A System Evaluation of Using an Automated Teller Machine THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY ALLEN J COCHRAN Integrated Systems Engineering 770 OSU Graduate Student, Design Professor Phil Smith.131 [email protected] Autumn 2010 www.allenjcochran.com

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A System Evaluation of Using an Automated Teller Machine


Integrated Systems Engineering 770 OSU Graduate Student, DesignProfessor Phil Smith.131 al [email protected] 2010 www.allenjcochran.com

Page 2: Eval report v_f

A System Evaluation of Using an Automated Teller Machine



This system evaluation will address the process of performing two very common tasks facilitated by Fifth Third Bank Automated Teller Machines, or ATMs. Every ATM performers identical tasks but utilizing drive up or walk up machines with several keypads of buttons, a screen, a cash delivery slot, deposit envelope slot, and ATM card slot. Nowadays they often include a small plastic bubble containing a video camera. Located in a large number of locations, Fifth Third Bank is the chosen bank ATM for this task because of the large mid to southern ohio presence they maintain and simply because the issues ATMs present could be addressed easily.

Specifically, the system tasks are 1) checking an account balance, and 2) withdrawing cash. The tasks were


chosen because they are easily, and regularly performed in tandem Similarly, both tasks are the primary function of ATMs. Relatively recently have the other functions been added.


These particular processes were chosen because of their non-specific user group and the wide range of potential users. Anyone who has a checking or savings account, or the need to check their account balance on the go is a potential user for this system. Additionally, with the interconnectivity of banks, users need not hold accounts with Fifth Third to be considered in this user group. Besides children under the, estimated age of 13, anyone 14 and older may hold a bank account and thus be a potential user. This system is then open to use by

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users with a considerably wide range of technological affluence.


An expert review of this system was done. As a main reference point, the ten heuristics of Jakob Nielsen were used to identify issues with the ATM system. The chose this system because of how specifically task oriented it is. There is a clearly defined start and end to each encounter with the system and, more specifically, the encounters always have a goal to accomplish. The system is only ever used on-the-go, and by users who are generally under the pressure of time. Because of this, ATMs present an interesting opportunity to critique a system that users have become relatively complacent with.


Explicitly, there is no critical defect that keeps users from completing either of the two tasks. However, users place a tremendous amount of trust in their banks and so trust in the technology banks provide. ATMs are common place in today’s western society. Despite the number of minor defects, users would continue to press buttons until the desired outcome is reached.


Along with the above critical defect considerations and despite the challenges, this system works. It is used regularly and while there may be a annoying learning

curve the first several times its used, the system is so frequented that people manage to adapt. Regardless, on the opposite end of the spectrum, the issues with the system are disappointing and while the tasks may end up successful, users seem to be blind to the fact that at their roots, ATMs don’t follow conventions of most modern systems.


In this section, Jakob Neilsen’s ten heuristics are addressed specifically to the Automated Teller Machine system.

Visibility of System Status

The system does not explain how far users are into the overall task. At no point during either task are users told how much longer it will be. Even when moving from checking an account balance into withdrawing cash, the system simply starts over with only a screen asking if users would like another transaction.

Match Between System & the Real World:

As mentioned, transaction is a word that prompts users to begin the second part of this evaluation, withdrawing cash. Transaction, though, is used throughout the system to mean several things from “monetary transaction”, to simply “an action.”User Control & Freedom: Because the system controls range over three keypads of buttons, and between buttons and screen, it is not always understood which is the correct button to push. When

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buttons are incorrectly triggered, the user has little or no control over exiting or going backwards.

Consistency & Standards

The system graphics are a far-cry from current standards. The ATMs’ screen resolution is not only poor but so small that graphics and text are often mis-aligned, inconsistent throughout and not always present when they should be. Addressed below, instructions were not consistent or meaningful.

Error Prevention

In reality, errors did not come up during this process. This may be a result that when incorrect buttons are pushed, the system and task have to be restarted.

Recognition Rather than Recall

Neither forward nor backward locations are clear to users. That being said, the system does a semi-decent job of keeping each screen to minimal choices, but this could be directly related to the low resolution screen. Similarly, there is no real contrast between unrelated which could cause regular recognition concerns.

Flexibility & Efficiency of Use

Only one accelerate was present in the system that was also noticeable. In effect there were no ways to become more proficient in performing each task by utilizing shortcuts.

Aesthetic & Minimalist Design

The design of the system is disappointing

all together. Not only does is the exterior too busy, the various slots, buttons, and panels that make up the ATM face form a patchwork of pieces that are unrelated to any use of the machine or design aesthetic. The screen interface is dated and lower resolution than any other similar machine.

Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, & Recover From Errors

The system had no error screens. Similarly there was no choice but to start over when errors were encountered.

Help & Documentation

None present. The system could be used without documentation.

Summary of Funtional Negatives

1. Page titles are misleading2. Graphics are dated and deceiving and

often placed in confusing places not quite related to the text they should be.

3. Haptic choices go back and forth from the screen buttons to the numerical pad. Only two of the three keypads are used and of those two, one keypad is used 95% of the time.

4. The directions don’t afford the easiest solutions. Sometimes users are directed to press a screen button when hitting enter will do the same thing.

