Feedback from Hot Desking

Feedback from hot desking

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Page 1: Feedback from hot desking

Feedback from Hot Desking

Page 2: Feedback from hot desking

Q. From looking at the flat plans of the cover page, the contents page and the double page spread, do you think the overall layout of the magazine will look interesting and grab the attention of the magazines target audience?

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I think that the layout of the front cover will definitely look interesting due to the unique look about the text composition of the main cover line because not many magazines change the angle of their text and just keep it horizontally straight. I also feel that the layout of the contents page and the DPS has a good layout as it is conventional yet interesting due to the angles as I mentioned before and the way that it is styled around or on the images that you are going to use.The layout of the front cover is likely to catch the attention of the target audience due to its unique composition in comparison to other magazines. The contents page would also grab the attention of the reader with the use of a variety of pictures of different sizes allows the attention of the audience to be drawn towards the more important pictures/ articles. The double page spread looks interesting as it appears easy to read with the placement of the picture within and throughout the main body of text.I think the layout of the front cover is unique and interesting which I think will definitely draw readers in. The contents page and double page spread are more conventional, however I feel this fits really well as it will be easy to read and understand.I think it will grab the attention. It is very different and affective compared to others.

Peer feedback:

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Evaluation of my feedback:After reading the feedback I received from my peers, I have learnt that in my work there are many areas of strength as well as areas which could be improved. Some areas of strength I identified include the positive response to my flat plans of how I want my magazine to look. My aim was to make each page exciting and interesting so that my target audience’s attention will be drawn to the pages all the time and not get bored of them. My feedback shows that I did do this, and that my pages come across as interesting and engaging. My feedback told me that my mix of different sizes of images and text draws attention to each page and would keep the reader interested as there will be an exciting variety to look at on each page without it being too crowded or difficult to read. Another positive comment I received was about presenting the main cover line on the front of the magazine at an angle. This doesn’t follow normal magazine conventions, however it does make the front cover more exciting. When constructing my front cover I will have to experiment with the different angles I can present the text at to ensure it is exciting but it also still readable. The response to my flat plans also told me that my contents page and double page spread are more conventional compared to my front cover. Although the feedback told me that this would indeed look interesting, I will have to make sure that all of the pages still match up and look as if they are all part of the same magazine. I will be able to do this my making sure I continue the same ‘house style’ across all of my pages by using the same colours, fonts and themes.

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Q. What message does the masthead give off?

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Peer feedback: I feel that the masthead gives off an exciting message and it makes me feel that this magazine will interesting and wild. It is definitely not giving off a calm effect and instead I feel like this will be a fun, and jumpy magazine.The masthead is experimental and makes a statement on the page showing me that the magazine is more likely to be a rock or alternative magazine than a pop genre magazine. The name itself of the magazine is interesting and helps link with the genre of the magazine. The masthead gives off a lot of energy and is very interesting. It instantly tells me that this is a music magazine and that the contents inside are going to be fun to read.I think it will stand out. But then depends on the colours that you use.

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Evaluation of my feedback: I got a positive response from the masthead I designed for my magazine, and I found out that the name and the design successfully portrays the music genre my magazine is about, rock. This means my masthead is giving off the right signs which would attract my target audience. The general response to my masthead is that it looks interesting, exciting, jumpy and full of energy. All of this helps my masthead to make a statement on the page. This means it will stand out and draw in the attention of many people, especially my target audience. However, my feedback did tell me that at the moment my masthead is a bit boring, and doesn’t stand out much. This means when I add the masthead to the front cover of my magazine I will change the colours so that they stand out, but so that they still give off signs promoting the rock genre. The colour I use will help determine what colours I use in the rest of my magazine as it is important my magazine follows the sane house style. The completed masthead for my rock music magazine will make a powerful statement on the front cover similarly to how rock music makes a strong statement in the wide world of music.

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Q. What messages/themes do you get from looking at the photos taken for the contents page and double page spread?

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Peer feedback: The messages and themes that I get from looking at these photos are energetic, due to the graffiti on the wall behind the model. From these photographs, I feel that this magazine is related to the rock side of genre and if this is the case then I feel that it has been portrayed very well with how the model has been posed and by what she is wearing.The theme of the images matches that of the genre and is a good indication of what the artist is all about and the message that they want to give off. Both the location and the attire of the subject have been well thought of to give off the genre of the magazine and show an edgy theme to the magazine.The messages I get from the pictures is that music is an art form and that this magazine respects the words which are being said by the artists. It represents the magazine very clearly because of the background too not just the model.

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Evaluation of my feedback: The photos I took which I decided to use on the contents page and the double page spread of my rock music magazine have received very positive feedback from my peers. The feedback said each photo is energetic and edgy and successfully illustrates that my magazine is about rock music which ensures it will attract my target audience. This is successfully shown through the mise-en-scene, which is the location of the photoshoot, the artists pose, the dark coloured clothing and make up, and the hair style. My feedback also shows me that the hidden message behind the photos, that music is a form of art and that for this article, my cover story, the words really play an important part in the artists music, come across through the art and graffiti at the location of my photoshoot. When I edit my photos I will make sure that these messages still come across clearly to the reader.

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Q. Do you think the close up photo will work well for the front cover of the magazine and what impressions does it give off?

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Peer feedback: I think the photo will work well for the front cover of the magazine and I feel like this magazine will give an in-depth close up of the model’s lifestyle perhaps, relating to a rock/emo genre. I definitely feel that the producer has organised this magazine well and I would love to read it once it has finished. The smile from the subject almost juxtaposes the typical stereotype of this style of magazine which is interesting and looks as if it is there to defy conventions of the typical magazine genre. I think the overall look of the image will work well on the front cover and add to the theme of the magazine.The smile contrasts with the stereotypical style of this genre of magazine, however it definitely makes it more interesting and intriguing. I could say it’s stereotypical but effective, make sure you have the right background for your magazine.

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Evaluation of my feedback: The feedback I received from my peers tells me that the photo I took, and have decided to use on the front cover of my magazine works well. This is as the image represents the rock genre though the artists clothing and the style of her hair and make up. The photo is quite conventional and stereotypical for a front cover of a magazine, however, my feedback shows that having a young female model smiling challenged the common stereotype that artists linked to rock music are scary or angry old men. The close up shot I have taken for the front cover also successfully hints at what my main cover story is about, and that the article will be an in-depth close up in to the artists lifestyle. My feedback told me that I should make sure the background of the photo is suitable for the front cover of my magazine. I will make sure the background is suitable when constructing my front cover, and if I feel the background does not work, I will edit the photo so that the artist is shown against a different background.