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We should also not forget to praise Allah

(S.W) for granting us the opportunity to

reach the beginning of the sacred Month

of Prohibitions Dhul-Q’adah which in-

cludes the 10 Grand honored Days of the

Ahlul bait (a.s). The (Ten Days of

Karaamah) that is the Birth anniversary of

Fatimah Masoomah and her brother

Imam Ridha the 8 th Imam of from the

Ahlul bait (a.s)

We pray to Allah the almighty who raised

His Prophet Muhammad Mustafa

(s.a.w.w) and His progeny who were

cleaned from sins and those who are be-

lievers among Muslim men and women

from different parts of the world would

be defended by him (a.s) on the judgment

day, We also ask Him to accept our pray-

ers and deeds in order to guide us on the

straight pass because they are your way

of guidance.

We ask for your prayers (Dua) until the

next issue which shall on 11th September

(16th Dhul Q’adah).

Thanks once again.





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3 al-bayaan

News and views



Wisdom of the Ages

Life in Society

The Qur’an

Events and Occasions



Health Matters

Al Mustafa in Pictures

Faith and the Individual


Student Information


4 The precise meaning of

Alhamdulillah and Subhan’ Allah

5 Manners of eating

9 Education in Islam

Personal Story

11 Islamic Society

14 Occasions and Events

13 Quranic Science

19 The Hidden Truth

Uganda’s drowning

Education System

20 Heavy Industrializa-

tion in Uganda

22 Supplications

Islamic Laws

23 Islamic Wisdom

26 Events commemora-

25 Sports Update


2 Editors message

Editorial Team

29 Life at Al Mustafa

Al Bayaan Sports

20 A Poem for Imam Ridha (A.S)


4 al-bayaan

News and views

What is the precise meaning of Alhamdulillah and Subhan’Allah

Hamd Hamd literally means praise, the opposite of con-demnation and dishonor. Praise is a sort of action, not just an utterance of words. We praise an object, person, action or event that we approve of and are satisfied about. Therefore, praise is the result of satisfaction which makes it an existential act or phenomenon. When we are satisfied of somebody we adore them. This love is what inclines us to a set of ac-tions, sayings, qualities and virtues identical to those of the beloved which finally results in abso-lute servitude, respect and taslim (submission) to that entity; this is when hamd has become com-plete and reached its final level. The more knowledge (ma’rifah) one gains the more he realizes that all praises, except for God, are futile, for the good in everything originates from Allah; therefore, God is worthy of the great-est praises and inevitably all praises lead up to Him as the ultimate source of good. Tasbih Tasbih is characterized as absolving God and pu-rifying Him of all deficiencies, needs, parallels and all qualities that don’t conform to His holi-ness and the highest tasbih is to void God from all qualities as praising God through His quali-ties is a form of shirk. Hence, tasbih means to move from shirk to tawhid and from His quali-ties to His essence (dhat). Essentially, subhan is a noun like ghufran and is sometimes used as one of Allah’s names (qualities) similar to how subbuh and quddus are names of Allah. And in the phrase Subhan’Allah, the word sub-han is mafuul mutlaq or the substitute of a verb (Arabic syntax), so the definition of Subhan’Allah is actually “sabbahtullaha tasbihan”‌,‌meaning, I purify God, a complete purification, which is to absolve God of what doesn’t conform to His holi-ness. In simple terms, Subhan’Allah means: I absolve God of what doesn’t conform to His holiness. And so based on the above, hamd means prais-ing God and tasbih is to purify and absolve – void - Him. These two concepts can be frequently

seen together in most ayahs of the Qur'an, dhikrs of salat, supplications, etc., because they are complementary to each other. In addition to the fact that these dhikrs have been mentioned numerous times in the daily rituals, they are also recommended (mustahabb) and are considered to be two of the main and fundamental dhikrs in Islam. In a hadith re-garding the special status of hamd and tasbih, Imam Ali (A.S) states: “ التسبيح نصف الميزان و الحمد هلل

‌‌”يمأل الميزان ; tasbih is half of the scale and hamd fills it.

In closing, we must note that pondering about

the meaning of dhikr, intuitive remembrance of

God and applying its meaning in our mind and

soul is the most important thing intended of

dhikr and the best dhikr is dhikr in action. We

also know that dhikr is more than utterance of

words (wird) and that its great benefits are root-

ed in the true manifestation of its reality in life

as opposed to merely repeating it without pay-

ing attention to the meaning.




5 al-bayaan

News and views

be kept away from them in heaven. According

to another tradition, Umro Bin Abilmukdam

brought a cup of water for Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq

(a.s.) which was joined with a silver piece which

the Imam (a.s.) let loose with his teeth. Accord-

ing to another tradition, Imam Rida (A.S.) has

prohibited the use of clay pot coming from

Egypt. According to Buzi ibne Umar, he saw

Imam Mohammed Taqi (a.s.) having food in a

black bowl in the middle of which Sura ‘Qulho

Wallah’ was written in yellow colour.2. The

right to have good tasty food and prohibition of

greed: According to traditions coming from

Ahle Bait (A.S.), it is Mustahab to eat and let

others eat good and clean food and serve it with

all formalities; and it is not right to make good

food Haram upon oneself. It is however neces-

sary that the food is sought by Halal means and

one should not eat to the extent of forgetting

prayers. One should not be like animals and on-

ly bother about eating and drinking; as eating

and drinking is done for the sake of prayer and

that one may gain strength. One should not

spend to the extent of being known as spend-

thrift as God does not keep this type of man His

friend. According to a reliable tradition, Imam

Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.) used to serve people with

good bread, tasty firni and delicious halwa and

used to say that when God is generous to us, we

should be generous to people when serving

them, and when we are in need we should be

careful. According to another tradition from the

same Imam (A.S.), God will question every

Momin on three topics on the day of judgment;

firstly, what he had eaten, secondly, what he

had worn and thirdly, how much he had ful-

filled the desire of obedient wife and kept her

away from haram. Abu Khalid Kabuli visited

Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s.) who served him

with delicious food during breakfast. When the

Imam (A.S.) asked how the food was, Abu Kha-

lid praised the food and recited this Aayat: ‘And

on that day will be definitely questioned about

Manner of Eating and Drinking

1. Utensils that are allowed in eating and

drinking: Silver and golden plates are not

permitted for eating and drinking and even

their use for other types of work is doubtful.

But it is better to avoid their use and display

for decoration purpose. Any food which is

kept in silver and gold is not permissible

though this food can be taken out in other

types of utensils. There is no reliability about

this tradition. One group of Ulema does not

perform Wuzu with utensils of silver and

gold. Many ulema are of the view that the

following things should not be made of ei-

ther gold or silver. Surma bottle, scent case,

agar case, chilam, lanterns (which are open

on two sides and hung in holy tombs), case

of the Quran, cases for the books of prayers

and supplications, mirror cases and even

walking sticks and pens; but according to

me (i.e. Majlisi) their non-permissibility is

not proved. However, the end of Hukka

pipe (Mohnal) should never be made of gold

or silver. To eat or drink in all gilded uten-

sils is makrooh (detestable). If you eat in

them, it is better not to let your mouth touch

them. If wine is kept in any utensil of glass

or brass, then these utensils can be cleaned

by washing them and even raw china which

is not porous. But all clay utensils made by

potter from ordinary clay need a lot of water

to be cleaned once they have been soaked in

dirt (wine). The water should be soaked in

the clay pot to the extent that the impurity is

removed. However, it is better not to use

them. According to a tradition from the Ho-

ly Prophet (s.a.w.a.), the person who uses

utensils of silver and gold in this world will

Wisdom of

the Ages


6 al-bayaan

News and views

the manifold blessings of Allah.’ According

to a tradition from Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), if

you eat too much food, then white spots ap-

pear According to a tradition from Imam

Ja'far-e-Sadiq (A.S.), God keeps those people

enemies who have these habits:

a) Who sleep during the day when they have

not been awake during the night,

b) Who laugh meaninglessly?

c) Who eat after the stomach is full. Accord-

ing to Hazrat Ali (A.S.), once Hazrat Esa

(Jesus) (A.S.) visited a city where a man and

a woman were fighting with each other in

loud tones. Hazrat Esa (A.S.) enquired about

the cause. The man replied that the woman

was his wife, very pious and had no vices

but he did not like her and desired to be sep-

arated from her. When the Prophet Esa (A.S.)

further asked the cause he said that the

woman was getting old and had lost the

freshness of the face. Hazrat Esa (A.S.) asked

the woman whether she wanted the fresh-

ness of her face. She replied, "Why not."

Then Hazrat Esa (A.S.) asked her not to eat

much for it spoils the freshness of the face.

When the woman acted accordingly she

looked young and was accepted by her hus-

band. According to the Holy Prophet

(s.a.w.a.), two things; leprosy and white

spots are caused by five habits: a) To use

noorah on Friday and Wednesday

b) To perform Wuzu and bathe with the wa-

ter heated by sunlight

c) To eat during the state of Janabat

d) To cohabit with a woman when she is in

period (monthly course)

e) To eat even when the stomach is full. Ac-

cording to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (A.S.), man

needs to eat that much food which is needed

for his strength. One part of the stomach

should be for food, the second for water and

third for breathing. One should not try to fat-

ten oneself like the lamb meant for Zabeeha

(slaughter). He also said that a full stomach

causes revolt (disobedience) and quarrels. Ex-

cept fever, all sudden diseases and pains are

caused by over-eating.

Another tradition from Hazrat Imam Ja'far-e-

Sadiq (a.s.) states that if the followers of the

Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) follow the ways and

manners of alien people especially those of

dress and food, they will not be blessed and

on the contrary, they will be degraded.3.

