Departmental/Divisional Career Counselor Responsibilities and Standard Operating Procedures The purpose of these Standard Operating Procedures is to: Provide a basic overview of the most common Career Counselor; o Systems o Forms o Programs List the most common items required for Departmental and Divisional Career Counselors Inform Departmental and Divisional Career Counselors of their responsibilities as Departmental CC or Divisional CC Show the relationship between the Command Career Counselor and the Departmental and Divisional Career Counselors Provide a guide as to some of the responsibilities of the Command Career Counselor References: NAVPERS 15878K Career Counselor Handbook MILPERSMAN 1306-011 Professional Apprenticeship Career Track Program MILPERSMAN 1306-112 1306 Enlisted Personnel Action Request MILPERSMAN 1160-030 Certain Enlistments and Reenlistments Under Continuous Service Conditions MILPERSMAN 1160-040 Extensions of Enlistments MILPERSMAN 1160-120 High Year Tenure (HYT) NAVADMIN 081/14 Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) NAVADMIN 334/12 Transition Goals, Plan and Succeed (TGPS) Table of Contents Career Development Boards………………………………………………………………….. 2 Career Way Points……………………………………………………………………………….… 4 1306/7 Enlisted Personnel Action Request…………………………………………….. 6 Transition Goals, Plan, Succeed……………………………………………………………… 9 Career Management System…………………………………………………………………. 12 Re-Enlistments………………………………………………………………………………………. 13 Extensions……………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 1


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Page 1: CCC SOP

Departmental/Divisional Career Counselor Responsibilities and Standard Operating Procedures

The purpose of these Standard Operating Procedures is to:• Provide a basic overview of the most common Career Counselor;

o Systemso Forms o Programs

• List the most common items required for Departmental and Divisional Career Counselors

• Inform Departmental and Divisional Career Counselors of their responsibilities as Departmental CC or Divisional CC

• Show the relationship between the Command Career Counselor and the Departmental and Divisional Career Counselors

• Provide a guide as to some of the responsibilities of the Command Career Counselor

References:• NAVPERS 15878K Career Counselor Handbook • MILPERSMAN 1306-011 Professional Apprenticeship Career Track

Program• MILPERSMAN 1306-112 1306 Enlisted Personnel Action Request• MILPERSMAN 1160-030 Certain Enlistments and Reenlistments

Under Continuous Service Conditions• MILPERSMAN 1160-040 Extensions of Enlistments• MILPERSMAN 1160-120 High Year Tenure (HYT)• NAVADMIN 081/14 Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) • NAVADMIN 334/12 Transition Goals, Plan and Succeed (TGPS)

Table of ContentsCareer Development Boards………………………………………………………………….. 2Career Way Points……………………………………………………………………………….… 41306/7 Enlisted Personnel Action Request…………………………………………….. 6Transition Goals, Plan, Succeed……………………………………………………………… 9Career Management System…………………………………………………………………. 12Re-Enlistments………………………………………………………………………………………. 13Extensions……………………………………………………………………………………………… 13


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Career Development Boards (CDB’s)

There are two levels of CDB’s. Command Level and Departmental Level.

-For Command Level CDB’s: They shall be chaired by the CMC and include the CCC and LCPO. And can also include the ESO, Command Financial Specialist, Mentor or anyone else necessary for the Sailors benefit.

-For Departmental Level CDB’s: They shall be chaired by DLCPO and include Dep CC, LCPO and LPO. And can also include the Div CC, ESO, Command Financial Specialist, Mentor or anyone else necessary for the Sailors benefit.

