld, W einberg 3, Wegner 2. Welos 6, Meyer, 2, Son. Free throws-—Coffeld. Weinberg, Substitute— Block for Sou.

Elm.. . Welei . Meyers W egnerC. Levy

More trouble 1, brewing In the renke of the Xmertcan Football Aeeociatloo and the hotteet kind of a scrap la looked for *. Saturday night whnn the orgenisatlo** ' ' meets In the Cuiitgientel Hotel. Three m atters e re to eonte before the meeting i and It Is E m itte d th a t the seeelon will ' liriilwbly bring to a head the trouble th a t .y hue been fomenting in th e big eoccer ' -

*'lrel and furetnoet w ill be the probable action that the aeeodhtlun will take on ' ihfl protest lodged by th e True Blue* of ' I'alereon agalnet alln-wlng the vlctotT ■* gained by the lllben ijane of Philadelphia In a cup lie soccer m atch la s t B aturtey. j;I'be wore of tho ctinteet wae 1 to I In - favor of the lllbs, but the Bilk City „ H elen has lodged a complaint on account of a ■lUeetlonabln ruling of Referee Creighton of a goal erored by the Quaker I'll) cuntingteiL The True Blues, In. the protest sent to B ecniery Andrew Bever­idge of ths A. F. A., declare th a t the lefcree was al fault end th a t the ded- ,km waa contrary to the rulse o t 'the game,

'I'he goal In question w e, the firs t of the contest end was credited lo Scott. Inside loft wmg of the Hibs. The dispute arose following a corner hick granted the rhlledelphlsiei. The True Blues altega tha t the bait sailed through the goal on tbe corner kick and th a t Scott did not touch the sphere until after the wind had caused the leather to curve over the goat line. If the contention of the True Btuea le correct the game will have to ba re­played ee DO goal can be scored on a corner kick unless the bell la touched by some o ther player before entering the goal, The HIbe contend th e t the ball wae outelde the goal when Beott reached the sphere and sent It to the net.

Blues B a re P ro tee l H aU t.The True Blues, when defeated re-,

cently by th e Fell River Rovers, entered' a protest benauae Murphy, e member of the Roveri, had played with anothar team ea an am ateur w ithout notlfytBg the secretary of his Intention to do SO.This protest came very near cauelng a split In the A. F. A., but jeea,-T'-J-*** favor of the True Blues by the VOta-dS President Andrew Brown when the metn- bers of the association stood 11 to I t oB the question. The Rovers rofused to re­play the g e m \ and were recently sues pended by the t ’nltesJ g la u s Football Assnclatiun.

The other qurstiun th a t will coma ba- fore the meeting for settlem ent will b* tha selection ut gro<,nls for the replay­ing of tbe games hetwetm the W ait Hudsons ot Harrison and tho BeihlehsMig of Bethlehem, Pa,, atiid between the Je r­sey A, C. of Jerseyr City and the inctor F. C. of Phlladetphla.

West Hudson and Bethlehem have en­gaged In three draw battles, the icorlaB reading 1 to I In each Instance. The first game was played In Bethlehem, De­cember 27. Tho next game between the clubs was played In Harrison, Sunday, January 4. tn a storm of rain and hall and on a siqppy field. This game waa called, a f te r elxty-flve mlnutee ot play, heceiise the lines were obliterated l4Mt Sunday tha team s again met In IlatTleoB, and In addition to playing the requlsati ninety mlntjtes, two extra period! of fifteen minutes each were gone through, without a decision being reached. Xa- curding to the n ile s^ a fte r team t hava met In two tie games, the asaodatloii decide, wiiere the succeeding game shall be ptayci^ the conteet to be staged on X neutral field.

fn the Jersey A. C. and Victor conteet the eeme condltlonn prevail. The teanig played e 1 to 1 draw In Phlladelptaja, December 27, and laet Sunday, In Jefiay City, neither teem wws able to eeora hi twu hours of play, two ex tra perlodg of fifteen minutes each being allowed a t the completion of the ninety mlnutea of play, ae In the W est H udeon-B etbU has 'I* game.

