The Smith Family


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The Smith Family

Some images not safe for work or husbands ;)

Unless you want to give them ideas

So here are the Smith family. One Sam Smith on the left (as you

look) and a Gem Smith on the right. No relation….yet.

I moved these two girls into a nice one bed house. It only had one

bed at the time and it was a single. They were flagged as

roommates and not relate. The only other thing I did was to flag

them both in ACR as bi. The rest was them (okay so I may have

helped them fulfil a few wants but other than that…)

They both wandered inside to look at the phone and exclaim over

what on earth it is. Then Gem decided Sam was looking a little


An earnest conversation then broke out for about a sim hour

touching on all subjects but time and again it kept coming around to

one thing.

So this was naturally the next step.

Although it didn‟t go quite as smoothly as they‟d hoped with a

bumping of noses!

But it was quickly overcome.

Some flirting finally followed all the kissing and both girls were


Gem started to serenade Sam, something she was to repeat for the

rest of the week.

And then checked out her „assets‟ ;)

“Catch me!”

The flirting continues apace. They have yet to do anything other

than inspect the phone and interact with each other!

One more kiss…

…they fall in crush with each other

Oh and Sam takes this opportunity to check out Gem‟s „assets‟ ;)

One last interaction and then their bladders could stand no more!

Bladder bar dealt with, its back to the kissing. Not even waiting to

finish in the bathroom!

Which was enthusiastically returned

Still stuck in the bathroom!

I direct them to leave the bathroom because I was fed up of

watching them phase through walls a la Shadowcat.

Here they are gaining points for a little bit of innocent flirting

A little less innocent flirting and we have a winner. Gem falls in

love with Sam and promptly rolls the want to get engaged. Which I


“Yay you love me!”

I think the grin says it all

And look at that grin as a bit of kissing propels Sam into falling in

love with Gem

Then the phone rang…

A random stranger had called Sam to ask her downtown. So she

accepted and „dragged‟ Gem along to keep her company. It was

about this time that Sam rolled the want to get engaged to Gem,

which I locked.

Once at the Club the girls began to dance behind the bar

Proving to all the others that they were rather good at it.

And Gem staked her claim ;)

So I thought I‟d get them some points and sent Gem off to play on

the Dance Sphere

I sent Sam off to „Work as DJ‟ but she had some trouble and ended

up at the bar instead.

Gem began to really enjoy the Dance Sphere

Sam was not enjoying Gem on the Dance Sphere and refused to

speak to anyone else for a while

Gem was still on the Dance Sphere, so I thought I ought to step in

and get Sam some points.

Cancelling the Dance Sphere…

I sent them to have their pictures taken in the photo booth. All nice

and innocent like.

They exited, grabbed their pictures and then got straight back in.

I‟m not sure why Gem has her hand down random stranger‟s pants

but he appears to be enjoying it.

Just for proof of what they did.

After a few chats with some of the other club goers they both

remember exactly what they were up to before they came out.

They danced and kissed till dawn! Before finally heading home…

Back home, thanks to the weird space-time laws of The Sims 2, its

still night. The girls head straight to the bedroom for a bit more


Before things move to the bed, the new double bed with awesome

Doctor Who covers.

And they gain the big purple hearts

Next morning they are up early for work. Sam appreciates that Gem

has made omelettes in her undies

Breakfast eaten it‟s off to work. Sam is a Paramedic and Gem is a

Playground Monitor, with rather short shorts.

So after a long hard day at work, where Sam got promoted, the girls

decide to celebrate on the sofa

During this Gem attempts to get pregnant! (I have a hack that

allows this) However the attempt fails and Sam has to go back out

to work the night shift.

Whilst Sam is at work, Gem has a quick shower.

Then lounges on the sofa until I tell her to call over the random

bloke who invited them Downtown, because you see, they both

fancied him rather a lot….

Apparently I have no pictures of him (whatever his name is) but all

that happened was lots of talking and joking. He rejected all flirts!

Sam returns home at 2am with another promotion, she‟s now a

nurse. They have a quick celebration upstairs on the sofa before

heading for bed and 2 hours sleep.

Sam returns home with another promotion (to Intern) and they head

to bed both worn out by all the woohoo and late nights.

About 9pm they wake up and start all over again, including another

couch session which I failed to photograph where Sam falls


They move to the bed and Gem tries to fall pregnant too but fails

And just in case we were in any doubt Sam loses her lunch right

afterwards, proving she is indeed pregnant… or has food

poisoning…no she is pregnant.

See Pregnant!

Having being woken by the bump, Sam starts up the computer. I spy

an ulterior motive as the computer wakes Gem

Ah yes! Definitely an ulterior motive.

On another point, Gem is now pregnant too!

Another day and Sam stayed at home stuffing her face with biscuits

and crisps and studying Mechanical. Whilst Gem went to work as a

Teacher‟s Aide, having been promoted. She brought home Steve


In this picture Sam is actually saying “Hey, how‟s your day been?

Make me Grilled Cheese sandwiches.”

Having started to make the grilled cheese, Gem suddenly drops

everything to go prove that she too is pregnant. Sam decides she‟ll

make her own and then heads to bed.

Gem stays up and watches some TV with Steve until he heads home.

Steve heads off and Gem goes to use the telescope on the deck.

That is until she decides to come in and cook some tea. Suddenly

one of the neighbours comes charging in the house and shoves her.

Apparently she‟s been spying on him.

In her delicate condition it sends her over the edge, but the evil

man (Consort) heads out before Sam can come and give him a piece

of her mind.

So instead she comforts Gem on the sofa and she soon feels better ;)

Gem finishes cooking dinner, but its all been too much for a heavily

pregnant Sam (her dress doesn‟t have a morph so she gets to keep

her svelte figure). Gem doesn‟t seem notice and continues chatting

Then heads off to the bed.

Notice Gem‟s outfit does have a pregnancy morph so she is showing

After a few hours nap each (Gem in bed, Sam in food), Gem heads

out to do some stargazing enjoying the wonders of the universe as

she quietly gets on with being pregnant.

Sam however is having a horrendous time and there is a very good

reason why she is standing in her PJs shouting at me that she is


I‟ve had to break out the energiser to try and get her bars all back

in the green, and even then it doesn‟t fully work!!

Luckily its not much longer before the baby makes an appearance.

Gem‟s a little surprised at the arrival of her first born.

Welcome to the World James Smith! Mind out for the light fitting!!

And here he is in his mother‟s arms. He‟s got brown hair and blue

eyes just like his „father‟.

Note the grilled cheese on the floor which they‟d been eating just

before the birth.

And here he is in the crib whilst Mummy is at work and other

Mummy is asleep, seeing as she‟s now heavily pregnant.

Gem wakes from her nap as she pops for the second time.

Gem and James getting in some bonding time whilst Sam is at work


Sam gets home from work just in time! Gem‟s gone into labour.

Its another baby boy! Sam seems a little more enthusiastic that

Gem about Merlin‟s arrival, maybe that‟s because he has her eyes.

Final slide and here is the little man himself, Merlin Smith.

Next time on „The Smiths‟ how will James and Merlin grow up? Will

they be cuties or not? Wait and find out