Command Level CDB’s are done for the following reasons:- Reporting CDB’s- 24 months before HYT- PACT sailors at 18 month mark- In the process of putting in a conversion package- In the process of putting in a commissioning package- Not picked up for a C-Way quota- Upon a departmental CDB recommendation- Upon request of a Sailor

Departmental Level CDB’s are done for the following reasons:- 6 month, 12 month, 36 month, 48 month, 60 month, etc…- PNA an exam 3 or more times- PO1 that took the Chief’s exam but did not make board- PO1 that made board but did not make Chief- Any exam failures- Upon request of the division- Upon request of the Sailor

Items required as Dep or Div CC:1) The CDB questionnaire2) The Individual Career Development Plan (IDCP)3) Access to NSIPS


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For access to NSIPS. To request access first put your CAC into a computer with a CAC reader. Then go to: https://nsipsprod.nmci.navy.mil/nsipsclo/jsp/index.jsp

Under System Access Authorization Request (SAAR)Click on » New Users (NSIPS, ESR, CIMS, Web Ad Hoc)

Make sure that on the top the UIC is correct [3014A]Click on (CIMS)-Career Information Management System then hit ok.On the next page select CIMS Department/Division Career Counselor and hit next. DO NOT request Command Level Access, only the CCC will have that access.

On the following page click on justification and input: ACCESS NEEDED FOR DEPARTMENTAL / DIVISIONAL CAREER COUNSELOR RESPONSIBILITIES. Hit ok.Fill in your work telephone and work email. Click CIMS UIC Access and verify the UIC is correct [3014A]

Then for supervisor put:Name – Stenger, Yesenia Email – [email protected] Phone – 619-556-4288 EXT 4701Then hit submit.

This access will let you input all CDB’s (except for reporting) and will let you view any upcoming CDB’s for your department or division.

Responsibilities:• The CCC will inform the Dep CC and Div CC on CDB’s that are due that month. • The Dep CC or Div CC will schedule the CDB’s and send a calendar invite to all

those attending and include the CCC in all invites. • The Dep CC or Div CC will ensure that the Sailors properly fill out all paperwork

for all annual CDB’s prior to commencement of the CDB, and copies are provided for the board. Make sure to check paperwork and compare it to last year’s paperwork if possible.

• All CDB’s will be inputted into NSIPS by the Departmental CC or the Divisional CC. • An email will be sent to the CCC after the CDB has been submitted, requesting

the CCC verify the CDB’s. Without the CCC’s verification in NSIPS the CDB cannot be cleared, and thus the member will remain dink.

C-WAY formerly known as PTS


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C-Way is the system the CCC uses to request a quota for a sailor. A sailor cannot re-enlist, obliserve for orders, or strike for a rate without a quota. Once a Sailor gets a quota it is good for 1 year from the date issued.

For non-PACT Sailors the time line for looks is as follows:13 months – They can request an in-rate, a conversion (if available), or a SELRES quota. 12 months – They can request an in-rate, a conversion (if available), or a SELRES quota. 11 months – They can request an in-rate, a conversion (if available), or a SELRES quota. 10 months – They can request an in-rate, a conversion (if available), or a SELRES quota. 09 months – They can request a conversion or a SELRES quota. 08 months – They can request a conversion or a SELRES quota. 07 months – They can request a conversion or a SELRES quota. 06 months – They can request a conversion or a SELRES quota. 05 months – They can request a SELRES quota. 04 months – They can request a SELRES quota. 03 months – They can request a SELRES quota.

A Sailor is not required to get a quota if they are separating from the Navy however, I highly recommend it.

• If a Sailor receives a C-Way quota but then chooses to give back the quota with intensions of separating.

o The CCC will draft up a PG-13 stating member chooses to give back quota. Sailor will sign, then Department Head will sign as Approving Officer, and CCC will sign as witness.

o And a 1306 will need to be routed requesting Sailor to match PRD to EAOS.

• If a Sailor refuses to put in a C-Way application and does not request a quota. o The CCC will draft up a PG-13 stating member refused to apply for quota.

Sailor will sign, the Department Head will sign as Approving Officer, and CCC will sign as witness.

o And a 1306 will need to be routed requesting Sailor to match PRD to EAOS.

*If a Sailor refuses to put in for the quota but then changes their mind. Once the PG-13 and the 1306 are signed and sent, there is no taking it back. The opportunity to apply for a quota is lost. And without a quota that Sailor is out of the Navy at their EAOS.

