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Blame uncertain in oil well blast Newportcan'tassessr.esponst i ity and into the bay before the fire was

extinauished and the well capped.

until it knows who owns mineral rights More than 40 claims ask.ioc damaa­es of m ore than SS00,000 have been filed apinst the city in connection wilh the incident, which has been called the most costly accident io the history ofNewpon Beach.

By SUSAN HOWLE'IT °' ................ . As more than 40 claims against the city of Newport Beach trickle into the court system, city officials a rc still scratching their heads over who is to blame for ttie Aug. 2 oil well explosion and fire t~at forced the evacuation of


Cout Sgt. Carl Jackson, com­mander of the Costa Mesa police helicopter squad, died of a heart attack on New Year's Day at age •3./ A2 Coast residents present their vtews of what they oonakiert~t­newsstoryof 1985./A5

California Former NOW leader Ginny Foat, although cleared of murder charges, said the night­mare&- and the whis­pers about her - con­tlnue./ M

Religion After suffering the ravag­es of Buffalo weather, a · centurY-Old church now faces demolition .I A 7

Sports The Rams meet the Dal­las Cowboys In the first round of the NFC playoffs today./81 '

Newport Harbor High outlasts Woodbridge In a Sea View League basket­ball opener .e1 Ocean View High wins In consolation play of the King Cotton BaskeibaJI Classic In Arkansas./81


200 residents and damaged nearby hom es.

The· long.<formant well, located at Balboa Boulevard and 44th Street, exploded while beina fitted for a new cap. One worker was injured and an estimated 420 gallons of sticky crude o il gushed over neighborhood streets


- The fint small claims case tried in court was recently denied because •• there wu no t e nough information available to determine responsi­bility," according to Newport Beach spokesman G len Everroad. _

Tbelma Campbell of Coeta lleu lntroduca 7 -year-old 1randdaqhter lllndy Roctaera to a ducky putime ln that city'• TeWlnkle Memorial Park. The duck• find Yialto,. -

Everroad said tbc ownersh ip of the mineral rights to the land has not been determined yet, kccpinc everyone involved in t he dark as to who is responsible.

''We still don't know, conclusively, who owns the mineral ri&hts 10 the well, ... Everroad said ... We hired a ti tle SC4fCh company, and spent all this money. and they gave us a conclusive no thing."

Six oil fi eld technicians were work­ing on the sban<tqned well when the explosion occurred~ ac;cordin~ io city

records. Heavy crude o il bepn to bubble up around the well casina. and a fireball of icnited methane ps knocked worken to the around, setting city worker Georae Murdock on fire.

Murdock was w en to the bum unit at UCI MedacaJ CenterinOran1t

. with bums over 15 lo 20 percent of his body.

A two.story home at 204 44th St. caught fire and received manor dam­• . from the initial bla~t. No one was mside. the house at the tame. Resi-

a .nd their handout.a - apeclally enjoyable on cload1 day• when the park la lar&ely abandoned by humane. Tbe weather forecaat calla for more of the aame today.

The new year brings another Trivia Bowl, st{lrt­lng today .I A 10 Hard work kept her goilig l 08 years INDEX Bridge Classified Comics Croaaword Entertainment Horoscope Ann Landers Public Notices Real Estate ReUglon Sports Television Trivia Weather

85 86-8

85 87

A9- 11 87

A 11 84,8

C1-20 A7-8 81-4

A9 A10


Sara Ellen Morris lived through times - --

others can view only in his_fory books By TONY SAAVEDRA °' ... ....,,.......,

She outdated the Brooklyn Bridge, lived through 19 presidencies and didn't much tare for newfangled modes of transportation - such as the a irplane.

Peaceful Indians invaded her child­hood memories in a life that spanned the invention of the telephone. mo­tion pictures and the atomic bomb. She was around when the first propelled airplane new 120 feet at Kitty Hawk and when the space

shuttle first zoomed into the heavens. Newspaper headlines during her

youth announced the surrender of Geronimo, the San Francisco car:th· quake and the rampage by Carry Nation, a n anu-saloon agitator with an au to gnnd.

Sara Ellen Moms of Costa Mesa hved through tJmes that others can only hope lo see in history books. She died last Sunday at the age of 103. lea ving one daughter. six grand· children, 13 great·grandch1ldren and eight great-great-grandchildren. .

Irvine enters"run for '87 rose parade Or anlzers awaiting "word on whether bid for entry approved

ByPBILSNEIDEllMAN °' ............. The 1986 Tournament o f Roses has

barely faded from memory, but some Irvine l'ftidentsare already interested in the 1987 puade. • -

The I 4-ycar-old master-planned city is mak.ina . a bid to Join the colorful ftoral procession next New Year' s Day.

The idea of puttina Irvine on the roee parade route tw been Roated teVaal times in recent yean, but a formal application to enttt the 1987 event wu not filed until lastJuly.

Betty Mathis was one of the Irvine residents who spearbeided this·per-ade bid. . "'

" We staned with five or aix oeoole," she said. " By November. we hacf90 active memben., and we have many otben who are supportina the .-OUP... . -..!: ... _ - l

Mlilh11, an Irvine •~ut .. nee I 979, it dOW pmidtnt of the Irvine Roee Parlde Aoat A.Dociation, an

... independent non-profit corporation.

She said T ournament of Roses officials traditionally receive appli­cations for more float ~itioni than are available. She said the Irvine committee should learn in a few weeks whether or not it' s in fo r 1987.

"What will be to our benefit is th.at from the time we applied, wc•ve continued to orpni2.e as tholHlh we' ll be accepted,.. Mathis said . -rWe' ve always had positive feedback from the Tournament."

Dest>ite its ~lion, t~e Irvine comm1ttee ~ f~ an ~IC challenF if its apj>lication is •~ cepted. ·

Mathis said a rOte parade ftoat trlditionally costs about SI 10,000 to S 120,000. Beyond that ftaure. the committee must add anot.Mr 30 to 50 percent to cover expema for fuDd­raJsina and for transpoftiat volun­teers to dca>nte the float. (U~ vohlntetnmay be needed to ~ the ftoat tame with ftowen.)

· "h's a bi& dcket, .. abe .tmined. Tbe chy of lrvioe II providifta

lenen of suppon and tome al&ft' ~. but lbe perade commj1tee npecu moet of ita fta!Mtint to come from private .ourca.

Mlithis l9id the c:ommntee will (l"'rp1 - W•/AJa)

A 59·year resident. Mom s and her husband, Arlhur. settled ID a Cah­fom1a town called Harper in 1926. building their home among the vast lemon groves. The town was later named Costa Mesa and the land

,outside their house became Maple Street.

Dunng her lifetime. Moms watch­ed the glass-paneled towers nsc in the South toast Plaza area. saw freewa ys routed through the rural area and witnessed the evolution of Costa Mesa from .. Goal Hill" lo .. Hub of the Harbor .\rea" lo "City of the <\ns ..

he remained wary of tall buildings af\er the chimney-toppling eanh · quake of 1933 made her nervous

about anything wtth more than two floors. ·

" l sure wouldn' t want 10 hH close to those glass sk )'SCr3f'ICr<I al South Coast Plaza," Moms said dunng a 1982 an ten 1eo,1, comm<'moraung her centennial b1rthda'

Moms· daughter. Doroth) Hoyle. also of Costa Mesa. !>aid the woman's secret to longev1t) -wa-; har<l .... o rk and plenty of n

" When she got <o1d, \he went oul to the garden and pulled .... ~-os:· said Ho) le.

Th-erc .... as one t1ml' - nh back 1n 191 9 - that Mom' "J' bedndden with the tlu " But thJt "J" about the onl~ lime she "as real \IL k a!. a )'Oung (Plea.e eee SARA MORRIS/ A2)

. ~ .................. JwDaaclMJof 81aelacltedwMa Mr v~ tM _.of a ,....,.u ..... 5:30 .... •

deats also reponed oil damqe to boat docb and bolts in Newport Harbor.

The oil weU wu first capped in 1926 and wu fitted for a ~ plus an 1974. But that cap apparentJy was not scaled properly. and when city It.reel workm were 1ettina up their pro­duction ri&, methane ps was releued and ianited. . •

Everroad said the investiption into the mineral riahts ownenhip uncovered a transaction between former Newport Beach landowner

-{Pleue-OIL-JJJJ.aT /M}

Navy ill pJ~ce . tOStl-ike at Libya· By die Anoclaled Preas

- WASHI NGTON - The Navy. with the routine deployment of a earner battle group IDtO the Mediter­ranean Sea. has forces 10 place to launch a retaliatory stnke agamst Libya. Pentagon sources said Frida).

But President Reagan h.as made no. dec1S1on 10 proceed wnh any type of military response lo the Dec. 27 terronsl attacks on the Rome and Vienna airports. and any such

~elated story Page A3

m1u1on would be frau~t Wlth d.tf· ficulty and danger, said Pentagon officiais who spoke on condJUon they would not be 1denhfied.

Reagan. posmg for pictures ID Mexicali. Mexico. Wlth ~xtcan Prcs1denl Miguel de la Madn~ was asked about reports of U .S. m1ht.ary movements m the trf edltcrranean.

.. I'm not awa~ that we·~ doing a nything out of the ordmary at all." he said .

Asked whether a build up of U .S. forces was under wa) . Reagan · said. "You've got to stop listening to

- K.hadafy." a r~fe~nce to Libyan leader Moammar Khadaf\ . \l;ho has accused the U nited States of ag­gressive intenuons

The Pentagon sources said top officials, including Defense Secretary Caspar W Weinberger. were asked to

(Pleue Mle PIA VT I A2)

Sara Ellen Morrl• in 1972.

" One-car 1

crash kills NB woman

.\. Ncwpon ~ach woman died Fnday aftt:r crashing her Volkswagon bug into the end of a guardrail as she approached the Santa <\na River bndgc on Pacifi c Coast H1ghwa} 1n Hunungton ~ach

Jane Donchr:y . :!~ died in surgef) at Fountam Valle) Trauma Center foHoWJJ\I tht' 5 30 pm acetdrnt. Huntington Beach pohce traffic in· vesttgator Jame .\usttn said

he suffered internal in1unes wht'n tile front of her 1965 red VW WIS pushed 1n by the im pact wit h th_e auardrail. ~ said

Ausun was at a loss to explaln why Donche)' colhdcd head-on with the 1uardra1l 1 s~ traveled east on PC'H. Althouah at was N h hour. he II.Id lHc stretch of h'lhway was cucnually un<K'C'uJ)lcd at the tame oftbe l<:Cldent and tbttt wttt no wttncstcs.

" from the apparent hnc of travel. 1t looks like she drove nabt into 111" A\lsu n 111d. T'htrt were no sldd1 marks or other 1ndacauonJ that Donchey tn cd lO avoid \.be~·

Thett is no evuSence lhl.t IN)' ha \te beet\ dn n.kJ "I or k ~\, ht said. Her mother told PollC'e [)oQc,bey wu on her wa)" home. A n sa.id .



- ; Clouds , haze should clear Su~day

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Mesa'J-mueh~loved copter pilot to be memorialized


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115 4t MMDAY

Sergeant in charge ofC~choppersquad died New Year· s Day

By TONY SAAVEDRA Of ... Dlllr ........

Costa Mesa police Sgt. Carl Jack­son, commander of the department's helicopter squad, always passed bis physical exams with Oyi111 colors.

Hence, the shock amo111 his peers and family when Jackson, rccopiiud recently for~ bis helicopter to the aid of a drowrung boy, died of a heart attack on New Year's Day. He was43.

.. His health makes it all the moch harder to accept and understand," said Mayor Norma Hertzog on Fri­day. " We've lost a very valuable person. He was a wonderful human being and an exceptional pilot"

Added Capt. Robert Moody, .. It was just a total shock to everyone. Those fli~t physicals require ex­traordinanly-aoo<f health."

A veteran of nearly 20 years, Jackson supervised six other pilots in the helicopter division and tau&ht many of them to fly, Moody said. lie

was reropiud by b.is peen through­out the nation for Costa Mesa's beli<:opter prosram.

"This WU a job that be really ~yed." Moody said. " He wu to~-ded.icated to bis profession and his wife. Michelle.''

A memorial service is1 scheduled

for 9 Lm. Wcdncsday at Newport­Mcsa Christian Center, 2S99 Ncw­pon 81.vd. Southern California Col­lete President Wayne Krain, also a police reservist and department chaplain, will conduct the lel'Vice.

.At least ciabt be~ from law enforcement aeenacs lD On.nee and Los Aqelcs counties will fty in V­formation over tbc Christian center followi.na the services. A pp will be left in the spot that would be occupied by Jackson's chopper, acoordina to plans announced Friday.

"I'm sure there'll be a lot of police officers there,•• Moody said. " He was na.tionally known because o( his involvement with helicopters." .

Jackson was al.lo known around City Hall for landing his chopper on a oam>w residential street to help re90ac a 2'h-year~ld child who fell into a backyard pool last August. His putner officier Jim Wqner, was officially commcodcd by the City Council for bclpina to resuscitate

linlc Richard Afdahl. Jacbon also received an unofficial

.. atta boy" from 'his cohorts and superion.

" His death drove all of us to the point of tears, .. Wagner said -rhc helicopter proparn ran as smooth u it did becausc of b.im. We just went alone for the ride knowina he would tab care of everything."

Jackson helped found the dcpan­mcnl's helicopter division in · 1970 after bcainnini bis career four ycan cartier as a patrol officer. He was promoted to serpnt in 1912, later became a certified tliabt instructor and has received several piloting commendations. Moody said.

Jackson suft'CRd the cardiac UTCSt while workinJ on a room addition to his Costa Mesa home Wednesday afternoon. Moody said Jackson did not have a history of heart attacks.

"He didn't have a history of anythina, except aood health," said Moody. ·

Besides fl yina helicopters, Jackson also raced boats · u a bobby, the captain added.

tic is Jurvived by wife MicheUc, who requests that donations be sent to Southern California Coll*'s ath­letic fund.

'--*> ............. a 30 ...,_ 12 .. l'1rtl lllgll 4:23&.m. 5.6 ... Jr's 10 a. 8911..,,_dlno 13 53 ,..,. .. 11:44&.111. o.5 ,,__. S7 :; Eztended 8ef\o.twtlll .. 53 .__ .. 1:51 p.m. 1.2 ~Clly • 8Ma-'- 12 62 8-ICllCM 10'.24 p.m. 2 0 u.v..- a ,.

..... Ma .. 53 9un-tod9r. 4:57 p.m. . ..... SUrldlly Ulla ... 14 • ._., c-. ... UW II 11 •Mlbtf ....... II 43 .. 7:00 Mft.Md .... '?:':' • 4:67 p.111 ~ 41 q .-m ,..,.,.,._ WOUOfl IN ..... CNr 51 50 .._. - lod9y .. 2: 11 p.111., ,... :::r:-. ft 40 l*tod-,Z Ill IN 7Qa end IOM Ill IN ........ t7 44 ... II 1 L m. lfld .. ..-i II 12:40

7't P' 40lto ... - • ....... IO 14 p..m.

Man dies after leap f rom movi!J.g car · A man jumped qut of a speeding

vehicle on the Garden Grove Free­way Friday and was killed b_y _ a passina car, according to the Cali­fornia Highway Patrol.

Officers are invc5tipting the death of the man. whose name was not released, as a felony hjt and run because the driver of the car which

struck him did not stop after the 7:20 p.m. accident, a CHP dispatcher said.

As of late Friday, it had not been determined why the man leaped from the car in which he was a passcnacr.

Aocordjng to the Hi&hway Patrol. Ycun Gunn Song, 24, o1Los Angeles. was westbo und just cast o f Brook.burst Street when the man

riding with her o~ned the passenger door and jumped. Song's vehicle was traveling between SO and 66 mph at the time. the dispatcher said

The man fell into the adjaocnt lane and was immediately struck by an oncoming car, she said. •

Officers arc looking for a small, white, four~oor vehicle which left the scene.

NA VY STEAMS TO MEDITERRANEAN ••• From Al pre~ for a possible " strategy meet- the Palestinian group blamed for the .. nevcr~ndina war" if "an ~ion 1ng ' at the White House today. · airport raids. on Liby~ occurs." Libya sent its ships

And the souroes also confirmed Al the Pentagon. one official, to sea on Thursday and ordered its that earlier this week, at least six stressing the hazards of an American forces on alert.

Judge orders '!Jig SI!_in 'televis~d - --

EA-68 Prowler radar-jammin& air- military operation, said of the Lib- U.S. and Israeli officials have craft were dispatched from their base yans: "They're just sitting there begun exploring military, economic in Wuhingion state to the Sigonella sayin&, 'Make my dar.·' There would and diplomatic SIJ)ctions apinst Air Bue in Italy. The planes are now be no suJprisc. They re sitting there Libya because they believe a Palcsti­on band to assist attack jets tlorp the on alert." nian faction headed by PW rencpde Coral Sea should any strike be ~no&ed Libya hau wjde-AbuNidal. ~o..hc basrrl_in Lib.ya, sai~ qa:inlrt:fbya, the sources range of sophisticated weapons, in- was responsible for the airport at-

SACRAMENTO (AP) - A Su­penor Court judge Friday night ordered 11 California TV stations to air the lottery's troubled " Big Spin" show today, with the stale financing the $65,000 production oosL

Sacramento County Superior Court Judge James fQrd left the way open f<?r the_ lottery to sue the network of stations in an attempt to recover the production cost. The weekly half­bour procrams were to have been

aired at no cost to the state. The court order. sought by Lottery

Director Mark Michalko, culminated a day of marathon talks between TV executives and lottery officials.

Lottery officials sajd the network of ABC-owned and -affiliated stations, drawing revenue from commercials during the show, and'its producer, a subcontractor to the network, had threatened to cancel the show.

The reason aPP8!'C!'tlY was tied to the program's SWltch from prime ti me on Mondays to the potentially less­lucrativc Saturda_ys at 7 p.m. begin­ning this week. officials said.

The producer, Simon and Laughlin Productions, demanded $65,000 to cover costs rather than revenue from six JO.second commercials as orig­inally qrecd, according to attorneys for the network and the state.

. eluding Soviet-made fighters and tacks. Meanti me. the State Department. surface-to-air missiles as well as On Friday, in what Navy officials

which for years has been telling ·coastal patrol boats, a half-dozen went to pains to describe as a routine Americans to stay out of Libya, said diesel-powered submarines and anti- action, the carrier Coral Sea and her its ability to aid those who ignored the aircraft guns and radars. battle group ended a holiday port warnings would be nearly " non- The Pentagon sources said an leave in Italy and steamed into the existent" if the current tensions lead aircraft carrier battle group in Nor- central Mediterranean. Sources said to anti-American action. Between fi I" v h d bee Id ak o..., a., a n to lo m c · the group includes two cruisers, two 1,000 and 1,500 U.S. citizens, many initial preparations for an un- destroyers and two frigates in ad-of them dependents of Libyans or scheduled deployment to the Medi- dition to the Coral Sea. . employed by Libyan or third country t Tb d t 'fied th cam·e . . . emnean. ey 1 en 1 1 e T The cam'cr left Na1ples wt' th a small business, arc 10 Libya. America as the recipient of the order.

"Our policy always is to do what we There were indications that Navy group of Italian journalists on board can for American citizens," said contingency plans might include a for a one-day tour, sqgc:sting there

SARA MORRIS SUCCUMBS AT 103 ••• department "'POkcsman Charles E. similar order for the battleship Iowa. were no immediate plans to laonch an Redman. " We try to make it as clear "There has been no order to air strike. as we can that when you go to places deploy," said one source. "They have Other sources said. however, that a where we have no diplomatic rep- been notified to make- prudent prep- small number of combat planes had From Al

person," Hoyle, 15, recalled. While hard-driving with herself,

Morris was quick to nurse other people with maladies. "She'd crawl to get there and help," Hoyle said. "She was always very interested in medj.. cine and science."

After passing the century mark, Morris' memory, sight and faculties began to wane. But at times. she was "bright as a silver dollar," said Hoyle. "She had lots of stories she used to tell

my youngsters throughout their life­times."

Morris' favori te tale was .of the Indians who draped blankets over their beads and stared into the window of her childhood heme in Emporia. Kan. Often the friendly Indians came into the house without an invitation.

" When my father would ask tbem to stay for dinner. they would only sit on the floor. never at the table,"

Morris said in the earlier interview. rescntation that our ability to assist a.rations. If there is going to be a long- been dispatched from the United " But it saved his life once. A strange American citizens under such cir- term terrorist threat. it might make States to the Mediterranean region to tribe was going to scalp him until cumstanccs would be scve~ly limited sense to have two c.arriers instead of ensure the Coral Sea's aiT wing wa$ at Indians be had befriended said no.'' if not non~xistent." orfe in the Med." full strength. One source said the

Morris lived in the Maple Street The United States repeated its 4- , Once dispatched, the America and carrier is equipped with .(our home her husband built until she was r ear-old warning against travel to her group would require about I 0 squadrons of F-A-18 fighters, one 97,-and"thetnnoved"'in Witlr1foyle's ibya ttiis <Neck-after actusing Ole days to make the Atlantic passage. squadron of A- attack bOmbers and family. Khadafy government of supporting On Wednesday, Khadafy vowed a several E2-C Hawkeye radar planes.

Husband Arthur Morris and their 1----------------------------------------­

son Clarence preceded Sara in death. She was interred Tuesday at Friend's Cemetery in Altadcna, Calif.



oo~ From Al approach local schools and busi­nesses for donations and will prob­ably hold scven l fund-raising events to help pay for the float.

But the committee president doesn't think it will be difficult to line up vol unteers and money for an Irvine rose parade e~ry. · " I think what' happens is that once you get in (the parade), the people who are just wait ing to find out suddenly become more acti ve in it." she said. •

Mathis herself is a California native who spent 11 years enduring recoro cold Wlnters in Massachusetts. Minnesota and Washington, D.C.. before moving to Irvine.

" Back there, while you're sittmJ 10 your blizzard, the rose parade 1s a

ORANGE ........

COAST --· r••

VOL 71, NO. 4

wonderful tbina to watch," she said. " It symbolizes California. You sit thett watching and want to run and caJI hom't." ·

Now comfortably back in Cali­fornia, Mathis is anxious to receive a letter that says Irvine has a place in

OIL BLAST ••. From Al Jackson Turner and the city of Newport Beach. transferrina the land over to the city through a SIO pant deed.

There is no dispute that the land is

the 1987 Tournament of Roses. " h 's sort of a numbcn pme, and it

also depends on bow well you've worked with the Tournament of· fi cialssincc you've applied. .. she sa.id

"The bottom line is for Irvine to be amona the top contenders."

owned by the city: the real question 1s who owns the mulera.I riabts.

" That's our real consideration here. The land didn' t blow up, tbe oil did." Everroad said. .. So who ownJ th~ oil?"

D•H1 Piiot DellY9f'J

le Gurllftteed .....,.~ 11 ,. .. llOI ,... roi.t 1111* 111' ''°•"' c.1~. , .... tncl '°"' coo., .. .. -.....0

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Happy New Year 1986!

• J

- - - -- --~-~~- . . .. ...

Ot9nge Cout DAILY PILOT 18atutc:t-v, JMwr1 4, 11M

State la wJDalters retiihJ for ne~ sesslon Monday IJ SM ~Jaled Prest

• SACRAME_NTO - The California Lqi&latutt. opens its 1986 session Mo~y. returning. t<? the Capitol for partisan priorities, left-over. qislation and a bu.t of billions. Both Republican Gov. George Ocukme1ian and Democratic ~ssembly Speaker Willie Brown plan major speeches to law~aken this week to outline what they wish to accomplish during thiS elecuon y~r. ~th s~bes are scbf!<i.uled fo~ S p.m. and both politicians want ~rrr earned liv~ by radio and televmon stauons around th.estate. Legislators thLS ~k al~ W?U face their first bearinp on bills left over from last year, will see pe~kmeJian s P,roposed budget for the fiscal year that begins July l and will decide ifDcukmeJtan's toxic agency should be audited.


RoUJJdup of la•t .Ud coadon 1Je61a• ' LOS ANGEf:.ES - Biologists with radio tracking gear captured· an ailing female condor Fnday, bqinninga roundup of all six remaini~ wild condors tbe-laraest-Ne~eriea~-birds. " They flushed-her out and JUSt walked up and ~bbed her, said Jennifer Meyer, spokeswoman for the state Department offish an~ Ga~e. ·~be is in fact sick:' Trappers usually need to lure the bu.se vultures wtth ammal carcasses and then Stw'C them on the ground in a spec1al net launched from small cannons. National Audubon Society biologists earlier bad threatened to stop helping in the bunt for the six bird. s after the female is trapped. There was no iipmediate word whether they had done so.

Court halt. raUroad worker drag te11ts . . SAN FRANCl~O '7" A drug and alcohol testing program for 200.000

railroad workers n~uonwide was blocked Friday by a federal appeals court, three days before 1t was to talce effect, to allow time for a constitutional challenge by labor unions. By a 2-J vote, a panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Cou. rt ~f Appeals prohibited the Fed.eral ,Rail,road Administration from implement­mg the program, the first of its kind m a federally regulated transportation in~stry, while the appeal is. pending. Judges Dorothy Nel!On and Stephen R.t:in~ardt. voted to block the program- during the appeal. Judge C-barles

• Wiggins d1s~nted.

I: State Yvlad energy oatput fall• •hart

R,eagan g_ledges to help Mexico end debt.crisis ·

MEXlCALi, Mexico (AP)-Presi- Reapn, returning the toast , told dent Reagan rromised Mexican his host: " A commitment to democ­President Migue de la Madrid at tb.c racy is the only true path to justice close of their meeting Friday that the 1 and economic progress. Mexico ud United States " remains ready and the United States can and should willina' ' to hete Mexico overcome its stand shoulder to shoulder in support pressing $96 btllion foreign debt. of democracy in this hemisphere.·· ·

" Mexico's debt burden remains a But they mentioned no new path serious challenge," Rea,gan told bis they might follow in the elusive host at the conclusion of their brief search for settlements to fighting in El meeting in this Mexican border town. Salvador or Nicarag.ua, where Mexico 'Tm impressed with the commit- bas opposed U .S. efforts to combat ment you' ve made, Mr. President. to leftist revolutionaries. ,. meet this c~Uenge a~d· to talce the Both)nen also menj.ion@lbe ne ~ n~sary steps ro achieve ~ rObust. to continue their battle apinst drug growing Mexican economy. traffickers, who U.S. officials warned

U .,s. , offi~ials have pointed out present an increasingly dangerous Mexico s failure to meet aarecd-upon problem for the Mexican govern· guidelines for bringina its' inflation ment. and spending under .control. B~t U.S. ofl'icials told reporters after Reagan' made no menuon of that m the meetings that Mexico appeared pu.~lic. . . . willing to pursue economic reforms

The United States remams ready the Reagan administration regards as and willing to work. ~th yo~," to necessary to solve the debt problem. overcome the debt cns1s, ~e said. " But we don' t sec them corning

In a lu.nch~n toast to bis guest, de together yet," on~ source said. speak­!~ M.adrid ~1d he an<:f Reagan had ing on condition be not be identified. IP;lD considered. the tmportan~ of . Nor. said another official, was there

findi~g .~ peasful .and . negouated any. narrowing of differences on soluti~n to nfltct m Central pohcy toward Central America. Amenca, ~t-!" 1 ~er he nor Reagan " We clearly have a disagreement as gave any- .m~cat1on they~_n~- to the-magnitud~ of the problem rowe;d their differences on the deh- posed by Nicaragua's Sandinista re­cate issue. gime the offical said. He noted that

Another blow SACRAMENTO - California's wind-turbine industry produced only

about ~alf as much electricity as ,proj~ during the first.quarter of 1985, according to tbe state Energy Comm15Sron. The report provided the first d<>c:u~ented fi~din~ on tJ?e nation's wind--enetJ¥ industry, about 98 percent of wh1ch ts~ m Caijfomia. The state report said that in the first three months of 1985, the mdustry produced about 63. 9 million kilowatt hours of electricity, or about 38 ~~nt of the 169.5 million~ ho~rs that had been projected, Energy Commission spokesm~n Sam Rashkin said Friday.

''.Mcxi~o," <;te la Madri~ pledged," Mexico insists on dealing with the ~11 .pei:s1st without respite or tlllter- problem through diplomacy, whereas mg m its efforts to find an overall the...Reagan admini~ration believes ~lution that respects th~ l~tirriate greater pressure needs to be brought mterests of all the cour:itn~ tnvolved against the Nicaraguan government. and that ~ffi~s the pnnc1ples of self- The · United States accccpted a de t~rm1na~1on of people s. Mexicanproposal, madelastScptem­~001nterven~1on. the peaccfu~ solu- ber. for a " law enforcement summit" t1on of conflicts and cooperation for at which ranking authorities from a development." . number of nations would gather .

Ruaty MuOn (formerly Ruaty Dennis). the mother wlloee 1truale to help.her eon Rocky o• ercome a &roee cleform.1.ty toucli-ed million• in the film "Yuk ,.. la mctna another deadly ~ttle: her other eon. 30-y~-old Joehaa. Iau AJDS.


Shuttle crew arrives at Cape to try again CAPE -CA~A VERAL, Aa. - Seven a*onauts whose flight on space

shuttle Columbia was aborted two weeks ago JUSt 14 seconds from Liftoff flew here Friday for another try Monda_y. "We'tt lookingforward now t0-being the fi~t ~ight of 1986 instead of t;Jie last flight of 1983. and we're really to go," mission commander Robe.rt Gibson told reporters as the crew arrived from its training base in Houston. The countdown was to start toda'y, aiming fora liftoff at 4:05 a.m. PST Monday.

Iadla 's request led to Bhopal leak: Lawyer .~YORK - The Indian goyemment forced Union Carbide' s Bhopal

pesticide plant to ~~ndle the volatile and deadly co?lpound that leaked in December 1984. kilhng more than 2,000 peopl~ m history's worst industrial accident, a Carbide lawyer said Friday. Lawyer Bud G . Holman told a federal judge tnatuntifafewycarsocfOTC the accident; lne Bllopal~pJant aid not handle the deadly compound , methyl isocyanate. A much less volatile substance -carbaryl - was shipped to India to be converted into pesticides. The arrangement was more profitable for Carbide. Holman said, but was terminated because Indian government officials wanted to limit imports and increase the value of the work done in India

'Life-style' queries dropped from lie test . WASH~GTON. - The ~e.ntagon acknowled.Jed Friday that instruc­

uonal. matenal~ provided to m1htary personnel bemg trained as polygraph examrners, until recently, suggested they assess the sexual preferences and religi~us arid racial assooations of their subjects. Responding to a report in the Was~ington P~st, ~e Defense Department released a_ statement asserting the questions outhned 1n one of the lesson plans of the P~lygraph Institute at Fort McClellan , Ala., were not beinJ used in administering actual lie-detector tests. But the department also acknowledged that last November, after discussions with congressional investigators. top Pentagon official John F. Donnelly ordered that lesson plan excised from the curriculum.

-Ra'llies against America reported

NICOSIA, Cyprus (A P) - Libyan radio Friday trumpeted reports of U.S. 6th Aeet movements in the Mediterranean and of huge anti­American rall ies by Libyans vowing · to fight to the death against a feared U.S. invasion.

State-controlled Tripoli radio said, "The demonstrations have continued for two days." but was not cleat on whether those days included Friday. and there was no independent verifi­cation of the ret)ort, monitored on this Mediterranean island.

Libyan anti-Americanism swelled after the United States called for retaliatory act ion against Libya fol­lowing terrorist att>rcks on airports in Rome and Vienna on Dec. 27 which killed 19 people. including five Americans. Libya was accused· of supporting the Palestinian raiders.


.., ...... In a report from Tripoli , C BS News

reporter Steve Croft said reporters were not allowed to leave their hotel.

The airc~t carrier USS Coral Sea left Italy on Friday en route to the Mediterranean.

Ne• Eaglaad· •torm blamed for l death Heavy snow snarled traffic in parts of northern New England on Friday as

a blustery stonn churned eastward after its "snowbursts" dumped 6 inches on the Grcat-bak"CS region, killing one man-on an -icy highway: T he- Nalional Weather Service issued winter storm warnings in New Jiamj)shirc, Vermont and Maine, ptt:dicting that parts of the region would get up to a foot of new snow. Can slid off roads along the Maine coast. where snow turned to frcczin$ rain and sleet Friday, while heavy snow fell inland, bringing a fresh cover to skt areas. Authorities said a Machesney Park, Ill .. man was killed when his car slid out of control and rolled down an embankment on icy and snow-packed Illinois 26 in Stephenson County.

" The streets ofTri1>0li arc quiet this (Friday) morning," Croft said. " There's no visible sign of inter­Oiffotfal lCns1ons, lncrease<f secunty or unusual military activity." But he said the correspondents• view of the capital was severely restricted.

extracts from a Wednesday speech by Libyan leader Col. Moammar Khad.afy, He threatened thcruhat.an U.S. attack on Libya would pro mpt him to " declare war in the Mediter­ranean and in all the Middle East ."

man for the U.S. na,aJ suppon departure of the naval uruts Frida~ operauon 1n Naples. confirmed the morning.

Syria promises support to Libya Western diplomats in Tripoli. con­

tacted by telephone from Rome, said they had seen no demonstrations in the capital. They said Libyan state


television showed what it said were anti-Ameri.Ca n demonstrat io n s elsewhere in the country. But the diplomats. who spoke on condi tion of

~ anonymity, said it was impossible to

IU.ell faca coart-martlill SS years late ~~~ti~~:~e~ fil~h~~ the demon-

TEL A VIV. Israel - Moshe C.hen failed to don bis ann.y beret while " It's. quite calm here in Tripoli," walking through a bus station 35 years ago. Today. he is facing a possible court- one of the diplom~ts said. ~artial, a newspaper reported Fn day. Cohen. 54 received a draft not ice telling !he war-hysten~ at~osp~ere was him be was beillJ tried for a 1951 breach of military discipline. but it did not . h~l$btened ~Y Tnpoh ra~io 's re..­O&f!le ~e violanon, the daily Muriv n~pa.per said. Coh~n was quoted as enuon - as tlS lead news Jtem - of saying m the newspaper that the only v1olauon he ever remembered being cauaht for in 19S1 w~S.,Jlo~rina his beret in a bus station. Maari v quoted

This item was followed in the news by reports of gigantic demonstrations that went on for two days throughout the North African Arab nation. and of the departure of a U.S. naval task force led by the aircraft carrier Coral Sea from the Italian pon of Naples. · The radio said Libyan masniieet­

ings Thursday night sent suppon messages to Khadafy saying the people "arc in the trenches' and the front line, ready JO confront the Zionist death train and the American threats against the Arab Libyan people.··

Lt. Cmdr. John Marchi. spokes-

DAM .\Set 'S. S'na ( .\Pl - ma vowed Fnda~ t0 suppon L1b~a 1n case of an Israeli or l - S retaliat9n stnke for last ~ed.: .. attack~ ori Rom~' and Vienna a1rpons the o tlicial Synan <\rab '.'icw~ Agenq said

S..\;--; .\ quoted an un1dent1tied authontat1 \t· go,ernment source as saying. "S~ na will e\t~nd 'support for Libya in c\ e~ wa~ possible, mctud· mg poht1cal and m1hta~ suppon 1n t~ facr--01· an: aggres~1on ..

The l ' nned tates and Israel ha' e accused the gmi:rnment of L1b~an leader Col \1oammar Khadaf\ of

<;upponmg dissident Palesti nian guemllas blamed for the Dec. 27 terronst attacks 1n which IQ· people "l're killed . Israeli officials have ' o"ed to retaliate against those responsible

The agenc) accused the U nited States of supponmg Israeli plans for "aggression (against Libya) long befon- these attacks took place."

" The Unned States wants Israel to use the attacks as a pretext for an agress1on to cover up tn[ defcals or l '.S. pohcics m the regJon." SANA quoted the authontat1ve source as S3)tng.

. ~ Cohen as saying he would attend the trial as directed on Jan. 15 to fi nd out the


Panama to'1Ja11t LatbJ Amerlcaa summit H.ouston tops music award nominees LIMA, Peru - Panama has~ to bos1 a Latin American summit to

discuss the region's cripplingS360 billion foreign debt, and Cuba's Fidel Castro is· exp;ectcd to attend. Peru's official news aaency reported Friday from Havana. But initial reaction elsewhere was tepid. with represen\,atives of some nations saying they were unaware of any summit proposal and had no plans to attend such a meetina. Prime Minister Lu11 Alva Castro made the announcement durina a five-day visit to Cuba~ He said no date had been set. but consultations were under way with all Laun leaders " because ttiey have many topics to discuss and need to take joint actions to confront th~ problems."

Trace e11d• •• rebel• blut power •tadoa• SAN SALVADOR. El Salvador-:- Leftist m>els ended holiday truce will\

attacks on the nation's battered elec:trical pid. More than 20 power stations -were blastod. blaekiftl' out three eastern proviaces and parts of the capitaJ Friday. Oftidals of t6e state-owned electrical company. the Hydroel~ric Executive Commisaion of the Lempe River, Mid a founh euteni province, San Miauel, was runnina on emettmCY eenenton.

BEVERLY HILLS (AP) - Swect­voioed Whitner Houston received six American Music Award nominations Friday for her debut year as a singer. wb.ile ve1eran country band Alabama and versatile British pop musician Pb.ii Collins ~civcd five each.

Collins was nominated as favontc pop male vocalist~ fa vori te pop album for " No Jackel Required" .

Baik' as fa, ontt' rh' th1rm and blur" mak '1deo am st

Collins. on Ira' c a drummer for

Critics name 'Ran·1 best f ilm Other multiple nominees included NEW YORK (A P) - Akira g1,cn the best $uppon1ng actress

pizzled country star Willie Nelson Kurosawa's masterful epic. ··Ra~"1 honor for her roU1C'kJng portrayal of with five. while soul queen Aretha has been named best picture of I 98S the Mafia don·, granddaughter Fr.nklin and funk aroup Kool and ~·. ~c National Society of Film VaneSS<l Redgn"·c won as lx\l the Gana had four each. Criucs. :i tress for the stt-ond year 1n a ro~ for

Prince. Madonna and Bruce The Japanese film. IOO$Cly based h~ rok 1n " Wcthc{'b .. 1r John Sprinptecn each received three. on William Shakespeare's " Kmg Gielgud was honort'd as ~st ~uppan-

Houston a former model wh°" . leaT," also was awarded the !'lest 1ngactorforh1 workm "Plent\ ' 11nd ldf-titJed Ant album bu sokS three cinematoaraohy prin for Takao "The hooting Pam ." million wptn, is the daupter of Saito and Ma.sab&N Ueda "Ith C'1ttd a~ best documentat'\ was ppel sinter Cissy Houston and the Asabru Nakai. "Shoah." the 91t1-hour stne of intcr-oiece of pop sinaer Dionne Warwick. 0 Pntti's Honor." John Huston's views on 1he Holocau~1 . And l~n

She"WUnominattdforfivoritepop oft'.bcat loot at the world of Mafta Brooks' $atirc. "Lost 10 America." remaJe vocalitt: favorite black farWe hit~ won him the bes1 dtrutor rcccwcd the priu for ~t rccnplay.

BEIRUT Lebanon - IUMU..Uied Qriltia.a militiamen blttkd with vocalilti favorite b&ack litWe for prize. Jldt Nicholson won for best The JS mctnbcn. of the societ) s~ Moslem ,... .. in Soutb Laeoa tOf • ftftb daf Friday IS "'You Give Oood Love. .. ; &vorile IClOT ror his portrayal of a tuunan lD include the leading film en tics of the llnleli6ftlclal11teooedupwaminpofreprilalltoi:ncr111i~pemU.111aCb. black album~ favonte bleck fanaJe CM movie and Anjehca Huston was nauon's m&Jor newspapers and n:i-

Bonier trar J.teai. ap bJ Lebaaoa

.. Potioereponedat leUt two MOllemt kitledwl 11 wou.nded aa 1evmd bounof video aniat, and tlvoriteblack saQSAe. _. ----- ---- ----t-1o_n_a_1 m_ ap __ u_n_cs_. ~-----artillery tlleltina_b)' the lneli.......S South LauaG Army militia°" MOllem "Savini All My Lo\'e For You." militia~ Two people_,. tlHed wl lia wounded hi utillay duds HouMOG was recentl~ top favorite ~ mak vt<ko an1¢ tht pup Cre.nn1~. seemed to be bctwm Chnttian anny nits loyal '° P1116dea1 Amin Oemt,et a8d Dnatc aew bilck anist by Bil Mllp. favoritid Video linak with Pb.ili cvC1)"WbeTe m l 9 S. tounna for bas militiamen in bills all Of Bci.nn.. Jine. Baiky for 0 6asy Lovn," and wit~ "No J1dtet Rcquu~" album. catd'·

' . ., ' ..

ing a Concorde JCt to play in both London and Philadelphia for the Live o\1d conccn. and appearing m several popular music v1deos.

.\labama. named top country band for I Q85 bx 611,board on the merits of their mllho~-stlh ng " 40-Hour • Weck" album, received nominations tor favori te country duo or sroup1 ia,·ontc. countQ'. sinaJe (or "There' s No Wa) :" favon te country album for " 40-Hour Weer." favorite oounty vidro duo or aroup. and favorite video s1nile for "~Hour Weck."

The Amencan· Music Awards will be prcscnttd dwnna a three-hour ABC 1elevis1on $pcC'lal Jan. 27.

Eitccuuve produoer Dick Clart announced that a special .. American Music Award of Appm::iation .. 'Will be p~nted •o Ham Bdafonte fOf con«ivina USA for Africa and to Bob Gcldof for crea.tiat Band AMS and l1 ve id. Tboee dfons Qllll'Jd pc)C) mu tC to raite millions of doUln fOf l\1.1'\'lQI ococ* wortdwidt duri 19 5. Willie Ndtoa -rill alto nm: tht award fororpftizina Fann Aid.

. . I


- ,, • , •• ::1

~ - -

OrMge Coeet DAILY ptLOT I Saturdmy, Januery 4, 198&


Murder ch•rge still haunting ,.

Fonner NOW leader. c\eared of slaying, charts new career tn business. politics

said. Foat said she pthered enou&h when Sidote oharacd bet with

nerve to leave Sidote after he was murderina Chayo in t 983. The IC• jailedandconvictedofmans&au&)\ter. cusatioo sent ahock waves thro1:t4h

8)' JULIE AMPilANO ft,, ............

SAN FRANCISCO - Ginny Foat still .wakes up in the middk of the ni&ht. swcatil'\&, afraid lo o~rt. her eyes because she'd find the bars that lbat~ her Ufe a few yea.rs aao have mum ed.

Even thouJh it's been two years lilkle she was cleared of the 1965 llayina of Argentine businessman Mailes Chayo, Foat says the niaht· mares have not stopped and the wb.ilpers accusing her of murder continue.

She can still hear police sirens and lhe tbunderiJla sound of helioopters that surrounded her at Los Angeles lnternationa.I Airpon and the voices of authorities that accused her in January 1983 ofluring Chayo from a bar Where she worked as a go-go dancer and killing him for his wallet

Poat now lives in Marin County north of San Francisco, works at Leal Advocates for Women and talb of attending law school, opening a ~and-breakfast hotel caterin~ to businesswomen and entering politics.

"Gettina involved in politics would beeasie~orsomeone like me," she said in an · tcrview. ··1 wouldn' t havctowony boutskeletonscomina out of my closet. I've alre.dy written about them my1elf."

In her book, .. Never Guilty, Never Free," Foat, 44, uys her ex·hulb&nd. Jack Sidote, traded immunity for information be said would prove ahe, not be, bad masterminded the slayina with a tire iron.

Proceeds of the Random House book will help cover the $270,000 tab for Foat's defense. Movie riabts have been purchilsed by actress Marlo Thomas.

" It's still very painful to think abou\," Foat said. "Even after I had divorted him and thouaht l had managed to get away from his severe beatinas and cruelty, he somehow was hol~nft my life in his hands au over again. •

It was the second time in less than su years that Sidotc had implicated her in a murder and put her behind bars. The first time came in 1977, seven years after she left him, she

• • 1

In July, he wu aranted a release the ranks of NOW and mcmbenbip from the Nonhcm Nevada Correc.. bepn droppina at a time when the tfonal Center where he had been movement was aoina strona. servina a IS-year term for robbery. She was acquitted by a New

·.Hebada2S-yearscntenocforrobbin1 Orleans jury, and returned to Cali· and killina a man at Lake Tahoe. He fornia in November 1983. had been paroled from a l ()..year term "Even thouah I wasn't convicted, for voluntary manslauahter in that this vicious man mana,ed to put• rift case, leavina the IS-year robbery in NOW and put he . word stretch. 1 •murderess' after my name," Foat

Foat slowly began to put her life said. "It' s no looser •Ginny Foat, a toaether after Sidote's incaroeration. leader in the women's movement,' She remarried, became a successful but 'Ginny Foat, acquitted of busin~woman, political activist and mu'rder.' Society has allowed this a leader in the feminist movement. man to do that to me." ·

However, in May 1977, Sidote Foat said her book bas been began haunting her. He accused her of criticiZcd for taking a battered wife's murdering a man she~ said she'd penpective rather than the point of " never seen, never spoken to and view of a feminist. cenainJy never robbed or killed" 12 " But I wrote the book f~r aJJ ll?e years before in Nevada. The charges wo~e'! who have Jack S1dotcs an were eventually dismissed. their hve" but have not pt~ered

"Once again, 1 was left to re- en.ouff. courage to leave th~m, she construct' my life," Foat said. She _ ~~· , I want l;hem to read tb~s ~k. · became the president of the Cali· It s peculiar to me-, wntma ~t . fomia chapter of the National Or- book. I've almost .bee.n,able to SCC:.'t as gani.z.ation of Women and was con- my past. Almost like 1t s aJJ over, she sidercd an eme~ng force in Demo- ~id. "The book has been my salva­cratic Party politics. hon, ~ven tho1:1gh there arc ,{>Ins that

But her life came to a skidding baJt are sbll too pamful to read. Ginny Poat tella her •tory in •Ne•er Guilty.• ' .

Few see improvement after breakup of Ma Bell. By LAWRENCE KILMAN more for telephone service now th~n they did before the -. .. u1stec1 "'- wrttet AT&T breakup in January 1984. Three percent said they

NEW YORK - In the two years since the breakup of thought price&declined, and 28 percent said they thou&ht "Ma Bell." the quahty of telephone service bas remained prices remained the same. The rest were unsure. steady, in 1he opinion of a majority of Americans B~t .most people <!id !lot thi!lk the breakup of AT&T responding to a Media General-Associated J>n.<c poll. result~ in a great change in serv!ce, the pol~ found. About

'There is also optimism that telephone si~i~ will two-th~rds of the ~pondents said the quality oflocaJ and improve soon. long.pistance servtce was the same as bef~re the ~rcalcup.

. . ~ Among those who reported a change m quahty, most Nevertheless, the JX?ll found httle public suppon for said service bad declined. Local service was cited for

the.breakup of the Amen?ln Telephon~ & Telegraph Co., declining quality more frequently than was long-distance which created seven regional !-elephone compames and krvicc. threw open the door to long-dm.ance ~ompef~n. O!llY When asked, "Do you think the quality of telephone one-quaner of the 1,462 respondents in the nA1;t1onw1de service will improve, decline or stay the same in the next teleph.one poll thOught the bi:caJcup was a good idea. 10 yean," 52 percent said it would improve, 18 percent

Six in I 0 respondents said they felt they were pa)'l og said it would decline and 17 percent said it would stay the

same. The rest were u'lsurc. Tbrce-quarten of the respondents said they still used

AT&T for Iona-distance calls. T he nearest oompetitors were MCI with 6 percent and GTE-Sprint with 5 percent.

Seven in 10 AT&Tcustomers reponed no cban~ in the quality of long-distance service since the . brea ~p. while only half of MCl and GTE customers said qua lly was the same.

Customers of the new telephone companies were more than twice as likely as AT&T customers to say that service had improved since the breakup. On the other hand, 19 perc:ent of MCI customers and 16 perc:ent of GTEcustomerssaidservicebaddeclined, compared to 11 percent of AT&T customers who reponed deteriorating service.

The Bell System was broken up as pan of the

settlement oft he Justice Department antitrust suit against AT&T. In that split, AT&.T retained its Jong-distance operations and communications equipment business while spinnins off its local Bell phone companies.

To help foster long-distance competition, telephone customers are beinJ asked to choose either AT&T or one of the oew companies. If they refuse to choose. customen will be assigned a company. This So-<:alled equal access process is about half completed. .

Only 34 percent of the respondents had chosen a long-distance company when the PQll was conducted in Nowbe-r. Among those who haa yet to choose. 35 percetit said they intended to do so and 20 percent said they would take whatever company was assi1U1ed to them.

-Two in 10 respondents said they had considered canceling their telephone service because of the cost.

_Valuable artifacts in northern Mexico lost to progress By CAM ROSSIE ft I I Ud,,_W,._

CASAS G RANDES, Mexico -Clues to nonhern Mexico's ancient past are lying undiscovered under layers of earth. usually less studied than the sites in central and southern Mexico that attract tounsts from


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throughout tlie world. Although hundreds of surface stud-Arcbeologists say imponant sur- • ies have been done, the vast, diverse

face remains here are being. lost to area stretching from Tamaulipas sackers. vandals and modermz.ation. state on the Gulf of Mexico to Baja

Hundreds of thous~nds of California on the Picific Ocean "Chichimecas" - the name meaning remains Mexico's biggest histoiWal "erratic ants" given to all nonhern mystery. peoples by the central cul tores - "Northeastern Mexico is the largest once roamed this inhospitable region. blank on the archcological map on the

/ . I


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continent," said Breen Murray, an American anthropologist who teach· es at the University of Monterrey in Nuevo Leon state.

Murray is studying petroglyphs, or rock carvings, in the region.

Archaeologists who have studied the Tamaulipas-Nuevo Leon ­Coahuila area south of Texas have found human bones, rock paintings, caves used for dwelling, basketry, oude jewelry and weapons that include arrowheads.

In Tamaulill8s anc! in Sonora and Baja California in the northwest, archeologists discovered remains of temples, adobe houses and terraced hillside fonresses, indicating that not all nonhern tribes were barbaric wanderers.

Archeologists disagree as to whether cultural devolopment in the north bep.n in 10,000 B.C. or 6000 B.C. Whtie they argue over the dates, most agree funher studies a.re necess­ary.

Fernando Gonzalez-Quintanilla. an archaeolo&ist in northeastern Nuevo Leon stat.e said few excava­tions have been done, without which the stl>ry will never be complete .

.. H we want to find anifacts of the prehistoric people we need to practice strativapby because the dust is still buildmg day by day."

Gonzalez-Quintanilla and others studying .. the Grand Chicbimcca" said they're becoming more and more frustrated by the government's lack of interest in the north and by the tremendous amount of sacking going on.

The Mexican $Overnment, said Gonzalez-Quintarulla, ··doesn't give the north as much attention as it does the center and the south because here the people were considered culturally poor."

The Meso-Americans. who found a paradise of temperate climates, lush tropical fruit, abundant waler, game and rich forest land to south, had the luxury of building great civilizations .

The majority of the Arid-Ameri­cans in Mexico's- m>-nlf, however, were .forced to lead isolated, nomadic Lives because of severe-dimate, lack of food, water and building materials.

"The man of the nonh didn' t have time to full y develop a culture. The strugsle was to find food, clothin,a and housing.·· said Gonz.alez-Quintanilla.

One of the few exceptions is Casas G randes, the remains of a m-.lor commercial and agricultural c1v­ilizatfon dating back to the year 700 and the most important arcbcological site found an the six states that border the United States. _

" It's the only one, really, that has been discovered in the north .of this size and advancement,.. said Eduardo Contreras, archeologist-in­residenoe at the site.

Here. in the desen of nortlrem

L -• -.


Ra.in• at Cuu Grande. ln llezico'• Chlbuahaa •tate.

Chihuahua state, about I SO males dren," Contreras said. south of Columbus, N.M. a 75-acre . About the year 1340, the City was portion of the city once known as burned and abandoned ... but nobody Paquime was excavated through a knows where they- went," he s iid. joint project of the Mexican govern· .. Nearly every site in the nonh has ment and the Arizona-based been hit by sackers. the archeologists Amerind Foundation. said.

" We've calculated the population "It's impossible to estimate the loss here was more than 10,000 people," to robberies each year " Contreras Contreras said as he guided a reporter said. · throuah the tiny doors connectina the Poor campesinos who sell artifacts

• former three-story. mud-and-gravel in order to feed their families arc homes. . responsible for some of the losses, and

Ceremonial grounds, a ball court, a because the zones lack vigilance. stilJ for making "sotol" liquor and, tourists often walk ofTwith items they most impressive, an aqueduct system find lyina around. that ran tbrouah the buildinas also Despite a 1976 federal protection have hel~ unfoek the mystery oft~e Jaw that stipulates a .10.ycar jail term pcace-lo~mg people who made this for sacking. bands of professiona.I place their home. thieves still run lucrative businesses

B~t even this site has not been full y often selling the prized goods in the studied. United States.

.. Remains have been disc<?vercd <?f -PeaSllJ'lts ignorant of the re'lics' adults, but one of the en11mas is value often destroy precious items where il the cemetery ror the chll- when building houses . ·

Chest artery urged ln bypass surgery BOSTON (AP) - An artery works far better than a

vein for replenishina the bean's blood su_pply in coronary 1 bypua ooeration&, aay.a a .study comperiftt I.he loftt-term results of the two mdhods.

In bypus IUflCT)I, docton mnove a piece of vein or anery ftOln dlCW~ in the body and use it to shuttle blood around clQllCd ancria &bit feed the heart.

Until recent~~ docton usually uled a l&.f'll superficial lea win, called tbt t1pbenous vein. But u 1 result of ocw march, many now Prefer tbe illttrna.l mammary artery from the dlat, and the lallltlhldy confirms that decision.

Ooe1on 1t tbe ~ Oinic foundation II.id the mammary m1et)' it far._ tibly IMn lhe •~oout veiJt to become clQDed. and as a mutt.. jleltefttl ~ve toftter.

The rnearc:h, dJrecsed by Dr. flo)'d D. Loop,

compared the lona·term outcome of 3.62S patients who had saphenous vein b)'l)IWCS and 2,306 who had mammary anay bypaSIQ. In all these operauons, the vein or artery was uted to bypa the an1ctior ~ndina coronary artery of the heart. •

The results were published in today's New Enaland Journal of Medicine, Ilona with an editorial by Or. Frank C. Spencer of New Yottc Univenity, who wrote that tbc latnt report "probably represtnts the lalJCtt collection of data lo the world c6ncemina antcmal mammary ancry bypl!l paftl. •• . ~

The Cleveland docton found that tboee wttb van by..-. hid a 60 pmnt haahcf riM: of death bVtt 10 yean than thote with an~ bypasaa. J'bey were alto 40 pnwnt more hkely to suffer bean attacks.

f ,

-- . ·What do you t'1lnk was the biggest news story of 1985?.,.-

Getting1r~ady for retirement

WO.la Becller C.taMeu

... a.okleeper "Tjte hijacking of the Achille Lauro."

Marte Tagart Cofla Mesa Retired "The Mexico earthquake."


Mlcllael Ward Costa Mesa Art director .. AIDS because I think it'll have the most long-term im­pact."

