Thomas Blekman woensdag 26 september 12

CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

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Page 1: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

Thomas Blekman

2.Affordable loss principleWhat are you willing to risk regarding the attractiveness of the imagined end? Effectuators evaluate opportunities based on whether the downside is acceptable.What can they afford without risking everything they have created. They determine their risk and affordable loss to the plausibility of market attractiveness without risking more than they can bare.3.Crazy quilt principle

Effectuator co-create the future with self-selected partners, who they trust and who commit themselves by bringing additional means to the collaboration. Effectuators inspire and are creative in combining the available means to create unique imagined ends that are aligned with the mutual beliefs and aspirations of the quilting partners that are committed.

4.Lemonade principleWhen Effectuators come across surprises, they leverage them and make lemonade out of these lemons. Effectuators remain openminded while persevering. In an ever more rapidly changing environment Effectuators know how to get to plan B. 7KH\�DYRLG�WR�VXFFHVVIXOO\�DQG�HIÀFLHQWO\�LPSOHPHQW�D�IDLOXUH�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WR�ZHOO� VSHFLÀHG�JRDOV�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�Effectuators

1.Bird in hand principle- Who am I? (beliefs)- What do I know? (capabilities)- Who do I know? (network)

Effectuators start with what they have, their existing means. From these means the entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and take action. A vision is a result of creativity with available means.

5.Pilot in the plane principleEffectuators belief they can create an impact in the world they work and live in. The future is not made by trends and historic data. The complexity and unpredictability of todays world demand a different approach to business development. Effectuators accept that they are not in control and by applying the effectuation principles the become in control as they co-create and only risk what they can afford.










































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woensdag 26 september 12

Page 2: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

woensdag 26 september 12

Page 3: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

2.Affordable loss principleWhat are you willing to risk regarding the attractiveness of the imagined end? Effectuators evaluate opportunities based on whether the downside is acceptable.What can they afford without risking everything they have created. They determine their risk and affordable loss to the plausibility of market attractiveness without risking more than they can bare.3.Crazy quilt principle

Effectuator co-create the future with self-selected partners, who they trust and who commit themselves by bringing additional means to the collaboration. Effectuators inspire and are creative in combining the available means to create unique imagined ends that are aligned with the mutual beliefs and aspirations of the quilting partners that are committed.

4.Lemonade principleWhen Effectuators come across surprises, they leverage them and make lemonade out of these lemons. Effectuators remain openminded while persevering. In an ever more rapidly changing environment Effectuators know how to get to plan B. 7KH\�DYRLG�WR�VXFFHVVIXOO\�DQG�HIÀFLHQWO\�LPSOHPHQW�D�IDLOXUH�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WR�ZHOO� VSHFLÀHG�JRDOV�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�Effectuators

1.Bird in hand principle- Who am I? (beliefs)- What do I know? (capabilities)- Who do I know? (network)

Effectuators start with what they have, their existing means. From these means the entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and take action. A vision is a result of creativity with available means.

5.Pilot in the plane principleEffectuators belief they can create an impact in the world they work and live in. The future is not made by trends and historic data. The complexity and unpredictability of todays world demand a different approach to business development. Effectuators accept that they are not in control and by applying the effectuation principles the become in control as they co-create and only risk what they can afford.










































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woensdag 26 september 12

Page 4: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

Alcatel-Lucent schrapt 5000 banenPARIJS - De producent van telecomapparatuur Alcatel-Lucent schrapt 5000 banen en trekt zich terug uit onrendabele markten als onderdeel van een kostenbesparingsprogramma van 1,25 miljard euro tot eind dit jaar.

© AFPDit maakte het Frans-Amerikaanse bedrijf donderdag bekend.Het banenverlies maakt 6,4 procent van het totaal van 78.000 medewerkers uit. Alcatel-Lucent waarschuwde op 17 juli al dat het zijn winstdoelstelling over 2012 niet zou halen. Het bedrijf kondigde een operationeel verlies van 40 miljoen euro aan over het tweede kwartaal op een omzet van 3,5 miljard.Alcatel gaat ervan uit dat de winstmarge in de tweede helft van het jaar beter zal zijn dan in de eerste helft.