Professional Apprenticeship Career Track


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For PACT (undesignated) Sailors, applying through C-Way is the method used to strike for a rate. Sailors can start applying either by:

a) Being on board for 1 year or…b) As soon as they reach E-3; which ever comes first.

The PACT Program includes three apprenticeship career tracks, they are: 1) Aviation PACT (A-PACT) Airman2) Engineering PACT (E-PACT) Fireman 3) Surface PACT (S-PACT) Seaman

PACT Sailors have three designation pathways: (1) Fleet “A” School designation; (2) The Navy-wide advancement examination (NWAE); (3) Direct rating entry designation (RED);

If an undesignated Sailor applies for a rate that requires an A-School, and he gets picked up for that rate, he will need to attend and complete that A-School prior to being designated as that rate.

If an undesignated Sailor applies for a rate that requires NWAE and he gets picked up for that rate, the Sailor will be authorized to take that rating exam. Example: If a Seaman takes the YN3 exam and PNA then he will become a YNSN or if he advances off the exam then he will be a YN3. However if he fails the exam, he will still be Seaman.

If an undesignated Sailor applies for a rate that is RED, and he gets picked up for that rate that Sailor is now automatically designated in that rate.

***The new MILPERSMAN 1306-011 states: The PACT Program is designed to enlist Sailors into a monitored, general apprenticeship program…leading to a viable career field within 2 years on board their permanent duty station (PDS). PACT Sailors should be on pace to designation approval within 24 months of an initial enlistment, or after serving a minimum of 12 months on board their PDS…In addition, for those PACT Sailors who are not selected for a rate designation in the aforementioned times; the Head, Enlisted Community Manager (BUPERS-32) may assign them a rating via direct designation based on the needs of the Navy.

What this change means is: if a non-designated Sailor reaches their 24 month mark and he or she does not have a rate, the Navy will assign them a rate, based on the needs of the Navy. This will eliminate Sailors completing 4 years and separating, as non-designated Seaman, Fireman or Airman.

Items required as Dep or Div CC:


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1) The C-Way Application2) Last 4 years (8 cycles) worth of PRIMS data

a. For PACT Sailors just print all they have3) Last 5 evals - The last two must be at least promotable or the Sailor cannot apply

a. For PACT Sailors, they need at least 1 Eval and it must be promotable or better.

Responsibilities:• The Divisional CC will ensure all applications are done correctly, and routed with

the Sailor’s last 5 Evals and 4 years (8 cycles) of PRIMS data through Medical, the Security Manager, and the PRT Coordinator.

o For un-designated Sailors, you may route all applications in 1 folder however please ensure each application has all corresponding Evals and PRIMS data stapled together.

o Rated Sailors need to route their applications individually. • After which the Departmental CC will verify that all signatures, evals and PRIMS

and then continue to route up the chain to the Department Head to CCC.• Look for gaps. If you notice a gap ask the Sailor to provide what is missing. If they

do not have it, then let the CCC know immediately.

1306/7 Enlisted Personnel Action Request

MILPERSMAN 1306-112 states that: “NAVPERS 1306/7 (Rev. 1-03), Enlisted Personnel Action Request was devised and automated to provide a standard Navy-wide format for authorized command representatives to assist Sailors in the submission of requests to cognizant assignment control authorities (ACAs). This form is only accessible by authorized command representatives and it is imperative that they ensure all personal data, i.e., name, SSN (XXX-XX-1234, last four digits), etc., be verified for accuracy.”

Items required as Dep or Div CC:1) 13062) Any applicable instruction, MILPERSMAN, etc…

Responsibilities:• Ensure 1306 is filled out properly, and in a blue routing folder.• Ensure any applicable instructions MILPERSMAN, etc… are included in the

folder.• Route up to CO. • If you are not 100% it has been filled out correctly, please see the CCC for

verification.How to fill out a 1306/7:


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Ensure all the highlighted/blank areas have been filled out.