Dorot•y Dwyer Hutt.a1toa 8ead1 Homemaker " I'll never forget th.e Mexico earthquake because my son was in the beach town at the epicenter for his birthday. He was out scuba diving and djdn•t even feel it."

JOll Tyrrell Costa Mesa Da~:-,!.e couselor "l' ctritle Lauro hijack-ing."·

Trad MusfleJd Costa Mesa Stadeat ··Terrorism in general."

Carol Bacb.Jau Costa Mesa ~ Travel agent "The Achille Lauro hijac.k-1ng.

Cllrlsttae Jessee Coat.a Mesa Homemaker "The TWA hijacking because we had so much contact with the people through the media."

Complied by Fred Vo1el1teiD

... -

By WANDA H. WALDMAN .................... , .... .... if you plan to retire in the next few

months, you should know that there are some thinas you should be doina right now in preparation for that event.

In the first place, Social Security recommends that you should actu­ally apply for retirement.benefits two or three months before you plan to stop work so that your benefits can start when your ~mings fro~ work stop. This gi ve us plenty of ume to process the claim and take care of any problems that may arise. -

Bctng,Prcparcd for the retirement interview with the required proofs can make a 'difference in bow long that entire process will be.

Among the documents a person


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applyina for Social Security retire­ment benefits will need are the followina:

• Your Social Security card or a record of the number

• Proof of your date of binb. An oriainal official record of birth re­corded before aae five is best. If these arc not available, the Social Security office can help determine the best evidence available.

• Your W-2 forms for the last two years, or, i( you are self-employed, copies of your self-employment tax returns for the last two years.

• Marriaae certificate if your spouse is applying for benefits. plus the same documents as above for the spouse.

• Birth certificates and So<aaJ Security numbers of any children applying for benefits on your Soctal


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Security record. Even if you do oot have aU \be

proofs needed, it's best to call the office and apply in a timely fubion. Social Security representatives can help you secure any evidence needed lo complete your application for retirement benefits. Just call the office at 836-2.2-42,

Q. I am tll••• .. 1 abHt ~laJtlll my reetremn .... I ...,.&aM daat IM• ce.W ~t ba lllper beeefltl later. l1&Ma lRe?

A. Yes. Under ttle law, the benefit you would act at age 65 will increase by 3 percent for each year past aac 65 to 70 you delay retirement. St.artina in 1990, the credit will be gradually in~sed until it reaches 8 percent 1n 2008. In addiuon, your additional earnings may also mean hiaher benefit.


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Q. I'm IC _. uwe .._ .... elf ,,.. my Je' hr a yw. rm -11•., ~ eedJ ,.......... ... .. , J ... •erk ,ert u.e. ·~ ..... &eN .Ut I cu .. ,~ ~II hr uy ..... I eeew uve reeet•lll retlreme9t 1~&1 aM .W •t. b Watne?

A. This is trudor people who apply · for benefits after 65, but not for thote who apply before age 65. ln aeneral, people who received nduced benefits before 65 can receive checks no earlier than the month they apply. People who apply for the fuU retire­ment benefit after age 6~y receive back benefits for 6 months or to ace 65. whichever comes first .


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Coast residents NOW s3491s

pass '85statebar The following Orange Coast resi­

dents passed the 1985 California Bar cum Jiven in July:

• From Newport Beach: Walter Emil Albrecht, Bonnie Jo Brown, James D. Goina Ill, Davis Paul Goodman, Paul Houston Greiner, Jay Kenneth Hachi&ian, Karin Alison

r- Lane, Michael David Laurence, Richard Vincent Mahon,y. Frederick Coleman Moore, Michael John Ponce.1. Mmhall Scott Ruben. Gary Kay Kuff, Edward Allan Schlattn-. Yvonne Shen. Kim Daryl Thomp­son, Jeffrey Irwin Wertheimer De.n Connable Wills. Michael JC*Ph Yl"llCCbum and Kathryn J~nnifer ZotJin.

• From Irvine: John Christopher Bra4sh1w, Oeorae Chuana. 1'eni Joenn Oeland. kutb nene Eilen, Su1an Eliz.abeth Gentile, Robert Anhur Kelley, Jr .• Aimee Mmdith Ubcu, Belu James Nokes, Robert JOlq)b Pulone, Paul Alan Rowe, 5u1&n Ellen SaJot. Jama Carl Web­ber, Sutan Rae Wiedl and Richard Kevin bpfef.

• From Huntinaton Be9ch: Kevin. Dale Buth~ Ann Cadra. Am'/

' lPbanna y, Virainit Marie

Phill Croudace. Gisele Monte Goetz. Famll Jay Goodman, Pamela Karen Hagenah, Christianne Finch Kerns. Rosanne Margaret Lavender. Daniel Gerard Lewis, Jeffrey Alan Lowry, Lenora Christine Lugo-Rinaldi, Ran­dolph Thomas Moore. Pamela Rae O'Mahony, Steven Charles Porath, Marina Christina Ramirez, Michael Charles Schiffer. Miriam Frances Teutsch, Anthony Walker and GcraJd . Ross Wheatley.

• From Costa Mesa: Matthew "David Brekhus. Ann F. Fuller,Joteph Oeorae Harraka. Jr., Karina tntrid Haum. Diane Barbara Hinch, Michael Kevin Maloney. Valerie LoMta McCord. Olrist1ne Marie Nonh, John Fomst Rutan., Jr .. Jane Marie Samson. Christine Elitabeth Stevens and John Freeland Wan\ia.

• From Fountain V.alley: Franlt JOICl>h Christy, Jf, limothy Lee MtCandltts and 8enha Sue Ward.

• From l.Aluna Bacb: Paul Stc,­hen Dtlson, llevin Thomu Hayden and Richard Deen NunniL

• Jeff!ey Keely Smit)\ ol Hunt-inaton Beach pelled the ltMJ'AI at\Omey's c.um.

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Was Glenn Miller's Plane d0Wne4 by RAF? · G h r lost with him. ti in rqory•a bomber, w o now ives . Greaory said the bomber crew: Two veterans saw similar aircraft drop

after they jettisoned bombs in channel -~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

BJ LADY TBduJoN • -. .............

LONDON - Two Royal Air Force • veterans say they hr bombs they

jcttitoocd over the En&lisb Channel after an aborted World War II mission may have accidentally down­ed the aircraft carryiJ\a bend leader Glenn Miller, but the RAF is not oonvinced.

Miller was lost on Dec. IS, 1944, when the sin&te-cngine Norseman

•• 0-6' flying htm from England to !; Fran.ce d isappeared over the Channel '•

in fot.

Now Victor Greaory, a pilot of a British Lancaster bomber. has said two members of his crew reported JCCina a liabt plane ··eur1 over and plunte into the sea." knocked down by shock waves from- jettisoned bombs on the day of Mille r's disap­pearance.

Grqory said navigator Fred H. Shaw identified the Slane as a Norseman, and Shaw ao · rear aunner HlrTY Fellowes uw it plunge into the channel.

He said Ulere were 138 Lancaster bombers on the fli&ht. and some were canyina 4,000.pC)und bombs caUed "cookies," desianed to explode a few feet before impact to create a huac blast effect.

His crew members were watchin& the blast effects of the "cookies" on the surface of the Channel when they oblerved the light plane enterina the jettison area where 1t was downed, he said.

··1 couldn' t see it from the pilot's scat." Greaory said. ' 'Other crews also saw it but didn't con nect it with Glenn Miller."

GteJory. 6S, said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press: "The Air Force established that

OleM Miller took off on a line straiJht thrc?uah our jett~son area: be · was in the 111 ihe same ume we were. No other Norsemen we.re reported missina that day. To me, this is 100 percent proof that that was Glenn Miller:•

But a Royal Air Force spokesman, wbo spoke on condition of anonymi­ty. said authoritin thouaht the newly cmergin,1 statements were still ••pretty thin."

Alan Ross of the British Glenn Miller Appm:iation Society said be hoped the publicity would prompt other RAF crewmen to come forward to oorroborate Greaory's account.

Ross said he bad known of the theory for decades because of the reminiscences of Shaw, the na'viptor

in Johannes~ South Africa. . were never debriefed because theii "S~aw ~w 'The Glen!J Mil~cr raidonGcnnanywuca&doft'duetc

St9ry: ftl~ an the I ~5~ and It sot him bad weather, and they would not have ~hmki~ Ross said 1n • telephone made a formal repon of the downin( 1nterv1ew. I of the haht plane.

Shaw checked his wartime loabook "Amona the crew, we talked abou1 and realized that Miller's plane the ~lane goina down, but it Wll! disappeared the same day the bomber nothma for us to seerlanes goil\g in niaht had jettisoned bombs over the We lost hundreds o aircraft in the Channel. Shaw wrote to \he MinistrY war " the former piJot said. of Defense, t>ut his theory was .. it was only sometime later tha1 dismissed, Ross said. they announced that the bend leade1

.. Now they have 4ot to get toaether had taken off from somewhere ·in and stop hi~i114 thinp. .. ~oss said. B.ri~n and bad not ~n eecn since. I Miller, a m-.ior 10 theiwartame army, ~dn t connect t~t with our Dec. 15 was flying to France to aman,e a Right and the fact .. that .we had concert for troops. The pilot o the drop~ our bombs until much plane and a second passengcr were later, said Gregory.

,. <;u·ba split 2·5 years ago Diplomatic rupture between two all_ies wasn •t expected to last for a generation

1 GEOllGE GEDDA t ; ' 1 .~ .....

WASHINGTON - Twenty-five years ago - on Jan. 3, 1961 - the United States and Cuba, after a prolonaed period of threats, insults, emba.r&oes. harassment, intrigue and reprisals, broke diplomatic relations.

At the time, the rupture between • 1001-timc friends was ~xpccted to be

short-lived. It has not turned out that

from the FBI and the Pentagon. For'" outaoina President Dwiaht

Eisenhower, that was the last straw. .. There isa li mit to what the United

States in self-res~ can endure," be said.~ that it was his "hope and conviction that the tw nci&bbors could resume normal refations shortly.

But soon the relationship became even more tendentious. In April, a band of CJA-trained and finaooed Cuban cxiJes invaded Cuba at the Bay of Pigs and were dealt an ip oble defeat, an event that. more than any other, ensured Castro was there to stay.

By December 1961 , be felt secure enough to disclose publicly that be was indeed. des(>ite his prior denials, a life-Iona Marx1st-Leninist.

On the anniversary of the diplomatic break, the U nited States sees Cuba a.s little more than a Soviet puppet which serves the Kremlin's J)obal ambitions through subversion 10 Latin America and by sending. tens of thousands of expeditionary forces to African countries where Cuba never had historic tics.

To Cuba. the U nited States is an unrepentant "imperialist agrcssor" bent onJrcturning Cuba to the era when tfic politics was corrupt. the Mafia was king and brothels catered to Americans saturated Havana. A

DwlCbt E l.8enhower "crim inal U .S. trade embargo"

' Third World. When talking about each other's

country, Reagan and Castro ~id ambiguities:

Reagan: ' 'Don' t let anyone fool you; what's happening in Cuba is not a failure of the Cuban people. It's the failure of Fidel Castro and of com­munism."

Castro: "Ninety miles from the United States, after years of im­perialist hostility and years of a ferocious economic blockade, (Cuba) has defended itself, fulfiJling Leninist principles."

Reagan: "The Soviet U nion with

against Cuba has been in effect for a way. A generation later, the hosttlity generation. There have been numcr- all its military mi&ht. with its massive between the two countries appears ousdocumented attempts or>Cast:ro' s subsidy to the Cuba economy. cannot unshakable. The areas of common life by the C IA. make the system produce anything ground arc few. Ea<;:h side views the In Washington's view. Cuba is a but repression and terro r:" other as being irretrievably ex- vassal state, a one-time economic Castro: "Cuba is a country where pansionist. showcase that is now an economic imperialism dominated everything of

The end to almost 60 years of pigmy, kept afloat oply with the help an economic, political. cultural and Cuban-American diplomatic tics of more than $4 billion annually in ideolological order. They were here came on the first working day of 1961 , Sovictaid. Bolstered by a nationwide for . 60 Y.~rs trying to destroy our as an old president prepared to retire system of informers, the revolution nat10naUst1c spint. and the .country was ready to in· ruthlessly supresses all forms of Reagan: "(Cuba) is a new fascist auaurate a new president, John F. dissent or independent behavior. regime where freedom of speech and

• Kennedy. and a new era. ln Cuba's view, the United States press of every o ppositio n group has • The brcalc came just two years after directs most of the evil in the world been stamped into the ground with

Fidel Castro and bis Sierra Maestra and is a greed y, corrupt, crime- ideological zeal." guerilla band overthrew the military ridden, disease infested. drug- Castro: "They ha ve a hatred dictatorship of FuJaenc io Batista. It plagued society. Jn contrastto the pre- toward us that I don' t le.now how to was precipitated Castro's demand revolutionary period, Cuba secs itself explain. It is an obsessive hatred that the U nited States reduce its as a country which boasts no un- towards Cuba. We feel proud of that diplomatic mission in Cuba from 87 . employment, exports doctors and hatred."


to 11. Prime Minister Castro con- teachers and has achieved ad~ of Over the . years, there have been tended the embassy was a. nest of spies social well-being unmatched in the attempts at accommodation. particu-;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~=;;:::;-r------=...,...-----, larly m 1977, the first year of the

WANTED~ RUff ELL'S t::aiter administration. when t.be two

Old T countries agreed to open small ·oy ra diplomatic missions - but flOt

, UPHOLST£1Y lllC embassies - for the time since DEAD OR ALIVE • relations were broken. That arrangc-Llonel, A.F., & Ives ._. T• Ollar Cnen ••I mcnt remains in effect.

644-6 1922 HMIO avo .. COSTA llEA-541-1156 But a year-by-year rundown over the past decade suggests the rela-

••vr 11ter111 Ne11tJhh4 store It

MIMUM Tiit V1nage Centet 1222 So Brookhurat 92804 (11 8111 Road) ~(714) 8M·2461 COIOIA•L MM 3700 E. ~SI Hwy 92825 "'*" (114) 873·•

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OUIH 14UI N lUJtin (It Kit•) 92667 Pllont (114) 987 ·9960 IAICIO._ TI·l34JfWY 111 m10 Phone (81t) 148·'"4 IMU. I 52715 Atllfit'on Ave (HttdtMn Ctflter) 9~ Pflont (714) • ·9681



tionship has been under almost co'ntinuing strain:

-197S: Cuba sends troops to Anania _ _

-1976: Cuba blames ·c rA for the shooting down of a Cuban civilian airliner over the Caribbean.

-1977: Cuba dispatches troops to Ethiopia.

- 1978: President Carter accuses Cuba of supportina separatist upris.­ina in Zaire.

-1979: The United States "dis­covers" Soviet bripde in Cuba, only to find it had been there all alona.

-1980: More than I 00,000 · Cubans, including " undesireablea," come to Aorida aboard the Mariel boat lift.

-1981 : U.S. threatens military action against Cuba in retaliation for Cuban involvement in Central America . .

- 1982: U .S. claims Soviet atms shipments to Cuba reach record levels.

- 1983: Congress approves Radio Marti, a new broadcast service to Cuba. .

-1984: U.S.-Cuban immtvation pact reached but Cuba scraps It after five months.

-1985: Castro campaigns for Latin America to repudiate its debts, owed mostly to U.S. banks.

Most of these episodes, of course. were mere dustups compared with the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. when the United States and the Soviet UnioD_>VC~to the brink of a nuclear exchange er the presence of Soviet offensive iuiles in Cuba.

Could that cns1s have been avoided? Had the United States acted precipitously a year earlier in brcak- v ing relations? Should the United States have been more patient with Castro?

At the time of the rupture, the criticism of Eisenhower wu scant. at leaJt in Washington. Democrats seemed resisned to the move.

Senate Majori!Y, leader Mike Man­field, 0.Mont.: • I'm not surprised. We' ve been building up to it for a long time." Sen. Henry M. Jackson, 0. Wash.: " It was only a matterohimc." Sen. J . William Fulbright: " We cer· tainly had sufficient provocation." As for Kennedy, the president-elect, he declined comment.

No one disputed that the rela· tionship had been on a Iona downhill slide over the previous year.

U .S.-Cuban trade, which at one point bad reached $800 million a year, virtually ended when the United States suspended sugar purchases in July 1960 and then cut off most exports to Cuba three months later.

Cuba, meanwhile. strengthened its ties to communist countrics1 agreeing to major sugar deals with me Soviet Union and China. It also seized, without compensation, virtually all U .S. private business holdings in Cuba. valued at $1 billion.

- ... j J

... , .... Dr. Bane Berliner leana on Bltecb computer be helped deelp. It baa blCbeet cbeea rankiDC ner &l•en a macbfne.

Computer earns the elite ranking of chess master By 808 DVORCHAK A1111l 111•"-.... ..

PITTSBURGH - While two Sov­iet chess masters were playing a 72-match struagJe over 14 months for the world championsbrp~ a souped-up chess computer was earning the elite rank of master in just five months of play a~d achieving the highest rating ever pven a machmc.

The electronic chess whiz is calJed Hi tech, capable of analyzing 175,000 moves per second, wbJch its creators say is SO percent faster than any other chess.-playing machine. It beats other computers and holds its own against humans. ·

"It's both smart and fast. It's very, very strong in tactics and the ability to

"calculate. sequences," said Dr. Hans

was once one of the nation' s top 12 pla)ers and played former world champion Bobby Fischer four times. He won the World Correspondence Chess Championship In 1968.

He sensed Hitcch was destined for greatness when it tied him recently.

" l took advantage of some things and go t off to a good start. But according to it, I missed a chance to win. If you ask it. it will tell you what you should do," said Berliner.

"I don•t think J'm going to be playing it much anymore. If ifs not better than me now. it will be in half a year ... he sald.

Researchers arc conti nualJy refin. ing its program, he said. Luck in

lottery? He'sgot the ticket

• Berliner. a computer science professor at Carnegie-Mellon Uni­versity who helped create Hitech.

" What sets it apart from o ther computers is we're able to evaluate a position with a high degree of sophis· tication vqry, very quickly," said Berliner. " I think we. have a real chance to penetrate the very top levels. We' ll be in the top SO players in the country by the end of next year."

Berlmer, S6 , developed his first chess program while working for International Business Machines Corp. He left IBM 16 years ago to get his doctorate in computer science at CMU, and stayed to continue work on the marriage of artificial in­telli~nce and chess.

BELlA VISTA (AP) - Luck like John Fruits' doesn' t r ow on trees. It comes in the form o winning ticket after winning ticket in the California lottery.

The landscape gardener has won many $2 and SS J>rjzcs, two prizes of S 100, one of SS.000 and still another for $1 0,000. He found out about his latest big winner when he scratched off a ticket to become the winner of a S2S,000 instant prize.

"This is phenomenal," said district manaaer Sandra Jones. "Think of the odds. l'f

The lottery handicap gives a ticket bu~ a 4,000-to-1 chance for twin SI 00 prizes: 40,000-to-l for a SS,000 prize; 80,000-to-l for a SI 0,000 ticket and 2..0 000.to- l for the th~ scratch-oft aces that add up to a $25 000 bonanza.

Havina spent $4,SOO on lottery tJcbts so far, F.n.l\f said he planned to utc his winninp to buy even more lonery tickets.

" I've alwa~ been fairly lucky all th10'14h my bfe." he said.

Fnuu, 47, hopes to beat the 625-to- l odds needed to conven hjs status Q a .$100 wlnMr iDtO a sbot It winnina u m-'ch as S3 millfon in the bi& jlCkpot aolft.

Re•a alto &oktina out fOf a St ,000 winner JO complete bi• tet.

... could -- heel tbe s l 000 •• he ~after llit s2s.ooo will 0n Mon· eta"/ . .. , ... oa tbe ny '° tht llOR to ltt it, and 1'8)' IOD'IC:Sbroliedowft IO I wnl over to betp him. While I .u over thcte. IOllMbod}' won the Sl ,000 ...

H itecb, three years in the making. won the first tournament it played May 2S. By mid-October its record was 19-3-3. Berliner said the defeats came when it was new to competi· tion.

In the 8J"l.lCling championship con­test in the Soviet Union, G arri Kasparov finall y defeated Anatoly Karpov earlier this month, making him the youngest chess champion in history at the age of 22.

O n this side of the Atlantic this month. Hitech whipped two human masters at a local toumamcl'lt and drew a third. It also established supremacy over all other machines by winn1nt the North American Com­puter Cheu Championship in Den­ver.

The victories eamtd Hitech the rank of muter. bated on a numerical fonnula that weighs won-lost records and the level of oompetition. Hitech's ranltlna is about 2,2SO. The best human is near 2.800.

" H itech is the b.iaMst rated oom­~uter we ever bad." said O.vid Oertler of the U .S. Chcsa federation and uslstMt.,edi~r of "Chess Life" mapzine.

A computer named Belle was the ftnt machine to cam the master's rank 1n 19!_3; but it tw &ince sHDOCd to ex~n. U1 JO 902 p&a)'al rated by the U.S. Cheu Federation. only 766 are masten and Hiicdt is the tone machine. Accordi• to a recent Oallup poll, 20 million Americans koow how to play cbaa.

Berliner, lumtelf a chess mas1a,

H1tech is actually a series of parallel computers. Each of the 64 squares on a chess board is · governed by a microchip that is a computer in itself.

Each microchip, containing the equivalent of thousands of transis--. tors, identifies every move that can bring a chess piece onto its square, and a central arbiter evaluates each move and picks the best one.

A move is judJe<t on whether it captures an opposing piece, ifit puts a friendl y piece in jeopardy and if it improves the control of the board.

" It's more than just speed. We're applying intelligence on many dif­ferent levels," said Berliner.

At most, a human oonsiden about 200 possible chess moves ba!ed on experience and intuition. Hi tech dog· gedly scans every possible move, even ones that might be ridiculous.

" We' re looking at an awful lot of trash. It looks at 30 million positions in about thn:ie m inutes. But what if only I pera:nt is worthwbile? That's still 3001000 moves1" said'Berliner.

He said It would be I 0 yean before computen can oompetc with the likes ofKuperov.

But the machine doesn•t suffer from fa~ue. or ~ut or display other eccentriati~ said Berliner.

On the practical side. Berliner l&id Hitcch's P!Olf&m• could probe the mak~p of mo~les. Atoms bave ceruln rules for"con~ Just 11 cheta has ruin aovmdna lbe mova of the pieces, and tbe computer coukl make millions of ~latiODt in 1 h minutes.

"1t• 11 valuable raearcll lool with a ~ndou.s poM:r o( ...ch,"· he ~· ·'l'!'e interestina tbinl about IClCtlCe IS you ~ bow ,...., you're toina to ftnd.. • -

J .

.. . .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Saturdey, Januety 4, 11M A.7


Histt;1ric Catholic church facing demolition A century of memories, treasures fill core of German-American eommunity

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) - For taken us a year and a half to come to nearly 100 yean it was church and \bis decision," said Johnstone Reid social cc:nter for a hard-working ,Jr., director of diocesan buildings community of German-Americans and propcnics. but people have fled the area in recent ','From ~n economical, physical years and almost a century of the point of V1ew, the church itself is ravqes of Buffalo weather has taken extremely expensive to !flaintain," its toll on the parish church of St. he added. ''Jt was built to bold 1 60() Mary of Sorrows. people, but now there are "under' 200

The last Mass was celebrated in the families there, so from 1 functional downtown church Dec. 6, and after standpoint the church itself is well Christ.mu the diocese will seek bids over design for the size of the parish." on the expected $250.000 demohtion German irflmigrants borrowed job, church officials said. S 150,000 on Jan. 23, 1886, to build

"You can't just mothb&il ii," said St. Mary's. The buildina was finished the Rev. Jerome Sullivan, the parish in 1905 and its four bells, each the priest., "Just leaving it standing was size of a man, were installed in J 911. not Vlable. ~he~ were insurance Architectural historian John Coo­cosu and a building that was shown lin has asked the Buffalo Landmark not to be safe could n.ot be left.:· . and Pr.eservation Board to tlMclarc

application. 0 Your whole Ufe, our lives. the

lives of everyone in the whole area, Christian or not, was centered on the church. It was your whole activity, your social life, your religieus activi­ty," said former parishioner PauJ Becker.

As a boy of S in l 947. he watched the church bum in a blaze that caused $300,000 damaac. He made his first communion there, served with scores of other altar boys from the parish's 2,000 predominantly Ger­man fimilies. and married his sweet­heart thCTC.

But Becker. who now lives in Boston, is illustrative of the changing pattern of the neighborhood around St. Mary's.

' . At the church"s peak in the l 9SOs.

7,000 people called themselves reg­ular parishioners, forming one of Buffalo's largest congregatjons, said Sullivan.

Bcforc.Jhe .'.YTCClccr ~ball begim ~~e--bu11dioi a landmark anif seek work,, the diocese will a~ctLon ~t. other u.ses for iL but the. boardhas no M~ry s pews, . tbe magnificen t authonty to deny demolition. stamed-alass windows and other " Its extraordinary bell tower 1s one treasures of the Rh e ni s h of the highest in the city and this Rom~nes;que chu~h that was a re- tower, together with its many other creation m Amenca of the beloved rare architectural features. makes the Europe&J? c~urches remembered by building· (a) most prominent ~ly ~sh1oners. art'.hitcctural landmark .. . beyond

" But the neighborhood's popu- li11ii,i lation has shifted in two ways: There arc fewer people living in the city and the people moving in are predominantly black. They arc most­ly Christian. but not predominantly Catholic, wherea.s the Germans were Catholic and Lutheran." be said. 'This was not an easy decision. It's downtown," Conlin •said in the

News program presented from Christian view BJ JEAN McNAJR \ ,,,.,..

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - James R. Whelan says be lost his job as found ing editor and publisher of the Washington Times because its owners. members of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church, tried to impose their beliefs on the newspaper.

Whelan has no fears he will run into a similar problem with his latest employer. the Rev. Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network.

"I'm explicitly comfortable with a Christian organiza­tion because I happen to be one of them." he said. " Praise the Lord."

Since becoming managing director of CBN News in February. Whelan has been planning a half-hour daily television news program, which will start on Jan. 27 at 7 p.m.

"CBN News Tonight" will present news from a Christfan perspective to the cable channel's 27.3 m1lhon homes, which receive a mixture of Westerns, game shows. situation comedies and Robertson's " The 700 Oub," .. an interview show.

" We're not goinJ tO try to convert anybody," Whelan said. " But we arc going to say that we. in our labors, will bring to you a system of values. That system of values is the word of God as conveyed to us through scriptures."

Whelan's boss could be a major news topic if he ,.,, sn 1

decides to seek the Republican nomination for president Jam.e. R. Whelan la managlna director of in 1988. . . Chrl•tian Broadcuttna Networi newa.

" It wuld be an interesting test of steady nerves. But no, we don't sec a real problem," Whelan said. " If he were . . . . unscrupulous it would be different, but he's not. he's d1rect1ons on the news feat_ures run dunng the 90-minute principled." program. lfhe runs for president, he would leave the show.

As host of " The 700 Club." Robertson gives Whelan said.

Sale Sale :Jaff anJ Winier Clearance

40% to ·70% Off

Starl~ :JoJa'I ' SalurJa'I, Jan. 4

.,,; I' 10 a.m. lo 5:38 p.m.

Store _JJ.ourj :

Sun. Jan. 5 ,

fflon-Sat, 10

11 a.m. Io 5 p .m .

a.m. lo 5:30 p.m.

okdt:ul ~a/'*~' 1024 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach



The Re•. Jerome Sulll.an take. a flnal look at the empty Rhenlab Romaneeque church .

Nuns' dawn-to-duskca~e at school, mon~stery ends.

SHAWNEE, Okla. (AP) - Nuns from Mexico have oooked, scrubbed, prayed and cheered for the students and Benedictine monks at St. Gregory's College and monastery since 1945, but the trad1t1on of dawn­to-dusk loving care will soon end .

Today's younger nuns don' t want to do that sort of work, and their mother supcnor says they're needed more at home.

Since the first sisters from La Casa de los Miss1onanos of Mexico Citv arrived in the kitchens of Si. G regory's, "we haven't had a case of stomach Ou," said the Rev. Michael Roethler. president of St. G regor) 's College.

"Show me an instttuuon 's kitchen so immaculate, so clean." Roethler said. "They clean every day things people wait months to clean."

He said their contribution to the monastery's 53 monks and the junior college·s 300 students. including cheering for the basketball teams. 1s mort than the tangible.

" They pray for us as a religious community: · Roethler said. " They

ask God to bless us. There are so many intangibles and the trad1t1on."

But offiaaJ papers from the mother superior of the nuns' order am,ed recently tnfonnmg the monastel) the nuns will bt' leaving tn May or June. Roethler said last week.

"They plan to go into other forms of work. as more active apostola tes." Abbot Ad.nan Vorderlandwehr said. " They don't have the numbers of young people wilhng to do what they've been w1lhng to do for us."

The mother supenor recently v1s-­itcd the campus and decided the 14 nuns "were not receiving enough vocations 10 this type of worlt." Roethler said. ·

Sister Ines Sanchez.. O.S.8 . mother superior. said m a telephone inter­view from the mission tn Mexico that the nuns arc leaving because most of the nuns at St. Gregory's are older. and that youn~er sisters don't hke to p«fonn the kind of won they had been domg'there.

"We don't ha .. e the personnel. that 1s the reason." she said

Their work at St Gregor) 's she

said, has been done with much lo' e and SCI"\ ice to the church but now Ole order needs to use what nuns ll has closer to home.

But Roethler said the nuns do. not want to leave and Vorderlandwehr said, " The) ' re doing what they've been told."

The nuns come from the MeJUcan peasantry, Roethler says, and are members of the Pious Union of Bcnedicune Sisters of ,Chnst Kmg and Our Lady ofGuadaJoupe.

The) usually spend about three years at St. Gregol) 's before return mg home. Roethler said. Their hving eitpenses at St. Gregor) ·s are provided for and they arc paid "qune well." he said. About nme-tenths of their eammgs a.re sent back to their home mission to help the poor.

Roethler said 1t isn't uncommon for Cathohc churches. to have con· tracts wtth sisters to provide food SCI"\ tees.

" We ncgouated wnh this com­mun1t .. in Me·uco Cit\:· he saJd. " \>. e had a need and the~ v.ere wanung this t) pe of work.'' .._



Me rcha ndise Manager orders immedia te inventory red uction! Excellent s elec tion o f Ne w and Used . Many Trade·ins acquired during the Christma s season . If you have been thinking o f bu ying a p1'8no or organ . now is the t ime to come in and let u s h e lp you se lec t the right ins trument Perhaps it will turn out to be a sale item .



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. .

• •

radbury due in·Niguel Eminent ICicnc:e fiction writer Ray Bradbury will

by pc>pQ)ar request 11 a speaker (Of' the Community t seriet at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 12. nu. upbeat author, whose work• have beeo IOld In

coutries i..n numben approec:bina SO million ooP!e\ talk about "Tbe lnv.isible RevolutioDI in Our

. · prosnm will be held in the Shepherd of the Hills b, 30121 Niguel Road. Laauna Naauel. Tickeuare :'1eral admission; S6.5o, senior citizens and

• • • . TM trYtae-Ne_,.rt ~•rd of Rell ..... ~ have a "New Year Affirmation Balloon Relieue•·

6r tbe tervice Sunday_ at # 3 Sandbura, Irvine. Each .._ ... wiJJ ftll out an affirmation card that will be tied to • llelloon and then released in unison. • • • Tbe Rev. Robert Paul Stewart will be installed u the

putor of St. Man Presbyiertu C.llrd, 2100 Vista, Newport Beach. The ~mony is planned at

S p.m. Sunday. lhree aduJt classes will bC launc'hed next week at the

h. For information. catl 644-1 341 . • • • Or. Chri1 Schriner, a licensed marriage, family and

Scb..reudtt, minister with ainates. Tbe acminar is desiped far tboee who~ aoina lhrouah di voR:e or who have juat beendl~it.

• • • Or. Stephen Toplk. who vilited Nicarqua for three

weeks, will provide a political lcientiat's view of the tense situation there in a talk Sunday at the UaUarta Uatftnallat FellewdlJ ti Lqua. His talk will be at 10:30 a.m. at 429, Cypress Drive.

• • • The Rev. Or. Bruce Thielemann, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Pinsbura, Pa., will be fcatu~ in the .. Adventures in Faith '86" series to be presented at Sa. A.Mre•'• Prelbytertu c. ... d , 600 St. Andrew's Road,, Newpon Beach.

The series will bo held Jan. 12-15. For times and topics call the church at 63 1-2880. •• • •

The Rev. Dr. W. Leroy Biesenthal, associate secte1ary for Ev~naetism and wbo is internationally known for ,,his wor~st\ops, will present a three-day "Dialoa Evangelism Clinic" stanina Sunday at the Redeemer Ltl~erai Claerelll, Huntington Beach. For information caJJ 846-6330. •

• • • LUe 8Jll1 Womn'• Departmeat will begin Bible .studies at 9 a. m. Tuesday at the church, 2333 1 Moulton Parkway, Laguna Hills.

• • •

... _

Nuns reacquire defun·ct campus

PORTLANO.Ore.(AP)-Thanks to ananonymous donor, the BcnedictJne Sasters of¥ount A'!PI have once apin bccQme the owners ofColCIJO Ceurqtavcz, the sehooU1'cy opened as Mount An.act Colleae tn 1888.

The school plagued by debts, wa.s sold by the sis tel'$ in 1973 toavoup ihat renamed it ColegioCesarChavez and operated n for nearly a decade as the nation's only indeocndently owned Hispanic coUcge.

The six-acre campus was to be sold Tb.ursdaY in • foreclosure auction on the steps of the Manon County Courthouse.

The auction was canceled after the sale to the nuns, whose convent is adjacent to the oolleae campus. Payment of approximately $20 1,000 to the federaJ Department of Housingand Urban Development and about $2,000 to the U.S. Marshal's service enabled the nuns to take control of the campus once again.

"We were given the money by a donor whQ wants to • remain anonymous," said Sis.ter Alberta Dicker. priores.s of the Benedictine Sisters' order. "Otherwise, we might not have purchased it. ... I know we didn 't have the money."

She said the acquisition came as somewhat of a surprise.

"Riaht now we don' t have any plans (for the school) . child oounselor, will be the speaker at the 10:30 Lm. .ervic:e Sunday at the Oraa1e Cout Ualtariu Yalvenal· Ill Qmela, 1259 Vit toria St., Costa Mesa.

He will report on a five-day conference on peycbotberapy in Phoenix.

The Jewt1ai CommuJty CeDter of Soatb OraD1e C..ty will launch ~ new Hebrew class at 10 a.m. Monday. For infonnation, call the center at 81l:l.017 pr 497-2070.

information. caJI 499-38 12 or 786-5000. The whole possibility just came up rt:ccntly so at this point it is quite open," the prioress said.

"We have such mixed feelings - rejoicing inasense but also a concern about how to make the best use of the build in~and also the money to rehabilitate the buildillJS. We don t have that money," she said.

• • • • • • CoqrecattoD B'Dal Tlffek, Fountain Valley, has

A seven-week series on "RebuiJding Tbrouah Your • • • Divorce'' will bcJin at the Cry1tal CatWraJ at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 1 Sand continue on Wednesdays through Feb. 26 in t&e Youth Center.auditorium. l2 141 Lewis St., Garden Grove.

Newcomers _to Temple Bat Y .aim of· Newport Beacll/ lrvlH will be honored at 8 p.m. Friday.

announced winners of the Betty• Louise Silverman lite_rary contest:

For I 3- 15-year-olds, Ardy K.askel, first: Brandi Krantz, second; and Ilyse Levi tt, th ird. -

The campus, vacant since 1983. "is a mess," she added. • • • •

Claabad of Lapu will resume its adult education classes and start two new ones next week. For

For I 6-1 8-ycar-olds, Robert Bach, fi rst; Daniel Fleischmann, second.

"We would certainly be willing to lease the property ... or sell some ofi t. " Leadina the sessions will be the Rev. David


Collections not always in nickel, dime.category By GEORGE W. CORNELL ,,, ........ .,..,

UsualJy it comes in dimes, qua""rs a.od occasional bills. The l ittle bl\s, from enoU&h people, go to keep up the work of the churches in teaching, coUeaes and care for the infi rm and needy. But it's not always that way.

-&metimes, the giving comes in bulk.

That's how it was in the case of a recent $8.3 million gift to the Presby­terian Foundation mostly for pro­S!lms of the Presbyterian Church (U.S. A.), the largest gift it has ever received.

The contribution was made by Foster McGaw, a founder of the American Hospital Supply Corp. and consisted of 210,587 shares of Che company, making him something of a champion of Presbyterian l>h1lan-

A Cll 1111 Wllc1•1 ,,_



METHODIST CHURCH 19th St. & Harbor Blvd.

Ghurch School 9:30 Worship 8:30 and 10:45

Charles O. Clark, Minister



Wor•hlp & Church lchoot 1:3G-10:00 • . m.

Or W•lltam E Steel 979-8234

Newport Beacll C..,_llT CHURCH IY THE IE.A

UNfTID METHODtlT 1400 W Baltloa Blvd

173-llOS Rev Lawre· ~e T Young

....... I Cllwdl khool t:iO A.M •-def ,.,..letloel Md D.y c-7='0 A.M ..... ,. M


6662 Hell Ave 842-4461 Worship S.rvtc. 1:30 I 10:00

1:30 Sund•y School 10:00

Fountain Valley FIR.IT UNITED

METH®IST CffURCt1 18225 Bushard St

M2· 2513 James R Hadley. Pastor

Worahlp I Church lcttool .,30 A.M.

N£WPORT CENTlll lftllll) METHODIST CHURCH 1901 Marg119rlte Awe.

Corona def Mar M4-o74.5

WanHp I Cludl Sdloll t JO a.m Rev Burley R. Howe

~ S.ei to 11Joe.1llp at a a.eel o/ 11""~ eltok e

'Jiu 11Ju J

Strt11t1t T ••io:

tropy. His generosity " is almost un­

believable," says Aaron E. Gast. president of the foundation, which serves to develop special funds and bequests for the church and its institutions.

Counting the latest $8.3 million gift , McGaw, now 88, bas given more than $ 12 million to ·support church work. nationally and internationally.

There have been other whopping gifts to churches lately; though not matching his. Among them:

- On her death last May, Mrs. B. Joseph Hammond of Bet Air. a grandaughter of the founder ofln land Steel Co. and grcat-grandaughter of the founder of Gimbel stores, lef\ about $5 million to Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.

It is the academic arm of Reform


T• ry McCanne. Director of Adult Mlnlltr._

PMlrre Allegra, Director of Hlgf'I $Choo4 Mlnlttrtes

Tina Alcaraz, Director of Cllildren'a Mlnlatr ... s..daf .... - l :JO I lO:tO 1.111

a.di Sdllll -CIM9 lln AMI It.ti IA

lllnery c.wt ......... -1:30 I 1 t.tl IJIL

[ .... Stnkt - 7:00 p.111.

2850 Fairview Rd., Costa Mesa ' 557-33~0


7IO Victoria It., Coeta Mee& Lother V. Tornow, Paator

131-1811 ._ ...... , .... WORSHIP SERVICE 1:00 10:30 AM

Swicby Sclloll I ~ Biiie tun 9:20 Ut.

cim tian Oement•r School 548-8888


£astbkil t DI & Jamboret Ntwl)O(I IHKh

Rev Wilham McQuotd. Pastor Asst Putt r Robert P Stewart ROCl&tr Wll4tltn. MuSIC 0.r"-IOr

..... t:Jtll. (~ICltJM Clwes 11:45 A.I .

NineryC.1 for Info: Cal '4'·1341


"'~ krllMd P k"'t llrnOottt ' htU11¥1f Ot lllwt Anr Slw•lfl~NtWOOfl Bu ell ~ [lltj(flOf f 0< '"'° u• ,._, , ,..,_ ~· llOJ

~ · . ,,, • ..,.,..., hrvlcee

,,.._,,....., 1:1u.a. r..., ....... nr.t rn., "i.. ""' ,.JI r.1.

StntlC ... """"1·lntle ... 21M lar ftsti

"P1101 II Th• ,, .. ,,, CtlltCH Of RELIGIOUS SCENCE

........, 8f Ille UM.911 C"'1fOI Of ~ '°""'* 2205 MAIN STREET. SUITE 23


FOf Information -.1331

Judaism. wi th main campuses in Cincinnati and Los Angeles.

- Cecil C. Lewellen . of St.

By far, the overwhelming share of church budgets come from the gener­ally small gifts of members. averaging about $256 each a year. Petersburg, Fla., wbodicd last month,

left about $4 million to the United Methodist Church. Born on a farm in Missouri. he had been an officer of a St. Louis chemical company before retirement.

- In Kerrville, Texas. district judge Jim W. Weatherby, who died early this year at 74, left a Texas ranch estimated as worth $2 million to Baylor University, a Southern Baptist institution where he got his law decree.

McGaw. the whopping giver to Presbyterian worl(, once spelled out his views on philanthropy this way:

"The surest way to be enriched is to share freely what you have, whether it be money, love, appreciation of beauty or devotion to a worthy cause.

.. Most people spend so much of their lives acquiring financial security that they never develop skill in gi vi ng money away. Too late tbey discover that giving is the greatest joy in Life."

Other religious bodies also oc­casionally receive large-scale dona­tions, ordinarily in bcauests from tong-time. devoted menibers, but it remains a rarity for the amounts to run into the multimillion zone.

McGaw, of Lake Forest, Ill .. grew up poor in North Carolina. the son of the Rev. Francis AJexander McGaw. who served as a supply pastor of Hot Springs, N. C., Presbyterian Church.

Young McGaw, vowing be would


Roaer J. Berc. Past« Kin Eifert Kroastad, PastOf

Wllll•SOYIOI I AM & 10:30 AM

(lnterprettf f0t the dt1f at I AM)

Slll>AY SCHOOl 9:15 AM JbstfY C•e Avabble

Wf lOlllE 711 httr Ir, ••,.r1 ltu•



(Olecl!Hn of Ch,111) 2.01 lr¥1ne al Santa IHt>.1

Newpott hach 145-5711

Mormng Worship 1 ~M Sunday School 9 AM

You rtlll I» 'II~ - AMI 1#1/»dl

FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ...,,, •I AdMn•, Huntington .. actt

SUNDAY: Moring WOl'ahlp. .... .. .. .... . . . .. ... _.. 9·00 PM Bible School .................. ......... • . • .. 10 45 AM Evening Worship..... ..... . . . . .... ... .. 6 00 PM

MtM YMll Or-.. - NwMfJ hn'loet Miil• ,,.,, ... o- Melc:Olm & Alber1 H II.er~ Mln4tt•n

Mere- 16en. Oorector OI Christi.n Educellor•

DtM.·A~VOTION - ........ Offtce - 531-a. ''fllr-'*'t Ctwt.t ltnc. 11t5"

und• \ SUNDAY ~;JOnas~:l~o: 15 A.M. W ORSHIP

HEmpowering For Ministry" Or. J ohn A. Hullmmn Jr .. pruchin8

Co•munion M~dhation

St.~s Presbyterian Church 1>1.\' .;:., AnJrnH R,.aJ \,r,.p. •ri fkJ,h < Al1rnrn1A 1il<1 1t-}J: :X'

IEW TllllHT OllllTlll CHURCH 111 •• 11ttt •••• hit• ...

(1 .............. If •14> "1 .. 111 W•J ftr .. , •••"

Dr. o. .. C. Jlc:llson Bible Study Clau 9: 15

Sund1y Mor""'f Mn.uilf. Hflltnt I JunlOf Ch11rch JO JO ... , ........... . · Laguna Pre•byterian Church

.. Cirud olCltlmH,, · A "WJ ct.di .. ._ Slla c.ty. s ...... S.-. ..... ...-. I , Sad•~ ,,,,.,, l:Of • IO:H.. I ,..,,,..,, c.,.,.,"''•a..., !Jdool lor Ill,,,.

,....,., ,,,.,,_ ,., CtMbfft, f owCA 4' A'lllf •t6 Forett AYe • Phone 49'-7666

Of . ...... J. ,....,, In. Cull .... Of. £•••~ DIAL-A PRAYER-494-PRAY


not stay poor, founded his corpor­ation at the age of 25. with a $10,000 debt.· The company now is the largest hospital supply compan y in the country.

McGaw, still an active m\ln who takes a daily swim, provided that after he dies, 11 percent of the new bequest go to the Salvation Army of Chicago, and the balance be invested by the Presbyterian foundation, with income divided three ways. namely:

- For over$Cls medical missions. - For evangelistic ministries in

the United States and overseas, including training and support of pastors to develop new churches and revitalize existing congregations. sup­port of overseas missionaries and preparing indigenous pastors.

- For development work of the Presbyterian foundation, which sol-

OF IOPOU .. Vll (itfnl)


frl.·I p.m. - Sat.· lO:lO u n.

Family Serv1en Isl frlday of Month 7 JO. Reltp>u1 Sthool.

Advil ld Youth Gloups, S.nctn 1011 CllNll.O. """"1ltldl 1111 - 1

144-1111 CantOt' Alan Wetner

Educaior Mlrtem Van Raalt•

1cits and receives gifts and bcQuests and manages investments of funds for all programs of the 3.3-million­mcmber denomination. -- -

McGaw had served asa trustee of the foundation for 16 years until I 969. He contends that wealthy people should be more generous with their fortunes. and that the church is the most worthy recipient in meeting human needs.

His record Presbyterian gift came shortly after a previous record-setter, $1.1 million given last January by Jane Newball of San Francisco. That bad set the hi&hest Presbyterian mark until it was topped by McGaw.

He regularly urges his friends. " Oon't neglect to tithe in your will," which meaos leaving lOperceotto tbe church. He adds: "The needs of your brother go on after you arc gone."


WELCOMES YOU SUNDAY WORSHIP NRVICH 7 30 AM • Holy Eucharist Rite I 9·00 AM • Holy Eucharist Rite II

10:45 AM • Prayer and Praise Eucharist Rite II Church School and Adult Education - 9:00 & 10:45 AM

(Music. sermon and chlld care at 3 services) MID-WEEK W<>ftSHIP

Monday-Friday • 8:30 AM Morning Prayer • Tuesday · 10·00 AM Eucharist & Heatlno Service

Wednesday • 6:30 AM HOiy Eucharist

f'ector, Fr. John A•hey • AaMC., ,r. Brian Co•, A•aJetlng The Rev. Todd Sorensen • Mr. Samuel Shafer The Rev Thoma• +tenry • Mr. Wllllam Rob6r11

AlNT JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 3209 Via Lido • Ncwpon Beach • 714-675-0210



''God'' Cotta ,....-Flrat Church of Chrtat lclentlat

2.llOMeMVatdeDr., Coeta..... -Chunih 6 IUftCl8J lchc*-10:00 A.M. RHilfnt Room, IMO MeM Yatde Dr.- t A.M.-4:IO , .M. Mon. thru '"· Wed. 7·'1:90 , .M.•M.IO , ,M.

lrvlne-Flrtt·Church of Chrtat, klentltt RenctMt len , ........... ..,., ...... lohool •1 •ah1IHft (lilNr Y ... ) . Chunlh 6 IUftdeJ .-...-10:00 A.II . ........ ....... 1 .. .., ..... ,....,., ... 141, ··~ ......

10 A.11.--4 , ,II. llOft. ttwv .... 10 A.11.-7 , .11. Thwtdef

Clllld c- - "'"4ay a w~ Huntlftgton BMch-,lnt Church of Chttet, lc'-"tlet .... '°""· ........... :: .... c.__ a....,..__,, ,... A.II. ........ ....... -......... Newport heoh_,nt Chwotl of Cttrtet, htenttet

am VII Udo, Nli•c:• ~ c._...,.__,~ uoa10-.-A.11 . ........ ~ 1111 * "* ................... , ... ,..._1 .. , ...

CNldCMeflflloMM T~ -t»-11~ AM lllf ~TIIM

Newpot1-....-l111rtd Churott of Cfwtet, lcll1nttet 1100,...... View Dr.! c.,.... .. -c ...... ....,....... .. A.II • , ... ,..._ U111" 1.c..e~ .. ~

Wll. IW I rdll I ·-· II 1r.aau••• ,. .. ......, .................................... ...,. ........ . ....... ._... C.... C.. ........ ATAU....._

Cosby,' 'Vice, 'other NBC reruns still potent Peacock flutters to 10th win tn ratings;_ Mon ay Football shows strongftntsh

By FRED ROTHENBERG l# T ......... ....., .

NEW YORK - Even in repeat N BCs most popular programs domi: nated the ratings, as the network placed the top-ranked " Cosby Show " " Miami Vioe" and three o ther reru~s in the Top "f O and claimed victory for the 10th time in 14 weeks.

Accordina to figures released Tues· day by the A.C. Nielsen Co ., CBS had four origjnal shows 10 the Top IO anli finished sec.ond for the week of Dec 23-29, while ABC's " Monday Night Football" comt>lcted I strong come­back season with its game between Los Angeles' Raiders and Rams finishing in eighth place. ~C . averaged a I 5. 1 rating m

pnme tJme to beat C BS' 14.6 and ABC's 13.0. Season to date, NBC has a 17.6 to CBS' 16.7 and ABC's 15.5. Last week's three-network rating total of 42. 1, exactly the same as I 984's Christmas week period, reflected the lower viewina,pattems brought on. in pan, by holiday travel. Sy com-

~ parison, the combined three-network rating two weeks ago was 49.9.

A rat~ng,measure~ t~e percentage of the nations 85.9 m1lhon homes with television. A share measores the percentage of sets m use that are tuned to a panicular network.

"The Cosby Show" had a 3 1.8 rating and a 50 share. meaning half the homes with sets on were watching a repeat episode. " family Ties'' foUowed " Cosby" on Thursday and in the rankings with a 28.6 rating. CBS' '' 60 Minutes" was third with a 25.S nting.

Next came C BS' " Murder. She Wrote," NBC's "Cheers," N BC's "Golden Girls." C BS' "Crazy Like a fox," "Monday N ight Football," CBS' " Knots Landing" and " M1am1 Vice."

CBS only won one night. ~unday .


AU right. So fender' s ballroom is not the l>atacc and only a handful of people turned out last Friday night to aecAustralia's Divi nlys. But this docs not explain the lack o f enthusiasm or energy on the part of the band,

Part of the Div1nlys d ilemma may be that the new " What A Life!" album has only two concert pieces " Pleasure & Pain" and " Heart Telegraph" on it; two fine moody ballads " Guillotine Day" and " Dear Diary" and not much e lse worth mention ing.

Also the sound was not carrying at fender' s like it had in the fields of Devore where the band was one of the best surprises of the '73 US Festival.

You had to get really close to the stage to pick up on any sense of the show because the D1vinlys "act" revolves around singer Chrissie AmphJett who works out personal psychosis dramas using her hands to conjure up imaginary spiders.

And despite recently raising their stage by three feet, it is hard to sec the band at Fender' s when there are more than three or four rows of people standing down front.

Once within range it was obvious that Amphlctt was putting on a priva\e show raising the flaps of her short, black, Catholic school girl dress to reveal black panties and a generous amount of nake<J thigh. With that crazed look in her eye like she was planning somethinll. ..

but by its bigest ma~n this season placing "60 Minutes,' " Murder. Sh~ Wrote" and "Crazy Like a Fox" in the Top 10. CBS' o ther Sunday series. "Trapper John M.D." ran~ed 20th. Starttng Jan. :», "Crazy Lilc&a Fox" moves to Wednesday and " Trapper John" will be ta.ken · off the air temporarily while C8S joins ABC and NBC with Sunday movies.

The movie competition Last Sun­da~ didn' t fare well apinst CBS' scnes. A repeat of" Superman II" on ABC ranked 27th and NBCs TV movie. " Behind Enemy Lines." atx?u~ World War II intelligence act1 v1ty, Wi$ 30th.

" Maybe people didn' t want to watch a ~ar movie during the holiday season," suggested Lcnnoe Quillinan, CBS' d irector of account services.

Another possible reason for the · networks' lackluster movie pcr­fonnance was that Home Box Office showed the award-winning ' ' A Soldier's Story" for the first time Sunday and it probably.will rank as one of the pay-cable service' s top 50 films of all time, network researchers said.

ABC won the ratings on Monda)'.. Tuesday and Wednesday, but still finished a poor third for the week. And now, with the end of the regular National Football League season. ABC wilJ lose its third most popular series. "Monday Night Football." (ABC's top two series arc "Dynasty" and " Who's the Boss?")

ABC's 16 Monday night games averaged a 19.7 rating. a 17 percent increase over last season, for the series' best showing since 198 1. Football ratings are improved on all three networks. but researchers said ABC's substantial rise was at­tnbutable, in part, to stronger match­ups this season.

ABC's Wednesday hit, " Dynasty," continued to fall . rankinR I 5th. but

lh.at e&me on the low-audience Christmas night. Its spinofT. '"The Colbys," hao its best outing in its Thursday "time slot. fU\ishlns 21st. aaainst all-rerun competition.

The five lowest-rated shows, in desceodin& order, were ABC's three.­hour documentary, "Growing O ld in Amerk a,'' in 63rd, followed by the CBS movie, "The Black Stallion." ABC s "Shadow Chasen." CBS' " Stir Crazy," and ABC's " The Makin& of Supergjrl."

fn the news competition, the "CBS Evening News" averaged an 11.9 rating. ABCs "World News Tonight" was second with a 10.8 . The "NBC Nightly News" had a I 0. 1.

Acre arc the prime-time television , ratings as compiled by the A.C. Nielsen Co. for the week of Dec. 23-29. Top 20 listings include the week' s ranking. with season-to-date ranking in parentheses, ratina for the week, ·and total homes. An " X" in parentheses denotes one-time-only presentation.

1 (1) " Tne Co1t>v Sl'low," NBC, J U , 27.J

""'"Ion l'IOf'nH. 2. 121 " Famnv Tift," NBC, 21.6, 24.6 million hOmel

3 w " 60 Mlnutn." CBS, 2s.s, 21.9 milllOn llC>f'Mt.

4. (3) " Murd«, Siie Wrote," CBS, 24.0, 20.6 million h0me1.

S (S) " Cneen," N&C, 211, ll. I mlUlon l'IO<Tlfl 6 (9) " Golden Glrl1," NBC. 20.4, 17.S mllllon

l'IOme\. . 1 (24) " Craiv Like 1 Fox," CBS. 19.9, 17 I

mllll4>'1 homft. • I . (IJ ) "~y Nl9hl Footbell" - Lot

A1'19e!H ll1m1 " ' · Los A~ ltalders, ABC, 19 I , 17 O mlltlon h<lmes.

9 113) " Knoll L ending," CBS, 19.7, 16.9 mllllon

"°"'" 10 Ill " Miami Vice ," NBC, 19.2, 16.S mlMlon homft

11 (IJ ) " l(ete & AUle;· CBS, 11,1. 16 1 minion llC>mei.

12 (?71 " F1ct1 of Life." NBC. II. I. IS S mlNlon ~ -n. ( 161 " tffwflar1 ," CBS. 11.1, IS.S mlllion llOmel

,._ u.i " Simon & ,simon:· cas. n .1. l.S..J m lMlolt l'IOl'nel.

