THE NEWPORT BEACH I ... . ) r- --------------- In aide Today's Rul Estate Guide lists l'undreds o( new and owned homes. In reasing (Oast. I doudin<,:ss thii, week nd, but lhl!rc' enough sunshi n1;:1rto pl,mt your hodv < 1n 1 he b1 ch th1 aiterncJon. See Weather, Page A2 Winner of California Newspaper Publishers Association 's General Excellen ce Award for 1993 /• :J ewinkle P ark gets r ea dy . f or Ro ver Costa Mesa v iii beg in work on its dog park in coming weeks and hopes to have. it open by October. .B\ ' '] llo1 u;.\nA, SIAI I\\ RllU. ' . (.OS rA - d"1t: 1b dJy AnJ t r \ho'c: pou1.he" !J,ing 111 Co"ta th:1t 1..,11·1 100 I ;.i r ;m ;.I\. R11.!hl ai1cr L ubo r D ;sv, \.ll\ '" II b.:g1n the IOr Cu,1.1 l1r!>l <lug p...irJ... in· fen c..,, park b1.:nches .ind - of c.our.,c: - · Mutt J1s· s\l th;.it pet ,\\ ners ca .. pick up :.alter tl.kir c:m1nes. Oflici:i.b the p:uk \\ill be: re.1J> f1..r a pcl 'cnd )r f!.ii r and grand opening on Oct. 14, ;.ibvu t :.a month ol 1.heJuk. 13 Jt dol! o Mlers \\on 't n c to Mail th:u loni; to :.i pc ·k at the: :.11led 1 he cit). hJ" i.1.hcJuf .. d J 'Jl\:ine chn1.: 1ur Sepl. 10 :it the :.Ile, located 1n . south1.:a t corner of.Tc,,1111..:lc l':ul\ at Arl ington Dri,1: :111J N°l'"I, rt U u ... an.I. Mac McCollough gets treatment for cluster headaches he has suffered from for.nine years. He says the pins only hurt when the doctor moves them: r r p opl.:. th .. park lll:J) nm bl" , mud, tn o ._ .ll - no fou1a;11m. or l.1111..1 I 1mh .. :11 .' Ut1l tor Jui;). 11 \11.1 be a pla .. c "ha.: th .. ) run fr .. ·; \\ 111 vut the t 01 :i .. hoke 1..h..1111 l'r :shurt lc',bh. ' \\ , Jl \1 ,. II hJ\C: 1, a J 1uble· 1.d 1..n\I), "h re open on1: 1!.ttc nnd lt'1 \OU ;.ind "'ur d .. I! 10. and tl.c11 )OU 1.un opt·n :mn1hcr ..!311.: , 11J .:t \(lur dol! 10 .1. the opi!'n :ircl," ,:iid Comm !lit\ S.:r· 'K» .. , Di1 c tor i.: .. ith \':in ll ull Acupuncture's scoring a 101 of points Some local residents swear by the ancient Chinese medicine , which has seen a surge in popularity "l here \\on't be .1m oh:>Ju l'ul there "ill bi!' o .. .::.r.,ion'.\ 11 hen l>rg3nLL ·J group:. "'111 "ant to come in :incl us.: t hi!' arc.a lur c\i;nh. The\ nu\ brml! in cou·r..:., tor· co1 · p..1111;,11, Out Qn norm.ii d.i) :., ll ''ill JU't be an op n arcu." BY IJus YOKOI, STAFF Warru "Your ribs are sore; \OU can't eat, cu.n't sleep," saiJ Orei'up, 64. " I thought I was going to die." .------- .... ------- -----------..., , 11 s lt censang tc')b l\\ 11.:c ..i Y ou know those irritating feelings. They pop up out of nowhere. They interrupt your speech, your breathing, your general well-being. You find you rself willing to subject yourself to silliness - gulping water quickly, holding your breath, having friends sneak up behind you to scare you - just to get rid of them. They're hiccups. We' ve all had them and hated them. So you can sympathize with James Orel up. The Newport Be ach resident was stricken with a case of hiccups in June. But these we re no ordiqary. garden-variety contractions that disappeared in a matt er of hours. These hiccups were "world-class," said Orelup 1 lasting 10 days, constricti ng hi s diaphragm, threatening his breathing and basically making life unbearable. Finally, in a last-ditch effort, a tormented Orelup took.a friend's suggestion and turned to the phone book, where he found the name of a Costa Mesa acupuncturist. Two days and three needles later, Orelup joined the hundreds of pain and stress sufferers who now swear by acupuncture treatment. " I lay down and he used C\'-O needles - one in the throat and one in the diaphragm," Or 'elup said of his firsc acupuncture visic. "The hiccups went within 10 secpnds. The next day, I went back ... one needle, and that was it. I've had nothing since." Known for creating everything from pet ailments to chronic smoking, acupuncture - a Chinese medicine tho,t dates back more than 2,500 years - She's leading a lair life General manager Bailey-F in dley grew up on the fairgrounds and, despite career changes, has been glad to come back. BY TINA Boa.GA1TA, STAFF Wutu COSTA MESA - If the term "fair brat" was li sted in the d ictionary, Becky Bailey-Findley's picture would probably appear with the entry. Her father, Jim Bailey, has been the Calr's livestock supervisor for the past 35 years, a post he assumed when she was only S years old. "l was one of those luelcy kids who got to come here and play with the other kids whose parents worked here," said Bailey-Findley, who's now general manager of the fairgrounds, in charge of the entire facility. " I have a lo t of fond memories of bcina down here, riding my bike around the fairgrounds, pickina up golf balls that would fly over from the driving range that was nearby." During her summers growing up, Bajley-Findley - who's now 40 - practically lived at the fairarounds. She joined the 4-H Oub and participated in the fair '• li vestock competitions as a kid. Then, sho worked her way throuaJ' col'eae as 1 pan-cime clerk.in her father's dr...,tirtmcn1. .. Dr. Michael Wu Qu into says most of the patients who come into his Costa Mesa office are athletes or accident victims. has enjoyed a surge in popularity in the United States in recent years. The state Acupuncture Commitlee, an ageocy under the Dcpartmcl')t of Consumer - literally M.UcMAmlt. Affairs that licenses and disciplines acuP.uncturists, reports the number of licensed practitioners in the state i about 3,000 and groY..ing. In fact, the agency now offers LOCALS ONL Y . Tour the Upper Newport Back Bay Paddle Power in Newport 13each is offering a unique kayak tour of the Upper Newport Back Bay on Sunday from 9 a. m. to noon. The tour begins with nn introductory kny:ik lcs on, then continues with a guide(! tour of the bac._ bay re!lcrve, home to thoui.amb of migratory waterfowl and four endangered specie of birds. Bring cameras and binocul ars. Call 675·1215. Mott community C\Cnts can round on paae A-' . INDIX . Community Forum ........ A10 Society ....... , ,. ................. A.7 Sports ............................. 81 .,. .......... , ........ c ., .... ,,,,. .. Falrgroundl generaJ manager Becky a.Jey.Findley. r I to mee t the dem..ind. upphcarm inu st obt:w1 u ma ster's degree an the healing· arts from a st..1tc-.1pproH!J schoul, p.1ss the '' rt llt:n·e \J lll and aho practical test · \\here the .. must demonstr.ite their of h)gicnc, point etc. The license Jl\J S325 kc must be rent:\\CJ annuJlh The '\ c" port-. \lcsJ area h..i., 1101 been immune 10 th1., trcnJ. Just a quick tl1p through. the phone book anJ )Ou'll finJ more than u tlo1cn acupuncturi'>b prauking m Nev.port U.:ach :111 J Costa Mesa alone. Onl} a k'' arc AsiJn, ck'>p11e the Chine'e roots " I'm l mh and m\ clicn tek i mostly noted Melanie King, "'ho rum. Bayview Acupuncture Cent i. ·r in Lido Manna Vlll.1i;e See ACUPUNCTURE/ Pa9 e A 12 "l he bq;:in plannmg tor the dq!. I :irk 111 Nohmbcr. :iftcr the Parb beg n c1.111.::c:rn O\ er the .. rn1. .,om r1.1 O\\n..:r., behtnJ \\Ju l.: ;ill p..irh ha\C !\l ull :l\ .111:.ibl . some Joi! O\\ net., ;.ipp.m. ntl) "er .. n 't u)ing tl1cm. · '),, I hJJ a ,,1mpk orJ111:.1nce put .,ether lh:11 ""ulJ \;\duJ.: Jog' trom all liur parb." Van Ho lt ... mi. " \\ l,1,;n I 11 tu ille .. vnHm"wn. 'omC' of the mcm· ber-. ;ud. '1 h r .. \ got 10 be :.i bet· tcr 1'.1) · SOlllC' l)I the c1im1111\'IOnc r' h d lw ;ud 3boul d\. s Ill 01h r dtr .. 'and th.e' :i'ked t h:it \\C c'plorc tll3t \\c found th.t L:.iguna lk.1 .. h hJ,I 1.inc :.ind '" \CC) h:ippy \\Ith ll, 'U \\ C got cJ llll our o 'n . 1 he Cll1.HI gu1 l'lfl II.) a SUffi1,;\\h;.it t0ugh \tall, th1.1ugh . See PARK/P•s• A 12 At reel 's end , Balboa man . may stop . seaside movies Complal . nts about Larry ._,,J "h\.'I ... ::ml. ·Ho" \Ou Siii.i\\ "' J he Grudu.1tc"! l 1lii nk Capune 's Balboa Island lh;it' \Cl) tn:ipprnpnalc tor a fliCkS make him COrJSider m1." i .' .. Capunc. 52, "I hen '"" :i1J, ' A1 n't )OU sup· turning dOWn the hghtS. ' po,eJ Ill be-' rotaling :111)· \\a\ ?'" BvOA\lDH1:.1n,.,rnlw11iru Auurding I ll C.1 punc .... lhc ' D •'LDOA l1.LAND If , l l Gradu;.itc'' contauh ''' frames. ol "' " 1.:r:.1 ' ')' i l'r\>111,11 null it\ . AnJ, for the homcO\\llCr\ don t t.hrll out. l .11 rv r rcc,uJ. he tic hJ\ been hll\\· Capunc' 29')car-olJ traihtion • l)t ang lrhn) on On)' \H:nuc for the ing free moHc' under the PJ 1 1 z S tlrs on ,.,,arm .. ummcr nights m.1y become as laded a memor\ the The \\C Ck alter cancelling '"l he Balboa Cinema. Gr:iJu:itc," he \1.rc:cncd " The Endlc ' Summer' \\Jthout incident Capune aid fJns of hi outdoor movie creeninas have t.lcalc. \\1th anJ ""rl\ppcu up hi 29th ummcr gripe and groan for many )Car tit the Uall'-t>;a hlaml rc .. uc - per· - thcy\c C:\.Cn Judged Oo""cr hap' for good ." pots thrown by one: irate neighbor. City Council\\oman Jean Wau, But ""hen the parent of ope reg· ,.,,ho rcprc cnh ll:ilboa hl:ind, ;ud ul:n tried to ccn or Im prcsc:nta· she rie\cr h:i hearJ any com· tion of "1 he Gr:idu3te'' car her pl:unt about Capμi>e' mo .. ie • th i month, a stcumcd Capune " l'm gQing to call him,'' Watt pulled the plug. "l:tiJ . " lie uught to 1t lea t '-ct "I had a me on my an wcr· thank!, I think. It seem hke ing ma1:hinc from the mother of a ... MYIU, .... At 1

Acupuncture's scoring a 101 of points - City of Newport Beach

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... . )

r- ---------------

In aide Today's

Rul Estate Guide lists

l'undreds o( new and ~

owned homes.

~( In reasing (Oast. I doudin<,:ss thii, week nd, but lhl!rc' ~till ~ enough sunshin1;:1rto pl,mt your hodv < 1n 1 he b1 ch th1 aiterncJon.

See Weather, Page A2

Winner of California Newspaper Publishers Association's General Excellence Award for 1993


:Jewinkle Park gets ready. for Rover

Costa Mesa viii begin work on its dog park in coming weeks and hopes to have. it open by October. .B\' '] J~.\ llo1u;.\nA, SIAI I\\ RllU.

' . (.OS rA ~ll::SA - E\e~ d"1t:

hJ~ 1b dJy AnJ t r \ho'c: pou1.he" !J,ing 111 Co"ta ~ksJ. th:1t d..1~ · 1..,11·1 100 I ;.i r ;m ;.I\.

R11.!hl ai1cr Lubor D;sv, \.ll\

\\l>rk~rs '"II b.:g1n the grou~J\\or~ IOr Cu,1.1 ~k:.;.i\ l1r!>l <lug p...irJ... in· ~t;illing fen c..,, park b1.:nches .ind - of c.our.,c: - · Mutt ~11l>" J1s· pcn~cr;, s\l th;.it pet ,\\ ners ca .. pick up :.alter tl.kir c:m1nes.

Oflici:i.b ~ope the p:uk \\ill be: re.1J> f1..r a pcl 'cnd )r f!.iir and grand opening on Oct. 14, ;.ibvu t :.a month Jh~::iJ o l 1.heJuk.

13 Jt dol! o Mlers \\on 't eH~ n h~l\ c to Mail th:u loni; to ~ne;.ik :.i pc ·k at the: 1011~·.1\\ :.11led p~rk. 1 he cit). hJ" i.1.hcJuf .. d J 'Jl\:ine chn1.: 1ur Sepl. 10 :it the :.Ile, located 1n 1h~

. south1.:a t corner of.Tc,,1111..:lc l':ul\ at Arl ington Dri,1: :111J N°l'"I, rt U u ... an.I.

Mac McCollough gets treatment for cluster headaches he has suffered from for.nine years. He says the pins only hurt when the doctor moves them:

r r p opl.:. th .. park lll:J) nm bl" , mud, tn o ._ .ll - no fou1a;11m. or l.1111..1 I 1mh .. :11 .' Ut1l tor Jui;). 11 \11.1 be a pla .. c "ha.: th .. ) ~n run fr .. ·; \\ 111 vut the ~hr· t 01 :i .. hoke 1..h..1111 l'r :shurt lc',bh.

' \\ , Jl \1 ,. II hJ\C: 1, a J 1uble· ~1 1.d 1..n\I), "h re ~ou open on1: 1!.ttc nnd lt'1 \OU ;.ind "'ur d .. I! 10.

and tl.c11 )OU 1.un opt·n :mn1hcr ..!311.: , 11J .:t \(lur dol! 10 .1. the opi!'n :ircl," ,:iid Comm !lit\ S.:r· 'K» .. , Di1 c tor i.: .. ith \':in llull

Acupuncture's scoring a 101 of points Some local residents swear by the ancient Chinese medicine, which has seen a surge in popularity "l here \\on' t be .1m oh:>Ju le~ .

l'ul there "ill bi!' o .. .::.r.,ion'.\ 11 hen l>rg3nLL ·J group:. "'111 "ant to come in :incl us.: thi!' arc.a lur c\i;nh. The\ nu\ brml! in ob~t.idc: cou·r..:., tor· co1 · p..1111;,11, Out Qn norm.ii d.i) :., ll ''ill JU't be an op n arcu."

BY IJus YOKOI, STAFF Warru "Your ribs are sore; \OU can't eat, cu.n't sleep," saiJ Orei'up, 64. " I thought I was going to die."

.-------....------------------..., , 11s ltcensang tc')b l\\ 11.:c ..i ~e.1r

Y ou know those irritating feelings.

They pop up out of nowhere. They interrupt your speech, your breathing, your general well-being.

You find yourself willing to subject yourself to silliness -gulping water quickly, holding your breath, having friends sneak up behind you to scare you - just to get rid of them.

They're hiccups. We've all had them and hated them. So you can sympathize with James Orel up.

The Newport Beach resident was stricken with a case of hiccups in June. But these were no ordiqary. garden-variety contractions that disappeared in a matter of hours. These hiccups were "world-class," said Orelup1 lasting 10 days, constricting his diaphragm, threatening his breathing and basically making life unbearable.

Finally, in a last-ditch effort, a tormented Orelup took.a friend's suggestion and turned to the phone book, where he found the name of a Costa Mesa acupuncturist.

Two days and three needles later, Orelup joined the • hundreds of pain and stress sufferers who now swear by acupuncture treatment.

" I lay down and he used C\'-O

needles - one in the throat and one in the diaphragm," Or'elup said of his firsc acupuncture visic. "The hiccups went within 10 secpnds. The next day, I went back ... one needle, and that was it. I've had nothing since."

Known for creating everything from pet ailments to chronic smoking, acupuncture - a Chinese medicine tho,t dates back more than 2,500 years -

She's leading a lair life ~ General manager Bailey-Findley grew up on the fairgrounds and, despite career changes, has been glad to come back.


COSTA MESA - If the term "fair brat" was listed in the dictionary, Becky Bailey-Findley's picture would probably appear with the entry.

Her father, Jim Bailey, has been the Calr's livestock supervisor for the past 35 years, a post he assumed when she was only S years old.

" l was one of those luelcy kids who got to come here and play with the other kids whose parents worked here," said Bailey-Findley, who's now general manager of the fairgrounds, in charge of the entire facility.

" I have a lot of fond memories of bcina down here, riding my bike around the fairgrounds, pickina up golf balls that would fly over from the driving range that was nearby."

During her summers growing up, Bajley-Findley -who's now 40 - practically lived at the fairarounds. She joined the 4-H Oub and participated in the fair'• livestock competitions as a kid. Then, sho worked her way throuaJ' col'eae as 1 pan-cime clerk .in her father's dr...,tirtmcn1.


Dr. Michael Wu Quinto says most of the patients who come into his Costa Mesa office are athletes or accident victims.

has enjoyed a surge in popularity in the United States in recent years.

The state Acupuncture Commitlee, an ageocy under the Dcpartmcl')t of Consumer

- literally


Affairs that licenses and disciplines acuP.uncturists, reports the number of licensed practitioners in the state i about 3,000 and groY..ing.

In fact, the agency now offers


. Tour the Upper Newport Back Bay

Paddle Power in Newport 13each is offering a unique kayak tour of the Upper Newport Back Bay on Sunday from 9 a.m. to noon. The tour begins with nn introd uctory kny:ik lcs on, then continues with a • guide(! tour of the bac._ bay re!lcrve, home to thoui.amb of migratory waterfowl and four endangered specie of birds. Bring cameras and binoculars. Call 675·1215.

Mott community C\Cnts can ~ round on paae A-'.


Community Forum ........ A10 Society ....... ,,. ................. A.7 Sports ............................. 81 ~-,c....,c~ .,. ~., .......... ,........ c.,....,,,,. ..


Falrgroundl generaJ manager Becky a.Jey.Findley. r I

to mee t the dem..ind. Liccn~c upphcarm inust obt:w1 u master's degree an the healing· arts from a st..1tc-.1pproH!J schoul, p.1ss the '' rt llt:n·e \Jlll and aho pJs~a practical test · \\here the .. must demonstr.ite their kno,~lcdgt! of h)gicnc, point location~. etc. The license Jl\J S325 kc must be rent:\\CJ annuJlh

The '\c" port-.\lcsJ area h..i., 1101 been immune 10 th1., trcnJ. Just a quick tl1p through. the phone book anJ )Ou'll finJ more than u tlo1cn acupuncturi'>b prauking m Nev.port U.:ach :111J Costa Mesa alone. Onl} a k'' arc AsiJn, ck'>p11e the metl1~111c·~ Chine'e roots " I'm lmh and m\ clicntek i

mostly non·A~1.1n," noted Melanie King, "'ho rum. Bayview Acupuncture Centi.· r in Lido Manna Vlll.1i;e


" l he cit~ bq;:in plannmg tor the dq!. I :irk 111 Nohmbcr. :iftcr the Parb Comn11.,~ion beg n c\prc~,.

.~rl1g c1.111.::c:rn O\ er the .. rn1. ~., .,om r1.1 O\\n..:r., \\CH~ l..:J\in~ behtnJ \\Jul.: ;ill dt~ p..irh ha\C !\lull ~Lit:> :l\ .111:.ibl . some Joi! O\\ net., ;.ipp.m. ntl) "er .. n 't u)ing tl1cm.

· '),, I hJJ a ,,1mpk orJ111:.1nce put .,ether lh:11 ""ulJ \;\duJ.: Jog' trom all liur parb." Van Holt ... mi. " \\ l,1,;n I pre-.cnt~d 11 tu ille .. vnHm"wn. 'omC' of the mcm· ber-. ;ud. '1 h r .. \ got 10 be :.i bet· tcr 1'.1) •

· SOlllC' l)I the c1im1111\'IOncr' h d lw;ud 3boul d\. s r~ri...) Ill 01h r dtr .. '· 'and th.e' :i'ked th:it \\C c'plorc tll3t \\c found th.t L:.iguna lk.1 .. h hJ,I 1.inc :.ind "·'" \CC) h:ippy \\Ith ll, 'U \\ C got ~t.Jrt· cJ llll our o 'n . 1 he Cll1.HI gu1 l'lfl II.) a SUffi1,;\\h;.it

t0ugh \tall, th1.1ugh . See PARK/P•s• A 12

At reel's end, Balboa man . may stop .seaside movies

Complal.nts about Larry ._,,J "h\.'I ... ::ml. ·Ho" ~oARc \Ou ~ Siii.i\\ "'J he Grudu.1tc"! l 1liink Capune's Balboa Island lh;it' \Cl) tn:ipprnpnalc tor a

fliCkS make him COrJSider famil~ m1." i .' .. Capunc. 52, ~:iid . "I hen '"" :i1J, 'A1 n't )OU sup·

turning dOWn the hghtS. ' po,eJ Ill be-' rotaling ~.trccts :111)· \\a\?'"

BvOA\lDH1:.1n,.,rnlw11iru Auurding I ll C.1punc .... lhc '

D•'LDOA l1.LAND If , l l Gradu;.itc'' contauh ''' frames. ol " ' " • 1.:r:.1 ' ')' i l'r\>111,11 null it\ . AnJ, for the

homcO\\llCr\ don t t.hrll out. l .11 rv r rcc,uJ. he ~:.iiJ. tic hJ\ been hll\\· Capunc' 29')car-olJ traihtion • l)t ang lrhn) on On)' \H:nuc for the ~ho" ing free moHc' under the PJ 1 1 z ~ummci, Stlrs on ,.,,arm .. ummcr nights m.1y become as laded a memor\ :s~ the The \\CCk alter cancelling '"l he Balboa Cinema. • Gr:iJu:itc," he \1.rc:cncd "The

Endlc ' Summer' \\Jthout incident Capune aid fJns of hi outdoor movie creeninas have t.lcalc. \\1th anJ ""rl\ppcu up hi 29th ummcr gripe and groan for many )Car tit the Uall'-t>;a hlaml rc .. uc - per· - thcy\c C:\.Cn Judged Oo""cr hap' for good ." pots thrown by one: irate neighbor. City Council\\oman Jean Wau ,

But ""hen the parent of ope reg· ,.,,ho rcprc cnh ll:ilboa hl:ind, ;ud ul:n tried to ccn or Im prcsc:nta· she rie\cr h:i hearJ any com· tion of "1 he Gr:idu3te'' car her pl:unt about Capµi>e' mo .. ie • thi month, a stcumcd Capune " l'm gQing to call him,'' Watt pulled the plug. "l:tiJ. " lie uught to 1t lea t '-ct

"I had a me ~a,e on my an wcr· ~me thank!, I think. It seem hke ing ma1:hinc from the mother of a ... MYIU,.... At 1


. . J

A2 Saturday, August 27, 1994

Loc·ALS ONLY CITY EDITOR IRIS YOKOI, 540-122 .. , ext. 361

Still time to catch PILOT PIOPLI& OLIVIA AYALA


'Phantom' before it becomes ghost

T llE "PHANTOM OF THE OPERA" is in its last days at the Orange County Performing Arts Center in

Costa Mesa. You can still purchase tickets to Andrew

Llo)d Webber's Tony Award-winning musical by ca111ng 740-2000, or 556-ARTS. The fmal performance is Saturday, Sept. 3.

Tickets are priced from $16 to $61.

0 MAUDLIN CALLS itself the "home of foolishly sentimental slip~overs and furnishings," and it's having a floor sample sale on selected sofas and chairs.

Maudlin specializes in custom slipcovers and accessories. Maudlin (644-1466) is located at 2852 E. Coast Hwy. in Corona del Mar.


,._-.....-..;... --' (675-0840) located at 2000 al"'VVI" West Balboa Blvd., one WJlder block from the Newport

Pier, is carrying a full line of clothing produced by SHARE (Support Handicapped and Rehabilitation Effort).

Best Buys

The idea behind SHARE is to design products that could be made by severely handicapped people.

Savannah's Hut owner Renee Petersen is hol<ling a series of fund-raising events with local church groups to promote SHARE. All profits generated by these events will be used to provide schooling for the children of SHARE craftpersons.

Any groups interested in working with Savannah's Hut to promote SHARE, can call David Montgomery at 675-6734.

0 A GRAND OPENING 'EXTRAVAGANZA' in honor of Crown Ace Jlordwarcts move to larger digs in Newport Hills Center (next to Ralph's on San Miguel Road in

SHEIS A Costa tv1esa High School junior

and a par icipant in the California Miss Teen Pageant, which took place Aug. 18-20 in Fresno. Olivia took home first place in the. talent portion of the event.


Olivia never considered entering a pageant until her high school cheer adviser encouraged her to enter the Miss Teen contest. And even Mter she sub~· ted her application, Olivia dou ed she would be selected to comp te. But, much to )1er delight, she was.

But her selection touched off the most difficult part of pageant competitio.n: fundraising. Olivia had to secure $400 in sponsorships before she could compete. At first, she didn't know where to begin seeking sponsors. Despite numerous rejections, Olivia persevered until she received $200 from the Newport Harbor Elks Lodge and money from an an'onymous donor - whose identity is still unknown.

" I wish 1 knew who this person was so I could thank them," she said.

After Olivia completed all of the forms and funding requirements, the rest was easy - and fun.

"The pageant ~vas a great experience and I wish I could do it again," she said. " I was so scared that it would be hard, but then I realized that we were there to have fun."

Olivia competed against l6 other girls in the pageant-, and although they were all vying for the title of Miss :reen California, Olivia aid they became fast friends.

" l felt like I could talk to them .. about anything," she said. " We did e>1erything together over the weekend so we reallY. got to know each other."

Oli' ia enjoyed her first pageant experience so much that she began researching Gther local pageants on~e she returned home.

"I would definitely do th is again." she said.


Unlike traditional bcau1y pageani.... the Miss Teen Pageant crnpha~ilcs personality and achievement. Contestants arc judged on scholastic achievement, volunteer scr. ice, spe~ch or talent, personal inter. icw and formal presentation.

Although Olivia has 1101.recc1vcd formal voice training, l.he took first place in the talent competition with her performance of the song ''La Vie en Rose.''

"My family was vcry·proud of me when I won th:it because they knew how worried I wtls about the talent

portion," Oliqa said. "Tha t was the compctilion that -meant the most to me, und I reull>· wanted to win.''

To compete in the ~fos rccn pageant, contc'ltapts must also complete a minimum of I:? hours of communit) ser..ii:c. Oli' 1a counseled children at a local community cc1Jlcr and entertained, as pan of a high school performance group, students at local clcmentarv schools.

" I like to t..ilk to people and help them howCH!r I can,"' she said. " 1 would really lif..e to show kid ... tlt'erc arc altcrnatiH:s to <lrugs or alcohol or gangs."


Oli,ia intends to attend college and I

CITY'SIDE Newport Beach) will take place today and Sunday. Featured will be free balloons, an appearance from Egbar the Alligator, prize . drawings and sale prices. In addition, there wilJ be non-stop demonstrations of hardware and houseware items.

D BULLOCK'S SOUTH COAST PLAZA is hosting an innovative day trip. For $45, you can participate in "Chcrs Tour '94" a l the Robert Mondavi Wine & Food Center in Costa Mesa on Oct. 2. The ,all-day excursion includes a tour of the center, a three-course cooking class and wine ta~ting and a gourmet lunch prepared by rcno"'n guest chef David Ruggerio of New York's Le Chantilly.

Students from Braille Institutes get ·a feel for Newport Dunes

For reservations, call (800) 786-COOK.

0 A FUN NEW ESTABLISHMENT - Super Juice - has recently opened at 270 I 7th St. (next door to SuperCuts). Super Juice - open for breakfast, lunch and dinner -offers 17 different fru i,k1fuoothies and 10 different fruit juices, in 5ddition to "healthy and hearty" snack~

0 HOW ABOUT A FREE seminar on sf..in care? Adrienne Brennan of Newport SkJn Care - 1.t41 Avocado Ave., Suite 204 - is holding a free seminar Sept. 10 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. in Ne"'port Center. For rcservativns, call Debbie at 644-1641.

0 Best Du)'s nppenrs Thursdays nnd SnturdDJS. Whether JOU're D merchant or n sh opper, If JQU know of a good buy, en/I me at S.J0-1214, tax me at 646-4170 or Hrite to me: Best DUJ'S, Daily Pilot, JJO JV. Bay St., Costa M esa, Co/if. 92627.


0 fficials at the Newport Dunes resort gave 26 blind children their day in the sun - and in

the water - Friday, as part of a rhree-day camping excursion on the resort 's beach.

The children, ranging in ages from 6 to 19, are students from the Braille Institutes in Anaheim and Los Angeles. They spent the afternoon kayaking, wind surfing and riding "Sun Cycles" in the lagoon - act­ivities that were new to most of them.

"We're actually hoping they're going to learn something here," said Brian Nelson, assistant y9uth coordinator fo r the Braille Institute's Orange County center. " We're hoping to build up their confidence."

Organizers saw Immediate results. One young man, who was totally blind, amazed the Dunes' staCf by perfectly maneuvering a sailboard on his own during his first try. And the employee who had been guiding him came back to shore saying, "Well, he doesn't need me anymore."

There are ix Braille Institutes in Southern California. These non-profit schools operate year-rou nd and provide legally blind children with .

opportunities to learn and h.1\e fun "We help them help themscl\cs,"

Nelson said. The group arrived :it Ne\\ port

Dunes Thursday e\ening and set up camp near the water. The camping experience b -.omething thJt, Ncbon said, w,ill abo build im.lcpcndence in the children - a few of \\-hom arc completely blind.

"The kids do all the coof..mg. They take their responsibilities and we just guide them," he said. Other act_ivitics the group planned to tackle during its stay include fohing and bif..e riding.

Today, Nelson said, the kids plan to hit the " real" beach to go surfing and boogie boarding.

The group's enthusiasm and excitement spread quickly to the people teaching them how to use all the water equipment, according to Anne Quinn, director of guest services at the resort.

"They want to pie~ the fastest water sports ... and taf..e out the kayak," she said. "They' re so cager it's neat. lt 's as enjoyable fo r us as it is for the kids.''

Quinn said last year the Draille Institute brought students to Newport Dunes and spent the day f..ayaf.. ing. This year she suggested the idea of a

c;unpou1 In i\chon. " I offered the tent CJmprng ·

c:-.pcrience hccau .. c it\ '>O e;"Y· I !ere they're do .. e to re .. trooms Jnd they h.l\c clc.:ctnc1t~ and \\3tcr to coot..." '>he saic.J. •

Col!in Smith. 17, said he \\J' cnjtl)ing hh -.1,t) at the resort Jntl only had one 'mall griev:incc "ith the 'Ital f. "Sometime~ thl:y treat us older f..iJs

ltf..c )Oungcr kid ... , but )OU JUst need to '>Cl them right and then i\\ OK," hi! \:lid.

Smith, "ho l'i from South Central Lo' Angt:.les, hJ'> been \\llh the Institute for U }cars. Dunog th!l time he h,1s lc,1rncd to \\1nc.J surf, \\Jtcr ski and ice skate. l lc s;iid he still w:inted to try out those "things th~tt arc lif..e loungi11g chair~" (Sun Kat \\atcr ,e.,scls) at the resort.

Another stuJcnt said 'he "as \\J1ting to try out the l.maller sailboats.

" I've been sailing before but not on those kind," !\,tic.J Amber llcndcrson, 15, from Fullerton.

"Some of these kids ma) be h;i\c family and frienc.h \\hO don't h:l\C high expectations of them - they c.Jo.n't challenge them enough. We challenge them," said Ncl!>on

The Nc,..~n lkocll/~la Mc~a Daily P1lo1 (USI S·l44·800) is published Monday through S.11urday In Ne,..por1 Beach and Cos1a Mua, sub<cnptions arc only 111111· able by 'ubscnbm& 10 The Times Oran1c Couniy (bOO) 251-9141 I n areas 011utllc of Nev.pan Beach and Coi.11 Mesa. iuhi.cnp­llonl 10 1hc O.uly Pilot only arc ava1lahlc by md1I for $8.SB per month Second cl~ss ~1111e p.11d a1 <'<>'Ill Mesa, CA (Prices 1nduJc 311 apphublc 51ale ond local taxes ) POSTMAST[ R ~end aJdrcS> ch;ingc~ 10 The Nc-por1 Bcxl\IC°'11 Mesa Daily P1lu1, P 0. llo.11 1560. Cos11 Mesa, CA 92626 Cop)n1h1. No nc""s sto­nes. 1llustrJ1ions, cd11oriJI mauer or ad\t·r· 11scmcnis herein tan be rcprodurcd 11. ith· out "'nllrn pcrm1nion or copyngh1 l>"'ncr.


• VOL. 88, NO. NI


Your comment\ abou1 the Daily P1l01 or n<"'• ups ''"" be recorJcd and gr~en d1· reedy to l:d11or Wilham Lobdtll. The ~me 24-hour 1ni"'c11n1 service mny be u1oed 10 rccl)(J lcuc:rs 10 1hc cdi1or on any topic '


Our aJJrcu 11 JJO W. Bay ~I. C'ost1 Meu, CA 9Z627.


If " dlC PJot'I rolKV ro rromrclv wnm All trron ol ~ub.WIC'c l'k:uc -."all 540-1224, 'cAt J6J Th.in). \OU,

Thoma. H. Jolvuon, l'ul-h~llC'r WilJi;lm Lobdell, l:d11or

S«:ve Marble, ,\l.lJ1.a.gmg f.d1tor lrit Yok01, Cit\ td1rttr

Muc MatUll, rhom Editor 8® Funk. Cr.uLlllOl"I M.aNVr

Hw Knight, rrudumnn M;rn~gcr ~ildlCa.I J· lnd1cr. Dllpby M.n~gcr ,JuJy Oc1tln1, O.w11icJ Mtll.l{lcr

rnmoJ Shah, G>ntrolkr ,


Circulolion: (The Times Orange County} (800) 252-9141 Ad~crtlslng Clas ified 642-5678 Display ~2-432 I £ditorlnl News 540-1224 Spam 642-4330 News, Sports f'ax 646-4170 Moln Office Dusmcs~ Office 642-4321 Business fax 631 ·5902

1'11hh\11C',f b\ Dl1fomu < A>l'lllt111mh' Stv.1 • l111lQ M llr<lf C•olf""W '"' ..

TIMPlllATURIS Newport Beach: 76/64 Bilbo•~ 76/64 Costi Mesa: 80/64 Corona del Mar: 78/66

SU., fORICAST LOCATION The Wedge Ne~rt Point Bladies S.A. River Jetty CdM

TIDIS TODAY First high First low Second high Second low SUNOAY

SIZE SWELL 1.a s 1-3 s 1·3 s 1-3 s 1-3 s

1 :J7 i .m. J .J 6:45 a.m. 2.2 1 :36 p.m. 4.6 9 : 11 p.m. 1.7

fi"I high 3:27 a.m. 2.9 First low 7: 17 a.m. 2.6 SKond high 2:3!1 p.m. 4.5 s~ond low 10:54 p.m. 1.6 W.at" Temperilturl': 72

80ATINO Light winds shirting ~est lo

southw" t 10 to 20 1.nofs, 2 root wind wav•5 with 3 foot southwu t swtll. Low morning clouds ~m tit'air lo mostly sunny 1kies.

' "'

Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally P

eventually become a lawye r. But until then, she h:.ts dreams of becoming a singer, dancer or actress. She decided not to join the chee rleading squad thb year so she could study jazz and tap dancing andJerhaps receive vocal training. An even if she doesn't become a prof cssionol singer, Olivia said music will stay '' ith hi.:r throughout her life.

" l sing most of th~ lime," she said. "It takes pressures away and its just a lot of f un to do."

- S tory by Joyzcl/e D:11 is, pllolo by M arc Marti11

If you I.now someone 11ho nould make :m interesting Pilot Per~on, call our Reader~ Hotline at 642-6086. Remember to leave your name and phone number. Th:mks!

City to review changes to bicycle trails plan

COSTA MESA - City staffers will review several possible changes to the city's bic)cle trail plan, at the Parks Commi~ion 's request.

0n \Vcdnesda}, the commission a .. t..ed that staff review the feasibility of construct ing a bicycle trail crossing under the San Diego (405) Freeway at the Delhi Channel. and creating a bif..c trail connection on 22nd Strc:et bet\\een NC\\ port Uoulcvard and Ir. inc Avenue. .

One request that has dr:lwn some opposition from residen ts is the commission's desire to construct bike trails along the northern edge of the Co!)t:l ~tcsa Golf Course.

"There's about 11 homes there, and the O\\ncrs do not want the bike tr:iil , to go in there," said Community Services Director Keith Van Holt. "They requested that the trail be moved out in front of the homes, and the City Council approved that plan.

" But, the Parks Commission is now requesting th:.t t the council reconsider puttmg the bif...e trail back onto the golf course."

Van 1 loll said the commission believes the golf cou!'l>c b a more suitable location for the bikeway as it sepa rates the cyclists from automobile traffic on Tanager Drive.

Van Holt said all three considfrations will be brought before the citfs Planning Commis~ion and City Council sometime next month.



• 1600 block of Jn Inc Annue: A woman reported to police that she's been receiving annoying phone calls from a man named Mil.c, \\ho calls between 2 n.m. and 6 a.m., leaving mewges on her answering mad1ine when ~--~ fail!> 10 answer. • 3200 block or Washington: Someone punched out the lod. to lhc passenger side door or a car but didn't taL:c anything inside. The co t to repair 1he dJmagc was cstimtiteJ nt $200. • 2300 block or NfWl>Or,t Doulc, nrd: A burGlar broL:e 111to o home ond stoic o SIO slo..i boot bJG and sif1cd throu&h 1hc owner's CD rollcctton, tol.ing obout 100 or them with him when he left. The Molen CD w~rc valued ot Sl,000.


• Always lock your doors ;111eJ windows even when !coving for "JU~l a minute" or when wort.in& in yuur own back yard,

- ruurti:'y N'"'P<>'' poll~~ •

Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Saturday, August 27, 1994 A3

Northern exposure provides delightful summer vacation Y

ou don't hear much abtlut it in the~c p. rb, but many people up there arc 'till plenty interelltcJ in dh iJing California into three totally ..,cparalc '>l!.lte,,

Down her\:, '>Outh of Jn imaginary line from about SJn J.u1-. Oh1.,po inland. we \\Ould offic1Jlly become Southern California.

Way up thpre urnund l ule Lake and Altura-. anJ su~anvilk. it \\Ould be known as AhJ, California. 1 lh•h C.ilifotnia, in Engli!>h. Considering the amount of cann.1bJ) ~.:.1ti1.1 gtO\\ n among the rcJ,,ood~. that is a prcuv goud name indc:..c<l . ' ·

The kmt<H\' in between "'ll cJll Itself Superior Cahl~n11;i, proponents of the trtpart111on '••> We 'i .. itcd S1,1pCal, a'i it might be knO\vn. lao;r week. OtftciJlly. the:. trip was ju':>t the fir..,t pact of our summer vacation. In truth, 11 \\:J') an cxculle to visit our daughter "ho h,1., become San Francisco's newest citizen.

Actually, we never Clid get to Frisco, as nobody is supposed to c.111 it : Uut we sat and g~w.1-.cd ut "The €'11>'' fmm the deck

of splendid waterfront rc.,taurant in Tiburon, Gua) mas.

Ther.e probably arcn t many people \\ho go all the \\a) up tu Superior Culifurni.1 '"ithout viMting the trad111onal l:ttronghoh.h of tourism. But then, my wife and I lend to do things a little d1ffercn1ly. lnl:ttcatl ul visiting San Francisco und Carmel, \\C

went to San Leandro, Locke, Walnut Grove, Dcnecia und Pet•1lumu.

We enjoyed meeting people who w1.rc genuinely glad to '"elcome 'isitoh, "c enjoyed traveling the bact... road'> 111 .. tc<1d of the free\\ays and we leJrned that the Napa Valley is thi.: best place 1n the "urld to have to go to the bathroom when you're driving.

· None of those stcnchful ga' st.111on-. johns for us; you JU'>t pull into ~tonJa, i or Charles Krug or one of dozen., of othi.:'r wirrcrics with irtiso1utcly palat i.11 pottil!'> and blessed relief i' a1 hund.

lt"s cheai>er. too. Instead of bu}ing SIS worth of gas, \\C spent S7 on a nifty lllllc wine-bottle opener ,a,1d a jar of herbed mustard. The only other souvenir!> we brolJght back from our tnp to the hinterlands of SupCal wi.:rc T·slmls trom

On the Coast

Sonoma State Unhcrsit~ in Rohnert Park .

The rcul Ji')CU\cry on thi') trip wa'I a place culled the Grand bland Inn , a three-story, pink \lUCCO, Ort deco monument on the bank'> of lhe Sacramento R1\cr. When horror-nick star Lon "Wolfman" Chane) Jr. owned the Joint back in the

1920s, 11 \\as called the R}de llotd and "as a s\\mging place. lt still 1s. '

During Prohibition, the R)de "a' Northc·rn_ Calif0U1ia's f:nonte llpealeasy, •in<l part} animals came from San l· r.1nci-..co by paddlc·\\heel steamers.

Now they come b) Cadillac and Beemer, but the parties are JUSt as rollicking. When we stopped in early on a Friday afternoon. the dining room was set for about 130 peopk ~'ho wotitd begin

arming latt·r 1n the lla~ . 'J he Grand I IJnd Inn 1s \\:f} popul r m

~ummcr. but I th ink the mo t tun muld hi.: 10 -.ta) thcri.: un a d.11k undi :totnl) r11gh1. I hunder wuulJ auar. hg111nm,g \\OUIJ cr.1ckli.: anJ fC\C.11 $1d11C) G1ec11 ~ 1rei.:t :.ind Peter Lorie And ul lite end ol the b:.ir. Humphrey Uug.1rt lug,1.. do" n a ~cutch. tJke ... a masl>i\ e d1 ,1g on his nun-filter cigarctle an~ muller- 'olll), " Pluy it ag.1in . Pel!\\CC ' If }Ull lollcc1 uflbciJt placi.: ~. 1hc nun~cr b (IJIC1) • 776-13 18.

\\ c couldn' t C\Cn ha'e limd1 at the Inn but, a., Dougla-. ~1acAnhu r llJiJ, " I ~hu+1 return" M) \\lk refused e\Cll to onl>1ckr ha,1ng lunch in Lo kc al \HHld-t.m1ou' Al the \\ ups ( 1h-.11 '' 11'1 real narni.:. folk ). It a ram.,hacklc tu,crn in Loclc 1h:i1 look~ as if " thing.," li'i: in-.idc.

In Ucncci:.i, \\C h:id dinnc:r u1 a 1111 •

Huie pbcc 011 the ,~·;i1crfrot1t l·allcd C;iptain UI) 1hcr\. It\ homl!), CJ'>ual :md rca ... onablc. but the food i<> w:i) up thc\f. We ga\C the O\\nc r ou r comphmenb on the wa> oui. afl1.r a superb mc:.il, When he a!>kcd. \\C 10IJ h1rn from "hence \\e had CUnll!. I

p.arh \\ e l I U1ll t>i.:1.1:1: I m Pd.ii um ••. I k

u ell Iv l 1td1 ""'c~ \\1th Jlub1c: Aller Jnd J 1hn ~ I lol>1e 111 1de bu1t11.I:. onJ

rl tlm i.Ul f111g 111:.ig:uinc t 111 \\i:' rlccJ .111 <la\ .1nJ

Jn~ I t.lr .i: 1 c:ib m L1gun:i c-tc ~1 \\:.ill> \,wllcd t!.c

l 1t(/ \1.111111, tulumn l"U/I} <H'I)

1 '"'' il.11 .111cJ .,,,tu, u.1,l.



teachers upset with investment firm ~ They have similar .compla1nts as group suing Newport-Beach based company.

reprcsent:ition and ract...c1ccring. the company\ tl\\ ners - James R. ~Jartin and ~burice B. Shu·

Rush ~imbaugh's

t\L\\POIU BEACH - Re· llr~J c<lu~.ttur' on the Or.111gc l11 t \\ho pumped monc) 11110 a ' 1\ port Bc:ich·h.1 cd kacheo.' IO\C'>tmcnt corpor.1tion arc .among tho ... c "ho 'JY the firm Ji::.crvc-. an "F" for monc) m.111· a!-'i:llll!llt

.. I hi.:t:allll! \U-.plCIUU'i thi' \C.lr

thut lhmg~ \\Crcn!t guin~· ril!l.1," B.il1'oa 1,r,11111 . rc,1d.:n1 Cur.ah Westerman said. " I \\llltc kllcr-. anJ Jidn '1 get ,1 re,pon-..t• for mon th-.. It JUi.t seemed 10 mi.: th.It 1hcy \\ere spending .1 llll of 1111llll') on 1hinp 1ha1 \\Cle un· 1\1'.'1.l!\!>;lh ..

\ ~ru~p o( lour 111\ t: sfvr' ucJ the 26·\CM 11-1 I cacher t--1.m· agcmcni :rnS lnH .. "Stm~n1 C:orpo· rutioR and 11' p;irtner h1~1 thi' \\Cc l.:, accu~ing the compan) tif

lr.1uJ, l.>rc.1ch oi 1:ontr.1ct, 1111,. ..


The .firm dcni.es the ~llega· · tions, sa)ing thi.: do\\1\\\\1ng in HS imcstor ... · return-. I'> the rc'>ult of a dcpres ... cd real C\late mar· ket.

Westerman, a ret1ret.1 -.chuul psychologbt for the PL1~c:..n1i<1 · Yorba Linda Unified Sc.hool District, said she tnH!'>I ·J .about $6,000 in the plan in the late '70-. and early · ·o-.. "h~n Cali· fornia'll real C'>tJtc ma1kct '':11. booming .

" I only in\e'>tet.l a little monc)," WestermJn -..aiJ " I \\a-.n't a hea\)' 10\c-,1or :.:int.I I

· didn't do it all al onc1. I dn11'1 put all m) cggll m one b.hkl!t l'll -..umcthing that's so u1hu1e .• 111J iund is ahva)S specttlat:,e ." .

She said she l}as rcco\'1.'red .l

portion of her imi.:..,1mcnt but not ull of 11.

' I made money on the hr...t · (10\ e-..tmenl ), but the othe r I\\ ~) arc 0,1111 in limbo; \\\..,tan 1n said. " I don·t think. I'll re\. 1\cr

• JO) thing." . . Although \he admits the rc.11

t.'>tate market i:. bad .... he hbmc'

man for her lo::.-.c-. One Corona Jd ~tar ''oman

\\ho Ill\ e .. 1ed $250,000 in the plan agreed.

\\hen it far,t -.tarted out. \\c got \\.ry good retunf::.," .. aid thi: 'H' m.in. a rl.'lircJ colkge profc,. \Of ''ho a ... l..i.:d not 10 be iJcnti· llcJ bccau-..i.: -.he "anlll to kci:p hct fin .1nc.c' pri,atc ."Out in the 1.1, t II!" ~I! ,.., \\I! h:J\en' t £l 1tcn all\ rnorK) \\i.: Jon 't think th~rc's .in~ 1h111g ldt nm\ •

~1.1rtin .111d Shuman decl ined 10 cummc111, but the firm de· temlc<l 1hcll in J prcp.ucd ... wtc::· mcnt .111J \ll\\\.U 10 '1~oroi..-.l)

light the la'"u11. ' " r he real problem lh:H our

in'c'lor' h,l\c faced b the sub· ...i.m1~1ll; ch.ingc~ ancJ dcpresl.cd Californi:i real c~t ;1 tc marl..1!1." 'they 'aid in the l>t .111,;m\:nl. "Al· thm1yh \\I! ha' c: math: hcaJ\\a~ in O\ crtoin ing a -great number ol marl\ct occa~1oncd prohkms, "e ' till hn'c a large joh to com· pktc."



. '



' '

. .



' DV~NTAGE Ordonaiy 1Ntt1ess coils are anactltd at 11\e

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A4 Saturday, August 27, 1 ~




A aroup of IOcal high school stu:!enu h:i.c formed the Coa\ul Comm.iu:c on Community Service , and tbC')I need >our help Voiuntccn arc: needed to help de n up the beaches of IWboa Pcnins-ub from 7;30 to 10:.30 a m Meet at the foot of the B lboa Pier. GIO'-iCS and trash ba~ v.1tl be prQl.idcd. for more in!otmattun, all St.:H:n at 963-0316.

MUSIC AT THI ~ LA.al ba .• <1\ The G()()(!v.1n Club, Angry Canadians and 01r.i)\ouse will ~r!orm al 1 b:ic._ to schoot parry from noon lO 7 p m at Th .. Lab :t'JO Bmtot St. 1n Co\ta ~le~ There v.1.I also b\! a car v.•uh from 10 am to 2 pm , a foih1on s~. int:rn tJOr.ll fooJ, art demonstrations. a fil:n

. f:sll\131 and mo:c Fo: more tr.format.on. call ~66-666!.

SIMOLU TIMMU lh .. M:c:ing Room,' an .offo:d::blc

smik\ orpn1uuon. ts sponsoring a free s1r.1Jcs' beginners t!nms rocr.d robin <at \ 11la ~lamn1quc Apa~:nu, 1655 Pincered. On\C, Costa ,\f:\.l, rrom 9 a m to r.oon M.ct at d:c 1ennis co .. m, t1m com: firsi pla~ Bri:f inurucuon prCNided Bring c:in of :ennis b;slls. The pool 1~ t1•.aillble f r u~ before or after pl01y1ng tennis. Ca.I 5.;S-803:? for more infO:-m.:rnon.

OUM SHOW Crl)>.l r03d> 'Of the \l.c): 1s ipon~r:ng a gun 1h0\I< todi.y and S~nda) from 9 a m to S p tr' in bwilc.ngs 10. 1.: and 16 of the Ora~ :.e Count~ F1mg:ounds on far On e ~Costa :.t.s:i Adm• .., .. 1> S6.!P ac!:Jlts. S5.50 \Cn.oa, \;Ctu ... r~n un.:!er I:· arc :rec. For :r.ore mfo:m:i:ion, call ( '01) 5+:-91:.S

COSTA MUA HIGH UUMIOH T ~ ... C lila ~l:sa H ~School cb~ of 196.: r:union .,.111 bC held t1t ;h! Red Lion lr.r.. For more info::n:i·10~. call Pa~• S;mn :: (:.tcKee) i1t ~--6.!.:3 or J"f':-CC Z:i-..,::1 'L'rone) at - (JS • .:905

01.AHT Yil.O SAU The 't ::ruih Er--1 .~ent S-r. ce of the Hz.r .. r Ar-a 1~ holding 1:\ sec r.d anr.JJI G101nt Yard S ... lc from :i.m. to 3 p.m a1 l l.! E. 19th St. 1n Co\t<.i .\le~ . .\tone> urned from the le benefits var,ou~ YES Scl"'~ccs . Call. c,.i~.~74 for more informi1t1on


P<lr-n.~ Y.1thv1.1l Part ... r "hold1n5 a d;,nce at the I foliday Inn on Bri>:ol in

Costa Mes.a beginning at 9 p m. Call ~2 for more 1nfortru1t1on ·


SACK UY tou•




ftlDAY,llPf. f

COMMU"'" "°9K HJDAY •t•tn LIVI

The Corona dcl ~tu ~nts As:IOd:aooa ud the City ol cwpon Bca...-b arc JPOMOr•n& a ~ p.auc at Grant 1-bA. Id Put tocb) from 10 1 m. to 2 p.m. 'nc C'W\:nt indudcs tc f1>'lDI contcus., pmcs ~ bounce houses. plus a barbecue. Tbc pialJC IS Cree; there &Sa nomiful charge (or the batbccuc. The J)3.lk IS located at Fillb and tns in Corona &!I br. for more 1nfonmuon. all 60-1166.

A night ot music. mirth and u.t .... nt JS prcs.cnted by 8111 Wol!e at 8 p.m. at the Colla Mc~ Church of Religious s.,,cncc, 2SSO Mesa Verde A\c, East. Siate S, Costa Mcu. P~rformcrs •ho $1nJ. dance. read poetry, play uutruments, etc. arc cncour:iged to u1~e pan in the show Admi~ion to the show is s . For dct:11ls. ~u 969-4718


ilfl GUlLD MllTING The Camelot Ch:aptcr of the :--;... rt Harbor Guild of th: Performm:g Aru Center u.111 hold a lunch meeting a: chc B:i. boo Ba) Qub tn :--:cwpon B~Jch Cost i:s SW :ind indudcs lunch and ent.ru1nmenL For more ir.fomufibn. call ~;.,.3:: !


Fonner TennclSee Goo.i:mor L;unar A.lcondcr ond Cali! .-n.3 Republican Pa~ Cha mun Tino Del Junco arc the fean:red iuests at thd Republican Part} of Orange Co\:nt) Hlspank Outre:ic~ Re::c;mon !com 5 to 7 p.m. at the \'1!1a ~oo.--a Restaurant, 3131 W. Co::st H1ghw:i} m Ncv•port & ach. For

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more -: rmatnm. call 556- 555.

aosa SOCllTY M1111NG .. Groo.., r:., R ~s for E:d11b11ion .. 1s the topic of lhc: monthly m.:eung of th:: Orong Cou:-.f) R~ Soc1 .... t~, held at Wcstrnir.>ter Cn.ic Center, :!00 \\ csurunst::r A,.c Call 65a-09-lo for more tnform.ation



The Pa:;;s. Bc .. .:hes ~nd Rccrcauon Comm1ss1on of the C1:1 of Scv.port 8.: ch 1$ hol.!.ng their mo:":hl1 meeting at th:: Cocnc i Ch.:mben, 3300 ~~port 81.d. 1n ~cwport B.::ich. For more in!ormltion. call 6-!-i-jl51 .


AJttS & MU.SIC fUTfVA.I. The ~..vnd Balbo:a Pcr .ru.ila Arts and Music Fesuwl v. 1U be held from 10 :i m. to 6 p m at the Balboa Pfoi. HllnJ<ra!tcd )c-.dl). p.un«ings. dolls, toll paintings, wood;\-or._ Crom local artub will be solJ :u the onc-d:iy e'cnt. ChilJrcn\ e-ocn:.s 2nd music also 111 be pro-.1dcd. Ad."llission is !rec anJ pknrc sp:icc 15 a\"':lll:lble. For rr.o~c il'!orMatio'l all 64-$-3151.


F1ft; ·Plus • 1t.ness Association is 'ponsonng a free wallr;:;jog;run for v.omcn and men Olo'Cr 50 ) C:ln o( age.

Renew your wood cabinets to their original beauty. Our unique restoration process revives the wood with no stripping or

--- sanding. Your Fall in love with Yo1:1r Kitchen Again!

kitchen can look terrific again!

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Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Oa ly P

MONDAY, llPT. 12


A •orn3J1's ~upport g ·oup, MM~1ng to a More P~uful You," ;uts tonight and run~ for 6 con\<.:1:ulf\ic .,. clcs 1n Co5t3 Mesa. The groups .,. ,n bcgm • ~11h stretching, -...-:>!~in& anJ jogg1oi;. and then communic:uion skill>. .. profc» ional :ind person I rclatioru.h1ps. and mocc Th-: group, m.:cu from 7 to 9 pm Cost 1> S2\l per ~~ion. DU M tie Sh:ip1ro at 75l-li9:? for more 1nform:i1iop.



The Orange Count) Qi .. p:~r oC Roondtablc !or Women 1n FooJ

·"ice Vo be held t 6 p.m. t le ~!;:rid .. n Hotel. 4500 MaeAnhur 8 tn ~~ :pon B.:adl t.bri. Strob:act .. .. Sation's R.:i12ur:in1 \.: ,, .. _,u pr~nt an i.ndusll) up<btc. C h pcr l!K'~r prep 1d, S25 per m.:m :u th.: door, SJ() per person for guc Fur more 1nform:>t1on, c:ill 95\-3203



A .. vl untccr orient3tion is ~mg hcl todJy 31 Sh.: rman l..Jbr:iry :and GJrd.::ns. \'oluntccrs arc nccdcli 10 aui~l v. ith ' -:irious pro1ccts, induJin opc(.ating th.:: gift shop and SCl' tng , luni;h::on on the terrace and in the g:irc!.:n. For more information, Clll ~l:lr on Harne)' at 64-$-6481 or tho: Ubr-11' a1 6~J.:?26 J . 1 . .

Stad 1our ittms to ArOund To»n ttlilor, The Daily Pilot, JJO lf. Da,t Cost.a ,\fts:J, Calif. 91627.


help and compassion in your time of need.

Whatever your preference is ... burial at a local or out of state cemetery

or cremation that is handled in our own on site crematorium

Our family is available 24 hours a day with answers support, compassion and affor4able prices. Give us a call today or just stop by. for

pre-planning h~lp .

• Padd c P~er in ~c-.-por: B.:ath K ·f~ _ l offenng a uniGUC kayak tDur o! the

J Upper SCWPQrt SW Bay from 'I a.m. to noon. The tQ1Jr bcllns ~nh an . introductory i.a.y;ilc lesson, then continues v.1:h a guided tp-.. r of the

r ,. 'JI.(:. AUTO SERVICE of O.C.

Mortuary & Memorial Parle 1625 Gblef Ave • ~Mesa • 540-5554

where employees care ...

: bad: bay rc\Cr-.e, home io tho"us;:nds • of m1gra10:; v•aterf()'.41 arid four • endangered species o! b1:d\ B:lng

cameras and b1noculau. For : informJ.tion anc.l rcscr.aoons. call • 675·1215


• A Cut·A·Thon to cut gJnfv:olcnce ' "'ill be hdd frnm 9 am IP 4 pm at

the Baker Street West S;ilon, 7"3 Baker St. m Costa Mesa. ihc C\ent v.111 fcJture 32 of the are;i.'s top ~J:ons

, and h;ur st)h~ts prOli1ding h.rmcuts for a SIO m1n1mum donation. Soft drmlc.s

' and tacos v.111 al!>O be ;wa1lable for : purchase . Funds ra1!>Cd v.1U be u~d , for start·up cos~ of Tod•>S • Hcrmanos," 1 new or~anization • dedicated to local gang prevention. , For more mforma11on, call 645-S808.



! "The Humorous Sid .. of Business' v.dl ' be dis.cussed by Patrick J Hunter


dunng a 5 30 p.m. meeting of Con,umer Bus1nes.s !'etv.ori at Dante's Restaurant, 17111 Connthrn Way, Ne.,..port Beach ' For mure information, calf 969"-w·r.:190...-,-----



Explore healthy hfe patterns for ind1v1duals, couples and fam1l1es at the weekly seminar at the Pal'\'m Center for P3tterns of ~cllcnce in Cannery Village, Newport Beach. Tonight\ ~minar is fr ee; SlO per pcrsbn for foll~1ng week\ . For rCSCf\'llllOM call 723-0405

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roan Woi~ Rental Manager




Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Saturday, August 27, 1994 AS


Barrington named Exchange Club of Niwport -Harbor president • l

By JtM DB BOOM, 10• rnr Pu.or of $1,000 on her four-year Company. Wl'c;ton anJ '\.rnq Clari.:, ' 'ho Club, the " Fish Fr' Club," ~\ 111 ·1 11 URS DAY

E XCHANGE CLUB Newport-Balboa Rotary Club • The National £.'(change sent joined the l\ e''I ort 1 l::ubur-Costa meet at Co t;i !'. k ·:l Gulf amJ - 15 a .m - .South Coa!.t ~lctro INSTALLS NEW Scholarship from president a leuer thanking the Exchange Mc~u Lion' Cluh. Countf'i Club. fo r more ltutJI') <:tub, the ... I ;.i tc ot Co)ta OFFICERS - The Richard Holmgron. Johnson is Club of Orange Coast for their [J 111lurm~tiu11 cJ!I :!62·74~1. \1 j Club.'' ml'.!ch :.it the Center

Exchange Club of Newport preparing to become a school participation in Quarters for MCE11!\GS s. PHOGlt\MS \\'cDl\E.SDt\ Y Club. Harbor named Dill Darrington of teacher. Kids. Under the leadership of THIS CO!'\tl l\G \\LEK - \'1-.1 t a 7 a.m. - Costil ~h:'>J-Orangl' '\01 .n J..h\anh Club or Corona del Mar as president for • The Newport Beach Sunrii.e Shirley Kohlmeier, club mcmbe·r~ Sen k c Club to hear a program Coast Urcukfu~t Lion.. Clull l'uronu dd \lar mctl~ a l the:: 1994-95 Friday night during a Rotary Club reports the proceeds collected more than $200 in of intere't to you, to lc.1rn more 1111.cts ..i t ~ta lhrkcr ... Re,11ur 1111 U.1111,1 Cor1mh1an Y:.idu Club fo r ceremony held at the Newport from its recent fund-raising jazz quu rters, which went to Exchange about the club's activi ties and to for v 1 ~itation b) the D"1d1..1 ,1 hu-.11H''' mcct111g. f·ur more Harbor Art Museum. concert held at the Hyatt Club youth activities. Sl' t involved 10 -.en ice to your Go,crnor LO\\Cll ~nca thcn 111tuzmaiiun c.111 Uub Jo:.tcn at

Serving with Barrington are. Ncwporter amounted to $6,000. • Member Jim Parsons was communit) ~how up ut the .Noun -· Co~ta l\ko,.1 ·Hot.ir) 7:?3-IJ~67 · President-elect Dave Drakesman Congratulations go to RJchnrd honored recently by Keith meeting of your choice an<l tell Club mcch at the to.le a \ erJc '11.;oon _ \rnport-Jnine Rotal') Vice President Steve Routus, ' Cooling, Marilyn Gust and Tim Nel•on, president of the them ) OU re:ld :.about them in the Count!'\. r1ub. ll b I A I

" 1• u mc\:.h ..11 t le 1rportcr nn ~ccretary Tuck Rabbitt, Harold, who took the lead in Newport-Irvine Rotary Club, for Daily Pilot · 12:1..> p.m. - 'Iht: C::\t:hungc 10

hem ,tboui th\:. DARE freasurer Syd Deem and making the event the success it 17 years of perfect attendance, TUESDA\ c1 .. i, .,f Orange Coa~t meet:. ti t

1 1. · _. prO£f.lm 0 1 t 1e ln1ne Pu ice directors Joe Perlow, A.Z. Tan was. "'ho then proceeded to fine him 7:30 a.m. _ Ne\\ port Beach th..: Bahia Corinthian Y;.icl11 Club.

