Vermachtnis legacy Palmer and Lexie's album

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Page 1: Vermachtnis legacy Palmer and Lexie's album
Page 2: Vermachtnis legacy Palmer and Lexie's album

Thanks for coming over. Oh, do you want more coffee? Great, get me some while you’re up. I know some people don’t like looking at wedding albums, so I’m glad you’re interested. I don’t know why you wouldn’t be though – Palmer and I are pretty awesome.

This first picture was my first day in the house, right before the wedding, before I became Lexie Vermachtnis. I was still getting to know Palmer’s family but we were all focused on the wedding first and foremost. I was so excited that I was already wearing my veil.

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Once everyone was on the same page, we split up by gender to go get ready. Palmer and Max were in the kitchen for what seemed like forever. It was tough to keep Palmer from seeing me in my dress when he and his dad wouldn’t stop lounging around the common areas, congratulating each other on good grades or whatever.

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Penny and Madeleine helped me get ready. We had picked out a gorgeous big dress with a long train. My colors for the wedding were red and white. It was a little tough finding a classy dress for Penelope with that big rack she was carrying around in those days. Don’t tell her I said so, though.

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All dressed and ready, I was super psyched to be getting married, although Penny was seemingly just as excited to be part of it. Since I’ve always been a romantic, flirty girl, I thought I might fear the wedding but I had not a care in my heart. I guess it’s because Palmer and I are so perfect, not to mention perfect for each other.

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Penny invited Paul and Prescott over early. Palmer sent out the invitations and he wasn’t on the best terms with either of them so we wanted to make sure they showed up.

We were having an evening wedding so Parker, Palmer’s twin and a vampire, could come. We have a few other vamps in the family, so it didn’t hurt that they could attend either.

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When the guests arrived, it was like a flood of people descending on our lot. They converged on the house from both sides and broke like a wave, flowing further into the backyard where the ceremony would be held.

To be honest, I was kind of surprised as many people came as did. For some unimaginable reason, Palmer and I rub people the wrong way sometimes – probably a problem with those people, of course – but it was great that so many were there to witness our big day. A treat for them, I’m sure.

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Before the guests could get very far, though, a fight broke out in the front yard between Parker’s wife Elle, a former cow mascot, and Morris Vermachtnis, Palmer’s uncle. Elle got soundly trounced and slunk off to nurse her wounds. I’ve never liked her much so I really wanted to run outside and cheer for Morris but I restrained myself somehow. Palmer likes her and God knows Parker adores her. I think she’s a pig-headed, trash-mouthed witch, though. Mean sims – am I right?

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I didn’t know most of the guests, but some of them were pretty questionable even by Vermachtnis standards. There were a couple zombies hanging around, and there was this one girl named Roxy that kept telling me I better make beautiful babies “or else.” What nerve. Who does she think she is, the creator? Whatever.

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We had plenty of seating but the guests still shuffled around like a bunch of idiots trying to all sit in the same places. It took forever for the majority of people to get seated, and even then there were some hanging back, standing around the edges of the seating area. Penny, Max, Madeleine and Aunt Macy knew what to do, though.

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Finally, with most people sitting, the music started up and I walked down the aisle to where Palmer was waiting at the arch. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, and I could easily imagine their thoughts – how beautiful I was, how lucky Palmer was, how amazing my dress was. I’ll bet there was more jealousy than most people would care to admit.

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As I approached the arch, Palmer turned and flashed me a smile. He said later that he thought I’d never looked more beautiful than when I was walking down the aisle, ready to marry him. He didn’t look so bad himself, either.

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We said our vows, mostly about how great each other was.

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And then out came the rings. Before I had my children, that was the happiest moment of my life. I felt absolutely giddy.

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It seemed like only a matter of moments, but just like that, we were married. I had become a Vermachtnis and a legacy sim. Probably the best thing to ever happen to their family.

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After the ceremony, on the way to the reception, Elle started another fight. This time she was fighting Macy, who gave Elle her second beat-down of the night. Personally, I think Elle is the type of person that could use getting her butt kicked on a regular basis. Serves her right for starting stuff at my beautiful wedding. Good ol’ Aunt Macy, though – she knows where it’s at.

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Palmer and I snuck away to have some quiet time before we showed up at the reception. After some totally hot woohoo – which all ours is, in case you were wondering – Palmer asked, “May I have this dance?” and we danced slowly right there in the bedroom, husband and wife. So romantic.