IS ( 171 " 8elWMf't Oe<l<neu •no o ... ,, .. -" N8C Monoev N'9nt Movies," 11.1, IS.1 mlMlon nornn

IS (7) " Ovnaltv;· ABC . 17.7, IS.2 mltllon l'IOmH

17 1101 " Nl9n1 Cowt." NBC. 17.1. 14.7 ml1llon nomn

17 1241 " ?77," NBC, 17 1, 14.7 m lltion llOmft 17 ( 19) " Hole!," ABC. 17 I, 14.7 mlilion nomes 10 (.a.,) " TraPCllf Jonn, M.0.," CBS, IU , 14 4

mllllon l'IOmn

0.., ........... .,, ___, ,,,, ..... Too bad nobody let the band in on the plan because for the most part there seemed to be little sense of purpose. What happene<J to the punkish energy and full-throttled anauish of songs such as "Only You" that recalled Blondie. Or bow about "Make You Happy" with its roots in Yardbirds--stylc blues rock or the gutsy power of:'Boys in Town." Even

Cbrlule Ampblett makea a po Int at Dlrinlya concert. if the Divinlys djdn' t know where t hey were beaded they were sure headed there with a vengeance.

Friday, bow~vei,-~owar.dS-lhccnd of the set they did manage to come up · with a few U 2-stylc power chords

Here Amphlett began reaching out


locking up with Amphlctt for a few precious numbers that re<;alled the decadent glitter of. say, Iggy Pop. to the back of the-hall slowly buming her way through tbe minimal gather­ing. Alas, these brief moments merely signaled the end of the set.

l{ick Nelson lat~st Of several musicians killed in air crashes By th Aanclate4 P reti

Rick Nelson. who died in a New Year's Eve plane crash near De Kalb, Te~ joined a list of musicians includina bia band leader Ole-nn Miller, country sin.er Patsy Oine, and rock pats Otis Rcdd1na and Buddy Holly-all of whom met early deaths in ajr accidents.

Nelton, 4~, achieved rock 'n' roll stardom 1n the late I 9SOs and early '60a with bjts likc "I'm Walk.in,"' and "Travelin' Man." He was featured, alona with the rest of his f&mily~~ the lona·runniDJ TV ICries. -- ~!~ Adventures of Onie and Harriet. · He oft*1l sana hia bit IOf'\lt on national TV, which undoubtedly bootted his rock stardom.

His career after the ·~ic and Harriet" yean neva equaled his eattie1' tame. but be wu in a number of movte1 and Ud ICVft'&1 moder· ately succaaf\al '°"' hitJ.

Plane cruba have an lhof\ \be liv• of a& leut apt otber rasaous mddau.

SUll throuded in tnY"er) ls tbe dlllb o("'9 bud leadet'Olenn Miiter.

On. Dec. 15. 1944. Miller's plane was flying over the English Channel en route from Bedford, En&Jand to Pans where fie was to give a show. Th'c plane never arrived. Two members of the British 'Royal Air force now say the musician's plane milht have bttn hit by bombs jettisoned over the En&liah Channel by RAF. bombers. T~ other musicians ~lso met air

deaths: Feb. 3, 19,9: A plane carrym&

si•n J.P (The a,, Bopper) Rich­ardson. Buddy Holly and Richie Valens crashed Mar Mat0n C'1ty. Iowa.' en route to a show in Farao. N.D. The BiJ Bopper, whose bit hit ,.... ' 'Chentmy Lltcc" in I 9S8, was 29. Holly, whotc bits 1.nduded "Peay Sue .. and "Not Fade Afty," wu TI. And Vatens. fa.moui for sonp Ltkc "la Bamba" and " Donna," wu only 18.

Mardi S. 1963: Patsy Ofoc, whOtC ~try bits mdudcd "Cl"&l>'" and ... . , OCM Yoo," died n1 a plane C:rllb Dear Camden. Ttnn., It lfC ) I. KiDed ,nth her were Grand Ote ()pry nan Cowt>c;y Copas and H1wbbaw

Hawkins and pilo t Randy Hughes. Cline's manager. Her life was dramatized in the recent movie. •• wect Dreams," starring Jessica Lange as Oinc.

July 31 , 1964: Country music sin1cr Jim Reeves. known for bit,s likc " Wclc:ome to My World .. and " He'll Have to Go." died at q.e 39 in a li~t plane crash near Nashville •Iona wtth his manaacr. Dean Manuel, 30.

Dec. 10. 1967: Rhytbm and blues utist Otss Rcddina died in a plane m h m Wisconsin aloaa with metn· ben of his band. the Bar·Ka~ He wa 26. His putat bil ... Sin.in 011 the Dock of the Bey,'" wu rtaea.d JUst tbttt day• bem the c:rash.

Sci>t. 20. 197l: Jim C.rocc put ioaethcr 1 sltioa of rock h1u 1n the 1970s befocc be died 10 an air C'l'Uh near Naichatoc-~ La., at IF JO.

Ott. 21 , 1977: Stnetr Ronnie Van Zant and some memben of his L~ SkynynS band, tiibkh carved I n1Che Ln lbt rock wot\d with its 1m=bard-drinkina. hdkadl.111 Sout ~ kal~ ih a plane null u1 M omb, Ma

f. ;:::j

OrMge Co.t DAILY PtLOT/Satw-. ~ ' • ...

Cbrtatopber Reen 8tan u .. 8apennan .. ID the ortclnal mo.te of the popalar a4..atue eerlee, atrlnC tonlCbt at 8 on CBS, Cluuanel 2.


1 .. SEARCH Of._ FMTABY l&.MO MOYIE * * •· ··Monte Wllllll' 119701 Lee

MIMn . .-ine Moreau.




- 4:30-• FAIEE-4-All (!) ATM MOVIES .MOTORWmC Ii) MAGIC OF Oil PAlf'TNJ a~




•t•1 .. VtCtlmS' (19811 KJte Nell-• ICen Howard tiWI( MJSSe..l 9QUMEFOOl~ w·A·s·H QINEWS

• fl()40CX)K CNMATTRACllONS MOYIE • * * * ··Raiden Of The Lost Ari!

(198 1) Hamson Ford. Karen Allen 1MOYIE **'' Protocol 119841 Goldtt

Hawn, Chris Sttandon JS1MOVIE • t • Red River ( 19481 JoM ~IY!"· ~·~Cllfl CZ}QWUS CHAMPl.IH ON M FUISCENE

- 5:30-



1:~ * * * A Soklter·a Story.. ( 19841 Howard E Rolhns Jr . Adolptl C.. sar .L MOYIE ** ' 0 C C.b' (1983) Mr T Adam

Sllowtn 0





~~NEWS * * * " BrOldway Danny Rose ( 1~) Wooay Allen, Mii Farrow

- 1:00-






• • t · The Conan Club' ( t984) Rlchlrd G«e. Greoory Htnes fl., TALES FlOI llE OAAKStDE • lilOYIE • ** u201on (t~84} Roy Sc:tl9lder John utnoow

-1:30-.. tB FACTS OF UfE ~BASKETBAll

l~TAU< 1' MOVIE • t t Strategic A 11 Commafld' (19551James 51ewan JuoeAllysoo

- 1:50-


al) DAUAS HOUil ~ OANC1N' OH AIR H MOVIE t t A Nightmate Ori Elm S1ree1 I 1984) John Sa-°" Ronee 81atelY L~ • * ·Johnny Dangerously 198A J Mdlael K•ton Joe Plseopo l MOVIE

t t '"t Mana s LO\let'S 119841 Nas­llSSJI KNkt. John Srltge

- t'.30-

- 10'00-0 '3 HUNTE.R O HEWS O MOVIE t • , The Macanans ~ 19i61 James Arnea Eva Marie Saint CD SHIAl.EY MACUN.. WHERE 00 WE 00 FROM HERE? (I) UFESTYlES Of THE RICH AHO FAMOUS ~MOVIE t * ' t Oll1l1er At The.. R1t? 1193 7l Annabella. OtYld Niven ~ MEADOWlAAK ~ ~ DANCIN' OH AIR S MOVIE • • , S11t 80 119831 Mtnet Hem­ingwl) Enc Roblrt5


(1951) Bz8belll Teylor PU ,.._ men. I ~MCMEIW(EN **i,; "Ftom Beyond The "Gteve' ( 1973) Donald Pltatenoe, Liiiie-Ano Down,

I DICK CUAK'S ..rETME 1ST l TEN MOVIE * *'" ''A Olffetent Story" I l971l

Perry King, MIQ Fostt!f

- 11:46-8 AIC NEWS Q

- 12:00-8 MOYIE * t ' i, .. All In A Nql1 s Wen' 1196 1) Deen Martin. 5lwtey MacUn


* * "' 'The Terr()( I 1963) Bona ~ iott. JICk NcholSon

,MOVIE * t · The LM1 Amencan Vifgln .. ( 1982) l..l'#fence Monolon. 1)1.,. • Ff1llklln ...1._, MOVIE ** ·~ "WllWtf City" ( 1984) JQfv'I Shea.KJ1e~ £) MOVIE . * .. Jut Ot Flytng" (1979) Connne Clt'ller , Gianni Glt'llo

-12:15-fJ SCTV

- 12:30-• NME Of THE GAME (j) ="'$TOP TEN

* * .,, "Bullets Or Blllots' ( 1936) Ed­Wltd G RoOlnson. Join Blol'6ll 0 NEW YON< HOT TMCKS GD 0.8. HAWl<JNS

- 12:45- :: ~ MOVIE ·~ ••*'" A Clockwor\ Or~

\197 11 Mlllc:Olm McC>oMM P~ MIQM ;

-·~ U HrTCl'TY e nv i=Mll) **'" . The Weddtng Nlg'll f l~ Gery Cooper, Anna Sten ,~~

* Par adlM ! 19821 Willle Aames Phoebe Cates

- 1:30- -G ~GUIDE 9 NEW YORK HOT TAACKS 8) MOVIE • * * ' The Carpett>agglWS .. 11964) George P~ Carroll Baker


t t · • G111s Of The White Orcntd '19831 Ant" Jilliar ~ JaSort­l eogl'l

-1:35-H MOYIE t t "KGOO t 1980) Dabney Cc» l'llln Archte Ham

- 2:00-B MOVIE t t ' 't Tiie Oeldlies1 Season I 19711 Miehlel Monarty KIWI Con­way


• t Not FOi P\iblteatl()rl ( 1984) Nancy Allen David ~aughton

- 2:30-(1) INDEPENDENT HEWS ' 6Ii)~WIMBE11

- 2:45-.Z MOVIE

t * * Tn. Cotton Club (198-CI Richard Ge<e Greg<>rf Hines

- 3'00-" MOVIE * .,, OeWoy All Planets' l 19891 ~ 1110 Hongo Toro Tak&SUla ., MOYIE

1=.c,THESCSES - 3 tO-

C MOVIE • t St1t!en1 • 198.&I T '"YI AoCler1s Ted Wass H THE MN. Y BAOTlERS


t t ' ' Thi Dud ZOM" t 11U) ChnstDP'* Wlllleo Broollt ~

-1:»-G l..ffOf aRST ~ MOYIE *'* ·~ p9&4) ,,.. (;oy·

ote Mel S:mlth -4..<00-


c.aa . 641-M71 ttnugh the Ctm 1' 1 dlt



-· Richi~, 'Vice' hOlding on J;arry captf!.res s~coad as ~

4. "Alive and Kictint" Sim'* Minds (AA.M) •

n. tollowUltatc lillboenl'• bot record hita 11 daey ...,..,. Jn iaut week'• itauc of ... amd =·· ColmWit 1986. . aua.ns P\I · tiou,' Inc. lleprinted

s.•·1 Ml• i'ou" Klymau (MCA) 6."Small Town" JobJl Co.., Mel.left,,

camD(Riva) 7.A'toniahl Sbe Comet .. The c.an

willt...-.., llO'I' llNGLD

1.--S.y You, .S.y Me" Lionel Riehie (MOtoWD)

{EleW.> &: 'Talk f o Me" Stevie Nicb (Mo&mj 9. "Broten Winp" Mr. Miller (RCA) 10."WalkOfUfe" DireStraits(Wamcr

2."Pany All tbe Time" Eddie M~y (Colwnbia)

Bros.) 11."'Sel>uacc Liva" PbiJ Collin.,.

3.'1'.'bat'1•Wbat FrieDdl Are For" Dion· M.arilYO Martin (Atlutic) 12. ·~int ffeen" Survivor (Scotti ne a. Friendt (Arista

--- u-NeflC IMlll PICR UTIWAY .... 17f.."50 sn.1111 - ...-.. Ill lalS 4 ._SO. COAST ttMIZl ~ e1-1m·-_ ,_ ---IM...:SI ._ .... ..., '52.... - IMil~ _._ -1=:: = &Tm ..... ._ SMlllllUCll E.-mlll Sil-Sia ,..., ...

- •m111n•

5 llMISfTY NCR_, lt


11 ..... . 93 -· ·-1Ml,t.-,WI Wl,1141,1 ..

•FAHlll ~ ._ ..... (ZU) Hl-tlll coma •1.-1

mlWt• • UA IEWIO IMil .... edwards CINEMA WEST ~ "f y , .. \Tfl 891 3935

•'t:.)10t ... ~ f'·' -

...._ .,,...__ .,,.~f0 "' .-oeou---- TtCHHKOLOait.

101 DALMATIANS at these theatres El TORO COSTA MESA

Edwards Bristol S4(). 7«(

Edwards Saddleba<:k 581-5880

IRVINE ORANGE Edwards Woodbridge City Center 551.0SSS 634-2~3

WESTMINSTER EOV.ards Cinema West 891 ·3935

COSTA MESA Ec!wards Mtsa 64~5025

FOUNTAIN VALLEY Eowards Fountain Valley 839-1500

ORANGE ORANGE AMC ()1n9t Mall Stadium Onve·ln 637-0340 639-&no

---------~·Disneyland. _ _ __ __,

>e- . ... ,_ .. ....,, ...... 1• •.¥11na ltM.oNI

aoc1n "' 111111 11• 1.u . .... .,.,. ....

... ....,, ...... lllt( .... ~

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#tOAl ,..,*"' I It t 11 1 a l •U

·'"""" ~--·· YOW5~__, r11G> · >1 ll tt 1'• , ......

DAI.MA TtONS fGI l l oJO 1:)0

ClUI ff'GI .... ... ......... WAii 00 .... l I

10 1 DALMATIANS ra1 . 11:JO l :M t :ll t : IS ''" ,,~

INIMY MtNI 1~ • 1 • 11>t >• , ••• .••

IOltT UHIO IY1Vtlft8 UAH C)Oot

•OCICY IV 1i.1 , ,., ........ 1 ...

..a•-OV1tt ... l WHITI NtGHT$ 1~ 11 ll Jt I I t I M t >t II IC


JIWll O• THI N IU •OG I t t ) )) ) ti I I ) 10 JI ,

':';! ~1;.;:::o-.:1.~~;;-f0Ulil5 Wlt~OCI -.S rlflll. • >

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-8TfNMUI • ~ .. l lNt UM .. CLUl~NI

l) ltltt • •••••• • • ••o

0019' U fllO

et111oeo """ OUT O• A••ICA •PG1

• OO • • l l >f l O)O

DOll f UIHO M t< M&ll OOUGUl1

a CltONS llNf IHI MOVtl flflll. l ) t

IJ U J t \ \ o • U •O tt

Dou• lflllO " lWICI IN A

u•n1M1 "' I IS): .. Ht .. , ....

C ... ,,.. ( MUI OAH AY•80Y0

l"IS LllCI US -01 11 .. l•tM I O JO•O

DOtlY HlllO

HIAD OfflCI ('°"U l 11:JO 211$ . ,,. t :U 1·20 10·1'

Mlltflll MUl~Nell .... U- J!C

CLUI ''I'' •:c >:c ,;, YHI ANNIHll.ATOIS ttl "'"'"""°"' ltflllll WHITI NIOMTI ,.. ,,

AGAINST All OOOS 111 >:c

C•tw• C•AU I Alor UCIO• I 1"11 LllCI UI ,..

'""'=-'~~. , .. HIAD OfPICI '"-111 ~ ... .. >:t 1:( >:c

u ._,_ llWI' Of M MU .. ,

~ OUT Of Alltel ,,.1

""'"' tt'l14 " ....... "". , ..... 10( .... , ... ,


Io UAFUI A .... . u~ u-,.,-,


·'Mil "' ........... '

'' JIWIL Of M N•ll" r1111 ' JfWIL Of '* NIU' '" 1 .. , __ .. ..-.

111 " (OMM•NDC)'• 111 .,. __ ,_ ............ ... .,

Bros.~ 13. ' My Hometown" Bnace Spriaptecn

(Columbia) 14 ... l'm Your Man" Wham! (Col·

umbia) I S ... ~ion O.y" Attadia (Capitol) 16 ... Jt'1 O:!d.J Love" B'ry.anAdams-Tina

Turner (UM) · 17 ... Love Is The Seventh Wave" Stina

(.UM) 18."Go Home" Stevie Wonder (Tamla) 19. "S9ics Like Us" Paul McOartney

(Capitol) 20."Conp" Miami Sound Machine

(Epic) TOPLP1

l." Miami Vite" Soundtrack (MCA) 2."Tbc Broadwa~ Album" Barbra

Streisand (Columbia 3. "Heart" Heart ( pitol) · 4."ScarecroW" • John Coupr Mellen­

camP. (Riva) S. 'Afterl>umcr" ¥. To~(WamerBrda. ) 6."Brothers in Arms • Dire Straits

(Warner Bros.) 7." ln Square Circle" Sirvie Wonder


-70MM-llll·TllACK CJ]! ClllWl'9'9m> i- - Sf " TA!lOH

OMllCll ICWPOltT llUCff OnedorTw Eclww<ls ~ Clnerli.t ISJ4.2SSJ 644-0760

CAI.I. 'ntEAIEI CAU. THEA'l'tll !'Oii SHCJWT1loES l'Dlt~

GWC wlas Trlvla Bowl IV:~ Showina a strona finishifta k.ick,

Larry KJneMMa ... chalked up ~o points to beat out Metra WMa. b<j a sin&)e point in the hot race for second place as Trivia Bowl IV came to an end this week.

TRIVIA.BOWL IV FINAL STANDINGS owe IC°""'9 Ktuto11 (11. .......... ................................. 111 l.WfY~(iO). .................. , ...... - ........... , ..

~~-~~~:.::·::.:::·::.:·::::.::~.::·::.:::::::·:~.::·:::::·::.:: .. ·;~'.,! LOiiy & CO. (t ). ......................................................... 112 HellOy Prior (t ). ................................................... 12''AI lllel ~ Hlgll Lo-. (1). .......................... ,. 124\41

k'::~i~::·.:::::::·:~:::::::::::·.::::::~::-.:::::-.::: ~=~ '!Qlle (''Al)........................................................... 1:0\t JolWI ~ o.m. Flor9' (e).. ............... 104.,. • CellOege Petdl l<ldt (4).._..... .............. ... .......... .... 101

~~::=:'.~~::::·:::::::::::·:·::::::::::::::::::::·::::~ :~~2 .. k::::;::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·44~

:i~'J:ViC::::::::·::::::-::::-::::::;:.::::::.::::::.·::::~:·::·:~ •no ent!'f ~: Mii Of !Mt ecore -cled

T.he GWC Koffee Kl•td1, which had nine correct answers, along with Moira, had already wrapped up the cha~pio~s~ip by a . whopping m&r&Jn, JOmmg tw(>:t1me winner Moira (Trivia Bowls IJ and Ill) and the Dot• of Newport, the first champ

· oftbe new series. ·

Now comes the moment most of you h~ve bt7n waiting for - the day we wipe this slate clean and begin another. Trivia Bowl V. This one runs



throu&h April and if you' ve been " thinking about" setting into the triviaction, now's tbe time to make your presence felt.

For the newcomers (and even some of the old hands). make sure your entry j:s delivered, by mail or in person, by the fo1Jowin_1 Wednesday. Don't drop it in the mallbox Tuesday night and expected it to arrive in time. It usually doesn't.

And now, without further ado, here are your first questions ofTrivia Bowl v.

1 . ..Don't feed them after mid· ni&ht" was a warning in what movie? ~. A procurer named Moochie

often helped what TV detective? 3. " In bri&htest day, in black]

night, no evif shall escape my sight' vowed what comic book superhero?

4. Name the onetime prcsidcnti candidate_ who' s the father of a current U.S. senator.

S. Whom did Ringo Starr replace on the drums before the Beatles gained fame?

6. Paul Newman originated a role on Broadway that Humphrey Boprt later played on the ,screen in what

' staae drama?

1. What ~or leaaue bateball pitcher is known as Senor Smoke?

8. Name the James Bond movie that contained the memorable line, .. We' ll head him off at the precipice."

9. What p(Oduct was billed u " the first to conquer livina spacer'

IO. Two Paul Newman movies have been retitled after their oriajnal release. Name both the oriainal tilJes •nd the new ones.

La•t Week'• Aa1wen I. Gregory Pee.le and Jennifer Jones

("Duel in the Sun") 2. The Many Loves of Dobie G illis .

(Rodin's Thinker) 3. Students Wildly lndtanant

About Nearly Everything (SWINE acronym )

4. BarryG oldwater ("in your heart, '; etc." )

S. Winton Marsallus (classfoaJ and jazz O rarnmys)

6 . .. A Midsummer Night's Dream" ("what fools these mortals be")

7. Horse racing (Eclipse award) 8. Geese ("Crowded Sky" passcn·

gcrs) 9. " Stop smoking cigars" (Bums'

advice to Berle) 10. Blondie ~pencil sharpener line)

Send youranswers to TRIVIA, c/o the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. All entries must be ~ived by Wednesday, ot.berwisc half the player's last score will be awarded.

•tMA MMllllltu~ 529>5339

•C011aM£SA ~Town tfntt< 751-41114

·~ tdwanl5 El-Toro Hudson fest s@eks AIDS fHnds 581·9'00

•AJilAJl\WIUCA ""WEfKiM I& ~ Clw1ilt c.nts Paaftt's HI.Way J!I 64 t ·0770 DIM-In 891.JeSJ

•aw f>Kd\c s l.a~ 99'·2AOO

[ • ,,_scf c .. ]

U>s ANG ELES (AP) ~ Indepen· dent television station KTIV plans a 12-hour film tribute to Rock Hudson in an effort to raise research money to combat the deadly disease l\IDS.

. -•!•~!!!'. ...... . c..- .. ... l_ ,-......... , The special, titled "A Tribute to

Rock Hudson," is scheduled Jan. 12 beginning at 10 a.m., said Ray G reen,


NOWPIAYING - • ,.., •• AU.Cf .... ..u - ·---·~---::;;;-._°' l-'-V*Y l~ .....,..,,. a.. CD~~,,.

9J9 1500 l - Hellj;ojl IUBMrMlf

I=~ IMlf( IW.e611 -· E~~ OIWM """'""' °"'" "' ..... C:OI TA•llA

~-" c.rv c..ote<U< ~ 121"'4010

...... lru PI.,, looatosan."" LMIA\ lfJIClf ~ OflMM S2tm9 ~, ... E- SowtlC- -Crltmt- -°"'" "' • MllA ,.,. I.IA-. ~ 499• "' "" • t llm &Jt-1710

"IPECT ACUlAR ... " L-.t ....... DfTUIT~ ToettoHT

11Loul1 GoeMtt'• portr•Y•I of •n •lien crNture ... can only be deecrlbed n • apecttlcular performance.

-Lii ....... HMDCATID COU TTlll IT

-!PG·13J49 CDL: :=r

R£L f A.Sf DIV l'M"TI['" CfNTUIW f'Oll ' ""' ()1$'-.i'O"$ • •• , ."'._..., , ... r:;,..,• !•''" • .

11&11111139-1770 MITI •II 541-2711 STMIUI DR·ll ~ EDWAllDS SOOTH COAST PUZA 1MA 9'0-4021 a fill Sll·Slll .UA ll)VIS 4 EDWAllDS SMJOUIACk ... Piii 952-4993 _, ____ 141-0770 UA fl10WIS I EDWMm CttMlO CDm£ .... Hll 121-4070 - SSl-OISS lllM ,. ..... EDWMm MIOlmlCI

U ..... 994.JOO PACflC LA •ADA 6 -'34-3'11 UA cm cono -'37-0340 f!lllCmMClllAU ITllTll ftl -0567 EDWMDS WllMI COfTO

MITI ... • EDWUDS CIOIA cono 97'-4141 - · • ,_ _... M • •m-.-r

... , Hf: Hf-.ST PICTllRL OF THI: VIAR!"

"More thMI • m°"'9 - an emocional surge Into a tnumph of bllndtng bnght:nae, It should be against the law not to see 'The Color Purple: "

- ~V. l.c TV Gorw 5hoit

""'JM Color Pu.pie' Trtumpbef It's hard not to be mowd by Spielberg's Alm and Its fonnldable cast"


•"The Color P\lrpk' I• the '1UJ"• be9t ftlml **** (4 .......... ratint):


- CHIUGC>SU< 1'1MU "-~

' a -m ... -11-----.. l.fnt _ .....


G§UIJ;\jiOJjiWij; 4 b~Ainl/.:':~J STADIUm [';] 1 S DllHln''S 1e1 CUM (N) DALMA~llllJ 1 :00 SHOWS AT 1 : Ol 3 :0S

3 :00 S: U 7 : 1S f : U $ : 30 7 : 3 0 • t : 30 Ec~n . S••ts 1111 Sllow Onty -EM111't A -

UI 1111/kttsllt Nur S1tf111"'

o..-Y'S••• DALMATIOllS 1111) AISo Tiie B•l>Y (ftG)


g-1 I WHrft N'8HTS .... ,.. - YOU.. -•LOCK

2 :00 4 :55 7 :40 '10: 20 HD.__. ""8·1a IN 70MM / HO PASSl:S SHOWS AT U :4 S f : 10

5 :20 7 :31. 1 :50 Dennis Quaid

blal'Y - re-•., Also Llf•force (9')

CEnTUAY ClnEOOmE r;J 1134 2S5l/Ch1111111n & S.n11 Ant fwy

MU .... Y"S aOMAllCS ... la) SHOWS AT 1 :00 3 : 15 1 :25 7 :40

• t :SS

CHOaUS L .... "'9· tl) U : U 2 145 5 : 1l 7 :45 • 10: 15 / IN 70MM

...S UICR US .... SHOWS AT 1 : 20 l : t"O

S: 40 7 :50 • 10:00 - NO PASSES-

9'•ctfortl • Str•~­OUT Of' APIUCA pw)

1 :15 4 : t5 7 :15 10 : 15 -In 70MM-

COUMtfUllft.a8t) SHOWS AT 1 :00

4 :00 7 :00. 10•00

M>CKY tv(a) 1 :30 3 :40 5 :50 1 :00 • 10: 10 / IN 70MM

8ary1llnllcow J Hin•• wttrftNl8H'IS .. 1a)

Plus K•r•t• Kid (PG)

YOUNS SHa .. &.OCK HOUIRS .. 1a)

To Llwe •Ole In L .A . (RI

ROCKYrYPQ Plus CO· Hft .

Aeo So nja ( PG· 131

VISll OUll .,...._ • •o• •u• ~Tflr'l[Jfl[)l , ... _1 . fAI Ul OU\, HOOltl

Mlclla•I J . Fox aACKTOTIC "'""" .,.., Aho Remlbo 11 (RI

. DA IVE-111 D)H l :H WUtytll :ll Wh .. 1/U•••• U Fttt U.teu •et ..

---l IMllNIJ4

_,_'52-4Ml IMllNIJI

mfl-*-1112 --c.Ml mt•-~ IM IGU1M COAl1




-Susan cranerr. WMCA RAoio

154-all - IJ4..tl5l ~lllBlm ,M:R ....... u-•lMl - Q4..J91l NCR LA ... • ua cm cono a.-mu na.a11 wuuw1a arm -w.i . • .. ,., ... .,. U.. lllLS IMl.l MIWI& •l·Jltl ----..we ,M:R .. ., J9 .... --IU-.L

••• ,.. .. 141-tnt

- Qll1ll CDllll

_m..,.. .... mu


JUDGE lfJNHOU> From "l#<""ly HtH1 Cop"

Honett 8 ri1fht. SeMiliYt

A real bllllnea nslt

Join the lunatics that run the world's IDOlt lmtional maltlnallonal.

• JANlllNOIJI f'.r' .:..1:,. Mt

IO ll.tft~ tMofftc.. AM •11.a•--·---,_ neyone• A_. .. ,,.. Alll•B- 'Hllll" ........ ····--··-··-·•Im· .. -.. ... ··---........... l

I~ Ui ---;i] ,.., •• •• .. ••- u , ·-- - -- ~--·-----... -\,NOW PLAYING .

bility to raise disabled oungster starts with love -

.............. , .. UT/-1Ml,t.a .... ,....,...,, ..

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WE DARE YOU TO SOLVE -. -·.,..,, -- -·· - .. ·- .... -- .. --


'•,.!tit "'' }~'t I

"'° '•-'"' • CCf'1I O•oa f'4'tS l..OAOIWft11

IA lllMOA P1C,;fl(UiW.aQ:i

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SAllTA fl SP'lllllGS \ J M.;404 °' w, I'

_,_'52..Qtl •mm• ~ ..U - Ul-3501

· u..si-.191

mia ma 751-4114 OMMDTOlllCD1EI

a tm sa1.sm u - m.Hn ~,_ma l'M:lflC ~' . .. , ......... _.,, ... mw.s •r•r• • - mu ...... 11 - U..a11 ow.s 111M1SITT ua cm CD1EI

U _. (2U) ltl·OUJ Mi I& aJ..0546 ·- fAHll SQUMl ua llSJ-ID IMU

~-·' -Be.~

Meryl Strttp .... .-..--a..­e..c....-.~., -TM. ... c...io.dr .... ,..... ... a.._

. Ot1r ~~t'BICA Im.Cit 1 m:..W.c;;..,.._,,_ I IJ»;;ffJ!!!!• A t.~'!~J'.~'! ~~~~~~-NOWPIADNG~~~~~~-

llMA * E.l TC>fl() *LA MIMDA •OflAHOE •WESTMINSTER UA McMts EdwSOI El TOIO Plc:lllC'I ~ Clnedamt &34-~ £0WWOl V1Haoe Cemet ggo..4011 s.1-9600.. ~1ai1 - · ·-- 11111-0661 8UOIA ,.Allll *HUMTIMTON HACH*~ Yl&.IO ~ UAMo¥its Eciw•~ T...., E-da'l'lls0 111111 l'lc:lflc'• Chno• "°P""'ucc1Pr10 952 .. 993 ~ ~ ~lflal4·93&1 'O"°"' CNOAGfWt:Nf

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HINES Two men ...

•• u••

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DANISH TEAK OROAK .. BOOKCASES These great IQjltcing book· cases are ~beatable value. cra{Xett.of fine veneer. trrev measure 76 ..

... >< 12'il1"x 35". Back panels f lnlshe(2 of matching PVC. $169 Vahle each



CABINET EACH with glass <'oors.

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DANISH TEAK _ DINING TABLE 1ANO-­CHAIRS Each piece hanacrafted of the verv f inest teak veneer Features solid teak edges hanacratted for vears of eniovment set value $475


Monitor Shehlttl S16 cnot 1nc1uoed In -comptetf' coso ...

. .

, .

Raiden' 1ame blacked out

LOS ANGELES ~AP) - The New E.nd Patnou.-Los An·

let Raiden National Football ue playoff' pme was far sho n int a sellout by Friday's

deadline and will not be locally televised.

Raiden' Executive Assistant Al LoCuale said early Friday after­noon tbat 73,200 tickets bad been IOld for Sunday's pme at the Los Anaeles Coliseum, some 20,000 abort of l sellout.

·The local television blackout deadline for tbe pme had been extended from Thursday at l p.m . until Friday at 1 p.m . because of the New Year' s Day Holiday.

The normal NFL rule ts for pmes to be blacked out locally if they·~ not sold out 72 hours befo~ kickoff ti me.

. . -



Hefner NJ• Pl•YboJ M•n•lon cu,.. ceu1ed low• to loee. a. Dolphln1, Brown~ geme fe•turee bMtle of qwtei'b•alce. a.

Ra,nsf Co~boys saddle up again They renew NFL playoff rtv ry or nint time

The Rams and Dallas Cowboys play it apin today wbeo they ~new the National footbaJI Lea,gue's most oft-repeated postseasoo rivalry.

The mectina at Anaheim Stadium will be the ninth playoff contest between the Cowboys and Rams datin1 beck to the 1970 Playoff Bowl. the NFL's now~efuoct cbampionshipconsola­tioo pme.

The postseason series is tied 4-4 headina into this year's playoff opener for both teams. and they appear well-matched this time .

The Cowboys, champions of the NationaJ Conference East, have a l 0.6 record, and the Rams champions of the NFC West, arc 11-5. •

&tb teams bad similar 1985 campaigns,

cbaracitrized by tine performances some weeks and dismal ou~ others.

Each club features a solid defenae and an ouutandina runnina .back - the Cowboys' Tony Dorsett ~nd the Rams' Eric Dickerson.

Dorsett pined 1,307 yards on 30S carries this season and cauaht 46 passes for 449 yards.

Dickerson, w6o set the lcaaue single­aeason rushina mark in 1984 with 2, I 05 yards. pined 1,234 yards on 292 carries thts season. He wu a contract holdout the first two games, then wu slowed by several minor ailments durina the season.

Dickerson said tbe Rams need to play error-free football to.beat the Cowboys.

"The key is no turnovers and n·ot making mistakes.'' he said. " Mistakes have been hunina us quite a bit - a lot of little things, missed assianmeots and so on.

" I f the pmo is close in the founh quarter. we feel we'll win."

Dallas Coach Tom Landry satd of

Dorsctt 's role: " He needs a aood pme. somethina in the 70. to 80-yard ranic. lfhe sea over 100 yards it would really be a good day for us... .

Rams Coach John Robinson said: " We must stop their btg play. the screen to Dorsett or the Iona pass to Tony Hill."

The Cowboys wo11ld seem to have the edae at quarterback. where they have playoff­seasoned Danny White.

The Rams, who fil\ll'C to sttck with their cooscrvauve, run-oriented offense, nave an NFL rookie tn Dieter Brock. a 34-year-old veteran of the Canadian Football League

. White, who missed the final regular-season game because of a bruised left shoulder. as expected to be I 00 percent healthy for the game. He completed 267 of 450 throws for 3.157 yards this season. with 21 touchdowns and 17 interceptions.

Brock connected on 218 o f 365 passes fo r 2.6S8 yards, wtth 16 touchdowns and I 3

10 tercc ptions. Brock, who seems anx.ious to throw the ball

more, said of the pme: " We' ve 1ot to ~ in there with the idc-a of w10nln1 and not 11ttin1 back and hoping the other te.im loses.

" Dallas lw been toactber a while; they come up with lhe btg plays. We just have to be ready to take advantage of some of the tlilnas they do on defense ...

(( the pme 1s close, the Ramf special teams could make the difference. The Rams have the NFL' s tO{> kJckoff returner, Ron Bro wn, and the leading punt returner, Henry Ellard. •

The Rams at so have a~outstanrung punttt an Dale Hatcher, who averaged 43 yards per lock this season a nd was deadly in pinnin&.the opposition deep in il'1.territory.

The game will be the Cowboys' first playoff visit to Southern California since the Rams shafted from the Los Aoicles Coliseum to Anaheim Staruum.

Sailors .. take opener iJJ. last three seconds A-lstrom' s clutch shot gives Newport win over Warriors By RICHARD DUNN ~ .... Ce1111,1n•IFI

Newpon Harbor High had a big lead and Adam Keefe under control. but it took a hero ic shot with three seconds left in the game to decide the Sailors' victory over Woodbndge in the Sea View league basketball opener for both schools.

The Sailors enjoyed a comfonable JO-point advantage midway through the fourth quarter at 55-45. Then with 3: 11 remaintng,-Kcefe, the Warriors' 6-7 sophomore who's averqjng over 20 points a game, fouled o ut to give

-=..-Woodbridge a near impossible task. With their standout center on the

bench, the Warriors mounted a last­minute rally, but it fclJ short when Jo n Alstrom hit a jumper from the top of key with time running out to pull out a 59-57 win Friday night before a ~ck~ house at Newport tt__arbor

~e were glad to sec him go," Newport Harbor Coach Tim Parse! said of Keefe's early departure. " We J(&Dtcd rum o ut of there. • " But those o ther guys reall y came back." '---'" •

Keefe had been pretty much shut down in the first baJf by Mark Craig. who held him to six points, but the teams entered the locker room at the intermission tied at 26.

took a 37-29 lead before Ncwpon Harbor (7-4) finally found the right source to solve tbc Warriors -Maurice Lee.

Lcescored lOstraightpointsand 14 overall in the third quarter to '1ve the Sailors a 44-41 margin entcnng the final period.

He scored aJI but four of the Sailors· third-quarter {>Olftts.

" Their timtng was a little tight, too," said Panel. "That's why we stayed with the press."

The half-<:oun press was successful. but Lee. who finished with 28 points, put on an act nobody could match -not even Keefe. who could do nothing but cheer the rest of the game when h is team was down, 55-49.

Keefe quietly scored 20 points -I I com ing in the third quarter - but hurt himself at the free throw line in the first half. dropping Just one of six attempts.

.. I knew we were goinf to stan off the season slowly," Parse said, whose team has won six of its last seven. " But l rudn't think we'd ptck it up this fast.

" We'd been pointing to this game for a lon_J time. We were pointing to Woodbridge.''

Lee made eight field goals in the second half without a miss and 'Vas 4-for-4 from the line. He carried the offense in the second half. but handed the spotltght over to Alstrom when the game was on the line.

However, Keefe erupted at the start of tl}e third quan~r and Woodbridge

Woodbridge mounted its come­back with a variety of players, but it was Mike Murphy, wt,o'd missed on four previous shot attempts, who scored with 20 seconds left in the game to tic it at 57.

o.ltr .... ,.._ "' Lee

Woodbridge'• Adam Keefe fiChta Mark Craig for a rebound (left) and trtea to •hoot o-.er a Sailor ln leafue opener.

CdM, Estancia -~breeze in openers University gains three-point verdict over Saddle back

Two romps and a tight battle were featured o n the openina night of Sea View league boys basketball Friday niaht.

"kegistering lopsided wins were Corona del Mar a nd Estancia, while University nudged Saddleback.

In a noo-leque con,fro ntatio n, Edison edged Long Bcacfl Poly in a ICCUW battle.

Herc's how it happened:

Coreu IHI Mar a., Lapu lkacla 41: Jeff Fryer pumped in 32 points as the Sea Kinp breezed to the win apinst the visitina Anists.

CdM pulled away to a 31-17 llalfti me ~dvantage and- was never thratcncd in the second half in irl)provio1 to 11 -2 overall.

Sean Turner had eight rebounds and Tim Christiansen- pulled down teven 'and CdM also t.ias credited with 12 steals, five by Doua Gr~n.

For the Artists, Coby Naess WIS the top scorer with 19 paints and Bill Elfstcn added 12.

UmnnltJ II, ~d .. : The ROldrunnm p ve the Trojans a run after overcom1na a 2 t ..-f 2 fint~uarter

deficit. but Lasse Glassen 's seven points in the final period helped U niversity to the win at SaddJeback.

After its dismal performance in the initial period, Saddleback switched to a full-coun man pressure defense and held the Trojans to only seven points while scori ng 23 for a 35-28 halftime edge.

University could close the gap by only two points 1n the. third. 50-45, , before G lassen got hot. He managed 23 on the night while teammate Steve Stolzoff added 17.

Bryant Walton put UP. a Saddle­back-high 17 points while Joe Deal added 15.

E1tucla 77, C"ta Meu U : The Ea&)es held the Mustangs' Mitch Perichowski to 13 points and had four players in double figures to take the decision at Costa Mesa High.

Ron Brazell contribulcd 19 poin~s and seven rebounds and Fem1e Trejo and Craig Covey threw in .a dozen 'points each to. pace Estancia (84). .. -

Pelichowski led the ~np· scoring, but WIS off his average of ~t 26 poin ts per game. The sting)

e zone defense held him to only five tint-half points.

In non-teaaue action: Mt.o. ... ~ Badl Pely H :

David Margulies hit a pair of pressure free .throws to give the Characn the


Jeff Fryer

win in tbe seesaw battle at Edtson. Margulies stepped to the line with

seven seconds rcmatning and the Chargers down, 38-37. He convened the front e nd ofthr one-and-one. then put Edison ahead with the second.

The Charaers then stole the ball and Richard Smith was fouled at thr.., buzzer. He made one of two free throws for the final margin.

Ken Ammann was tht sconng leader for Edison Wlth 20 pomts and shared the team 's top reboundmg honors with Oms Cole as each

· hauled down n ine.

Edison improved to 10-3 overall and will meet a nother Moore League foe in Long Beach Wilson on Wednesday.

UqI cliallenges Utah State tonigllt I

Off to a rou1in1 start in the PCAA followina a Ntiltyina 72-67 win over San J0te t.ate Thunday, the UC Irvine buketbell team cballeqes Utah State ton~t It 7:30 in Crawford Hall.

The AP:a alto played extremely well in their opener. cxttndina host Nevada-Las Yeps into double

Heu and Scott Brooks at the auard spoi.,but each were 1n early foul tro"ble which hmated Lhear enecttvencu.

But. Johnny R0trrs' 17 ~ond-half points helped ~up Che slack for U\I Tod Murphy was held to 14 points ap11nst the pen.ans. nine below hts K&SC>nal averqc.

It could only happen ... . .. tri Pine -Bluff where K!!1g Cotton reigns top tourney

PINE BLUFF.Ark. :__ It could. and docs. o n ly happen an a commun 1-tysuch as Pine Bluff. The comb1na­t1onofmiddleclassAmencans (56.636). few distractions and ma"' volunteers allows a prep baske-tball tournament such as the King C crnvn ('lassie to endure. .

Th as place is so loaded with volunteer help that the city. after wtnning the Governor's Cup thrt'r straight years, was requested not to compete for the 1985 volunteer cm award.

More than 1.000 volunteers are involved in the third King Cotto n Classic. TheyspeotS28.000fortra\C'I alone to get the seven out-of-area entnes here. and the Im of con· tributors virtuallyencompassc the entire community.

A 7,500-1e1t con ven t1on ccntcr. somethina like the Anaheim C'onHn­uon Center, is the centerpiece, and w1th noprosportsteam. Disneyland o r a beach nearby. ifs prttty safe to claim the Kina Cotton Classic ts the only game in town.

Yet 1f1t were nO\ for the corporatr sponsorships-of whact\ there art' m an)' - chances for survwal would btdtm.

The first of the thrtt-day event drcwa combinedaud1enocof3.SOO for the two two-game seujoos. fcatur· in1 som4ofthe best prep basketball talent in the nation.

That the host Zebras upset Octa n View to pin a benll In the semifinals was a boost for attendancc in Fnda' · 1em1finals. but the event ts far from a Id lout.

Of course. it doc n ' t ha vt to '<II out, bec:ause they've al~dy hurdlrd the bf'e.ak-(veo point b«au~ of sponsorships.

Roe ER CllLSOll


it's a tirl'Cte o n the ba<.l.etba ll mun 8<1J<. t' ol tcatunng \ Oml· o t thc tx'<.t

tdlcnt in thr nation wen· n·ah t l'd Thursd<11night1n 1hr lir\\ rou nd \'1th ti- 1 U J R Rl·1d of k.rm P' \ 1 lie H 1gh l \ "1rg1n1a Reach \'a.) pu111ng on a d1 .. pla' that had "1 BA" ntten all o'er II

h11" mg J'IO"-N out 0 1 a .!JS-pound Ira me tines!><. l oa!>Ho~oast dnbbl­tng .ind I"- l'illng la, -up-. through tr:iffir crnd fh ·W1lnf'rdefcnswe t:R'-11r<> Reid 1srac.11\ the hc\t pro Pl't' l since Pat f"-ing. a nd ma-.. be hc."HHn bettt'r

Yet k.l'rTIP"' Ilk v. a'I rckgatcd to lOnSllla11un pla\ in tht' ~ond round

l fnuthin~rl'I<' tor On·an V1C'v.

* • *

"ha ch waio dealt ab 1-5 7 loss 1n th <." o pener. the Scahawks had compan~ 1n 1hrconsolat1on round.

.\s 'rOU might C\pcCt, media CO \ . erage ·as cons1dcrablt'. C'Sfl('C1ally fro m ne-arh' Little Rock in pnnt and clt'Ctron1c focm The <.urpnse 1s the loca l co" eragc. v.h1ch at best is bland and underpla)ed

"-'oonc seemc, to care. howe·\C:r. as 11 all ~m., an the background wtth thCe\C'nt c-e.ntrr;tagr

E \en tea\rr lta<l'l"tt<>" n dn 'er and hu <. Therr arr thrl'I.' t1r four " hono r­ar. loachrc." " ho \ta' " 1th the team' and <>o hC'lp mr. v. 11r~ .ind tret about 1ht1r particular \cam·, " ins and lOS<>C'\

" Damn 1fwr could 1uo;t have a' 01ded tho\C t"- O tu m o' ers." said o ne llf lh<' honoran coaches for Ocean \ I<'" mnml·nt<. afterthe Scaha" ks v.crC' urx-nded h' Pane Blufl Colo~ tn' cxatwn and a full ­

blown r ho1r for th <." national anthem precede each two-game session and ~a ting 1s ~uch that couns1de scats arc 1ndt'rd coun<11dr

(Pleaee eee C ARL801' /B3)

* • * OV gets King Cotton :win with new lineup, attitude By ROGER CARLS() OI "- OeltY ~ .....

Pl ' E BU 'FF . .\rk - It's lx'l'n dt'scnbt'd as a tram searching for 1t!i trut' 1dent1t) whale "strugghna" to a Q-~ rt'C'Ord

Fnda-.. ma.ht the ahawks of ()cc.an View lhib hool C'lmc mto forus 3s East i\~ns1on Htgh of (1o nLalC'<s. La . fell '1c11m 10 a new lineup. a ne" outlook and a new \trcngth "llh 6- M1kt' \'ogtmann 1nsened into the tan.ins lineup

Blatnt' ~Brouwt'r to Ton-.. Pan11a, a swttp of tht' hoard<> b~ R·1cky Butler and ~71 Hazel) and two clutch I 0-foot sho ts from Vogtmann.

"This 1s the team we've wanted to bt'." said Ocean Vic"' t oach Jim Hams. " Vog1mann. as b'a as he 1s. can <ihoot But n's been one\htn• after another (Shan, an\cle and tend1n1tis)."

It wasn' t a V()ltmann show by any means. but the combtnauon of Butter and Huely an11de with the 6-81to1or, and Pan11ca and DcBrouwcr ope-rat- • ang 1n the backcoun.. set off a chain ract~n that brouJht lhe suard­oncnted pana.ns to their knees.

t i I;

-1 f • " ,. .. . .. . .. . . • • .

. • ..

. .

~venlme before bowina on T~urtday t<J0~94. The An1aten evened tbetr overah ~rd at S-S with

the win over San JQJC State which wu achieved without tbe terVicet of junior pant Joe Buchanan, who suffered a bruited thiah in a collision with a rammitt dunna prKtice. Buchanan i1 lilled 11 do.btftll for tonisht 's 11me. to Troy Carmon isexpected to .. 1"enfY"o( rime at

Utah State (4-6) l'CC'ttved a strol!& effort from leadini ICOttr Orq Grant apinst UNLV. Grant, a 6-7 forwara. almo,tt 1,inale--ha.ndedJy kept the Aa&>n 1n contention. pounna 1n )6 potnt

Corporate spOnsorshtps ~urf act'ti with the 198• Olympic Games and Pine 81utl'. with basketball Junkie Tn1vis<'rftd(anarea bu,ant~'"'"" '· fou~ it can work hcrt. too

a rtSult the Seahav.ks ,wtpt 10 a 70.S9 victory to ~t up tonaf,ht'i liflh· place $hOwdown •ith Kcmpw11lc High ofVu11n1a ~ h, Va .. and their 6-10 All·Amencan J .R. Read here at the KJna Cotton 01S1Jc. one of the. top prep inv11a11onals 1n the nation.

Ocean Vie-N's zone defied pen· ctrauon and E.ut AKension wa forced to orxrate from Iona f'lnlC. •

For a whlle tt worked. u All· ~mene&n sharpshooter Fess trvin & Co. droPOtd 1n Kvtn of their fir&l ti&ht tn l&e •teeond qQAl'\Ct (au ftom t~ J"tuntt~ to lake a 2.l-18 lead with 3:46 kf\ 1n the half I.be ward .,..

"'pin1t Sen J01e5'ate. the Antaeen enJCW>)'Cd Mike

Ot"ha U\lh tatt probable staners include forward Din Bell, cmtn' Danny onway and auardt Kevin Nixon 1nd Jetr Andtnon.

U\lb State bu now lost fi ve of its last "" pmn foUowiae '" l4Nlh lots. 10 the Rebtl1 Thundl .

Coca..ColaofSouth tkansa for tnstance. 11 _prettnllnJ'tKh ~hool with a SI ,OOOput, the athletct art tbbed at the H ohdaylnn W'llh all of

the nonna.I UM1UUU provided A od 1f tbttt 1sanj'tb1na wanttna. maybe

lt wt a VI 'Ory ke)'C'd by • thtr'd· quarter pun 1n wtuc h Oceu V1ew pt.ytd nearly na*le ba kctball

Thf'" hawb C''\tmdtd I 29 2 le.ad to 46-)7 •1th no tumoven, two bhncbna tro!IM un from ( ...... _ OC8A.R ...,,,..,

Playboy Mansion cUrse blamed for Hawkeye&' defeat From AP tU.,.tdet .

LOS ANGELES - Hugh Hefner EE blamed a Playboy Mansion curse for the • t lQwa Hawk.eyes' '45-28 Rose Bowl loss to -UCLA, but the Iowans had a less super-stitious explanation. .. . .

"UCLA just played aood. said defensave end Georse Millett, ''and we didn' t."

Coach Hayden Fry. convinced lb.at too much revelry cost the University of Iowa a 28-0 loss to

Washington in the the 1982 Rose Bowl. confined the Hawkeyes to their hotel before th.e New Year's Day game this time.

But on Thursday, it was off to ""'Hefner's lavijh 51,h.,acre Holmby

Hills estate, where the players were greeted by . the mansion' s talking rocJc - ' speaker con­cealed inside a boulder .. the entrance.

" h 's kind oflikeatJack in the BefD'el' Box." said Hawkeye equjpmcnt manager Mark Bibel ... talking to the clown."

Two years ago the University of ntinois football team came to the mansion and prometly los~ the R~ Bowl to UCLA. Last year the St Louts Card!nals paid Hefner a visit. then lost basebaU's World Scnes.

"There may be a mansion curse here," said HefnCf', wcarinJ purple pajamas and a silver robe, • Miss March's high heels san~ into the newly watered lawn as she led the Hawkcycs past Hefner's saulfa and tanning cabana.

They viewed his re~idcntia.:1 zoo and ~en gath~ insjde the mansion to nibble dainty sandwiches and s1p soft drinks with the bunnies.

However, running back G rant Goodman spent his time studying the zoo's ostriches.

:'I've seen girls before." he said. "To tell you the truth, some of them wear t_oo much makeup."

Quote of the day Todd Boward, Texas A&M linebacker, on

the 73-yard touchdown· play by. Auburn's Bo Jackson With a screen pass in the Cotton Bowl: " I uw him shift four gears. It was like be was a Porsche or a Ferrari and the rest of us were driving Toyota Celicas."

Knick• fire GM DeBuuchere NEW YORK - Dave DeBusschere, a m

key member of two New York cham-pionship teams during the 1970s who saw the Knicks sink into the doldrums in the 1980s, was fired Friday as gcnc11l manager of the team and replaced by Scotty Stirling.

Jack Krumpe, president of Madison Square Garden Corp., said he made the decision to replace DeBusschcrc three weeks ago and that his No. I choice for the job · was Stirl ing, who quit his job as . vice president in charge of operations for the National Basketball Association. - ~

" I decided that wc'tlccded fresh lcadctship at the operating level," Krumpe said ... The decision was made with a look to the future . Dave did yeoman work i n his three years as genera! manager and I'm not looking to blame him. But a cbange was needed to bring freshness to the organization."

The Knicks. who toolc the eventual-champion Boston Celtics to seven games in the Eastern Conference playoffs 1h 1984. fell to 24-58 and missed the playoffs last season, and arc I I -22 in 1985-86. A record number of games missed because ofinjuries and illness, primarily to scoring champion Bernard King and center Bill Canwright.· ha ve contributed to the downfall.

College baseball coaches meet NEW ORLEANS - College ~II Ill

coaches from· across America opened a three-day convention on Friday to con: sider such things as shon er sc.hedules, a return to wooden bats. expanding the field fot' NCAA playoffs and shielding players from the professional draft for four full years of eligibility.

If the Arnencan Baseball Coaches Association decides that changes arc needed. the resolutions will be presented for approval by the NCAA. whi~h opens its convention here on Monday.

No. 7 Sooner• romp, 100-68 NORMAN, OkJa. - Daryl Kennedy m

scored 27 points and had seven rebounds to pace the seventh-ranked Oklahoma Sooners to a I 00-68 victory over Austin Peay in the Sooner In vitational BasketbaJI T ournament Friday.

The Sooners never trailed. grabbing an early lead and building a 51-31 margin at the half.

The victory for the 12-0 Sooners was their founh time to reach the qntury mark this season an'1 was the squad's 38th straight win a.t home.

Boeton .-pe bome mark to 1•-1

J...._ 2• I.lid &e¥111 Mdlale 23 Friday LuTJ ..... ICOred 29 points, Dlult m

niab-t as Boltoo rolled to its founh comecutivt victory la a 129.117 Natiooal BalketbeU Auociation shootout with New Jcney. Vet.ctan auard JerrJ .. ...._ f;e;. a rare stan as a replac.:ement for injured Dully , 1COf'C4 a eeason blah 17 pointJ in heJping the Celtics improve their home 1-e<iord to 14-1 ... ln other NBA actJ.:!J 0-H ... Wtat. scored a pme-hiab 32 points to • Atwna to a l l 1-101 victory over alumpina Detroit. It was Detroit's sixth straiaht loss and I 0th in tbc Pistons• last 11 pmes . .. Terry Cam~ frustrated by a 4-for-2S shootina pcrfonnancc in his ~t Capita.I Cent re a.~c:e. scored a• teason-hi&h 3 1 points as Milwaukee defeated Wasbiqton, f07-100 ... Seattle center Jack Slkma scored a season-high 32 points and grabbed I '4 rebounds as the SuperSonics came beck from a first-half deficit and posted a 117-107 victory over Denver. The victory snapped a two-game losing streak for Seattle .. . Orie Druler scored 18 points, had 10 rebounds and 10 assists, leading Portland to a 133-104 victory over Phoenix. KW Vudewepe added 30 points for Portland, and teammate MycUJ nom,... had 27.

