1913-Charter.pdf - City of Monterey

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Published by authority of The Council, pursuant to the provisions of the City Charter.


Pursuant to Section 7 4 of the Charter. The Council authorized the publication in book form' of the Ordi­nances of The City of :Monterey.

i\lany of the new Ordinances, particularly those col­lected under the head of Government and Adminis­tration, were adopted to carry out the provisio~ of the new Charter. The Ord;nances have been classified and printed under appropriate heads.

In this compilation such Ordinances ody as are now in force and are of more or less permanent interest, are published in full. Ordinan<>es of a special or temporary charact.er have ·been omitted, as, for example, Ordinances repealing other Ordinances, or Ordinance.s which have become non-operative by lapse of time.

There is. included, for the convenience of the pub­lic, the headings only of Ot'dioauces granting franchlses (Tb,e Ordinances granting the recent Street Railway Franchise _is, however, published in full), changing of names of streets and the like. 1'be adoption c~ause is omitted from all ordinanMs but the date of the final passage is given.

H. G. JORGENSEN, City Attorney.

, ,

'? ..... - -


The Ciiy of }[ontere:r was originally incorporated by the special act of the legislature of J.\:farch 30th, 1850. (Sec Statutes 1850, page 131). This act declared that all lan ds hm·eto:fore known aud acknowledged as the Pueblo of }fonti>reY shall hen ceforth be known as t he City of Monter ey. ·

The act of 1850 was repealed by a special act of the legislatur e, and the Cit.v reincorporated with the sa.me boundaries as before. by the act of 1851. (See Ststutes 1851, pages 367 and 875).

The City was again disincorporated by a special act of the legislature, approved } fay 11, 1853, and reincorpor­ated h~· the same act with th~ Rame boundaries. (See Statutes 1853, pages 159 and 161). 'l'his Charter of 1853 \ms amen ded by a spceial aet of the legislature :\fareh 4, 1857. (See Statutes 1857, page 55). It was again amended by the le!?islatur e on April 18, 1862, by special act. (See Statutts 1862, page 274). I t \Vas

c.g:lin l ikewise aruen<lt> I by the act of April 2. 1866. • • 'e · !"ta t11te« 186;)._(iG. pug._. ti3±) . This act of 1853 was t•na 11)~ repealed by lht' spe<'ial act of thl' legislatnrc March 16, 1889. (See Statutes 1889, page 227).

By a 'ote of Lhe Boal·d 0£ Supcrrisors Of ~Ion terey Connty •tl ~i l'cgu lnr mect iug beld on the lOtb rl.ay o:f ,fnne. 1889. Uw City of :\\louterey was duly declared to be a municipality of the sixth class under t he provisions of the General l\hmic;pal Corpoi·ation _.\ct of 1883. The boundaries o.£ t.h~ City a;; thus in<:orporatc~<l were the same as those design a tc:l in the Fl'ccholders' Charter of 1910. ( See Charter hc·1·cin ).

'Ihe ll'reeholders' ('harte1· 0£ the Dity of Monterey was prepared by a board of ti.ftt'cn rri>cltoJ<le1·s an<l Yc>tl'd for anil ratified br the cimtlifiNl Toters of tbP City of :\Ionte1·ey at a spechi l Plection, held on the 12th day of Decemher. 1910, and wa1:> a lopted and a.pprOYed b~· the legislatul'e l\[arch 2. rnn. In force and effect for all purposes July 1st, 191 l.



(! .


I. GO\'('l'Drncn t and Administra tion. A. Officers, Boa.rds and Depar tments. n. E lections.

II. R eveJlue and FiIJaIJce. A. Assr.ssn1cnt levy and .collection of taxes. n. L icense Ta.Xf'S,

III. Fire Or dinan ces.

I V. P olice Ordinances.

Y . H ealth Ordinances.

VI. Building anrl Const ruction .

VII. .Public Ser vice Corporations and th eir Regu­lation.

VIII. Streets and Sewers.

IX. FrancbiRes.

X. l\:Iiscellau eons.

XI. Charter.




Ordinance ~o. 1, repealed by Orclinance No. 59. OrdinancA Ko. 2, re.pealed by Charter. Ordinimce ~o. 3, repeakd by Ordinance ~o. 56. Ordinance No. 4, repealed by Ordinance No. 43. Ordinance No. 5, r epealed by Ordinance Ko. 45. Ordinance No. 6, repealed by OrdinancP- No. 44. Ordin<J.nce No. 7, repealed by Ordinwce No. 46. Ordinance Ko. 8, repeaicrl by Ordinance Ko. 150. Ordinance No. !J, repealed by Ordinance No. 49. Ordinance :N'o. 10, repealed by Charter. Ordinance '!\:o. 11, repealed by Ordinance No. 50. Oroini:rnce ~o. la, repealed hy Ordinance ~o. 47. Ordinance l\"o. 14, repealed by Ordinance :So. 51. Oi·dinance No. 15, repealed by Ordinance :Jo. 48. Ordinance~ Ko. 16, repealed by O.rdinance 1'\o. 103. Ordinance ~o. 17, no record in files or books. Ordinance :-.:o. 18, no reeorcl in files or books. Ordinance Ko. 19: no record in files or books. OrdinancQ Ko. 20: no reco1·d in files or books. Ordinance No. 21, no record in :files or books. Ordinance ~o. 22, no record in £lcs or books. Ordinance ?\o. 23. no record in files or books. Orclioauce ~o. 24, an Ordinance granting gas franchise

to Martin Sand and Thomas D. Poole. (Right forfeited b'' non -user so declared bv Charter.)

· Ordimmce ~o. 26, repealed by Ordinance No. 39 C. S. Ordinance No. 2l'l, repealed by Ordinance No. 4::l. Ordinance Ko. 27, granting street railway franchise.

Practically repealed by Ordinance No. 36 C. S. and all rights waived by grantee.

Ordinance Ko. 28, creating Board o..E Hea.ltb and de­fining its powers. Repealed by Ordinance ~o. 37 C. S.

Ordinnnce Ko. 29, :fixing tax rate for 1890 (non-opera-tive.

Ordinancp, :Xo. 30, repealed by Ordina.nce No. 43. Ordinance :'.:\o. 31, repealed by Ordina.nce No. 39 C. S. Ordinance ~o. 32, void. )Jo power to enact. Ordinance 'No. 33, repealed by Ordinance No. 58. Ordinance No. 34, fixing electric light rates to April,

1892. (Non-operative.) Ordinance No. 36, repealed by Ordinance No. 103.

History of Orainances 7

·ordinance ~o. 37, section 1 repealed by Ordinancn No. 133. Sections 2 and 3 now in force.

Ordinance No. 38, repealed by Ordinance ~o. 43. Ordinance Ko. 39, ,·oid. No power to enact. Ordinance )lo. 40, t-0 prevunt discharge of sewerage into

streets, etc. (Sections l and 2 now in force; section 3 r epealed as fo improved streets b~' Ordinance Ko. 159.)

Ordinance :-lo. 41, fi~iog tax r ate for 1891. (Non-op-erative. )

Ordinance ~o. 4:2. granting street railway .franchise. Practically repealed by 01'<1inance No. 36 C. S. and all l"ights waived by grantee.

Ordinance :Jo. 43 .. repeal(ld by Ordinanr.e :Jo. 65. Ordinance >To. 44, r epealed by Ordinance Ko. 138. Ordinance l\o. 45, repealed by Ordinance ~o. 129. Ordinance Ko. 48·, i:;ection 2 repec. led by Ordhrnnce

)lo. 5 C. S. Ordinance :'.\o. 58, 1·epealecl by Ordinance Ko. 65. Ordinance )lo. 54, repealed by Ordinance Ko. 65. Ordinance No. 55, repealed by Ordinance No. 57. Ordinance >To. 56, repealed by Ordinanee N'o. 67. Ordinance ::-.lo. 57, repealed by 01·dinancc No. 164. Ordina.nce Ko. 58, repealing Ordinance No. 33 (non-

operative). Ordinance ~o. 59, repealed by Ordinance :\To. 48 C. S. Ordinance No. 60, repealed hy Ordinance .\To. 138. Ordinan ce Ko 61, repealed by Ordinance '!-:o. 65. Ordinance 1\o. 62. fixing fax rate for 1892 (non-

operative) . Ordinance Ko. 64. granting franchise to 1\fonterey &

Fresno Ry. (Franchise forfeited by non-user and Ordi­nance repealed by Ordi11anc11 No. 87.)

Ordinance ~o. 65, repealed hy Ordinance ~o. 92. Ordinance Ko. 66, granting franchise to construct pri­

vate sewer. Sewer purehased by City (non-operative). Ordinance Ko. 67, repealed by Ordillllnce No. 80. Ordinance Ko. 68, repealing section 7 of Ordinance

No. 27, granting franchise to Malarin (non-operative). Ordinance Ko. 69, granting street railway franchise.

Practically repealed by Ordinance :No. 36 C. S. and all rights _expressly waived by grantee.

Ordrnance No. 70, granting street railway franchise. Practically repealed by Ordinance No. 36 C. S. and all rights expressly waived by gl'antee. ·

Ordinance No. 71, granting franchise to Monterey & Fresno R. R. (forfeited by non-user and repealed by Ordinance No. 78).

8 11-istory of Ordinances

Ordin11n<ie ::\o. 73, adopting certain provisions of Po­liti.cal Code in re P ublic Health for one year, from Sept. 22, 1896. Expired.

Ordinance No. 74, no such Ordinance in book or files. Ordinance No. 75, amencling Ordinance No. 28 (re­

pP.aled by Ordinan ce No. 37 C. S.) . Ordinance Ko. 77, r epealed by Ordinance ~o. 81. Ordinance ~o. ·18, repealing Ordinance ~o. "71 (n on-

operat ive) . Ordinance No. 79, l'epealecl by Ordinance No. 1G4. Ordinance No. 80, repealed by Ordinance No. 90. Ordinance ~o. 81, repealing Ordinance No. 77 (non-

operative). Otdina.n<1~\ )Jo. 82, repealed by Odina.nce );To. 37 0. S. Ordh1an~e ~o. 83, arnen<ling Ordinance No. 28, r e-

p ealed by Ordinance Ko. 37 C. S. Ordinance !\o. 85. no such Ordinance in fih~s or books. Ordinance l\o. 86. no snch Ordin2.nce in files or books. Orc1inn11ce Xo. S~. repPaling Ordinance No. 64 i·n t"e

Frnuchjse to 1\fontere> and Fre!)rto R R. Co., and de­claring fl'nuchise forfeited (non-operative).

Ordimtuc(' );o. 89. Yoid. .Attempting to amend Se~­tion ,! or Or1linam:e 5. whic-h had heen repealed. Ordi­nance l\o. 12!J repeals tbfa Ordinance.

Ordinance 1\o. 90. rc:pealcd by Ordinance Ko. 2 C. S. Ordinnnl·e Ko. 91. adopting certain sections of Politi­

cal Code fol' 011e year. ~on-operati\e b.' lapse of ti.me. Ordinanl'" Xo. 9:?, i11 re license tax. Repealed by Ordi­

nanc(.'S "No. 23 C. S. an -::1 ~o. 28 C. S. Ordinan ce No. 93, repealing Section 14 of Ordinance

~o. 92. Repealed hy Ordinan ces !\o. 2~ C. S. and No. 28 c. s.

O:rdina.ncc :'-Jo. 94, l'epE>alPcl by Orilinance No. 164. Ordina.nce No. 96, repealed by 01•dinance No. 9!-.l. Ordinance No. 97. amending- Section 36 of Ordinance

No. 92. RApealed. (See Ordi)1ance ~o. 92.) Ordinance )Jo. 98, repealed by Ordinance ~o. 2 C. S. Ordinance Ko. 99, repealing Ordinance No. 96 in re-

01wningo of saloons. (Non-op~rative.) . . Ordinance No. 100, amen<lmg Section l5 of Ordi­

nance No. 92. R.epealed. (See Ordinance No. 92.) Ordinance :\o. 101. amending Section 1 of Or<linance

Ko. 42 i11 i-e Franchlse to 1\Iala:rin. Practically repealed bv Ordinance No. 36 C. S. and all tights expressly w·aived by grantee.

Ordinance No. 102, repealed by Ordinance No. 164. Ordinance No. 103, in re assessment and collection of

taxes. Repealed by Ordinance No. 15 0. S.

H istory of Ordinances 9

Ordinance~ Ko. 104, amendin"" Sections 1 5 14 21 24 and 26 of Ordinance No. 103.


R~pealed bv' Ordin~nce No. 15 C. S. •

Ordinance Ko. 105, to amen<l Section 3 of Ordinance No. 92. Repealed. (See Ordinance No. 92.)

Ordinance No. 106, r ep ealed by Ordinance No. :n C. S. Ordinance Ko. 107, amen dino- Sectioni;; 35 and 36 of

Ordinance Ko. 92. R epealed. (See Ordinance );To. 92.) Ordinance Ko. 108, amending Section 6 of Ordinance

Xo. 92. Repealed. (See Ordinance No. 92.) Ordinanc~e ~o. 109, granting st1·eet railway franchise

to R. C. P . Smith. Practically t·epealcd by Ordinance l'\o. 36 C. S. and all rights \rnived by grantee.

Ordinance Ko. 11:3, granting street railway franchise to R. C. P. Smith. Practically repealed by Ordinance No. 36 C. S. and all rights waived by grantee.

Ordinance Ko. 114, granting street railway franchise to R. C. P. Smith. Practil'a.lly repealed by 01·dinance ~o. 36 C. S. and all rights waived bv o-rantee.

Ordinance No. 115, to establish fire 0

lirnits. (Repealed by Ordinance Ko. 143.) . Ordinance Ko. 116, pt·oyidintr for appointment of pub­

lic scaYenger. Repealed l>y Ordinance No. 23 O. S. Ordinance Ko. 118. granting William 1\latson a lP.asc

and franchise to erect and rnaintaiu a wharf at the foot of Reeside Avenue (lease and franchise abandoned and <leclared for feited by OhartP.r).

Ordinance No. 119. amendin&! Ordinance No. 92 bv addini:r Section 14. Repealed. ( SeP. Ordinance No. 92.)

Ordmancc )fo. 121, granting to William }fatson a lease and franchise to construct and maintain a wharf at the foot. of R~eside Avenue (lca.-Re and f ranchise aban­doned and declared forfP.ited by Charter). . Ordinance No. 124, repealing Section 35 and amend­mg Section 36 0£ Ord'ioauce No. 92. Repealed. (See Ordinance No. 92. ) . _Ordinance l\o. 12-5, amen:ling Rcction 3 0£ Ordinance

i\o. 9~. Repealed. (See 01·dina.ncc )Jo. 92.) Ord~na.nce No. 126, repealed by Ordinance ~o. 11 C. S. Ord~nance i'Jo. 12'7. repea led by Ordinance ~o. 143. Ordmance Ko. 128, establishin..,. public libraw (re-

pealed by Charter) . "" • Ordinance :No. J29, repealed hy Ordinance No. 171. Ordinance ~o. 130, amending' Section 34 of Ordinance

~o. 9~. Repealed. (See Ordinance No. 92.) Ordrnance No. 131, amending Section 7 and adding

Section 17Y2 of Ordinance 1\o. 9·2. Repealed. (See Or. dinance ~o. 92. )

10 History of Ordinances

Ordinance Ko. 134, repealed by Ordinance No. 2 C. S. Ordinance No. 135, i1i re closing saloons at one A. M.

Repealed by Ordinance :fo. 139. Ordinance No. 136, granting francllise to Monterey,

Fresno and Eastern R~·. !or R R. (Franchise forfeited by n-0n-user and so declared by Charter.)

Ordinance )Jo. 137. grant ing Monterey, Fresno and Eastern Rv. a frllllchise Io1· the construction and main­tenance cri. a whal'f. (Franchis1> forfeited by non-user and so declared by Charte1·.)

Ordinance ~o. 1:39. repealed by Ordinance :\o. 28 C. S. Ordinance :\o. 140. duplicated by Ordinance ~o. 1-18. Ordinance :Xo. 141, amending Sections 18 and 37 and

adding Sections 37b auu 37c to Ordinance No. 92. Re­pealed. (See Ordinance Nt). 92.)

Ordll1ance No. 142, section 3 void, contra to State Law.

Orcliuanee No. 1-H. l'P.pealed hy Ordinance No. 173. Ordinance ":\o. H5, l'epealed by Or dinance No. 162. Ordinance :\o. 149. nmcntling Section 18 of Ordinance

)\o. 92. Repealed. (See Ordinance )\o. 92.) Ordinance ~o. 150. repealed by Ordinance No. 38 C. S. Ordinance )\o. l:il. repealed hy Ordinance No. 2 C. $. Ordinance Xo 15:~. repealed by Ordinance ~o. 2 C. S. Ordinance Xo. 158. amending Section 9 of Ordinance

~o. 92. RepE'alecl. (See Ordinance No. 92.) Ordinance No. 160, adding Sections 9b and 9c to Or­

clinan.c.e ~o. 92. Repealed. (See Ordinance No. 92.) Ordinance No. 161, amending Section 9b of Ordinance

No. 92. Repealed. (See Ordinance No. 02.) 0l'dinance No. 162, repealed by Ordinf.mce No. 41 C. S. Ordinance No. 163. amcncung Section 29 of Ordiuance

~o. 92. Repealed. (See Ordinance No. 92.) Ordinance No. 16-l. repealed by Orilinance Xo. 1 C. S. Ordinance Ko. 165, repealed by Ordinance Xo. 2 C. S. Ordinance Xo. 168. amending Section 26 of Ordinance

:\o. 92. Repealed. (See Ordinance No. 92.) Ordinance No. 170, amending Section 6 of Ordinance

No. 103. Repealed by Ordinance No. 15 C. S. Ordinance No. :3 C. S .. levy taxes for fiscal year 19ll-

12 (non.operative) . Ordinance No. 27 · C. S., repealed by Ordinance No.

30 C. S. Ordinance No. 30 C. S., r epealing Ordinance No. 27

C. S. (non-operative) . Ordinance No. 37 C. S., repealing Ordinance No. 28,

No. 82 a.nd No. 106 (non-operative).

Table of Oontents 11





A. Officers, Boards and Departments. 1. Ord~nance ~ o. 1 0. 8. as amended by

Ordmance t-; o. 7 0. E:;. and Ordinance No. 16 C. s., fixing the salaries of appointive officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2. Ord~ance No. 2 C. S. Relating to the meotmgs of the Council . . . . . . . . . . 20

3. Ordinance J\ o. 38 C. s. Relatin (f to t he establishment of a Police


De­partment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

4. Ordinance. No. 39 C. S. Relating to the est ablishment of a Fire Depart-ment ..... . . . . . .'. . ........... . .. 25

5. Ordinall:ce No. 40 9. S. Prescribing t he duties of appointive officers. . . 27

6. Ordina~ce Ko. 42 C. s. Relating to the assignment of duties of Com­mis~ioners and Departments .. '. . . . 37

7. Ordinance :'fo. 43 C. s. Relating to · ~he official bonds of certain appoint-

ive officers. . . . 42 B. Elections. . .... . . . . · · · ..... .

l. Ordii~ance No. 41 C. S. Relating to E lect1ons and the giving of notice of general and special electionR . . . 43


A. Ai::sessment, Levy and Collection of Taxes. 1. Ordinance No. 15 C. s. providino- for

the assessment, levv and colleclion of taxes ......... . J. • • • • • • 45

B. License Ta.xes. . .. .... ·

l. Ordinance Ko. 23 C. S. as amended by Or?inance No. 29 C. S. relating to a license tax on business . . . . . . 69

12 Table of Oontents

II. fl~Al'\CE AND REVENUE- Continued. Page

2. Ordinance No. 28 C. s. as amended hy OrdiDAnce Xo. 35 C. s. Regulat-ing and imposing a license t ax on certain hu.;;iness (Liquor License) . . 84

3. Ordinance )fo. 31 C. $. levying t axes. for fiscal year 1912.:.1913 ... '. . . . . 99

C. Count ing of City's Moneys. L Ordinance No. 32 C. s. providing for

the counting of City :\foney. . . . . . 100


1. Ordinance No. 132 relating to exits and seatings in public buildings. (See Buildings and Construction) . . 152

2. Ordinance ~o. 143 as amended by Ordinance No. 172 relating to the establishment of fire limits . . . . . . 101

:~. Ordinance Ko. 152 Relating to the storing of explosives .... .. . . .- . . . . 105

4. Ordinance No. 39 C. 8. Relating to the establishment of a Fire Depart­ment. (8ee Government and Ad­ministration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5


l. Ordinance No. 35 p1ohibiting bai·bed wire fence.=> ........ . . . .. . . .. . . ... 108

2. Ordinance Ko 46 prohibiting minors visiting Saloons . . .... . . . ........ 110

3. Ordinance No. 48 relating to fast driving. (Beet.ion 2 repealed by Ordinance ~o. 3 C. s.) . . . . . 111

4. Ordinance ~o. 49 Relat ing to the carrying of concealed w~apons. . . . 112

5. Ordinance :Jo. 50 R c.>latmg to the dischar«e of fire arms . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

6. Ordina~cc ~o. 51,Relating to the playing of Base Ball on ~he Streets. . 114

7. Ordinance ~o. 52 Relating to the use of. sling shots, etc ........... . . ... 115

8. Ordinance ~o .. 72 H.elatmg to the maintenance of Slaughter Houses .. 116 -

9. Ordinance No. 76 Relating to the erection of awnings, signs, etc. (See Building and Construction) ..... . . 149

Table of Contents 13


10. Or<linUllce Ku. 110 prohibiting the conducting of gambling games . 117

11. Ordinnnce No. 122 regulating the conduC"tiug of laund.l'ies "il hin cer-tain cli::tricts . . . . . . . . . . 118

12. Ordinance Ko. 133 Relat.ing to ob­st n wt.ion an<l improper use of side-" ~ti k,.-. (:-,cP :-;treets and ;:)ewers).. 188

13. Ordinance '\o. l :h a" amended hr Ordinall<:e J\o. 172 prolribitin~ <'er­tain clome;;tic unimnlr5 from ru~n.inu al large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 119

14. Or<linam·e Xu. 142 Relating to the dumpi~g of l'efn~e. ~aJ'ha.gc and se,,._ m·age iuto the Hay . . . . . . . . . . 122

1.5. Or<lin~nte No. 146 Relating to the visitiug of ~amhli11g houses . . . . . . 123

16. Onlinun,·c \fo. 147 Relating to the "earing of Pe~'\C'e Officen:: Badges. . 124

Ii. Ordinance 1 '11. I-ls Relating to the d.rying or :.:quid. 1;:>ee ITealth Ordi-nances) . .. . . .. . . . ... . . : : .... .. . . 139

18. Ordinance ~ o. 166 Relating to Honey Bees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

HJ. Ordinnnce '\"o. 16i Relnting to the <lefr:iutling ''! owners of garages. . _ . 125

20. Or1lin:m<'e ~o. 16tl Relatin,,. to the placing of ,;igns on poles or


posts in puhlfr streets . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . _ . . 126

21. Or<li1_1~tucc Xu. li'l Relating to dogs runmng at lurge... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I2i

22. Ordinance ~o. r;.; Relating tQ minor>: ,.i...,iting Pool Rooms a11d Billiarcl Hull;-:. etc . . .. . •.. , . . . . _ J 29

23. Orcliuanre !\o. li'G Relatin« to the placing of bouts nml rubbi.!3h on the Beach . ... .... . .. . .. . ......... .. 130

24. Ordin~z:i.ce No. :4 C .. s. ~.elating to the depositing of 011 <lrippmgs on certain st reets.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

25. On.Jina.nee No. 5 r. S. Relating t.o the hitc-hing of hm·ses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

26. Ordinance Ko. , C. s. Relat.ing to the <lumpio~ of refuse. etc .. into navi­gti.ble waters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

Table of Oontent$


27. Ordinance No. 22 C. s. Providing for the proper manning of Street Cars ........................ . ... 134

28. Ordinance No. 28 C. S. Liquor Ordinance. (See Finance and Rev­enue) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

29. Ordinance No. 34 C. S. Relating to keeping ::;wine and Cows within 300 feet of the residence of another. . 135

30. Ordinance Ko. 38 C. S. Establishing a Police Department. (See Govern­ment and Administration) . . . . . . . 21


l. Ordinance No. 47 Relating to the maintaining of certain vaults ..... 137

2. Ordinance No. 88 Relating to SJ?rinkling of Laundry . by liquid eJected from the mouth. . . . . . . . . . J 38

3. Ordinance ~o. 123 Relating to privy vaults an<l connection with sewers. (See Streets and Sewers) . . . . . . . . . . 188

4. Ordinance "No. 148 Relating to the drying of squid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

5. Ordinance No. 11 C. S. Relating to the inspection of Dairies. Milk, etc. . 139

6. Ordinance Ko. 33 C. S. Relating to the disposition of garbage, refuse and wa.::.""'te matter and dead animals 141


l. Ordinance No. 12 as amended by Ordinance Ko. 84 relating to the construct ion of stove pipes . . ... .. 148

2. Ordinance No. 76 Relating to the erection of awnings, signs, etc . ... J49

3. Ordinance No. 112 Regulating the erection of buildings and the ob-stru<Jtion of side-walks ........... 151

4. Ordinance No. 132 Relating to build­ings used for public assemblies, their exits, sea.tin~, etc .......... : . . . . . . 152

5. Ordinance NC). 12 C. S Providing for the registration of Plumbers and relating to plumbing. . . . . . . . . . . . . 155


Table of Oontents 15


l. Ordinance No. 13 C. S. Providing for the obtaining of data. from Public Service Corporations. . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

2. Ordinance No. 17 C. s. Fixing water rates for 1912-1913 and relating to water service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

3. Ordinance No. 18 C. S. Fixing Elec­tric rates for ·1912-1913, and relat-ing to Electric service . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4

4. Ordinance No. 19 C. S. Fixing Gas rates for 1912-1913 and relating to Gas service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

5. Ordinance No. 20 C. S. Fixing Tele­phone rates for 1912-1913 and relat-ing to telephone service.. . . . . . . 179


1. Ordinance No. 37 Relating to the ob!:ltruction and use of side-walks. Section 1 repealed by Ordinance No. 133 ......................... 183

2. Ordinance No. 40 · prohibiting the discharge of sewage into Streets. Sectjon 3 repealed as to improve Streets by Ordina.nce No. 159 .... 184

3. Ordinance ~o. 95 accepting all Streets, Lanes, Alleys, etc.. . . . . . . 185

4. Ordinance No. Ill relating to the moving of houses through Streets. . 186

5. Ordinance No. 123 relating to Privy Vaults and connection with sewers. 188

6. Ordinance Ko. 133 relating to the o_bstructioo and improper use of Sidewalks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

7. Ordinance No. 157 relating to the construction and repair of side­walks, curbs and glitters on Alva­rado Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

8. Ordinance No. 159 as amended by Ordinance No. 25 C. S. relating to the digging and tearing up of im­proved streets and sidewalks ..... 190

16 Table of Contents

VII(. STREET$ AND SEWERS-Continued. Page

9. Ordinance No. 177 relating to the maintenance of poles etc., on Alva­rado Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194

10. Ordfaance No. 9 C. S. relating to awnings and porches on Alvarado Stteet .. . . . . ..... ..... ......... . 196

11. Ordinance )fo. 10 C. s. relating to rubbish, sweeping, etc., on public Streets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197

12. Ordinance No. 24 C. S. relating to the removal of weeds, etc. , on im­proved streets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J 98

IX. FRANCHISES. 1. Ordinance No. 4 (Old Series) Grant-

ing Franchise to :\fonte1·ey Exten-sion Railroad Company for Steam Railroad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

2. Ordiuance No. 5 (Old Series) Grant-ing Franchise to Monterey Exten­sion Railroad Company for Steam Railroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

2. Ordinance ~o. Ui granting Fran­chise for a pipe line to t he N a.t iona.1 Oil and Transportation Co .. . . ... 201

3. Ordinance No. 120 Granting Fran­chise for a pipe line to William .:.\'lat-son . ... . .. ...... ....... ...... . .. 202

4. Ordinance No. 154 Granting Fran­chise for a wharl to William Matson at the foot of Spence Street. . . . . . 202

5. Ordinance I\ o. 36 C. .S. Granting Franchise for Street Railway to .Jfont~rey and Pacific Grove Rail-way C-0mpany . .... . .. . . ... . . .. . . 203

X. MISCELLANEOUS. 1. Ordinance No. 63 conditionally ac­

cepting Ocean Avenue in Oak Gro•·e 212 2. Ordinance :No. 155 calling special

bon.d el~ction ................ ... 212 3. Ordinance No. 156 issuing munici-

pal bonds. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 4. Ordinance ~o. 174 relating to the

sale of lots in Cementario El Encinal 213

Table of Contents

X. Ml SCELLANEOUS--Cootinued.

5. Ordinance No. 6 C. S. ordering the construction of a storm sewer



in Tyler Street ...... . ... ........ 215 6. Ordinance No. 14 C. $. changing

the name of Aquajito Dairy Road to Major l:;herman Lane .. .. . ..... 215

7. Ordinance Ko. 21 C. S. calling special election to authorize the transfer of bond funds ..... . . . . .. .. . . ...... 215

8. Ordinance Ko. 26 C. S. relating to the repair of the Oak Grove Sewer. . 215

18 Oi·dinances of 'l'he City of Monterey




.:in Or<~~11a11ce .Fi:ciug t he Salaries of Oei-tai11 .1ppointive Oil 1~·crs of !he City of Jlonterey. As a1'iended by Ord111a 11te .\ o. 7 0. S. and 01·dinance Xu. 16 O. S.

.1'he Council of 'l'he City of i.\Io.ntercv do ordain a:.; follows: •

~e<'tio~ 1; T~~e City Clerk and Assessor (consolidated offiee) o:f 'l ~e City_ oi Monterey shall 1·eceive as compen­sat1on for. hi~ servrnes a salary whfoh is hereby fixed at the rate o:t nmety dollal'S ($90) per month.

S~c. :2. rl'he Audi~o1· 0£ The City o.f Monterey shall :e~e1ve as compensation for his sei\ic.es a salary · which JS 1.ie1·eby :fixed at Lhe rate of twenty-five dollars ($25) per mon th.

S~<:. 3. The 'l':reas~mir of 'I'he City o.f Monterey shall ~ecerve 11!> compcnsaL10n for h!s setvice.s a. salarv which JS herebr fixed at the rate of twenty-five dollat:s ($25) per ll'.l.Onth.

Sec. 4 .. 'I'he Police .Judg1~ of The City of jfontcre,.· sb~H r~cel\·e as compensation for his services a 8alar~· 1rl11cb is hereby fixed at the rate of twentv-tlve dona;., ($25 ) pCJ: month. •

Sec. 5. The Chief of Police of The City of Mout.crev sl!~ll r~ceive as compe!h;;at.ion .for his ser';,,iccs a sa.Jar~· w1nd1 1s hereby fixed at t lw rate of ninety clolfa.r8 ($90) pel' month.

S~<:. 3a. The Collector of The City of l\louterey shall ~·eeen·e a8 rmnp1?nsation for his services a salarv which is hereby fixed at the rate o.f fifty dollars ($50) per month.

S~c. 6. The ~~.Homey of The City of Monterev shall reeen ·e as compensation for his services a salarv ,\;hich is hereby fixed at the rate of one hundred dollars ($100) P,el' n10ntl1.

S~c. '7. 'l'he Engi~eer of The City of l\Ionte.rey shall reecJve as compensation for his services a salan-' which is hereby fixed at the rate of ten dollars ($10) per day for the number of days 0£ actual work performed by

Ordinances of '1'11.e City of Monterey 19

him in his office, and at the rate of sixteen dollars ($16) per day £or the number of days of actual work per. formed by him 1n the field. in whic.h work he must fur­nish a.nd pay all 0£ his a.8.'>istants. He shall further be allowed a salary .for a draughtsman. hereby fixed at the rate of eight dollars ($8) per da~- while said draugbt.s­man :s working for The Ci ty of .l\fontf~rey.

Sec. 8. 'l'he Fire Chief of The City of .Montere,· shall receive as compensution for his se:r.vices a sala1·y ·which is hereby fixed at the r ate of one hUJ'.ldrcd dollars ($100) per year. payable in quarterly installmrnts of twenty­fivc dollars ($25) each.

8ec. 9. The St1·cct Superintendent of The City of i\fonterey shall. receive aR eomp(msation fol· his se1·vices a salai·~· \rhich is hl'reb:.r fixed at the rate of ninety ($90) dollars per month.

Sec. 10. 'The Building Inspector, Sewer Inspector and Health Officer shall receive as compensation for his services a salary which is hereby fixed at the rate of scn~ntr-five dollars ($75) pnr month.

Sec. 11. The Poundmaster of The City of l\Ioritercy shCl ll receive ai,; compensation fo1· hi.!': services a salary which is hereb.1· fi xed a t the rate of forty dollars ($40) per month.

Sc('.. 12. The ~tcll'ard of the Fire Dc>partment of The City of nfontere:'- shall receive as compensation for his serTices a salary wl1icb is hereb~- fixed at t he rate of fifty dollars ($50) per month.

Sec. 13. E ach of the r egular Policemen of The City of }fonterey shall ree€ive a.'\ compen~ation for li ii,; sen'­iecs a salary whic-.h is hereby fixed at the rate of seY· cntr-lhc dollars ( $75) per month.

Sec. 14. In the event that any of the officers ahoYe narne1l should resign or be 1·emoved from office, or the of.fice slrnll become va.cant for any r.ausr, .he i:;hall be rn­titled to compensation only for the time he has ac· tnally Rerved as such officer arid performed the duties of hjs office, fixed and determined by the rate in this ordi­naur.e specified.

Sec. 14a. In the~ eve.at. that any of the office~ of 'fhe City of :.\Ionterey shall be consolidated by The Council the officer holding such consolidated office shall receiYe as compensation for his services the salaries of each of the offices so consolidil kd .

20 Ordinances of The Oity of Monterey

Sea. 15. It shall be lawful and it shall be the dutv of the propet· officials of The City of :Monterey to ap­prove, allow, audit, and pay all claims and demands for any and all officials of sa.id Citv to the amount 0£ the rate herein speclfied, £or such thne as such official or officials shall actually serve as such from the time of the taking effect of the charter of said Citv and the taking effect of this Ordinance, and all claims 'so allowed arc hereby ratified and confirmed.

Sec. 16. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith a.re hereby repealed.

$:ec. 17. This Ordinance is herebv declared to be ur­g(•ot and necessary to carry on the form of government provided by the Charter of the City of l\fonterey. and is p~ssed in ot·der to establish and maintain. without inter­mission, effective City government, and to immediately preserve the public peace, health and safety, and shall take effect and be in force from and after its final pas­sage.

Passed ll.nd approved the 8th day of August, 1911.


A n ONli1~1111 c•. Fi.ring the Timr and Plate for Regular .111 et111g.~ of Thf> Counci1 of Tltc City of .l/rJ11lcrey flllfl !'ro1·idi119 fu1· Ille Jfa,111er of Calling Special J/rrt 11r1.~ and Rf>pealing all Confli<'fing Ordi11a11rr.-i.

The Council 0£ The City of :\fonterev do ordain as fol-lows: • •

Section L The regular meetings of The Council of 1'l1e \it.' of l\Iouterey shall be held on the :first Tuesdav of ench mnulh. at the how· nf ·7 :30 p. ru. from )foyeni­he1· 1st to ~Iru·ch 3ht and at the hom· of 8 :00 p. m. from the first day 0£ April to the 31st day of October of N1ch year. Tht• Council shall meet at the Council Cham­bers in Colton Hall in said City and shall not adjourn to nor lr!eet at any other place than to or at its regular place of meeting, except in case of great necessity or emergency.

Sec. 2. Special meetings 0£ The Council may be held at any time upon the call of the Mayor, or any two (2)

Ordinances of The City of Monterey 21

members of the Cotmcil, upon filing· the same with tbe Clerk a.ntl upon notice !:riven iu the manner herein pro­,;ded. The Clerk. upon recei,·ing 11 call for such meet­ing. shall prepare and nddre to each member of the Comicil personally. tb1·ee hours beforE> the time set for tbe meeting. or. in lieu of such service. mail to each member. at least twelve ( 121 hours before the time set for the meeting. a <'OPY of sai<l call addre~sed to him. at his last known place of rrsideuce. Said notice. i£ mailed, shall br deposited in the Postofficc in ~fonterey. Cili­fo.rnia. or in an~· United StatPs mail box in said City.

Special meetings may be held by. the Council at a:iy time, without notice, upon the unammous consent of its members.

Sec.· 3. All Ordinances or parts 0£ Ordinances, in­cluding Ordinance No. 3 0£ said City, in conflict here­with are hereby repealed.

Sec. 4. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after jts final passage.

Passed and approYed August 30th, 1911.


An Ordinance Establishing n Police Department, Pro-1'idi31g fo1· Its Orga11izafim1. Jlanagement and the .!ppoiniment of Its Officers n11d ][rmb~rs_ and R e: pwli11a Or<linance Xo. 150 and all Confl1ctt11g Or-di­·na·nces.

The Council of the City of "Monterey do ordain as follows:

Section 1. 'fhe Poli ce Department of The City of :Yionterev is herebv established.

Sec. i. The P~lice Depar.tment sha.11 consist of the Chief of Police and such members, officers and police­men as The Council shall :from time to hme deem nec­essary to preserYe the peace, protect the lives and prop­erty 0£ said City and enforce all laws and Ordinances within the City.

Sec. 3. The Police Department shall be subject to the control of 'l'he Council and under the general su-

22 Ordinances of The City of Monterey

pervision of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety . . Sec·. ~ · The Chief of Police shall be the chief exeeu­

l1 vc officer of the Department, and subject to the rules aJld regulations approved and ado_pted bv The Council shall perform such duties as are presci.ibed by Ordi­wmce.

~ec. 5 Tl1e C:~ef of. Police and all regular police­me1.1 i;l1all be 11ppomted oy The Council aod lihall hold uff1c~ Ht the plea,,ure of said Conncil. and lmtil their 'ilH.:cessor,. ill office ill'e apl)Ointed and ma...- be d.is-llilssed without noli1:1•. ·

S~c. 6. The Council may appoint upon its own motion ~r upon ~he application of any person, firm or r.orpor~t10n, specia.l officers to act with or without eom­pen;;a1 ton. wl1e11ever in its judgment jt ma~ deem it nt'Ct'sF1<1ry fnr the p1·ei:;e1·ra1ion of the public health pi~uco. or sufoty. ~11 special ofiicel'S sh.all be subject to 1he i:ult!s uuu regulations of the Department Tltc Chief o~ Polire with the appr ova.l of the Conm1i~sione1· tlf Public ?ealth. anc.l afety may appoint for one day onJ.,-, spee1~1l polfoemen when he- ma.- deem tlie same nc~es.c:ar~ for I.be . presen·ation of th e public peace or s.afen.·.. Phe llPJ:!Omtment !ihall be made iu writing and filt>d ":'.~h t~e C:•~Y. Clerk. The Cify Clerk shall make nnd ufft:x Ju~ olf1c~al seal to the certificate of appoint-1~e11t of pohce ~ffJ<:-ers. special officers or ~peciaJ po­hce_nie~1. aud rlelfrer the same to the appointee after tht>u· filiu~ the oath of office with him.

Sl'c. 7. The <..:ommissionei· of Public IJealtb and ~atct). shall prescribe rul<'S and regulations, which shall be snhJrct to the approYal of The Council. for the ~"­ermneul. 1liscipline. equipment and uniforms of the"' of­ficPI" and me~1bers of the Department. fu'ing their powrrs aud .lut1es. and which rules and recrulations sha U pres«rit:e penalli1•s for any violation of i:;~ch mlcs 1md reg;ulat1ons aod provide for their enforcement.

Sec. 8. The Chid of Polir.e shall keep a ''Book of Artests '' iln<l a ' ' Propel:'ty Book.'' He shall cause to h~ entc·.r~d . in is ttch '"Book of .ll:rest' ' the full name. witb ahas. 1.t 1ln~· . of eYcr~- person bron[!ht in, the time ::i ud place of nrrest, criminal cbarge, the p lace where tl~e. offc>nsl.! \~as committed, the name of the officer or oflic~rs making the al'rcst. t.he court issuing- the war­rm1t. and the flllllHmt o.t bail ta.ken , iu cash or bonds,

Ordinances of The City of Monter ey 23

if any. The '"Book of Anest" shall be always open during office hours to the inspection of the general public. The Chief of Police shall cause to be entered in th e " Property Book." in detail, a description of all property and things of valne which any prisoner may have on his person at the time of his arTest

Sec. 9. Each P oliceman shall have the powers that are- now conferred b)· law upon Police Officers of this state pertaining to the enforcement of Jaw, the Ordi­nances and the police regulations of the City , and shall be entitled to the same protection in all respects as are now afforded by law to police officers of this state. It shall be his duty to enfor ce the p olice regulations of said City, to pr event any breach of tbe peace, to sup­p r ess riots and disorderly assemblages, and to arrest any person found violating auy law or Otdinance. or committing a.ny acts iujnl'ious to the quiet a11d good order of the Citr. 01' to the pt::l'SOD m· pr operty or any citizen of t he City. He sliall have such further power:s or duties ns may be prescribt'd h~· 'l'he Cormcil, hy Ordinance or Resolution.

See. 10. Any officer or member of the Police De­partment guilty of any legal offense or neglect of duty, violation of the rules or regulations of the Department, or neglect or disobediencP of orders. or absence with­out lea>e. breach of discipline. or any con.dud injurious to the publie peace or wcllare. or c.letrimental to the ef­fieieocy of the DP.partmen1, or conduct unbecoming an~· officer. shall bf' liable to punishment by reprimarul. ior£eit of pay for a ~pecifietl time. suspension or rus­missal from the Department. hut n()t more than one month's pay sbnll be forfeited for any one offense. It shall be the dnh" of the Chief of Polit'.e t-0 susnend or i•e1m1ve run ffiCUJU~l' in llDY sm:h c·asc, anu he shall im­m~intc1y file with the l\Ia.yor a written char~e specify­ing tlie grounds npoll which sncll snspension or removal j~ made. and Tht' Couucil mav take such action in re­gard thereto as they may deen1 expedient. and may de­elaJ.:e the pay of such meruber forfeited ior a specified time. illl)' member so remo\·ed or suspenclecl by the ~ef~N~~Y~~fu~~oo~~fil~ a written petition with t he Olerk within fi~e (5) da;v') after such suspension, and Tbe Conneil upon such hearin g may l'evoke or con:finn tbr action of the Chief

24 0-rctinaiices ot 1'he (Jity of Monterey

of' Policl', or take such further action thereon as it mav H:(! fit. •

"·(· 11. In the absence of the Chief of Poltc-e. the ( 0 II 11 \sio11cl' uf Puhlic Ilea.1th and Safett. shall aesi!?­natc cme 1 f till' ·eanlar policemen actin.a · Chief of Po­lic·t·. Tht... rl1·;;i!?nation shall be made i":i writin!? and tif.,,! with the Citr Glt>rk. The acting Chief of Police dw·1ui.: the ali:-1•11r.o of the Chief oi Police shall 1wJ·forrn 111l tlw tlutil:'s and h<tYe all the powP1-s prc.'\t!rilwd for nnd !?ff<'ll the Chie · of Police.

::::e,:. 1 :'?. Ewr...- Pc ·lic·e Officer ;;hall keep a true and r.on t. ac ·mmt of all thin!?S done h;v him in his official <:a1w1·i1y. and -.hull m~1ke a full. tr11e and correct r Bport ea1•h da~ to the Chief of Police of all such matters.

8cc. 13. Tho Chief of Police sh.all make a. full, true aud <~orrect rnport in writing to The Council 0£ all rnn1ter,1 pertainiu~ to tbp Police D epartm<'Ut on or he1'1n·L 1 h~ fi tst Tac~dar in each month.

:-ice. 1+. Ordinauce ~o. 150 entitled "~ OrdiuimcC' B-,talilishiuf! n T'1llice Departm'ent in The Cit~- 0£ :\Ion­ft•rrr an<l Rc>pealing Ordinance No. 80." adopted on the 14th tin.' of .July, A. D. 1908. t-0gether with all Or11i­uanc·es and pm·~ of Orc1iuances in conflict herewith ;u:e hereby repealed.

Sec. 15. 'fhis Ordinance shall take effect and b~ in force thirty days from and after its final pas-.ag-e and approyaJ. ..

Passed and approved J auuary 28, 1913.

Ordinances of The City of Monterey 25


An Ordinance Relating to and Providing for a Fire De­partment in and for The City of llfonte1·ey and R e­pealing all Conflicting Or<linanr<-:S.

The Council of The City of Monter ey do ordain as fol­lows:

Se.ct;on 1. ThR Fire Depa.rtment of The City of 1rfontRrey sha.Jl consist of .such fi.re companies as are now organized and accepted by The Council of The City of Monterey and such other companies as may be hereafter organized and accepted by The Council 0£ ·The City of Monterey.

Sec. 2. The members of the Fire Department and the Fire Department shall be nnder the immediate and di­rect control and charg·e of the Fire Chief. 'l'here is hereby created the office of First Assistant Fire Chief and the office of Second .Assistant Fire Chief. who shall perform such duties as are now or may be hereafter laid down by the rules and regulations of the Fire D~part­rnent.

Sec. 3. The Commissioner of Public Health and Safety may adopt rules a.nd regnla.tions for the govern­ment of tbe Fire Department 11ot inconsistent herewith, which said rules and r egulations, when approved by 'The Council. together with the Ordinances of said City, shall be the governing law of the Fire Department and the members thereof.

Sec. 4. Tbe F ire Chief shall bn appointed by The Council as provided by the Char ter . The First As­sistant Fire Chief and the Second Assistant Fire Chic£ shall be elected a.s follows: On or before the first Tues­day of December of ea.ch year there shall be elected by

· ea.eh Company of the Fire Department, an elective com­mittee of five members of the Company, who shall be chosen by the majority vote of the members of the Com­pany and by ballot ; the several committees elected by each Company 15hall within fifteen (15) days after said first Tuesday in December, meet, together with the Fire Chief of The City of J\fonterev. and at such times as the Fire Chief n{a.y appoint and tht>n and there elect a First Assistant F ire Chief and Second .Assistant Fire Chief by a majority of tbe vot~s of the said elective

26 Ordinances of The City of Monterey

committee and by ballot, and in case of a tie, the Fire Chief sha.11 have the casting ballot. The Fire Chief shall be the presiding o££icer of such elections, and shall de­clare the result thereof. When such election shall be approved by The Council of The City of :Monterey, by resolution, such officers must qualify by taking the oath of office a.nd the City Clerk shall thereupon issue to them a certificate of election. ~o person shall be eligible to either of said offices who is not a member of one of the Companies of the Fire Department. The First As­sistant Fire Chief and the Second Assistant Fire Chief shall hold their office for one year from and after the first dav of the year following their election and until their stieccssors are elected and qualified, unless sooner removed by The Council of said City.

Sec. 5. The Fire Chief shall have full power to sus­pend temporarily for a period of not more tban thirty (30) days ::i.ny member of the Depa.rtment; provided, hom,,ver, that in all cases of suspension he shall imme­diately report the same to the Commissioner of Public H ealth and Safety, and 'l'he Council may grant a hear­ing upon petition of any member so suspended, filed with the Clerk with.in five (5) days after such suspension, and The Council 11pon such hearing may revoke or confirm the iiction of the Fire Chief, or take such other action thP,reon as it may see fit.

Sec. 6. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in confllct herewith, including Ordinance No. 25 and Ordi­nance No. 31, are hereby repealed.

Sec. 7. This Ordinance to take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage and approval.

Passed and approved February 4, 1913. .

Orainances of T he Oity of Monterey 27


An Ordinance P.rescrioing the Duties of Certain A.ppoint­ive Officers.

'l'hc Council of The City of Monterey do ordain as follows:

Section 1. It shall be the duty of the .Assessor, be­tween the first Monday of March and the first ::.\fonday of Ausrost of each year, to asse11s all taxable property with­in rl1he City of Monterey at the time and in the manner prescribed by the general la,~s of tbe St_ate, except .as may be now or hereafter provided by Ordinance. Prior to the nrst :i\fondaY in. August of eac11 year he shall make out a list of all t~xable property within the City, which list shall describe the property assessed and tb~ value thereof and shall contain all other matter reqmred to be stat~d in such list bv Ordinance. The Assessor shall verifv .said list by his ·oath and shall deposit the same with -the Auditor.on or before the fir;;t :.\fonday of Au­gust of each year. The Assessor and his deputies sh~ll each have power to administer ali oaths and affir­mations that may be necessary in the performance of their duties. He shall perform snch other duties as may now or hereafter be required of him by law or by Ord~­nance of the Citv. With the consent of The Council he may appoint a ·Deputy Assessor; the Deputy ,.\.ssessor shall have power to perform all d1;1t.i~ .of the Assessor du.ring his absence or temporary d1sab1bty.

Sec. 2. The City Attorney must be qualified to prac­tice in all cour t.s of the St.ate and he must have been so aualified for at least three vears next preceding his app~intment. IT e must prosec~te and defend _for the Citv all actions at law or in equ1ty and all special pro­ceedings for or against the City. He shall commence all proceedings when directed to do so by tbe. Mayor or T~e Council. He shall give legal ad-vice (which mu.st be m writing· if requested) to the. )fayor, The. Council, _t~ all commissioners. chief officials, subordma.te off1c1als, boards and commissions when requested so to do by them or either of them, 'upon questions arising in their separate departments involving tbe ri~ht~ or liabi.li~ies of the Citv. He shall not settle or d1sm1ss any hbga­tion for o~ against the City under his control or take

28 Ordinances of The City of Monterey

any app1mJ to the Supreme Court unless he is ordered to do so by The Council.

IT e shall prosecute all criminal actions for violations of the provisions of the Charter or any Ordinances of the City. ·

Ile sh.all a1·aw snc:h Ordinances, Resolutions Contracts and oilier iustroments as shall be reguest~ by- The Council or any officer on behalf of the City- and $hall attend tl1e meetings o.£ 'l1he C'onncfl unless executecl by The Co1mcil 01· the l\Iayor.

When from any cause he may not be able to attend the duties of his office. he mav with the consent of thfl lVfayor appoint some one to act in his place for the time being, and whenever in the opinion of The Council the interests of the City requi1·e it, assistant counsel may be employed at the expense of the City upon such terms as may be prescribed by 'The Council.

He shall have anthotity to draw requisitions upon the City :for the payment of witness fees and other Court costs and incidental cxpensfls which requisitions when allowe<l as provided hy the Charter and the Ordinances of the City shall be pai.d by the 'l"n~<:snrer.

He shall filP- in the office of the Ci ti' Clerk all written communiciitior:s and opinions given by hiru to any of­ficer, board or depart..rneut, and a copy of all briefs. He shall keep 011 file in his office a copy of all briefs and papers used in cases wherein he appears for the City.

He shall deliver all books, records, papers, documents and property of every description belonging to the City to his successor in office.

He shall perform snch other duties as may be re­quired of him by the Charter or 1rny Ordinance of the City now in force or which may hereafter be adopted.

Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Collector to col­lect all taxes levied bv The Council. He shall at the expiration of every and any day pay to the Treasurer all taxes and other funds of said City collected by him during said day, or 1n h!s possession. He shall upon the first day of each and ever·y month file with The Council an affidavit that he has paid to the Treasurer all the taxes and funds that he has received or collected dming the preceding montb., from day to day, as required by the Char.tel'. He shall upon the receipt of any tax list give his receipt for the same to the Auditor, and shall upon

Ordincinces of The City of Monterey 29

· depositing with the ....\ aditor the delinquent tax list take bis receipt therefor. Ile sball be charged with all taxes levied upon ~eal and. personal property within the City, upon :Jri.s receipt of the tax list from the Auditor. He shall aTso be cb.ru:ged v.-ith and be indebted to the City for the foil amount 0£ all taxes due upon delinqueni lists deJfrered to hlm for collection, unless it appear to thP satisfaction of The Counejl ~i>Tesse<l hy Resolntion. that it is out or his power to collectth.e same by levy and sale of p1·ope.rt: liable to be assessed and sold therefor. Ile shall receive from the Auditor all licenses, receipt there­for a.nd collect the same. He shall perform such other se1·vices as shall be required of him by law, the Charter and Ordinances of said City, now in force or which may hereafte1- be adopted. He may appoint subject to the approval of 'l'hfl Council one or more deputies for whose acts he and his bondsmen shall he responsible.

Sec. 4. 'The City Clerk shall be the Clerk of The Council and of the Board of Equalization, and it shall he his duty to keep a full, true and correct reeor(1 of all of the proceedings of The Council and of th(~ Ilo<1r<l of Rqualization, and to attend all of the sessions of The Connell and of t.h.P- l3oard of EqnalizalillU. The pro­ceedings of The Council sl1all he kf!pt in a book marked ''Minutes of The Council,'' ancl the proceed.iilgs of the Board of Equali.zation shall he kept in a separate book markecl "MinutP.s of the Board of Rqnali:r.atio11."

Ile .shall keep a. hook marked ''City Ordinanc~~s,'' into which he shall copy all City Ordinances wi.th his cer­tificate annexed to each Ordinance, stating· that the forfl­going· Ordinance is a. true and correct copy of an Ordi­nance of ~aid City and giving the number and title qf said Ordinance and stating that the same has been passed hy The C01mr.il with the date of its first reading and final passage, the elate of the signing by the l\:Iayor and that it has heen published as provided by law. Said record copy of such Ordinance with said certificate shall he prima facie evidencP. of the contents of the Ordinance and the due passage and publication of the same and shall be aJmissible as such evidence in any court or proceeding-: such record shaH not be fikd in an.v ease. but shall be returnable to the custody of the City Clerk. Kothi..ng herein contained shall he construed to prevent the proof of Ordinances in the usual way.

He shall also keep a book marked "Resolutions," into


30 Ordinances of The City of Monterey

which he shall record all Resolutions passed by The Council.

Both the Ordinance and Resolution book shall ha'\e a general index sufficiently comprehensive to enable a person readily to ascertain the matter contained therein. Ile shall also keep a register of sheet proceedings. which will show at any time the exact status of any street pro· cceding.

He shall reply promptly to all communications ad· dressed or referred to him by th.e l\:fayor or Council and shall reply to said correspondence in a methodical and svst.ematic manner. • Ile slrnll he the keeper of the corporate sPal oi the

Cit\ and shall affix the 1'ame to all iJ1stn1rumts. or writ­ing. needing authenticat ion. Ile sl1all saft>ly keep all publisheJ re<?ords. documents. ordjnances. reso1ntions and orders of Tl1e Council, and snr.b. other paper and doM1meuts pP1'1:ainina to the affair11 of the City as may b" deliYered into his custocly or req11ired to he filed with him.

Ile ~hall take cba"N?e of all nomination eertificatf' as proYided by the Charter and shall have immediate su­penision o•er a]] verification deputie.<; appointt>d hy him. Bf' shall examine the petitions for nomination. index and file fhe same amon!? the records o.f his ottice. He shafl attend to tbe pr.inting and preparation of ballots and he shall :ittend to the mailing of tbe same to rcgis­terPd Toters.

He s1.1nll 11.aYe power to admini"1.e1· oaths and affirma­tiom::. to take affidavits ancl depositions to bP usPd in an~· court or proceed.i11g of the City. and to c~rti.fy the same. Ile shall kel.!p r ecords of_ the appointments nf the officen; of the City.

He sl1all ft1rnic;;h to any City oteicer n copy of 1wy record. paper. or public document made or filed in his offlce when t11e same may be necessary to 1>aid officer in the discharge of bis official duties. and J:ie shall aL<>o furnish a like copy to any person by request. but in the latter case he shall be entitled to 1·eceive 12~~ cents per 100 'vords 0£ said l'Opy to be prepaid. For certllying to any such eopy, he sball be entitled to receiYe the sum of fl.ft\· eents. In case the Clerk does not consider the requeSt f01· sncb work reasonable. the question shall be referred to the Oonunissioner of Finance and ReYenue for a decision in the .matter.

Ort'.!inances of The Oity ot Mo-nterey 31

He shall pay into the City Treas1ITy immediately all moneys and funds received by him from any sources whatsoever and shall secul·e from the Treasurer receipts in duplicate. He shall file one receipt in his office and the other sltall be filed with the .Auditor.

Ile shall prepa1·e a. statement on the last of earh month and pr&."'Cnt the same to The Council at its regular meeting after the first of the succeeding month showing the amount of moue' received b• him and the number of the 'l'reasurer"s receipt thereof.

He shall keep a book marked "Derunnds uud Wa.r­rnnts . ., iuto which he shall note any demands against the Oitv and fil<:! the same. Ile shall stat~ therein the official ·disposition made of the same and i£ the srune is allowed and 'varrants dJ·awn. he shall also state the uum­ber of the warrants drawn with sufficient dates.

Ile shall keep and maintain office hours at the City Clerk's Otl'ice in the City Ilall. in the said City of 1\Iontei·ey. from 9 o "clock: a. m. to 12 o'clock m .. ancl from 1 o'clock p. ru. to 4:30 o'clock p. m. dnily. except holidays. ancl also e..xcept ... aturdays. On Saturdays he shall kPep office hours from !J a. m. to 12 m.

He shall perfol'm such other duties as may be reqnired of him bv the Charter L a.w or Ordinance or any Reso· lution of The Council ' not in conflict with the Charter, Law or Ordinance.

Sec. 5. I t shall be the duty of the Street Superinten­dent to superintend the condition of strP-et<> and he shaU ha.'·e general care an.a f-requently inspect all streets .. al­levs. aYenues. lanes. places and courts now open or which m'av hereafter be opened. Ile shall have general super· vision over a:nd he responsible for the cleaning and sprinkling of streets. and shall have general charge of the collection and d)sposal of street refuse. He shall re­ceive. consider and investigate all complaints as to the condition of all streets, alleys, avenues, lanes. places an<l courts. Ile shall have genm·al eh.arge of the tear­in~ llP of streets for public utilities whether done by the Cit• or auy- other person. aod shall sea that all st-reets that hil\e been torn up are properly repaired ~d re­stored to their proper condWons. Ile shall have nn:me­diate charge o.£ all Pmployees of public streets. lan_es. places, ways and bouletards. .As such Street Superin­tendent, he shall be requi-red to do all the acts and per­form all tbe duties required to be done by the Street

32 Ordinances of The City of Monterey

Rnpe:rintendent under the general street laws of the State of California, or by any Ordinance .

.See. 6. The Fire Chief shall have direct control and charge of all mcmhers of the Fire Department under the lawful ~ercisA of his functions with full power to detail an.v of them to such public service as he may direct.

It shall be the duty of the F ire Chief to superintend the <>.xt iugnishment of fire, to assign and fix the duties of .t>ver~r member of the Department and to maintain and enforce law and strict discipline so as to secure r.01nplete efficiency of the Department, to see that the rules and regulations adoptecl by the Commissfoner of Publi c Health nnd Safety and approved b~· The Coun­cil and that the laws a.nd Orc1inances concerning the Fire Dt•partment and fii'e limits are enforced, to fre­quently inspect all :fire houses, apparatus and equip­J1wnt, and to inspect or cause to hci inspected all :fire b.yclrimts and stand pipei>, and the som·ces and mains or miter snpply, and to £rcqnently inspect all premises within tlic :fire limits of sa.id Citv.

He shall have charge of the ·~11forcement of all laws, nn<l Orclimmces relating to the esta blishnwnt 0£ :fire limits. to the storag-e, sale arnl uses of oils. combustible urnt(ffials and explo.si ves: together with investigation of the causes of i1 ll fires. and in all cases wl1ere there is 311,\ " reason to believe that any fire is the result of crime or that m-ime .ha::: been committed in connection the:re­with, the F ire Chief is to report the same to the Chief of Polirr. 'l'be Fire Chief may call upon any police offirer dnriiig the time of any fire for the purpose of protecting the property or enforcing an;t" law or ordi­nance.

It shall be hif! dnty t-0 n otif;-- the Ffrst Assistant Fire Chief l>e£ore temporarily i:ibsenting himself from his du­ties and sairl First Assistant Fire Chief shall be Acting Chief clnriug such ahsenr.e, with all the power of the Fire Chief.

Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the 1'reasurcr to re­c.eive and safely keep all moneys which shall come into his hands as such Treasurer, for all of whicb he shall give clnplfoate reecipts, one of which shall be filed with the Anditor. Before any money is accepted or received by him on account of any indebtedness due the City, he shall require a certificate from the Auditor specifying the amount thereof to be paid. He shall pay out all

Ordinances of The Oitv of :l!onterey 33

mone:1-'S except the principal nncl iLJterest clue on bonds of the City. on warrant:; si~necl by the prope1· officers. and not othcrwi:;e. -

He shall make qnarterl~- statements sho-wing the re­ceipt.-s and disbursf\ments for the quarters ending Sep­tember 30th. December 31st. :\farcb 31st and June 30th. Sajd statements shall show in detail the condition of each and every fund required to be set apart by him. All statements shall be made iu duplicate. one copy of which shall be filed with the Cih- Clerk and one deliv­ered to tbe Commissioner of Finance and Revenue within ten days after the end of each quarter. He shall like­wise make quarterly settlement!'! with the Auditor. Ile shall perform such other duti(•f! as arc: no-w or may hereafter be required of him by law and the Charter· and Ordinances of The City of Montere:v.

Sec. 8. The Health Officer shall have general super­vision of all matters relating to the sanitary condition of the City and to public health. It sh11ll he his duty to see that all fJaws. Ordinances and Regulations relatil1g to the public health are properl~- flnforced and carried out, and to immediately report to The Council all cases of violation of anv Law or Ordinance relating to the public health and to rnake a like report when any place or building in The City of Monterey is found to be, or allowed to remain in an nnsnfe or unsanitary condition.

He sball perfor;n such dntiPs as ar<' imposed upon him by any Law or Ordi11ance rel11ting to the regnlations of infectious and contagions diseases, and disposition of gar­bage, the record of birtho:;. the abatement of nnisances, the removal of dead bodie,s. th<• inspP.ction of premises. the examination of foo1ls. milk '' ater and other articles intended for lmman or animnl r.1m!mmption. the mainte­nance of qnarantines, an cl the fomigation of premises; and he shall perform such other dnties as may now or hereafter be assigned to him by T,aw, Ordinance or di­rection of 'The Council.

Sec. 9. The Chief of Police shall have dirnct control and management of all members of the Polie<~ Depart­ment in the lawful exercise of his functions with full power to detail any of them to snch public service as he may iliJ.•ect and wiih like po\ver to suspend or remove as p1·ovided by the Cl1arter. He shall detail an officer to atte11cl meeting.,; of 1:Plte Council whenever required so to do hy the Council, and shall exercise such powers and

Or<tinances of The City of Monterey

perform such other dnties connectf>,d with his office as tna.y he provided for by The Council or by the Char ter or 1U1? Ordinance or Resolntion of ThP. Council.

Sec 10. The Engineer snail be a civil engineer of not lc:-s than tbree (3) years' practi\·al ~-perience as su<:h. Ile shall perfonn aJl ~illeering and surveying reqnired in the prosecution of pnlilic works and improve­ments done under the clirection of the Comm 'ssioner of Public Works, and he shall certify to the progress and completion of the i:.amf'. and do snch othPr '"°rk pertain­ing to his Office and profession &<;.he may- be uirer·tP<l 1 o do by the C'CJJnnlissioner of Public W or.ks. or by The Conneil, or by the general law of the State of Califor­nia. 'l'be ar.fs of 1.he Engineer and all maps, plats. surveys and certiilcates made by him shall have the same \1aliclit~· and be of the same force and effect as are or may he gi\'en to those of the Oo1rnty Surveyor.

It sh~ll he the duty of the Engineer to give the i.:or­Ml~. lines of snrvry of lots alld the propc·r curb gt·ades in £rout o.f a.lJ buildings, bloc.ks or lots, with certificates oi same. when applied to ror that plu·pnse. nncl for stte:h serdce tht.> pPrson requesting the work Gone shall pay such l'hal'ge~ as may he reasonable nr fixe<l hy Orcli­natH'c. On application of imy person or corporation owning: or interestecl in real property in said City for a survey or plat of snch prope~, the Engineer may perform the neres.i;ary work therefo1· and the fee for :-.uch. semct' shall be fixed ln- him in accordancp with llte current rates for like serrice. When reqrnred by tbr Com.missioner of Public Works, The Council. or any contradi>r for city work, he shall furnish the lines. grade», meac;urements and calculations for au~' ~treet or other Cih· work. When. ordered b,- 111e C111nmissi011er of Pnbli(: Wol'ks. he shall plac.e monuments as initial points for meamremcnts or grades at such places as the Commb.sioner of Public Works may direct, an<l he shall do and perform such other duties as may be requfrerl hy the Charter and as usually pertain to that office. He shall perform all duties in the matter of street ancl sewer work required to be performed by the Engineer, or by the Oity Suneyor. uoder the general law of Califor1ria. He shall frequently inspect all public wotl\S pertaining to street impl'Ovenen t-s while the same ai·e in eom·se of construction, inspect an.a approve or reject all material used in snch construction whether done un-

Ordinances of The Oitv of Mmiterey

der contract or otherwise, and .:;hall at once r eport to The Connr.il, in w!' itiug . all cleYiations :from ~ont~ac~s, and use of improper material a11d bad workmansb1~ rn such work; and shall have po,•er. pending investigation, to stop all work ther ein. .

The Engineer shall enter rn a hook or books, kept for that ·purpose in his office, a r er.or d. o.£ all surv~ys an~ measurements ma.tle under the provisions of t~1s Ordi­nance. All records of sur veys and all calcnlat~on hooks pertaining to lltreets. pla7.as. allen and all cit): work, with all maps. plans and profiles in which the Cny ~ m anv manner he k!?nlly intl'rested ~11 be and T_emam in the pl'op1;>rty o.f the City. nncl slrnll lJP _k~pt m ~e En,,,<Yineer's office and shal1 he open fo1· puhhr mspection durina office hours. A11 surh liooks. maps. plan~ ana pr ofil;s shall be carefnll:r p1·t>se1:ved °l?Y the En~m~r, and t ransmitted to his successor m off1ce. .

'!'he En7ineet· shall he entitle:l to such. dep~1ties and assistan ts as ma~· be a11thoriz1>d by T11e Ooun~il.

The Engmeer shall perform sucb othe_r duti"S a~ The Council sh all by Ordinance or Resolution prescr1 be.

Sec. 11. The Auditor sb.all perform sne~ duties as are required of him by the Ch~1rter and ~r<lma:iet><; of t~e Citv or any R esolution of The Connml. which pertam to the duties of Auditor. He shall keep a book ma.rke_d "Citv A.ccount!=.'' in which he <;hall enter as a credit ail monev I'f'Cf'iYed ln· the Cit~· for licenw:;. an 1 taxes. and all other. mone> whe


n re<"PlYPd. and in which ht? .:;hall e1:1-ter upon tlie 'aehtor side all 1'ommis"1ous deducted. lf anr. an<l all wa1·r:mt!= drawn on tlw 'l'rrnsnry He~?-~ lik.ewisi> keep a hook milrked •· Collect~r'~ AcMnnt. m vbfoh he slrnll c-bar!!(> the ('ollr••tor w11ll all_ of the tax fut cleliverNl to him aml fill liPe11sPS so c1t>lryered. He shH 11 (\]'('.(]it thE\ Collector with an taxes an~ licenses e.ol­lcetecl aml paid into tl1e 'J're11s1uy and w1th t1~t~ delm­qnent Ji8,t8 r ehuned by him . Jn a book mirrked Treas-11rer's .~eeounts" he· shall keep a. £ull acr.onnt of the transactions of the City with t~~ Treasure~., . . .

Ile sb.all kPep a book marked Warrants. m '.,.,.h1ch he shall keep a record of all 'varrants allowed by 'J'.hc Cotmeil and allowed and dra:wn by the Mayor and City Clerk: sai.d book shall also sbow wl1ether the warrant was allowed hv himself with the name of tbe payee, the number of the wa;;ant and ~m~i~ient _elates. H e shall keep a hook marln•d "Contracts, m wh1C'b h~ shall

36 Ordinances of 1'he City of Monterey

n11111br-r and re!?ister everv contract enterE'd into l>v the Citr. with the nanw of the party or pal'ties with ,~·horn such contract w11S matle. the date thereof and the date the s~1me wns tiled with the Clerk.

He shall kt-P.p such other books as The Council may from time to time reqnire.

See. 12. The Building Inspeetor shall enforce all 01·dinan~es of the Citv or Resolutions or ot'ders of The Couni!il relating to Building:, and other c:onstructions inclucling on~- and all pJmnbing and electrical Ordinances or Regulations \rheth(!r the work be done on a private or public building. 1l.nd report monthly to 'I'he CoHncil all his official acts.

'l'h<> Building lllspector shall perform .such other du­tiPS as may l>e required of him by The Council.

Sec. 13. The Sewer Inspeetor shall enforce all Ordi­UltnC<'S of saiu City aud all Resolutions of Strid City .re­lntin~ to the co11Rtrnctio11 or s1mit1u·)· sewers. He shall inscwcl a 11 :>unitary ::1ewen; constructed in the City and shall 1w1ufre tlult all of such sanitary st:wer::1 shall he t:onstructed in a sanitary- manner. Ile sh1\ll lla>e gen­cr11 l supervision nf th" ::1anita.ry sysforn of the Cit~· 1111cl rt!pOrt to Thi' Coundl aur defects tbf'.J"ein.

HP shall pedorm such other duties which may be as­signf'cl to him by The Council.

Sec. 14. All Or<linances and parts o.£ Ordinances in conflict with t.his Ordi11ance are hereby rPpealed.

Sec. 15. This Ordinance shall take effect and bP. i11

forr.e thirt~- days from and after its final passage and approYal.

Passed and aJJproved February 4th, 191~.

Ordinances of The Citil of 1lfontei·ey 37


Au Ordinance lo DcfCl'11ii11c. ~lssig11 and Distr-ib1ite.t~1e Executire au<l A.dministrafii•e />010 rs, ~1 uthorities and D1dits of flu City of .lfo-nle1·i:y Into and ~mo-11g th.e Seve,.al Dcpnrlment.~. and to Dete1·mine ~he J->ou.:ers a11d V11ti£'s to Be l'erformed, a11d to Ass1!]'n Th(;in fo the .-1.ppropria,/e Dcpal'fme11t~, E~ectiue Ojf"icei-s and Co111111iss1'.o~rers a1~r.l lo Pl'oV1de for tlu; Achninistel'iny of Certa1-11 Q,·cfrnanas.

The Co1rncil of th.e Cit;« of J\fonterey do Ordain as follows:

Seetion 1. 'I'he exccntive ancl adniinistrath-e powers. duties ancl authorities of '!'he City of :J(ontcrey not. oth­erwise prnvided :i'or hy tile ('hurter of said City a.re hm:ebY tlistributed awonf? and ai:!signed to th<> seve1•nl c1e'partments. elective officer" and commiss;ioners. and the powers. anthorit.ies nnrl ch~ties to he l?erformt?d are determined auu <1ss11?11ed as Iollows. snbJed. b,owe~r. to the general dil·cction anJ. s11pervision of The Counml.


(1) The .Ma;i-·or shall have and c::!ercise all the_ powers and perform all the dut~es p_rovidcd or prese:r1b_ed b;; law or the Charter of said 01tr, or by any O~drnance or Resolntion of the City. tn be t!Xercic:ccl by him. Ile shall have general s;uperYisiou ~nd o\·ersight °':er all departlnents and offkers in tbe City. Ile sball s1gn on liehal:f of the City. all contracts. 1101 authorized .by T~I! Coum·il to be signed hy a Commi'<l)ioner or a chief offi-

<~ial. d ' di t2. The City Attorney, Plllic:e .Jnuge an ""u t~r

are bereb:r assi.!!lled to the :;\fayor alld shall lle uncle1· bis supernsi~n and direction. The Ch'il Ser~~ CommJs­sion. Oivic A.rt Commis.c;iou. Park Uo~m1s.<;101;1._ Play­ground Commis.'>ion. Commission of Pubhc ChaJ·1ti~ anu )foseum Commission when estahlislll'd: and I.he .L1br~r:\. Commission or Lihrarr Trustee;:;. tllca· rf's:p~ctlt'"e 0£!1-cers and departments, and nlJ employees therem, are dJs­tributed and assigned to the ~[ayor alld sb.all he under his snpernsi<>n and contt·oL .. !l•e Mayor sh.all .~~e Sll~ pen-ision OI any other Oi:tJCJa] hoard. COIDilllSS\OD • 01

functionary hereinafter assigned to the 1Iayor, or w~ch is not l)y law, or the Charte1· or Ordinance or Resolution

38 Ordinances of The City of Monterey

assig11ed to !'ome other department. lie shall have foll power &no it shall be his duty to enforce strict order in all the meetings of T·he Coun cil and to this end he may command the assistance of any peace officer of Tb.c City of MonterAy, who shall enforce all lawful orders of the )fayor.

In all inst ances when any duty or power is conferred upou or functions assigned to, the then "President of the Board of Trustees'' of said Citr b• am- Ordinance of said City adopted prior to Julv ist.' l.9ti and which is now in force. such duty, power or ·.function shall be perfonned. executed or exercised h> the 1fa:vor so lonO' as said Ordinance shall remain in .fm·ce and' such Otd~ nance or Orclinances shall be and remain in eff.E'.ct n<'-­cordingly.


(1) The Commissioner of Finance and Revenue shall have <:h~rge or and supervision over all account:; and rc­sourc:c's of the City. and, to that extent o:f all officers. boal'{ls m· Jepal'tmeuts required to keep or make accoWlts. records or r<'ports. Ile may inspect at any time all recor<ls. books or accollll:ts required to be kept iu any of the departments or offices of the Cits and shall cause proper accounts and records to be kept and p 1·oper re­ports to be made.

(2) 'l'hA Asse;:sor. Treasur er and Collector. and Cib­Clerk and t.heir respecth-e offices or departments. and a.U employees, deputies or assistants therein. are dU.­tribnted to the Department of Finance and Re¥enue nnd shall be nnder the snper \,ision anrl direction of th e Com­missioner of Finance and R~venue. Sa.id Commissioner sh:iU have supervision of any other official, commission or board wh1cb may hereafter be assigned to his De­partment by The Council. He shall cause to be collected a.nd paid to the Treasurer all license fees. franchise taxes or percentages, rentals or other moneys which mav be due, or become due to the City. He shall make reports to The Cou11cil of a?y fai~ut·e to make reports or to pa~~ moneys due the C1ty, with such recommendations in relation thereto _as he ma-y deem. .proper. Ile shall pre­pare and submit to The Connc1l the annual estimate of the probable e.'Penditure of the Citr goverlllllent as provide<l in Section 78 of the Charter, and shall ex­ercise such other powers and perform .such other duties

Ordinances of 'l'lte Oit1J of Monterey 39

as The Council may by Ordinance or Resolution pre­scribe.


~1) The Commissioner of Public IIealth and Safety sh.all establish all necessary ntle~ and regulations for th1; cr.;nilnct nnd ~m-ermnent of his department and for the performnm·e of hi~ dutie;s. nn<l ior tbe r~tTU.lation and eondnct oi all i::mployer.s of the City cominiJ under hls snrern,;ion. guhj(•1•t. howe\•e.r. nt all time..:; to the ap­proval of The Council.

(2) 'l'he Chief of Police. Fir1' Chief, Ilea.1th Officer and Ponn1lruaster. 1U111 their re!>pec:ti"e offices or depart­ment'-. a.nd all employees. dopnties ttnd assistants ~erein. are distributed and assigned to the Department of Pu~­lic Health a11d Safety and email be under the su:pern­sion and direction of the Commissioner of Public Health aind SafetY. Said C'ommissioncr shall haYe supervisfon of any other official. commiAAion or board whic~ may b,ereafter be assjgnecl to b.is depart.meut br Orclin~ce or R{'Solution 0£ The Council. He r-hall have supro.•vis1on or-er and han· l'harve nf all buildings. property and ap­l"aratus nsed in an:-'= o.f said depa1·tments and ofrices. H(' sluill l1a"e eh.11·!?e of and sn11enision over the removal and. disp<.sal of all~ garbage. waste matter a11;d l"Ubbish. and sh.all Pxerejse snch otb.er powet·s and perform su~b l)ther c1utit:S :is The Council by Or1linance or Resolution may pres<:.ri be. .

In all instances ''here any power or tlnty ;s conferr:n npon 01· fnm·tious assiened to the then Pohce COlilDllt-1 ee of the Bnard of Trustees. the Chairman of the Poli<:e Committee of the Board of Trn--tPes, the Fire and \\ater Commitle~ of tbe Board of Tnrtees, or the Chairman oi the Pire a.ml 'Yater Committee of the Bom·d of T1'11s­

tees of said Cit;· hy any Ordinanre of said City. adoptec1 J:lrior to .Jul~- 1st. 1911, and which is now in force. snell duty. power or fnuction ~h~ll be perfor~ed. execure1l ro:- exercised by the Corom1~1oner of Pubhc "Health antl Safety so long as said Ordinance shall i·emain in for~e ru1d snch Ordinance or Ordinances shall be and remam in effect acc.ordingJy.


Stth.iect at all times to the approval 0£ The qonncil the Commissionet· 0£ Public Works shall establish all necessary rules and regulatioos for the conduct and

40 Ordinances of The City of 1lfonterey

government of his department, and for the perform-0.ll(!e of his duties, and for the rngnlation and conduct of all e1uployees of ·the City coming under his s11per ­Yision.

The ('ity Engineer. Btreet Superintendent. Build­ina Inspeetor. and Sewer Inspector and their rcspectiw offices or departments. and all employees. deputies or assistants therein. are distribut~d and assigned to the Departme.f.lt of Public: Works. and sh.all haYe the super­vision o.f anv othl•r official. connnission or board wbicli may hereafter be assigned to his department by The Council.

Ue shall lla,-e char!{e. general superintendence an<l control of all building construction. of the construction of any ancl 51Jl public buildings, and stmctnr<'s of the City, unde1· plans duly approverl by the Conm1issiouers 0£ the respe<:th'e departments, or of '1'.he Council. in­clnrling Fire Depini:ment buililings_ an d the repair and main tenam:e of any and all buildings owned bF the City; of auy nnd nil public ntilities whlch may him~a.fter he owu1•tl. confrolied or operated by the City : of all pub­lic sti·cets. ways. ~n-enues. alleys. -placllS or hollle,·ards. and of the lighting of the same and the manner o.f their use ; of all work done upon. oTer 01· under the same, in­cluding the moving of bmlclings through the streets; the hnildi.ug o.f cclhrs or Taalts under the treets or sidP.walks : the laying down and construction of railroad tracks an<l the re.pai1· or reconstruction thei·eof: the l'l'e<>t1ou of telephone. telegraph and electric poles: the la:dng of underground eondu:its : the construction of <!rain>: and s~\ver~. and the laying of \\"8te-i·. ga,.. steam or other pipe,; or h1bes in the pubac streets. ways. ave­nues. all<>ys, places or bouJe.a.rds of the City. Ile shnll sign all contracts authorized by The CouncjJ relatinr.r to his department. He shall ha• e the custody and control of all ruaps. plllts, snr'>eys. field notes, records. plans. specification~. repo1ts. contracts. mouels. mach inery, in­st rnmt>n ts. tools, appJia.nccs, wagons. contract rights. hooks. dorume11ts aucl arc.hITes. and oilier property be­Jon~ing: to the City and relating to his OPp a-rtment. and shaU exercii-;e sn<'h 0U1er powers and perform such other duties as 'l1he Col.lJlcil 111ay by 0 .rdln8l.lce p rescribe.

In all instances wher e any _power or duty is con­ferred tlpon or a fnoction assigned to the then Street

Ordinance~ Of The City Of Moriterl'Y 41

Committee of the Board o.£ 'frustees of said City or tlie Chairman thereof b)- any Ordinance adopted prior to .Juh- 1st. 1911. and nuw in force. such duty, power or fmiction shall be performed. executed or exercised br the Commissioner of Pnblic W ork:s so lone as ::;uch Ordimmce shall remain in force. and such Ordlnance or Ordinances shall be and r ernain in effect accordingly.