• Member only needs to fill out MILITARY SPOUSE DATA if they are married to another member of the armed forces. If not, leave blank.

• Member only fills in FAMILY MEMBER DATA for their actual dependents. o If Dual Mil with no children, then they leave this space blank. You

cannot list your spouse as a dependent if they are in the military.o If Dual Mil with children and our Sailor is the one receiving the BAH

with dependents for the children. Then our Sailor may list them.o If Dual Mil with children and our Sailor is NOT the one receiving the

BAH with dependents for the children. Meaning the Spouse is the one claiming with dependents. Then our Sailor leaves this space blank.


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• For the Eval Section: blocks 33-20 should correspond to the numbers in the blocks of the eval. If Non-Observed then just mark the letter “N” in the blocks.

o Promotion recommendation is where the EP, MP, P, etc… goes.o Retention recommendation should be either YES or NO.

• For the NJP section: list the number of years it’s been since the Sailor had an NJP. If the Sailor has never had an NJP, list the number of years the Sailor has been in the Navy.

• Command UIC is: 3014A• Don’t forget that the second page must also have the Sailors Name listed up



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Transition Goals, Plan and Succeed (TGPS) course formerly known as Transition Assistance Program (TAP)

TGPS is a week long course designed to prepare military service members for transition into civilian life. According to NAVADMIN 334/12 attending TGPS is mandatory for any Sailor either Separating or Retiring. PSD will not process Separation/Retirement paperwork with out completion of TGPS. If a Sailor does not attend TGPS or attends at 89 days or less before the separation date, then the Command must provide documentation as to why, before PSD will process the paperwork. Bottom line: get your Sailors to TGPS early.

Items required as Dep or Div CC:1) Special Request Chit

a. Needs to include primary and alternate datesb. DoD I.D. number (number on back of CAC)c. EAOS

2) Current TGPS Schedulea. It changes every week, if you need a copy please ask the CCC for the

latest copy.

Block 12 REASON FOR REQUEST should state:Respectfully request to attend TGPS from ____ to ____. Alternate dates: ____ to _____. DOD I.D. Number: ________. EAOS: _________.

How to get in the class:After the Special Request chit is approved. The CCC will request the class for the Sailor. Upon confirmation of the class, the CCC will email the Sailor the confirmation; which includes date, location, time, and a list of documents that the Sailor needs to bring with them to TGPS. Also the email will state that the Sailor needs to get with the CCC to conduct the Pre-Separation Counseling.

What happens after confirmation of the class:After confirmation, the Sailor needs to print out the required documents listed in the confirmation. Then the Sailor will schedule a time with the CCC to conduct their Pre-Separation Counseling. The DD-Form 2648 (Pre-Sep Counseling) completed by the CCC (there has been some changes and now it must be done electronically with the CCC) and a Sailors No Cost TAD Orders are MANDATORY to attend the course. Without the proper DD-Form 2648 and the Sailor’s No Cost TAD Orders, they will be turned away from the class, and not allowed to attend.


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What to expect during the Pre-Separation Counseling:• The Sailor will bring with them to their scheduled Pre-Sep Counseling:

o All the required forms listed in confirmationo And their CAC. They will need to digitally sign the DD-Form 2648 for it to

be uploaded properly “my CAC doesn’t work” is NOT a valid excuse. It is the Sailors responsibility to fix any CAC discrepancies BEFORE the scheduled Pre-Sep Counseling. Any issues please refer them to the ID Card lab on 32nd Street.

• The CCC will open up the DD-Form 2648 from the appropriate site. • The Sailor will fill in his or her information on the top portion of the form. • The CCC will go through the different topics listed, and mark off the appropriate

check boxes. • Once the form is complete, the Sailor will digitally sign the form using their CAC• Then the CCC will digitally sign the form using their CAC• Once the form has been digitally signed by both the Sailor and the CCC, then it

can be uploaded into the system (it will not upload without BOTH digital signatures).

