BNI presentation 20140124 - Stig Albansson Photography

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objective values according to Plato:at least one of these is severely undervalued in today´s society:



examples of jobs done

event photography

wedding fairlast weekend

Bokningsbolagetat Sodexo

“..fantastic pictures ..it feels like I´m there”

facebook-comment by Robert Palotas

motorcycle fair



picture library

wedding photography


”Beloved photographers don’t just capture powerful, beautiful memories, they collaborate with their clients to

create them”. Jesh De Rox

The Beloved Technique enables photographers to create extraordinary moments, evoking stunning, authentic expression and help your clients make

some of the best memories of their lives. Jesh De Rox

children / families

wall art




whole hearted engagement



one more thing..

105 “likes”in

24 h

“bilder berör”

(pictures moves people..)

"The Good, the True, and the Beautiful, then, are simply the faces of Spirit as it shines in this world. Spirit seen subjectively is Beauty, and I of Spirit. Spirit seen intersubjectively is the Good, the We of Spirit. And Spirit seen objectively is the True, the It of Spirit....And whenever we pause, and enter the quiet, and rest in the utter stillness, we can hear that whispering voice calling to us still: never forgot the Good, and never forgot the True, and never forget the Beautiful, for these are the faces of your own deepest Self, freely shown to you." -- The Marriage of Sense and Soul , p. 201

Ken Wilber