17 Mindy Kaling inspired one-line FOR escaping a conversation.

17 Mindy Kaling Inspired One-Liners For Escaping A Conversation

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Page 1: 17 Mindy Kaling Inspired One-Liners For Escaping A Conversation


17 Mindy Kaling inspired one-liners FOR!escaping a conversation.

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We all hate getting stuck in a conversation at parties.!

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We all hate getting stuck in a conversation at conferences.!


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We all hate getting stuck in a conversation at any event.!

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Fortunately, I read Mindy Kaling’s book and learned about her “Irish Exit” technique. !

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www.getsidekick.com ”!“!My version of an Irish exit has an air of deception to it,

because it includes me asking loudly, 'Where's the bathroom?' and making theatrical looking-around gestures like a lost foreign tourist. But then, instead of finding the bathroom, I sneakily grab my coat and leave.

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So thanks to Mindy, we’ve collected !17 one-liners to quickly exit a conversation:!

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“ !I actually need to run to the restroom, excuse me.!


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“ !My phone is going to die any minute. Mind if I slip away to

find an outlet?!


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“ !I'm actually going to go re-fill !my drink. It's been a pleasure



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“ !I actually have to make a !call within the hour, thanks !

for chatting!!


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“ !My phone is buzzing - if you don't mind, I'm going to !

quickly take this.!


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“ !I think I left my ![laptop/bag/phone] in the !

other room. Excuse me.!


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“ !I think I left my ![laptop/bag/phone] in the !

other room. Excuse me.!


Not sure when you should even end a conversation? Our minute-by-minute breakdown should help. Click here to uncover.

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“ !I actually have a question I wanted to ask the speaker before

she leaves, excuse me.!


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“ !Well it's been great chatting, !but I don't want to hog up all

your time ...!


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“ !I need to go check in with my team about a few things. !

I'll see you around?!


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“ !Well, it's been great catching up. Let's stay in touch, perhaps !

over LinkedIn?!


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“ !Rats, I still need to talk to !X person. Mind if I slip away !

to go find them?!


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“ !Oh, you know what, I think I left my lights on in my car!!


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“ !Oh my gosh, I think I left my !car unlocked.!


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“ !I must look so rude checking my phone. I keep getting notifications

so I'm going to see if there's something urgent - excuse me!!


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“ !I want to snag a sweet seat !before the next session starts – !

I'll see you around.!


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“ !I'm going to check my email real quick - my team has a deadline

to hit before X.!


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“ !So I made a goal to meet three people tonight. Thanks for!

being one of them! Going to go find the next.!


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So now we can end conversations – but how do we start them?

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So now we can end conversations – but how do we start them?

Click here to find out.

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Thank You.