Success 6

Success 6

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Success 6

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Page 1: Success 6

Success 6

Page 2: Success 6

"Success? Don't you know it is all about being able to extend love to people? Not in a big, capital lettersense, but in the everyday sense, little by little, task by task, gestureby gesture, word by word."

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"Success always says Bye toSitters and Hi to Runners."

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"Never worry about the delay insuccess because the construction

of WONDERS takes more timethan an ordinary building."

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"If dreaming was a loan, my debt would be in default;I dream every second, minute and hour."

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"Success is never achieved by the size of the brain, but it is always achieved by the size of one's THOUGHTS."

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"Success depends on luckand luck means your strategy

to achieve success."

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"You CAN succeed at whateveryou do, as long as you simply

take the right ACTIONS."

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"Success does not come to those who wait - and it doesn't wait for anyone to come to it."

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"For a man to excel in life, he just has to go extra miles when others stopped."

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"After having a chat with hope, peaceand courage today, they said success

and happiness concurred with thesubject matter. However, they all disagreed with failure yet again."

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"When you are at your lowest, exercise patience like the ladder; and step-by-step you will make it to the top."

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"Preparation plus timing equals success. If you are preparedwhen your time comes, you will be successful."

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"Look forward to tomorrow because onlythen you will be able to fix the mistakes you made today. With every sunrise, risesa new opportunity to succeed."

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"The only limitations to your successwill be those you accept and those

you place upon yourself!"

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"You will never reach your destinationin time if you stop and throw stones atevery dog that barks at you!"

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"HOPE AND END is always there foreveryone. It is up to us how we dealwith them : A HOPELESS END or ANENDLESS HOPE."

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"The moment you take complete responsibility for yourlife is the moment you start moving towards success."

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"Negative thinkers are like farmers who plant

corn expecting apples. They plant failure intheir soil (heart) expecting success."

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"Life is the university; the past is my credits and the future is my class. For every failure, I see it as an experience - to change the way

I handled the subject. From it, came my success."

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"Life is to lived; dreams are to be achieved."

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"You are wholly complete and your success inlife will be in direct proportion to your abilityto accept this truth about you."

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"Everything you need to succeed in life's challenges is right inside of you, but you MUST find your strength in order to climbto the top of your mountain."

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"What is difficult for some people is not difficult for others and the difference is in their attitude. Everything is possible when you believe in yourself and when you

blindly believe that it can be done, when you have a burning desire and a stubborn and persistent attitude to succeed."

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"Do you see the connection behind your life? Every challenge, obstacle or set back you have experienced thus far, has molded you into the person you're today! Keep shaping your life, so that you can continue to fulfill your life's

purpose! Your life purpose only requires that you be happy and successful!"

Thank You Very MuchSompong Yusoontorn