0 d E cpt. an d Jackson. • Members of the Costa for his story telling abilites. Sunrise Rota,.,, Club mech at 6·15 p.m. - !\c,\port-Ballwa 0 •J • 12:15 pr: - The Exchange Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions O Sherman GarJcns for brcakfa'>l Rotary Club mc\:.ls at the U:ihb Club of :'\l\\port Harbor meet:. at CLUD NOTES - Tom Walley, Club en1·oyed a visit to Costa WELCOME TO THE WORLD and a tou r. Con nthi:m Yacht Club to h~ar

chairman of the Scholarship Mesa's Fairview Park to see the OF SERVICE CLUDS - Tom Noon - l\e,,port Beach from J ames Hughey 011

Committee of the Newport Mackeral Flats and Goat Hill Ila\\ baker, sponsored by Ed Ki\\anis Club meet\ at Charley ··Pharmaceut ical Profc :.iun. Balboa Rotary Club, introduced Junction Railroad, the largest J ackson, who joined the DrO\\ ns Heath Care Reform an<l · Emily Johnson, a senior at USC, ll\Odel railroad anywhere. Dinner Exchange Club of Newport 6·30 p.m. - Costa H~tO's." For more informa111 11

who received the fourth payment was catered by the Newport Rib Harbor and Pat Wood, Kerry l\Jesa-Ne,\port Harbor Lion~ CJll 548-4942.

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Charlt.' Ur "n" l~r J bu~inlh.~ meeting.

Jim de llcxun'!> Scnice Club lpdJtt• 13 pubfohcd. eu•ry

.iturda_1 in the Dail) Pilot.

Fashion· lslan r

S#. YtM. A~~ c~~


Monday, August 29, 1994 11 :OOom to 1 O:OOpm

Believe it or not Pasto Mesa will celebrate 5 years of successfully se~ing our guests in Costa Mesa!