2.Affordable loss principleWhat are you willing to risk regarding the attractiveness of the imagined end? Effectuators evaluate opportunities based on whether the downside is acceptable.What can they afford without risking everything they have created. They determine their risk and affordable loss to the plausibility of market attractiveness without risking more than they can bare.3.Crazy quilt principle

Effectuator co-create the future with self-selected partners, who they trust and who commit themselves by bringing additional means to the collaboration. Effectuators inspire and are creative in combining the available means to create unique imagined ends that are aligned with the mutual beliefs and aspirations of the quilting partners that are committed.

4.Lemonade principleWhen Effectuators come across surprises, they leverage them and make lemonade out of these lemons. Effectuators remain openminded while persevering. In an ever more rapidly changing environment Effectuators know how to get to plan B. 7KH\�DYRLG�WR�VXFFHVVIXOO\�DQG�HIÀFLHQWO\�LPSOHPHQW�D�IDLOXUH�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WR�ZHOO� VSHFLÀHG�JRDOV�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�Effectuators

1.Bird in hand principle- Who am I? (beliefs)- What do I know? (capabilities)- Who do I know? (network)

Effectuators start with what they have, their existing means. From these means the entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and take action. A vision is a result of creativity with available means.

5.Pilot in the plane principleEffectuators belief they can create an impact in the world they work and live in. The future is not made by trends and historic data. The complexity and unpredictability of todays world demand a different approach to business development. Effectuators accept that they are not in control and by applying the effectuation principles the become in control as they co-create and only risk what they can afford.










































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woensdag 26 september 12

Page 5: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

We moeten onze methoden en wijze van denken


2.Affordable loss principleWhat are you willing to risk regarding the attractiveness of the imagined end? Effectuators evaluate opportunities based on whether the downside is acceptable.What can they afford without risking everything they have created. They determine their risk and affordable loss to the plausibility of market attractiveness without risking more than they can bare.3.Crazy quilt principle

Effectuator co-create the future with self-selected partners, who they trust and who commit themselves by bringing additional means to the collaboration. Effectuators inspire and are creative in combining the available means to create unique imagined ends that are aligned with the mutual beliefs and aspirations of the quilting partners that are committed.

4.Lemonade principleWhen Effectuators come across surprises, they leverage them and make lemonade out of these lemons. Effectuators remain openminded while persevering. In an ever more rapidly changing environment Effectuators know how to get to plan B. 7KH\�DYRLG�WR�VXFFHVVIXOO\�DQG�HIÀFLHQWO\�LPSOHPHQW�D�IDLOXUH�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WR�ZHOO� VSHFLÀHG�JRDOV�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�Effectuators

1.Bird in hand principle- Who am I? (beliefs)- What do I know? (capabilities)- Who do I know? (network)

Effectuators start with what they have, their existing means. From these means the entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and take action. A vision is a result of creativity with available means.

5.Pilot in the plane principleEffectuators belief they can create an impact in the world they work and live in. The future is not made by trends and historic data. The complexity and unpredictability of todays world demand a different approach to business development. Effectuators accept that they are not in control and by applying the effectuation principles the become in control as they co-create and only risk what they can afford.










































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woensdag 26 september 12

Page 6: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

woensdag 26 september 12

Page 7: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

2.Affordable loss principleWhat are you willing to risk regarding the attractiveness of the imagined end? Effectuators evaluate opportunities based on whether the downside is acceptable.What can they afford without risking everything they have created. They determine their risk and affordable loss to the plausibility of market attractiveness without risking more than they can bare.3.Crazy quilt principle

Effectuator co-create the future with self-selected partners, who they trust and who commit themselves by bringing additional means to the collaboration. Effectuators inspire and are creative in combining the available means to create unique imagined ends that are aligned with the mutual beliefs and aspirations of the quilting partners that are committed.

