Samsung Smart UX Center


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“Printers lie at the heart of paper-based practices, and it is therefore essential to choose the right printer technology to

meet the needs of the business, as this has a knock on effect to the customer-facing element.”

IT online


Every business, regardless of industry, pursues productivity and efficiency. To have genuine productivity and efficiency, we must choose the right device and solution that best reflects the needs and challenges each industry faces. Samsung Smart UX Center, the first smart Android™ printing UX, offers relevant features and functions that each industry needs and maximizes productivity and efficiency.

As our B2B customers’ work styles and processes continue to become more mobile and untethered from PCs, Samsung will continue to provide new printing solutions that feature intuitive user interfaces, superior performance, and above all else, Increased efficiency and productivity for the mobile and fluid workplace. - Dr. KiHo Kim, Executive Vice President of Printing Solutions at Samsung Electronics -

Smart Touch

An intuitive 10.1-inch touch

screen color interface.

The Android interface provides direct access

to the web and a world of preloaded

and downloadable apps.

Smart Use

3 Key Smart Features Samsung Smart UX Center lets each industry optimize its work processes.

Smart Manage

Quick customization and personalization for

users and administrators.

Challenges Finance

Requires a high level of client & document security.

High volume printing jobs need to be well-organized.

Optimize workflow Finance

For A-level security required by client financial reporting

Enhance security through NFC Pro Tagging. *

For efficient document management

Personalize your UI, such as putting a ‘Scan’ Widget

on the main page.

Use the BOX app to save frequently used

docs and preview them right on the printer.

* NFC Pro solution sold separately

Challenges Education

Educators do frequent searches for references.

Constant need to edit documents, especially during peak use times like registration and end-of-term exams.

Optimize workflow Education

For in-class activity references

Web search for class materials directly

on the printer.

Easily create test format with Workbook

Composer app. *

Print documents directly from your mobile.

No PC required.

For pop quizzes For mobile and cloud printing

*Available for download


Ongoing feedback during the project revision process.

Designers and Account Executives frequently communicate using image files.


Optimize workflow

When leading projects with multiple clients

Use the BOX app to organize documents by client.

Email or fax scanned design sketches.

Crop and save the image right on the screen for

visual reference.

When delivering a design sketch to clients

For quick and minor image editing


Android makes everything easier, and provides better productivity and efficiency. Take advantage of the enhanced productivity and efficiency offered by Samsung Smart UX Center.


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