Pooley takes Spalding lead Dea Pooley, who bad the lowest !I

scorina average on the PGA tour last year. surprised himself Friday with an 8-under­pa.r 64 on the Pebble Beach course and took the lead after two rounds of the Spalding Invitational tournament Tim Nerrt1 also carded a 64, ·two strokes over the course m:ord at Pebble, and was in second place at the halfway point of the non-tour golf event. Pooley's 36-hole total was 132 and Norris was at 133. Du Jfenmaa, U.S. Open champion A.My Nortll and former Masters cham p Georse AreM!r were among other players within range of the lead ... In other golf action, Davia Love ID. making bis first Stan as a touring pro, onc--puned the fipal two holes to salvage a 68 and a share of the second-round lead in the Bahamas C\assic a t Paradise Island. Love, 21 , reached the tournament's halfway point with a 133 total, 11 shots under par for two trips over the Pandist Island Golf Oub course.

Capa, Canacllena win ln NHL Beast Guta11 .. and Dan ~rlltlu ~

scored goals two minutes apan early in the , .first period to lead Washington's Capitals to a 3-2 National Hockey League victory over New Jersey Friday night. It was the sixth consecutive loss for the Devils and their ninth in the last 10 pmes ... In the only other NHL game Friday, Lecta Deblol1 scored two goals as Montreal banded Winnipeg its fifth straight loss by dcfcatinJ the Jets, 7-3. It was a close battle for the ftrst two penods., with the score tied 3-3 at the end of \tle~ond period. But the Canaruens puUed away by scoring four straight goals in the third period.

Television, racllo TELEVISION

9:30a..m. -L PRO FOOTBALL: Cltveland at Miami in AFC second round playoff game. Channel 4.

9:30 a..m. - MOTOR SPORTS: National Tractor Pumng Championships from Bowling Green, Ohio {tape), Channel 9.

11 a.m. - WRF.SrLING: Channel 9. Noon - WRFSrLING: Channel 56. I p.m. - PRO FOOTBALL: Qallas at Rams

in NFC second round playoff pme, Channel 2. l p.m. - COLLEGE BAS&ETBALL: Long

Beach State at Cal State Fullerton, Channel 56. l p.m . - PRO FOOTBALL: NFL Films

presents, Channel 7. 1:30 p.m. - GRE ATEST SPORTS

LEGENDS: Channel 7. 2 p.m. - WAR OF THE STARS: Channel 7. 2:30 p.m. - MOTOR SPORTS: Bjg B~d

Shootout- Eight of the best funny cardnvers 1n the U.S. compete in an elimination-style com­petitiO"n for $25,000 in cash, from Indianapolis. Channel 7.

4 p.m. - COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Or­egon State at UCLA (del~bd), Channel 2.

4 p.m. - SOCCEa : World Cup qualifying match. Channel 34.

5 p.m. - PRO FOOTBALL: Raiders' Playbook, Channel 4.

8 p.m. - COLLEGE BASKETBALL: San Jose State at Nevada-Las Vegas, Channel 9.

10 p.m. - BOXING: Joey O livo vs. Myung Woo Yah. Channel 34.

RADIO 9:30 a.m. - P RO FOOTBALL: Cleveland at

Miami. KM PC (710). I p.m. - PRO F~ALL: Dallas at Rams.

KMPC (710). l p.m. - COLLEGE BASK.ETBALL: Long

Beach State at Cal State Fullerton, K WOW (1600), KWRW ( 1370).

4 p.m. - COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Or­egon State at UCLA (delayed), KMPC (7 10).

S p.m. - PRO HOCKEY: Kinas at Toronto. Kl.AC (570).

6 p.m. - PRO BASKETBALL: Clippers at Indiana, KMPC (7 I 0) (folloi,ving UCLA basket­ball game).

7:30 p.m. - COLLEGE BASKETBALL: U tah State at UC Irvine, KPZ.E ( 1190).

Golden West opens conference tonignt The pre-season schedule now com­

pleted. community college basketball te-ams brace for the opening of tlie South Coast Conference race which beg.ms for most teams tonight.

Antonio. • Martin and Westminster's Enc

Golden West Will take a + 7 pre­conferente mark to Rancho Santiago to meet the Dons a t 7:30. However. Orange Coast w1JI have two extra days to prepare as the Pirates go to Cypress to begin their conference season Monday mgh t.

The rest of tonight's SCC slate finds Saddleback at Compton. Cypress at Cerritos: and Fullenon at Mt. San

Defending co-champion Cem tos Schurman and Tim Davis are the opens as the favorite. while Orange keys for.Rancho Santiago. . . Coast is considered a contender Coast s first week of oompettt1on following a 7~ pre-season mark. includes Cypress Monday, Fullenon Golden West is not expected to be a Wednesday and a road date at facior in the conference race. despite SaddJcback Saturday, Jan. 11. the play of standout Bryon Strachan "All t~ opponents are very in the early going. · strong." said OCC Coach Tandy

Rancho Santiago. 11-18 last season Gillis. "Realistically, we need to go and 3- J 3 in the conference. figures to 2-1 in order to keep o urselves from have a stronger sec sbowing as fallina into a hole right off the bat. .. Dons' Coach Dana Pagett is counting OCCs all-time record apinst on a aood crop offreshman. Fountain Cypress is 5- 10 and the Pirates have Valley's Simon Thomas and Brent never won on the Cbargcn' floor.

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. .,......,. Utah'• Karl Malone la foaled on bJa way to the buket by­lllchael Cooper of the Lallen at the Foram Friday DICht.


Lake rs ---

rallf for win =


INGLEWOOD (AP) - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar sooted 2S .POinta and James Worthy added ~ Friday niaht to rally the Los Aqeles Lakers to a ll0-101 victory over the Utah J~ in a National BasketbaU Association pme. • .

The Jazz scored 17 strai&ht pouua in a 3'h-m inute span and led 7().S6 with 7: IS left in the third quarter. Durina that run, Laker auard Earvi1t "Maaic" Johnson was ejected after beina hit with two technical fouls.

Tbe Laken, down 84-77 after three quarters, were still behind 9()..83 with 9:37 remainina.

Los An~les then ran off 14 •tmabt points, with Worthy -scorina acven during the stretch, to take a 91-90 lead with 4:04 remain1~

After Utah's Ric Green scored a basket, the Laken . en added eiabt consecutjvc points to open I 0~92 advantqc with 2:27 left and the Jut could not m:ovcr ,ftcr that.

Adrian DantJey scored 25 points tj lead Utah. Rookie Kati Malone cam;c off the bench to add 18 for tbc Jazz.. :.

Byron Scott added 23 points for~ Lakers, who led 27-22 after the fire quaner and SJ-48 at halftime.

Laker reserve forward Mitch Kupch.a.k wd also ejected from the same afttr being called for a flagrant foul with six seconds left io the third quarter after decking Malone on a lay­up.

Worthy said that the Lakers had confidence in reserve Michael Cooper. who replaced Johnson after his ejection.

"Michael Cooper came in after Magic left," Worthy said. " He has the confidence of all our players and gea the job done. He is probably the befl defensive player on the West Coast ..

Free leads Ca vs past Clippers 7 Cle~eland players reach double figures in 130-11 1 triumph

RICHFIELD. O hio (AP) - World B. Free scored 22 points and Mel Turpin added 20 as seven Cleveland Cavaliers scored in double fi$Ures Fnday night in a 130-1 11 Nat1onaJ BaskctbalT Association victory over the U>s Angeles Ojppers,

Free scored 10 points and added three spectacular assists in a 5: 13 span of the third quarter during which the Cavaljcrs broke from a 6 1 ~I tic to an 84-68 lead with 3: 17 remaining fo the quaner. lncludr;a in the 23-7 Cleveland su~c was one stre.ak of 13 strai_ght Cavalier points.

Cleveland. 15-18, had led only 57-55 at halftime, but behind Free's IO-point quarter and eight points each from T urpin and Dirk Min­niefield extended the lead to 94-79 entering the final quaner.

The Oippcrs closed to within I 08-96 on a pair of fo ul shots by Norm Nixon. who scored 28 points, with 5:56 to t>lay. But Cleveland clinched the victory by outscoring Los Angeles I 1-2 over the next two minutes. with Roy Hinson getting five of the points. i

Turpin and his counte rpart at center, the Cliepers' Kurt-Nimpbius. were ejectedJOr fighting with 6:05 remaining in the same.

Hinson scored 16 points for Cleveland, and John Bagley added 14. Marques Johnson scored 18 for the Oippcrs.

Cleveland shot 60 percent from the floor for the gamc1 including 67 percent in the second half.

Johnson said the key to th~ Cavaliers' third~uaner t'utburst was "our inability to make shots.'' _

"Cleveland amplified its pressure defense and caused missed shots and turnovers. Then they .rebounded and got their fast break going," Johnson said.

Ocveland manhandled Los An­geles 61-38 on the boards.

Free connect~ on 10 of bis last 14 field goal attempts after missing ori five of his first six shots. The sharp­shooting fuard aJso dealt eight ol Oeveland s 40 assists despite being hobbled by. a punea right hamstring..

" He played great basketball," Johnson S&Jd of Free, the Eastern Conference's top sco,ring guard .

rief ector Football frenzy ·signs with no problem in LA ·Toronto

TORONTO (AP) - The Toronto Maple Leafs unveiled newly-acquired left winger Miroslav lhnacak on Friday after rewarding ~im ~or defect­ing from Czechoslovakia with a(five­year contract and the sweatc.rwom by fonncr team captain Darryl Sittl~r.

" Five da.y s and I never slept.'' Harold BaJJard, owner of the Na­tional Hockey League t_eam, said of the cloak-and-daaaer circumstances surrounding the lJ-ycar-old Czecho­slovakian's defection through Vien­na. Austria. " It was like one of those movies you sec."

Ihnacak. who docs not speak English. appeared as delighted as Bafiard at the happy ending to the drama surrounding his escape.

' ' It was his dream to play in the NH L." Toron to center Peter lhnacak, Miroslav's older brother. said by way of translation.

The Lca(s refused to di vulge at the news conerence detai Is of the scenario surrouQ.dina the younger lhnacak's escape to Vienna fro m his home in Kos1ce, Czechoslovakia. lhanack 1s reponed to have driven across the Czechoslovakian border with friend Eva O lach last weekend.

But Ballard said in an interview that Miroslav l hnacalc had dri ven to Vienna and oontacted his older brother. John. who escaped to the United States with sister, Magda, in 1968.

The Leafs were informed of the escape a nd genera! manaaer Gerry McNamara flew to Vienna. News of the defection was leaked Dec. 30; but McNamara declined to provide any details of the tim ing. except to say Miroslav lhnacak had last practiced with his Kosice teammates on Dec. 23.

ckets for Raiders . Ra ms playoff a mes sellf ng like coldcakes

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Last weekend, when the National Football League held two playoff games in New York, thousands of local fans would have; Cd their warm scats in front of th elcvision set to shiver in the iaSi i of the end zone upper deck at Gi nts Stadium.

This kcnd, with two NFL playoff ga in Southern California, they haven. been able to sell enough tickets to insure that the games will be televised locally.

Rams owner Georgia Frdntiere had to buy 2.000-3,000 tickets to insure that CBS would carry today's contest 'between her team and the Dallas Cowboys. but there still were 24,000 tickets left for Sunday's game be­tween the Raiders and the New England Patriots and thus the game was.blacked ou& locally.

If New York an'd Los Angeles arc 1-2 in the nation in trend-settiDf.

1hey'rc in d ifferent worlds when 1t comes to spectator sports.

"I'd love just once to sec the LA fans tear down the _Jo_alposts," said Howie Lona. the .Rai,dcn' All-Pro defensive end who grew up in Boston, where the Red Sox; Celtics, Bruins and Patriots are rollowed with a passion usually lacking hen.

Oh, the Rams and Raiders arc playing? For sure, but the surf's looking good. And hey, they j ust ~r,cd the Rose Bowl. Enough foot-

Some of it has to do with the weather - there's not much else to do in non hem climes at this time of year. But some of it has to do with the laid-

back naturcofthesouthemhalfofthc nation's most populous state; the passion for the Sao Francisco 49en d\ the non.hem half is close to the affection showered "OD the Scahawks and Broncos io Seattle and Denver. where football and civic pride are intcrmin&led.

New York is only medjum warm when it comes to showering affection on its-football teams. It's just too big not to have millions who don't care e hoot about the Jets or Giants.

Last week, when each had wild­card playoff games, a lot of the hoopla was s~ by TV stations and tabloids, wpicb pronounced the area in a state of " football frenzy." The local television reponina on the pmc tended toward pointina cameras at fans whose main contribution was to­point tbeir finaers in the ai.- and shou~ " We' re 1oiQ1 all the ·wa'(' (Giants) or " We11 be beck" (Jets).'

" The .,t weekend in New York football h11tory," proclaimed a l<dl spon .scaster, who had given the same label to the weekend two weeks earlier, when the Jets met the Bears and the Giants pl&~ the Dallas Cowboys.

He also conveniently foraot the wild-card weekend of 1981 when the Giants and Jets h•d playoii' p mes on the same day.


College, hlgh school basketball scores: ~ W8ST

Mon1t11t s• n. lov... ,.,,.,., . mout\I 7l

HutnOolelf 47, Cl\ICO SI '6 Slenl,lelii II. S,., Jen Fre nclKo

St $1


111.,..~ St 11, ~ Sr"S7 C<ece 7', AJIM•~ 1'

ltOOCl81 N ArltONI n Metro II M

MeOWaST w 1111\tla '1. COl'Nll, io.e ~

IOUTM N c CMrtDttw ten. WOffofO n

IAIT Arm• 11, '"°"'*"'°" SI Ji F ettlfttll Ok1111MOft '7, H .J f Kii

TOUa•NMlfT1 s... ........ . (A'tf .... )

0-lellolne 100. AUtlln ....... SE I..~ .. , Ar.\ .-t.lttle ,_00


KemM¥ile (~ 9-dl) 9D. , • ......,.. (Al\.) ,.

(CllMJ ll at IS Ice a a ft) l'IW Htll CC.ten, Va.I 62. Ger·

fleld (S.ttlel M """ llUff • · 'llorclen !left Frwi•

CIK'O) .. •

• ..


~uayplace There la a Oury of actl.tty underneath the baaket dartn& Woodbrlqe-Newport 1ame.

YoungQBslead Browns. Dolphins In AFC s howdown

a slow start this season to e&nlplete 336 of 56 7 passes for 4, 13 7 yards and 30 touchdowns.

C HICAGO (AP) - Chicago Bears defensive end Dan Hampton says his teammates are a bunch of animals as they prepare for Sunday's National Football League playoff game against the New York Giants.

OV slips by Oil~rS in ~ypress semis Mesa-:Warriors. CdM open Sea View League with_ wins

Ocean View narrowly escaped the wound·up Hunttngton Beach Oilers 1n the semifinals of the Cypress Tournament while Fountain Valley was j ust nipped by Foothill Friday.

In other girls basketball games. Costa Mesa. Woodbndge and Corona del Mar opened Sea View League play with v1ctones. while UC Irvtae won its college outing and Saddleback earned a community college win.

Here's a look: ~ Ocean View 40, Hutlnglon Beacb 39: he Otler5 put

1n one of their be.st performances this ason in the champ1onsh1p semifinals, but 1he Sea ks' Gretchen Bock came off the bench to spttrk Ocean View to the victory at Cypress High.

The Scahawks face Foothill in the champ1onsh1p finals tomght at 8. while the Oiler5 take on Fountain Valley for third place at 6: 15.

Huntington Beach found its way around the Seahawks' man-to-man and their 2-3 zone. and m oved ahead 22-20 at the interm1ss1on. Ocean View ra~ out wnh the first eight points in the third quarter to take a 28-22 edge, but the Oilers roared back to go to the wire.

With 17 seconds left and Huntington Beach up. 39-38. Ocean View's Dalene Lawson scored on a baseline dn vc to put the Sea hawks up, 40-39. An Oiler shot missed and Shelly Straight rebounded for the Barons. She was fouled, but missed the front end of a one-and-one. She rescued her missed shot. however. and Ocean View held onto the ball to run out the clock. ·

Stephame Pemper led Huntington Beach with 14 points, some from 18- to 20-feet out. and eight rebounds. while Tamm) Keller added 12.

Ocean View's Bock. a sophomore post. 1gnned 1he Scahawk offense with six points. three rebounds and t\\O stealsofTthe bench late 1n the third quaner. Tnna Vlachos ha.i 16 points while Dana Douty added fi ve points and seven assists for Ocean View. - -

Foothill 47, Fountain Valley 4': Once agam It was the 'Foothill Kmghts who ended the Barons' champ1onsh1p hopes. this time at () press.

With seven seconds left 1n the game. the Knights deflected a Fountain Valley inbounds pass and held the ball for the victory.

Footh1ll had already beaten the Barons 1n the Manna-Edison Tournament semifinals this season. · The Barons played the Knights almost even in the first half. entering the third penod with a one-point deficit. 27-26. But 1t was in the second quarter that Foothill shot 5 of 7 from the chanty hne to ~in the eJltra point 1t would need. In that quaner. Fountain Valley shot 3 for 4 from the free throw hne.

The Barons ( 12-3) were led by Melissa Handley·s 13 points .and Jackie Cook's 12 points and 20 rebounds. a career high. Kerri Clower added seven assists and Lea

Youn_J tossed in six points. Chris Mcferson and Stephanie Flcischalter paced

the K.niahts with 12 points apiece.

C"ta Mesa 51, Et&ueJa S'7: The Mustangs increased th.cir ~dvantaac each q~rter and pulled away to the easy win at home to even their overall mark at ~5. 1

For Costa Mesa, MCJ Mitchell bad 14 points. httllna 6 of 9 from the field, and Stephanie Swanson chipped in with 13. S112.anne Cowley was tbe Mustana.s' top rebounder with 10.

For Estancia (2-7), Dana Nasby had 16 points and LcsheSclfcontnbuted 13. However, the MumnJdefcnse hmned the EaaJes to only a 13 of57 shooting performance from the field. .

Costa Mesa cortunucs play in Its own tournament this afternoon, meeting Santa Ana Valle) in a 3 o'clock game The tourney continues all da >- wnh the finals p1tt1ng Compton vs Chino slated at 8.

w.odbrlct1e 71, Newpor1 llatbor %4: The Wamors opened the lcaaue with four players in double fi&ures.

J ill Daniels, an all-league senior fory.'ard, scored a game-high 17 points and had 14 rebounds. Diana Zilko and Gilly Powell each had 16 points lUlc;i 10 rebounds. Kathy M1llat. a sophomore forward, tossed in 11 points and grabbed seven steals for the Warriors (7-5).

Corona del Mar 44, La1ua Bucb 33: Michelle Willard controlled the boards to the tune of 20 rebounds and poured in 18 points to help the Sea Kmgs open league on a high note at Laguna.

CcfM Jumped out to- a 12-2 lead at the end of one quaner and the two teams played on mostl~ even terms the rest of the way. .

While Willard was doing a fine JOb underneath, Kath~ Sm1rl proved to ·be an effective weapon for CdM 1-i-7 o'erall) from the outside where she collected 16 points and fo ur steals.

In women's acuon: UC lrvtae '71, JdUo Seate 71: The .o\,nteaten had to

rail) 1n the second half to get b) the Bengals in the operun.1 round of the Santa Clara Tournament.

UCl saw 1ts 38-33 halftime lead evapora~ as Idaho's L~ nn Henderson scored 13 points 1n the first 12 mmutcs to pace the BengaJs to an eight point lead. 61-53.

The Anteaters' Natahe Crawford and Nadia Burks hit hot streaks, though. and combined for 15 points as L'CI outscored Idaho, 25-1 0. to take a 63-61 lead with 6:0:! remaining.

Crawford earned game- and career-high sconng honors with 27 points. Burks fimshed wnh 20 for a personal best. and also brought down 13 rebounds.

UCI faces either Iowa Sta~ or Santa Clara 10 tonight's finals at 8.

Saddltback 80, Compton It: The G auchos used the effons of Connie Wa1kle and Che!) I Eiland to Wln their South Coast Conference opener

Wa1klc had 29 points and 10 rebounds. both team highs, and &land had ~8 points to led Saddleback ( 10-5, 1-0) to the victol) over Compton ( 1-0). Sand) Ta) lor added eight points and Sl)l ass1su for Saddleback. MIAMI (A P) - For two ~ears.

football experts compared Bernie Kosar and Dan Marino, two talented, young quarterbacks playing in the Same town.

Meanwhile . Kosar struggled through an !Jp-and-down rookie season with the Browns. Playing about half of the year while alter­nating with oft-injured starter Gary Danielson, Kosar hit 124 of 248 passes for 1,578 yards and eight touchdowns.

"I think the t'!am is hke an animal ,-----------------------------------------­

The comparisons began again this week as Kosar prepared to return to Miami with the Cleveland Browns. The AFC Central champion Browns. S.8, play the AFC Eastern champion -Dolphins, 12-4, in a National Foot­ball League playoff game at 10 a .m . todalv (Channel 4 ) 10 the Orange Bow . ·

In 1983, Kosar led the University of Miami to the nationa'1 cham ­pionship as a freshman and Marino took the Miami Dolphins to the playoffs as a rookie. _ They appeared together later that year on the cover of Sports Il­lustrated, with a story that suggested Marfio might have been the second best quarterback in Miami. Such talk i'& sacrilege now.

Marino .rewrote the NFL pas.sing records in 1984, and rebounded from

Pats have hi~tory of futility

Just as Marino had done in 1983. however, Kosar took over the team late in his rookie season and led it to the d ivision.championship. His per­formances - only three 200-plus yard games and a high of 18 comple­t ions - haven Tbeen spectacular. but Kosar got the team into the playoffs. ~ "We didn't win the d1v1sion despite

Bernie." said Browns Coach Marty Schottenheimer. "We won 1t with h im . He was an important part of our success."

The Dolphjns are j ust as worried abOut Kosar as they are about Cleveland's two standout running backs. Kevin Mack and Earnest Byner. Mack ran for 1.104 yards this year. and Byner got 1.002 to give the Browns ooly the third pair of 1.000-yard runners on the same team in NFL history. They have been consis­tent, however. while Kosar remains unpredictable.


DeBrouwer left with a technical foul at that point, triggering a nine­point burst by the Seabawks as Panzica . Shane Morris, Butler and Vogtmann clicked to give Ocean View its. 29-25.lead.

Then the third quarter began and DeBrouwer. who had returned with

LOS ANGELES (A P)- For years. I :07 left in the second penod, took the New EngJand Patriots were con- control of the game with his d1rect1Qn sidered one of the National Football and passing. League's most talented teams and It was tied at 33 when Vogtmann their roster for their second-round banked in a 10-footer, then Panzica playoff game against the Los Angeles found De Brouwer on the break, and Raiders Sunday will contain 15 DeBrouwcr followed with one of his players taken in the first two rounds fi vet second-half bullets to Panzica -of the NFL draft. under the buck.et.

So why was thctr 26-14 victory over · In all-the Seahawks connected on the New York Jets last week their first six three-point plays and for the game playoff tnumph since 1962~ they clicked on 26 of 51 from the'field

~ P~rbap.s because the "most taJ- (51 percent), 18 of 26 at the line and cnted" label was both a burden and an just as importantly, dominated the overstatement. -~td.s to the tune of 26-2 1. led by


"Over the years, we've been over- BUtICi's 11 . rated sometimes," said linebacker Any re.semblance to the team which Steve Nelson, who is in his 12th year lost in the opener on Thursday was with the Patnots. sheer coincidence as Ocean View · " I think people always said we had .survived a Ouny of outside shots by 'tbc most talent in the NFL. I nhcr extending its huge zone with a little believed that. I thou&ht we had really bit of pressure. aood teams, but in order for us to win, "We tried to pick on a couple of we had to play our best football." people in the third quarter," Harris . Still, New EnaJand always seems to di vulged. " We just wanted to ao ri~t have been a star<roned franchiae, in at them with a 1-31 offense wtth part because of bad luck· in part Ricky underneath and they did us a because of coachina instability; in favor by goina with a 1-3-1 zone." part because of a reputation for Just as the entire lineup shared in pen'41)' in contract nqotiations. _ Thursdaf s loss, everyone had a bud

ln- 1976, for example, the Patriots in the most impressive victory of a .J,ied for tint in the American Con- 10-2 campaian. ference East with an 11-3 record but " Blaine really had a aood floor la.t their openina-round playoff pmc pme and Tony played well," said to &he Raiders when Rayroond Ram- Hanis. "We had bten out or sync ilton was called for rouahina Ken without Voatmann in &he lineup, but

• Stabler on an incomptete pass on with Tony at the No. 2 auard ifs the third and 18. The call, which still is way it should be ... debited. set up the Raidenl last· VOllJ!Wln missed Ocean View's minute winnina touchdown in a first thm pmes entirely and has 24-21 victory. averaaect 3.0 points a pme in ciaht

In 1978, word leaked out just apPCRncet totJlllD_4 about only IS before the t , .,.. Patriots' final pine at minutes of playina umc. Miami that Chuck Fatrbanb bad He finisbc:d with six pointt., but tus raiped ucoech to take tbc coecbina true vaJ\lt wu on dcfcnte 1n a lob at C.Ok>rldo. Co-<lolched by Ron netWOrt delcnbed u "t~·· by h11 Ehrhardt and Hant~ for that coecb. pme, the Patriola Iott l~J. Iott to Tbe Se.abawb bid four p&aym in Houaon in the pllyoft\ tben went double f""1tl with Panzica'• 19 a 9-1 and 2-14 under Eblhatdt the not ~hith. foUowtd by •lier ( 17). n.o ,.n. Ot8rouwtr { 13) and Hudy ( 11 ).

before it pounces." Hampton said. "It gathers itself up. We' re getting geared up for Sunday. when we'll let ii all hang out."

The Bears have bttn chafin~ at the bit for two weeks. since their 15-1 record earned them a bye in tht' first round of the playoffs.

The Giants. I 0-6 during the regular season, had an emot1onal 17·3 vic­tory over the San Francisco 49ers 1n last weekend's National Football Conference wild-card game.

The winner of Sunday's game at Soldier Field will play either Dallas or the Rams for the NFC championship Jan . 12.

Hampton said the Bears. with the top-rated defense in the NFL, will play "basic, no nonsense. rock-em. sock-cm football. "

"They're going to try and establish the rush right o ff. " said Hampton. noting that the Bears have been No. I against the rush

• • Irvin scored 21 points. JUSt one

more than Hams had conceded him in the first place . The two teams were virtually C'!en in shooting per­centages with the edge on the boards and turnovers ( 13-8) the decisive factors .

So now 1t's Reid. the most sought­after prep player in the 11ation and his Kempsville teammates in tonight's fifth place finals.

··we just have to keep the ball away from him." said Hams. "And ~e have to keep him off the boards. Fayetteville d id a good job with a 1-3- 1 today so we 'II probably try the same thing."

The turnabout on tbe floor created a turnabout in Harris' attitude, too.

Twenty-four hours ago ' he was ready to concede an 0-3 effort in this tournament. Now. with Vogtmann in the J.ineup. the return to form of BuOer. H.azcly and Panzica and the emergence of DcBrouwer as a catalyst, Hams has other ideas.

"Given what we' re able to do I think the seeds were right in this tournament." said Hams. "Flint Hill (No. I) 1s the team to beat but we match up against Riordan. l think we arc the No. 2 team 1n this tour­nament."

CARLSON •.• hom83

Officiating is consistent and without a lot offanfa~ or thcatncs. such assometimcssecn at the Tournament ofChampion.s in Pomona. There's very little. if any. tic~tackcalls .

Riordan Hi&h of'San Francisco and unbeaten flint Hill PftpofOakton. v a., surfaced a lhe best m this tournament. and I bdieYe Mater Dea or Capistrano VaJleyc:ould playwuh them, butaforbtatina them. it would be in uphill stnlfl)e.

There's not a whok lot to do 1 n Pl ne Bluff, there 11n ' t even any lawns 10 mowduri•tbewinter. anduone member of Ocean Vaew's vohuneer coechcs wd: "If )ou're nol Ull<> ..,or\li you' re 1.n tto\lble." _

As l said. It could onl)' happen 1n Pine Bluft'.





'IJ Cadillac SEVILLE



'81 Cadillac ELDORADO




'82 Cadillac ELDORADO





f (I R T ri t R f C U H 0

• ... WISTlaM CDWDlllCI

Pltdlc .,.,,.....

• L Poet. .. Lllllw\ M s ..,, P'Wtt9nd 11 " .w I ... , .. ,, to _,,. 14 OOldln Ste le II 23 .JC ,. Pnoenlx lO 20 .m 15Vt ~ ll " .m " ....... DMllem HOIAIOll ti 12 . ..,. Oefl• "

., SN 1\la Seft ,t.ntonlo lt 1• ,$76 2 Utell 17 17 .. 4Vt Delle1 14 15 ..., 5 Secremento 10 n Jl3 1011')

•AITa .. N CIONl'llllNCI A-....C~

llO&IOll ts 7 . 711 ~I• 20 12 • '1S s ........... 20 14 -' Well\lneton I' " .500 ' New York 11 22 .l3:J 14\l't

CeMr9' OMu. N\llWeuk .. n 12 657 Allente " IS .516 s OfW!and IS " •55 7 Detroit IS 19 ... I 1~ Chlca90 14 71 -' Inell- ' n .1'0 12

lf'*Y"• SeeNs LM!er1 110, Ute h 101

' Cteveleftd 1>0, a..ers 111 Bos ton 12'. New Je<'W1' 117 Alie/lie 111, Detroit IOI Mllweull" 107, wu111no1on 100 Portlend 133, Ptloenlx ICM SMttte 117, Denver 107

T=Y"I G..n.t ~•ti l•na ClevNnd et New Jtnty, n Atlenl• •• Cl'llceoo .. n Utell e t Oelle1. n Pflffedtll>lll• ti Hou11on, n New York e t Mllweuk". n Denvtr et Secremento, n San. Antonio e t Goldtn Ste It, n

SUMltY'• Genies GOldtn Stet• et Po<tlend, n Phoenl• e t S.ellle, 11

Lallen 110, Jau 111 UTAH (ltl) - Beltev S·I• 0-0 10,

Oent1ev 7·13 11-16 25, Eeton 6· 14 4· 7 16, He nMlll S·l2 1-1 13~ Stoellton 2· 7 0-0 c, R. Green l · S 1-1 J, Meion. 6· 10 6- 10 ll, Scurry 1-10-02. Wl• lns 1·2 0-0 2, Mennlon 1·3 0-0 2. Hevu 3·3 o-o ' · ROOW1s IH o-o 0 Tote!\: 3t-l.S 23·35 101.

LAK•1ts 010) - Rel'l'\l)js 1-1 o-o 2. Worthv I · If I · 10 24, Al>Oul· Jebber ,.12 7-t ts. ~ S· 6 l-1 11. Scott 9-20 S-6 n, Lucu 1·6 0-2 1, C-2· 3 S-6 9, ICUllCllllll • · 6 2· 4 10, McGee 0-2 0-0 o. 4. ~ 2•) 0-0 ._ Totets· • 1· 71 21· ll 110

Scereb't ~ Utat1 22 26 3' 17- 101 Lalltn 27 ,, 24 33-110

Tllrw-oolnt ooats~enaen 2. FOUied out-Hone. Reoouncn-Ute h 55 (Eeton 131. l.elltr1 SI (Wor'lhv. Alldul· Jetioer 71 _., . slst1-U1e11 27 IDentlev, _.Stockton 6), Lt lltn 23 IC- f l Totel f\:>ul$-U tell 21, l.Mtn 32. Tec:Mlce ls-Wortlly, ~ ... coecn ltelllv. JoMson 2 .i.c:1ec1, l.Aktn ltteeel dtffnst.


C.vellen 1JO, C1111Per'1 111 CL~•1ts (111) - Mexweu 2-1 3· S 7,

Johnaon f · 17 0· 0 II, NlmPhlus 1 ·6 7·8 9, Brldetmen S-14 2· 2 I~. Nixon 10· 17 6-6 ?8, Wlllle • · S 3· • 11, c- 0-3 1· 2 I, 8enlemln 1- 2 1-2 3, Gordon S· ' 5· 1 IS, Edwe rds 1·6 • · • 6. Totets: ll· N 32· 40 111.

CLaVaLANO (I•) - HlnS«i 1· f1 2·3 16, Turpin 7· 13 , ._. 20. West 3·3 0-2 6, FrH 11-10 0-172. a.otev 7·110-0 1'. Lee 4-t 1· 2 t , Ml~ S-1 2·2 12. 5Mtton 3·4 0-0 6. Devis • · 7 2· 2 10. J_. •· S S-S 13, Poclutttt 1-3 0-0 2. Tolell. S6· t4 11· 23 1>0

ker'e b't °"'""" en_, >0 2s , , n-111 CltvNllCI 27 >O 37 3'--130

Ttvw-POlnt ~lxon 2. 8rldlleme11. F~ OU~. ltebouncb--Clloors 39 (MHwtl 7), Cltvelend 61 (Turpin t l. Asslll..-Cll-• 21 (Nixon I ). Clt ..... ncl 40 (8e111v . M lnn lt fl t ld t ). Total foult~ 2S, Clevtllncl 31 Ttcflnl · cai.-TurPln c.i.c:1te1), NI~ C'*1tell .

Attende~7.013 ~

HM»t SCHOOL 80YS OaM View 70, Em AleeftMen SJ

CKllleC'"9110Hakl 0- View (70) •.A~ (St ) .. ,,,,.. ..,, ....

8utler 6 S 3 17 Anclrtw& • o • 12 O.Brwtt • S 0 13 Delmott 8 4 l 20 . Hertty • 3 3 II Glovtr 1 O S 2 Pe nrice I., 3 3 19 trvln I s o 21 Vetmnn 3 0 c 6 Mckvn ? O 2 • Morrll 121 4 Lome1 ooco

Wiiton 0 0 0 0 Tolels 26 11 14 70 Totels 25 t 11 st

seen .., OMr1'ln Oc:9en View 13 16 17 24-70 EH i AICenslon 6 19 12 21-S9

Tec:Mlcal; De9rouwtr (OV) o..~

Kempsv... (Vlf'glnle 8eectl. Ve.I SO, Fe vettev*' (ArtlenMKI lt

Flh'lt Hiii (Oekton, Ve.I 62, Garllelct (S..ttlt) 56

Pint Bluff 51, Rlorden !Sen Fre nclaco l ... T .. V's~

3:30-Fevt tlt vlllt (6· 31 vs Eest Ascension 112·4) lstvtntl'I ) ~-VIiie (6· ?) VS Oct• n View

(10-21 (fifth) 7--Gerflelcl (6· 31 111. RIOrden 110-2)

ltl'llrd) 1.30-Pint 8 klff ( S-C) vs Flint HIH 110-0)

(flnt l

... .,..,, Har11er Sf, Woodtll ldN S7 ( S.. vi.. l.Mwel

Wrr• 1d9ii (S7l ,.__,(St) ......... 6 0 3 12

1? •321 l 3 1 9 1 ) l 5

...... ,. l(Mft 7 • s 20 Crelo

L ff Alstrom RICl>ards Torell Young

Yor1o, 1 0 l 2 MurPhv s o ? 10 8ry1n • c 2 l7 T wnsn<J · ? 3 l 1 Svtttve n 2 l 1 6 Roun111hl O O 2 O Bllncourt O O l o

I 1 ' 3 0 ? , 2

Tolels 21 IS 15 57 Tota ls 23 13 16 59 ~ bv ov111o1n

Woodbfld9t 11 8 IS 16-51 NtwPOrt Hert>or 10 l6 1e 1r-st

C_... def Mar "4, U9UM ... d\ 40 (See View LM9Ut)

I....- hedl 140) , . 1'4) .. ,, .. ,. .... .. tp

NMSs 6 7 l 19 Frvt< 11 10 4 32 Fortune 2 O c • Turner • O 2 I SHetll O I 1 I -ChrJ tnsn I 1 • 3 Elhttn 6 O 3 12 lffrl>wr 0 0 1 0 Htrelmtn 2 0 l ' • Gr"" • 0 l 8 Lewter 0 0 2 0 McGrllPI I 0 0 2 HouM 0 0 1 0 O'Nell 1 0 1 4 Dtv1nt 0 0 I 0 Mllr •stl'I 1 2 0 C

Morris O O O O CrOOll 1 1 0 J Fr tzler 0 0 I 0 Boelmen O O 0 0

Tote!\ . , • 11 .-0 Tot11\ 7S ,, " "' ~ l>Y Owf1WI

LAeune 8tKll 7 10 10 l>-40 Corone Ott Mir I• 11 17 11-64

Es•ndll 77, Cn• Mesa 4l (See View L .. _ l

Cetta Mete 14Jl ls19Mlt (n J

Kos Plcllwslll ltOrQU41r Morrl1 NlllJVtn . .,,,,.,, w.i1 IUtdlle

.. ,, .. ,. .. ,, .... 2 0 0 4 MOOntY 3 0 I 6 5 3 2 13 Rualcll 2 0 l • I l S 3 Br11tlt I l 1 It 1 1 ? 11 Tr t lo • 0 l 11 I I 2 ) Covt y • 4 4 1' 0 3 3 ) Tift 7 7 1 6 I 0 2 7 Plncllnt v 1 6 I 10 2 0 5 ' l•lltr 0 2 I 1

' ""' 207 • K.t ller 0 , , 2 Totel\ ' ' I~ 21 ,'3 Tote!• 29 l t 11 T7

~ llYOw'1WI Co.It ~ I t 10 16-43 £1tencl• ' ' " n 1s-n

UIWw'llfY 'l, SefiSIMdl 60 cs.vwi....,.1

Ulfll • 19V ( '1) ~ , .. , .. . .,, . .. ..... O 1 2 I Wellon 7 l ) 17 4 J I 11 DMI 7 1 I IS 5 I l 11 Do1l11 1 1 • 16 ' J 3 n l ulltr , 0 2 4 I 1 1 11 Ontvn 1 o 7 1 0 0 1 0 Alft\JO I 7 0 • ~ 11 11 63 C8mOC1141 1 0 2 7

H- 0 0 0 0 Totan 2' I 14 .0

..... u,.... 01• tr r 1~

La .... <• > ..... , • • .. .. ... .. ..... 0 , ' 3 Mwtu!IM 0 , 3 3 0020Amln 7 6 220 6JltSlnlllll 11 4 3 •t 210C• JOl 6 10)1HndnenJ02 6 120 41'rlllce 0011 1012lt• '- 1127 1 0 5 2

14 10 IS JI Totels 1S 10 1S 40 lclm'I ~ Quertwl

Lone 8Mcfl Poly 7 11 17 t-31 Edlton • 7 7 14 lt-40

COLL•G• WOMmN UC 1rw. 71, 1c111M Stitt 71

C*-OereT.....,...) ......... (11) UC lrw. ( 71) ...... ..,, ...

IWlnftv 4 0 2 I HIMtill 4 2 1 10 antl'd I 2 S 4 Ot1W1 J 6 2 11 Mloll ' 2 2 " Pel'ks 0 0 3 0 trMoff 1 2 2 • Crwford 12 3 c 21 V•~ 7 2 J 16 8 urll1 1 6 3 20 ZrlH 0 I 4 I Ttrrv 4 I ' t Truitt 20• • Fth•Plmr 0 I 3 I Hnc1rson t I 3 If Totela 30 11 21 11 Tot• ll 30 11 17 71 ~lmt. UC Irvine ll· ll. T ldlnkel; UC Irv Int coedl.

CQFHAUNrTY COLL•G• WOMtlN Sift arm IL c;.,.... H

( .... Cel .. C 9 WWW) C:...... ( 62) SI t• ' I ell ( .. ) .. ,,... ..,, ...

Wt4ts 8 0 216 Thurmen I 1 0 J Scott O 0 3 0 SChmlll 0 0 0 0 8UIT 2 0 3 C l.Ydln 0 0 0 0 Grou 13 2 2 21 Forittr 1 1 0 3 S.v• lllltll l 1 1 7 Wtltcml> 0 0 0 0 S.lflel 1012Ge~le 0010 Wllllem1 l 3 3 S Te vlor 4 0 2 I

Wiison 1 l l s Effend 14 O 4 21 Welkle 13 J 2 2t Grehem 2 0 1 4

"fol• I• ,. 6 IS 62 To•• •• 3' • 11 IO Helftlmt: Seddltt>Kll, '1· 29.

HIGH SCHOOL GllllU ca.ta Mesa 51, EdMdll t7

(See View Uetue) 111Mde (V) Celt. MK1 Ull .. ,,.... ..,, ...

Fotev I 0 3 1 Pelmtr I 1 I 3 Recio o 2 1 2 L.ono 1 2 I c N1s«>v 1 2 2 16 Swenson 6 I l 13 Hullno._ 0 0 I 0 Mltctll!I 6 2 S 1 .. Self S 3 l 13 Cowtev 4 I 2 t Me.rn 0 2 l 2 8entdk:1 1 O 2 2 Ntwt>urn 0 0 0 0 8ovtll I 2 2 4 For.m.n 0 2 I 2 Fltlcl1 1 0 0 2 JMVtr 0 0 0 0 Totets 13 11 14 37 Tol1b 21 f I• SI

Sceroe bV Ollertws E1i.nde 7 9 10 11-37 C01t1 ~ ' IS 13 14-51

T td'lnlcel: COii• Mew coach.

wn•rtdle 7', New'*" Har11er 24 (See "'"' ......,.,

....._, C:M> wu•"'-9 <7'> .. ,,... ..,, .. .. V1meee • 0 2 I Denlets I 1 S 17 o.toro -2 1 2 4 Z.llko I O 2 16 Stuckt< 2 0 2 4 Mllltt 4 3 4 11 Andrus I 1 I J He nsen 1 O I 2 Goodt 2 0 4 • Powtlt a O 16 Wrt"l>cllr 0 0 I 0 Mlhon't' 4 0 0 I

JtnMll\ 2 0 2 ' Wellrtn I 0 0 2 Benul1k I O 0 2

Tote ti 11 1 12 2' Toten 3' ' 16 76 SC-bV~

Nt wPOrt Herbor 6 8 4 6-24 WOOCll>flc:19t 71 2S 16 ll-76

c ..... _. Mer 44, L.aeuNI ... dt l3 (See View L....,_I

GdM ( .. , L.a..- lleedl ( ll ) ...... ,. .. ,, .. ,. Wllle rd t 0 4 II Meurlct I 0 I 1 Jonu ' O • I Chetmtr' 6 I 2 13 Smlf1 10016'-- 101 2 .Slowll1t1 1 f 0 2 Welford • 0 0 8 Bsmcven O o O O Wtlnvr-ln O O O o ZaltSltl 0 0 0 0 Dlllmn • 0 3 I DtmMtv 0 0 0 0 Totets 22 O I ,.. Tottts 16 7 ~

ScerelW~ Corone dll Mir 11 12 1' .,__.... LHune 8Mdl 1 14 10 7- D

OcMn View 40, ................ dt lf (CvtlrnJ T--'*")

~ View ( 40 ) """ ... di (Jt) .. ,, .. ,. ,.,, ... Douty 2 I 4 } Ktlltr 6 0 1 17 VllCllos 7 ? l I' Cllklo, 3 0 2 6 Slt'"a lQl'll 2 1 1 S Krct llck I I 3 3 Z.ntlll I O I 2 Boutwart O O O O Hounsett 0 O 1 O Wanta O O 1 o D.Lwson 2 0 I • Arm11rne 2 O • • C.Lwson I 0 I 2 Ptm11tr 1 O 0 le Huneter O o o o Bock 3016 To111s 11 • 1' co To1111 49 I 11 39

Sc-. .,., Ouertws OcNn View 9 11 10 11>-«> Huntington 8 .. cll I 1' 6 11- 39

FMthll 47, Feunlliln V...., 46 <Cvwns T-.-1

, ......, (41) ,__,. Velev 1461 flttllflll .. " .. .IP

Wtlch S 0 2 10 Henclltv S 3 1 13 G.oClv c 0 I I WeNn I 0 0 1 McFtr~ 6 0 4 12 COOll 6 0 1 12 Fterscllllr • ' I 12 Clower 0 1 2 2 Dtvl1 I l 2 S Lewler 3 1 S 1 Sulllve n O o S O Gwowakl l O O 2

J Ollnson I 0 1 2 L v ouno J o o •

Total' 20 1 1' 47 Tote ls 20 6 12 " Sc-. ..... ou.tw'I

Fooll'llH 10 17 8 1~7 Fo.inteln V111tv 13 1) I 12-46


Edmonton Ct111arv V1rrcouvtr WlM IP19 l(lftll

SmV!tll DMllell W L. T ,,. _., GA

17 1 4 SI 202 150 17 l6 3 37 IS3 134 13 n • • JO 14:1 1'S 12 2S 4 21 150 IH 10 n • ,. " ' 113

Ntrrtt DMIMll SI L.OUI' 16 1' ' 36 131 137 Cl'lictgo I. 16 4 36 160 170 Mlnnesote 1• l6 1 JS ISS ICA Toronto 10 20 S 1S 132 15' 0.1011 I 24 s 21 ''° 1'3


Pl'llleOtlOlli• VMs11111111on NV lllenotrs NY ll~ PlllU>urgh NtwJtrsev

Monrrt• I QveoK Boston Buff110 Herttoro

... lrtdl ~ 2t 10 0 Sf" 111 121 23 10 • 10 w 120 16 13 • 41 110 1 ... 17 .. 1 36 tll 134 " It • 3' 14' , ... 1) ?1 I 27 Ill 163

Adltms DMMlfl 20 ll ' .. 161 1)3 20 IS 1 42 W 1?2 17 1• 1 . , 1•1 us ll " '° ,,, 119 19 17 1 39 I .. "'

l"rNeV'1 kerts We1111noron 3, New Jt<Wt 2 Montr .. 1 1 WlnnlPtQ l

T ...... s~ Klftla a l Toronto BuffelO 11 8ostoa Cl'llceoo 11 New York l•tendtfs N- Jtrttv 11 wu11tneton ~etDetroll ~rttord e t Edmonton MotltrHI •t Ceio.ry P?lff.otlollljl e t St Loul1

~¥"•0.­K ..... e t luffeto Detroit 11 Toronto QutOfc et New York "'"°'" V• ncouvw 11 WIMIMt Ca!Nrv e t £d!Nftt0ft Mlnnnote 11 ChleetO

...... N.IDAY'l llllULT1

( ......................... , ,...,. ltACIL One mlle.

Ntc.' 1 ...,lnm ("lncay) 4,10 U O UO lold Selllt .,.. (IGl!s) 3.20 2.AO Smelll"9 LOOM (Mc~) 2.IO

Time: 1:)9 211. , AIM rlfr. , ...,. llUI JMna, LA. Pll,.,

"" C:w dlnel, DI'• Mtoxr, M.' I !Mc.edit • No acre ldlel. S8COMD •ACa. 6 f'urtonM.

00.V (Orteel) 71.IO tUO 9.IO Pl .. '°' Oolcl (Velenluele) 5.00 l.00 An..._ IMceerrOfl) S.00

Tlf'r« l :MI 315. AIM ren; C.sllda'1 Cl'lolat, Wefldll Ooll,

t..'~t .... ,.,..... .. Noll, Quit• l(ld, ~ PrlftceM, lteb's ~, Ar1" Dent. • ... trouo•et 1h oat\ .

Scr11ched: l.191 G.!ore, Felr Mel!IM, He'1 hell 0.tlne, 9lul Evecl MMY.

TNlltO HCL 6 furtona ~ Mlltt (WWd) 7.60 '-'° 3..IO S.loul Plev (~ye) 6AO UO Tr~s Tuni IHtrnendll) • 14.10

Tlmr. 1:10 415. Allo rwi: Ml. 919, Tw.ntvoo .. unaalutt,

Ml.ml Dl'eem, loN.ltrwrrM, Pol4omenl, Flv· lne Blk• ~. The Coectlel Soft. Vteonon, The lletnrMr.

Scretc:htd: Plnteum, Cltv« COin, Vei­lant G«lwetlon, Volct of the Wind

l2 DAILY~· <S·lll Mid unto. ~TM llAC•. 6 furlonel.

Endlft1 s..tcfl ($iblllt) 21.20 f.20 7.60 lenll ~ (Orfeee) SM JAG wt.re' s Temecula CCastanonl 11 20

Time: 1:12 3/ 5. Allo ren: Fortune1111. Kt1111•1 Loeo.

lteldrett9, ,.,.. Anoll. Miia Pelton, Poo .UP Velentlne, FfJ' Mv SuMn, Stoel! Dividend, Fe• S..IOtl.

Screlched: ~ltdnc, Ebelv'• Jedt· POI, IC.lt.'1 ~. MllM!lt.

l'lftl'M ltACI. 61,; furlongs on turf. Lldll (,.,..te l 40.20 22.IO 15.AO How Ye Doon <Mcearron> IUO l .IO Georel's ltelnOow (Alverez) lS.40

Time: 1:16 2/ S. Atso r'911: Tetlle Seen, Lftllt 's Det>,

Sleltes To Win, ..,,,. Golden E ..... Zvthum, Vlllende, Hen's Tuni lo Ster, Twen~ Stlldlft, Hua.._ry .._,..

Scr• ldled: COUiee ...... ti 8XACTA (6-12) Hid Sl,t7J.OO. SlXTM llACa. One 1'1'1111.

Luckelot (~) 11.00 s.ao '-110 Andor (Velelll:uele l UO S.60 Toe> Doe l,.,..U ) U0

Timr. 1:J7. Allo ~en: c.r.i.1, Genuine Joftn, ~

Furrow. tik.nlv, NatlYe Ex.....,., Out l"w The Nlet\I, IW. Fom-.

SCretcNcl: Weul o.nc.. Tort'' o.dcfv, Briehl Tedi, Pleftler.

saVIN'Tit ltAC•. 1 11 16 ml6ti. • ·Shellmell (McC9"ron) l.00 . 3.00 2.40 • ·SIOerlen Hero <Toro) 3.00 3.00 2.40 VlntNrone ISlbllle) UO

.-.ntrv. Time: I :42 II 5. Also ren: Ml, Elbe , Ellml"'-lltt ,

C~comaul, Otreoor. No scretcrin. SS aXACTA 11-21 peld 169.50. •IOHTH •Aca. 1 f\.trlonol.

Johnlca (Mcewron) UO J.10 2.60 Sllvwtng CPlncavl S.20 3.IO Gele Ewnt (Sfloernektf ) 3.IO

Time: 1:22 115. AllO ren: Acs.c>teble, Mimi 8eller, Wiii ·

Clow Seel, New Lovt . Ser. lcNd: Hffrtlkltlt. "*1lt ltACa. I 111' mllei.

Seolent IMcHereue) tAO S.20 J .00 Mlvtltv ~ (MC!Carronl • .20 l.20 Good ThooOflt Wlllv (Oeleho4J'l .. vtl 3 40

Time: l:Al l/S. Atso ren: 8ron11no. Wl'llstlt For Ludl,

Sword Prince. Accu a.di , Quelftv Jt t . ltOOUt Ster.

Screta.t. Febulous Pi eMotdli . SS UCACTA (2 ... ) peld SIG.SO. '2 PM:K SIX 02-6+ M · 21 11eld

s 120,512.40 to two wlnnlne tlc:ketl <six llorMS). S2 P1c:k Six COl'llOlellon Nld i l ,120.IO to 139 wlMlng tldlets (five llOrMI).

" ll'tQ( ... (S-5-11-12+1· 1-l·J) Nici stS.00 to 15' wlnntno lldttll Csb hOrWl) CerrvoYtr oool: '347,023.

Alltnclenct: 20,llS.

Us~ l"ltlDAY'S 1t•SULn

( SO. .. Sf .... WW1Mtlei .. ,,_...., 'llUT •ACI. 350 verd~

Jovfut Bred (Werd) S.20 .) .20 2.IO S.- Too41n (Pe ullntl • .20 3.40 Jtl Oso Eesy Ct<nlont> SAO

Tlmt: 11.01. Also ren: Super Rert Ctllret,

l(ltc.heretn, Betel Fee.cl Bulv, Bed De Oro, Meyl>tlcanflV, Yeherlrle, Sutle 9 Sweet.

SCrllched: A Leedlf' ltOOfl, Kluln Nell, C.il And RelM. Plellnum ltOM, '"'

S2 IXACTA (4· 1) peld S17 . .0. HCOND ltACa. 3SO yerdl.

Hev An Okie IMellflllcl) 10.00 4.60 l.IO Blue Moon Freddie (C,.......> 7.IO S.00 AllMCI Of Tiit C..me (Older~) l.00

Time: 17 tS. AllO ren. EetY lllCllNI~.,, Q9odft·

tent. PtnthOUst PlevtlOV, -- Lllitr1vs Moon Wind, APOltol Creed.

No scr 11e11es U lltACTA CS-31 e>eld W0.40.

• THlltD ltACa . 170 ver~ Roekln Curra ITrM Wl'tl s.IO l ,00 :uo R MCl'I For Tiit Sk v ( Drc:k sn l S.00 3A Sound Of Lovt CE. Gercle) 3.00

Time~ 46.70. Also ren: Pot-1 Return, Perl«lel Jet,

Meclle v Selln a.r. s- Lame, Spices Jet Led

Scr11chtd· Mr loo T Ber, Turn Oe tll, Tiit Admlrels Jet.

U UlACT A ( 1-2) Hid UUO. ,OUltTH ltACE. lSO verd1 .

Rldln Rlctl (Trffsurt) S.60 3.IO U0 Aneletur IL.twl• I SAO 3.00 Moon lm11 IEctwe rds) 2.60

Tlmt: 11.22 Also re n: Atl>v<lut<Que Moon, Hot Footln

M¥rl, PlunOtrs Song, Qu111ly Moot!tfllnes, Thl1 OrN ml On Mt, Goteltn R-.

No screlcllts . l'llfTH ltACE. 170 verds.

Wood'rl 80 (Gift ) 10.60 7.00 4.20 Runnlno Re POOrl CE. Ge rde l t .oo S.00 Cherter Victory (H. Ge(de l 2.60

Tlmr. 46:'9. Also ren: 1Cnf9tlt Time Mullc, Semolle,

Ftv ••vou, Juitt nothtr Shektr, The o.m­escus.

No acre lchts. '2 UACTA (1· 11 11eld JJUCI. MXTH ltACI. JOO Ylfdl.

91n,,..._., Chenet (Cror) IS.60 1.00 5.20 Limited lt--1 (Mvtesl 5.20 l.20 Thr .. Times A ltoM ITrMsurt) 7'10

Time: 15.67 Abo ren Miu S.. U Sooner, Vlllen Jet,

Stormvs Slr ... ln, Mlsl Scllder """1fltW, Hontv ltultr, """9lel MMn, Anne 9o6d.

Scretcfttcl The ~ Plett, He• To H\n11t, .()rl«\tel Lt91ftd, ~ Dlemond Ledy

SI aXACTA Cl -7) peld S7UO. S•VlllfTH aAC•. l70 Ytrcb.

Prtsr wtnov (Mtltrl •M 1-.JO 7.00 L.ucllv Pollcv IE Oercle l UO 00 Flttl Ml<Mv IDldtrk::llaen) U O

Time· 4S.7'. Allo ren lift I" Fllellt , ~ Coif• • l,...et1!,

Doc ....... No MerUt. No Kre tehft S2 •XACTA 11•21 Mid IUO.IO. llOHTM ltAC•. 400 YWdl.

