Delivering Successful Client KM setting goals | delivering outcomes | measuring success July 2012

Delivering successful client KM

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Delivering Successful Client KMsetting goals | delivering outcomes | measuring successJuly 2012

www.blplaw.com Page 2 © Berwin Leighton Paisner

Defining your business goal





Trust Commerciality

www.blplaw.com Page 3 © Berwin Leighton Paisner

Delivering the outcome: epistemological alignment

Individualistic (autopoietic)

Team based (connectionist)Firmwide (cognitivist)

Adapted from: Marr, Gupta, Pike & Roos (2003) Intellectual capital and knowledge management effectiveness. Management Decision 41/8 pp771-781

Traditional KM System epistemology

Law firm epistemology

Relationship based epistemology

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Delivering the outcome: focus on value

• It is not primarily your stock of knowledge that creates value, but how your firm can transform that knowledge into a product, a conversation, a process, a good reputation – anything that contributes to the financial success of the firm.

Adapted from: Peppard & Rylander (2001) Leveraging intellectual capital at APiON. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 2/3 pp1469-1930.

“Make use of what you’ve got.” (anon)

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Delivering the outcome: make use of what you’ve got

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Delivering the outcome: make use of what you’ve got

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Delivering the outcome: essentials

• Align your project with your firm’s strategy

• Obtain board level/managing partner support

• Deliver against clear and identifiable goals

• Request a budget - and be prepared to make use of what you’ve got

• Support initiatives to develop and improve internal knowledge assets – this is your resource

Ref: Syad-Akhsan & Rowland (2004) Knowledge management in a public organization: a study on the relationship between organizational elements and the performance of knowledge transfer. Journal of Knowledge Management. 8/2 pp95-111.

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“If it’s not being measured, its not being managed.” (anon)

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Measuring success: suggested KPIs



New business





er sta


Increased business

Positive comm


Bespoke training

Relationship audits

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Measuring success: suggested KPIs

Commerciality: positive comments; reader stats; links to revenue

Relationship: conversations; training requests; relationship audits

Revenue: increased fees; new business

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• Define your business goal – and be sure it is aligned with your firm’s strategy

• Align your strategy with an external, relationship based epistemology

• Make sure you have in place elements that are key for delivery: board level support, clear goals, strategic alignment - and a budget!

• Pick your KPIs, set a baseline and track them over time

Thank youAny questions?

This document provides a general summary only and is not intended to be comprehensive. Specific legal advice should always be sought in relation to the particular facts of a given situation.