Using YouTube To Promote Your Business - Part Two OWN IT The Network Dedicated to Small Business Success

Using YouTube To Promote Your Business - Part Two

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Using YouTube To Promote Your Business - Part Two

OWN ITThe Network Dedicated toSmall Business Success

Page 2: Using YouTube To Promote Your Business - Part Two

Live Chat Recap: Using YouTube to Promote Your Business

Hector Garcia is an Advanced Certified ProAdvisor and he's well-known for his weekly QuickBooks Power Hour series with Michelle Long, as well as his national QuickBooks training classes for Intuit. Additionally, he is a master at YouTube and has his own QuickBooks Channel.

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Live Chat Recap: Using YouTube to Promote Your Business

He spent a full hour with us chatting about why YouTube makes such a great marketing tool for accountants and how he uses video to grow his practice and extend his reach socially.

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Live Chat Recap: Using YouTube to Promote Your Business

These slides summarize some of the main ideas Hector presented. You can read the full Live Chat Recap at this link.


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Live Chat Recap: Using YouTube to Promote Your Business

This is part two of our Slideshare on the topic. Find part one at this link.


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Deliver Quality, Value and Consistency

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Deliver Quality, Value and Consistency

The production quality (audio and video quality) must be good, al least 720p for it to be considered “HD.”

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The content must be consistent and relevant (for example, Hector only does videos about QuickBooks, Excel, or add-ons to those two programs).

Deliver Quality, Value and Consistency

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Whenever you make a video you think has very good content, ASK your viewers to hit “LIKE” or “PUT COMMENTS BELOW.”

Deliver Quality, Value and Consistency

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Videos with lots of likes and lots of comments are seen as “high relevancy” by Google, and will show up in the related videos section, driving more traffic from other videos.

Deliver Quality, Value and Consistency

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Deliver quality, get views, get likes, have active comments, and you will get more viewers.

Deliver Quality, Value and Consistency

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Using YouTube to Generate Leads

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Using YouTube to Generate Leads

The 3rd most watched video in Hector’s Channel is “Importing Bank Data into Excel.” It has about 2,500 views per month and has generated many paying clients who initially e-mail asking questions about the process.

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Using YouTube to Generate Leads

After the initial email, some decide to hire him to look at their Excel a n d Q u i c k B o o k s f i l e s a n d recommend the best approach for importing. Many of those continue to be repeat customers.

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Using YouTube to Generate Leads

Hector says “The most important thing is my e-mail address is at the beginning and the end of the video. I do not say ‘e-mail me if you have any questions, I will help you for free’ so I leave it wide open. When an actual e-mail comes with the question, I then qualify it and try to help as much as possible if the questions are simple, otherwise I give my rate and recommend an appointment.”

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Using YouTube to Generate Leads

ROI can be very high. Balance an hour of time to record and upload a video, versus $5000 or more in the lifetime value created from leads.

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Solve Problems and Focus on Pain Points

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Solve Problems and Focus on Pain Points

From Hector: “Think about this: QuickBooks has 5 million users, Excel has 20 million users. There are many people using software, and do not know what they are doing. I leverage that!”

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Solve Problems and Focus on Pain Points

“Then I take the areas I am an expert in that cross those two markets, and make videos about that. Both showing off my skills and driving credibility as a technical expert.”

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Solve Problems and Focus on Pain Points

“By teaching what you know, you get a clout of benevolence. People gravitate to that.”

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Apply it to your business.

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Apply it to your business.

A l t h o u g h H e c t o r w a s s p e a k i n g specifically about his own area of expertise, there is such a broad audience on YouTube that you can apply these ideas to virtually any business.

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Apply it to your business.

Find your unique niche, and put YouTube to work for you.

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FIND MORE INFORMATION on OWN IT• Visit OWNIT.com for the full Live Chat recap

including additional information and links. • Check out the rest of our helpful series. • Join the Network Dedicated to Small

Business Success. • Connect with thousands of small business

owners like you with our free app.

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