ROl>ln1 Elle <""''"'' OJ.0 lt.20 •10.00 KIP Tiit C:'*'te IWerdl • 7.JO 4.00 Thtrt 0ott A"*« (M. Get'clel 4AO

Time: :IUI. Al\O re n: 9Clt K.., To Mv Hert. Tutti To

t<llemen, .Htt e.ouino, T~ AN£...,., Miu~. SlmefldlY Jet.

NO ~retc:t.L U I XACTA (1• 7) H id UOl.20.

"""'" •act1. ,'° Vtrft. Tl. Pit ( Knletlt) 1.40 UI 2.10 •ue 0.- ~•ldlea <&. Gwdel 12.00 s oo ltN•v Detlllnt (Hen) UO

Tlmt 17" Al\O fen I Got s.lrfl, ~lfltenuf, Helo

lll'rt111 No te:rt~.

U '9CK SIX Ct · t -1-1-1-4) ~ . ...... 00 lo ... •llWfte "°'" (fl ... llorws) ~ IOOI! 111 ...... 01

11 ll'!tCIC .... C4·S+t-t,...·1· 1"4) Mid IJMt '° to - ........ ltc*et (M*' "°""> ~ POOt. 11,.,MUl

Tl'"" •ACa. Jtll vwa • kVMt ton (Wini) 17M HM ut ltUflllill Deer (0.clel UI UI " • lw Tu ren.eer> Ml

Timt 17 "' "° tCt'MOlft UOM.Y--.. c~-=....._ II 8UCTA lt-t) .-.


......... cot.I.I .. MIN

A.tr 111WCit '4. UC 1M11t a uctrw.n.~ ..

1,000 tr..-1. loeelnen CAFI, ~5; 2. Mori (UOPl , 10:07.0.i 3. Mc:Gerrlty (AF), 10;1'29. •

200 fr-1. FUdll IUCll , l:i66.ft1 2. Wllllems CUCll , 1:47,10; ). Pletd!e (AF>, 1141. 30.

SO trw-1. L•ut1 (UOPI, nJI; 2, Wl'leht (UCI), 2U7; 3. McGinnis (AF), 22.36 lludtM' •••Ion). .

2'0 lndo-1. ao.tmen IAF), UUJ; 2. lecltlf (AFI. 2:02.'4; 3. Tollw (UCO, 2M.A7.

... tMdlev rN -1. Air FOf'ct, :J:JS.70; 2. uc trvlnl, J:M.16, 3. Pecltlc. s:a.St.

lOO fl'r-1. Brown (Alf) , Sl.12; 2. Glem· Mallnl IUOPI, 52.0f, 3. McOIMlt (AF), ~ ....

100 trw-1. SUnve.11 (AF), •ti; 2. JoMs (AF), ... 71; 3. 9erf'll'e (UCI), 4'.AO (ICI).

100 beca-1. WMlemt CUCtl, IU?; 2. OtMtl (UOP), 5'.AI; 1 A~ IAF), 56.31, (Id) •

!iOO trw-1. lolemen (AF), 4~ McOMrltv (Afl , 4:57.7'; l. Ito (UC'I), 4:59.7'.

100 breest-1. Peler (UCI), SU I; 2. SUmr .. (Alf), SU2 (Id); ). Slrendl CUOP), 1:02.06.

400 fr" r•-1. UC Irvine. 3:13.20; 2. Peclflc, ) :16.001 3. Air Force, 3:15.93 (Id).

Hnet« dlvlntrl. Feitv IAF), 257.63 P01nt1; 2. Thurlllr ~AF I. uuo. l. Genclruel IUCO 223.Sl.

3· mtltr dMntrl . FIWt (AF), 231.SO POllltl; 2. Thul'llel' (AF), 2SS.7S (Id); J . G•"lton CUCI), 2CM.'3.

COl.UG• WOMIN Air .. .,. ... UC lrw. 4'

Plldk st. UC nm SS 400 ~ , ... _1. Peclflc, 4:12.24; 2.

UC lrvlne. 4:34.N ; 3. Aw Force, dQ. 11000 fr..-1. l.Alno CUOP), 10;40. lS; 2.

MclClnnev (UCI), 11:31.21/ 3. Smlllt (AF). 11:'6.71.

:zoo fr-1 Mcie .. _ <AFI. :ua>.511 2. Nenlltf (UCI ), 2.~; 3. GeMt IAFl , 2:0Ut.

SO fr-I. RMCI (UCO. 2S.SI; 2. Prell (UOPl, 2S.9', J. Bier (AF), 2U• .

:ZOO lndo-1. PrlOMu• tUOP), 2:15.26; 2. Lutln IUCI), 2:17.33, l . Nezney (AF), 2:1'.43.

1G1 flv-1. Butttrftlld (AF >. 1:00. '1; 2. Smlfll (AF), l~ln; 3. Wer111er (UCI) , 1:0:1.n .

100 fr~I. Prell IUOPI, 55.N; 2. ltMCI (UCll . S6.3f, ) . McK- 1 (AF), S1A.

100 beck-I. COCIWM (UOPI. 1-..S; 2. BUllO (AF), l :OU7, l. IMrrt CAF), 1:05.k • 500 fr..-1. l..tlno (UOP), 5'15.a, 2.

Smltl'I (AF), S:2s.J1; l . Butterllelcl (AF), Si41t.

100 l>rMat-1. Henev IAFI, l: IG.n; J. PrldMua CUOPl. 1:10.71, 3 CrM (UOP). 1:12.09.

a fr" rtlev-1 Air Force. 3:S2.27; 2. UC lrvlne, 3:56.35

l · meltr dlvlno-1. Smith CAF), 220.st POlnn; 2. Koe>o IUCll, 14UJ; 3. JK.OOIOl'I ( lJCI) . lll.00.

3· meltr dlvl119-l Smith (AF), UUI P01nt1, 2. JecOOIOn (UC!), 157.tS; 3. ICOQ9 CUCI ), 151.11.

N,L ........ HCONO ltOUNO OAMU

T•v CtevtlenO e t Miami (CheMtl 4 •I ,..30

e.m.) De11t1 e t "- (Clltnnet 2 a t 1 p.m.>

SUMltv New York Giants • I Chlc:eeo lChennel 2

• • ,..30 • .m.) New Ene!end 11 ~ COM,•ltlNC .• CHAMf'tOMSH.-S

S..y, .-, 12 ~alt BOWL XX

SUMltY, JM. M (et New ONMll

AFC Clltmplon vs NFC ellemo+on, om .

a.wt seet"n, ldtedule DtEC. 14 ~ .... ,., .. ,_)

Fresno Stele SI . 8owtlno Green 7 DIC. 21

Ctllrrv ..... (et ~. Midi,)

Meryle nd 3S, Svrecuw 11 "''" .... _ ..... l•t ......... l.L )

Ml11ntsole 20, Clemson 13 Dae. 22 " ...........

l•f Sell Dlleel Ar••111t1 II. Arlrone Slllt 17

Dec. JS ..... Qny 0.Hk

(et Meetl#itei v, AILI 81Ut 27. Grev 10

oec. 'D L.lltnv ..... ( et Mlm9Nsl

Bevlor 21. L$U 1

o•c. • "**°'"'' ..... (et ONMe, 1'1LI

Olllo Stitt 10, llYU 7 Sull llewl

(et II hM, TtHl) GMrel• ll, Aflrone 13

A.a.Ni .... (et......,)

Aleo.me 2•. USC l DIC. JO ,.,...,,.. ....

(et A.-..ml WellllnetOll 20, CO!oreclo 17

o.twllewl (e t JeelrlMWllt, f'le. )

Florlde Stilt l4, Olile llOl'l'\I Stale 23 DIC. JI ~ .... (etAIMlll)

Army 31, lttlnols 2' ............ <et"--1

Air Forc:e 2•, TtxH 16 Al-~ ....

let 911mlnlMJn. Ma. I GMrele TeCll l7, Mletlleen Slf tt 14

JAN. 1 ........... (et T.,,..)

Mlcllleen 21, Nel>retlle 23 c:..... .... CetO.•I

TtxH A&M 3', Auburn 16 .._ .... (et~ ..... ,

UCLA d , towe 11 ...., .... , ...... 0...-)

T- 35, MIMI!, Fie 7 °""" ..... (.tMMlll Olt!el'lofne U , Penn Ste le 10

lATUltOAY, J AN. II ............ Oefne

C •tllll ,~> EH i vs. Wt1I, - · ... ....

(et HOnotulu EHi vs Wftl, 1 p,m, ...........

(etYtlttMfM, '"'911) North vi So\Jtll, •:30 11.m.

IA"=-Y~N. 11 ,., ............ ) Notti\ .,, louflt, 10 • m A• tlmet PST,

I t

..... ...........

Bot> Twev Devis L.ovt 111 8ob Lohr Scoll HOdl Donnie~ Ed Flori MM1I Mee.umber Jtff Slumen Wlllle Wood Merk HtYtl He tetrwln Jim Thorpe Jeff L-11 Oou9 Ttwtll Bll Gle11«1 Tommy Vetentlr~ &red Ft JU)fl Mlkt Ooneld Wooov 8 1eckt>urn J ev HHS Clerenc. Rose Mon'l1 Hetei.kv R- ft•fftrtv Miii• 5mlth P~Allnetr Ron Streck BenCrtMllew llU Krelttrl JodltMuOCI Fren!< Conntr Steve Pett Howetd Twitty MecO'Gredv Bred Febel Grte Mllvcoek J.C. S...O Jimmy Dtlencev Anders Forsbrend BrtllU-Jot lnrnen Vence Heefner RtxCeldwtll Dt vtOerln l.Any Zleeler


MMt'• teurwnent ' <•t ..,.., ~-SIMles

Boris hcktr (West Gtrmenvl def. Merten Veldlt (Cztcllollovekle ), 6· J, 6· 2; Emilio S.ndlez ($Min) cltf. lt-'CI AMrtor (He on. 6-l, 6•• ; ,,,_.,s W1lenOtr <Swec1tn1 cltf. lr--~<Y~ , ,,~1. 6· 1.

''*Y'• .... ~. 9AM9AU .._._u.....

CLEVEl..AND IHDIAH~<NMCI 1111 contrecl of IC.1'<'111 Heetn, Pltc:tler, from tl'lt St. '-°"" CM..,. encl •Hltntd lllrn to Melne of the lntw'NtklNI Leeeue

•AIEl nu&.&. ................ AtMCP1.._:

OALLAS MAVEltlCU-Sfenld Herold l(...,no, _,d, to • 1•e1ev con1rec1 PlecM Clltrllt Sitton, torwero. on tl'lt lnlurld tlst.

NEW V()ttl( l( NICKs-Flrecl Dtvt De­l uslCNlf'e , fll'ltret me11t9W. N•ITIM Scot· tv Sllrllne IMl!'IWel ,,_...,,

POOTIA&.&. ............... ~ DENV&lt 91t~ o.tlet

Cameron, note ledlll, to • ltN frft•9"11t contrect.

MIAMI 004..PHINS-Aetlveteel Miil• KOl lowtlll, ...,.slvt bedl. ~ 1 111 lernett, dllfenalve leclllt, Oii !flt lfllurtcl l""9fW 1111.

Slliith ~

refutes Lewis Record ol er says US team voted to oust old-medalist

NEW YORK (AP) - CaJvin Smith"-the world record bolder in the I ()().meter dasb, Friday refuted Carl Lewis' contention that the Olympic champion's teammates did not vote to kick him otT the 400-meter relay team for the 1985 World Cup meet at Canberra, Australia.

··When 1 came beck to the United States" said Smith, a member of the relay-team, " 1 read that Catt said there was no vote.

" But there was a vote. The vote was that if he didn't come to eractice, he­shouldn't be on the team. ·

Lewis chose not to participate in practice - and Smith, Harvey Glance and Kirk Baptiste voted not to have him on the team.

Lewis was replaced , by Dwayne Evans, and the United States team went on to win the relay in 38. 10 SCCQnds., the fastest time in the world last · year and the fourth-fastest in history, behind clockings by three other American teams.

Smith, consietered one of the finest curve runners in the.. world. used ru5 great speed to ove~me two me­diocre handotTs and give Evans nearly a five-meter lead going into the final leg.. .

Evans. running on his first relay team in a major international meet and under extreme pressure as the replacement for the heralded Lewis. easily beat Canada's Ben Johnson, the World Cup 100-meter champion and the anchor runner for the Ameri­cas team. which finished second in 38.31.

" He (Lewis) should have come to practice, just like the rest of us." said Smith, who set the I 00-meter world re<:ord of9.93 in 1983, but was ranked No. 2 in the world, behind Lewis, that year.

" He said that he and I had done some handotTs in the past, but because we had done them a year ago didn't mean .we didn't need more work," Smith said.

Smith pointed__out that l.cwis_ was a member of the team that competed against the Soviet Union in Japan prior to the World Cup meet - and that team ran only 38.28.

" I feel the lack of practice had a lot to do with it," Smith said. "Carl and I did not work together at all. I assume he was busy with other thiQ&S..:' _ _

Smith notca tnat Ule team. wiOl Evans, worked on handotTs scyeral times before the World Cup meet in October. Some observers felt , how­ever, that with Lewis, file U.S. might have broken the world record of 37.83. set at the I 984 Olympic Games - with Lewis as the anchor.

..With Carl on the team in Japan, we did not break the record ," Smith said.

" We felt that without Carl (at Canberra), we could run a fast time," he added. "The only critical things that could stop us from winning were the handotTs."

Becker advan ces in tourn ey

~ . BERLIN (AP) - Wimbledon

champion Boris Becker of West Germany advanced almost effortless-­ly into the semifinals of the Junior Masters' tennis tournament Friday by . defeating Czechoslovak Marian Va,ida 6-3, 6-2 .

The I S..ycar-old Becker downed Vajda in j ust 63 minutes to wi.n the "green $fOup" and move ahead in the competition at Berlin''& Congress Center.

Becker won the tournament last year. Saturday. be will meet Emilio Sanchez of S~n, who won the •')'ctlow group· "f'ricbl~y be-attna Ronald Agcnor of Haiti 6-3, 6-4.

" l played Sanchez once already_, a year and a half aao. He is a base line player." Becker said affer defeati ng V1.1da in front of3, IOO fans.

In Saturday's other semifinal round. No. I-seeded Davis Cup winner Mats Wilander of Sweden will meet Jakob Hla.sck of Switzerla nd.

Wilander advanced to the semi­finals by beating IS.year-old Bruno Oresar of Yugoslavia 6-1, 6-1, Friday.

Nathaniel: CrOsbyaame ~ayretanJ

PEBBLE BEAC H (AP) -Nathaniel Crosby, son of the late Bina Crosby, thinks it's still p<>ss.ible that hi1 father's name·wm be ulCld with lbe comina JOI( event on the Montefty Peninsula.

.. My brother Harry and I have our foot in the door," he said Friday aft.et the leCOnd round of the SpeldiQI Invitational tournament.

They are hopina their mo~1 Kalbryn Crosby. ch•qes bet ml.IMI before the swt of the POA evatt 1cbecha.led Jan. lO-Feb. l. Nathan1d and HuJy Crosby are on the tnen· penoa bot.rd which runt the \00~ namen-, a.ad they ftill be Dllllna in what la now called lbe AT AT-Pebble 8eKb National ~Am.

.. ,, my mom decided to cbaalt bet mJnd the d9y bdOR the tounlamlftt. • llataacnl oould be put out and it woukt be OK. h would be tbe Croebt' tournament apfo, .. Nathanial IAld.


" Why a re all these singers

wearing earmuffs?"

MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson

' by Tom Batluk DOOKUBURY

If~ A LOT SMAU..U ·~ <X)l) ~ If IA)A!> G()tN(j,

10 Be. .

BIG GEORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) SHOE

,,.....­Jl I


" What' s THIS game? The playoff of the runner-ups to the wild-card spot.$?'"'




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OrMge Co.t OAtLY PtLOT/8alurd81, ~·· 1... •


A800T TO 8E6lN

t+f(lfT 1'

HE 5HOT 1115 WHlfT ."/

by Gary Trud1au

by Jeff MacNalty

LCOK~ i..tKE ~ Gla-1, ABOtJ1" TO GET veR'1' U>Q('(.

by Charles M. Schutz

by Berke Breathed


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00 'PJ \JJISH \/a) NEVER MO\/ED, L.PWRelCE,? -

• ~MES


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I S~E IJA~EJE:R l'<JSY? I (:01 A t71ME:.10 SPSNt7.


MAIL?! f=OR ME ?.1


11001' MULLINS

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TO ··.oc.cu PANT"!


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hold: + A62 '=' 9873 OAJ +Q743 The bidding has proceeded · Wu t Nordt Ea1t outh I • Obie Pu1 7 What do you bid now'!

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OMAR f~!J . SHARIFf ~ .. ~

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Illa Elfry/ Atafl 0... you! Call 645·3567 ......,.., ••••••••••••••• •••••••• ••• ~E;;;;i!iii!!!;i ~!!~======•1 for Newpor1 Center CPA. ..~ 1r..w.. e e Ii iiiii Ane benellta & advance- Fiii n../ Plf't TIM • nwww -·"' • •

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LES 957·8133

IHHrll OltriHI RETAIL SALES Mon. TlltS ' Wed J.5 PM e } 30 S d e & nevtga1tonal 1kllla IP91y ~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~ Balboa Peninsula com- *-f••-•nmAJ [qull()poottulllt)[mtiloJtf e a .m.- : p.m . atur ays. e in person to TheOrange

SAILBOAT Ch rt F'~t All French Pr~vlncjal: Din a er """ set orig $2800. MC. S 1400.

needs person for Routine Col tt>I set $550. elaSJant & Prev~llve Sefvlclng sota/ lovest $650, occu h1ian1 I FiaHci1l Lest I F1a1• 2925 pany desires mature -•• -·- ...._ _ ______ -"! • • Co~ ~"':~,~~·reet.

LOST Diamond Ring ::ir~:.:i~~c: ~~ Will train personable c1.~1/lt1tHraat1 : Compensation to include : Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Exp req d. 645-7 100 chrs $ 150. Xlntl ~705

laftltllnt Mens sohtatre REWARD lleuble S4 ~ hr Sales ::::' .. ::;'.~":' B~~~ 5520 : h ourly wage p lus com- : ,.,,....,,---A=-s=-k..,.f-=or_ M,e1 __ 1n_d_a __ Ontrmity 2tOI 673·7704 onentated co 675-5544 Salon related pOlltlona Alf YM U llllllAU • m ission. • DRIVER-DEL Travel ticket

TEXAS Oil COMPANY COFFEE TABLE needs mature person Driftwood. Kidney thape person tor short trips aur- glass top $500. 64&-9177 rounding Cos ta 1=------.,..,.--­Mesa/ Newport Beach. Dining table w/ 4 cane Contaot cusfomer. we back chrs. Matching t r a I n W r I t e P . K . lighted Ct1Tn1 Cabinet. Dickerson. Pres .. Soutl'I· Mfr. by Stanley. Excel. western Petroleum, Box Compl $335. 895-~25 789, Ft. Wortl\ , TX. 76101 Duncan Phyfe Dining rm

Lost tem Aust Shepl\ard. Gen Ole Secretarial pos- Excel. salary opportunity Work for the original e e 2-Spm, M-F. own vehicle, UYI Al IHA1 blk & wht w/lan on Jen 1 111on an a busy olc tor s I o r en thus I a at 1 c Coco' s' SERVERS & e • quick. dependable. Call

National company seeks In CM 957-6160 local p\11 homeownera motivated person. C.M COOKS needed. Apply 1n • e 733·0"6"28"S"af7SUn -lde". Inventions. new LOST - I -G - • assoc Must have typing 859-5559 546· 3995 person 3-Spm, 2305 E. •• For a n appointment ca ll •• llfYf•/ fL-·· IELIY. products (714)643-1664 ma e old Lab. skills & ability to relate Co a st Hwy . Cd M " --Fee baaed Harbor & Wiison. CM on \'1811 wl tvV\ple Starting W.EIPHlll 673-9053 •. 642-4322 •. PIT Permanent, N.B. area.

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r -- 2914 sa:ary $ 1150/mo Apph· For· Swap Meet. $75 per _ ·~ t -• LOST Ma te Poo- callonsacoepted t0-4pm day -+ comm Musi have IAYSllE CUE • be • D RIVER FI T.PIT , van.

wiDdw his money for dlefTemer mix No ID M-F. starting Jan 6 car Must have pierced located In the Balboa Fun : l ween 3:00-8:00 p.m · : truck or motorcycle . TD's. S t0,000 up No Westct111 area Christmas 1 Niguel Shores Commun1- ears Must ~ar & display one Now accepting appl- Commission. Live nr

TUYIL HEIT tb1t6 chrs, 2 teats & p1d1 tmmed opening N.B .. ~-5 SSOO. call 642-9579

credit., . no penalty eve Apricot color Re- ry Assoc 33654 N1guer 1ew elry Call Tues 1ca1tons for all positions : A k for Ben Willia m . : Irvine Call Sat/Sun Deniaon Assoc 673-73 11 ward 6'6-3177 Sl\Ores Dr Laguna Niguel t2-2pm 71 4/ 898-9596 Call lor 1nterv1-646-5591 • • ••••••••••••••• •••••~• 733-0628

yrs exp inctud 'g 2 yrs Moving Salel Refrlg . computer. pref. DATAS solabed. dining turn.

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Lest I Ft••• 2925 Or CdM 673-268 t salary good benefi ts e ___ ....,...., ____ Lost Siamese wht/blu eyes Cali lor applm 756-8997 •

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For return of charm - c 833 8486 bracelet $500 REWARD Reward $250 blk11an all · e for Information of return Doberman ln1ured back • o f ch arm bracelet leg Vac CM 722- 1812 HCEPTIOllST :

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DELIVERY DRIVER Daily Pilot motor route available In Huntington Harbor area. 1-2 hours per afternoon. Call 642-4333; Monday - · Friday 10-5 P.M. Ask for Art. aft 6pm - WHITE MI POOOLE lound January 6 12·3pm :

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Ea1t--eat llECEmtllST • Dally Piiot • ..,,_ PI T personable. mature • •

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FOUND Puppy on El mileage re1mbursemenr 119

Camino Drive Costa SEOlulH/.lfHPT. Mesa 540 149& Applicant must apply '" Min 3 year• experience

_ person at Daily Piiot, 330 Strong skills min 65 per Found Yng Mtcat Sohd West Bay St Costa mtn Admln1stra11ve type. gray/ Ilea collar vie Mesa Ca Apply 9- t 1 attractive & personable

Wllson/ Fatrvu 646-8938 E ii m or 2-4 om 1Circula 26 t- 1044

Lost Calico cat blk wtit & t1on Dept 1

orange v1c Co1umo1a Tll ACCO•ITAIT Square 1r11 S tOO Fvll 11me Cost it Mesa

REWARD 854-9427 646· t636 or 756 ·9 105

' I' I I I I 0

srcn / tfc 1111 for N B Tax Lawyer top

salary ba~ on quallf1 cattons Laura 644-6512

HO'Y-llUL ESTAR Realto r seeks SE LF STARTER to manage small olftce Send re­sume • salBry r9<1111ra ­meri1s 10 Thtt Dally Piiot Ad :r t37 P 0 Box 1580 Costa Mesa CA 92626

Ttcll1ie.1l/ Tr .. t1 Sits

aummulT and man1 Rent or comm

S C Plaza area 557-2234

NESSI ... ll'Tlmedlatt opening tor qu8'1l1ed person Harri• 1600 t&&O exper tlelP· fut Ewcellent company benef11t and worll tng tondllt0n1 Apply


330 w eay 8tre.t CotlaM ... Ca ()( call 642·• 32,

After School­Student Jobs!

Do You Need S Cash S Aod A Good J ob To Start The New Year? A . We are '"'looking for Jr. High and High School l1udent1 anq others who would enjoy tallt lng wtth people and WOf't(lng with other students thefr own age. You can earn 125.00 to 'S50.00 MCh W.- In commlaak>na and MUCH.MOREi You can work PART TIME In the afternoona and ewntnga Ind at ltl heye pfenty of fr .. time. You MUST BE FREE AFT~R SCHOOL! Wt otter ~ training and prOYtde transportattof'I. TIU la NOT A PAPER ROUTE ANO IS NOT SEVEN DAYS A WEEKI Come out and Mtp UI ~ new cuttomws fOf our new.paper and have a great time dotng It. You have nothing to lo• and * auper job to gain. Call today and maybe you can start tomorrow!

Call Mr. Earl 548·7058 or 241·8432

Openirigs Now Av•ilable

CAR ROUTES E•rn Extr• C••h

For D•llv•ry 01 Thi• P•per



Deliver 1 day a week. No collecting, no soliciting. Must have dependable car, truck or station wagon and insurance

CALL 842 - 1444 Aak for JoAnne Cr•ney

Ctatr1l lt"icu Laa•1c1pi11 .••"'!'i .. •t'!!"ia .. 1..__....,. __ , ;;;;iiii=:=iiiiiiiiiiiiiii IV_l_N .. C .. E_l_E .. N"'"H•O• F•F· F-ln· l-sh_ed_ KONSTANTINE KENNELS TllEES DAN SAL YER PAINT Nb

$2 40 Pe da Boarding /grooming/sales Lie • 425924 ' f y C11rpentry & custom re- for cats/dogs 641· 7003 opped/ removed. Clean- Call Anyt, lme 9f54:20fr modeling Lie 495-5899 uo. new lawn•. 751-3476

That's ALL you pay lor -- PAINTER NEEDS WORK! 3 tines. 30 day minimum ca.n• Care 811•~.. - TIE llHI SOEll Int/Ext. callings. retln cab

'" the C M mom wall watch your AMERiCAN HANDYMAN Lawn-Tr..,.Shrub Install (26) yrs exp .. work guar

SERVICE schl age child aft scttl Carpentry. fencing. win- Tree Trim and Removal Davis Painting 964--3837 lge play-yard & TLC. dows: plumbing. marllte, Lawn Main & Rotottlting QUALITY at r .... pric9I close to schls. 722-6230 tub encl, etc And Yes SprlnlUer Install. Repair Int/ext Real Estate clean-

DIR Ec TORY lOVt NG Mom will care tor _J_es_u_s_•_s _Lor_d_6_3_6·_8_24_4_ Free Estimates 548·6065 up. carpets. windows. etc your child lull time. nice FENCE Repair. New & <?'d · W,11 Stnicu Refs Free est. 857-0691

CALL TODAY!! home Dottle 968-8332. WOOd, chain link. patios. Fllll? 111112 IOOI p I . , ----- free est. Greg. 968-0118 I • l~r •(

ASI FOR LOIS Clt111•1 met * GEN. HOME REPAIRS Attys. Parham& Assoc. , .. F .. ~ .. fA"'iilP!'R"'d!"!1~N·te"'Rl'li•o•R'll'S-Your ~ J ROBIN S CLEANING Paint. Drywall. Carpentry •••HrJ HANGING/STRIPPING

Service Directory SERVICE: 1 throougllly etc . Gary 645•5277 PTL VISA-MC 673- 1512 Representatl\ie clean house 540-0857 All blOCk· brlci<-eoncrete· ANDVS WALLCOVERING

1•2-4321 tit. SH ! Housecleaning, carpets & ~m~tM1AND6A~~E Ard ~a!~~~ks-<:ov!::O~~;'; Installation & Removal upbQlstery. w.lndows. etc 531 -5579 Pat or Ive msg -- Int. painting. 548-4013

• • 1212 Block walls, brickwork. lfr'r•ai.t, • 1· Horne Repairs, 111 types, concrete Comp patios STRIP IT OFF THE WALL ..,. _____ ....,__ Co~clal lnq. welcome fenCea/ gates No Job to t 5 yrs ex per 64&.4834 F 1 st · c I ea n • r e a I

;~~:e:~:i~~~ Dry- Cllrlstmas Clean &Haul small Anytime 750-6586 BRtCKWORI< Smau 10bl Uc/ bonded. 638--6970 all Repairs 847-7901 Carpet, F~rnlture. Drps & llEIT A 1•• Newpor1 Costa Mesa Pl11ttr/ Dryw1ll

Windows 839-4537 • • .,. R · f 675 3 75 ' REBLOWN OR PAINTED H & Otllc le I b Eleclrlcal. plumbing. IP· Irvine -~ __ . _1 Int/Ext. patch plaaterlng,

Also Int/Ext Patntlng l~e a c an ng Y pllance. oar. door opener STUCCO MASONRY-TILE custom texturing, (lu111t~ Ltc.,?88597 631-9295 ~DI Pteaae call for free installation & all misc No Job to small. All types work. Problems- No Prob·

estimate 842-6746 ho~ repairs. 1 hr dis- FrtMi est. Uc. 631· 2345 lemsl •326864 554-7831 A•plill~ct Housecleaning 14 yra exp. patch. $25 hr. 24 hra. 7 • .....z~-

Faraatut reliable. reas. free est. own days. Call 458·2628 1_ ... _• .• •.1_.,.. ______ P!"la~•~~i!!!ia~tllni~~~~ Appliance Ser11ice. Refrlo . trans Pina 645-9866 Oefta laalia~ *A· 1 ..... 24 llf II f lll-1111 washers-dryttrs-ranges we gala should hang . w CLEAN I EXPERT • Good Jobs done righ" .. -d1shwashers LI 240-0717 together Hang/remove. LT HA LING • MOVING Over 25 year• experien<le

839-0730 anytime Garage & Yard Clnupa lie T - 116 428 730-1353 AatMlt/ Cta ttt =-...,---- Jon 645-8 t92 ---·-----Parking Area Repairs 1 Clttlliafi Stmcn t UO 11'111t Re&u I 1 • "R fli & OUICK & C-AAEfUl r ac ng oo ng Sewing/ Iterations. Quall· LO RATES, T138046 Waterproofing• 631-4 199 ty at lowest price Npt

Asphall -repalr-prklilQ lots area. ~Jnette 83t-48tO NPT/CM/ lAGUNA. Area Self :t'c!~J~pert• apt complex-heavy roller CtiJracttra - Hauling-cleanup-painting· Joe 645-4269 7am-9pm moving. 7 day1. 494-2341 IAOllTAll MftlS Remove 81Phaltdr1~ At1•'11·lt1fll·ltll4I l'ieullng. Moving. Clear;:- C&1eful ~ Rellable Proa. replace w11ft Concrete Commtresid. 83 1·2345 ups 7 Daya. lowett ratM. Enlhu1l .. tlc Referral• Brtck / Block wk 539·0345 BATHROOM & KITCHEN Call Barry, 722-8673 Fr .. nt Uc 64&-3665

~~'. ·'~:,~~.dr~=kay!au . ~l~~~crul,NG :~~~~ ....... , ... ., - ITUllll -.WI brickwork etc 952-9352 C - filHll · In.ITS llftll M.

Hllr•ctlta THE OFFICE OF Orange Co. Ortaln•I Aatt Stnicu - - l l•iWia! Dr J..... Caroompu 0 c Student Mover• Tnturtd

""n . Lie T n._.le M NM21 Custom Auto Import Serv Remodel-Repa r -Roollng· Newpor1 Beactt 548~21 NEW WarehouMStoreoe BMW· MBZ·Auda-Jag-Ferr Masonary & HOfN! Sar... ..... ·~ICU:: All parts 1v1 Free P1u & 24 hr Servtce 54~5 !I•~· l anlALhn!ct

delivery 898-2319 Dttn -- .24 •r D tN-11H BEST~panlon

DRAINS CLEAR From S 15 Faueeta. Olac>ONI, Heater, 851 -9604 M&M 722·90M

Expert Servtc. & Atpalr 32 yra aKp. Retld 'l/Comm. lie 11409035 914--89 19

DRAINS CLEANED 24 hra. low Rates. Dlapoul1. Fauoell. 839-4537 ·

WATER REPIPING. Xlnt prices. Lie., bonded, Ina

Clerk Plumbing 581-6577

WEEl<END PLUMBING. No Ov.rtlmel Call Any

Tlme. 64&-e712

laai1n1 ltntcn - Entry & French ooo;. 'IHMttng done right4i Atdel & Rat .. tor elderly. Xcu1Type w ord Procet1- By Norman Tha Doorman Clletl AIC Heating Special live In or out. &33·2009 .,,---.~------Ing We do manuacr1pt1. Oak & Fir 857-000R 1 Hour Servl Mafnt $30 Care tor elderly In llcenM I J;~iiiiinuiiiiilii~I

manlnG lltt, ate. 78&-3330 91 t 1- I •92·8827 ••51213 private home. Home Qook II

llJIC r C& '""'' Kathy 540-4101 TYPING-S/H-BOOKKPNG RESID/COM..;1.. / INO 21 ·-· ... 150-2751 Olene 13 , ...... FASTIACCUR SERVICE "" a~ VERSATILE 64o.ou8 yrs Oomyown work UC. HOUSESrTTEA avallable, lllll!'lt"'liPP"'19!1"""•P"""I~· ·--·-·

•27804 1 Al 846-8121 Prof local, ~ refs FlN£ NTING By RICh- MR8 STEVtHS

Cirtn.!!f -- OON'S°ELECTRIC -1 C::..~";ne Eve

2-0401 :!,::.'1~ ~.=1 PsycNc l TarOt C.~

Ex¥carpentry s;;:;;c; 492·59$j SeMce cell•. --• Thank-Yout M3"'4 t t• You t .. me ~' wt1 Repalr -Aemod 'l·A~UOn• d~ outlet• etc, bondtcl I ......... left you 8111 XmM Doora.-etc 548-4980 - iCt; - RAINBOW PAINTING $30 Aeiedlng . ,, Ad

B • .-.--. -fr--door1 l 23E3LEOICTRIS IAN Ci9en 1.1pteT ree Trlmmlng Oualhy It our poMc;y 772·2132 (714) 772· 1021 ,_ .. ..,., .. .,.. ....... IC• 1 mall/large Verd MetntaHaulfng &50-&14t .IEF'F Uc eMa 1571 w Kat...._~

f rencti Sllderl & Mort. !Obi 6 t8()81ra 548-5203 MIKE 150-3213 --r.--·----- -1 Addlt•ona & ~· A A PAINTING Intl tt 1 ~=~~ ...... !"!"II.I • 4761oe Don "4-&~9 NEW/ REPAIR Quality. No C&B LAWN SERVICE LOWEST poealb+e pt1ce It

Doota-rMldlng•·b•y ;in:- ~=:~~~!or~~;:~ Mow:'l; twlCt "'° l20- 10 Step~. M2-323S OWi. ~pfele patio•.

125 14 731· &.tt-


1ddlllont. quality W()(lt f ..... ISHIKAWA LANOSCAPE t/Ext 30 1"' t X$* .. U77•41 P•vl 5-48-"60 oXk i PINE f &d+ Sod cieen~upe Malnf. ,.,., 142·5214

Kl'TCHEN CABINE T S50 Of Mii part, you ,,_,. Sptlr*ltrt. ttG. l&0-4 l"7 HOME.OWN£A £XPEATI AEFACING 847 ·ea33 f..tlnml~. con· lnt/bt ~ ~

aft !Of fr .. ht 142.0U I lllR!WOOO S79 !1()1~ uord atden'Ci.J~f1t1Uve MJllM'7 13 ,.ttM · Aec>elr·Atter•tloN ,.._ Yeeta SPtldel ~ prteaa. 7032 un ,rxf 20 v..,.. ....,

etnodef· P.,._Lock..-0 tnlx Oetlv • Jim 136-15t1 Prof Oil..._..._ Awr .......... Ill+ .~ .. wihd~ ..,. ,,_. t•• wtttl o.1J ,.._.,.OOfN'l.(menyrwfll bteriorttuooo l 130• svr•e~ Jenyl42.0M7 "°' WMt Me M-Oll2, ~ rn. .JoM ~ Ml-0442

I· f


0t'Mge Co.t DAILY PILOT/,,,....,,~ 4, 1818

'UhlJ u , llH n , ...... , I••....... II• 18111 lal!!!!f 119 a.e. lr•lltll .. Hr ,.. frlQ 1350, Sota ... , t NlJC llHICl fWUC llDTICl Pia.IC llJ11Cl ~SlS.AMtbtletn KENWOOD KT428 tuner .. -.. .,..11R•nM TO'¥OTA '13 Corela '"'· FORD ' 71 MUSTANO v.e bldtne1111einin.,,..,ne1N 21 1t11. 11 t: 11 O'doclk (5)Mt8SIONVtEJOfLOMT

l7S. 0... Sla. Cteclema MO/OC)o: KA 7400 Rcvr. ,.. onlvE.-..V DePA'"'°'JNT -~ .'?!'.· ~ "::"j~ auto. 511< ml.. ol the blddet ....... dello- A.W . #'Ct "*' lftCI .,.. ' GlfT8. H27t ~ 0 . harcycla 125. l1001ot>O. U0-6397 • Wll ILi IDnlls lllM .,c; ... .., • • OOOd ~ a1000. nation fOllOwlnt ~ lflcMc:eu911, lfMttM1llelle. ,_wy . Mllelofl \litjo, Cellt.

WomaN 12 IOd ~nn It comea wtth p/1, buc*at IWW.Ml.11 •n rni. lllOO. '*'5 lt2 756-1909/ D a..o-o 195/E "09A ltl!e ~namer. why Mid C*ltion tot d\anoe t2tt2 .. , .... nu. 6'2· 7874 Trauprtadta ... ,. Ind raellal tlr•. M-F1111t.S.SUll l mna L'·•··· FOAO '83 T-Blrd VI Of~. 1\CMe¥1l, "° !lo- °' MIM ~ not ~ " · ~kin• fllt•e'I ...

- (k • 0840)(Stk#2427) • • • E·"'" .. St -51 r: tttloul '*"' lllall lie \..ad gr8nl9d ll'C . ~ 21522 \I In• OM/--1brw: Cof tbll hwr .... 7111 v2vo, - · Attend our ..... ...,,.,_ ":!:r· Otlg owner. U111M1 t•• II 1 ounn rT II FVRT~ oro.r.d lllefno, EToro

1e.llf tH30

$450. din Mt 1375 bit '5' lllH I FuMarton. CA and t acl•v• a f ra• l · Chsco.t V9Y ~Mlon wlttl 1h9 Ot1n91 INt 1 copy ot Ulla ordet '° Tl\11 t>ualnaee 11 con. 11oole l11 8otal.0V..t ~llcoeii . •..it oond • ORANGE COAST 714-tlO 6300 pctteott mini vaow"'· ex11/lntr/Lnth . t7500. COunty A9Qordet, 1n cw of ltlOW c.. lie putlll"*' In duQ1acl by a OOfporatlon MOO IOfabd 1350 o.-· Cov.t & alip. Ju.at ttfln. · JMp/ JW\auft 213-191-6701 I.Mm abou1 IMllng In 76t-78a4 or ~54 e«Potltlona. ~ tM The~ PllOt, a new'"'* UNM ...,111ne. S4C Tree. waltUNtl350. bdr~...00 $4500 obo. 673·60M 2524Harl>Of CoetaMeaa BENT LEY '70 8rlt11h our oft!Qa '*' South FORD '84 ~ conv namee Of !I'll ~ of..,_., drcul9tlon, pub- Thie itetement WM Mid din Mt '350. UM705 WI .... , 4 Ml·MH : green/cream'. 14000 Coalt Plaza. v.a Wht auto a.u.tary. Tr...-er, end ""*'In""'~ a1 leMt wuh me County Cllrk ol Of·

(~ 1 ht) r.-.:101· • 7 .. _·7 ... 2 · ~ once• we9I f«-IOur con· Inge Cowlly on~ ........... 1111 31'DUTCHYAW[ a;;og Toyota '85 4 Aunnat. Ltd WOflh of recondltlOnlnQ. • • <>-. 1. 50. v .,. - The Chy Council of the..,..,. .... P<lot to tne 13. 1MS 1168 fofl@NY fiCkft & o.k. 5 aal19. Atomic 4. new, In wan. 4500 mlee. , ~!~8~_.! ~~ IU.·Uftll UAll FORD FIM1a •19 AMI FM City~ Coet• Mw rewwe ~of Mid l'IMrlnO ,_,.,

HST OFFER · Refrlg, aleet:>• 4. 5 ap, Ale, am/tm cae, .,..., .. F • .......,- 11•1Ul· 1Hl cue. New Uraeibttce, Qd 111e right to rejeet eny °' .. o..d Of.C 1t 1H5 P\ib0"*1 Otanot eoeet

648-1238aftate $90()0 Va:l23e. ~hlr ~··· rnoontf. EJttrae VW 'M Mtcr<>bul 25 win. ~~.;.!:,.cal trani. Sl2oo, ~ated: Oec:ember ~1 . :.r..ry .. T .... ~...:..,.f~·; ~:~~.~:V~. ~. r~a. __,,,...,--.,..----· ~ iJL....- • 2,v50. 64&-7841 • ..,....,. ..__ _ .... .,......, -.-- -• • 2 Qakwooel 4 drwr Dtlno -r I TOYOTA L-... --.•-- '&4 dow --... --~· In- . t9&5 ' C... o 8A·i4'

e1blnatef4 d rwr Orig Ai-FIY 300, !Woe X im:Jj White. Ex;.7c;,;dS.ecn,: vaetor1 on)y 497 .3179 •• 111t• U 'M Publilh«I Orange COll9t ...,,., .....,._ AttoMer ---------$ 1000/ "400 both 905 No aa111 with booms l500. fleas 10 250 495-&en II. vw ·ee Bug, am/Im, 10 e gyl, 111.110 trans. factOfY Deity Pilot January 4·~9:7 · * ..,..., • A1a, t ~ PlaJC tl>TICE Euclid (0) 554-.8265 ~2· t902 ' ' i•-- mllal, gOOd condition. air, AM/FM ,,.,ao, = ......,. ..,... ______ ..._ ....... __

CHILD'S SWING SET Iii /Dtc I Truka : ._ $1200 obo. ~2-7488 (lie• IJGM357) .. _.,,. """TIC( PublllM<t Orange ' Cout P:ICTmOUe .,... •• Excel. cond. make otr: JI 1 ltrlft 2 PlYMdOTH Arrow 1h2 i vw '71 arn/tm Blaupunkt (Stk# 32851 "- "" = PUOt Pectmber 21. 28. T~~":! .,. 751-3198 7U pickup I~ b•<HS,500. =. .. . n••• atareo. Mlcl'lalln tlr... . 111M '1CTTT'IOU9....... , .. . Janyery 4· 11· ~!~st doing bullneu,u . v~ 4

*" "EWooo• suPsx • .n. "' 38' & ii' g: .. ,.. 21 . ... '°' _ ;.r.J .. """' ... , ... , .... ,. ~~... u. • .. , o ••• ,. .. .. Prtmlum Meaoned or-

3333 W Coast Hlghwey Wllllama. ' VW ' 78 Rabbit Fec1 1Unrf, doing ;;;;;.:....-.. 7-ven. P\llJC NOTtcE CV:~~~ ~~t:>:: Moham·

anga WOOd $110 ·~. S195 Naws>ort Sch 9


Mon-Fri '68 CHEV. PIU. Good • ... ~ WOf'k , "'lk• oner. gaane• T-8hlr11, 207 E. mad Patti, 5428 Welt cord. Free dal. 968-!081 •IH. Traaa,.rtatitl transportation . M•k• ttedc. r 1 852 · 9300 day1 or Utlc:a Ave .. Hunt1no1on ~COURT Lennhardt, s.n1a Ana, CA

POOl T ABlE/ A t offer OV« S500 549'-3419 646--2338 ewa. Ooog. Beactl, CA 92648 °' C ... ONU, Jay Siddiqui and Arlt ..... . cuea & ~J;~~t c .. ,.ra . Hit '76 Oateun, lhell, crpt,klt , h ... ,,...:.J:". di· vw '80 van ..... on Cam,_,. 20c7~E u~~~A-~!!,.· COUNTY °'OllANOE Shartt 16165 Mount

- .... I09 .... .... ,._. ._ ...... ....... In tne Mallet of the AOPll· Otanc:n1. Founlaln Valley. cond. 1400, 760-1410 '70 Travel Trellar (Golden bo<>t. loaded. ictru, runs • afl a/c, crulae cntrl. am/Im fORDT·BIR0 '71 AllOl'lg. lngton ·a..cn CAt2Me.· c:etlon of MARK MATHEW cA 92708 WANT TO BUY· w Falcon) 8x17, gd cond. gd $2295 ObO 968·1031 putrnlll yow . atateo l6000. 8-42-7190 Exel cond. 60K .Ol'lg m1: lhl• buslnffl la con· BRIGHTMAN ANO CHAO Thll bu1tnes1 II con. CHAIR w ire"' HE.Eb~· SHOO. 645-02 17 '85 GMC Suburban Slarra eomD -····.., .. 1 Beat otr ~6-0407 ducted by• an lnclMdual EOWARO BRIGHTMAN. ducted by' A general pan.

ova e . ' Cl ssl t3 • 9 " - 0 • CollMn F Conway M INORS. BY THE IR nerenlp arma & MANGLE IRON 72 PACE ARROW 25 alpa a c:. K ml .. all op- 5 apead, AM/FM stereo, Fiii TJMPI IL '14 This ataternent WM flied MOTHER. OOLO~ES ANN Ahmad Pat14 548-5703 Btwn 8-8pm 8 , loaded. 711( ml.. lots ot tlons. S l8,000. 845-8456 l1M)lll 11~ luggage raci<, excellent 40R, auto trana, factory wttn lhe County Clettt of Of. MARIE 8ELL. for C111noe of ThlS •tatement was filed

SCRAM.LETS - xtras. SB750. 548·3 l55 FORD COURIER '76. Gd iiilW ...... ~ MPG. - a1r, AM/FM at«eo. ange County on o-Tlb« Name wi111 the Couniy Clerk ot Of. RV Ploneer'78 24 ft. 440 cond-, 60K orig mites. Bat ~..w (Set# 212625) (LiC# 1KEE993) 11, 1985 .... A1'1m ~ County on Oeciemblt engine. lo ml. Sell cont. olr. 846-0407 - (Stkl 4005) (Stkll 3917) • ,._ ORDeJI TO 8HOW CAUN 23 1985

ANSWERS Exoelcond. 552·8291 TOYOTA 1980 plcicup ¥. IATlll'l2211DIL IJHI UHi o:~~\~~-=1~ '°"c~..:,..._ Puoh~ Or•noe"= ·vatmln . Ditto ••t reyclu/ ton I~ bad $3, 100. Clll 5 spd air P/ S full power • • • , 28, tHS and Januery 4, 'ITITIONU, OotorH 0811y Piiot Dec 28. 1985. Jan Credo . Weaver ICMttra 1011 842-"3 1

· Aek for Don dlgltai cw., crvlae, ' • • • 1936 AM -:: ... Ml l'led • ' 1, 18 1986 5

& .. ..,.

TWO TIMER Wiijfams. teat her lltoy wheels • sa-23 t patttloft W. COUl1 fof 1111 '""""

first fioot.: " Why does you '82 Vespa 206 PE, front va·a 1 O (438249>° · • • • ~ ~ .,.._. ~ ---------end damaged. $450. · i D11111 II' """TICE --..- ,,_ ,....... ...... ntm•1c NOTICE g trl rland wu.r two OBO 756-8339 days DODGE ·72 8260 window ..... n~u" nu MM ....... .,....._ __ r_~ _____ _

witchel?" Second goot: • Van 380, va A kl - • • • JtCTITIOU• IU..... ... CMd ldWWd .,.... FICTITIOUI ., ..... "Becau~ She's I TWO '84 Kawasaki KX 125, mint $1699, call a.S.:254~ ng . NAME STA,....NT fMft .. ...,_ ......... .... NAMI I TATl....-T TIMER... cond. See to apprec. Sac 1 I 1 - VW '74 BUG looka & rune FORD GRANADA '78, 2 The fOltowl~ P«90flS IH Md CMd Edward.... The following peuona are

• -1-· . $650. 84.2·2637 1'1. 5 Dodge V1rl Conversion' ~re~t. Only $2100. MUST door. towmlleege. $1699. doing txi91na11 aa· A ACCI· IT:. .. MaY ON>EtED doing tM.ISl1141SS as Carbol frH It !ta HU '85 YAMAHA 125 Riva. ' 83. Lo mt, lot( of extras. . Ell 759-9281 anY11me Call646-2547 DENT ATIORNEY. 4400 :-..._ ...:::"'--=~ Restaurant 1m Bristol Smail DOxle mix blk male 2800 mt. Wlndshleld/ new See to appreci ate C.O.t.a M-~0330 l/W BUG '66 New brks, LllCILI,.. 1111 Yll MacArtllur Blvd .. Sult• 370, ~ ....... ttlle coUr1 In Street Norlh, Newport

dog. Well tranlned house helmet $995 640-8417 $13,900 540-9205 eng nda rebuild, S500, Newport BNctl. CA 92MO ~·t No. 3 8t 700 Seacn. CA 92660 dog 968 1043 bet 12PM . A t I .. 1100 IATSll '1012.10 call 756-9281 Loaded w/ pwr equip. Robert F. Allen, Jr., 4400 Ctwtic Cefltef Drift W t Kenneth JOMpl\ Ryt>ua.

· • CYCLE Sound unit for •" a,.rt Hatchback. auto. air. $13 ,995 (1 KBR565 ). MacArthur Btvd .. Newport ...._ AM. c~"~ 4831BruceCr.-it. ~ Springer Spaniel, liver & motorcycle for sale $100 AM/FM radio. Low, low Aat" le•ntic 1300• Johnson & Son Linc. Beech. CA 92660 Vt0/11, it t:lS o'clecll oori Beaen. CA 92663 wttt , reg, male free, 8 ·or best oner. 898-3992. LARGE SElECTION OF mites. All original. CAO 182 CdV, blk, e1a!5c ; 1fr1erc. 540·5630. This buslnaaa 11 con· A.JI., aftd ..._; and lhlr• This b1o1s1ness 1a con· years old. 714/ 546·2848. - NEW & USED BMW'S! ( 135ZUC) "'"' dueled by: an lndlvtduat .._ - K MY they ducted by A limned partner·

A•lt Lt11ia' Hl style. 281< ml. Perfect ! Robefl F. Allen, Jr why~ . S111p Jnrtl11/ Fu1/ A{t · ~ LIHIUGI ID IHH cond. s11,ooo. 675-6896 ! This sta1wnent w11 flted ~ol s»t.!!:f tw K Joseph Rytius

· 1~25 lllllll T LWE ' VOLUME SALES with the County Clerk of Qr. b;,-,..-.,,t.d ,._ • not Th11 slatement wu filed SERVICE & LEASING - CAO ClalSk; Seville ' 76

1 ange County on November • with Ille County Cterk of Or·

DAMSEL IN OfSTR SS. A tltrpltr PllHIT1 3670 N. Cherry Ave. LONG 1 1 1

• with 55QO 1 owner miles. 21. 1985 .,!. !'~~: ~ ange c oun1y on December MUST SELL JEWElS. 0111 ltw Ftr B~CH BJk/ blk leath. Mk:helln 1 '212111 ...__lie pUbllehed In 23. t985

722-8508 llST PllOIS (NO. Ctierry'exlt·405) t lrf!S. S5~. M.i-1188 I Published Orange Coelt tM ~ c-t D•ltr F2.Mel0 (11•)1••tll0 Dally Piiot Oec«nber 21, 28, PuMaMd ~ eoeet

R 0 YA l 0 0 ULT 0 N tiU.NlllfilION.BEACH. .. •r Cosu M- ~0-0330 • NABER·. S ' 1985. January'· 11 , 1986 ::C-C::.:::* ,::.=:.; Detly !'lot Dee 21.'111S. Jan PORCEl.AIN DOGS for Cl-:IRYSLER/PL YMOUTH Trade-Ina Welcome S•-255 .._ tNe c:owi"" ai :..i _ 4, t 1, tt, t•. aala. Clndl, 840-00l6 642·063 1 540-51M OPEN SEVEN DAYS DATSUN 280ZX '79. Red, CA~ DILLAC iLllOILl'UTftlUI ;_.tit~rCOl\eec;;ti;; a.a?

rlitW pelnt, 5 spd, 10K. ..1111 'C NOTIC£ U-- r· ,... c I a an . s 5 4 0 0 I 0 b 0 I• I Loaded w/ pwr equipment. n~u . .... prt« to IM ., of un ua ••" 390. 1779. 545-0022 LARGESI..SEl.fCTION AM/FM stereo tape, lacy NW~. ""'-IC NO!ICE 1-A ~tat •on It.a•·-· DO A LITTLE ·of late mbdef.l~AISQe·: spoke type wheels and flCTYTIOU9 8UllNIH DatM DEC 31 1115 __ __., _ __..._.__.___

~SAl.tl ~(~> IMl'4'!,!8...!.!°"" OATSUN '80 200SX cpe, 5 .,.. o' I h (1LWS572) NAME ITATUIENT Henry T. Moore, Jr., FICTITIOUS llUllNllS Delk• w/ m1tchlng ~~ ()~~ spd, nu blk paintlca·ss 4 vadlttacsln range - muc more. ' fhe follOwlng persons are J!Mlge of the l11perlor NAME ITA~MIHT

Credenza & Chairs. Xlnt 1 ~ "' t 1 County! See us todeyt '16·995 Johnson & Son dotng l>ullneu as A AVTO Court The fotlowing ......... ~, are 6"',.. 3 ~·· • .- •'"• spki;.s. o ml, mmac. 540 l880 Linc ••ere 540 5630 ...... ~. CQndltk>rl. 'IV- 900 , , . • " · G • • '8 ' $3595. 957-6278 • ' ..... . - ACCIDENT ATTORNEV . LOftt ' JHtllWll, At· doing Ous1ness as Al·

Pm I Aaiaala · iOft 3.-' .. ,1 ;,-"jl 11r. <) 1 • oArsuN ·a 1 2eozx. 1 2600 Harbor Btvd IHOllY 1W1e11s =-~~~ c~'rS::,d· ::::zr'~1::,~ia:· ~ ~'f!a~.:;b~ ~ ~~~

Xkc Yorkle, 6Mut1fui 1 yr ~. --: •• : ... 1 -,~!. ·11,._ ~ :~t;'~ ''rl1

ownr, to mi, always gar· COSTA MESA WAIM'IJ Robeft F Allen. Jr . 4400 CO.te ...... CA 12121 s1. Costa Mesa. CA 9M27 old playful and friendly - a r ~ 'I V-1 aged. All extras, beaut CADILLAC 'B t Sedan Sev· , Auto, air, PS, PB and MacArthur Boulevard, New- Pubt1sne<1 Orange Cout Raym ond Ch a r 1 es $1So 8'42-2952 ' ... 1~ rnet red. Buy for whol&- Ille diesel. cherry cond.I more. (IGTW563). $6995 port Beach. CA 92660 Dally Pilot January 4. 11 18. Blilkman. 330 E t5th St.

