www.mediafuturist.com twitter.com/gleonhard Immediate Media Futures What does the Future of Media look like - and how can we adapt to it?

Immediate Media Futures (Presentation at Guardian Changing Media Summit 3/18 2010)

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This is the PDF of my presentation at the 2010 Guardian CMS event in London. Bottom lines: 1) we are moving from selling 'stuff' to selling services and experiences 2) EGOsystems are becoming ECOsystems because we are all connected now 3) Enforcing control when trust is crucial is a very bad idea 4) In the content industries, the concept of mostly 'selling copies' is toast - new generatives must be created and delivered 5) the future is in selling access, not (just) copies, and the ecology of selling access is UTTERLY DIFFERENT 6) the content 2.0 economy hinges on the new telecom economy, i.e. a new telemedia ecosystem is needed to really solve the key issues that the Internet has constantly amplified, across the board 7) All content is shifting to The Cloud, and Media As A Service (MaaS) will become a standard, very soon 8) therefore, Data is the new Oil (!!) 9) Value, Reason, Price, Ease of Payment and Packaging are the main success factors in selling content online 10) Most business models in the content industry will be based on a constantly changing mix of 'I pay, you pay, they pay' 11) Message to Murdoch et al: Forcing to Buy is like Forcing to Love!

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Page 1: Immediate Media Futures (Presentation at Guardian Changing Media Summit 3/18 2010)


Immediate Media FuturesWhat does the Future of Media look like -

and how can we adapt to it?

Page 2: Immediate Media Futures (Presentation at Guardian Changing Media Summit 3/18 2010)

Content ‘1.0’: The Past

Page 3: Immediate Media Futures (Presentation at Guardian Changing Media Summit 3/18 2010)

Was: sell ‘stuff’

Page 4: Immediate Media Futures (Presentation at Guardian Changing Media Summit 3/18 2010)

The Past, today...?

Source: PaidContent.org

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The Music Industry: What does the Future look like - and how can we prevent it?

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Page 7: Immediate Media Futures (Presentation at Guardian Changing Media Summit 3/18 2010)

“Punish Them”... “Force them”....?

Enforcing Control when Trust is crucial

Do you like Control more than Money?

Page 8: Immediate Media Futures (Presentation at Guardian Changing Media Summit 3/18 2010)

Source: Flickr/exfordy

Distribution of copies as the main income stream...

Page 9: Immediate Media Futures (Presentation at Guardian Changing Media Summit 3/18 2010)

The Future is in selling Access

Page 10: Immediate Media Futures (Presentation at Guardian Changing Media Summit 3/18 2010)

The Ecology of Access is dramatically different

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ECOsystem not EGOsystem

Page 12: Immediate Media Futures (Presentation at Guardian Changing Media Summit 3/18 2010)

Content 2.0 •••• Telecom 2.0

Data Pipe

Service Pipe

Experience Platform

Content Pipe

Page 13: Immediate Media Futures (Presentation at Guardian Changing Media Summit 3/18 2010)

Content 2.0 •••• Telecom 2.0

Data Pipe

Service Pipe

Experience Platform

Content Pipe

Page 14: Immediate Media Futures (Presentation at Guardian Changing Media Summit 3/18 2010)

Everything is shifting into...

Media as a Service (MaaS)

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Was Will be

Price UsersContent 2.0: the pricing logic flips

Page 17: Immediate Media Futures (Presentation at Guardian Changing Media Summit 3/18 2010)

How to get paid for Digital Content

Irresistible Price-Points

& Fair Toll-Booth Placement

Ease of Payment, Packaging & Interface

Strong Values & Compelling Reasons

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1.Value & Reason

2.Right Price / Right Time

3.Ease & Packaging

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I pay, you pay, they pay *hat-tip to Shelly Palmer




Flat Rates



Device Makers


Social Payments


Page 20: Immediate Media Futures (Presentation at Guardian Changing Media Summit 3/18 2010)

Forcing to buy is like... forcing to


Page 21: Immediate Media Futures (Presentation at Guardian Changing Media Summit 3/18 2010)

Control ≠ MoneyEgosystem


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The Networks + Content + Advertising 2.0

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email me at [email protected]/gleonhard

facebook: gleonhard

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