Luzhi town (甪直古鎮)

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甪直 古鎮Luzhi Town


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中國 蘇州Suzhou, China

Luzhi town 甪直古鎮 (甪ㄌㄨˋ ) Luzhi town is an old but extremely beautiful water town. With a history of over 2,500 years, Luzhi Ancient Town is located in Taihu Lake Basin, 25 kilometers (16 miles) southeast of Suzhou. It's built along the river, earning itself the title of "Pearl of the Five Lakes". 甪直是一個古老而又極其優美的水鄉古鎮。超過 2,500 多年歷史,地處太湖流域,蘇州東南 25 公里( 16 英里)。沿河而建,贏得「五湖明珠」稱號。 Luzhi Ancient Town has gestated a glorious culture in the course of history, boasting very rich and colorful tourist resources, especially the historical cultural relics.甪直古鎮在歷史長河中孕育了輝煌的文化,尤其是文物方面,擁有非常豐富多彩的旅遊資源。 Luzhi is among the first batch of China's National Historical Famous Cultural Towns. It is truly a peaceful and pristine land. It’s a great pleasure to stroll through the town to appreciate its ancient bridges, ferry boats, and ancient ferry crossing. Beautiful water, elegant stone bridges, and lovely women with traditional clothes will boat you into a fascinating world which you may enjoy so much that forget to go home.甪直是中國第一批次國家歷史文化名鎮。是個真正寧靜質樸之地,在小鎮漫步閒逛是件大樂事,欣賞老橋,輕舟,和古渡口。水美,橋雅,穿著可愛傳統服裝的船孃會將你搖入一個奇妙世界,讓你樂在其中而留戀忘返。

Mysterious unicorn named LuRui名為「甪端」的神秘獨角獸

A. S

hen’s Mansion 沈宅

B. B

aosheng Temple 保聖寺

C. W

ansheng Rice S

hop 萬盛米行D

. Wang Tao M

emorial H

all 王韜紀念館E

. Xiao’s M

ansion 蕭宅F. Jiangnan C

ulture Park 江南文化園

Guide map of Luzhi Towm甪直古鎮導覽圖

Traditional clothing boating women著傳統服裝的船孃

Traditional Clothes for Women婦女傳統服裝Women in Luzhi Ancient Town wear traditional clothes of a local flavor,Their coats and trousers are characteristically pieced together using different cotton materials in a variety of designs. In addition to wearing these interesting clothes, local women are accustomed to wearing colorful kerchiefs and embroidered shoes.


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甪直水鄉婦女服飾,主要是分佈在蘇州吳中地區甪直及周邊六七個鄉鎮的一種獨特江南水鄉服飾,其中甪直鎮水鄉婦女的服飾尤為亮麗,堪稱代表。甪直水鄉婦女服飾至今仍保持著千百年來流傳下來的傳統:包頭、拼接衫、繡襉襡裙 ( 一般是兩幅布前後疊壓做成,束在加衫的外面 ) 、襡腰帶、百納繡花鞋,肚兜以及卷膀 (裹在小腿上的脛衣,上、下用繫帶紮緊,形似“綁腿” ) 。


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The lovely local women wearing traditional Luzhi-style costumes 穿著傳統甪直式服裝的可愛當地婦女

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Baosheng Temple built in 503, the temple is a must-see historical site in Luzhi. This old temple has a history of more than 1500 years.保聖寺始建於 503 ,是甪直必看的歷史遺址。古寺廟有 1,500 多年歷史。

Behind the rockery is the century chinese wolfberry假山之後為百年枸杞

Stone flagpole from the North Song Dynasty (960-1279) 旗桿石,北宋(公元 960 - 1279 年)

Tea Hall 茗香堂

Heavenly King Hall, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) 天王殿,明朝時期 ( 公元 1368 - 1644 年 )

Baosheng Temple Antiquities Hall保聖寺古物館

Buddhist stone pillar, Tang Dynasty (618-907) 佛教石柱,唐代(公元 618 - 907年)

Iron bell, Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). 鐵鐘,清朝(公元 1644 年 - 1911年)

Bao Sheng Temple Arhat sculpture保聖寺羅漢塑像

Clay sculpted Arhats in Bao Sheng Temple is the Tang Dynasty sculptor Yang's hand molding arhat.

The nine famous clay arhats were sculptured in the Tang Dynasty and are still well preserved. Such arhats are not only rare in the region south of the Yangtze River but unique in the country.


Arhat sculpture 羅漢雕塑

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Chinese ancient architecture column plinth 中國古建築的柱 (基 )礎

Steles Corridor 碑廊

The tomb of Lu Guimeng 陸龜蒙故塋Lu Guimeng, aka Mr.Puli, the late Tang Dynasty poet.陸龜蒙,又名埔里先生,晚唐代詩人。

Duck Fighting Pond鬥鴨池

The Clean Wind Pavilion清風亭

Clean Wind Pavilion and Duck Fighting Pond 清風亭和鬥鴨池

Ye Sheng Tao Memorial葉聖陶紀念館

Four-Sided Hall四面廳

Wansheng Rice Shop 萬盛米行Built in 1910, Wansheng Rice Store is an old-established rice shop that was once operated by two wealthy businessmen and now serves as the rice distribution centre for Luzhi and nearby towns. 老字號萬盛米店建於 1910 年,曾經由兩位富商經營,現在是甪直和附近城鎮米的集散中心。

Farm tools museum農具博物館

Farm tools 農具

Buffalo-Driven water wheel 牛力水車

Many quaint antique agricultural tools are displayed for travelers to view.許多古色古香的仿古農具展示給旅客瀏覽。

The Former Residence of educator Shen Bohan教育家沈柏寒故居

Wang Tao Memorial Hall.王韜紀念館

The Former Residence of Josephine Siao (Hong Kong actress)

蕭芳芳故居 (香港影星 )

Jiangnan Culture Park江南文化園

Jiangnan Culture Park In the southeast of the ancient town lies a culture park, covering about 25 acres (10 hectares). The vivid rockeries, delicate bridges and murmuring rivers there all bring you to a typical garden in Jiangnan (Southern Yangtze River region). An ancient stage stands in the center of the park. Traditional folk shows are often held there at weekends and on holidays. Besides, there is a riverside street where tea houses, bars, cafes and souvenir shops locate, providing a place to enjoy leisure time.

江南文化園在古鎮東南的文化公園,佔地約 25 英畝( 10 公頃)。生動的假山,精緻的橋樑和淙淙的河水,帶您步入典型的江南林園。古戲台矗立在公園中心,經常在週末和假日在那裡舉行傳統民俗節目表演。此外,還有一個河邊街道,茶館,酒吧,咖啡館和紀念品商店林立,是享受休閒時光的一個好地方。

Women's Costume Museum婦女服飾博物館

Ancient stage 古戲台

甪直重遊小記 六年前遊甪直,豔服船孃、豬蹄醬鴨、小橋流水、古寺輕舟,令人印象深刻,當時文化園


中。 現在故地重遊,小橋流水依舊,船孃小舟已從壅擠的入口處。東遷至內河,文化園也已經落成開放,是具有江南水鄉特色的古典園林。 嶄新的蘇州林園設計,與小鎮的古剎石橋成為鮮明對比。無形中小鎮已分隔成「新園林」與「舊水鎮」。舊水鎮逛累了到新園林休閒茗茶,不失為一個好安排。 今日小鎮重遊,有感而發,作「題姑蘇水鄉」打油詩一首抒發情懷,以饗讀者。

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Music :翻越山嶺的晴朗天空