. . GA•AGI s• LI ADS NOu. ,. · . •, . sale. 9~4906 Pvt ply • Jollnson & Son Linc This bustnesa la con- 25 1986 Costa Mesa. CA 92$27 C Sh ,... ,_ ,. ... ~ bought another. wi ll let d , ..... b dt·•d al s 2" • T hlneaa er,,... pypp....,, ClASSIPllD tY CrTYI , . .. Mere 540-5630 uc vu y: an in Y• u •· .... llos ous1nen IS con.

aired by Tandum TV star 1 "·., DATSUN 8210 '77 auto, go bet ow wholesale! I Robert F Allen, Jr ducted by An inclMduet of Aaramls comm'I Beaut S 1 lllOW a/ c, amlfm cass. Runs 759-8046 or 760-5090 llST&ll This statement was filed PlB.IC NOTICE Raymond c B1etman color. Lots of wrlnk.,,.. Great! $2000. 72~·7354 ClPll 'IO CllYllTIILE 'I• wttll the County Clerk of Or· This statement was lile<l $1500. 644--4014 . "--, ....... , ,-122 c"· ta·-· It"• .a ....... _ .. P/IP '12 ange County on November ACTITIOUI 9UltNEIS wtlh lhe County Clet1< or O<·

_.. ·- wt -- .. _ TURBO lnvorgeous blk.. 4 A black beautyw/ V·6, Bir, 21 , 1985 NAME STATEMENT ange County on Novembet Dwarf rabblTll , so"'e MoClng Sale! Entire fi;e;;1d SAT /SUN 10_2PM. Tod· 5 speed, AM/FM st~eo spd, air, PI S, P/ B, and 1 lftll power. tilt . Cl'\Jlse. F212952 The following personsare 27 1985 w/blue eyes. $~.50each . furnishings! Everything cassette-~s much more (550ZXG) s1ereo. cass. low. low PubtlS/1ed Orange Coast doif19 bu54ness as • f'a:M17

673-7538 _.. must go! 717 Fernleaf, dlef bOy' s clothes. infant· (Sei.~· t08206) $3995 Johnson&. Son I m~es. wire covers Daily Piiot December 21, 28. AMERICAN GRAPHICS & Put:>hstled Orange ·Co1s1

Thank You for~m



W1 TODAY (714) 842-2000

Sat/Sun 9· 4. Cash only! toddler toys. lawn care ( Sik~ 3336) LJnc. Mere. 540-5630 . ( 1236281 t98~ January 4, 11 . 1986 DESIGN, 13581 B1.rre11J Daily P11o1 Dec 28 1985 J111 PUPPIES , Lab /Shep PRICES. UP TO $300 Items. bbq, trash com· lt•lt 110 .. II . S1·2~ Lane. Santa Ana Calif 4 11. 18. 1986

/ Oob1$ mix, 8 wks old. pactor. ladles' form11s, • WI •• , ALL IUIES ,.. 92701 • Sa.262 soma coum Shots S25. ea. 957-0620 MOVING Sale. King size appliances. books. Var· USED CARS& TRUCKS - PlB.IC NOTICE Jett Stevens. 13581 Btr·t UUl

bed, wshr & dryer •. desk, lety of big & small misc. COME IN OR CALL FOR re11 Lane, Santa An1 Calif l P\8.IC NOTICE aola-bed, bar stools. No reasonable oner re- REE •-uw. 1 • • - SUPENC>ft COU9'T 92701 --------- ISmtJ

Piaa" I Or11a1 bike, chest of drawers. fused. 517 Sturgeon Dr, arr- Of' CALIFORNtA. Sharon Fon1yn . 135811 FICTITIOUl IJUUt€11 .ea59 rocker, misc. 640-144-0 nr Bristol & Peularino OeLILLO Yd COUNTY OF ORANGE Barrell Lane, Santa Ana. N..- STATOIENT .., e1m1UT c.o.u M 540 0330 c a1i1 92101 "WI W1U NOT •t•o1111RA-i .,2 .yr·a· old- .""-'UP!"'k•e ·new ..... C•ta .IN 1124 I t •. L 5140 esa • In the Malter of lhe App11- n11s ous1ness is con. Tile following oe<sons a1e

s 1950 obo. 648·9490 U • IC• · H1~~i::J-:8~ :~gti : llSTAll 'U ~a~I~~ 1 ~6 M1e;0 H~~~ ducted by 11 general pan- ~~ngbv~ ~ II UNDllSOlD" after6PM Din. tbl.


5 W/ leaf. for· Webco BM X s36 . HONDA '81 Prelude, xlnl 141-t011•141-Ull ! tnbesutrlulred, auto. air , SHAPIRO. on behalf of ne;~~~onFontyn 3300 Irvine Ave. Sulle 325 WE HAVE 4x4

.... "'lea. flke nu $45. 3


x 1

Winchester chr $20. An· cond., loaded. Must sell 1 I PIS. P/ B, under 19,000 JUSTIN SHAPIRO. a minor Thia statement was filed Newport Beacll CA 92660 li~let ateel cab. $8. 631


tique drswr $50. Men's $4450. 640-7628 CHEVY "64 Impala SS mlles. Red cloth tnlerior for Otlange ol Name with Ille County Cle<k or 0

,. Je~5e E Lama 32 LX&ES FQ,;iOfi 3 apaad MAGAZINES: Road & 3spd SB. Antique Ill chr JAGUAR '80 XJ6 exit good body, nds eng. (1JOY083)$6995. OROERNoT.


JH301w'3c1 AUSE •rl9e County on Oecemt>ef ~ouBertac~"c ... • N92


n N-· TIOOPEIS bicycle, very good con- Traci<. Cycle World, PV 4, $18. Child's bike seat cond, green wfbi~ll 1n1. work S 1000 obo Call Johnson & Son Linc. 3 1985 ""'• " "' dltlon 145 Ot belt offet. X·Rated. etc. 646- t507 S2 50 Steamer truck 10 mi. Best otter. Financ- alter 5 546-0589


' _Mere 540- 5630 _ FOR CHANGE OF NAME F2t5tM St-an R Wilson 22110 20 Of Them 960 1347 "25 Tbl I $3 Book . (Sec ~I Del Valle St WOOdllnd Holts

• . Ref rig $50 Washer & • amp . s Ing avail 633•3660 c1·m "a11a11 'll 0 L OS . 80 cu T LA s s MEL HENRY SMAPIRO PubhShed Orange Coast CA 91364 ALL COLORS •~s · · &. toys. tMB elec type. -- oa11y P1101 Oecemt>et 21 28 S~rtia1c.M1 ..,. I dryer$125. each Push writer $50 Nightstand KARMANNGHIA '7t Auto trans, factory , air, Brougham 2 dr. very ANO GOU SHAPIRO r>ave 1985 January • 11 1986 1 This ous•ness •S con- t---~"""!'!!~---t

Skis kl 355 195cm lawnmower S1~. 646·5848 Sa. Girls clothel. sz 4•5. 1 owner car. canary yel, AM/FM,atereo. cassette good cond .. all new tires, filed a petition 1n 1111s court SA·2«1 ducted oy Al NEW W/Mark- M30Rblndl""l lSAT9-5. 414 0g1ecr. Lots Women's clothes. sz 7. low. Flt as a F1ddlel (l!icir 280VN0) $3700 848-5392 for an order allowing pe11. s1- ar1R Wilson

"" . .., $4"'50 673 9247 (Slk 37 2) - 11oner lo change his name This s1a1emen1 was hied 136 ISU2lJ IMPtLSE 't100 650-83~7 af1 5 J of household i tems, Drapery ro<fs 960·1290- " . • 1f

1 OLDS "8l -Delta aif RoyaJe. from Justin Shapiro to Justin PlB.JC NOTICE with lhe County Clerk of Or-

i • • waterbed: tum. Sporting MB ·95 500 SEC Mint cond " 11111 Fully eqpt. 4 dr, good Evan Shapiro ange County on Oeceml>ef " ' ttrMr uMtnaln goods, lttla, rnlac (mat 614f 9K ml. Lthr Int, Loaded oond $2500. 640-8417 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED FICTrTIOVS 8USINESS 18 1985 J 111 4 11 18.

1111 Westlnghouae elec sc:rut>- 1§1• bike wltratnlng Wh11 $.44.9K/ obo. 720·0781 OLDS.-83 Cutlass Ciera lllat all persons interested 1n NAME ITA~MENT 1986 ---------. the mauer aforesaid appear The following persons are F295N7 VIDEO rac:order. JVC HAO ber S 15. 16 lb bOwllng $ l5. Antique oak child's MBZ '76. $10.000/0 BO Dsl. V6. loaded Clean tetore thls coun 1n Depart· doing bu$1ness as PuOhshed Orange Coa•t

2.25, stereo, cable rNdy, ball & bag $15. Lrg whl bed $40. 24x48 bulletin PORSCHE 912E ' 76 1 $5000/otr 63 1·0286 ment No 3 al 700 C1v1c j 1 )M ISSION VI EJO Oa11y Pt101Dec28 1985 Jan 14day8evenla, slowmo- barrow $10. Maple arm bo1rdS8. SchwlnnBaacn 1$16000 548- 1412 Markaf18pm Center Onve West. Santa FLORIST(2)MISSIONVIEJO l 4 11 t8 t986 tlon, exci cond s350. chr . red pads $1 5 . crulser $20SChwlnnBMX ', ' - /!maOFlllElllll 'll Ana. ca111orn1a on January FLORIST & NURSER' 984•3366. 545-3479 racing S30. 786-8112 MBZ 76 3000 alt pi s ale •

cruise, pwr wndws, ex o trans. AM/FM stereo



• • ~.-, I

cleanS5900. 673·8835 CHEVY Malibu 1980 350V·8. TODAY'S classic wagon A ir . (L1c 11 WXM298)

- AM/FM. 2 tone paint. (Stk ,,3975) CROSSWORD PUZZLE elec. seats. $2,950 . Call t•lll · 642-4321 Ask for Don •


IATSll '12 210ZI IL -evio"s-·--e soLveo ••l'llSOOI• 5spd, alr. P/S, futlpower , ACROSS . 58 0 1 ...., " .-.. ~ ..

•••••••••••••• Sliver/ black, 7K miles, digital cass .. cruise. cornm1ss1on balance of tactory war· leather. alloy wheels. I Mutt's b11tlC1y 59 Ere oart

Saaclay, Juaary 5 (438249) S Strike 61 uoroar AJUES ( March 21-April 19): Key ispaticnce-wm clinks1 puzzle ~~~~Y (

97528) Leese or 11111 1: g:~k~;~e~~~ ~~ :~;:o~e0"''

pieces arc missing. You'll learn more if you wait, i~ you realize that 121,tll SI• 1

_ . PlB.IC NOTICE Herat 64 BM1sn cooperation is on the way. TaU!'lJS, ~. Scorpio persons play .... SLIMIS 15 Lt'atter Columooa o utstanding roles. R o m ance o n honzon. llPllTS tNv:.!:f:.01 16 Asl>4ti " ve•

TAURUS (April 20-Mhay 20): DiaJog1

ue with keyLpeople pr~tyes 1001 ouall St., Na ato ITU. NO. 10t • i~ ~~;1°~~nq 65 :~,~~;:s fruitful. Focus also on c ange, trave, romance. unar post ion 933.9300 c.o.1.a Mes. S40-0330 NOTIC E ts HEREBV t9 Loafeo i;f • ,1r•si .ie h iahl!ah .. tsP,<>ssible~crship, serious con siderat ion of marital status. 1-M- N- z- 4-5-0·s---E-L - .-80- -E-xce- 1 ~r~~~~1.~,~~r.:;~·b~ 20 Nur~ ". ~'e'"""M1 Gemini, Virgo, Sagjnan11s-persons play roles. cond. Sliver w/ blue inter IATlll '101210 the Coty ol Costa Mea1 to Cave11

GEMINI ( M ay 21-June 20): Major domestic change proves Sunroo't Extras. 76K ml. Hatchback, aulo, alr. wt! The Clly Council. P.O 221n11ot11es beneficial. You 11 gain cooperation of one who b~d been a~nL F~us S19.500. ph 786- 1644 AM/ FM radio Low. tow Bo• 1200 Costa Mesa, Cah- ~~ ~a;.ewOfo also on work p rocedures, basic chores, resolutions relating to diet, i--.-,-~1-:-:L-=U~S.,..l __ l_I~ ( 135~~~) All original ~:;;,~ ~;:~~r2~·:ooa: 27 GI mai• drop nutrition. Libra figures prominently. Ian Mutme, 30GZX IJlll on Friday January 24, t!lse. 28 P1tron119e

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Define terms. avoid self-deccfstion, Att.::c,a.our leaae •seminar 11 shall~ tlll r91PONiblllty 29 Eves

welcome opponunity for intcnsi,ficd bve n:dlationship .. Focusda so on and rec1eve a free Ell• 1

vd- g:d1:': ,~d~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~,,~e

childre11>, speculation, variety, stimula'lion ue to crcatJve en eavors. portable mini vac:Yum. _ by the 0<oper announc.<1 37 Hick Pisces nativ~~ay~ role. with credit approval. 1me Bids wttt be put>J.lelY 38 Foun1ain

IJ!!O{IUlYil-Aug. 22): Emphasis on power , autl:lority, inte11~sity, • ~~r"on~:o1 ne':~~i~ ,, ..... _ 0Qen11 00


m'n<lorre.du ~oudt..__ .. •t 39 1r1sn lak" deadli ne and challenge. You"ll 'et hard news as contrasted to tmsy Cout Plaza. ..__ .. M- ~0-0330 atter as ~act1eat;;°~'Fr1- 40 Not ht 10 e,11 reports, rumors. What was missing will be recovered - to your (aprx. 1 hr.) Hiii Ull .. 111 day, January 24. 1986, 1n tlll !~ ::1;~t"r advantqe. Cancer . Capricorn Rlay roles. W·UYlll UASI 414 counc11 Chambers. City Hall, , 6 NIO&tives

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sep t. 22): The end of situation is at hand. Yo.u'll 114/ Ul-1111 ,14 'ltJll IE' b:11~:~1~C:·t~°'~~~ 47 Ar111ic1a1 n:ocive news en abling you to formulate frc~h CO'?~pts: Focus on tryps, r;:======~il R of LABOR ANO MATERIAL 1• ngua9e visi••, relatives, ideas. Reach beyond prev 1ous hm1tat1ons, seek wider v-9•1•1tuto. f\11 power. •Ir, TO REMOVE AND RE- 4

489 cE~INlp1o~a.i1

~ .. ...:- I I t . cru se. cuatom PLACE SIDEWALK Ar ... , -audience. "'~pays ro e. • , • CHICK wheels & tires ( 1JMX 181) HELLER PARK 53 o.1ec1f'<l

LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Be direct, make inqu ines, protect riahts. nnraanN Like new! Addllionat "" 01 th• ~1 1nven10t, oOn'tgive upsomethingofvaJucformere, whispered promise. You ' ll ••~ 111,HI IC)eelflc1tlon$ may be oo-locate article that bad been lost. m issina or stolen. Money will come POUCHE t11ned at tlll Offioe of 111e from luw:;

' ..... •nu-. AUDI PurChHlng AQltlt at 77 Falf - .., •"" Drive. Costa Mele. C1lt· SCO PIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 2 1 ): Follow thro ugh on hunch . Wm by CH£VROl.£T tornia Bid• ahOuld t>e r• 14

teachina. Cycle hiah .. trust judgmen t and timina. Lo~ed o ne does care. ~'f!i: ~:~ turned 101t1e11tent1on 011t1e will OOO""tate. f"amily m ember h elps resolve dilemma. Cancer , city Clerk. w'ithln Miki time 1-1-7-+--+--+--..- · C'H.,..lt limit, In I l8el9<I 911~. Aquarius natives fi1urc in dynamic scenano. ~. ldeotllled on tl\e outllcM wtth ~-...-+--+-



1 E"ervalt"O 2 W.tsle awa\ 3 ,.ne en<l J Spe.oov ~ Thal woman

"P,tll•d ' "ll'il" Ocea"

quil ~ Gov~f r'iml"n1

""'ld•no • t'llSI t>t~.....C

• r 1t.;r1m Jt."'"

, ,,(,·<~tt,.,, o~

I 1' '•H,

SAGITr AIUUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 2 1)! Social activiti~s. inetea~, IV£890N ~~!U~1fi~~· 111eB1<11temNumbenndtt1e 20 romance flourishes, Iona-distance call could relate to p rcsu11ous soca&l us !. c..... Mw, DOMESTIC & tMPORT °=° :te .,,." ~,., ~~--+---1--+--event, uaveJ. You'll be m ore aware of wardrobe and body i m age. ,,. •• ..., .._.. CARS. TRUCKS & VANS MCh 11\d • ._.,Item ..... 24

Gemlntnativeplays-sipificantrolc. • '71 etff - 1ont1 1n tM I09Clfkatl0nt CAPIUOOllN(Oec. 22-Jan. 19): Elements of timint- lu~k ~dt with II:;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;~ Any •NI 111 ex0110tlon1 ton.

you~You tiam i n outStandina peeformancc. Focus .o n penuasavencss. • • 1 - ll*!ltic:ationa muat t>e ctMr· friends, upiralions. aood financtal upccts. Scorpio, Taurus ptt50ns UBARU ' e.4 Gl Wagon. 4 z.:n ,~ "'!v ~~l.: fi . ti wfll dtl¥a. Auto. PW. 2'1< 111 .. ti b IJUtC ~mancn y. , mi, 11111 reek & anow c... .._ '40.o330 spec c111on1 ,,,. •

A"UAIUtJS (Jan. 20-F~. 18): Promitc will be fulfill~ - c:tielna setoO. e4441e I ground• ror nttectton ol tne ~3-7 ------

profalional aupenor. is aenuu~cly .so'TY for .delay. Oct, thouah~. ad~ TIP Ill Piii WI WllT Yim 1 ~acn btd li'lall aet tonh ,.,. ~4--+---+-on peper - realize you arc 101.na 1n filht direct.ton. V1rao. Sqittanus aul .. Ull 1""' ~and~ ot •o penonl play kg' roles. Fat PM'lptted S.. V9"0 doe S-*" Ill patt0n1 and '*1•

PlltD (feb. 19-March · 20): Communication rtUtvtd from Mer_,.. lef\I .,,..,...tect"' the ()tot)Olel " ~4 .... 5-+-+--family member in transit. Focus 011.'disaance1.. tra~. tana~, Id •t11U1 1 :9atet1tcttt!~corr~n: ~tion ~blejoumey to fore1p land. t1nancial prolpkts TeteMalO.-.PrtcelPlllcl f'Cer'I WflO can "9n ., brilbtcr than nal~ anticipeted. Spiritu a l values acan~. CALL PfitAOf MY ,..,Ml'*', on beflalf of rne

IP • .. ..,, 1 YOtJll BlllTBDAY you are dyna.m.c. creative, ,- W ••Tl 1 C°'l*•tton and __ ,_ ,,,.,.."' • .... I,... fNr'1 Ol'tl oftioef '""" "JOU do pleoty or1nveUna. yo11 have ability to ..UCUlaae tf'lou&hts an .... ~,-~;;;;;.~-=-,..""" .. -nt=o;:o8ta~W,,..11-,.I !!!.! ~ t11c1

1 .!.. 'Y..!_.._ ....,..-+---4~-t-~-

eincnainifta, informative manner. Oemi n i, Virao, 5-fjttarius pcnona 21~illt_:17:..~ _ """' ''"' ·-·- _ ,.... ........ - .. ...... "/ impe>nut rolnin ~r life. Few pcnona know the real you-but TOYOTA 'IO Tarcal. Slipd. good r\IMlinl '*· M\jel l ..... tM MIMI lftCI .... :;,. wbodo are 1orai. Social 1Ctivitia increete f~ou Lb.is year, you'll aml tm. •c•=: !ell. t100 . .,.. YMO err-. ot • ,._., l*l· .._-+---41---+--....-bc more D01N11J: you ~ pin weilht. you•n to wardrobe and ctttkll\. t21H __ FON> ·Ji 'VM• ldr '-'411> : ::,r.;" ;:"~1! -'Utnm v®1oca1clollanideinJ1n\W}'. Maywrillbeyourmoti . OVOT~ 'UCotelalllPCI c,..... ·~..., • .. ~~ "' .ociw .....,.-+-~1---t---t-,_ ... ..I I ftaD ~I ..,., oond 1 'If .... ... • ~ """'· ~ ftW 0oaa ------~ molw "' 7WU· .,., pP l6000 ~·~41!:!_1!!112:!.l_;P~ ... =._:'2:.1.:.:00::·:_~::.:.=:..:'-~"''.?:-~~:_:•~fllc1ft~~ll0"9~n~IMl=:!:"~:...:1N:=.L.'--'-*=._....&.._~~

• .

memoe• 2.3 Arat- •ea<ler 25 And "01

18 S•Oers - " 29 Sp111 :W Ooer" l'•I 11 UI\ "'<'"!'> :12 F"asto<l•OU!> .1.1 Moon oe11, 1 ~ BIOhCl\I l'O• l 6 11av1nQ

rej;Ou•St' 111 AOr!'flaOll' 4' E.,1ers

4} t "r A~1 > • J s1>001e1 44 March d11te 48 C.ommencec •9 Man1tes10 :..o O• 1on1<.1 t\ '1 ~rtace ~~ .. omoact S3 Aovsmal S• o/V or ~ 0•111 Sf. "•nd 0 1

'-' h""\(.\I

~t ~ U• "' i..\t~ .,( " 111 t'l°"~ .. ,

I 1

Ml/flll -.C sl-. • /caa p/ ..,...... Pl... ltcis. ., ..... ... lMP • . 0-. ""'" .,.. ....... (S. • • .,)

'10,996 or

1 199. per mo. + tax

.. '° ... '"' ~ CllMd ... •ue I obi ir1 ,P&fl'llllb 1 ll .MO 0nt1111'".Sa..&.

All fl:W '85 1 MARK

~ t oncl . AM/FM. st1reo • uu. tit ,,...,., tilted fl;lss, titc remolt men, sltel wllttls. (St1 t: 410.UIO)

16996 or

1 143 pet mo. T tax

for 60 "'°' ·~95 clown. Closed end luu 1 ~?0 total o1 PIY· "*'" On ~-.o crtdt.

All fl:W '86 TROOPER

Wiii ru r sut, AM/ f¥, 8K

tl•to • t i n . "°"" ''"' ..,, Md ll'llldl fNldt .. ~ !Ser ir414St0l

1 10,•96 or

'181 ~:· ,. '° .... "41 dlwft. end ...... 110,860 totll paf'll*lh.. "' """"" crHlt.


.. . : ..

~COMIDAl&.YPU..OT/..,,_,~ 4.1 ... .

WlA-1 ""°County on ooc.nMr 11, 1tN *"'•· 1201 ao... 8ttoec, • 11 -' ..... w ,, 1tlS ,_ .,... eoo. ~ ~. (CfTACIOll •-=tAL> tlii ............... IN ' ~ Otenge OoeM Callfomla tHeO ~OTIC! TO DtnNOAHT:

--- 191 ar- PublllMd ()tM91 0oMt oe.., Plot~ 11, al, ..,_. J. Lovell, 1142 W. (Avllo I AIMilldol W~T ..,_ & o.or, llh o.llvPtoCOtc1Ne12t. tt, 1M1. ~.a. 11 , 1tM Ocean f'ront , Newpdrt It IOW£H llfld ~ ' ..... C0Ma ...... 1M9, .,.,._., • . 11. 1t11 IA-t:M ltectl, callfOrnle tHe0 IOWfN, 1'1111 Wlf9, llfld ..

IA·nt 1"'a bullMI• 11 con· '*'°"' unknown. ~ -r= ~'= MUC ll>TICE ~t>!~: fonL=1<1ua1 : .:.:: ::."::'::. tllM "8JC ll)TIC( ---_.. f1M9 •atonwtn1 WU f'*I In V.. Pf'~ doecrit)od In

TNI ..,.._. lo con. ~ '' ·- wttn tM County CIOtk ot ()Jo WW conplllnt lid¥9t'N 10 11¥: lllt IMM•llll PIC'"10U9 ........ ...... 8TAW M90 County °" OocomNr .,._.tlff'I lltle, Of ""i dOud

Rlolwd M. ·hYM ...!'!'-8TA~ The=~ .,. 18. 1t•a. on p1e1n1lff1 tttle. "-* .. Tiiie ••••men• ... Ned .... foltowlng perlOnl .... 60itlCIC ~riv• WAYS AEAL ,_ DOii I through)(, lnCMl\oe

... County a.. of Of. 6oi'lo bullfteM M: CQA "' , • GerJ a. Lewi. A....., YOU AM BEING SUED Ceunty on Deoenlber NOAJACO LTD .. 511 TV. 1tO w 1etfl St . .... ....... 11t1 a... ....... eVPl.AINTIFF: (AUd.••·

11M A-*M Oii VOfdll, San eo.ta Moel, Calif. t2t27 .... M ~ ....... d«nandandol J06EP111NE ' ,_ Cttmento, Collf. tat72 OroelM Weye Inc .. oall• CA... ANOEASON TOMLINSON.

PubllMd Ot eo.t Norman Oeof1IO Schmitt, fomla. 780 W. 1et11 St. 'N'. PuOlltMd Ofongo Coe.t Exacuttbl of t!IO e.ato ot ,.,.oec2:.TM5 Jatl 511A~Oll'Vetdll. Sen eoot. ...... Calif. ttt21 OallyPllOt0ect8. lM5 JM MI L DRED CLA .. ICE

11 ll. 1MI ' ' Otemon ... Cllllf, nf72 ThOITIU R, PllllOOI , 4 11 l 8 !986 ' A~~. ct.cHHd ' ' Sa2M N, G. SCtWftln 1873' lntrlQld. Huntington ' ' ' Sa2aX YOll hft9 • CAUM)AR

Thia 1telOl'Ml'lt ., .. lllOd IMclh. Cllff. t284t OAYI a1W ... ....-ia with the County CWtl of Of• Thia bUelnooa II con· le ..... eft ,_ te .. e

·-.,. -- .,. County on o.o.nber ctucted 1:1y: •corporation "8JC NOTICE .,...,..._ ,., '"" •• i ~ -llK 11, 1tf5 ThomM Pl&lfOOt INa ..... flCTmDUe .,..... ,_ Thia 11a1amen1 wat Iii.cf f1Cm10U8 .,..... A.....,•,.._. .....

~ NAm 8TA~ Pubfflhod Otango Coaet with the County Clerk of Of. . N.U. ITATamWf . .......... ,_ ,_, ~ The '°'°"*"II '*"°"8 are [)ally Piiot December 21, 28, '"90 County on December lfha following por.ont lfO ...... IW8' I AM ...... . M ~-: 1985, J__.y4, 11, 1Me 13, fN5 ~bueinooa•: ... ................. . ....

D Cl A880CIATES . SA·231 ,__ P RSONS AVIATION ............. ..._,_, Publllhed Otenge Coaet SALES, 3100 Airway, Coete oaeo.

10 ....... Ave. HOO. Deily PllOt Oocombaf 21. 18. Maaa. California 92925 • ,.. ....... ,.. oec~-:.C, Pt8.JC NOTICE 1985, January4, 11. 1tae Jamee R. Paf90fta, 2311 ,.,,.,. ........ ,..IMIJ

_ _..11111• i.., by Draper Fam- fltCl"fl'tOUI ....... SA-245 MOM °""'9. Santa Ana, Cat· loao h ... Md ,_ v ....... •Caillfornlallm- um ITATDllMT tomla 92707 • ...., .......,· Md ..,..... ~. by ~ The loltowlng poreon la IUlJC NOTICE Oonnt1 L Tlmlnone, 1934 erty ...., M ._.,. ...._,.

Drwoot. 0..11 PW1ner, doll>Q bUllMll aa.: WlndwOTd Lano, Newport fWtMf ........ fNM IM 10 "90 Hiii A ...... #200, GJLANO MILLER. tot ..cnnoua ...... BMch. California t2MO oowt.

....___ ,._... ,,._,.. S ~ ..__... ........ 1, .. - Thia bualnMt 11 con- There .. .._ ~ ,... - ..-. .,._., :µth t .. · ~,.,,... • .._..., - .. ,~,., ducted...,.. ,....._nattnera ..._

'•tar Spa rro. 1443 Callf. 92682 The fOllowlng per90n1 are ~, . -... .... ... IN.._ Yeu lfttf want .ieNilghth Way, Sacromon· Gone Miiiet, 106 34th St .. dolnd bullneae u ; Jamea R. Partof'a .. cal lft ....,_, rteftt

. 95818 Hewpoft BMCh, Calif. 9264$2 C~LIFORN IA TREES. Thll ataletMnt wu tlled .. .,. W JM• Mt llMWR Thie l>Uelnea 11 con- This bullnesa 11 con- 2820 Clltt Or.. N9wpor1 with the County Clent of Or· •.tt__,, ,.....,Ollllen

by: a general part· ducted by: an Individual ,' Beech, Calff. 92M3 ~9i~ty on Oocombaf :~.:=. ..moo( .. IM: Gene Miiier Twnl A. Graham, 2820 ,._ "'° ........... ).

~ E. °'"'* Thia ttatament WU llled Cliff Or., Newport BHch, Pul>llshed Orange CoMt 0..,..0 • .::. .... Thie statement •• fllod wtlh the County Cioni ol Or· Calif. 92863 Dally PllOI Oocomt>er 28. =:: .... ....

IN County CIOttt of Or· ange County on Oocembef Brien Kammerult. 1556 19 .. 5 J 4 ~ County on December 13. 1985 Caraway Or. #C, Coate " · lln'*Y • 11• 111• _.... ..._ • .....

S, 1115 F2M1t'7 M .... c.111. 92628 19MI de• DIAi CAUNOARIOI Pm17'1 Publllhed Orange Cout Thia 1>u1lnea1 11 con- 8&275 para ~roeo11tat •n•

~ Oranoo Coast Daily Piiot Oocembe< 21, 28, ducted by; I general part- , .............. ..... PIOt December 21, 28, 1985. January 4, 11, 19¥ nerthlp rta.JC N011C[ ~ 9!'~0~;._ ...... _

, Jenuary 4, 11, ttee ' SA-242 Tami A. Graham ..,.. -- -- -SA-248 Thi• alatament WU Ill.CS rte:TITIOUS ....... ......... RO .. ..... . "'='t--------- I--------- with the County Clerk ol Or· ~ ITAT'lilmfT ,.-o .. cial1n; Ml l'W8' .. ..

,., '18.IC NOTICE ange County on Oaclmber The followlng poraona aro 1 MOffte • .....-. .._. ...

F ............ --ss 13. 1985 doing t>ualnaa at: ·1c•111pllt cen la1 fot · ... ,,, ...... -..- "211175 P R 0 V I 0 E N T 1nalldado1 le9ale1

ACTIT10UI ....... NAME ITATEmN'T Pubtllhed Ofange Coal1 P R 0 PERT IE S IN . ,aprapladM II uoa.d ..... NAm ITA,....,.,. The following portonl are Dal~ Pilot Oocemt>er 21, 28, CORPORA TEO. I Calllomla .,_ le corte MCtldlo IMI

Tho IOlk>wlng !>O"IOM 011 doing l>utinoot u : 1-.--- .. l>ullnoae-u: TOWNE HOUSE Pl.AZ.A, 198 ' J.mary 4, 11. 1He COfPO'allon. 10 Satzburg, II . 'Jo,, PSON KRAY, 4800 1500 Ad1m1 Ave. Sult13 t 5, SA-249 ~:;&,°'1 Be~h. Calltornla ,..,.:::'.~-.,Campu1 Drive. Newport Coate M .... Call!. 92626 NlohOIH J. Piiger. 10 ......, .. caM. J Ji,_... ~. Callfomla tHeO Lawrance J S0tlt. 1500 PllllJC NOTICE Sat~burg . Newport Boach . ....., w ......... M .._. ?..._~ A. Wlltlt1. 287 23rd Adams Ave. Suite 3 t6, Callfomla 92660 r ehH e•H• do ••

~..... Coale Mau, Call- Coat• Meta. CI NI 92626 PK:11TIOUI ..,...SS Thia but l"eu IS con· Pf 1pl1 ll1d .... ... ... ~ 92827 Towne House Plaza Inc.. MAim 8TATIMelfT ducted by: a corpOtatlo" ~...,.. • 1a--.

• • Newpot'I Beech. Call- Sult• 3 15. Coat• Mesa, Calif. doing butlneM as: dent 'V ................. ...... ~ Schauef, 401 Via California, 1500 Adams Ave. The tolloWlng petaon Is Nicholas J Pl"'er. Prffl· ..,.. "• l lllH

.. 92t27 92626 R ANO A PROPERTY Thia a1aternent was filed ..,. ..... e 1111 ...... "' Dev1c:1Saldas. 86 1 Ethelin- Thia bu1lneas Is co"· MANAGEMENT, 111 ·~ with the Counly Clerk of Or· ll11111dla ...... to. ll MOOlt-

• .Ga. er.a. Callfomfa ducted by: a general part- Topaz Ave .• Balboa laland, ange County on December ooa a 1111 •11ad1, ....-' ~~. Thi•. bualneaa 11 con· Mrshlp Calll. 926e2 18. 1985 .......... ......_.,... ~ by: • general pal)· Merit P Sortt. ~esldent C'arl Wllllam Marano. F..U etwte • •••••du • a . r~ Thia atatament WU flied 111'~ Topaz Ave~ Balboa Publllhed Orange Coaat UM oflc:tN de.,... ..... ::?. Earl c. Wlllltl with the County Clerk of Of· l ... nd. Cam. t26e2 Dail~ Pilot December 28 (YM .. dtteet•lo ...

Thia atetamant wu flied ange County on December Cart Wllllam Marano · fontoe) ~h the County Clerk of Or· 13. 1985 Thi• atatement wu meet !::e· January 4· 11· l8, -c;.. ..._ 1,_,. • al'O' County on Oaclmbef ,,._ with Iha County CIOttt of Or· s0270 The name end lddr"' of

•: e. 1985 • Published Orange Cout ange County on Oaclmt>er the couf'I Is: (El nombro y '. ,_ Dally Pilot December 2 1, 28, 13, 1985 d1recc:lon de la cof'le oa): Su· ; Pubtlahed Ofange Cout 1985. January 4, 11. 1986 F2111IO Plll.IC NOTICE perl0t Couf'I ot California.

"9Jty Piiot Decembaf 28, SA-241 Pubtilhed Ofange Cout Cou"ty of Tulare. County • 1985, Januaty 4, 11. 18, Dally Pilot Decemt>er 21, 28. FICTITIOUS....... CIVIC C«lte<. Mln«al Klr19

" '"!He r' Pta.IC NOTICE 1985, January 4, 11, 1986 NAME ITATE•NT Hwy & Mooney Blvd .. Vla-Sa273 SA-247 The lollOWlng perso"a ere alia. CA 93291.

FICmlOUS .., ... IS doing b\Jslr141sa u · The "ame. eddrau. and NAME ITATEmNT Pt8.JC NOTICE CAEATIVE MARKETING telee>h<>ne r10mber of plain·

The folloWlng nArlOfl iS F-TITIMW- -· ... 1s SYSTEMS, 666 w 811\er. tiff's ltlOfney. or plalnttff ,.,... ... ..,... - Suite B-219. Cost1, Mesa. without an attorriey. 11· ~ El .... _ s,.......... dolsngubuslnMITH CO~S:T CON NA• STATEmlfT Calltomla 92626 M mbre, la dlrec:clon " e1 nu-


- .. ,., .. , >0 " • The following peraot\I lrl Rocky J Schlieter. 24 1• mero d e te lafono dll Tho following P9f90nl ara S TRUCTION, 2218 So. doing buslnaa ~: A!lallnc, N Tustin. •0-9, S1"1a A"•· abogado del '*'1andanle. o

• doing bu.tn.a u : Armortite Aolewood, Santa Ana. Cali1. Ltd . A Callforn11 Umltect Calltornla 92705 d'"' "'-a"da"te q·- no Aatocl•t•. 25255 caot>t t2707 "' """" ~ Rd, Laguna Hiiis, CA 92653 Troy AnthO"Y Ybarra, P 1 r 1" er 9 h 1 P • 4 4 O O This busi"eu Is con- llence abogedo. ft): Edward

••• Howard W. Hlghholt, 4 2218 So. Roeewood. Senta MacArthur Boulevard. Suite ducted by: an lndM dual C . .Bur~hardt, Attorney at ! Panum Ridge. Rollings Ana. Calif 92707 74o. Newporl Beach. CA Rocky Schlieler Law P 0 . Box 296, Tulare.

Hiiia. CA 80274 Tl'l11 bualnau I• con- 92660 This statemenl wu fifed C A 9 3 2 7 5 . Pho" e JOl'l'IM R. Stram. 30292 ducted by. an lndlYtdual Ronald P Tomek:, 448 W111'1 tile County Cieri! of Or· 209·68&-0100

Grende Vitti, Lagu"a Troy A. Ybarra lubella Terrace, CorC>r1e Del ange Coynty on December DATE: (Feoh•I AUG 15 Niouel. CA 92177 Till• s1at.,_..I WU flied Mar. CA 92625 l8 1985 1985

Thi b I I Cou c...... In... Edwl" A Meserve. 120 VII F211151 H'f c . .. ,..... Cleftl bJ • ua ness I con- wttl'l ll'le nty ..,.k o ..,.. Waners. Newp0f'I Beach Pubhsnect Orange Cout s'anclra Dktt-. Deputy =P by A general part. ~~9~nty on Deoember CA 92663 Daily Pilot December 28. Publllhed -Orange Cou1

Jemet R. Blram ,..114 Cody M. Smell, 433 See- 1985, Ja"uary 4. 11. 18, Dally Pllol December 14, 21 . This atetement waa filed Publllhed Orange Cout 'Ward Road. Corona Del 1986 I 28. 11185, January 4, 1986

with Iha Cou"t!_..Clerk of Of. Oe.ity.Pflot eec.tTlber 21, 28, M~h':'a c~i:.~!!s i i co"· Sa274 Sa.1230 ange Counfy un Oocomt>er 1985. January 4, 11, 1986 ducted by- A llmlled parlrle<· --------- ---------

• '19, t985 '2117u SA-240 snip POOllC NOTICE MUC NOTICE C. 0 Daly

,,.,._ fl. ..,.,,., 25255 Pta.IC NOTICE Thia stalemen1 was hied FICTITIOUS BUSINEll K 22511 ... Cabot fload, IWta 207, wlll'l the County Clefl( ol Or· NAME STATHIUfT NOTtC! TO ... =n• Hiiie, Cet"ornla FICTITIOUS BUSIN!SS ange County o" December The following persona are CflEDtTOfll OF

NAME STATEMENT 19 1985 doi"g buai"ess as IULK TflANSFEA Publlalled Orange Coast . . Flt5770 GPJ PRODUCTS. 785 W (lace. 1101-4107 ~~ly Pl~t ~ 28, 11185. J1" dJ::; :::: ~· are c O Defy Law COfpot· 17th Street, Sulle E Colla • U.C.C.) • 1• 1 · 1 · Sa2S8X MAIL BOXES ETC USA. ellon, 17 Corporete "9u Mesa. Callf0tm1 92626 Notice 1s hereby glvefl to

2973 Harbor Blvd . Costa Drive Newport BMc:h CA Gregory Pecker JOhnson creditors o f lhe wlthl"

P\8.IC NOTICE Mesa. Calif 92626 t2teO ' 223 Ag ate Ave. Balboa " amed transferor(•) that a

KatherlM L Armstrong Published Orenge Coas1 Island, alltornla 92662 bulk transfer ta about to ba end Sally E Armatrong, Dally Pflol Dec 26. 1965 Jan Debbie A"n Johnson. 223 made °" personal property

:, ACTITIOUl'Ml ... SS l6222 MC>r1terey Ln.. No. 4, 11. 18. 1986 Agate Ave. Balboa lsl1"d. here1n1l1er descrfbed N#.m STATE•NT 102. HuntlngtM Beach, Sa257x Cshtornla 92662 The names and buSlnaaa

The following perso" is Caffl 92649 This busl"eas •s co"· addresses ol the lnteflded doing b\Jalneu u This business Is con- ducted by '" lndlvldu11 tra"slerors are American

HARDY'S HOBBY. 26523 b POOLIC NOTICE Debbie A Joh"'°" Gefleral Communle• llo"• · ducted Y a general pan- Thi• a111e~1 was 111'"" Calle Lorenzo. San Juan ner&l'I p • ......... ""' Inc . 17991 Fitch, Irvine. CA C&plstrano, Calil 92675 K 1~ l L A 1 FICTITIOUS "'SMSS w1t11 the Cou"IY Clerk of Or· 92714

• Wlllla E Hardy, 26623 T~ta 4:,~.,,,.,,~m!::~led NAME STATU•WT ange County on Oeceml>ef TM locatro" In Callfor"I• ~ Calle Lorenzo. San Juan !Mth the County Clerk of Of. Th! lollowing peraMs '" l8 l965 or lhe chief executive office

Capistrano. Calif 92675 Cou ty December doing t>uslnest u · F2:16565 or pnnc1pa1 t>usmess office thl1 t>u1lnes1 la co"·

03°4' n on WABCO LTD · • SO New· Published Or1rige Coast of the in tended transferor 11. ducted by: an l"dlvidual 1 . 1985 '2951• port Center Drive. =320. Daily Pilot Decem~r 28. same as above

Wiiiis E Herdy Published Orarige Coast Newport Beach Callf0t"l1 1985 January 4, 1 I 16, All o ther busl"9SS "amea Thia statement wu flied Dally Piiot Oeoember 21. 28. 92660 1986 and OOdr- uM<I by the

with the County Clerk 01 Or· 1985 January•. t 1. 1986 Willllm A Baxie< & Elli•· Sa-268 '"tended transferor within enge Cou"IY °" December SA-243r beth 8 Baxter gtlrle<•I part · three years lest years IU1

- 1 t , 1985 "e<a. 6206 W Oceanfro"t. DllDlfC MnTfCE past so far as know" to tht Fa.1 Newpof'I Beech. California r uu nv '"""ded tra"aferM are

Published Orange Cout POOLIC NOTICE 92663 FICTITIOUS BUllNEH nC>r1e 09lly Pilot Oecembaf 21. 28. Thia buaineu 19 con- NAME STATEMENT Tile n1me(s) and buliMN ... 5 J • 11 t986 FICTITIOUS......... ducted by llm1ted partner· d 1 d 1..., , anu1ry ... • shl The following persooa are a dress o the '" 'en eo

SA-237 NAME STAT!MENT p William A BIXier domg busl"ess as Costa tra"sleree(s) are Preml1ys --------- d~::; ~I= :son• are Th11 ata1ernan1 wat f11«J Mesa Auto Wash 2059 Irie (or tts-whotty ownac

•. PtB.fC NOTICE CARLSKIN J F O • 2955 with the Cou"ty Cieri( o f Or· Harbor Btvd Cosla Mesa subsidlaryl 570 8raneveld : : Laguna .C• nyon Road , ange County on December CA 92627 San Francisco. CA 9412•

FICTITIOUS MlllN!SI L1gu"8 Beach, Callf 9265 1 18 1985 Jay W Gould, 1221 W That the property pertl· NAMt'. STATEMENT Gregory Paul Carlton. 725 ' F295Nl Coast Hwy • 317 N-porl " e"r hereto 1s de1Crlbed Ir

Tile lollowl"O person '' remple Place. L1gu"a PuDllsnect Orarige Coas1 Beech CA 92663 general as lnvefltory. Ac - domg bullnesa u Beacti Ca111 92651 011ty Piiot Oecembef 28 Th•• bus1"ess IS con counts Receiveble. Flxe<

SO 1. 903 w 17 St . • 19 Keith Lloyd Carlso"· 725 1985 Ja 8 4 11 18' dueled by "'" indlYldual Asae1s and Otl'let Items o. Costa Met•. Caht 92627 Temple Place. Lagu"• !986 nu ry · · Jay w Gould Property and is located at

Jotin Healy, 903 w 17 St Beach. Calif 92651 s1272 This statement was lllll<l 17991 Fi tch lrvl"e, CA • 19, Coate Mesa Cahl This bua1"ess 18 con- wi th the Cou"tY Clerk 01 Or 9271• 92627 ducted by 1 general Plrt· ange Cou"tY on Oeoembe1 Trie Bosinets name used

Thia bual"ess 1a co"· "ership Pl&IC NOTICE 23. 1985 by said 1r1nalerors at lald ,, d Id I F211072 l~atlon IS A,.,,.,lca" Gen· r ducted by • " I" Iv ul Gregory Paul CarflOn FICTITIOUS M.1•-sa era1 Communications, Irle.

John Healy This stateme"t was hied - Pubhahed Orange Co1t1 Thia 1tetament WU filed Wlll'l ll'le County Clel'k Of Or- NAME ITATO.:NT Daily Pllol o.c 26. 1965 Je" That n .ld bulk tranafw ii

.. _ Cou Clerk 1 Or The lollowlng persona are 4, 11 18, 1986 ll'l tended to ba COMum· with''"" ""' 0

• ' " ge County on December ao1no bull"•" 11: Ad · , $e259 mated at the ottlce . of:


The Huntington School District

City Beach Board of

t Truateea announces a Publlc HNrlng to recelv~ Publlc Input on poaalble alter nate uaes of Burke and Glsler Schools. The Publlc Hearing wlll be held at -7 P.M. on Tueaday January 7, 1988 •I th• Dlatrlct Education Center.

20451 Cralmer Lane Huntington Beach

Amerlce" Gene,..! Com· P\a.IC NOTICE mu"ICallons lrvtna. Call·


The following pe<SOl'\1 are doing bu''"' " as Ad· vanced Toollr19 6 Engraving 292 1 s Kiison, Sl"I• A"a· CA 92707

WIHfam A Sch&elffl< 2661 Rl'llertide Or CoSla Mesa. CA 112627

Thi• busl"eH II CO"· ducted by An ffid lvldual

WlKl1m A Schaeffer Thtl 1111ement was hied

with Ille Cou"IY Cieri! of Or· enge Cou"ty on December 11. 1985

1orn11 on 0t alter January 22 1986

This bulk tranaler Is aub­iect to C1hlorn11 u"n0tm Comrnem el Coo. Section 6106

The name and 9ddr9U of the perso" with whom ciS1m1 may be !lied Is OAvld O TnmrT\41f Premlaya, Inc 570 Braneveld. San Fran· CfSOO, CA 11• 124 and lhe IHI day for ming ct11m1 by any Creditor lhall ba January 21, 1986 wfltcl'I II Iha buSlneu d•'f before Ille conaumma­tfon data spec1lled • bove

Detect January 3, ttaa ,....,.,., lftc., ~ 0.....

0 . TriflwMr, Y.~ . .C,.D., In­tended,,......,.. F2M470

Published Orenge Coast Dally Piiot O.C 28. 1985 Jan 4 , 1 l . 18, t.988 Put1111hed 0raneo eo..1

Sa284 Dally Piiot Jenuary 4. t tee

---------- Sa-283


French captlv:es 'release from Leblilioa imminent

PARJS (AP) - Four f~nchmcn abducted lll Lebanon last year are oow under Syrian control: ~ot in tbe hands of their ori&inal Kidnaf>pen and may be released soon, a French neaotiator said Friday.

Claude Thicrset, editor-in-<hief of the photo aaency Sipe Press, said the development came most probably because of Syrian involvement and that the hos~cs arc "surely under Syrian control. •

Thicrset, who had previously vis­ited Beirut and made contacts with the kidnappen, made the an­nouncement in an interview with Radio Monte Carlo.

" When I made contact again with the people that you could call the presumed kidnappers of the French bostageS, they told me that the affair was in the process ofwindina up, that the Hezbollah were no longer a part in this affair of hostages," Tbientt said .

Hczbollah, or Patty of God, is a .-.dical Shiite Mosle,. group loyal to Iranian leader Ayatollah RuhoUah Khomeini.

Islamic Jihad. or Islamic Holy


War, a aroup that had claimed responsibility for the kidnappi.na of the F~ncbmen and six 'Other Ameri· cans held in LebanQn, is believed linked to Hezbollah. ..

The French hostqes are Jean-Paul Kauft'mann. 42, a journalist workina for t.bc weekly L'Evenement du Jeudi who was abducted May 22; Micbol Seurat, 37, a rnearcherforthe French Center for Studies and Research of the Contemporuy Middle East, also kidnapped May 22; Marcel Fontaine, 45, vice consul at the French Embassy in Beirut abducted March 22: and Marcel Carton, 62, the Embassy's protocol officer, kidnapped March 22.

Tbc Committee for the Suppon of the Kidnapped Frenchmen also ac­knowledged that "somethiog is mov­ing .. in the matter.

A spokesman for the committee. which includes JoeUc Kauffmann, wife of the kidnap victim, said it .. seems they (hostages) have been moved."

Tbierset has visited Lebanon three times recently. making contacts. He

wu clo.ely uivolvcd in obwnin, the releaae of one of bis phototftpben, Al&ed YllOtmdeh an lra.nian, wbo was held hostqe ?or several weeks last year.

Tbimet said the fact that his contacts Mid they no loneer were invofvcd "means that the bostaaet arc no lonaer in the hands of the Hezbollab at the present time. We can therefore eoviaqe that there wiU bes release in the more or less near future of the French hostqes."

On Syria's involvement in the matter, Thierset said:

"Without sayina tha\ the hosiaaes are in the twrds of the Syrians, ttiey are surely under Syrian control. After the contacts thatlmade, I believe that the hostages ~ere transfCfT'Cd at the moment when Joelle K.auffm'ann and her family were in Bcilllt, perhaps toward the Bckaa plain."

Kauffmann and her family spent the Christmas holidays in Beirut

Syria is the r:iain power broker in Lebanon, and the the Bckaa valley region is under the .control of the Syrian army.

Films like 'Rambo J criticized by Soviets for 'waTnography'

MOSCOW (AP) - Popular U.S. films that cast violent figures such as 0 Rambo" as heroes arc inciting the newest generation of Americans to hate Soviets, a group of Soviet cultural leaders said Fridav.

That prompted Soviet poet Ycvgeny Yevtushenko to coin the term "warnography," a play on the word pornography, during a fighter moment of a news conference on renewed U.S.-Sovict cultural ex­changes.

But the tone of the session was set by Georgy Ivanov. deputy minister of culture, who said movies such as "Rambo - First Blood Part II." and " Red Dawn" are stirring up anti­Soviet sentiment among Americans.

lvanov said such films amount to an and-Soviet campaign that is making a superhero out ofa new type of professional k.iller.

"He does not merely kill, but kills specifically the ' Reds,' or the Russians. and not for lhe sake of money, but for ideological reasons and with kind of a perverse relish.'' Ivanov said.

" People arc being broulbt up with the malicious idea that the Russians can be tallced to only in the langua,e of force and arms," be said. "A new generation· of Americans is bejog raised to consider deliberate murder as something natural and even necessary."

s_eport p\lshes ban on Sta~Wars

WASHINGTOfl.I (AP) - The United States should negotiate with the Soviets to ban "Star Wars" to prevent Soviet technological break· throu&hs that might help other weapons programs, according to the conclusions of a private study re. leased Friday.

The report was prepared by the Council on Economic Priorities, a private, non-profit organization that has in the past been critical of the Reagan administration's defense build-up.

The U.S. Star Wars pr0&r3m, known formally as the Strategic Defense Initiative, is intended to try to develop a high-tech defense a~st Soviet nuclear attack.

President Reagan has argued that the U.S. research effort is necessary to offset a similar Soviet program aimed at devctoping- dcfcn~s against American weapons.

Tbe CEP report noted that the So'victs are generally believed to lag behind the United States in a number of areas of technology that might be part of any Star Wars system. includ-101 computers, auidancc. and track· ing..

If the Soviets step up their effort to match the UnHed States, that could produce Soviet tcchnol<>elcal break· throuahs that misht be applied to other weapons aside from Star Wars. the study said.

Top Pen t.qon officials have araued that It is the Soviets, rather than the United States, who ire in the lead in the superpower competitition to de­vclo~ deftf\ses aaainst incomina misstlcs.


..Rambo" is about a military vet· er:an sent to rescue U .S. prisoners of

•war in Vietnam, and .. Red Dawn" isa scenario of a Soviet invasion of the United State$.

Ivanov also mentioned .. Rocky IV," about an American boxer who takes on an imposing soviet rival, and an upcoming television mini· series by ABC called ''Amcrika," which is to portray the United States under Soviet occupation.

" How can we reconcile all this flow of anti-Sovietism with the spirit of. Genevar' Ivanov said. referring to the signing of a U.S.-Soviet cultural exchange agreement during the super­power summit last November.

But he said he also had high hopes for the new exchanf,e agreement, despite what he called ' the actions of the extreme right in the United States."

" We foci the sincere longin$ of millions of Americans toward fnmful cooperation between the two coun­tries based on mutual trust and respect,•· he said.

Yevtushenko, 52. one of the most· well-known Soviet writers, said the popularity of mod.cm cinema makes 1t dangerous as well as beneficial. •

"Such horrible things as ' Rambo' and ' Red Dawn' - I call these things 'warnoarapby.' he said.

Yevtushenko also was asked about a recent speech he made to the Soviet

writers union. in which he took officials and fellow writers to task for distorting Soviet history and keeping silent about mistakes.

·~ ·am surprised that you are surprised that a poet speaks against bureaucracy because the two words - poet and bureaucrat - arc mutually exclusive," Yevtushenko res~nded. ·

" If somebody read my poetry. my works, there was really nothing new in these ideas. lo my recent speech 1 simplr, summarized my w~c lilfe's work,· he said.

He also suggested that n .S.· Soviet cultural exchanges be directed by a volunteer group of leading cultural figures from both countries, rather than by government bu-reaucracies. _

.. I think that we need people of . good will from both sides whQ don't occupy official posts in any govern­ment establishments and who arc not afraid to lose their comfortable seats," he said.

The av.ecm~t signed in Geneva by President Reagan and Soviet leadtr Mikhail S. Gorbachev revives a formal accord on cultural cxcbanJCS that lanauished for six ycan followma the 1979 Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan.

The new five-year agreement calls for increased exchanges of art works, writers, composers, orchestras. ballet troupes and other perfonners.

Grlerinl pareiita •· ' •• 1

Jolm. a.oaocore Jr. (left) uad wife Ceclle llol4 ...... wr tile coft1D of tlaelr ... Jolua m. lD ·~· Del., Prt4-J. BoaDooon wu killed ID lutweell'• tenorl8t ·~ at tile Rome airport. 8erftcee wen llllo Mid 1D ... ..._. Wla., for 29-~.old_pabllehlD.C llelr hed &. a.te. al8o a .tcthn of tile Rome attack.



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PAGE · 2. Market Map ·•

3. Hunt & Aaoclatee 4. George EJkln1 5. Greet Western Real Estate 8. Grubb & Elll1

~INSIDE PAGE -17-Gn*b & Ellll . 8. Unique tan. 9. H.rbor Aelllty

10. Aemu of Costa Meea 11. Aemu of ca.ta Meea

PAGe ~ 12. J.M. Peters

8elccMwt Uetlng 13. J.M. Petera

Turu. Aoc:k Point jj. Hot1'* oa ~

• (

J :.: •



________ _,, ________ ....,...~ ••.• .,..,.Aa. • unt~

LUXURIOUS LIFESTYLE With concentration on qualitY 1 design and detail - thus creating an· atmosphere of elegance and sophistication for those accustomed to the very best! Formal living room and dining room with colorful garden and pool views. Delightful - sunny - equipped kitchen with breakfast nook. 2 separ­ate master suites with city and water VIEWS + gracious guest quarten and study. Charming family room with handsome wet bar and 1 of 3 fireplaces. Spectacular outdoor entertainment area including pooVspa with waterfall, lighted VIEW gnebo and paddle tennis court. Security alarm and 24 hour guarded gate of Harbor Ridge. Priced to sell at $995,000. Call Jeri Hunt for appointment to see.

ssociate~----.... "'\)

840-4888 2125 San Jo9q11ln Hiiia Rd.