One plan of replaying the game*, and ’> the one which meets w ith favor amonv ' ' some of the raembciw of tha assoolatloti.Is to have the W est Fludsons and Bethle- 'J hems play off their tie Saturday, January ^ 24. on the grounds of the Tecony eleven, j; Just outside Fhttaidelphla. and to hafa the Jerseys and Victors meet a t Wdkt Hudson Field, Ilerrieon, th a followIMI day. The Taciony grounde would h#Just about equal distance from Bethleheisk and Harrison, while the Victor* would be brought to H arrison to play, faecaUta of the fact tb a t a fte r the V lideri and W ait Hudeons had played two tie game* two years ego th e next game was ita fed In Philadelphia, giving th a Victors an ad­vantage.


t ■


mGoing Qut of Business

This Retiring-from-Business Salemeans the selling o f seven stores full**of high grade standard merchandise at cost and less. Nothing reserved. Here are a few items from four departments: Other specials in Sweaters— Waistcoats—Raincoats— Overcoatsr—Hosiery, at 35% to 50% off. (Better act quick).

F ollow ing1 11-SI. tnnitiga;

Bey—0 0 s.e 1 1 1 f I M i l d t . t 0 1 I S M l I M M l t l l T M O O t l l IS t S I 0 I ' l l I I I d I 0 1 1 M i l —

'Ing ijfa th o w

I I M M I I '

Hlmmolbergar—I 1 * # 0 4 10 a M i t l i l O l O I O l O O O l M M O M l l M I l O t i l l l O d t M l l T l O a d O 6—IIS. ________ __________

- 4ND00ih lE E r FOR BOSTON. t

BOtTOK, II-— Xinatieur atU ateaof th a Hew EagU ad digtriet w tn hi.T« xn opportunity th is yo4V for tbo flra t ttmo to erin Indoor ehamplotuAilpt^ tb e w nen- t ire oonnnlttM o f the New Wnglgnd Xnin- 'teu r Xffatetlo Union bnring voted la i t n ight to hold n dw inplonridp toattM asont In Bogtan, F ebm n»r v r ttdklio lo Mod Fm aeik Joonnnett of Brook- iiM to tho T w m w l diviag ohongpiw h ipg in Now Tork, and to o s iM M n d o b of pfartgto to d su g g or

9 5 c9 1 ,3 5$ 1 .8 5

Shirt Sale$1.50, $1.75 Qualities, now $2.00 to $2.75 Qualities $3.00 to $4.00 Qualities, now

U nderw ear SaleUnion Suits and separate Garments^ 50, 75c, $1.00 Qualities, now 39c$1.28 fo K.00, no* 99c I to $*, now ^

N eckw ea, C«L '50c, 65c; 75c Qualities, now 29c $1.00 to $1.50 Qualities,’now ‘ 59c

Pajam as Side$ 1,50 lind $ 1.75 ( }u « lit le s , n o w 9S c $ 2.0* to $ 3J 0 f i s S J i J * ' ( ‘, . S ' » I -35

© N I P


8 4 7 B ro a d N ew ai4Rg l a WIN X toB O H r •<**«» ' '

f s

The G>mradeship of“The Makings”

There is something about the fr e sh , f r a g r a n t cigarettes kand^m ade from “ Bull” Durham Tobacco that appeals to clean-cut manhood the world over.

Wherever in the world two "Bull” Durham imokers meet—in a hotel lobby or club in Europe or America; at crosi-trails in the Klondike; in some far-off leaport on the Pacific—each recognizes in the other a m an to hii own liking, a comrade in the world-wide brotherhood of “ the Makings.” A lack of “ Bull” ii a letter of intro­duction that will win friends in every part of the globe.



{Enough tor feurty hand^mad* cigarettte in tach S~e*nt tack )

Milliopi of experienced smokers find the cigarettes they ro ll fo r themselves from pure, ripe “ Bull” Durham tobacco better su ited to their

they huy ready-made. They find* the rich , fresh f r a ^ a n c t and smooth, ■ mellow of “ Bull” Durham

, hand-made cigarettes afford lasting enjoym enK itid com plete sa tisfaction .

Enough “ Bull” Durham is sold in a. year to make ap p ro x im a te ly B I L L I O N C igare ttes—^about as many as all brands of

ready-made cigarettes in this country And the salei are s t i l l g r tw in g

—because more smokers are teaming to " r ^ l th e ir ow n .'*


a l th ta e h S c



See page 20-for Men's Clothtne Clearance ad.