4.Lemonade principleWhen Effectuators come across surprises, they leverage them and make lemonade out of these lemons. Effectuators remain openminded while persevering. In an ever more rapidly changing environment Effectuators know how to get to plan B. 7KH\�DYRLG�WR�VXFFHVVIXOO\�DQG�HIÀFLHQWO\�LPSOHPHQW�D�IDLOXUH�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WR�ZHOO� VSHFLÀHG�JRDOV�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�Effectuators

1.Bird in hand principle- Who am I? (beliefs)- What do I know? (capabilities)- Who do I know? (network)

Effectuators start with what they have, their existing means. From these means the entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and take action. A vision is a result of creativity with available means.

5.Pilot in the plane principleEffectuators belief they can create an impact in the world they work and live in. The future is not made by trends and historic data. The complexity and unpredictability of todays world demand a different approach to business development. Effectuators accept that they are not in control and by applying the effectuation principles the become in control as they co-create and only risk what they can afford.










































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woensdag 26 september 12

Page 8: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

The Industrial Revolution was a period from 1750 to 1850

and we seem to keep using the same mindset

woensdag 26 september 12

Page 9: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

woensdag 26 september 12

Page 10: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

2.Affordable loss principleWhat are you willing to risk regarding the attractiveness of the imagined end? Effectuators evaluate opportunities based on whether the downside is acceptable.What can they afford without risking everything they have created. They determine their risk and affordable loss to the plausibility of market attractiveness without risking more than they can bare.3.Crazy quilt principle

Effectuator co-create the future with self-selected partners, who they trust and who commit themselves by bringing additional means to the collaboration. Effectuators inspire and are creative in combining the available means to create unique imagined ends that are aligned with the mutual beliefs and aspirations of the quilting partners that are committed.

4.Lemonade principleWhen Effectuators come across surprises, they leverage them and make lemonade out of these lemons. Effectuators remain openminded while persevering. In an ever more rapidly changing environment Effectuators know how to get to plan B. 7KH\�DYRLG�WR�VXFFHVVIXOO\�DQG�HIÀFLHQWO\�LPSOHPHQW�D�IDLOXUH�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WR�ZHOO� VSHFLÀHG�JRDOV�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�Effectuators

1.Bird in hand principle- Who am I? (beliefs)- What do I know? (capabilities)- Who do I know? (network)

Effectuators start with what they have, their existing means. From these means the entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and take action. A vision is a result of creativity with available means.

5.Pilot in the plane principleEffectuators belief they can create an impact in the world they work and live in. The future is not made by trends and historic data. The complexity and unpredictability of todays world demand a different approach to business development. Effectuators accept that they are not in control and by applying the effectuation principles the become in control as they co-create and only risk what they can afford.










































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woensdag 26 september 12

Page 11: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

2.Affordable loss principleWhat are you willing to risk regarding the attractiveness of the imagined end? Effectuators evaluate opportunities based on whether the downside is acceptable.What can they afford without risking everything they have created. They determine their risk and affordable loss to the plausibility of market attractiveness without risking more than they can bare.3.Crazy quilt principle

Effectuator co-create the future with self-selected partners, who they trust and who commit themselves by bringing additional means to the collaboration. Effectuators inspire and are creative in combining the available means to create unique imagined ends that are aligned with the mutual beliefs and aspirations of the quilting partners that are committed.

4.Lemonade principleWhen Effectuators come across surprises, they leverage them and make lemonade out of these lemons. Effectuators remain openminded while persevering. In an ever more rapidly changing environment Effectuators know how to get to plan B. 7KH\�DYRLG�WR�VXFFHVVIXOO\�DQG�HIÀFLHQWO\�LPSOHPHQW�D�IDLOXUH�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WR�ZHOO� VSHFLÀHG�JRDOV�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�Effectuators

1.Bird in hand principle- Who am I? (beliefs)- What do I know? (capabilities)- Who do I know? (network)

Effectuators start with what they have, their existing means. From these means the entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and take action. A vision is a result of creativity with available means.

