Aaron Weyenberg [email protected] @aweyenberg

The 4 Ingredients for Strong Design Culture at TED [FirstMark's Design Driven]

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Aaron Weyenberg

[email protected]@aweyenberg




Culture has become the secret sauce of organizational life, the thing that makes the difference but for which no one has the recipe.”MARGARET HEFFERNAN / BEYOND MEASURE

1. Cultivate culture

TED is by far the most comfortable and welcoming team I’ve been a part of.”BRENNA O’BRIEN / FRONT-END ENGINEER

Is TED a 501(c)3 ?


Might count as lobbying

Think it’s OK to use that tweet?

Oh :(

1. Cultivate culture2. Find the right people

Great companies don’t hire skilled people and motivate them. They hire already motivated people and inspire them.”SIMON SINEK / START WITH WHY

Be nice, because no one wants to hire assholes or egomaniacs, no matter how talented you are.”JESSICA WALSH / SAGMEISTER & WALSH, QUOTED IN FASTCOMPANY

1. Cultivate culture2. Find the right people3. Stay connected

Photo: Karsten Moran for The New York Times

1. Cultivate culture2. Find the right people3. Stay connected4. Believe in why

Most ideas are bad / Good ideas are competitive / Humans are fallible / Wrong people / Run out of money / No market need / Bad timing / Mistakes in execution / Poor allocation of resources / Raised too much money / Raised to little money


If you hire people just because they can do a job ,they’ll work for your money. If you hire people who believe what you believe, they’ll work for you with blood, sweat, and tears.”SIMON SINEK / TED TALK

1. Cultivate culture2. Find the right people3. Stay connected4. Believe in why

Inbox (14)

From: RachelTo: TED


You rock, really. Thank you. I imagine it is great to work for TED - such a contribution to my world. Thank you.

Thursday at 16:03


[email protected]@aweyenberg