1 Building Our Business Partnership July 2008 Creating the best public workforce in the nation.

Building Our Business Partnership July 2008

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Page 1: Building Our Business Partnership July 2008


Building Our Business PartnershipJuly 2008

Creating the best public workforce in the nation.

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Aligning Your Training

Incorporating Performance Management (GMAP)

Building Your Business ~ Partnering With DOP

WEBS Training

New Contract Processes

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Our Goal is Washington’s Future

Creating a sustainable future

Improving the lives of our citizens

Helping Washingtonians compete globally

Helping agencies lay the foundation for economic vitality throughout Washington

Competing with quality products, innovation, and a highly skilled, trained workforce


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Aligning T&D to State Initiatives Governor's office

Our objective is to:

Create an inspired workforce

Align with leadership and agency needs

Be a workforce that has the knowledge & skills to improve the lives of our citizens


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Aligning T&D to State Initiatives Executive Direction

Our role is to know what the state’s priorities are…

And to carry that message to the participants in your courses


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Aligning T&D to State InitiativesGovernment Measurement & Accountability Program

Our role is to reinforce the state’s priorities

Building skills whenever possible and . . .

Making our training practical


Management Framework

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Aligning T&D to State InitiativesGovernment Measurement & Accountability Program

‘It’s not enough just to set priorities’

Every state agency, every program, and every employee must be accountable for producing results citizens expect

The state must regularly measure results, improve performance, and solve problems


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Agency Needs

Your role is to tell the stories that bring alignment and inspire

Employees must apply what they learn

Knowledge has to be relevant

New skills have to be practical and applicable

It’s not enough to just lecture

It has to be work that matters

Work that is aligned and measured against leadership’s goals and targets

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Government Management Accountability and Performance

Barbara Burgener

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Multiple directives for accountability and performance improvement Legislature

– HB 1970 (RCW 43.17.380-390) – quality performance systems (enacted 2005)

– HB 1242 (RCW 43.88) – citizen focused performance measures (2005)

– HB 1064 (RCW 43.09.430-460) – performance audits (2005)

– State budgeting statutes (RCW 43.88.090) - addresses strategic plans, goals and performance assessment)


– Initiative 900 (RCW 43.09.470-475) – Performance Audits


– Priorities of Government (POG)– Executive orders -- Government Management

Accountability and Performance (GMAP), Plain Talk, Regulatory Improvement and others

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Gregoire Administration Response

The Management Framework helps simplify and integrate the multiple performance mandates

– Is a tool to help managers understand the Governor’s expectations for performance excellence

Strategic Responsive Accountable

– It identifies what typically leaders know best – the everyday processes you use to achieve results

– The ultimate intent is to strategically resolve those challenges collaboratively

– The framework gives us the tools we need to achieve the RESULTS we desire for success

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GMAP = Analyze – Respond – Improve

Plan• Articulate clear goals• Select a few priorities• Analyze external forces• Assess internal capacity• Set performance measures at all levels

Allocate Resources• Reflect the priorities• Financial, human & IT resources• Consider what falls “below the line” to make room for higher priorities• Set meaningful targets for the performance measures• Workforce Planning Process

Manage• Set clear expectations for employees• Engage employees in better ways of doing business• Manage day-to-day operations• Work the plan• Performance Management Confirmation Process

Analyze• Collect data that drives decisions• Analyze the data from multiple perspectives• Create action-oriented reports• Customer & employee feedback

Respond• Make Decisions & Take Action• During GMAP Sessions, ask:1. Are we where we thought we would be?2. Why or why not?3. Do we need to change our strategies or recalibrate our targets?4. What actions need to be taken?5. What is the story to be told?

Improve• Take action promptly• Use process improvement tools• Seek best practices• Collaborate in new ways•Use technology• Adjust plan, strategies or targets as needed

Communicate Results& Listen


CitizensTell our story


Gregoire Management Framework

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Gregoire Management Framework

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Progress Report

Performance improvement and accountability training provided to agencies and staff

I-900 protocols developed with State Auditor’s office

Governor’s “citizen engagement” tour completed twice

Governor’s 2008 Report to Citizens out soon

Improved transparency – revised websites includes all agency performance reports

POG process resumed in May, 2008 to help set budget priorities

More than 50 GMAP forums led by Governor Gregoire and her leadership team reviewing agency performance

Many agencies have developed “internal” GMAP programs

Agency self-assessment tool distributed and results collected. Agencies have begun the WSQA journey. Over 9 agencies have applied with 3 winning various level of awards

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Building Your Business Partnership with DOP

Melanie Reynolds / David Norman

Creating partnerships with our training contractors and customers

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DOP’s Vision & Mission

Creating the best public workforce in the nation.