Weather Tomorrow Probably

unsettled & warmerDemonstration of Nemo "Duplex"

Corsets continues. A

EXTRAORDINARY! Women^s High-Class Coats 10.00When the House o f Bapiberger attem pts a feat of m erchandising, it is usually on a

N O B L E scale. And so is this astounding sale of wom en’s high-grade coats and wraps. M odesty forbids tha t we place an actual valuation on these expressive ''garm ents. B u t we know for a sheer C E R T A IN T Y the more exclusive shops of Gotham have coats and w raps of the quality and style we are featu ring at prices th a t m ake $10 seem as no th ing in the com parison.

O ut-G o o f Hand BagsLed by Bags at Half Price

lO M tor Tailored Coats Made of These MaterialsBedford de Laine Pluchidor Wool eponge^oucle Chinchilla cloth - English tweeds

Smartly tailored coats fo r demi-dress, m otoring or prom enade wear. Some of them are e ither lined or dem ilined. Q uality of m aterial and w orkm anship are s trik ing points. Q u ite a num ber of beau tifu l colors, as new bl ic and old rose in w'ool plushes. They lack none of the finishing touches such as velvet piped buttonholes, em broidery darts and frog fastenings. Regulation o r kim ono sleeves.

These fine leather hand bags, which are featured in this January sale at half price^ include bags of genuine cowhide, real seal, real morocco, real pigskin and sheepskin, silk, moire and leather lined. Some fitted with purse; others with purse and mirror.^ Black and all colors. Slightly soiled from handling. Formerly $1 to J 12, now half price.N.i Bags. 2.25—Made of cowhide and sheepskin leather,nttea with purse—some with inside frames. Black and co lo rs- lined with silk or leather—regularly $3.00 each, special at___2.25

2,00 Leather Hand Bags. 1.45—These bags are made of genuine morocco leather, with Pannier handies and silver or gun metal frames. Some fitted with change purse and mirror. Regular $2 .00 , special ................................................................................^ ...........

1.00 Hand Baga, 79e—Of sheepskin leather, walrus and seal pressing. Several atyles, including the Duplex safety lock bags in large and small sizes. Regular $1.00 each, special, a t..............79c

10,00 for Dress Coats Made of These Materials5.00 Leather Hand Bags, 2.89—Dressy bags of long grain

leather, inside panel fitted with purse and mirror-smalT site_regular $5.00, a t............................................................................ 2,89


W S fP




Imitation Breitschwanz W orumbo chinchilla ZibelinesBrocaded plushes Imitation moleskin Brocaded molesThe dress wraps are revelations for the money. C harm is their inhe ren t quality.

They are elegant enough fo r even the fastidious first n ighters. Lustrous satin linings. Col­lars flat or close fitting, of velvet, plush or im itation f u r , . Trim m ings on every garm en t spell distinctiveness. E x tep tionally beautifu l are the brocaded plushes in black or rich warm brow n. Fashion still favors moles in their dove-gray softness, plain or brocaded effects. And, speaking of values, B am berger IN T E G R IT Y covers th is unm atchable showing.

Sale starts at nine o’clock sharp. Positively-no mail or ’phone orders will be ac­cepted and absolutely none of these coats will be sent r . O T). or np approval.


2.50 Duplex Safety Lock Bags, 2.00—Made of genuine leather lined with silk and fitted with purse and mirror—regular $2.50 hand bags, special...................................................................... _ j.OO

7.00 Beaded Bags, 5.00—Besutiful designs, such as black and steel, black and gold, white and steel, and many other styles— regular $7.00, special, a t................................................................. .

1.50 Beaded Bags, 1.19—Dainty light colored elTecis—gilt frames and chains—finished with fringe—good size—regult^v $1.50 each, special............................................................ ..

2.95 Velvet Hand Bags, 1.48—Silk velvet bags with silk cord handles, fitted with purse and mirror; also envelope purses wiili back straps and inside frames—regularly $2.95 each, special__ 1.48

4,00 Velvet Bags, 2,94—Silk velvet bags with velvet ribbon handles. Satin lined—fitted with large” mirror and change purse —regular $4.00, special..................................................................2.9 1

1.50 Collar Boxea, 1.00—Collar and mlT boxes, matte of sheep- skjtpste.nl.. , seal pfewlng.. <1.50east*, - ■ ....................... .............. f ........- .....................