Ways and timings of eating: It is Sunnat

(recommended - optional) to eat early in the

morning and be without food for the whole

day and then have food for a second time af-

ter Isha prayers. The morsel should be small,

the food should be chewed properly, while

eating one should not stare at anyone and

should not take very hot food. One should not

cool the food by blowing with the mouth in-

stead, let the food remain for some time till it

cools. One should not cut the bread with knife

and should not completely empty the bones.

At least three fingers should be used to hold

the morsel, and when quite a few people are

eating in one plate, one should not put the

hand in front of the other's section. The plate

and fingers should be completely cleaned. It is

Makrooh (detestable) to eat in the state of

Janabat. The rigidity of order is relaxed if one

performs Wuzu or washes hands, gargles and

puts water in the nose or simply washes hand

and face and gargles. It is stated in a tradition

that one may suffer from the disease of white

spots if he neglects the above direction. Ac-

cording to a reliable tradition, the nephew of

Shahab went to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (A.S.)

complaining of stomach ache and heaviness

of bowels. The Imam (A.S.) asked him to eat

only two times - day and night - for God has


7 al-bayaan

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said the same in the praise of food in Heav-

en.‘(For those whose abode is Heaven), they

will get their food already prepared both the

times, morning and evening.’ According to

another tradition, a person who does not eat

in the evening gets old, and old people

should eat a little before going to sleep that

they may be able to sleep. This will also cause

good breath in the mouth and the person will

grow more polite. According to Hazrat Ali

(A.S.), any person who wants that the food

should not harm him should not eat until his

bowels are clear and he feels very hungry.

When he begins his food, he should recite

‘Bismillah’. The food should be chewed and

when there is a little bit of hunger left to be

appeased, then one should stop eating. Ac-

cording to Hazrat Imam Hasan (A.S.) twelve

points should be kept in view about food by

every Muslim. Four are compulsory, four are

Sunnat (optional) and four are about man-

ners. The compulsory ones are: a) Knowing

one's ‘Giver’ b) To know that all that we have

is from God and be satisfied with the food He


c) Saying ‘Bismillah’

d) Thanking God. The Sunnat are: a) to wash

hands before eating. b) To sit by keeping one's

weight to the left side. c) To eat with at least

three fingers. d) to lick the fingers. The man-

ners of eating are: a) To eat that food which is

placed before one b) To take small morsels c)

To chew the food) Not to look at others' faces

while eating. Complete etiquette of having

food: It is Sunnat to eat with the right hand

and sit on the knees. No food should be taken

while lying or relaxing but one can rest on the

left hand while having food as there is no

harm. It is wrong to squat while eating and

worse to put one foot over the other. Eating

alone is makrooh (abominable). It is sunnat to

eat with servants and slaves - sitting on the

ground. It is a popular belief among ulema

that one should not eat while walking and

that it is sunnat to wash the hands before and

after the meal and not to dry them on a tow-

el.Certain ulema are of the opinion that one

should not eat with people who take Haram

(non-permissible) food or perform Haram

(non-permissible) act. Even to sit on a table set

for them is Haram. It is also Haram to sit and

eat with those people who lie about muslims

and blame them of performing non-

permissible deeds. To taste salt before and af-

ter the meals is sunnat.Another reliable tradi-

tion from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) states

that a man who sits on the table with drunk-

ards is cursed. According to many of the relia-

ble traditions, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has

prohibited the use of left hand for having

food except when a person is forced to or

whose right hand is diseased. Another tradi-

tion prohibits eating while lying on one's

stomach, relaxing or resting. According to a

tradition from Hasan, one day Ibad-e-Basari, a

noted Sufi and Sunni Alim visited Imam Ja'far

-e-Sadiq (A.S.) while he was having food.

Imam (A.S.)'s left hand rested on the ground.

Ibad said to Imam (A.S.), "Aren't you aware

that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has stopped

us from resting our hand on the ground?" The

Imam (A.S.) lifted his hand a little and rested

it back again. Ibad commented again. The

third time the Imam (A.S.) replied that the

Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has certainly not pro-

hibited the resting of the left hand while hav-

ing food. A tradition states that the Holy

Prophet (s.a.w.a.) used to eat only from what

was in front of him. He used to sit as one sits

in the state of Tashahud while praying. The

right foot used to be on the left and the back

of the right foot used to meet with the front of

left. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) used to say

that he was a creature who was like others

and sat among them. According to Hazrat

Ja'far-e-Sadiq (A.S.), when a person can use

his right hand for eating, it is makrooh to use

the left hand. According to Imam Ja'far-e-

Sadiq (A.S.), one should not eat while walk-

ing, except when forced. Many reliable tradi-


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Imam Mohammed Baqir (A.S.) says that salt

is the cure for seventy diseases and if people

will come to know the advantages of salt,

they will not use any other cure except salt.

The Imam (A.S.) also said that God asked

Hazrat Moosa (A.S.) to order his followers to

have salt before and after the meals and if

the order was not obeyed they will be encir-

cled with troubles and at that time they will

curse themselves. Another tradition advises

one to have vinegar before meals as it sharp-

ens one's brains. A tradition states that Imam

Ja'far-e-Sadiq (A.S.) had said that he took salt

before and after the meals. Yasser, the serv-

ant of Imam Rida (A.S.) states that the Imam

(A.S.) used to call the young and old and

even all the servants before sitting for the

meals and make these people sit with him.

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) commands us to

take off socks and shoes before taking meals

as; besides being the best of sunnat, it is very

comfortable for us. A reliable tradition states

that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), while hav-

ing food with congregation, used to order

the guests to start the food early and to finish

late or at leisure so that they may be able to

eat more. It is narrated in a reliable tradition

that Sama bin Mahran asked Imam Ja'far-e-

Sadiq (A.S.) what he should do first when

the time for food and prayers collide. The

Imam (A.S.) asked him to have his meal first

if the time for prayer was there, but if having

food will cover the precious time for prayer,

then he should pray first and take his meal



tions from Ahle bait and Hazrat Ali (A.S.)

state that if a person wants his house to be

blessed then he should wash his hands before

every meal. Washing of one's hands after tak-

ing the meal stops poverty and body pains.

Another tradition from Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq

(A.S.) explains the etiquette of washing hands.

Before the meal, the host should wash his

hands first, followed by the guests and there

may be no lapse of time between the washing

of hands and having the meal. However, at

the close of the meal, guest seated on the left

of the host should wash his hands first fol-

lowed accordingly by the other guests so that

the turn of the host comes last. It is compulso-

ry and obligatory for the host to wait with pa-

tience until all the guests have washed their

hands. Another tradition from the same Imam

(A.S.) states that when one washes one's

hands before the meals one should not dry it

but keep it wet for the food is blessed as long

as the hands are wet. After the meal, the

hands should be washed and rubbed on one's

face so that one's daily bread may increase

and the freckles on the face disappear. Mufaz-

zal ibne Umar states that he complained of

pain in the eyes before Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq

(a.s.). The Imam (a.s.) told him that when he

washes his hands after the meal, he should

keep the wet hands on his eyebrows and eye-

lids and recite three times: ‘All praise is due to

Allah who ministers kindness, makes one

beautiful, showers one with blessings and ele-

vates one! Mufazzal states that he followed

the instructions of the Imam (A.S.) and never

again had eye pain. When Imam Moosa

Kazim (A.S.) was having a meal in the house

of Fazal bin Yunus, Fazal brought a napkin so

that the Imam (A.S.) may cover his lap but

Imam (A.S.) refused, saying that it was the

etiquette of non-Muslims and allies nations. It

is narrated in a reliable tradition that the Holy

Prophet (s.a.w.a.) asked Hazrat Ali (A.S.) to

have salt before and after the meals; for, a

man who takes salt before and after the meal

is saved from seventy types of curses and a

major of them is leprosy. A tradition from


9 al-bayaan

News and views

Education ciety and its educational process. In recent times this role has become increasingly stronger and larger because of the facilities provided by tech-nological and organizational advancements. Po-litical and Ideological schools of thought have influenced various governments to organize and supervise education process closely in order to secure people's allegiance to their rule. Socialist, Communist, Capitalist and Muslim govern-ments are all concerned to see their education institutions such as schools, colleges, universi-ties, newspapers, radio and television etc.... bring up people within their planned codes and directives. It may not be out of context to mention at this stage, that education in Muslim countries is on the whole sadly influenced by non-Islamic codes. Such secular codes bring up Muslim chil-dren in a way that will lead to internal struggle within people and society which ultimately leads to anarchy and social ills, as is the case of non-Muslim societies. Therefore, it is a duty of men of letters, fathers, Muslim scholars, and Is-lamic callers to be aware of this grave danger. Suitable cultural measures should be taken in order to face this challenge and protect the com-ing Muslim generations from falling into the abyss of corruption and deviation. 5. The Individual: When children grow up, get matured physically and mentally, they are able to perform self-education. Thus, people are capable of modify-ing their stands, thoughts and conduct. Allah's words testify this fact: "Guard yourselves and families against a Fire....― Holy Quran (66:6) There is stress on the individual's responsibility for self- education, rescue from suffering and anguish, by the following verse: "But as for him who fears to stand before his Lord and restrains the soul from lust. Then sure-ly Paradise is the abode€• Holy Quran€™an (79: 40-41) Islam views self-education as having great effect in improving and transforming people. The in-ner transformation of people would naturally result in the keen observance of laws, on the part of the individual. The Prophet has praised believers who undergo self-education, and has proclaimed Paradise to be their reward. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.) has narrated from his father's chain of authority to the Proph-et:

WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EDUCA-TION? Thus it is very important to attend schools with due care, especially with regard to their main ele-ments which besides teachers are the educational syllabus, extra-curricular activities and discipli-nary supervision. These elements ought to be molded within an Islamic framework, making out of schools an effective instrument for refining impurities and wrong motives that may be ac-quired from the family or environment. Moreo-ver, schools are a suitable ground to discover tal-ents and nurture good motives. They develop people in the right fields and strengthen good intents in them, so that they would eventually play constructive roles in society, after being properly equipped with scientific and cultural knowledge and given appropriate training. In short schools should be charged for achieving a sound Islamic educational program. These goals have already been reviewed in the previous chapter, Islamic Education Goals'. 3. Society: The third factor which shares education responsi-bility is society. People's personalities are greatly influenced by social trends and norms, culture, concepts, way of life, language and religion of the society. Therefore, it is necessary to build the society ac-cording to Islamic cultural norms. The social fac-tors and the way of life should be monitored carefully so as to achieve the upholding Islamic principle of, "commanding people to act upon good deeds and refrain from evil doings. Friends and companions exercise profound influ-ence on each other during childhood and teenage stages, unconsciously creating lasting effects or characters. Hence, it is important to keep children away from spoiled friends, centers of corruption, especially when Muslims live in a non-Islamic society or environment. When we are lucky, having the opportunity of living in an Islamic society, then dangers for chil-dren being misled would be minimized. Muslim society would play a positive role in the bringing-up process, imparting required influence on peo-ple's conduct and way of life. 4. State: The state or more properly the type of govern-ment has always played an interesting role in so-


10 al-bayaan

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"When the Day of Resurrection arrives, a caller from Allah will proclaim, where are the patient? A group of people would rise up, and a team of angels would be ready to welcome them; (other) people would ask: What type of patience you endured?' They would reply: We have endured difficulties in the way of Allah, and refrained from His disobedience.' Then he (the Prophet) said: A caller on behalf of Allah Would cry: My servants are truthful, make way for them to Paradise without any questions A narration from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (A.S.) says that during the time of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) a detachment was sent out for a battle. When they returned to Medina, he (Prophet) said: "Welcome to a people who accomplished the lesser struggle while the big struggle is awaiting them. It was inquired: "O Messenger of Allah, what is the big struggle? He (s.a.w.a.) replied: "Struggle with yourself (desires)€• Thus self-education is based on the above-mentioned directives and guidelines. It strives for arriving at fruitful results in the field of per-sonal conduct and observance of Islamic laws, when conforming to Islamic teachings.


Personal Story


During my holidays, auntie came for me as her husband’s

school in Kampala was offering bursaries. So she took me

along with her and I got admitted in Greenland Islamic P/sch.

Praised is Allah that I completed my p.7 well in 2007. With the

cooperation of mum, dad and my aunt, helping each other

and persuaded me to “o” level studies until I accomplished it.

By 2012, God is good, that’s when government of Uganda

opened up free education at “A” level. My points possessed

me to this service, and so Dad called for me from Kampala

and even the situation had changed at home, he took me to

the school called Kaddugala S.S.S. in Masaka. I started school-

ing as he used to pay for other needs at school. As a way of

deducting on the expenses, I decided to post on head girl-ship

at school since when you were couldn’t pay for launch fee

and lucky enough I was voted for that post. Successfully I

completed form five but during the holiday my dad fell sick

and he was bleeding from ulcers. This disease weakened him

that we had to take him in hospital for blood transfusion,

after every two weeks. Sometimes I had to stay in the hospi-

tal that we stay there for 1:2 weeks for him to get better. So I

became to part time at school since mum had to work to ca-

ter for everything, other time we had to buy expensive medi-

cine for Dad. Before a week to my final exams, dad was in the

hospital yet I had to concentrate and read. I was able success-

fully to do the papers and I passed them.

Unfortunately, during my form six vacation, my Dad passed

away. There and then I had been left with little or more not to

join campus. God is Great, never He forgets his people, that

He sent me one of my friends called Adam who helped me to

get admitted to Al-Mustafa Islamic university, where am

studying from now that am taking Islamic and BBA 1st yr se-

mester one.

Special thanks; to mum, the Late Dad (RIP), Aunt, Adam and

Al-Mustafa Islamic college.

Glory is to Allah.

(I am moved with your courage, truthfulness etc, and highly

hope that you will keep these invaluable qualities, and also as

in the footsteps of Adam, live for others—C/Editor).



IES. I hereby Naggayi Sulainah, from a noble family of 8 chil-

dren, I am the 3rd last child. As any other child, that has

grown up one of parents duties is to educate her/him.

Mine did this, however much they still do. My mother was

my first teacher at home, getting to master ABC... And 1-

10, was my mum who did all that. As time went on, when

I was 3yrs old, they had to take me to school, for more

knowledge. I was then taken to Kyosimba Onaanya N/sch.

Thanks be to the Lord that I was bright because I didn’t

leave any gift for my elder brothers. When I joined P.1 I

was transferred Mpugwe Islamic p/sch. Where I learnt

worldly things and hereafter (Islam) and recitation of

Quran. When I reached p.5, 2005 the funds reduced at

home to cater for our school fees, food and others. The

four brothers dropped out of school because of that ob-


11 al-bayaan

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Life in the

Society [Bihar al-Anwar, v.71, pp.388-389] The Prophet (Pbuh) said: God will raise the position of the one who is good-tempered to that of the one who fasts and stays up at night standing in prayer. He also said: The first thing that is counted on the Day of Judgment is one's good temper. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.71, p.385] He also said: The one dearest and closest to me amongst you in the Hereafter is the one with the best temper, and the humblest. The Prophet (Pbuh) told the Commander of the Faithful (Pbuh): Shall I inform you of your closest trait to me? He answered yes. The Prophet (Pbuh) said: The one with the best temper, the one who is the most persevering, the one who helps his rela-tives the most, and the one who is most fair to oth-ers regarding himself. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.77, p.58] Nobility and a good temper are so valuable that the noble Prophet of Islam (Pbuh) has declared it to be the reason for his appointment to the Prophethood. It is certain that I was appointed to perfect your good temper, and nothing else. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.3, p.149] I was appointed to perfect your good temper. Being good-tempered and having good morals are rays of God's attributes, the way of the Prophets and the Immaculate Imams and the cause of good-ness and blessings for the one with these attrib-utes. A bad temper and foul behaviour are satanic and are the causes of disruption of life, insecurity, sep-aration, and hatred of people; and will ruin the life here and in the Hereafter. I will refer to several points which should be adhered to by any couple in order to strengthen their relationship, and con-tinue their love and affection. I hope that God the Almighty will adorn us all with a good temper and morals and help us avoid bad morals. Love and its Expression God has established love in our hearts as hus-bands or wives and recognizes this to be one of the signs of His Existence. This fact is a manifestation of the importance and extent of love and especially the love and affection of man towards a woman. And among His signs is that, which He created for you mates from among yourselves that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in

Family Structure according to Islam-ic Ethics

The Prophet (Pbuh) said: I recommend you to have good morality, since verily this will take you to heaven, and you should not be foul tem-pered since that will undoubtedly take you to Hell. [Wasa'il, v.16, p.29, Al-I-Bayt Press] The Value of Good Morality It is necessary for the parents to consider a few things which are repeatedly stressed in the Holy Quran for the sake of themselves and their chil-dren. It is not difficult to have good morals and avoid evil acts. It is easy to put morals into ac-tion and avoid unethical acts in a short period of time. This will not only ease our progress on the highway towards God, but it will also strengthen our marriage; increase our mutual love; and serve as a lesson for others, especially our children. Mutual adherence to morals will create an atmosphere of love and affection; peace and security; and health and purity and will make all aspects of our life delightful. In several verses, the Holy Quran has praised the noble Prophet for being good-tempered and ad-hering to this attribute. It is part of the Mercy of God that thou dost deal gently with them. Wart thou severe or harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about thee: [Holy Quran: Al-I-Imran 3:159] And thou (stands) on an exalted standard of character. [Holy Quran: Qalam 68:4] The Prophet (Pbuh) said: Islam means being good-tempered. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.3, pp.137-138] Imam Mujtaba (Pbuh) said: The best goodness is a good temper. The Prophet (Pbuh) said: Good temper is ac-companied by the good of this world and the Hereafter. Imam Ali (Pbuh) said: A good temper is at the head of all goodness. The sixth Imam (Pbuh) said: There is not a bet-ter life than that of the one with a good temper.