DOP provides human resource guidance and services to maximize state government’s ability to serve the citizens of Washington.

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Our Customers / Our Partners

The Governor’s Office

Agency Training Managers

All State Employees

Higher Education

Local Governments

OEDS is the face of the

Department of Personnel and

you are our best Agents….

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Customer Challenges

Aging workforce

Generational differences

Knowledge transfer

Ensuring diversity

Attracting & retaining employees for state service

Economic challenges driving changing business models

Performance management

Workforce Management and Workforce Development

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Our Lines of Business

Leadership Development

Professional Development

Technical Development

Organizational Development

HRMS Training

Online Learning Design

Learning Management System

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OEDS Success Factors

Course alignment according to agency business needs

High registration rates with low cancellation rates

Instructional Quality

Net Recovery


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OEDS ~ Organization Chart

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Changing Roles of the Program Manager…

Partner more closely with instructors

Create more opportunities to engage with program participants

Meet regularly with agency representatives

Introduce new ideas and new programs according to agency business needs

Develop new outreach opportunities

Manage their “portfolio” like they manage their own business

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Building Our Business Together


Inspire and develop the State’s workforce

Ensure quality learning

Provide a professional learning environment

Maintain close communication

Become co-creators in putting the Department of Personnel “on the map!”

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Building our Partnership Together~ Alignment

Relate your training to:

Management Framework / performance management





Workforce Planning & Development

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Building Our Partnership Together~ Environment

Executive treatment for everyone

Highest quality materials Excellent delivery Meaningful interaction Engage participants!

– Get to know participants and include their success stories

Partner closely with your Program Manager in the classroom

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Building our Partnership Together~ Quality Delivery

Create an executive experiencefor all levels.

Packaging and presentation matters!

Fresh, professional curriculum

Course content must match course description

No copies of copies of copies

Free of spelling errors

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Building our Partnership Together~ Policy Expectations

Civil Service Policies

Understanding the State’s Civil Service Policies will enhance your credibility

Know and teach to the rules

Ask your Program Manager for helpful interpretation when necessary


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Building our Partnership Together~ Co-Branding

Use DOP’s Logo and PowerPoint template

Include DOP materials as provided

Reference DOP whenever possible

Let participants know the course is sponsored by DOP

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Building our Partnership Together~ Reasonable Accommodation

DOP provides accommodations to support participant learning

– Braille– Etc.

Contact your program manager if you or any participant need any assistance

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Building our Partnership Together~ What’s Next? . . .

Open to Proposal

Short courses

New course topics

Updated course descriptions

Single point Lessons

Bundled courses

Certification programs

Partnerships with professional assn.

Lower cost delivery

Technical topics

New safety & compliance courses

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Building our Partnership Together~ eLearning Opportunities

Open to Proposal

Online course content

– HR Professional Development– Safety & Compliance– Podcasts

Licensing opportunities

Tips on line

Blended learning


Video seminars

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WEBS System & Contract Renewal

Debbie Dunn / Kristy Brodersen

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WEBS and the Contract Process

Effective Nov 1, 2008

Required use of Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS) for most acquisitions

Roadmap Information: http://www.ofm.wa.gov/roadmap/

Second Tier Competition

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WEBS ~ Contract Reform

How do I register in WEBS and what information will be needed?

Who manages the WEBS System?

– WEBS is a vendor registration system created and managed by Department of General Administration.

– https://fortress.wa.gov/ga/webs/

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WEBS~ Your Company Information

To register in WEBS you will need the following information regarding your firm:

FEIN (Federal Employer Identification Number) or SSN.

– Note: a FEIN or SSN is required to register in the WEBS system

Company name and/or DBA name

Address information Phone, fax, and email


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WEBS~ Contact and Ownership Information

Account administrator name and email address

Additional contact information (contact name, email address and address info.)

Contact Information Ownership Information

Number of employees

Number of years in business

Annual gross revenue

Washington State UBI number (Unified Business Identifier), Note: A UBI is not required to register in this system

Ownership profile (see next slide)

Washington State MWBE certification or other certifications, if applicable

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WEBS~ Ownership Profile

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WEBS~ Commodity Codes

Selection & Searching

Vendors have the ability to add commodity codes that encompass the goods and services their company provides or is willing to provide to the state

To locate commodities enter a keyword or keywords and click the search buttons

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WEBS~ Commodity Codes Selection and Search

Searching Tips: Conduct simple keyword searches to view a more

comprehensive list of related commodity codes. For example, searching on Training will return more search results than searching on “Written Communication” training.

Try multiple searches using different keywords to ensure all related commodity codes are returned in your search results. For example, if you want to find all written communication training you might want to search on writing, communication, training, writing skills etc.

