DORS/CLUC Do's and Dont's about freelancing

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1. [email protected] Do's and dont's of freelancing Hans de Raad OpenNovations DORS / CLUC 18th May 2015 2. [email protected] Great to be here! Many thanks to the organization! Svebor (and friends whose names I can't remember but are at least as important) You guys (and girls) ROCK! 3. [email protected] Whoami? OpenNovations Current company of Hans de Raad Kolab Systems AG partner Chamber of commerce registration states: The goal of the company is to deliver products and services in all aspects of the competence-, personal interest-, and area's of expertise of the owner. In other words, its mainly a vehicle to do something usefull and nice and charging money for that. Some areas of interest: Information, communication, technology, workshops and consultancy. But why stick to that? 4. [email protected] Why become a freelancer? 5. [email protected] What it feels like: 6. [email protected] Or sometimes rather: 7. [email protected] Pros of starting small? No, or little (external) investments or loans needed Grow by improving yourself and use your current situation No external dependencies or obligations (bank, mortgage, etc) More sense of urgency Better understanding of your own market position 8. [email protected] When to not start small (or broke..)? When you need a production facility When you need a shop/window-space But, really look at the location, sizes, etc, etc. If you want to introduce a new product nobody has thought of yet! See above.... 9. [email protected] So if this is your dream, you're in the wrong workshop 10. [email protected] What business model to choose? Difficult to answer in a general way, as all countries have different terms/models for this. Broadly there are 4 models: Freelancing Firm / Cooperation (teaming up) Limited liability, closed stock Limited liability, public stock 11. [email protected] What to do anyway? Make a businessplan and a financial forecast If teaming up, make a (detailed) contract General terms and conditions Chamber of commerce registration Government (fiscal) registrations Split your finances into separate accounts 12. [email protected] Wait, there is more Organize your administration (paperwork) CRM Office space? Telecom/internet Website / domain Netwerks (mobile, etc) Insurances! Pension! 13. [email protected] Exciting, isn't it? ;-) 14. [email protected] Business contract Also not a bad idea if your on your own, simply as starting-, or focus point What is the companies goal? What products/services will you deliver? Who are allowed to represent the company? Limit liability Organize finances Competition prohibition Trouble-procedure 15. [email protected] Terms and conditions They seem overkill for a freelancer or small shop They're only usefull in case of trouble, true, but then they will prove REALLY usefull. Use standarddocuments (Chamber of Commerce) and only change what is needed for your situation. Keep them up to date! Make a clear distinction between products and service-offerings But be careful not to have the paperwork take over the business! 16. [email protected] Counter-productive? Au contraire! A good start is half the work! 17. [email protected] Finances and (client)administratition Keep business and personal finances separated at all times. Take separate bank accounts, the costs are minimal (and the puzzle if you dont is really a waste of time) Most fiscal laws require such separation Keep track of moneytransfers from/to private accounts Keep track of your clients (mandated personnel, for signing) Invoices should always have unique codes/numbers Keep track of your travel distances and expenses (also when using private transport means) 18. [email protected] Facilities, or cloudy business 19. [email protected] Insurances! Ensure you have the bases covered, but also define a maximum fee-level (don't be over protective). Some usefull insurances: Legal expenses insurance Disability insurances Income-insurance Liability insurance Also evaluate existing mortgage, some dont like freelancers... Fiscal constructions could exist to stimulate repayment 20. [email protected] Pension 21. [email protected] Wait, again, why did you want to start freelancing? 22. [email protected] Dont do everything yourself Invest in a network of like minded professionals Peer to peer freelancing Once there will be this really cool project, X sizes to big... A lot of clients also want more stability/continuity than one freelancer can offer. One person can never excel in all disciplines But... Cover your back! 23. [email protected] Build a network 24. [email protected] Get customers? 25. [email protected] Beginning is always hard 26. [email protected] Questions? 27. [email protected] Whoami again? Hans de Raad [email protected] 28. [email protected] Thanks for coming! Have an awesome conference!!!