Practical Steps for Building High Performance Teams Dr. Elijah Ezendu FIMC, FCCM, FIIAN, FBDI, FAAFM, FSSM, MIMIS, MIAP, MITD, ACIArb, ACIPM, PhD, DocM, MBA, CWM, CBDA, CMA, MPM, PME, CSOL, CCIP, CMC, CMgr

Practical Steps For Building High Performance Teams

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Transforming a group of people to a high performance team.

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  • 1. Practical Steps for Building High Performance Teams Dr. Elijah Ezendu FIMC, FCCM, FIIAN, FBDI, FAAFM, FSSM, MIMIS, MIAP, MITD, ACIArb, ACIPM, PhD, DocM, MBA, CWM, CBDA, CMA, MPM, PME, CSOL, CCIP, CMC, CMgr
  • 2. Learning Objectives At the end of this course, participants should be able to do the following: Build team charter Influence approval for team charter Identify essential elements of high performance teams Identify key qualities/characteristics of high performance teams Organize effective selection of team members
  • 3. A team charter is a clear description of the team's mission, as well as the authority and resources provided to accomplish that mission. The charter typically includes a statement of mission, objectives or statement of work; background; authority or boundary conditions (scope, constraints, resources, and schedule); membership; requirements or specifications, and interface responsibilities. - Kenneth Crow, Team Charter
  • 4. A team charter is a written document that defines the team's mission, scope of operation, objectives, time frame, and consequences. Charters can be developed by top management and presented to teams, or teams can create their own charters and present them to top management. Either way the top management's endorsement of a team's charter is a critical factor in giving the team the direction and protection it needs to succeed. - Donald Bodwell, Team Charter
  • 5. Elements of a Team Charter 1. Team member roster (name and contact information) 2. Team member strengths, needs and expectations a) individual strengths to contribute b) new knowledge/skills to develop c) overall expectation about the project 3. Team identity a) name (acronym or other designation) b) logo (diagram, picture, words, colors) c) motto (a saying or slogan related to the teams purpose, values, composition, or preferred way of working) 4. Team purpose (team vision and mission) 5. Team values (behaviors that support the achievement of outcomes in team purpose statement) 6. Signature of each team member agreeing to the charter Source: Interprofessional Projects Program
  • 6. Eight Criteria for Effective Charter Statements 1. Inspirational 2. Clear and challenging 3. Differentiating 4. Stable but constantly challenging 5. Beacons and controls 6. Empowering 7. Future oriented 8. Clear and concise Source: A Guide to Writing Your Teams Charter Statement
  • 7. Functions of Team Charter Serves as a contract between the team and the sponsor Defines objectives and intent of the team - assures a common objective among team members Defines the work effort and its intended results to the rest of the program - avoids redundancy and "holes" Keeps the team focused - allows the team to determine if its activity is relevant and on-track or off on a tangent. Defines boundary conditions and helps the team determine when to raise an issue Helps control scope of team's efforts and re-negotiate its objectives or boundary conditions Source: DRM Associates
  • 8. Example of Team Charter TEAM NAME: Data Management Team Opportunity/Problem Statement: The department has a significant number and variety of important informational requirements that are growing as program personnel face increases in their workload, new legislation, and increasing public demands. Senior management must also have accurate, timely information to make key business decisions. The decentralized nature of information technology within the department fosters inconsistency in data management resulting in: 1) no economies of scale, 2) difficulties in the sharing of accurate information, 3) systems that are either poorly integrated with one another or not integrated at all, and 4) data access training challenges. Data management should be a systematic and coordinated effort at the enterprise, divisional, and senior management levels. Project Mission Statement: Implement quality data management practices to facilitate access and sharing of priority data throughout the Department such that priority data can be accessed and shared by all stakeholders including public to improve analysis and decision-making. Description: The principle responsibility of the Data Management Team will be to establish a departmental data management strategy. This strategy will include: 1) prioritize shared data needs, 2) insure interconnectivity, 3) identify, and oversee design and implementation of permitting data integration projects for departmentally serviced sites, and 4) analyze budget recommendations by August 15, 1998. Background: Senior leadership is