PlanMyLeave Online HRIS and Leave Management System Contact us : [email protected] Skype : CanWeHelpYou US +1 310 622 4434 / 1 408 914 2428 India +91 80 4128 0699 / 93428 59555

Planmyleave - Online Leave Management System

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PlanMyLeaveOnline HRIS and Leave Management System

Contact us : [email protected] : CanWeHelpYouUS +1 310 622 4434 / 1 408 914 2428India +91 80 4128 0699 / 93428 59555

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Planmyleave – quick facts

✓A cloud based HRIS and Online Leave Management system with self service dashboard

✓Launched in late 2012

✓Used in over 30 countries

✓Designed and developed by Expert Outsource Pvt. Ltd. a 12 year old IT services company

✓Scales easily from 20 employees to 50,000 or more.

✓Accessible on desktops, laptops, mobile, tablets anywhere in the world with internet connection

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Planmyleave - HR info Repository

✓Maintain employee contact info, address, contact numbers, emergency contact details, dependents, education history, photo.

✓Employees can update their latest addresses and emergency contact details online

✓Upload documents related to staff like passports, resume, educational certificates, appraisal forms etc.

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Access, usage and mobility

✓Accurate and saves time and cost spent on HR and Administration

✓Reduces HR and administrative overheads

✓Scalable and can be set to work for companies of all sizes easily

✓Accessible on desktop browsers and mobile (iphone, Android, Windows) or tablet

✓Save 36% of Payroll costs directly and indirectly and over 80% of HR leave administration time

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Holidays and weekly offs

✓Set Company holidays and weekly days off – Holiday settings can be customized at location, department or even employee level.

✓Set if holidays and weekly off should be included in calculating leave duration for different leave types.

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Leave approval workflow

✓Automatic workflow of leave requests in preset approval paths.

✓Up to 3 approvers in a leave approval path

✓Attach different approval paths for different leave types at the employee level. So sick leave can be set one approval path and Vacation can take another approval path.

✓Auto approval can be set for Senior Staff with notifications to HR

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Approval Escalation and auto approve

✓ Settings to auto approve leave request if unapproved

after certain days.

✓ Settings to to escalate leave request to another person

if leave request is unapproved in x days.

✓ Multiple people can be set in an approval path pool and

the approver can be selected at the time of making a

request from a list of approvers. Useful in cases where

supervisors keep changing often

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Custom Settings of Leave types and policies

✓Leave types and policies can be assigned at employee, location or company level.

✓Set Leave year start date – Jan 1st or Apr 1st or any other

✓Recalculate balances if leave policies are changed anytime.

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Full, half or partial days

✓Apply leave for full days, half days, quarter days or in partial hours

✓Shifts can be set

✓Flexible working hours – apply with duration in hours

✓Set Work from home as a shift pattern or ad hoc request

✓Leave calculation can be based on complex shift pattern settings (weekly, bi-weekly, tri-weekly or any number of days to repeat recurrence pattern)

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Calendars – Monthly, Team and Yearly calendars

✓Easy view of staff availability on team calendars

✓Plan your staffing based on team, monthly and yearly calendars

✓Synched with Outlook and Google iCal

✓View employee birthdays and work anniversaries on the calendars

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Automated leave entitlement and Carryovers

✓Leave accruals can be done in hours or days.

✓Accrual frequency can be set to yearly, monthly or every x weeks or months

✓Leave balances can be reset to 0 on leave start year or can carry over x days into the next year

✓Manual adjustments can be done to set current leave balances or to correct balances

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Company holidays and weekly off

✓Company holidays can be set for each locations / department or even at employee level.

✓Set weekly offs – Can default to Sat- Sun or can be set to any days like Fri-Sat for Middle East countries or any other day

✓ Include or exclude weekly offs in leave duration calculation

✓ Include or exclude Company holidays in leave duration Calculation

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Automatic email reminders and email templates

✓Set up to 3 automatic email reminders of upcoming leaves and company holidays and choose who it has to go to.

✓Email templates can be set in your local language to be sent to staff for leave request and approvals as well as for important companywide notifications.

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Roles and Permissions

✓Create access roles like Department Heads, Managers, Team Leads for staff with access permission settings.

✓Supervisors can be given permission to apply leave for other employees that they supervise.