On Monday, August 29, 1994, this menu will be

112 P~ All 'D~. iris our way of saying "THANK-You· for your support

throughout the year. Please plan to join the celebration starting at 11 :OOom

and continuing until 1 O:OOpm.

~~~~ J~~4~ lt'85G dshos hctJde fresh gate creany Manero a reQ.Ao' broodstk::ks a)d °"'house salad Momao Sauce

with o c~ refll Spnoch Meat Tortlnl (OO:Jlb dTefltOtlf.lliot:>le-----~~ Cheese" TortelH -

f(l( $2.50 eoch) CK 0-.eese Roviol Spog-.ettl o lo Morhoro ......... . .. 0.25 S7.50 Spog-.ettl 8olo(J'le9o .. .......... .. .. 6.75 =~~·ii~ ............ 7.25 o.eoge o lo Morhoro .......... . 7 25 Gnoc:H 0 lo Bolog'eee. . ..... 6 75 Fet1udnl Plfnc:Nero .... "·"·"""" . 7.75 Tortelhl Grottr.atl. 7 25 Meat RoW:il McJrao .... .... 7.50 T~ Ol8el8 RcMol Morao 7 25 l..olcO'lO eaoa- ................ 7 ~ M:rtcx>ttt ~o."............... 7 50 ~Medo"'"--""·-· 7 25 2ltl al FornoAn• .. n-U-•••n••triU.., 6 50 Coppeti al Pesto."-"""........ 7 50 Toglatel Corboncro ...• 7 50 Coppeti al Panodofo "~ 7 95


212 ' EAST 17TH ST

Longs Pharmacy is having a special sale after hours to help you save~ven more off our already great low prices on everything you need for back to school!!! This sale will be for two hours ~only. In addltlOi1 to qur already great low l)rices, your family WI aft:

I FREE ZIPPER I POUCH I VALUE 49~ I I LIMIT ONE I . I 1 COUPOn 0000 tor sunoav •· a -M oniv

eooo oniv at Longs P:IShie>n ISllnd


. .


A8 Saturday, August 27, 1994

High Holy Days • again upon us .

High Holy Days don't offi~ially begin unttl next "'eek, but temple lsai11h of Newport Beach, 2401 Ir· \inc Ave., starts selling the tone or solemnity Y. tth a Selichot Open House Service nt 9 tonight.

Themed "Celebrate a New Day and a New Spirit," Temple lsai· ah's High Holy Days officially begin with Rosh Hashanah (New Year) service at 8 p.m. Monday, Sept. 5. r

On Tue:.day and Wednesday, Sept. 6· 7, the temple conducts tra· d itional morning services. The \ery Holy Kol Nidre service Y..ill be 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14. An all·

day Yorn l(jppur service alLIGION 8 p.m. Sept. 5; First Ser·

runs from 9:30 a.m. 'til sundown on Thursday, Sept. 15.

The temple provides qualifie~ childcare at all sen1ces, and newly arrived Rus)inn immigrants receive free uckets by calling 548-6900. Early resem.llions are suggested.

vice, 9 a.m. Sept. 6; Main Service, 10:45 a.m. Sept. 6.

Bat Yahm's Yorn Kippur ser· vices are.: Kol N1dre, 8 p.m. Sept. 14; First Service, 9 :i.m. Sept. 15; Main Service, 10:45 a m., Sept. 15; and Afternoon, Y12kor and Ncilah (closing), 3·30 p.m. Sept. 15.


Newport Be~1ch resident Nancy Spaeth, the new director of Lutheran Church of the Master's before :.and afterschool program.


The church's new program,.Spaeth says, will be more ltke a camp situation. Children "'ill play a lot of games, make crafts and conduct science exercises. While younger children have quiet time, older children will study.

" ' want to pro,1de ;i. .nurturing atmosphere for a child," Spaeth said. "One in which they can learn in a fun way." · Also included in the program will be story

readings from the Bible and videos to give children a basic knowledge of Christ. Spaeth emphasized that children of all failhs are \\elcome and that readings aren't dcmoninational-specific, explaining, " I'm Catholic."

Ultimately, SpJeth wants the program to provide an opportunity for children to grow

. and interact with other children and adults, ' \\.hich is v.hy Spaeth said s~e enjoys teaching.

"Seeing a child develop and grow and become self-confident within- themsehes i~ what I like to sec "

.'ll~"l'llfllll.4ti 'I '

Scf\ices at Temple Dot Yahm, IOI l Camelback St., Newport Beach, are: Erev Rosh Hashanah ,

For ticke t information, phone 644-1999.

-FYI .

Scf\·ing 40 children and rhve ad· ditional children on :i drop-in basis on Monday through Fnda)S, the program at Lutheran Church of the Master, 2900 Pacific View Dri\'e, Corona del Mar, be­gins Sept. 8 for either before and/or af­terschool care.

Working parenLS .can drop their chil­dren off before school and pro17am teachers or \'oluntecrs will \\.alk them to their elementary schools.

Cost is S 17 per week: for pre-school care and $65 per \I.eek for afterschool­care. This includes refreshments. ans and crafts :ind teachers can illso help students with homework

Parents are invited to attend an open house of the facilities on Tuesday and Wcdne!.day. Sept. 6-7. The director will be on site to answer any que~tions. For more information, call 759-1031 or 759-1146


While visiting an old friend in Culifornia, Spaeth applied for the job and v.ith her extensive teqching, day care and nursery school background, plus an advanced college degree, the former NC\\- Jcr.,cy rel>idcnt moved to Newport Beach and is cnjO)ing it.

"l:.ver !>ince I \\US a little girl, I wanted to lhe in California and near the beach," Spaeth l>aid. " I'm very imprel>l>Cd with the friendliness in California ..


Spaeth hopes that children in kindcrg:.,irten through sL,th .grades in three nearby sch'6Qis - Lincoln, Harbor View and Anderson -will be drawn to the program because " there's a real qeed for this."

ln addition to two aides, Spaeth also hopes to attract \Olunteers from a !>Cniors housing development located next ro the church. "Older people have knowledge, ex~ricnce and warmth and we want lo pull that into the program too."

In addition, Spaeth wants to draw people from the community to come to the church and talk to kids about their various vocations, such as musician<;, artists and even photographer!>, describing the program as ·\cry hands-on."

fo build a library and stocJ,. of children s games and toys, Spaeth says ~he shop!> garage sales and hopes she can depend on the communit>( for help.

With the chu rch's location, the program could dc\clop into something "much bigger," Spaeth sJid, possibly a school.

- Story IJJ Emily Crcely, photo by Cl1ristop'1u Assaf

lOUS It l .'l .lf.101 ·~ .~f '11.'.\'f ·1;

osta esa MESA VERDE



(Disciples of Christ) 2401 Irvine Ave. at SHa Isabel

Newport Beach


(West of JamtJoree) (North of 8r1stol) (East of John WaynB Alfport)

1~· 1•1.4tit ·111•. l f ,

AINT JAMES CHURCH episcopal Worship • Church School

8:30 and 10:00 a .m. Or. Richard George 979.8234

LAGUNA United Methodist Church

21632 Wesley Or. La2una Beach

499-3088 Sunday Momng Worship

& Chr1sban Educawn 10 am Ministers Da~ad Beades & V1rg1111a Wheeler

Wesley Counsehng Center Services Av,1Uable


CCMono Oel Mo1


9 JOi.m W~Cbld.Ydl~



Ii CMIRCH If COSTA •IA ( ~ 420 W. 19th SL 548·7727 I( L ~ Betwt n HJtOor and Newport

Mal' AT 8:00 AM NIJ 10:30 AM CHURCH SCHOOL • ALL AGES • 9 00 AM

Nurseiy • Kilderoarten • 10.30 AM Youth Groups Sunday Evenings

Pastors: Steve lseMtan, Tia Wildermuth

Service Sun. 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship - 10:00AM M, Tu, Th, (714) 646·3199

Or. Juanella Evans, Minister Dr. Gene R Swanson 645-5781

Child C.tt Prmled Sellim l (WA, l 0 .JOAM S JOPM


Rev. Mary Murray Shelton Senior Minister

Sunday " WhPn Tl1ing1 Are Too Good To De True"

CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Member of the United Church of Re/191ous Science

2205 MAIN StREET .• SUITE 23, SEACLIFF VlllAGE HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92648 · 7 969· 1331

1'1:1. 4-HI. I I Ill .\,.

W..r h1r in.I I""" 1111, 1..,,,11 .. 11 ( hm1 1 Cllh rhl. hH1u1I rnt''"'·'S."

"EVERYTI !JN( i WE NEED" (Z l'c11 r I I 11. Ju.It l'f)

(>(()!'i1. An ln:w' Ro.1J, Nc"-p11rt Jk.tlh, C.1lrturn1.1 (7 14) 6H-28KO ( iu<t\• lr .. m N1 '"I'"'' I larl•11 I lt11h ::-.C llcul •I lrrnlC' 1m.l IS1h)

"A Communlty Dtdlcottd to Loving and Serving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savio~

Fr. David C. Anderson. rector 3209 Via Lido

Newport Beach 714/675-0210

R 7;30am Traditional 9 am Contemporary 9 am Church School

10:45 am Charismatic and Wednesday noon

1111:1\11.\\ \Ill \II


673-1340 or 673-6150

O'Nzdl lQam & 5prn Sunday School IQam Wndnelday MoolltlQS 8prn

Pt!aa l lem.e witlr you. my peace I l<"'t! unto you:

1wt m the world gn•eth, Rl\'t' I 111110 )'Oii . Let tlOt

vour l1rar1 be tmubled. 11eitht'1 In it bt• afraid.

John /4 · 27

,,.:f<:rcJ:J:.: ~~ .• lloUon~

Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Pll

Shir 111-Ml'alot temple Is on the move . Shir Ha-Ma'alot, Harbor Reform Temple wi.11 move fro~ its $hare

quarters or l~ ye:irs with St. Mark Prcsbytcrinn Church 1n Newpo Beach Sunday, Sept. 4, by having congrcgant~ carry three Torah scroll to their new synagogue at 3652 Michehon, 1"'.ine. . .

The congregation, led by Rabbi Bernard King, will meet JO its prcse Newport Beach location, 2100·A MJr V1~ta, Ney.port Beach, at 8:3 a.m. Following a brief fare.well ceren:iony with the ch.urch nt 9 a.m .. th walk begins along the East Bluff bike path, follo\\-1ng the San Dtt:g Creek channel to Michelson, and then right to lforvo~d.

Anticipated arrival is 11:30 a.m. For more information, call 644-7203.


DATI WITM AllTllT Ju3nell3 Evans, the spiritual le:idcr ot Ncwpor1 Beach Church or Religious Sclencr, prescn1s "The Artists Date' :it 10 a.m. :ii 1929 Tustin Ave., Costa Mes:i. Coll 646-3199.


TIMI fOR PUYIR Kevin Ford, psychiatric social worker for K:iiser P~ychi:itry Ocp3rtment, aotl . in pri\'ate practice, in Lomid3, \\ill be guest speaker at the 10:30 :i.m. worship Ser. ice 3t Orange Co:ist Unllorlon Unh tm11is1 Church, 1259 Victori:i St., Costa Mesa.

Ford, a licensed clinical soci:il worker, will speak on " A Time for Prayer," focusing on the importance of considering "prayer" \\ithin UUism, exploring the challenges of Jelling go of previous ollitudcs aboul "prayer" in 3 more fulfilling und meaningful way. Child care will be provided cfuring the service. Call 646-4652. ·

SUNDAY HRVICI Spiriiual lc:idcr Juanell:l Ev:1ns lc;ids the 10:30 a.m. !>er.ice :it Newport Beach Church or Religious Sdencc, 901 Dove St .. Suite 145, Nc\\pott Bc:ich. C<ill 6"6-3199.


Lutheran Church or the Master, 2900 P:icific View Drive, Corona dcl l\fJr,

- kicks off its annual "Summer Celcbr:11ion" from 5· 7 p.m.

There "111 be a potluck supper follov.cd by an Informal wor~h1p scr.ice. The public is imncd to att~nd

INACTIVI CATHOLICS Miit Our Lady Queen or Angels, :!()..;6 M.ir Vist:i Ori\!::, Nev.port Bc:ich, \liClcomci. all inacli\'C Ca1holici. h> informal Sund;iy gatherings at 6: 15 p.m.

Tye session is an opponunny to gel answers to quclltioM )OU may have about the church. For more information, c:ill Jue I locrdcmann, 72 1 -09~9 or Sister Ag:11ha F;umon, 644-9218.


PUYIR aHAKIAST First United Methodist Church or Costa Mesa holds a Prayer Brc:ikfost at 6 a.m. at Denn'y's restaurant at Newport Doule\.atd and 171h S1ree1 in Costa Mes3. C:ill 548-7727.



The non-profit org:inization A G:ithering of Mir:iclcs presents "A Cour-.c in Miracles" lecture and Jiscir..sion 7 30 p.m. 31 Saint Michael and All Ani:cls Epl copol Church, 323 PJc1fic View Dr., COrona dcl M:ir.

Nationally known lecturer Allan Roscnthul lc:lds lhe lectures. For mor 1nforma1ion. call 673-9227 or (310) -H8·8994. There is a $7 don3tion al 1hc door, but no one's turned away.



The Rev. Ken Gr:iy Je:ids "The ~l1racks Cl:iss" :it 7:30 p.m. :it Sclcnu or 1he ~!Ind Education Ccn1cr, 901 Dove St., No. 145, Newport Beach. Call 646-3199.



The Rev Ken Gray lc:ids "M:uter Mand for Education" :it )0 3.m. :it :'\t\1port Beach Church or Relli:lous Science, 901 Do'e St, Ne"' port Beach Call <H6-3tlJ9.


PRISSURI CHICK ~ free blood -pressure clinic runs from JO 10 10:30 3.111. i11 1hc hbrnry :11 Fir)t Cnltcd ~lcthodist Church of Costa ~lc\u, 4:!0 \\'est 19th St. Call 548-77:!7


1 he Re\. Robert Jord3n Ross of Al1•0 Creek UnatJnJn Unive~hst Church in ~fos1on \'1cjo is guest spcal>.er IOJ.i a m. at Orange Coasl Unitarian Unhcr)Oli!>t Church, 1259 Victoria ~t .. Co)t:l Mesa.


"Rest :ind Renewal, For All" is the title of the i0:30 3.m. sel'\itc 3t ~c" port Ueuch Church of Religious

clcnce, 901 Do\c St .. 'su11e 145, Nc\1 port Dcach.

bcryonc I> :.ilw Y.Clcomc 10 • cl!lcbrate spiritual le3dcr Juanclla E1.:ins' )C.:irly .tnn1\Cr!>:ll)' :it :i potluck after the scmce. For more 1nforma11on, phone ~6-31'99 .

• Send Rcligio11 photos aml r.:lca\C\ t11

.Religion Et.h1or Mall _Coker. Pally P1k1t 330 W. Day St. Co:.la Mc :i, 9:?627.

Church's AIDS Team Ministry receives grant Orange C~st Unitarian Unhcrsnlist Cl~urch's AIDS Team Mini!>tn

recently received an Sl 1,400 grJnt from the fund for Unitarian U1mcr­l>ali~t Social Rc~ponsibility.

The grant, the third-largest g1,·cn by the fund, \.,ill help the ·Co!>tJ Mesa-based ministry continue to p1 V' idc meals to home-bound '·A IDS ~uff crcrs in Orange County.

Every other Saturday, the team, which b J11cctcd by Clover Behrend. cook) between 90 and 140 mcab, \\luch arc then f rolcn. The meals arc then microwa\cd and delhercd l·ooJ fC>r pell> of AIDS pJtients il> aho furntl>hcd .



SIDtJJiy Wor.sfd/ 9:30 A.II.

chttd cart, . sunday school

J 1Uttbortt at EASrltlu/f NOi rt Stach 6'f+ 13t 1

f O.\'t,1:1f, .\110 \ '. \I

n\ ~MLNrff OlOCH W OOE~ID'W.

lNTED Otroi CJ OffST To 8efim Is To Catt; To Cllr Is To Oo.

Or. Dennis W. Short Minister Sunday Worship 8:30 & tOam

Church School 9am Adult • 9:45 Children Child Care Provided 644-7400

611 Heliotrope Ave. Corona def Mar


Jldvertising Information in tlie ~{igious

'Directory P{ease Cal{:

Miclie{fe Manire

at 642-4321 e~t. 258

J"JU # 650·4802

"A Friendly, C•rtn1 Cbrlstlnn Community"

3233 Pacifte View Or. ~W,



• I

.... • Newport Beach/Costa Mesa· Daily Pilot - Saturday, August 27, 1994 A7

Sagerstroms snali behind~-~e-scenes social shaker O

·neofthe most-respected individuals behind the scenes of the social cro wd has pulled up

stakes and moved on. The dedicated, ever-positive and

problem-solving promoter Dillur Wallerich has left her post nt Neiman Marcus, lured away by the

Scgerstrom family. Wallerich has been named Community Relations Director, South Coast Plaza.

"I'm extremely proud to be

Blllur Wallerich part of a management

team at the most prestigious retail center in the country. I look forward to serving the community from my new base," said the chnrming Wallerich, re.ccntly back in Orange County following a European jaunt with good friend Catherine Thyen.

Wallerich has been u stand up and a stand out lady in this community for the past two tkcades, working with most of our charitable and civic organizations through her past po~itions with Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue. Neiman's Carol Horowitz has some big shoes to fill.

DOD 'u nderwater Enchantment" was the theme of the Sea Bnse extravaganza. The

event, held at the highly regarded John Dominis restaurant on the Newport Bay, was a second annual fund-raiser for the Doy Scout maritime operation.

More than ~5,000 was raised designated as "capital funds" 10


be eve~tually used for the ~wth, expansion and jmprovement/ Of the Sea Base. "Our current big priority is the construction of a new main dock and remodeling of our classroom," commented Boy Scouts rep Zoe Simensen.

The SI25 per person sea-themed gala allracted a bevy of mermaids and neptunes, and a few mysteries of the deep as well to compliment the underwater theme created by committee members David Clark, chair of the affair, Shelly Clark, Joan Dashiell, Don Solsby, Lisa Miller, Penny Munson, Tim and Annie Quinn, Sean Walsh, Robert and Cathy Kinney, Keith and Robyn Randle and, the dynamo of Lido, Earl Carroll's No. 1 showgirl, Jean Tandowsky.

The Boy Scout event was also supported by some of the big hi1ters of the local crowd. George and Judi Argyros, Ru4y and Suzy Baron, Joey Bishop, Robert and Mary Shackleton, George Dashiell, Sen. Marion Bergeson and Supervisor Thomas Riiey and nife Emma Jane standing behind the

f.njoy a large

selection of merchandise

For 8 • RoyaLBayre11th &. Bavaria (includ(n man servin dishes}

WE BUY&: SELL ON CONSIGNMENT • LAYAWAYS &:.90 DAYS SAME AS CASH !! 2384 Newport Blvd~ S ~ ~WI.Ison md Santa ls.ibel -

Costa Mesa 714 631-2411

Sunday Champagne Brunch $12.95 lOam - 2prn

Daily Pasta Bar $6.95 11:30 am - 3pm

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Live Jazz, Blues

& Rock Nightly

Sea Base, right along with all the Commodores of the yacht clubs up and down the Pacific Rim.

"Available for use by any Orange County youth group, The Sea Base is dedicated to providing opportunities for youth to experience a wide variety of programs involving marine education and recreation," added Sea Dase spokesperson Simensen.

The Orange County Council of The Boy Scout~ of America providei. 100 percent of the funding for t~e facili ty. More than


20,000 youths participated in Se.1 Base activitie) last )Car, induding groups from the Draillc lmtitute, The U.S. Coa)t Guard, l airvicw l lospital, Qh,e Cr st, Orangc,~ood and The Woodcrcst I lomcs for abused and neglcctcc.I children. The Sea Dase has been u part of the Newport-Mesa community for more. than 65 years. That -.urcly qualifies the operation for monument status.


Attending the " Underwater Enchantment" Sea Base extravaganza at John Dominis restaurant are (from left): George and Joan Dashille and Shelly aRd Dave Clark.

lfOll4'lt. de 441#e-

29.a E. 17m ST #D COSTA MESA 642-4700

RU Ff ELL'S UPHOLSTERY INC. Mitre '"' hi« C..tn ltrtl m2 unoa mt . com llu- m.usa

"Save now •nth our IOlh AM1vt1sary Special New membefs 1ec1Nt uolim tcd h ~SS •I your Cllilornla Club ot en.ollmtnt tor just S 14 POt mon111 monlti 10-month on our first

VISlt ottef Wltll. 000 ltme $75 1eq1~lllll00' Ind I one time $25 Pf Ing I Rarquelbalf B.w !ball Kldi Khab and ''C..cutrve Crub t;t11 flldl1 flllV r,. G t In

SNPI tn 1994 w th us• MUST ,,.ESENT THIS A.D TO MC(IVf lit( DISCOUNT.

HUllTIMGTOM IEACH • 9812 Hamilton A~enue • (7141 3 0864 lflVlllf • 17850 Skypark Cu • Ne~1 to John Wa~ne Aupoll • (7141761-7500

WU TMHllTH • 14731 Goldlft West Sir el • (7141313 44 0 DflAllGE • 2910 North San11100 81~·1 • ( 1•1282 7370

T here ~3s enchantment on terra firma as \\Cll thi) past "'eek as more than 200

prominent guests Joined glamorou' society hostess Ellle Cortese, "ilc of the legend:iry late developer Ross Cortese (Leisure World). ut her palatial estate in thi.: hilb of Lemon Heights. It wa:. the ..innual summer affair of l·oundcrs Plu ... one of the original support groups of i 'he Orange County Performing Arts Center. .

Themed "A fling in Fircntc," the evening honored thrcs: couple~ recognized for their constant devotion to the Center. Ur. Lpck Gee and Ruth Ding, Petn und · . Mary Muth, and Ed and I· loss Schumacher.

Mingling amongst the st:ituu~ surrounding the n.:nccung poob on the estate: Russ and Ann Pange, Dob and Gini Robin P.1ul .. and Barbara Ramsey, ~l il.:hcllc Rohe, Kent and Carol \\liken Jim and Darbara Glabman, Harl) ond Shari Esayian, Marisa llcllis'in10. and Hansel and l\lartha Benvenuti.

As the Sam Conti trio pl4)cJ r on, hostess with the mostcs.,, chair

of the affair Jan Lanstrom checked 1)1e final arrangement"




B.W. Cook

The Crowd

1 "ith the help ol tJe .. otcl! hu)b:ind Juhn Land>lrom :inc.J high ~OCICl} co-chair~. the pl1111num 1.110111.k bomb~hdl "-.or.i J or&:l'lbc11 , Johni.un anc.J dJpp.:r hu~banJ Ur'. Jim Juhni.on. The fourwmc maJI! ~ure the O\JS>l\1!'"dlnnt' r unJ.:r the

urnmer tar:. "J> n foc·stur i.u~ e ') -• FJbul U:>, enorrm.>u 1.:11110\\.Cr:>

adorned lhc: tables )Cl on the Cort sc \crant.IJ. The JK:rlcet tJc1a,I to compliment a pertcd dir 1.r

·c .1 c rd b~ Antonello'~ chd C:.irlitu Julwn Commll cc r:icm't. c.:·~ mdu kd: Jo~lC ll.1)tb i't'gg_'. lluah1 ri~lll I did..a Bukat) Don Cai.tie. \ ntJ Curn-. Jean Hamann. Jo)t:C l!Jnson, Bu;bar.i Johannes. lfoi.Jlic y i.l.e, Jt;;in ~luon, f.IJrg:.irlt \lurd~. Ul.'tt) Belden P;.1lmcr Janel Cuni·\\ut~.h .ind Patrilk W.ii.tal

n.u. CuuJ..\ tu/U/1111 .1pptJr)

1111Jr1d;1.l:. ;Jt11/ 'u tun1:1_1:;.


r.-;. Pre.-<M ned

Rolcx \\ atche-.

. Casl1 for\'( ur Old J ~·elry It may be \\'urth ·n1 re than y u think!

"' Chann·-. Jrl' you hJ\ e 'bllrtl'd

tre~N1re m \our Jl'\\l1h) or !':ti.a..• dcpo"ll ho\ \\ tut'~ rnlll'l t111g tltt:>t could lll' colll·rnng fJ.'h for ~0111 . For thrl'(' dJ~' onl~ . Ch.trll'' II Barr ]l'\\ d~r-. "ti! have· :L' our !!lll'~.t

Mr. Mark Ebert, an mternaliort.tl hu~ 1.•r of Jnt1qu1.•, l''t:lle an I "previous!} O\\ ncd" je\\ clry.

Mr. Ebert is a forml'r in,tn1ctor ol the G1.•molngll J] lt1'.'lll\lll' oJ America. He 1s also an author and In tun·r lt) till' trJd1. on ant111ue and colJectible period Jl'\\ dry. lk "tll ht.> J\ JtlJhll' tl11:-. Thur..JJ\. Friday and SaturdJ\ l\)

consult with you on till' discreet disposlli<lll of wur jewelry for tl1c lughe~t

possible ca.'h mJrkl't pnl l' Dispose of a single ptl'Ct' .or_an entire collccuon.~-~-1

Three Days Oi;l l)' Thursday, Augtist 2 ~ ..................... 10 a.·m. to 6 p.m. Friday, August 26 .......................... l 0 ;t m. to 6 Jl m. Saturday, Augusl !.7 ................... : .. l 0 a.m. to :; p.m.

• Or~>' 11ppoi11/mc11I 11/><m ''''/'"'''

1803 cstcllIT Drive, Newport Beach { l i)6•2·3310

' l

.. . -

A8 Saturday, August 27, 1994 Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot


AIN'T THEY SWEET: "We're looking for women who love to sing and have fun."

Hey, who isn't? But the above quote is not from a

lonely-heart accompanist. It's from Costa Mesa's Kathleen Brennan, who is membership chairwoman of Sweet Adelines Chorus. (Brennan is shown above at right \vith Joyce Olson, left, of Corona dcl Mar, and Yvonne C.Jnnon of Newport Beach).

across the globe, the award-winning chorus continues the close four-part un.iccompanied choral style of traditional barbershop. Costuming and choreography are always a part . of their performances.

W ha.t Brennan is looking for are women who are "able to carry a tune on their own so that they arcn ' t thrown off by other parts around' them. But everything else will be taught."

Tne chapter's co-director Eileen lodyga is a certified _music instructor who provides voice classes for recrui ts, Crennan noted.

The chorus, which draws \Ocalists from . throughout the county, is holding rehearsals for nGw members 7 'p.m. Sept. 13 and 20 at la Paz Intermediate School in Mission Viejo.

One of hundreds of Sweet Adelines chapters Interested? Start warming up and <;all

S-rerinan at 646-6330.

• Exercise Equipment • Golf • Tennis • Bicycles • Watersports • Ro1lerblades • Anything and

everyth ing to do with sports!

~~---·~rt>®m~ zr:----~~

Coll toJay for more info 548-0660 670 W. 17th St. • Costa Mesa

(one block west of staples)

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Wa hington's Los Angeles Con­temporary Dance Theatre for bal­let sequences in "Aida," which opens Oct. 1 at the Orange Coun­ty Performing Arts Center.

lets in Giuseppe Verdi's grand work. set in Mcicnt Egypt.

" I 'm really cxcitcJ to be choreo­graphing 'Aida,'" Lula Washing­ton, who established her company in 1980 to expose modern dance artists in Los Angeles' inner-city neighborhoods, said in a press

selected rne for thi important as· signment, :ind I look forward to working \\Ith them on the projec t ~ It's going to be a challenge. but its also going to be great fun."

She addcJ she is "especially happy" her company will ma~cs its debut :11 the center in Costa Mesa. "1 alwa>s ureamed \\C \\Oulu' one

The troupe will be making its Orange County debut and its first venture into opera or musical the-1:\tCr when it dances the three bat-

statement. <.fay pcrf<.Vm there, and now that " 1 feel honored Opera PJcif1c drc;un is conurrg true " .


College's Symphony Orchestra will present four different Sunday-! evening concerts in I

Robert B. Moore Theater during the 1994-95 season, the orchestra's 34th.

The first on Oct. 16 will feature Brahms' Piano Concerto No. 2, with soloi~ Jan Jordan, Beethoven's Symphony No. 3, "Eroica," and

Samuel Oorbcr's "The May 14. Thofo programs Capricorn Concerto" for will be announced at a trumpet, oboe, flute and Inter date. strings. ' Director Alan

The Dec. 4 concert Remington says openings will feature Dccthoven's ore av:iilablc for brass, Piano Concerto No. 2 percussion :ind strings and the Brahms players. Rehearl>als are 1 Academic f estival to 10 p.m. Tuc~d..iys in Overture. The orchestra Room ·J09 of OCC's will join the college choir Music Bu ilding. For for Stravinsky's rehearsal information, "Symphony of Psalms." con tact Remington at

Concerts arc also 432-5692. schcduleu Feb. 26 and In audition to players,


1195 Baker, Costa Mesa (corner of Fair.<iew & Bak_,

Open: Mon.sat. 8am-6pm . Sm. 9am~

the orchestra also needs funds to mount the co11ccrts. Some funding comes from the college's Community Services Office, but other support derives from donors and community groups.

Support also comes from tickets, "hich arc just $4 in advance and SS al the door. For ticket information. call -'32-5880.

Trucks & v.... Addi"°"9I All Major Credit Cards Accepted L coupon•-.plfaWt-94 --

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or c.a lhl Chlmblr oftlcll 11721 uoo for dit8111 •


Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Piiot

LOCAL WINS THE BRONZE Thi) is the last weekend to attend Lhe

Festival of Arts in Laguna Beach and, thus, your last chance to see Mike St.einfeld in the concurrent Pageant or the Masters.

The Co!>ta Mesa resident (left photo) is one of four young men magically transformed from flesh and blood to

~ bronze in "Comin' Through the Rye" (1902) by Frederic Remington.

Ann Webster applies makeup to Steinfeld (right photo), whose costume -gets some finishing touches (bottom photo) before he takes his place in the "living tableaux." •

• The festival runs 10 a.m. to 11 :30 p.rn. today and Sunday, and the pageant begins around 8:30 p.m. in the outdoor amphitheater. For ticket information, phone 497-6582.

Photos by Christopher Trela

OCE..,RANCH 7 N ••• " ..... '" .. ...

M ,IGUU ~1'111. • "I tll ... •

COLOlllf•u 1llE cuar fs CLEAR Am~ (N·131

1l1El.m~) FOMUT.... ·11) 1llEMUa .131



Saturday. August 27, 1994 9



~ CUAJl Am rMIOT IAllQEJt (rG-13)

· WA8C*SUITlfPC·131 . 1llE UOll 1• (C)



1111 MAia (Pl-13) COllMIA, CCIMIU (l'C)

CUAJl Am rMSlWT DMab 1'8·13)

ANAHEIM HIUS FESTIVAL IU~ ~·: .. ~;1~"'4; COLOll Of ~ (R)

WUOlllWTl(N·13) II 1llE ARMY llOW (N) FOMllT .... {N-13)

AmlllE(PC) 1llE UOll llllC (C) 1llE IMl.Ji1,N•13)

FOMUT (N-13)


ATLANTIC PALACE 10 1.~·~,.':'i"J"U:; ~ CLEAR Am f'MJU'T IM&O (Pl·13)



IT COULi IW'f'IJI TO YOU (PC) FOMUT ..... fPC.-131

AllOttE (Pl) I FOlllUT laUMP Pl-1 S) CAMl'llOWMERE(N)

1llE UOll ... (C)

ALH'AMBRA PLACE 5 '" 1"'' •••• ,,, H 1.•11111'1• !'I ;;•M

UTUUL IOM llUUS (I) Tiil MAii ('8·13)

aum--:-.C~rJ: TMEUTTLI NI • 1llE MIMY... )

LA "ERNE 12 ' ,.. . 1""'"'' r , ,A l!RN! • ~ m fS!\

TMcle . fGMllT _. ·13)

--- 13) c... (M) ••MMY ... cPI> w.- UITI IN-11} CIUI Of~ (II)

UTWAL - llLU'lll (Ill CUM A9,...,. u.:r'.J.,._111

-(Pl) / CWll PllBf ,.,II MClaT .... 11/ lfClal ..... "111"

Tiii unu IAICMI (Pl)

EL MONTE 8 ' "' .. ··~·'" t V: 11t ·~ • •·• ·~ ~

VAL ENCIA 10 ~.: .• ~-: ..... '.I' ---·-"' w.-umr=1•1 tmamT 11t ma.m •• CUM .. ..-Y ._r.t.111 munu .... --==rm-=- ,..,. •• -·a . ...,. a'R

TEMPtE J .. .


ventures" will be pre!)Cnted in Or­ange Coast College's 1994-95 hugely popular trave logue series. Films will be shown al 7 p.m. on selected Fridays in Robert B. Moore Theater.

Season tickets arc available for $50 for general audiences and S46 for seniors and children ugcs 12 and under. Admission for- indi­vidual programs are S7 in advance and, if any are left, $9 at the door.

Series tickets can be purchased in OCC's Community Sen ices Of­fices or by phone, with Visa or Mastercard, at 432-5880.

This year's lineup: Sept. 16 - Doug Jones' rail

journey "The. Great Canadian


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Tram Ride ' Sept. 30 - GrJnd Can)on. Oct. U - r rank KJicar on kg­

endary European and A)i::.in cities that played roles in the Crusade:..

Dec. 2 - Co)ta Rica . Feb. 10 - Fifty years of \\orld

travel by veteran filmmaker Tha) · er Soule.

Murch 10 - Dwu)nC Merry, . .,.. ho ret ired a\ an OCC anthropol­

ogy professor to become a na.tional travelogue lecturer: on l::.racl and the Holy Lands.

April 2 1 - "Emcrt;int; ln­dochin:i"

Moy 5 "Amaica's Fa\Orttc Places."


Dancer, actor, choreographer and martial ;ini')t Henry Smith will be the kutun:.d pre)entcr in OCC') 10th Vb11ing Scholar 111

Residence Progr;.im, Smith, founder :rnd artisti (h ·

rector of ~CLARIS Dance 'The· utrc Video an New York City, will on c.unpus Oct. 25-27. I le ,Jill offer u tree public p1csentalh.>n 111

thc Robert 13 Moore The.Her on Oct. 25, as "ell as folio.,.. -up ~) m· pos1u1m and lectures to OCC cl:.i~scs ;ind focuh). . OCC i) one of ju)t h\O cont· muntt) colleges in the nu11on that offer a 'isiting s.:hobr an rcs1dl'11~ • seric:., The collt:gc initiated ;, prog~am in 19 ~- ·

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.. ...... ..


A1 0 Saturday, Auguat 27, 1994 Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Pilot



STUDENT HEALTH !-.. ndergarten and first-grade

udents with no insurance can now ~ t free medical check-ups at the Ill.'\\ t-;ewport-Mesa Unified School D1•tt1ct's Assessment and In munizat1on Clinic, located in the I.. a Community Center on H.1·nilton A\cnue in Co)ta Mesa . 11 e cli nic ·~ iunded by a state p .mt. the P.1C.1f1Care Foundation ~nd Bri~tol Park Medical Group.

EL TORO AIRPORT MOVEMENT 1\n Orange Count) Supenor Court 11dge ruled th•~ ''eel- that the Orange Count~ El Toro Etonom1c '>I mu I us ln1t1Jl1\ e \\ill remain on ~ • "\1.-1.embcr ballot. The in1tiall\.e,

.:l 1 . i:r ~ ·d b" LaJ..e Fore:.t. , .. 111 asl.. 1 !t.•f> to determine the best use for

tlit' ~oun-to·be·closeJ El Toro \l,1r111e Corp~ Air Station

HEALTH BENEFITS Emplo~t:e) of the recently delunct 8.llll. ol NL" port linally received guvd nt:\\-S thb \\eek from FDIC 0 1i ci.1b· their health 1nsur.rnce -, n.ch _the\ pre' ioush had been tl !tf '"'h c.rncl'll'd - hJs been e\tcndt.:d thmugh the end of Auhu,t.


MI KE STANKO 8 ' 'boa Bay Club member:. '"'" 11V1t?I} m1)~ the 42-}ear-old general manJger '" ho - according to his bOss, Beverly Ray - re!>1gned from hi$ post earlier this weel- to pursue Other career paths. Stanko, who so mr has declined comment on the Cb'ange, IS the president of the Newport H.ubor AreJ Chamber ot Eo)Tlmerce. hard-working volunteer foe a \Jnely of community causes irld one of the mo:.t re:.pected members or the Newport Beach

Uf11ne5s community.

<?'\-port-Mesa studenb scored a qm1bined aH'<age 16 points lo\\er On their math .ind 'erbal te:.tS this year,· placing the &;tnct in the middle of the pacl- in Orange County Tht! good new'>' Se\t:!n ~tcent more studenr.., tc · " tht! te)t dji~ \ear. ...

Tbe Orange County Fair BuJrd recent!~ voted to allow the ~cation of the Bui1alo Ranch '~ historic silo and barn onto its lalcgrounds. This, un(ortunately, ~ans the end of the Buffalo Ranch - a familiar ~ ight for decades at MacArthur Boule,ard and Ford Ro~d - '"hich '"'II be pa\.ed O\.er bv the San Jc1aquin Hills toll road.

NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH No one bothered to call the Costa Mesa police e\.en though neighbors heard repeated gunshots and screJm!> lrom a V1ctor'J Stred home The !1e11;t da}. Ro,.inne Michelle Marlin, shot mul11pll' times, \.\J~ found dead in!.1de the hou~e Auth•m11es :..1\ ;he bled to d~ath .

HAPPY TRAILS One of Newport Beach's mo~! obsLure c1t111:n's commi>~1on~ -lhe B1c)'cl~ T1.11ls Committee - has ~uddenlv turrll'd into a pol111cally pol.iriLed bod> At 1s;ue ·~ "hether. the committE•t"s contro\er~ iJI recommendation to extend the Ne'' port board .. '"alk to the Santa An;i Rl\er h,1s resulted in the nppo1ntment ot re,1dents intere:.tecJ only in blocking the proposal.



'Metalpfior' is unveiled at Its original City Hall location amid niuch fanfare in 1986. The controversial artwork later moved in front of the old library in Newport Center. N6w it will be moved - at the cost of $1,500 - near the corner of Superior Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway.

, .

MOVING PIECE OF ART .Readers debate value of 'Metalphor' sculpture; most say it's not worth the $1,500 move-

r The Nc1\pOrt Beach City Council t/11\

1\eek voted to !;pend SJ,500 to mo1e the " M ewlphor" sculpture b) Un~tt Price from its Joc:won outside the old Ne1\port Center library to a new spot near the: corner of Pacific Coils I I l ighway and Superior Avenue.

Councilman J-0hn H~vg.cs prote!>t1:d the expenditure, saying the piece of modern arr - 11hich wa~ rejected by the 1\ 'e11port Harbor Art M useum - wa!>n't 11orth fi.

0 I read ''ith anguish the Aug. 23 stor) about the R. Breu Price sculpture. "~letalphor." I "as on the courrcil thJt accepted this gift in 1986 from Warren l lancock, a trustee al Ch:ipman College and j patron or their :irti!>IS. The comp:inion piece ro '' l\1e1Jlphor" can be found in 1he sculpture gJrc.kn of Pc.•p,ico·., nation;il headquar11.·r-.. in r\e\\ York.

H:incod \1,1s the 1mcn1or and, tor a long' time, manufacturer ol tht: porcrne heart valve. He is both a Jong-time frn.:nd and a colleague (I '>Uccceded him as chairmJn of the board ol the Orange County Heart Assoc1a11011.)

Acceptance of the gift \\J'> •

recommended by 1he Arts Co111m1"mn, \\hich l\Orked \\ith the ar11-.1 in sitinl.\ 11 .

I hope you can,undeNand ''hY I ha\c \\tnced \\hene,er snide remarl.s ha' e been made about the p1ec.c and Jm grateful that the Cit) Council and the Arts Commis!tion (particularly Cath} Anderson) ha'e located a lanchcapcd knoll so that this large, unusual sculpture can be vie,\ed in the proper ptrspccthe. Dy the way, 11 is not painted.

"Art, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder." To me this strong, blue, wave-like piece represented "The Wedge" ... po"'erful, exciting. \\ith hidJen dangers.

lsn 't that what art is all about... a challenge to the imaginntion?

J ACK IE HEA1 llER Ne''PlHt l'k.\th

0 The city should not spcnJ the mone' for that, and it i!i not arl\\ork. In my opinion, ''hat should be done with 1t is 10 !>ell it either to the Navy to U'>C as an anchor or take it ou t quite a"a} 1n the ocean and just do a" ay with it.


SUNNY ELKl:.R~ Newport lkach

Funny isn't 11, how the words of a journalist can defy the concept of .i \\Ork of art. Perhi.lps e1en uncon:-.ciously ccnwr it when the meaning or that \\-Ork of art i~ in fact a metaphor.

See Mr Web:.ter, pica e! "Mctalphor'' by artist Brett Pnce ha., rccel\cd more than ii'> sha re of bad prc'>s. Ifs quite .t

terrific, pla~ful anJ 1nl1nitcly chamelcon-esque "hen it can be \lc\1 ell from a di tant 360·degrec \antagc

The sculp1urc \\J'> originally created "nh J companion piece, that is current I) located 111 one of the most prcs11g1ou-. collec11onc; of !iculpturcs at the internutional headt1u,mcrs of Pepsico in

White Pl.1ins. !\e\\ 't ork, ironically instilled beside \\ Orb of Henl) ~tonro1., Augu't Roe.Jin, Noguchi, Scg:il and ~bx Ern~t.

They 100 "ere once catcgo11L:~d in the DaldcnJa~h group. I3ut then aga111 ,,o "as the Eiflel TO\\ Cr. P11..a..so\ .. Gumic;i " mural and alas the OlllC conlro\Crsial Vietnam War ~kmoriJI inlWashington DC. I

'Jn c'ery,qity up and cJo,,n our lair coa1;t, an .in public pla1.1.~ " "hu~ting out c.tll U\er.' '"l'm thrilkd thJl the c1t\ council h;1" supponcd the un.11111nous de( 1'>1011 of the Am Cornmi:.~ion, the 13oarJ of Libr:.iry Tt ~tees, and 1he recommendation of the PJ1 k.,, Beaches • ind Recreation Comnuss1011 on beh.tlf of 1he \l.,u.11 .irt~ "

CAfll'r ANDI:RSON Vice Chair

Ne,,port lka1.h Arh Cum1his ... ion

D I l\OulJ JUSt like to ~J~ if th:it piece of m 1-.11.:J metal. rcf crreJ to as "~lc1alphor,'' is art~urk. ~han l ll1U'>l be Michelangelo. I'll tell ~ou \\here the Cit}' Council should mo\.e n to - the ncJrest scrap metal }a rd or ma> be the Cll) could sell it tor a couple of bucl.:..


JOl:. ·1 A"I Cl IELL Balboa Peninsula

t\ot onl} do I think that the money should not be spent to mo\e the Sfulpturc, but l don't e'en like the

·sculpture and l sure don't wont it 111 my · backyard, '"hich is near Coast lligh'' ay


l':c" port lkach

0 I think they !ihoulc.J melt the art object do" n Jnd mal.e '>inl.crs out of it.


l::ARL WILSON Nc,1rport Beach

1 definitely think "c should keep it with lhc library in that part of lO\\ n. I happen to hl.e contempor.11) \culpture very much, and I think it add-. 10 the idea or Ne" port a'> a fon'<H<l ·looking community.

ELl:.ANOR SOPKOElCH Ne'' port Ucac;h

0 First of all. II '>houlJn't CO!>t SI.500 to mo1rc this statue. 1 \\J~ 1n the


tran~portauon bu,inc!>s for .JO years. 'foo, thcy'\'e -ulready moved it once,

k:i'c it sitting \\here it b. Three, the ci!,Y has no businc-.., "a-, ting

S 1.500. Right now, the)' arc gou\:.1ng the ci\iL:ens on parking tickets and things like that to try to maJ..c up for thdr 'tomfoolery of "asting money in the pm.

So, 1 \'Ole no, Jc,\\C it \\here 11 is, or f1nJ some chanty to mo .. c 1t

LE:l:. GALL: Ualboa ls!Jnd

0 I gue:.s 1f you \\ere really intcrc-.tcc.I 111

do111g a communil) sen.ace to the lit~ ol Nc,\purt Beach. )OU \\OUl<l hJ\I.! chcd.c<l \he Caty Co\.rncil agenda, recog111Ling that thio; hot topic wu' gi.>ing tO be JbcusseJ on Mond:iy and printed it in thc paper on I nc.J.1}. so as to g1.:ncra1e intcre-.t and commen t for re ... 1Jcnh, in,tc.id ol printing .t que':>t1on alter the Cil) Council has already re!)ponJccJ to it.

This ts a moot point at this turn: and \\hu rcallv care~ nO\\ \\hcther Councllnl'embcr I loJge:. hJs votcJ .ig.11nst the.! ' h -.ue. The Cll) has allocated the funtling, the sculp1ur1.: as bdng 1110\Cc.I

So J guess m) suggc:.tion to the .paper b 10 take the City Council agenda!>, print them tn the paper 10 aJ\ a nee anti d iscus., these is!lues prior to a council , .ote.

CHARLENl:. JURCO Ne\\ purt Ucach

0 I think 11 should dclinitel\' be ldt \\here 11 is and the Sl.500. sa,ed. •


ANr-. SPE:-.:CER Ne\\ port Deac.h

I definitely do not belic\e that the city shoulJ spend Sl.500'1o mo\'e that sculpture from the old library to the nc'" one. I objected to ha' ing to look at n e\'ery time l \\Cnt 10 the old one.


0 I suggc~t the ··~tctalphor .. be reunited "ilh the new hbrnry. The lines arc \Cl)

complementary und approaching from Pacific Co:i!>t Highway, the new library is noc ou lslanding and could use the color.

ROSt~lARY STUHLBARG Ne" port 13each

0 In re ference to John Hedge's '1cw uf an, I agree \\ilh il " holcheartedl)'. Why should y,e \\J!>te Sl.500 \1hcn \\e can :isl. the t rash people to pick it up and take it to the du mp?

HUGI! 'I OWU::. Nc,.,.port Ueoch

OJ WhJt should )OU do \\i th the



" f\lc1.llphor'? " I laH' 1t chopped up 11110 httk pieces and bury il. Don't put it .1round any place and don't spend che mone} to mO\I.! II.

H~Ll :--! 1 1 IO~tPSO~ - Nc\\pOrl Ue.u:h

D . I am congratulating the counc.11 member ... \\ho Jre t r)ing 10 imprO\C chc \\'est ~C\\pon area b) pulling 1hat sculpture 1n .11 thi.: corner I 11,c right near thJl corner, aml I 1h1nk it will be a great luc.11ion. Again, h.11' olf to \\hoc,er \Oted tu mo'e it thcr1.:.

ROSE~IARY Nl:.Hl:..l

0 Sundav we dro\e ''e:-.t un Sunset Uoule~ arc.I in L \ . and I !>po1tcu ~I.!\ cr~ll 'culpcure:. Jlong the rn.1d bd\\t.:t.:n

l3rcnt"ood Jnd !)cpuhcJa Uuuk,::ird. much like Urcll Price\ p1e1.c

It was very pl~asant. It \\ :11., J

~crendipily surprhe to com1.. 11pL111 thc)tc thing . l think 11·, \\OnJertul .

I \\bh peoplc COJIJ apprcci:t1e J ~pl:t~h of color and 1he u~c of 101111 in th.: sculpture, like the> do a bJ~k.ct or fruit or a bO\\I of no\\ers 011 a CJli\,I',,

It \ too bad I ~a~ put more of these sculptures Jround !he cit) ~1 nJ c.·njo> them. It's fun and 11 gi,e:. people '>Omething to di:.cuss - ma) be se11J a fc,v of them back to college to h.ivc an appreciation clJ'S to find out \\hat art j.., all about.


t\llJl.I S~lllll :-.= C\\ port Ui..: .u. h

l he city ~houlJ c.lc.:finilcl) spend the money to rno\e the contemporary '>1.ulpture ··:..tct;ilphor" 10 J pubh.: p!J ... c ''here 1t c.1n be cnjo)eJ ..inJ apprcci.11eJ

Councilman I leJgc~ may necc.I to bc reminded 1ha1 a:. an clcctcu public ofl1cial, it i~ hb Job 10 look after the best intcrc~t of ..111 of h1~ con!>tllucnt~ anJ th.it 111duues tho':>C "ho apprcciJtc co111cmporary Jr! a:-. \\ell a~ those "ho don't. Tf)ing to force his O\\n per~on.11 aesthetic taste upon C\el)onc is a misu'c of his office.


AUDREY ;>.IOL Corona Del ~tar

I agree wholchdrtcdly \\ i1h John I leJges. Either ka\e the ugly 1hing "here it is, return it to the Jonor, or trJ'>h 1t - don' t pay 10 move it. It's the uglu;~t 1h111g I h~l\C e'e r !leen, Jnd I \\uuld not \\Jnl ii down 0 1 Superior and Pacific Co.ist lllghway, where \\ C ha'c to dri' e by :rnd look at ii e\el'}day.

NA '\CY SIPPLE Coron.1 Del :-.1:.ir

Bill Clinron. (D ). The \\1u!c Hou\c, 1600 P~rn~yh :im:i A\C: .• W.a\h111gmn, D (., 20:>00 (202) 456 1111 (6 J m . to 2 pm P.S T )

206 Cannon '8ktg. \\ J\hm~ton, 0 C' 20515, (202 ) 225-561.l (mmt ofXC\\J1'ltt lk.ldl} D.uva Ro hrolbachcr, (R I, <1 5th 01\t, 16162 Tic.id1 Bl\'J. Sunc 304, Hunnngmn Ik.11:h. <..A 9264 .. 8-1 7·2-133 or

11.irrictt WicJcr 2ml T>l\t Cu\l.l Mcu, 834·3220 Tom R iley 51h D1H (}:rn port BcJd1, S.1111.1 An.t Hc1glm) 834-3550

6·14·3309 ~I.nor, Cl.ir•'n .. c I um1.r, Jc.in\\ .m, ),>hn ('.i\, Ii' ch n I IJ1 r, John HcJg.: \, ).tn D.:b.\~ , 1'1111 '1 .111\<m•·

ORANOI COUNTY FAIR IOARD 88 F.i1r Dr. Co~t.t ,\k~J. 708·3247 l1r1: 1Jcm R.lnJy Smith, \'1\c l'r""\1J.:m, Bu.:k Joh ns, Dtr.:•lllr\ Do\ Henley, John C rc.in, Don \\ illct , Jim LinJb<ri; G.u, 11.ly.U..1,, .i, Emily S.inforJ, ,\l.i.11.1.11 LJ f o lk u c.

VICI PRISIDENT Al Gore, IDl. The C.1p1tol Bldg. Su11c 212, \\'~hmgmn, D.C. 20500

GOVIRNOR Pete Wilson, (RJ, Smc C:.tp1rol, ~.u:r.imcnto, 9581-1. (916)4-15·28-l l

U.S. SINAYORS B.i..rbu.i Boxer, (DJ, 112 IIJrt ScnJtc Rldg , ·u1tc 212. \\'Jshingmn n.c.. 20510 (202) 224·3553 or ( 310) 4H·S"OO ' D i.innc Fcimtcin. cf>). 33 I lltrt RIJg. \\'a hington f) C, 20510 ( 202 224·384 I or 111 I 1 SJnr.i ,\ lom.:.i Bh d , Ste 915, Lo Angeles, 90025, (310) 91" 7300

MOUSf OJ RIPHHNTATIVH Chris Co (R), 471h D1sr . 4000 ,\l.a,Anhur BhJ. UN Tu\\Cr, Sunc 430, NC\\pun Bc.ich, 92660 ;56·2244 or

l 02 7 Lonb"' orth Bu1IJmg. \\ .l'h1ngton, D ( . 20515. (202 ) 225 2415 (UN.l ,\tcu ~nJ \\'c>t :-.;C\\pOrt lk.tdl )

STATI HNATI Mui.m Bcrgc~on, (R>, 37th D1\t 140 ~c'' l'lCll't Center Dmc, Su11c 120. }:c\\j'\(lft lk.1d1 92660, MO 1 lr or (9161 44 5 4961 1 Rcpr1:~1m :-.:c,\porr lh . .1 .. h , Cc •t.I ~k•JI

STATI ASHMILY • G1J~rt r cr{tUSOn (R I, 70rh Dm. -1299.~h\.Arrhur Bini • ~u11c 20.f, Sc" j'<irt lk.t h. 92660, 756 0665 ' r (9)6) 445 -222 ( ~c\\p<irr Tk.Kh .tnJ (o,CJ ,\lc\J 1

CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION .rn Fun1.1 .. o (415> 901·5200 (Sourh "o.i'r rc~1011

\.O\CU):tC 'l'"' bct\\(Cll ot1i1.C!> Ill [ ong lk.i-.h (H3) 590 50 .. 1, anJ S.rn 01c~o

cou~n aoARD o• SUPIRVllORS H.ill of AJmumrr.tuon I 0 C1\lc tcnr .. r J>J.11.1 ~.int.a Aiu.

COUNTY IOARD OF IDUCATION 200 K.JUllU\ hmc. C1M.1 ~ku, P 0 Do\ 9050, 92628-9050. 966·4000 EliL.ibcth D. r.ukcr, mrn1bcr, Ttmt..:c A11..·.i S c(;o,t.i ,\lc\.l, }:rn Jlbrf BcJd1 )

COAST COMMUNln COLLIOI DISTalCT tro AJ.inh A'c C.o.c.a ~k,.t, 92626, -132 ·5012 Ch.tn1..1..llor \ViJli;im M Vcg.i. c 0 , l'rc\lc..knt W.Utcr G. HU\\ .ihl, l\o.irJ ~kmhc" Sherry B.tum, P.iul G. Bcr~cr, N:rncy Poll.ird, W:Lltcr G. J low.i.IJ, Arm:tndo R. R uiL; Srud1..·11r Tru.t~c · Uric Wurcn . Cln OOVHNMINT Cosl.l Mcu: Clf'\· H.tll, 77 f.m Dmc, 75-l ·5l23 5.mJ\ Gc111\, rll.l\or; Joe End~.\011, .\l.irv HornbudJc, Jlcc\: r Bulh, .u1J J .1~· Hun1phrcy .:ou11c1I member, , Ne\\ port Bc.it h: Cir\ H .ill, 3300 :--:c,, porr l\hJ ..

NIWPORT·MISA UNIF.ID SCHOOL DISTRICT 1601 16th Sr. :--:rnport lk.l .. h, '"60·3200 !>u1x111u~1hk11t . .\l.ic Bernd llo.irJ ~lc:Jl\l"" Ed Dccku, prc\IJcm; Jun .le Hon n JuJ, fr.tll.:o, \h.:m l.oolbourrm\ RoJ \ l .11.~!1!11.ln, \l.irtlu ~luur, I,· rr..:'t \\\:rn~r

MISA CONIOLIDATID WATll DllTllct 1965 t>l.tc..cm1.1, ('o,c.t ,\ k \J, C>,H · I 200 lloJrd ~ k mb..·1 \ Trudy Ohlig, JI.ink P.m i.l.n, ,\I.trio Dur.iutc, J.i•k IIJll, Tom l'\cbon

COSTA MllA SANITARY DISTllCT P 0 UO\ 1200, Cwc.i Mm 91628·1200, i54·5043 Bo.trJ ~tcmlx-r' : J.imcs \\'.ihna. J.mwa rcirrnu11, ~.ih: Rc.tJc, ~rn.c ~hcJll:r, .lnJ ,\ 1t [\:m .






Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Pilot

MANAGER ,, ..... , .. , '

After that, Dailcy- h ndley's career led her down various paths, although each one seemed to bring her back to the fa ir.

First, !.the worked as a teacher for six years in El Toro. Then, she left teaching and worked on a contractual basis with the fairgrounds, organizing the annual Yo uth Expo held every spring and working on special events for the county fa i ~ held every summer.

After abotlt two years, she left the fa ir again, this time taking a teaching position at the Phoenix House, a drug rehabilitation cente r in Santa Ana, \\here she worked with teens. Two . yea rs later, she was named d irector o f the education program there.

" And then two years after th:lt, in July of '86, 1 came back to the fai r full time ns the exhibits supervisor," she said. " That's a managem~nt position which supervises all tradit ionnl, competitive aspects of the fair. "

By 1988, Bailey-Findley had become the fa ir's assistant manager. Although her title changed to deputy general manager, her post remained the same until this past February •. '" hen her predecessor - Norb Bartosik - left to manage the

. California State Fair in Sacramento. Iler appo intment as the new general manager came o ne month later.

Despite her long history v.1th

the fai r, Bailey-Findley '>aid she ' never really thought she'd end · ~ running the show.

" l went to school to become:. something else," she i.aid. " But, when I came back here after making several career changes, 11 felt very gooll. It felt very much like home. Of cour!.e, }Ou like to redecorate every so often and add on."

And that's certainly happened since Dailey-Findley's been around.

When she was u kid, the annual county fair was only fi1.- e days long. Now, it's 17 days long.

And, even though the s1£e of the fa irgrounds hasn't changed, she said the)lumber of building on its 160 acres has at lcnst t ripled.

" I have a picture of myself with my lamb that "'as taken in 1965," she said. " It '"'a~ taken over in the livestock area, and in the background is the carnival grounds. But, in the picture , you can't even see the carnivaftides. They were way down at the other end of the fairgrounds then. So, there's been a lot of physicnl changes."

And., Bailcy-Finlllcy said she hopes the fa ir will continue to grow and change while she's the general manager.

Currently, her Stoff b \\Orking to integra.te the Pacific Amphitheatre, "hich 1he fai rgrounds acquired I.isl year The staff is about to begi n taking bids from nlanageme nt

. companies. a nd l3a1lc)· Findle) said she hopes to make the . amphitheate r "a 'iablc conccn

. venue."

At the same time, she wants to improve the fa ir's relationship ~ wit h nearby residents, who in the past have complained about no ise, traffic and parking problems th:'.l t result from e\ents heltl there throughout the ycur.

" We want to involve our neighbors in whnt's going on here so that they do n' t fee l we're being unresponsive to the ir concerns," she said. "1 hat's been n p roblem in the. past. "

As for management style, Bailey-Findley said tha t's changing, as well.

" My leadership style is much different than \\hat has been practicell he re in the past," she snid. " I stress a lot of . . communicat io n and team\\ 9rk. What I was most proud o f du ring this past fai r was that we wo rked together as a te:im better than we ever had."

One thing that hasn' t changed, though, is the ever-present fai r brats. Bailey-Findley's got three of them - a son , Cary, who's 12; and daughters Kaitlyn, 7, Qnd Tessa, 4.

" My kids live for the fair," she said. " Out, one time, Kaitlyn was sayihg to me that she wb hed 1 was home more, that I didn' t work.

"T he n my husband said to he r. 'Now, Kaitlyn, if that \\ as so, ) OU v. oullln't be able to ride the ponies al 1he fa irgrounds an)more.' And she sai~: 'Oh. \\C ll, ne,er mind then.

MOVIES ,, ..... ,.a1 an innocuous, nice thing 10 do."

Meanwhil e, Capun e s t ill is shov.-1ng movu:s on Tuesd:iy nigh1s at the priv<i te bCJCh localed DI!· l\\een Evening SI.tr JnJ Morning Star Lanes in DoH:. r Shores, ''here he \\.Orks us a li feguarJ .

He will present the fi n.ti 01ck ol the summer - i.The l:.ndle'.'is Sum­mer," of course - at the Dove r Shores venue on Sept. 6.

11 all began 29 years ago, v. hen Capune and his t\\in bro1hcr Mnny began sho,,ing movieo; on a dock '"'here the pie r meets 1hc boarJwalk. The> hung a beJ-.hcc t betv. een t\\O poles and usell it as a makeshift silver scree n. · Ca pune saiJ the fi rst compl:.aim - '' ay back in 1965 - ''a' harm· less enough. An el<.le rl) resilient said he became \\OOL} t I') ing to '":llch the movie a'.'i the beJ:.hcJt Oappctl in the " mtl.

"The olJ guy v. ho 11,cJ ne\t. door sail.I, ' You guys an.: mJking me seasick. Here's 50 buck:. - !;U get a screen so I won't get din),'" Capune recalled.

Eventually, th~y hall tu lllU\C

their outdoor theater because 1hc crowds became too big anti they needed a more suitable locat ion.

So they relocated to a sandy, va­c?nt lot Jocatcll on the bay be­tween Diamond and Supph1re av­enues. They n:ulcd the nc,., sm.:en to the back of some boll}\ garage and were in busine-,s.

Out no t for long. ~umebod) bough1 1hc lot and hu1lt 1hc no'" infamous " J:.t\\•,'' house on it.

The mO\ ie bu lh bemoaned the home's construc1ion <ind \\onJercJ "here thcy'<l go nl!\I. C apune knew it \\OUIJ be e<is1cr to flqJ a new loc:.i t1un 1, he had <i 'crccn 1hat !.tood up by ihdl. so he

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coughed up SI .~00 - a lot o f mone) tor a l1kguard - •nm! bought one

Ne\I slop: the enJ of D1amomJ A'cnue, "hc:rc a family C:ipunc rderred to a-.i .. the Kcnncd)S" kt ked him oul

.. 1'11ey 'a1J I \\a' t ~11\111i; up their pJ1 king ~PJC\.'~," Ca pun~ :ud. "\VeJhhy pMplc. a ll1t of 1he111 .ire \'Cl"\ tunncl·\1)10111.:d."

C;.ipuni: lllO\CJ .ig:iin, t h1~ 11111c tu Ruby A'cnuc. "SumcbuJ> '~cn1 bcr~c rt< and tllrC\\ u wuplc ul pub :ii the kid, lrum a b.ikon>," he '>.ttu.

I le mu,eJ ,1 cuupli: rmm: tune:. Once, the locJtton J1 111'1 '",' k u11t for him be<::iu~c he "··~ un:iblc Ill puitll lht! mmic ~ncen a•'·'> lru111 trall1c.

" Ir ~omc <lumm) cum Jr1.,.111g b) looking at the '>\.fl.!cn, then guess \\hat - )vu\c gl)l -.qua)hcd kith." Ci.1punc .,:.iid.

Another time. a ne1ghl>o1 be­came outr0.1gcJ v.hcn he r ~\.·i.cd Im. clcuncll\ l 111 anJ nu11ee I ;:.in jncrc:.i~e - · Capunc had plugg;;:d the · proje<.tur in1u the home-


O\\ ncr' outdoor gnragc outlet . F1n;ill). Capune tound u pot on

East Ua\ fron t and U;ilboa A\ i:nue. • Uc 1ho~gh1 he had foon~the per· ' 1c t pl.ice - un11I ;.i om:in fl)und Jh \\ ing gurn 111 her planter ...

''I'm going w the •a:.wc1011un,' lie lulJ him '

I It.: me.net.I h 1 k lo Rub) A\· CIHIC. ligup11g D) thJl .1i111c the \\Otll,111 '' 1i~1 thrc'' the lluwcr put h.1ll d1cJ . She \\J., :.till thi.:14.), ;i11u ag.1111 .,he d1.1~ .. J him out.

Alter ~111uther mmc or t""· he . '1.:lllcJ Ill .It •• \Iii! Ull 011)\ A\• cnuc.

C.1p11m.: :..11J he earn~ ~I 0,000 p ' f )e;Jr aS :1 IJl~gu;.irJ allU COil•

.. t:111tl) i-. d1.,l1111g out money lv re· p;itr th.: mo,11.• equipment. I le r~· 1.:cn1l: pent ~d,UOO on :i llC\\ am· phl1er

Su In: h..1LI tht) r.:ton tor the \\OOJ.tll ''ho <:ompbrncc.J about "' I he Gr;,idu 11.:1

f toll.I I ~.r. ' L::id). ii )Ou ~pent hall ul '' h.11 l sp.!n l to do thl..'~c 1110\1.: . \OU '\OulJh't b:: able IO

p:i) ~our.tooJ bill'"


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A 12 Saturday. August 27, 1994


Acupuncture is based on the theory that the human body is "-.cpt alive and functioning by an energy force called ''qi" (pronounced "chce") that circulates through channels, or meridiens, throughout the body. p1sruption of the energy Oow -by excess physical demands, mental stress - causes pain and illness, according to Asian theory.

So, hair-thin needles are fnserted• at various points to stimulate the "qi" and thus restore and maintain good health.

Some Western practitioners adopt a more pragmatic explanation: that the needles stimulate the release of endorphins, tha"t body chemical credited with making you feel relaxed or good during exercise -"your body's natural opiate," as King said.

King attributed the increase in acupuncture's populuri1y to Western patients' quest for more "na tural" treatment. Acupuncture's emphasis on prevention of illness and "keeping the body in balance" is also at1rac1ive to Westerners tired of spending thousands of dollars on

medicine and doctor visib, King said.

Local ncupuncturists charge roughly SSO to $80 per visit, and iiome health insurance al o cove~ acupuncture.

While some Western doctors continue to harbor skepticism about ncupuncture because of I ncl~ of scientific research, other doctors and specinli ts acccp't it as a complimentary treatment to their diagnoses, local acupuncturists say.

"Some medical doctors send patients to me," said Dr. Michael Wu Quinto, who has practiced acupuncture in Costa Mesa for 14 years.

Quinto, who has a medical degree from Beijing Medical School and initially purrucd a career in Western medicine, said many of his patients are athletes and accident victims who come to him with neck, back and leg injuries.

Take John Andreae, a . 23-year·old Costa Mesa resident who went to Quinto's Baker Street office recently for his fifth treatment for longtime .bacl( problems. Lying on his stomach, with <11eedles protruding from his lower back and legs, Andreae said he came to Quinto on the suggestion of his grandfather, who

is in the local Kiwanis Club with the acupuncturist.

" 1 went tu the chiropractor before, but it didn't do much for me," said Andreae, a tanned young man with long, thick blond hair. "This relieves it a little longer, 1hough we're still trying to find the exact problem."

The needles are so thin they don't hurt when inserted, patients say; "a iimall pinch" is about the extent of discomfort experienced, said Andreae.

Quinto said in addition to this . common feur of needles, he also has noticed a new apprehension among first-time patients: "Now, they are scared about HIV (transmission through needles)." Th~lsoftspoken, cheery Quinto

responds by patiently showing the sterilized packaging that encases the needles and explaining that each needle is used "only one time,·• not cleaned and reused again.

On the flip side, many AIDS patients now seek out acupuncture for pain and relaxation. There is also a belief tha't the treatment · may help increase blood cell counts in these patients.

Despite its widespread use, many people remain leery of acupuncture, said Quinto, who typically sees about 10 patients a

Police make 13 arrests at Costa Mesa motel COST A MESA - Police

officers an~ested 13 people at the Tern Inn Motel Wednesday night after receiving a number of complaints about drug dealing at the Newport Boulevard property.

Costa Mesa police investigators obtained a search warrant for the motel and seized "small quantities" of cocaine and methamphetamine as well as syringes, pipes and other paraphernalia associatc;d with drug

use, according to Costa Mesa Police Sgt. Loren Wyrick.

Whlte the officers were conducting their search, one Qian drove up in a stolen car. The suspect - identified as Isaac Garcia, 26, of Sa,nta Ana, was booked on. suspicion of auto tbcft.

Police arrested the following Costa Mesa residents for various alleged drug violatio'ns:

• Roberto Suarez, 21; ' • Heidi Messenger, 19;

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HUNTINGTON BFACH r- - - - - - - , com~r of Beach ti£ Adams I LOQ1 rr r1Q1 D I (formuly Cruy Burro) ~ .r I n


BEACH MF.sA PAPER 675-68SS 642-J 142 L - - - - - - .J

~ .

• William Groce, 44; • Ronald Cobo. 31; • Rita Feldm~n. 41; • Robert Braymer, 21; • Jason Padilla. 18; • Tony Zelina, t 9; • Sue Ellen Cunningh;im, age

not avain.blc; • Michael Dunne, 34.

· Police also arrested Charles Chisolm', Sr .. 62, of Laguna Beach, and his son Charles Chisolm, Jr., 37( a trnnsient, on drug charges.

. Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot

day. Some patients come to him only as a last resort, he said.

" Most people say, 'Or. Quinto, this is my last hope,'" Quinto said.

Such was the case with Orelup, who w;is hit with the horrendous case of hiccups after hip replacement surgery at Hoag Hospital. Orelup said hospital staff gave him seven different medications in an effort to relieve the "post-operative" hiccups, but to no avail.

Orelup and Quinto believe the hiccups were caused by an anesthetic tube - inserted down Orelup"s throat during surgery -that may have hit and disrupted a nerve.

Whatever the cause, ''the , regular medical operation does not

know what to do," said Orelup. "For certain things, acupuncture is absolutely marvelous."

PARK fN• P•1•A1

Some residents living an the area growled at the idea, con· cerned that the park would ere· ate noise, traffic and parking problems. Their concerns were laid to rest when the city as· sured them that ample parking would be available und that the park would be situated at least 600 feet from the nearby homes.

Then, the city became a little concerned with the initial cost estifllrlltcs that placed an $11,000 price tag on the project. But, a group of resi· dents soon came to the rescue, .banding together to form a fundraising commi ttee. Ac·

cording to Van Hoh, the group ended up raising $8,000.

Since then', the city has found a few corners to cut, bringing the cost of the .purk down to about $5,000. What's left or the ss.ooo purk fund will be used to maintain the park and purchase supplies.

But, the dogs aren't home free yet. Van Holt said that if pet owners don't make use of the Mull Mitts, they may lose the park. •

"lf it turns our to be a main· tenance problem, we'll take down the .fences and do away with the dog park," he stiid. "But, we're hoping that there's enough dog owners who want • to keep the park that they sort of police each other."




Savings of 50 to 75% Suits • Trousers • Dress Shirts • ~orts Shirts

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ewport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Piiot Saturday, August 27, 1994 81




Newport glrls have youthful -look Big/ Four gives Tars head start I

~ There's not a single senior on thls' year's cross country team at Newport Harbor High.

BY BAJULY FAULlCNEll, Sroan Wa.rna

L ikc most coaches this time of year, ~ Newport Harbor .~

girls cross country bead \l man Eric Twcit is ~~-~..;•,.._P·-~ swearing away the injury .,.........,..._...'.l...,,.,. bug.

One malady he won't have to fear, however, is scnior-itis, because he has exactly zero seniors.

"We're rcaUy young, so it's going to be a long, long process," Twcit said.

" But we have some returning girls and we should be all right."

A lack or depth, however, puts a prcmium:on avoiding injuries if the Tars arc to have any hope or defending their CJF Southern Section lll-AA championship.

Twcit's forces also went on to finish fifth in the state for· the second straight year last fall, but then-junior Lorien Clcavingcr, who led the 1993 late-season surge after the team fin ished fourth in the Sea View League, is not among the returners.

"She's transferred to Glendale Hoover," said Twcit, who will instead · count upon current junior returners Tahncc Thiel, Jennircr Parker and

See NH OIRU/P• 1• •i


~ Harbor's boys appear to have one of the inside lanes for big things in '94 cross country.

And, boasting seniors with varsity experi­ence in his top six positions, his decision to increase the team's off-season mileage by 20% has th is group ready to puri.ue ih seemingly open-ended potential.

Adam!o, \\ ho k \elcd ofl l:.i)t i.ea~on after a prombing i.ophomort: }ear. due to a lin· ge r in~ bout "- llh alkrgie!I.

" Right now, I'd haH! to gi\ c Shahram the nod, bec:iu!lc he's done 11 1n cro!os country," U;irry sJ1J " Uul based on ' "' hat I saw :i t our Mummolh training l amp, the) 're both No. I gu} '> Adams hall his al· lcrgy prublcnh all '' orked out."

BY BAR.llY FAULKNER, Sron s Wa.nn

N ewport Harbor High ~ boys cross country ~ coach Dim Barry re· f •

cited the clichcs abput tak- \~

"This group was so senior-laden, I fell l could up the ante a lillle," Barry said or his decision to build a more substantial base, postponing the high intcnslly train· ing he normally mixes in during the sum­mer, until later in the season.

Senior Henn Ch1.10, \\ho ran an.,,'\\h1,;rc from No. 3 lO ·No. 5 IJ!)t fall, had a "fan· la!>lic !lummer, • according to Uarry, '"ho included i.enior Jake S\\anson in :i strung quurtet, Y. hich has se t an impressed him \\llh their outstanding " ork ethic.

ing things one race ~t a 'i,~,~~~~ lime, not looking ahead, ~ .... staying healthy and focused, then letting things take care of themselves.

But don' t let him fool you. Barry also raised comparisons between

this year's squad and the one that won the 1992 state Division III championship.

"We should reap more benefi ts later in the year," Barry explained. "We're just now starting to do anything that resembles quality training. We're starting with a· raw base and we'll leave the competitive sea· son to sharpen us up."

"Those fou r guy!> are real fit right no". and 1hey're all running well," B:irf') said.

Leading the veteran cast is Shahram Dezahd, fourth individually in the Sea View League as a junior, a~d Ryan

Aaron Ward and Andrew YanNote, t"-O more seniori., ha .. e been hampered re·

See NH BOYS/ Pa .. ·~

..,_ Corona del Mar girls lost plenty to graduation, but there is a solid nucleu~ to build around.


I n the span of one graduation ceremony last spring, Corona del Mar High girls volleyball coach Lance

Stewart lost more starters (four) than matches (three), covering the combined 19912-93 seasons.

Uut despite the absence of All-Americans Kim Coleman (UCLA) and Jcnnirer Strofre (UC Santa Barbara), as well as departed first-team All-CIF setter Kristen Campbell (Duke) and first-team All-Sea View League middle blocker Caitlin Pickart (academics only at Stanford) - Orange County All-Stars all -Stewart isn't willing to concede a chance at the pair of CIF Southern Section, state and national titles the quartet helped the Sea Kings win each of the past two seasons.


C HIU!>TOPHH; .a.~~ D~ll\ r1tor

Rice. J 5-10 outi.1de hille r, seized a !>lart1ng role about m1d\\J~ through her i.ophomore )Car. and figun.:s to be 1hc primal) hitting op11on thi~ )Car.

·'She hits J h1::1\) bJll and she's had a good summer. Stev.art ~aid, "She\ more confident anti seems to ha\ e taken her game up a no1ch. That's "h:il y,e'll hJ\C lO i.ec from the resl of the tean1, because '' e can ·1 ha\ e an)onc ~eule for status quo. Statui. quo '"111 probabl) mean stJtus bench for any of this year's players."

Johnson. 5- 10. shared one middle blo.:king spot \\ 11 h Kelly Campbell last sea5on, and Ste\\art believes she could become a coni.1slent threat 1n that pos11ion this season. " \\ c need an athlc: tc in the midJle " ho c.:in make athleuc pla) ), ;111d \\'renna coulJ be her." Ste" art said.

From there, phi) ing time \\Ill be b r~c I) "up for

''My expectations aren' t any different th is year, than they were the past two," said Stewart, entering his third season with just fou r varsity

grabs," accoHling to Stc\\;irt. '' ho p!Jn\ to t real pre-se~'"" prac11ce ... as a running auditi1.>n for stJrtC(")

Kathryn Rice is a major part of CdM's game " \\ hue, er \\ Jnb 10 -.larl. is gorng tu ha' e to !oho'' me

how badly t~C} \\ :int ll:· Ste\\ art 'aid.. returners and a 65·3 record. " Out, ci.scntiaUy, this 1s .a brand new team."

Providing some continuity "ill be juniors Kelly Campbell , k athryJl Rice and senior Wrenna Johnson. all of whom started fo r parts of last seai.on.

Kelly Campbell, a lithe 6-foot·l, figures to assume much of the selling duty formerly held by her older sister Kristen, afte r breaking into the lineup as a middle blocker last season.

Melissa St reet. a 6-0 senior. 6· I .. en1or San Diego transfer Doris HJ\\ le), and 5-10 1un11.>r Julie Coombe "ill do bullle for the other Marting middle blocker i.pol, according lo Ste\\art.

Sen ior Tia Lambert anJ 5-9 JUlll\.'r ~tcli,!o:i Ford \\ill \IC fo r time as i.ellcr!I, as \\ ell, \\h1lc 'cn1or Ah HaHiluk return to eek lime JI :in ouh1de h111er pol.

Once again , the SeJ King~; chi I con1..1:rn "111 be Dack Day rival Ne\\ port Harbor. \\here Co.J1..h D.Jn Glenn re turns all but one pla)'r trom the team lhJt handed CdM t" o of ib three kh"c' l:.i) t tall. and fini !lhed runner-up to CJM in sc1..lion. stale and national ranking .


Kelly Campbell Is ready to step In as Corona del Mar's setter, succeeding her sister, Kristen.

"She's going to be selling fo r us in some capacity, but she's also going to be doing a lot of other things that arc gOing to help us win," Stcwari said of the younger Campbell. "She still needs a lilllc work on her footw9rk. but she has great hands and her (club) teams won the Davis Festival the past two ytars, so she's shown she knows how to win."

"(Ne\' port is) going to be prem tough. bu1 .l ~no'' a couple teams \\ho can beat them. d,aJpanned Ste\\art . .. h~e Stanford. UCLA and L5C

Numbers don't seem to know the season HIGH SCHOO~FALL SPORTS PREV~EW . ... Continuing slugger-scores seem to winn~r. Gary Toyama, for S<Con.d place honors, Thomas Cubbin 91-78· 1.69; Justin Rogers Mesa girls m elt1ng owe little allegiance tO time Of year shooting 1385 for $15~. Toyama s 1378 ~as 61 ·63·124; Robert Ramirez 86-99-185; Joray

• good for $75. Dave Kimura's 300, shot in game Borrero 72-75-147. ----------------- three, was worth $180. Stagecoach Kids: Jolee Crank

I t's a brand new season, at least as far as Bracket winners were Mike Haugen, Gary 155-207-221-583; James Vales 158·160· 170-488; ABC and WlBC arc concerned. Their Toyama ~nd Jeff Lindenmuth. Scott Weaver 199-486; Michael award season starts, oddly enough, on • Randy Hein and Tonya Facio Armstrong 156-392; Brian Lage

Aug.I rather than on Sept. 1 which is closer to teamed up to take first place in last 139-367; Scott Weaver 134-354; Diana the starting time of most fall leagues across the Saturday's Poto· Gold Mixed Doubles. Bunncy 114-311 ; Katy Loyko 109·274; nation. Hein shot a 286 3-6-9 game, but other Sharon Day 118-250; Kevin Lage

However, bowlers at Kona Lanes really know than that, the duo just combined good 138-353; Andy Edmond 123-129·348; no season when it comes to high scores. Almost scoring and minimal handicap to win Rachel Walts 109·266. every week. someone is searina the lanes. Since with a 1453. f! J Barnyard Bumpers: Mall Aug. 1, there have been three 300s and a 299. Nick Tchir and Pam MucUcr rolled to Montgomery 130.145-275; Tom Sturle

~ Mustangs' g i r~s cross country team has plenty of room for newcomers with '94 season approaching.

No one, likely, hoped fo r an ·end to the re cnl ummer heat \'a"e more thJh Costa M c!!.3

girls cro!ls country coach Joe Oi.J\1 As the S\\ ehenng da)S turned into sllning \\ecki..

Busi watched helples ly a his roster melted before his very e) eS, like·chcc'c in :i m1cro\\a\e.

"We started off \\ilh 14 (runners), but the) faded

Larry Palmiter almost had a perfect game in SCCQIULwith 1409, while 12.!lo Glodich 87-98-185; Patrick Tucker 89-81.:.17 · _ _..,_e Coast Men's I:eagueon Aua. 18. A and Sharon Spearing were third with Colin Tucker 81-81-162; Jennifer

stubborn 7-pin is all that kept the lefty from 1379. Gummcrman 111·179; Lindsay Knight

quid.ly," aid -Bu 1, "'ho enter his erond sc:a'\On with i.' bank-~-­ablc vorsity athletes, one parH1mer " ho " ill fit competition bc­t\\.ccn cheerleading cngagc menll>, and another pro peel he hoped would be up for competing\\ hen she returned from vacation. l2-in-a-row. The Pot O' Gold rolls every Snturdny 84-157; James Winnelt 84-162; Jasmin

Eddie Katz shot his sixth 300 for our season at 7 p.m. and .includes two sames of Day 84-149. in last Wednesday's 7flJ Scratch. He opened Scotch Doubles. one game of no-tap Bowling River Rafters: Joe Irwin with a 300, then shot duplicate 224s for 748. and one game of 3·6-9. 130-144-142-416; Craig Smith 124·330;

Marc Levy was the first bowler to &nb a • Junior keglcrcttc Jolee Crank has Lee Souder 93-239; Sarah Bauder n:.ti~nal award in August, lhootina 300 in the been bowlina very well lately. She is carrying a 111-234; Johnny Linder 101-101-268; Mathew Auaust 14th 6-aamer. Dave Kimura followed 1S3 average on her Saturday league and a 152 Fabian 118·261; Eric Yim 85-228; Michael suit on Aua. 2, abo in the 6-Gamer. The wne on her Tuesday league with high games of 207 Landers 73-193. ni&ht, Gary Toyama just missed an 800 ring and 221, respectively. James Vales has a 167 Bumper Bombers: David Manchester with I 799. averqe with a hiah same of 214. 86-84-170; Brian Powell 92-159; David Priester

• Mart Hammel was close to abootina 300 in Here's a look at the top scores from all of 89·152; Alan Priester 84-158; Jennifer Powell las& Sunday's Scratch 6-0amer, openina with a Kona's jWlior leaaues •.. 80-152. 289. His nut pme was 214, but he bun& on to Nevt Kids on the Lanes: Jolee Crank Last week's winner of the roll-off in the shoot 223, 246, 236 and 203 (1411) to take-first 207·503; Mike Zepeda 174-490; Jeff Honeywell Junior King of the Hill was Mike Zepeda. place in the event. He rec:cive(l "°°for first lSS,...lS; Mark Tracy 1S4-384; Leah Perkins Cbmt Naa, ,..0# IHntrllq C'Olu111• ·~·,., place and picked up an additional $40 in side 128·345; Josh Smith 116-331; Dec Dec In th Dallj Pllol ~ Saturd.,,, 11 lht prizes. Honeywell 113-322. Gtntt'8l ftfH"ltt' of Kou Law1 In COit•

Scott Chownina snapped off last week's Bumper Buddie : Wade William 125-222; Mtsa •


Senior Alice Eklof. la!ot year's ~o. 1 runner. return., fo r her fourth year on the ' :ir it)-. " htle fellow enior Oung Tran i once again on the prep trail :iher a )C3r off.

Frc hman Tam Ho ha sho"n strong potential, accon.lina to Busi, who "'oulJ count Tracy Jncobson among hi top four run· ners, if and when he make-s <'ontact, upon her return from vaca· tion.

Junior Margaret Gro"cr • . enior Jennifer Cun1 , and ~phomore f Kristina Watanabe will contribute full ·ttme for the Mu tana , while sophomore Mel~n1e Duncan "111 juulc checrlcading and runnina uniforms.

Both Watanabe and Curtis m:ike their prep competitive debuts this year. •

"Our oal are to improve as inaividuat and h:ave fun," u id Du i, who adnlit hi charge won't be putt1n1 much heat on the upper echelon of tM Pacific Coa t League, which i ure to in· elude L;qun.i t hlls and Ali\O Niguel



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8 2 Saturday. August 27, 1994 Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally


Buffaloes ready to ramble Don't try to buHalo the Iris BY 0£~SlS B&OS"na.uous, SH>an Wann.

NEWPORT-MESA ~ A line .. v.hich may be sm3ll, but a'erages 1 around three )Cars e~perience, J1 .u-~ · Y.tlJ be the backbone of the New· V -' • · · port·Mes:i Junior AU-American Buffaloes footbJll squad this season. .

The Buffaloe:., under the direction of head coa~h Vmce Cestra, consist of pla}ers ages 11 through 13. lhe squad's ro)ter has reached the maximum 33 pla)ers.

Our size is small on the line, but "e ha'c :i lot . of \Cler.ins." s~ud Cestra. '' In our scrimmage again t

Fount..iin Valley, they outsized us, but our kid:. did the JOb."

ln that scrimmage, the Buffaloes ~ored three tou .. hdo'.l.


ns v.hile holding Fountain Valle} to JU t oric

Ke) member:. on the hne are guard:. ~tichael Tunne) <ind Garrell Link, ac; Y.ell as Matt br:.icl anJ ~1att KendJn.

I3Jtthng for the quarterback job are ~tall llucde and lef1-han&r Seal Perlmutter, brother of A3ron Pcrlmuner, the CoronJ dcl ~for High :.enior !>ignJI· caller :-.:cal Perlmuuer "ill also pl.i) out'>ide line· bJckcr on defenst .

A fl3n~er on offense and middle lineb:1cker de· fen 1\CI\' is Hunter ~t3c0onald.

The Buffaloe) "111 be utilizin~ a ba ic pro set, "'h1le running the ball about i0% of the ume. .:::· cording to Cema. In the: b3 kfield \\tll be ta1lbad: ~::1te Lcmmerman and fullbad: Cpig Le,ine.

"Nate b :i f:ht kid \\ho can get to the ouhide and h hlrd to bnng dov. n," .. ~id Ce::.tra. ·•Craig is p<)\\ •

eriul .up the middle anJ ha :itrong leg). It ome· time.> take:. t"-O or tlirce people to bring him

.do~ n." , The Buffaloe:. pen the .. c;.i,on S!pt. 10 on the

ro3d \Hth 3 S p ,.,, dJtC ag:lln)t the Buena Park Bulldogs.

C1.:.,tra\ coachin~ :.taff Cl)O)hb 01 Bo'1 ~lJrtm and Pat 5,,eetland (JCfen-.e). 9\11 Goring and Amin ~t1rh .. J1 (offcn ... ive Hne). Edgar ~lunoz (rccei,er .. ) Jnd E:ul CrJ1s {defcn::.he llne).

Buff•I•• • scheclule .Sept. 10-al ButnJ Parl, Bultd~\ Sept Ii -OoY.ne., R.uorbacls I home S.:pt. H -11 South G.ite R..im. 0<1. I-Cerritos Uorneb thomel Oct 8-lr\ine Ch.trgers home Oct. 1; -;at G.irden Gro•e R..ims Oct. 22-oil founuin \alley ~nights Oct . .l9-Tust1n Cobr;as home) ~o,. 5-at \\estm•n••tr Lions

S pm. I pm. J pm. l p.tn. l pm. 1 pm. 1 p.m . 1 p,m. t p.m.

BY Dtx:-;1s Baosn &JIOL'S, Kiln \\urn

NEWPORT-~IE~A The Nev. port-Mesa Junior All· Americ:in Fighting lri h (age 12· J,; ~~ 1.;) football te:im v.ill be building I ·· · · · on :i solid nucleu') "'hen the regular sca)()n begin:. in Jess .th:in l\\O Y.ccks. ~

~tuch of the lri h quad i made up of pla}Cr,) \\ho comp.:ted for the Uuffaloe) l:15t season, a team thJt po tcd a 5·3 'record. .

" I think "e'll be con1pctiti'e th1:. }Car," )aid lrbh co·co:ich Jcrrv fatabrook, \\ho share:. the dutic:. Y.ith John \\ ~!z. ••\\e ha .. e·a good solid group of 00)'). Wc~,c had t\\O ~nmm:ige:. so far, and v.e\~ been fair~} ~ucccs ful. \\'c're feeling prclly good about the tc;.im.''

\\'1th 3 ro)tcr nl:mbering 23 the Iri'>h '>J>l!ntl the l1r t 45 minute:. of c-.1 h practke 3nd at lca:.t an· 01hcr 15 minute ... at the end of practice on condi· tioning.

The qu:trterb;td; b la:.t 'eu'>on ·, :.tarter tor the Buffaloe .... Bbke Bentle'. '~ho i in hi::. focrth 'e:ir in 1he Junior All·Arn~rican program. He'll be a~kcd to run .in otfi.:n,c thal h p~ttern~d alt..:r the Corona

0 dcl ~!Jr High :.chcmc, .. In that offcn,c. the quarterback i:. required to

blo ... k and run the l all :i:. " ll iJ pas,," )aid fa.

·:·:· · .. · .. .... · ........ . .. · .... . . . . . .. ,•

Members of Costa Mesa Colts Pop Warner Football stretch out in anticipation of the upcoming 1994 youth football season.

tabrook. . b ,, 0 . At running backs ;.ire t;.iil ac11. . e~OI!> Al.)!

and fullback Jeff Thomp~n. The line 1s'con)1 one of the strengths of the team. .

Among the top linemen for the lmh arc. 1.

NathJn M...ithn, returning gu:mh Grant ·&q~ and Justtn Shea, right 1:1c~le Ty Harper and rndJe ~lake Stanton. All \\111 be asked to pl:! the dcfcm1\C ,,do! of the ball, as \I.ell.

Tight enJ Seth Rich:ard~nn ,. 11 abo bl! in

mcnt:il to the lmh attack, :i:. he. "'ill be asked t a po):.e:.s1on·t)pe r:cch~r. On defen'>e, A Horowitz "ill be pla)ing J1neba1:kcr, a ncv. po. fur him .

Helping fatabrook ond \\ alz are a:.:.ist:.mt rn e-. Dob \\'entid (offcn-.i'e line), Scot \Vie :.· (d .. fen\i.e backs, \\ide recei\er:.) •mJ Wah I b Id 1cn"1'e coordin:itor)

fl9htln9 lrJsh schetlule Sl'pt. 1 o - Rv" IJnd lleighls h iders. (home> Sept. 17-.ll !'lu"'Jll.. )f Springs S;i1nls Sc-pt 2.i -.JI G.Jrdcn Gro\e R.ims Od 1 -tluntin~ton Be.Jch Dolphins (homd Ocl. 8-.:il \\1h1on \1qo Co .. bO~s 0,1. 1.i -\\ C)lmin,lcr loon) I home) Oct n-Or;inge Chicrs (home) Oct. 29- b,c . so, 5- lr\lne ChJrgcrs lhoml·)

Simple as A-B-BY DESSIS BllOSTI.RJIOUS, s.uar. ".\Jm

COSTA MESA Co~t..1 \k)J Pop W:irner Condon, hcJd co;.1ch Ro;. A:.ucg:.t m.J) hJ\e vnl) 19 pla)cr-.. on h1:. ru~1cr thi:. :.ca,on, but he bcli.:'c" 1hc qu.ilit) ol thJt group "ill c:irry 1hc t.:am thrvui::h .

.. fo tdl \OU ihe truth, \\e hJ\I! 19 kid) \\hO rcJll) \\JOI IU pl. :iid A~ue~:i . 1 he Junior Pee \\cc C

dor) r:ing; in age I rum eight 10 . 11 '~ci~h up to ~O pound:., nccpt an 11·) ulJ c.rnnul c\<:ecd 70 puunl.b.

A::.u.:g:i, an J:-.:.-1-.tJnt in pre\ iou'> ) c 1:. ., h;:..1J co;ich for the lir:.t 11m¢ AnJ

\;)he mud.,;!.. hb teJm \\ith hb U\\n ot"'Al3Cs:'

"A st:in(h for :i1111uJc, D for bchi.:' in )Our elf anJ C i) for cour:u;.c," h.: pbin~J .. So fJr. l think t11c atti_IU\..: been great and the~ 're bclic\ll'l!J ·111 th ~che:.. With :it! thc OC\\ pb}cr~ \\C h. 1he cour:igc \\ill omc out." ·

Set to Jircct the olfcn)c ..,, 4u;irt.::rb I) NJthan Coa.)h, a llr:.t·time pb)cr \ great agiht)', according to his coach.

The b:ickfield uho features runn 'bJcl.;.:. ·R)Jn Ha~''Jrtl :it t::iilbad. K~ Asucga JnJ Tony T;ig a.t Cullb.1 .. k Alan Dutro y,.} o can pl:iy c11her ... pot .

'fhc line con,1:.t) of a number of II time pla) er~. "ho arc "gooJ -!>oliLI ki ... cc.oruing co A~uega They include ~b)1. ~fark ~farqucL, Joe) Muel~cr, O..::.er and Jc,~e Price.

Schepens·· has Pee Wee Colts. ready to rumble A:>ucg;.i il> abo cnthu.)i.'.l 11c about

w.t of h1:. coaching :.taff, \\ hich indu Ri .. k Ru~ .. cll (offcnst\e coorJin . .11or). R Rec\ I!:. ( dcri.:n~i\ e cuon.hnJtor). ~I Ste\en-. (running bJcks and reccl\cr~) a llub Voight (linemen). BY DE:SSlS BROSTElUIOCS, '>PoAn \\'ama

COSTA MESA -Co" la Mc!).J Pop \\ arn· er Colts head co:.ich Mi.le Schcpem is d1· rec11ng a group of 3~ plJ)Crs a'> it prepares tor i1s regular·!)eason opener on Sept 10.

·r he Pee Wee Colts arc pla}crs nine to 12 )car'> old v.ho Y.c1gh 70 to 105 pound.,; ho"e"'er, the 12-;car-old ... are limited to 85 pounds.

Schepens, who coached the Junior Pee

Wee Condor ... lust ... e:.i~on. "' fcdtng good about hi) squi:ld m 1hc car!) >tagc ... 1hi., )e tr.

"We te goim~ to ha\ C " good, 'oliil runnin,:: <ii tack," he said.

'J h;.il runnin • threat \\ill bl! led O\ ,peecly tailbad.. K,ng~lc) Echcma. 1n h i~ Ihm.I )C::tr in thc co~t:i ~lcs;.i Pop \\iJrn· c.;r program.

Al lullback i-. And; Homo, c:.illcd " ;.i

tough ~id and a gooJ football pb}er," b) hi' (;{1ac:h.

I he Colt:. \Hll emplO} <J> MJO~ a-. three quartl.!rbJcks, according to s ... hcp· cm. Jeff Miller, a ver"atilc pla)er \\ho

"111 be used in a number of different !>r1. t , 1:. one ol the team\ :.ignal-callcr'.

l I c. Olhl!r t\\U QU candhJa\ arc ~Ilk C;.ibico and J:i:ion S 111co.

\\.c'll be IUOlltnl! 1hc I JI! about ~J '1 ol the time." .11J ~chcpcns, \\ho noted that 1he qu:.irtcr Jd.s \\Ill abo prO\IJ.: a ru hing threat uut ol :in r 11 n urf n c.

1 he linemen incluJ..: S..:ott Schcpcn> (center <ind lincb.1dcr on ddcn'>e) and K)k R3u'>h (guard, dclcn ... hc ta1.:klc). Anong the l1ncbJlker) ure Jacob Cr.1\\ · ford and 0Jlc. S mer!>

"I'm hJpp)' \\llh the progrc:.., \\C\c .madc ~ far," ... :ud Sc.hcpcns, \\ ho!le

tc:im open-. on thl! roacl Si.:p1. 10 ug.1in~1 thl! C~ pr s:) Chi f .

·1 he Colt:..' a hluAl oo"hc., ar~ L1rry C1bko. Ron t\'l,'lergu). fack Cam:h, Steve Cl..:;1\Cr ,111J GJI) Kno\.

Colts sche d ule s,p1 10-at C•prcn Ct11cf\ ; p.m. S pl 1;-La llJbt.1 R.iid<:r) !home) noon Sept 24-,orbJ Lind.I Co\\bO)\ (homeJ J p.m. Ckl. 1-.il i"\urlh loflg 8 Jlh \\h1h.' P.inlhers I pm Oct 8-1.ong 8,·.i h R.ims' lhumcl 10 a.m. Od H-~rth L()ll$ Bc.1 h £1.lC~ P,&nllitr\' lhOlnt' ! pm. O<.t 22 -at llunhngtuo Bea.h R.11dcrs • 1 p m Ckt. 2~ - Bre.t f .ilwn\' home! noon ''"· S-at fullcrlon Indian$' Sp m • league g.:imc~.

' .

'"I'm luck~ to hJ\e the>c gu)~." Y

A'lucg..1. "Tl ..:}. Llic..L Jll!>t a gr.e;it Jl.)b \\he \\;,i\ O\Cr eas rcccml) 1hcy put l :W't j, the team ;.inu l ha\'c to1:11 · n:~pclt lhu\C gU)!I "

Condors scheclule Sl•pl 10-at S.inl.l An.i Srm1nulcs 1 p

. Sepl. 17 -JI S.iddleb.id. \ Jllcy Blue DC.lrs 10 a Sept. 2.i -C) preos Ch;irgcr> lhomeJ 9 J 0..1 1 _ , ,111h l ong Beath\\ h1tc P.:inthrrs (home

0\1. 8-.it C.inwn liills llJ••l..l')CS' Oct. 15- fulkrlon Be.us (home) ' Ocl. 2.!-at , orb.1 lind.i \\1ldcats• Olt. 29-An;iheim RJms lhome) ' ' o\. S-Cardc11 Cro\e e .. ttdogs <home)' • lc•gue gJmes.

n 5 p


JP· 10 a .


~ Buckeyes sharpening up on fundamentals set hQ Mi tlP'

h9 Cle

It .P< 06 I.ht • Su< po tht re< Nt

Bv Ot.NN IS BROSTt.IUfOUS, ':ll'(••n \\am a

f\.E:.WPORT-MESA - NcY..pOrt· Mes~• Junior All-American Ouck­C)CS head football coach Dave B.ir· , J,; tlett realizes his JOb pnmanly con· Q mts of teaching.


" We're learning the basics," he expl:11ned "We don't even talk about winning or lo'>ing, ju'>t about doing the best you can."

The Buckeyes are made up of plJycrs bCIY.ccn 1hc ages of cught and 10 years old, the }Oungc'>l level in . the system. With few exc(!ption\, the )Oungsters "'ill be competing 1n organized football for the first time.

"We have wme talented kids, but 1t takes j little v.hile to develop their !>loll\," said Uartlett of h1'> 28· player unit.

The Buckeyes are coming off their llr~t scrimmage 1:1.,t v.eek, a lie against Mbsion Viejo.

Tyler McClellan and e1ght·year-old l'l,jick Rhode-. will share the quarterbacking dutic'>. At a leo,;eJ ,.,.here passing is often neglec1ed, each of the Uucke)c QB' \\On 't be afraid to throw the bJll

"We Y..Ork on pas-.ing co,;ery d:t)." said Uartleu. ··At this Jc,el. hard!) Jn)body thro\~S \Cf)' much at all. In the !->Cnmm:.igc. Ml'>':lion Viejo never threw a pa'>S ;.it :.ill, whilc Y.c thrcy, about 15 One or our TD-. came on a 40·\ard catch and run ."

·1 he r~nn ing backs arc tailbacks Matt Cooper ;.ind Tom Markel. On the hne 1s tackle Matt Warsaw, ~hilc defcnst\cly, McClellan is at ei1her cornerback or middle lmebucker and M.1tt Cooper plays sarety

An added "e;ipon is Uri.Jn Rhode". v.ho has ho,\n JO ability to no1 only kick convcr>•ons, but abo field go:ib. I kl ping ll;irtlett arc asw.t:.int coache (· rank . Rhodes (recc11;crs, dcfcn\io,;e bJcks) and George BoN (lmcbackcrs, offem.i"e !inc).

Buckeyes achedule Sept. tO-C.uson Colts (home) Sepl. 17-olt l;i Mirad• Trojans S(·pt 24 - •I Belhlo .. ,r SI all ions Oc.t 1 - Do .. ney R.uorb.lcks (home) Od 8 Orange Chieh-North <home) Oct 15-at Soulh Or;inge Counly Palrioh Ocl 22-at Cardrn Crov' Rams Ott 29 - Tusloo Cobr.u (home) l'loov ~ - 1,...ine Chargers lhomel

11 am. 1 pm.

11.tm. 11 am. 11 a.m. 1 p.m.

11 a.m. 1 1 am. 1 pm.

THEODORE ROBINS 2096 Hotbor Boulevard f Cor5 in Costa Me50

(714) ~4~ 0010



r;J CALL YOUR CABLE COMPANY TO ORDEAi . - ~L•V q~Le.t1v~~·v•••ON ·w ~1-aoo-alail:..rcr .. o••·ae-3800


"J 11.!


d I

Ill If


n. I.

Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally Piiot


Ce1t• M• .. MODIFIED corn c

1• (lie) l•mppost Baggers, Mc N Eds ~t'~hcomb rs, lht Shocl.crs, 14 points· 4 0 Co. StJngers, i; s, (lie) 0 D COL I , .

Co.it 11111, Star1tr, 2. · up ea MOD1mo COED D·2

1, U!el Tufs, \lilt• Martinique, 14 lnts· 3. lleritagc. Pa~rs, 12; 4, (lie) Coat"::ill • Huskers, N1ghtseel.ers, Pierce St. Annex, B· 7. Ball Wickers, 3; 8. The Educ.tors, 1. ,

coco 0 · 1 1. · ~ .M. Slammers, 17 points; 2.

Unchained M.d.ady, 1.5; l . BoatrocLers 14· 4. unon, 6; S. Coat Hill Tappt!rs s· (, ' Meu MAShcrs, 3. ' ' •

WOMEN'S 1'-\1\JOR 1. •Daddy's, 19 points; 2. Scrappers 11 .

3• Ilic) l..lmppost Oo\"n N Dirty Sister'~ 7; s. Stril.e A Pose, 6. '

MEN'S B· 1 1• ·P,SA lermin.itors, 18 points; 2.

Muddy s, 14; l. Chc~kr's, 12; 4. Coat Hill T.ivcrn Herd, 10t S. Batlp.irk Hoboken llcroes, 4; 6. Sharks, o.

MEN'S C· l 1. •Toros. 18 points; 2. (lie) All·Madden

Te.lm, T·N·T, 10; 4. (l ie) Won By One l O\\tcd 8; 6. Martinie, 6. ,

MEN'S C·3 1. •canyon Creel.. Apts •• 17 points; 2.

B;ulcy ~ounden, 16; J . Sporlspage, 10; 4. Non Dairy Crumcrs, 9; S. Meu lncrgy, 6; • 6. One Stop No ShO\\oS, 2.

MEN'S 0 · 1 ~ . 'Pl.a~eu T!> Be N.lmed later, 18

points; 2. M.irm\U 16; J. Deloittc & Touchc, 12; 4. S(cp T\\oo, 10; 5. POI Producers 8; 6. (lie) Broadway St. Bullies, Coat H iii El iminators, 6; 8. Ducers, 4.

MEN'S 0 ·3 1. Poormen, 18 points; 2. Rcbt!ls, 16; 3.

Ballpark Rats 8; 4. (tic) The Rogues, Sharl.s, 6; 6. Meu Sluggers, 0,

MODIFIED COED D·l 1. •Bilbo' s Bushwad.ers, 14 points; 2.

(I~) c..Jifofn!A Drumln, MlsMd Opportunity, 8; 4 , Prime Time 7, s. (lit) Rh•er bts, Vetifont 4.

" COED C 1. •surrender To Win, 16 point ; 2.

Ultlmate Authority, 1 J ; J. Coat Hill Brewmclsters, 11 ; 4 . TM Huddlt, 10; s. First Class, 6; 6. Deloitte ., Touthc, 3.

COED D·l 1. •shakcy's Hot Shots, 17 points; 2.

(tie) l eague or Our Own, Tot.ii Chotc>S, 14; 4. Mucl.iakers, 9; 5. Terminators, 6; 6. Ldt-OVers, O.

WOMEN'S MINOR 1, •cunn Bandits, 20 points; 2. Mc N

Eds Cur\'eballs, 12; 3. Alley Cats, 4; 4. Never Alone, 2.

• MEN'S B·2 1. (tic) Eric Electronics, Lamppost

Budmen, 1 J; 3. Boo-Boo Char lies, 12; 4. Volunfoers, 8; S. (tie) Coat llill Painters, J.J.s, 6.

' MEN'S C·2 1. •outers Shooters, 15 points; 2. (tic)

Loan Sharks, Outers All Over T~ Place, PDC, WMA, 11 ; 6. Coat Hill Humm B.ibics, 1.

MEN'S C-4 1. •Outers Outlaws, 17 points; 2.

Mudvillc 14; 3. Mesa Slammt!rs, 11 ; 4. Undecided, 9; 5. Communic.tors, 5; 6. Sall Busters 3.

MEN'S 0 ·2 1, (tic) Brl'\\'sl.les, Junkyard Dogs, 16

points; 3. (lie) Oldtimers, Roy.lls, 8; s. Don't Matter, 6; 6, Mesa Bombers, O.

MEN'S 0-4 1. •Team Finery, 14 points; 2. Flatliners,

11; 3. BC&C, 10; 4. Abbey Normal, 7; s. Barley & W11er, 4; 6. Young Doc1ors, 2.

MEN'S D·S 1. •zubics, 20 points; 2. Sideout, 13; 3.

Swamr. Guineas, 10; 4. Goodnight Now, 4; S. Jim s Wrecking Crew, 3. • -champions.

NOTE: Teams receive two points for a win, one point for a lie, no points for a loss, with one point deduded for a forfeit.



DaveY'• Lock•r - 6 bol11, 289 anglers. 10 yellowtail, 20 bonito, 3U bamcud.l, 97 c.llico bass, SO Hnd bass, Sl 1culpin, 23 shcephud, 44 rod.fish, 3 h.ilibut, 98 blut ptrch, 216 macl.trel.

Newpert Lanlllng - s boats, 174 anJtlers. 188 barr.acud.a, 13 und b.us, 35 calico b.ass, 26 rocl.fish, 28 $Culpin, 1 J bonito, 1 sheephud, 1 bl.acL su b.us (rtleased), 1 blue shark Crtleased), 4 ma~o sharl.s, 124 molder,!.


Davey' s Loder (673·1434) - 1/J day, leaves 6 a.m.; returns noon; 111 d;iy, leaves 12:30, returns S p.m.; ¥•day, ln~es 7 a.m., returns 5-6 p.m.; T\\oilight, lea\cs 6 p.m., returns midnight.

Newport landing (675-0SSOJ - 11J.day, leaves 6 o1.m., returns noon; 'll·day, lca~cs 12:30 p.m., returns 5 p.m.; T"'ilight, lca"es 6:30 p.m., returns midnight; full::clay, leaves midnight, returns 6·7 p.m. Sunday.

KAn.tnA R.~ISOS[ I Ok TIU I> II\' !'ttur

Tars' Shahram Oezahd


NH BOYS ,, ........ 11

ccntl> b) n.1gging 1nJuric ... , bul hould wind up uc..IJin& to J near·

intcrch;.rngeabh: lineup .ll l\u ... 3·6. "W,ml hnJ 60rnc grc.;it >ULCC~!)

in the half-mile in track la>t \prang, after having hi) cro'i. cuun· try SL'U \>O cul )hon by munu· nuch:os1s.'' Uarry 1ia1d. " I le'i. nur!>· ing '>L>mc sorc \\-hceb right nuw, but >huulJ ~tart lklivciing on hi!> pu1cniial a'> ~oon a> he'> healthy."

V;.1nNotc, bJttling knee 1cnJini-11 . .1bo ... hone during la'>t yc;.1r\ tr.11 .. i... \Ca')on, :iccording to Uarry

Ju111111.., l)Jn Overton untJ R}an While join ">cniur John StJn\bury 111 the g1uup 1ha t "'ill battle to rou11J out the lineup, ''hich 13::my Jllt1c1p<1ll:l> '>houlJ be in a !>lalc! ot Ou.x throughout the -.ca)on.

Though he hadn't '>ecn an} pre· ca">on polh through \he f1f\I "eek

ol prc~l.!a)on ''1.>rkouts, Darry ... aid he sec.,· the I yr> 1n the top 11\c of any pull.

U.1rry .-inticipatcs lltrong lcJguc c.:umpcli11un from Sc.1 Vic'" ne\\· corner 1:.1 foro. ~ ''ell :.t'> percnni· ul m ii Corona tlcl !\far. ''1th \\ ooJbndgc li~ely f1gunng in the upper cchdon, a'> \\ell.

Scratch main to Venegas

CO!:> fA MlSA - Charlie Ven\:&••'· who capturcJ the hJnd1cap main and Coon t h,1111p1nn">h1p Challenge la't W~t"k t:OnllnUt"d hi \ hnt ritl111g h) 'Cl'Urtng lhc \.1Ct00 111 the tour-l.1p '>Uatch main 'pccdway motorc)'clt: rac1np C\cnl h1day n1~ti1 ' at the Or ~1ngc Count) F;urgrnumh

V~n~1irt.,, •If San Bc rn ur· d1m1 outtJuclcd . G.11) Hidi' ol RrH: r.tdc lur the vu.:tur\ h~·hirc 1 t:r\iwd ot 2.857

M1i...e I a11J of Appk \al· k) lapturc:J the eight m..in 1:1ght·lap h.tnJieap main \\ htk Brad O~lc\ of San Juan Ca p1 Iran<> w" tit runner-up Rohen PteVtnl! of ru\ltn R illlC.h lt>O~ thc Champ1nn,h1p C.h.illcngc.

Saturday, August 27, 1994 83

Newport Beach's Jacobs shoots I or national tmals . In Pitch-hit-run .

Ju tin Jacob) 01 ~ewport lk.1ch \\Ill cumpclc: Sunday ill the \rca J'inal for ·a berth m the Natt in:il Chrunpiun>hip> of the t.l 1101 League U:.i,1.: b;,ill !'i tch, I l it c.\ Ru11 kill~ compctit.un.

Jacub .. , '' hu .. ..r, nc..:cJ "1th si\ uthc1.s 111 the ! l·\e.1r-olJ age group lH p11cl11ng lu1 :.tL"Cur;.iC). h1t· ting lllr lll'I 1ncc ..1111.I running for t ime 111 a Ur.111ge C.uunt)·Lo~ An­£ ·k:1 \.'umpl..lll11.>n. June 4-5 in I untuin \ allc\, \\ill h:'>t hi' -.i..tlb !lundav .11 Robb Fu:IJ in !:>an D11..gu~ heg111n111g al noon.

Ju1..\1b., lllJJc the Pum 01\ t .. 1on all·)ltir tc:im th1> >umn1er tn the ;\c\\ putt 11;11 bor Ua)eb:.ill A)­.su.-i;.it1on a a pitd11.:r·1111ieldcr: I f\c te;.im \\J!> made up largcly of l'.!·)CJr-ulJ:.

JI '1c1oriuu, in htll J~C gruu p Sun<.IU) • . facub) ''ould \:ompete :.it the 11.ition:.il champion>htps. ~chcd­ulcJ Sept 17 at The B:illparl.; m Arlington. T1:~as.

NH GIRLS: No senior-itis present with the Sailors from Page 81

Shl'cna Dictt. as well a~ i.opho· rnorc "vc ter:.tni." Collcc11 Eadie and Autumn Puw.

"The three juniors all lettered \arsity, Jnd they'll Jo :i guuJ job for u\, but the sophomores both ha\C a lot of ahilit} .'' r\\Cit C\· pl.11ncd. •·Once the> rc:ih.te how much iibilit} the> ha,c, they are going to be pre11y gouJ "

Lu.lie' >curcl,! a'> the f\o. 4 runner ~11 la't \ear'!> state meet,

Jnd \\ ''" '>JnJ,\ ich\:.d bel\\ cen ·1111cl and PJrl\c:r. 111 l\c\\ port\


top five at the Southea n ~ccllon final:.. Pu1 u wa~ the 'l\th·l ~st Sailor runner at the \Cdiun meet.

T\\cit pr .11 .. cd 1'.11 kcr' ~urn­mer pr1.!parJltl1n JllJ \\l111\ ethic and cites her a> the tc.1111\ nw't fit runner. a~ the wa c1n ~\!I\ un-dernay. -

"(Parl.er) h:b h.1J lllJUr~ prub· km> the bst t\\,, \.:.1r:i, hut 11

!>he cun ''~" hcahi1,. he' ll be much-1mpru~ed." 'l \\ell :.ml.

f\\C11 :iJ1<l bc~on ! the ~lt>h>

mentioned lop 11,·1:, the final l\Hl

'.us1 ty ... puts rc:mum .,.. ide op(.•11, \\1th Jc>:i11:a P .1IJ11ji.1n Jenny f\h.Cre ight, bacl. in the program tiller a }CJr off, and lrc:ihm.tn J.11111c S\\arbcrg :imong the con· tcnJcr:..

Junior K 1rrJ Steel •il~o im· pre!)-.cJ T\\l.ll \\llh her :iummcr <lc\\>I ion .

"'I Im b !>Ud1 ~n 111\ te.1m, bc­c;.iu'c \\1.! ~1111 neeJ io :ice \\ho \\ilf :itcp up Jnd take thi.; kaJcr­:ihip rule that Cka\ ingcr \~oulJ h;.i\e l1ll<:J tor u:i," T\\e1t !):tiJ

PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES galtL Puedt lqut usted DAVID WHITTAKER This statement was Med PUBLIC NOTICE M1lllcent Low Arany1 This statement was filed CA 92626 Th•s slatement was I ;ed CA 92627

qultra namar • un abogado .C0518 ' w11h the County Cleek ot 10591 Mira Visla Dr. Santa 1¥1tn lhO Coun1y Clerk of Dennis D Ae1nho11 1823 " ''ll 'he County c er1< ol Lvonne K. Bose', same as PUBLIC NOTICE lnmedlatamtnlt. St no ROBERT NESBIT, N0601 Orange County on August Fictitious Ana, CA 92705 Orange County on August Tanager Dr Costa Mesa Orange Counly on Awgusl aoove

__________ 1conoct • un abogado ANTHONY PATE. N0638 19, 1994 B 1 N This business 1:1 con· 11, 1994 CA 92626 16, 1994. Robert C Bose , same as puede Uamar a un urvlclo GREGG SHOCKENCY, F819377 us naas ame ducted by h~band and JoAnn C Re nt.olt 182" b

STATEMENT OF dt refertncla de • """ados Statement wilt F818556 Tana 0 C I ,, ~ F618960 \~ve. b ABANDONMENT OF fl 1 ...,. N0666 Published Newport Beach· The 1o1tov;ing persons are Published NewpOfl Beach· gcr r • os 0 • °'3 Published NewpO<t Beach· 15 usiness is COil-us• OF FICTITIOUS o a una o c na dt ayuda Pu bllshed Newpor t "'os•· Mesa Oa I P lot A d I Tht rtglslrant(s) com· Costa Mesa Oa I P lot A CA 92626 Cost' Mesa Daily P1lo1 Au· ~.u,,c,ted b)' husband aod "" legal (\lta el dlrectorlo tel• Beach·Costa Meu Dally v "' 1 Y 1 u· o ng business as· menced to transact bus1· 1 Y 1 u· This bus1ne5s Is con. u "

BUSINESS NAME fonlco). Pilqt Auoust 27 September gust 27, Sep1ember 2. 9, THE BF S. GROUP, 3857 ness under Ill• Fictitious gust 27, September 2, 9, dueled by: husband and gust 27, September 2. 9, The reg ts1rants com-The following persons CASE NUMBER 2, 1994.r ' 18, 1994. Birch Sueot Suite 158. Business Name(s) listed 16, 1994. wife 16 1994 menced 10 11ansact bust·

!lave abandoned the ust of (N d I c I I Sa368 Sa370 Newpon Beach, CA 92660 above on: 4/94 Sa394 Tht reg1strant (s) com· • Sa404 ness under the l1c1.1ious t' ht Flctl tio 1 B·•11 e s umtro • ••0 Eric Fran• . 2337 Elden u .. n • 72 t 9S8 ~ Andres Aranyl menced 10 tr11ns3c1 bus•· 1>us1noss. name(s) lo Sled Name: 20/20 FINANCIAL JUDGE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ACvAe .. Umt C. Costa Mesa, M.ll1ctnl Low Aranyl PUBLIC NOTICE ness under the F1ctit1ous PUBLIC NOTICE above on n a GROUP, 485 E. 17th SI., This statcmonl was Med Business Name(s) listed Lvonna K Bose 1502H. Costa Mesa, CA JAMES R. ROSI NOTICE OF • Fictitious James Briguglio 15•M .,..,1h lhe County Clerk ol Fictitious above on. 1987 Fictitious Tll s statement was I ed 92627 DEPT.80 DISSOLUTIOK OF BualntH Hamt M ramar .,4, Bait>oa CA Orange County on Augusl Bualnasa Nam• JoAnn c Ro nh011 BualntH N•m• w.111 the Counly Cle•~ 01 Tht Flcl111ou1 Bu1lneu The name and address of PARTNERSHIP Statement 92661 5, 19~ Statement Tn1s statement v.as l1·•d Statement Orange Counlr' on A.Jgi.s! Name referred to above lhe court la: (El nombre y Public notice I• htrtby Tht lollowing persons are Paul Slepti:in, 15222 War· F61785& The lollow1ng persons Ill& w1ln tht County Clerk ol The 10110 ... 1ng persons are 10 1~~. was flltd In Or~t County d1recclon de la cor1t ts) given that Alan MlchHI dol~ business as wick We1>tm.ns.1er, CA Published Newport Beach· doing business as· Oran~ County on Aug..isl do•:;f bus.ness as F618396 ~~.F5~i~·199 , F 11 t ORANGE COUNTY SUPE· Courtway, and Sltvtn ftct~T~~.H~~N A~a/S~ 91;1~3 bu.slness. is con· Cost.i Mesa Oa ly P.lot Au· PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS. 19. 1 VO KARMAN BUS111tESS P1.1busned t-i.ewp0r1 Bea.:h· Donald R. Sandtra, Jr .. RIOR COURT, 700 CIVIC :•Y"t ~· !:,eto~t Or 111102 Costa Mesa 38A ducted t>y a general part· gust 13, 20, 27, Sepltmber ~~rc:::ng:;22;4 Gar· p 1 t.. Fe1: 3 73 ~SOCIAlES, ) 7~34 ~~ Costa Mesa Da.•r' P1oo1 ~ 1810 16th St., Apt 0304. CENTER DRIVE WEST: flcti':,us usfl:,ss name"~~ 92G26-31S6 • nerst p 3, 1994 Poler 0 Anderson. 13094 c~:i~s~~:sa ~:p~P. c~a;~: 92~~:n •• I "''"

8 gust 20. 27. September 3

Newpor1 Beach, CA 92663 SANTA '4NA, CA 92701 style 01 Markellnn Brokera David Evan Jollnson 2534 The reg strant(s) com· Sa329 Ferndal e Or , Garden Scon Van Oykt, 1440 A" 10. 1994. lmad Dandan, 404 Car· The name, address, and Commerc:W Rtai"estatt. 81 Anacapa O , •102. Cosla menced tc transact b11si- Gro-.t, CA 92644 gust 27 Seplembar 2. 9, S Coast Hwy. Laguna Sa:l51

lotta, Newport Stach, CA ttlephont number of plain- 3461 Aquat1u1 Drive, City Mtaa, CA ~2626-6801 ness under the F1c.1.11011s PUBLIC NOTICE Troy Charfauros. 15754 16, f994 Beach, CA 92651 •----------9Th2661l tiff• attorney. or plalntJtf o f Huntington Beach, Jertl LyM Johnson. 2534 Business Name(s) I sted Ftctltloua Fac11 If A"•·· Bei.oo ... er CA Sa382 A1c11ard Van Dykt 10 __ P_U_B_L_IC_ N_O_T_IC_E __

11 bus1ne11 wu con- without an attorney ts· (El County of Orange Statt ol Anacapa Or . #1 02. Costa abo ... e on: August 1, 1994 Buslntu N•mt 90706-4214 PUBLIC NOTICE Montrtau•, "''"Pot1 Cou1, Fictitious dOoUC1naleddby co-S·~J1tltrJs nombrt la dJr~ .Y ti Catilomla. did on' tht 171h Mesa. CA 92626-6801 TJ~':'sesstBaieg~e; .~ ~as I "'-·• St•ttmtnt Tn.s business is con· CA 92657 Business N•nit

R. .,"'"' r. • day of August, 11194 by mu- Roxanne Mosley, 404 Bet· ~ ducted by, a general part· Fl tltl Tnis bus ntss 1s con· This statement wu ftled numtfo de telelono del lual consent, dlasolvt tht nerd IB. Cosla Mesa CA with the Cour:ty C•erll ol Tile l0Uov.1ng J>i1 .>ons are J1ersh1p c ous dwcled by co-partners St•ttmtnt w1tll tilt County Cieri! of at>ogado del dtmandante, said par1Mrshlp and terml- 92627 Orange Co .. , on Aug ... t dolng bus.ness as Tile rtgoslranl(S) com· Business Ntmt Tht reg s1rant(s) com· T!-e t.., N• ng pe sors a.re Orange County on July 29, o dtl demandante qut no nate tllelr relations u par1· This business Is con- 19. 1!194 SPORTS NAMES. Bu ldlf\~ menced 10 transact busi· St•ttmtnt menced to trans1c1 bus. do_;~ t.us oess as 1994 tltn,abogado, es) ners Uleftln. dueled by: a general part· FG 19387 1 Suite 217. 3001 Red H.J ness under the Fict.tious rte lc»IOhong P'1rsons are "ess under 1n8 Ficl.tious Mt;· ·RX CLOTH•NG 1001 Published Newport Beach- LAW OFFICES OF Said busmeas In the tu- ntrshlp Publ1slled t.ev.r 111• B• ac"· Ave Costa t.tasa, CA Bus.ness Name(~) hsted dong t;us noh as Business t-iam1[sl l•sted w 1711'\ Sa Cos1a Mesa

Costa Mesa Pilot Atlguat 8, STEPHEN C. OURINGER, ture will be conducted by Tht reglstrant(s) com· Costa Mesa Da 1y p, cl Au· 92626 • abovt on 8-1·94 COt.,EOY CRUSADE. 38 atX>•t on March 1989 CA 92627 13, 20, 27, 1094. Sa305 714-851·1575 5000 BIRCH Steven Dwayne Lund who mtnc:td lO transact bust· gusl 27, Seplemt:er 2, 9, •~cRls & IGnc Spoc(C1aallt1yorPnrlOda' •• Petor Anderson CS~9b ~63 Ne,...pen BOOJCh. Rae hard Van Oylit lOltOOan R ~aymCond I QCu.nnt •

• wlA ftay and dlachargt all nest under tht F1c1111ous 16 994 u f r Tn' s.ta1emen1 v.-as Med "" Tll•S statement v.-as f lod •w!ll rts • o~ a

PUBLIC NOTICE ST., STE. 405, NEWPORT liabilfllH and debt• of the Business Nime(s) llsled · 1 Bu,ld..ng 1, Suitt 217, 3001 .,. th Ille County c erl< ot Nazareth A1zkallah, 36 .,. th 1118 count,. crerk ot Mesi. CA 92627 BEACH. CA 92660 firm and rectlvt all monies above on: n/a Sa379 Red H.11 Avt . Costa Mas3, Orange County on August Saab 10. Newport Btacn. Orange Co1>nly on August A Scott Conne11ev. 309

__ S_T_A_T_E_M_E_N_T_O_ F--1 DATE: JUN 13, 1994 payable to the firm. David E. Johnson PUBLIC NOTICE ~1~2G~~slnesa Is con· 5, 1994 ~:i2G~;mawak1. 1325 E 16, 1994 F818"4 3 ~~~;:~: Coro"8 Dea ~.,a1 , ABAHDONMENT OF ALAN SLATER, Clerk, Further notice Is hereby This Slalement was filed ducted by• a corpo1111on FO l 7864 Balboa "" 1, Balboa CA • Tll•s business •s conduclea USE OF FICTITIOUS b~ MARILYN DAVIS, given that tht undersigned with the County Clerk ol Fictitious The rog tslrant(s) com· Published Newport Beacll· 906,'.! 1 Put>l1slled Newport Beach· by 1 general pirtoersllip

BUSINESS NAME Deputy will not bt rt1pons1ble, 09anj:.i County on Augusl Buslnesa Name menccd 10 transact bU$t· Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Au· Jtlis tlusmus is. ce>n· Costa Mesa Daoy Pilot.Au· The regl.str.a.nta com--Tht foll9wln persons Pubrlalltcf Newport from this day on, for • ny 1 • t S-tatemtnf 11Hs under tht F1c1111ous gusl 13, 20, 27. September dueled by: a general part gust 27 September 2 9 menced 10 transact buSI·

have abando:'1tlle use of Btach·Costa Meaa Daily obligation Incurred by the F619361 The lollow1ng persons are Business Namt(s) listed 3. 1994 nersh•P 16 1994. ness under tile f,ct111ous tht Flctitloua Bualntss P~lot August 20, 27, Sep- other(s) Is (his) (her) (their) Published Newpor1 Boach· doing business as above on. 8·16·94 Sa337 The reg1str1nt(s) com· Sa407 busioess name(s) listed Name· SALVAGE SPECIAL- te bt 3 10 1Sl94 own name(a) or In tht Colla Mesa Dally Piiot Au- GREATER NEWPORT AR & G Specially PrO<l· menced to l ran.sact t>ui.1· aoovaon: 8-4·94 IST, 5309 W. 11t. Santa m r ' ' • s.340 nameD"' oTIEthDa (~Tm. H ti gust 27, September 2. 9, PHYSICIANS. INC . 330 ucts, Scott A Capone, PUBLIC NOTICE ness under 1ne f1cto11ous PUBLIC NOTICE Dean Quinn Ana. CA 92703 A A un "9• 111, 1994. Placenua Avenue. Suite Gtntral Manager Business Name(s) hsteo Th.s statement wes tiled The FlcllUoua Business PUBLIC NOTICE ton •••ch, C•llfornla, Sa390 270, Newpor1 Beach, CA This statement \\oU 11 od Flctltlqu1 above on 3·24·1994 Fictitious /. tn tht County Cieri. ol Name rtfMed to above lhl • 19th d•r of Au- 92663 \\o1lh lht County Clerk ol Buslneaa Ntmt t..azareth R.zka ,JI\ Bu1lnt11 N•mt 0fange County on A11gus1 waa flied In Orl{lge County NOTICE 0' SALE gust, teM PUBLIC NOTICE Medical Group of Hoag Orange County on August St•t•mtrit Th·S statemenl was hied Statement 9 19~ on 1-4-94, FUt No:F594033 In llCCordanct With the Alan M . Cot.irtw•~ Hospital Inc. (Ca1.1orn1a). 19, 1994 Tht 1011ov.-1ng persons aie v.111\ 1he Counry Cieri! ot Tht lo o " 'lg pers01.s are F618209 John lN Somtfs. 5309 W. proYl1lon1 of SeciJon 21700 Publlah td Newport Fictitious 330 Placentia A ... enut, F6193B7 dong business as· O•ange co ... nt)I on Augusi d<Mg bc.s ess as P .. bl sned N..,.port Beacll· 11t, Santa An8, CA 92703 lhrough 2t718 of the Call- Stach.Costa Mesa Dall Bualntll Nam t Suite " 270 Newport Published N.....,port Beach· LA CON, CUISINE OF 19 19:;;4 UNIVERSITY CARDIAC Costa t.'esa Da..y p,101 Au Thl1 buslneu WU con- fomla Buslntu and Profes- Pil t A Ult 27 1994 y S t•t•mant Beach. CA 92663 Costa Mesa 03 ty P..ol Au THAILAND, 1835 Ne ... port F619374 SERVICES l~C. 26 Co·pQ- g .. st 20, 27 Seplembllf 3 ducted by an Individual aiona Code thtrt being 0 ug • · Tht tollov.1ng parsons are Tllis bus.ness IS con· S 9 B 'd Costa Mesa CA Publ,sned Nev.port Beach· rate Pasto. , 00 lni nt CA Tills stattmen1 waa filed dut, unpaid atoragt lee for Sa.366 doing business as ducted by: a corpo1at on gust 27• eptembtr 2• • 9~627 c la M 0 p 1 A 92714 ' ~ ' lO, l994 with tilt County Cltrk ol which INSTORAGE HUN- PUBLIC NOTICE GOTTLIEB & SHAW II, 160 The reg1strant(s) com· 16. l994 T1pawan Bushyakan st os asa a r' '

0 u· Stonerldge 1n ... u:mel\ls Sa3~8

Or~ County on August TINGTON BEACH Is en- Newpor1 Center, Su1le 120, menced to transact bus1· S;s373 3952 Hendnx St. !None gi.st 27• Sep1tmbtr 2 9 Inc. (CaMornts), 26 Corpo- PUBLIC NOTICE 1,,~h~ L 'somtcs ~o 2~71~n ~~: Fktltloua ~':n'!fcr B:ac~;.~~2~~1 ~~~n:'s~de~~a'~~(:,1ct:~~~~ PUBLIC NOTICE 1'~s9a2J~: Bushyal(anist 16, 1994 Sa38J ~~;1:111e • ZOO '"'re CA Fictitious Published Newport Stach· on !ht goo<11. htftlnatter Bualneu N•m• Yacht oapllne, Newport above on· not appl.cabte Flctltloua same as •bo~• PUBLIC NOTICE Th s b;.is.nus 11 c.:in· Business N•m•

Co1(• Mtu Pilot August daacrlbad as Ml ace I- lt•tement Beach, Ca 92600 Medical Group of Hoag Bualntll N•mt Tll11 business ts con· ducted by, a corpor•t on Stattmtnt 23, Saptembtr 3. 10. 11. laneoU• House hold lttms The following persons art Millon Gottl ieb, 10224 Hosp1l.il. Inc. Donald J , ducted by nusblnd and • Flctltloua The regl 11r1n1tsl ct'm· Tn. 16 av.ong persons ait 1094. aofu, rtfrlgtfatora. wash- doing buslntu as: Charing Cross Road. Los Drake, MD. Statement wilt. B 1 1 Na t mtnctd 10 11anuct 0 .. ,1. d ~,n bus ftU~ a•

Sa372 tfl, dryers, and~ JEFFREY HERITAGE Angtlta,CA 90024 This s1a1ement was Med Thefollowngpersonsart The rtgl slrants com· usnas m ntss under tht Foc1tou~ p"..:.~IFICA ,...AO.VANCEO ----------• proptfly. Out notiQt nav- PARTNERS, LP.. 34179 CharlH e. Crookall 1560 with the County Clerk of dong business as menced 10 11ansact bus1· Statement Bus.n .. 1 Name{s) l1~1eo ttYP'IOOTHEARAPY CEN·

PUBLIC NOTICE Ing bttn glv9n lo parties Golden Lantern, #202, Sunset A1dgt Or., Laguna Orange County on August SPTEARUFCETCOTNco330

vE3R HCON· ness under Iha f1ctu1ous Tht lo owing persons •rt abovt on June 1, 1994 _ C

0 known to claim an interHt Dana Point, Ca 92629 Btac:h, California 92651 19, 19~ _ I arbor buS1ne11 namt(s) listed doing t>us nus ilS Stontr1dgt ln•estments TERS 4&.10 ampus five IUMMONI tllereln and tile tlmt sped- Oovte Barker & Barbati Thia business Is con- F8 19384 Blvd 0·5, Costa MOU, CA abo"e on- n a J H C & ASSOC IATES. Inc• Teresa M Tanner, t.e,..port Beach, CA 92660

ICITACION JUDICIAL) fled In auch riollc. for pay. Barlttt, 2403 Plue ala dueled by a general part. Publlshed Newport BtaCfl· 92628 Ousadee Bushya1Can1st 274 Palmer St Costa President Jonn Stanie,. Mtrlo.tling NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: ment of auch fe" having Playa, San Clemente, Ca nershlp Costa Mesa Daily P1101 Au· Ptrfoct Covar Roofing Sys· This llatamenl was filed ~J~aemsae'sCAHo9w2&a2rd7 Cam~belt Th11 ataltment was loitd Inc , 4630 Campus Or_•

CAvlao • Acuudo) CORNE· expired wiM 1>9 aold al.pub- 92672 Tht reglsl rants com· terns, Incorporated (Cahlor· with the County Clerk ol w1lll the Co\olnty C1erk 011Ne .... port Beach CA 92660 LIAR. MAZER ~ lie auction by INSTORAGE Jaffrey Holbrook .. 2179 mtnced to transact busl· g


92947• September 2• 9• nla), 3303 Harbor Blvd., Orange County on August 274 Palmer St osta Orange County ·on August Tnos busineu 11 con·

YOU ARE BEINQiSUED BY HUNTINGTON BEACH lo- Calla Ola Vtrde, San Clam- neu under the fictitious 1 • 1 . Suite D·~. Costa Mall. CA 18, 1994, Mesa, CA92627 16, 1g94 ducted by; a cor1>0rahon PLAINTIFF: (A Ud. le asta ' cattd 11 7471 Watne< Ave. entt, ea 92673 bualneu name(s) listed Sa385 92626 F61893B Atm1da Virginia Delatorre. F&1B937 Tilt registrant(s) com· damandando) KOU CEN· County of Oranot. State of Mlchatl Flower, 25011 above on: n/a PU~LIC NOTICE Tilts bu1lneas1 IS con· Published Newport Beach- 274 PCaAlmer SI • Cosla Publ11hed Ntwpon Baad1· nmeesnsceudn !eor 1r,~~saf~~t1t~ou"us TER ~EWPORT NUMBER Calllornl• on tht 71h day of Catherine Way, Dana Point Donald w Shaw g ducltd by a corpora11on Mesa, 92627 " ... -14, A GENERAL PARTNER· August 11194 at 9:00 •m. ca 92629 ' This atatimenl was filed Flctltloua Tile reg latranl(s) com· Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Au· This Dus nus 11 con· Co111 Mesa 011ly Piiot Ai..I· Bw~•neu Na~e(s) l•Sled SHIP Ttfme for Ult art cash Thia bualntu 11 con- with the County Clerk 01 menctd to trannet busl· gust 20. 27, September 3, dueled by husband and gust 27, Stplember J 10, above on Aug 1, 199A You have 30 CALENDAR only. Sale aubjte:t lo can- ducted by: • limited part. Orange County on July 26• Buslnt11 Name neu undor lh• P1c11hous 10, 1994. wile 17, 19i4 Jolln S1an•"v t.-'ato.ehog

DAYS ante thla aurnmona C91fallon. Landlord rtMfVts ntrshlp 1994. St•ttmtnt Business Name(s) kited Sa345 Tht reg111rant(s) com· Sa369 Inc., Irwin M Bamen Prtsi· la atrved on you to tilt a the f'l9ht to bid. Btlow la a Tht reg l1trant(1) com· Fe16759 The lollo~1ng persons are above on· n.a manced to transact bus1• dent typewritten reapontt at this llst of names and unit num- menced to tranaact buM- Publls .. td Newport Beach- doing business es Perteet Covar Roofing Sys· PUBLIC NOTICE ness under the F1e1 l•ous PUBLIC NOTICE · Tl'IJs sta1emen1 "'as I 1td court. btrl. nau undtf the Flctllloua " TRAVELERS AUTO Fl· ltma, Malcolm Burna, Pres· Bu11ntss Namt(s) I lled .,..,tfl the Coi. ty C1erli. of A letttf or phone call wlll ROBIN RAE BELT. A0020 Buslneaa Namt(I) listed Coata Mesa Daily Pilot Au- NANCE CORPORATION. ldent Fictitious above on 8+9.a Fictitious 0.angt Co .. nty on Augu11 not protect you: your tvJ* FREDRICK AMODEO , above on: not applicable gust 20, 27, September 3, INC .• 3158 Rtdll 11 Avenue, This 1ta1emtnt was filed BuslntH N•mt James H Campt>tU Bualnt .. Name 12, 1~ written '"ponae must bt AOZM Jtlfr9'( Holbroo'k· 10, 1094. Suite 270, Costa Mesa. CA with tile County Clerk ol St•ttmtnt Thia 11atemtn1 .,H I td Statement Fl, 8179 In .proper ltg81 form If yoo KAREN BJORNSEN, This atatamant WU tlltd Sa350 92626 Orange County on August The follov.lng persons ate With !he CoU11ty Clafk OI Tht to110 .. 1ng persons art P .. b "'8d Newport BtKh• warn the court to tiMr your A0242 with lht County Cltflc of Neighborhood Acceptance t9, 1~ do.ng busine11 as· Orange County on August d0ing bus•ness as Costa ~esa Oa~y Polol A11•

cue. EDWARD FILIP, A0268 Orange County on Auguat PUBLIC NOTICE Corporation (Cahlornia), F619393 AMARANTH MARKETING. 19, 11194 HARB 0 R OEN T A L gust 20 27, Stpiembtf 3, It you do not file your r• MARGUERITE FORGtT, 18, 1994 Flctltloua 3tS8 Redhill Avtf\ue. Sulit Published Newport Beach- 105 Via Antibta, Swtt A. F819385 GROUP, 1503 So Cout 10 1~ lponM on time, you may ""697 ,811944 270. Costa Mesa, CA Costa Mtu Da~t Pilot Au- Newport Btacll, CA 9263 Pub1111'1td Newport Btacll Otivt - 110. Costa Mes!:. ·~ • Sa383 loM Iha caM, and your CECILY THOMPSON, Published Newport BMch- 8Yalneaa N•m• 92626 gust 27, Sepltmbtr 2, 9, Scott R Hangg1t, 105 Via Costa Mesa Daly Pilot Ai> CA 926~6 W9gta, money and prop- AD732 Costa Meta Dally Pilot Au- ltatemtnt Th11 business Is con- 18 11194 A nl tbts • A. Newport gust 27 Septtmbtr 2 9 ~uaoua Kashanchl ODS PUBLIC NOTICE tr1Y may b9 taken without RE GINA BENWARD, . Tht following persona are ducted by. I COIPOlation ' Beach, CA 92663 6 1 ,,,,,.~ PC 2515 IS•tnd \: tw Orlva.1 ________ _ furihtt warning from the AOno guat 27• Stpttmbtr 3• 10• dOinll bualnett at'. The rag tstranl(s) com- Sal89 Bran Ktl11. 105 Via Anll- 1 • ·- Corona Dtl Mill, CA 9ZS60 LEG.AL NOTICE court. SABRINA ANTIS, AOn1 17, l094. WEST COAST REALTY menctd to transact busl· PUBLIC NOTICE t>ts IA. Newport Beach, sa397 T111s bu11nen cs con- PROPOSED 1994-95 Thtrt ate other legal r• BRElT AUSTIN AOl20 S&3a9 SERVICES, 22994 El Toro ness under tht Ftetot•ous CA 92663 PUBLIC NOTICE ducttd by 1 eotporll•on GET FOR IRVINE qulrtlMntl. You may Wanl PETER BARAJAS. AOe60 PUBLIC NOTICE Road, #1 17, Llkt Forest. Business Name(s) llsled Flctltloua This business Is con· Th t rag 111ran11 ,om- BUD · \0 call 8n • ttorney rtght M ICHAEL DEHOYOS. CA 92630 abovt on: 8·15-.94 Bualntaa N•mt ducted by; a ganeral,part• Flctlt1ou1 mtneed la llll\$aci bus1- UNIFIED SCHOOL away. tt yoo do not know A0882 RJJ F1nanclal Corp01at1on, Nejghborhood Acctplanct St•ttment nersh•P lluslnH.a Name neu under 1ne l1c1ol•ou1 DISTRICT an attorney, yoo INIY call JAYNE BOULlER. 80039 llu ~lotlt~ (CA) 27811 Boc1na, Mis· Corp .. Barbera Sled/· Exec. The IOllOW'lng '*'°"' .,. Tilt rtglslrant(s} com- St•t•mtnl bu11nt11 nlrnt(SI •••ltd T~~ ·~v~~ c~~IF IEO In attorney rtltrral fff\/lce StiEBYL WHlti HEAO, • ... alon Vlefo, CA 92692 V.P do buaineH ... mtnced lo ltah11ctt-..busto.-'ffle 1oll 8'SOnl art lboVt on 1--4·94 SCH L I I pro-Of a legal 8ld offlc• (!lated 90099 ll•IA•*•' KGW Corporation. (CA) Th11 statement was filed PA'CHric WCST TILE COM neu under tile F1Ct.11ous dCll bu~ ~s Massoud Kashanc:lli, Prts· poaed bu<S~•1 IOt 1994·95 In the pN>M book). KEN ILES. 80993 ni. following ptl"IOnl .... 2290& Sprlngwattr. Lake with tht County Clt1k ol PANY 2796 H rbor Bl Bu•m•H Namt(S) !Isled oR?Et< COMPOSITES ldtnt, Harbor Dental • •II be tVll ab~ PB~c DNpuee ~ qut le en- LINDA DANYSH 8 1009 doing bualntu at: ForHt, CA 92630 Orange County on August • C M CA above on. Aug 17, 19~ 947 p kit p • GrOl.IJ:!, Cal.lorn.a lllspechon at • treguen ••ta c«8clon judl- MANUEL.LOPEZ, 00088 ON CENTER DISTRtBUT· Thia bu1lnt11 la con- 16, 1994 - 43 t. Olla .... Scott R. Hangglt , 011 Loe ··r I., 'This alaltmtnl ltral' !Jed AANCA PARKWAY, IRVtNE, ctal uated lltnt un Dlazo dt MICHAEL VICTORIAN. ING. <441 N. N~ 81\!d., aucted by: )olnl venture Fl18935

