Seven Turnkey Tips for Widgetquik from Turnkey Consulting LLC

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7 Turnkey Tips on How to Use WidgetQuik to Promote and Build Your Business

From Turnkey Consulting LLC

Turnkey Tip Number 1Get a Social URL

This system will turn any Website, even if you don't own it, into a Social URL! Another avenue to success is making connections with people. It's a great free tool to share!

Turnkey Consulting LLC

Turnkey Tip Number 2Use There easy to Integrate Bookmarking Widget

You can provide your visitors a convenient way to bookmark your blog, website or social network page using this widget. Get exposure for your site through Social Bookmarking!

your blog, website or social network page using this widget. Get exposure for your site through Social Bookmarking!

Turnkey Consulting LLC

Turnkey Tip Number 3 Use the Link Cloud Widget

"LINK Cloud" widget. It can be added to your website with just a little code snippet. It allows you to set up a cool "TAG" cloud simulator with promotional links that you put in. Set up quik words and link them to your programs or websites! This is also a great way to monetize multiple promotions or segments.

Turnkey Consulting LLC

Turnkey Tip Number 4 Use the Pop Splash

This is a favorite of most advertisers and viewers. When you click to view the sample notice how the initial target page literally jumps out at you! This is sure to get more exposure for the advertisers program, product or service. And, hey, its fun and new. Of course, the other sites, will jump out at the visitor, too, when the visitor passes his cursor over them. Personalization and text content is available on this widget also.Very Powerful and Simple to Use.

Turnkey Consulting LLC

Turnkey Tip Number 5 Scheduled Tweets and Last Five Tweets

Schedule tweets for a future day using this system. You can set reminders for weekly tasks or auto tweet once a week or once a day. Possibilities are endless.

Display the Five Latest Tweets. Super Cool.

Turnkey Consulting LLC

Turnkey Tip Number 6 Lead Capture System.

This is an awesome tool. It can work with your favorite auto responder Or You can have your leads sent to your members area! Wow!

*GVO eresponder should work just fine also.

Add a opt-in box to any page. (This means with any page you have the opportunity to collect subscribers that value and desire your information.

Turnkey Consulting LLC

Add up to 5 websites to this widget and add the widget to your website, blog or social network page. Promote your products in a cool and innovative way that will generate interest and clicks!Super Cool Display Below Your Web Page with Customization Options.

Turnkey Tip Number 7 The Gallery Widgets

Turnkey Consulting LLC