Did you open any win­dows of the house before you tu rned on the heat this ntorning?

You should have, for ji is a aciemlAc fact that FRESH AIR Is heated QUICKER than stale air.

Try it tomorrow morning.First, open enough winoows

to permit the house to become thoroughly ventilated with pure, fresh morning afr. Then close the windows and turn on the heat.

You may be aurprised to see that the house will gel warm In much less time than bad yon left the stale air In.

Apart from being more sub­ject to heat, fresh air is nsturat- ly more healthful thsn the sir that bat been In the house ten or twelve hours.

Dispersal of Women’s GlovesThe glove departm en t is cleaning house. V ery

m aterial reductions prevail on desirable glovewear, suitable for a fte rnoon and street costum es.

1.00 Lamb Skin Gloves, 79cTwo-clasp kid gloves, in white, black and tan; also black

stitched on white and white stitched on black; Paris point em­broidered backs; puffed fingers; of excellent lamb skins; regular $1.00, special .................................................................79c

Women’s 1.00 Kid Gloves, 65cWell-known makes of pique and overseam gloves; some im­

perfect, others slightly soiled; all of splendid quality and none worth less than $ i .00 per pair; special price to close them out, pair ........................................................................................ 65c

Women’s 75c and 85c Gloves, 49cSome of these kid gloves are soiled, others arc slightly im­

perfect; overseam and P. X. M. sewn styles; of good quality; in all colors; 75c. and 85c. values; on sale while they last, spe­cial, pair ........................................................................................ 49c


Sewing MachineClearance

toWe are quoting low arouse your interest in a use­ful household utility. Ma­chines of standard make— the mention of which stands for self-guarantee, slightly used in the process of store demonstration are going for crisp little prices. You ought to take advantage of this op­portunity while it lasts.

Standard RotaryC«ntral Needle Type

55.00 Machine for .............. 42.5050.00 Machine for................ 40.W045.00 Machine for.............. 37.59

Automatic chain stitch ma­chine; regular $40.00, now.2S.00

Bamberger 5.drawcr machines, regular 24.75, for .............. 21.73SRD FLOOR, WASHINGTON BT,

E xodus o f Renaissance Lace P iecesThey Leave the House at Shrinkage Prices

12-inch Doylies, regular orice 15c, special, each. - 10c30-inch Centerpieces, regularly 1.19 to 1.50, special 95c 54-inch Lunch Cloths, regularly 3.50, special price, 2.25 54-inch Lunch Cloths, regularly 4.00, special price, 2.75 54-inch Lunch Cloths, reg. 4.00 to 5.00, at 3.00 and 3.25 72-inek Table Covers, regularly 4,50, special price, 2.75 72-inch Table Covers, regularly 5.50, special price,72-inch Table Covers, regularly 7.00, special price, 18x54-inch Scarfs, regularly 75c to 1.00, special at 18x54-inch Scarfs, regularly 1.00, special priced at

4.005.00 esc 95c


S' Men’s Underwear & FlannelIf'-

.%■ Shirts at Cool Savings( Men's 50c Ribbed Underwear, 39c

Heavy weight garments, of good Egyptian cotton, in ecru color; shirts have collarette necks; drawers with sateen bands, well guaseted; til siies; all perfect goods; regularly 50c. each; •pecia! .............................................................................................39c

Men’s Natural Wool Underwear, 69cShirts and drawers of excellent quality wool, natural gray

color; some of them have slight imperfections; shirts have ribbed bottoms; drawers with large gussets; worth 75c. and $1.00 each; special a t ............................................................... 69c

Men’s 75c Flannel N ight Shirts, 63cLarge, roomy night shirts, made of a good, heavy grade of

domet flannel, in various neat stripe effects; full 54 inches tong; neatly finished garments that are worth 75c. each, special at . 63c‘ Men's 1.00 and 1.50 Flannel Shirts, 79c

Included in this lot of heavy and medium weight flannel ihirts are odds and ends of regular stock lines; gray, blue and mixed colorings; well made and finished; $ 1.00 and $1.50 values, special ..............................................................................79c