9J:1~~r1ne I! Eaen, 5.4:2 Th11 llattrntnl was r.ttd ~ .. = BrcBt~. 2~7 w11h the County Cltrk of ~~~T~~~r 829;~ ~ 30 DIAS CALEN'DAAIOS C0305 Suitt 203. Ne#pof1 Bt9ch, Tht rtglatranl(I) com- Published Ne,.,porl Beach· Traverse Di •• Costa Mesa. with tht County Cltrk ol Por1 Locl\.lltigh Pl . New· Orange County on August tw n Iha flours 01 8 00 p11a prtatntar una r• JOHN FIGUEROA, oo-31 CA 92638 ~ lo ttanuct busl· Costa Mesa Dally Piiot Au- CA 92628 • Orange County on Augus1 """'Beach CA 92GOO 9. 19~ ~ ~ ·oo ,. M -. apuffta eacrlt.a • maqulna MICHELLE LAYMAN Unda Jean Watlllne,. 1901 nts1 undtf tile Flct111ous 2 S R L Ed t 19, 111$4 r"'Jo' o.' p Ff112 .. A.m and ... "'8 .,, eata tor1t C04+4 • Yacht Camtlll Newpon Bualntaa Name(•) ltll•d gust 7, epttmbar 2, 9, ogar "'· 542 ,... F6193ee M. vine, 19'41 ort Bt pubfie flaring on lht pro-Una ~ o una llamada LI SA LAFRAMBOISE Beact\, CA e2ti0 aboYe on• n/I te, 1994 11•rM Of. Coa1a Mtaa. CA lockslt1Qh Pl , Newport Publ shed N•""l>O't 1cll• p01tO budget for 1994·1$ ltlefonlca no II ofl'KMI , Ktn Thom pion. 1901 RJJ Ftn8nciat Corporation ~400 92620 Published Newport Bttch- Beach, CA t~G80 Costa Mesa Da Pilol ~· vnl1 bt held at SO!IO BAR • protecdOn· ., reapuffla ~F!AY HARl"OLE Yacht Camtlll, Newpon ISi Praaldenl Tllll butlntH II co~ Coat• Meaa DaJly P.rot Au· Thi• bu•lntu 11 con- QI.Ill 20, 27, Septtfl'lbet 3 RANCA PAAll.WAY, IAVINI!, Hrita • ~ ..,. que C04l5 • Stach, CA l2t4IO KOW Corporallon /S' PUBLIC NOTICE dueled by • • !Im.ltd p.,,. gust 27, September 2, 9 , dllCled by hu1~nd an<I 10 1"4 on SEPTEMBtR .. 1994 •1 cumpllr oon i. torlNll- MIKE CHANDlEJ\. co.t1 Rael laacowltz, 30801 PY..idtnl • ntrthip It, 1994 w!ft Sal41 7 30'" M • ci.o.a ieg-. apropiadaa CATHY IYEMV. 00504 South Coalt. HWy., ' '· La- Thia 1tattmenf wat I.led Flctltloua · • Tht ra~ 1 111an1(1) corn- kl7I Tht reg11tran111> com- p4.1 b l llhtd Newport .. .,.... ....,. que .. COfW • OUn9 e..ctl CA 92M1 with the County CllHIC of Bualne•• N•m• mented 0 t1anu~ bull- menced IO ttanaacc bual· ,PUIUC NOTICE Beach Co•ta Mau oaa, noucht., CMO PILOT CWllFIKD l'hla bualMH la con. Orange County on AugUat Statement neas under tile OttllkN• PUIUC NOTICE ~at under the f'"litlOus .. _tt ... ~·e ~~ 27, 1* II ..... no ~ tu " '• .,__ reeource you duded by. 8 gtner81 pert. It, 1... Tht lolloWing persone art B111lfle11. Narnt(a) littt<I ,lct ltloue lusintu. Naine(t) ltltt<I r"' ,...., sa317 ~ • tlempo. ~ can coune on to ... • nttlhlp re1e:1es · d0tng bu&ine11 a.a: •bo~• on t\ , '· t"4 Ulo119 on n/a .,._.. .._.... The Pllet perdtt .. :"1" puedtn myriad "' merchatlo Tht ttglattlnt(•) com- l"ubll9lled Newpof1 Btacho MEDIA ACflVO. 10$91 Catherine E. dtn lu•tneM..... HOwVd T. DtVlnt ........... Cl•••iftff .,._,Ml , au dln8fo dlM "*"8. beca1M manoad lo •8M&Ct bulf. ,.. __ ....__. D .. 11u l"llot A Mo VIiia Or .. Santa ,.,.., Tt\e Community ltat4"Mnt The loOowlng ptrt0ne.,. The t _., y otrH c.... d• '" our ooiUmt• oompel ,... undar f'9 f1Clloul ..._ - -r "' CA 92706 Marl!.C Piece The to.tQWlng ptr90nll •• RENT doil'9 ~ ••· • . mo• compt en· Pfopiedad sin.-., tdldo- quanneca IMlyere to .,..,,_ .. Heme(•) ll8'ed Ol"t 11. Seplembef 2. t . Andrta Thomae Atanyl, Pilot c18811r • .a ~ bul1M11 ... SOUTHERN CAUF~NIA 91v• ~.m dllec NI por ,.,_ c19 i. oor\8, Olllll ~on: Auguet 11, 19M 11. 19M 1~ 1 Mlr9 Vista Or,. Santa •42.aaTa OJ PROPlATIEI, 1~3 .._...,.... ctassifled YACHT SEAY ICE, 112 \ory O ....-1 enCI Mt• !Jd1ttin otroa ~ i.. - - -~.;. lJnd8 WIOllnl . la.371 Ana, CA 92705 T8al\llQ9f Of. Cotta ..... w•-v-• To-wne S1rMt. Cotta..._.. Ytees 810Ynal

• ..

A\ -



.. 5G(

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01 06 I.he ~

84 Saturday, August 27, 1994 Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Dally P1I

w MO'l1Cll PUllJC llOTICll PUILIC •onca PUIUC llOTICll PUIUC •oncn (CIUtorni.) J304a Calle Thil •U ,.,.... - lled ......c IOTICI menc.d '° "lllMC1 tiu• PUIUC llOTICI IM McKll'Wt PUIUC NOTICE

, UIUC llOTICll PUil.iC IOTICI ANdor, Sen AIM c.pi., -. N Counry Qerll ol ,_ Mnder Ifie ,-ICtSliOut Thie tt.al~ we• filed•------- -

,..,..._ ........ """ •• rw. CAtn7t Orw109 County on~ ........ kliMN ~·> lla1ed P1-tltAeUe Wlltl IN ~IY Qelk ol P1-UU.U. a&1.tn.ee ,.._. ._IRHI ._ ......_ .._. Thi• bu11n .. 1 11 co,,. t , 1914 •••nu .._. aboll'I on: 3181 .,....... Nw Ofano• C~ty on A!.1Qutt ..._,,. ... Ne-.

Sle.....,_. ..... •IHI .... __. ~by. an lndMOuel NtttM .......... Otrtene ~ l tat•inenl 1t, 1"4 ..... .....,. Thi lollow.ing per.ona 811 The tollowlnCI IMlftOna 111 The tolGwli"9 ptnON.,. Th• regl11r1n1(1) com- PUOlllhN N.wpon e.ac~ The fOlloWlng pereona .,.. Thia 1tatement wu flled ni. following'*'°°' at• Pe ten • Tiie tollowlng Ptfton•

doltlQ bl.ltine•• ... ~ dOll'la bl.lelneN ... doinQ ~ ... ~ lO lrllllMCt bu» Coeta ...._ Diiiy PllOt Al.I- dOlna buelnM9 u · ¥with uw County Clerk pt dOlng busineH H' PubU•hed N•WPOft Geach- doing bu.ineu h : NE'vH•ORT COAIT SUAQlONI MANA0£· INSlJRANC~ iURVEV,,,... uncltf IN ~pt 20, 27, S.c>~ '· UNlT£0 $TATES.$TRAT£.. °'=County on~·· INTELUQfNT NETWOAX Coal• M ... Dally Pilot Au- HOUSE DOCTOR, 14

TRAVEL .U.0 TOOAS, t25 MENT SVMCf, 129 Cor· 4121 Hlllarla, Newpor1=: 1~1a;tl•) !41.o 10, 1t9ol GIC CONSULTANTS, 30 5• 1 FetHl2 SOl.UTIONS, 4\4 311h gust 27, S.pl•ml* a. II. =1 SI ~ ~abta, L.uay, ~ Co&ll, CA pote&e P11111. Sw 200, If· Beach, CA 112113 Sutfat PublltatlOM Inc Sl3e0 Via Lucca IF~. !Mne, p bl SllMI, Na-Nf)M Beach. CA 11, 11194. R---•.. Manin p1 ...... llM51 v1na, CA 921'14 I~ li ~ ' CA 92715 u ••he<I N•~ O.acn- t2M3 Sa371 .,._... ,._ LOUii W. ~old, 125 Slon•rldg• lnvealmanu 4120 tilller. a, Nawpori ~ Delan.y, ConctOll.,I PUILIC NOTICE Mltco M. VaJdM, 30 Via Coci. Mata Dally Pilot~ JamH Tureo, aarne u rr b~~ol SI., U. Hao ~nay, Ntwpol1 Coe.at, CA Inc, (CaMornlat. 1a&, Cor· Beach, CA lhla stat~nl wu Iii.cl Lucca IF40S. lrvlM, CA gust \3, 20, 27, Stpltmbet "'°1' PUBLIC NOTICro This bualnta• 11 co

llS~•ll• Noc:kOld, ..,,,. e::.hPfa':;4 le 2

• Ir· J~ ~·~n C:~u!o"' with the County Clerk or au=!°:.... "{~1~5 busln•H 1, con- 3, \IMM. J~ted ~~·~~,:1vl~ualcon- r1ct1Uou• ducted by: an lnd1vldua1 u •t>ov• Thi• bueln•n I• con- Th• r•gl1tran1(1) com- ?'~ Counry on Juty 2t. atat•ment dueled by: an Individual Sa33l The regl11ran1• com- e u1ln•11 N•m• Th• .;,•it"l~ant(s) 1 101

Thi• 1>u1ln•11 I• con- duc:1ed by: • COtpotlllOll menced to "anuct °""° feHMM2 ~ 108~ perlONI art lh• r•glatraf\I(•) com- PUBLIC NOTICE mel'ICad to tranHct bull· Stetamenl menc 00 °, :~~'if1e1ii u ducted t>y· husband anCI Th• r•gl1tn1nl(•) co~ neaa under the F'IC1lllout doing txn•ne•t 11· meoced to ltanuC'I l>usl· ness under Iha f•CllllOUI Th• IOllOwl.nil pet1on1 11• ntH 11

• '° 11111• menc:ed to lrtnaael bUll- Bu• nest N•m•(t) kited P\lblllhN Newpol1 Bea~h· FOA"COM TECl'iNOLO.GY NIH undtf I.he fktll.tOus f1ctltl04'a 1>us1nu1 name(:) llsl•d 00, butintU 11 Busan•n. Name(s) htt RtQl.itant haa not yet nest under Ina FictrtloY• aboVe O'\! July 31 COila M•sa 0111y Piiot A~ CORP .• 813 N Paw Sl/"I, Bustntu Name(•! lilted lklelneN ... ,,,. aboVt on: n/a B~NS EMERGENCY al>0••1donM. Npot Apphcable t>ecvn 10 1tan.act t>us1neu Bualn•u Name(•) ll•tld lnwranc• SuN.y Se<vlcts, g1,1st 8, \3, 20, 27, 1994 Of'ano•. CA 92eM tl>Ove on: Nol A9PI cable t tatement James Turco SERVICES. 3303·05, Har· Rona · apaitan under the 11ctlllou.I namt(I) above on: January l, 11194 Jeanett• Hiid.Or~. Pru• Sa321 FORCOM CORP., NITI• at MttCo Vatoll Th• following persons Ila This llatement was llled bor, Costa Mesa, CA 112626 Th~s t~tal~~ntry waC~ ktil htted above. Slonerldg• lnve•tmtnls ldenl above Thi• statement wu flied doing business.,. wllh the County Clerk ol MaJc;olm f>all•'lon Burne, Wtt • un "'' Lou•• NOClcold Inc., Tlf'HI M. Tanti« Thlt atalement w11 filed PUBLIC NOTICE Thlt bualn•u 11 con- With th• Counry Clerk of LEON'S INTERIORS, 3723 Otang• County on August 27038 Millpond. C1p11111no °r7~4 County on Aug Th11 ttlltmen\ wu ed This atatement w.• flltd "'•th Iha Col./nt'f Cl•rk or ducted by 1 corp0lauon. Orwig• County on August Birch St 110 Newport 9, 1994 Beach CA 92424 1 •

..w11n Ille County et.tic 01 with Iha Counry Clm of Ofano• Counry on August "ctJUou• Th• r•glatrant• com- 1e. 1994 B•ach, c:A 112660 F8 18t94 This 'business 11 con· Fa1a9 4 Orang• County on August Ot'"O• County on August 5 t"4 lklalMN Name mencact 10 ltansact bull· F8f1Ht Leon L Slack. 111, 787 Ami· Publ1sl'led Nev.poll Beach· ducted by· an lncl!Vldull Pubhstted Newport Bt1c 12, 1094. 18, 1094 F81 7859 Stetement ""' uncle< Iha ~ Published Newpott Beach- go• Way, Newpott Beach, Costa Mtsa Daily Piiot Au· Th• r•Q1t1ran1(1) com· Costa M•u Ollly PJol A

F8 18820 F81893 8 Published Newport eaacn. The follOWtng l*IOl'll ar• buslneu nam•(s) U1ted Costa Mesa Dally Pilot Au- CA 92660 1191 20 27 St tomber 3 menc•d to 118/lHCI busl· gust 27, September 2. Published Newport Beach· Publlshld Newpott Beach- Costa Mesa Oally Pilot Au- doing b\.laloess ~ •bO~ on: 1·1·92 gust 27 September 2 9 This bualn•H II con· ~O 1994 • P ' nets under th• F1ct1t1ous \6 \994

Costa Mesa Dally PilOI Au.: Colla M .. • oauy p11o1 Au- gult 13 20 27 S.plember BINGO PROO PUB· Forcom Corporation, Cho• 18 1994 ' ' ducted by• an Individual • S 54 Business Name(s) l151ed ' · SaJ gust 20 27 S.ptember 3 gust 27, S•pl•mber a 9 3 1994 ' • Ll~HING, 2973 Hsrbor Vang, Chlng.yoan, calllor· • • S 405 Th• r•gl1trant(s) com· a3 abov• on: JJ/a

• • • 16 994 • • • • Blvd. 1110, Costa Mesa, n1a 1 menced 10 ttanHct bu1f. PUBLIC NOTICE MAicoim 11'\nerson PUBLIC NOTICE 10, 1994 • 1 Sa335 CA 112628 Thts 111temen1 wu filed PUBLIC NOTICE ness uf\der th• F1ct111ous This statement w11 flled1---------_______ s_l34 __ 61 Sa40l PUBLIC NOTICE Thomas C. Hancock, 2256 w11h lht County C1•rk ol Busin•H Name(s) listed Flclllloua1 with tl\1 County Clork of Flc tltloua

PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Columbla Orlv• . Costa Orange County on August FlctJtloua •boll• on: 1965 Busln•H N• m• Orange County on August 8u1lnH • Name Flctltlou• ~~~·· ~:,~~:s 11 con- 9, 1994. 8 uslneaa Name Leon L Slack, IU Stat•m•nt 19, 1994 Stat ement

·Flctltloua f lctltloua eualneH Nam• ~ . Ind Id 1 F8t8807 Stetement This statement wu filed lh• ro1towing potions are F8t939 4 The followlng persons 1 8u•lne .. Nem• 8ualnaH Name Statement · ~~! r~·t:franlt~) u~om- Publlshed Newport Beach· . Th• following peraoni are 01lh thee County Clerk ol doing buslnes• as: Published Newport Beach· doing business as:

Statemen t St•t emenl TN foUowlng per90ns art menced 10 ttansact bUSI· Costa Mesa Dally P1lol Au· dolrig business H : 5 r~ni: ounty on August SKIRTING AROUND, 550-A Cosla Men Dally Pilol AU· BABY DUOS, 242 E. W Tht following persoN are The followlng persons ara doing buslneH as: neu undec lh• FIClltlout gust 20, 27, September 3, DENNE' DESIGN GROUP, • 9 Fl t 7 8 52 Newport Canl•r Drive, gust 21. September 2. 9, son. Co1ta Mesa. C

doong business 1t: doing business a.s: PACIFIC DESIGNS, 379 Butlneu Nam•(•) ~sled 10, 1994. 4029 Wtsl•tly Place, Suite Newport 8Hch, CA 92660 16 1994 , 92627 THE METROPOLITAN IMAGING PLUS, 17534 Roc:tlaster SL, Costa Mesa, above on• 8-3-94 s8357 118, Newport Beach, CA Pubft1hed N•wpon Beach- Prlya Kile Sprenger, ' sa37~ Sltphanle Un Clatk, 2

CONOO MINIUMS. 2253 Von l<atman Av• .. lf'Vloe, CA 92627 Thomu Hancock ~ Co11a Mau Druly Pilot ALI· 25568 Aragon Way Yorba E. Wilson, Costa Mesa, Mi1111n St .. IMne. CA 92715 CA 92714 . Gregory Mhur Fults, .am• Thi• italtment w11 flied PUBLIC NOTICE Deborah It Oenne', 61 gust 13, 20, 27, September Unda. CA 92687 ' PUBLIC NOTICE 92627

1 Erne11 Cohen, ~ Mat1Jn lmaglno P1u• Medical & u abov• W11h lh• County Clt<k of Acacia Tr" Une. lrvlne, 3 1994 This bu•lneu Is con- Thi• bu1 ness Is co St , lrvln•. CA 92715 Office S'•rvlcea, Inc., (Call· Suzann• Marl• Fulta, same Orang• County on August flc tltloua CA 92715 ' · s 1332 ducted by an Individual Fl~tll loua dueled by: an lnd1vidua.I Edward Morrfa lltael, 8014 fotnl•/· \7534 Von Karman H abOve 5 199-6 lusln••• H• m• Thi• buslnHt 11 con- The r•glslrantt com. au1lne11 Nam• Th• regl•trant(s) co Halm Ave, Loi AllgelH. Ave .. tvlne, CA 92714 Thi• bu1ln•11 Is c:on· • F8178 54 Statem ent dueled by: an Individual PUBLIC NOTICE mel'ICad lo transact busl· Slat emen t menced lo transact bu CA 90058 This bu1lnas1 I• con- dueled by hii1b&nd and P bl Md N """ B I\. Th• 1oll01Hlng 1)9ftonS .,, Th• regl1ttant(•) oom- ntss under the f1c1111ous , Th• touowlng, persons 111e ness under the F1ct1110 Thia buslntH la con- ducted by: a COtPOflllon Wife u 11 ":· eac doing business H : mel'ICad lo trannc1 busl· Flotltlou a business name(s) listed doln9 business as· BuslnH• Name(s) lisl ducted by: 1 limited part· The reglsllant(s) com- Th• r•gletranl• com· Costa M• .. Dally Pilot Au- CAMEO HOUSE OF FINE neu undet the Achtlous BualnHa N•me above on: nit PREMIUM PRODUCTS , abOv• on: not apphcablo nersh1p menC.O lo transact bull· menced io 1ranuc1 busl- gust 13, 20, 27, September PHOTOGRAPHY, 275 E. Bu1lneu Nam•(•) hsted St atem•nt Prlya l<al•Sprenger 384 E. 16th Stieet, Costa Stephani• Un Clatk Th• registrant(•) com. ne11 under ti)• Acilllous neu under the fic:\ltlous 3, 11194. Baker Street, Coata Mesa, above on: February 1983 Th• tollowlng persons .,, Thlt statement was file~ Mesa, CA 92627 This 1ta1emant was Ill monced to transact busi. Busln•H Nama(s) llaled bu•lnt11 nam•(•) listed Sa328 CA 92626 Deborah K. Denn•' doing business a.: with th• County Clerk ol G. David lapin, 384 E. with the County Clerk nan under th• Flcti11ou1 above on: 11·2&-86 aboll• on: n/1 PUBLIC NOTICE Robert J. Walker, 2176 Tills siatem•nt was filed KNOWLETON REALTY, Orange County on August 16th Slr,eet, Costa Mesa, 01ange County on Aug1.1 Bualneu Name(•) listed Imaging Plus Medical & Suzanne fuh• Santa Ana Ava.. Colla with th• County Clerk or 2591 Bayshore or .• New- 18, 1994 CA 92627 l6, 1'!94. above on: July 23, 1994 Offlc• SeMc:et Inc., Rich- This stat•ment was filed Mesa, CA 92627 Orange County on July 29, port Beach, Cal. 92663 F81 81 9 7 Thia business 11 con- Fe 1895 Ernest Conen 111d Van OVk• ·President with the County Clerlc of Flctllloui Thi• bualn•u Is con· 1994 Grant l<nowleton Wiese, Published Newport Beach· ducted bf an lndrvtdual Publ1sh•d Newport Beac Th11 statement was filed Thll •taltment wu filed Orange County on August Bus lne11 Heme ducted by: an lndlvidual F8 17 148 2591 Bayshore Newport Costa Mesa Daily Pilot AU· The 1•gis1rant (S) com· Costa Mesa DllllY Pilot A with the County Cltrk of with th• County Cltfk of 12, 1994. , St•t•m•nt Th• registrant(•) com· Published N-port Beach· Beach. CA 92663 minced 10 uansact Dusi· usl 27 September 2 Orani;ie County on August Orang• Countv on August F818884 Tht following persons are menced 10 transact bus!- Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Au· This business . Is con· gust 20• 27· September 3• ness under th• F1c1tt1ous ~6 1994' 09, t994 16, 1994. · Pubhshed Newport Beach· doing bus!r•ss H : ness ·under 111• F1c11Uou1 gust 27 September 2 9 ducted by; an lnd1vldual lO, 1994· Sa361 Business Name(sl hsted ' · sa4

F818308 f818942 C M 0811 Pil 1 A THE RIGnT TOUCH INTE· Business Name(s) listed ' ' • The reglstrant(s) com. abdve on· n/a Published Newport Beach· Published Newport Beach- 0111 "' Y 0 u· RIOA DESIGN, 6461 Morn· above on: 1964 · Oec. 16• 1994• menced to transaC1 busl· G. Oav1c1\.apln PUBLIC NOTICE

Cos11 Masa o11ty Pilot Au- Costa Meu Daily Piiot Au- guat 20• 27• September 3• lngsld• Or .. Hunllngton Robert J. WIMl.er Sa410 ness uf\der the Flc1111ous PUBLIC NOTICE Thia statement was liled1---------gusl 27, Septambtr 2, 9, gust 27, September 2, 9, to, 1994. Beach, CA 92648 T.his statement was filed PUBLIC NOTICE Businesa Name(s) list.a Fictitious with the County Cler~ ot Flctltloua •

16. 1994. 16, 1994. Sa349 S11ph1nl1 Lynn Kraut, With Iha County Clerk of abov• on: n/a B uslnH• Ham• 013nge County on August Bu1lnH1 Heme Sl393 Sa408 PUBLIC NOTICE ~61 Morn~s1d• Or .• Hun- Orang• County on August flctltloua Grant Wiese • - St t t t9, 1994 Stet•m•n t

tington Beach, CA 92648 19, 1994 8 1 H This statement was ltled • •m• n F81937 1 T f II I _ P_l_L_O_T_C_LA_ S_S-IF_l_E_D-1 DUBLIC NOTICE This bu1ine11 I• con· F& 19 3 78 ,,. nH• •m• with lht County Cle k I The following persons are he o o.v. ng persons 11

f" Flctltlou1 dueled by· an lndlvidual Statement 0 C r 0 doing business as: PublJshed Newport Beach· doing bu11neu as: H'a the solullon you're Flctltloua Bu1lne11 N• m• The reg.lstrant(a) com· Published Newport Beach· The following persons are 5 '~~! ounl)' on August WHITE ROSE UMOU· Costa Mesa. Daily P1lol Au· A COOLER COMPAN aoerching for • whelh· Buslne•• Heme Stetement menced to transact busl· Costa Mesa Dally P1lo1 Au· doing business as: • ' F 7 SINES, 220 N. Tustin Ave. gust 27, Sep1embor 2. 9, 21065 Providence, La~ •r you're ae•klng • ... Th• tollowing persons art ness under the Fietillous gust 27, September 2, 9, MOORE & EVEATTS 81 8 5 1 Santa Ana. CA 92705 16, 1994 Forest, CA 92630 home, an apartment, St•t•ment dorng business••· B1;1slnHI Name(s) lrsted 16, \994. HOME TEAM CONSTRUC· Published Newport 8each· Leod~Mid Salas, \249 s Sa380 Gregory M Aardtm a new occupation or Th• follow no persons ate PCH FINANCIAL. 6208 w. abOv• on ......_94 s11369 TION & ROOFING, 11630 Costa Mesa OaJly Pilot Au- B11ch St , Santa Ana, CA same ev•n a stray pet. doing buslneu u: Pacific Coast Hlgtiway s L l<taus Warner Ave., 1509, Foun- gust 13, 20, 27, Soptemb~ 92707 PUBLIC NOTICE Helene T. Aardema, same

SURF AIDERS ONLY. 80 Newport Beac:h. cA 92663: This atalement was flied PUBLIC NOTICE taln Valley. CA 92708 3. 1994 This business 11 con· This bu11ness . Is co Hunlrnglon SI., 1430. Hun- 1924 With the County Clerk of Michael David Moore, sa333 ducted by: an individual Flctltloua ducted by: an ind1v1d1.1a1 lington Beach, CA 92848 Ronald B. Caballero, Orange County on Augual Flctltloua 11630 Warner Ave .. Foun· The reglstrant(s) eom- Bu1lne11 Name The regl1trant(s) co

888 Jon M. Overmyer. 80 Hun- 17011 GragmO'\I St., Co- 2, 11194 Busln••• Heme taln Valley, CA 92706 PUBLIC NOTICE menced Jo transact busl· St at ement mencod to transact bus tlngton St.. 1430, Hu vina CA 9 1722 flt 7402 Stetement Thi• buslneu I• con· ness un er Iha Fietltious Th• 1011ow1ng per1on1 are ness under the F1cllllou

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil llnglon 8Hch, CA 112648 Thti busln•H ts con- p bl hed N ...,.,. B I\. The tolloWlng persons are ducted by: an 11\dlvldual Flctltloua Business Nam•(•) hst•d doing busrness as· Busln•n Nam•(s) 1111• OBITUARY

MASHBURN Nyl• Sch1fhau111f, 3240 ducted by 1 limited part• u 15 ew,,.... eac doing business as: Th• registrant(•) com- Bu1lne11 N• m• at>ov• on: 8-12·94 GALAXY CAFFE, 31103·13 above on 7·1\ ·94 Mlc:hlgan, Calta Mesa, CA oerlhJp · Costa MHa Dally Pilot Au· STONE CREATIONS 1800 menced to transact bus!· Statemen t Leod90arld Silas Rancho Vie10 Rd San Gregory M. Aatdema

Edna Louie• 112m The r9glatrant(•) com- guat 13, 20, 27, September Quall Strut. N•wport neu undt< Iha Ac;tillous The tollow1ng~rson1 111 Th11 11atemtnt was filed Juan Capistrano. CA 0

92675 Tl\11 tlal•m•nt was hit M•ahb um Past•d Thia bualneu la con- menctdto tranaae1 bvsl· 3, 11194. Beach, CA 92660 Business Nam•(•) listed doing business 1: With th• County Clerk ol O•nyce Flaum. 30461 Mar· with Iha Coun1y Cleik

away on TuHday. Au· ducted by: •general part· "'" under th• fictitious Sa339 Newpott Interior Remodel· abov• on: May 211, 1890 WAY CONS RUCTION Orange County on August bella Vista. Sin Juan Cap. Or,ange Counsy on Augu gust 23rd, 1994 In netsh.lp builn•n nam•(•) nated era (CA), 1800 Quail Stteet, Mlk• Moore SERVICES. 312 Carnation, 12, 1994. ISllano, CA 92675 l6, 1994 Newpot1 Beach , Call· Th• r•ic,1tranl(1) com- above on: nit PUBLIC NOTICE N•wpon Beach, CA 92660 This atalement wu filed Corona del Mar, CA 92625 F81 8850 This business 11 con· F81895 1ornla. Sha wu •rail· menced tr:sact busf.. Ronald B. Cablll•ro Fl tJU u This bu1ln1u I• con· with th• County Clerk ol David L•roy Way, 312 Cit· Published Newport Beach· ductad by. Joint ventur• Published Newport Beac den t of Newport ~IM undefN I ( F1~•iOU: Thi• italtmtfll wat f4ed

8 1 ° 0N • ducted by: • corporalion Orange County on July 29, nation, Corona dtl Mar, CA Costa Meu Dally Pilot Au· Th• teglstrant(a) com- Costa Mesa Dally Piiot A

Beach ror 71 yaara. ua " ame • 1111 with the County Clerk of ua ne11 ame Th• reglatrant(s) com· 1994 92625 t 20 27 s 1 b 3 menced to 1tansact busi- gust 27 S.ptembtf 2 Sh • waa • ••If· above on: 7·25-94 Orang' County on August Sl•l•m•nt menced 10 transact bus!- • F8t7077 Tti ls busln•ss Is con- Qus • ' ep em er • ness under th• F1c1111ous 1 ' · employed homemal<er ~· S~~ftlausar filed 9, t994. The following persO"• are 11111 under the Flctitiou1 Publlahed Newport Beach· ducted by: an lndivldual IO, 1994· SaJ62 Business Nam1(1) listed


1994· Sa40

for 60 yeara. witn' ~a ~ment w~r k 1 F8 t 8200 doing buslneu .. : Buslneas Name(s) llsted Costa Mesa Dally Pilot Au- Th• r•glstrant(s) com· abova on: n/a Pl & 0 1 Of S I • ounty 8f o p bll had N ort B h IMPERIAL CONSTRUC· abov• on: 8·17·94· 8 13 20 27 1994 menced 10 transact busf. PUBLIC NOTICE Oenyce Flaum . PUBUC NOTICE 1 ·~·

0 a•

1 .,. Orang• Counry on July 29, u 5 •wp eac • TION CONSULTANTS, 11421 Newport lnierlor Remodel· guit • • • • · ness under the Flclltlous This sta1em1nt w11 flledt---------

v ce. ravea de at 1994 Costa M•sa Dally Pllol Au- H1tcourt Cir., Huntington ers, Ja.n Dee, SKr•lllfY Sa310 Business Name(s) lilted flctltloua ...,1th tht County Cl••k ol Fictitious Fairhaven, TuH<Say, F8t882t gull 20, 'Tl, S.ptam,!-* 3, Beach, CA 92648 This s1a11ment was flle<S PUBLIC NOTICE above on· 1982 B uslnet1 Nam• Otange County on August Busln•H H•m• August 30th, 1994 al Publlthed Newpor1 Beach- 10, 1994. Dawn Saldi, 11421 H11cour1 with the County Clerk of David L Way 19 \994 11 :30AM . Interment: Costa M ... Dally PllOI ""' Sa356 Clf., Huntlnglon Beach, CA Orange County on August • Flc t l tloua Thi• •la\emenl was filed .. Stetement ' F6 19379 &t•l • ment Fairhaven Memorlal 92648 UI. 1994 with the c unt Cl k 1 The follov.1ng persons are Tht tollov.1.ng persons er Park on August 30th gust e, 13, 20. 27, 11194. PUBLIC NOTICE Thi • bualneu Is con· • F8t93&4 BualnaH N•m• Orang• C~nty Yon :~gu~l doing bus1ntss as· Pubhstied Newpo(1 Beach· doing business as: 1994 Survlvora· She Sa318 ducted by an lndMdual Statement 5 1994 THIRD MILLENNIUM, 947 Coala Mosa Dally Pilot Av· R J.C CONSULTING, 91 la widowed and .hu • PUBLIC NOTICE Fic titiou s The ragl•tranl• com· Publlshed Newport .Beach· The following persons are • Ft11l&SO W. 1811'1 St., Costa Mesa. gust 27, Sepl•rnbor 2, 9, Mulrll•ld Or . Newpor dau hlei Mra Lorena BualneH N•m• m•nced 10 lranHct busl· Costa MtH Dally Piiot Au· dolng business .. : CA 92627 t6, t1194. Beach, CA 92660 Bruoaau' or · Coa te Flctltloua S tatement ness undtf the fic;t111ous gust ~7. September 2, 9, MATO. 709 Goldenrod, Published NtwROrt Beach· Bohdan Geo1ge Sacharov, sa384 Robert Jay Col1een. 91 M•sa C. 4 0

and Builn•H Neme Th• followlng persons.,. bu•lnHI name(s) listed 16, 1994. Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Au· 2099- Monrovia, Costa PUBLIC NOTICE Muuheld Or ., Newpor Child • n " d

2 r ; a t t enw1 t d01ng buslnest as: 1bove on; not applicable Si373 Charlet Fisher Ill, 709 gust \3, 20, 27. September Mesa, Ca 92627 Beach, CA 112660

re an grea • n SOLSTICE 514 Allio Ave oawn Saidi Goldenrod. Corona d•I 3 1994 Thi• buslnau Is con· Hus buslf\•ts ls con grandchildren. The following pe~son· .,. New rt eeach CA 92663 ' Thi• llaltmenl was Med PUBLIC NOTICE Mar. CA 92625 . S0\334 ducted by· an lndMdual FlctltlOUI dueled by: an 1nd1vldual

dot~ bualness as. Jen!:ift< L McKa 514 with the county Clftrk ol Ron Ragusa, sam• u The reglstrant(s) com· Bualne11 Nema The r•g lstranl(s) com

1~1~ : rRf~tP<f~~~~J-~· Allto Avenue, N~:...,porl Orang• County on August Flc tltloua above PUBLIC NOTICE menoed to transact bus•· Statement • menc•d to ltansact bu11 • Beach CA 92643 1 11194 Buelnau Nam• This buslneu 11 con· neu under the F1ct1tlous Th• lollowlng pelsons are ness under the Flc1111ou

~~A ~;~J11 St. , Santa Ana Q. Clandola, 26482 ' . f8t8199 St•temant ducte~ by: a general part· flc lltloua Business Name(s) tasted c101ng business at ' BustneU Name(a) lisle Th v T M1kanos M ulon Vi•Jo CA p bf hed N rt B h The follOWlng person• ar• nersh1p Bualn•H Name above on. nf• SHEEHAN SERVICES 210 abov• on 8-11·94

anti an ran, 51•3.C 112692 ' ' u 11 8WJ>O •ac • doing buslneu as: Th• reglstr1nt(1) com- St at trnent Bohdan Georg• Sacha1ov 62nd Street. N1w'por1 Robert Jay CoHeen W111 111 SL. Santa Ana, This buslnau Is con· Cotta Meu Da~y Pilot Au- FEDERAL YACHT & SHIP ~d to transact burl· The lotlowlng persons ar• This statement'> was liled Beach. CA 92663 This 5llltment was Iii•

HAatOl LAWM- CA 82703 ducted b : a CO< orellon bust 20, 27, S.plember 3, SALES. 3419 Via Udo, neu under th• F1c:t1t1ous doing busrness H : with the County Clerk of Paul H. Sheehan. 3202 w v.1tti the County Clerk o MOUNT Al- 7~nl~d Kl~g k ~omp;~~· Th• re~ lattan~(•) com· 10, 1994. #186, Newpol1 Beach, CA Business Nam•(s) listed TH~ CONFLICT RESOLU· Orange County on August Octanlront , Newport Orange County on l<ugus

..,.,,,.. 0 8 ' r., · mtnced 10 1tansacl busl· Sa355 92663 above on; nta TION GROUP, 112 High 12, 1994. Beach, CA 92663 \6, l 994 c-ert • MolMlly Newport S.ach, OA 112663 ness under th• Actltious Donald c. Anderson, Charles S. Fisher Ill Drive, Laguna Beach, CA f818852 Thl1 buslneu Is con· F81Q982

.. 5c;;:.:0·~.. J~!ci.~·~~ ~on- BuilnHs Nem•(sJ listed PUBLIC NOTICE 23741 M11lner Or., # 151, Thi• atalement WH filed 92651 Published Newport B_!!ch· dueled by: an 11\dlvldual Published Ntwpor1 Beach


5 GI-'- Th• r•g.letrant(:) c:m- 1bov1on: 8-17·9" fJc lltloua MonatCh 8'actt,-CA:92829 with th9 County Ct.nc of Elli• N9wm111, same Costa Mesa Dally Pilot Au- Th• r•glstran1(1) com· Costa MH• Da.ty Pilot Au

- manced to llannci bull· Jenntltf L McKay 8 1 N This bualnau . Is con- Ofang• County Of\ July 26. at>ove gust 20 27 September 3 menced 10 transact busr· gust 27 September 2 9 Costa Meaa und the Flc1 lo This statement w H filed us neH arna ducted by: .,, lnd1\/ldUll 1994 Thi• buslnest I• con· 1994 · ' n•ss under th• F1c1111ous 16 199 ' ' S.0-llM ~!Tneu .,N•m•(•) list~~ with 1tie County Cleik ol Stetemant Thit rtg latranl(s) com- F81&820 ducted by: an ln<lllllduel

10• · S Bustn•n Nam•(•) ltSled •

4• 5 4 •••••••••I •bov• on· n/a · Orange Counly on Al.IQVst Tha following l>eflOflS are menced \o transact busl· Published Newport Beach· Th• regl1lranl(1) com· 8384 abov• on: nl• a

Oanltl IC.. ThOmplOn , 111, 1994 dolnj, business u : ness under th• Flctillous Cotta Mesa Dally Piiot Au· monced 10 lrantact bual· PUBLIC NOTICE Paul Sh9'han PUBLIC NOTICE ,AC"1C VIEW Thi• atal•ment wa flied Fet9 382 HC , 407 39th SI .. • New· Buslne11 Nama(s) listed gual 6 13 20 27 1Qg4 nass under tile Fictitious Thia 1tatemenl was flied _______ __...__.

•MONAL tttAM with the eounry Ct~k 01 Publiahed Newpo11 B•.U.. port Beach, CA 92663 above on: 8118/94 • • · • 5~15 Busln•H Name(s) listed Flctltloua with the County Clerk ol Fictitious Cemetery • Mottua.v Of........,. Coun"' on "'ly 2• C M

0_11 p 1.,.. .... Steven A. Otan, same 11 DonaJd C. Ander•on above on: n/a BuslneH N•m• Orange County on August BualneH Name

-, --.· •1 "" '" 01ta MA -Y r ,,. ....,. above Thi• atat•rnenl wu filed PUBLIC NOTICE Elli• Newman \9, 1994 CMC* • <Aemalcwy 1994 gult 27, September 2. 9, LHll• Dean, um• as with Iha County Clerk of ~ •tal•menl was filed Stat emen t Flt9391 St•tement

3500 Peclflc View DrM F818825 1e 1994 at>ove Orang• C<Nnty on Augu.1 Fl J 1 With Iha County Clerk ot The following l*•ons are Th• foltowang P«Sont a1 ~ BMctl Publllhtd Newpott B•acn- ' · Sa3n Thia bualn•u 11 con- ie 1994 Bual:et.' .. 0Nu!-.- Orang• County on August doing bu1lne11 H : Pubhshed Newpon Btach- doing business as:

.....,.,.. Coeta MeN Dally Piiot AU· dueled by husband end ' , 819272 .. .,,... S, 1994 RICH'S PLACE 6900 knon Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Au· BENEFIEL FINANCIA ·······••lgual e 13 20 27 1Qg4 PUBLIC NOTICE Wit•. p bll h d N on B h Statement F8t7887 Ave .. Sulit H, Buena Patk, gust 27, Sept•mb•r 2, 9, COMPANY. 2861 1 Brookhll

• • • • · lht ttglatrant• com- u • • ewp aac • The followlng peraona 111 CA 90621 HS 1994 Rd .. Trabuco Canyon, C Plllll ...... lfUlllUWlY

________ s_a3_2_3 Flctltlo&1• menced 10 transact bull· Costa MH• Dally Piiot Au· doing buslneu ••: Publlshtd Newport Beach· Richard Thomas Canzano, ' · Sa388 92679 Bual ne .. Name neu under the fic;lltk>OI gull 27, S•ptember 2, II. PARAGON APPRAISAL. 9 Costa Mtll Dally Pilot Au· 21062 Redwood Lrt .. MIS· Jel1rey W. Benefiel, 28611

Ste t ement bualneu nam•(•) listed 16, 1994. Orchid, R.ancho Senta Mat· gusl 13, 20, 27, S•Pltmbtr slon Vle)o, CA 9269\ PUBLIC NOTICE Brookhlll Rd.. Tnbuc Overstocked with Morluery * Chapel Cremetlon 1tutt?

A call to Classlfled Wiii help

Th rollowl above on'. nJa Sa391 Qlflta, CA 92698 3, tQg4. Thi• bu1lne11 Is con- Canyon, CA 112679 dOln• buslne~ ::,.ona art Steven O•an D•nnls Norman VermHr, 9 Sa338 duoted by an lnd1v1dual Flctttlou a Tl'll• bu1ln111 Is co

BIK~ MAGAZINE, 33046 Sell your hom• ~~,~~~;.':c~~ ~~1~!~·c~a~~8 Santa Mat· PUBLIC NOTICE ~~:Ce~·p~•:::n~~cl cb~~: Bu:~~~=~:~;n• ~,,c!•clr:t:1 :::~~~(~f~o

t 10 Broadway Costa Me.a IQ-t11t 9 42·5878

8:!Tatr=d~ 9~;5 Juan through claHllled. Piiot Classlfled Thia buslneu 11 con· nass under tti• tlcllUous The tollowlng persons ate menced to transect bust S flf' P~bllcallon• 1 942-S078 842·5078 ducted by: an lndllildual flcUUoua buslneas name(s) h~led doing business as: ness under lh• Fl(:llhou

ur nc.. The registrant(•) com- 8 u1ln• •• Heme above on: n/1 VMS ~AKETING, 1281 Bu11n1u Nam1(s) list menctd to lranaact busl- St• t•m•nt Richald T. Can~ano Treasure l.n , Santa Ana. ebova on: May 14, 1990


BUSINESS?? . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ The Legal Department at the Daily Pilot is pleased :..-

f,Q anrwunce a new service nqw availabk f,Q new businesses.

~ wiU.1U1W SEARCH the name for yqu at no extra chargt, and sa~ you tht time and the trip to the Court House in Santa Ana. Thm of course, afor the searrh is comp/ded we wi/J fik your fictitiqus bu!inm name statemmt with the County Clerk, publish onct a week for four weeks as required by law and then file your proof of publication with the G.ounty Clerk.

PIMH stop by to fik your fictitious business sjlllmJmt at the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St, Costa Mesa. If you cannQt Mp by, pkase ca/J us at (714) 642-4321 and we wiU make armngmtents for you flJ handk this p~ by mail

If you shtnJd have any farther questiqns, please caU tu and we 1ui0 be tn(m ikzn glad fQ assist J<lU· GOtKi luck in Y'"r new busind

ness under lh• Flc11lious Th• following p•rson• are This statement wu filed CA 92705 Jeffrey W. Ben•f1el Business Name(•) l111ed doing business as: with the Couflty Clerk ol Vincent Maik SanF1hpp0, This 1ta11man1 wu Iii• above on: n/a TH~ GRAPHIC DEPART· Otange County on Augus1 1261 Tteasur• Lrt., Santa With the County ~lerk o D•MI• N. Verme•r MENT, 2924 Andros Slffft, 09, 1994. Ana, CA 92705 Orang• County on July 29, This 1t1temen1 was filed Costa M•H, CA 92626 F8 18195 Thi• buslnHs Is con· 1994 with Iha County Cieri< of Oouglaa M. Smith, 2924 P\lblished Newport Beach· ducted t>y: an lndivldui>I F817075 Orang• County on July 15, Andros St1ee1. Costa M•H, Coala Mesa Daily Pilot Au· Th• r•glslranl(s) com· Published N•wport Beach· 191M Cl< 92626 "uSI 20 27 Se"l•mber 3 menced lo tranaact bull· Colla M•u Oaily Pilot A

f8t 5705 This bu1ln1u 11 con- • ' • " ' ness under lh• Fie1t11ous Published Newport BHCh· dueled by: an lndlllldual 10• l994. Buslneu Nam•(•) !Isled QUSI 8· 13• 20•

27• 111~08 Co•ta MHa Dally Pilot Au· Th• ragl•lrant(a) com· Sa359 above on: 3·10-94 gus1 13 20 21 sept•mbec menceel to transact bu•I· PUBLIC NOTICE Vlnc•nt M. Sa.nF111ppo PUBLIC NOTICE

' • • ne11 undt< !he Acllllous Thi• statement w11 111ec1 1---------•• 3• 199-4. S 3 7

Bu1lne11 Name(•) ll1l1d Flc tltloua with the County Clerk ot Flc tllloua

1 ________ a_2 above on: IM·94 Bualn•H N•m• 011~ County on August B ualn••• N•m•

PUBLIC NOTICE ~~1=~~;,!';:111hwu filed St•tament 10

• 1

Fe 11399 Statement fJc tltloua with lh• Counry Cl•1k ol !r' follolwing persona ata Publ11hed NewpQrl Beach cl~,:':'~~;:~ ~sons .,.

•u1l.nff• Name ~r~ County on August te~VbEu~~~r:r 10230 Co&la MHI 011ty Pilot A; NEWPORT BEll.E PART· Stetement ' Fenae3 Warner #0, Fountain Val· gual 27, September 2. 9, NEAS. 30ll Palm St .. N•w·

Th• lollowlno pefl<>nl .,. l•Y CA 92708 18 19114 port B11ch, CA 92661 doing bu1lne1111: Publlsllad Newport Beach· Joyce Ev•lyn John•on, ' • Sl392 Jamt1 e. Watts, 3166 In-SNEAK PREVIEW, 204 Costa M•N Dally Pllo• Al.J. 10230 Warne< 10, Foun- cllnaro, San Cl•m•nlt. c Grand Canal, Newport gust 13, 20, 27, S•ptemt>er lain Valley. CA 92708 PUBLIC NOTICE 92673 Beach, CA 11~2 3, 1994 Thi• bu1ln111 11 con- This bu1lna11 la con-Pa~• I<. Obarsteln, 204 Sa338 ducted by: an Individual Flctltloua ducted by: a general pan Grand Canal, N•wpor1 the regl1tr1nl(1) com- BuslneH M•"'• nershrp Beach, CA 112"2 PUBLIC NOTICE menced to 111naact butl· S t•t•menl Th• r1g111ran1(1) co Thi• bueln811 11 con- neu und•r Iha FlclltlOus Th• 1olloWlng person• art menc•d to ttansact busl ducted by: an lndlvldual Flc tltlo&11 Bu1lnen Nam•(•) llsltd doing bu1lneu H : neu under lh• Flc:tlUou Th• r•gl•tr1n1(1) com- 8\l•lve•• N•~ abOv• on· not appllc•ble c o DALY LAW 500 New· Busln•11 Name(sj 1111 menced lo 1ran .. c1 bulf. Sl•t•m•nl Jove• E. John1or1 port c.nt•r D~..,.. su111 abOve on: 7·25·94 neH ,,,.,cier the fictitious The totlowlng ~on• .,, This staltmenl w11 tiled 830. Newport Beac;h, CA JamH E. Walla Bu•lne11 Nam•(•) ll•led doing t>uslneu aa: ...,nh tl)a Coonty Cl.,k of 112660 . Thi• •lal•ment wu fi abov• on: Aug. 12, 1994 GEO CONSULTING, 2790 Ofange County on July 29, c. 0. Daly. 312 JHl'M\e, Wlol._ the C0\11\ly Clerk 0 Pavla K. Ot>etateln Harbot BlVd, 1201, Cotta 1994 Corona del M11, CA 92625 tang• County on July 28 Thi• 1\altmem wa• filed M•H. CA 92626 ,. t 'U 7 3 Thi• bu1ln•11 I• con· l994 with Iha County Clerk ol Tanya LoulM O.rtln, 2869 Publi•h•d Newport Beach· ducted by: an Individual F8te8tl Ofange County on N.tgust El RIO Circle, Costa MtH, Coata MtH Oa~y Pilot Au· Th• r1g l1trant(s) com· Pu1>ll1hed N•wport e .. cll 5, 1994 CA 92628 t 27 S 1 ber 2 menced to ll•n»c1 bu•I· Costa Mt11 Dally Piiot A

••t7•51 Thi• bUtln•H I• con- g~ 1994' •P •m ' 11• n•n uf\der It'!• FlcllhOUI guat 6, 13, 20 21 1994 Publllhed Newpott e.acn. dueled by en lnc:IMdUll I • · BuslneH Nam•(•) llsted ' • Sa3l

Cotta Ma .. Daily p 1101 Au- The r•gl1trant1 com- Sa40ll at>Ovt on: M-19 gu11 13 20 21 Septtmbaf menctd 10 tranHct busJo PUBLIC NOTICE c. o. oaty :> 094 • ' ' flffl 1.1nd•r the llettllou• Thia alaftment wal trltd

• 1 · S buelntu nam•(•) ll•t•d " c tltlou• w1tn the County Cl•rk 01

1 ________ •_3_30 •bov• on:

8t · t·94 aualn•• • N•m• Ortno• County on Augu11

Pu.Lie .. OTICrr Tanya L atlln 10. 1994 " 5 Th•• atattmant """ filed ltalement Fe t 8041

FICltJtloue Yrllh Iha County Clerk 01 dThe tollOWlng pa!tonl art Pubh•hecl Ne...,..,..,. BHCh-•. . Orano• County on Augu11 ()Ing busineu 11 ,..... • -atMM Nam. \, \~. INE~ INTERIORS, 88 COii.i Mth Dtlly P110I AU-

State..-.nl nn2 u Shaarwater Ptact, Newport guJJ 27. Sepleml>tf 2, II, Th• f<>I~ !*ION art Beach, CA 112660 10. 1Qg4.

CIOlng b\.lslnffs H ' Published Newport BHCh• lne McKen~le. ea Shtar• LAI/ENDER ASSOCIATES. COlll M•sa Oally Piiot Au- waler Pl., Ntwport Otach, ----.....;.;.:..'I __ Sa3;...;;.;;..;...;


3151 Alrw1y Av..-iue J2, gust 20, 21', Stpl•ml>ef 3, CA 916CIO Coata M .... CA 8242• 10, 1994. fhta bu1lnH1 11 con. Overatocked with Darl*M Lavene!«, 191& Sa35.3 ductW by: tn lrld1vldual atutn Coutt Av• • Nawport Wh ,. ... 1.. 'N Th• reg111r1n1(1) corn. A call to ea.en, CA 9ate3 Y P Y n .,e ~ •o lranaact t>ulf. ,.., 1n Thia bu•ln•H I• con- Seek with chlldcar•? neu undef the Fte1•1lous -..ass td ducted by- .,, lnc:llVlduat Call The l'llot 10deyl lualntu N•m•(•) ltated wUI help The reg111rant(1) com· ·842·5811 Ibo..,. on: nl• __ ...::itt,;4:u2i:.;·.::1l:Jif:.:!..118~-

• •

Get to the basle

J\BC' Attfo,

baM:m nt, and clo

then get otne ca1h.


• I ,.






. . Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot - Saturday, August 27, 1994 as _PUllUii;iiC;A;NO~T;-IC_E __ , __ PU~l;;:Ll:;;,C~NO=Tl~IC:.:E:__.1-..!PU~IU~C~N~O~T~IC:!E_ PUBLIC 'fOTIC! PUIUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUILIC NOTICE PUILIC NOTICE

11uZ........._....._ -...=.'°::.. ' .:. fiatlUou• ' FlottticM.19 Flcttt'-ua '1ottttou• flcllttou• flcUtlou• flcUtJou• ' Flctldou• · 1 .. 1....nt aa.to--.t -etno.e .. ..._. helneu Name au91neu Name •Maino.• Name 8YalneH Namo BY•tn.H Nam• 8YalnoH Name 8ualno•• Name

Tiie folOWinQ peiwne .,. The following l*ton• .,. ltatOIMftt ltatomont , .. ,...,., ll•tomont ltotomont ltotomont Stoto.-..nt ltato--.t dolnO bUt'nM• H ' doing bu111Wu .,. d The ~!~ P9flON art The IO!lo-#lng l*IOnS art The following S*M>nl .,, lht tollowing pereon• 1111 T"- follo ig pertol\1 1111 Thi 1o1io ... 1ng penona a11 Ttit toUo•ing Piiion> • Tnt 1o11o .. 1t1g P"SOfl• a• [)()GOIE DENTAL CARE DESIGN BY y oing .,......,.., u · dolna bulineat u · doitlo bl.lt4n0st as: dQtnO bu1lne11 as• doing busln111 H doing t>us\ri.u u doing bu11n1u H ' doeng b1.111ntss u ·

STEM , .... PQl1 t(j 2872 Bo l NEnE. KAAS l us, 2002 s M11n JEF~ BODNAR PHOTOG· AUSTIN FAAM•NO, 20n AUTO BY TEL. 11111 Sand· MU$1CIANS MUSIC, 16027 GRANO TOY ' Gin, 2020 GRAPHIC l l l\4[$ co~. MOU.ERNEE CONS Lf· :ny Pl ', Now~ eoac":t PQ11Bo~:11~ NM• ~::;:;CA 112707 RAPHY, 1588A Ctr1w1y W1Jlaeo 13, Cotti Mosa, cutlt Or., COfona ct• t.411, 8rookhUtll Slh Founta.n N G•and A•• .. 11~ Sallla SUL TING, 2811 La)i11ytt!t , ING 202 SolJ!llor~. II • CA 02660 Lynette Berg, aamo

11 p Mokn, 550 Or , Costa Mtll, CA 92628 CA 92627 CA 92625 Va ey, CA 112708 Alla CA 92701 Nt"'pe>n 8oach CA 112663 Mt, CA llVU

Jll'lltl Brtwtt, HMS Pon I.bow H~~~ cf:~;· Anaheim Jtllrty Otvld Bodner, Roben Austin Bull Jr., Plltr Royce Elht , 1111 Jamu PMl p Tom1k. 822 Jong Saog LH , 17018 E Jut I A t.1att•on. 315 It• Nori Mall"f\ff 1am1 H Klmbtrly Pl., Newport Thi• bualno1t 11 con- Thi b

1 1586A C1raway Or . CQtll 20n Wallace 13, Costa Sandc11111, Corona dtl P-Jo Hvylaff Lant, S n11 ColilT'.a Ro •64 . Hac•tnda land A.1 , 81tbo1, CA Ibo••

811Ch CA 92860 dUC1ed by an lnd1•1d al • UI ntH It con- Mell, CA 112826 Mesa, CA 92827 Mii, CA 112625 !:!t'.· CA 112703 ~l'lls , CA 111745 &ZUt Thi• bus nest ,, con-Thi• ' bu1lnH1 11 con- The regl ttrenta u com- ~~Id by·, an lnd(ivldual Thtt busln111 It con- Tl'l l • butlntss 11 con- Thi• buslneu 11 con- Thi• business 11 con- lf'i • bus1n1n I• COl')o Thia bin ntH 11 con- ouctld tiy· '" 1nc1.llld.,a1 dl>Cled by: an lndi'ltdual mtnced 10 Iran • rtg 1tran1 • l com- dUC'led by· an lnd1v1dual ducted by. an lndtvldual ducted bt: an lncl1'11dual dueltd bf' an Ind dwal duct~ by; an inCI •1dull dUC1ed by , ., lnd1.'\cl,.a' T111 rtg•1trant(1) com· Th• reg fllrtnl(t) com- neu undtr the11~C1•::sl· mtneedndlo transact bull· The rtglllranl(t) com- The rtglSlrant(s) com- Tht rtg11trant (t) com- lht rtgl5ttant(s) com.· Tht reg atr1nt(t) com- Tht reg llrtnt(s) com· meoc:ed to tran11ct b .. s.

enced lo transact bull· buslntu n . us °'" u " lhl F1e1111ous mtnc:Od 10 transact busl· ~ to transact busl· menced lo 111n11ct bull- met1eed to ttan5ICI bust· menc.ci Jo 11an11ct bUi!· rrenc.ci to ttanutt bus!- ness i.;rui., tt:i• F1tt:ti0 .. 1 :u under tho Fk:titk>us ibovo on· ,,.!&:<•> listed Bu11ne11 Namt(s) llstld neu undtr the F1ct1t10u1 nest undtf the Fielitious ~SI under lht F1clitt0u1 nhs undtr lht FIC11t.01Js neu unatr th• Ficl1hout neu und 1 th• F1cl 1.out s ... a.neu Namtls) list&d eusln•H Nam•(•l llllld Lyn1n1 Btrg a:o;• ~· 8-116-i4 Bu1ln111 N•m•(•) llSIOd Business Name(s) listed Bus1n111 Namt(I ) l11ttd Business Nam•(•) l1SllO Bus1nHs NamtlS) t.s!ld eu, ntu t~amt(s) liSled iJl>Oill 01'1' J;J'y 27. 1994

bo\lt on· Not appllcable Thie 11111 t • Z1 Amr Mokrl above on 7·27·94 11>ove on: n 1 1boY1 on 7·2S-94 tboV• on• Dec tst 1989 at>ovt on n a abO•t on r 1 t. ora .Ma tmet ~lmH Brtwor wilh lhe Cmtn was filed This ltaltment w11 filed Jeffrey 0 Bodnar Robert Auslln Butt, Jr Ptlt R Ell11 J1m11 P, Tomak Jon~ Sang Let J"'ht A M1t11on Tn s lllllfTllfll was f, eo This ttattmont wH flied Orange c ounty Clerk of with tti. County Cline of Thi• 11111m1n1 was filed Tl'lls 1t111men1 was filed This 11111men1 w11 filed Ttus 1t11em1nt .,.,., f1llO This 1t.at1men1 "'Iii I ·•O lhlS 1lat1m nt wu t led .,, h llil Counti' C fl k ol with thO County Cttrk 01 5 1994 oonly on Augus1 o;~ County on Augu11 with lht County Clerk ol with th• County Clerk of with tht County Clerk ol with 11)1 County Cieri\ o~ with 11'11 Countf Cle1 ~ 01 ""1th tr1e Count1 Oen• ol Orange Counly on Jiilv 29 Orange Coonty on July 26 ' ' F

817885 1 • 1 Orange County bn July 29, Orange County on July 29, Orange County on July 28, Orange County on July 26 Orange County on Julf 28 011ng1 County on Ju; 29, 1994

1994 ' F819388 1994 1994 1994 11194 199'4 1994 F81707t F818e1 7 Publlthtd NMport Beach· Published Newport S11ch· F817078 F817072 F818812 F818830 F818823 F817079 p.,01is11ed N ... po,, sea n

Published Newport $t1ch· Cottta2~est Dally Pilot Au· Costa M111 Dally Pilot Au. Published Newport B11ch· Publtshld Newport Beach· Publlthed Newport Beach· Publlshtd Newport Beach· Published Newp •t Beach P..tbl1sl'ltd r.ewpon B111tr1- Costa Men Oa'dy p , 01 Au Costa MtH Dally Pllol Au- ~~11994 27• September 3 , gu$1 27, Seplember 2 , 9, Costa Mtu Diiiy Pilot Au- Cotti Mesa Dally Pilot Au· Costa Mesa Dally Pilot Au- Costa Men Daily Pilot AU· Costa Mesa 0..ty P1101 A...- Co1>11 MtH na.1, Pilot Au• gu,l 6 , 13 20. 27 1994 gust 8, 13, 20, 27, 1994. • · SaJS

2 16, 1994. , gust 6, 13, 20, 27, 1994 gust 6, 13. 20, 27, 1994. gust 6, 13, 20, 27, 1994. gust 6, 13, 20, 27. 1994. gust 6, 13 20. 27, 1994 gu1t 6 13, 20 27 1994 Sa307


Fictitious Flctltlou• Flctltloue Flctlfloys FlcUUou• flctltloua Flc:tltloYa Flctltloua Flctltlout Fictitious Buslneu Nomo

Buslno•• Namo Buslnesa Namo BYtlnoes Namo Bualn•H Namo BYtln•ts Namo 8utlneu Hem• 8Ytlneas Name BYslne11 Nim• Statement 8";1~•• N°:"o Statom.nt Statomont Stotement St81oment Statement Statement Statement Statement Tt1e to Ow•ng J*SOOt 110 Th• loll:.i~m:.~tont 111 d~~·~~ng19 1*19 •. sons art The lolloWing persons art Thi following l)tflons 111 Thi following persons 111 lht tollow1ng persons 111 The fot1ow1ng persons ate The fo.10...ing per,on' are Tht Jo ow g per5or.' 111 do "P. b"s ness as·

1 ..... doing buslneu as· dOlng buslneu b : doing business as: domg bus1ntH as· doing busineu as domg bus.otss as do.n~ ti ... s ·us n NE~. PORT MARr E1'1t-:G domg bUSntH as: ON· INE CONSULTING a) AERO bl ICONZ. 7271 20/20 FINANCllil GROUP, RAYFIELD ESTATE S, KIDS PUBLISHING INK .. POC, nl W. 191h 1K CLASS ACT CASINO, 1!>02 PAG COt.SLJLW.G SER 4870 · 1&tn St ,.L·306 ~ ;0~SSJ~!~DS, C~~~~ ~E. Barkley, Orange, CA 14, Elk Cir ., Huntington 485 E. 17th S1 , #351, 28611 Brookh1ll Rd., Tri· 2737 East Coast H1ghw1y, Coste Mesa. CA 92627 Pegasus St , Santa Ana VICES. 1011 C~tl Or,. Ne..,. 11.e..,pofl Beac• CA 92683

Mew CA 112627 " K 7 Btach, CA 92&47 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 buco Canyon, CA 92679 Corona dtl Mer, CA 92625 C1ra!lt En1erp11ses, Inc He.gl'llJ CA 92707 po11 Btaeh CA 9~t>G3 Patroc a E ene l gt !tr "'· oren M Kosteskl, 504 E. Donald George B1umea Donald R. Sanders, J1., Jtltrey W. Btnefltl. 28611 FrancH ~ Mul'llflla, 400 (CA). 771 W. 19th •K. Cyn1t1.1 8eaz11y, 1502 P1- P1111 A.eaandtr G"s: sa1u

Jerryl>OBrtan Macoy, •am• Blltlley, Ofange, CA 92667 same u above ' 1810 16th St.. I G304, Brookhlll Rd.. Trabuco H1llotrop1, Corona dtl Cos11 Mesa. CA 82627 gasus St S1nt1 Ar11 4450· 1 Via S1p;.;1.ee:1 S:i ra Tn s ti.,:..nus Is C11n-as 1 Vt Thie butlneu 11 con- Thia buslntn It con- Newport B11ch, CA 92663 Canyon, CA 92679 t.111, CA 82625 Thi• business 1s con· He•;hu, CA 92707 ,.. O ego CA 9~12~ ci .. t't;l tly a"I lne. a .. al Thll' buslntn 11 con- dUC'led by: an lid1Yldual due11d by: an Individual Thi• bu1ln111 Is con- Thie business 11 con- Tl'llt bu11neu Is con- due11d by· 1 corporation This b1.1s1n111 is con- Th11 bu1 nen L' ccn· lhe reg istrant s) com·

ducted by an lndMdUll Tht rtg lstranl (s) com- The regl ttrant(s) com- ducted by: an Individual ducted by: an Individual duct•d by· an Individual Thi r1g15tran1(s) com· ducted b,-· an lndiv•d..tal duciid by 1n 1·1cs ifld.Ja mer,cecs 10 11aouct b"s Th• _! ' gt l •!!•nlt 1 cbom-

1 moncOd to tranuct busf· mencld 10 1ranue1 busl· The reg lttrant(t ) com- The reglslranl(s) com- Tl'l• r1g1strant(1) com- menctd 10 ttansact bus•· Tht reg1strant(s) com· lh• reg strantjs) com- reu .. n::;ir tnt Fict t O\J'

menc.... 0 uansac ut • ntH unc1... the FICIJtlOus ness und1t tho Fictitious mtnc9d lo transact busl· mtnced to transact busl· menced to t11ns1ct busl· nest under the F1ct11.ous menctd 10 tranHct bws • monceo to 111.,sac• D~sl· B ... s ~ess Name(s) ~lod nest Undlf lht( 1t1ct;~lou~ Buslnou N1m1(1) l isted Busintst Name(•) hstOd ""' undlf th• fie1111ovs ness undlf tl'l• FictJtlous ness under tl'lt F1ct1t1ous Bus.nest Name(s) I sted ness under th• Fict tious n u 11nC1e• 1111 Foe: t:o .. -s abO•.i on 1.22.9.; bu1in111 ~·i:,. • st• 1bov1 on: 7·t3-94 at>ove on: N 'A Butlntst Namt(s) Qsttd Business Name(s) listed Business Namt(s) listed abo•t on: n/1 Business N1m1(s) listeo Bus fll~S tJ1mt(s) I ste:J Pa:r.c a E Ullf\tef 1b0v1 on: 1 i. Koren M. Kotltskl Donald G Baume1 1bo'lt on: 1·1"94 abovt on: 7-28-94 1t>ov1 on· 7·1·94 Cira Ill Enter pus.es, Inc , above on· n. a aco.1 on· f\ a • Tn.s s1a:emen1 was Led .Jorry Maeoy Thie statement was filed Tl11S 1tat1m1nt was filed Donald R. Sandtrt, Jr. Jettrty W. B~fltf Frances Ann Mulvan1a Doug C11alll, President • Cyntl'l•a Beaz11y Pttt• C..ist "' th tt • Co..n1,- Cleo; o1 Thll ttat~nt wJ

1• flied ~Ith th• Counly Clerk ot with lht County Cl9'k of This 1ta1tment was filed This statement was filed This statement was l1ltd This statement v.as filed Th•S statement "'"' I .-d Th s r.tatemeN was ' · ed O•t.n~11 Cot.r.IJ' ori Jul) ~6

with the C . nty :rk ol Orange County on August Orange County on Augull wlth tht County Clerk ot with the Coonty Clerk of with the County Clerk ol with tht Countt Clerll of w•th tl'l• County Cieri< ot w1tl'l It·• CouNf Ci.- I 01 19s.; Orang• ounly on ugvst 111, 1~ 1.6, 11194 Orange Counly on July 29, Orange County on July 29, Orange County on July 28, Orange Coun1:1 on July 26 Orange County on J 'I 26 011no1 Co .. ri11 on Ju•y 26 f8HUl28 .. ~ 16. l994. F818388 F818947 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1!194 Publ shed !1.to1.po 6 a,t,

F818914 Published Newport Beach· Published Newport Bt1ch· F817070 FS17078 F818815 F616626 Fe16843 F618613 Cos1a M"sa Oa y Pilot;...,. Pubhshed Newport Btach· Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Au· Costa Mesa Deily Pilot Au- Published Newport Beach· Pub~shed Newport Beach· Published Newport Beach· Publ1slled Newport Beach· Published Newport B~a n Publ sh~d Nu.,iort Bta~h· gust 6 13 20 27 19~

Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Au- gust 27, September 2, 9, gust 27, September 2, 9, Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Au· Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Au· Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Au· Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Au· Costa Mesa Oa'l:f P,101. A .... C.ista Men Oa ly P1101 A'" Sa:l~2 gust 20, 27, St~tmbtr 3, 18, 11194. 16, 1994. gust 8, 13, 20, 27, 1994. gust 6, 13, 20, '27, 1994. gust 6, 13, 20, 27, 1994. gust 6, 13, 20 27 1994 gusl 6 13, 20, 27 1994 g ... s1 6 13 20, ~7 . 1994 Soll your home 10, 1994. Sa381 Sa395 Sa304 Sa309 Sa312 Sa317 Sa~2C Sa34'~ through c lass1I od I

Sa347 642-~678



m 2102-2744

'II 27n 2900-2911

mlJ 29»3011




CllSSIFIED HOURS ~ Telephone 8arn-5:00pm : Monday-Friday

Walk-In 8:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday


Monday ............ Fnda) 5 OOpm T~y ............. Monda) 5.00pm Wedr}esday ....... Tuesda) 5:00pm ThuTh&y ........... \\ednesday 5:00pm Friday ................ Thlll"Sday 5:00pm

------icoSTA MESA 1024 NEWPORT CORONA HOUSES/ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BEACH 1069 DEL MAR




iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 2169

CONDOS llJUST LIST£Dll liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FOR SA.LE Ea1t1lde Picture per· Eastbluff

(0UA L to0ulil0Co Ol' l' O ll l '"'""

A11 ·u 1nllte1•nl'llWll 11111111 """''!Kr IS 1Mll1n t le lllf fed llM fH Ht111111t Act el 1MI II -••• wlliCJI ll\lkn 111111111 It MftlttSt " any ,,elcrenct ll111 lllll111 tr • 1scr11111n111111 lllse• 111 race. collf. rel191on, SCI, MA~IJ. llnllllllSUflll OI 111111111 qlll, •IA lllleDllOll 11 lllllla lllY 111tll ,rtlettnu .. ltmi· llllH., lllscr1m111111ea."

Tlua 11nn111per will nol .... "''"""',i uydftf1111• llltlll IOf IHI 111111 w111Cll II Ill 11ttlllt11 ol 1111 law Our 1114 ers 1u llere•r Informed 11111 111 llwslll1111 1•nn11d an tlll r .... ,.,., an ewell1•lt Oii IA "1111 .,,.iv1111y llaab. To com· llilla If ~ltll. caU HUD

lec:tl $439,000. Be th• rlrtt to aeel Ann or Suzann• 725·5128

GNbb & Ellls


2018 N. Capella Ct Mesa Verd• 4BA sgl aty compl remod, spa. upgrades. Inner street. $263 ,500. Heritage Inv. Pam 546-S880

Newport Coast Extra Nice 2bf-~a-au New a lngl • alory gar, fplc. lg deck, trig homu In Newport W/ D. Nr Fash 11 $1300 Co1St'• gated com· Bettina, Agt 854-8867 munlly ot Newport •JASMINE CREEK• Rldgo Estates, 3-4BR. 24 hr .. c . pools, ltn· 3Ba. UpgradH Incl nla, 3bd, 2ba. d in rm g r a n I t • k I t c h • n tom rm, $2700 mo counter tops, maple (310) 586· 1802 cabinets & front land·1---------------1caplng . For more In- Looking For A formation , c:all (714) Rental? 721-8809 Builder wl.11 c:o-op w /Bkra. Cell KIP

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Harbor Realty 673-4400 leHed Sun. Night to 3Bd·2Y.tBa·Npt North

h lghHt bidder I 3Bd· 1_v._1_11_u_._8_00._5_7_4-8 ___ soo ___ ----------------remod. ranch style on NO MONEY DOWNll COSTA MESA 2124 quiet cul-d•aac. Uv Homtl with View at ox· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii rm .w/1pl. d tn/fam rm. c:luslvo Harbor Hiii. 2Ba, Berber cpts & Ille 800-574-8500 fir.a. $2$9,000. Pre.via:

Sat/Sun 10-5 85o-4339 MOBILE

2BA 18A h11, gar, fncd bky~ . hkups, now pntl crpt/drps. $850 + dep. No drug/pet 374·1333

Reducodl 3Br w /huge HOMES 1100 3Bd·fam rm. 1Ba home. lam rm on 8100 s/1 R2 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii jusl painted! Encl gar. lot. $1 65K. 850-0943 OPEN SUN 1·.5 Quiet nghbrhd. $1050 Bkr Ed Van den Bouche 1845 Monrovia St, CM

1_m __ o_. _7_s_2_._2_B_e_1 ____ .,....

Beach Area 3Bd + den, 2Ba. 2 car, 2 Ip, lull v1ew1

Winter or Yrli $ 2500 mo. Donald Furn/Unfurnished Pfaff 642·9797 CB

1-4BR Incl Waterfront 1------------$825 to $3000 mo. Ea•tblutf 4Br 3 75Ba

VIII R t I hs• •cottage, bay vu 8 en 8 5 1·Sly, new pnt Jn out

675 4912 $2500 mo + sec: 2821 • Carob. PREM 543·9113

or call Mra Crane 619·


WINTER 1 BR (F) .......•••.••• $100 2BR oenfrt (F) • S 1000 2BR (F) ............ $1 300 3BR (F) ............ $1350

ANNUAL l BR Cndo (F) S"'l 200 3BR Duplex ....• $1 595

Prudential Logo


435-7900 •~ts wkndt QUARD QATEO

Communuy • 2Bd·den 2BA, avl 1mmed Furn or unfurn No pell N on-smkrt Ask ing $2300 Agt 759·3728

Harbor Vu Hma Palermo, huge yard

Avl Sept • $2900. 760·9672

HOME WITH VIEW at tKCluslvo Harbor Hiii • Newport Beach

800-574·8500, )

Tell·"" al 1·1G0·'2t·&SICL r. -------­... W..illfltll, oc n1 '""' NEWPORT

Gary. Tarbell Rltrs. 3br 2ba house w/o lc· --------------

HVH 3Br 2Ba. AC, nice lam hm, now cpt pool $1765/mo. 619·677· 048B, 714·759·0704

2 + 2 S22.5K 559-8451 Lg tncd yard, $1200 Peninsula Point Lg 3Br·2Ba s1 500 2br Fabulous 2·sty turn 2ba $1200 fp, ow, 2 home. 4 Bd-4Ba + 1pc gar ea 310-943"

Cute cozy 3br 2ba hsa, den, ocean view, o ll 2860 o r 714-631 ·7902

·Ult HUD IC 4U·J$00. BEACH l069 REAL ESTATE mo + dep. Oak SI. Small pet ok 545·5678

gar. lndry room. Oulel amenities. Ls• • v i LIDO BAYFRONT clean wea. 2165 State Sepl..July $3000/mo. Large 1 Br condo. 180

------ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii WANTED 1625


GOT A CAMPROUND Ave.#A. Nr bike tra1ll/ Wiii co-op w/Bkrt view of bay actlYllY & MEMBERaHIP bc:h. No pet Avl 8131 . 875-4912 mtnt New c:rpVwell

Lowest TIME~~n SIOOO/mo 909 57s-n97 V111a Rental• covering•. Ul1I Intl 3Bd·3'hBa condo, uv Priced 2·Sty We' ll ta.k• It. Amor· Eastslde S1450 negot 675·8786

rm, fem rm, d lno aroa, ' 5 l ' lea'• moat •ucceulul Cut• 2Bd·1Ba houso, -.,,...---,.....,..-.,,.----~ LIDO ISLE AJC. H c eye & morel Port tree I resort roHI• cloarlng.. hrdwd fire , garage. 2·Sty 3Bd·3Ba condo, 2 2Br 2Ba furn hm dbl S599.000. 676-!857 4BA·2 .5BA, lovely houH. Call AHort yard. 135 Cecil Pl. car alt gar, n/amkg, gar, W D So. patio

FORECLOSED private yard, movo-4n Solo• tnformallon $895 mo. Rita, Agt, no pets. Avl nowl $1 500 winter 675-4841 GOVERNMENT conc:tftlonl Toll Froo Hollin• Romax 64&-4316 S2000 mo. 589-0289 NEWPORT NORTH

HOMES 84().5884 1 .. 00-423-S9e7 1.,,,...---..,~....,...,--=-=---~ -------and proport.IH I HUO, Great E 'aldo 2br 2ba 2BR 2Y.tBa Npl Nonh VILLAS 38A·21hBa VA, ATC, etc. Llatlnga LLONGS OF 2 car gar, atv, dfw, tit• condo . Hardwood 800-574-8500 tor your aroa. Fln.ru:· NEWPORT floor• . n/peta. $11 00 noora, 2-car gar. Avail L"'N""'w __ p_t~H,...11...,.t-a-ch,...ar--m-1n-g Ing evallablo. Call In· HOUSES/ mo ... dep. 642-3985 911• 11400• 7o7•7583 3Br·2Bo, lam rm. gar, formation Se1vlcH CONDOS 3Bd·2Ba turn dplx, \>\ lg yd, trpl, $1650 Yr C a 11 To 11 F r o • .________ HUNTINGTON bfk bc:h, 1 blk UCI but IH. No pelt 548·5995

80<M38-6887 FOR RENT atop, •vi 9111-e/30. VIiia aetboa Ext. A· 1048 I•••••••- BEACH 2140 Gait 310-477-$455 2Br 28a , tonn l• .

•JASMINE CREEK• •REDUCED TO l&LL• .. _4_B_d--2-.-5B--a.--g-ua-,,-d--g_at_o_d poola, walk to beach Plane, 3BR 2\otBA. Boaut detached 3Br _ __...._ ______ CLUN, QUIET 1BR comm, pool & 1ennls ll300 Avail . 642-4957

Roctucod to $525,000 2 !A8a, FR, 7 yrs new, BALBOA Nr B·hur•l & Adams. $2,600 /mo. Barbara Ownor/Bkr. 844·9155 mint cond, AJC. comm PENINSULA 2107 W. / 0 , trig , pool, grnblt Hutchings 799--3718 Thinking 01 hovlng •

V to • to Bk garage eale? Op- • T poo •P•· • p $5~5/mo 54w 1 Is Glv• UI • colll .. N A 1-4 B •""2K. 7""1553 4br 2.5ba E'Bluff..1675 ay • .._ • .,. PILOT C' •aat .. t•D Contomp 2Bd·2Ba w / _ ............. ..,,.....,,,.....,,..,,,....,..,,,,.,.-: New 2br 2btl marbi. -------------- eq', •·lrg patio, d bl - .- •

atudto- A·2 lot '519K. LIVE AT THE BEACH , fplc , ceramic: tll• LAGUNA gat-grt atoa. Avl on or •42-M78 614 l..arktpur. Franklin W/ PAAKINQ POOL & k ltchoo/ba. 2 cloc:ka. beloro $-15, 840-1232 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~

R11y 940-1000 x309 JAcuZZJ. vEs 1T CAN 11400+ ut11. ua-.3301 1ucH 2148 .uvtu6Gi coNDo OPEN aUM 1-4 HAPPENI

227.esee ..OCUNl'ROMT• 2BCS-2Ba, w /d , greet

C~~ LM0u~•Jl ~.u!' & N-rt Coait SPECTACULAR Furn • httOlt hou.. 1oe1 Poot, epa. Kathy ........... ,.,... -.a • • .... ,..... 38d·2~8a uppor, • 3bf 2b0 Oceanvlow 788-6M1 or 282.e897

1 + 1 1479t< Franklin Oorgooua1 24~ faml~ frplc, gar, patio, wtnlet ~bk 2 bch-Juat romOd •

Rily 840-7000 X309 homH " owpo 11•75 mo 173-tlM3 11795 mo. ~5 c ... n A ~leht 48'

=~n!::V'",m ::: PILOT CLM•IPIU ShopsMg for • now ~B~~o:'p.:=~ Ovtratocked with

•wtn A call to


~ upet.oW• <Mn. II'• h eo1ut1on you're apw1ment'1 ctaulllod Avail 1/1. 722-e217 Of ... loCadOn on big ~Nne tor· wMth- Iota you comporo .-----,.--~--=~ COtNr toe. FOf mofe et you'l'9 ~ a C09ta • Wfthout hHM DeWftai81ri ~ 2Ba lnfofm911on a.II: Tt4o home, en ..,.ntnM. or wonyl dpbc, .... 4-c# gar,

No matter what you're doing, your hometown newspaper

ftta In.

BY PHONE (714) 642-567

BY FAX (7 l -t ) 631-6594

(Please includ" )OUf nan~ and phone number and \.\'L'U call )OU

bad. ,._;ch a pnce quote.)


330 West Ba) treel

c~ta Mesa CA 9'2627 (wn.r ot l\ewport BliJ o. Ba' St