Newport Center

MAGNIFICENT MANOR Designed to please the most discriminate, this 5 BD; 7 BA, custom home ia located at the very -VIEW - top of Harbor Ridge. 180° ocean, bay, city & "Sunsets Over Catalina" VJEW. From warm library to family room with one of 4 fireplaces to gourmet kitchen to 40' pool & spa - it reflects the ultimate in ualit . Master sui over

-- l ()()Osq.ft.} wit sauna and fireplace and ""'b.....,re.,:oa..._th=------takin~ VIEW ad 24 hour guarded gate. Use your

..houae as-clown payment or submit trades. Offered at $1,950,000. Call Jeri Hunt. 6 Trafalgar Open Sunday 1-5

"" 100' FRONTAGE - COMMERCIAL . • PRIME Newport Beach location! 2 buikliap w/100' frontage currently accomodatiol 6 rental uni~ Can go 2nd story. Ample parking.

FEE. $1,660,000. Call Harriet Peny for deta.ila. · ·

BIG CANYON FAIRWAY HOME- $875,000 CU1tom built aincle level 3 bedroom. 3 bath, fami!Y room. 3 car garage. 186' golf course frontqe. Prime lot . Owner will censider exchange for other Newport Beach property. 6 Royal St. Georse Rd., call for appointm~.

CORONA DEL MAR-TWO-ON-ONE We're eerie>lm! Great opportunity tor thlJ live-in invator. Two eeparate apecioua YOUD« bouaes on one lot in Corona del Mar! Master auitee)lrith private decb, dining area - convenient to shopping + entertaini,ng! Aaaumable loan. $325,000. Jeri Hunt.

#~- 4

--- --· ~ .L----


• - 1 RANCHO SAN JOAQJ)JN...:;.E8TA-TE OFFERS AT $184,900 San tuis Rey end unit, a bedroom, 2 bath, r11eplaee, powder room, formal dining, br,akfast nooi, utility room, wet bat' dreuing room/muter bath, sloped ceilinp. Air conditioning. Owner wants offer! 6 Montanas Norte. Vee Stinson

. *LEASES* BIG CANYON-2 Bd, 2 Ba, f11eplace, private patio, VILLA BALBOA- 2 Bd, 2 Ba penthouse-athedral single level, sub. terr. parking, community pool and tennis. ceilings, fireplace, dining room, laundry. $1400. Evelyn. $1300. 'Jeri.







__ ,



aUFFa, NEWPORT aEACH . Upcraded and beautiful! Attractive ·x· plan with wrap around patio and cozy fireplace tn master bedroom. Custom ble in kitchen and patio. Situated on a lovely greenbelt. Assumable loans. Reduced to $212,000 L.H. SANDY MITTMAN

OWNER W1U CONllD£R ALL OFFERS · Reduced $80,000 from orielnal pr1ee! Choice end unit. Popular Bluffs T plan. 3 bedrooms. 21n baths on lush wide greenbelt. Large family room can be 4th bdrm. A/C, wet bar. Assumable lst~_50AOOO L.H. SANDY-MITTMAN

ST ARTER HOME • UDO ISL.ANO · Cute 2 bdrm. 1 bath with beamed cet11ncs. Street to street lot on desireable Via Karon. Expand 1n the future. in block to bay and viS1tors pier. Community clubhouse. tennis. parks. & beaches. $285.000. MARILYN TWITCHELL

CHARMING ISLAND HOME · Private commum· ty chal)J1el front home w/own dock for 30 ft. boat R·2 lot w/ room to build add1tJonal unit or en1oy this large yard. $335.000. DONNA & BILL WEBSTER

OCEAN FRONT HOME + INCOME · 3 bdrm. 2 bath owners unit upstairs w/ master bdrm & bath plus fireplace. 2 bdrm income unit downstairs w/ fireciface. Seasonal rental, rarely vacant. Lrg assumable 1st T.D. MARIA BERCOVITZ/MARIL YN TWITCHELL ·

BIO CANYON ONE STORY EXECUTIVE HOME · Fabluous home for executive livinc. 30 ft sit down bar ovenook1ng golf course, stereo room, pool table area. 25 ft. mirrored wardrobe plus walk-in closet. Recuded to only Sl.l 00,000. DOROTHY HARDCASTLE

DR~STIC REDUCTION, BLUFFS 4 BEDROOM Sunny & airy end unit w/ very private patto. eating nook 1n kitchen. Many UPCrades. 4th bdrm 1s separate & could be office or i n~aw quarters. Owner wants 1mmed1ate sale. Now $225,000 w/ land. SALLY SHIPLEY I JOYCE OABOL T

LARGE, LIGHT & INVmNG · 4 Bdrms. 21n baths. family room in Harbor View Hills. In mint cond1llon! Nothing has been left undone to insure comfort & easy hving Motivated sellers are asking $379.500. TRUDY STUBBLEFIELO/ TOOOY SMITH

NEWPORT BEACH CONDO · Large versable plan 4 with a dramatic l1V1ng room, fireplace, fam~y room & den. Good view. One of the largest units in Villa BalbOa. Assumable financrng. Owner anxious. $182.000. MARIA BERCOVITZ/LINOA TAGLIANETII

·NEWPORT BAYFRONT HOME W/14T FRONT AGE · Private dock for 10' boat. 4 bdrms w/pr1vate baths + convertible study, forma~ dlmnc room, separate master wine w/ s1tt1nc room. Large bayside deck. Sl.450,000 includes land. · • TOOOY 5'11TH/ OON DeTHOMAS

BLUFFS SINGLE LEVEL · Attractive 3 bdrm end unit located on major greenbelt. large private patio. Near community pool. Convenient location to Corona def Mar High School & Eastbluff Shopping Center. $210.000


DRASTIC REDUCTIONI NEWPORT aEACH BAYFRONT · Now only Sl.075,000 w/ land. Custom 4 bdrm home w/ pier & slip. Mahotany trench doors & wmdows. Picturesque bay, hghl and hillside view from ·master suite & retreat. Lower bdnn could be maids/ guest room. Perfection. move right 1n DOH De THOMAS

QUIET NEWPORT CONDO · Sharp 3 bdrm condo. 2 story, 21n baths. Suny wood patio, indoor utthty room, fireplace in livinc room. Britftt mastersu1te. Garace & carport. Attractive setting. Assumable 11.75\ financ· inc. s122.soo. AM BRIZOllS

• MAGNIFICENT NEW HARBOR HILL CUS-TOM Ho. · Ocean & city lictits VteW. Gated community. lm.pecc1ble quality throuetiout. Gourmet • kitchen. Kars wood tloors. Berber carpets. Luxurious master bedroom suite. Built-in entertainment center. Completely finished oversized 3-car garge. Pool & spa. $950.000. SANDY MITTMAN

EA8T8LUFF W/POOL & VU · Four bedroom Lusk built ptaTI 'B' on pnme corner lot oftet'in& complete

" privacy, spacious rear yard w/ large pool & spa. New decor within the past two years. Sellers are motivated and look1nc for offer. $369.500. DOH De THOMAS

REDUCEDI SELLERS HA VE FOUND ANOTHER · Soph1sltcated Newport Pool home. Perfect condition. Lovely area. Now asking $340,000 MARILYN Hill


OUTITANDINO PROPERTY IN OLD C.D.M. PlUI INCOME · On a very pteturesque street. large 3 bdrm with family room, wet bar, 2 hre.,iaces '" an ~uthentic Spanish motif. Includes separate and my private overS11ed 1 bdrm income unit. LINDA TAGLIAHETII

CUSTOM HOME C.O.M. • REDUCED 1120,GOOI · Most spectacluar. luxurious custom home 1n old C.O.M. 2 years new. One block to ocean, all ctass entry, trench doors, plantation 'shutters. Submit on down .,. • .,. • payment. Now only $575,000. DOROTHY HARDCASTLE .....___ '55,000 PRICE REDUCTION,· SPYGLASS tw..L · Pres!Clous executive home with ocean. moun· tam & crty licflts view in serene seffinC. Poof & spa. New '\. landscaping. Utprlded 'Capehorn' model with 4 bedrooms. 2'h baths fam~y room, wet bar, 2 fireplaces & hardwood floors. $640,000. -sELLfC~Lff

BUILD YOUR DREAM ~I · Extra large 60 ft lot '" cm corona del Mar location jUSt one block from ocean. Build new or remodel this 2 bdrm, 1 bath adobe casa. Loads of room to expand. Priced at lot value $540,000. BMIE DIXON

NEWPORT BEACH BAYFRONT DUPLEX · Unsurpassed water location near the harbor entrance w/ two boat spaces & easy ocean access. Two. 2 bdrm units located on private road off baystde dove. Live 1n one & rent the other. $995.000 includes land. SALLY SHIPLEY I JOYCE DABOL T


I FAMILY HOME, QUIET ESTABLISHED NEIOH80RHOOD · Near good sch()ols, Mtle Square Park. & golf course. Three bedrooms. two 'baths. patio converted to large, comfortable family room. Setunty system. $1 25,000 ~ DOROTHY MfTCHELL


ATTENTION llNGLElft · Live at the beach. Super uptraded studio condo. Quiet localton next to Huntincton Harbor. Fireplace. refrigerator. patio, bonus room, community pool, spa. 1 year home warranty to

.buyer. $78,500. MARY JANK


SAN CLEMENTE OCEAN VIEW LOT Prestigious Cyprus Shore. Guard gated community adro1ning Casa Pac1hca. 60 x 124 lot. Private beach, two and one·half acre park. clubhouses. pools. tennis $280.000. SANDY MITIMAN


OCEANFRONT · 5 bdrms. Penmnsula. $2,650.mo. ..

HUNTINGTON BEACH CONDO · 2 bdrms. 1 story. adult. $895/ mo.

• $11Jl DOWN · UNDER 101/1 FIXED

Foreclosure creates great buy for a 4 year old 3 BR, 2 BA, patio home. Lender serious and has refurbished · entire property. Don't wait! 759-1501. ./ ..



HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS 3 BR, 2 1/ 2 BA, all amenities. This owner needs second family space and must sell professionally decorated home. Assume existing loans! 759-i501. ~

OCEAN VIEWS-CITY. LIGHTS Several e~ecutive homes available from $350,000 - $2.2° million. Give yourself a taste of real California living! 759-1501.


BELCOURT HILL Perfect condition and owner must relocate. Two large bedrooms, 2 1/ 2

baths. 2 fireplaces. For the discriminating executive couple. 759-1501.


Classic Island home with wonderful charm. Split level, potential separate quarters for maid or?. Reduced to $385,000. 759~ 1501 .


# 2 Clwlc Piasa, Suite I 00

• IS


SATIRIJY SPYGLASS Ml._ 11 ........ 4BR, FR. pool/spa 1- 5 M. Bulkley

BAYCREST ....... 1JH l••IMr• Olrlll 5BR. FR 1-4 J . Debay

SllllY HARBOR RIDGE Slll,lll ,....., .. ., 4BR, 2FR. pool/spa 1-4 M lngold

VILLA BALBOA .... ,... 211 c.,.., ''" 1ta 2BR.FR 1-4 L Oeth

llllT ,.. MUii S 114,tOO Very private, outstanding ly.'O story. 2 BR, 2'h haUJ condo. Cathedral ceillilgs with feeling of spaciousness - light and airy. Wrap around patio. One block to schools and shopping. Priced to seU. Donna Godshall

.. GUY• • NIAi NW 1111,000 Irrunediate poaesmon available on this customized 4BR on huge cul-de-sac view lot. Gourmet kitchen, large family room with fireplace, private master suite with sauna. Pool , spa and cabana. 3 car garage. Belle Partch

UIE FIUST ..... _..MllllM 1141,000 This tri-level home with 3 car attached garage features loft area. Could be a library or den. Three bedrooms, 2 'h baths. Skylight m mast.er suite. Community pool and.tennis . Gayle Amato

IAYFlllT - IEWNIT ISWI 1411,000 Privacy and a unique lifestyle are yours in this open ana spacious bayfront home. Three bedrooms. 2 'h BA, 2 fireplaces, indoor spa. extra large lot. Conununity beach. Will accomodate a 35' boat. Gayle Amato

SPYIUSS snow. llH,000 Four bedrooms, 3BA, formal dining room. Capehom model. SpectacuJar pool and spa. A forever view of ocean and sunsets. Only $539.000. Lois Jacobs

& SIPllSTIOARI ... E 1110,000 Complemented by the expanded ubrary adjacent to both the living room and mast.er suite, a formal dining room, the bright kitchen with its expanded breakfast room, and a second bedroom and den complete the design. Combine this with the panoramic ocean and harbor views and you have tpis beautiful ' Miramar ' home . Ed F.scano/Maurecn White ..

OMI SHIES OHTEIPIUIY • 1141,ltO TfiiS 4 B'R, ~ bath contemporary home offers ocean view from the spacious living room and master suite. The ultimate 'European' kitchen and large Connal d ining room overlook the fabulous pool and spa. Cozy family room with fireplace. A must see! Good. as6Um able finarK'ing. Lois J acob.s


SIHISTIC&nl •E II Ill O&IYll Ull,000 Wonderful high ceilings tn this light and charm­ing Deane home. Large private lot, great vista view. Three bedrooms, formal dining area, break­fast room, great master_suite. Three--car garage. Barbara Aune

S.HUFF ..... TllITT 11,AJt,IOI Ocean view - steps to the beach in this wonderful 4 BR home on the canyon. Extra large Jot with tt>rraced gardens. two fireplaces. and charming brick wine tasting room. Barbara Aune

toWFIHT SPHTIGIW 13,200,000 View forever from this wonderful property. Beautifully maintained older 4BR home with magnificent master suite Nestles m excluStve shorecliffs. Spa, pool m park like setting. A rare opportunity. Barbara Aune

SPllTlllUI PAml• YIEW ........ Of the ocean, jetty and bay from this three story Corona del Mar residence. Built u a duplex with 3BRl3BA and 4BR/2 1hBA units. An interior stairwell provides the pomibility of conversion to a large single family home. Two fireplaces, elevator, new carpet and decor throughout, five car parkmg. Susan Scanlan

UH ISLE HI 1110,0IO re you like Country French. you wlll love this home. Large fanuly custom with 4 bedrooms. 4 baths, mast.er with fireplace, famdy room, hard­wood floors, south bricked patio, separate dming room. French doors, extra large lo\, near shop­ping, and beachn. Tennis and boat docks. Joan Lewis/Danny Bibb

IUCl ILIFF PllTMISE S2H,IOO Sunny and spacious prestige hvmg with huge master suite. large 2nd BR. fonnal BR and separate family room. Priced to sell immediately Liz Beazley/ Unda Oeth

••ST SEU llW1 SHl,IOO Wonderful property pneed below market Anxious seUer. The home features 4BR and an ocean view. Coby Ward

I llPIMTIOH!l Ml $1!1,IM Complemented by the library adjacent to both the living room and mast.er suite. Formal dining room. bright kitchen with a spacious breakfast nook and second bedroom and den complete the design. Panoramic views of the ocean, harbor and city liJchts. Maureen Whfte/F.d F.acano



.. Ltmm • Tll IAYfllll' 11,ltl­This home features ample use of brick, wood, and beveled glass. Amenitjes include a pub room, den, formal dining room, large master suite 3 guest BR, pier & slip, 3 car garage. Ann Peters

IUYD Pll­Enjoy the amenities of this guard gated communi­ty while living in a delightful 3 BR . 2 'h BA home located on a quiet cul 'de sac with a view towards the ocean. Features two fireplaces. fonnal DR. Kitchen family room. Ann Peters

..... IH lff 1111111 ..... Am All,lll "Jodelle" model behind guarded gate in pres­tigious Harbor Ridge with spectacular views of ocean, bay, & city lights. This 3 BR , 2 'h BA family room home looks like a model with wood plank floors, coordinated fabric & drapes. Ed F.ecano/ Maureen White

•YWL 1WI YUi U · •TA IUA 12n,­Potential 4 BR ch.armer . 2 story with family room, den and large master suite. Tremendous pride of ownership. Professionally decorated and land­scaped. Large ~ter suite shows like a model. Virginia Swan

....... 111m11m1 • l1llllT 1M1,eoo Titled "THE CASTLE" this home provides soph­isticated living with 3BR, 2 'h BA and 2 patios. Lite. airy and a fresh feeling. Bank owned with very flexible financing. Quick Escrow. Tom Al­Unson/Mick:i Cooper

IAffml - SHI- ... BEAUTIFULLY UPGRADED AND decorated 2BR, 2BA unit. Expansive bayfront patio perfect for entertaining. All new interior decor, baths and kitchen. Priced to sell at $595,000 including land. Martha Macnab or Danny Bibb

1m111 1111111 w u11.­Charming Cape Cod style on lovely tree Hned street. Beautifully remodeled inside and out. Versatile floor plan can be 3BR or 4BR. Enjoy the finest at an affordable price - $319,000. Linda Oeth

llAll...S 1111,111 Comfort with no care. J ust minutes from beach. Two pools. security. recently built, beautifully decorated. Only $158.000. Linda Oeth/Liz Beazley

MOT YllR! 1111,111 Y1IW II_... OIEU Ull,000 Three BR, 2 BA condominium in The Bluffs with Two story condominium with formal dining room nice open views from the deck. Maintained in & l~e family room off k itchen. 24 hour guarded good condition. Assumable loans. Owner has been _ area with tennis courts & pools. A great buy for tranferred. Price includes the land. Hallie StroCk $385,000. Maxine Propp

• UIYll • llSlllY Ull ftlW . 1,111.­Perhaps the premier location in this private community. Quiet cul-de-sac location. Ideal for the large family. Includes, 7BR. 7BA, 3 fireplaces, family room w/ pool table, wet bar. large screen T .V .. separate den, study and much more. Over 8,000 sq. ft. Incredible value, offered at $1 ,895,000. Danny Bibb/Stephanie Grody

••mt rum._ 12.-,111 Over 7,000 sq. ft . of luxurious living. All major.· rooms. veranda and pool enjoy spectacular ocean/ bay views. Price .. includes elegant furnishings. Color brochure available . Ed Escano/Maureen White

Unmt I IUITRL 11.-.­I.ncredible view of the bay from this captivating 4 BR home. Pier & slip to accommodate a large boat. A superbly crafted tavern room, large living room & dining room and a super remodeled kitchen. Carolyn Muon

llftl Him • NIU IPAI - llllJ 119'•,• Stunning 4BR, cul-de-ac home with 148' water Ctontage! Exceptionally private location with electric security gate. Owner' will carry 1st T .D . $1,385,000. Includes the land. Paula Bailey

, ..... - ... - ..... Near new 3BR condominiwn on beau tiful street in Corona del Mar. 5 blocks to the ocean. 2 decks -one with private spa. &.utiful tile bathrooms and kitchen with Jennair, microwave, etc. Owner may assist with financing. Micki Cooper

r • lll,Ml lhiWs Pl• llMTlll! Mll,IOI fH Owne r says sell! Stunning 3BR view home with added bonus rooms adjacent to pool and spa. Newly redecorated kitchen with J enn-A.tr. stained ~ ceiling. etched glass cabinets. Sub­mit!! Paula Bailey

llAll UY9I •T ITS IDT I 111,000 Only one block to the bay or ocean 3BR. 2BA & loft. Added bonus unit over garage for extra income. Leaaehold. Ann Peters

UTTU llllU ISUll W/ 111; .... 1121,000 Duplex with new copper plumbing. Two BR apartment with great deck, room to build ~ter suite with bayfront deck! Seller will carry first. ~na Chichester .!?

UU. 11111 llSM LIT • tnt,000 The unique opportunity of a lifetiine-the chance to own this large custom homesite on the highest point of Newport Beach m the guarded gate community of Harbor Ridge. providing the ul­timate of panoramic views from the mountains to Newport Harbor. to Catallna and the pacific ocean. Great terms available. Maureen White/ Ed Elcano

.... ,. • .._n AM• Be ,.in" your extremely special, highly upgraded. gate guarded community Big Canyon home with: two bedrooms. den, formal living and dining room within walking d~tance to Newport C.enter. You can be "in" for the holidays. Maralou Ingold

• IS

lllOUY••ll S1H,oot Private comer urut. Three bedroom. 2 1, BA. 2 story " El Dorado" plan. Perfect conditwn. Seller will help finance. ava.tlable unmed1ately. Com­munity pool . tennis and security gate. Martha Macnab

IALIMlllT• me.­Four bedroom. 4 bath. two stor y home, recentJy remodeled with old world craftsmanship and charm. Steps to the best ocean beaches. E~tra boat or car storage . pnce includes the land Martha Macnab

IAYFINT LIT lff0,000 One of the last~ 50' waterfront with pnvilege for pier & slip to accomodate 55' boat Martha Mac­nab

UCAPI IOIU" .... su•• Highly desirable 2Br. l 11 BA. 2 story unit 1n immaculate small commuruty. Lush grounds. pool and clubhouse Best East.side Costa Mesa location Martha Macnab

1&11 FHICLISIH II WlnR S1,2ll,OOO Remodeled. Single story. 4 BR. 4 BA home wnh over 106 ft on the water Huge waterfront yard with room for pool. Private rommuruty behind guard gate. Lende r will provide excellent financ­ing. Price includes the land. Maureen Wh1t£'1Ed Escano

Tll IUT If wanlFlllT PllPHTIH $1,121,000 Spacious custom 5BR home with large dinmg. family and bonus rooms. Pier and sltp to a<'t11m ­rnodate a large boat plus side tw FuU secunty community offers tennis and clubhouse Pnc-e mcludes the land Martha Macnab

TIP W SPYILUS U ,ll0,000 The last and best opportunity to build an estatL• on top of the world on Spyglass Hill Three con­tiguous fron t VIew lots The chant-e of a lifetime' $2.750,000 for the three!' Maralot1 Ingold . 111,llO PllOI llllOTlll SllHOUffS SIH.OOI it"truly sensational big farruly homt.- with 5BR. formal dming room and ltvlll8 room. huge (am1ly. gourmet kit.chem. pool/spa. indoor sauna and gate access to beach. Maralou Ingold

FUIUll ... aT IUll 1144,eM Step,s to sand. Ocean view from patio. One year new and magntficent! Two master suites. beauti­ful deror, mirrored walls. custom tile work. etc. Terrific kitchen with all bwlt-ms. Owner will help finance or lease opuon M1du Coope1" .. l


9 •m 3 21a .. ,SAftlLDUU ---- - .. ----------------------.--------"IAW~llWAft

UNIQUE HOMES SUCCESSFULLY MARKETED IN 1985 HARBOR VIEW HILLS 2719 Pebble, 2712 Wavecrest, 1211P.ortslde,3801Sandune,1322 Keel , 1001 Sandcastle, 2700 Pebble, 1038 Goldenrod. 1301 Keel, 8 Crescent Circle. BAYSHORES 2451 Crestview, 2506 Crestview. SPYGLASS 11 Tiburon. IRVINE TERRACE 1108 Dolphin Terrace, 712 K-Thanga. SEAVIEW 2109 Yacht Daphne, 1911 Yacht Colina, 1921 Yacht Enchantress. BEACON BAY 21 Beacon Bay, 58 Beacon Bay, 33 Beacon S-ay, 66 Beacon Bay. SHORECLIFFS 243 Driftwood, 440 Morning Canyon, 324 Morning Canyon. EASTBLUFF 715 Bellis, 807 Celba, 801 Bellis. CAMEO SHORES 4515 Hampden, 339 Milford. BLUFFS 835 Amigos Way, 2241 Vista Huerta, 2068 Vista Cajon, 2441 Vista Nobl~. BIG CANYON 19 Inverness, 55 Royal St George, 11 Rue Verte, 21 Rue Fontalnbleau, 45 Canyon Island, 49 Sea Island. JASMINE CREEK 38 MatnsaJI, 87 Jasmine Creek, 7 Jasmine Creek, 6 Atoll. CORONA HIGHLANDS 441 Seaward, 528 Seaward. HARBOR VIE'.W HOMES 2018 Port Chelsea, 1979 Port Cardigan, 2000 Port Cardiff. 1815 Port Abbey, 1980 Port Ramsgate, 1807 Port Taggart, 1973 Port Nelson, 2764 Hiiiview, 2724'Hllltop, 271-! Hilltop. OLDE CORONA DEL MAR 2723 E. 5th Ave., 223 Poinsettia, 704 Avocado, 710 Iris, 2320 2nd Ave., 419 Pointsettla, 614 Iris, 609 Polnsetta, 401Begonia,611lrts, 2800 Bayview, 436 Dahlia, 601 Acacia, 610 Jasmine, 1633 Bayside. NEWPORT -BEACH 5 Surfside, 701 West Bay Ave., 3 Westcliff VIiia, 2406 Via Marina, 1100 E. Balboa Blvd., 2149 Miramar, 240 Nice Lane, 300 E. Coast Highway, 5219 River, 208 Via Dijon, 102 Scholtz, # 36, 102 Scholtz, # 38, 1070 Pescadore, 102 Hartford. COSTA MESA 2115 Raleigh, 3104 Samoa, 2031 Capella, 3327 Nevada, 467 Magnolia, 2424 Santa Ana, 1029 Seabreeze, 1925 Pomona, 407-16th Place, 4353 Clayton, 399 E. 18th St. IRVINE 1 Wellesley, 24 Alleghany, 4 Lassen, 23 Montanas Norte, 89 Highland, 6 Streamwood, 19251 Sierra Cadiz, 24 R~do, 13 Plymouth, 13841 Margene Circle, 20 Hillgrass, 6 East Trenton, 7 Arlington, 39 Oxford, 19031 Antioch, 22 Windjammer. INSIDE ORANGE COUNTY 15041 Columbia, Huntington Beach, 245 Crescent Bay, Laguna Beach, 7116 Santa Inez, Buena Park, 2504 F. MacArthur, Santa Ana, 3710 Ramona, Santa Ana, 1101 MacArthur # 303, Santa Ana, 33661 Big Sur, Dana Point. ·

OI TIE CUFF - Above Newport harbor, Incredible view, 4 bdrm, 4 'h ba, pool, spa. Needs finishing touches. $335,000 L/H.

FAlll.Y FIOUCS II OlJ£ Cll - A winnerl Newer 2 story, ocean view, sunny street leads to beach, patios, deck, 2 fireplaces. $575,000.

m HPlWS - Side by side. Zero vacancy. Great location!! 2 bdrm ln front, 3 bdrm with yard in back. New roof, paint. $225.000'each.

•EU PllftCT - Mot a flaw, 3 bdrm, pool, spa and ocean view, love to entertain? Y'ou'll love this home. $395,000.

TUE YM ClllC( - 5 bdrm wit~ 2 bdrm rental or 1 bdrm home near beach. Newer constr, all features, lovefy CdM area. S569,000.

UYSlllU .... - Now prk:ed reaUstk:altyl Charming 3 bdrm, 3 ba, central location, walk to beaches, bay, fee land. $3.49,500.

IUT l NW - Of ocean, sunsets, jetty. Extra large lot. 50' frontage by 162' deep In Olde CdM.· Build your dream home. $799,000. ••Am - Belcourt Find. Better than new, cteaner than original, 3 bdrm, JMciureeque land­scaping, custom touches at Just $795,000.

• .. l Ull LITS - South of the highway, In Olde CdM; 3 bdrms, 2 bathe, delightful ltreet a block and': half from beech &j)luff. $32-5,000-

-.U.U - A sharp decorator perfect CdM hllfltde adult home wtth a big poot and a llttte view. 2 bdrms, 2 baths at $321,000.

WTSIH Ill T•t - 6,750 sq.ft . lot, possible R-2 zoning In great Costa Mesa rental location. Neat 2 bdrm Investment home at S 1 '8,500.


EICITWC PIUCT - Brand new in' Olde CdM! Country ~ condominiums. 3 bdrm and 2 bdrm. Extras, decks, patios. From $209,000.

(-., l IUl llCE Ml ~ Finest family living, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, CdM neighborhood overlooking harbor, tasteful decor, lovefy yard. $485,000.

UM ~ - large, open spaces! 3 bdrm 3 ba remodefed to New England charm. Close to comm. clubhouse, tennis and beaches. $480,000.

M U FlMTl - On the Penlntula. on the bay, Iota of charm, enormous view, sandy beach, 3 bdrm, 2 bath and cabana for $475,000 . •

I• .... - Weet Newport du~x. 4 bdrm, 2 ba and 2 bdrm, 1 ba, owner occUpied, good condition, next to beech. $219,000.

l I.MU UFUnU - Harbor R~ townhome wtth Mrene Wlw of city and ~. 3 bdrm, 3 bath, lmpeccabte condmon and AC. S&42,500.

HUCITFIL WTlllff - Near to tennis, l)igh school, shops, parks. 4 bdrm, 3 bath, guest room, all In top condition on- large lot. $339,000.

H-IUT l FtWIC - Beautifully decorated, lmpec~ cable 3 bdrm, 3 bath townhome In Jasmine Creek. Owner"'transferred. Must seU. $375,000.

S11C SUEPY - A wtnk to the ocean, 3 bdrm home + 2 bdrm , 2 bath Income, vacant with out of state owner wanting offers. $429,500._

MTII' Fii CHT• - Owners have to sell! Dual master suites wtth massive ocean view. lowest priced condo In Laguna gated community. $165,000.

H IY C1S1 - This 4 bdrm Is adorabtel Famlly room-kitchen arrangement, beamed maeter sutte, skytlghta, sundeck, poof. $289,000 In Newport.

5 - • J ,._. ._ - In Olde CdM, on a 45' lot, tasteful decor, 3 bdrm home w/2 bdrm Income unit or comblne to 5 bdrm, 4 ba. $479,000.

l IUl SmPllSl - Newer 3 bdrm, 2 story tn~de CdM la apeclall Specious feeltng, ocean vteWI,

A llT W llT - M-enlftoeftt 190° vtew of Dana greet for entertaining. Dramatic. $595,000. Point Hart>or, lights, mounU.ns. Owner deeper- •T D IUl - CdM duplex wtth 3 bdrm & 2 ate, make offer, you might own It. S225,000. bdrm unlta, each wtth 2 bathe, dectt1 ·& niCI

llCI •--3 bdrm behind guarded-gates.~·· Meeda.aome kMnO touchea~1338,SOO. WOOd and gtua dellgn. Newer home with famHy. ,..., Cll IMD - Attrectlve price, terms, 3 room. Unique upper bay neighborhood. bdrm, 2 ba and 2 bdrm, 1 ba. New~t. carpet, $385,000. wall coverings, auumabte ftnanctng. $275,000.


UMQJ~ I ICMFi. ~LT~i. f>lli•f>()()()

.,ANDYLAMQ a-.........

Want to get the ~ out of your nreplace? Learn how to start and IUltaJn a good ftre; but before you muter that, be aure your chimney Is In ehape to handte It.

For a fire that starts well wtthout smoke and aparka, be aure the chimney la cleaned every year. Creoeote, a tarry eubatance depoetted on Chtmney wdl by smoke, P0888 a ,.,. hmrd If allowed to build up. In 9ddttk>n, an aocumulatton of creoeote cen block the he now of aJr up the chlmneV. meklng the fire 8mOky and hlrd to start. a..Mng a~lmney la a IMllY Job Md UIUaJly best left to a profeulonal.

Leem to uae tt)e damper correctly and even a tmaJI, old fireplace wlll perform better. The damper, which controls the now of air up the chimney, la uauatly adjusted by a small handte extending down from the chimney In the back of the flrepface .• ~ the fire la burning. open the damper just enough to cause the smoke to flow up the chimney and not Into the room. You'll learn how much Is "Just enough" by trial and error. When you are not using the fireplace, be aure the damper la cfoled. But nrat t;>e sure the fire Isn't smoldering, since a smoldering bed of ashes can atlll reteaae smoke and noxious fumes Into the house.

In stacking wOOd, keep It near the back of the fireplace to get the best draft. If you are using andiron~. pile kindling (amaJI p6ecea of wood) on


crumpled balls of newspaper between the andirons. Then stack two larger spllt logs cross the andirons. cut side down. Decrease the slze of the logs as you stack upward. If you use a grate basket, put In several Inches of kindling and newspaper balls. Then add on several medium-sized loga, split side down. Add decreasing saes of split


logs as you stack. Smaller logs burn beat In a grate.

From Scrlpto. wfilal makes a dis­posable butane torch for lighting fireplace fires, comes tt\e suggestion that the bed of ashes left over from the last fire should be used. Using the shovel. spread the ash smoothly on the fk>or of the fireplace, creating a

cMnnel down the mlddte, from front to bac*, before you •rrange the kindling and loga. Proper apaclng between the loga la Important, too, so air can clrculate freefy around them. If they are too far apart, hOwever, the logs wtll not absorb enough heat from each other. Move the burning logs wtth tongs or · poker.

Once again, remember the warning to make aure the damper Is open before you fight the klndllng and paper. Scrlp1o n•turally thinks you should use a butane torch for that P,Urp<>M, since It put• 6 lnchee between you and the name. Open a wtndow In the next room to hetp the fire draw and adjust the damper once the fire la drawing nicely.

When adding wood, restst the temp­tation to poke at the old coats, which usuaUy conceal the hottest part of the fire. They are necessary to feed the names In the rearranged stack. Very gently. using the poker or tongs, move the remaining large pieces of wood toward the center and build the new stack on top of them. The heat from the undisturbed charcoals underneath wtll send the flames up to the newty added wood.

The safety rules for wood fires require constant concentration. Open the damper all the way before building the fire. Never light the fire with flammable liquids. Be sure nothing that can burn Is closer than eight feet from the fireplace. When the fire is lit . put a mesh screen or spark guard in front of the fireplace. And keep small children away from the area.


The Harbor Area's Oldest Recil Estate Firnl IWlll * llllM • - *.... 1211,JTI Lm 11 -1 111.,_ .... , ~ - . 112,111 2 bdrm ·owners unit' wtth fireplace and beam Then you should see the gourmet kitchen In this Owner will finance with low down to qualified oeHtnga over1ooklng Inviting awtmmlng pool - spacious Newport Beach condo. 1 bdrm plus buyer. Beautifully and completety furnished plua 3rd bdrm and bath downstairs. Also a 1 den. Private deck, expensive carpeting. 2 full condo with private deck. mirror~, bar. all llke bdrm apt over the garage wtth fireplace. A baths and a motivated out of town seller. Large new. Conv~nlently located near Hoag Hospital. monfl'/ maker! assumable loan.

11n11•• 11nmT 11.-.- ··-··-88 feet on the bay! Located In excluaive gate guarded Baylhorea. Spacious sfngte leY9I home custom built wtth 4 bdrma, overalzed garage, Harbor Realty la a full Mrvtoe locally owned

---- *IDllU* 11 ... Prime location South of PCH with a view of the mountains and Fashion Island. 2 bdrros. 2 baths, fireplace and wet bar. Private corner unit. Bank owned - aubmtt terms.

family room and large bayalde eun .deck. Pr~ Real Estate Company offilctng a comptete to Mttte eetate. range of real eetate services such • .n - ,.. ••• 111..-1111• • • - 11...- active rental deper1ment, a natlonwtde Beartlfulty decorated and highly upgraded 2

"'-•- 3rd •~1oc .. •tlon .. u-.u decorated wtth relocation network_and an In bOUM com- bdrm condo wttti --a thrilling view of the harbor •••- ,_,.__ ·-7 putetlzed llatiftft ~"--. Why Mttte tot

mlrrort, fireplace and wet bar. 2 bdrm• and 2 "'"' -·- and ocean. Urge sun deck, fireplace. Fllll secur-batht. Belutiful pool, epa and Ramada. Try 10% .... ? lty bulldlng and fabulous reoreatlon facilities.

~ ,_ * 11.U ._ 111a.- ICFFll --.. 11"'- U. •NIT• 111 llY _ .. ,. EVEN A LITTLE OCEAN VIEW! lmmeculate 1 Prime bayfront location with plef and float. 70· Freshly painted and beautifully maintained • bdrm unit In f'ult eecurlty bktg reduatd for quick feet on the bay. Spectacular design by Tom bdrm home with a brand new kitchen. formal .... Trade llQhtt mini btlndt mirrors l~t Theurkauf. Spacious 3 bdrm home with private dining room. den & work shop. Used brick patio c:otof1 t>Mutlful c0mmunlty po(,, & r9Cf'Mti0n swimming pool, buement. famlty room area - big enough for a bayslde pool! An exceptional center: and formal dlntng arM. Owner may he!P ftMnee. bayfront Vlkle.

(213) 628-2828 . . I (714) 673 4400 21iU IAIT COAIT HIGHWAY--CORONA DEL ---

I ., I


2 2 a ~ --- -··

PAM te/&A~Y .Mll.4. ....

"''* ~ .. , ... • .J u.. · ,. .. • • 1 · --' w~. DAILY I _ • ..;__._._;_· ,.,,_. wsa--11 @• ..,..,,,, • .,..,.,_.,,is> W..••11a-.~

I I ·I I ·1 I I I I I I I

- I I I I I I I I I I I

The WKY beat location In pttme Newport. Cor­ners Clfff DrtYe. Huge lot - 95 foot frontllQ8. Specious 3 bedroom. ranoh ttyte home wlth family room. Remodektd kitchen and baths. A.mang k>t with pool and Vlltw of FlllNon laland. Large rear & aide ywda. Auumable flnandngl Open houM Sat & Sun. Call Rae Rodgers 831-1286. Wiii conllder e month leue. Juat reduced!

IEWEI .... -IEWPllT llElllTI

Expanllve 4 Bdrm, 41~ Bath, 3 ftreptecee, 2 courtyard. Spacioua warm famfty room. One of the finest newer homee In the ar-.. Many quality upgradel. L:arge gourmet lat.nd kitchen. $378.000.

Ill 111181 111-1111

WESTOUFF NIL lllE Rambling 4 bdrm., 3 bath realdenqe with coun, try kitchen & family room. Moat! prime lot & location. 3 separate yard areas. Immaculate condition. Asking $265,000. Call



PllOE IElllTlll Tl 1132,IOO

Completety remodeled 2 bedroom, 2 b,.,.. with

dows 1 · a French dO"'~- ¥1n-

,.. ' 1ard. l C!.. ....... and e<.., ""'8tlon. C1oM to •~p;:ig and 18tler la very anxious to sell. Aaaumable 9'h'.4 flxed 1st T.D. Bring offers.

llTI ... 111·1211

USTlllE...,...USTI IEll 1-2--1111•

Builders, carpenters, archltecta, plumbers, elec-­trlclans, handymen, etc. Thia home la waiting to be remode6ed. Plana for a 2nd unit Included. 2 bdrm, 1 ba, llngte car garage. Large lot on a WKY pretty street. One of the few houMe left on the block to be remodeted or added on to. Don't waJt. You'll ~_al9d you cmled on this one.

3 1111••111.1111 PlllEI Tl IEU

um llll't PUZ& 110

REALTORS® UITlllE 11111111 - 1111,000

3 Bdrm, 2 Bath countrv ft.• - totlly ,.. mod1l1d lndudlng ,~ • V bing. Complete new k"chen. ~... ~.,e ,..., yard. Stone ftreplace. Work~ "1' .,arage. Motivated letlert $159,000.



10-X. ....

Exqu191te VIEW home In quiet NEWPORT HEIGHTS. New Evwythlngl 3 bdrm, 3 ba plus family room. Showa llke a model home from the gourmet k"chen to the formaJ ltvtng room. Open beam ~oeilinga & a marble hearth fireplace. Broad ocean VIEW from llvlng room decks. AMAZING VALUE! REDUCED- $314,500 ask for


Pl• 11111 IEU TllPLD Well maJntaJned Eutttl"t oocatlon cioae to ~ng. AR s~ '"' 0 t.- .!h 2 story units. NEW ON MA .~ - high demand area. Aakl~ _:..~.,.,.ooo.


OllTIM IESI YEllE One ot the largest Iota In Mesa Verde. Walk to Meea Verde Country Club. Home features 5 bedrooms, 3'h baths, pobl and 3 car garage. Lota of room fOf expanek>n. Beauttfu~ quiet atreet. REDUCED TO $369,500.

....... , •• , 111-1111

. WILi Tl ... , MllSE Very light and open former model home. High beamed celllnga and Iota of mlrrOfa. 4 bdrms, 2~ bathe, fOfmal dining and famlly room. Beautlful tree filled yard. Excellent value at $224,500.

JA .. ll•tmll U1·1111

IEWum• ·

# -~·


& ~e 71111111, t7' 11ea1u, & ;Je~tNU

new 7/eael

Stunning 3 bdrm, den home. Prime secluded area amongst EMue Gum trees. Proteastonally decorated - An entertainers delight! Premium lot with large pooi & apa. $399,000. Shown by appt.



Raie Verona F»tan - 3 bedroom, 2~ bath, formal dining room, sparlous fam­ily room all beautifully dec­orated. For only $185,000. Owner mottvated.

mt..alll 111·1111

IEW Ultm lllTI •II 111-PLEI 1111.llO

Quiet well located CCKt",.' \\wnhouM 1tyle units wtth 8'>Pr"" I 1rm, 1~ ba 2

story wtpr. ' ' ~ ., ..... Prof. gross Income of .. ""1Ml'Vattve. Land Is leased on l • .rma to 2021 eo purchase price 11 fully oeprectabte. TheM unftl NII fut.

lmT •1•11 I 111· 1111

11111•11..uxa 2 aide by ~ totlllty remod1l1d duplexes w/ approx. 10001q.ft. per townhouM atyte unlt


Botti propert... lhow wry welt. Rentt o MH.00 per untt on 2 of 4 untta juattfy Pro). Groee Annum t1e,eeo. AlklnQ 1111,000 wt--..rna• ftxed rat• eo.na. Owner may oon­~rllde tot tocm Income~-... z•n 1111-1•


• 3

_.. _.. • M .. -·

. IAT\19DAY~4.t .. /PMSll

•;11c, .,..•e-w"'1• .,.. ''"' .-.. .,!"''' ~EH>.-.. e1w• .-.-''''' --•1111 -. '''''' ..-.. ••sw .,..,




•1111111 n1111.­m• llME lllT•

11,111,IM Quaint ftllg8tone path leed9 you peat lush land­scap4ng to the entrance of this Country French home. Oak hardwood ftoors, 3 ftrePladee. 5 bdrms, 5 bath•, famlty room, formal dining room, gourmet kitchen, breaktaet room, ex­tended OM of crOWJL molding, a granite apa w/ room for a pool. Wiii trade commercial or summer home. Ask for ..... 1. ..... ....

LUSE IPTlll 1711,MI Panoramic view of ocean, Fashion Island. Catalina, plus on a clear day you can see the Queen Mary. Features oak entry and famlty room and five bedrooms. Will trade for com­merctal property. Ask for


•Ullll llNE• 1111,NO

Oevonehlre 5 bedroom•. 4' baths, famlty room, dining room, NEW PAINT, CARPET, drapes, brick dedc, kitchen & entry. Complete ocean, bay, city, mountain vtews. $500,000., 11% & 12% fixed ftnanclng. Private yard with room for pool.

WILL TUii E"'1Y P• lllLLEI -••11m1111.

Ask for •111t111•

IRVINE .. ,.._..... 4 bdrme, 3 fuff betha, f.wnHy room, formal dining, lerge meeter eulte, bMutlful yard. Community pool llnd tennle. OnlY l.8UNtwood moctel on l'Mril.t. Gr•t buy at S209.000. . ........


- •LIM llfflllT 11,4N,IOI• - nALIAI YIW llllTEIPIEOE

lido Ille bayfront,cUltOm, three bedrooms, ~ baths. Award-wtnmng lie ftoora & walla thiUoUt. MU1er suite haa .-team room and hot tub, lnkeboll" custom ~ bed, he4dboard and credenza w/ CMtOfPY, 1rench armr-e. leads to master bath " To Stay" . CarWd wood waJI sculpture 188x94'' " To Stay". This ls a must to see. Many Items, too numerous to Hst.


•LIH llYFlllT 1411.000• Commanding view of the t-·· · goeek-a-bo< of the mountain• .. " l 1nd conv& nlent 3 ~ lay. Doe' avallabte ' - .... . ofesslonal decorated S -""" tonM with lmaglnatl· and artlstk. ,Uuchee. Call



sn1L&11 LUSE-11,000 5 Bdrms., 3 baths, formal ltvtng, dining, family den & spa. Vtew of city lights & water .

........ 111-1111

IPYIUU llLL, C.1.1. 1121,000

Large 5 Bdrm., 3 Bath, formal dining, family room, breakfast area, oak & tlle floors. Large yard, beautlful spa, expansive views of city, water, & hllla. Lease option. It Is a great buy!


•PlllllT•Y llY•--1121,000 Bayfront home with• BR, 3 BA, huge mater suite, formal dining, room for two bouts, wtll NII exlatrng option, low down. Great terms. will

. trade up to 5 bdrm on or off the water. . ... .... 1 ...


• .111111• •EEi • .,.,.. Outstanding bay, oceen, c:tty lite vtews rrom thle Ptan e. 3 bedroom, 2'A bath, huge mMter ..... w/ .,ttlng room, l8rQe ~flllt ....._ ltudy, comm. pooe 2 ..,,._ 8echelof wents out. A gr•t buy. . .. ........

...... ..., SPECllUZlll II



•PllYITE UTEI OlllllITT• 1111,IOO

Just reduced- TENNIS, community POOL and spa, ocean and city light views. One story • bedroom. 2'h baths, family room, 2 fireplaces, wet bar. Offer lease option.


•llLlll PElllSIU • 1211,000

Two bedrooms, two baths, formal dining with fllntastlc views of ocean and pier. from this I oceanfront condo with securty gate and under- I ground parking. Wiii " trade" up to S.00.000 range In Newport .

..... 1 ..

•llYCIEIT• Four bedrooms, four baths, formal dining, fam. rm .. large yard with lots of treee, room for pool. Steal at $295,000.


• YIW llLlll • 1111,000

Two bedroom, two bath, family room, large living room with bay & OCMn view. Low down. A reaJ value. ........


• 3% ..... ,, ...... Great South Coast Plaza location. One bdrm, one bath. tennis courts & lake.


• lllTI 11111111,IOO • 3 bedroome, 1~ baths, hardwood floors. Extr terge lot Eat lide Costa Mesa on quiet street.


UllD IWIEI I PLO . Low ln•eet ftx~ rate financing. Ave large

bedrl>Ome. one 8tudto. Approx1ma~ old. Pmdpeel only .


OKER MEMBER 234 E. 17th St., COSTA·MESA • 631-1266 - .

-~ 1+9-.-_.1+@5 .,..EBFj _.,.,_..es.._; h _..,_.,,,,_.iii'_.


.. \ .


I I , I

. ""' ·I

. .

Spectacular homes and estate sites. behind .ded gates in

~ Newport ·each.

Belcourt. Newport Beach's exclusive, guarded-gate community of sophisti­cated townhomes, luxurious single­family attached homes and custom home siteS where yo}'_. Il)~ buil_.9 the custom home of your choice. , -


2 Chadbourne Court

4 Barrenger Court

2 Weymouth Court

4,536 Sq. Ft., 4 and a den or 5 bedroom, 4 baths, 2 story, family room, huge master suite with retreat, 4-car garage.



34 Hillsdale Drive

2,254 Sq. Ft. -0n one level, 3 bedrooms, 21/i baths, spacious living room with fireplace and wet bar, garden kitchen with spacious nook and window.

Available in January


24 Hillsdale Drive

2,676 Sq. Ft., 3 bedrooms, 31h baths, 2 story, formal living room, lavish master bedroom and second bedroom with private bath .


14 Hillsdale Drive

3,010 Sq. Ft., 3 bedrooms, 21h baths, spacious family room with wet bar and fireplace, opulent master bedroom retreat with luxurious bath.


40 Hillsdal~ Drive

3,340 Sq. Ft., expan sive living room, spacio~p family room with second fireplace, garden kitchen with green­house window and large nook, 3 secondary bedrooms, 3lh baths and lavish master suite.

Available in January


Other Terna Collection Homes Available. See Salesperson for Details.


Belcourt makes it easy to buy your own lot and build a dream home of your own design. Choose from a half­dozen remaining custom sites priced from $260,000.


...:• £H£CIM 4$0' IW( or "Vl!l 0 !()'-4 S4.'8JfC ! !O PAIOl'SA<.£ Qlol(IP Al lf<<i lf• l!I. "' • '•"'SfDt101,

· · ·· BEICOLJRr I T.,.,.ce Colt.ction model ham,.""' open daily from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Lam hours by appointment .



Anew view of Tuitle Rock.

It's a view of tranquil hillsides and striking natural beauty. With sophisticated comforts of elegant homes plus the privacy of electronically­controlled entry gates. And it's more.

It's a special view on living that can be seen in each of the sophisticated homes of Turtle Rock Pointe - luxurious homes displaying the atten­tion to detail and unhurried craftsmanship that are halk­marks of J.M.~ Comp~

Interiors are large~, dra­matic and feature-filled. There is central air conditioning. Special, hand-troweled ceiling treatments. Hand-finished

oak cabinetry. Hand-set ceramic tile in the kitchens and oak-framed luminous ceiling lighting. The~ are gourmet appliances including Jenn-Air tri-convertible cook­tops. And there is much more: including a sensational recreation center with pool, spa and cabana~

Come share our outlook on.this very special part of Irvine and you're bound to agree. Turtle Rock just doesn't get any better than this.

*A Ho~rs· Association finan­aally supported by all residents maintains recnatton facilities and common a1'as. Ask our sales reprP­sentallve for derails.

...... 6 Monterey Circle Irvine. G'alif (714) 854-2363 Sales office open daily from IO a. m. 10 5 p.m. I.Ater hours by appointment.

IRVINE . .,,.. •• ;>

1ne Q uality l ~ lift• I

------------.-· · ------·---··-------------- . --. ---------- --

,,.. .. .... ...

·~RTLE ROCK • •• • .. .-.i:;_ .....


Top sales agents announce partnershi1


D~ Elk and un, Underwood, top productng ..,..agents at Coldwell Banker'• Huntington Beach/Huntington Harbour office, have announced a new buai,,_. part­nership.

lndMdualty, the pair have earned su-;h • company honors as the ota­t logulahed Achievement Award and membership In the firm's Bronze Cjrcle Club.

" Although we've known each other for years, the Idea to form a team reaJly d idn't occur to us until recently," Underwood said. "We began tossing around Ideas and decided that a partnership would greatly Improve service to our clients."

Ellis and Underwood met In the early 19708 while attending Westminster High School. where they were both honor role students Involved In athletic and student body actMtles.

They lost contac,t after graduation, · but became reacquainted 11 years later In the same Coldwell Banker office.

Besides reaJ estate, they they shar:e a common taste In automobiles - Ellis drives a black Cadillac Seville and Underwood a white model - giving r ise to their motto. "Team Black and White's All Right! "

The team's first joint expenditure · was the purchase of a sophisticated computer system, which allows them to qualify buyers on the spot. The sys­tem · s other functions Include determin­ing alternate financing plans and affordability ranges.

" I feel that this wlll be extremely beneficial to our &llents because we complement each other so well," said Ellis. " We've combined our different assets In order to offer the best possible servloe."

Eiits and Underwood can be reached at 894-7521. . . . TorelH open• ~U offlce

Y...., TorelU has opened her own

reaJ estate office under the name YelerteTONllRMllJ,lnc-

Valerle has cloeed escrow worth more than $12 mllllon dollat'I within the lut two ~· Her current Inventory Includes more than 25 excluatve Hat­ing•. wtth emphasis on the Mee& Verde area.

T orem combines knowledge of real estate finance with creattve ideaa and m81k4't]ng strategiee that spare no expenM. At her open houlea, the night offer a trip to Laa Vegas or a " make your own Ice cream sundae bar,'' for those attending.

She has aJao represented both buyer and seller In over 80 percent of her transactions. For futher Information, call Yalerle Torelli Realty, Inc. at ~0-7355. . . . ......uo JMmed 11nmde11t .....,,, D: Romito haa been pr~oted

to president of Coldwell 8enker New ........... and~ ........ 98fVlce company for home builders and reaJ estate developers.

The aervtce company was formed a year ago as part pf ColdWelt Banker Reatdentlat Group New Prod­uct/Service Development, which Romito served as vice president and director before his promotion.

The Laguna-based sales and mar­keting operation Is comprised of specialists who provtde IUCh eeMc8S as market and consumer ......,.ch, sales management, on-lite saJea per­sonnel and poat-sale follow-ups In Callfomla and Arizona.

Romito has been wtth Coldwell Banker slnoe 1982. . . . Llebermana ae• maa"6er

Mery JMnne Ueberm8nn has been named branch sales manager of Cold­well Banker R•ldentlel Reel Eata .. hrvlce'• Huntington Beech/F<*fttafh Valley office, after serving aa manager of the firm's Yorba Linda otttc, for the

put year. Taking over In Yorba Linda Is Joe

Une, prevloulfy ....,atant ..,_ man­ager of the Whittler offtoe.

Active In real estate lfnoe 1973, Liebermann spent 15 years In the Sacramento area before returning to OrMge County two yeerw 11g<>, where the aerved as asalatant branch man­:.. of Coldwell'• Newport Beech

• • •

PetenjoW deftloper DenlM L ,.._.has Joined the .I.II.

Pelen Co. as merchandlatng-advertla­lng manager for the deYefoper.

Peters (no retatJon to founder and president J.M. Peters) has most recent­ty worked as project director for Color Deelgn Art of Pactflc Pallsadea, auper­vtstng the development of model home fumllhlng programs .

• • •

l'ulaloa Square ddef lkt...e D. 8mttlt ha been ap­

pointed construction project manager for the 1.2 mltlton-equare-foot re­devek>pment of Santa Ana's Fashion Square by Cincinnati-baaed retail de­veloper ....,,.., .... ......, ... eodMee, Ltd.

The protect Is a Joint venture be­tween JMB/Federated Realty and HenrJ T ............. It la part of a mixed-use comptex to lnciude 1.5 mllllon square feet of office space and hotets.

• • •

Raacllo lf'6ael man"6er Mk:Mel KeMedy hu been ap­

pointed project manager for Home Capltal Corp.'• Rancho Niguel master­planned community.

Home Capital, a subsidiary of Home Federal S.V-"'19 and loM. ts bultdlng the 800-acre development In a Joint ventur wtth The .. COfD.

Before lolntng Home Capital, Ken-

nedy handled projects In Orange San Diego counties for Crow·W• Dewelopment.

• • •

Seibold JMmed coatroJle Edwin M. .... Did ha been "81

controller at .. .....,, the Lag Ntguef-baed dewk>per.

Seibold, • certified pubUc eccc tant, had preYlouely been controlk llret.fll C..........., In San Diego.


• • ~

· Poado.rwa promote. l'ell. Hentet Burne ,..., has b

promoted to aaafatant general cour at Ponderou Homee.

Fetter hu been employed Ponderosa lfnce 1981, mos.t rece1 as regional counsel. She lives Laguna Niguel.

. . . SUNrtbom take1 control

Flor,nce 8llverthom has been I pointed dlvtalon controller for 1 Laguna Niguel dlvtlfon of The 84 Ccwp.

She wtll be In charge of the accou Ing department In Laguna Nig1. working In conjunction wtth the co pany'a chief ftnanclal officer at t firm's San Diego heedquartera.