5.Pilot in the plane principleEffectuators belief they can create an impact in the world they work and live in. The future is not made by trends and historic data. The complexity and unpredictability of todays world demand a different approach to business development. Effectuators accept that they are not in control and by applying the effectuation principles the become in control as they co-create and only risk what they can afford.










































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woensdag 26 september 12

Page 12: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

2.Affordable loss principleWhat are you willing to risk regarding the attractiveness of the imagined end? Effectuators evaluate opportunities based on whether the downside is acceptable.What can they afford without risking everything they have created. They determine their risk and affordable loss to the plausibility of market attractiveness without risking more than they can bare.3.Crazy quilt principle

Effectuator co-create the future with self-selected partners, who they trust and who commit themselves by bringing additional means to the collaboration. Effectuators inspire and are creative in combining the available means to create unique imagined ends that are aligned with the mutual beliefs and aspirations of the quilting partners that are committed.

4.Lemonade principleWhen Effectuators come across surprises, they leverage them and make lemonade out of these lemons. Effectuators remain openminded while persevering. In an ever more rapidly changing environment Effectuators know how to get to plan B. 7KH\�DYRLG�WR�VXFFHVVIXOO\�DQG�HIÀFLHQWO\�LPSOHPHQW�D�IDLOXUH�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WR�ZHOO� VSHFLÀHG�JRDOV�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�Effectuators

1.Bird in hand principle- Who am I? (beliefs)- What do I know? (capabilities)- Who do I know? (network)

Effectuators start with what they have, their existing means. From these means the entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and take action. A vision is a result of creativity with available means.

5.Pilot in the plane principleEffectuators belief they can create an impact in the world they work and live in. The future is not made by trends and historic data. The complexity and unpredictability of todays world demand a different approach to business development. Effectuators accept that they are not in control and by applying the effectuation principles the become in control as they co-create and only risk what they can afford.










































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Managers should learn from entrepreneurs

experts in dealing with unpredictability

woensdag 26 september 12

Page 13: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

2.Affordable loss principleWhat are you willing to risk regarding the attractiveness of the imagined end? Effectuators evaluate opportunities based on whether the downside is acceptable.What can they afford without risking everything they have created. They determine their risk and affordable loss to the plausibility of market attractiveness without risking more than they can bare.3.Crazy quilt principle

Effectuator co-create the future with self-selected partners, who they trust and who commit themselves by bringing additional means to the collaboration. Effectuators inspire and are creative in combining the available means to create unique imagined ends that are aligned with the mutual beliefs and aspirations of the quilting partners that are committed.

4.Lemonade principleWhen Effectuators come across surprises, they leverage them and make lemonade out of these lemons. Effectuators remain openminded while persevering. In an ever more rapidly changing environment Effectuators know how to get to plan B. 7KH\�DYRLG�WR�VXFFHVVIXOO\�DQG�HIÀFLHQWO\�LPSOHPHQW�D�IDLOXUH�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WR�ZHOO� VSHFLÀHG�JRDOV�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�Effectuators

1.Bird in hand principle- Who am I? (beliefs)- What do I know? (capabilities)- Who do I know? (network)

Effectuators start with what they have, their existing means. From these means the entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and take action. A vision is a result of creativity with available means.

5.Pilot in the plane principleEffectuators belief they can create an impact in the world they work and live in. The future is not made by trends and historic data. The complexity and unpredictability of todays world demand a different approach to business development. Effectuators accept that they are not in control and by applying the effectuation principles the become in control as they co-create and only risk what they can afford.










































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woensdag 26 september 12

Page 14: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

2.Affordable loss principleWhat are you willing to risk regarding the attractiveness of the imagined end? Effectuators evaluate opportunities based on whether the downside is acceptable.What can they afford without risking everything they have created. They determine their risk and affordable loss to the plausibility of market attractiveness without risking more than they can bare.3.Crazy quilt principle

Effectuator co-create the future with self-selected partners, who they trust and who commit themselves by bringing additional means to the collaboration. Effectuators inspire and are creative in combining the available means to create unique imagined ends that are aligned with the mutual beliefs and aspirations of the quilting partners that are committed.