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that are Signs for those who reflect. [Holy Quran: Rum 30:21] This love and affection blossoms ear-ly in marriage and even before the religious wed-ding ceremony, and it grows until it reaches its final extent. It is the responsibility of both part-ners in marriage to maintain this given blessing and this excellent spiritual state of love which is the main cause of happiness and pleasure in life. This can be done by mutual support, being good-tempered, forgiving, cooperation, reasonable ex-pectations, mutual respect, avoiding arguments and fights. The couple should avoid what might harm their loving relationship. They should know that any attempt to maintain a loving rela-tionship is considered to be worship and any act that might hurt the foundation of love is un-doubtedly a sin and deserves God's punishment, and also causes grief and hurt in this life. Regard-ing those who have the power to attract others affection, Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) said: May God bless those who can attract people's affection. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.2, p.205] If there is no intellectual or religious legitimate reasons, converting love and affection into ha-tred, grudges and animosity is considered to be ungrateful for God's blessings. On the other hand, maintaining a loving relationship and ex-tending love to others is a cause of happiness in this world and the Hereafter. Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) said: Woe to those who are ungrateful for God's blessings, and blessed and prosperous be those who love each other for God. [Vasa'il, v.16, p.171, Al-I-Bayt Press] The Commander of the Faithful (Pbuh) said: Re-garding love and affection, the best of you are those who are the ones who strive to be the first to be kind to others. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.2, p.210] Man is instructed to be affectionate to all the peo-ple who deserve his kindness, love and affection. Thus, our spouses and children who are even much closer to us require our love and affection. It has been written in a Qudsi Tradition: The crea-tures are my spouse. The dearest one to me is the one who is kindest to my creatures, and one who exerts the most effort to satisfy their needs. [Usul al-Kafi, v.2, p.199] Based on what was said, the love of a man for a woman and the love of a woman for a man is one of the signs of God which is placed in the heart. It is one of the especial signs of God's existence, and

one of His Especial Blessings. This love is the best reason for the establishment of a healthy mutual life, and its continuation. It is the cause of happi-ness and pleasure in life. That is why it is neces-sary to maintain and try to strengthen it and avoid actions which might harm it. Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) said: Love of women is one of the Prophets charac-teristics. [Vasa'il, v.20, pp.22-23, Al-I-Bayt Press] The Prophet (Pbuh) said: Prayer is the apple of my eyes, women are my pleasure in life, and my scented flowers are Hassan and Husayn. Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) said that there is nothing more enjoyable than women in this world and the Here-after. God has said: And among His signs is this, that he created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect. [Holy Quran, Rum 30:21] Fair in the eyes of men is the love of things they covet: women and sons; [Holy Quran: Al-i-Imran 3:14] The Prophet of Islam (Pbuh) said: The inhabitants of Heaven enjoy nothing more than marriage: even more than foods and drinks. [Vasa'il, v.20, pp.23-24] The Prophet of Islam (Pbuh) said: When a man expresses his love to his wife, it will never be re-moved from her heart. Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) said: The stronger will a woman's faith become, the more she is loved by her husband. It must be noticed that love of one's wife should not become too excessive, since this will also pre-vent a man from walking on the right path and doing good deeds. One should especially be care-ful that his wife does not try to rule over him through her love, and force her excess wants upon him. A man's love and affection for his wife or an-ything else should be subject to his belief in God and the Day of Judgment, and it should not pre-vent him from his progress towards perfection and doing good deeds. If the love for women should become a bedrock for sin and wastefulness, or jealousy and greed, or abstaining from doing obligatory religious acts, then this kind of love- accompanied by a satanic state is far away from God's pleasure and satisfaction.



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The Qur’an The Qur’an and Ahlul-Bait (s)

Principles for Understanding the Qur'an

The Qur'an is the Book of Allah Who sent it down as a Revelation to His Prophet Muham-mad (s.a.w.a.).

Allah protected it (the Qur'an) against any dis-tortion, forgery and disfigurement, additions and deletions. Praise be to Allah that all the Muslims agree with the purity and the safety of the Qur'an, but there is a scientific problem which is the problem of understanding the Qur'an and its explanation. Most of the differ-ences in ideological, and jurisprudential opin-ions belong to the difference that exist in under-standing and explaining the Qur'an.

In order to give a correct explanation to the Qur'an, the Imams of Ahlul-Bait (A.S.) used to follow a scholarly method in explaining the Qur'an, these are:

1. The explanation of the Qur'an by the Qur'an, that is; some Qur'anic verses explain some oth-ers.

2. The explanation of the Qur'an by true and au-thentic traditions and narrations. Surely the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) explained what was in need of explanation through his sayings and actions, like the verses of prayer, paying the poor-rate (zakat), pilgrimage and various other Qur'anic concepts and laws.

3. Explaining the verses, whose explanation does not reach us from the pure Prophetic tradi-tions (Sunnah), and were not clear, because of other verses, from the linguistic understanding of the Arabic language. Indeed Allah's Book is a clear Arabic Book; what is understood from its literal meaning is an excuse upon the Muslims.

4. The explanation depends on the reason for the revelation in explaining most of the verses of the Qur'an and this should be done within the framework of the Qur'an and the Traditions in order to give their true and real meanings.

The Prophetic Traditions (Sunnah) in the School of the Ahlul-Bait

It is narrated that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) said: "May Allah prosper the person who heard my saying, memorized it, comprehended it and retold it (to others) as he had heard it, since a carrier of knowledge may not be a scholar and perhaps one may transport knowledge to a more learned one."(38) The Prophetic tradition means the specific ac-tions, sayings and the declarations (confirmations)* of the Prophet Muham-mad (s.a.w.a.). Allah, the Almighty ordered us to follow the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and practice his traditions (sunnah) by saying: " ...whatever the Apostle gives you accept it, and whatever he forbids you abstain (from it)." Holy Qur'an (59:7) "Certainly you have in the Apostle of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah and the Last Day..." Holy Qur'an (33:21) "...and If you have a dispute concerning any matter refer it to Allah and the Apos-tle." Holy Qur'an (4:59) *- Taqrir in Arabic means "confirmation". It is a declaration, approval and signature and means that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), himself had a witness for the ac-tions practiced by the Muslims but, did not forbid them. These divine instructions were strictly adhered to by the Ahlul-Bait and those who followed their radiant path and advocated sincere adherence to the Book of Allah and the Prophetic sunnah in interpretation, narration, jurisprudence, legislation and ideology and other Islamic knowledge and sciences. Thus, the Prophetic sunnah is the second source among the sources of thought and legislation on which the Muslims depend-ed for judgment, laws and values. Most of the Shari'ah laws, and their con-cepts were not clearly detailed in the Book of Allah like the laws concerning the pay-ing of poor-rate (zakat), prayer, wealth, holy struggle (jihad), family, and interna-tional relations and others. Therefore, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) started ex-


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Imam Redha (R.A)

Titles: Gharib al-Ghuraba, Moeen-uz-Zoafa-e-wal-Fuqara, Shah-e-Khurasaan

Agnomen: Abul-Hasan

Father: Imam Moosa-e-Kazim (A.S.) - the 7th Imam

Mother: Ummul-Baneen Bibi Najma

Birth: At Madina on 11th of Zi-Qadah 148 AH (765 AD)

Martyred / Buried: in Mashhad at age 55, on the last day of the month of Safar 203 AH (817 AD)

Son- Imam: Imam Mohammed Taqi Al Ja-wad-9th Imam

Cause of Death : Martyred by Abbasid Kha-lifa Mamoon in Mashhad, Iran

Imam Reza (A.S.), the eighth Imam was born on Thursday 11th Zee al-Qa'adah 148 A.H. / 29 December 765 A.D. in Madinah. The new-born child was named Ali by his holy father, Imam Musa al-Kazim (A.S.), the seventh Imam. He was divinely entitled "Reza" and his nickname was Abul Hasan.

For many times Imam Musa al-Kazem (A.S) explicitly introduced his eldest son "Ali" as his immediate successor to accede to the di-vine position of Imamat. Subsequent to the martyrdom of his father in Baghdad, on the 25th of Rajab 183 A.H. / 1 September, 799 A. D. in the prison of Abbasid caliph, Harun-al-Rashid, he attained the holy position of Imamat, when he was thirty five years old, and he held that divine position for twenty years.

Three Abbasid caliphs were his contempo-raries: for the first ten years Harun al- Ra-shid, for next five years Amin and finally for the last five years Ma'mun.

Why Ma'mun invited Iman Reza (A.S.)

After the death of Harun (b, 766 A.D., r. 786-809 A.D.) in 193 A.H./ 809 A.D., Ma'mun fell into conflict with his brother Amin (b 787 A.D., r. 809-813 A.D.), which led to bloody wars and finally the assassination of Amin in 813 A.D./ 198 A.H., after which Ma'mun became caliph. The Umayyad and the Abbasid caliphs were afraid of the Holy Imams (A.S.), who were publicly recog-nized as the true and worthy successors of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.). The Holy Imams (A.S.) were therefore constantly per-secuted and tortured by the ruling caliphs of the time.

Ma'mun thought of finding a new solution for these difficulties, which his Abbasid predecessors had not been able to solve. Ma'mun contrived to invite Imam Reza (A.S.) to Marw, (the city where Ma'mun's seat of caliphate was located) with the evil intention of making false friendship with His Holiness. Thus, the cruel Caliph intend-ed to have a direct eye on His Holiness.

In order to have this decision put into ef-fect, Ma'mun forcefully exiled Imam Reza (A.S) from Madinah to Marw. On his de-parture from Madinah, Imam Reza (A.S.) gathered the members of his family and enjoined them to shed tears for his last jour-ney with no return. Holy Imam (A.S.) did not take any member of his household with him to Marw. His Holiness intended to make the people aware of the exile that Ma'mun had intended for him.

Towards Khurasaan

According to Ma’mun’s' commands, the direction of Imam Reza (A.S.) caravan from Madinah to Marw was predetermined. He arrived in Marw on the 10th of Shawwal in 201 A.H. / 1 May 817 A.D., via Basrah, Khorramshahr, Ahwaz , Rey, Neyshabur, Sanabad and Sarakhs.

Throughout his long journey, the Holy Imam (A.S.) was cordially received by the people living in those cities and villages on the route. When His Holiness arrived in Neyshabur he narrated a Hadith Qudsi be-fore an estimated crowd of 120,000 which also included thousands of distinguished

Events and



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scholars and traditionists.

This historical and the most famous Hadith Qudsi in known as "Silsilat al-Dhahab." Imam Reza (A.S.) confirmed that worshipping God will be counted as a perfect procedure when it is based on the obedience of the Immaculate Holy Imams (A.S.). This historical statement of Imam Reza (A.S.) implied the presentation and assertion of the Imamat (Socio- religious leadership) of His Holiness.

Imam-e- Zaamaan (A.S.)