The Commissioner of Public Supplies shall purchase all supplies on behalf of. the City, for all departments, offices boards. commissions, and off.icials thereof. Said pnreh~ses shall first be duly authorized by The Council, except that the Commissioner of Public Snpplies may purchase upon requisition signed by the l\Iayor, or any other Commissioner, nccessat"Y snpplies not exceeding the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), and in case 0£ emergency not exceeding the snm of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), without snc-h previous authorization, but all sue.h. pm-chases must b<> ratified by Tbe Cou.ncil.

Am· chief officiaJ of the Oih-, or am- commi.~ion.. boa.ni or officer desiriu!? "npplies for his department. shall sign a r equisition ther efor. which shaJl first be pr e­sented to the Col.DDl.h;sioner to which said office. commis­sion or board is assigned , or in his absence. to the liiayor, or some other Commi:ssioner, for his approval or disap­proval, before being presented to the Commissioner of Pnblic Supplies, ol." to The Council.

The Commissioner of Public Supplies shall sign all written contract:; authorized or ratified by 'l'he Council, and relating to bis department.

The Commissioner of Pnblic Supplies shall have su­pervision of all advertising and publishing of the City, and it shall be his duty to see that the contract for ad­vertising· and publishini;t is fclithfnlly performed and the proper claims allowed therefor.

Sai.d Commissioner shall have supervision of any offi­cial, conunission or board which mar hereafter he a8-sig'lled to his departnient by The Council, and shall ex­ercise such other powers nnd perform snc~h other duties as The Council shall by Ordinance or Resolution pre­scribe.

Sec. 2. All Ordinances and pints of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed.

42 Ord-inanees of The City of Monterey

Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days f rom and after its final passage and approval.

Passed and approved February 25th, 1913.


An Ordinance I'ro6ding for and Ffa;ing the A.nio1mt of the OfJ'icial B01id of Certain Oity Officers and Re­pealing Ordinance No. 59 and all. Conf'licting O?·cli­na.nces.

The Council of 'l'he City of Monterey do ordain as follows:

Section l. The City Clerk and Assessor, Chief of Police, Collector, Street Superintendent, Treasurer, and Police Judge, before entering upon the discharge of their officin.l duties, shall severally give and execute to the Ci.ty bonds conditioned that they will well, truly and fa ith­fully perform all official duties then required of them by lair, or Chart.er of the City of Monterey, or any Ordi · nance of the City, and all such additional duties as may be jmposed upon them by any Jaw of the State 0£ Cali­fornia, the Charter, or Ordinances of The City of Mon­t.erey, in the :following penal sums, to. wit:

'f he City Clerk and Assessor in tbe penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) .

The Ch:ef of P olice in the penal sum of One Thousand Dolla.rs ($1,000.00).

The Collector in the penal sum of Five 'l'housand Dol­lars ( $5000.00).

'l'he Street Superintendent in the penal sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) .

The Trcasurel' in the penal sum of Ten Thousand Dol­lars ($10,000.00).

Tbe Police Judge in the penal sum of One Thousa:nil Doll .. - . ...

s. prm Mar on t

The Auditor in the penal sum of Two Thousand, Five Hundred Dolla-rs ($2,500.00).

- -- ----

Ordinances of The Otty of Monterey 43

parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby re­pealed.

Sec. 3. T·his Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its final passage and approval.

Passed and approved F ebruary 25th, 1913.


.-:L1 01·cli11a11ce Relatiiig to Eft'cfions. tlte Estab1ishmtmt of Electio1t lj'recincts • .1pv,ointmcnt ot Electio-n Of ­/i£:er.,·, El• rt ion Proclam.at1ons, and Presc1ibing tlw Time <rn<Z '11a1mer of Gi·ving Notice of General and Speciai ~foniciyal ~lect·~o-11s in the City of Monterey Whe_-11. J\ ot Othcnv1sc J11•1xed by Law, and Repealfng Ordinance No. 162 and a,ll Oonflict·ing OnUnances.

'l'he C:ourn:.il of The Citv of l\fonterev do ordain as follO\VS: • •

Sec:tion l. The Council of Tl.te Oitr of )Jonte.re> n.:nst'1 by Orclinnnee or Resolution, in the manner pro­Ylded by la". not later. than ~wenty-flve (25) days befo1:e a general or special election. except as otherwise pronded b~- law or the Chu.rter. dh;de said Oitv into p1·ecinc:ts fo1· such elect.ion: appoint board<s of eiection therefor. designate the house or place within the pre­cinct ''"'here the election must be held. designate the offices to be filled. naming and numberin"" in linmerieal order. commencing with number one. ili: offices to be filled: unexpired terrui\ being uesi~ated next after the full term. <lesiguate any otb.er matter or pr oposition, other than the electiou of officers, if any, which is or are to be submitted to the voters of the Uuniejpalitv at such e~tion. and dfrect 1he City Clerk tn publish · the elee­t1.on proclamatiou calling the electiou at least six suc­cessive days before tbe election in not lRss than one daily newspaper of g1meral eircnlation published in The <;ity. of Monterey. an~ Jirecting the City Clerk oo pub­lish in the procla111at10n the certified list of candidates nominatc•d as required by tile Charter. and make such further orders or fin di ugs as shall be ·required bv law or the Ch~rter, <>t as shall be necessary for the proper e.alling nnu COllllLLCt Of such election.

Ordiriance.s of The City of M01itere11

Sec. 2. 'l'he City Clerk must thereupon publish the election protlamntion as directed by The Council and l'ts required by law.

Said election proclamation shall contain: (1) ~.\ statemeut of the time of the election and

whether tb.e election is general or i;pecial. (2) A dci;;crjption of the voting pt'eeinch!. (3) The place where and tbe hours during which the

polls will be open. ( 4) 'l'he names of the persons appointed to consti­

tute the boards of election at tbe several precinct.s. ( 5) The offi ces to be filled, if any, naming and num­

bering in numerical order commencing with numbet· one, the offices to be fi lled, unexpired terms being ilesignated next after the full term.

(6) The list of candidAtes.. if any, nominated as rc­quirea by the Cha1·ter of the City, designating wht"ther for a full term 01· uuexpfred term.

(7 ) ~ statement of any matter or pl'oposition. if any. which is to be submhted to tbe vott-rs of the mnni­cipalit)· a1 such election.

(8) .Any other matter required b~· law. the Charter or ordinance of the city. or resolution of The Council.

~aid proclamation shall be headed "Election Procla­mation .. and the publication of such proclamation shall constitntc the not ice of snch election.

Sec. 3. Ordinance Ko. 162. entitled "An ordinance of the City of Monterey prescribing the foJ.'m and man­ner oi givi11g notice n.f General and Special :Mnnicipal elections in the. City of Monterey, when uot otherwise nxea by law. and repealing Ordinance .No. 145 and an other ordinances in conflict herewith. · ' and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here­with , are hereb~· repP.aled.

See. 4. Th;s ordinance shall take effect aod be m force thirty days after its final pas-sago and approval .

Passed an d approYed February 11th, 1913.

- - ---

Ordi11ances of The City of .\!onterey




An 01'dina1~c·e Proi:idin{{ for the A.~.~essnient, Levy and Collert1011 of Ta.ces rn attd for the City of Monterey.

The Counc.il of The Citv of l\fonterev d-0 ordain as follows: · "

Section 1. All property in 'I'.he City of }fonterev not exempt by the Constitution or the laws of the State of California. £.tom taxation for municipal purposes must be asses::md at its full cash value. Land and improvements therHon must be separately assessed. Cultivated and un­cultivated land 0£ the same quality 1md similarJv situ­ated shall be assessed at the same Yalue. Land shall be assessed in parcels or subdivisions not exceeding one hundred (100) acres.

Se<J. 2. 'Ihc Assessor must bctwecm the first Mon­day in }fare.~ and the first Monday in August of each year. aseertam the names of all taxable inhabitants and ~ll t~lxable p:operty within The City 0£ :Jfonterey, sub­.1ect to taxation or assessment by said City, and must assess such property to the per·son by whom it was o·wned or claimed, or jn whose possession or control it was at 12 ? 'clock l\I. of the first l\:Ionday in March next pre­cedmg; but uo mistake in the namt of the owner o:r suppo~ed owner 0£ real property shall render the assess­ment mvalid. In assPssing solvent credits, not secured by mortgagP. or trust deed. a rL><lnction therefrom shall be made on debts due to bona fide residents of this State. A.ll perso.nal property consigned for sale to any person w1thm this St.ate from any place outside of this State must be assessed as other propert,\'-.

Sec. 3. The Assessor shall have power to exact from every pct'son a. statement under oath, setting forth speci:fically all t~e r~al and personal property owned by such pe1·son'° or m h1s possession or under his contt'ol at 12 o'clock ~l. on the first :Monday in :\larch. Such ~tate­ment shall be in writing showin~ separately:

4.6 OYainances Qf The City of Monterey

1. All property belonging to, claimed by, or in the possession 0£ or under the control or management of such person.

2. Ali property b<~longing to, claimed by, or in the p ossession of or under the coutrol or managcmcn t of any firm of which such peTSOn is a member.

3. All property belonging to, claimed by, or in the possession of or under the control or management of any corporation of '\\'hich such person is prc.sidcnt, i:;P.c­rctary, casbit>r or managing agent.

4. ThP. place where such property is situated. 5. An exact d(~scription of all lands in pare.els or

subdivisions not exceeding one hundrccl (100) acres each, improv<!ments and personal property, including all ves­sels, stP.a.mers, and other water-craft, and all taxable state, couuty, city, or other municipa.l or public bonds, and the taxable bonds of any person, firm, or corpora­tion, and deposits of money, gold dust. or other valuables, an<l the names of the persons with whom such depo!'lits ~.re ma.dP., and the places in which they may be found, all mortgages, deeds of trust, contracte;, and other oblig11 -iions1 by \Vhich a debt i!'I secured a.nd the property in the city affected thereby.

G. AH solvent credits, unsecured by deed of trust, mol't~age, or other lien on real or personal property, due 01· cm ing to sn ch person, or any firm of which he js a memher. or due or owing to any corporation of which be is president, secretary, eashier, or managing agent, dech1cting from the !.Um t.otal of such credits such clebt.'> ouh · unsecured !iv trust deed. mortgage. or other lien on re,tl or personal property, as may be 'owing b:v su ch person, firm, 01· corporation. w bona fide resi­dents of this stat<!. No debt shall be so deducted nnless the statP.meut shows the amount o.f such debt as stated under oath in a.ggrp,g~1tc, p!'ovided. in casP. of banks, the statenH~llt is not rP.quired. to show· the debt in detaiL or to whom. it is owing, but the Assessor shall have the priviloge of e:s:ami11ing the hooks of such banks t~ verify sur.h st.ii tmnent. \.VheneYer one member of a. finn, or one of the propet· offic.ers of a corporation, has made a statemeut showing the property o:f the firm. or cor.pora­tion, another member of the firm, or ano~her officer, need not include such property in the statement made by him ; but his statement must show the name of the

Ordinances of The Oitll of Monterey 47

person or officer who mad<! U11! statement in which snch property is inclnded.

Sec. 4. Th<: City Co111)cil must fur nish th~ ~\.ssessor with blank for m::i ·of th e statements provided for in the preceding section , affixing ther eto an affidavit, which must be suhstant iallv as follows: " L ................. . . ................... do swear that t 'am a resident of The City of :Monterey (or some other place, naming it) , that the above list contains a full and correct statement of all prop­erty .subject to taxation which I , or any firm of which I am a member. or any corporation, association. or com­pany of which. I am president , cashier, secretary or managing agent, o•,·ned, daimed, possessed or controlled at twelve o'clock l\'.L on the first }fonday in March last. and which is not ah·eady assessed this year; and that T have not in anv manner whatsoever transferred or dis­posed. of any property, or placed a~y p1·operty out of said City of !.\'Conter ey, or my possession, for the purpose of avoiding any assessment upon the same, or of mak­ing this statement, and that the debts the~oin stated ~s owing bv me are owing to bona fide resJdents of this State. o; to firms or corporations doing business in this State:" 'fhe affidavit to the statement on behalf of a firm or corporation must sta.te the pri1wipal place of business 0£ the firm or corpor at ion. and in other re­spects must conform substantially to the preceding .form.

Sec. 5. Th e Assessor may fill out the s tatement at the time he presents it, or he may deliver it to the person anrl require him, within an appointed time. to retum the same to rum, pro~rly filled out

Rec. 6. 'l'hc Assessor shall have power: First. 'l'o require any person found within 'l'he City

of ]l/[onterey to make and subscribe an affidavit, giving his name and place of residence. and whcfoer he is the owner of any taxable property in '!'he City of ::\fonterey.

Second. To subpoena a.ud examine any person in re­lation to anv statemP.nt furnisb.ed to him or which dis­closes prope~ty which is RSSP.ssable in T he City of Mon­terey. Every person who sJtall refuse to furnish the statement herejnbefore l'eqmre<l. or to make and frnh­scribe such affidavit respecting his name and place of residence. or \Yhclher he is the owner o.f any taxable property ·in Tl1e City of Monterey, or to appear and tes­tify when requested to do so by the Assessor. as ahovl~ provided, shall, for ~acb nnd ewry rdusal, and so often

48 Ordinances of The Oity of Mon terey

as t.he same is repeated, forfeit to The City of 1-Ionterey the i;um of one huudred dollars ($100) in gold coin of the United States .. fo be r ecovered in ru1 act.ion brought in the namA of The City of fllonterey by the A .. <iScssor in anv ,Justice 's Court or Police Court. AU moneys 1·e­ce>~'<.'l'Cd by the A s.~essor nndn the provisious of this sec­t ion must be by him paid into the treasury of 1'he City of :\Iout.erey.

Sec. 7. If any person, after demand made by the City .~ssessor, neglects or refm;es to give, under oath, the statement herein provided for, or to comply with other requirements of this Ordinance, the .Assessor must note the refusal on the assessment book. opposite the name of such p1~rson, and mu.o;t make an estimate of the valne of sur.h property of such person, and the .Assessor must, when required by The City Council, transmit on or before the First l\londa.y in A ngust of ea.dt year, to The City Council, a verified report in writ­\ng, separa.tc fr.om the assessment roll, containing a com­plete li.st of all persons who refuse or negler.t to furnish a statcmeut of their property. as herein prnvided for, e>r to cotnply with the requirements of this OrdiM11c1~, the amount of the assessme11t upon the property of i:nich persons, with a statemen t of the pattienlu facts, if any, upon which the assessment bas bPen made .. and the valu­ation of the property so ussessed nscertained. T he Cit~' Council must investigate and inquir e into all aSSL'SS­

ments and values so fixed by the Assessor, as prescr ibed by this section, and for. that. purpose must requjre each t.axpayet· affec:tcd by such as.~essment and valuat ion to make a statement under oath, within ten (10) days from ma.king an order requir ing such statement, setting forth, specifically all the property owned or controlled by, or in the possession of such taxpayer on the first 1\-Ionday of )farch. If any taxpayer , after the dt:>mimd made by 1'he Citv Council.. shall. neglect or refuse to make a1Jcl deliver to the saicl. Citv Cou"Ilcil the statement, duly veri­fiHd herein pr ovided' for, or to comply wit h the other req;1irements of this Ot:dinance. the i>aid City Council. sittino· as a Board of Equalization. must fix such aS1>ess­ment "'all('! valuation a t such ~mount as the said Cou.ncil shall deem just ; but the value fixed by the Assessor must not in any case be reduced by the City Council.

Sec. 8. If the owner or claimant of any property, not listed by another person, is absent or unknown, the

Ordinances of The Oity of Monterey 49

Ai;sessor must. make cstimvte of the value of snch pr op­er ty.

Sec:. 9. If the n ame of the absent O\rncr is known to the .Assessor, or if it appears of record in the office of the Ce>unty Recorder where the pro1wrty is situated, the property must be a::m~sse<~ to such name. If un­known to the .Assessor .. and it does not appear of record as aforesaid, the proplirty mo.st be assessed to unknown owners.

Sec. 10. Vvhcn a person is assessed as agent .. trus­tee, bailee, guardian, executor, or administrator, his rep­resentatiw lhisignation mnst he added to his narnP. and the assessment ent.cx·ed upon a separate line frorn his individual assessment.

Sec. 11. The property of every firm or c~orporation must be assessed in the name of the firm or corporation.

Sec. 12. The undistributed 0.1· unpar tHioued p1·0Q­erty of <leceased persous may he asses;sed to the heir$, gua1·dian~. executors or administ ru tors : and a payment of taxes made b~· either biuds all the parties in interest :fcrr their equal propo1-tiom;.

Sec. 13. All vessels which may be reg·fatcrcd in Mon­terey, ancl all boats and small craft not required to be r egistered. shall l>e assessed a· other personal property in '1'he City of :.\Iontcrey is assessed. and the taxes thereon collected in the same roann~r a:s other nnsecuretl personal property taxes are collected.

Sec. H . Any property wilfully concealed. retuoved , transferred . or misrep1·e<1t>nted by the O\nt.er or agen t thereof to evade taxation. upon disco"·ery must be as­sessed not exceediug ten times i ts value. antl tbe assess­ment so made must not be reduced by the City Coun cil.

Sec. 15.. ..o\ny personal property discovered by the As­sessor tu have escaped assessment for the last precediug year, if snch property i:; in the ownership or under the coutrnl of the same person who owned or con­trolled it for such preceding yca.r, may be assessed at don hle its value.

Sec. 16. The Assessor mnst prepare an assessment hook, \vith. appropriate headings, in which must he listed all taxable property within the City, and in which must be specified in separate columns under the appropriate head:

50 Ordinances of The Cit'// c,f M 011.te1·ey

i. 'l'he name, and Post office address, if known, of the person to whom the property is assessed, to identify it.

2. JJand by metes and "bounds, or other description sufficient to identify it, giving an estimate of the num­ber of acres (not exceeding in each and every tract one hundred (100) aeres), locality and improvements thereon.

3. City lots, number of lot and block, and improve­ments there.on.

4:. All personal property, showing the number, kind, amount and quality, but a failure to enumerate in de­tail such personal property does not invalidate the as­sessment.

o. The cash value of real property other than city lots.

G. The casl1 value of improvements on such real estate.

7. 'rhe cash value of city lots. 8. 'fhe cash value of improvements on city lots. 9. 'The r.ash val ue of improvements on real estate

~esscd to pernons other than owners of the r eal estate. 10. 1'l1e cash ,·alne of all personal property, exclu-

sive of money. .l 1. 'I'.he amount of money. 12. 'l'he total value of all propel'ty. J 3. The .Aascssor must segregate on his assessment

roll, as directed hy the State Board of Equalization : (a) The asst:'ssments made by the Stale Boar d of

Equalization anrl apportioned to The City of )lonterey upon the franchu;e, roadway, roadbeds, rails and rolting stock of all rail.roads operated in more than one county in tills State. nncler the provisions of the Political Code, as the same e.'ril't<'d and ~ere in force on the 7th cla> of Kovemhci-, 1910, an d ·

(b) '11he assessments made by said ~esso1· on any other property enumerated in subdivisions a. b, and d of Section 14 of Article 13 of the Constitution Of this State, which is located in this City and which is subject to taxation for paying the principal and interest on any bonded indebtedness created a11a outstanding· by The City of :'.\1011tere:y prior to the 8th day of November. 1910, as vrovided in subdivision (e) of Section 14 of Article 13 0£ the Constitution of this State.

Ordi 11anoes of The Oity of Mont er ey 51

1~. Ia enterin_g assessments containjng solvent credits subJect to deduct.on, he must enter in the proper column the value of the debts cmtitled to exemption and deduct the same.

In making the deduction from the total value of the property assessed, as above directed he must enter the rmrninder in the column provided 'fol' the total value of all propert_,- for taxation. Each franehisp, must be entered .upou the assessment roll ·without combining tb.e san~e with _the other property or the valuation thereof.

~-a,~able irnp1·oyements owned b~, any person . firm. as­soe1a~10n or corporat ion located upon la.ud exempt from ta..'l:ahon shall , as to the maimer of assessment. be as­s~ssc~d as other real estate upon the assessment roll. \:o value shaD. hcmever, be assessed against the exempt land, 1101· m1dcr any circumstances shall the land he char-gel\ w)th or become responsible for the assessment mac~e against al~Y taxable improvements located thereon. . fo. fo -:>ntc:mg- assessmen~s containing property snb­Ject to C'X<'mpt1on from taxat10n under the Constitution and laws of this State, he rnnst enter in the propel' column the total value of said p1•operty and in the pi-op er column he must enter the amoun t subject to exemption and i.IP.dnct the same.

Sec. 1.7. On or before the first Mon day of August, in each ye~ir, the A~sessor must complefo his assessment book. H e and his deputies must take and subscribe an affichn·i t il1 the assessment book. to be snbstantiall v as f 11 "I . . o o\\·s: ......... ............................... Assessor (or Deputy AssP-ssor, as thf~ ease ma~' be) of 1'he City of :!.\'Iontercy, do swear· that bet>,·een tl1e fil'St :'.\ofonda.v in ::.\larch awl the :first Monday in August, ni;1eteen hun-dred ................................................ I have made dili<,.ent in-quiry. and examin ation to ascertain all propert;'." within the Ci t~· of l'lfonterey, subject to assASSment bv me and that the same has been assessed on the asses.'5~en t ' book ~quall;v im d uniforml:·, according to the best of rnv Juclgment, information and belief, at its fnll cash valu~: ~nd that I havci fai thfully complied with all the dnti<l~ imposed upon the A.ssessor under the revcm1e laws; alHl that I have not imposed any unjust 01· dc;>nble as­sclssment through malice or ill-will or otherwise. nor al­lowecl anyone to escape a just and eq nal as~cssment through favor or rnwarcl or otherwise." But the failure to ll1ake or ~ubsc:ribe such an affidavit. or anv affidavit . '

ii2 Orciinances of The Oity of Jionterey

will 11ot in an~· manrwr affect the Yalirlity of the 11 s~e;;s­ment.

S c<:. rn. ~\s soon as completed, and on or beCor c t he fo ·st !\foncla>· of Augnst of each year, the assessment roll must be deJjn~rcd to the ).-udltol' of 'fhe City of 1Ton­tere_,., who must. immediat ely gi\c notice t hereof, and of the ti.me the Hoal'd of Equalfaation will meet to ~ltal­izc 118scssmcnts. by publication in t he official n ewspaper of the City for five (5) d:-iys, aml in thR meimtimA t he "s.."essmP.ut book nm,;t rRmain in bis offic~~ for the in­spectiou of all persons interested.

Sec. 20. If the .Assessor shali fail to complete and dl'lin~r his asscssmen t book within the time herein 8pcci­fh:d, he .shall forfeit to ThP City of .Jionten\,. thf~ sum of FiYe Hundred Dollars ($fi00.00) as 1i<p1idated <lmn­ages. and shall be liahlR fen· any other <hlm<igPs tlie City mav snstain bv rcas;on of such failnre.

Rec. 21. L;uuls onr.e described on the assessment hook aced not he described a second time. bnt any pl:'r:wn l'laiw­iug the same. and desiring to be assessed therefor, may ha\·e his nam<· inserted \\'ith that of the per;;on to '"hom. such 1.anrl is asscs:;;ed.

Sec~ . 22. The ~\ssesso 1· mid his sm·Rti<'.s are 1 iabh: on his of£ici11l hond £01· all taxes or property 'vithin The Cit,- of :\fonter·ev \rhich tln·011,gh his 'rillful fa ilm<' or neglect is unasse&icd. . ..

Sec. \?;~. A11:r taxpayu who shall harn knmdedge l)f 11.n~ p roperty that has escaped taxation. as p 1'0Yi<led in the precetliJJg section, may fil e w ith the Cit~- Co11ncil im affida,· it setting forth t he fact that sncb property has. tL..r-ongh th~ willful. failure or neglect of tht! .As­sessor, <:se11 p<'d taxation. together with a description. of the. propcrt>- as n.ear as suel1 taxpayer ma~- be able to gin, \\·hereupon said Council shall direct the City At­torneY to commene:e an action on the Assesso1.·'s bond .for tlte amount of laxes lost from ~nch willful fai]ul'(: c11· neglect. On the trial of !'meh ac~tion, the valne of the propcrt:· unassesse<l lwiug shov.:n. judgment for the amount. of taxes that should have been collected thel'l~on mnst hP. P-ntered.

Sec. 2-l. 'The Council shall n1cet at the usnal place of holding meeting8 on the 8econd i\Tonday in Angm;t of f'!l.C.\\ '\·ear at. ten o 'dock in the fo1·cmoon of said day aud sit a~ a Board of .Equalization. imd shall couti1{ue in .session 1iy adjournment from day to day until all the

Ord-inances of 'J'lle City ot Jionierey 53

1·dum~ nf tlw .\.ssesso1· !JH-111 h;1Ye been l'ectified and as­sessments e11ualized: they shall ha,·c power to hear com­-plaints and to correct. modify. strike out, or raise an y assessment, provided, that not !cc sha11 bt: !!iYen to the puty whose asse sment is to b<· raised. -

1'l1e City Clt~rk sh.all he ex-officio derk o.1' the Board of Eqm1li7.ation.

.: ee. 2.~. The Board of Equalization has power to low­er. or after eausing the Clerk to give the notice thereof herein befo.re pr°';cled for, to increase any assessment con tained in the assessml-!nt roll so as to · equalize the assessment of the pl"operty contained in said roll, and make tbe a$$essment confOl·m to the true \·alue of sueh propert_,. in money.

Sec. 26. i\"o re(luction must he made in tlie Yalua­tion of propei·t.v. unless the property om1er afrectc~d there­b.'', or his ngcnt. nwkes anc:l filp,;; with the Board a writ­ten application thcr(>for. ,·crifted b:· his oai..h, sho\\·iug the facts upou '~hieh it is C'.hlimed ~ncl1 reduetiou should be made.

Sec. 27. Before the noat·d !rrlmts the application or makes auy reduction applird for. it must first examine upon oath the person or agent making the application. touching the valne of the property of such person. Xo reduction must be made unless t11e party or the agent making the application attends and answe1-s all questions pertinent to tbe inqnirr.

See. 28. r pon the b.earing of the application. the Board may snbp0t>na such witnt'.S,.,~. hear and take such e>idence in relation to the subject pending as in its dis­cretion it ruay deem proper. During the session of the Board. tllt!' ..1.ssessor. or any deputy whose testimony is needed. must be present and may make any statement or introduce or examine witnesses on questions before the Board .

~er.. 29. Duriug the S€'$sion of the Board, it ma~- ai­rect the Assessor to assess HUY ta);ahle property that has escaped assessment, or to acld to th<> amount number or q nantit.y of prop~rty. \\'hen n false or ineomp letc list lias been l'i~ndered: and to make and enter ne.\\' assm;s­meuts (at tlw sari1e time cane<~ling prHions enti·ies), when ariv '1Ssei:;smcnt made lrY him is deemed hY the Board so' incomplete as to render doubtful lbe collecti.on of the fax; hnt the Clerk mnst 11otif>· all pe1·sons inter­ested hy letter dt>posikd in the po;;toffice. postpaid, and

54 Ordinances of The City of 11fonterey

adc1ressed to the person interested, at least .five (5) days befo1·e such action is taken, of the day .fixed when the matter will he inve;;t igated.

Sec. 30. As clerk of the Board of Equalization, the Citv Clerk mus t r ecor d in a book to be kept for tbat purpose, all changes, corrections and orders made by _the Board and durin"' its session, or as soon as pOSSJble after its adjournn~nt, must e11ter upon the as.~essment hook all changes and c\wrections mane by the Board, and on or before the first 1111esday in September must delivel' the assessment book or roll, so corrected, to the Auditor, a.ml accompany the same with an affidavit therdo affixed. subscribed by him as follows:

"I, ................ : .... ........................... , City Clerk of 'l'he City of :.\fonterey, do swear that, as Clerk of the Boa_rd of Equalization of said City, I have kept correct mrnute.s of all the acts of the Board touching alterations in the assessment roll: tl.tat all alterations ag1·eed to, or directed to he made. h~ve been made and entered in tbc book, awl t.lia.t no changes or alterations have lJeen made: therein except those authori7.ed."

Sec. 31. The Council must finally adopt, not lnt er than the first meeting in September, an Ordinance levy­ing 11pon the assessed v11hrntion of the pr·operty in the City, subject t-0 the prnvisions of the charter of said Citv a r ate of taxation upon each one hundred (100) doli~rs of valuation. sufficient to raise t he amounts es­timated to be rcqnir~d in the annual budget, less t he amount~ <'.l>timated to be r eceived from fines, licenses llrnl other sonrces of rewmne. In making the tax le.v~· and fu:inl? tllc rates of taxation for said purposes, t he Couneil of said City shall fix the tax rate for .bonded in­CIP.hteclne.."!s of said City, issued and outstandmg: on thf! 8th day of ~ovember, 1910, separate and apart from all other tax rates, TI'hether for subsequent bonded ind<!bt­edn es,~ or for othe1· purposes. The Council shall. also. s pecif,,- the portion of the \\'.~ole which ~hall belong to each particular fnnd ~£ the City, and .designate a}so the portion thereof belongmg to each special bonded md.ebt ­edness; of the Cit~-. The tax rate for general revenue pnrposes shalt not exceed the limit_ of the taxation pro­'Vided for in the r.harter of 'T'he City of Monterey, and the pro'Visions of the law in relation to the same.

Sec. 32. 'T'he Council shall then cause the assessment roll to be d !:'livercd to the Auditor, who shall compnte

Oniinances of The City of Monterey 55

and canv ont the amount of tax so levied upon each parcel of proper ty contained in said assessment roll. 'l'hc corrected list for each tax shall be the assessment roll of said tax for s11id year, and it shall be certi£cd by the auditor as being the as.5essment roll of said tax. The Auditor must compute and enter into a separate money <:oltunn in the a~!>s.<>mer.t b·~ok the respecth·e sums, in dollai·s and cents. i·cjectin2 the fractions of a cent, to be paid as a tax on the property therein enumerated, aud segregate and place in lhe proper columns of the book tbe respective amorwts dne. and foot up the column, showing the total amo1uit of snch taxes and the columns of total value of property in the City, as corrected un­der the direction of the Board of Equalization.

Sec. 33. Immediatelr upon the completion of the as­se.ssment and equalization o.r property fol' the pm;poses of taxation ju each year, tbe A11ditor must transmit to ih.t> State Board of Equalizatjon the duplicate of that part of' the assessment roll cont:a.iniug tbe assessmeilta and apportionments ref eITeu to in paragraphs 1 and 2. 01.· a and h of subdivision 13 of Section 16.

Sec. U. At least five ( 5) days before the first Monday in Oetob<~r. he must deliver the conccted assess­ment book to the Collector, with an affidavit attached thereto. arnl bv him subscribed as follows :

" I , .. · .................................................. , .. Auditor of The Cit» of ::\fonterev. do swear that 1 b Hc r eceived the assP.SSJDemt book of tax"a-ble property in The City ot :Jfontcrey as cor­rected and made to conform to the requirements of the Board of Equalization. that T h 11ve reckoned the respec­ti ve snms due 11s ta.xes. and ha Yc added np the columns of valuation, taxec;. acrca2'.e, and other matters, as re­<p1ired by law. and that the same is the as.c;essment roll of said tax as le"·ied by The Council of 'l'hc City of :J.fontcrev. " On deliverin~ the assessment book to the Collector, the Auditor rinist clrnrge the Collector with the full amonnt of the taxes levied .

See. :~5. Within ten (10) d'l~~s after tlw receipt of the assessment book, the Collector mnch puhlish a notice for at least two weeks in the otric:ial newspaper of said City, specifying: .

1. That taxes will be delinquent nn the last Monday m December next thereafter at !';ix o'clock p. m., and nnless paid prior t11ercto t en per cent will be added to the amount thereof.

ii6 0t-aina11ces of Tlie Ci ty of Monte1·ey

2. The times and places at which payment of taxes ruay be made.

~\JI taxes shall be (h1e and payable at the till'..lcR and in the manner specHled in this subdivision.

Sec. 36. The Collector must ma l'k upo11 Lile a1>se::;sment roll the date of paytUcnt o.f any tcix opv osite the name of the person paying the sawe. and o-ver his signature he must give a receipt to the person pa:.~ing said tax. specifying the amount of assessment ann the amount of the tax paid, witb tl1e description of the property as· sessed.

See. ;37. The Collector must settle with t he Auditor. for all monevs collectccl for the Citv at the times and in the rnanne"'r providea in the Charter and immediately pay over the same into t11e 1Treasu1·y c•n the order of tbe A.\.uditor for the benefit of the fund to wbich such money \.Jelontrs and at least once a month must deliYer to and file with the Auditor a statement under oath sbo,Ying:

1. An account of all his transactions and receip ts since the last settlement.

2. That all mon i-.•y collected hy hi1u as Collt•ctor has bc1!n pa.id to the T rea.c;urer.

Sec. 38. On the last ~Iondav of Decembel' of each yea1·, at six o'd o.ck p. rn., all unpaid taxes are d<'liuquent, and thereafter tbe Collector must collect for the USH of the City an additioual ten per- e1mt on all such tflxes.

Sec. 39. On the third Monday in J anuary of each year the Collecfor must del iYe.r. to t he Auditor a complete delinquent list of. all persons i:llld p1~perty theu orn.trg ta:\.:es. in which list must be set down iu numnical or alph~hetical order all matter co:otaincct in the asst•ssment hook and relatiug to delinquent taxes, persons. or prop­erty. The Auditor must carefully compare the delin­quent list with t he assessment b-Ook and if sat isfied that. it conta ins a full and true statement of all taxPs dne and unpaid, he must foot up the full amount of tax:ei; so r·~­maining unpaid, credit the Collector who acted under it therewith, and make a final settlement with hiro of all charges against .him on the assessment book and must re­quire from him the 'l'rE'asurer 's receipt .for any existing dencienc:-·.

Sec. 4:0. After se ttlement with the Collector. as de­scribed in the preceding section, the Auditor must charge the Collector with the cimount of tax due on the delin­quent list with kn r er. cent added thereto, and \Yithin

Orain-ances of The City of Mon terey 5·7

fiyc (5) days thereafter, delfrer the list, dulv crrtified. to such Collector. ·

Sec. 41. ~~11 taxes ·which slwll have become delinquent shall be collected as follows:

Ou or within five (5) day~ before tW 11fter Ule .fom1:11 ::\Iondny in Jannary of each war. tbe Collector umst publish the clelinqm·nt list. which n1L1sl contaiu the nrunes of the perso11s and a 11escriptiou of the propert~- c.Min­quent. and the amount of faxes. pem1lties and <:.oM.<; due, Ofil>O~ite eui:h name and d1~scription. with the hues due on personal property added to the taxes on real estate, wbere the 1·eal <.-state is liable therefor, or t.he se\"l'r<t.l taxes arc due from the same persou. thl' Pxpeui;e of the publication to he a charge against the Citr. 1'he Col­lectm· mn.st append and publish "ith the delinqneu t list a notice that unless the taxes deJin<p1eut, toi:retlrnr \Yith the cos!'s an<l percentages, are paid, the \'cal propert~, upon which such taxes are a lien, 1\·ill be sold to the Cit\". The pnblieation mnst be made one~~ a week for thr~e successi ve weeks. in some newspnpcr or supplement thereto, published in said City, which newspaper sh:.ill be the one which . hall haw lie.en clesigi1atecl h,- the Citv Council of AAi(l C'i~· as the official riewi:;paµer . Th~ publieation must df'Si1?J111te the place, day and hom. where and when tile property w.ill b:--· operation of law be sold to the City. whieh sale mnst not he less than trrentv-one (21) nor n1ore than twenty-c\ig'ht (28) days from the fir.Rt pnhlication, alld the plaee rnnst be in the CoJlector's office.

Sec. 42. 'l'hc Collector. as soon as Le h;is mude the publication r1~qttired, must' file "·ith the Couutv Recoder and City Clerk, rt>spectively, a copy of the rmbliet1tion with an affidavit attac.hed thereto, thi, t it i<: n trne cop~· of the same, that the pl1blication was macli· in <1 news­paper or supplement thereto, stating i t~ ui1.me and place of publication. ann t he date of each appearanc<'. The Collector must collect. in addition to the t axPs clue on the deHnquent list. together ·with the pcnH.Jtit>s for delin­quencies. St:'\eD1y-fin• cents on c•ach Jot, piece or p~rcel of land separ·ately assessed, and on each assessment of p ersonal prope1·ty. to defray expense of publication of delinquent l ii:;l. which must go to the Citv, and be placed to the creuit of the Gcne1·al Fund. .

Sec. 43. On the day and hour fixed f.or the sale. all the property delinquent, upon which the taxes of all

5S Onl·i?1 fuir.e.~ of 'lhe C·itoJ of lH0·11te;·f'y

. . ' . ' t ], .. -. " .,; . . ·-'t ,, I' li·. 1., .. l11 .. ''"' tt .. 1+· .>~ ·;11.-[ C·l'St':> tl<H e n d .f~ril ,1,,.11. "i,,_, (-.' n •. .i ';"). L''" c.1 • ., • ._ . , c.. . . . •. . ..

om'~:abou of !all' aud the dcl'l11ra iion of the Collector nc s;ild t.<' the Ci t.y, 1rnd sai::I Collc<:.tor s hulJ n:akc a11 en~-~- . "Sold to the (!it:· .. " on the dclinqncnt a'.'5P.5-sment list . opposite d ie t a:-. a:°t1 hf' shall b_e ('re~]:kcl _,\·1~~ the atm'utll tlH'rcof rn lw; st>ttlement rnth the .\..nd1tor . Pt?­YiLkfl, that on th e. tla ~- of sale. the ow11f!r or per.:;m1 1n po&:;esskm of any prop~rt.:· offered. for sale f~1'. tax~ dti,P tl1er eou. ma'" nay th;~ ti1xcs, pm1altie .. <; and coats dnc:, an..l Jll'OY?det_l_ f\11·th!'~" tlrnt wbm tlw original tax nmonr.t,; to the sum of tlwe:> lrnwhed ($:~00) dolla~·& or rnon:, np_on am· 7l iec<: 0£ p~'<Jp~rt5· m· assessment rleln~qnf!nt, tlm CJty m~;'"


hrilll! ;;nit agninst. tlk on-ni?r of sa1c1 yropcrt:.- for mi~· eoJlection of said t;!X 01' t3xe:s. i•enalt.lC!' anJ CO!!h The Cou11cil ma~- in snch <:a;;c iiired the ~.'.:ty Attorney to J.Jlfog s1.· it a73i11st the clelinqu~~ni' to cnfon'.~ such c~l ­k dion. - and :r!1a ,- di1eet the Ooll<~ctor not to proceed m the snle 0£ any 'vi~opcn~· on said list, >Yhereon the ta~es shall am01.mt to three 1murlrcd (·::WO) dollars or mor<~ .•

:;;:,.(, .t 1 "'b l'> ('pJledo:,r mu;;;t make t•ut 11. e('rtifo::ate or .. ~ .. ~-.. ~ ~ ~ ., (lf!] incpwnt. hl): salo rcn· each l)i!~re ::r ti·;:ict of lam, :"li)l<1.

cl;t~d on tltc <la;· 0£ Lhe sale .. stat1ing ~w~en ki,1cwu). t.h.@.

l)!'l.nic of the pr r 'ii•n ~1ss:~sse<l.. a '.1CSCl'ffJt10u n.t the l,r~:1 :l sol<l. Lhst .it T1':;1$ sol<l for <lelJIH]lW~t h1.xes tl) the c .. _,' 11 nil · µ'iYin ~· th~ amount a:1d y~ar of the_ nsses.,; 1r1cn1t, ancl specif.Ying ~rlwn ihe Cit.1· w ill he entitl~ to ' \ ... de1~<l. ~n<"lJ <!t>l'tifi<'at<' rnm:t be signed h)· t~e C~llrct<,t 1~~1d fil"d in hi~ otfic:e <'Ind he mn;;t fi le a d11phcate rn t he offw;. of th.: Count~· nt>c:m11n·_ The C:.llcctor, iu_ r~ _l.ionk pro­Yifled f<••· thn L JHH'POSE". mnst <'~ter _a. 1~esc~·1pt.1ou ~f. th~ land .;;ol<1. corr<::spon <liug to the <rnsenphon m th\; or1g103 I assessnwut r oll, the uame cif the person assessed, the <l_at e of sak. that it was sold for delinquent taxes to the C1t.1-, ~wd the ammmt for which it was sol(l_. and must r cgnlarl5· nnmher the dcse1·iptions on the margin _of the book a.nd p nt, a co1·responding nnmbcr on each ce-rtlfieate. The_ qo1~ lcctor must Jw~p a s1dable jndex to ~nc~h book, g1vmg the names of tlw pc:rsons to whom ('ach p:.ncel of hrnd wiis originally ai;;s,~.s.sed.

I.a. cnse of a. Tedemy>tion l)C' a snbseqnet1t sale of i:l.ll y

of said propei:t>· h:1· th.e City, tl!c Co~lec:t'.w m~st en!<'r on. the margiu 0£ the rt:c01·d in his _office, m sai_<l .eert1fi ­cat.e book, th<! fa<'.t or such redemption or sale, giving the date thereof, and by whom redeemed.

Onlirumcc.s of The. City of lion t1Jre~1

See. 45. .i ri>delll}llion of the p1·11p<'rt.'· sold must be made by thP 0\\'IlPr. or any patty interested ufthin five (5) years from the date of the sale to the City. 01· at any time prior t-0 the entl:)· or s.1le of said la.nds by the City. in the mam1er herPina!ter provi ied.

SN'. -16. Wbent>wr p1·oper~· has heen ~old for taxe'l and remains llDl'ecleerued .. upon wu.:h ~uhsequent assess­ment the ~\ssessor shall enter upon the assr>ssment book. immediately after the descripti011 of the property. the fact that such property bac; lwen "cij.] for taxes_ nnd the a.ate of such sale. Upon all hills or statements of or for taxes accruing on said property snbset1uent to the <late 0£ said sale and p1·ior to ihe redemption of srud property, Qr the exe<mtion to the Citv of a deed therefor. shall be distinct!~- 1md legjbly written. pril1t1:cl or stamped the wor<'ls, "Sold for taxes,·' and also the date 0£ such sale.

See. 47. If tlle property is uot redeemed wjthin .fixe (5) reaTs from date of sale to tht' C'ity. th1:: Collector must make a deed of the property to the City. ree:iting .in such deed the nnme of lhe person assessed (whe11 known) .. the date of sale. R dec;eript ion of the land sold, amount for which it was sold. that it wa!; soltl for de­linqueTit ta..ws. the yPar of 1bt> asse<=snient. !?ivina thP assessed •alne and venr of the <l!>'St><.smeni. time when the right of i·edemption had expired. and that no pe~­son had redeemed the propl•rty io the time allowed by law for its rPdcmption. ~o charge c..hall he made b~­the Collector for lbe makina nf any "neh deed. ~mcl the acknowledgment of aU ~uch deeds ~lrnll bl." taken b;.· the Police .Judge free of charge.

All such deeds shall be reconlNl i11 the office o.f the County Recoriler of the Conuty in "hich the property sold is situatecl. 'J'he form of such deeds shnll be ap­p:ro,-ed h;.· ilie City Attorney before the snme are :filed.

Sec. 48. A..t any time after tht> as. .... P<;sment book has been reeefrP.n h,· the Collector. ancl 11w taxes have be­come payable, th.E' owne1· of any property asscssen therein. -wh.o mar claim that the assessnlP11t is void in whole or in part, ruay pay the same to t11e Collector under protest, ivhfoh protest shall be i11 writi.11g. an<l shall specify wheth­e1· the whole assessment is claimed to be voirl or if a part only. wha.t po1·tion, and in either case the grounds upon which such claims are f ounde<l. .\n<l when so paid under protest. the payment sh.all he in uo ease regardecl as a voluntary paymP.n1, and such owut:r may at any time

GO Or(l•i.;w;1(;eR of The C-i.ty of JI011.ten;;11

w iLhi a six ( 6) nwn tbs after suc:l1 JHJ>-meut. \iring- _a.u 11cliou against 'l'hP Cit;1· of :.\l onterey in the ;)uperio1· ('oul't to rt~C:o\·er back the tax so paid un der protest: a nd if ;t i-hall be a<ljnd!!ecl. that tltc a~essment 01· llU."

pa1·t thereof refcrrf'd h) in the pro~t \\·as \·oid on tll<' gi-01ut<l sp eeith•d iu the protest, judgment slrnll be en­t1>1·ed azainst said Cit,- therefo1·.

:;:le~. ·49. The taxr.~ npon any part.icnlr1r Jot, piece or parcel of land contained in any assessment ma:-· be pai<'I separalt>l~ from the whole assessm('m. if sul'h lot, piece 01· pnr<·el ]ms <l separute Talaa.ti-0n on the asse~ment roll, h~ (Hl);ug th<> amount of City taxes due on_ such, lot. pi<•::c• or p<i.l'Cl-\J of land, with a proper proportlon o! ~.he amcnmts due a'> tax on personal JJrop1~rt>·· <ind peualti.::s. if <lll'". Tlie Collel'.tor shall make an entr~- on the ma-rg;n ot tl~e a:;.se.sim1eut bool,, shO\Ying ,,·hat CP.l'tain propcrt.1· ]w::; heen l".~lcused b~- the pa:nnnn L of taxes a~ herein pro­\"ill<:d. togeth(\l' with the amounts of f.!neh taxes separately mHl ;:.pl'c.if\c:all:· ~d forth.

S<-'c. 50. ~\.nv taxes. p(·milties o:r cost:> thereon paU JUOl'C than once; or E:rr01ieonsl:•: or ilkgall:· collr.cfrd. 01·

1my ta::-: paicl npon a n assessment iu c~cess of the actni~l ca::.h ,-oluP llf the pr(>pert_,. so asse.ssed h~· rem1ou of clc1•1-cal error of the .\s"\Pssor 1ts to the excess iu such c;ises. or am· tax paid upon Hn erroneous 11 ssessnu~nt or im­pr(1 \' E'l t 1P.n t. 011 r~al e~tate not, in fact. iu existence,. wh~11 saicl tit.'\ her.1m1e it JH·n may, by order of The Connc:11. be rdnuctecl h5· thr. 'l'reasurer .

S<'t!. 51. W1wn t ]w Collector discOYCl'S that an~- prop­ert\' has been asses..<;ecl mc11:e ~ hsn once for the same year, he ·must <:ollt-ct onl:· the tax j n::;tly due and make ret\11'u of the fad;;. b\' his Pcrtificate. lo the .'..1Hhtor and 'l'h•~ Conncil. The 'council shall tliereupon pass a rc~oluti(Jn c1 il'C'C:1·in g the~ Anditor to r,ancel such doubl e~ assessment hY an entr;-.· on t.11c' Hrnrgin of the assessmPnt book, as a1so npon tl1e deli11quent list, sho11lcl sueb double as-1;;t"ssment 1.ic carric<l therein. U tlrn propertr a<>s<~s.scd n:oder sud1 double assessment has been sold to t11e Ci~:.-1uHl t~ c:el'tifieate of sale or deed then~for 1111;; been 1;.;­

sm~d t1..• the Ci ty, The Counc:il sliall h~- H.eso l ution f.n.r:tller (lireet the County Heconler to eairncl such er_r.oneons eert.ifi<•11te of sale l:llld deed ;;o issnecl, before the <;:1ty h::i~ <1is11o!;e(l oC the property thereby conw:'l-cd: provided, nC\ cancella.t. ion ot a double assessment, certificate of sale or cl1.:ed shall he made in any crise. until the taxe~ , pena l tit~s,

Oniinance:; of The O·ity of illon tcre.11 61

c:oi;ts nud other c·harut>s h .... law a!?ainst the propE'rty on on<> of sueh as-se~smcnbs i:;haU haw heC'n paid. In case the Collector i ·nes au crroneom• ct-rtiiil•.ate of sale or deed to any property upon which the tnxes have been fnlly paid for 1 he year thert>in meo1 ion ed. such fact shall he c·ertifiPd to The: Conndl by the .\nditor and Collector. and tlwreupou sa;cl C1111n1·il shall h\" RP;;:olntion :>u­thmize tbP Comity necorclP.r to caneel sueh erroneous .,ffiifli·are or deed.

8N·. :>2. Wh1·n the r1•11 I propel't)· hns hel'n correetb· m;~s:-;ed nnd i<O)il to 1he Cit~· fm· 1lt'linqnent taxes. an~­u11;:.stafrment~ of fnl't.'< or derieal errors o<:cnrrini? or appearing il1 the <·ertifo·nte of sule, or in the deeu is~uecl tht'reon, mar he l'Ol'l'('c•tt>d by the Cc.•lleetor h"" resolu­t ion of '!'lie C'onn<"il. direct in!!' tlte corrc·ct ion uv' the issu­an('e Ol II Df'W 01' <\mendccl l'Cl'1iffoate of sa]e or tnx deed. ~nc:l1 amendec1 ee1•tiiic·11 lt• oi- 1ax rlN•<l slrnll lie made out in lhe same form <IS the otiginal i>xceptiug as to the conection of I he e1·1·01-, and shall also eoutrun :i state­T11mt f.!iving- lLe rem•on for the issuance o.f such ame11ded ccrti fica.te or <leed.

S<'c. 53. Whenen!r prop<'l·ty a.<;:;es:sec1 for laxes is sold w lllP Cit~-. as hi.>rein provided. it sbal1 bl' assessed each subse4uent rear for tax«s nutil a dee l is made to the City therefor. in the Sam<> mauner a· if it bad not been sold: pl'mided. that no fnrther s1Jle shall be made to t~e Cit,> untiJ the land has bei.>u i·t•deemed from the pre­~'lous ~k >:o pt•1"Son shnll be permittt><l to recleE'm from any <>uc:h sale. excE>pt upon payment of the amount of any ttnd all subsequent as'\f'ssn1ents. costs, fees. penalties ancl interest.

· Pc. 54. If tbe Coller·to.r liscovers before the sale that on al'l·onnt of itrcgonlar assessment or anv other error. land ought not to he old. he mnst not offe~ the samp for sale. 1md The Council must cause the .Assessor to enter the uncollected taxes upon the as.qei:;sment book oI the next suc<'.ef'ding- ~'<'<U'. to be c~ollected as other ta.."<es e~tered thereon.

Sec. 55. When land is sold fo.r taxer:; col'l'ect.ly imposed as- the property of a purticular per·son, no misnomer of the owuer or in~pposed owne1·, or othe1· mistake relating to thE' owne1'Sh1p thereof, affects tlie ciale or 1·ende1·s it void or voiclahle.

S1:<:. 36. In all c118e~ 1rhe1·e rnal estate 11r.s het>n ;;old for clciin<1nent tax1~s to the City, an-1 the Cit)· ha;; not

f)2 Or<Hnances of Tlte City of Monterey

disprnwd of tllC' same, the person \Thm;e estat.1• hns l_ie~u or ma,. ht>rt';dt c~r b~~ so let his heir;;. <>X<'~utors, ildltl :~11s ­tn1tor;. or otlrn1· su ccessors in i11t<·re;;t._ shall. rtt an~- trnie after Lhe same has be~~n solll to th~ Cit:> i!11d hefore the Cifr shall dispose of the sa.rnr. haYe the right to redecrn sai cl prop1··rtr l>y p11ying to the City 'l'l'ensUl'er I he a!no1rnt of taxes. pE'na]fa(~S an<l rosts dne thereon at th·~ tnue ?f sndi .~ale. with intel·est on tl1e aggregate amouut of said taxes a t ihe r::i te of. io;e't'en Ci) per C'Cnt per nun um from <lat e of sale to ilatR of n'<lcmption: arnl also ~II tax~~ that w~re a li<'u upoJl ;;aid rNll <'.stMe at rh'.' 11nie sa1rl 1;1~es bf'camP. dc>liuq nent : and also a1l un p:tHl taxes of . cYCl'Y !ksrri pt.;011 ass<'ssccl against dw pmpt>r~- Tot' Par,h Te<i 1: sinc~c~ the sale; or, if rnlt so ai>s~sse<l , l.ben ~tpon the nllnc 0£ the property ~S as.sc:ssC(~ il'I .th(~ : .. ear 1iea1·est the timA of such redemptwn, mth 1~.teJ est ft cm1 the~ fi.rst da,· of ::Vfal'Ch following each Of SGIHl rf'al"s .. l'C­

~pcctiYeJy. at thf' SS.me rate, to the time of re.ck_mpt10n: arnl also aJl. COStS <l!IO expern;es of Slll'h 1'PC1mnptJOO. :rn<1 penalties a1> follows. to wit: . . .

T en (10) p<>r r.ent if 1·edeernccl w1tl11n ;;ix ( Ci ) mont hs from the date of sale.

TwentY (20) per c·ent if r ecler.rnf,cl within one 0 ) \'P.ar thP~'•'T]'CJll. . .

cl 1 (l t (2) .. · Thirt~· <10.) pe1· r.ent. if rP. PP11wr w 1 11 11 ,,-o Years therefrom . . . · Fort,- (40: 1><:r <:E'n t if r1>:1c•en1Pd 'nth1u thrc~c (3) n::irs tlwrc: fro1n . . . · Forti:-ti1·e (4fi) 1w t• Cl,llt if 1·<·ck<'llle<l '>'11lun f,)ur (4 ~ Ye~rs tlu:~rc~ from . . . · Fift>· (50 ) iwr ecw1. if rPclc•PnH'll 'nth:n liYe (5'; YNtrs <H' an~- g1·r.<iter 11nmhe1· of »<'<11'>. th1>1"C•fro1:1. · 'Phe pE'tl?.ltY ~l1a ll hP. tompnted 11poJJ tl~P »t~wnnt nf

J vcar's taxcg in like 111anner. rc<~komn~ frolJl th<! eac

1 - 1 l f ·h ia:xe­time .:\'1 1~11 th1~ lanrls wo11ld ham ll<'i.~J i. so.< or t e · "

of flrnt ;.·ear. if therf' had been no p1'.<'n~n:.: ~i l e.thercot: . 'l'hr Trea>:m·•~r shall 011 the apphcat100 o.f. ,he per:s1m

dE:Osirinl!: to rr.deem mak<~ an C'stim_::i;.e of t~e. amouIJt to be n~irl mid sha.ll 11ire him n <:rrt1fic:~ tP. o~ the 11n!~'~.nt: :-ine~:ifring- the scYol·al it~m~ the1·e~f. ,r]1l(·h cert1fk,tl•~ ~hall he dPlive1·ed to the .\ud1tor. l 1pon P<.1~·meJlt of t.h~ mc>M\·8 8peci1ied _in !'lirid ee1tificato to th.e C1~y Tre.as1m~~r: <lll~· dec•f1 ol' (:Cl'tlfiCitte of S<ik fllat ~11a:V n;i.> f\ ll.~en nl~C·<: to flie DitY ~hall become null and void, and all 11~M .. title and interest aeqllii·ed by the City, nncler and b~· virtue

01·dincaccs ot The City of Nonte,·e-J; 6'.l

o:f the tax sale. shall C.-l'asP and determi11P. It hall there­upon be the dnt~· of the Collector to canct.'l such sale on the mm·i?hl of the record iu his office unit to certifv the fact oF snch redemption to the County Recorder. who shall tbe1·e11pon notc;- on the margin of the "ertificale of sale or deed issm>d, th.e fact o.f such l'Cdemption, the date thereof. hy whom redeemed, or, nron ttpplication. the Colh·ctor shall ifisu~ a certificate fluh· acknowled,...<7e<l bi>fote fl1e Poli~e .Judge. specifying the fui.:t of' s~~eh 1·e<leinph,n. the date thereof. by whom rccleeiued. a de­scription of the propi>rty redeemed. and thP. fact that all taxE>S. costs. peualtit>S a.ud charges dut.: the City haw been pai<l "hich certificate may bP 1·ecor<lcd in the of­fice of tl11• Cc1111ty Recorder an l sbnll hn\e the same effect as thllt of a deed o! ree-0nve~-allct>.

See. 57. .\ 1wlemption may ht? made· on any lot. piece 01· parcel of land containf>J in assessment sepa­rflte from ihr- whole asc;essment. In making the Pstimate rwonrletl for in the precf•lling section. the 'l'reasnrer shall estimate 11t,.. a1uonnt. of taxes due on such lot. riel'C or parcel of land, together 'With a proper proportion of the 1axes rlue on pe~onal prllpe.rfy under such assessment and si1c.-h rerlempti•)n shall be made in the manner pro­,..id1·d ior in 1he p1·ceecling section. The Countv Recorder shall note on the margin of the record of the. certificate o-f sale a de:;cription of the proper~' thus redeemed, and Shall specifically set forth the several amounts of taxes paid upon such redemption.

See. 58. 'rl1c deed to the City tlulr acknowledged or proved is p1·ilna1-y evidence that:

1. Tbe property wa.., assessed as rcq11irecl by law. 2. The proper~' was equalized as required by law. 3. 'l'bc> taxes were leviecl in accordance with law. 4. The taxes were not paid. 5. At n proper time and place the property was sold

as pxescribcd by law. and by the proper officer. 6. The property was not redeemed. 7. The officer who executed the deed was the proper.

officer. 8. Wlrnre the real estate was .sold to pa~· taxf's on

pcrsonn l propP.r ty . tlrnt thr i·eal estat<! belonged to the person liabln to pa;· th:~ tax.

SneJ1 ciecd duly <ir.lrnO\\·ledged or proved i.s (cxeept as aQ.'ainst ac:tual fr;i~1d) c'.onclnsive CYicli?.n<:e cJ:f tJ1e l'e!!u­hirity 'lf all othe1· p~·o<:eedings from the a;;se.:;smcnt \,,

()-1. Ordi11ances of The City of Monterey

the _\ssL•s.o;or iu«losive. np to the execution of the <le1·cl. Such dt>etl (•ouveys to the Cifythe above title to the prop­ertT uescrihrJ therein free of all incumbl'anccs. except when the laud is owned b~ the rni~ed tat~ or _the State of California, in which case is pr1ma fac1e evidence of the right of possession accrued <IS 1)f tlte tlatt> of t hf' deed to the City.

~er. 59. Clerical omissions or crrors 01· dd(>(:h in dt•­script ions. ur defects in form in an~· as.c;es.<:ment hook. "hen it can be ascertainPd from the ass~ment hn"k. m· from the .J.ssessor 's maps or block hooks. ur ~om the list fnruished h~· the property owner. what w;11' mtende11 to he ft"i:{(''iRl'd or what shonJa have bee11 assessecl may. with the \1Titten consent of the Cit> .Atto~m·~·. ~e :mp­pJied m· corrected by the A.<isessor at any time a~tl'r the assessment was made and prior to the sale .:for cleLinq llPDt t~"Xes; prM·ided, that ·where sueh cl11mg"I! will decr('ase the amounl o.f ta."(e!S charged against the taxpaye~· 1,y reason oi such assessment, the consent or the Connell sl1ull also he J1 ecess1H·y to such c bange : <lll l1 p rovi llea fl1 rt her. 1 hat where sn<.:h change will incrensc Hw amu~nt. of tnxe!\ d1nrgetl ngainst the taxpaye1· by 1·ea<Jo!1 of "<llll us.<;I': $­

meut. the person so cltarged sb_all lle l!lwn at l1•H"! fivP (5) days' notice of thl' time '\'hen 1h<.> .matter w11l hl· benr<l I)\· Tlw Council. Ile may at such t1mt> pt· •sPnt nn)~ ohjectio


11s bt.> may h~n-e to su<:.h eha11µe to The Cnnn_cil. and their cleeision in the matter shall be com·lnsffe. The lat<• and note of such t•orrection shall he C'nt••rPd on the Rs:.,es..'!mcnt l>ook oppo.c;ite said ac:c:l>i<sml.'nt. nn<l thl~ written au1hority therefor shall be filed hy rhe .. \,.,:-essor with the ~"-n<litor and preserred b:-· the .1mlitw n-. a pnhlie rel.'llrd. and he shall make 1hr proper l'111trurs nr c1·Nlit-> in bis ar:connt with thi" C'ollel1:nr.

~ec. 60. \\benev<>r the City shall 11E'<'l>UH.· tlw <m•~cr of an~ proywr1y sold f<?l' las.es a

0nd _Uw d:c(~ .f'' th·l' Ctf~·

ltas bPeu flied as proY1ded m Sl.'ction J 1. l lte C mm r-tl may there11pm1 hy Resnlntion direct. thr> C'ol11•ctor to sell the property, or any pai·t thereof. w the mann1'1' fol-

lo\\;o!.!': 11· I . Ile 'mnst give notice of such salP hy fu-st pn) 1:-; 11u~ ll

notice once a week .for at least tb1'ee (_3) snccess1ve Wel.'ks in tl1e official newspaper. Snell nonce 1;i11<:t c:.tllte specifi<'11lly 1he place o.f a~d _ilay ~n~ hour of t~c sal<>~ an<l shull c·ontam a description of tne propE'l't) t~ hc­sol<l. It shall also contain a detailed stateruE>nt of all

Ora!na11ces of T1ie City of Jlonte-rey 65

the tl.elinqu<'nt tuxe~. pcnaltic•s. t•ost.;. iuterc,,.t and ex­penses np to the da:;· of •nwh «ale. and <:lta11 &e thf' name of the person to whom the property was llS>lf>SS<'cl for eac~ year. on which there- may he ddinqnent raxes a~mst sa1d property, or any part thereof. and said no­tice Sha1I also refer to thl' R<'i.olntiou directing the <:ale. 1t_ sha1l .b1• the dl1ty of !be Co11f'ctnr to mail -a copy of said notice. posta!!e thel'eou prep~1id. and registered. to the party to whom the U.ncl was last ai:;sessed next l)P..:fure tbe- sale. at his 1ac:.t knmn1 a<lc1l'es.". At the time set for ~ch sale. lhe <;ollector m11!\t c;pll the propt>rfy des1•rihed m the Resolut1ou anrl ontfoe Hf pnblic auction. to tl1e hi~hest bidder for cnsh. in lawful nwney of the rn1ted State~: bl.lt no bid shall he received Qr uc·ceptP<l :ll Sll<'U ~P for less than the allltllmt of oll th1 taxes leYied upon srud property. and all c·osts and pen1tlti1>s for e,·et'\· 'ear delinquent as &hown hy the deli11q uent roll fm· such ~eat;; to the date of 1ht> exeeHtfon <1f il1e 1leed to the Cih'. and ali expenses aecruin!! to tilt> dllt.e ol' ~&le llnder tl'ii~ src­tion. together with interest at se,en (i) per ef'n t pe1· nn­m1m from the first ch1y of :.\lm·ch followiuQ' the ileli11-quency i.n each of ~11id year" ll) the chlte of the· sale herC'TITttler. compnte<l urion the 11g!?'l'C1!'lltl' nmonnt of su<'h delinquent taxes. pt'11al til'S aud c·n;-. ts: pro\'ided. howr•er. that if The Council shnll h• R1>solntion <let·la re that in i~s j11l1gment the propf'rty i;~ mrnetl b,.- thr Cit:;· and par­ticularly described in saicl RE'Solntim1 is not at tlwt time o{ Ta]ue !!reat enough thnt it c~au h" snltl lff the CitY for au amonn1 er111al tn thl' umonnt of all t~xes 1F-vie~1 upon said propPrt~-, ancl 1111 interest. costs. penaltie,; nnd expttu.c:es np to 1hr <lnt .. of snt'h snle. aucl that it would lit' 1o the he->l intt·1·1·st:. of the ('ity to sell nll of said prop­Ert:- for a snm to lil' stn1f'<l in "ail Re.;olntion 1~ .... ., !hnn tT1e snrn ab<J\~e named. the C'ollf'ctur may sell aid pl'op­ert,\ so dPSCr1bed for a sum 1101 It's." thim the sum :-:tilted in s~iid resolution. together with the expe1Hes nf sale. The e:spem;e of f!i\·in~ the notice be1·• io 1·eqnirell <:ball be a e:harge ngainst the prOpt>rty so ad,·ertise<.l and sliall b<: collected h~- the Collector. awl no redemption of said property before said i::ale may be bad , ... ithout pa.,,nent of such. costs o.r. advertising: and to :-;P.eure the pa)·ment of such advertismg costs, the OollPCtm· sball dellland in ad­\'ance .f-rom 1he pal't~· 01· parties seel;ing to purc·base. a aeposit with !-i<lirl Offiet>l' Of H S111ll s11fficiPnt to defray snch costs of advertisinr!, w·hich deposit sl1all be .forf>"ited

66 Ordinances of The City of llfonterey

in tlw e»ent said party or parties fail or r t fusc to pnr­cha.se llt such sale; provided, that if the party ot parfa1s so depositing .fail to secure such prope11.y on their bid, such deposit shall he returned and snch advertising c:ost shall be eol1ected from the successful purchaser . Jn the 1:v<mt tbr property is not. sold at sneh sale, the Collector nlli.~- r eadvertise the property for sale iu the manner in this section provided: for the first or original adver tise­ment.


See. 61. All personal property unscenred by rea1 prop­erty must be assessed by the Assessor on or before the fir.~t )fonday in June of each year.

Sec. 62. Taxes on all property, when, in the opinion of the Assessor, sai.d taxes are not a lien upon real prop­erty sufficient to secure the paym1mt of the taxes, must be collected as l1ereinafter provided. Tax.es on all as­sessments of possession of claim to 01· right of the poi;­session of personal property, shall be immediately due and payable upon assessment. and shall he collected by the Assessor or Collector of The City of Monterey as here­inll.fh~r provided.

Sec. 63 . At the time of making the assessment. or a t /l.U? t ime tJierea.ftcr , the Assessor- of The City of ?rfon­t Hrey, and at the time of the delivery to him of the a.'>­sessment book, or at any time thereafter, the (',ollector of Th e City of .\Ionte:rey shall collt->et such taxes as are men ­tioned iu Section 61 hcl"cof from all persons ~scssed. In rasc of failme so to collect. the saill Assessor or Col­le<'.t.or nrny coller.t the same b}, seizu~e and sale of any persou111 prop er t y owned by the person against whom the tax is assessed. The sale mnst. be at public auction and of suffil'ient amomit t.o pay tbc taxes, percentages, and costs. The sale must be made after one week's notice or tlrn tinw aud place thereof given by publication in a. news­paper in the C01mty of Monterey, or by posting in thre(~ (3) public places. Por seizing· and selling per­sonal p1·operty for taxes, the Assessor may charge in each case the sum of three (3) dollars an,1 the costs, if said personal prope1'1:y is advcrtii;cd, of a.dvcrtising the siunc, aud in addition thereto the same milHage and keeper's foe1; as is allowed bv law to the Sheriff' of the Count.y ~drnu !'\c~izing and keeping property subject to execution

Ord/.na11.ces of The CUy of Monterey 67

1mder <lttachmenl. Ou l><l)'lllE'nt <1£ the price bid for any property sold. lhe 1lclh-c>t>· the1•t•of. with a bilJ of sale. vests the title tli,e1·c·to iu the purchaser. -111 excess over the taxes. pe1· cent, anti c·O!'>ts of th•• proceeds of am- such sale, m~ be :eturned to the owner of the propertY sold, and until clam1ed must be deposited in the Cin- Treas­ury. subject to f!te order of the owner. heirs or· assigns. The unsold ptn·tlon of any property may be left at the place of sa..le at the risk of tht! owner. The Colleetor shall be gITT'eroed as to the amouut of taxe~ to be b• him col­lected on personal pl'opertr before the rate for th•' cm·­r~nt yeai· shall ~an> l>l'en fixed b~- the rate of the pre­Vl!lus year; pronded. that wheu tb~ rate is lixt>d for the year in which collertinn is mal1e. if a sum in aeec;s of the rate has b('en collectNl, the !"xce'lls must be repajd by the rrr·ea-sul·er to the person from whom the collection was made1 or to his assignee, on demand therefor. li a swn }e;,;s ttHm tbe rafa> has ueen collected the deficiellCV must Ue <'OilectPd as Other taxes On pPl'SO~a! property are CO]-}ec;ted. •

f;ee. 64. The Collector must, as soon as the ass~ment book for the year is t·ompletecl, note the same opposite the names of eacb person from '' bom taxes l.ui n· het·n received and the aruonnts thereof.

Sec. 65. Receipts fo1· pcr·onal propcrh- taxes must be made out. in duplicate and nuruuPreu; <.,·uch re<:eipts shall ha~e a Jme for the nan1e of the person asS<'ss~ i. the amount of the asscsr;ment. the rate r.ollectc•l. lines for th~ ite:ms ass~ed for colll•ction. the total amount. the , laf1> of coll~ction and the uame of the deputy making the t·ol­lectiou. _\.ll unusect r"C:t-iot<; must be rnruell iu bv the <.:olll>etor to the ~\ tH~itor w·itl1 his s1>ttlement for per~onal property taxe•>, wh1d1 se1flt>11wnt ,,;hall he made on the fir.st J\Ionduy in .lugm;t of eac11 yc111·.

Re<•. 66. The C'olle<~tor mnst annnalh· 011 Utt· tirst 1fonday in l\Jarch att1>11d at the office of the .\.uditor wHh the delinquent list. 'l'lw .\ uditor must tlll>n admin­ister to flu> Collect or an oath to be writteu autl snb­scrihed in thC' delinquPnt lii;1 tbat eacl1 persou on all property assessed in the delill<tuent list on wllich taxes nave heen paid, hu$ he<::n cl'edited in the list with such payment. and th.at all pJ'Opl'rty assessed in th~ delin­quent lisl w.11ich has ueen solJ to the Chy has heen marked " Sold to the City. " an<l thut ta.\;l'S not marked '·pard" have not beon paid. and thal he h.a<; not been able to

GS Ord·i;;aw:IJS of 'l'he C'-itp 1.Jf Jlontcrry

<ii!i1·onn· an~· prope1't,': be-longing to or in th :: pos.<;c~­si«i~ ,,f tJ1e pe1-son liable to p1i>- the same whf'rcof to ~olled . 'The .. A.11dito1· must tlwn foot up the amount of tn ~I.:':> remaining nnp;iicl anrl e:re{lit the Collecto1· with t!H: 11 .i.nonut and hare a fii>11l settlr::mcnt with h im. and th(• ddim1nent list mn~t remain on file in h is office.

Sec. fi7. ...\ny p~:-sm\ claiming propcrt~· to he 1>x1•mpt from taxa.tion nn.cte1· the Con;;titntion and the lllwR of the State o.£ California rnnst mak!-! a return ther eof to i.lie j .. s~c8sor anrmall;-: tlw samP. as propert~· ;s 1 iste1l .for t·a:rntion, and <::hall accompany the san11! \\·ith au affidaYit sho\\'ing the fact<:: upon whicl1 he bascl:l hi::; claim foi- exemption from ta&ation.

SAe. 68. All taxes and n;;:sessments levi.ed, together with .i n;- per-ccntag;e imposed for delinquen<:~- a nd t he cost of r.ollection, shall constitnte liens on the propert~' :tssessi>cl. Rve1·>· tax npon the personal property :-;hall be n li en upon the i·eal pl'lllH)rt:'I· of the owmir tb\'rco:f, and C\'(~1·y tax due upon i.mproYcrneuts upon real estate t1.s11c;;se<l to other than the mnwr of the real estate is 1.1. lin1 npon the land and improYem<'nts. The lieu;:; pl'O­\"i<lc~tl fc>1' in this section shall attach after th~~ fir~t i\lou­da,· iu ,\(arcJi of r:>ac h -.·c:H'. 11ncl m1.t Y lH' 1>nforced iu 1w ,· i.'O;d <•.f corupetE-nt j1;ristlie:tion to· foreclose such lien;. <•r hr a :mlH of thl~ riropcrty and the execution a.od de-1 inn".'· of all necessary certificat es and deeds ihcref<>r. nncle1· the re~nlationl:> as in t his Ordir:m1ee pro,· i1lcJ .

SN!. 6H. A\JL the pt'cH·i,-;ions of Titl11 IX of Part ILI of: llte P olitieal Cock of the State cf C11liforui<1, and or an ad Ot the Legislatnl'e of t.he State of Califomia, !'ntitled ""\n ..:\c:t to carr:- info effP.ct t he pr(l\"ision~ ot Rer'.tion fourteen <'f ,\rt.ide thirteen of the Co11st1· tution of t lrn State of California as said Const itution ,,·as amenc~ed ':\oi;ember 8. 1910. providing for the sepa­nnio11 of ~tate from local taxation. and provitl iug .Co-r 1.lw tRxa.til'll of publie seni<:e nnd other eorpomtious, hank;;. uud immr1rncc· eomp11nies for the bP.uefit of tlw State, all relatittg to. reYernH~ and taxation," and (l.Jl acts amenclatory thereof or suppJemc:ntan thet:l? to. f!O ia1· n;; the same are app1icah1e and noi inc(;nsi:stent. wit11 tlli·~ pi·o\·isions of this Ordinance, are hercb;· adoptccl ttS

a pul't of this Ordinance. Ordina.uce Ko. 16 of 'J'he City '>f ~fontcwcy, passed by the Board of Tn1~tecs 0£ tlw Cit~· of i\rontere~·, ,foly 26. 188!:1, m1d Onlinance No. 10:3 of '!'he City of )fontere~·, passed by the Boa1·cl of

O·rcli11(111ces ut The C-ity of JJontr:-;-cy 69

Trllstees of Tl1c· Ci.t ,\· of :\fontetey ,Julr 1. l!J02. and all orchiance.-::, parts of ordi nan<:es. rnlcs. oi·dprs and res­ol~!.i~ns in _conilic.-t. her e \\· ilh ai·~ hen'h~· repealed.

I his Onlmanel~ ~hall tnke cft'ert a ud be in fo1·c-e thirt,­(:10) da:'s from 11ncl aftPr its final pass;:ge and app ;:ovai.

P::isse.d and approwd J11nnar,v ~' 1912. 1n effect F eh­l'lrnQ· L 1912.



.!n Ordina·nr:r: lo F i.(: a11<l P1·<ni<.Tr; fv i· rite CoUr.r:tion of a. Jlwiicipal T,ic1uw· T11.r. OJI al/d lo Reqirlate Cer­fohi. B11sin<"sse:.; i11 Thf. City of Jfo11fereu and Rf· p<wlinrt 01·diua111.:c Vo. oG, (IJ1t} Portions of Ordi-1wnce _,\'o, f.12. a.nd alt Conflicti11g 01·dinauces, awl lmposrny a Pe,l((ltv for Violations Hereof.

The Counc-il 0£ The CitY of ~lonterey do Ordain as follo\\·S : .

. Sectic'n 1. Xo pcr::.011, firm, copa1·tncrship, corpora­t 10n or si:soci atiou ,i;hilll pursue, keep, c~arry ou, con­dnd or engage in any bui;iDl'SS her einafter named in 'l'he Cit_,- of !lfontP.rey witho11t procm-111~ 11 license there-fo1· as hercinaft e1· proYiclcd. -

Sec:. 2. The Audit.or of The> Cit-'- of -:.\fontereY sha ll prc:pare and h a\·c p1·inted a sn i.tahle form for licco;;e;; with blanks for the iust>rtion of ihe uii mc of the peri>on i c• \rhom it i::i issued , the natmc of th:~ bnsine.<>S licensed, the tjme and plac~· for whieh it ~s granted, its date: and the amount pa\d ther cfOl'. The license sbaJl ht> si,!?11e:l b;· the~ Collec;t or and connte.rsiQ'ned lr:: the .\..u­ditm·. Bhink licenses shall he kept "!Jr the Anclitor. bouncl in honk for·n1 with marginal stnh11 upon wh;ch he ;;hall ente1· bi·iefi:· the facts stated in tl1e lir:en;;e at the time of issnmH!I?. '('he Auditor shall take the Collcc:tnr's receipt for illl Jic:enses dC'J.i \·e1•ecl to l1im, and shall keep a boc>k in wl1i ch he !:\llall ent1>r all lic;e1H.::~ dcliwred hy him to the Collector ancl the amonnt thereof.

Sec. 3. All licens<'s shall be pa,nthle in advanc<: and, c·:xeept as herci11 othen\·isc fH'Ovided. shall he issued for

70 flnfi11ances of The City of .lfo1~terP-y

the quarter year of three months, pronded that ,.-hen any busine!iS hereinafter specified shall be eomH11meccl after the 11eginniog of the £seal year, t ho'! proper offi· cer or officers are authorized to issue a. li cense for the remaining portions of said fiscal ~·ear ant1 receive in paymRut therefor thP. pro rata snm rcquisi tB for such license for sneh nnexpired term; provided that in :oo ease shall a liC'.cnse be issned for a. kss periocl than fur~ months. except as in Section 6.J. htreof proYided. The fiscal year for The City of )lcmterey shall com­mence on the first day of July of each year for the purpose of this ordinance. and sha U be dh·iderl into guartcrs as follows: The months o:f .July, Augnst and September shall constitute the nrst quarter: the months of October, )[ovember and December shall constitute the second quarter: the months of January, February and Marcl1 shall constitute the thircl quai·ter: atlll the month~ of April , ~lay ancl .Tune shall con;;tih1tc the fourth q1un·t?.1'. .-\.ll qnarterly licens~s shall elate frc111:i.

the comnHmc.c.me11t of ihe qu1ntcr during whicl1 the same is issueil. and all anmrnl or sP-mi.annnal JicensFs shall date frou; the fh;:t day of ,Jmmar~· or the fa-:;l da;; of J ul.'--

Sec. 4. Application for the issnan ce of a licensP ma::­be rnaa«~ t o the CollP-dor on an_\" d<\.Y except Sundays and legal holi days,. and upon tl.w payment to hin•. () £ the amount of tlH! licen;.;c tax. he slia.iL unll';;s othEn-"·isL~ pr1•­\•idecl herein . dcdiYcr to the~ <lpplicant therc~for a license to engagl~ .in th~ hu:-.iness therein specified, signing tl1e same hdorc deliYcry.

Sec. ;J, Al.I. J.ic.em;es shall be paid for in adYau~e to the C'ollec:.tor, nt bis offiee, in Ja,\·fol mon<•:;· of ihe T!nilcd st~.u.:s . and no dentall(l for 01' 11otice t o plty a lieense ta~ iice<l be rnade by said Coll ector.

Sec. 6. Ewr~· p erson . fu111, copartnership. as.socia­tion or <:orporation ha\ing a ii1:l'nse nuder t he proYi­sions 0£ this Ordinuncn. shall cnn;;pieuonsly o:ti~Jit the same at his place of business at all tunes when m for.ce, and shall produce the same when appl~ing for a renewal or when requested to by the Chief o e Police, Collector or a:ny police officer o.f The City of Monterey; proviaed that peddlers and others who ha...-e no :fised place of business in said City, must carry the licenses at all times when pursuing their vocations, and must e>:hibit

Ordi11ance1; v; '.l'he City of M onterey 71

the same upon l'eqHest therefor by the Chil'f of P olice, Collector, or 1mr police officer of sa.id Ci t~-.

N"o license issu€d or granted under the provisions of this Ordinance shn ll <Htth01·i7.e an,· other bnsine.s.s than is therein narnccl, .nor aul11or:7.e· the can~1ing on ot e_on<lndin¥' of th~~ husiuess thc1·ein named, a.nd thRrcby hce11sed, m more tlrn.11 one place of business; subject to llk c·otHliti.ons and limitations herein ex.prcRsed. busi-11t>,,;s .li<:ernses hE.>1·eunder i;;sue<l may he a.ssigoeil by the holde.1• thc:.rcof. to h is or their successor or sue0<~ors in husine;;;:-: prm·iclcd that t he C.ollecto1· shall en dorse all assignments and shull immediatel.'· record all such as­signmHns or t.n1nsf 1•1'8.