When searching using multiple keywords WEBS, by default, will return commodities where any of the keywords you entered are found. For example, searching on consulting services will return any commodities which contain consulting or services.

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WEBS~ Commodity Codes Selection and Search (Continued)

Searching Tips: To narrow your search use “AND” to search for commodities

containing both words. For example searching for Written AND Communication will return commodities that contain both written and communication.

Use quotes to search for an exact phrase. For example searching for “organizational services" will return commodities that contain the exact phrase organizational services. Hint: If you know the group or division that you want to search within, type in the group and number inside quotes. For example typing in “group 97” will return any commodities that are applicable to employee/agent training and development.

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WEBS~ Geographic Service Areas

Vendors will also indicate the geographic areas they are willing/able to provide goods and/or services in by selecting from a list of counties

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WEBS~ Getting Started

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WEBS~ Step by Step Instructions

Outlines steps for you to maintain your own data and also provides information about how the data will be utilized

– Read and Select “I agree” – Click Next Button

WEBS Memorandum of Agreement

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~ Vendor Profile Information

Account administrator information (required) - Provide account administrator name, email address, and select Yes to receive notification of bid opportunities

Company Information (required) - Provide FEIN or SSN, Company Name, Annual Gross Revenue, # of Employees, # of years in business

– Optional fields: DBA Name, Web address, Washington UBI#

Basic vendor information that helps the State identify the types and sizes of vendors that we are conducting business with

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WEBS~ Vendor Profile Information (Continued)

Ownership Profile Information (required) – Identify if your company is publicly held, enter in demographic profile information for your company, and identify if your company has OMWBE certification status

Other certifications Information (optional) – Identify any additional certifications your company may hold

Corporate Location Information (required) – Identify the address information that you would like to have listed as the corporate location information

After completing all of the required fields click the “Next” button to move to step 2 of 4

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WEBS~ Additional Contacts (optional)

Vendors have the ability to add additional contacts for their profile. Additional contacts may be branch locations as well as additional users who would like to receive notification of bid opportunities. Additional contacts do not have access to modify the vendor profile data but will have access to view bid opportunities.

Click the “Add” button to add an additional contact

– Provide contact name and email address

– Optional fields: physical address information

– Click the “Save” button to save the additional contact

Click the “Next” button to bypass adding contacts

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WEBS~ Search for Commodity codes (required) Vendors are required to select at least

one commodity code for their vendor profile (see searching tips on page 1 of this document). The commodity codes cover Goods, Services and Construction related activities. In most cases the commodity codes represent a broad category of goods and or services so please choose those commodity codes which are the best fit for your company.

Enter in a keyword to find related commodity codes

Click the “Search” button When the search results return review

the list and select those codes that you would like to add to your profile. You may do this by checking the box to the left of the codes

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WEBS~ Search for Commodity codes (continued)

Click the “Add” button after checking the boxes for the codes you want to add to your profile

The next screen will display back to you the commodity codes that you have selected

– Option 1: Enter in another keyword to continue searching

– Option 2: Click the “Next” button to move to step 4 of 4 in the registration process

– Option 3: Remove any unwanted commodity codes by checking the box to the left of the code and clicking the “Remove” button

NOTE: You may view the entire commodity code listing by clicking the link just below the keyword search box, titled “View entire commodity code listing”

For search tips click on the Help link in the upper right hand corner of the screen

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WEBS~ Geographic Designations (required)

Vendors are required to select the counties for which they are willing to provide goods and/or services. Vendors may individually select counties or they may select ALL if they provide goods and services in all counties in Washington State.

1. Select the Counties from the drop down list.

2. Click the “Add” button 3. Review the list and if finished with

your selections click on the Finish button

4. You will be taken to a confirmation screen, confirming that your registration has been completed

5. WEBS will send the user(s) an email with their user id (email address) and their password

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Questions about the registration process? Contact WEBS Customer Service at:

[email protected]


8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Monday – Friday

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Contract Extensions

Two Years

June 2009 - June 2011

OEDS Schedules 6 months ahead so . . .

Contracts must be re-bid Fall 2009

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Contract Amendments

Extends contracts through June 2011

Invoice Payments

Travel Reimbursement

Price Warranty

Training Service Warranty

DOP Training Materials & Governor’s Office Performance Management Topics


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Know your customer’s business

Align your courses with State messages

Include the Management Framework and Diversity

Check the quality of your curriculum

Use DOP’s branding

Make it an Executive Experience

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Colleen Bray

Mike Dunstan

Jonte Sulton

Walt Jones

Pricilla Martinez-Mejia

Kristi Moorish (Team Mgr)

David Norman (Team Mgr)

Call your Program Manager whenever you have questions

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Thank YouWe look forward to continuing our

partnership with you to create

The best public workforce in the nation