The Eighth Shi'it Imam, Imam Ali ibne Musa ar-Reza (A.S.) is also called as Imam-e-Zaamin(A.S.).When Muslims go on journeys they take with them something called "Imam-e-Zaamin" [another name for Imam Reza (A.S.)] which is some money tied in a cloth. This tra-dition probably came from the time of Imam Reza (A.S.) when people used to carry money with them especially because it had Holy Imam's (A.S.) name on it. As Ma’mun, the Ab-basid caliph the contemporary of Imam Reza (A.S.), had coins minted with the name of Imam Reza (A.S.) on them, it was very easy for the Muslims to carry the name of Holy Imam (A.S.) with them, especially when they went on journeys.

Imam Reza (A.S.) is also known as Imam-e- Zaamin (A.S.). Zaamin means "The Guaran-tor". One day when Imam Reza (A.S.) was on his historical journey from Madinah to Marw(Khurasaan),while in a jungle the Holy Imam(A.S.) came across a hunter who was about to kill a deer. The deer was trying to get away and when she saw Holy Imam (A.S.), she said something to him.

Holy Imam (A.S.) asked the hunter to free the deer so that she could go and feed her little baby deer who were very hungry. Imam Reza (A.S.) also told the hunter that once the deer had fed her babies she would come back. The hunter allowed the deer to go because Holy Imam (A.S.) had told him to, but he did not think the deer would come back. However, Imam Reza (A.S.) waited with the hunter until the deer returned with her young ones. The hunter was amazed on witnessing this miracu-lous event and he set the deer free as a mark of respect for Imam Reza (A.S.).

After this historical event Imam Reza (A.S.) became famous as Imam Zaamin (A.S.). The most famous artist of the contempo-rary world, Ustad Mahmud Farshchiyan has depicted this historical event in this beautiful masterpiece iconography entitled "Zaamin-e-Aahu"(The Guarantor of the Deer).

Successorship to Caliphate

Imam Reza (A.S.) was welcomed at Marw by the caliph himself and by his Prime Minister Fazl ibn Sahl and some distin-guished Abbasid nobles in a place a few leagues outside the metropolis. After some days, Ma'mun offered Imam Reza (A.S.), first the caliphate, His Holiness seriously rejected Ma'mun's proposal.

Then Ma'mun proposed Imam to accept the successorship to caliphate, the Imam Reza (A.S.) turned down this proposal also but he was finally forced to accept the suc-cessorship to caliphate. The Holy Imam (A.S.) put forward certain conditions that he would not interfere in governmental affairs or in the appointment or dismissal of government agents.

Ritual of Fitr Prayer

In the late Ramadan 202 A.H. / March 817 A.D., Ma'mun requested Imam Reza (A.S.) to conduct the religious service of the cele-bration of "Fitr Prayers" (Festival at the end of the month of Ramadan) in Marw. The Holy Imam (A.S.) accepted only with the condition to perform the related ritual just on the basis of the method of the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.).

Early in the morning of the celebration day of "Fitr", Holy Imam (A.S.) appeared in plain clothing and bare-footed before that congregation and glorified God loudly; saying "Allah Akbar" (God in the Greatest of all.).

From every direction of the city the call "Allah Akbar" could be heard because the congregation present there followed His Holiness and shouted "Allah Akbar". Ma'mun was deeply alarmed by the mag-


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sive pain and languor and in the evening of the same day, the holy soul of the innocent Holy Imam (A.S.) departed to heaven. The Holy Imam (A.S.) was buried in the solitude of night at the same place of the palace which His Holi-ness had prophesied during his first visit to Humaid bin Qahtabah's palace at Sanabad in 201 A.H. / 817 A.D.

Mashhad: The Land of Miracles

Once a small village called Sanabad soon trans-formed into a great metropolis by the presence of the holy shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.) called as Mashhad al-Reza (tomb sanctuary of Imam Re-za (A.S.)., also briefly called Mashhad which is also one of the most extensively visited pil-grimage centers in the world. Miracles regular-ly occur at the holy shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.) and hence the holy city of Mashhad is also fa-mous as "The Land of Miracles "

The Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (AS)

The magnificent and marvelous buildings and structures in the holy shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.), comprises one of the oldest and most beautiful religious and historical monuments in the world.

The grand complex of the holy shrine is round in structure which includes six courtyards (Sahn), twenty - three porches (Riwaq), the Gowharshad Mosque, Razavi University of Is-lamic Sciences, Islamic Research Foundation, Museums, the Central Library Complex, Offic-es, Hospital, Inn and the buildings for perform-ing ablutions. The present surface area of the holy shrine is 267079 square meters.

Merits of Imam Reza's (A.S.) Ziyarah

There are many traditions concerning the merit of Imam Reza's (A.S.) ziyarah (pilgrimage) in general, and in some its thawab (spiritual re-ward) is concerned to be equal to that of the martyrdom of the martyrs of Badr, and in still other traditions its thawab is considered equal to that of a hajj pilgrimage.

Miraculous Healing

The holy shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.) is the sa-cred threshold where miracles occur regularly.

nificence and splendour of that demonstration and requested Holy Imam (A.S.) to cease the continuation of that ritual.

The Holy Imam's (A.S.) Scholarly Discourses

Ma'mun often managed sessions of debates to be held in his own royal palace and celebrated scholars of various religions were invited there to exchange and discuss their different views on religious issues, Imam Reza (A.S.) was al-ways victorious in all those debates and soon his opponents recognized the scientific status of His Holiness.

Imam Reza (A.S.) directed Muslims to the right path and removed deviated views of the antag-onists who endeavored to distort Islam. In this way the Holy Imam (A.S.) safeguarded and propagated the principles of Islam.

The Golden Dissertation in Medicine

The Most Precious Islamic Legacy in the Sci-ence of Medicine:

Among such books written by Imam Reza (A.S.) is Al-Risala al-Dahabiyya fil Tibb (the Golden Dissertation in Medicine) for which sources are counted reaching sometimes to Muhammad ibn Jumhoor, and sometimes to al-Hassan ibn Muhammad al-Nawfali who was accepted as trustworthy by al-Najjashi who de-scribed him as "highly esteemed and trustwor-thy; he narrated one text about Imam Reza (A.S.)," which could be "the golden dissertation in medicine".

The Holy Imam's (A.S.) Martyrdom

The vicious caliph was scared of the ever-increasing Holy Imam's (A.S.) popularity. Thus he decided to eliminate the Holy Imam (A.S.). In 203 A.H. / 818 A.D., Ma'mun first impris-oned Imam Reza (A.S.) in Sarakhs.

Then the Imam Reza (A.S.) was taken to Sana-bad and confined in the palace of Humaid bin Qahtabah. During the morning of the last day of the month of Safar 203 A.H. / 818 A.D., the Holy Imam (A.S.) was poisoned by Ma'mun in that palace.

The Holy Imam (A.S.) was seized with inten-


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Till now thousands of seriously and incurable patients has been miraculously healed at the ho-ly shrine by Imam Reza (A.S.)

Naqqar Khanah (Beating Kettle-Drums) in the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.)

Beating kettle-drums (Naqqarah) was custom-ary in olden times upon the occurrence of an im-portant event or the attendance of people in roy-al courts. In 860 A.H./ 1455 A.D., when Bai-sonqor, Shahrukh Mirza's son, the Timurid Sul-tan, came to Mashhad from Herat kettle-drums were beaten to announce his presence in the holy shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.).

He was visiting the holy shrine in order to find a cure for his illness which the physicians were unable to cure. Baisonqor was miraculously healed in the holy shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.) and the kettle-drums were beaten once again, and since then, this practice is performed every-day in the holy shrine before sunrise and sunset (except the mourning periods). The kettle-drums are also beaten when any sick pilgrim gets mi-raculously healed at the holy shrine.

Astan Quds Razavi

The Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.) is adminis-tered by an efficient organization known as As-tan Quds Razavi.The Astan Quds Razavi is un-der the supervision of the Chief Reverend Custo-dian appointed directly by the Paramount Lead-er of Islamic Republic of Iran.

During the last twenty-six years the Astan Quds Razavi under the capable and efficient admin-istration of Ayatollah Abbas Waiz Tabasi, the Reverend Chief Custodian of the holy shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.) has been transformed and ex-tended on a grand scale unprecedented in the 1200 years old long history of the shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.). During last 25 years the holy shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.) has been extended four times more than its total expansion during last 1200 years.




O’ the eighth petal of Zahra’s rose!

O’ the eighth door of the Prophet’s House!

Through it is we to God come close.

Through you we avail God’s pardon,

In your love is pawned heaven

Prophet Yusuf it is said was exceedingly hand-


Because of your love he had attained a little sum..

No wonder, your love injects life

Your rule extends from planet to heaven,

Triple stand to you the continents seven.

Your glory - the glitter of gold alone can tell.

You stand security even to animals,

There are tales, escaped the butcher, the camels.

There is not one in history your peer,

You stood security to a deer.

Whoever visits you, to him you visit;

Am I wrong? To death I list.

By poison you convulsed with your robe,

It was the earth convulsed and coiled into a globe.

While animals acknowledge you

How unfortunate a man to not know his due.

Where you are buried the Prophet said is heaven,

We fortunate enough to be in a land of heaven.