See. I. 'l'lrn Collect()r shflll k<~ep in his of.ficc a license book in \\·hich h~ .sh<lll eutee the names of anr person, firm, copart11ership. as~o<:iation 01~ corporal.ion to whom a lict-nse is issnecl, thP- ehara<:ter oE tlHl business li­censell, the tcmi. fin· which the liceJ1se j;; grautecl, the place \Ylm·e thl· business is to h~ eonduclcd, the date of the lir:ense ancl the amonnt receiwd tlwre£o1• in each ta:S<::. rmtl fu1·nish the Conn<:il with au ah!lttact thereof ~or the mo11th just en1let1. at ca<:h ol: it<; reg-olar meet·

8r-e. '3. E ,·er>· person. firm. copart.ne1-i:;hip, associ11-tion or corporation engag(:<l in c-arrring on, pul'l>-uing-, r.ondrn:ting. keeping or eng;iging in an,1· business herein named \\"~thin th e (:Orporatc limits of The Cit.\· of ~Io11-te1't>>, ,;hall pa~· 1l li<:ense the1·"for a~ follows,. to 1vit:


SC'c. <1_ For the 11us[ncs~ •)f ~elli11g- real or perso1rnl propt-rr;-· flt public cmtc:ry. th(' sum of 'l\v1) I-Inndr;?d {$200.0o :: Doll.a1·s. per qrn1rtcr: proyided, that special licem;e nm~- lJe is·rned for one or more da5·s, upou the pa;·rnent. of Fift~· (*50.00) Dollars for mH:h and ewr~· day r;nch sper.ial lier.us..: shall b(~ and r-emnin in force.


Sec. 10. F or the bnsiues;; of soliciting custom or patronag.1 for iiny doetor, ph~·sician, surgeon, or so­called sre~ialfa t. dcmtist, eye-;;pecialist optieian, or op­tornctri:;t. the sum of Fift:· ($50.00) Dolliirs per da:;-, 1)(1~-a hle in Rdvance.

72 Orclinontes of The City of Jlonterey


::;ee. l 1. F or t.he brn;iness of soliciting .£or any busi­llt~ss of au\. kiud or charac.tcr at. any lec:tu1·e Ol' an,1· en­tE>rtai11lllcn't of an y k ind or charn<:ter , whet.her com.luc:tcd jn the open air, a ten t, buildin§!', hall ?r theatre, whAtlH~r charge for admi1;sion t.o s uch entertammont be maclA or l1ot, t.he sum of li'iw ($5.00) Dollal's per c1a~-. payable dail_,. in acha1rne.


Sec. 12. For the business of keepine- or conductin~ billiard or bagatelle tables or pool tablt•~ or similar tables for public use and hire: for- each billiard or b.agatelle or pool table or similar table so kept for public use and hire. the $mn of one and liftr-hundredths ($1.50} dol­lars pe1· q ual.'tcr.


Sec.. 13. For th~~ hu;;iness of keeping howliM fllle>;s or sh.11ilu alleys for public nse and bire: for Pach pan· of bowling alleys or similin· alleys so ke1)t. tbe sum of one and fifty-lrnndrE>dtli::i ($1.50) donari;: per qua11er.


i)ec. 14. Fm· tlw business of keeping: slrnff.l e bNmls for public 11se an cl hire; for each shuffle _b~ard so kHpt. the snm of one anc1 fifty-hnndredtbs \ $1.;)0 ) c1ollars per qull rter.


Sec. 15. !<'or the bu~iness of hu~tig and i:wlling r<-al or personal pr operty, or renting or collecting rents as th1• Hgent or fac tor of another. the sum of two and fift.:,·-1.inndi:edths ($2.50) dollars per <Ilt.arter.


Sec. 16. For the bnsincs.c; of conducting a lnnuclry or wash house or other plaee of business where wnsb­in"' or ironing- is done for the public, or for the bnsine s ol'receiving 8.na cleli\ering laundry for the pnhlic and contracting therefor in The City of 1!ontere~·. ot· hoth . the S'lun of four ($4.00) dollars per quarter.


See. 17. For the business of conducting tlieatrical ex h"ibitions or e:xhibitions o.f lH~gro minstre.li:; or for open air concerts or otJ1er musical <!ntcrtai1rnwnts n ot gotten up

Ordi11anccs of ~·he Oitl! of Jfontr.rC'JJ '73

l)y the citizens o.f this Cit~· a11d gi\·en wh;illy for the bene. tit of chnr chcs: sc•hools or cllar i ta.blo pnrposcs, or other rx­liibitions, the .following lieen.sr. tax shall be paid :

1st. F or a house, hall, theatre. t ent, or other .<;truc­ture maintai ilf·d for lh1!11tric:al or musical pcdormances, the smn of oue .hundred ( :!;100.00) dollars per year, pay­able half ~·earl:- in advan<:e.

2nd . P or a .house. hall, th <•1Jtre, tent or other stru<:­turc maintailwd for tuoving pichu·es and illustrated sm1gs exclusivP.l~·, the snm of sixt~- ($60 .00 ) dollars pnl' ,1·P.1ir, pa~·able half ~·end.'· in ;;i.clvance.

:frcl. .For sparring E>xhiuitions. lhe club giving such. performa11<'es !';hall. pay ~t license tax of one hUDdred I. *100 j dollar~ pe1· am111n1, l)rovidetl. tbat no license for am· such exhibi tion s.hall be i~ued until after the ConnnisRioner· of Public H ea lth an<l 8afety of the City of ::\lo11terey slrnll h aYA gi\'lm writteu permit for the issua11ee H1ereof. Huch J)(!rlnit .<;hall lw issued 0111~· after 11-rittc11 applie:ation. and the president and secretary of such c:lnlJ shall have signed (h1 the applie:ation) the C'onsent of 8Uch dub to be bouncl b1· sncb rules and reg-ulatio11s as may be pres<:ribcd by 'the said Commis­sioner· of Publi1~ IIealLh and Bafety, and suc:h rules :rn<l regulations as ma~- herea.£ter he pl'escrilwd by Oixli­nance and The Conn('.il..

-l:th. F m· m·estling- or siwilar exhibitions the dnb or pe.t:mn gi,·ing ~nwh i~·rforma.n cl' shall p~:-.· a license fax of twenty ($20) 1tollars for t>ach exhibit ion and shall be issued Hnder the sanie co11ditiou;;; and man ner as licr111ws for sparri11g E>Xhihitious.


Rec. IS. l<'(1r the business of <'al'l'yiug on. exhibiting or eondncti ug a enrm·ar1 or \ncnHgcl'ie oi: any collection of anin:rnJ,,.. equestrian or nnr aerobat ic perforrnante 11ot in conjunction with a circus, the ~nrn of twent~-­fin~ ($25.1.>0) dollar$ pet· da .1-.


See 19. For tlw hnsin<~ss o.£ ca rninsr ou or con­<lucti~g a <:ircu~, fift~- ($:"50.00) <lol!Hr~c; I~~r day for a on~-ring- c:ircus, Se\·e11t~·-fo·e ($75.00) dollars pc~r <lay for ti t\ro-ring: eirern. llll<l one lntndred (.$100.00) dol­lars iier da~· for il three-ring or llHH'f:< than three-ring­circlls.

'ii Ordinances of The City of Monterey


:::lee. 20. Fol" the business of carr;·ing on or couduct­ing an.\· dog or· oth er animal show, the :mm of twcut:v­:tlve ($25.00) dollars per day.


Sec. 21. For t.he business of can·ylllg on_ or conduct ing any publie Show for pay of any figu:e, Juggler, J?-CC­romancer. magician, wire or . rope walkmg o_r . ~ancmg, or freak, or any other public show or exhibition not herein other\\'ise provided for, the sum of ten ($10.00) dollars per day.


Sec. 22. For tbe business of carrying 011 ?1' .condur.t­ing a merry-ao-round or hobby-horse, or s1m1lar c~n­triva.uce the :um of ten ($10.00) dollars p_er •JRY f?.r each mcrry-go-ro1md or h ohby-hon;c or snnilar contu-Yance.


Sec. 23. Fo1· the busint's;; of eontln~ti:ig or r.a 1·1·yi~·1~ on anv ball-tossing. ring-tos~ing or smnl ar gamP._; !L11 ~lach game conducted or <:arried 011. the sti m of five ( $5.00) dollars per da;.--.


Sec. 24. Fol· the business ?f selli.u~ at wholt>sale _or retail. except as herein otherrns1:1 p1'ov1~ed. at any fixe~ place· of business -within The City of )fontere~. an~ goods. wares, groceries. candy. iee cre~1: eonfectio_nery. jewelr\·, books. stationery. drugs. medicines. ~m.tu~e. iromnue. hardware, lumber. wooa_. coal. meat, fish. _frmt. veaetables, berries. hay or feed. c1~rs. tobacco'. annn~~s. wa

0 ns or oil and all other articli:s of meteha.ndise,

qu~rly. the sums ~er.eina.fter mentioned. accord~ng to his, lter 01• their or its aTerage ruunthly sales as in t11e .following sr.lwlule provided:

F irRt class. Monthly sales of fifteen hundred cloll a.rs or ove1·. ten {$10.00) dollars pel' quarter.

Second class. Monthly sales of over one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars and tmder fifteen . h1~1dre~ ($1,500.00) dollars the sum of seven and ~ -hun dredths ($7.50} dollars pe:r quarter.

Third class. 1\Ionthly sales 0£ oTer seven buuclred fifty ($750.00) dollars and under one thousand

($1,000.00 ) d0lh1rs, t ho sum of :;ix ($6.00) dollars per quarter.

F.'onr th clas..-.. .\lon tl1h· ~all•s of o,·er fh·e hundred ($;;00.00\ dollm'S uiuJ ll~l dt•r se1'ell h undred mid fiftT ~$750.00 "i <lollars. fh'e p\:5.00 > dollars per quarter. ·

:Errth clllb-s. :\Jonthly sales of five hundred ($500.00) dollars or lt<ss. fom ($4.00) dollars per qua.rt.er.

Pro·rided. i.mder =>Uch lic<:nse t10 wines or intoxicating liqtlOl'S shall be sold or dispensed in any quantity whatso­ever -without f:irst obtaining the requisite license there­for in addj ti on hereto.


• 'ec. 25. For lht> b11sines.~ of hawking. peddling, or itil1eraut Ye11din~ of. or £01· soliciting retail orders for books, <fr.v ,!?OOds. groceries, jewell·y. goods, wares and mercl:umdise. or any oilier goods (whether such articl"'s he of tbr parties· own manufacture or not), except gi·ain. ltay, farm products. vegetables, fruit, fish, or prilk. lhe SllJll of fl1tr ($50.00) dollars per quarter. provided tllat onl~- one person may hawk, peddle or vend as aforl."said undE'r one license.

Sec. 2Ci. For the businei;s of peddling or itinerant •ending of grain, hay. farm products, vegetables or £mits. no1 the produce of tlie person Tending the same, the snm of fift)- ($50.00) dollars per qnal'ter. For the business of peddling or itineraut vending of Tegetables, fro.it . or fowls. grain. hay or farm r11·odncts, the prod­uce of the person Yending tbl' same. the sum of four ($4'00) clollars per quart1tr.

Rec. 27. For the bnsiness of peddling or itinerant \ending. or selling and delh-cring milk or fish, in the vt>nding. peddling or selling nnd delh-ering of any of which a wagon is nsed. the stun of foru· ($-!.00) dol­lars per quarter for each wagon used: provided, that any person who pa~·s a 11uarterly license tax for vend­ing any of the above described merchandise. at an::r fixed place withi1l The City of lfonterey, may, if then :holding such licelise, use. without additional license tax, one wagon for tlw sale ancl ch:li v<-:r~· thetcof, in any pnrt of the Cit~-.


Sec. 28. For the bu::;iness of keeping a public hotel or inn. the !'mn of seYeo a:ud fift,· lmndredths ($7.50) dollars iwr c1 nai·ter. ·

'iG 01·rHnances gf The City of Jlonterey


Sec. 2-9. For the businr.ss of keeping a boardi~1g irnd Jodgfog hc•use, 01: a. lodging house .. the sum heremaf.ter set ont uccor <liuo- to the number 01 l'OODlR pr?v1ded for the aceou1111o<lal~11 d guest<> as in Hie following sc.bed-ulP. p1·oyidcd : .

F irst class. For hou ses }1aymg twenty rooms or more p1·uvidc<l fol' the accommodation 0£ guests, the sllln o-f si~ ($6.00 ) dollan; per quarter.

SP.Cond class. For houses having ten or mol'e and le;;,;; than br('nt~- rooms proYicled for the aecommoda~ tiou of guests. the ~um of fou1• ($4.00) dollars pe1· qua.rkr. . ,

Third class. For .houses havmg fi\·e Ol' more a~1d kss than ten rooms provided for the Bccommodat10.11 0£ giwsts. the s nrn of two and fifty hundred tl1s ($:2.50) dollani per quarter.


See. ao. For thf~ hnsine!'I;:; of k~eping- R lin~ry .stable whe1·+' horses or vehicles are kept for 11ii-e or sale, seven a11d fifty-hundredths ($7.50) d<)llan; per quarter.


Sec. 31. For the business of a pawnbl'oker or keep­i11g- a pa11·nbrolrnl''s shop, the ::mm 0£ fifteen ($1.:i.00) dollars per qnartc1·.


St>r.. ::!2. F or the husinPss of keeping a restanra.nt, cliop house. e<1ting house, stand. booth. saloon. coffee room. bnildin~ 01' place for t he sale or coffee, o.vsters. Ol' othc1: refreshment:; or food, the sum of £our ($.J:.00) dollru:.s per quarter. . .

Provided. th11t nnclcr such license no w1m~s or mtox­ir.;itiug I iquors sha 11 be sold or furnishc<l wit~ any b?11a fide meal or otlwrwisc at any s1wh ph1 ce, without first having obt:::ii11ed th~~ rcqni:=:ite lier..nse therefor as re­quired by the Ordinances of the C1tr.


Sec. i13. For lhc business of keeping any wheeled· vehicle, inch1ding antorirnbilm>. .fot· pu blie. lrne .for ti_-a~1>­pol'tation or c~m:·<\'l·imc,e. 0£ ~>asse1;1-ger;; for ~lre ~·1:lun the eorporate lmnts of lhc c.1ty of 1\Tonterey, or for re­<~r~iviug, hauling or transportmg <1n>· goods, wares, mer-

OnUnances of '.l'he City of Monterey ii

e:haudise or oth<~r 1u·tielc.s wholl~ within 'l'lw City of '\fontere\· for lrit't: in which business auy 'l"LeeJed vehide ;=' used.· { uel udini; au t ornobilt::S. ii license t ax is hereby i~1posetl as .fullo~,·s : Oa each one-hors!! vehicJe. the sum of two ($2.00 dollars per half ~·ear : on each two­horse vehicle. the sum of four ($4.00 \ dollars per half 1ear ; on each four-horse Yehicle:, the sum of six ($6.00) doll&-s per ha1£ year : on each automobile, locomobile, or other road eomeyance propelled by gasoline. gas, or electricity or other artificiaJ power, the sum of seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50) per half year on each machine: provided. however, that conYeyances regu­larly kept by the prop1·ietors o.f hotels to carry passen­gers to and from their respective hotels e.."{elusively shall not be snbj ect to the license tax above provided for.

The liecn.;:;c tax e:oJlcctor shall assign a $eparate mun­ber lo each and ever)' Yehick for \Yllidt lie i.ssuei;; a licen;;;~. and ;;hall furnish a tin or plate in dnplicate with each :unmher tl1ereou. which numlicr sha 11 be com. posed of rnmH~rals not kss than ;h,:;1 illches in :;;ize. for which he shall e:harg«: the sum of Sl.00; p1·0,·idcd, that no two Yehic·les of t11e same d11ss slrnll lrnYe tl1e ;;arne number. .Sue:h number shall he perrnanc1it w·itbont re­gard to the ownership of such vel1icle, and shaU be af­fued to such vehicle by the party obtaining the licen.<;e, in the manner and place desiJ?Jlated by the Collector, and no person shall drive or permit to be drh·en any "Vehicle belonging to him or un<ler !)'is control ITTthout havirw such numhe1· afri.xe<l tll<'r eto. and such number ,;;ball lJOt. be im·ertecl, CO\"Cr ecl. mutf la ted, 01' otherwise rendered oh.;:;eure or lJlegihle.

Any person driving or h~nin!? control of anr vehiele or 'le.hicles on \\'hich a numher is required to be placed hall give the number of his ,·elticle on the inquiry of

any p erson . Ever.t" proprietor of any carriage or vehicle used for the t ransportation of passengc1·s and every rnnne1• and. solieiting agent .sha.U, 1rhile soliciting- pat­ronage or employrncr1t for or driring or operating a.ny caniag<\ or 1·el1fok nsed for the transportation of pas­sengc~1·.s, W€ar coo;;picrww-iJ:· c.xposc~'l llpon the outside 11lpel of his e<);1t a ltadgc, !ih01ring in plain Roman Jct. ters and _.\.ra hie number;.; of such Si%<' and fo:nn a1,; ma~· be designated h:· the Collc<:tor, tht:- mun1Jer of the car-

73 Onli-nmH·cs of 'l'11.e Cit·y o; .l101itt'rl"'J

1 ·i;1g-•~ or \·ehicle o.f whieh he is the driver or for which he is soliciting patronage or employment.

The Collector shall fnrnish ihe badges proYided £or in this sectio11 and shall charge a.nd collect for each badge the sum of one dolla.r ($L OO). The tags or plate O'lll1l.hel'l:I and the badg<~s provided £or herein shall be purchased by the City Clerk at the expense of the City and all moneys collected therefrom shall be accounted fo1· aud paid into the City Treasury b~· the Collector ai:;. tmd ut the same time as. he accounts for and pays mon eys received for licenses.


Se~'. a-1:. For the businc,;;s of .keeping a pist ol, rifte 0r ot.hcr tire arm shooting gallc1·~·, or si.inilar ~a.J lery the sum of -:en•n a11<l fifty hnndn'!dths ($7.50) dollars pe1·


:Sec. ;35. For the hm;iuess of c•onclnc,tiutr a hath honsc or bathing pavilion, the snm of fo1n ($·t00) dollars pe.r q uartcr.


Sec. 36. Fo1· t.Le husiness of hill po.stio~ and distrib­utiug eircul.ars. dod~ers or othe1~ printed adverti.c;ements, 01· mat,~riaL the !'111111 or ffre ($5.00) dollars per quart.er.


8<'c. :n. Fo1· the business of kecpinl! bont.<i for hire within The City of 1\fouterey, a license tax is hereby imposed as follows, to wjt: For each row boat, one ($1.00) dollar per rgrnrter; £or eacb sail boat, two ($2.00) dollars per qnnrter : £or ea<>h launch. or hoat propelled by steam, gasoline, electricity or other arti­ficial power. four ($4.00) dollars per quarter, and .for each glass bottom boat th?. sum of two and fifty hnn­llredths ($2.50 ) dollars p<>r q uarter.


Sec. 38. For the business of conducting a. cleaning or renO\'ating· establishment, the snm of four ($4.00) dol­lar:,; per quarter.


~ec. :s!). For the business of coududiug an. employ­Hwnt agency, th e snm of t1rn and fi.fty hundredths ($2.:)0 ) (loll ars per quarter.

Orainani:e.~ of The C'i ty uf .1Ion te1·f!y 79


Sec. 40. For thE' hn>line:,s of col lcet ing, purc·lrn.sing or bartering fo1· old junk, the smn of. t"·o and tiftr hundredths ($2·.50) dollars vcr q1rnrter.


Sec. 41. For the hu:;iness or conducting or carrying on a mercantile 01· colledion agenc:·, the suin of tlrn and fiftr hundredths ($2.50) dollars per quarter.


S ee. 42. F'Ol· t.he bnsiness of keeping and co11<h1cting public dance l1alls. ball. r•ooms or skatin g· rinks, or sim i­lar places of amnsement, the snm of f.ye ($5.00) clolla1..,; per quarter.


Sec. JB. For the lnrnines!-l o.f couclnr.tiog· or carryi11g on a printing· establishment or p11hlish.i:n.g a nc1vspaper or hoth, thf- :mm of four ($4:.00) dollars pm· quarter.


Sec. 44. Fm· the hnsiness of r(m t ing or :wlliug bi­c~·cles, or bolh. the Sltln of four ( !i;.J:.f){)) dollar;; per quarter.


See. 45. For thE' bnsiness of (:owlnc~tiJJg OJ' main­taining· a garage, th~~ sum of four ($4:.00) dollars per qnartcr.


Sec. 46. ]'or eonduding- the> hnsiness o.f ll scav­enger or garhag~ c.ollector \rithin Tlw Cit.v of }foutere~'. a license tax i8 hereby imposccl as follows: For eaeb scavenger or ~arbage wagon, the sum of two and fifty lrnn<'lrc·clths ( $2.50~ aol lal's per quar ter.


Sec. 47. }'or the bw;i11es:-; of .sn pplyiug TI"a t er to The City of ) lontel'ey. oi: its inhabitan t;;. a license tax is hcrnby in1poiscc1 and .fixed in the :>Hm of. twelYe and fift~' hundredths ($12.50) c.lollRTs per q1,iarte1·.


Sec. 48. For the bnsincs~ of ker:t: ing or <:ornluding­Yewling or "·e!ghing machines or sirnilai· lllll.c:hines. the sum 0£ one ancl twenty-five lnmclredth!'l ($1.25~ (\ollars per quarter for e<ich machine.

80 Orrlinanr:es of The City of Monterey


·'cc. 49. For_ co11duc.ting the business 0£ phrenologist. ~rr~lng-er .. tue<lmm. fortune teller. palmist or clair\'OY­ant w ,·ducb ~t·es are c·harged. or any charge is made. or for the bnsmess of giving anv exhibition as a ·eer phrcnolog~t. astrologer. medium~ fortune telle1·. palm~ t.St. or clairvoyant. w"ithin The City of ~ontere,-. the :mm of fifteen ($15.00) dollars per qMrt~r. ·


81•c. ?O. For the . business of keeping. maintaining. ~ondnc:t1ng or openting packing houses or fish canner­ies or· other pacl..i.n~ bonses or canneries. t he sum of seven a11d fll'ty buJlClredths ($7.50) dollars per quar­t er.


Sec. 5J . l<'or t he business of lrn~pit1g-. maintai11inlo{ or eondncting a p hotog1-aph or similar ;·;·alien a t ~n'· fixed place of business in The City of ""Monte rey, th'e ~nm of fom ( $4.00) dolla rs pe.r q w.trt et.


•'et•. 52. ~or the business of tah~ or makintt photo­graphs or Y1ews. when the person taking or making Rueb photographs or views. has no fixed place of busi­ne:s::. iu The Cit.c; of l\fonte:re~-, thP sum of fifteen t )l;J.).00) clolfors per q tLarter .


~c<: . i'i:l F or t he purpose of revenue onh·. a license ta~ i.~ hereb~· imposed on the bm;iness of ~n attorne~· at h1w of t wo and one half (!f;t.50) dolla1·s per quartet .


!::!<><·. ;)-!. For the pttrpose of r e\·'crnrn on[.\-, a licens1: tax is hereby 11npose~l _on tbc bus.incss of ~1 pbysiciii.n a11d surgeon, or ph~·sicia.n or surgeon o.f two au({ one­half (*2.50) doJJars per quarter. ··


~e~. 35. .fPo~· the puqJose of n,Yenuc nnly, a. license tax is hereb>· imposed t)Jl the bnsirn~ss of a dentist or doctor of dental snrgery of two and one-half ($2.50) doll nt s pAr q ua rtet·.

On:J.inances of The City of Mu1ltere11 81


Se<!. 56. F or Urn pur pollC 0£ rcYenue onlr , a license tax is hereby impo.scd 01i the hnsiness of a veter inary surgeon or vcter )uar ian of two and <HH:-half ($2.50) dol­la rs per quarter .


Bee. 51. l<'or t he purpo::;e of ren:-nne only-, a license tax is her eby im posed on the bu~ines;i of an opt ician. or doctor of optics, optornetr .ist or oculist. oi two .<rnd one-half ($2.50) dollars p t:r CJlHl r lc:l'.

See. 58. In all (' tJ.sc;; where .it becomes nN~.essftrY u n­der the provisions of this Ordin ance to estinrnt'e t!H' amount of the monthly sales, or tece.ipt!> of the perso1L copartnership or assnciatiou or corporMion applying for a license. in or der to detennine tht~ snm to be paid therefor, the part.v applying· tlwrl'for mnst make mid file with the Colleetor a rcriticd sta t.erne:n t of the sales or receipts of the month prior thereto. C pou failure to make and file ~nch stateml..'nt, the 0 oUcctor may rnakt> an estimate of the s<1me. and the license slrnH he is­::;ued to conform to SllCh cstiinak. th .. : Coll Pd or an:l lti::: assista11 t ma~· at any time for the~ purpose of P.stimat ing tbe am ount of ::;ale$, whether sur.h Stilternen t ii:> filed or not .. ha,·c the rig:ht to inspect the boo ks nrnl accounts 0£ any sneh person, f irm or corpora tion.

Sec. 59. T he wor <l " person" as used in this Oedi-11ance includes ffrms. cop111·tnersh\ps. coq1orations and a::;.;;oci11 tions.

Sec. 60. E \'ery person who sbnll, a f ter t his Ordi­nanee goes into effec:t . commence or cont\one to t.ran,:;­aet , ca r ry on or engage iu an.1· bttsincs..<; or uc.eupation in The City of 1\fonter ey l iable to pa;· a license tax and for the t.ransa r.tion, car rying on or engiigiug in of which a lic:ense is required to he rrnenr<~<l nnder the pro\·isions of this 01'clinancc, without fir::;t \rnying obtained a li­CHnse so to clo as herein prm·ided . .:;hall for t•ach and every such Y.iofation of this Ordinanc~. pny to The Cit~· of Monkrcy a penalty equal to the ;unonnt of tlw li­cense• tax such person was requir <'d to p ay nndm· the provisions of this Ordinance~. toget hel' with the sum of fifteen dollars a;;; liquidated damage~ added therc~to: and it shall he the dnt.v of the Col'l ectol' and he is here­by authorized to institute and pro;.;ecnte to final jndg­mcnt in any cour t of c:ompeh•11t jmi8tl i1~tion, a ciYil

S2 01·<1£ 11ances of The City of Jfont ere11

suit iu the 111u11c of T he Cit:· of :\Tontcr1·~- ugai nst such person tt) l'~conr the 1m101111t of snt!: lici:1rne amt snch liquidated <l:rn\:1.ge;;.

See:. 61. In nu:· snit 01· <.1etion ln·o1~g·ht as p1·oyided in Section 60 of this Ordi nance. the Cit\- A Hornev or Col­lector 1naY ruukc the neces~ai·y affid;.vit for a~cl a writ of attael1;ucnt. way i<>sue -withont an:' howl being givm1 011 behalf of the plaintiff: said writ may l>e directe11 to the Sheriff or any Constable of :'.\fonterey County, 01·

a Policeman of Tiu: Cit\' of -:\Iont<:.re\'. and m a v •be exe­cuted in the same ma1;ner as i..-;. pr.ovi<lcd by. law for tJH• exc~ntion 0£ \\Tit5 of attaehmcnt.

Sec. 62. -:\o prosecution or judgment in any civil action provid1>d for in t l1 is Ordinanr.c>, is a bar to any eriminal prosem1tio11 or eondction hew·un der. rnir is any crimiual prosP.r.ution or conYiction proYided for in this Ordinance a b!l l' to such ci \·il aetion.

f:k1~. G3. BY<'l'Y person who :::hall.. llf ter this Ordi­rnmc1~ goc;< into effect. c.ontinue, transaet, operate, can·:· 011 or cng~1 g·e in an~· lmsiness, for thP. trn.nsactiou. opera­tion. ea1Tyi.ng' on or engaging iu of which a liecnse is rcqnire<l to lw pr1Jcnred nnder the pmrisions of this Orctin:rne:c. \\ithout tak;ng out 01· procu1·i11g sndt liccnst> as pr~scribcd li~- th i.~ Ordinance, and e,·er,v pe.rson who \·iolates ii u~· of t h<: proYi.sions of this Ordinance, is gHilt.1· of ~. m:.s1l(·meauor, and upon c:nm·iction thereof ;;lrnll he finr.d in a .sum not ruore that1 th1·cc hundrerl dollars, and ill de fa nlt of the pH5·me11t of ~uch firni shall be imp:t'isoned in the connty jail of the County of _,fontere>· nn tiJ 1:rnch fine be Ratisfied in fhe proportion of cme <l::iy 's impr.isonment for caeh two doll a rs of said fine.

Sec. 64. Or<linane:c l\o. 6fi of The City of l\fontcl'c}'. entit led ''An Ordinance t.o fix and provide for t hP. col­lection of a municipal license tax on oceupations an<l b11si11ess in 'fhe City of i\lontere;>." pas..~cd h~· the Board of T rustees of snid City. A.pril -!th, 189:1, and Or<linanec Yo. 92. en tilled. "An Orclinane:e to Fix and .ProYide for the Collection of a. :.\Iuniei1Jal J,i ccnse Tax on Oc­cupations and B usiness in the Cit:• of Monterey" and ;ill ordinancf~S ame:ncla t.ory thereof: l'Xcept in so .far as said O:rdi n;rnee !\o. 92 and all Ordinances amcnda­to1T tlrnreof i-ehik to the sale of or the business of sell­ing, bartering or giYing awa:-· of wine:, spirituous, malt, fermented or other into.xicating liquors in any place of

Ordinances of The City of 'Mo11t e1·ey 83

business or elsewhere. \\·hether with 01· ''":tl1on t a b01ia fide meal . a:nd its to such sales and businesses. s::i.id Or­dinance ~o. 92 and all Ordinauce.s ame·n,1uto1;Y the1·eof shall in all resp ec ts l'emain in full force an~l Yi L"ttw: and all othE-r Ordinauces and pa1·ts of Orclinanecs ir1 conflict with the provi~ions hereof. ~m~ lwrch;· repealed. And the r epeal herchy of sa)d Ordinance ~o. 65 and portions of Orchnance ~o. 92, anLl Orclin1.tuce!> amenc.1-atOJT thereof. shall jn 110 wa\· re vi \'c! an\" Onlinauce or Orctiuances, or parts t.hen?of , repealed· b.\· said Ordi­nances Ko. 65 or 92. 'ff Ordinances amen daton- thereof. provided that au ).ieeuses now in fnll force 'shall 1wt be deemed to he affected hereby and 11 here a license no~\· in forc fl sh.all expir e withi ;1 a qna1·tcr, as herein defined, the Collector t>hall issue a )ic\c'nse to :mch li­ct'lisce for the remainclet' or the qnmtcff npon pa:nnent therefo1· at the rate herein presr.rihed for snch busi­ness.

Sec. 6!). This On1ina1we ;:.ha11 take effect and be in force thirty clay~ from ancl after ifa :finnl p::i.ssngc and approval.

Pa.'lsed and apprond _\pril 2. 1912. In effect. :\fay- 2, 1912·.

84 Ordinance.s of 'l'lie Oity of 11Ionterey



_l n (),·1]i11(JllC£. Rdut·i11g lo the .Sale, Distributing or G-iv­i1t {f Away of A ny SpiPill!ous, Jlalt, V.ino-us, or Fer­ltl(llf (d Liq·11m·s or A ny lnto.t:ir:ati·ng T,-iq1tors or .:ld-111i.rture.s 1.'het·eof, I m1)osing a f.-ia:;1se l'a,1; for T1·a.11s­acl i,11g, the E-ngaging iu, P11-rs11iny 01· Carryi·ny on, or tlrn Oo1afor;{ ing of Cerlafo B·11.~i11esse.~ II e.1·1:i11

Speci(te<l, anrl. P1·ot'idiJ1g /or tlif. Golll'C;tion of thr.; .So-id L·icrnsc Ta.i' and 1-'unishwent for Carrying 01 1

Siwh U.usiucss lritho11t a f,fruts6 and fo1· T'iol-ati:11g tit( Proi·is1:ous Hereof, Relating io and R eg ulati11 .c1 Ct-rta-in Businesses a11(J Cffloi11 Places of B11.si11f."ss IIm·ein Specified, in the City of Jlonte.rcy, and R P­pealri.ug All Co11flidi11g Orrli1w;1u:.~.

The Council of The Cit,· of ~\[on~ereY do 01·,laio e1i-;

follows: · · Section l. . .\ny person \rho within The Cit~· of .Jion­

t<~l''~Y e~fahlishe», keeps. opens, mainh.iins, condncts 01·

cal'l'ies on a place \rh~re i.mr spirituous. malt, vinon::;. 01' fern1ented I iquors or any iutoxjcating liquor.s ;or uur admixture thereof arc sold. kept for sale. offoretl fo1· sale. fnrnished. di,·ided. ddi1·er ed. drnnk 01· g-in~u O.\ray. ex<:ept as he1·cin ot.her11:i1'e p ro,·ideJ, or who, ·;rith!n .said Cjty, eithn· as owner, emplo~·ce, ag-em, sern mt. cfork 01'

otllerwise sells, keeps for ;;ale, offers for sale. furnishe.s. d istt\hutes, div\ des 01· delivers or gin~ away any spir it-1w11s, lnalt. \'inous, or fermented liquors or any intoxi­cating liquors, or auy admixture thereof. in a.uy q uan­t:ty wlmte\'er except as a. business dul~· licensed. as pro­Yicled herein 01· who trausa<:ts, migagcs in, carries on, pursues, or conducts \Yi tl1 i11 the corpc>rnte limits of 'l'he Cit>· of 1 fontc-~r"~Y. any kinc1 of ln1i::incss hereinafter uanied. e:ther in his own name. or for 11is own .benefit, r)r pront. 01· as ~ge11t, cle1'1;: or employee of any othe1· per:<on ot persons, unless snc:h perso.n, hi.s princip'11 or employer, shall first haYe proc:.nrecl a li.eense therefor as ·.hereinafter proYidect. )s guilty o.f a ruisdcmcanor and upon com·iction tl1creof sl1all be punished as in Seetion 29 hereof provided.

Sec. 2. The Council mav as h~reinafter provi<lccl grant to any person, subject to the proYisio:ns herein-

Or!linances of The City of Jionterev SG

after eontaincd, i.u the iun1mcr hert!inafter proYided a license to eoudnet, tnu1sac:t. engttg>c iu, carry 011 or pur­sue anv kind of business hereinaffor 1rnmed in Sections 11, 13 ·and 14 hereof. in t lle distrir.t in said Ci!y de­seribcd as follows. to wit:

Beginning at a. point mi tlle southerly hne of H off­man A venue distant one L1111clred twenty (120; feet westerh· from th e south\\·{'!;fc1·h- cor ner of T1ightl1om<~ and Hoffman A venue.s 11s p er Little's Slll-ver of New }foIJtcrey, as per wap then~of now on file ·in ... the off!~c of the County Recorder of Monterey Count y, Lal1.forma; thence southerly par aUd to Lighthouse avenue to .Heesi(le ave1rne; thence easterly along the northerly liue of Reeside avenue to Foam stred; tlienc~~ northerly along th1! \\·e:;t.­erlY liIJe of f'oam street. to D ickman aYenu(~: tl1P.rwc wc~terl~- along the southerly line o.f Dickman aYcnue one lrnndrcd ten (110) fec~t to the nc•rtlnre:>terl,,· corner of lot one (1) of block· thirty-tlm~e (:33) or said stu'­vey; thence nol'thcdy and pii raJJ,~ 1 to LighLhonsc ave­nue to Hoffman avenue; t.hcmee "·estedy along the south­erlv line of Hoffman av<mue three hundred tell (310) fe~t to the point of begiuniug, 1rhid1 dist1·ict :;,.hall be k:nowu for the purpose ~lf t.l1is Orclinaucc as "Distric:t );o. L" or in th<~ distric t in sni <.l Ci t~- de"1erib~c1 as fol­lows, to wit :

B eginning at the sonth"·esterl;t· corner of th;; Cm;­tom House resernrtiou : tlien<:e i;ontlwrly to the north­eastcrJv corner of 1Iain a.ud .£i'nrnklin st1·cets: thence southe~stcrl~, to a poi11t on the sout her!_\- line of Frank­lin street distant fi.ft~· ( 50) feet cast.e1·l: from tbe southeasterly <:Orner of )f:.1in and .Franklin streets; thence southerly pa1·aUel to the easterly line of }lain ::;treet and distant ( 50 ) f eet easkrl~- therefrom t o the northe1:lv line of P ead street : th.enoo e;1.stedy a:.ong thf~ 11orthcrl~· line of Pearl stn:d to a point di~tt1111 11..Z.-H fet~t ca:;:tcl'lY from the uortht.!asterl ~- C'o1·ner of Ty!er and Pearl streets: thence northerly parallel to the cast­erlv line of Tvle1·· street tCJ tht> soutlierlY line 0f the S. P. ·R. R. Rig-I~t-of-way; th.ellee \Wsterly ·and Uilrtlmest­erl)· along said line of Hight-of-wa>- to tlH: so11tJ1erly boundarv 0£ the Custom How;e Reservation: thence "·esterlv· ;ilong- the soutl1erh · line of the Custom Hom;e Reservation tc) the poiuL of. i)eg'inning, \\·hich s::1id <hstl'ict shall I.le known for the purpos1-~s of thi;; Ordinance as ''District ~o. 2.'' 0 1· in the disti:ict described as follows:

86 Ordinances of Tlte City of Monten~y

. Bt:gjnnitH!' at the southeast corner of Perry aacl Wa8h­lll!!h>!1 s~1·eets: thence southetl:'- along the 'easterl, line of \\ ai;h ·ngton ~treet Eighty- ( 80 l feet: thence eisterh· one huntlr~d thirty (130 ) feet: thence at ri~ht angl~s northerlr eighty (80) feet to the ;.outherh- tin; of Perr\ .strel't: thente wester!~· along the souther!~ line 0£ Per~ stre.et ~ue h~dred thirty (130) ieet to the point of hegrnnmg, w~1C'h ~id district shall he known for the P,urpo~e of th:s Ordmance as "District Xo. 3." btit the l 01~1c1J sha~ not. nor ~D the Council have anthority 1o ':'rant a lic~nse. or licenses for any such business or hu~uw. ,,;e~. ''"'h1cll_ .h'> <'1' a1:e to be l'onducted. engaired in. p

11.111:mecl. Or earr1ed _on lll anr p111ce 01' pl.Mes iu 'l'he

C 1ty of. '.U~nterey mthout District Xu. 1. District Xo. 2. or District No. 3.

Se~: :). .The, Jic~nse granted to ca.I-zy on the bus.inc s ~l'~c11~ed .rn 8ec~1on l~, hereof shall be knmm as a

Retml L151-nor l J1cense ; the liceus?. ~anted to Cat'J''" on the lmsmess described in Sectfon 14 hr.!reof shall be known as a "W11olesale Liquor License .. : a11d the Ii­(:ems~ grunted to carry on the bnsines~ des('rilwd iu SN·bon 11 hel'eof slUlll be known as a "Restam·ant Liq­uor License-'.' A license granted to eai-ry on any oue of !>·nch busmesses shall not authori7.e the li<'ensee or a?y other person to conduct. engage in. or car1·,· on. either of the other described businesses. either at the san!t>. or at another place of business. but if the li~ensee desu'f!'s to conduct snch a business be must take out a~d procur~ a. separate license therefor as herein pro­,-1~leu, .provide~, howe,er. that tbe applicant for a Re­tatl Liquor Llc:ense and a Wholesale Li<inor License ~ay make such applieation at one and tbf'- same time rn one and the same application. . Rec. 4. Each license granted hereunder shall author­ize the pa.rty ~btaining the same to transact tbe bnsi­ness ~lescr1hed m such license at the localitY desio-nated thcrem .. and at no other place. A sepai·ate ·uceos~ must 1,e obtained .for each branch establ:ishment or separate hou<;e o; place t~f lms.D:iess with.in the City.

~ec. o. No license. 1ssued 1mder this Onlinauce s11all !>e m any manne1· assignahle or transferrnble or author­ize auy other person .Lhc.m the one therc.ll.1 n~mecl to do or tJ.·1.1.D~art, enga¥c l11.. pm·sue; conduct. or earl'\~ on ~e bnsmess there1n named. unless such trans.fer or ilS­s1gnmeut shall fit-st be approwd by a Resolution of the

Ordinancea of T11e City of J!onterey 87

Council and no :;ueb transfE:r or llS.'-'ig>nment shall be ap­proved by the Council until the proposed transferee in ma.h-ing application for transfer 01· as.-<igmnent shall have full:'- complied with all the l'equirements and pro­visions of this Ordinance. upplicahl~ to the business proposed to be condttctetl hy such tt-ansfe1·ee. fil the manner as is herein required for original applications for such license. ·

See. 6. The ..lnditor of The City of }fonterey sb.all prepare and have printed a suitable form- £or licenses. mth blanks for the insertion oi the name 0£ the person to whom it is issued, tbe 1rnh1re of the business licensed, the time and place for which it is !c!l'lmted. its d8te. and the amount pail! therefor. mid slmll contain a stip­ulation that said lict>nse ii,; g-ranted and issued subjeci; to all the provisio11s. restrictions ro1d conditions of this Ordinance. and that the same mav IJe reYoked at a.nv time b'.\· the Counci I of Tht> City· of :\Ionterey in tlle manner set forth i.t1 this Orclinauce. The license shall be signed hy the Collertor and· counter-signed by the .Auditor. Blank licenses shall be kept br the Auclitol'.. bouncl in hook fonn wilh mar~iual stubs. upon whic.b he shall Pntel' brie.flY the facts stated in the licenses and the time of issuance. The Auditor shall take- the Co1lector ·s receipt for all licE>nses delivered to him and charge him 1.hei·e";u1. and slrnll keep a book in wh.icb he sha11 enter aU license· d('lh•ered to him b,~ the Collector and the amount thereof. The .\uditor ·shall not ciTe the Collector Cl'f'dit for any canceled license. unless such cancellation shall ha,·e first bel'n approved by the C'oun-ciL

See. 7. ~.\ 11 lieensf'!' ~hall be paid for in ad'\'"ane.: to the Collector. in lawful mone• of 1.he United States. and no demand for or nofae to pay a license tax neerl he made by srud Colleetor. a11c1 said license shall be .is­sued for the time pro,·idetl for in this Ordin.anee.

Sec. 8. Every person to whom a 1icense is issued under the pronsions of this Ordinance sh.all keep the same conspicuously posted in the place wbere the busi­ness is conducted. and no license shall perm.it sales b: a;ny person who shall neglect this l'equirement.

Sec. 9. .All licenses g't·anted under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be issued upon the condition that

-the same ma'' be i·evoked or annulled at anv time dur­ing their continnance by a Resolution of the Council

Onli-1ia n ('es v t 'OI e City of ll on te 1·e11

of :;ui 1 CiQ'. wh~u it is made to ar)pear to said Coun­cil. ttrti:r au in\'1tstigation Ullder the provi.sians hereof. th<11 tht:> place whe1·e the business is canied ou is con­<lm:h~d in a disorderly manner: that lhe holder of such lic:ens~. or .Petson i11 ~rgc of such place. is allowing ?r <'onductmg, or allowmg to be conducted, an~· ban.k­m!? Or percentage game p)ayed WTth C81'ds, Oi<:e Or aJ]T

de·\ic:t> for money. checks. t•redit or other repi·~seutati~e oI vnluc 01· thing of value or any game prohibited by ~e luws o~ .t_he State of California, C1n the premises or in the building w.here said businesis is conducted, or that the holder of such llceuse or the person iu charge ?f :.m:h p~ee o~ b~ine.7'l· is selling. ciistJ:·ibuting or gi~­mg away mtox1catmg liquors to minot'S under the age of twenty-one .rcru.'S: or that su<'.h place is :t r t>Sort of mino::; or criminals or disorderly or lewd persons, or for any breach of the peaee, order or de­corum by any noise, riotous or d:isorderly conduct upon the premises or in the buildina wher.e stwb busi­ness i;; C(ln<lucteu; or that the holder"' of such license. or any person runniug, emplo~·ed in or ma11aging such place of business. is not a person of good motal character or :not ~ "\Ober or s11itable person to conduct such place. or has m the condnct of such place .furnished, soJd. dis­tributed or gn·en away any spirituous. malt or other in­to:i.icatin!Z' liquors to any person ..in the stat~ of intoxiea­tion, or violated an)' of the pl'ovisions of th.is Ordinanc~ or of tl~e ~ws of the State of Californin. or an; Ordi­na11cP of this City now- in force or which ma~· he1·e­after be enacted relating to the conduct of suc'h b11si­nt.'S:> or sncll place. All applications for such licenses must contain a stipulation that the same may be re­voked for any of the causes in trus section enumeratecl.

Sec. 10. II at any time the Council sh.all determine on a vermed petition of am· citizen of said Citv in writ­ing. filed with .said Councii and setting forth 'the causc­or causes "relied upon as grounds fo1· 1·evoeation. and an investigation made. for which investigation a time shall be fixed bY" the Council and notice given by the Clerk, :personally. to the person holding such license or con­duetin!? such place of business nve (5) da)'s before surb hearing. or by- notice J.eposiled in the l1nited States Post Office. wim postuge prepaia. addressed to such person at his last known place of residence, at least seven (7) days before said hearing. that any person holding such

Orc1.ina11ces of The Ci!JJ of Jfviiterey 89

license oi: conducting or keeping a place lic~Jll>eil here­under is not ll sobel' or suitable persou to keep find con­duct su.ch place. or tliat ~uch person is not mnintainill!~ or keeping such place in a quiet. 01·derl~T or dec~11t man­ner. or in conformity with the law!': or rhe Stace or an~­Ordiwmce of t ile Cit.;.·, or is violatinir any of the :;:tipn­lations contai11ed )11 his application for s11cl1 h c·l·l'i:s!'. or has ciomn1ittcd am· ad fo r \\'hi•'.h hiR lil:cmst- 1u1n- lH' revoked as l1erein · proYi cled, ;;,a ill Cotuieil shall i·<:rnkr the li<'ense and the order 0£ sneh issuance ot li<:l'!!:'t:' fol' such pla c~e. a n a no further l ieeu:>e :.Shall he issn~il to !;m·h person. 'fhe determination of the Conncil in a~1 >· ',;HC'.h casu slmll be condusi\'P 1llld fi1wl. <1 nd frl1rn its <lt1i·i;;io11 th~:1·P. shall he no appeal to any eonrt or eon rt.~ what­soe•er. Said Council m11:· thereupo11 declart: th~ hond given upon such license forfeit c:d rn1d may direct 11 diou to be comruem:ecl on said bond in a court of compi.'t<'nt juriscliction for the reco,·en · of the penalt.'. th•?t'<'nf.

Sec . 1 l. F or the lrn;;iuess of keep;ng H rcstanra111. chop h0ns<•. eating house. stand . booth. salooti . c:offcc room. buildin~ 01· place £or tl1e sale of cofl:'et>. o;nill'l's or other i·efre>hments or food. w11e1·e auy wine. beer. file. malt, porter or any othe1· fermented or spiritnons liq­uors or other intoxicatilH!.' liquors 01· admixtnn• .... there­of shall be fumished or sold in e11nnection 'I\ itl1 and as a part of a bom1 fide meal or meals. se1·,·ed at 1;11{'h place. ther e is hereby imposed 11 Jfoense tax upon such hn~iness in the SUID OT fil~· dolJm·s ·($50.00) for e\'Pl'~- .Si~ months, payahle semi-annually in adYance. provided, howe'\"er. that nn pel'Son or persons :shall ha"'e issued to him or them a license to c<>nlluct auy snch place l:'Xcept such person or pPr-so:ns 11e of good nior?ll eharMtn and shall first obtain pel'lll'ssion to haYe i!;isued to him or them .sucl1 lieense as l1crein pl'o\·id1'd.

'.l'h e person or. p erson$ clc·sir ing p~rrnission to h aYH is.sued to him or tl.H•m snch licr~nse s hall makt: writt•~n application to the Council descrihln~ the place where he or they desire to establish. conduct or kel:'p suc:b busin~s stating in snch application tliat the applicant agrees that if such a:pplieation is grantei. tbt> Council may At any time. upon a h,earing, t·evoke the license is­sued thereupon for any of the i·easons set forth in Sec­tion D hereof and shall , not. k;;.-.: t han fiw (5) nol' mo1·e than tweri ty (20) days before. the clay when such ap­plication is to be made, pnbbh in the official DC'wspa-

90 Of'd·inarices nt The (J'ity of Monterey

pc1• of the said Cit~· notice of his or thl'ir i11tc·ni.io11 to mnke snc.h. application, .stating in rur.h notice the place where it is ink.aded to e .. ~tahlish l•r couduct. .snch bnsi­nc:s.$ and the dates when sneh appfa~atio11 \\'ill he pre­sented. The Council maY. arbi t.r arih·. Ji,- R~:solntion . eithel' grnnt 01' rej ect snc!l application: 1is t he said ()01111-cil wa-c;· deem for the hest interests of said City witlJ­cut as~igning an~· can.se or reason there.for.

Said 1ice11se wh~n issued shall authorize the furuish­iog or sale 0f wine .. beer. afo, port.er or othel' fcrtm'nte<l. ma.lt 01· 11piritmH.1~ liquors or an~- admixtures th1~reof, ex­(:ept between t.hi~ hours of one (1 :00) a. m. and five (5 :00) a. m. of an~ day and except as otherwisci pro­Yickcl by law, in counection with and as part of bom1. fide meals served at the same time, at the same pla.ce. ~nd to the same person only.

The sale or furnishing of any s11ch liquors b>' one holdin~ the charactel' of license in this section l'cfel'J7ed to. when not accompanied hy and as a portion of a hc.;1H1. fi<lf' meal or meals served in good faith in the same place and to the same person onl~-. ;;luill work a fod:eiturc Ol such lieeUSl\ and slrnJI lie gr01rndi; for the revocation thereof, arnl shall rcmcler the pPr!)On or prr· sons so fom i>:hing or selling the same liable to prose­cntion for selling the same without firnl ha.Ying obtaint'll a licen&e so to do.

Sec. 12. }'or the purpoi;e of th is Ordinance. n l'P.-;­

taurant, chop house, eating house, stand, booth, saloon . or eoft't>..- room refe1'ri~d to in SPction 1 1 herf'of. is ck­fincd ti> be a pla.<•e fully L·qnipped with modern con­venien r.es for cooking and pr<·paring vic~hrn.ls, 11nd when• hot me:ils a1·H adually sP1Ted at least three times a cla:· and at least six days in the \\·eek. and a bona fide meal is denned to be a. meal consisting of such qnantitr a.nd qua.Jitr of food as is ordinarily sen-~d for a meal i.u botels and resfa11rants. 1\Ierely sanchnches, lunche<>. crackers or clrnese are not to be helJ or co11s1der(>.d to be a. bo~a fide meal within the pro<isions of this Or­dinance.

~cc. 1:1. For the hnsin(>SS of selling. dist.ribntili g 01·

giYing a 1•:n5· an}' Yi nous .. :;;piritxions, malt. or fem~eutecl liquors 01· any intoxicating liquors, _or an~- adti:tts:t~Lre the1·eo:f. iu an>· ha1-, bar-room. pnbhc saloon, tipph.o.~ place. dram shop or wine cell~r, store: wine~')-, ,~rew~~':\'. distillery or. other place, public or prl\'ate. rn lhe C1ty

0>,lincmr..es ot 'J'lt.c City of Jiunte1e11

of ::nontcre~-.. by the glas;:; 01· hottk, or in an,v· other quantity leas than five gullons 11t an~· one tirnc to any per~on or persons, to bH drunk at the plaec of selling the same or on the premises where the same is sold. dish·ibuted or gi·n:n llW<1>-, or elsewhere. as tlw purchasel" nH\Y eleet, a licf~Se ta~ i...:; herclJY imposed in the sm1t of one h nndrf'd and twent~·-Jh-~ clolliu-s ($1:25.00,i e\·er.'· six month.."·' piiyabh~ in ad' tnier; hut no pe1-son 01· per­soDs shall lun·e is.sued U:> him or them a license to keep sueh a place except such pc~.l'!<On 0r person s be of g·ood moral character and ih·st ohtii.in pem1is.:;ion from the: Conr.d for the issuance thert>of to him or them.

Before permission fo:r the i~.smmci> of a firs! or origi­nal Jiq110r lirensc aud bdon: the issuance of au~- i·c-11ewal license. the applicant !'hall make a written appli­cation to said Council, at a reguJal' meeting thereof, for riermission to obtain th~ same, said application shall ~ontain the ::;tatcmcnt tlrn t the applicant iigr·e~s tlrnt if snch applieation is granted. the Cvuncil miiy at an~· time rc,·oke the license i:>snhl thereupon fol' any of the c:au.ses or r·fasons set forth in ~i~dion 9 of !his Ordr­rmnce. and said. application :shi.tll hf. made :n tlw 111au­ner follmring, to \\'it:

:Koticc of sueh appUcation to th~ Council arn1 o.i' thlo time w.hen t.lw :;mne will Le presented 1rmst be pnblished, toud.her with the Jlames \IL those signing tlw reeom­rn~rnlati.on .hei-ein provided I<•l'. for one in!';crt.ion iu th!) official new!>pap(•r of saic1 Cit~·. not Jes.;; thm1 fi.-e (5) Jaq; .ll(H' lllur~ th<t u t11·<·uh- t~O) days before the same is 'to he prP-senti~d to the .. C'o\ln.:"ll. rnd shall file with their ;ippli~;itinu a writtP.11 1'econ11neil<.lation. signed by at lea:>t fin" responsible 1·esideuu, <1f 't'hc Cit~- <If .:.\~on­tert>Y ta:x•rnYl::·s and hou:;c·h<"il.d<·l's. en· fred1old~rs on the Same' sfrt:~:f. •i.\U(l IYitl1in fiyp, hllllClrc•iJ (500) ft:et OT the IJla.e1• wlH~n· tlw applic:•Ult prnpo~1~s t o carr;- on said bn~iiJf'!'iS mid r;~ttiug forth t lrnt th!'\ <1pplieant i.'.i a person of !'.!'l)(•cl rnond ch an1cter find i.s a sobt~l' am! suitable per­son'· to keep and conduct. :rnch place. The appli<~ant shc>.11 at ihe time of filing the s?.ill appl ication file with the ()ih- Clerk a liolld iu thu p<>1wl sum of fire hundred ctollars · (:\:ilOO.OCJ'i with t\\'o or mm·e '-Ure.ties, \1ho ~haH ea<:h j ttstif.\- in ·double the ;1monr1t of !he punal sn~n \)f the bond: the bond to be app1:0Ycd by the ConnmL aud eonditioucd that said appl icaut shall condw~t the business for 1rhich tlw l it:~!LlSt~ is sought :n a qnid. or-

9~ ()rd.in<cnf·P.s of The Ci ty of .llonterP-y

dl'i-1,\· HWI respectahlc mcurn~>1·, and will 1.ll.\t kc~p a di;;­oedl'r i>· }Jl)W>c or place, or p ermit, (;0J.Hlnd. or ;:i llow to hf concluder], an~· banking- or percentage game plnyed ~\·it~J cank dii\e or iHIY <k·\'ice .for rnoncY, ch eck:>. credi.l or other represent:ati,:e of valne or thi~1~ of vidne. or an,\· g1rn1f Ilrohi bited h:- th<~ law.~ of i.h~ S tate of Cali­.f'ornia up(•n Ute pn~mises or iu the building w.here said business is !::ouduc:te<l. and will not sdl. distribute 01· give away intoxicating liquors to minors tmde1· tbe age of twenty-one years. or sell dk--tribute or 1?ive away intoxicating liqnors between the hom-s of oue (1:00) a. m. and five (5 :00) u. m. of any <.ln~-- and will cloi:;e said place of business. as in this or<.linllnce proviiled. between the hours of one {1:00) a. m. and fh·e (5 :00) a. m. of each ancl ever~' day and on other days when such places w:e by law or Ordinance L"equired to b\: closed and will not permjt any breach or the peace or any disturbance of the public peace. order or decorum by any noise. riotous or disorderly condm:it on the -prem­ises or in the build.in~ where such business is conducted awJ \rill not sell. girn a\Ya~- or cli:-; trihntc 8pititnons. mal t or fermented li<p10r.s. intoxicating li.q uot-s or wine to an~- person iu H :;fati! of intoxic;1tion. aml that i;ai1l applicant will abioe hy all the provisions of !:l1is Orili-1~a ncr and 1J 11 othe1· Ordinances anrl ] ll"t\S or p .;­licc r eunlr1t.ions no\r in force or n: hi ch mtw lwtl'­aftcl' i)e e11ac:ted. i•egnlating sn<'l1 placc·s r.;f bn:>i­ill-'!'.'>. and in ca.SP. of all\· hl'e<1c:h of tl!n- of thP. proyisions of !.-lakl bond, the ·~\·holl! amount of the penal snm thereof to ftt once become due and payable to Th(' City n.f ::Hontere>· as I i<1ni:lat~rl danwges.

O!'iginal applications for liqtwr liec·nse~ may lH~ grnnl­cd from the .nr.st <l1n- of J anmu .. ,· or the fir;;;t. cla \' of .Tnl» of any ,H\lll-. ancl the <'.ppl icatlons thtrcfor n~;tst be in ;n~tin2' anu nrni;t be filed with the Citv Clerk an<l pr1?seIJte<l~ to the Council at lea.<>t fiftecl1 {15) days be­for4" the rueebng- of the Council in th<~ month wlic,r ein sneh appliciltion i::; 1.o h(~ r.onsiclcrcd and acted npon.

P1.,J-..-i cl1~c1. that if r;rn~h appli;:ation he n ot an orig-i1rnl 01· fir!";t ;1pplica t.ion. bnt is a rcne1\·al, notice of such ap­filic:ation rn~ed not he puhlishccl. nor n eed the sanH· he au:ompnuicd h> .. eitl1er the bond nr r ecomincnd<.ltion l'eci.uirecl in <W;P.l\: of original applications, but sii id ap­plleation shall contain all the stiplllations t eqnired fot· an 01·iginal appl!c11.t.ion.

Ontirwn<:cs of 'l'l1e C.'it11 oi .Vonter-:11

Sa.i<l Coum:il, nm:-, by R%olut i·:in, r:itlwr grant or re­ject an>· Cipplication arhitr;u-ii.L m; si1id Council irn1:--· c1ee111 for the beo;t inkrc>:t!; ()l tbe c:ty·, and withollt assignjng any cam;e or rNt;;tm t herd or.

Snd1 appli<~ittion slrnll in no c:ase h<~ !i/.Ti<ll lt•d to i.he k(~epel' of a aisrep utahlt?. hou~c or plaee of a;,;sig:na~ ti<1n, an cl s<t id cwig inal ;1ppl!c:ahm llll.1$;(. l.le rna<le and said bond mHst he rene,n•d once in e,·e1·.1· ~·ear.

'l'hP C'ih Cle1·k s haH irn1ne,; i<iteh· ct-rri.fr to the C\ 11· lectol'. auci .~nd ittn· the aei!on of th0 Cou~1<:il on eYt'l'>. 11pplieatiou fo1· ~llth a lieen!->e. and the li<:t·llse provided for in Sections 11 ancl H het·eof . an<l '\aicl Auditor a n rl Collector shall. if stwh ;-1dion is farnr1tl>lc to the appli­cant. immedi1'1teh ~rant to s11icl 11pplit1mt the licew;r· 11erein rcql.1il'C~d ;tpon pa~·ment o.f the license fox her<>­iu and herchy required. ' Ser.. H. For t he hmim~ss of selli11g, d i,;; lt'ibnting <11·

gh·ing away an:· ,·inon;;. spil'ituouf>, nrnlr. or fermented 1iqnon; (Jl' any intoxicating lic1uon, or an~· 11 dmixtnres thereof iu fJ.Jl~· h111·. bar-room, public saloon, tippling­place, dram shop, \\·ine eellnr, sto1·e or place, winer:·, brem~T:· or di~tillery , public or pr1:n1t e in The City of ~fonterc'" in onc-fi fth of a ~all on quanti ties or owr, 11ml not' to b~ drank at t he place of .<>ellinl?' the same, a license tax is h ereby impo..-;t:,d in th<? !:nm of fi.ftr dol­lars (8;)0.00) sem;-~nmrnll~-. payal>k in 11<1v1mee, bnt no p n;,;011 01· pe1·so11::; slrnJI haw is.::.nt>d to him M .tllc•n! a licen!'iC to eollCluct such a place except h<> shall 111 i.tll rCSfWcfS COillply Will~ tbt~ pl'OYl5~011S nf. 8~cti011 1 i1 _lrnl'C· of mid all the pronsions (1.[ tlw; On1rnance apphc:ablc to th~ ln1:;ines>; (leseribe<l iu 8cctiou I!) h l' l'tOf :>lrnll be applicable to SU<\h hnsiuHs~. in making ap plici~tion and in· executing a good a nd s11ffi~ic~nt l>oml as tlrnl'e!u r1:­qujrcd a11cl in all othr;: respects not. in couflict with th!! proYisions o.f t his sect.ion.

Sec. 15. Ihuggist~. apot h<>earies 01· <'1wmists li<:ensed or register ed b~' the St ate B oard of Pharmacy of. tlw State of Califol'.oia. shall not be r equired to take 011t

an<l obtain. a Jiecns<;. under the proYisiNlS of this Ordi­nance. fot• selling an:· vinous, 1>pi1·ituous, male. fern1cnt­ed 01· ru..iy o ther intoxicRting- liqnol's. tqion \n•itten p1:c­seription of a ph:·sician. rP.gularly licensed and ri~g1;;;­tcrec1 hv the $tate Board of 1\rfd i~;.1.1 BxHminers of t.lw State of (.)alifOl'nia, proyidecl the said JH"!'~(~ription :-hall be signed and dated hy such physician, tllH'l lHll,1 · oue sale

94 Ordi11a11c;es of '.the City of .llonterey

shall be made on one prescription. and such a sale must b~ a. bona fide saJe £or medica11)u:rposes only: and pro­vided flu·ther. that tltis section shall not apply to bona :fid~ sales of alcohol for chemical purposes.

Sec. 16. It shalJ be unlarlul aucl it js hereby de­clared to he a m1sdi>mcanor to seU dist:J·ibnte or give . . ' ... away any spmt11otui, malt. vinons. or anv fermented liquors or. ally intoxicating liquors. in any bar, bar­rMm. public salo011, store. restaurant. cafe. booth, stand. cllnp house. winery. distHlery or other place public or private. either at wholesale or retail. in The Citv of )[ontere:c hetwc>en tlle hours of on<> (1 :00) a. m. ·and rlw ( 5 :00 l a. ru. of an~' day, or <ls othPrwise probibited hy I.an· or Ordinance whether such liquors are furnished as A part of bona fide meals or not.

Rec. 17. The owner. proprietor or manager. 01· other r1erson hanug charge or control of any such bar, bar­rt)Olll, saloon, store, wholesale liquor store. brewery. win· err or distille~~ or other plaee. public: 01: private. li­censed rmder Section 13 and Section 14 hereof. where su<:h. lir1uors are sold, distributell or given away. shall securely close anti lock all entrances and exit~ from any such plitc·<~. or cau::H~ tht> ~arne to hP. clo:;ed '1.nd lnc-knfl, and k1•<·p t hf same in sue:h l'ondit;on against t!w cnfrr and exit of all persons other than the owner. proprietor Ol' iwi.nager th,~reof. or the .:;en·a11t.s rc~~nlar: l~· empln~"·cl il1 nnd <\1Jont the i-ame. an<l shal l not al­low an:.- p err;on 01· persons to rcmai11 therein 01: in am· side l'OOm. bac-k room. booth 01· am· otlier l'OCJrl\ conn,~r.t­ecl thl'l'C\\:itll. ,1tlter than Urn pe1·~~nfi aforesa id between the hours of one (1 :00) a. m. and frve (5 :00) a. m. of any da~- 01· upon any part of an)- dar set apart for a general or s1wc·ial dection in The City of ~fontere,-. during tht- ho11rs. when by law the polls 'are required to he open: and the owner. proprietor or nHlllaf?(•r of any such place"" 11for1>said shaU arrange a11 l proYicle means whereby an unobstnwtetl Yiew may be hud of the i_n. t<>rio1· therPOf. including 1he bar or any place where liquor is disperuM1. from some point. on the sidewalk in front of saic1 pJa.ee. and such means o.f obtail1in0' an 11nobsll·uctrd view shall consist o:f au open spac: of <:leur ~lass not mo1·e than five feet above the sm:face of the ~idewalk , and tlie inte1·ior of such place shall be j;O opeu to such inspP.ction at all times bct11·een tl1e sa'cl hours of one ( 1 :00) H. m. ancl 1ivt' (5) a. m. of aDy

Ordill an(:CO' vf '1'11e Oit·y of )lo,1tcrP11

day or any part of au;; election cl<t~- i1r- afo1·c~aid 01· ot lwr day when said places are )·equired to hf~ closed.

Sec. 18. The owner, proprieto1· o:· n11111age1· or other person baviug charge or control o.f any cigar stand or st.ore. 01· ~my toha!~eo stand 01· store shall S(~· cnrely close and lock all entrances and exits from an,\- imcl1 place or c•1111se the sauw to lw closed and locked and keep the s<ime in !'!1rnh eonditioH against the cull·~· irnrl e:xit of all pt:rsm1s othc~ 1· t.lrnu the ownri-. propr !dor or manager thereof, (Ir th~ S<\rYaut" regular!)' emplo:·e<l in and about t he same. and shall not allow· any pe~on or pr.I'l';orn; to relUain therein or in am· side room. baek room. hootli. or au~· other 1·oorn co;nH!C'tcd therC>\\'ith other tlrnn the pcrsClns afore:>aid, hehrncm thf~ honrs of i>lll' (1 :00) a. m. lln<l fixe {5 :00) a. rn. of any <la~-.

' Sec:. HI. It shall lH, limfnl for any membe1· of the Council oI The CitY of 1lontcn·,-. the Ch'.d of Poliee. a1ff Police1nan of The Citv of ri:rimtcn!Y. ~nd the City ~utorne~· of said City, to inspect f,t '11ll tinH!8 pye1·~· part and portion of any place for which,. under the provisions of th is Ordinance. a license is issued. anrl any attempt h5r t he vroprietor or <m:-i· of his agent~ or employees to pr event, delay- or evade <1 n~· tmch visit or visits or iuspr,etion or inspections, or an.'· refusal b;1· the proprietor or an~- of his agents or employc~es of any place o:f business 1icem;cd nnder this 01·dinanr.e. fo foruisl.J. an\· s1.wh officer with all tl1e fads or infol'lirn· ti on within his know) edge concerning· ?ltlf crime co.rn· mitted in or abont .his place of husiness shall he <lecmeil a just cau~e for revocation of hi.s li('Pnse, as herein provided for,. ~.ncl 11. misdernca:non·, punisllablci npon con­viction as provided in S<'ttion 29 hereof.

Sc.c, 20. I t shall be lm lawful for any person or an~· per.sons ha \' ing charge of any bar-room. saloon, drink­ing cell.Hr, dram shop, tippling place \\'i 1ie1·.~·, brewery. distiller...- or wholesale l iquor store or s tCll'C or othe1· place licensed li<>rcunder ''here an:'i· spiritnons. malt. fermented or vinous h quors or any intoxicating liquors or any admixtur es thereof are solrl, or £or an~· !:.Hl· ployee or assistant. of snl!h person to suff.e1: or allow an:-· Indian, or any minor under th'~ agp, of eighteen yeH1-s, or any p<irson in the state of intoxication to l?o or r~­rnain in such place or 1111~- hack n1om 0 1· otht:'r rnclosure connected or (l.ppnrt.cnant to such pla<:C for nny pmpose

9G Or<li11ances of The City of Monterey

or for anY tiu1c: or to snffe1· 01· allmr am- fomale to Pnter. to i)e or remain in such place or an;- b1wk room or other inclosnre connected or appmtenant to such place fo1· any immoral purpose. for the purpose of buying. selling or -soliciting for drinks, drinking, en9;ag­ing in D,'8.n1t>~. or soliciting trade therein. dat1cing. play­ing music. singin~. dispensing driuks. or any illegitimatt! pnrpos(', or to snffe1· or allo\,- any icmale to buy. sell or solicit for drinks. drink an)· spirituous. nHlit or fer­mented liquor~ or ~olicittrade. ilanee. pla~· music. sing or dio;pense drinks lht>re·n. Ol' to sell. giv1· or distribute any such drink:; to auy female in 11ny such place.

Sec. 21. It ~hall be unlawful for an~· physician or peN:on. claimi11g to be a physjcian, to ~rive a prescrip­tiou to n druggist or any other per~on for any spirit­uous. malt, ,·inous . .fermented or other intoxicating lirJ· no1-i:; or any admixtru·~ thereof e-.xcept for medieal pm. poses. or to 1?ive any such pre.<scriptiou for the pmpose of e·ni.ding or as.i;;isting to evade the provi.;ionc:: of this Ordinance.

Sec. 2~. It is hereb~~ tler.hll'cll mil :::wfnl for an.1· per· son to haYP. or mnintain any prin1k room. hall. lwoth or comparbnent. siclc room. back room. or other apart­ment. in the ~amt> bnildiug or anothe1· bnildin!! or build­ings comwch><l thi>r1.:\'l"ilb. in or appurtena11t to any c:andy. confectionery. tobat:co or cfrrar store. tamali.> par­lor. p11blic rt~taurant. ca.Ye. or booth. rhop house. eatin!! house. coffep roo111. di:oing room. salouu. bar. har-room. tippling plac·e cir drmu shop or wine r.ellai-, or an~~ p lace where an)· vinous. rnttlt. spi1·itnous;. fer1mmted or any intoxic:atini;r liquors ure s;old, di<itrihuted. or giwn away, at wholesale or retail. for the ~us" of <mr pofron or pat­rons of any snc:h plnct'. or any pel'Son visitin!? or hein.r in such place. or .to sell, distribute or !!i>e awa~-. deli"l"er or sern~. or <'(lllS<' or ywrmit to be so sold. di:;t eil.m t!':I (\l'

gi re>n . scn·ed 1'1· deli n~rc1l. an,. wcu l or meals. tamali-s. cand~;: conf ectiOll(.'l'y, tobacco n'r ciga rs. or an_,. ~piritnon~ or ofoP.r intox-icat!ng liqno1·s. or any other thi 11!!' to he ('Hten. r:heY•Nl, or chnnk in an~· sneh prin1k room, bnoth. cnli 1 pa1·trnen !'. ,;id n room, bacl• room. or othc~r llp~ rtnient. in the> .same h\lil<ling or other huihling connected there­with. or in m· appurtenant to 1my such place of business a;; in this section mentioned. Kothing herein containecl shall bP. con::itn1ed as proltihiting- tile rmi.intenance and nsf! of prtYalc: offices or storc rooms fo1· tho use~ of the:

Orili1uwce11 of The Oily of Ji or.tere11 97

pr-0prietor or bis af?ents, or tl1e employees o.f un~· such place, nor shall h apply to any la'nitor.'· oi- toilet or to any hall. nor shali it appJ_,. to an~· booth, <.'.Ompartment or room or other apartment. the entrance and exit to whieh has no <loor 'and is unobstru<:tcd by nu,y sci·c~en, blind or other thing so as to obstruct the view ox- preYent free ingress and egress therefrom to the n1ain public room of such place.

Sec. 23. 'l'he word "Per.son," as used herein. sha!I he construed as iI.wlud.ing firms, copartnc:rKhips, ' C(Wpora­tions. associations or cluh->.

Sec. 24. rp(in tbt· trial o.f an~· action brought mder or a.ril:ling from the pro,; sion.s of this Ord inane<<. tJ1f: de.fen<laut shall ue deemed Jlut ·to }Ja\·e had N' j)l'Oi;.ured the required Jiccuse unless he or she p ro<lncP.;; it or proves having pa:cl for it to the proper of£ie(ff.

Sec. 25. Upon the convic:tion of any person for a Yic,Jation of 1.1.ny o.f the p1·ovisions of thi~ Or<linance, ::i

certified copy of the Judgment of Co11Yidion ~hall be Jllec1 'rith the Aud itor b:· the Poli<.'.c .Judg:e. aud th<! license of such pers011 shall tlH•n aud till're be i·crnke;l. and the Auditor shall so notif.v such pl:l"sun.

Sec. 26. En~ry p rrson who shaJl. iifter this Orcii­mrne:e goes into effec:t , eo1muencc or ·contin ue to Lt·1rns­

act, eonduct, pnr.:;ue, <:any 011 or eng(lg~ in any husirws" or oe<:upation JD 'l'he City of }fonte1·ey l.iabfo to pa;•; a liCL\nse tax and fo1· the tr:msact:iori, canying on. en­gaging- in o.£ whi<:h a lieP11;;e ;,, 'i'(.\<1nin~cl fo be r 1"..icrn·c:.ci undel· the 1n·oyis'.on;; of this Ordimrnce. shall. ,f.)1· r«td1 and <?Yer;.· s uch '·iolatio.u of this Onlirnm<:'e. r><.1:< to Tlw City of l\fontclrey, a penalty t~mrnl to l.h(• auio11ut. o~ tlw licen;;c tax :>uch person was r<?f!Uil'P-d to pa?· under the prGYisiom:> of thii'i Onlinance. togdlw1· with the sum of. fift~en dollar;; ($10.00) as Lquidakd clamages added thereto. arn1 it. shall l>e thl· clntY of the Collector i111d lw is he1:eb~- autl10ri1.ed to i11sti t01te and prosecn te to final juflgrnect in any court of ('.ornpetent jurisdiction, a c:ixil suit in the· 11an1c of 'l'he c;t.y of :.rcmt.erey against ;;ud1 person to r c<:Onff the amonnt of ;;nc:h l.ieen;;\~ awl snch liquidated damages.

Sec. 27. Tn any i;nit or action bronght as p1·ovided in Section 26 of this Ordinance. the Colfoctm: HWY rnak<:: the necessan affidaYit fo1· ancl ;1 \Hit of atLach..1.'11c


~it mav issue \Yitllo1\t a11>· bornl being g-i',en 1.1.U behalf of tl;e plaintiff: ~mid nTit nm.~· lie directed to the sheriff or

98 Ord·inances of Tl>.'J (Nty of :1fo;i.lerey

11ni· constable of :Jfontct\:Y Count,·. ancl ma'" be excc ute<i \11 ° t.hi: same nmnnRr as is provided by hrn: for the ('X~­cmt ion of writs of attachment_

See. 28. No pl'osecniiou or judgment in any civil nc­t ion. pr.o,•ide<l f or in thi~ Orciimmce, is a bat t o a.o,\· c1·imiual prosecution or eom·ict.ion hctcundcr, nor is any crimiual proi;<,-eut icn or con\iction pro,·iitcd for in thi-1 Ordimrncc a bar to such cfril action.

Sea. 2~l. Bvcr.y p cr;;on whn shall, after this Ordin11nee gc1ec:; iuto erred. c:ontinu<'. transact opexatc, pm'Slll'., c:on­dnd., cal'l'~· on nr 1•ngagc in any lmr:;i1H'S!-> for tl1e t~ansa.c­tion, operation, carr5·iug on, pnrs11i11g, r..on(lnctmg, OL"

engaging in of ~rhich a license is r~qniren to be p1·0-cured nnder the provi!>!iom: of this Ordinance, without taking out or proc11ring snd1 license a8 prescribed b? this 01·dinance, and f.Ye1·>· person "·ho Yiolat.es any of the provisions of tl1is Ordinance. is 1;,rnilty of a rn ison­mennor, ii.nd n1~on conYiction tJicrnof ~hall he fir~ed in ,a ;;nm ot nol more thau lhL"ee lrnndred dollar.:;; ($800.00), and in default. of the paying of such line shall be im­prisoned in the Comity .Jail of the Count~- of: }fonterey until sud1 tine be ~atisfied iu the propo1:tion of ouP clii.~· 's im ;H·isonment for each t •rn dnllars of said fine. or shall he· irnptisoned ia the Cr:111!t~· ,J a] 11f .\font ere~· Cotmtr not ruore than ninet~- clars Pr hr both sueh fine ancl ~~~Mm~t .

Sec. 30. This 01·dinauce is t.o t ake effect and be 111 fo1·ce thi1·ty (:30} days from and after its final pas!'l:ige and app1·on1 I, and ;Jll npplic:atinns for an.'· licensr ~1' iun· 1·r:n cwai of auy license to be granted on or after lh1s 01:<liirn1u·e sha ll takP- erred, must be made and gra11 ted in ~onformih· here,\·ith.

Se<' .. 31. ::\11 Ord.inances and pa1·l'> of 01·din»nC,<:-<1 in ('(111'1\ct \Yitl1 t.hi'> 01·din1rnec ai·e hcrch:'- r e1)(°!1ll(•n.

Passed and apprm-ed ,J nl:-· ~, Hl12. Tn effeet: _\.ugc1st I, 1912.

O»clinmices of 'Ihe CLty fJf .llontere11 99


..1·11 Ordinance. L o.:yi;1g Jl t111i1·i{Jal Tnus for the City oi JI011ter€.y for fhf- F is1:ol Y rar T:egi·nn-ing Jitly l~t, 1912.

The CoUJl('.il of the City of :Jfontcrey do ordain 38 follows:

Sec.1:ion 1. That tl1e l·ate of 1 ax for the fiscal Year be­ginning July 1. Wl2. for general municipal, librfil.y, mu­sic, enteJ·tainment and promotion purposes o1 the City of lfon1ereJ upou real and per$omtl property in the City of Monterey, County of :\fontertiy, State o.f Califor­nia. shall be and the same is hereby fixed as follows:

For the General ::.\Jnaicipal <~XfH-\l?!;1'!5 >Tinct;' and 2-10 (90 2-JO) ecuts on eacb. One TT lllltll'ec1 ($100.00) dolla1·s o.f assessed Yaluation. o.f ta-x-ab.lc p1·opert;v· iu said city.

For the maintaiaa.ncc and support of the pnblic li­brary 1'en (lO) cents on each One 11uJJ(1red ~:.$100.00'; clollal's of asscss('d val1111.tion l)f t;ixable property in ;,;;:;id eity.

For niusic .. entertainment. antl promotion Two ( 02) cents on each One Hundred ($100.00) dollars of as­sessed ,-aluation of tax.able property in said city.

SPc. 2. That the rate of taxation to be leYie<l ior bond purpose;. upon real 8Dd personal property in said 1'he City of Monterey for the fiscal ~·ear beginnin~ .July 1. 1912, for the Tl?Ut>ruption. fill I intt::r'cst of M1micipal Improvement Bonds of 1909 of Thr City of )fonterey. 1'hich. wert issued and outstandin~ on the eighth day of Novernuer. UllO. is herehy fixt>d at Thirty and 8-10 (30 8-10) cents on each Om• Dnnd1·eu ($100.00) dollars of assess<>d Yaluation of hurnhle property in .::aid c~ity.

Sec . .S. T.bat the rate of taxa ti<1n to he levied .for bond purposes upon real and personal property in said The City of ~Ionterey for the fiscal ~·Par beirinnillg July 1, 1912, for lhe interest of l\Tunicipal Improvement Boncls of 1909 of The Cit:'- of l\foutere~· whlrh wete issued llll.d outst~di.ng subsec111ent to the dghth day 0£ November, 1910, is hereb: :fixed at Twelve (12) cents on each One Hundred ($100.00) dolJars of assessed 'V8.lnntion of tax.­able property in said city.

Sec. 4. Tliat the abo\'e. de<;Cl'ibed rnte of taxation apportioned and segregated us abo,·e set forth. is hereby

JOO Orrli11a11et:s of The City of JionterC'1f

lovi1·d .for the fiscal year beginning J ulr 1, 1912, an<l t lrn.t the above rate is reqnfred and will be suff icicnt t.o raise the amounts estimated to be r•~quired in the annual hudget of the presi:-nt £.seal year, l<~<; the nmonots estimated to be r cceiwd from fines. licenses and other source~ of revenue.

Sec:. 5. 'l'his Ordinance shall tak~ effoet and be ill force thirty da~-s from and after its final pRSSage and <1pproy11J.

Pnssecl <lnd approYed t:i«ptember 10, l~ll2. In c~ffcc:t : Oct<Jber 10. 1912.


.ii• O}'(/i11a1u:<; Provifling fo1· the Crnudiny of "lU ]foJH?V in tlo; Trwsw·y of the Oity ol lllonlerey.