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There were so many people there. I’ll try to point them out to you. I hung out for a while with Parker, who is a vampire/alien/plantsim. Morris and his wife Lydia were loving up on each other all night. Madeleine and Max spent some time catching up with Max’s brother Mickey and their uncle Jordan. Jordan’s daughter Marlie was also nearby.

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Prescott and Sierra and Paul and Caryl came. All Palmer’s siblings and their SOs came, except Malcolm who is a big jerk. Aunt Macy hung out with her aunt Joy (in red), Jordan’s punky wife Carissa, gen 3 Gage’s wife, Julie Vermachtnis, who had the nerve to wear *her* wedding dress to my wedding, and Zoe, the wife of generation 2’s Clay (in blue).

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Penelope spent a while hanging out with Clay and Katie, the wife of Max’s uncle Julian. Max and Maddie got into it with Zaube I, one of the zombies who attended. She was about to start a fight with Max so she had to be asked to leave. Troublemaker. Marlie and her sister Susanne spent all night playing in our attic, way past their bedtime. Jordan and Carissa are too permissive with them. Not all parents are as great as Palmer and I.

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Eventually the party simmered down in the wee hours of the morning and Palmer and I left for a redeye flight to Twikkii Island for our honeymoon. When we got there we were both exhausted and a bit jetlagged so we headed down to the beach to unwind for a while. We quickly realized we would need to change out of our warmer clothes. A knit hat and beaches don’t really mix, even if I do look really hot in it.

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We stayed at a lovely house on the beach that Max and Maddie had purchased when they visited Twikkii Island. It was so relaxing to just sit on the shore and watch the waves roll in.

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We really enjoyed the cuisine there. Palmer ordered Pineapple Surprise at every food place we went to but I tried different things. Sometimes I even ordered twice. I was so hungry all the time, though I didn’t know why yet.

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We met this local named Carla (some island name, huh?) and even though we didn’t hit it off with her right away, both of us really wanted to be friends with her for some reason. It was a little odd. I can’t really explain it.

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We heard about this mysterious witch doctor who lived on the outskirts of town, so we went to visit him. When we got there, though, he complained about all his stuff being broken and said he couldn’t entertain us. I think he was lying because he had some perfectly good chips in his fridge. When he left the house, Palmer and I helped ourselves to the chips then left. I got the hint that he wanted us to help but we’re not mechanics for God’s sake. How selfish of him.

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Even though we had been dating for a long time, Palmer and I were still more used to being alone most of the time. Now that we were together all day every day, we had to balance having some alone time with being together. Palmer had his MP3 player and I had my books, and we just tried being respectful of the other’s space. Being respectful is hard for us though. When you’re as important as we are, respect for others just isn’t that valuable. Not to us, at least.

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On one of the beaches we visited we found an old pirate ship. Max and Maddie had talked about it, so we knew we had to try it out. It was a lot of fun, and Palmer always loves an opportunity to practice his maniacal laugh.

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The other thing Palmer was really into was building sandcastles. For some reason, every time we got to the beach he wanted to build one, so he left a sandcastle on every beach we visited. Sometimes I helped him but he built most of them by himself.

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We were both in an amorous mood most of the time. We bent the rules of propriety more than once, and got a good bit of attention for it. Whatever. We were newlyweds, what did people expect? Decorum? Not likely.

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I figured out after a little while that the reason that I was so hungry and run down all the time was that I was in the early stages of pregnancy already. I was really happy about this since Palmer and I had wanted to start our family right away. I could barely contain my glee as I told my new best friend, Carla.

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Carla also taught us the hula. I never really got the hang of it but Palmer was a natural.

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That night, a very strange thing happened. Without being invited, Carla came over and sat down at our mahjong table. Both of us love mahjong so even though it was a little weird for her to show up like that, we jumped at the chance to have a third to play with.

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I think we just encouraged Carla though because, again without any provocation from us, she decided to spend the night. She took a bath, slept in our bed (!) and even joined us for omelets. Once we were done eating, we left the house quickly and didn’t come back until evening. Thankfully, by then Carla had gone home. I know we both had unnaturally strong urges to be her friend, but that was just too weird.

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Our honeymoon had finally come to an end and we were eager both to get home to get started on our family, and to leave the weirdness with Carla behind. Oh sure, when we got home we still wanted to be BFFs with her, but we were glad she couldn’t follow us home as easily once we were back in Halcyon River Hills.

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And that’s the end of our wedding and honeymoon album.

Now, since you’re here, let me tell you another story about how great Palmer and I are . . . Wait, where are you going?! Come back! We’re really awesommmmmme . . .

(Thank you for reading, everyone! As always, come to SiMania for more great simmers and stories. Take care!)