Run your ad in the Newport Beach Costa Mesa Doily Pilot and the Huntington Beach Fountain Volley Independent to reach over 1 00 ,000 homes. Fox us this form with your credit card # or moil it in with a check today! Run for a week! If your car does not sell we'll run it ,, for another week FREE! All for $1 o·


Rate' and deJdlme' are 'ubJt!Ct to ch.mge \\. llhout nouce The publt,her re,en e ... the nght to cen ... or. recl:i...'>1f~. re' 1,e N re Jed .im d.i ...... 1fieu ad\ en1,cmen1 Plca ... e repon.an~ error' that ma~ be m ' our clac,.,1fied ad immed1'11el\ The Da11' Pilot~ The Independent accept no habi ht) fo r an~ error in an ad' ertl' .. ement tor ''hich i1 ma\ be re,ponc;1ble except for the 1.<hl \lf the 'Pa(t JCIUJJI) \.Xcup1ed h) the errN. Credit can onh be allo\\ed tor the fir...t in · ert1on

------·····--------------~ o rEs,sELL MY CAR

'*'one Cred t C01d \/\SA A.MX

• - ---------E'P- ,


-=-=· Ta t•M9. Bullff( a MW oceupdon Of P .. t C ... ...._ otepa to Ny a bNch. .. OOoOP .,.,.. ~ .... y .... .. .... 7. ., ...... ,,.,. 4531 tu. _____ ._,.., .... _______________________________ _




"' )ll •




In Rt II 11 gr J I

E N ·\r JU 0 !ii

t< Er .a. go •: 01


tc e~



cl it

. 11

Be Saturday, August 27, 1994

-----•I COSTA MESA 2824 LAGUNA NIWPOn' NIWPOIT UNTAU TO IUSIDSS OFFICE BUSINESS BUSINESS LOST • APARTMENTS 11ACB 2848 llACB 2HI llACB 2881 SIUUUI 2724 POI UNT 2781 OPPORTUNITY OPPOITUNlTY . •FOiiiUND-~~~~ POR RENT Cozy 1BR upatalr•. , _______ -------1·------ 2904 290 c•T ........ a ,

Vl!RY clean 6 qulel, CtlMmlnO N. End dplx BMCOn Bay-18A furn LIDO PUINaULA Na 2 mast« el• condO. Newport B•ach-OfflC4te ••&&iiiiliiiiiil =al•~ hair tabby new car~t a. drapM, 1BA·e1ove, frig , w/ d, 2 1925 uta pd. ao yda to 28d-1S., unite from Mature prof. MOO + ut. from $400. 4t9 Old Exec salH aU types '" ..... .,,, lg pool, nr fwya/shopa blkt to bc:h, ntamkt. bch, t..W., rw Harbor 1900·11300/mo. PV1 No<m, 831· 1120 e~ NewpOtl BIVd. Frank· -------•1 vldeoe. Find bu• tor gray and tan cok>f

GENERAL 2602 laundry tacllltlea. 1795 + MC 494-4e95 111.nd. 87&-7439 b•ac .. /Water fr onc . wknd·, 909-737-2522......, tin Alty 840-7000 x309 * Dlatrlbutor * k ml11lng alnce Augu Manager on premlsle. " .. , my camera cre'IN•ma • 1 at, Liv•• on 40 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil No appllcatlon '"·No ••USTaLUl'I'•• Avail 911 & 9/15. NB·N(S ehr 3Bd·2'hBa NWPI Bch·med/d•nt. Selling AH 15"- /deal 975·198e block ol Poppy Av Twnha atyle 2br 1.5b• 'pet1, please $550 rno. NEWPORT Uk• MW 2

1 BR·2BA· 2 710 Lido I' erk Dr hm gated comm w/ 2300 •q "· >dnt loc • I LOCAL RTE•24 Lo~•· enue In Corona de

AC WO hkupa .. nc gar 048·0392 car gar w opnr, frplc 714-el'3-e030 m.;lna 1 blk to bch cond Garden atrium. nventory tlons • Buy All Or Mar. Purple collar wit nr ~•tor trwv•. •hop• E'flld• 3+2 ttphc. Nu BEACH 2889 11025 mo 721-1180 • .._spm Mon.Sun $450 + utll• 722·7153° Ample pkg. 2et-&t&I AQt Due to Divorce Parl• Poulble S3K name " Ml11 l<ltty" an malls, In Orange. No pnt, Ip. gar, lndry, eml Exec 1br 1ba+ loft/ofc. 60oentront Wtntor NB·V•rv apacloua Back Sh•r• NB bayfront of· Moving-Must Hll by Wklye800·599·6769 J1ddr .. 1 lnlormallon. doga. 634·9115 yard S1000 rent. MP •1•R S829• Fu./copy eve avt. Min 2 tully fum unlle. 3Br Bay hH goll view lg flee w /abaenue Sept. 7thl Celu-Trlm Local Vending Rout• Call John/Nanc~~4)

amokere. 437·1712 2aR au S728'Up to Nwpt Ctr & Irv bus 2Ba, gar. 11500/$1800 yd, lrplc, w/d , m~ld, o7w11n7er0rS380500~m27°:9!,S0-7 Toning cream for Fast Cash Profit• 673-3

285• R• D

B kB Aef.I~' OUI' cmpbc. Walk to comm Call Katen, 434-1424 $485 mo. e :U-44SU 1 ____ ....;.....;...;._""..;........;..."'_• Inch Io s • · $2000/wk poH·FOR FOUND Small, brown,

BALBOA E'Stoe •c •W Spec Frig, d"~ vtg ,..t. shops, clnra, condltlonlng-t1·r-1ng , ~ 1BR /p tlo $595 , ..., -~ ............ --_.........,.,,,.- V•rv attractive ott1ces, "' SALE·(800)748·9841 older dog Newport ~LAND 2606 ~o. 32; ~nl~eralty lnel. 60x30 pool. No Pll ofc. Call 72a-.<>53 ST•l'S TO SAHD Npt •ch Br w/pvt bath, 3111 St' Cannery Vil· MAKE OFFER·(No COOr<IE OISTRIBUTOOSHIPI Blvd/S anta leabel ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil #D. No ~11 842·2818 peta. No l•H. No • The Piiot Clean 1 br.gar • lg gat, pool, spa, tennis, Iago near water, NB. r easonable ofter Restock Name Brand, Costa MeH 722·7140 • leaae 84._...89 Cl•••lft9CI deck·utll pd·no pet1. ocean view. $575+ 'h Rov Jackson 973.3733 refused!) Call evH/ Lrg remod 2Br 1 v.iaa, E'ald• Countrv Wd The moat comprehen. Clean. $750. 551·8554 utll. No pets. 722·8577 wkends 662·3508 or Earn S25K·75K Yr.Min. FOUND Woman's Swiss

tp. Frnch dr• to deck, 2Btf apll lvl w/thJdV 3BR 2Ba 1 blk to b .. t elve and curr•nt dlrec· Npt/•••lbluff·Cleanl•••••••• diiys 642.4 321 x 303 lnv.$6900 800-492·9121 wristwatch. In the Pa· xlra cloaetl, d/w, w/ d. $885. Fp, akylt, deck, bctl. New •verythlng. tory of good• and ••r· •••••••• nl• prol 35+. Furn, BUSINESS •- VENDING ROUTE: vllllon'• pkg lot . gar. $1350 y1ly 499-0321 no pets. 180 2111 St. Beam celling, deck, vie•• aroundl pvt bath, grnbll, gar. U1; ::::::::==:=:~I Great 2nd. Income & Plea•• call and

--------1.,,,,64,....,;;.s-.,..1...,184__,.or-=-84-5--:-954---:3 lndry. $1425. 65o-o943 MISCELI.AN!OUS $500 Inc util. 640-9272 PJNANCE ALAS . room to grow. Must Identi ty 844·9702

BALDOA E ' elde lg 1er. aml yard RENTALS KA J 0 8 SI Hll. 1·800-820·6782 FOUND1 Surfbo•rd 11 w 'pauo. Frig, trplc, ut111---------------- Prof N/S to 1h1 condo Earn up to $30,000 In VENDING·FANTASTIC On PCH at Superior In

PENINSULA 2607 Incl . 336 E . 20th. NEWPORT NEWPORT •••••••• near beach In NB. Pvt Three Months Fishing Local route. 400% Nwpt Beach, Friday, iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ' $775/mo. 548-6094 BEACH 2669 BEACH 2669 _______ ..,.._ ba, tennis, pool. 5495•-1-U-S_l_N_E_S_S____ Salmon. Also Con· profits. $l 200/Week August 19, AM. Call

l~!!!!i!!!!!!!l!!!!!iiJ!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 Incl utll 848-0784 atructlon• Cannerlea• potential. MUST SELL. 645·676"' Lare• 1 Br duplex w/ E ' eld• lrg 2Br 1 Ba, · 1__;;.,_;;_ _____ _ • ncl garage. Xlnt loc: besl area near Tustin RENTALS TO Seeking mature .prof OPPORTUNITY Oii Flelds• Plus More. 1·800·745-3358 LOST BUNNY

v rly $950/mo. 854· & 201h, '-w7d hkupa. "ti Ctl AfftrJ fl U"I II SHARE 2724 to •hr Back Bay hm. 2904 Ca~~1 ~ ~~~;:1~9• "TROUSl!RS" 39 13/d 723-05, 61• $750 + dep. 646·9906 f I • w Lfg br/pvt ba, atorage, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 24 hour a. Fee. Miniature F,.nctl Lop

H I lg yrd, tots of privacy. U CEMENTS Male with butterscotch

___ ,;._ ____ 1 Hom• Sweet om• N 2Br 2'hBa 2·•1Y w/attch $650/mo. 845-7021 The PHot NETWORK MKTNO ANNO N colorlng and • white CORONA 1BA Apts, 1paclou1, ewp1rt B11c•1 gar, w/d, pool. Gated Cl•Hlfl•d co. expanding In oc. apo11. Lo•t In Newport

poolslde, gated, close comm near bch. N/S. Th• moat comprehen· Need dis tributors. Beach, ln Jlhe vtclnlly DEL MAR 2&22 lo beach & shopping. $550+dep. 850-5273 I•••••••• slv• and current dlrec· Hoalth & beauty prod· ANNOUNCEMENTS of Oovw ahd Cumber· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Call for your new ad· COMMERCIAL tory 'Of goods and ser· UCls. Teaching & train· 2920 land on Sun. July 24th

Siu ~lo apt, ocoan vi·ew, dresa (71.4) 642·5858 CDM So. or PCH 2Br vices aroundl 1 1 o REAL ESTATE ng ocal. 650-6184 . at around noon.

pvt walk 10 beach. Lov•llf clean 2Br 1Ba, 288 10 ahare w/prol Please call<::'846-9604 ssso utll Incl. No gar, hkups. ~'side on non·smkr. Gar avall. I•••••••• --------i l•ndloeked dad & 2 --------k1tchon. 640.8066 • '!,'~:g;=~~.N~~~~2~::s W/D. $550. 675·7?13 •-B-U_S_l_N_E_S_S ____ BUSINESS '"ture yachtsmen


11nvcb. rw•JhDr, bka


85on BUSINESS OFFICE OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITY (4&6) seek small 1a11. shopping ror a new

COSTA MESA 2624 Npt Hght• garden llU· ~- 0 um ... ~eLlftl'll•ell boat to share with apartment? classlfled

dlo In duplex. Deck, prlv. N/S, drnk/drugs. FOR RENT 2769 2904 2904 owner. Tight t>udgel/ lets vou compare tum, Temp mo-to-mo. 0 Stdit, htZ841'1H Avl 9/1. 988·5341 happy to maintain costs· without hassle

Attr•otlv•, sh iny $500/mo. 631·7044 Apartm.nta O ,..,,/S.,../FlhulCutau boat. SC Grad, em· or worryl r- HB-Shr verv clean 3BR FRl!B OFFICE tor aml ployed In Nowport Piiot Cl•aalfl•d clean 2Br, w/patio, Spaciou• 2br lba VERY N B h O U..L .. JTu•'-/1·-L ........ •1/ ., r----------------l · ~001 , Ind"' tac . .$725 clean/qul•t·lg pool·bttl 1wport llC ,.- .. -· hse, pool table, Jae, :V• buslneH 111 )tchg for 6 • __ H_nv_e_r_er_s._s_s_2._1_03_e_.f--'--e_4_2_-s_e_7_a __

., s--J~tAI u1c.rt ml to bch, $400 mo; hra/Wk ••ctv aves. QC Independent -arbor v111os 546·9081 landscape, nr shops/ 180 lrviH Av11111 - •Y- 1 'h ullls. 538-3052 Airport area. 833·i278

lBR, 680 s/t . brlte & twya.No appllcallon 0 Ftll·T1 .. Aetiwltl11 TRAVEL AGENCY t>roozv upllrs, no pets foe. No pets, please 722-SSS$ Olrttt1t ploase, $640/mo. Low $650 mo. 949-03 82 0 HOTELS HOTELS _...~ St rt move-in 631-8427 1111111,,_.,,_ ,.., CMptntaSeHu & MOTELS 2118 & MOTELS 2718 a -up

'2BR·1BA COTTAGE RENT """-'•Mr#fll..,..,.,,.,.,,...... • , Encl pauo, washer #Onu,..,..,IH.I. Al~ We a sist in opening and dryor hkup, 00 pets. through classified sns mo 722·6294 __ _..;.,..____ SPECIAL WEEKLY RATB becoming profitable.



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168 c I d, H B

Run Your Ad '; Here/

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28701 Marguerite Pky, M1ss1 n 1 o


Rim Your Ad Here!

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••• •











i •

NeWP<>rt Beach/Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Saturday, August 27, 1994 87



ACROSS I Col'991' Wf'VrlaO

56H ppy &O Anctior


WEEKLY BRIDGE QUIZ SW~ 10 Sleeping American Cancer Socl· Antique 19th Ctry Frch, MOVINQ A 1 A. I • 1 ety Discovery Shop· Bdrm Set 53 ~ 0 • • nt que I 11gorator, 1 de by

Bookcase $175 Con· Aelr1g dbl d s"28°· I mule collar w/mirr(jr Ide S285, Custom Q. l ·AB South. vulnerable, you • oor 5:1 Insert $30; wood·SO dra~o•. Wheat loose h Id

ference table & 4 Teak dining set • & pieces knotty pine weave 229" by 9(). V•" o : chairs $260. Sola crendenza S950· Oak t T&G tr."x 4 .. 8• $35 193 .. 93 ~" St 7S • 7 OAQ10 4 OAKJ872 ., , $185 Yamaha organ wall unit s200·' c t 11 • x • pei Your nght·hand opponent opens s2ss' 640·4777 10·4 drapos drtt s1z'e lust ad ; 4 sliding closet pair, custom drapea, the b1'd-' 'ng wi"th one spade. What · s, nc oors, 44"x86", $10 cream loose weave w ~~n: 0~c:;:; Hwy, ~is StO~ and S175; ea. Other misc wood $100 pair , oak wall act ion do you take?

1..ovely oriental toyer case piece 13' >e 35 25 + misc antiques, couch & ottoman, misc tool1, shelving. ofc & desk chairs. all best offer. 645-4566

wing ach $100; pieces $25. Lady' s unit, $200, rowing ma-Plooso Calh~ 546-0180 llko now deluxe hang· chine $100. 546-0180 Q. 2 - East-W est vulnerable, as

C1ble TV du crambler ln4g wardrobe s2o. Call South you hold:

coovertersl We carry 6 O-tto3• Tree Roses SS: Citrus. • K76 2 OAKJ65 OA8 4 72 buy, repair all m. ake ' Wheelchair $~5 fruit , avocado troos· The bidding has proceeded: models . Free catalog Elec lltt sofa chr $1 65 fruiting $10; On Palms EAST SOUTH WEST NORTI:I

1·80<>-407-4444 ' Good con.d 646-88 6·8' $20; Gal plants l • Dbl Pu• a o Convenient St : Shado, p ine 15 gal Pau 1

Buy II Soll It. Find 11. Piio t Cleaalfl• d $20: H1rb1 135 kinds S1 ; What do you bid now? Clesslfle d . 842•5 878 Lilac StO; 909-1174-9422

-:-::"'.":'--:-----:--:------...:.--------~'~--------! Q. 3 ·Neither vulnerable, as South

S, fl 11.,... • you hold: ~ l1wse mexpe11sive household items every Saturday with Dimes a Line! :! ~ ~~ e 5 s ovoid o A J 1

Run a I 0-lme ad for ool} S 00. Deadline: faery Fnday ai 1 ~ rn 'wu nu.N COOl! 10 the 0-.uly PtJoc offi.,... at The bidding has proceeded: ""' SOtrrl:l WEST NORTI:I EAST

330 W. Bay SlrCCl.Co-.u \11.'1. JnJ (XI) c.t,h '\ll~call~orcrct.lu carlb .iu:cp11 .• •d for "Dim.'!>A Lme" i.rl l • 20 Dbl p ...

------------~....;..--------------------...:...~...::.:~~=...;::;:._11 What action do you take?

Q. 4 • Aa South, vulnuable, you 14 Competent hold 15 Fruit pulp

16 Elftremo • Q7 OK 9 5 OAQ108 2 ~J7 tJLoungearound The bidding haa proceeded: t 8 Coral reel SOtrrll WEST NORTH EAST t 9 Conceited l O I O I • P... 20 Kods' gamc ? 22 Flowers What do you bid now? 24 Snakes


Q• 5 • Eut-Well vulnerable, at Soulh 25 Pod vfJ9elables 26 Briny you hold 29 Mascara 01 • K 8 OK 10 6 5 4 OQ 5 4 .a 5 2 rouge The bidding has proceeded. 33 S1dek1ck WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH 34 - Fudd of I • Dbl P... I o cartoon tame P&M 2 o P... ? 36 Liable What action do you take? 37 Kind ot exam

39 Moun1a1neer 5 ca"

Q. 6 • Neither vulnerable, as South 4 1 Sa1ophon1s1 you hold: Getz • 7 3 OJ 9 8 5 2 OA K 6 4 •7 2 42 Large boo" & The biddi ng has proceeded· « Light beam SOtrrl:l WEST NORTa EAST 46 Prenic pe<1t P&M Pue 1 0 5 ,. 4 7 Luncheonclle 1 49 Borel' ot PfC'f

51 Row ot SP.ill!> What acuon do you take? 52 Therefore


SCHOOLS & EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT i-:===:::::::=::-;:========~~=fo=r=an.t=~=rs=/o::fo=nda=y:-1 53 T1ma ti1ma 2925 INSTRUCTION 3012

/9 5530 55301-------------


et Wash a""ay 630ooe pan .,.. Wood...ofktng

tooi 65 Pnnceol -66CharQed

partoc;les 67 ROQUlll1 68 Not talt 69 land map

DO WN 1 Name 2 Woodw1nd 3 Singer

F1119orald 4 Ct1y 1n Greece 5 Mcagr'rly 6 Cars 7 Rum d11n1< Blong l1~h 9 Oependf>

t O Counselo•s 1 I Favoi1l1$m 12 Buflalo s 1a1.I! 13 Bears SMllNS 21 Po>11.der) nstop00are;i 25 ()p(>.n1119s 26 Dc!e<IS ?7 Mo s brOll'le• 28 South


LOST DOG BE A PARAL E GAL BOOKKE EPER F/ C. Education 5530 5530 5530 !t-:'1..,....4 ----t--+--ln Mesa Verde, C M A ccred . Ally . In· Xlnt Computer skills, ATHELETIC Small. black, long hair t H Lotus 123 oxp . & female with rod collar s ructed, ome Study Quick Books prol. Self E QUI PMENT E l ectrcl e n , Plu m ber Uve In w/dev d lsablead Rbta1t Please call 545·8361 ¥ FREE INFO 800-669-2555 Startor & Strong work A S SISTANT & Carpent e r . Nyvpt adults. Salary "+ room. OUT O F SANTA FE

ethic tor ploasant ra area job. Exp/ refs nee. Need car + xlnt rols. Seeks e xp'd sales .,,2,,,0-----+--LOST SURFBOAAOlll •••••••••• ' " • (Women' • Locke r 721·0404/e, 721·0337/'d Small groon & white sual work environ· Room Debbie 556·1441 person for upscale

b d I S EMPLOYMENT ment FAX Rosumo & p PfT 2 """ I F a m '1I F't ess MEDICAL OFFICE Southwestern apparel oar ost unday 81 Salary Roq. to 714· erm Ov r wk, Y I n F I h I F I I

21 on Balboa Island. •••••••••• 2 (3p-7p) M·F, Mark , Newport now hiring at ront back exp nee. s op n ash s. P.fT. Ploaao Call 675·8512 "="'7="3·,.,.0.,..,,2~69 .... _____ store, repair , clean front desk. 640-5300 Small friendly olc. P{T, Ff r. Hrly +comm. Ask

CASHIER N I Ch k d ls th I t 25 hrs/wk. Exp W/ tor Poppy 644-5953 REWARD L 0 S T I I P oc an sue a o e IC O One blk k ltton 8·26, In EMPLOYMENT Cashing. FT/ PT. Bank and physical educa· J B LOCATION computer Ins billing & Salos

I I DXP helpful. Must ..be tion equipment req"d . & DEVELOPMENT some back ore. Call BUSINESS DIRECTOR .,33=--+--+---

the vcnlty of COM 5530 . bendable. 642·707 t Valld Rod Cross Forst (7 t 4) 75o-a5oo ~'"NSIXFIGUREINCO"E and one whlletgrey SPECIALI ST """ "" lab by cal 8·20. Ploaso iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Cash ier s , C ook s & A id Cerlllica1e and MODELING SEARCH • Bus Analysis Co. ex· 17 c 811 6 7 5

•6 5 2 3 0

r or Iv • r a. 1mm 0 d exp working w ·sports Perform a variety of Interviews today now pandrng nationwide. 6 3 1.5597 ¥ • • • *LUMBER * opening Xtnt pay PT/ p1ograms & equip· dullos to vocational faces, all ages F100 Salos,mgm t ,linance ..,.,,-~---+--

Inside counter sales FT. Tamara, 722·8400 mont. S890 • $1085 preparation, training, Interview. 662·1000 exp. helpful. Train In 42 oxp only. Must know Apply· Charo Chicken. Mo Job 11•4 p lacement, and sup. Need lull staH-energouc Danas. 214·680-8414 bulleting matorlals , 401 E 171h St ., CM. Apply by 5pm 9 l2 port 01 JTPA students. people PT. Smooth1es1-------- -lumber, plywood , Coast Communny Requores vahd COL. & healthy snacks S E CTY P T/BKKPR doors. windows hard· Clorocal Collogo Dlstroct and 2 yrs related Apply 1220 Boson A·3. M I k W d P

TYPI ST CLERK t 370 Ad A expor. Knowledge o f us now or er· ware , etc . F{T-No C ~m:.,, vonuo JTPA programs desir. ,_N_w..;..p_t_B_c_h_7_6_o-_ 12_3_9_ loct 723·0202 Balboa

~:'~:~~me· 549•0756 P IN, TERMEDIATE (71~f4~2.:gg8 able. S2066·S25161Mo PIT Demons t rators Telemarketing-FT, PT. er orm va11ed and EOE M F H Job •C-4 Apply by o c or call ownor for app1 d 1 1

d 11 111_________ · In grocery stores . metro area CPA to Interview: 549·3074 .n;o e~a e Yd 1 icu Educat on 5pm. 9 15· Weekend days In torm Pleasant. prof. t=-:o,....-i~-+--+--

.G ay M e n of Cos ta--------- c erica an or com· FAMILY area Car necessary. work environment. flex Mosall LiYe lalk & Babysitters puoter work Type , Coast Community Must be neat & outgo· day hrs & trammg home ph#a 1·800- F 45wpm, and 1 year ro· RESOURCE College District I S6 Appl . setting only·no m--1r--+--t--5 17·7883 $2.50/18+ a m i I Y F 11 n es s· spons1bto clerocat exp CENTER 1370 Adams Avonuo ng personahty. 75 salos S7·9 hr ... bonus

Newporl now hrnng req 'd. S1615·S1968 Costa Mesa hr. Call 7 t 4·55J·5579 556_4400 • 7J0-01IO G lrl• o f Cost a Mesa PT mornings 640-5300 M o. Job- ..,....,5. Apply C OORDINATOR (7 14)432·5008 PT/FT Flex hrs. Must

Liv• talk & h ome ph BOAT SKIPPER by Spm, 9115. EOE/ M F/ H have car. B & B s THE FUTURE IS





d'li"ld 29 Fr11graro1 ~ood 30Add up JI Nt>n5"nS<al 32 Penn.cs 35 Toot made tor

grondng J8 Gave a spc ~h dOMost

$USp1C10u$ •<1 J Arn<> al hldfl

<1 5 Scrap-. c.r clot

48 M OISI011S SO loo~ t 11i. 52 Churth Qtl.ciat 53 r 81 CIQ(lr I 54 Too1< ' M bus 55Sf~ 5fJ CO<d ne<:•I • 57 {}fX_k.,

58 A•tTJ ~rlC 59 For lc.,r 111al 132 Ch• •eni>ad<:'r s



# ' e 1·800·217·0069 Coast Community R1tprosont tho Family1--------- BBQ. 427 E 17th St, NOW! Ro h $ 2 50/ 8 U w e S c hwa nner Rosourse Contor s ape your

· 1 + College 0 1s1rlct Costa Mesa 548·7427 In c1 I f t el II -------- --- ---- - ---------- --Please contact S within tho colleges 1 an a u ur you HOT & WILD! Kelley, 805-484·0294 1370 Adams Avenue and community agon- Roal Estate are looking for an m- - --------•--------- ---------1 800-86"69"9 Costa Mosa c1os, l argohng spoc1al PLUG novallve oppty, call EMPLOYMENT DOMESTICS 5540 ANTIQUES 6010 • "" v Bob·Ta1' I D r1'vers (714)432·5008 -·· UT•-••• •1 me at 11 14)363-4364 Toll Froo Call EOE/ M/ F/H populattons nnd assist - ,.,. -

Slhgle Men 'N•nted by in 11\0 coordination ot Busy walk=ln location. ~=-.1•---T-U_T_O_R_S-. --1SERVICES 5533j iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

.. Dellve ry/Stoc k aclivlllOS o f tho Con· c~ plan" For , ...... Aa-.. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BABYSITIER WANTED boted housew1v11.1Jonety Need Class A drivers 24 h ours, a.5 M/W, F. · R 1 I N · "'"'"lllJ" PT, hourly Mester ANTIQUES 4 U dlvorceea. 18 + '$2.50· or Clas s B (w/a lr tor equ ros complo· call on Tavtor. :I In• tr u ct 10 n a 1 • ••••••• FfT tn Newport Bch. SUMME R SALE 4 99/ mln 800-492 4688 b rake endorsement) 250 Ogle St. lion o l 4 yrs college- • The '"ulllntd T Please b e aware that Eng 1anguage 'dm11n9 From 10·40•. 011

• Costa Mosa level coursework In ro· ._ utor a needed for a must 673-3564 S w ing Connections for growing transpor·•--o- .- n-t-.- ,- A- .-.-1-a_t _•_n_t _ lated sub1oc1 areas, r..wpcwt Fall, 1994 semester the listings in th is cal· --------- 312 NE1.-.port B .d 1·900-~5-4400 X6157 tahon department •to Energetic reliable car· and t yr in an instruc· 673 7300 assignments on STA· egoryllmay~~uire you LIVE·OUT WANTED M8·41;::J

$2.99/m ln; 18 + hhandl: d~ve~~es ll'lg person nHdod tor t1onat college environ- • TISTICS or MATH- :~:;hie~ thor~u~be~ ~e'is.'o~n~ ~~~~drflEq .. pL~1-*-B_U_V_l_"_1G_l_T_E_M_S_*_ Procal 602-954-7420 t roug out • N , CM offlc•. 631·1420 mont as a teacher or EMATICES. Math tu- n

YOUR DIME, OUR TIME OC, and SB Counties coordinator S12 47. tors must be proficient _ c_h_a_rg_o_ p_er_ m_1n_u_1_•_· -1 message 850·1717 From 1800-l~bO 1 pc $15 18 Hr Job ,,5 Chances are tn higher level math 1e.-.e1ry to ep,'.re huu:.e

Head my way, exotic Part·llme, 20-30 hours A 1 b 5 9 13 Inc. calculus, d l f· --------- •••••••••• conten1s tmmoo1ate & beautiful ledlesl per week. $8."""-'r \\ hen .\uu \Hite PP 'I Y pm. · you wi ll find I Chances are ""'" Coa•t Comm t erenllat equattOns, & MERCHANDISE cash, top s 673·C223 Out-call only. 24 Hrs M ost dellverles ere a Cla,~sficJ aJ. '" un• y what you need I f 549.

1499 oc area A College D1stnct t11gonometry Tutors ')'OU w1I ind

PM. some M. 1ncluJ.: all 1370 Ad3ms A"onuo at the price also needed fo r other what you need Th• P iiot A I I ~ the fa~h Costa Mesa you want to pay acad e mic sub j ect at the pric e Claaslned PP y n person· (J t 4)432•5008 areas Apply lmmed

The moil comprehen- 330 W Bay ~. anJ get the EOE M F H when you read Job 1t78, S6 87 hr you want to pay slve and current d trec· Costa Mesa. rc~ulh Claaslfle d Coast Community when you read tory of goods and ser- Whether you re buying College Oostnct vices a.round! calls , )OU " ""1 or selling, Class1t1ed daily 1370 Adams Ave, CM the Cla s sifieds

6-$2·56711 covors all your needs! 642·5678 432-5007 EOE M F/H every day






On all Troopers in stock ready fo r delivery Discount applies to cars in stock; LS Models only


' •

• DRIVER \IR 8 \ (, • Po\~ er 'iteeri n g • A \ t/F I \ .. .tc a "cite • & Much More!

• 0 /\ l AIH B (,., • i\Nl l · l OC K BRAK!'> • l'ower l oc:k., & "inJnw., • ruiw Control • l'mH•r ~eat • Tiii W heel • AMlrM i,tcrt'o t a,.;rtte • & Much M ore!

$17,995 ,, . ~

. .

PILOT CLASSIFIED APPLIANCES 6011 II .s I h • e a s y ·I 0- 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11c.ces nfor 1oa11on· 1• paci..ed ma" etplace v.n :e 7 }Ir no,.. Mc1po1n1 v S•ltd rog1.1!3rfy • sue- 2 .. cu It s de by s d e cossfull1 • by 11 I !\1ne1s ce "'tr d spenser x n1 of consumers cond s.-a5 €73·9161

• DR l \l l R IR 8 \{.. • ' "" rl LO ldlR \i-.1 '> • .. 11.J'i'l'ntlcr ..,t>.itmg • l'O\"er \ \ mdo" o; • Pow er I 0<~" • Tiit • <.. rui"t' • AM/J M ~t,rl"o C.-o;-; • Rur \\ indO\\ D'fro.,ttr

I . ,. /A

j1 c. ~ tt • c: • v q /\

• ... ,..

88 Saturday, August 27, 1994 Newport Beech/Costa Meaa Dally Pilot

PURNITVU 6014 PIAHOS • llUNTl?fGTON llAIUNI SUPS ISVZV 1100 ll!JlCVIY 1135OLDSllOllll1155 414 1221 VOWWAGU 1235 VOl.ISW&GD 1235 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilOIGANS 8059 IUCB 8140 DOaS 7022 -----•11_____ -----•I BR S!T Very nice 6-pe -------- ' 87 ISUZU Trooper ·ee MERCURY TRACER •13- o.ita 11 8rougtvn 'M GMO Siena SUI 71 Conv bUO- triple 92 TAOOPIEA UI I eyt,

aet w/c:uatom gla11 Thomae "'"'M-250 Call- MOVING Maple hutch, LIW MOMD IN N81 Red, 2-dr, air, AM/FM 14860 AUTO, AIR, All or any part '•' ahOrtb9d Z71 0 n. whlle, rebuilt engine. AT, AC, Pl. PW. POL. top 1550 XI t dbl -• Sii t 60 ft I f CHHtle Xlnt cond ORIGINAL OWNER te0-779' road. Red, 1-orv, mull lo ml, git cond. whl CO AM/FM c .. 1. tltt, mo~. box ' aprl~gs & t!'~!. S:~~·~;tc11~~~ ~~~ J:o ~~e'le •<'~; pu~ec:~ed marl~a~alii $5200/obo. Cell Chris (848472) AT BEACH H• to apprecl1tel wall tlr••· Smog'd, CC, P /mlrror. cuat frame $250. 846·3131 Beach/Adam•) Sat a..

3 facllltl••· Sl4/ft. 83l-8480 or Sue, 673-.4147 LINCOLN MERCURY lmmac cond. $8900. aafety chkd, S5500. w h 11 . ( 8 0 3 2 8 4)

C ht I I t Shore mooring IW19, 93 TROOPER 8 cyl, At. (714t 848· 7739 PONTIAC 9170 Call •v•s 538-3867 968-8702 122,894. 8';t·2000

oue • oa • ov .... • SPORTING SATURDAY, 8127 BaJ Penln, 351h & Mar- AC, PS, PW, POL. co ' 82 MERCURY CAPRI 91 TROOPER 8 eyt, 5 93 TROOPER 8 Cyl, AT. blu•. 2 end tbls eh•rry 9121 Kahulul Orlv• AM/FM M t c 0 N v ER TI BL E pd AC PS AM/FM AC PS PW POL tilt w/draw•r. $125 •a GOODS 6065 Co11~tlbl••· girt•. CYS, W/ 17' MacGregor. can. us I UTO A A 88 Grand Prix SE 6 VOLISWAGEN 9235 • • ' • cc' "'M./FM. • i ..... 11250. Ron 722-1 606 s •• I ( 8 1 5 6 7 8) 10950 A • I • •Pd whVgray Int fully CUI (907036) 112,694 • " cass. CUI and more. 842-9304 fl.lmlture, cloth" 842·2000 CASS, CA u 1 SE loaded, very clHn, , 842·2000 whls, 14k ml. S20.99<6

CountrY iota $200. SIW Daoor Sou.._.980 tat (800803) AT BEACH rune 6 drlvee like 89 JETT" Blaupnk, 92 PASSAT· 4 eyl, AT, (911871) 842-2000 eola, 2 chair• & eoNH etage, xi• 2nd etage. YARD SALE Sat 7-3 MOTORCYCLES LINCOLN MERCURY new. Asking S5200 Phne, · • /c, 5·ep,nu AC PS I fl PW. POL tabla 1350. 722-6648 xlt 2nd atage praaeJ SponHr9d by HB HS SCOOTERS

8018 JEEP 9110 (71 4) 848•7738 obo. 531.5844 t!res,brka, 1 owner AM/FM, ~ .... • enrr: ANTIQUES 6

dpth marmnt w/ com- Band & Tall Flag•. • 8 2 M E R CU RY 1 5 o K m 1 S 3 5 6 O eust whls, 18k ml. Or•ndf•th•r Clock p11H SHehute dbl t90S Maln St. •92 JEEP CHEROKEE TRACER $9950 AUTO. 645-8979 (021215) Must Seel CLASSICS 9250

"Sllgh.'' Cherry, trpl bag ec . .z Lg. UHd 2 YARD iAiil '85 Y•m•h• M•xlm• LIMITED 119950 4X4. AIR , MOON ROOF TOYOTA 9210 PILOT CLAS&IFl•D 842·2000 chime $1100 640-1838 x $600 Riek 846-8818 s *t1s * 7K ml, perfect cond, REO/GRAY LEATHER (817134) AT BEACH It' • th• reaoure• you 92 Rodeo 11 un-7am-on. Furn, S2000ob0 780-3185 LINCOLN MERCURY can count on to Hll 11

Moving. Glau eollH USDlvereScubaequlp: Ctothlng,Sklgear,Art, (244468) AT BEACH ( 714 • 848•7739 91 Corolla·Auto, blue myriad of merehen· i (306787)$12,994 111bl• w/Wfought Iron BC boots glove nna Weights, Toole, Etc. & LINCOLN MERCURY•-'---"""'------ metallic/marine blue dlH Items, because 842-2000

19MMUSTANQ Conver11ble. Red/tan, ahow eat. 112,000 PP.

base, gold leaf finish, muk, 1250, 754-6204 21181 Mlram•r HB (714) 848·7738 The Community lnl, AC, AM/FM stereo, our eolumne compel To place an ad In Gordon 837·5684

~;1~5·d5k011~:.Cap:~nfs~~ AUTOMOBILES '93 JEEP GRANO p~~~~a~~~!d PB. PS, vary clean, qualified buyers to Th• Piiot e11ss1fied. Buy It. Sell It Find It. Cl•aalfled.

$175, Oak wall unit, nlVJNE 6l441·-------· $ 239C5H0EROLKOEAEOEO e_42.a878 :;~ 1~:.4 s~t~~-8obo. celll Call 842·S878. enter c ir, 581h"w, G"D"GE SALES "' --.....:...- -----·---·--·- ·---72"h. $175. Cherry ~ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LAREDO PACKAGE ----------dining rm eel, 6 ehrs. •••••••• GIANT BLOCK SALE CHEVROLET 9045 (668192) AT BEACH 3 Iva. $500. Kng •In 12 f•mlll•• Ev•ry· liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LINCOLN MERCURY bed, bra11 headbd/ thing lmagln11blel 89 Corvette ( 7 1 4 ) 8 4 8. 7 7 3 9 ftbd, $325. 640-1838, BALBOA Sat 8-2 ... Cedron St. 30K ml, Metalllc black, LEXUS 9115 SLEIO BED ISIAND ·6106 (College Park) cross 1 ownr-lntereh11ng•

Bedroom set ate Culver/WaJnut 11bl• glass top•. xlntliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $1650 Antiques, tum, chin•.·--------- cond. S181h675-5095 '90•LS 400 White/tan

-6046 ·- -----·---- Lthr lmmac all xtras much more. SAT/SUN NEWPORT L h 72K $25 750 Two extra Ice 7' sofas. 10 A.M. - NO EARLY.

6169 FORD 9075 ex P ne •

The Value Of The ·Difference postol, beige, oriental 221 Amethyst (patio) BEACH 752-1025 or 673-3104 print; S250ea or both ~~-;;-;-;:;::;-~:-;:;-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii s 4 oo. Glass top coffee SAT Sam·? Furn, '89 FORD ESCORT UNCOLN 9120 table, 40 .. sq. x 17 .. hi, clothH, collectables, B•b~/toddler cloth••· S 2 9 9 5 C L E A N • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Did you kno·w the decorative brass 19111 computer Items. toye + record•, book•, G A E A T P A I C E b ird base $250. 106 Marine (In alley). haehld misc & much (231152) AT BEACH ' 8 9 L I N C 0 L N

(714) 844-8743 more. 2020 Tustin Av. LINCOLN MERCURY M A A K V I I LS C (btwn 22nd & 23rd.) (714) 848•7739 110950 ABS , JBL

Waterbed-K1ng, oak w/ BALBOA Sat/Sun 8am-3pm , 8 8 F 0 A 0 CL U B AUD I 0 LE AT HE A. wall unit . Box spring/ PENINSUIA

6107 WAGON t,99 0 XLT (609495) AT BEACH

bevellod mattress. ESTATE &: YARD "' 5 • LINCOLN MERCURY $650 obo. 642·5195 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil SALi! Saturday only LAG VS (B 84552) (714) 848·7739

~. 1321 Marian Lane BEACH LINCOLN---------ff ) H MERCURY • H . B. ' 90 LINCOLN TOWN

(O Dover Or. OUH· (714) 949.7739 CAA SIG NATURE ---------• Eat•f•/D•molltlo" FREE TO YOU 6022

FREE K I T T E N S Two male'• with or· ange furl Looking for good home. Please call ~~~ 756-1017

Salet Thur•Sat. Aug 25th-27th 8aml Every­thing + the kitchen

hold goods, exercise b ike, lots more. 68 Mustang-Orig white S 1 5 5 5 O LO ADE D.

w/ b urg vlnyl top, U L T A A C L E A N completely rea tored, (690762) AT BEACH new AC, complete lJNCOLN MERCURY new Inter io r -burg . f714) 848·7739 Runs gr1, Must soel _M_E_R_C_E_D_E_S __ 9_1_3_0

alnk must goll Antq1, 1---------eollec:tlbles, furniture. GARAGE SALE patio set. apple, eabl- the BLUFFS net•. plumbing fix·

fas test gro~ing Mercedes-Benz dealer in America is Mission Viejo

F R E E ·F U L L S I Z E Green refrldgerator '- (714) 780-1149

turee, doors, windows, SAT ONLY 9·2 walls, bricks, etel Dining room chair•. 1038 Oceanfront Hammond Organ, NB 11th & Ocean- bedding, dlsttee. misc.

front 2423 Viet• No· bleza

. Asking $5500 obo. d -642·3763, • -850-11 28 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Imports?. And did 85 Muat•ng·R•d 1985 300CD Turbo

. .. we PETS & ANIMALS 6049 CORONA iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil DELMAR 6122

Hardtop eonv, AT, AC, d leeel coupe, lthr, AM/FM, xlnt cond. sunrf. 134K ml. S7900. $1295. 840-0924 909-272·9873 or PILOT CLASSIFIED wknds 714-650-7005 It's the rHourc e you MERCURY 9135 can count on to sell .a

you know deliver?


iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii myriad of merehan- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii d lse Items, beeouse our columns compel quallfled buyers to calll


(714) 871-9110

All Mercedes Available Over 200 in stock now ready for immediate delivery


1-5 At Avery Exit

·sE·R·Vl-C·E--•lcSELREANIVICESNG CONTRACTORS ELECTRICAL 3610 HANDY MAN 3710 HAUUNG 3720 IANDSCAPE & MOVING 3834 PAINTING 3858 PLASTER 3548 3 5 58 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LAWN CARE 3 808 REP AIR

DIRECTORY iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ** CES ** Ho111eHentat PropartlH JUNK To The DUMP PUBLIC NOTICE Chlldren'• Mur•I• 3880

•••••••••I tWINDOW CLEANINGt Local Uc 20yr exp All type• of elaetrlcal Paint.Carpentry- (714-988-1882) Gardening/Landscaping The Callf. Public Ullll- All ch111aeters-customlil~N~T~/EX~T~.Q~Ui!ALiiilTYiiiiiii1SiiTi FREE ESTIMATES Small Job•, big Jobs All aervlce 100% Guer. Drywall end morel WE'LL haul away what CIHn-ups Tr•• Trim ties Commission RE- design•. Handpalnted. Patch 10 I t

ADDITIONS 297-8081 David Quick r••ponee . L#658883 581-8931 O•rv 845· 5277 th• Trash Man won' t l FrH EstimetH,Good QUIRES that all uHd Kathleen Jewell Jobe. Ucens~~~~5~r:

FrH Es1. 650-7042 A·1 Electrlc•I work Carpentry, roofing , References 436-1518 hou1ehold good a 71 '-756-9074 9Xp. Z4 hra 554-7831 REMODEUNG 3410 Bo~~rn = 1'iM.nlnOyra. Local Uc. contractor plumbing. drywall , HEALT BEAUTY Gr"" Scene Landscpng mover• print their RAINBOW Clrol• Malnt.

Thorough-honest-reUebla DECR Quick Aosgonsel atueeo, painting, tile, H, & ' Irrigation, Trimming P .U.C. Cal T number; Palnltng. ln\fExl. Hoo11/ ---------Bell Conatructlon 1 x OK, ref•

962_7 033

COA"PTVG Frff Est. 95 · 7042 elaetrleal. Jim 641-7494 6 FITNESS 3740 & Removal•, Clean- llmo• end ehoulfeura Apl. Oual. JOb. FrH est. PLUMBING 3890 •Addition .. bath remodel , ""' 3570 •--------- Complete property upa a Malnt. st. Uc. print their T.C.P. num· St. llc l 5698!17 836-1758 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • Patio .. kitchen remod•I Bowen. Do you need FENCES malnt-Custom painting SALON AVALON ifj 599025, 85CMS109 ber In all advor11•• WHY PAY MORE? THR LOCAL PLUll8U • Uc / Bonded / Insured a hea~ duty home STOP Deck Leak• C drywall-carp•ntry Irrigation d 1 11 menls. If you hav• a *QUALITY* .. Wiliam •......- Co.· FrM Eat 871-4941 cleaning •ervlce? Call waterproof coaling• 6 DE RS 3615 plumblnn.atucco ate. Sey no to boring halrl ' r P nee. question about the I• Insured, L1'676648 s ince 19'1°:'W'r'~. u

ua at 53o-2•92 dee k1, etalr• Qual. Call Riek• 262-4545 1 FREE (tdor ~) patio design, lrao•. gallty of a mover, limo FREE EST 845-e205 cl• as voU< telephone Wood

with ~our 1st haircut . plentlng, lawna. 527· or chauffeur, call: L"'476000' 6 7,, 93,.,. Houaeolean/Wlndow work. L#587•30 FrM * Feno••• 3 1087 or ... 1" '"39-02- "" " ""'

CARPENTRY 3510 Aellable. Move In/ Eat. Beat S 722-8769 rtplacelrapalr, "" hauWlg •Hl.Q HANDYMAN• * 2 -92 32 * "' .,..... ... ., Public Utllltl•• out'• · 20 vr• tn area ntimatM. Low pr\Cta. Uc'd 5,..t . ..i 855 L•nd•c•P• R•P•lr CommlHlon PIANO 6 VOCAL ..... * V"rl• * Sprlnklera-Yard llghta 71'-558-4151

A to Z HANDYMAN Pina M5-98H DOORS 3580

,...v1111ag9 Constr. 974-5301 INS'nu1 ucE 3778 1 p K INSTAWREFACE CABINETS MR FIX IT Small vavw' c eanupe. ete unat S•v On Moving Kitchens, bathe, doors, CONcnen

6 --------- hOUHhold appliance Call 722·7732 Lowest, Storage. prof. A-1/ROOPMAST•RS

LESSONS 3868 ROOFING 3910 ------ --- - ----

windows. 0oug S4&-7258 .uo An experl9fteed FLOOR INSTALL ' repalre & handyman Need help completlng Tr .. trlm/remov•I, XL.NT rap. 1 hr min. Ina. Gottuso Mu1le Studio Since 1121 HIREA CARPENTER MASONRY 3557 dependable door REP.AIRS 3620 chorH. 657·2156 Medlcare/M•d leal eprlnkler eyatem1 & T187659. VIMC 731·2956 All agea, 6 to ad~lt, BHt Prk:ee/Ouallty Addltlone/Remodel1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hanger. Guar wortl, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Plumblng/eleetwater ln1u r an ce cla.lm lndse~. You name It, begln~~~~auies 800..7•a..8801 Fire/Water/Repa ir• . *Beat Prt-lft.··lltu rau. Don 521-8810 Ylnyt, h•rdwood htra/aprlnklars/call form•? We come to we do ti 846-4174 PAINTING 3858 ..,,..-.-d-1•-.r.-R"--oofl..;;..;"9=:;;·..;..U_c_&_ J erry 848-7540 1........__. _,,._ "' •--------- c:«amlc, marble, 1ub fane . lnetall/Repalr . you. 87&.e749 TR~l:tt --------- Ins. Spec:lallze comm.

D-&'- Rlfnod. Doors win. ---.-•. brlclt.llOna. o•rrs~•-.rr.. 3583 floor repair , carpet FREE Ht. 241-0137 -... ~..!i!!' - . Pit- re·roof/repalr. 25 yr1 . .... _.. • JTConcrN~ ~ &11.Al\AH"" uc. Bond 943.~aa2 P•g•r 218-8189 r.,, •• "'-•••· La•••· •W.P. YOUNGQUIST SERVICES •FREE EST 675·5095 :r. ·f~ .. atuct:.o"· .!_ drtUc. Brick, Block, Stone , Tile _Q_l_C ____ P_l _,LANDSCAPE & _,...._,.,,._ 7&1-3471 Palntlne Centractor iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiii3ii8ii7ii0

-- .- · '"'" Cone Patio o lvaway •uropean Couture •--------- ua rpntry. ant, LAWN r11ve 38 Oual. painting by pro1'11 1---------l)Syrs llQ>. Jetrr 142-0517 Fple, 'eBae.' Re~. 20 Vr Bridal a apec:lal occ• FURNITURE Closot/Gat Stor, wait ~ 08 MASONRY 3828 Uc:1602098. Ins AquaUo ........ & ..,.,.... WALL


TU.ES 3528

Tiie, glaH block• remodeling, fair prle•• Lie/Bond, Free l:at. Ort work &3 .. 1288

seb your unwant•d llam• the ... Y wayl

To place your claHlflad ad call

Ma ... 7a.

Exp. T.,ry SS7•7S94 elon1 prom• child- n., 11r• unite, furn , formtca, FrM ••t 645.3305 Aquarium Hrvlelng & Camant/brlck/atone/til• ren1 • drHH~, Holy .u.P~S 3622 repalre 875-3359 Fred •••lo Yard Malnt. 2trr• Quelltr Palnlln1 custom d .. lgn·r•ll•bl• COVEJUNGS 3932

d........, llab '2.50/•n ft Communion . Bring Semi Retired contractor. Lawna, Cle•nupa, Maaonry bperta PLUS t ouchupa Lie.fin•. StS.'148 · ·-• - your Id• ... I will mak• Cetnp&ete ""'Nation Apre. lmprvmnt1. amt Tr .. Trimming, Lt Bloek·Brlck·Concr•I• murals Richard S inor Peraonall~ed Pet Care Cuatom Wal....,._,

Ltl•::;ict.~1~!~0 your dr•H. Leona, Wood, wicker, wphols, Jobs, Quallty, Integrity. Haulln9 97 ... 245 Stucco. Rapalre, Low Uc 28064• 845-3209 Kennel altarnllhv•. No Strlpplne/P,ilnUn9 - _.,, 761-0221 9r 952-1800 etc. FREE p ickup & I cat•. Ken 5<42-1no PrlcH, Lie 531·7843 No tob too emalll

PILOT CLASSIFl•Di--------- dell\/ary. 982·1823 Blo•SC•P•• lnt /E•t PILOT CLAS9IFlaD QUALITY CAR• etreH or worry. Uc. 5% Off w/ad 173 28C>7 It' • th• resource you On th• move? Landacap• Servlc•• I . 20 yr• exp. Quality In•. R•f• 873 ·7184 •

HAUUNG 3720 Comm /r •• ld.nll.I t • th• reeourca you workman1hlp, fair t•CBT can count on to Hll a Ovaratock•d with can count on to Hll a 1 " myriad of marehan- Sell your extra atulf? iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil._:U~e::.:"::6~8~9~79::8~966-~:'.0668= myriad o r marehan· pr CH


2417 Aon UllODIUllG 3MO

d lH Hema, because d i•• Item b household A call to Hauling Junk, Appl!- Gardening Sorvloo • · ec:auH our column. compel lteml Clanlfled anc••· Yard Clean-Up, Clean·Up1. $prlnklera our column• com~ quallflad buyer• to wlll help Etc. Call Mika lnatall/Malntanance. quallfled buyera to c:alll In Classified Hl·H!I 848-1391 Fr .. •••· ~MM33 cam


RENT through classified


OailJPilDL Cover Home Pre ented By •

.t::::::::=:::::tVALENTINE PROPERTIES & PRUDENTIAL NEWPORT •-.1See Page 8 For More lnfonnation

A Special Advertising Supplement Vol. 18, No. 34, Aug. 27, 1994

• '

Co.,er ••• Valentin e Propertle•

2. Map 3. Prudential California 4. Prudential California 5. Prudential Callfontla 6. Pn.tdential California 7. Prudential California 8. Prudential California

Cover Home 9 . Valentine Prope1tles

10. Prudential Newport Beach 11. Prudential Newport Beach 12. Remax 13. Rcmax 14. Remax 15. Star Real Estate

16. Coldwell Banker, Newport Beach 17. Coldwell Banker, Newport Beach 18. Coldwell Banker, Newport Beach 19. Coldwell Banker, Newport Beach 20. Coldwell Banker, Newport Beach 21. Coldwell Banker, Newport Beach 22. Coast Newport ~es 23. Coast Newport ~es 24. Coast Newport Proi>ertles 25. Coast Newport ~es 26. Waterfront Ho~~~ Realtors 27. Waterfront Homes Inc., Realtors 28. Waterfront Homes Inc., Realtors 29. Waterfront Homes Inc., Realtors

Uongs of Newport 30. Grubl> & Ellis 31. Grubb & Ellis


32. Metro Realty 33. Coldwell Banker, Costa Mee.a 34. Balboa I land Realty 35. Barbra Sanregret 36. ~~e Lea Realty

Jackie GUlls Realtor 37. Esther Yank

Mortgage Rates Jacobe Realty & Invctttmcnts

38. Ooen Home Guide 39. I(ome of the Week 4-0. 28th St. Marina 41. Cal Pac Homes 43. Cal Pac Homes

• 44. Co ldwell Banker, Newport Beach

"'I Do.en llr.RlfCM 996 Bayside Cove East s 550,000 Sun 1 • 5 Stan Sax .,,,. 334 Vista Trucha s 319.900 Sun 1 · 5 Sharon Zarrinnegar

P*l'lflllM 3620 Lilac s 340,000 Sat 1 • 5 Pat Zartler 703~py s 425,000 Sat 1 - 5 Natarie Fogarty 602 He lotrope s 375,000 Sun 1 · 5 Rita McDonald 3000 Ocean Blvd s 980,000 Sun 1 · 5 Peggy Desantis

a:114.a 341 Alva s 295.000 Sun 1 • 5 Sharon Swanson

MllEI I n 1325 Mariners Drive $ 545.000 Sat & Sun 1 - 5 Sax & Curtin ....... 1 Monaco I 825,000 Sun 1 • 5 Brett Wyland 15 Bordeaux 989,500 Sun 1 • 5 Sharon Vogt ,,_,...,, 1226 Seacmt Or S 735,000 Sun 1 • 5 Marty Jones

Houses WTEMW:E 1019 Dolphin

Ulll 128 Via Lido Nord

UDO f!l.MllSULA 611 Lido Park #6F

•ftOllaE~C# 1867 Bonaire 1501 Mariners 852 Ha~rd 24 Sea stand

•••lllfllllTS 2602 Cliff

SEAISLWI 43 Ocean Vista 94 Ocean Vista

muss lllHiE 1627 Castle Cove

$1 ,295,000


s 235,000

$ 399,000 s 449,000 s 133,900 $ 229,000

s 429,000

$ 490,000 $ 599,000

$ 839,000

Sun 1 • 5 Mehnda Jones


Sun 1 · 5 Nan Tully

Sat & Sun 1 - 5 Ric Quevedo

Sat & Sun 1 · 5 Marilyn Read Sun 1 · 5 Gait Grabner Sun 1 · 5 Barbara Amstadter Sun 1 • 5 Barbara Amstadter

Sat 1 • 5 Gail Grabner

Sun 1 • 5 Arvilla Sheron Sat 1 • 5 Ann Paull

Sun 1 - 5 George McGaffigan 3614 SurMew S 585,000 Sun 1 - 5 Melinda Jones


Visit one of OUT Open Houses and Tegister to win a $500 "Back To School" Shopping Spree!

.HARBOR VIEW HUS Beautifullycustooiized 4BR. 4BA lvn w/pool-siled yard Expanded & de.signet detail Olroughout $725 000

NARIOR RIDCE ESTATES 3BR 2 SBA condo in 9ated Harb0t Ridge Estates Very lush landscaping QUiel & pu'tl31e location 00 end or cul*sac $639 000

BEAUTIFUL SUMMERWIND MbDB. In fabulous Corona del Mat Grooved hardwood firs plan1at1on shullets custom cabinets 38R fam11y rm. gorgeous decot A must see $599 000

RETIRE IN STYLE To this lovely one lewl hm on the Net.'?ort Beach Country Club g0tl course A ~ island ireasure 'W/2 l!nniscrts & J pools ~et ax 10 your hearts con1en1 Call for showing $595 000

' . SEA tsUND • COlf COURSE Be.autiful upgraded condo 28R den ow11ooking golf course Great localion vaolled high c:e1hngs $569 000

HARBOR VIEW HOMES CHARMER Be.autifl.llly upgraded 4BR. exec hm nt park & elem school in Newporls favorite le.TI lyccmmuMy $.S49 000

REDUCED OYER $50tU 3BR 2&A Clillhawn hm on over 10 000 sq n This Calif ranchslylelvnhasmanypossibihhes&comesw/ expansive plans $539 000

IACI IAY OCHl I SUNSETS EnJO'/ beautiful views from this model perloct all one story condo Vaulted cethngs, neutral decot ~uard­gated community S535 000

UICI STYU' 11 IAYCIEST 4BR home on large lot Attracti~ly landscaped and locad on kMly tree-lined streel Gteat ~ity neigh­bofhood wifl a:ellent schools and pa~ $495.000

CUTI CllOU DR MAI IUPUX Cod 28R. 1 ~ front unit upgraded. large patio

__ ................. Jl.ltoC .. . L_ .... ____ ,.....

NEWPORT HEIGHTS CHARMER Great location' Newport ~ighlS charm w/loads of potenhal 2BR 2BA+ lBR 18Asep entrance+ guest Peek view & morel • $479.000

EXCLUSIVE MONARCH BAY Wonderful resoo or year a1ound living hm Loca:ed on ocean side ol lrwy 24 hr guard gated comm Very large ptivate courtyard, JBR 2BA. spa & azebo $459 000

STUN CONTEMPORARY NOME Emocional hml ill tall in lo'tle with. 48R. 2BA. new k1then hght b11ghl Pool spa S.g fol Fabulous •

• upgrades $449 000

WESTCl.IFF HOME • REMODELED JSR, 28A Ml w/large yard has been tolally remodeled inlhepastlewyears Agreatloc Supethome $445900

IEWPORT IOITII Vl.W First ll00t mstr su11e. halctivood nooring, ale JBR 2.SBA Gated community $42S 000

llEWPORT IUCll • fAMl.Y llOME 4BR, 3BA. J-cat garage. F am1ly nei~bofhood. Cul·d&­sac stteet Close to schools. shopping, patks & libla

COM FRONT UNIT CHARMER 3BR 2 SBA mini condition. tool top deck w/ocean v ew French doors. marble mstr bath Sharp"

$37S 000

TERRACES AT CORONA DEL MAR Senior c1til!n community l ower plan w11h no sla:rs 2 b1ocks to senior center '#/Classes and bus seNICe Spacious sunny pal10 $332 900

REDUCED TO SEW NPT aUFFS On greenbelt JBR 2 SBA. lrpl 2-car an garage Re modeled ·a· French windows & doors bevld 1101ed Wood ll00ting recsd hgtlllng $319 900

PERFECT FOR ENTERTAINING Dramatic ICMnhm.Vaulted ceilings & glass walls Mod­ern kithen new cerm11c tile JSR 38A $?99 7Jt

WTSIDE COSTA MESA Southwesletn styling Hardwood firs 4BR 3 yards rew kilchen new bilhs Quiet ~ily ~ghbothood $295 (XX)

YIU IALIGA I SWAIU Beautiful lop noor. rare Granada model 2BR + den, 26Am dining rm + eat-in kil light & bfight. a 10.t• Mobvaledl $292 500

VIUA POINT IN NEWPORT BEACH Be.auhful uppet 2BR w/v1!Nfs of pool & palm rrees lmrrcula!e One block to Salboa s a1d & ~ash on ls'and L1gN & a ry $269 900

CORONA DEL MAR 2eq 2BA loplloorcondow/\laultedce 11gs oc.ean & ca~yonv.ew Pat;o pr•vateDPJ,"a"ess 2<ar,gCJra~e


OCEAN & BAY VIEW GIVEAWAY! 2sq tBA co!'.i;P "'" R 2 01 oy l' bay bf' "v.'1 ew Bu dersdon·rrr. ss"' s Bu :! o~ ll' .e .nco"~ . ~" .. "'

UPGRADED COUEGE PARK HOME 3Bq 2RA aua ''P Upgraoeo ~ •,.111: S. ti< • ,..,, J ce IP Beu h.1 ftc·t & ·1:.H vo ::s v.1 o:.i;:~ ~ '"' • trees Cu• de sac ~ • :JOO

DESIGNER HOME IN COSTA MESA Turr key Large 3BR 2BA I\ .1 ~ CCw '!\' • ., " Frenctiduers v. ndO'tlS Ma 'fl\J ut:i'u c.i'.li ~ u"lf pr va'P Ol $~ ' lOO

CUSTOM WORK NEEDS FINISHING <IBR 2BA cus•om I LIV "Q • ., .eeo v. o· ~ v. de~ & c:r ""C1 ~

SPACIOUS NEWPORT HOME 3BR t>BA t> leve v./!am 'y rrr> & 1 01 Cus!i.. ... ' 'C.he sel ers hJve made lh s a peflec' stiov.p l • S, :1 SOO

EXTRA CUAJI AJIO READY 2BR 2BA lrpl & lam11y rm ThiS 91ari1 low p1 . .:eo uri 1 seems l'ke a singe lam11y hm Se1 1er war.:s out' Ca'I now $177 231

MARINER'S COYE IAR6AJN!I P11deol ownership' Endun1t hght & br1gh!w/upg'adeo entiy b!e & k1the11 flooring 1-car det:iched garage Encl tear patio • $162 000

WHY RUT Total privacy ot garden setting townhooie w/pool' 3BR 2~ nt shops parks the.lets & music ctr $84 900

- -- --- - - - - -- . - -,,- 't,.-. ,..-,--, ~p= -·- ... ~

a 3C)Aq \ 1>eet ,\S JeuguA ,YAOAUTA8 PAGE 4 I SATURDAY, August 27, 1994

IAYFROlfT MASTERPIECE! Gorgeous custom bayfront hm on ihe tip or Lido Isle Th1shm 1sa worxolart'Sweeping viewsol Newport Bay & Turning Basin Perfection' $4 950 000

ONE Of A KIND!!! BIG IW 1 O 000. sq fl 9BR 4 -2BR suites 2 laundry rms mud rm. gym w/spa P.ec rm w/malt shop Garage 6 car. carelaker on lake Sold furnished $2.950 000

DISTINCTIVE SHORECUFFS Custom home on canyon of Shoreclilfs wilh private beach access 4BR plus office Sweeping canyon and ocean views $1 49S 000

FABULOUS BAYFRONT PROPERTY A substantial p11ce reduction makes this hm in Carna­tion Cove an excellent investment Private pier + s1 P beach & v.ews Selletsarerecephvetoolfers $1 -396 000

CORONA DEL MAR 40'1ot. labulousb"ck& 1vycovered2sl0ty SBR 4 S8A hm w/poo spa ocean view lorever1 $1 39S 000

GREAT FAMILY COMPOUND IN HUNT. BCH 2 homes 4BR 4 full BA each' 4 legal parcels Tennis court & mi.ch more &-car garage & ooa.Jlolul ttowers & lrui!!rees $1 350 000


3 Ara1 JA3A TOJfq A23M ATZOO\HOA30 TPC' 1 ,


CONTEMPORARY • liO. LAGUNA Ocean view Newly bl! 1n 1988 Large modern k11Chen bonus rm nowusedasagymw/lull bath Open hgnt & airy Centrally localed waiktoma n beach $1 025 000

CAMEO SHORES Ca1T1eo Sr ores ocean v PW pool "'O"'f' P dt of cw ~ sh p Coe d be 3 o• 40~ $995 000

HARBOR RIDGE OCW & BAY VIEW Custom .red CRvooshire l"'odt 48~ 3 58A Beve ed glass Monte:ey p.iveis cusrooi lldr Private spa & foonta ,. ~ot1va1ed ' $969 500

CORONA DEL MAR LANDMARK! View of the ocean from lh•S cor · I~ a' on Cham1109 t 920 s Dllnga rM w/111vit1ng Iron! porch Per1Pc1 ooach h1deaw3) v./48~ 2BA & hanosome 1 v.ng rm wlslolle fr I w I lari r 1

PAllU* VIEW IUUTIFUL HOME From Pelican Hills& Catalina Isle ta Palos\ t -~ 4B~ 3BA rew carpet + p.l1nt Commun11) SP)~ R,a;e


MAlllOR VIEW MtU.S Rare approx 18 000 sq ft estate sized ta·~e ~! d • Harbor View hilts south w/lo~ly Ian~~~ H~ shows hke a model hm wllo-.ely upg•a:ies $B39 000

ULTIMATE ULIO CONTEMPORARY -State ol the an· Best ol every1tling'! Poggenpohl kitchen granite. mirror. electric blinds+ skylights


Beautiful sunsets. ocean VeN +city gN~ RemoOel~ Lau1remoot-Harbo1 Ridge Es1a1e ~BR 38.A· i:e:Vo11a Long dnveway, courtyard w/lo~ garde $825000

GUARD GATED IN HIGH LAGUNA Spec~ular south coas!, city li9hts & while wale< views lrom this re-buil! hm in prestigious comm. Gourmet kl! largemstr,sep childrenslewl.indooralrium$2 19S,OOO


Wonderful con~mporary SBR. 5 SBA hm w/apt Ocean harbor & Jeny & beachfront Views to Palos Verdes.


PROMONTORY UY YIJ.A Outstanding European Villa on !he bay in Newport Beach. Old world charm w/extraordinary attention to detail lmmaculale in every way Limestone throughout SBR 4BA large boal dock S1.99S.OOO

EXCITING RITZ COVE RESIDENCE An extraordinary Mediterranean custom bit on 3 levels 10 en1oy Views of the blue Pacific The best of Ille Gold Coast' $1.795 000

VIEW! VIEW! VIEW! HI SPYGUSS HWI Sell' Trade' Lease optionll Gorgeous, new. residence Mediterranean design, best ocean. harbor, city views


PANORAMIC HARBOR VIEW Localed 1n the wonderful neighborhood of l'f• :e Tei race this beaut1lul 4BR 3BA hm has a labulous v ew o' Harbor ocean & Catalina Vaulted ce1hngs contemp style gourmet k1l Air. sec sys Large lot S 1 29S 000

CAMEO SHORES • OCEAN VIEW Upgraded cuslom hm wtteau11lul pool 3BR der> rew kitchen, spacious rms large lot 3-car garage

$1 19S 000

ELEGANCE IN HARBOR VIEW Totally rebuilt custom hm SBR. 48A cily lights Views Media rm, tamily rm w/lrpl Ms!r BRw/sauna . spa-rub walk-ins $1085 000


TURru ROCK SPECTACULAR 45q 3SA+s'udya1Tu1reRoc~Crest 1BrvBAdov.nw/ spec1acu1a1 v e.- Neu1ra1 decor Off r v. 1 deal1

$895 000

BElCOURT MANOR 1 STORY 46R 2 SBA great buy U" ta• ;S 1 s:ory eApans ~ l1ght1,v ngarea Jlrpl s s?.J:eolttieart~our:ne:k•lehen l °"' mo nt landsc.ipe $895 000 •

PRESTIGIOUS CHINA COVE Don t 1etth1s p11c:e deter yr:N and your buyers Owner rs a seller Walk to the oo..:h lorm this 3BR 2 story tvn Attached 2-car g.;ragew/addd1f•Oflal perlt ng +elevator Property 1s also lor lease or 1ease option $895 000

SEAVIEW CUSTOM HOME Only one of three custom hcines 4BR. country kitchen beautiful park-like sen1ng on almost 1/2 acre Ocean vie.¥ Call for more mlo $875 000

BEAUTIFUL SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO HOME Beauhlully appointed cus!om hm Marole entry 5BR + e•tra large lam1ly • bonus rru Very light + bngh! Sec system pool • spa Great curb appeal Spectacular v:ews $869,000

BREATHTAKING • IA1.80A ISLAJID C.ountry.ctiarm1 Ouatity 3BR 3BA 45 x as· lol Cozy dining area P11vate paho. 1st 111 mstr w/1rpl 2nd 111 2BR 1BA Wa'k 10 shops $850 000

WATBFRONT 3BR 3BA + den Privale beach. boat s ·~ S ga•ed community Home all r&-dooe & beaut1ti.1.1 $799000

STUNMINC CONDO · OCW VIEW! Custom Belcourt Hill (Plan 4) 2 mstr S:. • ~ 3 58A 3 lrpls Botnwa -1nclosetsarebed1ooms • • oadee• e•tras & security syslem S 7~~ 000

KITCHEN REMODELED! BAY VIEWS! K then remodeled bay views' Th s bP.J.Jt ·~ 1 "'~ eled tvn is now complete by add ng ·~ t • " · Best Illy S7l5 ~

100 FT OM THE IAYFRONT WMRGE DOCX! You musl see ltlt.s fabulous tm w1gues: 00.Y t:-. l>ay 2M 28A newk1!+ lBR lBAper'tl~ $175000

GARNER VAU.EY • RA .. CH Actes of parad ~ at an 1ncred1ble ;ii e .:~q SSA exQu sitefy f1Jrn1shed home o1 frpl s Vil •• Srr 5 000

MAI KAJ CONDO Coodom1111um tvn on it. waterfront La ~e 2BQ 2SA expandeO upper unil OutsWlding bily v l'I'~ I" "-'"f d11echon Im 1 le 10 t lhis 1 ' 01 76

. .


$2,195,000 Spec~lar swlh coasl city lights & wt111e water views lrom this re-built hm in prestigious commu­nity Gourmet kitchen. large mstr. sep. childrens

c::~__.. . ...,le'.<el. indoor atrium & moch more

$1,790,000 City lites, bay + ocean views Quality WOfkmanship lhroogtlout French doors, mouldings, 3 frpl's 4-(ar spaces, garage w/lots ol custom cabinets SBR 4.SBA long dri + moch more

$1,395,000 '40' lot fabulous brick & ~ CO'>'efed 2 stQfY SBR. 4.SBA hm w/pool, spa, ocean view tome<!

ID"1 JNn, •II•• J1 .. , nf-7Z5Z 12'-7251

$629,000 LIDO ISLE CUSTOM 48R + BONUS RM + 3BA Beauty REFURBISHED 2 PATIOS NEW ITEMS are white pi11 n1 in. ouUilecarpet.Anderson drs up/down. landscaping elect11cal, lighting sysans + mOfe SUPERS PEqu:.&.r..ll.--

$545,000 Ccmplelely remodeled 48R, 38A Ml French dOOfs lo privale yard w/pool/spa. Custom mstr suite. Walk lo Mariners Pa~.

SATURDAY, August 27, 1994 I PAGE 5

ChKk ' !'•ilyn Drqfuss, '186-93'7

NEW LISTING • HARBOR Hill $1,395,000

.... Li.:-llL:.S~

Stunning California contempcrary custom hm In tiisgatedcomm Ocearyc1ty · res views mpeccable quali ty throughout 4BR 3.5BA pool & spa Gourmet's kitchen ele nt mstr suite open enter-1a1nment asea

$775,000 Sophisticated towncollechor ·11 model exqu1s11ely decorated m neutral tones w/extensive use of cus­tom lilej!oo11ng. Arched French windows & planra­lion shUlters private cul·de-sac location Comm pool & spa

Joan Malftld 729-7269

$599,000 Nicely rMiodeled single story Courtyard entry for· mal dining k.rchen IOOks on 10 pool a•ea frenc!l doors & windows

$425,000 Charming hm + HlCOOle unit in good Corona del Ma location Front 28R hm has remodeled k1t:hen beam ceilings & f rpl

PAGE 6 I SATURDAY, August 27, 1994

00-123-772 . (* THEN ENTER THE CoRRESPONDtNO .. AUD«> Ad' 1.0. NUMBER)



s F 1RsT 2 4-HouR B ROKER

• (A1J1•" A 1 !lfiOU) Rtc .Ano1rJc, 8 AnUAH.\ ArJ',TAlJHH B rw~rn/A c.ENT

(A I I A : Gh\i)) Hm-. Tu A .1>ll' T Hl r~nn [ 8 1(,(,f ,T HlJ'.'[ B uv1ric.

r\1 1:, TA~f '::>

• 98d, 9 Baths plus CUC1f q113ncrs • Approx. 10,0001q ft . on a Douhlc Lot • Gym, Sauna, Rec. Room&. Mud ROOO\


207 EVENING CANYON • ) Bd, 2.75 Baths, Location! Locataoo! • Spccacuw Views of Harbor&. More! • Olfl' Property nearly One-Half Aett

$1 ,850,000



#1 TOP TEAM 1993

Year to date 1994

&ATURDAY, August 27, 1994 / PAGE 7

MELINDA 729-7251 MARTY 729-7252

' ' '~ T 1Vl ,..I~ . ' H . . ' ~ ~ v v I ' . ' . ....... I I I I N ~ I ~ ,. " I I I ·. N -

Bcaunful Spyglass Hill Southport model. SBR/4.SBA, view home Highly upgraded, expanded IO 4,000+ aq ft lUduccd $898,000

Harbor View H omes 3BR/3BA home. on a large 11,700 sq.ft. lot with aome ocean views from L R. and den. $585,000


Shore bulous rustom.4BR home located on canyon with ocean views, Private beach · access. Price slashed by $900,000.

000 MONTH Oil l -495 000

Panoramic jetty, harbor and ocean views from this 48R/ 3BA home w/ pool ' large courtyard in lr\'ine Terrace. 1,195,000

Panoramic harbor1 ocean & city lights views from thas Sandpiper modcl1 expanded & remodeled 3BR, + den, vaultea ceilings.

$839 000


Wonderful expanded customized 4BR/4BA home in Harbor View Hilli with pool si~cd yard and privacy. $725,000

Exclusive gated Sea Island upper level condo on golf course. 2BR plus den. Shows like a model $'569,000


Best priced Cameo Shores 3BR/3BA home wnh ocean \.1cw. Vaulted ceilings and private courtyard and pool. $995,000

Beauafully remodeled Harbor View Hills 4BR home Now 3BR/2.58A. Extra large 18,000 sq Ii yard Lush landscaping and lots of pnval"'!

$839 0<10

Lowest pnced " Joddle" model. 38R/2 SBA in gaced HMbor Ridge. Locaced ar end of cuJ de-sac. Very quiet location. $639,000

Harbor View Hills 38R home located JWt 2 doors from greenbelt Pnvatc with pool and spa hduccd $549,000

PAGE 8 / SATURDAY, August Tl, 1994

'· .. •


' ~ Stunning California contemporary custom home with a l . Mediterranean flair in this gated commvnity. Open I_·• entertainment/family room with vaulted ceiling, desert bark ~ stone fireplace, and professional bar overlooking lush garden with pool and spa. Gourmet's kitchen that doesn't miss a trick. Living, dining, and study upstairs maximize ocean and (, city lights views. Elegant master suite, three fireplaces, wine •

, curity system and more. Only ... the best! l'J

~--~OROUGH - $1,395 .QOO l~-"911-.W"'


George J. McGaffigan 729-7233


1627 CASTLE COVE CIRCLE Prestigious gated 'community with golf course. o cean, harbor and city lights views. 4BR, 2 .5BA, plus large den. Ne w carpet and paint. Beautiful garden and pa tios. 3 car garage. Cul-de-sac street.


2101 e. coast Highway ThePrudent1al -...J]l 729-7233 · · · ·· · · · .. . ~ . Calltomla Realty

. .


Enjoy full ocean views of Salt Creek Beach and beyond from this captivating home, then stroll to afternoon tea at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Nothing has been overlooked including a state of the art theatre room with large screen and surround sound, hand crafted shutters of wood and brushed aluminum ~y noted Laguna artist Larry White, built-in stereo speakers throughout (even on the pool terrace), authentic , antique Indonesian carved panels highlight the Trompe L' oiel and glazed walls throughout. Wonderful for entertaining with private pool &. spa on the view. You must see to appreciate this spectacular custom home - The only one of it's kind!! $2,995,000

For a private showing, call




2 Civic Plaza v A Suite 100 Newport Beach 714-640-2500

Newport Beach

BELCOURT • O""'cr his built a new home and is rcadv to mo\'c. READY TO SELL! HighJy upgraded on a luge corner lot. $925,000

BIG CANYON · I Ind mwolwme on .1 l.ir~e lot ''1th. pm .itc p<x>I & )PJ 111dud1ng J \Cp.1r.t1c nu1d~ room S695,000

NEWPORT NORTH · Pm.tic lo..:.mon b.1~k111g to the h1lh1Jc 4BR plu\ den in a guard g.itcd communiC). $539,000

HARBOR RlDGE · Loveh wuntr) '.iml night hght VIC\\) from th.1) 1.irgc 3BR m"nhome "/Iott $472,000

NEWPORT C REST · Quiet "oci<ls like )Clll1'S & JUSt a Y. ll'\llC to the beJch. 3BR. 3BA tri·lc\cl townhomc · $239,000

NEWPORT CREST • Bc:autifuJ 2BR, 2BA tO\\ nhome \\1th fabulous greenbelt location. Onl 3 blocks to the buch!' $208,900

