Execute your digital business strategy Achieving Success in a Climate of Extreme Uncertainty

Ben Rudman Workshop: Execute your digital business strategy

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Execute your digital business strategy Achieving Success in a Climate of Extreme Uncertainty

3 hours with Ben and Janus (sorry!)

“I just can’t wait for things to get back to normal”

“90 percent of top performers have fully integrated digital initiatives into their strategic-planning process.”

“65 percent of companies that are “digital leaders” in our DQ analysis have a high tolerance for bold initiatives; among average performers, 70 percent of companies don’t see support for risk taking.”


Does this sound familiar? 18 months ago: the strategy needed revising. Now:

4 components:

Channel proliferation = fragmentation

Balancing global consistency vs local needs

Failing trust = rising vulnerability

Internal walls have been torn down

Does this sound familiar? Digital mission: We will develop, protect and enhance our reputation by harnessing the power of digital tools and technology. Global reach and consistency, speed of deployment, two way dialogue through activities which align to MAP (Motivate, Advocate, Protect).

Does this sound familiar? From this, five big areas were defined:

1.  Motivate (#Brightfuture) And then 5 levers to achieve the goal (easy access to info, de-clutter the

means of communication etc) + a number of actions that will make it happen

2.  Advocate – And then levers to achieve the goal (build relationships with influential key opinion

formers, build a microblogging network etc)

3.  Protect – levers: make appropriate use of all digital / social channels in issues and crisis

management, quickly identify issue flares through social listening, quickly reach KOFs when issues

arise etc)

4.  Content - levers: manage a consistent pipeline of stories, promote monthly content packages,

ensure a good search experience, creating a framework for evaluating the impact of content and

measuring its use.

5.  Capability – levers: equip country teams with templates and tools, improve learning opportunities,

build a digital champions network, continue to make working at our company desirable to digital

specialists etc.

Does this sound familiar? Guiding principles:

o  Where possible we use existing digital channels

rather than setting up new ones

o  The Digital team should be engaged at the start

of projects


Derivedbusinessneed1 Derivedbusinessneed2 Derivedbusinessneed3







Keyimprovementarea2(ifmorethanone)Keyimprovementarea Keyimprovementarea

Mainbusinessbenefit Mainbusinessbenefit Mainbusinessbenefit

KPItrack1 KPItrack2 KPItrack3

AddiGonalbenefit1 AddiGonalbenefit2






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AddiGonalbenefit1 AddiGonalbenefit2

AddiGonalbenefit3 AddiGonalbenefit4

AddiGonalbenefit1 AddiGonalbenefit2

AddiGonalbenefit3 AddiGonalbenefit4

Focus area 1 Focus area 2 Focus area 3

Your digital challenges Balance between centralisation and decentralisation

Working across siloes

Cultural change

Measuring results of activities

Reduce costs by working digitally/budgeting

How optimising shows benefits


“What is the best way to report on your digital strategy KPIs to showcase a clear alignment with the core business?”

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast”


Emotional cycles in adaption to change

“Who needs to be involved in the creation of a digital business strategy to increase buy-in while avoiding ‘decision by committee’?”


Enter the CDO

The Benefits of Agile

In closing Digital strategy is ….

ideally a part of the business strategy

taking controlled risks

accepting that failure is part of your learning curve

going to adapt rapidly and you have to adapt with it