4.Lemonade principleWhen Effectuators come across surprises, they leverage them and make lemonade out of these lemons. Effectuators remain openminded while persevering. In an ever more rapidly changing environment Effectuators know how to get to plan B. 7KH\�DYRLG�WR�VXFFHVVIXOO\�DQG�HIÀFLHQWO\�LPSOHPHQW�D�IDLOXUH�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WR�ZHOO� VSHFLÀHG�JRDOV�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�Effectuators

1.Bird in hand principle- Who am I? (beliefs)- What do I know? (capabilities)- Who do I know? (network)

Effectuators start with what they have, their existing means. From these means the entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and take action. A vision is a result of creativity with available means.

5.Pilot in the plane principleEffectuators belief they can create an impact in the world they work and live in. The future is not made by trends and historic data. The complexity and unpredictability of todays world demand a different approach to business development. Effectuators accept that they are not in control and by applying the effectuation principles the become in control as they co-create and only risk what they can afford.










































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woensdag 26 september 12

Page 15: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

2.Affordable loss principleWhat are you willing to risk regarding the attractiveness of the imagined end? Effectuators evaluate opportunities based on whether the downside is acceptable.What can they afford without risking everything they have created. They determine their risk and affordable loss to the plausibility of market attractiveness without risking more than they can bare.3.Crazy quilt principle

Effectuator co-create the future with self-selected partners, who they trust and who commit themselves by bringing additional means to the collaboration. Effectuators inspire and are creative in combining the available means to create unique imagined ends that are aligned with the mutual beliefs and aspirations of the quilting partners that are committed.

4.Lemonade principleWhen Effectuators come across surprises, they leverage them and make lemonade out of these lemons. Effectuators remain openminded while persevering. In an ever more rapidly changing environment Effectuators know how to get to plan B. 7KH\�DYRLG�WR�VXFFHVVIXOO\�DQG�HIÀFLHQWO\�LPSOHPHQW�D�IDLOXUH�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WR�ZHOO� VSHFLÀHG�JRDOV�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�Effectuators

1.Bird in hand principle- Who am I? (beliefs)- What do I know? (capabilities)- Who do I know? (network)

Effectuators start with what they have, their existing means. From these means the entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and take action. A vision is a result of creativity with available means.

5.Pilot in the plane principleEffectuators belief they can create an impact in the world they work and live in. The future is not made by trends and historic data. The complexity and unpredictability of todays world demand a different approach to business development. Effectuators accept that they are not in control and by applying the effectuation principles the become in control as they co-create and only risk what they can afford.










































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woensdag 26 september 12

Page 16: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

Darwinwoensdag 26 september 12

Page 17: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

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Page 18: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

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Page 20: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

woensdag 26 september 12

Page 21: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

2.Affordable loss principleWhat are you willing to risk regarding the attractiveness of the imagined end? Effectuators evaluate opportunities based on whether the downside is acceptable.What can they afford without risking everything they have created. They determine their risk and affordable loss to the plausibility of market attractiveness without risking more than they can bare.3.Crazy quilt principle

Effectuator co-create the future with self-selected partners, who they trust and who commit themselves by bringing additional means to the collaboration. Effectuators inspire and are creative in combining the available means to create unique imagined ends that are aligned with the mutual beliefs and aspirations of the quilting partners that are committed.