BAYVIEW COURT • A private gated commuruty minutes to beach, Fashion Island and the Badt Bay. lBR, 2BA . $199,500

p R

NEWFORT BEACI:f • Lovely condo in Sccunty Gated Vc1UJIJcs. 2 mister suites w/fircplacc & fuJI ocean \ie\\. $198,000

---..... +----. Custom Homes

LlNDA ISLE VILLA · BcJu11ful 4BR home built by Fui Int l.ar~c: lot overlooking the tranquil bay. s~.soo,ooo

BELCOURT • Med1terr.1ne.1n mamion \\Ith o..:c~n & (II) hght ,,c:~~ SBR suite), hbun, IJmal~ r<Xlm & den Lu)h trop1..:Jl grounds " /w.ncrfalh & spJ. '$3,950,000

LINDA ISLE • Enioy the sunset, bay & hght views from this main channel location 48~ stud)', 2 fam1lr rooms & maids roorn. 47 It on the w.ucr \\ / dock & )Ide: tic. Fee land. $3,495,000

RJTZ COVE • Builders Mcduerrancan masterpiece \\/full ocean views 4 BR suites grm, office & full theatre. Pnvatc pool. '


BIG CANYON · EXQUISITE'! Cu5com built & designed b\ Fari Int facra large lot \\/pm.uc: pool & sp.t Sl,•95,000

HARBOR RIDGE - If you like contcmpor-uy, thi$ 1s for you! Llght, bright & white. Pn,·atc pool & spa, $ 1,995,000

SUNDAY Heritage: Park Big Canyon Newport Oest Big Canyon

67 Heritage 20 Burning Tree 2 Encore: Ct . 20 R.uc Grand Ducal

5199,000 Sl,495,000 $208,900 5529,000

T. H ill L Valentine D.Chambers



SATURDAY, August 27, 1994 I PAGE 9

L E N T I N E 0 p E R

TRES VISTAS • Palati.il mansion in this prestigious guard gated community. Pm.ite pool & spa. Bc:auuful appointmenn throughout $698,000

HARBOR RJDGE · l1nobwuctcd occ.in & cirv \'iews from this cuHpom 3RR home " / Ion. GrcJt cntcruining. hl.}mc " / pm ate: pool, pa & IUll entert.unmcnt ~cnrer un rhc p.wo. S 1,395,000


TURTLE ROCK · l:..xc.:uu'e home un .i

l.ugc pnv.itc lot 4BR. h<>nU\ r0<1m 1 BA on 1 1c,c1. 0\\ ncr \\111 ..:u11 S424,900

COM · ~t\~~()W Harbor \'11.:\\ Hilb fan{lt"41 l~t>1'h1't:i'1~rge Im \\Ith pm.ite ..:ourty.mf Bc.iuutully upd.ttcJ $545,000

COM · Well maim.tined JuplC\ Let the 2BR .ip.trtmcnt help with p.iyment~ .inJ tJ\n WJJk to bc.ich S465,000

INCOM E PROPERTY · 2 ")Ualit\ 4 plcxc:s with cnclo~c:d g.ir.igc), tirc:placc~· • .11r cond & pri,ate yarJ S334,000 ca.

LAGU NA BEACH · Builders lot" Across from the: sand full "h1te ".tter occ:an & 11unsct views. $300,000

HUNTINGTON BEACH • SELLER TRA: SFERRED, MlJST SFLL" Great for hr nme buyers Light & bnghr FHA & \'A


T I E ·S


MONARCH BEACH · 38R .,inglc: famil\' home on .i large corner lot Guard gated communiry S299,500

COM · Engh~h m le t{m nhomc "/2 BR, 2BA. tlrepl.i\'.e, \\Ct b.ir & 1usr mmute' m the bc.ich, ;hopp111g & fine dinin((. S295,000

IRVINE H1ghh· upitr.ideJ end unit " / 38 R. 1an11ly room, fr1rnul d1nin~. 'aultell \'.e1ling & OlJIW '>pcci.tl IC.iturc~ ~o ;\kllu Roos Sl 99,000

lR\'INE l'ni\ er~1n l"1m n Centa 1.1 n.1 ... " 2 m.t,rcr 'u11e~. 1 ~· !Jrge pm.ire pJ1 o ~ nd lo.:.tuon Si -9, 900

BREA • 3SR, 2BA condo" 2 car .imchcd gar.igc. Lighr, bright & sparkJe3 hke nc\\" Great for ht time buyers $169,900

LAGUNA HILLS • Appro\ 1200 )q tt \\ f / huge cndosc:J pm ate \.trd WJJk to rhc \\1ldcmess bike tr.ul $109,900


Limb Isle 5BR Sl0,000 MO

Newport Beach 3BR+ $2,800 MO

BigC'Anyon 1BR $ .. ,650 MO

The Temce CDM 2BR Sl.400 MO

lnine 2BR Sl.250 MO

BAYRIDGE FURNISHED · This 1s bc:auufu1•'1 Bc,ckd mirrored dining room waJI~. 2 muter 'llltn, fireplace, tile cntn, pl.int.mon 3hutter , cathcdr-al ceiling~ & 2 car .inached g.;lrase

$2,295 MO


81g Canyon

call Listin

64 Belcourt

44 Rue Fonuincblcau




D Miles I T Alhmun

J M.ithc:r D G.iync.lu


, L-

PA~ E 11> / sAruRb!(v,1 A~g~f21' . 1~

1 770 W. Balboa 2100 Baycrest 1 735 Plaza del Sur 107 Via Genoa

445 Seville

2405 Cliff Dr.

19152 Holly #C

2564 Y al~ Pl.

Presented By:

. Open Houses


$539,000 $595,000 $699,000



Sun 1-4

Sat 1-5 Sun 1-4

Sat/Sun 12-5

Sat/Sun 1-4

Sun 1-5

HUNTINGTON BEACH $1~,900 Sun 1-4

. · COSTA MESA $245,000 Sat/Sun 1-4

Presented By:

MARCIA DOSSEY Pgr: (714) 509-3707 •



Bus: (714) 673-7300


Tom Hyans

Anne Dennis-Hall Beverly Creedon

HUary Imes

Gib Walker & George Schroeder

Gary Woodward

Ruth Aowers

Leslee Conner


A bcauofuJ home on a large Lido lol featuring grand emena.in.ing rooms, big deck & patio, elevator from basement up to 2nd floor . Dock holds up to 55' era.ft. Call for your private showing today.

Offtted at $1,975,000

ONB BLOCK TO SAND 3BR upper unit & 2BR lower unit in sharp, clean cond.ition. Either one could be ideal as an owner's full time residence. Ca1J roday to discuss how this investment property can fit into your financial portfolio.

Offered at $445,000

A magruficent single·lcvel residence fcarures the sound of the crashing waves, incomparable whitcwaler & Catalina Isle v1sLas . Huge courtyard pool & spa plus pri\ ate steps down co the sandv beach. Available up t0 2 years.

Offered at $11,900. per month.

CONDO BY THB BAY Freshly painccd & redccor.ued 3BR, 3BA bay, city lights & mountain view condo w/boal slip a\•a.ihblc. Many custom bu.ilt-m features. Call today for more infonnation & a privarc showing.

Offered at $669,000


PENTHOtJSE ................................. $161,000 Comer 2BR in nice, quiet location. Numerous quality custom upgrades throughout. Located within walking distance to the beach & restaurants.

LIDO ISLE .••••••..••••..••.•.•.••••••••••••..• $349.500 Highly upgraded bay, ocean & city Ughts view luxury condo. Security high rise bldg. Boat slip

BE NEAR THE BEACH.: •••.••..••••.••.•• $315.000 Immaculate & inviting 3BR, 3BA home w/den, din rm, fam rm w/frpl + 3 decks & covered patio. Den could be 4th bdrm.

FOUNTAIN VALLEY .... ....... .... ... . . ... $219.900 Move right in ... 4BR, 2BA light/bright single story home w/large yard, boat storage & big storage shed. Kit. & baths have been redone.

SATURDAY, August 21; t 994 I PAGE 1j

LIDO ISLE .••.•.•....•. ...••.••....•.•••.•••••• $699,000 REDUCED TO SELL NOW. Very comfortable 4BR home w/sunny patio & one BR & BA on the first level. Highly desired inside street. Ca!J for details

HUNTINGTON BEACH lWNHM •• •••• $114,900 I-yr-old Southridge 2BR, 2.SBA model w/din rm, big b<inns, upgraded baths, 1st flr pwdr rm, built·in smoke & fire sprinkler system. 2 car gar. + lots of storage.

available. ~======================~ VIEW HARBOR ENTRANCE ......... $719,000

Llve at the beach on Penin Pt. 3BR. 3BA home w, din rm., fam nn., skylit kit, handsome English-pub style wet bar, views from many rms, 2-car gar + xtra prkg in rear & side.

DUPLEX ............. .............. $445.000 Great. rental area of Balboa Peninsula this spacious duplex would be ideal to Uve in one & rent the other. Ca» to see today. The Prudential

;Advantage. ON mE BOARDWALK •••••• $775,000 On the comer by the waves. A ~ cottage. Breathtaking oceal\/CatalinAlsunset views. 35' ofoceanfrontage!

GRAND ESTATE . ............ $2.295.000 4-story SBR home w/St. Charles kit, Ubraiy, den, fonnal din, full gym & rooftop solarium w/JflJ degree Views!

A $75 million advertising plan that attracts 6uyers and sellers.

CLIFF DRIVE VANTAGE ••• $1,495,000 BeautiMly appointed home overlooking the bay, ocean & Catalina sunsets A truly dramatic entertaining home w every state·o(-the·art amenity.

BAYCREST NEAR SCHOOLS ••.... SSSS,000 Large SBR. 3BA home w/pool & spa 819 landscaped back yard. Lots of potential for expansion too. 2 car garage

UDO ISLE BAYFRONT ............... $1,975,000 Sophisticated 3BR. 3BA home w/dock for 55' boat, full basement + an elevator. Designer wall & floor coverings.

WALK TO WOllK AT HOAG ............ $259.000 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath townhome with dining room, use of granite, master BR w/skytjt bath. 2nd bedroom big enough to be family room or home office.

PRICE CONSCIOtJSm .................. $114,900 Quiet/private condo overlooking trees & fountain in nice complex w/pool & spa. Bike or walk to the beach!

BAYCllEST POOL HOME ................ $539.000 Sunny & large 3BR, 3BA slngle-leveJ home w/great flowing floorplan. French doors lead to patio & pool. New c:arpets/palnt/landscaping.

' Rm COVE BUILDER'S OWN ••••.••••.••.•• $2,995.000 Magnificent 180 degree ocean view estate necp- golf courses, sandy beaches, Ritz Carlton complex & Dana Point Harbor. This dlStinctJve residence compliments your active lifes1yle along the Cahfomia Riviera.

NEAR EQUESTRIAN TRAILS •. .•••• $1.579,500 Price Reduced. The pastoral feeling of this gracious 4BR, 4.SBA estate ls evident from the enJJy right out to the lushly landscaped grounds. A must see.


PAGE 12 / SATURDAY, August 27, 1994

Robin Tench

Diana Cappel

Rae Rodgers

Robert D. Milliken

Jackie Handle man

Jane Sungaila

Knows! Cliffhaven

Knows! E'astside

Costa Mesa

Knows! Baycrest • Westcliff

Knows! Newport Heights

Knows! Eastside

Costa Mesa

Knows I Mesa Verde

Knows! Spyglass


GOBOEOUS TOTALLY REM OD EI.ED Traditional 48R with maid's qtrslguest qtrs. Grnm ~ car gar. plus RV /Boat parking. French doors. beamed ceilings. gourmec ldtchen. Huge family/b6nus rm. 500 E. 15 St. '899,000 Bobln Tenob '&x\. 131

DUPLEX Duplex in excellent condition. Great mh.~tmcn1 111

the perfect loca1100 2BR. I BA. I BR. I RA. 2 "'°~le car garage "'flaundry hook-ups. Call for detail\ RJta Wade Ext. 118

NEWPORT BEST BUY L1gnt-n-bn~h1 4 bedroom 2.5 bath Ivan Well built home. Spac10~1.-. yar t location. Compliment aluation Well Pnced ,000

. Diana Cappel En. tao

OLDE CAPE COD IN CLDTHAVEN llus tremendously appealing home is 1rad111onal and has superb locauon. The 4BR. large family room. master suite/loft demon tratcs good design anJ value. This is a new hs11ng ... vacan1 and ready! Asking '650,000. Rae Rodge .... 780-5000 Ext. 188

"EASTSIDE COSTA MESA" 400 bled. locatJon 3BR. 2BA. hardwood floors. family room. fireplace. 4 car garage. large loc Fantasuc opprotunity ! Close 10 park. Nc'wport schools & 1cnn1s court . A king $319,000 Robert D . llllllken Ext. 125

REDUCED-LARGELOT This 38R. 2BA family home sits on 11 CJOOO + ~q rt. comer loc French doors. upgraded bath. secunty system & your own rrcc standing baskctb:ill bad. boan!. add to lhc a1tract1vc features of this property ...... ooo .Jackle llandleman Ext. 117

WELCOME HOME .•. To 1h1~ graciously remodeled S'BR family home Situated high atop Spyglass HilJ offers brca1h1a~mg unobstruclcd ocean. bay & city views orrcteJ It •1,875,000 .Jane Suncaua. Ext. 1ao


Elegantly appointed with lots of Marble and Hardwood Ooors. Custom 48 R 3.5BA plus 4 car garage. Gorgcou yard with pool & pa.

WAS $li850,000, NOW $1,399,000 2 Rockingham Dr.


Ma ive main ·home, 7BA. plus large guest house. 13 box stalls, ranch house. private streams, pool and spa. Auto warehouse for 15·20 cars. Make Offer! WAS $5,900,000·NOW REDUCED TO $3,500,000



Exquisite 4BR, 3112BA on oversized estate lot. Vast muter suite, free onn pool 4 spa, 4 car garage and great curb~· Decorator aUowance to new b uyer. WAS $1,650,IM REDUCED TO $1,.180,000

SATURDAY, August 27, 1994 / PAGE 13


Refer yourself to me so I can tell you about my signature

promise Over 23 years experience!

Gorgeous 2BR, 2112 plu den. Best greenbelt location with lots of marble and plu h off-white carpeting. Subject to short sale approval of lender. Originally sold at S 1,000,000 MUST SELL! REDUCED TO $689,000


Lavi h 6BRF, t lBA motor coUnJS car garage. Sunken tenni crts & p<>?l w/grotto. Full basement. gym, elevator & movie theater Unrivaled in Newport Beach.



Lovely SBR, 4.SBA custom home with 4 car garage. Gorgeous tile Ooors and Berber carpeting. Great rear yard ~ i1h large pool, spa fountain and outdoor entertainment area. Many other quality featutts! Seller will consider trade down. $1,650,000


Newly remodeled SBR 48A bome w/fllCSt quaners. Li1bt & airy w/opcn beams, cus1om lipts, 1~rmet kitchen and enclosed fron1 entry cowt. $1,490,000

Recently remodeled 4BR. 3.SBA plus 4 car garage on prime cul de ac location. Warm hardwood Ooors. custom paint & paper + many qualuy built-ins. Lavish master uite w/ team, auna and exercise area. Lush rear yard w~aterfall Jacuzzi. Sl,795,000 •


K~~ ~\,S



Prorl decorated 4BR, 3.SBA w/master suite on 1st level. Euro ki1chen, huge family room. formal libral)/den Lush rear yard w/pool, spa and entertaining area. Priced to sell Now S l,.390,000


Gorgeou view 4BR, 5.SBA + 6 car gar. Bl!iement w/rec rm Gourmet l it, fabulously upgraded thru-ous Step to private beach. New elevation plans available Male Offer WAS $3,800,00Q NOW $3,390,000

~ ~ =1".\q ' M'{?t ~<:- fauouA YAOAUTA2 PAGE 14 / SATURDAY, August 27, 1994

"1TAT?~ 11\"'I '°' )' 2,"";l•l . ~"J;.."1'°" • +" NEWPORT BEACH COS1A M~~ t" l.:01 I REAL £STATE

#1 Stki A~ 1110,12, 13 RF_Mf.¥® 1'"11hprt\101Kbrokrra1rn>mJ'l.lll)'I SOUTH COUNTY


Office: 760-5000 x 122 Pager 509-3744 24 hour


Newport Beach's ·­Most Prestigious Property

• Enormous Waterfront Lot • 8BR Suites, mstr w/ 2 baths • Subterranean prlmg/8 oars • Pvt Dook for yacht


$1 ,379,000

• Panoramic Ocean View • Private Pool & Spa • 1986 Custom Home

$499,000 • 3BR, 3BA, FR • Formal Dining. Den • Large Family Home


$ts29,000 •Best Buy • 3BR, 2BA • Lite & Brite - Remdld kltohen

Total I Bu,yel'tf lo Sellerw fWlprwHnted

$995,000 . • 4BR 3BA • Ocean view deck w/spa • Custom contemporary


I I $8 15,000

• 4BR, 3BA, Lg. Pvt. Dock • Den, Formal Dinlng • Incredible Buy • Exclusive Neighborhood

$315,000 • 2BR2BA • Formal Dining Room • Marble Floors

$610,000 • 1 Block to Ocean • Overaized Lot • Remodeled 3BR


N .B . CONDO $204,900 3 BR, 2 .6 BA


TURTLE ROCK $499,000 Spacious family. home, 3BR 3BA. oust. kitcb, FP tn Master ste.

• 200 blk ·Steps to Sand TURTLE ROCK $315,000 • Ocean View 2BR, 2BA, marble floors, form. dine.

"-•-3_B_R._4B_A_w_lll_b_r_a.....:ry=-----J den.

GREAT LOCATION Other Beach Cities

3BR. 2 .6BA, fam rm, olty/hlll Views

"-:~;:, 3BR. 2.~BA, fam rm, hill views. quit>l

Low $300's • Newer home

cul de sac

•Quiet family neighborhood • Cape Cod Style ...._ __________ ......; 4BR, 3 .~BA, den, spa, hut oust. home.

ocean vlew .

Harbor View Homes $600's Down Payment as Low as $45,000

• Total remodel 1990. Large 3000' + home with two muter suites & bath•. Total 4BR, 4BA, form. dine, den, large kit w/brk room. Large oorner lot. Buy w/ aa little u 7% down.


01'1 '\i llOl '!'ti , .\ ll HIH\ I - I P\I

llAYcasr lOll......, Chris Ungfofd


llADOll ISIAM> DllM! 515 "-'-w-IDr. Sl.00,0000 Bruce Mier

l8YINE TfDACE 1a11 a.,..-T...,... Juett Rol>llins


UDOISI£ SU V'9 Udo s-d Sl,ttS,000 KIWI~ .... \'le Udo Noni VelrN rwnmons


SEAFAIRE 2SO UU. a.- U lJ OM! Prll!C!


lllEBWFFS 2102 ViMa W.to $279,000 G1n7 Anderso" 24 5 \llfta Nobler.a $291,000 M1rllm May!ll 2212 va.ta Donclo Al1tSOn Se~m.lnn

SS69 ,000

WEStaJFF WEST u .. s.-Lue SUS,000 8ef nard Towe rs


BAYCREST 2021 HoUd•\I Alltson Seesemann



2021 Sandqo Drive $419 ,000 Jim Rush

BROADMIOOR 11/CDMI 2501 Blu-•tcr $650.000 Judy Strauss

HARBOR ISLAND DRIVE 515 Harbor l.a..d Dr Sl.890,000 Bonnie Pereira

HARBOR VIEW HILLS sount 3401 Q.Mt eov. $975,000 Eleanor 80w1e

IRVtN'E TERRACE 1821 ~ T~ Sl,395,000 Barbara Miles

UDO ISLE SU Via Udo Sou.d $2,995,000 Edie Olson 844 Via Udo Nord $4,200,000 Velma Timmons

NEWPORTISIAND 508 38tla St OaV1d Prince


NEWPORT NORlll VD.1AS 3126 Corte Caleta St95,000 Susan Weir 3022 Corte Portal $535,000 Gall York

SF.AFAIRE 230UU.LaneUl1 David Pnnce

SEAVIEW 1905 Y.mt Ml.aria Ginny Anderson

SHOREa.JFFS 35~E~~ Nan Doyle ~



~ff 5 Vine Nobleu rmen Clr1ton Sf vi.t. Ml.eden olesworthy






SH6 ,500

NEWUS11NGS IAYCREST $429,900 Spacious sunny noor plan. 4 bd 2.5 ba, faml'Y. room, 2 fireplaces, spa~lng pool pius aJr conditioning. Beautiful Baycrest home on prime street House 1s vacant and seller Is extremely motivated.

CORONA DEL MAR $775,000 Spect,acular Newport Harbor Vlewsl Rare available VIiia with mlltlon dollar views ovenooklng the Newport ~. stunning sunsets and twlnkHng harbor fights. This almost new 3 bd, 2.5 ba residence is a delight In luxurious seclusion at only sns.ooo.


DOVER VILLAGE $179,750 Townhomt impeccably ma1ntamed. The IMng space is generous and the prol)frty lends itself to a tranquil envaronment. Close to beach, Shopping, part and library washer & dryer and window treatments are included. Ceiling fans and plantallon shutters in both master & seconaary bedrooms

NEWPORT BEACH $229,000 "Back Bay' remodeled s1nple level Vista Bahia townhOme wrth complete airport retrofit 3 large bedrooms. 2 ba. bu111-1ns. new carpet, scraped ceilings ~ ~-c-, 0 1'1 roof. great open hving room wrth fireplace 1.~w lt l~ •ry. drmng area private used brtck patto. air c ,· o 11. 1• double i>aned windows. new insulahOn UP0111.Jc-. ~1tchen & fabu lous associallon amenities Walk to Back Bay trails and wild hie preserve

BIG CANYON TOWNHOMES $245,000 En1oy the serene quiet setting ol this lovely 2 bd plus den townhome Well designed floor plan with spacious rooms & ca1hedral ce1hnos Plenty ol closet space Nicely upgraded throughout with neutral decor

EASTSIDE COSTA MESA $299,000 Rare Easts1de Spanish stvled home on large lot and excellent localton This 3 bd home has nardwood floors. Spanish ttle roof, coved intenor ce1hngs, arched entry ways and remodeled kitchen and bathroom kitchen and bathroom have been hied and feature new fnctures & appliances forced air & heattng & morel! ca11 to set up appt

CORONA DEL MAR $315,000 Brand new 4 years ago Super light and bnght IMng High ce1hngs, super sunS!110 deck, great locatlon. steps from the CdM lootb e, no hassfe of haVlng to dnve your car IQ the beach ust grab your beaeh chair & cooler & go Also walk In minutes to the heatt of lhe v111aoe Killer coffee down the street Super fun location. lust In time tor summer'

WEST NEWPORT BEACH U60,000 Come live the good llfe at the beach Few houses from the ocea'!i upper level of only 2 units In this newer building. " bd. each with Its own bath, one with walk· In closet. Also a Powder room. living room boasts a dramatic soarinp ceilings recessed lighting, marble fireplace. neutra decor & balcony. Kitchen has all new appliances Including gas rana_e & garden window. Rool top deck with ocean View & fully set up with gas, elect phone hne lor jacum, BBQ or anything you mlgnt enjoy

THE BLUFFS $369,000 Immediate occupancy Overlooking the best greenbelt In the Bluffs 3 bd, 2~ ba With remodele<f kitchen, Thermadore ovens & Jennalre range top Tile counters, spa tub, redone baths, air cond1bomng Decorator per1ect and model fre$h. very hght arid bright Vacant

NEWPORT IEACH $375,000 LIVI the drum in your Newpott Buch duplex! New paint In & out, new carp_et In these spacious 2 bedroom umt.s Includes gara~ & laundry Only 2 blocks to the beach Positive e1sh flowl

NEWPORT BEACH $319,000 seller des1M.9ratel Must sell now 2 bd, 1 5 ba condo. Located within the pnvate gated oommunitv of Bayside Cove Close to shopping, walk to Balboa lsland. boat slips· usuallY avallablt. community pool and spa and beach. Take adVantage of this opportunity today I

NEWPORT IEACH $397 000 Live the drum In your Newport Beach duplex! New paint In & out, new carpet in these sPaclous 2 bedroom units. Includes garage & laundry Only 2 blocks to the beach. Positive cash ttowl

IA YCREST $399,000 ~crest custom coUQ.lry French style residence Prrvate front courtyard entry Wonderful owrs1zed master suite with flreplaee & French doors to meticulous IV landscaped rear yard Gourmet kitchen. huge forma1 dining room Separate indoor laundry. newly added tam11V sun room TrulY a miluon dolijr caliber residence l hOusands spenl on l1n1sh work oak & marble

BAYCREST NORTH/DOVER SHORES $419,000 Oo you need a 5 bedroom home 1n a great area? Come to Baycrest Dover Shores Jump 1n tne poo1

1 l\al!g In Ille spat nus home IS 11 for tile pr Ctf ta' today'

CORONA DEL MAR $475,000 Older duplex situated on one ol thll most desirable 1oca11ons south of PCH Pr 1va1e excep11ona11y quiet 101 with ocean and harbor view hcelteni opportunity for an investment or future condom1n•um development

BAYVIEW TERRACE $490,000 V1ew1 V1ewl View! Single family residence 3 bd, n ba, private spa Premium location View of Back ear. and Wild Liie preserve Gated community with poo . spa and park. Dues only $113/mo can tor showino

NEWPORT HEIGHTS $519,000 Bring your children! BeautJlul large enclosed .}'j.rd wrth ocean breezes RV access, quiet IOcaltonl 3 bd. 2 ba plus family room Custom built in 1961 Pee or ocean and lites.

WEST NEWPORT $530,000 & $535,000 Side by side duplexes. Both buildings have • bd, 2 ba upper units, 2 bd. 1 ba lower um1s with 3 car garages Large decks, no delened maintenance Seller will exchange up or carry.

HARBOR VIEW HOMES $535,000 MonteOQ • shows like a model with room to e~ and no Mello Roos Fabulous overslled 101 In hlghlY SOuQhl alter Harbor View Homes. Over 8000 sq ft prooJide a professionally landscaped yard wrth a separate fenced play area tor children ThlS charming 4 bd, 2 ba has a remodeled kitchen & master baths French doors. custom cabinetry In the family room: marble entry, new carpet, deSlgner wa.tlcovenngs vaulted celhngs and formal dining room '

NEWPORT IEACH $535.000 Grea.t Westcltttmover Shores location with s bedrooms with 3 bath, pool, spa all wen malnlaJned and a single story! Great oppottunlty Tl11s property Wiii not laslJ

IROADMOOR II $650,000 Panoramic ocean & bay V1IW 4 bd, 2~ ba on e~ra large street to street lot In quahty neighbortlOOCS with communll)' pool and part.

SEA ISLAND $659,000 Stunning Slnale 11...i townhOmt of awox 2800 sq It wlltl colOrtul IURS4lt ~- Designer Pfrfect with ofl-wtlite dlsslc die«, upame dining room, ~m and 3 bedroom suites. Thi muttr II fl nlld with a COl'j fireplac_e1 huge wdHn and IMlh badl. High vauneo celr~ ldd lo the IDICiouWls of this

f'llldence. lOClted In a guard neighbortlood wittl tennis, pool & spa .

SPYGLASS $480,000 Estate sae lot with Yiewl Approx 18,000 SQ It lot sitting on ~ comtf IOcltiofl with ocean & halt>Or Yitws. 3 bd, 2 bl will! vaulted cell1ngs 1n IMng room. ~ front and 5ide yard combination with poof and spa.

BEACON IA Y $695!000 located on an expansiYI grassy strada us1 3 doors from the belchl RelaX or entet111n on one of the 2 !lrge bock ~ios Totally remodeled in 1991 tti•s Chalmino Caoe Cod hOme has 2 bd 2112 b.i in addition to a separate 1 bd apanmen1 over the 3 eat garage. Wateh the Chnstmu boll parade and enjoy all the amenities of this pre!Tl18r neionbortlood

BALBOA ISLAND $739,000 View dup1ex 1n great middle ol the 1sla J locat on 1us1 2 doors from south bay lront Spacious 3 bd, 2 ba units With It replaces ~as ly convened to s11!Qle family home Footage c•" not be duphcated 1n new construcllon

LIDO ISLE $769,000 A touch 01 Europe! Per1ect tor · Att Lovers Th s rare streel 10 street lot with wonderful bay V1e111 •s ad,acent to a serene park with dock lac11t11c• Recently remodeled. amenilfes Include newlV designed kitchen and l&Ving area E~ens111& use of tile & corian EnJoy Lido Isle lifestyle whlC" Includes community tennis courts t>eache5 grassy fields, i sailing club & boat docks

DOVER SHORES $799,000 This 4000 sq It lam1ly home sits on a 13,000 sq h lot Mountain and city views from the roof deck This Span1$h style home was u~ted in 1994 and stiows hght and bflghl A wonderful entert.a1111no home wrth pool and spa and profesSlonllly lant1scaped bickylld.

BAY CREST $919,000 Very spaciOUS lradrtJOnal homt With toads of country cha.rm! 5 bd, 5112 ba.. h~~~- family room. office, pool & spa. Tot.all'i l"lfllOOeled by owner·bullcilr with unique features & 1ncred1ble q~hty upgrades n tNtfY room. The J)tffect home to relax as a tami~ as well as entertain m styte

HARBOR ISLAND DRIVE $1 ,190,000 70 feet on the bavl This large bay_!ront prol)frty is priced below what was paid. Reduced almost $500,000 Seller Is motlvattdl 5 bd. •~ ba home has all the essentials, large boll dock. expans.lve grass yard on the bay, sandy beach great floor plan for entet1aining. European kltcntn, Jormahl dining room & OYetS1ztd master bedroom" Frenc doors 01>4n from the llYing room. den 11 dining room on the patio overloOklilg the lawn & bay

BIG CANYON $1~.000 Custom 5 bedroom Bio Clnyon in I smashing golf course trontaoe . IOCllJon Every room O!>fns to patio 0t ~· OratNllC entettalnlng patios race the oolt course. woe sunny decks surround the seCluded and pnvale swimmino pool.

UDO ISLE $2,996,000 Premier mueh &OUQht lfter greenbelt siding pre>perty, extra wide I deeO lot. Counl!'Y French remodel with 3 car garage. Dock for 2-80 It bolts Huge roottoo entertainment vtew dldc plus extra lar~ patlO/~~ OOfoeoul tandlCIP.I with too quality tinlSh Wl Boll !owl loclbOnl

COLDWCLL BANl\CR LI '' "l'Ol{ I HI\( II 011 f( I 4 Ol{,11\ C}f (()\~I 111<.ll\\ \\\I \\Cl( \j)C) 1dl •1111.~1


NRWPORT 8UCH S4H,OOO A customizlld 4 bd 3 ba Marbella in the gated community of Newport North Villas. Gourmet kitchen with a work center. The family room complete with an· entertainment center and French

• doors leading to a lovely patio.

HARBOR VIEW HOMES $535,000 Montego-Shows like a model w/room to expand and no Mello Roos. Oversized lot in Harbor View Homes. 800 sq ft. landscaped yard w/separate fenced play area. 4 bd, 2 ba. remodeled kitchen & master bath, French doors, marble entry. new carpet, vaulted ceilings, and fprmal dining room.

Vergilene H II

Ginny Anderson

NmwPORT BUCH $519,000 Your children will love this beautiful large fenced yard for playing. Parents will love it for entertaining. Alley access for AV storage too. 2 story 3 bd 2 ba home, 2 car attached garage, family room, fireplace & wood floors. Covered porch overlooking colorful display of flowers which frame the spacious lawn. can today to see this one! •

Colesworthy/ . .

NEWPORT NORTH VILLAS $535,000 Designers own hOme. Absolutely perfect In every detail. Neutral decor with pavers . .white washed wood, marble. California living with high ceilings, family room opens to fabulous spa and waterfall, built-in 880. 3 bd, 2.5 ba, master bedroom has sitting room. Cul-de-sac location in

· Steve Hi h

LAGUNA NIGUEL · $539,500 LAGUNA BEACH , $839,000 Laguna Niguel Crest de Ville. Impeccably maintained home with many Quality features. 4 bd 3 ~ New custom Paul Wllllams inspired home. Approx. 2400 sQ ft of living space. limestone flooring. and family room with view ..of ocean. night lights and woodsy canyon, guard gated community living room w/fireplace family room/den w/built in entertainment center, upgraded kitchen overlooking ,El Niguel Country Club. Community pool and spa. Ready to move-in! w/granite counter tops &' top of the fine appliances. ~nta Rita stone throughout .

Marcia/ Robert

CORONA DEL MAR '840,000 Olde Corona del Mar charmer. redwood home on 45 x 118 lot 1/2 block from ocean. Spacious sunny inner patio with separate guest Quarters. Quiet family neighborhood in this special secluded location.

BAL80A ISl.AND . $659, Wonderful owner occupied duplex. High rents for large 4 bd, 3 ba units. Located on one of Balboa Island's best streets, wide & 2 way traffic. All rooms are spacious & each umt has large & charming outdoor living area. Upper unit has high beam wood ceilings and is very bnght & cheerful. Easy to show.

~ '\I 111 ' •>1 ~ 1 11 1 II 11•>11111 • lll{ '\11{111I11\,11111,ll\11\ II \1111 lllll - hH -'Hlhll

•• ' ' i • •'

BAYCREST 9,000 Unique Baycrest Estate. 4 bedroom. 2112 bath home with pool on well over 1/3 acre lot. Large yard. may be large enough for a tennis court.

Don & Joyce Olson

SPYGLASS HILL $895,000 Reduced! Highly upgraded 3 bd, 2 ba. Spectacular unobstructed ocean, harbor, Catalina sunset views light. bright. open & airy. Beautiful marble entry, white washed hardwood floors. upgraded kitchen w/granite. new appliances, skylight Oversized pool w/solar heating, fire pit, dog run.,

Kent McNau hton

CORONA DEL MAR . $825,000 One of the best locations In Newport Beach. Irvine Terrace offers a great family neighborhood with parks and close access to the beach. This large 4 bedroom home with a corner lot location has a pool. spa and exemplifies true pride in ownership. A great opportunity.

BEACON BAY .1,179,000 Sophisticated 4 bd, 4~ ba home located on the beach in Beaoon Bay. State of the art media room. Spacious 4th bedroom could be Qame room or separate apartment. Tum key home for those Who demand location, quality, sophistication and funl


HARBOR RIDGE M79,000 Gorgeous 2 story townhome. Nearly 3000 sq ft .. nestled amongst. mature trees w/mountam & valley views. 3 fireplaces, formal dining room. family room and spaaous wrap around d.~cldng:. Au conditioning, video screen to monitor electronic security gate and many more bells & ··whistles". Dave


HARBOR ISLAND ROAD .781,000 A light and bright traditional 3 bedroom home In a wonderful neighbomood In Promontory Bay. One bedroom ls currently a den. 2 fireplaces. large entertaining patio, updated kitchen and lots of storage.

Judy Robbins

IRVINE TERRACE .1,391,~ Breathtaking 180' ocean and bay views from all major rooms of this 3 bd, 3 ba pool home. This Is truly one of the finest locations In Corona del Mar.

Bayfroat Lot· R~y To Build Your Dream Home 1 • Located on The Tip of Balboa Island's "Little Island" this

ovenized lot with 4S' of frontage is ready to go! Best location with main channel views, dock for large yacht. Financing available from seller. S 1,950,000

allfrollt Masterpiece Neltledhighatopahillonanexclusiveoccanfront location known as "Crescent Bay" this magnificent oceanfront estate ha& been described u the finest constructed ocean­front residence in all of Orange County.

ewport·s Largest Baytron! On the tip of the private. guard-gated bayf ront community of Bayabores you will find this magnificent estate next to a private beach. Lush bayfront lawns are laced with 100-ft palm• resting on over acre.

fcourtlliU --Ocean View 35 North Hampton Court

Lavishly appointed townhome in private gated community in the heart of Newport Beach. 2 bedroom, 2 bath plus den. Reduced to $499,000


f I

Big Canyon - Owner Says Sell! Beautiful Big Canyon Estate on the 18th hole of the Golf cours~. Large/spacious 5 bedroom, 9 bath, marble entry, pool, spa, 4-cargarage. Owner says sell! !-Best opportunity in Big Canyon!

rvine Terrace Upporturuty Spacious oversized corner lot location. This residence includes a large pool& spa. Immaculately maintained With spacious appeal. Great family home with 4 bedrooms and 3 baths.

West Cliff I Dover Shores S bedroom single level home with pool and spa in one of Newport's most desireable locations. Well maintained and will not last at this price. Call for immediate showing.

z l'Tl ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 > :i:.u OD

~ >: ~ mt> (IN )lU.J -a: ?>

~ :riJ rm: ):lo ) r '>


~ .:.0

~ w s


~ :m O"

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KENT MCNAUGHTON Bus. 644-9060 Ext.160 ReS.673--53681 ~ • E . • <- - · I - ;;;,. - - ,. -~~- .. - C.O)

' - . -


180° VIEWS Harbor - City Lights

3 Bedroom, 3 Bath Home With Pool. ·

One of the Finest Locations In Corona del Mar.

Reduced to $1,395,000

Open Saturday & Sunday 1821 Bayadere Terrace


Judy Robbins 644-9060


2 Uedmom, 2 llath. Single familv Residence. Rflled comm1111"'··

Pri,•ate location' Marry Upgrades '

45 SH£ARWATER $342,000

2 Bcd1oom, 2 Ba1h Con1emporary 111 design M•noundcd hy lush Engl ish garden pauo . Cia1cd comm. w/ pool, spa &park. liOA

dUl''\ only $ 11 8/mo ..

3148 CORTE HERMOSA $479,000

4 Dcdroom, 3 Oath, 3 Fireplaces. 3 car auachcd garage, prvl. , pa, buill-in BBQ. 24 guard ga1ed



Premier Lido Bayfront

Owner says sell. Owner may trade ·just bought another. 1\1uch sought after. Greenbelt siding extra wide (& deep lot, with e"xtra large dock and side tie. Rare J~d story, 360° view and entertainment deck and a "Lido Bonus" ... a 3-car garage. Completely remodeled for easy move in. Truly one of a kind. Call Kevin for private showing.

343 Via Lido Soud.



(714) 644-9060 x. 141 COLDWeLL BAN~eRU

2443 VISTA NOBLEZA 200 PARIS LANE, #114 $495,000 $359,000

~ Bedroom, 2 Oath 3 Bedroom, 3 Bath, Jargest floorplan. completel y remodeled. Front row ocean view, wrap around pauo

French doors. kyhgh1s & privaic spa. Walking distance to beach.

240 NICE LANE, #315 · $274,000

3 Bedroom, 2 Oath, 2,000 sq/n Ocean View & City A1mospherc!!

All Offers Considered!

60 CORMORANT $490,000

Sin~le family residence. J /ledroom. 2.5 IJatlr. VIEW!! VIEW!!

Gmed comm. w/ pool, spa & park.

]UDY MUNCY (714) 729-7161

240 NICE LANE, #312 $289,000

2 Bedroom, 2 Bath. End Unit! Ocean View!

Call Our 24 Hour ' .

Pressure free! Toll Free! Shop By Phone Anytime!

TALKING ADS NOW! DIAL: 1-800-527-3U3!


OPEN SUN. J-5 17 Pt. Sur, Spyglass Hill

Spectacular Catalina and ocean views. EMate si1c lot. Bright, ~ open and airy. Owners are motivated and ready lO ~II!

Reduced 10 $680,0IJ{)

DON & JOYCE OLSON . 1-800-487-4931


Coldwell's Edie Olson celebrates 30 years

Edie 01 .. on of Colch.,.ell Bankc.·r "'-<'wport Bt•.ich h,, ... 1ust celt>br.Hed 30 ~<.'ar' \\.Ith the comp.rn~ .

Ol~n b 'gan hrr rc<1I · e-.t.itc carct•r tn 1964 as an a .. si .. t.1nt to ,1 top c;.ifC'., assouate ot Cold~ell B.inf..cr Ne\\ port Beach. She> tr cln.,f Nrf.'d I.Her to Colch\ ell B.rnker s l:ommcn .. 1al lt·c1~1ng department. bl.'t.0ming the · first woman in commC'rc1JI real e-.tate She returned to residential safe., as a 5.lb. asc.oc1.1tt' and rece1H•d >wr broker's liccn-.c in 197 S. !>he is a en1or sales e ccut11,;e w11h Coldwell Banker Jnd has rece11,;ed c1,;cry sales achie1,;cment award offered bv the company.

Olson "When I JOined Coldwell Bat1ker 30 years ago, I 1orncd

because il was lhe best company and is still the best company," sa id Olson as she was applauded by her fellow sales associates.

Olson continues to be a succ<.>ssf ul agent and provides excellent service for her clients.

For all your real estate needs, whether buyi ng or selling, contact Edie Olson of Coldwell Banker Newport Beach at 6'44-9060.


SAT'UADA¥,"AUgust21(' t994 I PAGE 21

DONALD PFAFF'S g Buyers Choice g

2544 Fairway Or. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath,

Vacant $249,900 .

Million Dollar Caliber 4 Bedroom. 3.5 Bath, 2 firep)ac.es $399,000


. G~

(,~~ 'r'-:.~ ~~2!:11

1739 Tradewinds 1742 Galaxy 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath, Single Story Elegance

Hurry! $495,000 $839,000



433-9528 COLDWeLL BAN~eRO 433-9528


.McNaughton ·is No. 1 for Coldwell Banker

Chuck Neubauer, manager of Coldwell Banker Newport Beach, recently announced Kent A. McNaughton as the

o. 1 listing agent for July. He listed more than $9 million in premium Newport Beach real estate in July.

McNaughton ~pec1ci l1zes in Newport's ec;tate propPrties, both on and off the water. Currently/ his average listing price is $2,800,000 with the highest being $ 7, 500,000.

" Estate-type luxury home~ need special marketing efforts, which Coldwell Banker and .I are able to provide," he said. " Many agents are not able to provide the national, extensive exposure that I can .

According to McNaughton, his sales are increasing in the high-end market.


--For all your real estate needs, whether buying or sell ing, contact the luxury home specialist of Newport

• Beach, Kent M cNaughton ol Coldwell Banker Newport Beach at 644-9060.



New Listings

Sea View Very nice New Bedford 1ust repainted inS1de very light Sky lights Barbara Hutchings $525,000

U do Isle Completely remodeled , bedroom. possible 4th, plus den Lombardi & Thomas $649,000

Harbor View Hills Expanded and remodeled on large lot A perfect IO+ Chris Lindsay $795,000

Bayshores 5 Bd family home with used brick interior courtyard Debi Bibb $879,000

New Listings

Oceanfront Oceanfront duplex right on the sand in q•Jiet section Best beach• Ronda Hein $975,000

Harbor Island Exceptionally large bayfront home of over 6000 sq. rt Lindsay & Morphy $2,375,000


Bay Island Building site on Newport's most private Island Sandy beach .Howard laWIOft $ I , 790 ,000

.......... l612Qrde

~ 600 LIM It.

~· uzo~ 2207 Arala

Sa1t~••C11ta ..... ............. ............. 4lVlnna JOVle•• 16 Lucente 31 Vien•• 21 Narbollne

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$179,000 ... , ..... , . .., . ..... -.... ... ••. .,, ... .. a-st

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$2,J50.000 Su Cl"')

$679,000 Sn (2-S) $725.000 ... (2..,,

$661.000 S.(2-41 $97',000 ... Cl ... ,

$1.'69.000 laQ-st

...,,, .. ....... $219,900 ........


.... Reedy

I ec..a.. . ....

.. ........



I rvine Terrace Great opportunity! Wonderful larg~ lot with "mini view· Hinma n & Scanlan $799,000

Harbor Point Completely refurbished home with ocean views Quiet interiOI' loca­tion Freshly painted Interior & exteriOf Lombardi & Thomas $924,500

NeWJ>.Ort Oceanfront Prime ocean­front duplex In quiet res1dent1al beach­front section Top quality building Ronda Hein SI , l 50,000

View Properties Cat'Qeo Shores Open and spacious l Bd plus den view home with lovely courtyard and pool area Evan Corkett $I , 175,000

Emerald Bay Wonderful family home on cul-de-sac with ocean view and large yard 4 Bd l Ba Private beach & tennis Sara Hinman $1.275,000

Niguel Shores Oceanfront lot Sandy beach Established area next to Ritz earl ton Busk & Scanlan $1.275,000

Central Newport Oceanfront l Bd l Ba. with two fireplaces and security system Rick Langevin $1 ,295,000

Irvine Cove Build your dream home One of the best lots available Close to ocean Private beach and tennis· Sara Hinman $1 ,295,000

Irvine Cove Spectarularcustom home 5 or o bedrooms Finest quality throughout Large lot, pool, spa and ocean view Sara Hinman $2,275,000

Beach ·& Bay Communities ,.-----------,,,. Balboa Peninsula Less than half block

Balboa Peninsula Beach duplex half block to beach Great value Ronda Hein $350,000

Udo lsle Ideal couples beach retreat• White and bright throughout European courtyard 2 Bd 2 Ba Debi Bibb $449,000

10 great beach Spacious units Well maintained building Ronda Hein $450,000

Laguna Beach Gated remodeled 2 Bd condo with beach access Gourmet kitchen. spectacular ocean and coastal views Mary Dt'"Tuillo $595,000

Bayside Drive Wonderful luxurious unit on lhe Bay Used brick entry. lush eardens and great bayfront patio Mk:key Rowe $895,000

Irvine Terrace Exciting 5 Bd contempo­ral) with expansive view of bay• Great family home Spa room off master Marian PhlllJppl $975,000

West Newport Beach Oceanfront home right on the sand 4 Bd l Ba Ronda Hein S 1,395,000

Harbor Island Fabulous French Nonnandy estate situated on a double lot on exclusive Harbor Island Debi Bibb $5,680,000

Family Neighborhoods

T he Bluff• Trina In best location on 1reenbelt wfth back bay view Sar• M • rvln $339,000

Newport Ride• New home! New areal Landscaped and decorated 4 Bd. Mertz & Schmleeln1 $585,000

Olde Corona del M ar Channing ren­ovated small cottage on R-2 lot Bob & Mary Ellen Weclarz $299,000

M ission V1elo Outstanding 5 Bd 2 5 Ba family home with unobstructed mountain views Pool and private spa Patrtck Bartolk $3 l 0,000

Eastb luff Channing remodeled and eKpanded l Bd 2 Ba beautifully land­scaped yard with spa Move-In condition Susan Laird $525,000

S.ycrest North Ultra spacious remod­eled 4 Bd J..5 Ba family home with huge pool on Inside street Entertainers delight Noah & Sennes $569,000

Irvine Terrace Exquisitely remod­eled with a southwestern flair All one level. Ideal for ·empty nestor· M arian PhilUppl $668,000

Eastbluff A property of charm and beau· ty In a park·like setting with all you could ask for in the best Newport tradition Coby Ward $689,000

Harbor View HUis Outstanding execu­tive home with view In gorgeous park-like setting l Bd with cathedral ceilings Hutddnp & S4ephemon $795, 000

Irvine T e rrace Huge home on large lot Remodeled 4 Bd 4 5 Ba Marian Phillippi $1.095,000

644,-)600 Townhome & Con~o living

condo with canyon & mountain views Mike Marr $2 19,900

lasmine Creek Meticulously maintained 2 Bd 2 Ba condo with den Evan Corkett $525,000

one leve• Gated ;irea Fonner model Marte faJ'lo $575,000

644~1600 MARIE FARGO


REDUCED Ope n Sunday I :00 P.M. - 5:00 r .M .




Authentic oak paneled living room and family room. Beautiful hardwood floors, crown mouldings

and hand carved Gothic arches. Master bedroom and private library with two completely outfitted walk-in closets.




1818 PORT MANLEIGH OPEN .SUNDAY 2:00 P.M. ,. 5.:00 P.M.







SATURDAY, August 27, 1994 I PAGE 25

" 644~1600

30 Vienna $549,000 Fabulous picture perfect Casa Blanca town home.

16 Lucerne $579,000 Absolute steal! 4 Bd. 3.5 Ba. family room. Also lease/ lease option . $3,000 per month. Carol Berg ·& Micki Cooper-Rach

21 Narbonne $2,350,000 Traditional 5 bedroom Harbor Ridge cus­tom view home.

Beverly Morphy


.,Shirley Harris


42 Vienna $407,500 2 Bedroom Dynasty model on private lot. End unit. ·

Beverly Morphy

- -...,

38 Vienna $615,000 3 Bd. 2.5 Ba. with library/den. This won­derful property exudes warmth.

Patrick Bartolic .'/'-==>

3 Crestwood $3,300,000 43 Harbor Rlc:'ge $850,000 9 Crestwood $2,595 ,000 Maenificent English Tudo r estate with

breathtaking vi ews Macnlficent custom estate with panoramic

view. C.rol Berc & Micki-Cooper Rach

Exquisite estate home. Panoramic

ocean/bay view. Carol McMahan Johnson Stella Worden

'(' , ""Jl q r-.nPr ~~ t?IJJ)UA vAnRIJTA<:> PAGE 26 I SATURDAY, August 27, 1994

Exclusive Orange County Affiliate of

NEWPORT SHORES p o pular 2 story 3 bdrm w/din ing & family rooms, paver tile flooring , soft colors & redone kitchen . C o mmun ity pool & tennis. walk to ocean . {LH) 631-1400. . . .......................... 290 000

COSTA MESA Great starter condo End unit 2 bdrm w/large balcony FHA approved, ok w/3% down 673 6900 . . .............. $-110,000

TRIANGLE SQUARE area. 2 sty 3 bd townhome, frplc. hardwood floors in kitchen. Spanish tile patio Comm pool Across from park & shops 631 1400 . ... ... .. .. . .... $148,500

NEWPORT'S Versailles complex w/comm pool & spa Upgraded condo w/2 master suites. frplc, hrdwd & ttle floors. patio. greenbelt & mini ocean vu 631 1400 ............. $169.900

COSTA MESA opportunlly for 1st time buyer. 3 bdrm fixer, 2 baths. 2 car garage & large yard . 631 · 1400 . . . ; .. $ 199,000

MESA VEkDE freshly painted 3 bdrm home w/sah & pepper Berber carpet, frplc in kitchen & dining room added family room & large private yard 631-1400 . . $208.000

SANTA ANA m Redevelopment's Enterprise Zone. M1Xed use. lst fir w/offices & 2nd fir w/two 2 bd apts in main structure + rear conage, 25 space parking 631 1400 . . . . . $250.000

NEWPORT SHORES Charming 2 bdrm with new master bed & bath & near new kitchen One of the best streets in this community w/club. pool & tennis 631 1400 . . . . . . . $269,000

COSTA MESA HEIGHTS pristine owner occupied duplex Like 2 httle houses each w/2 bdrms, laundry hook-ups. garage & pnvate yard. 63 1 1400 . . . . . . . ............. $289,000

NEWPORT'S Villa Balboa . Sophisticated 3 bdrm condo w/ dmmg room. frplc & ocean view. Tasteful neutral decor. Comm Pool, spa & tennis. 63 1 1400 . . ............ ....... ....... .. .... $290,000

NEWPORT HEIGHTS duplex/townhouse style. Front unit 3 bd, lrg deck & new carpet. Rear unit 2 bd, patio & sm yard Each unit w/ lrplc & laundry. Bldg freshly painted Great rental history. 63 1 1400.. . . .. . ............................. $489,000

OLD CORONA DEL MAR Light & bright brand new 2 bdrm Mediterranean townhome w/high ceilings,

~3f.1f40~. ~~~.~: ..................... ····· ······ ······ $298,000 •

NEWPORT SHORES Cute little 3 bd house with charming added family room. Close to clubhouse, pool & tennis, walk to ocean. . 631-1400 .................................................... $299,000

CORONA DEL MAR Immaculate 1 sty 2 bd condo w/ 1. down & 1 up, marble entry, Berber carpet , Euro kitchen & dlcove for den or o ffice . 631-1400 ............... ················ ................... $299,500

NEWPORT SHORES Spacious 4 bd. ho1T1e includes large family room w/ frplc & work room. Upside dt>wn

~3l~f~oo~~~.1~ .~~~.~~~: ..................... $324.ooo

EASTSIDE Costa Mesa triplex in great location, close to shops & buses Each 2 sty unit has 2 bdrms,

~7~~6'988.~ .~.~~~ ... ~~.~~.~.~~: ..... $359.000

HARBOR IDGHIANDS Charming updated 3 bd w/ famUy rm. lovely yard & pool in great neighborhood French doors, crown moldings & hrdwd firs. 631-1400 ............................................... $359.5.00

HUGE PRICE REDVcnONt Extremely Motivated Sellers have found another!

Balboa ........ c:laok:. .. " Little ......... Unobstructed bay view over 'f:ach from most rooms of this charming 3 bd w/ countJy kitchen. library, cozy flref.lace & vaulted ceilings. 63 -1400 $629,000

LONG BEACH Neat & clean dplx, main house w/ 2 bdrms, dining rm & de n, rear unit l bdrm. 1st time on market. Nice Belmont Heights neighborhood. 631-1400. . ........ . ............................. $375,000

NEWPORT HEIGHTS A 3 bd house In a super location , walk to schools, bike to beach. Needs upgrading & decor owner will carry w/ 20% down. 631-1460 ................................... .......... ... . $399,000 CORONA DEL MAR Exquisitely decorated 2 story 3 bd twnhm wi den & fmly rms in priv. setting w/ 3 patios, dramatic llghtlng & Mexican pavers. 631-1400 .................................................... $418,500

AT TIIE BEACH Sharp, owner occufled duplex 1 ho use from beach w/ 3 bdrms up & down, both w/ frplces new carpet, fresh paint & 1 yr new roof. 631-1400 ..................................................... $439,000 NEWPORT HEIGKl'S Cozy 3 bd doll house w/ plcket fence & rustic charm. Skylights, wood celllngs, French doors & secluded spa in great yard. 631-1400 ................................................... $460,000

NEWPORT NEIGHllOIUtOOD Upgraded 4 bd home. Separate guest suite w/llvlng rm, bdrm & kitchen. New marble firs & smooth ceilings. 631-1400 .................................................... $469,000

UDO ISU1 !n prime location, 2 stoty 2 bdrrn home w/ convertlble den, dining room, beamed ceilings, French doors, sun deck & south facing patio. 631-1400 ..... .. .......... .... ..... ........................ $499,000

UDO ISLE Custom Ught & bright 4 bdrm remodel. Gourmet kitchen with t>reakfast room , sunny south patio, bar & deck. Close to tennis court. easy walk to village shops. 631-1400 ............................................ $649.000

NEWPORT HARBOR VIEW lllU.S tastefully decorated & upgraded 4 bdnn home w/family rm, 2

~~rt:ioo.~~~: ~~~.~~· ~.~ .~~.~rsXr10oo NEWPORT HEIGHTS beautifully remodeled 2 bdrm home w/ dining room, 2 frplces. 1 bdnn gst suite & magical gardens. Charming master sulte w/ spa tub. 631-1400 $559.000

BAYCREST spacious immaculate 5 bd home, 2 master suites. gallery, remodeled kitchen & baths & neW windows & Fr. doors. Courtyard, patio & pool. 631 -1400 ........... ........ : ..... ·····-··············· . $539.000

NEWPORT'S BAYCREST back bay. mountain & city light views from this 2 story home w/2 large master suites, family room w/ wet bar & eat-in kitchen 631-1400 ................................................. $595.000

BAYCREST Bright fresh 4 bd remodel by designer owner, dining & fmly rms, pool & spa New kitchen. new baths, tile Ooors, stone f rplc & French doors. 631-1400...... ... ............... .. . . ...... $599.000 . . NEWPORrS SEAVIEW 1 sty 3 b bdrm home w/ panoramlc city Y& mtn vus. dining & family rms. terrace w/ spa. Gated comm. w/ pool, spa & tennis 631-1400 . ... . . . ..... .... .... ..... ,.. $625.000

BALBOA ISLAND Darling 6 yr old 3 bd, 2 bath Ca~ Cod cottage w/loft. Uvi.ng rm w/ vaulted celling.

61J.=~~o~~~'.~ .. 1 .~.~~t.' ...................... :s6so.ooo

CORONA DEL MAR Breathtaking ocean & harbor views from this spectacular totally remodeled 2 bdrm Channel Reef condo w/ community pool & spa. 631-1400 ................................................. $725.000

Speclallilng In propertfe• /or •ale or lea•e •.. on the water. .. near the water. •• and 111lth a uleao of the &00ter. . .




714-673-6900 . .

SATURDAY, August 27, 1994 I PAGE 27


Exclusive Or~nge County Affiliate of Sotheby's International Realty ~ ..... ~"'


MY8IDE COVE Elegant 2 bd bayfront condo w/ corwertib&e den/guest & available boat slip. Highly upgraded with light contelllporary decor. cathedral celllngs & lots or storage. Three decks & great bay views. ~-631-1400 ..................... ........... ...... :········· $949,000

BAYCllEST Spacious custom home w/5bdrms Including maids qrtrs, dining & family rooms, remodeled gourmet kitchen & gorgeous yard w/pool &

~i-1400 ............ .......... ........................... $749.000 MLllOA BAND Elegant near new 3 bd Cape Cod w/ dining, family & bonus rms. Quality amenities Include tile, nlarble & washed woods. 673-6900 .... ............... ....................... $799,000

8E.LCOlJ8T Beautiful expanded & upgraded 2 sty 2 bdrm with sitting area in master suite, dining & family rms, used brick patio w/spa 631-1400 ................................ ... .. . . $850,000

LIDO ISLE Beautifully remodeled 3 bdrm w/ family room & European kitchen. high ceilings &

~i~.~.~.:.-.1~ .. ~. 1~1~ ~1~t899:ooo NEWPOllT HEIGHTS Open airy 5 bd custom home w/ park & ocean view. Spacious aourmet kitchen, dining & family rooms, marble, hrdwd firs 631-1400 .................. .............................. $925.000

UNDA ISl.E Traditional style w/4 bds up & maid's dol.vn. Uvi? rm w/24 ft vaulted ceilings. Dock for

~f ~~ .... :~~.~~~ .~~ ~'. ....... $995,000 (LH)

LIDO ISLE bay views from spacious 4 bdrm split lewl home on huge comer lot w/hbraty. dining & family rooms. Gardens. mature trees & pool. 631-1400. .. ............... ... ... .. $995.000

PENINSULA OCEANFRONT Great investment opportunity w/ this unique l 0 unit building, never a

63TI4og~~~. ~~.~~.~'.~'.~.~ ~.~~7i.010.ooo UDO ISLE Ttadltlonal 6 bd home. Formal dining , f amlly room & country kitchen w/nook High celhngs. hardWood floors & large lot, steps to sand. 631-1400 ......... .... ....... ............ .......... $1 , 150,000


~ 165 Meyer - Costa Mesa 3 Bd Hse Jeannine Stake $177.000

300 Robinhood · East$ide Costa Mesa 4 Bd Hse Mark Jackson $399,000

5 Park Place • Newport Beach 5 Bd Hse Lynn Creamer $1, 195,000

SUNDAY ONLY 5021/z Jasmine · Corona del Mar 2 Bd Condo

lance Boggs $298,000 495 E. 18tti St. • Eastside CM 4 Bd Hse

Jerry Smith $364,000 317 Fullerton • Newport Heights 3 Bd Hse

Marlene Hassel $399,000 1206 Devon - Westcliff, NB 3 Bd Hse

Esther Fine $445,000 610 Carnation • Summerwind, CdM 3 Bd Hse

Cheryl Johnston $595,000 208 E. Bay • Balboa Peninsula 4 Bd Hse

Vicki Lee $599.000 2045 Shlpway Ln • Baycrest, NB 4 Bd Hse

Sally Phitt1ps $599.000 203 1 Yacht Defender • Seaview, NB 3 Bd Hse

Carole Freedman $625,000 16 Napoli • Harbor Ridge, NB 4 Bd Hse

Nancy Peteraon $1.595,000 1400 San Miguel - Corona del Mar 5 Bd Hse

Patti Conover . $2,395,000

SA TIJRDAY and SUNDAY 2952 Royal Palm • Mesa Verde, CM 3 Bd Hse

Georgianne Peacock I Reggie $208.000 341 Peach Tree · Upper Newport Bay 3 Bd Hse

C Starr. C Carlson I L Deamos $419.000 501 San Bernardino • Newport Hgts 3 Bd Hse

June Adams I Manny Stelhno $465,000 119 Via Vella · Lido Isle, NB 2 Bd Hse

Lee Drummy I Lynn Creamer $499.000 1834 Commodore • Ba\'P'est . NB 5 Bd Hse - Esther Fine I June Adams $539,000

2118 Leeward · Baycrest, NB ., 2 Bd Hse Jimmie Jones I Betty Comegys $595,000

209 Via Nice · Udo Isle, NB 3 Bd Hse Olga Matthews I Jea'nnme Stake $595.000

321 Poppy· Corona del Mar 6 Bd Hse Lorraine Farrington $849,000

346 Via Udo Soud • Udo Isle, NB 4 Bd Hse Mary Ann Nethercutt $995,000

930 Mariners Dr · Dover Shores. NB 5 8d Hse Dick Lee $1.595.000

405 Momlng Star · Dover Shores, NB 5 8d Hse John H. Cummings Ill $1.595,000

326 Buena Vista • Pmln Bayfropt 3 8d Hse Betty Comegys I Rosette Gindi $2, 199,000

. on lrJ(eqnadonOI ~ netc.uoAk

l.AGUNITA Exciting contemporary 4 bdrm oceanfront home w/ dinlng & family rooms, ocean view decks & balconies & private beach access. Skyl1ghts.

~4~~~~.~~~.~ .. r~~.~ .~~~ssri~0oo RITZ COVE Beautiful 4 bdrm home w/ gourmet kitchen, dining, famUy & bonus rooms in guard gated community w/prvt beach next to the Ritz Carleton. 631-1400 .............................................. $.l .295.000 MID P£NINSUIA 9 unit apartment bldg at the beach. Upgraded 1 & 2 bd units w/private patios. fabulous views, comm pool & garage. 631-1400 .... .. .. .. ...... ................ ~ .............. $1.495,000

CATAUNA ISi.E'S Hamilton Cove. A 4 bdrm Villa w/180° view, 3rd level master w/ view balcony, lower level w/2 guest suites & maid's qrtrs. (U-f) 631-1400............ .. ... . . $1.495.000

DOVER SHORES .. La 'Roca", the fabulous tennis estate on over 1/2 acre w/tranquil back bay, mtn &

~t1~~0~'..~ .~~~~-~.~ .. ~.t~:. ~.~.~~9rooo DOVER SHORES elegant 1 sty 5 bedrm home w/ approx 5000 ~t. Outstanding view from living &

~t 14'6o~~~~ ... :~~~ .. ~. ~~~.~ .. ~.Ti~6'~o DIVINE COVE Elegant traditional 5 bd custom home w/ocean views. Formal dining' & family rooms. 5

631~~.~~~~~ ............................ $2.150.000

OCEANFRONT fabulous views from every room of this exciting contem~rary 3 bd home at tip of

~j~i~~~'.'.~~~ .. e~ ... ~~'.o ~ I~.~ ~$12.Jso]oo NORTH LAGUNA Incredible 6 bdrm Engbsh Tudor estate w/panoramlc ocn & coastal vu. Aprx 9000 sq ft

6~-~1.' ~~.~.~~~ .. ~~e .~~~U.s5o.ooo l.AGUNA BEAOI gated Irvine Coves. Fabulous S bdrm, gym, study, family rm & 2 sty living rm Walls of

i'3r. :~60~~.~.~!.~ ... ~~.~.~ .. ~ ...... $3 999 995

HAllBOll RIDGE Unequaled elegance, custom 6 bdrm est.ate w/ prime ocean & city light view. Grand 2 sty entry, marble & parquet floors, 8 frplces, fonnal living rm, pavilion rm, media & sun rms & charming country kitchen. 631-1400 ...... ... ...... ..... ...... 2 999 000

sP-c1alglnf1 In propertla for eale or leoH ... on the water .•. near the water ... and with a ulew of the water. ..





., r " , ...... ., q •no • -<'"' JP '\ YffJAllT~?

PAGE 28 I SArURuAY, August 27, 1994

OPEN HOUSES From one to five p. m.

Saturday and Sunday 930 Mariners $1,599,000 209 Via Nice $595,000 119 Via Yella $499,000

Saturday Only 5 Park Place $1 ,195,000

Sunday Only 1400 San Miguel $2,395,000 16 NapoLi $1,595,000

1994 Sales 510 Via Lido Nord SeUer r:,7 Linda Isle Buyer W Bay Island Seller 807 Via Lido Soud Seller 305 North Star Ln. Seller 121 Via Firenze Seller SO Linda Isle Seller 132 Piazza Lido SeUer 332 Piazza Lido Buyer 107 Highland Seller 22'1 Via Quito Buyer 21 'i Via Eboli Seller 28th St. Marina #313 Seller 71'i Samt Jame-. Buyer 221:\ Via Koron Seller 281 'i Broad Seller -l 11 Bavhill Seller 110 Via Lorca Seller 28th St. Marina #324 Seller 2056 Ocean Blvd. Buyer 807 Muirfield Buyer 28th St. Marina #321 Seller 28th St. Marina #221 Buyer 28th St. Marina #221 Seller 28th St. Marina #318 Seller 28th St. Marina #312 Seller 28th St. Manna #312 Buyer m l a Jolla Buyer 260 KnO\ Street Seller 260 f... nox Street Buyer 189 Princeton Seller 21 '\-t SJbot Cove Buyer

In Escrow 1 Collins Island Seller 200 Via Genoa Buyer 210 Diamond Buyer 8 Malibu SeUer 3600 Seabreeze Seller 510 Via Lido Soud Seller 2300 Margaret Buyer



675 - 1058 • 631 - 1400

C.D.M. Tennis Esute SBR SBA contemporary home Approx. 1.2 acres, ocean/ bay views 52,395,000

Custom View Family Home 5BR 4.SBA, bay & ocean views Quiet cul-d e-sac location $1,195,000

lido Mediterranean 3BR 3.SBA custom, built 1987 Bright, ix-rfect m every detail $995,000

Lido ''Tum-Key' Value 3BR 2BA, Fm. Rm. , immaculate hm. 40' lot, large sunny patio, hrdwd. floors $595,000

Newport Beach Esute Mla RocaM SBR 7.SBA custom, .6 acres App. 7,000 ft. home w I tennis cou"! "~~,000 -

Lido Family Custom 6BR 4.SBA, Fm. Rm., turn·key Across from beach/ park, buil t 1987 $1,150,000

Spyglass Family Home SBR 2.75BA, bon1,15 rm .. pool & spa Quiet cul de sac, very pnvate! 5699,000

H.t.rbor Ridge Sophisticated 4BR 5.SBA, huge masteT closet Will exchange <town, great views $1~9S,OOO

