Why Sales Doesn't Use Your Content (And What To Do About It)



Learn how you can align with sales and get them using your content by: - Building your content development and organizational plan - Developing buyer personas - Keeping sales up to date on available content - Using content in different mediums - Setting up a feedback loop

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Why Sales Doesn't Use Your Content And What To Do About It

Today’s Speakers

Dan Flanigan, VP of Products



Shawn LaVana, VP of Marketing




Why is this a problem?


“Every two days, more content is now created

than what existed in the history of man up until

2003.” – Eric Schmidt

70% of buyers want to engage with salespeople

early in the process, but only if they provide

value. – ITSMA

Companies with good sales and marketing

alignment generate 20% more revenue. - Hubspot

Building your Content

Development and

Organizational Plan


“90% of consumers find custom content useful and 78%

believe that organizations providing custom content are

interested in building good relationships with them.”

– TMG Custom Media

Upon its launch in

2011, Google's

Freshness Update


impacted 35% of


“While 92% of firms say producing high-

quality content is valuable, just 54% of

them rank their ability to execute this

activity as effective.” – Aberdeen Group

“Salespeople spend 40% of their time looking for or

preparing content for customer communications.”

– CMO Council

Developing Buyer Personas


1. Start with the basics

Answer These Questions

1. Who is accessing your


2. How are they finding it?

3. What brought them to


4. What did they do once

they arrived?

2. Dig In

Answer These Questions

1. What problems do these

people of interest have?

2. What pushes them to solve

these problems?

3. Where do they access

information when hunting for

a solution?

4. How do they access it?

5. What type of info do they


3. Investigate

Answer These Questions

1. Who is accessing your


2. How are they finding it?

3. What brought them to


4. What did they do once

they arrived?

4. Craft Your Persona

Answer These Questions

1. Who is accessing your


2. How are they finding it?

3. What brought them to


4. What did they do once

they arrived?

Keeping Sales Up to Date


“2 out of 3 sales reps don’t think the current content helps

‘Disrupt a customer’s mindset’.”- SellingPower

“Fortune 500

companies report

that having a strong

sales enablement

program are

witnessing at 15.3%


– Business.com

Using Content in Different Mediums


Setting Up a Feedback Loop


In Conclusion…

• Build a Plan

• Develop Buyer Personas

• Keep Sales Up to Date on Available content

• Use Content Everywhere

• Set Up a Feedback Loop