• After it has been uploaded correctly, the CCC will print it out. o This is the ONLY way to get the DD-2648 with the watermark seal

imbedded into the form. Without the watermark seal TGPS will not accept it. So having a Sailor fill out a DD-Form 2648 that you found on Google is pointless. You used to be able to do it that way, not anymore.

• Once printed, the Sailor and the CCC need to physically sign the DD-2648. o The electronic signatures are needed to upload the document however;

the official hard copy needs to be physically signed. No electronic signatures will show on the printed copy, the spaces

will be blank when printed. • Additionally a DD-Form 2958 needs to be completed in a similar fashion. The

difference is that DD-Form 2958 Individual Transition Plan (ITP) Checklist only needs to be started with the CCC, it gets completed during TGPS.

o After the completion of TGPS it is the Sailors responsibility to come back with the form and sit with the CCC again to electronically sign and upload the form. That will produce a DD-Form 2958 with a watermark seal, ready for physical signatures.

• A watermark seal DD-Form 2648 and a watermark seal DD-Form 2958 is required by PSD for Separation or Retirement.

• The week before the start of the class the CCC will ensure that the Sailor receives his or her No Cost TAD Orders.


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What to expect during TGPS:• TGPS will be held Monday – Friday from 0700-1630. • Do not be late! They have a strict schedule they go off of and there are no early

days. They take a muster in the morning and another muster right after lunch. The Sailor must be marked present at both musters all five days, to count the course as complete. If they are absent/UA from even 1 muster the course is incomplete. As long as the Sailor completes the course, they will mark them as course completed into the system.

o During Separation PSD will check that the Sailor has completed TGPS and has the watermark seal DD-Form 2648 and watermark seal DD-Form 2958, these are essential for Separation.

• Lunch is 1 hour long. Getting off base during lunch time, followed by coming back and finding a new parking, takes a little while. Take it from personal experience its hard to get off base, grab lunch and come back in an hour. There is no refrigerator there so you cannot bring your lunch, thus I highly recommend eating something on base.

o On 32nd street dry-side there is Subway, a bagel shop, a mini nex, and the bowling alley.

o Afternoon Muster is taken right after lunch. Coming back late from lunch could result in missing afternoon muster.

• Sailors must attend in proper civilian business attire for the duration of the course. A full suit and tie is not required; slacks and a button up will suffice. Jeans and a T-Shirt is not authorized, neither is yoga pants, shorts and flip flops.

o Military uniforms are also not authorized.

Responsibilities:• Ensure the Sailor fills out the Special Request properly

o Double check that they signed block 13, this one gets missed all the time.• Route the special request chit with a copy of the latest TGPS schedule, in a folder

up to the Department Head and then to the CCC.• The Div CC will ensure that after the Sailor gets confirmation of the class, that

the Sailor:o Prints out all required documents listed o Schedules their Pre-Separation Counseling with the CC

• The Div CC will check 1 week before the start of the class that the Sailor has:o All documents listed in the confirmation o No Cost TAD Orders o DD-Form 2648 with a watermark sealo DD-Form 2958 section I filled out

• The Dep CC needs to ensure that after TGPS course is over the Sailor comes back and sits down with the CCC to finish the DD-Form 2958.


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CMS-ID formerly JASS

The way that Sailors can apply for orders. Sailors have the ability to apply for 5 sets of orders, each month that they are in their window. Ultimately it is up to the Sailor what they want to apply for however, Sailors need to understand that if they apply for 5 sets of orders throughout the 3 months and still don’t get selected; then the detailers are more likely to work with them when they become needs of the Navy. Detailers are less likely to work with a Sailor who scarcely applied throughout their 3 month window because they may view them as being too picky.

***Once a Sailor is in their window their detailer can issue him or her orders at any time. Meaning the detailers don’t have to let a Sailor pick anything. The detailers have the authority to pick for a Sailor even if that Sailor is not yet needs of the Navy. This happens more frequently with Sailors who have critical NEC’s.

