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5. How did you attract/address your audience?In the process of creating this magazine, I aimed to attract and address my audience in many different ways. I will show the techniques that I used;

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Use of images to show what else is included, with effects to make them eye catching

Eye catching ‘danger’ lines attract attention

Bold quote; engages the audience and makes them wonder about the rest of the interview

Bold name also attracts attention

Use of different colours to make the page interesting

Bright colours on main image have connotations of excitement

Different bands; encourage audience that there is lots inside

‘Exclusive’ shows the audience that they won’t read about it anywhere else

Informal register and language puts the reader at ease

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I have addressed the audience using relatively informal language. This is to put them at ease and make them feel more familiar with the magazine. The fact that the language isn’t formal reflects their lifestyle, so they will be more likely to relate to it. ‘Concert

special’ attracts individuals that are interested in such features so they know exactly where to look

Image attracts attention and breaks up text

Having a separate ‘review’ box attracts attention and makes the reader see what is included

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I made the background black and white to make the page more interesting, and to encourage my audience to read it and pay more attention to it.

I also gave the page another colour; red, to make the layers that were coloured in this way stand out and immediately attract attention.

I tried to address the audience as informally as possible while still trying to ensure that they respected the magazine. I wanted them to feel a sense of familiarity with the magazine, so kept the register informal and relaxed, and made sure that the lexis I used was non specialist.

I tried to use a variety of shots and effects in order to maintain attention and to ensure that the reader didn’t get bored.

I wanted to attract audience attention again with use of the quote; in doing this I wanted them to read it and then decide to read the remainder of the text, so I tried to make one that left them with questions

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6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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I have learnt a lot about different types of technology through the process of researching and constructing this product.

I successfully used the internet when researching, and learnt about how to upload work in an interactive way; for example in use of slideshare or scribd.

I learnt how to successfully use an SLR Camera when taking my photographs, and how to edit them in iPhoto and Photoshop.

The main piece of technology that I used throughout this piece of coursework was blogger, as it allowed me to display all my work and ideas in a way that was easy for me to share.

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I used Photoshop further during the construction of my magazine, and learnt how to manipulate backgrounds and text to achieve the effects that I wanted. I was very satisfied with my use of Photoshop; I went from not knowing anything about the program to understanding enough of it to create a magazine that I am proud of.

From understanding layers and learning how to link and flatten them to using the eraser tool, I used as many of the different functions that it offered as possible, and as a result can now confidently use the program without too much difficulty.

Examples of exactly how I used Photoshop and the step-by-step processes that I went through can be found here:




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7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to

the full product?

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When comparing my preliminary task to my final product, it is very easy to see how much I have progressed. My knowledge of taking photographs have improves, as well as making sure that the background and lighting is appropriate. I have learnt how to edit photographs that can be improved; whether I want to change an imperfection or the lighting; I now know how to do this.

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I can also edit text and shapes to fit the style, and to make the best use of space possible so that it looks filled without being crowded. I have also learnt how to address my audience and attract their attention, and what they are looking for. I have learnt to cater for a specific audience and how to ensure that all the small details are relevant to them, or something that they would find interesting.

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I have also learnt that vocabulary can manipulate the audience that you are addressing, and when used effectively you can convince them that your product is right for them over other similar ones.

Finally, I have learnt that planning and preparation are incredibly important, as sharing and creating new ideas and doing appropriate research to ensure that nothing is neglected can make your product the best that it can possibly be. Having time to amend and review what you have done is one of the most important things that I have learned to do, as well as appropriate time management.