'!'he Council of Tile City of .:.\fo111rr~~- do orda!n as follows:

St:d ion l. lt shall lJc the dutY of the CitY Attol"nev tlrn Cormuis8iom:r of Fiwrnee and Hcvcnu'e ~ind tht; At1ditor, in the presence of each ot.lwr, and ail 0£ them, to count all monevs in ihc Citv 'l'reasurv at least once ca.eh month, and thc.r may do s"ti at any other ti1oe they way sec fit, and t.o rep ort in writing the result or the couut at the meeting of the Council next after lhe count is complete<l. Said report shall be verified and be fil ed with the City Clerk five days after any snch count is c:o111pl t:lted. Said report shall show:

1. 'I'he amount 0£ money that oug-ht to he in the 1'reasun._ ' -

2. Tho amount arnl kit!(l of money aetnalk the1·ein. Sec:. 2.. This Onlinance shall tak~ effect ancl be in

fiir<:c thirty da;rn from and after i.ts final passage an<l appro·nil.

Sec .. 3. All Ordinances and parts 0£ Ordiua.nccs m c.:o.ufl.ict \Yith t.lus Ordinance arc hc1·eby repea.led.

Passed and appro>ed September 10, 1912. lu effect: October 10, 1912 ..

Orclinuw:e.~ of 'fhe City of Jloa1f.'rn1 101




0-;, 0> . J~.Y _,q_,.~ ~ ,Y.,~.


.{n 01·r1i11a11cc; tu .l!.'stablish Fire Limits. a11d to Provide f~1· the Bctt€r P1·of.ectio11 A.gai'l~st Fire ?·n the City of Jfontei-ty.

The Board 0£ Trustees 0£ 01e Cit,- of )fontere,· do 01:dain as follows: · •

Section. 1: The fire limits of the City of Monterey shall comprise all that portion of. th(: Uitr of :Jfouterev bounded a.s follows. to wit: · '

Beginning at th;: north·westerly eorncr of Pearl ancl 'I'yler Str~ets ~n the . City of )fontercr as per official map of said City entitled ·'Map of 1hat portion of the City of 1fouterey commonly kno'm as the 'Old Town', " adopted by the Board of Tmstecs, :\larch 18th, 1902: thence westerly and following the northerly line of P earl Street to the northeaste1·ly comer of "Main and P earl Streets; thence northerly an d fol!orrin.,. the caste1-Iv line of .Jiain Street 122 .. 0 feet ; thcuce \rest~·l ~· and alon a the northerly line of .Jcffcr ,;011 Street to u;e uort.hcastr.rh· corner of J cfferson and P11cific St1·eet~; thence norther];, aod along the easterly line of Pacific Street to the nortJi .. eastel'ly eornP.r o.£ Jackson and Pacific: Streets: thence easterly and along the northerly line of .Jackson Street to the northeasterly corner of Jackson and Oliver Streefa: thence northerly and followiLlg the ea.st erl!· line of Olivei· Street to the southeasterly corne1· of Oliver and De­catur Streets: the11c(l easterly and along the souther] v line of Decatuc Street to the yresterh· Jiit1: of thB Custo1i1 House Hcscnation : thence S<H.tlhe~·ly <l.nd along isaid 11·estel'ly line of thP- Onstom Hou.sc Re.serYatiou 'to the south\\'esterl>· co1·nc1' of said C11~to1n Hou~e l{cscnation: lhcnee t:>Hi>t<::rly ail(l 1:1long the soutllt'l'l\' liuc of said Cn;;tom Howm Reservation to the soutll\vcstcdv line of the .Sollt.hei·n Pacific 11. R. right-of-1rn~·: the11~e south­<~astedy 1rnd along said linu of. said right-of-\\'a'" to the we8terly line of Tyler Str eet; thcnc:c sontbe~ly and

102 Onlinu11ces of The Oil1J of JJ011terey

along ihe westcrlv line of said 'fder Street to the nort.h­\\'est;~rly corner of T:dcr and Pearl Str eet.s and point of lleginning.

Ser.. 2. ~o timber shall hereafter be used in the construc:t ion of an~- outer wall or main pal'ti tion wall. OL' auy part of 1.mch wall of an_,, building erected or constl'nd.ed within the fi re limit.->, e~cept wall plates to I"eCC'in; the r oof and bond t imber, and lintels, door C:ll.sc;; and 1Yim1uw eases, pt'oYided howeser. that in its discn~tion the Boa.rel of Trustc<~s nnty grant. a permit. to constrnct the outn \ntlls of an~· to1n!r of galvanized iron in which timber ma~· he 11sed for t1ie frame ·work. and irnll plates. A 11 snch onter \n1ll and rnaiu par­tition mtlls shall pass through and extend at least two fret. abO\'e the roof of i;uch hnilding for the purpose of a fire wall.

See. 3. 'f.he "onte1· \Y<l ll" of an>· building, "·ithiu the llleaning of t1ie preceding Section, shall he <:on ­sfrnNl to uc the front. 1he rear and the two side 'ralls. 'l'hc~ '"main partition m)11" n.f any lrnilcliu~ \Yithiu the nwaJ:Jiug all(l iutcnt of tbe foregoing ~ec:ti~n. slrnll be <!onstrued to he the cfrdclingo walJ or 'n1lh bet.ween an~· ma.in r.partments of sncii lmilding.

Sec. 4. T n 110 case sha lI any studding be allo1,·e(~ against brick. concrete or iron wal L->, cxeept to intcr­set!t \tllel'ior wooden partition walls. In no bu ilding hcr<•a£tel' crcc-tecl shall ;my woocfon b<·\alJIS, timber or wood-\\'ol'k he placed or maiutained u·ithin fou r inch es of <my .ston~ pipe, c·himney or ftne, whether the s~me h1• a smoke. lliL vr au>~ oth<>r flue, and all such p ipes sfo1ll c:xten il at lea::.t three feet ahm-e the snrfacP. of the ~n1 il<liug.

See. 5. :.~ ll brick walls of an,\- building he1·cafter erected· 01· altert-c\, for a orw·stor,\· building, shall be at least ei~·ht inches in thidrncss; a two-sto1·v building, at least i:~ ind1es in thiekne::;s for the first stor'' an·d eight inehei:; for the second stem·: for a thrce-ston· h1\iJding at least 17 indrns in thidmess for the ftrs.t story, a t least 1~ inehes in thickness for the second stor>· and at least 8 inches in thickness for thH third stor~·; and for hi~her bnildings i:n proportion.

SP.c. n. W~1ls made of plain concrete mixed in the proportion of one part of Portland cement to six of aggrclo!atc-s or Je::is, consisting of sand and graYel or broken stNH~ of one inch major diuwnsion, may be used

Ordinances of T7ie Ctty of Jlonter~i' 103

in~icle the :flre Jirnits "if made the ~1rnw thie:rness as re­qmred f r.il' ln:iek \ralk

. 8ee.- . 7. fo:.i11 foJ'eed couc:ret e umr h,~ iM·d iu place of h1~_c-k 01' Oi'd1n:-1rr cnnerew within th1: fire limit;; of the l-;t.~· ,)f .\lo11t~rey. prin-i ded that the- sam~ be con­stri:iek<l in aecorcla nel' with I he follot1 ing provisivll:- : T~e frrm ''reinforced·' concrete. ;is used in th.i~

Ord'll3rn:e, :;hall be umlerstond to rneai: Hll ;jl){)l'O\"' 'd

e.on_et·ew mix t m e. as ~lescribe<l in :Sediou 6 'of tlti::< O_nl1 1u1Jtre, rci11forc'.·d ~ >y st<:c:l or a n~· :;hap~~. s0 eom­bmccl d•al th(: .steel n-tll ial\ l! lll) th~ l\.'u;;ional ~tl'uiu ancl as~ist iu the n:s:sta nce to sl1e~ r. .


Rei11fc,l"<"(•,J e•mcrete slrnl l bL~ of s uch naLmc~ that UH~ :>frt;ss (·a!l I.ii~ c:.akul11.fod ac<:.vrdinQ: tv the aceentuI ~u1:1111tlas of mod.:m CllIH~ rete cu.gii1eci ri11g pt'<Jt~tice. ~ Hl·­mfore(.'.cl eoncretr: 1rnll.;,, 1r11e1·e reinforei:d colunins arc not used, rn ay be one-th i 1·d l l'SS in tl1id:Jti·;.;s than the required th'c-krn•ss fol' brid;: \1·aH<>. g<'i11forcenlcut:> o;i ;;;nr;h walls rnnst 11ot bn J,~s:;::; tl.J.an ~~·i!!c:h rod~ ur har:;, plac(~d not l~ss than 24 ind1e.;; on cr:nter.s ead1 WHY for 11-irn·h walJ;;, other thiekni:s.">es ut 11·11 ll ;; tn Jrnve ste(;) rei nJorc(•n11·n ts iu proportion .

Sec::. 8. :\o pers(1n shall 1i11.l\"e, or 1.>.anse io be moi-c,tl. fr.on~ the pt·c~<~nt _re.;;ting place to. an~- other rn:-tiug pla1:e w1thlll t he Im~ l nn~t~. \YI.tether upon the same. or a;J.­l}thf.r ~ot. _or. fro!rl ~n~- p11~·t of a lot to auothe1· part t hei·cof , w1thm the fire lu rnff>. any wood<!n lmil:iing.

Sec. 9. ~o wo1.Hkn hnildin~ '' ithin sairl fh·e limits s hall hr 1dt.e1·ed, 1·epaired or added lo without permission so to <lo ohta;Bed from the Hoard of 'f'rnstees of !·mid City. . \ n_,. p enmu dcsi ring to obta in ~m1:h pennit s lwll nk with the <.'i t~· Cler k of the Boar d of Trustee,;. a VE'l'ifict~ petition stating foll.v thll lmildings when~on thr· a\tcratHJ11s, i-epair·s or additions >U'l ' desired to be mad1>; the matt>1'ial~ 11·ith "·hich the s1in 1P. shal l be nrnrh ;rnd ihB permit if issued. slt.all .;:; tat e folk the:. a!tc1·ation;;, repairs or additions al.lowed to be macle. the matm·ial tc; he n.~ed, ancl SlWh 1·eg:ulu t:uns respecting the same as i11

the .Judgment of the Board of. 'Tl'nsk~:s m;n· he 11eel's­s1ir;·. \\·hieh said peI'mit sl1a ll b<.: filed witi1 the Cifr Clerk: provided, ho\\·ever, nothing· h~~rein contained slrn.il be constru~d. to l'equire the Bo1lrd of 'frustees to gnrnt such perrmss10n, but the~: shnll be the sok judges of the

1•)4 Urclinanccs of The Cit:v of Jionterey

iiecl~s.~it>· allll reasonableness o.f the alteration!', repair:> or atlditio11, and their decision granting· l'H' r efu,<;ing th<~ pcrlnit shall be final and cunclusin~.

Sl!c. 10. \\he.never. in the judgment of the Board of Trustees. any building. wall awning, balcony or porch shall. from any cause whate>er, be in a situation or condition to be dangerous to persons and pl'operty, or when any wooden building within the lire limits shall, in the judgment of said Board of Trustees: be da maged !Jr fire to the fxtent of one-ha.1£ or more of it.5 aet1rn.l Y:-1lue. the said Hoard of Trustees shall im­mediatcb- ~in ~otiec to the 01rner Ol' owners of such hll il diug; 1~·all, aiming, halcony or porc~h, oi· to his, .her 01· thc!ir ag-eut, or the p1~rson haY iug· control ihc.!reof, ·if th~ cnrner ean not be fonnd. to remove the sauw forth-11 ith, and the person recci1·ing scteh notices.hail, within fo1tr-cigl1t hours after r-eeeiYing the ~mne .. cornpl~· with. 1Jw re()rrirenH:uts thereof.

.Sc·c. · u_ In eYent of a clispnte between the owner m:icl the Board of 'l'nlslec;;; of sad Citv. ns to the amour.1t of daniag\·i:; caused fil any !'laid huiiding by fire, sa.id di!>pute .:.;lwll be detcrrnined br arbitration of com­petent mechanics, the owner to select oue arbitrator. <llld the Board of Trustees the other; they shall select the 1hird, an<l the decision of the majority shall be final 1u.id co11clush-e: all expenses of the arbitration to be paid hy the part)· against whoru the dE'cision shall be 1·e11de1wl.

~ec. 12. "1ny pPrson >iolating or willfnlly non-com­plying with nuy of the -pronsions of this Ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor. and sha11, upon com-iction then'or. he pnnisht'<l by a fine of not k>s:s than $25.00 or more than $300.00. or by imprisonment not exceed­iug ninety days. or by both such fine nnd imprison­ment.

Sc!r.. rn. Orclinauce '\\o. 11i5 of the City 0£ :Jfo11terc-~·, ~rnd all other ordinances and pnrts of. orclinances in eon flict here"·ith i:m~ hereh,r repealed .

Sec. 1-!. 'Phis Orclinarwe .sliaH take effect <1nd he in force from a 1Jd ;ifter it.s passage and first publication.

-~dopted the 15th day of October, 1907_

ON/ina.nces of The City of JI011te;·p.y lOi:i


.:1 n Ordhwnu:' tn N~g11/ate the ::llori11r1 of Pelroleum u1irl ·its f>i·o<Iucls, . (Jun P o1l'da. B fostin_q Powd.er and Of.hu R ..rplo1>11·ts, in flie City of .llontc-n;y_

· Ilic Board of TrnstE'c'.s of tlw Ci t.~· of :JiontPre,- do Ordam as follO\rn : "

.. Seetiou l. 'Exr.ept as provided in Section i5 lrnreof. Jt shall be nnlawfnl, and it. is herc!by clcdal'ed to be a l1U1sauee, for an~- r.et.so11 to store, permit the 1;t.orag-e uf. or k<>ep fo1· sale 1n the limits of the Cih- of :\Iontc)­rer. au>". CJ'Ude petroleum in Jnrger qmmtiti°es than 1:)0 gallons 111 _ an.1· one bnild.iug 0 1· prernis<'s, or upon any street, or rn other than meti:d ca.ns or s torage tanks or r..,ec~I~taeks. therefo1· approYc~cl b~· the Fire )farshal ot' Unef of tJ1e Pire D epil.rtm1>nt.

Sec. 2. Excep1 as p1:0"1ded in St'ctioJJ i5 hr.1·eof. it sh~ be a~lawfuJ. and it fa he1:cl>y declared to be a nmsauce, for any person to stor e. iwnnit the .;;toraO'c• of. 01' keep for sale within the:: J\wits of the Cit.Y ~f :Uonterey, any i?asoline. naphtl1a., ll istillate. ben~iu'e or other re~ed p1·oduet of petroleum-excepting kerosene or_uoal oil preparerl fo1· household illurninatin!:! purposes - rn lro·gcr quantiti,.~ thnn OXE DR(T:\I uo( to exceed l20 gal lous in ~nr 1>r1r lmiJ.iimr or pr.-mi,,t'S. or upon l'ln~- s treet. or JH a ny ot11r 1· th<111 metal drums or re-­ceptacle; th crPfo1· apprornd br the Fire -:'lfarshal Ol' the Chief of the F ire Depal'tment.

• ee. 3. E..xcept a:; pro,-i<lcc~ i.n S('e.tion n hereof. it ~ID:TI be unlawful and it is he1·(~h~- d~clnred to he a nmsance for any person tu store. permit the storaae of or keep for sale within t11e limits o.f the OitY of ltontere~-, an.'' kei·osene or coal oil in l:lr!?er q Wlntities than two hundred (200) gallo111s in au1 one lmildin"' or

• • 0

p1·em18es, oi· upnn an~- sh'eet. or in other than metal r.ans 01· storage tanks or receptacles therefor approved hr the Fire }[m·slrn l or t he C hief of the Fil'c Depart­ment.

8:ec. 4. Except as provided in Section Five (5) here­of. it shall be nnlawfuJ. and it is berebv declared to be a nwsance for an:v person to sto1·e. p~ruiit the stora"e of. or keep £or <>ale. within the limits of the Cit> of Jionte­rc;-, :my gnn pow<ler :n l.arge1· <1uantities tJ{,rn scrent;r-

106 Ordinances of The Oity of J'tfonterey

fo·e (I 5) pounds, or or<liuary hla.-.ting powder in larger quau tities th an 100 p ounds, in 1my cme building or pr('miscs, oi- on any street, or in any other t han metal <:ans. w.h id 1 cans shall, without exception be clearly 11m1·kcd " .PO\-\'DER " in Jette.I'S not less than one inch in size, and kept co11venieut ly elose to th~~ outer front door of premises in which the same may be stored ; 01·

to keep or store any hercules, dynamite, or .giant pmwJer ur other e.xplosive material or eomponnd ha.v­ing an explosi n~ power greater than that 0£ ordinary ~run p!nHler in hn·ger quantities than One Hundred ( 100) puuucls in :rn~' one building or premises; or to l';tore Stteh d:vuamitr., hercules, 01• giant powder, or other explosive material or compound ha viug an exp losive power greater than that of ordinary guu powder within t.weut~·-:fhe (25) feet of the same portion of any build­ilig or p1·em0ses whei·e per(mssion or detonating caps a re store(l 01· l;:qJt.

Se(!. :i. An~· person desiring· to store~ any of the articlt>:s herein before rnentione<l. in largr.r qnantitic.::. t lu1n hercirnihow sC't ont, in 8ections I, 2, :1, and 4, :-;halJ 11re.sent to t11L' Boarcl 0£ Trust.ee.s a petition for permissicn1 so to cfo, scttiug out i.11 said petition a de­sci·iption of the premises "hereon it is desired to so stol'(~ snc.h goods together with a plan of the pr()posd wii.rPhonse, shJrage tanks, storcroollJ.S, or other proposNI menns o.f s torag-E> and all snch details as ma-r he ll<'l!P.SSal'Y t o enable the Board to fulJy underst.an;l th e sa.icl pctitiou, its objects, extent and ·scope. 'fhe Mid Board of 'fnistees shall thereupon, by :Reso1 ntion, either reject. or approve snr.h petition and grant or refuse suc:h ptlrmi:;sion. in \Yhole or in part, as to said Board ma~· seem best. 'I'he City Clerk shall tltereupon under his han<l imcl is~al of thfl Citv of :.\fonterev issue to the party making snch applieati;m, notiec of "the action of the Boa.rd of Trustees upon his sain appllcati.on. antl i.f such applicntion be granted in \\'hole or in part a certified r.opy of the Resolution g1·anting su ch pflr­mission.

Sec. 6. ,\ny p!~l';;on violating any of the provisions of th'.s Onliuance shall he guilty of a misdemeanor ~nd upon eonvictic>n thereof sl1all be punished by a fine of not less than Twenty-fh-e ($25.00) Dollars, uor ll'.101'€ than Thn~(' 1111nclred ( $;100.00) Dollars, or by im-

Ordinan.(·Cs of Tlte 0-ity of M onterev 107

prisonment not exc:ee<ling ninet\· days or bv both such fine and imprisonment. ' · · '

!4ec ·"" E ~ l d - ' · l · f .· ~ . '. .,4~ t ~lY. s v10 at10n o. au~- of the pl'O-\·lSlons of . this Ordwance shall be re.garded as a separate crime and ma.~ be prosecut.cd and punished as s uch.

Se~. 8. · AU_ Ordinance~ and parts of Ordinances rn conflict. herew ith are he1'Cby repealed.

See. 9. 'l'his Ordi11ance shall t aku effect and be m foree from and afte1· its passage.

Passed the 10th cla~· of J anmn-y, 1909

108 Odi11ances of The Ci ty of .Monterey




da ?nJi1ta!tCC lo .t:rohfbi l the Placing, Fastening, Stretch111g nr Jlarntarn111g any Barbed Wire, E ither {or thf P111pose of Fenciug or Otlteru:ise, ..1long the Lt11c. (J~ a11y Str~et, L aue, ..1llry, or P'ublw Place. W1tlw1 a Ce1-tam Prescribed Dist1ict W ithfo. tlte City of Jlo11tcrey. to Prescribe the .Votice t<J B e Oi~e1i lo flto Owner or Ou·11e1·s of any Barbed ~mi >iow l'lac~d, Fastened or Sfrctched A long the L111e of any Strret, L ane, .d.l1ey ot· Pitblic Place Tr1'.thi11 Surlt D·i:strict, a11 d to Fi.r the Time W·ithi-11 l\'11ir:li .Surh lriN: .Shall Br: RonoL•<Jd.

The Boart: o.t Tr11stees of the Citv o! )fonterev do ordain as fol! 0 \\'1': · •

Se~ti~n 1. It shall be unlawful for any perso~ fin:n, a<>Soeiat1on ur corporation to place, fasten. stretch or ma~tain any bar.bed wire, either ior Ute purpos~ of fencmg or otbermse along the line of any street. lane alley or public: place. within tbe folloWing des.cribed district iu the City of )fontl're~-. to wit:

Beginuing al the .short• of l\lcmfrreY Bav where th~ fmrne i:; inte:Yt·sectcid hy tlw we:stem Ji


mits 0

of the Citv of ;\lonterey and running thence in a southeasterl ~, clircc:tion to the intersedi:m of the \Yest line of :1form;~~ Street \Yitb tlw nor therly line of .Fran klin Street; thence ;souther!~· aloug the west line of: said :.\fo11roe Street to the iuteri>cction of the south line of .lladison Street ; thence easte1·lr along the south line of said Madison Sb.·eet to tht: intersection of the westerly line of Pa­cific Street: thence southerly along- the \\·esterlv line of said Pacific Street to the intersection of the iiorthetlv line of Martin 8trect in the Doud tract, hence in a ~·aight line easterly to the intersection of the westerly line of t he Car mel Road with the southerly line of Eldorado Str eet: t11ence easterlv aloncio the soul.herlv line of said Eldm·ado Street to the :asterly line o'f Emmett Stre<•t : thence northerly along tbe easterly

Oi·<linaaces of The City of Jlcmterey 109

line of said E-mmet t Street. to the inter::;ection of the .;;outhedy lin e of Fremont 8 trcet. : therwc easterly along the southerly line of sail1 Fremont Strcc~t to the 1~asterl,v limits of the City of ~fonterer ; thence northerly along· the eastern limits of tl1e Cit:v of :\font.erey to the inter:wctio11 of the northerh· line of Del .!\fonte ~\yenue: ther~cc \\·c.sterJy along the ·northerly line of Del :.\Conte .\.venue .imd Pern· Stl'eet to the southwesterlv corner of the Del :\fon te T~:tth llonse Gronnd:>: thenc;~ northerlv along the liwits of the City of ~Ionterey to the iDter­section of .Jfonterey Bay; thence \Yei,-te1·ly along- ;:;aid :;,\1onte1:ey I-111~· to the place of beginning.

Sec. 2. I t -shalt be the duty of the Street Superin­tendent immediately u pon the passage aud publicat ion of this Ordinance to serYE'. or cause to I.le served. written iwtice upon all -pe:rso11s, firms, associations.. o;. corporations owuing or maintaining any ba.rbed wire, placed, fastened or stl'etehed, either for the plll·pose of !cut~iu z or o thcrwi~H~. along the line of arl\· stret:t. lane, alle;:, or public place, >1ithin the <li:;Lriet in See~ tion 1 hereof desnrih(~ d, that srn:h harhe-1 wire ot wires must within thirty (hn·s therc:lft<>r ht! r eJU(lYe<l from lift' the line of such Mreet, lane. a]]e~· or pnblic phu~r.. "\11 notices :;o served shall immed1atE'h·. with 11 e1•rtifiea te ~igned br th<.' ~treet Super intendent . showing hy whom, upon \1·hom aud ,,·here sened be filed 1dth the City Clerk.

See. 3. It shall be nnla1rf11l for ally p er,;;on, firm, a;,;soeiation. 01· eorpor·ation H0\1' (HI uing 01· maintaining any barbed wir<.\ or \1·irc.s plac<.>d, .fa:-stenea Ol' strctc:.lwd alo11g the line o.r an:v street, lane. all ey or pnblic place within the clish'iet in 8eetion 1 of thiH Ordinance de­scribed to !';O mi1infain the Rame aHer the e~piratiou o.f thirty (30 ) dars froru the s~nice upon such pe1·son, firm. <1li.<;Oeiation. or eorpora tion. u.f thl· JJOtice herein i11 :-3cetlon 2 of t 11is Ordinau ee pro\·icl<'<l .

Sec. 4. l t :shall ue the dul~· of lh1~ St1·cet S up c1·in­tendent to forthwith r emo\·e aJJY barbed ''\"ire or wir c•s pfacetl .fa;;tl!ncd. or stret(;btd 'atovg th1~ line n£ 1my :street, hrne. nll(~~· 01• public piacc: within the district iu Section 1 of tl1is Ordimmcl~ <lest!tihe<l. a11d \Yhich .;;;liall l1aw r1·nrninecl so plac~d. fastened. 01· s!refeli~d for the p+>rio:1 of thi1·t~· 11ayR affrr tlw sct\'it"e npon the owner, or p!=!r~on rnaintainin~ the .same. n.f the notice in .Section 2 nf. thi8 Orc.limrnr:e pr0Yi1k<l.

110 Ordinances gf 'l'he City of M onterey

. :::>ec: 5. iny person. firm, association, or corporation v10lating any of the provisions of tills Ordinance shall be guilty of a mjsdemeanor and upon conviction the.reol shall be punished by a fine of Two Hun.dt·e<l D~llars, a.ud upo1~ .failure to pay snch fine shail he im­prl.SOned m the UH~· Jail fo1· the period of thirty da vs.

Sec. 6. A ll Ordinances an d p arts 0£ Ordina~ces ·in conflict .herewith are h ereby t:epealed.

Sec. 7. '!'bis 0 l'dinance shall take effect auu be iu force from and aiter its passage and first publication.

Passed the 3r<l day of February. 1891.


• :1 n Ordin an<:e R ef.aliny to the I'rose.n·alio11 o/ the Peace, (Jw'ct Gilll Good Onfor of the City o/ Jlonterey.

The n oard of Trustee~ of the CitY of i\lontc:re.r do oedain as follows : •

Section 1. 1t shall l>e unlawful. aud it is hereby de­clared to be a. nuisance for any minor child under the age of eighteen yeurs. to ' isit or loiter about any ga~_bling house. bar, saloon or any place where any spmtuous, malt or Yinous liquors are sold or dispensed or to loiter about auy puhlic p lace. aJJey or street o: house of prostitution, or to play upon any public place, alley or street u.:l'ter the hour of eight (8) c1 'cfock p. m .. e:x:c~pt wl.ten in pursuit of some 11ecessary or p roper busme.ss.

See. 2. 1t shall be unJa,rful. and it is hcrebv de­clared to be a nuisance for anv minor child 1mder the age of eighteen years, to play or loite1· about any railroad depot. or the cars of any railroad in this City, or to ride upon aoy railI"oad · car. engine. truck or other vehicle. without the consent of the agent or nwncr there<if.

See. ;~. It shil.H be unlindul for auy parent, guardian or other person havi11g the control o.f minor children, to encolll'agc, counsel m· pem1it such minors to violate the pl'ovisions of eitlwr of the two preceding sections.

Sec. ! . .Any pc1·snn 11·ho shall ...-iolut.e an~· of the

Ordin.a1~ces of T he Ci ty of M ont erey 111

Jlr<•Y1sw11:;, of this Ordinan•:c:._ .:,h~l,1, \lp~n i.:~nviction, be fiued in a ~mu nut exceetlmg .! hree .Hn.ac;red Dol­lars. or bY jmprisonmi.:nt not (~xceecliug ninf'ty days, or liv botl\. i11 thn di;,wretion of the; Court.

s~:e. iJ. It sh;ill he the dut~· of the ;\farshal and of every policeman, to arrest and t_ak~ before _tbe _proper ma&istxate every person comm1ttm.g a v10lat1on of an; of the provisions of this Ordinance in his pr;-;ence, and to make complaint before the proper ma.gist.rate. of even- Yiolation of lhis Orclinan<:e which ~hall c01ne tu his knowlt>cl i.,re.

8t"c. G. Ordiuance Ko. 7 o! the City of !\fonterey, pa;;se:l h>· the Board of Trnstees on the 8rd ~ay of .foh-. 18~JH, m1<1 all 01·dinan<:t's ~nc1 part~ of 01•clrnanr.P.!; in ;~ontiict .her ewith. arn lm·eby repcalect .

Ser.. 7. Thi1; 0l'dinance shall take effoit and he in fotce from aml aftfn- it~ passage and first publication.

Passed ,J anua.r>· :)th. 1892.


_,1n Ordina11ce to J>reve1i.t Fa .. ~t. Riding and Driving, and th e; Lrnvilt!J of A:nimals Cuhilr;hf:'<).

The Hoard of 'frnstees of the Cit~, of ::.\lontel'ey do or(lain as follows:

Section ]. It shall be t111la \';ful for any pel'sou to ride or clri\'e a.DY horse. rnule or other animal. in th~ streets of the. Ci°ty of .Jlontel'(=-y, tit a i·at.i: faster than six miles all honr : or to ride 01' clrivc any 11.njmal upon an:-- bridge \r itl1in th e limits .-,r the () i t~- faster than a walk

Sec. 2. -:-.·o v er son shall l<_:a \·e any horse, mule. or other animal (1r a11imals whe11 harnessed to any veh1d.e, upon auy ;,;t)·~et, alley, pnhh: square or oth<!r oven place within the City. unless snch auimal or a.nimals he se­curely tie<l or fuslened to souw po~t , tree or other suit­able fasteni ng.

See. :~ . Ally pcr!:>ou \ iokting any of tho prov1s1ons of this Or<liwmcc, shall upon conviction thereof. be fined in a :>um not Jes<; than Twent~· Dollars nor more than Oue H unched arHl Fift~· Dollarn, or be irn-

112 Ordi nances of The City of Monterey

prisoned not exceeding ninety days, or by bot;h such fine and imprisonment.

Sec. 4. Ordinance No. 15 of the City of Monterey, passed by the Board of Trustees on the 23rd day of July, 1889, and all ordioances and parts of ordinances in conflict her ewith, are hereby repealed.

Sec. 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and first publication.

Passed January 5th, 1892.


To Prohibit the Carrying of Concealed W ~pons.

The Boatd of Trustees of the City of :;.\fonterey do ordain as follows :

Section L Every pet-son not heing a peace officer. who shall, within the corporate limits of the City of }fonterey. c.-a.rry or w<.>ar any dirk, pio;;to1. sword iu cane, slung-shot or othPr dangei·ot1s or deatlly weapon concMled. t>xct>pt by special permis!lion in. writing _from the PresidPnt of the Board of Trustees of said City, s1rnll. upon l'(\Jwiction thereof before any Court of com­p(•tcnt jurisdiction be deemed guilty of a misdemea:nor and <il1nll be fined in any sum .not lrss than Twenty-five nor more than Three Ilnndred Dollars. or by imprison­meut no1 exceeding ninety days. or b;c both such fine and imprisonment.

Sec. 2. Orcliuance No. f.I of the Oit~- of 1\fonterey. passed by the Board of 'l'rustecs on the 16th day of ,fu]~·. 1889. and all or<lina.nees and parts of ordinance~ iu <·onfiiet ht>rewith. are hereby repealed.

Sc•c. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force .from and after its passage and :first publication.

Passed January 5th, 1892.

Orciirnmces of The City of Monterey 113


An Onli1tance m Relation to the Discharging of Fire ..lrnrs and tlte Kindling of Bonfi1·es Within the City Limits.

The Board of Trustees of the City of Monterey do ordain as follows :

'ection 1. It shall not be lawful for any person,. without tht? permission of the P.resitlent of the Boa.rd of Ti:ustees, or iu his absence, of the City niarsbal, to discli:1rge or fire off within the Cit)· limits. nn: cannon. firearm.c;. squib. firecrackers or fire works of any kind whatsoever, or t.o make any bonfire, or burn any straw, hay, shavings or other eombtl.Stible material on any stret>t. alley or pnblic sq.ua1·e.

Sl'c. 2. .in~- person ~·ioloting any provision of this Ordinance. shall, upon com;ction tller.-of. be fined in a sum not less than Twent) -fh·e DolJiU''i. nor exceeding One Hundred Dollm'S. or by imprisonment, not ex­c.eeding ninet,v days, or by both snch fine and im­prisonme1lt.

Sec. :J. Ordinance Ko. 11 of the City of :llontere)-, pas."ed h~· the Board of Trustees on the 16th da:'I· of July. 18b9. and all ordinance" and part-; of Ol'llimmces in confii·ct here\vitb, are hereby repealed.

.Sec. 4. Thiq Ordinanct> shall take effect illld he in fore.e from and aft.er it.s passage and first publication.

Passed the 5tb day of J anuary, 18~2.

114 Ordinances of The Oit11 of Montere11


.J.n Ordinance to Prevent tke Playing of BaU and Othel' Games Up()'fl, the Public S treets Within the Limits of the City of Monterey.

1'he Board of Trustees of the City of Monterey do ordain as follows :

t:iecticiu 1. It shall be unlawful for any per:sou to phly ball. ball and cateh, baseball or any other game wherE! any ball or other object .shall or may be thrown frow. to, or at at one or another player. or from one plilCe to auotber, or to. or 11eooainst any object or point or pJace. upon a11y of th.e Pt!,blic streets of the City of .\Ioutere:r.

Sec. ~. A11r person violating any of the pr ovisions of this Ot·cLlnance, shall upon coovfotion thereof. be tined in a sum not less than Twenty Dolla1·s uor mol!e than One ~Iund~-ed a.nd Fifty Do1Jai-s, or be imprisor1ed

, uo~ ex:1:e<'dmg mncty days, 01· by both such fine and im­pru;onmen t.

f;pc~. 3. Orcliua.o<'e Xo. H of the Citv of l\Contei·ey pm·~etl b~· the Boa1·d of Trustees the 2.:3rd day of J nfr: 1889. aud nil ordinances and parts of ordiuauc·~s m cunttiet herewith. are hereby repealed.

:4ec. 4. This OrdinllDce shall take effect and he in force from and after its passage and first publication.

Passed J anua.ry 5th, 1892.

Ordinances of The Oit11 of Monterey 115


A.n Ordinance to Prohibit the Use of Air Guns, Slings, Slingshot, Garabaldi Guns, Elastic and Spring SJwoters, Daris, Bows and Crossbows, and Other Similar W eapo-ns or Toys Within the Limits of tke City of J{onterey.

The Boa.rd of Trustees of the Oity of }fonterey do ordain as follows :

Section 1. It shall be unlawful, and it is hereby declared to be a nuisance, for any person to use any weapon or toy described in Section 2 of this Ordinance, within tbe limits of the City of Monterey.

Sec. 2. The weapons or toys in Sect.ion 1 of this Ordinance re£erred lo. shall include air -gnns, slings, e.11\stic or spring gims or slingshots, bows, c1·ossbows, darts. and an~Y implement or ruechauical upplianee by w.lrich am· bullet. shot, slonc, da1·t or other projeetile snall be i>ropelled, spnrng 01" tht·o\rn by any person, from and to another place. . Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the proyisions of this Ordinance, shall, upon conviction· thereof, be fined in a sum not less than Twenty Dollars, nor more than One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, or by imprison­ment not exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

Sec. 4. Ordinance ~o. 22 of the Ci ty of Monterey, passed on the 21st day of January, 1890, and all ordinance.s and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed.

Sec. 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in foree from and after its passage and first publicat ion.

Passed January 5th, 1892·.

116 VrcUila;ices of The City of Monterey


.111. 01'dina ncr: Prohibiti11,q the Erectio·n 01· Jfaintenane;e of Sla11glt tf:I' Ho11.~€.s W ithin. Certain Portion~ of the City <4 .llo-11lf.·rey and Dccktring All 8laughta JI ousrs Ir ilhi1~ Eaid Portivus of Said City .\" ufaa 11cc~.

Th1: I3oard of TTustce.s of the City of Monterey clo vrdain as follows:

:::ieetion 1. l\o person or persons sh.all erect or main­tain any slaughter house for the slaughter of cattle, "heep. hog:s or other animals within that portion of the City of ..J[ou ter ey ""hich is bounded and described as fol l om:;, to wit:

Begiirning at a point wh ere the northed v line of tht> ~\u~uajita. Haucho inter sects the wester1v ·bonndar,· of tlte Cit.,- limits of said City of l\Iont erey: thence £oi­luwing the westerly boundary of said Cit:';r limits n01·th :24" 10' west to the northwest corner of the City l imits : tlrnnce> alon!? the northerly bonnclal:y ot said Citv lirnits m11th 58° 4:5' t•ust to the sou therly shore of ) font<>rev Bn)- : · thf'1H!e fol11>wing the shore of l\Ionter ev BH~ '.'iOtl theasterl)- to its intersection with tht> e11ste1."ly lin·e of ihc City limits; tht>nee follow1n~!' said line of Cit\· limit:.; :sonth t o it~ point of inter·se<:tion with tlrn Count~· Road leadiw from :uontere)- to Del 31onte Depot : tl11.>i.1c1• along an<l parallel to said Countv Road ru1d D el }fonte .henue to 1he westerlv boundlitt of the Del .Jlonte Hotel !.."rounds: thence. following-. said line of <..;i ty limits. outh u• 27' east to a point 800 feet south~rly from the center of the County R-0ad leading from )fontt•rl·y to Salinas : thence to the point of he­~'1n 11in si:. ~ 81'1: ... :?. Xo persou or persons shall carr,- on. main­tain. or eJtgage in the bnE:iness of keeping o; conductin~ H sla u!?hter house. or slaughtering cattle, sheep. hoE...S. or othel' animsi ls. either for himself or as the emplovee C>f or .fo1· another within sald portion of said City. of :\fomcrcy which ii:; b<mnded and descr ibed in Section l <J.f this Ordimrnce.

Sec .. ;l . Every slaug-hte.r house and ever.v plac~ kept or mamta1ued £o1· the purpose of s laughtering cattle, sht:'!!p. hogs or other animals within said portion of .-;itid City of :\fonterPr wbieh is bo11uded a nd descrihed

Ordi nances of The City of Jionter ey 117

in Section 1 of thir.; ()rdinane<', is hereby il<~clarcd to hr. a nuisance.

Sec. 4. Bve1-r p <>rson violating auy of ~he pyo­\:lliion!! of this Ordinan('e shall be deemed gmlty ot: a misdemeanor nn<l 11pou c:ondction thereof shall be punished by a fine uot exceeding rn·o hundred dollars

· or by impri onmcnt in the County Jail of ::.\Ionterey County not exceeding two months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

Sec. 5. The City Clerk of the City of )fonterey shall cause this Ord.inane<' to be published b,,- on~ insertion in "lfonter ey Cypress.,, a weekly newspaper published and circulated in said City of ".\fonterey and hereby dPsig11ate<l for that purpos<~ .

Sec. 6. 'l'h1s Onfoumca shall ta'l\e effect nn<l be in force from irnd after the~ 15th <lay of "\ pril, 1896.

Pa;;sed the :3rd d~1~· uf :\far<.:11, 189fi.


~ln Ordi11anc:£- to l'rohil!it /h f Oorcd1.icting of (}ambling (}a11ies in /lu; City of' Jlonte1·f y.

The Boanl c..f Trustees of the Cit~· of :Jlonterf'~· <lo ordain tlrn following :

Section 1. It shall be nnla wfu l fol' any iw.1"Sun. firm or corporation to conduct , or to p ermit to . be con­ducted. within t lte premic;rs by tbf:rn oecup1c<l, any game of c:baace for money. <:liccki;, cards, or other l'epre­sentatin• of valne. wheU1er the same be conducted upon percentagf~ or otherwise.

Sec. 2. It shall he uu lawful for a11r person, fir m or corporation within the limits of the City of 1I?n~e-1·ey, to conduct or to permit to be conducted with.in the pr e.mises by them controlled, an:v game of lotto, keno, stncl horse poker, or auy other game or ch aracter of game wherein there shall be staked money. checks, ea.rds. m· any other represen tath-e of value.

Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person . :firm. or corporation w·ithin the limits of the City of .\for_itcl'e~·, to con<lnet, or to p<'rm it to he con~ucted n-1thm the building or IH'emises hr them occupied or controlled, any ga.rne of clie:e wherein or npon ther e shall he staked


1 JR Ord-i.;iances of The City of Monlere11

mo1w~·. cl.Je<:k.-J, 1.:<1l'cl ·, or other representatiYe oi rnlue. 8ttc. 4. Any .vc.r~ou, fu:.ru or corporation ~jo}ating

auy of lhl:' pronsions of this Ordinance sh.all upon cunvi<:tion thereof. be fined in a sum not le~ than $2.) nor m01·e than $150, or by imprisonment. not ex­c<·rdi.ng uinet:r da:rs. or by both .fine and imprisonment.

Passecl the 23rd <la~y o:f .January. 1903.


_.t 11 0 nliM11u·1;· to Rcgulrde the Conducting of T,a 1tiul1·ies in the City of Jfo11te1·r:y.

Tl1e Boa.rd of Trustees of the City of Monterey do onlltin as follows :

Section 1. It shall be unlawful) and is hei·eby de­clared to be a nuisance, .for any person, firm or cor­pol'ation to c·onduct a pub.Lie laund.D- in the City of .:.\fo11tere~-. within the followjng limits to ·wit:

That dii:.triet bounded by .:Vlain Sh·eet on the west, b:r Pearl ~b·ret 011 tbe south. by Tyler Street on the Nist und by thC' Bay of 1\fonterey and Scott Street on the u011h.

Se<': 2. An;"- person nola.ting tmy of the pro-visions of this Ordinance. shall be deemed auilty o:f a mis­<lf'nteano1·, and upon conviction there;f, shall be pun­ished by fine of not less than $2-0 nor exceeding $300, or by impri onment not exceeding ninety da;n;. or by hoth such fine and imprisonment.

Sec. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the 1st day 0£ January, 1905.

Pas!ied the 2nd day of August. 1904.

Ordi.nances of 2'h e Of.ty of 3IontereJJ 1 t !1

ORDINANCE NO. 138. As Amended b y Oroinanc~ No. 173.

.ln Ordilla ucc to Prohibit . <tnd !'rei.:wt Cfftain,. TJ?­mesti<: A.111"mals I'l'011~ R1rn11rng at La.rge. \hthm /he Oily Lim·its, r111 cZ to E11tablisl1 a. Pound fol' S·uch ..:h1·im.al ....

The Board of Tmskes of Lhe City of ~Iontcrey do ordain as follows :

Section 1. It shall not be lawful for any horse, mule, ass, kine, hog, sheep 01· goat,_ .to run at large within the corpot·atf! limits of the City of :.\lonterey, or to be staked or tethHrccl ouL so as to be upon any street, alley, avenue, pll.rk or square within the limits u£ said City of .Jionter ey.

Sec. 2. 'it is l1erebr dHda.r~:d Lo be the duty of the Pound Master to take up iJ.11<1 sa.fely keep. in a pound to be provided by him, any iwimal 111cnt10ned i1.1 the first sc~c:tion 0£ this 01·dina.uc:c that rna:r be fonn.d at large in or upon anr streP.t, alley, a\'enue, p~1bl.1c 8quare ·or opc~n a.ll(l uuiuclosed lot or grouuds w1thm the City limits, or staked or tether ed out so tls to be upon any street. alley, avenue. par~ ~r sqna~·e, hut. he shall uot take up iln~· anini11l that 1 ~ ~n .the rn1med1atc charge of any pen.on who i~ driYing 1t 1n, through or from the City.

S1:c. 3. The P ouud Master shall c:ollcet ihe follov .. ing fees and charges, costs aml 1•xpcllses, whic._h he shall 1'ec:r.ive in lawful moue~· of thr. TJ. S . from the owners or other persons redeeming 11ninrnls so impoun~f~d, or from the proceeds of the sale thP.reof; f(~r takrng up und imponmling each hm."::;c. mare, gelclrng. colt, or filly, lmll, steer , eow or calf, mnk, a:;~, :;heep. hog or goat, $2.00: al!d for keeping and fecdmg eYery hors~, mare, gelding, <:oh or fill~-. lmll, :steer. cow or calf, mule o~· ass the sum of 75 cents, and fo:r ea.ch sheep or goat the snm 0£ 25 cents, and for each hog. th~~ ~m.n of ~5 cents, for each da~· the sarnn sliall remam 111 his enslo<h. For adYer1:isirig eac.h notice of sale ~Jf ~ny sn<'h l:l~tima1 $1.00. togcthel' "·ith the co:st of, pubhca.ho11. For scllin~; (including cel'tificat(~ of sale) any such animal. a ~01111nission of fift een per ceut. on the gross proceeds of the sale.

l:!O 01·flinance~ of The City of .llfonte;··e11

Se ... -!. .\n:r irnponnded animal ma:· at ai1:· time bdur,~ 1.1 sale thereof be redeemed ancl taken away upon tlte payment i.o tlH~ Pound :.\faster or such fees and d11irg-c:.:; c..s may han: already accrned.

::lee. 5. Within not less than t\YO nor more thRD seven da~s n•om the impounding of any such animal t'b.e Pound ::.\:faster. shall give notice by publication £0; at least one week in some newspaper publi.she<l. in the City of .:V1onte1:ey, that snch animal or animals are to in the pound, giving a <lescrjptib.o of eacb anitn.al im­pounded, with its natul'al or artificial brand or marks, if any, a.ud that if sueh animal or animals be not soone1· redeemed the Pound 1'fa.ster will at a time and place named in the notice: sell such animal 01· animals to pay the charge.~, w·hicili have and shall accme against it with the costs, and i1 no redemption be made, the Ponnu }faster shall sell suck animal or animals at the time stated. 'Every such sa1e $14ill be for cash in United States gold or silver coin. and shall take -place at some place to oe designated by the Pound 1\Iaste1· in said -notice. between the hom'S ef 10 o'clock a. m . and 2 o'clock p. m .. on a day not less th.an seven 110l.' more than ten days afte1· the fust publication of the .notice; pronded, that tlie Pound ]faster may postpone aD;t" such sale io1· one da·y. by verbal notice given on the <lay of sale, and thereafter from day fo da1y, uot exceeding five days iu all, when thete are no bidders pr.esent. or from any ca11se he m.ay believe that the animal or animals will not hring a reasonable. price. Dpou receiving the purchase money, the Pound i\laster shall deliver to I.he pnrehaser the animal sold, ~rith a bill of saJ~ therefm.-, signc(l by him.seli as Pound Master. and sh1.1Il pay the money so received· irom such sale into the Ti·easury.

Sec. 6. If tit ·any time within twelve months after any sale made under tlie provisions of this Ordinance. any person shall prove that he or she was the O\rner 0£ the animal sold. the Board of Trustees sb:ill allow a claim in ia.vor bf such person, payable out of the City Tte11sm:r, for the amoun_t -paid into the Treasnry, Jess all the legal costs and charges on account of the im­pounding. keep a.ud sale of said animal or cmitnals; nnd the o·wner may ul$o tedeem any animal or animals sold under the provisious of this 01·dinance. at any time within six~· da~-s after the sale by producing

Orainances of The City of Jlonterey 121

satisfactor~· prnof c)f owrwrship. and JH1yi~g t~1<:'! p.1.ir­

chaser the amount of pnrchase money m go1d corn, .';1th interest at the rat•: d fiye per cent pe.r month, but 11 no redemption or teuilr.1· of redemption money be mil:~;~ witl~­iu sixty days, snd1 ~Jill of sale shall be c:o~chm ·.-c. ev1-'..lew:e of tit:e in fawn· of the pur<'hi:-.ser of ih(' nntlH<ll or animals theJ·ein mentioned.

Sec 7. The Pouud }[aster shall kef.p a hook in '' hid1 he sl;<tll enter in numerical order 1.1. descriptiou (~£. each <UJinrn 1 impo1rn(fod, w, th ii::> hrand:. or rn~trk..: tI an,·. \rith the time \rhcu and the place \dH:l'f hK('H np. the;· (late it 1rn.s redcemc~d, and h~- whom tlw a.mount paid, the eo::;t;;; anc l c~:qiens(~S. charg~~c1 agaJii::~t . 1t, the chit(' it wn~ sold. to \Yhom sob and for 11·lrnt prH~:·, the papc>r in ,.,·hicll 1Jotic~e of SRI(~ wa;; gin·n, md the cla:-c a11d duration of snch noticE>. and the mn01mt pai<l into the t1·~11.<;mT Such book shall he a(:ee;;.<;ihJ,, rn all 1wrsoil~ desiring to t-xamine ill' C•lp:· the ;.;;rnw .11 t all iw1Ro1rnhle hours and sliall b~, cleliYered b.'· the '.';·.urnl :\Ia<st<'r to his :;uc(•e:>su1· ;n off kt-: all!l in an>· n«non or pror(·ecliug innih·ing lhc leg2lit~· 0£ the act.inn. of th~ Pound i\lasler uHder this Ordirn1IH'.f'. Uw ('m 1·rp;.; Ju su~h book shall be pr]ma f:1cie e\·iderl<:e of the hic:t~ therem rcgi1'te 1·ccl

~ee. 8. If an>· 1wrson shall intt.!rfere with. 11ppose or l'l'si;;t the Pcnnd "\fa!';ter or :rn~· c1f l1is ,~;;;.istants \1 bile· l'ngaged in performing HH>' clnty in~p:'.sed I;~ th;s Ordinane('. or s.ha II. ~1·itl1out the 1)ern11;;;.rnm OJ the Ponud :\lasteJ', i·<~mow or take awa~' frny a11i!::a~ from the pnnnd. OJ' r·~rnoyc tU1~ fel1<'e. bar. 01~ !Jil!·tw1·: or tlpen m1y g<it•~ fm· the plll'(JO:>:O' of enablln~ .:1:1.' iuinw1l to esc:(l.pe from the poun :J. he OJ' ~he. s~a 11 ];,: ~·tu It.'· of ;i, m'.s<l1?meanm·, and upon ecm·J(:tiou shad be p1rniRhed b~.- a fine of uol les;; than twenty-fi,·~ do~lars, nor more than three hundred dollars or b,\· imprison­ment in the City prison uot exceeding nirn~t:· days, or h.- hoth ;md1 Iinl~ iwd iinpri:wnml'llt . . Sec. H. lt shall be thl: dnt>· of thf' Bmml of

Trustee;,; b,- resolution to :ippoint a Poun!l }Jaster aud to fix l1is ~l'lllP<'11safon and h(•rnt 8lH:h Ponull :\h1ster to hold office at the pleasnre of the Boa1·d of Trustees of said Ci tv.

Se<:. 10. · Ordinance ~o. 6 of the Citr of 1\foutm·ey, pas!led l»· the Board of Trni';tf'<'S of t.1H1 City of 1fontc­rE>.1· Jnl~· l:)tl1, 1.S~~J, and all otlwr onhumH«'S imd

122 Ordinances of The City of Mcm,terev

parts of ordinances in conftiet herewith are hereby repealed.

Sec. 11. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of April A. D. 1907. '

Passed the 26th day of Mareh, A. D. 1907.


An Ordinance to Regulate the Du111pi119 of Befus£. Ga,.bage and Other Waste Jlutter a11d lo Rcg11lafr the Discharge of Sewerage in the City of .llonterey.

The Board of 'Trustees of the City of Monterey do ordain as follows:

Section l. 'flhc Boi:trd of H ealth of the City of :i\fonterey shall tl~siguate a place or plac~ where all refnse, garbage or other waste matter shall be dumped or placed where such refuse, waste matter or garbage cannot be discharged iuto, by and through an orc:liruu-y sewer.

See. 2. It shall be unlawful and k hereby Jeclared to be a nuis;wce for an~· person to discharge any sewerage (within the limits of the City of Monterey) int-0 the Ba~· of )fonterey or any arm or branch thereof unless such sewerage be discharged into a.ml through a re!!Uladv establi:;hed sewer .

· S~. 3 . . It shall be unlawful and it is hereby de­clared to be a. nuisance for any person to place, unload or discharge any garbage, refuse or otb.er waste· matter into or upon the Bay of Monterey or into or upon any place within the City of Monterey which has not been designated as the place for such purpose by the Board of Health of the City of Monter ey.

See. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

Sec. 5. T.bis Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and first publication.

Passed the 3rd day of September, 1907.

Ordinances of Tke City of Monterey 123


,.4.n Ordin(Jlfl,ee to Pt·ohibit tke Visiting of Gambli1ig HO'USes.

The Board of Trustees of the City of Monterey do ordain as follows :

Section 1. It shall be unlawful and it is hereby de­clared to be a misdemeanor for any reason to visit, be in or loiter about any house, room or place wliere any game of Faro, :Monte. Roulette, Law;quenet. rouge et noir, rondo, tan, fan tan, stud-hore poker, seYtm-aud-a­half, twenty-one. hokey-pokey, or any b1wkiu~ or per­cent~ge game is played with cards, dice or au;v other d:en<>e, for money, cheeks, credit or any otber repr e­sen tathe of ,·nlue.

Sec. 2. .A oy person found guilL-y oi ~ violation of any of lhc provisions of Section 1 of this Ordiuance, shall be punishable by a £ne of not le;,.s than $25 nor more than $300 or hr imprisonment for a term not _e.x­ceedin"' thn•e months. or b• botb s11ch tiue and un-priso~ent. .

Sec. 3. A II ordinauc:es and pa:rts of ordinances in conflict he1·ewitb arc hereby repealed.

Se<:. ±. This Ordinance shall take effect· and be in force from and after its passage and first publication.

Adopted the 2nd day of June, 1908.



0:·17i11Q:•cr? to l~~·r1hi~il _ the Crwuthoriu·cl Trcarin!} u{ a 1 euce Off1u1--s 'f!.~t.dge .or Otlu~wise Falsely I ffS011atrng a Peace Otfux:r ·m the City of Jl o11lt'­rr-y.

The B oard of 'l'rrn;iecs of the City of :\ fontereY do CJrd1iin as follo\\'s: · ·

Scctiou 1. It shall be unlmrfnl and it is herehY de­e I ll ~L'd to he a misdenwanol· for a11y person . uot bnvf ully entitled so to do, to wear or expose in the Citv of l\Iontere.r the star , badge or other inf;i!!nia of a. Police­man, a Sheri.ft', a D eputy Sheriff, a l\Ia1~hal or a Depnt:'i· l\Carsha l, a ConstabJ e or a D e.pn t\' Constal.Jle or of am· Mher Peace Officer. · ·

~ec. 2. It s.b~IJ be unlawful a:ud it is her chy de­clared to be a mlSdemeanor fo1· an~· pe1>son, in the Cit,· of ~foJJterer, to fali:;ely repr esent himself to be a P.oli<;e O£f1cer. a Sheriff. a Depnt_r Sheriff, 11 l\Iarshal. a Deput.' .Marshal. a C?nstable or a Dcpnt.\· Constabl<» or 1'111~· othl»l' r e.ace Office1·.

Sec. ;1. ).u~- per.sc•n guilty of a violation of. either of tlw hrn p1·eeeding sections of th i;.; Ordinance. shall. npou <'On 1·ict ion thereof he punished by a fine o.f not 1€-s.~ thau ;r25 nor morn t han $;mo, or h~· im prisourncnt !'Ot ~xcccclin~ three months , or hy uoth .such fine and Jill p l1.')0lUlHmt.

~ee . 4. This 0l'cl inance shalJ t ake effect ancl be in force from and aft.er 1t.;; passage and first pu hHr.ation.

. -\ ~lopted t he 2nd day of ,June, 1908.

Or<l-·i11.<1 ,i<;~·s u!' '! 'Ice Cttv ?i .llnntt>re11 12:;


..lu Orcli:1w11<'e JJccl-ai iur; l t to TJe u .\'uisr/lt(·r; lo J\eep and }J aiutain Any 7-Tire or Cu1-o;1y of H on6JJ B ees, or Bees of any T\i11<1. i11 lh<: City of .l1 1rnfr:.rey .

The Hoard <'f Truste('s of the Cit.1· of :Hunten·~- do ordaiu as fol !011·;:; :

:::\cC; tion 1. It shall be ltnl awfol an([ it is hereb:;· dc•­darcd t o be ~ 1mi>;llnee fo r au~- pe1·so1L fir rn or cor­porntion to keep or mai ntain any h iYe N' colon~ ?I honey hf'E-~8 or of lwe::; of anr kind \Yh;;i tsoen~r, w1thm the corporate limits of 1.he City ot 1\Ionterey.

Sec. 2. EveT:v person, firm or corporation. violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed ~lty of a misdemeauor and upon cODYiction thereof shall be punished lly a fine of not less tban twenty-:fi.'\e dollars nor mo1·e than three hund1·ed dollars, or l1y im­prisonment. for a t erm of uot l ess than t.en c1a~·:i _nor :i:10rc than ninet y da.,\"S or by both suc.h fine <rn<'l 11npr1s011-mcnt.

Sec:. ::i. A 11 Ol'd '.nances or pnrts o:F. cwclinanr.e;; in con­fli ct herc\Yith are hl'rdiy r e.p P.ak d.

Sec. 4:. This Ordimrnce t o take effrd and be in £orcc from an cl after its passage.

P asse-d the 7th da~· 11f .June, 1910.


_ln Ordi.'Hance .llaki;ig tlw D efra11diH!J o.f 011·Hc- rs of . ~hitomob1"l 15 OuN1gcs a. Jlisdememwi·.

The Board of Trus tees of the Cit,1· of :.\font~rey do ordain as follows:

Section 1. lt sha 11 he unlawfu l and it i.s h~reb.1' de­clared to h<~ a misdHmP.anot fo r trny person to obtain any au tomobile hire or other accommodation at any automobile garage kept .for proftt., in the City of Monte­-rey, without paying therefor, with intent to . defrau~ the proprietor or manager thereoi. or to obtam credit at any sueh automobile garage by the use of any .false preumse; or after obtaining au a.utornl)bile. or other

1.,,. - <> Uulin anc:es of The City of Monterey

propert.• 11t such ga.i·a,,,,ae, to willfully abuse the same in any ,m,anner. by willful or malicious conduct: or after obtarn.mix sm·h automobile 01· other property whb intent to defra!-ld the owner. manager or proprietor of such automohrle garage. to keep the same for a. longer period. or to take the i;ame to a greater distance than con­tractetl .for : or to allow a storage bill or other charges to accmnnlate against i;aid property. or abandon or leav,. the same. ~ ') ·1·1 . 0 l' 1 . ~. !:(~. :.. . • i1s l'< m~nce s iall be construc(l as appl.'-.

m g- to oJfrnses cornnnt.ted mthin the corporate liruits nf th<' Ci t:· of )fonterey. · .

~t-':· :~. ~ n;v p~rson. violating au.'· of the p1·on<;ions o.f thy:; _0rdm11nce ts guilty of a misdemeanor. and upon convH•t1011 thereof, shall be punished by a fine o.f not lcs!l 1han twenty-five doUars ($25) nor more than thl'ee lrnndrcd dollars ($300), or by impr'isonruent for not }i>:;s than ten (10) days or .moTe than ninety (90) day-s, or h:'- both. ~mch :fine and .lDlprisonment.

~t'C. 4. This Ordir.auce to take C'ffect from aiHl 11 fkr its pa~sage .

Pnssc>d t llR ilOth da~' of ~\.ug-1::it. JfllO.


.11• Onli11<111rc Dcl'larin,q ll to Be a .Y11~0lfr1 lo Post. Pa.~t1 or Point any 'ignR en· Sotire.~ of n11y Kill<l ff'lu1tsow~1· 011 any TeTegraph, Telephone or

i:;ou·t>1' .Lwc P~le, Standing OI' Errtlrrl 1111 nny .~trrtf 111 fl1c City of 1lonte1·cy.

Tl~.e BO•ll'(l of T1·1tstef.s of the· Cit.'· of 1(ontern· do Prdam ns follmn; : ·

Sel'tion 1. It shalJ be unlawful an<l it is 1ten:l>r de­clare<~ LO l1e a nuisance for aDJ person. furu or COl'­pOl'lltl?JJ to post. paste or paint any sig11 or notice of an~· km.d whatsoever, on auy telegl'.il,ph, telephone or pow<'~·. hne pole. standing 0.1· erected on any street in t~t> 011~- of 1foute1·ey: pr-0vtded however, that this Or­d.ioa11(·<' shall not apply to notices or signs painte<l on stwh polPs by tlie perso11, fu:m or corporation ownino- the same for the pm·poses of wm:ofog or identification~

Orclfr1w1ci:;s of TTte Oit.V of :ll onter ey lQT

Sec. 2. Every p<>rsou. firru or corporation. violating any 0£ the provi ... ions of this 01·dina11ce ~11: be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon connchon thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-fixe dollar,;. 111.r more than threP bundred dollars, or by

· illiprisomucnt for a t~!rm of n.ot kss than !~n days ~1or more tlrnn 11i11l'f~· days. or b~- hoth sueh nne and nn-pri.:.;oll'rn>.u t . . .

.Sec. :1. All ordinanc·c:. 01· parts of ordmam~cs 111 ..::1rn­fli<:t hen>with <1)'(: h er eby 1·cpealed.

Sec. -t This Ordi111m1:(: to take ~~ffcct and be in for e': from <uH1 aft e.1· its pn.;;.;;age.

Passe<l the 10t.b chtr of Suptem her, lDJ tl


.l ;1 Orcii,1a;1te Cona 1·11 ).·11y Dogs R 111111i;1g at Larue, tu Pi·oi·frle for lhe A.ppointment of a Po11nd Jfasicr ai1d He.pwliny Ordi.·narwe I•.rw11bcr 129, a11d all Co;1flicti11g Onlinauces.

The J3oan1 of T rHsLees of the City of jfontere:· do ordaiu a;; Iol lows:

Sect.ion 1. It is her ebv declared t.o be a nuisance for any <log or dogs to be 'at large in any public street. alley. square or place io lhe City of Montet•ey;. or ~o be upon an'.\· public sh'eet. alley, S(L\lat·e or place m :said City \\ithout heing securely fastened or held by a leash. chain, i·ope or cord and led or held by some perso~

Sec. 2. ~-\. Cit,\· Pound )foster shall he appolilteo bT a resolntion of t11e Bonrd of T1wtees of said Cit)·, •~hose duty it sh all be to enforce itli of the provisions of this Ordin ance.

Sec. 3. Every dog found at large in any- public street. alle~·. square or pluce in the sa.id City of Monte­rey. or in or upon any publi~ street. alley, square or place in said Oity without being securely fastened Ol"

held b> a leash chain, rope or cord and led or held h)- some person.' shall he t.akeu up and impounded by the Citv Pouud i\fas tcr.

The (~it,· Pound :\faster shall keep enry such animal <;ttt)'.1li~d '1rith w11 kr an d conll.ned for the i'.pace of £o1·(\'-C~i!;rht hour::s, nulei:;s thH owners ~hall sooner re-

128 Ordinances of TM: City of Monterey

<lean it by pa~·ing the City Pound ~fast.er tlte sum of two and 50/ 100 (j2.50) dollars pound fees.

1£ s~eh llog be not redeemed wil.b.in .forty-eight hours. the C11T Pound }faster shall kill the same or cause it to be killed.

Sec. ±. Inted:orencc with Pound 1\.Iaster while in discharge of h.ia duties shaTI. be a. misdemeanor. If ~Y person shall interfere with, oppose or resist

the City Pound )foster or anv of his assistants while engag~d in ~erforming any dn°cy· imposed 01· authorized b~- thi:s Ordman~<.'. be or she shall be •ruiltr of a mis­~emeanor. ~ -1 upon conviction thereof shall be pun-1she<l by a fine of not le~ than twenty-fin: ($25) dol­l~ no~ more than three hundred ($300) dollars. or by unpr1son111eui not e.'l'.ceed:ing nfoety (90) days or b• both such fine and imprisonment. · · ' ·

Sec. 5. Renioval of dog from pounu shall be a uris­demeanor.

Every pe1'Son who shall, without t11e consent of tbe Ci1y -Potmd Master. remo•e auy dog .from thP pound. or cause or enabJe any dog to escape therefrom. shall be l?Uilty ~f a misdt'meanor, and apon convietioo shall be pnmshed by a fine of not less than twent•-fh-e ($25) dollru.~ nor marl' than three hrutdttd ($300) dol­lars, or imprisonment not exceeding ninetv <la's or br hoth "ll<-11 tine and imprjsonment. • · ' ·

Sec. 6. Orclinam.1 t> J\o. 129. entiile<l "'~\ n Ordinance C'oneeming no~ Running at Large. and to Pro,ide for the A.ppointnwnt of ll Pound :?\fast.er!' and all con:flict­i!l!1: ordfoances are liereb)T repealed.

See. 7. 1'his Orcliniince to take effect and be in force from nncl after .Jul~- 1, 1011.

Pa..<:Sed and adopteJ the 1st day 0£ )fo\'crnber. 1910.

Ordinances of The City of Mo·nterey 129


An Ordinance to Pt·event the Admission of Minors to any P~tbl!ic Pool Room or Billiard Hall, or_ to .any

, Poot Room or Billiard Hall Owned or Maintained by or for any Club in the City of Monterey.

The Board of Trustees of the City of Monterey do orclain as follows :

Section 1. It shall be unlawful and it is hereby de­clared to be a misdemeanor for any proprietor, keeper, manager, conductor, or person having the control of any pool room or billiard hall, in the Ci~y. of Monterey, ~ admit in any such pool room or b1lhard .hall_, or rn any pool room or billiard hall owned or mamtamed by or for any club or association, whether incorporated or not, any minor of either s~x under ~he age of 16 years, or to allow any such mmor to loiter about, re­main in or visit any such place, whether games are actually being played therein or not. _ . '· Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions

·-Of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis­demea.nor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined nm; less than five dollars or more than three hundred

. -dollars; or imprisoned for not less than five days ~or · more than ninety days, or by both sueh fine and im-

prisonment. . . Sec. 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances rn con­

fiict herewith are hereby repealed. Soo. 4. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in

force from and after its first publication. Passed the 28th day of February, 1911.

1Jrcli11w-.cf•s of ·1'he C·it11 of :lf.onte;-ey


• In Onli11a11t·e IJccla1ing lt to B{ a Sui:urncc to l'/a('e (}1' to Su!f n· or .Jllnw to R rmain, Bonts of any !\.ind. Rubblsli. Debris. or oth~r .1/aferial or Thi11g f'po11 Ille Shores of the Bay of J1011fen:~y. Belo11· ()rdi11nry Iligh l\afe1· _lfarh'..

'i'he Ho1u·d of 'l'rustces of the Cit,· of .Hmnet·<\\' do 0 1·d;1 i;;. 11?-> follows : · ·

~cdion 1. It sh.all be unlawiu!. antl it is hereby de­cla 1·ed to be a nuisance for any ·person. 1irm or' 1:or­porntion to place, or to suffer or allo\~ to remain, boats 11f any kind, rubbish. debris, or other material or tlting upon lhi:> shore of the .Bay of 1Iontere~· . and wilbi11 tlw coq>ornte limit::> of sa.iCI City, below ordinary high "af·i>1• 111a1·k.

Sec. 2. Every person. :fu:m or corporation., violating a11.v of th" provisions o.f thi'l Ordi:uance shall be dl'emed ~nill) nl' <I misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof. shall be punished by a tine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than three hund1·ed doilai·s or b~· iru­p1·isoruuent for a term of not Jess than ten days uol' H1{)1·1: thal.i ninet;.- 1i1.1.~·;:; or b~· huth !'lach .fine and. im­p1·isonn1 ent.

:)~(~. J. All ordin;incc-.s or pa1·t.'> of ordinnnces in <">nfl ic:t. h 1'r c•\ri!h »rt~ hereby repealed .

Sec. -±. 'Phis Orclinanee to t ake effect and be in fo1·c<' from and 11fter its pas.sage.

~ 'a'l-;cd t.he Ith dar (:f :\farch, 1911.

Orclinam:es of 7'he O·lty of Mont~~;·ey


Ordiuam:-e Prohibiting the Deposit·ing o.i. Certain P11blic Bfre€ls of Oil D1·ippings l•'rora Mobiles, A ·uto­mobi?es. T,ocomob-iles aiul .Uofo,· Cycles or OthTe1· Jlacltill(s D riven by Molfrc Pol<'er_. 01· Otha l e­hicl11s.

The Council of the City of i\[onterey do on:niu a.s follows to 1rit:

Sceti,on 1. lt shull b~ uni awful for aur ]Wl':-)l)fl

owuing, 1~1mfrolling m· ope1·~tlng llll:V mnh1k,. auto~ mobile, locmnohile. Hwlor cycle, y 1· a:n;- j1l<H·h1 ;11! 01 apparatus using elect1'icit:y, gasohuc, or auy p~·ot'.uct of petroleum for its rnoti ve pO\Hff, or other. vehicle'. to d1·ain off from the c:rank case, geal' ca::ie, or froru an) other part of said machine or Yehicle np_on any pubhc !Street o.r the Citv of l\fontercy paYed or unpro,:e•l mth bitumen or asphalt pa VNllOllt, an:· (lil, gasnl mc. 1 ll'­troleurn or product of petrolenw.

See. 2. It :;;hall be unlawful for iwy iwrson tu cir~"~· operntc! or to allo\,. to rei~ain .;;t.an cliu~ ~,ipon n l!~; , pnu~:e stl'e1~t of tlw City oi ;\J n.ote1 ·t:>~·. wlw~. ll ha.s l)c,•11 J o\J·

proyed or pa n~cl with bitumen. or asphalt J><l n·rnent, am· nwbiie. autm~iohile . locomnh1k, invlor C'yd •· .. !:l· an.' machine or ;1:iparatll!i ll 'lill•! l~lt'(!frici(,Y, ).;'a~eli ii!' . . tll'

am· Dl'OCUd of pefl'<'l!l!'lll f o i' ;t$ lllOti \·c !W\\ ~1· ~ i" .'ll ht'!'

1·ehi1;le. unh·iv;; tlwr-1' i!< n1 (;:.;11.,(l thcn•t' •. :l l''~Jlal~l e . . r ti . . ·f i r•·· ... - ~'1"• ,11,,,.;.,'t" t/t>Y)C(' f, ] · d t'\°i<'i'S ,.(;l' )(• ['lt l'jl0:SI;' I .. ,> ··'' 1!" · - ·' ·~· v., . '·

from leak!-; 1.ir d.ripri11~"' d oil. gm;oli•H·, petrol1•11;i: •)r JH'(ldad ,,f . u_t-tl'ol•'tm• h(q ug- m1Hh 11 pon th•' p11n'!H<'i !tS

n!.' :-;ur·h pu:,he S!i'f-o1>1"{ . , 11 1 ~~<~C:. ;-;_ .:\tl\ \ ' :t;J;~tif1 H o ! thi:; ()r<.l~:~f]~\'·i• .~ltC'!! ~~!~

(kenH~d .a mi<;cie~i1un10 1·. 1rnr:i':lh~ble h.'· l! 1.ln1~ uot ''-:U'•~Ct · i1~g one huncfre<l ($JOO) dolln1·s, 01· imprisci.nme.ut m !he Count\· Jail of :\Iontel'e) Uounty not exceedmg fifty.< <JO} days, or by both such fi.nt' ana impris~nm~nt. .Au~'. Jndg­m.ent imposing a Jine ma) pro_nck for 1ts collecti~~ by imprisonment ill the C'onnty Jail of .Monterey_ Ocmnr: for th.e time. at the l·ate. and in the manner provided br la~. 81~~. -±. This Ordinanc:B i:; to t1i]w c.ffec~ aud \JP. ill

fon'.(~ tliirtc (;l\J) 1hi;'s from and after 1t:-; fim>l pa::;!'ag·e and appro\,a l:

Passec1 aud appro\·ed the 11th clay of September, HllL

13~ Ordinances of The City of Monterey


_J 11 Ordinance Regul-0.ting the Hitchi11g and Co11trol of H orse,s, Jiulcs and other .Anin1als Up01i Public SirN'fs an,d Prohfbiting the Tying of Such Animals to Electrolier Standards or Fire Hydrants, and Reg­ulating the Sta11ding of A1ctomobiles or Velticles and .lnimals i11 and Uporl Alvarado Street in the Oily of .Jlo11lerey,

T l1e Council of The Citv of }lonterev do ordain as follO\\"S : • .

Scctiou 1. ft shall be unlawful for any pe1·so11 who has any horse. mule, or otber animal in bfa possession, his charge or under his control in th1~ City o.f Monterey to allow nny such horse, mule, or any animal to he or l'emai.o standing on the streets, ll\lenues. alleys, or pub­lic gl'ounds of the City of 1\fontel'ey unless such anjmal is nndcr the control of some person of suitable age or unless snch animal is securely hlt:ched or fastened to a po~t or pole, or by a weight of not less than seven pounds. or by a rope or other line attaclted to a ring in the sidewalk or curh. Provided. however. that auv such unimaJ may be seew·eJy cheekec.l by rein or line attacbecl by a ring- to a hook .firmly fastened to the seat of the vehicle drawn by such annual and b~· having at the same time a good and sufficient brake attached to such ~·ehiele 11.lld firmly set.

.Sec. 2. It shaU be unlawful for any p erson wlio ha~ auy horse, mule or other animal under h1s control or cbarge. or who has any aut-0mobilc or vehie.le 0£ any k!n<l whatsoever under his control or charge, to allow any such horse, mule or other animal, or automobile or ve­hicl<' to remain stan<lin~ upon Alvarado Street in the City of l\Ionterey for a longer pexioc1 than thirty {30) minutes at any one time.

Sec. a. It shall be uulawfol for any person to hit.ch or t ie any animal to a fire hydrant or an electroli~r standard in the City of :\fontcrey.

Sec. 4. .Any person violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be pu.nished by a fi.oe of not more th.an Fifty ($50.00) D ollars or by imprison­ment of not more than twenty-five days or by both such

Ordinances of The City of M ont(m~y 133

fine and imprisonment. Any juagmeut of fine rnay pro­vide for its collectiou by imprisonment in the County Jail of 1fonterey CO\mty at the rate, for the time, and in tbe mann er requir ed by law.

Sec. 5. Ordinance Ko. J 5 arnl all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith ar e hereby repeale~.

See. 6. 'l'his Ordinance shall take effect and be rn force thirty (30) <lays from and after it,s final passage and approval.

Passed and approved the 11th day of SBptcrnbcr, 1911 .



Ordinance Rdati nr1 to "tlle. l>iunping, _Depositi·ng, Placing, or Thro11•i·ng Certain Rt.fuse 111, Into, or Upon .A.r1 !J N aviga~l.e _W ate.rs, ~low;,h, or .. :iny Other Borly o/ 1Va.te1· Withrn 'l'he 01ty of J.lo;iterey.

The Co1mcil of The City of .Jlontercy clo ordain as folio""":

Section 1. It sl1all be uula·wf ul for an,,- pPrso11. to place, dRposit, dump, or t.h1·ow a1ly dead fish, .fish entrml~ , or any part of any fish, or the~ carca.s5 of any dead a.m­mal. or t he offal .from an~' ::.laught er pen , butcher shop, fish · cannery, or fish packing· how>e, in. into, or upou any nangable water!'!, slou gh, or any ot!J.er body of water within the corporate limits of the City of :.\fonterey, or to place, deposit, or load thP same upon any scow, barge float. hulk. or any steam or sailing nsscl, or any vessel of any kind with intent that the Mime shall be placed. de.posited, dumped, or thrown. therefrom in, into, o~ upon an~- navigable \Vaters, sloug~1, . or any othe~ bod>. of water within the corpol'ate lmuts of the C1t~· ?f -:\fonterey. and it shall be ttnlawful for any person m charge of any vessel of nny kind to per1_nit the same to be loaded with any dHad fish, fish entta1ls, or any part of any fish, or the carcass of any <lead an~mal, or t~1; offal from any slaughter pen, butcher sl1op, fish canne1 ;'\, or fish packing house, with intent that the same sh:1ll be placed, dumped, deposited, or thrown the1·efrorn. m, into, or upon any navigable \Yaters, ~lo1;1gh, or any _otb,Rr body 0£ water within the corporate limits of the C1ty of. Monterey.

g .1 On/·inauces of The (?'ity of JlonttTey

S~c. 2. .-\.Dy v:iola:tio~ of any of the provisions of thii'I ordinance shall be a m.Jsdemeanor punishable bv a fine of not more than three hundred dolla1'S ($300:00). or by imprisonment for not more than ninet. (90) davs in the Count~· Jail of Monterey Count\·. o~ by both ·such fine and imprisonment. .Any judgment imposina a fine may ~rovide for its collection by imprisonment at the rate, w the manner. and for the time pro,icled by la'"'°·

Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force in thirty (30) day.s after its final passage and ap­proval.

!>1J.ssec1 and approved Octoher 17, 1911. In effect : ::\oYcmber 16. 191 L


• ln Or<li11cmcl to P1·01>1ote th6 Sa/et!} o/ .Employu:s 011<l T1·an7ers i·pon Slr('et Railu:oys in the City of .lfo.n­tcrcy by Compelling the P1·opc1· Jlanniug o/ Stru t Railway Ca1·s.

The Conncil of The Cj t,· of .:'.\Jo11tere,- do ordain as £o110,1s: · · ·

Section 1: It shall .be unlawful fo1· any pei-son, faro or corporauou operating street r-aihniy cars upon the strel'ts of The City of :\Ionte.rey anti within said ('it)'. to run or permi.t .to be ran any street railway ear pro­pelled h~- dectr1c1ty or other artificial power that has not at least tlte following named employees thercou. to mt: Onl' <,tin<luctor and one motorman.

Sc1:. 2. Kothing iu this Or-dinauce c@tairn:d shall appl)· to the operating of any- street railwaT car dnr. ing til.ll'"'s of ::trikes or -wa.Th:outs participated· in I)\· anv of the he:reiubefore mentioned employees of am: pe;­son, :firm or corporation operating 'street 1·ailw~:,. cars upon llie streets of The City of 1.fontere:.•.

Sec. !3. Anr violation of this Orclinauee is her1·lw declared to be a misdemeanor Hnd shall be punishabl~, npon C<>m·ictiou, b~- flue not to nxceed three hundr·ed dol­lars ($300.00) or by imprisonment in 1.he County JaU of Monte1·ey County not to exceed ninety (90) days, or hy bo~ such fine and imprisonment . The judgment im-1>osmg a fine may providB for its eolleetion by imprison-

Or<lino.nces of The Glty of lklontere1} 1~5

rne.nt iu thr- Count~· ,Ja.il of Monterey Couuty a.t the rflte, in the mai1w~i·. ·and for the time pro>·ided by la\\'.

Sec. 4. 'J'his Ordirrnnce sball t ake effect aud be in for<:e t.hi1-ty (:30 ': days from all(i after its final passage and appt·oval.

Passed 1rn<l appr1n-cd )farch 1 :>. J 912. In effect: . .\pril H. l ~'l12.


.J.1i Ol'di11a11cr Relating lo the Keeping of Strine a~id Cows. (111d the Kf'1 p·ill!/· Esla1Jlishme·nt and Jlarn­te'nance of Pig-Pens. J>1gsfy.~. n_Jlll Othe1· Plac.es Where Swine _frr Kept cnirl Certain Oow Stables and Cow Corra.Ts \fithi11 the C'ily of Jfonte1·ey and Im­posing a Pei!c~1t!! fo1· Vi_olafio11s Jle1·cof anci Repea1~ ill(] ..177 Co11flu·ll'l1g Orc1t11r111.rcs .

TJ1e Co1wc;il uf 'l'he Cit>· of :'ifonten~.;- do ora<Jin a::: fo1-1o\\'s:

"rction 1. It i;:h:-tll be nnlawfnl and. it is hereby de­clared a m1isane:e fm· any person or persons to keep or ea.nse to he kept any swine wllatsoe>er. or more 1.ban one cow within three hun<lred fel't of any church. ?r c;choo1 house. or within iliree huudrt><l fe<>t or any res1den~e ?r dvelling homE' of any other person or persons m.thm The City of :.\Iouterey.

Sec. 2. It sl1all bE' unlawful and it is hereby deela~ed a nuisance fur anY person or perc;on.;; to keep, estabhsh or maintain any· pigpen, pigsty. 01· nny place where swine are kept. or any <'OW' st~bl~ or cow corral where more than one <'OW is k<'pt 'nthm three hundred feet of an'\" churcll or scbool house or within three hundI·ed .feet of am- 1·esic1ence or dwelling bollse of any other per­son or persons. within The City of 1\Ionterey. ~>­place '\\here cows are regularly. habitually, or accustomed to be milked although sncll cows are kept at such place only a portion of the <l.ay. sh.all be de~med to b~ a co~ corral or cow stable w1thm the meamng of trus Ordi-nance.