5. Pages lack any locational devices and there is no way to find yourself within the system.

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6. Confusing taxonomy, i.e. “transaction”. A users mental model of Transaction only pertains to monetary transactions when working with banks. Thus in any other use this is an improper use of the term.


In essence, adding in all those things, as aforementioned, that the system lacks would be a good place to begin any design recommendations. The major recommendations for the system are to drastically alter the exterior so that only a touchscreen, card slot, and one action slot are present. Secondary to that, they system screen could stand for a significant upgrade, resolution increase, and full color.

Cleaning up the exterior, reducing visual clutter, and physical choices would help concentrate users attention. The screen would provide an obvious point of interaction as we have been conditioned to use touch screens broadly by this point in time. The card slot has a similar obvious

function and the single additional slot could be used to both dispense cash and deposit checks.

With the introduction of a touch screen to the ATM machine, the system could be tested more regularly and upgraded via those test. Similarly, forcing users to interact with the screen would allow the conventions of the web to play key roles in the composition of screens, locate-ability within the system, and consistency we expect between pages and tasks.

While this system may ultimately be useable, it is has significant room for improvement. The instructions are unclear. The graphics relate poorly. There are too many button choices for the common system uses and users are faced with lots of reading when they are almost always pressed for time. Much could be done to reduce the costs of the systems by way of a touch screen interface that could be regularly updated after routine user testing.

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For this evalauation, note that the user must have a prior

need to withdraw money. Otherwise, the first step would be

to have a need to withdrawal money.

1. Drive up to ATM.

2. Insert ATM Card.

3. Using the numerical keypad below the screen, enter 4 digit personal identifcation number.

4. Using the button at the top of the button column on the left hand side of the screen, press associated button to indicate enter.

DEFECT: Note that, it is not specified but users may

also press Enter on the numerical keypad rathan

than to push the button indicated on screen.

DEFECT: The instructions beneath the page title are

not only inaccurate, they are ignored by the user.

DEFECT: The yellow graphic of the hand is

confusing. It appears to be pushing buttons on the

right hand of the screen.

5. Once screen has changed, choose 1 of 4 transactions: 1) $60 Fast Cash From Checking, 2) Withdraw Cash, 3) Purchase Stamps, or 4) Next Selection.

6. To acheive the first objective, users must choose 4) Next Selection by pushing the associated screen button to the left of the screen.

DEFECT: there is no indication what choosing Next

Selection will take users to or if their need at this

point can even be met. Users must have had prior

knowledge of the system in order to know that

retrieving your Account Balance is even possible.

7. Choose 4) Next Selection by pushing the associated screen button to the left of the screen.

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8. Once screen has changed, choose 1 of 4 transactions: 1) Set Preferences, 2) Account Balance, 3) Deposit, or 4) Next Selection.

DEFECT: again there is no indication where choosing

4) Next Selection will lead you but as our objective is

met on this screen, it is unessessary to continue on.

DEFECT: There are three graphics on screen shown

in approximation to the choices. However, there are

only three close to the choice options and they are

poorly aligned so not only do users tend to neglect

them, they can also confuse the process.

9. Choose 2) Account Balance by pushing the associated screen button to the left of the screen.

10. Choose an account to retreive its balance by pushing the associated screen button to the left of the screen.

DEFECT: there is no idication of what will happen

once you choose an account.

11. Advancing to the next screen, choose either 1) Yes or 2) No to receive a receipt by pushing the associated screen button to the left of the screen.

DEFECT: If users should choose 2) No in this

instance, it appears as though the task will fail and

be unsuccessful when, in actuality, a screen will pop

up with the Account Balance. This too is an issue,

because there is nothing on this screen indicating

that this will happen.

12. Choose 1) Yes to accomplish objective.

13. Advancing to the next screen, choose either 1) Yes or 2) No to indicate if another transaction is desired.

DEFECT: Two actions are combined on one screen.

This is confusing to users.

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14. Choose 1) Yes to accomplish objective, by pressing the associated screen button to the left of the screen.

15. The process repeats itself. It is repeated below, but note that it is nearly identical to starting back at step 5.

16. Once screen has changed, choose 1 of 4 transactions: 1) $60 Fast Cash From Checking, 2) Withdraw Cash, 3) Purchase Stamps, or 4) Next Selection.

17. Advancing to the next screen, choose 2) Withdraw Cash by pressing the associated screen button to the left of the screen.

18. Advancing to the next screen, choose 1 of 2 Accounts: 1) Checking, 2) Savings.

19. Choose 1) Checking by pressing the associated screen button to the left of the screen.

20. Advancing to the next screen, enter the amount to withdraw in multiples of $20.

DEFECT: For the first time since the beginning of

the task, users are asked to switch back to the

numerical key pad but this is not indicated on

screen. Instead, on screen it is indicated how users

should complete the task using the same buttons

that they have been using for the entire task, the left

hand screen buttons.

21. Enter the amount for withdraw.

22. Press Ok using the associated screen button to the left of the screen to indicate that the ammount for withdraw has been entered correctly.

DEFECT: the command correction is on the same

hierarchial level as OK. Ok completed this portion

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of the task, while Correction alters the amount for

withdraw. Being on two different levels of activity,

Correction should be indicated differently so as not

to confuse the user.

23. At this point the ATM dispenses cash.

24. User retreives cash.

25. ATM ejects card.

26. User retreives ATM card.

27. ATM returns to Welcome Screen.

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