STATES OF MATTER By: Estephan ie Encarnac ion Riopedre Liquid Gas Soli d

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States of Matter Tech Showcase 2013

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  • 1. STATES OF MATTER By: Liquid Solid Estephani e Encarnaci Gason Riopedre
  • 2. Properties of Solid 1. A solid has a definite volume and definite shape. The intermolecular force of attraction is very strong. The molecules are strongly held and arranged in order. 2. A solid is rigid and cannot be compressed easily. Molecules are closely spaced and the intermolecular separation is very small which cannot be reduced further. 3. A solid does not flow and can be stored in a container. Intermolecular fore of attraction is so strong that molecules do not flow and leave the surface of the solid. 4. A solid on hating usually changes into its liquid state. Heating provides sufficient energy to molecules to overcome the intermolecular force of attraction. Intermolecular separation increases, changing the solid into liquid.
  • 3. Properties of Liquid 1. A liquid has a definite volume. Intermolecular force of attraction is just strong enough to confine the molecules in a definite space. 2. A liquid has no definite shape and acquires the shape of the container. It can flow from a higher lever to a lower level. 3. A liquid is compressible. Distance between the neighboring molecules is larger in a liquid than in a solid. 4. A liquid can diffuse into another liquid, but this is much slower as compared to the diffusion of gases. Molecules move faster in a liquid than in a solid but slower as compared to the molecules of a gas.
  • 4. Properties of Gas 1. A gas has no definite shape or volume of its own. It acquires the shape of the container. 2. A gas is not rigid and is easily compressed. Intermolecular separation is very large in gaseous state which can be decreased by applying pressure. . 3. A gas on cooling changes into liquid state. Cooling reduces intermolecular separation and increase intermolecular force of attraction. 4. A gas can flow in all directions. It requires a vessel closed from all sides. 5 . A gas can diffuse into another gas. Molecules in a gas move very fast. Hence the speed of diffusion is very large.
  • 5. Liquid Solid Gas Diagram
  • 6. Diagram
  • 7. Solid Rock Examples Liquid Water Gas Hot Air Balloon Ice Juice Volcano Wood Milk Steam
  • 8. Plasma- Everything on Earth can be explained in terms of 4 states (phases) of matter- solid, liquid, gas. Some scientists designate plasma as a fourth state of matter. At very high temperatures, matter becomes a plasma. Major physical characteristics define each state and primarily concern volume and shape. The Molecular Theory of Matter, Theory of Heat and the Molecular Attraction Force affect the states of matter. The Molecular Theory of Matter and the Theory of Heat state that molecules are in constant motion. Properties describe matter.
  • 9. Solid to Liquid-Melting Liquid to Gas-Vaporization Gas to Liquid-Condensation Solid to Gas-Sublimation Liquid to Solid-Freezing Gas to Solid-Deposition