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Nanxun old town, zhejiang (浙江 南潯古鎮)

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Although they are not so well known as the “double bridge” in Zhouzhuang,

but the “double-bridge noodle shop” is rather famous in Nanxun.


It is a rather pleasant thing to join in

the crowded locals to eat noodles on

the small table beside the river.



Chongde House, also known as the Liu’s Former Residence or the Red House,

is the old house of Liu An, the third son of Liu Yong. The entire building is divided

into three parts, the southern, the middle and the northern parts. The central

building reveals traditional Confucian ideas, while the southern and northern

parts are Romanesque buildings, which were very rare in this small town a

hundred years ago, reflecting the character of pursuing fashion.

崇德堂,又稱劉氏梯號或紅樓,是劉安泩 (劉鏞三子)的老房子。整個建築分為三個部分,南部,中部和北部地區。中央大樓展示著傳統的儒家思想,而南部和北部地區的羅馬式建築,這在這個小鎮一百多年前是非常罕見的,反映了追求時尚的特色。

崇德堂 俗稱紅房子,是當時熱衷於採納西洋文化的南潯,又一處中西合璧的建築,整座建築分為南、中、北三個部分,南北部分的建築中不僅融入了羅馬風格建築,質樸無華的徽派封火山牆和石庫門內也不懼繁瑣地加了個華麗麗的洛可哥風格券頂。劉氏梯號高大恢弘,氣勢迫人,就像南潯的其他大宅一樣,這座紅房子內也陳列著無數呼之欲出的磚雕、木雕和石雕。大廳為中式廳堂,大氣中透著張揚,各個細微之處均精雕細琢,彰顯著劉氏家族的地位;二廳堂中懸掛著“抱愨盒”匾額,以示宅主堅守誠篤忠厚的決心;大宅後部曾是網球場,網球場的一角辟為小小的、歐洲田園風情十足的奶牛場,現在這裡是一處有假山有水池有回廊有花草樹木的後花園,如果你在紅房子裡逛得有點累了,不妨移步後花園,憑欄美人靠,靜靜感受這古宅深邃悠遠的歷史氣息。

Chongde House 崇德堂 (劉氏梯號)

Chongde House also known as the Liu’s Former Residence or

the Red House, Spanish and Chinese architectural style.


Chongde House 崇德樓 (劉氏梯號)

South East Street


Guanghui Taoist Temple


Guanghui Taoist TempleAlso known as Zhangwang Temple, established in the Northern Song Dynasty

(960-1127), it is a famous Taoist temple with a history of more than 900 years. It

has experienced prosperity and decline in its long history. The temple was

reconstructed in 2003. The original features of the temple are partly restored. It is

now regarded as Taoist architecture heritage reflecting a long history and regional

culture of Nanxun.


Guanghui Taoist Temple and Guanghui Bridge

廣惠宮 和 廣惠橋「廣惠橋」為單孔石拱橋,又稱張王廟橋,其始建年代已失考,清嘉慶五年重修,同治五年重建,拱卷石採用縱聯分節併列砌置法。

Zhang Shiming’s Former Residence

honored as the first mansion of Southern

Yangtze River Region, was built by Zhang

Junheng, the grandson of Zhang Songxian, one

of the richest people in Nanxun during the Qing

Dynasty. Located in the West Street of the town,

covering an area of 4,792 square meters

(52,000 square feet), the entire building consists

of 150 houses in southern traditional

architecture pattern with western features. Its

quirky style, magnificent structure, and exquisite

workmanship, especially the fine carvings made

from wood, brick, stone and flowery glass from

France, have very high art appreciation,

architectural and heritage value.

張石銘故居張石銘故居被譽為江南第一豪宅,是清代南潯最富有人之一張頌賢的孫子張鈞衡 (字石銘)所建。坐落在小鎮的西街,佔地面積4,792平方米(52,000平方英尺),整個建築包含150 棟帶有西方特色的南方傳統建築房屋。其奇特的風格,宏偉的建築和考究的做工,尤其是精緻木雕,磚雕,石刻製作以及來自法國的華麗玻璃,具有很高的藝術鑑賞和文物價值。

Zhang Shiming Former Residence - Yide Hall

張石銘故居 - 懿德堂張石銘早年喪父,由母親操持家業,故他對母親十分敬孝,宅建好後取名「懿德堂」,以感念母親。

European-style Architecture and Dancing Room



The dancing room in the European-style architecture


Jiaye Library is a private library with the

largest scale and the richest collection.



Jiaye Library Jiaye Book Library in Nanxun, which is

one of most well-known libraries in

Southern China. It is opposite to The Little

Lotus Garden, and was built in 1920 by

Liu Chenggan, who was the grandson of

Liu Yong. It was named after the imperial

inscription of Emperor Puyi, the last

emperor in ancient history of China, and

the inscription was “Qin Ruo Jia Ye”(,

Adoring Such A Great Achievement) on

the gold board of nine dragons. It is a

collection of library and garden

considerably famous for its preservation

of the ancient classics and books.

嘉業藏書樓南潯 嘉業藏書樓,這是中國江南最知名的圖書館之一。對面小蓮園,是劉庸孫子劉承幹建於1920年。因被中國的末代皇帝溥儀題詞「欽若嘉業」九龍金匾後,命名「嘉業藏書樓」。它是一個圖書館和花園的匯集,其保存的古代典籍和藏書相當出名。



Little Lotus Garden is a private garden and family temple.

小蓮莊 是一所私家花園及家廟

Long Stele Corridor 碑刻長廊


The lotus pond in Little Lotus Garden



Little Lotus Garden, was a classical garden complex built in the reign of Emperor

Guanxu, Late Qing Dynasty. It was the private garden, family ancestral temple

and coffin site of Liu Yong, who was the No.1 rich man of Nanxun. Due to the

owner’s adoration to Huzhou Lotus Garden, which was a private garden of art

master Zhao Mengfu, this private garden was named Little Lotus Garden.


Brick archway of Little Lotus Garden 小蓮莊的磚造拱門

Little Lotus Garden is a famous private garden in south China, with this

lotus pond as the center of the Garden, compact design, and really the

essence of southern waterside buildings.



Backyard Garden


Backyard Garden


Backyard Garden


Liu’s Family Temple 劉氏家廟

Liu’s Family Temple 劉氏家廟


The gift Arch of Emperor



Chinese Music:一剪梅