Jargon: terminology which is especially defined in a rela6onship to a specific profession

End the Buzzwords & Start Making Sense

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A passionate plea by our colleague, Drew McKenzie, to stop using buzzwords and to start making sense.This was delivered at the 6th Cincinnati Ignite on May 4th. It rocked and was chock full of hard-earned marketing examples of buzzwords in use.

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Page 1: End the Buzzwords & Start Making Sense

Jargon:  terminology  which  is  especially  defined  in  a  rela6onship  to  a  specific  profession  

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Agency:  Be  Human,  Compelling,  &  Simple  

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But  We  Use  Words  Like  

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SEVERE  Severe  risk  of  bullshit  

HIGH  High  risk  of  bullshit  

ELEVATED  Significant  risk  of  bullshit  

GUARDED  General  risk  of  bullshit  

LOW  Low  risk  of  bullshit  

Buzzwords  &  Bullshit  Warning  System  

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Jargon  invades  personal  life  

I  wonder  if  he  is  OBA  Compliant?  

What  the  hell  is  he  thinking?  

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Statement  Let’s  Decode:  Get  Simple  

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Give  consumers  reasons  to  buy  your  product  over  and  over  again,  maybe  use  a  puppet?  

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Aggregate,  plaOorm,  transparency,  reproducibility,  data  touch  points  

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Just  trust  us,  we  do  a  bunch  of  stuff  that  we  don’t  even  understand  to  produce  results.  

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Expanded  Brandsphere  

Social  Networks  


Loca6on  Based  Services  

Mobile  Video  

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Be  Where  Your  Customers  Are.  

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Welcome  To  The  World  of  


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Let’s  talk  about  how  we  can  use  Facebook  to  drive  sales  

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BONUS  ROUND:  Acronyms  

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Acronym  finder  is  great!  

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So  Bad  People  Make  Fun  

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We  Have  A  Widespread  Problem  

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Did  you  pass  the  grandma  test?  

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Statement  The  Challenge