Images For Magazine

Images for magazine

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Images For Magazine

This image was taken with the cover in mind. The model has a happy look to her face to make the magazine look more inviting. She is holding a clarinet which goes with the genre of music and also allows the reader to see that the person in the

article is this type of musician as classical musicians can play a range of instruments.

The model in this picture is again looking positive. This is also to show that the article isn’t about any dark times and also to

show the joy the musician gets from this line of work. This picture was taken with either the contents page or double

page spread in mind. It also has two different types on clarinet instead of one to show the different instrument talents /

capabilities of the musician.

This image was taken like this to give a different angle

to the pictures, also it seemed that in the room I

was in there was more lighting if the model was on the floor than if they were

standing up. This photo was taken for use on the

contents page to give a small preview of what the

article might be about.

This image was taken to show more of the character and personality behind who the model is. It also show the model

in a almost playing position to show the musician does actually play this instrument and this isn't just a stock

photo. The image is meant for the double page spread to either have the whole image or just the top part.