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plaining them and clarifying their rules to the Muslims through his sayings and actions. He (s.a.ws) told the Imams of Ahlul-Bait (a.s.) to return to the Qur'an and the Prophetic traditions as two main sources for explaining Islamic laws and rules and to refuse analogy, opinion, ap-proval and other sources upon which some ju-rists of Islamic sects depended in their induc-tions and inferences. It is narrated that Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.) said: "Never is there anything but that is mentioned either in the Book of Allah or in the Prophetic tradition."(39) Sama'ah asked Imam Musa bin Ja'far: "I said to him: 'Is everything found in the Book of Allah and the tradition of His Prophet (s.a.w.a.); or do you comment on them?' He (a.s.) replied: 'Yes, all things are found in the Book of Allah and the sunnah of His Prophet '".(40) Narrated Imam Ali bin Musa al-Ridha (a.s.) said: "Do not accept any saying (relating them to us) which disagrees with the Qur'an; surely our say-ings should agree with the Qur'an and the Pro-phetic traditions; we speak either quoting them from Allah or His Messenger."(41) It is narrated that Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (a.s.) said: "Do not accept any narrative related to us unless they agree with the Qur'an and the sunnah."(42) Indeed the Imams of Ahlul-Bait memorized the Prophetic traditions quoting them from their fathers who quote them from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) and called people to write them down from the period (of rule) of Ali and his son Hasan (a.s.) while the caliphs forbid the writing down of the sunnah and they continued so till the period of Umar bin Abdul-Aziz(43) who ordered, again, to write down the Prophetic traditions in the year of 99 A.H.(44) Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.) said: "My narration is my father's, and my father's is my grandfather's, and my grandfather's is his father's, and his; father's is the narrative of Ali bin Abi Talib, and the narrative of Ali is the nar-rative of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), and

the narrative of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), is the words of Allah. The Exalt-ed."(45) The Imams of Ahlul-Bait were those who comprehended and understood the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, memorized, narrated them to others, and explained their contents to the Muslim nation. Scholarly Methods for Proving the true Sunnah: In order to distinguish the true narratives (sunnah) from the interpolated and false ones, the scholars of the school of Ahlul-Bait placed some scholarly and ideological bases and measures for proving true sunnah. The most prominent of them are: 1. Any hadith (the Prophet's sayings) should be checked with the Book of Allah to see whether it is correct or not. If it conforms to the Qur'an, then, it is of true hadith, but, if it contradicts the divine text, then it is a false one. 2. All hadiths mentioned in the books of hadith, disregarding the reliability of their narrators, should be checked and investigated by the scholars in or-der to be sure of the reliability of the narrator and his truthfulness. 3. The scholars should not accept any narration unless their narrators are described by piety and truthfulness, disregarding the sect or the group to which the narrator belonged. Therefore, the method of the jurists of Ahlul-Bait (a.s.) is not to view a book of hadith as completely correct or as completely false.



19 al-bayaan

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Opinions As expressed by their owners THE DROWINING EDUCATION


Ssemwang Hassan

A shaming and frowning to utter out

but the prevailing education system of Ugan-

da is drowning at a high pace and I am afraid

that if no immediate and effective reaction is

taken in matters of strategic planning, we

might lose it forever. This can be witnessed if

vigilant comparisons and contrasts are consid-

ered between the 1960-1990s graduates and

current graduates, and all of this is courtesy of

political implications. With due respect to the

few patriotic political die hard in the ruling


The economy of Uganda has been very

poor and alarming because of the incompetent

operators who are ignorant about almost eve-

rything including what they where even

taught in due course of their studies. This is

not because of the national curriculum but it’s

due to poor mode of implementation. It is also

basically because of excessive corruption.

Most students pass with good grades

not because they are ready or have grasped

what they have been taught but rather because

they (parents) have put in too much money in

their education cycle and therefore cannot af-

ford to lose it just like that. Technically in in-

dustrialization, there is too much expatriation

(importation of experts to operate in our do-

mestic factories) thus profit repatriation and

gradually worsening the level of poverty in

our country hence other factors inclusive.

In a concluding remark, this goes out

to our dear leaders (president, parliament and

entire community) who make decisions for

Ugandan masses, instant action is required

upon matters of quality and marketable grad-

uates at all levels of education for the better-

ment and prosperity of our nation, we and the

future generation.’’ FOR ALLAH AND MY






Failing of students has been attributed to the in-

competence of students claiming that they put in

less effort. To worsen it more, parents have been

added onto the list that they provide inadequate

funds to facilitate these students. But ask your-

self, holding other factors constant, “if the above

are worked upon why do students still fail?’’

I know that it puzzles but believe me or not, you,

your neighbors and everybody else knows this

but you just don’t want to air it out. You give a

deaf ear about it and you keep silent yet students

do suffer from it. Their future drowns and even-

tually dies out.

This common vice eating up these institutions

like a virus is sex for Education. I hate to utter it

out but it really alarms and it is disgusting that

the would be lecturers (professors), instead of

awarding marks according to potential they cred-

it in exchange for sex (love).

Many of our friends have fallen victims of circum-

stances whereby if she denies sex she is made to

repeat (retake) over and over again until they

admit the strings attached. This creates bias with-

in her and as a result she’s forced to drop out of

education or give in to pave way for her future.’’

No wonder HIV cannot reduce in these institu-

tions, unless otherwise.’’

What irritates most is that they would be leaders

to be reported to for help; they are also eaten up

by the same virus leading to a complete dilemma.

This leaves students in an egg and chicken situa-

tion. Oh ALLAH! What the heck is going on? Our

very own teachers failing us? It’s unbelievable!


20 al-bayaan

News and views

Feature He said the government expects to get reve-nue and employment for its people in the fac-tories being created. To avoid unfair competition the China based Company has been limited to production of Pickup trucks only. This is not the first time that Ugandans have attempted to build cars but rather this is the first time that Govern-ment is coming out to fully support the ven-ture. The First was the Kiira EV built by Mak-erere University students with help from MIT and the next was the solar powered Bus and then later, the President of Uganda was seen a test driving a Toyota Noah whose En-

gine was modified by Kyambogo Universi-ty Students to run on pure ethanol. Between 2000 and 2010, the number of vehicles in Uganda increased from 300,000 to 800,000 all of which are imported from countries like Japan. As the middle class rises, more and more families now need at least one vehi-cle to go to work, drive kids to and from school, go partying among other things. It now makes perfect sense to manufacture cars locally as op-posed to importing them from foreign

countries as that will sink back the revenue into the economy. Furthermore, Uganda is on the horizon of starting commercial oil production by 2018 with an oil refinery in place with an inbuilt capacity of 60,000 barrels per day (BPD). With a national oil company in the country working alongside global players such as Shell and Total, Ugandans will drive home-made cars running on home-brewed fuel for the first time! But what’s more interesting about this devel-opment is the cooperation between the aca-demia and industry. In this post “What the

Uganda To Manufacture Cars

By 2018. Says Uganda Investment Authority.

Odeke (Eristaus) May 16, 2014 Driving Ugandan-made cars may soon be a reality after the Uganda Investment authority commissioned two companies to start pro-duction by 2018. The Two Companies, the indigenous Ugandan Kiira Motors Corpora-

tion and China Engineering limited were yes-terday allocated 100 and 60 acres of land in Kagogwa village in Kakira Town Council, Jinja District respectively to build manufac-turing plants. “Speaking during the handover ceremony of the land in Jinja District yesterday, the acting executive director for Uganda Investment Authority, Dr. Francis Ssebowa, warned the companies against producing poor quality cars. We are giving you this land today with a hope of getting the best car products that will be admired by everyone in the world,’’

The Kiira EV car made by Makerere University students is displayed before a test drive in Uganda’s capital Kampala, November 1, 2011. The two-seater car is the first electric vehicle to be made in Uganda, and has a range of 80km when fully charged.


21 al-bayaan

News and views

business community can learn from Uganda’s first electric car” written two years ago when the iconic Kiira EV met the road for the first time amidst media glamour, Da-vid clearly spelled out what needs to happen for the Kiira EV to be a commercial success. The need for inves-tors to work closely with Africa’s uni-versities that have a great pool of talent instead of merely im-porting fin-ished products from overseas. China, East- Afri-can Leaders Sign Up For New Rail Link. The East African leaders and Chi-na formally signed agree-ments on Sunday for the construction of a new multi-billion dollar railway linking the Kenyan port of Mom-basa to Nairobi and running on to neighbouring states. The deals were signed in Nairobi on the last stage of an Africa tour by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, although Kenya's president, Uhuru Kenyatta, had al-ready signed up to the deal during his state visit to Beijing last year. "The costs of moving our people and our goods ... across our borders will fall sharply," Kenyatta told a news conference with the Chinese and African leaders on Sunday. The new standard gauge line will supple-ment a slower narrow gauge network that now only runs to Uganda whereas the new line is designed to go on to Rwanda and South Sudan, part of an effort to cut the hefty costs of trade between east African nations which mainly rely on poor roads and the rickety nar-row gauge line built in the 19th century. Kenyatta has previously said the new railway will cut freight costs to 8 U.S. cents a metric ton (1.1023 tons) per km from 20 cents now. China Road and Bridge Corporation, a subsidiary of China Communications Construction Company, has been appointed to construct the initial Kenyan leg of the new line, despite widespread criticism that there

was no competitive tendering for the work. Kenyan officials said there was no public bidding because that was a condition of securing Chinese financing but some lawmakers said the deal was overpriced. Officials previously put the price for the railway from Mombasa to Kenya's western border with Uganda at 447.5 billion shillings ($5 billion), including financing

costs. China has won friends in Africa by building in-frastructure across the continent, but critics grumble that it often relies on Chinese labour and is keener on sucking in African raw materials than passing on skills. China's premier told the news conference on Sunday that the rail construction company would en-sure African workers were trained and laws adhered to.

Meanwhile Kenya signed two financing deals on Sat-urday with China's Eximbank, although no value was given. Officials previously said China was offering a $1.6 billion commercial loan and a $1.63 billion conces-sional facility for the Mombasa to Nairobi section - covering 85 percent of that section's estimated 327 bil-

Rwanda's President Paul Kagame, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta,

Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni and South Sudan's President Salva Kiir pose for a photograph

after the signing of the Standard Gauge Railway agreement at the State House in Nairobi May 11, 2014.