✓For staff unfamiliar with computers – it is useful to have the team lead or supervisor or HR Manager manage leaves of staff reporting to them

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Set Watchers and interested parties

✓Watchers / interested parties can be copied on emails when leave requests are made and approved.

✓Line managers, HR Staff, Department heads or team leads can be informed leave requests are made.

✓Set watchers for different locations

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Multi- location and multi-language customization

✓Set date formats, holidays for each location

✓Form teams of employees from multiple locations to see team leave calendars

✓Create leave type names in your own language (French, Spanish, Chinese, German etc)

✓We can also translate Planmyleave to work in multiple languages. Please contact us at [email protected] to know more

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Employee Self service dashboard

✓Update emergency contact information, photo and address

✓Check leave availability and view self and team calendar

✓Apply leave online, get approved online and get notified online

✓Reports of leaves, current balances, overtime

✓View past leave approvals

✓Search for leave requests by individuals or by leave request types and between date ranges

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Editing submitted / approved leave requests

✓Edit and resubmit requests even after they are approved in case your holiday plans change.

✓Permission based setting that can be turned on or off.

✓Company Admin can edit and resubmit requests

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Log unrecorded Absences

✓Anyone who is absent without prior leave request can be marked as absent – with a email reminder to log leave request

✓The absence record gets removed automatically when the request is put for the date or can be manually cancelled in case of a valid reason for absence like sales call or business trip

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Clash alerts – helps you plan staffing

✓View who else is off at the same time when approving leave in the same department, company or team

✓See past leave history while approving leave

✓See company holidays while approving leave

✓Can be set to show clash alerts – you can specify a warning if key people have applied for leave at the same time

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Supporting Document Settings

✓Supporting document settings (like a medical certificate) if leave exceeds a certain number of days, or if the employee has applied for leave multiple times recently (for example 4 times in the past 2 months).

✓Attachments can be done from your computer or mobile

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Overtime, TOIL / Comp Off

✓Record Overtime and have it automatically credited to Time Off in Lieu (compensatory off) on approval

✓Set overtime multiplication factors and option for encashing leave

✓Overtime approval paths

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✓Reports in excel or PDF Formats

✓Reports on Staff Information, Current leave balances, leaves taken, leave requests made, overtime, manual adjustments, holiday lists made all filterable by employee, locations, departments, job titles and hire types.

✓Can be imported into payroll or other applications

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✓Full security via SSL encrypted data

✓Offline access restriction

✓Hosted on secure Amazon Web Servers with load balancing, replication, security and automatic back ups

✓ IP restrictions can be set to allow logins only from selected ips or range of addresses

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Custom Branding

✓Custom branding of app with your company logo

✓Options to set outgoing email and SMTP settings from company email and exchange server

✓Opt for sub-domain like companyname.planmyleave.com

✓Or opt for custom branding using your domain like lms.yourcompanyname.com

✓Contact us for white labelling and reselling

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Integration with ERP or biometric access control systems

✓ Integration with your company's ERP, HR and Payroll systems

✓Calendar synchronization, Microsoft Outlook , Google iCal

✓Single sign on with Gmail and Yahoo

✓Can be integrated with biometric attendance systems

✓ Import data from other HR systems

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Support and Training

✓Support for set up, data import

✓Training of administrators

✓Support via phone, email, chat

✓Free set up and customization

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Employer Benefits

✓Online requests and approval with Planmyleave

✓Flexible and easy to use

✓ Import & export data to other HR and Payroll systems.

✓100% secure and scalable.

✓Hosted on Amazon Web Services with high security of data.

✓Total transparency over the process – no more unnecessary questioning and disputes with HR Staff.

✓Lessens unauthorized absence for the long-term.

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Employer Benefits

✓Eliminates pain points of paper based, email and excelbased leave requests and balance calculations

✓Company notifications can be posted and viewed on the dashboard for any announcements.

✓View entire employee information from one centralizeddashboard.

✓Team calendars allows you to plan for absences better

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Employee Benefits

✓Check leave entitlements and Request leave online

✓Schedule absence and other leaves ahead of time with ease and by correlating with other team members.

✓View your leave balances online and see your reports online without unnecessary questioning of HR Personnel.

✓Employees can update their contact, photo and personal information online easily

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Integrated Modules

✓Fully integrated with ProjectToolBelt our comprehensive free project management software

✓ Integrated with MyWebTimeSheets - our Timesheets module with comprehensive settings

✓ CRM, Expenses and Scheduling software coming up soon