Enterprise Design and the Future of Enterprise Architecture Milan Guenther, Partner, eda.c John Gøtze, CEO, EA Fellows

Enterprise Design and the Future of Enterprise Architecture

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Presentation by Milan Guenther and John Gøtze at the Danish IT Society's EA Conference 2013 at the IT University of Copenhagen, 12 Nov 2013.

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Enterprise Design and the Future of Enterprise Architecture

Milan Guenther, Partner, eda.c John Gøtze, CEO, EA Fellows

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Agenda!Introduction!Experience Journeys!Enterprise Ecosystems!The Role of Digital!!Enterprise Design!Enterprise Innovation!Enterprise Design Framework!Brief Case Study: eda.c's work with the UN!!The Future of Enterprise Architecture!The changing role of EA and enterprise architects!Systems Thinking in EA!Design (Thinking) and EA!!Collaboration!Our retreat - discipline variety, getting to know each other!Designing the story that goes with an architecture!Innovating and transforming enterprises!

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The Future of Enterprise Architecture!

•  EA at a tipping point?!

•  ”New Normal”?!•  Balkanization and

Empire Building!•  AaaS …!!New challenges …!The Alignment Trap!


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Business-IT Alignment!The degree of fit and integration among business strategy, IT strategy, business infrastructure, and IT infrastructure. Henderson and Venkatraman (1989)"

CBS Library Apr 2013:!21.199 peer-reviewed articles about “business-IT alignment”. !

(Ross, Weill and Robertson, 2006)!

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Business/IT-­‐Alignment  …  

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”You are now entering!The Business”!

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=! 0!”Remember Your Vector Math!”!

Enterprise Alignment!

Alignment = “the ability of the organization to operate as ONE by working towards a common shared vision supported by a well orchestrated set of strategies and actions”. (Doucet et al, 2009)!

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Get  your  ducks  in  a  row!    Governments  of  Canada  Strategic  Reference  Model  

Story  Alignment  

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The  Enterprise  Architect  

1.    Change  agent  2.    Communicator  3.  Leader  4.  Manager  5.  Modeler  …  

11/11/13   37  

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•  Core  enterprise  architects:  experts  in  enterprise  architecture  theory  and  pracAce.  

•  Implicit  enterprise  architects:  those  who  support  enterprise  architecture  work.  

•  Applied  enterprise  architects:  those  who  define  enterprise  architecture  requirements.  

11/11/13   38  

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1.  Enterprise  architecture  and  related  standards  will  merge  to  become  mainstream.  

2.  Enterprise  architecture  will  focus  more  on  business  and  service  architecture,  and  less  about  IT.  

3.  EA  tooling  will  merge  and  evolve  into  seamless  enterprise  management  pracAces.  

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Architecture?  FEAF-­‐II  and  EA3  •  A  systemaAc  approach  that  organizes  and  guides  design,  analysis,  

planning,  and  documentaAon  acAviAes.  

ISO  42010:  •  ⟨system⟩  fundamental  concepts  or  properAes  of    

a  system  in  its  environment  embodied  in  its    elements,  relaAonships,  and  in  the  principles  of  its    design  and  evoluAon.  

<systems>    •  ISO  15288:  “are  man-­‐made  and  may  be  configured  with  one  or  

more  of  the  following:  hardware,  soWware,  data,  humans,  processes  (e.g.  processes  for  providing  service  to  users),  procedures  (e.g.  operator  instrucAons),  faciliAes,  materials  and  naturally  occurring  enAAes”  

11/11/13   ·∙  40  

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Frank  Lloyd  Wright  DestrucAon  of  the  box  

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System  Thinking  is  about…..  


Feedback  Loops  

Crea<on  of  Purpose  

Managing  Complexity  


Not  IT  

Not  Process  

Patrick  Hoverstadt  

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VSM  -­‐  ViabLe  System  Model  








Patrick  Hoverstadt  (2008)  The  Fractal  OrganizaAon:  CreaAng  sustainable    organizaAons  with  the  Viable  System  Model.  Wiley  

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Which  is  EA  Thinking?  

John  Seddon  (2008)  Systems  Thinking  in  the  Public  Sector:    The  Failure  of  the  Reform  Regime....  and  a  Manifesto  for  a  Befer  Way  Triarchy  Press    

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EA  Boundary  Objects  

•  Ar:facts,  which  are  the  shared  tools,  documents,  models.  

•  Discourse,  which  is  a  common  language  that  can  be  shared  across  communiAes  of  pracAce.    

•  Processes,  i.e.,  the  shared  processes,  rouAnes,  and  procedures  that  facilitate  coordinaAon  of  and  between  communiAes  of  pracAce.  

11/11/13   45  

Gøtze,  J.,  2013,  The  Changing  Role  of  the  Enterprise  Architect.  Proceedings  of  the  2013    17th  IEEE  InternaAonal  Enterprise  Distributed  Object  CompuAng  Conference  Workshops    (EDOCW  2013),  9-­‐13  September  2013,  Vancouver,  BriAsh  Columbia,  Canada  (eapad.dk)  

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DialecAc  skills  

Enterprise  architects  must  have  competencies  in  resolving  conflicts,  and  in  crea:ng  consensus,  synthesis  and  common  understanding.  Detect  what  might  establish  that  common  ground  and  the  skill  of  seeking  the  intent  rather  than  just  reading  the  face  value  of  the  words.  