22 al-bayaan

News and views

lion shilling ($3.8 billion) cost. KENYA'S HIGH SPEED TRAIN FINALLY ON THE WAY

The journey to Mombasa from Nairobi will be just three hours. Imagine travelling at 160km per hour... in a train! The prospect of this dream becoming a reality in Kenya grew on Monday when Kenya Railways Corporation advertised a tender for a standard gauge line to run from Mombasa to Malaba. Such a line would shorten the train journey from Nairobi to Mombasa from 10 to only three hours. The railway line, which will stretch from Mombasa to Malaba on the Kenya/Uganda border with a branch to Kisumu, would see double-decker passenger trains introduced in the region. According to the government’s timetable, the Momba-sa- Nairobi- Kisumu line will be complete by 2013, Nairobi-Kisumu by 2016, and Nairobi-Malaba by 2016. “The government recognized the need to build the new modern railway in order to increase capacity and improve efficiency, cost-effectiveness and com-petitiveness of the transport sector,” the advertise-ment says. In this year’s budget, K.Shs.3 billion was allocated to initiate the revamping of the over 100-year old railway system. The rail company is currently half way through a $287 million capital investment and turn-around program that began in 2012, in order to restore the current rail-way, the 2,350 Kilometer line from the Port of Mom-basa in Kenya to Uganda which has suffered years of neglect. Work on the neglected sections of the railway, between Mombasa and Nairobi, have now been com-pleted. RVR have also resurrected the 500 km railway from Tororo to Gulu in northern Uganda, which had been out of use for the past 20 years.


Your Supplication

Dua at Hajj Leaving Home: Whenever one intends to make a journey especially for Hajj or Ziyarat then first, one must pray to Allah (s.w.t) for safety and well being, then make a will, give sadaka.

Then when one is ready to leave he should say 4 rakaats namaaz in the house in this manner – in each of the 4 rakaats recite surah Al – Hamd and then surah – Tawheed. After namaz recite the following. ALLAHUMA INNII ATAQARRABU ILAIKA BI-HINNA FAJALHUNNA KHALIFATII FEE AHLII WAMAALI.

Then stand at the door of the house and recite surah Al-Hamd and Ayatul –ul Qursi 3 times facing the front, the right and left sides and then the following Dua: ALLAHUMMA-HFAZNII WAHFAZ MAA MAIYA WASALLIMNII WASALLIM MAA MAIYA WA-BALIGHNII WABALLIGH MAA MAIYA BIBALAAGHIKAL HASANIL JAMIL.

b. Dua after taking Ghusl – Wearing Ehram:

I commence by the name of Allah and seek help from Him. O Allah render this ghusl an illumination for me and that it may purify me, protect me from all fears and be a cure for all ills. O Allah! Purify me and my heart, broaden my chest and that my tongue may ut-ter words of love, adoration and praise for You as there is no strength for me but You and I know that my religion is submission to You and following the practices of Your prophet, may Your peace be on him BISMILLAHI WABILLAHI ALLAHUMMAJALHU FII












Faith and the


Wise words from Ameer-ul Mu’mineen (A.S)

Incapability is a catastrophe; endurance is brav-

ery; abstinence is riches; self reliance is a shield

(against sin); and the best companion is submis-

sion (to Allah’s Will).

Miserliness is shame; cowardice is a a defect;

poverty disables and intelligent man from arguing

his case; a destitute person is a stranger in his

home town.

All matters are subject to destiny, so much so that

sometimes death results from effort.


23 al-bayaan

News and views

Advantages of Cereals, Vegetables, Fruits and

Other kinds of Eatables

According to Imam Ja'far Al-Sadiq (a.s.), rice is a

good food as it expands intestines and cures dys-


According to another tradition, a person com-

plained to Imam Ja'far Al-Sadiq (a.s.) about stom-

ach- ache. The Imam (a.s.) asked him to wash the

rice, dry it in shelter, powder it and have nearly a

tablespoonful every morning.

Reliable traditions from the Holy Prophet (peace

be upon him and his household) state that seventy

Prophets have prayed for the advantages of chana


One of the traditions states that having Masoor

Dal softens one's heart and makes one cry easily.

According to a reliable tradition, having baqlah

increases marrow of the knee and brain and pro-

duces fresh blood in the body.

It is stated that a person complained to Imam

Moosa Kazim (a.s.) of white spots; the Imam (a.s.)

asked him to take mash (dal) in his food.

It is stated from Suleiman ibne Ja'far that when

one day he visited Imam Rida (a.s.), he saw a huge

quantity of fresh dates kept before the Imam (a.s.)

who was having the dates. When Suleiman com-

mented that Imam (a.s.) was helping himself to the

dates quite generously, the Imam (a.s.) said that he

liked the dates very much because they were liked

by the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his

household), Hadrat Ali (a.s.), Imam Hasan (a.s.),

Imam Hussein (a.s.), Imam Zainul Abedeen (a.s.),

Imam Mohammed Baqir (a.s.), Imam Ja'far Al-

Sadiq (a.s.) and his father Imam Moosa Kazim

(a.s.). All those who have accepted the faith of the

Imam (a.s.) will like them as they are made from

same matter and enemies of Imam (a.s.) and Ahlul

Bait will like wine because they are made from


Another tradition states that "having seven Ajwa

seeds at night kills worms in the stomach."

A reliable tradition states that five fruits have

come from heaven - pomegranate, quince, pea ap-

ples, white green grapes and fresh dates.

Another tradition states that Hadrat Ali (a.s.) said

that fruits are of 120 kinds but the best among

them is pomegranate. Pomegranate appeases the

hunger and for those who already had their fill,

pomegranate helps to digest the food. The Holy

Prophet (peace be upon him and his household)

liked pomegranate the best and he never wanted

to share it with others (the cause of which is

shown in the next tradition).

A tradition coming from Imam Moosa Kazim

(a.s.) states that: "a person should have one pom-

egranate first thing in the morning on a Friday,

then his heart will remain bright for forty days.

If he has two, it will remain bright for eighty

days and if he has three, it will remain bright for

one hundred and twenty days. That person will

also be protected from the temptations of the

devil and he who is safe from temptations is safe

from sinning against God and he who does not

sin against God will enter heaven."

According to Hadrat Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.),

"eating apple keeps one protected from all types

of poison, magic, and influence of jinns and in-

crease of sputum."

Another tradition states that Sattu of dried apple

stops blood coming out of the nose on account of

excess heat and is the best medicine for cleaning

body from any kind of poison. If people come to




24 al-bayaan

News and views

know the advantages of apple, they will not use any

medicine except apple.

The effects of eating quince, as stated by Hadrat Ali

(a.s.), are the following:

a) Strengthens weak heart

b) Causes increase in weight

c) Cleans the stomach) Increases reason

e) Makes a man courageous

According to Imam Ja'far Al-Sadiq (a.s.), "eating

Behi (quince) improves complexion and causes

beautiful children."

Another tradition states that: "whosoever will have

a seed of Behi first thing in the morning, God will

bless his tongue with wisdom for a period of forty

days. No Prophet has passed whose body had not

smelt of behi (quince). He also said that behi

(quince) seed makes sorrow depart from the sad

people in the same way as one's hand cleans one's


A tradition from Imam Ja'far Al-Sadiq (a.s.) states

that: "eating guava cleans stomach and gives

strength. It is better if one takes it after meals in-

stead of first thing in the morning."

According to a reliable tradition from Imam Rida

(a.s.), "fig cleans bad smell of the mouth, strength-

ens bones, increases hair and cures different types

of pains. One does not need any medicine after

having figs. Among all the fruits, fig has close sim-

ilarity with the fruits of heaven. It also cures colic


It is also stated that "figs cure piles and pain in toes

and fingers of leg. It increase sexual strength."

Ziad Kundi states that when he visited Imam Moosa

Kazim (a.s.), he saw a plate of aloo-bukhara (plum).

The Imam (a.s.) said that he was suffering from fe-

ver and fresh aloo-bukhara makes the temperature

fall and causes nausea. Dried aloo-bukhara balances

the temperature of blood and cures all types of


Some people enquired from Imam Ja'far Al-

Sadiq (a.s.) as to what the doctors think about

chakotra (grape fruit). The Imam (a.s.) said that:

"grape fruit should be taken after the meals

though the doctors ask grape fruit to be taken

before meals."

According to a tradition from Imam Ja'far Al-

Sadiq (a.s.), "from the pulp of sanjad (a fruit

like plum), meat is created, skin from its der-

mis and bones from its seed. Eating sanjad sof-

tens and cleans stomach and cures piles."

According to Imam Rida (a.s.), "one should not

take melon before breakfast as it causes paral-

ysis. It should always be taken with dried

dates or sugar as the Holy Prophet (peace be

upon him and his household) used to take."

A tradition from the Holy Prophet (peace be up-

on him and his household): "states that if one

says Bismillah before having any fruit then it

does not harm."

According to a tradition from Imam Ja'far Al-

Sadiq (a.s.), the meal of Hadrat Ali (a.s.) always

consisted of green vegetables. He stated that the

heart of momin is green and has a leaning to-

wards greenness. He also stated that whosoever

has eaten 7 kasni leaves during the night, he will

be safe from the colic pain and whosoever de-

sires many offsprings should take kasni leaves

in large quantities.

Another tradition describes "green kasni leaves

as a very good vegetable. Not a single leaf of

kasni is devoid of a drop of water of heaven

and therefore when one eats one should not

shake it. It is also stated that kasni leaves

(endive) are superior to all vegetables in the

same manner as Ahlul Bait (a.s.) are superior to

all mankind. Kasni leaves when eaten cause


25 al-bayaan

News and views

sweet potatoes and turnip.

