Service Design Drinks THE WYE / JUNE 19, 2013 Public Service Design

Public Service Design / Service Design Drinks Berlin

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After a terrific Gov Jam in early June ‘public service design’ was the topic of the summer Service Design Drinks in Berlin. A short input was followed by an interactive hands-on session as well as drinks and mingling afterwards. Olaf Lewitz, an independent organisational coach, was facilitating the interactive part of the evening.

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T H E W Y E / J U N E 1 9 , 2 0 1 3

Public ServiceDesign

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Gov Jam retrospective



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MartinUser Experience,Nokia

KatrinPhD Candidate,University ofPotsdam

Who are we?



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Gov Jam retrospective S TAT S & F A C T S

35 LO C AT I O N S 121 P R O J E C T S

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Gov Jam retrospective S TAT S & F A C T S

1,975 T W E E T S 13 O F P E O P L EAV R . N O .


576R E G I S T E R E DJ A M M E R S









San José Bologna Perth Scicli LA / SF

N O . J A M M E R S @ LO C AT I O N S

365T W E E T E DP I C T U R E S

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Gov Jam retrospective T O P I C


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Elevator Pitches 4 C O N C E P T S

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Concept 1 PA R E N T 4 PA R E N T S

(Not only) for single parents, who need help every once in a while, Parents 4 Parents is a self-help network, which is created and improved by its members.Unlike the time-consuming contact withe the administration, P4P provides help quickly, unbureaucratically, free... and always smiles.

More information about the project here:http://www.govjam.org/project/21859

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Concept 2 C R E AT I V E F R I D AY

For experienced staff in the public sector who miss appreciation and want to participate actively, “Kreativer Freitag” is a concept which offers a space for creativity and ideas.Unlike team circles or daily routine, it provides knowledge exchange, the concepting and implementation of new ideas and approaches and the staff will feel more appreciated.

More information about the project here:http://www.govjam.org/project/21849

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Concept 3 D A S E R F O LG S T E A M

For confused and disoriented young adults who are looking for jobs, the “Erfolgsteam” is a consulting approach which makes use of group dynamics.Unlike anonymous one-to-one consulting, it enables young adults to start going their own way curageously and to be self-confident.

More information about the project here:http://www.govjam.org/project/21850

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For teenagers and young unemployed people who don't want to bother with the administration, “world of workcraft” is an application, which uses gamification as part the ALG-application (unemployment support) process. Unlike the conventional form of the ‘Bundesagentur für Arbeit’ (agency for employment), “world of workcraft” uses the language of its users.

More information about the project here:http://www.govjam.org/project/21859

Concept 4 W O R L D O F W O R KC R A F T

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Photos: Linda Nyland, David Levene / The Journey to the Interface

Public Services

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What? D E F I N I T I O N

— W I K I P E D I A ‘Public Service’

“A public service is a service which is provided by government to people living within its jurisdiction, either directly (through the public sector) or by financing private provision of services.”

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What? E X A M P L E S E C T O R S

Law enforcement Fire service Education

Public libraries Public transit Waste managementPublic broadcasting

Urban planning Water supply Gas & electricity Social services

Health care

Icons: Jan Windisch, Jamie Hamilton, Luis Prado, Jayson Lim, Benjamin Brandt, Ofer Lehr / The Noun Project

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“Design is integral to the DNA of each and every public service. How public services are ‘designed’ is central to their purpose, their function, their character.”

— D E S I G N C O M M I S S I O N ‘Restarting Britain 2’

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Why? P U B L I C S E R V I C E D E S I G N

engaging citizens

saving money

meeting needs

humanising services

Icons: Brock Kenzler / The Noun Project

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1 Start with needs*

2 Do less3 Design with data

4 Do the hard work to make it simple5 Iterate. Then iterate again.6 Build for inclusion

7 Understand context8 Build digital services, not websites

9 Be consistent, not uniform10 Make things open: it makes things better

* – user needs not government needs Source: https://www.gov.uk/designprinciples

How? D E S I G N P R I N C I P L E S O F G O V. U K

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Where? A P P L I C AT I O N S

redesigning policies

redesigning individual services

moving beyond the idea of discrete services and redesigning what organisations as a whole do, i.e. systems-level design

In public sector work, design can be applied to

different levels of transformational challenge:

Icons: Jerry Wang / The Noun Project

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Book tip

‘Die wandlungsfähige Verwaltung’ by Sarah Költzow, Jonas Kwaschik, Philip Palm


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Create a KrisMap, an organisational persona,for a public service of your choice.How does your organisation want to be perceived?What would the welcome experience look like?

Olaf Lewitz,Independent coach

Your guide:

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Ask yourself

1. What’s missing so that I …•would want to meet this person?•would want to hire this person?•would want to date that person?•would want to be that person?

2. Create a welcome experience— pick the 3 most essential attributes!

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You have got 20 minutes!

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service design for the public sector can be applied on individual service level, on policy level and with regards to organisational change

following certain design principles helps to create better public services

public services need to & can be ‘designed’

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Olaf invites

Culture Fitness TrainingJuly, 15 & 16 in Berlinhttp://culturefitnesstraining.eventbrite.deYour code to save 33%: ‘SDBERLINDRINKS’

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We invite

Service Experience CampSeptember, 14 & 15http://serviceexperiencecamp.de