lido Isle Bayfront B.t.rgain Triplex, easy to convert to s ingle fam Pr1vate sandy beach, sum.et v1ewJ>1


Custom Family Home 4BR 3.SBA, pool & spa, 5 yrs. new Gourmet kitchen, French doors $599,000

Lido Prime Location 2BR 3BA + den, large mai.ter 35' lot, quiet end oflsland $499,000


LOWEST PRICED plan 3 cu ger., Har. uu. HOME--fi 2 STORY Homes. Expanded fam. room&

B~s & dining area. New fence. OUr P*1na Model on Port Man· carpets. paint. $564,000 ~ c...• ~the lowest ailldfllluelU.A 3 DOORS TO PRRIC ..... ~--~~ HV Homes. SOmlf'let-6 BR -

ljillb woUWtl. Great location. ftlwleta canJ, 1h1s .L,;..__...-...__,..._ ........... ___ _.i home le topqua~todo

TOUCI IF NEW bakn~tn. SIS9,Cl00. EN&LRND

Flawtess Interior, private yard with &IERT RERI YRID ... DECK. spa. Sec:urty system, Lovingly cared Portoflno. Upgraded: exceptional

quality. Has the enclosed breeze-for home. 1129,000. f he ,. · way, open rom t Mng room.

Liii«~ IN t•M $659,000 ToUll 8 a 5.5 Ba. lsge tncomt, .._ fftwt (ownefs) unit. CloM ID CdM shopl. but very quiet site. l&ltS.000 ONLY MONACO IN THE

i PORT STREETS Phase Ill Har· borViewHomes. (Seawind) upgraded kitcM>aths. 2BR, 2BA, Den. 2 car gar. Clean. City Lights View $469,000 ·

OUR FINEST IN HARBOR U I EW HOMES 3,000 sq. tt+ .. lnte· rior 100% remodel. Somerset; 5 BAs, 3~ oar. Pool "& Spa $759.000





Do you need help Managing your property? or Do you need help finding a property to Rent or Lease?


MARK JACKSON Res: 631-0403 Pgr: 967-1694

Ofc: 673-6900


• Full Tim~ Agent w/ 10 yrs Real Estate Experience • Full Time Office Support Staff • Advertising & Marketing Department • Computerized Inventory & Accounting • Balboa Island Office on Manne Avenue • Fleet of Gol f Carts for Showing Prospective Tenants

Balboa Island Office - 315 Marine Avenue

Boundaries: Harbor View Hill!> South ''bordered b> M,1rguente Avenue to thP we-.t, San Joaquin Hills Road to thl' north, Buck Cully to the east and Sth A\enue to the "'lUth

"~·ln) ot the home> have been completely customized to re'1et1 the latest in kitchen and btlthroom design.

Homes: There are about 450 >mgle family home~ The 'trt't'h are terraC'ed to gM• mort> thc1n 5~ of the hornb d 1.1t•\-.. of the ocean and harbor All the 'tr~t" ha\e \\atcr oriented nam~. such a' .1nd l'tlt.• Q..i1et (o\e .ind Inlet Isle • ·

Style: There are 11 d11terent floor pl.in' trom the 'mall~t , J three. bedroom, 1,866·square loot home to the large)!, cl

rwo ~tory 3, 13 7 ·square foot model Somt' ha-.e lx>en l''<panded up to 5,000 square feet.

Age: The homes were built in pha..e' trom 196 7 to 1969

1614 SurMew Lane, Corona del Mar

Recent Sales: In 1994, 11 closed <;ales year to date, lompared to 10 in 1991 and ~"en in 1992 There h.ive bet?n 18 >ell~ m the la>t 1 2 month., m Harbor Vie" Hills South Tht> mtenor,non-\iew home-. <-0ld lrom as low .i~ S4b5,000 to the h1ght">t '><lie 01 S ... 30.000 Ocean-view yle-; rdnged from S525 000, the highe-.t .lt S802 000 PrirP r.ing~ .ire determined b' rhe qualll\ of the \le'" 01 tht• " t>v.port Harbor. ocean, upgr.id~. lot size and location

Now Listed: There are 14 listing> on the market cortipared to 1- at th•~ time la~t yEw L 1st1ng prices range lrom $549,000 to S l ,195,000.

just listed at $585,000 is a turn-key single story. three-bedroom Malibu model with .l lovely landscaped yc1rd at 3614 Surfv1ew Lane There is also a beautiful new h~tmi; at 1420 Outrigger Om-e, unique because of its 18.000-~uare foot yard with plPnty of room for a house el(pansion or pool add1t1on Already a beautiful home, 1t b h~ted at S8.39,000.

Community features: Beaches, shopping and schools are within walking d1stdnce. Another amenity 1s the <is<.oc1at1on green belt ~h1ch runs 1rom Park Grt:E>n to Sand a\tle Ofl\1? ~c;oc:1at1on dues are sr per month -

Schools: HMbor View llem<'nt.1ry and Coronc1 cJ •I


MM Jun1or-Sen1or High xhool. The pmate H.Jrbo• O.l\

School ofters k1ndergcJrten throu~h t>•J;hth izr,1de Shopping: \V1thin tour bloc'-' _on l',11;1111 (0.1 .. • H1~lm.1\

Olde Corona d~I Mar, pro111d~ qucJint •hop:. roce!\ '" re" re-.t 1uranb .ind.) ffiO\le theatl'r In addtl100. ,1 .. h1on t-.. 1.ind " ne,1rhv _

Source: LOntact Melind,1 .ind 1.ut\ Jone-. lll Prud1•11t1.1I , L1hforn1<1 Re.:ilty, 1-14) i'.ltl· .. l 51 nr - 29. - 2 ;~

.. PAGE 30 I SATURDAY, August 2?; ·1'994 -- • N£WPORT BE.ACM/COSTA MESA .Pllo:r-1.AEAL ESl'ATE

TRUE CLASSIC ELEGANCE 18th Ct!ntury European decor. Very pti~re & quie1 Villa Balhoa home. Exqu1s11c1

MAGNIFICENT VIEWS Golf course, city & mountain views are I.he backdrop for this 3bd tQwnhome w/spa. Carol A.Wion

• IS

Ma.ry AnnMcGu~ $219,500

ON 11IE GOLF COURSE Panoromlc views, 2bd, 4ba, guard gared comm. assoc. tennis, pool & clubhouse. Ann PclcT9 or Suzanne Shuler $595,000

$I 19.000 - ~ .)I t. ~00

CHARMING COITAGE CAPE COD TOWNHOME Corona del Mar 2bd • neat & clean. Walk to

1:.n<l loc:lllon wuh enclosed yard. 2bd, shops, cafes & ocean.

JASMINE CR.EEK . 2hd + den home on large corner lot. Great floorplan, cozy den, newer cirpet.

GREAT FAMILY HOME . On a beau1iful Newport Beach succt. S or 6bd home. Spacious & serene. sets a positive mood for family hfe. I ';ba and a C.:OZ)' flreplatc Pete Barrett $~2,SOO

Dick Dickson $119,000 Lois Jacobs or Unda Octh $473,000

LOCATION ll VALUE '>paoom 2-srory condo in grea1 Co:.ta Mesa loca11on 3bd . .Zba + fireplace. Karen Knoche $1S4,900

DESIGNER'S OEIJGHT lkceni remodel 2bd, l .2Sba in Newport Norrh. m.inr cus1om woodwork:., light hnghr & sunny Marilyn Kershner S21S,OOO

INDUSTRIAL CONDO Office warchou..c comb1na11on, downst.a1r:. · 2 office span-.;, warehouse. upstairs · I large office . Shiva Ashari $229,000

EXEct.111VE PERKS Superb rownho mc value Walking dLStancc to Corona del Mar's bes1, 2bd + office. light & brighl BJ. Johnson $280,000

A WT TO SEA Large ocean view loi in prestigious ga1ed community. Plans available Within walking dis1ance 10 movies. resr.aurants & shoppmg. Dea Burton $283,000

BLUFFS BEST TOWNHOME Spacious 4bd, 2 5ba borders grecnbch, back bay view! Walk 10 shops, churches & schools. Gbcla Burmeister $314,SOO


HARBOR VIEW KNOUS pacious 3bd + family room. Serene location EASTBLt.JFF CHAllM

w trees & woodsy atmosphere of New Every room has a sarden v1ew Sunny 3bd En~1and. m ideal family neighborhood. Sally Shipley $369,000 Barbara Aune $489,000

LEASE OP'IlON _ WONDERFUL FAMILY HOME To1ally rebuilt & gorgeous 3bd. 3ba attached On a great street for kids, 3bd w/ lets of home in Newpon Beach. A First Class Value. used brick, French doors, parquet floors. Glsda Burmeister $379,00 ruce yd

Artie Johnson $495,000


JWbara Aune $575,000

FABULOUS EASTBLUFF 5bd. 3ba family home. large yard, mini ocean view, quiet C\Jlde s:tc locarion Sally Sh1pJcy $579,000

EUROPEAN ELEGANCE Country French home adorned w/ stone facade and stare roof Qu31tty & architectural design. FonnaJ dining room. 4 fueplaces. Buban Aune ~589,000

CATALINA a OCEAN VIEWS Spacious .lbd front house & 2bd apartment, only sreps away from Newpon's best beaches.

Wann & mvitJng Corona Highlands 4bd, 3ba Spact~ New Eng.land Colonial 4br, 2.5ba family home Privat beach I d Ughtlbnght w/pool land pnvatc C2bana. Ann Petcn.o S c Sesh : •• ~e$r90r ·000

Unda Octh or Lois Jacobs $389,000 Bob Coluccio $510,000 r U1.aJlnC UKT .7 t

· WONDERFUL BAY VIEWS HONEYMOON CO'ITAGE Entcnain in Style In I.he Corona del Mar 2bd

Upgraded & attractive Coro02 det Mar 2ba, view decks, pool & sau02. ' duplex. Soulh of PCH. front 2bd, back 2bd. Ted Janis $549 000 Unda Octh or Lois Jacobs $425,000 '

STEPS TO BEST BEACHES Spacious townhome Style duplex featuring 3bd. 2ba. high ceilings. fireplace. decks. Unda Octh or Lois Jacobs $429,000

BIG CANYON DOVER PIAN 2bd, 2ba home in prestigious Big canyon has new paint, new carpet, and is priced 10 sell. carol Alllaon $"29,000

BAYFRONI' CONDOMINIUM Bay, moun12in & oty llght views, remodeled 2bd, 2.5ba, priva1e saun:a, 24hr. door man. Uoda Oeth or Lois J8CObs $549,000

WGHLAND LUXURY Custom 4bd, '4ba on large klC, same room, walk-In bar & remodded kitchen. JoA.nn KaatoJl $549,000

STIJNNING HARBOa IUDGE This remodeled 3bd townhome exemplifies quality, space~savers throughout, lots of ruuural light. BJ. Joh.oson $59,,000

BF.AtmFUL NEIGJlBORHOOO Large eastern Style home In need of l2fBe family, 6bd, 4.5ba. pool & spa, 3 car prage. Bubua Aune or Ted Janis $649,000

SPl'.CTAC\JL\Jl VIEWS Ocean, city & mountain views seen from t.hi.s beaudfu• 3bd, 2.5ba home in HaJbor Ridge £Altes. CUol Alll9on $67,,000


We Stand Behind Your Every Jltf ove

NEAR DIE BEACHl • New 3bd townhome 2 bloc~ 10 ocean & Big Corona Be:ich. I la~ all the amenities. Joanna Hendrie $789,000


BELCOURT IN 1llE BLUFFS tunning •one of a kind" expanded &

remodeled home Superb loca11o n wilh ...,.._~ mini Back Bay v1L'W Sa.lJy_Shipky "49,000


SATURDAY, ~ugus 27, 1994 / PAGE 31


SUPER VALUE lbr. 3ba homc, qu1el intenor loca11on Spacaou., floor pfan. Z ml!>U:r ~uuc:o. toru. of Morage Bob C.Olucxlo $244,900

HARBOR RIDGE Tcxall) n:modcled 1hd " ''~" conte mporary fJmtl~ home, fu.,h a..:;....;.;;..:::.;.::::1

landsc:lping, guJnJ g • .icd {.'Qmm

Ir\ ine home in We'>lpark on C.\lrJ l.11').1e in .. adc Im w lap pool & spa. lk'.1u11ful throu~houc.

<Xc;in & can h~ht 'al'\'.,• .. txi cu-.1om home l'"Cll-'>I\ c u'" ot h.ird\\ 0t .J noor-. & u'cd OnLk

Ann PcWn or SUz.annc 'Jhukr $695,000 PattJ 0 De-sky $319,000 Arul Pncrs or Suunnc huJcr

SI .-t95.000 - ~.!. -f99 .000


5pJc1ous upgraded 09.nc(<; unit + ~hd ap1 w occ.1n vic,,!> Across from p.1rk ,. C':lr gar tncomparabk 'alu~ Linda Octh 4 Lois Jacobs 5699,800

MAGNIFICENT VALUE Golf cour-<, Cll) & mountain '1e~., an.· the backdrop for 1h1' ~hJ lO\\ nhunw v. !>pa Carol Alllson "'35.000

FABULOU PE!'llTil0 l 1 E ExpJO<;l\C bJ>. Ou.Jn & lll\ h~ht \11.."\h

2 LOOP condo~ \\ po1cn11JI for I !Jr~I.' '>UllC

Bonnie Banington $795,000

CORONA DEL MAR'S FINEST Custom duplex w spacious 3h<l, 3h.1, family room + den home. & J .?bd . .?hJ apanmem Unda Octh or Lois Jacobs $849,000

KALEIDOSCOPE UNSETS I IJrbo r Vtc\\ H1lh Shd home, t'\f)Jntbl & remodeled Sma,hui~ OCl.'Jn ~ h.trhur \1e\\ .,,

Bonnie Barrington $995,000

KING ROAD OCEAN vn:w ..,p;h.IOU' lllCJn & h.1\ \IL'\\ honw Ueau111ulh rc1n0Jekd \. t'\p:inded \\ qu.1h" & IJ,ll Unda Oeth or LolsJ~ $1 ,18S,OOO

SPECTACULAR VIE\l S Wmparound corner locatmo un 01.c.m Bh d ui Cd\1 Ckcan & .. ho rchm: '1cw' Unda Octh or lob Jacobs $1,4S0,000

ONE OF A KIND ~ Bag C..tnH n 5hJ 1 "hJ home \\ l'\ (1.10,1\l' ll!'tC' or marhll· ~ grJlllll". C\.r.;.10 ,\lit\ \IC\\'S

Carol A.l.li!.on $J ,-j95,000

FRO:vf ROW SEATS -.pr.:d.1lular In inr.; T"rr;ilc 3bd home ..,uperb ha\ ~ ou:an nt•\\, . pr>·>I on \IC\\ .;;1dc Ann Peters or UWUlt huJcr SI.S.?S.000

ELEGANT GOLF COURSE ESTATE .., n .. 111 ~ 'I •m h >I' l n 1he; -1~ t.11rn.1\ \ll Bag t.an~on, brcathtakan~ \It"\\~

Carol Allison SI,595,000

HARBOR RIDGE Ocean ~ ell\ light '1e\\. ' 1bd \.:U iom home. t.'\len-.1\l' U'l" of h.1rd"ood floors & used hnd, _ Ann Pecen. or uzannc hultt SI.S9S..OOO

ELEGANT HARBOR RIDGE O.:cJn harbor ~ ul\ lal(hl \ll'\\ ~ Cu,10111. 'ih<l, lu-.hl} land~\:.1pcJ, blJ1.:k houom p<Xll 'P·• ' Unda Ckth or Lois Jacobs S2.09S.OOO

BELCOL RT ELEGA."iCE I x-.t I " ''-' ral{. ma1Js qu:irll'I' 1.1hulnt1' pool, 'P·• ~ ~JTcho (h, • ' r1 c;

Belle Partch $2,156,000

MEDITERRANEA"i MAGIC ,,11\: f{U.ud~J Pcr.1111.1 !till tJhd ~ 'iha

home 'llUJtcd l)n .1lmu~1 l .i.crc \\ pool

'"' 'P-i • Marilyn KttShner $2,'199,000





s r"DAY


VERSAilJ:£S 101SCl;IOLZ1218 1-S M,.\RY A."li'll \tcGl IRE VERSAll.I..ES 102 CHOLZ #136 l ·S \1AR\ \..'' l\tcGl 1RI: COM 3700 OC£A.'IJ BL\1> I ~ PHYU.l HA' DI-.!\ WE.STCUH 1218 BERh... 'IHIRF. 1 s \RTif JOll'''U' \l'ESTPA.RK 18 ADEI.ANTE l ·S PATTI O 'OE fl.) CW"f KAVE.' • SOO KING\ PlACt. 1 s In' 1.i\ Bl KTI'.A CD\I 7 NYON CR£!, 1 OR \ ·S BJ. JOH:\-,()' 1'P'l HEIGHTS S06 CATALL'A l .. CHl '!H' M BELCOURT 3 WEYMOl:rH CT. 1 s BEIJ.l PARTCH HARBOR POINT # .. HAJlBOR POI!'twT 1 s lL'\JUUET 80~ l'lC.K UGUNA BEACH 259 LO"''ER CUFF DR. 1-S CO,NIE BEMO:\

23 Corporate Plaza, Suite 190, Newport Beach, CA 92660 r

2 .. s .000 )3.,9,000

SS .. 9.000 S l . tso.ooo

s .. 29,000 599.000

S-tZ9.000 689.000

)5 ... 9.SOO ..... 9, 00

SZZ9.000 SS39.S00

339.000 2,09S.OOO

99S,000 St0.000 6 .. s .ooo

$265,000 168.900

1.895,000 , ..... q,ooo 'IH9.000

SlS.000 l8'l.OOO

s6zs.ooo 1.890,000

889,000 .. i ... 900




r< E /\ l T Y





6S1 -J488

PENiNsulA ... $419*

CRr .\1\1 of rHE CROP I';( OMl l.JNITS WITH flAtR ,


SJ8 -6 S11

SpyqlAss Hills ... .. . $969*





721 ,4062

HARboR ViEW HOMES . •• $ 549* A dAsH of Elf GANCC ANd



· BAlboA lslANd ... $599*



AbsolurEly STUNNiNG



BoNNiE BAy ... $4}8*




HAROOR ViEW HOMES •• • $ 569*


.___, lisr1NG!" TAkE A splAsH 1N THiS ENCHANTiNG MAGiCAI



, HAROOR RidGE ~~ ... $~99*

ClAssy ModEl prRf Ecr DyNAsry PIAN . TH is



PRopERTiEs AlA CAmf- Now SHowiN<i 70l'CAMEO HiGHIANds, CORONA dEl MAR ... $649*

21 l 39TH STREET, NEWpoRT BEACH. .. $495* } l 0 W. BAlboA, NEWpoRT BEACH . . . $ 4 2 5 * 234 FlowER STREET; COSTA MESA ... $279*

1 8 1 MoRRisTOWN, COSTA MESA ... $ l 4 9*

'2' SAN MATEO, COM .. OPEN SAT/SUN 1 .. 5 2215 PORT HARWICK .. OPEN SAT 1 .. 4

1 LAS BRISAS, IRV .. OPEN SAT/SUN 11 ... } 277 ROCHESTER, CM .. OPEN SUN 1 ... 5

*All PR ices IN ThouSANds

714/720,,9422 5 CoRpORATE PlAzA • NEwpoRT BEACH, CA 92660


ENJOY THE GOOD LIFEI 195,0QO Charming . clubhouse VIiia was 3BR-~n be again Walk tQ Mesa Verde Golf & Tennis Club. Secunty gated Great opportunity (301CLl . .,..,.....

NEWPORT IEACH PfNINSULA$2'9,000 2BJt 2BA home is located 1n a great locatlOll, steps to ~ 4 bea~h. Private patJO. seller as moving to Hawaii. (18BAL) . ..._..

SATURDAY, August 27, 1994 I PAGE 33

SHOW Offl $194 000 VA appro'ad beautvl •BQ,~BA.sundeck & bafCony Comm.pool/lenn1sfspa! walk to. back bay! f/P. family room! Xtra large master! Owner may carry second! (33TOU) .... Mi' H



COSTA MESA 336 Tours lane $194,000 Jerrie Mahoney (12-4)

FOUNTAIN VALlEY 11064 llu• Alllum $268,000 Jerry Mahoney (11-5)


COSTA MESA 2426 College Dr $255,000 Pat Davis

2701 Starbird Dr $410,000 Pat Davis

3353 Alabama Cir. $259,500 Delpha Oswald

CHEERYlll $119,000 Make an otter on this 3BR. 1 SBA HB tnhm FHA & VA app Comm pool, spa, tennis Close to shops & schools Blke to beach Don't wait another minute' (97CON)

WATER VIEW $131,000 28R + 1 SBA, 2 sty condo Gar. + ottrce PooVSpa Mex. pavers, central AC, cathedral ceilings, bike to beacM>ack ~ Miny extras! (40BRI)

AFfOROAILE CUTIE $142,900 Master + loft. nice end unit No one above or below you! Dining room. fireplace, lll$lde lndry. sec gated, subterrun patking. Call to see (81BAL)

SUPfRI $1'6,500 • BR comer unit remodel, hrWd + ceramic noors, scraped ceilings. wood molding~ + much morel Grut neighborhood. Pool. (10LEX)

PRIVATE... $1 49,900 Attordable Irving for thOse SS & older• 2BR t 75BA home w;comm pool, spa . tennis library & morel One mile to the beach' (87TUL)

STUPENDOUSlll $1 55,500 Quiet 2BR, 2 SBA Newport condo Close to bike trails beach Lots of open space Condo has been ungraded w/special touches ( 1 OMOO)

BUILDABLE... $159,900 R·2 zoned lot near Easts1de CM Add to exlstin9. cottage or scrape & build duplex call nowt can 1 hnd a deal better than th1s11 (37HAM)

BRIGHT $164,000 3BR. 2 SBA end unit townhome w/attached 2 car garage, inside laundry (62LAK)

CLOSE TO BEACH $164,500 3BR. 1 SBA huge yard, upgraded k1tehen. copper plumbing. roll top garage oper1er Poss RV access. close to beach Call tOday for more info! (80TOW)

OCEAN BREEZES $164,500 Feel the ocean breezes from this 3BR. 2 SBA beautiful townhome. Rare on market end unit 2 car gar lam rm hardwood fkiors & more (93Wl9)

LOVELY... $164,900 Adorable 1 BR + 1 BO rental Freshly painted in & out New carpet French doors & garden Window Each has its own LR & yard New landscaping, + white picket fence' (20POM)

UNIQUE $165,000 Oramallc h1gn ceilinged floorptan w/sp1ral staircase & sunlit st1yl1ght 2 masters, bay windows. 2 car gar & 1ns1de laundry (22PAC)

BEAUTIFUL $179,000 EnJoy beauhlut Citahna sunsets romantic city hghts & cool ocean breezes t 2 masters in l.lrge, sunny contemporary townhome (21 PAC)

RV ACCESS $180,000 Wonderful family home Remodeled. new country ~itchen. family room. fireplace. format d1n1ng, 3BR. 2BA. (24PIN) ·

fANTASTICll $186,900 Desirable Halecrest home. •BR. 1 7SBA. hardwood floors, overs12ed lot, close to shopping. Don't miss outl Gall today! (30HAL)

HUGE FAMILY ROOM $186,987 Wonderful family home. intenor location. perfect for entertaining. Walk to new Triangle Sq 4BR. 2BA. 2 car oaraoe Huge fireplace toor (64BEA)

RARE ON THE MARKET $192,000 Garden Park Villas 3BR + bonus room 1s a Gape Cod ~~llty built development. Come see this free standing townhome Call NOW (22MAY)

POOL• SPA FOR FREE $199,000 All thlS comes with •BR hardwood floors, FP 1n added on family room. Clou to all CM actMties (28FRA)

GREAT EXPECTATIONS $199,900 Unique tn·level townhome is on the Bluffs 3BR. SBA. spa, vaulted ceilings. fireplace. Everything . you want & more. (21 PAC)

HOTI $199,900 Huntington Beach single family 2 story 3BR. 2 SBA + den, inside laundry, new paint, courtyard. Priced to sell! (76CLA)

SIMPLE $209,900 Adorable 38R, 2BA home In College Pk. Real charmer w/lrg yd .. plantation shutters. mirrored wardrobes Must sell nowt Has everything Call NOW1(23COL)

CUTI! $212,000 3BR. 2.SBA townhome. tennis/pooVspa Rear patio, decking Mstr BR has walk-in closet & skylight (31CAM)

SPACIOUS $214,000 New roof. tile, paint (inside & out), kitchen. bathrooms Custom th1na cabinet, 1ust perfect 4BR, 2BA. (12CAL)

FIRST AID PLEASE $215,000 Unlimited potential In this 4BR. 1 7SBA family home that needs paint. carpet & landscaping Great locatlOll in family neighborhood (32MON)

WONDERFUL $219,900 Hiohly upgraded 3BR. 2BA home for active falTllly! Spacious corner has room for RV or boat. Busy??? E·Z care Is for you' Call NOWI (23COL)

OVER $98,000,000 SALES IN JULY

MOVE IN SPECIAL! $225,000 Large 3BR home has a great locauon w/new carpet, windows & central Air Conditioning Move· in now. it's ready' (320RE)

BREATHTAKINGI $228,900 Seller 1s anxious to sell this beautiful 3BR pool home Lots of privacy. gorgeous rose bushes. newer baths & kitchen Well maintamed Come see for yoursetll (93JUN)

BACK BAY $229,000 Upgraded 3BR condo across from back bay. Marble fireplace. newer carpel. new bath. tale & sinks. Larg_e rear patio Can't beat this locatJOn can Now (241RV)

BEACH LIFE $229,000 Great location only steps to beach & bay This condo Is ready to move in, has 2BR. 28A. 2 car garage. Association only $48 month (81NBA)

THRIWNG $229,900 Pnce Slashed! 3BR. 2 full BA upgraded kitchen & baths Attractive wood shder looks out to oversized rear yard Close lo everything (31 PRI)

AFFORDABLE $229,980 3BR family home on comer lot w/RV pariu09 Perfect landscaping, lots 01 roses Tastefully remodeled. woOd windows. marble counters, brass fixtures & much more! (95MAG)

FAMILY 1 $247,900 Priced to sell NOW' Solar heated gated home/pool & spa 2BR. 2 SBA family room area wmew paonl & carpet (23UT)

SHINYI $249,900 4BR w/new wmdows baths kitchen Vaulted cethngs, open & airy & bright Large lot w/spa Family onented neighborhood (23COL)

DEllGHTfUl $255,000 Ot1g1nal owners have enlarged to accomodate lg family SBR. ram11Y rm. over·s1zed comer lot. pool & spa. Newer roof, cul de sac. Close to everytningl (24COL)

MESA VE.ROE STYLE $292,000 FantastlC SBR + large family rm home Private front courtyard 2 hrepllteS, completely remodeled kitchen 1 BR downstairs CroYm molding (28SHA)



Nl'w duplex ur largo.' 5 lldrm holnc! undl'r con­.,1ruc11on Super 100 Mock location Pl! rsonal-11L' your hom,· ChooM! color~. mall'riuls. l'IC.

$875,000 Call Alire <e 719-549/

Excl!llenl Soulh Bayfronl duplex. Huge panor­anuc views 3 txlrm. 2 balh do wn + 2 bdrm. 2 !lath up. Roof lop sun deck + hoardwalk patio.

$1 ,795,000 Call Walter@ 588-3083

Custom 2 t>d. 2 tia Balboa Island home. bu11l 1990 New kitchen. cui;1om lighting, sp.i 1ub. coiy 1rw~ler suile wilh firepwce.

$685.000 CaJ/Jau @' 631-08/J

Large view 101 in Irvine Terrace. WeU maio­uuncd 3 bdrm. 2.5 bath home (+small office). Bnght and sunny Move-in condition

$565,000 (HI !J SuuuuuJ c all Bn 646-8356

Bcauhful upgraded' 3 tidrm home Refinished hardwood OooN Lg rear paho surrounds pool

$269,000 (1 l6l Fordham) Call Jau 631 ·0813

For All Your Bt1J Est1t1 Nttc/1 ...

Upgraded duple.x on most desi rable 100 block. 3 bd. 2 ba up. with 3 bd. 2 ba down. Private & suooy w/ up tam dl!ck & lovely fron t patio

$82S,OOO Call Ba lit 646-8356

Great locatio n cl<>Sc! lo both bays. mooring available on no rth tlay for 111' hoat. Cozy 2 bd horn.:. So::p . guest rm. Sep. I bd apt. $SS9 000 Call lOOll @ 675-4441

Great location -- just a short walk 10 beache.'I. Single family home. 3 bdrm, 2 bath. B~uli­ful upgrades. Gorgeous froot brick patio.

$780,000 CalllaU @63/-(Jlf/3

Highly desi rable Easlslde Costa Me.Y loca­tion Wonderful ' txlrm, 2 hath faaul)' horn.: $310,000 Call lak.t @ 631-0IW

Walle r Mllch ell , Prnldenl ....................... 588-J 083 Beb y Boyd ........ 646-8JS6 Dan Gould ..... ..509· 3054 Mary G raham ... 723-0138 Lar ry Adams .. 673-8700 Gay Proud ........ 673-3984 Jake Kloh s ........ 6J l-081J J oan Cooper ...... 675-4441 Jim Und berg .... 67S. l674 Dan Boyd .......... 673-8790 Allee 8rownell ... 7l.9·S491 Oary S lplora ....... ~88

•s.rvt. Allot ,. BMChr

. ~.f~"T .MA~~l,Pr,0~1~ M~"T:..,,~

You must ~ this exqwsile ~nthouse ma ler pieu with commanding hay & ocan view~ . Newly remodeled ('94) 3 bdrm. 3 bath condo

$S99,000 Call Walttr @ 588-308.'

•••LQ»: LOW, DO W Nu• Opportunity for low down to S92.000 Isl T.D Gorgeous decor· marble, tile. mirrors. & more S 99,000 Call Waher @ 588-30/U

Beautiful penthouse condo •· 2 master bdnns. Nice NY view Very clean wilh modern de· cor. Just a walk to the beach. Great value!

$189,000 Cm/ Wahtr <I 588-3083

An outstanding value. Oorgeou1 newer 2 mas­ter bdrm lUlury penthouse with buge vaulted ceilings. Pertea for 2nd home or for Investors Sl59,000 Call Wmrtr <it 588-308J

Versatile 2 masier hedroom rondo. Nice quiet locabon looting out to gn.-enery Grrat rl'otal uml or s~ond homl' nar the ~h.

$169,000 Call WnJ.ttr <i' 5/l.POR3

Excellent value for this ovcrsiU:d I tx-droom condo. Good conchtion wllh • pleasant north­ern cxpo,;urc Pnc.!d for a qwck \ale.

$107 000 Call Wolttr <it SU-3083

Panoramic bly & ocean views 2 ma~lcr bd penthouse c~ndQ Seller bas spared no ~­pense io remodeling Ibis gorgeous condo.

$299,000 Call Wol1u (jjl 5M-3083

. . 3T '\ J JA3A \ TOJfq Ae3til AT200 1-i"' tt lr ·w 1!A NEWPORT BEACHJCOSTA MESA PILOT I REAL ESTATE SA'rURDA'f, August 27~ 1994 I PAGE: 35

. .

, ''Best In Person·alized.Service'' 644-0195

/ '~Featured Properties O.f The Week''


Grubb & Ellis applauds Allison Ron Mazzano, vice pr~ident/district

manager of the Newport Beach office proudly names Carol Allison as top producer for July.

According to Allison, who recently returned to Grubb & Ellis, being affiliated with a national real estate company is a big a9vantage, offoring nt1t1onwide advertising, a Homequ1l) relocation divi ion, multiple resale and commercial branch office)

" I specialize in high-end properties and recently sold a custom home on Big Canyon's golf course, · she ·!>did . 'HcJving been a Newport Beach

resident for 28 years, I am very familiar with dll the dreas. I have ~Id properties in all price range) from a condominium - which sold for S 100,000 - to a custom waterfront property close to $4,000,000."

Allison's motto is, " I Make It Happen." Since January 1994, she has sold in exCCS$ of S6,000,000.

"W e are now on an upswing in the marketplctce, with properties fetching close to the asking price in most areas," she said.

Allison's ability to market properties is b~ on her knowledge and creativity in all facets of real estate.

"I take time to review each property and establish an individualized marketing program, working closely with the seller," she


)(lid According to Mazzano, All ison's

enthusiasm and high energy puts her ahead of her compet1t1on.

" You can always find Carol," Mazzano said, " because she is out there in. the marketplace either sitti(lg open hou)(?S or showing dients the homes of their choice."

With the high-tech computer support Allison receives, she can be ready to show clients property immediately. Call Carol Allison at • Grubb & Ellis, 23 Corporate Plaza, Suite 190, Newport Beach (714) 644-6200.

Elegance & charm This lovely spacious custom built home was completed in 1981 It i:, 1n

prestigious and popular Newport Heights on a quiet, secluded ) trcct with tour bedrooms, three baths (one bedroom and b.lth dmvn)tair)) and a three·c.-ir garage. There are three wood-burning fireplaces: step-down living room, family room and master suite.

The kitchen features a large country kitchen with breal..f ast area, pantry, Chambers double ovens, Jennaire Range with grill and a sub-zero refrigerator Also a convenient laundry room, comfortable family room with wet b.u and bookcases. French doors lead to rear and side decks, complete w ith a IJp pool and spa which is surrounded by flagstone decking. The interior is freshly painted. Offered at $625,000.

Agents Jack and Mona Cheshire hold open house most weekends. Call them at Grubb & Ellis, 23 Corporate Plaza, Suite 190, Newport Beach (714) 644·6200.








227 MESA DRIVE 1,886 sq.ft. 3BR· 28A, k>mily rm, lrg kitchen, nice yard $3,000 co~I allowance.

REDUCED TO $238,000 AWARD WINNING White King 3BR home in a great famjly neighborhood! Hardwood floors extra large yard and much more. 481 CABRILLO- O\V $310,000

GRACIOUS Custom home on quiet cul-de-sac. Spacious rooms. upgraded kitchen, hardwood floors & fireplace. Large tleck in huge

243 ROBINHOOD PlACE 4BR·2BA make offer on this nice cul-de-10e locotioo! Submit $289,900

ATTENTION: SELLERS I Just SOLD 6 Eosts1de Homes.

backyard. $459, UPGRADED

. caped com­p~:< . 2 master -.uite,, 2 · bath.

••large 2 car

this post month and I hove Qualified Buyers Who Are Ready To Buy!! If you Are Thinking Of Selling Your Home, coll MARGE Today For A FREE Market Anal sis!

221 SIERKS JBR 2BA+den+Fomily+beouti· ful kitchen, 5po Hos bought new home & wants offers! Svbmitl ·

ATTRACTIVE, 3BR home w/hardwood floors & fireplace. Oversized, beautjf ul woodsy backyard w/grass, large deck and

garage with opener. FHA approved. Ownc

=__;;;=...::.....:::1-.· may carry 2nd.

136.000 many lovely trees. $310,000


Recent phase release at Fieldstone Legends A recent phase release bring.s a fresh

opportuni ty for growing families to live in a uniquely desi rable community. At

ht'ldo.;tone Legends in Placentia, an excellent ..,elccl ion of homes is now available to meet the .KcC'lcrating demand from home buyers seeking ..,omcthing that has become increasingly hard to t1nd:·,1 brand-new home in an established North Orange County neighborhood.

Built by the Fieldstone Co., Fieldstone l <'gendc;, offers the advantage of mature ..,urrou ndings and a host of nearby convenience's, irom parks and schools to shopping centers and husinc5s parks. compounded by a collection of f,1mil~ ..,1z<·d two-story residences that presents I hC' pcric{ t combination of luxury and value at pnc<'' i.r.irting from $~42,q9Q.

l 1\ 111~ .ueas ranging from about 2, 158 to .! .Uh 1 ..,qua re feet fu lfill the space requirements nt l,ug<' houc;cholds with formal living and dining r(111ms c1 generously proportioned iamily room, 1.uge k1tthens and nooks and as many as iive bedrooms, including a lavish master suite and '"< ond.irv bedrooms that are significantly larger than their counterparts 1n most new homes. In ,1dd1t1 on, the dimensions of varying arrangements .m.> expanded by a relaxing den, a multi-purpose bonus room or an intimate master-suite retreat.

Fieldstone Legends features many pn<.e-1ncluded extras, such as graceful stairways with ntlk handrails, painted wood window si lls, .. rained oak cabinetry in kitchens and baths, rec.cssc>d kitchen and hallway lighting, wood-burning fireplaces, central air-conditioning,

raised-panel i:iterior doors and cable TV outle~ in every bedroom.

The roomy kitchens are masterpieces of thoughtful planning and design flair. Among the many conveniences are ceramic-tile-countertops and cabinets with easy-care laminated interiors, roller-guided drawers and roll-out drawers for pots and pans, along with a complete collection of white-on-white General Electric appliances, including self- cleaning oven, gas cooktop, microwave oven and multi-cycle c.:mhwasher. In most plans, a gourmet island provides extra work ~pace and storage space. •• p crsonal comfort and privacy keynote

master suites detailed with ovar tubs, separate glass-enclosed showers, dual-sink pullmans, mirrored wardrobe doors .ind walk-in closets with double poles and shclr. In some plans, a skylight illuminates the ma~tcr bath.

Finishing touches include complete side- ancJ . rear-yard Slumpstone wall fencing and attached lwo~and-one-half- or three-car garages with roll-up doors and glass window inseb.

The homes also incorporate a multitude of energy-saving features that have earned FieldStone Legends the Southern California Gas Company's Five-Star Energy Saver award and the Southern California Edison Company's Welcome Home certification for exceeding the state's minimum requirements by more than 10%. •

With Fieldstone Legends, The Fieldstone Company has introduced the unique Fieldstone HomeFitting program, which gives buyers an opportunity to personalize their new home to

match their own special needs and preferences . That is made possible by a wide variety of choices on a long list of both standard feature" and optional upgrades .

f or example, familie!> may select kitchen and bath cabinet door styles and finishes,

ceramic-tile cou'ntertop styles and colors and interior paint shades to create their own decor or match their existing color scheme. Options range from electronic security and intercom systems, an instant hot-water dispenser and stained-wood entry doors to pre-wiring for an audible system, extra electrical outlets and a special garage package featuring cabinets, work bench and overhead lighb.

In addition to a prime location and full-featured homes, home owners at F1eldc;tonc Legends will benefit from the fact Fieldstone Company welcomes broker cooperation at the neighborhood.

To lake advantage of the excelhmt 5Clcct1on in the newe!>t phase of Fieldstone Legends, home shoppers are invited to tour furnished models from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily.

To reach the neighborhood from the Riverside Freeway (91 ), exit north on Tustin Avenue, which becomes Rose Drive. Turn right on Buena Vista Avenue and continue to the sales complex on the right. ·

From the Orange Freeway (57), exit east on Yorba Linda Blvd., turn right on Rose Dr. 9 and left on Buena Vista Ave. Please call 961-1124.


fiiiii\ .IACOM REALTY '\.:!!:) • I N a,V E S T M E N T S

Call Our 24 Hour

YOUllCtus 714/ 675-6670 NO PRESSURE! NO WAmNG! TO OUll TALXING


TALKING ADS NOW!! DIAL: 1-800-723-7723 _. ._... die ....... Ml •-ber •ltd liar tM dda1b or proptttla at yoor lds11FT!

319 MOllNINGSTAR Dorer SAions •!froot

SI.SM,• AMioM '106

Costa Mn11 , 3 Bdtw.1-2 ....... ror..J dlA· IDlt ......... ~ le pri• ,.,, tret ........ do.

Alkiils SU9,•



4BR. 2BA, d«k & balcony up. 2BR, I BA patio IOYter.

Great rtnts summer/ winter. Completely

furni bed. Asking SS2S,OOO Audio Ad 6113

EXCEUENT WCA110N! This home is a cute

conlrmporary w/rtmockled kilchfn. Garagt" w/lots or torage. l 1Sf }Our ideas.


$299,000 Audio Ad 6107





@Ji~~~ T '!~~~TY 714 I 675-6670

Grand Opening!....._



1 t WHITEIHORE, OCEAN RIDGE 5BR, • .5BA. library, muale room, family room, 3 ftreplac.t, 3 ear garage. Call for Information.

... USTING • SPYQLASI F~ newly t9bulll CU110m l>onle on SpyglaM ... 58A. 4.s&A. bcn.9 room, 3 "' g.1r9. pool & epa. AHO a gr.- \'lew. c.11 tor II rbmation.

R•tH as of Auguat 25, 199~ KEY LENDERS AND RATES 30-year fixed 30-Year adjustable


Abacus F1nanc.at Group A (800) 938-9393 8 250°-. 5 2000 22 8506 2 875'9 10 2 250 6.402 350.000 2375 Amencan Home Loans A (7 14) 955-3633 8 625°• 10 0000 7 8 663 3.250°. 20 0000 6 809 203, 150 3000 ARCS Mort~ K (800) 677-9080 8 250°. 5 2.500 30 8 561 3 500°,. 20 1 5oo 6584 203, 150 2 625 8anJ( of Amenca 8 (800) 424-2632 8 500°0 to 2 250 45 8.788 4 500~0 10 1.750 8 .2~ ~.150 2 625 Bank of California B (71 4) 252-3367 8 750°. 10 1 250 30 8928 5 2SO°-. 20 1 250 82 500.000 2 750 Bank of YOf'ba Ulda B (714) 708-0455 8.500~ 10 1 000 12 8648 6 000°0 10 J 000 8 .380 203,150 2 875 Cah1omia Federal Bank s (800) 225-3337 8 500°-. 20 2 125 45 8.774 3375% 20 1 000 6409 203,150 2500 Cerbfied F ~ K (800) 592-5363 8 250~. 10 2000 15 8 506 2 750°1o 20 0:500 6.356 203, 150 2 500 Chase Manhattan B (714) 760·2671 8.340% 20 2000 30 8.597 4 9750.. 25 2000 7907 1.000.000 2625 --Ca~ B (714)~31 8.625°4 10 1 000 60 8 774 5 000% 25 1 000 7 927 700,000 2750 Countrywide Funding_ K. (800) 877·5626 82~. 20 1 875 45 8.492 3 750"4 25 1 250 6 812 203.150 2875


Eme Financial, Inc. A (714) 729·9200 8250°• 10 1 750 15 8478 4 0000,. 20 1 250 6 564 550.000 2 625 Fldeli Federal Bank s (800) 232·2309 8 750'· 5 0.000 10 8 788 4. 125,.,, 25 0.000 6816 65o.ooo 3000 First Interstate Bank B (sq_<>) 560-5001 - 8500°4 20 2 125 30 8774 5 125% 20 1 375 8390 203,150 2 750 First Nationwide Bank 8 J.800) 843·2265 8.625% 20 0750 30 8 746 2 875'- 20 0.969 6278 203,150 2 375 Frontline~ __ ~ (800) 729-5626 8.500" .. 20 1 250 12 8.675 2875~ 20 1 375 6.567 500.000 2625 Glendale Federal Bank s @.00) 560-9000 8625% 5 1 250 45 8.802 5.1250,. 20 1.000 8468 203,150 2875 Home Sa · s (800}975-~ 84~ 10 1 500 30 8.653 3.600% 20 1 000 6 311 500,000 2 400 ---Household Bank B (714) 261-1818 - 8.500% 5 1.500 30 8.703 4.875°IO 10 1 250 NIA 203,150 2.500 Mantwne Mort A (7_14} 248-1178 8.375~ 10 1 250 15 8.549 2 875"4 20 0000 6 706 500,000 2900 --M~HomeF~ A {71 4 757· 1028 8.250% 5 2.000 15 8.506 3950% 10 1.000 6.2~ 49Q,OOO 2350 -~ge Direct USA K (800) 40()...8715 8.375% 20 1 375 12 8.563 2.750% 20 1 500 6..453 500.000 2500 ~Financial K l800) 808: 5626 8.500% 10 1.000 7 8.648 2.875% 20 0.000 6.706 500,000 2900 Oceanview Financial R_ @!>O) 266-0~5 8.625% 10 0125 15 8.677 3625•4 20 1 250 6436 300,000 2500 Pacific Na~ B _ .Q!• ) 967-0233 8.250% 5 1 625 7 8.464 3250% 1o 1.350 6.292 350,000 2350 Union Federal Bank s {800) 660-5626 8.625% 5 1.500 45 8830 4 000% 20 0.500 6 615 203.150 2750 Web Fa Bank B ~)225-5932 8.500% 20 1 500 60 8703 3.600% 20 1.000 6 411 203,150 2,500 West Coast Mtg. Group R (800) 884-6626 8 75()0,.,, 10 0.000 22 8.788 3.750% 20 0000 7 804 500,000 2875


110 1M 110 1M 110 1M 1TS 6M 1TS 1V 1TS 1V 110 1M 110 1M 6TB 6M 6TB 6M 110- 1M 110 1M 110 1M 1TS 6M 110 1M 110 1M 1TS 6M 110 1M 6LB 6M 110 1M 110 1M 110 1M 110 1M 110 1M 110 1M 110 1M 110 1M L3M 3M

Boel lll8d 6 .. ....,.. PfOOIW.,. 30r'30 ~ltl04191 mOl1g8gM Typm of l.-ndlt IS 8 • Bat*, K • ~ blnll.er; R • lllOflgage broioM; S savrogs & lollP Mot\gage banll«s and bfokers art liCenMd by the Calrlorroa °"*1mltllof Rell£ .... It..,_ 1 broil.tr« COfJ>OflllOn FOf "*>rmabOn eel Catd .ORE at (916) 227.{)931 lntlarMt AMa lot~ II an lnlrocM:1oly 1'111 lor tie lir51 lldfu5tmetll penod Down P~ • amoun1 ol CISll (•• ol ..._ pitce) Plld IO ltrldtr pnar to llglWIQ lftOf1gmgl connct Pointe art% of loan l*lrlct pard 10 landaf at time ol IOan clo"'IJ Locll-ln is Ille nombtf of days lenClel guaranlHS rate llOOf to closing A.P.f'. es lht annual perc:e!Uge rate wtlictl .. .,. ~..,.,.. cott of in. loin IO lhe borrower. Aa A p R • ai• calculated by Mot1gagt News Co b9Md on. $203, 150 loen arnounc .,. points Shown and $700 IOQI.... The A p R. •rt lnc:Mled,, ltlls Cl\111 IOf CIOITWl1 '°" orllt wtwl ~tor 1 io.n, Fedlrlll Tf'UltH\.Letdng llw requwM lenOll'I IO Clk:Ulllte an APR specific lo eectl loen offer Maxlfnum loan IS "9 maKll11Uf'I' lelldtr _..,loan under giwn tenns Aa lix.d rate pn>grarns l'Qw a max .. mum of &203,150 • .._ (11"'-111 ltrldtrl prolll, rNrgln + lndlll • K11'91 rata after hrl1 aquSlmenl. lndalr • tw bam kif MOing en~'** rate (Margin• 111d1Jr New Riii) I 10 • 11th Dist Co&I of Funds, ITS• 1 Year Treasury 811, LIM . f.monl\ LllOA, fTB. f.monl\ T!MMJfy Bil, eco. f.rnonlh ..,.,. c:erllbte of OlpOllt. Acltuatnlent frequlftCy it the pel'IOd belWMtl ldJUSwntr11$ 1M . l ·Monctt ISM . &-Monttls 1.v.., . 1 v .. Al tal1M IUbfK1 IO dW9I Vf/lfy ,.. and """' pnor lo ~ '°' • !Del\ /Ill landers ~ IOerlS Will dltf«tr1l ...... and ltl'ITll lcl( difttrent IOan amounts The lnfonnllUon plesenled IS not an oltel to malt.• • IOan F« • COl1$Ul'IMlf guiOI on how IO Shop bl lft0f1gmgl, aendalUOdledl,,.,.. lo~ Newa Co . 1810 E 171\ Sl . Sult 100, Santa Ana. CA 92701 (714) ... 11n COPYRIGHT 1994 Mot1gagt News Co


ec 3C)Aq \ 11eer ,\~ tauguA ,YAOAUTA2 PAGE 38 I SATURDAY, August 27, 1994



CORONA DEL MAR Address & Realty 14 Skysail Drive O""ner Broker 644-9155

' 23 San Mateo Metro Realty 72 1-4062

Size Hours Price 3BR Sat/Sun 1-5 $525,000

5BR Sat/Sun 1-5 $969,000

432 Isabella Terrace 4BR Sun 1-5 $1,195,000 Coast Newport Properties 759-3793

61~ Larkspur Frclnklin Realty 640-7000 x309

2BR + Studio Sat 1-4 $579,00Q

429 Larkspur Franklin Realty 640- 7000 x309

1541 Dolphin lerrace Grubb & Ellis -25-5126

3BR + 1 BR Sun 1-4 $479,000

3BR Sun 1-5 $1,525,000


Address & Realty Size Hours 481 Cabrillo 3BR Sat 1-4 Jackie Gillis, Realtor 631-8011

227 Mesa Drive · Marge Lea, Realty 642-6297

3BR Sun 1-5

NEWPORT BEACH Address & Realty Size Hours

2300 Redlands Drive 3BR Sun 1-5 Owner/Agent 642-3033

Price $310,000




COSTA MESA 1314 W. Bay Ave. 3BR Sat/Sun. 1-5 $1,699,000 Cannery Village Realty

Address & Realty Size Hours Price 673-3777

250 Magnolia 4BR Sat 1-5 $457,000 101 Via Lido Soud 6BR Sat/Sun 1-5 $3,750,000 Cannery Village Realty 673-3777

Remax So. County N.B. 722-0858

221 Via San Remo 3BR Sun 1-5 Cannery Village Realty

1845 Monrovia St. Sp. 28 2BR Sun 1-5 $22,500 Tarbell Realtors, Gary

673-3777 559-845 1

The Open Home Guide ••• a new feature of our Saturday Real Estate Section.

This easy-to-read format enables potential buyers to qvickly locate all open liomes in the city or areas they warit to target for a home purchase ... and

ndrrow their search further to the open homes in their particular price range. Attention Realtors!


Start listing your open homes every Satud~bL in the Open Home Gu~de .. . lt's easy and affor ----~----------"-----1

Call 642-5678 TODAY ..


21 Narbonne -_Harbor Ridge


In Corona c;lel Mar 610 Avocado

Open Sunday 1.;.4 Love ly En gl ish country home with separate guest quarters. Expa ndable home south o f hwy.

$489,000 • • • • • 708 Femleaf

Exceptional d uplex. 2 -story, 3BR, 3BA home. Lorge 2B R, 2 BA opt. 4 -cor garage .


67~-0353 Owner

3 bedroorn remodeled ranch s ty le on quiet cul-de-sac . Living room w/ fireplace, dining/ family room. 2 baths. Be rber carpet• & tile floors. Reduc ed 130.000 unde r broker evaluation. $259,000 b y owner.

850-4339 Rome will lie ..ad Saaday at1•t ...... .,., •tdderl

Custom English Manor view home. Five bed­rooms. cozy library, used brick family room , formal d ining, luxurious step down liv­ing room & 6 fire­places. Hardwood floor, Fr enc h doors & windows, spa. Unobstruct ed city light & bay views .

$2,360,000 Beverly Morphy &

Virginia Zenz


H•rbor Rld9• Crest • Dyn••tJ •od•I

Open Sun I p111 • lp111 •2 Vlenn•

Pl•ST nM• Ofll TH• llAllKST Lovely Harbor Ridge 2 BR townhome . in the Crest. Very hght & o~ end

unit in tum key condition. This 1s really a very special home, totally pnvate. Bright yet surrounded by

wonderful wooded area. t407,IOO

..,,.,,y Morphy " Virginia Zenz 644-1600 -

Coast Newport ~petties l;iiil


2 bdrm 2 bath condo on 10th fairway with views of 3


• Furnished or unfurnished. • Shadow Mountain Golf Club

membership available. • Walle to El Paseo &t mall.

Owner is former Lido Isle resident.

$145,000, Possible lease 714 • 760-1966 619 • 779-0099

SATURDAY, August 27, 1994 / PAGE 39 •

'' RUMBOLD REALTY • Uadas In 8albfM &IMtd S.la Md U1Ungs 6 75-48ii

LOWUT PllCIO llLAMO "°""' c- JllR·lBA .._. • 29R •pl • New uma lllM4D CAii coo ~ °kmod•lod • upgnd«d tit\gk f-Uy llA ~ II\ 1"3 . Au tondit-1rlg. COTtAM Wlth a shared pttt 2811 lw>u .. bocn<! w/ 2 MW baths. rww windows 6: Clull t d c•lllngt. land tca ped la wn. wtlh dtt1plu.f a 28R 1pat11Mnt NW carpet. Ovenlud dbl car pr•'* balconill, 4 cw p.v1r.iAc f7W,000 mlUCll> ,,.,..._ ...,.,., ,,.,....

F..,.,. • lid• ~bO- ·- .........


flbUlous ~ ol bJn"WlS blsln, PMlon, u.cts 3M illA home plus 28lt ~ querttn $1, 1ts,OOO

Cape Code 1991 ·Hcw 4tl·i~ f.mly ldtchcn. ~ti •. •. .. .. ....••.. .• -· ···-······· • .•. . Mlt.000 ~d U11r 111boe l5Wld c:Nnna Plot~ ~d. prt COU"t>Wd. 28lt hK+ 18R epc.. .. SMt,000

1.-,e c1.tplex wfrsut rem.I Nstoty Each Int unit 3IR 3a.+. .. -·······" ~ to 010,000 A l/U'f lel"ge 4M 4YtlA WWtltifloot home"'""' ptlv•e S6' piu Ext!'• pel'kln9 lof 7 cen ...... lt4 ISOOW s1,m,ooo ~ Ut1k IS&lrld (CIC Cod 3M-i~ HOME Wi1lOOR>ECIC. .. ............ • ....... DCaOW Snt,000

Dt*td 100 llloc:k 31a·3~ ftm/tf rm + i111t NX ...•• . ........ -.94 ISCaOW S1tS,OOO

CHUCKQJllOl.D • MJJlll K.W>IS1Y •JIM lUS • ~ v.wGHT' •ROSE VN •a.



* 48R, 3.SBA * Extensive use of marble * European-style staircase * Bull-nosed corner & retextured walls/ceilings * Ocean view from upper level * Library + family room

$775,000 * Call NOW for Private Showing I

.JUDY KOLAR 640-'12'12

K Investment Co '----------------------~


Kear the crashing waves and expertence the ambiance

of Cameo Shores oceanfront IMng.

$ff, 900 per month lease up to 2 years.



ec 3C)Aq \ ~eet .~s f~UQUA .YAOAUTA2 PAGE 38 / SATURDAY, August 27, 1994


CORONA DEL MAR COSTA MESA Address & Realty Size Hours Price Address & Realty Size Hours Price 1 4 Skysail Drive O"" ner!Brokcr 644-9155

3BR Sat/Sun 1-5 $525,000 481 Cabrillo 3BR ~t 1-4 . $310,000

23 San Mateo Metro Realty 721-4062

SBR Sat/Sun 1-5 $969,000

432 Isabella T.errace 4BR Sun 1-5 $1,195,000 Coast Newport Properties 759-3793

614 Larkspur Franklin Realty M0-7000 x309

2BR + Studio Sat 1-4 $579,000

429 Larkspur Franklin Realty 640· 7000 x309

1541 Dolphin Terrace Grubb &. Ellis -25-5 126

3BR + 1 BR Sun 1-4 $479,000

3BR Sun 1-5 $1 ,525,000

Jackie Gillis, Realtor 631-8011

227 Mesa Drive Marge Lea, Realty 642-6297

3BR Sun 1 ·5

NEWPORT BEACH Address & Realty Size Hours

2300 Redlands Drive 3BR Sun 1 ·5 Owner/Agent 642-3033




COSTA MESA 1314 W. Bay Ave. 3BR Sat/Sun. 1-5 $1,699,000

Address & Realty Size Hours Price Cannery Village Realty 673-3777

250 Magnol ia 4BR Sat 1 ·5 $457,000 101 Via Lido Soud 6BR Sat/Sun 1-5 S3, 750,000 Rcmax So. County N .B. Cannery Village Rea lty

673-3777 722-0858

221 Via San Remo 3 BR Sun 1-5 Cannery Village Realty

1845 Monrovia St. Sp. 28 2BR Sun 1 ·5 522,500 Tarbell Realtors, Gary

673-37 77 5S9-8451

The Open Home Guide .•• a new feature of our Saturday Real Estate Section.

This easy-to-read format enables potential buyers to quickly locate all open ~omes in the city or areas they want to target fo r a home purchase ... and

rtcirrow their search further to the open homes in their particular price range. Attention Realtors!

Start listing your ~pen homes every Saturday in the O pen Hom~ Gu1ae ... lt's easy and affordable. ·

Call 642-5678 TODAY



21 Narbann.e - Harbor Ridge ... ~~

,-~· -'\··



In Corona del Mar 610 Avocado

Open Sunday 1 -4 Lovely English country home with separate guest quarters. Expandable home south of hwy.

$489,000 • • • • • 708 Femleaf

Exceptional duplex. 2 -story, 3 BR, 3BA home. Lorge 2B R, 2BA apt. 4 -cor garage.


673-0353 Owner

3 bedroom remode led ranch s tyle on quiet cul-de-sac. Living room w/ fireplace. dining/ family room, 2 bathe, Berber carpett & tile floora. R e duced 130,000 unde r broker evaluation. $259,000 by owner.

850-4339 Romewll.llte ... dS••tlay at1•t te ..... e.t •ldder!


Custom English Manor view home. Five bed­rooms, cozy library, used brick family room. formal dining , luxurious step down liv­ing room & 6 fire­places. Hardwood floor, French doors & windows , spa. Unobstructed city light & bay views .

$21 3501000 Beverly Morphy &

Virginia Zenz

644-1600 1!!11 H•rbor Ridge Crest •

Dyn•sty Model Open Sun t p111 • Sp111

4Z Vlenn•

PIRIT TIM• ON TH• llAlllCST Lovely Harbor Ridge 2 BR townhome in the Crest. Very light & o~n end unit in tum key condition. This Is really a very special home. totally private. Bright yet surrounded by

wonderful wooded area. t407,SOO

Beverly Morphy fa Virginia Zenz 644-1600 -

COllst Newport Properties l;iiil


2 bdrm 2 bath condo on 10th fairway with views of 3


• Furnished or unfurnished. • Shadow Mountain Golf Club

membership available. • Walle to El Paseo & mall.

Owntr is formtr Lido lslt resident.

$145,000, Possible lease 714 • 760-1966 f;19 • 779-0099

SATURDAY, August 27, 1994 / PAGE 39

-- RUMBOLD REALTY • Lucias In a.lboa Island S.la Mtd Ustlngs 6 75-4822

LOWllT PllCID llLAMD "°'"' c- 39IWIA ._. • Ull op4 • Now unu llUMD or.PC coo ~ 'Rlmoddtd "u~ M1k lllllily 111 C'OnllN<tion 1n 1993 • "" condldc>Nng. ~ wtth • w...t p1~ 2&1l i.o..w hotM wf 2 nt'W bo!N. nt'W windows a. u11lt..S ~ll111g1, l.ondK•p~d lawn, W1.tlldonplus 12BR1~ ntw urptt. 0.ft'IU>fd dbl <II prap ~4CMparlw\I .,..... lmlUC:mft.,_ _ _.t,I ...... Fnw " ...s. pooo ....,_

USJPBIC£S fetiulc:M - d ti.wm, besln, Pt'Mon, twKtS. 3llt 28.'- home plus t11t epenmcnV!uest quart<n $1, 1 ts,000 C4c>c Code 1991-Ncw 4'1t·Y'l.IA temlly lcltdla'I, ~· ... ... •. .. .... ............ ... fQt.000

~~d Htly Bllbol lslend c:Nrmcr. ~ lendlcapcd, P"t courtyerd. HR hsc• 1 BR apt... $S4f,OOO L.arse QJPlo w/,-ut rentll history Eec:h unit unit 38R 38A....... .. ..... ... ... . ......... - ...... II.educed to 010.000

A vuy lor9t -tBR -4~ wetctfront home wtttl prtvete 56' pier. EXtre P«ld09 for 7 can ... : .. '" UCJIOW t 1,m,ooo • Exceptlonel Utt1e lslend ~Cod 311t·Y~ HOME WJROOfDECIC ....... . ....................... IH uatOW .. •nt.OOO Dewed 100 8lodl Jatt.J~ 1em1y rm• m Apt........ ........ ...• .. ................ IH uc:aow tm.ooo



* 48R, 3 .SBA * Extensive use of marble * European-style staircase * BulJ.gosed corner & retextured walls/ceilings * Ocean view trom upper level * Library + family rqom

$775,000 * Call NOW for Private Showing I


.JUDY KOLAR 640-'1 Z'I Z

K lnvescmenc Co


Hear the crashing waves and experience the ambiance

of Cameo Shores oceanfront IMng.

$11, 900 ,,., month lease up to 2 years.

Decorator's beautiful custom SBR, 2BA home w/formal living

room & family room. Mast.er bdrm w/lg retreat& mim>red

mast.er bath w/marblc: coun~ ~c gardens. patio & eolar pool on_ large comer lot! Pie~ gardens, patlo &

eolar pool oo large comer lotJ

OPES SlJ5 1.-& &300 R_._. Drive

NWPORT BEA.CH PrcfJefttefll .. , ... A•.,eU



. .


r: I·

: Newport Bay Front Homes I Incredible Values! I from I $ I , : While They Last! L (714) 675.5106

-Newport Beach agents attend anniversary party

C clebrdttng 15 successful V<'. ir., , The Prudential ( al1fornia 's l state Division reLt•ntlv hoc;tcd a dinner/ d.rntC' anniver'>ary party at the Rl'gcn<-y Club in Beverly Hills. .~. . .· l'""',- -

' . .· ~ ~ ~ t! .

, . ' -tt ' ,, - --B.trhara Amstadter director 111 thl' rrnl 1 lomes D1v1sion of 1 lw Prudenl1<1I Ca litnrn1a Rt•.i lt \ Nl'wport Beat h office, .Ht1 ndl'd till' ga la along w ith

~ -- 111~ =, Ll_ ___ -

l 0111 ·clguC''> Coyle Amil lo and St.in ~ax o l thC' Newport Bc.ic h olfiu.· .rnd ~.111dv D<'1\ ngel1<., Peggy DeSantis .ind Maru.1 ~ • .lUnders of tht•

• 11

i \ ~ tL

f U'>t In Off KC'.

1 hC' successful 15-ycar < elC'bration reaffirmed

From left: Gayle Amato, Sandy DeAngelis, Peggy Desantis, Marcia Saunders, Stan Sax and Bar­bara Amstadter.

PrudC'nt1al's commitment to l<'ad the industry in the ultimate contepts of showcasing luxury homes .md C'Statcs. The Fine Homes Division has 120 offices, more than 8,500 agC'nts'Clnd an advertising budget in exec>'>'> of $75 million annually allowing ag<'nts to customize unique marketing pfans ilhd innovative ideas for property C'xpm u re

· The Prudential California Realty 1s the leader rn specialized marketing of lu1Cu ry estate properties," Amstadter S<.1 1d '"The d1v15ion has international

- .. . .... ~ -·

specialists who understand different languages and -cultural guidelines to assist buyers from other countries. In addition, the Prudential has marketing affi liates in Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong and Japan."

The Prudential California Realty's Newport Beach office offers many fine homes through its Fine Homes Division, 1ncfuc:fing two of the most prestigious waterfront properties in Newport Beach. Call l;he Prudential California Realty's Newport Beach office, (714) 759-6600.


The Prudential Calif~rnia Realty Newport Beach continues record~breaking pace

At a recent weekly office meeting and networking session, vice president/Dranch manager Maxine Montgomery congratulated the sales executives of The Prudential California Realty's Newport Beach office for continuing a record-setting pace of gern?rating $1 million in real estate 'sales per day. This has been the goal of the Newport ~each office and the agents have been successful in seeing it accomplished.

One important factor in keeping The Prudential team ahead of its goals are the office's weekly meeting. The gatherings are a forum for agents to discuss new ventures af ong with making valuable connections for ttleir clients. The sessions also provide an exchange of new ideas and a review of marketing techniques and materials which keep sales associates on the forefront of the industry.

Montgomery also

congratulated the New~rt Beach office for having the highest sales volume in July and being the flagship office for the greater Orange County region.

The Prudential California Realty has a commitment to providing clients with the finest service possible. For information contact The Prudential California Realty, Newport Beach office, 759-6600.

SATURDAY; August 27, 1994 / PAGE 41



~ wrruom



$270,000's S.\ \fERRE FRO\I TllE S270.000\

Artful countr) French de ign in . pin~ the lo\\e t pric~d detached home in '\e\\ port Ridge. ingle fam1l) horn~" ith 3 Jnd -l bedroom'. 1.33-l to 1.956 quare feet.

~-- 714-720-8055 ST \llCllEL FRO\I TllE S350.000\

Elegant French Normand} design amidst the plendor of a landmar~ 'lellmg. Single farni l) horn~ ~ith 3 and 4 bedroom . 1.913 to 2.378 quare feet.


Y:r111wv.J l r/cf/l'fjnlll'P

~ "" ''". ~ '" "•• ,..,,., T·• •

u,,~ Cu: "·-· ,, ... , H"" I...>.'""' I\ ' '" ... c. "' -

Sal~ oflict" open I0·6da1l~

Prim tff«tnt datr ol pghlll'.atl(l!I. ~hjccl tnch:anlf" 1111<1111 n..)l11.'t H~nm 1 \f'fl~ll1 Ridrt aullim.Jll\.'lllh b«umta llXlllbttol lllc ~pon Ridrt( 1immua11~ ~1111u11and Ho111ro•llm ~' """'* J!lcio t

mpKlntnngbboriiood \lonthh &MOCUl•lll~Ninl11n 1ht11111ht} ut CllCllll!lll artll Ucil 11t"- \rapnfl R1Jit I\

1ndudld in u "-~t [~ll(t ind ( l'ICl!mUnll} I Klhllt'i Dn1nct < lllN!ll a~ rtp!N!IWrlf tor druih


t. 3""'1\ J "o ~ - ' 11LA VAGAUTA2 PAGE 42 I SATURDAY, August 27, 1994

Ideal Harbor View Hills Ideally located in one of Corona del Mar's most prestigious

neighborhoods - Harbor View I tills - this five bedroom, three-bath home ofter!> ,1 rnmfortable blend o(, family living on a quiet cul-de-~c walking rli•aante to the beach.

Thi~ home has an expanded family room with fireplace, built-in entertainment center .rnd cl wine room. A formal dining room with built-in cabin<'try looks out to d lushly landscaped patio and yard surrounding a free tnrm rod. pool with a cascading waterfall.

Th<' upstairs master bedroom and large dock has an outstanding view of the bay dnd ocean beyond. Other amenities include an inside utifity room, thrcl•-c.ir g.1ragc. built-in barbecue center and fi repit. Listed at $685,000.

For rnort' information please call Chris, Judy or lulie at Coast Newport Prnpl•rt1c .... 4 Ci\ it Pla7,1 Suite 260, Newport Beach 92660, (714) &44 l<>OIJ

Coldwell Banker recognizes Lyleen Ewing.

I \ !1 '• •n I '"ng and ht •r pdrlnl'r It II h"ng \\l'rt' rt·< 1·ntl\ n.inwd in tht• 1 •JI .'ll lnr grn.,, tornmr!t'iron intome .1111PnL: .ill 120 ( nldwC'll BC1nker 1\\\111·d 11ll1t 1 "· a«orrlrng to Tom \ \ illr,H') prt ·-.idl'nl

l ht [\\ 111g' h.1\l' cl< h11•\ ed th1<. d -.111 , 111111 PUI or I 3.o I\ ':><lie.., ,i-,,u1 1.111•, Thi'> de<,1gn,1!<'" I yk·C'n ,10., 1111l '''th!' 1111"1 .. uu<''"tul c;alt'~ .1 " • 1.1lc•, 111 '\lt•wport Ht>.lCh .rnd .1u"'" tlw Lnited ',t.itc'> L\IC'cn w.1, .11 ... 0 rE'prt·,c•nted 1n tlw ldl<.'!tl l'>Sur of L nrquv I lomc~ Mag.IZ!nl' The N<1t1on,1I Mt1gazint' ol Luxury Real L -.talt•, ,i-, a MagabrokN of Orange Count\ I \ lcc'n i.., notl•d lor hC'f 1nt1m.1tt · l..ni)wledge ot thC' mMkMpl.H t• , dedilat1on tn client'<. goal' ,ind l omm1trnC'nt to l'XC ('11(.•ll< I'

I \IC't>n r-. ck•rltt ,Jlcd to her pml"'"1on a-. "'ell ,1., to her cl1en~ \lw prm.1dt'" tf1c•11t<. with the h1gh<'!tt rl<'Wl'l' nl .1ttC'ntron, .,<>rv1cc and '''P<'flt-.<' I ylC>en, who WdS JOinC'cl r11ur \t',th .1gu by her ..,on Jeff, ha., c1C.h1c'llt'n numerous pre..,t1g1ous ,J\\,ucJ, throughout her career rnduding President's Club, P~1dcnt's Circle, President's Elite Jnd 1s in the top l 0{, nationwide.

Coldwell Banker has honored Lylecn as the No 1 agent in Orange County the past two years and at the present time 1s the No. 1 agent in 1994.

For all your real estate needs, whether buying o r selling, contact L yleen and Jeff Ewing of the Coldwell Banker Newport Beach office at 1-800-949-9471 or (714) 644-1361.

Beverly Creedon joi~s · Prudential Newport

Ron Taylor, president of The Prudential Newport Realty, announces that veteran realtor, Beverly Creedon has joined the sales staff.

Even in her first year - 25 years ago - . Creedon experienced great success. Within three years, she was managing a Newport Beach real estate office and then proceeded to own several offices.

She has been awarded numerous times for ouManding achievement and leadership of local, national and international organizations. Past president of South Orange County Board of Realtor~ Women's Council, secretary of South Orange County Board of Realtors; director of California Association of Realtors (C.A.R.); chairman of Newport-Mesa Association of Realtocs local government relations committee and successfully managed a Congressional primary campaign after completing the.Realtors Campaign Management School. She also marketed the first luxury condominium project above Dana Point Harbor.

According to Creedon, her goal is to continue to give extraordinary service to people with real estate needs.

" I joined The Prudential Newport


Realty because The Prudential name is a company whJch has demonstrated proud integrity since 1875. It also enjoys a 96% public name awareness which places us above almost all other nationally recognized corporate names."

Call Beverly Creedon at The Prudential Newport Realty (714) 673-7300.

Coldwell Banker: lists Peninsula charmer

Coldwell Banker, Costa Mesa has just listed an outstanding home on the P,Opular Newport Beach Peninsula. This unique single family home has two bedrooms, two baths and a garage. It is listed at $299,000.

Features include a fire place in the living room, and a sunny patio perfect for leisure. The airy kitchen has its own built-in app~ianccs, with a custom garden window overlooking the patio. The home has been well-maintained and is in great condition for any fussy buyer.

This charmer is just 1 S steps from the beach and bay on the sunny side of Newport Beach Peninsula. The owners arc moving to Hawaii and wtsh to !>ell soon.

Call Jim Heydorff of Coldwell Banker, Costa Mesa, 1640 Adams Ave. for more information on this or other Coldwell Banker properties, call (714) 668-9333.







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