According to reliable traditions, the Holy Prophet

(peace be upon him and his household) used to

have cucumber with salt. Imam Ja'far Al-Sadiq

(a.s.) has said that cucumber should be eaten

from the root side as it is more advantageous.

Another tradition from the Imam (a.s.) states that:

"onion cleans dirt of teeth and sputum, lessens

fatigue and laziness, strengthens veins and mus-

cles and the roots of the teeth, increases off-

springs, beautifies complexion and cures fever."

A tradition from the Holy Prophet (peace be upon

him and his household) narrates that "whenever a

person visits any new city, he should eat the on-

ion grown over there so that he may be safe from

all the diseases of that city."

According to a tradition from Imam Mohammed

Baqir (a.s.), the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him

and his household) asked the person who eats not

to come in his mosque on account of it's bad

smell. But the person who is not in a mosque or

who is not going to the mosque can have it.

According to another tradition from Imam Mo-

hammed Baqir (a.s.), "the biggest snare of shaitan

is to make you eat mud. Eating of mud causes

many types of pains in the body, itch and dysen-

tery lessens the strength of legs and on account

of lessening of strength of body, there is lessen-

ing in good deeds. That man will be questioned

on the Day of Judgment and he will be cursed."

According to Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.), "four

things are temptations by devil - eating mud, to

break mud in hand habitually, to bite nails with

teeth and to bite one's beard."


birth of male children who are also beautiful."

When a person was ill with fever and headache,

the Imam (a.s.) asked kasni leaves to be beaten in

pulp, spread on paper, and sprinkled with oil of

banafsha and then applied on the forehead of that

person as it will completely cure both the fever and

the headache.\\According to another tradition

from Imam Ja'far Al-Sadiq (a.s.), "one should have

Tura vegetable as it has four good effects - it

cleans bad breath, takes out poisonous gases from

the body, cures dysentery and safeguards one

from leprosy and dandruff."

Another tradition from the same Imam (a.s.) asserts

that no other vegetable is as good and beneficial as

Khurfa which was the vegetable liked by Hadrat

Fatima Zahraa (a.s.).

In yet another tradition he states that: "one should

eat salad leaves to clear one's blood."

Imam Ja'far Al-Sadiq (a.s.) had shown the Jews two

methods of curing dandruff, one was eating beet-

root and the other was taking out vein from meat.

Hadrat Imam Rida (a.s.) had stated that: "the

leaves of beetroot should be given to those who

are ill as it has got beneficial effects and no harm-

ful effect. They will sleep comfortably after hav-

ing them. But the roots of beetroot cause melan-

choly (sauda)."

The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his

household) said to Hadrat Ali (a.s.) that: "he

should take pumpkin as it increases brain and


According to Imam Ja'far Al-Sadiq (a.s.), "there are

three qualities of radish. Its leaves take out poi-

sonous gases from body, its seeds are easily di-

gestible and its veins take out sputum."

Another reliable tradition orders human beings to

take turnip in large quantities for it dissolves the

capacity of leprosy and dandruff in those who eat


26 al-bayaan

News and views

Al Mustafa in


The Director of IUIU, Arua Campus, Sheikh Saeed receiving a gift from

the Director of Al Mustafa Islamic College, Kampala.

Al Mustafa students commemorating the birthday of Fatimah

Masoomah (Girl’s Day) at Al Mustafa College

Al Mustafa Executives with visiting Doctor (in center) on the occasion of

green lighting the College students’ medical .examinations.

Various Sheikhs from UISA Association attend the commemoration of

the birthday of Imam Ridha (A.S).

Sheikh Mukasa giving the Friday sermon to students during Jumu'a


Al Mustafa female students attending a lecture


27 al-bayaan

News and views

The Director of IUIU, Arua Campus, Sheikh Saeed receiving a gift from

the Director of Al Mustafa Islamic College, Kampala.

Al Mustafa students commemorating the birthday of Fatimah

s Day) at Al Mustafa College

Al Mustafa female students attending a lecture The Director of Al Mustafa Islamic College giving a speech during the

birthday celebration of Imam Ridha (A.S)

A Medical Specialist takes a blood sample from one of the students

for testing during the Students’ Health Examination exercise at Al

The Al Mustafa College soccer team during training sessions.


28 al-bayaan

News and views

Last semester 8/04/2014 Al-

Mustafa Islamic collage organized

a completion in sports activities.

These competitions where held in

activities like football, volley ball

the competitions were on inter

classes basis, under the supervi-

sion of university coach Sheikh Si-

raj Munir

The first, second, third year classes

took part in these competition, and

to sum it up the third years won in

all the competitions, and where

award by the Director of the col-

lege Sheikh Said Shams.

Regarding this semester which

started on 4th/08/2014, the collage

has hopes of travelling with the

sports groups in different districts

and countries around East Africa

for sports activities especially foot-

ball and volley ball, as well as bas-


According to Kigundu Adam the

Sports Minister said that there

many expectations of maneuvering

to Mbale, IUIU for friendly match-

es in football and volleyball.


All the big fours in premier league

have at list signed more than two

world class players.

Chelsea signed Diego Costa, Fa-

bregas, Drogba, and Manchester

United signed, Angel Dimaria,

Radamel Falcao, Luk Shaw and

Arsenal signed Alexis Sanchez,

Debuchy, Welbeck and Liverpool,

Adam Lallana, Barotelli and Lam-


And in formula 1 Mercedes Benz

Company their plans to ban Nico

Rosenberg are in process claiming

that he knocked Luis Hamilton in-

tentionally. These two were driv-

ing under Mercedes Benz and both

of the two are competing in this

year races.


Al Bayaan



29 al-bayaan

News and views





While the aesthetics are stimulating and unlike any you will find elsewhere, the real beauty is what’s taking place on our college. Campus and student life is dedicated to helping us students, staff and faculty. We have a profound commitment to the diversity of our community, and we are focused on creating an environment where we can thrive.

Through the wide array programs of the college and its services, we have been provided with opportunities and experience that can build the community and help us grow personally and professionally, and we hope to create a place in the future that we can call home soon and throughout our life time.

The birth anniversary of the Imams has proven to be important, busy and exciting moments at the college. As this time comes, celebrations and presentations are held by students and guest speakers. We are always pleased with being given the opportunities to present, thus improving our communication skills.

The college has a students’ council. The head of this council is titled Khadim al Mustafa. We are pleased to have such a council, and being part of it.

Regarding academics, we not only study in our renowned faculty, but we make our own discov-eries and develop new innovations. Also, our ground made research and expertise in form of policy-making and news media coverage around the college and outside, improve much on our creativity, talents and abilities.

We are proud of having access to not only the extra-ordinary campus resources, but also in the other different areas, including many which are cultural, and the outdoor attractions like; stu-dent’s affairs, housing and dinning, diversity, religious affairs, etc

Walking around is the popular way of getting around the campus. However, this includes run-ning, biking, as well as driving. The campus has got variety of activities in sports especially, foot-ball, net ball, volley ball, etc, which stimulate our interests and love for the college. This moreo-ver, accompanied by public safety being provided by police and the emergency services 24 hours, keeps us comfortable at the college.

In a nutshell, life at Almustafa Islamic college is great, enjoyable, and different. It is full of tour-ing to places like water bodies, game parks, reserves, and all other well known tourist attrac-tions in our country. Therefore, I can’t wait to see you and your friends out there joining AlMus-tafa Islamic College for a better future both on earth and in the hereafter.


is an undergraduate student at

Al Mustafa College


30 al-bayaan

News and views

It was 1st of Shawwal, as our culture at Al-

Mustafa Islamic college on Eid days, we decid-

ed as a family to take the celebrations to

Ssezibwa falls found along Jinja road and for

sure this one left fresh memories inside us .

The day was so fresh with Allah’s blessings,

that people were like, “where are they? Has

the van arrived?” Ladies were much prepared

for the tour.

At 7:10 am, the min-bus arrived

at the campus, hurried-

ly, the ladies bor-

dered it and be-

cause of the

much excita-

tion, one was

quoted to

h a v e s a i d

“please save time

for that we get to

Ssezibwa early”. In this situ-

ation they were led by the college rector

sheikh Shams and some support stuff that’s to

say Ms. Rashidah and others. We set off for

Eid prayers and in 40 minutes, we reached

Masjid Jam’ at here in Kampala, where the

prayers were held, from 8:00am and ended at

10:00am. No sooner had they got out from the

mosque than they left for Sezibwa. In our deli-

cately moving minibus, while moving, people

were praising Lord in words like “Allah is

Great…Allah is the most compassionate”.

We arrived at 12:00 noon, welcomed by the at-

tendants and, got to look around the place,

wonderful atmosphere, with that lovely green

color of the grass, beautiful birds and animals,

trees and waterfalls, oh what a beautiful scen-

ery it was! Besides, being a more to a nice

place, at 1:20 we had prayers (Zuhr and ASR),

enjoyed the best dishes of food accompanied

with drinks that we ate full to capacity. Then

afterwards, we got to play games like badmin-

ton, tennis that is to say; Stuff members vers-

ing Students, the students emerged the win-

ners’ position can you imagine! Among the

things benefited from this, that’s

to say; how to interact

and sharing with

friends, joy

and happi-

ness. Of

all that,

not only

clubs and


are, where a

Muslim can celebrate

from, to get to know that it was

Eid day also such places are there for such cel-

ebrations to mention but a few.

In my peroration I should say it was awesome that day and thanks goes to Al-Mustafa Islam-ic college. Masha-Allah.


The author team is a

group of undergradu-

ates from the first year

at Al Mustafa College


31 al-bayaan

News and views

We Congratulate all Muslims on Witnessing

the Ten Grand Honored Days of Dhul—


The Birth Anniversary of Fatmah

Masoomah and her brother the eighth

Hujaj Imam Ridha (A.S)