Sec. 3. ~.\.ny person violating any o.f the provi~io1:<> o.f this Ordinanec shnll be deemed guilty of a. rnrndt·

Hfl Ordinances of The Cit11 of Jlonlercy

me~nor _and upon eonnction thereof shall be pu.nlshed by imprisonment in the County Jail of M:onterev Com1-ty not exceedi:ug ninety" days or by a. .fine not eiceeding Thxe~ Hu_ncked Dollars ($300.00) or by both such .6ne and 1rupri_somnent. The judgment imposing the fine may prontle for its collection by imprisonment at tht!

rfinate of one day for eacl:i Two Dollars ($2.00) of the e. Sec•. 4.. All Ordinances and parts of 01·clinanees in

conflict 'vith this Or-0.inance a.re herelrr repealed. Sec. 5. This Ordinance shall take ·effect and be in

force thirty days after its final l)assage and approval. Passed and approved NoTember 6, 1912. In effect : December 6. 1912.

Orclii11aiices of The City of Jlo1llfr<::y 13i




_in 01'dina11cc Reg11la.li11g J>,·it'!J l"ou{(.~, rJ11d fo;· tfte Pre­i·enf.ion of Yi~isaH<:<:s Co11ne<:ll:'d Tlierrn·ith.

1'1.J.<~ Board of Trustees of the Cil~· of :)fonterey do Ordain as foll<rn-.;::

Section J. Tt shall he unlawful for anY owner. lessee ot· oecupan t of any Jot of 111.ucl or premises within the corporate limits or the Oit-y of l\fonterey. to maintain, pcrmjt Ol· allow thereon. any p1·lvy or privy vault where­in the ccmtents thereof :;hall fill the same to a point ne;mrr thau one foot from lhe surface of the ground.

Sec. Z. It sl1all be the duty of the Marshal, in e::. 0 e the lessee, o\1·n er or occupant of such premises, on b(:ing notified b;.- hint. negh:ct, fail or refuse to r emoYe ilH: content.;; nf ~meh pr.i ,.Y or vault, to cause the same to be r crnC•Ycd. and s.l.J.ull rc~ceiYe a foe therefor of ten ($10.t)O) dollars, and ma~- recover the ;mrnunt of such fee, togeth~r with llll expenses b~· hi111 incu rred in r c­mo\'ing the same, from tile said owner , le&~ee or occu­pant or either of th~m. b.'· ·mit in an.'· Court of com­pctrnt j uri:.'diction, and if judgment be given .for the }larshal. there shall be rnx1•d against the defendant in addition to other costs. an ~\ttorne~· fee of ten ($10.00) dollars, 1rhieh slutll be paid to the Cit)· Attorney for his senicP.s; and ;jnd,(!Jllent rendered in such suit shall not be a bar to any c1·irnin11l conyiction under the pro­Yisiom; hereof.

Sec. 3. .dny person YiolatWg the pro,isions o.f sec­tion one of this ordinance. shall, upon con-viction thereof in a Court of competent jurisdiction, be punished by a fine not exceeding one huncb:ed dollars, or by im­prisonment )n the City p1·ison not exceeding thirty days, or by- both such D.ne and imp1·isonment.

Sec. 4. Ordinane:e Ko. 13 of the City of :Jionterey, passed by the Board of 'frustees on the 16th day of July, 1889, and all ordinances and parts of ordinaoce.s in conflict herewith, are hereby l'epealed.

1 ~8 Onlinanccs of The City of ;llontcrey

See. 5. This ordinarwe shall take effect and be in foret from ;rnd after its pa:>sage and first publication.

Pass~(l: ,Jan nary 5th, 1892.


A.11 Oi:ain<MC< to Prohibit thr Sp;·i.nkling by Jlw.11s of H atu- or O/Ju r Liquid E.icdul. From the. Jlouth of' .l~1y l-'e1·son. or. Persons Engaged 'in f;<Htndtying, "f!dhe1· as J>rnw1pal or .Emiplo'ljet:. Ppon Any Cloth­rng or Othei· .:lrtfrles in His or Thefr Care or Cu1;­tody} lVithiH the Limif:s of tlir: City of .J.llonterey.

The Board of Trnstees of the Cih- of Jlonterc:Y do hereby orclain as fol lows: · ·

Section 1. Jt ~hall he nnlawfol and is herebv de­?lared t? ?e a nuisanc.e for any person or persous 'with­in the lnnns of the (Mr of :\fonten:Y. \Yhile e11Q.'a1tcd in Jaundr.·yi11¥·, either fls principal (•r er~1pl<i;,·eo. to ~s1~ri11kle nny clothrng lll' ot.lwr articles in his or their em·e or eustody for lann<1rying-, hr r.nc1.rns of ('jccting Yl<t ter 01·

ether liquid from the mouth. · Sec. 2. _\ny persou violatillg- an,,· prod~inn ,.f tl.iii;

ordinance shidl, upon eom·i<:tion tl1eeeof, he fined in the 1mm o:f not less th.an twe11ty-fiye ($2!J.OO) dclla1•s nor more than two hundred ($200.00) dollars. or he im­prisoned not exceeding ninety (90) days,· or bv both such fine and imprisonment. · "'

Sec. ;J. This ordinance shall takl) effect and be .in force from ancl after its passage and first puhlica tiou.

Passed the 9th clay of ,June, 1899.

Of'<li 1w11 c•es of '.1'11 r. Cil-tJ of .1/rrn fore.11 13!l


.1n Ord:J1(11;rr lo J>,.o/1ibil tlie Drying of Sqaid in flu• City of .JI olifoi'(:!J.

The B(1a1·1l uf Trust ens o.f t hr. Git.'· c1f :.\Jonterf.:· do or­cfa in as fo 11011·;;:

Sedio11 1. Tt shall he 1rnla\\'ful :1ml is herdi.'· de­c:lared t.o be a nnisance for a1(\" pnrson. ilrm or cor1J01:a­tion to dry m1y squid. in the· open air w:thin the limits of the CitY of :\fo11t('J'(ff.

::.:.(•e. 2. ·Any perf:on. Yiolating- an>· of the p1·0Yi!':ions of th;;; nr<linanef' ~11all 011 <:OnYidiou thereof be fined in tlw sum of not less than $25.00 nor exceeding- the snm of !j;100.00. or by impY·ismnncn t iwt exr.eeding- a tBrm (1f tlm~l' months. or h» hoth snch fine ana imprison­llll'llt.

Sec. :J. .. \II Or<linnnces. or part!; of Ordinanees, in ronfiict herewith are herebr 1·epeale(l.

Sc~e. 4. This Ordinanee ''ill takr. effect and be in f01·1'f' fr\1m ;md ~fter. its pas!'agc and fir~t publication.

,·\ cloptr.d the ~th day of ,J nn(~. 1908.


.111 01'dina11cr. fo Prm·idc f'm· and Regulate. the lnspec. lion /;!f tltr; H co.lth Olf'ir.er of Gerta·iH Dairies, of Crrla,'n Jfarkct Food aiul L>airy P·roduds Sokl 01·

Off crcd for Sale iTI the Oity of #Io11te1·ey,. and Pro-1·i<fi;ng Regl1lafi011s i-11. Rega1·d to tlie Sani,e, G1·a.nt­itig the II.ealth Office1· Gerta.in Powers fa Relat-ion Thert•to. ond. Jl<rktng it IIis Ditty to Enf01·ce th!J Provisirms of ti Cei-tain Aot of fli.e £egislatnre of the siatc of California. a11d to Provide for the Enforc­iug of the P1·ot:i.~·frms Ilere<>f. (l)ld Repeali·11g Ordi-11a nee So. l'.W.

The Council of The City of :'.llonterey do ordain as follows:

8cetion 1. Tt is hffehy made the d LLty of the Health Offo•1•r of Tlw Cit~· •)f :\fonterP-y, and he is hereby em-1'''\'.''1«~'1 tn •:nfnr(:(' the pnwisioni; of an a.ct of the Lcg­islntur•: ,)f the: Statt> of California, entitled. "An ..:\.ct

140 Ordinances of The City of Monterey

to p1·event tbe manufacture or sale of dairy products froJ?l unhealth;y. animals. or that are pr oduced under un­sanitary conditions; to prevent deception or fraud in the production and sale of dairy p roducts. and in the manufacture and sale of r enovated butter and olemar­garine; to license the mann:faeture and sale of renovat­ed butter and olemargarine : to reanlate the business of pro~ucing, buying and selling dairy products. olemar­g~rrne, renovated or imjfation butter snd cheese: to pro­vide. for the enio~cem~nt of its provisions and for th.e pumshment ~£ violations thereof, and appropr iating money therefor. and to repeal section 17 of an act ap­proved ~farch 4. 1897. entitled '.Au 1:ct to prevent de­ception in the manufacture and sale of butter and cheese to secnre its en.£01·cement, and to appropriate money tberPiol'.' anu to repeal aD acts an<l parts of Mts in­consistent with this act," app1·oved April 21, 1911, and all acts ame11dator,v thereof or supplcment31·y t hereto, and alJ acts or parts of acts which may amana . supple­ment or repeal the same within Tlie Cftv of l\Iontere:r and in the enforcing of' said act to inSpeci all c'lai1:y products or other products in said act mentioned of­fered .for sale or sold witl1in '.I'he Cih" of l\Iontere:r 'and all. dairies within or without The City of l\Ionterey' that ofter for sale or SE'll any of their products in The Citv 0£ l\Ionterc~. In ~be ~ection of such dairy products or other products m said act mentioned, and all of such dairies, the said Health Officer shall be Q'O\erned bv the provisions 0£ the said act of the Leaisl;tnre of the State of California.


Sec. ~- Every person. firm or corporation operating any dmry where more than four cows are milked witli· in or without The City of !\Ionterey tbat offers for sale or sells any of its products in The City of :irontere~-, shall on or before the first day of .T anuar.- of Pach Year cause to he registered with the Health Officer oi .The City of l\fonterey. a statement showing the full name an_d address o.f such person, firm or corporation so oper­ating the same, and also the .full name and address of ~he owner Ol' owners of t_be business so being operated, 1.0 case t he person oper ating the same i s not the owiier, ann the number 0£ cows then being milked.

Sec. R. Any violation of this ordinance is berebv de­ela.red to be a misdemeanor pun~shable bv a fine of not morn than one hundred dollars ($100.00). The judg-

• •


Ordinance.~ of The Ci ty Of Montere11 Hl

ment imposing the :fine may provi<ll' for its oollection by imprisonment in the County Jail of :\Ionterey Coun­ty. at the rate time and in the manner provided by la.w. P1·ovided. ho":eTer. that nothing in this section shall be construed as applying to any violation of the said act of the Legislature of the State of California, referred to in Sc<:.tion 1 hereof.

Sec. 4. Ordinance ;.io. 126 and all ordiuances or pa.rts of ordinanecs in conflict with this otdinancc are llf~reb~· repealed. ·

Sec. 5. This 01:dinuncc lo t::i l::e effect and be enforced t!lirtv (:30) clays after its .Gnal passage~ and approval.

p~;s~nd and approv~~c1 KoY<'lmlH~l' 2l. 1911. In effect.: D ecem 1>Cl' 21, lGll.


.:I.it Ot·ili11a11ce Regulating the Collectio11 and Disposal of Ga.rbage, Ri1bbish, and Waste 'Matter. in the City of Jlonterey . Relati11g to Garbage, J~11.bb1sh, Was.te 1II~t­t~r om1 Dead .. lnimals, .J 11lhor1z111g and D1rectmg the Cowic-il of the City of Mouferey to Provide for a11d Cause Garbage, Rubbish a11d Waste Jlatter and Manure Prod1tccd ill Ille City uf Monterey to oc Gathered. Collected and Can-ir:d A u·ay F -1·01;i Sa·id Ci'ty or Olhencise Disposed of bii Pri-vute Contra.ct, Esfab1ishfog Rates for the Oolli:d i-tm of Ga-i·bagc. Rubbish and Waste llatter anrl Rem.o-va-l of T).<!a.d ..l·nimals a u.d Delini ng 011rta in .Y 11i.~an ces fl nd R r-­peali·ng A U Conflicfl"ng Onii11a11ce;;.

The Council of The Cit~· of ~fonterey do ol'daio as follcnni:

Section L Thfl word gal'ba~c~ as used in thi8 01·di­nance shall be deemud t o mean and inr.lnde table refuse, ai1d offal, swill, and cvel'Y Rccmrnulat.ion of animal, v~ge­table Hnd other matte.r that attencls tlie preparation, eom;nmption, decay, a<~aling in or storage of meat8, fish, fowls. fruits and other foodr:i of whatsoe.-er ch~u·ill:tel', and sl1a.ll inclrn]p, all flDima] and Ve!?;etah]c~ re.fuse £ro~n kitchens and all household waste that shall have been prepared for or intended to be. 11sed, ~s food, or sha~l have resulted from the prt)paratron or food. Dcatl mu-

()1·di111::::1n•s of The Uit11 of .l lunterey

:i 1 al~ O\"er ten pounds in \reight, dish or \\·aste wat~~1· arc Hot mcluded under garbage.

The word rubbi..c;h as used in t11is Ordinanc~e shall. he tlec1ued to mean and include leaves. cl1ips, wooden ware. pn11c1·. paRtc h?ard, grass. rn.gs. :straw, boots. l'ihoes, hats, sawdust, paekmg materials, sha-ring,;;, t1·immings :from h1w1m and flower gai·dens and Loxes, as well as tin cam; and hottleR.

The 11·(11·cl.s waste malter 2;; used in t1Ji:; Ordinances.hall 1>1· d('~'flli!(l l ~' ml.'an and iadude hri1:kbat<>, plaster, ce­men!. hrnhc·u erockery. brokr!l1 ghiss. broken bottles. M1·1l1 ;:nrl 11shcs. cinders. !-;hells. metals and other non­t~o1nf)p;;tibl<' llHlt"'l·i;.ils.

"Pc. '.!. ~\ ll )!arl111~e accumulated iu any hoai·di:ru? housr. t'<'Sl1111ranl. hotel. eating hou'"'- market. grocery storC', 0 1· st.ore selling fruits or vegetables 01· at any other plat•e of hm1i11ess where there is an accumulation of na.r­bage !'ilrnJJ h1, kept lll)On the p1·emisl~s ill 11 water t(i?lit receptacle with tight titting metal cnrn1· and said metal co\'er shall :it all times except when garbage is being deposited in or taken from 1:;aid reeept:1cJe be placed iu ptopet· position ac; a coyer· of sai1l ruetal receptacle antl said metal recept<tcle shall be of sufficient size to hold all g".1-fbag<' that may accumulate at uch place between the t1m~ when the same shall he 1·emo\·ed. No rubbish or w;ist.~ matter shall be placed in such garbage rec·ep­b~ c~le 1101· shall garbage b1: placed in receptacle for rnb­lnsh 01· waste matter. All of such garbage reccptaclN; !>hall he~ emptied no less than twice a week and sucn gw·bage 1·en1oved from tl1e premise~ and disposed of in such a maurwr as not to become a nuisance or mernu·c or dange:t· to public h€alth.

Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for an>' person occupy­ing a prilate dwelling in said City to permit or allow any garbage to accumulate at such dwelling without keeping the same in a w-ater tight metal rec<'ptaele nnd there c;hall be used in connection with sai<l metal recep­tacle a ti!?hl fitf ing met.al cover and said metal cover shall at all times except when garbage is being depoi,ited in or taken from said receptacle be placed in proper p~ sition as a cover on said J.'eceptacle. and causing such. garbage to be removed from the premises at least once Mch week and <lii,;posed o.£ in sueh ma.nner a8 not fo become a nuisance or menace or a dnnger to public ltc>tlth: Ol' £err 1.1.11~· pei:son to tl1row, plaee Cll' se:atter 1rnr

Or<limrnees of The Cit11 of .tlonter~1 H3

garbage upon the surface of any premises witho?t ca~­ing fhe c:ruue to he securely covere<l by earth llllmed1-atelv thereafter· or 1.o throw, place or scatter any gar­bage upon the 'surfa.ce o~ an~- p1:emise;s or ~~ th_c same upon any prermses m said. C1~ a.fter bem,,, noti­fied by the Tiealtb Officer of said City that sue~ p1-ae­t ice is a. menace to health and to ceas~ such practice.

See. 4. Eve1-y person having charge ?r control o~ an> restaurant hotel eating house. hoardmg house, of­fi~e building, apartment house, fruit ~ta~d. store c:n' o~er place of bnsfoess within the fire lin11ts of sald City where rubhish ot· waste matter accl.w1ulatcs shall ~ro~ Yitle a mc•tal rt'('eptacle to be kept npon the prenuses for tht• stora~e of such rubl)isb an1l "aste matter a.nil the same shall lie placed therein .

8ee. 5. lt shall he nnluwfnl for anr i1erson to per­mit Ol' allow auy rubbish. or waste matter. to be t?rown or scattered nhout iu his yard or upon bis premis:s ;1r the premisl!s o.f any other person or up~n ru;iY of t 11'~ streets. alli>ys or other public plaees 0£ solll City.

Sec. 6. -~ n ,i;lH:h rnhhi;;h and wa;;te Yll(l.Tter ~):~ ilJeTI· t ionecl io ~ccihrn -! hereof shall he n:-n10Y1id and disposed of a l l eai::t ouce eaeh we<·k , and 111 such. innmwt' as nQt to he-<:onw a n nisan cc or ·menace to pn bl!<: l1;·atth Ol'

safet.y. 8cc. i. i\o pe1·son shaJl iwnuit or i:i.llow an:·_ HJi"llllll"'

to a~~1.unulnfo. be or i·cmain in or ~<.bont au~: ;:;talHe, ba1·n. shed or corl'al for a longer prriotl tbau :3 <lays, ~cept the ~ame lit> kept in a. tight box ?r recc_ptacle w1th a close nttiug top or cover so. that Uw:; OJ" lllSE'C~S ca.unot !!Ct into or have access to said receptach·. provide~, that this section shall not apply where lhe acclllUl.~lation of such manm·e is not within 100 feet of an orcup1ecl dwell­iug. churd 1 01· ,:;(•hool.

~;:.;. 8. AH m:illnl'e :><.• kept ill any l'HO::h hox 01' r.~ccp­tadc sh all he i·emovc<l and d.isposC'<l of at least once each mo11th. -~ n5· manure <>o removed 111u<:;t not be sto:ed or gathel'ecl into pik·8 within said City unl('ss .for nn­mr~cliatc nsc thcreo11 ancl when so ~tl)l'e.<l or ~athered ~1st h<: nsed \1·it11ln two days then~a:ttcr, prov1d~d that ,11e proYisions h<~ reof i•elatiug· to st.oripg or ~ntherJng of nia11.­me :;hall uol a.pply to an~· persou k.:.~pmg th~ same ch<­t;u1t more than :300 feet from an,,· c1we1ling oi auy person other than the p<<rson keepiug strnh man_ufe .•

Sec. 9. ~o person shall use any cart m· n~h1c.e for

U! Ordi11a11ces of The Cit11 of llf ont~rey

lhl' conyeyance or removal of swi11. garbage. filth. off<ll of aur kind or any offensive or ill smellin.,. matter or any admixture of strill . garbage. offal of ~Y kin<l or lll.ly offensive Or ill Smelling matter m1les.<1 sncb C<ll't Or \'ehidt• is staunch. tight and dosely coTered with :i wood­en or metal cover· so as to wholly preYe.nt leakage or s111dl : nor use any c~rt or Tehicle for the convevance or r~moval. of manul'e unless said can or vehicle· be pro. ncled with a canvas co.-er securely f<1stened on tbe top tbert'<>f and he so constructed as to prevent the deposit of such manure or any proton thereof in or upon the :streets through which said cart or '\'ehicle ma\· he drnwn. All of sn<'b \"Chicles in this section mentioned shall be c:o.ustrnctcd mid maintained to t!te satisfaetion of the Co1rrn1i;;15 it)HE'r of Pnhlic Health a:nd Safc:h·.

St>c. l 0. W11enever an~· horse or other. animal shall clic within the limits of said Citv of lfonterev the ow11-c1· 1.hel'eof or the person in whose possessioi1' t he snme might b~ at the time of iis death, shall dis11ose of its <'arcass m such mannet'. that t he same shall not become a 1111isf!nce, proviacd tJiat the mode and nwuner or its disrosa ~ is to be at all times subjc~c~t to the sanitiu·~· 1·tg·nl.~ t1ons and c::o11t.rol of the Oouneil of tl.tA said CitY and the Ilealth Officer thereof. or notify f.h~ Citv Sea\:. eoger within -±hours where such carcas.~ might be found. and it shall be unlawful for any person other than tbe qity X('aYenger or the person o~ng or having possei;­:s1on of any animal at the time of its death to remo>e or <l isposc of the carca.->s of such im imal nnless tlie sfli<l City ~e;.m:mgcr shall fail to remove the same with in N h<'n r::: aftcw r<!c:eiving notice thereof.

Sl~C. 11. The Council of The City of )fonterey shall emplo~· a pe1'Son to be known as the City Scavenger. It­shaJl be the duty Of the said SC~Yenger to calJ as f:re­'tll~ntl_r as requ.ired b.• this Ordinance 11t the place of residence or busmess of any party en~ging him for the purpose of r emoting garbage. waste mattel' or rubbish. offal or othe1· refuse for such parties and remoTe all such garbage. waste matter or r ubbish, offal or other refuse t11at ma)· be t her e collected and shall dump or dt>posit such garbage, wa~te maj;ter, rubbish, of1'al or other l'efusc M i:;oon after collected as is i·easonabJy possible at the place provided therefor by The C'ity of Mon terey.

~\\C . 12. 'I'ho City Scavenger shsll be entitled to

l:hat ge anct 1·ecei-re from each per:.on so cmplo~·ing him the following maximum fees, to wit :

Re;;idenc<-s, $ .50 pe1· mouth. RemoYal.s to be wade weekh·.

Stoi·cs. $2.00 per month. Rcmorals to be made daily. Saloou;;. ;!;1.00 p n · mo11th. 'Rcmu\·als to bE> made wcck15". Hesh1m;a11ts. $2.0(\ pi>r mont h. RE>mo\·ah, t.o he made

dai h·. H otel:>. :j;.1.00 iwr rno11th. Rl•IU•)'·a h to he n1ac:le daily. Offic-t: bni lcli ugs, ~ .50 pf:r month. Rc ~nwrnls to be

made \1·cekh'. For the i:e:rnontl and di:;position of Ntc:J1 lw1·sc 01· C'.U\\'

$+.oo. . F1w the n•rno1·al and 1.lis position of caeh sheep OL' S\Yl!H~

$2.CO. Pro\·itlecl. that :::.uid Couueil mn;-.·. ;1t au,,· time, 1rhcn

it urn\· deein after '" hearing; ~in,•11 tlH~ Cit:· SmtY1:nger that such fees lHlH? 1.ic.cmne "exorbitant, or e:>.cessin•, or in::;nffic~i<'nt for tl1e se1·1·ices pcrforme.<l 1~itlter increas(' or cleert.>iHw the rate of r;nch maxinmm .fees, a.nd provick:l also that the Conrn:il may at a11y tim1: fix a rate~ for an~· class or da:>ses of :>e.nic<>!<l not he1·ein proYided for and change the same <'IS h(~l'(: in prov i<h:d.

Sec. 1 :~. The Conn<'.il <·f 'l'lw City of :.\fonterey is hercb\· cli1·ect ed and authorized to prnYidc for the eol­lectioi1 and "atheriu~ a11d to cause to he t cmo,·e:J from The City o{ )fontere). all ~.irbage, rubbish, waste mat­ter and manure producect in '1'11<' Ci1y of 11ontere)- and there disposed of and destro;-.·ed b~· incineration or other means or to be carried away from Th ... Crty of )fonterey by means of barge, vessel or schoo11er ll1;Jd d~posited . in the Pacific Ocean. The Council may likewise provide for the disposition and dc:struC',t ion of ~meh garhage and rnhhish within said Ci t~· by inciuel'alion and for tl1e cli<;positirm therein o! w1i.st•~ matter b~· other means. .

Sec. 1±. The Cou1)cil of The City <>f Montere~· is hcreb\· authorized and <lirccted to enter into contract for collectin~. gath.eri11i:r. the re<:'eiving or carrying away from The City of Monterey of saitl garbage. ..rubbish. waste matter and mam11'e pr oduced in The City of l\Ion­ter ev and under such terms, provisitms and conditions as The Co\rncH of 'J1he City of Monterey may deem f'or the best interest<> of said City. there to be disposed 0£ b:v inciner ation or othe1·wise to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of P11blic Health and Safe.t~~, provided

1 ~ I) Or11ina11ees of The C-ity of Jfontereu

tbri t nu ~llch contract or contracts shall be made for a period c•xceeding five years, and proyided fuiiher that suc.h rt.>cei dng. carrying away and dispo~itfon of uch !Wrbage. rnhl>ish. waste matter and manure shall at all times he doue under the direction and to the satisfaction of lhe Commissionei· of Public Health and Safe~· of :;aid City. Such contract or conb·aets mar in the di·­cretion of the Council provide for the disposition and clc­:>trlH:tion of such garbage, rubbish, and waste matter '"ithin said City br lawful means.

Bel'. 15. The City of )fonterey. its duly authorized 1:ierrnnts. officers or employees. shaJI have the exclusin• rig-ht to g<ither e1.11 d collect garl)age within sai<l City tllld 1t shall uc nuJawJul for any otl1 er person . fu:m or c•or­poration to collect or gathel' garbage within said Cit~·, provided that nothing herein conta:inetl shall be constrned 11~ prohibitillg the dfaposltion of such gar bage by the per­son prndncing the same, or by the person in poss,•ssir.m of. oc•cupying or owniug the prcruises ou whicll sucb gu­bi1 ge is protlueecl lll" situatccl

::;l'C'. lG. TI i:,.hall he th<' duty of the Comrnis im ll'l' r.f P11bli(· Ile:ilrh au1l ~afeh- and of lh~ Health Offo:t•r t(l Pnio1·c.-<· tht· pronsio11s ·of this Ol'dinanre. The Com­missioner of Pnhlic Ilealth and Safety. the Ileultb 0£­fo·t>r. the <t~<J11ts and in:speetors appCli:nt~d b~- the rr~aHh Officer and the Commii:;sioner of Public IlN1lth aud Rafe­ty shall haYe power and authority to entc>r all prt-mi<;P at an<l during rcasQnable hours .for the purpo~e of dl'ter­mining wliethe1· or not the provisious of this OrJiuance <lre hein~ obeyed.

!-,ce 17. X<1 pt>rson. firm or corporation shall haw or permit upon any premises O\rned, occupied or controlled In- hirn or it am· nuisance detrimentaJ to T1ealth or any u~cm1mli1tio11 oi filth, garbage. decaying allimnl or wgr-1able tUllttcr or am· animal 01· human e.~crement or any rubbish. or wa<>te "matler contr~ll'~' fo the provisions of this Ordiuance and it ~halJ be the dutv of the Ilealth 0.fficcr of The City of J\fontercy to c:?use any sucl1 per­son, fil·m or corporation to be notified to abolish auc1 abate :mch nuisance and remove saitl matter. In case saicl person, firm or corpor ation shall fail, neglect or re­f111sc to remove the l'lrune with.in 24 houl's after r eceiving srud notice sneh nuisance may be abolished and' abated and said matter removed under and b~- the order of tbt• Ilealtb Orffoe1· and the person, firm or corporation so

. 1•1 , C' i ' I (If 1Itwfcrr;t Onlincr11 n~s of l·C · • ·! · •

. f . OI'>' to aliol!sh or abate ~aid failim!, neglectin~ o: re .n~tm~tter in arl<l.ition to mcur-nnis<lll.ce or to remO\ e .sdaicll . th1' . Orllinance. shall he-. !ti as pro,·1 cc in ?> ru1g pena es . (''t . f 1Ionten,Y for all damages. Mme indehte<l to. the 1 ~ 0 ~ Cit,· of }fonterey by cost:. or charges lll<'1~rred by fheh :a . . 1f I.he Health the reason of the nu1..;ance and t e or u '

Oi:fi<:er. fi1·1n or corpol"ation violating ~ 1 Q \m· per:ion. Il 1 :rilh-. ec. . - . . f this Ordina'lce sha ie g1 ~.· - of tbc> 1u·m·1s10ns o . . h . f sh Il be

au) . . l on convwtl<in r t>l eo a . of a lllls<l.emeano1 anc np d' $300 00 or bY impr1son-pTillished hy a fint> _ 11°~ c~ce:i~,~~~. · ~la'"~ or b): both such ment for not. mo1e al,' .. l!!'Tllent imposin~ the :fine fine and ~11m£°~~:~\n:c1cio~lCb~· imprisonment at thP niiiy PJonde<J·~v1 ~o~ ceaclt Two bollsrs ($2.00) of the rate o. one 1 ....

fine.. . N 11 1~ "ntitlt•tl · -An Orclirumct> ,... 1" Orcti1uwce i o ,. " ' .:i .-,ec. :>. • tJ. t of a public scavenger anu

Providing £01· the appom uen 'ill~ "' r.r;1rbaae.'' and all . l . char"'e for remo' e- ~ ,, • h'

regi,tlatmg ns ~ f Ordinance!:> in conflict with t is Or<u.nances , a~d i>~r.i..~-0

r<' >P.a.led. . Ordmance are .hei:..:b . ., ·I . ·I · 11 t"il·" t>l'i'<'<'t and he Ht

· n't' () • lrn•trJ('e SHI " "" . 1 Sec. 20. .ul!s "1<. , i. ·~ftcr its final na;;s<'lge an<

force thirty da;·s Ll'Ol'f'l am ' . .. •

approval. 1 , . \)('l' 6 Hll '' P ,J d apr>ro,•1:c .'\ ovem . . ·• -· assc11 a n . < , · '> T J"' t D""l'l'1be1· G l 9L. D C Tl:'C : ,,. ' • '

Ordinances of The City of .Monterey




As Amended by Ordinance No. 84.

Relating to thr.· l)ni:enti;ig of lJu magr' by Fi1·e.

. ~fhe noal'd of Tru.stees of the City of l\lontere,· do 01· -dilin a.s fo llow:;: ·

. Scctio.u l. ;.Jo stoYc p;pe shall be placed 01· kept with­in .one ~oot _of nn,v 'rnodwork or othl·r conihnstible ma­:et1al. of 'l'rluch <ln:'\' building rnay_ be whplly Ol,' pal'tially ~<'.~1~. t.l '.1ct~<L except ~1-~wn sueh pipe passes through the cu hug, "alJ or partJt~on of the buil ding, when it need not be at a g-reMer d1shmcc than four inches from the w_oo<l~·ol'k or other comhustiblc mater·ial: prcn·idHd the p1pe JS f>Urt'ounded or guarded witJ1 n tin. zinc or eat·th· cr~ guard; ~d every stove pipe dischnrginl!' itself othcr­w~se than mto a !:>rick or stone flue 01~ chirnne.v shall c~xtcnd at !ea~t tlm~e .feet and six inches hevond the roof of the lm1l.drng fro1u \Yhic:h it issue~·", and shall in n o ?as<~ exte.nd throngb the out<;idc wall of a building. and it sho.U 1~ a!l cases be so fixed as not to come with in t~,·o fc·et s1x m c:hes of ~ny other huiUing constnlCted of '' ood 01· other c.onibustih1e !llat.erial ; and either the Fire Marshal. the C~e.f of the Fire Department. the CitY }fal'­s~nl. or any policeman of said Cit. mav order au~- sto,·e pipe to be altered ana changed in .any manner 11ece~at'V to. pre,·ent d~~ger of d~age from fire in accordanc'e with the Pl'O'Vls1ons of this 0 l'dinance.

<rSec. 2. It. shall be nnta:rfnl for any owner, occupant. a.,e1it? or ?thei- per~on hanng the control of am· land or pr~1.i:u.ses m ~.he 01'.-.r of ~onterey, to allow any com­b.ust1ble rnbbish, refuse. offal or garbage of a.nv kind or cha1·;.i~cter \\lH.tte:·er, to accumulate 01' to remain upon said p_i;em1sc8; and either the li'ire Marshal. the CJ1ief of the ~. 1.re 'f!e!n:trtment, the City Marshal, or- any policeman of ~111d ~1t~, ~llay! wh<mcver n'.icessary, enter upon any p.r·em-1~es rn .sa1d Clt;'I-~, to e:xamnw the sanw, and when satis­fied that there 1s thereon any combtistible rubbish ret-


Ordinan1.;es of The City of JI011terey 149

use_ offal or garbage contrary to the provisions of this s~-tion shall serve a. written notice upon the owner. oc­cupant: agent. or other person banng ~bt>: control of. the said premises, to remove the same w1thin menty-fonr hours thereafter. and an~· person or persons not so re­movina same withln hventv-four hours thereafter, shall. tq)On ~ontlction. be punished as pronded in Section 3 hereof. f .. '\..:_

Sec. 3. .Any person violating the provisions o ~ ordinance, or any person, failing or neglectill!? forthw:-th to comply with any reasonable req_uest of the fye )farsha1. the Obie£ of the Fire Department, the City 3Iarsbal, or any policeman of said <>ity. in :eI.at~on to the alteration or change of any S1.1cll stovepipe m ac­cordance with the p1·ovisions of this orcli:i1ance. or ~ _person fail.in!! or neglecting to remo\·e said combustible rubbish, re£U.se. ofl'al or garbagt>. within .twenty-four hours aft.er notice A"iven in nccordauee w~th. the pro­-vi,sjons oi this 01·dinancP., shsJl, upon con~eti.on there­of. 1,e punished by a fine of not leRs than $2:, .~0 nor more tbim $250.00. or by imp1·isorunent not exceernng 30 days.

Passed the 161h da>· of .July. 1889.


.A.n Or<l i.11 a11u: Prescribing tit(· Cltamc:!f'r and Regulat­ing the }<;rating of .~ 1i;11i11g, Sig;i, Telegraph,. 1'ele­phoue mid Otha $upporls, Polu. Ma.~fs or .Shafts ·iu the City of Jlonf(;l'(.!J.

The Boar d of Trnstccs of the City of ';\ [OJ1tr.rcy do or­dain as follows :

Section 1. It :;ball be nn lawfnl to erect any m:ning-, sign. tdcgrflph, tehiphOlH\ or other ~uppor( p<:le,. mast or. shaft in an>· alley, street, pflrk or s<111are w tt.~m the limits of the City of :\Io1.1tcre~-, " ·ithout firs.t havml? ob­tained the written perwission o.f th1.: Prcs1c'.ent of t!1e Board of Trustees of sii.id City so to do, wt11r.h perrms­sion shall state the character. ::;i7.e and locati<>n of the support, pole. mast 01· shaft, so to be erec~ed ..

Sec. 2. .AB teleg~·apll, telephone, el~~r1c J1gh~. heat or l)OWcr po1es. and all poles for any smnlal' or kmdrec1 purpose to be hereafter erected in any alley, street, park

or "11rn1rc in the Cit\ of :\I ori1.!'ln11JJ~- pJa(•rcl 111.' sub ti::i~!~·~y. whetl1er 11e\\ ly- and e1·et'fi>~. shall be so ' rected . m place of pole<: n11w tlwr1•J rom. wl1ere th•' ;-,·tm that~ the lowest wnr• stnmz :stt·cets shall uot ap . < h e passes ;110111? the sides of ·t . · . proac nearer t th - f ·

:; l eet or :iide,;alk than .._ o e sur ace of the th

• ... enrr (90 f e same erosses a street tb.a' "" J .eer: nncl where

proa<-h the surface of th so t snc~ mre shall not ap­h\· »nty-fh-e (25) feet. e street or sirlewalk 11i>a1·i>r than

Rec. '.1. .Ul poles to b h o! ~fonterPy. for anv of ~heerea~ter l'l'~Ch·. I in th ... City ~ion 2 hereof shall." if of w P 01 pos~ 111cl1ca ted in ~ec-1~c h(•s sqnru:(> at th~ hase. audo~:·nh~ not less Urnn tt>11 i:ude,;. If o.f met~1 the,,,. _i..,Ila. r surfa1·Pcl npon sill

· bl tu, ,...,_me ::;IJ.a be .c • sm.ta e to the purpose .for whi . o.i.. a .sv.i> and fom1 wludi shall ba;e 11Pen a) - ch 1t is mteud1•<1. and of lhP Bon rd of Truste!I'ro' ~d by the Stl'ect CommittPP or shaft.'\. w11ether· of wo~d ~~ . :i-u supports, poles. mast'l ne~tl~- painted n-illi not less ~on. s.haJl Qf' pl'Operly and ter1or paint. an twC' coats of good cx-

~<"t·. 4. Tbt> <'rection of shnfts of llie chur11cte1· h ~Y su£pp11rts. poles, rnaF;ts or

..... erem re erreil t · ~~· eet. s~uare or park in the CH~ o Ill an.'· allt>y. confotmtty" with tile provisfo · of ~ontere~·. not in ~erehy declared to be a misd ns of this Ordinance. is 1shed by a fine of not le J:eanor, and Shall he pnn­lars nor more than On ss iln Twenty ($20.00) Dol-Dollars or bv llll. • e hundred and fl.ft\· ($150 00 )

. · · . pr.tsonment in th ff · . · ceedm~ three month,<;. or hr both he . ity .Tail not PX­ment. · sue fine and imprison-

Sec. 5. ~U ordinances . a conflict herewith are h ban parts of ordinancPs in

Sec 6 This" 0 din ere Y repealed. · · r anc0 s.haJI tak force from and after 'ts - e effect and bt> iii

1 passaO'e an/ first · . P{\S-c;ed the 5th da~ of Oct b ""

1 publ 1cntlon. . o er, 1897.

On1inaares Of Tiie Cil y uf JJo ;iferey Jn


_{ 1; O;·di11co1a fo Rcg1Llale /hr, .b.'•·tdio11 uf Buildings and i/lc Obsfr11t:fio11s of $tral.; f111d Si<i£.n·alks, in !hr:

City of Jl uliforey.

Boarcl 0£ Trnstecs of tlie Cit~· of ){ontere> do orclaiu as f'.ollcl\r;;: -

Sediou 1 . 1t 1::.hall be unla \\·fol for any person , firm or <:01·poratiou lo erect any buililing or other structure in the City o.f Monte1·ey, unl~ the p('r-son. fum or cor­pol'ation e1·ectiug such building Ol' structure. sh<tTI hin'e first submitted to tlw Street ComUJjttee, of the Boa:rd oi' 'rrustees o.f said Clly, plans and specifications of the building- 01· 8t1·11ctnre p1·o po~1el1 to he erected, and shall ha 1·1~ ohta ineJ from sndi C1m1mittel~ \\Titttm pcnnis:::.ion to so c•1·ed. s11d1 lrnilding 01· st.n1d ure.

Sec•. :!. \Yh~ne·rer hy reason of building. moving bnilding-s, grading, smre1·ing or ot.het· work, any part of an,,· ~t1 ·ed or ~ic1Hwalk will be ol1structcd, the person. finn r• l' l:li1·pun1ti1m prosec:u ting such work, shall before obstnmti.n!!' any strl·et or sidc>walk. o:· any part or por­tion thert-nf nhtaiu, from the Street Committee of the Boaru of Trtistecs of the City d :'lfontc1·ey wrirte11 per­rnission to so obstr11tt sueh stn·d. or st rec· ts. !'id.-11·a lk or sidewalk'. the extent oi which oh.:;trndic1i. aud t.bc period for whiC'.h lht> sarnl' n111y he· rnainlainell ::;ball be di-.finitd:· sM out iu snch pcrmi:;sion. The per~on. firm or cor porat.i<in so perm1tted to maintain such ob­;.;tnwtion . slrnll ti t all bl)ur ... bt'twe~n dn::.:k and daylight rna:ntai:1 1q>0n :"HC'h C>h:-;n11ction so tln1t. the smne ma'· be eJearJ~· $t'i~ll from ll1Ji11'0fl<'.h l ll f'H l'>- Ci reetion, l'CC[

lights. Sec. 3. An~· person violating- an;." of t lw prcn-isious ,if

this Ordinance, shall l.1pon colll·idicm thereof he lined in the sum of not les~ than $~5.00 nor mnre th<.tn $:~(10.00 . or by illlprisonment uot exceeding 90 da~n~, or hr both such .fine and imprisonment.

Su· . -1. This Ordinan<'c 1;hal1 take cffccl from and aftc~1· its pa:-;sage and fi rs t puhlieation.

A1loplr.cl the 2411' day of :!.\l:tr<'h. 1!10::>.

l52 G1·tZ·i,1c111r:es of The City of Jl cmt erey


-1 11 0 1·di11a11ce llc-lafic<-: lo Clwrclu·s. 8cliool.~. Ilall.~ B oll­'."!Oms.~ Thw.fr:-s .. Skat-i·ilg Rini.s 111irJ. Othr-.1· P!arf.~ I. sC(l for l'ublic ~ l ssemblir:s.

T h<' Boa rd of Tr nstee:> of the ('ii\· o.f -:\lcmtere;; 1lo

01·<1ain a;; follows: ·

~ectiou 1:- ,.l1:1 churches. schools. halls. ballrooms. the­~~~es. s~at~g rinks and other places used for public ,11>.~emblies :shall htn·e at least mo .separate e..~its there­£~:om. a;ict all sue~ exits shall be at least four feet in ~Hdth :from cloo.r .Jaiub to door jamb. and shall in all mstances open ouhv-ard.

~ec. 2. ~J chairs. stools, benches or other seating ap­pl~~nce~ which 11hall be used in tht• mai,J1 body or gul­~enes. o.f an.\- clinrch. school. hall. ballroom, tl1eatre skat­mg rmk Ol' o~er place used for public ussemblie~ !'>hall hr se<'ur~l)- fastened to t he satisfaction of the Chief of the Fire Department.

. )-;ec. 3. .?\~1 _license to conduct a11.r ih f'a tricnl exl1ibi­h~n or exh1b1t1ons, negro minstrel shon-.s, 01· othe1: entel'­tawments, or to conduct a skating r~r1 k shall he is.su ed, nor shall any bn.ilding, room or haJl he uscrl as a d 1urd 1 or ?ther place of assembly, meeting t ooru 01· ball i·oo11t un~~l the owner. lessee or tenant of the prem ises pr ci­pos< ~ t? be used f~r such p urpose, shall ha Ye ob t.aiued pernuss10~ for the lSSUance to him of i;nch l iceu.s~. or for th~ use of such premises .for such pur pose. ·

. ~~ licen.se to e:o~dnct a ny theatrical exhibition or ex­h1h1t1o~s, negrn 1mnstrcl shows. skating rink or other ente:tamment fo_r the conducting of which a license is requu·ed .by O.t·c.linance No. 92 of the City of Montere,-. shall be u;sued nor shall any building, hall or room be nse~ for any pw·pose mentioned in Section 2 of this Oed.inance untiJ per.mission shall have been obtained for such use of such building. room or hall from the F ire a~<l W~ter Committee of tb e Board of Trust1~es of the City of l\fonterey.

. SHc. 4. J. n~- O\rner,. tenant or lessee of any lmildin~-. ~oom or hall ., who desires to obtain permission fol' t he issua~cc t? b1.m of. a .. lieensc, or permission for the nse by hnn of said hu1Ichng, hall or room. for any of. t he: pnrpo,!;es ment ioned in Section 2 her1~of. shall p~·esent to

Orc1iiur i1<:~-.~ of Tht: Ci f.y of .l frrn t erq1 15:~

the Fire awl \\.itt (•1' Commit t et:> of th;.;, Boarcl o.f Trns­t ees a C i~rt.ifkat 1~ sig:ucd h:-· some rec,:g-nized, eon:pe.t '~~;t en~ineer or ~rC'.hittid. ecrtifying t l_1at said prmm~cs rn all re.<spett~ comp ly wit h the i:eCJ.ull'ements of tins O~·­<linauce. and t hat t he i::~:d pr moisc•s are safe and fit £o1· the nse p1·oposed. 01· shall h~· other com pet .:n t en~ <len te han~ sa t isfied said Firn ~md \\aler Com m1tt1•t' o.t su1·h c:ompliance with th F- proYi;.ion;; ;.f this ~)rdin~1wc and t l1e s;1fotY of such building. I f 1md1 t'ornm: ttl't' he satisfied from snch ccrtifieC1 te nr Gt her eompl·tent e•i­dence, t hat sai(1 premise~ an\ ;;ofe ;;nd ti t for t.lw L:se proposed. the s~. id Conu nitteci sh~ll. grnut petm t:ss1011 f~r the ii;suanee of rhc~ lic1•11:-;c nppl1Nt fo1-. 1.n· for 111,~ u:-.r. ()L 8a:d prern i:;;P.s in 1'lte manner and for ~he 1;urp1ht! propo.~cd. H rnch Committee be not .~at1sfied, 1t shall n·fm;e ;;;nd1 penn issiou. .

Tlw O\\' l!('l'. l t•Ui\nt 01· lessee to whom iwrmio.sinn to obtain ;:;mh li<:cwi><! ur to so m:e :mch b11ilcli:n~.}1'dl ~w room J1as hem rdn~c1 l b.1· sai .1 Vin' arnl \\'ater Comm1t­tl'e oJ' thi,:; Boa rd of Tr nsk cs. n 1a5· appeal from s11el1 re­fnsal to !lit: Bear e! nf Tn1s t.cc!'; o.f th~ City of -:\Tontffc•y, \drn shall. at. t heir next 1·egnhtr lneetini;r. or llptm some daY fol1m\·i11 µ- ::;mh l'e~:uJtW )lle<:ti:1g. lei \I hieh the Boa!'cl rna\' adj ourn, to whi<:h adjournment 1hc appellant shall rec~iYc al least fiye cht: ":i ' notice 11llkss h f! b e present hc~forc~ t he B oard at the time sne.h acljournuwr.l ~ :s macle, in whid 1 c\'eul. 110 fur th (>r not i<:e than t he adwn 0£ the B oar d tahn in his presencr~ shall he r equired: after dne hearin~ ~i \'en to .snch appellant., nt snch regular or ad­journed m e1>tiug. the Board of. 'T'rust~cs shall_ grant 0 1·

rdnse peTmis.c;;on for U1c i:$.'>Uanc~ ni su~~h l!c~nse . or for th e p roposed use of sn<:h prClTil!lP.>':. as m t hen· .1uclg-ment may S l ' <!Jll be~1:. .

See. 5. i n c'ase of ii n~- maie1·ial stn1ct.nral d1ange 111

an" buil<lin~ room or hall nsed for an~· of t1H~ pnrposes sP.t' ou t iu Bt'.ction l hereof. eit her u nder li r;en.;;e or per­mission. sm'.h license or permission shall be imm1~diately sus1wmled. and nniil the F ire <'1.11cl \Ya~er Committee of the Board of Trustees shall hase c~xanuned, au~l ~lecorne satisfied with. sueh chirnges and g ranted pemnsslOn £or the l'<!sutnption of such ·use of such )rnildir!g. room or hall, as prodded for in Sc~etiou 4 of Urn; Onhuance, ?uch building. hall or room shall n ot he used for an:-· of the purposes or uses set out in Section 1 hereof. .

Sec. 6. All ehn rehes, schools, halls, ball rooms, the-

154 . Orclinan<•e.~ Clf The Oity vf Montere.!J

i:itres, s~.:11ting- 1·ink~ and <:•ther places n;:;e<l for public a.r;scJJ.1bht>s shall, \dwn open for use. being- used. or about to ~>e use~l. be opP.11 t o 1111· insp~tion of any )farshal. poli ce offo::er. fire \\·a t d(·n or the Chief of the Fire DP­par tro.ent of. the Cit,\· of ) fonterey. und if. up•.ln inspc<·(­~ng S~tch church, i>ehooL hall, ball 1·oom, U1catn~. skat-1ug l'lll.li: 01' other p hwe used for public assernhl it>" ~hi!.11 not eonform to t lw rerr1iremcnts of this Ordinnn<'<>. i~ shall bci the duty of t he .Jlarslrnl. poliec officer. fire wl:l'­<~en or th(' Chief of the }'ire DP.pa 1·tr.u~11t, t n ~d10,:;e uo­t1ce l\. lH::ll fad lilrn H lie eall<•ll. or to \Vhom ~neh fli<~ t shnll her.ome appanmt, to m·der sneh chm·eh. lrn11. ball i·oow. t.hef!1r.c. _;;lrnting rink L' r other plac-,~ 11.:;d .-1;· tt) he ;tse•l :fnr 1mhl1c a~si>mbh:s. to he elos(~(L a11(l to cln;;<.- the Muu-.. aod the same. s hall thpri•npon he an(l remain (' lO:><>.<.l 11111.i .s1rnll not aga in be op<~ned fo1• pnhlic use nntil the .~<lll1'.' sl~all _lu1ve l:ieeu made to conform "·ilh the requ[t·rmeuts of t lns 01·clinance.

S:c•c. 7. I n all bnil<litigs. halls or iooms used for anY of the p1ll'po:ses meDtioncd in Slection 1 hertof. aisl r;~ ar.id p~~S-'.\CIYS ~ltall. lH~ proYided for. both ns to mw1-her. w~cnh and loeatwu, to the satisfac·tion of the Fil'l' an<~ \\· at er Commjttec-: of t.Jii,:; Boarcl.. awl i11 110 (:i:i;;c­slrn 11 an~· .:-cat.._ 11(\ penniik<l in am· ()f sneh a:sle::: 0 1 pas.:Hrnys. ·

_See:. 8: _\ n~·onc ~-iolnting- any of the proYi<;iom; of ~his 0l'drnnncP. or ns1ug or attempting to use am· bnilf.­mg. h all ?1· roo1n for a11.' · of the purposes 1H•11:iu11bon s~t ont mthout first h_anng o?uiined 1 ict>nse or permj::;. SJOn so to clo as hi>rc.>m prov1ded. or refusing to close tb.e same when so ordered shall be aeemed guiJrr of a ~demeanor, and npon conYiction thereof shall be im­pt1S01Jcd n~t to exceed three months or shall be finecl in a ~nm of not less than $25.00 nor more th11n $300.00. an cl m cnse such fine be not paid, then hy imprisonment ~t the _1·ate of one day for every tirn dollars of the fine so imposed, or ~);· both such fine 1Jncl im prison\J.lcnt.

SP.c. 9. All 01·drnanees and parts of ori'iinances in conflict here\1·ith are hereby repeakd.

Sec. 10. Tl.tis Ordinance shall take· effect and be in force from and after the 1st <fa~· of Janua1·,-, . .:\. D. 190'1.

J:'assl'd the 30th cla~' of Ncwcmbel'. 1906.


A.1~ Ordinance p,·ovicli11g for the Registration of Plumb­u s and the I ssuance of Licrnses to Pl1Lm.bers and Es­tablishing Rules am:t Regulafio11s for the Plunibi11g a1td Drainage of Buildil!gs a11d the installation, JLa-i11ten<rnce and Csc of, nrcrs 111 the CihJ of l1011-tei'ey.

The Conncil of The Cih' \Jf ~ I L'll l t l'l'Y <.lo ord ain a,;; follows: · ·

Section 1. Tlic sanitary ~f.'\.1'f' 1' ~y;;tt'm o.f Tlw Cit~· of }fnutere-\· eonsi~t::; of main and h.itcra l condt1its of salt· glaze<l. ;,.in·ifh·<l earthenware. koowu in commerce as fu'St-cla<;.<s. with Mcessary accessories. They are de­signed to carry off all liquid house waste ai1d are knowu he.rein a;;; sanitan sewers. The sewers in tbe streets ].)a<iSlllg' ID front of the Yl'!ri011S lots ttre Called llHl:ill Or lateral sewer. The s<.>wer::. leading from the main or lateral '€-"·er1> to tl1c prope1·t~· 011 Pither side are called house sc~\H·r::;.

SeC'.. :!. .\.ll (:Ol llW<~ti<JnS of hou:;f ~c\\·e1·::;, L'l" plnrnbing work ll'jlh ~ht> ~anita1·y !\e.,1·c·r :':.YStPm of Tlw Cit...- of )fontPJ'(!\·. shi;ll he nuH1<~ iu ?. <:<:<.\i:danc1~ ll'ith these i·ules and H'!?'


nlat'.m1;;. ~t.>c·. :3. '.'\o pt-r·wn. tir111 or corporation shall make any

eounf'<:tiou \1·ith the sanitary sew1·r s:·stem of The City of 1Iontere)' nnless re1?nlarly IirPuseil b)- the Council of said dty. 1•.xct•pt in l'a~e of layin!? ntrified iron stone pipe OD privat•· propert~· and then l111lr under the su­penisi1111 of the Sewer Iusp•1ctor. nncl in aecordanee with these 1·nlt'S nnd 1·em1lntions.

See. -!. ,J.11y prrsou dl·sll-iu~ 1o do business as a master plo111her or sc•wcr pipelayer i11 connei·ting ·with the sauit::nT scwP.I' S'lRLe111 shall file in 01e office of the Health Officn a petitioll !?h'ing tl1e name of the incb­'°idno l or tirru nud the platP o.r business, and asking lo lit> lh:ensi·cl as fl ma<;t<'r plumber or sewer pipe-layer. Said petition mnst be si ~ed b~· two 1·esponsihle citizens of The l'ity of :\fontere~·. vouch.iug .for I.he business ca­pacity awl tl1e reputRtion nf the 11pplicnnt : that he j5 a master oi bis trade and ,~;Hing to 1>1:: goYerned in all resnec·t;,; J,y tl1e rnles and :reii:ulnti011:; wh;(;h are or maY be :1dopt~·Ct tlterdor b~ .. the.: J3oin'd of H ealth or b~· The

Orclinan.ces of '/'he C-ity of Jfunterey

~·ouucil of said City of )fonterey. E ach applicant for a h~ense shall _execute and deposit in the office of the C1f?· Ulerk, rn~ his application. a bond ""ith two or more ~es1den~ sureties .. to be appro'"'ed by said Council and filt;J with the City Clerk in the sum of fu-c hundred (:J;:>00.00) dolla.rs. conditioned that he will indemnirr and sa-\""e harmless the City of Monterey from all acci­~ents _and damages caused by any negligence in protect~ mg hrs work. or any unfaithful. imperfect or inade­'l ~tate work done by Tirtue of .his license. and that b1• will also .1·eplace and .resto~e sidewalk, tpavement or sh·eet sm·face o·rer any opening he may have made to as g_llOd state and condition as he found it, to the sntis­fact 1on of the Sewer Inspector and the Street Snperin­tendent., and_ Utat he will pay all :fines imposed upon him for a v;o~aho~ o~ any of these mles and regulation!>. qu 1·ecenr10g ~s license he shall have recor ded in tbe of. f1ce of the 01ty Cle1·k Iris actual place of business tbe !lam<: 1;tnder w~ch tbe b?-siness is tr ansacted, and ~baJl unmed111tel,v notify the City Cler k 0£ any c.bange in eith­er thereafter. No license will be granted for more than Olle ~-ear, and all licenses will be granted to expfre one' ~-ear from date of issue. A fee 0£ ten dollars ($10.00) shall accompau_,- the application for license. Said fee to b_e retnrned if app~cation is refused. Upon the ~"!:pira­t1~n 0£ the ~-earl~: license every master plumber or sewer p1pe-lay~r car:Ym~ on the business of plumbing or se~er p1pe-layiog m The City of Monterey shall be re­Qtured to take out a new license. a~ register and file new bond as aborn required.

S~c. 5. K~ l~cense shall be granteJ to any pel'son ~nakmg application to become r egistert:d as master or Journeyma'D: plumber unless said person shall have :fir~t pass~d a sa~sfac~or~- examination by the Boar d of Health of hls qualifications to conduct the business of master plumber. or to practice his trade as a jouruevman plumbe:-'. And all applications for license and all li­censes issued shall state the name in full a0>e. nativity nncl place of residence of the applicant o~ p~1ison so ti­~ensed.

See. fi. .Appli<:lltion for permi tR to connect wit.li the sewer ~ystem . or do plumbing work to be connected there•nth, must he ~nade in writing by the owner of the prop~t"h.: to be <lr~med, or his autho1'ized agent. S uch apphcnt1on shall gwe ;i, precise location of the proper ty.

OrrlinanC'eS of ·The Ci l 'll of Monterey 157

the name o.£ the O\n1er. rind the name 11.£ the person em­ployed to do the work, and shall be made on blanks furn.ished for the purpose. ~o permit shall be deemed to authorize anything not stated in the application. and for anv misrepresentation in snch application the -plmnb­e.r shill be "'nspen<lecl. and if such misrepresentation ap_peaxs to be willful his license shall be rtrroked. Per­mits to make connection with the sewer system will be issued only \Yhew tbe plumbing' io the house or building to he co1111ected lrns been irispcctcd aml approved by tlrn Sewer Iuspeetor, or, in ease of new b11ildings, when a proper plan fo1· the plnmbiug has bc~n ap1?rovcLi b~~ the Board o.£ H ealth. The fnspcctor will clcsignafo the position of the "Y" lmmch in the stre~t, as shown .by the records in his office. All connC'ctrnns made with the sm1ita1·y sewers and all plnmhiuc: connecting there­with shall be ma.clc under the <lirecti \111 of tht·'. Inspector.

Sec. 7. Before a permit shall be issued for doing 1)luml.Ji.ng or draint1ge work in a building, or be~ore ~ additions are made, excepting necessaLJ repau'S, suit­able drawings and descriptions 0£ the said ch·ainage and plumbiug shall in each case be submitted to the Board 0£ Ilealth and plac~a on file in the Ilealth Office, lhat is. filed with the Health Officer. The drainage and pl1uubing of aU buildings, both public aud p1:ii:ate. hereafter erect ed i11 sai d City, slrnll he executed m ac­cordance \\"ilh th e purns prp\·iousl ~· approved in \\Titing ln· the Hoard of H e?.lth of the Cit,· of i\l onterE\L · See. 3. The l nspect o1· i~ to he, gisen uotice wheu

ani; work is r P.11dY for inspection, and all wor k must be· lPft nnco,·ered · and conY<mient for examina tion un­til inspeetect and approved. Such iuspection ~ll. be made '"ithiu t.wenb--f01.rr honi-s afte1· such notifieabon. The i)h1mher shall ·remo ve or repair an~· defective ma­terial or 111 hor when so ordered b~T the Inspector.

Sec. ~). ThP p lumhPl" shall , on UJ e completion or the work. file in the office of the Health Officer, on blanks fumishcd for the pmpoRc. a correct :;tatement of the work done under the permit..

Sec. 10. ~o op'm gutttw, cesspool or priYy _rnult shall be eonucc te<l with anv Rewcr. Cellar and m:;tern oYerf:lows mav be cmuiected with the scwel' only when they can he 'trappe<1 in :;uch 11 manner thal the water seal eannot be destro~·ea.

8ec. 11. ::\o person, firm <'r corporation shall injnre,

1;,s Or1li11u11n:s of The (!ity of Jlcmterey

break or reu10,·t: 1.m~- portion of any man-hole, lamp­hole, liash tank, catch basin, or any part of the sewer system. or thmw 01· deposit or cause to be thl·o'ITil or. ~eposi~etl, ill any sewer dpening or receptacle con­ue~tiug w1tb the sewe1·. systew, any garbage, offal, dead arumals, ~egetable _Parrugs, ashes, ciuders. rags or any other matter or thing ''"hatsoever. except faeces. urine, ilit: uec~ss.u·y wnt ... r-closet paper, ljquj<l, hous1: or mill slops.

Re<·. 12. .\11~· pe1·~11n. firm or corporation clesiri11:? ~u lay p1pes for water, gas. steam. oil or any purpose ~ any s~rc:1•t ot· alle.'· upon whlcll sewe~ are laid, shall ¥1 \"t! n11t1c:e w tht.' ::::treet Snperiuten<lent before op eu­mg the street. and the manner of excaYatina for laY­ing and backfillillg over such pipe shall be ~·ul>ject to the apprcmtl of the Street Superintendent. All snch 11·ork slrnll be pl.aunc<l and execut<:;l so that uo in,jnr~­~hn U O<~em· to an,Y public scwe1· or to mi\· lwi.rnc .s<>Wff eo111iec:t«d thcl'e\\'ith. · . . :::iet'.. 1 :~. The Sewer ln:spect01· ;;hall IHn·c'. the p(l\l'vl'

to stop HJ](l pre\'e11t from d);;cha.r!(' inc ... iuto th~ st•w,·i' "~?tern any pri\·atc· ~ewer 1 hron~h ,\·bi;l1 su hstancl';; ;in~ chs<-haq!ed \\·hid1 111·e liahfo t<l inj11n> tht' s<.-11·e1·,. or ob.<:trm:t thl' Sow of thl• s1~1rage.

Sec· . LL llefo1·1· mi~- p.rintte s~IH!t' sh;1ll b!• <:0111weted w 1U~ T !h" Sl"l"l"t' s .1·stc•m: t.be .P1Y11t'l' of the pri •;ate "'~';":r :::!~1!11 .t!l'<;n· t 1> the sat1sfuct 1011 of the Sc•wc!1· T1:spe 1 ·~ur 1!1;1t 1t _-s ,·Jc·;1 1: :wet confm 11'!' in cn·r:1· i·esncd 1»ith ill·""' i·;:i,,; 1rnc.l 1·1':,!llla tious. -

::;e,... i:;. TIH 1 house· scw1•1· tre11cb ~htt ll 111• <lm! sn u,; to med th1· p11l>li1: M'\\.(LJ· at the pnsitiou of' tlw ··y·· hl'~IJ<:lJ !I" ltll::ti:•cl h~ th!' <:;1•we1· ft1Spl'dOT. 'l'lW l1 lfl· t<'110 l thrown i n•111 the lrem·ll <>hall lw placl.'tl ~o :i,., ~Wt . t• 11hst1·11~1. au I so us to caw;e th1· l1'u-.,t iaenn­\'l'l:t•'!i_, ... 10 ii~(' pn1'1ii:. ;>yc!pt·!· imrri ,•1-s iwd !i~hh lllt!st. ;~ .. ~ ~H_an~t;~1 !~(·1.! un ~np h:111ks of ih:· tr~~~h.4 11 tn :.nu~rd tiH' j!iillh'. ;q.,·;: l.il.st 1l(;ei\(!'11ts (!Ill' ill!!' ! h.1' Tl l'IJ,!.?'l\'"i.'i of the 1-.01'1;" .li! l>addilliog· ti:•· rn:·th :.:hiilf 'ilc· ·~ut' f1 1 1]\· ';·i:::i:.;" ri ,;r f1 oi:(~• ·d . :=;n a~ h ],1~l'P tlk pipe' in lH'1'•1";--·1·

!" ·i'/;<=:1 :;;~,~ 1.\ •:n;:l s<· i·tli11g:. and 11n ~lciJH' .'<li;1 '1l ;,;. 11 ~c·r~ · :1 iilii11µ. :•111il Hll'I·~ hn~ hl~11 a ,ir.r,fh oJ one fnot ·ot' f.1.1e

l"I ;·'.11 r:1· .. µ·1·11,\d J •hlt:\•:l on~i· tl1e piJle. . ~''.(:; 1 h... ! h.:: huuse .;..r~1~·,,,. frorn a poin1 n111~ fr':ot

<:;tt>;JC:(' r)'! 1]H• hi'!lJ~l' to 1.lJ!' .;;;tred se•.n:J· Shill! hr" olf sia11dil rd fi r;..1 q tw I it.\·, ~ ii I t-gla:-:1'<L Yifrific·d c•11 r! l;Pm~·iffe

pipe, one-half im·h thick. wt'i;dling not ll"S.., than nine pounds per lini:>al foot. unle,s., lai<l lt~.., t~an o~e f~t iieep. when it <iliall be of standard <'llst-u·on. 1ts in­side, diameter shall be £our inches. Outside I.be curb line all how.;e :.ewers shall be four inchi>>t inside dia­J1!t:ter, 1111Jc·sA rt11'r~·in~ eight (1r mn1·c toil.ets, i.n wilicl1 l'1)<;~ it :::hall hl' ,:; ix !nc-hi>s im;i<.lr. diiH11c•t1·1·.

~<'l'. 11. The 1.'.\'\·er of the:: ·' \' " 1>randt o[ lllf~ ;;l''' ('l' ;.;lrnll h~ !:11H•fu ll1· renH»wcl :-;o as not w in:jnre tl\(' so .. !n·l. Th<• f;1·st. l<>n.!?,'lh of pipe a.ttad1<.'d to ihe " Y" l;;·11nd1 shall h(' <:un·1•cl ancl ::H·t so 11o.; to ~in~. a ~00d fail into the sewPr.

The pipe :-.hnll he laid on as t:\·en gr11<le as possible of nrt It>!-,; than 0111•-Pi!!lith of an inc•h to the foot. uu­less J,y spe1·inl pl'rmis.~ion of the . 'em·r Inspector. in wb.icb <:ll':l1' pro\ision mus!. be rna le for regular and <-ffil'ient fiush in!!.

ltll'\"ecl p ipe :'lhll ll he usea for ~very cll!th·ctiou from 11 i.1l':d~ht liue Clf more than two inclws iu t\\'O feet.

.ill jointc:; in Nirthem,·are 110use sewers sh111l be made with mortar of tbe fo1lawin~ proportion : Ont> part nf sonH• m~Jl kn<m·n lmrnd of artifici.Al Portlaud ce1m~nt. awl two ra d-; of <·lean, sharp sand frep frcm1 loam oi· d<n-. whirh shall he pressed into the bell of pipe until it is eqna1ly and thoroughly fiiled , ,1.nd the face of t ht? hP-11 n~us.t he CO'rnred with m orfar imcl a rounding jo[nt of ;mm<:. l1nilt H[J extending- oue i.neh from face nf bell. on to nrxt pipe. A 8~Yab <'L' disc must hl' drmrn a t ]pa;.;t. t1rn joi!lts prr.eedin~ the \)l\<' ]n<:;t laic1 to remove all dirl or morta.1·.

The e11ds of all private sewe1·s t1ot hmnediately connected with plumbing fi."rtures <;ball he securely closed by water-tigl1t imperisbalJle rnatt>ria.l. If lead pipe. the end must be soldered; ii cast-iron pipe. a east-iron plug must he calked in with lead: if earthen­ware, with stopper of same material.

Sec. 18. All materials used must be of good fluality and free from <lcfect;;; the work mnst he executed i.n a. thorou&!h and workmanlike manner.

From a point one foot outside 1hl' house line of a ouilding no material sh.all be used w:ithin or under building and conneating with tbe sewer .fo1· soil, waste. or vent pipes other than galvanfacd wrought iron s.crew pipe, or cast-iron pipes with securely leaded joints. or lead pipes with wiped joints. Ceme1~t oi- pntty jC1in~.

160 Ordinances vf T11,e Oity of ltfvnterey

tin or sheet-iron pipes, whether galvanized or not, shall uot be used.

Slop hopper;; shall not be placed inside of houses or inclosed porches. Ko wooden sinks or sink linl!d with metal, or wooden wash tl."ays, shall be hereafter put inside of a.ny residence or tenement which is to he used as a dwelling. Wooden urinals are strictly prohibited in all cases. All urinals must have a supply of water from faucets to properly flush them. Lined or ·wooden sinks may be uised m restaurant or hotel kitchens or pantry.

Sec. 19. All ca.<>t-ir on p ipes mmt be sonnd, free from holes or cracks and of the grade known in com­merce as standard coated with tar, asphaJtum or porce­lajn. The followjng- '.Veights, and none other, per lineal .foot will be. accepted as standard:

2 inches, 31h pounds per lineal foot. 3 inches, 41/2 pounds per lineal foot. 4 inch es, 61;2 pounds per lineal foot. All wrought ir on galvanized pipe must be of standard

weight. All fittings nsed in connection with such pipe shall

correspond with it in weight and quality. Where lead pipe 1s used to connect fixtures with vertical soil or wMte pipP.s, or to connect traps with vertic.al vent pipes, it must not be lighter than "E" lead pipes.

Sec. 20. The soil and waste pipes and traps should. if practicable. be exp0::ed to view at all times for ready inspection, and for convenience of repairing. \Then necessarily placed with.in p arti t ions or in recesses or "·nils. soil and waste ripes should be covered "ith woocl wnrk so fastened with screws as to be 1·eaaily removed.

All drain, soil and waste pipes to extend beyond fo undation walls not less tban one foot.

The arrangement of all drain . soil aud waste pipes must be as direct a~ possible and must haYe a fall of not less 1han one-eighth of an. inch per foot. unless otherwise permitted b)- the Sewer Inspector .

All work to be secured with heavy w1·oul'!ht iron ~ti·aps or wire.

AU changes in direction must, be made with curvecl pipes, and in no case shall a one-~ourth bend be used where possible to use one-sixth, one-eighth or one-six­teen th bends, and all connections ~o be made ·witb "Y"

Ordinani;es of 'l' ne Oity or Monterell 161

branches and one-eighth, one-sixth or one-sixteenth bends.

:;\To common "T's" of any kind alfowed, but sanitary "T's" mav be used in vertical pipes.

San.itacy " T 's" may be used in horizontal pi~es only, when the same is used to receive a vent, p1·ov1ded tbe branch of said '' T '' is placed at an angle of not less thall sixty degrees. . . .

All joints on cast iron soil, waste and vent pipes to be made with oakum and molten Jead, we~ caulk~d and ma.de water tight. Cleanouts with cast-1ron body and brass screw plugs must be placed at the end~ of each horizontal run of five feet or over .0£ cast-:ron soH and waste pipes and to be of same size as p1pes whieh they ser ve. CJeanouts under basement and first tloor to be placed where they will be accessible at all times. Extra cleanouts must be provided if called £or by the Sewer Inspector. .

The diameter of soil and waste pipes sball not be less than those given in the following tables :

Main soil pipes, 4 inches. Branch soil pipes, 4 inches. :Main soil pipes leading to eight or more water

closets, 6 inches. . . Branch waste pipe for slop sinks, 3 mches.

· . Main waste pipes leading to two or more fixtures other than slop sinks, 2. inches.

:Main waste pipes leading to eight or more fixtu1·es other than slop sink~, 3 inches. . .

Main waste to more than 4 slop sinks, 4 lllches. . T;vo basins mnv be connected to a, double tapped

"T" but no other ·fixtnres shall be so connectep. . Everv safe uncler a fixture or tank must be d1·a1~ed

bv a ca.s t-iron or galvanized wrought iron or- steel pipe aiid urnst ·discharge outside of building.


Sec. 21. No lead pipe sha.11 be used except iu t}le short branches of soil and waste pipes, bends and traps.

Slop hoppers, slop f;inks and w~ter cl~set bowls ~ust be connected to soil and waste pipes Wlth lead, wiped to a brass ferrule and the same to be caulked.

All )oints on lead must be wiped. All counections between lead and iron rnust be made

OniiHat1.ces cf The City of Monfrre.u

by meaus 0£ a bras.~ ferrule or sold•;r nipple wiped to Ll1c lead and screwed or caulked jnto the iron.


.!{cc. 22. All Lr·ap;;; na 1si be protected from s~·phon­agc br special ai r pipes of ciist iron or galvanized \\·1·ou~ht iron or steel. eonuectecl t-0 soil or waste pipes a.c; <'.l o~e 1.o trap as p o.<.;.-; ihle and in no case more than two feet from trap it scr...-es, extcr1diug up to an d th1·c1ngh the roof not le:;::;;; than one foot. Vent pipes U> he nm as dit'cd a>; possible.

No square bends allmred in vrnt pipes whell it is possible to use forty-fire or sixty degree angles.

Every house or building containbg a water closet rnu,.c;t .h ftYC a four-ineh ye1lt. connected as near the w11.te1· closet trap as po8sihle and carried through roof.

\V hen t.n·o 01· more water closets are lor.ated on base­meut OJ.' Til'!\t floOl' tlh: Water closet at end of l'lUl must he vented with a four-inch wnt.

Othel' water closet;; loe:a.ted on same floor may l>c yented \r\t.h a pipe no!: less than t,,.o itH:hcs in diameter.

\\'ater closets on hase1rnmt or first Jloor locN.ted in a [JOsiLion where thfly ma)' be back Ycntcd into stack uhon: 1nll(:l' elo!lds nH or 1) bo\·e ~ccond floor may be hack ,-~n t.r.d ''ith a pipe uot. less than two inches ill <liarnflte1·, p t·ovided not !HO!'C than three water closet<> arc so back veuted and branched together: in such case the haC'k Ycnt. mnst be increl-lsed to llircc ine:hcs in d iam ckl'.

\vlH'n m01·r. t h(ln t.liree vents. other than \rat c1· closet vc:JLts. 1u·r. h ra1whecl tnp;t-t her. Yent must l.Je incrcasr.<l one Sl:U'.

\Vhcn hnrneh w n tiug- is llonc. the lmruwc:tion mnst h(: iwide not k'#s thc;.n·- one foot. aboYe the fop of all ~<•n n•?.Ct ing fixtm:e!'>.

N'n l)i:ick. shed Hll'<t<-1! or earthen 'rnre flue shall he \«'iP.ct as ~"'"°c~r nmtilato1·s.

. :fo \·cnt pip1~ shall C>pen le;;;;; tlrnn tw·o feet above 01· tc•u foet awa.y from tl1e top of any window or door on t1w side or roof of the honse "·here the vent pipe is placed, or the top of anr window or aoor on tbc ~ide or roof of an~- ;:idjoining house.

'J'h.e diameter of vent pipes shall nol hi'\ le::;,,; than those gi vcn in tlie following table:

~fain Yent for water closets. 4 inches. Bad: Yent fo1· watc~· r.losets: 2 inches.

Onlina·nces of 'l'he CH11 of '"1I1n1tere11

\'cuts for slop !:li.nki-;, 2 i11c·hfl~ . Vents for slop hoppers, 2 inch<'i>. Vents £o1· kit chen :,mks, 1% in1:hes. Vents for bath tubs, 11/2 inclles . Vents for wash t.rays, l V::i incllt>s. Vents for urinals, 11;:? jncbes. . . Vent.s for basins and pantry srnks, l Yz mches. Y en fa for t " o basins com1~cted to a double tapped

'"l" ', 1 Vz inches. T RAPS.

See. 23. Every fixture must be separately trapped by a water-sealing trap plat1::cl as clo!i_e to the fixtul'e as possible. \..

No traps under sink shall he enclosed. A .range of basm:; or a rauge ~£ w~-t;i:ays con­

taining not more than three sections will be con­sidered onn fixture.

Bell or bottle trapi:; a.re strictly prohibited. The d.isclutrge from any fixtttr~ shall not p~ through

more th.an one 1.rap before entermg. house. dram. No slip jol.ut or mhber .conDec.t1ons w11l be allowed

between traps and waste p1pcs. The diameter 0£ traps must be not less than those

!riYen in the following table: ~ Traps for water. closets, . 4: inches.

Traps for slop .srnks. 3 me:hcs. Traps for slnp hopl'e.l'b. 2 m~hes. Traps for kitchen smk.<.;. 11 ~ me hes. Traps for wal'h t.r_u~ s. 11 ~ inches. Traps for hath tun:-.. 11:? m<:hE>s. 'l' l'ap" for 11rim1ls, J ' ~ iuche::;.. . . 'l'l'aps £01· bas'. m: and pant1·y ..;111k$;. l ] .i n11:hc!:\.


Set\. :l-±. All water doscts mnst ha.ve carthemrnte or enamc,Je<1 iron tln.:;h i11g rim howls and must be Sl.1p­_plied from sepai·ate tsnks .

'J.1b.is docs not apply to fl usllo-meters. . . A. group of water closets 111ay be supplied .f.roln one

tank provided they 1m' located on same floor .. Pan, plunger or hopper closets arti strlctly pro-

hibited. . Lrina.ls must he earthenware or enmndecl iron. Apartment:> containing iHina.~ 01: water. clo_set must

have an ope:uing t.o the outer air fo r ventilation.

ltH Ord.·~nrrn ces of 7'1~e CUy of Ji on tetey

Sec . . 25. _All breweries connected with the sewer 11111!.:t oe su.1tably trapped and vented. :-.Jo exhaust or steam pipe from hoile1's Rhall be connected with se,1e1·s.

Sinks in _all packing how;es, butcher shops. eanneries1

~at·d rendering establis~ruents, hotels, restaurants, board­rng .houses and laundries shall be provided with a suit­able greas~ trap of not ~ess than .five gallon capacity. ·~ wash 1 o~ms for carriage or automobiles connected ~1r1th t~ie sam ta1-y s_eirer srs_tem must be provided \\'ith propel im~ans for rnLcrceptiug mud, by placing ca.tch­basrns unde1· '.''oodcn grating, which catch-basin shall be ~ade of brick ai1d concrete, as shown in plans and d~tmls of same, on file in the office of the Secretarv of the Board of Health. ·

See. 26 (a). . A 11 rain water leaders inside of a hom·a: ~·r bmldmg must be constructed of cast iron or i?:a1v11rnzed w1·ought iron 01· steel.

'\Vl1en leaders at'e con.nectP.d to a house drai.n or stm·er lh<.'~' must be proporly t r.appcd and vented.

Hain water leaders must not be nsed as soil. ••aste .-it· \·ent pi pes, nor shall auy .such pj pe be used as a lender.


All deck drains when <'-ODnected to sewer should be properly trapped and vented and suitably supplied with water £rnm tlte Hearest suitabfo fixture.

A cleanout shall be provided on the sewer .side of trap for deck drains.

( c} .d.ll outside leaders connected to sewer shall he constructed of cast iron for a distance of five f:eet above the gl'ound line. at. foot of stack.

Tlw c~mnection bct\\·e<m 'the cast iron and sheet iron leader pipe should be made by brass caulking ferrule.

::3cc. 27. The Sewer Inspector shall apply the water test anrl the plumber shall furnish all necessary water tools, Jabot and assistantl' for such te.st . ~

'!'he_ ph1mber shall remove! or repair any defoctiYe material or labor when so order.ed by the Sewer In­spector.


. S<:c. ~S. Repairs may bA made without the appro·val of th~ 1w;pect.or hnt said rcpai1·s shall not be construed

o~·dinances of 7'he Oity of Jiontere11 Hio

to inc:lude cases "·here new vertical or hori?:outal lines of d.r~ :soil. waste or vent pipes ai·e usecl.

Repa.U:s are defined to consist of leaks in soil. waste 01· Yent pipes, leaks in .faucets, Ya.hes a.ncl water pipes.

_\n old fixture mav be removed and a new fixture !iet in its place, provid!!d the soil, waste or vent pipes are not distnrbccl or alter ed iu any manner.

~ec. 29. When an)- changes are made in -waste, soil or tlrain pipes in old houses: the said waste. soil or dram pipe:s shall in all cases be :run and vented in accordance with the pro,·isions of tb:is 01·clinance. Plans and specifications for this woi;k shall be submitted to the Board of Realth and the p1·oper permit shall be gi.-en and tl1e plans and specifications shall be filed with the H ealth Of£ieer.

Sec. 30. Buildings raised, moved. or altered. When a. builcling is removed from one pa.rt of the city

to the other, or when an addition is made to a build­ing or to a.ny sewer in connection therewith (except in case of repairs. y;hich are herein defined to con­c;i;rt; of leaks in drams, soil. waste or vent pipes and repairs on faucets. Ynlves or water supply pipes) t11e rllles and i·c.gu.lations bercin set iorth must be followed.


Sec. 31. When any old plumbing has hcen inspectP.d aucl fonud unsanitu~- or clefecti>e and has fol' goocl ~atL<>e been condemned by the Sewer Inspector, the uew work or alteration must be executed in accordance with this Or-dinance.

See. 3Z. AU licensed plumbers shall be held strictly responsible for any and all acts of a!?ents or employees clone 1mder thjs Ordinance ITT- virtue of bis or their licenses, and upon being notified by tbe Sewer In­spector or Lhe Building Inspector of any defect in the plumbing system of a building 01· violation of this Oi.-d.inance, lhe l>erson or persons having uhro·ge of the work shall immediately eorreet the same.


Sec. 33. Fee f<H' inspecting-, 011e per cent of ('Ost price of plumbing or sewering ; minimum fee, two dollars .