Fine Silk Um brellas for 2 .29Silk Taffeta, Silk Levantine, Silk Serge and Union Silk Covers—Excellent HandlesA fine silk um brella a sterling silver, gold filled, or im­

ported novelty hand le fo r’$2.29! Do you grasp w hat an unusual offering this is? W e secured the inventory clearance stock of the well-known m aker, Follmer, C logg & Co., the refo re the rec­ord selling price of $2.29. M en’s and w om en’s um brellas in silk levantine, taffe ta , silk serge and union silk, black and the more prevalent colors, also a few fancy bordered effects with folding frames or detachab le handles. H andles them selves e ither ele­gantly plain or s te rlin g or gold-filled cappings and a few novelties

Other Splendid Values in UmbrellasUmbrellaa at 85c—Five hundred of them—for men and women. Perfect

covers of closely woven American gloria with silk cases; 28 and 28 inch sizes;special

Children’s Umbrellas, 33c—Great water shedders for school boys andgirts, Small and large sizes. Strong frames, neat handles; special..........33c



Here Are Fine Sweater Goatsfor Men-REDUCED

W om en ’s 2 .9 8 to 5 .0 0 Hats, 1 .50This price is made to sweep out one hundred and fifty hatters’ plush and vel­

vet hats th a t were originally priced at $2,98 to ^5. T here are a dozen different shapes in th e collection. All are suitable for f e a th e r^ m m in g . The choosing will be good un til the last is gone a t ...............................______ ^...........................1.50

1.98 to 2.98 Colored V elvet H ats, 1.00—T his is an odd lot of shapes in w hich the re a re some exceptional values.


4 5 .0 0 Seamless W ilton Rugs, 3 8 .7 5A cold proposition in floor coverings. B eau tifu l 9x12 high grade seam less

W ilton rugs, woven in one piece, made of pure w orsted, faithful reproductions of O riental rugs iiL all the ir native richness of co lo ring and beauty of design. A t

tab '$38.75 th is notaole underpric ing event will not rep ea t itself soon again. P rice willrevert to $45 afte r FRIDAY. Have you a decided ta ste for exquisite floor coverings? You can gratify it NOW at an economical figure.

No mail or telephone orders filled.

Playing Cards Sacrificed

The American Playing Card Company, retiring from busi­ness, has sacrificed its entire stock, and we have secured a good bite of its high-grade output. Playing cards go to you at practically wholesale figures, and in quite a num­ber of instances below. Chances are you will never again strike a like oppor­tunity, and we would suggest that you "get in" on this.19c. a n d ^ , cards........... 10c25c. to S5c. cards............. 15c39c. gold edge cards....... 19c


This Sample Line of

Fine Brassieres at 59cWill Create a Furore

The brassieres come direct to us from a maker with a world established reputation. The garments are this season’s models—samples—well made and per­fect fitting. Some of them are daintily trimmed with pretty laces; others embellished with wide embroidery. In this splendid collection are boned and boneless brassieres in hook front and button back styles. We feel safe in saying that you never saw such fine, new style brassieres at 59c.—the values will certainly sur­prise you. Sale takes place in the corset department, second floor, Halsey street. EARLY CHOOSING is advisable.


Fumed Oak Furniture at H alfQuaint Art Furniture at half price! Do you realize

just what this means to you? Either two pieces of elegant Quaint Art for the original price of one, or one at a fractional price of its real worth. Such a superb opportunity does not fall our way often, but while it knocks, the wise will surely answer! yariety still af­fords great choice. Prices emphatically at their best. Do not delay that purchase of a piece of Quaint Art for the happy fireside circle. Here is-an inkling of the

, ...., . '• <.'■■■- ■■■' 0 -.V.A X-

<«ilc RocJtcra a t 13.50' , 24.00 Fumed Oak Rockers a t 12.Q0

10.50 Fumed Oak Rockers at 8.2511.50 Fumed Oak Rockeps at 5,75 52.00 Fumed Oak Settees at 26.00


Icc> Skates Underimce

1 ,200 Full Size Bed Sheets at 55cThese fuH size (81x90 inches) are made of excellent quality white sheeting, strong and firm

and absolutely free from any dressing. Three-inch hem. Regular 69c. quality, Friday and Satur-................................. - ■ ■ *...............................................................................

