A Housewife’s Guide to Share Markets


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A Housewife’s Guide to Share Markets

The New Workforce: Housewives

• There is a new workforce that is gearing up for

recognition - The tribe of the Housewives.

• They are independent, talented and multitasking

women who:

- groom the new generation of achievers,

- support the current generation of workers &

- take care of the earlier generation of been-there-


• While these women are pretty adept at playing many roles, the one thing

they yearn for is financial knowledge and its inherent independence.

• Funnily enough, at the end of every month and in almost every household

in India the exact same scene is played in the kitchens or living rooms -

women balancing payments and making decisions about what to spend

on every month.

Natural Multi-Taskers

• So why don’t women then also decide

where to park the extra money and

make it grow?

• The truth is usually ignorance and fear

relating the stock market business.

• The stock market is scary but armed with

knowledge, it can transform into a hefty

kitty of surplus money that will enable you

to achieve whatever you dream of, not

just for yourself, but also for your home,

children and spouse.

Why They Don’t Invest?

Let’s Understand ‘Stock Market’

• Like your home, the Stock Market is in itself a complete universe, replete

with its own language, rules and players.

• Like with our families, many times, it is easy to make sense of how the

Market will behave while at times, it is so unpredictable that even the

experts are left confused on what will happen next.

• One thing is for certain though, that in the long run, the Market is the most

lucrative and the most effective at posting higher returns on investment

than any other traditional avenues for financial wealth.

Let’s learn how to conquer this complex world of trading & stock markets step-wise!

Still Not Confident?

Step 1: Educate Yourself

• As with any profession or skill, understanding the

markets is where you need to begin.

• Watch news channels while preparing lunch

and swap magazines for market reports.

• Read, understand, question, then trust yourself

to take a call

Step 2: Experience The Market

• Take small steps and invest slowly, first for your own self, then slowly

expanding to family and friends.

Step 3: Master The Business

• The markets are volatile but with practice you will understand how they

work, what sets them off and what will pacify them. Use that knowledge to

reap dividends.

Step 4: Lose Temptation & Keep The Money

• Curb that impatient streak and

ignore those tempting tips from

well wishers.

• Build a circle of trust with

advisors like your brokerage firm

or even your spouse and take

your calls with calculated

caution and risk.

Step 5: Get There & Keep Walking

• Enjoy the highs and ride out the

lows but keep on moving no

matter what.

• There may be times when your

judgement fails but still keep your

eye out for when you will hit the pot

of gold under the rainbow!

Happy Investing

Thank You

KAPIL KUMAR Call us: 9136189547

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