..lll fees to br. paid into the City 'rre.asury. Sec. 34:. 'l'he IIcalth Officer shall exerci.c:;e a H fnn<:-

166 Ot·dinances of The Oity of Jlonterey

tions and powea'S and f . signed to the Board ol~~~ all f;ifut1es h~rein as­Board of IIeaJ'th _ b un ' such tune as ~ OotmciJ. If at ~y~ie ~hct~a~ed a.nd a:l?pointed bY' the

~~~! o;~ea;~~r~s:]]~ ro: ~;~a1~alc~~ :~ ~~~t k::b~1 a 11 duties herein f=~~:J t~~h~0i~~/~~

Sec. 35. Everv pel'SC!ll · la . '\'isious of this Ordina~ce i;10a~ any o~ the pro-and upon conviction shall b "' .tr o.f a rmsdemeanor more than three hun ..J~. d de llapun.1shed hy a fine of not f t

u.i;e <> r.s or by inmfi.,o t or no , more than ninety (90) a.a · . --:--~~ nm.en

.ftne be not paid then b. . . ys, a.nd ID case such. one day for evei.;. t\VO ~ll=p~sfu~~~ 3:t th: rate of

Se~. 36. All ordin~mces and . unp.o;:;ed. . confil~t herewith are he:relrr . parts1 d oi ordinances m

This 0 a· . tepea e · · t ma.nee s.hail take effect an:d be · full m thfrty (30) days from and after i..t... .t.?-alm . force approval. ~ WJ passage aua

Passr.~l aud appnn·ed November 21. 19]] In effr(:t l>r.c:eniber 21. Hill. · ··

On1iiwnees of J'he Uitv of JJ..lo;1ierP>1 lt)7




An 01·'1i'lla'11ce to Enable the Oomicil <Ff '71.e O<ity of Jlontei·ey to Obtain Data aind. Infonnation Prom ....lny (Jm·pol'Ot'i( n, J!'i;nn 01· Person ffu.pplyi1~g Waiel", Htaf. I;i.gJt.t, I oirer. or 'feiephone Service to the Said Oity or Its Inhabitants, and Req_·1iiri11g Sa·id c Oll 11 cil. to per r ()I' In a e rt <Li?b Dtdies ion Rel a-ti on Theret'V, an-cl Erlati·11g to Bales for the S·uppl·ying The.rwf.

The Couaeii of th<' City of :\lont.erey do ord;iiu as follows :

Section 1. ':Phe OounCJ1 of the Cit~~ of Mon~ey is hei:eby authorized and empowered and jt is hereby made its official duty to fix the rates or com-pensation that s]:ulil be charged and collected hy aJlY, pei-son, .furn ox corporation £-Or the use of water, heat, light, power o:r telephone se,rYice supplied to the said Oity of .::Uonterey. or to the inhabitants thereot. Such rates or compeusation shall be fued and determined by Otdinanee in the month o£ "F<>bl'.uarY iu each year, and shill fake effect ou the first day of July thexeafter and sha U continue iu full :force a ad effect for the term of one ~·ear, and no longer.

Sec. 2. The Council o.f the Cit~- of 1\Ionterer is he1·el,)y authorized and it is herel:Jy made its .duty, at l~st thirty (30) days -prior to the 15th day of Jan­tui.ry of each year, Lo require by Resolution any cor­porat.fon. firm or person supplying water, beat. light. power or telephone sernce to the City 0£ Monterey, or to the inJ.labjtants il1ereof. to furnish to said Com1-cil in the month of January in eaeh -year a detailed statement verifierl by ilte oath of the President and Secretai:y of sueb corp01·ation or firm or o:f such per­son. as -the case may be, showing the name of each rate payer or _party supplied with water, heat, light, power 01· telephone service. his or her place of residence

lGS Orrlin.ances of 'l'he CH·y of Jfonf.erey

aml tht amollll:t paid for water, heat, light, power or telephone sernce by e.ach of such rate payers or parties so supplied with water. he.at, light, power or telephone service during the year p1·eceding the date of suclt statement. and also showing all revenue de­rh-ed from all sources and an itemized statement of i>xpenditures made for supplying wnter, heat, light. powt-r or telephone sernce during said time.

~l'l". :3. A1'.companying the first statement made. a-. JH"l'!'Cribed in Section 2 hereof. each such corporation. fu·m or person shall furnish a detailed stateruent. vPrifi('cl iu like manner as the statement made in Sec­tion 2 hereof, showing the amount o.f money actually i>xpeudec..l annually since COllllllenc.ing business fo the purchase. construction and maintenance, respectively, of the propert~- necessary to the cat.Tying on of its husiue~. an<l a)so. tlle gross cash rece.ipti> annually for the same period .from all s0m·ces.

SE-e. 4-. Tlte Council may preiH~rihe the form of citl1er of said statements he1·ein proyifled for. ii.nd the p1·oper enfr:es or charges to he nnlde imder ear.h heading of said statement.

Bt>e. 5. E>ery corporation.. furn 01· person wh.o shall l'i>fu~e. fail or neglect to furni-:h the statements men­tioned in . eetions 2 and 3 .hereof_ or either of them. or "ho shall furnish anv fals<' st:Rterue.nt in relation tht>rl."to withln thirty (30\ days after having been re­qnire<l or requt>Sted lo .fnrnjsh t.he same. as prescribed in Sec·ti<>~ 1. 2 anJ 3 of th.is Ordinance, shall be <leeme 1 guHt~· of a hl.isdemeanor. puni.c;iliable as herein­after preseribeu, pronueu that the .A.et of the Council l)f tbe City of :Jionterey in .Passing Rr-solutions c;imilar to the on(':-; herein proTided for on the 5th day of December. 1911. are hereby ratified and confirmed. and <·ve~- eorporation. firm. or person. who shall refuse or neglect to fm•nish the statements mentioned in said ~solntions. ns herein required. or who shall furnish any .false statement in relation the~reto, after the taking effect of this Ordinance and within filty (50) days after having been required or requested to furnish the S8llle shall likewise bt! deemed gnilt:r 0£ a misdemeanor and punishable as hereinafter· prescribed.

Sec. 6. Rates for the :fuxrriShing of water, heat, light, power or telephone service sl1al1 be equal a.nd nnifonu. There sllall be no discrimination made be~

(h·dina;nees of T1te Oitg of Jfonten~y 16~l

tween persons. or hehYoen persons and corporations and firms, or a~ t.o the use of water, he.at , light, po1~c~ or telephone ser,·ice for pri,·ato an~ public _ancl 01un1c1pal purposes, p ro,i ded, that nothmg hercm shall be. so construed as to allow any person, fi rm or corporation to charge any person , firm or corporatiou ~ything for water, heat, light , pmre1· or tclcpbo~1c ser vice fur ­nished them when by auy present law such water, heat, lio·ht power or telephone service is free. "'se~. 7. It shall he unhnrfol fo1· any person, firm or

corporation <-o ta!~e, collect or ii.ccept any ch~rge for 1rnter, bca t, light, po'\ er or tekphone scrnce i~1 excess of the rate, fees 01· <:ompcn~ation fixed as hcrernbefore prm·ided. _ .

Sec. 8. A n'y pet·son, firm or cot•pora.t1on chargrng Ol' att.em pting to eoilect .from the persons, firms or corporations of this municipality Uf>ing water, heat, light. powei.· 01: telephillle sen·icc, auy Sl':fil in excess .of the rate or eompensation nxed <JS hercinbcfore desig­nated. shall upon tht~ complaint of said Council, or of an~· 1;ate payP.1\ and upon eom·iction befo1·c any co~rt of competent jurisdiction, forfeit the franclnsc and Yrnter 'lrnrks. power plants, tclcphoue, powc1· or other lines and · ot.h.e1· propert~- used in and ab~ut supplying the said Oily, or the inba.bih!nt.s .tl1ereo£, with watc1·, h<•at . light, p t)\rer 01· telephone serv~c~. _

Sec. 9. A violation of itll~· of the prov, swns of this Ot·dina11ce shall he d•"Pmed :i. misdemeanor , punishable b-v a fi ne not exceeding 1'bree H undred DollaTs ($300) o~· bY imprisonment i-n t he Coun ty Jail 0£ :Jfonterey Coltl;t,, not to exceed ninety UIO) da~·s, or by both $tteh flue and imprisonment

This Orclinan<:e !-ilrnll take eJfect and be in force 30 days from and after its fioal passage and approval.

Passed and approved DeNimhcr 19, 1911. In cffeet Ja1rnan· 18, 1912.

170 Ord·inances of The City of Monterey


A n 01·dina11ce Pixing the Water Rafl.s in. the City of ... ll~Merey, for the Year l!Jl2-1913, and folposi11g a Fvn (01· the Y iolat-ion. Th6rcof. and Repealing .lll Conflicting Ordinances. ·

WIIEREa8, under the Charter of the City of :i\Ionte-1·er, it is roaJc the dnty of lhc Council of the Crty, during the DlOnth of February of each year, to annually fix the r<ltes that shall be charged and collected by an;\'· pei-son, firm or corporation for water furnished to the city or the in.habitants thereof. the rate.c; so fixed to take e:ft'ect on the first dav of J ttlv ther.eaftc.r, therefor: · ·

The Council n£ the Citv of }fontereY do ordain as follows, to wit: · •

Scclion 1. The maximum rates to b~~ charged and collected by any :person, furn or corpomtion ior water furnished the City of ~outerey or tbe inhabitants thereof, for the term of one year t•ommencing the .fi.r:-,t day of July. Ull2, arnl ending the 30lh day of .fn11e. l!l13. sbull be and ru.·e hereby established and fix cd as follows : ·

.\.ll watl'r is to be supplied by meter measlrrement, ~xc1~pt as hereinafter pronde<l fo1·. by meters set at the expense of the person. firru or corporation fur­ni.-;hing fhe water. T'ue follomng rates shtlll be charged for each huilding. wharf. lawn or garden supplied hr any sernce>. it being understooil that tbe t~rm "building" shall include in th.is conutJction any barn. stable. outhouse, or other srructure. lawn or garden appurtenant to said "building'' and used exclusfrelY by the occupants o'f said · 'building. · · ·

( 1) Water used for any pw·po e other than those fol' which a 1·ate is here.inaft~r provided shall be paid for at tbe i·ate 0£ 27 cents lJer 1-00 cubic feet or 36 cents per thon.saud .gallons, payable monthly, provided that there !)ball be no charge less than $1.25 per month.

(2) Watel' nsed for schools, '{lublfo parks public fountains, public wator troughs. or buildings {ised ex­clusively by the authorities of the City of Monte1·ey shall be paicl for at the i-ate of 18~ cents pel' 100 cubic feet or 25 cents per thousand gallons.

Ordi11anrc~ of The ('ity of ;llonterei1 lll

(3) Water used for sprinkling streets and roads, by the City of Monterey. or those contracting with the City for the work of :,prinkling said streets and roa<ls, and used by pe1·son:-. authorized br the City or its offi­cers shall be paid for at the rale of lSh cents per 100 cubic feet or ~:) cents per thousand gallons the quantity so asi;<l to be determined by meters, or by an accurate monthly account kept b~· the Street Superin­tendent. or the officer of the City of :.\fonterey in charge of the ruaintenancl" of the ~treets and roads. of the number of casks or sprinkling wa~on loads used during tbe month.. anf. the qnantity of water each cask or pri.rWing wagon holds. col'l'ect copies of said ac­count 1.o be fnrnisl1Pd by th~ Street Superintendent, or the officer of t11e City of ::\fonte1·cy in charge of the stree.ts anc.l roads, monthly at the end of each t:1llenctar month, to the verson, .firm or corpora.tion :;upplying or furnishing sai<1 "·ater.

(4) Wate:r used in bathiug pavilions shall be paid for at the rate of 18%, cents per 100 cubic feet or 25 cents per thousand !!o.Uous. provided that the monthlv bill &ball not he less ~LLan $1.00. •

(5) Water med hv lhe Citv of )fouterev ils offi-. . . , c~rs or employees. or pet·sons authorized by the City of J.Ionterey. for flushing sewe1'S or cleaning sewers. sh;,ll be supplied ancl charged to the City of Montere~: ; t the n1te of $2.00 per hour. for each stream from a 212-inch fue hose used £or this purpose.

16) "Watet used hy tbe City of :\fonterey. its officers or P.mployees. or pPrsono> authorized by the City or its officers, for fire fig-htiug pnrposes shall be fu.r­ni.sht>d to the City o.f 1Ioor.erey .free of charge.

{'I} \\ ater for US<' of each party of campers. in­cluding water for a team of two horses or less, shall be paiJ foi· at the flat rutr of $1.00 per month or fraction thereof. Fn1· each additional horse the rate shall be i'iO e<\nts pflr rnont.h or fra.ction thereof. Water for use of cirenses ~ball he paid £or at the rate of $2.60 to $f>.OO per day.

(8) WatE>r for use in churche!=i, not jncludiug water for use in auy l)nilding coimected thcre\•ith and which is used as a residence or school. in charifablc insti­tutions. and in the "Old Cui:;tom House" shall be fur­nished fre~ of charge.

Sec. 2. ~fonicipal and metered rates shall be dne and

172 (lrl:fi~ces of The Oit11 of Monterey

payable on the last day of each month at the offices of ~e penon, firm or corporation furnishing water. W a.ter r ates will be collected for each service from the t~e said s~rvice is turned on until the owner gives written not ice to the person, firm or corporation to tum off said service.

See. 3. Where a rat.e is fixed by subdivisions (1), ( 4) a.nd (7) of Section 1 hereof and water is not used for the entire month, or has ceased to be used before the expiration o.f the month, the full monthly minimums shall be charged for the £raetion of the month, provided that the bill, for the actual amount of water used at tbe rates :fixed in said sections, does not exceed said minim.um. ~c. ~· If any bill .for water shall 1lOt be paid on

Q:f betor~ the tenth day after the date of becoming q:µe ili,!'l water supply .may be turned off, provided five days' written notice is given thereof and the water s¥1 t10t R~ turned on agaj..µ, either for' the prese:p.t or ~y <lt~er . ~nii.nf, owner or ?Ccupant, exc~pt upon $.a payµi~nt of tlJ,e amount due, together with the sum of $2.00 for the expense of shutting off and turning on the '}'ater .

~ec. 5. All p~rso~ supplied with water shall keep their w~ter servi(!e pipes and fixtures on the prEimises a.IJ.d up to ~he curb line .of the sidewalk in good repair !!>~ their own expense. ·

Sec. 6. I n case any consumer believes his meter to be irµi.ca~rat.e, the accuracy of the same shall, at the request of the consumer, be tested by the person :firm ~~ cor poranon furnishing the water. If it shall ap­pear that said meter is over registering, the cost of ~uab, ~t;ng a.nd examination shall b~ paid by said per­spff 1 f\np. or c~rporation, and the met.er ~9rrected, or a cor~t meter supplied. If it shall appear that said µi.eter is over r egistering, said person, firm or cor­.P,Or~tion shall r epay said consumer on h ii;; last bill ~ecprqing to the perceµtage shown by said examination. If, however, it shall appear that said meter is not over registarjn.g, said consumer shall pay the sum of $2.00 as the cost of srud examination.

Sec. 7. Any person may have a private fire service upon lb.e payment o.f a flat monthly rate of $1.00 and the cost of installing all necessary fittings, valves an.d pipe for !JQ:pnecting same t,o the water main, provided

<?raina~ces of The Oit11 of Monterey 173

that no water is to be used through it except for the purpose of extinguishing a fire antl £or the purpose of testing the fu·e pl'Olectiou system. .All tests are t,o be carried out onh· in the presence of a representative of the person. furn or corporation supplying water, who shall have received notiee two days before the test. that SUC!h test is to take place, said notice to be in writing.

Sec. 8. Any pe1:so.u, firm or corporation supplying water to the City of .Monterey, or its inhabitants, mllfully vio1ating 'IDJy of the provisions of this Ordi­nance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and uNn conviction thereof shall be pu.nlsbed by a fine Ji not less thau $100 nor more than $300, or by im­prisonment in the County Jail of .Monterey County ~ot to exceed ninetr davs or bv both such fine and lID­

prisonment : the judgment unposing the fuie may pro­nde for itS collect.iou by irup1·isoDDlent in the County Jail qf 1\fontei·ey County at the rnte, in the manner. ana ior the time p1·ovided by law. .

See. 9. This Ordinance shall take effect and be m full force on the 1st day of July, A. D. 1912. ... Pru;sed and approved Febrruiry 29, 1912.

in e~ect July 1, 1912.

174 Ordinances of The Oity of M ontere11


• 11 ~r<li11a_11r~ Go1:er11ing Electric Light Scrl'ic<' and Eslabl~s~1.111y Jia.iw11rn1 Rates to Be Charged for Eleotri.C'/.ty Siipplied to the City of Monterey and I~~ I?t?i.abitants, and Fi.dng tlte Panaity f 01· the 1 1ol.af101~ T71e1·eo/.

'l'he Council of The City of Monterey do ordain as follows:

Sectiou 1. 'l'he m~imtLm charge for electricity con­is.~1ed by consumers, mdcpcudent oi 1·eading is hereby .fixed at. I he ~run of One Dollar per hol'Se power per month for ~-:>_IT_ P.: at seventy tin! cents per horse power fot :>-2., !1· P.: at fift~- cents pE'r horse power pC'r mouth for 2:> K P. and up. for heating and power aod Ouc Dollar per month for each meter installed for lightiug purposes. ·

Sec. 2. ~t shall_ be unla,~·i~tl for au)• pe1'Son, fam o~ corporation sclliu!: electr1crty to cousoml'l'S il1 the City ~f Mo~t~1·ey to make or collect any sum in excess of sa!d 1t1lll1w1un cha.rgt>S unless the meters which shall ~e fur:'l isheu by said Company show that the com­pany is entitled to a larger stun for the actual amount of cleetricity supplied, at the rates fixed by Ordinance.

Sec. 3. For. the purpose of fixing and establishing rates for electric energy sold or furnished in the City o.f .i\·~onterey hy any person, firm or corporation for hghtmg-, power, and heating, shall be classified as follows:


F irst 50 K. W. Hrs. 10 cents per K. W. Hrs. Se~ond 50 K. W. H rs, 9 cents per K. W. Hrs. Third 50 K. W. Hrs, 8 cents per K. W. Hrs. Fourth 50 K. W. Ilrs, 7 cents per K. W. Hrs. F~ft~ 50 K. W. Hrs, 6 cents per K. W. Hrs. 2::>0-;)00 K W. Hr!;, 5 cents per K. W. Ilrs. 500-1000 K. W. Hrs, 4 cents per K. W. Hrs. 1000-2000 K. W. ·H rs, 3lh cents per K. W. Hrs. Over 2000 K. W. Hrs, 3 cents per K. W. Hrs.


0-250 K. W. IIrs, 5 cents per K. W. Hrs. 250-1000 K. W. Hrs, 4 cents per K. W. H1"'S.

1000-2000 K. W. Hrs, 3% cents per K. W. Hrs.

Orainances Of T he City of Monterey

2000-4000 K. W. Hrs, 3 cents per K. W. Hrs. 4000-6000 K. W. Hrs, 21/z cents per K. W. Hrs. 6000-10000 K. W. Hrs, 2 cents per K. W. Hrs .



First 500 K. W. Hrs. per month, 5 cents per K. W. Hrs.

Second 500 K. W. Hrs. per month, 4 cents per K. W. Hrs.

All over '1000 K. W. Hrs. per month, 3 cents per K. W. Hrs. I . ARC LAMPS .

.l!11rst 25 lamps, $8.00 each per month.

All over 25 lamps, $7.00 e.ach per month. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firni

or corporation. or any officer. agent, coJfoctor or em­plo~~ie of 1my snch persou, fu:ru m· corpora tio11, ilil'ectly or indirectly, by the use of false or inaccurate meters, or by false or inaccurate reading of meters. or by any wecial rebate. drawback or otht>r de,;ce. or in any maru.wr or form to charge. <leruand. t'.Ollect' or receive any rate or rates, or payment or compensation or con­sid.eratioµ for its furnishing electric energy fot light­ing, power, or heating purposes in the City of :Nlonterey, ~ny greater rate or rates than the rates herein fixed. ,

Sec. 5. It shall be unlawful for any person, ttrm: or corporation furnishing electric energy . to consumers in the City of Monterey to require any deposit from consumers who are tax. payers of tt.nd in the City of Monterey.

Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful £or any person, :firm or corporation to tum back or change the dial o.f any meter unlAss same is done in the presence of the con­sumer or his agent.

Sec. 7. It shall be unlawful £or any person, firm or corporation to i-emo\'e any met<'r from the house, <;tore. fa.dory or premise<:. of any consumer of electric energy. in tb1s City. against the "ill and consent of any such consumer of electric energy who is mlling to pay for electricit)· fmnisllc<l him, and tende1'8 the amount due at the price estimated and fixed by Or­dinance of thls Ci~- and in accordance w:ith tbis Or­dinance.

Sec. 8. Upon application in writing on the part of


176 Ordinances of T'h.e <J~ty of Monterey

t~e owu~r or occupant of any building or premises, d1staut not more t~:m three hundred feet from any ~nd~rgronnd con~1t or any pole line of the person fu'Ju or corporation furnishing electric energy. and upon payment by the applicant of all mone" due· from him, the perso~, ~m or corporation supplpug electric energy must ~thin seven days thereof. supply electric cucrey as reqrured for such building or premises. and cannot refuse on the ground of any indebtedness of anv former owner or occupant thereof, unless the applican·t has 1mdertaken to pay the same.

Fil!<:. 9 .. _Any person, ffrm or c01-pora.tion viola-ting the prov1s1ons oi this Ordinance shall he deemed i.,rnilty of a misdemeanor and upon com':iction thereof shall be punished by a. .fine not less than one hundred ~foUa!-s. not" m_ore than three hundred dollars, or by mlprisonment m the Oounty Jail not exceeding ninety ~ays, or b~ both. such .fine and jruprisonment. .And the J"!1dgmen ~ llllI.?osmg tbe. fine may proYide for Hs collec­tion by unprIBonment m the County Jail of l\Iontere> Colll?-ty, at the rate, for the time, and in the manne~ reqUll'ed by law. • Sec. 10. This Ordmance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of July. A. D. 1912.

Se~. 11._ .All_ Ordin~ees or parts of Ordinances in conflict \nth this 01·dm11uce are hereby repealed.

Passed and approved Fehrna:ry 29. 1912. Tn effect July 1, 1912.

Orainances of The City of Monterey 177


An Ordinance Go·verni.ng Gas Service and Establ1:.;ltii1g , Maximu.m Rates to Be Charge~ {01· Gas Supplied

to the Ci ty of M<>nterey or I ts fakab-itants, and Fixing the Penalty {01· the Violatio-n Thei·eof.

The Council of The City of Monterey do ordain as follows:

' Section 1. 'l'he minimum charge for gas consumed

by <)'Dsumers, independent of reading, is hereby fixed at ilte sum Of fifty cents per UlOOth, and it shall be IID­Ja wful for any ~rson, £.rm or corporation sellit11? !l'as to consumers in the City of Monterey to make or collect any sum in excess of said minimum charge unless the meters which shall be furnished by said per­son show that the said person is entitled to a larger sum for the actual amount of gas consumed at the rates fixed by ordinance.

Sec. 2. The maximum rates that shall be charged by any person, finn or corporation for supplying gas to the City of Monterey or its inhabitants is hereby fixed as follows :

First 2000 cu. ft. per month, $1.50 per 1000 cu. ft. · Second 2000 cu. ft. per month, $1.25 per 1000 cu. ft.

All over 4000 cu. ft. per month, $1.00 per 1000 cu. ft. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation furnishing

ga.s to consumers in the City of Monterey shall install meters at the request of the consumer witbin five days after receiving written notice requesting said installa­tion; provided that this rule shall not apply where new pipes have to be laid on streets or avenues and nntil existing bills for gas against the applicant have been paid.

Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation furnishing gas to consumel'S in the City of ·Monterey to require any deposit from consumers w.bo are tax payers of and in the City of Monterey.

Sec. 5. It shall be unlawful for any person, :firm or corporation to make a greater charge than :fifty cents for the installation of any meter in any house after the first installation .in said house has been made.

Sec. 16. It shall be unlawful £or any person, firm or corporation to t urn ha.ck or change the dial or dials

178 Ordinances of The City of Monterey

of any meter u~ess same is done in the presence of the consumer o:r. his ·agent. ·

:-iec. 7. ~t sbaJJ b~ unlawful for any person, firm or corpo~~tion supplymg gas for light or fuel purposes to th1>. Uity of .\Ioutere:L or any of the inhabit.ants therto1. or ~Y con:;umer therein, to charge for makin"' Hn~- comwction between his, their or its pipes. and ~ those of itny pe~on appl:nng for gas. more than the ~dual cost of do~g t~e same. Gas s~'lll be delfrered mto rhe consumers p1p~ at an e>en pressure which ~wll nut he le.....s than ~o jnches water p:ressu;·e, and surh ~<l-; <>hull be• snppbed promptly and in sufficient 11mwt1ty to a.II pa.ring- consumers thereof and t.o all pt>r:soni; <ipplywg therefor on or adjacent to any street an•nu(~ or nlli:y along- whlch the mains of said person' nrm or c(1rporntio11. shall ha>e been extended or wi~ mw hundred fc(•t thel'eof. '

~ec . 8. The owne1· of ~my premjses ill the Cit\• of ~1'J11t1•re-'· "1.inll ha ,.e the xight upon obtaimno- a, permit frnm tlw ~'unu11isflioner of Public \\01•foi so

0 1·0 do to

In,,- ~us ptp<•s from his premises to tlie curb ill ~uv street. HYl!111w or ul ley ill this City. ..Hter said pip~s Jrn \"t' heen ~o l~ id hy said owner. and he hac: ha<l the s~e p1·operJ): mspectell hr the City Engineer and rl'-1·t·n·cd ~ cer!1fiN1tt• from lhe Cit:- Engineer fo tlie effect ! hut s<11d )II pe~ hu n~ ~Jeen properly 1Uld safel-'· laid, it sh~ll tlwn he_ lllllawful for any person. fum or c01·. porat101_1 snppl,n11~ gas in said tit)-, t-0 1·efuse to con­nect sai~ pipes rnth his. their, or its main and deliver !?as to ;;n1d owner or consumer requesting the same.

:-4pc· !l. I_t "hall be 11nlawful for any person. firm or 1:urpornt1on to rPn1ow any rue1er from tbc house. ;tore .. fa~tory 01: premises of any consumer of gas. m this Ctt.'·- agmnst the wiU and consent o.f an\ !Such e~nsmue1: of gas. who is willing to pay for gas rur­ltlS~lt>d hun. mHl tender::. the amount due at tbe price i>stmintrd aud fixerl ll.' ordinance of this City and in accordance \dth this Ordinance. · . Sec. 10. _It shall he mtla.wfu] for any person. firm or cm·porabnn t1) ta~e. collect or accept any charge fo_r 1-?~s or m~ters which does not comply herewith or w1th the orclmances of this City. fixing the charge 1wr 111011sand feet for the use o.f gas for the fiscal yea?'. ·

Sec. 11. Any person, firm or corporation violating

• Ordinances of The Oitv of JI011ter~·v 119

the provisions of thi~ Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof. shall l)e punished by a. fine nol excef?diug tlm·e hundred dol­lars, nor not less than one hund1-ed dollars (or by imprisonment not exceedi.n~ nine~· d~ys or hy l>oth snch frne and imprisonment'. .\ntl the judgmeut iru­Qo>iing the fine may provide for jt$ 1·01lec>tion by im­prisonment in the Conuty .Tnil of :\fontere~· County. at tl1e rate. for lhe t imc. au .1 in the lllanucr l"e<J.11ired by law.

Sec. 12. This Orclinanc~ shall take effect ancl be in force on the first day of -Jul~-. ~\. D. 1912.

.Sec. 13. All onlinances 01· parts of ordin1mc<>s in conflict with this Ordfoimce n1·e herehy repealt>cl.

Passed and approved Fehl'nary 29. 1912. In effect Ju]~~ 1, 1912.


..ln 01-clinance Fi.rill[/ lltr ]f a.ti1H1111~ Rates for Tele­pho11e SercicP a1u7. lfrg117afi11g S11clt .~rrvice cind ProvWing for any Violation Tlicrc1Jf crnd RepeaU119 .All Oonfz.icting Ordinances.

The Council of tlrn City of :\Ioulcrt'y <lo ordain as follows :

Section 1. The muximum rnlcs oi- compensation to be c-0llected by any per;on, firm 01· corporation for tele,. phone service supplied to the City of ::.\1onterey or to the inhabitants thereof subject to change by the C01m­cil shall be as follow<;, to wit :


Th.e following ma.nmum charges shall lJe made ior business antl professional service :

For a single party line telephone, business or pro­.:fessioual. including 11U exchange switches and un­limited service. a.<> per pi·eseut sc.hcdule of The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, three doliat-s ($3.00) per month, l>ayahle monthly in ndva.nce.

For a t\\·o-party line telephone. hnsiness or profes­sioual, inclnd1ng all exl•hange switches and unlimited service. as per p1·ese11t s(ilic·dule of The Pacific Telephone

18() OrcHnances of The City of Monterey

<,n'.~l __ '.~'eleg~·aph Cornpanr, two an~ 50-100 dollars ,;f; __ .,o J pe1 mouth, payab!c monthly rn <1dvance.

~~r ~ ;~1'eosion set. of telepho~e, including· one iu­~~ t tion lll 1 eJepholle Du·ectory, business ot· pI'of~)ssional. if a mem!>er of 1he firm, one dollar per month, payable monthly m advance.


For a single party line :residence telephone includin~ all exchange S\vitches a.nd unlimited sei:vi~e. as pe~ prt·sent S<ihe<lule of The Pacific 'l'elephone ind Tele­graph Company. two and 50-100 dollars ($2.50) per mouth. payallle monthly in advance.

l<'or 11 two~pn1•tr line residence telephone including all ttxeJ111nge sw1tclics and unlimited service. as per p1·esent schedule of The Pacific T<>lephoue and Tele,,,uraph Com­pnn)·. two dollars per month. pavable montbh· in ad­nnce, for a wall set, and tw·o and ·25-100 dollara ($2.25) per month for a desk set. payable monthly in advance.

For n fuur-pa~ty line residence telephone including all exchange switches and unlimited service. as per prl'seut sclieclule of '£he Pacitic Telephone and Tele­graph Cmnpnu~··, one and 50·100 dolla1·s ($1.50) per month for a. waU i:;et. and one a.na 75-100 dollars ($1.75) per, month for a ~esk set. payable monthly in advance.

E 01· each ~tenSJon for a residence telephone, without bell, tlle maxmmm charge shall be not to exceed fifu cents, and with bell not to exceed sixty-five ceuts fo.r a wall .set. and without bell not to f!xceell 75-100 dollars, and 'nth bell not to exceed one dollal', for a desk set. payable monthly in advance. , . :.;,~c.. :Z. Tb~~ tel'm "tcl<~phone " 1i.s nse<l in this Or­

<lmancc is lwreby defined to mean both a tl'am;rnitte1· ::md n :receiver . · . It sh.all !ie oplioual with a person demanding te1a­

pnm1e scrnce. to elect t o take or use either desk or "·au tekphone apparatus awl set, and it shall be the dnt_,. of the pers_cms. firm or corpol·a tion supplying telephone sc:rnee m the City of l\lonterey to furnish su~h <lPJ;>aratus "·ithout additional cost, ~xeept as in this Ordmance provided.

Sec. 3. Upon the app licat ion in writing on the part o! the owner or occupant of any building or p rem­ises. c.bshmt n ot lnore than three h un<lred feet from an"" Hnckl'grnnnd conduit or irny pole line of the pe.rso~,

Ordinances of The City of Mcmierey l81

furu or corporation iurnishing telephone service, and upon payment by the applicant 0£ all money due from hlm, the persou, firm or corporation supplying tele­phone service must \ntbiu seven day::; thereof, supply relephone service as requireJ for such building or premises, ana can.not refuse on the ground of any in­debtedness oi any fo1"1llcr owner or occupant thereof. unless the applicant has undertaken to pay the same.

Sec. 4. A.ny person. firm or corporation furnishing telephone serdce as aforesaid. may require the sub­scriber to sign a con tract: for the term of one (1) year, provided, that the contract may be canceled after such telephone service has been installed three (3) months, upon the payment of the &nm of .five dollars ($5.00) in addition to the rental.

Sec. 5. \\"here a e:ontract for telephone ser,·ice has e.~pirecl. no charge shall be Ulade for moving any tele­phone 01· telephones. pro\·i.dec1, that lhe subscriber sig·ns a new contract, hut where sncli conti·act has not ex­pired. the maximum charg~s for .moYinE.r the same shall lw as follows. to wit :

Jfpying from one location to another in the same room, one~ dollar ($1.00); moving· .from one room to another room, two dollars ($2.00): moving from one ad<lrc•$s to anoth er , three Mid 50-100 dollars ($3.50); drnul!ing instruments from de1;k to ll'a 11 sat. 0 1· vice w rs;;-, <;u l" dol l<1r ($1.00). uule':>S 11 contract is signed for higher rentul.

St>c. 6. ~o deposit shall be required for service re­quested by any tax payer of and in the Citr of ::.\fonterey. no1· bhall a <leposit greater than the sum of fivf' clollurs ($5.00) be rl•q11ired of uuy other sub­scrib<'r. S'uch dt>posit to hear interest at the l'ate o.f six per cent per annum, and t-0 be refunded at the end of one year from thP date of deposit.

SeC'. 7. It shall be nnllnnn1 £or an)· person, firm or corpo1:ation fornishing telephone sc.rvice in the City of !\fonterey. to refuse to give service to any applicant or subscriber upon any party line hetein designated, or to charge a grc>atcr monthly rental than that provided b)· this Ordinance for any service given, or to maintain or operate any telephone line with more than £our p ar ties on such line.

And it shall b~ unlawful for any such person. firm or corporation to discontinue any senice upon any party

182 Or<linan.c'es of The City of .Jfon.terey

Jim•. her~in <lesignate<l so long as any demand for said :st''.'·u.:e •. Jl' 111ade ~ly any inhabitant or inlJabitants of the ~md ~1ty. prnnde.tl. that the rates herein established an~ fixed for service on any of the partv lines herein de:>l!!Datecl a~e ex~res..Jy fixed at srucl IDa:timnm charge, ou the cons1dcratlon that said rate sha.11 include the free exchange telephoue and switch service with Pacific Gr?Ye and Carmel u~· the Sea. and all other points to wl11ch free exchange i:, now !!iYen to the Cit,,- o" \Ionte-rey: uncl to the inhaliitauts Utereof. . · .a. •

• ~l'C. o. Any per. on. firm or corporation. or any o~ce~· or agent of an~- such pet'Son. firm or corporation ,,olntmg 111\v of tb.e pro,isions of this Ordinance shall b~ <lccmC'd l!mlty of a misdemeanor and npou com·iction there<>£ sllllll he punisl1l•d by a fin& not less than one hundred dollru:s ($100) and not to e.:\:ceed three hundred d?llaTS ($300), 01· lly imprisonment ju the County Jail of :\luut<>rey County not to exceed nine-tT davs or hY bot~1 sueh fine and imprisonment. 'l'he rudgineut ini­p<>~m~ the flue ma~- provide for its eollection b'" iui­J11'J);o.nrnc-nt Ht the rate. 01' the time, and in the manner proYH~_ed hy la\\·, and i;:ncb. person, :firm or corporation or officers ?r agents of any such firm or corporation' shall be gt!11ty of such offense for each separate da"'. that they v1~late such provisions of this Ordinance, and sha.11 he purushed for each separate offense as above cle­scr1 bed.

. Sec .. 9. -~I ordinances or parr~ of ordinances in con­tlict w1th this Ordinance are herebv repealed . ~ec. 10. This Ordinance shall fake effect. ;ind be in tor<'e on tl1e fu-st day of July, A . D . 1912.

Pai;.sed and approved February 29 191:?. In effect July 1. 1912. '

Or!tii1am:e11 of Tl'te Ci t.y of M oi1terey 183




A.11 01·di 11a11 N:1 to ProhilJ~t lfle Obst mct ion and l m­p'ropei· Use of S idewalks in the City of Monterey.

'rhe Board of Trustees of the City of '..\fonterey do Ol'llain as follows;

Section 1. It shall he tutlaw.1\ll for any person, Jlel"SOllS, company Or C:\:ll'pOration to place any bOA, bale, package. luruber or other thing upon any sidewalk in the Uity of Monterey by reason of which any such sillewalk is obstructe<l. prvYidecl that merchants, tndes­ruen anu persons while (•ngaged in receivil'lg or foi.·­warding goocli,, or any other conuuoclity may use a pox­tiou of the sidewalk in front of wllere the goods or othet commocliw is to be recei,·ed 01: i>bipped, for a period not exc;e<ling Ionr lwnra in any one day and prontlecl fu1·ther 1hat at all times an<l in all instances of such necessmT obstruction al least fonr feet in the clear of such sidewalk so ob~trnct.ed. shall be left fr.ee e.ntl open to 1he unobsh·uctccl use of pedestrians.

Sec·. 2. It shall b~ unlawful for any person. pe1-sons, campan'.\- or corporation to rid<-. ckh·e or lead any horse or otlier animal on am· !Uclewnlk mthin the limits of the Ci~· of :\£onter\l~·. p;·o\itl••tl. however. that in passing to and from stables or -yards or otber places where the crossing of sidewalks shall he necessary, the act of so erossing shnU not be a violation oi the Ordinances.

Sec. 3. It s.ball be unlawful for au~- person to use 1·"ller skates or to 1·itle llpon any bicycle. tricycle or marhi.ne propelled by other thau band power upon side­walks within tbe limits o.l' the dity of l\Ionterey.

Sec. 4. Any person who shall he guilty oi a vio­lation of any of the provisions of th.is Ordinance shall on conviction thereof be p1U1ished by a fine of not less than ($25.00) no1· more than ($100.00) or by imprison­ment not e~ceeding tlli'rt~· (30) days 01· by both fine llna imprisonment.

Passed the 30th of June, 1891.

18-! Ordi11a·11ccis of The Ci ty of Mo-nte1·ev


Tv l'rec~'1d the Vi.~<·!wrf;e of Seu:age. and 1i·asta,qe Into o·r f.pon Open G'uttel's, Oe.sspor>ls, Streets or Alley-11:ays, a11d; for the Pr otection of Sewe1·s.

The Board of Tl'nstecs of the Cit.v of i\fontere~· do ordain as follows : · ·· ··

Sc:~tion l. The st-" ".uge 1rnd drainage of premises froutrng on tlm<>e portions of streets ·where permanent SE:\rnrs are laid, must not discharge into the s treet ~tters, sti·eets or allc~·wa~·s or int.o any open gutter or di tch. or cesspool, and all owners or agents of such premises ~rho shall pcrmit thP. premises held or con­tr_olled by them. t o he connected by pipes or othcr­w1sc, so as to d1sclull'ge sewage or wastage into the streets, gntt~r.s. stl'f'<'t8 or alleyways, or into a.u:r open gutt~t-, or ditch 0 1· cesspool, shall he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.

. Sec. 2. All owner-; or occuvaots of preruises front­uig on any sh·eet. alley or lane. in the Cit:; wherein permanent sewe.rs haYe. been laid. shall wit~ twent• days after receiving written or printP.d notice from th~ Street Superintendent. connect said pr emises ";th said sewer. And it shall be the duty of the Street Superin­tendc;nt to givP writt eU Or printed notice to 8Jl Owner. or occupants of premises fronting on any street a.llev. or Jane, "·hcrnin perinanent se"'ers have beeu i'nid. to connect within twenty days said premises with said sewet', at the proper charge a11d expense of said owner or occupant.

.Sec. 3. No person shall cut, tap, bore, l.Jl'(:ak or in any way make any apperture in any sewer ·upon a public street. lane or alley, unless he shall fi rst have proeured the permission of the Street Supel'inte11dent. In all cases of tearing up or disturbing a street in the construction or repairing of a branch sewer. or dl'ain. that portion of the street• torn up or distl;rbed shCtli on the completion of the work, be placed in as ~·ood condition as it was before the commencement of the work; and all depressions occurring or repairs 'vhich may be necessm·:'-· <hning· a period of one year there­after shall be imJJw<.liatcl:'-· performed by the party or parties who ohtaiucicl a permit to tt~ar up or disturb the .street.

Oi·dtnances of The City <Jf M on.tercv 18&

Sec. 4. An,· p erson ,·iolating any of the provisions of this 0l'dinanr.e shall be deemed gnilty of a mis.­demeanor, aud npon conyiction thereof: shall be pun­ished b,· a :fine of not less than twenty-five dolla1·s, nor mo1·e than o·u~ huudred dollars, or by imprisonment i11 'the CitY .Prisou not exci>eding thirty days.

R~~c. 5. All ordinances or p:-trts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repcal!·~d.

Sec. 6. This Ordinance shall hlkll dfcet and be in force from and after its passage imd first publication.

P af:sed the 10th day of September . 1891.


A.n Ord·ina·nce Accepting Streets, Li:rn es, .dllrJ.ys, Cul-de­Sacs an<l Plu<.:es (if aud ff·ifhin the Corpomfo J,im ifs o/ th r; City o/ .lfou l aC: v, a 1ul D1idnring the 8a111e to Jfr {01· the PnbliG r:se.

The Boar ll of T r ustees of the Ci ty of .Monterey do ordain as f ollo1Ys :

Section l. _\.ll streets. lam:s. alle~·s, c11l-de-sa<:s and places of a.ncl ,,·ithi11 th~ corpo_rat.e limits of. the City of :\(011tei:ev. wh\ch ba,·e been c!echca.ted by the o~ners thereof'. for ·the use of the public>. an lle1·eby accepted a::; sndt. and "n~ lwrehy £oreYc1· dedi<:ated to the public .for sueh purposes.

See. 2. ~\.11 street!':. laues, ~1llc~·s, cul-de -~acs and plac:P.s l)f and within th1~ City of }fontcre:·, which have been used as sncll for more than fiye ~·<rn.rs last past, and are no"· used as such. arc hereh>- iiccepted as such and c1ecla1·ecl to be public high,,-a>-s and places and foreYcr dcdica ted to the public.

Set. :3. Thi!l Ordin ance sh11ll tak,: eti'l'ct and be iu f(•rre from and after its pas;;Hge. iipproYal 1:i.ncl pub­lication.

Passed the 12th day of Or.tober, 1900, and appro>ed tbe same date.

186 Ordinances of The Oity of Monterey


.An Ordinance to regulate the m..om1ig of houses and Other Buildings, and the Cutting Of, or Othtw Interfering With Telegro,ph, Teleplwne, Electri,c IAgkt 01· Power Wires and Lmes.

The Board of Trustees of the City of· Monterey do ordain as follows :

Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any fu'Ill., person or corpor ation to move any house, building or other struc­ture into, through, on, along or across any public street, alley, square or place in tbe City of Monterey, without :first having obtained written permission of the Street Committee of the Board of Trustees of the City ef Monte­rey, and have complied with the requirements herein­after set out.

Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to move any house, building or other struc­ture into, through, on, along or across any public street, alley, square or place in the City of Monterey, after hav­:ing obtained the permission required by Section 1 hereof, where such moving will necessitate the cutting or other interfering with any line or wire of any telegraph, tele­p.hone, electric Ught or po~er company, until there shall have been deposited with the City Clerk of said City, money sufficient t<> defray, cover and pay the expenses incident to such cutting and interfering with sueh wires or lines, said expenses to include, where nec­essary, the establishment of temporary connections and the r~toration after the completion of such moving of the said lines or wires t.o their former positions.

The permit to move such building .or structure shall be deposited with the City Clerk, together with th.e deposit of m9ney.

Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk im­mediately upon the deposit with him of the perm.it pro­vided for in Section 1, and the money provided for in Section 2, to notify the person, firm or corporation whose 1.ine or lines, wire or wires, are to be cut or in­terfered with in such moving or interference of such permit, and of the date when such moving or' interfer­ence will take place.

Such notice must be served at least thirty-six hours

Or dinances of The Oit11 of M onteTe31 187

before such moving, cutting or interference with said lines, will be commenc.ed or become 2feeessary.

Sec. 4. I t shall be unlawful for any :firm, person or eor­po;ration to cut or interfere with any telegraph, telephone, electric light or power lines or wires, for the purpose of moving any house, building or any other stru~ture, until the tbirty-six hours' notice herein above provided shall have been given, and shall have expir ed.

Sec. 5. No permit to move any house, building, or other structure into, through, along or across any pub­lic street, alley, square or place shall issue unless such street, alley, square or place shall be mentioned and de­seribed in the permit, provided for in Section 1 hereof; aµd such moving shall be performed and carried on in a manilel'°'· and time so as not to wholly obstruct wagon or vebfole traffic upon such street, alley, square or place, or obstruct the regular running of street cars upon any established street car line during the regular hours where­in such cars are run.

Sec. 6. Ally p'erson violating any of tbe provisions .of this 01·dinanee shall on eonvietion thereof be tined in the sum not less than $25.00, nor more than $300.00. or by imprisonment not exceeding 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

·Sec. 7. This Ordinance shall ta.ke effect and be in force from and af_ter its passage and first publication.

Pa.ssed: February 24th, 1903.

188 Onli11.frnces l)J' The City of Jf ont1:rey


_in. Ord:i1iance for the I'l'esen·ation of the P.ul>lic Health of t71e City of )fontercy.

· The Boa.rd of Trwitces of the City 1.;f }Iontcrcy, do Ol'­

dain as follows: Section 1. It shall be nnlaw.ful and it is herebv de­

clared to be a DUlS8DCt'. for any _pe.J:l:;Oil OITTliUe 01' oc­cupying any real property with.in thi> limits of the Cin.· of .Monterey, which property fronts upon a street, in which th.ere shall have been laid a se"er. to maintain. ke<~p 01: use, o~· to permit to lw maintainc<J°, kept or used an~' privy, privy-vault 01· cesspool, " ·hich is not so r.mi­nected with such sewer, as to drain such pr.ivy, privy­vanlt or cesspool iuto si1cn se,,·er, .in a sanitary manner.

Sec. 2. Any person nolating any of tbe pr ovisions 0£ tlris Ordinance r-illall be deemea !?Uiltr of a misde­meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a :fine of not less than $25.00 or more than $300.00. 01· by imprisonment not exceedi11g 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

Sec. 3. This Ordinan ce shall take effect awl be in foree on and after tlH! flrst <fay of October, A. D. 1904.

Passed tbc 13th dar of September, A. D. 1904.


An Ordi11m1ce to Pi·ohiliif. the ObstnlcUou and I mp ropCl' Use of Sideicalks in t h6 City of ]Jo.1tter e1;.

The Board of 'l'rustees of the Cdv 0£ .Jfon~reY do ordain as follows : - v

Section 1. It, shall be unlawful for any person, per­sons, company or corporation to place auy box . bale, package, lumber or other thing on any sidewa.lli: in the City of :.\fonterev b,· reason of which am- suc:h sidewalk shall be obstructed,· pro\·ided that mer.chants. tradesrnen and persons, .,,,·J.iilc engaged in l·ecciving or ·forwarding goods or any othci: commodity, may use a portion of the sidewalk in front of "·here the goods or other commodit~· is to he rccein~d or shipped, .for i~ iwriocl not exceeding

Onli11w~1:es (Jf T 11e Oi ty of lCon terC'IJ 189

four hours in anr one day, ana pru\·i.ded far ther. that at all times and in all instances of snch neeessary ob­structions at least .four feet in the clear of such sidewalk so obstructed shall be left free a.nd <•pen to the m10b­structcd use of pedestrians.

Sec. 2. Any person viOl:;\ting the provisions of ~ection 1 here:in shall he deemed guilty of a. misdemeanor. and upon conviction thereof shall be :fined in a sum of not foss thap twenty-five dollars nor more than three hnn­drea dollars. and ill case such fine be uot paid then the person 01· per-ons so fined shall be imprisoned at the rate of one dav for each two dollars of I he fine so im­posed and not ·paid. or be imprisoned for a te1:m o~ not les.<> than thrt>e months, or by both such fine and 1mprISon-ment.

Sec. 3. All ordinances and part:> of ordinances in con:flir.t herewith a1·c het·cby repealed.

Sec. 4. This or<linanee shall take effect and be m force from and after its passage.

Passed the 13th day of Xovember, 1906.


~in· Ord:inance. Rcg·itlating tfl.6 Constrnction, Reconstrnc­tion or Repair of Sidewalks, G1.u·IJs or G-utters on Alvarado Street.

The Boa.rd of T rustees of the City d :;\fouterey, do or­dain as follows:

Section 1. It shall be, and is hereby declared to be unlawfuL for any person, firm or co1·poration to con­struct, or reconstruct, any sidewalk, curb or gutter, on Alvara.do Street in the City of :Monterey, unless the con­struetion, or reconstruction.. there?£. i.s in compliance with. the general Plans and Specifications for Cement Sidewalks as adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of lll~nterey, by "llesolutio~ No. 632," Mnrch 19th, 1907 an d the general Specifications for Concrete Curbs and 'Gutters, as adopted by the said Board, by '~Reso­lution No. 603," February 5th, 1907: or to repair a~y sidewalk eurb or e.-utter on said street, unless the saJd ;idewalk: <!urb or "'gutter fa constructed ill compliance

mo Or<li11a;ices of The Ci ty of Mon te·re11

~'.·ith .th:. abovP me-!1!-ion.ed pl~ns and specifications for .. 1r'k1:\ ,ill,s, trnd spec1fic:a.t1011s for curbs and gntters.

.Sec. 2. ~~n}· p erson. fu·m 01· co:rp oration violating any of the prov1s1ous of this ordinance shall. on conviction th:1~of._ he nncd in not IC'ss than the sum of 'l'wentv-five ($2o.OO) Dollars nnd not to e..'\:ceed the sum of 'l'hrce Ituu~lre<l ($300.00) Dolla.t-s, or by imprisollment not ex­ceeding three mo1;1ths ~1· by both. such fine and imprisnn­ment. Ea~h d~y s maintenance. oI an~· sidewalk, curb or :rntt~r. ".b1ch is herPaftar constructed or reconstructed. m ~olation of the provisions of this ordinance or the r~~a1n. t~t'J"•'.of he~·enfter ma.de in nolation of the pro­ns•ons of tb1<:; ortlwance, shall t.:onstitute a separate of­fense.

. Ser.. 3. .All ordinances or parts of ordinance.~ in con­flict l1erewnh are hereby repealed.

Sec. -±. This ordinance will take effect and be in for<'e from <mcl after- its passage and first publ icntivn.

~\.dopkd tlie 19th da>- of Octoh(·r, HJO!J.

ORDINANCE NO. 159. As Amended by Ord i nance No. 25, c. s.

.-1n 01·dinnnu RcpHlat.~'ng the Digr;iug or Teari11y np o11<l ~he F;,ffayut111p o/ lmpto1'f'd Struts a11 r.( S ·irle wnlks 11i flu: City of J101/fc-. rq;.

The Board of Tru~tner; of the: Cit.'· of :Jfoutcrt\I', do ordain cis follom;;:

Sectioi;i I. It s~all be unlawful for any person. firm or corporation: to ch!? up or tear np the ::.u r tace of am­street or ~idew~tlk. in the City of lfontere;\\ for th.I.' PW:pose- ol ruakm~ conuectiolls with sewe1·. water or gas m.aIDs. or for any. other purpose, after any uch street ot streets. snch sidewalk or sidewalks. have been im­proTed hy the placing ther eon of macadam. hitumen a.s­pha l~ or cem~nt. except upon permission g1·a otcd as herema.fter pronded for.

Sec 9. A - fi · . ... . ~. ~'illJ person, rm or corporation desil'ill!! to dig np or tear up ot disturb the smfoc~ of any st;c~et curh. gutter or side·walk, whfoh shall have b.een im~ p1·0-red b~- the placi11g thereon of macoadam, cement,

<>1·<1inn1u·es of 'l'lle City uf :lfonter1:11 191

concrete, bitum<'LL asphnltmn or other kiuclrec{ wrf;w­ing shall make wl'itten application to the ~treet Snper­'ntf:md!'nt for perrnis>iion so to (1o, destl'ibiu~ the work desired to be don~~, tlH:: place, chara::tcr and object of the same.

Sec. 3. 'l'hc Street Snperintendent m~y !?l'ant 01· deny suc.h applicati()n l\S to him may seem wise. If s11ch ap­plieation be irrantf>u the person, firm or corpo111tion. to whom such permission has been grantt·tl. shull c1L·1H1Rit mfu the. C'ity Clt>rk thP snm o:f Fiftr ($50.00 ) Dollan; and an amount imfficicnt to ilcfray the expe>nscs o.f an iuspector (to h<> appointed hy The Council) during the progress of such work. which last said an101rnt shall be estimated h'" the Citv En;2'ineer. whit·l1 snm shall be deposited with the City Clerk before such permit be­crunes operative. Upon su.cll deposit being macle the City Olt>rk shall isst1e to the par ty. to whom such per­mission has been grimted, a cer tificate stHti111:r that the reCI.uisite security has been dep osited. Upon presentB­tion of snch certifii:ate to 1.he Street SupeL·intenuent, the par ty having r~eived sucili permission. shall be author­ized to proceed with the improvement set out in his permission.

Sec. 4. ~\ll \\'Ork rlone nnder the permit mentioned in Section one hereof, shall be clone under the super­vision of the Superintendent of Streets und the surface of all streets or sic1ewa1ks disturbed during t11e proa:­r ess o£ such work. shall be restored to iti:: former eondi­tion, both as to material and workmanship. and so main­tamea for one :rea.r.

See. 5. Any. person. firm or rorpnratiou so electing. in place and stead of makin g the dep~it pro,·ided for in section three of this Ordinance. ma,. file with the Ciw Clerk of the Citv of 1fontereY. a bond :n the sum of ·Five Hundred ($500.00 ) Doli8l'S. signed by such person, firm or corporation, and two good. and suf ficieut su:reties ·worth double the penal sum of such bond o,·er and abov-e all liabilities md statutory exemptions in property situate within the State of California. and which bond shall be approved by the Board of Trustees of the Oity of Monterey, con ditioned t.ha t such person, firm or co1·poration will, upon demand by t he City Clerk. pay the amount certified by the Street. 8u~erin­teudent as "inspl'rtors' fees" and tliat hi." or 11 w1U do and will maintain, for the period o£ one Y<'lll' after the

192 Ordinances of The City of .lionterev

completion thereof, the work by h1m or it to be per­formed nncler the permit or permits to him or it g;rantecl, in the manner and up to grade in all respects as pro­\·idcd i 11 Sections four and five of this Ordinance and that in c\'"ent of Ile or it not so doing within ten daq; after notice or demand hy the City c·i<~C'k, as aforesai·d. that the said bond and the whole sum thereof !$hall be forfeited to the City of )[onterey. Sneh bond shall he in lien of all <'ash deposits 1hat would he required un­fler Secs. 1, 2 and 3 of th.is Ordinance. was sueb bond not filed with the City Clerk, for any · w01·k p en nitt<•d ('lhile snch bond is in fon~e) undP.r this Ordinance and shall remain hi force for a period of <me Year after its esecution. •

Sec. 6. The money depm;ited with the Cit~· Clerk, 11s

provided £01· in Section three. shall be used in mam1er following· :

rpon the completion of t.he work the Street S uperin­tendent sha n certify to the number of <.fav.s tlie in­spector shall have been cmplo.vcd HH·1·con. · 'l'lu~ el erk shall thereupon de-posit \rith tbe Cit~· TrP.asn1'l\r n snm sufficient to pay the salarj· of the inspcictor. as shown hy the ccrtificau• of the Street. Snperinh:ndcnt, fi f ty ($50.00) do1lars of the remainder o.r the mone\· remain­ing in the h ands of the City Clerk shall he b)· him re­tained for a pe1·iocl of one yea1· after the \~Om pletion of the saicl wotl', as a guarantee that U1c work, performed in srn:h imptoverneut, shall remain in good condition aud up to gratfo dm·ing 1mcll pel'iod. If s1H:h "·01·k shall not so l'enrnin in good condition ancl np to g-rntl~, flml the person lrnYing C't.tnsed srn:h \Y<H'k t.o h,~ <loue, -;hall npoll :notiC'e, fail to re!'>to1•c the sa111e, 1 o gDo<l Nmd iti on and grade, the Str<~et Snpcrintendtmt shall <'ans~ snr.h n:10-toration to he rrrndc uod certify the expense thereof to the Clel'k. "·110 sh.nll deposit the amount a;; cl'l·tified to him b~· the St1·eet Supcri ntcudcut. in 1 he Cit~· 'l'reasnry. The remajnder of the fi fty ($50.00) .. tloll111·s sbarl, after the expiration of the sai<l year, he rehn·n<'c:l li~- the Clel'k to the part~· maki:ng such dPposit.

S<·<~. 7. Tf the expense of the inspection sl1A.ll bl' l('SS

than thE' amount estimated by tlw City E ng·ineer and deposited with the City Clerk. for the purpose o( defray­ing expenses, the o·ver. plus the1·co£ shall be paid, upon e:ornpletion and acceptance of the work, to the depositor.

S<>C'. 8. It is expressly pro·d<1ed, how<'Y<·1·, tlrnt an~·

Or<li1ia1i cc.s uf The City of Jf<mtP.'l·ey \93

per.son. fil·m or eorporation haYing irater, gas or other marns laid in irn.1· of the streets. aYenues, places, lanes, courts, squares, parks or (,ther pnblic places in the City 0£ 1\fontei·ey, and i:ihall lmw filed with the Citv Clerk of the said City 11 bond i·n the snm of Two Hnn<lrccl Fifty ($_250.00 ) Dollars, sigi1ed by :rnch JH!l'son, firm or corporat10n and two good and snfficient !';UrMies whith bond shaJl have been apprnved by the Board of 'J'n1R­tecs of said Citr of l\lonten:,-. conditioned that sneli p erson, ·finn 0 1· · corporation {rill pay thP eost. of in­spectol'S during the progress of said work, nnd will re­store t he surf!lcei.; of the s tl·ect or sidewall;: b' him or it disturbed in the work. and 1rill i·e$to re snCh surfaces to the sii.nw couclition a;,i before Sllch work. ll.'5 to nrn­tcr.ial, \rnrkmii.nship and grade and \Vill in ii.ll snr.h r<'· spects so maint.<1:n the work for a pe~riod of one year after it shall han~ been completed, shall be permitted, jn case of bl'eaks, lea.ks or other accident calling for immediate r epaii-, to dig or tea1· up so mneh of ~rn.v stn•Pt or sidewalk ar,; may he necessary to enable it to m~ke imch repairs as miiy be 11ec~clPcl \\·ithout 1nn1 iting the issn­ance of the permit mentioned in ~kdion two nf this ordinance: pro'· ided, however, t11at s11rh pPrMn. firm or e:orpor<Hion shall uumediatel ~T notify the St.reel Slt perin­tendent npon <l!s<:OYerY of snch break or le.a k and hi;; cir its intentior1 to rep11ir the sam<:.

Sec. 9. _:\.ny person found g-uilty of violiitiug 1rny of the provisions of this wdinance ;;hall he deemed gnilt.\· of misclemean01'. ancl npon c(mvicti<w thereof. shall bl?. fined in a snm of not lt~S". than twei1t_\'·th·e ($~5.00) Dol­lars. nor more th<tn Three II nnJrccl ( $800.00) Doil arr.;. 01· hy irnprisonm~nt not <'XC<'c<ling 1lii:N• HJOJ1th:>, or h)· both sueh fine au(! )rnpri:;;onment.

SeC'. 10. All ordinanr.es or part ;; of ordioanC1's in con­flict hC're•d th •lr<' he1·eb_,. repet1l!><l.

Sec. 11. 'l'h is oi-din ance shall take d'fcct nncl be rn force from and nfler its pa~age and first publi('ation.

Pa:Ssed the 19th clar of October. 190f.1.

191 Ordina11ces of TJ1e City of Jl<Nlert>v


,I ;i Ordina11ce Rel(lfit1{] fo Catai1t l'oles. J>osf.~ a·nd Wil'es 1'.n, on, .J.lon,q ()JJ/({, A cross A lvamd~ St1·eot and J>or­tfrms of F'1·ankl'i.n Street in the City of Jfonterey, Making Certain ~lets <md Omissio·ns 111 Ref.at.ion Thereto 1l:1:isdemeanoJ"s, and Providing for I hf: Pun-ishment Thei·eof. ·

'rhe Borml of Tmstce~ of the Citv of :.\[onterey <lo or-dain as follows: · ·

Section 1. It shall be unlawful a11d it i::; h~~reby de­clared to be a misdemeanor for any perso11, fil'm. oi~ cor­poration to place, in.stall or plant, or cause to be placed, installed or planted, or to allow to remai!l, on and after the day and date set forth in section two (2) hel'eof, so placed, installed or planted any telephone, teleg!'aph, electric light or other light pole or poles, post or post;;, or any pole to which is attaehed any kind of a wire fol' the transmission of electrical energy, or any sign or bitch­ing post or posts of any kind or dcsc!'iption . in. upon, or along Alvarado S treet or Franklin Str eet witl1in fift~· (50) feet of .Alvarado Street i!l the said Cit~r of }'fon­teroy; provided. l1owcvAr, that hitching posts may be so placed, installed or planted, itl, npon or along the <mrh of said .Alva1·ado Street and the said portions of Frank­lin Street .subject to such genera.I rules and regulatiom as the Boar(l of Trmtees, or othe1· governing body. of said City may by resolution or ordinance hereafter adopt and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, 01· those hi tch­ing posts no~· placed, install(~a 01· planted thereon mar so rGmain if in conformit.)· t o said rnles ancl r~gl 1l ations and satisfactory to the said Superintendent of St reets.

Sec. 2. .A.Ji of said pofos or post.s or p oles and posts no\~· plac<~d, in.<>t&llE-!<1 or planted, in, upon, or along the said Alvarado Street and .;;aid Frnnklin Street within fifty (50) feet of .. Alvarado Street shall be r elllO\'ed b:· the person, :firm or eorpo1·ation owning or having confro) of tJ1e same before the 15th day of A-tigust, A. D. Hill.

Sec. 3. Any aud all telephone, telegraph or el()Ctri(! light wires or other wires for the tn;.nsmission of dee­trical energy now suspended upon posts . poles or other objects in, upon, a.long or across said Al vul'ado Street

Orrii na11r11s of 'l'he City of JJ.onterC'tJ

and said Franklin Street \l"ithin fifty (50) feet of Al­varado Street in said City of ::\lonterey shall be r emoved by the person, :firm or corporation owning or having control of the sarue lJefol'e tlw said 15th day of August, A. D. 1911; any and all of said wir~s may be place~) underground in propedy constructed msulatcd. eond:ii1t or conduits nnder the direction and to th<i sat.Jsfact10n of the Superintendent of Streets of said Cit:y in, ui;ion, filong Ol' across said Alvarado Street and s~1d :i:;o·rt1on~ o.£ Franklin St1·eet ; and on and after tbe sau1 l tith day of August . .A. D . 1911, it shall be unlaw:ful for any per­son. firm or corporation t-0 suspend or cause t.o be Sll R·

pencled any of said wires in, alo::ig. up~n or _across t~c said .Ah-arado Sn·eet a.nd the said porliou of Franklm Street.

Sec. 4. Kothing in this ordjnanc1: shall appJy to or be construed as applying to, or affect or be construed as affecting any system of street lighting that the .Board of Trustees of the :said City, or other governing hody of said City, has adopted or may hereafter ~do~t fo1· the lio·htino- of the said Alvarado St.L·cct urnl the said Frank­l~ Stl·~et within fifty (50) feet of .Ahar.ado St r1>et, or t.o anY iron pole not exceeding eight. inches in diameter us~ for the !mpport of an electric rai lway ttolle~' wire. or to any electric railway trolley ·wire.

Sec. 5. It shall be the duty o.f tlw Supe1·intendi~rrt or Streets of said City to remm·e ~my antl all of said poles al!d posts or pole's or poBl.S so plante(1, install ed or phwed 01· remaining- .so p lanted, inst11l1Nl 01· placed, an~l :rny 11nd all tc~kphoue. tclcg·i·aph. or ekctl'ic light wire or wires or othel' 11·i re OI; 11·ires for 1'11c h'amunission of eler.trica l energy snspi::nclc>d 01· rt;n~aining so suspended in, along, npo;i· m· >H:ro;;~ tlw :said Alvarado Stl'ee-t and the said Franklin Street within fift~· (50) frt:t o.£ :\l var­a<lo ::iti·cet in yiolat ion of the p roYieions of this ul'di­nanee on {jJ' after th(' 15lh <la:· of ,\,1gust , A. D. 1911.

Sec. 6. ,-\ ny person, fi1·m or corporation viol~.t!ng any of the provisions of thi;; od~n~rn~e shall ~e guilty of a misdewcauor and upon conv1ct10n tl..wrcof shall he p urushed u:--· a fine of uol lells than $!50.00 nor more than ~300.00 or l\v imprisonment for not fos,s th~n ten qo) davs nor mor e than sixty (60) days. rhe mstallation., plticing. or pLlnting of any one of saitl poles ?1' posts or poles and posts or the allowing any OI!e of said poles or posts or poles


ancl posts to remain sn in~lalted. placed

1% Ordi rta nces of 'l'he Oity of .lf 0>1len~y

or piantc~, or the :.11spension of au~- on e c)f :;11id wires or the allowm~ any onP of said \\ires to reurnin so sns­pend~d contrary to the provisious of thi~ t•rdinancf\ shall constitute a separ<ltP offense.

Bee. 7. All ordinaoees 01· parts of ordinances in c:on­fiict herewith are he1·<\b~· i·cpe11le<l.

Sec. 8. This 01·clinance to take effect and l>c in force from and ou the said 15th day of August, A. D. l!Jll.

Sec. 9. The City Clerk is hereb~· ;iu;tructed to eaw;e this ordinance to be immediately pal1lishE'd once in th(! ' ·Monterey ~ew Era.'' a newspaper of n-eneral circula­tion printed. published and circuJa t1::a i~ said Cit\'.

Adopted the 16th day of ~lay, 1911. ·


A.11 O!·di11anre Rrq11iri11a Ille R emot·al of _!Tl />01·clies. l era11d'!s a11d lloodrn 4u:ni11gs <mtl Orrtai11 .'?i(J11.~ E.r.te1ul111g 01·r1· .A 11 y Sidewalk or Portion of .:1 ny .~1d.cwalk 011 11r 111 _l~t:arado ,'fr1rl i11 the City of Jfo·n:terey, and Declaring .lny Sv<'71 Porches. Vera11-ilas. Woo.den. A.u·11ings or 8ig11s a Public _\'ui.~ance a11d Makrng it rn7au·f11l to Erect A //y Sucl1 Porrh Vera11dn. 1rnode11 .d.u•niny or Sign. '

The Count>il (If The Cit~· of Jlonterev do or(lain a~ follo\n;: ·

Sectiou 1. It is hi' rt'by declared io be unlawfu l for :my person to ere<!~ or nrnjntaiu 1:1ny porch, ''< ~randa or wooden a'IYomg whtch sl1all cxteod ow.r am- si dewalk or portion of a11y sitkw;i lk. on or in Ah·arado.i;tr·eet i11 T he Oity of Monterey. ·

Sec. '2. It. is hereby dedare<l to be unlawful for am· person to ereC't or maintain an~ si$m. whicll c;;hall e~­ten~ O\el' any sidewalk Or po1·ti-On of any sidewalk on or 1n Aharado street in The City of Moutel'ey. more than two .f1>et. provided that nothing iu tJ1is Ot'<l i111rnc·e sba_U be deemed to be a pr ohibition of U1e er ('ctinn and ma.mtenance of swingin~ electric sign or si~u~.

Sec. 3. It L-, hereby ruade the duty of the own.:r of any ~orch, veranda ~r wooden awning. extending ovel" any s1dewa~ or portion of any sidew;tTk. or of an~· sign

Onli1ia11ce:1 of The Uity of Mv;r terC!I 197

~xtcndin!t oYcr am· sidem llk or pert.ion of any sidewalk. more th~n two feet. on or in .\Jvarailo >irrcei in The C1tY of 1\Iontcre,· to r muove the same \Yi tl1in tb.il't y ( 30) days after the fi~al passag:e and approYal of this 01·di­nance.

See. 4. Any s ueh poreh, yeranda, wooclen a\rni~I? or sign 1rhich shall be maintai ned contrary to the proyis1on.s of this ordirnm<:P. is hereby declared to be a. pubhc lllll­

sance and may he rcnioYed h~- The City of )Jontcre)·, or anY of it;;; officers at the expense of the pen;on who shall erect or main't aiu the same, am1 the S<1i d expense of the removal ther eof shall be. a lien upon tlrn premises and building to \Yhich said porch, ;-Nanda, wooden awn­ing or sign is attached.

Sec. G. · Any Yiolation of the proYisions of this ordi­nanee shall be a. misdemeanor. pnnisbable by a. fine of not more than three lrnndred ($:300.00) dollars or by imprisonment in the County Jail of !lfonterey County fol' not more lhan ninl:'ty (90) <.lays. or by both such ~nE' and imprisonment. Any sentence of fine m~y p~ovide for its collection by imprisonment for tlle time. 1D the manner. ancl at thA rate proYided by l a~-.

See.. ·6. This ordinance shall be iD force an<l tak~ effect from and a frcr thirl:' UlO) da:q; after its fin nl passage and approval. _

· Passed and appr1lY<~d October l 1, 1911. In effect : ~oYember 16. 1011.


A.ii OJ'(]i:11ana Proliibiti11{J 1/1€ SH'f<::piug, 1'f1rowi11g, l>r­po;,•ih11 y, 0 1· Plac.ing ?f ..:~11y S1n:e.pi11g3, Pap:-•" \Vast r . 1'1·a.sh, 01· Rnbbt.~fl [ [>Oii or I nto A 11 y ,-.; ,,{(-. ·zrnlk. ·,")t,.r;e t, .:l lll'Y, P ublic Place. Coul'f. Park. 1)1· Sq11are i.11 Tb r;. Oity of Jlonth·ey .

The Council of The City of )fontere~- clo nnl;tin ns :follows, to wit:

Set1tion 1. It slrnll be nnlawfol for an.1· person, firm or corporation to sweep, t.hroll' , deposi~. 01· place an:< sweepings, paper. waste, trasb, or ruhlnsh of !!flY krnd upon or into any sidewalk. street. aller, pubhc place, eon.rt.. park. or square in The City o:f i\lonterey.

O«rli11(1;wes of The Uity of Mon.tere11

Sec. ~. ..-iny violation of the provisions of thjs ordi­rumce is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor punish· able by a fine of not more th.an filty ($50.00) dollars. or by imprisonment in t]ie County Jail of Monterey County for not more ~hau .tweuty-five (25) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. A judgment imposing a 1ine may provide .for its collection by imprisonment for the time, in the manner, and at the rate provided by law.

This orclinan~e shall take effect in thirty (30) days from and after Jts final passage and approval.

Pas.5ed and appro~ed October 1'7. 1911. In effect: ~°'·ember 16, 1911.


Au Or<7·~1101wi Ptovicli11g fo r the Remoual of Grass, Weeas, Poison Oa.k. and Othet Nox;ious (Jrotl'fhs (Ind R111Jbigh Fm11t ~1re Sidewalh -11011.g Any Improved Street i11

the City of Jlontercy, and for fhl' Trimming of Tree.<; and Hedges, and Prot·icling a Penalty for any riolation Hereof.

The Conncil of 'fhe City o.f :.\Iont.e.x·Hv do or dain as follows: · "

Section .1. It sha~ b~ unlawful for nny person owning or oc~upyiug a.ny buildrn~, lot or grounds fronting upon any Sldewa.Jk, al~ng any impwved street in The City of ~onterey, to s~O:cr, ~low o~· permit to remain 11pon said sidewalk and mnucdintely m front of said buildi:n.,. lot or. grounds. any indi~enous grass, weeds. poison ""oak, thistlt-s or mustard. or noxious trees or brush.. or other noxious gro\rths or rubbish.. For the purposes of this Ordinance an improve<l street is defined to be a street npon which tbe official grade has been e.5talilish ed and which has been i.mptoved by the placing ther.eon of grav­el, macadam, asphaltum or. bitumen from g11ttf?r line to gutter line.

Sec. 2. .Any owner or occupant of any building, lot or grounds ~n The City of lUonterey shall keep all side­walk trees and hedges propetl.v trimmed i.o such manner that the same shall not interfere \\'ith the free nse of the sidewalks.

Sec. 3. Whenever the owner or occupant of any build-

Vrd.inances of The City of Montcre11

in~, lot. or grounds in The City of )fontcrcy fails to -remove grass, weeds, poison oak, thistles, mustard. nc;>:t­ious trees or brush, or other noxious gl.'owihs. or ~bb~ or to trim trees and hedges as hel·einbefore pronded. it shall be the dut:r oi the Street Superintendent of said City to give written notice of: such fa.iltU'C to comp~y with the provisions of tbi;; Ordinunce to tlie owner, ~f known or to the occupant. if there shall be auy. or if th.e o_;-uer is not known and there is no ocuupant t.o post suoh. notice eonspicuously upon said property. . Pr?­viding, that if the known omier. is n?t a resident o~ ~1s City: such notice may be depOSited m the P.o<>toff1ce m The Citv of Montere~·. with postage prepaid. and ad­dr~d to such kn.own owner at his last known place .of Tesidence. ancl a notice posted on the property as herem­betore provided, and st1ch notice sh~ be deemed .t? have been served on the day of the posting and mailing of same. Said notice shall briefly descTibe the work t.o ~e done and shall i·e£er to this Ordinance. and shall co~ta~u a. notification that unless said work shall be done within ten daTS after service or posting of said notice, as afore-­said, the Stl'eet Superintendent mil do the same and that th~ costs and expenses sball he charged up and made a lien a~t said building, lot or grounds. See: 4.. If said work is not done within ten days .aite.r the serving or posting of said notice. as aforesaid,. 1t shall be the duty of the Street Superinten~ent. £ortlrn·1~h to p1·oceed to do the same an_d to P?t smd property m the condition required by tb1s Ordinance. 'l'h~ Street Superintendent shall keep a record of such. uotlce, and the time of servin"' and shall also keep n separate record of the work done i~~ front of said building. lot or grounds and the cost of same.

Sec. 5. As soon as the said work i.<i completed ~1e Street Superintendent shall render a statement showm~ the eost thereof, and dclh-er the same to the .\.ssessor or said Citv. who shall note the amount thereof on the A,:;­s~ent Roll a"'ainst the property c11a1·ged, and there­after said amo~t shall be a lien against said property, and it shall be ihe cluty of the Coll~etor to collect the same at the same time that tbe Oity truces are col­lected. Pl'ovidiug, however, that i£ t.he owner or _occu­pant o£ such building, lot or grounds refn~es, fa1ls oi.· nealects to pay the same on or beforP. the thud Moucl.ay of 'December of each rear, it shall be the dutr of the cm-

200 Ordinances of 'l'he City of .lfo1~terey

Attorney up~n ~oti~cation thereof and a r equcRt from tJ1e :\Iayor of said City, to cause to be instituted on be­half of said City, an action in assurnpsit in the Police Court. of s!iid Oit~· to1· the reco-very uf the a.mount due the City for work performed for tl1e owner or occu­pant of said building, lot or grounds and when said ac­tion is reduced to a judgment to cau~t~ to be filed in the Rer.order's office i:o the County of ::.\fonte1·ey, an ab­stract of such judgment.

Sec. 6. Any person willfully failing to comply with or en£01·c:e the requ.i rement:s of Sectioru. 1. 2, or 3 of lhic; Ordinance. or allowing any building. lot or ground owned or ocenpie<l by him to he iu a l--Ondifion contrary to the pro~ions of this Ordiuimce. shall he deemed guilty of a nnsdelJ1eanor. and upon contictiou thereof <ibal1 be punish.ell by a fine not to exceed three hundr~d dollars, or by imprisonment in the county .jail of the County of Monterey for not more than niuetv davs or bv hoth such fine a11d iinprisomncut. The ,indgment imposing a fine ma.•,.- provide for its collection by imprisomncmt in the County Jail at the rato, for the time, a.rH1 iu the marmer req\1in~cl by law.

Sec. 7. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in con­flict \\·ith this Ordinance are hereby repealed.

Sec. 8. This Otdinance shall tak~ effect and he in force thirty days from and after its final passage and approval.

Passed and approved April 9, 1912. In effect: }fay 9, 1912.

Onli11an.ces of Tht> City of Monterey 201



ORDINANCE NO. 4 (Old. Series).

A.n Ordinance A.1tt7101'iziny and Empo1rering tlic Jlon­terey E;;tensio11 Raili'oad Company to Construrt and Maintain a. Steam Raifroad T1·ack With ~vccessary B1·idgt:.-;. 'l'restl€'S. Culmwts and Crossings Ot•er. A.lo-n_g a11d Fpon Certain Hfreets, Co1wts and Alleys in the Giiy of Monterey. a.nd Over, Along and Upon Certai11 Lands aua Tide Waters Thereof.

Passed 1st of F<·brnary. A. D. 1888.

ORDINANCE NO. 5 (Old Series).

.ln Ordinance .1uthorizi11g and E-mpvweri1ig tlu Mon­terey E;;tension Railroad Co-mpany, to Construct, Maintain and 0pe1'<1'fe a Steam Railroad Track, With X ecessary Bridges, Trestlf's, Ciduerfs anrl C1·ossi11gs. Over, ..:!long f'J>on aml A.cmss Certai11 Streets. Cowds, :,Jl/eys and Parks in the City of .i.ltonfCl'ey 1nid Over, .1lo11q, Upon and .4.cross Ge·rtain T,ands a1id T1:de lVate»s There.of.

Passed 6th cla:-.- of March, 1888.


An Ordinance 6ra.nting to The Natio1wl Oil and Trans­portat,ion Ccnnpany, a Co1·porat10n. t11e lliyht of Way, Penn1·ssio11 and Privikge to Lay, Construct, llfaintai-n, Operate, Inspect, Repair, Renew and Re~ nwve P1"pe Lines f 01· the Transporta,tion of Oil, Pe­trole-mn a.nd Kindred Substances, ..:llso Water Pipe L~ne hi Gonnect·ion Thereu:ith, and. to ErPCt. Mai11-tain and Operate Telegraph or Tefrplione Lines,

202 Ortf..inances 9f T'/l.e Oity of Monterey

Biit O·idy in C01niection W£th and a.~ a Part of Said Oil .Hl/i)"l·n ess, Th1·0-ugli, Undc1· o-r A.long Oe!'tai.n Rrrutcs and H1:gh-11;ays i·1~ the City of 1'1Io-nttwey, Oou11ty of M o-nterey, State of Oal·if orni.a.

Adopt<>,l 15th day of ){arch, 1904.


An. Orcli·na1we G1·antinq to lViUiani l'.fa.tson, Huccessors tma As.i;-(qns, the Prancldse for tlie Pe·riod of }'•iftv Yeai·s, Froni and AftM· the Gt·a.nting Thereof, to Lay,. Construct, Op.era.le anrl ilfrri.ntai11, Pipe Lines for the Transporta.tion of Oil an<}, Petrofomn. Under, Along and Aci·oss Certain Streets, Liveniws, Roads a1iid Riglw:ays ·in the City of Mo·;dei·ey, Mo'!ltere.y Co·u·n.ty, State of Galifoi·nia. a.n<l to Ered, Mainta.in 1m1l OpP.rale l'elegmph and l'dephouc L·i1us in Co·n­nc<:tion Therewith.

Pa::;i;ed th~ :>th d~1y or .Jul5·, l!J04.


Ordinanc·e a~·anling to William Jlatson, llis Successors and Assig11s a Lease of a Potiion of the Wafot P'ront, Located A.bout 300 Feet Scmtluwfy From the Bottfh, erly Line of Spe-na Street in tht? City of JlOllfercy, State of California, for a Pet'iod of Fi/ ty { 50) Y ea1·s F1·01n m1<l .tifter t71e 11th day of Octobe1·, A. D. 1904, Togctlir"r With the Right, Privilege and Fran­chise to El'ect and Jfointa.in a Wharf Upon Sa.id J,cosed Pi·operty a.nd to CoUect Dockage a.nd Wharf­age foi· the Use of Said Wharf and A·iithoriziug aiul Directing the P1·e.sident of the Board of Trustees for a.nd on Behalf of Said 0-ity of Monterey and Under Its Corporate Namie and Seal to Execitte a LeaM to Said William Jlf atson, His ffaccessor.~ and As­signs of Said Portion of Said Wat er Front.

Passed the 6th day of April, 1909.

Onii11a11ces of The Oity of 3:fo·nterP.!J 20~


i>l Ordimince of the City of Mo11terey Granting to Jfo11-­tcrey a11.d Pacific. Grot·c Railu;ay O<nnpa_ny, .a Oor­poratioii. a Fran{;hise to Oo11str11ct1 Maintain m~ Opercrte an Electric. Railroad in and Up~t Oert~i1~ Sfreets. Higlw:ays, Lattes a11d .:lveJ111es, rn the 01ty of Monterey.

The Council of The City of Monterey do ordain as follows:

Section I. That a franchise be and it is bereby g1·anted to M:oniere...- and Pacific Grove Railway Com­pany, a corporation, hel'einafter desjgnated as "Gran­tee." for itself. and with the express consent of the OitY .fol· its successors and ass\gns, to construct, main­tlli~ and operate over, along and upon tl~e publlc streets. highways, avenues and lanes of The City of. Monterey herema:fter described a. single or douhle track street railroad as hereinafte~ particuhu·ly d<>Signated by means of the ove.rhead electric trolley system or by such other means as may be sanctioned l>y law, o•er, upon and alom? the route described as follows, to wit:

(a-) A single track beginning at the poinL whe1·e Sa­linas Countr Road crosses the linP. marking the ex­treme easterh· boundur~ of the C'ity of )[onte~ey; th~ce westwv alonrr Salinas County Road to the mte1-sectiou of Salinas ~unty R.-Oad and what is commonly known as Countv Road ( "·hlch latter County Road extends along the.extreme eastern boundary of tbe City of Mon­tere...- from Salinas Count-v Road to Del )[onte a.venue) : theiice northerly along said Cowity Road to the inter­section of Seventh street: thence westerly along Sev­enth street to Ocean avenue; thence northerly along Ocean avenue to Del Monte avenue; thence northwest­eriy along Del l\[onte avenue to PetTY. street; thence northwesterly along Perry street to Figueroa. sb·eet; thence southerlv along Figueroa street to Webster street, thence westerl~ along Webstel' street to Culifornia ~treet; thence northwesterly along Cnilloruia street to Alva:rado skeet i thence no1-therly along .8.1 val' ado street to Decatur street: thence northwesterly along Decatur street to Pacific stniet; thence northc>rly along Pacific street to Lighthouse avenue;

01dinances of The City of Monterey

(h) -~ si11gle or double traek from the last mCD­i..ioned poin~ northerly along Lighthonse avenue to the bonudai·y lrne between the Citv of :.\Iontercv and the City of P acific Grove: - ·

( c ) A sin~le track commencing at the intersect ion of the cent e l' lines of Figueroa and P et rv streets· then ce along Perr~· st.root norlh wester ly to W ~hingtur; street; thence southerly along Washington street t o ..l<'ranklin st~·eet: then<:e north\Ycsterly along Franklin street to High street; tlwnce northerly a.long Jligh street to the ~~ull<.l~r.v of the United States Rese!·vation known as Ihe .MoJiterey Presidio; Provi<lf~d, hO\\:ever, that ~ver, upon and along an:'\· of

t~<~ ~trHets. hcr~~malJovH dmugnated which may be now sixty feet JD width from property line to property li:oe, and over, upon and along any of tl1e streets hercinalJoYe d~sig;nated '~hich ma.y be hereafter widened so that the ,~· idtb of ~ar<l street from propert,\' line to property ~me thereof slia.11 be not less t.haJ1 sixty .feet, the grantee, its successors and assigns. nrny install with the con­sent of the?. Council or other !!'overni1w bodv of the City, (Jll au,\· such i;treet or portion the1~of, o~· on an\> s\1 ch s~rect or porliou · thereof thus widened. a dot1bie ~rack fo~ the pmpose herein ;;et forth. at an,\: time dur­wg t11e life ?f th!s h:anehisc_: together with the riglit to construct. an~I mamtam all mres, pole.8, applianc~, prop­er const111ct10ns and attacl1ments as mav be n er.essa..i·y fot tl1e pnrposc of operating said street rail road and all necessa.t:\· and convenient sidetra<;ks, switehes. turn­outs. cur"l'es and connections with street intersections as ma~· be appro-red by the Co\rncil of The Gitv of }fon­tei·e~·. provided, however. that all raihrny t r ack;, s"·itches, t11ruo11ts, cnrves and connections n·hich have he.en laid 00\\·11. and_ now_ beiug laid down, and now bein g opcr­a.tecl b~· !\a1d ra1lwa.~ company upon ~.ny of said strP.cts, shall be taken. co11s1derec1 and aecep1ed as havinC" been laid down uwler and by virtue of the rights ··herein gr~ted, ~.11d as haviug· been so la"id down and conf\trur.t­c<l lU str ict complilrnee with the provisjons of this ordi­nan<:e and the lawR of the state of Califomia; provided further. howev~r, that the Council <~r other _governing b?~~· of The City o~ :\Ionterey mlly by ordinance pro·­lub1~ the use of motwe power by said grantee, its suc­e<~ssors and assigns, other than the overhea.d elc<;tl'ic trol­ley system.

Ordi11anr.es of The City of Jll ontcre!J

It is further clearly umlerstood and agreecl that the said grantee accepts such franchise wi Lh the full under­stan<linu that the fT nited States of .\roerica may claim that th';.t portion ot Lighthouse Avenue nnd Pacific • treet upon which the )lilitary Resenation of the Pre­sidio of )lonierey fronts is under th<' jurisdiction of the said L::nited S'tates of .J..mericu as a g1wernment road and that. the said !?l'antee accepts this franchise with the understanding that the Cit~· of ~Ionterey grants only such interest in said portion of said sb·eets as the said City of ){onterey may ha"\'e.

li is further understood and atzreecl that the grante\":. its suece!>.\ior;:; ~uul assigns an• hereb;\· !_•ranted the rigbt) privilPge and fntuchise to carry. convey and transport mail matter. expr~ss mat.tt>r ut· J'rpigbt m· other p1·op­ertv of whats\>eVE."r kind O\'er ancl b~' means of said st1.'eet ~·aikoatl. pI'o\•ide<l bowe,er, tJ1at thl' Council of tht~ City of Monterey ruay by onlinance presc1·ibe and 1·1~gulate the holll'S (lt the day unring which freight C'ars may be operated ovel' -~e route here~u gr~nted. . .

The terms n.ud c011d1ttous 11pon wllwh sHld tranebise 1s g1·anteJ a.re as follow~, to wit:

L The time for which the afore~aid fram:hise is granted

shall be fifty t50) years from lb«' <late ol tht> final passage and appro\'al of this or linnnce. provided t~at at the expiration of the period for which this franchise is grilllted or at any time after thit·ty (:30) years from the date of the final passage uud approval of th.is Or­<lina:nce. Ute City of Monterey ot its l'leetion may pur­ehase and take oYer to it8elf the p1·opcrty and plant of the grantee in its t>ntirety: pron<led. however. that said City sh.all pay to said grantC'e us hereinafter provided, tht> fair value of its property <tlld plan(. said valuation to be arri,•ed at by agreement between the said City and the grantee herein, its sncces.~ors and assigns, if. possible. and. if suc1l agreement is not possible. said valuation slrnll be fued by a Board of .AI·bitrato1·s. three irJ number. one to 1.>P appointed by foe City. one by tb.e g1·autee. ifs snecessors or assigns, anu one 10 be selected by the two appointed as herein­ab<Yw set forth. Fortbwitb. after agl'eement on the said Taluatio.n as afcu·esaid. 01· fixation thel'eof by ai·bi.­tration a.s a.fo1·esaid, the Cit.• must pay the grantee, its

Ordina;ices of The City of Mo t n ere11

>;UCCtlSSOl'S or assigns in "'Old coin f th u . of. t11c p1·esent standard"' of we. ~t e ~ted States sa1~ value so agreed upon or fur.elf as ~~inab:ess. the ~t 1~ f urtber provided that in . e st.at ed. ltxmg- stud ,·alue the value of ~o /rgreerf;lg npou or be considered it ;., furth ~ anchise shall not 111~n1 b:v lbe .Citr- ~£ said efr _proalvided_ tbat. upon pav-

d 1• . · all' r ua.tion the pro e tv

:m P aut of the !!l'antee shall th P r ~ property of the Cit; b virtu f erelTT)on becom_e the execution of anv inStrt~ent e

0 the grant and without · or conveyance.

IT. W oi·k nuder this franchise not alread .

a~d <>xcepting double tract· .installat' ) b co1!1pleted, nutted. :shall be commenced" in • ' io~ ei:e11;1 per­moi·e t hau foui· ( 4) months ft good faith ,~,thin not pilSSi1"'1· of this 0 tl" a er the date of the flnal leR::s than three. ('3)r llla~cef and c~mpleted \\ithin uot shall not hp l'IO <:~rnir:~rs ro~ said date, ~nd ii work ~hall be forfeited. pr~c~ ~ c~mpleted th1i;; frt1ncM:">t> cansE> lie sh()~ tl1~ Clon:ci~ ~as owever. llia.t if good the 1 itni.: for c·omplf>tion th .. ·f by Resolutit~n P'l\'"°tend (3) months. e1eo . not exeord111g thr1'e

III. Tht! tra.ck:. of :-;ai<l railroad on th . .

c;tr1~fs 11ho\·(• desi!!'IHlte 1 .,, t i:e po1·uons .of tbe J'<•Hdy instaUed srutll b .t: exce_p w ere othennse aJ-hle in the middle ther:Otn~cted as nearl~· as pO$Si­

fiw ( 5) feet wide betw~na.n th:1~~ not be mo1·e than a space between them sufficient .;,~ ®ll thmust have pat-." ('Hell other freel> . ow e eai'S to ..

IV. 'l'l1e i,?rantcc of said franchis .

11.c.:.o;i"'us :-.hall at ·1i- _.. e, or its succt?ssor:s or - · · · ~ own CO:sL and es. ·

cienn. k~ep in repafr and . pense sprmkle, sairl sh·cet. hiabw1.w ·or

0Ja"e :i repi!,ve so much of

occupiec.1_ by s:id ,:ailway a8.! li~ b:n:~:e t;s ~ hf each railway track and between the line e rf d o b.le ti·ack and for a space of tw ( ) s o ou­stdc. of said tracks, and kee the o 2 feet 0'1;t-1·epa1r np to the official !?1'8.d P :fl sai;ue constantly 1ll \'·ith good crossings. In\'!! th

0• :ush .L~~th the street and

th is fr l h · . · e event Uillt the gra11tt•e o.f . at c isc, or its suecessors or assi"'ns slwD f ·1 nP!!lect to keep :ib; roadbe" t.ra-'·- ..,,. 5' "1 . a1 or u. · ~ <UL'' 1·a 1 s m reason-

Ordi1iances of 'J'he Oi.t.11 of Monterey 207

able .repair, then and in that event, u.fter thirty days' written notice the City may provide for the doing of said work at the expense of the gr<Ultee. or its succes­sors or assigns, either by thll doing of said work b) the Citr and the recoverT of tlw c~1 tliere-0f or U\' the letrin~ · of a contract therefor and the issua.u~e of a warrant which shall i·eprcsent the sai<l cost and which shall be a lien upon the tra<·ks, roadbed. rails, poles and wires of said grantee, or its succ.essors or assigns.

V. The rights and privileges btlreiu granteu are granted

by the City of ~fontercy and are accepted by the grantt>e npon lhe conc1ition ti1at the City of l\font.f>rey may at any and all times make use npon a proper division of the expense incident to such joint use of any and all poles which the grantee, its successors or assigns, m~y erect lly virtue of 1he rights and priv­ileges hel'ein gl'antea, for 1.he s11pport of a.ny fire alarru or police alarm wires owned by the i:;aid City oi Mon­terey. but the use of lhe sanw by the City shaU be such. however. as uot to intedere with tbe use of said poles by the saicl grantee. its successors or assigns, and provided further that saicl grantee. its successors or assigns. shall be held harmless for any damage to .Pel.'SOD or property caused directly or indirectly by the presence upon such poles of any snr.h wires owned by the said City of )Ionterey.

VI. All United States mail earriers and all o.f:ficia.l

policemen and :firemcu of the City shall at a11 times, while in the actnal dischru:ge of their duties. be allowed to ride on the cars of the grantee within the boundaries of the City of :.i.\lonterey without paying therefor and with all rights of other passengers.

VII. The City expressly reserves tbe right to prescribe

and regulate the rates, fa.res, and rentals or charges made for sei•vice t·endercd uudcr this franchise and until the Council of said City shall change the same, the- rate and :fare .for tuJY passenge1·1 for any distanee over said road or its branches, within said City. one way, shall not exceed five (5) cents for one passel)ger.

O·Nl·inalices ot nie City of M onte·re11

VIII. . The gnrntec of said franchis:! shall and \Yill Ht a ll

t1~11~·s tLJ;>Oll and . aft~r the completion of said road. ~luring- t n.e opc.rnt1on of :sa-?1~ an~ without extra cbal'gC '.lt. the place '\~ here any of its hues mte-rse<!t. t r ansfer 1ts passengers from o::~ to the oth"r of t' 1. . · t . . l' " n C l U e1-s1;cttll~ m es f~>r a continuous passage in one genei·aJ d1rect\OU, pr?v1ded, however, that said gr antee shall ~i~t ~>c r P.q111red t.o tran~fel' passengers from mw of 1~ liu c_~ _to another wh1ch reacheg <l sectiori of the• ~-it~' with.10 on~ bloek of that. reaehe1l b~· tl1e first Jiirn. cllH~ IJ l'OYldC1l further th11t ;;aid grantee rnav lll<l ke au cl C.nfoi:e~:. proper and \'ea.souable i-nles. rcgrilatiow; and ~.tmd1~.J~JUS Jor . the trausfer of passeng-ers to and from :t . ., d1ffore11t lnJeR.

. '!'he iH'o,·is ions o f this scdion i;ha ll apph· cqnallv to the 8llC(IC8S(1rs (•!' MSW'BS of said !!To-.+,,,. ''ln(l t)., . t · t ·r , · .·· "" (l.J.U,'" • 1 ,in,

~ .1 ec, ra1 1·oi1C1 .m wl11eh said ~1·a.ute~ h.is a en1ttl'Olliu: .. mter<>i·;t, open1twg \dthin the City Qf }fonterc~y. ,...

IX:. Th c· . . e . 1 t~v :xpressly rescnes the 1·igh t to 111ake a ll,

' eg ul .:t t1on~ \~hwh shall be necc:-1sarr to scciu·e iu thl' 11.10.st au~pl e mau11er the safety, welfare and accnmmodii­t.~;,.ns nJ. the rn1hlil'. inc·luding among oth<!r th ing.5 the i 1.=- h~ t '.i puss aml 1•~orce ord ina11ces to protect th\· pn l>lic· fro111 <laug~r 01· 1ucvnvenience in Uie opt·r11 t ion of any w~1rk or bnsmc::-" author ized hy the gnmt of th i~ frru 1C'J11~e au<l the t11~ht to make and enforcp all snch rc~11 l a.t 11'.n<: ~~ .. ,;~all he l'Pasonahly n ecessary to seciir c adcqu~tl . s~1ff ic1ent an d proper sen~cc a11u accom-1nodat1011s .for t he people an:.I a.<>-;;ure their c~omfort au<l cou~· en1t>o l'le.

X. Tlw sa.id g-ra.ntee bt~r<'ill. its s1wces:sol's ot· as;;i;zns,

;,hall d?1·ing ~he first five ( 5) ~·ens s1H~c'.eedio!! the d~.tc of ttw fiual pa~.sage and appro\·ltl of thi~ Or­d1ua11<:(~ pa)~ t? t11e City of .:.\Ionterer. one per ct·nt of the gross l'!:c!eiptl' of said company arisina out 0£ the use .. ope1·at10Q OJ' posse.ssion of the sai~l franchise; 1.11~vtdcd llia1. aftel' exp1rat.ion of saic1 fi.ve { 5) yenri:; sa.1d gran1.ce, i ts sncce~Ol'S or assi"ns. shall pllv to said City. lwo pet• c~t. of the gross rce~ipts of said 'comp.au~· reee1ved or ar1srng out of tbe use, operatiou or posse;~-

Or<l.i-nances of The City of Monterey '.!09

siu11 of said frane:.hlse .• \.t the e:xpirtrrion of Olll' i 1) yea.r from the date of granting this franchise and at the expiration of each aud c\·ery year thi>r~atter durin~ the te1-m of th.is frao<:his1:. it ~all be tbl' clnty of tlw <>'ran.tee of said franchi sP and it" succesc;;or s or a;;.signs. ~r person.." or corporations oper at iug an~· h11si1wss under this -frn.nchise. to file with the Cily .\n<lilol' ii report in wr it ing, v et·ified b:· the Hffi<ladt of tlw g r·anfre, or its ;mceessors or as.,.iim s or hv t he oath of the mairnge1· or prtIBidin('f officer (>f :;aid i?runtce. or it .. succes-.ors ·or assigns. or l>y the oath nf the person 11r of tht• mauag­ing or presidi~ nffict·1· of any corporation. operating anv business uode>..r this franchise. iu such form and detail as shall from tiJ11e to time he p1•t•acrihe1l by tht­C'onncil. of aJl !?TO~ receipts Aris\11g fr\lill all the busi­llt'SS <lone by ·aid grantee. it:; sueces:sors or assi¥ns. 11 t• such. per!'!Oll or corpor11tion operat iug nnCle1· this frauch;se, witlrin the C'i ty of Montc1·ey. dnring the precedi~ 1-welve ( 12) monthR f1·om 1lll tt·affic, over any par t of the u11e fol' thi? constr11cuon and opera­tio~ and .maintainin!? of whiclt said franchise is granted or use<l : s~ch report shall contain sueh .further statements as may be required by the Council concerning the character antl amonnt oi busi­ness llone and tlw amomtt of rttccipt~ and t•.xpenses connected there"-itlL nnd at the reque<;t of thf' Couucil. also the amount expenclc<l for new coru;trnction. -re­pairs_ and betterment dnrin!! said year. anu at the riule for filin?; the aforesaid statement, it shall be the dut.'~ of said !rrantee. il'> <;ucce>~..;01-s or a. ~igos, or such per­son or corporation operatiu!? cars O\"Cl' <;aid road br >irtne of. this franchise to pu~- to the C'ity Treasm·.'· of the City of ~fontere~. the aggregate sum of said per­centage upon the amouut o.f the gross annual receipts arismg from the \Uil'. 01n~ration or po<;<;t•s...;i.nn of sai.d franchise.

XI. Tbe 0itY of :\lonterey b~· iti; .\.uditnr. Deputy ~ndit­

or.. or accountants authorized by the Auditor, or by the Council, s.hail have th e r ight at all reasonable times to e..~a.nllne all the hooks. vouchers and records of the gran­tee. its successors or assigns or of any person, firm or corporation exerciSillf!; Lll' enjoying &11)' Of the privi­leges granted by this francllise. for th1> purpose of wri-

21(\ Ordinances of The City of Monterey

fying any oi the statements of gross receipts, provided for. and for any other -pn:rpose whatsoever connected with the duty or privilege of the City or of the grantee, its <;uccessors or assigns, arising from the ordinance granting this franchise, and IllX)" audit the same at the end of each. year.

XII. The said grantee, its successor.;; or assigns, shall not

lease, assign, sell or otherwise alienate any o{ thR rights or privileges granted by this franchise without the· ex­presse<1 cm1scnt of the City, and no dealings with the lessee or assigu ee on the part of the City to require the perforniancP. of any a<:t or payment of any com­pensati.ou b~ the lessee or assignee shall he deemed to operate a~ such consent. pl'ovided that nothing herein shalJ be <~011str11eu to p1·e,'en1 the gl'an.tee of sud1 frau­cltise, from including it in a mortgage or trust <1N1d c:...rncute<l for obtaining moneY" for corpornte objects.

XIII. 111 grantiug thi-; fl'auchise the City (without ad­

mitting or reco!?'ni.ziug in any wa.\· that it is not already vested with the poweri; hereinafter rese1Ted), hc.rt>hy expressly resen<'s the right to grade, se-wer, pave, mac­adamize, alter, re_pair or otherwise make or provide for the making of local improvements in the streets along w!lle:h saiu .franchist- is granted: also to enact and en­!orl'e all 1''-'llsonable ordinances in the exercise of its policP power. regulating the rails. trac1.-s. l'Oadbeds, poles anc1 wir(•<; of the grantee or its successori; or as­signs and also to enact and enforce all reasonable ori.linancec:; or resolutions relating tD its power to make and pro"\"'ide for tbl' making of local improvements by special assessment, and nothing herein or in such fran­chise contained shall ever be construed or taken to exempt, or ns a contract right exempting the grantee, or its snccesS01'$ or asi;igns. from complying with any such orcUnanccs or resoh1tions now in force or which ma\ hereinafter be arlopted. The enumeration herein ~£ specific rights l'eserved shall not l1e faken as exch1sive or as limitinf? the ~eneral reservations here made.

Orainances of 'l'lie City of Monterey :211


~u• breach or failure to comply. with _any of tbe term~ limitations or contlitions of th1s Or~rnnnce_ shall work a termination and forfeiture tbcl'eof and in all such eases the Council shall have po,~·er to. ~ieelare t_he termination and :forfeiture of su~ francllli>e or pnv~ ilege the same as though in each rnstirnee such power was expressly reserYed. , .

See. 2. This Ordirumce shu.ll take eff~ct and be ID

force thirty (30) days from and after its final pa.ss-a<:re and appro\al. . . a 1. -11

<=>S,,,.. ·3 C!aiJ m:-unlee iu thls Ordinance name . s.wu · "'"· · ..., "' h·~ · lt · rilege upon. its acceptance of the fra?c l:s~. rig 1 •.,.P11 (']erk

a·na -permisi:;iou berein gi·~uu.etl, fil_e with the l_1ty :"' of the City of Monterey, a wa~ver of all .1ts r1~hts obtainetl under anv othc·1· fraocb1se bereto£01e _granted to it or its predecessors in int-0rest by an~ pn~r ~or el'lling Board of the City of :Monterey_; stml . wtuver b 0

state that it is to take effect when. this Ordinance e­comes a valid Ordinance of the City of Monterey·

Introduced this 2Gth day of November, 1!112. Passed and approved D ecembfir 10, 1912.

212 Ordinances of The City of Monterey




_fo ~:.·d0i11ak11ce. t~ Condit1:01.1~lly Accept Ocean Avenue a f!' ove Sub-Divis-ion as an I mproved Stt-eet

of the City of i.11 onterey. Passed the ith day of February, 1893.


A11 Or<lii1t111cc. ,Calli11!' a, Special ElecNm1, Submitting lo f~1'. Qu~il_Lficd Ehctors ~f the Oity of Jl outerey. flu• ~ 1 opoii1t11111 of Incim·rng JI unicipa/ l cl bt l . jor tltc l' f Jl C 11 e e< .11rss f" . llr}ll)~,. o ' le ow;fr1wifon a11d Comple-~011. o~ .U11111c1P_al 1mpro1·eme11ts, c1msisting of

·':ifoi :"~l~fc~· Drmm;_ and Co11duits, Briclgcs and <}ult~~ ts, -~cu·~r-drains ana Conduit Outlets, Build­m[I :sites 111 -' eu· Jlon-fet·ey and in Oak Grove for Fire Hou~cs. the Installation of a Fire A lar S -tun 11111/ fhe .:1tquisitio11 of a p· 11

