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One Size Does Not Fit All - Customizing Retail Chain Sales Points - March 2011

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Page 1: One Size Does Not Fit All - Customizing Retail Chain Sales Points - March 2011

One Size Does Not Fit All –

Customizing Retail Chain Sales


March |2011

Page 2: One Size Does Not Fit All - Customizing Retail Chain Sales Points - March 2011

One Size Does Not Fit All – Customizing Retail Chain Sales


One of the factors that has helped make the retail chain concept so successful

globally is that customers are ensured a similar level of service, access to similar

products, and a standardized level of quality, regardless of which of the retail

chain sales points they visit. Customization provides an opportunity to make this

concept even more successful.

What we as consumers all love about chains like Starbucks or Carrefour is that we

know what we’re going to get from them, each and every time, in all location – be

it in London, Dubai or Buenos Aires, such retail chains offer a consistent level of

service and quality, factors which are very important to consumers. Aside from

national-based customization (such as offering Shrimp Burgers at McDonald’s in

Japan) on a product level, little varies between retail chain stores from city to city,

country to country.

This level of consistency has played an important role in helping such retail chains

dominate markets globally, expanding at an ever-increasing pace, killing off

independent coffee shops, bookstores, grocery stores, clothing stores, etc. In

almost every retail sector in most countries, a handful of brands make up a large

part of the market of their respective categories.

While this cookie-cutter approach works for the most part, it fails to take into

consideration local factors, variables that in this day and age of data-driven

decision making is disappointing. We believe there are significant opportunities

that retailers can capitalize on by customizing their retail sales points.

The concept of customization we recommend retailers pursue is not about

radically changing sales points, but rather, making small changes to each one that

can have a considerable impact on overall sales. The objective is to identify what

is different about each sales point (in terms of its locale, its customers / prospects,

even the weather) so as to capitalize on these facts. As a starting point, we believe

customization can be tackled around three areas:

1. Product Location / Position Customization

Sales-related data analyses on a point-by-point basis will yield important findings

that can help each store reposition the location of some of its products. This can

relate to where the products are placed (i.e. in display windows or at the store

entrance) or how they are placed near each other. Analysis of sales data will

show the importance of specific products to specific locations, findings that

should drive the re-positioning of the products based on their importance. This

analysis needs to be done down to a specific product & brand level, not just at a

product category level.

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As such, as an example, the findings will dictate that one Best Buy electronics

store should place Apple iPads immediately at its entrance, while another should

place Dell netbooks at the entrance (as these are the top moving products for

those locations). Many different factors will drive variance in product sales (such

as local population demographics, income, weather conditions, etc.), the key is to

realize this and act upon it.

Products that are often purchased together at the same time in specific locations

can also be considered for re-location in the store. For example, capitalizing on

analysis of sales-data from a specific bookstore retail sales point that shows 38%

of consumers who purchase The Economist magazine also purchase Businessweek

in the same transaction, suggesting placing these two products right next to each

other to drive up that ratio.

The above stated ratio will not be the same in every sales point though; the

correlation can be non-existent, in fact. There could be a newsstand right out the

bookstore which carries Businessweek, for example, a variable which creates a

completely different dynamic for that store in terms of products purchased

together. As stated before, sales-related data should be analyzed on a location by

location basis to ensure the right decisions are made. The concept of placing

products near each other can extend into considering bundling the products

together, such that the consumer receives some added-benefit for purchasing

both products in the same transaction.

The findings of this analysis should also be used in driving cross-sales through

sales representatives in the stores. When a customer purchases a given product,

the representative (either on the floor or at the register) should make a

recommendation around the next best-selling product correlated with that

purchase – or even offer a benefit for the extra purchase. So, for example, when a

customer comes to the counter with a pair of Baby Nike Air Jordans, the

representative can offer a 20% discount on a matching pair of Nike Air baby socks.

The concepts discussed here around bundling and cross-selling should be tested,

of course, to ensure the optimal strategy is in place to maximize on the

opportunities available.

2. Advertising Customization

The method of advertising related to each store should be customized as well,

related to local factors that change response rates to the methods used. As there

are dozens of methods of advertising (TV, billboard, magazine, newspaper, radio,

web, blog, mobile, flyers, etc.), one size definitely does not fit all here. In a given

country, in different cities, some tactics will work, some won’t.

As such, for a chain with stores in different cities, analysis needs to be conducted

to determine the impact of advertising via different channels. Analysis of sales

relative to specific campaigns conducted in the past via specific channels will yield

the desired results – based on the findings, in one city, the focus may thus shift to

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distributing flyers door to door, in another, relying solely on local channel TV ads.

As cultural differences have a significant impact on the responsiveness of

potential customers to pitches via different channels, customization is a must


The effectiveness of using customized advertising strategies on a local basis

should be reviewed at least once a year, however. Over time, behaviors of

consumers will change, altering their responsiveness to different channels of

communication. Annually, local advertising strategies and each channel’s impact

on campaigns / sales should be reviewed, with findings used to possibly alter


3. “Local Touch” Customization

The retail chain concept often prevents customization across the board on all

matters, preventing local touches to be made to specific stores, even when such

customizations can seem to be no-brainers. Little touches based on local

conditions can have a positive impact on customer satisfaction, and ultimately,

the bottom line.

Using the USA as an example, this can include providing complementary

umbrellas to customers in cities that have significant precipitation (in Seattle,

where it rains over 150 days a year, but not in Las Vegas, where it rains less than

30 days a year), or having clerks in grocery stores that will carry bags to cars in

cities that have a high elder population (in Honolulu, where around 20% of

citizens are over the age of 65, but not in Anchorage, where only 5% are).

Such customization can be made to an even greater degree when relevant, with

concepts like opening small day-care rooms and offering home delivery

considered (though such customizations can be difficult and costly to implement,

and likely not allowed by the global brand).

We recommend each retail point identify what types of local customizations can

and should be considered, with the suggestions reviewed and approved / denied

by regional management. The small touches (the WOW factor, essentially) can

truly have an impact that will be much greater than what it takes to make the


It is our belief that the concept of local customization will begin to take off in the

coming years in retail chains, as companies begin to realize the wealth of data on

their hands that can be tapped into for making strategic changes on a local level.

We recommend retailers immediately begin examining their own data to identify

opportunities for bringing such customizations to life. To learn more about

designing retail sales point customization strategies, please contact

[email protected]

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