committed to environmental information management reforms and building information technology infrastructure. With the departments creation in 1989, many divisions within the organization were either too small, or lacked funding to support their information technology needs independently. Additionally, the central IT function lacked resources. As a result, the Department realized the failing support of information technology throughout DENR. The decentralization was recognized by the IRMT as an inevitable necessity due to resource limitations and specialized funding sources; however, at times, the decentralization creates barriers to the sharing of data / information. The centralized coordination of data management is needed to remove existing barriers to the sharing of information throughout DENR. Scope: The team, working with divisional and departmental management will establish a departmental data management strategy to include the following data management recommendations for review by the IRMB: 1) develop data related policy, 2) setting standards for all electronic information to insure compatibility and security of data bases, 3) recommend enterprise and desktop databases, tools and appropriate training, 4) address questions regarding the sharing of information, 5) identify standards and practices that are consistent with industry practices such as ODBC and publishing metadata, 6) establish/recommend foundation for data management decisions support processes, 7) request mentoring from programs with successfully operating information technology teams, and 8) develop continuation and expansion budget recommendations.
  • 9. Example of Team Charter Continued Time Frame for Project Completion: Terms consist of 1 year terms with schedule commitments of 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. Date/Time for Team Launch: May 15, 1998 Date/Time for Process Owner and Sponsor to meet with team to discuss the assignment and agree on the project specifics: May 15, 1998, August 15, 1998 Team Participants: Sponsor: Bill Holman Process Owner: Information Technology Services Team Leader: Bill Meyer Facilitator: Chuck Buckler Team Members: 1 Representative from Information Technology Services (Bill Golden), 1 Representative from Division of Water Quality (Ken Eagelson), 1 Representative from Division of Air Quality (Deborah Webb-Clark), 1 Representative from Senior Staff (Michael Shore), 1 Representative from Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance (Gary Hunt), 1 Representative from Division of Water Resources (Charley Theobald), 1 Representative from Marine Fisheries (George Joyner), 1 Representative from Parks and Recreation (Linda Pearsall), 2 Representatives from Field Offices (John Holley and Ken Schuster), 1 Representative from SIPS / IRM (Bob Anderson), 1 Representative from IRMB (Laura C. Herbert), 1 Representative from Budget Planning & Analysis (Doug Lewis) List of Resources: John Graham, Year 2000 Project Manager Database Administrator, All divisional IT staff, All division directors, IRMB, Senior Management, SIPS / IRM Potential Stakeholders: All DENR divisions, Other state and federal agencies (EPA, Emergency Management / FEMA, OSBM, OSPL), Senior Management, The Legislature, The Public Team Contract: We have read and understand this Team Charter, understand our roles, and have come to agreement with the Sponsor and/or Process Owner on the opportunity or problem to be addressed, the actions to be taken, and the limitations on the project. If at any time it becomes apparent that the Team Charter needs to be modified, we will consult the Sponsor and/or Process Owner and come to agreement on the modifications. Signatures of Team Members:
  • 10. Standard Team Charter Template Name: The Teams Name Purpose: The Teams Vision and Objectives Expected Results: Key Result Area, Measure and Target Organisation: Members, Sponsors, Roles and Responsibilities Decision Boundaries: Policy Decision Area and Teams Role in Decision (Authority), Action Decision Area and Teams Role in Decision, Resource Decision Area and Teams Role in Decision Milestones: Action and Target Date Constraints: Areas of Limitation in Scope, Budget, Schedule and Resources Key Interdependencies: Required Inputs, Affected Processes, Affected Projects and Partners Team Profile: Key Requirements Rooted in Required Attributes, Required Technical Skills, Required Business Unit/Department Stakeholders: Project Sponsor, Team Leader, Team Members, Internal Customers, Internal Suppliers, External Customers, External Suppliers Management Support: Required Support from Management of the Firm Reporting Relationship and Expectation: Team Leaders Vertical and Horizontal Reporting Relationships, Frequency and Content of Report, Acceptable Method of Report
  • 11. Approval for Team Charter Best-in-Class practices provides for the development of team charter by selected members of a team and approval should be effected by top management of the firm.