1111 ys . I d fl E . ire - arm ..i.ppa-' !1. "'\ '~;1 ic' reciio11 of Proper Houses for f/t(;

!' iotr:dunt of ,'\uch .Lpparafus an<l f71r J!a d . wy 111 / B'f · · · • ca am12-

.' r ' 111111111z111g of C'crt<rit1 Streets . I f . .C..uw .1fu111cipulily. · rn °11

' 01

Pas=-ecl the 11th day of }fay, 1909_


A ·1~ Onli11a111:c P1·~·vidit1{J /'or !lie I ssuance Sale a1 . R cdc1wptw11 n( Bon<].<; fo1· tlie City of ;lfont<we·1 . ~~ 1111 . 1111,01111!. of $150 000 00 fo·r t /1e Co1"·t t· y l C l

· ! . · .. ; d'U.C .wn an< omp cfinn of Jlun1t1pal Impro·uements.

Adopted the 8th day of ;rune, 1909.

01·dina.nce.~ of The Oity of Monterey :?.13


.111 Ordinance Prescnoi11g th .llttlcotl a11d Co11<1itin11s by Wltich Burial Lois .llay Be Sold in Ccmctcrio EL Encinal. 111 illl City of .lfontr:rf;y and .:.111//wr­izing the City Cl1 rk of 'aicl Jl1111icipality to E.ctcufe Co1wf'yam·cs i11 Behalf Thereof.

The Board of TrusteP~'\ of the City of :.\lonterey do ordain as follows :

Section 1. That the form uf clt>ed hereinafter men­tioned, be, and the same is hereby declared to lu~ the official form of deed for al I persons desiring lots or plots in the Cemcterio El Eocinal, in the City of .Jfon· terey.

See. 2. 'l'hat the City Clerk of the City of Mon­te.rev be. <llH.l he ib herchY anthorized tu execute a cleed • Ol' <leeds iu l'iwor of uny party or P•tt:ties desiring a lot or lots in the said ct>metery . upon their pa~-ing to the City Cl~rk of the City o! Monterey. the purcbaRt' price for :;aill lot or lots. wbich has hereto­.fore or which may hereafter be adopted as the pm'­chase price for saicl lot or lots. upon their r·omp1yinl.? with all mles. regulations and conditions and by-laws which may be her1~after acloptE>d in regard to the ptlr­ehase of lots h 1 said ccmeteF .

Sec. 3. Tl1e following is the fo rm of deed adopted a8 thP. offo~jal form for lots in said cemetery. to wi t:

'"l'HTS 1NDE!\'f1:R£ m.1de th is ....... ··-·-···------···--clay oL ...................... in tbe year of our L or d. one thou-sand nine hundred an tl............. h(~tween the Citr of ).lontere~· , a. nnmicipal ~orporation of the State of California, t.he party of the first pnrt, and.... .. ..... --···-- ---·· ·-·-··-·----·--···· ......... . ....... ····-·--····---····-·- the part.... of the second part.

\.VI'r:'\ESSETH: That tbe said party of the first part for and in con·

sideration of I.he sum of......... ......... ···-·······-·········-·······-· Dollars, lawful money o:t: the Cnitcid States o{ .'.lnerica. to the saiu municipal curporation in hand paid by the said parL. of the second part, th•~ receipt wuereof is hereby acknowJc>dge<l. tloe<; by these present~ grant and convey unto the snid part.... of the second part.

214 Ordinances of The City of Monterey

all that certain lot of land in the Cemeterio El Encinal, si1 uate in the City of ~fonterey, County of }fonterey, State of < 'aJiforniu. nud '1e$cribed as follows :

Lot .......... - .... _in llloek .. _______ ,_,,..... as per map oi the said cemekry adopted therefor by the Board of Trustees of the City of ::\Iont~rey. on the 15th day of )\ovember .. .A. D. 1910 .. and now on file in the office of the City Clerk of 1be Cit;v of lronterey. ancl of n·cord 111 the Recorder's OH:ice of the Couuty of }fon-tel'ey. State of California. .

TO ILl. VE _\~D TO II OLD, all and singular. the said premises for bnrial purpose:; ouly, unto the said part....... o.f the ·ceon<l pact; fore1er. subject to the rules, regulations, conditions and by-laws of the said Oit,v of l\Ionte1'<'ly, <ldoph'd for said cemetery, and such as may her~after be adopted, and to the laws of the State of California.

IN WI'I'NES~ 'WIIEREOF. tbe said Cit~, of :\lc111-teroy, a muJ1ieipal corporatfon, h.as caused these presents to be signed for it hy its City Clerk ancl iti:; corporat.e sNtl hereunto 11ff.ix1·d in llle Cit:r- of }fontcre"I·. Countr of )fou terey. Stnte ot California, this__ .. __ .. _~·- ............. _:. day of ...... ~. - ................................. _ ............ ...... .-\. D. 191 ...... ...

CITY OF l\IONTEREY. By ........................ __ ............. _______ ~ ..... - ..... -._--·-· ... ' '

Sec. 4. 'l'he pui·chnse price of lots in saiu cemetery is her~b:v fixed as the amounts named for each J.'E'spee­tive lot. as set forth in the official lot book of srud cemetery. arlopterl b~- this Board on. the 15th day of i'\ovember. A.. D. 1910 .. "Which is herebY referred to. which said purcha e prices may be changed at any time by this Board of Trustees, or the other governing bod;\- of said City.

Sec. 5. Said form of deed may be changed at any time b~- an Ordinance of the Board of TrustPPs or other .!?OYerning body of the City of Monterey ..

Sec. 6. .All ordiminccs or parts of ordinances in conflict. herewith are hereby .repealed .

Sec. 7. Thii;; Ordimmce to take effect fr11m and affor its passaa-e, und is to be published in the "l\Iontete~­Dail.' Cypres1:. .. . H uaily newspaper printed, published and cfrculated m I.he s!lid City of ~fonte1·ey.

S('c. 8. 'J'bi'! Ordinance introduced and read :for lbe first ti.me this 6th day of December, A. D . 1910 ..

Passed the 3rd day 0£ Januru:-y, A. D. 1911.

Ordinances of The Ci ty of Monterey 215


An Ordinance Ordering the O<ni:stf"'U(;tit>'." of af 8;°1; Sewer in and Along Oet-tain Portwns o 'Y Street in. the 01.ty of M()'T/,terey.

Passed the 3rd day of October, 1911.


. ti Name of the .Aguajita A1i Ordinance Ohamgtnf! ie Road to Major Shermmn

Dairy Road, or Espinosa ' Lan~.

Passed the 2nd day of January, 1912.


An Ot·dinance Providing for the R~p~irtf0{i the Grove Sanitary Sewer and Sewe1 1! a .

Passed the 23rd day of April, 1912·


Oharter of T"fl,e City of M qn.terez1 217


Assembly Oonourrent Resolution No. 10, approving the charter of the City of :\Ionterey. State of Cali­fornia. '\'Oted for and ratified by the qualified Toters of said city at a spec:ial municipal election held therein for that purpose on the 12th day of Decernh~r. 1910.

(Adopte~ March 2, 1911.)

·wl!EREAS. The City of Monterey, a municipal cor­poration of the County of Monterey, State of Cali­fornia, now is and was at all times herein referred to, a cit~· containing n popufation of more than three thou­san<l fiw bundrc<l. but less than ten thousand inhabi­tants; and

WHERE.AS, At a special elN:tion dul:v held in said city on the 25th day of Jnl~-, 1910, under 1in<l in ac­cordance with law an<l the provisions of Sectiou S of Article XI of the. Constitution of the State of Cali­fornia, a board of fifteen fret"hoklcrs. duly quali:fiNl. was elected in and by said d~-. by the qnali:fied electors thereof to prepare and propose a charter for the ~ovem­ment of said city; and

WHERE.AS, Said board of freeholders did, within ninety days after said election, prepare and propose a charter for the government of said the City of Monterey; and

WHERE.AS. Said charter was oll the 13th dav of Oc­tober, 1910, signed in dupli(•ute h~· the member~ of l>nid board of freeholders and was thereupon duly rC"turued and filed, one copy with the presidllnt of the Bonrd of Tru.stoos of the City of :J[onterey. and the other copy

. with the County Recorder of the said County ()f :Jiou­terey and filed in the office of the said County Re­corder; and

WIIEREA8, Said proposed charter was thereafter published ia the ·'Monterey Daily Cypress," a daily newspaper oi general circulation in said the City of j\fon1.ere~·. for a period of twenty days and more, the first publication thereof. having been made w1thin twenty days after the completion of said proposed charter; and

WHERE.AS, Said propooed charter " "as within thirty days after the completion of said publication sub­mit~d by the Board of Trustees of the City of Mon-

218 1.Jl,arte; of The Oit11 of Monterey

tere): to t.he qualified electors of sa.id City at a special elecl1ou, previously duly called and therein beJJ on the 12th dar of December, 1910; and

i;n IBREAS .... \.t .;;aid Ja.;,t mentioned special election a majo\'iiy o.f said quali.6.Pd electors of said the Citv of i\foutere~, ,·oting 11t said special eleetion. rnted hi favor of the ratification and duly .ratified said charter as proposed as a who I e : and . WIIEREAS. S~id _Board 0£ 'T-rustees, after cam·ass­mg the retul'Ds of ~1tl last mentioned special election. duty_ found aud <le.c~ared that the .majority of said qualified electors YOtmg at slrid special election had voted for and ratified said charter as aho,·e specified: and

,i\~IIEREAS, The same is now submitted to the Iegis­latt;t~e o! the State of California for its apprcrn1l an<l ratification as a whole '!nth.out powei' of alteration or amendment in accordance with Section. 8 of Article XI of the Constitution 0£ the State of California. and

WHEREAS. Said chal'ter was ratified in the words and figures following, to wit:






Section 1. The mullicipal corporation now existing and known as The City of 1Ionterev shall remain and continue a body politic and corporat,e in name and in fact, by the name of The City of Monterey, and by such name sball have perpetual succession.


_Sec. 2. The City ·of :.\fonterey shall remain veste<l with and continue to have, hold and enjoy all property,

C'liarter of ·The CH1 tlf llont1we11 219

rights o.£ property and rig·h~s .0£ action _of evel:r .n.at:tre and description now per tannng to this murucrpality. and is her eby declared to bf~ tb.e S?-~~essor of the s~~­It shall be snbjcct t o all tbe ha bihties that now e."GSt against this municipality.


Sec. 3. The boundari~ of 'l'he City 0£ }.fonterey shall be as follows :

Beginning at a point uear Point .Aul ones ou t~1e. S. W. Shore line o.£ Monter ey Ba.y \rhr.rn ·the sa~e is. 111-

terseeted by the S. E. boundary line of the P9mt Pmo.s Rancho· thence following said S. E. llne of said Ran~ho S. 58 d~rees, '15 seco11cl.S· ·w. 5,280 feet; thence leal'lllg said rancllo line and runniu~~ S. 24 dt:!gree_s, 1~ seconds, E. 12,568 feet; thence .N. 73 de¥t'e'-:1 lt> mmutes E. 7.445 fret; thence K 11 degrl:es 2., u11nutes W. 2,~16.5 :feet to the S. W. corner of the Del Monte Hotel groun~; thence followino- the western bonnd;1ry line of sa1d grounds .N. 11 JcigTees 21 minnte:; \\. 2.363.5 feet to the northcrlY side 0£ ~he county road; thence along tlle north side 0£ saiLl road X 88 degrees 03 minutes \\. I 458,85 feet· thence N. 89 dc~;rees 15 minutes W. 1~094 £~et:· theoct: k 0 degree.~ -:1:5 minute:s E. 475 feet to ~ shore line of Monlen:y Ha~-: Uience nor th into s~1d :JfontereY BaY 1 mar.ine Jeagne : thence in a western dirootioi~ to the inte1"Kcct ioI'. of a line <h·awn north from the place of be.ginning l th~ s~itl l)oi1:t Anloncs); thence sonth. to f.aid place of b<:g1u111 n11.



Sec. -:I:. .A municipal election ~hall be held in the c1ty on the second l\Ionday in April, .A. D. 1911, and on the sec011d Jionday iu April in every second :re.ar there­after. arnl shall he known ns the genC'ial murumpal elec-tion.

All other municipal ekctious that may be held by authoritv 0£ this cha.rter or of geueral law shall be known as special municipal electiOJ'.!S.

:!20 Ch1J·rter of The City of Jionterey



• ee "· 'he nio<le of nomination. filld l · f de<:th·e office~ of th . e eetion o all . . · e c1rr to l>e voted for at a mu.n1c1pal cJection !>ball be as follows and not other _ny

• cc. 6. The narue of a candidat.e shall b _WISe. npon the hallot when a petition an:J . ~ pnn~ed have bei•n filed in his behalf in th .nomma on s all and under the ro11ditions hereinafte~ ~~h.a.nd form


Sec. 7. 1'he petition of nomination shaiI .. t uut less than twcntv-:five nor rnore tha r. h codns1s .of cliYicl I t 'fi · n one un red rn­. ua cer J c:ates, which shall read Sllb t . t' 11 .... follows: · s an ia :y <l~



St<.1te of Califotnia, County of l\fonterev Citv of :'·Io terey, ss. "' . ~· n-

1 th d . th ' e un Ct'S1~ed. do solemnly swear (or affirm) .at I am. a qualified elector oi Precinct No

o~ T~e 01ty ~£ ~Ionterey. and I hereby joh:;, in a ·p···e·t·l~ tion for nonunatiou of • whose residence is 11.t K··:····--·--·---·--················· terey. for the offi. f 0 --······-----· Street, )!on-

ce o ··--· . t b "?terl ~or at tbe municipal cl~~ti~-~--~lilci-·:· ;,h c City of :\Ionti-1·ey on thc...·---··-····-·da oL e m e an<.l I fm·ther decl ·tre that r :r ·······--····-----.. "' f • am nnt at this time a

fent>r c~ nny other petition for the a.bO'rn named f ice. or m case there are t"'l"eral laee~ b .

0 -

a_bove uanied office. that I hav~ not,, s~~e'd .6.lled m ~t: tions than there are places to be fill "'d . mbore peti­named offict.>. e m. t e aboYe

Sn bsc'.ri bec.l .. r.~~d · -~~'~;~~~-;c~-bef orf! · -~~-ilii··· -··· - ...... -· -· cl11.;"1- of ·- ............... _

8···-·-·-····--···· -- ·-··--····----..---·------

, , .· .--·-··· -··-·-;..Jot~~~-·~;-V~rui~~ti~~-D~p~t~:···· f Ihe pet1t1?n of n?r,i1i.r.tati.on of which. this certi:fi.eate t o:rm.<i a prn t :::hall il rot1.nd insufficient, be returned

0 •·····•···· •· ..... .... . at ~o Street. :\Touterey. o~iif~rnia- . ··-····-····--·--·············

Charter o; 'l'he C·ity of Jt!Io11terey 221


Sec. 9. It shall be the dub· of the Citv Clerk to £umish upon application ~ reasouablf~ unmber of forms of individual certificates of the aboYc char acter.


Sec. 10. Each certificate mnst be a separate paper . .All certificates n1nst be of a uniform size as determined b,- the City Clerk. Each certificate rum;t contain the i1ame of th~ signer thereto aud uo more. (En ch certifi­cate shall contain the name of one candidate aud no more.) Each signer m11st be a qualified electo1·. must not a~ the time of signing a cei·tificate ha.Ye bjs name signed to any other certificate for any other candidate for the same office. nor in case there are se,·eral places to be filled ill the sarue office signed to more certificates .for eanclida;tes for tlUlt office than tl1eFt' are places to be filled in such office. In case ai1 elector has signed two or mo1·e conllictin~ certificntes, all such cc1>ti£icates fillall be rejected. Encll signer must ~erify his c~rtificate a.ud ruake oath that the same is true before a notary public or a verification deputr, as provided for in this a1·ticle. Each certificate shall further conttiin the name and address of the person to whom the pPtition is to be returned in case said petition is found insnfficient.


Sec . .ll. \erification uepntie . under this article. must be q_1uu.ified electors of the city an<l shall be appointed by the City Clerk upon application in writing signed by not less than five qualified electors of the Cit~. The application ~l set fo1·th that the signel"S thereto de­sire to procure the ueeessary signa.nu-e!l of electors for the nomination of candidates .for municipal office at an election therein specified· a.nu that th~ applicants de­sire the person or persoru. who:se 11ames anc.1 a<lcl.resses are giyen appointed ns verification dcp11ties, who shall upon appointmen1 be aulhoriz<'d and empowered to tal-:e the oath of -verification of Ute signei'S o.f petitions of nomination. Such verification deputies need not use a seal, and sba.ll not have power to take oaths for an~ other purpose whatsoever, and theil: appointments shall continue only until all petitions of nomination. under this atticle, shall have heen filed by the City Clet'k.

222 ('har-tei· of The City of 1rionterey


Sec. l:l. ..:\. petition of nomination, consisting 0£ not l.::.ss than twenty-five nor more than one hundred indi­ndual certifi.ea~es for any one canilidate, may be pre­sented to the 01ty 9J.erk not earlier than forty-five days nor later than thirty days before fhe election. The Ole~~ shall endorse thereon the date npon which the petition was present-0d to hlm.


Sec. H. Wben a petition of nomination is presented for filing to the City Clerk, he shall forthwith examine tl_1e. sawe,_ an~ asce_rtam whether it conforms t-0 the pro­visions of this art.icle. 1£ formd not t-0 conform there­to, ?~shall then and the1:e in writing designate on said ~etition the def~ct or omission or reason why such peti­tion cannot be filed, and shall mturn the petition to the pe1'Son named as the person to whom the same may be returned in accordance with th.is article. The petition may then be a.mended and a.gain presented t-O the clerk as in. the first instance. The cle1·k shall forth"ith pro­c~ed to examine the petition as hereinbef01:e providecl. li necessary the CoIDlcil shall pro\ide extra help to w­ablc th~ cl.erk lo perfo~ satisfactorily and promptly the dutie.s rn1posed by this article.


Sec. H. _\ny c:;ig-ner to a petition of :nomination and certificate ma~ withdraw his name from the same b• fi:Iiog witJ1 the City CleJ·k a ,·erified reV'oeation of his signature befor.e the filing of the petition b~· the Clerk. and: 1;10l otherwise. He shall then be at liberty to sign a petition for another cauclidate for the :Same office.


Ree. J:l: An(· person whose name has been prt?!>ented under tl_us article us a ~andidate, ma~-, not later than twenty-1l\"e da:\'fS uefore the day of election, cause his name ,.to he wilhdrawn from nomination by filing with tbe Cit~· C~crk n request therefor in writing, and no nan1e so mth<lr.awn shall be printe<.1 upon the ballot. If ~ll?Ou 1-111ch w1lh<lrawal the number of candidates re­mamrn$(' d_ors _not exceed the number to be electeu, th.en othui· nounnat1ons may be made by filing petitions there­f?t' not Intel" than twenty-nTe days pl.'ior to such elec:­t1on.

c~w1·t t:r of 'l'll<J C·ity of Mor. terey '.?.23


See. 16. If either the original or amt:nded pe~tio~ of nomination be found sufficiently signed as herembefore pronded, the clerk shall file the same ~enty-nve ~ys before the date of election. men a petition of nomma­tion shall have been filed by the clerk. it shall not be mthdl'awn. nor added to. and no signature shall be re-voked thereafter.


Sec. 1'1. 'T'he City Clerk sb all preserve i1! hi~ office for a period of t\Yo years all petitions of nomm~twn ~nd all certificates bdong'ing· tlH~reto filed under tb1s artrnle.


See . .18. Im.mediately after such petition~ a.re ~led.. the Olerk sh.an enter the names of the candidates m a list. with the oilicP.s to be filled, and_ shall ~~t later than twenty-five clays befo~e the ele~t1on certify ~ch list as bein"' the list of candidates noxnmated as required by the Oha"rter oi The City of Monterey, and the Oo~­cil shall cause said certified list of names and the offices to be filled, designating whether for a full tern:i or un­expired term. to be puhli~ed in th~ proclamation call­ing the election at least su:. success1ve days before the election in not less than one daily newspaper of gener:U cireulation published in Th~ City of Monterey. SaJ.d proclamation shall conform m all respects f-? _the gen­eral St.ate law go,erning tbe conduct of mumeipal elec­tions now or hereafter in force. except as above re-quired.


Sec. 19. 'l'he City Clerk shall cause the ?allots. to he printed and bound and numbered as pro,:ided _for b_Y the State law. except as otherwise reqmred m this Cbarter. The ballot5 shall contain. the list of .names ~d the respective offices, as published i? t~ proclamation, and shall be in substantially the foilowmg form :

Sec. 20.-Genera.l (or Special) Municipal Election, 'fhe City of

Monterey. (Inserting date thereof.)

INSTRUC'rIONS TO VOTERS: To vote, stam_p or write- a cross (X) opposite the name of the c~nclidate for whom you desire to vote. All marks otherwise made

Cllarter of The City of Monterey

al'c forbid dell . A 11 distinguishing rnarlts arc forbidden und make the ballot void. If vou wronofr mark tear 01· deface this ballot return it to tho insp~tor oi. elec­t ion. aucl obta in another.


Sec. 21. _\.ll ballots printed shall be pl'ocisely on the sanie size, quality , t int of paper, kind of type, an d color of ink, so that ·without the number it would be im­possible to ctistinguisb one ballot :froru another, and the name of nil candidates printed upon the ballot shall be in type of the same size and style. A column may be pro,·i<h·<l on the right hand side for Charter amendments 0 1· or.her q uc~.;;tiuns to be vot€d upon at th•~ municipal qlecti()!1s. a~ provided fov under thi~ Charter. The names of t11e canilidates for each office shaU be arrano>ed in alpl11tbetical order. and nothing on the ballot shall"' be indieatlw of tbe somce of the eaudidacy or of the sup­port of any candidu.te.


Sec. 22. The name of 110 candidate who ha:> been duh­Glnd rcgnlar l ~· nominated, and 1rho has not "·ithdra1\·n hii; name ns hereiH pl'OYided, shall b1) omitte:l from the b11ll ot.


8t>c. :2~~- The offi('.es to be fi lled F;hall be arran!!etl in i.1>paratc <'1>lnmn.~. in the folJowin!! order: -

'"F'or :\fayor (if a1)y) vote for one: " l''ol' Coull<:ilman (if any) vote for (gi \·ing muu­


. Sec:. 2-1-. Half-;nch sqnar e shall be provided at th€' nght <•f th1> n11me of each candidate \\·herein to roat·k tht~ cross.


St>c. ~.:; . TT cl lf-iuc:h spaces shall bn left below the p1·int­f\d names of can<lidates for eacb office equal in nnm­her to the numbe1· to be voted for. \\·herein the voter n;a~- \\Tit~ thf\ name of any person <ir persons fo1· "·hom 11e may 11·i;;h to 1·1)te.


Sec. '.W. The <:le1·k shnll cause to be printed sample ballots identi(:;i l \\'ith the ballot to be~ 11secl at the elec-

Charter of 1'he City of Monterey 225

tiou and shall furnish copies of th(; sallle on applica­tion to registered voters at his office; at least five clays before the date fixed for such eJection and shall mail one such ballot to each voter cntitJed to \"Ote at such elec­tion, so that all of said sample ballot.<; shall have been mailed at le.ast three whole days before said election.


Sec. 27. The eandidat.es equal in number to the per. sons to be elected who shall receivP. t.he highest number of votes at such election shall be CT.eclared elected to tbe office for which the~7 are cllndiclate1:;.


Sec. 28. l£ a person elected fails to qualify, tlie of­fice shall be filled as if there \\'ere a vacancy in sneh of­ficr., as herein provided.


Sec. 29. N'o informalities in conducting municipal elections shall invalidate the same, if they hiwe been conducted fafrly and in substantial conformity to the re­quirements of this Charter.


Sec. 30. The provisions of the Sta t fl lll.w in force at t he time of holding anv cit v election relating to the qnali­fiea tions of electo;s, the m"auuer of voting, ·the <'lnties of election officers. the cany;issi11g of retnros and all other particulars iu respect to the nrncrngemrnt of elections so far as tbey ma.y be appliMble, sh all ~vei·n all mnuicipal elections, provided that the Council sha)l meet. a~ a c.an­va.~ing board and clnly cauYas.<; tlic ckeilon returns with­in fou1· Ja~';; after a mnnicipal eket icn.

ART!CL.r; IV'.




Sec. 31. (1) Any proposed ordinance may lle sub­mitted to the Council b~, a petition r;igoed by registered voters of the cily equal in. xn.unbel' to the percentages hereinafter required.

(2) The signatures to the p~~tifa1r1 n1~cd not all be

226 Charter uf Tile Oity of Jlontercy

appended to one papc1·, but each signer shall add to his signature his place of residenc~!, giving the stt·cet and number.

(::!) One of the signer.s of such paper shall make oath hcfote an officer competent to administer oaths. that the statements therein made are true, and that each sig-nature to the pap<ir a.ppended is the genuine sig­uature of the person whose name purports to be there­n11to subscribed.

( 4) Within ten <lays from the date of filing such petition the City Clerk ~hall examine and from the great regi.st•~r ascc~rt11.in whether or not said petition is signed by the requisite number of qnii,lified electors, ancl if necessary the Council. shall allow him extra help for that purpose, and he shall attach to said pditiou his eertificate showing· tlw result of said examination. If, by the Clerk's cc~rtificatc, the petition is shown to be in­sufficient. it mav be amended within ten davs from the date of ~aid certificate. The Clerk shall • within ten da.ys after such amendment make like examina­tion of the amended petition. and if his certificate shall show the same to be iusnfficisIJt, it shall be re­turued to thH person filing the same without preju<lie\c, ho\1·ei·er, to the filing of a new petition to the same ef­fect. Tf the petition shall be found to be sufficient, the Clerk .shall submit the same to the Council withont de­lay.

( 5) If the pr.ti ti on accompanying the proposed ordi­nance h,~ si~ned hy electors equal in nnmber to twenty per cent of the entire Yote cast for all candidates for Mayol' at the last preceding general election at which a mayor was elected, and contains a reqnest that s~lid ordinance he submitted forthwith to a vote of the peo­pfo at <t spP-cial elc~ction, then the council i::hall c:ther:

(a) Pas:> said ordinance without altP-ration within twenty day!:; aftel' the attachment of the Clerk's certifi­cate- of .sufficiency to the accompanying petition (sub­ject to a referendary vote undei· the provisions of Sec­tion :12 of this Charter), but if the ordinance shall fail of pas.sag-e by the council, then, within :five (fays aft<,r determination that said ordina.nce shall have so failed 0£ firm! adoption, the Council shall proceed to call a special t>lcd.ion at which said ordinance, without altPration, shall be ~nbrnitted to a vote 0£ the p~ople; or.

( b :1 l<'orth with after the Cl e1·k sha 11 attach to the

Charter of The C-ity of Jirmterey 237

petition accmnpanyiug such ordinance his certificate of snfficicnc~·, the Council shall proeced to call a special electiou at which said ordinance, without alteration, shall be suhmittetl to a vote of the people.

( 6) If the petition be .!'ligncd by electors equal in number to at least ten per cent out less than fifteen per cent of the entire vote cast for all candidates for l\layor at the last preeeding general election at which a mayor was elected, then such ordinance, without altera­tion. shall be submitted by the Councjl to a vote of the people at the next general municipal election at which a mayor was elected. then such ordinance. without altera­tion. shall be submitted bv ih.e Council to a .-ote of the people at the next _generai 111u.nicipal t"lection that shall oucm· at any tirue after thirty clays from the date of the clerk's certi:ficnte of suff:iciency attaclied to the petition accompanying such ordinance.

('7) The ballots used when -voling upon said pro­posed ordinance sh.all contain the words "For tbe ordi­nance" (stating i.he natm:e of the proposed ordinance) and " Against the ordinance" (stating general nature of the proposed ordinance) . If a majority of the qualified electors voting on said proposed o:i:dinance sball \"ote i11 favor the1·eof, sucJ1 ordina.nce sl1aJI thereupon become a hinding and valid ordi11ance of the city; and any ordi­nance propoi::ed hy pe\tition, 01· \Yhich slrnll be adopted by a vote of the people ca.rniut he repe~de<l 01· amended es­t:<~pt by a vote\ of the people.

( 8) Any number of proposed orclir:ances may be vot­ed npon at the smne election, in accol'dauce 11·ith the provisions of this sed.ion; provided that there~ sh<lil not he held 1111de1• this section of the Charter more than one special election \\·ithi11 ;1 period of six months.

(~l) The Conucil ma.\· :;ubrnit a proposition for the l'epeal of ar.r such ordinanc:e. or fo1· anwndmcnts ther13-to. to be ''oted upon at any .succeedi11g gmieral munici­pal election: and should snch proposition, so submitted, receive a majority of the yot~)S cast thel·eon at sueh elec­tion, such ordinance sl.!all be repealed or amended ac­cordingly. Whenever any ordinance or proposition is required by this Charter to be~ submitted to the voter~ of the city at any election, th~) City Clerk shall cause tl1e ordinance or proposition to be printed, and l..te shall encbse ;i printed copy thereof in an envdopc with a i::ample ballot and mail t.lu~ !olalnc to each voter, at le.a.st

<.,'hr1de1· of The City of Monterey

t<m 1h;~·::: prior to the election but the Citv- Council mav Ol'C1_e1: such ordinance or prop~sition to be


printed in th0

e ofI1c1al newspaper of the city and published in like man­Il('l' a:,, ordi.oa.nces adopted by the Cann<:ll are r equired to he pu.bbsbed, and may order that such publication shal.l take the pla.c.e_ ~f the printing a11d mailing of the ordmaucc or propos1t:on . and of the sample ballot as first abo,·e provided.


8ec. 82. ~·o ordinance passed by thR City Council (except when otherwise required by the "'eneral laws of the Sta.te or by tbe provisions of this Ch;.rtcr respecting street improvements, and except an ordinance for the im~neclia.te. preserv~tion of the public pea.ce, health, or safety, wluch con~ams a statement of its urgency, and is passed by t'vo:thn·ds vote of the couociI, but no grant of anr .francluse. shall . be construed to be an urgency measlU't>, hut all franchwes sh.all be subject to the refcr­endar:~· vote herein p1·ovided), shall O'O into effect before thirty days from the time of its fi~al passage and its approval b.'· the Mayor; and if during· said thirty davs a pctitiou sig·1rnd by electors of the city ~equal in lll~be'r to 1J.t lc11st t'nnt:r-fin pel' cent 0£ the entire vote cast for all c.andidates. for Mayor at the last preceding general t:lect1ou at "·luC;h a i\fayor was elected, protesting ai?ainst l~.e pa~age of su ch ordinance, be presented to the Coun­cil, the same shall thereupon be suspended from O'Oin ,., int.o operation . and it shall be the dutv of the Co~mc~ tQ reconsicle1· such ordinance and if tbc same is n ot en­tire]~- r epealed, the Council shall submit the ordinance a~ is p10,·idcd in Sedion 31 of this Charter, to the vote or t.~1e electors of the city, either at the next general clcetwu or ~lt a special municipal election to be called for tlrn t purpose, and ~mch ordinances shall not O'O into c.ffo<~t or become_ operafo:e unless a majority of th; quali­fied electors vot1ug on the same shall vote in favor there­of: Said pct.1tion shall be in all ret>pects in accordance ·mth the provis~ons of said Section 31, except as to the percentage of signers, and be examined and certified bv the ClP.rk in an respectt> as is therein provided. .


Sec. 33. 'l'he ~older of any electi vc office may be removecl at any time by the dectors qualified to vote

c11.m·ter of Thi: CitV Of Mon ter l!11 229

foi· <J !'iL<Ccessor of ::;nch incumbent. The proccclure to effect iJ1e removal 0£ an iucumbent of an elective of­fic:e shall be a.s follows :

(1) ~.\ petition signed by elee!tors entitlc<l to vote for a successor to tbc incumbent sought t!) be removed equal in number to at least twt:nty-five per ccntum of the en­tire •ote for ail candidates for the office. the incumbent of which is sought to be remo•ed, cast at the last preced­ing general municipal election. demanding the election of a successor of the person sought to be removed, shall be filed with tbe Cjty Clerk; p1·ovidad that the petition sent to the Council shall contain a general statement of the grounds for which the reruoval is sought.

(2) The signatUl'es to the petition need not all be aj)pended to one paper. bnt each siguel.' shall add to his signature hls place of :residence, giving the street and number. One· of the signers o.J: each such paper shall mike oath before an officer competent to administer oaths that the stat.emeuts tb.ereio made are true and that each signature to the paper appended is the genuine signatu1·e of the pel'.son whose .oame purports to be there­unto subscribed.

(3) Within t.en <lays from the <late of filing such petition the City Clerk shall exam.me and from the great register ascertain whether or not said petition is si,,,~ed by the requisite number of qualified electors and, if necessary, the Council shall allow him extra help for that purpose. a:nd he shall attach to said petition his certi:fieatt:" showing the result of said E:lllllination.

C±) If, hy the Clerk's certificate, the petition is shown to be insufficient. it ma;- be amended within ten days frcm. the date of sa.id certificat<:.

(5, The Clerk shall, within ten days after sueh amendment, make like esrunination of the amended pe­tition. and if his certificate shall show the same to be insufficient. it shall be returned to the person :filing the same, without prejud:i<'<.>. howt•Yer, to the tiling of a new petition t:) tl1e r;Hnw eff.<~ct.

( 6) Jf the petition shall be found to be sufficie11t the <:lerk shall submit the same to the Co1mcil without delay.

('7) If the petition shall be found to be sufficient the City Council shall order and fi:s: a. date for holding the said election not less than thirty days nor more than

<"lirrrter of 1'1le City of Jfoiiterey

forty clays from the date of the Clerk's c:ertificate to the Conncil that a sufficient petition is filed.

(8) The City Council shall make. or cause to he made. publlcation of notice and all arrangements for holding o.f such election; and the same shall be conduct­ed, returned, and the resu1t tbe1·eof declared in all re-spects as ~m~ otlier city elections. '

( ~) The successor of a.ny officer so removed shall hold office during the unexpired term o.£ his prede­cessor.

Cl?) Any person sought to be removed may be a caud1d~i.te . to .s1~c.cccd himself a.ncl unless he requests oihe1·\\'lse m wntmg·, the clerk shall plae:c his name on the official ballot \rithout nomination. In anv such re­moval ch:ctio:n the candidate receiving- the highest num­ber of i-C.>t<~s Hhall he declared elected. . ( 11) At su~h election if some othRr person than the wcumbcnt 1·ecerves the highest number of votes the in­c1 1mhni1t slrnll thercnpon be deemed reu1oved from tl1e office npo11 quaMication of his snceesRor.

(12) In case the part~' who received the higl1est num­ber of votes shoulcl fai I to qualifv tritbin ten davs after rcm~i ving n o t.iiic:ation of clcctioil, the: office shall be deemed y~want. ·

(13) If the incumbent receives tb1~ highest number o.f vote.s he shall continue in office.

Sc<:. 3.J:. If auy spccia.l clL>ction he ordered. held and rondu ct ed. it shall he orclered, held and cornlucted (ex­cept as to t he date thereof) and the iesult thereof made k~?"·n and decl~ed .iu tlle same manner as berr.in pro­-viocd for other elections.


See. 35. The elective officers of 'The City o.£ lHonterev shall be a JHa~·or and four Councilmen. •

'The Council shall consist of the l\favor and four Counci1me~1, each of whom, including' th~ May01.', shall have the nght to vote on all questions coming before the Council.


Sec. 36. The }fayor and Councilmen Rhall he elected at the general mnnicjpa1 election on a general ticket from the city at large.

mwrter of 'fhe CUy nf Jton.terev


::)ee. :3'7. T o he d igib1e for foe 11f£ice of )fa:nir Ol' Councilman, a. pei·s;m must. be 11 cit izen of the 1;niteu Stat~ an<l a. qualified el!'dor u.£ the State of Cali­fon1ia. and of 'l'he CitY of ~lontp1·c'' for at least thre1! ypa1"S next prer.edin~ his election. ·


Sec.. :r. If a va1:ancY shaU orcur in the office of )layo:r l1r Couui;ilman. · the Council shall forthwith appoint a person to fill such \·acancy. Said appointee shall possess such tiualifications for cligibilit~- as are set .forth ln Section !37 of this a1·ticle and shall hold office until 11is successor :s duly elPcted and qnalified. Such successor shall be chosen at the next aeneral municipal election, or at the first sncceeding special municipal election called for any other officer. wbicb eleetion sbalI not take plar.I' less thnn f01·ly ( 40) days after such yacancy occurs. 'l'he person so elected sh.all hold office for the nnespir<~d te1·rn.


Sec. 39. ThP :\favor shall hold office for a term of two years from aud ·after the first :'.\fonday in l\lay after his electiou a11d until his succt>ssor js elected and qnalill-e<l: pwvidl'd. that a :\fayor shall be elected at the fust municipal election held under this Charter, and said )la~'Or sbaU take office on the first day of Ju1y sn<:ct:eding his election and his term of office shall cease and- determine upon the electiou and qualification of the liayor ele<>tecl at the general nmufoipal electiou in rn.rn.


8ec. -10. The Councilmen shall hold office for a term of four years from an<l after the fust .:\londay in :\fa> after Uleir ele<>tion aud until th~ir snccessors are elected and qualified: pro•itled. lhat fom Council­men shall be elec1ed nt the fh-st ~enernl mllnicipal e1ection held under this Chal'ter and <ihall take office on the nrst day of ,July succeeding their election : and pt'ovideJ. further. that tlu.~ Conncil.men first elected under lhis Charter shall so classify them­selves by fot that the te1·ms 0£ two 0£ said Councilmen shall eease n.nd determine upon t11e election and quali­fication of th(j two Councilmen elected at the general

232 Uwrter of Tll.e City of .ilf omerey

11rnnicipal election iu 1913, and that the term oi office 0£ I.he otht:l' two 0£ said Councilmen elected at the first gC'uernl municipal election held under thi3 Chartl~r shall ceasE> and determine upon the election and qnalific11tion of the two Conneilmen elected at the general municipal election in 1915.

At each general municipal election after the first, hcl<l under this Charte1-. there shall be elected fll'o Couueilw cn aud a I\Iayor.


~er.. -ll. The Council sliall fix thl~ amount of tbe 1>m1ds 11.ncl the methods of their approval to be required of 11ppointiYe officers.

'l'he appr<n-al o.f the official bonds must h<> c~nc1orserl tJiereon aud signed by th<> officf~r or offic'.ers approY­ing the Rawe. All bonds, except the Cle1·k's liond, which shall be filed ll'ith the l\fa~·or, when 11ppr0Yed: shall be filed with the Citr Clerk. ,\.JI the pnn·ision:-; of a n y hl w of this State. relating to officials' honds. uot inconsistent \\'ith this Chart.er, shall be complied \Yith.


Sec.. {~ . En~t.r ot.£ie:er of the city before E>:itcring upon ~he clnties of hi.;; office. shall take the (1ath of office a.:; JH'o\·icled for in the Constitution of this State and fil1i1ll file ~ tJ1e same '':ith the Cit,\· Clerk.


Sec. -:1,:l The .Mayor shnll receiYe a eomp~mmtion of 'l'wo lhrndm1 and Fifty ($2:10.00) Do!l ars per anmun and the Conncilmen shall receive a comoensa­tion of T \\ o Hnndred ($200.(JO ) Dollars per airnnm. eac.h , unle,'>.'l tlic dee.tors by ordinance pYOp(•sed aml adopted shnll otherwise proi;·ide.


Sec. H. J£,·e1·y clectiYc~ offo:er, every chief official an.d eYer~· member of an~- Board or Commission pro­Yided fo1· in this Charter, or- by ordinance, arlopted aeeor<ling to the p1·ovisiom; of this Charter, shall h aYfl the pmn-!r to administer oaths and affirmations. anc1 everv such Hoard or Commission shall haYe pom~r to issue subpoenas, to conLpd hy subpoena the pYoduction of books, papers and doe:urnc~nts, <J.nd to take and hea r testimony concerning any matter or thing pending be­fOl'e such Boarcl or Commission.

Cliarte.r of -The CU'!/ of Monterey 233

If any person so subpoenaed neglect or refuse to ap­pear. or to p roduce any book. paper or document . as required b\ such subpoena. or shall refuse to testify befor~ am . .:- such Board or Commission, or to answer any question wlticl1 a majority of such ~oard or Commission shall decide to be p roper or pertinent, he shall be deemed in contempt, and anr such Board or 0Mnmis~ion shall ha \'e the power to take tbe proceed­ing;:; in that behalf pr oYided b~· t he general lam;:; of this Rtate. The Chief of Police must, on request of illff member of such Boa1·tl or Commission. detail a poliee officer or poli c~e officers to ser,·e such sub­poeua.


S<:e. 45. The )layor slwl.l he the chief exeenti,·e officer of the citv arid shall see that all the ordinances t her eof are duh-' enforced. H e sh all be charged with the gi:>.neral oversight of the <;eve·ral departments of the municipal gowrnmen l. H e shall see that all con­tract!; made with the cit)· an• faitbfall)- performed.


SP,;. -±6. D uring the temporar)· absence or disability of the }favor. the YicE>-Presi<lent of the Council shall act as 'Jh1~·or pro tempore. I n case of the tempor~r~­nb.seuce or llisahility of hoth the :\fayor and V1ce­Prcsident. the Counc:il !ihall eler.t one of it;; members to be )fa~·or pro tempore. Tn <·use of vacancy in t~e office of the 11.avor the 'Vir.e-P residcut of the counc1l ;;hall ar·t as :'.\fa.,·cn· until such i;-aca.nc)· can he filled as proYided in this Charter.


Rt?I:'.. -1:7. TIH~ )fayor shall annually and from time to time gii;-e the Cmmeil information relative to the affairs of tlw e.itv and recommend to its consideration such matters a~ i1e may deem expedient.


Sec. 48. The ::'.Tayor shall employ, for a stipulated compensation, at the beginning of each fis.cal rear, a certified -public accountant, who sh11ll examrne at least once each i;-ear the books r ecords ~nd reports of the _.\.uditor an'a of all office{·s aud employees who receive L'l' (bilHu·se cit~- mon~ys, and the books, rcC'ords and

234 'Jlrnrter of The City of Monterey

reports of such other officers and departments as the l\Iayor may direct, and make triplicate report.s th ereof, (Ind present one each t-0 the Mayor and Audifor an d file one \~ith the City Clerk. Such accountant shall haYe unlimited privilE>,ge of investigation, to examine llnder oath or otherwise all officers, clerks and employees of the Citr. a.ud every such officer , clerk an d employee shall give all requiTed assistance and informat ion to such accountant, and submit t-0 him for examination such books and pa.pf~rs of his office as may be re­quested, and failure to do so Rhall be deemed and held to be a forfeiture an<l abandonment of bis office. The Council Rha.11 provide for the payment of the services of such accountant and fu: tbe time at which such report shall be made and filed.


Sec. 49. 'l'he l\Iayor shall be charged with the gen­et·al supervision of all public utility companies in so far as _they are sub_jcct to municipal control; he shall keep hm:iself fully mformed a.s to their compliance in all respect!:> with tbe law, and he shall see that all franchises granted to the city are faithfully obsex-ved.

'l'he :.VI~yor may on his own motion, and must upon a resolution p~issed hy the Conncj] directing him to do :so, ca use to he instituted on behalf of the citv such actions or proceedings as may be necessary to r C\"Oke, cancel or annul all franchises that mav have liceJl granted b~, the city which have been forfeited in whole or in part, or \Thich for any reason ma.y be irregular and void a.nd not binding upon the city, and the City Attorney, upon demand of the ~fayor, must institute an d pr oseellte the suits or actions required to enforce the provi~ions of this section. Each Mayor taking· o££iee under this Charter. shall cause a careful investigation to be made o.f the exact condition of all franchises thereto­fore granted by the city, and of the respective rights ;ind obligations of the parti<~s. and the performance of the same, and shall report the results thereof in his next annual message or report, and he may report thereon at such other and different times as he m:iy deem proper.


Sec. 50. The l\:Iayol' shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law, or by ordinance, or hy resolution of the Council.

Charter of 'l'he City of .Mo1Herey


Sec. 51. All powers hetein gtauted tu and Tested in 'l'he City of Monterey h:ill, except as herein other­wi'>e provided, be exercised by a Council to be designated The Council of the City oi ~fonterey. Said Council shall be the goYerniug body of tbe city. and, subject to the express limitations of this Charter. shall be vested with all p1>we1·s of legislation in municipal af­fairs adequate to a complete system of local government consistent with the Constitution of the 'tate.


Sec. 52. The :Jlayor shall be President of the Conn­ell and shal1 preside 11t its meetings when present. 'l'hc Council shall elect one of its number to be Vice-Presi­dent.


Sec. 53. The Council shall, by Q1·c1inance, provide for the time and place of holding· its meetings and tbe manner in which its special meetings may be called.


Sec. 54. AH legislative sessions 0£ the Conncit ·whether rt:~gular or i;pceial, shall be opeu to the public.


Sec. 55. A majority uf the Council shall constitute a quorum .for the transaction of business. but a less number may adjourn from time to time and postpone the consideration of pendin!! hnsim-ss iu like manner.


Sec. 56. The Conncil shall determine its own rules of procedurt~, may punish its members for disorderly conduct and compel their attendance at the Conncil meetings.


Sec. 57. ( 1) The Council shall act only by ordi­nance or resolution.


(2) The ayes and noes shnll be taken upon the passage of all ordinances and resolntions and entered upon the jomual of the proceedings 0£ the Council.

236 Uwrter of The City of 21fonterey

l 7pon the Y'e<1uest of an:· m<'mber the ayes and noes shall be taken and recorded on anv yote. Ryer~· mem-ber, when present, must Yote. ·


( J ) ~'\ o o~dina.i;icc or resolution shal l be pas;;ec1 or become eff ective without l'eceiving the affirmat.in:: rntes of at least three mcmhcrs of the Council.


( 4) Every ordinance shall be preceded b.- a brief title which slwll indicate the subject and. purport thereof.


( 5) The ordaining clause of all ordinances adopted by the Council shall be, ''The Council of the Cit,· of i\Iontcrcy do ordai~1 as follows," and the ordaining clansc of nll ordinances adopted in acc01·da11ce 'l'.'i th the pl'OYi;:;ions of Section 31 of ..:\rticle IV shall be "The people of the City of :'\fonterey do ordain a~ follows." ·


(6 ) ~o ordinance shall be passed by the C'omwil on the da~- of its jntr.od11ction nor within fin ( iHYS

there.afte1· nor at an:- other timH than at a n·gul~ir meet1ag, nor until its pnblica.tion at least once in full in the o.fficial nem:1pap cr of the City of )fonter<~r a.t least 1br<·c da,n; before its adoption: and in case of a.mendmerit being made thereto before the fi nal adoption ?f the ordimmec, it must in like rnanner he republished in fnll a!l 11mcrnh~d at least one dar before it>i ~1:1option as anwudcd .


(7) ~o action p~o~iding for an>- ~pecific improYe­ment or the appropnat10n or expenditure of an>-- pu hlic money, except a sum less than t1ro hundred dollars : f?r tJ1e appropriation, acquisition, sale or lea.se of pub~ lie property; fo r the levying of imy tax or assessments: for the g:ranting of any franchise: or for est ablishing or changing_ fire limits: or for the imposing of a.ny pen a ltr; shall b~ taken excf~pt by ordinance; proYided. that sue.h e:xecpt1ons be obsen-ed as ma.v be called for iu ca.s0s where t he Council takes action in pursnanee of a general law of the State.

Charter o; Th.e Citit Of J!o11terey


(8) When any orclinance is put upon its final pass­age- and iails to pass. aud a motio11 jg made to reeon­s.ider. the vote upon such motion shall not oo taken exeept at a meeting of the Council. held not less than one week after the meeting at which such motion was made.


(9) ~.\ll ordinances shall be signed b>- the :JJayor and attested hy the City Cle:rk.


(10) Xo orcHnance sh~ll he revisP.<l, re-enacted or amenLled hY reference to its titfo onh·: but t he ordi­nance to l;e t·evise<l or re-enacted, o~· ·the :wet ion or sections thereof to he nmenclnd. or the new sedion or sections to be added thereto. 'shall be set forth and adopted in the method pr.ovicle<l in this section for the adoption of ordinances.


(11) 1\ o ordinanc-e nor seetion t11e1·cof shall be re­p ealed except. by ordinance aclovted in the 1mnmcr pro­vided in this se.6tion.


( 12) A. true anu correct copy or all ordinanees shall be kept and eerti£ed to by the City Clerk in a book marked ''City Ordinances .. , Buch record copy. with !'inch certifieate. or the original ordinance. shall be prima £aeie evidence of th~ content.<; of the ordinance and of the due pas.o:;age and pnhlication of the same. and shall be admiRSibl e as snch iu any court or pro­ceeding. Such records shall not be filed in an~· case, but shall be returned to the <.:ustody 0£ the City Clerk . :\othing herein cont<1iucd :shR11 be construcL1 to prevent the proof of t he pa;;sage and public:ation of an ordinance in the mmal way.


See. 58. !\o :fina l ar.tion shall he taken in auv matter concerning the sp<l<.:ial department of an~- al;. sent Councihmm unless sueb busi nes~ has been nrnd(~ a special order of the clay by action at a preYious meeting o.£ the Conncil or such action is taken at a regnlar meeting of the Council.

2SS Ci1.a1/er of 'I'he C-ily of .llonterey


. !::kc. ii9. .Au elective office heeorne.;; Yacant when the uJ<:nmhent tl1er eof diP.s, resigns, is i·emoved from offi ce und~!r rec:~ll . proc:-edings as provided in Section 33 of ...-\.l't1cle T\, , is aclJi!dgell jnsane, conYictec{ of a felo11y . ~r ~,f an off ense mvol viug a n olatiou of his oftic iii i nutH·s .. or ce~se~ to he ~ r esident. of the <:it~', or negl t!Cis lo. C)ti.11 li f~· w1t.hin the t ime prescribed by the provisions 0£. Hns Char~r. or shall have been absent from the State '.;·1.thout len>e for lllOrc _than sixty conseentivc days, or J.a1l:s to nttenil th_e tnt.>et:ngs of tlrn body of which he is a lucmhcr £.or a hke period withont being· excused then·-flo(:m h~ S<l H1 body. -



See .. GO. The <:xccuti rn a~<.l adrninistrati rn powers, authonty and d.utH:s of the e1ty, not other11·ise provided for, shall be drntnlmtecl among and assi~!:rH>.d to fonr cfopa rtments as follow!'! : ~ ·

l. Department o.f Fiuance and Revenue. 2. Department of Puh1ic Health and Safet-.:. 3. DepartmeDt of Public Works. • -!. Departmoit of Public Supplies.


S1w. Gl. The Cou ncil shall determine ancl assi,gu the d~l~ies d . thfl sewral ?epa rtm~uts, sn hject to th~ pro­nswns of the prP.r,e.dmg. section: shall pre.scribe the P.O\\'Cl'S a~d d ut1~. of officers and employees; ma5' as­s tgn parfl<'.ular officers and employees to one or more of the de~artments.: rn.ar require an offir,er or employee to perform cluties m two or mo1·e departments. and may muke i;mch other rule..:,; and reo·ulations not 1ncn11-siste11t wi.t~ ~his Charter. <is may be°'\ie<.'essa1.'y or proper for the dficrnot and economical condn<'t of the. bt1siness of the t!ity.


Se<~. fi2 . The Council at it;; first reirular meetin<T aft<:i· .t.h<.' election of its mernhers shalt" designate b~ u;:1Jul'1t..r vote one Councilman to b~) Commissioner r;f. r wancc }Jnd Re·venue. one to be Commissioner of Public Health and Safet~·, one to he Commissione1· of Public

Cliarter of The City of .lfonterey

W ol'ks a.nd one to he Commi~sioner of J>ublic Suppli~. If the Council i,,; unable to ngree. the :\fayor i;hall l:rnve authorin- to make sncb dc~igllatiou. The CoUllcll ma-.: cb3rui:e snch de'i.,.nation whenHer it determines tbat the p1~blic service ,riu he benefited thereby .


Sec. 63. The ehief off;cials of the City sha11 he City Clerk. _\uclitor . .Assessor. 'l'1·easmer, Police Judge. Col­lector. A.ttorney. E ngineer. Chief of Police. Fire Chief. Si.reet Superiutendent. Building Inspector. Sewer In­spector, Ilealth Off'ieer and fiw• J.ibrar~· Trustees .. Th.ey shall he appointed and ma~· be 1·emowcl by a DHlJOr1ty vote of t11e Cm'lnciL The Council, at Hny tiwe when in its judgment the i11ten~sts of th~ city so demand, may consolidate and plac~e in the eharge of one such officer the function;; uo<l unties of two 01' mor(~ sneh officers. Tlw Coun~il shall hy or<linar1cc or h~- reso­lution prescl'ibe the <luties of all the <:h1 <~ f officials.

'fh.e Council shall ut lhe ftri:; (. regular mectio!? aftp,e the election o.f its members. or ~ls soon thereafter as practicable, pl'oceed to the appointme.nt ?f the chi~f officials of th e citY and the detcrm1m1hot\ of their d11t1es as proYi tled 'in this section.


Sec. 64. The Conncil shn ll ba.n po'n~ r by ordinatlCi', or bv resolnt ion . to ei·este a:nd discontinue of.fices, depulvshlps. a sistantsltips. hoartls and eommissions and employments other than those prescribed in thls Dharter to pronde the modes of filling them. to pre-­scr ibe tbe unties pertaining thereto, ACCOl'ding to its judgment of the n eeds of the city. and to determine the mode of rcmoviug iirry such. officer. deputy. ll.c:;_c::istant or ernploye~, except as 01herwi. e p rovided in this Chartel'.


Sec~. 65. The compcus11t.ion of all. city officers. ex­cept Libral'r Trustees. "'hll shall r ecei\'c no re~rnrner­ation, shall be by saJary to be n:<f~d b~' ordmance. The Council shall also fix the cornpcmsa tion of all otller officer:; and employees of lhe city ex<:ept as in this Charter otherwise proviaed . :\o officer or employee shall he allo\\·ecl any fee, perquisites, crnolume11ts, i·e­ward:s or eornpemmtion, as .cle from the ::;alary or com-

<:JH:irler of 1.'he C·ity of Monterey

J .H:W;t~tic•u as 1h:.ed br the Council. but all fees receivnd b~'. h1~u in. co1~1wc:tion with his official duties shall bA paid ".\" l11rn rnto the Citv 'l'rcasurv .. .. .


St-<'. tiG. Each department and commission shall an­nuall.1-, on snch date as may bt) fixed bv the Council r~nd~r to th!' Mayor a fnll report of · aJl operation~ d s11<:h departmeut or eonimission for the year.


. ~('_C. 07.,_ The Council shall provide ·for the pnh­lic:;1twn of the annual reports of the l\lavor aud the scniral clcpartn1C'nts and comm;ssions. · ,


Se1·. 6b .. _';\o ru~1!1ber of the Oonncil sb.all hohl a.nv other mumc1p~L c>ffice or hold any office or emplo:nnent. the t·ompcusatwu of whle11 is paid out o.£ the mti.iiicjpal mone.\'S: 01· be e le~ted or a1?pointed -to any office created o~ the ~ompensatioo o.f wh1eh is incrreased bv the Colm­r.11 wl11le be ~'"as a member thereof. until one ,-ea1· after the e.:-..-p1ration of the term for which he • wAs elect.eel

Xo n!c•mht!r of the Counc!il during the term for whic!h he :-;hall _han:o hr~en elected shall he eliuible fo fill a YnC<HK·~- 111 the office of '\fayor. ·-



... , .. ti9 Xo offictr or employee of the citv ·hall be tlm•ctl~ ?r indirectly interested in anv c~ntract wo~k or busmess of the city. or in the sale of an,: urt_1clc-., the expense. pdce or consideration of which i~ paul for frorn th~ treasury or by assessment levied by au.' act or ordmance: nor in the pu.rcbase or lea:;;e o_f <1 n~ 1·e11 ~ estate or other property belomrin"' to the city. ?r wh1e~ ~hall be sold for taxes 01· ass~~ents or h~· v~r~ne of legaJ process at the suit of the City. :\l'o o:ti1.ct>r or <~mp loyee of tlle city shall be in the e~1-p~o~ ot any public se1...-ice co11>01·ation i:n lhe eit1 or of any persou having an~T contract with the City or of nny grantee or a francltise granted by the cit)r ..

Aoy co11t1•11ct or agreement madi~ in contravention o.f thi~ ser.tiou shall be yojd.

Charter of TM City of Monter~y

...-\ ny ...-iolation of tlw prov)!'iiom of this s~etiou by snch officer or employee of the city sh.;111 be deemed a 111 isdemeanor.


Sec. 10. :\o appointment to position under the city ~OYernmeut shall be made or be withheld by t·eason ~if any religious or political opinions or affiliations or political semces. anu no appointment to or selection for or remo...-al from any offlee or emplorment, and no transfer. promotion. reduction. reward or punishment shall be iu any manner atTectell b~- such opinions. affiliations or ser...-iC~<i.




Sec. 11. Witl10ut d•mial or disparagement of otlwr po•n~rs held under the Constitution and law;; of the StatE', The City of '\fontere:v shall haYc the right and power:


(1) To acciuire by purcha ·e. <:oml\'mnalioo or other­mse, and to establish. mai11tnin. equip. own and oper­ate lihraries. readinl,{ rooms. art rrallet:ies. musemns, life-sa•ing stations. parkc;, playground,.;;. places of rec­reation. Io\mtain.s. haths, public toilets. markets. market houses ;1battoi:rs. dispensaries. infirmaries. hospitals, charitable institutions. jRils. house.; of corrwtion. work­houses. detention homes. morgues. cemeteries, crematories, garbage collection and gai·bage disposal and reduction works. street cleaning and c;prioklin~ plants. qt1arries. wlla:ITes. docks, waterways. canals. and all other public buildings. _places, works an<l institutions. hreab.-waters and piers.


{ 2) To acquire hy pnrchru;e, coutlemn11tion or othel'­wis~. and to <"stablish. maintain, equip. own ancl ope1·ate "ater works. gas works, elecb·ic light. heat and power works, within or witbont the city, and to supply tb.e cm,- and lts inlrnbitants and also iwrsons. firms and

242 Charter of The City of Monterey

<:orporatiou .. -; outside the c:it~·, ,,·ith Vi«1te1·, elcc,trfoitr. gas and


. (3 J To llC<]Ull'e by purchase co a ti ,, w1s1', and to establish. maintain.. n_ emna on or otber-te~ephone and telegraph systems.~~f' own_ ~d ~perate rail wan fer ries and tra rt ti. e. 1?1ectr1c 01 other · ' nspo a on sernce of auy k1nd.


(-1: ) To sell gas, waler, electric eu rreut :ind all product::; of any public utility operated by the ci;v


(::)) To acquire bv · ·h· . · . ,,·i ·c ··th· . " pm<: ase, condemnation or othP.i'-pr~pe1~~' :~ ~: ~n~hout th: city. such lands or oth~i· main.tenance and' op~r:~~~ss~?r ~~rp~b1e1 · _<'stta_lll~tis_brn~nt. ln·o,·1clc uot· ""'cl '" t t . ic u i i Y or to

.1. ,..,,. eu.oc ua e am- oth bli ~ncl to sell, convey, encumber ~ ~ pu £c th~nq~~s<' : for tlte common benefit ;pose o e isauw


( 6) _'I'o lease _to COll>m·ations or indi vit111al;; purpose of rmnnte.nance and ) t' ·1 · ( pcm. 10n arn-n t1 ity owned by the city. ·

for thf> pnblic


kj~~ 0t 0 r~E'~e~~~ _beye~, gifts an~ d~nations of all

itahle and o/her ·p,.,~o::S s1.mpdled, orallm trust. ior char-~., · an o acts necessa:n- to

can')" out the purposes of such beq esn . • . nations. with power to m<m<i.,.e 11 ll'l s. gifts and <;Io­<l.ispos. £ th . .........,,, · se , ease or otherwise

. e o . e ~am~ in accordance with the- term f ti bcqn cst glft 0 t • b s

0 w . , . '.· . r rus., or a solutdy in case snr.h b .

11nc1;t, gtft or trust be nnconditioual. , e


l I:>) To borrow monev ior f th ~hicb tbe city is authorized toan~o~de !Ju?~ses for mg out auv of the , . . . . . or cari-y-t?. eojo~- a~ll exerciI'c0:~~-s t~ ~~~e t~na:-·~~:£~~~ri~~~ ,,Jed 1 hat m tbe i:>rocctlure for the creation aud iss~ince ~f i-;nch bon~led mdebtcdness the o·eneral la . f tJ ~t::ite o:f Cahforn)a in force at t.be"' time .~'s ? ~e rngs arc taken ::ihall be observed an<l follos.~:a. prncee -

-- Charter of Tlie City of JfoHter ey


(9 , To raise money b>~ special tax. in addition to the tax levies prO\'ided for in Seutioni. Sl. S-2. 83 and 111 of this Charter: to authorize :ouch special tax. the provisions of Section 31 of ..l.rticle IY relating to the Initiatiw. or of Se<:tion :~2 of .lrticlc IY relating to the Referendum, shall be followed. and the l~'Y of su<:h tax must be approved h: at least t\\·o-thirds of the qualified electors who votl." thereon. .At such election the Council JIU\Y be authorized. in cases where public necessity l'equires the e..xpenditure of an>- sum so •oted l)efore the nex1 succeeding tax levr. to borrow such sum and provide in the next snc1~el."ding tax le'Y £or its repayment with intet·est al not exceeding five per cent per annum. Or the Council may he authorized to levy a special tRx each ~-ear for a period of years not exceeding three years in <l.ll for any permanent mnnici­na1 improYcment, and thr money so raisetl may be ex­pended each year after the same is collected and avail-able.


(10) To jo:in with on<' or more cities incorporatecJ un­der the Constitution and laws of the State in order to acquire and de;elop jointly a so111·re or sources of water mpply £or municipal and domestic p1trposes and to construct the works necessar~· for their joint an<l sev­eral purposes ancl needs, ancl to nnite with such cities in boun issue~ therefor.


( 11) 'fo sue and defend in a ll r.orn-t;; and places and in all matters and proceedi ngs.


,'cc. 12.. '!'be c1ualified \'Olers oi the City shall han power tlmiugh the initiative <Uld oth~wil;e. as pro-rided hy- this Chnrtel' and tlw ~eneral laws of this State. to enact appropriate le~islation to carry ont and en£orce a11y of. the abo\·e g-enerul powers 1,f the city or ~my of t.bt> specified powers of the Coum:il.


Ser. 73. As tl1e 1cgiRlafrv1: organ of the city, the Counell, snbject to the provisions and restrictiorn o:f this Charter, shall h;1n> power;

2-11 Charter of The City of Monterey


( l ) To provide a corporate s · l ··th . ~eYice, to be affixed to all inst~m~~t~ w i . ~1tl?p r~prrnte mg autllentication. ·:s or wn mgs need-


( :!} To prescribe fines £or£citur"s ··~d lt .. th· -· l t" £ .' '" ....,_. pena ie.s for c _v10 a JOn o any p rovISions of this Cha t . f

or dmauce of the citv. b t r er o1 o any huntl.rcd dollars or ·90 ~ ·,~~ _pen~lty shall exceed three · ayis imprisonment, or both.


('3) 'T' . . f . . o provide or the surnrnarv abatement f . n (~lsance a.~· t~e expell:se . of the pci:<:on or pP.rso~s ~;1!-atmg, caws1.ng, conmnttrng or maintaining. "ll h . sance. ' ., c nui-


. . <.4) To orgam:i::e and maintain police and fire de p,n tments, erect the necessar~: building1' and owu all im~ plements au cl apparattlS req un·ed therefor.


l. ( 5) 'l'o establish and maintain a firC' alai: . . cl lCC tclegrllph or telephone f,YStem 'l~d ill cm p<ld-

c:Ontl·O] tlw same d t · . ' mannge im . the1·cof. . . ' an o appo111t a superintendent


. (6) To regulate or prohibit the m· f . J~g, i>t.01·ag:c and use of owcler . c1,~n an i:i ~cturc, kcep-u1troglycerine. fireworks ~ud oth .. ~1t~,,_ guncott_on, and .snbshmr.es. · er exp osne materials


l 7) . To re~ulate the i>toragc of ha.v, straw uther JDfiammahle and eomb11stible rn'aterials :


oil and

. ( 8) To regulate the use of stC'am n . f~~~s, 8tem_n boilers, an~ ~lectric ~~tors,e a~:r~~ %i~~\u~~t "e1r ~se m sach locaht1es as in the . dO' f Counci l would endanger public safety. JU ,,,ment o the


(D) To ~rescl'ibe fire limits and determine th h actl:!r iind heio·ht of b ·la· e c ar-. · d "' Lll mgs that ruav be erected th m an th<i nat'· " f.. 1 . • · ere-,uc o tie nm term ls to be used in the

- Charter of The City of Monterey 245

construction, alteration or l'epair o! such bnildings or in the repair or alteration 0£ existing bnilclings within sneh fire limits.


(10) 'fo regulate the construction of and the ma­terials used in all buildings. chironE'ys, stacks and other structures: to preYent the erectiou and maintenance of msecure or unsafe buildines. walls. chimneys, stacks or other stmctures. and to provide for their sum.marr ~batement or destruction: to regulate the materials used in and tb.e method of con truction of foundations and foundation walls, the manner of construction and location of drains and sewers. the mate,.ials used in wiring bnil<linbrs or other structures for the use of electricity for lighting. po\\·er, heat or other purposes, and material,s for piping bujJcliogs or other structures for the purpose of supplying the sau1e with water or gas and the manoel' of so doing: to p1·obibit the con­struction of buildi ngs nt1d structnres which do not con-form to such regulations.


( 11) 'l'o req uli'e the owners a nt1 lcsse•!s 0£ buildings or other sn'Uctuxes to place npon them or in them fire escapes and appliances £or protfiction against flre and for the exti:n,,, "lris.hrn en t of :fir P.;;.


(12) To prevent the construction and to cause the removal of dangcl'oui; chimneys, fireplaces. beartbs. st oYes, stow pipes., ovens, l>oilers. apparatus and ma­chinery u~ed in any building or place in the city: to regulate the earrying on of manufactories liable to cause fire: to preYent the depositing o.f a..;,;lles., the accu­mulation of shaYin!!S. rnbbish. Ol' any cmn hustible ma­terial in nrisafe place~. anti to make proyi;:;ions to guard against fire.s.


(13) To regulate the size aud co.ostruction of the entrarices to and c:s:it.;.; from all theatres, lecture rooms, halls, schools, churches, and other places for pnhJic gatherings o.f every kind and to prevent the placing· of seats, chairs, benches or other obstructions in hall­ways. aisles or open 1)laces therein.

24(i Charte;· of The City of 11fonterey


. (14 To regulate the speed of railroad trains. en-g-i_nl'<: •mtl cars paS:sing through the city and the spe<>d of ears o_f street or interur~an railway companies IL'>ing the _public stt:eets of the city. to require railroad com­pame..:: to station flagmen place gates or viaducts at all such st1:eet crossings as the Council may deem proper, to. t•equne strt>et cars and loca.I trains to be pronderl w1~ fenders or o.ther appliances for the bette1· pro­tec.:t1on o~ the public: to prohibit the making up 0£ rail­road t~nms on. a.11y of the streets. street crossings or s~·eet JU~ersect10ns t>f the city: to regulate the speed '~1th winch pcrs~ms may ride or drive or propel b1t·ycle..,, automobiles o:· other vehicles alon~ or npon nny of the sh·eets or highways of the cit.'-.


(15) 'I'o r~gulate or pTohibit the exhibitio·n or carrY­iu~ of_ batrn~1-s. pla~a.J:<l~, or ad•ertisements, and the di°s­tr1bnt1nn u~ handb1lls m the streets. p11bli<: g1·01inds or ttpon the s1<lewal.ks; to regulate and prevent the tirii1(J' of banners. flags or other signs aeross the stree~ o~ ~ro111 houses: t.o rei..rulate or: prohibit traffic am1 sales 1n the :;tre<:ts and public places : to pre"t"ent encroach­ments upon or obstructions to the streets and to re­quiri: th<!ir reruoval.


( 16) To compel the owner or occupant of buildings or gr_ounds to remove dirt, rubbish. and weeds from the s1clewalk immediately in front thereof and in hi~ dcfm1 It to authorize the removal or destn1ction thereof b~- some officer of the city at the expense of such owner or occupant, and to make such expense a lien npon su ch buildings or grounds.


( 17) To regulate, license or prohibit the construc­tion and use of billboards and si~.


tl$) 1'o regulate aod p1·event the runnina at laro·e o~ dogi:i: _to yrohi.bit tl1e exhibition of dog fights or a;y w1llfu~ p1tt~ug. ~f dogs to fight : to provide for the de­stru~t1ou o~ Tic1ous tlogs. and to requil·e the parment of hcen!;e fe<>s by the owners or persons baYing posi'ies-

Charter of The Oitll of Monterey

sion of dogs, and to impos.e penalties npon such persons for refusing to pay s11ch hcense fees .


(19) To prevent or re~Jate 111e i:'i~ng at large of am· animals. and to e.c;ta bbsh and mam.tam _a. poun~ and authorize the c.lesh·uction or other d1spoS1bon of any animals running at larg<>; to prohibit and punish cru­elty to animals, and to require the places where they ar~ kept to be maintained in a cl<>an and healthful con-dition .


(20) To provide for the care of the indigent sick and helpless in said city.


(21 ) To make all l'egulf!tinus whi~h tn~~- he neces­sary and e"---pedient for the iwe:;ervat1on of . health and the. suppression of cliseruic: to mak~ regulati?ns to p~·e­vent the int1•oduction of contag1otis, ~lignant, m­iectious or other diseases ini.o the city : to make quari:mtine laws and !'egula.tiou_s: to i·e~ate. _c~ntrol and p1·evenl tl1e entry mt.o the c11y ~f -pe1sons. _hru?:gage. merchandise or other pl'<lpert;.· mfected witll con· tag-ions di~easP...



( 2~) To regulate or p1·ohibit the o~eration of all mannfactories occuontions or trade- "·bich may be of sucb nahrre ~ to affect the public health or. good order of the city or <listuru public p~tH·e .. or which. n~a! ?e offensive or dangerous to the mhab1tan!S residin,,, m the vieinity. ancl to pronde .f?r the pu.mshmen~ o:f all persons yiolating such r~~latl()ns ~d the pt~ent of all persolls who knowinizly permit the s~e ~o be ...-iolated in a.nr builc.liog 01· upon any. pr~1ses owned or controlled by tbem: to make regulati?n~ f?r tbe s~p­i:>ression of disagreeable. offensive and lllJlU'lous no1ses or odors.


(23) To provide for and regulate th.e inspection b~ I.be Health Officer of meats. poultry. fish . game,. blen_d, butter. cheese. lard. rggs. vcgetahles. bread;>tnffs. ~ilk and other food products offe1·ed for sale m the ruty,

248 Oltarte·r uf The City of Monterey

and lo pro,·iclc for the ta.kin<> . or any such produl't>. as ar: and &11ID1Dar1!y desh·oying ~te<l.or auwhole·ome. and to . ~onnd, spoiled, adu1ter­mg mto the cit- or ha;· ie"' ate.and prevent brin!?'-an~· such uosouiid. i:;poile~ adr 1reeptmg<l<> within the ei~· products. u era e. or unwholesome


(24) 'I'o provjdc for and . <> 1 . of all dairies "'ith in or witl re.., n a~e the inspection sale or sell aov o:f thei. d1ont ~hP city that offer for

· 1 pro nets in the. citv. LODGING, TENEMENT •

("J-) AND APARTMENT HOUSES ,~o To l'egnlate lodo·ino· t ·

houses and t · "" 0 ' enernent and apa1·tm ent J' ·• 0 prev<Jnt the overcrowd· f ·

anct to require that th . b ' · mg o the same sanitary condition. e.~ e put a.no kt>pt in proper


(26) To t·egulate the co t · · . of sewers. sinks !?'Utters ~t ruct10'.0, repair and use and to compel th; co~~c:U' s. rss_pools, and •aults 0£ ,the same. and to desi<>nate O• C e~rng. 0!' emptyiug wluch tbe \vork shall b c d the tune and manner in e one.


(27 ) 1'o provide fo1• th 11 . of. garbage, a.<;hP.s. animal '. e c<~, eetion and disposal animals, animal o:tU.ii rubb' ahnd a' egetable refuse, dead

' 18 an waste matter. L ICENSI NG B USINESSES

28 To license .for pm·poser of r . l . nue. or both rei?ulation d " egu atwn or reve-of b.usi.ness not prohibi:;1d 1~'i:uc, all and eYery kind carried on in the citt . to fix. " to be transacted or the ame and to . . . the r ates of lic~<:;es upon suit or ~thenrise. provide for the collection thereof b."'


( .... 9 J To establish stands for h •ks . . ex.press wngous, and other bli ac : public ca:i'l.·1ages, regulate the charc.e~ of .. p hu c vehicles for hlre and

to ~ sue bac1."'S p br . exvress n-agow:; aud other nbl' ' . U JC car1·iagPs. qmtc schedules of such charpes ;c vehicles, ~d to J'e· such public ,.chicles. g 0 be pQsted m or npou


" ) To pro,·i<le for th" i , · · meters, gas mcte1·s irnd 1. t . m;pect10n of all "·atHr

, . e ec nc meters and of \\·eights

Charter of The City of Monterey 249

and measures used in the city, and to enfoxce such regnlations as may be nc.cessary to insure their accuracy.


(al) To lieense, regulate, re train or prohibit all exhibitions. public shows. games and amusements: to prevent and prohibit all descriptions of gambling and fraudulent devices and practices. all playing of cards, dice or other gatnE!S of cha11cl' for the purpose of gambling, the keeping or operat.ing of cara machines, slot machines or other contrivances upon or into which money is sta.kcd, hazarded, deposited or paid upon chance, and the selling of pools on races, and to au­thorize the destruction of all instrnmcnts usctl for the purpose of gambling.


(32) 'I'o rcstt·ain and puni:;h vagrants, mendicants, le,nl pt>rsons and prostitute!;; to prevent and punish drunkenness, prize flghts and all offensive. immon:il, indecent and disorderly cood11<:t and practices in the city.


( 88) 'l'o levy and collcet taxe~ llpon Hll the real and personal property \rithin the city, subject to the limitations elsewhere in this Charter. provided.


( :1±) 'l'o order the r e1>a:dng b~- the Tr easurer of a.uy taxes, pcrce11 tagc.o or co;;ts erroueousl)~ or illegally collcet ecl .


(:~5 ) 'l'o fix the feei:; and eharg(;s for• all official ser...-iee;; not otherwi:>e proTidcd for in this Charter.


(%) To pl'O\'id f~ an urgent uece;;sity funcl not ex­ceeding five hundred dollars a year, to be expended nuder the directi<m o.L the ){ayor.


(37) To provide for the lease of any lands now or hereafter owned b~· the city, hut all leases shall be made at pulilic auction lo the higlrnst l"esponsible bidder at tbe highest monthly rent, after publication of notice tbereor fm· at least one week. stating e].-plicitly the time

250 Oharter of The Oi ty of Monterey

and condi~ions .. of. th~ pr~posed lease ; provided, that ~e Council may m its discretion reject any and all bids.


(38 ) To provic.1e for the purchase of property levied upon or u.nder execution in fa \"Or o:f the city, but the amount bid_ ou ~uch purchase shall not exceed the amount 0£ Judgment and costs. .


(39) To .~rovide £or the sale at publ ic ~uction, afte r advertISmg for five days, of personal property unfit or unnecessary for the use of the city. ·


(40) To p~ovide for the execution of all trusts con-fided to the city. _


( 41) . To est ablish or cha.Iige the grade 0£ any str eet or pubhe p lace.


( 42 ) To orde1· the wl1ole Ol' any part oi imy street a \'enue. lane. alley. court or place w:ithin lhE> Citv of :\Ionterey to be gi-aded. or regraded to the official gru.~ie. planked or rep~atiked. paYed or repaved, macad­am~:d .or re-macadan11zed. graveled or re-graveled, piled or n-p1led, cap~ed or re-capped, sewered or re-sewered, and to order s1dewn~. manholes, culverts, ces~pools. gntters, tunnels, curbing and crosswalks to be con­l'ltrnct e,1 tberein. and to order hreakwate1-s. levees or "all~ of rock or other material to protect the same and .also an~- other work or improvement therein: to provide for the care of shade trees p1anted there and to canse. shade trees to be planted, set out and cultivated th<>rem: and also to order drainage or su.nitarv sewers 01·. storm water sewers to be constructed on l1r. t.hroucrh rr1\·ate property.


\\"llent!•<ff. iu the judgment of the Council. or C\f !he people. the .cost and ex]_)ense of any of the foregoing nnprov~me11ts 1s to he paid br spec.ial assessments on prt\·~te _propel'!.y the gene.ra l laws of the St:'lte of Cali­fororn m force At the time of the imp1·ovement shall govei:n and contxol and all proceedings shall be in cou­fornnty thereto.

Y,harter of T he Oity of Monterey 251


(43) To order the opening, extending, widening, straightening or closing of any street, lan~, alley, court or public place within the ci~- or over tide lands. a~d lands coverPd b,~ the \\aters of Monterey Bay w1thm the city and to eondcmu and acquire any and all prop­erty ne~essary or convenient for that purpose.

Whenever, in the judgment 0£ tht' Council or of tbe people the cost and expense of auy of the f oregoing improvement:-; is to be paid by speeial assessment on private property. tbe genera.L laws of t~e State of Californja in fo1'<'.:e at the trme of the unp1·0Tement shall govern and control, and all proceeding-> shall be in conformity thereto. except that all the duties 0£ the Commissioners shall be petlormeu by or under the direction of the Commissiouer of Pnblic Works of the city, who shall receive no compensation therefor.


(44) To p rovide for the ligh~ing _oi. tb.e streets, highways, public p~ces and public ':u~ldmgs and for supplying the city with water £or mumc1pal purposes.


( 45) To set apart as a boule•ar~ or bo~e".arJs. any street or streets over which there is no exJStlllg fran­cliise for any railroad. and to regulate and pre>ent heavy teaming thereon; and when an~· snch sn:ePt ,:;haU nave been set aside as n boule>ard. 110 frandnse for a railroad, interurban r ailway or street railway or a~y kind shall be granted upon such houleva~d and no rail­r oad track of any kind shall en•r be laid thereon, un­less an ordinance to that effect shall have been duly passed by popular vote, as pronded in Sections 31 and 32, Article IV.


( 46) Whenever any street or po~ion of a str eet shall be abandoned or closed by ordinance, to convey by deed such street or portion of street so abandoned or closed, to the party, or parties who may be entitled thereto.


(47 ) To improve, keep in repail' and control the water f ront of the city; to fix the rates 0£ whar fage,

252 C'hcwte;· of The City of Jionterev

doc.:ka!?e and tolls. and pronue for the eolle<:tion thereof: to licl'nse. re!?Ulate and control the landing. anchora!?e and moorage of ster.mboats. sailing Tes~. r-aft,. hl!? l.Jr>a t..;;. aud alt other water ,..1·a:ft with.in the jurisdiction ~t~c~. ·


(48) To fu: and determine b~- ordinance in th~ month of Fel>ruar) of each yea1., to take effect on the first day of July thereafter, the rates or compensation to be collect"tl hy any person, firm or corporation in the city for ~he use o! water,. he~t. li,ght, power or telephone serv1ce. supplied to tl1e city or to the inhabi­tants !hereof. and to prescribe the quality of the service.


(i9) To regulate street railroads, their tra.c.ks and cars, to <iompel the owners of two or more such street railroads i1sing the same street fol' anT distance not exceeding ten blocks to use the same Ltracks and to equitabl;\· divide the cost of construction and the cost of maintenance thereo.f between them.


(50) 'I'o require every owner or lessee of rail roads in said city to keep the streets in repair between the track:-;, and along and w·ithin the distance 0£ two feet upou each sicle of the traeks occupied hr the mrn~r or lessee.


(51) To permit the laying down of spur or side tracks and. ruuillug cars thereon, for the -purpose of con­necti.o~ warehouses. manufactories or other busines indw>tries and entel'prises with an• line of .. railroads that may be built along the water· front. or with any other lines of railroads which do now or may hereafter enter the city. snbject to such regulations and conditions as n.iay be prescribed from ti.me to time by the Council. such tracks to be oseil for transpor tation of freight only, ttnd not to be used as a main line or a part thereof : and also for tl1e purposf! of excavating and filling iu a ~treet or portion lll <t street or the adjoinin O' land and fo1· such limit~d t.ime as may be necessary .fo~ such' pur­pose and no longer.

Such tl'acks mnst be laid level with the street arnl must be operated under such restrictions as not to

Charta of 'l'h~ City of 3lonter cy

interfere with 1.he use of the stre~t~ b>- the publ!e. 11

i~l permits granted under thf~ p1·ov1s1ons. hereof ;;ha e reYoe~ hle at. the pleasu re of the Connc1l.


(59) To eause the remo•nl aud pla~ing uudergr~d of ill telephone. telegraph. elettri~ li!?ht or o~er W1l'eS with.in the city. or within any de~ngnat~cl portion therP­of. and to regulatr or prohibit the placi:'!! ?f p~les and ~uspendin!! of wir~ along or across a~~ of the streets, hl!!hways -and public places in the city.


( 53) To regnlate the size and location 0£ a~ wat~r i es as pipes ana all other pipes autl condmts laid ~/ co~s1ructed in tbe streets and publi,c places_. and to require the filing of charts and maps of such p1pes and conduits.


· r::4) T make all rules and regnlu.t1ons governing cle~~i~ns · ~ot inconsistent with this Charter or the Constitution of California.


(55) To establish a bureau of Civil Service an~ to a oint a commission, to serve wit.bout comp~ation. t~pad:minister the same under roles ~n~ regulations ~ be made by the Council S11cb COlnJ:~lSSl~ll shall, amono other tirings. provide for the class~cation of ~ em-

lonnents in the administratiYe sery1ce 0£ the c.ity not ~eepted m- the provisions of this Charter~ .by the Council. 0..; by the people. for open. compe!1~rve ~d free examinations as to ntness, for an eligib~e list tram which vacancies shall be filled. for a period o~ probation before employment is ma~e p~ent. an a for promotion on the basis of ment. experience anc record.


(J6) To establish a Civic Art Commis~_ion and to a point CommissioneTs thereon, to scrv~ ,"'1thout_ :om­p~nsation, with such powers and <luties as rnaJ be fixed by the Council.


(;)7) 'Io establi:<1h a P al'k Coimn~ss1on and to .ap.p~1nt Commissioners thereon, to $erve without compensation,

--254 Churt£.1· of The City of 1Wonterey

with such powers and duties as may be fi:s:ed by tll(~ Council.


(5 ) To c.:;tablish a Playground Commission rmd to appoint Comnussio11ers thereon, to ser ve 't\ithont com­pen<iation. with such powers and duties as may he fixed by tht: Council


(59) To establi'lh a Commi · ion of Public Chariti~i; and to appoint Commissioners thereon, to serve ''ithont compensation, with such. powers and duties as may 1H\

lixcd h~- tht> Council . •


{60) To provide a suitable procedure for taking over or otherwise acquiring municipal ownership of public utilities.


(61) 'J'o e.'!tablish a J:Iuseum Commission and to appoint Commissjoners thereon, to serve 1-\·ithout com­pensation, with such powers and duties as ma~~ he fixP<l hy the Council.


( 62) 'fo en net appropriate le,,,aislation a.11d i.lo and perform anr and all other ac.:ts and things which ma~· be nece~n I). and proper to carry ont the gene1·al powers of the City or any of the pro,isions of this Chartn-. and to exercise all other needful powers for thP efficiPut admini:stration of the municipal govern:nwul, whether rmch powe1"S ar1' herein eA'J>l"el.<S1y enumerated or not.

This (!rant 01 power is to be libl'rall:- construt>d fo1· the pnrpo:.e of securing the wt>ll being of the m11ni(·i­pality and it.~ inhabitants.


Sec.:. 74. The Council du.ring the first ~·ear after its or~a.niintio1) under this Charter, and from tirue to time thereaJter, shall cause all ordinaucPs at such tirue in fore<· to be classified Wlder appropriate l1eads. au cl 1'<>~elher wit lL or separately from. the Gh111·te1· of the city and sucl1 provisions of the Constitution aml laws of the :statE" as U1e Council may deem expedient, t1> he published i':t.1 book form.

Charter of Th~ C·ity of Monterey





' - :- The fiscal Year of the city shall commence on S~~~ ~~t day of Jul~r of c~ch year, or at such other time as may oo fi:s.ed by ordinance.


S ~5 The Council shall by ordinance yrovidc a . ec. ' . . 1 ·v and collection of all

S'n·tern for the assessment, ev v . • • of th1" ~ .. ·' · . · 'th the prov1s1ons · " citv taxes not mcons1stent w1

Gharter ·1 ·._el£ bv ·0 .1 -I.all ha.Ye power to twa1 1~" • ThP onnc1 :>J• f 0 lif ·a now

·dinance of anv Jaw of the State o a o~1 , ~~·hereafter io fcn:ce. and comply wi.tb the requ1~~~~ ther~of whereby Rf;Ses~men~S· ra~ll~e ffi::eot'~fonterey ses.ci01· of the co\lnty io " nc l h . Tax Collector iii sit:nate<l . imdf taxesdcolle~~~~lfb~f trr~e City of Mon-. of said County or au on

terey. . . f this Charter concerning the as_-?ther provlSl~ns ~ollection of ta:ges sha.l~ be subject

sessment, 1~'7 andf , , ch ordinance while the same to the provisions o any su shall he in f orce.


· h r a~ shall be S -- Oo sneh date m eac yea :s ee. t '. il the heads of departments. offices.

nxed by the Co~~ : shall send to tbe Commjssioner boards and colll.llllss1ons. . . writing of f fu . and Revenue a careful estnuatP ~n £

o ance s ecifviug in detail the obJects thereo_ • t~e ~g~ts. th~ huSiness and proper conduct o~ 1'.heir reqwre. or tm ffiees hoards and commiss1on.c;. respeetrre depar ents. o , during the next ensuing fiscal year.



Sec 78 On such date in each year ~ ~all be fu:e~ . C cil the Commissioner of Finance an b:v the ~~ i:;~bmit to the Council an estimate. of the Re>enue, . . f tl city crovernment .for the :probable ~pe~~~f~e~r, s~~ting the amount i·~quil-ed ~~m:~: init'rest and sinldng ft~nd -~-r t~ 0:e -landing funded indebtedness of I e c1 . ' an

256 Ol1ar t et of The (Jity of Monterey

wants _of all t~1e departments of the municipal govern­ment 1ll detail. and showing speci:fica.l.h- the amount necessary to be l?rovided for each fund and depart­tneut ; '.ilso an estimate of the amount of income from fine.'>. licenses and other sources of re•enue exclusi,·e of. taxes upon property and the probable amount re­quired to be Je,;ed and raised by taxation.


Sec. 19. The Council slutlJ meet annnalh- prior to fu.ing the tax. leYy and make a budget of the estimated am~unts reqmrec1 _to pay the e.i·qlenses of conducting the hnsmess of the cit." ,!!O>ernm('Ilt fol' the next ensuin~ ih;~·al rear. The budgt:t shall be prepared to snch di­till l us to the aggregate sU.m and the items thereof a}lowed to cac:l1 clepartment, office. boru.-d or cotnmis­s1on as the Gounctl may deem adnsable.


Sec. ~O. 'rhe _Council shall meet at tbei-r mmnl plate of holdtng n1eetmg on the second 1\Ionday in .A:n~ust of each .'·~ar, at I en o'clock in the forenoon or ;nid d_ay, a!1J :sit as a Board of Equalization. alld shall con­tinue JO 'R'SSIOll IJy ll• ljOIU"llllHmt from aay to daY 11 U tiJ aJI the returns o1 the .Lc;sessor sha.U ha;e· been rectified and asse~sm~nts l'Quuljzed. They 'ilialJ ba•e power to hear _compla1ut<i and to correct. modify. strike out. or t~ rruse any n sessn.~·nt. provided that notice sliall be gIYcn to th,, party wlwse as.<if'ssraent i<; to be i-aistid.


Sec._ Sl.. The Uouncil run t finally adopt. 11ot later than its fi~,.,t rc~uhir meeting in ._ eptembe.r. au orcli­nan:~ Je,")·1u~ npon ~he Ul;.'>essed rnlnation of the prop­ert) m the <-It~-. s1~bJect to the pronsions n£ this Char­ter. a rat_c ni 1n~t ~ion upon earll one hundred dollars of rnlnat10_n i-..u~c.wnt t<> raise the amounts e~timatl'c1 to .he requu·ed rn the annual bud!tet. less the amounts cstunatecl tu lw 1•ee;efred froi:n fines. ·li(';enses and other som·ces o.f re,··~mH?. They shall then deliver the asse~s­me11t roll to the arnlHor, who shall compute an<l cnrn· ni11 the amC\llnl o.f the. tax_ so levied upon each 1un·cel of prop~rty coutmned m said assessment roll. '1'11e cor­re~ted list .for 7acl1 tax shall be the assessment ro11 of said_ tax for ~lll!l year, aad it shall be certified b~· the auditor as bcm~ the assessment roll or said tax.

Charter of The City of Monter ey 2;;1


Sec. S2. The tax leYy authorized by the Council to meet the municipal expenses for each fiscal year shall not exeeed., except as in this Chlll1t!r provided, the rate of one dollar on eae:b one hundred <lolla.rs of the as­;;essed valuation 0£ all r eal and personal property within the citv. Such len sh.all be placed in the gen­eral fund. which may be- apportioned by the Council except as ' otherwise pro>ided in this Charter.


Sec. 8;3. The Council shall have power to levy and collect tllxes in addition to the t axes herei11 authorized to be leYied and collected. sufficient 1o pay the interest and maintain the sinking fon<l of tht! bonded indebted­ness of t11e cit\': to levv not less tban ten cents 011 each one hundred doJlars of the ai;sessec1 va,luc! of all real and personal propert~y witlrin ~he _city ~or the supp?1't and maintenance of free public ltbrarie.a:; and readmg rooms and to levv not n101·e than five cents on each one hundred dollars of the a::-;;;t>ssed value of all real and personal property within the City for musir., entertain­ment aud promotion.


Sec. 84. All ta,.es and assessments levied, together with au• percentage imposed for delinqueney and the cost of collection, shall Constitute liens OU the property assessed: ey~- ta.-.,: upon the personal property shall be a lien upon the real property of the owner thei-eof. The Liens provided for in this st>ction shall attach as of the first ~ondav in )fare:h in each year, and may be en.forced by aetiolliJ in any <'lllll't of competent juris­diction to foreelose such liens, or l)y a sale of the prop­er& a.ffected and the exe<-ntion and delivery of all uecessan- certificates and deeds therefor. under such regulations as may be presc:ribed by ordinance; p~·o­vided. that when i·eal est<tte is offered for sale £or CJty faxes· due thE'reun the same <ilutll be s01rnk off and sc.1l<l to the citv. in lTue case 11nd in like manner aud witl1 like effe<:t and with likf> right o[ redemption. as it mav he struck off and sold to the State when offered for" sale for StRte and count~· taxes; and the Council shall have power to provide for the procedure to he followed in such sales to the city and redemption there­a ftel'.

258 Charter of The Oity of Montere11


:->cc. 8;>. .Money shal l be drawn from the trf!asUrY ouJ) upon wai·ra.nts as herein authorized. E very de­mand a~iust. the_ cjty, from whatever source including the free public hbrary, when allowed b~· the Council or proper board, shall be signed by the .President and Cler k of such body and a warrant, nwnbered and dat ed the sam~ as the demand issued and signed by the same off1ccrs, and both_ must, before it can be paid, be presented to th(~ A ud1tor, who shall satisfy himself :\·hetl.Jer the money is legally due and its payme~t author­ized b~- hnr. If he allow it, he shall endorse upon the warrant the \rord "allowed" and the date of such aJ ­low1mce, and sign his name thereto.

No elem.and shall hH a.pp1·oved. allowed, atLdited or paid unless it specify each special item. and the date thfireof. T.t shall be the duty of th(! auditor to be constantly acq uain tc<l with the exact eondition of the TrHaSlllJ'. He ~hall, o~ application of any person, in­debted to the e1t;y _ ltoldmg monc~~ payable into the city Tre~sury or desmng to pay money therein certify to the freasnrc1· the amount thereof, to what fund appli­<!able and b).· whom to be paid. He shall charg·p, the 'l'rcasttr·cr mth the anionnt reeeived. lt shall be his duty to apportion among the several funds all puhli~ money Ht any time in the City 'Preasury. not hY law or or~in ;1nc_e speei~cally apportioned an<l ~pprop;iatP.<l, and forthwith notify the rreasm·er of such apportion-1~ent m· appropriation. He shall countersign and de­ln·er to t ile p1·opcr officer all liccnsP.S and other re­ce~pts, cha.rging them therewith and t aking their re­ceipt therefor. Ile shall at· the firi;t r~nular meetin~ of Melt IUOnth , or oftener if required, report in writina: to the Cou11cil the r.ondition of each fund in the tretl.sm·y . H e shall kc<~p a complete set of hooks for the c_i t.~·, in •vhich he shall set forth in a plain and busines!i­hke manner. every money transaction of the city so th:-it he ca11 at any time tell the exact condition of the city 's finance:>, and draw a.11 warrants on the trea.surY. Ifo ~hall per~or~u snch othi\r duties as may he requir~:ct of hint by th1s Charter or by ordiuancc.


Sec. 86. Bvcry officer collecting or receiving anv moneys beloug.ing to or for the use of the citv · shail. on the day of the receipt thereof settle for the same

Charter of The Oity of Monter ey 259

with the Auditor and immediately pa~· all the same into the Treasury, on the order of the A.nditor, for the bene­fit of the funds to which such moneys se,·erally belong. The Council may pronde iu its discretion for the de­posh o.f the city money" iu uauks in accordance rn.th the State la~·.


Sec. 87. 1'he Council shall p1·escribe uniform forms of accounts, which. shall be obl;erved by all officers and departments of the city which rl.>ceh"e or di.s~ moneys. Whenever an ucl shall he passed by the State Legislature calling ior uniform municipal reports, the city authorities shall be govern('u thert'by.



Sec. 88. .A 11 eontracts shall lie drawn under the supervi$ion of the City Attorne~·. AH contracts mnst be in writing, executed in the name o.f The City of Monterey bv an officer or officers authorized to sign the same, a:ua must be countersigned by the .Auditor. \\"ho shall nuniber and register the same in a book kept for that pnrpose.


Sec. 89. .:lny eoutrn1·t may provide for prO.S?ressive payment:->. if in the ordinanc(· anthorizinl? or ordering the '\\Ork perJ.llli.sion i:> given for such 11 contract. But no progres~ive payruenl'> ean· he provided for or made at any time which. with prior payment~. if there hav1~ been sueh. hall exccetl iu amount at lhat time se,enty­!ITe per cent of lhc value o.f the labor done and the materials used up to that tinw. and uo conh-a.ct shalJ prcffide for or authorize or permit the payment of more tban seventy.:fi\·e per ceut of lhe contract price before the completion of Ute "'Ork dom' under said contract aud the ~wceptance tht>reof by the proper officer, department or board.


Sec. 90. In the erection, improvement or repair of all publie buildings and works, in all street and sewer work, and in all work in or about streams, lJa~·s or ·water

260 Ohcwter of The City of Monterey

£rout. 0 1· in Ol' about embankments or other works for protection against overflow and erosion, and in furnish­ing any supplies and materials for the same, or for any other use by the city, wben the expenditure re­quired £or the same exceeds the sum of five hundred dollns, the same shall be done by coutraet , and shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder, after advertising for scaled proposals for the work contemplatoo for five consecutive days iu the official newspaper. Such notice shall distinctly and specifically state the work con­templated to lrn done. Provided, however, the Council may reject any and all bids, if deemed excessive, and readvertisc :for bids, or provide for the work to be done by the Department of Publie Works. I n case no bid is received, the Council may likewise provi~e for tbe work to be done by the Department of Pubhc Works.


Sec. !.H. '!'he Council shall let annually contracts fo:r tbc official advertising for the ensuing fiscal year. Jj,or thi::; purpose the Council shall advertise for five consecutive days, setting forth distinctly and specifically tbc work contemplated to be done, and asking for scaled proposal'l therefor. The proposals shall specify the type and spacing to be used at the rate or rates ua.med in the bids. The Council shall let the con­Ll'act~ for sucb official advertising to the lowest re­sponsihk bidder publishing a daily newspaper in the city which is a newspaper of general circulation and hal> been in existence a.t the time o.f the awarding of the cont ract at leilst one yea~r; provided, that the Council way r eject any or all bids i.f fonnd excessive and ad>ertise for ne"· bids.

ThP- newspaper to whicb the award of such advertis­ing is made shall be known ancl designated as the '' Offieial newspaper.''


Sec. 92. 1\o contract for lighting streets, p11 hlie buildings. places or offices shall be made for a longer period than one year, nor shall any contract to pay for electric light or any illumination material at a higher rate than tbe minimum pr·ice charged to any other con­sumer be Yalid.

261 Cnarte1· of The City of il:Iori.terey


f . . pplvina ,rnter for tb.e Sec. 93. Ko. c?ntr;act ill 0~,~l~f its depar tments shall

use of !Jie m\llli~tpalth1ty iniinum rnte~ .exceed those be valid wherem e m charged to other consum1;rs.


, aximum ti.ine of lal>or or serY1ce Sec. 9±. 1he lll• • workman or mcc:harue em-

required of any htho!·~t ·al work "hetber i;o ernplo~·eu Ployed upon any_ imm1cl'll_)t t:'f1'c:e~"!': Ol'' lw a c·onttactor.

. l b th c1~· anc t s o .. . . . direct Y y e . . ·I . LI he eiaht hours clnnng any one or sub-contracto1. :-i lll o


- Am· officer u.r the city. or of .any d~pn:t-Sec. 9o. • b 11 icl 01• a'lsi:,;t a bidder m ::e-

ment thel.·eof, w~ot s / ·ui~h labor uiaterial o1· supplies cu1·ing ~ contrac. o th~~~ thnt pr~'posed br nnr other a~ a hig~eri!l'lsb:l l favor oue bid11cr over nno~her by bidder, or ~' i~· .., ·ntormati.on or who sh.all willfolly giTing or wrt~o C1illo. l • •a • l to the character o~ the mislead any 1.n(ld~ m r~,,,at { . or who shall knoWl!lgly material or s~pplies calle~ fo~f a uality inferior ro aeeept uw.terial or suppli~~. t or ,{ho shall knowingly thos~ cafieu for by the cOll I clCOf labor performed than certily to a greatt>r ~o.untn or to the rt!ceipt Clf a. has been actunlly ~£i~~~~ ·kind of material or sup­greater aruount or t all,· "e"e1'ved shall be dl.'emed