4.Lemonade principleWhen Effectuators come across surprises, they leverage them and make lemonade out of these lemons. Effectuators remain openminded while persevering. In an ever more rapidly changing environment Effectuators know how to get to plan B. 7KH\�DYRLG�WR�VXFFHVVIXOO\�DQG�HIÀFLHQWO\�LPSOHPHQW�D�IDLOXUH�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WR�ZHOO� VSHFLÀHG�JRDOV�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�Effectuators

1.Bird in hand principle- Who am I? (beliefs)- What do I know? (capabilities)- Who do I know? (network)

Effectuators start with what they have, their existing means. From these means the entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and take action. A vision is a result of creativity with available means.

5.Pilot in the plane principleEffectuators belief they can create an impact in the world they work and live in. The future is not made by trends and historic data. The complexity and unpredictability of todays world demand a different approach to business development. Effectuators accept that they are not in control and by applying the effectuation principles the become in control as they co-create and only risk what they can afford.










































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Effectuation contains five principles thatdescribe the way these expert entrepreneurs

think, decide and act.

woensdag 26 september 12

Page 22: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

2.Affordable loss principleWhat are you willing to risk regarding the attractiveness of the imagined end? Effectuators evaluate opportunities based on whether the downside is acceptable.What can they afford without risking everything they have created. They determine their risk and affordable loss to the plausibility of market attractiveness without risking more than they can bare.3.Crazy quilt principle

Effectuator co-create the future with self-selected partners, who they trust and who commit themselves by bringing additional means to the collaboration. Effectuators inspire and are creative in combining the available means to create unique imagined ends that are aligned with the mutual beliefs and aspirations of the quilting partners that are committed.

4.Lemonade principleWhen Effectuators come across surprises, they leverage them and make lemonade out of these lemons. Effectuators remain openminded while persevering. In an ever more rapidly changing environment Effectuators know how to get to plan B. 7KH\�DYRLG�WR�VXFFHVVIXOO\�DQG�HIÀFLHQWO\�LPSOHPHQW�D�IDLOXUH�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WR�ZHOO� VSHFLÀHG�JRDOV�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�Effectuators

1.Bird in hand principle- Who am I? (beliefs)- What do I know? (capabilities)- Who do I know? (network)

Effectuators start with what they have, their existing means. From these means the entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and take action. A vision is a result of creativity with available means.

5.Pilot in the plane principleEffectuators belief they can create an impact in the world they work and live in. The future is not made by trends and historic data. The complexity and unpredictability of todays world demand a different approach to business development. Effectuators accept that they are not in control and by applying the effectuation principles the become in control as they co-create and only risk what they can afford.










































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2.Affordable loss principleWhat are you willing to risk regarding the attractiveness of the imagined end? Effectuators evaluate opportunities based on whether the downside is acceptable.What can they afford without risking everything they have created. They determine their risk and affordable loss to the plausibility of market attractiveness without risking more than they can bare.3.Crazy quilt principle

Effectuator co-create the future with self-selected partners, who they trust and who commit themselves by bringing additional means to the collaboration. Effectuators inspire and are creative in combining the available means to create unique imagined ends that are aligned with the mutual beliefs and aspirations of the quilting partners that are committed.

4.Lemonade principleWhen Effectuators come across surprises, they leverage them and make lemonade out of these lemons. Effectuators remain openminded while persevering. In an ever more rapidly changing environment Effectuators know how to get to plan B. 7KH\�DYRLG�WR�VXFFHVVIXOO\�DQG�HIÀFLHQWO\�LPSOHPHQW�D�IDLOXUH�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WR�ZHOO� VSHFLÀHG�JRDOV�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�Effectuators

1.Bird in hand principle- Who am I? (beliefs)- What do I know? (capabilities)- Who do I know? (network)

Effectuators start with what they have, their existing means. From these means the entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and take action. A vision is a result of creativity with available means.

5.Pilot in the plane principleEffectuators belief they can create an impact in the world they work and live in. The future is not made by trends and historic data. The complexity and unpredictability of todays world demand a different approach to business development. Effectuators accept that they are not in control and by applying the effectuation principles the become in control as they co-create and only risk what they can afford.










































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woensdag 26 september 12

Page 23: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

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Page 24: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

woensdag 26 september 12

Page 25: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

effectuation in action

Means who I am

What I knowWho

I know

Goals what can

I do?

