10 key lessons in how agencies can position for growth

10 lessons on how to position your agency for growth by Karla Morales-Lee

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10 key lessons in how agencies can position for growth


Page 2: 10 lessons on how to position your agency for growth by Karla Morales-Lee

The agency brand expert Karla Morales-Lee

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Boss at strategic new business consultancy Hunter & Farmer.

!Passionate champion of the winning of new business being an art, not a

numbers game. !

Thought leader, speaker and writer on how creative companies can

position for growth. !

Creator of The UK Agency Awards & The Art of New Business.

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What I do !

I help agencies create a brand that is compelling to the clients they wish to attract !

Process: positioning for growth !

Identify - articulate - market

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“Your brand should be all about what makes you different and unique and why a customer should

buy you over the competition.” Peter Drucker


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Positioning lesson no.1 !

Have a guiding philosophy that underpins everything you do. !

A purpose acts as a ‘North Star’ guiding the business through inevitable change. It also gives the business a platform

for communication above and beyond the work.

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!Positioning lesson no.2

!There is power in truth.

!“In a time of universal deceit telling the truth

is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell

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!Positioning lesson no.3

!To be right for everyone, is to be right for no one.

!Be extremely specific about who your target audience is. This reduces the amount of time (and money) you spend

on pitching for projects you don’t want and can’t win.

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Positioning lesson no.4 !

A positioning isn’t something you create, it’s something you uncover.

!Step 1: assume nothing

!Step 2: research:

Internal stakeholders Market

Competitors Clients SWOT


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Positioning lesson no.5 !

Look for a niche within why + how. !

(It is increasingly hard to sell what you do as scarce). !!


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Positioning lesson no.6 !

Identify & articulate the ‘golden thread’ that connects everything you do.



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Positioning lesson no.7 !

Leaders polarise. !


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“Most companies want to create the holy grail of products that appeal to every demographic,

socioeconomic background and geographic location. Doing so creates mediocrity. Instead, create segments

of products that make some people very happy. Fear not if these products make other segments unhappy.

The worst scenario is to incite no passionate reactions at all.” Guy Kawasaki

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Positioning lesson no.8 !

Show, don’t tell. !


I’m brilliant Don’t be this guy

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Positioning lesson no.9 !

Sell what you know. !


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Positioning lesson no.10 !

Visibility is everything. !

(If clients can’t find you, they can’t buy you). !!

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Useful frameworks

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INSIGHT Clients are bombarded by cold calls and unsolicited direct mail from

undifferentiated creative agencies. !

POSITIONING CONCEPT The agencies that are brands outperform the market

when it comes to the winning of new business

POSITIONING Agency brand expert


New business is an art, not a numbers game


(Using Hunter & Farmer as the example)

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Illustrate Proven examples



Dramatise Expand Create a tribe/movement around it Put more thought around the idea



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Thank you! !

@karlahuntfarm [email protected]


www.theartofnewbusiness.com www.ukagencyawards.com