CMS-ID works in conjunction with the C-WAY systemAs previously discussed, this is the C-Way window:13 months – They can request an in-rate, a conversion (if available), or a SELRES quota. 12 months – They can request an in-rate, a conversion (if available), or a SELRES quota. 11 months – They can request an in-rate, a conversion (if available), or a SELRES quota. 10 months – They can request an in-rate, a conversion (if available), or a SELRES quota. 09 months – They can request a conversion or a SELRES quota. 08 months – They can request a conversion or a SELRES quota. 07 months – They can request a conversion or a SELRES quota. 06 months – They can request a conversion or a SELRES quota. 05 months – They can request a SELRES quota. 04 months – They can request a SELRES quota. 03 months – They can request a SELRES quota.

Sailors should have an In-Rate quota by at least their 10th month out.

This is the CMS-ID window:09 months – Apply for orders08 months – Apply for orders07 months – Apply for orders06 months and less – Needs of the Navy

By the time a Sailor is in their negotiating window, they should already have an in-rate quota to be able to apply for those orders. If they don’t have an in rate quota by their window, then they will be applying for a conversion quota and they will be needs of the Navy for orders.

Items required as Dep or Div CC:-None


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Responsibilities:• Know when your Sailor’s windows are and inform them.

o Your Sailors should know: when their PRD and EAOS is if they have a C-Way quota when they are in their window

• Ensure that Sailor’s are applying when they need to so they don’t miss their window.

Reenlistments MILPERSMAN 1160-030 “Members on active duty reenlisting in the Regular Navy or the Navy Reserve may reenlist on board for a term of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 years.”

Certain Rates/NEC’s are eligible for SRB’s per the current SRB NAVADMIN 081/14• ZONE A (0 TO 6 Years of Service) • ZONE B (6 TO 10 Years of Service) • ZONE C (10 TO 14 Years of Service)

Items required as Dep or Div CC:-Re-enlistment Request Chit

Responsibilities:• Ensure all Reenlistment and SRB requests get to the CCC at least 45 days out

from the date of reenlistment.

Extensions“Extensions shall be executed in monthly increments of 1 to 23 months. a. The enlistment contract cannot be extended for more than 24 aggregate months. b. Extensions greater than 23 months are not authorized.” MILPERSMAN 1160-040

The most common extensions you will see as a Departmental or Divisional CC:• Extend for orders (OBLISERVE)• Automatic E-4 out of A-School (push button)

o Push button E-4‘s have to do a mandatory extension for 1 year to be able to get frocked to E-4. NSIPS should reflect a pg-13 from their previous command.

• Extend to match High Year Tenure (HYT) dateo The CCC will request approval from the HYT desk for a Sailor to extend to

their HYT date. Once the approval comes back the CCC will request the extension from PSD.


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Items required as Dep or Div CC:-None

Responsibilities:• As the departmental or divisional CC, send an email to the CCC requesting an

extension for the Sailor. Ensure the LPO and LCPO are cc’d in the email.

Active Duty HYT dates per MILPERSMAN 1160-120

Grade Years Remarks

E-1 to E-2 4 May not reenlist or extend unless HYT is granted by BUPERS-32.

E-3 5 E-3 who “Passed Not Advanced” a Navy-Wide Advancement Exam prior to March 2012 (Cycle 215) retain HYT gate of 8 years.

E-4 8 E-5 14 E-6 20 E-7 24 E-8 26 E-9 30 CMDCM 32 CMDCM/FORCM (9580/9578) selected for a 1- or 2-star flag/general

officer support assignment to complete a 3-year tour of duty.

CMDCM 35 CMDCM/FORCM/FLTCM (9580/9578) selected for a 3- or 4-star flag/general officer support assignment to complete a 3-year tour of duty.

MCPON 38 CMDCM/FORCM/FLTCM (9580/9578) selected to serve as the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) to complete a 4-year tour of duty.


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