Pillow Cues—Size 45x38 Inchet. Made of good strong quality linen finish muslin, nice and soft—reg­ular 12 yic. grade, at the special price of......... loyjc

8J4c Muslin, 6iic—36-inch bleached muslin and 40-inch unbleached rauslin, in good remnant lengths-.- of extra good quality, well finished; 8 Hc grade y®rd .................................................................

Sanitary Cation Birdseye—Ten-yard pieces—of good quality, soft and absorbent. Neatly wranoed In


20-in. width, reg.- 9 0 6 ,^ 1 6 0 6 __ 72c '22-ln. width, reg. 9Sc. piece......... . .T!c27-in, width, reg. LIO piece...........92c30-in. width, reg. 1.20 piece...........1.08

Rentnanta Lawn and Nainsook—Good length* for women’s and children’s wear. Pure white allnew clean good*—36 to 40 inches wide_15c to !9cgrade, yard...................................................... j

19c Turkish Bath Towels, 16c—Large size towels, very aoft and spongy—pure white bleach, neaily hemmed ends—regularly 19c, each^ spec. .16c

12!4c and IBe Dress Gingham, 854c—Fine quality zephyr gingham, 32 inches wide—pretly checks,stripes and plaids—washable colorings_12Hc. and15c, values, yard..................................... .,,8 i4c

6 Vic Bleached Domet Flannel, Se—Soft, warm and fleecy domet or sbnker fiannel, well napped* on both sides—pure wiij^bleach—a grade uatUlly 6j4c. yd.3«

Ht, — j . - -— —Fuli pieces of i7-tn."^uting flaane! in colored stripes and checks; also plain gray; regular 10c. gradp, apec., yard,.8Vic

1.39 EhigUah Long Cloth, 1.W—Twelve-yard pieces^made of fine combed yam—pure 5vhlte bleach. Beautiful soft BqIA—regularly $1.30 per piece, spe-ciai a t . . . . . . . . . . ................................... ,T.1;06

Hemstitched liable Cloths, 1J6—Pure linen table

f ir s t f l o o r , w a b h in o t o n s t r e e t

cloths of good, ctoae quality, in neat floral patterns size 58x58 Inches—specially priced at..........,..,1 .: ,26

A specfsl' lot of Viking hockey fee ikites are offered at and about half price. Have hardened steel runners, toe damp and leather heel strap.

75c. Ice Skates .............. 39cBOc. Ida Sitatee .25c

Sale of Used PianosUsed pianos a t $50, $75, $100 and up,

and used player pianos at $175 and up in our second annual sale. Many ex­ceptional valnes. Monthly payments may be aM iffed. (Piano-^fareroomi.


Two-Day Saleof Drugs

AliMorh^ut roUoQ— Puna w hItt, I'lb . earlonft: reff. a t . .a iv

SHidJIts Vowdt^rN •• G uaranleeil pure—- 12 <Jos(*a In box, re>nilar

a t ..................................... 121/acrrroKl(I« of H ydrouen— Pintb

JiTitl quarts: rog, lar. and tih \,................................ M*4* aod tOe

lilthooo i ’rram of andalmonds: reg. 40c. b o t t le . . .I t lc

DrsNslov CoinbJi—H ard rubber, sligh tly im perfect; 39o. mmU50r. v a l u e s . . . , , ........................auc

Hnlr Broshes—B ristles liiBurtud In rubber tughlona, reg. 4Bv.. • .............. ................ • ■ . tUic

Romolii F’iip« J/fitiob— For soft-t-nlng and w hitening ihtd sk in , reg. 50c,. a t . . , . ........................g,Vc

lioH04ite<1 Toolli — (nU rge aUe bottle— reg u la r 25c..

................................................. ibeTooth Brushes— W ith colored

rellulold handles; reg.at . f to r 15eSull Brtuibrn—W hite n ^ rls ttes,

real ebony backs; re g u la r tic.',at .......................................

WhUk Brooms— Good g rad e of corn—^rcgular l»c„ spec,

Ideal H air B m ahrs—The oHg- ach.Inal klttd--^regu)ar 76c. each,

speodal ......................................T cC l^U Goasumer Face l*ow<ler

—W hite and flesh—reg u la ra t ............*......... ................