  • 12. Characteristics of High Performance Team 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Clear Elevating Goals Results Driven Structure Unified Commitment Collaborative Climate Standards of Excellence External Support/Recognition Principled Leadership
  • 13. 7 Key Characteristics of High Performance Teams (PERFORM) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Purpose and values Empowerment Relationships and communication Flexibility Optimal productivity Recognition and appreciation Morale Source: The Ken Blanchard Companies
  • 14. Essential Elements of High Performance Teams Commitment Trust Purpose Communication Involvement Process Orientation Continuous Improvement Source: Kevin Eikenberry, Elements of High Performance Team
  • 15. Critical Success Factors for High Performance in Teams Mission Goals Objectives Overarching Values Leadership Processes Interpersonal Relationship Roles and Responsibilities
  • 16. Sources of Conflict in Teams Belief Personality Values Diversity Roles Experiences Assignments Communication Time Shock
  • 17. Selection Criteria Creativity and open-mindedness Good team players Well Respected among peers, stakeholders, and other business leaders Balance qualifications with commitment to team philosophy Align to team structure and roles
  • 18. Establishing Balanced Team Focus on team composition Use fewer and better people Handle Biases Ensure only team players with requisite skills and commitment become members
  • 19. Team Composition A well-rounded team includes a mix of people and skills. The team should include: Some individuals who intimately understand the current process (experts could be at any level in the organization) Some individuals who actively use the process and work closely with customers (including union involvement when applicable) Some technical wizards Some individuals who are completely objective toward the process and outcome (consultants may fall into this category) Customers of the process (when possible) and suppliers (those people who are involved with the process at the boundaries) Some individuals who are not familiar with your process (someone who brings a fresh perspective and outlook to the team) Source: Prosci
  • 20. Exercise The management of Brian Simpson requires you to lead a new team for boosting enterprisewide cost management, in order to reduce excessive waste and pointless expenditure. How will you establish a high performance team?
  • 21. Dr Elijah Ezendu is Award-Winning Business Expert & Certified Management Consultant with expertise in HR, OD, Competitive Intelligence, Strategy, Restructuring, Business Development, Sales & Marketing, Interim Management, CSR, Leadership, Project & Programme Management, Cost Management, Outsourcing, Franchising, Intellectual Capital, eBusiness, Social Media, Software Architecture, Cloud Computing, eLearning & International Business. He holds proprietary rights of various systems. He is currently CEO, Rubiini (UAE) and Hon. President, Worldwide Independent Inventors Association. He functioned as Chair, International Board of GCC Business Council (UAE); Senior Partner, Shevach Consulting, Nigeria; Chairman (Certification & Training), Lead Assessor & Council Member, Institute of Management Consultants, Nigeria; Lead Resource, Centre for Competitive Intelligence Development; Lead Consultant, JK Michaels; Technical Director, Gestalt; Chief Operating Officer, Rohan Group; Director, Fortuna, Gambia; Director, The Greens; Director of Programmes & Council Member, Institute of Business Development, Nigeria; Member of TDD Committee, International Association of Software Architects, USA; Member of Strategic Planning and Implementation Committee, Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria; Adjunct Faculty, Regent Business School, South Africa; Adjunct Faculty, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Nigeria; Editor-in-Chief, Cost Management Journal; Council Member, Institute of Internal Auditors of Nigeria. He holds Doctoral Degree in Management, Master of Business Administration and Fellowship of Several Professional Institutes in North America, UK & Nigeria. He is an author & widely featured speaker in workshops, conferences & retreats. He was involved in developing Specialist Masters Degree Course Content for Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (Nig) and Jones International University (USA). He also works as Adjunct & Visiting Professor of Universities and holds Interim Management Assignments on Boards of Companies.
  • 22. Thank You