11/11/13   Ibid.   46  

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Dialogic  skills  In  facing  wicked  problems,  enterprise  architects  must  focus  more  on  problem-­‐finding  than  problem-­‐solving.    In  analogy  with  craWsmanship,  craW  looks  at  situaAons  in  a  problemfinding  manner.  When  skilled  in  the  craE  of  coopera:on,  and  confident  in  their  ability  to  nego:ate  complexity,  the  architects  can  interact  with  those  who  are  different,  antagonisAc,  or  even  aggressive  towards  them.  Such  dialogic  skills  also  include  listening  well,  behaving  tacGully,  finding  points  of  agreement  and  managing  disagreement,  and  avoiding  frustraAon  in  a  difficult  discussion.  Dialogics,  or  the  dialogical  domain,  is  “that  world  of  talk  that  makes  an  open  social  space,  where  discussion  can  take  an  unforeseen  direcAon”.  Dialogic  conversaAon,  the  “subjunc:ve  mood  in  speech”,  opens  a  “space  of  ambiguity”  within  the  conversaAon,  for  all  parAes  equally.  It  also  facilitates  empathy,  which  should  be  disAnguished  from  sympathy,  as  curiosity  or  wonder  about  an  other,  as  opposed  to  idenAficaAon.  

Ibid.,  quoAng  Richard  Sennef’s  “Together”   47  

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Design  and  Architecture  

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Barcelona  Retreat  

”Let’s  bring  designers  and  architects  together  for  a  week.”    ”We  have  found  that  we  have  a  mutual  interest  in  Enterprise  Design,  which  we  both  work  with,  but  using  different  approaches…  We  think  we  can  learn  a  lot  from  each  other,  and  came  up  with  the  idea  of  this  retreat.  But  then  we  thought  again  -­‐-­‐  why  not  invite  some  of  our  respected  peer  architects  and  designers  to  join  us,  so  we  can  all  learn  together  and  from  each  other?”    John  &  Milan    

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Topics  PRINCIPLES  *  Good  Design/Architecture  Principles  *  Do  we  have  principles  to  create  principles?  *  Are  there  characterisAcs  for  principles?  

INTEGRATION  *  EA  Agility  -­‐>  Can  we  look  at  that  using  Service  Design?  *  How  to  design  the  agile  enterprise?  *  Design  Thinking  in  OrganisaAons  *  How  to  discover  &  express  an  aspiraAonal  target  state?  *  Research  and  prototyping  for  Enterprise  Architecture  *  Modeling  and  analyisis  for  Strategic  Design  *  How  to  avoid  MANAGER/MINISTER-­‐CENTRED  DESIGN?  *  Where  do  designers/architects  fit  in  an  organisaAon?    GOVERNANCE  *  Management  /  Governance  /  KPI  -­‐>  How  we  deal  with  it!  *  Governance  *10K  -­‐>  Be  agile?  Be  human?  *  "IT  Governance"  vs.  "Whatever  Governance”    TOOLS  *  Hybrid  Wikis  *  Modelling  and  Tools  *  Enterprise  Repository  for  Design  Work?  

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More  Topics  •  RepresentaAon  •  What  is  the  measure  of  architecture/design  sucess?  •  What  is  the  value  we  add?  •  Do  we  have  documented  the  value  to  do  design?  •  Where  to  start  with  Design  &  Archictecture?  •  What's  a  brand  core  idea?  •  External  Branding  <-­‐>  Internal  Branding  •  Unique  vs.  Scaling  Designs  •  How  to  ASSURE  a  design  or  architecture?  •  Visual  Designers  vs.  "Designer"  -­‐>  It's  not  the  same  •  (A  drawing  of  a  house  with  a  tree)  •  Do  we  need  to  hide  our  buzzwords?  •  Wicked  problems  •  Extended  hyperconnected  enterprise  ecosystems  •  Systems  of  InnovaAon  /  DifferenAaAon  /  Record  •  Taking  the  IT  out  of  EA  

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1st Enterprise Design


Case: Executive Master in IT Leadership at the IT-University of Copenhagen!

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ITU:  Current  State  •  CondiAonal  AccreditaAon  

–  External  lecturers  vs  researchers  (DVIP/VIP)  issue  –  Split  Master  in  IT  into  three  studies    

•  Un-­‐focused  brand  –  Brand  opportunity  with  ”new”  Master  

•  Unclear  role  of  exec-­‐edu  at  the  university  –  Staffing,  services,  etc  

•  ”CreaAve  soluAons”  – Guests,  networks,  partnering  –  Pilot  in  digitalizaAon  


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Design  Challenge  

The  Perfect  Execu:ve  Master  in  IT  Leadership  IdeaAon,  stories:  •  Design  for  ExecuAves  •  More  ”Rock  Stars”,  also  ”Jerry  Springer”  •  Learning  more  than  Teaching.    •  ParAcipants  as  Teachers.  •  Space/Place  not  limited  to  ITU  Building  •  ”5000  Cool  Places”,  EuroCIO,  Gartner    


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University  CapabiliAes  


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University  CapabiliAes  


Architecture  –  IdenAty  -­‐  Experience  

+  double  uptake,  restructuring  work,  and  KPI  work                    (”target  meeAngs  vs  meeAng  targets”)  

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Digital  ledelse  i  den  offentlige  sektor  Klokken  17  i  Aud  3!  

Jimmy  Kevin  Pedersen  Ekstern  lektor  ITU  Senior  Policy  Advisor,  Teknologisk  InsAtut  

Adam  Lebech  Kontorchef/Digitaliseringschef  i    Økonomi-­‐  og  Indenrigsministeriet  

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John Gøtze

CEO, EA Fellows Dragør

[email protected] @gotze Milan Guenther

Partner, eda.c Paris

[email protected] @eda__c