R a a i ^ Face Powder— V ery ad-nealve, all shades; reg u la r 60<r,,h t .............. .. , , , , . r i V. ,35c

Bel Bon Vlolat TalettmIn sprink ler top tu n : reg u la r

e t ........................................... .Elbejtfo F e ro i^ o CroMa—G raasa-

less, large ja rs , reg u la rat ........... « |^

AunHarr KaplEliia — Am erican i*aqy brand, 1 do ien In c a r to n ’regu lar 36c., a t .................. .zlB«

KIbeea Creatn ToUvi Saaii__Three cake* In box; reg u la r3tc.. at............ i u

WriNgy*a T |* i« t ga Pam ae—3 .cake-at

kee in boxi regiliar. She.,...U«CaroMWIICfe n i in t —mi

, ly u ^ t e a ; r*go lar Ec. calls!

B ^ e a c k 'i F |w P o w 4 ^ — CutRoxea or Violet—riau iar Stc.,

........... ijeO m a C aetllf S ail.—B ars w eigh­

ing! about I Ibe., re g u la r 4qc.,a t

r io n a e ia * anaiM|nal T o ilat 'Highly perfum ed v* reg u la r

lEc. c a k e . , ................................igg■ ■ " b w e F e GlyecMaft S a a ^

H alf-pound bare; re g u la r Sc............................u

j ]1H«t f l o o r , u a r k s t a r .

Sale of Women’s Shoes

S t'

Women's $4, $5 m d $6 shoes—dis* continued lines from regular stock— are selling at $2.65, 19.65 and $4.65 in the January sale. Other splendtfl vatuee^ in winter and house footwear. (S iaehd ' Boor, H a b ^ $t.)

Gold Filled Jewelry Sale

Sparkling specials in gold filled jewelry are attracting hundreds to the Bamberger store today,. Rings, vanities, chains, necklacaa, bandeaux, brooches m among those fedfured.. (First'




N U ^


Never an overstock of decorative linens in any home. Whatever the dearth may be in your own supply, we believe the listing below has something accept­able. Elegant all lace hand-made Jap Renaissance pieces, beautiful in design, some of them with Union linen centres, in drawn work, knot stitch and ring effects, are to undergo radical change in pricing.

Bfitish Veil UtiieaTe



A ttM DiTlaa . Rmt n v v

tt* Sarta* ■ •I— B ar A fter Alt 1 Fart ■■ f t Cm Orap»i

niTHOu-n MS ObMld, fU M to TiM «f Flrtooutli to tar. Hum w«ra a t work •f (Igsola Uu suvs.

, jU tk* *t oona ttma I M ow m to i tb s *|gaala •Ifso l fram hUilA at f:l «a ilia batto

Admiralty «r«w oeulil Walinau, an toon.

ATtor th« •toter aubai. eom paiqi^ ' tbayAljWiii osS ttevoDpe

hlvoga T Rubblw w* f»e« la Ca' ww« throw VMoal to t bttbblM iiW bMS )te>«tr AtipaIr of A abort tl« partnt ▼••* Mtloa wltt wora allva. net baen n

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cTba "A r

load Bar 0 mautb Ben lew that I wni dta hW

Tv» otbi aaaif typa -A I- at < lain ef let Mrtbeath l ttttoaa-

n * Britt bar of ath< r to n . Thi wb4s twal' 4t. WO* teal thb ,-p r ’d r o w ^ : t tea war#

In the sporting goods store Friday men m ay buy $8 sw eater coats for ^ .7 5 , $7 ones for $5.95 and $5 warm sweaters for $3.95. W ith such a run of w in ter w eather ahead, wise men will need little urging to buy.

Men’s 8.00 Sweater Coats, 6.75Made of the best grade worsted yarns—full fashioned. The

colors include gray, navy, maroon and green. Sizes 34 to 44. Regular $8.00 sweater coats, special price............................. 6.75

Men’s 7.00 Sweater Coats, special 5.95Well made of the best grade worsteds yarns—medium

weight, but suitable to wear under a qoat. Shaw! collars. Gray, navy and maroon. Regular $7.00 sweaters..............................5,95

Men’s 5.00 Sweater Coats, 3.95Made of good quality wool yarns; shaker stitch ; shawl col­

lars. Colors include gray, navy and maroon. Sizes 34 to 44. They sell regularly for $5.00, special price..............................3.93


"B r If ttat o f Bft<

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