5 new ways to make it as a journalist

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"In difficulty lies opportunity"I'm revealing ten new ways for journalists to do what they love and make money, in the face of the digital revolution and the economic downturn.In this shortened presentation, delivered to journalism students at Kingston University, I briefly explain five of them.

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  • 1. Lunchtime Lecture 5 new ways to make it as a journalist after you graduate Adam Westbrook February 2010

2. Journalism 2010 "The situation is dire. People are applying direct to local newspapers but there is a massive recruitment freeze. Papers aren't even taking on people to do shifts. Hannah Waldram, April 2009 Guardian Hundreds of journalists were sacked in 2009, with 34 UK papers and broadcasters closing... ...meanwhile the number of students graduating from journalism courses continues to rise 3. Journalism 2010 So heres the crunch: The industry youre about to step into is in an identity crisis. It doesnt know what it is, or who its for, or how to make money 4. THIS IS A GOOD THING! In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity Albert Einstein 5. My new book Out in Spring 2010 10 (at least)newways to keep doing journalism when you graduate You dont have to fight it out for newsroom jobs or struggle as a freelancer They are all new ways some are untested! 6. The key concepts... 01. The 9-5 rat race is not the only way 02. Doing the unrealistic thing is easier than the realistic 03. Conventional Wisdom is your enemy (and your friend) 04. The power of the do economy 05. Cash versus Creativity 06. Entrepreneurship & Bootstrapping 7. What Imnotsaying... The old ways of doing it are rubbish or impossible (theyre not) The old ways of doing it are redundant (theyre not) BUT: those jobs are thinner on the groundfor the time being. .. 8. 5 new ways to make it as a journalist after you graduate 9. #1 Portfolio Career (freelancing 2.0) Getting income from more than one source at the same time, not always related...combining employment with self employment & entrepreneurship...using a website & social media to build your own brand. 10. #2 String Abroad Using your connections, contacts or even just an interest in a foreign country to work there and sell multimedia stories to various international outlets. 11. #3 Develop Mobile Apps Devise, develop, produce and sell news apps for smart-phone users...which make their lives easier. 12. #4 Start a Niche Website/Mag Use your journalism skills to launch your own independent magazine or website...which serves a well defined target audience...within a particular niche 13. #5 Start a news agencyCreating a digital collaborative that provides specific content to larger news organisations...with expertise in a certain geographical, political, social field. 14. BONUS: Become an expert Use your journalism research & analysis skills to become an expert in a money-making field...then use the internet & social media to leverage your expertise 15. So...what do you do now? Ask yourself these questions and really answer them truthfully:

  • What do you love about journalism the most?

16. In your day to day work, what do you enjoy most? Boil it right down to specific activities. 17. What would you do if you knew you couldnt fail? 18. So...what do you do now? Tool up!

  • Learn new skills and grasp new technologies right away

19. Start a blog, build a website, and get twitter 20. Use the universitys facilities while you can! 21. Explore, create, experiment set challenges Having an NTJC isnt enough any more. If you dont have these skills, the competition will. 22. 5 more career paths, plus step-by-step guides to doing all of these new ways will be in my e-book MAY 2010 Subscribe to my blogto get details & discounts ahead of release Got your own ideas? Think this is shit? Twitter @AdamWestbrook http://adamwestbrook.wordpress.com