Kuala Lumpur Mont’Kiara International School Ms. Brady’s 3rd Grade Class, 2011-2012 Jayden

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Kuala Lumpur

Mont’Kiara International School

Ms. Brady’s 3rd Grade Class, 2011-2012


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A is for Air Asia. Air Asia is one of the cheapest airlines in the world. They have a special moto which is “Everyone can fly.” It gives me courage and hope.

Batu CavesAir Asia

B is for batu caves. Batu caves in malay means stone cave. The Indians made it into a temple. The batu caves are 400 millon years old. The Orang Asli were the first people to find it

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Kuala Lumpur is the Cultral center of Pennisular Malaysia.The most popular languages in Kuala Lumpur are Bahasa Melayu, Chinese,and, Tamil. There are many multi cultural celebrations in Kuala Lumpur such as Diwali, Chinese New Year, and, Merdeka day.

D is for Dance. Dance has been an important element since the olden days.but they hardly perform today because KL has developed into a busy city so no one cares anymore.


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E is for Education. Education is here to help students and parents the improve in their work. Over the years Kuala Lumpur has improved a lot in education since the olden days. There are about 26 international schools in Kuala Lumpur.

There are three ethnic groups in Kuala Lumpur Chinese, Indians, and, Malays.Which all eat different types of food. They eat things such as Dim Sum, Roti Canai,Noodles,and,Nasi Lemak.The is what gives us a huge varitey of food which helps us develop into a community


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Gombak River is a river that goes through Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. It is special to Kuala Lumpur because it helped it get it’s name which in English is “Muddy Confluence”. Kuala Lumpur is where it connects with the Klang River.

The hibiscus is a trumpet looking flower with five or more petals,It comes in six colors orange,red,yellow,pink,purple,and,white.It is the national flower of Malaysia and it was introduced in the 12th century.

HibiscusGombak River

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I is for Istana Negara. In Malay it means national palace. From the top of the palace you can see the Klang River. The palace is 5,000 square meters. The palace was replaced in 2011.When the new king was

coming in to this palace in Kuala Lumpur.

J is for jungle. Jungle in KL is very beautiful. But these days trees are going down one by one. There is very little jungle in Kuala Lumpur now it is a concrete jungle with lots of buildings.

JungleIstana Negara

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Kampung is a village where Orang Asli and others live. In Malay it means village. Traditionaly it is made out of sticks, leaves, and, wood. It is on stilts because the people don’t want snakes coming in. It is a huge village with at least 50 houses.

L is for lake gardens. Lake Gardens was made by Alfred Venning he turned the dirty swamp into a beautiful Garden.There are gardens,lakes,parks,and animals.

Lake GardensKampung

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• M is for Mosque. The national Mosque of Malaysia is in Kuala Lumpur. It can fit 1,5000 people. The mosque was designed by a three person team which was UK architect Howard Ashley, and Malaysians Hisham Albakri and Baharuddin Kassim.

• The mosque was built in 1965. This is one of the most popular mosques in Malaysia

Nai Lemak is a dish served with coconut milkIt is found in Malaysia, Singapore, and, Bruinei.It malay it means fatty rice but now people consider it as sweet or creamy.It is served at breakfast,lunch, and, dinner.

Nasi LemakMosque

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Orang Asli land covers 0.5 of Malaysia. There are three types of Orang Asli Negrito, Senoi, and, Proto Malays, but they all have the same traditions.Their habitat is the graceful forests but there losing there homes by deforestation.

•P is for people. There are three main ethnic groups in Kuala Lumpur. Malays, Chinese, and, Indians and there are also foreigners from North America, South America, and Europe. In Kuala Lumpur 58% are Malays. The population estimate in 2011 was 1.6 million people.

PeopleOrang Asli

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• Q is for Qu’ ran. The Qu’ran is the Muslim holy praying book of Islam. It is normally in Arabic. Muslims believe that it is the most important book in the world. The Qu’ran is covered with a special cloth to protect it. Before touching the book Muslims have to perform ritual washing. It is kept on a high shelf with nothing above it because the Muslims want to treat it with care.

Royal Selangor Pewter Factory is the largest pewter factory in the world.Now days there are 300 workers.The workers made the F1 trophy and other sporting prizes.

Royal Selangor Pewter Factory


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Sultan is the royalty of Malaysia.It stands for strength,authority, and, power. There are 14 Sultans in Malaysia.The Sultan of Kedah is now the crowned king for five year period.

The Twin Towers are 1,500 feet tall and include 88 stories.It took 5,000 workers to build it which meat it was a huge project Tower one was the Japanese and tower two was built by the Koreans.

Twin Towers Sultan

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U is for Utilities. There are 4 of them:gas,water,electricity,and, household waste.There is only one for electricity (Tenaga).

Gas is used for cooking. Water is essential for life.

•V is for visitors. The top two attractions in Kuala Lumpur are the Petronas Towers and the Batu Caves. In 2010 Kuala Lumpur was the 7th most visited city in the world with 8.9 million visitors in one year.


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• W is for weather. Weather is hot and humid in Kuala Lumpur. The normal temperature in Kuala Lumpur is between 29 ー C - 35 ー C during the day and 26 ー C - 29 ー C at night. The climate in Kuala Lumpur is pretty tropical.

Experts in Kuala Lumpur come from all over the world. They come to share their unique skills with people in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and beyond.

Experts in KLWeather

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Yap Ah Loy was the one who developed KL into a city. Yap Ah Loy was also known as Yap Tet Loy.He was the first Capitan China of tin mines.Which helped people all around the world to eat food antime anywhere because it was always kept warm.

Zoo Negara is the national zoo of Malaysia. It has 459 species including 5,137 animals.It is located in the northeast of KL.It was opened on 1963, 14 November 2012. Over one million visitors come each year.

Zoo NegaraYap Ah Loy

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