- ~~~-- bas been ac :u • " · Le.: plies Uli1il d hall bP removed :from O.LUCe. !:!uiltY of malieasance an s "" .


fuue it shall be found that t1:1e Sec. 96. lf at any tr ·t has been a\\arded has. u1

person to whom ~ con ~~1 colluded with any oth.er presenting an)~ bid or \))( s, r ose of pre'\"entiug irny party or pa:ties fod tht'.h pu tb~ eontraet so awa1·ded other bid being ma._ a' ~D the Council shall advertise shall be null and yo~ ' au~ '•ork or provide £or snc.h for a new eontrad di or s~~ t~e Department oi: Public pnb1ie work to be one ) Works.

262 Clrnrter of The City of '1 · ;, onterey



Sec 97 Th .. t. c 1TY INALI E N AB L E . f · · e rignts of the city · . ront. "·barf property la d m and to its water ings, wl1an-es. dotl:;: ~tre~ un~er water. public land­ot~er pnblic places e ~- highways; parks and all Hus ('harter. are ~re~:e~ las o~ern;ise provided ill

• tie.ca.red malienallle. N O U SE O F STREETS WITH

Sec 98 t\' ouT A FRANCHISE : • . l o person firm or . . .

e~e.rc1se auy f ranchise' Ol' .. · corporati?n sha ll ever artJrlt: except. in so far asprn1lege. mentioned ill this

. to ~o so hr clirect autho~':i ~e or it m.,,ay be entitled California or of the C nsti ty _of the Constitution of United State;;. iu . upo 0 tn.t10n or the laws of the street. highwav or othe n, ov~:r , undc1: and a.long· a.n v lie or it shali havn olrt I;1Ubb c plac<~ m the citv trnless

d . ~ , ained a ,,.r·i t th f . .

cor ance with the pr .- . e "n. . ere 01· m a.c­Charter. 0>1s10ns of this article of this


Sec. 99. Eve1·v fra h. . - nc 1se or pri ·1 or operate street. suburban . v1 ege to constru ct along, upon over .o d or mterurban raiJroads th . , r un er anv st t h. o er puhhc place or to I • . rec ' igh way or 1tny

erect poles oi· wir es or oth ay 21pes ot· conduits or to und et· .,.,_ octures · er. or fllOn!? anv c;t:J.·9et hi .. m. upon. OYf'l.\ pl:ice m th~ citv for th ti- gh_w~ or other public tr1cit~·. or for ltnv pnr ~ ai1snus<;1on of gas or elec­upon the eonditi~ns inp th~ wha~·er. shall be !?rante1l otherwise. . IS article pronded, and not


prh-ilege shall file L ~it~p~icant fo~ a. franchise or therefor, and thereupon the C Co~ci.l an application to !?rant the same. uclvertise th o~m shaU: if it propose together \\ ith a statement tltae ~ae~ of sard application the sallle, in the offi ·a.1. ' t rt is })roposed to "'rant pnl •!ieatio11 of SLwh ad~ei·ti~!:Vaper of the city. "''l'he cessive days and must be cum ent .must r nn for six suc­aud no more than t1ti -t ~ . pleted not less than twenty can he taken on such ~P~~I~sa~~~re any further action

Charter of T h.e City of M onterev 263


(2) The a<h·ertisement rnu<st $;tate Hu> clrllraeter of the franchise or p1'iYilc:,?E' it is proposed to be granted. and if it be a 'il!'et't. suburbun or interurban rail.road., the route to be trawrsc<l : that -.ealed bid-s therefor will be optmed at a stall'd time anu place. and that the franchlse will be awarded to the bidder offering w pay to the city c.lnring the life of the fran­chise the higbest percentage of the gross receipts re­eeh"ed from the use. operation or pos.c;c. siou of the franclrise: p1·0Y1ded that c:;uch percentage be not 1ess than two per cent or -;twh gross a11nual receipts. but no pei·centage shall lw 1·eqnirl•t1 to he paic1 for the first fiwi ~·ears ueeee<lin~ thC' date of the franr.his f! .


Sec. JOJ. (1) At the t inii! of <1pening the sealed bids. an~· responsible peniun, tir111 01· corporation, present iu person. or rcprc:.entcd m11y hiu fol' such franchise or privilege not less than one-fourth ot one per cent of the gross annual receipts above tn1:: high~st sealed bid therefor. an<l such bid so mutle muy he rni.~('J not less than one-fourth of one per cent of tlie gro::;.-; a-nm1al receipts b)- an~- other re!>ponsihlt> biddt.lr, and such bid­ding may continue until finally such franchise shall be struck off. st1lu and awarded b,· the Council to the per;-';®' :firm or 1•orporation offr;1·ine- the higbt':i't pcr­centa.$.?e of th<' gross aunnul receipt ... aJ'i<.;im! fr •m the use, opet·;t1 itm or po:-st•,.,. ... i< n of sm:h frauchi~1 : prO\-idecl that if, in tht: j11d~Pnt of the Council no acleqmite 01· respou ihle hill hns hct:U mud~·. t lw { 'ounci.l may withdraw sn•'h franchise from c;ale or adYel'tisc for uew


(2 I ETery applfoution and bid for franr.hisc u n:le1· this article s.ball bl' ac1·ompanie<l by a. cash deposit ui two thonsiu1d dollars or u l'.crti fi ed check therefor as a. .giummtee of the i:roocl f;1it b of the applicant or bidder, and as a .l:uud ont of which to pay all expenses con­neeted whb such llpplication ~.nd the granting of snch franchise.

Upou the franchise being awarded. all deposits made by unsuccessful bidders shall bP returned. 'l'he depo.c;it or the succes.-.ful hirlder .:;hall Ill' rrtahw<1 nu1il the filing and the approval ot th1~ surPl~· hond bereinniter pro-

Charier of The Ci ty of Monterey

vided for, wht.>1·eupoo th . J after thl payment ther~h·o:em~m.tlf of such . deposit, ~~·the ci~· in connt'ction with tl~· d ~~uses mcurrcd mg of .-::uch frauchi f'. shall he rt1:~:rnsrng and award-


. (3) ~o claw;e or condition of k' d UL<jerted in any franchbe or ~Y nn shall be the terms of th.is article xant offered .or sold unclet· direct]~· restrict free and

0 ich shall ·~~ec~ly or in.

fhcrefo1· and 110

•·la pen competi..ion m biddin"' • .; UJ>c or p 0 · · sh "

iu any franchise ottered fo r ~lSlonhi all he inserted \ds1' far-or one person run: sa e " ch . shall in any­nuothe1· in bidtlin.,. foJ· 'the nurorh corpt~ratiofn as against

" Y c ase .11ereo . BOND,

( 4) The successful biddet f . . pdvi!f>gt' awarded nuder this ru·J~ anfuu fr~chise or run.nwg to the ci Ly to b s J file a hond !n the pe1ial sum b,- it toe b app~ov~~ by the C01~1c~ ~ the ad ,·e1.-tisemc;1 t for .e pl eseri . e.d and set forth bidder shnll well and trufrb~is, con~~o~e~ that such ro:·m u11.ch and every terni anJe:Ve i~ a~hfully yer­duse aud that in car,;e l1.f anv b~~., l onfot su<:h. frao­such bond Lh ·I J • .,.,,c 1 o condition of · c " 10 e a1Uount o.f the al 111.unerl shall be taken an<l d d pen sum therein <lru1rn~es and shall he l'ecover:b~e £r to be liq~cl~te<l and surtty upon such bond om the prmmpal ~uch boucl shall be filed ,~ith th C . .

dars after such fram.:hist: is awa d:~ andouncil . w~thin .five tlaYs after the fil' l' :cu: within thirt\-fr

· mg and appro•al of s eh bond · ancbis1• shall b~· the Council be

11 . such

to the p1•r on. firm or corpurarfo~anted by or~anct: ha Ye been s1 ruck off sold or a . ded to w~om it shall hond shall not be SI; nJec} th \\ar · and ID case SUCh shall hi.! set a!;id. d . e award of s11cl1 fl"cillchise

. . - . c an any money deposited . ueet10u mtb the awar<lin& o£ t h £r chi m con­feited aud the franchise ~l'lb 0 ~ an · .se ~ll be for­CounciL be teadvertised ~1~ ' m_ the ffd1scretion of the the smuc manner and under agam .o ered f?r .sak in h1~reinhrfoni prodded. the same r estrictions as


See. 102. 'rhe maximum len th £ . . a fra:nchise or privil O'e to g 0

. time fo_r which "-aters or other public~laces ~;cthth.e 'tstreets, highways, to anr e fl • .. e Cl Y may he g-ranted

. p t'<lOD, t m or corp oratio11 shall be fifty years.

Charter of The City of Montr. rey 2135


Sec. 103. Work under anr francllis•· granted in ac­cordance with the terms of this article <:ball be com­menced in good fa ith within not more than lour months from the date 0£ the final passage of the ordinance ~ra.n:ting such franchise and if not so commenced mth­iu sru 1 t;rue. said £ranchio;e shall he .forfeiwd. \\ork un<lt'>r ru1y franchise so !.!:ranted shall he completed with­in the time fu:ed for snch rompletion in the ordinance !?l'autin!! ::md1 franC'biiw. wbi1•h time shAll be not more than tbl·t>e years from the date of tbe fim1l passage of the ordinam·r grantin!? said franchise, a.nd if not so comph•tt>d within sairl time. said franchise shall be forfeited: pro'"ided. tlrnt if good c11ust'> be ~hown, the Coun.cil may. hy l'esolntion. ert~mcl the time for com­pletion 1hereo£ not f>xceeding three mouths.


Sec. 10±. The gr~nt of evory franchise or pi-ivilege iliall lie subjeet to the 1·i ~bl of the City whether re· sened or not. to make all regulations whit•h shall be necessary to secnre in the most ample maoner the safety. welfare anc1 accommodations of the public. iu­eluclillf! among other things the rii:rht to pass and en­force ordinances to protect t11e public from danger or inconvenience in the operation of any work or business :mtbori,.;cd by the grant of the franchise ancl the right to make and en force ail such reS!lllatfons !IS !ilia11 be reasonably necessa.ry to se.curc adeqnnte. sullic;ent and proper service and aceommodatio11s for the people and assure their comfort and convenience.


Sec. 105. The grant of e>ery franchise or privilege shall be '<lnbject to the right of the city, whether re· ser ved or not, to prescribe and regulate tbe rates. fares, r entals or charges made for the set"Vice rendered under such :franchise. The grant of every :franchise for a street suhur ban or intC'.rurban railroad shall provide that all Unit ed States mail carriers and all official :policemen and frremen o! the city shall at all times. while in the actual discharge of their duties, be allowed to ride on the cars of such railroad within the boun­daries of the city, without paying ther1>for a11d with all the rights of other pass~ngers .

26t> Cl!Cirt cr of The Oi ty of Monterey


Sec. 106. EYcry ordinance granting any franchise shall prov)de tba~ at the e.~piration of the period for 'rh1d1 the frnm:hise was grauted or at any time before as stated in the ordina.nce t he e;ity, at its election and upon the payment of a fair- valuation therefor to be lrrn.de in the manner provided in the ordinance making the grant, may purchase and take over to itself the pt•operty and plant of the grantee in its entfretY but in no ca~e shall the value of the f r anchise of the gr~tee be considered or taken into accoun t in fixin!t such \'alnation. Or it may be provided in the ordinwcc grantin¥ :m~· frru1chise that the proper~- and plant of ~he gra.ntee ::lu~ll al the expiration of the period for wl11d1 the fraucl11se was granted become the property of the city. mtbout any compensatipn to the grantee ..



Sec. 107. Every ordinance g:rantina anv franchise shall f\u'ther provide that npon the payment hv the city of a lair •aluation in the manner p;·ovi<led in the orclinanei>. the plant and property of tbe granfoe :,,ball ~ecOllle the pl'OpPrty Of the City by Yirtite Of the grant Jn payment thereunder. and withont the l'xecution of any instrument or conveyance. Or in case it is pro­Yided i11 the ordinance granting anv franc:hise that the property and plant of the g1·antee • slrnll at the expira­tion of the period £01· which jt was granted ])ecome the property of the city without any eompeusalion tll J.hc grant1.?e, the pl'opcrt~· and p lant of the ,gruntee shall then l)ecome the p roperty of city liy \'U"tlu> oi the !?rant an<l without the execution of ai1y in"tn1mE>11t or c:cmYeyance.


Sec. 108. .Any f ranchise granted bv the citY shall not be leased, assigned or other wise alienated '"ithont the express co~sent of the city, and no dealings with a lE>ssee or assignee on the part of tbe city to require the pe_rformance of any act or payment ~f any com­pen$8tlon hy the lessee or assignee shall be deemed to nperate ns such c·onsen1 : p rovided that notl1ing- herein shaU be construed to prevent the arantet> of snch. franchise from including in i t a mortg~ge or tl 'USt deed executed fur the pru·pose of obtaining mCJnev for cor-Jl<>rate objects. ·

Oharter of The Ci ty of Jfonterev 267


See. 109. Every grant of any franchi~e or p~ivi­lege. in over. under or along any of the st reets, lugh­wavs. ~r pnbli(! places in the eity fol' raHway pur­poses. shall be subject_ to the c~n~itions tha_t ~he per­son. firm or corporation. exerc1smg or ~11Joying the sarrie sball sprinkle. clean, keep in r~p~tir, and pave and repave so much of said street, hig~way '.ir other public place as may be occupied by said nnlv .. ·ay as lies between the rails of each railway track and between the lines of double t rack, anti for a space of t wo feet outside of said t racks.


Sec. 110. Th e City of :.\lontcr ey, by _its Auditor , Depnty Auditor, or accountants authorized ?Y the Auditor. or by the C01mcil, shall have th~ right at all reas~nable times to ~xamine all the books,. vouchers ancl records of any person.. fir m or corporation ex.er­cisine: or eujoyini? ·any franchise or . pr.ivilege granted hv the citY. for the purpose of vcnfymg any of the ·tatem(•ot.s. of gro s receipts prov1decl for , arid fo~ any other purpose wha~oevcr connected wjth t~e duties or privileges of the clty or of such person, firm or c01;­poration ar ising from th~ Charter 0 1· fro~ the ord1-mrn ce granting the franchise, and ma.y audit the same at the end of eac:h year .


Sec. 111. Every pel'son, firm or corporation operat~ng anv busin<~~s undct franchise granted under this arttcle shall fil e annually with the City Auditor on sucb date a.s shall be ftxed by the Council a report for the pre-<:cdinO' vea1·. .

Sucl1 ·report shall be in writing, verified by the aff1-da vit of such person or persons or officer of the co_r­por ation, as thP. Council sball dircct0 ~nd shall contam H. statement in such form ancl deta1l as shall from time to ti~ne be prescribed by the 9ouncil of all gro~s receipts arising £roru <ll) the. b~1srness tl~ne b~- said person. firm or corporation within The (11ty of l\.fon­terey for the yea1· immediately preceding such report. Such r eports shall contain su~h fnrtbe~ statements as may be required by the Council concerning the charac­ter and amount of business done a.o.d the amount of receipts and expenses connected ther e'llvith , an<\ also

268 Chark.- of The City ot Monterey

the an1ount expended for new construction. repairs, and bettermcllt dnring suth year. ·


Sec. 11:? .. The stipulated percentage of gross receip ts shall he pa1_d annually at the time of filing the annual report Fnilm·e to pay such percentage at the time of filing su~h annual report shall "Work a forfeiture o.f the franchise. 'I'he provisions as to payment of gross r eceipts shall apply to every person, firm or corpora­tion using or operating thfl works constructed under such f ranchise.


S<.:c: ~13 . Every or~inanee grant!ng any franchise m· pr1v1kge sb.al1 provide for the termination and for­fo!ture tlterr>of for any breach or failure to comply ITT1 h 3.ll)' 0 r the terms. Limitations or conditions thereof nn<l in nil s11c:h cn<>es the Oouncil shall have powe1· t~ dee lm·•? 1 UP tenniuation and forfeiture of any such frat1chist> or privilege. tb,e same as though in each iu­;,;ta11ce ~nch power wa.s expressly reserved.


Sec. 114. ~o exclusive right or privilege shall ever be g rau tl'd by the c.ity or Council in, to, or upon the bed (1f Lbc .Bay of :.\fontere~', beyond the line of mean low t ide ; nor shall any structure be erected thereon so a..'l to preYent the construction and operation of belt h n.es o.f railrm~ds along t~c water front; and any fran­chise or permit for a ra1lroad t rack jn, over or upon the bed of the Bay of }fonterey shaU be subject to the right of any other railroad or railroad company to ti.se the same upon payment of a rea.'lonable compensa­tion therefor.


Sec. 115. All franchises and privileges heretofore granted b:~· the eity which are not in actual use or enjoyment or which the grantees thereof have not in good faith cornrn1~ncc~d to exercise shall be declared forfeited imd iuvalid unless such' grantees or their assign.;; !:!hall within six months after this Chal'ter takes effect in good faith commence the exercise and enjoy­ment of snch priYilege or franchise.


Charter of The City of Mo·iiterey 269




Se.:. 116. The Public Library of . the city sh.all be under the con:tl·ol and management of a Board oi Com­Inissioners. consisting of five members. who ~ be ap})ointed by the l\Iayor subject to the conftrmation of a majority of the Council. 'l'hey shall be chosen ?:om the citizens at laI·ge without regard .to sex: or polit1~ opinions, but with l'eference t.o. tlu•1r iiln_ess for said office anll no member of the C1tr Co\lncil ~Il be. a member of said Board. The men1bers. of thls co:aurus­sion shall Sel'\'C for two years an? w1thout compensa­tion and durin ll' tbeir term of office must have a. con­tinuous l'esiden~e in said city.


Sec. 117. The Uity Cou.u~il ma~: at the. rectuest of tbe Board of Li\mtry CoUllllissioners. m. i_nalring ~e annual tax 1evv. and a.'l n part thereof. if the maintenance of the iihrarv is not otherwise provided for, levy a sum of not less than ten cents on the one hu_nch7t1; dolla!s assessed valuation for the purpose of ~mtammg. said library and reauin"' rooms and purchasrng books. JOtlr­naJs. periodicals a;tl other :supplies therefor.


Sec. ll8. If pa,n:ncnt into 1be Gity Treasury of any money or proper!)- derj~ed by doi;i~tion or bequest would be im:onsistent "->th the contl1tions or re!ms .of such Uonation Or beqnes1. the board shall pTOnde fo;r the safety and preserntion of tht> _<:amc a?d tbe apph­cation thereof to the use of S\1ch bbrar~- m ~ccordance mth fhe terms or t•onditions of such donation or be-quests.


Sec. 119. 'l'he title to all property, real and per­sonal. now owned or hereafter acqnire<l b~- pureha~e. donation bequest or otherwise for the purpose of s~d li'bra.ry, 'whe.n mit incom1isteut with t~e ~erms. of _,ts acquisition. sltuli vest and be an<l remarn m smd crh,·, and in the name of said cit)· ma~· be rued for or de­fended hy o.cti011 at. law or otherwise.

270 Charter of The Oity of Monterey


l:i<::e. 120. The board shall meet at lea.st once each ruonth and a majority shall constitute a quorum for !lH: t ra.nsactioi:i of business, but a less number may ad­J<>nm from tlDie to time. It shall elect one of it-c; members secretary and it shall be his dutv to keep a full record of all the meet ings of the board and of all its business transactions. He shall -serve for one Year and until his su c.cessor has been appointed and" has qualified.


Sec. 121. 'l'he booi.rd shall have power: ( 1) 'I'o make and enforee all rules, regulations and

by-laws ne~essary for the adruinistratio11, goverillllent and protection of the library, reading room and all the propel'ty belonging thereto ;

(2) To adwinister any tl'ust declared or created £or such library or reading rooms, and to provide memorial tablets and niches to periietuate the memorv 0£ anv persous who make donations or bequests thereto: •

(3) To purchase books, journals anc1 publications and other supplies and personal property for the use of the library out of the funds provided .for such pnr­poses by the Council ;

( 4) To appoint a librarian and such other em­pl~>:vee~ as may be nc..'Cessary to properly conduct the saHl hbrary aod the reading rooms connected there­with. to prescribe their duties an d the limits of their au thority;

(5 ) To do all that mav be nec.essarv to be done to ca:rry.r out in full all tb~ provisions of this Charter r-elating to said library.


Sec. 122. The compensation 0£ the librarian and 0£ all the library employees shall be such as may be fixed by the board n.o.d shall be paid from the funds provided for tho support of the library, subject only to the gen­er~l provisions of. th.is Charter regulating the payment of nwneys from the public funds.


Sec. 12:-l. The Connell shall pass proper ordinances for the proteetion of the P11hlie Library nnd property h E>longiug thereto, and imposing penalties upon pel'sons

Charter of The City of :Jfontercy 271

injuring the same or \lU)awfnlly obt~ining· or detaini11g books or other property from such ll bnn·:-.



Sec. 124. 'i'herc is hereby created in an d for T'he Cit..v of :Monterev a court which shall be kuowu as the Police Court of · Monterey.


Sec. 125. Said conrt shall consist of one Judge, 'd10 shall be appointed by the Oouncil, and sh<dl seTY~ dur­ing its pleasure and shall receive suc h compensation as the City Council shall deterrrnne.


Sec. 126. Sai<l court shall have cxclusin jurisd~ction: First-In all prosecutions for the violation 0£ city or-

dinances. Second-In all actions £or the r ecovery 0£ any fin~,

penalty, or forfeiture an~ the ·enforcement. of an?- obli­gation 01· liability prescribed or created by the mt~ or~ dinanccs and which the sum sued for does not exceed tbree hundred dollal's.


~cc. 12'7. W itMn the city limits saill conrt shall ha:e concurrent and c1l-Or<linate ji1risdiction with Township Justi ce Cour ts on all iuatte1·s aod thin2'S in. wl~~ ~us­ticc Cour ts now or may bereaite1· ban.· JlU'1!<cliction. Auel the Jud•Ye of said Police Court sha1l have as afore­said like authority , pOWAI' and j 'LHisdiction as the ,Tns­tic~s of said Justice Courts.


Sec. 128. Appeals may be taken to tbe Superior Courts of the State of California in and for the Coun_ty of i\:Ionterev from the judgoieut and order 0£ s~nd Police Court in ~ll ea:;;es in which appeals are now_ or ,ma~­hereafter be provided by l l:IW to be taken to said Supe­r:or· Con rt from said .T nstice Court and Police Court.


See. 129. In all pleading in and appeals from said Police Conrt the pleading, pr<1cti<~c and procedure and

272 Cha.rte1 of The City of Monterey

la•:'".~ now Hppli~able or .that may hereafter be made a -phcablt! h1 sa1u Justice or J>olice Court arc herel'v adop ted aU<l made applicable to said P olice Court. ·


:-:et•. l:30. ~l fines and other ~o -~ · colicde<l l1y the Judge of said Poli nd;:; reefe1ved or ncconu1 of The City of Monter . ee .ourt ?r or on 1>aid into th!l City Tr ey shall lm.mediately be

easurv. He shall make monthl reports tCI the :Mayor to,,.ether m· ~.. Y

l · f • "' LU proper voucbers

am recE'1 pts or all ruoneYs received and .d . h tnastrry. · p~n wto t e


S~<:", _1.3?. --~n actions and proceedings pendiu"' and nndtt~nmned m the Reco1·der's Court of l\I t "' be pt•oceeded \\"ith, heard tried ... ,,d det"" ~u edre1 sh~l l> r 0 . ....... ¥LIDllle m said

o 1ce ?:u·1. .hel'ebr p vo-:idetl fur before said Judo·o the snme as if s~1cl action OJ· proceed[ng had been . "'"=! • 11 commenced m said Police Court. or1oma r


~ B2 'l'b . •. eo. ' . e Judge of the Police Comt shall kce a i·ecord of. the proceedings of the Police Court in aE J~a·jltenb·s, al:id ca.<;cs ~le!orc sa.id. court. Separate dockets s a e .cpt for c1v1l and criminal cases.


Sec. U ;"l. 'I'he citv sh·' ,l furrus· h for ·a t • J ~ ~ ~r a smtable Mur t room and office aud th{' necessan dockets al.Id all blanks and other books and stationen.· necess '" fo r the trai-11rnction of it'> business and the. ·a·a ar.t c:hall nl ''a . b f I> J cour ~ ' '' ~ s e open or the trans1U!tion of business e.."'l-cept. on Sundays and other non-judicial days. '


s.cc. l:H. 1:h~ Judge of tbP. Police. Court shall have pl)\\ er to aum1mster oaths,. take and certify affidavits rn t~e same manner and \v1th like effect as Justice f the Peace. s o


1 Sec. 135 . . He shall have and use a seal on which shall

/,e e~~ra vcd the . arms of the State and the words Police Court, City of :Monterey." '


S,e: .. 136. The Chief of Police of The City of )fon­t('rc~ shall excc11fo and rP.tnrn all processes issuing from

Charter of 'l'Jie Citv Of Jionterey 2i3

the Police Court and all orders of the Police Judge. 'l'he Chief of Police shall enfor ce the execution 0£ all the la~ and or<linanee!> with.in the jnrisd:ction of the city, or for the suppres,,ion of an~ riot, public tiunult, dis­turbance of the pea<:c or resI.Stance against the laws or publi{; authoTity. or in the lawful exP.rcise of their func­tion. He shall have the powe1-s that are now or may be hereafter c:ouferred upon Sheriffis by the laws o.f this S1ate. and shall in all r'-'spe<'ts be entitled to the same protection and his Iuwful oruers shall be exe­cut.eJ b~- ueputies, policemen and watdunen of the City of 1\fonterey, and every citizen·shall also leml aid when required for the arrest of offende1'S in the muintenan~e of p'ltblic order. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to prosecute, before the Police Judge, all hreaches or violations or non-compliance with any city ordinance or law with!n the jurisdiction of the Police Judge which. has come to bis knowledge. The Chief of Police shall 11a ve charge 0£ the City Prison and prisoners and of any chain gang that may be established by the Council. He shall devote his entire time to the duties of his of­fice and subject to such l'ules and re,.."l.llations os the Council may prescribt!. He shall remo'e any member of the police force £or disobedience of any law or vrder. for violation of a:ny of the rules or regulations of the Police Department, and for neglect of duty or conduct unbecoming a member of the police force. He shall immediately file w1tb thr· )layor writren charges 9}eci­fying the groundi; upon which such suspension 1lr re­moval is made.

In addition to the duties io t.bis Charter specified the ,Chief of P olice shall discharge all the duties required of bim by ordinance of the cit~-. or resolution 0£ the Council, or by law, or auy provii;.ions of this C'1utrter.



Sec. 137. For the purpose 0£ nominating the candi­dates and electing the Mayor an<l C(nmcilmcm in ac­cordancfl with this Charter, this Charter shall take ef­fect from the time of tlw approval of th~! same by the J1egislature; for all other purposes jt 8hall take effect on the 1st clay of ,Tnly, 1.!lll.

214 <'heir l e1· of '1'11~ C-i.ty of Monterey


Sec. 13',. 'l'he Board of Trustees of the Ci~ of Mon­terc)~. in office. ut the ti rue of the appro"al of tins Char­ter h)· the L1•g1sL.tturc, shaU provide for tbe holdinCJ' of the fi.n.t eli::ction under this Charter. shall Nrn;ass


the ,·ote" l\rd 1lt~lare 1he rt>snlt.


~1·t· }.{I). Tlw 111<>mher,.;; of the Board of Trustees and ~I ot~er elt><•tiY~ 0J'ffo1-ri:; of The City of :Monter e)-. in nf.tict• at lh(~ tnm• of app1·ov-c1l of this Charter b; the Le!!i.:;1ature. sha 11 1·011tinue to bold offiee and cliscbar CJ'e tht-ir clutit•s until 1hc election and qualificatio11 of the l\I~~·m nml < 'onnc•ilmcn. l'C!lpectivel~'". :first elected under f his ('burl.er.

The tel'm of each of all the other officers in office at tl!e time this Charter take8 effect shall cease and ternunate when tlw Council first elected hereunder shall by resolution so declare.


Sl'c. f-10 .. . All lawful city ordinances, resolutinns aud rc>~11l11twn:-; 111 fm·ce at the timr this Charter takes effi>c•t and uot in<·ousist >nt "i lli the prorisions t11ere11f are herelJy contilmcd in fon·e until the same shall tlt' duh-aruended 01· rt>pealed. ·


l:::it>t·. 14~. 'rhc City ..lttorney shall oe the pro!:wcuting nttorne~· m behalf 0£ the people in all crimin.~l cases arif'iug from '-iolntion of th~ pro\isions of this C'hai'ter and the ordinaucc:-- of the city and sball attend to all ~niti- auc'I prot•e.,_dinm; in ''bich tl1e ci~- may be le,,,crally rnt•,re:>lcd: prov1dC'tl, I hf' Council :JialJ ban control of all litigation of the city. antl ma~- emplo:r other attor­ne~·-.. tn take char!.!<' of any litig-ation or to assist the City .\ ttorney thei·ein.


"l' l'. 1 +2. 1'h(' 'in lat.ion of any provisiou uf thi!i Charti>r, or nf any <wtlinm1<'e of tbe city. sha ll lJe def'med u mii< 1t·metmm._ nnd may hr prosecuted bv lhe anthor]­ties of the city in the name of the people of the State of Culifornia. OJ" m11y he r<>clre,c;sed h:r (frnl action, at ~he option of 1;wjd authorities. Any person sentenced to 1111prio.:011m~nt for a 'iol::ition of a p1'0vision of tbi<>

Charter of 1.'l~e City of Monterey

Ohfil.'ter. or of any or dinance. may be imprison ed in the City Jail or of the County Jail i.n which The City of )lontere'" is situated. in which case the expense of such impriso~ent shall be a char!!l' iu faYor of such county against The City of )loutercy.


~c. li3. The word ··Cit) · ' wherever it occurs i.n this Charter meruis Thi.' City of )fouterey. and ~!ery Com.missioner, Conunission. Depar~nH:n~. Board. Officer or Emplo~·ce. wherever m~n~ioncd lD th1s Charter, mea.JlS the Uommissioner Colllllllss1on. Department. Board, Of­ticc1· or Employe~. as the ca'3e may be, <1f The ~ity ~£ )iouter l<'". Tht> word "C'ouncil" wbeJl use~ lll thls Charier · means the Council o:l: 'rhe City of ) Con terey.


Sec. 14±. AJter the result of an electiolJ is declared, 01• when au appourtmeot il:i made, tht: City ~lerk, tmder Jtis hand aud official seu.1, shall issue a eer tiflcate there­for and serve the same by i·egistered mail through the Tinit eu Stat1•.s Pos1oilice in 'l'he City of i\Ionter~. ad.­dressed to rhe person or pN·~uns t\O ele.·ted or appointed.


.Sec. l+.5. If for any reason the first gimeral munici­pal electiou is not hi>ltl on the day herein proyide~ for. the yalidirr of thi:s Chal'ter and oi snch election is not affected thereby. and the Board of Trustees oi The Ci.tT of Montere,· then ill office must provide for the holiling of such ·t!h:ctiou :t-; soon as poN>ible tbtreafter.


Sec. 146. This Charter ma~- l>c amended at intervals <;f not less than two years by proposals therefor, sub­mitfod by the Council to the qua.lined electors of the city at a general or special election, held at least forty days after the puulication of such proposals for twenty clays in a daily newspaper of general circulafaon in the city aud ratified by a majority of the electors voting thereon, and approved by the Logitilature as provided in the Constitution 0£ the State of Californja. When­eve1· twenty per cent of the qualified elector-s of the city shall petition the Council to submit any proposed amendment or amendments to this Charter to the quali­fied electors tJ1ereof for apprcn·al the Council must sub-

276 Charter of The Oity of Monterey

mit the same. In submitting any such amendment or amendments to the Charter any alternative article or proposition ma.y oo presented for the choiee of the elee­tors and may be voted on sep~ately without prejudice t-0 the others.


See. 14:7. The petition provided for in Section 146 mu.st be made, presented and certified to in the manner and form required for petitions in Section 31 Article IV, of this Charter. '


See. 148. The Council must make all necessary pro­visions for submitting proposed amendments to the elec­tors and shall canvass the votes in the same manner as in other elections.


Sec. 149. The ballots u.sed at such elections shall con­tain the words, ''For the Amendment'' and ''Against the Amendment" (stating the nature of the proposed amendment).

OJw.rter of The Oity of M,onterey 277


Whereas, The City of .Monterey. a city containing a population of more than three thousand fi"ve hundred, and less than ten thousand inhabitants, on the 25th day of July, .A.. D. 1910, at a special election1• and under and in accordance with the provisions oi Section 8, Al-tiele XI. of tlte Constitution of the State of Califor­nia, did elect W. E. Parker, F. A.. Botsch, George D. Clark, C. P. Carmody, C. F. French.. Frank Hellam. Paul Hess. F. hl. Ililby, E. E. James, F. A. Lang. J. K. Oliver. Shelley Pickles. H. J. Scbaufele, B. F. Wright and C. R. Few a Board of Fifteen Freeholders to pre­pare and propose a Charter for said city,

Wherefore be it known. tlult pursuant to said provi­sions or the Constitution of the State of California and within. a. period of ninety days af tcr said special elec­tion, said .Board of Freeholders has prepared and does propose the foregoing as and for t.he Cbarter of the City of Monterey.

In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands in duplicate this 13th day of October, A. D. 1910.


Attest: C. R. FEW,. Secretary.

Received this 13th day of October, 1910. (Seal} WILL JACKS, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of

Monterey. Filed thls 13th day of Oet-Obes 1910.

GEO. ti. GOULD, JR., City Clerk.

27& ('ltarte.- of The Oily of Monterey


The tirst official publication oi the foregoing pro­pose~ C.ha.rter was made in the Monterey Daily Cypress, a <laily newspapei· of general circulation, on Saturday, October 22, 1910, pursuant to .resolution No. 1071, 11clopted by the Board of ' l'rLU>tees of The City 0£ Mon­tl!rt:~'· ou the 13th day of Oetober. 1910. and by d.irec­tiou of the Pl'esideut of ·aid Board 0£ Trustees and th~ Cit~- Clnk of said city.



I, WILL J~\GK!::i, prl'Si<l1:u1 of th~ bo8.l·d of trustees of the \;~' of :.llonterey. !::itnte of Calitornia, and Geo. .:::>. liould, Jr., clei·k of sai<l boaru. do hereby certifv that the• board of freeholders, whose names a'ppear s igned to the .foregoing proposed charter, were ou the 25th day uf .July, 1910. at a special municipal election held in saitl the cil:· of Monterey on said day, duly elected by the qual ified elector:; of &aid ci ty to prepare and pro­pose a <:h~il'fer for said <:it;r; that e.ach of $3iu free­hoJders has been a qualified elector aud freeholder in sairl city for rnore than five years previous to sa.id elec­tion; tlrnt the foregoing iR a true copy o.f JSaid charter pre.pured and retul'Jwd to the president of .said boa.rd of truste;~;; "·itl1ju ninct:v tla~-s after said election, as required hr .cscctou cigh t of article eleven of the con­stitution of i.hc State of Ca lifornia; that sai.d pl'Oposed r.harter \Yas then published in the "Jfontcrey Daily c:~·p1·css.' · which thfln was a daiJy newspaper of general eir·l! ulution in said l~ity, and that publication was ruade for· mo;·c tha~i tweut~ d;1:·"'· and that the first publiea­ticu of said pro).Josed charter was macfo with.in twcnt.~' da~-s aft~r lhe t·omplction of said (;barter; that with.in thirt:;· days after t he puhlir.ation of said chattc~r, as 1·equired in said section eight c1£ said article eleven, to \Yit. 011 the 12th day of December, 1910, said charter \rn.s snhrnitted <1t a special eli:.ction duly called and held the1·ein for the purpose of ratifying or rejecting said proposed charter: that by a majority of the votHs of thP r1m1lified ekctnrs vot.illg at said special election said propnseil charter ''"<l.S ratified as a whole; that the re­tm:n;; of said election was dul~, canv<issed by th e board

• Charter (J; '!'he Cit·y of _'lfonten:u 219

of tru.stees of said the cit:- of ~font.ere~- on the 19th c1av of Dee:ember. 1910. and the r esult tfu"'reo.l declared as., above set forth; a11d that in an matters and things perhtining to said proposed chart.er, all provisions of sai.d section of the constitution and the laws oi the State of Califoruia, pertaining to tbc adoption of the charter have been fully complied with in every par­ticufa,r.

IK WIT)JESS WHEREOF, Wf! haw1 h1!1·euuto set onr hands and caused the corporate seal 0£ sa.id the Citv of Monterey to be affo:ed this 30th day of De.cem­ticr~ 1910.


.President of the Board of Trustees of the City of l\Tonterey.

GEO. S. GOtTLD, JR. . Clerk of said BoaTd of Trustees

a.nd said tbe City of :Yfonteeey.

A...'\'TI \YHEREAf'. Said proposeJ cha1·te1·, so ra~ed, has been duly pre<;entec} antl submitted to the leg~­mre of the State or California for appro"al or reJ~C­tion_ without powe1· of alteration or amendment,. m accordance with section 8 of article XI 1)f the constitu­tion of the Sta.tR of California;

~ow, therefore, be it

RESOLVED BY THE .ASSNlll3LY OF THE ST.A.TE OF 0.A.f;!FOTINL.\. TllE SE:N".A.TE THERE­OF CONCURRING (a majority of all th~ membe~ elec.:tecl to each hnuse rnting for the adopb?n of this resolution and concurring therein) that smd charter of the eitv of ~fontl'rcy. as presented yo. ~dopted and ratified h~ the qualified electors of said crty. be: 3:°-d the same


is her<'by. appro>ed ns a ~hole lh and for ilie ('hartcr of thp, city of l\fonterey.