The t..guna Niguel resident Is. native of Australia and former cc trotter at ••n91t Northern Calltorn Inc., In.San Otego.

• • •

Ne.-comer earn• top IJoaoJ ' .,..., Redman earned top honors f

the month at Coldwel llenlrer R• dentWRMl ...... lerYtoee'Hur tngton Beech/Huntington Harbour c. flee after only eight months wtth ti comPMY.


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PUBLICATION DEADLINE Monday... ... ~I. 11:30 AM Tuesday ........ Mon. S:30 PM Wednesday .... Tue&. S:30 PM Thursday ..... Wed. S:30 PM Friday ............. Ttirua. S:30 PM Saturday ........... Fri 5:30 PM Sunday ......... ,. Sat_ 11 :30 AM

DtRECTOAtES s--°"*'Y °""' 0r.,.c.-

c;., a.- Moncl"'Y ' n..no.y AlllO.llo! Fncse, ~bl-T- s.i.,..,_,, Open -- s.&Y<cley ' S-0., --..- S-0., Al"'!-ft04 pele)-30 ~ - ,....., .. lie ~ 10 Oil! Nll-10,--~c:om­p.Md el I'~ of IMuftl*Ci ~ per_,,----­,,,.,,_~ ....

CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY The 0811y PilOt •tr•- •or efflcoeney Wld accuracy H-. OCGatlOf\8lly eaors dO OC()U( ..,...... llslen wMf'I your ad IS rMd ~ encl CtleC;ll your ad Oatty ~ arrora.•m<nediaiely 10 642-5&78 The Deily Pi.o. acc.c>ll no llablllty lor any error In an adYet11Mmenl tor whlcil 11 may t>e responslble exc4')1 for the cost of the spaoe actuelly oc:cup.ee b'; lhe error Crl!O•I can only t>ll allowed for tl\e flrll 1n1«tlofl -


CLASSlrllD REAL iS'tJb'I lul latatt Fer Salt Ctatral 1002 Geatral 1002 CorH• •el Mar 1022 Cnta.... 1124llmat 1044 1..,.rt ltacll 10'9 lt!J!rt ltacla 10'9

Mll •tst 2 FAMILY ·-st ,. ... r nmasm ,... • NPT HEIGHTS Fl)(ER BLUFFS 3br 2''>b8 S1951<1 H /,.~,j~ Ullll YlfW ... ,.~ ~ - Low dn assum 2Br lg 101 505 V•sta Flora Open 2-5

Olltl - Oarllng 3 bdrm home in Co1'f Country French •U YllH JU Ba1ylor Mdl 1500 s/ tt 3 8d 1149 900 Agt 75g..5080 Hubert Rllr 750- 1S4()

• Westminster with huge NITlflH home 2 Bdrm family. 2 uiel CQfner loc Vaulted 2., ba S144 000 4% 10 Geltrll ltoz lot This property is 1m- Tn1s popular family nome bath frplc. ttardwood oeilings frplc s129,000 bkrs OW{lt!f 786--0579 Ml CAITtl 11Hll llYH SIMES

meculale in fJYefY way is localed in des•reable floors for you. 2 room --- Pr IEl&YI Tl llT AllUl\'lil S68.000 VA loan Seaw1nd 3 Bdrm 2'~ba gue$1/SIUdlO. plus larna 1 Ownef'/ 540-7355 I rt ltacla lMt Absolute bargain• 1!5· 5 BDRM 4 bath Bay &

0 R Y 0 UR t 10 , .. u c 11 A e "¥ t1g1ous 3 bdrm 2•.; baln lights ,,_ Large 101 M 0 RE F a .. ,. a nn plus bonus area with bdrm tor rrtom or income Baat. ltacL 1040 * * * * * exec twnhme POOi, spa S625K 63 l-•696 MONEY · Eastaide Co.la 631- 1266 add111ooal Bdrm & bath Allr l Owner S395.000 • 1

Mesa 5 bdrms & family .:;~:@~;I:\. poo1La1ge~lo:t;w·~'t·hooroom tor o!uo:x:l~1 8x~~IO:l~N·be:a7r·3a~8:c"S9o-' OPEN hse 12-5 SIS 3br MARVELOUS ;;~atr%k'O"~:=e Gorgeous 2 bdrm, 2't =ne~'':i.'!ec>IC::~ I~ " v .. ~~~.W.'~~= Ln WESTCLIFF lllE 760-8702or631-1266 ~!:II l~o~~ ~!; Olnd schools S 159,000 000 52 I .

1044 H"'hly unnraded wl1h 3 says Sell' Only S 149.900 • .12.1210 ------ -- of-PCH $275, 1 m at. " ' ~.. Call Stlefyt 63 I 1266

~ Carnallon By owner bedrooms. pool and spa · HIEIAlll&Y 673-024 10, 673_154 t Catne<.tralcelllngs T<X>ol

1 ;;#Ml)•"

PETE BARRETI o~:un~~~,P~~ b~~~~ t1t1 Me11 1024 I ~:i~n~,n~ru~tc:=~cu~,~~ ILICll TO 1uc11fnMU

pools 4 tennis $465 000


couple home Easy main- __ -••, * HE B * tenan~ Drive by and call '111,100 EmlT&Jlla'S &UIT• LIM l&YFlllT IS GEnlNG BEITER tor appo1ntmen1 Divorce forces sale 3 . •

------- Great Bay vu 3 units IESILYE Tl HT DAYE WllTt 1111 lllYI LI, II bdrms w11orma1 dining · C•SE fl• J HUT

• -.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ollered at lol va lue 90 F'T SOUTH OF HWY. CENTURY 21 lllY s•tt OOO lrplc. high ceilings. wet , Piil ... IS!tt


1695,000 and close lo belCl'leS 1n THE REAL ESTA TEA • ' bar and more ~ 196 900' • Mo t1va1ed C Tatum Allr 759- 1552 Olde COM Spacious 546-23 13 IA9IS YllW Jm C&IU, UI ltllS llU sellers priced 11 10 move' *WAITED*

TO PUiCHISE 1-----·---•I home oo 50 tt . bulldable Nicely localed Plan 3 oo Front row remodeled 4 Lovely 3 bdrm pool home

IHllYE Tl an 40 11ad1acen1101. or 3-30 IY IWIH·IUIAll quiet s1ree1 3 Bdrm 2 bdrm homt1 Assumable in superb 10cat1on nuge

llTIL.-m., APUTmll'll.lll


THE BEST BUY • in East- 11 pieces. Call fOf dela1ls EASTSIOE 3 br. beaYt r• ba ready 10 move Into.I r1nanc1ng low down or master su11e w1s1tt•no bluH Owners ready 10 142-1200 done jge yrd $7100 dn Call today for further 1n- trade Divorce forces room . flreplace move from 3 bdrm hOme Open Sun 2-5. 2308 formatlOO. $187.500 "i eEST BUY BIG CYN• s a 1 e Otte 1 e d a 1 SJOS.000'. Slashed to sell

d Westm1nister 657- 103 t lmH Ctast ltllten '" ss20.ooo wt very mo11,,a1eo seller ' :'! .. ~~~~;oo~~o 18124Culver0r. IN ~i:r~u~\:~7~~.~ l&YFHITUll,000 ~rge bncl>. yaro & b~ schOOls 4 snoppmg • WTSllE S21Hr000 111 llOO - Cnarmmg upgraded 4 urrouno1ng great pOO!

2 bdrm 2 t>a. car garage • •llW USTill• bdrm home plus dock spa Pnme Cltttttaven 10 w rite to T Grant 1n1 Fsy Ave Suite K-309

La Jolla. CA 92031 gp~:a,1~:1: :e~11:8'

1 on qu1e1 cul-de-sac Gorg~ 4 b<Sfm 2 • ., Live •n e1e9ance with view cation OPEN SUN t-4 30 Seller wants out Buy balh w/lam1ly rm pool ol lhe waler city hghls S369 900' · Heaverity pool 10-1200 w/ less than tO"t. down sauna and more• Only and mountains Call ror and spa vacant '"'

.E ..... Yl-llT Della Delgado 631" 1266 $ 27 4 900 w/ TERM S• your private snowing maculate 4 yrs new Cul>·

"" •• IESllYITllfl ··~~\·> OPEN SUNDAY 1.5 I Owner wiu trade i om zed ltiru -o u1 GREAT VA HOME • Sen THE BEST LOCATION • •• ' ;,· 2221 FRANCISCO HW lflUM Gory~~L~~dG~~ssy Ju an C epl atreno 4 Waterlroot lot wHh dock H£ + C all Pat ric k Tenore 131- 1211 OPEN SAT 1...4 30 bdrms. formal dining for large bOats In com- 631 - 1266 I room Community poo11. merc1a1 area - tor 1ease Of USTSllE S14l~IOO 1 ·:~T\-· Hiii nlCI park;~:·=-. -~~~'!_•_•~--•_•_•_•_•_mf_1 sale 14'2~i2oo' L~~°!, 3w1~r~Seo ~r~~= LICA==Till•i:.W I • Hl-12~ .

IPlll smAY ,....,. _.,.YE Tl llT fireplace in family room Seren. lnllde corner I __ __ .• ~:z~ I ~ -142-IJM THE" :m' VIEW . of the Greal value locallon, wrapped bY'1 f .....



otsTl llU ....... 3 bedroom, one beth . Al­sume $82K io.n. Hurry on this one •

Back Bay and wildlife ac- • l greenbelts 4 Bdrm,, IMlies. night ltghta and Traditlona 2'>ba. La Salle Model 1n

S I 4 R 1 Univ Park . Ylllage II I distant sea pac; ous ea t y Many e11tra· 1J8fures Let I bdrms. family room, for· mal dining and mucn l·-------•I 6:l 1-7!l70 us show you today more. Security system -- '--------"" S 183,500 I end privacy• lniH C.ast lt1lttn

1HJI HI aww IOWFRllT llPUl LG Anracllve SBA 3BA 18124 Culver Or. Irv •---' One of 8 Kind with lovely Home Convenient lo- lll· liOO

WEI SlllAY 1-4:10 owner s unit w ith 3 cation S 159 500 Tenant 142-1200 Bdrms & 2•, ba • nevOf occupied 2• hr notlee lo SO Jtaeltl Ollll

1 vacanl 3 Bdrm, 2 ba ren m ow Marshal Plan Inc S Br_ .. _ Linda or Claudia located oo an Joaquin I

111 unit Forever views """" Olf cour- 2BR d-70 000 (2131450-04 15 g ""' • .... . T raditional Appraised for $6 . w/ -1 bar . Wood pan-

1 and ottered for $625 000 •H•& YllN Om• eled flv rm wl frplc. A


REALTY Realty Don't wall oo thl1.one1 -- 1mmac kllcneo lull of

I ' ll0-1111 OPEN SUN 1-4 mod appliances WOOd

l --~63~1~·:_7:3:_7~0:___,,,l)tl--------1· 3055 CAPRI c•btnelry & din g area

='==~;;;;;;~=J:========= Specious hOme oo ex tra Mstr sune has dbl mir--COTE ~~~

. NOllU. OCI WW 2 llD/ 1 Unt ll mTCWJ • 11111 • .,.. IV a.- J illD/N IATM IMYU~

DWlD• • 11112 llD llllD CM 2 8/1 MIM t1. lm111AIB/IB ......... 12•'"

$190,000 S27tOOO mo.ooo

...... uas.eoo MU.MO ......

UAI& USTIM• AYAILOLI ,_ _ --ATION CALL NAii ...... WllT •71 41•

large lot 5BR 3''\ t>a rored wardrobe. dbl van-ExG411 design lor lhoM 1ty Spec:lll bonus 3 thll love to t!flter111n pat109• View of greenbl1 &

F01mal dining rm. central park. $ 169,900 Fur1hef REALTY -• bar. blllfard room. details call 6«-9090 or 7

.... ...... OV9f9ize~5~1t~ar .. Gambles Real Estete Is naut:celi WOOd i brick Agent__ __ 731-3777.

•.; blk to So S.y 3 or lllllll S 1l.Mlt llAlllA IAl .. I 4BR + 1BA t guett OWNER DESPEt.ATE • T ,.....__.,._......._ $445,000 Mery Hardelty SUP- 48< pool home 2 "--,.._... ()Wf'lr/ llQI 675-8688 frples, 2300 Sq. Ft. Greet 2·BR 28A, den, yard.

1111 ••I .. , I 22 ~;·~·~;sum"•~~ .~~~: ~~~~: ~~~~

-OWC Hurry .von't lastl dn Wlldya 986-2525, $149 900 ciu &46-9022 eves & wttnds 854-023 1 Mark' Jecquea. Bkr ' By Own« • Mo11v1ted

C. la s~I 1e d Ad_!._

P hone ~1·~A,:.


Wonderful spot on the bay with great view. 4 bdrms, family room, large private patio, 2 fireplaces. A very private location. Bayshores is a sp~ial way of llf e, with guard gate and private beaches.


BrubbfiEllis RESIOEl'TlAI OROKERMa. ERVlct~


Fill UY YlfW BLUFFS 3 BR 2 bath by owner $210.000

Call 760-1 108

IAllllY1EWl•H HR31ASIMHSfl $315 000 Pr1n on1.,.

644-0530 D

HVH Carmel 1982 Pon Albans $239 000 Cal

497 · 1629

Ull ISU UYfHIT Watcn sunsets lrom 3 levels of l1nes1 v.ew • BR •BA playroom· gourmet k1tcherl Sandy beach pier 4 float S2 200 000

NEW LISTING 8 111 Grundy Real1or


.ST SELL/ IU.•SS 12~ VII Koron Big UDO ISL:E country hOme on 46 tot 4 Bdl'mS, dln109 "" den. 3' ~ bu Exira per l>. 1ng Big sou1h patio Fas1 sa .. at $467.500 OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 30

MUST SELL, Broll9f 631-7300

ffO DOWN bet\ dUl>t"i" step to And. bit '80 L -.um $3651( f


-TrMe,._ ......... ._ ... , .. ,. ....... . a , ...

2 ..... .. IDlllllMI"" ..... ...... ~ 29drm. aa. ~'. frptc Plueti ~rpte, ~'R..9· Lott of dOlett. ~ tend· ICaS*. M0-633 t

I t4 -.. k. rg

•• 10

all ,,

I. I·



1!!!!!1!!'!!111111!!~~~~~ ................................. IA'r~ ..... ,.,...,7 ! .... ·-... -_ ,_ . .., ...... 1...... 2111~~ .... ? , .... Be a ware of options


2BR 2BA. gar, ll'ldty. N1c:e Nwo1 Penn 3 & 4 Br 2Ba. UllU IUCI 2724 4 pleic Q\Mt .. ,.,. 1 yrty rntls S 1050-S 1350 •Tl• Ill Rmmt neeoea for Mstr t t J • t male to beadh. No S)eta. VIiia Rentals 675-7015 " brtba/8ar ln 3br 2ba hm 0 cu c osing cos s $650 C·atl .-... e3J 12MI :;:;;:-:-- Wkly rentals Low rates CC 0 C


. .• .._, - iunarmlng 2BR 1BA, pallo. $136- &. U,p/Wkly Color btwn I N • .._ tn M • • utlt paid, nea1 Udo shops. rv. maid sentice, tree S•25 mo 650·5443 4 • No pets $900/mo. yrty cottee. heated poot & SC Ptza $3201mo lnct all h b 4 h

- avail 985 N Coast Hwy, w/same 2BR 2BA 4-ptex 873-0343 steps to ocean K1tch's utlls. Fem n-smkr stir w en uying a 0111 e Lrg 38R 2BA. «Pt•. dtl>e. •OU TIUI* * Laguna Beach. 494·5294 Must llke cats. 556-2269

builtlne. frplc:, dbl get. 28r • gar Onty $600 -w/d hkup. $900. V.-y 1BR utll. lnct. l495 llAUll •m Sep. entr t>drml bath, Quiet. 538-0l21 Studlo, tun kite. $375. Fee. Wkly rentals now avail. Balt>oa Island. $367. Avt Your home buying strategy should

lu- 11111 ••E TILDllT Ill·"" s129 50 wk & up 2274 1115 Fem only 675·6603 include cash reserves to oover closing •~ Nwpt Blvd. CM M 6-7« 5 SHARE COM custom 2br costs. These charges. which vary from

E/BLUFF fownhOuM, 2br 2ba home Fem n· I t I d ...... he

"""'' t'hba, ~pool. $895. ltatah •• Shrt smoker SsOo Incl ultl. reg on 0 reg on. are ue wnen t t48AmigotWay6«-0906 . 27241 Avau 1115. 759-0281 purchase 18 finalized. They C'1' r•nge

~~~r:: FULL OCEAN VIEW ,"'2br_ 2.ba- ap·1·. n· -sm- k·r-, f.,.rp1""',.--=-s1-1.1-den_tt_,~~,..,....,r-=3=B-=R- from a few hundred dollars to 6 percent * 1 & 28'. 1 & n. IUit• Beach across street 1 & 2, poof/spa resp & neat ' Nwpl Bch hOITle wlsame. Of the buying price, according to Better • Spaclouttownf\OUMS Bdrms In Ulguna Bch If . S3t0 '~ utll. 646-1 132 CM $2'45/mo. 642-188'4 Homes and Gardens.

F ...... 1~ 91e9ance you w1n1 *' lreplacee be Impressed I * LG BA YFRONT HOME Wanted mature/M non The mortgage commitment fee pays *Private balconlea or from $950 494·2265 Pvt ba, kite pr111 ':tfem smkr to Shr my ground fir f Or the house appraisal, home buyer Garden patlot n.smkr $475mo 673· 1521 hOme nr Fashion Is &

LU>CURY 8AYFRONT - - UCt Room wlpt1v bath Credit check, and Other loan pro-

"""'' • 3 Lighted t.nn+t courta * 2 Swlmft\lng poola • Stream• & Pond• * Sorry, no pets +Furnlahlng9 evell

WHY NOT CALL 111-1111

1500 sq ft . 2bf, 2ba, tam .. A tidy, athletlc, prof per- TV laundry pool sauna' cesstng costs. Some lenders and rm, loft . fl p, lltras, dbt' son for lux furn NB home. kite prlv. s3ootmo Incl '. builders pay for this as part of their gar., $1350 642 ·~ $415 · . Joan 645-0911 util. 64•-7097

111,.....wlT ·-a IA•an 1mmecs t>eaut new •- al W ...... •7

work of Issuing a mortgage. Always ask r,-- - ! condo to shr E·Slde CM -·· I ···- ,. 'ZI If the lender and-or seller will negotiate.

1925/mo. 3BR 28A lower, MIF $400 /mo ~ •11 u1 1t COmpatible male writ« The fees for the title search and the unit, gar. laundry room,• 548-91 59 """'32 seeks a aceful 1teross from beaGh __ _ -..- · pe tltle lnsuranoe also vary. In some states

210 Grant BEAUT Npt Htgs condo. room rental to live/work TSL MGMT 542. 1603 Mstr brl ba. nice amenlt- In Wiii pay rent &l or per- the title search COSt 18 seen as the


ira .. I "'WIE ties n-smk S525. 122-1222 torm handymanlhouseslt seller's responslbllltY. Usually it is IWI ·~ Westcilff 2BR 2BA poof dut ies Xlnt back - divided ... ~ both parties Or falls to

15555 Huntington Vlh09 trplc; Yr IN SsOol mo' COM · GREAT RM FOR ground/refs. Call Jett for . l.l'VlW'Cll'ICl'lt

l ane. from San Diego Call Jolene sC6-6398 MAN AVAIL NOW. "475 resume (714) 980· 1481 the buyer. Freeway north of BMotl • DEPOSIT 640-"255 M f f d You can save money by shopping for to McF~den, west on lb Clt•ntt 2'71;oESPERATE lor 1 lemale .::P~roba.~tt" ~lv~OC: your OWn title.search. &gent (usually a McFeddeil. 1 BR nHr rn.1 Hospl-1 rmte to sl\r w/2 fem 4BR cats. CDM/Bayshores lawyer who sends a law clerk to the

WfUllNc• .... tal. VI~. Pelto. Stove., Ea.stbtuff condo S404 • To $400 957-0974msg oountyc-·~hou-foraqulckcheckof - Cpt/drps $500/mo. Avail dep Call 760-0764 msg. U\A' .,...

Almst oontrt f\lrn °' unt J811 21. 543.7315 1 - ••tF 0 G1n1t1 fer Int the files). ,The t itle Insurance rates are

2Br 1'1\Ba, pvt bctl.-o-. __ 'Emptyd .., 4 • to Stir 2740 Perfect 4 Sharing .,,,00 laata Aaa Btit•.•· f~rn 2Br l',\bUPI w/poot . generally •set by a state's insurance 499-2704 Avail 1115. 2614 '350/mo, 1st/1st. utll pd $75 - Easts.\de Costa department, but the title search need

xcpt ph . 548-l 200 Me·SI single 276 not be bought from the tltfe Insurance Beaulif1.1t OC4f11Ultront Stu- UCI UY AIU F 25-35 10 shr allract Cat>rtll,?. 640-0839 dlO Apt In Oki Spanish 20102 Birch St. E'Costa M8$8 tose Furn $80. 'Single car garage, company. Also, some companies will Villa, lreet. pvt beaoh 1 BR I ba w/lge balcony, 1Br/ba pvt ent No Chil· storage only 325-J 11tto reissue the title Insurance to the buyer

goes for work that may be tedious but Is basically routine. Use onty a real estate ipeclallst, but shop around for one wtth the most reasonable fee.

Often called points. a loan discount Is a one-time charge assessed by the lend Ing Institution to adjust the yield on • the loan t o what market conditions demand. It Is used to offset interest rate constraints set by state or federal regulations. Eact\, point Is equal to 1 percent, of the mortgage. If the lender charges four points on a $30,000 loan, for example, the charge would be $1,200. Both setler and lender may be willing to negotiate the points charge.

Property taxes are prepaid and when you close on. a house you must reimbutse the owner. Your share wtll be prorated from the purchase date to the next due date for the taxes. If the mortgage holder collects monthly in­stallments toward future tax and in­surance payments - hefd in escrow -the lender may require some of this money from you In advance.

State and transfer taxes must be paid by the buyer for certain parts of the home buying transaction , and are one of the few c losing costs that are not negotiable.

s975imo. 41M-6807 ulll meld No pets $600 dren or $400/mo Uttl Place C.M 646-5137 at a discount.

1,._rt leac• ZHt g~~~3637 56 - l82 8 or incl 548·8773 •Ets7d'e Costa Mesa The money paid out In lawyer fees From S.tt« HonNt9 and Ger.,,.

2~rm 2~ .,~ F~ ~~r ~ ~M j ~ma~. m~ ~~"~ ---------------------~----------dshwahr, stow . UGI UY AIU pool home $350 mo enol. $95. 6'46-0988 NO PETS 545-4e55 20102 eiroh St. 646-7591 21314193.72741 'Ster 1 1742 F •

18drm .seoo. Refrig. dilh· 2 BR 1 Ba w/lge ba~y. Fem. shr new ~j( 'hovN. I srMdE GARAGES ur.nJ tu re . m use um W811\et a stove included. utll 1ncls No pets $650. Great IOC. Esfd6 CM $375 I 12 20' & 12 21' NO PETS 545-4e55 mo 7 i3t~:; 8 o r 646-9828 Marta, tv msg.


Npt Bch~Costa M~ area d h d 1 Blk to Beech. Deluxe 3Br Fem wanted S.50/mo. nr 24 Hr access. 5'4a-3878 I 11 2Ba. llp , patio, oar. lux. ...... c.... • •. ,. s.c Plaza. Mstr Br/ba I goes u spee a ea lower unit S 1095/mo. Ult Security 241--0651 C.-trtial

Agt. 759-5080

1 BR 19A upper In 4 pj;11 MESA VERDE, C.M. Mstr l I.I. Sale/ Int tBR M08lLE HME. Frig. ~So 'eoast Plaza no bdrmlpvt bath S300 mo .. I . /Of"-- Int stv. no peta/c:Nldren/pvt 1 s5~0 6«-6421 · close to occ 540·9589 11aan1 11n ., •AMARA MAYER center - not with production of more bell Sml boat 1t0fege pe s . flit . furniture but with development of ....... t '600/mo 548-Tse() 2BR l¥•BA Adult Condo. MIF, non-smkr. Stir 2BR •111 11 •"'- w11a

· w to ef 1g a1e dell gar 2BA condo Lag Niguel. 3000, 1JM. s.ts & 520 Sq. its sponsors say will be a unique ••LIDO rSlE•• sec. 0~1; Pool S850 mo'. s~1mo 240-9038 n t6t7 WESTCUFF, When Americans think of Grand museum coll t i f 1

Lull, newly dee 3BR 2BA 1s111ast & sec 645--0~7 MIF non-smkr to shr 2BR Nwpt Bch 54 1·5032 Agt Rapids. they probably think of the modern furnit~e.on o ant que and $~~~~';1:~t~~ S800 . 1rg 3BR 2BA 2 car 2BA. Back Bay area. 525 sq ft . $425/mo. Michigan city as President Gerald R. The nucleus of the collection is a gift

, .. , . .N SC S300 . .... utlls. Steve s. Balt>oa Penln. Pvt entry & F d ' h me tow ""2e=-r-..,.1ea=--- po--o_llalde_,_,-- gar wtlndry hkupi r 0y 833-8680ev545-5169 t>a111. Clean. 780-9792 or s 0 n . of 365 pieces of furniture valued at lndry s750 1.,.18· G!',"· Ptu 963-7055 However, those famlllar wtth the b ... 00 000 d-81 Calf ssO..a2'3 fStl T ti ·~- MJF stir 3BR C<IM hmlgar S725 r 16 months eub hl ... ory of furnlture--maklng in the a out -.0 ' onated to the Grand

•• I ..... w 10 frp~. new cptldps. "' lease. 540 sq n Recept. 1" Rapids Art Museum by Baker. Knapp &

SPACIOUS APARTMENT Uft ~ 54s01mo, 673-4404 area. 2 large pvt offlcea. United States know Grand Rapids was Tubbs. In add ition, the museum plans 1 Mtl.E FROM OCEAtil 11ft Tl~ Mt" 10 s11r 3BR 2eA 11ouse

1st "er ·1 delu1t0e 0c"~~ once the center of American furniture to develop written and taped materials 642-2357 P I t on rch. . "".,,.... , f-- I

-..------.. 1ENJOY alt the amentlee on Belt>oa. en nsu a . .,.. • manu _,ur ng. on the history Of furniture design, to our adult oriented eom- 673-0727 ; .a.Ma.., 112·2111 In the 1920s, more than 75 com- · h 1 ht the bjec

Sp.ionu' "nql p1ex has to offer! Ms Magdnom. Pt ? Shr• ...-• pantee had facllltles there. The wood engage tn SC oars p on su t /)two bt'dtoom Spacious 1.,\ 2 Bdrm un- td Spanish Manston NB 'LUXURY Npt Bch 785 I and to mount traveling exhibitions that

.'llll• 1urn. apts. 111r11ng at' ~ l<b Neat quiet · sq/fl ottice Next 10 o c they uaed In furniture construct on was will explore various aspects of the

, 1 ._. .l 15501 Covd park'g. SAT- ,,.1::1ui a~ent ? 673_5336 1 AlrPon. Robt. 955-1222 floated down the Grand River after .,.....,.. ELLITE rv. Pool, Gym. ·- J ......... 1 nAA In Northern Michigan history and techniques ot furniture ,y • u Sa na Olf Newport FrwylProl clean non-smoker IN.8 office to there. Room U'ICnng OQvvv . d . d construction

·~lilillllllll at ~cfadden. 112 t>tk to 3Br turn Condo. mstr b;1

ror 2 clest!tl. lido area. Even today, several of the country's estgn an · • Keno's Rest. 541.3102 w/ba S34o. 540-3-492. S265tmo. 675-4705 beet regarded furniture makers. such The collection was purchased orig-

• 'ln 1st year's r~nt 15601 Tustin vmege Wey II Prof. Fem 30-40 10 stir ,Office & g~ege S335tmo 88 Baker, Klndel. Herman Miiier and lnally by Homs S. Baker over many

fUNSHED or ......, ..,... "'9 ~~~ ~~· ;4~,! ~~t~:~~ ~-;:.~ Steetcue. produce domestic and com- ~:S=e:o c~sm:.w~~~nggl~~:~~ UNFURMSHED . m.c. lntal1 • utu. ss.--1si9 rn-o PIUTlllllS LMAtm merclal furniture In Grand Rapids and resents only a small part of Baker' s

!Prof IF ___......,. aeme for Rete111oro- 1sa1 an Its surrounding area. di T..._ th .. 000

flTllSS - -11 ~·• 2;;;~ t>ordef of comer M;hur & PCH: Now plans are afoot to restore the hot ngs. •!Vie are more an ~. f!!!!.!. nm. . 61 N.B. 12as mo. 548-7259 Prime spot in 1endm•k city's national reputation as a furniture pieces of antique and original furniture Sllll l111C1 • _ nQtMll'nllr. rwoa rm , Prof MIF ~ 38R ioc. 24'1 E coast Hwy. which the company displays at Its own

..... mnl IMJ, :,:'Y~oi:~·1 COM "98. Pvt beth. ger. Ste 200. C<IM 675-4900 hllt ... /V.Utt fZM hctal Pu,en 1 museum In Hotland, Mleh.) ' •'9b.... '300tmo. 96&-5202 ·: Cto .. to bell. 4550. WATERFRONTBLOO. oHA"MINu ouPLu. 27Hl The pteces donated to the Grano '"' ..., t" I. . I 673..0S22 ex.cut~ tulte· 1350 a11t Great 1n1195tmant ln·QOOd R id Art MUMUm are p articularly

M/F. Wr Br in N.8. ~ Prof ...apper90ntow1rg 4tl\ ttoor wt~ 642.,.644 rental.,... PRtCEO AT II ..... ,..., .. ,,! r!!~ta,.,1--of 18th-c--tury=ns lo beeell. ;er;r. . ~ N8 l\ome, W/ O, 1Urn Mon-Fri t to 5 OHL Y I 145,000. (l 14>5S6-1811 -· ....... , '" ..,. ..,.. ' ASAP.~~ I rm avelt. $450/mo, 1100 a:=:=::::J:t '"rm Cell Sett.le Molentlemp. GREAT Investment OP· from England and Europe. acc0td ng

Ap.vtwwnb v.-y 1g room wtbetn. PlltJ cieanlng. 531.3n5 ~ &41-5 t77 or 962-9602 Portuntty 2 contlgvou• to Oavtd A.. Hanks, a furniture authority entr. '°' 2 people 1220 F 25 _.. eeme F 'I ...... mtrial 1111 30d 5" 1a991 R2 1011 with and ,,.._. curator of a amall lntroduc-

N•wport l•kll So. ... S20Q ci.en def>. Feir- ~2S To find a rent ept t550 eq h IT8M£FA6Nt 3 rental unltt & mor tory wv-exhtbtt' which o,_ns at the mu- -17tllllblh Strr .. I Ylew/8ellerC.M16'1-te85 I NB orCM 875-n49 Xlnt MESAVEROE . j moorlnglblldtomocean .,..-

tat Onvt'r l · • /....a. 1111 n · ioc.tion s.-s-2143 For teue 5000 !' lndU•t 1 or t>ay ;:0tamon<1s in 111e• seum March 8. "'4' l e ll" Rae9 nMttemtolhr 48R, --- -- __ IC)ect. ate ofcs. lg yd Rough Great rent1 ~ ar• atSO .., .... _ Important ~ '

7 ' Ill·- 1 .... NwPI 9Clh duple• Stepa • Combined OfftceJShof> spece, ttlnt toe. 2301 So Polent111 or build huge• • '""'v .. """ ""

N••P°" luch No .. ~ 10 ~. ss131mo + 111 825 sq ft. r.-... C.M. Susan. 5 ~. 6-46-7512 hOl!W. Drive by 2051207! modem pleceS. lnctudlng furniture by ~Ofll INtnl' Av .. 11u... l302tW. PlldflcCOMt Hwy & leet 54• · 0863 IC-2 ~ .,... S4&.724• 43'~ St $360,000 f()f ,.. .... ..-. Eames and by the Oantsh

a..ctl. Aefrig TV - l bOth or Will Mii MP* ·· l '"" t .. -tot IMlil ,_25+ whgl, nodepoelt. ~pt~~t:.:X,'': •• ., a11-& MZ-1111 •t• ly By own•r deaigner, Finn Juhl. Chlnete rumlture ••i;.110• ·- ._ ·- ____ ,.,,....,_,._ • ....._ r .. ~ ,~ _ • ~-' •9s.3_202 _ .. lllo represented. , ...

. ~ I


I 1-

lllllES F• SltE · 2m111u

217 Goldenrod. Corona def Mar 759-9100 $540,000 Sunday 1-4

420 Serra (Corona Highlands) COM 875-6000 $321,000 Saturday 1-4

2 II ,J1s FAM II tr RI

20~ Pomona, Costa Mesa 751-3191 $118,500 Sat/Sun 1-4

31E•••• 913 Arbor, Coeta Mesa

646-2313 $113,900

1953 Arnokl, Coa1a Mw 645-0303 $122,500

1953 Arnokl, ea.ta Mesa

Sunday 1-5

645-0303 S 122,500 Sunday 1-5

105 Edgewl!Mr (Balboa Penlntuta) NB 875-6000 $475,000 Saturday 1-4

6 Montana Nor1e (Rancho San Joaquin) Irv 640-i888 $164.900 Sat/Sun 1-

3319 Nevada, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $157,000 Sunday 1-4

• 19461 Sierra Raton, Turtle Roci<. lrvlne 552-2000 S 179.000 Sat/Sun 1-i

* • v 1903 Yacht Camilla (Seavlew) NB 759-1890 $325,000 Sunday 1-4

3 II ,111 Fiii ii er IEI

...... l32 Monte Vista, Coeta Maaa

759-9100 1&4,500 Sunday 1-4

. •Mwpc>rt~ 5,000 &andl!y 1-i:30

oedmoor. HV H•) COM ,000 Sat/Sun 1-i

••2773 Bunting ewde,-Coeta Maaa ~2313 S2tl,OOO Sunday 1-4

**1130 E. 8lllbo9 8tvd (Balboa,_.,) NB 875-1181 1795,000 Saturdlly 1 ....

111 ,a.s FAM II er •I


2 II ,an F• II• m • •

••280 ~ Ln. #103 (VIiia ~)NI &«-e200 s 180,000 8undey 1·

* •2792 LOAgWOod Court, CM 546-2313 1188,500 Sunday 1-

llE ...

•3055 c.pri, Mela Verde, ea.ta Meea JamlM Ave at 4th Otde Corona def Mar • II la Fii IM Ir IEI 545-81M Su~y 1._.. 87S-8000 from i2oe.ooo Saturday 1-

, ••933 Crucua, eo.ta Meu r *509 Avenlda calhpana The Btutta N B • . 546-2313 s192,900 sunda, .. 1... 645--0303 s1a9.ooo Fee Sundev ·12 ...

26:..3;_= ~1~8:c,Juan "= l-i:30 1333 Harnp9hlre Circle (Beyef911) Nwpt Bch 05 Via ta Flora , 644-8200 $595,000 Saturday 1-i (BJwu) N.B.

1358 Galaxy Dr (Dowr Shoree) Nwpt ~ 27H Lorenzo (Maaa Def Mar) eo.ta M.. 756-15-40 $195,000 642·5200 F• L.nd Sunday 1-i.30 831-7370 $188,900 Sunday 1-5 Sat/Sun 2-5

••21 Bodega Bay (Spyglul) COM ••7 Muir Beech (Spyglua) COM 644-8200 $539,ooo Saturday,_.. ?80-8333 s1.29S,ooo s.t1Sun 1-5 3 II •a.s Flll 11 er IEI

*"°5 Viste Roma (Bluffs) Nwpt Bch r 644--6200 S179 500 Saturday 12-3 1242 SomalMI. 8'1ycr•t. Newport Beach

. 844-9080 $430,000 Sunday , .... * 1748 Bona6re (Beck Bay) Nwpt Bch •312 Jumtne, Corona def Mar 875-8000 $289,0000 Sunday 1-i ••s Trafllgar (Harbor Ridge) Nwpt Bch 873-8494 $350,000 Sun. 1...i

640-4888 s 1,950,000 Sunday 1-i *2221 Francl9co, Newport Beech 631-1~ $274,900 Sunday 1-5 4 lill ..

* • 1805 Glenwood. Baycreet. N.8 I II ,111 Fii 11 Ir HI 644-9080 $329,500 Sundey 1-5 *2912 Ouedada (Bluffs) Nwpt Sch

2109 Miramar. Balboa Penlnsu'8. N.B LOTS M-85-86 Top of Rocicypotnt Spyglasa 759-9100 $225,000FEE Sunday 1-i:30 645-0303 $425,000 Sunday 1-5 644-6200 $2,750,000 Sat/Sun 8-8

••33 Montpelller (Harbor Ridge) COM **103 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach 6«-6200 $750,000 Sunday 1-4 644-9080 $2,835,000 Sunday 1-4:30

• • 1793 Oriole. eo.1• Meaa 546 - 2313 S31t . tOO

Sundey 1-4

309 Poinsettia. Coron• del 'Mar 759-9100 S575.000 Sunday 1-4:30

•616 Poppy, Corona def Mar 873-849• M50.ooo Sat/Sun 1-4


2207 Arda (Eastbfuff} Newport Beech 6"«--6200 $279,000 Sunday 1-i:30 309 Poppy, CorOM dei Mar

673-8494 $435,000 Sun 12-i


FOi SILE 411 .... 111 2237 Avak>n, Costa Mesa

546-2313 $134.000 Sunday 1-i 2792 Aedwtng (Meea Verde) Coeta Meea 631-1 ite 1224.500 Sunday 1-i

••22 Betmont (Harbor Hiii) Nwpt Bct1 759--9100 $950,000 Saturday 1-i ••18 Cypreu Point, Newport 8Md\

631- 1266 $995,000 s.t/Sun 1-5 20 HUltborough (Harbor Htff) Nwpt 8ch

759-9100 $775,000 SatUfday 1-4

••1219 .. Gum (WeMdtff) Nwpt Bch 831-12ee $389,900 Saturdey 1-i:30

•247 Driftwood, ShoreclHfl, CdM 144-9080 $498,500 Saturday 1-.. 850 Sandcalilte (H•bor Vu ._A:e

2241 JeMette f'tece, EMtaide Coeta Mw 7~ 1339•500 ~- ti~ 1-i

831-7370 $147,500 Sun0ev 1-5 ·~~~J~~OOORdge) ~'vS:n 1•5

* •4827. AoXbury, Cameo Shene, NB 844-9080 *566,000 Sunday 1·5

423 San ~(Newport Helghta) NB 844-8200 SM0.000 Sunday 1-4

300 KinQI f'tece (Cffffheyen) NB 631-1288 $305,00Q Sat/Sun 1-i:30 ••19 San Mateo (Spyglaa) COM

8«-&200 $479,900 Saturday 1-5 20271 Llghthouae Lane, Huntington Beech * 2852 Stti.-...... ,, ~ v--. ,.. .. ~

9I0-6496 $198,500 . Sat/Sun 12-5 .... ._ --- ..,_ 645-0303 $255, Sunday 1-i

1631 Uncotn Lane. Newport Beach ,., , 2 Torrey ~ (86g Cyn) N.B. -873-5354 s299•500 Sunday 1-5 759-6477 $525.000 Sun 1-5

1982 Port Albans, Harbor View Hmes. NB 497- 1829 $239,000 Sunday 1-4

3 Rue Chateeu (86g Canyon) Nwpt Sch 844-8200 $495,000 Sunday 1-i

**5911 SH1hofa Or, Newport Beech 844-9080 $798,000 · Sat/Sun 1-4

2114 Serrano~elboa Penln Point. NB 644-9080 5,000 Sunday 1-•

100058 VlllefO Cr. Mw Woods. C.M 751-3191 $180,000 Sun 12-4

•• 1059 V•to. Coete M ... ~8-2313 $199,000 Saturday 1-4

107 VI• Genoa (Udo Ille) Nwpt Ben 759-6700 $575,000 Sunday 1-5

125 Via Koron ( lido Ille) N.8 . . 831-7300 1467,500. Sunday 1-i:30

•••815 Via Lido Sound (Lido Ille) NB 675-6181 $2.200,000 Sunday ,..,

18771 Via Varone, Turtle Roctt, lrvtna 557:2000 S278,000 Sal/Sun 1-4

• 36 Whitewater, Jeamlna C<k. CDM•r 6"-9080 $349,000 Sunday 1-5 870 W. 20th at Monrovia. Weet Coeta Mees

64$.7171 S129,900 Sunday 1-4

2·11•••• .-nine at 4th. Olde Corona def Met 675-8000 from S20t,OOO Saturct.y 1-4

•280 Cegney Ln, #104 (Vll8 Belbo9) NB 644-e200 $142,000 ~ 1-4

**310 f.arMndo #207, ··~ 8dt 645-0303 1249,500 Selurdey 12 ....

115 Paef1, Balboa lllend 875-1888 ..... 5.000 Sat/Sun 11-4



" llU Nm 11.an.­Eieg.nt hon'9 pr<Mdee 4 BR, 4 BA. sunken converaatlon pft wtth fireplace, formal dining, family room. forever view 'of channel, bay & city llghta from both ftoora and boat dock. Very lmpreatw throughout! Call for appointment to see todayt


Wll8Flllf ..... Big Md bMuttfull Warmth of woods. special tlles and luxurloua carpets throughout . ?kT~ .. ~ C-,.M __ • Outstandtng buy on a very special lstand com- ; ,--,.-~~~ plete wtth dock and 8'de ties for your flotilla. let us lhow you this perfect 3 BR. 3 BA home. Euy r----­to see - just call. Wlfmlllf 1411-0utstandlng arc:hltectual designed waterfront. Cedar and oM combined wtth ltallan tile make a very lmprealve statement. Amenities Include master suite with tenauoua bathing complex complete wtth sauna and skytlt spa. Sandy beach and pter for 40' boat completes this sumptuous retreat. Don't miss this spectacular homet

IDT L.81 YM.ll ua.-. Cuatom 4 BR, 2 BA home on lido Island with llvlng room With fireplace & wet bar and lots of windows open to large patio. Extra wide lot on excetlent streeMo-street location. Priced right to MIMaatl Must see It today!

•11111._ .... _ H•• Custom U-lhaped home with 3 BR and family room bulH around lovely pool and spa and new patio. An exceptional opportunity Includes a separate 9.uest suite with 2 rooms and a full bath. Don t mlsa this chance to own your own Newport Beach pool home. Call now! ... ..... .. ....... Rambling 2-story home with 4 large bedrooms includes elegant master suite with his/hers bathrooms and overlooks plcturesque'pool with rock fountain. Superb home with high beamed ceillngs and circular staircase. Call to see right away! ., ... , .,...,.. Spacious Newport Heights home In excellent location features 2 BR. 1 '_., BA. wide open family room wtth double fireplace to living room. 2 patios and very attractive kitchen. A beautiful home that radiates warmth and charm. See It today! IDT .... 11Y 1111.­loweet prleed 2 story. 3 BR. 2'h BA condo In the Btuffl and this Includes the land. This Is a lovely upgrade complete with captivating view. Be fair to yourMff and see It today. This Is a real bargain I ... ,IUIJT 11 ..... LovelV 3 BR. 21h BA home with view of canyon and b~ bay. 2 story home on extra large lot offers bonus room formal dining. 2 fireplaces, parquet flooring, covered patio and RV access. A large home without a large price. Call to see today!

•11111.at 11...-8'g. bright and sunny 4 BR. 211t BA 2-atory wtth 2 car 0-909 and ocean view from re81 deck. Vety lmpt 111tw. Walk to the beach or enjoy community 8Wtmmlng pool with Jacuzzi or ten­nft. Beautlfulty landtcaped grounds. Vacant and wetting. Cell nowt . •au••- 1111,1i1


. CIYEllllE ""'IUll LJml ... Ideal location on Peninsula Point near the

beach. Large 4 BA. 2~ BA home With delightful atrium tor bright. open feeling. large recreation room with wet bar and very well appointed master bedroom with sunny balcony patio. Owner may carry first. Call right away!

EASTSIDE l9LD 111111111 ~ Excellent owner occupied Investment. Rent one side to help wtth payments. Very deaireable Eastslde Costa Mesa location. Superb condition 3 BA, 11n BA units With garage and mini-yard. Call to see today!

Ul119I 1·2 LIT P.,_ Expansive 4 BR. 3 BA home set-back on R-2 lot with space to build. Unique floor plan with huge family room and fireplace, private secluded den and master suite with fireplace. The time to buy Is nowt Call today.

WJM- 11..,.. Fabulous 3 BR. 2 BA, family room with fireplace, formal dining ar:id large yar~ wtth patio show great potential. Instantly appealing Inside and outl Move fast on this beautiful home - an outstanding buy that won't walt &1oundl

.... _. 11 .... Large former model end unit fully decorated. 2-story, 3 BR. 2'h BA, balcony off muter bedroom, large brick fireplace and apack>us, private yard. Beautlfully maintained complex with pool. Excellent mo'/9-ln condition and va­cant. Call nowt

Faahk>nable penthoule In a quiet and eecure ' Ulnm .all... 1111-feeort locafton wtth all amenHlee or walk to the Appeetlng and much In demand 3 bedroom bMch. A Ser• ie 2 BR, 2 BA In perfect condition home With hardwood noora and bfk:J( fireplace Including a new kitchen. Perfect for two adutts on wooded tot. Qu'9t cut-*uc location not Who are tWed of renting. cau now and let ua affected by airport notM. Just ltltec:t. Celt now to lhow you how you can own In Newport Beach. ... or It wlU be too late!


COSTA MESA use• •••••11 ....­Detached 3 BR, 2 BA home pfui trtplex (2 BR, 1 ~ BA MCh unit) plus room to bultd another unit. Don't hesitate. call today for further Infor­mation on thla epect11COlar lnvestment property! .......... ... Large • BR, 2~ BA Buccola home wtth 3 car garage, lmpresslW patto with flreptt, wet bar, skyt~ht, profeak>nalty landscaped. Overiooks the beet view of Costa Mesa golf course. Great value for your money and priced to tetll

TlllMWlll• .__ Gracious 4 BR + den Mesa Verde hOme has · everything! Located near 2 golf cour981 and partcs. beautiful y&1d with pool and patio. and side hideaway patio off he den: new add-on famlly room and teen- quarters wtth It's QWn entry. Bring in your offer! All terms wtll be considered.

.. ,..._ 12n.­Have you wanted to move up from your smaller home? Here's your chance to obtain a large spacious home in Eastside Costa Mesa. 3 BR. 2~ BA with separate study and large family room. large pool with solar heat and cort sun room. See it today!

1 • ••• .,.." 1111.­Spectacular 2-story. 5 BR home with kitchen/ family room combination. formal dining area, living room with fireplace and enclosed patl9 with heater. Superb family home romanti­cally decorated to appeal to all. This home can be your family's paradise - call to see today!

WOY 1111'1 1111.­Two story condo In excellent South Coast Metro location. Either 4 BR or 3 + den. 2 baths. large master bedroom with sun deck. mini-yard with patio and two car garage. Cort complex with pool and spa. Call to see today!

mil m Ill l1N ITllY 11 ..... Super family home with 5 BR. 3 BA. formal dining room, living room with custom fireplace and newty remodefed kitchen with many up­graded appliances. Nice yard shows close atten­tion to gardening and many fruit bearing trees. True pride of ownership Is proven here. See It todayt

Tllllf1I f&-.Y - 11U,lll Wefl maintained 5 BR. 1¥• BA home In Mesa North With fireplace, formal dining room, cov­ered patio and new roof. Super for family wt th children - located near schools. This home Is in excellent condition and won't last! Call now!

lllT llY1 1112MI Owners have bought out of area and are very motivated to sell their home! A picture perfect 3 BR. 1 ~ BA home With many high quality fea­tures. Extensively remodefed. Bring In your offers - all Will be considered!

FllllL~ 111..­Thls home requires only minor repairs. Buy low and fix It yourself - INST ANT EQUITY! 3 BR. 1 BA and large yard for unbeatabte value. Don't waJtl calf to eee nowt

mllWl .. ,.,.,.. This coutd be your first home or your first lnw.tmeht. Charming 2 BR. 1 BA condo In South Coast Metro wtth cute klteh«\, breaJcfast ber and IMng room that'• bright ~ SUMY. Super-home at low cost. It can'.J ~beat!

2211 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA IESI -.................... ~_ .............. .


\ -.,.


nmun .. ,.. This home has 100 posslblltles-offlce or maid's room. extra large separate room could be work shop or art studio. 3 BR, 3 BA, spa.

UY.at ~ Beautlfully upgraded 3 BR home offers com­plete privacy. Light, btlght, coordinated decor In the lastest colors. Lush garden/spa.

..... , Q .... Totally private 2 BR with spa ready for unit to be built over 3 car garage. Garden patio Is steps from bay beach front .

•lllYll .... Bac:flelors attention! The perfect condo with full gotf course view. It's rustic, woodsy, has high ceilings, flrepla<18, 2 BR & den.

UITILlff (J .....

Fabulous price for a beautiful 5 BR home on cul­de-sac street. Many upgrades and built-ins. Private lot. A " must see" !

llLllA ....... 1211,111 Spacious duplex with great ocean view. Walk to shops, theatre & restaurants. Be a part of the exciting fun zone devetopemnt.

UL.aN•llLA ..._ Location & potential + C-1 lot with 8 garages. Adjacent to " fun zone" development, an area with exciting posslbilltles.

N•HU ~ Pl.,_ Old Newport charms with quality and craftsmanship. 3 BR, dining room, family room. Pine built-Ins & woodwork abound. Immaculate & inviting!

L.9111U IMl­lnstantly appealing, 3 BR on large lot wtth marvelous south sunny patio, pine kitchen, bedrooms opening to outdoor entertaining area. A decorator's detlghtl ......... ..,. .... Ocean, bay & night light view from upgraded 3 BR, 3 BA townhome. 2 patios, fountain & central air provide gracious living.

llYli s•m 1411,111 Single story, 3 BR, formal dining. den. Enjoy nlte lite and bay views from llvlng room or garden patio wit~ custom pool. Feel

PIWIU PlllT 1111,111 A story book guest house, a 3 story windmill and a 4 BR main house makes this property unique. practical , romantic - all on a double lot. Great buy!

•CAIYH ... .,.. Big Canyon at its best. Beautifully decorated. model perfect 4 BR home. Solar heated eo ft . pool & spa, kol pond, security system.

L.9111U l1,4tl,lll Inviting & charming 4 BR English Normandy on south bayfront with sandy beach! Two master suites. Pier & slip for large boat.

l.91 llU 11,111.­Bullders • Prime Bayfront lot to create your " dream house." 75' on the bay with a pier for a 90' boat! Call for additional Information.






t .... U1 ler111ll 2 BR, Oen $225,000 M. GUTH Ul1ll.9f ........ 5 BR $290,000 L. MURPHY ... , unaM ....... 58R $290,000 L MURPHY

' HU,_.. 111•..,_ 3 BR, FR *335,000 - J. AKERMAN Ml - ......... 3 BR. epa $349,000 J. SHAW .... all.,.... ,. ..... , .. 3 BR $398,000 B. EEDV IP'fl&.Alla&. aaa. ..... 6BR $650,000 . M. REEDY L81ml m111u.. .... 4 BR, Beytront $1 ,445,000 C. RUMSFELD L81ml 1a11au.. .... 6 BR, FR $2,835,000 E. OLSON


IUNW IMl,lM Specious poof-size lot. 24 hour guard-gated community. Light, airy 3 BR Nantucket. Owner will carry with low down. Possible leaae/optlon.

IUNW II~ Thia la the view you have waited f orl Ocean, city lights and mountains. 3 BR Nantucket, large yard, room for pool. Excellent financing.

IUWllW 1111.­Enjoy sparkling city lights from your own private spa. 3 BR, 21n BA, FR, plus 98Curlty tor your family In this guard-gated community.

IUYllW PM• Expanded, customized 3 BR Nantucket, ocean view, wood trims, trench doors, added famlly area & pool-size yard. Assumable financing.

IUNW Mfa.­Plcture perfect Port RoyJJ 2 story 4 BR home In private guarded community wtth pool & tennis. Panoramic oceal') view. Excetlent low price!

IUYllW s(1.,_ 4 BR New Bedford model , custom upgrades throughout. Panoramic ooean & city light view .. Private spa. New Jumbo loan.

IUNW 1421,111 Largest model In Seavlew with good view of Catalina, city lights & mountains. Room for pool on extra wtde lot. 4 BR, 3 BA.

IUNW 14.,.... One of a kind! Expanded Port Royal. Fantutlc ocean & lights view, private spa. Top street of M8vlew. 5BR + Lanai.

IUNW .... Super custom home buHt by Valentine. Spacious hOuM. large lot, 3 BR, format dining, panefted den plus recreation room.



.... ' 1111,111 3 BR 'S' plan on fee land. Newly painted & draped. 2 unit bulldlng, close to pool & shop­ping: Two good- aaeumable loans.

IPYIWI al I.,_ Compare this home at this price anywhere In the area. 3 BR, family room. large -patio, 3 car garage, quiet location.

..... ml ........ Out9tandlng home with unobstructed views of ocean, harbor, city & sunsets. SubatantlaJly upgraded. Pool, spa, 4 BR, famlly room.


........ • au..­st..,. from ~ Corona, this 3 BR, 2 BA home features small vtew from LR with hi-beam ceil­ings and brick fl replace. Bring offer.

MIULll ma IMl,111 Popular ·1 story plan with 3 BR. 2 BA. FR. Many extrasl Redecorated, private spa, A/C, good locat6on, gate guarded with pool & tennis.

MIUllll.... 1111.­Former model home loeated close to pools & tennis. T otaJly redone, profession al decor & landecaplng. Call for appointment.

.......... 1•• Newer custom with 180° ocean/bay view. Room for pool, 3 BR + FR or 4 BR, 3'h BA, 2 fireplaces, muter BR retreat could be office or den.

anam-.i 1•,• An Incredible value recently redecorated In pristine white. QuMtt location. views of ocean, harbor and sunset•. AJI this for under $500,000.

snam .... 5 BR plus bonus room In medley of color & light. Forever view, pool & spa. French doors, com­pelling combination of taste. room, locatlon. view & price. .. ..• -.. ..,.,.. Remodeled 3 BR with unobstructed view. Ex­pansion potential, stunning decor. Excitement of Newport at your front door.

-.... 111Mll Your opportunity to own cozy family home wtth ocean view In desirable ShorecUffs. Immaculate condition with 3 BR. 3 BA. By appointment.


..... Ill... .s1...­Cu1tom Brian Jeannette designed Cape Cod 4 BR plus 1 BR apartment on corner lot with park and ocean/ bay views. •

OTHER AREAS •nam PAii 1111,111 Bright and cleen 2 BR condo with COOi, ahady backyard to enjoy summer barbecues. N4'afr "' ahoppfng, poofs, tennis.

llln.lllll ..... 2 BR + den. Owner paid $225,000 new, then apent 160,000 on extensive upgrades. Gorgeous. Immaculate & ready to Miii

au•uma 1a•• Tucked away for complete privecy yet In com-mand of dramatic coastal & lights view. 3 BR, 3 BA, tfua l wood wet bar. tile spa.