Interactwith people

I know

No commitment

Dead endOppurtunity

on hold

Converging cycle of constrains on goal



Expanding cycle of resources



Changesin the




woensdag 26 september 12

Page 26: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

VINDEN(passie en overtuigingen)

WILLEN(intrinsieke motivatie)



DOEN(Geven, Zoeken,

Realiseren & Groeien)

woensdag 26 september 12

Page 27: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

2.Affordable loss principleWhat are you willing to risk regarding the attractiveness of the imagined end? Effectuators evaluate opportunities based on whether the downside is acceptable.What can they afford without risking everything they have created. They determine their risk and affordable loss to the plausibility of market attractiveness without risking more than they can bare.3.Crazy quilt principle

Effectuator co-create the future with self-selected partners, who they trust and who commit themselves by bringing additional means to the collaboration. Effectuators inspire and are creative in combining the available means to create unique imagined ends that are aligned with the mutual beliefs and aspirations of the quilting partners that are committed.

4.Lemonade principleWhen Effectuators come across surprises, they leverage them and make lemonade out of these lemons. Effectuators remain openminded while persevering. In an ever more rapidly changing environment Effectuators know how to get to plan B. 7KH\�DYRLG�WR�VXFFHVVIXOO\�DQG�HIÀFLHQWO\�LPSOHPHQW�D�IDLOXUH�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WR�ZHOO� VSHFLÀHG�JRDOV�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�Effectuators

1.Bird in hand principle- Who am I? (beliefs)- What do I know? (capabilities)- Who do I know? (network)

Effectuators start with what they have, their existing means. From these means the entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and take action. A vision is a result of creativity with available means.

5.Pilot in the plane principleEffectuators belief they can create an impact in the world they work and live in. The future is not made by trends and historic data. The complexity and unpredictability of todays world demand a different approach to business development. Effectuators accept that they are not in control and by applying the effectuation principles the become in control as they co-create and only risk what they can afford.










































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woensdag 26 september 12

Page 28: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

woensdag 26 september 12

Page 29: CSR Managers Meeting GBN - Effectuation theorie (Thomas Blekman)

2.Affordable loss principleWhat are you willing to risk regarding the attractiveness of the imagined end? Effectuators evaluate opportunities based on whether the downside is acceptable.What can they afford without risking everything they have created. They determine their risk and affordable loss to the plausibility of market attractiveness without risking more than they can bare.3.Crazy quilt principle

Effectuator co-create the future with self-selected partners, who they trust and who commit themselves by bringing additional means to the collaboration. Effectuators inspire and are creative in combining the available means to create unique imagined ends that are aligned with the mutual beliefs and aspirations of the quilting partners that are committed.

4.Lemonade principleWhen Effectuators come across surprises, they leverage them and make lemonade out of these lemons. Effectuators remain openminded while persevering. In an ever more rapidly changing environment Effectuators know how to get to plan B. 7KH\�DYRLG�WR�VXFFHVVIXOO\�DQG�HIÀFLHQWO\�LPSOHPHQW�D�IDLOXUH�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WR�ZHOO� VSHFLÀHG�JRDOV�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�Effectuators

1.Bird in hand principle- Who am I? (beliefs)- What do I know? (capabilities)- Who do I know? (network)

Effectuators start with what they have, their existing means. From these means the entrepreneur begins to imagine possibilities and take action. A vision is a result of creativity with available means.

5.Pilot in the plane principleEffectuators belief they can create an impact in the world they work and live in. The future is not made by trends and historic data. The complexity and unpredictability of todays world demand a different approach to business development. Effectuators accept that they are not in control and by applying the effectuation principles the become in control as they co-create and only risk what they can afford.










































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Thomas Blekman

woensdag 26 september 12