Have You Looked at Your Defect Rate on Your eBay Seller Dashboard

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You may already be aware of eBay’s new seller performance standard. I can see few unhappy sellers commenting Tamebay. I don’t think complaining is the right way forward. I’m quite happy to see eBay taking more steps in order to provide better customer experience. We’ve seen Amazon taking good care of customers through stringent seller performance standard and I applaud eBay taking this step.

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Page 1: Have You Looked at Your Defect Rate on Your eBay Seller Dashboard
Page 2: Have You Looked at Your Defect Rate on Your eBay Seller Dashboard

Account > Seller Dashboard to view your NEW Performance

Page 3: Have You Looked at Your Defect Rate on Your eBay Seller Dashboard
Page 4: Have You Looked at Your Defect Rate on Your eBay Seller Dashboard

Copy & Paste this link on your browse, Sign in to Download your report http://eshopping.promotw.com/global-seller/uk

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